HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-49; PALOMAR AIPORT BUSINESS CENTER; GEOLOGICAL AND SOIL STUDY; 1973-06-18.. 1 ,} l . . . it • .!. ~ '. .' . -:.' ~ ~", 7 .. ' . . , · ~." • . -..... ,. " ~~.- -T" .. ' · . :. ~ .. : ---:-':; :-:.' . ~.' . ,,' ... '/- "~ ". ~. .... ". ,-;',", -, . '-;, =.. : . .~ ~ . '"I :.-,"' ': .':. .. :~ . '. t'age ~. ,.' '. @ ... •• The plan is untitled, but was prepared by Ri ck Engi neeri ng Company and is dated September 19, 1972. :. Field Investigation " A geologic reconnaissance o-f the site was made by a project engineering. geologist of our firm during the period Ma~ 29 and 30, 1973. During the same period 23 test borings' were made at the site under the' direction . . . of ,the geologist at the approximate locations 'shown .on the attached '. ." Si~e Plan, Figure 1. The test borings were made with a 6-in. diameter "truck-mounted power auger. ~Fie1d Boring ~ogs were prepared by. the . geologist on the basis of examination of the samples secured and the . .' ~ excavated material ~ During t.he reconnaissance several expqsed cut ." .... :. . banks were examined and logged by tlie geologist. The Logs of ,Test . . - .' . . '. ,Bori ngs and Cut Banks presented .on Fi gure~ 2 through' 19 are based on' an ins'pection of the s·amp.1es in the laboratory, the labo~atory test res.u1ts, and on ~he Fiel:d Boring togs •. The vertical position of each ·samp 1 e secured is' shown on the Logs of 'Te~t Bori ngs~' ....... l . The test borings were 10cated:inthe.field with th~ aid of the· . . .-.' . . ," . < aforementioned topographic plan. : :' . . . -~. -:. . . .. -.,'. . Laboratory Tests , .: .-. .. " ':." .. . . ~ " ... .. '« '.:~,. . :" .: ...... : .. ' The soils-encountered were visually classif.ied and' evaluated with : . ~ .' . ' ~: ;,,' .. ':" : ; ~~: . : .: '-:,r--', ,', ,A. ,'. '. '. '. ::. . ' .. '.' :-.. respect to strength, swelli.ng and··compres~ibility characteristics, . dry' density and'm?isture content. The classification was substantiated by grain size analyses and the determination of .plasticity characteristics on. representative samples of the finer grained soils. Fill suitability tests, including compaction tests, a direct s'hear test, expansibility ." .' 'characteristics and grain size analyses were performed on typical samples , .... " WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS .', , ", ' ' .. " . ' .... -:. ". ," :.' . ,', ',' " '. " .... '. :, . ':,. , , " .' ~: . ... . ':.:. ' ..... ,.- : ' , . ' , , ':. .. . ~. . ' '., ~ • Page 3 of the formational soils. The strength of, the natural soils was evaluated by means of unconfined compression tests, a,direct shear test, by consi.deration ,of the density and moisture content of the samples, the penetration resistance oT the sampler and t/;l,~ geologic characteristic's of the natural formational soils. The swelling characteristics were determined by loaded swell tests on both undisturbed and compacted samples. Compressibility characteristics were established by a confined compre~sion test on a tYP1cal ,sample of th~ alluvial soils. , . ... I The results of tests on undisturbed samples, except for the confi~ed > , compression test an~ a load 'swell test on a re,latively undisturbed ' ~ drive sample are shown with the penetration resistance of, the sa~pler at the corresponding sample 10~ation on'the Logs of Test Borings. The Grain Size distribution Curves are p~esented and the plastlcity '. ch~racteristics indicated on Figure 20~ ~he Fill Suitabili~y Tests,· " , ' ~. : ... , .the confined comp.ress.:ion test and the 'loaded swell test. are found on Figures 21, 22, and ,23, respectively., ' , . ," , ' 'Site, ,Soil and Geologic Conditions The subject site occupi~,s the upper "head.-waters ", of Canyon de , ' , , las Encinas L approximately 4 miles from the coast and souih of Carlsbad, , . California •. 'r~e s,ite extends LIP several tributaries of,the canyon and incorporates some of the adjacent ridges. The northern portion: , 'of the site, paralleling Palomar Airport Road, 'consi,sts of a broad' ,ridge which slopes gently towards the southwest., The site rang~s in elevation from approximately 115 feet (r.1ean Sea Level) to 32? feet. Most of the site is gently to moderately rolling; however, the side slopes of some· of the suptributarr draws ,become. steeper' in inclination WOODWARD. GIZIENS!(-I & ASSOCIATES "CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION [NaIN[[!!S AND GEOLOGISTS , I :' • -,j • -....... -, '. - -.~ . .' . '.. . :.-:.-.. ' .' . ' ~. . -" i< " I .~' , , '." '" Page 4 at their upper ends, where slope inclinations are on the order of 3 or 4 to 1. On the gently sloping relatively flat' ridge along the northern' portion of the property, the ground inclination is on the order of_ ,30 to 1. The ground cover over the site ranges from sparse brush to relatively' high thick covering of chaparral. In some areas, it was dense to the extent of prohl'biting access to drilling equipment. Some minor small trees were also present on the bottom of the major canyon area. Other areas of the si-te were covered by native grasses and weeds. , Numerous trail ~ and di rt roads were evi dent over' most oT the ~ i,te, ."- and an earth dam embankment has been constructed across the major canyon . in ,the western extension of the site. the trails and'roads appear to ' . ... inv01veonly minor cuts and fills; where:as, the 'embankment is approximately, 15 feet,in height, has a length at the top of approximately' 400 feet, , , ' -' and has 3, or 4 to 1. sid~ slope, inclinations. At the t-ime of our inspection a s'ignificant pond extending 500 to 100'feet up -the 'canyon b~h'ind the "embankment. -"A, thick growth of reeds and other water loving p~,ants were growi ng in thi s pond. Two San Di ego Gas ,& El ectri c Company ,~ti.l i ty , ' Easements extend across the site, -one is 200 foot in width, the other . . . ~ . ' . . . is 100 foqt in. width~ 'They extend diagonally aC,ross the 'site from the' approximate center of the southern boundary to the northeast and northwest corners, respectively. In addition, 'a 10 ,foot wide sewer 1 i ne e'asement and a 20 foot wide sewer 1 i ne easement be longi rig .to the Buena Sanitation District and the San Marcos County Water District, respectively, also extend through the site. ' Based on the results of the test boring, our geologic reconnaissance WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & 'ASSQCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUHOATIOH'IHGIHEEIIS AHD GE9LOGISTS --~----------------:-------:-------} • 'I I I, ': : :=,.. ., ~. , ,< ";" " ' -, ~'. ." ". . -, I,'· •• t • '.' . e' ., of the site, and"-logs 'of existing cut banks, it is our opinion that, the subsurface materials on site can be grouped.into four main units, the first two of which are nonformational in character. (a). Ov'erburden soils -The ridges and side slopes of the site -~~ . . are generally covered to varing degrees by a soil mantle composed of topsoil and residual sandy clay or clayey sand, each having respective -. . . thicknesses ranging from. 0 to 1 ft and 0 to 4 ft,wit~ averages on . ... -the order of 1/2 and 1 ft. The topsoil generally is ,a loose, porous " '<." silty fine sand and the residual clay soils beneath vary from highly ---. , expansive sandy to siltl clay to moderately expansive clayey sand. ;:=: :::: ' ----' " ~ .. (b) Alluvial soils -Alluvial soils cover the bottoms of the , r. lR I_I ... major· canyon and tributary draws. These,soils consist of firm to hard sandy clay and' loose to medium to de.nse silty to clayey sand. Some minor gravels were also 110ted. ~Jith the exception of ~he upper, . . ends of the major canyons and all of the tributary draws~ the allvuial . . . . " ,(c) Formational s,oils -Fine Sandstone. Beneath the overburden: and alluvial soils are found formational materials. Over most of the " . site these formational materials are finely granular i'n nature and 'consist of poorly to moderately indurated' fine s~ndstone with minor @ ce.!., WOODWARD· GflfENSKI&ASSOCI'ATES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION EN~NEE"S IoNO GEOLOGISTS _-___ -------,~r"I"Zrl"""l"""""Irn"i-TT::_n:r~-------;------____;_-----o;----------Page 6 1 . ", • ;." ',to ',' '. "'" "-.': ~. '''./ .. '" I " . ' ... ' '" ,,' '. '. '. ! e' , . , lean sandy clay of probable Eocene Age. ·These granular soils, which should provide significant quantities of select fill material, were encounter~d in borings 10 through 15 in the north central portion of the site. The maximum observed thickness of t~is matedal appears to be approximately 40. feet. In general the lean sandy clay laye.rs were encountered at the lower elevations, below approximately 250 ft • Cd) Formation soils-Claystone. A claystone-siltstone unit was -encountered in boringS 16 through 19. It 'is' believed at thiS time'that these materials may be si·milar to those exposed along E1 Camino Real nort'h of the Palomar Airport Road· intersection; these materials have, ~ , , been tentatively classe~ as being Cretaceous in age. At the subject '. site they appear t~ exist as an erosional remnant or knob ext~nding , into the granular formational soi1_s and subsequent erosion has exposed these clays. At this time, it appears that.they are iiJT1ited to the cent~" portion of the ,Site below elevation ,of approx'1mately 270 feet. These -, materials are considered moderatel.>' to high1yexpans;'ve in nature. In addition, based' Qn eXPQsures along E1 Camino Rea], the're' are layers • <' " ... of hard cemented siltstone which may prove difficult to excavate. , , A hard six-in •. layer,-similar to these" was encountered in borihg16 ,at a depth of 36 feet. No ground 'water was encountered 'in any of the test borings' at the ti'me of dril1i-ng,. As mentioned previously~ water had ponded at the back of the existing ,dam embankment. Our reconnaissance 'of the , , remainder of ~he site did not reveal the presence of any 'springs, marshy areas or water seeps at the surface of the site. It is'assumed that . the water behind the dam has accummulated from surface run-off • WOODWARD ··GIZIENSKJ & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL 'AHO FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS ':'. , . ,' .. " ,' .... ~~i' , ..... ' ; .' , , 1 . ._,._' ' ~. . . , ... -" , .... ~ . , ~ "-. . ~ . : ..... . ,-,-.' .:".: ...... . . -, ···f -.: . :'. : , ,': ~ , ->~. '" '. -' :-.. : -'~ . ~ .. 't, ?., , >'?:-':': .-: .- "':~Jo.:~ "..~.~. '" \ ~. ~ . --. ...: . '; "...-.. . . ~' .. '. :"-'~ '.' '. -~.:~~ :.:'~ , , ... ". '. , -'. -' -.. . .:... .; ........ W,' 4'" ". ,-': :.' ,~ . ., ';'~X:;:: ." -.,~~ --~ ", . ,:... " " .' , , " . e· ,The geolog,ic structure of the site consists of essentially horizontal sedimentary layers of fine sandstones"which .were deposited on an ancient -rolling erosional surface which was imp~sed on older sedimentary rocks: , , ,(claystone-slltstone mat'erials). An examinati:on 'of road cuts indicates I " , that the bedding has relatively flat inclinations an~ that joints and fractures appear to·be minor in si"gnificance. Two small fa~]ts were .--:'" ' observed in road cuts near the entrance to Paloma·r Airport. The faults' have offsets of 2 feet or less and were noted striking north ten degrees west, with a dip ot' 65 degrees to the west. No massive gouge zones. " were noted in these faul ts and they appear to be simil ar. to other minor ~ small faults 'associated with ancient Tectonic. activity. At this' time'-. ~. ,they do not'appear to be' associated with a major active fault zone. Cpnclusionsand.Recommendations (1) , Based on· the results' of our pre1imina'ry studies, it is our opi,nion that -there are no major 'ad'verse soil ~r geo.1ogic· conditio~s present on the 'property that would preclude -the further development· of p'lans for the industrla 1 park. /,' (2) Pre1 in1inary studies indicate that the two. small faults· which appear to cros~ the, site are associated with ancient Tectonic activity , and that. they are not a partof a majpr' active zone of faultfng.' It is recommen~ed, however, that these faults be ~tudied'.further when more detailed soil investigations are made at a later date for desi.gn ./ purposes. "(3) The subsurf~ce soils and geologic formation on the site consist of: '. . . (a) overburden soils which are composed of a topsoil and residual clay mantle with a maximum thickness ,of approximately 4 feet; .., . -'. ~ WOD.OWARD • GIZIENSKI& ASSOCIATES COHSULnHG SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS -- '.' ';r. .-" . " :: -..... -'.-.: '. ~ ,' .. ~:.. - ~. -;; .. ~ ':: t· • .' .' " ". -~ . -' . " ., .• o!-.:"'.-•• :. . -~" "'. ,,.,.: .. ' ,,': .. ' . '.j ..... -! ... ' . .~ =". .... ... .:f.~¥ ~:.' \ ;' -,', . ,',,,, ... ;>o~. . '. . ~ " :.: .. . ~ -'" ": ... " . ; . .-' ~ . ...: '-.. .,,: .~'. ? Project No. 73-198 e\ Page 8 .(j) ... (b) ; alluvial soils composed of clayey and sandy soils," some . ./ of which are potentially compressibl~ in nature; and ~ (c) the underl~ing bastc formational units, composed of poor to moderately indurated fine sandstone and claystone of, probable Eocene and Cretaceous Age, respectively. '" (4) The upper portion.s of the allvuial soils underlying the major canyon .bottom andextend'ing ou~ from the tributaries are potentially compres's i b 1 e in nature. (5) .Moderate to highly expansive clay soils '1'n the form of the thin residual clay mantle below the topsoil on the ridge, area~ and .... . . ~~ side slopes and thicker deposits of clays~one are'present'on the site. . The claystones at this. time appear to be lim.ited to the' central"portton .Of the .site below approximat~ elevatior(£o !~ ... . . '.' (6) Select soils suitable for use· at fini.sh grade are present' . in the relatively thick section in ,:the north :central .portion of the ~ite~ A section consisting of 40 feet wai noted in a road ~ut along" . -Palomar. Airport Road. " ':,., (7) Based on the results' of' the tes't borings, and our 'experience ~with similar soJls, 'it 'isour opinion that most of the materials on .'site' can be excavated by' light to !l1edium'ripping with heavy duty d~zer equipmerit. So~e relativ~ly thin cemented ·siltstones at~ present' within' -' . ·.the claystone unit in the ~entra1 portion of the' site and locally these may present'difficult to excavate conditions .. . ~. .' . ; . ".:-: (8) For pr'eliminary design purposes, it is rec~mmended that the' , following table of allowable heights and inclinations be used for preliminary . . grading plan preparation. The table was prepared us.ing a minimum factor " of safety of 2 against deep seated sheardai 1 ure •. In many cases, the stability of cuts in claystone materials depends· on geologic factors I ...... , '.... .., -. • ... .. WOODW.ARD • GIZIENSKI& ASSOCiATES ~SULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEEIIS AND G£O~OGISTS .', t ,": . • r'o. ·i .. '~ . • including the pr~sence of weak clay seams and adverse jointing. In' this regard, it is recommended that individual' analysis or slopes iocated 'in claystone be made for final design purposes,. Geologi.c inspe,ctions of such slopes, should also be ma.de during grading to verify actual geologic conditions. Buttr~ss recommendations, ifrequ.ired, may be given in the soil investigation report or in 'addendum ,reports prepared during the' grad; ng .. ,. Allowable Height Type of Slope . Cut ' , ~il1 .. " Slope Inclination 1-1/2:1 2 :1 1-1/2: 1 2: 1 Poorly to Moderately @. Indurated Sandstone 45 15 40 - Claystone-Siltstone 40 55 .. '25 35 " , (9) It is recomme,nded that.all existing potenti~ny compressible/; . to placing any new fill ,or structures. This recommendation should . extend to the exi sti n9 dam embankment' and any other exi sti ng fi 11 s onsite which are uncompacted. 'The excavatioon is expec.ted to range from , ' approximately 1 to 15 ft \~ith the exception of the dam embankment which may be in' excess of 15 ft in thickness. The 'depth o'f excavation and compaction should be contr01ied in th~ field during grading uponvisua1 examination of the exposed soil. (10) In the exi.sting pond area, it: is recommende.c:L.tba.t-the.. wi!ter be drained and all soft subsoil excavated to firm. natural ground prior . ....-.. . ~... ~. - WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI .& ASSOCIATES _~ULTINQ SOIL AND fOUNOATlON ENGINUItS AND GEOLOGISTS ... ' '( .' ". , ..... _~ • ". _ r _ '.: .~ ':'~ : '. ~ "." ~-:~ :.,. . '." ~ . '---. ' --::-. :-. --.~-: ";; " . :" ....... "'. '.'. Project No. 73-1~8 Page 10 e to pl~_new-fi11. The material, excavat~d may be ~pread, d,!.'1c~""" mixed with granular soils and reused tn structural fills provided ---"-~---~------------peri shab 1 e ~r such as reeds and other vegetati on are removed., (11) O~r e~perience with the'grading of industrial parks indicates that in most cases, "r~ce track grades" are est~blished fi'rst, that is plu~ or minus 2 feet of_fina-1-1e.v-e-l-pad_g,r-ad~ and that additional grading to provide building pads is done at a later date as each parcel ,is developed. In view of this, it is recommended that all potentiallY expansive soils, such as Cl~yston~~ and re~du~ 'surface clay in _~'"_~~ __ ~~~~~~~ undercu~~ minw.~~}~.2~ feet and replaced with properly compacted nonexpanSive soils available, , a ._, « ... .,-. U oM .11'" I -pq II At. - ~n site. It is fur~her recommended that the ~~[ .. 4f~M~~~~' '. . ill fi.]Lat,e.a.,S_be composed of properly compacted nonexpansive soils. r" ',' ' " " The intent of this recommendation is, to allow for a later cut of 2 feet , ' in . bu'i,l:di'n~(padareas and still =q soil.' Dee'per ~r shallower initial "capping'maybe desirable d~pending on ant~cipated ftna~ grading plans. (12) It is recommended that more detailed soil studies be-made' of each unit within' the' indus:tria1 park as these unitsare develC?£ed: Final recommendati onsfor graqi ng and pre 1 imi nary information for" = , foundati ons wi 11 be presented '1 n these 1 ater reports . . ,.' -' Limitations .Th~ conclusions and recommendations made in this report are based , . on the assumptio~ that the soil conditions do not deviate appreciably , from those disclosed by the test borings. If variations are encountered during construction, we should be notified so that we may make supplemental ... ,4 ,_ -•• " ....... , . WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL ANO fOUNOATION ENGINEEIIS AND GEOLOGISTS, . for support of structures .inc1udes investigation of the subsurface' '-' .. " ' .. 4,_.::: •• ., ' ,. -:',..., . ~: ..' -.' ~~: '-~: _. . conditions, analysis, formulation of recommendations and inspection during gra.ding .. The soil investigation is not .completed until the soil 'engineer has b~en able to examine the soil and rock in' excavations or cut sl~pes so 'that he can make the necessary modifications if needed. We emphasize the importance of the soil'engineer continuing his; services through the inspection of gr~ding including constrtiction of fills 'and foundation. excavations .• ,. .'. If there are any questions concerning' these preliminary studies, . . ' 1'" ." " 'pleasecal1 or write at your conVenience.:' .-.,: .. :, .,1 WOO~WARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES . ;-'., ~ .. ; . , .~ ,.' . :"'.' . ~ ... , .". . ~'--. . -' ~ . . . • : _ :' J, ... . '. ~:::.. . ,~. . , . • ~, <& , .' -'. : ' . .::'~ . -.---. .. ,;; :. . ~ -. ' . '.. LJL/RPW/mf '. . ... (-6) , ... . Attachments .. -' . .::.:. ~ . .. ~ -.,.. "' .. -.... .- 14129 "~ .. ~ . -., .. ' :., i. .. ~ ., ..... ~ ....... WOODWARD.· GltlENSKI & ASSQCIATES COHSULnNG SOIl; ANO 'fOUNDATION £HGIN££1tS ·ANO GEOLOGISTS " :', I. I • " ' " .~ · '" ~ua · y':;:,~ , \ " .' ':' '~~ . " '. '. .,' . ", ... . '., ... , ... ~--.. ,,\ , ....... "", ",,;-:--~ 125... '!::---....: ..... _ , , ," "'-' ... '--~'---.-:-,--. ',,---.,,-,---,\ .. - !.-:-, :, ~tch LI~ , . PALOMAR AKI PORT ".' "'~~j'\ " ) I t. ([J. , 2!>.'/' . ..,1 , ,/" I! /~ , , : 'I . (---... ~.,.."-I :r1' ' Z7D':'-, i;:" ~--7 ...... ~~ 27~ . ,~.,1'250 ~~' ,~ X ... ') '. i7:-' . LEGEND: ~f::t, ,..w-}\''''' " C"/~2-~' ~ ,i ~ ~~'\.x. l.) '. I ..,.. Inellcat ••• ppro~l .. to locaU ... of t .. t llerlftl. . ,~. . I . ( / ( ...... Indlcat •• approd .. t. locatloft of I eI . ~. .. J. ) J = . OIle cut .10,.., . ~~ . . \-"\.,:"J,,~I /" ( ,-'ndlcate. approxl.ato 10caU ... of lOlled eroll' • t:.~ ~O , I _~ r'" \ .-,i" 7' Oft lull, ~,,'Y);" \ / ~£ . "'", ~ . (\ / I' ! Indlcat •• approxlut ... llting ground lurface cont 150.: ... ~ 150 115--:-'J-" ' ___ -:,~_~:.:._. .200"'5-\ ',,-~ __ "\ r-,.I r _ ... ,200 22 "t.." , ____ ," "_""~, ... 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'---~ . / j' ---~-----.~\ , 2!50 ,\ I, (;:':._, il"'DP, ~. \ .. /J.5. ,. . C' ,..:--' ,.",-.. l, '. " \ I \ ...... :::--------" '-"... , ... ,~. -. y-... ./ ,.,-'...';' \. 1-' "'" • ... ....... , ' ..... v--____ v--... ! ~. ...;----", .' r 'r~ \ \" f , • -.--... ;... ... "" ........ -.. -'-6 ~-., -----." ,-..... :, ~~\ .\' .. \ \J .... -_ .... '''-........... ,-...; 1 ___ I ........ -~~ ... ~. ---,' .,.."" , ,cIG.I'" : :... '.; ,~ ,...,-~ ... " '''v---''':'_ \-. ... _ -.~~ --, f, ~ _ 1 '-, \ I t ( ~ ... " ........ ;0-.... \ ''''"' v' . .l'" \ . ( ... -'~" t \ , 1'. 1 ~"'.:: v ,,,~,-< .. -.. \ I ,{' ,~ I , I, \ I })I ~ , \~ ..... ",,.... ... ... ,) \ • ,..--, ; ...... ,.\ ' 'I \. (<... L " .... , I '. ,1-"-_ ... oJ "'.... ) , I '... . 1"-.... " ,""'" , '",,',, '. \ f L, \ ~ ,'~ ... ~ \ \'~" I~;' I ,c. ( -'." .. J. -"_--.-,,,... ..,..,,1 '-( / 4 'II: _ __ /1 "'I I ,)' ~ I ,~'\ ,., r . \ .... , ... - "'0 \ }5O' 200200 .,.. 250 1 'i.3b«l\ ,.. , ,l-l-: " ... "-, ",-,,,,~+ 23 '-..:. , ( " \ ,00 12001 2{a' 2h-2i ' "'I"' .' , 5 2116 . 21S ~ :II: , ~ u ..., .... GRAPHIC SCALE III 'Feat IlOO 200 0 250 ~ 51 TE PLAN f . i J ::-GoO -t !iOO. 1000 !! ~ ® • . " -. . . , . .... :. I>· , ' . .. ', .... ..... J! G> (,) :! L- ~ "0 C ::J g ~, ~: :f5 B,' -. 0 Be = 8 Be = 22 Be = 32 5 BC = 29 10 Be =. ql 15 .. 0 . BC = 26 "-:. : 5· -. Be = ql 10 " '. ' . fbring I, Loose, damp, dark brown si lty fine sand (~~) _ ' _ P~rous Hard, damp, 1 i ght brown to brown fine sandy clay (eL) .to silty fine sand (S~) 81 ightly Porous Alluvium --Hard, damp, light brown fine sandy clay (a..) formational " ... ,',- Ibring 2 . Hard, damp, brown fi ne sandy c1 ay . (Cl) 81 ightly Porous -. . - Alluvium Hard, damp, gray silty clay (CL) , interbedded with 1 ight brown clayey fi ne sand (SC) formational for Legend, see Fi gu,re 6. ~ .'., , . :'~ , . , LOGS OF TEST-BORINGS I AND·2 'CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK WJOCWARD - G I Z I ENSK I & ASSOC I ATES . CONSULTING SOI'L AAD FOUl/DATION alGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS I FORl'II . .foJ .2 Q) ~ .... ~ a3 "'0 c e <!' ~ -~ ~ 0. 8 ,0 , , I·' • ~'. -, , I '. :, ..... .,. fhring 3--? o ----~--~~--------------~---------Fi nn, wet, gray si Ity clay (Oi) '.,-' 5 . 10 15 20 . ; 23 . . . . ~ WC=22' DO = 97 BC = 7 UCS =1100 ,Be = 38 .' Be = 20 .., , , ' ':. .: -. . :. '". ," Alluvium Hard, da'Tlp, r.x:>ttl ed gray and brci-m' fine sandy clay (el) with some clayey sand (se) layers Alluvium j Hard, damp, bnown fine sandy ,clay , wi th' interbeds of gray sandy clay , (ell, , ' , For Legend, see Fi gure 6;' '. LOG OF TEST BORIN,G 3 CABOT, CABOT AND FO RBES I NDUSTRI AL PARK _ WX)DrJARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES , COICSULTlHG 501 L AJCD FOU~DUlnH EXGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 01 CALIFOR~tA I , I I, I I .. .. , .. " -... ' ....., C1) if 8 -t ~ "0 c: ::l e C) ~ -~. :P § .e ·0 Be = 19 5 Be = 10 Be = 19 15 . " o Be = q2 5 Be = 22 10 13 Ebring q Loose tomediu!l1 dense, damp, brcwn. si lty fine sand (S:i) with thin interbeds oJ sandy clay (CL) .' Alluvium Firm, danp, dark brown silty clay (CL-Oi) , Alluvium Stiff, rroist, brown and gray silty clay (CH) with gypsum crystals Fo 1 (bring 5 '. ' , <'~f\~~l. ,-y~)e,dan)p, ,brQ~ silty· fine s~d I, , .Very stiff; damp, brown fine sandy cla Cl Alluvium . , Formational -denser, yellow-broW1 . . , For legend, see Figure 6~ lOGS OF TEST BORINGS q AND 5 CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES'INDUSTRI AlPARK WJOCWARD .... GI 21 ENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL A.'CD FOUIWAnOH EJCGINEERS AND G£OLOGISTS SI.H 0 CALI FOP,,'t I A· . r---------------~--------~----~~--------------------- o 5 10 15 20 .; .. we = 23 DO = 102 Be = 15 UCS = 900 'Be = 23 , Be = '31 ... ' ',: . ' . '. 4 , • • ) " 3. II . ~. '. !bring 6 ~se to medium-dense, moist, .broWn to gray clayey si It (~) - denser . Alluvium Dense, wet, gray si 1 ty fi lie sand . (Soi) Formati onal -For Legend,see Figure 6 • . ~ . ... . LOG. OF TEST OORIHG 6 CABOT, C'ABOT AND FORBES INDUSTRI,AL PARK WJQOtJARD -GIZI,ENSKI & ASSOCIATES COtISULTlMG SOll AJCO FOUNDATIGH EMGIMEERS' AND GEOLOGISTS SAIl 01 EGO CALI FORl'IlA , ,t '~ ,'. 'f'\o " , .' :~'. ',: ~~~~ ~ .. ~, : ~. ", ,'.~ --, ....... ,,-'0':' , ..... ~ .. . " ~"'." ..... " . ,- .-> '.~ 7._ -=~.:; : ::- ~ . <:' 4 ~ Or'''. .: : "'::;-:.' ~. .. -.'" ,.1.. •• ...--... '.:: . ~ ,: 't. ,- , , .-...... . . ,,~ .: .. . --... " .: ..... . '~' . " o 5 ,,(0 '.1·5 ."' .':' . '. , ~ . . ~ c' >.;:-... £bring 7 Loose, damp, 11 ght bro\'ll si lty fi ne sand J SJ.) , ' we = 28 DO = 93 Be = 12 SUff to very sti ff; danp, brown fine sandy c1 ay (Cl) UCS =1200 BC = '15 Alluvium . Medi urn dense to dense, In:> i st, brown silty to clayey sand (s+SC) ·Formati on a) LEGEND ". : WC = Water Content in percent of dry weight .... DO :: Dry Dens i ty in ·pcf. BC -Number .of blows by IIJO pound hammer ·fa 1 t i n9 ':""00 inches to drive sampler 12 inches. .~' Sampler Data: ,II> = 2.0", OD = 2~5". UCS = Unconfined Compressive .Strength .inpsf. OS ::' Direct Shear Test'Data: . , .. :., . " . ~ .' @) ...... .-0., '. ~,= 'Angle of Apparent Fri ction in degrees~ C = Apparen~ Co'hes i on in psf. : '-0 . (8M) =' Group classification symbol in accordance with "-·the Unified Soil Classification System. . , ~ . Sample Number. LOG OF TEST BORING 7 CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES I ~DUSTRI AL PARK WJOCMARD -GIZI·~SKI '& ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AXD FOUI!DAn~ EMGIHEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SJJI OIEro CALI FOR1H A ' .. ~ ~ -:. . "_0, . ':: :':".~- .~:~-~"':-~.'" .- ~ '. . ~. : - :~',: ~: ~;~ \ ' .' .' . ". < >.:' ." -"-; '. ~, ... ; . . "-.-~ ~ ...... ::. -. ,.. ',;-". ~ .:-.~ .... -~ ' .. . -:., ..... -.. -:", I,~', ; ", ' ' . --" :~.-~-. ,,' '-.":.. ,," o 5 10 15 25 ,T ", .,. ~.\1 ~: ?:.-~, ",. \. ,,:' ,. ... , Be = 16 Be = 21 , , ... ' .. fbring 8 ~ie,H urn dense, dcrnp, 1 i ght bro~m si tty sand(s.1) with scattered fine gravel Porous Alluvium Dense, moist, brown clayey sand to sandy clay (SC-CL) for'!llational' For Legen~, seeFi gure 6.,' LOG OF TEST BORING 8 , . . . CA~OT, ,CABOT AND FORBES, INDUSTRIAL ,PARK WJODtJARD - G I Z I ENSK I & ASSOCI ATES CONSULTING SOIL MD fOUlWATlOl4 ~GIHEER$ A14D GEOLOGISTS SAM IEGO CALI IA 'r :0 5 -...... - 15 j' 18 o ." ,~ , \ " ~ . .' ." 5 --, . -: ~-~~.~ ~.~ . . . '-" • " ••• -.4 ;., :: .. 10 . III- -,.' I . -.. ! Be =. 50/6" I Boring 9 Very dense, damp, brown silty to clayey fioe sand (SM-SC) Lami nated Fi ne. Sandstcne Cut Slope 10 .," ~ Loose, damp, brown si lty 'sand (S~)' '~~:}'>I\ wi th scattered gravel .l!1·~ Dense, damp,. light ~rohTl $i1ty fine .. : . [ig!,:;;.;;; sand (s.1) . . .' ., ::;i~~;: . Fi ne1 y Lami nated Si 1 tstone and ~;:\:ii': Sandstone ;\:,:~I .. j-)(\,:'-/ __ gypsum In th I n seam .-.. ., ... : ~~~, ~~~ !~l~;r~~~n(;~)~i~!i~ ~~;?i . Si ltstqne a,d Sandstone . '-, . ....,: ..... -.' . :.-. ·FOr Legend, see Figor~ 6. LOGS OF TEST OORING9 AND CUT S.LOPEIO . CABOT, CABOT.AND FORBES ItWU.STRIAL PARK WX)[)..JARD -G·I Z I ENSK I & A$SOC tArES . COMSULTllCG SOIL ~D FOUIWATlC»C EMGINEERS AND· GEOLOGISTS o I CALI FOf-;fI A" I • I .~ . -~ -. -r . : , '- ..... , ' .. -.. o I~ Ebring II Y-i--Loose to medi urn dense, damp, brOn'l"l Be = 18 . . ~ s i 1t y fine sand (~n -.--~~~------~~~-------2'" ~1edi urn dense, dar.lp,l i ght brown Be = 5O/SJ=:-.. :., 5 :h,--_c_l a..:.,.ye....:,Y_f..,..i_ne_san_d ...;,{_SC...:,) ...... _F_ra_c_tu.-.r_ed_ Very. dense, damp, 1 ight brown si lty :,-::.'," , .. : .';" ,," ..... : .... fine sand (S,1) . orange-brown { . Sandstone .. '.' _.' .. 'for'Legend, see Figure 6. • J:'"' '., -; I ' .• :. " LOG O~ TEST BORI N G J I CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES INDU'STRIAL PARK . WXlD.-JARD - G I Z I ENSK I & ASSOC I ATES . CONSULTING SOIL·A.lCD FOUMOATIOH EMGIHEERS AND GEOLOGISTS DIEGO 'CALIFORNIA :', . I . ....., ~ ":. -.- . : .. '.-.. '~"", ". ' . . ' '.' .. .... ", .!' -~.'., • : . ~ ... -.' ... l •• ' '. ~ .. . . .~-- .' ""': " .. -, -.;' . . .: ' .. -. '." ': ~ :, .. ~ . .... : :'., . -;. -...... ,. " , . :--.. 5 10 15 20 fbring 12 for: Legerid, ~ee Figure 6. LOG OF TEST BORING 12 CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES I NDUSTRI Al PARK . w)()IJ...1ARD -GIZ1B-lSKI & ASSOCIATES . CONSULTING SOIL AAD fOU~DATlo.N EMGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAM 01 EOO CALlFO~"IA. J!' . ' " , " -':. '., . " . : ~!' .' " , ...... J! ~ ,(U , '+-~ ~ '"0 c: ::I ~ ~ ~ .r:: ..pi ! o o 5 10 " 17 ..J o 5 , It-S J , , - . ;> ,e ,- p;;;.;;;;~~======i1 ' I Cut Slope 13 ':;:'::1\ Loose, dCinp, bro\'(1 s'i 1 -£y sand (s.1) S;\ ~!u~~~n(~C)damp, bro\'6l clayey Very dense, danp, orange-bro\'6l silty fine sand (S4) with trace of clay Very dense, damp, light brown silty fi ne sand (S>1) wi th some scattered concretions Sandstone Erosion QJlly fit- ~~~;g~ ,t~ium dense, danp,brown silty fine ~1!::~;~(' sand (~) , Very dense, dcrnp, gray 'silty fine sand (Sv1) . , Sa.1dstone , '. fqr Legend, see Figure 6 • '. ". LOGS OF CUT SLOPE 13 AND EROSION' GULLY lij _, CABOT,. CABOT AND FORBES I'NDUSTRIAL PARK , ' 'WJO[)..JARD' ~ G I Z I ENSK I & . ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AHD FOUND4TION ENGINEERS AND ,GEOLOGISTS SAN 01 CALI FORiH A . • ,," . . : '~. ~: .~ ;' . -.. . , . Or ... ~ o 5 Be = 2~ we = 9' DO = J09 Be = IJ,Z/6" os: .,;:: 31j. C = 460 . Be = 5~/6" .' Ibring 15 Medium dense, damp, brOW1 silty sand (S.4) Hard, danp, broWl sandy c1 ay (at) Very dense, danp, yel1ow-bro\'{\ si 1 ty . sand (S~) '. Very dense, danp, gray silty fine " sand (SM) "hard cOncretions -.orange-broW'l . . . -'~ " • ','r ;..~ .... . . &indstone ., FOr legend; see" Fi gure 6. lOG OF TEST 8ORUI"G 15 CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES IfWUSTRI At PARK w:oDtJARD - G I· Z I ENSKI & ASSOC 1 ATES CONSULTING SOIL "FOU~DATl6l1 EJ:GIHEERS AND GEOLOGISTS " CALI FORHIA , .' ~ .~, ' • ':' .. ..: '. :",:-: ' . :". :.:-, -. ... .: -, .~ - . . '_ .. ' -.. -. -,.-.... . . '.-. ~-... . : ""-"~ .' -.' . .: . .,:" .. - ," ... '" ... '.' o 5, 10 ,3> " 35 " Be = sa/6" .. -. Boring 16 Hard, damp, brown sandy c1 ay (a..) Ha'rd, danp, dark gray silty clay (CL) , fossiliferous' .,' ...... ' -':"'shel1 s and cemented Cl aystone -Si ltstOne _ For Legend, see Figur::e .6. . -, ". . ' LOG OF TEST BORING 16 CABOT, CASOT AnD FORBES I NDUSTRI AL PARK' WJO{)y.jARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL A.~O fOUNDATIOO ~GINEERS AitO ,GEOLOGISTS S.lH 0 I CALI F¢~'H A ~ 0 +' ~ 5 8 ~ '-~ -c c ::J e 10 C) .-,~ ~ :f5 0. 8 15 18 : .',' ~. ~ .. . . -... ::" ,." , .. . . . . ' I • I • .e . ~ -. . .~ . !bring 17 I' Loose, damp, broWl si lty sand (S>1.) Hard, damp, red-brown sandy clay (cl-oil Dense, damp, broW'l rottl ed gray to yellow clayey silt (t~) Si Itstone Very dense, damp, yellow fine sandy . si 1t (ML) Si ltstone . , Hard, damp, red si lty c1 ay (CL-Oi)- .' . . . .... Cla stone Hard, danp, gray si lty .c1 ay (a..) . C1a stone' '. : for Legend, . see Fi gure 6. LOG OF TEST BORING 17 CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK wx)CWARD - G I Z I rnSK I & ASSOCI ATES CONSULTING SOIL ~o FOUIWATIrui BlG'INEERS AND GEOLOG'ISTS , SAM 0 I CALI FO~)t I A , , • < , . . -".; ~... ; · . . . · ~ '. ' .. . -. -. . . -.'~ ~ . . ~ . .. ," -.-. : ~ . -". ~ ", .. , .~ ' .. - ,-,:", .' ",.:. ." (. · " " " o 5 15 18 foring 18 loose, danp, bro.,," si lty sand (Sri) Hard" danp; browl sandy' clay (Cl) Hard, danp, gray to yellow sandy to si lty cl ay (Cl) Claystone Dense, danp, red-brown si 1 ty sand . (s.t) Hard, danp, gray silty clay (Ct.) , cfa stone , , . fOr',legend, see Fi gure 6. LOG OF TEST BORI tlG: 1·8 . .. ': '- CABOT, CABOT AtlD FORBES IttDUS1R I AL PARK 1 ~- ' .. : ., .. .. ' .. ',-' .. " . "$ u;. I CI> ~ ..... -10... ,::J U) "'C §. & ~ i :P ~ o 5 10 15 '18 5 10 J. Ebring 19 Very dense, damp, gray silty fine, sand (S.i) grad i ng to fine sandy - si 1t (ML) , \- -silty clay ,Sandstone and s i1 tstone Hard, danp, yellow-gray silty clay- (~ ~ Claystone Hard, danp, ' brown silty clay (eL) , ' CIa stone Dense" damp, ,gray clayey siLt (ML) Si ltstone " OJt S10pe 2) Very dense, .danp, 1 i ght brCWl to ' mottl ed red s i 1 ty fi ne ~and (S~) , Sandstone tOr Legend, see Fi gure 6. , (3). .. '. " LOGS OF TEST BORING 19 AND CUT,SLOPE -20 , CA,BOT; CABOT AND. FORBES INDUSTRI AL PARK ~ -,. . . w)()CWARD - G I ZIBiSK I & ASSOC I ArES CONSULTING'SOIL AlCO FOUIfDUi~ EMGINEER$ AND GEOLOGISTS SAH 0 I EOO CALI FORte A - .' .{ • ? o 5 10 15 "IS" :~. .' ' . . .... , .. " -~ ~. '. i -. - . Boring 21 , ., loose, danp, broW1 silty sand (S~) . Hard, damp, brown silty to fine sandy c1 ay (a.) Porous _some gravel Alluvium Hard, damp, bro~n to gray fine sandy c1 ay (eL) Clean sand Hard, danp, 1 ight green fine sandy c1 ay (a..) Clean Cl aystone for Legend, see Figure 6. LOG OF TEST BORI NG 21" CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES INDUSTRI AL PARK" WJOlYvJARD -GIZI ENSKI & ASSOCIAtES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUUDATIOM ~GIHEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAM 01 Ero. CALI FORIH A . (. , > +' (I,) ~ I ... (1,)' () ~ 'L. ~ "0 c:: ::J e c:J ~ 0 -~ ,=S , § .... ," o 5 10 15 , ',18 . , , ' : ._- Be = IDring 22 Hard, danp to moist, broWl silty clay (eL) Hard, damp, gray to yell CM san,dy clay (CL) Clean cla stone' FOr Leg~d, $~,Figure 6. .. q:,: .~ .. :i:' . '" LOG OF TEST BORING 2~' CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES INDUSTRIAL ,PARK WX}()...JARD - G I Z I ENSK I & ASSOC I ATES I CONSULTING SOil AHD FOUHOATJOI'I EMGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS _ ' . SAri, 01 EOO, CALI FORlii A. _ I OR. BY: ALS APPPOX. seA E: I II ;:: 5' !.a9..W 1'1,2,; 73-LLJ CK'O BY:,.,(.r.V , illS;.., 6-18-73 . ~C~::::..~2t~':r.,.,.l~....,.".~~ ! 1 ~ ' f I t , . v, ' . -; i , i l . , A· .. ------------------------------~--------------------------------~---------- o 5 +' .2 10 ~ 't ::s en "0 c:: ::s 15 e ~ ~ -,~ ~ 0.. ~ 20 M., .l 25 33 , , I' •• >' ," = " -: . . :~.~?:~~ " £bring 23 Loose, damp, .brOWl c1 ayey sand (SC) SI ightly Porous Very dense, dcrnp, gray si Tty fi ne sand (S~) , Sandstone Very dense, damp, Qrown s i tty fi ne sand (s-t) , ~ndstone . . . Very dense, danp, gray si tty fine sand (s.1) . , . . Sandst9l1e . '. For Legend, see Fi gure 6. LOG OF TEST BOR I NG 23 'CABOT, CABOT AND FO RBES III DUSTRIAL 'PARK . WXlDWARD -GJ Z I ENSK I & ASSOCI ATES COMSULTING SOIL AHD ·fOUiWATlOI4 8lG1IIEERS AND GEOLO.G·/STS 01 EO) CALI FORfHA , <: " GRAVEL -e ~ SAHO I,,' ~ COBBLES Coarse Fine Coa rsJ Mcd i um Fine SILT and CLAY Mesh Opening -ins. Sieve Sizes Hydrometer Analysis " I I I I 100 76 3 2 11 1 1.1j. 10,-16 20 30 t«) 60 80 140 200 ~ ....... 0 ....... 1'. '" \: 90 \. 10 \ \ \ " " \\ \ 80 , i 20 i ,- 1-2 \ 70 \ ' , so , ' , , :1" , 6-1 " \\ 0 CI \ UJ z: 60 40= CI) ..i ..i ~ '< CI) 1:;:; Q! ..i J 7-1 " a:: ,-'-', too 50 -"'-I-ffi \ " 50% " --UJ' e,) \ :, <.) . a:: a:: ~ ,\ "'-UJ 1\ " -="-Go Ij.Q \. 60 c " J"'<o.. 15-2 .~ ,~ ". ~ , ....... ' ' .-:.., ;. " '" ". 30 ....... -="'-' ........ 70 , ' . \ ' =----.:::::::-,.. -.. ~ , ' ---.....--.. . . ~ '-~' " ~, 20 80 " .-~., "-' , .. , ~ , ' .,." 10 .... 90 .... ' -' . --: I 0 100 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 ' , 0.1 ' 0.05 Q.OI 0.005 ,0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS " , , SAMPLE CLASSIFICATIOO AND SYMBOL " *LL *PI' r -2 Fi rie -sandy cl ay (Cl) -'-' 3 - 2 Silty cl ay (an l!9 33 " 6 -I Clayey si 1 t (ML) , 2:) 6, 1-'1 Sandy c1 ay (a.) -- - 15 - 2 Si lty sand (S~)'--- 16 - 2 Silty clay (01) '52 2B . *LL = Liquid Limit GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES , ' *PI = Plasticity Index " CABOT; CABOT ArlO FORBES INDUSTRI AL PARK WmnwARD -GIZIEN$KI & ASSOCIATES " -CCHSI1t.TING SOIL AND FOUHDAT'IOH EHGINEERS AHO>GEOLOGISTS . SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA I '", DR. BY: ALS 'APPROX. SCALE: ' PROJ. NO: 73-198 CK'D BY:j.--'r.l ,DATE: .§=13~ FIGURE HO: 20 .:' l' .. '-.' . -. :'. , MECHAN I CAL ANALYS I S DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA I 2 100 3 4 ~ 10 tW' 200 ........ Dry Density, pet 111.3 -C' z: . 80 1\ . \ Initial Water Content, % 10.13 ' -- Final Water Content. %. 17.9 - Apparent Cohesion. pst 380 - Apparent Friction Angle. 0 26 -, (I) ~ 60 0.. .... . ffi IW c..> 0:: w 0..20 \ l-~ \ ~ f'. "" o I , I I I I . I I IIW,......,~......,.. .... \[\ 1000 100 10 . 1.,0 0, I . 0.01 0 •. 001 GRAIN SIZE" IN /oil LLiMETERS . , \ 1\ r\ \ \ \ r\ ' 130 I--+--+--+-.J,t.~\t\ \ \ PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 2 120 110 100 :\ r\ \1\ II \ \~ I 1\ .~ \ \1\ \ \ \ \. I 00-U a. \\\ '\ .... ::c C' ~ .... I? :z: ::) ::>-0:: Q \ \~ " \ \ Liquid' Limit, 1< 35 ~ 51 P.lasticity Index. r. IJ.I. . 26 ~~------~~~~~-+--~ Classification by Unified Soil Classification System :: .. SWELL TEST DATA SC CH .. loi,tial .Dry DensHy. 'pcf ~~~-----+----~~~--~ In·itial Water Conten.t, J ----~----~----+-~~--~ " .Load. psf Percent Swe 11. ----------~----~--~--~ t--t-+--+--+--+--If--+-+--+--+--+-\~r\~f\ . 2 70 .. 1\ '\ • ,,\~2.60 SPECIFIC GRAVITY ~~4-+-~~~+-~~~I~~,~~~' ·,2.ro 90 MAXIMlJI.I DRY DENSITY, pcf 1 2 f\ 12'~.0 109. 5i"'1~:-A ZERO AIR VOIOS CURVES ~O-P-T-I~-M--MO-IS-ru-R-E----~--~--~4---~ ~~ , CONTENT, % ·11.0 18. E ~ t)( " NOTE: Specimen I = Sample 9 - 3 Specimen 2 = Sample 16 - 5 I I MOISruRE CONTENT. "/. 10. 20. LABORATORY CGf'ACTION LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST METHOD: ASTM-O 1551-70 30 FILL SUITABILITY TESTS CA80T;CABOT 'AND FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK -GI ZI ENSKI & ASSOCLA CONSULTING SOIL NiO FOUHDATIOH ENGINEERS AHO GEOLOGISTS .sAM OIEGO, CALI fORN lA, . :