HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-57; LOT 8 OF LA COSTA GREENS; RESULTS OF FIELD DENSITY TEST; 1973-12-27• r/Lc: A!GW -pZ;; .. ':(:-1~ ~r?CIF/C'";, • LarS-L.C, G-1?I£~ I' ~~ C /-,L ~,ENTON ENGINEERING INC --tl d I-~ ~~ . APPLIED SOIL MECHANJCS -FOUN~ATIONS' ~_,:(JA- 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 9,?111 e,-(t PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT, CIVIL ENGINEER December 27, 1973 Cal-Pacific Properties 1680 Costa Del Mar Road Rancho La Cost a Cqrlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Subject: Gentlemen: Mro Robert Miller Project Noo 72-10-25D Results of Field Density Tests Taken in Backfi II Over Electric and Telephone Lines lot 8 of La Costa Greens Carlsbad, California TELEPHONE (714) 565·195~; This is to report the results of field density tests taken in soils placed as backfill of the trench carrying the electrical and telephone lines at the subject site. The tests were taken on the dates indicated be low: Test Number .1 to 5, inclusive 6 and 7 8, 9, and 10 Date Oc~ober 15, 1973 Octo.ber 16, 1973 OctOber'17, 1973 The approximate locations at which the tests were taken 'and the final test resu-Its-are presented . as follows: Depth " -of Test Approx-Below Maximum imat~: Existing Field Dry Dry Test Lqp9tiori, Grade Moisture Density Density ,-Percent No. Unit No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu: ft . Compaction Remarks 1 1-04-8 3.5 1004 104. 1 11605 89.5 Reworked 2 2-07-8 4.0 9.2 103.9 11605 89. 1 Reworked 3 1-04-8 3.5 702 108.3 116.5 93.0 Ck o~ #1 4 2-07-8 400 9.4 111.3 11605 9506 Ck on #2 5 3-13-C Cot'!tinued on page 2 200 8.7 110.0 116.5 94.4 ( ~- l) Project No. 72-1O-25D -2-e December 27, 1973 . ~t Cal-Pacific Properties • Depth of Test Approx-Below Maximum imate Existing Field Dry Dry Test location Grade Moisture Density Density Percent No. Unit Noo in Fe~t % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 6 1-03 ... A 205 1306 111. 9 11605 96.0 7 2-09-A 3.5 12.4 11203 116.5 96.4 8 Unit 1 205 9.7 111. 7 11605 95.9 9 Unit 2 1.0 1006 107.7 11605 92.5 10 Unit 1 1.5 11 08 107~7 11605 92 .• 5 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the fil-l material as-determined -by the AoS.T .M. D 1557-66T method, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound rammer falling from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cy- linder, are presented as follows: Soil. Descript.ion Ught yeLlow brown slightly silty fine to medium sand Respectfu Ily submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. BY~~ R::emer Reviewed by ~~~~~~~~~------- Maximum Dry Density lb/cu ft 116.5 D istr: (2) Addressee Optimum Mois- ture Content % dry wt (2) City of Carlsbad (1) Mr. Don Elder RDR/DFL/nd BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. :,.,10" '._ _ .... 0.' :,' -:-..... .... :~: .. SENTON ENGINEERING'. INC. ," .• d ~-. >. ': ... ' . APPLIED SOIL ME;CHANICS ---: FOUNDATIONS -~. '.::' ,.:":; .. ' . '.::.:.".'.:' 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD ;,:tl~:,:,."·"" ; .. .',," ;'''. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA· 92115 .. '.!::',::"", • 'l.~-_ • ':' .. ' _ .' '~"'I' _ • _ ~.,. _ ... ~ .. : .. : .. r.:: -~ ::~~:::~ .. -.. ~'.. >':, .. '~ -,:'.' PHILIP HENK'ING BENTON ,,'"{.'./:':J;" , . " ':', ",' PRESIDENT '-,CI.VIL ENGINEER' . :". ';,: ,.'" January 20, . 1970 ' : ~::~:~~OS;5~:£5~;";:}'···[····r··,~J~·57--· ": ,,~,., ';:'~" Enci "'CaliforniQ'::""92024'~;: .;.>~ .-.;'-" ,., .... :.;: -'-:.: .... :.: ' . ,., .. ." .,: ;'.: ~',\~;,:;, . '~~;~~f~\~9.L.l~~;·~]~}i~:~~;!Jt~~1~>\ .. , .. , ,:' .. ,i..~-c' :."C,;I""',,"' .• PartiaL Sods, Investigation· "'''':':: """""';>'~'<:.{"E.,~'''~:''':-'C,,, ". ,', '.:'.' , ~~~,05:~ S:,~:t~~~l~'·~'~i0.,J.,:,~;c".'!~'~I:.(j;,(,~,~.~~; '.', East ofCamtno Real~-~·~-,·: ... ,~· ':--:. ~~.~",~~'~'i.1:~'" •.. _'.:-,.'- San ... Diego'~C04Jnty ,~:'Califor:~ia ;':; ::,~,:''':ff~~~~~:~~: ~.> : Ge~tI'SS:1~'~;:' ....•..•.. i·~'Hf/H~+'·;~~I~'i:'y.,J~;~;·;'::'\' " •. '. ';,c5~\~R;{1~~;':i·~~~ .. < . A partiaL prelim inary ·soils,·investigation has be~n ~onducted on the~ubiectpropos~ '~bdi>ijs' However because existi~ soil conditions varied considerably .from point .. to point within ·the, area',. it was decided that the preliminary soils investigation could best be completed arid specific recommendations concernj~ soil beariftl values could best be made" after g1"adi~. was. :' completed. . . Site gradi~ is now in process. Th is gradi~ is bei~ observed and the c~pat.tion tested by ,this firm. After specifically observing the location and condition of the various' natural strata -": :, ~ and man-made soil masses, recommendations will be made as to locations for foundatibns and: .... ,::._ ... the safe soil bearirg values. Stability of the vorious slopes. will. g.l50 be"conHrmed ~'~, ':, ::-:.: • ' ',.::' ':.~' :~ .!.~~:~ ,:.,' ' .. -",'~~;".' ....... . ;,:::::::;;r;-:" ' . .':'.. .: . ':. ' . ..' :'. " .. BY~~ " l' :~: •• . ,.)f0::i~:~L".:', .. ::,.. ...... ~·~ ". W. G _""Catlin, Civil E~ineer Distr: ., (3) Addressee, (2) Mr. Burton L. Kramer (3) Rick Ereineeri~ Company '. >, -~ --•• ~~ .•• ~ .':"{(J RMS .. _' _'_' JRD.,_,;·· (" '":, .. -.,,,.~,,,, LFG ..... __ MEO _______ ,;. -~ ... ' .. : : RCI,..~ US_' --. ..;. JE? ___ EP~_. '-.- . HA.....~_ RAB",---,-:, .. ------------". ~ '_. -H" • .! .~, : ~'. /'~-, ',': ~ -:.-." , -.. --' .. ,.~ POOR QUALITY. ORIGINAL S ., ,. .. ': :'" :::: .. ";;:' ~::~',.:-: ~:>/~~::"'4'<' . ,!,:,., '.';:,/, ' " ,.;:;: ,:~~,::; proie~t No. 72':'5-~7D .. :' ,~;,:~ , -2-,', ." ,,: .;! " ." : ·:-June 27,.,J972":-<.,,,, ··f·" La Costa Green~ ~ . ::<' . .', , ',', ",', :. , . ,::~;,:. :>~.'~'~:'.' ,', ,'" ~·;;:}:i~L~:\;!:;::.\·~~);;,~::·::::·'" " ',_ Recommendati.onswere·presented previously for speciaJ foundation design on pages 2,a~d i·,~~~~;:,~.~!..:~~;~:·(:~rt:, of our repor/' dated fv\oy 28;..·1970 under Project· No. 69-10-24D for those areas of Lots'l~'~2XL~(C /',~,::.;;>?-:-~~ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 which are shown wi.thin the shaded (but not cross-hatched) .areas of :~~':;'~?:C:~<~\',::<~~),C'~ Drawing No •. 1;: revised as of6":22-~2., The filled ground Jormerly existing on, Lots 9 and:, 1 '.', .:; has noW been re~ved so none of ~e recommend~tions pertain to these lots-... ~:.:; .. : <: \~. ' Resf', ectfull Y ;u~ .••. ~i"t.:: .• ,:.~.~ .. ~".,;.~,j~.:_:!.~.',.:,:; .. i,; /i.·.'.;.'.~:· .• ,.~,': •. ~:.~,~;:.:.:·,":'·" ::: •... ,~ .. "~,'\,.,.,.~ .. ~."~.;,_.: .•... , •. ~~,:,>',~.:"',_.~, .• " !.~.i:,.,~.·~.~.~,f.: .. ~,{ .• ,:.;,; .. ,~.;,~.~.;.".i ;;~,,"~'.;;: < .': ~:;",~','.. . SEN TON EN G Ii'-JEERI NG;I i:iC ., "; ,:.!:;~" ;.~,! .: .... -,_ :~";> ;', fi W .--,'." ',.,,:,<" .. :::~,~,~;~~:'·~Li~~;P~~~/··'" , Distr: .. ' (4) Addressee . "- (l) La Costa Land Company:' .:: .. ' >. -', ./-.~~:::~:.~::~}> ", (:': , -,--'. , .. ' . Attention:' Mr. Burton L. Kramer '. :.' . ..' .. : . " (1) Rrck Engineering Company' ..... :, ... -. '''., >.;' ." ..~ ... ' (2) San . Diego County Building Jnspection, Vista Office' . (1) San Diego County Engineering Department '~:'" .. "::' :.;. Attention: N\r. Joe SoveHo , ~ .. ' ,-, .... , (olso report of NiOY 28, 1970, Project No. 69-1O-24D)·: '\' , " . -', ,,':---,,, .. " -'. k.' . , •••. -. ,.'~ •• .<!-! • -:';.' ..... .. . .. ' .:: ,- , ,., -"~' _.l " ..... -; .~':, ",,:,' ..... ~:;:":: • . >i;)~~'~,~i~~~~~~B~~~:f<:; ; " . ':.-.. ,. ,.-.... ".,: .. .' .' . .;.:-::' .' , ,-.' ;-:::: ... ,: ' ... , --. "",' '.' ~ . : . -' ";'2~'·"",· .'~_-' .' -.' , ! ,':r -. ~ , . , ' DFL!PHB!ew ",'. " '. '.~ ~.' .. , : ','.' " " -, ~ \ ';., .: - .' ... , . ,-: , • 7 .;;' ......... '.'.... .. , .-. Project No. 72-'5-27D -3-.. " '-. Jun~2/ ·~~1972:'~·'.'t, .. ::::,~ , Le Costa Greens '.' Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approx-· : . .:: .. Depth ,,,,.,,~ -.: ",~ : ':: -< imote· ',':',,';.. of Fill-\1 ... ,~.. Field .... :.: " ~ .. r. •• ". location·ii::,":.:· at Test ::. "-: -Moisture .'" ...... : Denslty':-::: :Denslty".'r-t: .... ,Percent",'f.;:';;·;;::';·;. ',: .,: ...... LotNo~,.:~;.::; :. :~. in Feet : .. ::":;:>, .% dry wt~~': ./". Ib/cu ft <C,';" fb/cu ft~}~(;·;'Compacti~~~~i0.:f:.~: <~~:/ !:_~:f~.P" :J.,~~!~~~l, It!}.~ .• ~.f.I'.;gE,~~i.;.'~.[~' ll~:~}f,;.I.I~.r . '., ;1~,i.;r .. !,i.~fJ1 6' ",', '.,:,',_,., .1.5 . ,'.," ", ,~. 13.0.-, •.. ·,0 .. """., ,T08 ... 0,,;:,..,,,, . 118 •. 9 :"~;):;"~" 90.,9 ;,.'",;~ ';' .,,''',~ 7 ' ':"'\.5: };;.",-,-"" 3"0 *" ,.'::',;> .:;; ", ',. 13 6 ". :~:'::' ":".:;;~:,:' 111':··3,,;~j;::-<· 1'22 0 ~;f;i·~.:;,'91'" ' ~'J:~~~~~~.:;>,;.:" 5 5 ~ . ;.\.-,,'-.. .',~,-""" '~1: • ~ ~-" ;. _", ... e· ,, __ ,t"'.¥~" '" • "~'''~':'_'-;'1':' e' -.... -;. .. ~"~·f' .. ".;- ,:: ~:,-:~ ~ ',' , .. ; •• .!' . .... ,. ~ ". LABORATORY TEST RESULTS· , , The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fill mater·iels,·oS·,> -,':. determined by the.AoS .. T .M. D 1557-66T method, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound rammer' -.' '. foIling from a.height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch'diameter 1/30 cubic. ' foo t compact ion cy I j nder, are presented as fo I lows: '. ", '/' .. ',:- Maximum', Optimum M.ois-':' ,.::,:-.,:: .. , "" ,', Dry Density',:' . ture Contenf.+<',:,·: >~'::':' ,:' :/.:c,. Soil Description' >': Ib/cu ft' :" ,% dry wt:.;o-;(..~::'::'-':'::,;,::: ',< .:.'--•. --.... >~: .. ~;~ ~1~:~~:;~J~~7;~lne to flne .... · .. ;': .. i l~:~.;~~J1E~HJ :~}~~·~~>"Y~1~::i~;?'.· sand with claystone chunks ,:. . ".... " , .. '.-' " . . .', : .».~1\·:'~· Light greenbh-gray slightly cl~y';y· fi'~e,~iid' . --:.~~: .':"·.122. 1 ~~~:'<~Z,'i.:~ '1 L5·-"-:~::,-t·~,~~:: ;" :':',>··::::a:~>&,·"~,. Olive-greensilty·cJay , ' " " . :: 110.6-~.··:" ',15.7".,..' ,.;.",' .-.,,",,-:!~ .. ' ..... 1;,:-•• Yellow-brown silt.y fine sand ,116.0'" ]302 " _ " . ;' .. -~ :"" ... ~ ." . ;"{. -'-... '0 , .... _', :<'\1 . . '0': ' .. " ';'. -.':;P ;-. -,~\~; ~ .. / .. .\ . ~ ... ,