HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-08; CARLSBAD PALISADES; PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION; 1981-01-07• • • • • • • • • • • ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 1 [17 0 ::) D 1..1':.; :-, ~).:::: ;·,1; ·3 \)i";'t3~' Cr-'l (:·'2Cn:::: Attention: Bob W3tson SU8JECT: RLPDRT OF PRELIMIMAP¥ SoIl.S INVESTIGATION FOR THE F ti ~T F-<f~) (:"; Y r:C) I.J-r f'·l C: [1 (~C Ci j\"IT ;\~:T: lJ ! .... ; F' F CI Fe 'r to, :~J r:t';'r E D t·! (j!') t~ ;:;: F: Cf [) f:.: I : .. ) E}, ! _ t; C~ () ~::; 'T ,:':';:: C~ t,,~. I F Ci:? i"'·1 :~~: I''-~ + r' c ~".u:l. t.::; cf an :i. ;""\." .. ' ':; t:i.;;: ;:::1:, :i. en c: ·f· ~':.I..I b .j c' c t :;:. :i. t t·:, ,. It.. vJ ,,~ ,::. I..ll": cl ;::' r -1: .. ,:;' i--:. ;::. n ]. n G c! n E' r' <I. ~! ;::.o:i.l ~:;" !..) Co' r (':',' C~ C) f;'j il"l ~:.:-1'"1 c': 1: .. h ;~.:.; u '::~, E' D 'fA ":::. ;':.-;:".:, C :i. i;~ :i. i:.l r:' s~ ::. (:i r'f C' C) f"i ::, :: .... :~ (.:~. r <::: t, :i. :::j 1" ; ';:: c, f..l f;' t. ,::; t. ;"', E·:' (:':. :: ~ F' .;:~ r't :;~. i \/ r:' ~D c; :i. 1 c.' ':::r r't d :i, -L :i. Cj j"'i .~:; t,. "T.,-' .• C! -".1" 1 I ,;;:.j I:::' +.C) c' C) r( t. ~;~ c' -L u ;;; .;. 'r i-"j i r.:. C) F-i·: c; r t. 1.3 ['j :i. t, ~::! t C) t:J CI (j ·r-~:; ;,.:.:, r I·o.l i c· c': i ~::, f:;.:1 ("l c· (:, (. c: I'::; c~-r-' t' ,.. c~ c·:1. Z:~ t .. C,t':.-: ,;. 7895 Convoy Court -San Diego -California 92111 -714/292-0660 • • • • • • • • • • • O:l./G? .. 'Dl REPORT OF SOIL INVESTICATION For: THE FAIRWAY SOUTH CONDOMINIUM PROJECT, NAVARRA DRIVE LA COSTA, CALIFORNIA 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE: T h :i. ~,; r CF Ci,(,' t ;': .. .,.. (}·;;'·C:I' it ~:'. t her C:":;;U 1 t .::; cf our' ~:;D i ], ';; :i. nvc:'~::' t.:i. Ci i'~t.:i. ;;:::"i f\'.}T' the' ::!D .... u' .. ;:i.t. CDi"J(iui'i::i.f'i:!.Ui'ii :::·fu ... i·:·:·:c-!: .. t.o t:.'tc~ lucate...-.) .:::,'L t.he ~; 1..1 i: ...... ; c c t· ~::. i t. e. ti b r :i. (;·,r·· :I. c: \oj a :I. :::i c· ',; C Y'· i. F· t :i. Ci l"i () f -1: .. h C~ F' T' 0 F·' (.,:, r t '::i :i. ~:; II I... D t ~:; :l. (?:I.? :l. (? :';': ~. :I. ?::; y d l'i C:i :I. (;:. !.} Cl f' i"l i:: F· {, lj-(. / l I... a C (;) ";; t ;;'; :::: U I..i ·i:,.n Un :i. t :il;:;'~ I' ~:;an D :i. ';::'c:i D CD/..l'''Il',·:;;: I' La J :i. fo';" n :i.::~" , It 1',; our unclc·,(,·,;;tdi"ici.i.l'IG 'Li"id'l:, tl,)O· .. · i:;l"Ici/oT" thr['c:· .... ;:;tDr~:; fr;;:n:c·:· ':; t. u c c n r:· t 7" 1..1 C t 1..1 (. e 'I:; a r' c, F' J .::; nne ci f Ci i' t h i:: ~:; :i. t C' • () ('1 t :i. C :1. ::" D ted 1 () .:;; 1'.1'::. ,,:: r i':" :i.1"I t ;"iE' 0 '( ci ;.::. r Df"? () 0 0 F"D Uf', d :,: FE' r :I. :i. nc·: ;:': 1 -f D () t" ::c t i ~~. '::$ 1 ~::, C) un c! C·:' .,.. Lt .. C) c; rj t. t"t .::~ t. ';:~ :I. .;::; ;-:.-," C) r'{ Ci T' ~::: (.1 i:.,: t. 'd F·' E: C () r', ~:; t. r' 1.3 c· t. j, c'r'f ], ::;, t Ci b c· I..i t :i. :I. :i. ~:.: c-;. (:1 a :"11.':; t hat 'j" (.,:, t '::; ::. n :i. n Ci ~.J a 11 '::: t D t·) i. G h t 'f c e'L ]. n heiGht af'(":' F;ldl"lnc~(:J. This :i.nv2stiGation was I..il"ldcr'Laken Lo: ( (:1 ) [) e t (::. r-,;; :i. (I (.:.:. F·' j' (j F' c·} '('. t. i c:· ',; of the) prevailinG soils, :i.ncludinG their supportinG capacities and set t]. (::111 (.:.: n t cha'(' i:::ct(·.::'T'·:i. !:;t :i. C~:; • ( D ) F r Cl \..' :i f:1 F' i.'.l (: ':> :i, ;,; 1"1 :i. n f' c r l'iI ;:, t :i. C) 1"1 ('. c:: co ;:;: r (j :i. 1"1 G G r i:i I.'.~ :i. 1'1 G~! !,:. i t. (.:.:. preparation, and fClundat1ons. ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOl L & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • F'l'Cl,.jr..~ct 2S:O()it • 01/07/81 • • • • • • • • • 2. FINDINCS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 2.1 SITE CONDITIONS: The site is bounded h~ Navarra Drive to the north, an existinG condominium development to the west, and a Golf course to the east. The Pl'operts presentls slopes downward to the northeast and has a maximum chanGe in elevation in the order of 26 feet. The south side of the properts is bordered bs an existinG cut slope 8PPl'oximatels 20 to 25 feet at an 1.5:1 horizontal to vertical units. which rises upward approximate ratio of VeGetation on the site consists of native Grasses and weeds. There are no existinG structures or anv indications of ans previous structures at the site; however, there IS an existinG underGround sewerline which traverses the site from north to south near the center portion. 2.2 SOIL CONDITIONS: The site W3S found to be overlain' with surficial loose soils which have been plowed to control weed Growth and ~..f(·:~r c' found to E' ::·;'!"-(';:'I'ld to 2F-'F-''i'' o;.;:i. rrl<:::'l:, Ei I'::! !:; i)-;. :i. nchE":;; t .... I:21 0/'-'.1 surface elevation. These loose surficial soils will reGuire recompaction prior to proposed construction. The recompaction should be performed in aacordance with the applicable portions of the attached GradinG Specifications. The soil encountered in the foundation bearinG zone was fDund tel bc·';! a c 1 a~;!e':;! ~,;an(:i :i. n our t)or' :i.n(,; NUrilb(·::r 1 (·::,;;tencii rJCi tel 4.5 feet below surface elpvatior~ and a claspv sand with cD1:.-.i:.llc·:·: il"lclu~,;:i.on :i.1"I GUY' bCli":i.f"ICi ~!Ulrt(-:'(::'r' ? (·::;.;t·c:nd:i.i"lc; to '} fc)c:t 1.' ... e 1 (.i~J,:;ur 'j" Dec! (.:.:, 1 C-;'\/d t:i. on. T /·,(·::,<;;u '::.0 j. :I. ~:; ~JC:'i' (.:, fClund to b C! !,; J :i. G ht 1';;1 (·:·:')-;r·an~:;. :i. ,-.)(.,: <'i1'le) 1..1 1"1 ('.l(·::'r' 1;;; :i. 1"1 (.J i th ;:; h :i. Ci 1"1 1 ~:I C )-;F' i:::I"I~,; :i. vC-: silts clay. Due to the 2~p2nsion po!"-cnti21 of these soils a <;; i;.J e 11 ;:; ~;; the u I'i :::: (:.:' r ]. \;! :i. 1"1 (j '::; C :i. 'I. ':;:. 7 <:; F· F C :i ;;;111 \:;! dc, <,;. i G n C' d foul"lc:.lat :i. or, <;; y !,;]. i:lb<,; I' ariel CDI"IC,; t. r I..Ict :i. Dr, d~·';!·ta :i. ],"; <:l';; PI' E",;(2ntF!d h C' r r:' :i. n ,,; ft, (.,:, r-('-J:i:l. J I.:', ;.::. r C' Cl U '1 '(. (::(j (. n T' c' (il.1 C (.;.; t h (::' }'-'. T' D i:', <ol i. .... :i. ]. :i. t ~::! () f futur-(.;: !;;tr' uctUT' <:l 1 O;:;/rlclG C fr 0:;1 the; I:.';;r:'arl!,;:i. ';i(':: condi ti orlf:; + Fr·cc. GT'ound~·.J;:;tc'r-~ ;';J'"r·:·:<:i'::. nf !:; (} (.::. ;-:. ~:; ~,J c' r C' n Cl t L lie D :.J I'i t C r (: (1 ';;1..11" f:i c :i.;;; 1 of DI)'(' ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • • • • • • • • • • • Pr O,jE'Ct. 290 II O:l/O?/Cl investiGation; therefore, no special consider~tions need be Given these characteristics. It should be pointed out at this time that a portion of the previousls mentioned hereinafter include special recommendations present.od presaturation of the oxpansive soils prior to placement of concrete. Special emphasis should be placed on attaininG proper presaturation reQuirements and construction delass mas be expected due to resistance of the clases soils to accept moisture. 2.3 FOUNDtlTIONS! Expansive soil conditions will reQuire special consideration to prevent structural damaGo from excessive movement. Therefore, the foundation plans and specifications as prepared bs Bill Robison State Lice~sed Buildihru DesiGner and dated December :l, :l980 for the pro~ect were carefulls reviewed. The results of our review reveal that minimum foundation dimensions and reinforcinG as presented on these plans a~e adeQuate for the intended usaGe. We therefore recommend that these plans be closels <:ii:.ih(·:!r c!i.'.i to ,. 2.3:l ALLOWABLE FOUNDATION BEARINC PRESSURES as determined bs SOlI shear strenGth are best presented bs the ~ollowinG for' HIU 1 3!;; re' 1 at :i.!"Ie; foot:i nG ';:. 1;.) i dt.h ~ 1 E'f'ir:; th y anei dC:l···th. Ml!"limum and maximum bearinG values are tabulated wit.h the formulas. Minimum values are for minimum sized continuous footinGS while ma}:imum values are determined bs the limits of formula accuracs. Allowable bearinG values are for full 1 i \/i·:·:' <:inci cic·!ad 1 Di:iC:, ~;; ar 1(:, In<;:"::~ bE' inc r i·22';; E,ej :I. /:] for' w :i. nci and/or seismic loadinG. SOIL CONDITION AND FORMULA LIMITING VALUES (ksf) 'f a rOJ C;]. (:) I;:; r:' ~::! ~3 L~ r", C) <Undisturbed Native) 2.48 G :::::l • B 0 >: ( :l + • ~'?:: [: / l.. ) + 0 • tt 0 ;.: [) + 0 • 2 D ;< U ;: ( :l. .... , :2;.: [: / L. ) ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • • • • • • • • • • • (Recompacted to 90%) l:l:::::l. • (.) <» >: ( j, + • 2 >; [: / L ) + 0 • ~l7 >: D + () " 2 ~:';:-: D >: ( :! ... -• ?~.; D / f... ) F'r o~jC·?ct ?9 () if Ol/07/D:I. 9.80 (Undisturbed Native) :1..95 Q=j,.55x(j,+.2x[:/f...)+O.25xD+O.15xBx(j,-.2xD/L) Wh0)Y'c,;) G D B L. .... .... .... .... allowable bearinG value (kips per SQuare foot) '['"DClt :i. nG cic·:·)F·th t:;.c·:! 1 O(,,! ]. Ot.,!C'!5-t i": r..i,ji:;C~?l"lt G r aO(2 (f(c)et) footinG width (feet) fOCltinG lenGth (feet) 2.32 ECCENTRICALLY LOADED FOOTINCS should use an effective width CD) instead of actual width (D') to compute the a 1 :I. D (-J ,:;: t,i 1 c·! t":. ~:) a T' :i. n G \..' a 1 U f: :i. nth P F·' r ".) v :i. 0 U !:; 'f 0 r IT: U :I. a~;. E: f 'f E' C t :L v c:' width is a function Df eccentricits and mas be cClffiputed bs the 'for' mu 1 a: Where E ~ ecccentricits of load with respec~ to footinG centroid (feet) 2.33 FOOTINCS ON OR ADJACENT TO SLOPES will have an allowable bearinG capacits reduced from those previousls presented for a level Grade surroundinG the foundation. The reductior, is dependent upon slope steepness and the horizontal distance measured at footinG bearinG level t .... c·:'tt-J(·:·:c:'n (.:.:r:.iG c·! of' foot i i"IG "i'''';::; f dCC:! of !::.1 DF,·e. Foot :i. nG dc,:,:·;·ti·"I!:: (D) for use in the bearinG capacits fo~mulas should be d c:: t E: r' m :i. n c·:' r:.i a!:; :i. I"i d :i. cat c·:' c.l :i. nth c·:' ·f D 11 0 [-,1 i n G F :i. G u r' (.? 2 • ~J:3. F I..! 11 computed values usinG this depth ma~ be used if the horizontal distance (H) is eQual to Dr Greatei than eiGht feet and zero bearinG capacits if the edme of fDotinG IS located on the face of slope (H=O). Intermediate values mas be! dc:t c-:'r rei :i. j"i(·:·:'c.) t::,,::! :I. :i. nei:::Y" :i. nter F" c:I. i:~t. :i. 0", • Fla.' 2.33 .rOOTINGS ON ()R ADJACENT To SLOPES Slope face Footing ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • • • • • • • • • • • PI' el,jf:':'C t 2(~ 0 "1 o t/07/D:I. 2.34 ESTIMATED SETTLEMENT is eGual or less than 1/4 and 1/8 inches for total and differential movement, respectivels. T h (:.~ !,; c·:·} yo i:; 1 u (.;.! !:; ;:::~; sum i::'~ t hat thE' r e c 0 Iii III E' n d a t :i. D n ~; F'r f:: !,; c! n t t~' (1 hE' T' c':' :i. n a r (.:.:, f 0 11 () (4 c·:·:' ci a n ci a l' f! t ... c·:·! 1 i c·:: ',,' c·, d t () b (,.: ("I :i. t h :i. nth f-:' tolerable limits elf the structures. 2.4 LATERAL RESISTANCE to horizontal movement mas be provided bs allDwable soil passive pressure and/or coefficient of friction of concrete to soil. The allDwable values are presented In the followinG table for the previousls defined soil conditions: ~)DJL C[)NDITTDN~:) Tan C 1 a!::! f:! \d ~:)anci ( Unci :i. !;; tUI' be'ci ) Tan C1 <;i\;;![:',::! ::)anc1 (r:c·;}comF'i:lct .. eci) C r <:i '::! ~:) i 1 t \:! C:I. <,I ':c' (Und :i. !;; tur' C) (::ci ) ALLOWABLE PASSIVE PRESSURE AT SURFACE RATE OF INCREASE ::ll.fO r···::;f/ft. COEFFICIeNT DF FF;:JCTJOI-..J 0.2? Allowable passive pressures are the values anci :i. ncr' (::'d':;. :i. nG at thc) :i. no::: :i. c·::; t.eci 1'"d',e F·e:'1'· below adjacent Grade. at.. the·: !';l..Ir· f ae'<::' f'ODt Cif ci~:·!F·th Allowable passive pressures have been computed assuminG a frictionless vertical clement, no surcharGe and level adjacent Grade. If these assumptions are incorrect, we shou:l.d be contacted for values that reflect the true CDnr:j :i. t:i. on!:;. The·:' CClliiF"utcd ViC; 1. I.lC·'~:; ar (:.:' for' ~,; t .. at :i. C cDrlci:i. t :i. Dr-I ,;; <:inc; I"I<:;';! be :i. nCT' c~<:,: ':;,·,'ci :I. /~i fOf' b) :i. "'Id ar',d / n'!' ~:;P :i. !,;ru :i. C ]. o.,':c\ :i. nG • ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • • • • • • • • • • • Ol/07/C:l. 2.5 RETAINING STRUCTURES: U n T' C·) ~:; t y-. ,,~ :i. n (.:.:, I.":i y T'(;)tain:i.n(:i "'1;:~lls? car";:ib:/.(·:> of !:;l:i.Ght IriO'v'(·:·:I{i(·:nt al,Ji:;~! frol1l load should be desiGned to resist active pressures developed b~ an eauivalent fluid weiGhinG 48 pounds per cubic foot. Restrained walls, incapable of movement 2was frem load without damaGe such as basemont walls. sho~lld be desiGned f (J Y' t h ~:! t r a F·' c! ~,: 0 :i. r:.i a :/. F'r (.? '::; !:; u r E' 1.".1 :1. !:; t Y' i b I..! tiD f'I .i. n d .L cat C-~ din the f 0 11 D ( ... J :i. n <:; FiG U Y' C, ? ~:5 + The:, :i. n d :i. cat c' d fTi ;:;;< :i. I'i! '..1m r·· P (,~, ';:; ~:; 1..1 r' c' !::. c> :"; :oJ distributiDn dimensions ape a function of retained heiGhi an ci d (.:! f' i n (.:.: <::' c Cl 1"1 ~:; f: r 'v' ;::: t. :i. 'v' E' en v (.? ::. Ci :'" C Cl f l'ii"i:) :": :i. iT. u i~1 r: .. i" E' .::.' ::; U '('. E'. T h c' coefficients pM, d8, and dM aPR 38 pefr 0.2 and 0.6. T' e':'; F·' E' C t :i, v E' 1 ~,! • F:r Y' f'~ '::~ ~s 1 . .1 r' f~ ~:; d :i. s;t;::,ncc lila';;: be,! bch:i.nr.:-i, T'(?Cil . .IC(·:·::r::i t.i"iC.:' \."J.;:> 11 1. f hi <::' 11~:; ;:i r e C'C,:I"I i 'v';::: I CI"I-l: .. l,);:~ck f :i. J 1 eci f Dr' 't .. D onc' .... thi r'c] T'etained heiGht wit!l a clean nCln-expansive sand h0vinG a minimum anGle of internal friction of 30 deGrees. FCir this alternative, eGuivalent fluid dcnsits 0nJ coefficients pM, cit::? <:11"11.'.1 eli"! ;:n" t:: :]~:.'; ~",'cf p 2D }":'cf p < 0 (.? an~:,i (). f., p r (::') '::;}'-"'0:ct i \..'E' I ';;1 (. These active pressure smoClth wall. and conditions arc not FIG. z.s ACTIVE' PqESSt.'Rc • ReSTRAINED WALL coeffi~ients 2SSl..!me a vertical, Fog drainod backfill. If should be contacted foT' H Back (/// Ordde Dressure ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • • • • • • • • • • • E)(PAN::;It)[ ::;DII...r:; t In addition to the special hereinbefore, the followinG details to reduce the probabilit~ of damaGe condition':; • Fry' C),jE' C t ~? 90 l!" Ol/07/Dl fOl..lrloat :i. on~; should be incorporated from the expansive soil 2.61 INTERIOR SI...ABS on Grade should be four inches or Greater in thickness, underlain with a 4 inch sand blanket and reinforced with 6x6 lO/lO welded wire mesh as indicated on the plans dated Dec0mber 1, 1980. Alternatively, slabs mau be reinforced with Number 3 bars placed 16 inches on center. Crushed rock mas be substituted for the sand blanket. Sand, if used, should have a sand eQuivalent exceedinG 30 when tcsted in accordance with ASTM [)2'~l-:I. ')). Slab Joints should be provided at not over 15 feet on center to allow controlled crackinG. HorizontHl movement of foundations should be prevented bs eithcr extendinG slab ~:; t ui:.-. t.hr DUG h jo :i. nt ~:; .::;:1"1.-.:1 :i. nto 't, he:· i"Cluni.'.ii:::J:.. i Oi"i or' t-,~;; F' 'j" D'v' ::. c:; :i.l"j(j tf·:l'i~:;:i.Df'i tic!:; cDn·;:;i~::.til"l(:j of ~·.:U!;i{: ... c:'r J bi:i'f";;; }~ lacc-~i.'.i ~)O :i.nc·hc'·;::. en c(·::nti::!r· , (-,J;.:t.<-:-~I"i{':; :i. riG ::l 0 d :i. arr:<::'tE'{' ~:; :i.I"lto both i:; I i:lbs; <:inci foundat:i.or-I!;; <. 2.62 EXTERIOR SI...ABS Dn Grade should be constructed idr:'nt:i.c<:lll~:! to :i.I",tc:r:i.Dr· ':;li:lb<:;. c·::;;Cf,::···t leJaJI-:.!:; fl· fi::)E't, anc:; IE':;!:; 1"1 e c! d not i ..... i::! r (.::, i 1"1 -r" Ci r· c (~1.'.1 ;;; n c.i (.:.:;~ t c·: r :i. 0 r !,; J <:i t·, s. i:; 1'1 D 1..11 d be provided with wcakened plane Joints as detailed in FiGure ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • • • • • • • • • • • 2.63 PRESATURATION: Project ?<)()l} O:l./07/G:I. ExpansivQ s011s should be presaturated prior to placinG concrete. Clases soils, especiall~ below concrete flatwork should not be allowed to dr~ and should be sprinkled if necessars to insure the~ are kept jn a ver~ moist condition. Soils under IsinG slabs should have a moisture content exceedinG three percent above optimum moisture. Thes should be tested for proper moisture from a depth of two feet not more tharl 24 hours before placinG concrete. FIGURE 2.62A W W/2 WIMINID PLANI IOINTS t1 __ AJ nANlvIIsr --",-WfAKINID PUNI JOI NTS " ON (lNUI --:-'--j.--tMAlll . ';. : -.: .. : . . : ~ ,,: ..... ;". ..... : .. ': :' ', .. r "10' . ... , .. 101'" IIAUI • I L ., . " " L :.10 lJa .. I .. -. ., o ... .1 ,.. L v '.'-1010"": CONflNUOUI / IWU .. ADDITIONAL srl.f' DUAIl WUKENED .. LANE JOINT N. T. S. - .. ....... l 'I 4 . ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • F'r Cl,j0~ ct 29 () l} • 01/07/81 • • • • • • • • • 2.71 RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATIONS. or reGuired for site preparation accordance with the attached S::·'·E'C :i. f i cat :i. ons I Ans sradinG contemplated should be accomplished in Recommended GradInG 2.72 COMPACTION. All embankments, structural fill, structural backfill, r~tainins waIl backf:i.l I y and excessivels backfill, trench soil should be compacted to 90 percent. Pavement subsrade should be compacted to 95 percent. Natural undisturbed soils havinG an in-situ reIative compaction of less than 85 percent should be removed, replaced, and compacted to 90 percent. 2.73 CUT-FILL TRANSITIONAL AREAS where foundations will bear partialls on cut and partialls on fill are not r· c'cDI(,rlle!nelc,d • D :i. ·f·fc,r· eJn·t C C)J"(, F·· r· (:.::;; !:; :i. on chaT· ac:·t(·::y' i ~:; t :i. C~:; of ~;; Ci :i. 1 ~:; in a cut and fill state! mas ~esult in uneQual support and conseGuential crackinG. If a transition occurs at footinG I::,e:ar·:i. nG J. (::"..-'f?! 1 , ~,J(::' r· E:colnnIE'nd that, the·:: ent.:i."I' E~ <:~r (:.:<:1 b(·:·: undercut and replaced with compacted fill. UndercuttinG should be carried to a minimum depth e~uivalent to the ,--i i d *::' ::; teo n t i r·, f..I 0 U ::> f Ci 0 t :i. n G I: ... c: 1 Ci IlJ t i·, c·, b () t t, 0 Ii, 01·' f 0 0 t :i. n G !:; • tIn alt(c·:'·I··nBt:i.'·..-'(·::· to I..lndpr·cut.t:i.l""!c fCir tri:;n::;:i.t:i.onal i:ir·C;:i·:;; 1·:;; to T' C :i. nfor CE' all cCint. :i. nUDU!:; foot :i. nG !;; I-):i. th on(~ I'~o. 4 b;;iT· :i. n the:, top and onp No. 4 bar in the bottom of foundations. The reinforcinG should extpnd 10 feet e!ach side of the trans;:i."\",:i.on l:i.I""IE'. 2.74 COMPACTION or EXPANSIVE SOILS should be accomplishod at rplativels hiGh water cuntent. Moisture content at compact:i.on should be at least two percent above: optimum riI D :i. ':; t 1..1 r-c' • T h :i. <::. ~...: :i. :I. 1 r· c·, !:; I..! ::. t i r: 1 C' ':> ~; t, n c·, r· G ':;I r (? c u :l r C) ci f· C) r· COl"(, F' DC t :i. 01"", 1 COl"", ~:; :i. c:: c: (' ;:; L, 1 ~,i J c ~:; ~;; t :i. III (.~ l' C C:l U i r c·:' c:i of Cl r· f:."l c! 1 (:)1;.] t.(·',C1 structure, and creater ~~ t . .:::; tl i 1 .i. t. ~;: + C} Ci <,; c: I"(i CJ:i. ::, tur c-:' cor, t r· Ci 1. will be P':; ·::;c'r-,t i a:l. to F· Y' c·:' ' .. ' (.:.: ,., t ~:;d tu1' ,:> t :i. Cin • ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • • • • • • • • • • • Pr (J~jc.:J c t 29 () 4 O:l/07/Dl FIELD EXPLORATION: Two subsurface explorations were made at the indicated on attached Plate No. 1 on December These explorations consisted of borinGs drilled bs a rotars-bucket tspe drill r1G. Thes were supervised bs our personnel. 3.:l EXPLORATION LOGS: 1 CiCi:it :i.OI"I'; 9, 19DO. fII~;~ans of' cl i r ~:!ct:l. \;~ The subsurface explorations were carefulls lOGGed when made. These lOGS are presented on attached F'late No's. 2 and 3. Soil classification in accordmnce with the Unified Soil Classification Ssstem is presented on the lOGs. In addition, a textural description, wet color, apparent moisture, and densits or consistencs are GiVEn on the lOGS. Soil densities for Granular soils are Giver~ as either vers loose, loose, modium dense, dense, or vers dense. Con ::> :i. ~:; t (,' n c ':;! 0 f <:; :i. 1 t ':;I 0 r c :I. ;:; <:; ';::"::! !:; () :i. :I.~; a r' (-~ G i 'v' t~ n <:1 ~:; i;,! i t h c' I' vel's 50ft, soft, medium stiff, stiff, or hard. Representative samples of the tspical soi15 were obtained an c.i r i;,! t urn c! ci t D the 1 aLl D r' at 0 T' \:! f D '(" t. 0:! ~:; t :i. n G ,. Cor Co) !;; a fil pIc,!:; were obtained bs means of a split tube sAmpler, driven into the soil be means Df the "kel1s bar" of the drill riG. The enerGS reQuired tD drive the sampler is indicated on the b (:) J' :i. n G :I. Cl G ';; <:l !,; t Ii (:~ "F·' 0) n c' t r' ,:; t :i. 0 :O'j r f' <:; i !:; t. a n c c: " • ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • • • • • • • • • • • P l' D~j 0:'ct 2? () it 0:1./07/[:1 4. LABORATORY TESTINC: L.aboy' ator· ~:! G r) n(·;:')""· a 11 ';:! t·1 a t E·:' T' :i. a 1 !;; tests were performed in accordance with accepted American Societs fo~ TestinG and ( ASTt·i ) tf~~:; t mf-:-t hodf:; an(1 / 0 r· !;UG f:i e<;,; t~:)1.".1 r·· T' o cecil..l T' r)!:; > Representative samples were tested for field moisturey and densitsy and for percent passinG the number 200 screen. Results of these tests are presented o~ the exploration .lOG~;;. In addition. tests were performed on tspical and representative samples to determine the parameters of internal friction, cohesion, maximum de~sits, optimum moisture content, and potential e~pansion. The results of these tests are presented in tabular form on attached Plate No. ~:j <. ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • • • • • • • • • • • ro to) <1) > 1-o o 1- 1-ro > ro z .... u <1) ., e 0... 2 :J C E o "'0 C o to) .r: +J :J o V'l ro I.J.... <1) .r: r- .".-=>---Z Bor/ny Loca flon P/l21'f G~--------------------~-----------------------------------r--------------------1 Wa:O JOB NUMBER [a] ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. PLATE NUMBER. 29 04 SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGII\jHRING ~ L-____ ~~ ________ ~~~~ __________________________ _L ______ ~ ________ ~ SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG • Bori ng Number 1 • UC Description E y M P-200 • 0 Tan, moi s t, medium dense, clayey sand ""i th cobbles. 11. 1 110.5 20.2 2 Tan, moi st, medi um dense, clayey sand. 3- z 0 l-• « 4 u 0 -l w CL Grey /T an, we t , st iff: s i 1 ty, cl ay. 14.8 100.4 22.4 89 -l 6 0... C1J ::£ « c: (/) ~ • 0 t.\!) 8 4-I-w ru w u I.J... ~ z 10 ru 7.4 95.7 26.0 83 .... til W 0 U • U ~ 12 ru 0:::. -l :;) (/) (]) 6 14 > -l ~ W 0 co • ru ~ 16 7.4 ~ 99.4 24.6 88 ~ 0... ru w > 0 C1J z 18 .... u • (]) " 20 CL Grey, wet, sti ff, s i 1 ty clay. 0 ~ 28.2 84 0... 21 E :J .-c: For legend, E See Pl ate Number 4. • 0 ""0 c: 0 U .!: .u :J 0 (/) • >-ru C ru I.J... ~ U u.J JOB NUMBE.R @] ALPHA LABORATORI ES, INC. PLATE NUMBER ...., • 0 2904 a: SOIL & fOLmOATION ENGlr-':EERING 2 a.. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG • Bori ng Number 2 • • UC Description E Y M P-200. 0 SC Tan, moi s t, medi um dense, clayey sand z wi th cobbles. 0 I-2 <:t u 0 -l • w 4 -l co CL CL Grey/Tan, wet, st iff, s i 1 ty cl ay. 7.4 96.5 25.8 82 I: C « ~ (/) 0 6 \,j... «> I-co w • u W 1.1... 8 co z .j..J (f) 11. 1 98.8 23.4 59 0 w u u 10 <:t co 1.1... -l IX: => • (/) a.J 12 > :3 0 ~ -l Cl W co co 14 ~ :r: ~ I-SC Tan, mois t, dense, clayey sand. co CL, > W • co Cl 14.8 111 .6 1 .8 41 z 16 .j..J u a.J " 0 ~ CL For legend, See Plate Number 4. • E :J C E 0 "'0 C 0 U • .c .j..J :J 0 (/) >-co ~ co • 1.1... • 0~------------------~r------------------------------------r--------------------1 u..J JOB NUMBER ~ ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. PLATE NUMBER J ~ 2904 a SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 3 ~L-________________ ~~~----------------------------~---------------- • • • • co C I-. o 4- co ..., Ul o u co ~ .~ Cl) > I-. o co I-. I-. co ~ z c E o \J C o u CATEGOR I ZAT ION GROUP GRAPH-TYPICAL NAMES & DESCRIPTION SY/".BO! I [;;L -~ ~ ~ELL GRADED GRAVELS, gravel-sand mlxtur~s. ~ide in grain size ...J GW 'v:>,¢ rang~ '" ...., '" C ;>I..~ .//-' & substanti~1 amounts of a II int~r~edi~te particle sizes. I.. '" '" a '" ",.t: '" '" 0 ... '-' ., c ... u ~ ., ..... ~--:-z ........ POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, gravel-sand mixtures. Predominately size '" '" ... GP one I.. ~I;r: L..I..J.-0 ., ...J-c or a r~ng. of siz~s ...... ith some intermediate sizes missing. -u '" S1~% -~ '" :I: ~ -N '" ~ c." I-GM S I L TY GRAVELS, gr.vel-sand-silt mjxtur~s. Appreciable amount .,- i ~I '-'Y<--'" "5.~ v of non-plutlc fines. I.. -'" ., '" ., ::;"" '" Z ...J ... > -' --'" '" I.. '" ...., "-o E·-,f'::i ;> ~ CLAYEY GRAVELS, gravel-sand-clay mi xtures. Appreciable amount '" '" '" GC \IS" ' '" '" or-o '-' of plastic fines. ""''''0 ~",='" ~ 0 ci t23 ~ELL GRADED SANDS, gravelly sands. ~ide in gra i n size "' .... z "r SW .... :,,;,' range -'" C ...• : ... ,. '" ., C '" '" :z 0 '" ..... &. substantial amounts of all interm~diate particle sizes. "'.c", I...t: '" ., a:: .c '" ... '" ., c O<;c'" a 0", U I.. z ........ u.t: ..... .2:--:-", ... CIJ POORLY GRADED SANDS, gravelly Predominat~ly one size ... w-a SP . .... sand s. a -~ ...J-c ., u or _ r_nge of sizes with some i ntermed i ate sizes missing. I.. "'I"-~. ! 0-", Z .. :;;~~~ ::::: S I L TY SA~DS, sand-silt mixtures. Appreciable amount of ~V>I SM RHm ~~." ~w ;J' non-plastic fines. :z ... -'t V>-., U 0"-I.. .. Z ~ :i I.. a '" CLAY::Y SANDS, sand-clay mixtures~ Appreciable amount ~ ..... :z '" SC of plastic fines. Ml mIill INORGANIC SILTS & Very Fine Sands, Rock Flour, S i I ty or '" Clay~y Fine Sands wi th s light plasticity. '" '" >-., 0<;-...J oil U ... ~ INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO PLASTICITY, ---Cl MEDIUM gravelly ., ... E -N -clays, sandy clays, s i I ty clays, lean clays. .. -VI -~ -oil I-0 I.. ...J -c '" ., ., --., > '" ::J C IIillJ ORGANIC SILTS & ORGAN I C SILT CLAYS of low plasticity. ~~~ C"'" Ol -.t: -'" ...J ... 0., ~ ",.co "'0 ~~'" I.. OJ INORGANIC SILTS, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy :z 0 • ., MH ~~~ ... .. or silty soi Is, elastic s i Its. " "'2~ '" ... >-'" UJ .c 0<; m 2:C'" ...J ... INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, fat clays. -.. u"E CH ,,-.cl.. ., ., ... --,,-VI 0 I.. ~ ~-c'" I ...J-! .. -::J c OH [J ORGANIC CLAYS of medium to high plasticity. '" CT .. -.c -' ... ., HICHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT r1 f. L..d PEAT & other highly organic soi Is. Legend: P-200 = Percent pass i ng No. 200 screen UC = Unified Classification ~ -= Sample locat ion E = Sampler penetration resistence ( ft. k i ps/ft.) y = Natural dry density (pcf) M = Field moisture content (% dry wt.) ~ WT = Approx i rna te I oca t ion of water table 1 -"""-- JOB NUMBER: §] ALPHA LA80RATORIES, INC. PLAT~ NUMBER~ 2904 SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGII'JEEr~ING • • • • . co .- C !... 0 4- • co u co +-l Vl 0 U co ..J • (l) > !... CI co !... !... co • > co :z ~ +-l U (l) " 2 0.. • E ::J .-c E 0 u c 0 u • ..c +-l ::J 0 V') >-co C • co l.L.. MAXIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT: (ASTM D 1557 -METH.) 1 so I L OPT I MUi'l i'\.i\X I MU t11 I TYPE MO I ST. DENS ITY 1 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (%) (pcF) I ~ B-1@1 '-2 ' Tan clayey sand 10.3 126.7 DIRECT SHEAR TESTS: (A 11 samples saturated & drained unless noted.) SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ANGLE OF COHESION l INTERNAL INTERCEPTI FRICTION (PSF) I . B-1 @1 1 -2 1 Tan clayey sand (undi s turbed nat i ve) 280 350 B-1@1 '-2 ' Tan clayey sand (recompacted to 90%) 27° 350 B-2@4 I-5 ' Grey s i 1 ty clay (undistrubed na t ive) 240 420 --.. ~ -~ EXPANSION TESTS: SAMPLE COND IT I ON INITIAL MOISTURE CONTENTS (;;) NORMAL EXP,l\NS I ON I ~ DENSITY INITIAL AIR DRY FINAL STRESS C' ;; j (pcF) (PSF) ~-1@1'-2' remo 1 ded 114 • 1 10.0 4.7 17 .2 200 2.6 01---------------------~----------------------------------_,r_-------------------4 , 3 JOB NUMBER: ~ ALPHA LABORATORIES, INC. PLATE NUMBER j" ex: 2904 ~ SOIL & FOUrWI\TION ENCJlt'JEEnING 5 0... '-__________ ""-_. _______ ~._. __ ~ ____ .....Jr..._ _________ _ • • • • • • • • • RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS -GENERAL PROVISIONS INTENT The intent of these specifications is to establish procedures for clearing, compacting natural ground, preparing areas to receive fill, and the placing and compacting of fill soil to the lines and grades indicated on the accepted plans. The recommendations contained in the preliminary soi ls investigation report and/or the attached special provisions are a part of the recommended grading specifications and shall supersede the provisions contained herein- after in the case of conflict. INSPECTION & TESTING A qualified soil engineer shall be employed to inspect and test the earthwork in accordance with these specifications and the accepted plans. It will be necessary that the soil engineer or his representative be al lowed to provide adequate inspection so that he may certify that the work was or was not ac- complished as specified or indicated. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the soil engineer and to keep him appraised of work schedules, changes, new information and dates, and new unforeseen soil con- ditions so that he may make these certifications. If substandard conditions (questionable soil, poor moisture control, inade- quate compaction, adverse weather, etc.) are encountered, the soil engineer will be empowered to either stop construction until the conditions are re- medied or recommend rejection of the work. Soil tests used to determine the degree of compaction will be performed in accordance with the following American Society for Testing and Materials test methods: Maximum Density & Optimum Moisture Content -ASTM D1557-70T Density of Soil In-Place -ASTM 01556 or ASTM 0 2922 and 3017 PREPARATION OF AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL Vegetation, brush, and debris shall be cleared from the areas to receive fill. Excessively loose or detrimental soil such as loose topsoil, plowed ground, or • substandard fi 11 should be removed to competent soil as indicated in the pre- liminary soils investigation report or the special provisions, or as determined in the field by the soils engineer or his representative. • • After clearing and removal of undesirable soils, the surface shall be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to the proper moisture content, compacted, and tested for the minimum specified density. When the slope of the natural ground receiving fill exceeds 20% or when con- sidered necessary by the soils engineer, the ground to receive fill shall be stepped or benched. Benches shal I be cut to firm, competent soil. The lower bench shall be at least 10 feet wide and successive benches shall be at least 6 feet wide. The horizontal portion of each bench shall be compacted prior to 41 receiving fill as specified hereinafter. FILL MATERIAL Materials placed in the fill should be free of deleterious substances such as • excessive vegetable matter. Granular soil shall contain sufficient fine ma- terial to fill the voids. Oversized rocks, expansive and/or detrimental soils are defined in the attached special provisions. These soils may only be used in the fills if provision is made in the prel iminary soils investigation report and/or only with the expl icit consent of the soils engineer. • • • • • • • PLACING AND COMPACTION OF FILL Approved fi 11 material shall be placed in the areas prepared to receive fi 11 in layers not to exceed 6 inches in compacted thickness. Each layer shall have a uniform moisture content in the range that will al low the compactive effort to be efficiently appl ied to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Each layer shall be uniformly compacted to the minimum density with adequately sized equipment, either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reI ia- b iIi ty. Field density tests to check the degree of compaction will be taken by the soils engineer or his representative. The location and frequency of the tests shall be at the soils engineer's discretion. In general, the density tests will be at an interval not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or one test for each 500 cubic yards of fill placed. ~ SEASON LI M ITS Fill should not be placed during unfavorable weather. When work is interrupted by heavy rain, fill ing operations shall not be resumed until proper moisture content and density of the fi I I has been achieved. Damage resulting from wea- ther shall be repaired before acceptance of the work. UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS In the event conditions are encountered during grading that were not encountered during the prel iminary soi Is investigation, Alpha Laboratories, Inc. shall be immediately notified. We assume no responsibil ity for conditions which differ from those found and described in the prel iminary soils investigation report. • • • RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS -SPECIAL PROVISIONS: The minimum degree of compaction to be obtained in compacting natural ground and in the compacted fill shall be 90%. • Detrimentally expansive soil is defined as soil which will swell more than 3% against a pressure of 150 pounds per square foot from a condition of Optimum Moisture Content and 90% Relative Compaction. • • • • • • • Oversized fill material is defined as rocks, old concrete, or lumps over 10 inches in diameter. At least 40% of the fill soils shall pass through a No. 4 U. S. Standard Sieve. Oversized material may be disposed of offsite or in specially designated non-structural fills specially designated at the time of grading.