HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 74-08; MCCOY; REPORT OF SOILS INVESTIGATION; 1974-11-05/ ."- " ~l DUCO Engineering, Inc-. FOUNDATION a.. GEOLOGIC INVEST.IGATIONS FILL CONTROL -SOIL TESTING REP 0 R T o F TEN TAT I V E SOU THE A S T AND V ALL E Y ·C A R L S BAD, SOl L S T R ACT 1170 CENTRE DRIVE, SUITE F . WALNUT; CALIFORNIA 91789 (213) 964-3440 • 964-3449 I N V EST I GAT ION N O. 7 4 - 8 COR 'N E R .' 0 A K S T R E E T CAL I FOR N I A . m~ --,. , 'fOR: 0·· '". , - S. L & B SERVICE CORPORATION 592 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD~ CALIF~RNIA 92008 JOB NO.: 4-123 NOVEMBER 5, 1974 -~-I ( ! I DUCO Engineering, Inc. November 5, 1974 S. L & B Service Corporation 592 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 FOUNDATION 8: GEOL.OGIC INV.ESTIGATIONS FIL.L. CONTROL. -SOIL. TESTING. 1170 CENTRE DRIVE, SUITE F . WALNUT, CALIFORNIA. 91789 (213) 964-3440 964-3449 'Subject:' Report of Soils Investigation' Tentative Tract No. 74~8 Southeast Corner Oak Ave. And Valley Street Carlsbad, California Job No.: 4-123 . Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of our Report of Soils Investigation for the subject property. Should you have any qu~stions with regard to this report or its recommendations, please, call our office. We wish to thank you for the opportunity of p~rforming th~s service. Very truly yours, DUCO INC HD:bw Job No.: 4-.123 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a soils investigation for proposed tentative Tract No. 74-8 to be located on the southeast corner of Oak Avenue and Valley Street in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California. Figure No. 1 presents a plot plan of the site. ' The ~bject of this investigation was to obtain information concerning the subsurface and surface soil strata upon which to base recommendations for the safe and economical develQP- ment of the site for the proposed single family residences. SITE CONDITIONS The site occupies a gently southwest sloping parcel o~ the southeast corner of Oak Ave. and Valley St. At the time of our field investigation the site was under cultivation as a producing tomato field. Present,drainage is from northeas~ to southwest. The south and east portions of the site are bounded by developed residential property. The soils encountered consisted of silty sands being firm for the top 2 feet and dense below a depth'of 2 feet. FIELD INVESTIGATION The subsurface soils conditions were explored by excavating three (3) engineering test holes to a depth of 6 to 7 feet with a power driven earth auger. The approximate location of each test boring is shown on Figure No. 1 A continuous log of each test hole was kept in the field at the time of excavation. These test hole logs, included as Figure Nos. 2 through 4, reflect the condition and classifications of each soil strata encountered. T~e soil classi{ications ara based on the Unified System of Soil C.1assification as devised by A. Casagrande. Unc;iisturbed samples of the subsurface soils were obta.ined using a 2.5" diameter soil sampler. Disturbed sampl.es of the. typical soils encountered were also obtained to be subjected to laboratory testing and analysis. No free water was encount- ered and no caving of the ~ide walls was experienced d~~ing . excavation of the test holes. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION the results of in situ moisture and density tests performed on the undisturbed samples are shown on the. appropriate boring log at the depth sampl~d. Also shown are the results of tests made to determine the relative compaction, as determined by ASTM Test Method D1557-70 . Job No.: 4~123 An expansion test was ~erformed on the surface soils. The sample was remolded to 90% of the maximum density and saturated under a surcharge load of 60 p.s.f. Results of the test are as follows: Classification Max. Den. P.C.F. Opt. Moist. % ~xpan. Silty sand 127.5 8.5 0.0 Direct shear summaries of typical undisturbed sampLes of soil are shown below. The samples were soaked for at least 24 ,hours prior to loading and shearing in the. 2.5 inch diameter shear apparatus. DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Boring No. Depth Angle ~o~esion 1 7.0' 50 p.s.f. 4 1.5' o p.s.f. G~ain size analyses of typical samples are presented as Figure, No.5. The consolidation potential of a typical sample of ~he undist- urbed subsurface soils is presented on the Pressure-Vbid Ratio curve, Figure No.6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Development of the site as proposed is cDnsidered feasible from a soils engineering standpoint, based on implementation of the following recommendations. Grading Prior to grading, all surface vegetation sh~ll be stripped. and disposed of offsite. The surface area to receive fill shall be thoroughly ripped, ~watered and precompacted to a depth of 8 inches prior to placing fill. Fill soils shall be spread in 6 to 8 inch loose lifts, watered as 'necessary a~d compacted io a mirtimum of 90% of the maximum ~ensity as determined by ASIM Test Method D1557-70 •. Foundations The proposed struct~res may be supported OQ conven~ional continuous and square footings. The allowag1e soil bearing capacities and design criteria .. are itemized as follows: Job No.: 4-123' BEAR~NG VALUE SUMMARY Minimum Depth Bearing Value 1.0' 1500 p.s.f. 1.5' 1750 p.s.£' Lateral bearing values may be computed at 300 p.s.f. per foot of depth, to ? maximum of 4000 p.s.f. The bearing values shown are for dead and live loads and may be increased 1/3 for temporary horizontal forces. Expansive Soils The soils on the site are considered nonexpansive and no remedial construction measures are deemed necessary. The recommendations in this report have been bas~d on the results of the field and laboratory investigations, com~ bines with the principles of modern soil mechanics and sound engine~ring judgment. Should any unusual conditions arise during design o~ con- struction, this firm should be notified immediately in order that proper modifications may be made as' necessary. Respectfully submitted, DUCO~ENGINEERING, INC. Approved by: Ster11ng F. ~h1te, R.C.E. 10863 HD:bw ." /') /1 I I I , lJ ::> 7~ ----,;' G) .."..- " I LlJ > « 1 ~2 ~ « Q\' 0) 0 CD G) ~ 3 V ALL E Y.---S 1-R E E ~l--- DUCO ENGiNEERING 1170 CENTRE DR., SUITE F, WALNUT, CALIF. 02 LOCATION F TEST \-\ .~. :. I) ~\ f t r ( 1 ~; r~ I' ; , " I n ii ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . Ii ~ i ~! ! R I 11 g ~ I ~ I: Dept In Feet o 5 10 15 , 20 25 e· DUCO Engineering, Inc. DATE DRIL~~D 10-25-74 ) LOG OF BORING NO. 1 4-123 !ft~~~~ ~ ~ ,$ 0 h . ~4.>c, A.q,4.> ~~ca~......f "" ~'lJ 0\0 v"'~ ..$-'" 4., -Q d' y-Q -Q<' ~ "" c,"" o~ ~ 'O~ ~~ 0\0 o~ FIELD CLASSIFICATION ·ca -Q-v v Silty sand, medium brn, moist ~. firm. - Silty sand, It. brn,. moist to damp, dense . - -. - .~ :s 17.4' 9.6 91.9 -- Bot om of ho e -.. - - - . ' -. ,. .. I " . - ,-, -. , , -, ~. '". - . : '. " -. , . ! ,. . .' .. --. - , , - - - - CARLSBAD ·1 2 DUCO Engineering, Inc. DATE DRILLED 10-25-74 LOG OF BORING NO. 2 PROJECT' NO, 4 -12 3 Depth In Feet o .. .. - 5 - .. - - 10 - - .. . ,- 15 - - - .. - 20 - - .. .. - 25 1 ~~K?:~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Nf Aq,-<i;> ~~Cj 4,.... ~o.:., ~..,,,, <l\c v"''''; I' '" A'V d' y'V 'V... ~"" <? o~ ~ 'O~ 4,.~ <l\c o~ Cj 'V 'V v Silty A 10.3 9.0 86.5 Silty Bo tom of he 1e " FIELD CLASSIFICATION sand, med brn. moist, firm sand, 1t brn, moist, " dense " , -, . " , , .. " CARLSBAD f?' FICiURF. NO, ., ._, ........ "~.".;~ ".,.~"_ ... ---------"'---....... -~"----~ e • .--~-----------~!!!!!:...----------------.:.....------------"', .. DUCO Engin~ering, Inc. DATE DRILLED 10-25-74 LOG OF BORING NO. 3 Depth In Feet ~ ~ g-0 N.¢ A.q,~ ~~Cj 4,.... ~O", ~q," 0\0 v"'~ .$' '" 4. -Q d' ~ <)" ~~ ~d#f?:P/ <?~ o~ ~ '¢'S. 4,~ 0\0 O~ F1ELD CLASSIFICATION , o? -Q"Y v o Silty sand, med brn, moist, fi,rm - 1 B 18.2 7.9 92.6 Silty sand, 1t brn, mois,t" den'se · - 5 - -Bo tom of h p1e -' · - - -, I ... .--, ~ " , , ' ,. " , ~ " , 15 i : 't -' '" " - · i , -, ,. 20 - " , . , - .. -.. , -; - 25 CARLSBAD PROJE~T NO, 4 -12 3 , ' ' , ' .' FIGURE NO. 4 "-.C) :!! Q C . ~ ffl Z :p VI CLAY SIZES SILT $IZES---F1I1E ~AelD---COU!QSE R4tJ9 GRAVEL 111C,!lOIG 'OO~------~~~r-~r-~~~~--l1~rr-r~~~~~====f===r-r-lrt-~41~ 90 r--H -I--r~-I I 1 I II If1?1 I II· I II r I-I f 11 90 eol-Tn I I I I L_] lin I I II I 'II III m 80 ~~~-----l----l---· I I I I II I 1111 I Hold 1/2 I I I I I I I 1 1 = 70 -"4 70 ~ ~ Hple II lot -2 ' . :: en f-. . -; ~ ~. 2'-7' I =: Q. 60 -. ~ ~O = /' ~ ~ ~ = Z -II • 4 W -I', - (,) 50 = I =i SO ~ ~ V . ~ c.. ~ I =3 1= II ~ J ~ -<l! 40 I-. -. -40 t-I-t/.-o ~ . -t-~ .• = ~ . /1 = 1-. I -30 f-. -~O ~ . _J ___ _ _" ___~_ ___ . ___ !-..-__ ~ 20 I I I I I I r II U I I I II I II II-EHlzo '0 III I I I I It--H II I II I I I l±H-ij. 0 ~ !! J ; 1 "l Jrl I W5k I I ~I I k. II~I I , 1.1.lU I I ! ~ ~l LrJsll k] . . ~ l' I~ I' I OJ 2,jij .. f..':+'I'r<T ~l\ ~ mlWlOO 00 'f000 ~ ~«l.i.@ 25 20.~ N Ill! ., G S «J A," T' Jl .1..~ I 1'" 11." It ~ tt,>1;,i'eJro ti;Cl.:~1il . J.,-. S~ eggcru m Wife '41 I 5 '0 1!€l I{j ~ ro~ IOOZ} ~ f3~:l h i rt-rr.!.--: \-·~trnr+r~. r~ l~.., ~ . G.1Xi~ 0.W&1 o.~ C.0CJ e.@og· o.o-J ru &--11 &-~i3 NO. Test HQ.:l .. _es 1 & 2 Of.\TE IO-3Q-74 LOC~TION Ca-rlsbad Po e. 0. F@-:1aJ L.A.-G EQUi\f.l.\lENY DIAMETER BV-=~G~+l~v~. ________ ~~~ ______ _ ... --------------~ 'G~{\gj)~~jG A t'~A b V $6~ DUCO ENGINEERING PROJ ECY NO . ..:!! -12 3 L ' __ _ I I i ! .600 .500 .40·0 .300 t. L r· I e o > .01 .02 .05 TEST DATA ·BORING NUMBER SAeJlPLE NUMBER SVl\tl90L OlE PiM (FEET) ELEVATION (FE ET) HEIGHT (lNCMES) DIAMETER (IN CHES) IN iTlAL ~OISTURE CONTENT(%) INITiAL DRY DENSITY (LBS/CU.FT.) SPECIFIC GRAVITY If(;,ML MOISTURE CONTENT 2 10 .1 .2 .5 I PRE'SSURE -TONS I FT.2 .1 1 1 7.0 1.0 2.5 10.5 109.0 2.65 16.2 .; P~ESSUAE -VOl D f.1ATi 0 DUCO ENGiNEERING DAiE 10-30-14 PROJECT NO,= 4-i23 -.-----.--- ~ .' B R XAN 'SMITH ENGINEERS, I,l'A 26gb State Street I ' , -W Carlsba~, Calif. ,92008 E. Brian Smith RCE 13, ,817 EBS:eb , , i ' , , , I' i I I ' Client; S. L & B Ser" Corp. I • P. O. Bo" JI~ 1 ,Carlsbad, Calif. 92008, : . ,:, I : : C~' ::rr/' -" q" ---0' ;8 I • "I ", , 'I ! . '. . : : : J. N. '3990 ;, November ;4, 1974 " " .' Following are Waterline calculations for Carlsbad Tract 74-8, a 10 lot single family residential subdivision located SElly of the intersection of Valley Street and Oak Avenue, in Carlsbad, California. Sheet 1 Waterline connection to a existing '8 inch main in Valley Street 'f~' ,-'::', . , , 1 . ~",. ;. ~ is proposed. : _ The attached copy of "Friction L?ss of Head Chart" by Joh,ns-~ :,' !,' , r" , I: Manviile was used for these, calculations~ . ~ .' , , . , , , , _~ ~.-, ~.t._ ~~.' .. ~ .!... r'~ , , ' , ' \. i 1,\ " ~; . , ' ; . , ' , ' , . , I ' . , , " , 1 " I, . , I' ~ , I,;' ! :.' 'jl'; ", ' : . . ; ~. _. , . 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ACP V::;. i z '/s~c t hL.; . 7r1.'! O~O I t> •. t-l.1.. ~. 70 x ,~9 ~ . Z()~· 3 -::.. 9. Z f'-s I :_ I ! , i ' . . e~~c dV.J . pVr!!.;s, ::-.: 10' -9,3,. ~ ~t? .. 7 f'"Srl'" ,',' " H,IIl-: ~ .Y"t!!·i';;'''~ P~tt.~$ j . .' ~¢7V· == eel rs/,. ~ ~., • ..' , I -i ., . . \~"" ' • ! ~ .. 1 ••• ~_'_t ._ '. ... " j- \ J 1 {"fl.. '-, \ . .. l I:, : ' : : , ! , , .. ' ... ' ~ . ' .... .' .. . ' , . : i , ., , . , , \ . ~. ! I . ~ . . : i' I - i '1 , : i " I' 1 . ~ , j . " . I , 7 ' " ' •• _" • z ~t-\~IE. T 3 or:r 3 . ___ ~~_~ ____ ,L._, ___ _ . ,- ,