HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 74-14; TEMPLIN HEIGHTS UNIT 1; PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION; 1976-08-23PRELIMINARY SOIL INVESTIG~TION PROPOSED TEMPLIN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA \ I FOR --INVESTORS DEVELOPMENT AND MORTGAGE CORP. 5850 AVENIDAS ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 23 AUGUST 1976· JOB NO. 76-61 SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY a ... Na"TH CaUNTY, INC. EII'lEEllle SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY • ' e' . e OF NORTH COUNTY, INC • 23 August 1976 423 HALE AVE. -ESCONDIDO, CALIF. 92025 ESCONDIDO -746-2333 Investors DeVelopment and Mor~gage Corp. 5850 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Cliff Burford Dear Mr. Burford: Re: Job No. 76-61 Proposed Templin Heights .. Subdivision Carlsbad, California Enclosed is our report of the prelimin~ry ~oil investigation done in accordance with Y04r instructions for the above refer-, enced site. The investigation consists of 26 test pits dug with a backhoe to depths of 5 to 12 feet below the existing gro~~d surface and 5 deep borings made with a b~cket drill rig. Appropriatelaboratory testing and engineering ,analyses were performed. The results of this investigation along with our recommenda- tions are to be found in the accompanying report. In summary, it is our opinion that ,the site is buildable with respect to the sail/geologic aspects. There are, howeve,r, some problems such as expansive soils, ground water and shear ·zones in some regions of the clay strata,which will require special' considerat~on as outlined in this report. We wish to emphasize the importance of continuing inspection and testing during grading • If there are any quastions or problems, please feel free to ~ consult with us in the future.- • Respectfully submitted, SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY OF NORTH COUNTY, INC. CLAUDE B. PARKER, Registered Civil Engineer #18,987 Certified Engineering Geologist #922 pe .\ \- \ , , , ,~, SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING' LABORATORY apo NaRTH CaUNTY, INC. " • • TABLE OF CONTENTS I •. General Information II. Purpose of Investigation III. Field Investigation A. Surface Conditions B. Test Pits and Borings C. Subsurface Conditions IV. Tests and Results A. Grain Size Analyses B. Atterberg Limits C. Expansion Tests D. Compaction Tests E. Direct Shear Tests Page 1 1 . 1 1 2 3 4 4 6 6 7 8 V. Bearing Capacity 9 VI. SloRe Stability 9 VII. Conclusions and Recommendations 10 VIII. Reference 12 APPENDIX Plot Plan Plate 1 Logs of Test Pits and Borings 2 to 37 Slope Stability Analysi~ 38 to 4U Specifications for Construction 41 to 44 of Controlled Fills Unified Soil Classification Chart 44 SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY all' NORTH COUNTY, ·INC. • I. PRELIMINARY SOIL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED TEMPLIN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION . CARLSBAD, CAL~FORNIA GENERAL INFORMATION A preliminary soil report has been completed for the above mentioned subdivision legally described as 'a Portion of Lot J, Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map No. 823, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. The site is "located easterly of the S. D. G. and E. powerlines at the easterly end of the existing ~hestnut Street, Carlsbad. It is understood the site is to be subdivided into 262 lots for one and two story wood frame residential dwellings. The foundations will use continuous concrete footings with concrete slabs-on-grade. Final details of the structures or grading were not available at the writing of this report. PURPOSE OF INVEST1GATION The purpose of the investigation was to determine the following: 1 -the engineering chara~teristics of the n~tive soils and proposed fills, 2 the nature of ~he pr~posed cut and fill slop~s, 3 -the presence and nature of any expansive. soil, 4 -the allowable soil bearing pressures, 5·-any obvious geologic hazatds, and 6 -to make appropriate foundation 'recommendations in an engineering report. III. FIELD INVESTIGATION A. Surface Condi~ions . \ J The subject site is an approximate 83 acre land area in a rectan~ular shape whose general topography and dimensions are SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY 0,. NO"TH COUNTY, INC. 1 r best described by the enclosed Plate 1 (redrawn from the Air Photo i • Contour Map by E. Brian Smith En.g., Inc., Oceanside, California). The eastern portion of the site consists of a smooth broad north- south trending ridge which is capped with a gr~nular material. West of this ridge at a lower elevation are, encoul'ltered clayey soils which manifest a different vegetation and sharper topography. A spring is 'J,ocated west of Test, Pi t 13 which probably represents a buried drainage outlet for the water which has' penetrated the upper granular fBrmation and is held at the springline by the impervious clay strata below. The adjac~nt ravines at approximately springline may also "bleed" during the wet seasons. The presence bf water for several feet above the clay strata is v~rified by Boring~ 1 and 2. There were no large man-made or natural obstacles observed which would greatly hihder ~rading. B. Test Pits and Borings Twenty-six exploratory test pits were dug with a backhoe on 22, 26 r 27, 28 and 29 Ju~y 1976. Five deep borings were· also made .. on 2 August 1976 with a bucket drill rig to verify the soil profile and horizontal' bedding near final grade in areas deep cut. The approximate locations of these test pits and borings are indicated 011 the enclosed Site Plan, Plate 1. Disturbed and undisturbed samples of the soils excavated were ob~ainad for laboratory analyses. The soils were visually classified by field identification procedure in accordance with the Unified Soil" Classification~ A simplified version of this classification is in- cluded in the Appendix of this report. Continuous logs of the soils "4It encountered during the investigation were recorded in the field. " The logs of the test pits and borings shown on Plates 2 to 37 are SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY 12" ND"TH aDUNTY, INa. 2 • based on the field logs, on laboratory inspection of the samples, and on the soil tsst results. C. Subsurface Conditions The site is underlain by horizontally bedded marine sedimentary deposits of the La Jolla formation of Eoce8e Age. There were no faults, landslides or other obvious geologic hazards observed during the investigation. The nearest known active fault is the Elsinore fault approximately 24, miles to the northeast. Other possible active ~---.:.---- faults include the Rose Canyon fault, 20 miles to th~ south, and a theorized offshore fault conn~cting with t~e active N~wport-Ing1ewood fault system to the north. No durable bedrock that would require blasting was encountered. There was some compressible soils in the bottom of the ravines which will be excavated and recompacted duririg grading as discussed in e Section VII, Conclusions an"d Recommendations. In addition special drains will be inBta11ed in the ravine bottoms to divert the ground- water from the sprin~s. In general the soil profile consists of approximately 40 f~et of sandy material, measured 'from the top of the ridge in the eastern portion of the site, which grades to a basal conglomerats for several "" feet above an 'unconformable contact of the clayey formation. The ~' clayey 'formation is encountered in the lower elevations allover t~e western portion of the site. The soils found during the investigation have been grouped into eight soil types based on similar engineering properties as indicated below. The distribution and other pertinent details are elaborated on in the logs, Plates 2 to 37 inclusive. SOIL AND MATERIAL TEST1NG LABORATORY apo NaRTH CDUNTY, INC. IV. Soil Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Soil Description SOIL DESCRIPTIONS Red Brown Silty Sand Gray Brown Silty Sand Red Brown Sandy Clay Red Brown Clay and Cobble Mixture Green Silty Claystone Dark Gray Sandy Clay (topsoil-adobe) Light Green Sandy Clay with lime White Silty Clayey Sand Unified So~l Classification SM SM CL GC CH CH CL SM Generally speaking, the granular sandy materials appear stable in their native condition and will make good fill material. The clayey soils, how~ver, will require some special preparatioQ as ~ ~-----.-----~-~-..- dis c us sed un d e r Sec t i on V I I_,_C~oJ.l.cJ •. .u.s.i.OJJ..s~an(:LJiEtC_olJlm en da t ion s • . ---~--------. ---=-~------~ TESTS~I:H:TS- A. Grain Size Analyses Eighteen grain size analyses were ~e~formed on questionable . soils in general accord~nce with ASTM 6422~63 for classificati~n purposes and as a guide to the enginaering properties. The results folldw: SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY OJr NORTH COUNTY, INC •. /.', GRAIN SIZE ANALYSES Location Soil Percent Passing U.S. St~ndard Sieve No. Unified Soil e Type 4 10 40 100 200 Classification TP 1 @ 2' 1 100 100 64 28 25 SM TP 3 @ 8~ 1 100 98 51 12 7 SM TP 3 @ 10' 2 100 97 70 16 ~ SM TP 4 @ 2' 2 100 89 59 13 6 SM TP 4 @ 7t' 1 100 100 :' 55 14 11 SM TP 8 ® 10' 1 100 100 93 11 8 SM TP 9 ® 11t' 1 99 93 53 13 9 SM TP 11 ® 6' 7 95 80 62 39 24 CL TP 16 ® 2' 7 100 99 76 45 -34 CL TP 16 ® 8 ' 8 100 99 43 11 6 SM TP 17 ® 1 ' 6 100 100 92 65 50 CH TP 19 ® 2' 7 100 98 96 90 81 CL e TP 22 @ 5 ' 8 100 99 56 16 '9 SM TP 25 @ 3' 7 100 100 100 95 90 CL' TP 26 @ 3t' 5 100 99 88 77 69 CH 81 @ 24' 1 '100 100 88 16 9 SM 82 @ 36' 1 94 75 36 20 15 SM B 5 ® 26' 8 100 100 . 99 43 27 SM TP = Test Pit B = Boring These tests verify th~ hetrogenous nature of the soils and .. emphasize the over simplification of the groupings ,for engineering purposes. SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY OP' NORTH COUNTY, '~C. r I 5 . 8. Atterberg Limits .----1 ..-I Atterberg limit tests were performed on Soil Types 1, 6, and 7 accoTding to ASTM 0423-61T, the liquid limit and ASTM 0424~59, the plastic limit •. ThB plastic index is defined as the difference be-. tween these two indices. These data are p~esented below: ATTERBERG LIMITS Location Soil Unified Soil Liquid Plastic Plastic Type Classification Limit Limit Index. TP 1 ® 2' 1 CL 34 19 15 TP 17 ® 1 ' 6 CL 39 17 22 TP 16 ® 2' 7 " CL \ 38 23 15 TP = Test Pit These tests indicate that many of the clayey soils are predomin- ately of a silty nature which, however, may still possess a high expans~on potential as discussed below. C. Expansion Tests Six e.?<lJansion tests were p_erforme_d 01'1_Un9i_st~rb8(~La'n'8 remolded sam p le s 0 f th~_m 0 s t_~I:l!"D_d.arLt_cl ay-e-y-···s o-i,l·s---,eFH:1Gl'l:J·R·t,e-r·e Q~,·-~.s.o.i 1 T YJ~ ~ ~ . .?~~ . 6, and 7, and also a claye~_phas~'of tha granular soil, Soil Type 1, ----¥----+-~.----~------------... ~-. _. ----.----- to determine if these materials woul~ const~tu~~ ~ §tructural hazard to the buildings with respect to volumetri9 soil change. The re- ---" -~ -. ~. -. -.----, ----~ -..- mOlded.tests were performed on soil samples remolded to 90% of the maximum dry density at optimum moisture content' in 2~ inch diameter 1 inch high ring molds' to approximate the compacted fill condition. . . The undisturbed tests were performed in identical ring molds. All samples were loaded with 1 psi, instrumented, air dried and then submerged in distilled water until the expansion stopped. The ~ percent expansion is recorded as the ratio of the final change in height to the initial height. SOIL A.ND MA.TEmAL TESTINd LABORATORY a" NaRTH CaUNTY, .INC. e EXPANSION TESTS . Location Soil Test Initial Air Dry't Saturated .Expansion t % Type Type w .'1 w w TP 1 ® 2' 1 R 10.9 114.7 1.0 114.6 16.7 111.3 TP 10 ® 8 ' 5 U 21.6 98.9 9.9 102.8 35.2. as .. 1 TP 12 ® 2' 6 U 19.3 97.6 8.5 1,02.3 32.9 87 • .8 TP 17 ® 1 ' 6 R 12.4 112.4 .6 114.7 25.3 101.1 TP 16 ® 2' 1 R 12.3 109.2 4.0 109.9 22.3 100.6 TP 20 ® 4' 7 U 15.2 103.5 1.9 105.5 32.1 87.8 TP = Test Pit U = undisturbed test w = moisture content (%) R = remolded test . t = dry density (pcf) D. Compa~tion Test 1 -Laboratory Compaction Three laboratory compaction tests were performed on the main fill materials to determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content ~s specified by ASTM 01557~64 (method A). This test uses the minus #4 sieve soil ina 4 inch diameter 4 inch high cylinderical m~ld. Tne sample is formed with a 10 pound hammer falling 18 inches ~or 25 blows on each of 5 layers. LAaORATORV COMPACTION 2.9 19.7 16.4 13.6 9.2 20.2 Location Soil Soil Max.Dry. Optimum T'ype Description Oeneity Moisture (psf) Content (%) TP 1 ® 2' 1 Red Brown Silty Sand 125.0. 11.0 TP 17 ® 1 ' 6 Dark Gray Sandy Clay 122.5 12.4 TP 16 ® 2' 7 . Light Green Sandy Clay with 118.4 13.2 lime e TP = Test Pit SOIL AND MATEmAL TESTING LABORATORY ap' NaRTH CaUNTY, INC. E. These values give a reasonable range of the maximum d~nsities which can be expected in the compact~d fill during grading. 2 -Density Tests Density and natural moisture determinations were made on I thirty six undisturbed samples. The samples were coated with paraffin and density measurements made by the water displacement method. Four field density tests were also ·taken to determine the natural conditions ·of moisture and density. The tests were performed according to ASTM D1556-64, the sand cone method. The ratio of the field dry density to the laboratory maximum dry density is defined as the relative compaction. These re- sults are presented on the logs. Direct Shear Tests Two direct shear tests were performed on representative samples of Soil Types 1 and 7 (one each). Three specimens of. each soil type ·were prepared by remolding the sp.ecime~s in 2t inch diameter 1 inch. high rings to 90% of the maximum dry density at 3% over optimum moisture content to approximate the compacted fill. The s~ecimens were loaded with normal loads of .5, 1.0, and 1.5 KSF respectively and sheared to failure in the undrained condition. A shear test was also performed on a remolded sample of Soil Type 6 in the sub- mergetl condition to simulate the worst conditions under the drain for the slope stability analysis. The' results follow: DIRECT SHEAR TEST Location Soil Dry Angle of Type. Density Internal (pcf) Friction (0) Test Pit 1 ® 2' 1 . 128.3 37 Test Pit 16 ® 2' 7 117.0 28 *Test Pit 17 ® l' 6 124.8 29 *5ubmerged Test SOIL AND MATERIAi,4 TES~rING LABORATOny DJI" ND"TH CDUNTY, INC. 8 Apparent Cohesion (pcf) 260 1200 450 v. •• BEARING CAPACITY The values of internal friction and apparent cohesion derived from the direct shear tests on the weakest soil were used in the Terzaghi Formula in accordance with the procedure outlinec1. in Reference 1, page 170, to computa the allowable bearing capacity. Soil Type 1 Terzaghi Formula: .Bearing Capacity Assumption: = 2/3cN' + . c Depth of Footing, Of = 1.0' Width of Continuous Footing, B = 1.0' N'c' N'q' N~' .1= dimensionless.parametsrs found from fig. 75, Ref. 1. factor of Safety = 3. ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY Soil Description Red Brown Silty Sand Bearing Capacity (psf) 2458 VI. SLOPE STABILITY A slope stability analy~i~ was made on an assumed 50 foot height of the most abundant compacted fill material, based on strength par- ameters from the direct shear test for the soil in the submerged condition. A 2 (horizontal) to·1 (vertical) slope ratio was used. The critical circle was located by the Janbu method (Ref. 2) as outlined on the "Worksheet" Plate 40. The analysis was performed in general accordance with the Method of Slices as da~cribed in Ref. 1. An earthquake load of .1 x gravity was used. Seepage forces were not considered applicable throughout' the entire am- bankment, however, the weaker saturated strength parameters were used on all slices. SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY Ojr NONTH aOUNTY. INa. The results of the analysis yields a factor of s~fety of 1.4 ~ for listed assumptions, which are felt as conservative, and hence for factor of safety should be adequate. ) It is felt that the main slope problem will beth~ cut slopes in the Soil T¥pe 7, the Light _ G.~~~~. San_~_-.~~~),_lJ.i ~h_ lime o Since the lime streaks represent fracture zones, care should be t~k?n ._----... -_._---.-. -----------_._------.-.------. ---¥-.-'---' to recompact these areas when found near buildings. Care must also ---.---------.-.--~"-.. ---~ -, .. _---- 'be taken to remove all the dry cracked topsoil, Soil Type 6, by benching prior to starting a new fill. All benches should be inspected and approved by a qualified soil te£bJJicj.an in j~he ___ Lield prior to " -~----.... "--~--~ ~"-----~. --~-~ --- f.:j.J.ling. VII. CDNCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ~ 1 -It is recommended that the preparation of the native soil and all grading be done in accordance w~th the enclosed "Specificat~ons for Construction of Controlled Fills" except where s~perseded by the' following recommendations. 2 -Due to the geology ofj~b_E?_ sit¥! and nature of grading which -,..--"-- is required for the developm'ent a-f-a I?ingle family, det,iched dwelling , . ~ subdivis~on, it k recommended that the western portion of the site, generally west of the 300 foot contour line, be prepared in accordance with the recommendations contained herein and graded first. The building sites located in cut areas where expansive soils are en- countered at finished grade should be undercut at least three feet below final grade and backfilled with the select granular soil from -----.~~ -----' the easterly portion of this property. Th,e building sites located ----------..>------'-------, in the fill areas should be finished with at least three feet of the til select granular soil. ... SOlI. AND MA'l.'J!aUAJ~ ~L'ES'l'ING :LAHORA'l'ORY DI" NDRTH CDUNTY, INC. 10 • " . Such a grading program appears to bB feasible beQausa of the close proximity of the cut and fill areas, as shown on the approved j Tentative Map T~mplin Heights (CT ~4-14) cOvering thi~ property,' and the abundance of select material as indicated by the test pits and borings above the 300 foot contour line~ 3 -~n no case should buildings bB constructed dir~ctly on Sail Types 4, 6 and 7 or should any of this m~terial be used e~ fill or back fill closer than tll.ree feet to final grade. In the event there is not enough non expansive material to cover the clay lots with 3 feet, the remaining lots should be co,vered with a mixture of "least expansive" available. Expansion tests will then be run on a lot for lot basis and re-commendations to str(3ngthen each foundation bas-ed on the results of the tests, will follow. 4 -It is recommended that French drains be established 'from the existing spring near Test Pit 13 and for the canyon to the nor~h to drain the water to the southwest. The "drain should ba suffi~' cientiy wide at the source (10 to 20 fest) to ca-pture all the water. Tha actual drainagq ditch should be 2 feet d~e~ by 2 feet wide with a 4 ihch diameter pipe (capable of 7,000 psf bearing streng~h for the last 300 feet) and cru~hed rock. rhe ditch shoUld be covBred by 0 foot 0 f gronular ooil and then IJith the normal Clll y motorial which will comprise th~ majority of the fill. Care should be taken to assure that the heavy equipment won ~ t cross the drain until abo-ut 6 feet of fill has been placed over the pips to prevent crushing. Exact routes and details of the drain will be determined in the field after the canyons have-been mucked out and studied. 5 -The shear tests and theoretical calculations for the mO.st probable foundation material indicates an allowable bearing capacity SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY DF' NORTH CDUNTY, INC. 11 of 2458 psf. Experience and good engineering practice would limit 4It this value to 2000 psf. 4It 6 -The slope stability analysis ind~cates· a slOpe rat~o of 2 : 1 may be used. Care should be taken as discussed in Ssction VI to assute that adequate benches are establtshed prior to filling and any areas be recompacted where the lime filled fradture planes of Soil Type 7 occur near houses. 7 -Since all fil.ls will be compacted to at least 90% of the maximum dry density as normally done for this type of. project and the alluvium in the worst areas such as near Test Pit 23 (only 4 feet) will be excavated and recompacted, it is our opinion any settlement will be negligible. . . 8 -It is recommended positive drainage grades be designed on all lots to assure that all the water will drain from the yards. This measure will prevent ponded water from seeping down an inter- face or zone of weakness and increasing it~ potential to slidB. 9 -If footings are located closet than 5 feet from the top of the slope, they sh041d be extended in depth one foot below a 5 f90t horizontal line projected from the footing to the face of the slope. 10 -If soils are encountered during the grading other than those described in this report, or if imported fill is used, addi- tional tests will be required to ascertain their engineering prop- erties. VIII. REFERENCE 1 -Terzaghi and P.8ck, "Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice", 4It John Wiley, N.Y., 1948. SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY CJ" NCRTH 2CUNTY, l!'Ie. o. 1:.::: . '. 2 -Janbu, N., "Journal of Soil M~chanics and Foundations • Division", ASCE, Vol. 93, No. SM 6, Nov. 1967. .' • Respectfully submitted, SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY OF NORTH COUNTY, INC. Claude B. Parker Registered Civil Engineer #18,987 Certified Engineering Geologist #922 Distribution: 6 Addresses SOlI .. AND MATERIAL TES'rING LABORATORY 01" NaRTH COUNTY, INC. 13 - ~ xtii ....... 0.. ... W C 1 - 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- a- 9- Hl- 6 6 6 o LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit 1 ELEVATION _____ -'--___ _ ~tr~g~G Backhoe R~d Brown Silty Sand top B" topsoil grades firm weakly cement~d ® 4' \ . , grades with trace of ciay Soil Type 1 z o ~ u u:: Vi ..... 11) -<( 0 .... VlU : ~ ... : ... ... a ... .. • • II .. .. ... ",. . , : ... : ,.: '. . : ... j. J .. . ! • : .':J · . " :." 1 \ : : .. : .... · . · ." ..... I.. " .... ~ ........ · .. \ ~ .. , · .... .. .. ..... ... • • ~ : 9)1 !':: .J ..... -:,- ~ ~ w '" L ::> 01 >-Z .... ;; If) ~ .... 0 6 Vi ;:: ::E z w U >-w > <{ 0 0 '0 ;:: 0.. ... ~-~ c( ~ w ~ .... 0 u:: c.9: w -Qt; u 5.0 127.2 100 : ~.'.-:~.~::" 7.9 120.0 96.0 .' · SM :. · " · ... . )~ ',:J ~ .. ' ;.:-· .. -· .. , .. -" .... " :' '.: .: ,. _, .t .... II .. • ...... /:~ , ...... '. ... . . .. .. ... - • II •• p" · ... . · . ~ II ••. ~ • .. . ... .. . , : .. : :: :~ 12 • 1 106. 5 85.2 .. .. .... ~ : ! .. ~ · .. II ..... ....... a., ....... : ,.. II : .... · .. .. . :r.l: .. -" ... .. ":'-1":· · :.:i~:::~O.O 112.2 89.8 11 .. -.. .. , , .". I ~ _____ +-___ ~ ________________ ··Bottom----------------¥·~·~L+-----+-~~----~ - - Date: 22 July 1976 By: C. B. P. Field Density Test Disturbed Sample Undisturbed Sample = unconfined compressiv,,: strngth by S )il Test Penetrometer CL-~OO Templin Heights Job No. 76-61 Oceanside, California Plcite No. 2 S()IL &: M4Tr:~14L Tr:STI/IIIIG·L4I3()~4T()~'" 0" NORTH COUNTY INC. , , ;1 I! " , ! .1 e r---------------.--~-----------:-------.-----"-~-- ~ w'" -,W t-o... co :r w ~~ t-W 0... ... <I:=> w VIZ 0 6 1 - 2? - 3 - 4'-6 5 - - 6- 7- ff'- 9 -6 lQ)- 11 - 6 3:z o=> ""0 CDU LOG OF BORING BOR I NG NO. ---=.T...:8:.;:s:..;:t::..-=.P...:i::..t::..-.:2=-_____ _ ELEVATION ___ --,-___________ _ ~tr~g~G~ __ B~a~c~k~h~o~e ____ __ Red Brown Silty Sand 12" loose topsoil (Plastj,c to 12" firm ® 12" weakly cemented \ Gray Brown Silty Sand firm grades more moist Red Brown Silty Sand Soil Type 1 Soil Type 2 12-,*---~--I------Bottom· Soil Type 1 - By: C. B. P. '\ , Templin Heights Oceanside, Ca1ifgrnia -~ W Z "'" -0 ::> :2> z i= .... '" >-0 <I: en 3: ... u 0 v; l- LL: ~ Z w u >-.C) > <I: , v; 0 is ;::: 0... '-' en :;:: ~ ~ '0 <I: -" >-d w ~ '" v w 0 Vl LL: -0 .!!-0< U 5.1 112.6 90.1 I •• . .. .. . .. . . ','~ SM '''. 1~'1 :~"'1' ·~I' : 11 • 7 ..... ~. : .: 107.2 85.-1 Job-No. 76-61 Plate No. 3 S()IL &: M4TI:~14L TI:ST.~G·:L413()~ .... T()~" 01' NORTH COUNTY INC. e- ~ :rl>; o-W 0.. .... W o 1- -2- 3- ~- 5- 6- 7- re- 9 10- 6 6 6 6 LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit 3 ELEVATION _________ _ SAMPLING Backho' e METHOD __ ~~~~~ _______ _ Red Brown Silty Sand 12" topsoil firm trace of gray silty sand grades with some pale yellow sand Gray Brown Silty Sand firm Soil Type-l Z Q >-<I: V u: v; ...... <I) (5 <I: ...... '" u "-,. ~ .: . • •• ''''.!.~ ... : .. , ,It," •• I , . • "I;]. .' ;. ..fa. I "". · .". " ..... I. •• II, .-.. j .... ; .. "fl~ ... -; ./ ~ }.. ; ,"la'l ::~ ."" : ~. ' .. ,. ~ ,,-.. 1 · . ~" . · ,.,\ .; , ~It • · '.\ . .... " '., ... ,. ~ .. .. . -: SM' ! ........ : 46 .... ~ .. , · ... . .. -... -' . : .' . ,,~ . ~ : -.. t.i , · " · .' '. " ..... . 6 ." •• .. •• 1.' ,t ! i:~ J... ,:.. .. . ,. • ~,l: '\ ,. , .. r'" ." • • 'I"':· ," -.. ; t--r .. . .. .. .-'-Il _ : .! I ; ~ · :: ... ,. . · . . · .'. ~ ~ ,,'.'. ,. : .: 1 ~ .. . ...! ~. -~ w '" 1: - :;) en Z >-iii >-<I) ~ 0-0 (5 v; i= ::E z w v >-w > ~ 0 a 0 ;::: ~ ::E ...... >--w o-t '" u w 0 u:: -0 .2: Of. v 7 • 2 109.5 B 7 • f 11 'SM .: Soil Type 2 I:i:;-i:~ ~----4-----~----------Bottom.·-·----~----~----_+I.~q;'~~.I~~·~:I~~:----~----+_--~ - - Date: 22 July 1976 By: C. B. P. . " Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. 76~1 Plate No. 4 S()IL &: MATt:IJIAL TI:STI~6·LA~()IJAT()IJ'" 0,. NORTH COUNTY INC. ..... :J:W .... w ...... w o LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit 4 ELEVATION _________ _ ~tr'~g~G Backhoe Red Brown Silty Sand 12" loose topsoil I grades weakly cemented Gray Brown Silty Sand weakly cemented difficult digging grades Red Brown eas~er digging Red Brown Silty Sand firm Soil Type 1 Soil Type z o >= is u.. v; .... t/l -< 0 .... V)U . . I~':-~"" I· ~". .: .. ':~, J ,-' • .. ~ . . .... · . ~ r. : ... .. '. I • S'M • · . • .,.; .a 2 .r· .. "\ ; , ... . . . .. 1.-4 .'. : .. .1-: I .. : ' . · . . SM .. . f. '1 ~ :~ ... ..; 501 Type l.,.!. .. .. : ., >-..... v; z w o >-;: ~E: 5.8114.8 Gray Brown SiitySand weakly cemented .1--. -.; •• :. '~'. 8.2~19.9 'SM ': ~--~----~------------~Bottom Soil Typ e 2 :t,r:Eli - - Date: 22 July 1976 By: C. B. P. I I Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. 76-61 Plate No. 5 S~I L &: M4. TI: 1:1 I4.L TI:STI /II1II(3. L4.I3VI:14. TVi:!"Y 0,. NORTH COUNTY INC. -~- z o >= wu ~~ <::e ;nO o<U 1- 2-6 3- -4- 5- '6- 7-6 8- 9- 1'0-6 :O;Z 0:::> .... 0 IOU LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit 5 ELEVATION _________ _ SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe Red Brown Silty Sand 12" loose, dry firm Gray Brown Silty Sand moderately fi:!:'m moist Red Brown Silty Sand weakly cemented moist firm Soil Type ·1 Soil Type 2 11-4----j.--~------. -Bottom Soil Type 1 - - Date: 22 July 1976 By: . C. B. P. Templin Heights Oceanside, California z UJ .<: 0 '" :::> 01 ;::: t-o;; >-4: V) :0; >-- u (5 iii u::-:E >. z w iii 0 a 0 .... V) (5 4: .... >-u d w ~ 0< V) u:: -0 ~ 95.1 : "r,: : • # , a • aJ':'·13.6 .. ., , ...... ,.'.8M \~ Job No. 76-61 Plate No. 6 SVI L &: MA Tt:~IAL TI:Sr1r--l«3. LAI3V~A T()~" 0 .. NORTH COUNTY INC. LOG OF BORING - BORING NO. Test Pit 6 wZ" ~ Z -0 "'-" ~ :;, O! Z wex ~z ELEVATION ;:: ... ->-... .... W < '" .. .... 0 J:W 0..<0 o~ in .... 5 .... w ~~ 0:;' SAMPLING u z 0.. ... ~~ .JO u:: ~ ?: w &Du Backhoe in w ~< Q METHOD 00 0 ... 0.. .... '" <~ -< .... >-:;:: 0 .... !:!i;.t '" u u::o "'U ... -o~ ""u 1-6 Red Brown Silty Sand 12" loose, dry firm ® 12" .6~00.3 80.6 2- Soil Type 3-Gray Brown ,Silty Sand firm . ( 4-6 clayey zone '4 to 5' , \ 5- 6- 7- 8-6 grades with trace of clay 10.5 9- 10 - 11-6 12 -+---+--+---- Date: 22 July 1976 Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. 76-61 By: C. B. P. Plcite No. 7 S()IL 8c M4TI:~IAL TI:STI""6·L4~()~AT()~'" Of' NOftTH COUNTY INC. • ~ wOO: ~!Z ... w It;:; "-co .... w ~~ 0:::> 0. lAo ~~ iil8 w 0 I- 2-6 j 3- 4- 5- ,6-6 7- B-6 9- 10-6 Il- 12 - - Date: 26 July By: C.B.P. LOG OF BORING Test Pit 7 z W";:" BORING NO. 0 "'..c :::> 0) ELEVATION .... .... ,->-« (1) II) .... O~ Vi SAMPLING ~ z Backhoe u.. ::E ?: w, M~THOD Vi 00 0 ... (1) >-c , -« ~o-t 0 ... '" v ,':'l v ... -o~ ." I· " · . Red Brown Silty Sand · . l~ ,,". ~ top 6" loose · , I", " h I , · . , .. · . • A · . '. . 4: · ) · · ;1, ) firm .. ~ !, ' : • 7.0 117.5 , ? .. · ~ · :~ " I • .' ; t. .. • • I~ • ., ;J;. • · :,. ... -• · .. . .. uniform -. . ,)1" .... -\' ',' SM~ \ : :1 .. ' i \ .) ;'.j \ ) . -: -~ .~ o ~ '. , .~ 1 .. oil-' .. ~ ) , , ."~ ) ... "0, ., ) # • · "O~ · , . " ~~ · .. .. .. .' :I~ ., ., grades with yellow brown color : ~' \. ~ ..; · . • ~ .. · . ) A. · ~ '" • 'I-, ... : · . . , . , : k' · '" ". :'1 " .. I:~ ~ · ~ , I';' • • Soil Type 1 · ~ .. "! ~j J · Gray Brown Silty Sand • • · ... .,' . ' ~-'~l.l 1107.0 .. ~= :~ · ~ .J firm · . ~. • j. ., :"l I SM', ,'-: • . · -.-. } .. r-' ' Soil Type 2 .~. ~ . ; Bottom · " 1976 Templin Heights Job No. 76-,61 Oceanside, California Plate No. B SVIL &: M4.,TI:I2I4.L TI:STI~G·UI3()I24.T()I2'Y 0,. NORTH COUNTY INC. -~ Z 0 ;:: WV 2:« .... 0. «::E u:lO 00: V 94.0 . " t' \ I j i II II " Ii II il { I II 1! II rI II il II II tl II ii II II ~I .... --------------.....,...---------------------~---------=<---- • • ~ :x:tu .... w 0.. ... w o 1- '2- :3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 1'0'- 11- 12 - 6 6 ~ 6 Dote: 27 July 1976 By: C. B. P. LOG OF BORING BORING NO., Test Pit 8 ELEVATION _________ _ SAMPLING Backhoe METHOD ______________ _ Red Brown Silty Sarid weakly cemented \ grades with zone of weakly cemented black sand Bottom .' Templin Heights Oceanside, California z o ~ U u:: v; ...,<fl -<{ 0..., <flU Job No. 76-61 PlciteNo. 9 S()I L &: ,"4 TI:!:!14L TI:STI p..j~ -'L4D()!:!4 T()~"" 0,. NORTH COUNTY INC. z o ;::: wu ~ <{ ... 0.. <{:;:E ~o o<U ., \, i • ~ :x:ti I-W 0.. ... w o 1- W'" -IUJ 0..<0 :E:E ~;:) ."z 2-6 LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit 9 ELEVATION ____________ _ ~~~g~G Backhoe Red Brown Silty Sand 10" loose, dry Red Brown Sand Clay , stiff (Uc> 4.5 TSF)* Soil Type 1 z o I-~, U ff V) -IV) -~ 0-' <nU ,~~ CL; 12.8113.0 z o UJ;::: 2:~ 1-0.. ~ :E ilt8 Soil Type 3 ~~ 3 -+------l----I-----------=--:..-~ .. : ~""-I-!-I Gray Brown Silty Sand . or. " J.: :" ; .. -. ~ weakly cemented .',.~ 4-difficult digging 4 to 5i r :r.~I;~': ,. : • -I! ,-I~ 5- 7-6 8- 9-6 10 - 11- remolds brown Soil Type 2 Red Brown Silty Sand more moist -firm but not weakly cemented coarse sand • SM .' , "~J · -. ,.~. ",I" .. · • ~ 1 ~JJ .... ) . ':-I:rJ , . .. . . .... : ~ =r~ .. : .. ~ : ..... ,. : .. " ,. ~ )0 · .. " "' .. ~~ .. :. : ! · . .. ,...a .. : ..... ~'. ... .J: .1-': .~1" • • ". 4 .. '. ... : ~ ~ · , "'F .. ~ .... I~ · .. •. 4=": · . · . ,SM .: .... .. ,.1-: .' .. ! • r" lit ., : ... .,.' ::It~ .:~ .... .. .... ·w·~ -: a.7~19.6 95.7 12~---~--~1---------Bottom Soil Type 1 J". ~ "I ~ • - *Uc - Date: 27 July 1976 By: C. 8. P. = unconfined conpressive streng~h by Soil Test Penetrometer CL -70D Templin Heights ' Job No. 7 6~ 61 O~eahsi~e, California Plate No. 10 SVIL &: ~ATr:~IAL T,r:Srl~~.LAI3V~ATV~'" 0' NORTH COUNTY INC. • . ' ~ :rt;:; .... UJ 0.. ... UJ C 1- LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Te,st Pit 9 elEVATION ___________ __ SAMPLING B' ackhoe MEtHOD __ ~~~~~ _______ _ Red Brown Silty Sand 10" loose, dry Soil Type 1 z Q 3 U::' in .... Vi -<I: 0 .... v>U ·.r. ~j I.',:. : • ,,1-.. 1,_ · ~ SM : ':" 1.-1',1: .1.,·JJ.~~I·. Cl'~ >-.... in Z w c ~=n c~ 12.8113.0 z Q >-wu ><1: >=0.. <I:~ LilO '" u Red Brown Sand Clay stiff (Uc:> 4.5 TSF)*. CL ~ Soil Type 3 ~~ 3~-~~'~':.~~--+-+---1 Gray B,rown Sil ty Sand : :', ' . weakly cementsd :~::: 4-difficult digging 4 to 5i' ~.':~ ,:~ .. ! : ... \ ,t :.. l~ 5- 7-6 8- 9-6 10 - 11':" remolds brown -SM .: :-. ". " • ',r-.. ~ } .. ~ -"' .. , • l ~j.. , : :!,:r~ :. ! .~ · . .. ...... . · ",," .. •• iII)-., . ~ · . . •• 'I. ,. .... ~ .. . ' ... • • .. » Soil ,Type 2 ,.: ~~~~ Red Brown Silty Sand' more moist -firm but. not we~kly cemented coarse sand . ; ... ..:'., ' ~ • .I:, ..... ., .. . , ...... :: .,':1 8.7119.6 95.7 . . .; ~: ... ... .. ~ -. 12 -+--1---+------Bottom .. Soil Type 1 - *Uc Date: 27 July 1976 By: C.B.P • ='unconfined conpressive streng~h by' Soil Test Penetrometer CL -70D Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. 76-61 Plate No. 1,0 S()I L &:~4. Tr:~I4.L TI:STI~G· L4.~()~4. T()~"" 01" NORTH COI,.INTy INC. Dote: 27 Ju1 1976 By: C.B.P. Templin Heights Oceanside, Ca1fmrnia Job No. 76-61 Plcite No. 11 S()IL &: M4Tt:~14L Tt:STING·L413()~4T()IJ'" OF HO"TH COUNTY INC. .- ~ UJ'" !: z-~ w ... c.al :rw :E:E o=> >-oW c. ... <=> "'0 w VlZ alU Q 1 2 6 3 4 5 ;6 0 7 8 9 0 10 11 120 LOG OF BORING Test Pit, 11 BORING NO. ____ ---''--________ _ ELEVATION _________ -- SAMPLING Backhoe METHOD __________ ------ Dark Gray Sandy Clay large shrinkage cracks Soil Type 6 Light Green Sandy Clay with lime , cracked to 2!' white stains crumbles '\ loose S'ottom " Soil Type 7 Z o ;:: < U u:: ;:;:; -,e/) -< o~ VlU 95.5 80.7 Date: 27 July 1976 Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. -76-61 By: C. B. P. Plate No. 12 S()IL &: ~ATr:~IAL Tr:STI"-IC3.LAI3()~AT()~~ 0,. NORTH COUNTY INC. • ~ :rtLi ~w n. ... w Q 1 2- 3 4 5 6 '7 8 6 ?;z 0:::> "'0 «Iv LOG OF BORING BORING NO. ~T....:;e __ s_t~P __ i .... t ...... ~.;;,;.1_2 __ _ ELEVA TlON ---' ___________ _ SAMPLING Backhoe METHOD ______ ~~ _______ _ Dark Gray Sandy Clay upper 12" with many c~bb~es moist stiff Uc> 4.5TSF Soil Type 6, Light Green Sandy Clay with'lime crumbles white specs / moderately firm .... (5 (/) - w-;: ~ Z 0<..<:. .,.... Q :::> 01 Z ... ~ ,->-V) .. ~ Q ot 6?; Vi u ~ ~ >-z w U u. w > ot Vi Ci 0 0 ;:: 0-(/) ~ :E ot .... >---' w ~ 0< u W 0 u u: -Q E:-IX U 9 6 18 • 9 9 7 • 1 82. O. 10 11 Soil Type 7 12 -+----1---+---.,........--... 80 t tom- Dat~ 27 July 1976 By: C. 8. P. Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. 76-61 Plcite No. 13 Sc)IL &: ~ATr:~IAL Tr:STlr--I6·LAVc)~ATf)~~ 0,. NORTH COUNTY INC. LOG OF BORING ~ Test Pit 13 UJ= ~ BORING NO. z: "".c. - ~ 0 ;:, 01 Z w"" ELEVATION ;:: .... ,->--'w ~z V> ., .... 0 :x:ti:i ... 11) c{ 6 3 iii ;:: .... w ~~ 0;:, SAMPLING ~ z wu ...... ~~ "'0 Backhoe u.. ::E ~ w ?;c{ w "'v iii 0 0 METHOD 00 .... "-... V> >-;;:-c{::E -c{ -' ,upstream of spring) 0-' ~~ "" \J ~o <nU "" -oo!?; exU Brown Medium Sand .~:."H-·-.. ~ .. alll,lvial lJash I ~?p :. 1 •• -;"-. .... j Green Silty Claystone ~ 2-6 firm ~ 12.9 120.0 (no trace of watet:) ~CL . 3-~ .. 4-~ , \ , Soil Type 5 5 6 Bottom --- - " -I , . - - - - - - Dote: 27 July 1976 Tempiin Heights Job No. 76-61 By: C.B.P. Oceanside, California Plcite No. 14' Sc)IL &: M.4.Tr:~I.4.L Tr:STI~6·L.4.I3c)~.4.T()~'" 0,. NORTH COUNTY INC. I-:r w .... w 0.. ... W o 1-6 2 \2- 3- 5-6 §- 7- LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit .14 ELEVATION _________ _ SAMPLING Backhoe METHOD _____________ _ Dark Gray Sandy Clay highly cracked Soil Type 6 Light Green Sandy Clay ~ith lime stiff Uc> 4.5 TSF white specks grades with zones of white sand \ \ \ grades more sandy weakly cemented and breaks in angular" fra~ments z o ;:: ~ "-in ~l1 O..J cnU 10.2108.1 91.3 8/-4---1----1-----· Bottom Soil Type 7 - - - - Da~: 28 July 1976 By: C.8. P Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. 76-61 Plate No. 15 S()IL & M4Tr:~14L Tr:STI~G·L413()~4T()~"" OF NORTH COUNTY INC. LOG OF BORING - • BORING NO. Test Pit #15 UJ-;:: ~-z -0 "".s::: t; :J OJ Z w"" ElEVATION ;:: >-->-.... w ::z ~ <1'> II> ..... Q ... a. ttl 6:: Vi ::rw :E:E 98 U ~u ..... w SAMPLING u: :E ~ z a. ... ~~ w w OCIu METHOD Backhoe Vi 00 0 ;::it 0 .... <1'> <:( :E -c{ .... >-:;: 0 .... ~~ 0< U ~o V)U u.._ o~ o<U 6 Dark Gray Sandy Clay ~((~ highly cracked Soil' Type 6 ~// 1 ~ Light Green Sandy Clay w,i th' lime cracks to 2' 2-6 ~ 9.8 ~27.5 100 l/ CL I 3-gra.des with thin sandy layer ~ 3 to 4' ~ 4- \ Soil. Tvne 7 .. 5-6 Green Silty Claystone ~ firm .~ 6- ; .' 7-~ 8·-6. Grades with sandy zone , ~ 6.1 ~16.8 to 8' -dense / CL I / 9-~ 10 -~ 11 -6 ~ Soil TV08 5 Bottom 12 - - - Dote: 2.8 July 1976 Templin Heights . Job No. 76-61 By: C. Parker Oceanside, California Plate No. 16 Sc)IL '" MATr:~IAL Tr:STI/llliG·UI3c)~ATV~" 0' NORTH COUNTY INC. e ~ w'" ~~ -'w :r;t;:; n.a:\ ~~ 0;:) .... w n. ... c{;:) -'0 ILl ."Z "'u 0 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8-6. 9- 10 - 11 - 12 - - LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit #16 Z Q ELEVATION .... 4: U SAMPLING u: METHOD Backhoe iii ,.Jen -c{ 0-' enU Dark Gray Sandy Clay -cracked to 18" Soil Type 6 Light Green Sandy Clay with lime crumbles Green Silty Claystone sti ff·, grades sandy Soil Type Soil Type 5 Whits Silty Clayey Sand firm grades with some clean sahd Soil Type Bottom ..... .... · . . ~ · , ..... ... " .... ' . ~ : "P .. : • .. "' .. ~ . .' • .. : -* -t .. . .... ! ~.: : L: •. : : SM ~ I: I :.;~ .: . . · ; . ~ } ~. !:~ ... · i •. oJ .. · _ .. ; . . ,.::"" . _,J; •• -:. .~. : .~. • I~ • "! • .. . : .. ~' · '. . . .. 8 . ~ •• ; .. -w= ~ -"'L-;:) 01 )0, Z ..... -en OJ .... Q 63: iii ... z UJU .~ ?:-ILl ?:g; 0 0 0 <~ ,.J ~::;:: ~~ '" u ulO u.. _ o~ (XU 11.4104.5 88.3 Date: 28 Juiy 1976 Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. 76-61 By: C. Parker Plate No. 1 7 S()IL &: MATI:I:l14L TI:STI/IIIIG·LAI3()I:1AT()ltr 0,. NORTH COUNTY INC. e· >-rw >-w 0.. ... w a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 o ;!:z 0;:) .... 0 CIO V Date: 28 July 1976 By: C. Pal;'ker LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit #17 ELEVATION _________ _ SAMPliNG METHOD Backhoe' Dark Gray Sandy Clay 18" .white specks® grades moist' cracks to 3' stiff U = 4.5 TSF c Soil T Light Green ~andy cfay with firm grades with some zones of Soil Type 8 some white specks '. ' breaks into small clayey fragments Soil Type Bottom Z 0 i= '" ~ u. in .... on '" i5 d on Job No. -~ wo;:--""-'= :J 01 Z >-'0; >-on ;!: .... Q ~ in .... z w U >-UJ > '" a £5 a ;:: 0.. '" ::: ~ >--w ~ "" u ~ 0 E;-UJ ... -a no: U 14.7 3.6 6.4 13.0 97.382.2' 76-61 Templin Heights Oce~nsi~e, California Plate No .. 18 SVIL &: M4.TI:I:1I4.L TI:STING .L4.I3()~4.T()~'" 0,.· NOR!TH COUNTY INC. • ~ woe: ?:z .... w .... ...al :rw ::E::E 0::1 I-W .... 0 0.. .... ~~ w al u '0 1 2 3 4 LOG OF BORING BORING NO. _T_e_s_t_P_i_t_#!.!....:..1_8 __ ElEVATION _________ __ SAMPLING Backhoe METHOD ______________ _ On Northwest Slope Dark Gray Sandy Clay moist, cracked. cracks to 4t' .' firm "U :: 4.5 TSF (ContactCnot sandy) .... 6 '" -~ w z .1: ~ Q "" :J 01 Z l-I-a:; >-Q « '" ?: I- U 6 in I-u: :.E z w U >-w. > « iii 0 c ~ 0.. '" 0 ~ :.E « .... >--w ~ '" u 0 d .Eo w u: -0 '" u 18.1 98.7 80.6 5 ~----~--~------------~S~o~i~I~~~~-4~~~--+~--~--~ 6 7 9 10 'Light Green Sandy stiff grades with some sand some green claystone balls r;:jradas sandy 11 ~ __ ~--__ ~----__ ~--~~._---S~o~i~I~T~~~_¥~~----+_~~--~ Bottom Dat~ 28 July 1976 By: C. Parker Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. Plcite No. SVIL &: '"4. Tt:IJI4.L Tt:STI,...,6· L4.I3()IJ4. T()lJ'" 01" NORTH COUNTY INC.· 76-61 19 ~ - ~ :x::.; .... w 0.. ... W o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 6 0 LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit #19 elEVATION _________ _ SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe Dark Gray Sandy Clay -dry lightly cracked Olive Sandy Clay with lime loo'se, crumbles cracks to 3~t Soil T Green Silty Claystone breaks int~ small angular grades firm z o 6 u: u:; -,'" -4; 0-' ",v c u:; z UJ Q >-::;: 0.8: 15.8 12.8 Dote: 29 July 1976 Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. By: C. Parker Plate No. SVIL &: M4TI:I:114L Tt.:STING·L4J3VI:1ATC>I:1", 0,. NORTH COUNTY INC. ... J:W .... w 0.. ... W o 1 2 3 4 5 6 e 7 8 9 ?:z 0::> ..... 0 IOU LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit #20 ELEVATION _____________ """" SAMPLING Backhoe METHOD ___________ ~------- Dark Gray Sandy Clay dry cracks to 3' Soil Light Green Sandy Clay with zones 'crumbles Green Silty Claystone brittle, greasy Soil Type 7 --' 6 '" uJ ~ z '" .E -0 ::> 0> z ~ ... 'iii >-'" .... Q 'd 6 3: in .... Z w V u. ~ >-W > ~ in 0 0 0 ~ 0.. '" ::! ~ oJ >--oJ W ~ '" 'U 'W 0 v u: -0 .9: '" v Soil·T 1 0~---+---4----~------.~~--~~~~~~~~ur--_+~~--~ ,"Bottom Date: 29 July 1976 By: C. Parker Templin Heights Oceanside, California OF NORTH COUNTY INC • . " Job No. Plcite NQ. 21 ... xw ... w o..u.. w Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 3=z 0::> .... 0 ClQv LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit #21. ELEVATION .... · _________ _ SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe Dark Gray Sandy Clay loose, dry cracks to 3' grades moist zone of white specks ® .3' stiff U = 4.5 TSF c grades olive Soil Type 5 Light Green Sandy Cl~y with lime firm grades with zone of Soil Type 8 Soil T Bottom UJ Z '" .1: 0 ::> 00> ;:: .... 0e; >-« <I) 3= .... u (5 Vi u: :E z ,.. w Vi Q a Q .... <I) « .... >--(5 -' w ~ C< U <I) u u: Q E: - Date; 29 ° Jul 1976 Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. 76-61 By: C. Parker Plate No. 22 SVIL &: MATI:I:1IAL TI:STI~G·LAI3V~ATc)~"" 0,. NORTH COUNTY INC. -~. ..:.. Z Q .... w U > « ;:: "-« :E ..J 0 w '" u • ..:..- ~ :1::'; ,...w 0.. ... W o 1 - 2- 3- 4- 5 - 6- 7- 8- 9 10 - - - - - 6 6 6 /::) 3z o=> .... 0 IOU LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit #22 ElEVATiON _________ _ z UJ .<: 0< 0 ::J Ol ;:: .... Oi ~ I/) l-i:( 6 3 .in v u:: :E :>. z w in 0 a 0 .... 1/)' 6 « ... ~ -.... UJ ~ 0< u I/) V u:: -0 E: SAMPLING METHOD __ ..:::B-=a..:::c.:.::k~h-=o-=e~ ___ _ Dark Gray Sandy Clay Soil Type 6 ~/ CH''I White Silty Clayey Sand weakly cemented steeply dipping lime filled fracture planes \ \ grades clayey Green Silty Cl~ystone firm Bottom Soil Type 8 Soil Type 7 .' ',' : : :'.' . · .. ' .. " ... ' ... . " ',. ... " ., · ... , .. " .. . ........ .. .. ' .. .' . · .. :" :. -; 2 2 1 27 0 ,': .. ,. . · .. ., . ::;'~~t' ... ,..' · ... " ... . '" .'" · .. · .. " · : : • .. a II .. :. SM • · ',.... : . . .. .. .. :I " •• ".o.' .. · . · . 'e .... • •• #0 . .' · .. '" . .. • , ".o. ',' ... i" ... '. · : "-:1 .' . .. .. · . ., .... • ... '.o. · ' .... . :',.. \. : : :. :" 9. 7 1 24.0 .. .. .. : .... : . : .. : .. :.::: Date: 29 July 1976 Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No. 76-61 By: C. Parker Plcite No. 23 S()IL & M4. ... I:~I4.L TI:STI~C3·L4.D()~4.T()~'" OF NORTH COUNTY INC. z o ;:: W·U >« i=-a.. «:E mo o<V - • .~ .... --. -- ~ w"" ~ UJ ?;z I-o..lXI :x;w ~~ O:::J .... w 0.. .... <{=> "'0 w cnz CO v Q 1 <:::) 2 3 6 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 6 10 11 .-,. , . ~- LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe In Ravine Dark Gray Sandy Clay alluvial wash loose, cracked (recompact 4') grade~ firm I U = 4.5 TSF c #23 grades lighter gray and with some clay Soil Bottom z 0 ;:: <{ ~ ';!:: VI ..,VI -<{ o~ cnV Date: 29 July 1976 Templin Heights Oceanside, California Job No: By: C. Parker Plate No. S()IL &.: ,"4.TI:~IAL TI:STIp..jG·L4.I3()~4.T()~'" Of' NORTH COUNTY INC. .... ~-..... ' I - w";:' ~ -""J:: :::J en Z .... -->-VI III >-Q -?; in 0 >-z wv :E >-w 2:g: 9° 0 ~~ >-::;::' ~~ "" u ujO 'u. -Q~ oeV 12.4 95.577.9 12.4 10.0 90.0 76-61 24 e • .#!---- LOG Of BORING BORING NO. Test Pit #24 ~ we< ELEVATION -'w 3z I-0.. co J:W ~~ 0:::> .-W -'0 SAMPLING 0.. .... <:> Backhoe w ."z "'u METHOD 0 Side slope of·ravine Dark Gray Sandy Clay . . ( 1 -wide cracka & evidBnce downslope movement of 2- 3-cracks to 3' Soi;I. Type 6 4-Light Green Sandy Clay crumbles (no lime filled fracture zones) 5- Soil Type 7 6-Green Silty Claystone 7-firm, gr·easy 8- Soil Type 6 9-Bottom - , - - - Date: 29 July 1976 Templin Heights Oce~nside, California By: C. Parker w =-z Q 0:':; :::> 0> >-.... I-.-I/) ., t-< 6 3 iii ~ u. ~ ~ z w iii 0 0 0 -,I/) -< -' >-::::: 0 .... ~~ 0: v I/)U u. '_ oE: I ~ C:~ ~ I ~ ~ / CL ~ ~ ~ ~_ CH ; ~ Job No. 76-61 Plate No. 25 SVIL &; MATI:~IAL TI:STI~G·LAl3v~ATc)~'" OF NORTH COUNTY INC. -~ ~ z' Q I-UJU 2:< ... 0.. <~ ;;::0 e<U • .~ ·e LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit #25 w~ Z 0 0<.<: ~ ELEVATION :::> 01 UJ'" ~~ >= ..... - -'w </l '" :rti.i 0..<0 « o~ :E:E 0:::> U .... w ...... 0 SAMPLING u: :E ?:-0.. ... «;:) Backhoe w IIlZ CO u METHOD v; 6 0 0 .... </l -« -' 0 .... ~~ </lU "-- 6 Dark Gray Sanpy Clay ~ dry, cracked ,/ CH I f ~d 1 -Soil TYDe 6 Light Green Sandy Clay with 2-lime zones crumbles cracks to 2t' 3-D 4-[; CL'~ \ 5- 6- 7- 8 Soil Type 7 Green Silty Claystone. ~ 9-6 moist, firm ~ C~ 16.5 greasy ~ 10 Soil TYDe 5 I-. Bottom - - - - Dote: 29 July 1976 Templin Heights Oceanside, California JoP No. By: C. Parker Plcite No. SVIL &: M4.Tr:~I4.L Tr:STING·L4.I3()~4.T()~~ OF NORTH COUNTY INC, -~ - Z >-.... Q v; .... z wv w ~« 0 .... "->-:;:" «:E c.:: ct. " uJO 0_ ",u 103.2 76-61 26 e LOG OF BORING Test Pit #26 w-:;: BORING NO. z ""L 0 ::J en ~ wo.: ELEVATION ~ ~ '0; -I W ~z ... 0..<0 6 3 :rw :::E:::E 0::> ~ .... w SAMPLING 0.. ... ci::> «18 u. :::E ~ LU IIIZ Backhoe iii METHOD 00 0 -1,1/) -~ ~ 0-' ~'.~ In Trees along E. ProEert~ Line IIIU u,.- Reo Brown Silty Sand 1 loose, with tree roots 1-.5 2 Soil Type 1 Green Silty Claystone 3 firm 6 U c = 4.5 TSF 4 breaks in small angular blocks '\ 5 6 hard 7 8· 9 8.3 10 SQil Type 5 Bottom Date: 29 July 1976 Templin Heights Oceansida, Californi~ Job No. By: C. Parker . PI cite No. S()IL & MATI:I:1IAL TI:STI~G • LAD() I:1AT() 1:1" 0' NORTH COUNTY INC. ~ ~ " >~. ~~ -~ - Z >-t-o iii ~5 z W 0 -~ t-0-ci:::E >-;;:: "" u .no o..!!-o.:U 108.2 86.6 125.6 76-61 27 4- 6- 8- 10 - 12- 14- 16 """"" 18 - 20- 22- 24,-.0 26 - 28 - ·e Dote: 2 Aug. 1976 C. Parker By: LOG OF BORING grades with gray brown silty sand zones mainly brown , \ ! grades with clay binder moist sand grades with zones of black silty sand 22' to 25' moderately firm moist clean (cpntinued) Templin Heights Oceanside, Califor.nia z o ;:: 4: U u:: iii ..... on -4: 0 ..... onU Job No. Plate No. S()IL '" MATI:~IAL TI:STI~G·LAI3()~AT()~'" 01" NORTH COUNTY INC. 76-61 28 z Q .... wu ~~ 4:~ ulO o<U LOG OF BORING - BORING NO. Boring #1 continued w-;;: ~ Z -Q "'.c ~ w'" ::J 0> Z ~~ elEVATION >-.... ->-...JW ~ en '" >-0 :t:ti:i "-,,, 6 3 in ;:: ~~ 0::> u >-w ""0 SAMPLING u: ~ ~ z UJU 0.. ... ;}j~ w 2:~ UJ oQ u Drill Rig in 0 METHOD ..... en 00 q ... 0... -~ -' )-::: ~~ 0 ..... ~~ '" u ~o enU ... -oE: ",-u <"?M ....... ;r~:j'l Red Brown Silty Sand 32~ -saturated r ., SMr: Soil Tvoe 1 :I;J~'{ '. ... :.. Red Brown Clay arid Cobble mixture ~ 34 - water table 36 -walls caving j; GC ' 6 - -38 -(basal conglomerate) , \ 40 -Soil Type 4 42 -6 Green Silty Claystone /:j/ // CL/ Soil Type 5 i.I>/. /. Bottom 44 - .-. - - - , . , - - .. - Date: 2 Auq. 1976 Templin Heights Job No. 76-Fi1 Sy: C. Parker Oceanside, California Plate No. 29 S()I L &: '"4. Tf:I:?I4.L Tf:STI NG· L4.V()I:?4. T()I:?.,.. 01" NORTH_ COU_NTV INC. ...---------------------~----.-"~ -------'""1 LOG OF BORING t-::tw t-W 0.."-w o 3:z 0:> .... 0 CO u BORING NO. ___ -=-2 ______ _ ELEVATION ____________ _ SAMPLING METHOD ___ ~D:.=r..:i:.:!l:.:!l:..:,..!.R!..:!i:..!:q~ __ ! nl.~~ 1 ~ ~ 0 i o "', ;-. :E>-~~ >~! 0 0 (; i:::: (l. j -' >-:) :;. ~~ 6 ~81 ~--_+----+---_4-------------------------------------+~~~---+---1 : .:~.: Red Brown Silty Sand 2- 4-firm 6- B- . . I .. " .... ,-" • ft • . . .. " .. ;: ._ ".. t '" , .)., " j :', \: .. : : I SM .' . , ,. · ", ... • '1'-. • : ;. ~- ~ ~ . · 'r." · ,-. ~ ... -" .. II. .. ~ ~ -, '~l'~:': . • • ..1 I , Soil Type 1 : ~ ~ .. ~---+----+-----------------------~~~~~~~I! lr' " Gray Brown Silty Sand ,.' • 10-.~::' ! Lo" • • • moist • : SM moderately firm :t~:; 12 - :1 .j ., .•• .. '. ,,~ 1 4 -I---+---f---R-e-d-B-r-o-w-.n-S-i-l-t-y-S-a-n-d-.-S_O_i_l_T~Y!;.,p __ e_2_'1 ~~!t ~ · . ~,." . '''i' 1 .# • 16 -moderately firm 18 -g,rades gray • 1 "~A •• .. ,~)a "~ ! -. " SM • .. lj' .. \: :. ~~ ~_~ ___ ~ ______________ -=S=O=i=l~T.V'~Oe~1-t~~:·+I:~~~'~--~~~---., __ 20-Gray Brown Silty Sand ~~~~~ ',,,, .. 22 - 24 - 26 - 28 - easy drilling grades with brown sand grades with zones of black . 'J' '. ' ·1* •• ".. :~l'~'t: ; :', ....... . BIVJ • • •• ><11 .-. "I • ,. ., fit ., .' :;: ".-.:- .. 'fa ... ": :-! ~ ',I; a. -. .... "' ... silty sand 27 to 29' .>e .... continued : ~r;~:; ~--~----~--~------r-----------------------------~.~:~f1·L~--~----~---~,_·Jo_·-----'7-!:6~-~6:(...1.L.---i Dat~ 2 Aug. 1916 By: C. Parker Templin'Heights Oceanside, Cal~fornia 0,. NORTH COUNTY 'NC. Plate No. 30 r-~------------------------------------------------.--------~-----"--------~ LOG OF BORING I---.,..--.,....------.,.-----------------'--'-:....--------.,..-~__r_-. -r-··----,---4 ~ w'" .~ Z ... w :x:tu 0.<0 ~~ 0::1 .... w ..... 0 0. .... <::I w VIZ COl) C 32 - 34- 3.6-0 38 - 40 - 42 -o 44 - BORING NO. __ 2"-:;!.c~0..wn'--"t:.=i:..!..nuu:Uei<..ld~;-- ELEVATION _________ _ SAMPLING METHOD ______________ __ Red 8rown Silty Sand Red Brown Silty Sand grades with coarse sand gray silty sand -saturated Red Brown Clay and Cobble Mixture 2 to 3 h diameter (basal conglomerate) z o ;:: ~ u.. ;:;; ... VI 6:5 VlU ~. v:,~ ~ GC ,. -/;: 45 Water Seeps ~--+----4----~/.A ~-_+---4_-------------------------------.-¥-~~~~~yL~r---l------'f-----i -Bottom' - - - - - I-__ ~ ____ J-___ L-____ ~ _______________ ~ ______ ~~~----~--~----~--'--- Date: 2 Aug. 1 9 76 By: c. Parker Templin Heights Oceanside, California ~Jo._b_N_o_·------~7~6=-6~-- Plcite No. 31 S()I L &: -"4. TI:~IAL TI:STI Nt; ·1,.4.EI()~4. T()~'" 0,. NORTH COUNTY INC. --, LOG OF BORING i ; 3 w -= i!' BORING NO. z. () C<J: ~ :::l '" Z we< ELEVATION· .:-. t-->-..... w ~z ·f on ., .... Q :x:lLi a..a:l 5~ in ~~ 0::> u >- >-w SAMPLING z ~u t.) 0.. ... <::> ..... 0 ~ I :E c w ~~ .~ w VIZ <Ou METHOD Drill Rig v. 00 a .-._ CJ- 0 ..... VI >-:;: q .--4; ..... K; Sld ~~ '" v (ij 0 u.. _ o!!' Yo u Red Brown Silty Sand grades w/cobbles I 2 clayey Soil T 4 Light Green Sandy Clay with 6 grades to claystone Soil Type 7 8 Green Si.l ty Claystone 10 12 14 16· dense 18 - 20 22 24 26 28 - continued e Dote: 2 Au 1976 Templin Heights Job No. 76-61 • By: Oceanside, California Plate No; C. Parker 32 SVIL '" M4.Tr:~14L Ta:STI/'IIIG·L4.I3()~4.T()~'" 0" NORTH CO.UNTY INC. LOG OF BORING -- BORING NO. 3 cootinued z w";:' ;;-. e>(.s:. ~ ~ we>( Q ::;, en . Z ~!Z elEVATION l-I--C .... w '" '" Q :x::ti 0..<0 <'{ (53: iii :!:! 0::> U .... .... UJ -'0 SAMPLING €£ :E c z UJU 0.. ... ~~ IOU 0 <::<1; w METHOD '" CC 1-"-C .... '" <1;;'€ -4' -' >-~ o~ ~~ '" u ~o "'u "--cE:-o.:U Green Si.l ty Claystone ~ f 32 -6 ~ CL I ~ 34 -Soil Type 5 . Bottom 36 - - \ 1 - - - - - - \ - - -. - Date: 2 Auq. 1976 Templin Heights Job No. 76-61 By: c. Parker Oceanside, California Plate No. 3:3 SVIL & MATI:IJIAL TrSTING·LAI3VIJAT()~~ OF NORTH COUNTY INC. LOG OF B 0 R I'N G - 4 ILl -;:' a-- BORING NO. z -Q <" .c ~ UJOc :J (11 c z ~z ELEVATION t-~ :.~ 0 • .... ILl <I; :rt:i 0.. co Vi ;::; ::E::E O:J SAMPLING ~ o? Z -~ ~ t-W .... 0 u. ::E ~ 0.. ... <I;:J Drill Rig ..... w IIlZ IO V METHOD Vi 00 0 tz;o.. 0 .... tIl <I; ::E -<I; -' :.-:;:: 0 .... ~ Q--~ ~ ~ mO v>U u. _ 0_ o<U Dark Gray Sandy Clay 2 Soil'T Light Green Sandy Clay w/lime' 4 limey & sandy 6 Soil T G,reen Silty Claystone 8 streak.s of Red Clayey Siltstone 10 10 to 12' 12 14 some gray brown mottling 16, 18 20 dense, some sand grit- 22 24 26 lime, stains 15.5 13.9 28 some 28 to 34' continued e Date: 2 Aug. 1976 , Templin Heights Job No. Sy: C. Parker Oceanside, California Plate No. S()IL &: MATI:I:1IAL TI:STI~6·LAV()I:1AT()~"" 0' NORTH COUNTY INC. r'-----------~-------------------'->-------.---- ~ xl.i:i ..... w 0.. ... W a 32 - 34 - 36 - 38 - 40 - 42 - 44 - - - - - - - ~z 0::> "'0 <Ov Date: 2 Aug. 1976 By: C. Parker LOG OF BORING BORING NO. ___ 4..!..-c=o:...:.n..::.t.::i,!..!n..;::u-::e~d:.....-_ ELEVATION _________ _ SAMPLING METHOD __________________ __ Green Silty Claystone I dense . , grades light brown Soil Type 5 Bottom Templin Heights Oceanside, California z o .1-<t: v iI ;:;; .... <1> -« 0 .... VlV ~ ~ CL / ; W ~ ~ .~ ~ Job No. Plate No. S()IL &.; MATI:I:1IAL TI:STI~G .1.AElVIJAT()IJ'Y 01' NORTH COU.NTY INC. 76-61 35 ~ w'" • ?:z I-.... w o..al J:W ~~ 0::> ,... w 0.. ... <{::> ""0 ,w \l)Z "'v 0 32 34 - 36 - 38 - 40 - 42 - • 44 - 46 - 48 - - - - - • Dote: 2 Aug,. 1976 By: C. Parker LOG OF BORING BORING NO: 5 continued ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD White Silty Clayey Sand Soil fType Green Silty Claystone greasy, moist sandy zone 32 to 34' remolds brown sandy grading back dark green Soil Type Bottom Templin Heights Oceanside, California z 0 f-<{ v u:: Vi .... \1) -<{ 0 .... <flU ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ CL'/ ~ ~ ~ 5 . Job No. Plate No. S{)IL &: M4TI:VI4L TI:STI~G·L4D{)V4T{)IJ'" OF NOItTH COUNTY INC. -- --f! w -::-O:,.c -::> 0> 7. f--C <fl '" ( 1 6 3 Vi z w ~j-:;! C w > .f 9 0 '0 ~ ~; >-:::: ~~ 0: v ujCl ... -oE:-o<V - , , , 76-61 3.7 SCALE .. HOR. OlST. TO CENTROID 'X. VERT. DIST. ,0 CENTROIO h • HEIGHT OF" SLiCe: .Q II LEl\KiTH CF .ARCH c::C • ANG\..e SLOPE STABIL.l-rY ,A}\lALYSIS ASSUME . it> # ANGLE OF INTERNN-FRICTION(o) .c Ie UNIT COHESION (p~i) 'd .. UNIT WEIGHT <,;i)1L. ( pc.f) \j. • HEIGHT OF WATER b .. WIDTH OF SL.ICe R-RADIUS 'dw· UNIT WElGHT WAT.ER ('pcf) C,6..LCULATE w-WEIGHT-bhlcf C • COHESION" ~ 9. FACTOR OF SAFET¥ WiOMENTS RESISTING _' R(..e~) ... R(b tan. 4» (hl:{-y-'c/w) COS.($; -MOMENToS DRiVING -d (bh \I) ... ex (.i bh IJ ) " d b __ "Y...w:!..ER TABLE -. --- h. " SOIL AND MATERIAL 'rES'l'ING LABORATORY a" NORTH COUNTY, INC. j " \ PLATE 38 , JANBU METHOD (RE~2) -290 H'SO' SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS c,450 pSf jS ·2:/ AC¢ = (//-1 ~nrJ; 61 7-7 (£'/. 3t;) ~ ~ 125 pCf C Ncr = 2G (FI9·/oJ .. ~o =.4 x~ .4x 50=20' (FI,IIJ Yo: /.9 y: /·9 x 50, =50 ~ n(X'::20) o Y"95' • SCALE. 1 "r20' s . iJEGLECT'RESISTING WEDGE (CONS~RV;4TIVE) SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY . PLATE 39 g,. NQ"TH QQUNTY. INC. u:. o i0oi H ~ > ~ tl ~­~ o ~ ... ilia-A Z ~_ o ,.... 1I > ... ~ :t .. n .: o ..::-c .. -~ z '(f. ... ~ -< ' .• ~ ~ h 0 t"'4 ~ o ~ ~ ~ C ... -I"'! "0 r ::r;:. ., rrJ ~ o e SLOPE STA~_JTY ANALYSIS e . TRIAL CRITICAL CIRCLE . <l> = ?90 ~: 125pcr F.S. = R (.c.QJ + R(b tQn. 4> )(h x-~~w) cos. Co< -fan. ~ :: .554 ~w= . d (bh~) + 'Y. (.1 bh2S) X c=. 4~Opsr b: 20' . 44,100 (98')(20')(.554) :: I08G Rc = (98x450)~ R= 98' Rb J;4N¢ Q (b -fan. <t» x i ~LlCE 1-R(.c.Q.) h hCf If lJ-~w 0( cos. 0< [h~·~~wJ [h~-'<f~wJc.6s?< (bh~) d (bh'6) d 'f. (Ch~)(. 1"t: i (h~-I6~w)cos.O( h/2 = - i 825 ~O3~2£ 47.5 1 I 12 . 529,200 :; G25 58 .530 b25 33/ 35~413 12,500 ~375i 1 2 30 ~3&,oa; 17.5 2188 ' 4G .695 ' 2/88 152/ 1,651,562 4~~ 70 l3;X3,az 59 ~,184'1 I ., : , 3 24 KoS8,4<:?O 23 2875 31 .857 2875 i 2464 2,675,509 57,500 50 ~87.iOX 72 ~1400-J: 1 ; 4 22. 970,200 22 2750 18· .9SI 2750 2GIS ~839,472 S.5;aJO 30 ~6s:?ax 82 ~SJ.OCo·: ~ ~ S 21 9C<;.Io0 IG.5 2OS3 G .995 20G3 20S3 2,229,2.?9 4,,260 10 41z.6CC 89 367,2/41 r 4, IBOG,9CAD t 9, 755, /85 9, 032,osc. 4 ~~7731 I f i I F.S. 41 IS'OG?, ~ po+ ~7S5.1JB. r-'4.8/"; 9.7 10· '4.57 /.4 j :: 32,05 p + ~ .;-J~.S8 1 9,( p49,733 9.03+155 - I t I I --CI ---I SOIL AND MATERIAL TES'l'ING LABORATORY _ Of' NORTH COUNTY; INC. W------------------------------------------ 423 HALE AVE. -ESCONDIDO. CAL'F". 92025 ESCONDIDO -746·2333 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CONTROLLED FILLS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The construction of ,controlled fills shall consist of adequate preliminary soil investigations, and clearing, removal of existing structures and foundations, preparation ot land to be filled, excavation of earth and rock from cut area, compaction and control of the fill, and all other work necessary to complete the grading of the filled areas to conform with the lines, grades, and slopes as shown on the accepted pla~s. CtEARING AND PREPARATION OF AREAS TO BE FILLED: (a) All fill control projects shall have a preliminary soil investigation or a visual examination, depending upon the nature of the job, by a qual- ified soil engineer prior to grading. ' (b) All timber, trees~ brush, vegetation, and other rubbish shall be re- moved, piled and burned, or otherwise disposed of to leave the prepared areas wi th a finished appearance free from unsightly' debris. ~c) Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas, shall be corrected by ~rainage or removal of compressible material, or both, to the depths in- dicated on the plans or as directed by the soil engineer. (d) The natural ground which is determined to be satisfactory for the support of the filled ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least six inches (6 11 ) or deeper as specified by thB soil engineer, and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven fea- tures which would tend to prevent uniform compaction'by the aquipment to be used. . (e) No fill shall be pladed until the prepared native ground has been 'approved by the soil engineer. (f) Where fills are made on hillsides with slopes greater than 5 (hori- zontal) to 1 (vertical), horizontal benches shall, be cut into firm un- disturbed natural ground to provide lateral and vertidal stability. The initial bench at the toe of the fill shall be at laast 10 feet in width on firm undisturbed natural ground at the elevation of the toe stake. The soil engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all suc- ceeding benches which will vary with the soil conditions and the steep- ness of slope. (g) After the natural ground has been prepared, it shall be brought to the proper moisture content and compacted to not less than 90% of max- _mum density, A.S.T.M. D1557-64T. ' Pl,.ATE 41 (h) Expansive soils may require special compaction specifications. es directed in the preliminary ·soil investigation by the soil engineer. (i) The cut portions of building pads in which ronk-like material Exists may require excavation and recompaction for density compatibility with the fill as directed by the soil engineer. MATERIALS: The fill soils shall consist of select materials ~raded so that at least 40 percent of the material passes the No. 4 sieve. The material fuay be obtained from the excavatiori, a borrow pit, or by mixin9 soils from one or more sources. The material used shall be free from vegetable matter, and other deleterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps greater than 6 inches in diameter. If excessive vegetation, rocks; or soils with unacceptable physical characteristics are enco.untered, these materials shall be disposed of in waste areas designated on the plans or as directed by. the soil enginaer. If soils are encountered during th~ grading operation which ware not reported in the preliminary soil invest- i~ation, further testing will be required to ascartain their engineering properties. Any special treatment recommended in the preliminary ox sub- sequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addendum to these specifications. No material of a peris~able, spongy, or otherwise unstable nature shall be used in the fills~ e p ace in layers which shall ot exceed six inches (6 11 ) when compacted. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly blade-mixed during the spreadihg to insure uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. (b) fied tent ough When the moisture content of the fill material is below that speci- by the soil engineer, water shall be added until the moisture con- is near optimum as determined by the soil engineer to assure thor- bonding during the compacting process. '. (c) When the moisture content of the fill material is above that speci- fied by the soil engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying, or other satisfactory methods until the moisture contsnt is near optimum as determined by the soils engineer. (d) After each layer has be~n ~laced, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than the specified maximum density in aooordanoe with A.S.T.M. 01557-64T. Compaotion shall be by means of tamping or sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatio-tired rollers, or other types of rollers. Rollers shall be of suoh design that they ~ill be able to compact the fill to the speoified density.. Rolling of eaoh layer shall be oontinuous over its entire area and the roller shall make suffioient passes to obtain the desired density. The entire area to be filled shall be compacted to the specified density. . SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY CUI' N.ORTH CO·UNTV, INC. -2- PLATE 42 (e) Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or "ther suitable equipment. Compacting operations shall be continued until the slopes are stable but not too dense for planting and until there is no appreciable amount of loose soil on the slo-pes. Compacting of the slopes shall be acc~mplished by backrolling the slopes in increments of 3 to 5 feet in elevation gain or by other methods producing satisfactory results. (f) Field density tests shall be made by the soil_ engineer for approx- imately each foot in elevation gain after compaction, but not to exceed two feet in vertical height between tests. The location of the tests in plan shall be spaced to give the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther than 100 feet apart. Tests shall be t~ken on corner and terraC8 lots for each two feet in elevation gain. The soil enginser may take additional tests as considered necessary to check on the uniform- ity of compaction. Where sheepsfoDt rollers are used, the tests shall be taken in the compacted material below the disturbed surface. No additional layers of fill shall be spread until the field density tests indicate that the specified density has been obtained. - (g) The fill operation shall be continued in six inch (6") compacted layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the fin- ished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. SUPERVISION: Supervision by the soil engineer shall be made during the filling and compacting operations so that he can certify that th~ fill ~as made in accordance with accepted specifications. 1 The specifications and soil testing of subgradB, subbase, and ~ase materials for roads, or other public property shall be done in accordance with specifications of the governing agency. SEASONAL LIMITS: No fill material shall be placed, spread,' or rolled during unfavorable weather conditions. When the work is interrupted by heavy rain, grading shall not be resumed until field tests by the soil engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified.' In the evant that, in th~ opinion of the engineer, soils unsatisfactory as foundation material are encountered, they shall not be incorporated in the grading and disposition will be made at the engineer's discretion. SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY 01" NORTH COUNTY, INC • .... 3- 'PLATE 43 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART IDENTIFYING CRITERIA • COARSE GRAINED (More tha~ 50% #200 sieve) GRAVELS 1More than 50% #4 sieve but smaller than 3 inches) Liquid Limi t less than 50 Li,quid Limi t greater than 50 III. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GROUP SYMBOL GW GP CL OL MH CH OH PT SOIL DESCRIPTION GRAVEL, well graded gravel- sand mixture, little or no fines. GRAVEL, poorly graded gravel- sand mixture, little or no fines. ' GRAVEL, SILTY, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixture8 0 ' GRAVEL, CLAYEY, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay mixture. SAND, weli graded, gravelly sands, little or no fines. SAND, poorly graded, gravelly sands, little or no fines. SAND, SILTY, pporly graded sand-silt mixtures, SAND, CLAYEY, po~rly graded sand-clay mixtures .. SILT, INORGANIC, silt and fine sand, sandy silt or clayey- silt-sand mixtures with slight plastici t y. CLAY, INORGANIC, clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. SILT, ORGANIC, silts and or- ganic silt-clays of low plasticity. SILT, INORGANIC, silts micaceous or dictomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. CLAY, INORGANIC, clays of med- ium to high plastipity, fat clays. CLAY, ORGANIC, clays of medium to high plasticity. ' PEAT, other highly organic swamp soils. SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY ·PLATE 44 01'" NORTH COUNTy. INC.