HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 74-14; Templin Heights; Soils Report; 1976-08-23PRELIflINARY SOIL INVESTICA,TION PROPOSED TEflPLIN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA J FOR INVESTORS DEVELOPMENT AND MORTGAGE CORP. 5850 AVENIDAS ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 23 AUGUST 1976 JOB NO. 76-61 93.103 # SOIL AND IkfATERIhL TESTING T.AUC)RA’rCI -. ! L 1. ) L L !- I-. AND MATERIAL!FESTINGLABORA~RY OF NORTH COUNTI, INC. 415 nALr AWL- ESCONDIOO. CALIC. SZOOS 23 August 1976 EBCONDIDO -746.1135 ’ Investors Development and flortgage Corp. 5850 Avenida Encinaa Carlabad, California 92008 Attention: Ph. Cliff Burford Re: Job No. 76-61 Proposed Templin Heights Subdivision Carlabad, California I Dear fir. Burford: Enclosed ie our report of the preliminary coil investigation done in accordance with your inatructfone for the above rafer- enced site. The investigation consists of 26 teat pita dug with a backhoe to depths of 5 to 12 feet below the existing ground surface and 5 deep borings made with a bucket drill rig. Appropriate laboratory testing and engineering.analyaee were performed. tions / The results OF thie investigation along with our recommenda- are to be Found in the accompanying report. In summary, it is our opinion that the cite is buildable with respect to the eoil/geologio aepecte. There are, however, some problem8 such aa expansive soils, ground water and shear zonea in come regions OF ,the clay strata which will require special conefderation ae outlined in thie report. We wish to emphaafze the importance of continuing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - -- - - - !-.. If there are any queatfona or problems, please Feel Free to onsblt with UQ in the future. espectfully submitted, OIL AND AATERIAL TESTING ABORATORY OF NORTH COUNTY, INC. CUR?& LAUDE B. PARKER- egiatered Civil Engineer #lB,9B7 ertified Engineering Geologiet #922 , ., : .’ . . ..I, -, SOILANDDUTERLU, TBSTINO LABORATORY - .- - -3 - - - - - - - 1 - - - . - -3 - TABLE OF CONTENTS I. General Information II. Purpose 0P Investigation III. Field Investigation A. Surface Conditions B. Teat Pits and Borings C. Subsurface Conditions IV. Teets and Reeulte A. Grein Size Analyses B. Atterberg Limit.8 C. Expansion Teats . 0. Compac.tion Teato E. Direct Shear Tests V. Bearing Capacity VI. Slope Stability " .' Page 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 6 6, 7 B 9 9 VII. Conclueione and Recommendatione 10 VIII. Reference 12 APPENDIX Plate Plot Plan 1 Logs OF Teat Pita and Borings 2 to 37 Slope Stability Analyei? ‘~ 38 to 40 Specification8 For Construdtion 4L to 44 OF ContFolled Fille Unified Soil Claeeifiiation Charts 44 : .- --. ---. - -~ .----- - .--w .---- - - - - - - .- - - .- - - - - ,..a: PRELININARY SOIL INVESTIGATION PROP!lSED TEflPLIN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CENERAL INFORMATION A preliminary soil report hae been completed For the above nentioned aubdiviaion legally described aa’a Portionof Lot J, qancho Ague Hedionda, flap No. 823, City OF Carlabad, County of San Diego, State of CalifOrnia. The aite ie located easterly OF the S. 0. G. and E. powerlines at the easterly end of the existing :hestnut Street, Carlsbad. It is understood th&eite ie to be subdivided into 262 lot.9 For one and two atory wood frame residential dwellings. The Foundations will uee continuous concrete footinga with concrete slabs-on-grade. Final detaila OF the structure8 or grading were >ot available at the writing of thia,report. JURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION The purpose OF the inveetigation was to determine the Following: 1 - the engineering characteristics OF the nritfve aoila and propoeed Pills; 2- the nature of the proposed cut and Pill elopaa, 3- tho prooonce and nature OF any oxponaiva soil, 4- the allowable aoil bearing preaeuree, 5 - any obvioue geologic hazarda, and 6- to make appropriate ‘Foundation zecommendationa in an .~ Bngineering report. 1 .,,.,, ,, : us. ~I: ._ ‘IELD INVESTIGkTIOn .; ,; ;; : ,~,j ,, ..I. \. Surface Condition8 .“>,; ::., -.;-,:~ :.:~ .~ _~: ,. ,_ .~ _. ;: ” ..~. .~ .‘,;~,~:‘, The eubject cite ia in approximate 83 acre land area in a ~ectan&lar shape whose general topography and dimensions are . . SOIL AND MATERIAL TBSTINQ IABORATORY c -. - - -. - - - - - ‘3 -. ‘> best described by the enclosed plate 1 (redrawn from the Air Photo Contour Nap by E. Brian Smith Eng., Inc., Oceanside, California). The eastern, portion OF the site consiata of a smooth broad north- south trending ridge which ie capped with a granular material. West OF this ridge at a lower elevation are encountered clayey eoile which manifest a different vegetation and sharper topography. A spring ia’locatad west of Test Pit 13 which probably represents a buried drainage outlet for the water which has penetrated the upper granular Formation and ie held at the apringline by the impervious . clay strata below. The a.djacent ravines at approximately springline may also “bleed” during the wet seasons. The presence OF water For several Feet above the clay strata la verified by Boringa 1 and 2. There were no large man-made or natural obstacles observed which would greatly hinder grading. B. Test Pits and Borings Twenty-six exploratory teat pita were dug with a backhoe on 22, 26, 27, 28 and 29 July 1976. Five deep borings ware aleo made on 2 August 1976 with a ‘bucket drill rig to veriPy the soil profile and horizontal bedding near final grade in areas deep cut. The approximate locations oP these teet pits and boring8 are indicated on the ancloeed Site Plan, Plate 1. Dieturbad and undisturbed samplao oP the eoils excavated were i obtained for laboratory analyses. The soils were visually claesiFied by Field IdentiPication procedure in accordance with the UniPiad Soil ClaaaiPioation. A simplified version o? this claeai?ication ia in- ::’ eluded in the Appendix of this report. Continuous loge o? the eoils encountered during the inveetigation uere recorded fn the ,field. The loga of the teat pits and boringe ahown on platea 2 to 37 are SOIL AND MATERIAL TBSTINO LaBoRaToRY . based on the field 1098, on laboratory inspection OP the samples, q nd on the soil test results. C. Subsurface Conditions The site ia underlain by horizontally bedded marina aedimantary dSpOSit8 of the La Jolla formation of Eocene Age.. There ware no faults, landalidea or other obvioua geologic hazards observed during the investigation. The neareat known active fault ia the Elainore fault approximately 24 milea to the northeast. Other posaible active faults include the Roae Canyon f’ault, 20 miles to the aouth, and a theosized offshore fault connecting with the ective NewporteInglewood Fault system to the north. No durable bedrock that would require blaating wee encountered. rhere was come compreeeible soils in the bottom of the ravinea which ~i.11 be excavated and recompacted during grading ae discussed in Section VII, Concluaione and Recommendations. In addition special grains will be installed-in the ravine bottoms to divert the ground- Jater Prom the epringa. . In general the eoii profile conaiate of approximately 40 Peet JP sandy materiel, meaaured Prom the top of the ridge in the eastern aortion of the site, uhich gradea to a basal conglomerate for eeveral peat ebove an unconPormable contact OP the clayey formation. The :layey Pormation ie encountered in the lower elevations all over the western portion of the aita. ,‘~ The eoila Pound during the fnvaetigation have been grouped into light Soil types baeed on similar engineering properties aa indicated Jelow. The dfatribution and other pertinent deteila are elaborated In in the loga, platea 2 to 37 inclusive. *, i 8OIL AND DATEDIAL TESTINQ LABORATOXY SOIL DESCRIPTIONS Soil Soil Unified Soil Tvpe Description Classification 1 Red Brown Silty Sand SPl 2 Gray Brown Silty Send SA 3 Red Brown Sandy Clay CL 4 Red Brown Clay and Cobble flfxtura GC 5 Green Silty Claystone CH 6 Dark Gray Sendy Clay (topsoil-adobe) CH 7 Light Green Sandy Cla]iwith lime CL 8 White Silty Clayey Sand Sfl Generally speeking, the granular sandy materiels appear stable in their native condition and will make good fill material. The clayey aoils, however, will require some special preparation as discussed under Section VII, Conclueione and Recommendations. TESTS AND RESULTS A. Grain Sire Analyaas . Eighteen grain size anelyses were performed on questionable soils in general accordance with ASTfl 0422-63 for classiPicetion purposea and ea a guide to the engineering properties. The raeulta Pollou: BOIL AND XATERLU TNSTINQ LARORAYORY - GRAIN SIZE ANALYSES Percent Passing U.S. Standard Sieve No. Unified Soil TP 1 0 2’ - TP 3 0 8’ TP 3 0 IO’ ~TP 4 0 2’ - TP 4 0 73’ TP 8 0 10’ - TP9011+’ TP 11 0 6’ - TP 16 0 2’ --. TP 16 0 6’ TP 17 B 1’ TP 25 0 3’ - TP 26 0 33’ 01 0 24’ - 82 0 36’ 8 5 0 26’ - y TP = Test Pit i 0 ’ = Boring 1 i 2 2 1 1 1 7 7 0 6 7 0 7 5 1 1 0 100 100 64 28 - 25 100 90 51 12 7 100 97 70 116 . 9 100 09 59 13’ 6 100 100 55 14 11 100 100 93 -11 0 99 93 53 13 9 ,, 95 -. 00 62 39 24 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 94 100 99 99 100 90 99 100 99 . 100 75 100 76 45 34 43 11 6 92 65 50 96 90 01 56 16 9 100 95 90 00 77 ’ 69 I 00 16 9 36 20 15 99 43 27 CL Sil CH CL SR CL CH SPI SR SPl ;-..,,,:::~ ,.!, ‘Y.: ..;,I:: : Theae teata verify the hetrogenoua nature of the soils and ‘, ‘!‘I ‘~ ‘:. :,.:.%::~ emphaaize the over eimpli?ication of the groupinga for engineering ~’ ~: ‘2 .:.z, .~, ..~,~. .I’ * ,, ,:.;+ .., .. - ,j~: ,~ purposea. b,:‘::;“.f. ‘. : ;, ::,;~,-‘; ~;I-.--.~.:-:I::-:2:,-~rl,;-: x+: : :.;. _: . -ia : ~, i - SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY’ _.~ n ..>:.f’;,, ;,p.~..~.: f ~‘yyy -,;:‘:l: .; ; ct3. ,. ‘\ - yj 2;) - - - . ,.;::. -, ~,~,i ‘~~I ‘.; :~T.;.. ,r ,, 0. Attar’berg Limits Atterberg limit teste ware perFormad on Soil Types 1, 6, end 7 according to ASTR D423-61T, the liquid limit and ASTFI 0424-59, the plastic limit., The plaetic index fe deFined aa the difference be- tween these two indice.e. These data are presented below: ATTERSERG LIAITS Location Soil Unified Soil Liquid Plastic Plastic Type Classification Limit Limit Index TP 1 0 2’ 1 CL 34 19 15 TP1701’ 6 CL 1’ 39 17 22 TP 16 0 2’ 7 CL 38 23 15 TP = Test Pit These testa indicate'thet meny of the clayey soile ere predomin- ately of a eilty nature which, however, may etill posaesa a high expansion potential aa diacussad below. C. Expeneion Taste Six expaneion teste were performed on undisturbed end remolded samplee of the most ebun.dant clayey soile encountered, Soil Types 5, 6, and 7, and also k clayey phase of the granular coil, Soil Type 1, to determine iF theee materiala would constitute a structural hazard to the buildinga with reepect to volumetric soil change. The re- molded tests were performed on soil samples remolded to 90% of the maximum.dry danaity at optimum moisture content in 23 inch diameter 1 inch high ring molda to approximate the compacted Fill condition. The undisturbed taata were performed in identical ring melds. All-. aemplea 'were loaded uith 1 pei, instrumented, air dried and then .” submerged in dietilled uater until the expansion atopped. . . . The . percent expansion la recorded ae the ratio o? the Final. change in height to the initial height. BOIL AND BfATRRIAL TESTINQ LABOBAYORY . EXPANSION TESTS - TP102’ 1 R 10.9 114.7 1.0 114.6 16.7. 111.3 2.9 - TP 10 0 8’ 5 U 21.6 98.9 9.9 102.6 35.2 85.1 19.7 TP 12 0 2’ 6 U 19.3 97.6 5.5 1.02.3 32.9 57.5 16.4 - TP1701’ 6, R 12.4 112.4. .5 114.7 25.3 101.1 13.6 TP 16 0 2’ 7 R 12.3 109.2 4.0 109.9 22.3 100.6 9.2 _ TP2004' 7 U 15.2 103.5 1.9 105.5 32.1 57.5 20.2 - TP = Test Pit U = undisturbed test w = moisture content ($) R-t remolded teat - b’ = dry density (pcf) 0. - Compaction Test .,. 1 - Laboratory Compaction 3,)~ Three laboratory compaction testa were performed on the main Fill materiale to determine the maximum dry density end - optimum moisture content as specified by ASTIR 01557-64 (method A). - This test uses the minus #4 sieve soil in a 4 ., inch diameter 4 inch high cylinderical mold. The sample is .~. “~ ‘, Formed with a 10 pound hammer Falling 15 inches For 25 blowa on each of 5 leyera. - .,. \ LABORATORY CONPACTION .. Location ” soi. Soil - fm flax.Dry Description Optimum _~ Denaity Moisture (pa?) Content (%I .-’ ,TP 3~ 0 2’~ ‘.: 1 ._,~I~,’ Red Brown Silty Sand ‘., XT; ‘- ; 125.0 ” .’ 11.0 TP’ j7 0 ,,-!;~~fy : 6.,:f;ef;2,,~’ Dark Gray Sandy Ciay~:‘~ ‘~ ,/~,_/ -,.:’ 122.5 : ‘~ 12.4 .-. - . . -.. ‘, TP:,l5 0 2’~” ’ ,?7~~1 ~.!.-‘:‘~ Light Green Sandy Clay uith- ‘; -” lima P,~=’ Teat Pit _. 115.4 13.2 SOIL AND )IATBRLU TESTING LABORATORY II .~~ cs: - ,‘, . - -~ - ‘., These valuea give a reeaonable range of the maximum densitiee uhich can be expected in the compacted fill during grading. - 2 - Density Taste Density and natural moisture determinations ware made on . thirty six undiaturbed samples. The damplaa were coated with paraPPin and danaity measuramente made by the water displacement method. Four Field daneity teats were alao taken to determine the natural conditions of moiature en~d density. The tests were performed according to ASTA..D1556-64, the sand cone method. The ratio of the Field dry density to the laboratory maximum dry density is defined aa the relative compaction. These re- sults are presented on the logs.’ E. Direct Shear Testa ,’ ‘. ‘. - Lb) Two direct sheer teste ware performed on representative samples of Soil Typea 1 and 7 (one each).. Three specimens of each soil type were prepared by remolding the.spacimena in 23 inch diemeter 1 inch _~ high ringa to 90% OP the maximum dry density at 3% over optimum moisture content,to approximate the compacted Pill. The specimens ware loaded with normal loads of .5, 1.0, and 1.5 KSF respectively and aheared to failure in the undrained condition. A shear teat L wae also parPormad on a remolded sample of Soil Type 6 in the sub- 1_.~. i .-,.,. merged condition to simuleta the worst conditions under the drain :~. the slope stability analysia. The resulta Pollou: ,,,:‘.-:,., ~~,, j‘.. 13:: ~,;e,<, ;, iz -: ~DIRECT SHEAR TES+ ;;,j;; :-,__ :,,;,~..:“~:I~ -:‘:‘~: : ..~.. ‘.-i& :~,: i .~ ‘Dry .~:,~ :. Ang;e ,i ‘,~ .‘:L’ Apparent ,,~ Danaity R: “;:. Internal .~. Cohesion (PC?) 260 117.0 ,., 25. ~1200 1~ ~*TestPit 1701’. 6 124.5 29 : 450 ~ *Submerged Teat 801~ AND MATERIAL TBSTINQ LABORATORY - - _ - /3 V.’ BEARING CApACITy . !, ‘, -,...: . . ~.. The values of internal Priction and apparent cohesion derived from ~the'direct.aheer testa on the uaekest soil ware uaed in the Terraghi Formula in accordance with the procedure outlined.in Reference 1, page 170, to compute the-allowable bearing capacity. Terraghi Formula: . . . . ,Bearing Capacity = 2/3cN’o + $DFNtq + hN> Y.‘. ~:. Assumption: ‘Depth of Footing, OF = 1.0’ Width of Continuous Footing, B = 1.0' Nlo. Nlq, f'J> P dfmensionlesa parametera Found From Fig. 75, ReP. 1. Factor of Safety = 3. ~,,. .,_ ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY b Soil Soil Type Deecription, Bearing ce~~~'c~y 1 Red Brown Silty Sand 2450 - VI. I SLOPE STABILITY ~; '. '. ~,_. ., :' A'slopa atability analysis was made on en assumed 50 Foot height - of the‘most abundant compacted Fill material, besed on strength par; amatera Prom the direct shear teat For the soil in the submerged 0 .: 'condition. A 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) slope ratio wee used. j, - ; The critical circle waa located by the Janbu method !ReP. 2) as ,’ $ :.;I, : :I ,_ ::: ,.,, : :,.:;,p>-‘,, ., ~,, ,,:_; outlined on .the, wWorkaheetn~ Plete 40. The analyaie was performed ~‘.J:‘,,. y ;G : !.:~‘in general :a,ccordance &th the method of Slices aa described in L,>LT~::$~:j~ ~:~ m’,.,- Lt.;. ,,I:~, Ref. ~~~j,+:!.’ An &thouako load bl:‘~. 1 x grevity waa uaed. ‘~ Seepage ~. .~. ,,“:.I:;;- :,., 'I'-'~ fortied' ~uera not'&aidared aRplicable ‘throughout the entire a& 1:" _' c ?a bankment, however; the tiaakar saturated strength paremetera uere x:’ l ~ uead on all alioes..I,. :~,'I, ~. . . . ., ,. ,>~ .: ',, - .\ SOILANDXATERUT. TE$TxNQ LABORATORY ~.: ::: -,] :. ~' y , ; _ _ . . _ _. - -. .-. .- . ,,, . . .:. _ . . . - ” The raoults of the nnalysis yiolda s factor of sofsty of 1.4 99 for listed assumptions, which are Pelt as conservative, and hence for factor of safety should be adequate. - It is Pelt that the main slope problem will be the cut slopes in the Soil Type 7, the Light Green Ssndy Clay with lime. Since the lime atreaks represent fracture tones, oare should be taken .~~'~,:)to recompact these areaa when found near buildings. Care must also be taken to remove all the dry cracked topsoil, Soil Type 6, by - benching prior to starting a new Pill. All benches should be inspected . . and approved by a qualified soil technician in the field prior to - Pilling. KII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOPlilENDATIONS l- It is recommended that the preparation of the native soil : _- ,,~and all grading be done in accordance with the enclosed nSpsciPicationa for Construction of Controlled Fills" except where superseded by the ~Pollowing recommendationa. . 2- ':*.I Due to the geology OP the site and nature of grading which .' is required for the development of a aingle family, detached dwelling +,-" - ,subdiviaion, it it recommended that the~western portion OP the site, generally west of the 300 Poot contour line, be prepared in accordance . with the recommendations conteined herein and graded first. The ,, ./.; -.::,building aitea located in out areae where ~expansive soil8 are en- : ;;;~T:opuntered at finiahed grade should be underout.at least three feet :,~ _..~, ..,. . ..' ,: <! below final grade and be&Pilled ‘uith’~ the.‘select ~. 1. “2 - 'granular ioil Prom “!..j. ~‘.. ,‘,’ (_ .“.‘$the easterly port-f& of thie.~‘prdpert~~‘ji’.~T~~~~‘building -aLtea located ., ‘J:.:, ~..., , ._ ;:, I : ,, : ,?I&;’ the fill’ &eacr ~&oul,, be j&&,h& ;l&, at le&&,& ‘feat ‘of the .’ ‘i:~’ ~. .,_.... .I ..*’ :aelect granular soil. : _ :~ ; _;,~, ,' ::" Ivy ::,- (' :,. . ..I. .T..~ I_,. : _.., ._~. '.~I.. " + ~., . ,~-- ; ~... ,... ::. ;- ,~ ~:: >~ ~I. ,:.,.., '_ . 'I - : .~' TIER& SOILANDlKA ‘I’ES!JXNO LABORATO~ ': ::' " - I - 79 - ,~.. - ,- .~ - U3 b, - - - . - R2 . ‘~\ ,. ,; :. : ., ,/, .~ :. . Such a grading program appears to be feasible because-o? the close proximity of the out and Pill areas, as shown on the approved Tentstive Plap Templin Heights (CT 74-14) covering~thQ’property, and the abundance of select material as indicated by the test pita and borings above the 300 foot contour.lina. : 3 -In no case should buildings be constructed directly 'on Soil Types 4, 6 and 7 or should any of this material be used as Pill or *:~ back Pill closer than three feet to final grade. In the event there is not enough nonexpansive material to cover the clay lots with -3 feet, the remaining lots should be covered with a mixture~o? "least expansive” available. Expansion tests will then be run on a lot for lot basia and recommendations to strengthen each foundation baaed on the results of the tests, will follow. 4- It ia recommended thst French draina be established Prom the existing spring near Teat Pit 13 and for the canyon to the north to dra-he water to the southwest. The drain should be suPPi~ 'k ciantly wide at the source (10 to 20 feet) to capture all the water. The actual drainage' ditch should be 2 feet deep by 2 feet wide with a 4 inch diameter pipe (capable of 7,000 pa? bearing strength for the last 300 feet) and crushed rock. The ditch should be covered by a Poot of granular soil and then with the normal clay material i which will comprise the~majority of the Pill. Care should,be taken“ .'. to aasure..that the':heavyequipment won't cross ~the'.drclin'until~about 6 feet'& ,>I11 Exac,t routea and :~,~:_~y 8, ,: '. field aPter the '5 1 ‘The shear test.8 and theoretical ~alculationa 'Par the moat .?:- ~-1 ~,_.I: probable' foundation ~~ma~erial"indicates an allowable bearing capacity,,':,~ ,. ,, SOILARDHAYRRUL ,-A ; TESTINO LABORATORY + ":~ lee - / @9 -. - ii, .- - - . - ,’ of 2458 psf. Expsrience,and good engineering practice would limit this value to 2000 psf. . 6 - The slope atability analyeis indicates a slope ratio of 2 : 1 may be used. Care should be taken as’discusssd in Section VI to assure that adequate benches are established prior to filling and any areas be cecompacted where then lime filled fracture planes of Soil Type 7 occur near houses. i ~.,::~I~ 7 - Since all fi1l.s will be compacted to at least 908 of the maximum dry density as normally.done for this type of project and the alluvium in the worst areas such as near Test Pit 23 (only 4 feet) will be excavated and recompacted, it is our opinion any settlement will be negligible. S- It is recommended positive drainage grades be designed ,.;~, on all lots to assure that all the water will drain from the yards.1 ~‘:, This measure will prevent ponded water from seeping down an inter- -face or zone of weakness and increasing its potential to slide. : ,.~.a 9- ..; ,.< ; .; :: If footings are located closer.. than 5 feet from the top ~,.:-:,:,;, _~..., of tho olopo, thoy ohould be extended in dop’th one foot below s 5 1::~ Li, foot horizontal line projected from the, footing to the face of the ~‘.,’ .‘I slope. /~~, ,-.- 10 - If soils ar.a encountered during the grading other than .l,.i.,. those described in this report, or ,if imported fill is used,' addi- $': ~.~.,,“ ~,.. 1 ,,-,‘i’.,:. .tional ,,teste will be requfred’~ to~.aacerfain their enginesl-.., ~r--r ,,, ~’ : -~ :z~ ‘~3 ert.es. .,’ .~ :: VIII,. ,REFERENCC ‘~ ~~..~~~,.;... .,.. 1 - Terzaghi and peck, "Soil Rechanica in Q, ., ,, John Wiley, N.Y., 1948. .~’ ~’ “‘L ~~ ‘,’ : :,, f,:,:, :‘:C, :“~ :~,:- ‘- . I .~ .,,“<.L.., . .‘~;,,,;‘~,‘,,‘: ,.!,,,.~~ ..I - 7’ .~ - 2- Janbu, N., "Journal of Soil mechanics and Foundations Division", ASCE, Vol.. 93, No. Sfi 6, Nov. 1967. Respectfully submitted, SOIL AND NATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY OF NORTH COUNTY, INC. Claude B. Parker Registered Civil Engineer #lB,9B7 Certified Engineering Geologist #g22 Distribution: 6 Addressee .- ,a - - - - .~, - I.~ ,. .’ :‘~ -. .~ ..,~ ~.: ..~ ; : ,- :. ~. ..~ ‘. .~:~ ,/.~i;.~; I ~:- : ,i.,.: : ” .‘.;;+$ ,::.;‘ r ..~ ,:~- . \ soI& AND DfATERIAL TESTING -0uTC)~y -~ ;::: .:’ “:‘~-‘;- .i ,: .: .~ ,’ ,. - .~ - - - @’ ., . . 1 ;! ;. ,<~:,p ! 2.. 5 i :, ‘:~. ‘1.i ,“yr: -,- ,L! 4lra l -- LOG OF BORING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 Gi - - 8 Cl - ,. .?_ y: BORING NO. Test Pit 1 ELEVATION $$EG Backhoe led Brown Silty Sand top 8” ~topsofl gradea firm weakly cemented 0 4’ grader, with trace of clay L Soil Type 1 Bottom ._ ,. .~ ‘. ~. 1.L; :, 0 Field Density Teat ’ .O~ Disturbed Sample ,. a Undisturbed Sample UC I unconfined corn reaaft Test Penetrome er CL- e Templin Heighta sv; C.B. P. 1 Oceanside, California - Itz 20 “5 sa 06 fir - 5.1 7.9 - !! < Y z ia I. . 8:: : Z.’ f: .:’ .: ‘; . . : :- ..* a : *’ ill : . *‘ - ., ‘: I. . . -I : *. . . . . :. :. ~. :I: 1.’ . . : : -. . e )’ ‘,’ at1 0 Igtl Jb~.-;;; cit. No. 2 !.l I.0 - - ; a g4 :t - 27.: 00 20.1 961 36.: 85.: B9J - .1 SOIL & MATCPIAL TESTING-LABORATORY \ 0, “O”,” CO”“I” 1°C. II - - - - - - - - &) - - .- - :1. ~‘., .,i :; - .t.‘; Y& ,:.; ,- : 0; ‘\ ____ ., ._ LOG OF BORING - / : . *. ). . : i :. :- . , . ’ ;. I , I, I L; * i- . - .: *, 5 . : F ,r,v. b . 7’ -. - . . SM‘~ ., . .:* 1. I. ; : t * *a *-. & ‘:;A .* j : - : ‘,T .., . . ! : ,..: # ’ : !Zi.Pl.: ‘*\ . - , . . 8 . - : I ‘.’ .: 'sm.; a 4.d i"; ( . .*.. ' . *. - -l- l- BORING NO. Test Pit 2 ELNATION SAMPLING METHOO Backhoe A D Red Brown Silty Sand 12" loose topsoil (Plastic liner; to 12' firm 0 12” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 103 11 b2 weakly cemented 5.1 12J - go. Soil Type 1 I L ;ray Brown Silty Sand Pirm grades more moiet 0 Soil Type 2 qed Brown Silty Sand n 1.7 07.: B5.1 Bottom Soil Type 1 ‘; ~~ ~,:~‘~+~i.‘;,:” .~., ~:’ . . ;, .~, .1 :;~,I: : :’ ‘3: ,., ~, ,. ‘~~ .~ l: ., ‘,! I, : : ~. ii h, 1 Templin Heighta 1. loco - Ivi C.B.P. 1 Oceanside, California I do No. 3 SOIL & MATtRlAL TESTING-L&QRRATRRY or “011” SO”“l” I”0. t0 ti, .- . . - ., : : .,;- y’:$..; ; ,,:; ,, ~..+.:5 1.~ ~1. .,:, ‘r :T~ ,. .I ~,; . .:~ ,, ._ , . ..~.. -.. :. y-~, tj . .\ I 2 3 4 5 6 1 ‘a 9 10 11 ! i- i- ,- ,- I- I- I-- l- ti 3 9 - A D D - D ._.. %i .;’ ? .; : 22 July 1976 ‘D C.B.P. LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit 3 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe Red Brown Silty Sand 12' topaoil firm trace of grey silty sand gradea with some pale yellow eend -Soil Tvce 1 Cr;yiy$own Silty Sand Bottom. Soil Type 2 Templln Height.6 Oceanaide, California i i ” ii . . . . :- !: f I - ‘. . l * _, . . ..’ 1 9: ., . .< ,- 5 - *, ‘a SM .’ : ..* :. 1:’ . . : .: I, . -. :;, : ; . . . : 1” ..’ : .: . Sfl . u . . 7.2 ,,,- 76- - .~ . . . _ C‘. 87, I .i;. :” SOIL & MATCRIAL TESTING-LAQRRATORY .~ .* _ ~’ ’ c 0, YOII” 00”“,” 8°C. iA. LOG OF BORING - ‘Z 3 2? -i 2% 06 fr - iI 5 -2 :; sm’ : : . : :. !I j - . * : t 5m . . t ‘. ; * . l -. :t’ .:I c c; - r. :,- . .- : l ill ’ . ‘a* 4 ,. - Pl ; BORING NO. Test Pit 4 ELf3/ATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe - - - Red Brown Silty Sand 12n loose topsoil grades weakly cemented : l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IQ ‘Y,,). ‘: : ,,., ;_;, ‘,,>=j;, :: Soil Type 1 D D - Gray Brown Silty Sand weaklv cemented difkicult digging -. grades Red Brown easier digging 5.1 - l&t Soil Type 2 Red Brown Silty Sand firm - - A Soil Tvoe 1 - a Gray Brown Silty Sand weakly cemented 8.2 - :,:.. 19.! Bottom Soil Type 2 - - - - .~ - - . ,> : .,/ ,, .T:; -::, I .~ ~.S. . . ‘: ,, -<; ,~! ,,.,; ‘r’ “. _, i’l, : F”:;;!‘- iy: rt i, , : .., <~. ‘.S Ta ‘y;“.: ,.;$;: .:, _. , . i-J - - - - clt) . Templin Heights Oceanside, California >b No. .76-61 o’to No. 5 SOIL + MATPRmAL T‘tSTING-UDRRATRRY 0, “OII” COUWI” 8°C. - - - J, - ‘-~ - . .~. LOG OF BORING .~ .I:' mRIN~ N~. feet Pit 5 Backhoe Red Brown Silty Sand :,:r 12" loose, dry ::: 1.y -.. . , l- '..?: ,? firm L 1 . .." . . Y ,. '/ ! . . 3 2- A .,I ~; ~~.,~;'~~ ~..'~ ,('~,' ': * ,~ 3- Soil Type 1 .4- Cray Brown Silty' Sand D moderately firm moist 5- Soil Type 2 .~,.,J, w.: 22 July 1976 Templin Heights F C.B.P. :,;~ .,~:,I : Jobrk 76-61 :: MY Oceaneide, Calff'ornfa Pkitr No. 6 : .; ; . . . . ;;= $‘,I,. & urCE)]AL T.t$T,NG.UBC)RATL)PI~;‘~:-;;-:,;~”;, ,.;.< “,I,;~ ; : :” ~~:~ .,, . . l. .’ .- ,~ :. .:.~.:.j ~-~‘. ‘~ 0, “O”,” CO”“,” ,*c. . ” : I~ .; .-’ :.. +,‘:., .m-.:., -‘: ,. ..~:‘,:i. --~ . ‘++’ ,‘, _: ,... _’ LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit 6 0, “011” soY*v. 1°C. .., -B . SOIL & MATCRIAL TPSTIN64.ADORAToL)Y 1 ,’ .Z!” ,. - - ‘tir, . Inr, OF RnRlNG w-w -. WV....-- BORING NO. Test Pit 7 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe Red Brown Silty Sand top 6” loose firm 2- D ~~ ::I _~ 3- 4- uniform . 1’ 5- .6- a ,.: ,, .:, f ,. 7- ~gradee .with yellow k .,. :, ~ 9- ~Cray Brown Silty Sand lo- D ~Pirm ll- . : :: ,, ; I<, -Y. 12 ii,, i;; my,,: .i Bottom ,. la'* 26 July 1976 Templin Heights '. ’ Job NO. 76-61 * C.B.P. Oceanside, California : ~'I.,' PI&NO. 6 -~--;, - - \ -\ LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Teat Pit 0 weakly cemented grade8 with zone of weakly cemented bleak sand $‘,I,. & uTtR]AL TESTING .~~~RAT~R~_-:,~-“~~~~::~:~. ‘.‘~f:“:?;.’ : ,,~ 0, “O”,” CO”“,” ,*c. .~ < ci: *y:,rl,:~,- “~fZ ,,+.: ‘./I.‘.?.~ .~ >. *&. - - -eB - - - - ., - &T) ,. - ,~~~ - . .~ ,‘~” - ,,..‘. ;’ ., : ,. .; *!j$ ;- : . . a c i$E 8 1 i ? 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .i_ ;;; 'iY - ore F - : n 0 ; ,r_ ‘,,,‘,..-: : yl LOG OF’BORING BORING NO. Test Pit 9 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe Red Brown Silty Sand 10" loose, dry Soil Type 1 Red Brown Sand Clay stiff (lJo>4.5 TSFF Soil Type 3 Grey Brown Silty Sand weakly cemented difficult digging 4 to 53’ remold8 brown Soil ~Type 2 Red Brown Silty Sand more moist - Pirm but. not weekly cemented COSr88 sand ” ‘.‘~ ., ,. : ~:. Bottom Soil, Type 1 -, ~.:~:,. : .; .,+/$ ., $ ‘~~~;;;~ l.. ,. .~ ..i .,.: ~.,: ..,,,. $:” :: .,., >p : .,> ~: : ~.. .j , :T.+,.z No = unconfined cbnpreeeive etreng Soil T88t Penetrometef CL -70 :: ,.~, .‘,“...;,; .I.~ Templin Heights 1 OCSSnSide, CelifOrni8 1 Plo@No. lo ,bNo. 75-51 . .~. ,y.:... . / ; : ,,.,~ ” ,: c, ) f~::.~ ,’ .Z.~, 73 .e. 19.1 - - 957 - - SOIL 61 AuT;eRlAL TtSTING-LADRRATRRY OF WO”,” COUWI” 1°C. -------*- ““‘---“--~&@+---“----- II,__ __,_.--,.. “, .._,_,., ~, ,~.,“,. .._” .---,.- -- ___. _._ _ .- ,.-._. -.~,- -,.. _ -~ -... ~.~ ,.~,.I _..,_. __ IUYXW, - ., @9 - - -. -, . u;, ” ,.~ ,.,.. 5~’ ‘.:,~ :.y -. ;: :~. ‘i.&:, I, . . . . . kii : ~C, .i +,.y,v‘;.‘, : ,~ .,.%~. .z cI,;* LOG OF BORING WRING ~0. Test Pit 10 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe Red Brown Clay and Cobble mixture well rounded cobbles) SRIL & MATCRIAL TCSTlNG-UDORATRRY ,,y;: ;_: ~:.~.“ ~: i\ 0, “O”V” cO”*t” 8°C. .i. CI-’ .’ ;- . LOG OF BORING BORING NO. T88t Pit 11 z .“= 3 z $2 $1 $1 ELEVATION SAMPLING 5 2% 6iJ i Backhoe ?i I* 28 z= 5% METHOD ka 24 :r! x3 gs 4- ,,_. $01~ & MATERIAL TtSTIN6.LADC)RATRRY ~..~ T: -;$,&:” ‘?:-, 0, “017” CO”*tv Ime. ,_ ~~ . .,., i ,.;.:: ,/_,,, ,. _ .‘A, I’ eb - - - - E) - - .- -~. . ‘. - _:.~ ::::.y, - - ?a . l- 2- 5- 4- 5- 6- LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit 12 ELEVATION WPLING METHOO Beckhoe Oerk Grey Sandy Cley upper 12” with meny cobbase moist 8tifft, : ,. I~_,:_. :"'~.l .., : UC> 4.5TSF . . Soil Type 6. Light Green Sandy Clay with lime crumble8 _ ~~ : .‘. :- ~.. ., . . . . ‘. Whit8 8p8C8 '. moderately firm :i ..,,. ,..,~. ” ,_ “.. , ” ~.~ ‘~... : ,I: '?J ~', so11 Type 7. : *o&om- .:-; bt@ 27 July 1976 Templin Height8 Ode&beide. C8lifOrnf8 - zr 5 J 1 4 ?J’ v f e ,m- - .a I- ’ / J -. .’ , ,* x * . . f+ . *- ,* 4 - i i& rx scj c.t $;” J J I;$: . - J . .- - .> .. .- . f . . P.=.. %.!&a . <. - i2.0 sc)tL & MATPR~AL T~$TIN~.,.ABC)RAT‘,Q~ ‘fj-” : :-“~“;;;f$ ,‘~. ‘; 0, “O”,” CO”“T” ,*c. _~ OF. _, ::. :-,e--:\~ .i ‘. .? ‘./I* :.’ .,_ ^_ . L LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit 13 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe (upstream of spring) Brown medium Sand alluvial uaeh 1 *- A 3- Green Silty Clay&tone firm (no trace of water) i; ‘~“’ rC;C;” '4- Soil Type 5 Bottom .~ ‘~ :,, ,\~.;~ . - .%~, :a,.?’ ,-;: : ,” ‘4 . . : .~ by2 C.B.P. PIcite No. 14 . . c 1 w9 1 1 1 1 i !L , *. _A ~:t-. ..,:., ~. - 3 2: i; - 1 : ‘i ? ,4 5 6 7 e’ - j l- ! 1, i- i- I- L A A D D LOG OF BORING BOR,NG NO. Test Pit 14 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe Dark Grey Sandy Clay highly cracked , Soil Type 6 Light Green Sandy Clay uith lime stiff UC> 4.5 TSF ‘~~: white specks grades with ionea of white sand ._ _. .t ” ..~. Y-‘- ” .~ ..:, .’ grades more sandy ’ weakly cemented and breaks in angular Pragmente '~Bottom Soil Type 7 a’- 28 July 1976 Tamplin Heighte. ~. Oceanaide, CaliPornia - B ii 77 CL ;/ 4 / / / / / / 4 :L d / / / / / / / i - i “jl’ 8 :L / .SI % : ’ i .~ .I _, ~.. -. 10, 08. : j ; ;, j:; : .~ .:._ _ !‘.‘. ,?.T’ ;:’ $;,;:” ,, L.> .~. :;g:: 7 s;. .+ $%yi, &$ FT& ;,i;y;{<., &$ +;,~. ! 91. ..$’ ~:’ .., ..I,, : i’ .,. I :- i I :f :,, j ,i.::z. ;& - - - - It, em. - - j : ..~. -., i,, ~:..,: ,’ ““.. .~, - ~<. - ;~ :.. ‘~ ; ,~;~,~~y$ :,. *, .%. . ; ~:,- I:‘-+$ T3 ‘:,I . . . LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Teat Pit #Is ; 3 p $4 $j ELEVATION -~ SAMPLING g Backhoe sr METHOD 24 :B 9.8 127.5 100 Dot~:28 July 1976 Templin Heighta .- SOIL & MATCRIAL TtSTlN6.1480RATOPY ,:. ;-+I ;.xy \,. I L \ ~~ 1 .I? .~~~~~~,. . . i :, oc *elm CO”“,” I”C. .&~-r.;;;.~’ :+Q LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Teat Pit ~9115 ELEVATION . A F;r;Spay Sandy Clay Ys~~~~de 6 l- Light Green Sandy Clay uith lime 11.4104.5 68.1 2-o cl crumblea :. : ;:;.. ::. .. -..., _, ;: ?;r,;:,. Q’ ,y : ,! ::_ : ;.qd . ’ CL’ .,_ ..# .:’ ,I.. 5- soil Type 7 Green Silty Clayatone 4- A SUPP 5- grades sandy Soil Type 5 6- White Silty Clay Pirm 7- .’ 9 - :~ : :,: .~ lo- / gradee uit ll- .‘I : ~: ,. Soi1 :Type 8 ;;‘II:i i 12- :- .~,: ..‘,Y : TV. ‘_: ;,- ~:’ .~. Bottokc~. _ ,..,~::~~~~::'~~~~~~~:~:,- _e. .: _ i y,, :, . . !;*-:,:. ;,- :., .& ,: .:~+ :pil t;i~ f I .., ..>‘, .Y-; :~..,*. +;<‘;..,c’.., ,:I;,~~&~q*~; .,I; .. : .~‘,:Y,:.. .:9 “,y.. .;;‘,‘,. . ;,;, ,:~., .- ,._,, ~‘~ .:‘... ., ,: -:‘&.;:z<? G, ? .i:. ;.=5+;:;+~ .,‘;‘-:$~+y ., ,,: .. ;: ;, . r.?“-y; ,..-., . ,li,,s>‘; -“; -; .;,> .’ .>~I - ;.:t.: .<<.i. y,:, .:...‘-a:...:~ ,, ~- l$.~ .,.~ : +. .A ‘- L ;;:: ::.+:.c:+ .$~ .’ ‘%& -y-+ @$(.;:; q, .sg.TT +.x;r.. .,+- .. .w -1~ +“~ !...Z. *: .*. .~:c,~.~~:a:.~~f;i~.~ “G’.; c+;;>t .-~..- -’ ;~:~:, &‘j;; -y: :+:,;; .T_~ .i.~ .: ., ~,, ~~~.~..~~, ,~,~.T y. :., e‘ 1:; I ~, ^,:,%&z~-; $y>’ ;, 4-$::*~ ‘~~~;~~~~-“;i~~.‘.~,~,.~,~~~ .,‘,~cyr’;; ;,, g ,$ _ a,,.~ .:_ -,+,“‘:a -y;,q:Y ,~,~~~,:‘~71--i~-~ :;~<.*,, -:,,:,, I :, ,,+;, .: ‘:;, ,y ;J ,: ,Y, ,’ ;*y. ‘:: ..;.~ .C!.,< P : .;” ~ :I ~+:‘;::r :, “:;j; ,, *i :.p?.~~~.;,~;i;~~,~~“:-,c - .,<.-.I,~. :i-. *- ,, ::,;,,, * ,: .i&I :~~r~~~~~.Y~~“.~:.~?~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. :L::>:, : “- !$ ~, -. .~., y,; ,,; -.*xL, : ~?.. t”. _~ f.;$ j,;:: 1’ ~’ : +.. ,. ~..~ __~ -i;:. ,,, ,.,~ -.~;-~.;-..: ,t, !.’ -z=. “&~A ;,;:>:+;* ,:.- :; ,, ..:.- -. ,;.,‘,-.;,,,‘. ;“,=,$. ~*..;‘i> 1. ,;. :.: ~~ ,~ ,,.. ; .~~.j .; .L.; ,-~ .,,, ~;,::i:j_.~~~l~,;-i~~.,ii 1,: ,%,, _ ., .r.:.~,-r- ~~~.~~~~:~~~~~~~~:,,..: ‘:‘~ ~:I ” ,.._,. .~~ _. .i :~’ : .:,: .~ .( -. ‘.,: ,_ .I r:-- ..:~. ,*<- :“+‘y;’ ,?,L?Y ,._, us- : :y.:;.y .., ,;.,* ~, ,. ;.. _..i., ‘!. .i:- :‘I ‘86,‘ & MT&qAr ~~sT,‘Ns~usoRAToRy i;:;~< .;;$;, 5 1~; ~, ‘, ; 0, “O”,” CO”“,” ,)I=. : ,.- .-, ~,.~ ,; ,’ ~.~’ Ai.,-,. j ~,. I ;- , ! 11 - . ,~ ?B L0.G OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit #I7 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe - I. lota 26 July 1976 V C. Parker Templin Heights .! r .: SON. & MATERIAL Q, *orrn CO”“,” ,“C. _( - - - -~ - - - - - - s Q) ~__. ., _I:‘_,, ,,,,- :,:- .,, : ‘ ;_~ ;p ~~.: .’ _ .,;. ” ,, ^~,’ :.I:~ .,~“: .>‘“I~, ta ‘. . LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit #IS ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe On Northwest Slope Dark Grey Sandy Clay moist, cracked 3- crscka to 43’ . 4- D firm .‘U = ‘4.5 TSF (Contact’not sandy) 18.1 98.7 8D.i 5 Soil Type 6 flight Green Sandy Clay with lime 6- A SUP P 7- grades with come sand a- /CL ’ some green claystone belle 9- 10-a ; grades eandy ,f?, I ,. ‘Y. 11 Soil Type 7 Bottom :: / .:,; ,~I .,~ bt* 28 July 1976 .~ ‘.. : “. SOIL & MATCRIAI. TCST#NG~UQORAT~RY’~ ;.:.‘~y:&$jf~.~ .;. y::,i .~~. 1~ .j ,, r , 0, *o”Iw CO”“V” ,*c. ” 7c - LOG OF C3ORING - L se z:tl x - i l- , ,- 9ORlNG NO. Test Pit #I9 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe 0 m CH af a? z’5 S& s w* a- - 1 $3 - - - .- .- - 0 - - .- . - _. 9 * . Ta. 2 D Dark Grey Sandy Clay - dry lightly cracked Soil &pa 6 Olive Sandy Clay with lime zones looee, crumbles 3 4 cracks to 33;’ Soil Type 7 Green Silty Claystone 5 6 breake'into" amall angular piece{ 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~.I, 1~ ~‘~ :,.:., ., ,~ ~... :: : ,’ ; - ate 0 0 grades firm ,,. .,;;, ..-.;-y* “,.. .~ .I 7:~. ~, &., /,,__, c ;, ..:r ~- I ,_‘~ : ., b-Z,? :. .$& : _ ,,,_ .+& ‘, ‘.‘. -.I::+ ‘. 5:~: “.< ., ,:~ ,‘;::$ ~; ‘..::~,y:; ). ,-1 > ‘, - .+,:y ;:.&: I .; : ._ ~~,.:.s ‘_~ .~~ <:,.‘~~~: ;~~.,-~;:-.:;~~~r;:~~~~~;l:,~’ ~- ;?‘~ -“‘:.::~‘:.I; ,,I. pi’, ;- “, : .-.~ ..,, :.., ,i~ Y’. ~,‘~‘~., ~: Soil ‘Tyre 5 15.1 -. :‘,’ I. i-5 - .: y - ,y& ;, ~ ‘, I.’ ~ ., ,. *>,... ” _<> <. .;,ci .., ,-; -c z ,,~ n C. Parker Templin Heights “~ ,: ‘~. ,‘,I cY;;i Doesneida, CalfPornia " ' ~,'.I,~:, SRIL & AdATtRlAL T~ST#NG.~DC)RA’&~RY “.::~.~~~‘~~.l;~,~; i;. 1 :i i*;.-ii ) oc “01,” CO”“,” ,*c. :,~‘, ,& :;yy. ::,: ~$y :, .~ :.: I ‘Z’. : ,.?‘.,~ A’&‘.~ . ..“ - 3 - - - ..- ..~.~ @Y .~ .- . ,. i ~I: . ,, ~(:~~ c5~ . :\ LOCI WI- I5OKKNN BORING NO. Teat Pit $2’3 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe l-~ Dark Grey Sandy Clay ~, ,, dry _~ ,Y’,, ,~ I,. ‘~ r;,.‘~ ~~. _.“‘. ‘::y, ,,~, ;:y ‘~ 2- ,.,::~ cracks to 3 t Soil Type 6 3- Light Green Sandy Clay with lime zones 4- A 5- crumbles . Soil Type 7 6- Green Silty Claystone .~_ :I-, ;‘:,.: .. -,:,: :.brittlB, greaey .' _. ,;:.. : b -1~; ,.~ ., ~, ‘~,z-. ,, 7- .;s ,:_ - .~ ~,~ ~?:I.. Ji~;y-;,. .~ .~. /? ~‘~ ,..~ ,. .,~ i; .~ ,’ ,: ::, a- A ,,:: .,: .,:;-~‘~ I,~. ~.>.: ., * .~,:“~ 9- .‘_ ,:.p: i / ; ..~ .;~,; ‘I .+, j: ‘1. ,~ :.‘,::i~ i.” ..,, :;; ,~ ‘,:_) :,‘&~I. ;. ,.., i, ,‘. ..; ,..J;;~:: ;>., '~ Soil-Type 5 b C. Parker : .“?~ ~;’ $->!,. ~:;,A., i :. ;, ;-:, :&; .‘.’ b,, ‘,~I ; ;,+so,L & M,‘tL)1AL TtSTlN&~~CM?AT~R~ ,:i~~~~.l~~‘~~~~~~~~~~~~., 0, “a”,” CO”“I” ,*e. _ .::;.“, ‘,. \. ..<~<f’; ; ,“W f~ r, : :.:,:I.., _‘,.. ,._, ,... u ~.-...r,~.?.:i~~ji;;..’ .f. ,..~ s _ 1’:.,: :7?yy 2 f!:““:-+,+ yi;, - k, .~~ - -. - Gg.3 - -. - ,. ,G. t : - i,I ?a . LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Teet Pit #21 ELEVATION -:;. ,<.‘r .A?+g~:::, &?t” .- .<A%;.,+ r.. +, ., ,%.., <,-y; ;~.,‘&y:.*$ t:, :.cs ,i: ;.;;~y;$; ‘:~ .;;~ - ;, .~. -; + ,.*f *y~;;.$ ::, .:. >;,. y ” ;..:~g-~., :;‘.A : ~..~,&&.g$~& ~c;+&-.< : : ,;-*Y;‘: ;. ..y;: : ;,:~, y ,,, y.$: .~~~~~; : ;,A<<?; -:&?~~~ .;,f& .,~ ~. ‘, : ,; ;a<. ‘:;’ ‘::~,&c,,y ;;:y ..:4? . ,i; i .: ,~ ; ..~i -: ‘;‘+jy; &.y :,:~ ; ., ~.,,, ,>::;&,.; ,i...y*.: :“*c ,A-‘~ ..$i :,rz,, ;; ::c ;.: LI?T.:‘“. <\. : i 2.: .i :.. , _: .,,; ~‘: :‘,~~;,li~r-,;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i.;‘~:‘;.‘;‘; .~;&&+I.+~~+; .:‘;+Y$ i:, T>: ;- .$ $$i& $& :. T ‘2 +{;iq&$,$y,’ y ; ;,:#: SC... i T ‘:,.>>.; ~ey.T ‘t~,Wl- ~.~“S .I‘ ; : ;:.:.~ >:?i, ; i -,_ ;!T, ~~+-+&;~:,‘;, -;:i:;;: ~$~~:~~ $-g ,: ,, ,,,~; $.$+*g; ;I’: ~~;j~,~~.;“; ;. j: .y$.~;~~~.~ .;;,$3& Craig’, $fy “‘., _; Iy,-‘h” in ,?.~,~ .~ .y ,, ,I:: ‘: I s, .: _, ~ j: ,::,m, Zf%: .’ {!~~ s: .:y;;;<p .’ .~ ..$ ;i, otQ 29 July 1976 Templin Heights ,: _’ J*No. ~. 76-61’ rs C. Parker Oceanside, California PI& No. -1 22~ c ,V’ _.,,.: ;;.A’!; ~, .:.,::,,.; ._ * .* :, i ‘~ ‘> .; y ..-.:J;;:. .; Sc)#L & M&TtP#AL Tt$TlN&~Q~,a,AT#Xl~~’ .~. *:.‘f;-;.;“.?:. t,= .:,cL’ ,,: 0, “011” CO”“I” 8°C. :, .,.. 1% ,,:- :"i;l,';,:,', “:Y,~~ _ :, j .y,:; .,-y ~A+ ,,,~, ~..~,?l&jp , -~ ‘)?, - - ,- - - - - cr) - - \ in _ ~~‘1. :; ~~~ m-$ : - - l- 2- 3- 4- 5. 6- 7.. B- 9- IO - I- .',. .~ _ otez a a a a - - 7 - ., pi 1. -~,, A>~.?. IL. ‘~~,‘,;.~.~ . _ ‘;c;? : ~‘. :.: ~~_,. .ri’ ,.i$ $ 1976 I Templin Heights ',A.:' ~' ,,~,~~~ .:, JobNo. 76-61 '~ C. Parker Oceanside,’ CaliPornfa -' Pi&e No. - $i - - LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pit A(22 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe bark Cray Sandy Clay Soil Type 6 lhite Silty Clayey Sand ’ weakly cemented steeply dipping lime Pilled~"':.~ fracture planes . . ‘/ grades clayey .Soil Type 0 Green Silty Clayetone firIll Soil Type 7 Bottom ‘, ~ .; CTi : !-. ::: ::.. 8 *. *: .; ; ;. . * .* ; :~ : . ;:. . : :: i SPl 1 . :. 1 ii) I.. ‘i :. :. ‘.. ij ;:: ‘a., * . . . :.. a. CH< zd 2.2 .7 27. 14.c SRIL & MATtPlAL TtSTlNG-LiDRRATRRY 0, “011” CO”“I” ,*o. : .~ - ~& - - - ~. ‘. - . - - ta . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 IO 11 ‘Y,., .~I:, ,., ..7>: 1,;.? _ ..~-i;< a a a . . .;’ :: .~ . ,.a i_ 7,~ ,“* :. ..~ : ~,~;, : ,. . . ~.~ : : ..‘., l.$l’; ,..y .: ;$$g ,,,I.:~ ,: ;;” ip:;., ~.. LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Teat ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD In Ravine Dark Grey Sandy Clay alluviel wash loose, cracked (recompact 4’) grades Pirm % ~~4.5 TSF ,i .” ,?.I grades lighter grey and with ~,- 8ome clay Soil Tu Bottom -i ,.. :s. ‘:~,.-..‘,~ : 29 July 1976 C. Perker Templin Heights, Oceanside, California - .\ ~~ SRIL & MATtRtAL TtSTIN6.LADRRATRRY 0, “0”VW COUYI. ,*a ..” .,. .‘, .. :: L., ~. ..: <.. ,: .., - 4 CH 77.: 90.C ,:.. ” ;~. h ., :- ~’ ,,+ :: I: ‘-‘;:.: ,- ,i 2.’ 0, ;;:, .~ ..‘? ., ,.: ‘>.‘,, ; lobe. 76-61. V&e No. 24 . . . . j ;.,> -:::, /: 2: OF. . ~.:,,‘j--L, .; r ‘f<? , , A~ LOG OF BORING z -. c $E 8 BORING NO. Test Pit #24 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe Side slope of ravine - Dark Gray Sandy Clay wide cracks & evidence dP downelope movement .‘;~. ,,~: - .U= zp -3 2- 06 rir - 1 2 ; :i 1. ,, :::; 3 cracks to 3', Soil Type .6 4 Light Green Sandy Clay 5 crumbles (no lime filled fracture zonee) 6 Soil Type 7 Green Silty Clayatone .- ~,, firm, greasy. :: :;, :.:: y .~';.~,! : : .,L.,';" .’ Soil Type 6 ..: Bottom ../ ,~ ',~ _ .',, ~,, :.: :.-;,‘i,” : ‘~ ~,..‘., :~ ‘.:;;y” Z’~‘J~. ,_ : ,. ) ‘~ - ~.:1‘.,. ,.I ;:; _~I.. : ,: :; &’ .a, .‘.I -,. ~,_ :;... :, L’~ :;;i;;l’~‘!$‘., ;., <.i’ ” ;,.:. ;, c.,‘-~~~ ._, -’ ‘, .~ :,~~~j~;.$,.‘]~:, .I _, ;;:,;:.,~:. : : ., .i .-~- ::,: ~,,. _. f.: .&:i,~:~~: .,~ ,,, : pi j ( G,l+t!>q i.,;i 1 .. . -. .:, -..:,.. i,ST ::-k ,, ;;- .,$" ;~,'-',;.i ;~.._'~,.. ;,:- y : .~ ~_ '.:Lj+:f!;&.;,p$ i ; t I:>.: 2. T. .p.g.,?y "; ~,~ ,,.. zy+.>; .,--:r,:.~~.--:i:;:;~ii~~~-r74.-$~i:~~' ..m>.c'a.~ ~';L:" ,T. ?<-' ,'*:;.$;,*T:,: ,_, .., .,. r.-::;~-.;.-:.~' i,,: ,,,., z.*;,,tf> .~,~:'.L. ,_l,. ..$ : " _. I‘ >::pr.+, r,..:; 'I; .~' +abdr"d .:1:,~1 .-'i ?I :, ,. _,, ~, ,-;,i,~l-,,E ,* ;'.r:,-:l ~y&$s ~'., ,-.I,i:=>, ;;:!Z I_: :j j '; ..~ ~ .&5.4 :‘.I!>:. - ,; . :;. ':"'&<>,. .>yg:i<&g .,.~~~~~~~~~~~~-:.~~.:.~~~ i . ~,.. ., 5 :. .., ..,~ ~,, i". c .~ , ,L-. ,~<:r'~~.:<~:.~+: -.I.: ,I., .; . .<..x ,.w .,'! Ye." ~.I :' 1: : ,' '::. :$~ ~'.: ,.,: :...;, pi""'*..,; Y ,.3. :.;,~, ~I~ ,~-:~:, ;;,'T,,~ ,. :I 5 -.<..$#;. ,~ \ ",: _,., . . . . ,, +::, ~;...;;.;.;j~I-: .; ., i ,._..,_:~.~~ ,?:i,, y . ,’ ,‘:... ,i~ i i ~?,...‘. :.t : ~, ,a: .: .‘,’ .,.. y: ..;:1: ..tji (__ .,.: : .: ‘: “.” : ::.;‘: ~; ? G:’ : ;;i ..,::,:.t.. ::~ .~ Templin Heights ob’@. 76-61. C. Parker Oceeneide, California Idto No. 25 ~:, ‘. ..i, _, ., ~, ,: - ,~ of ,~I ?:~ .~, Jo, SRIL & MATtR8AL TESTING-lADRRATRRY ,_ “..,,’ , ;>~.,T..: ,~ -I 0, “011” CO”“I” ,*a .. ,~,’ I :+:~;;: ~, .-?, ~~, ,, ...,, ~&, 1 - -9 - - - - - -~ r, ,.. - - .~ ~, .’ % I . LOG OF BORING o'ez 29 July 1976 Templin Heights -Job No. ‘~~:,:.y 7641 I: C. Parker, Oceenefde, Celifornia P~~tet'JO. .~~.~ ,26 .,?..~ .:~;‘I~,, ~* ,.: ’ ‘s‘,IL & MATfr)lAC T‘~$TIN&~~#JRAT‘,R)Y ~~~~.~:-~,‘&;‘~~~ ‘j !‘, ‘,b “. .“, -\ 0, “O”,” co”*I” ,*a ,~, :.~: .,. ‘.~ Y 9, 1 - - 1 a Re’d Brown Silty Sand loose, with tree roota ’ 2 - - 3 Soil Type 1 Green Silty Claystone firm a “C = 4.5 TSF 4 breaks in email angular block; 5 6 7 8 9 10 ,;~ ': . . ., :g:. j.~ _ . . a . . . A,.~. ~.. ‘::. - '1"' Soil Type 5 ” Bottom ;::.:: ‘, ,~I,, .:;.i *’ ;e . - - LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Test Pft &6 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Backhoe In Treea along E. Property Line hm 29 July 1976 Templin Heighte C. Parker Oceanefde, CaliPornie - a 3 ;.i m *.. ‘. .: SPl’ ; ‘2 P :fi $ 4 ; & 1.5 - a.3 ,, ,~~.~ ,.~.Z. .+ AWL, : ,; .+.. .~.. ~... i ._~..., -.?X’ ,‘. :‘,; 08.’ _ ” - ,,I~ 25.t .,. ; ,. i +., ’ ‘i ’ ~?;;i-;j. s/ .i f : j. : : +,u,i.- ,_ ;I’;. l’-’ 1: ac. .~iu:. ,j’: ~_ l_,i ee. ., - ‘. . . .‘~ *, ,’ >,, /, : ,.~. :.. :+ 1 .*::: ,~,,..‘. ,? rze+ ,;gj :,,,I $ ,&&. s.,: 2.c. ,b No. 76-61 de No. 27 _:’ .I ., ,.~. t:;-i ~*: :-;, a+,: i-’ ‘.‘SRIL h MATCRIAL TtSTING-LADRRATRRY ,’ ‘;~ .;I:~ ,; ‘j;%.:; f,,-:,:;.;+:;,; _a. 0, “O”1” CO”*lt ,*a - ~-- .Y~., “t .- - - - -- .- t. - - t’ LOG OF BORING ;, BORING NO.1 ELEVATION 2- 24” bucket Red Brown Silty Sand 4- 6- B- grades with gray brown silty sand zones mainly brown O- 4- 6- B- gradea with clay binder moist 10 - !2- 16 - 18 - eand grades with zones of black silty eand 22’ to 25’ moderately firm moist clean (continued) . . : .’ .‘::, a/,. . 3,. -. :.: *v ..‘.. J . -. :t ..; ,, -.. . .*, ‘.--w- a..* :-.. . : l J ..- ::,.;) . . : -. .-f. . *. . :,’ ta 2 Rug. 1976 Templin Heights Job No. 76-61 i C. Parker Oceanside, California ‘PI& No. 26 SRIL & MATERIAL TESTIN6.LADRRAToPY 0, “011” CO”“I” 8°C. . . . --- - - . - r ES $” e- z . 4 - 6 6 0 .2 ,4 % Is 4 -iY - LOG OF BORING BORING NO. Borinse#,j continued ELEVAlION SAMPLING METHOO Drill Rip Red Brow Silty Sand saturated Soil TYDE 1 Red Brown Clay and Cobble mixture G water table walls cav,Jng (basal conglomerate) Soil Type 4 keen Silty Clayatone Soil Type 5 Bottom &:- 3 . z :; 9 ‘- z ~- 4 ‘1 Y . . - . : ij j; j --I--’ -‘- . ; ;: g; - I . :, : ..: I. -- -. 2 AUQ. 1976 Templin Heights Oceanside, California F-N_” AL., IOtc No 2q , SOW & MATtPlAL TCSTJNG-LALtC)I?ATOUI 0. ItOll” CO”“~” I”C. - LOG OF- BORING - - -. - .~ t .- . .-._ .~.._-- _.__ ~_- ., _ - I .= 2 - Red Broun Silty Sand 2. 4. 6, 6, - 22 rs - - i$ - - IO, , Soil Type 1 Cray Brow Silty Sand 12, 14, 16 Soil Type 2 - Red Brown Silty Sand moderately Firm 16, 20. grades gray Soil Tyoe 1 Grey Brown Silty Sand ’ 22 24 26 26 - -L h’* 2 Aug. 1976 b: C. -Parker BORING NO. 2 ELEVATION -.- SAMPLING MElHOO Drill Ria Firm moist moderately Firm easy drilling grades uith broun aand grades with zonee OF black silty eand 27 to 29’ continued _. _-. Templin Hoighte Oceaneide, California -- % 0 !l *i 2 Li :! e7 ‘J ; .yj .- :i 1 ..; ;- . :/ $ ., srl :;. :i :i” { . f, * ;f: i -1;. : :/I .;. . ?I : . l ,i: : 1 l !. 8 SM I :: * .f; ti .: . 1 : : . . 1.: ‘SM : : . *. .- : 0. . Iif . . . . . . : *- f I .*. :. . S-Ii . - :-: . . : .: : .- : . . . \ a.. :.: . . . .1 * * :* 2 . 1 T i ,.; : : ,I ‘. ; : ; *. :* :.f .t :! . : : : ,* 1 .: . . . . .a : I. . i I 1 . i . _.. : f ‘? n ;y $2’ * 2 0 !$ .: ta.- - -- i. -- ‘I- I -- i ! :, I z jf .l5 -0 n” I - 1 I I I - lob No. -_- 7+GL-. ‘I&c No. ;‘L SOIL 8s MATERIAL TESTING.LAKiOC)ATOPY 0. “.s”.Y CrIll”.” 8°C - _ ‘L. 2 - - - - - ZJ - ,- - . - -y;L . ‘\ ---_-. .- -.--w LOG OF BORING I 32. 34. 36 . 30' 40' 42. 0 a - 2 Aug. 1 C. Parker BORING NO.~UQdm ELEVATION SAMPLING MEwoO .- Red Brown Silty Sand Red Brown Silty Sand grades uith coaree eand grey eilty sand - saturated Red Brown Clay and Cobble ilixtr 2 to 3" diameter (baeal conglomerate) - Water Seeps Bottom Tomplin lioighta Oceenoido, California -..- : .f . :; 2’ I: * ; .t a- - l . b I b ;. i i. 1’ ? , :: i , ,. l ,? .- 5 , / I / /- -- _ ub N _- _-_-- - N-61- ~ - Itile No. 31 SOIL & MATtElAL TESTING-LAUORATOPY 0, “O”,” CO”“,. II(C. 47 ---.. _- .~..._. -. - ~-” . ..-.. __- - -3 - - - - . 2 4 6 0 10 12 14 16 10 20 22 24 26 - - $8 - LOG OF BORING BORING NO. 3 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Drill_Bio Red Brown Silty Sand grades clayey w/cobbles' Soil Type 1 Light Green Sandy Clay with lime grades to olaystone Soil Type 7 Green Silty Claystone. dense c IQ’- 2 Aug. 1976 * C. Parker continued Templin Height8 Oceanside, California -- 6 2 2 *:: 92 ?q SN< 3.; f / / 4 CL’ / / 4 / / / / / / / / / / / 4 / / 4 CL5 / / / 9 I / / / / / / / e / / /J r * a I I I , I I , , I- , I * I I , I I I I I I L -- : r: .: ‘; :; c ,. * : -1 a2 ;:A 2 ;o a” - -- SRIL & MATCRIAL TESTING-LADRRATRRY 0, *orrn CO”“I. 0°C. /I n - - - I I L 32 34 36 a - - - I.(>(, (Ji. hOir’tbb(i _.--. BORING NO. 3 contbued ELEVATION iiKE Green Silty Claystone Soil Type 5 0ottom . k’* 2 Aug. 7976, Templin Heights M C. Parker Oceanside, California ObNo. 76-61 16~ No. 13 SRIL~ & MATERIAL TESTIN6.L.ABRRATRRY 0, *own CO”“I” 1°C. - - -3 - - - .~ - 3 - - - - . - ~-4 * - _I --- 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 - D A , -- _- .~ .^ __.__ LOG OF BORING BORING NO. 4 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Drill Rig Dark Cray Sandy Clay so~l~TYgkh_ Light Green Sandy Clay u/lime limey dr sandy Soil Type 7 Green Silty diayetone streaks of Red Clayey Siltstone 10 to 12’ come grey brown mottling denee, come sand grit eomta lima etaine 28 to 54k continued Dal@ 2 Aug. 1976 Templin Height& b C. Parker Oceanside, California - z ? z ‘2 * 42 9; VT ?yHj 5 / 4 p 4 / / / / / / / / / / / /: CL 2’ # / / / / / / / / / / / / / 4 / / / / d -. - .a : , I. :., ” () < > ^ ‘? 0 r.J 15. 13.1 - 6 ; :, -* 2 ‘5 g Ed lob No. * - ‘Idle No. 30 ‘\ 0, NQI1” CO”“I. ,*c. 41 SOIL & MATEIXAL TESTING-LADBRAToL)Y .- - -2 ,,- - -’ - ~.. 2 .~ - - - - -3 ‘. ‘~ . .~ __ . ..__ ____ I .= EJ CL - 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 - I - - ii - LOG OF BORING BORING NO. 4 continued ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Green Silty Clayetone dense grades light'brown Soil Type 5 Bottom kma 2 Aug. 1976 C. Parker Templin Heights .Oceanside, California .z c, 5 $$ T / / 4 I ; / / / / / / / / / / / / / / L --~ “8 L : L ‘1; .y ,) z. 5 ,a (1 (1 Y .I a- - z G ; 7 ;:: (5 22 ob No. 76-61 I& No. 35 SOIL & MATERIAL TESTING-LAQORATQRY 0, “OIT” CO”“,” 8°C. P. ,>.’ “% - . : --.----_._ LOG OF BORING - - 2 4 6 8 - - - Dark Gray Sandy Clay dry, cracked Soil Type 6 Light Green Sandy Clay with lime sandy zone Soil Type 7 . Light Green Clayey Sand Pirm IO Green Silty Clayatone 12 - - - - - 14 White Silty Clayey Sand 16 gradee sandy 18 20 clayey zone 20 to 22’ 22 24 26 D 0 - - - 28 Soil Type 8 Green Silty Clayetone BORING NO. 5 ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOD Drill Ris Soil Type -5 continued I k’* 2 Aug. 1976 Templin Heights C. Parker Oceanside, California -- Y .T :; :* 5, .i i,s z 0’ : .- .A- Cl; . ._..~ .__ - 20. - lob No. ‘lot. No. 76-61 36 SOIL & MATERIAL TESTIN~4ADQRATC)RY 0. “011” CO”#aI” 8°C. I?7 - -3 - .- - - 1 -w ,- - .- . - - -~ ~2 . \ 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 IS 33 : - - - Green Silty Claystone greasy, moist sandy zone 32 to 34’ remolds brown sandy grading back dark green Soil Type 5 - Bottom 976 Templin Heights 8vl C. Parker Oceanside, California LOG OF BORING BORING NO. 5 continued ELEVATION SAMPLING METHOO White Silty Clayey Sand Soil ,Type 8 I. ; :; :” :n : 6% Z? 00 ., ?! .- L- SOIL & MATtRlAL TESTING-LADORATORY 0. “O”T” CO”“T” ,*c. n - -..-.. - ~~_ --. - ,,, ,. SLOPE !3/4[31LI’-Iy ANAL’/SlS ,!f! SCALE ASSUME CALCULATE l HoR.DlXToCE~O -@-ANGLE OFI- FRlCWl(-) W l WEIGHT= bhS X * VW-C OlSf.TOCENTPWO C . UNIT COHESION (p-f) C- COHESlON-LLP h*HElGHTOFSLlCE u * UNIT wElGlfr solL(paf) 2~LfxzHcFpRcl ~.l-lElGHTOFU\19TER <-ANGLE b-!wXkioFsucE R= wokI Llw- ulm- WSICKT wcmR(pcf) R(LA) + R(b tan@) (h&f-US-e) ~0s.a d(bhU)+%(.lbhU) . i i SOIL AND MATRRIAX. TRSTINQ LABORATORY rJ m ,-Fe -4s-4 - ,, i, ,,, - c&j-- ! s7-fl&& ANAL YS/S _ : -- I9l2Spy Ac$l%‘m7knd . 77(Fq.3C) C dcj’ = 2% C F9.103 . .- so 0.4 x- .4*50*X) yo* t.9Y-1.9x50~50 CR9 Jci - - SCALE lo’=20 - UEGLECT RESJsVlrhKi UIEDG -.a :: .,,- ~, ; ,e ._ . “‘~ ” - \ SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY .cC 01 RTC 7n I / G . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . SLOPE STAEklTY ANALYSIS @ ~, -,-RI& CRtntAL ClRcL f 48 2y %= 125pcf ES- R(d)+ R-(bkm.~)(hX-y~w)~S~ I~ d (bhll) + 9! (.l bhX) tQn.o= .554 %w* x 6X4901 K n- _I !I00 - .---a a 1 o( 625 58 .SO 625 331 35% 413 lzxioo 82.5 caqz &S -.,r’-- 3z-?A? , I 3qc#ixs USB 4G.6952lg8 ma C6Sf, 562 4$Z0 70 3-z 5s +:s: ;05+90 23 2875 31 .857 2875 2464 2675,509 a500 50 &97q&X 72 +;r- . Y@W 22 2750 18 .95/ 2750 2615 Z&as,472 yaao 30 1r,6x,&x 82 ;-’ 2.2-i. --- S&l00 16.5 zw3 6 .995 2063 2053 2.229,2?9 44260 IO 4/2,6a; 89 :GzZ-: %%9a> 9 755, A95 2 03.+,& c: y-‘ s* Ia. 2: a, 906,9x) + 3,755,/8!i I 4.8J f 9.7 2 14.57 1.4 t . 9.C~3.2053 + I,:i49,733 9.03 + 155 SOIL AND MAT~RIALTESTING LABO~TORY oc NORTU aouN7v. INa. 413 l4Al.E AVE. - CSCONDIOO. CALIC. SaOlS :._ E~CONOIOO - 746~133a ‘. SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION Of CONTROLLED FILLS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The construction of controlled Pills shall consist of adequate preliminary soil investigations, and clearing, removal of existing atructuree and foundations , preparation of land to be Pilled, excavation of earth and rock Prom cut area, compaction and control of the Pill, and all other work necessary to complete the grading of the Pilled areas to conform with the linea, grades, and slopes as shown on the, accepted plans. CLEARING AND PREPARATION Of AREAS TO BE FILLED: (a) All Pill control projects shall have a preliminary soil investigation or a visual examination, depending upon the nature of the job, by a qual- ified soil engineer prior to grading. (b) All timber, trees; brush, vegetation, and other rubbish shall be re- moved, piled and burned, or otherwise dispoaed of to leave the prepared ,araaa with a finished appearance free Prom unsightly debris. & cl Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas, shall be corrected by - rainage or removal of compressible material, or both, to the depths in- dicated on the plane or as directed by the soil engineer. (d) The natural ground which is determined to be satisfactory for the support of the Pilled ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least six inches (6”) or deeper as specified by the soil engineer, and until the surface is free Prom ruts, hummocks, or other uneven Pea- turas which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be uaed. ,- (e) No Pill shall be placed until the prepared native ground has been . approved by the aofl engineer. (P) Where Pills are made on hillsides with elopes greater than 5 (hori- ,- rontal) to 1 (vertical), horizontal benches shall~ be cut into firm un- disturbed, natural ground to provide lateral and vertical stability. The initial bench at the toe of the Pill shall be at least IO Peat in width ,~ on firm undiaturbad natural ground at the elevation of the toe atake. The aoil engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all suc- ceeding benches which will vary with the aoil conditiona and the steep- nest 0P elope. (9) After the nature1 ground has been prepared, it ahall be brought to - the nrooer moisture content and comoaated to not leaa than 90% of max- rua,de;lrity, A.S.T.lR. D1557-64t. ’ ,.- ,,,. - ‘\ . . .‘. I-- - ., : ~’ .; , .L; - ,;>, ( h ) 3. E x P ansive soils may require special compaction specifications s directed in the preliminary aoil invostigation by the soil engineer. (i) The cut portions of building pads in which rock-like material exists may require excavation and recompaction for density compatibility with the fill ae directed by the soil engineer. MATERIALS: The fill soils ehall consist of select materials gradad so - that at least 40 percent of the material passes the No. 4 sieve. The material may be obtained from the excavation, a borrow pit, or by mixing soils from one or more sources. The material used shall be free from vegetable matter, and other deleterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps greater than 6 inches in diameter. If excessive vegetation, rocks, or soils with unacceptable physical characteristics are encountered, these materials shall be disposed of in waste areas designated on the plans or as directed by the soil engineer. If soils are encountered during the grading operation which ulere not reported in the preliminary soil invast- - igation, further testing utill be required to ascertain their engineering properties. Any special treatment recommended in the preliminary or sub- sequent soil report6 not covered herein shall become an addendum to these specitioatione. No material of a pariehabla , spongy, or otherwise unstable nature shall be used in the Pille. in layers which shall Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly blade-mixad during the spreading to insure unilormity of material and moisture in each layer. (b) Uthen the moieture content of the fill material is below that spaci- Pied by the soil engineer, water shall be added until the moisture con- tent is near optimum ae determined by the soil engineer to assure thor- ough bonding during the compacting process. (c) Ulhen the moisture content of the fill material is above that spaci- tied by the eoil engineer, the till material shall be aerated by blading and ecariPying, or other aatiefactory methods until the moisture content io near optimum ae determined by the soils engineer. (d) After each, layer hae been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compeoted to not less than the specified maximum density in accordance with A.S.T.M. 0165%64T. Compaction shall be by means of tamping or sheepafoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other types of rollore. Rollere shall be of such design that they will be able to compaot~the till to the specified density. Rolling of each layer shall be continuouo over ite entire area and the roller shall make sufficient paseee to obtain the deeirad density. The entire area to be Pilled shall be co@paoted to the epooitied danrity. -a . ~~,,,.:,, .\,--,:,::;:;: ~:., . .~ 2” Lion. ANIB MATRR’IAT. TRSITIN~ l.ARORATORY rFn, n-t-~- AC) - ) Fill slopes shall be compacted by means’of sheapsfoot rollers or - her suitable equipment. Compacting operations shall be continued until a elopes sra stable but not too dense for planting and until there is no appreciable amount of loose soil on the slopes. Compacting of the slopes shall be accemplishad by backrolling the slopes in increments of ;e;zl;sfeet in elevation gain or by other methods producing satisfactory . - (f) Fields density tests shall be made by the soil engineer for approx- imately each foot in elevation gain after compaction, but not to exceed two feet in vertical height between tests. The location of the tests in plan shall be spaced to give the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther than 100 feet apart. Tests shall be taken on corner and terreca lots for each two feet in elevation gain. The soil engineer - may take additional tests as considered necessary to check on the uniform- ity of compaction. UJhera sheapsfoo:t rollers are used, the tests shall be taken in the compacted material below the disturbed surface. No - additional layers of fill shall be spread until the field density tests indicate that the specified density has been obtained. _~ (9) The fill operation shall be continued ‘in six inch (6”) compacted layers, as specified above, until the fill has bean brought to the fin- ished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. - SUPERVISION: illing and compacting operations so that ha can’csrtify that the fill I~-, $ Supervision by the soil engineer. shell be made during the a made in accordance with accepted specifications. The specifications and soil testings of subgrade, subbase, and base materials for roads, or other public property shall be dons in accordance with specifications of the governing agency. SEASONAL LImITS: No fill material shell be placed, spread, or rolled during unfevorable weather conditions. When the work is interrupted - by heavy rain, grading shall not be resumed until field taste by the soil engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of the fill era es previously specified. In the event that, in the opinion of the _ engineer, soils unsatisfeotory es foundation material are encountered, . they shall not be incorporated in the grading and disposition will be made at the engineer~s discretion. ‘. - - .- a :~L: : ;;;: ,; ., ,~ j ,“’ ~,- ‘\ SOIL AND MATERIAL TRSTINQ LABORATORY ,@ ‘PLATE 43 ~;I.,: :,~,:!:,,,~:, ,,,. .&:: ?.’ ~‘\i~, i UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CtlAn’i IDENTiFYINC CRITERIA -5----- GROUP sYmRoL COARSE CRAINED IMore than 50% #200 sieve) . - ‘#%han 60% #4 but emaller then - - - - .~ - - ) -1x. - - - \ - - .+ - sf eve 3 inches) Non Plaetio SANDS (Morothan SO$ smaller than #4 sieve) Non Plastic fINE CRAINED Fore than gO$ smaller than #200 sieve) Liquid Limit less than SD cw CP GM GC SW SP sm SC IIlL CL SOIL DESCRIPTION GRAVEL, wall gradad gravel- sand mixture, little or no fines. GRAVEL, poorly graded greval- sand mixture, little or no fines. GRAVEL, SILTY, poorly graded gravel-send-silt mixtures. GRAVEL, CLAYEY, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay mixture. SAND, well graded, gravelly sands, little or no fines. SAND, poorly graded, gravelly sands, little or no fines. SAND, SILTY, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures, SAND, CLAYEY, poorly graded send-clay mixtures. SILT, INORGANIC, silt and fine send, sandy silt or clayey- silt-sand .mixturee with slight plasticity. CLAY, INORGANIC, clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Liquid Limit greater than 50 .- $ -1. ‘HIGHLY DRGANIO SOILS - OL MH CH SILT, ORGANIC, silts and or- ganic silt-clays of low plasticity. SILT, INORGANIC, silts micaceous or diotomaceoue Pine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. CLAY, INORGANIC, clays of med- ium to high plasticity, fat clays. OH CLAY, ORGANIC, clays of medium to high plasticity. PT PEAT, other highly organic swamp soils.