HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 75-07; Green Valley Knolls Lots 1-18; Soils Report; 1976-09-22PHILIP “ENIONG BENTON PILSIDLHT ClVlL ENGlNILR Lo Costa Land Ccmpany 2100 Cotta Del Mar Road Carl&ad, California 92008 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS - FOtJND*T,ONs 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 September 22, 1976 Subject: Project No. 76-4-20D Report on Compacted Filled Ground Green Valley Knolls Carlsbad Tract No. 75-7 Model Lots 1 to 18, inclusive (Formerly Lots 224 to 229, inclusive) La Costo Area of Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: TELEPHONE 171*, 565.1955 R XEIVED SEP 2 31976 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department This is to report the results of tests and observations made in order to inspect the canpoction of filled ground placed on certain areas of Model Lots 1 to 18, inclusive, of Green Volley Knolls in the La Costa area of Carl&ad, California. These lots were previously designated OS Lots 224 to 229, inclusive, on the original grading plan prepared by Rick Engineering Company and dated April 6, 1976. Th e i s were placed during the period between April f II 21 and September 21, 1976. The approximate areas and depths of filled ground placed under our irxpectiw, in accordance with the approved specifications are shown on the attached Drawing No. 1, entitled “Location of Compacted Filled Ground.” The grading plan used for the placement of filled ground, revised August 23, 1976, was prepared by Rick Engineering Company. Test Nos. 1 to 43, inclusive, taken during the initial grading of Green Valley Knoll<, are located in the “Table of Test Results” according to the original Lot Nos. 224 to 229, inclusive. Test Nos. 44 to 209, inclusive, ore located according to the recently revised Lot Nos. 1 to 18, inclusive, shown on the attached Drawing No. 1. The approximate locations at which the tests were taken and the final test result5 are presented on pages 3 to 10, inclusive, under the “Table of Test Results.” The laboratory determinotionz of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture content< of the moior fill materials are presented on page 11, under the “Laboratory Test Resul tq. ” Some of the maximum dry densities shown in the “Table of Test Results” were ccmbinatiwrs of these. The tests were taken during the weekly periods indicated on the following page. Project No. 76-4-20D Green Valley Knolls -2- September 22, 1976 Test Number Week Ending 1 to 28, inclusive 29 to 38, inclusive 39 and 40 41, 42, and 43 44 to 61, inclusive 62 to 65, inclusive 66 to 98, inclusive 99 to 114, inclusive 115 to 120, inclusive 121 to 127, inclusive 128 to 163, inclusive 164 to 182, inclusive 183 to 196, inclusive 197 to 209, inclusive April 24, 1976 May 1, 1976 May 15, 1976 June 5, 1976 July 3, 1976 July 10, 1976 July 17, 1976 July 24, 1976 July 31, 1976 August 28, 1976 September 4, 1976 September 11, 1976 September 18, 1976 September 21, 1976 (Date of last test) Filled ground was placed over some areas of existing ccmpocted filled ground. The results of field density tests token in these existing ccmpacted filled ground areas were presented in our previous report dated January 8, 875 and entitled “Project No. 73-l l-12D, Final Report on Ccmpocted Filled Ground, Spanish Village Unit No. 1, Carlsbod Tract No. 72-24, Corlsbad, California. Existing loose, Foft, or unsuitable natural soils were removed beneath the proposed fill areas OS recommended and the compacted filled ground was placed on suitable natural ground. Expanive soils were removed where these existed in the upper three feet below finished grade and the areas were then brought to grade with properly cunpacted nonexpansive soils. Only nonexpansive soil< were placed in the upper three feet below finished grade in the compacted filled ground areas and therefore Tpecial design for expansive soil conditions will not be required for the lots covered in this repwt. The final results of tests and observations indicate that the compacted filled ground ha< been placed at 90 percent of the maximum dry density or greater. It has been determined that the fill materials, ccmpocted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density, hove a safe bearing value of 1658 pounds per square foot for one foot wide continuous footings founded at least one foot below the final compacted ground surface and placed five feet or more inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes. If footings are placed closer to the exposed slopes than 5 feet inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes, these should be deepened one foot below a 1 l/Z horizontal to 1 vertical line projected outward and downward from a point 5 feet horizontally inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes. All buried exterior utility lines should be City of Carl&ad approved plastic lines due to the cor- rosive characteristics of the soils, unless sufficient field tests are taken to establish that non- corrosive soils exist in the utility trench areas. BLNTON ENGINLCRING. INC Project No. 76-4-200 Green Valley Knolls -3- Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Bydd?z&&a R. C. Remer Reviewed by S. H. Shu, Civil Engineer R.C.E. No. 19913 Distr: (3) Addressee (2) Addressee Attention: Mr. Burton C. Kramer (2) City of Carlsbad Building Deparhnent (1) Rick Engineering Company, Carl&ad September 22, 1976 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-4-200 Green Valley, Knolls -4- September 22, 1976 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Approx- imate Location Lot No. 227 W. Side 228 Center 229 Center 228 Center 227 W. Side 228 Center 229 Center 229 E. Side 228 E. Side 227 E. Side 227 W. Side 228 Center 229 E. Side 227 Center 228 E. Side 229 W. Side Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 1.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 7.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 10.0 Perenne PI. 1 .O Sta. 2+00 Perenne PI. 1 .O Sto. 4+00 225 1.0 W. Side 224 2.0 W. Side Field BY Moisture Density % dry wt I b/cu ft 11.4 101.7 11.7 99.3 14.2 97.9 13.8 98.2 12.7 103.4 13.7 103.0 13.2 103.0 11.0 102.9 12.3 102.3 17.6 100.8 16.1 100.3 13.3 103.4 15.8 101.1 18.3 105.3 15.4 102.9 16.0 98.7 12.3 102.8 13.1 100.3 17.5 101.7 9.9 104.0 Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 113.4 113.4 113.4 113.4 113.4 111.3 111.3 113.4 113.4 111.8 110.2 113.4 110.2 116.2 114.0 109.0 114.0 111.0 109.0 114.3 Percent Compaction 89.7 87.6 86.3 86.6 91.2 92.5 92.5 90.7 90.2 90.2 91 .o 91.2 91.7 90.6 90.3 90.5 90.2 90.4 93.3 91.0 Remarks Rewaked Rewaked Reworked Rewwked Check on #l Check on 12 8 $4 Check on #3 Project No. 76-4-20D Green Valley Knolls -5- September 22, 1976 Test No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Approx- Depth imate of Fill Location at Test Lot No. in Feet Perenne PI. 1.0 End of Culdesac 226 E. Side 225 Center 224 W. Side 224 W. Side 225 W. Side 225 E. Side 224 E. Side 224 E. Side 225 E. Side 224 E. Side 225 Center 229 W. Side 229 E. Side 225 N. Side 228 E. Side 227 Center SDG&E Easement East226 226 East 225 Rear 3.0 12.4 107.0 117.3 91.2 5.0 10.5 105.8 116.9 90.5 6.0 16.1 99.6 111.8 89.1 6.0 14.5 103.9 111.8 92.9 7.0 11.9 106.2 114.3 92.9 4.0 13.5 106.1 116.9 90.8 4.0 20.6 88.8 111.8 79.4 2.0 10.5 100.6 110.2 91.3 2.0 10.5 104.0 110.2 94.4 4.0 13.1 100.3 110.2 91.0 9.0 15.0 100.8 110.4 91.3 12.0 13.3 111.2 120.4 92.4 12.0 12.9 112.8 120.4 93.7 2.0 13.8 104.6 114.0 91.7 13.0 16.0 103.5 111.5 92.9 11.0 9.6 104.9 114.0 92.0 4.0 14.0 111.8 120.4 92.9 6.0 11.0 11.9 15.0 106.2 105.8 115.4 115.4 92.0 91.7 TABLE OF TESTRESULTS (CONT.) Field Moisture % drywt 13.3 Dry Maximum Dry Density Density Percent Ib/cu ft lb/c" ft Compaction 106.2 116.9 90.8 Reworked Check on # 24 Reworked Check on #28 Remarks BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-4-200 Green Valley Knolls -6- September22, 1976 Test No. Approx- imate Location Lot No. Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 41 224 10.0 42 226 5.0 43 226 7.0 44 5 15.0 45 7 11.0 46 6 4.0 47 8 4.0 48 7 6.0 49 5 6.0 50 8 8.0 51 6 8.0 52 4 2.0 53 5 10.0 54 6 12.0 55 4 6.0 56 5 14.0 57 4 10.0 58 3 4.0 59 2 4.0 60 4 14.0 61 6 12.0 62 6 12.0 63 6 13.0 64 5 17.0 65 7 13.0 66 6 17.0 67 4 15.0 68 7 15.0 69 8 2.0 70 7 19.0 71 4 19.0 72 5 21.0 73 6 21.0 74 8 6.0 75 4 23.0 76 9 2.0 77 13 2.0 78 12 2.0 79 10 2.0 80 10 4.0 TABLE OFTESTRESULTS(CONT.) Field Moisture % dry wt Dry Density lb/c" ft 14.6 11.1 8.9 10.3 7.7 9.8 14.5 7.1 7.4 7.0 10.3 16.6 12.2 8.2 6.9 9.8 10.8 12.9 9.2 13.1 12.0 7.6 12.6 12.2 14.0 9.7 7.8 12.8 11.6 10.5 8.5 10.1 11.7 8.6 11.1 13.7 12.4 11.3 10.7 12.1 BENTON ENGINEE”INO. WC 103.6 118.0 108.2 108.3 115.6 108.9 103.1 110.2 113.6 108.1 108.9 102.1 107.8 100.0 111.8 106.2 111.1 106.9 109.4 106.2 106.0 114.1 114.4 107.0 104.6 114.9 116.8 104.6 105.3 106.7 109.0 107.4 104.0 107.9 105.9 103.9 105.7 108.2 109.3 105.5 Maximum Dry Density Percent Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 113.5 91.3 120.4 98.0 117.3 92.2 117.3 92.4 120.4 96.0 117.3 92.9 114.0 90.5 120.4 91.6 120.4 94.4 117.3 92.2 120.4 90.4 111.8 91.3 115.5 93.3 115.5 86.6 Reworked 120.4 92.9 114.0 93.1 120.4 92.3 115.5 92.6 120.4 90.9 114.0 93.1 115.5 91.8 Check on854 120.6 94.7 120.4 95.1 115.5 92.6 115.5 90.6 120.4 95.5 120.4 97.0 115.5 90.6 115.5 91.1 115.5 92.4 119.2 91.5 116.2 92.3 114.0 91.3 116.2 92.9 114.0 92.9 114.0 91.1 116.2 90.9 119.2 90.8 119.2 91.8 116.2 90.8 Project NO. 76-4-20D Green Valley Knolls -7- Test No. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 loo 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 TABLE OF TESTRESULTS(CONT.) Approx- Depth imate of Fill Field Locution of Test Moisture Lot No. in Feet % dry wt 13 2.0 13.8 9 4.0 12.5 11 4.0 10.7 8 8.0 15.1 12 6.0 11.9 Perenne PI. 3.0 9.8 sta. 2+00 Perenne PI. 3.0 5.8 sta.4+00 Perenne PI. 3.0 10.6 Sto.6+00 Perenne PI. 5.0 10.1 Sta. Et00 Perenne PI. 5.0 8.1 Sta. 7+00 2 14.0 11.7 3 14.0 10.5 5 25.0 9.9 6 25.0 11.5 7 21.0 10.2 6 27.0 * 10.9 7 23.0 * 9.7 13 4.0 11.8 3 12.0 7.9 12 6.0 11.3 12 8.0 11.1 3 12.0 10.9 11 4.0 10.9 12 10.0 11.9 10 6.0 10.8 11 8.0 12.0 16 2.0 10.1 13 7.0 12.5 14 2.0 12.0 15 2.0 13.4 16 4.0 10.7 13 8.0 12.2 18 2.0 11.2 17 2.0 10.5 18 2.0 12.1 21 2.0 12.4 17 4.0 10.5 l Indicates finished grade Dry Density Ib/cu ft Maximum bY Density Ib/cu ft 101.4 111.8 105.2 114.0 105.1 114.0 104.3 114.0 106.9 114.0 114.8 120.4 Percent Canpaction 90.7 92.2 92.2 91.5 93.7 95.4 117.4 120.4 97.5 111.9 120.6 92.7 110.7 120.6 91.9 112.2 119.2 94.2 105.6 114.3 92.3 107.1 117.3 91.3 108.7 115.5 94.2 107.4 113.5 94.6 107.4 113.5 94.6 110.9 119.2 93.0 110.8 119.2 93.0 111.2 119.2 93.3 98.9 114.0 86.7 108.7 117.3 92.7 114.9 120.4 95.4 110.1 114.0 96.6 111.5 119.2 93.5 111.3 119.2 93.3 107.2 117.3 91.4 105.2 115.4 91.1 105.3 113.5 92.8 106.6 117.3 90.9 102.9 114.0 90.3 109.4 117.3 93.3 109.9 119.2 92.2 107.8 119.2 90.5 105.9 114.0 92.9 110.3 117.3 94.0 106.5 117.3 90.8 106.7 117.3 90.9 113.6 119.2 95.2 September 22, 1976 Remarks Reworked Check on #99 Bl%TON ENGINEERING. INC Project No. 76-4-200 Green Valley Knolls -8- Test No. 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 12.5 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 143A 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 11 9.0 3 13.0 2 11.0 1 14.0 3 14.0 5 1.0 4 18.0 4 18.0 2 14.0 9 11.0 8 9.0 10 17.0 Perenne PI. 2.0 sta. 9+00 6 14.0 7 9.0 8 11.0 9 13.0 8 13.0 6 15.0 14 2.0 14 4.0 15 2.0 14 6.0 1 16.0 2 16.0 15 6.0 16 6.0 14 8.0 * 15 9.0 * Perenne PI. 6.0 Sta. 8*0 17 2.0 11 12.0 12 9.0 11 14.0 * 13 6.0 17 4.0 18 4.0 16 8.0 * 17 6.0 18 6.0 * Approx- Depth imate of Fill Location of Test Lot No. in Feet TABLE OF TESTRESULTS(CONT.) Field Moisture % dry wt Dry Density Ib/cu ft Maximum bY Density Ib/cu ft Percent Ccmpaction 12.4 107.7 117.3 91.8 11.5 103.3 113.5 91.0 12.9 108.7 119.2 91.2 9.8 101.3 111.8 90.6 9.3 102.3 111.8 91.5 9.2 108.4 119.2 90.9 6.9 102.7 119.2 86.2 10.1 110.6 119.2 92.8 11.7 113.0 119.2 94.8 12.0 105.4 114.0 92.4 8.1 105.5 114.0 92.5 10.8 104.2 111.8 93.2 9.4 107.2 116.2 92.3 10.0 108.9 117.3 8.7 107.4 117.3 10.2 107.4 117.3 9.9 104.8 114.0 10.0 110.6 119.2 8.6 107.6 119.2 7.2 105.1 114.0 11.0 106.0 116.2 9.6 106.0 116.2 9.2 105.4 116.2 11.6 104.5 114.0 10.8 107.5 119.2 11.3 104.7 111.8 13.2 101.4 111.8 12.1 103.4 112.3 10.1 104.3 114.0 13.5 105.9 114.0 92.8 91.6 91.6 91.9 92.8 90.3 92.2 91.2 91.2 90.8 91.7 90.3 93.6 90.6 92.1 91.5 92.9 12.8 109.0 119,.2 91.5 10.9 106.7 114.0 93.5 10.8 103.9 114.0 91.2 13.9 102.4 111.8 91.7 11.5 103.8 114.0 91.0 10.8 104.8 114.0 92.0 10.3 105.3 114.0 92.4 10.9 109.9 119.2 92.2 10.9 107.4 117.3 91.6 11.0 99.9 114.0 87.6 September 22, 1976 Reworked Check on #124 Remarks Reworked * Indicates finished grode BENTON ENGINIERINCi. INC. Project No. 76-4-20D Green Valley Knolls -9- September 22, 1976 Approx- imate Test Location No. Lot No. 157 17 158 13 159 13 160 10 161 10 162 3 163 5 164 1 165 2 166 4 167 3 168 5 169 6 170 7 171 8 172 9 173 9 174 7 175 12 176 13 177 12 178 13 179 opp. Lot 9 180 Opp. Lot 13 181 Opp. Lot18 182 18 183 2 184 3 185 3 186 7 187 6 188 8 189 7 190 9 191 1 192 2 193 3 194 4 195 5 Depth of Fill of Test in Feet Field Moisture % dry wt Dry Density lb/w ft Maximum bY Density lb/w ft 8.0 * 10.1 111.7 119.2 7.0 10.7 105.4 114.0 8.0 10.3 107.2 117.3 19.0 10.8 106.9 117.3 21.0 * 10.0 107.4 117.3 16.0 8.7 109.2 119.2 17.0 10.3 108.6 119.2 18.0 * 8.9 102.5 111.8 18.0 * 10.7 102.6 111.8 22.0 * 11.7 102.8 111.8 18.0 * 10.1 103.5 111.8 21.0 * 11.4 102.3 111.8 17.0 * 11.4 103.1 111.8 11.0 11.8 102.2 111.8 15.0 * 9.4 104.0 111.8 15.0 9.4 102.5 111.8 17.0 * 11.6 106.1 111.8 13.0 * 10.9 103.4 111.8 11.0 11.6 107.3 111.8 10.0 10.0 104.8 111.8 13.0 * 13.5 101.3 111.8 12.0 * 12.1 101.9 111.8 2.0 11.7 105.0 111.8 4.0 10.5 101.9 Ill.8 2.0 9.0 106.1 111.8 6.0 * 13.5 109.2 114.0 16.0 10.6 105.6 111.8 14.0 13.1 110.0 119.2 16.0 12.1 107.4 115.4 4.0 9.7 109.3 119.2 5.0 10.3 105.2 113.5 6.0 12.5 108.9 116.2 7.0 8.9 106.9 113.5 2.0 10.9 110.0 119.2 18.0 * 10.9 108.2 119.2 18.0 * 9.7 110.1 119.2 18.0 * 10.2 105.0 116.2 22.0 * 10.4 107.6 115.4 21.0 * 12.6 107.1 115.4 TABLE OF TESTRESULTS (CONT.) Percent Ccmpaction Remark? 93.7 92.5 91.4 91.1 91.6 91.6 91.1 91.7 91.8 91.9 92.6 91.5 92.3 91.4 93.0 91.7 94.9 92.5 96.0 93.8 90.6 91.2 93.9 Cul de Sac 91.1 Cul de Sac 94.9 Cul de Sac 95.8 Check onX1% 94.5 92.3 93.1 91.7 92.7 93.7 94.2 92.3 90.8 92.4 90.4 93.2 92.8 * Indicates finished grade eENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-4-200 Green Valley Knolls -lO- TABLE OF TESTRESULTS(CONT.) Approx- Depth imate of Fill Field Test Location of Test Moisture No. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt 196 6 17.0 l 9.9 111.5 119.2 93.5 197 7 13.0* 13.0 105.1 116.2 90.4 198 8 15.0 * 9.3 107.8 115.4 93.4 199 9 17.0 * 6.6 107.3 115.4 93.0 200 10 21.0 l 10.8 105.0 113.5 92.5 201 11 14.0 * 11.6 111.2 119.2 93.3 202 12 13.0 * 11.5 107.4 115.4 93.1 203 13 12.0 * 11.4 111.5 119.2 93.5 204 Cul-de-sac 9.0 * 13.3 110.9 119.2 93.0 Opp. Lot8 205 14 8.0 + 10.4 111.2 119.2 93.3 206 15 8.0 * 12.8 110.5 119.2 92.7 207 16 8.0 * 10.1 114.3 119.2 95.9 208 17 6.0 * 12.5 107.8 115.4 93.4 209 '18 6.0 * 10.7 104.3 113.5 91.9 DV Density Ib/cu ft Maximum "r~ Density lb/c" ft September 22, 1976 Percent Ccmpaction Remarks * Indicates finished grade BENTON ENGINIERING. INC. Project No. 76-4-201) Green Valley Knolls -ll- September 22, 1976 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS The maximum dry densities and optimum moicture contents of the maior fill materials as deter- mined by the A.S.T.M. D 1557-70 method, thot uses 25 blows of a 10 pound rammer falling from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter l/30 cubic foot ccmpaction cylinder, are presented as follows: Soil Description Brown silty fine to mediun sand Light orange brown clayey very fine sand Light gray silty very fine sand Light gray brown clayey fine sand Light brown silty very fine to fine sand Light gray brown silty very fine sand Light yellow brown silty fine sand Yellow brown slightly clayey fine to mediun %and Yellow brown clayey fine sand with siltstone chunks Yellow brown silty very fine to fine sand Light gray and yellow brown silty fine to medium <and Light gray brown silty clay Brown cilty fine sand with scattered gravel Light gray fine to medium sand with slight clay binder Light groy brown silty fine to medium sand Light gray brown qilty fine sand Light gray brown silty fine sand Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 119.2 13.4 14.0 14.3 11.8 13.5 16.2 117.3 110.2 112.3 115.5 109.2 120.6 115.4 114.0 114.0 120.4 Optimum Mois- ture Content % dry wt 11.8 15.1 12.8 14.0 12.6 13.9 13.2 13.1 15.7 13.8 13.7 17.0 10.5 12.7 13.6 11.5 11.4 eENTON ENGlNEERING. INC.