HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 76-01; CHESTNUT GARDENS SUBDIVISION; PRELIMINARY SOIL INVESTIGATION; 1976-06-28SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY i&. OF NORTH COUNTY, INC. l~----~------------~------~----------------4-2-'3-H-A-L-E-A-V-E-.--E-S-C-O-N-O-'-O-C-,-CA--U-t-.9-, 2-0~2--S ",' . ' .... " 28 June 1976 ESCCNOIOC~74~·2~33 ..•.. ~ ! .. - Mr. M. S~ ·~umphreys P.O. Box 1009 Carlsbad, California 92088 . , Re: Job No. 76-50 Dear Mr. Humphreys: Proposed Carlsbad Tract 76-1 Chestnut Gard~ns·Subdivision Carlsbad, California Enclosed is:our Preliminary Soil Invest~gation report as you requested fOf the above referenced project located on the i ~ southeast corn er : of Chestnl,lt Avenue and Monroe ·Street , Carlsbad, California. i The investigation consists of five test pits dug to ~epths of approximately 5 to 7 feet below the existing_ground surface • Appropr'i.ate'.labo~atory testing' and engineering analyses were· performed. The ,results of this investigation along with our recommen ... dations are to be found in the aricompanying report. In summary, it is our opinion that th~re are no unusual soil groblems which would hinder the'gradingof the proposed p~oject provided our recommendations are followed. We wish to emphasize the importance of continuing inspection and testing during grading. If there are any questions or problems, please f~el free to contact us in the future. Respectfully submitted, SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY OF NORTH COUNTY, INC. ~g'fZ CLAUDE B. PARKER ~ . Registered Civil Engineer #1S,987 Certified Engineering Geologist #922 i. : , . , . I i I RECEIVED JUL ~8 1976 CITY OF CARLSBAD En!ineerin~ Department '. ,I " '( •• , . , ·e I' PRELIMINARY SOIL INVESTIGATION ! PROPOSED CARLSB8D TRaCT 76-1 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA . , i \ ! I· I I ,I FOR ! MR. M. S. HUMPHREYS P.O. 'BOX 1099 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA , 92008 . ,. I , , j \ \ . , . I ' : .1 . " , ( -.28 JUNE 19_7.p i I 1. 'I '! ' . , i JOB NO. 76-50 sOIL AND MA~RIAL TESTING LABORATORY .1 DP' NDRT'" CD4NTY. INC. I " ; ( . -, , i • ; : ~ , " " 'I. .,' \ ;1 ,' . . ' i ., . I \ j \ ! . IJ 1 1 II. III~ T~BLE OF CONTENTS General Information Purpose of Investigation Field Investigation A. Surface_ Conditions .' . B •. Test Pits C. Subsurface Conditions IV~ Tests and Results A. Density Tests B. Expansion Test C. Direct Shear Test V. Bearing Capacity Page.: , 1 '1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 VI. Conclusions and Recommendations 5 I VI I. R(3ference 7 APPENDIX Plot Plan Logs of Test Pits Specification for Con~truction of Controlled-Fills Unified Soil Classification Chart Pla.te 2 to. 5 SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY . , .. , , :,j 'r. I PRELIMINARY SOIL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED CARLSBAD TRACT 76-1 CHESTNUT GARDENS ~ARLSBAD, CALIfORNIA GENERAL INFORMATION A preliminary soil investigation has been completed for the proposed Chestnut Gardens subdivision legal~y described ~s Carlsbad , ' , Tract 76-1, City' of Carlsbad, County of Sc;ln Diego, State of' C,alifornia. It is understood the land is planned, to be used for four new residential hous'e pa,ds. The existing, house on Lot 6 will remain. The' buildings will be one and two-story wood frame dwellings. The foundations wil~ consist of concrete ~labs~on-grade wiih continuous concrete wall footings~ Due to the relative flatness of the topo~ graphy, the cuts and fills should be small'~lthough details of the structures or grading 'were not available at the writing of this report. PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION The purpose of this investigation is to determine the following: 1 -the conditidn of the native soil" 2 3 the presence and condition of any exp~nsive soil or existing fill, the allowable ibil bearing pressures, 4 any obvious geologic hazards, 6 -any construction problems that can be anticipated, and to ma~e appropriate foundation recommendations. -, " III. 'FIELD INVESTIGATION A. Surface Conditions The site is fairly level with a slight slope up towards the east. 'The site 'is covered with loose sand and spars~ weeds. Except· for the house arid garage on Lot 6 the site is devoid Qf any featutes SOIL AND MATERIAL '!'ES'l'ING LABORATORY , I I &:;I" "'&:;IRTH aDUf>!n-, INa, ! 1 I \ ! -, ···e ! i.,"" I , ' • , I l i which would cau~e problems cluring grading. i There were'no obvious landslides, faults or other geQlogic , I hazard-o observed dl:.lring the investigation. A review of the liter:" , , I ature indicates i the site is in a relat~vely stable area for SouthJ3,rn California. The nearest "active" faults are reported to be at l,east " 30 to 40 miles away to the east and south. I B. Test 'Pits I Five explotatory test pits were dug ~ith'a backhoe on 24 June , 1976 at the approximate locations indicated on Plate 1 (from the ! ' Map by E. Brian ISmith, Engineersj CarLsbad). Samplea of the sQil~ I ! I were visually c::~assi fied by fi·eld identi fication. procedure in ac.cord- I ance with the Unified Soil Classification. A simplified veraion of the Unified Soil Classification is included in the Appendix. Con- tinuous logs of the soils encountered in the test pits were recorded' in the field. The logs of the test pi~8 shown on Plates··2 to 5 are. based on the field logs, pn inspe6tion of. the samples, and on the i laboratory test results. C. subsuiface Qonditioris The site is underl~in b~ a fairly unifor~-soil profile generally consisting of approximately 2 feet of granular silty sand then one to two feet of stiff sandy clay which grades to a firm cl~yey sand. No groundwater or hard rock was encountered. ! There we'rsessentially three soil types baSed on similar engin- eering properties as describeq on the logs which were encountered during the investigation. The three soil types are referred to later in the report as Soil Types 1, 2, and 3. I ! i <', i· , . SOIL AND MATER1AL TESTING LA,.BORATORY '" ' ! Dr N9flT!"I CPL!~.TY, INC~. ! . . , Soil 'Soil .1 Type 'Description 1 Brown Silty Sand '-.... ..... ----' I 2 'Brown Gray Sandy Clay 3 Red Brown Clayey Sand IV. TESTS AND RESULTS , .' , . \ , " I ',> ~ , : . ',' A. Density Tests 1 -Laboratory Compaction One laboratory compa.ction test was mad-e of Soil Type 1 to determine the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture content of this material as spedified by ASTM D1557-64T (method A). This test 'uses the minus #4 sieve soil ina4 inch diameter 4 inc~ high cylindrical mold. The sample is formed with a 10 pound hammer falling 18 inches for 25 blows , on each of 5 layers. LABORATORY COMPACTION Location Soil Max.Dry Optimum Type . Densi ty Moisture (pcf) . Content (%) Test Pit 2 ®.1' 1 1'2.7.5 8.8 2 -DBnsity Tests ,. I,.! :IMois-ture contents and densi.ty determinations were made by direct measurements on paraffin coated· samples by the water , displacement method. . , The ratio of fLeld dry density to the labo~atory maximum dry density is defined as the relative compaction. -These res81ts , . are presented on the logs, Plates 2 to 5~ . ,', SOIL AND MATERIA.~ 'l'ES'TING LABORATORY I I D'" '''fDRTH CDUNTY. INC. :3 B. Expansion Test An axpansion test was performed on the upper claysy soil, Soil Type 2 to determine if this material would constitute a str~ctural hazard to the buildings if fciund near final grade. An undisturbed ring sample 2i inches in d~ameter and 1 inch high 4as lo~ded with 1 psi, instrumented, and allowed to air dry. After shrinkage ,had ceased, distilled water was applied and the expansions were r~corded as a percentage of the air 'dried height. The results follow: ,EXPANSION TEST Sample Location Test Pit 3 @ 3' Initial Condition ,w ' t 14.0 112.5 w = moisture content (%) t = dry density (pcf) Air Dry' w 'lI' 5.7 114.7 s~turate~. % Expansion 18.3 109.4 4.8 , :. "These tests indicate this cla¥ strata is ~.2Spansive , and the ". I' .~ . recommendations ,contained in Section VI, "Conclusions and Recom- mendation~" sh6uld ~a followed if th~ clay is encounterad within two feet of final grade. C. Direct Shear Test A direct,shear test was performed on' samples of Soil Type 1, the material in which the footings will be founded, for strength parameters in the bearing capacity oalculation. Three specimens , : i of this soil were pre~ared by rsmolding to 9b% of the max~mum dry density at 3% o~er the optimum moisture content the soil in 2t I inch diameter 1 linch high rings to the inplace conditions of moisture i and density. 1 ' The specimens were loaded with normal loads of .5, 1~G, i ' and 1.5 KSF respectively and'sheared to failure in Undrained shear. ! I The results follow: SOlL AND MA'tEBIAL TESTING LABORATORY Of" NORTH CO~N1'Y, INC, " e ,,' \ -'. '," , / . V. i ! , ! j, ;1 DIRECT SHEAR TEST Location Soil Unit Angle of App'areflt Type Density Internal Cohesion (l2 cf) Friction {a} {l2 sf} Test Pit 2 ® 1 t 'i 1 128 25 220 BEARING CAPACITr The value's: of internal friction and app'arent cohesion derived from the direct:shear test were used in the Terzaghi Formula in a,ccordance with: the p,rocedure outlined in Reference 1, poage '170, to bom~ute the ~llowable bearing capacity. Terzaghi Formula Bearing Capa~ity = 2/3cN' . c Ass'umptions: I . , ' Depth-of Footing, .D f = 1.0' Width .of Continuo~s Footing~ B = 1.0' " Nt Nt N' j' c' q' J = dimensionless parameters found from / f II , , '/ " fig.' 75, Re,f. 1. Soil Type 1 factor of Safety = 3. ALLOWABLE 'BEARING CAPACITY Soil Description Brown Silty Sand Bearing, Capacity {psf} -1053 VI •. / CONCLUSIONS AN.D RECOMMENDATIONS 1 -It is recommen-ded that all grading and the preparation of I native soil be ~one in acbordanc~ with the enclosed t'Spebification~ for Construction, of Controlled Fills" except if supe:rseded by the following recommendations. Any septic tanks or largs buried qbj~cts encountersd durin~ grading should be excavated and the voids filled with compacted soil. SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY OF' NORTH COU~TY. INC. 5 " ~ -The loose upper, surface soil as indicated on the logs • should be excavated and recompacted to at.'least, 90% of the maximum dry density prior to placing the house foundatiOnB or fill. The I approximate depth of recompaction over the site is in the order Df , 1 to 1t feet. ,the actual depth should be cpntrolled in the field I by a qualified soil engineer on examination of the grading plan ahd actu~l field condition. 3 -Design slope ratios for 1t (horizontal) : 1 (vertical) for cuts and 2:1 for fills. 4 -the soil tests and theoretical calculations indicate an allowable bearil!g capacity of 1053 psf. 5 -The expansion tests indicate,the clay layer at 1tto 2 feet , -below the existing surface can be classified as expansive. If pos- sible any clay found within 2 faet of final grade should be undercut 2 foot and repl~bed with granul~~ soil whidh is abundant on site •. J' If clay is/detected within 2 feet of final grade~ the founda- tion should be strengthened as follows:. a -Deepen;the footings to 2 feet below the nearest adjacent ,ground level. b -Reinforce the footing~ with two #5 reinfo~cing rods. Place one rod 3 in9hes from the bottom and the other 6 inches ftom the top , , of the footings. , c -Use 6x6/10x10 wire mesh in the slab. Use 6 inches of-clean sand under the slab and a plastic liner between the sand and slab. , 6 -Direc~ and maintain drainage away from the foundations. 7 -'If soils other t~an those dascribed in this report are encountered durihg the g~ading or if imported material is uaed, 1. - SOIL AND MATERIAL 'l'ESTING LABORATOI~Y O!,: NORTH COUNTY, INC. VII·. ,. , :e (. additional tests will be required to ascertain their engineering. properties. REFERENCE 1 ~ ;erzaghi and PBck, "Soil Mechanics in Engineeting Pra~tice", John hliley & Son, N.Y. 1948. Respectfully submitted, SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY OF NORTH COUNTY, INC. CLAUDE B. PARKER r Registeied Civil Engineer #1B,987 Certified Engineering Geoiogist #922 I' Distribution: £3 Addressee I i pe 'i >:"(' . '; I I I I" I I ! '.' , '. , I I I I • I. " i . , . SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY I I ' , I. 0,. NO~TH COUNTY. INC. '7 ~ ,',: " ,L • ~t & ~l ~ i .. : e .J, / , , \ " , ,;/ \1 m ~{ .. I . I o '. TEST PIT. / 1 ! • !. . 2 oS 3 4 0 4 \ AVE. @ 1 ;. 5 TEST PIT LOCATION FOR SO~ AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY CI-IESrNUr <5ARDENS I r I a,. NaRTH CaUNTY, INC. CARI..SBADTR4CT76-! .JOB NO. 76-50 J •• : • ~ w"" 3:z ...oW t-o.. co J:W :::::::: 0::> I-W a..u... <t:::> ca8 w .nz 0 1 -6 ,. 2- .. 3 -6 -:; 4- 5 - , 6-6 7'- , .- '- - - '-. - LOG OF BORING BORING NO. __ T:......;e:;....s ....... t~P..:.i:;....t---.u#.....;1:..-· --'-_ ELEVATION-,-___________ _ SAMPLING B' ackhoe METHOD __ -..:.:;....:;....~~ ______ _ Brown SiltY'Sand top. 6" loose firm Brown Gray Sandy Clay' stiff grades sandy Red Brown Clayey Sand weakly cemented Soil Type 1 ·Soil Type 3 I , Bottom 6 Undis~urbed Sample o Disturbed Sample -Q~ UJ Z 1: -0 "" ::> 0> Z ;:: I-iii >- <t: en 3: I-0 U (5 iii ;:: u:: :E z w U >-w > <t: iii Ci Q ;:: a.. ...... V> Q >-:;:: <t: :::: (5 <t: ...o U UJ ~ "" v u::o V> u. "-o~ 0(. u :lIOi'l! .. !I •. '. I'. l SM. : 1.9 n 11 .4 87.3 : .. : " , I • -..... : : : : : : . : ; :~ ~ : : .. . -... ' .-" .. . . . . . . .~ ~. SC.? 7.0 116.5 ~ Uc = unconfine·d compressure'stren th by Penetromete~ (T.S.F.) Date: 24 June 1976 Chestnut Gardens Carlsbad Tract 76-1 Job No. 76-50 By: C. Parker: Plate No. 2 S4)IL '" MATr:~IAL Tr:STI/III.Ic:1·LAI3()~AT()~." OF N()RTH COUNTY INC. ,! I 'L 0 G 0 F B 0 R I N G , I BORING NO. Test Pit #2 ELEVATION _________ _ SAMPLING' METHOD . Backhoe e / ~ ,/ J:t;:; :', / ~ ~ o \ Brown Silty Sand 1-6 O· mo:i..st , firm ® 12" f , 2,-- Soil Typ_e 1 3-Brown Gray Sandy . Clay· moist &. firm ,6 U = 2.2 TSF 4~ c I . , grades with clayey sand 5-firm 'Soil Type 2 Red Brown Clayey Sand 6-firm 6 weakly cemented 7 Soil Tvpe -3 ,Bottom - - - - - - '. Dot~ 24 June 1976 Chestnut Gardens Carlibad Tract 7S-1 By: ,C. Parker z Q 3 u:: ;n -'''' -<f. 0-, tnV • o' ••• <JJ O!. ::J f-VI 6 :E a -' UJ Ii: 1: (j) a; 3: >. £5 ~ - ~ ~ >-Z I-Q II) f-z w v w ~ <f. 0 l-n. >-u ~ :E oc 0 E: w q rx V l i\!1,j: : · ... ' : ; : : : -. iSM: 4. 9 1 06' • 5 8"3. 5 · :, · ... . .. , . · '. , .. · .... • !'.' : : ,: : : : : :-: . ·Z~j. 9:~~ ~:: S~? ;(/w.J.'" .... ~./ .... (.;(.' .. , . .' .' . . . Job No. Plcite No. 14.0112.5 11.6120.0 3 S()IL &; M4.TI.:~I4.L TI:STING·L4.I3()~4.T()~'" O.F NORTH COUNTY INC • • I':'" Date: 24 June 1976. By: C. Park er: Chesthut Gardens. Carlsbad Tract 76-1 Job No. Plate No. S()IL &: MATI:I:!IAL TI:STI~G·LAI3()I:!AT()I:!"Y OF N.ORTH COUNTY INC. 76-50 4 I I LOG OF BORING I , -, Test Pit 11.4 & #5 o.e BORING NO. z w= '"--~ CL..c: ?; we>< ELEVATION Q ::> m Z ~~ .... ..... -r -'w If) '" .... 0 .... n.al <{ i5~ Vi ;;: ::r:w ~~ 0'::> v t-W ~o SAMPLING u:: :E ~ z > v, n.u.. <{::> , w w "'Z al v Backhoe 'Vi -<{ 0 .. METHOD 00 0 ....n. -,If) <{:E -<{ .... ~:s 0 .... ~~ CL. '0.. mo If) v u...~ 0_ o<V Test 13ft· #'4 , .-Brown Silty Sand : WIW I •••• .. ,-. : • : ! : : 8" · . . 1.6 15.9 90~9 1 -6 j top loose ! : SM ~ firm ® 12" · , , · .. · . · . • ,t • I ' i · . ! : · -· : : . · · . · 2-· . · . · . ' TYoe · . · . ,Soil 1 • • · .. · . · .. 6 Brown ~ray Sandy Clay ~ 3 -stiff ~ '/;' 12.3 16.2 ~tL; Uc = 4.5 TSF ~A r Soil TVDe 2 4 ,i ~ Red Brown Clayey Sand · .~ · . .. . . " firm .-. , · .... ~ 5 ~ 6 ; j 6-': ~ . . . , · .. -.. - , Soil 3 ~ .Type .' .... ,~ ' . . 7 -Bottom , : -: i -,- 0 Test Pit #5 : : : : : Bi'o'wn Siity Sand · .... · : . : :' , , top 12" loose : ~: : : : 1 -· " .. , grades firm ® 18" . · . . , SM,: · • " · , ..... · ..... 2 --· . · ": i, : -1 · , . · .. , · , · .. · . · .. . . I • · .. 3 - · . Soil Type 1 · . · . . · .. : . • .. I. I ~ i Brown Gray· Sandy Clay' 4 -I stiff 1/ CL'~ " : ~A 1.< -. Soil Type 2. 5 Bottom , 'J Date: 24 June 1976 Chestnut Gardens Job No. 76-50 By: C. Parker, Carlsbad T~act 76-1 Plate No. 5 S'VI L & M,A TI:I:1IAL TI:STI /illiG .. L4D()I:?A TV 1:1", OF NORTH COUNTY INC. I ~ , , 1,1, SOIL A.ND MATERIAL TES'l'ING LABORATORY 4i" __________ o_F ___ N_o __ R~T_H __ C __ O_U __ N_T_Y __ ._I_N __ C_. ____________ ~ ______________________ ----~ 423 HALE AVE. -ESCONDIDO. CALIF. ~~C2S ESCONDIDO -746-2333 SPECIFICATIONS FOR C8NSTRUCTIO~OF CONTROLLED FILLS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The construotion of controlled fills shall consist of adequ ate preliminary soi 1 inv esti gations, and cl,earing, removal of existing structures and foundations, preparation of land to be filled" excavation of earth and rock from qut area, compaction ~nd control of the fill, and all other work necessary to complete the gr,ading of the filled ~reas to conform with the lines, grades, and slopea as shown on th-e accepted plans. CLEARING AND PREPARATION OF AREAS TO BE FILLED: (a) All fill control projects shall have a preliminary soil investigation or a visual examination, depending upon the nature of the job, by a qual- ified soil engineer prior to grading. (b) All timber, trees, brush, vegetation, and other rubbish shall be re- moved, piled and burned, or otherwise disposed of to leave the prepared areas with a finished appearance free from unsightly debris. _iCC) Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas,shall be corrected by .. drainage or removal of compressible material, or both, to the depths in- dicated on the plans or as directed by the soil engineer. (d) The natural ground which is determined to be satisfactory for the support of the filled ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least six inches (6") or deeper ~s spe-Qi fied by the soil engineer, and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven fea- tUfes which would t~nd to ,prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to. be used. (e) No fill shall be placed until the prepared native' ground has been approved by the soil engineer. (f) Where fills are made on hillsides with slopes greater th~n 5 (hori- zontal) to 1 (vertical), horizontal benches s-hall be cut into fi:rm un ... disturbed natural ground to provide lateral and vertical stability. The initial bench at the toe of the fill shall be at least 10 feet Ln widtb on firm undisturbed natural ground at the elevation of ths to~ stake. The soil engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all su:c- ceeding benches which will vary with the soil conditions and the steep- ness of slope. (g) After the natural ground has been prepared, it shall be brought to the proper moisture content and compacted to not lesa than 90% Of max-e imum density, A.S. T.M. D1557-64T. .--------------~------·t (h) Expansive soils may require special oompaction specificatiDns e'as directed in the preliminary soil investigation by the soil engineer. (i) The cut portions of ~uilding pads in which rock-like materiaL exists may require excavation and recompaction for density compatibility with the fill as directed by the soil engineer. MATERI~LS: The fill soils shall consist of select materials graded so that at least 40 percent of the material passes the No. 4 sieve. The material may be obtained from the excavation, a borrow pit, or by mixing soila from one or more sources. Th~ material used shall be free from veg~table matter, and other deleterious substances, and ~hall not contain rocks or lu~ps greater than 6 inches in diameter. If excessive vegetatiOn, rocks, or soils with unacceptable physical characteristics are encountered, these materials shall be disposed of in waste areas designated on the plans or as directed by the soil engine~r. If soils are encountered during the grading operation which were not reported in the preliminary soil invest- igation, further testing will be required to ascertain their enginee-ring properties. Any special treatment recommended in the preliminary or su·b- sequent soil reports not co·vered herein shall become an addendum tl:J the-se specifications. No material of a perishable, spongy, or otherwise unstable nature shall be used in the fiils. . . PLACING, SPREADING AND COMPACTI.NG FILL MATERIAL: ada) The selected fill material shall be pLaced in layers which shall ~not exceed six inches (6") when com~acted. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly blade-mixed during the spreading to insure uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. (b) fied tent ough Ulhen the moisture content of the fill material is below·thatspeci-. by the soil enginee'r, water shall be added until the mois·turecon- is near optimum as determined by the soil engineer to assure thor- bonding during the compacting process. (c) When the moisture content of the fill material is above that speci- fied by the soil engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying, or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is n:ear optimum as d-etermined by the soils engineer. (d) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than the specified maximum density in acoordance with A.S.T.M. D1557-64T. Compaction shall be by means of tamping or sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other typ.s of rollers. Rollers shall be of such design that they will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. Rolling of each layer shall be continuous over its entire area and the roller shall m~ke sufficien.t passes to obtain the desired density. The entire. area to be filled shall be compacted to the specified density. SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY OF" NORTH COUNTY, INC. -2- " (e) Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or _ other sui table equipment. Compacting operations ~hall be co~tihued' u~til the slopes are stable but not too dense for plant1ng and unt11 there 18 no appreciable amount of loose soil on the slopes. Compacting of the slopes shall be acc,mplished by backrolling the slopes in increments of 3 to 5 feet in elevation gain or by other methods producing $atisfac~ory results. (f) Field density tests shall be made by the soil engineer for approx- imately each foot in elevation gain after compaction, but not to exceed two feet in vertical height between tests. The location of the tests in plan shall be spaced to give the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther t'han 100 feet apart. Tests shall be taken on corner and tert~c8 lots for each two feet in elevation gain. The soil engineer miy take additional tests as conside~ed necessary to check on ths uniform- ity of compaction. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the tests shall be taken in the compacted material below the diaturbed surface. No additional layers of fill shall be spread until the field density tests indicate that the specified density has been obtained. (g) The fill operation shall be continued in six inch (6") compacted layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the fin- ished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. SUPERVISION: Supervision by the soil engineer shall be made during the filling'and compacting operations so that he can 6ertify that the fill __ was made in accordance wi th accepted speci fications. The specifications and soil testing of subgradB, subbase, and base materials fpr roads, or other public property shall be done in accordance with specifications of the governing agency. SEASONAL LIMITS: No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled during unfavorable weather conditions. When the work is interrupted by heavy rain, grading shall not be resumed until field tests by the soil engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified. In the event that, in the o'pinion of the engineer, soils unsatisfactory as foundation material are enoountered, they shall not be incorporated in the grading and disposit~on will be made at the engineer's discretion. SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY OF" NORTH COUNTY, INC. -3- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION .CHART IDENTIFYING CRITERIA -'I. •. : tI. COARSE GRAINED (More than 50% #200 sieve) GRAVELS (More than 50% #4 sieve but smaller than. 3 inches) Non Plastic SANDS (More than 50% smaller than #4 sieve) Non Plastic fINE GRAINED (Mor~ than 50% smaller than #200 sieve) Liquid Limit less than 50 Li,quid Limit greater than 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS ; GROUP SYMBOL GUJ GP GM GC SUJ SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT SOIL DESCRIPTION GRAVEL, well graded gra~el­ sand mixture, Ii t tIe ot· no fines. GRAVEL, poorly graded gravBl- sand mixture, little or no fines. GRAVEL, SILTY, poorly graded gravel-sand-siltmixtures o GRAVEL, CLAYEY, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay mixture. SAND, well gtaded, g~avelly sands, little or no fines. SAND, poorly graded, gravelly sands, little or no finss. SAND, SILTY, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures, SAND, CLAYEY, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures • SILT, INORGANIC, silt and fine sand, sandy silt or clayey- silt-sand mixtures with slight plastici t y. CLAY, INORGANIC, clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. SILT, ORGANIC, silts and o~­ ganic silt-clays of low plasticity. SILT, INORGANIC, silts micaceous or dictomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. CLAY, INORGANIC, clays of med~ ium to hi~h p14sticity, fat clays. CLAY, ORGANIC, clays of medium to high plasticity. PEAT, other highly organic swamp soils. SOIL AND MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY CF' NORTH CCIJNTY, INC. . t PRELIMINARY SOIL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED CARLSBAD TRACT 76-1 CHESTNUT GARDEN~ SUBDIVISION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FOR MR. M. S. HUMPHREYS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA JOB NO. 76-50 -: ~-