HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 76-12; CALAVERA HILLS; CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN; 1978-12-28• CALAVERA HI~LS MASTER' J?~ MP-l?O(A} ~r,eparec;l by: , , Planning Department City of C~rlsbad 1200 Elm Aven.ue Carlsbad, 'CA 92008 ~pproved by: City Council Ordinance No. 9517 December 28, 1978 I, . c'T ) rb,r-/. L. ' 'e \' ' < , Pl"annirlg' 'b'e-pa:rtme'n't' 'S'taf"f: . 'James C. Hagaman, Director Michael C.' 'Zander, Project ~an~ger Ralph "Bud" Plender Tom Hageman Jack Henthorn Peggy Sackrider Joan Daubney , ~nformation Supplied by: . Lake Calavera Hills Association 3088 Pio Pico Drive, Suite 20' Carlsbad, California 92008 (7l~) 729-4912 Rick Engineering Company 3088 pio Pico Drive, S'l:lite 2.02 Carlsbad, California 92008 (7l4) 729-~987 RECON 5620 Fr~ars Road, San Diego, California 92110 (7li1) 299-9125 Envirometrics Development Plartni!lg,lnc. '608 Aldwych Road El Cajon, California 92020 The Peridian Group 446 N. "Old" Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 (714) 631-1700 " " " '., • '. I. INTRODUCTION •••• · . ~ .' . · .. .. · . . · .. . 1 II. III. A. Purpose ~ • .. .. B. General provisions. .. • ., .. • ! ',.. . III: '. • •• .0. 1· 1 c. Location. . e' • .,.... • ." ." • • • '. .,'. • o· 1 D.. Legal Description • • • • • ",. • • • • '. • • •. 2 E e . Bac~ground.o • • • ~ • • • • • • • ".e;·. .," '. • • '2 ENV;J:RONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS · e· .. .. .. .. 3. A. Tentative Map Approval~ · . · .. .. . " . , .. Ii 0 3 B. Gradi~g Permit Issuance .< grad;l~g),' ..... .. a· . 3 C. Grading Permit Issuance {archaeol~gy} . .. .. · .. ' . ,4 D. Building Permi't Issuance. ..... · .. .. .. .. .. · ., 0 4 LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT STANDARPS • o· · . .. ... 0 6· A. Development Standards · .. .. · · .. '. '. .. '0 .. .. .. 6 B. Grading Standards .... · · .. .. · .. .. ~ 0 ,. .10 c. Esquestrian'Estate,Standards. . , 0' ' •.• 15 .. ... . " .. .. .. D. Noise Attenuation . · · .. .. · " · .. . . · 0 · .16 E. Fire Control • • . . · .. . " · · .. .. · .. e' · · .• 20 F. Ge,neral Standar.ds .. · .. · · .. . " .. . .. .. · .20 . IV. OPEN SPACE AND MAINTENANCE'-... •.• .31, A. Introduction, •. ~ .• , ... ~. . . .. .'. " CI;;;~O 31 B. Dedication •.•••••• . •. ,. •• .0.3-1 C. Improvements. ~ • • •• · . . · . .. · _~ . .-. ~ .31 V .• PUBLIC FACILITIES 'AND PHASING • • • • • .. ,~37 A. Description' of. Public F aci~i ties. • 0 • • •• .• 37 "B. -Phasi!lg. CI • • • • • • .. It '. • • • 0. • • • • • .4-4 VI. SIGN PROGRAM . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .49 . '.; . ". -, ..... ' .. '.' " r-------------------.------,---~----------- I. ·e • • INTRODUCTIO~ A. 'Purpose The following document is a Master Pian for'an 80?-acre planned communi,ty known as Calavera Hills located in the City. of Carlsbad, California. The ", purp"ose of this Master Plan is to comply with the Planned Cqmmunity Zone Ordinance adopted inquly 0,£ ' 1976 (Chapter 21:38) thereby providing the basis. for future decisions on land'~se for Calavera Hills. , B. General Pr"ovisions C. 1. Nonvest'iBg of Rights' " , Specific development plans shall be evaluat~d ' in accord with Municipal Ordinances,' and Policies in force at tJ:\e time when said plans are bef,ore the City Council, for approval. Approval and constructioh of a part of the.development pur~' suant to this Master Plan shall not vest any rights in'the balance '6f the Master Plc;m nor, create any.vested rights' to ,the, approval of any, subsequent developments • . 2. Amendment·s ,to 'the Ma'ster P'lan Approval of thisMast~r Plah indicates accept- ance by the City CoUncil of a general framework ,for, development of the subj,ect property. It is part. of an ongoing planning process a~d is ,sub- ject to amendment in the future by the City., Said amendments may be initiated by either the City Councilor the land owner. ,3. . AV~'i'labiTity of' Pub~iG' S'ervi'c~s _ Approval of this plan does hot constitute any guar.antee that ihdividu~l deve.lop:rnents within the Master Planare,a will be 'approved nor that the availability of publ:l.c'facilities and ser-:- vices will necessarily coincide with the developer's timetable for c;:on$truction. Avail .... abili ty of public, servi,ces wi+.l be evaluated in the conte~t of subsequent individual approvals .. 4. Dedications All lal1d and/or easements reql,iired by this Master Plan shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad wi thou,t cOS.t to the City and free of all liens ahd encumbrances. , Loca,tior'l The Calavera Hills Mast.er' Plc;m area, is an 807"'acre parcel located approximately three mil.es inland from -1- " e ·e • 'the J;'aciflc Ocean and within the carlsbad City 1imit~. , The central, portion of the property is 'situated. 4.28 " miles'southeast of the ge'ographic·'cep.ter of, ·the City-'~"-'" . of Oqeanside, 4.13 miles sQuthwest of the geographic cen·t,er of the City of Vista, ana. 33 miles .north of' downtown Sa,n Diego~ Spec'if-ic,ally,' it falls within--,.".":,, the west half of Section 3· and the ea~t half of Section 4 ~ Township 12 South, Rang'e. 4 West, apq the 'south half of Sections 33 and 34, Township 1;1.. 'South, 'Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian. ' D.' 'L'e'gal' De's'cription Portion of lots D, E, '& J of the Rancno Agua Hedionda in the City of: Carlsbad, County of San D1.ego, State of California, according to map thereo,f No. 823 on '{ile in the office of the County Recorder of said; county. Also, refer to Exhibit I-I. ' E. Background . 1. 2. 3. . 4~ .. .5. 6. . 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. March 12, 1974 -MP-150 rec~mmendedfor approval by Planning Cdmmis,siol1 (Resolution #1050). ' 'May 7, 1914 -Master Plan l50/EIR-230 approved by City Council (Resolution #3407). . May 21, ,1974 -Zone Change 138 qdopted by City Council (Ordinance #9388) • Januq.ry 26, 1977 -Tract' 76-12, PUD-,4 recommended 'for approval by Plqnning Commission (Resolution #1314). ' , August 4,1977 -Tract 76-12; PUD-4'apprQved by City Council (Resolution #5145, and Resolution' #5146) • July i2, 1978 -GPA-5l (A) recommended. for' approval by Planning CQmmission~ July i2, 1978 -EIR':'403 recommeIlded for certifi-' cation by Planning Comm{ssion for GPA-5l (A). September 19, 1978 -EIR ... 403 certifi'ed by City Council. ' October 3, 1978 -G:PA-5,l (A) approved by City Council (Resolution #5550). October 25, 1978 :"Planning'Commission recommends approval of MP-1S~. (A~ (Resolution. #1481). Dece~er .28, ~978 ... City'Co~ncil approves MP .... lSO (A) (Ordinance #9517). ' -2-. . " , , ·e 'e , ' I II. . ENVIRONMENTAL CON'STRAIijTS" The .following mitigation measures were identified iIi t;.ne".-.-"-.-: conditions of approval for MP-150(A) ~nd were developed from EIR-403 for·Calavera. Hills. They shall be 'imple- . mented whem applicable and app;Ly to, each village· unless '" ""'n ('.,-~c:· otherwise rioted. A. Tentative Map' App'roval Prior to the' approval o'£' any tEmtative subdivision map .adjoining Elm Avenue, Tamarack Avenue, College Boulevard or in the vic;i.nity of the South Coast Asphalt plant, .an assessment of the potential. noise impacts as defined in the Noise Eiemeht o~ the Gen- eral Plan shall be made by· an acoustical engi.neer. The engineer shall' then prepare a report corttainin~ recommendations on how to mitigate any identified: , noise impacts •. The design of an impacted subdiviSion, shall be consis.tent with these recoinmendations. The. 9ity Council may impose conditions qn·such subdivisions as they determine ne~essary to mit.iga~e adverse impacts from such noise •. B. 'Grading Permit IS'suance ;1./ ,prior to the issuance of grading permits for the var- ious villages, ·provi.sions to the satisfaction of the ~ , City Engin~er shall be made for the foliowing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Regulation of the use, storage and disposal of all fuels, oils" petroleum and chemical products' ,used on the construction site. Site specific soiis investig.ations with :rec.om- mendations for control of potent'~al problems as a result of expansive so~ls. ' , Limi ta tion of grading to the mitlimum area' necessary to instal-I' stree,ts . and pr.epare construc- tion J?ads. . . Avoidance of cleari!lg operations ,in aavance of . g:r:adi!l9·. , Coordination of. gradi~9 act;i.vities with the i09al J?r~c;i.pitation pattern. , . Construction o.f drainage .facilities concurrently with grading activities. Watering and rolling of tlle finalsurfa'ce' to form a hardened, comp,acted cap of soil which will minimize dust;. and ,ero"sion due, to surface runoff. Grading of surfa.ces so· as to dire.ct runo;t;f toward planned drainage and,' if possible, away from cut and fill slopes~ '!I Additional, gradi!lg concepts are detailed in $ectionIII. -3- -,' .. 9. I. 10. .. -. Planting and maintenance ef .g~ound ceyer suit.~ble fer slepe eresien c~:p.trol iinmediately fell.oWi~g grading. -.. '-~. __ . ~ . . Phasing ef grading activities ever the life 6f . the project to' provide a transitien.ef habitat •• Limitatien's; ef gradi.p'-getH~_+:~t.;i.ons in the pre,,:,_; ject area to. nermal daytime werking heurs~ C .•.. Grading Permit I'ssuance prier to. the issuance of. any grading permits, provi- sion for the prot.ection. of signific;:ant ~rchaeological resources en the property shall be comp'leted to the satisfaction o·f. the planni!lg Director as follc;>ws: 1. All work shall be performed by a qualified archaeologist in conjunction with the latest acceptab.le. scien·tific pre~edures. ." . 2.. Frepare a surface map of the artifacts and associated ecolog1cal information • . 3. Excavate a test sample. Qf the area to. determ.ine, the nature <;ind extent· of any ·subs~rf.ace component. One such test which -has proven. successful "in simi- lar situations is the sy~tematic rectilinear post~ hole test • . 4. Based on the information ;resulting from this investigation, additional testing can be' designed, if needed~ This second phase of testing. sheuld ... be oriented toward, obtaining a reliab:Le sample of the site area ·and' in assessing the variation . present within the' deposit'. Based on the resul.ts·· of this examination, it may be necessary,although unlikely, to perform'additional investigation, or to r,ecommend. differing m.i t;i.gating procedures ~ . . 5. A report shall be prepared summarizing findings and discussing the interrelationships oI the .s.i t~ materials and, other sites found in the region. ,6. 'All work shall be extensive:LY photodocuinented. 7. Copies of notes, photographs; records and the " final ,report shall be' ,submitted to local date depositories. 8. Any of the following may be' required' to ·elimi·riate indirect on and off s~te. impacts: a. Limit access to sites by placing barriers around the project area. . b. place fill over site areasw . c. Excavate the sites and achieve their informa- tion potential. D. "Building Permit I'ssuance e Prior to the issuance· of ,building ,permits for the -4- 'e various villages, provisions I to 'the ',satisfaction of the Planning' Director, ,shall be mad~ for ,the follow- ing: ' 1. 2. 3. 4. , 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 • 11. Installation of flow re$trictors in a.ll bas'ic fixtures. . ... ~',. -, . Us~ 9f "mini-flush" toilets. 'Landscaping using drought ~esistent trees and plants. ' Installation of: drip i;t,;:rigation systems u!3ing tensiometers or oth~r acceptable sY$tems. Architectural desi'gn' which reduces or treat.s window and door.openings and takes advantage of winter sun ana summer ·,shade,. Insulation for all structures acco~ding to State standards. . Solar hearing for both, space and water heating; or I ,if' not tecl:mol~gically' fea'sible ~t the. time of construction, ,I stub-outs 1 foru,ltin'lateconver- siop to solar h~ating.' , Landscaping usin,g deci4uous trees (to shade in' summer and allow sunlight in' winter) and w,ind-' breaks. ' Retention of natu:rat, v~getati·on ,in the open space, areas wherever poasible. ' . Retention of existing eucalyptl,ls trees'wherever , poss.ible. " '. '" . . Re,tention of as much Ado:\.phia and'Dichondra 'a.S? possible within 'the various. open space areas' • . , -5- " , , ,:1 <.' e e I " '. .III~ rAND USE/DEWroPMENT ST~ A. ~velopnent si:anaard$' . The following Table I11-l describes the ~ of deve:J,.opneht to ., -, occur in each village, theapplicable-zoning-'standards, triax:i.rrnlW miminum dwelling units allCMe::1, gross acreage and open space acreage. The table also incltldes ref~erice 'to an a,cto.rrpanying· list of notes' dealing with specific develop:nent, standards for, each village. ~' .......... :..- ZOning l$X.* Min. Gross cpen Village Standard Developrent Type #oo.'s #00'8 Apres Space Not~s A ,(CUP) Ele:nentary School, 10, ---1,5 B R-I(PUD) Starrlard" Detache::1 308 ~ 77 ~6 5, . Single Farilily -C RD-M-Q Clustere::1 MUltiple 120 30' 4' 2 Tl , , Family 'D RD-M-Q 'Ibwnhouse 'or Flat 150 105 15 1l MUltiple Family 'e "E-l C-2-Q CcmnUnity Ccmrercial ---10 --7,8 . E-2 C-LR-Q Comnunity Ccmnercial---. -.-10 ---·4','6,7, Transition Area ·8,lO 'F o-s (CUP) Park 10 2 ---. G R-l(PUD) Clustere::1 Single 108 54 27. 10 2. Family H R-l-~ Standard, Detached 34 '---"', 23 4, Single Family I R-l-~ . Standard, Deta~ 54 --~6 16 Single family J R-l{PUD) Clustere::1 Multipl 300 120 30 4 --Family K RD-M-Q Rental Aparb.nents 480 24'0' 24' , 1 2,8,9,,10,U Multiple Family L RD-M-Q TOwnhouse or Flat 220, 154, ~2 4 2,,10,11 " M (CUP) Elarentary School ,-10. ---;L e N o-S (CUP) Park -5 ._- 0 R-I(POD) Clustered Single 220 ---55 12 12, Family -6- o .' ... {': . e e " e ZOning MaX.· . Min. Gross' . Open Village Standard 'Developm:mt . Type . '#00' S·. #I:P' s ~~es Sffice' Not~· P-1 R-l(PUD) Clustered,Attached 196 49 .6 12 Single Family P-2 R-1 Standa:td, Detached 24'0 --60 7 ·12 Single Family Q RD-M-Q Clustered Multiple 68 . ,,.··,.,11 ,:. 4' 11.,12 Family R-1 R-l Starrlard, Detached 252. ---. 63 ~. 12 . Single Family . , R-2 o-S(CUP) Park ·5 ---3 s (CUP)" Junior High Sc1:ool ---. 20'·· . 1 T R-l Standard, Detached 184 4(i 10 - Single 'Family U R-1-1 Single Family .14 --],.4 6 2 Equestrian Estates e V R-l St;andard, Detached 144 . 36 12' ~ Single l;'amily W R-1-~ Single Family' 45 .,....0-30 4 Bqpestrian Estates X R-l~~ Sing)..e Family . 42 ---28 . .16 -. Equestrian Estates y o-S(CUP) . Park .---S -- Z-I' R-l-~ Single Family 30 20. Estates Z-2 R-l~ .Single Famil¥ 22 --IS 9 Estates . Z-3 o-S(CUP) San Diego Gas & ----.18 is. ........ Electric Easerrent 'IDTAL 3,231 . 807 175 *This number represents the maximum n't.lmber of dwelling units urxler ideal :plan- ning conditions arrl with canpliance to the cOI1?traints in this M:lster Plan" e Densities in areas to be developed under the RO'-M standards qr upd~ the.PUD process may be canputed over the entire villag~ to p:rovio.e tor clustered housing concept. " .' . -7- ," NOTES TO 'rABI,.E ITI .... ! 1. If Village A, M or S .is not acquired' by,,·the Ca:i:lsbad Unified·' School District for school purposes with~n ten(lQ) years from. the recordation of the subdivision map th~t includes that . . particular village, the underlying zoning development stan ... -,.-. ..,....~ .... ,,~ ".>:i dards for the'village shall change from (CUP) to R-l (PUD).· 2. Villages C, G, K, Land U. have stegp s.lop'~s and/or si~J:nificaI).t canyon areas that' have not· been included as open 'Space'. Spe':' cial consideration shall be given to these areas C!.t t.ime of subdivision. review to protect the integrity of the adjoining open space·areas. 3. If the City dete:rmines that'Vi'llage R-2 is not necessary for park purposes and does not accept the <:1edication, then the underlying zoning development stC!.ndards fo~ Village R-2sh~11. change from O-S (CUP) to R-J: (PUD) and ailowed to qevelop·. privately. 4. The intept of Village·E-2. is. to provide adequat.e area for "Community Commercial" development at some later date if it is determined by the City that such additional area is .neCessary. Therefore, Conditional Use Permits for residential development in Village E-2 will not be accepted by the City du:i:inga ten (10) year period following the recordation of.the subdivi$ion map that includes Village E-2. . . 5. Village A & B (PUD:-4/CT 76-12) shall be allowed to~ be processed per the conditions of City Council Resolutions'. No. 5145 and No. 5146 with following modific~tions: a. Conditions No. 12 and No. 13 of Resolution No,. 5145 shal.l be satisfied by the payment of park-in-lieu fees computea per City Ordinance No. '9190 for CT 76".-l2~,· , ... b. All of the required improvements identified. in the Master Plan (MF-lSO (A» for ViLlages A & 13 including equestrian. and pedestrian trails., bikelanes,. possible underpa,ss., landscaping, slope and noise' attenuation shaLL be.accortr .... plished prior to the ,issuance of occupa~cy permits within the development. 6. A site of approximately one acre of land within Village E-'2 shall be reserved for acquisition by .the City f6·r public facility purposes. The City Council shall determine the specific size and location of the ,site as' a part of the~r approval of development within· Village E-2. 'If the 'si te is not acquired by the City within tep yea:i:$ from the da~e -of recordation of the subdivision map that includes the site, the . . e area shall be allowed t? develop privately .. 7. A minimum of two acres' in Villages E-:l or E-:02 s.hall be pro-: vided for RV storage and shall be developeCl in ac¢ordance -8- .. (' ... 8. 9. 10. wi th the requirements ef Sectiqn 2.l;. 45 .l20 (6) . ef tJ;u:~ Ccp:lsbad .' Municipal Cede. The 'site develepment plan for Villages E-1;. E-2 and K shC!.ll include previsiens fer transit steps 1::0. the satisfac;:tien ef . the Planning Cemmissien •. 1..L""-""""_"~'" _... '. ~" .. Subject to' the previsions ef. tpe.Heusing Element ef the Gen- eral Plan, develepment ef Village K shall be limited to' :rental·, apartments. Prier to' City appreval ef Villages. E.;.2, K or·L,theapplica.nt and the'City Manager shall develep ~ pregr-q.m in.acqordance with the' Heusing Element ef the General Plan which prevides' fer lew and mederate income. heusihg and heusing fer the e·lderly within the Master Plan area. The pregram shall be,pres$nted to' the City Ceuncil fer appreval, medificatien er disC!.ppreval. Such pre gram as the City Council may ap.preve shall' be a'part ef this Master Plan. . 11. Within the RD-M-Q. areas, specific densitieS! within the appreved ranges shali be determined as a part ef the ,apprev~l ef a, site develepment ·plan. Thedecisi'en shaLL be based on the facters in the General Plan rega~ding densi ty ~ang.es. Fer purpe$esef this Master Plan, ,the Plann.ing CelTlIIlissien shall make a recemmendatien en the site develepment plan and' t.he final decisien shall b~ made 'by -the city Cquncil. 12., The CC&R'S :fe~ Villages 0, P-l, p:-i, Qand R-l shall centain a statement that there is a reck extractien and cruShing . eperatien lecated in clese preximity to' the 'northef each subdivisien. -9-- ., . ., • --• -h!' ,~, ~ ~ ...... - ·tt B. ' 'G'r'~:di'n'g' S't'an'dar'ds' 1. G;t;adiJ:lg shall con~orm, a.s ,C.J.9.§§.1yas, to;p~graphi-~_'" .. ".;.,..: '. ~. cally }?o'ssi.ble to the requirement:? $.et :eorth in paragraph l-J of the~lanned Community Ordinance· (21': 38.0601 and shall alsq.,QQI};form, to .. the proyi=._,.~,...~ .... .:.~~~ sions as set forth 'in the state Subdivision Map Map Act and, the City.'s GradiJ:lg Ordinance.' 2. Manufactured slopes shall"'be' ·rounded and ~haped 'to simulate natural 'terrain. 3. ' , Manufactured 'slopes shall, blend w~ th p?l.turally occuriJ:lg slopes at' a r~dius compat~ble with the existiJ:lg natural terrain'. ' 4. Grading on naturally occurr,ing slopes of 20 percent grade or more which' have a verticai height,of'more' ,.' than, 30 feet shall not occur unless such grading, becomes nece'ssary and is specifically approved by the City E!lgineer.' ' 5. A detailed plan, for slope st.abilizq;tion sha11'be , submitted aloJ:lg with the grading ,pl?ln., 6. 'No manufactured slope shall b?lve a slope 'an~le steeper than as follows: , Vert"ic'a'l '~i1"ope' Hefght 0-10 Feet 10 Feet or Greater Ang.le 2: 1, 3:1 7. Vary slopes when possible from 2: I to 3,: 1 or more 8. Flair or "feather" pro}?osed slopes gentlyintb the existing terrain when possible,. . , ' 10. 11. 12. 13. Shorten deep corner lots to reduce gradient of 'slope. Shorten deep lots to allow undulation in slope top and, round top of slope. Elimi.nate certain'lots to?lllow slope to flatten or to "pull in~', creating visucf1 alcoves to break up the monotony 6f const'ant linear slopes. Shorten deepth of corner' lots to un4ulate slope ,gradient and'round'the top,and :t~e of:th~ slope~ Eliminate the :Sh,allow corner lots to allow mOre substantial, flattening 0;E existing slope arid mote flexibility in slope' roundiJ:lg. ' -10- • ., . • Village A B e· 14,.· Round and andulatei:he toe o,f .. s·lope $0 t.here is no definite toe line. 15. Allow toe to undulate. into 'the st+:,eet right""of- way, sometimes even to the curb line. At. the . same time allow the 'sidew:s.l.ls. tQ. __ -gnCi.~];atei:p. and,. out of the right-of-way. ' . . 16. Maintain 'less than 3.0 foot elevation change~ between benohe,s. . '. -c.. , ~ -~ .. 17.. The orientation of tl1e improvements on the indivi- dual sites shall.relate. to the natural topography. 18. Grading 'is to 'be minimized., but, 'where grading is necessary, it is to blend with the natural topo- 'graphy wherever practic~l. 19. -Favorable features of' the individual sf tes (i •. e. , matl;lre trees, other 'significant vegetation, rock 'outcropping'S, mounds ~ views, et¢ .• J· are to be . pres~~ved a.s much as possible.' 20. Individual s'ites are .to: have a delSirable visual' appearance from allp~actica~ ~iewpoints •. 21. Each lot o.f· the subdivision is to be . buildable. 'without undo alteration of the terrain. 22. Major natural skyli.Iie ·prof.ile shall be retained so as t~ avoid abrupt changes in grade. 23. Major natural topographic featur~s such as canyons., drainage swales, steep slopes, wa:tershed areas, flood plains, view corridors and scenic vistas shall be J:"etained. '24. IIi addition to the above general. grading standards., each village shall comply with'the following standards: TABLE II1-2 Development Acres Type 10 Elementary School 77 Standard, Detached Single Family '-"·-11- Grading S·t.p,nd"?irq As requir~d .by conditions on tentative ~ap CT 76-12 Grade to provide .60 i ," 100:' . flat pad with maximum 2 : 1 s1,opes, if any. . As mqny' view sites to be preserved as pos~;ible .. Village Acres C 30 '-'., ' D 15 E-l 10 , E-2 10 F ,10 -e-G H 23 I 36 J'. 30 K 24 L 22 'e Development . 'Type' Clustered Multiple Family Townhouse or Flat Multiple Family App.roximate natural grade to be maintained. Prese:r;ve ,integrity of existing . ,,' . canyon •. Minimum disttirban.ce to .. - ,natural terraip.(This . area contains· la:r;ge quanti,- ties of +-ock to 30 feet depth. . Buildingpads .to ' ,be constructed on top of rock base.) Community CommercialM~nimum grading to provide ~or adequate drainage. Community Commercial Transititon Area Park Clustered Single Family Standard, Detached Single Fainily Standard, Detached Single Family Clustered, Multipl'e Family Rental Apartments Townhouse or:' Flat Multiple ,Family -i2- Minimum grading to provide fo:r; 'adequate drainage. . To .be determined by City . ParJc·s and' Recreation' Dep~rtinent. tJse of tI·c·lus'ter tl housing to minimize grading require- ments. PreServe integrity , of existing canyon •. ~inimum or hograding ,for construction of pads. Actual grading shall' ·be . minimal ·and include only, srading for ,~treets, drive- way, and garage pad (in Illost instances).; Same as Villc:lge H Use of "clttster" housing to minimize site grading. Same as viilage J. ~Preserve integrity of steep slopes '! on west. Same asVill~g.e J. Pr~serve integrity of steep ~lopes on west. . • • , ' .. Develepment· Village . Acres Typ'e' , M 10' "Elementary' 'Scheel N o P-l P-2 Q 'R-l .' R-2 S T u v w x y. z-i 5 Park 55 Clustered Single Family 49 Clustered, Attached Single Family 60 Standard, Detached .Single :F!amily 17 63 5 20 .A6 14 36 30 28 5 20 Clustered Multiple Family Standard, Detached Single Family Park Junier High Scheel Standard, Detached Single Family Single .Family Equestrian Estates Standard, Detached Single, Family Singl~ Family Equestrian Estates Single Family Equestrian Estates Park Single Family Estates .' .. ' -13- • . ,Gra/:li'ng Standcp;d . '''-Natural terrain until schoel' si teis planned • Grading' ' as required by fut'l),r,e schoel. Same af;! Village F/ Gl;."a.,ding to. enceurage _ "elu,stering" ,q;f' units with minimal disturbance. of natural terrainwith;Lnthe, villag~.· Centemplate higher d~gree ef lq.ndf?cc;l.ping.pre- paratien and maintenanc~. Sam\3 as. Village J . Same as V~llage B Hi'llside constructien" m:i.nimum disturbance of exist:i.ng gr,ade to. allovv access, pq.rJcing and stt'eets Same as Village B .• , Same as Village F. Same as Village M Same· as Village B. Same as' VillageR. Pre- .serve integrity ef existing canyon. Same as Village B. Same as VillageH S'ame as Village Ii. Sam~ as Village F. Same as Vi.llage H .• ,. • ". Development Acres " Type" " " ·G;radiI:l~J. S"t:andard: 'Vi1i'age Z-2 Z-3 15 18 S-ing1e' Family-E.st.ates Same a's. Village H. TOTAL 807 San Diego Gas & Eie9tric Easement. -14- . : Nat'p~al ;exG.¢pt fOr pa:t:hs and trails. ". c. 'E'q'ue:s:tri'a'Il' E's'ta'te: 'S't'a'n'da'r'ds In addition to the' generaldevelop,ment s,tands,;(d$, o~ . the R-l Zone, Vill~ges U., W, -X and any other. eguestrain estate village shall be subject to the' following re.s- trictions: . , . ' 1. The number of horses allowed per lot a~d their location on the lot s'hal;l be governed by the R-l Zone unless otherw-i.se approved by theC;ity. Council as part of theirapprova;I. of each sub- division map. 2. A specific design p:I:".oposal S.hall be supmi tted ·and·· approved ia conjuIlQtiol;1' w.ith e'ach subdivision map showing internal equestrian trails and how they . link up to' the co:mrnuni ty t;rail sys tem. •. 3. The CC&R's for each equestr;i.aIl.estate subdivision shall contain provisions for the mainteria.nce of said trails to the satisfaction ot the Planning Director. . ... -15 .... . '. ..----~-------------------_,_ __ -----_ ___.c_------.----- D. '" Nojse Attenuation The' primary noise 'generators .e~pected to affect Calavera Hills are highway: andstre'et noise, offroad vehicle noise, construotion noise, and active parJq:;. This section est~blishes met.hods of att.enuating $oupd in th~ plan execution. - Basically, attenuation is' 'of two types. The· f~rst o·f these is normal attenuatiOr!-k~4:\ile, to .. distance. The second is attenuation resulting from the introduction of elements or b~rriers between the sound sourceahd the.receiver. Normal attenuation occurs as thes6'qrid tr.avels over a distance. Maximizing distances from noise generq:t;:,or.s and set-backs will accomplish thi·s·. Other· :ractors, contributing to the reduction of soupd 'are climatic condi tions and the introduction, of ·element.s betweeil the sound source and the receiver. In order to attenuate sound, combinations of grade changes, slopes, ,plantings, walls' ·and. a~chi i:tectural elements shall he employed to absorb, refleQt, deflect and refract sound.. Examples o£ vario1J.s installations are shown in the following exhibits .• \ , -16- .. ' . ' . .' . " , -"eo,",: '.. ' I . . ~ , ' 'i I . '. .. , - , i I , I--' "I ..... • .; I' , ~"". . '. . !:' o - ., I I .. :,: . ., .. ' .. . ' ,,' " 'r " . -" ' . . ' . !"."., ~. ,e" , _ . , ' '\' ' ; ,', ,,-. " , , ' . . :, \:" . ~. -, . ., , \ -: , • ,~XHIBIT' III...,.2 " .' ,";" -11- , . ~, ' ,; '''~' ~ . • • . , .. ,,' ~ , , " . . , . -,: r ..... ~'.-. . ... . ..,\,. . . . . i.· • I e·: ~, . I , , . . I 1· , I . i . i . I '; I J , , I . ! i .. ' •. I ,,' I _ .. e . ." .. ·e . ' • t, • .. : .--. - ! :::1 I " '!-. .... "-..... ".' " . . ' . 7tJ ~AII' . f "IIVI. .' .1tO Y'e:vlr\IY~ ~ . -,-\:i~ .-h",p. .... '. C'"'\¥-. ~ .. . . - "\. ... EXHIBIT ·rp-3 '\ \. .. . dell'78·~kW~.· . \ . -.~.~ E~HIB:tT 1II-4 , .. . " . .-18- , . ," ... " ~'.- I· , I i' I I I i . ·e." . , f . . . •• . , . ." e. . ' . I I , .. ~ .... -. -'~~.-J-~-' ••••• -.. --~ • : ..... ~ •• : ......... -. -19- . , • ~ -•• ..:.:. '.t._. : ,'-.---~---:---' .. . . .... e' . ' . . ~. .. . EXHIBIT 1II-6 , ' : .... ' .. - . .~ " .. , , . ~. . . E. ·F. • Fire Control . . All highly flammable vegetation shall be removed to form a fire preak minimum ot th;Lrty .,feet from the " structure, and the 'fire marshal shall have the disc:r:e..." tionary flexibility to requi):'e as much as one hundred feet from the structure. 'rhe ffre break area shall 0" be maintaihed continuously to prevent the reinfestation' of these fuels by proper planting and irrigation of, less ~ or nearly non-flammabJ=e; ,orna;mental plant materials: whose characteristics emulate t,he natural. :;;cheme • . If the location of development occurs. at the crest of, hills or adjacent to steep ravines, modification and harvesting of the fire fuel within. the entire ravine area may be necessary to protec.t against extremeiy volatile fire storms that c<;)uld come up the ravine. during a fir.e. " " There shall be adequa,te fire vehicle .acCessibili ty to the native areas via the streets and hicyc:J..e tr,ails or special access fire roads aIfd 'easements per the' ' fire marshal requirements. All ,cl.eared and planted natural and, manufactured are<?-s of slopes shown in the examples shali be automatically irrigated andrttaintained by a homeowner's association, rather than by individual homeowners wherever practicable. ' General Standards· " 1. The densities provided in this plan are maximums. It is anticipat.ed actual densities will inma,ny cases .by less;' .Specific densities will be deter- mined by the appropriate, decision-making body as a part of their. consideration of individual 'developments w:i:~hin this Master Plan. 2. Specific locations of roads" park and-pchoai sites and other elements of this plan shall be fixed ~s "a part of individual developmental approvals. A variation of less than ±10% in such locations as. shown on the plan or in.'the boundar.ies or areas' of individual village's ·sl;1.all be 90nsidered consist- ent with this plan. 3. The essential design characterist.ics of the , Cal avera Hills community wi'll be adhered' to as, set forth in this Master 1?lan in q,nd through' the, use of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's). Th~ CC&R's are to be administered by an Architectural Control Committee estabi~shed by Lake Calavera Hill~ Associates. This Coromi t.tee "p responsibility shall only be in.matters mo):,e restrictive than the mi:nimum standards allowed -2·0- 'e 4. .. by. this Master Plan and t~eCi ty. This Commi.:t;:tee' s approval sheill be req.uired on all building.plans pri'or to review by' the City 'UnlesS! the Planning Director determines there: are extenuating ci.rctlffi- stances that would aliow the City tQ accept the plans without the Committee's prior approval~ The City' shall.not participate as a: member ·of this Committee •. CC&R's for the total MasterPlan· -area shall be sub-. mitted to the Pianning Dir.ect.or for his approval pr.ior.~ .. ': ... ii: to approval o.f the Tentative Map of the firstsub- division. 5. The CC&R' s for this Mast.er Plan and s.ubsequent developments shall be pet: up so ho amendments to them shall occur without' City approval and. shall provide that the City shall have the authority to selectively enforce the CC&R' s if the City Councilde·termines . such enforcement is necessary to protect the public weJ;tar~. 6.' The following exhibits shali be used as guidelines when reviewing developIh¢nt pians agairistthe s·tanclard$ contained in the .Ma~t.er Plan: -21- .. ~ , ... ;.' , .' ,e • • .. .' • . ,~,/~~ .' I', , . I' " ......... . ' , . :. . . ~, . t , :.' -22- , e,' , . . , , . , " :E~HIBtT III-7 , ,f • .' .. "-., " .; , -. "f , ;. ,"'; . , i ... ' e'· ... e .... ~ .... , . I :\ . , ._._,"------ ;' ... \ , i i . , , . I .. , . , ' : . . EXH;IBIT 1II-9 ", , . . , . -23~ ·e· . . , '. ,~ . .. ,', ' . ~~,~n~ ." ~ .' EXHIBJ;'r IIr-8 . . .. -:: . . ':, . . EXHIBIT I:(:t':'10 . , , . , ... . --' - , " "! , : ~ .-. ..- '" . , , 'e •. -. ..' . ..•.. ' . .. . .. . .' • ~ ~ ." +.' .' • -. ~--.-~ ••• ,.... " 1 1 ~ --f! 1-.. \-i f . . -..J.I- . . , .. , . "'. -2·4- \ -, .. , -. .. : '::It '. " . . ' " ", . ", . " ... ' '. ! •• ... . . , , EXHIBIT I1I-11 . , ~. . '. , . , .. ; ., . . .... . ' , '", .... . . . .. , ·e e' ~ . , . .. .'. -25- !, • . ' : ~ , . e· '. ~rII-12 EXHIBI:r' ~. .. '. . " .. .' ., . " '. I .,. . ';' · ... e '" ·<-tl " '37WliM., lOO~'. - I, ' . . . ro/~" -, ... . ~ . '. '~ . , . .' . '-. EXHIBIT ~II~13 ." I I· • EXHIBIT 1II-14 -26- ". . . .... .. . . ~?d-biod' .. .. ~~~.~jt, .... .. . ~~ ~~~i!k·1)cZ.~· t-JW n '. r··· "t -we ~~;i\S . . "" ~ .. . 'l"'"' ~'. ~~~~-L ,': fJc7 . . '.~ .'. . -2. ,",." . . t • .' . ~ 1M"'" b::>' ~~. . .' . , . ,.' " .' . . EXHIBITIII":16 ~ .' . . -27- . " ~ ~. "";-., .' . ' .. -,e " . - • , . ' . . . , ~ , ~ " T , ' =.~~~ • .: -~ • /.;I,.h::; . . VVVlf r-<::' . . . . " EXHIBIT'II' .; , ' I-17 .. • 't· , ' ..' ~ . . , -28- ',e " . ." -'" ", .':'., . . , . . . '" • .. ~ ' . . ", , . . . " - " . .: ~ , EXHIBI~ III-l.9. "",2.9- ••• >+. ,. . .. ' ',e··' . , . '. , ~ , , , . .. . , . '. .. , - . . ~ -~ . '. , . . :: , , ;. ~:.' -.. , ' .; • • '*: .. -." . , ' , , .. ',. ,'e , '. . ~ -30- " .. " . ", ~~ . .. . e· • e IV. OPEN SPACE AND" MAINTENANCE . e A. B. Introduction· The plan for Calavera Hill§ Q9-1.!s~f.9r approximat~ly 175 acres to be set aside as-open ·space •. Th~ open ... ~ space corridors, as shown on Exhibit IV-I, provide buffers' between residential areas and roads and commercial and public . area-s' ,as ·wellas definen~:i,ghbor"" , hoods. A system of pedestrian and equestrian trai~s will traverse the site iIf these corridors to connect schools, parks, and the commercial· center with the housing on the site~ TheSe trails may connect to a broader citywide circulation system. All open space including, but npt limited to, the open space corridors ~hown on Exhibit IV..,I, shall be imp:r;oyed and dedicated by the developer as a. condition of 'the subdivision of the adjoining village pursuant to the' . phasing 'Schedule contained in SectionV. Dedication Each developer shall dedicate an open space easement over the open space corridors' Shown On Exhibit IV-l~ Each applicable developer shall also grant an ease- ment for public access and use over the pedestrian and equestri~n trails $hown on ~xhibit Iv-i. This grant shall provide that these trails shall not be opened for public access and use until the City exer- cises its rights to assume :r;espqnsibility for the maintenance of these tJ;:'ails. Adjoining areas., includ- ing but not limited to slopes,: s·hall not be included' . within the public easement nor within the area to be maintained by the City. . The width and location of the open space corridors shall be as shown on Exhibit IV-I. A deviation of ten percent (+10%) shall be ,allowed when determining said width and· location. The minimum width allowed shall be twenty feet. 'Additional open space areaS may be required withip each yilla:ge devel0:r;>ment. c. Improvements 1. Landscaping apd Gr~ding The landscaping in the open spa~e corridors will be Undisturbed Native Vegetation, ,Res·toredNatiye Vegetation or Fire Control Vegetation as described below. All efforts shall be made to retain exist- ing natural land forms. W.herever grading is ,'C,. -31- ---~-----. _.. " -;: -... - , ' • necessary, the grading sta,ndards·· in section III . shall apply .. a. Undisbur,hed .Native Vegeta'tiorl Areas of nativ~ or, natll·ral.i~egJ YE;g~:t;ation to b~~_ ~ "",,,,,-,,:".- left in, their naturai·state. I} 2) 3} , No in~tallatiotl Clearing and cleanup' Maintenance a} Litter cont+,ol b) Firebreaks ·b. Restored Native.Vegetatidp Area~ df native and naturalized. vegetation d~s­ turbed by construction or grading to be restored to their 'natural state .. Replanting of species like those -naturally occ.urring or which are , adjacent with provision to instc;tll slope stabil'i- zation procedures u~til permanent plants become . established. 1) 'Installation a) Temporary irrigation system that ,would be salvaged or abandoned. b) Erosion prevention measures. c) 'Groun<! cover'. . d) _ 'l':r;ees. apd . shrubs. .- 2) Maintenance a) 'Litter control b) Firebreaks c) Irrigation repair until removed d) " F.irst year .fertiliza,tl.on 3) . Irrigation System For areas of' restored nat.i.ve vegetc;l:t:Lon, the use of "rain -.for rent" type Rainbird sprink- lers with aluminum pipe are recommended.' " No' natural areas are :trenched and removal le'aves tl1e area' in a natural con,dition. Another al terna te would be to instal.! permaneI:l'~' systems to as,sist in additional fire prevetl .... tion and .cont~ol. These systems would be used only during 'emergency periods o,f e~treme droughts. ~32- • e ," c. Fire Control Vegetation Areas 30' to 100' wid.e betwe~n structures a;J,1d " ·the natural areas, as :desclSibeGl." in section ;r~I .,'" ," .. ~;;;, "." ."" ,.,' • , 1) Complete'sprinkler systems. Al'l are~s sha,ll receive a moisture sensing.overrideat,the controller to avoid over-watering arid pro..,. vide plant material with the pJ;:"oper soil- moisture relationship ~equired in the root zone. All sprinklers having potential " "run-off" from a higher elevation of sprinkler heads should be supplied with check valves to avoid' erosion and waster wq. 1;:er , run-off.' Systems should be designed to operate in the hours 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Drip irrigation for any area, using ,the proper system, should pe considered if designed, correctly. It is recommended only as automatic irrigation and each area, by its merit, shouldpe,determined for drip potential. This is the irrigation designer's role in pursuing alternative methods. ' 2) Plant Material Plant material usage can vary according to the desired effect. It i,s recommended that plants selected be representative o! the 'natural existing materia], as far as form, color and textur~ are concel;'ned. ,Specific plant varieties 'should be ,selected for their fire resis,ti:mt quality. b) Generally preferred are shtubs,of low ,growth habit and fuel vO,lume which nave low heat output when they burn, can be easily established, and will' grow under native site conditions~ Some low,volume and low profile native shrubs that are recomn).$,nded for the conditions of Calavera Hills site include: '0 Salvia sonomensis, CJ;:"eeping Sage 0 Atriplex gardneri" Gardner's Saltbush 0 Antriplex cuneata, Cast~evalley Saltbush 0 Ant,riplex c:aneScens " :Fourwihg Saltbush " -33-, I I , , • ----~ ...... --. -e c) 2. Bikeways • Other low gI;"owing plants intro-- duced :erom o-ther count;ries that are also suitable to reduce f;ire· hazards include: Cistus: . albid1;l,s. and C~ crispus,. -Hybrid rockr6se:i Galenia-pupe;;cens,. Green galenia;. -Me's'e:tnbryanthe~trrt:i ,edul,e, Iceplant; -. Ar-t-emi-sia caucas·ic.q., caucasian---~'---.- artemisia; and-Antriple~ ssp, . Saltbushes, other than the above. Pelargoniu.m pel tatum, gazania . uniflora, osteospermumfruticosum, -i~eplant varieties, and yipca major may be used fqr color accent. All of -the arterial streets within this Mas;ter Plan'shall provide on-street l:!.i,keways as des- cribed in Section v. 'Of;E-;-street bikeways shall foliow the standards contained herein. _ ~he every·- day use of the bikeways a~d other trails as an-- alternative mode of transportation shall be . encouraged through th~ review of each subdivision. Bicycle racks and related· ·iaciii ties shall pe .provided in the commercial center, parKs and _related facilities· shall be -.provided in the cOmrcier- cial-center, parks and similar ares to encoti.rage . the use of this transportation mode. Bikeways shall be improved pe;r the -stanqards· _ established by the California Depar.tment of, _; Transportation uh:Lerss other-wise approved by the Ci ty Engineer. A typica·l cross'-section of an off- street bikeway-is shown on E~hibit Iv-i • . 3. Pedestrian. Traii~ Pedestrian tra.ils shall be provided within tl1e open space corridors as ~hown on Exhibit IV-I. '. . ~ -The trails shall consis,t of cQmpacted soil cement or decomposed granit¢ four feet ,i,n width. The trails sh~ll have-a constantly curving alignment and shall follow the contours or switch back where required to prevent grades exceeding l.5 Percent. Rest stops for relaxation_ anq picknicking shall be located at significant points along the trai.l- or bikeway, s\lch as at a viewpoint. They consist of an average 10' -x. 20 I soii cement pg.d with benches I -and i if requ~red by the topography., small retaining walls·. Trees :not requiripg.- irrigation would be incorporated to· provide shade. -34- ,-.. .~. e, Equestrian trails shall beprov:i.ded within the open space corridors as shown on Exhibit IV-I. A 10-foot graded trail, shall be the standard width., In the undeveloped open space areas native c. ,soil shall be used for the,''br~ail. Where the trails,;, pass within' 7 5 feet of residential" commercial or school areas, or a ,major roa,dway, surfa,ce' treat:" ment such as decomposed granite, eucalyptus and/or bean pod mUlch shall·be used to 'minimize dust. Just as with the bikeways a:q.d, pedestrian trails, the equestrian trail shall not' necessarily be graded level in the direction of the trail. A rolling and meandering 'path shall be the standard alignment. The' trail grade s,hall be limit.ed to, a maximum of 10% for distances g~eater than '500 feet, 15% for distances le$s than 500 feet, and 20% for extreme qases, (le~s. than; 300 feet). The trails shall be.'kept separate from ,both the bikeway a~d pedestrian trails in. distances or' differences in vertical elevation. Normally, the 'equestrain trails shall be positioned downwind b£ 'the other trails. ,Wherever the trail may need, to cross a roadway, signs shall be placed which follow the International Code by show;i.ng a horse-' , 'man on a horse with "Equestr'ian Crossing II, below. ' Special equestrian cross:ing:s shall be provided where the t:tai'l ,qrosses a section of majo~ road- way not at 'an intersection along ',College' Boulevard, Tamarack Avenue, or Elm Aven\le. ' Underpasses. shall be utilized where possible,. The trail shail be free from overhead obstructions from' ground ,l,evel to a height of 12 feet. Five rest stops shall be provided along' the system of trails approximatel'y . as shown on Exhibit IV-I .. , 5 •. Standards Common to aicycle, Pec;lestr;i.?ln,and , Equestriart Trails' Construction of the bikeways., pedestrian and equestrian trails have several standards' in common'. All trails shall be" constructed to 'provide good . drainage. A cross slope shall be maintained' with a minimum 2 percent grade, with per~s and ditches utilized to p~event washo~ts' Qf'cuts and' fills. Neither cut nor fill slopes shall ·exceed 2 :1. a Trail si91;18 displaying the symbol of a horse for -equestrian trails and:a bicyc'lefor the b;i.keways shall be spaced every ;r ,.000 feet. Trail entrance -35- . -.: , " e' " '"' -. ',.., , ·a' •• ' .. ,: ',: .,' ... '':: 6·. .e signs shall be.posted' at t+ailentrances and street crossings. For a;n¥l..J:~,ail. crossing a :r;Qad:":",,;.i'~~ ~,~ __ . way, a crossing sign wa~ning motorists is to be set 300 feet before tn~ crossing .•. Uses in General. All uses and improvements. within the open space corridors shown on Exhibit, tV-I shall begoverneo.: ... ' ".,;~ .. by the Open 'Space Zone. (O-S) d.evelop:ment standards. . 7.' , Maintenance Prior to issuance. of building permits for 'develop- ment wi thin the Master Plan, the de;veloper shClll establish a homeowners associ·atiqn (s)which sball ' include provision for the maintenance of land" and improvements by the association(s). This associCl- tion(s) shall be created through the. CC&R process and be subject to review and,app:t;"Qval.bythe City Planning Director. . EXHIBIT IV-2 'TWo-WAY'BJKE PATH ON SEPARATED 0/', " '. ,·RIGHT-,OF-WAY . ' . .... ': . , '.' .', ~ . .' '. \~ .. '. ",:. .,,;, .. ' .: ... ' .. . -36- .' .. : .. ,. . ~ , , v. PUBLIC ;FAGILITI.ES: AND :J?1iASJ;NG, A. De~9ription of Puplic' Fac'ili:i;ie.~, Public facilii;ies shall be provided substantiallya-s shown on Exhibit V-I and deacr.ibed .. :herein. . 1. Streets The Calavera H;ills Master··P-l-an,. ,includes three", . major streets shown in ··ft-Ie City of Carlsbad's General Plan Circulation Element .• ·· These ·streets·· are 102" and 84' r;ight-of-way streets known .'. . functionally as major and seqondary arterial streets. All .other .streets within t.he ItJ.aster- planned area .are local or local cql'l'ector' streets ~ All streets within the'development shall cortlply wi th . Ci ty st~nd·ards. or as required by the C~ ty Engineer. Due to the topography of the Master· Plari area, precise alignment of the arterials . '(Elm, .Tamarack and Colleg.~) is impossible during the Master Plan stage. Precise aJ:ignment shall be controlled by the .City Engineer. through tenta- tive and ~inal map recordation and approvals •• On-street· bikeways. shall pe provided oli each : arte;-ial as required by ·the "Ci ty Engineer. The 'developer shall. d~dicate or otherwis.e pro- vide and improve '102' feet of right-of-way for . that portion of Elm Avenue that lies between Tamarack ,Avenue' and College· Boulevard.. The des~ign and timing .of·the improvements sball be as required· by' the City Eng"ineer. ". '. . . . The developer o~each village shall construct or contribute money for all traffic .signals nec,... essary to accommodate the traffic to be generated by such village.as required by the City Eng:i.neer • . If a citywide traffic sig'nal policy O;L ordinance is adopted, the City Engineer may require the 'developer to Gomply with such policy or ordinance i~ satisfacti.on dfthis conditiop. . . The City shall submit'a letter to $an Diego Department of Transportation requesting authority to approve and maintain the improvements of Tamarack Avenue located in San Diego County between El Camino Real and the project site, provided it· is possible fQr the City to a$sume 'bhat responsi- bility. The developer shall reimburse the City·for all costs necessary to repair any structural. damage -37- ". 2. to the curb, gutter, s:i,dewalk, pavement, sub- . grade supportive'section or drainage facilities within the street right-of.'":.waY,'.or associated drainage easements •. This 0bligatibri: 'shallrEmiain in effect l,lr,ttil each and every section of roadway. and the l~nds through which that ,section pass~s have been annexed to the City or until such time . as the City Council determines, to' otherwi,se ,accept responsibility for maintenance and repair. Water Present supply reaches the project by the 27-inch Squires Dam Transmission Lin~, the 20-inch El , Camino Real Transmission Main and two l4-incl1 feeder lines which are fed o;f:f the Ei Camino'Real Main. All of these lip-es are in place and operat- ing presently including ·a 1'00,"0'00 gallon booster station storage ti;ink and'themaih ,one milliqn gallon storage tank (~levatibn ,456') at'the northerly terminus of the l4-±nch feeder which bisects the project. The Tri-Agency Pipeline. will provide high pressl,lJ;7e water supply within the, project area for f'utu+,e supply. The present plan approv:ed by theCarlsbg.d Municipal Water District (CMWD) , will supply 20 cubic feet per s~c,ond to flow westerly to the ,project area,; . By. agreement with G.!MWD, all water improvements will be paid for :by the developer" as each village is built, the 'e~cep'tion'being transport lines (mains) which are included in the Ti;'i-Agency Pipeline proposal 'and will be paid for by the district which will then he rei.mbursed by all the users of the District 3 system. 3. Sewer The primary source of sewag,e treatment ,in the City of Carlsbad is the Ehciria 'TreatmeIl-,t ,Facility. The City Council has qetermined that there is no sewer service presently available at the Encina Facility and ,that all 'land uses approved in the Master Plan pre subject to further City approvals . as may be required by such sewer allocation' system as the City Council may adopt.' The applicant .has, filed written acknowledgement that there is .no sewer service C!.vailable at this time and that he is p~oce~ding with this develop- ment at his own risk and that the City makes no, representatio~ that he 'will be able to go forwa~d -38-' •• • • , . 4. 5. with his development or that .sewer service will be available for the property. The developer has proposed a 'satellit~ wastewater treatment facility to serve this project. On October 3, 1978, the City.~.Co.uncil ap'proved _ .. ~ ._. ______ : GPA-5l (B) to pl.;ice -a Public Utility "tJll Lane} Use " Designation in the Calavera Hil'ls drainage basin. If 'the proposed sateliit,e"'-wqst1.ewater treatment' -.~ ,.,., facility is subsequently approved to be located and developed withihthe area of this I1aster :J?lan, the applic~nt Shall' apply for' a zone change from P-C to P-U for the land necessaJ:'Y for the sewer plant itself., If said zone change is then approved" the Planning Director sheill adIninistrat'ively revise the Master Plan to make it consistent with the " approved z0!le change " Approval of said facility·:tnay require the addition of 'conditions to this Master Plan to provide for items s'llch a$ odor easemehtf:), CC&Ramendments; hold harmless agreement for plant operation, agricul .... tural pres'ervation apd other conditions necessary to accommodqte the development of such a facility as a part of this' Master Planned Community. The City may initiate an amendment to thi.s plctn to add such conditions •. If a satellite wastewater treatment'facility is subsequently approved to serve this area, dual water systems shall be installed in all residen- tial villages provided the City Manager determines that such systems are acc~ptable to all responsi- ble public entities. Solid Waste Solid waste from'Cal-avera Hills is collected and d;i.sposed at the county""'operq.ted, lahd f.ill· facilities. Coast Waste MaI):agemep.t has indicated that it has adequate capacity to meet the antici- pated demands of the pr9pqsed Calavera Hills communities. Gas and, Ele~tric The San Diego Gas arid Electric Company will distri- bute natural gas and eleci;:.~icity to the Calavera Hills areas. The future power .d·emapdsof Calavera Hills are within the long-rangecapac:i.tiesof ' San Diego Gas and Electric .Al-l utilities inc.luding provisions for cable 1:eley~sibn shall be pig:ced . underground. ' .. ~' -39-. '. 6. '. ~' ..... -'''~ .. ~, - 7. • ·,0 8. Schools Ca,lavera Hills is currently, served by :the Carl,sbad Unified School District. Calavera Hills shall· comply with the City ofC.a:rlsbad'"s public facili- ties policy by assuring cQntinued cooperation with :i:ts school district by setting' -aside Such land ~s:' may be necessary ,to meet the' needs of the schoo],: district and/or by compliance with any formal agreement between the -developer and thesghool .... -! _', ',-"i+r;"" district. .,' Two elemeI?-tary school sites and one junior high school site have been sel~cted by the Carlsbad Unified School District and reserved by this Master Plan. All'schoo], sites are locc;lted adja- cent to permanent open space corrid0rs and the trail system. Parks , 1/ The developer shall dedicate Villages F,N, R-2 and Y for puplic parks 'purposes. ' The ¢ied:ication _ of each park village shall be made concurrently with the recqrdation of a final map for the development of a village adjoining that park as shmv-n on the Phasing Schedule (Tahle V-I). Any park dedication in excess of the requirement.s of Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code 'fQr such subdivision shall be made available to satisfy such requirements for other subdivisions within this Master Plan in accordance with Section .. ' 20.44.100 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. If the ·Ci ty Manager determines it necessary, ah agreement betw~en the City and the q.ppl,icant to implement Section 20.44.100 may be' requiJ;:'ed as a ,condition of this development. .# "1/ If the dedication of Villages F, N, R-2 and Y exceeds the amount,of land that wO\lld be required by Chapter '20.44 for thisdevelQpment, that"excess shall be retained by the City in satisfaction of the Master Plan parks required to meet the needs of the Planned Community as a conditibP Qf this zoning approval. 1/ Refer to Section III' for ,special consideration of VillageR-2. Public Transit Calavera Hills will adhere to the poiicies of the City of Car"rsbad as' st.ated in the Circulation Element regarding public transit. Tt is contemplated -40- " ... , . 9. ·that the area will be serviced by the· North County Transit Authority as fs· the entirety Or of the City.of Carlsbad. As hoteQ:'.earlier, the site development plan ~or Villages B-1, E-2 and K shall inc.lude-provi'sions' for transit stops to • the satisfaction of' th:e Plan:r:ing'Commission. Flood Cbn·trol Calavera'Hills shall m¢et all requirements of the San Diego County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control and t~eCity of Carlsbad as deter-. mined by the City Enginee:r, in providing flood control facilities to neighbo:rhoods as they are developed :within this Master Plan. 10. Future Public Facil,ities Si:tes 11. The need for additional pol:Lce,'fire ana library facilities forCalil'vera Hills is a future pos'si- bili ty • The determl:na ti6nof . timing and loca:tion of thesE;! faciii ties wiEl involve a dec:i,.sionby· the City of Carlsbad as to their.need. A site of approximat~lyoneaGre of land within Village E-2 shall be 'reserved for acqu,isition by the City for public facility pl,lrposes. The City Council shall deteJ;"mine, the specific size and· . location of the site. as a part of their approval of development wi thin' Village :E;-2. 'The developer agrees to convey the site :ereeof liens and . encumbrances at any 'time upon receipt of written notice by the City. The price to be paid by the Ci ty shall be $'25,000.00 per 'acre .;E:fE the site is not acquired by the 'City W'ithinten years .from the date of recordation of th,esubdivision map-: that includes the site, tpisconditio.n· shall be void and the area shall pe allowed to develop privately •. Public Facilities Fee Prior to the issuance o~ building permit$ within this Master l?lC\h,·the City shall establish a public facilities feesc;:hedule in .a,:tl amount sufficient to cover the d$ficiency between the expected revenues fJ;"om this project and projected costs for all necessary public services and facili- ties as required by the General ~lan. The fee shall be paid on a per .'uni t bas.l.s by the developer as a condition of the ,issuance '0£ building permits. If a citywide public f'acili ties, fee is adopteq, this condition shall become·null and void • . ., -41'-. "'. .. • ' ~:,. 4 • e . a. All public facili tief?~" de(1:;i"c.a.tions and improvements sbal.1 bt? requireq'in accord with the Carlsbad Municipal Code and adopt.ed policies and. standards of 'the C,;i. ty ... QJ. CaJJ-.sba,d. HoweveJ;:,~ _ .-r _ . as he~einafter provided ,the City Cduncil may ,J. .: •••• >- mOd.ify certain special public improvemeh·t stg.ndards .provided the design of these modi.fled improvements is related to the function, topography and needs· I ., of an area. Any SUch modifications shall be reflected as conditions of appr,oval to a teritati ve ' subdivision·map~. ' b. Street i,mpr'ovements and 'dedication of streets inside subdivisions may be approved by the City as follows: . . I} Right~of-way for streets may be r~duced provided 'tbat they not be reduced tb less than 4:0 feet. 2) Parking lane may be· del~ted on one side of streets •. 3) .. Pavement· width may be. reduced on streets serving ,eight or less units to 28 feet . 'parking one s'ide, or 32 feet park.ing bo'th .' sides.' 4) Pavement'width .may'be·reduced on str~ets serv:~ng mo:r;e tha,Ii ·eight. units to 30.: feet parking-one side, o~ $'6 ~eet parking both', sides. 5) All o+, part of tJ;lereguired sidewalks, curbs, gutters dr draihage structures may be waived or modified if it is found that s.uch ;i.mp+,overttehts are unwarranted and would distract. from the rural . character of the area. If such require- ments, are Wed ved, the 'City ~ngineer may require' that drainage easements and/or drainage releases be made part of the tract map to insure proper drainage 'over private property .. 6) Horizontal and ,vertical alignment :stan- darqs may be modified 0:1:' waived to reQ,uce grading., In stich cases, an adequate right-of-way shall be provided to accorruno-· . date possible future corrections to meet City standarq.s. -42- ' . .• ' '-. 7) The City Council shall have tpeoption of requiring 'that street right-of-way shall be privately' maintained under a· property owners aRsociation or may accept an offer of dedication'" If ',p~ivately owned" -the streets shall be open to the public by eas~ment. c. Public sewer systems shall be required to serve each lot in thELMas1;:er Plari unless ~pecifi.-.... ,._ cally waived by the City Council. Such waiver . shall be condi t±oned on the ins,tallation of an. alternative sewer disposal system permitted by the City and found. by the'City Counc~l to b~ feasible Lor each lot. . The determination of the adequacy of such alternative system shall h~ based on detailed soils testing on each existi~g orp~o­ posed lot as provided for by the Co\mty Heal~h Department.' , If an alternative sys.tem is approved" the sub- divider shall p:r:epar~ plans for a future public sewer systeII\ as, a backup·system •. Dedication,of all easements necessary to. construct such a haekup public sewer system shall.be required aS,a condition· 'of final map approval. d. Any modification pursuant to this section shall 'not relieve the subdivider from providing publiG facilities, dedic;::atiOris .a,ndimprovements that also provide services ne.cessary for the , welfare of the general public as required by the General Plan,' applic,able spec;lfic plans or City .ordinances 0:1:' po~i~ies. e. B. ppa~ing . The Phasing Schedule is shown ori.· T?tble V-I •. Develop- ment o·f the var ious villages shall occur incrementally as shown (i.e., No. i. before No.2, No. 2 before • No.3, etc.) and" the develqper sh?;11 provide all p-q~li_c facili ties, shown for each village as a condition of dev:elopment for such village. However, if provision is made for all of the public facilities listed under each phase (i.e., .fuli improvement· of Elm and Tamarack, plus dedication of ten-acre p~rk s{te, plus res~rvation of ten-acre school site with l;'hase I" etc •. ) the various . villages within that phase sball De a~iowed to develop randomly. The minimum increment off,uture development (subdivision) review shall be each individual village •. : All villages within each ppase must have an approved tentative map bef,ore an application for development :in the subsequent p!+ase·will. be accepted for processing by the City. . The City may find it necessary to li~it the nuniber of dwelling units that can'be built in anY'one year. This Master Plan is, subject to such l,imi ts as the City Council may adopt. Although no. actual limitation on the amount of annual growth is conta~ned within this Master Plan, the City may'impose growth controls in the future to prote.ct the public intere$:ti as. the City Council may determine or as may be required by regi.onal, state or' federal agencies. . -44- ... , -. I or:. U1 I -. , , e· MAX. PHASE vnJ:1.\GE 41= DU'S' -- I. 1. A&B 308 2. D or G 150/108 &F 3. D or G " 4. H 34 ·5 .. I . 54 6,. , J 300 e· . ' 'mELE V-l PII.ru:?ING SCHEDULE MAJOR STREETS Tamarack (ECR to site) " Tamarack to Elm (if'total 500 units) " '" n PARK SITES scHOOL PUBLIC , 'SITES ' 'SITES 10 ac. 10 ac •. -- -----. .:e f ~S 'TRAIIS c ' . . ~ Northeasterly trails and corridor e p6utm~sterly trails of corridor if G. " " " " Southe?lSterly trail: and corridor Easterly trails and' , corridor . J;b+therly 1;ra:L.1s. ' arid corridor e ------_._-.. , ....... _ ..... ,....-_ ...... , ... , ~~----------:---------~--~--"'"-'!-~~------.;..-~--------...;-.-~-;...-~--- ' , ,l~ t-1'. , I I ·1 ".1 1 i , I I 1 i ! I fl I: ~ e e· 'e ! t ~ • e MAX. MAJOR PARK SCHOOL PUBLIC PHASE VILIAGE # DU'S STREETS, 'SITES ' BITES ' 'SITES ' 'ers 'TRAIIS ,II. 7 K or C ,480/ Special treat-1 acre ' Westerly c;om.er if. K. or E-l 1?0/0/? ment of Elm if· if E-2 E-2 K or E-l or E-2 8. K or C II II .. .. .. .. " or E-1 or E-2 9. K or C II II ---.. " " .. " e or E-l or E-2 10. K or C .. It II 'It Ii .. or E-l I ; or E-2 , ~ ~ 1 0"1 I ' 11. L 220 " "Northerly trails and. corridor 12. O&M 220 .. 5 ac. 10 ac. N9rtherly <;:erridor &N 13. P-I 196. It. ----Southwesterly corridor~ ------~-........... -~-~~----------..-.----:---~--~ --~---·~-~-.e • ~ , e PHAsE III. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. d MAX. VII.J:J\GE i DO'S P-2 or 24.0/68 Q P-2 or " Q R-1 & R-2 252 T & S 184 U 14 /' MAJOR STREETS e College fran Elm to SR 78 " " " II PARK , 'SITES 5 ac. SCHOOL , 'SITES 20 ac. , ' e' PUBLIC 'r " ~ ·i SITES ' '~S 'TRAILS Easterly cOrridor if P-2 " ." " " Southerly trail and,A corridor • Southerly and Easterly trails and corridor Sout:h\rester1y corridor " • __ ........ ___ --~--_________ ~----------~~--------------:---t, ) • " • \" ~ t· <: , ! .l l ( I I I: '\ I I I 0l:Io (X) I e· PHASE J:Il. 19. 20·. 21. 22. 23. VILlAGE V· orWor , X or Z-lor Z-2 & Y & Z-3 " " II .. MAX. # DU'S 144/45/ 42/30/ 22 . " II " " MAJOR STReETS 'e· College (to south) " II' " " PARK SITES 5 ac. srnOOL , 'SITES e· PUBLIC .. ~ SITES " ' Q-;-S 'TRAIlS Trails in Z-3 and easterly corridor if Wor X . r. '4 ~ " II II e " " .. " .. " II'" 1. ---------..... --. ------------------~----------~--=------'-)~ . .."---.,,,....---------_ . • ~ ... ___ .... _M~ft .. ,,"" __ ..... : •• ,- • -! --" l , '. k· f.~ "\;, " ~ I, fl I' I 1. , •• - ---..... ------•• ~ + .-~--• • ._ VI. SIGN PROGRAM At this time , the sign 'program· for, ,Caiavera I:Ii11sSha11 . be governed solely by Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad • Municipal Code. Addi !:ional sighs per Sections 21.38.060 (4)' and 21:~; 41. 075 may be allowed upo.l'l ,the approval of, a Mast;.er, "--:;" Plan Amendment. Said amendment must outline ,a'comprehensive 'sign program for the entire Master Plan and'include'the following provisions: A. A total of four perman~nt c9mmunity entrance signs shall be located where Tamarack Avenue, Eln'lAvenue and College Avenue enter the commu'ni ty .. B. The design motif of the four entrance signs and'the' permanent directional signs shall u,t.i,lizewood and indigenous rock as major components. Also, the entrance signs shall be incorpori;l:t~d with, walls erecte¢l, for sound attenuation at, the fot;lr. entrances ,into the community. C. Temporary directional signs" fOJ; sa1esprogr'amS sh,~ll be governed solely by Chapter 2l.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code • ,:~49- ~I ..... ~ f '. '