HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 76-15; PALISADES POINT UNIT 1, 2, 3; UPDATE SOIL INVESTIGATION AND EARTHWORK PACKAGE; 1977-04-01• • WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS CONSULTING ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS AND ENVIRONME;NTAL SCIe:NTISTS WESTERN REGION 3467 Kurtz Street April 1, 1977 San Diogo Project No. 77-105-15E Cafifornia 92110 Phone (714) 224·2911 '. Douglass Southwest Corporat Ion Post Offlce Box 1114 Carlsbad, California 92008 • Attentton: Mr. John Douglass RECEIVED UPDATE SOIL INVESTIGATION AND EARTHWORK PACKAGE CARLSBAD PALISAbES UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 (CARLSBAD TRACT 76-15) CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA .- ,APR 111977 CITY OF CARLSBAD Engineering Departf!1ent In accot:dan~e wi th your t:equest and our proposal dated March 15, 1977, we have revi.ewed the proposed tentative grad'ing plan for the subject subdivision and have made additional soil studies at the site. The purpose of these stud ies is prepat:e updated conclus /.ons and recommendations regarding ear thwrk'lng at the si te, slope stab II tty and foundatf on desl gn. In addition, we are presenting estf.mates of the quantlti es of various so Hs wh fch wi 11 requi re spec I al handling during grading i.ncluding potentially expansl.ve and compt:essi.ble s~Hs, sons suHable for use at finish grade, buttress volumes and special fl.ll construe ti.on volumes. , A . prel iminary soU i.nvest.igation covering the subject sHe was made by Woodward-Gi.zienski. & Associates and the results issued tn a report dated' March 3, 1973. Two addenda to that report were. issupd and are dated Hay 16, 1973, and Octoher 1, 1973. The results of out: current st ud ies are based on these repot:ts, the c~tl:ent f l.eld st udy, laborator}\' testl.ng and analys I s per formed by out: firm. ,. ) " , OFFICE PREPARATION AND FIELD WORK Our studies of thp. sHe Included a tp.vlp.w of the 'ptpl'lm'[nnry reports; a review of 'the tentative gtad1.ng plan; a de.tailed geological . '. reconnaissance of the site, i.nc1ud ing 10ggi.ng of several exi.sting cut slopes and natural exposures; the dd.ll ing of 3 additional test borings; and the excavating of 11 test pits at repr,esentative locations', The ' .• test bod.ngs w.ere made wi th a six-inc~ diameter truck-moun ted power auger and the test pits were advanced' with a .24-1nch wide ttac tor m'o~9ted backhoe, The excavations. and bor~ngs were made at the approx.:tmate locations shown on the attached plan under the supervision of an engineering geolog 1st ttom out f1.rm who also made the geolog f c reconnaissance of the slte and P logged the cut slopes. Our recent fteld work was done during the period of March 8;. through 26, 1977. nH~ bot':fngs,. test pHs and field work were done \(f.th the a td of "A Rev fsed Tentat.ive Subdi.vislon Map for Carlsbad Tract No. 76-Cadsbad Pal i.sades," pr.eparl?d by A1 ft:pd B. OSl'l?rhues, dated Febr.uary 9, 1977, LABORATORY TESTS The samples obtai.ned :l.n the. borings and pits were vi9ual'ly classified in the laboratory and representaive samples were evaluated wl.th respect to grain size, plast1c1.ty, swelling and compressl.hHi.ty charac teristics. The v.f sual classifications were verifi.ed by' re.sul ts of gra 1n si.ze and At terberg limHs 'determinat ion. Swell ing charac terist tcs were evaluated by loaded swell tests on both undisturbed and compacted . . samples. Compressi.b U tty was est i.mated by a conftned compressi.on test on a sample of porous alluvIal soH. The results of grain stze and plastlcHy tests ate presented on Figure 19, The results a f loaded swell tests and the confined compress I.on test ate found on Fl gures 20 and 21, respectlvely. WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS , \~ . Dougins/,) ~)()ut hw<'sL C(Atnllon • lIt'oJ I"C t No. 77-105-1" ' Apr11 1, 1977 SUM~1ARY OF SITE SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The subject subdlvisl.on Is located south and west of El CamIno ,~eal approx:lmately 2,000 fee t southerly of thp. O1estnut Avenup, intersection. The si te is of moderately steep hllly topography wtth slope :I,ncl inati.ons ranging from near vertical to as gentle as 20 to 1. The site lles on the slopes of an old m~sa remnant surface whIch has _ eroded into drainage swales and easterly trendtng rldge.s with badland topography present on some of the upper slope areas. A maj or relati.vely wlde draw drai.ns easterly in the northern portion a f the slte. ,..0:: • The natural surface of the site is covered by a moderate 'to heavy growth of native grasses and chaparral. Portions of the site have been p10difted by grading which was done in conjunct:t.on wi th the grading of Carlsbad 'Tract 73-8 in the southeast corner of ..the property. Two types' bf man placed fUls ex lst on sIte. Compac ted fIll exi.sts on Lots 71 through 79, 29 through 33 and 117 through 127. Thp.se represent offsite fLlls placed during the grad1ng of' the adjacen~ tract. Ex'tensive borrow excavations are present on site :In the area of Lots 15 through 20 and 112 through 116. SoH has been end dumped on the bottoms of these excavations and also in the area of Lots 26 and 134. Our st udies to date ind icate that· the' natural sub sur face salls and geolog:lc fonnati.ons on site can be divided in to four maln u~:i,ts. These are,:i.n order of increasing age: . overburden soils, Quaternary alluvi.al deposits, Quaternary ten'aee deposits, and Tertiary marine sediments. Overburden So 11s A rp.sldual soil mantle covers the mpsa surface und sldp hill areos and has dpvE'loped ovp.r t 1\0. Quatp.rnur:y ll.1lUV lal dpposl t 8 In l:hf' rr OWPT' porti.ons of the sHe. ThIs topsoil cover consists of one to tl'lre.e feet of loos'e yellow-brown all ty sand, overlying the Qu'atprnary terra~e. deposi.t and up toonp. foot of dark-brown sUty sand underlain by fOtJr to fIve feet of gray-bt·own silty to sandy clay, oVE'tlY'lng the Tp.t:tlaI'Y sediments. A one to two foot cover of brown to dark brown 'sUty sand overl:f.es the Quaternary alluvial depos:i.ts 1n the northe.rly dt'aw area. The lowe.r areas are generally covered by an approx'lmately onp. foot th I ck layer of very dark gray-brown sandy clay to clayey sand. WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSijLTANT'S • J.~ (, I~ : .Douglass So ur.hWf.'sl ,(e)OILllIOn, ProJ E'C t ~. 77-105-1Sg ,Apr.il' 1, 1977 Quaternary Alluv la1 Deposl.ts These depos1.ts ar.e found ;in the wide drainage ar.ea extend'f.ng into "the s:f.Ce from EI Qlmino R(>al in the northern portton of the subd·lv:i.sl.on. Test pi ts i.ndicate a maximun alluvial depth on the order of 1S fee.t. The deposJts consist of interbedded layers and lenses of silty and clayey sands, sil ty and sandy clays, and gravel. The upper tv.-o to ten feet of the alluv:ial matet::ials ar,e consi.dered potent tally compress:f.ble • :f.n nature. Quaternary ,Terrace Deposi.ts . .; Below the res:J.dual soH mantle in the upper elevatf.ons of the sHe, the format1.onal soUs consist of dense reddish brown sil ty sand . with occasi.onal layers and renses of clayey sand and gravel. This mated.al is found generally above an approxlmate elevation of 275 feet but has a somewhat irregular contact wJth the underlytng Tertiary sediments. Some local terrace deposits on the order of ten feet thIck were j,dent:l.fie.d on the lower slopes at el.evati.ons rang1.ng from 220 to 240 feet. The so11s wlll provi.de stgnH:i.cant amounts of select soU 'for ,special use on site. TertUlry Mati.ne Sediments .. . Below the Quaternary terrace materlal and alluv:i.al depos:f.ts descr:i.bed· above. and extend.i.ng to significan t depths on the site are. found interbedded layers and lenses of very dense whItish-gray silty to clayey s·and. and hard greenlsh-gray to brown sandy and silty clay. Generally, the granular materials, silty to clayey sand, occur d frec tly beneath the terrace material and extend down to elevatt:on of . approximately 240 feet. Below the 240 foot elevation, Tertiary sed:lments consist primarlly of clayey materials tnterbedded with more' granular lenses and layers. Groundwa.ter No groundwater was encountered 1.n any of the test bod,ngs or p:l.ts at the time of e'Kcavating. In addition, no springs, water seeps, and swampy or marshy areas weT:e note.d during our reconnai ssance o£~he slte. It i.8 cautioned, howeve.t", that during ral.ny per'lods groundwater may be e.ncountered at depth .In the alluvial soUs .• WOODWARD·CLYDE CO~SULTANTS .. Do liS .1 nEm So II ( II We' B l Si.l po I III I 011 .Proj('cl No. 77-105-. . Apr'll 1, 1977 , CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMl'\ENUATIONS .CC?lwT"nl Conr.) liS [Dna " (1) The results of our studies have not revealE'd the presence of any major advetse soil or geolog:ic conditions on site which would preclude the further developnent of the. sHe. TIlere arE', howE've.r., •. several soH e(mdH:fons on sHe that should be eonsldered during 1... _._<~ _ .... _~._~ .. developnent of plans and grading of the site. 'These are listed below. (a) There are nuu.erous piles of dumped soil wi.th minor tl:ash which exi.st on the rbottoms of the bonow pits on ~ite. Huch a f the loose soil exi sts in the areas to receive fill and wHl require e.xcavation and recomflac t fon. (b) Clayey soUs, both surface soU mantle clays and formational claystone, exist on site an,d undercutt Ing of these expans'lve mated als and replac~men t with compac ted selec t so i.l wi 11 be required at finish grade. (c) Relatively deep alluvlal soUs exjst In the nor.the·rn draw area and, when porous, these alluVial so.Us will require excavaU.on and recompac tion prior to placing new fiLl. (d) The combination cut-ftll sloRe at the rear. of Lots 38 through 42 will requi.re buttress1,ng due to the presence of claystone in the toe area of the slope. (2) The ex 'I sting: fills 1.n the area of Lots 29 ,through 33, 69 , 71 through 79 and 117 through 128 have been pl aced under eng'lneering' observat:i.on and compacted. Compacti.on data is on fHe and wUl be submHted w:lth the Hnal report of grading. (3) With the excP.pLlon of thp. cut-fl.ll slopp. at the re.ar: of LMs 38 through 142, it is our oplnion that the proposed cut slo:pes h;avlng maxlmUll heights of 60 fp.E't and maxfmun slope inclfnaLlons of 1-1/2 tO,l w:fll have adequate indicated factors of safety aga'lnst dpep-seatE'd slide fa Hure H construe ted i.n accordance w:i.th plans and specHicat ions. WOODWARD·CLYDE CO.NSULTANTS f" --,", . i -, --.<: ......... -~ ,- I ' .. , ..,1 , .'''' '~ouglass Sou\,hwesL C~tllllon. !" oj PC I. ~). 77-1 05-1 ~ AprH 1, 1977 The proposed £1.11 slopes hav.ing-slope 'incltnat I.ons rang 'Ing han i-l/2 to 1 to 2 to 1 and maximun heights of 75 feet wIll sfmJlady have adequate 'lnd lr.ated far. lots of Sllfpty against deeL-spalpd slopp, Eall Ul'P. If constructed i.n accordance wi.thplans and specJfi.cat!ons. lrtigati.on of '1-1/2 to 1 slopes should be .controlled to help min 1mi ze sur face. sloughing. Surface sloughi.ng and revell:f.ng may be expp.t:!enced during rainy pertods prio·r to establishment of .vegetatl.on growth. (4) It bour optnion that the materi.als in the proposed cut • areas can be excavated by med:i urn to heavy ripping wi th heavy-duty dozer equ:l.pnent. Earthwork Recommendations (1) It:f.s recommended j:hat all loose piles of dumped soil not removed by planned grading. operations be excavated and recompacted. prior to plad.ng any new fill. Any trash material s~o'uld ~e removed from the soU and d:f.sposed of off s1 te. ,_ (2) It is recommended t.hat potenti.ally compresslble topsoHs and alluvi.al soils not removed by grad:f.ng operat'tons be excavated and properly recompacted prior La placing any new fU!. l11e max;mun depth of compress:f.ble soUs in the northernmost draw area 1s anti.c:!,pated to be on the order of 10 feet with an average depth on the order of 4 to 6 feet. 1he actual depth of excavation and compacti.on should be controlled in the Held at the time of grad ing. (3) It 1.s recommended that the cut f:l.11 slope tn the alrea of Lots 38 through 42 be buttressed :in accordance wi.th the sketch below. Compacted Sandstone ~'1i n • Drain as required Suitable on site compacted fill ma t e ria 1 WOODWA,RD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS /' ' '1 "c .... · .. , ,.... J)() ug 10 sa Ho lILllw(' I;Jl <,)0 l L\ l 1011 , 1'r' oJ PC l toP. 77 -1 05-1 , ' Ap r 11 1,. 1977 It :1 a engineering cond it: i Ol1a. rf>(~omlllpnd pd l hal l hp b ul' t rpS8 geologist ft:om our flrn,l Lo r.1It' bp vet" 1f:y , pXllmi.npd by on ar-tual geologJr. '. (4) 'It -La recommende.d that potenttally expansl.ve soils p.'x{stlng In areas of shallow cut and fUl, that is, daylight at:eas, and where.ver 'claystone js enc,ountered at finish grade :f.n deeper cut atreas, be unde:a;-cut to a mi.nimtm depth of 2 feet and replaced with properly compacted nonexpansive soil available on site. (5) It is recommended that the upper 2-1/2 .feet of fill over the en tire level lot area be composed of properly com pac t!?d nonexpans tve. solI. The more clayey matertals may be placed and properly compacted in the-< deeper Hil areas. (6) It i.s recommended -that all ,1-1/2 to 1 fHlslope's having 'heights greater than 30 feet, such as the one behind Lots 125, 126 and 127, be composed of compacted g~ranular materlals .. " , (7) It is recommended tha t all fi.lJ slopes per:fod:\.c bac~rolling wHh compactlon equipme.nt. All prope·rly dralned, maintained and planted in order erosion. In regard to slope planting ,t is recommended architee t be consul ted for proper plant· mix in ordf'r shallow and deep root growth. - b P. compac ted py s10pes should bp. to hel p clontrol that a landscape to pt:omote both (8) It is recommended that grad~ng plans fot: the subdiv:!.sion be reviewed by Woodward-Clyde (bnsul tants prlor to finalizing. (9) It i.s recommended that all grad:f.ng at the sUe be done tn accordapce with the attached "Sped.Heattons for Controlleq FUI." The earthwork should be observed and compac ted fills tested by '\obodward- Clyd e (bnsul tan ts. (10) It . is recommended that a ptreconstruc tion confere,ncle be held at the si.te with the owner or developer, contractot:, desi.gn engineer and 's61l engi.neer in attendarice. Questions regarding specj~l soil handling or gradi.ng plans may be answered at that time. DISTRIBUTION AND ESTIMATED QUANTITIES OF. SPECIAL SOILS (1) Loose pllpsof fIll exisl In the nrCi'll of Lols 26, 112, 113, 115, 116 and on a~ un-numbered lot area to the east of Lot 116. The average depth of p:f.les was assuned to b~ on the order of three: fee,t anCi the quantHy of material involved is approximately 3,000 cub ic yards. WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS -T J)O liS 1 LlIHI SO III hWI' 131 <.l\) I III I!) 11 .J>toJ('r.t No. 77-105-1. . AprH 1, 1977 (2) Alluvial Salls -Alluvial soils requiring recompaction are Ilnt'icJpated in the area of Lots 43 Rpct'elltJon Aren, Lols 59 tlll'ough 63,' and' 81 lhtough 87. that the volume of matedal inv,?lved is on ,25,000 cubic yards excav at i ori and through 53, the It Is ('slllll/ll pd the order of (3) Potentially expansive salls -POlentlally expllnslv~ clay sotl to be undercut to' a depth of 2 feet and replaced wtth n6nexpans1ve so.n "wUl be encountered on Lots 4 through -10, 12 through 15, 19 throush 35, 56, 57, 64 through 68, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 107, 108, 111, H2, 113, • 121, 123, 124', 126 and 127. The clay to be undercut includes both 'residual clay occudng along daylight lines and claystone occud.ng In' de~per cut areas. The approximate volume i.s on the order of 12,000 cubic yards. (4) Buttress slope -It. is esti.mated tha t the volume of buttress excavat'lon :fn the slope at the rear o·f Lots 38 through 42 wi.ll be,on ,-he order of 13,000 cubic yards. (5) Select soil requirement,: for fHl sli>pe construction -It i.s anticipated that appt'oximately 26,000 cubic -yards of compacted sandstone 'will be requlred to construct the fill slope area at the rear of Lots 125, 126 and 127. (6) SelC?ct salls available on sHe -SoU suitable fat use at Hnish grade and in buttress and fill slope areas wi.ll be generated generally from the higher elevattons on site. It is estimated th"" t the .design cut areas are e)!:pected to yield 1n excess of 150,000 cubic yards of soH for these uses. For compari.son :f.t 1s estimated that about 88,000 cub:f.c yar.ds of select soU wUl be requi.red to f1.11 undercut clay area~, top f'l.ll areas, and for refllling buttress excavation and construct:f.ng the outer zones of the fill slopes. The approximate locattons of salls requ:f.ring special handling are shown on the attached mark-;up copy of the grading plan~ LIMITATIONS The conclus'lons Ilnd recommendat lons made in thl s report are based on the assumptlon that the so11 condftl.ons do not deviate .appl:eclably from those disclosed by the test bo~ings. If varlaLions are encountered during construction, we should be notlfi.ed so that we may make· supplemental recommendallons I f thIs should be requ1.r.pd. The sol1 quantltles presented above are approx fmate and intended for prel iminar.y budget I ng purposes only. Ac tUlll locat Ions of soil sand quantities are to be determ:i.ned in the field at the time of gradtng. ,WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS . , ,-t , , , ... ~- 00 US lass So ul II W(l at tal!) t L\ I Ion 'PtojPCI' ttJ. 77-105-1. . Ap t: l1 1, 1977 , ,. If there are any questi.ons concernjng our update soH: studies or the earthwork est'lmat.es or any other part of the projE'ct in wrdc.h we> may be 'of further ,asstst.ance, please call or write Mr. Rl chard P. While, 0 f "our firm. Very tr~ly yours, ·h~·~ . James E. CavalH.n, R. E. 17553 . .., JEC/RPW/lkm .At tachments (4 ) . WOQDWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS " . ' • \. f";' f •• S~ECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED FILL .. GENERAL These specifications cover preparation of cxistinn surfaces to I'CCC;vc fills; the type of 50;1 suitable for use in fills; th~ control of compactioR and the ,methods of testing compacted f'ills. It shall be the Contractor1s responsibility to pli.lce, spread, w<.\ter and cOlilpact the fill in strict accordance with these spccificat'ions. A Soil Enuineer sha'll be the Owncr1s rcprescntuUve to inspect .the construction of fills. ExcavatiQn and the placing of fill shall be under the direct inspection ~f the Soil Enqineer; and.he shall Qive wtitten notice . of confo'rmancewith the specifications upon. completion of ~radinq. Deviations from these specifications will be perlllitted 6nly upon written author.ization Jrom the Soil Engine,er. A soil investiga,tion has been made for this project;. any. recol11menda'tions made ,.in the rerort of the soil investiaation or subse'luent reports shall ,become an addendum tq these specifications. I I ' SCOPE The placement of controlled fill ~by the Contractor shall include all clearing and grubbing, removal of existing unsatisfactory material, preparation of the areas to be filled, spreading·and compaction of fill in the areas to be filled, and all other work necessary to complete the ~ra1ing of' the filled areas. I II NATERIALS 1. Materials for cOll1racted fill shall consist of any material"imported or excavated from the cut areas that, in the opinion of t"he Soil Engineer, is suitable for use in constructing fills. The material shall contain no rocks or hard lwnps greater than 24 inches in size and shall contain at least 40% of material smaller than 1/4 inch in size. (Materials greater than 6 inches in size shall ~e placed by the Contractor so that they are surrounded by com- pacted fines; ncr nesting of rocks shall be permitted.) No materiall of a perish- ~ble, spongy, or otherwise of an improper natare shal.l be used in filling. 2. ~1ater;al plac,ed within 21]. inches pf rough grade shall be select material that contains no roc.ks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in size a.nd that swells less than 3% when c~npacted as hereinafter specified for compacted fill and when subjected to an axial pressure of 160 psf . . 3. Representative samples of material to be used for fill shain IDe tested in the laboratory by the Soil Engineer in qrder to detennine the maximum density, optimum moisture content and classification of the so'11. In addition, the Soil Engineer shtlll detenninc the approximate bearin<,l value of a recolll- pacted, saturated sample by direct shear tests or other tests applicable to' the particular soil. ' 4. During grading operations, soil tyres other thun those analyzed ;n the report of the soil i nves ti gati on may be encountered by the Contractor. 1 he Soil EnC'Jinccr .shall be consulted to detennine the suitability of these soils. . .,' IV COMPACTED FILLS 1. General '. (u) Unless otherwise specified, fill rtlaterial shall be compacted by the Contractor. wnile at a lIloisture content near the ortiJ11um moisture content und to a density tha,t is not less tiJat'! 90% of the 1l1uxil11UIll density c1etcr- I1lincu 'In ucconldllca with I\STM Test No. 01557-70T, or other, dcnsHy IIlQtltodS that will obtain cCjuivalent rcsul ts. ' (b) Pot~ntially expansive soils may be used in fills belO\>.J a depth of 24 inches and shall be compacted at a moisture content greater than the optimum moisture content for the Illaterial. 2. Clearing arel Preparing Areas to be Fi]led (a) All trees, brush,·grass, and other objectionable material shall be collected, piled and burned or ~therwise disposed of by the Contractor '$..o as to leave the· areas that have,been cleared ~,ith a neat and finished appearance free from ,uns i ghtly debri s. (b) All vegetable matter and objectionable material shall be removed by the Contractor:from the surface upon which the fill is to be placed and any loose and porous soils shall be removed qr comp,acted to the 'depth show~ on the plans unless otherwise specifi~9 in writing by ~he Soil Engineer. The surface s~all than be plow~d or scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches until the surfac6 is free frcim uneven features that· , would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to De used. (c) Where fills are constructed on h11lsides or i~opcs~ the ~lope of the original ground on which the fill is to be placed shall be stepped or keyed by the Contractor as shown on the attached Figure. The steps shall extend completely through the soil mantle and into the underlying for- mation materials . • (d) After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plowed or scari- fied, it shall be disced or bladed by the Contractor until it is uniform and free froni. 1 arge clods, brought to the proper 1110i sture c.ontent and com- pacted as specified for fill,' 3. Plating, Spreading, and/Compacting Fil) Material , . (a) The fill 1l1aterial sMall be placed by the Contractor in layers that when compacted shall not exceed 6 inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to obtain uni- formity of lI1ater; a 1 'j n each 1 ayer. (b) vJhen the moisture content of the fill material is ?~O\'I t!la·t spec,i- fied by the Soil Engineer, water shall be added by the Contractor until the moisture content is as speCified. (c) vlhen the 11l0isture content of the fill Illatcriill is ilbove that sraci- fled by the Soil Fnqinecr, the f'ill material shall be aeraTed by the Con- Lrilctor by bladl119, ll1ixin~J) or other sut1sfactory methods until the 1I101sture content is as specified. I', " . (J) I\fter each la'yer hus been placed, llrixed Qlld sprcud cvcn'!y, it sllal! be tlloroughly cOIIJ[J(lcL()d by Liw ConLractor Lo tlw specified dellsHy. 'COIII- ruction shall be accoiliplishecl,by shcepsfoot rollers, vibriltof'y rollers, 'multi ple-whee 1 pn~Ulnati c-ti red ro 11 ers or other types of acceptabl e COIll- pacting equipment. ECjuipmcnt shall be of such desiatl that it will be able to compact 'the fill to tile specified dcn;<;ity. COlllrllction shall be COI1- I:ltllloUS over tile CIlLiy'c area tHld tile NIU'iplilCIiL sllall Ilioke 5uff'lC'icnt Lrip~, to insure that the desired density has been obtained. '. " (c) Surfilcc of fill slopes shall be cOll1pacted so that the slopes are stable and there shall be no excessive loose soil on the slopes . V INSPECTION 1. • Observation and compaction tests shall be made by the Soil Engineer during the filling and' compacting operations so that he can state his opinion that the fill was constructed in accordance with the specifications. . -. ' . 2.' The Soil Engi nee;r shall make fiel d density tests in accordance with ASTM Test No. D1556-64T. Density tests shall be made ·in the compacted materials b~low the surface where the surface is disturbed. When these tests jndicate • that the density of an'y layer of fill or portion thereof is below the speci- fied density, the particular layer or portion shall be r,~worked until the specified density has been obtained. ' VI PROTECTION OF WORK 1'. During constr~ction 'the Contractor shall properly grade all excavilted surfaces to provraepositive drainage and prevent ponding of water. He sllall control surface water to avoid damage to adjoining properties or to finished work on '~he site. 'The Contractor shall take remedial measures to prevent' erosion of freshly graded areas and until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control features have been installed. . • 2. After completion of grading and the Soil Engi'neer has fin'ished h~s obser- vatioIT of the 'work', no further excavation of fflling shall be done except under the ob.servation of tbe, Soil Engineer. . Strip as Specified Slope to be such . Sloughing ~r Sliding does not occur NOTES Remove all Topsoil I' The minimum width "B" of key shall be 2 feet wider than the compaction equipment, and not less than 10 feet. , -- The outside edge 01: bottom key shall be below topsoil o·r loose surface material. Keys a~e req\,lired where the natural slope is steeper "than 6 horizontal to 1 vertical, o.r where specified by Soil· Engineer. .' / . Ground Slbpe Ratio ~ M ',1.:". "'<"><'>~too::::: See ~ot:e I-B • ,t See Note \ Location Boring Number Elevation' D~~TH t-_T_E ... S_T_D_A_T,...A_~-OTHEA SAMPLE FEET -MC *00 *ac TESTS NUMBeR SOIL DESCRIPTION : '. - ... 12 11 0 65 1 r-I 2 [ Very d,ense, damp, brown silty sand (SM) SL ' ~ATE:J At time of drilling or al indicated, SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil Classifications are basad on the Unified Soil Classification Svstem and include color. moist~re and consistencY. Field descrlptionl have been modified to reflect 'results of laboratory analvses where approprj~te. '--DISTURBED SAMPLE LOCATION Obtained by coilecting the auger cuttings in a plastic or cloth bag, 1....-__ UNDISTURBED SAMPLE LOCATION MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER Sample with recorded blows per foot was obtained with a Modified California drive sampler (2" inside diameter. 2.5" outsido dlameterl lined with sample tubes, The sampler was driven into the soil at the bottom of the hole with a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. '-------INDICATES SAMPLE TESTED FOR OTHER PROPERTIES . GS -Grain Si~e Distribution CT -Consolidation Test LC -Laboratory Compaction UCS -Unconfined Compression Ten Teu PI -Atterqerg Limits Test OS -Direct Shear Test ST -Loaded Swell Test TX -Triaxial Compression Tost CC -Confined Compression Test NOTE: In this column the relults of these' tests may ~ recorded where applicable. '------------BLOW COUNT Number of blows nooded to advance sampler one foot or as indicated. '-----------DRY DENSITY Pounds per Cubic Foot '-------------MOISTURE CONTENT Percent of Dry Weight NOTES ON FIELD INVESTIGATION 1. REFUSAL indicate. thelnabilitv to extend excavation. practically. with equipment being used in the investigation, KEY TO LOGS CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: fIjJ I PROJECT NO: 77 -1 05-15E I DATE: 3-30-77 l FIGURE NO: 2 WOODWARD·Cl YDe CONSUL TA.Nl'S- " , ",' , ., l: J ,~ '4. ' ·For description of sVmbols, see Figure 2 Cut Slope 1 SOIL DESCRIPTION Medium dense, damp, dark brown clayey sand (SC); slightly porous Medium dense, damp, light brown silty medium to fine sand (SM-SP) Hard, damp, dark brown sandy clay (CL-CH) Bottom of Slope LOG OF TEST nORING 1 CARLSBAD PALISADES " I DRAWN BY: MRKf CHECKED BY:-W I PROJECT NO: 77-1 05-15E I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURE NO: 3 WOODWARD·CL YDE CONSULTANTS " I Test Pit 2 DEPTH TEST DATA ·OTHER SAMPLE SOIL DESCRIPTION ,. IN TEST. NUMBER FEET *MC *00 -BC 2-1 c ~lf~~1: Medium dense, damp, dark brown clayey sand ~t~~} (SC); slightly porous Medium dense, damp, 1 i ght brown silty $ -2-2 c 1~~;J;:: medium to fine sand (SM-SP) ~ iJ~& 2-3 c ~ Hard, damp, dark brown sandy clay (CL-CH) 10 ~ Bottom of Hole . . ~ - ~ .' , ____ . __ ._L.._ . t, \. Test Pit 3 .. DEPTH TEST DATA -OTHER SAMPLE IN SOIL DESCRIPTION FEET -MC -DO -BC TESTS NUMBER ••• > -----. --"---'7':A . -... ... 3-1 C Medium dense, damp, dark brown clayey sand :~:'~~:~~:' (SC) Medium dense, damp, light brown (SM:"SP) s.; 1 ty ~ f\ medium to fine sand . 3-2 C 5 . Hard, damp, dark brown sandy clay (CL-CH) I - - 10 - "For delcriptlon of IVmbol" Me Figure 2 . . ~ Bottom of Hole LOG OF TEST PITS 2 AND 3 CARLSBAD PALISADES , . QRAWN BY: MRK 1 CHECKED BY: ."" I PROJECT NO: 77 -1 05-1SE 1 DATE: 3-28-77'1 FIGURE NO: 4 WOOOWARO·Cl YOE CONSULTANTS - - - , I,: I', " ' I ': ' .. ",--, -. DEPTH TEST DATA *OTHER IN TEST$ FEET *Me *00 -BC '·5 - 9 -. - -. DErTH TEST DATA *OTHER IN TESTS FEET ,*Me *00 *ac . , 5 - I 10 GS,CC - 13 - - - -For description of ,ymbols. tee Figure 2 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: Test Pit 4 SAMPLE , NUMBER SOIL DESCRIPTION '·;i~.'~"· Medium dense, damp, brown silty to clayey ~l sand (SM-SC); slightly porous . ~ Hard, damp, dark brown sandy clay (CL) ~ ~ ~ . Bottom of Hole Test Pit 5 ~. " SAMPLE SOIL DESCRIPTION NUMBER t Medium dense, damp, brown clayey sand (SC); 5-1 slightly porous- Medium dense, damp, brown silty sand (SM) ; ~tr slightly porous with charcoal and buried 1", 5-2 organic material :.~:::: .. ,:~;~ . ~ 5-3 [";""'" . ' f~;~if~;' "::,,,.;: .. , ~ . Hard, damp, dark brown sandy clay (CL-CH) Bottom o'f Hole . LOG OF TEST PITS 4 AND 5 CARLSBAD PALISADES PROJECT NO: 77-105-:-l5E DATE: 3-28-77, 'FIGURENO: 5 WOODWARD~CL YDE CONSUL TA'NTS , .. DEPTH TEST DATA -OTHER IN TESTS FEET -MC -DO -BC - "5 - , - - -. 10 - ':'. - .- DEPTH TEST DATA ·OTHER IN TESTS FEET -Me -DO -Be 5 - 8 -- - - 'For description of symbols, see Figure SAMPLE SOIL DESCRIPTION NUMBER I Loo5e, damp, light brown clayey medium to fin~ sand (SM)i slightly porous " :':' ~ Hard, damp, dark brown sandy Clay (CL-CH) ~ Hard, damp, light gray s,i 1 ty to fine sandy ~. clay (CL-CH) ~ Bottom of Hole ~ ", .. \ , -.. Test Pit 7 .. SAMPLE SOl L -DESCRIPTION - NUMBER f10 Very loQse to medium dense, damp; brm."n ~i~ silty medium to fine sand (SM) ,; porous ·:.~·ir6~; Dense to very dense, damp, lt~ht brown ~:J}(,::~ silty medium to fine s a'n d (SM'; par t i a 11 y . ~I]~": . cemented • Bottom of Hole . . LOG OF TEST PITS 6 AND 7 1 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK 1 CHECKED BY: WfIII PROJECT NO: 77 -1 05-l5E I DATE: 3-28-77 J FIGURE NO: 6 WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS . f , , i •• ,. . I" ~ Test Pit 8 .... D_E~PN~TH-+ ___ T+ES_T_D_A~T_A __ ~ ____ ~ __ ~~~ _______________________________ ' ________ ._. ] t----.r---..----I-OTHER SAMPLE SO J L 0 ESC RIP T ION F,EET -Me -DO -BC TESTS NUMBER . ~ GS,PI 8-1 [ ~ Hard, damp, dark brown sandy clay (CL-CH) ~: > Very dense, dalllp, liJht brown~gray clayey f*' ~ to siltY,sand (SC-SM . >'5 - 7 Bottom of Hole Test Pit 9 ~~r-~~~--r-----.-----~--------------------------~~----------_. DEPTH TEST DATA IN ·OTHER SAMPLE t----.r----.r----I TEST~ NUMBER ., SOIL DESCRIPTION FEET ·MC -DO -BC ---------~--4---~--+_--~--~-----~~---------------------------~--~~------~ ~.~r Dense, ·damp, brown sandy gravel (GM) ,_€ i . ,~, , .. ). " . "",' ":: ~: . ~,,-H_a_rd_; __ d_am~p~,~br_o_w_n_s_a_n~dY~C_l~aY~(_C_L-_C_H~) ____ ~ __ k:~\; Very den.se, damp, 1 i ght brown-gray I~; clayey sand (SC-SM) ...... 5 Bottom of Hal e .. Test Pit 10 DEPTH TEST DATA IN FEET -Me -DO -8C ·OTHER SAMPLE TESTS Nu..ER SOIL DESCRIPTION 'Hard, damp, brown sandy clay (CL-SC) ~::Y:i:) Dense, damp, brown silty medium to fine .ty,;f,); sa nd (SM) 5 -. l3ottom of Hole - - "For description ot symbols, see Figure 2 DRAWN BY: MR K CHECKED BY: LOG OF TEST PITS 8, 9 AND 10 CARLSBAD PALISADES PROJECT NO: 77-1 05-15E DATE: 3-28-77 FIGURE NO: 7 WOODWARD·ClYD.E CONSULTANTS :,', • . .. 5 ,. . , \',., • For de.cription of .ymbol., .ee Figure 2 " ' •• ,>' I,i .. " SAMPLE NUMBER Test Pit 11 SOIL DESCRIPTION Medium dense, damp, brown clayey sand (SC) . Dense, damp, brown silty sand (SM) with trace of clay Bottom of Hole ' . .. . LOG OF TEST PIT 11 I CARLSBAD PAll SADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: NWI PROJECT NO: 77-105-15EI DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURENO: 8 WOODWARD.CLYDE CONSULTANTS " , DEPTH t----,TE,.-S_T _DA-,T,.-A_-t*OTHER SAMPLE 'F~~T -MC -DO -BC TESTS NUMBER >·5 12-1 10 12-2 15 12-3 20 25 . 12-4 . 12-5 30 73 12-6 35 12-7 39 • For gelcription of Iymbols, 108 FI\IUre 2 l30ring 12 SOIL DESCRIPTION Loose, dry to damp, brown silty to clayey sand (SM-SC) . Dense, damp, light gray-brown clayey sand (SC) . Hard, damp, olive silty clay (CH) Very dense, damp, very light gray silty medium to fine sand (SM} . Hard, damp, olive gray-brown silty cla1 (CH} t, .... ... ~, Very dense, damp, light olive gray-brown clayey silt (CL-ML) .. Very deAse, damp, light oltve~~ray clayey sand (SC-CL) Bottom of Hole LOG OF TEST BORING 12 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK CHECKED BY: PROJECT NO: 77 -1 05-l5E DATE: 3-28-77 FIGURE NO: 9 wonDWARD~LYD! CONSULtANTS t. :/ .. ' 10 15 20 25 30 35 92 . "For description of Ivmbols,lee Figure 2 SAMPLE NUMBER 13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 Boring 13 SOIL DESCRIPTION Ha rd, damp, 1 i ght brown silty clay' (CL-ML) I Hard, damp, brown silty clay (CL-CH) Very dense, damE, light brbwn clayey silt to silty clay (ML-tH) Very dense, damp, light brown clayey silt (ML-CL) t Very dense, damp, very light §ray silty fine sand (SM) Bottom of Hole LOG OF TEST BORING 13 CARLSBAD PALISADES I DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: AlII PROJECT NO: 77-1 05-15EI DATE: 3-28-77 .1 FIGURE NO: 10 , - WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS ~ ; , . , " -; , " . Goring 14 DEPTH ... __ TEr-S_T _DA-,Tr-A_~-OTHER SAMPLE IN T 'fEET -MC -DO -BC ESTS NUMBER SOH. DESCRIPTION , . 10 - - 15 - 20 - ' 25 - 29 - - -. - 14-1 14-2 , 14-3 • For description of symbols, see Figure 2 I Jfi~;,1 Loose to medium dense, damp, red-brown silty medium to fine sand (SM) Dense, damp, lig~t red~brown silty mediu~ to fine sand (SM) Dense to very dense, damp, light gray- brown siTty fine sand (SM) Very dense, damR, light olive gray clayey medium sana (SC-CL) -.. .. Bottom of Hole ~OG OF TEST BORING 14 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: 1IY1 PROJECT NO: 77 -1 05-15E I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURE NO: 11 ' WOODWARD-Cl VDE CDNSUl TANTS , [ - .. .. - DEPTH TEST DATA ·OTHER SAMPLE F~~T -MC-DD -BC TEST~ NUMBER io I lh 20 25 ·For description of symbols. see Figure 2 Cut Slope 15 , SOil DESCRIPTION Loose to medium dense, damp, red-brown silt medium to fine sand SM Basal gravel light red-brown silty medium (SM) Very dense, damp, 1 ight -01 ive gray clayey medium sand (SC) Bottom of' Cut -LOG OF CUT SLOPE is CARLSBAD PALISADES I DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED By:1P\71 PROJECT NO: 77-1 05-15E I DATE: 3-28-77 1 FIGURE NO: 12 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS : . • 'I' 'I Cut Slope 16 DEPTH .OTHE1\ SAMPLE IN t---r--o:--...-----l SOil DESCRIPTION FEET TESTS NUMBER '. 5 10 'For de.cription of symbols, .8e Figure 2 16-1 Very dense, damp, light gray silty medium to f5ne sand ,(SM) Bottom of Cut LOG OF CUT SLOPE 16 ' CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY, MRK I CH£CK£D8Y:~Jl PROJECT NO: 77-l05-15E -1 DATE: 3-28-77 l FIGUREHQ: 13 • WOODWA'RD~Cl VDe CONSULTANTS .; Cut Slope 17 . .. DEPTH TEST DATA "OTHER' SAMPLl! ' IN SOIL DESCRIPTION FEET ' -MC -DO -BC TESTS NUMBER 10 .15 20 25 29 17 -1 17-2 , '17-3 17-4 17-5 "For description of Ivmbols, lee Figure 2 Very dense, damp, red-brown 'silty medium to fine sand (SM) Hard, dpmp, gray-brown silty to fine sandy clay (CL) Very dense·, damp, light gray silty medium to fine sand (SM) with thin lenses of , clay Very dense, damp, light gray clayey fine sand (SC) Bottom of Slope LOG OF CUT SLOPE 17 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRKI CHECKED By:flllVl PROJECT NO: 77-1 05-15E T DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURE HO: 14' WOOOWARO-CL YOE CONSULTANTS f , .. , Cut Slope 18 DEPTH t-__ TEr-S_T_DA~T,...A_-f-OTHER SAMPLE IN FEET -MC -DO -BC TESTS NUMBER SOIL DESCRIPTION . , . 10 _ : 13 - - .- - - - - • For description of symbols_ see Figure 2 DRAWN BY: MRK CHECKED BY: 18 -1 I,::',':".:,::,:',',:',:,',',':,:',',:: ,-"-;_~_~d7'S e_(_S_~_)m_; P_P_o_~~_~_~ .... n_s ,_. l_t_y_m_e_d_i_lln_l_t_o_f ,_. n_e ___ _ Denie to very dense, damp, red-brown silty medium to fine sand (SM) 18-2 [f;Jji::h Dense to very dense, damp, red-brown clayey , ~~,~: r-1' sa nd (SC) ~~\'BaSal gravel ~ Very dense, damp. light gray-brown silty 18-3 ~ clay (CL-CH) , ~~ Bottom of Slope LOG OF CUT SLOPE 18 CARLSBAD pALISAQES I I PROJECT NO: 77-1 05-15E DATE: 3-29-77 ; FIGURE NO: 15 WOODWARD"Cl VDe CONSUL TArHS . , , ; , DEPTH niT DATA IN FI!'ET -MC ·00 -BC 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 "OTHER SAMPLE TESTS NUMBER ST 19-2 . 19-3 ST 19-4 19-5 19-6 Cut Slope 19 SOIL DESCRIPTION , Medium'dense" dalllp, brown silty fine sand (SM) Dense, damp, light brown-gray sandy silt (~L) Hard, damp, brown 5i lty c1 ay (CH) ,- -I . Very dense~ damp, light gray silty medium to fine sand (SM) 'Very derise, damp, light brown.,.gray clayey sil t (ML) Continued on Next Page -For dl"cription of sVmbol., ,Il8 Figure 2 LOG OF CUT SLOPE 19 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK 'CHECKEOBy:-UW'1 PROJECT NO: 77-105-15E I DATE: 3-29-77 I FIGURE HOI Hi WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS Cut Slope 19 DEPTH ~_TE .... S_T_DA_T.-A_-I·OTHER SAMPLE IN r-FEET -MC -DO -BC TESTS NUMBER SOIL DESCRIPTION 45 - - -. 50 - .55 - · .60 - · -, - · *For descriPtion of symbols, see Figure 2 11ill11 J):~'~; 19-8 Jl .",:'::;.:-;:' ~iHi~i:. '>'::'::" ft?~;:; ":"':'r.4.~ .... " .. ,' .... t~3::~;;: Very dense, damp, li~ht gray silty to clayey medium to fine sand (SM) ~ Hard, damp, olive silty clay (CL-CH) 19-9 [~ ~ Very dens~, damp, li~ht gray silty to clay~y medium-to fine sand ·lSM-SC) Bottom of Slope 1 LOG OF CUT SLOPE 19 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKEDBY:~l PROJECT NO: 77-105-15E ~I DATE: 3-29-77 I' FIGURE NO: 17 i WOODWARD-CL VOE CONSULTANTS ( I -'., '. i. DEPTH TEST DATA IN FEET -Me -DO -BC !5 - - 10 - 15. - . 20 - - - -' ·OTHER SAMPLE TESTS· NUMBER ST,LC 20-1 ...... Cut Slope 20 SOIl,. DESCRIPTION Very dense, damp, gray-browm clayey silt (ML-CL) Very dense, damp, light gray silty to clayey medium to fine sand (SM-SC) Bottom of Slope .. • For descriPtion of $ymbols. sao Figure 2 . LOG OF CUT SLOPE 20 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: /ItlYT PROJECT NO: 77 -1 05-l5E I DATE:· 3-29-77-1 FIGURE NO: 18 WOODWAaa.Cl voe CONSUL TANT$ 1 lJ'~ , t WCc..G5-76 COBBLES I-~----r-'-SILT and CLAY Moth Opening • Ina Siovo SllOl I 76 3 2 I a -1 ¢ q 10 162030110 6080 1110200 \ 10 -- !)O ... f"- -H---++-t-t-t-t·--t--t---' ---' -I-~~ \-"--I---' . . I-_. --. r-'~ _ .. "', ----_ .. _ ..... -1\\ -_. -'7 - ---.~---._--- 80 20 '. !\ I 70 30 \ Ij()ff:l z oct I-UI ~ 60 1--CI) (i) oct a.. \ \.\ 50 po:: I-Z UJ U 0.:: I-50 z UJ U 0.:: UJ a.. 40 6O~ 70 H-i--I--,,-. ' .. -. '---,--+----j.---I-..,-I--I-+--I--+-+-l-~""'t,c----...:: ....... ""-j..;---:;:-. -+----i 20 ~,,~----+-~~~------;80 H-~-+ 1-' ---/---+-li--t-I--+--+-+--l 5 -3 -------=--...c.:I=:_ I-----.........,--"t ----1-' ---..... -.-'-' ---. ----I---o-"":'--=t-=----I IOH-i--~-1-.~ -...... -... -" -+-+---I----II--+--r-.-t--l-'I---I--.. -----I-:---t----.-..:::::-...o;;::-....-f 90 ---..... -. -...... ---f--. --I--+-+-I-I--I-----I---I------{ H-i-. --. -. --.. -I-,,--.I---+-+-+-II---t--t--f--I---f-----j---t----'----i '--.... " ... . ---1----+----1-----. -' -~---t--t-t----jl-il-j----r--+--t-------i ou~~-~T·_-~·~-~~~--~-~~I~~~~' __ ~~~~~~~ __ ~~~ ______ ~ __ ~ ____ ~!OO 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 . GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS SAMPLE. CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOL *LL *PI 5-3 Silty sand (SM) '----- 8-1 Sandy clay (CL) 33 15 -------. . - i -----'--' _.- f . I -I *LL -Li qU'i d Limi t *PI -Plasticity Index GRAIN SIZE D·JSTRIBUTION CURVES CARLSBAD PALISADES J DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: fIN I PAOJ~CT NO: 77-105-15E I DATE: 3-31-77 I FIGURE NO: 19 I WOODWAIRD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS I. ~ " . • " 'e, RE~ULTS OF LOADED SWELL TESTS Initial Final, Dry Water * Dry Water * Samp le . Number Density Content Saturatior Density Content saturation pef % % pcf % % 19-2 113 13 77 109 19 lOa 19-4 109 19 93 107 21 100 ~ -.. * Based on assumed Specific Gravity of 2.65. Diameter of Samples: 1. 94 Height of Samples: .628 LOADED SWELL ,TESTS CARLSBAD PALISADES ~ PressurE psf 160 160 Expansion , % of Initial, Bei.ght 3.7 1.8 I DRAWN BY: mr CHECKED BY: PROJECT NO: 77 -1 05-15E DATE, 3-31 '77 FIGURE NO, 20J WOODWARD·Cl VDE CONSULTANTS • ..... III III Sample Number 5-3 '" 2 +' ..c:: 01 ~ 4 'iU +' c: 6 "I-0 ~ 8 'I ~ 10 en f:3 0:: ~ 12 . RESULTS OF COHFI NED Ca.iPRESS ION TESTS Initial Final Dry Water Dry Water Density Content Saturation ~nsity Content Saturation Pre'ssure ~ressioo pet %' % pet % % pst % ef Initial Heighl 91 6 20 103 21 92 . ,. 2000 .n .2 . PRESSURE.-psf 500 1000 15QO 2000 ---r--'j . L r--"--, i1-~ \~ATER tr ADDED -• , . . CONFINED COMPRESSION TESTS I' CARLSBAD PALISADES , CD I : , ' .. DRAWN BY: MRK I CH~CKEDBY: ~ PROlJECTNO: 77-105-15E I DATE: 3-31-77,' I FIGURENO:'--zl WOOOWABO::Cl YDE CONSULTANTS 0 14 0 130 120 110 1'00 ,90 PLASTICITY CHARACJERISTICS \ \ \ 1\ ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES \ ' . \ ~\ '\ 2.80 SG \ \ i\ 2.70 SG \ \ 1\ 2.60 SG \ \ \ \ 2.50 SG \ [\ \ \ 1\ 1\ r\ \ \ 1\ . , \1\ \. I\, \ ~ \ \ ~ \ 1\\ \ \..\ ~\ V \ '\f\ I '\ i\ 1\ -u '\ \ '\ ~ a. 1-' \: \ r-,\ ::I: <.? ,\ \ l\ UJ ::: '\ \ 1\ I- Z ,\ '\ ~ ::> \ \ 1\\ >-a: 1\ \ [\ Cl : \ \ r\' 1\ 1\\ ,\ . \ Maximum Dry 20-1 Density, pet 20.5 Optimum Moisture Content, % 12.0 I' I I I MOISTURE CONTENT, % 10 20 , , \\ ,\ \ 1,\ 100 ~ 80 ~ 60 I- ffi 40 u a: g: 2 o o --, I I I I I L lL 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 . GRAIN SIZE, mm MECHANICAL ANALYSIS DIRECT SH EAR TEST DATA Dry Density', pet Initial Water Contenti % Final Water Conttlnt, % Apparent Co hesion, psf Apparent Fri ction Angle, degrees SWELL TES T DATA 20-1 Initial Dry De nsity,pcf 109 Initial Water Content, % 15 Final Dry_De nsity, pef 1'03 Final Water C ontent. % ,24 !-.Load, pst Swell, percen 5.7 1\ r\ \ r\ r-.\ , r\ r-.\ \. SAMPLE LOCATION ,'\ ,~ ~ '\ .'\ "'~ 20-1 Lot 25 , , '\ i\...: ~ '\ l'( ~ i".: " 30 40 LABORATORY COMPACTION LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST T.E,STMETI::fOD:E ASTM-D)J557 ZQ.,A ~une FOlrltstlmate ' FILL SUITABILITY TESTS CALRSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: WAIl PROJECTNO: 77-105-15E I DATE: 3-:-31-77 I FIGURE NO: 22, , WOODWARD·Cl VDE CON,SUl TAN,TS