HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 77-02; HOSP GROVE UNIT 3; SOIL INVESTIGATION; 1969-04-13t SOIL INVESTIGATION FOR THE PROPOSED .HOSP GROVE DEVELOPMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA for KAMAR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY,- INC. Post Office Box 71 . Carlsbad, California'92008. RECEIVED by NOV 0 1 1977 . CITY OF CARLSBAD Engineering Department WOODWARD, CLYDE AND ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil and Foundation Engineers and Geologists* TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMIHAL SCOPE FIELD INVESTIGATION LABORATORY TESTS ' • SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS DISCUSSION General • Soil Conditions Construction CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS LIMITATIONS FIGURE 1 - SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 - LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 1 & 2 . FIGURE! 3 - LOG OF TEST BORING 3 FIGURE 4 - LOG OF TEST BORING 4 FIGURE 5 - LOG OF TEST BORING 5 ' FIGURE 6 - LOG OF TEST BORING 6 FIGURE 7 - LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 7 & 8 FIGURE 8 - LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 9 THROUGH 11 FIGURE 9 - LOG OF TEST BORING 12 FIGURE 10 - LOG OF TEST BORING 13 FIGURE 11 - LOG OF TEST BORING 14 FIGURE 12 - LOG OF TEST BORING 14 (CONTINUATION) FIGURE 13 - LOG OF TEST BORING 15 FIGURE 14 - LOG OF TEST EORI.NS 15 FIGURE. 15 - LOG OF TEST BORING 15 (COiill.^JATION) PAGE 1 2 2 3 5 5 . 5 7 7 9 n WOODWARD - CLYDE - SHEPARD & ASSOCIATES Cu<itvlHnH Soil and FountLiZim £n^i/.«fn anj C*.,'.4j^Uu TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FIGURE 16 - GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES FIGURE 17 - GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES . FIGURE 18 " CONSOLIDATION TEST FIGURE 19 CONSOLIDATION TEST TABLE 1 - RESULTS OF LOADED SWELL TEST TABLE 2 - RESULTS Of CONFINED COMPRESSION TESTS ATTACHMENT 1 - SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED FILL PAGE WOODWARD . CLYDE - SHEPJIRD & ASSOCIATES Conjutting Soit aiui Foundation Snglnteri and Ctoio^Uu SCOPE ' ' This- report describes an investigation of the underlying soil con- ditions at the site of a proposed development to be known as Hosp Grove and to be located south of proposed Marron Road between Jefferson Street and El Camino Real along the northern limits of Carlsbad, California. The purpose of the investigation is to determine the characteristics of the subsurface materials in order to provide a basis for conclusions and recommendations regarding the stability of cut and fill slopes, any required fill foundation treatments and special provisions necessary in the earthwork specifications, the most suitable type and depth of foun- dation, and the allowable soil bearing pressures for foundations on com- * pacted fill or natural ground in accordance with Federal Housing Admin- istration requirements. It is our understanding that the proposed construction will be limited to relatively light to moderate weight one and tv;o story structures with either raised, wooden floors or slab-on-grade floors. No plans were •available at the time of our study; however, it is understood that grad- ing will'be limited to the area east of Jefferson Street and south of the proposed Marron Road, as indicated in the Development Concept plan of the Master Planning Study brochure prepared by Campbell and Miller-and Willson and Williams. It is further understood that approximately 500,000 cubic yards of material will be taken from this site and will be placed In the low area north of Marron Road and west of the commercial site now under construction. Present plans indicate that this latter mate- rial will probably be obtained from the eastern portion of the site. WOODWARD . CLYDE - SHERARD & ASSOCIATES 3467. Kurtz Stra«t San Diego California 92110 {71«) 224-2S1X WOODWARD-GLYDE-SHERARD & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS April 13, 1968 Project No. 67-223 Kamar Construction Company, Ihc. P. 0. Box 71 Carlsbad, California 92008 • • Attention: Mr. Jerry L. Rombotis i In accordance with your request and our proposal dated October 17, 1967, we have made an investigation of the underlying soil conditions at tne- site of the proposed development to be known as Hosp Grove in Carlsbad, California. The accompanying report presents the results of the subsurface explora- tion and the laboratory tests as v/ell as the conclusions and recommen- dations pertaining to this stte. It should be noted that since grading and construction plans for the development of this property are still in the preliminary stages, additional studies and recommendations may be required in order to obtain the most suitable designs. The Project Engineer assigned to this project was Joseph G. Kocherhans, of our firm. Louis J. Lee, Chief Engineer JGK/LJL/jsk Attachment 4 cc £.14129 T^N FIELD INVESTIGATION Sixteen test borings were made with a 6-inch diameter power auger at the locations shown on the Site Plan, Figure 1. The drilling v/as done between November 11, 1967 and January 27, 1968, under the super- vision of a staff engineering geologist. Field logs were- prepared by ithe geologist on the basis of an inspection of the samples secured and i 'of the excavated material. The Logs of Test Borings shown on Figures 2 • through 15 are based on an inspection of the samples, on the laboratory test results, and on the field logs. The vertical position of each sample is shown on the Logs of Test Borings. The test borings were located in the field with the aid of an.un- da ted Master Planning Study plan prepared by Campbell and Miller and Willson and Williams, Planning, Architecture and Engineering. In addition to this investigation a "Geologic Report for Hosp Grove Planning Study - Phase II" dated December 11, 1957, has been prepared by F. Beach Leighton. LABORATORY TESTS The soils encountered in the test borings were visually classified and evaluated with respect to strength, swelling and compressibility characteristics, dry density and moisture content. . The classification was substantiated by grain size analyses and detennination of plasticity characteristics of representative samjDles of the soils. The strength of the soils was "evaluated by means of unconfined compression tests and direct shear tests on selected samples and by consideration of the den- sity and moisture content of the samples and the penetration resistance of the sampler. Sv/elling characteristics were determined by loaded swell WOODWARD . CLYDE • SHERARD & ASSOCIATES Comulling Soil and FoundtUion Enginten and CtoiogiiU Page 3 tests on undisturbed samples. Compressibility characteristics were established by confined compression tests and consolidation tests on undisturbed samples. The results of tests on undisturbed samples, except for the loaded swell test, confined compression tests and consolidation tests, are shown with the penetration resistance of the sampler at the corresponding • sample location on the Logs of Test Borings.- The grain size distribution curves and the plasticity characteristics are indicated on Figures 16 and 17 and the consolidation test results are reported on Figures 18 and 19. The results of the loaded sv/ell tests and the confined com- pression tests are reported on Tables 1 and 2, respectively. SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS " ' " • _ The site Is situated on the southern side slopes of Marron Canyon and Is typified by numerous north to northeast trending ridges and valleys which extend into the lagoon located along the northern edge of the property. The ground surface elevations within the site range from a low of approximately 10 feet in the northwestern portion of the site up to approximately 210 feet in the central area and approximately 80 feet on the east side of the site along El Camino Real. The area studied is generally undeveloped at the present time. The eastern one-fourth of the site is covered with small weeds, and a scattering of small brush in the natural drainage channels. The remainder of the site Is covered by a very dense growth of Eucalyptus trees. The general natural drainage of the eastern one-fourth of the site Is to the northeast over the fairly shallow sloping southern side slopes of Marron Canyon. Basically the drainage in the v/estern three-fourths WOODWARD - CLYDE - SHERARD & ASSOCIATES page 4 of the site feeds into a long northwest trending subcanyon which has very steep western side walls with inclinations of between 1-1/2 to 1 to 3 to 1, and shallow eastern side slopes with inclinations of approx- imately 6 to 1 to 8 to 1. The eastern side slopes have developed some badland type topography, in local areas, generally between the elevations of 140 and 190 feet. The subcanyon bottom slopes down to the northwest at about 26 to 1, overall.and terminates at an elevation of approximately 10 feet in Marron Canyon, approximately one-fourth mile east of Jefferson Street in the tidal and marshy flats of Buena Vista. Lagoon. High cut slopes have been constructed along the squth side of the project adjacent to the proposed Marron Road. The cuts were made in conjunction with the grading of the proposed commerical site. The soils, as encountered in the test borings and as exposed in the test trenches (the latter of which were made for the geology studies). Indicate that the subsurface materials within the site may be divided Into 4 basic categories: topsoil, alluvim, bay-deposits, and older formational materials. . ... . . _ A. The topsoils are generally encountered over most of the site in thicknesses from 0 to 4 feet and range in consistency from loose to medium dense. These soils are generally silty sands with some areas grading into clayey sands B. The alluvium, for the most part, is situated in the large western subcanyon and ranges in thickness from absent on the canyon sides and south end to over 40 feet near its northern termination. The soils in these alluvial deposits consist primarily of loose to medium dense silty-sands with ' some interbedding of clayey sands. These soils also have an erratic porous structure v/hich extends to-, depths of up to 7 feet in some areas. C. The bay or lagoonal deposits consist of Interbedded soft to firm silty and sandy clays and very loose to medium dense silty and clayey sands. The soils are limited to the lower northwest corner of the site as indicated on Figure 1. WOODWARD - CLYDE - SHERARD & ASSOCIATES Contutling Soil and Foundation Snglnetn and Crologijtt Page 5 D. The basic formational materials, which underlie the entire site and are the predominant soils, consist of medium dense to very dense silty sands with some interbeds of clayey sand and scattered thin strata of silty to sandy clay. Groundwater was encountered in Test Borings 2, 6, 14 and 16 at depths of 27, 16, 3 and 55 feet, respectively, at the time of drilling. DISCUSSION • • _ GENERAL - Among the items relating to on-site soil conditions which should be considered in conjunction with the planning of a development which includes extensive grading, as well as the construction of various types of structures,are the following: 1. The availability of select fill materials, -' • 2. The safe supporting capacity of both the natural soils -and the proposed fill soils. "3. The volume change characteristics of the soils. • 4. . The ease of excavation of the materials in cut areas and the>elait1ve'compaction requt " 5. The safe heights and inclinations of cut and fill slopes. 6. Development of lagoonal and valley areas including, the • .estimated magnitude and rate of settlement due to compression bf loose, soft or porous deposits under the imposed fill and building loads, as well as methods of reducing or accelerating such settlements. SOIL CONDITIONS - The materials encountered on the site, except for bay deposits and thin lenses of silty clays scattered throughout the underlying formational units, are basically silty sands. These silty sands vn'll provide a source cf suitable select fill and they have WOODWARD - CLYDE • SHERARD & ASSOCIATES ConJutUni Soil and FcurnUitlon Enain^^rs aiul C€ulu^Ut4 good strength parameters in both a natural and recompacted state. Such soils can generally be used for the direct support of compacted fill or structures without special treatments, except in such cases as the alluvial deposits on the site which are in some areas quite loose in place and have the potential to settle under fairly light loading con- ditions. These loose soils will require excavation and/or compaction where not removed by normal grading operations. The silty clays which may be encountered in thin layers and lenses throughout the site have adequate strength in the undisturbed and'prop- erly compacted states; however, these clays exhibit high volume change characteristics with changes in water contents (potentially expansive) . and therefore should not be used as select fill and should be undercut when exposed at finish grade. . • ' All of the above noted materials on the site were drilled with little difficulty with a 6-inch diameter truck-mounted power auger, the approximate maximum down force of which is 7000 pounds. Experience in . this area indicates that ma teri al_s_ that can be drilledwith this^^^^^^ ment can'be excavated by normal heavy grading equipment and that no blasting should be required. As previously noted, the bay deposits situated in the lower portion of the site consist of very loose to loose silty sands interbedded with . very soft-.to firm silty and sandy clays extending to a depth of approx- imately 20 feet at the location of Test Boring 14. Below this depth the soils become very competent and are expected to have littTe effect on surface development. The soils in the upper zone are generally weak and compressible and will have a decided effect on future development. Results of our studies indicate that settlerrients on the order of 10 to WOODWARD - CLYDE - SHERARD & ASSOCIATES Comutlinz Soil and Foundation F.ngintm and Ctotog'trti Page 7 12 Inches can be expected under 10 feet of fill. This settlement vrauld take place over a period of 9 to 12 months. However, it has been our experience that there is a great variation in thickness of compressible materials due to interbedding of bay deposits; therefore, the above figures can be expected to decrease to the south and increase to the north in the lagoonal area. Preconsolidation of the underlying soils may be necessary In this area depending on the future plans. Preconsolidation is usually attained by surcharge loading the areas affected. CONSTRUCTION - Results of our field studies indicate that the ex- cavation and compaction of on-site soils can be accomplished with normal heavy grading equipment. The major problems regarding construction that can be anticipated at this time are as foTlows: 1. Removal of loose alluvial soils where not removed during grading. 2. Complete removal of the existing slide Indicated in ,-.4he JIGeologic Report_focJosp_.Grove_^la,nning^Study - Phase II" dated December 11, 1967 and prepared "by F. Beach Leighton, Geologist. • "3.- The Installation of subsurface drains In filled canyons. 4. Preparation and treatment of the steep-walled,arroyo-and the "badland" areas which will require overexcavation and benching in order to provide a suitable base for fills. 5. Treatment of the lagoonal area which may require additional study depending on its intended use. CONCLUSIONS 1. The ground which will receive fill and/or light to moderate WOODWARD - CLYDE - SHERARD & ASSOCIATES Coruulting SoU and FoMndation fngin^r^t and Crotoguu Page 8 "structures will have an adequate bearing value to safely support the anticipated loads when treated as described in this report and in the attached "Specifications for Controlled Fill". 2. Footings for structures, planned on nonexpansive undisturbed native soils or properly compacted nonexpansive fill may be designed for a soil bearing pressure of 1500 psf at a depth of.8 inches or 2000 psf at a depth of 12 inches below rough lot grade. 3. Some of the natural soils on the site are capable of supporting higher bearing pressures if required. If the use of higher values ;ls desirable, additional recommendations can be made after building de- signs and locations are determined. ' ; . 4. The soils expected to be used in the.filis with the exception of the silty clay lenses in the'formational materials and the near sur- face sandy clays, as encountered in Boring 10, have-Tow-voTume change characteristics apd should provide suitable select fill material. The clayey soils exhibit potential expansive characteristics and should be used In the lower portions of the fill. 5. The porous alluvial soils in the valleys are-potentially com- pressible upon saturation under load. Special treatment of these ma- terials will be required. 6. Preliminary studies for planning purposes indicate that fill slopes, constructed of materials encountered v;ith1n the site, and cut WOODWARD - CLYDE - SHERARD & ASSOCIATES Coiuulling Sod and FoundtUion LngMtrt and C*.>Uig^u page 9 slopes, both having maximum inclinations of 1-1/2 to 1 (1-1/2 units horizontal to 1 unit vertical) and unsupported heights up to 50 feet, .will have an adequate safety factor against slope failure. Deviations from this criteria may be allowed upon review of plans, the proposed cut or fill areas, and additional exploration, if required.- 7. Based on the results of our investigation, it is our opinion that the ma-terial in cut areas can be excavated by moderate to heavy ripping. • . 8. The subsurface bay deposit soils in the lagoonal area are.com- pressible and settlements under both fill and building.loads should be anticipated. Additional studies will be required in this area after tentative grading and building plans have been developed. For preliminary planning, it is suggested that the area be covered with at' least 6 feet of fin and then either stabilization by surcharge fills or the use of .p11e„foundati_oos should be considered for the. building_areas,^____„_ RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Potentially expansive soils may be encountered on cut lots » where the scattered silty clay lenses may be encountered at finish grade. If slab-on-grade construction is used, .it is. recommended that the potentially expansive soil be replaced within the entire level lot pad to a minimum depth of 2 feet below rough lot grade with properly compacted nonexpansive soil available at the site. If conventional wooden floors are used, it is reconrended that the -i^'-.tings extend through the clay or to a r.axirr.u.r. depth of 24 inches. Footings resting on clay should be reinforced. WOODWARD . CLYDE - SHERARD & ASSOCIATES ConjuttinJ Sciil and FoundaCicn Zniinetri and Ccbw.'j.'/ 2. It is recommended that loose and/or porous surface soils not removed by grading operations be excavated or scarified, as required, and compacted'before fill, footings or slabs are.placed. The maximum depth of these loose and/or porous soils encountered in the borings is about 7 feet In the alluvial deposits and 1 to 3 feet over the remainder of the site; however, the depthof compaction should be controlled in the field by a qualified Soil Engineer upon visual examination of the . exposed soil. • 3. It 1s recommended that the upper 2 feet of fill in building areas be constructed of nonexpansive soil. The potentially expansive soils may be spread throughout the lower portions of the fills. 4. It is recommended that the soils in the existing slide area (see geology report) be completely removed prior to filling or construction of structures in the area. Subsurface drains will also be necessary in this general area. If canyons are.filled.- 5. It is recommended that any structure foundations located closer • than 5 feet from the top of the slope be extended in depth until the outer bottom edge of the footihg is 5 feet horizontally from the out- side of the slope. 6. It Is recommended that preliminary plans be reviewed by this office prior to construction so that supplemental recommendations may be given, as required. WOODWARD - CLYDE - SHERARD & ASSOCIATES Comulling Soit and Foundation Enginerti and Orotogirtt 7. A set^ specifications for controlle^fill is attached. The recoirjnendations made as a part of this preliminary soils report shall become a part of the specifications for controlled fill. LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations made in this report are based" on the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those disclosed by the test borings. If variations are encountered during construction, we should be notified so that we may make supple- . mental recommendations if this should be required. WOODWARD - CLYDE - SHERARD & ASSOCIATES Contutling Sod and Foundation Engin^m and CrotogiiU , Indicates approximate location of test boring. •"900^ / •f'^Lcates approxir^te existing ground ^ surface contour. Kl Indicates approximate limits of i^iiM Bay Deposits. P^T--tntfTxates ;?pp"rojrtmate ar^^ of artuvlal I—I soils. SITE PLAfI HOSP GROVE -1^63 PROJECT NO. 67-223 LCri o ta ZJ c e a. 0 Boring 5 _ 10 - 0 -. V/C= 5 - D[>= 92 BC= 17 1 ^!edi^m-d^nse, daxp, light red brown silty sand (S-i) (porous) WC= 2S ~ DD= 91 BC= 18 WC= 17 ~ 0 i Very stiff, moist, dark brown sandy clay fCH) WC= 2S ~ DD= 91 BC= 18 WC= 17 ~ ii lliilll hfedium-dense, da^np, olive clayey to sandy silt (ML) • DD=IG6 B(^ 42 3 liil Dense, damp, light olive sandy silt (ML) Boring 2 5 - 10 - 15 - 20- 25- 29 J WC= 6 DD=101 BC= 18 DS: 0= 26 C= 0 •V/C= 6 DD=I02 BC= 13 WC= 6' w\ io BC= 26 V/(^ 9 DD=il5 BC= IK) 2y BC= 22 3^ BC= 25 Very loose, damp, light brow silty sand (2-1) Medium-dense, damp, brown silty sand (SM) Dense, moist, dark brown silty sand (S4) Medium-dense, damp, brovsn clayey sand (SC) ^ Very stiff, moist, olive brown sandy clay (CL) Dense, saturated, light brown silty sand (Sf-I) J ^ 1, , w.._.i. 1 \^ /-. w . 1 ilw ^k)te: For Legend, see Fig. 5. f LOGS OF TEST EOHL^GS 1 i 2 HOS? GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 o-'4-ca LC{ o o C3 «o tD C r» 8 o cx 5- 10- 15- 20- 25- 30- 35- iJO-J v;c= 5 DDr 89 BC= 14 V.'C= 11 DD= 88 BC= 13 V.'C= 4 DD=101 BC= 22 BC= 26 BC= 32 3^ BC= 45 3^ BC= 62 Eoring 3 Mediurn-dense, daT.p, brown silty sand (Sf-1) (Porous) Medium-dense, datp, brovn silty sand (SM) Dense, moist, brown silty sand (SM) with clay sea-ns Very dense, damp, red brown silty sand (SM)" Note: For Legend, see Fig. 5. LOG OF TEST ECR IHG 3 HOSP GROVE -4-68 PROJECT NO. 67-223 LG'i o o <a CO •o •c e CD o 1 a. 0 5 - 10 - 15 - .20 25 _ 30 Boring 4 WC= 2 00= ice BC= 25 WC= 8 DD=109 B0= 27" WC= 7 DD=I01 BC= 26 WC= 4 DCtIGG BC= 24 BC= 29 3^ Loose, danp, light brown silty \sand fS?.{) Medium-dense, daiip, brovfi silty sand (SM) with scattered gravel Medium-dense, moist, olive browi silty sand (S-1) Medium-dense, moist, olive silty sand (SM) Note: Fbr Leg^d, see Fig. 5. LOG OF TEST BORING 4 HOSP GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 3-4-63 LG.J Boring 5 r CO -o c ZJ e CD CL 5- 10 15- 20-J WC= 3 DD=101 BC= 19 \VC=. 5 DD=I09 BC= 40 WC= . 6 DD=125 BC= 44 V/C= 5 DD=1I8 BC= 45 MediuB-dense, darp, light bro'^ silty sand (SI-1) (Porous) t-tedium-dense, damp, brow clayey sand (SO) " Dense, damp, red brown silty sand (SM) . Dense, damp, red browi silty sand (SM) LEGEND • ^ WC = Water Content in percent of dry veight. . DD = Dry Density in pcf. BC = Number of blows by 140-Lb. hammer falling 30 inches to drive sanpler 12 inches. Sanpler Data: ID = 2.0"-, CD = 2.5". UCS = Unconfined Cororessive Strength in psf. DS = Di rect Shear Test Data: 0 = Angle of Apparent Friction in degrees. . • C s Apparent Cohesion in psf. = V/ater Level at tine of drilling. (SM) = Group classification symbol in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification Systen. LOG OF%ST BORING 5 HOSP GROVE PROJECT KO. 67-223 3-4-68 LOM / <a 3 to •o c e 0 -, 5- 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 43 V/C= 2 DD=10I BC= 25 WC= 12 • DD=117 .BC= 14 UCS=5000- V,C= 20 • DD=I0I BC= 22 Boring 6 . Loose, da-rp, light brow silty sand P 2 m m 2 m Mediuf>-cfense, da-np, brovsn clayey \ sand (SC) Medium-dense, dar.p, red bra-^n silty sand (St-I) (Sl ightly porous) Stiff, moist, brown sandy clay (CL) Medium-dense, moist to saturated, olive clayey sand (SC) Medium-deise, saturated, olive silty sand (St^) Stiff, moist, olive sandy clay (CL) Stiff, moist, dark brown sandy-clay (CL) ° Note: For Legend, see Fig. 5. LOG OF TEST EORt.NG 6 HOSP GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 3-4-68 (D © O CO Z3 CO c ZJ 2 g cx 0-, 10- 15- 20- 25- 30-' Boring 7 M-ediufD-dense, dav.o, red brow silty sand (S?.0 Dense, danp, red brow silty sand Very dense, damp, red brow clayey sand (SC) Very dense, danp, red brcwn silty sand (Sf-I) 0-, 4J WC= 2 BC= 14 WC= 5 DDtll7 BC=92/6" Boring 8 Medium-dense, danp,, red brown silty ^sand (Sf^) Very dense, damp, red brcA-n silty ^sand (S?-i) Kote: For Legend, see Fig. 5. LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 7 i 8 HOSP GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 3-4-68 10\ 0 -1 5 - 9 J WC= 3 " DD=I02 BC= 25 WC= 10 ~ DD=113 BC= 60 WC= 6 = DD=li2 60=45/6" o .© Boring 9 Modium-dcnse, danp, brasn silty sand (S?.<) (porous) Very dense, danp, red brow clayey sand (SC) Very dense, danp, red brow silty sand (SM) © CO •o c ZJ e CO 0 4 -I WC= 10 DD=110 BC= 42 WC= 9 DD=114 80=91/6" Boring 10 Medium-dense, damp, red brown silty ^\sand (SM) 2 \ Hard, danp, red brown sandy clay Very dense, damp, red brow silty I sand f g.fl o. o-r 4-1 Boring II WC= 4 D[>=1I2 B&r3l/6^ BC=IC0/3" Medium-dense, danp, brcwn silty ~~~\sand (S.<) f porous) Very-dense, danp, red brow silty \sand (S?vl) (cemented) Note: For Legend, see Fig. 5. LOGS Or TEST EO.'<i;;GS 9 Tr.rsCUGn 11 HOSP GROVE P.ROJECT f'O. 67-2Z 3 I r»« © .© © o CO CO -a tz ZJ 8 o i 5 _ 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 43 -1 Boring 12 WC= 6 DD=10o BC= 48 BC=38/6" - ? WC= 5 • DD= 99 BC=44/6" WC= 4 DCb 99 BC= 60 BC= 55 WC= 27 17 BC= 66 Jr~ 0-*o y » * 3-gravel "{-gravel Medium-dense, danp, red brow silty \ sand (aM) Very dense, damp, red brovsn silty sand (Sf-l) Dense, damp, olive silty fine sand . (SM) ^J- claystone (CH) cUystone (CH) Note: For Legend, see Fig. 5. LOG OF TEST BORING 12 HOSP GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 3-4-63 LC.< © © o CO CO •X3 C Z3 8 CD O a. o 0-, 5- 10- 15- 20- 25- •30 H 33 V.'C= 4 DD=I10 BC= 61 WC= 8 DD=121 .BC= 88 WC= 8 - DDel22 - BC=40/6" DST 0= 39 0=535 BC=43/6"]-^. Ebring 13 Loose, danp, brown silty fine sand (2.1) -|- gravel Dense, danp, bro/n silty sand (21) Dense, damp, olive silty sand (SM) Note: For Legend, see Fig. 5. LOG OF TEST EO.RING 13 HOS? GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 3-ii-68 .I.P1,...I © .© © o CO CO •r> c: ZJ 8 C9 o I JZ. ex. 0-, 5- 10 - 15 - 20- 25- 30- 35- 40- WC= 23 DD=106 BC= 3 UCS=1700J WC= 19 DD=ill V/C= 64 DD= 63 BC= I VJC= 46 DD=77 1 SL Boring 14 Very loose, roist to wet, brow silty sand (94) la 1. A.; WC= 18 DD=II5 BC= 14 WC= 19 DD=ll3 BC= 7 WC= 17 DD=117 BC= 25 WC= 20 DD=il0 BC= 13 10 i i Very loose, saturated, gray bros-n silty sand (SM) Firm, saturated, dark gray sandy clay (CH) Loose, saturated, light gray brow clayey sand (SC) Very soft, saturated, 1ight gray brow silty clay (CH) Very loose, saturated, gray silty to clayey sand (SM-SC) with layers of silty clay (CH) Very soft, saturated, gray brown silty clay (CH) • Stiff, saturated, olive gray sandy clay (CL) Very loose, saturated, olive brwn silty to clayey sand (SM-SC) Miedium-dense, saturated, brown sandy clay (CL) Loose to medium-dense, saturated, brovn silty sand (24) with lenses of coarse sand (SP) continued on next page, Fig. 12. Note: For Legend, see Fig. 5. V.'CCDV/.'^RD, CLYDE. SHEPJ^.FID & ASSOCIATES LOG OF TEST BORING 14 HOSP GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 3-4-63 © .© © o CO c ZJ 8 CD 40 45 - 50 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - 75 - 80 -J Boring 14, continued v;c= 22 DD=lOo BC= 20 \'X>= 16 00=116 BC= 70 11 12 WC= 20" DD=112 BC= 16 13 WC= 16 DD=115 BC= 40 Jl . ,11 ! '1 ViC= 16- DD=120 BC=I00 15 a . 0-. 0, o see Fig.11, last layer. Miediuovdense, saturated, gray silt (MH) Dense, saturated, brosn silty sand (SM) Medium-dense, saturated, olive brow silty -to clayey sand (2+-SC) Madium-dense, saturated, olive sandy silt -(ML) - • " Dense, saturated, bra^ silty sand (SM) Very dense, saturated, brow silty sand (SP) with gravel Note: For Legend, see Fig. 5. I V.'CCD'.VArjD. CLYDE. SHE.-^.^.HD i ASSOCIATES LCG Cr I EST L.C.'CI..3 i4 HOSP GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 3-^63 LW © o CO Z3 CO -o c ZJ 8 o c 0-1 5- 10- 15- 20- 25- 30- 35-1 14 D0= 95 BC= 14 \"^C=. 2 DD=106 BC= 18 V/C= 10 DD=1C9 BC= II Boring 15 Loose to medium-dense, moist, light brow silty sand (2^ BC= 20 3^ BC= 23 V Medium-dense, damp, light brow silty sand (21) Loose -to medium-dense, saturated, light brow silty sand (2-1) with gravel Medium-dense, saturated, gray brcwn clayey sand (SC) Stiff, saturated, gray sandy clay (CL) KiSdium-dense, saturated, gray silty sand (SM) Note: For Legend, see Fig. 5. LOG OF TEST BORING 15 HOSP GROVE 3-S-63 PROJECT NO. 67-223 LOI © .© © Z3 CO -o tz Z3 8 CD o. 0 -1 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 Sk-3 BC= slf^ -i2 B0= nsj^ n4 BC= 35 J-^ Sk-5 BC= 65 3^ BC= 49 3^ Sk-8 Boring 16 Very loose to loose, moist, dark bro'w silty sand (21) BC= 69^^! Stiff, roist, olive brown sandy .clay (CL) 1 Dense, danp, bro;.-n clayey sand \(sc) Dense, danp, olive clayey sand (SC) with seams of sandy clay Dense, danp, olive silty to clayey sand (SM-SC) Hard, danp, olive clay (CH) f » continued on next page. Fig. 15. Note: For Legend, see Fig. 5. LOG OF TEST EOR ING 16 HOSP G.ROVE PROJECT f;0. 67-223 .55 © o CO ZJ CO •o cz ZJ o cc» g Si o. 40 45 - 50 - 55 _ 59 -J BD=64 3^ Sk-ll V/C= 14 DD=147 BC= 69 DS: 0= 40 C=810 12 Boring 16, continued see Fig. 14, last layer. Dense, danp, olive silty sand (24) Note: For Legend, see Fig. 5. • ' • " LOG OF TEST BORING 16 HOSP GPOVE P.ROJECT NO. 67-223 3-5-63 LO-l SAMD Coorsa Mod iuG^ Fine SILT ond CLAY Sie\^^Number 'ydrome'fir Analysis .2 .1 .05 .02 GRAIN SIZE - MILLIMETERS .01 .005 .002 .001 SAMPLE CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOL l-l Silty sand (SM) 1-3 Sandv silt fML) 3-1 Silty sand (SM) '- 4-1 Silty sand (24) 9-2 Clayey sand (SC) 12-2 Silty sand (SM) CLYCE, CHE?v.\r.D ASSOCIATES HOSP GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 4-10-68 L04 j SANO Coorsa f.'.odl Fino SILT ond CLAY Siev? Number Hydrometer Analysis 1 r .2 .1 GRAIN SIZE .05 .02 .01 .005 .002 .001 MILLIMETERS SAMPLE CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOL *LL *P1 12-4 Sntv fine sand f24) 12-6 SiItv clay (CH) 75 47 13-2 Si Itv sand (St^)- 14-la Sandy clay (CH) 42 25 14-4 Silty clay fCHl 63 40 .14-6 Sandv clav fCL) 28 10 Ski6-8 Silty to clayey sand (SM-SC) !*LL = Liquid Limit 'PI = Plasticity Index V/OODIVARD, CLYDE. SHERARD i ASSOCIATES G.SAiN SIZE D:STR:3UT10.\ CURVES HOSP GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 4-10-68 L04 0.01 0,1 I PRESSURE IN TONS PER SQ. FT. - 10 Initiol Dry Density, PCF <?7 Initial Void Ratio, EQ .732 Initial Water Content, % 26 Final Void Ratio, Ef .628 Initial Saturation, % 95 Compression Index, C^ . 145 Final Dry Density, PCF 104 Swell Index, Cg —— Final Water Content, % -23 Existing overburden press.,PQ,TSF 0.33 Final Saturation, % 100 Max. post pressure, Pc,TSF — Specific Gravity = 2.70 Sample No. 14-la \ \ V/CODV/ARD, CLYDE. SHERAf^D & ASSOO'Ji.TES CO.\SCLIDATION TEST HOSP GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 4-10-68 L04 I 0.01 0.1 I PRESSURE IN TONS PER SQ. . FT Initial Dry Density, PCF 77 Initial Void Ratio, EQ 1.425 Initial Water Content, % 46 Final Void Ratio, Ef 1.273 Initial Saturation, % 85 Compression Index, C^. .23 Final Dry Density, PCF 93 Swell Index, Cg — • Final Water Content, % 33 Existing overburden press.,F^,TSF 0.9 Finol Saturation, % 100 Max. past pressure, P^.TSF — Specific Gravity = 2.80 Sample No. 14-4 IVOODV/AHD. CLYDE. SHERAr^D 2< ASSOCLVTES • CONSOLIDATION TEST HOSP GROVE PROJECT NO. 67-223 4-10-68 L04 Results of Loaded Swell Test f CD I CT> CD » m c/5 -o c: •JJ r-8 TS m rc o o o -i C/) m 1— o cr> o • o c 1 nfi ej 00 1' 1 -< m CO -1 f) tJ ;j o I--< u (O u: M ;o o > CO in O in 00 Initial Final Sample Dry Water Dry , feter Load Deformation Number Density . Content Saturatton Density ' Content Saturation Pcf % 1 Pcf % % Psf fo of Initial Height 12-1 106 6 28 ! 106 16 73 160 0.05 .J (I I. J f ? oo -V O c_ m rc o o —1 C/J o • o rn N5 NJ 00 o so m o -n § 1 m CO oo CO f. > c; >J o r- •: Jl 10 :J -. u >> C) <0 O c) i • f'l CO Results of Confined Compression Test Initial Final • Deformation Sample Number Dry Density Water Content Saturation Dry Density Water Content Saturation Load Deformation Pcf % % Pcf % % Psf % of Initial Height 3-1 89 5 13 102 • 20 83 160-1000 12.0 9-2 il3 io 54 113 17 97 160-iooo I-6 Load (Psf) cn S *© —• ac »f- o 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 (34 ' -^12 ' ' -— swel 1 water added * • - •• < 5 ' April 13, 1958 Page 1 of 4 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED FILL r" r I. GENERAL This specification covers preparation of existinrj surfaces to receive fills; the type of soil suitable for use in fills; the control of •' compaction and the methods of-testing compacted fills. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to place," spread, water and comoact the fill in strict accordance with these specifications. A Soil Engineer shall be the Owner's representative to inspect the con- : struction of fills. Excavation and the placing of fill shall be under the direct inspection of the Soil Engineer; and he shall give written notice of conformance with the specifications upon completion of grading. Deviations from these specifications will be permitted only upon written authorization from the Soil Engineer. A soil Investigation has been made for this project; any recommendations made in the report of the soil investigation or subsequent reports shall become an addendum to these specifications. II. SCOPE The placement of controlled fill by the Contractor shall include all . clearing and grubbing, removal of existinq unsatisfactory material, preparation of the areas to be filled, spreading and compaction of fill in the areas to be filled, and all other work.necessary to' complete the grading of the filled areas." III. MATERIALS 1. Materials for compacted fill shall consist of any material imported or excavated from the cut areas-that, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, are suitable for use in constructing fills. The material shall contain no rocks or hard lumps qreater than six inches in size and shall contain at least forty percent of material smaller than one-quarter inch in size. No material of a perishable, spongy, or otherwise of an improper nature shall be used in filling. 2. Material placed within ^4 inches of rough lot grade shall be select material that contains no rocks or hard lumps qreater than six Inches in size and that swells less than three percent v/hen compacted as hereinafter specified for compacted fill and v/hen subjected to an axial pressure of 160 pounds per square foot. 3. Representative sam.ples of material to be used for fill shall be tested in the laboratory by the Soil Engineer in order to detennine the maximum density, optim.um moisture content and classification of the soil. In addition, the Soil Engi neer s.hall detennine the 1 . 1- I t . r rtttdciiinent i Project No. 67-228 April 13, 1968 Page 2 of 4 approximate bearing value of a recompacted, saturated Sci.nple by direct shear tests or other tests applicable to the particular soil. 4. During grading operations, soil types other than those analyzed in the report of the soil investigation may be encountered by the Contractor. The Soil Engineer shall be consulted to determine the suitability of these soils. IV. COMPACTED FILLS 1. General (a) Unless otherwise specified, fill material shall be compacted by the Contractor v/hile at a moisture content near the optimum moisture content and to a density that is not less than ninety percent of the maximum density determined in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test No. D1557-54T, or other density methods that will obtain equivalent results. (b) Potentially expansive soils may be used in fills below a depth of 24 inches and shall be compacted at a moisture-, content greater than the optimum moisture content for the • material. 2. Clearing and Preoaring Areas to be Filled (a) All trees, brush, grass, and other objectionable material shall be collected, piled and burned or otherwise disposed of by the Contractor so as to leave the areas that have been cleared with a neat and finished appearance free from unsightly debris. (b) - All vegetable matter and objectionable material shall be removed by the Contractor from .-the surface upon which the • fill is to be placed and any loose and porous soils shall be removed or compacted to the depth shown on the plans unless otherwise specified in writing by the Soil Engineer. The surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a minimum depth of six inches until the surface is free from uneven features that would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipm.ent to be used. (c) Where fills are constructed on hillsides or slopes, the - • slope of the original ground on which the fill is to be placed shall be stepped or keyed by the Contractor as shown on the attached Figure. The steps shall extend completely throuqh the soil mantle and into the underlyinq formation materials. . (d) After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plov/ed cr scarified, -;t shall be disced cr b"!cccd by the Cc'-iractor until it is uniform ar.c free fro." large clods, brougnt to the proper moisiure co.'".ient and cc.T.pactec as specified fcr fill. Apnl IJ, laoo 3. Placing, S^-*—i apd Comnacting Fill ^ °^ (a) The fill material shall be placed by the Contractor in layers ' .. that when compacted shall not exceed six inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed durinq the spreading to obtain uniformity of material in each layer. (b) When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified by the Soil Engineer, water shall be added by the Contractor until the moisture content is as specified. (c) When the m,oisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the Soil Engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by the Contractor by blading, mixing, or other • satisfactory methods until the moisture content is as specified. (d) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, . .it shall be thoroughly compacted by the Contractor to the • specified density. Compaction shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot rollers, vibratory rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers or other types of acceptable compacting equipment. Equipment shall be of such design that it will be . able to compact the fill to the specified density. Compac- tion shall be continuous over the entire area and the equipment shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained,throughout the entire fill. .(e) Surface of fill slopes shall be compacted and there shall be ' • no loose soil on the slopes. V. INSPECTION 1. Observations and compaction tests shall be made by the Soil Engineer during the filling and compaction operations so that "he can state his opinion that the fill was constructed in accordance"with the.specifications. 2. The Soil Engineer shall make field density tests in accordance with A. S. T. M. Test No. D1556-64T. Density tests shall be made in the compacted materials below the surface where the surface is disturbed. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill dr •portion thereof is below the specified density, the "particular layer or • portions shall be reworked until the specified density has been obtained. VI. PROTECTION OF WORK (a) Durinq Construction - The Contractor shall orooerly grade all excavated surfaces to provide oositive drainage and prevent ponding of water. He shall control surface water to avoid damage to adjoining properties or to finished work on the site. The Con- tractor shall take remedial measures to prevent erosion of freshly graded areas and until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control measures have beer, installed, (b) After Comoletion - After <-rac-;.':n is cc.r.oleted and the Soil Engineer nas finishea nis cbservacicns of ine worK, no f^rzr.^r excavation or filling shall be done except under the observation of the Soil Engineer. r Strip as Specified Original Ground Slope Ratio « N M Slope to be such that Slouching or Sliding does not occur KOTES Remove all Topsoil Q See Note The mininuca width "B" of key shall be .2 feet wider than the compaction equipment, and noc less than 10 feet. ITie outside edge of bottom key shall be below topsoil or loose surface material. • ) Keys arc required where thc natural slope is steeper than 6 horizontal to 1 vertical, jor v;hcre specified by Soil Engineer. \ -O ~S c-f C3 -< O f-^ fD -«. C_j. Eu —' ft> O .fi n rr —•ci-D o CO ro -h- :^ z3 o i-t- —i. CO —' Ol cn CO I ro CO