HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 77-15; THUNDERBIRD RANCH; TRAFFIC ANALYSIS; 1977-09-26.' , I, r '., t, • September 26. 1977 7145 Little HarQor Drive Huntington ;Beach, California 92648 Ken Reynolds 942l'Leilani Drive Huntington Beach. Calif. 92646 Subjec:t: Traffic Analysis Thunderbird Ranch Tract . City of Carlsbad Dear Ken, I have' completed my review of the subject tract with regard to traffic .circulation and access. The following 'is my analysis of the traffic aspacts of this propo~ed development. Traffic Generation and Distribution Based on 40 lots in this subdivison, approximately 400 vehicle trips per day will be generated. During -the morning peak hour. approximately 25 vehicles will leaye· the tract. About 15 of these vehicles will turn' right and 10· will, turn left at .EI Camino Real. In the afternoon peak hour. approximately 25·. vehicles will enter the tract. About 15 of these vehicles will turn~left and 10 vehicles .w ill. turn right off' E l' camino Real. Access--to El Camino Real It is my uridersti:inding the staff of the city of Carlsbad has some reservations as to the safety of vehicles entering El, Cam'ino Real from the tract or turning left off that highway into the tract. My i~~e'stigation of existing. conditions in' the field' showed that vehicles waiting to turn onto EI Camino Real have unlimited s·igh·t distance to the south and over 700 feet to the north. Tunle 17.10 'of'the 1965 Edition of the "Traffic Engineering Handbook" describes' sight distance along the major road from the intersection (as viewed by a: driv~r 'in the normal stopp~d p.osi tion on the minor road) that . is recommended for 'safe crossing. The table shows that a sight . distance of 600 feet is recommended for a four l~ne hi.ghway with a . design speed of' 50 MPH. This is the 'maximum spee,dshown ih the ~able, " l 'f ~ F t - ~ , If the table was interpolated to a speed of SS MPH which is the pre-f vailing speed on El Camino Real, the recommended sight distance would still be less than the 700 feet which exists 'at this intersection. This analysis shows that vehicles turning left onto EI Camino Real will have adequate sight distance to make this movement 'safely_ Vehicles turning ,right onto El Camino Real can easily make that ,movement safely. Vehicles turning left into the tract from El Camino Real will have over 800 feet of sight distance which is more than adequate to easily make that mov~ment. In'summary, access to El Camino 'Real from the proposed develop-, ment is more than adequate from a safety standpoint. Circulation Within Tract The layout of the street system within the tract will create rio" problems • Grades on the streets range from one to ten p'ercent. The ~ steeper grades are ove,r relatively short distanc'es. . The provision of an al terrtate access point to serve as ~ I emergency route when surrounding property develops is desirable as long as the development of the circulation system on the surrounding property does not encourage' traffic generated outs.ide the property , ',to trave-l on the streets of this tract. " , The provision ,of a sec,ondary ac,cess street to serve t~i,s forty lot sUbdivision' at this time appears totally ~nnecessary. In c,ase of emergency, vehicles ,can use an existing driveway from Thunderbird Circle to El Camino Real at the north end of the property although it is highly unlikely this will ever be necessary. Summar;y,. My analysis of this proposed subdivision shpws that circulation and access is entirely adequate. " \ Please call ,me' if you ,have any qilestions on this 'matter. PECt~C .. ' .... " ~-.' " • PAUL E. COOK'-Consulting Traffic Engin~er. EDUCATION:, Uni-ve'rsity of ~1~line, n.s.c.n. ,Univers'it.Y of Southern C~lifornia, 'r·LP .A. REGI'STRATION: Registered ,Civil Engin'eer" State o'f California " PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS:. ,National socieiy of Professional Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers A In C 'r i c a 1.1 Pub lie 11 0 r k sA's soc i a t i on American Society for Public Administration Institute of Traffic Engineers Orange. County Traffic E~gincers Councii, Pa,st Chaii-man PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: CITY OF CLI\RHIONT, DiI~cctor of Pl:Iblic h!orks/Ci t)' Engineer -~ . Responsible for all ,public ~oJOrks anLiengineering "Ii th the' .'. I' I . f_ elty.' , ' . . . , CITY OI: INGLEWOOD, City Tra Hie Engine'oJ;' Responsible for all traffic engineering and transportation planning in the city including maintenance 0.£ traffic facili ti,es. 'Planned, and cons ti~tictcd such innovatJ ve proj ects as the $500,000 Prairie Avenue reversible lane system and the .$1 ~S 'million citY-Hide computerized' traffic control sys tern." Completed $3 mill ion city-wide arterial street, lighting system and a dO'..fnto,\ffi parking strllcture. Created 'unique methods' of 'handling heavy' traffic gonerated by two sport complex'es, 'the Forun) and Holl)'\'IOod Park Rac~tr<rck. CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACIl, City Traffic Engineer Responsible 'for all traffic e~lginccr~llg and transportation planning for thE, cfty. Installed traffic signals at .~ixt)' intersections throughout the city. P lanne~ annual highvJ,!,)' improvements. Worked closely \Vi th deve lopers ,as the ci t)' .gre"l from -a PQlfulation of 70,000 to 140,000 in fivc years. t: { } I ~ i t t f- , ; I .... ' . , .' e' PAUL E. COOK -Continued ~agc 2 I .... f .. .' -,- .' ", , '. ORfu~GE COUNTY ROAD DEPAWINENT, Assis taIltCelll1 t'y Traffic . Engineer . '. ' Respensible fer transpertat'ien planning fer, the read department. Conducted majoi" transportation studies . threllghe1,lt the county .. Supervised comple'x traffic ~malyses ~m proposed deve.lopments such as the Irvine ,Ranch, ~Ioulton Ranch, MissIen Viejo, and. Laguna Niguel. . Analyzed and-wrete cemprehensive reperts en proposed free\1ays and interchange,s throughout t-he ceunty . . ~ . . '. . . CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF IIIGII\\'_~YS; Hi.ghway Engineer" Les. An-geles, Califenria . . Retated through fi vc departments Iearni ng all. phases ef high\.,ray engineering . .... : . . . " . . ' .'. :' '. .... ,. .: ' . : . ,-