HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 79-01; PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK; SOILS REPORT; 1978-03-27, .. -, ,,,, March 27, 1978 218-6, 2081 Mr. Bernard Gilmore • ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consul/ing Soil, Foundation & Geological Engineers Palomar Airport Business Park 6231 Yarrow Drive, Suite C Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Preliminary Evaluation of Soil Percolation Characteristics Resubdivision of Parcel B, Lot 12 Palomar Airport Business Park Unit No.1 Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Gilmore: • In accordance with your request, we have performed deep percolation tests at the sub- ject site for the purpose of evaluating the feasibility of septic systems utilizing seepage pits. On each of the proposed thirteen lots exploratory borings were drilled to depths ranging between 45 and 65 feet utilizing a 6-inch diameter power auger-Percolation test holes were then drilled next to the exploratory borings to a depth of approximately 20 feet using a 12-inch diameter auger and deep percolation tests were then performed. The ap- proximate locations of the exploratory borings and test holes are indicated on the attached Site Plan, Figure 1. Logs of the borings and the percolation test results are summarized in the attached Tabl eA. The materials encountered in the borings consisted predominantly of silty and clayey sands. No groundwater was encountered in any of the borings. drilled at the site. Favorable per- colation rates (less than 30 minutes per inch) were measured in nine of the thirteen test holes. At the time the tests were performed access to the site was limited to drilling equip- ment that could not drill percolation test holes deeper than 20 feet. After the site is rough graded and access is available for larger drilling equipment additional deeper percolation test holes will be drilled to locate areas suitable for the installation of seepage pits on those lots where unfavorable rates were obtained. Based on the results of the percolation tests and our evaluation of the soil, geologic, and groundwater conditions at the site as determined from our site reconnaissance and subsurface exploration work, it appears likely that the site is suitable for disposal of sewage effluent by septic systems utilizing seepage pits. However, because large variations in percola':' 77585 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite 707, San Oiego, California 92727 • (774) 453-5605 , " March 27, 1978 218-6, 2081 Page 2 • •• tion rates can occur over relatively short distances and due to the fact that the actual locations of seepage pits on each lot have not yet been determined, we recommend that capacity tests be performed in accordance w~th county standards when the desired pit locations and quantities of effluent to be disposed of are known. The results of the ca- pacity tests will determine the number of pits required on each lot. Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either express or implied. If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, ROBERT PRATER ASSOC IA TES Robert Prater, C. E. RP:jsr Attachments· Copies: Addressee (4) Willdan Associates, Attn: Mr. Hank Worley (4) ." '" ::0 -e co m I n 0--I -n cO' t: ... (I) ... Z 9 (I~ a 0 c: ::::QJ " ." ~~ R'" 3'"U 5~ 8-)la ::-. ..... g", ",,;10 ~)la 2.'" '&'" ;;'0 2.n g>-'e. )la * iii v:'" til ::j m -0 s;: Z .... !..m' 15 LtGEND H-1 + r""Lr.MAR AHH"nHT PARCEl. A M.S.-1069 Indicates approximate location of exploratory boring and percolation -test. Approximate Scale .(Feet) i_I I. 0300 . 600 1200 Base: Sheet 2 of an. 'undated plan entitled "Resubdivision of Parcel B, Lot 12, Paiomar Airport Bus.iness Park Unit No. -1" by Willdan Associates. ." ~ N ~ • • 218-6 TABLE A PERCOLA TION TEST HOLE LOGS Depth Depth Of Stabilized Perco- Test Hole Interval Percolation lotion ·Rate. Designation (Feet) Soil Type Test (Feet) (minu'tes per inch) H-l 0-45 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND 18.6 26 (SM/SC) H-2 0-30 CLAYEY SILT (ML) 18.8 12 30-45 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND (SM/SC) H-3 0-45 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND 19.3 39 / (SM/SC) H-4 0-23 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND 19.5 17 (SM/SC) 23-32 CLAYEY SILT (ML) 32-45 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND (SM/SC) H-5 0-65 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND 19.9 7 (SM/SC) H-6 0-33 CLAYEY SILT (ML) 19 • .2 22 33-45 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND (SM/SC) H-7 0-40 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND 18. 1 ' 56 /' (SM/SC) 40-45 CLAYEY SILT (ML) H-8 0-45 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND 19.3 17 (SM/SC) H-9 0-45 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND 19.0 45 /' (SM/SC) H-lO 0-45 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND 19.8 23 (SM/SC) H-ll 0-45 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND 17.8 167 / (SM/SC) H-12 0-45 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND 17.9 19 (SM/SC) H-13 0-45 SILTY and CLAYEY SAND 18.0 16 (SM/SC) ... i' REPORT FOR USE WHERE SEWAGE DISPOSAL IS TO BE BY MEANS OF SEPTIC TANK WITH SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL FIELDS NAME OF SPONSOR Palomar Airport Business Park ADDRESS 6231 Yarrow Drive, Carlsbad, Cal. 92008 NAME OF SUBDIVISION Palomar Airport Business Park Unit No.1, Parcel B, lot 12 LOCATION~ __ C_a_r_Is_b_a_d~,_C_a_I_i,fo_r_n_ia __________________________ ~ __________ ~~ ____________ ___ NUMBER OF ACRES 31± WATER SUPPLY FROM: PROPOSED TYP I CAL LOT AREA 80,000 sq.ft. MAX. NO. OF BEDROOMS PER LOT_-,N~.~A::..: ....... _ DATE April 5, 1978 X PUBLIC SYSTEM. ~iUNITY §YSTEj9., ,. :NOjVJ!'UAL ~lLS. _____ _ SIGNATURE OF SPONSOR/t2.tdM ..s,. L dt ~ '1 r' ..... INSTRUCTIONS TO SPONSOR: 1. PERCOLATION TESTS SHALL BE MADE AND TABULATED BELOW BY A LICENSED ENGINEER. 2. THE REPORT, TOGETHER WITH THE REQUIRED TOFOGRAPHIC MAP SHALL THEN BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AND ANALYSIS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE ENGINEER: 1. AN ADEQUATE NUMBER OF TESTS (AT LEAST ONE TO 5 LOTS) TO INDICATE CLEARLY THE SOIL CONDITIONS THROUGHOUT THE SUBDIVISION SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE wiTH THE PROCEDURE OUTLINED BELOW. 2. EACH TEST HOLE SHALL BE LOCATED BY A KEY NUMBER OF THE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP. 3. RESULTS OF THE PCRCOLATION TESTS (AVERAGE TIME REQUIRED IN MINUTES FOR WAT'ER TO FALL ONE INCH IN EACH TEST HOLE) AND THE REQUESTED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SHALL BE RECORDED IN THE SPACES PROVIDED'BELOW. PERCOLATION TEST PROCEDURE: A. E~CAVATED HOLE TO A DEPTH OF 3 FE£T. NOTE* B. "THCRJUGHLY SA.T\.RATE THE SOIL ON TH.E SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE. AND. WHILE WET, F.ILL THE HOLE WITH APPROXIMATELY 6 INcHts~~f WATER. C. RECORD THE TIME. IN MINUTES, REQUIRED FOR THIS WATER TO COMPLETELY SCEP AWAY. DIVIDE THIS TIME BY 6 TO GET AVERAGE TIMC FOR 1 INCH TO SEEP AWAY. D. REPCAT THE TEST UNTIL THC AVCRAGC TIME FOR 2 SUCCESSIVC TESTS DOES NOT VARY MORE THAN 10 % THE LAST OF WHICH WILL BE ASSUMCD TO BE THE STABILIZED RATE OF PERCOLAT~ON. NOTE: BECAUSE MANY SEASONAL F~CTORS AFFECT THE RESULTS OF PERCOLATION TESTS. JUDGMENT IS REQUIRED IN ANALYZING THESE RESULTS. IF THE TESTS ARE NOT CONDUCTED DURING A WET SEASON, THEY SHOULD BE RCPEATED UNTIL THE MOISTURE CONDITION OF THE SOIL APPROACHES THAT PREVAILING DURING THE WET SEASON. IN NO CASE SHALL TESTS BE MADE IN FILLED GROUND. WHERE FISSURED ROCK FORMATIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED, TESTS SHALL BE MADE ONLY UNDCR THC DIRECTION AND SUPCRVtSION OF THE SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. TEST HOLD AVG. TIME REQUIRED TIME REQUESTED H-1 28 min. in. H-2 12 min. in. H-3 39 i in. H-4 17min. in. H -5 7 min. in. in. * GIVE INFORMATION ON SUBSOIL CONDITIONS TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST 10 rEET Silty and clayey sands and clayey silts (see attached report dated March 27, 19·-78""")ru ...... i<-WLUd.--------- GIVE INFORMATION ON WATER-TABLE ELEVATIONS No groundwater encountered in any oftbe exploratory borings or percolation test holes. ." THE ABOVE TESTS M t Prater Associates . SIGNATURE 18 121 T I TL E __ P:-i"..;..i n-:c-:--,-,:i p::-,a:;.;I_·':.."E-:::n~g.:...;i n..;..e;;.;..e:;.;r~---, _____ __:_--- ADDR ESS 11585 Sorrento Va Road DATE ___ A::...:;:p;.:.;;r:...:oi I....;5:..L,' .-=1.,:..9.:...7.:8--------------' __ San Diego, California SAN 135 (REV. 11-71) 250 COUNTY OF SA' EGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBliC HEALTfI·'~----------""II DEPARTMENT use; ONLY SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION REPORT Remarks: __ -"----,. _____ __ SOIL CONDITIONS OF TRENCH OR SEEPAGE PIT Sanitarian: __ '---___ _ PERCOLATION TEST Date: Date __ M_a.:.-y_1_0....:.,_1_9_7_8 ____ --,-,_~-. OWNER'S NAME Palomar Airport Business Park CONTRACTOR Not yet determined 6231 Yarrow Drive, Suite C ADDRESS Carlsbad, California 92008 ADDRESS ___ ~~-.,.-'"--______ _ Legal Location Carlsbad Tract No. 8054 Lot 12, Parcel B Block ___ -,-'-_~--- T est Location __ H_-_3_(~s_e_e_a_t_ta_c_:_h-e-d-s-it_:_e-!...p-la-n..:.)-___ ~----_._---------------- (NUMBER, STRt::ET AND TQWN) THIS REPORT WILL NOT BE REVIEWED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS ATTACHED: 1. Lot Location (locate by street) 4. Lot Grade 7. Tes~ Hales 2. Existing and Proposed Structures 5. Wells 8. Sub-Surface Disposal System 3. Surfaced Areas 6. Utility Water Line$ 9. Cuts and Fill ' SUB-SURFACE DRAINAGE -C$ilacity DEPTH SAFETY EST TEST OF HOLE TIME FOR H2O FACTOR TIME/INCH AVE. TIME/IN. Last two readings 1 50' --1.36 shall not vary 1.36 mpi more than 10% 2 50' --1.36 - LEACHING SEEPAGE PITS COARSE SAND FINE SANDY LOAM CLAY WITH CONSIDERABLE EFFECTIVE DEPTH OR GRAVEL SAND OR SANDY CLAY SAND OR GRAVE~ ABSORP. AREA 50' X 565 ft.2 TYPE OF SOIL: Give specific inf:rmation (clay-adobe-decomposed granite, etc.) . '-:-? Surface: Sdty Sand Ls\ \.,,} J:..r.L. '( A'r:::, \.1 A.L 1 ft. below surface: Silty Sand 14.,6 St. 0\= 2 ft. below surface: Silty Sand 3 ft. below surface: Silty Sand 6 to 10 ft. below'surfoce: Silty Sand Below 10 ft.: Silty Sand Proposed structure: No. 1 , Type Warehouse No. of bed~ooms: N.A. 1 00 gal. per day per bldg,. estimated , and/or maximum capacity: by Wi IIdan Associates ---~~~----~~-~~~~~~~~~------~ RECOMMENDATIONS: Drainage tile ft. Trench width in. Trench depth in. Seepage pit width 4 ft. Seepage pit depth 50 ft. 3 pits required SAN 73 (Rev. 11-70) 10M (see attached calculations) This percolation test will be VOID unl~ss the building is located as shown cind the tile lines or seepage pjt are lo- cated as shown on the attached plans. Any proposed change sholl be approved by the Deportment of Public Health b~fore construction storts. REGISTERED ENGINEER (REG. NO;) 1 I , I j ~~:: «< ::;':::J -ceo "",,,,, """", ---W~_ =:% "''''''' 000 .,.,::~ .. _1"ol00-CDCCCO~ ..,,.,.., ~~~i 0:::. _ ~\8-' ------Y SR~ ~i\-~~~~~ ~~,. Ch.\c:v\c(-\\a~s. ~ f~\-Lo~~~ \-\-~- --~-c:'.\-~ o~ \."t -\{. ~~~~ -~~e ~ C!.\.sfi3 .. 6SS": ·~2.rLf cattl.;",. ./ \l . '. If-~. .. . " . ": G\ Y If 2,1+"): '\"-L \ 't'-\. / ~ . 'I: (~~X.l~X .. :\) : 2,CfOb .qO.t/~):.) No w -pt f-\-S; 'te,q' d... ~?J Ceo -~ 2, ~ l '2..~O' \I....~-e.~o-r-e. I . .3 f·'\-!s '~'l'd.. ~1't \O)&~ ~ * 'bl.:\:> /:i) '~.< '-i " -Z '" '" Q) c .;;~ 0 :> 0 CO 0:;::-N .... r-i- Q) 0 ~~:~~: .. ~:. Q) 2-t.L--4: Q) i-'0 0 0 U 0 E Vl -0 0 Q) '-0 ..... 0-0 E 0 ... ·x 0 N M -0 i-.... -.. _--_. ---. a.. 0 a.. ...;,t 4: 0 ... CO Q) ... U C" 'i-... 0 0- '-0 c. 0 .-.~ > :0 c ..0 .2 => '" '" '" Q) '"' ..... Q) >-·r 0 ~ .... .. .~ So:'! U-o ~ o C -0 U ., 0 Q) 0 :: Q) -:;: '" '"' .0-m '" 0 c ':;: 4: E .a: c c ·x ..8 . Q) 0 .... e '" c -0 c2 0_ a.. 0..3 0..0 c 0 .... rr: E 0 ]>.. or " '" ':;: oS .. ... Q) 0 0 ..... ..0 or .., .... 0_ "-iii ... 0 0..--0-..: U X 0 C ro-.-... .-Q) ~ ::I go-a: :i -0 .. Q) "-c '-c 0 0 a.. 0 Z ..... .... + 0 .,- N C , 0 .... :::J Z 'Q) ~ w Q) i-' E.;n C> , ..s::: 0 ., -Vl 0-W .... ...J Q) '" -. Jl '" SITE PLAN ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consul/mg So.1. FoundOhon t GeologIcal Engmeers PROJECT NO. DATE 218-6 March 978 .Figure 1 it ~" ~ $-t ~ .. ! -!.~ COUNTY OF S'IEGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTHI' n----~------.._on DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION REPORT Remarks: --,-____ ~--,-_ _,__ SOIL CONDITIONS OF TRENCH OR SEEPAGE PIT Sanitarian: _----, ______ "--_ PERCOLATION TEST OWNER'S NAME Palomar Airport Business Park ~----------~-------------------- Dote: Date May ,10, 1978 6231 Yarrow Drive, Suite C ADDRESS Carlsbad, California. 92008 CONTRACTOR _____ N_o_t~y_e_t_d_e_te_rm __ i_ne_d______________ ADDRESS ______ ~ ________ --~--------- Legal Location Carlsbad Tract No. 8054 Lot 12, Parcel B, -----------------------------------Block ________ ,..- TestLocation ____ ~H~-~1~1_(~s~e~e~a~t~ta~c~h~e~d~si~t~e2p~I_a~n~} ________________________ ----- (NUMBER, STR'EET AND TOWN) THIS REPORT WILL NOT BE REVIEWED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS ATTACHED: 1. Lot Location (locate by street) 4. Lot Grade 7. Test Holes 2. Existing and Proposed Structures 5. Wells 8. Sub-Surface Dispos91 System 3. Surfaced Areas 6. Utility Water lines 9. Cuts and, Fill ' SUB-SURFACE DRAINAGE P.ERCOLATION DEPTH SAFETY TEST TEST O.F HOLE TIME FOR H2O FACTOR TIME/INCH AVE. TIME/IN. Last two readings '"W: 1 551 - -0.090 ~~' shall not vary 0.094. mpi more than 10% ... ~tO· 2 551 --0:.098 I-:l~i(;.c..' LEACHING SEEPAGE PITS COARSE SAND FINE SANDY LOAM CLAY WITH CONSIDERABLE EFFECTIVE DEPTH OR GRAVEL SAND OR SANDY CLAY SAND OR GRAVEL ABSORP.AREA 551 -X --628 ft.2 TYP E OF SOIL: Give specific information (c1ay-adobe-decomposed granite, etc.) Surface: Silty and Clayey Sand 1 ft. below surface: Silty and Clayey Sand 2 ft. be low surface: ______ S...:iI~tyL-a...:n...:d_C_la_'y~e~y'__S_a_n_d __________________________ _ 3 ft. below surface: _____ S_i_l...:.ty_a_n_d_C_la...:.y_e-=-y_Sa_n_d _________ ~-_---_----___ _ 6 to 10 ft. below surface: Silty and Clayey Sand -------=-------~~----------------------------------------------- Below 10 ft.: Si I ty and Clayey Sand Proposed structure: No. 1 I Type Wqrehous,e -----------1500 gal. per day per bldg. estimated No. of bedrooms: N.A. , and/or maximum capacity: by Willdan Associates ------------------ RECOMMENDATIONS: Drainage 'tile -------------ft. Trench width ______ in. Trench depth _______ in. Seepoge pit width ___ 4 ___ ft. Seepoge pit depth 55 ft. 1 pit required (see attached calculations) SAN 73 (Rev. 11-701 10M ' This percolation test will be VOID unless the building is located as shown and the tile Hnes or seepage pit are lo- cated as shown on the attached plans. Any proposed change shall be approved by the Department of Public Heolth before construction starts. REGIST ERED ENGINEER !REG. NO.) . . SR-~ ~\.\-~fb--~"t-~ '1-~\. &\c.v \o.-\'.av..s. r~'\-Lot:d..~~ \i -J \ . ~e ~~~ -=-.S"'S'~ • . ~\i~el ~c. \fo...\-e :::: G.OtiLr:~\~:I·~~. '.~ 6"3.#~ f\,/v..;# . ~V\i:-~\<. ~~~~-\--: lJ &'"00 sctl. (pt"O\[~~~ b~ \JJ\\\~) ~~ SO-ef~ ~~'" ~a..e.t~":: S )(. l,SOO -::. /,5"00'$"-/4 . ~"":"":\. ~1-t:4-tt. ~~. It..te..":;.w(l-:p\7 .. ~e) '1 ... I/-t\,.~ -= \\'S\· Cd"'-\. 1ft, Ji ~~ ~r;"lt':) 00\-\.'t~, ~~~~ ~\e..:: Q.\.SfX.5}:v~ ':= "'2:! ~~1./~t \l', 't 1". " " . "; (G. y,. t J.' J:: \ ;;Lt~ ~ ... I./l.t. 'C (,~'i~7~) :: 'lI,t:tS"l-.q4.t/dA.!> t-v -0 en I 0- 3: 0 -0 ~. CO I '"T'I cO' C .., rD· -- "'0 :0 E m ~ Z P 0 ~ m b':tJ ~ 0 ::-tn " ." "C.:tJ Q -. .-0'''0 '5 :tJ g.~ =--. g ." 00;10 ~~ 2..V\ ~'" ;; 0 2..(') '" -il ~ :;' .... " "" ~'" -- tn ~ 'm -C S; Z !.t.'i " # . ... ~';:-~. , I -. i v • • 'J'II'I!.. '" " i t·, ;, r "Ci !'",,:..mJA:t r'''!!ftF.l. A ~.tI.·~~9 !.In 'J AHf,.,r,!~T l!:::Ht::nm :>Mf:(, muy I ~ :: ,:,':, :'I';"~:;.~:::;.::~-.~: :;:iY:.~:~~:::·11Tf :-.) r', ,.' '\: \' '.!\:, .' .. "" ....... i(:$~·'.~ :/r la","A'o\'l' " :.~ ... • .': • • • '.~., -":'--,..... II, 01' 'I' LEGEND .. + Indicates approximate location of exploratory boring and percolation test. I.IIT o Approximate Scale (Feet) ,. ; IL--_---' o 300' 600 1200 Base: Sheet 2 of an undated plan. entitled "Resubdivision' oJ Parcel B, Lot 12, Palomar Airport Bus.iness Pa~k Unit No.1" by Willdan Associates. ~ . • l ~ ~ N I OWNER'S NAME COUNTY OF SAIEGO OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH .,n------------n DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION REPORT SOIL CONDITIONS OF TRENCH OR SEEPAGE PIT Remarks~ __ --,-____ --,-_ -Sanitarian: ~--------PERCOLATION TEST Date: Palomar Airport Business Park Date May 10, 1978 ---~~~~~-:~-~~~~----6231 Yarrow Drivel Suite C ADDRESS Carlsbad, Califorma 92008_ ----------------------------~~----~-~~----- CONTRACTOR~-___ N_ot~y_et __ d_e_te_r_m_i_ne_d ____________ ___ ADDRESS ________________ ~~ __ --~-- Legal Location __ -_C_a_r_ls_b_a_d_Tr_a_c_t_N_o~._8_0_54 _______ Lot 12, ParcelB Block _______ _ Test Location H-7 (see attached site plan) ------~---------~--~----------------~---------------~ (NUMBER, STR"EET AND TOWN) THIS REPORT WILL NOT BE REVIEWED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS ATTACHED: 1. Lot Location (locate by street) 4. Lot Grade 7. Test Holes 2. Existing and Proposed Structures 5. Wells 8. Sub-Surface Di sposai Systerh 3. Surfaced Areas 6. Utility Water Lines 9. Cuts and Fill SUB-SURFACE DRAINAGE ---, Ca~aclfy DEPTH SAFETY EST TEST O.F HOLE TIME FOR H 2 O FACTOR TIME/INCH AVE. TIME/IN. lost two readings 1 511 --1.06 shall nat vary 1.05 mpi more than 10% 2 51' --1.04 LEACHING SEEPAGE PITS COARSE SAND' FINE' SANOY LOAM CLAY WITH CONStDERABLE EFFECTIVE DEPTH OR GRAVEL SAND OR SANDY CLAY SA NO OR GRAV El,. ABSORP. AREA 51' -X --578 ft.2 TYPE OF SOil: Give specific information (c1ay-adobe-decomposed granite, etc.) Surface: Clayey and Silty Sand. 1 ft. below surface: Clayey and Silty Sand. -----------------------------------------------~ 2 ft. be I ow surface:. ___ ~C_I_ay_e_'y'___a_n_d_S·_"_'ty_S_a_n_d_~---------__ .....,--________ ---'-_ 3 ft. be low surface: _____ C_I a...:.y_e-"y_a_n_d_S_i_lt...!.y_S_an_d ________________ --'-_--,-__ _ 6 to 10 ft. below surface: Clayey and Silty Sand ---~~-----.~---------------~----~------------~- Below 10 ft.: Silty Sand Proposed structure: No. , Type Warehouse ------------------~~~~~--~----~--,-----1500 ga I. per day per bldg. e~t i mafed; No. of bedrooms: N.A. , and/or 'maximum capacity: by Willdan Associates -----------------~--------~------- RECOMMENDATIONS: Drainage tile ft. Trench width in. Trench depth in. Seepage pit width 4 ft. Seepage pit depth 51 ft. 2 pits required SAN 73 (Rev. 11-70) 10M (see attached calc1,JlatiQ~s) This percolation test will be VOID unless the buil~ing is located as shown and the ti Ie lines or seepage pit are lo- cated as shown on the att9ched plans. Any proposed chqnge shall be approved by the Department of Public Health before construction storts. -REGISTERED ENGINEER (REG. NO.) I I I EgE ::;::;::: .",,., 000 .,=~ i , . ~~ ~,:\. ~CA"'t-';) ~~\. &\Cv \~-\\O\ks. \'~\-Lot:d"~ \-\-7 '." .' \{de ~~~ ~ S\ XSt. ( , -.. ~ \ iz.d. .~c. \fo-.\e. ::.\,0 S' W\)..,..:/.:~. :: Lf/'~" -R, I~-r, . ~~ ~\<. ~v,j~~-\--= lJ&'co sctl.(p("O'l~~~ b~ UJ\\\~) ~vl~ ~~ t~'\-. C4fa..~~ ':: b x. l,SOO ':: ?,S-OO $\'/~ ~"":"':\. cll-c t.4-it: ~~' Ik.(e._~ ~(I:p~(7.~) q ... V~. ~ ": \\.S\· ca~\· (it, Ji ~~ . . ~C'I\-~ o~ \.'t~, ~~~~ ~\e..:= Q.\.sf~ll.;~ S ': ·51t.ta caq.L/kt " . • t It t'. " . " . ~ G\ X 'Sit. ~ ')" ~t;;;/;;. 'f, ~ ... \ l"o/' . ': (2..*XJ.s~.~) :: !, ">i~qa.t/JA.~ ~ ,..., -z - ... "' .. ... -----c == !:: g ,; :0: ... l s~ .. - -• -7':-Y. :0: ;; ft: .. :, S or • ~ .., oJ '" .. .: ... ... !! ... '" i .. 2- ~!: : ~. -.' I ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES CO".vl •• "p So.I, Fovndo"01'1 t Gc-olog.col E"Q'I>f:t"S 0 0 '0:;::-N Q) 1: .... 1.:: ...... ~ Q) LL. .~c<-. '". .......... "'t ... ~ ..... ~ ... Q) :~ ..-~ .. "''-.... 0 0 '-'is:. -...... .\ ..... '. U 0 . ': \,~,:.~ ( (~:~ .. V) 0;() Q) .... o. E 0 .-0 X M e a.. a.. « 0 C . 2 .... 0 u " 0 c 0 Q) t:i> .... 0 c E .-.... x ...8 . e .... '" c£ 0.. 0.. 0 C 0 .... 0 0 '" .... 0-Q) 0 .... .... 0 0 0..,-u X 0 .-Q) ~ " Q) C "'-0 a.. + 0 Z W C> I w .....J . SHE PLAN PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSIN Carlsbad PROJECT NO. DATE 218-6 Me 1978 Figure 1 '" '" Q) c; .;;" :l CO .... .... 0 e-.-« .... 0 E 0 0 n;. ... N .-..... 0 --' "- CO Q) U .... 0 a.. ~ 0 c .2 '" .-> " ..0 :l . '" '" Q) Q) ~ .... 0 " u Q) 0 '" .... on :;:« . c c Q) 0 c '" 0= n.~ -g>., .... ..0 o' . " = C r- :l . C 0 oZ ~ o=: N c ..... :::> ~~. ...c 0 V) a.. Q) on tB' -- COUNTY OF SAI_ EGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH ',.11"' -------...... --....... ""ri DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION REPORT SOIL CONDITIONS OF TRENCH OR SEEPAGE PIT Remarks: ________ ~-_,_'- Sanitarian: ----~-------~ PERCOLATION TEST Dote: OWNER'S NAME Palomar Airport Business Park Dote May 10, 1978 -~~~~-~~--~-~--~--6231 Yarrow Drive I Suite C ADDRESS Carlsbad, California 92008 CONTRACTOR Not yet determined ADDRESS __________________ ~~~---- Legal Location __ C_a_rl_s_ba_d_T_r_ac_t_N_o_._8_0_54 _______ Lot 12, Parcel B Block....;.. __________ _ T est Locatian __ ----=H~-9~(~se=-e=--.:.a..:...tt~a..:...c...:..h:....::.e...:..d-s:....::.i;-te'--Lp...:..1 a...:..n:..:..)~ __ _:_-----_:_--------------''---___ -- (NUMBER, STR'EET AND TOWN) THIS REPORT WILL NOT BE REVIEWED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS ATTACHED: 1. Lot Location (locate by street) 4. Lot Grode 7. Te_st Holes 2. Existing and Proposed Structures 5. Wells 8. Sub-Surface Disposal System 3. Surfaced Areas 6. Utility Water Lines 9. Cuts arid FiJi . SUB-SURFACE DRAINAGE' PERCOLATION DEPTH SAFETY TEST TEST O,F HOLE TIME FOR H2 O FACTOR TIME/INCH .AVE.TIME/IN. Lost two readings 1 51' --0.177 sholl not vary 0.177 mpi more than 10% 2 51' --0.177 --' LEACHING SEEPAGE PITS -CLAY WITH CONSIDERABLE COARSE SAND FINE SANDY LOAM EFFECTIVE DEPTH OR GRAVEL SAND OR SANDY CLAY SAND OR GRAVE~ ABSQRP._ AREA 5]1 -X --578 ft.2 TYPE OF SOIL: Give specific information (cloy-adobe-decomposed granite, etc.) Surface: Silty and Clayey Sand- 1 ft. below surface:, ___ S_i_lt..:..y_a_nd __ C __ la..:..y_e..:.y-'.'-Sa_n_d __________ -'--__ ------_---"---,.--- 2h. belowsudace: ___ S_i_lt_~ __ a_nd_C_I_a_y_e_y_Sa_n_d _______________________________ ~ 3 h. below surface: ___ S_i_lt,:..y_a_n_d_C_I_a.:..y_ey"--S_a_n_d _____________________ ---________ , 6 to 10 ft. below surface: Silty and Clayey Sand --~---~~------------------~--~~--- Be I ow 10ft.: Silty and Clayey Sand Proposed structure: No. 1 , Type Warehouse 1500 gaL per day per bldg. estimated No. of bedrooms: N.A. , and/or maximum capacity: _ by Willdan Associates - RECOMMENDATIONS: Drainage tile Trench width Trench depth Seepage pit width ------ft. ________ in. ________ in. 4 _______ ft. Seepage pit depth 51 ft. 1 pit reCjuired (see attached calculations) SAN 73 (Rev. 11-701 10M This percolation ,est will be VOID unless the building is located as shown and the tile lines or seepage pit are lo- cated as shown on the attached plans. Any proposed chang~ sholl be approved by the Deportment of Public Health befo~~' construction start~. #: f5) . . f!-c£ {O; (21 REGISTERED ENGINEER (REG.' NO.) I i , I . I I j I 1 ) Sc2.~ ~t:\-~~ "\-':) ~ ~\. ~ \c.v \0.:\""\1..5.. f~~\-Lot:d-.."~ \-\..:!1 : \(de ~~~ ~ ~l -tt . . ~ liz.eA. ~c. \fo...\-e. == o. \1"7 YI\}'Io.".j.".~. ~ ~%.~ -R, !~-r .. ~~ ~\<. ~~~~~ ": lJ&"co sctl.(p~o'l~ck~ h5 \)J\\\~) ~~ ~ev-t~'" ~a.e.t~":: b )(.. l,SOO -::"/,5"00 $'-/4 ~~ ol--t.4-ft. ~I,cu-' t...te-_·."=' 1\t(l:P\7.~) '\ ... I/~.~ -= \\.s\ ca~\.ltt, Ii ~~ "~c:'lt~ o~ \.'t -R. tU~~~ ~~e.. :=Q.\.sfX'U>~J. S -:: ~'GJ c:atd'/"t \t .', It 1'\." " . '" ~X~l4·): q~,' 'i"'\./~. ~ (2..~ x.~:>t) =: 2~,~L.tt.t.~\lJo..~ No,," i\ f-\-s ~e1~' ... ?JC"CO '\: O. "?>~. --"2.. 2-J ~ "f't \hCC).-e~~ i ~o,,~ t('~, tel. . I , -( .... ' ":. .. r-..:!.----------------1 . z ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES CO"su/r."g So,/. Foundolton t Geologlcol Enginef!'s 'Z" CIJ CIJ U. ........ CIJ o u V) CIJ ~ o E .-x e a. a. « c . 2 ~ o '0 N .- o o M o o U"'O o C o ~ m o c E .i: ·x..8 . o -:n 5. c~ g-.e c o 0 ." .... _- ~.2c 8 ~o .-CIJ ~ "'O"'-CIJ C 0 a. SITE PLAN PALOMAR AIRPORT BUS IN Carlsbad PROJECT NO. DATE 218-6 March 1978 Figure 1 ." ." CIJ C s-o E o o 0... ~ ..9 .. co . ." CIJ ~ .~ -0 U CIJ 0 -.". ~ ." :;:« c C CIJ 0 c-o 0= a.§: -0 CIJ ~ .... ...0 -8= c-;:,. c 0 oz "'-o .-= C'4 c ~:::> ~~. J::. 0 1.1)0..