HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 80-34; PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK LOT 2; UPDATE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION; 1993-12-01REPORT 6-r R•• ••• UPDATE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR THE PROPOSED REPUBLIC TOOL AND MANUFACTURING BUILDING NO. 2 LOT 2 PM #10062 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 80-34 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Republic Tool and Manufacturing Carlsbad, California December 1993 I Al Woodward-Clyde w Sunroad Plaza 3, Suite 1000 1615 Murray Canyon Road San Diego, CA 92108 9351116W-UD01 Ank Woodward-Clyde w. Engineering &-sciences applied to the earth & its environment December 1, 1993 Project No. 9351116W-UD01 Mr. Peter McRoskey Republic Tool and Manufacturing 6212 Corte del Abeto Carlsbad, CA 92009 UPDATE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR THE PROPOSED REPUBLIC TOOL AND MANUFACTURING BUILDING NO. 2 LOT 2 PM #10062 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 80-34 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. McRoskey: Woodward-Clyde Consultants is pleased to provide the accompanying report, which presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the project. This study was performed in accordance with our proposal dated July 16, 1993 and your authorization of October 26, 1993. This report presents our conclusions and recommendations pertaining to the project, as well as the results of our field explorations and laboratory tests. If you have any questions or if we can be of further service, please give us a call. Very truly yours, WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS ,—, Richard P. Whil G.E. 960 RPW/kah (A) Woodward-Clyde Consultants . A subsidiary of Woodward-Clyde Group, Inc. Sunroad Plaza 3, Suite 1000 • 1615 Murray Canyon Road • San Diego, California 92108 619-294-9400 • Fax 619293-7920 Woodward-Clyde TABLE OF CONTENTS • PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION I DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS U SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions Subsurface Conditions • Groundwater • DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS • Soil and Excavation Characteristics Grading Drainage I Foundations Concrete Slabs-on-Grade Lateral Resistance I . Retaining Walls Settlements 1 UNCERTAINTY AND LIMITATIONS 1 2 2 3 8 1 . Figure I i. Site Plan Appendices I A. Field Investigation B. Laboratory Tests .C. Previous Subsurface Explorations and Laboratory Tests I Guide Specifications for Earthwork Guide Specifications for Wall Drains I•• I.. W19351116W\UD0IAR I I Woodward-Clyde UPDATE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR THE PROPOSED REPUBLIC TOOL AND MANUFACTURING BUILDING NO. 2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION This report presents the results of Woodward-Clyde Consultants' (WCC) geotechnical investigation at the site of the proposed Republic Tool and Manufacturing - Building No. 2. The site is located on Lot 2 of PM #10062, Carlsbad Tract No. 80-34 This report has been prepared exclusively for Republic Tool and Manufacturing and their consultants for use in evaluating the property and in project design. This report presents our conclusions and/or recommendations regarding: General subsurface soil conditions General extent of existing fill soils Characteristics of proposed fill material Presence and effect of expansive soils, if any Groundwater conditions within the depths of our subsurface investigation Grading and earthwork Types and depths of foundations Allowable soil bearing pressures Settlements Design pressures for retaining walls The scope of our investigation included additional field explorations, laboratory testing, engineering analyses and preparation of this report. 1' I I it I I I W:\9351116\V\UD0I-A-R -1- I I Woodward-Clyde DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT For our study, we have discussed the project with you and we have been' provided with a "Preliminary Plan" Sheet A-i, Republic Tool and Manufacturing Corporation, Building No. 2 prepared by Lusardi Construction Co. (undated). We understand that the proposed project will include construction of a two story concrete tilt up structure with mezzanine offices at the northwest building corner and loading docks along the north wall. The planned finished floor elevation is about +262 feet MSL at the east end with a 0.5 percent slope down to the west. Surrounding the building will be paved parking areas and access lanes. A landscaped lunch area will occupy the northwest corner of the lot. Other landscaping will be minimal and primarily along the tops of existing slopes. ' Six loading docks placed at an acute angle will be constructed along the north wall of the building. The ramps will slope down below pad level and will require low retaining walls. Approximately 2 to 3 feet of cut and fill grading will be required to produce a pad for the proposed improvements. ' The location and layout of the project are shown on the Site Plan (Figure 1). FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS Our field investigation included making a visual reconnaissance of the existing surface conditions, performing three test borings on October 28, 1993, and obtaining soil samples. The borings were advanced to depths ranging from 14 to 331/2 feet. The locations of the borings are shown on Figure 1. ' A Log of Boring Key is presented in Appendix A as Figure A-i. Final logs of test borings are presented in Appendix A as Figures A-2 through A-S. The descriptions on the logs are based on field logs, sample inspection, and laboratory test results Results of laboratory tests are shown at the corresponding sample locations on the logs and in Appendix B. The field investigation and laboratory testing programs are further discussed in Appendices A and B W:\9351116W\UD0I-A-R -2- ' Woodward-Clyde I . I In 1985, WCC made an "Update Soil Investigation - Lots 2 and 3 Palomar Airport Business Park Phase II." The results of our investigation were issued in a report dated August 20, 1 1985. Only Lot 3 was developed and Building 1 constructed shortly following that study. However, test pits to evaluate near surface condition were made on Lot 2 for that study. I .The logs of the test pits on Lot 2 together with laboratory tests on a sample from Test Pit 11 are attached as Appendix C. I' SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The subject lot is a previously graded flat pad with a sparse to moderate regrowth of vegetation. Access to the lot is from the end of the Corte del Abeto cul-de-sac. The original and existing topographic contours are shown in Figure 1 Subsurface Conditions The test borings indicate that the subsurface soils on the lot consist of fill underlain by very 'I dense silty sand similar to materials of the Tertiary age Santiago Formation. The fill soils consist of silty to clayey sand with minor zones of lean clay and range in thickness from 2 -I. to 28 feet across the lot. The thickness increases from east to west with the deepest part being at the southwest lot corner. The thickness of fill at the southwest building corner is I about 18 feet I The results of dry density and moisture content tests indicate fill densities ranging from 101 I . to 109 pounds per cubic foot (j)cf) and moisture contents ranging from 10 to 23 percent (of dry. weight). A report entitled "Earthwork Observation and Testing Services for Palomar I Airport Business Park Phase II, Carlsbad, California," dated March 9, 1982, prepared by Robert Prater Associates indicates the fill was placed under engineering conditions and in I accordance with earthwork specifications. A relative compaction of at least 90 percent of the ASTM D1557 laboratory compaction test was reported Sampler blow counts in the fill I as our borings were advanced indicate medium dense to dense conditions Iy W:\9351116W\UD01-A-R -3- I Woodward-Clyde An "Update Soil Investigation, Lots 2 and 3, Palomar Airport Business Park Phase II, Carlsbad, California" was prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WCC) and issued on August 20, 1985. This investigation included shallow test pits on Lot 2 to evaluate the near surface conditions primarily over the shallow fill portion of the lot. The results indicate there may be potentially expansive clay soils below 21/2 feet of depth in the eastern part of the site in the area of shallow fill. The applicable boring and lab testing data of this report are attached as Appendix C. Our recent test borings indicate nonexpansive soils in the deeper fill area. S I' Groundwater No groundwater was encountered in the test borings at the time of drilling. No marshy areas or water seeps were noted during onsite reconnaissance. I' DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS I The discussions, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report are based on the information provided to us, results of our field and laboratory studies, analyses, and 1) professional judgment. J Soil and Excavation Characteristics I I I 1 I I Our recent studies at the site as well as previous work by WCC and others indicates that the fill soils onsite were compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum laboratory density as determined by ASTM D1557-78. The as-compacted moisture content, on the average, was slightly over the optimum moisture content for compaction. On Lot 2, average placement moisture contents averaged about 15 percent. Current moisture contents average about 16 percent, or about a 1 percent increase since 1984. The soils within approximately the upper 21/2 feet of grade are classified as low in potential expansion. This was evaluated by the results of plasticity tests; two samples of near surface soil were non-plastic. The natural soils below the fill, at 21/2 to 3 feet depth, on the eastern portion of the lot are expansive in nature .5 W\9351116W\UDO1AR -4- C' Woodward-Clyde I Previous test pits and experience during trenching and grading of the adjacent Lot 3 indicate that 'the Santiago Formation contains cemented lenses that present difficult grading and trenching conditions. However, 'test explorations on Lot 2 indicate no cemented condition within the upper 3 feet of grade. Grading We recommend that site grading be done in accordance with the attached "Guide Specifications for Earthwork," Appendix D. The site grading should be observed, and compacted fills tested by, WCC. We recommend that the surface soils not removed by site excavation be scarified, moisture conditioned and recompacted to 90 percent relative '1 compaction prior to placing new fill, pavement section or foundations. Any new fill, including recompacted surface soil, should be compacted at moisture content of 3 percent I over optimum moisture content. As a result of the planned lowering the grade in the eastern part of the lot, expansive 'soils may be encountered within the upper 3 feet of grade. We recommend that if encountered, they be removed and replaced with properly compacted nonexpansive soils. Exporting of expansive soils and importing of select material may be required to result in proper soils conditions. Drainage We recommend that positive measures be taken to properly finish grade the lot so that I ' drainage waters from the lot and adjacent properties are directed away from foundations, floor slabs, and slope tops. Even when these measures have been taken, experience has 1 .shown that a shallow groundwater or surface water condition can and may develop in areas where no such water condition existed prior to site development; this is particularly true where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration results from landscaping irrigation. "I To further reduce the possibility of moisture related problems, we recommend that all landscaping and irrigation be kept as far 'away from the building perimeter as possible. Irrigation water, especially close to the building, should be kept to the minimum required W:\9351116W\UDOI-A-R -5- ' I Woodward-Clyde level. We recommend that the ground surface in all areas be graded to slope away from the building foundations and floor slabs and that all runoff water be directed to proper drainage areas and not be allowed to pond. A minimum ground slope of 2 percent is recommended. I Foundations I We recommend that conventional spread or continuous footings be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf (total dead plus live load) at a depth below lowest adjacent rough grade of 18 inches. This is assuming that foundations are placed in properly compacted, low expansion, fills. Similarly, the allowable bearing pressure for natural, low expansion, formational silty to clayey sand is 4,000 psf. All footings should have a 1 minimum width of 12 inches. The bearing pressure may be increased by one-third for loads that include wind or seismic forces. We recommend that all footings be reinforced top and I bottom with rebars. The actual steel reinforcing should be determined by the structural engineer. Concrete Slabs-on-Grade I We recommend that all concrete slabs-on-grade be at least 5 inches in thickness and reinforced at the midpoint with steel bars. We recommend that the actual thickness and 1 reinforcing be determined by the structural engineer. We further recommend that a 10 mu vapor barrier be placed on subgrade beneath the slab wherever moisture sensitive floor I covering is used. A protective 2 inch sand layer should be placed above the vapor barrier. Lateral Resistance To provide resistance against design lateral loads, we recommend using the pressure exerted 1 by an equivalent fluid weight of 300 pcf for shallow footings. This value assumes that the horizontal distance of the soil mass extends to at least 10 feet from the face of the footing j or three times the height of the surface generating passive pressure, whichever is greater. In our opinion, the upper 12 inches of material in areas not protected by floor slabs or pavement should not be included in design for passive resistance to lateral loads. i xy W:\9351116W\UDO1-A-R -6- I Woodward-Clyde 1 I If friction is to be used to resist lateral loads, we recommend using a coefficient of friction of 0.4 between soil and concrete in design. If it is desired to combine frictional and passive resistance in design, we recommend using a friction coefficient of 0.25. Retaining Walls I In the case of below grade loading docks, the basement like walls may have maximum heights of about.5 feet. For these conditions and a level backfill surface extending behind the wall for a minimum distance equal to the wall height, we recommend that an equivalent I active fluid weight of 35 pcf, plus a horizontal uniform pressure of 10H where H is the height of the wall, be used in design. We recommend that all retaining walls be provided with drainage behind the wall to eliminate hydrostatic pressures. Appendix D "Guide Specifications for Wall Drains" is attached and illustrates our recommendations in this regard. Settlements It is indicated that there has been a slight increase in the moisture content of the fill on Lot 2 since its placement in 1982. Calculations indicate that the fill is probably on the order of 70 percent saturated. In view of this, it is our opinion that the fill could accept additional moisture but it is unlikely that it would reach full saturation. Settlement of the fill as moisture contents increase will probably occur gradually as the saturation increases through rainfall and irrigation. It is our opinion that an additional ½ to 1 inch of settlement should be considered. This would.occur at the southwest building corner where the fill is about 18 feet thick. The original ground topography indicates that the thickness of fill increases relatively uniformly from east to west. Settlement due to building loads should be added to the settlements suggested for consideration above. We estimate that these will range from 'A inch to ½ inch with differential settlements usually about half that amount. The settlement due to building loads should occur relatively rapidly during and shortly after construction. 12 9~9 W:\9351116W\UDO1-A-R Woodward-Clyde UNCERTAINTY AND LIMITATIONS We have observed only a very small portion of the pertinent soil and groundwater conditions. The recommendations made herein are based on the assumption that soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those encountered during our field investigation. We recommend that WCC review the foundation and grading plans to verify that the intent of the recommendations presented herein has been properly interpreted and incorporated into the contract documents. We further recommend that WCC observe the site grading, subgrade preparation under concrete slabs and paved areas, and foundation excavations to verify that site conditions are as anticipated or to provide revised recommendations, if necessary. If the plans for site development are changed, or if variations or undesirable geotechnical conditions are encountered during construction, we should be. consulted for further recommendations. This report is intended for design purposes only and may not be sufficient to prepare an accurate bid. California, including San Diego, is an area of high seismic risk. It is generally considered economically unfeasible to build a totally earthquake-resistant project; it is, therefore, possible that a large or nearby earthquake could cause damage at the site. Geotechnical engineering and the geologic sciences are characterized by uncertainty. Professional judgments presented herein are based partly on our understanding of the proposed construction, and partly on our general experience. Our engineering work and judgments rendered meet current professional standards; we do not guarantee the performance of the project in any respect. Inspection services allow the testing of only a small percentage of the fill placed at the site. Contractual arrangements with the grading contractor should contain the provision that he is responsible for excavating, placing, and compacting fill in accordance with project specifications. Inspection by the geotechnical engineer during grading should not relieve the grading contractor of his primary responsibility to perform all work in accordance with the specifications. W:\9351116W\UDO1-A-R . 8 This firm does not practice or consult in the field of safety engineering. We do not direct the contractor's operations, and we cannot be responsible for the safety of personnel other I than our own on the site; the safety of others is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor should notify the owner if he considers any of the recommended actions presented 1 herein to be unsafe. -9- LEGEND ORIGINAL CONTOURS EXISTING CONTOURS / — - 'I B-I INDICATES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEST BORING X INDICATES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEST PIT BY WCC IN 1985 INDICATES PROPOSED c- io/ . .•.• LOCATION OF BUILDING / / CORTE DEL ABETO SITE PLAN 50 100 PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK APPROXIMATE GRAPHIC SCALE DRAWN BY: JKD I CHECKED BY: I FiGURE WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS TYPICAL SEC11ON LOADING DOCK 1st FLOOR SLAB UNDERLAY PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE COMPOSITE OPTION © - ALTER MATERIAL - OPTION OR @OR COMPACT NATIVE IF @ . IS USED LOADING DOCK FLOOR 47 PERFORATED PVC PIPE SLOPED TO. DRAIN NO SCALE . TYPICAL SECTION - LOADING DOCK LOT 2 - PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK FN 9151044 IbRAWN B':SSICHECKED BY: IPROJECT Nb9351110-001 RTE. 12-2-93 IFIGURE NO: E— WOODWARD—CLYDE CONSULTANT Woodward-Clyde APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION W:\9351116W\UDO1-A-R DATE DATE TOTAL DEPTH DIAMETER OF STARTED FINISHED DRILLED (feet) BORING (inches) HAMMER HAMMER GROUNDWATER DATE WEIGHT (ibs) DROP (inches) DEPTH (feet) MEASURED DRILLING DRILLING COMPANY EQUIPMENT DRILLING BOREHOLE LOGGED METHOD BACKFILL BY APPROXIMATE MUDLINE BORING ELEVATION (feet) - LOCATION UJ LU > OTHER DESCRIPTION er TESTS/ S z CZ CL W NOTES 00 DISTURBED SAMPLE LOCATION A Sample was obtained by collecting cuttings in a bag or sack. -: DRIVE SAMPLE LOCATION N Sample with recorded blows per foot was obtained by using a Modified - — California drive sample (2' inside diameter, 2.5" outside diameter). The sampler was driven into the soil with a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. 10- Fill - Sand 15- - ABBREVIATIONS GS - Grain Size Distribution Analysis NP - Non Plastic ATD - At time of drilling 20- - 25- 30- - Project: Lot 2 Palomar Airport Business Park Fig A-i LOG OF BORING KEYProject Number: -UD01 1 of 1. 11,30m3BGLoG111ew Woodward-Clyde Consultants I DATE 10128/93 STARTED DATE FINISHED 10/28/93 TOTAL DEPTH DRILLED (feet) 33.5 BORING DIAMETER OF tt (inches) 8 HAMMER IAA WEIGHT (Ibs) 1V HAMMER DROP (inches) 30 GROUNDWATER DEPTH (feet) None encountered DATE MEASURED ATh DRILLING DRILLING kIu Mobilee COMPANY EQUIPMENT METHOD DRILL ING Hollow-stem auger BAC BOREHOLE BY S. S. Fitzwilliam APPROXIMATE MLJDLINE 2 BORING ELEVATION (feet) - LOCATION - LU >: OTHER 3: cc _J DESCRIPTION z CZ CL NOTES MU I-I FILL Moist, light brown, silty fine sand with pockets of light yellow brown and medium brown, silty sand 1-2 23 13 102 GS,NP 5- - - 1-3 41 13 101 1 0- - Moist, yellow and gray, lean clay with some fine sand I-4 36 23 101 1-5 15- - - 1-6 53 16 103 - Moist, yellow gray, fine to medium sand 20- - Mb;it'san---ithorgani brown, cs Moist, blue gray and brown, sandy lean clay 1-7 46 10 109 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moist, light yellow gray, silty fine sand 25- - 1-8 92 1-9 SANTIAGO FORMATION Very dense moist pale yellow brown silty fine sand (SM) 30- - - 11 90/6 Becomes pale yellow gray Bottom of boring at 33.5 feet Project: Lot 2 Palomar Airport Business Park Figure A-2 LOG OF BORING B-I 11 /30/93 BGLOG 1110W Woodward-Clyde Consultants AIA Li I I I I I I 1 I DATE STARTED IU/k,O/7J DATE FINISHED 10/28/93 TOTAL DEPTH DRILLED (feet) 13.5 DIAMETER OF BORING (inches) 8 HAMMER WEIGHT (Ibs) 140 HAMMER DROP (inches) 'c" GROUNDWATER DEPTH (feet) None encountered DATE MEASURED ATh DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING EQUIPMENT Mobile DRILLING Hollow-stem auger METHOD BOREHOLE I BY S. Fitwilliam APPROXIMATE MUDLINE 2 BORING ELEVATION (feet) - LOCATION > OTHER DESCRIPTION Cn ca 2u - 2-1 - - FILL GS,NP,LC Moist, light brown, silty fine sand with pockets of light yellow brown and medium brown, silty sand with trace clay 2-2 47 15 102 - medium brown, 2-3 56 2-4 ———————————------—----------—------------ Moist, reddish gray, clayey fine sand 10- - - SANTIAGO FORMATION - Very dense, moist, light reddish gray, silty fine sand (SM) 2-5 Bottom of boring at 13.5 feet 15- 20- 25- 30- Project: - Figure A-3 LOG OF BORING B-2 11/30193 BGLOG 1118W Woodward-Clyde Consultants U 'I I i I I DATE , STARTED 10/28/93 DATE FINISHED LW8I7. TOTAL DEPTH DRILLED (feet) I.'" DIAMETER OF BORING (inches) HAMMER WEIGHT (Ibs) lU HAMMER DROP (inches) " GROUNDWATER DEPTH (feet) None encountered DATE MEASURED AID DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING EQUIPMENT iviouue DRILLINMETHODG Hollow-stem auger BOREHOLE BACKFILL BY S. Fitzwilliam APPROXIMATE MUDLINE 260 BORING ELEVATION (feet) - LOCATION - > OTHER DESCRIPTION CZ CL 0 cc z NOTES FILL Moist, light yellow brown, silty fine sand with pockets of brown, silty sand and trace pockets of clay 3-I 35 14 103 5- - 3-2 - 51 21 101 10- SANTIAGO FORMATION Very dense moist light reddish gray, silty fine sand (SM) 33 75 15— Bottom of boring at 14 feet - 20- 25- 30— Project: - Park Figure A4 LOG OF BORING B-3 Project Number: .9351116W-UD01 11130/93 BGLOG 111 6W Woodward-Clyde Consultants AClk Woodward-Clyde APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTS W:\9351116WUD01-A-R UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY COARSE I FINE COARSEI MEDIUM I FINE U.S. SIEVE SIZE IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE No. HYDROMETER 3 3/4 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 140 200 100 E- 60 C-, z -4 C') CI) Z 40 U C') 0 ------&=---— ____----I ___ ______ 100 L TT1. 11• 1II .T lu It) It) I It) It)iu GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETER DEPTH LL P1* SYMBOL BORING (ft) (%) (%) DESCRIPTION 1 -2-4 NP SILTY SAND (SM) 2-1 NP SILTY SAND (SM) Remark :* NP=Non Plastic 9351116W UDO1 LOT 2, PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK WOOD WARD - CLYDE CONSULTANTS GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Figure No. B-i SAN DIEGO PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 2-1 Liquid Limit, % - - Plasticity Index. % NP Classification by Unified Soil Classification System SC- SM COBBLES 8LES GRAVEL 1 SAND 1 I SILT & CLAY c If icl ml f I 100 ,- r—r ic_._ i r r r z 80 I 'I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 150 ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES -2.80 SG - 2.70 SG - 2.60 SG 140 2.50 SG 130 Wk U 0. 100 90[ Maximum Dry 02-1 Density,pcf 117.0 ptimum Moisture 14.0 - Content, % I I 1 FT—MOISTURE CONTENT,% - = BC0 10 20 30 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST 60 I— uj 40 0 cc - 20 O f 1 iii ii If liii iii I I 1 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE. mm MECHANICAL ANALYSIS DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA Dry _Density, _pcf Initial Water Content, % Final Water Content, % Apparent Cohesion, psf Apparent Friction Angle, degrees SWELL TEST DATA Initial _Dry _Density, _pcf Initial Water Content, % Final _Dry _Density, _pcf Final Water Content, % Load, psf Swell, percent SAMPLE LOCATION 40 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST METHOD: ASTMD 1557-91 FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LOT 2, PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK DRAWN BY: c CHECKED BY: PROJECT NO: 9351 116!- UDO1 I DATE: 12- 1 -93 FIGURE NO: B- 2 W000WARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS APPENDIX C PREVIOUS FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTS Woodward-Clyde j [~ 71- 7-1 C Moist, light gray, silty. sand 7-2 C Moist, gray brown and brown, silty sand and silty clay PILL 7_3 Hard, moist, light olive gray, silty to fine sandy clay (00 SANTIAGO FORMATION bottom of Hole Test Pit B .1 %r%I 1PThI r TUTDATA SØTWIN SLE I SOIL DESCRIPTION I. i 'For dsirtiio.i ol IP*4. s Fii,e A-1. T LOG OF TEST PITS 7 AND 8 I PAL4AR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK LOTS 2 & 3 DRAWM BY: chi CHOCKED uv:jI4cI POJICT NO: 55218w-uDol I DATE: 8-8-85 FiOi( NO: A-S It I 1 "V. - , •• ____ I I ... 10. I. I. rt.ata l21' a Hoist, light gray, silty sand Flu, 2 cJ Dense,. Roist, light gray and gray brown, - silty sand (Sil) SANTIAGO FORbQiTIOW bottom of Hole Test Pit 10 ___•____I__•____ .t .', a '.l IJ '. SOIL DESCRIPTION TL_ Th1R lISTS SMAKE SOIL DESCRIPTION L pu'rOW 10. - 101 C 10-2 10-3 - Hoist, light gray, silty sand FILL - Moist, light brown, silty sand a'nd brown, silty clay FILL - Bottom of Hole - -' .1... '?.t d.. n of ,wèofs. i Pö5Jf 1 IMAYM LOG OF TEST PITS 9 AND 10 PALOMPR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK LOTS 2 . 3 UY I c*OICIIOSY:$(4P*OJICT NO: 55218w-UDO1 J DATIt 8-8-85 V$04Mt NO A-6 W000WAROCLYOE CONSULTANTS Test Pit 12 I r: ?SSt Pit 11 10, R : SOIL DESCRIPTION 1 I. I: ii I. 21 I: I _ IOUTh1 T UYDATA us IOTN.PI $Mur1.J I SOIL DESCRIPTION 1 I_fl,,1 I °° I 4SC Tam ___ I: 1 5 I 10 I I is U I 12-1 Damp to mcist, light gray, silty sand 12-2 FILL 12-3 Moist, light brown and light gray, sandy clay and silty clay FILL Hard, moist, light gray brown and light olive gray brown, sandy to silty clay (CH) SANTIAGO FOTION Bottom of Hole of VON -. F, A-i I I LOG OF TEST PITS 11 AND 12 'I I PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK LOTS 2 3 syl ch I cHICUO IV: PWSCT NOi 55218WUDO1 1 OATE 8-8785 N0 • W000WAR0CLYDE CCN$ULTT$ 1 - Ii L114 'Is' kit.md 10T ' :.=, ••.' J._ 1•._._._. ._s.. -- __ — — — ---'I-- - i._ e••_•_•_. IS_u. L an_omm am - 1111101 s — — — - - i'e — — I S 55 S. — ISS — — • — - - • I — $ S — I S • - • —INIEENEmIIINII 5 US - • — -- — - - -' -- I — -- .._ ••______. _---— — — .._ •.__.___. ----—. — • i•_._._. ia loss! sommom om IS_i. -•mS___ •a - a. sm - — — -1111101111=1111 _ — - - - — — — -, no_@mN=NMMMM -- on_ommmummmo i — I._ lSC •ft i._ $•._.___. --- - __w — ._ •a__._.__ ______I — •• i.. ______I .— $ S — U S — • - - • I._ —_------' I s._ ----_---. —MENOM ONEE! us— I. US_I • -- - - — — .._..__.___. -------- — _j - — I. IS -- 11111100noss's SIS.—. SI UI — U I 11 - =~~ 111111111 LDOUWM@Yj Ch I c,IckID$v:1 PwtcTNo 55'I8W-ulx.'] IDAIt: 8-1-85 I'oiso B-Il I Woodward-Clyde I I I I I I I I APPENDIX D I GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR EARTHWORK Lot 2, Tract 80-34 I I I I I I I 11 W:\9351116W'UDO1-A-R I Woodward-Clyde I . I APPENDIX D GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR EARTHWORK Lot 2, Tract 80-34 NOTE: These specifications are provided as a guide for preparation of the final grading specifications for the project, which with the plans constitute the project documents. These 1 guide specifications are not intended for use as final grading specifications GENERAL 1 1.1 The work of the Contractor covered by these specifications consists of furnishing labor and equipment and performing all operations necessary to remove 1 . deleterious and undesirable materials from areas of grading, to properly prepare areas to receive fill, and to excavate and fill to the lines and grades shown on the plans or as directed in writing by the (Owner) (Civil Engineer) I (Architect). 1.2 The Contractor shall perform the work in strict accordance with these specifications and the Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the I finished product notwithstanding the fact that the earthwork may be observed and tests made by a Geotechnical Engineer. Deviations from these specifications will .be permitted only upon written authorization from the (Owner) 1 (Civil Engineer) (Architect). 1.3 The data contained in the supplemental geotechnical study and in any following I addenda indicating subsurface conditions are not intended as representations or warranties of the accuracy or continuity of subsurface conditions between soils borings. It shall be expressly understood that the interpretations or conclusions I drawn from such data are the responsibility of the Contractor. DEFINITIONS I 2.1 Contractor shall mean the contractor performing the earthwork. I 2.2 Owner shall mean the owner of the property or the party on whose behalf the earthwork is being performed and who has contracted with the Contractor to have the earthwork performed. I 2.3 (Civil Engineer) (Architect) shall mean the (engineer) (architect) who has prepared the grading plans and who is the Owner's representative concerning the I configuration, quantities and dimensions of the earthwork and who usually sets basic surveying data at the site for the Contractor's conformance. I QD W:\9351116W\UD0I-A-R D-1 Woodward-Clyde I 1 2.4 Geotechnical Engineer shall mean a licensed civil engineer authorized to use the title "Geotechnical Engineer" in accordance with Section 6736. 1, Chapter 7, I Division 3, State of California Business and Professions Code. The Geotechnical Engineer shall be responsible for having representatives on site to observe and test the Contractor's work for conformance with these specifications. 1 2.5 Green Book shall mean the most recent edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, prepared by the Joint Cooperative Committee of the Southern California Chapter, American Public Works Association, and Southern 1 California Districts, Associated Contractors of California. 2.6 Standard Soecial Provisions shall mean the most recent edition of the Standard I Special Provisions, prepared by County of San Diego, Department of Public Works. 3. OBSERVING AND TESTING 3.1 The Geotechnical Engineer shall be the Owner's representative to observe and make tests during the foundation preparation, filling, and compacting operations. 3.2 The Geotechnical Engineer shall make field density tests in the compacted fill to provide a basis for expressing an opinion as to whether the fill material has been compacted to at least the minimum relative compaction specified. The basis for this opinion shall be that no tests in compacted or recompacted areas indicate a relative compaction of less than that specified. Density tests shall be made in the compacted material below any disturbed surface. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill, or portion thereof, is below the specified density, the particular layer or area represented by the test shall be reworked until the specified density has been achieved. 3.3 Testing shall conform to the following standards as pertinent: ASTM D2922-81, "Density of SOil and Soil-Aggregate in 'place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)" ASTM D3017-78, "Moisture Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)" ASTM D1556-82, "Density of Soil in place by the Sand-Cone Method" I . ASTM D1557-78, "Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using a 10-lb. (4.54 kg) Rammer and 18-in. (457-mm) Drop," Methods A, B, and C. I I W:\9351116W\UD01-A-R D-2 Woodward-Clyde I I • AASHTO T 224-86, "CorrectiOn for Coarse Particles in the Soil Compaction Test." I 4. CLEARING AND PREPARING AREAS TO BE FILLED 4.1 Clearing and grubbing shall be in accordance with Section 300-1 of the Green I Book and, in addition, all trees, brush, grass, and other objectionable material shall be collected from areas to receive fill and disposed of off-site prior to commencement of any earth moving so as to leave the areas that have been I cleared with a neat and finished appearance free from debris. 4.2 All loose or porous soils shall be removed or compacted as specified for fill. I . The depth of removal and recompaction shall be approved in the field by the Geotechnical Engineer. Prior to placing fill, the surface to be filled shall be free from uneven features that would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the ' equipment to be used. It shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth as required and in no case less than a minimum depth of 6 inches. I 4.3 After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plowed or scarified, it shall be disked or bladed by the Contractor until it is uniform and free from large clods, brought to the specified moisture content, and compacted as specified for fill. SUBGRADE PREPARATION IN PAVEMENT AREAS 5.1 Subgrade preparation shall be in accordance with Section 301-1 of the Green Book, except that relative compaction of subgrade shall be in accordance with Section 12 of these specifications. Scarification and recompaction requirements may be waived by the Geotechnical Engineer in subgrade areas with naturally cemented formational soils. 5.2 All areas to be paved shall be proofrolled in accordance with Section 301-1.3 of the Standard Special Provisions. MATERIALS - GENERAL FILL 6.1 Materials for compacted fill shall contain no rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in maximum dimension and shall contain at least 40% of material smaller than 1/4 inch in size. Material of a perishable, spongy, or otherwise improper nature shall not be used in fills. 6.2 Select soil, to be used at finish grade to the depths and at the locations specified on the grading plans, shall consist of material that contains no rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in maximum dimension and that has an Expansion Index of 50 or less when tested in accordance with UBC Standard 29-2. I W:\9351116W\UD0I-A-R D-3 I I j I L~ I I Li Woodward-Clyde 6.3 Samples of materials to be used for fill shall be tested in the laboratory by the Geotechnical Engineer in order to evaluate the maximum density, optimum moisture content, classification of the soil, and expansion index, as required. 6.4 During earthwork operations, soil types other than those analyzed in the report of the update geotechnical investigation may be encountered by the Contractor. The Geotechnical Engineer shall be consulted to determine the suitability of these soils. MATERIALS - PAVEMENT SUBGRADE 7.1 Pavement subgrade shall be defined as the top 12 inches of soil, excluding aggregate base, in areas to be paved with asphalt concrete or Portland cement concrete. 7.2 Materials for pavement subgrade shall contain no rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in maximum dimension, shall contain at least 40 percent of material smaller than 1/4 inch in size, and shall have an Expansion Index of 50 or less when tested in accordance with UBC Standard 29-2. Material of a perishable, spongy or otherwise improper nature shall not be used in fills. MATERIALS - TRENCH BACKFILL 8.1 Trench backfill materials above pipe bedding shall be in accordance with Section 306-1.3 of the Green Book. 8.2 As an alternative, cement slurry may be used to backfill trenches. The slurry shall have a minimum cement content of two sacks per cubic yard within the building limits and zone of influence of foundations and other settlement-sensitive structures. A minimum one sack per cubic yard slurry shall be used elsewhere. MATERIALS - WALL BACKFILL 9.1 Wall backfill materials shall be in accordance with Section 300-3.5 of the Green Book. COMPACTION EQUIPMENT 10.1 Compaction shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot rollers, vibratory rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other types of compaction equipment made specifically for the purpose of compacting soils. Equipment shall be of such a design that it will be capable of compacting the fill to the specified density at the specified moisture content. W:\9351116W\U1)0I-A-R D-4 Woodward-Clyde PLACING, SPREADING, AND COMPACTING GENERAL FILL MATERIAL 11.1 After each layer has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted by the Contractor to a relative compaction that is indicated by test to be not less than 90 percent. Relative compaction is defined as the ratio (expressed in percent) of the in-place dry density of the compacted fill divided by the maximum laboratory dry density evaluated in accordance with the ASTM D1557-78. Unless otherwise specified, fill material shall be compacted by the Contractor while at a moisture content at or above the optimum moisture content determined in accordance with the above test method. 11.2 The fill material shall be placed by the Contractor in layers that, when compacted, shall not exceed 6 inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to obtain uniformity of moisture and material in each layer. The entire fill shall be constructed as a unit, in nearly level lifts starting up from the lowest area to receive fill. Compaction shall be continuous over the entire area, and the equipment shall make sufficient uniform trips so that the desired density has been obtained throughout the entire fill. 11.3 When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified by the Geotechnical Engineer, water shall be added by the Contractor until the moisture content is as specified. 11.4 When the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the .Geotechnical Engineer or too wet to achieve proper compaction, the fill material shall be aerated by the Contractor by blading, mixing, or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is as required to permit compaction. 11.5 Properly compacted fill shall extend to the design surfaces of fill slopes. The surface of fill slopes shall be compacted in accordance with Section 11.1 of these specifications. PLACING, SPREADING, AND COMPACTING PAVEMENT SUBGRADE 12.1 Subgrade materials shall be placed, spread, and compacted in accordance with Section 11 of these specifications, except that the top 6 inches of subgrade material shall be compacted to a relative compaction that is indicated by test to be not less than 95 percent. W:\9351116W\UD01-A-R D-5 Woodward-Clyde I I 13. PLACING AND COMPACTING TRENCH BACKFILL I 13.1 Backfiuing and compacting shall be in accordance with Section 306-1.3 of the Green Book, except that jetting or flooding shall not be allowed and that all backfill shall be compacted to a relative compaction that is indicated by test to I be not less than 90 percent. 13.2 All trenches 5 feet or more in depth shall be sloped or shored in accordance with I OSHA safety requirements. Trenches less than 5 feet in depth shall also be so guarded when examination indicates hazardous ground movement may be expected. I . 13.3 No compaction testing shall be required for portions of trenches backfilled with' cement slurry. 1 14. PLACING AND COMPACTING WALL BACKFILL 14.1 Backfilling and compacting shall be in accordance with Section 300-3.5 of the 1 Green Book, except that jetting or flooding shall not be allowed. 14.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for using equipment capable of compacting I the backfill to the specified relative compaction without damaging adjacent walls. or other existing improvements. 1 15. PROTECTION OF WORK 15.1 During construction, the Contractor shall properly grade all excavated surfaces I to provide positive drainage and prevent ponding of water. When earthwork operations are interrupted, the Contractor shall reestablish specified compaction to the depth necessary before placing new fill. The Contractor shall control I surface water to avoid damage to adjoining properties or to finished work on the site. The Contractor shall take remedial measures to prevent erosion of freshly I . graded areas and until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control features have been installed. I ., 15.2 After completion of the earthwork and when the Geotechnical Engineer has finished observation of the work, no further excavation or filling shall be done except under the observation of the Geotechnical Engineer. I I W\9351116UD01AR Woodward-Clyde APPENDIX E GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR WALL DRAINS W:\9351116W\UD01-A-R Woodward-Clyde APPENDIX E GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR WALL DRAINS I. DESCRIPTION Subsurface drains consisting of filter gravel with perforated pipe shall be installed as shown on the plans in accordance with these specifications, unless otherwise specified by the engineer. MANUFACTURE Subsurface drain pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with the following requirements. Perforated PVC pipe or ABS pipe shall conform to the ASTM Designations 1785 and 2751, respectively. ifi. FILTER MATERIAL Filter material for use in backfihling trenches around and over drains shall consist of either of the following alternatives: (a) Clean, coarse sand and gravel or crushed stone conforming to the following grading requirements. - Sieve Size Percentage Passing Sieve 1" .100 3/4" 90-100 3/8" 40-100 4 25-40 - 8 18-33 30 5-15 50 0-7 200 0-3 This material generally conforms with Class 2 permeable material in accordance with Section 68-1.025 of the Standard Specifications of the State of California, Department of Transportation W:\9351116W\UDO1-A-AX E-1 Woodward-Clyde (b) Open-graded crushed rock or gravel (1" maximum size) surrounded entirely by a geotechnical filter fabric (such as Mirafi 140N or equivalent). (C) In-plane geotechnical drainage boards (such as Miradrain or equivalent) placed against the back of the wall for the entire backfihled depth of wall. IV. LAYING Trenches for drains (alternatives a and b) shall be excavated to a minimum width equal to the outside diameter of the pipe plus 1 foot and to the depth shown on the plans or as directed by the engineer. The bottom of the trench shall then be covered full width by 4 inches of filter material and the drainpipe shall be laid with the perforations at the bottom and sections shall be joined with couplers. The pipe shall be laid on a minimum slope of 0.2 percent. After the pipe has been placed, the trench shall be backfilled with filter material to the elevation shown on the plans, or as directed by the engineer.