HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 80-34; PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK; PAVEMENT DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS; 1981-07-29• .---. 1/ -_ .. ---... ! -! ~. I <' I <..-' Ii ~' 7 ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil; Foundation & Geological Engineers July 29, 1981 218-3D,4126 Palomar Airport Business Park 6361 Yarrow Drivel Suite A Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Bernard W. Gi Imore Re: Pavement Design Recommendations Palomar Airport Business Park -Phase '·1 City of Carlsbad Tract No. 80-34 Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: Robert R. Pratf)r, c.E. 7942-7980· Wm. Dovid Hespeler, c.E. JUL 3 J ~9at CI~ Of CARLS&8Q Engmeerlng peBartmeot In accordance with the City of Carlsbad requirements, we have developed design recom"'; mendations for asphalt concrete pavements for Corte Del Abeto from approximate Stations 0+34 to 10 + 00 and for Corte Del Nogal from approximate Stations 8 + 50 to 13 + ()O~ . Bulk samples representative of the subgrade soils were obtained and R(Resistcmce)-value tests were performed to evaluate the pavement subgrade quality of the on-site soils. The results of the tests are attached and indicate design R-values of 12 for Corte Del Abeto and 54 for Corte Del Nogal. The stabilometer charaderisticsof the materials governed the design R-values. Based on a Traffic Index number of 6.5 we have developed the fol- lowing recommended pavement sectIon alternatives usting Test Method 301 of the State of California, Department of Transportation. TABLE I RECOMMENDED ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT DESIGN ALTERNATIVES Location Corte Del Abeto (Stas. 0 + 34 to 10 + 00) (R = 12) (Continued) Asphalt Concrete (Inches) 3.5 4.0 Pavement Components Aggregate Base D. G. Base Class 2 Class· 3 (Inches) (Inches) 13 12 70505 Roselle Street, San Diego, California 92727 • (714) 453-5605 Total Thickness (Inches) 16.5 16.0 • TABLE I (Continued) 4tuly 29, 1981 218~3D;. 4126 Page 2 RECOMMEND ED-AS Pj;JALT -CONCRETFl'AV'EMENT DESIGN ALTERNATIYES Pavement Components .Asphalt Aggregate Base b. G. Bose Total Concrete Class 2 Class 3 Thickness Location (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) .. Corte Del Noga I (Stas. 8 + 50 to 13 + 00) 3.5 4 -.... -7 ... 5 (R = 54) 4.0 4 8 •. 0 Asphalt concrete, base materials, and preparation of .the subgrade should conf6~m to ~nd be placed in accordance with the requirements of the State of California7 Department of Transporation, Standard Specifications, January 1981 edition, exc~pt that the test method for compaction should be determined by ASTM D 1557-78 •. Preparation of the subgrade and placement of the base material should be performed under the observation of the soil engineer's representative. Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendations made inac~ordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of ail other warranties either express or implied~ . If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES ~~hL John LaBar, RCE No. 22,385 JLB;cc Attachments Copies: Addressee (2) Henry Worley Associates, Attn: Mr~ Henry Worley (2) City of Carlsbad Engineering Dept., Attn: Mr.M. E. Bacon (2) '. • 218-3D DATE:--July 29,-1981" SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: No.1 Corte Del Abeto, Station 7 + 00 RESULTS OF R(RESISTANCE}-VALUE TEST SPECIMEN A B C Water Content At Compaction (%) 15.4 17.3 19 •. 1 Dry Densi ty (pd) 116.9 112.2 108.5 .. .... Exudation Pressure (psi) 696 410 298 Stabi lometer R-value 32 18 12 Expansion Pressure Thickness (ft.) 0.76 0.73 0.67 ASSUMED Tl: 6.5 ASSUMED GRAVEL FACTOR: 1.5 R-VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE: 12 R-YALUEBY EXPANSI,ON PRESSURE: 41 ----- R-VALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM: 12 "' • • ~18-3D DATE: July 29, 1981 SAMPLE I DENHFICA110N: No.2 Corte Del Nogal, Station 11 + 00 RESUL IS OF R(RESIST ANCE)-VALUE TEST SPECIMEN A B· C Water Content At Compaction (%) 14.6 16~0 18.2 Dry Densi ty (pcf) 113.6 111.8 107.6 "-"-Exudation Pressure (psi) 430 265 160 Stabi lometer R-value 70 48 13 Expansion Pressure Thickness (ft.) 1.07 0.37 ASSUMED II: 6.5 ASSUMED GRAVEL FACTOR: 1.5 R-VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE: 54 ----- R-VALUE BY EXPANSION PRESSURE: 60 R-VALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM: 54 ..I;"!, 't ~>--\~ .. ~'. "':. . .>/' ".. ~ \." '""-' '..,t 'STORM WATER SYSTEM REACH QUANTITY CALCULATIONS ~ LDwer T C A CA J:CA I LOT I ./8" ,q 5·",9 5.07 5.07 1.9 L-OT ~ ;, ·9 3.79 3.</-/·85 20 3.4 LDT 3 Zt;" ,g 3.9 3.5/ 5s/ /. ~S LOT 4 20" ,9 l3.5CP 3.2-'3,1-/.8.5 LOT 5 '2,C;" ·9 '3,(,7 3,3 '6,3 jlgr LOT to 2-0" ·9 '4,53 1107 1:{)? ),?S .tOT 7 . Itll ·9 ').,s 2·zr Z.z.r /·9 . LOT 8 /9 1/. ·9 ~,&4, .z.:3f3 2.351 /,q ~OT 9 u>.r ·9 3·761 3.fJ 3·41 ;.g '-or 10 /9' ·9 /·72-/.55 /.~.r I/q L-6T /0 . /7" '9 ' j. ?f.tf j,Uj /Jdl 'z. tOT II " ,~ .q . ~* 3, I 3,/ j,ts /..DT /2 ;'" .q 3.7. 2.S'8 Z .Z&' I.q PAec. ~l. It .? .. 4.S .' '1~ ~, ~d' 19 ,75 : • ~ 7.J,-. I .. ' TO 7J. .r-.!3 '. U> -.5" -,3·3 .3/17 /,8'..[" . K,.sr. J z.Dr-~Dtf. ' 17 -1-(/ ,ct .344 ·3/ -,~ i-II 4.-u7 ~,5!) ,. CJ-!' ~fb ~., "'Z()' .q . /,(,1 ' /.99-. ' -~ ~ . , t-~r-~ 3.'Z.. 4.~4 /. go,.r , . /?;./9 /.g.r Job No. 80 -4 (p HENRY WORLEY ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING 0 SURVEYING 0 PLANNING Sheet / of . k Client PAS, P. ! ~ 7875 CONVOY COURT. SUITE A·2 Project LOT -l8 PHA5E::n: SAN DIEGO. CA 92111 (714) 571·7728 PIPE CALCULATIONS UPPER END LOWER END .Q TF L 0, 5 V 'F HG h OF Gnd. law., . Cut. Gnd. Inv! ~t. 9.iPB S''', 50% iP.2.'} 8'" 5l/1o W.S .. 8/1 ' an% 593 B" 00% &./1 8" go.1tJ ' 7·5 8" .5V% 4.2.7 8,1 ~o% 4·5 8" .6"'0% tP./4-evl /1," "£"'4% J{) ,0(3 6 z.q C>PE 'N P DWN D~ AHJ 3.,3' " OPE Pi..l D bw~ D{2. ~ III S.Z3 .CWe (JJ ,r:: pu)~ Df2... P. rM 5·+7 . OJ3=: ~ D: pu.nJ t>~A ~ 'I 7.o~ Q-I '(5" j i.,Q% 8 ,013 Q.8 $'.&2-(J-Z /8" . .~~ 2.-3 . (J/3 ~ . -,. , .. :24 S,sg 6(-3 /6./1 . z;~ .75 ,0/.3 '9 Z4:4 ,~4 ~4/' ''2-_11% /6 ' 3/ " , '. ~ Storm return /0 y~, Pr~imin~JrY . Finol __ _ Colc;ulot.d . . Dote I z., -12-~ _ . ;" 4. n Volu. ,0/.9 , corr.~flOn ____ _ Q=CAI Cb.eked Oqt.I_ ....... ____ ..... -----;--~ ;. _. or .-;. I~ :r:'> _/ I ., ~.f.,. -'tr. .. .,. ;.., .. ' STORM WATER SYSTEM REACH QUANTITY CALCULATIONS ... LDwer T C A CA J:CA I f,q~ce L-A " l.r /. ~.s-'PO ~~~ J:,8T. ' , 1i1lCE.~T U;T-(p Zd' ,q ·7/z. /(,4 I • u lr"-(P 4.07 4:71 {.is: 'FA CGt,. ./1-. '-1;s q.-z/ ./·g.r ~ t.7;}.; ~~u. ~ II ,'} .fg .4.3 j"c. br-g -2".3<4 'z.~l I,~( ;; SI. I fPt7.. / ·9 ·,314 ,31 ' ,SI ~-7 ~ , . ..-... , L.e> Ii ,. ...... . ,IZ.33 ;, g~- -n . . .. , , '80-4-~ . Job No. ___ _ HENRY WORLEY' ASSOCIATES Sh.et Z of ~ CIVI~ ENGINEERING 0 ~URVEYING 0 PLANNI~G Clielit P. A I 8; 'f '. .f 7875CONVOYCOURT,SUITEA.2, Project L.or -Ig. fI+A~~::u::. SAN DIEGO, 'CA 82111 (714) 571·7728 " PIPE CALCULATIONS UPPER END LOWER ·ENO Q TF L 0 ,S V F HG h· OF ,Gnd. Irw. Cut Gnd. Inv. Cut. 8.32 ~I /b" i4.4"2.-IIJ;r .,0/3 IE.S- 8.72 G'llo. 15'1 ~ "/0 .GJI3, q.2. . 7.S 170Q.3 ey-z. /g" 3.s&,% 1/ .t)/.3 2<\ 17·()3 f)3 Ii" '7-''t?% 18 ,o./~ z.9 e 5·2 ~+ /2/"/" 6.3 Z"% 8 ~/-B ~6 ,. -: " .. , , '2-2.,~ c¥5 ,/g" I 7· 19ft /~ ,0/3 ~'7 '\ .. .. , . , '. :ei I , , , . ' . .', .! ,,~ , i' J I , " ... / . ~t~ .~<. ~ , " ... ,,~ Stormr" .... n /0 y,Rs. Preliminary Final __ _ ,<:,.;r,,:, Calculated Date )'2,,-l~" ~ _ • _ _ L ~\ n VOhle .013 I corr'ctlon,'I"-' ";' __ _ Q=CAI' ::.!.. ,:,;:'" --= ,~ '1 Checked Ogte" ' '": .;. '\; ., ';: " "i .. '.~ ~--~----.-.,,' ;'-', , :/\:1 ::i