HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 80-38; Palomar Oaks Business Park Lot 17; Soils Report; 1988-05-09- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ENGINEERING DEPT. LIBRARY City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 Im - 17 PAunARoAKs~~PARK -,- CY f-ok 4223 For&rosa Avemq Suite A San Diw, California 92123 PREPAREDBY: SouthemCalifomiaS0il&lkstirq,Im. Poet Office Box 20627 6280 Rivwxiale Street San Diego, California 92120 SlOlO 2.3ij: - - - - - - - - - - - - SC T SDUTHERN OALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RlVERDALE ST. SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 * TELE a*04321 * P.O. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 678 ENTEePRIsE ST. EBCONDIDO. GALIF. 923015 . TELE 74S.A544 May 9, 1988 MadisonsqUare Partnership 4223 Pondemsa Avenue, Suite A SCE&T 8821047 San Diego, California 92123 Repcrtm.2 SDMEYX: Report of Soil I-tigation, Lot m 17, Pal- oaks Rusiness Park, Carlsbad, California. Gentl-: In accordance with your request, be have perfomxl an investigationof ths soil conditions at the subject site. The pmpose of our investigation was to evaluate the settlement characteristics of fill and alluvial soils underlyingthethe subject site. We arepresenting herewitha report of our findings. In general, he fcund that the fill and underlying alluvial deposits were suitable to support a tilt-up concrete imilding. Rmever,depmdingonthe position of the pmposed structure, undercutting the cut portion of the lmilding pad as well as a stiffened slab/foundation system may be reqired. If you have any questions after reviewing the findings and reccmrsndations contained in the attached report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully sutlnitted, Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. #00215 CHC:ItW cc: (6) suhnitted (1) SCS&T, Escondido SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 9 0 I L AND TESTINE. I N c. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Introduction and Project Cescription ....................................... 1 Scope of Wxk .............................................................. 1 Findings ................................................................... 2 Site Description .................................................... ...2 Soil Conditions ..................................................... ...3 Conclusions ................................................................ 4 Limitations ................................................................ 5 Field ~lorations ...................................................... ...5 Lab0rator.y sting ...................................................... ...6 FIamE Figure 1 Site Vicinity Map, Follows Page 1 Plate 1 Plot Plan Plate 2 Subsurface E%ploration Legend Platea 3-8 B0rins-P Plates 9-12 Trench Logs l?m Previous I-tigation Plate 13 Consolidation Load Results - _. - - - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AN0 TESTING, IN 0. 6280 RIVERDALE ST. SAN DIEOO, CALIF. 92120 * TELE 280-4321 * P.0. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 b-JB ENTERPRISE ST. EBCONOIDO, c A L I r. 92025 TELE 7a6-a544 REuRroJ?soILIlyvEsTIGlypIDN PAuxuRaAKs~INEssPARK Im! lamPal 17 clmIsmD, CALIFORNIA TtliSlZpXt~ the results of an investigation of the settlemR chsracteristics of the fill and alluvial soils underlying Lot 17 of Palcamr Wlsiress Park. The project is located south of Palmar Mad and abut a mile-and-a-half east of Interstate 5, in the City of Carlsbad, California. wue Bpecifically, the site is southhest of Palamar 0aks Way snd Paseo De1 Lago. The follming Figure Nmhr 1 presents a vicinity mp illuStratbg the site location. The attached Plate bhmbr lpresents a site plan showing the site configuration, and the locations of our subsurface explorations. It is our unjerstanling that no site developmnt plans for this lot are available atthisths, butthatconstmctionwill pmbsblyconsistof aone or tw-story, tilt-up concste building with shallow spxead fcvtings and On-grade concrete slabs. For the w of this repxt,we asmm~ that colum loads will bs less than 80 kip and ml1 loads will be less thsn 3.5 kipsperlhearfoot. For this investigation, our scope of wrk consisted of drilling seven sndl diameter test borings, visual reconnaissance, review of a portion of the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTINS. I N c. - - - - - - - - - - - -. - , ‘I-.. ~-- .+ ;r: 1 I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Lot Number 17, Palomar Oaks Business Park SOIL & TESTING,INC. By: CtiC/WDW DATE: 5-9-88 1 - SCS&T 8821047 - my 9, 1988 previousgeotechnical dccmsnts by Action Gotechnical rrade available to us, reviewof aerial ptmtographs takenprior to sitemass grading, andreviwof the original subdivision grading plans. Six backhoe tremhes bwz excavated onthislotduriugaprevious investigation of the stability of the slope in the rear portion of the lot. We have also mat and discussed this project with representatives of Madison Sguare P artaership WiKJ presently oWns the 10% and Birtcher Construction, &c originally graded the subdivision. Mtion Gmtechuical, provided the original geotechnical ret cmendations for the pxuject as planned and provided the on-site observation and testing during m3ss grading. - Mre specifically, the intent of this study ms to sanple and test ths fill and alluvial deposits underlying the pad, to evaluate the settlement characteristics of said soils, to consult with Madison Sguaze Partnership on our findings, and where questionable soils are found, to provide Ations to help minimize the risk of structural distress as a result of differential settlenents - -, - - - - - - The subject site is a canaaxc ialbuildingpaddesignatedas Lot17 inthe Palomr Oaks Pusiness Park in Car&bad, California. The site, which consists of just uuder tm acres in area, is irregularly shaped and is kounded by PaseoDelLageontheeast,gracbdcmserc ial pads on the mrth and south, and uudevelopsd land on the Wt. lbpcgraphically, the lot is wised of a relatively level building pad with a east facing cut slope located on the western portion of the site. This cut slope ranges up to approximtely sixty feet in height at an inclination of approximately 2:l (horizontal to vertical). The elevation of the pad is approxirnstely 171 feet (MSL), where as elwations at the top of thecut slope range up to apprminWely 230 feet (EL) on the western portion of the lot. An eleven foot high cut and fill slope exists on the south property line of the lot while a 20 to 26 foot - .SCS&T 8821047 May 9, 1988 Page 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - high fill slope exist just north of the lot. Vegetation on-site consists of landscapedtrees and shrubs on the east facing cut slope, and native trees and shrubs on the natuml slopes abve the cut, while nmt of the pad itself is void of all vegetation. U&rgmmd utility lines are expected tc exist in Pasec DelIago at the easternbnmkyof the lot. SlxL OINnTmE The subjectpadis a cut fillpadwith the daylightlimnmning inabuta uorth/south direction as approximately indicated on the plot plan presented herein as Plate Number 1. Based on the original topographic maps, the natural contours foxmad a relatively stesp sided canycn wall in mst of the area covered by the lot. Mass grading in1982 resulted invertical cuts of up to abut 25 feet at the rear of ths pad aud fills up tc abut 21 to 24 feet deep at the front. The fill material was generally found to consist of a mixture of silty sands andclayeysamds,tiththeclayeysauds beingnurepredaninant. with ths exception of the upper few feet, the fill was generally found to be relatively -11 ccepacted md to have a misture content classification of hmid. Very litte vegetation was found in the fill material aud uc azeas of strong oraganic cdors ~3x2 noted. In Bcring Nmker 2, alluvial deposits ware fouml underlying the fill. All other brings emcountered formtional soils below the fill. The alluvial soils emccuntexed extemkd to a depthof 56 feetbelcwtk graded lot. Abut the upper 15 feet of the alluvium consisted of a slightly silty tc poorly gradedcoarse sandwithpelSes.Tbisn&erialranged frmlccsetodense with the loose mterial in a zone lacated near the keter table elevation, which was at abut 26 feet below lot grade. E!elcw the alluvial sands (at a depthof 35 feetkelmpad grade), the alluvialdep3sits grade frmaclayq sand into a very clayey sand/very sandy clay that was classified as mdiux dense or medim stiff to stiff. No significant amunt of vegetation or strong smelling material was noted in the alluvial soils. - - .~ - - - - - - - - - SCS&T 8821047 May 9, 1988 Below the alluvial soils in Poring Nuder 2 and below the fill in all other borings, sandstones, silt&ones, and claystones of the Santiago Formation wsrs found. These soils wze found to be dense and have low settlement characteristics. Landslide debris was also indentified on the lot during a previous investigation of the stability of the slope to the rear of the lot. This material was only a few feet thick and only existed in ths uorthw=stcorner of the lot. The appmximte limits of this mterial is also shown on Plate Nmberlofthismpo?L-t. Remmen%tions regarding the stabilisation of the landslide involved soils are provided inour previous report datedMarch 9, 1988 (SCS&T 8721216) The findings of this study indicate that the site is suitable for development as planned. However, due to the extremely sharp fill differential frcan west to east, there is a higher potential for differential settlertnt for any structure that spans the cut and fill line. Eased on this, consideration shouldbe givento orientating the structure onthis lot in a north/south direction and setting in the westerly half of the lot. This muld minimise ths fill differential aud therefore minimise differential settlemnts. Should the structure span ths cut/fill line such that more than about 25 feet of fill will exist under the portion of the structure while other portions will be on near ucdisturbed soils, a special slab/foundation designmaybe -sary.Tkisspecialdesignshouldbede~~itis known whem the structm will be located on ths lot, but will most likely consist of a stiffened foundation and slab. In addition, if the structm spans the cut/fill line, undercutting the cut portion of the lot my also be necessary, again, this should be detezmined when ths building location is known. In conclusion, it is our opinion that the lot can be developed to receive a tilt-up concrete structure witbout a major earthwork operation and by using SCS&T 8821047 May 9, 1988 Page 5 - - - shallow spread foundations. However, special grading reccnmmdations and a stiffened foundation/slab system my be needed. Pemmmdations regarding these requ iremnts should be made hen the structures position on the lot is lulowl. Therec- tions and opinions eJIpressed in this report reflect our best estimate of the project requirements based on an evaluation of the subsurface soil conditions encountered at the subsurface exploration locations and the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those encountered. It should be recognized that the performance of the foundations and/or cut and fill slopes may bs influenced by undisclosed or unforeseen variations in the soil conditions that my cccurintheintemediateandunexplored-. Any unusual conditions not cowred in this report that may be encountered during site developnent should be brought to the attention of the soils engineer so that he may mke modifications if necessary. In addition, this office should be advised of any changes in the project scope or proposed site grading sothatitmybe deteminediftherec omendations contained herein m appropriate. This should be verified in writing or nodified by a written addendm. Seven subsurface explorations - made at the locations indicated on the attached Plate Nmber 1 on April 6, 1988. These explorations consisted of seven eight-inch-diameter borings drilled with a continuous flight auger. The field work was conducted under the observation of our engineering seology person.=l. The explorations ware carefully logged when made. These logs are presented on the following Plate Nunbers 3 through 8. In addition the trench logs from the previous investigation are shown as Plates 9 through 12. The soils are described in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System as - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SCS&T 8821047 May 9, 1988 Page 6 illustrated on the attached sinplified chart on Plate 2. In addition, a verbal textual description, the wet color, ths apparent moisture and the density or consistency axe provided. The density of granular soils is given as either very loose, loose, medium dense, dense or very dense. The consistency of silts or clays is given as either very soft, soft, medium stiff, stiff, very stiff, or hard. Disturbed and “undisturbed” sanples of typical and representative soils were obtained and returned to the laboratory for testing. Laboratorytests mreperformed inaccordancewith ths geuerallyaccepted American Society for Testing and Materials (A.S.T.M.) test methods or suggested procedures. A brief description of the tests performed is presentedbelow: a) C!LhSSIFICXl!ICN: Field classifications ware verified in the laboratory by visual examination. Ths final soil classifications are in accordance with ths Unified Soil Classification System. b) --: Field moisture content and dry density ware m for representative samples obtained. This information was an aid to classification and permitted recognition of variations in material consistency with depth. The dry unit weight is determinsd in pounds per cubic foot, and the field moisture content is detemined as a perceutage of the soil's dry might. Thsresultsaresmmrizedinthetrenchlogs. C) BCN TIBIS: TKI consolidation tests ware perfonmd on selected "undisturbed" sanples. The consolidation apparatus was designed to acccacdate a l-inch-high by 2.375~inch or 2.500~inch diameter soil sample laterally confined by a brass ring. Porous stones ware placed in contact with the top and bottom of the .- - - - - - - - - - SCS&T 8821047 May9,1988 Page 7 saqle to permit the addition or release of pore fluid during testing. Loads wre applied to the sample in a geometric progression after vertical movement ceased, 'and resulting deformations ware recorded. The percent consolidation for each load cycle is reported as the ratio of the amount of vertical ccepression to the original orra-irwch sample height. The test sanplewasinundatedats~pointinthetestcycleto~t~ its khavior under the anticipated footing load as soil moisture immes . The results of this test are presented in the foKm of a cwve on Plate Nueber 13. d) axuPsJ3 TSJS: !l!m single point consolidation tests ware perfomad on selected "undisturbed" sanple. The consolidation apparatus was design&to acccmdate a l-inch high by 2.375~inch or 2.500~inch diamter soil sanple laterally confined by a brass ring. Porous stales t8ex-e placed incontactwiththetopand lmtb of the sanple to pemdt the addition or release of pore fluid during testing. Selectedloa& - appliedto the sanples and the resulting defornmtions were recorded. The percent consolidation for each load cycle is reported as the ratio of the amuut of vertical compression to the original one-inch sample height. TIE testsanples kere inuudated to determine their behavior undsr the anticipated footing load as soil misture increasss. Theresults of thesetests arepresentedbslow. Sauple liuker: Bl @ 5.5' B2 @ 15' ~istureContentE!efore: 8.9 % 15.8 % Censity: 108.6 pcf 101.7 pcf Moisture Content After: 17.0 % 19.6 % AxialLoad: 2.86 ksf 2.86 ksf Consolidation Before Water: 1.3 % 2.1 % After Water: 2.1 % 2.6 % - - - - - - - - - -. - - - .- - TI SANTIASO f ORNATION Oh LANDSLIDB DBBRIS Z- Oaf ARTIf ICIAL f ILL 0 BORINQ LOCATION SCALE l”50 - - +APPRO,XIYATt LOCATION CUT/FILL LINE 0 20 40 60 80 lot I TRENCH LOCATION SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Lot Number 17, Palomar Oaks Business Park SOIL & TESTINQ,INC. BY: CHC/WDW DATE: 5-9-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 1 - - - .~ - - - - -. - - .,- .- - .- SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LEGEND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION GROUP SYMBOL TYP"AL NAMES Al . COARSE GRAINEO. more than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size. RAVELS CLEAN GRAVELS GW we than half of oarse fraction is arger than No. 4 GP ieve size but mailer than 3". GRAVELS WITH FINES GM (Rppreciable amount of fines) GC Well graded gravels, gravel- sand mixtures, little or no fines. Poorly graded gravels. gravel sand mixtures. little or no fines. Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand, clay mixtures. ANOS CLEAN SANDS SW Well graded sand, gravelly orethan half of sands, little or no fines. owse fraction is SP Poorly graded sands. gravelly mailer than No. 4 sands, litile or no fines. ieve size. SANDS WITH FINES SM Siltv sands. poorlv waded (Appreciable amount sand-and siiti mix&J&S. of fines) SC Clayey sands. poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. I. FINE GRAIWED, more than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size. SILTS AND CLAYS ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with sliqht plas- Liquid Limit less than 50 _ ticity. CL Inorganic clays of low t0 nedium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clavs. lean clavs. Organic silts and organic silty clays or low plasticity. Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils. elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit greater than 50 OL NH CH OH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat and other highly organic soils. -It - Water level at time of excavation CK - Undisturbed chunk sample or as indicated BG - Bulk sample US - Undisturbed, driven ring sample or tube sample SP - Standard penetration sample SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTINQ, INC. BY: CHC DATE: 4-06-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 7 - - .~. - - -- - - -~ -- - - - E E : 7 ,! ; BORING NUMBER 1 k : ,:> gw= : ;i z -+ < zc Y * IE - Y z : 5 2 0 ELEVATION Y z zwii FozS ; l <; > 0 P ; OY 2: 2k cl)); go o&u ai c z= -- “ii : 0 t:” r 5: ii ;: 5 4x l o= ;i; 00 2 = zg flz DESCRIPTION :a2 0 so “Z 0 Oy 0 5 0 SW FILL, Brown Grey, Humid Medium 2- SC CLAYEY SILTY SAND Dense 40 115.4 13.3 ~~~----_ ~- SM SUBSOIL, Dark Tan Brown, Humid Medium 61 US SILTY SAND, Slightly Porous Dense 39 108.6 8.9 8s SM SANTIAGO FORMATION Humid Medium Weathered, Orange Tan, Dense SILTY SAND, Small to 10 - White Caliche Spots, Dense I us Slightly Porous 51 12 - 14- 16 1 78 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: GS DATE LOGGED: 4-06-8; JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No.3 -- - .- -~ - - - - - - -~ ,~ - - % -: E z ,z .T. ; BORING NUMBER 2 E =: : -+ < :: l ,g = Q, Fz- $ w ?! z Y z F !!! i 0 ELEVATION : z l <; :+ -- > 0 i $ 2:. em SE: ec,: i: l-2 k E tg” l-u)- fn w ;i; l -o 0; 5 i < s (0 = DESCRIPTION 00 :a2 : = 0 FILL to 21 FEET, Brown Dry/ Medium Grey, CLAYEY SAND, with Humid Dense Trace of Small Rootlets Humid 16 99.4 20.9 6 1 US SM Tan Grey to Orange Tan, 28 103.8 15.7 SILTY SAND 8- 10 I us SC Dark Brown, CLAYEY SAND 19 108.8 18.3 12 - 14 - BAG 16 I us SC 19 101.7 15.8 I us 21 18 - !O - !2 - !4 - sp/ ALLUVIUM, Tan, SLIGHTLY Moist Loose/ SM SILTY SAND Wet Medium Dense !6 II- 109.8 19.2 ----- -- T Satur- BAG ated !8 L Continued SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BV: GS DATE LOGGED: 4-06-81 JOG NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 4 -~. - -. .- - -~ ..~ - .- - -. - - - I 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 : F < 20 g2 *i : 0 - jP LORING NUMBER 2 onti nued DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM, Tan, Coarse iatur- Sand with Pebbles [ted US X Grey, CLAYEY SAND JS X/ CL X/ CL - IL 2ey to Dark Brown, VERY loistl CLAYEY SAND Wet JS ;rey, VERY CLAYEY SAND jANTIAG0 FORMATION, Tan ;rey, SANDY CLAYEY SILT Wet l0ist/ Wet umid )ense Yedium )ense to 1ense 36 tedium lense 20 111.4 16.7 ledium lense/ ledium jtiff 25 105.1 21.2 ledium 18 103.6 Z2.7 40 w 8 ce - 2 5 ln Y z 5 = 0 0 z Y z > 0 ; ; l 0 d 2 = z 0 0 SOUTHeRN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: GS DATE LOGGED: 4-06-8t JOB NUMBER:~=‘~~~~ Plate No. 5 - - - - .- ,- - - - - - - - - E E 5 7 ,- ‘; ; BORING NUMBER 3 k 2 ti,i ; E=: z 2 z ii- Y L : Y 2 = ELEVATION Y 2 $lU- I-* Fz- i l a; 3 I- *o_ t OE : m;i 2 ZJ ;cn= EG” ;: 0 - ; LiG si 0 ~2 0 : : k:” YiyJ. >= 0; : <o= $UB DESCRIPTION 00 P’O 0” s 0 : ; 0 0 0 0 : SM FILL TO 11 FEET, Tan Dry/ Medium 2- with Grey, SILTY SAND Humid Dense 1 us 33 116.7 10.0 4- BAG 6 ' "' 25 108.8 12.3 8rBa-F- - -- ~- SC Dark Brown, CLAYEY SAND, Humid Medium l/4" Roots Dense O- 1-W Root in Samole 35 2- SM SANTIAGO FORMATION Humid Dense '; us Hard Drilling, Orange Tan, SILTY SAND 28 4 _ BAG .6 - BORING, NlfMBeR 4 0 - SW FILL, Tan Grey, CLAYEY Dry/ Loose/ SC SILTY SAND Humid Medium 2- SM 1 us SANTIAGO FORMATION, Tan Humid Dense Grey, SILTY SAND 80 4- 61 Us 80 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: 6s DATE LOGGED: 4-06-B{ JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 6 - - .- .- .~ .- - - - - -~ - - SANTIAGO FORMATION Tan Grey, SILTY SAND BORINQ~ N-UMBER 6 Humid Medium 2- Dense 4 SANTIAGO FORMATION, Humid Dense Orange Tan, SILTY SAND, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: GS DATE LOGGED: 4-06-82 JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 7 - - .- - - .-~ - -- - - - - - - - 2 5 % .2 * = = ,z BORING NUMBER 7 ;i < : : $5, z z*+ 5:: ; r wz > 0 z 2 i i; Wu, ELEVATION :z :+z F2-J ; <<z lU= 2 : ; ; k oii < u) <YW “,‘;’ : 0” *au -0 -+ : o < 0 ;: cn :z :z” : l s l 0= SE; z DESCRIPTION 00 PYKZ 0 :g : ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 SW FILL to 23 FEET, Brown Humid Medium 2- SC Grey, CLAYEY SILTY SAND Dense 4- 6- 8- 10 - 1 SP SM Grey Brown, SILTY SAND Humid Medium 15 12 - Dense L4- 16 & SP SM Grey Brown, SILTY SAND Humid Medium 16 Dense 18 - 20 - , Sk' SM Grey Brown, SILTY SAND Humid Loose/ 5 22- Medium Dense 24 - SM SANTIAGO FORMATION, Light Humid Medium Olive Grey with Orange Dense Staines, SILTY SAND 261 SP 18 Humid Dense 55 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BV: GS DATE LOGGED: 4-06-8t JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 8 - .- ,- - - - - - - _- - - - - - - - I- *’ 1 QROUND BURFACE TQ !JLY CLAYEY BILTY BAND FiLL BROWN BLIQI--- -- -- LANDBLIDE 1 .f = = = -- - - - - 2 RUBT-BROWN l ANDBTORE BANTIAQO FORMATION 3.. MATERIAL IB BABICALLY HORIZONTAL 4.. QRELtC)i#OWN 5.. CLAYBTONE I 6- VIEW LOOKING WEST TlO BROUWDSURFACE FILL BROWN BLIBNTLY CLAYEY BILTY BAND REMOLDED CLAY SEAY QREY-BROWN ,6:ILTBTONE AND BUFF BANDBTONE I- BUFF SANDBTONE I- QRE.Y-BROWN AND YELLOW-BROWN SILTSTONE CLAYBTONE (LARDBLIDE DEBRIB) I VIEW LOOKING WEST SCALE l”=: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Palomar Oaks SOIL & TESTIN~,INC. BY: RSH/'!KIW DATE: 3-08-88 JOB NUMBER8721?16 plate No. 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - Tll BUFF SANDSTONE 2.. 3. REMOLDED CLAY SEAM 4 ., ORtEN-BROWN SILT&TONE AND SANDSTOME 5 .’ SANTIAQO FORMATION YATEBIAL IS HORIZONTAL 6 .. VIEW LOOKIWG NORTH QROUND SURFACE T12 FILL BROWN SLIOHTLY CLAYEY SILTY SAND SANTIAQO FORMATION BUFF BANDITOWE LltHlT QB.EY ~F?NE~~~BAWDBTONE AND SILTBT~E I- . BUFF SANDBTONE I. QREEN-BROWN CLAYSTONE = = - - j-- 3 \= Z REMOLDED CLAY BEAM 5.. LlQblT QREY BANDSTONE AND LIQHT ORBEN-BROWN BILTSTOME 7-L VIEW LOOKING WEST SCALE l”= 2’ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Palomar Caks SOIL & TESTINO,INC. wRSH/WDW DATE: 3-08-88 JOB NUMBER: 8721216 Plate No. 10 I , I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 " 2- 3 " 4 .' T13 FILL l BOWN CLAYEY #AND .lOHT OREY FINE l&v.,. .__-.. _ -:LTSTONB AND BUFF UA = - aREE:;BBDV$LAYS6%NE = REM0 z z = = = - - SLAY LIQHT QREY SANDSTONE AN9 LIQHT QREEN-BROWN SILTWONE lLDED CLAY VIEW ‘Ltb~:Kl,N‘B’: *VEST SCALE 1’2 2’ - - - - - - - _- - - - - - - .~. T17 iROUND BURFACE FILL BROWN BLIOHTLY CLAYEY SILTY BAND BUFF BANOBTONE LlMT GREY FlNE SANDSTONE AND SILTSTONE BUFF BANDSTONE QREEN-BROWN CLAYSTONE S f f LIGHT OREY BANDBTONE AND LIGHT GREEN-BROWN SILTSTONE - VIEW LOOKING WEST SCALE l”= 2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Palomar Oaks SOIL & TLSTINQ, INC. BV: RSH/WDW DATE: 3-08-88 JOB,,,,MBER: 8721216 Plate No. 17 -J i J J 1 1 3 4 3 t / I I,,,, IL,,, I I I II-II!!! I I I!l!lI LOAD kips/sq. f t. 1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Lot Number 17, Palomar Business Park SOIL 81 TEBTINQ LAB, INC. . . ..D “I”m”P*L. .T”rn.T By CHC MTE 5-g-88 .AN q I.00, SALICOINIA rnP,PO JOBNO. 8721216 Plate No. 13 - - - - - - - ..- 4% T SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE ST. SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 * TELE 280-4321 * P.O. BOX 20627 BAN DIEGO. CALIF. 92120 678 ENTERPRISE BT. EecoNoIoo. E.LlI. 91023 . TELE 716-4544 October 17, 1988 MadisonSquare Partnership 4223 F+mderosa Avenue, Suite A SCS&T 8821047 San Diego, California 92123 RepJrtNo. 7 t?iDAKT: Foundation Recomrxdations, Proposed Office Building, Lot m 17, Pal- C&s Business Park, Carlsbad, California. CT 00 -38 PLrQ zz REFERENCE: Repxt of Soil Investigation, Lot N&xx 17, Palcm~~ Oaks Business Park, by Southern California Soil and Testing, IIE., dated May 9, 1988. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report has keen prepared to present foundation ret-ndations for the proposed building on the subject site. It is our understanding that the proposed building will consist of a 25 foot. high tilt-up concrete structure with glass panels around a portion of the front. The building will have a lrezzanine floor with with an area of 3860 square feet and a first floor area of 17,440 square feet. Shallow foundations and an on-grade slab are anticipated. Wall loads are expscted nottoexceed 5,000 pounds per linear foot andcolunmloads areexpectednot to exceed 65 kips. Since the preparation uf the referenced report, approximately five feet of fill has been placed on the lot. The fill consists basically of silty sands with low to very low expansive characteristics. The placement of the fill SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA S01L AND TESTINE. IN0 - - -. - - - - - -. - - - &S&T 8821047 October 17, 1988 Page 2 was Observed by Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc., and compaction tests ware taken during the placemsnt to determine if the fill was being properly compacted. Based on our testing and observations, it is our opinion that the fill was, in fact, properly placed. Based on the information generated by our referenced report and the observation and testing of the recent fill, it is our opinion that the buildingonthis lot maybe foundedon shallowspread footings. Basedonthe abovs mantioned type of structure and anticipated building loads, it is our opinion that structures can be founded on conventional shallow footings. Continuous footings should be founded at least 18 inches below lowest adjacent finish grade and should have a minhtumwidthof 15 inches. Square pad footing for the interior colunms should be founded at least 18 inches below pad grade and should have a minimum width of 24 inches. Spread footings with these mininnxn dimsnsions maybe assunmd to have an allowable bearing capacity of 3500 psf. This value may be increased by one-thrid for wind and/or seismic loading. All footing should be reinforced in accordance with the ret cmmsndation of the structural engineer. However, as a minimum, we recommend that all continuous footings be reinforced with at least one No. 5 bar top and b3ttom. The interior on-grade slab should have a minhml thichss of 4 inches. If heavy slab loads and/or forklift traffic is expected, the min.bNm thickness of the slab should be five inches and the concrete strength should be increased from the standard 2000 psi to 3000 psi. The higher concrete strength is to create a harder surface that will reduce rutting and dusting of the concrete by the forklift, and it should not be considered a structural reguiremant or require special inspection. The interior slab should be underlain by at least four inches of clean coarse sand or crushed rock. The sand should have no more than 10 percent by waight passing a No. 100 standard sieve. A layer of visgueen should be placed over the crushed rock with a one inch layer of sand placed over the visgueen to allow for proper curing of the concrete. If sand is used insteadof crushed rock, the visgueen should be placed one inch down from the top of the sand layer. -. - - - - - - - - SC&T 8821047 October 17, 1988 Page 3 If you have any questions after reviewing the findings and Btion.5 contained in the attached report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This oppoaunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully sLltmitted, -CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING. INC. Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. #00215 CHC:IlW cc: (2) suhnitted (2) Dohubs, Incorporated ?SFlN:LawrenceGere (2) Plant-Cook, Incorporated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOT 18 LEGEND To SANTIAQO FORMATION QIS LANDSLIDE DEBRIS aat ARTIFICIAL FILL 0 BORlNQ LOCATlON SCALE I”50 - * +APPBOXIYATE~ LOCATION CUT/FILL LINE 0 x) 40 60 80 lot I TRENCH LOCATION SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Lot Number 17, Palomar Oaks Business Park SOIL & TESTING,INC. BV: CHC/WDW DATE: 5-9-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 1 - - - - - REPORT OF FIELD OBSERVATIONS RELATIVE COMPACTION TESTS LOT 17 PALOMAR OAKS BUSINESS PARK CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: MADISON SQUARE PARTNERSHIP 4223 Ponderosa Avenue, Suite A San Diego, California 92123 - - PREPARED BY: - - - - - Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. Post Office Box 20627 6280 Riverdale Street San Diego, California 92120 - - _- - - - - .~ _. -. - - - - - 4% T SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE BT. SAN DIEGO. CALIF. 9ZlZO * TELE 28~4121 * P.D. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 678 ENTERPRISE ST. ESCDHDIDO. CALIF. 923015 . TELE 746.4544 October 19, 1988 Madison Square Partnership 4223 Ponderosa Avenue, Suite A San Diego, California 92123 SCSLT 8821047 Report No. 8 SUBJECT: Report of Field Observation and Relative Compaction Tests, Lot 17, Palomar Oaks Business Park, Carlsbad, California. REFERENCE: Report of Soil Investigation, Lot Number 17, Palomar Oaks Business Park, Carlsbad, California, Prepared by Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc., dated May 9, 1988. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to present a summary of our field observations and the results of relative compaction tests performed at the subject site by Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. These services were performed between September 8 and September 23, 1988. SITE DESCRIPTIOU The subject site is a commercial building pad designated as Lot 17 in the Palomar Oaks Business Park in Carlsbad, California. The site, which consists of just under two acres in area, is SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 5 0 I L AND TESTING. I N c. - - SCS&T 8821047 October 19, 1988 Page 2 - - -- .- irregularly shaped and is bounded by Paseo De1 Lago on the east, graded commercial pads on the north and south, and undeveloped land on the west. Prior to this phase of grading work, the lot was comprised of a relatively level cut/fill building pad with a east facing cut slope located on the western portion of the site. This pad was the result of mass grading operations which took place in 1982. Vegetation on-site consisted of landscaped trees and shrubs on the east facing cut slope, and native trees and shrubs on the natural slopes above the cut, while most Of the pad itself was void of vegetation. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION It is our understanding that no site development plans for this lot are available at this time, but that construction will probably consist of a one or two-story, tilt-up concrete building with shallow spread footings and on-grade concrete slabs. AVAILABLE PLANS For the purpose of this report, to assist in determining the locations of our field density tests and to define the general extent of the site grading for this phase of work, a not-to- scale drawing was made of the completed earthwork. SITR PREPARATION Grading operations began with the scarification of existing near surface soils to a depth of approximately twelve inches. These soils were then moisture conditioned and recompacted prior to the placement of additional embankment. Imported soils were then placed in approximate six to eight inch lifts, watered to above optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 90 - - SCS&T 8821047 October 19, 1988 Page 3 - percent relative compaction. Slopes adjacent to the building pad were benched into in a stair-step manner as the depth of fill increased. - -. - - - - - - - - FIRLLI OBSRRVATION AND TRSTING Observations and field density tests were performed by a representative of Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. during the site grading operations. The density tests were taken according to A.S.T.M. Test 1556-74 and the results of those tests are shown on the attached Plate NO. 2. The accuracy of the in-situ density tests locations and elevations is a function of the accuracy of the survey control provided by other than Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. representatives. Unless otherwise noted, their locations and elevations were determined by pacing and hand level methods and should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. AS used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we observed the progress of work we agreed to be involved with, and performed tests, on which, together, we based our opinion as to whether the work essentially complies with the job requirements, local grading ordinances and the Uniform Building Code. LARORATORYTRSTS Maximum dry density determinations were performed on representatives samples of the soils used in the compacted fills according to A.S.T.M. Test 1577-70, Method A. This method specifies that a four inch diameter cylindrical mold of l/30 cubic foot volume be used and that soil tested be placed in five equal layers with each layer compacted by twenty-five blows of a SCS&T 8821047 October 19, 1988 Page 4 - - -. - - - .- - - - - lo-pound hammer with a 18-inch drop. The results of these tests, as presented on Plate No. 3, were used in conjunction with the field density tests to determine the degree of relative compaction of the compacted fill. CONCLUSIONS Based on our field observations and the density test results, it is the opinion of Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. that the grading was performed basically in accordance with recommendations made by our firm, City of Carlsbad grading ordinances, and currently accepted engineering practices. LINITATIONS This report covers only the services performed between September 8 and September 23, 1988. As limited by the scope of the services which we agreed to perform, our opinion presented herein are based on our observations and the relative compaction test results. Our service was performed in accordance with the currently accepted standard of practice and in such a manner as to provide a reasonable measure of the compliance of the grading operations with the job requirements. No warranty, express or implied, is given or intended with respect to the services which we have performed, and neither the performance of those services nor the submittal of this report should be construed as relieving the grading contractor of his responsibility to conform with the job requirements. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. - - - - - - - - - - - - - SCS&T 8821047 October 19, 1988 Page 5 This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. SCS&T Project SUperViSOr Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. #00215 CHC/DH/MH/rr cc: (6) Submitted (1) SCStiT, Escondido - .- - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - -. - LEGEND N 0 IlCPLACE DENSITY TEST LOCATION 200 - - - - ORIQINAL TOPOQRAPMV El- -EXISTIWQ : TOPOQRAPW SCALE’ 1”=60’ - -M- - hAPPROXIMATE LOCATIQ( OF DAYLIWT UN= 0 40 60 120 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Pal-r Oaks Business:Park. Lot 17 SOIL 8 TLSTINQ,INC. BY: CHC DATE: 10-19-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 1 - - JOB NAME: Palomar Oaks Lot TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP NO. (percent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) ~-~~--_--_-_---__-______________________~~~~~~~~~-~~~--~-~---~~~---~~~~~-~~~~ 17 JOB NO: 8821047 PLATE NO: 2 1 2 3 - i 6 - 7 a 9 10 - 11 12 13 - E - E i"9 20 21 22 23 - 24 25 26 - 27 28 29 30 - 31 32 33 - 34 35 it 38 39 - - - - 9-8-88 Lot 17 166.0 PEG 11.7 109.5 9-8-88 Lot 17 166.5 PEG 10.5 115.8 9-8-88 Lot 17 167.0 PEG 12.4 110.0 9-9-88 Lot 17 166.5 15.6 112.1 9-9-88 Lot 17 167.0 14.3 110.8 9-9-88 Lot 17 167.5 13.6 113.5 9-9-88 Lot 17 167.0 12.4 112.5 9-9-88 Lot 17 168.0 16.3 114.9 9-12-88 Lot 17 168.5 11.1 106.6 9-12-88 Retest #9 168.5 13.0 111.9 9-12-88 Lot 17 168.0 15.6 112.9 9-12-88 Lot 17 168.5 14.3 111.5 9-12-88 Lot 17 169.0 12.4 114.4 9-13-88 Lot 17 169.0 14.9 110.5 9-13-88 Lot 17 168.5 14.9 111.4 9-13-88 Lot 17 169.5 14.3 115.7 9-13-88 Lot 17 170.0 14.9 111.7 9-13-88 Lot 17 169.5 13.6 112.1 9-14-88 Lot 17 170.5 12.4 111.7 9-14-88 Lot 17 170.0 13.0 114.2 9-14-88 Lot 17 171.0 14.9 112.6 9-14-88 Lot 17 171.5 12.4 111.8 9-15-88 Lot 17 172.0 11.7 118.6 9-15-88 Lot 17 171.5 13.0 115.8 9-15-88 Lot 17 172.0 14.3 111.6 9-15-88 Lot 17 172.5 11.1 116.6 9-16-88 Lot 17 173.0 12.4 115.1 9-16-88 Lot 17 173.0 11.7 118.1 9-16-88 Lot 17 174.0 14.9 111.7 9-16-88 Lot 17 174.5 15.6 112.5 9-16-88 Lot 17 174.0 13.0 116.8 9-16-88 Lot 17 171.0 12.4 113.8 9-19-88 Lot 17 170.0 14.3 117.6 9-19-88 Lot 17 173.5 11.7 112.1 9-22-88 Lot 17 173.0 12.4 113.7 9-22-88 Lot 17 174.0 11.7 111.5 9-23-88 Lot 17 173.5 12.4 112.0 9-23-88 Lot 17 173.5 11.1 113.6 9-23-88 Lot 17 175.0 FG 11.7 112.4 PEG - Prepared Existing Ground FG - Finished Grade 5 4 5 1 1 1 f 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 i 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 i 3 2 22 2 2 2 91.6 93.7 92.1 93.0 92.0 94.2 92.6 95.4 87.7 92.1 93.7 92.5 94.2 91.7 92.4 95.2 92.7 92.3 91.9 94.Q 93.. 92.0 94.0 91.8 92.6 92.4 91.2 93.6 92.7 93.4 92.6 93.7 93.2 92.3 93.6 91.8 92.2 93.5 92.5 - . ,. - - - - .~ - - - - - - SCS&T 8821047 September 30, 1988 PLATE NO: 3 MAXIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE DETERMINATIONS, ASTM 1557-78 -------_--______________________________------------------------- SOIL METHOD DESCRIPTION OPTIMUM MAXIMUM TYPE MOISTURE DENSITY (percent 1 (pcf) 1 A Grayish Brown, Fine, 14.0 120.5 Silty, SAND 2 A Off White, Very Fine, 11.5 121.5 Silty, SAND 3 A Yellowish Brown, Medium Grained, SAND 10.4 126.2 4 A Brown, Fine, Clayey, 9.4 123.6 SAND 5 A Grayish Brown, Fine 11.2 119.5 Silty, SAND - - - - - - - - SC T - - - - October 17, 1988 MadisonSquare Partnership 4223 Pondercsa Avenue, Suite A San Diego, California 92123 SCS&T 8821047 ~epoa~o. 6 SUBJECT: Drilled Pier Design %consrsndations, Lot Nurrsws 18 and 19, Pal- Oaks Business Park, Carl&ad, California. - REJ?EPEtK!Z: Report of Gectechnical Investigation, Iat Embars 18 and 19, Palomar Oaks Business Park, by Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc., dated October 3, 1988. (Sepcrt No. 5) - ,. - - .- ,~ - - In accordance with your request, this addendum has been prepared for the referenced repcrt to present recommxiations for drilled, cast-in-place concrete piers. The following provides our recomeuded design criteria for this type of foundation system, as it relates to ths soil conditions exposed during our investigation of the tm lots. (XNERAL: In order to design the foundation system to consider the potential for differential settlement of the fills and loose alluvial deposits underlying the to subject lots, their own weight, the two proposed structures should be suppxted by drilled, cast-in-place concrete piers. All piers should extend at least five feet into firm natural ground and should SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTINS. I r-4 c. -. - .- - - - - - - - - SCS&T 8821047 October 17, 1988 have a minimum diameter of 24 inches. Piers should be reinforced in accordance with the reconnendations of the project structural engineer. It should be noted that the lowar portion of the alluvium does contain sonm saturated soils that are subject to cavings. If caving proves to be excessive, it nmy bs necessary to case the holes. If caving without free water occurs as a result of loose friable soils, placement of a lean sand/cemant mix in the susceptible areas may stabilise the holes. A fresh hole could then be drilled through this material that should not cave. D If 24-inch dianeter piers are used, the cleaning of the bottom of the pier excavation nmy be performed by pouring approximately a gallon of wter into the hole and back-spinning the drill auger under pressure. If larger diameter piers are used, handcleaningnmybereguired.Thiswillbe determined by dawn-hole observation by a geologist or engineer from our staff after back-spinning the drill auger. All pier excavations should bs observed by a ne&er of our staff to verify that the mininmm recomnandsd -t has ken obtained. VERPICAL CAPPEPPY: The vertical capacity of drilled cast-in-place piers can be determinsd from end bearing on the fonmtional sandstones. Negative skin friction bet-n the fill and cast-in-place piers can be neglected and the weight of the piers can be assumed to be off-set by the skin friction bet- the pier and sandstones. The nkninmn pier length should be 20 feet. The following formula can be used to determine the allowable vertical capacity of drilled cast-in-place concrete piers. Qa = 1.80 9 L where: Qa = Allowable vertical capacity of pier in kips. L =Tbtal e&admantbelowfinishpadgrade in feat. (L nmxinmm for this fommla is limited to 20 D) D = Diameter of pier in feet. The allowable uplift or pull out capacity of the cast-in-place piers may be determined from the following formula. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- SCS&T'8821047 October 17, 1988 Ta = 0.063DL2 + Wp where: Ta = Allowable uplift capacity of pier in kips L = Total enbadmsnt below finish pad grade in feet D = Diameter of pier in feet Wp = Weight of pier in kips. Page 3 LWERAL PIER CApAcITY: The allowable lateral capacity of cast-in-place concrete piers in kips may be assured to he equal to five tines the pier diameter. For emle a tw foot diamater piers weld have an alloxable lateral capacity of 10 kips and a three foot diamater pier would have an allavable lateral capacity of 15 kips. A one-third increase in these values can be used for seismic loading. QQJERAL: We ret-nd that the on-grads concrete slab either he a structural slab or be a floating slab having a minimnnthickness of five inches and reinforced with No. 3 bars at 12 inches on center each way. It should be noted, however, that if a floating slab is mused, sa future repair such as pressure grcuting to fill any voids that nmy occur below the slab may be necessary. If you have any questions after reviewing the findings and reconsendations contained in the attached repcrt, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully subnitted, SwIlIERNCALIFoRNIASOI~+ TESTING, INC. Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. #00215 cHc:m cc: (2) suimlitted (2) Dshube, Incorporated A!FlW: Lawrence Gere (2) Plant-cook, Incorporated - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - REPcmoF SOIL INvEsrImm LUT NUMBER5 18 Aw 19 PALmARQAKSEmmwSPARK -,- PREPARED FOR: -sqUare-fip 4223 Ponderosa Avenue, Suite A San Diego, California 92123 PREPARED BY: SmttbmCalifomiaSoilhlksthg,Inc. Post Office Box 20627 6280 Riverdale Street San Dieyo, California 92120 - - .- - - - - - - - - .- - Cctober 3, 1988 Madison Square Partnership 4223 Pcnderosa Avenue, Suite A SCS&T 8821047 San Diego, California 92123 ReportNo. 5 SURl?XT: Repcrt of Soil Investigation, Lot ~undxrs 18 and 19, Paloner oaks Business Park, Carl&ad, California. Gentleman: In accordance with your request, wa havs performed an investigation of the soil conditions at the subject site. The purpcse of our investigation ms to evaluate the settlement characteristics of fill and alluvial soils underlying the the subject site. me are presenting herewith a repcrt of our findings. In general, wa found that the lots as graded are not suitable to support the proposed tilt-up concrete buildings. Therefore, deep foundations such as driven piles will be necessary. If you have any questions after reviewing the findings and rwmmmdations contained in the attached report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully subnitted, .somHEmCALIECmIASoIL & TRSTING, INC. Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. #00215 CHC:ItW cc: (6) Sutxnitted (1) SCS&T, Escondido SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTINS. I N c. - - -. - mBLEoFaI?lEuE Pm3 Intrcduction and Project Description ....................................... 1 Scope of Work ........................................................... ...2 Filldings ................................................................... 2 Site Description .................................................... ...2 Soil Conditions ..................................................... ...3 Conclusions and Rez ~tions ......................................... ...6 General ............................................................. ...6 .......................... 7 .......................... 7 .1.........................7 .- - Grading ...................................... ........................ Site Preparation Site Preparation for Earth Retaining Wal Surface Drainage ........................ Earthwork ............................... Seep Foundations ............................. .......................... 7 .......................... 7 .......................... 8 General ........................................................ ...8 Pile Capacity ................................................... ..E Croup ~tion .................................................... ..g Indicator Piles ................................................. ..g Pile Installation................................................lO Interior Concrete Slab-on-Grade.......................................lO Miscellaneous Inp rcvments............................................lO General..........................................................l 0 Foundations.................................................ll Reinforc~nt...............................................ll Comxete Slate-onGrade.....................................ll Exterior Slatze-on-Grade.....................................ll Settlemant Characteristics.......................................12 Expansive Characteristics........................................12 Grading aud Foundation Plan Review....................................1 2 Earth Retaining Walls.................................................l2 Passive Pressure.................................................12 Active Pressure..................................................13 Backfill.........................................................l 3 Factor of Safety.................................................l3 Limitations ............................................................. ..13 Field E~lorations........................................................l 4 Laboratory Testing........................................................l 5 - - - - .- -. FIaJRm Figure 1 Figure 2 Site Vicinity Map, Followi Page 1 Pile-Group Efficiency, Page 9 Plate Plate ; Plot Plan Subsurface Exploration Lqend Plates 3-14 Boring Icg.5 Plates 15-17 Trench ~cgs From Previous Investigation Plates 18-19 Consolidation Icad Results Plates 20-21 Collapse Tests Results Plates 22-23 Direct Shear Results Plate 24 Detail Makened Plate Joint Detail RscCnsaauded Grading Specifications and Special Provisions -. - - - - - - - -. ,~- - - - 4% T REEcmoFsoILINmnI~m PALa4mo?AKSSL!SINESSPAlm mr NUMEERS 18 AND 19 cmLS~,CALlIFQRNIA This repcrt presents the results of au investigation of the settlesent characteristics of the fill and alluvial soils underlying Lots 18 and 19 of Palomar Oaks Susiness Park. Theprcjectislccatedsouthof Palrmar Roadaud abut a mile-and-a-half east of Interstate 5, in the City of Carl&ad, California. Mxe specifically, the tm lots are south and best of Paseo Dal Iago, which is a short cul-de-sac off of ~alrxmr oaks way. ?he follcwing Figure Nunbar 1 presents a vicinity map illustratiug the site location. The attached Plate Number 1 presents a site plan showing the lots configurations, approximate building locations and the locations of our subsurface explorations. It is our understanding that the tm lots are to receive single-story tilt-up concrete buildings. Shallow spread footings and on-grade concrete slabs ware proposed for thethu structures. For the purpose of this report, wa assume that colusm loads will be less than 80 kips and wall loads will be less than 3.5 kips per linear fcot. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTINO. INC. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .~- - - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Lot 18 & 19 SOIL % TESTING,INC. sv: CHC DATE: 10-4-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Fiaure No. 1 27 I’- L-,:’ ; I :I \ p:L ij II I -71 ’ ! +z -3 .I :~ I 1 ? -*g CL J ‘& _, &“.~ f. . ,./ - - S+X.&T 8821047 October 3, 1988 Page 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For this investigation, our scope of work consisted of drilling seven 24-inch diameter test borings, down hole observation of the bore holes, visual reconnaissance of the lots and surrounding area, review of a portion oftheprevious geotechnicald ocumsnts by Action Geotechnical made available to us, review of aerial phot0graphs taken prior to site mass grading, and review of the original subdivision grading plans. Three backhoe trenches ware excavated on these tw lots during a previous investigation of the stability of the slope in the wsterly portion of the lots. Ws have also mat and discussed this project with representatives of Madison Square Partnership who presently owns the lots, and Birtcher Construction, who originally graded the subdivision. Action Ceotechnical providsd the original geotechnical recomndations for the project and provided the on-site observation and testing during mss grading. I&ore specifically, the intent of this study was to sample and test the fill and alluvial deposits underlying the pad, to evaluate the settlement characteristics of said soils, to consult with Madison Square Partnership on our findings, and where questionable soils are found, to provide recomnendations to help minimize the risk of structural distress as a result of differential settlements The subject of this investigation consists of tw graded lots designated as Lots 18 and 19 of Palomar oaks Business Park, the lots are located w=st and south of the terminus of Paseo Mel Lago, in the City of Carlsbad, California. Gn the west, the lots are bounded by a natural hillside that extends up to a plateau utilized for agriculture purposes. North of Lot 18 is an undeveloped lot designated as Lot 17 of the sane subdivision. Lot 19 is south and adjacent to Lot 18. These lots are separated by a slope - Se&T 8821047 October 3, 1988 Page 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - approximtely 10 to 15 feet high. South of Lot 18 is a canyon which drains tcwards Lot18 andundeveloped natural land. Fast of Lot19 is acut slope, natural hillside terrain and agricultural lands similar to those west of the lot. The temin us of Paseo De1 Lag0 is at the northeast corner of I& 19 and this street form the east boundary of Lot 18. Lot 18 covers approximtely 1.8 acres in area while Lot 19 covers abut 2.7 acres. Both lots are irregularly shaped. Vegetation on the existing relatively level pads consists of only sparse wild grasses, with landscape trees and shrubs on the manufactured slopes and adjacent to the streets. The natural slopes abma the cuts are covered with a thick gruwth of natural Z&X-&S. The only underground utilities that are stubbed off at the street edge. l-luever a 36-inch diameter R.C.P. storm drain crosses bth lots as indicated on the attached plot plan. Originally, a significant drainage channel cmssed the two subject lots, draining towards the north. The center of this channel basically crossed the center portion of Lot 19 and crossed the easterly portion of Lot 18. The mass grading for the subdivision resulted in the channel on the tw subject lots being filled in and cuts made into the sides of the drainage channel such that the tm relatively level pads were formed. The approximate location of the cut/fill lines shown on the original grading plan are presented on the attached plot plan. SOIL aNDITIQa The tm subject lots mre graded to their present configurations by filling in the drainage channel that crossed the tm lots, and cutting into the side slopes to form tm, relatively level pads. Based on the original grading plan, the maximxa depth of fill should be on the order of 15 and 12 feet on Lot No. 18 and 19 respectively. The grading plan also indicated that the proposed building onmts NJ. 18 weld be almst entirely on cut, while on .- - SC&T 8821047 October 3, 1988 - - - -. - - - Lot 19, the east and wastends of the building wxld be on or near the cut areas and the center weld span across the fill where it should have a nmxinaun depth of abut 13 feat. On Lot 18, wa extended thres large diamater borings, tw of which ware along the cut/fill line shown on the grading plan and one inwrd of the cut area. Boring Nunker 4, located near the southeast building corner, encountered four feet of fill over alluvial deposits. The fill was loose in the upper tw feet and nedium dense in the lowsr tw feet, and was ccarprised of a humid to llpist clayey silty sand. From four to six feet below grade, a noist, loose layer of relatively undisturbd topsoil was found which was a silty sand that graded into a clayey sand. This material -.+es notsd to have a relatively high organic content. Undisturbsd alluvial deposits were then exposed that extended to a depth of 38 feet helow the surface. '&can six to 10 feet, apxuus, madiumdenseclayeysandwas exposed. From10 to17 feet, a loose, nuist to wat, friable silty sand was noted. Frcm 17 to 28 feet, the soils ware very wet to saturated and varied from medium dense to lccse/nediumdense. Aconsiderable mtof seepage was noted atadepthof 20 feet. Fmm 28 feet to 38 feet, loose silty clayey sands to stiff sandy clays ware eqxxed. This material was generally auist. At 38 feet, a tw foot layer of waathered formational soil - found which covered dense to very dense sandstones of the Santiago Formation. Boring Kunker 5, located at the northeast corner of the building on Lot 18, exposed 4.5 feet of loose to nedium dense fill over alluvium that extended to 32 feet below the surface. Like Boring Nunbar 5, the alluvial deposits ware generally loose and lcose/hedium dense and here comprised of silty sands and clayey silty sands. NJ high concentrations of organics here found in the borings and no seepage, saturated or wet soils ware encountered. Sandstones again underlie the alluvium in this boring. Boring Nunker 6, which was inward of the cut/fill line on Lot 18, expxed alluvial deposits frum the surface to a depth of 31.5 feet. The alluvial deposits again were comprised of porous, loose and loose,ksdium dense silty - October 3, 1988 - - - ,- .- sands, clayey, silty sands and silty clayey sands. t+c seepage, saturated or wet soils were ,found and only minor amounts of vegetation was noted. Sandstones again underlie the alluvium. On I& No. 19, Borings Nmkers 1 and 7 ware positioned on the south and north sides of the building near the estimated center of the drainage. BoringNmker 7 eqosed 15 feet of medium&use audlccsej%dimdense fill coqrised mainly of mist, silty sands. Frm 3 to 5 feet, hcwaver, was a clayey sand with a high concentration of roots and organics. The alluvium eqxxed from 15 to 21 feet was very loose, very odoriferous, and contained a high concentration of rcots and organ&s. Below 21 feet only minor amunts of vegetation was observed, but the alluvium remained loose to loose/hedium dense. Minor seepage was noted at 28 feet with the soils becoming mist to wet at about 23 feet, wet at 30 feet and saturated at about 40 feet. Although saturated, free water did not enter the bring. The sandstones of the Santiago Formation were found at a depth of 53 feet. BcringNmkerlencountered six feet of loose to nedimdense fill over ths alluvia. From 6 to 10 feet, a clayeysiltysandwas exposedthatcontained abundant roots and organics. The alluviums exposed varied frm silty sands to clayey sands and ware loose, lcose/nxiim dense and mdium dense. At abut 30 feet, the soils started becoming wet, and becams saturated at about 35 feet. From about 35 feet to 45 feet, a loose saturated sandms evsed that experienced considerable caving that resulted in abandonmnt of the boring. Boring Kuntzer 2 was extended on the east side of the lmilding near the cut/fill transition line shown on the grading plan. This bring encountered 8 feet of wall compacted to poorly conpacted fill over abmt 2.5 feet of loose/medium dense slopewash. The slopewash was very odoriferous and contained lots of rwts and organics. Wsathefed and umeathered formational sandstone were encountered below the slopswash. Bring Maker 3 was extended near the est side of the building, again near the cut/fill line. This boring expxsed four feet of poorly compacted fill S$%T 8821047 October 3, 1988 Page 6 .~- -. - - - .- - - - - with roots mixed in, over a 3 inch layer of loose undisturbed topsoil. Alluvium or slopewash was then encountered to a depth of about 13.5 feet. This material was very loose and porous and had a substantial avount of roots from 4 to 8 feet below existing grade. From 9 to 13.5 feet a friable sand was exposed. No wet soils were noted and sandstones were founded below 13.5 feet. Mditional details of the soil conditions exposed are provided on the boring and trench logs presented on Plate Nunker 3 through 17. In general, no geotechnical conditions were encountered which would preclude theconstructionofthepropossddevelolamantas planned, howaver, due to the presence of compressible soils, deep foundations will be required to support the settlesent-sensitive structures. In consideration of the saturated and caving soils encountered in Boring Nun&r 1 and friable sands in other borings that are susceptible to caving, a pile foundation system awars to be a sore appropriate foundation system than a drilled cast-in-place pier foundation system. In order to basically eliminate settlement of the on-grade slab, a structural slab supported by the deep foundation system mid be necessary. However, structural slabs are costly and it may be more economical to construct a thickened reinforced Mfloating" slab that rests on the surface soils and nmke repairs if and when necessary. Slab leveling and filling voids below slabs can be relatively easily done by shallow pressure grouting. It is our opinion that a floating slab with increased thickness and reinforcing will provide an acceptable alternative. However, the decision to use a structured slab or a "floating" slab is strictly an economicalmatterthatshouldbsmade by the owners anddevelopers. - XST 8821047 - - - - - - October 3, 1988 Page 7 SITE PRFZAWWI~: Site preparation should bsgin with removal of all existing vegetation and deleterious material in areas to be developed or graded. If a structural slab is used in the building no special soil preparation will be necessary. If it is decided to use a ~floating" slab, wa reconsend that the upper four feet of soil be remwed and be replaced as uniformly conpacted fill. In parking areas,, the existing soils should be renuved to a minimm depth of tm feet and be replaced as ccqected fill. Prior to replacing the excavated soils or placing any fill in other areas, the exposed soils should be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, misture conditioned and reccqected to at least 90% relative coqaction. SITE~~CNFUR- ~~~~~~~~~;~~.:~eunderstandthata retaining wall is proposed for the slope south of the building on Lot 19. Due to the highly variable soil conditions on which this wall will sit, xe recmmmd that the existing soils bs rsamved to a depth of eight feet below the lmttcan of the footing or to fins natural ground, whichever is less, and be replaced as compacted fill. This depth may vary depending on the type and location of the wall and the final removal depth should be determined when more informtion about the wall is known. The lateral extend of the resvval should extend at least five feet past each side of the wall's foundation. SURFXX IIRARWX: It is ret-nded that no water be allowed to pond next to buildings or pavements. The ground surface adjacent to building or paveneWs. The ground surface adjacent to buildings should slope away from the building at a gradient of at least three percent for a distance of ten feet. EAREHBK: All earthmrk and grading contemplated for site preparation should be accomplished in accordance with the attached Pecked Grading Specifications and Special Provisions. All special site preparation recomuandations presented in the sections above will supersede those in the Standard Pecmsended Grading Specifications. All en&mkmants, structural - S4ZXT 8821047 October 3, 1988 Page 8 fill and fill should be compacted to at least 90% relative coapaction at or slightly over optinnnz xuisture content. Utility trench backfill within five feet of the proposed structures and beneath asphalt pavemants should be ampacted to mininnrm of 90% of its mximm dry density. Ihe upper twelve inches of subgrade beneath paved areas should be colrpacted to 95% of its maximum dry density. This compaction should be obtained by the paving contractor just prior to placing the aggregate base material and should not bepartofthemassgradingreq~iresents.The maxinarm dry density of each soil type should bs determined in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method D-1557-78, Mathcd A or C. - - - - W: Based on the potential for excessive settl-ts of the existing fill soils and alluvial soils, it is our opinion that the two pmposed structuresshouldbefoundedonadeepfomdationsystemextendingintofim natural ground. Considering the caving potential of scma of the alluvial soils, it is our opinion that a pile foundation my be sore practical. Therefore, this report presents ret mmaudations for driven concrete piles in lieu of drilled piers. If desired, ret onmandations for cast-in-place can also be provided. PIIECAPXYL'Y: It is rec-udedthata 12-inchsquare, precast, prestressed concrete pile be utilized for the support of the proposed main structure. The minimxz reccamrended length of driven piles is 30 feet. The msxinum estimated length of pile required will bs in the order of 55 feet. The maximxz allowable dcwmazd pile capacity for combined dead plus live load for this pile can be considered to be 100 tons. For uplift resistance, the maxinwm pile capacity of 40 tons my be assumed, with a minimnz pile depth of 30 feet. The lateral resistance, a mx.imm pile capacity of 10 tons my be used. These capacities reflect a factor-of-safety of tm and my be increased by one-third when considering wind and/or seismic loading. ‘Ike pile structural capacity should b-s determined by the Project Structural Engineer. - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - SE&T 8821047 October 3, 1988 Page 9 GKXIP XXTCM: No group pile capacity reduction is necessary if a mininmm center to center spacing of three times the pile diamater is utilized. For closer piles, the following Converse-Labarre Equation for pile-groupd efficiency may be utilized to compute the appropriate group capacity reduction factor. PIU-QxxlPEETIclENJY FIGJRE2 INDICATOR PILES: It is recommended that an indicator pile program be performed to determine the correlation between predicted and actual pile behavior. This program should be performad before production piles are ordered and should consist of driving at least four piles. - - - SCE&T 8821047 October 3, 1988 Page 10 PILE DCN: Due to the length and dianrater of the piles and the dense - nature of some of the sandstones that could be encountered within the mininarm driving depth of 30 feet (wast sides of Lot 18 and 19 and east side - of Lot 19), predrilling is recomnanded to aid in pile installation. The predrilling should be extended through fill soils to the natural ground. !The - diameter of the auger should not exceed 12 inches. The size of hamnar should reflect the type and size of pile to be utilized. A minizum hamnarenergyof - 40,000 foot pounds is reconner&d. The hamer selected shouldbe approvedby this office. It is anticipated that the So fomula till be used to determine the required blow count. - Either a structural slab or a Ufloating" concrete slab may bs used for tha - interior slabs of the tm buildings. Structural slabs should bs designed by a structural engineer and should be designed in a manner such that they do - not rely on support from the underlying soils. If thenuresconcmic floating slab is selected, it should have a thickness of six inches and be underlain by a four-inchblanketof clean, poorly graded, coarse sand. The slab should - be reinforcedwith NO. 4 reinforcingbars placedat inches oncentereach way. Where moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, a visgueen - barrier should be placed below the sand layer. Again, it should be realized that soms filling of voids that may occur under the 'floating" slab may be - necessaq as tine passes. - CXNERAL: Founding miscellaneous inprovems nts such as trash enclosures and - small exterior retaining walls on piles is probably not economically reasonable. Provided the client/owner is willing to accept the risks - associated with distress of such structures, said improvements may be supported on conventional shallow foundations and slabs-on-grade as - determined herein. Although sore minor distress mey be experienced by these inprovemants, it is our opinion that it will probably not affect their - - EG&T 8821047 - October 3, 1988 Page 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - structural integrity. It is recommended that these inprvvenm ntstereviewad on an individual basis to evaluate the need of a pile or other special type of foundation system. It is suggested that cribwalls be utilized in lieu of nk3SOnr.y or concrete exterior retaining bells since they are mxe settlemsnt tolerant. mm: Conventional shallow footings may be used for the support of miscellaneous inprovenra nts. Said footings should be founded at least 18 inches below lowest adjacent finished pad grade. The mininum width for continuous and isolated footings should be 12 inches and 24 inches, respectively. Such footings may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1000 psf. The bearing pressure may be inxeased by one-third when considering wind and/or seismic loading. REINHJ~: It is recommended that minimum reinforcement for continuous footing.5 consist of atleastfour No. 4 reinforcingbars, two located near the top of the footings thu near the bottom. This reinforcement is based on soil characteristics and is not intended to be in lieu of reinforcement necessary to satisfy structural considerations. C0XRED SLABS-: Concrete slabs-on-grade for any small structure shouldhaveamininmm, actual thickness of five inches and be reinforced with No. 3 reinforcing bars placed at 18 inches on center each way. Where rcoisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, the slab should be underlain by a visgueen moisture barrier and four inches of clean coarse sand. ExTEmcEtsL&Bs~: Exterior slats should have a millhum thickness of five inches. Walks or slabs five feet or mxe in width should be reinforced with No. 3 reinforcing bars placed at 24 inches on center eachway andprwidedwithwaakenedplane joints. Any slabs batwaen five and ten feet should be provided with longitudinal weakened plane joints at the center line. Slabs exceeding ten feet in width should be provided with a weakened plane joint located three feet inside the exterior - SC+T 8821047 October 3, 1988 Page 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - perimeter as indicated on attached Plate Mmber 24. Both traverse and longitudinal weakened plane joints should be constructed as detailed in Plate Nun&x 24. Exterior slabs adjacent to dwrs and garage openings should be connected to the footings by dowels consisting of NO. 3 reinforcing bars placed at 24-inch intervals extending 18 inches into the footing and the slab. - -cs: The anticipated total and/or differential settlements for the proposed structure may be considered to be within tolerable limits provided the ret mtions presented in this report are followed. Settlement of the soils below the interior floor slab may, howaver, require soma future maintenance in the form of rmd jacking or pressure grouting. It should be reccgnized that minor cracks normally occur in concrete slabs and foundations due to shrinkage during curing or redistribution of stresses and scsm cracks nmy be anticipated. Such cracks are not necessarily an indication of excessive vertical novenents. EXPANXVE -CS: The prevailing foundation soils ware found to be low to moderately expansive. The reccnmendations contained in this report reflect this condition. The grading plan and the foundation plan should be sulxnitted to this office for review to ascertain that the recosnendation provided in this report have been inplenmntedand the assunptions utilized inpreparing this report are still applicable. PZGXVE PRESSURE: The passive pressure for the prevailing soil conditions maybe consideredtoba 350 pounds per square fwt per foot of depth. This pressure may bs increased one-third for seismic loading. The coefficient of friction for concrete to soil may be assumed to be 0.30 for the resistance - - SCS&T 8821047 October 3, 1988 Page 13 - .- -. - - - to lateral xovsmant. When combining frictional and passive resistance, the latter should be reduced by one-third. The upper six inches of exterior retaining wall footings should not be included in passive pressure calculations. XZCIVE PRESWRE: The active soil pressure for the design of earth retaining structures with level backfills may be assumsd to be equivalent to the pressure of a fluid weighing 40 pcf may be assumed for unrestrained walls. For 2:l (horizontal to vertical) and 1.5:1 sloping backfills, 13 pcf and 25 pcf should be added to the aforenen tioned values. These pressures do not consider any surcharge. If any are anticipated this office should be contacted for the necessary increase in soil pressure. This value assumes a drained backfill condition. BKXFILL: All backfill soils should be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. Expansive or clayey soils should not be used for backfill material. The wall should not be backfilled until the nmsonry has reached anadeguatestrength. F-OF-: The above values, with the exception of concrete to soils friction coefficient do not include a factor of safety. pppropriate factors of safety should be incorporated into the design to prevent the walls from overturning and sliding. - - .- The ret-ndations and opinions expressed in this report reflect our best estimate of the project requirements based on an evaluation of the subsurface soil conditions encountered at the subsurface exploration locations and the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those encountered. It should be recognized that the performance of the foundations and/or cut and fill slopes ney be influenced by undisclosed or unforeseen variations in the soil conditions that may occur in the intermediate and unexplored areas. Any unusual conditions not - SC&T 8821047 October 3, 1988 Page 14 - - - - - .- covered in this report that may be emountered during site development should be brought to the attention of the soils engineer so that he may nnke mdifications if necessary. In addition, this office should bs advised of anychanges intheprojectscope or proposed site grading so that it my be determined if the moanendations contained herein are appropriate. This shouldbe verified inwritingormxLifiedbyawrittenaddendum. Seven subsurface explorations wxe made at the locations indicated on the attached Plate Nu&er 1 on Septen&er 6 and 7, 1988. These explorations consisted of 24-inch-dianeter borings drilled with a bucket type drill rig. In addition, thres backhoe trenches ware excavated on March 8, 1988 for a previous investigation of the stability of the east facing slope. The field work was conducted under the observation of our engineering geology parsonnel The borings ware carefully down-hole logged when made. These logs are presented on the following Plate m 3 through 14. In addition ths trench logs from the previous investigation are shown as Plates 15 through 17. The soils are described in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System as illustrated on the attached sinplified chart on Plate 2. In addition, a verbal textural description, the wet color, the apparent moisture and the density or consistency are pmvided. The density of granular soils is given as either very loose, loose, mdium dense, dense or very dense. The consistency of silts or clays is given as either very soft, soft, nedium stiff, stiff, very stiff, or hard. Disturbed and "undisturbed" samples of typical and representative soils ware obtained and returned to the laboratory for testing. - - SCS&T 8821047 0ctober 3, 1988 Page 15 .- - - - Laboratory tests ware perforned in accordance with the generally accepted American Society for Testing and Materials (A.S.T.M.) test methods or suggested procedures. A brief description of the tests performed is presented below: a) CLAssIFICATIm: Field classifications wsre verified in the laboratory by visual examination. The final soil classifications are in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. b) UJISJ!WE-ITY: Field moisture content and dry density kere determined for representative samples obtained. This infonmtion was an aid to classification and permitted recognition of variations in material consistency with depth. The dry unit might is determined in pounds per cubic foot, and ths field moisture content is determined as a percentage of the soil's dry waight. The results are suramrized intheboringlogs. C) BCN TSSIS: Three consolidation tests w=re performad on selected "undisturbed" samples. The consolidation apparatus was designed to accomxlate a l-inch-high by 2.375-inch or 2.500-inch dianeter soil sample laterally confined by a brass ring. Porous stones ware placed in contact with ths top and bottom of the sarrple to permit the addition or release of pore fluid during testing. Loads were applied to the sample in a geometric progression after vertical movement ceased, and resulting deformations were recorded. The percent consolidation for each load cycle is reported as the ratio of the amount of vertical coqmession to the original one-inch sample height. The test sample was inundated at soms point in the test cycle to determine its behavior under the anticipated footing load as soil moisture increases. The results of this test are presented in the form of a curve on Plate hunkers 18 and 19. - - - .- SE&T 8821047 October 3, 1988 Page 16 - -. - ,- d) CDLLMX 'IESIS: Wlvs single point consolidation tests ware perfomtsd on selected "undisturbed" sample. The consolidation apparatus was designed to accomdate a l-inch high by 2.375-inch or 2.500-inch dianrster soil sanple laterally confined by a brass ring. Porous stones were placed in contact with the top and bottom of the sample to permit the addition or release of pore fluid during testing. Selected loads ware appliedtothe sanples and the resulting deformations were recorded. The percent consolidation for each load cycle is reported as the ratio of the amunt of vertical compression to the original one-inch sample height. We test sanples were inundated to determine their behavior under the anticipated footing load as soil moisture increases. Ths results of these tests are presented on Plate rambrs 20 and 21. d) DmwJ! SHEAR TEns: Direct shear tests - performed to determine the failure envelope based on yield shear strength. The shear box was designed to accomodate a sample having diameters of 2.375 inches or 2.50 inches and a height of 1.0 inch. Sanples wxe tested at different vertical loads and a saturated moisture content. Ths shear stress was applied at a constant rate of strain of appmxLmtely 0.05 inch per minute. The results of these tests are presented on attached Plate Nunhrs 22 and 23. STORM DRAIN \L LEGEND \ 0 SORINQ LOCATION I TRENCH LOCATION P I +- +APPROXIYATE LOCATION OF DAYLIQHT LINE - --I~~~~ExIST~NQ ToPoQRAPnY -2200RIQlNAL TOPOQRAPHY n EXISTINQ SLOPE 0 PR-ED SUlLDlNQ SCALE 1% 100’ -- 0 50 100 200 SOUTHERW CALIFORNIA Lots 18 & 19 SOIL & TESTING,INC. BY: CHC DATE: 10-4-88 - _ .- .._ - -~ _-. - - -- .- SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LEGEND SOIL DESCRIPTION UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART I. COARSE GRAINEO, more than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve SIX. XAVELS brefha" half of CLEAN GRAVELS aarse fraction is larger than NO. 4 ;ieve size but imaller than 3". GRAVELS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) GROUP SYMBOL TYP:CAL NAMES GW GP GM GC Well graded gravels, gravel- sand mixtures, little or no fines. Poorly graded gravels. gravel sand mixtares, little or no fines. Silty gravels. poorly graded aravel-sand-silt mixtures. tlayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand, clay iANDS CLEAN SANDS SW Ethan half of Well graded sand, gravelly sands, lirtle or no fines. :oarse fraction is SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly smaller than No. 4 Sands, liitle or no fines. Aeve size. SANDS WITH FINES SM Silty sands, poorly graded IAppreciable amount sand and silty mixtures. of“fines) SC Clayey sands: poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. :I. FINE GRAINED, m"re than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve sile. SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS ML CL OL MH Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plas- ticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty clays or low plasticity. Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils. elastic silts. Liquid Limit greater than 50 CH OH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PI Peat and other hig"ly organic soils. -z us - Water level at time of excavation CK - Undisturbed chunk sample or as indicated EG - Bulk sample - Undisturbed, driven ring sample or tube sample SP - Standard penetration sample SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTINQ, INC. ,BY: CHC/JH DATE: 9-06-88 JOE NUYBER: 8821~7 Plate No. 2 .-~ - - - - - _~ - - - - - - 5 7 ; z z c BORING NUMBER 1 ,:> ;;4 E -+ l g E z=+ cz=J i wx_ z Fzi f !!i 2 0 ELEVATION 199 uwii ii 2 a+z =p. l 4; 5 !- u;: l-z ti : iti: < u) *~“w +uJ- 0” u) Y ; ; a 0 Polo 0 * UJ In : 25 kto Y ii,’ l x ;i; >-o :g DESCRIPTION 00 EKL? E 0 x0 =g 0 3 0 0 SC/ FILL TO SIX FEET, Humid Loose SM Mottled Dark Brown to ! E; BAG Light Tan, SLIGHTLY L us CLAYEY SILTY SAND Moist Medium Dense 3 108.4 12.6 1- 5 B us 2 104.9 10.8 SM/ ALLUVIUM, Light Brown to Moist Medium SC Tan, SLIGHTLY CLAYEY Dense 3 SILTY SAND BAG lo- Abundant Roots to 10' 2 90.8 23.7 12 ---------.--- - SC Medium Brown, CLAYEY Moist Loose/ SAND Medium Dense 101.7 17.2 -OH--,-,_ -,-__ ~- 16- SM/ Light Brown, SILTY SAND Moist Loose/ SC Grading'into CLAYEY SAND Medium B CK Dense 99.0 17.7 18- SM/ Interbedded SILTY SAND SC and CLAYEY SAND 20-- -- -- SM/ LightTarSLIzLY - Moist Loose/ SC SILTY SAND with CLAY Medium 22- BINDER, Moderatly Friable Dense I US SM Minor Roots, Digs Easy with Hand Pick 3 106.7 12.6 24- - CK 103.2 14.6 26- 28- 30- Continued on Plate 4 Moist/ Wet SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED:g-&8fi JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 3 -. - - - -. - - - .- - - w 7 0. ” > I I- Y E = i 0 : v) 3D-- 32, \ 341 CK 36- 1 CK 38- 40- 42- 44- u 46- SM \ SC SM lORING NUMBER 1 Continued DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM, Light Tan, SLIGHTLY SILTY SAND Seepage Starting at -32 Feet - ,- _ Yellow Tan Gray, CLAYEY SAND with Minor Root- letts, Substantial See- page Excessive from 39' Down, Boring Abandoned at 45" Wet Wet/ Satur ated - .- Wet/ Satur ated Satur- ated Satur ated .oose/ ledium )ense Medium Dense Loose/ Medium Dense -0ose > I- ii * :, ; -0 0 98.3 23.6 ,00.4 22.3 97.0 27.3 - - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL &TESTING, INC. - .~ .- ,~. .- -. - - % -: k!l : ‘S : g BORING NUMBER 2 !i : & :“,: z %z * ;z- v, y !? wl > 0 E : gz ELEVATION 199 w 3 e4; z ;lc -- 2 2 :y,z ;!?z =I-,: w, cz rln- 0” Y)w : : : : “2 Pm0 Ly;I. >-O ;g !n 5 ik$ nz <OK ;us Le s 0 g $ DESCRIPTION 00 0=2 0 0 2 01 0 f SM/ FILL TO 8', Mottled Humid Medium 2- SC Light Brown and Light Dense Tan, SILTY SAND AND CLAYEY SAND Moist 4- Fill Ranges from Well Loose/ 6- compacted to poorly Medium compacted Dense 8 SM/ SLOPEWASH/COLLUVIUM Moist Loose/ lo' CK SC Dark Gray Brown, CLAYEY Medium SILTY SAND, Very Odor- Dense 106.3 5.1 iferous with lots of roots and organics 12- HIGHLY WEATHERED FORM- Moist Medium ATIONAL,mottled whitish Dense Tan,Thin Lenses of SILTY SAND AND SANDY CLAY SM SANTIAGO FORMATION Moist Medium 4 Whitish Tan, SILTY SAND Dense/ Dense SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 9-06-8 JOB NUMBER:8821fJ47 Plate No. 5 - -. - - - .- - .-~ - - - -~ - E :: % > z 2 g BORING NUMBER 3 * : : + z",: c ;z- = E YZ > 0 : -’ !! ELEVATION 198 Y 3 =lU- 8-m !: OY 2 z 22: 4<; cc,: LU, z= -- 2: : “2 2 0 OOIO e-o= ““0 u)Y az iI2 v) 3 -I I a0 = ;i; - -I- z 00 2a2 0 2; “zi DESCRIPTION 0 0 0 : SM FILL TO 4 FEET, Light Humid Loose/ Tan to Whitish Tan, Medium SILTY SAND Dense Roots in Fill SC 3" Topsoil Layer, CLAYEY Moist Loose SAND Us SM ALLUVIUM OR SLOPEWASH Humid Loose 1 87.7 10.9 Light Brown to Tan, SILTY SAND, POROUS, Roots 4' to 8' CK SM/ Yellow Tan to Brown, Moist Loose 87.8 16.6 SC CLAYEY SILTY SAND SM Friable Pocket of Sand SM SANTIAGO FORMATION Humid Dense/ Mottled Yellow Tan and Very Whitish Tan, SILTY SAND Dense Bottom at 20' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL ATESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 9-06-E JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 6 - .- - - - - - .- - - - - -. - .- Y -: ,“. g ; > ; BORING NUMBER 4 : 2 +~$ = gur c z z =Ul- ;g; “: :- Y z : + 4 Y s I-* *a; a I- > 0 * Y k i i? ELEVATION 184 IE I- 22: E;" t; t-2 c ; : z;, 2% Pm0 7 u) Y : 2 o :, u) Y 2 2 :"I :o'= ii; >= 0; DESCRIPTION 00 :a2 2 0 IO "5 0 0 Dense 2 108.0 BAG-- ______--__ 15.8 TOPSOIL, Light Brown, Moist Loose SILTY SAND to CLAYEY SAND, Organic Soil SC ALLUVIUM, Medium Brown Moist Medium CLAYEY SAND, POROUS with Roots Dense 2 107.3 10.0 10 ---- SM Medium Brown to Tan Moist/ Loose/ 12@CK SILTY SAND, POROUS, Wet Medium friable, Digs Easy with Dense 96.6 12.8 Hand Pick Loose 14- 16-. SM Yellow Tan Wet Loose - - ~- - - --- -- -- -_ - ---.- 181<S SM Tan to Light Brown SILTY Satur- Medium SAND ated ., Dense 5 - - - - - .-- -- -- .-- -. - - 20- SM Yellow Tan, SILTY SAND Satur- Medium WITH COBBLES, Heavy ated Dense 1 CK Seepage at 20' Wet 22- SM/ Light Brown to Tan SC Interbedded SILTY SANDS 106.0 17.2 24 CK 26 Wet Loose/ 110.5 21.3 Medium Dense 28---- -- - '- '- - -- Sl$ :;I;; Brown, CLAYEY SILTY SatF Ee - - - -- ated 30 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 9-07-8 JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 7 - .~ - - - - - -. - .- 2 5 G '7 z ; BORING NUMBER 4 k : ,L gwr E 2 2 z=+ FOZG 5 2 E wl z g Continued w 3 Wu, ,“+z l a; 2 : > 0 = 0 !I p: z C’DW EL= :, ; ; h 07 w * 0 0 : “2 ; i :go \ .m 3 *o = gig >= 5: i 2 00 :a2 E zo =z! DESCRIPTION P 0 0 0 0 0 bCK CL/ !LLUVIlJM, Olive Gray to Moist Stiff 107.6 18.3 CH Mottled with Brown 2- SANDY CLAY 4- With Rust Colorings 6 BAG CL a SW WEATHERED FORMATIONAL CL Moist/ Medium Very CLAYEY SAND Wet 0 WV SM SANTIAGO FORMATION Moist/ Dense/ Yellow Tan, SILTY SAND Wet Very 2- Dense 4uS * *Inside Kelley Weight SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED:9/7/88 JOE NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 8 --~~ .- - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - ? z 2 F 5 ; BORING NUMBER 5 I- Y ,L Et; E z I- wz yl; = f! ii i ; ELEVATION 184 z z z=+ Y 3 yi-i DE I- i!+, ;z- i e<;j ;c -- > 0 IEt-; K k -n;j zz ui?w +cay it l-z rc In Y s 0 ;: (0 tg" y;j. >-P 0: ii 2 5 a z IO =z DESCRIPTION l o= i5:; 00 : 0 0 5 0 0 0 SM FILL to 4.5 Feet, Humid Loose/ & Whitish Tan and Medium Medium 2- SC Brown,SILTY SAND & 1 us CLAYEY SAND 2 103.4 14.7 4- SM ALLUVIUM Tan to Light Moist Loose 6- Brown, SILTY SAND a 1 us Medium to Dark Brown l/24" 108.7 12.8 lo- 1 GL 96.2 11.8 12- - - ,- - -. -------- - SW 14- SC Light Brown to Tan Moist Loose/ CLAYEY SILTY SAND Medium , CK Dense 96.8 10.8 --- 16- SC Medium Brown, CLAYEY Moist Loose/ SAND Medium Dense 18- 2’3 CK SC/ SILTY CLAYEY SAND to SM SLIGHTLY CLAYEY SILTY 94.9 9.1 22- SAND SC Tan,CLAYEY SAND- - Humid/ Loose - --- 24- Moist Medium Dense 26- - - - - - .-- - - -- - - -- .- - SM Dark Brown,SILTY SAND Humid Loose/ Moist Medium 2a- Dense SW SLIGHTLY CLAYEY SILTY 30 SC SAND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: g-7-88 JOB NUYBER:8&‘1047 Plate No. 9 - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- 7 : % gy’ z z - c ; E BORING NUMBER 5 ,L -+ * g z z=)- y r! w”ur 0; u, Y z Y 40 = 2 -- Continued : 2 KkZ 55 ‘i; 2 :: > 0 k :: < VI <E"u EZ" IA; ; ; 00 u)Y -i 0 0 : u) &VlO ,"s PZ r g;;. >-o ;; u) 2 l s *0= w z ii,' 00 :a2 2 so =z DESCRIPTION 5 0 0 30 b 0 0 K SC 4LLUVIUM, Yellow Tan, Moist Loose/ 103.1 11.3 CLAYEY SAND Medium j2 npncp SM dEATHERED FORMATIONAL Moist Medium 34 Yellow Tan, SILTY SAND Dense SM SANTIAGO FORMATION Moist Dense $6 - Yellow Tan, SILTY SAND Very Dense 18 . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED:q , - - 88 JOE NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 10 - .~ - - -. - - - - - - - - - - .- ‘: z i! - I- Y E i El I P 4 u) 0-B - BAG 2- B us 4 6 B CL a .O CK .2 - 14 _ '6 B CK 18 !O !2 - !4 _ !a _ z 5 YO Ok “ij 2 0 M1 C C/ M w C C - - C - - C BORING NUMBER 6 ELEVATION 184.5 DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM, Medium Brown CLAYEY SILTY SAND, POROUS Light Brown, CLAYEY SAND to CLAYEY SILTY SAND (No Roots or Organics) Yedium Brown, CLAYEY SAND CLAYEY SILTY SAND Yedium Brown, CLAYEY SAND -_ -_ bottled Yzowxn and bottled Yzowxn and Light Brown, CLAYEY SAND Liqht Brown. CLAYEY SAND HITH STREAKS OF CLEAN UiH STREAKS OF kLEAM SAND SAND - ---- vlinor amounts of Roots, IARK STREAKS of CLAYEY SOIL in CLAYEY SAND YlATRIX umid oist 3ist 2ist 3ist -. list ,~Z > *I- c”Gi PC,!!: 2:” *0= 00 - Mediun Dense Loose, Mediun Dense Loose Loose/ Medium Dense -. Medium Dense Medium Dense 96.6 96.4 g ?! 3 c I- 2 fn Y 0 g s 0 0 .o.o .1.3 .3.6 ii Y z > 0 ; I= a 0 ii,’ = I 0 0 - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL &TESTING, INC. IJOR NUMEER:8821047 1 Plate NO. 11 - - .~ .~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 z ; BORING NUMBER 6 k,g ; uH < JO ;Y- Le - - ; Continued l-a 3 I- ;ti; 5”: I- z u) w * t:” 0 g 2 *0= = 0 DESCRIPTION 00 0 0 i/ 4LLUVIUM, Yellow Tan 3ist iledium CLAYEY SILTY SAND 3ense 1 WEATHERED FORMATIONAL list vledium Light Yellow Tan, SILTY 1ense 1 SANTIAGO FORMATION 3ist lense Light Yellow Brown, SILTY SAND . - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG i SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 9-6-8 k ” I JOE NUMBER8821047 IPlate No. 12 - - ,-- - -. - - - - - .- - - - - - i!i ,2 > zi ; BORING NUMBER 7 z+ ( 5 : & 5 * :fj: f z Y * Le - uz z 0 z Y i 0 ELEVATION 198 w 3 =w- Fz- ; +u) a<‘;; 0 c : z; f2k :rz ccl--,: Q :t ii 2 E ; a 0 0” a-0 b-my ;: 0 PO PZ wcn. >J? 52 5 < z *o= ;u3 DESCRIPTION 00 .a.=2 p: s 0 i ; I 0 f 0 ,” SM FILL TO 15', Humid Tan, SILTY SAND Medium Moist Dense - - - - - -- ~- .- - SC Roots and Organics Mixed Moist with Fill 3'-5' Medium - - .-- SM dithish TKSILTY SAND SAND, with some Roots Moist Medium Dense m CK O- Loose/ Mediur. Dense 2- 1- SM ALLrrmm;r ..---.--.., Medium Brown i- Humid to Dark Brown, SILTY Very Moist SAND, Very Odoriferous Loose with lots of Roots and 3- Organics, porous @CK I- Few Roots Below 21’ 87.5 13.6 L- . CK 4- 6 - Moist/ Loose/ Wet Medium Dense 98.8 19.1 3 - Minor Seepage at 28' I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTINQ, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: g-7-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 13 - .- - .-, - - - - .- - - - - - .- K. r -L z t : 2 ; BORING NUMBER 7 ,:> - t- A = Continued :: y- z z=+ z;: G2-J G w * IL - Ill? Y t -1 SC ii 2 it+; Q+. 4*; 2 z 0 <!?&I III, 2; -- 0 l In = 0” u)Y 2 L : : mFl Pm0 L”. ;: ln :s PZ *o = *In; >-o -I- tip’ : < I 00 :a2 0” :g =s DESCRIPTION 5 0 3 0 : 2 $" SC ALLUVIUM, Medium Brown Wet Loose/ and Gray Tan Medium Dense 4- 6- B- O- SM/ Tan, SILTY SAND Satu- Loose/ SC INTERBEDED with CLAYEY rated Medium SAND Dense 2- 4- 6-m SM- - - - -_. - ~- - Tan to Yellow Brown Satu- Loose/ GRAVELEY SILTY SAND rated Medium B- Dense Friable O- - - ,- -- - 2- SC Rust Yellow Wet Medium Dense 4- SM ;ANTIAGO FORMATION Wet/ Dense Light Yellow Tan, SILTY Moist to 86 - SAND Very Dense L SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: 1H DATE LOGGED: 9-17-f JOB NUMBER: 8821-47 Plate NO. I4 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I -T14 @ROUND SURFACE VIEW LOOKING WEST SCALE l”= 2’ FILL BROWN SLIQHTLY CLAYEY SAND SANTIAGO FORMATION BUFF SANDSTONE WITH RUST SPOTS AND STREAK8 NOTE: BOME BUBDUED DIBCONTINUOUS THIN >1/4 II REMOLDED CLAY LAYERS I I I I / / I I I I I I I I I T15 QROlj~lj SURFACE FILL BROWN CLAYEY SAND ALLUVIUM POSSIBLE OLDER ALLUVIUM Qoal BROWN TO REDDISH-BROWN SILTY SAND CLAYEY SAND AND SANDY SILT VIEW LOOKING WEST SCALE l”= 2’ 1 I I I I I I I / I I I 1 I I I I I I tn 3 4-l la ;:I’ e: -I= rnz 20 T16 QROUND SURFACE F1L.L BROWN SLIQHTLY CLAYEY SAND SANTIADO FORMATION BUFF FINE TO MEDIUM SANDSTONE WITH RUST BPOTS AND STREAKS NOTE: BOME MINOR SILTSTONE LENSES AND MINOR CEMENTED SANDSTONE POCKBTS VIEW LOOKING WEST SCALE l”= 2’ Sample Bl @ 10.5 Ft. Sample Bl @ 22.5 F 0.5 1.0 i0 , 50 LOAD kips/sq.ft. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 6 f /‘, I I,,, I 1 !,,I I,,, I I I II, I I I I I NIII Illll I III I I I I ,,,I I,,,, I I I, I,, I’, I ,I,1 I I III 01 0.5 1.0 5 10 I 50 LOAD kips/sq.ft. 5OUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL 81 TE5TINQ LA5 INC sm.0 C)I”CCIPALC .,A - m*N OICDO. CALICOm)Nm m9,*0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - SINQLE POINT CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TLSTINQ,INC. nv: WC DADS: g-20-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate No. 20 - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - SINGLE POINT CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULT SOUTHIRN CALIFORNIA 8OlL A TI8TINO,lNC. P: CHC/JH 01,s: g-07-88 JO1 NUYBLR: 8821047 Plate No. 21 - - - - -- - - _~ - - - - - - - - DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY 5 4 3 2 1 ,,,,,11111 I I I o-tft~"~f~~~~~~~::~+t++++w 1 2 3 4 5 2M L NOR& STRESS, KSF ANQLE OF INTERNAL COHESION INTERCEPT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION FRICTION t’) bnf) B4 @ 3-4' Remolded to 90% 31 250 3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOTS 16 & 17 PALOMAR OAKS 4 SOIL & TESTINU,lNC. BY: CHC DATE: 10-03-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821047 plate ~0. 71 -I 1 1 J 1 1 1 -I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY B2 @ 13.5' NORMAL STRESS, KSF ANGLE OF INKERNAL COHESION INTERCEPT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION FRICTION (“) (psf) 82 @ 13.5 Undisturbed 23 425 64 @ 43.5 Undisturbed 38 1150 SOUTI-IBRN CALIFORNIA 5OlL & TESTINO, INC. LOTS 16 & 17 PALOMAR OAKS . ..a III".IDAL. I)TCI..T .IN DI.00. SaLICOL1NIA m.,m0 1 BY ONE CHC 10-03-88 J0B No. 8821047 Dl~tn Nn 77. .- i - - _i i J _I 1 3’ 3’ WEAKENED WEAKENED PLANE PLANE TRANSVERSE WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS 6’ ON CENTER (MAXIMUMI SLAB9 IN EXCESS OF SLABS’ 6 TO 10 IO FEET IN WIDTH FEET IN WIDTH PLAN NO SCALE * w 4 TOOLED JOINT \ 1 6.X 6'-lO/lO WW CONTINUOUS \ WEAKENED PLANE JOINT DETAIL NO SCALE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Lot Numbers 18 and 19 SOIL & TESTING, INC. BY: CHC DATE, 10-3-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821047 Plate tlo. 24 - - - - - ,- ’ IOrNuMEEX18~19,P~oAKswG~PARR,~ B GEu+lmG EzPEaFImm - caNERnL PmvIs1c2s The intent of these specifications is to establish procedures for clearing, conpacting natural ground, preparing areas to be filled, and placing and ccnpacting fill soils to the lines and grades shown on the accepted plans. The reconuendations contained in the preliminary geotechnical investigation report and/or the attached Special Provisions are a part of the Recmnmnded Grading Specifications and shall supersede the provisions contained hereinafter in the case of conflict. These specifications shall only be used in conjunction with the gsotechnical report for which they are a part. NO deviation from these specifications will be allowed, except where specified in the geotechnical soil report or in other written connunication signed by the Soil Engineer. Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc., shall be retained as the Soil Engineer to observe and test the earthmrk in accordance with these specifications. It will be necessary that the Soil Engineer or his representative provide adequate observation so that he may provide an opinion that the mrk was or was not accomplished as specified. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the soil engineer and to keep him appraised of mrk schedules, changes and new information and data so that he may provide these opinions. In the event that any unusual conditions not covered by the special provisions or preliminary soil report are encountered during the grading operations, the Soil Sngineer shall be contacted for further reconumndations. If, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, substandard conditions are encountered, such as; questionable or unsuitable soil, unacceptable moisture (R-8/87) - - -.. - - -. -~ .- - - SCStT 8821047 October 3, 1988 pppendix,page2 content, inadeguate conpection, adverse weather, etc., construction should be stopped until the conditions are remedied or corrected or he shall recosmsnd rejection of this work. Test msthcds used to determine the degree of conpaction should be performsd in accordance with the following Amsrican Society for Testing and Materials test methods: Maxinmm Censity & Cptinmm I@istw?s Content - A.S.T.M. D-1557-78. Density of Soil In-Place - A.S.T.M. E-1556-64 or A.S.T.M. F2922. All densities shall be expressed in terms of Relative Compaction as determined by the foregoing A.S.T.M. testing procedures. PREPARzYrImoFAREA5mRBcEIvEFIIL All vegetation, brush and debris derived from clearing operations shall be removed, and legally disposed of. All areas disturbed by site grading should be left in a neat and finished appearance, free from unsightly debris. After clearing or benching, the natural ground in areas to be filled shall be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to the proper moisture content, coapacted and tested for the minixmm degree of compaction in the Special Provisions or the ret-ndation contained in the preliminary geotechnical investigation report. All loose soils in excess of 6 inches thick should be retmved to firm natural ground which is defined as natural soils which possesses an in-situ density of at least 90% of its nmxinumdrydensity. When the slope of the natural ground receiving fill exceeds 20% (5 horizontal units to 1 vertical unit), the original ground shall be stepped (R-8/87) - -. 3C!S&T 8821047 - October 3, 1988 ~ndbGpage3 - - - .~. -- - - - - - - or benched. Benches shall be cut to a film c-tent soil condition. The lmer bench shall be at least10 feet wide or 11/2 tines the the equipsant width which ever is greater and shall bs sloped back into the hillside at a gradient of not less than two (2) percent. All other bemhes should be at least 6 feet wide. !I'he horizontal portion of each bsnch shall bs cerpaded prior to receiving fill as specified herein for coqacted natural gmund. Grouud slopes flatter than 20% shall be benched when considered necessary by the Soil Engineer. Anyabandouedburiedstructures emouuteredduringgradingoperatiomirmst be totally -. All mdeqmmd utilities to be -mthany propmsdstmcture shouldbe relmvedfroalwithin10 feetofthestructure aid properly capped off. The resulting depressions fnm the above described procedures should be backfilled with acceptable soil that is cmpacted to the requiresrants of the Soil Sngineer. This includes, but is not limited to, septic tanks, fuel tanks, sewar lines or leach lines, stormdrains and water lines. ~rrv buried structures or utilities not to be abandoned should bs brought to the attention of theSoilEngineersothathemaydetemine if auy special reccmenda tion will be necessary. All water walls which will be abandoued should be backfilled and capped in accordance to the regu iremnts set forth by the Soil Engineer. me top of the cap should be at least 4 feet below finish grade or 3 feet below the bottomoffcotingticheverisgreater. The type of cap will depeMi on the diamaterof thewallandsbn~ldbedeteminedbythe Soil Engineerad/ora qualified Structural Engineer. Materials to be placed in the fill shall be approved by the Soil Engineer and shall be free of vegetable matter and other deleterious substances. (R-8/87) - , .SC!S&T 8821047 - octoker 3, 1988 Wpendixrpage4 - - - - - - - - - - - Granular soil shall contain sufficient fine material to fill the voids. !The definition and disposition of oversized rocks, expansive and/or detrinental soils are covered in the geotechnical report or Special Provisions. Expansive soils, soils of poor gradation, or soils with low strength characteristics may bs thoroughly mixed with other soils to provide satisfactory fill material, but only with the explicit co-t of the soil engineer. Any inport material shall be approved by the Soil Engineer before being brought to the site. -roved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in layers nottoexcesd 6 inches inccspactedthickness. Each layer shall have a uniform moisture content in the range that will allow the c-ction effort to be efficiently applied to achieve the specified degree of c-ction. Each layer shall bs uniformly conpacted to a mininum specified degree of c-ction with equiprent of adeguate size to economically conpact the layer. Conpaction egui-t should either be specifically designed for soil coqaction or of proven reliability. The mininum degree of ccmpaction to be achieved is specified in either the Special Provisions or the ret-ndations contained in the preliminary geotechnical investigation report. When the structural fill material includes rocks, no r-c&s will be allowed to nest and all voids rmst be carefully filled with soil such that the minimum degree of compaction recommended in the Special Provisions is achieved. The maximm size and spacing of rock permitted in structural fills and in non-structural fills is discussed in the geotechnical report, when applicable. Field observation and compaction tests to estimate the degree of cospaction of the fill will be taken by the Soil Engineer or his representative. The - > ~.XS&T 8821047 - October 3, 1988 - - - - - - - - location and frequency of the tests shall be at the Soil Engineer's discretion. When the coqaction test indicates that a particular layer is less than the required degnae of coupaction, the layer shall be rewrked to the satisfaction of the Soil Engineer and until the desired relative compaction has been obtained. Fill slopes shall be compacted by mans of sheepsfcot rollers or other suitable equipnt. Coqaction by sheepsfoot rollers shall be at vertical intervals of notgreaterthan four feet. In addition, fill slopes at ratios of two horizontal to one vertical or flatter, should be trackrolled. Steeper fill slopes shall be over-built and cut-back to finish contours after the slopa has been constructed. Slope compaction operations shall result in all fill mterial six or mx-e inches inward fmn the finished face of the slops having a relative ccnpaction of at least 90% of mxinum dry density or that specified in the Special Provisions section of this specification. The coqaction operation on the slopes shall be continued until the Soil Engineer is of the opinion that the slopes willbs stable in regards to surficial stability. Slope tests will be made by the Soils Engineer during construction of the slopes to determins if the required cqction is being achieved. where failing tests occur or other field problems arise, the Contractor will be notified that day of such conditions by written C~NN 'cation frcnn the Soil Engineer or his representative in the form of a daily field repxt. If the matlxxd of achieving the required slope coqxction selected by the Contractor fails to produce the necessary results, the Contractor shall -rk or rebuild such slopes until the required degree of conpaction is obtained, at no cost to the Owner or Soils Engineer. (R-8/87) - - ~SCT>&T 8821047 - October 3, 1988 - - - The Engineering Geologist shall inspect cut slopes excavated in rock or lithified formational arterial during the grading operations at intervals determined at his discretion. If any conditions not anticipated in the preliminary report such as perched water, seepage, lenticular or confined strata of a potentially adverse nature, unfavcrably inclined bedding, joints or fault planes are encountered during grading, these conditions shall be analysed by the Enginsering Geologist and Soil Engineer to determine if mitigating msures are necessary. Unless otherwise specified in the gectechnical report, nc cut slopes shall be excavated higher or steeper than that allcimd by the ordinames of the controlling govermrantalagemy. Field observation by the Soil Engineer or'his representative shall be mde during the filling and coqacting operations so that he can express his opinianregardingtheconfo~eofthegradingwithacceptablestandards of practice. The presence of the Soil Engineer or his representative or the observation and testing shall not release the Grading Contractor from his duty to conpact all fill material to ths specified degree of ccqaction. Fill shall not be placed during unfavurable v.eather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rain, filling operations shall not be resumed until the proper moisture content and density of the fill materials can be achieved. Damaged site conditions resulting from mther or acts of cod shall be rqdred before acceptance of wxk. (R-8/87) - G%X&T 8821047 Cktder 3, 1988 ~,page7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Q?ADm SPEcIFImrIcN-SPmXALETwKrs1m Itk%WIW fXNFWlTCN: The mininun degree of coqaction to be obtained in conpacting natural ground, in the compacted fill, and in the c-ad backfill shall be at least 90 percent. For street arid parking lot subgrarhe, the upper six inches should be compacted to at least 95% relative canpaction. EXPASIVE SOILS: Detrimsntally ezqansive soil is defined as clayey soil which has an expansion index of 50 or greater when tested in accordance with theUnifonnEuildingCc.& Standard 29-C. ~IzmI4Rlmwm Oversized fill mterial is generally defined herein as rocks or 1uq.m of soil - 6 inches in diameter. Oversize materials should not he placed in fill unless reccmmmzIa tions of placemnt of such material iS pIWided by the soils engineer. At least 40 percent of the fill soils shallpassthmughaNo.4U.S,StandardSieve. TRANsITI(N mls: where transitions between cut and fill occur within the proposed building pad, the cut portion should be undercut a mininun of one foot below the base of the proposed footings and reccqactedas structural backfill. In certain cases that weld be addressed in the geotechnical report, special footing reinforcmnt or a co&ination of special footing reinforcenmtamiundercuttingmyhe required. (R-8/87) -