HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 81-06B; POINSETTIA VILLAGE; TRAFFIC STUDY; 1986-02-07%k Lc4-1 TRA FFI C S TUD Y FOR PREPARED BY SCHATZMANN, THOMPSON & ASSOC., INC. 1010 Linda Vista Drive Suite 203 San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 744-1371 SURVEYING, CIVIL & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING FEBI (986 S SCHATZMANN, THOMPSON & ASSOC., INC. 1010 Linda Vista Drive Suite 203 San Marcos, CA 92069 (619)744-1371 SURVEYING, CIVIL & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING February 7, 1986 Holmes & Reynolds Development Co. 839 West Harbor Drive Suite 1 San Diego, Ca. 92101 Attn: Fred Delaney Re: Traffic Analysis for Poinsettia Village Commercial Center Dear Fred: This letter report will discuss the feasibility of allowing a third access point to Poinsettia Village, the commercial center located along the east side of Avenida Encinas. Exhibit 1 shows the proked project design and the adjacent road system. The access points are shown on this exhibit and are numbered from north to south as Driveway No. 1, Driveway No. 2 and Driveway No. 3. Driveway No. 1 and Driveway No.3 correspond to the existing locations of Loganberry Drive. Loganberry Drive is proposed to be vacated and become part of the private internal circulation for the development. Driveway No. 2 would require an access openning as the access rights were waived along Avenida Encinas as part of the previous subdivision map. Driveway No. 2 is proposed to align with the existing median break and with the main driveway to the mobile home park located on the west side of Avenida Encinas. Previous reports for this project were completed by this office, dated September 27, 1985 and December 6, 1985, and show trip generation factors, trip distribution, level of service computations and probable location of future traffic signals. These previous reports are included in the appendix of this report. Several key issuses exist as to whether Driveway No. 2 should be allowed for this project. The City Engineering Departmerirt staff feels that this additional access point should not be allowed as it does not adhere to several design standards and that an intersection cannot be safely placed on the inside of a curve. One of the design standards in question is the minimum intersection spacing. According to the City design I parameters for a Secondary Arterial, the classificati o n o f Avenida Encinas, the minimum intersection spacin g i s 6 0 0 feet. The existing median breaks are located at the f o l l o w i n g spacings; Poinsettia Lane to Driveway NO. 1 - 600 feet, Driveway No. 1 to Driveway No. 2 - 580 feet and Driveway No. 2 to Driveway No. 3 - 570 feet. As these median breaks are existing and two of the breaks align with the drive w a y s t o the mobile home park, the spacing could not be mod i f i e d a s part of this development. As design standards ar e g e n e r a l guidelines there may be Instances which do n o t a p p l y , especially in areas where there are existing Improv e m e n t s must be met. That is the case for the Poinsettia V i l l a g e project where all of the improvements are exist i n g a n d previously approved by the City of Carlsbad. The v a r i a t i o n from these design standards, approximately 5%, Is s o s m a l l that the average driver would probably never n o t i c e t h e difference in intersection spacing along this p o r t i o n o f Avenida Encinas. Intersection spacing is a way o f l i m i t i n g ,'-the* number of access points along a street in an eff o r t t o control. the number of conflict points and incre a s e t h e capacity of the roadway. Whether Driveway No. 2 is all o w e d o r not there will still be the same number of Inter s e c t i o n s along this portion of Avenida Encinas. Another design parameter which the City Staff feels t h a t t h i s development does not comply with deals with the a l i g n m e n t o f Driveway No.. 2. The design criteria states as folo o w s : Streets shall normally intersect at right angles W h e r e feasible, a local street shall have at least 50 feet o f tangent adjacent to an intersection, measured from B.C. R . Collectors should have at least 100 feet. Arterials wi l l require special design. An angle of intersection of m o r e than 10* from right angle requires special approval a n d design. Hillside terrain will require special design. Again this design standard is a guideline and is not m e a n t t o be strictly enforced to every situation. This can b e s e e n b y the wording of the standard. The use of the words s h a l l a n d feasible allow flexibility in this standard to meet sp e c i f i c design considerations. Historically, the City Engi n e e r i n g Department has applied this criteria to determ i n e t h e alignment of the minor Street at the intersectio n . I n t h i s case It would apply to Driveway No. 2. The alignment o f t h e major or through street was usually not controll e d b y t h i s criteria. A look at the City of Carlsbad road system w i l l show that there are numerous intersections which occur w i t h i n or immediately adjacent .to a curve. This is true of b o t h 2 recent as well as older developments. The existing improvements along Avenida Encirias are an example that this standard has not been applied to the through steet. •Another example would be Marron Road adjacent to the El Camino Real Plaza where intersections are placed within curves. These are only two specific examples however numerous other locations could be listed throughout the City. The primary reason for this standard is to provide adequate sight distance for the motorist entering the intersection. The major or through Street is designed to stricter standards and has a larger sight distance requirement than the Intersecting minor street. The design of this development shows Driveway No. 2 to be radial to the curve of Avenida Ericirias, which would equate to a right angle intersection on a tangent section. Driveway No. 2 is also shown to be straight from the intersection easterly into the project. This design would comply with the Intersection design standard as it has been historically enforced by-the City. The Engineering Department Staff also feels that an intersection cannot be savely placed on the inside of a •.•..,- curve.. Again therare numerous intersections within Carlsbad that are located on the inside of a curve. Some of these locations could be considered problem locations and others could be considered normal locations. The primary reason for problems at these intersections Is that there is Insufficient sight distance. As discussed In the original traffic report for this commercial center it was noted that the major concern in allowing this driveway was that adequate sight distance may not exist, without special design considerations. For that reason It was suggested that there be a special setback for buildings, parking, slopes and landscaping be maintained so the sight distance could be provided at this location. A setback line which would provide 400 feet of sight distance was suggested for this location. The setback lines are shown on Exhibit 2 as is the stopping sight distance required by the City. The City standard for a Secondary Arterial Is for a stopping sight distance of 275 feet. The larger value suggested for this project is to allow a motorist leaving the center to better determine the speed of the oncoming vehicle and enter the road without causing the through motorist on Avenida Encinas to take evasive action. By providing this line of sight for the intersection the area on the inside of the curve will have to remain clear of 3 obstructions, which will increase the sight distance along Avenida Encinas in the area of the curve. This -will help to improve the safety of the existing intersection as the sight distance for through motorists will be longer than It Is presently. An example of an intersection located on the inside of a curve which does not have sufficient sight distance Is the southerly driveway of the mobile home park, located south of this project. Due to the road curvature and the wall located along the right of way, the sight distance is limited to approximately 200 feet. At the present time this intersecetion is not a problem as Avenida Encinas does not continue southerly. Once Avenida Encinas continues southerly to serve the Batiquitos Lagoon project there will be through traffic which will increase the problems at this location. The only way to eliminate the effects of the limited sight distance is to remove the wall and possibly move several of the coaches or close the driveway and direct all of the traffic to one of the other two driveways. As was previously discussed in both the original report and Addendum No. #1 there will have to be a trafic signal —installed at a minimum of one of the intersections serving the commercial center. If Driveway No. 2 were to be signalized it would serve both the commercial center as well as the mobile home park. A signal at this location would provide the best intersection spacing and produce the least impact to through traffic along Avenida Encinas. If Driveway No. 2 is not allowed there will probably have to be a signal at both of the remaining driveways. This would cause a short spacing between Poinsettia Lane and the first signal as well as causing a second signal where Avenida Encinas traffic would be subject to control and possible delay. The previous reports have shown that the area would be operating at a Level of Service C or better if the signal were to placed at Driveway No. 2. Another consideration In the design of this project was to provide pedestrian access from the mobile home park to the commercial center. This was a request of the Planning Department. The pedestrian access was aligned with the main driveway to the mobile home park. This aligns with the primary atrraction of the center, the market. If Driveway No. 2 is allowed it will have to be signalized and will have pedestrian functions. This will allow residents of the mobile home park to easily cross Avenida Encinas. If Driveway No. 2 is not allowed many of the residents of the mobile home park 4 may still wish to cross at this location and due to the curvature of the road and limited sight distance, if the special setbacks required for the intersection do not exist, a pedestrian would experience difficulty crossing Avenida Encinas. The pedestrians would then have to cross at one of the other intersections which would increase the distance and travel time. The existing alignment of Avenida Encinas does not conform to all of the requirements of a Secondary Arterial. The centerline radius is less than the 550 feet as required In the standards. With a centerline radius of 500 feet and no superelevatlon a design speed of 40 MPH cannot be achieved. From Ca.ltrans design charts the design speed would less than 35 MPH as shown on Exhibit 3. Due to the existing improvements being designed to less than Secondary Arterial standards and the adjacent land use, residential and commercial, the City should consider a reduced speed limit In this. area. If a reduced speed limit were posted and the sight distance of 400 feet was maintained from Driveway No. 2 the project as proposed would exceed City requirements. The project as proposed is similar to many locations throughout the City where new developments try to tie into existing Improvements. The developer tries to comply with all of the design standards but due to existing Improvements which cannot: be modified some of the standards must be modified. The condition that Intersections should be 600 feet apart does not seem to be a significant issue especially as the variation is so small and the number of intersections will, not be increased if Driveway No. 2 Is allowed. The condition of the alignment of the Intersection seems to be satisfied as Driveway No. 2 intersects Avenlda Encinas radially, the equivalent of right angles, and the sight distance is exceeded with the requiremnent of the setback line. The development Is not asking for any Items which are not present In recent developments throughout Carlsbad. It Is not my belief that because something has been done before that It should be allowed again, but with propoer design and constraints this project would comply with normally accepted practices in the Cityof Carlsbad and the region. The project as proposed with the Driveway No. 2 being signalized and special setback requirements would provide, In my opinion, a safe Intersection for the general public as well as motorists from the mobile home park and from Poinsettia Village. With Driveway No. 2 the number of signals would be decreased which would improve the spacing and improve the flow of traffic along Avenida Encinas, as well as benefitting the existing mobile home park. It would seem that Driveway No. 2 would be the logical location for a driveway considering the existing improvements along Avenida Encinas. It should be noted that any intersection no matter what the design will probably experience accidents. The greater the volume of traffic the greater the chance of accidents. The design of Driveway No. 2 as proposed would exceed the sight distance requirements for a Secondary Arterial. It would seem that reasonable care was taken In Increasing the parameters in an effort to improve the safety of this intersection. A signalized intersection would also make it easier for pedestrian and vehicular traffic to Ingress and egress the existing mobile home park as volumes along Avenida Encirias increase. If you have any questions or need additional information on this item please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Len Schatzmartn Professional Engineer