HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 81-10; KOLL BUSINESS PARK; FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION; 1984-10-03r j" 1 r I I i I.. t ! L \. t , r , I' t ~- · f: ~~©~~w~ ~ OCT 17 l:'Yi'~ GEORGE S. _TE & A~UvIA ItS SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . SfJf trEGO SOIL ENGINEERING & ENGINEERING GEOLOGY O::tober 3, 1984 Job No: 501315-00 Log .No: SD4-3077 Farmers Insuran~e Group 4680 Wilshire Bo~levard Los Angeles, California 90010 Attention: 5l1BJEC'I': Mr. Ja~ v. Grizzell, Jr. FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION Farmers Insurance Group Regional Office Suilding and Claims Office Builqing QTX/~JD Lots 4, 5 and 12; Tract 81-10 Southwest Corner of El Carnino Real and Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California REFERENCE: "As-Graded Geotechnical Report, Rough Grading Cc:mpleted, car lsbad Research Center, Phase I, Carlsbad Tract No. 81-10, Carlsbad, California", by Sa~ Diego Soils Engineering, Inc., dated April 21, 1982 (Job No: 1144-10) Gen t 1 e"'1'B1 : This report presa~ts Lhe results of our Foundation Investigation at ~e 'subject site. ~ investigation 'WaS performed in August 1984, and consiste-1 of fj~ld ~loratio~, laboratory testing, engineering analysis of the field aDd labora- tory data, and the preparation of this report. SITE DESCRIPTION The subjec-t lots are rounded by Priestly Drive on the 'West, Faraday AV~'J~e on t;r8 north and El ca.mno Real on the easl as shown on the !Jxation Map, Figure l. The site is a PJrtion of Carlsbad R.a:.search Center, Phase I, and includes lots 4, 5 and 12. These lots are presently flat graded pads (see referenced report) with a 3-foot high, 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) fill slope between the lots and variable height fill slopes along the western, southern a,d eastern pr.operty boundaries. The oouodaries of the lots have been landscaped along the str.eets mentioned atove. The si te has te<~;) graded to drain gently to the northwest. SUBSIDIARY OF IRVINE CONSULTING GROUP, INC. 4891 MERCURY STREET. SAN DIEGO, CA92111. (619) 268-8266 r, \ I·· .;., ... v::: t· i r \:~: I ! L L o JOB NO.: 2000 FEET 4000 DATE: ADAPTED FROM U.S.G.I. 7.1' ENCINITAS & SAN LUll REY QUADRA.NOLE (1075) LOCATION MAP SEPTEMBER. 10'4 FIGURE: 1 SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEER.'NG. IN. ( . , ~ • # I·· ! ! r:" 1 . I i \ . f I { L Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 Job'NJ: I.£)g No: Page Two 801315-00 804-3077 The site has been previously graded under the testing and observation of this office. The results of our testing and observation are reported in t~ referenced As-Graded Geotechnical Report. The site location and approximate boundaries are sho.vn on our attached site ~ation Map, Figure 1,. PROPCSED OEVEWPMENr Proposed deve10prent consists of roe one-story steel or ~":frame building, and one three-story steel-frame bUilding with slab-on-grade 'floors' 'arid adjacent paved parking. Fill slopes to an approximate 'height 'of 5 ,feet are planed at 'the site. No detailed structural plans w,:re available at the time of this report. However, a foundation scheme of continuous and isolated pad footings is antici- pated. The estimated foundation design loads, as shc:;1Wn in the table below, were provided to us by 'I\:m Atkinson of Atkinson, Johnson and .Spurrier. Foundation ~ign Loads Building Continuous Footings Columns 1-8tory 1.5 k.l.f. 20 kips 3-Story 1140 kips* . * Includes 700 kips Seismic Load A'1ticipated Type of Foundation Conventional Spread Footings Cast-in-Place Caisson Grading for the site will involve fine grading the building pads, paved parking areas, and construction of fill slopes. Grading may also be required to provide appropriate site drainage. f- f l' I ! " V f 1 "', Fanrers Insm-ance Group October 3, 1984 FIELD EXPIDRATION Job No: SD1315-00 Log No: SD4-3077 Page Three Subsurface conditions were explored by drilling 5 borings to depths of 10 to 19 feet. The approximate locations of the oorings are shown on the attached Plot Plan, Plate 1. The borings were drilled with a truck-m::>unted 3D-inch diam::ter bucket auger. Drilling of the test borings was supervised by our field geologist who logged the soils and obtained bulk and relatively undisturbed samples fat laboratory testing. LAOORATORY TESTI~ A. Classification f I Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classificatidn L System. Classification was supplerrented by index tests I such as Particle Size Analysis, and Atterberg Limits. MJisture content and dry density determinations were made for representative undisturbed samples. Results of noisture-densi ty determinations, together with class if icat,ions , are sho.om on the Logs of Bor ings, Figures 5 through 9. B. Particle Size Analysis Particle size analyses, consisting of sieve tests were performed on representative 5aITlj?les of the site sub;rade soils in accordance with AS'IM: D 422-63. Test results are shawn on Figures 10 through 12. C. Atterberg Limits Atterberg lirrJts tests consisting of liquid limit in accordance with ASTM:D 423-66 and plastic limit in accordance with AS'IM: D 424-59 were performed on representative sarrples of the on-site soils. 'Ihe test results are presented on Figure 13. L Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 Jobl'b: l.Dg No:, Page Four SD1315-00 $04-3077 D. Expansion Expansion tests were perfonred on represen tati ve samples of the on,-si te soils rerrolded and tested under a surc~rge of 144 pounds per square foot in accordance with the Unifonn Building COOe Standard No. 29-2. 'Ihe test results are surrrnarized on Figure 14, Table 1. E. Maximum Density/CptDnum M:Jisture Content The rnaxDnumUry density/optimum moisture'content relationship was determined for a typical sample of the oo-site soils. 'Ihe laboratory 'standard ~ed -was' AS'fM: D 1557-78. 'Ihe test results are surrmarized on Figure 14, 'Table II. F. Sulfate A sulfate test was performed on a representative sample of the on-site soils. The laboratory standard used was california 417 A. The test results are presented on Figure 14, Table III. G. R-Value An R-value test was perfonned on a representati \7e sample of the on-site sur- face soils. The laboratory standard used was AS'IM: D 2844-75. '!he test results are surrmarized 00 Figure 14, Table IV. H. Direct Shear Direct shear strength tests were performed on representative undisturbed samples of the on-site soils. TO simulate possible adverse field conditions, the samples were saturated prior to shearing. A saturating device was used which permitted the samples to absorb moisture while a constant ioad is applied. The test results are presented 00 Figures 15 and 16. [. r-.. ,. pt. I' I· i' ( b, r"' I'" r:' ! . , ;. l· f .' j \ {. i i i' I ! i" 1 I I I. , , b r' I " . " • Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 I. Consolidation Job No: SD1315-00 l.D:3 No: SD4-3077 Page Five Consolidation tests were performed on repres~tative undisturbed samples of the underlying bedrock materials to help determine compressibility characteristics. 'Itle samples were saturate::l mid-way ·through the tests to simUlate possible adverse field conditions. The test results are presente::l on Figures 17 through 19. SUBSURFACE COODITIONS A. Fill Carpacte::l fill was encountere::l in our exploratory borings 1, 2, 3 and 4 to a maximum depth of approximately 9 feet. In general, the fill soils are rroist, medium stiff to stiff, sandy clay and medium dense clayey, silty sand. The surficial fill soils <l8-inch:t.) are dry, .and thus need to be processe::l prior to placing any new fill (See page 8, part B). 'Ihe surficial fill soils exhibit a medium expansion potential. B. Be:lrock Point Lama FOrmation consisting of moist, stiff to hard siltstone· and very dense sandstone underlies the site. Bedrock is e>q;X>Sed at the surface in the I-story building pad area. In the 3-story building pad· area, bedrock was encountere::l approximately 4 to 9 feet be1CM the existing grade. The bedrock materials exhibit a medium expansion potential. C. Groundwater and Caving No groundwater or caving of the borehole sidewalls was encountered during ~;:, our field exploration. ·j { I'·;·, .. r I . , i .... h·>~ [ .. .. t. [. Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 Job No: l1:x3 No: Page Six SDl315-00 SD4-3077 Perched groundwater due to rain and irrigation may be anticipated in shallC>'W bedrock areas underlain by the fill. A per ilt€ter drain system below the concrete slab is recommended. D. Hard Drilling Hard drilling in the bedrock materials was experienced during QUI explora- . tion. Similar conditions may be experienced .during drilling for .caissons ..... _ .. E. Expansive Soils The results of expansion tests indicate that the on-site soils exhibit a medium expansion potential. Expansion of near-surface soils could damage structures and exterior flatv.urk. Recommendations to mitigate the affect of expansive soils on proposed improvements are inclUded herein and should be incorporated in project planning and design (See page 8, Part B). SEISYJCITY A. Regional Seismicity The site can be considered a seismically active area, as can all of Southern. California. There are, however, no knC>'Wn active faults on or 'adjacent to the .si te. Seismic risk is considered ION, as canpared to other areas of southern California, due to the distance from active faults. Seismic hazards within the site can be attributed to ground shaking resulting from events on distant active faults. Listed on Table I are the active faults which can significantly affect the site. Figure 2 shows the approximate geographic relationship of the site to these faults. r:': . . . \ . r I 1 L Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 Job No:, SD13l5-00 lD3 No: 804-3077 Page Seven B. Earthquake Effects 1. Earthquake Accelerations We have analyzed the estimated earthquake accelerations at the site and, in our cpinion, for the intended use, the nost signif icant event is a 7.0 Magnitude earthquake located on the Elsinore Fault Zone. 'llie anticipated accelerations produced at the site by such an event would exc~ tpose events which might occur on other known active faults. . .--.. A MagnitUde 7.0 earthquake on the Elsinore Fault Zone could produce a peak ground acceleration of 0.18g at the subject site wi th the duration of strong shaking exceeding 30 seconds. 'Peak.accelerations are not,. however, representative of the accelerationsforymich structures are actually designed. Design of structures should be in carpliancewith the requirements of the governing jurisdictions and standard practices of the Structural Engineers Association of california. r I' ( I'·' <:!- ,r. I· I , , i f L I" I i'" L TABLE 1 . SEISMICITY FOR MAJOR FAULTS FAULT "Elsinore DISTAN....~ FRCM SITE 22 Miles NE Newport/Inglev.uod 40 Miles ~ San Jacinto 45 Miles NE San Andreas 66 Miles NE MAXIMlJ.1 PROBABLE EARTHQUAKEl 7.0 6.5 7.5 8.0 . ESTIMATED .PEAK BEDROCK iccELERATION2 --O.18g ·0.06g O.llg 0.09g ~. Seismic Safety Study City of san Diego (1974) & BOnilla (1970) 2. Schnabel & Seed (1973) [. .. fy ·L r - I i I ! , . . I i., .. t;:g [ V: I ,,- ....... , Fa.rners Insurance Group' October 3, 1984 Job l«>: 801315-00 lDg No: SD4-3077 Page Eight A. General B. The pr~ constructioo is feasible fran a soils engineering ,tandpoint. The grading and foundation plans should take into ~t·the appropriate soils engineering features of the site. -rbe uajor CXlOStraints at the site are: 1) expansive soils; and 2) hard bedrock. Site Grading 1. Site Clearing The site should be cleared of existing vegetatioo •.. !bles resulting fran the re:rmral of any buried cl;)structions, ~ich extend belC7lw' finished site grades, slnlld be backfilled with o::rrpacted fill. 2. 'Preparation of Surface Soils , The dry surface soils within the building area aDd. to 5 feet beyqnd slxJuld be reooved to a minim.:m depth of 12-incbes belC7lw' existing grade prior to placin;; any new fill. Areas to be paved with asphaltic concrete should be scarified to a mininun depth of 8-inches belOirl the .~stin; grade. 'Ihe!ct.ual depth of raxoval slxJuld be evaluated by the Ge=>technical Coosultant at the time of grading. Prior to placing fill, .. the exposed subgrade soils s}x)uld be scarified to a depth of '8 to 12 inches, ~t to'near q>t.irmD IlDisturecaditioos ,aM. ~ to at . least ..9() percent relati ~ '0 .. "ection. 3. Rem:rlial Gradin;l (i) General The results of our testing indicate that CXl-site surficial fill .oils . . and bedrock exhibit medi\D p:>tential tor expansion. '1'0 mitigate the \. .. f i::: / ' L F'arners Insurance Group October 3, 1984 Job No: 801315-00 tog No: SD4.-3077 Page Nine expansion potential of these materials (Xl at-grade slabs,. two alter- native nethods are presented belC7to1: ( ii) t-bisture ConcH tioning Poor to 9-feet of fill was encountered in the 3-storil::ui1ding .p!)d • During grading, the ur.per ~8-inches of the fill soils Within the building pad should be cwerexcavated and placed at5 .percent 'abc:7re optimum llOis~ure content. BErlrock consisting of Point IDna Formation ~s ~ed ·atthe surface . .. in the l-story building pad. It has .been our ,experience that ,mitiga- tion of expansion potential by pre-soakiDgprior to pouring sl,abs in ' cut areas urrlerlain by the Point IDna Formation .is ·difficult to accaIplish. 'lberefore, we recamend that an ar~ eXtending 5~feet beyood the proposed buildings be excavated to a depth of 12-inches belC7to1 existing grade, brou:rht to 5 percent above optimum lIOisture content and recaIpacted to 90 percent relative ca:rpact~on. This alternate my eliminate pre-soak.ing in the slab area,s if the noisture content of the subgrade soils is uaintained' prior to placing visgueen. (iii) Selective Grading The expansive .potential of the (Xl-site .soUsmay...be lllitigated by selective grading. If this alternative Is ,~ecte:3., ;e r~end that wilding areas and to 5 feet beyom in each directioo be '~ with a mini.nun of 2 feet of non-expansive '(U.B.C. EKpansion Index less than 20) soils. ~is al ternati ve will reduce foundation costs in that foundations may then be designed for non-expansive soil'con- ditions. \' rH' f'" I \, . f I. i l' ----. -'. ,,- r l f t, I L' L Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 4. carpaction aM Metl'OO of Filling ' .. <:..... ~ -.~.: ~ -~-~ .':.. '-;:;..:. .;..:.::;. .. ~~ .... Job No: SD1315-oo log No: 804.-3077 Pa:je '!'en Fill placed at the site should be catpaCtedto aminiJru,n relative CXJtpac- tion of 90 percent, based on ~ Laboratory Test Designation 'D, ,1557-78. Fill slnlld be CXJIpaCted by uechanica1 ,means in uniform lifts of 6to 8 inches in thickness. Rcx:ks greater than 6 inches in dimension should not be placed wi thin the CXJIpaCted fill. Fills const.r1.rted on natural slopes steeper than '5:1 nX)rizon~:vertica1 should be keyed an:l benched into bedrock or Ccltpetent 'natural ground. carpacqon of slcpesshou1d be a::hieved by cwerb.ti.1ding the ,slopes laterally and then cutting back to the catpaCted core at ~ign line and grade. Alth:u!Jh overbuilding and cutting back is :the preferred method, fill slopes my be back rolled at intervals not greater than four feet as the fill is place:i, foll~ by finalcarpact.ion of the entire 'slopes. Feathering of fill CNer the tq>s of slopes sl'X>uld 1X)t be permitUd. Fills s1x>uld also be pl.ace:i and all grading perforue3 in accordanre with the re:}Uirem:nts of the City of carlsbad and the thifonn Build.iIYJ Ccxle. 5. Inport Fill Material Any soils iIq;x:>rted. to the site for use as fill or sub:Jrade mterials should be prebnjnanUy granular and awroved by the Soils Engineer ,prior to iIIporting. Ial:oratory testing requirei forapprcM1l -0£ l.DPort aouroes may require 24 to 48 b:lurs. 1.be Soils Fl:qineer ,.8houldbe notified of iJIport locations a minimum 'of two (2) &ys prior to its prcp:>Sed use. 6. Shrinkage and SUbsidence Shrinkaqe due to raroval and recarpaction Qf the on-site 'soils may'be negligible. SIlbsi&!nce of fill ab:>uld be on ~ order of O.l-foot overall. Subsidence in the bedrock areas ahouldbe negligible. 1Jbese I .. I··;: .. h:-:· I·. r ! t \ [ r I ! ·1 '1. L. " Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 Job No: SDl3lS-00 J:og No: SD4-3071 Page Eleven are preliminary estimates which may vary with depth of 'rerroval, stripping loss, aM field cetrlitions at the time of grading~ Shrinkage and sub- sidence figures are considered to be rou:Jh estimates based a1 'available -geotechnical infonnation am sOOuld be confirmed in the field ~ing grading. 7. Fill Slcpes . --... . -'Pill slq>es to a height of approxiIIately 'S-feet . are planne:l at ·the si ~.' We recclillend that fill slq)es be constructed no .~:than ,2:1 ._.:- (oorizootal:vertica1). Fill slq?es so c:onstrooted will 'exhibit 'a factor of safety in excess of the generally accepted miniIm:m :engineerin:l cri- teria of 1.5 for gross and surficial stability. Slc:pes should be planted as soon as possible after gr~ng. SlOO,;Jhing , rilling and slUIping of surficial soils llEly be anticipate:l if these :slo- pes are left unplanted for a loog period of t.ine, especially during rainy ,seasoos. Erosicn cx.atrol and drainage .devices should .be instAlled ,in ca.tpliance with the requirsents of the City.of Carl.sb!ii. C. Famdatioo and Slab Reca'mendations 1. General our investigatioo indicates that the msting surface soils exhibit a -·meditm expansion potential. ''!!be following ~ions ·are ,provided ''for the design of fcotingsard slabs based 'on this ·-expansion potential of -the soils and aM building "loads. OUr reccmnendations are cx.asidere:1 generally consistent with the Standards of Practice. -'!be potential for favorable foundation perfor-. manoe can be further en.hanca:l by maintaining Unifonn misture :cxxxlitions. ~.;. ~ . .'-' , ... 1. u. . , , . ,'. L ..... , ':10, : . Farmers Insurance Group october 3, 1984 Job No: 801315-00 I.oq No: 804-3077 Page 'lWel ve The footing configurations and reinforcement recawendaticns herein should not be considered to prec1txle nore restrictive .criteria by the -~ing a;JeOCies or by structnral 'O:XlSiderati~. ,A 'Structural Engineer should evaluate 1XXlfiguratlons am reinforcement .1;'e::}Uirements for structural loadings ,shrinkage and tenperature stresses. 2. Foundations a. CDe-story Building The reo .... ended type of foundatioo tQ support dead and live loads for a one-story brlld.i..Og is spread footings, either square or o:xitinuous. , . . No footings sb:>uld straMle a cut/fill interface. All footings . should be foonde:1 entirely in bedrock. (i) Colmns Col\JIllS nay be supported on spread footings founde:! a minirmJjl of l8-inches below lowest aq,jacent finish subgrade. Iein£oroeuent should be based on structural la.ding. (ii) walls Exterior and interior footings should be cont.inooUs andfouOOed at least lS-inches below lowest adjacent finish subgrade. ReinforCElISlt in exterior 'and interior :footings ,fIb:)Ula .consist of 'a mini:an:an of tM:> No. • reinforcing 'bars, 'placed meat the :tq) and one at the bottan of the footing • :r·, .- f I:;.: f 1 i:.:, r" 1 I \ t I ! ' , I ,k: I I , I ' t';. I L Farmers Insurance Group october 3, 1984 Job No: SDi31S-OO lD; lb: 804-3077 Page 1hirteen If the structure j.s to be suworted al isolated spread footings, a .m:>isture cut-off wall sOOuld be poured around t.ne ,perimeter of the -building to a depth of lS-inches below lowest-a:1jacent -finish s\lb3Tade. (iii) Slabs Slabs should be as designed by 'the 'Str\:ctural' Fnjineer based a) anticipated use and loading and 'based ala IC-value (subgrade'in:rlu- lus) of 100 psi-inch. 'As a guide, -we ,are .providing the following 9eneral r~tions based upon the expansive nature of ~ al- site soils. Slabs sOOuld be .of 4-inch .tXJ.ni.naJ. thicknessiein- forced with 6x6xlO/lO welded wire uesh located ·at mid-height, and sUQ?0Ite3 (Xl concrete chairs • Slabs should 'be provided witb 4-inches of roonded gravel or clean sand followed by a 6-mi.l visqueen (or equivalent) JIDisturebarrier. '!be ll'Oisture .barrier . slxluld be sealed at all splices and overlain by at least l~inCh .of clean sand. (iv) Pre-So:W.ng Beneath Slabs Slab subg"rade soils stxJuld be soaked to .at least 5 percent ~ optilrun DDisture content to .a depth of 12-~ below slab ,subgrade prior to placement ofCXXlCI'ete. '!be llDisture penetrati(Xl stx:uld be verified by the Soilsl!n;in.eer Fiort.o .J>1aclng visqueeo. As an alternate to pre-soaking, selective grading as ~ earlier may be elected. If selective grading 'isel~,we recllfied that slab subgra3e soils not be allc:Medto' dry' back. in order to maintain the !.'lesired DDisture prior to ,plUt'ing slabs, perioclic sprinkling lillY be ~sary. .L . ' . I f , 1 , i 1. L, r",' I I " 1 ! . ! I L . , " ~s Insurance Group October 3, 1984 b. 'lhree=Story Building " '. ' Joo'lb: '801315-00 Ing No: SD4-3077 Page Pourteen l)Je to heavy oolmn loads (.caxpressiQrl ard uplift), .the XeoJllUendel type of fourXlatioo for the three-story bli1dlng .is ~t-in"1;)lace drilled caissons deriving their .Sl,lR;X)rt "fran end bear~ resistance between the pile tip and the supportingbe:1rock. (i) Al.1owable End Bearing Capacity . ---------..,.~ --~ -_ .. -... ---_._-._--~--..-.-.. -.. -~.,-- The allowable errl bearing capacity per icaissoo is -qivenin.:the ...... ,-. following table .MiniIm:ln , Al.lowable capacity . 'Ca,iSSCXl 1slgth CaisSCl'l DiaIreter (BOO Bearing) ':('ft) , 300 kips 16 550 kips' 20 The al:xNe ,caissoo capacities may be increased by ooe-tb.ird, to , resist wind arx1 seismic locds. "!be structural ~ity of the caiSSCXl tm::W.d be determined by the ~al Fn;}ineer. (ii) Al.l.owable ~lift capacity 'nle allowable uplift capacities of 'the drilled 'aUssoos is pr0- vided in Figure 3. '!be caissoo capacities presented in Figure 3 may be increased by ooe-third to resist wind and seismic forces. (iii) .. 1ateral. Bearing Capacity , The allowable load capacity and the III!lXiJm.n berxliD; III:2DeQt ~ .. single drilled caissco with a fixed he!d 4le toa horizontal load i.np:Ised at the tq;> of the pile are given in the following table for . . . . a i-1nch deflection. . ' , \.. ~ ! . , f" 1 b: r-' t .! .:. I l t· . -. ~ FaLL , . J' '10 '-- -~~ --t-- ~ .v ., " ; \:\ 'BEDROCK :20 ~ -. '-. ---.~-. -. -.,. ---, .10 '--__ ----.:L.--___ .O~. ---..... 4·' _____ ~~ ___ .... _----""" .J< ~1fOO . ;. •.• 0 ~~O J NO.: r181'6-00 . ~ ... .... ·~--:.--:::~r;Er~~·~.:.: -: -:=-:. ·:?~$:·~::-~¥,,-:-r~·.~~~;~~~_ ' . %iao , . ~~. ~ ''"'.t~-:t:'_,...,., ... VPWARD CAt8-aoN ·CAPAClt¥.:,jKtP.J) _. . .... ..' _>.,.; • -:' .:.J,;-;"~:~: .~ __ .~ . ~. ~ A ~ ___ .;:;}. _.. .... ..... ..;_... ':..i. -z _ _ :CAISSON ·CAPACITY " ,;~t.· __ '.'~~-...,~;t ......... '. 'FARMERS tNSURAN.,' .. GBb,,' . ., , , ,.~. _. Jt. ." .. ," ~. • F' r J --- J I L 1 1. I r. L Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 Butt Diameter Lateral capacity Per caisson 19 kips 27 kips (iv) Groot> ktioo of caissons Maxirrun BendiBg' M::Ilent'at Top of caisson 137 ldp-ft 233Jdp-ft Job N:>:SDl3lS-OO ~ Nor' 804-3077 Page Fifteen Point of Zero M:Inent fran '!'op Of Pile 26' 311 No reduction in caisson cap!lCity due to gI-oup 2Ction is -required if the center to center 'spacin; is ~ -to or greater·thari three tines the caisson di5Deter or width. ¥or any Spacing less than three tines the caiSSCXl diameter or width~caisson apacity (ccupression and uplift) lIllSt be reduced to ·account -for group action. Caisson re:1uctioo factors can Pe recan:rended by this ·office. (v) Caisson Drilling cast-in-place drilled caissons should extend at least 'S-feet into fresh bedrock. Since caissons have 'been 'designed to derive sup- port fran side friction and end bearing, every endeavor '!WW.d be made to clean out the bottan of the bore 'oole prior to placing ·concrete. Caissons drilling shcxlld be observed by the Geotechnical COOSultant • ..Bard drilling in .the .bearock _terial.s·:was experienced during em: .. 4!Xploratioo. -:SimiiartxDlitioos my:be experienced during caiSsoi'l drilling. (vi) Slabs Slabs should be as desiqned by the Str\rtural !'ngineer based 00. anticipated use and loading and based Q'l a It-value -(subgra5enodu- ,. r- I - I I J ••• ; \0','0 ! \ I ,- 1-· l' ; L FarIrers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 0";"' •• • 4 Job 'N:I:' :SD131S-{)0 log No: 804-3077 Pa;;Je Sixteen lus) of lOO-psi-inch. As a guide, we are providing the tollCfllling general recamendations based qx:n the expansive nature of the 00- site soils. Slabs should be of 5-irdlnaninal thickness rein-- 'forced with -6x6clO/lO welded wire nesh l.ocated at mid-height !JIld suworted on chairs • Slabs -should bepl';'OVide:l with 4-.inches of rooOOe:i gravel or clean sand follCMed by a 6~l visqueen (or equivalent) DOisture barrier.'lbe DDisture barrier sb?W-d be sealed at all splices and O9&lan by at least 1-inch of clean .. _-_. -........ _ ...... '_._. sand. (vii) Pre-Soaking Beneath Slabs Slab ~ad.e soils should. be $Oaked to at least 5 percent above -opti.nn.ml llOisture OJDtent to a depth of 18~inches belCflll slab subgrade prior to placement of cxncrete. '!be DDisture penetratioo shoold be verified by the SoilsFDJineer prior to placing visqueen. As an alternate to pre-soaking, sele±ive qr~ as recallielded earlier lIay be elected. If :Selective grading is elected, -we recamexl that slab sub;rlde soils oot be all.l.awed ~dry back. In order to uaintain the desired noisture in the subgrade soiis prior to placing a::ocrete, periodic sprinkling Day be ~. '3. Exterior Flab«>rk -Proddedaane differential ~t can be tolerated, exterior ",_labs .en grade (i.e. patios, tIlalkways) maybe 3.5-inches in thickness and rein- forced with 6x6-10/l0 wire uesh. A 4-inch granular base Should Pe pr0- vided bel,* the slabs. Although pre-soaking is oot a requirf!lDellt, DOisture content of optiIrun or above should be maintainoo .prior to place- lIerlt of ccncrete. Slabs sln11d be 8);:propriate1y jointed for crack control. r ·-. . . , 1 :. r . I r 1 r f 1 1 ,. , i j::: .. L Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 Job li:>: SOi31S-OO I.D;J No:SD4-3077 Page Seventeen 4. Allo,.;able Bearing Pressure for Footings 'The following table gives the allowable bearing presst,Ires fpr footin;s ,either entirely 'foande:1 in .cxnpacted fill or :bedrock. . . :Caq;:acte:3. Fill Bedrock Allowable searing Pressures Live Plus Dead loads (psf) 2000 ·4000 .. A .ooe-third increase for short-term wind or seismic loads may be . __ utilized. Footings should. have a mini.ml:m width oflS-j,nchesand, ,Where lcx:ate:i adjacent to utility trenches, should extend be1~ a c:ne-to-ale plane PJ;ojected ~d fran the inside bottanoorner of the trench,. '5. Lateral IIJad Resistance The follcMng table provides the lateral bearing capacities for the cxnpacted fill and bedrock. f!2ll CaIpacted Fill Bedrock ·6. Post-Tensioneii Slabs Allowable Iateral(p.c.-f.) AllowableFriCtion Bearing Pressure Coefficient 300 600 0.30 0.30 As an alternate to conventi9M1 foundations, -post-tensiooed slabs my be use:i. Al:tb::o;rh typically JlDre expensive, post-tensiooed slabs have an StCellent ,perfor:manoe record in expansive JIOil·cooditialS. ·a. ~Design Criteria Post-tensiooed slabs sOCuld be designed by a Structural Flqineer ,for a relatively unifotm bearing over the slab area. fJ:be differential m:wement reo ilile'lded £or design plIp08eS is a two percent gradient .in 10 feet horizootal. r· I· I r -. .. I. ! ·r i , ( I ,. i 1.. i l. L . ,~--.,"'.... ..~ .... -' . .._ ...... --.' ~. .' --'-.'-.. -:''''':-' -~ ..... --_ ........ :----~~'" .-.~"'-.~; ~.-"..-..... , ... ~ ...... ~-~ ... -.-.... '0' : •• ~ ••• ;. ~_-~. -... ·.-, •• ; .. .J.!...';" .. ;.:: .. i..-.._:_r::.,._ ... :.u .... ...:~;!.;..<>01~-.;~:...::-~~:.....;~~~ ... ~~~~ ..... Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 Job No: SD13l5-o0 log No: 804-3077 P~e Eighteen b. Subgrade Treatment . Post-tensioned slabs in living areas should be underlain.by 'a 10-mil ----noisture 'barr ier with one-inch -:of -clean""lRll'ld placed between the ""Sbband moisture .barrier. ''!he barrier should be sealed at all -splices ·and care should be taken not to pmcture the barrier during ·CXXlStru::tion • c. Thickened E?::!ae Post-tensione::lslabs slx>uld have a thickenE:p .perimeter edge extending at least 12-inches into the slab subgrade ,soils.. _. . _ " .' . _.. ... _ .... _ .... ' 7. Retaining Walls .. --~ -, .. Restrained and cantilevered retaining walls nay be designed .in accordance wi th ~ follONing design criteria. :Ba::kfill :50il Type c:n-Site Soils .Inport Select sands (Sandequi valent greater than 30) Act! ve Pressure, pef . . '. Restrained walls cantileverEd walls Level l3ackfill 2:1 Backfill· Level. Backfill:2:lBackfill 60 35 65 ..t8 ·so 30 55 -43 walls subject to uniform surcharge loads should be designed for an additional .uniform lateral pressure ~ to one-third the anticipated surcharge pressure in the case of cantileverEd walls, and CXle-ha.lf the anticipated surcharge in the case of restraine::l walls. ·wall .C1esign should also coosider 'SllrCharge £ran,any Mjoillin1.:structures Or traffic located within a 'zone define3 by ·extension of ,an .ilIaginary .l:ll.ine--up fran the level of the wall footing. r-· .- J r' f 1 I .. ·· '- ; l . v,: , . L Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 . .. . - .. , .. --... -,.......:.......,-~. -.... ~~ .. i-, __ ...!,~.J...~~~it~ ... Job No: 501315-00 ~ No: 804-3077 Pa:,;Je Nineteen Retaining wall footings should be founded at a miniIm.ml depth of 24-inches belOtl l~t adjacent grade. For setback requirenents, ~ section entitled -Footing Setback" Footings should be reinforced asreccmrended by the Structural :Engineer. Flooding or jetting of backfill should not 'be permitted •.. 8c!lckfill plaCed behiOO the walls should be -c:arpactedto a miniImlm relative ~ion of 90 percent as determined by AS'lM Test Method D 1557-78. It should be note:i that the use of heavy carpaction equipxent in close proximity to retaining structures can result in excess of wal11lOY'elIlent (i.e., strains . . greater than those oormally as~iated with the .develqnent of active . - conditions), and. wall pressures exceeding design values. -In this'regard,' - the contractor should take awrcpriate precautions during the backfill placement. if granular backfill is used (See Figure 20), it ,sl'x>uldbe ~ with 2-feet of relatively inpervious fill to seal the backfill 'andprevent saturation by run-off due to rainfall or irrigation. 8 ~ Footing Setback If footings are prcposed a3jacent to slope areas, we recamend tPat the footings be deepened to prO\Tide a miniIm:m lx>rizontal distance fran ~ outer e3ge of footings to the adjacent slope face. -'!be rec.utmended - setback fran the slope face is as follows: :JPooting <Setback _ Height of the Slcpe 2 (mini.mt.E 10·;.-maxi.Im..E 20' ) Footings planned tmder the influence of this raxxmeodation -should be .prO\Tided specific review-by the Geotechnical Coosultant prior to construction • f {.;., f 1, , 1 1 , I. .. I L Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 . 9. Expected SettlE!Iel'lt _,Job M:>: 'SDl31S-00 tog No: '804-3077 Page 1\r.Jenty If footings for the ene-story blilding are suworted by ,natural ground and are sized for the reccmnende:l bearing pressure, and the three-story wilding is supported en caissons,differential setUeuents are not -expected to exceed i-inch. D. ?;Ype Cetent for COOst.nrtion The results of oor sulfate testing indicate that .cementType 1: or II may be utilized for cem:mt in oontact with.the -subgrade -soils •. _ ---__ ~ __ ----' ,--;.--______ . E. 'Drainage 1. SUrface' Drainage 'To enhance future site perfonoanoe,it is reccmnende:l that -ali p:ld drainage sOOuld be collect:OO aOO directed lNay fran .~ stnx:tures to disp:::sal areas. For soil areas, we recwm::=nd that . .a miniIlun of, two percent gradient be naintained. rue to the expansiye nature ,of the,m- site soils, it is iDportant that drainage be directe:iBMay :fran foun- daticns and that recamended drainage patterns be ·established at the tiDe of fine-grading and maintained thr()UJh:>ut the life of the structureS • PIqlerty owners sb:>u1d be BMare that altering drainage patterns, .' landscaping, the a::kll tim of patios, planters, am other iDprov.errents, as well as irrigation and variations in seasonal rainfall, all .affect .sub- surface misture conditions, which in turn affect st.r1.:ctural performance within -expansive -soil1lreas. 2. Subsurface Drainage AltOOugh 00 grourdwater was encountered in any ,of our test 'borirqs, -. perche:1 groundwater due to rain and irrigation may be anticipated at the fill-bedrock interface. We IE!CCl1nend that ~ subdrain system 'belOw the ooncrete slabs of three-story blilding be provi&d to mi tiqate· the effect ·of potential perched groundwater condition. "!he subdrain :system IIhould be c1esigne:l by the Civil Fngineer. r f. r ; 1:::: ", I L. r' I 1 ·1 C· [ ! \.. r . V· 1. t L Farners Insurance Group October 3, 1984 F. Trench Backfill Job~: '801315-00 tog No: 804-3077 . Page 'lWenty-()')e It is oor opinion that utility trench (exterior and interior) and/or wall backfill--o:nsming 'Of -the on-site neterial types alUld .:be -best placed by mechanical oc:rxpaction to a mininun of 90 percent of the l..8bora~.1I8Xi.nun density. If the trenches are excavated in the ,bedrook naterials, oversize iIaterial may be generated and not be suitable for backfill. l'b rocks greater than • ~~... --• .~ -• -> --. ~-~. -~. -----~-• ~ - 6-inches are acceptable for trench backfill, and nesting of rock$ less than 6-inches should not be allowed. G. Grading and Footing Observations Grading should be perform:d under the testing aOO observation of the sOils .engineer. ldlitiooally, all footing excavations sOOUld be reviewed .by the Soils Engineer prior to placing reinforcing steel and .concrete. H. . Paved Areas Areas to be paved with asphaltic coocrete should be graded in accordance with the site preparatioo r~tions given a!:x:we.. Pavement subgrade soils should be scarified and noistened to near optinu.n ccn:1itions and catpaCt.ed to at least 90 percent relative coopaction in the top '8-inches below finished sul:qrcde inmediately prior to placing ,base. '!be following. <PI'eliminary pavsrent ·se::t.ions ·are recaDDended '~al an-R-Yalue .0£29. , Light Vehicles (T .. I. -= 4.5) Driveways and truck loading (Tool. -5.5) 3-inches ·of asphaltic :COnCrete -over 4i-inches of untreated Class II !g9regate base 3-inches of asphaltic concrete t::NeI 8-inches of untreated Class II aggregate ,base i 1 , . r' 1. I l,-_ r- L Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 --........... -" , . ..::.' ' " . • ~ ';,~~~ .. '..~:.;; :.: ~ .. ~ • .r •. ~ {~~ .. ~~ ... ::i:~~;:~'::~~ .. '. Job No: 801315-00 IDg No: 504-3077 Page Twenty~ Trese preli:minary recamendatioos sl'x>uld be confinrel by l!d:litional "R-value testing at the CXJIp1etion of fine gr~ing. Aggregate base should conform to the requirements of the California Department of Transportation S1;:andard Specifications for Class II ~e:Jate base. -Aggreqate base should be can- pacted to a mi.ninun of 95 percent relative o:mpactioo. We recamend that the area within and around the trash ex:1osurebe paved ,with Portland CelIalt Concrete. P.C.C. paving sb:x1l.d be a mininun 'S-inches ,-thick, reinforce::i with 6x6xlO/lOwe1ded wire nesh. -Subgrade -SOils should be -------,-- ,prepared as recamended a1xwe for asphalt paving .Ccncrete paving should .be , , provided with zq:.prct>riate release joints at a maxiImJrn interval of 20-feet ,and di videq into a nearly square panels as possible. As fo.mdation and grading plans are exmpleted, they should be forwarded to the Soils Engineer for review for confonrance with the intentions of these recamendatioos • r: i h-.. 1 { .. L Panrers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 LIMITATlOOS OF INilESTlGATICN Job No: SD~3l5-o0 lDgNo: $04-3077 Pa:1e 'lWenty-'lbree OUr .investigation was perfonn:d using the degree of..care aOO.skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputabl~ Soils ~ineers and Geologists practicing in this or similar localities. No other warranty, expresse:l or iuplied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice inclu:led in this report. The °Sanples taken and used for testing and the ° Observations nade are believed . representative of the entire project; hor.lever, soil and geologic oonditions can vary significantly between borings and surface outcrops. As in nost najor projects, conditions revealed by excavation may be at variance wi th preliminary findings. If this occurs, the change:l cc:xXli tions ImlSt be evaluated by the Project Soils Engineer and Geologist and designs °ldjusted :as required or alternate designs recamerx1ed. This cg;x>rtuni ty to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, Tara S. Sikh, R.C.E 35454 Senior Engineer (A/.kQjc CJ<.. __ _ ·w. lee Vanderhurst, C.E.G. 1125 Manager, Geologic Services TSS/MJMIYiLV:an Mi J. Miller, R.C.E. Vice President ... . ' . Farmers Insurance Group October 3, 1984 . , Job 1«>: SD131S-00 ". Enclosures : f;': L .. IJXation Map, Figure 1 R63ional Fault Map, Figure 2 Plot Plan, Plate 1 Caisson Capacity, Figure 3 Lo;rs of Borings, Figures 5 throtXJh 9 Laboratory Test Data, Figures 10 ,through 19 Retaining Wall Backfill, Figure ,20 i ' Distribution: (6) Deems/I.e.rls " ·partners .' .1 Attn: Mr. Ramiro Hernandez ~-.-. '--" .~.' . . ' 1'l :-j ~~.:-----:-:::- " f "I " . 1 -I l LogN6:SD4-3077 Pa;e lWenty-Four' '. , ... >" .- ",' ... [ ~ '. .' ~t r [ r r ":: r t 1': r [ l l f i [" [ r i- f: [. l ~I i -~""-, -;:,.,.. l' fl 1 "".' ~-"">;1 ~- . \~;(=\ I e. ., '< J·r I f.S~ • if'; ; ':\\ , '" _ .\ _ _ ...... " 1: _. ~ . _, I _ ~~ ~ ~ -~ ~ • 1 .... T vi LA" ! \ J I \ I . ~ .. ~ '?' ., '1 ~m aAK~~ • It'-'" II -, ..... -... _" . ~, ---, , ' -'--l ' ... !' '\ , " )' Adapted from: Geoloqx. Se"mlclty and Envlronmenta. Impact. Special Publlcat~· of, the Aaaocladon of Engln .... lng G~log .. t. 1" 73 , .. "',\ I '~ AIIDIIIO 1'-;:> ., " \ \ \ L.."\.." \ , ~",,J b 0_ o -/ ~'r' --\ r~U~ I 'Y$>" ..,.. .. _"'7:-" ". -. r----i-------t ~ """ &-~,. .----I, ",. "0; ",:: ~ < ~ t '.... -: " •••••••••••••• S D £ f .... \'" ' I~ __ LI" r Of ............. r ---[" .... .\ '. i ) ~ ..,.. ~. AUOCIATIOII OF ~ .. ee:~ .,73 1 ~ '. I \ .... c15 1 ••••• \ A ~ f'=\\, u· • • • • _ r ,. liLa.,.,.. I , _ T 1 1210 • I L l$ I I II MAJOR EARTHQUAKES AND ~ECENTLY ACT1VE F"AULTS IN THE SOUTH~ CAUFORNIA REGION EXPLANATION" ACTIVE FAULTS EARTHOlJAI(E LOCATIONS ---" ApprQQII\Ott tpoCtnlfGl 0<e0 d eortIIquaMs thai ToIolltnqlh 01 foull ZOf1t that brtoks ~ dtposll1 0< Il101 fIO$ hod seiSmiC acti¥lty Foult wgllltnl WlIh ""fact rupture tluriftll on hIStoriC IOr1hquoke. 0< wilh ose'$mic foul I crttp. ImO 0CCIIITId 1769-1933. MOCjl\,IU<ies no! rtO:l<1ItcI by III,I",,,,,nl$ pnor 10 190£ wert ts"moted from donIoqe rtpOnS ou,qt>ed on Inlens,ty ... {~,fttd Mtttol, \COlt} f1l ~. litis " rr:#ftt ~lVOltnt 10 Richter 101 6.0. 31 modtro'''' eorthquakes. 7 mopr 0tId one ~ -'hquake U857} wert reported i\ the 164-V-P,floc( 1769-1933. o Holoctnt volcanic OClloil, I AnIbor. PItf;ah. c.no PrItIO 0tId SoIIon IIu!tn I ~-HO ~ epicenln since 1933. pIoHtd "- imprMd nstlVlWlfs. 29 mocWotI" oncI ""' II'IQJCII' ~ ... rtCI:lrOId iI .. ~.,... penod 1933 -1973. '" s. ..... _. """" __ • lot ..-., ...... ' .... 1 ... tI _. c... , • _ ., .. '''-E"t"'"" A_ .. ,'" II Col ....... ~ ...... __ " • -"'" ..... Ri"' ..... " .. II T'llo or _ ..... -!O'M_' 7 to 7,,; • _"..,... .. , II 7. ~ ~= J Pnodor """''''' '-..... ___ -WI-.. '" 01 tilt CMrfrW p,.,,_,., II.,,.; ~ ~ ~ ",..".,. 6.!II#II,"6·11t964' •. ..-a-."", boil""". et 1M ~_ ~~M'~; _ c..tR_. £-'-7 s.t.-" ( I,~.I; w tilt ,._II,*,. , N. o .... SITE ..... .•.. .. \\ .. \ ... ... ---1 ~ --I , I (~ IMS ~ ~ ---'-~?PN~ tlU ~_ .... \,.,.\ \~' t" \ ~ ~ \ .•..• " . ...., .. • it Ie-\, ..... ~ ',-_ ~W~ ~ REGIONAL FAULT MAP ~ ~ SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERINQ.INC. ~ ~--80IL £ ... "u ... ~IjUI"It' ee:0Uln 117" ~ .101 NO.: Io.t.,..: 1 .... UIt( MO.: 2 1311-00 SEPTEMBER, 1 "84 j'" -... --- ,,1 ; ,1 :' ',: ' .', i , I .1 '" i ' , , i ~J. , ... '~ . :, '" '> :~ • . . .' " , , . ' ; , ,PRIMARY DIVISIONS GROUP SECONDARY DIVISIONS aYloA. ' . ., GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVELS OW Wel~ r.,~dad gra"el., gravel~.and .nlxtur ••• llttlaor rn . no Ie. " . Z (L.E88ntAN I~ ~ 15 ~ ~ MORE TW.H HALF flIES) GP Poorly :gradad graye'l. 'or ,ravel-.and ",hlture •• , OF COARSE little or no flnas. '. . . .' . FRAC110N as .OM gl'll rc-.laJ •• graveJ-aand-allt Inlature •• non~ . 0 U~ GRAVEL wrTH • t c na. ' . . .- ~ LAAOERTHAN FJES GC ~"Y'fc ~rave.,gra¥a.-•• nd-Clay ",Ix turn •. i:~ NO.4 SEVE pl •• t c Ina.. '" . ·SW· Well grad.ad .and., gravelly .,nda, "nttl. or no .. f5 SANDS CLEAN 8AfC)S finer;. .. MOFE THAH HALF ·CLE8STHAN , SP . ~ooli',t rraded .and.· or gravally ·a'and •• lltUe or ~ §mi 01' COARSE R flIES) , no .1 a. . " , IX: FRACTJON IS SM SIlty aanc1a, •• nct-aUt '",Iatura •• non-plaatlc .,inas. ,: tIC 0 i '.,.", , ER THAN 8AN)8 WITH flIES SC 0 NO.4 SEVE , Claya,. .and., .and-clay Ift,Ixh ..... pla.tlc fines. ~' n~ ML Inorg.n~c .lIt. and, warr. Una ,and. ro!:Jt,Jour a!~t~ or , SILTS AND CLAYS clayey tine .and. ,or c &yay "tt •• hh .lIoht'DJutlc ty. ' - CL ~norganl~~ya o~ ~ to ~ iMaatlctty •• a".lIy , UQUD LMT IS LESS THAN eo-. clan .• a day. .ltty ,eta a. an clays. ," . ~ ill:~. OL Organic ',lit. ,an~ organic ,"it~ clay, oUqw pla.tlclt)'· i,:'~-... MH, Inorcnlc iIt': •• ;mc~eo~. :tlt,dlatomaceoua 'fIne -: < a: Ili-~-' SILTS AND Cl.A YS •• n or. t 0 a a.t c '. s. ,.., ' {!) ---y , ' Inorganic ~'.ya Of "high, pJaaUclt)'; fat'7eta),s:,--;;'::-', -: :.;-:~~'~ . .. -.. -_._. __ .. -.... -., 'CH: ., :~ LIOl.:>LMT IS OFEATER ~ &0'5 i ' , ·OH· 0ra21~'c c}.lya Of medium to high' ,plaatictty. " " -.": 'Ii: or an c .Uts. . " ,Pt P.at and otner tMghl)' organic ,.olls. -' .. ' . . HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS ' . , " " " ,. DEFINITION OF TERMS' ' , . , , , , .. .. ' " ,-, ' .. .. " :. ~' .. " " ". , , . " -" , , .. .. " 'O' , .' .. " ~ . " ' .. -,-:, . . ~ . , , , . ' .. " . ' -, " . ' . ,., , ' -.--.. " u.s. STAIC>ARO SERIES SIEVE _ ,CLEAR SQUARE.IEVE l)pENINGS " .. '" .. :3/4-.. ,S-., 12-' . 200 40 " 10 ,,4 .. , ' , . -, -.. , , .. SAND "GRAVEL. COSBLES' lBoUt...oER$ SILTS AND CLAYS I J I 'COARSE FINE .MEOIUM COARSE FINE " GRAIN ~IZES SANOS,GRAVELS AND BLOWSIFOOTt CLAYS AND STRENGTH' BLOWSfFOO1 " ,NON-PLAST1CS 8IL. T8 PLASTIC SILTS ' " VERY ,LOOSE 0-4 . . ~ .. VERY eoFT " 0· ... 1/4 . ,'0 -:2' . LOOSE 4 -10 SOFT 1/4 -1/2 ,~a --4 'FIRM 1/2 -'1 4-'. ,,' MEOrUM DENSE 10-eo ; " STIFF ,1-2 ',. -:11 :DENSE ao -60 VERY STIFF ',. -12 -: '. -4 VERY DENSE OVER 60 '-HARD OVER .. OVER 12 , ' RELA TlVE DENSITY " ,CONSisTENCY . ; t ' " foUnber of bknra of 140 pound hanwner falling 10 Inchea to drive .. 2 Inch OJ). (1-S/B WICh LDJ ,'. ,epIt apoon (ASTM D-1688). ' , .. -" -,-~ --'-' --. .-~ -'-' . " -_. "--.. --~ .. "-.. .. -' '" . , ... '" " ....... .. --. 'Unconfined compr ... tve atrttngth In tona/.q.ft. aa deterrnan.d by laboratory IMtIog or appro"knlted b,. the atanderd penetrat~ te.t (ASTM D-1I8e), pocket penetrometer, tCItYar... or -.., obHrvatlon. '. KEY TO EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS , , Classification 0-2487) " Unified Soil System (ASTM - JOe NO: I DATE: 'IFKU£: 1315-00 ,'4 ,SAN DEGOIOLI ,ENGINEFRINCUNC. r··· -. . r~~, 1 . ';' -~ .:' )', ,', . ( tj 1-_-:-..~-.. .:f ... -,.. .1 '{ '.,'-,', 1 , , .. IT··· , .1.. ,"-' , :'.. ~ DATE ·OBSERVED:_B..:..I_2_0.:....I_B_4 ______ -METHOD OF DRILLING: __ 3...,.O .... "_B'-u_c.,..k_· e_t_An-,-:9:...e .... r __ -------.,. ....... -.,., 2600 J hs ke11}' .hammer. LOGGEp BY: .~ ... .~g g !!: % ~ CD ri) ~ -II) 0 au C·..J cc 0 au tElw a:..J ::>A. "':1 !?c: CO? Z ::> GROUND £LE~AnON: 3) 7 I LOCATION: See map. au -l A. S . BORING NO. _1...,.-_ -",' . C CD . "~OJL TES,T ~ ..J ::> DESCRIPTION tEl o .E·" ~o~~~~~_+--~--~--_+--------------------~------~----~~--------------~ CL Fill': .Brown fine sandy ClAY., -drX. -, . medium stiff. -'-----------,..-------- -CL . 10 Z ~ 7 .1 ~10 •• -------~--------;:;:::-~--~~-------~-----. Brown fl.ne ·sandy ~ , . .mOl. st .• medl.urn .. '6:1 -.~ stiff J with gravel. . " . ' , 13 ~ 9.2~05. Bedrock: PointLoma .form~tion; light .. ' : brown to gray-"brown with ·orange and . . brown streaksc;layey Sn.~, :Jiloist:~ ... . very stiff to hard. . . " . -,':'.:-: , . :.-~~~~':'""-:--~--.... -: • , 0 1Q--~ l2XX B.6 fl04. , N _ _ • • A ~_. _ " ._',' • '_" " " -.. ~--.-:-; :;;'''::::2".-::':'::-:: .. _:~:~:..: :·-:7-::-::·::'"·-:~::'~ ,-"'.::::_'~.o~ ~Dii~c·~~·h:e~ro:-:::.~~-o-: - .-~ 15-: . .-.:; .. .- 20.,.. - - -: 26-- -. -: 30- - 35-. '0 . 40- I @lB I. Cemented Refusal :@ 18' Total Dep'~h 18' No seepage, no caving Backfilled8/20/B4 . , -) ': ., .. ': Iundist).lrbed.)" ~ .. ;' ," : ~ , 00' ::. ~.:::, ,,' ' .... -. ~--..... --, '. ,:1.' .. ' -, ~ -"-... - ........ -.. -'-_.-4..'_, LOG OF 'BORING :IFIGURE: t; ,AN DIEGO 'OILS EN.GINf;ERIHG, INC. t • i . J " ' J L J , . , ,; i .L L " " ' .-! .. , , .- ,DATE OBSERVED;~B/1-.;2t;.;Q"",/'-.!e~41...-_____ METHOD OF -.DRILLtNG:30"Bucket Anger, LOGGED BY: ~ ~ t-W i;,O W .iC 0 ~"~ ~ ::t ,!:!: Jf) 't-tr) ,~ 'CL, tr) 0 W ,C -' CC 0 W W ..J I:Iw A 1t..J ~ ::>0.. C ,~!I ~ _C ~ Off) ..J Z ::> ::> ,lEI 2600 ),bs 'kell}' hamrne;r GROUND ELEVATION; 3)7' LOCATION:, see mal? .... >~ w-Ito It-O~ !:)t-",-t-Z 0>-~W ct: -t-Oz ..Jff) :fO, &.z 0 ZW -0 aOlLTE8T ' ,BORING NO. ---=2=-- DESCRIPTION 0'5 lEI -o-+~~--+---~~----~---+--------------------------------------~--~----------~~ -CL Fill: Brown fine sandy ,CJ.M, , dry,' ,-----:,--,------r-----.......... medium stiff. ' - ,..; 10 '~ 8. 9, lOa~( ~:~~-~~~::-;:~:-:::~~-~~-:~~;~,f~~-'~,- organic, moist, medium stiff to S"tiff," _ CL" wi th some ,gravel.' ' ' alXX 6.6,110 ~- ,~ " ,,' ConsbliaatipI1' ,:(:qndi stlirbed), , Att~r~rg':'~mi1:s , --+--I--i--t---t---t-----,----------,"--------:f Expansion~~ 'Sui tate, , .;, ' pa:t~,i-~l~. ~~~_~§!. __ . __ . 1~.-::---::::~:, ,11 ~ "._ '2.3:107.1 -,- ~:--'.-~.~- , ":Analysis;'> ' 'Bedrock: ,point ~'~Lcxna: ft;rmatiort:i=:::t-ight'=:< '1Pirett ~=.s1}~'~r"":"-~:' ~ ----:::~~ ~ -.-:-"...,.--' -- .: brown to ·gray with orange sqeaks , . .c-und'ist~rbed)' ,. clayey Sn..'rS'IDNE" moist, ·very· __ :st~ff .: . ... " ,",' - ,~' '~. i 15- 20- .. 2~- , SO-- . . 40- JO~~:_oo I to hard, ,fractured. ',' ,,: .@ 19 I Cemented Refu~al @ J,.,9' Total Depth 19 I no seepage, no ,caving backfilled 8/20/84 , ",' "',- f.", ,', '.7'; ::"-", ."'. , ~: . _ ... .;. , , lOG OF BORING \FIGURE:6 SA'N DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING; INC. f:'':' . i . 'j " j .' :1 ,r. [' t.' I· .. • i'" , i '. L . 1 L L .0 ATE OBSERVED: _.=.8/:...2:;,.;0:.,:/....:8:;,.;4 ______ ME T H 00 OF DR IL LIN G: _..::.3;:0::.,."_' ....:B::.:u::.:~:.:.k;.;e:..:t:.,...::..A:.:.:n:.i!g~~~~__',_.,......,...:..,.-----_.;,..-..: 2600 lb kelly harraner' LOGGED BY; CC GROUND ELEVATION: .3) 9' LOCATION: 'see map p ~.'" tl ~fi·8 ~ ~ !t ... !!:: 0) .~ fI'J ~ ~O) 0 w c .... 0 W atw cr .... :>0.. .~~ _c Oel) z :> w ..J ~ :I C 0) ~ ..J :> CD ... >.~ wilt cru BORJNG NO. 3 cr .... 00.. :> ... w .... ... z u> O)w ct:: -... Oz ..JeI) ~O ~z DESCRIPTION ~~ (,) 80lL 'rES1' . Q ~ CD -o~~~~~-+--~--~---+--~----------~------------------~+_----~--------~ . ..~t ____ _ ~ . : SM Fill': Light brown to tan ·with 'red ,and ---!-----" orange streaks clayey 'SILT, dry, __ -,jlr-.. " .-5[XX~6. 7 94'.5 medium stiff. .' .' : maximum density, ", ----------------------..:-:.-----.... -.--~----·:;.:tterberg·L{mi ts -. ~ light brown-tan with orange streaks . Exp-ansion, .:'Sulfate 92.1 silty SANDS, mOist, medium dense. . '-:Direct .shear'·, ' "', . '(ill,ldistqrbecU., . ... ~ .. --.;.--.;.---~----~------------..:L·-~.:.-.:.~.;.--I.parti.cle 'Size - 5-" 6 ~ 136.4 , --':'1-------!-----. ,CL .:. Dark brown sandy ~Y,molst ~tiff, Analysis s1ifht1y organic. . @7' ,dry. r-' . l'd . . " '. , --9nso' ~ at~on . -, ,-..--+--+-____ f--,..-+---I,"---~ -.---. --:-.'-," -.' -'-,-'--" ~-----'c--'-.-~--:-.--::-.... (uridfsturbe·d) .-::::::~: 10-~ ..' .. .' "Direct ,.Shear.' . . '_' -"'14 ~ 'J9' .. 5.10.7.' Bedrock!:;Point-Loma:'fotmati6nr=-:-l.i,g'hi;::·: T.tUl:ld·i:s·t;,urbedlc ... -,:;~--::~ . - .. --- '. 15..., , .. ' 20- -: • -- 25- '~ ., -- 80- ~ ,- ," ·86- . -- 40- i JOf3 r5>=o 0 I brown-tan with orange and btoWn:'.< b' 'd .::, :.,' str~aks clayey ,SILTS'IONE, 'mo~st (ver.y ; 5-ns~~J.. ~t.~o:x . stiff to hard., fractured. . (.1,l1la',~,sturbed) @ 19' I Cemented Refusal @ J,9' .Tota1 'Depth, 1.9'. no seepage, no 'caving . backfilled 8/20/84 -. " -.. ~ ", " .. lOG OF BORING :IF'IGURE: 7 SAN .DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. ... ~:,f' ',' f ' . \ " ·1';:; " .c --.-_._---, . . ,:,.1 ~., ' \':, ( I j"" ! ! I 'I , I,;" I , J , ~ ... ; , 1_, .. ', -' DATE OBSERVED: ___ ~2!i/~_4 ____ _ METHOD OF DRILLING: 3(')'" BU"}.l,t /\)19 ('l' ,2(,lj')' H.~~ }:d] y J-;ammpr LOGGED By: CC' GROUND ELEVATION: 3) 9', LOCATlQN: SeL' .mal , .. ~ w W lAo, :r: ~, w o z 0 ;: e U' ~ t/) (/) c· ,..J ... 0 0 W 0 CDw 'lAo 0:..1 .... ::>e. (/) .... ~ ~ 2?e 0 O(/) ..I z CD ::> >G: w ,.. ..I w~ o:u BORING NO, 4 e. 00. ~ 0: ::> ... ..... e ... z w> 501l,.,TE5T (/) (/)LIJ U ... -... c_ :a.:: Oz ..I(/) ..I o.z ::> ~o zLIJ DESCRIPTION CD u -0 () -O-+~-r--~--~--+----+----+---------------------------~~----~~~~--~~~----~--~ Fill: Lig!:t brovm-tan sandy t ~silt'y CL ---~ ----------- -ML . ------, ---------- -: 5-CL -. .... " .. CLAY I dry, medi urn st iff. Tan-l i ght brown clayey, ':sandy SILT, moist, medium stiff. '---------------..;----------;-'~----..:-,~--::.. Dark brown sandy CIAY I slight~y or9~mic mOist, stiff. @5) I dry. , '.-. ,. , . ...:.., -._--Bedrock :--' Poirrt ' Loma-tormat~~olff' '3:-:i:gh.t---:-= -', -....:._.~:.~_:_'--.:"o::.:..~.~: ~'-.o: 10-~-+--I---+--+-----h brown with orange and -brown streaks ' ,', .. ' .. ,. ' ':' .', '1\ clayey' Sn.TS1DNE~ "moist;= ver·~; .. stTfy;-.. --. "-:---,~". 7' .J.,_~_~,'-:'-~---: , fractured. . -. ' .', . '.' ," , ~ •• : • ".~~:.~ .J. A':-_ _ _:_: _ .. _ ,. _ ."' ~ " Total Depth 10" 15-No seepage" nC? caving ;, , 20- - 25- 30- - 35------~-" ' JOB NO: ] 3] ',-(HI I LOG OF BORING IFIGURE: 8 SAN DIEGO SOILS .ENGINEERING •. INC. " ' 1. '; ,. l." j. " t': . , 1 · . ~ 'J .J r I ! to F·' ( " L I I I I L . DATE. OBSERVED: 8/2"/84 METHOD OF DRILLING: Y)" 'Bu,-!:et Anger ----'---------2(,(10 IlJ hell), .hilmlll(·r LOGGED BY: CC Z 0 t: 0 ,t- ~ 0 W w ·0 Ulw ·w .< "-.U "-a::...J .... -::lD. :r ~ '(/') ~~ to-(/') ~ -< D. (/'), 0 Oel') W < ...J Z 0 . ...J m ::l ,,-0 U -;' - -. - 10-. ___ ':)/9':~ 15- - , 20- - - -25- 30- 35- <40- JOB NOo:l'~l' _i'fl w ...J D. ~ < (/') ~ ...J ::l Ul GROUND ELEVATION: 3] 1 • LOCATION: >Li:' a::u OD. ·w ..... u> <!:: • ...JeI') D.z Zw -0 t22-.7 100. I BORING NO._S_ DESCRIPTION Bedroc.'-': Point LoliB Fornation. light brov.'I1 to grey with Orange and brown st.rea'-'s silty; SANDS'IQ'\1E, rroist, _ very dense fractured. 'SOJL.T:eST ; At t~rber9 .Lirhi ts ,. Expansio'n,-R-val ~e Particle Size •. Analys{'s', : r.::., -;'"" ,_ .~, _ '.; .' • .' ----~ ---";:"-, --;...-~-. -'~ .,~.: .. ::-~~~~----'.-..-.. -----....!...-~-~. Refusal (C 11' Total Depth 11'- No seepage, no caving ';-.~-", .. .'~ -,~ ~~--.-:" --,"-: -~ ---. -,'-. ': ';...,:.;..:: -,- ...... ~ -~ . -~ ~: ; ~ .. , .. , .' '.i • , ,', LOG OF BORINGIFIGURE: 9 SANDIE~O SOILS ENGINEE~ING. IN/;, 'r- ...... 'W '-' v1 I o o t-o ID Z 9 f-...-- ." » :0 ~ 0 r-m (J) N m ):;-z » r- ~ (J) 1-< zoo 0 ;;; C> 0 fn 0 ;= fn Tl z ." ei5 z . c: m .:D 0 ' m m ":D zl .' " p -I~ z " oQ "0 m :D (') m z .... "0 >-fn fn Z CO> --.+:....: I . :>. .--...."-.... , ,.. -'-""'''' -:~. ::::~-~ ~ ......... 'GRAVEL SAND COARSE MEDIUM' ;---................ -... ~~ ~~ " , FINE .. ,.1...- ;;:,t'i ,1 ;1 ! ~'< J '., .. ~,~] I, ,~¥' • ~, . , ., j, , '1. .. SIlT ,",I, MEVIS SIZES--U.S.STANDARD . 3/4" 1/2", 1/4" 4 10 20 ". 40' 100 200, .. ." ':-'::"~ ......0.-.-. .... . ::,' 100 11 I rnJtm:±;t I [toll I I I 1111'1111' I II 11111 II' . i -......... ~.:.... ~.......; ............... -,.'::;., J CLAY, 100 "'h.. 90 11 11111111111 I J1tiHiJ: Illlllllll'l I 111111111 1 90 I . I 8011 I 111111 III I II 1111 II I II -+-, ~ 11'11 I 1111l II I I 1-11 I I 1-. 111"1 I 1111--+ I' , I' 70" I I I '" I I I /I I'" I I eo" I I I I /I I I I I 1/1 I I I II . I I I III I I . I '1 I I I r I I I 50'" I I I I '" I I I " I '" I I I " I' I .. I I '" II 'I 1 " 40/1 1.1 I I 1/1 I I I' /I 11/1 I I I /I . 'I "I I I II' I I 30 " "I II I '" I I I " .. I I /I I r I /I I . ' I I I III' I :' I' .' . . " I,i" ·r' I; !' " . 10.0 BORING' N0.1 DEPTH (FE.ET> I SYMBOL B";;Z . ,\ .. ,:( i-.J. : ~", > liOUlt"-LlMIT,1 p.lASTICITY INDEXf:.~,':! ~;" ',:! ' ,28 j .. ,,15 ". . . ,:,",;l:CL,;I:~"'.l ' " ... ,.,,··:'.1, .. " 1, " . I .. I. " ,I' , ,I -', I- , .CLASSIFICATION 80 70 ."0 eo m :D (') m z 50 .... "0 >-fn fn 40 z C> 30 . " . ~. , • I .,.; . , ',( ,',i '" J. .:' : f' <"" ,', ". :'1 '" ~i ., , .. -::' ;~ It ',l.~ "! r-- c... o IX! Z P '-' w 'J, I o . .:;) I-- "'0 ~ :::0 ..... () r-m en N m ~ Z ~ r-.( .> en z -en 0 in Q 0 en 0 r en mn j. Z· ." i', e (5. z c m :tJ m m :tJ .. Z .G>II-J Zt-. P ." m :tJ 0 m z -f ." > Ch Ch z Q r· .' .1 , GRAVel ~."" :;::::) COARSE , . ~,-- SAND MEDIUM ~.~" , ........ ~.,~,q,-. , , :' -"', '~, ~!l....:.~. I." 'I' . I .. ' "1','1 , '·1. ,1. ,1 t "'. ' ~ >,1 " ~ 'I' ", .'.: ,. , i " r . \. ~FINE·. I' ", '. L ,. ..... ~--... : 0---... "~-..:....- .' SILT ClAY 10 20 SiEV'E SlZES~lU;" STAN'(lARD . j ... j . 40 100 20.0 . ,ogt"T 1IIIHe I ~ . 111111111 I I LIJ 111111 I I' 1m I 1 I I 1'00 1/4" 4 ::11 !IIIIIII!I Mill !11-iiilttt-·i··]1] iii i j:: 'I " I I I" I I I I I IN I . I II . I . I~--- 70 11 I1111111111 ~ IIH'NJ I 1111111++1 II 111111 I ! I Ito M II I I I I I IL J.I I I . II . . I III I I I" I -,: J 60 ~ II II -b . J. :tJ . i . 0 . --' . m " . . z 50 t: I I I 1;1 I I I I. I I il I I 1.;1 I . I'-r~' 50 -f . I " 'I, ; .. "'0 ,1. __ •• ' ,It.' " • ,.. " ' ~ "0 II I I I I I II I I I I II, . I I II I I I II I . II ~ ..", 40 Z ~ " " 1/ I I G> .. ; II " .30" I I 1.1 I II I I I '·'1 II . . I 111'1 II II "I -I p' 'I . II 1"11 I "1'1 'l . I . I II I I II '1 . I . 130 .01111111111111 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrtjlllllili II l.a. •.. i.··" .. ::;. .... ,; .. ;:::. ;.':.'.:' ·:":~>"""'I" "111'11·1'1.1 I .. '1 'f ' ~ 1011" I 11·11111,ll . II 11.11111,1."· ·1::·",II·I'rlrrr·I·:1 :·11'11.1-1·1'1 ··1··110 ':'h .,:: :,-,~ I I ' '011 I. 11.1111 .111 I,.> II '1:111 I, III .11 .•..• I. '1 !.L" >1:1 .'.'" :!.I ... ' II ,'. ,. ,' .. 1 . 10. : 10.0" . 1.0 ;.... '" 0.1· :.-.;! .. ' . ,I . '.01 .001 . . 'j': PA'R'TICLE SlZ~':'MILliMeTERS ':. , ·l .. '.. . . :..' ,,·1. ,.,. " .. 'BORING. NO. IDEPT.A (FEET)ISYMBO.l UQtilD LIMIT I PLASTICITY INO·EX:I·:.·.. . ',.;1 .·ClA:S'SiFICATION ··8.,.3 .. 2 42---1 10.. ~T .• ~ .. ~., -:;::-rS'f.lf· • 't . ,it ,,(\-{. '" .: " <, . 1 . L I ~. -'-"-__ . .. " : • .1 :"'~: ~~ .. ~~;~ ____ ~-:=:... .... I . . ,c' . :.'. .'.,:, ~, ' : '". i', 'I,., ~' .-tI' J', "'; L ,';: " < .. < ~ 1,,· ~ :. , :' ,. :, '. . '~ ,!: ,} , '". I: ' tn )10 Z 0 m C) 0 (J) -0 r- (J) Co. .' o to ,% P ..... \..oJ ..... V1 I IE; "'0 > ::u -f () r m (J) -N m > Z > r -( (J) (J) " tnn" z _, C) C) C :::tJ ,Z -m m :::tJ % _5'> % '~ ..... 'r\j ~ m :::tJ (') m z -of ~ )10 (J) (J) % Q .. ~--. .!,"; 1'.: .... ," ;<" '\ ---"-- j,' &1 l • , ~;J...J, __ ' j -' -"'Il't-." -' - ~-'-.:.~' .. ' . ... ..... '.'~ . '!,) /' , .... '" "., ':' ',I " " , '~ GRAVEL SAND COARSE MEDIUM fiNE t , i SIL t. CLAY stEVE SIZES-U.S. STANDAFfO: 40 100 200;: . 3/4" 1/2" , " '. _ ,,' . . ' . , 100 100 11 til II II III I II '111111 I II 'I I IIIIII I I I I IIIII I I I I 114" • 10 . 20 , ' N-. 90 L t I t11 ~ I ~ 111111 I II I r I "1111 I' I I I . 11111 I I I 1 J 90 80 -»-+.--4 I I III I I: I 'I II I I I I I \80 70 10 "V eo II 'I """"" l'~ , , , " 1 , '" , , , " 1 , , , , , I eo m " :n (') m I z 50 ~ ~ >-f 5011 IIIIIIIIIII~ 1IIIIfttl I 1I1111111 en " f en 40 Z C) , :-; 401!11111111111 I! .. !I!!ttl II 11±4W III '3011 "11111'1'1'11 1111 'I " II'; I 1''''1111''1,11 I 1111 I. ,I I I. 30 I· -, , \ It, '~f" ,l :: I, I: \ :1 "I",i,' 1, ':11 'I 'i' ... '.: ~ "':,},' ,,' " II ': I I I I 1"11 II II II -:.. II II II I, II I", I -'I'. 1.11 II 1 I': I, -"I '. -, r I " II:' I 2011 . 'I I I I I II' III , ",,', '"I I I I II .I . , ! ~. "·,;1: I "~to , " ;-" 'if " J. ,-,I" \1. c, . "J .,', I. :)' . . ',' "~ ., f. .: .• ' .' .-,.';' BOR.ING' NO. Dt;PTH (FEI;T) 'PLASTlelTy, INDEX "ClAS~'F'iCATION \, " . B-5 ' " 3'" '13' --:. :">, SK1" f •• ,,' " " • ~~ , , • • ',' " .: • " •• • _ ", ~~ • , 1 ' ,I ,I., . 1 ' , "L., , ,:::::,::'.', :1": ,:;~<r ',,:,L, "': n' ._. ". '" _ -,.' .. , . 1 ~ t. .. PI-" . "i' "' i I , ' ,. I' ,~ , . . 1 ,)', "I ~, !. -(~ I , ;: I. .'·1 .; I '( \.' ! 1 , 1 . ; , , ' 1 j. " 1 . I, SAMPLE BORING SYMBOL NO. OEPTH (FEET) e B-2 5 • B-3 2 • B-5 3 .. JOB NO.: 1315,,00 . -,~ , . PLASTICITY 'CHART '." , . : • C-• -~~ ---; ..... ~-.: ':--":;':'" --:-~.-:;:-. -~:----.. - LIQUID UMIT(%) NATURAL ,'PLAS-::PASSING "UNIFIED :LlOUID L.iQUIDITV ,SOIL .- WATER TICITY .' .,NO. 200 CONTENT. LIMIT INDEX ',:SIEVE "INDEX ,l,:' 'CLASSI'"" " 1'h) . " ;('h) ,\ J=ICAT1ON' (%) (%) .. (%) . , ;'SYMBOL' . ' .' . , , . , ,28 15 12 CL 42 1.0 :SM. . ~' ' 50 13 SM -ATTERBERG .LlMITS ,1,iFIGU~E: . ,I, . 13 ! SAN DIE GO SOilS ENGINEERING, INC. "F' -', ~ I j i' I • I ... · 2l ~--'-': -:--...:.::...:...-.--~-.-.----~ -1 ',' '. .. ~. -4' • -,~-- , ! I " : I 1 \ :L, 'I. L'" . Job NO': 1315-00 ,~ ;,---... , '- TABLE 1 , ~, ' RESULTS OF EXPANSION TESTS (U.B.C. STANDARD 29-2) Test Expansion ·~tion , ; Location Index .. Potential .; B-2 @5' 51 :rredium ,--~ B-3 @2' 61 -rrediUrn : : B-5 @3' 69 rredium .' ' ~ ,~ .. ,-... " _ ''''-',.-~'.~-,~ '-.",,:: .,...~:"-; .. '~'I' -~ . ~ ::..; --.. -.-~ --.-~ .'-.. -~ ~.--~~---~---.,..,.--'-.-'-.-..... --.-.... -'----~. " . ---~--' -' ---~-..... ;'-:. TABLE 2 MAXIMlM DENSITY/OPTIMU.1'MJIsiU:RE' REiATI~SHIP .(~:·rrlS57-70) Test MaxllTlUIn , Location Density B-3 @ 2' ,104.0' TABLE 3 SOLUBLE SULFATE ~ Test % Soluble Location . ·:su1fates ,,;, B-2@S' 0:·0148 B-3 @2' 0.0391 TABLE 4 R-VALUE TEST RESULTS. T~t ··iJxation : B-S @3' R-Va1ue 29 ~tirnum·. .' MOisture .' 19.0 .. ,-.-- ., ,I '"., "'''.,. ' -: •• -. t ~ ~ .::...---.' ";: • J'. -.' , :'., --. , . ~ .' '. ~ .l~ < '.: . -, '. ';, ,Figur:e 14 -r~ 'r ,: ! . 1:- i'-··· ~ . .::: ' ; , 'i' ;, ,~. I ~+~.. 1 I. ,I·" . j ,', ,BORING NO. \ i _ ',-'_ DEPTH COHESION, ANGLE OF SAMPLE DESCRIPTION (FEET)' (P~F? FRICTION,o. 0 H\'.dn)(·~~13-J :,1 J IJUJ)(j.l ~,i lll-b,'( . '8~OO ,t-___ ~...,.-__ --'-_l_OTl-il-) ---I __ 3_4-y---L.:=::-1~~ '.;....'..:.;;d:;..J-..:..t )...:,C'r:k-,-:;;B_-...;2.:..,:!'_1 )=-{~) _' -U.;;y;);.;..,) ..:.;;d..:..i..:.;;s....;.t_' u.;.....1 __ ~1 ;.-It'-i' d { ~': '-,' , " " -' ., .. ' ,~', , ' -' , ,-." ............ ,""-, -_ .. -. .' ': -' ,~.' , . . -,OOL-----L~mU):...!ll.,.,-U---~40~O~O::-----.~UO . i300b "" io., 000 BORING NO. B-3 DEPTH (FEET) 2 NORMAL LOAD (PSF) COHESION, ANGLE OF ' 'SAMPLE 'D'ESCRIPTION , (PSF) FRICTION ° , :?50 36 Fil'i,. S1-~ , (nnoistur.bcd) ,~ooo~---~...,.-----'--~----I---r-~----'-~--~~~~~--~ '5 3000 . /. 0.. ..... i /" ,~ 2000~----~----~~~----~------~---~--+-----~-4 '; V~V a: c' ~~ w :z: ""1000V / . . . -. - 2000 3000 4000 '6000eooo NORMAL LOAD (PSF) JOB'NO.: 11J'1-(lO SHEARING STRENGTH TEST SAN 'DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I- f : , ' . ! 1 : i ' ~ , { - . " , f 1 ~ t;., r"': , . 1 ' i- :i ~,:~': ... , ; · {~ .. · . · ' -t::~~ r~:· ! ' "r ~ , , ' L '.' . , BORING DEPTH COHES'ION. ANGLE OF SAMPLE DESCRIPTION . NO. (FEET) (PSF) FRICTlON.O .-, - , I·: 1 3000 /v ~ 2000\ 4V ~.: ~ , ,~ V fI)' 4 _l~O~v" .. ~ _ . ~_ ~~ __ . __ .. _ .. _,,, __ .~, __ .~ ,,, _ .",~~_~ ___ ' ,,:"""--:-.~c-~ '-,-';cc'Cc'.", .. :-=. _, ,. •• j -, .... LI. en ~ .... ::t ... C) Z IoU a: ... en C) Z it 'C IoU ::t en ~-~, '€, ..' ~oo~'----:;-1-;:!:06~0---""'2"'0.t;0::-;:0:----~3000 4000 , NORMAL LOAD (PSF) , :sooo 6000 ',: BORING NO. DE PT H CO H E S ION, ANGLE 0 F L-__ --=.S:.:.A.;..:,M:.;,:P...;:.L:.:E=-=D.=E.=S_=C.:..:R~IP_T:..::.I_=O.:..:;N~__'____:._i (FEET) , (PSF) FRICTION Or ,-.', ' .~OOO~-------L-r------~--~--~---~~-----.---~-~-----~~ ~ , 3000 '2000 , ~ '~ 1000 ~ -.. ~---. --~-,-.. -~ - °O~--------::1~O~0':"O --------:2::-::0::-'::0:-=0:---------:3;;:O~O:-=O:--------,,,'='o:::'::o:;-:o:--. ----~, s'::o':t:o..,;o::;o------------;deoo·o NORMAL LOAD (PSF) JOB NO.: ) 3 1 ') -(J (J SHEARING STRENGTH TEST" 'I FIGURE: ~16, ~, SAN DIEGO BOILS ENGINEERING. INC. ' r "', ' ... , j I'" I j . " , r : , BORING NO, DEPTH (FEET) SYMBOL EXPLANATION B-2 I) - -, i FIELD MOISTURE, , ',' -------"----SAMPLE :SATURATED ! ~EBOUND f L::' , t·,·, J -, J ' I,' f, '/ :, . .' ,I -~--------~ I 1 -", I , I i. :L I, !", ! '-, " ", z ,-2 U) z c c. x w ..J o U) z '0 (.) I " ,: i ,II 'I 'I' I I I , I I I i' I 7.0'1-----+--+--+--+-+--+-1-+-l-----!---+--+_t-+-+-!--+--I-~""'-_+_-_!__t...,._f_t_+_~ , ,.' I 1 ! ! I i ~ i , i -ll i , ! 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JOB NO,: 1)j'>-O() I LOAD CONSOLIDATION TEST .. IF.'GU~E-· ., --.19 SAN DIEGO SOILS ~NGINEERING. INC, I I'·:, -~ .. ! ! ' 1 'j', . t r i , 1 , r I .. t·. J • NO.: L ," IE-w ....... HII 1 I '. II · . J '. " __ ~ ___ --I. nDe.-INEJ':tED:JY-a (A) (8) GRANULAR BACKFill, ,': , _: .. .. ., I 1 •• .0 to · . • , • t · . • , . M'~TE DRAINAGE AS , DEa.K»EO BY THE CIVL COHESIVE B~CKFU. RETAINING WALL BACKFILL (NOT T9 SCALE) 1315-00 DATE: .~ ~ 'I ,~~ . j"" ":.,' J, ' ' ... '." .' -, ...... --~--:;... ~.--!-.~:.~ ' .. FIOURE; .SAN I)'IEOOIOI&.I EN.QINEERt~G.INC. .'~ .. ' '