HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 81-23; WHITEY DRIVE AT PARK DRIVE CARLSBAD; SLOPE STABILITY INVESTIGATION; 1982-04-18,( .:.. --J --..... . ; ".- '. :.' " ' , -'. , -,~-. ' the,' fi n ,:are 'approximate"ly shown on theat,tach~d plot ;ptan. '-Results of the te,sts areas follows,: -,'. ~ , ~ . ,-.' '.' , " . , I • ~ , CHUNK SAMPLED1 "In,..Place Density ,',i. .. ,<.:"". ~. .:': l~ .:,' .~~~ -'. : --, " . • 1:24.7"H/CT ' " " , ' " " ~ ,.' , Di,rect Shear (undisturbed) , .. 1; ~ 4' A' " -,' • ." , Angle ,of i"r1ternal: ,Fri.ction " Appa'rentCo hes i on ' '>, • ::.':. \:-" : -'-'." ,,- .-' . ',.+ < , , ) '", •• ~ ."-•• -' ~'.! >,' *, '.-,'.--'-~~, -,::; ::- ~ ,---I \ ._ ' i:. . ".', " -.-l ,CHUNK SAMPLE #2 , _.' -'. ~ " ~. ,'5..' -'. , 'In-Pl a te D'ens ity ". -.','.:" . L:-- .. -;: :.-, Direct Sbear:(undisturbed) Angl e of In·terna 1 Frktfon ApparentCohesi on' 3"0° ' ZSQ#/sf', ", . FILL SOIL,' Tn-Place Density (dry) In-Place Moisture , -Maximum ,Dens,ity (dry) Optimum Moisture Di rect She,ar (remo lded to, 90% d,ry dens ity) Angle of Int.erna 1-Fi'rct;'on Appaor€h~t Cohens ion I02A.#j.c-f, 6',% 122.tHl/ ~f 11% ' '0 "30,, 200#is'f -. ,. lJs1"9 tl:Je a,bove results the foHdwi ng,des-i-gn 'crit~ria a.re recOitm.1~nd~a: , 'S~AB FLOOR ' P'.C.C., sJa'b'floors .should be 411 nomir'ral in thickness ,and", for H .. V,~H. app'Y'oval, should incQrporate 6" x 6" x IOga~ xlO gao ,wel:ded wtr~' mesH" reinforc~ment at mi.d.,.slab. H.U.O~ apprQva,l 'wfn als0, require .a sa:nd bla:nl(et., 4JI thick, to underlay. the ,slab. ' ..:We' suggest, th~ I:l;s:e, of a 6mi 1 vicsqueen moisture barri'er beneath the slab,. ' ' , , FDOTING5ANID, 'FOUNOATIONS 'FoundctttonsfQrthe ' p-rop.oseg ".~trucitur~is'ha ll:be O"f Port 1 and :Cemtmt -' Concrete. Co~tfnuou$ foot,:n'g,s'sharJl;5e 'sized acco.rdi:ngpo the ,Un.iformBu1lding 'Cede ,as a m.i-,njtn~ITV. ;~ootiin.9's fOlmded 'on. co'inpi3,cted ' fi'1l,edgr,oundoX'eD competent "origlnaJ' ground may 'pe :des i'gned witli an ,w'ith ~:n' a nowable bear-tng pre'ssure ,of, 2500#/:sf .. Oonti-ntlo!1s Tooti,n,9'S , ,sh,allber.e·ttlforted wi"th 2 -#4 ba'.f!s' -,Q:l1e: top "a:nd :'bot,tQm< 'C", . . .'. ~ , ' ,-:':2,''':', , . ';.~ , "-.... -'. ,-, ' ,. ~ : ' ·1 :1, ! 'j I ". , .,. ., i· ! . . , , '; .j -,·1 i . . -~ ->-'1. I, '~".,; .,.' ~ ",:' (' t " .", ,-, -:: S,LOP't STABILITY 'Inour letter of ,August 20, 1981', weaddr,essed the pro'b·lelil aT, , -slope sta'bilityand found .that slope's wi'th-an 'in~Hnati,on ,Of : .1 .. 5:.1. or flatter .wouldhave ,a sa.fety fact'0faga'i,nst .deep .seate'd . ";.' . .',. . .' ,-~'~ "'". -. ". ~ '. " faj, lure of ,at· least 1. 5. Du·r·ing· oar rev;:ew we nlqde t~e a'ss,umpt'f;i)n t:n,at no 'structutesw.ou·l d be placed closer than 15 I froin the top of the $lb~e's ~ Although ncr mi:n'imum faiiQre planes pass;ed thraug'h the pad more than . 10' i n-te,ti or to the top ofs l.op.e, we r.ecommeno that a ·s·etback ;of . i5' trolj]: . the top of slope' a'sa prudent design. cri teri·a ..this $.etbac;k·~n~ed nQ.f .' app ly to sw:immi:ng poolS, ca·banas or ,other a'ccessory bui ldings ,wh.i ch ,have a bearing pressl!.lreof less than' 500#/sf. Stability of slope faces and sandy material can-be· adversely affec,ted. by water s'eepage, by overi'rri,gati,ona·nd.by using unsu·:ita.ble· plants i'n landscaping .. , Some types of iC.e plant are'.partkula:rly bad a:tid can'" cause cons iderab.le retention 'Of .water. Thi s type 'of a planting s'hQ'ulq . be avoided. Landscaping should provide adequate pr.otectioQ fromero:slQn, but should inco'rporate plants that requir.e little water (norma] .. . annual r17infcdl ideany). Irrigation of slopes s.hou:ld be liTilit-ed to· . prov; de only enoug.h water for plant .establ i shment. Sl,lrface' runoff around the resi·dence pads shou1dbe channe'led to positive ·dr:a.'.nage . faci] it i es and po.ndi-ng s:hol,.llEl not 'be allowed under any ci rCl;lms ta'pces .. Runoff should be channeled to street.s or other impervi'ol1"5 -su.rfa'<;:es. GRADING :Grading 'shoul d be done; n accordance with the approv:ecf. .Grad lng . Pl an·, 'the GTading Ordinance of the Ci ty of Carlsba'd and the .attached Stand'al'~d Specificati'ons Tor the :Placement o.f Compa.tted Fined' :Ground. . , As was notedi,nour letter of August 20. ,198.1, the excavated material resulting from the previo.us grading ha's been placed 'Uncompacted, albng Pa-rk D'riVe. This uncontrolled fill is UP to 16' deep a'nd has been pla:<;e.d on unpreparedtops,oi 1. In order for pads on. Lots 1, 2 .and 3 to be consttl:lcted" all of the uncontrolled fill must :be removed., :the .o.ri;g)j·nal topsoi i layer compacted and the fin then repTa'ced .compacted to not less .than 90%. ~e maximum dry density. ~{U.~ . C • W·. DA'V IS ~ .. -R; C.E. 21719 q: : ' ·R ich Hi] i ~Hlg. AS$:oc i ate:$ Attach . .'.1 " .' ,,; ... :3-'. ':, . ~ ~~ __ • < ~ • r-:.; ~J:. . ". ~,' . . . :.' ,.;". : ".'':'' ' .. ' , . ~ ." . ' . .' ,. . . . .. . .> .' . .' ".';,,~,~~ '., ... : .. :.' .•.. ~:: .. : ... :~' .... :.,.-, •.. -~ -,'.::.~-.'~\,~~ .. , ....... ,." .. ~ ... ~.: .. :, ... :'.: •. , .. ,:: .... ;: ... : ...•.... ,: ..... ~: .. :.:.~ ... :.:.:,'.:': .• : .. ,.,.'.~.' .. ;;:,; .. ,: ... ,:.:.:." ... ::.:.,~~.'.:": .. , . : .. ~.· .. ': .... ",c.·,·::·.,~ ... ':·:··:-,:·.:. .. '.:·.:::';:: .. ,.:~, •.. ' ..•.... ~.:, •.. ,;.: .• ~ .. , .. -,~:,., ....... ,:~ .•. ~.~, .. ~,'.,_;, ... ::~,.,-'~".';.,~; .. :~.:.::~:-.,.;.£.,;:' ~~~~.,~:"f.i.:; ... ". ">;::~t:~~?i/~~;}~.; ii 0~:~iij~:4;j;~~~~£:~:;.t.~~::k:~~i~£k.;;\ ~~X:~~ii,i~,~:;'(~:'iS,~::~,,': ,.~:-~::~:::: ,;-.:. .. ::c~.-'~. :0; .. :. : ,~': >~ .: :.: .. ',' ;;~.~ "'-~~;-:;;,S " f ", :J . ," '~'- ".. '., " .), .~ -~.". ",' ':-' . . ~ .'; '.' , . , ,~ , \. . /71:f?JOI<iI'i ~ . ( . J .' j.., \ , • -:.: ~~, L " .-'~" ,'. .'. .:' -;!;;l~~ .' •. ~ , ___ "6~"': ~ \ .. j: I \' . " " IJIfT",ITJt/BtJ 14£76 ff.r~ , 'l':~'eL6B}t.o. .. eft, . ' .. :.:;, .~, :'.-.~ :':.- ~'. ~~;,;: ~,~~~i~:;·~:!:?~\~ " . .. --------------------~------------------------------------------------~----=------, " , .. , , Objecti,ve: • • JOHN VERNON III ASSOCIATES 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD. ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 TEL, (714) 743-8808 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT 'OF COMPACTED FILLED GROUND . Obtain filled ground which is uniform 'and has adequate intern~l strength to support, any structures proposed. The method by which this ,is obtained is described herein. Preliminary Prqc~edures: 1. Permits -Owner shall ascertain the grading permit. require- ments of the agency whose jurisdiction Covers the land on which the grading is to be, performed and sha],l be responsible for 'complying with them.' ' , 2. Water -An adequate water supp'ly shall be provided so that compaction of filled ground will not be delayed., . 3. Soils Engineer -' A soils engine,er shall ,be retained to pro- vide direction in grading, testing for compaction and cer,tification that the' grading complies with grading ordinances and with approved grading ,plans. Grading: ' 1. Clearing and Grubbing All natural surface, which is to be covered by filled, ground, excavated or needed for brow ditches., swales or other grading appurtenances ,shall'be cleared and grubbed. Trees, 'shrubs and grass, as well 'as organic overburden shall be removed from the area to be graded. Cleared material 'may be disposed, of as approved ,by the localcontrollihg agency-' No embankment shall consist, of treea, sp.rubs or other organic material. ' " 2. Natural Ground:Preparation -Natural ground shall be excavated from beneath embankment areas to solid material, 'th,eexact depth as ' determined, by th~ soils engineer. This material sh~ll be brought to proper ',moisture content andrecompacted to not lese than .90% maximum density as determined by A.S.T.M. D~~557-70. 'RO'ERTY DEYELO'~ENT ENGINEERS ~NGINU:"!NG • SOI1.5 TESTING' SURVEYING ~ . . . • • JOHN VERNON & ASSOCIAT,ES 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD. ESCONDIDO, CA92025 TEL. (714) 743-8808 Any existing fill which has not been certified must be rembved ~nd recompacted. ' If the slope of the" existing ground exceeds I' vertical In 6' horizontal, a bench cut level, 10' wide shall be excavated at 'the toe of the fill. This will allow the embankmerit .. to be placed on a horizontal base for more uniform compaction. 3. Emb~nkment Placement -Fill material should consist of native or imported material which has been brought to the optimum moisture content. ' Material to be used for embankments may have rocks with diameters greater than 12" providing they are evenly distributed in the soil mixture and are at least 3' below finish grade. Fill slopes shall not consist of, nor be founded on, large rocks. Although 'rocks may be placed along the outside of the toe of the fill slopes. Rock placement' in empankments shall be lAnde'r direct supervision of the soi~s engineer. ' Embankment material shal+ be placed in layers 'varying from 6" to 12" deep depending on soil type, and compacted by sui tab-Ie' compact ... ive effo:r:t to a density of not leSs than 90%, of the ,maximum density as deterrilined by A.S.T.M. D-1557-70. Mo~sture content and depth . of layers' s;hal'! be determined by the soil engineer at· the time of grading,' and shall be updated whenever embankment. soil types change. As ,the embankment increases in elevation new benches shall be cut into original 'ground. Benches shall'be at least 6' horizontally into natural ground, be level and shall occur at intervals to be d~term~ned by :th~ .soils 'engine,er at the t~me' of grad~ng. Compaction may'be obtained by the l,1se of a;ny c,ombination of 'equip- ment' which will result in an. embankment that is ,properly c o,mpac ted , uniform in moIsture and properly ,finished to the ',lines and grades shown on the plans or to those set forth in the applicable ,gradine ordinance i ' , , : 4. Additional Grading -Cut slopes shall be cut to'the lines and grades as shown on'the'plans or set fo:rth:in the,~pplicable grading ordinance. ( 2) 'RO'ERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS ~NQINn"'NQ 'I~IL.I TESTING' SUIIVEVING l i It • • • JOHN YERNON 8« ASSOCIATES 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD. \' ESCONP,DO, CA 92025 iEL. (714) 743-SaOS Cut slopes shall be protected from ~rosion by, brow ditches. Brow ditches shall be either earthen or lined with erosion resistant material as shown on the plans or a~ recommended by the engineer. Embanlanents shall be protected from erosion by placing an earthen berm along the top of slope for the entire perimeter of the fill. Where drainage is brought down the slope, the drainage way shall be, lined with erosion resistant material to prevent 10,ss :of 'embank-ment slopes. ' t'lhe're eaves are located less than 5' horizontally fro~ top of fill slopes, eaves troughs shall be provided to prevent wea~ening ,of slope due to water intrusion. All areas of the building pad must be well drained., Drainage swales shall have a mimimuIn !3lope of l' vertical in 100' horizontal unpaved or l' vertical in 200' horizontal paved with cqncrete. Drainage shall be provideo. to ensure foundations' will not b~ subjec'te:d to pond'ed water. " , ( 3) 'RO'ERTY DEYELO'MENT ENGI~EERS "HGIHrIlUHG • SOILS TUTING • SURVEVING