HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 81-50; O'GARA; PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION; 1985-09-23.1' J,.~.. . . ,'. COM.PACTION L.S·, INC.· , SOII;. ... TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES' •• PRELIMINARY SOrLS iNVESTIGATION 'f,qr Proposed Single J='amily DwelLings Ca'r lsbad Tract· No. 81-50/ PUD-37 . . Valley Street . . Car lsbad, Cali fornia Prepared .for MIKE 'O'GARA, 3229' Valley st're.et " Carlsbad, CA. 92116. September 23, 1985 Project No. CL-1405 " 7895 Convoy Court,' Suite 15, San Diego, CA 92111 • (619) 292·0688 • North County (a19) 141~5289 .. ~ .... ,.;--, . -COMPACTION LA., INC. j SOIL TESTING· & INSPECTIO.~ SERVICES Mike 0' Gara . 3229 Valley: Stre'et Car lsbad, CA.. 92008 • ,Septembei 23, 1985 Project 'No.. CL-1405 Subject: Proposed Single Family Dwellings ' Carlsbad Traqt No. 81-SU/PUC-31 Valley Street .Car lsbad, ,Cali for,!,ia , Gentleme.n: , . Per your request; w~ have p~rrormed a preliminary soils lriYe~ti- . gationfor the subject project. The purpose of our in'vestig-atio'n wa"s 'to evaluate the' suitabilj.ty of the si te "9r the proposed developrn$nt and, ma'ke recomme"nd'ations with regard ta' ~ite gradi~g ~nd foundation design~ '. -' . Bri ef ly, the in vestigatJon' r.e veals fa vorabie soil' condi ticns and " . in 0 U r 0 pin i o:n the sit e i s sui t .a b 1 ef 0 r t h ~ prop 0 se d de 'Ie 10 pme n:t , provided r.ecoinmendat'ions set for~h in the" attached report are' " . adhecrred to. . . If yau have ani question, please do not hesitate to'cotitact uS. . - This ~pportu~ity to be of servj.ce is sincerely appreciated •. R.espectfully suomi tted, 'COMPACTION LABS, INC. cM/41 Dale R. Regii, RCE 19393 . DRR/pjr . cC.: (3) su6rrii tted 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 15, S~n Diego, CA 9~111 • (619) 292-0688 -. North County ,(619),' 741-5289 . .~ ,t ... C'OMPACTI:ON LAItl, IN·C.· 'f SOIL TESTING & INSPECTIQN SERVIOES· TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 •. Purpose a:nd Scope . Pag.e .1' ~. Location and DescriptLon of Slte J •. field Invest,iga-tLoh 44' sail Conditions - 5. ·Laboratory Testjng 6 •. Recommendations and ConclusionS' A. Gra·ding . B. . Foundat·i.o'ns C. Recommend,edPaving Section D. RevJew of Gradin~ Pla'n 7.· UncertaintY'a Limitations APPENDIX J. 1 2. 2 2. Appendix "A" Exploration L.eg~nd .and Uni fied'Soil Classification Chart Plate No. 1 P.lateNo:. 2 7 Plate No •. 8. Test.·Pit Location Plio ExpLoration 40g Tabulation· .of Test Results. Appendix ,"B"·"'· Recomm~J1ide.d Gra.ding Speci fications . ~-. S'Q ~"'!- COMPACT.ION LA_,.INC.· Ii' SOIL TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES . Page 1 1. PURPOSE" ~SCOPE The purpose ot the .investigation was to ,determine 1'f the site' is sultabre for the proposed single family dwelling-s. The scope of the investigation was. to: . A. Determine the' physical prop'erties and eng'ineerihg characteristics of the surface'and subsurface· soils. B. Provjde desi~n information with regard to grading, 5i te preparati'on,. and f'oundation design 'of the pro- posed stf'uctures •. , 2. LOCATrON ·AND . DESCRIPTION OF stT.~· The site i~ lota~ed at 3229 Valley street, Carlsba~, California. The 2 acre., "L" shapped property, borders vacant· lots ·to the north~nd 'west, existing single family t;iwellings to the south and Valley 5,ti'e~~ and addi tiona~' family dwellif}gs ,to, the ea-st. " The topography' of the' lOt' sJ.,opes gentlf downhill f'roriJ east· to west wi th an'o ~erall difference in elevation' o,f apprdximat'ely ten feet. ' ..' Th~ site is pre~ently occOpi~dwith a single-story res1'dencer,~nd .. det.ached garage. An existi-ng le'acryfield is loqatedwest of. the. ·house and will require. removal at the time of grading. The residence is landscaped with hedges, sm~ll tb large tree$r'nativ~ gra$Ses a.nd is encomp.assed by fences. . Veg·etation on the . remaining portions o·f the property consist of a few,'sma·ll trees' and nati ve gtasses.· Howe ver, these grasses' ha ve been recent,ly disked under to avoid fire· hatar,d~. On the southeast corner 'of the site (area o·f pro'posed' lots :1' ahd 4) stockpiled fill soils were observed. The$e soils may be blended with on-site native soils and utilized d4r.ing 'earthwork construdtio'n. It is our understa',nding, that lot nl,Jmber 1 through 7 wilL be occupi~d wi th newly cons-triJctedsingle' family dwe,llings. and lot, number 8 is 'to, recei ve an existing single family dwelli,ng. which is to be moved on-si t'e l.!pon completion of grading. . J. FIELD INVESTIGATION . The field inves'tigation was performed on September 10~ 1985·; and . incl.uded an inspection of the sit,e and the: excav'ation .Of six' exploratory trenches:, wi th aback' hoe to depths of ten feet. Location of t~st ~its are shown on attaChed Pla~e No. 'I, ,entitled "Test Pit Location Plan~" As exc'a vation proCeeded representa·tive bulk samples, wer's ~ollected. In place h~tural deniitie~ and moisture dontent were ') :COMPACTION LA., INC~' . >! . SOIL 'f,ESTING & 'IN$PECTION SERv.'eES • Page 2 ,dete'rmined at di fferen'/;' depths' in the exc'a vations and are· inc1,:uded Ln Piate No.' s 2 -7. 4. 'sOIL COND.iTIONS Loose surficial soils Isilty~sand~) tonsistihg of plowed grdund were' found to average two feet in depth throug,hout the si te',. Underljing soilS t6 depths of ten feet wete densa silty~sands and .stLff sandy clays and clays. . ,Expansi, va soils (sandy claY$ and clays) were observed' in test ·pit· number' 2 and 6 (proposed Lots 1 and 7) and will require, special recomendations and construction details if ,seleCtive grading Is .not employed~ Soils encountered in tes·t pit numbers 1, 3',. 4, and' 5, consisted of silty~sands a~d wers found to bs non-expansi~e (less .than 3 percent swell).' Groundwater. was not encounter·ed, nor did ca ving occur in Cjny of o,u;!' explor'atory trenches • . 5. LABORATORY sote TESTING .. All ,laboratory tests were "performed on typical so,ils in accordance.with'a.ccepted·test methods of the Amer~,ca'n Soci',ety'for Testing and Mate,rials (AS.TM) •. Tests condu-ct e,d include: (1 r (2) ( 3') (4 ) (5 ). 'Maximum Density &.Optimu~ Moisture Direct. Shear (Re~old) Sie ve Analysis Field Density & Moisturj Expansion Potential' (condq·cted in teqtiirements bf the City of San Expansi ve Soil.s.) . ' accordance ,wi·th Diego T~st· for Te.5t results ate tabulated on the attacbed Plate .No·~ 's 2 through 8 entitled "Exploration Log & Tabuiation of Test Results." 6·. RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSIONS General The s'i te is sui table (or th,e pr'iJposed si.ngle familyd.wellings .• ,. Recommendations contained in this report should be Ln.corporated in the planning, design and c,onstruction pnase o.f t.he-subject project. 6A. Gra..dlng Subseque'ntto si ta demol! tion and removal of the 'existing structures" loo$e surfic,ial top soils, ~s indicated on attached' COMPACTION, LA_,INC.' .I. SOiL, TESTING & INSPEC'tJQ'N' SERVICES 'Page'3 Plate Numbers 2 through 7, 'should be removed' ~ndrecomp'a.cted in accordance wi th att,ached Appendix '8" enti tIed' "Recommended , Grading Speci fications. "Loose, na'ti ve soil,s may,b?, d?termi.ned 'a~ ,those ha ving an insi tu ,dEllJsi ty of ';less than 85 pe.tcent of maxi"!um : densi'ty. , ' Lea'ch lines located west of the existing house $hould be removed and' tlieir excs vations recompactEld' 'in' accordanc? with at ached Appendix'S' • ' . if ericovntered, leach' lines-a:nd/or pipes should be' removed,. Concrete pipas ~~y b& crushed in~place. Trench 11ne~ should he recompacted in accordance with Appendix 'B'. 6B. Foundations .General, If on-site expansive soll~ (such as those encountered in test No ~ 's 2 and 6) exist wi thin 24 inches 'of fi,nish grade upon . completion o,fgrading, ,the' ,following foundation recommentdatj.on~ will be require~ to ~~duce '~tructural damage occurl~Q from excessi ve, ~ubgrade mo vement • . ''', . ' For one and two story constru6tion: Continuou~' footLngs ,ha vin~ a minimum wid,t'h of 12 inches and founded a minimum of 18 inches. below'-lo'west adjacent grade will ha've an a'llowab:le soj;ls bearing pressure' of 1200. pounds per', ',squar:e foot. All continuous footings a,re to be founded a ininimu~ 'o~f ,18 inches 1::?elowlowest adjacent grade and'reinforced with one No.4 -bar. top and bottom. steel s.hould be posJtj.oned,J il)ch'es ,above 'bottom of footing and one, 1..r:i6h below top of foot,ing..· ' in.terior slabs S'h'ould be 4 inches. thick, reinfo:iced with 10/10, 6 x 6 welder;! wire mesh, and. l,lnderlain. with a 4. inch base consisti-ng of sand or crushed rock~ Sand should be tested in' :accor'dance ... with ASTf.f. D-2419 to .insure a minim(;!m sand equi valent of 30~, Slab reinforc.J.ng should be'. extended' through joints and pro'vidi3a' . ten'sion tie wi th perimeter rootings. If' this methodpro'ves . impractical dviing construe·tion, an al terna.ti ve met-hod, may be ,employed .Thi~ metho.d' consists of No'. 3 bars, 3D, inches on ,center, . ext~nding 30' bar diameters into bot:h slab and 'foundatjon. Clayey, soils' Sh.DU).d not be allowed to d,ryprior' to placing 'concrete. They should b~ watered tiJ insure they ar? kept in • ,very moist· condition or at a, moisture content exceeding optimum moisture cont~nt,by a minimum of j p~rcent. "';"'I "' .. -CO-M-PACTION LA.-,INC.- Page 4 SOIL-TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES ~8(2) Found~ti~ns (Alternativ~)' 6.c. Recommended"·fa-v1ng" ~ec-tion structural" sectLons '-01' asphaltic pa-vi-ng for t-he pioposed roads and streets are based_ on an estimateif subgrade 'Rl value of ZO.- The _ following section is: pr,ovided for bLd, purposes only. Actual. sections should be determined $ubsequent to completion of g-r~ding .. operations. . " Proposed st. Jam~s-_C~.' Assumed Traffic Index -4.5 2 ihches af-asphaltic paving o~ 8 inches of select base course ·on 6 inches .of recompac1;ed natLve subgraqe~. , -"Proposed st. James Dri ve _Assumed Traffi6"Index = 5.5- J inch~s ofasphalti~ p~~inQ.on 10 inche$ of select base course on -6 Lnche-s-of -r~co_mpacted n~tive-stlhgrad.e. All materials and construction for asphaltic paving andba.se _should con-form to the Standard SpecifLcations of the -state of COMPACTIONLA_, INC. . SOIL TI;STING & INSPECTI.ON· SERVICes • . ) Califo'rnia Business 'and Transp'ortation Agency, Department of Transportatio,n, Section. 39 and 26, respect.i vely. Clas-$' '·111 d.ecbmposed granite, if used, should have a minimum 'R'. value of 70 arid SE of 30. All materia.ls should be compacted to a'minimam of 95%. ~D. Revi~w of GradiAg Plan Preliminary grading plans used during_ our investigati.on ~ere .prep'ared by Joseph Lukow.ski. If appro ved plans di ffe,r from preliminqry plans we ·would like .to review them' to assure compliance wi th recommendation$ presented; in this '"report. 7. UNCERTAINTY AND, [..IMITATIONS Surface and subsurface soils ate assumed to be uniform ... Therefor'e, should $oi,J.s encounte'red during construction differ, from those presented i~ this report, w~ should ba coritact~d to ' provide their'engineering properties. It i~ the responsibility of the owne~ and cQ~trqctor to caTTj out recommend-a.tiC?,ns set forth in this report ~ . During our investiga'tion of the sub.ject sLte, evidence Q:f _ faulting was not-encountered. Subs,eqaent. to review' of available , geologic literature, we feel any, faulting in the vicinity ,of t'he' , sit.e may be, c~as'Sified as. inactlve. However, it should' be =-hoted that San Diego County'is located. 1.n a, high sidsmic area with ' , , regard, to earthquake.--Earthquake ,proof projec:ts are economi ca'lly ,unfeasible. Thepefore;:damagv as a result of earthquakels probable, and we ass.ume. no lia,bili t,y. We'assume the onsite safety' of our personnel only.' We cannot assume liability of personnel ather than our own. It .is the' responsiblii ty of the owner and co.ntraptor to insure. .construction. oper'ations are conducted in asare· manor and in confo'tmanc~ wi th regulations governedpy CAL-OSHA and/or local agenc1.as. .' If you have a~y questions, ple~se do not hesitate to contact as~ This opportunity ~o b,e o.f service is sincerely appreciated.' Respectfully submitted, COMP'ACTION LABS, INC • . cdd/4/:. Dale R. Regli, RCE,19393" RKAlpjr cc: (J) submi tted COMPACTION 'LABS, SOil TESTING 'f'J . RPI2t)X. SCAL.E. -/":::55' /. /" / '/ LOT 2. '. ~o.T 3 LOT If ,. ./ \'" -----,' / I ' \~ / ,y"".' J '\'. \\~" L.OT. I / / , ... ,<,~~ , . '?''-I , ,.-s , .' .<.. / ? . /' /. ...... ..-/ P00 .. ..,.-/ 0"0> -O~" ~'. \. ~~' / fo· / / '/' / ( LOT 7 LOT'~ .TEST PIT'LOCATIO~ SKETCH .PROJEC.TNo. CL-140S PLATE~ NO.1" ~ "Y( , (~ " , ,j.. .. ", . / " .• OMPACTION LABS SOil T~SJINC & INSPECTION sERVlq·s UNI'IED SOIL CLASSIFICATlqN ~T , , SOIL DESCRIPTION GROUP SYMBOL 1. COARSE GRAINED, Mo~e tha~ half ~f m~terial is' larger than No, 200 sieve size • . GRAVELS CLEAN GRAWI,S OW More than halt of coars. tr!,c.tion is larqer than No., 4· GP. sieve size',but smaller than 3". GRAVELS WITH. FINES GM (Appreciable amount ·of, fines) GC ~ CLEAN SANDS More than halt of coarse fraction is . smaller than No. 4 sieve size. . SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of. fines) 11. FINE GRAINED, More than half of material i. smaller' than, No'. 200. sieve size. SILTS AND CLA,YS Liquid Limit:. '.less, than 'SO, Liquid Limit greater than SO H~GHLY OR~IC.SOlts sw SP SM SC~ CH OH TYPICAL NA.'tSS' Well graded ~rave ls, qrave.t-, sand mixtures,. little ,or no fines. ' Poorly qraded qravels, qravel sand mixtures. little or no fines. ' Siley 9rav~h,poorly graded, gravel-s~nd-silt mixtures. Clayey gravels,. poorly qraded qravel-sand. clay mixtures. ' Well' graded ;iand. grav~·lly sands. little o~ no tin~s. Poo:Hy qrad"d sands"gravelly sands, little or no fines. Silty sands. P09rly graded ,'sand and silt mixtures. Clayey ~and~, poorly qraded san~ and clay mixtur.s~ Inorganic silts 'and very fine sands, rOCK flour. sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand' ·mixtures with ~liqht, p'last- icity , 'InorganiC clays of low :to . medium plasticity, gravelly clays, ~andy clays, silty clays, lean clays,. organic silts and organic silty clays' of low plasticity Inorganic silts, micaceous or'diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soU.; elastic: silts. Inor.ganic clay. of high ,plasticity. fat:, clays'. organic clays of medi~ to high plasticity. Peat and other highly organic:. soils. ~ 0-, 14ater'level at time of ex.:avat~on or as indic~ted US Und~sturbe~, dri'v~n ,ring sample or tu~e"sample CK' '.,. Undi sturbed chunk sampl e BG ~ Bulk sample APPENDIX I A' .• COMPACTION LABS • I . 'I . SOIL TEST.INC·& INSPECTIQN SERVICES . exPLORATION. (O'G' . PRO J E C T N A M E __ 3 ... 2_2 _9, _V_a_l_t_ey_." _8_t"""r_e_t;! t __ D AT E L 0 GG e 0 _8 e_p_t_e_ID_h_e ... r ~1_c>_,~1~9_8_5_ -Exsisting Grad:e ' T'EST PIT NO. ELEVATI0~ ONE , , -....... '~ C 0: -0 .s::, .... ~. <U >" CIJ c. CIJ >, ~ I+-~ .~. -' en CIJ c- ~ -ClJI+- '~ C. 0 U c. e Q. QI /G >,- 0 V) s-o .-0 ~, ~ ~ N C. /G DESQRIPT,ON, " REMARKS -.... -CIJ U CIJ 'ltC .0-"~ S-~ '0)-~ I+- ::I C, C CIJCIJ .~ ~CIJ ...-. CIJ -Qj ,en en ~ en:> c.I+-..-. en .,... c en,CIJ :5-.~ /G 00 /G .... /G 0_ xu 0.. V) V) V)U - . I- Two PROJECTN O~ __ C_L--l_4-0,s--_---_-,PLATE NO. .COMPACTION LAB'S'. ,SOil TESTIN<:;,& INSPECTION SERVICES ,..~ '~r~ exPLORATION LOG P:RO:JECT NAME 3,22'9 Valley Street ,DATE, LOG,GED Septembe,r l:Q,,, 198~ " - " ELEVATIO~ Exsisting Grade TEST PIT NO. TWO '--- c 0 -0 .s:: .... +-I QJ :>, -0 +J +J QJ Co +J lo4t N 0., ~ DES C RIP T 1,0' N' REMAR,f(S QJ >, " _& .... -,.-QJ U I+-..... lit ,QJ lo4t C::l-.... ' , , -S-+J i::n-~' I+- -:...-, ' QJ c,- QJI+-:::s c' c QJ QJ .... .s:: .... Q u +-I QJ .,.. QJ .... QJ. lit , +-I Co Q. en +J. lit > Coif.. .... en .., Co e >,,-.... c:: en QJ e-.... ~, QJ -~ s-o 0 ~, ..... ~ 0 .... , Q en Q ~'u Q;. en en en'u , ' Grey-B,rown ,-Humid, L6os'e " 8!L1'1'- 1 SM' SAND (Plowed 'Ground} ,., " BG, 93.5 4..0 1.5 ,'SM Brown, Dry,' Loose, ,~ILTY=-SAND 2, (Plowed Ground) " ,,' " BG 52.4. Orang·e-B'rown, Huml,d, 'Stiff 3 , -r--SANDY -CLAY' (Firm Native 'at 2" ) ! 4. CK 119.1 6.0 4 C1 ( " t ~ .. -. ' - 5 " .' , " ,- .. Bottom of Tes,t Pit N,uIIitrer Two - , . " ~' , " - " '-" : - , ----: - .. - . " C1'-14.05 .' .. Three PROJECT. NO. p'LATe· NO. .J' •. COMPACTION LABS.e SOil TESTING' & INSPECTION SERYICES . .' EXPLORATION LO'G PROJE CT N A ME ..... _3_2_2._9 _V ... ' a_1_1_e Y_'· _S_t_.r_E;!_e t __ '"'"" DATE LOGGED TEST PIT NO. $.epte.mber 10~19·85· ELEVATIO~ ExsistingGrade THREE -~ cu >t -cu Q, ~. ~ cu >t ''--If-.... .In ·cu -. e-r.-+' cu CUIf-::::I e .c ,...' cu ~ CU' '+, Q, c. s Q, In+' >,-''-e cu '" r.-oo c Vl c ::EU BG :l, BG 119.5' ·3;5 2 ~ 4 5 CK 118.'8 5.0 6 7. BG A. CL-1405 o o· N .. -~ . 0'1_ e, .,...-cu en> incu "' ..... o..Vl .t:: +,. Q. cu c- +, . OJ·cu 'r-OJ Q,1f-E-/G' Vl e o ''- ~ .. '" o ..... ''- ,... en 'r-'" 0_ VlU' DE$CRIPT'ION &. REM·ARKS 32.6 '0-1 SM Grey-,Brown, Dry, Loose, STLTY -S.AND ... (P1owE;!d Grol,lnd) ·1.5 I-SM B:t'own" Dry,. Dense, , SILTY~SAND (Fir. Native ai 1.5 1 ) SM brang~,:Humid, De'n~e ~'; SlLTY':"'SAND 5 '~ ~ 23 .• 4 7 SM Tan-Red, 'Dry, DE;!nse, SILTY .... SAND . Bot tom Of T·est. Pi t NUIilQer. Thre·e. i-. Four .; . .. '~ ~ '.' ;, . , .j ; j, . r. i; ., PR:OJECT NO'. __ ~ ___ ~ ......... PLAT'E NO. -------------------- , e C'O,MPACTION· LABS. SOIL TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES ExPLO.RATIONLO·G PA 0 JE CT NA M~' ..... _3...,.2_2_9_Va_1_1_e~y_S_t_r_e_et_. _'_~ DATE LO.GGED .. Sept~mber 10,1985 " E'LeVATIO~ Exsisting Grade' fE'ST ,PIT NO. FOUl~ - c: 0 -0 .c. ",.. +oa QJ >, -0 +oa +oa QJ c. +oa ~ N Q. tIS· DESc;RIP110tf R~MA·Ri<S QJ >, .. -" QJ U &. Jo:-",.. -l+-V! QJ ~.' c-",... -1:-s-+oa cn-+oa I+- QJ ci.lI+-::s c c QJQJ . .,.. .- .c. -<V aJ -' QJ. V! Q U +oa ",... +oa c. c. V!~ V! > c. .... -V! c. e >,-",..' c· VI QJ e-.,.. IG QJ /0' O' th .s-0 0 tIS· ... tIS. 0...- Q Q xu a. v.;. v; VH,J ~ -" SM G:;rey-Brown,. p·ry, Loose, t SILTY-SAND (Plowed Ground) , ! '" 1 -. :.. SM Brow'fi, Dry, L.oose, SILTY-SAND, (Plowed Ground) 2 BG 118.6 2.7 35.8 2 ,SM Brow.n~ , pry, D'en'Se, SILTY-SAND. l (Fi,rm N'ati ve at 2' ) .. 3 BG 3-9.1 3 " .. SM Orange, D,ry, Den'se, SILTY-SAND - " 4 to- .. " , ' S i-"- 6 -, . , ." I-~ 8 BG 8. SM Tan-Red, Mo:i,st, Medium':"Dense q -SILTY-SAND : . , " .-.. , . . , Bo~tom, of Test ,Pt 1: 'Num·ber Four .... - "- , ' , , -I- , . - , ' < ~ ,-'. " " .. PR,OJEC,T' NO,. CL-1405 PLATE NO. FIVE' .. . . -COMPACTION LABS-. SOIL TESTING Be INSPECTION SERVICES , ExPLORATION LO'G , . ' . PROJE'CT NAME:, 3229 Valley Street :0 ATE LOGG ED __ S_e p_t_-e_m_b_e_r_I_O_, , __ 1_-9_8~,5 ' ELEVATION . Ex.sisting Grade -+" QJ QJ 0. QJ . ~ I+-_. ,QJ .c, ..- , +" 0.. 0. S QJ. I'CS Q' ~ 1 3 .4 5 >t +" . ''- III c- !VI+- .0 U' 0., >t- s." Q -~ -QJ s:..+" ::::JC +"QJ III+" .~ C 00 ::Eu o o N .. -, ~ cn-' C ... QJ .. III > IIIQJ I'CS ... o..~ .c, ~. 0. QJ c--'+" QJ~ ,.... QJ Q,1f-s·-I'CS ~ TEST P·IT NO. FIVE .C' o· ... +,,' /'CS' U ,OESCFUPTION & REMARKS .,.. .,.. ·111 ..... III .,...,., ~ .Or- VlU , 'Grey:..Browp., Dry, Loose 'SILTY-SAND (Plo~ed Grou#d) I"-SM .. Bro-wn, Humid, Dense; 'BILTY-SAND (Firm Native at l~S'\ -SM . Oran'ge "Moist ,Dense ~ SIL'T¥-SAND Bottom Of'T~st Pit Number Fivs PR OJE'C T ,N 0'. ____ CL_-"""'I,_40_S_, _----...... """-'""' Six PLATE.NO.~ ___ p __ ~ ____ ~ , j" e COMPACTION LABS. -SOIL rESTING & INSPECTiON ~ERVICES . ,PR OJ'E CT NA ME __ . 3_2_2_9_Va_1_1_e_y_, _S t_r_e_e .... t __ DATE" LOGGE;,D TEST PIT NO -. - Rxsisting Gta,de ELEVATION SIX .. _' . ,.: ' c: '0 -0 .c .... +ol QJ >" -0 +ol +ol QJ Q. ... 'lie' N Q. /'G, DE.SCRIPTION QJ ~ .... -.... -QJ U & REM,ARKS I+-VI QJ 'lie c-.... ...... c:-s..~ c:n-~ I+- QJ QJI+-:::I c: c: QJ OJ ..... .c ,.... c +ol OJ .... QJ .-OJ VI +.l Q. U ~ VI~ VI > 0. .. 1+--VI Q. e >,-.... c: VI QJ e-.... '" /'G QJ: s.-o 0 ,.,.~ /'G 0'_ C V') c' ::EU 0.."" V') V') U , SM Grey-Brown, Dry,: Loose ,. ., SILTY-SAND (Plowed G,round) 1 Brown, Moist, Soft, CLAY (B.ecome~ $,tiff 'at 2') 2 BG 70.0 2 ~ 'OL , ," : - 3-I-, - 4 I-Orange, MO'ist, Me-di um.-Derise . SM SILTY-SAND (Ciay B.indet) , 5 I- 6 ' - Bottom Of Te·st Pit Numb~r Six '- l- I-. , ' ,l-e -, ~ , , i-- " . , I- , ' -; . , : : -, . , T , PROJECT NO. __ ' .... CL_. -... 1_40_5 __ ............ -----PL'ATE NO'. __ s_e_'v_:e .... n __ ... __ I, '" COMPA'CT10,N LAEA IN'C. "SOIL TESTING It INSPECTIONTeRVtC-SS, TAaULATION 01' TtST RESULTS OPTU~UM MOISTURE, MAXIMUM: D~NSITY Soil De~criptiori' Brown Silty-Sand Type- Pl-l' Grey-Brown Ffne,Silty-Sand P2-l' 'Orange-Brown Sandy-Clay' P'Z-,2 .5" Brown Sandy-Clay· ' .P6-2'· ,Maximu'rri Optimum Dry Density Moisture (lb/tti. ft~) (% d~y wt~) 132.0 .9.0 119.7 13.3 '12-2.2 114.0 13.2' 17 .• S EXPANSION TEST DATA Sample No •. Conditton . Ini~ial, Moist:ure .(io) Air Dry ,Moisture (io) Final Moi sture. :(io) F.inal.Dry Densit~ (pcf) Load (psf) Swe 11 (%) Sample No~ , . "Pi-2.'S' " " Remolded 13 • .2 8.,6 21.7 109.7 lSO.O ,5.'6 DlR~C.T SH EAR ~ t' PI-I' P,6.::.2,' Remolded , 11. T , . 11.7 , 28.0 102.5 . 150.0 9.0 P2-2.5' Condition R~molded Rem6lded An 9 1 e 0 f . in tern a 1 Fri c t ton orr __ ---,. __ '_3_1_, ____ ~----2.,...S~ Cohes ion I nte-rcept . (pcf )300 ~ 10Q ' 'P'ROJ ECT, NO. PL..ATE NO. CL-140S' 'e tr-" ~. ,COMPACTION LAB~INC. • SOIL TESTING • INSPECTION SERVICES RECOMMENDED GRAOIN·G SP'ECIFIC.AT(ONS (Gen~ralProvisio~s) 1. INTENT The ; n ten t of the s e s p e c i f i c at ion sis to. pro v. i de ge n era 1 procedur~s ~rt accordance with curretn standard p~actice~ . regarding clearing, compacting,natural grounod, .prep.aring area'$ t.o rece; ve fill, a;n d' p 1 ac in g' a·n d c·om.P act i n9 of fi 11 so il to the. l,ines,'grades.and slqpes de1ineated.on the availabJe plan·s. ·Recommend,at·i'ons s·et fO,rth in the. attached pre'l imirrary soil s in·vestiga.tion report and/or s,p'ectal provisions'are a part of the. "Recom~ended Grading, Specif1catio~s" and.s~all s~per~ede the . provisions cO'nt~ined hereinafter tn the c:ase of,conflict,. 2. INSPfCTION & TESTING A qual i f i e·d s 0 1.1 ~ h gi nee r . s hall be-em p loy e d to i. rt s p e:e ta nd test the earthworle in ,accordance-with these speci,fications and the- , 'ac,ce·pte.d plans. It will be n.ecessary that the'soils en.gineer or . ',his rep res en tat iveb e allowed. to. provide· a ~e quat e 1 n:s pee t ion. so that he ~ay certify that the worle was or was not actomplished 'as s p e c i fie d 0 r. i rt d i cat e d • Its hall bet h.e r e sp O'n s. ; b il~ i t y 0 f th e . con tr act 0 r to. ass i s t the. 's 0 il eng i n ee r . a n·d tole e e P. him a p p r a i sed . "of work schedules, changes~ new infOrmatio'n and dates, and new, unforeseen soils ·condit'i·ons.'so that he may ma·lee the'se. . certifications'. '. If subs:tandard conditions (que·stionab1·e soil; poor moisture .control" in.adequate co.mpaction, adve,rse weathe.r, etc.)' are , , encountered, the son engineer will be empo.w.ered toeith'e:r ~~o,p' 'const.ruction until th.e c,o'nditions ,are' ,remedied or re'commend r e j ec t ion 0 f the w·o r k • So i 1 . t est sus ~e d to de t et:' min e the d'e g.y. e e of coin p a,c t i 0 nw i1 1 'be performed in accordance with.th·e following A~ericanSoc.ietyfor Tes ti n 9 an.dMater i a 1 s test 'methods: * Maximum.Density"&Optjmum Mo'isture ContEmt-· ASTK D-1557-70T.· . ' * Density tif Soil Irt-Pl~ce, -AST~ D-1S56 or AST~ 0-2922 . a'nd 3017 ' . APPENDIX 'B' ~ ~OMPACTION LAB! INC. SOIL, TESTING' • INSPECTION '.SERVICES '3. MATERIALS Those so iTs used as fill' wil l' h,a v e" a, min i m limo f 40 per c e.n t ~assing a #4 si~ve. They will be free 0' veg~table ·matter ·o~ 'othe.r deleterio·us substances and 'contain no rock o'ver,six inches in size. Should' unsuitable material. be encountere·d, the,s'oil engineer will be conta,cted to provid~ re,commendations. 4. PLACING ANO SPREADIN6 OF FllL The selected fill material shall be placed in layers whichwhe'n co~pacted wiJl ~~t exceed 6 inches in thick~ess. E a c h 1 aye r s h a 11-. 0 e s pre ad e'v en 1 y an d s hall b ~ t h Q r 0 ugh 1 y b 1 ad e . m i x·e d d ur i n g the s pre a.d ; ng to' ins u r e u r1.i. for mit y, 0 f mat er i ali n each' layer. When the moisture content df the fill matarial is b~low th~t recommended ~y tha ~oil engineer, water shall then ba add~d untfl the moisture content is' as specifi,ed'to assure thorough: bon;din.g dliri.ng the compacting process. Whe'n the moisture content of the fi] 1 mate,ri al is above that rec.ommend.ed by the. SO'i'l engineer,·the fill material shall be· aerated by blading 'or 'other 'satisfactory methods u,ntil the . moisture 'content i$ as 'specified • . :5. COMPACTION ·A 1. t er e a eh ' 1 aye r ·h as· bee n p 1 ace d , iii i xed, and s pre a d eve n 1 y ~ i t. shall be thoroughly compacted to not' less than 90.% rel a.tive comp~ctio~. Ccimpacti.on shall be by lhee~sfoot rOllers,. mu1t.iple-whee1 pne~m'atic tired ro1.1ers or other types of rollers.' ' Roll i n 9 s h a'l 1 be a c com p 1 ish e dw h i1 e t.h e fill mat e ria 1 i S at the specifie,d moisture content. Rolling of' each. layer sh,a1lbe contin.Liou,s over ,its entire area an'd tne· roller shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired d~nsity has been o'b t a i n e'd • " The fill oper at ion sh a II b'e conti n ued ins i x i neh comp'acted liyers, or as specified abQve, until the. fill has bean brDught to' ,the 'ini$hed $lop~sand grade5 shown o~ the available plans. APPENDIX ',B' " ~. :1-' 'i', . . COMPACTION LAS.INC.' • I SOI~ TESTING, .INSPECTION SERVICES: ,. 6. WALL .SACKF I Lt' Bac.k.fi1lsoil slloul.d consist of· nO'l'1;.expan'siv& :sand.: Campa.etlan., .-,".> .: , should be achieved w'ith light hand.-.held p.enumat.ic tampers. to avoi.d over co·mp.acti on and hence 'Cause structural dam·age.~ Wall backfi 11 shoul d be compact.ed to a mi·nimum· of 90 perc.erit.of' maximum density. . . . 7. TREN.CH BACKFILL All t·ren-cn backfill locate.Q within structu.ral areas. should be . . :compacted' to ·a 'minimu'm of ninety pe·rcent of ma,ximum density •. APPENDIX 1 B I· • • i I -------------jI+I----'"----------------."'----,~~~---------------·-·-------.--~"~-.-.~'- ------'~·--i-r·------.----.---...,-----.-----»-.---.--.---.-.--.-----. -'---: --- II (J F r---J>; Ie .!) IZtil!V'tt!5 ~1? _____ . _____ .. _________ . ____ .: ______ ... _~----~-____ ~. __ _ T· . _--.-HII-.. -<-;J_~_. --,-/]-~_7)_-~-_ -Z20 X l;;' .. S-~-. &,-~ ~-ft~gG;. __ ~.=_~~~~-· ____ -____ --.-__ -_. -.---.- II .--,--------.. -..... -----.---------------. -----.. ------.-----. 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