HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 82-12; CANNON RD; GEOTECHNICAL REPORT UPDATE; 1989-02-07ro----- o ,0 I '0 o o o o o o o o o o o D ----o o o ~--~-~=-~~-~------=..-.=.---"'-~ =--"'-~ ~~ -... -, --FiLE. copy CT g'J-Id- co; 6-/ C ltiVlVOIV R.D OWSNCONSULTANTS i I I I I I I' I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 ~ I' 'I I -.' '. ,-... GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OW:NCONSULTANTS ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS 10065 OLD GROVE ROAD SAN DIEGO. CA 92131 TELE: (619) 695-3150 FAX: (619) 695-3153 . -~ .. ~-. • ", .,I' ::~February 7, 1989 .. __ --Proje~t No.. 510.6.3 ' . ~." .. > " ... :~ :~.:~~' The Buie Corporation . ---, --16935 West,Bernardo ',Drive, Suite 200 '_San-Diego, California 92127' ~ttention: ,_, Subjec·t:. Mr. Ed Barlow GEOTECHNICAL REPORT UPDATE CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA -' ~ : ... -. ... -' .' . ~-'. -.' Reference: -'. -"Geotechnical Investigation, --Carlsbad Highlands Subdivision, Carlsbad, California," Project No.-510.6.2, dat~d March 18, 1988, by ,Owen Geotechnical. Dear Mr. Barlow: In accordance with the request by Hunsaker and Associates, we have prepared this letter to update our reference report. The purpose of our update is to assess existing .site conditions relative to proposed development to see if the recommendations and conclusions of our reference -report are still current and appropriate. We compieted a site visit on February 3, 1989 of the: subject site to access site conditions. Based upon our site visit and review of grading plans., the site conditions and plans appear to be the same as stated in our reference report. The conclusions and recommendations stated in our reference report are still appropriate and applicable to the subject site. OFFICES IN SAN·DIEGO. LAGUNA HILLS AND CONCORD CALIFORNIA -.. -\ J , ' ',.j" of ,:~ ~. 'Oi." OWiNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation February 7, 1989 Project No. 510.6.3 Page 2, This opportunity to have any questioI;ls, -. Very truly yours, , OWEN CONSULTANTS '11n~ c9;:;;!! L. MIC~ , Project Engineer RCE 42'590 Expiration 3-31-92 ~~ ERNEST R. ARTIM Vice pres~dent CEG 1084 Expiration 6-30-90 MLK/JLM/ERA:ms be of service is please call. .'. Copies: (6) Addressee (6) Hunsaker and Associates 6122 Nancy Ridge Dr~ve, Suite 101 San Diego, California 92.121 Attention: Mr. Dave Hammer " .... " ,' . .. ' ·::~;·',: .. ,~;'r.:·'~A~':' • _," ~ __ ,oJ.-• , .'{, <.:,::':.,~':,::~;':;~:;.~::,. ---, • .! -~'.o. ~ .~.: - ._ : ',' :. ~ .. ~~.;:t,:.::::.::~~J~ . ,:,,~ .. :'. " ·:··;:.~~:::::,;tit< ... --. ~-.: --.~ . ~,;~~.'i::~?:'.-.. ;'~,-" . -::::-,~-~, . - '. -~ '.. : " .... •. . .:::=. ", • '.';: .. " _ 5 ., :1 I I 'I' , ' I ~-I ,I I ,I 'I' I ;1 I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION CARLSBAD' HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared For The Buie Corporation 16536 Bernardo Center Drive, suite 200 San Diego, California 92128 March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 'I I , I' I I I I I I ,I I I I: I~ I I :1 I OW=NCONSULTANTS ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS 10065 OLD GROVE ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 TELE: (619) 695-3150 FAX: (619) 695·3153 March 18, 1988 project No. 510.6.2 The Buie Corporation 16536 Bernardo Center Drive, suite 200 San Diego, California 92128 Attention: Subject: Mr. Ed Barlow GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA bear Hr. Barlow: In accordance with your request, we have completed a geo- technical evaluation of the subject site. The accompanying report presents the results of our findings, conclusions, and recommend~tions regarding the proposed development. This opportunity to be of service is appreciated. have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, GEOTECHNICAL ERA/MRO:ssb/bsz Copies: (6) Addressee (6) Hunsaker and Associates 6122 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite San Diego, California 92121 OFFICESINSAND1EGO,LAGiJ~~§,ntion: Mr. Dave Hammer AND CONCORD, CALIFORNIA 101 If you I I I' ,I: I I 'I: I I' I I I I: I :1 I I' I, I' OW.!NCONSULTANTS ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS 10065 OLD GROVE ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA92131 TELE: (619) 695-3150 FAX: (619) 695-3153 March 18, 1988 Project No. SlD.6.2 GEOTECHNICAL .INVESTIGATION CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION In response to your request, we hav·e completed a geotechnical investigation at the site of the proposed residential development located in the City o.f Carls- bad, California (see Site Location Map, Figure 1). The. purpose of our investigation was to evaluate the existing geotechnical conditions at the subject site and to provide recommendations and geotechnical para- meters for site development, earthwork, and foundation and slab design for construction of the proposed project. We were also to evaluate the potential for on-site geotechnical hazards. This report presents the results of our findings, as well as our conclu- sions and recommendations. A tentative map titled "Carlsbad Highlands" (Scale 1"=100'), prepared by Hunsaker and Associates, San Diego Inc., dated Novem- ber 20, 1987 was utilized for our study as well as the 40-scale graqing plans prepared for "Carlsbad High- lands, C.T. 82-12, Phase I," prepared by Hunsaker and Associates. 2.0 SCOPE OF STUDY The scope of our field investigation included t~e following tasks: * Review of readily available published and unpublished reports and maps J;elati ve to the property, including "Report of Prelirn- in~ry Geotechnical Investigation, Carlsbad Tract Number 82~12, Cannon Road, Carlsbad, California," by Southern California Soil and Test ing, Inc., dated June 25, 1986. Data from that study has been utilized as OFFICES IN SAN DIEGO. LA@JNtIi'liair.t 0 f 0 uri n v est i gat ion; AND CONCORD. CALIFORNIA I' " I I I I: v I I I I' I I: I I; I I, , ! I' I I OWiNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 2 3.0 * * * * * * * Geologic reconnaissance and mapping; Performance of 12 seismic traverses at designated locations of proposed cuts on the sUbject site, Excavation of four test borings to depths of 30 feet; Review of the logs of 12 test borings and 38 test trenches previously excavated. Review and analysis of 19 seismic traverse locations and logs previously done; Review and analysis of previous laboratory testing; Engineering and geologic analysis; Preparation of this report presenting our findings, conc.lusions, and recommenda- tions. GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS The subject property is an irregular pa.rcel comprising a total area of approximately 263 acres. The property is located east of Cannon Road, and south of Calaveras Lake in the City of Carlsbad, California. It is our understanding that site development will consist of grading by cutting and filling to create a series of relatively flat building pads for the construction of a residential project. 3.1 Proposed Development Proposed development wll1 consist of single-family one-and/or two-story residential structures. structures will be typical light load, wood-frame buildimgp. Cut and fill slopes will primarily be inclined at 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). Cut and fill slopes are planned to maximum heights of about 40 and 6G feet, respectively. Fill~over-cut I I 'I ,I 'I, I I :1: I I; I, I' I" ..-- I I I: I' I I OWiNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation MarCh 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 3 slopes inclined at 2:1 to a maximum height of approximately 50 feet are also planned. Maximum depths of cut and fill are approximately 50 feet for each. 3.2 Site Condjtions Topographically, the site consists of hilly terrain with moderate to steep slopes and three major drainage canyons. The first canyon is' located in the southeastern corner, drains in a southwesterly direction and contains surface water flow throughout the year. The second major canyon is located -in the southwestern portion of the site. This canyori drains in a southerly direction wi th surface water in the southern extension of this canyon flowing throughout the year. Springs appear to be the source of the water noted in this canyon. The third major canyon is located in the northern and northwestern portions of the site. No surface water was noted in this canyon which drains in a western and southwestern direction. In addition, there are many smaller secondary drainage courses on-site. Vegetation consists of dense I. large shrubs and trees within drainage courses, moderately dense to dense chaparral on the southern po'rtion of the site, and dense grasses and shrubs on the re- maining northern and western portions. No perma- nent structures are known to exist on-site except for a water main that traverses the northern portion of the site. Several manholes for the water main occur along the alignment. 3.3 Subsurface Exploration Sixteen test bor ings to depths of 42 feet have been performed on-site. The ],ocations of these borings are shown on the Site Plot Plan, Plate 1. The logs of the test borings are included as Appendix A. I 'I 'I J I, I I " II i I I I I I I, I ,I ,I OW:NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 4 In addition, 3'8 test trenches to depths o,f 11.5 feet have been performed on-site. The locations of these test trenches are shown on Plate 1. The logs of the test trenches are included as Appendix B. In addition, 31 seismic traverses to evaluate subsurface conditions and rock rippability have been performed at the site. The locations of the seismic traverses are shown on Plate 1. Schematic profiles of the traverses are included as Appendix C. 3.4 Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing has been performed on field samples collected during subsurface field studJes. The results of the l~boratory testing are included as Appendix D. 4.0 SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONPITIONS The subject site is underlain by weathered intrusive bedrock of the Cretaceous Age, Tertiary sediments, and residual soils. 4.1 Geologic Units 4.1.1 Bedrock (Kgr) Approximately 50 percent of the site is underla,in by basement rocks of the Southern California B'atholi th • The predominant rock type -consists of granodiorite rock typically weathered and decomposed in the upper 2 to 30 feet. The weathered bedrock materials consist generally of dense to very dense, slightly moist to moist, silty, m~~Hum to coarse sand to silty, angu- lar, rock~fragment gravel. The bedrbck is considered competent for structural I -I f J I I I I ,I' I' I 1-, , ' I :1, I I I I I OW:NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation Harch 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 5 support. The unweathered bedrock typica~ly has a low potential for expanslon. We expect that a major ity of the site is suitable for excavation to depths of 15 to 20 feet with a moderate to heavy ripping effort by conventional heavy, earth-moving equipment in good operating condition. Granodior ite typically weathers to rounded boulders in a matrix of decom- posed granite (DG, i.e., silty fine to coarse sand). Locally, unweathered bedrock is exposed as isolated outcrops in the southern portion of the site. Exposed surface boulders ranged from 3 to 8 feet in diameter. Fractures and joints within the bedrock may be expected to contain groundwater. Thus, proposed cuts in bedrock may encounter \-later seepage. Some of the material which may be rippable with heavy equipment, may not be excavatable with conventional trenching equipment. This will result in difficult founQation and utility line trenching. Therefore, undercutting of cut areas where these dense granitics are encountered is recommended. Locally, certain other areas proposed for excavation may require blasting, especially areas of hard rock outcrops. The presence of oversize natural rock outcrops and blasting may result in the generation of oversize rock materials that will require special handling guring earth- work operations. 4.1.2 Lusardi Formation (Kl) The Lusardi Formation consists of conglomerates and sandstones in small expo'sures in the northern area of the western portion of the site. The I I I I I ,I I I I I I I, I 'I: I, I 'I ,I OWiNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 6 conglomeratic materials consist ot granitic and metavolcanic boulders and cobbles in a matr ix of silty coarse- grained sand. The sandstones consists of clayey to silty sandstone. This unit occurs primarily along the proposed alignment of Bill Barnes Drive approximately between Lots 699 and 740. The unit contains resistant oversize boulders that will require special handling during earthwork operations. The unit may be excavated with a heavy to locally very heavy ripping effort by conventional heavy earth-moving equip- ment in good operating condition. ' 4.1.3 Paleosol (Tp) These ancient soils (paleosol) are lateritic and consist of expansive clays and clayey sandstones. A thin residual cap of ironstone concretions and siliceous pebbles appears to be present on much of the paleosol. The thickness of the paleosol appears to range from a few feet to in excess of fifteen feet. The unit is isolated to a few scattered locations near the base of hillsides. This unit may be excavated with a moderate ripping effort by conventional earth-moving equipment in~ good operat- ing condition. Excavation of the unit may generate expansive clays that can be utilized in deep structural fillsa 4.1.4 Santiaao Formation (Es) The Eocene Santiago Formation covers about 40 percent of the site including the northern and much of the western portions of the site. The western I I I ,I I I I I I, I' I I I I I, I I' I' I OWiNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 7 exposures of the Santiago Formation consist largely of interbedded, green- ish claystones, siltstones, and sand- stones. These sediments appear to overlie the basement complex and the Lusardi Format ion. The Santiago Formation in the east portion of the site predominantly consists of a pale, greenish-gray sandstones with occasional thin lenses of claystone. Where encountered in the sandstone portions of the Santiago Formation, the claystone lenses dip from approximately three degrees to five degrees in a northeast to northwest direction. The claystone layers and lenses en- countered within the Santiag,o Formation have been associated with slope stabil- ity problems and slopes planned in these areas may require special grading considerations. With the exception of the deposits at the western section of the site {Borings 3, 5, and 6}, this formation consists of competent, expansive clayey sandstones. Weak claystones were encountered in the western portions of the site. This material will require buttressing as described in the slope stability section of this report. It should also be noted that isolated, random clay- stone and/or siltstone lenses are typical in the Santiago Format ion. Therefore, additional areas requiring buttressing may be discovered during grading. In addition, the claystones are typically highly expansive and should be placed at depths such that they do not detr imentally affect the proposed development. I' I I ,I I' I I I I, I I I, I ,I J ,I' 'I I I OW.!NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 8 The unit contains potentially expansive clay layers and also isolated concre- tionary layers and lenses. The unit may be excavated to proposed grade with a heavy ripping effort by conventional earth-moving equipment in good operat- ing condition. The presence of concre- tionary beds may result in the genera- tion of oversize boulders during excavation of this unit. 4.1.5 Ouaternary Terrace Deposits (Ot) Isolated areas of Quaternary terrace deposits were encountered at the site. The terrace deposits appear to be limited to the canyon areas of the granitic portion of the site and were found to be in excess of 11 feet in depth. These deposits consist of moist, medium dense, slightly porous, reddish-brown, coarse to silty sands. Due to the porosity of these soils, some settlement may occur under applied loads. This material should require remedial grading as descr ibed in the site preparation section of this report. 4.1.6 Landslides Shallow landslides were located in the western portions of the site. These slides were explored with Borings 13, l4, and 15, and appear to have originated from weak clay layers contained in the Santiago Formation. These weak clayey layers are described in Section 4.1.4. The slide debris was locally soft, fractured, wet to very wet and subject to consolidation or reactivation I I I I ,I' I I I I I OW:NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 9 without site remediation. This ma- terial is identified on Plate 1. The material should be removed to firm soil or rock in all areas to rec.eive struc- tures or fill. Where slopes are proposed these materials should be removed and replaced as structural fill or buttressed as described in section 5.2.4. 4.1.7 Quaternary Alluyium and Residual Soils (Oal) Alluvium consi~ting of soft to medium stiff and loose to medium dense de- posi ts of clays , silts, and sands are present in the existing drainage courses. In general, these deposits range in thickness from a few to over 10 feet. The alluvial deposits are delineated on the geologic map in the larger channels. Residual soils were observed over the site with thicknesses varying between 0 to 3 feet. Residual soils consist of firm to stiff, moist, dark red.dish- brown, medium to coarse, sandy clays to clayey sands. The thickest residual soils are located on the flatter slopes at lower elevations. We expect a soil thickness ranging from about 3 feet on the lower slopes to less than a foot thick at rock outcrop loc~tions. These alluvi.al and residual soils are predominantly porous and are not suitable for structural support, and should be removed and recompacted in ~ll areas to receive fill or engineered structures. I I I I .1 I I I I I I' I I I I I I OW.ilNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation fl-larch 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 10 4.2 Surface Water and Groundwater Surface water was noted to e~ist in the two drainage courses located in the southern portions of the site.. Special considerations will be necessary to facilitate remedial grading of loose, porous, and compressible alluvial soils. Con- siderat ions may include, but are not limited to diversion, dewatering, surcharging, or combin- ations of such remediation. Shallow groundwater is present in all of the major alluvial drainages on-site. Groundwater can be expected to be encountered within fractures and joints within the granitic bedrock areas, and also may occur as perched water \'dthin the Santiago Formation. Potential groundwater resource development was not evaluated during the course of this investigation, but it is not considered to be a viable resource due to the dense, relatively impervious nature of the underlying bedrock. Local seasonal surface water and shallow, perched groundwater are likely to occur in the alluvial soils and drainages on-site. 4.3 Rippability Survey The intent of the seismic refraction survey was specifically to facilitate the project planning by obtaining the variation in seismic velocity of the underlying materials, and to calculate a reason- able approximation of the depth from the surface to the boundaries between rippable, and non- rippable rock. A total of 31 seismic traverses haVe been made at selected locations at the subject site. ~he locations of the seismic traverses are shown on the atbiched Plate 1. Each traverse was approx- imately 100 feet in length and was performed utilizing a Signal Enhancement Seismograph. I I I ,I I I ,I I I :1 I, I I I I OWiNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 11 Seismic traverses S-21 to 5-28 were utilized to check for significant concretionary or cemented beds within the sedimentary rock formations. The results of the traverses are presented ih Appendix C. 4.3.1 Rippable Condition (0 to 4,500 ft/sec) This velocity range indicates rippable mater ials which may vary from decom- posed rock at lower velocities to only, slightly decomposed, fractured rock at the higher velocities. Although rippable, materials may be produced by excavation that may not be usable in structural fills due to a lack of fines. Exper ience has shown that material within the range of 4,000 to 4,500 fps most often consists of moderately to highly fractured rock wi th little or no fines and sizeable quantities of plus 1/4 inch material. For velocities between 3,500 and 4,500 fps, rippability will be difficult for backhoes and light trenching equipment. 4.3.2 Marainally Rippable Condition (4,500 to,7,000 ft/sec) Excavations in this velocity range would be ext remely time consuming and would produce fractured rock with little or no fines. The pigher veloci- ties could require blasting. Trenching equipment may not function economical- ly. I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I' I I I I C7N.i:NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 12 4.3.3 Non-Rippable Condition (7,DOO ft/sec and Greater) This velocity range may include slight- ly to moderately fractured rock and probably requires blasting for econom~ ical excavation removal. Material produced would consist of a high percentage of oversize and angular rock. The results of the s'eismic survey for this investigat ion reflect r ippabili '(:y condi t ions only for the areas of the traverses. However, the condition's of the various rock units appear to be similar for the remainder of the site and may be assumed to possess similar characteristics. The results compare quite favorably with the result$ of refusal depths by drilling and backhoe excavations as reported in the ref- erenced report. Our reporting is presently limited in that refraction seismic surveys do not allow for predicting a percentage of expectable oversize or hardrock float- ers. Subsurface var iation$ in the degree of weathered rock to fractured rock are not accurately predictable, but have been indicated where thought to possibly exist. In general, based on the results of the seismic traverses, it appears that excavations of rock in cut areas to depths of 15 to 20 feet can be accom- plished with a moderate to heavy r, ipping effort with modern excavation equipment in good operating condition. Excavation of rock cuts deeper than about 15 to 20 feet may require a very I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I' I OW.=NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation r-Iarch 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 13 heavy ripping effort by the equivalent' of a D9L Cat with a single shank ripper, pre-blasting or blasting. Pre-blasting will likely result in les.s oversize materials and more uniformity to the rock clast size. 4.4 Geoloaic Setting 4.4.1 Faulting and Seismicity Regional Tectonic Setting The Carlsbad area lies vlithin an area that is traversed by several major faults. These faults are associated with the junction betvleen the North American and Pacific plates. The major tectonic activity appears to be a result of the high lateral movement asSo- ciated with the San Andreas fault system at the junction between the Pacific and North American plates. 4.4~1.2 Faulting The principal seismic con- siderations for development of the subject site are surface rupturing of fault traces and damage caused _ by grbund shaking or seismically-induced 9round settlement. The potential for any or all of these hazards depends upon the recency of fault activity and proximity of the fault to the subject property. The pos- sibility of damage due to I I~. I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I CW!NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 14 ground rupture is considered unlikely since no active faults are known to cross the site and no evidence of faulting was noted during our investigation. Review of available geologic literature pertaining to the subject site indicates that th~re are no known signif icant·· faults crossing the property. The. nearest major active faults are the Elsinore fault and the offshore Coronado Banks fault, located approxi- mately 20 miles northeast and 30 miles southwest of the site, respectively. The closest potentially active fault is the offshore exten- sion of the Rose Canyon fault located approximately 20 miles west of the site. Seismicity The seismic hazard most likely to impact the subject site is ground shaking following a large earthquake on one of the major active regional faults. The Elsinore fault is the most likely to affect. the site with ground shaking, should an earthquake occur on the fault. A maximum probable event on the Elsinore fault could produce a peak horizontal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OW.iNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 15 acceleration of about o. 2g at the site. With ~espect to this hazard, the site is comparable to others in this general area in similar geologic settings. The proposed buildings should be designed in accordance with the seismic design require- ments of the Uniform Building Code or Structural Engineer~ Association of California. Two-thirds of the maximum anticipated bedrock acceler~a­ t ion may be assumed for the repeatable horizontal ground acceleration. Liquefaction Liquefaction of soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion in response to earth- quakes. Both research and histor ical data indicate that loose, granular soils are susceptible to liquefaction, while the stability of most silty clays and clays is not as adversely affected by vibratory motion. Liquefac- tion is generally known to occur only in saturated or near-saturated soils at generally shallow depths. Since the site is underlain by dense to very dense soils and rock, the potential for liquefaction at the site is unlikely. Treatment of the alluvial soil areas as des .... cribed in Sections 5.2.2 of I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I aN.=NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 16 5.0 this report should mitigate the potential for liquefaction in those areas. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our geotechnical study at the site and our review of available reports and literature, it is our opinion that development of the site is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. There appear to be no significant geotechnical constraints on-site that cannot be mitigated by proper planning, design, and utilization, of sound construction practices. The engineering properties of the soil and bedrock mate- rials, surface drainage, and anticipated relatively low degree of seismic risk offer favorable conditions for site development. 5.1 Seismicity The maximum anticipated bedrock acceleration on the s i t'e is estimated to be approximately O. 2g based on a maximum probable earthquake on the Elsinore Fault. For design pu'rposes, tw'o-thirds of the maximum anticipated bedrock acceleration may be assumed for the repeatable ground acceler- ation. The effects of seismic shaking can be mitigated by adhering to the Uniform Building Code or state-of-the-art seismic design parameters of the Structural Engineers Association of Califor- nia. 5.2 Earthwork Grading and earthwork should be performed in accordance with the following recommendations and the General Earthwork and Grading Guidelines included in Appendix F. 5.2.1 ~~te Preparatjon ,-, . Prior to grading, the site cleared of surface and should be subsurface I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OW.i!NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 17 obstructions including any existin.g debris or loose end-dumped fill soils, and stripped of any vegetation. Removed vegetation and debris should then be disposed of off -si te. Holes resulting from removal of buried obstructions which extend below fin- ished site grades should be filled with suitable compacted fill. Site preparation for the extension of Cannon Road will require the diversion of existing surface water to a depth such that a minimum alluvium removal depth of 5 to 10 feet may be achieved. The material to be removed will be in a saturated condition and should be spread and dr ied or thoroughly mixed with drier soils. Special grading equipment will most likely be necessary in this area. In addition, special stabilization procedures may be neces- sary to provide a firm bottom for the excavation. 5.2.2 Removals The alluvium, landslide debris, and residual soils that occur on-site are potentially compressible in their present states and may settle appreciably under the surcharge of fills or foundation loadings. These soils are generally considered accept ... able for re-use as compacted fill. Where the compressible soils a.re encountered in areas that will receive fill or other surface improvements, they should be removed down to com- petent materials and recompacted. The ~v~rage anticipated depth of removal is approximately 2 to 10 feet, but may be as much as 15 feet. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OW:NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 18 At the western and southern portions of the site, the est imated maximum depth of compressible alluvium is in excess of 16 feet. However, due to the presence of a relatively shallow groundwater table, the maximum removal depth will probably be about 10 feet. This condition will result in compress- ible alluvium left in place after site grading. Proposed f ills in this area may be subject to time-related settle- ment. Construction of utilities and residential structures should no-t begin until after primary settlement is complete and secondary consolidation is stabilized. A consolidation period of about one to two months is estimated will be necessary for consolidation to stabilize, but should be ver ified by settlement monitoring. 5.2.3 Fills - The on-site soils are suitable for use as compacted fill provided they are free of organic materials and debr is. All areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scar i- f ied to a minimum depth of 6 inches, brought to at least 2 percent over optimum moisture conditions and re- compacted to at least 90 pe rcent relati ve compact ion (based on ASTM: D 1557-78). If required, _ import soils should be predominantly granular, possess a low or very low expansion potential, and be approved by the geotechnical engineer. Lift thick- nesses will be dependent on the size g.IJ,p, type of equ~pment used. In gen- eral, fill should be placed in uniform lifts not exceeding 8 inches in uncom- pacted thickness. Placement and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I OW:NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation Narch 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 19 compaction of fill should be in ac- cordance with local grading ordinances under' the .observation and testing of the geotechnical consultant. We sugges.t that fill soils be placed at moisture contents at least 2 percent over optimum (based on ASTM: D 1557-78). Materials placed within 3 feet of finished grades should consist of low or very low expansive soils and should contain no rock fragments over 6 inches in dimension. We recommend that oversize materials (materials between 6 inches and 3 feet in maximum dimension) be placed in accordance with the General Earthwork and Grading Guidelines contained in Appendix F. Rock mater ials generated could be placed in areas of non-struc- tural fill, utilized in landscaping areas, removed from the site, ot placed in accordance with guidelines provided in Section 5.2.8. 5.2.4 Slope Stability Cut and fill slopes are proposed to be constructed at a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) and to extend to maximum heights of 40 and 60 feet, reSpec- ti vely. In general, mo~t of the cut slopes will expose competent forma- tional deposits. Relatively weak claystones of the Santiago Formation or landslide debris will be exposed in cut slopes to be constructed in the western po'l;:'tion of the site (northeast of Boring 5). A compllterized slope stability analysis, performed utilizihg Bishop's Simplified Slope Stability l I I I. I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I OW:NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 20 Method indicated an unacceptable Factor of Safety for the proposed slope unless buttressing is performed. The buttress location and configuration are pre- sented on Plate 1 of this report. The buttress should be constructed with granular material as described in this report. If weak claystones or silt- stones are exposed in other cut slopes higher than 5 feet, the clays or silts should be replaced with granular soils. The width of replacement material required will depend on the height of the claystone or siltstone laye.r, blJt should be a minimum of one equipment width. Our evaluation of the proposed cu.t and/or f ill slopes indicates that the proposed slopes should have an adequate Factor of Safety against dee,p-seated failure to the maximum heights planned of approximately 40 and 60 feet, respectively, at the proposed gradients of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). The summary of the slope stability analysis is included as Appendix E. Minor cut and fill slopes up to 10 feet in height may be constructed at a 1.5:1 inclination. Fill slopes constructed at a 1.5:1 inclination should be overfilled by at least 5 feet and cut back to the desired contour. Sheeps- foot rolling of 1.5:1 slopes is not re~ commended. All cut slopes shoulq be mapped by an. engineering geologist for indications pf potential instability. Adequate surface drainage provisions should be provided to minimize erosion. Fill slopes should be coropacted by over- building and cutting back or (with the : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OWiNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation Ivlarch 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 21 exception of those slopes defined above) by sheepsfoot rolling in 2 to 3 foot increments as the fill is placed. 5.2.5 Surficial stability and Slope Drainaae The erosion potential of the on-site soils is considered low to moderate. Erosion and/or surficial failure potential of these soils can be reduced if the following measures are utilized dur ing const ract ion and maintenance design of the subject site: * * * The slopes should be provided with appropr iate plantings and landscaped as soon as possible. Berms should be provided at the top of all slopes. We recommend utilizing drought-tolerant, slope- stabilizing, native or naturalized vegetation requlrlng little or no irrigation for planting on the slope. Lot drainage should be directed such that surface runoff over slope faces is minimized. * Soils with some clay or silt binder should be used on the outer 10 to 15 feet of slope surfaces. However, soils with a high expansion potential should not be utilized for the construction of fill slopes. I I I I I I· I I I I: I I I· I, I I I I I OW!NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 22 5.2.6 Sbrinkage and Bulking We expect that the on-site soiis when used as compacted structtlral fill will shr ink or bulk at the following esti- mated values: Type of Soil Fractured Bedrock 20 to 25% Bulking Weathered Bedrock (DG) _ 7 to 20% Bulking Sedime.ntary Deposits 5 to 7% Bulking Residual-Soils 10 to 20% Shrinkage The above values are rough estimates based on available geotechnical inform- ation and our past experience with similar materials. Amounts of volume change are highly dependent on a number of factors such as geologic structure of bedrock units, blasting techniques, s.ize of rock fragments, compacti ve efforts, etc. Therefore, provisions should be made for variations in earthwork quantities. 5.2.7 Rippability The on-site bedrock materials are dense to very dense but are generally ex- pected to be rippable to depths of about 15 to 20 feet' with _ a moderate to very heavy ripping effort by conven- tional heavy earthmoving equipment in good operating condition. We expect that grading will encounter oversize boulders which may need t'o be blasted if they cannot be dislodged by ripping. Trenching of utilities and footings may be more difficult and localized jack- hammering may be necessary. Depending ·1 Ii 1\ " , ' \ , I I ~I I , I I I I I: !I I: I,' I: CW:NCONSUL:TANTS The Buie Corporation Harch 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 23 on the conditions encountered at finish grades, it may be deSirable to over- excavate pad areas and utility line locations during grading and feplace with compacted fill to facilitate later trenching. Effects of any proposed blasting on nearby structures should be evaluated by the contractor or his subcontractor prior to commencing blasting opera- tions. The contractor or his subcon- tractor should be solely liable for any blasting-related damage to adjaCent properties. We recommend, whenever possible, a program consisting of damage survey and photographic documen- tation prior to the blasting. 5.2.8 Oversize Material and Rock Disposal Site preparation and grading of the site will most likely produce oversize rock mater ials which will require handling for use in structural fill. Rock fragments over 12 inches in dimensions may be generated during excavation and should be maintained if possible below a depth of 10 feet below finished grades. Nesting of rock materials should not be permitted. Soils placed within the upper 3 feet of building pads should contain no rock fragments over 6 inches in dimension. If rock fills are planned, specific areas should be designated ae rock fill areas and the rock placed according to our recommendations. Based on our experience and observation b{ similar projects, we recommend I I' I I I I; I ~t I I' I I I , I: I 11' t I: aN:NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 24 utilization of some or all following alternative rock techniques: of the disposal * Oversize material may be hauled off-site; * * * * Some oversize material may be placed in the heads ,of off-site drainages and the toes Of the canyon fill~ to act as energy dissipators of heavy runoff and to minimize erosion in these drainages; Rocks less than approxi- mately 3 feet in diameter may be utilized in struc- tural fills if placed in accordance with the follow- ing recommendations and the guidelines provided in Appendix F; Rocks greater than approx- imately 3 feet in diameter may be brought together and blasted to reduce their dimensions. These may then be placed in structural fills as described above; Rocks greater than approx- imat,ely 3 feet in _ diameter may be placed in a properly controlled and constructed rock fill. The steps for placement of large-diameter rocks in a rock fill may be as follows; 1. Grading of a flat "base" pad; ,II I 1\ I " I ,.~ I I I I I I I I , I 1_, , . , I O'IeNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 25 2. Subdrain installatio~ at the down-gradient edge o£ the rock, fill to collect any excess water.; 3. Place large-diameter rocks in windrows or spreads; 4. Place fill soils and spread (we recommend sandy soils over clayey soils) with smaller rocks (maximum dimension of 18 inches) in betw:een larger rocks; 5. Use dozer to move smaller rocks and fill soils in between and surrounding larger rocks, and to compact and bring fill up to the top of larger rocks creating a flat pad; 6. Heavily water fill during all rock and soil placement to aid in com- pactive effort utilizing subdrains to carry water to suitable outlets; 7. Repeat rock fill layers; 8. Cover rock fill with geofabric, or transition material zone and soil fill in accordance with the alternatives illus- trated in Appendix F; ;I~ I; I I I: I ;"'4w I 1\ I I :1 I I I f I I, I I ow.:NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 26 9. Utilization of t.he field judgement of a tra.ined soil technician as well as sound construction practice a.re essential in rock f ill construc- tion; 10. Upon completion of the rock fill and soil cap, we recommend that settlement monume-nts be placed as needed to monitor the fill and the data evaluated pr i6r to additional site develop- ment. For pre-planning purposes, we recomme-nd that construction of utilities and structures in this area be delayed three to six months to allow for any possible ini tial settle.ment to occur. 5.2.9 Rock Undercutting If hard rock outcrops are exposed when finish' pad grades are reached in cut areas, we recommend the pad be undercut a minimum of 3 feet. This should be done to facilitate excavation of foundations and utility.trenches. It may also be desirable to undercut street areas to the depth of the deepest utility to eliminate the possibility of blasting in trenches. 5.2.10 §~~page and Subsurface Drainaae If during grading, seepage is observed, evaluations may recommend that appro- I I , I' " I I I I ,1\ I I: I I I: I. I, I I: I OW.sNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 27 priate drainage should .be provided as shown in Appendix F. Such special drainage features will be evaluated and recommendations given by Owen Geotech- nical field representation during site grading. In general, lot drainage should be directed such that surface runoff over slope faces is minimized. 5.2.11 Subdrain Installation To avoid subsurface groundwater accurnu- lat ion, we recommend complete removal of alluvial soils in the bottoms of fill areas into firm soils as approved by our field representative, and plade- ment of subdrains as appropr iate. Subdrains should extend up-canyon until overlain by not more than 10 feet of fill. Placement of subdrains should be in accordance with the design detail provided in the accompanying General Grading and Earthwork Specifications, Appendix F. The approximate locations of subdrains are shown on Plate 1. Minimum backdrainage should consist of a 6-inch perforated pipe surrounded by at least 9 cubic feet per lineal foot of filter rock wrapped in geofabric. We recommend that a representative from Owen Geotechnical be present during grading operations to provide recom- mendations for other possible water seepage problems areas. 5.2.12 Transition Lots To minimize the potential for differen- tial settlement, the entire cut portion ot areas planned for structures on transition lots should be over-excav- ated to a minimum depth of 3 feet below finished grade and replaced with compacted fill (see detail Appendix F).' II Ii I: I: I I I I -..;:;" I 1\ I I' I", " -' I ,) I' I: I I OW.iNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 28 5.2.13 Trench Excavations and Backfill Excavation of trenches deeper than 3 feet below the existing grades in the decomposed rock will be difficult for light backhoes and may require the use, of heavy-duty trenching equipment. Trench excavations in deeper cut areas may require blasting or undercutting. To satisfy OSHA requirements and for workmen's safety, it might be necessaTY to shore excavations deeper than 5 feet, or the trench walls might be laid back at inclinations of 3/4:1 (hori- zontal to vertical) if workers are to enter such ~xcavations. All excavations deeper than 5 feet should be examined carefully by our engineering geologist to evaluate the general stability and the possible need for shoring. The on-site soils may be used as trench backfill provided they are screened of rock sizes over 6 inches in dimension and organic matter. Trench backfill should be compacted in uniform lifts (not exceeding 8 inches in compacted thickness) by m~cbanical means to at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM: D l557~78). Flooding or jetting of backfill should not be permitted. Backfill placed behind retaining walls should be compacted to a minimum relative compac- tion of 90 percent as determined by ASTM: D 1557-78. The use of heavy c;;p.mpaction equipment in close proximity to retaining structures can result in excess wall movement. In this regard, I ,I ..,..,' I' ,I ;1 I I " I, I: I I I I, I ,I I, I, I: OW.!NCONSULTANTS The Buie,Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 29 the contractor should take appropriate precautions during the backfill place- ment. 5.3 Foundations and Slab Design Foundations and slabs should be designed in accord~nce with structural considerations and the following recommendat ions. These recommendat ions assume that soils exposed at finished pad grade will have a medium to high potential for expan- sion. These recommendations should be verified by performing additional" expansion tests after grading is completed. We recommend that selective grading be performed to utilize low expansive soils at finish grade. If this selective grading is performed, these foundation recommendations ca"n be revised. Special foundation considerations are recommended for lots where the fill thickness differential across the lot exceeds 20 feet. These recommendations may include additional foundation and concrete slabon-grade depth and/or reinforcement, post-tensioned foundations or undercutting of cut portions of the lot to reduce the fill thickness differenti~l. 5.3.1 Foundation Design The proposed one-and/or two-story residential buildings may be supported by conventional, continuous or isolated spreaq footings founded at a minimum depth of 24 inches beneath lowest adjacent finished grade. At this depth, footings founded in fill or natural firm soils may be designed £or an allowable (dead-plus~live load) soil bearing value of 2,500 pounds per square foot. This value may be in- ~+eased by one-third for loads of short duration including wind or seismic forces. Footings should have a minimum I I I I I ,I I I' I I I, I' I I I I I ,I, I' CMf':NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 30 width of 12 inches and be reinforced top and bottom with two No. 4 rebars (i. e., four total) and in accordance with the structural engineer's require- ments. Isolated spread footings should have a minimum width of 24 inches and be reinforced with the structural engineer's recommendations. The maximum total and differential settle- ments for footings designed in ac- cordance with the above should be within tolerable, limits. Footings located on or adjacent to tops of slopes should be extended to suffi- cient depth to provide at least 8 feet of horizontal distance between the bottom edge of the footing and the face of the slope. For a 2: 1 slope and a l8-inch deep footing, this conforms to a minimum horizontal distance of 5 feet from the top of the slope to the edge of the footing. 5.3.2 Floor Slabs Slabs should have a m~n~mum thickness of 4 inches and be Qnderlain by a la-mil visqueen moisture barrier underlain by a 2-inch layer of clea'n sand or gravel. The visqueen moisture barrier should be overlain by a I-inch layer of clean sand to aid in concrete curing. Slabs should be reinforced with minimum reinforcing consisting of No. 3 bars spaced 18 inches on centers in two directions at mid-height in the slab. Mesh reinforcing is not recommended. Minor slab cracking is normal and possible. We recommend that the steel I I J I I I I I I I I I I I: I, I I I, I OW.=NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 31 be supported on concrete blocks (lift- ers or cradles) to assure proper placement at mid-height in the slab. Misplacement of the steel would result in insufficient rein£orcement of the slab. The steel should extend from the foundations into the slabs at 18-inch spacingsJ and be embedde~ into the foundations for a distance of at least 12 inches. Post-tensioned slabs are an alternate option with specifica- tions provided and designed by a qualified structural engineer. We emphasize that it is the respon- sibility of the contractor to ensure that the slab reinforcement is placed at mid-height of all slabs. Our experience indicates that use of reinforcement in slabs and foundations will generally reduce the potential for drying and shr ink age craccking.. How- ever, some c~ackingshould be expected as the concrete cures. The potential for slab cracking may be lessened by the addition of fiber mesh in the concrete and careful control of water/cement ratios. The use of 10v1 slump concrete not exceeding 4 inches at the time of placement is recommend- ed. The contractor should take appro- priate curing precautions during the pour ing of concrete in hot weather to minimize cracking of sl~bs. We re-c- ommend that a slipsheet (or equivalent) be utilized if grouted tile or other crack sensitive flooring (such as marble tile) is to be laid directly on the concrete slab. In addition, minor $tucco cracking, as a result of shrink- age of the stucco and/or drying of the structural wooden members, can be expected. I I I I. I I I' I I I I I ,I .1 I, I ,I' I I' OW:NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 32 We recommend that all foundation excavations be observed by a tepresen- tative of Owen Geotechnical prior to placement of steel and concrete. 5.3.3 Exterior Concrete Slabs Assuming that moisture-sensitive improvements are not proposed, exterior patio and/or driveway slabs should have a minimum thickness of 4 inches and be underlain with a 4-inch layer of clean sand or gravel. Slabs should be reinforced with No. 3 rebars spaced 18 inches on centers in two directions. Welded wire mesh (6x6-6/6) supported on concrete chairs is an acceptable alternate. Other exterior concrete slabs (Le., walkways and decking) should conform to the above requirements. Crack control joints should be provided at regular intervals. Some slab cracking is likely but reinforcing will reduce the potential for cracking. Surface improvements such as patio and sidewalk slabs and swimming pools should be maintained (where practical) at least 5 feet from the tops of slopes. 5.3.4 Moistenins of Foundation Soils Footing excavations and slab subgrades should be moistened prio~ to placement of concrete. The soil moisture should be at least 2 percent over optimum to a depth of at least 24 inches. All foundation excavations should be observed and tested as necessary by a representative of Owen Geotechnical pr lor to placement of steel and con- crete. Effort should be made to 'I I I I I I I: I I I ,I I I I I I I I I OWiNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 33 prevent large moisture content var ia- tions of the underlying soils by providing posi ti ve drainage avlay from the building foundation$. 5.3.5 Lateral Earth Pressures Cantilever walls (yielding) retaining low expansive, granular soils may be designed for an active equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot. If on-site medium, to high expan$ive soils are used the value should be raised. Restrained walls (non-yielding) for low-expansive soils should be designed for an equivalent fluid presSure of 50 pounds per cubic foot. These values assume a level backfill and free-draining conditions. if sloping backfills are planned, we should be consulted to provide design lateral pressures. Drainage should be provided as indicated in Appendix F. Any future surcharge from adjacent loadings should be evaluated by the geotechnical and structural engineers. The horizontal distance between founda- tion elements providing passive resist- ance should be a minimum of three times the depth of the elements to allow full development of these passive pressures. All retaining structur~s Should be provided with adequate drainage (see Appendix F). Wall footings should be designed in accordance with previously stated foundation design recommenda- tions and reinforced in accordance with local code$ and structure considera- tions. I I I I I J I I I I I I I. I I I I I I C7N':NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation r-1arch 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 34 5.3.6 Lateral Load Resistance Footings or slabs founded in natural soils or compacted fill may be designed for a passive lateral bearing pressure of 300 pounds per square foot per foot at depth. A coefficient of friction against sliding between concrete and soil of 0.35 may be assumed. These values may be increased by one-third when considering loads of ~hort dura- tion including wind or seismic loads. 5.3.7Payement Desi~n The appropriate pavement sections depend primarily on the subgrade Soils, shear strength, traffic load, and planned life. Pavement designs shouid be confirmed by R-Value 'testing on final subgrade materials. Asphalt concrete (AC) and Class II rock base should conform to, and be placed in accordance with the latest revision of the California Department of Trans- portation Standard Specifications. Prior to placing the pavement sections, the 'subgrade soils should have a relative compaction of at least 90 percent. We also recommend that the base course be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM: D 1557-78). 5.5 Surface Drainage Surface drainage should be controlled at all times. Positive surface drainage should be proviq~d to direct surface water away from the structures toward the street or suitable drainage facilities. ponding of water should be avoided adjacent to the structures. Area I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I C7N:NCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation March 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 35 6.0 drains should be provided in areas of decking and lawns. We recommend that drainage be directed away from the top of slopes. The need for drainage devices on the slopes is within the scope of the design civii engineer. We recommend that measures be taken t·o properly finish grade the building area, such that drainage water from the area is directed away from building foundations (four percent minimum grade for a distanc~ of 5 feet)J floor slabs, and tops of slopes. Plant ing areas at grade should be provided with positive drainage away from the building. Planters adjacent to structures should have closed bottoms and should have provisions for drainage such as catch basins and pipe drains. Drainage and subdrain design of such planters should be provided by the design civil engineer and/or architect. The prov~s~on of adequate surface drainage features is essential to minimize erosion of slopes and ponding of water adjacent to foundations. In addition to positive lot drainage, drainage improvements often employ- ed include roof gutters (with downspouts discharging away from foundations into suitable devices), subdrains around buildings and shallow area drains. The property owners should be encouraged to maintain good Surface drainage. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS AND LIMITATIONS The recommendations provided in this report are based on our observations. The interpolated subsurface condition~ ppould be checked in the field during construction by a representative of Owen Geotechnical. We recommend that all foundation excavations, cut slopes, and grading operations be observed and/or I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OW.iNCONSULTANTS The Buie Corporation t-iarch 18, 1988 Project No. 510.6.2 Page 36 tested by a representative of this firm so that construction is performed in accordance with the recommendations of this report. Final project draw-. ings should also be reviewed by this office prior to construction. We assume no responsibility or liabil-- ity for work performed by others. The recommendations contained in this report are based on our field study, laboratory tests, and our under~ standing of the proposed construction. If any soil conditions are encountered at the site which are different from those assumed in the preparation of this report, our firm should be immediately notified so that we may review the situation and make supple~ mentary recommendations. In addition, if the scope of the proposed structures changes from that described in this report, our firm should also be notified. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices within the greater Southern California. Professional judgements presented herein are based partly on our evaluations of the technical information gathered, partly on our understanding of the proposed construction, and partly on our general experience in the geotechnical field. Our engineering work an9 judgements rendered meet current professional stan- dards. We do not guarantee the performance of the project in any respect. This firm does not practice or consult in the field of safety engineering. We do not direct the contractor's operations, and we cannot be responsible for the safety of other than our own perspnnel on the site. Therefore, the safety of others is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor should notify the owner if he considers any of the recommended actions presented herein to be unsafe. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE (MILES) .. NORTH o 1 I SITE LOCA TION MAP CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS I ()YEN/G-O~CHNICAL / PI7QJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. 1 I r I ,I I: I I I :1 I' I I: I I: I I I' I I' I I: APPENDIX A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -l-e.. w o - ; BORING NUMBER 1 < -' u ELEVATION -o ~ I _____________________ ~ U) (ii r- CI) DESCRIPTION I-w Z c:: w :;:) c:: l- <: (/) Q. -c-o <: :::i: >-z U >-0 I-z !: -Z I-w w CI) < t-e:: :::: c:: (/) <: -w l-c.. CIl 0 W c.. Z Z <: 0 w u 0 c.. --" >-.? w ,. 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I I I I I I I I I Z w 0 c.. -BORING NUMBER -~ t-= ,t-e( ::: w ..J U ELEVATION t-..J Q. c.. o u. w ;:); til C;; 0 <: til til < ..J DESCR IPTION 2 I-W Z cr: w ::, c:: I-« en Q. -c.. 0 -< ;:); -:z: .. ow·> _ U t-z "0 « « '0 c:: t-_ I-en W --.... zen'" W W ~ c.. c:: 0 ., ~ t--til Z W o u c. ~ - c:: o -w ,( cr: ::l t- I-en w -I-o Z ::;: 0 u ~ w Z > 0 p-l- e( U ..J e( w ::.. c:: ;:); U o u O-r--r--+---------------~--~----4---~----+---~~~ - 1 - - 2 3 - 4 - 5 6 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - us -- US SAG - ell SC SC -- 10--- -US CL 11- - IT - Brown SANDY CLAY/CLAYEY SAND (Alluvium) Humid Soft -_.- Medium Stiff To Stiff ------'--- Brown. CLAYEY yo SAND ---Water Table Greenish Brown SANDY CLIl.Y ~loist Loose Wet Satura- ted Satura-' Medium ted Stiff -1-----------ISatura--ll~ed;um ted Stiff Sl1 Brown SILTY SAND 15 - 34 - -- - 13 - - - - - - - - i----- 7 95.9 28.3 - - - - - --, -,I --I - - <¢>SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA" SUBSURFACE EXPLORA,TION LOG ,...c L OG·GED BY: JH DJ..TE LOGGED: 5-5-86 Plate No. ~ JOB NUMBER:8621081 I ~l· SOl L & T EST I N G, INC. OWiN/G-OT=CHNICAL r / PI70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. A - 2 I I I I I' I I I I. I I I I I I I I Z LlJ 0 C-->-r--l-e( = LU ..J U r-..J -- C-C-o "- w ::E '" iii 0 <: fJ) fJ) < ..J U -->-z " >- BORING NUMBER 2 r-U >-0 LU .> -;,( r-LU U r-~ Z Z I--.; -LU LU Z ::: c: I-:z: '" ::: - w ~ w w ~ e( « '0 ::: f-> 0 ELEVATION C: ~ z ~ - -c: f-e: I-w --Z f-I--l-e( fJ) < _ W I-'" -' c u '" UJ < U C--0.. '" C w ---. c. -f-..J < C. 0 c.. Z Z fJ) .. >--0 Z w C- < ~ < 0 e: ~ w w c: ~ 0 a: ~ OEseR IPTION U 0 c: 0 c-D U 0 .0' U 15 I -US S;1 Brown satura-I Loose ted 9 - 16----lliTUAtilL __ --------f---_I -' ~I -- 17- _ CL Greenish Brown Wet To Stiff Hoist SANDY CLAY - 18 - - 19 - - 20 - -US 21 105.0 20.4 21 - - 22- - 24 - - 25 - -US 14 25 -pORING ENDED AT 25' - - - - - - - - ~SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA :.sr:; . :::T/ SOIL &TESTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG I DATE LOGGFO: 5-5-36 LOGGED BY: JH I ,D1.?t" No. 6 JOB NUMBER: 8621081 OYIiN/G-O~CHNICAL r / PI70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO A-3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z -'" ~ >-Z &I' >-"-BORING NUMBER 3 ~ u >-0 W .> ~ -->-,.. ~ UJ Z Z ~ -u .; -UJ ~ = ,.. « z: c: ,.. Z III c: - UJ W III = LoJ ..oJ U W => « « '0 z: => >- ...J --ELEVATION c: >-c: ~ z a: >-...; w ->-:;: t-- Q. "-o ... « III « _ UJ t-III -0 IJ en UJ w ::< til ;;; "--"-en 0 '" -..... Q. I- 0 « en Co 0 Q. ~ Z III .. >--0 :t en « « ::< « 0 a: w '" ~ c: ::< 0 u 0 c: 0 0 ...J DEseR IPTION "-U U .a -0 -ell Dark Brown SILTY CLAY, Humid Medium 1 -CH Dissicated Stiff (Topsoil) 2 -Cl Green SILTY SAND ~loi s t Very -(Santiago Forma han) Stiff 3 - 4 US I 39 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 -' 9 - -US Red Brown, Red Greenish Hard 49 10-Brown - 11 12" 13" - 14""" -US Ml& Red Brown CLAYEY SILT & Very 28 rl 8rown SILTY CLAY Stiff 15 .~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUB SUR FA C.E EXPLO RATION :5b . LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: ::-r:; SOIL &TESTING,INC. 8621081 I JOB NUMBER: Pl ate NQ. OYI.:NjG-Ol=:CHNICAL T j Pi?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 j FIGURE NO. A-4 -~ '" z > 0 - -t-l-« u ...J « w "-= ::< 0 U - -, . - - - ~ - - - - - "- -, - - - .,. ".. - - - - - - - .;.., LOG ~-~-~;:: 7 r----------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :::: -w 0 >-Z &I >- -: ~ -BORING NUMBER 3 I-U >-0 W .> I-- = >-l-I-w ~ Z I--U .,; w ~ I-Z e:: (J) --<: - w - I-Z c:: = w -J U w ~ W I-til <: <: '0 z ~ I- -J - -ELEVATION c:: l-e:: '" Z c:: I-W -I-Z l-e.. o u.. <: < -..., --e.. '" I-'" -0 u '" W W == til ;;; e.. -e.. til 0 W -.... Co I- 0 <: '" e.. 0 c.. Z Z til .. >--Cl Z '" < <: ::;: <: 0 c:: W W ). c:: ::;: 0 U 0 c:: 0 -J OEseR IPTION c-o U U ., - 15 = 20- -US CL Green SILTY CLAY Hoist Very 70 106.4 20.9 Hard 21- - 2Z- - 23"" - 24- - 25- 26-SC Grading Into CLAYEY SAND Moist Very Dense - 21 -BAG 20- - 2S"" --US 81111 " 119.9 14.0 30-- 3r - 3Z" - 33"" -REFUSAL AT 33.5' ON ROCK ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSUR,FACE EXPLORATION .51L:. SOIL &TESTING,INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: I JOB NUMBER: 8621081 Pl ate No. 8 OWi~G-Ol=:CHNICAL / PI70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. A-5 r -~ w Z :: 0 -l-I- <: U -J <: W Q. c:: ::;: 0 U -:: - - - f - - -. - - - - . -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOG 5-5-86 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z w 0 Q. -BORING NUMBER 4 -~ ~ -~ < -= W ..J U ELEVATION I--' -- Co. Co. 0 "--w ::l: <I) <I) c <: <~ <I) < ..J DESCRIPTION u 0 S~I Red Brown SIL TY SAND 1 -(Decomposed Granitic Rock - 2 - -. 3 - - 4 -------- -Light Brown 5 BAG 6 - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10- - 11- -, 12- - 13- -REFUSAL AT 13' - - :5b; . <$> SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA T SOIL & T t;: S TIN G ,I N C. ~ z ~ u ~ 0 !0-W Z Z :: -z c: I-W W <I) UJ ::l c: l-~ <: c: I-<I) -r:: <: <I) <: _ W I-c. -Q. tI) C w c. 0 c.. Z Z <: ::l: -< 0 r:: w u 0 a. Humid Medium Der:lse '---Dense -., W .> u -~ ~ -Z "0 <I) <: '0 z I-..; w <I) -0 -..... <I) ., w 3: ~ r:: r:: 0 0 ., - --u C. - w ~ r:: ::l l- I-Z Vl .... -I-o Z ::l: 0 U -. UJ _ > 0 I-t-< U ..J <: w c. r:: ::l: o U SUBSU.RFACE EXPLORATION lOG LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 5-5-86 JOB NUMBER: P;::.? 1('Hl 1 I Q OWiN/G-O~CHNICAL / Pi70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. A-6 T - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -z U1 0 >-Z ., >-~ c.. I-t) >-U1 .> - >-BORING NUMBER 5 I-W ,0 t) I-,,( -I-~ z: >--.; -w U1 z: ::: I-z: c: >-:z: Vl :::: - « -w -> 0 ::: w ..J t) U1 :> LU >-Vl « « '0 z :> >--- -' --ELEVATION c: l-e: '" :: r::: >-LU -z: >-.... >---l- e.. Co. o u. <: Vl « _ U1 >-Vl -Q u Vl LU « t) U1 ::;: Vl ;;; 0.. -0. U) 0 W -..,. Q. -.... ..J « « o~ 0. 0 c.. :: :: Vl <D >--0 z: w c.. 0 :::; « 0 c: U1 ~ U) < « w r::: :::; 0 r::: ::;: t) 0 r::: 0 0 ..J OESC'R IPTION c.. t) 0 .t:J t) t) 0 -CLI Green SILTY CLAY, Humid 1'1edi um - 1 -CH Dissilated ----Stiff - -(Topsoil) ~loi s t - -2 - - 3 -SC Yell ow Greenish Tan ~lo is t Hedium. - CLAYEY SAND Dense , -To - 4 -(Santiago Formation) Dense -- -5'- f-US SI~ Grading Into SILTY SAND 34 - 6 1-- BAG - -7 -- B------------- Moi st !Medi:- ---------' ---~ -SC Green CLAYEY SAND 9 - - Dense To Dense -- :.. - 10"--r---------------r---i-- _ SCI Yellow Greenish Tan .,.. SM 11-CLAYEY SILTY SAND --. Ie - -- 13"" ----..:--+---? ? ---,..:----? Green SILTY SAND Moi st Hard CL It;- -- 15~~~--~------------------~--~~----~~~~----~----~-----J 4b> SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA :S~ T SOIL &TESTlNG,INC. SUB,SURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH I DATE LOGGED: .5-5-86 Joe NUMBER: 862108~ I Plate No. JO CMeN/G-Ol=:CHNICAL r / Pi?OJECT NO. 51 0.6.2 / FIGURE NO. A-7 I I' I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -;;: w 0 >-:z: ., >--Co. -BORING NUMBER 5 I-U >-0 w > I-- -.: >-l-I-W Z ;;:: !: -u .; -w ~ = l-e( ::: c: ,... 2-V> c:: -w UJ V) = w ~ U w :::l < -< "0 ;;:: :::> I- ELEVATION c:: ,... ~ - I-...J --c: l-V> -c:: I-...: I.:.J -I-Z e.. Co. o ... < V> e( _ W l-V) -0 u V> w w ::l: V) Vi c.. -Co. V) 0 I.:.J --... 0--I- 0 < IJ) c.. 0 c.. ~ z IJ) '" ~ -0 :z: C/) < e( ::l: ~ 0 c: w W ~ c:: ::l: 0 u a c: 0 0 ...J OEseR IPTION Co. U &J () - 15 US CL Green 1-10 is t Hard 35 16 SIL TY CLAY 17 --:-=:::?-cLAYEY SAND? 18 - 19 ---,.- 24 - - 25 --==-=+=-s I L TY -J.LS-SAND 51 26 - - 27 PB 28 - 29 T' Water ---Table (Measured At End Of 30 -Day) - 32 - 3sl US Green & Red Brown Very 7-0 108.5 20.5 36 D / Herd I I I 42 V~ SC Pale Green CLAYEY SAND Isatura-Very - ted Dense [lORING ENDED AT 42' ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SYBSURFACE EXPLORATION ~b . LOGGED BY: JH \DATE LOGGED: ~ SOIL &T~STING~INC. 8621081 I JOB NUMB.ER: Pl c tp No. 11 ow.:N/G-O~CHNICAL / PI?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. A-8 r -,,( -w Z > 0 - -l-I-« t.l ...J « UJ c.. c:: ::< a () - - .. - .. -' - - -- - - - - -' - - - - - - - -, .... ---,- - - - - LOG 5-5-86 I I I I I I I, I I I I I I ,I I -z w 0 >-:z: .. >- BORiNG NUMBER 6 I-() >-0 w > ... -->-l-I-w _ 2: ~ -() -w ,,{ = I-Z e: "0 -< ~ LIJ ~ I-Z V) c: = W ..J () W ~ < < "0 z ~ I- I-..J ELEVA.TION c: l-e: :;; z c: ,.. ..; w -I-Z - "" "" o ... < V) < _ w l-V) -c u V) W w :1: (f) ;:;; c.. -c.. V) 0 W -"-0. -I- 0 < CJ) c.. 0 Co. Z Z (f), .. >--0 z :1: < 0 c: w ~ (f) < < w c: :1: 0 0 c: 0 ..J DEseR I.PTION () C-o () .:J () - 0 sc/sr) --Brown CLAYEY SILTY S';:-iD Humid Loose 1 -(Topsoil ) - 2 -SC Greenish CLAYEY SAND Humid Meduim To Dense 3 -(Santiago Formation) I·loi st To Dense - 4 - - -5 - -us SWSC Grading Into Pale Humid 43 6 -Yell ow; sh Green Slightly -CLAYEY SILTY SAND 7 - -? ? ? 8 -ML Moist Very I . Green SANDY SILT Stiff - 9 - - 1C I BAG L ---r- lS- -us Pale Green To Pale Humid Hard 50/5" 115.3 15.6 10-Yell ow To Mo;st - 11 ~ SOUTHERN CALI FO RN IA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION :.sl.b ,'S 0 I L & T ;; S TIN G, INC. -- LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 8621081 I. JOB NUMBER: Pl ate No. , ' C7t\eN/G-OT=:CHNICAL ! / FIGURE NO, A - 9 / Pi?QJECT NO. 510.6.2 r t ,W Z ::: 0 -l-I-< () ..J < w "" c: :1: 0 () - - .. - ~ ..: - -; - - - - - ~ - -; - - ,- - -, -" ----= I - - LQG ~ "i ,..,. ::>-1-00 12 I I I :1 I, ~I I I I I I I ,I - LIJ Z 0 >-z ., >-- 0-;: BORING NUMBER 6 u >-0 LIJ > -,( .-~ ->-~ LIJ ~ ~ -(J --LIJ ~ ~ -... LIJ :; = ~ "< Z c: -LIJ -~ Z '0 (J) c: - :: LIJ ...J ~ LIJ :J LIJ .... (J) « « '0 z I-> 0 ELEVATION :J -- I--' -c: .... e: til Z c: I-LIJ -Z ~ o u. -.... ,.. ~ Q. « V) « -.... .... V) -0 u V) \oJ "< (J) ;;; (J \oJ :l: ll. -Q, V) 0 w -.... :l. -~ -'. 0 < V) 0-0 c.. z V) .. -0 « « ~ « 0 .:: z w' ~ >-Z w c.. (/) « w ::: ~ c: ::;: -' OEseR IPTION (J 0 0-c: 0 Cl 0 U .0 U 0 u .•. II -HL Green To Pale Green Humid Very 18-SANDY SILT To Hard 1-10; s t - 19-" - 20- - ---,- 2' PB 2E - 2?- - 20 -REFUSAL AT 28' - - - - - - - - - - - - <¢> SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG ~L. . T SOIL &TESTING,INC. LOGGED BY: JOB NUMBER: OYIiN!G-OFCHNICAL r ! Pi?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 JH DATE LO GG·ED·: 5-7-85 8621081 I Pl ate No. 13 !F1GURENO. A -1 0 - - .. .- - - -L--r'- - - - - - '- - - - -'- - - - - - - - - I I I I -I' , ' I I I I I' I ,I AA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA W SOIL &TESTING, INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 5-7-85 JOB NUMBER: 8521081 Plate No. 24 o.v=N/G-O~CHNICAL T I PROJECT NO. 510.6.2 I FIGURE NO, A-11 I I I :1 ' ' I ,I I I I ,I I I ,I --:::: IIJ 0 > z .. > ,{ w > - -: ll. -BORING NUMBE,R 7 ... IIJ ... U > 0 ... ,,( --> ... -:: ~ u -0 -w w :: -... :z: c: :; UJ ~ i'-:::: Vl c: - -"' > 0 = w U w :::l "' "' "0 -:::> ... -- :! ELEVATION c: ... c: ~ :z -:::: .... I-...J -c: I-..: IIJ -I-,... ll. ll. o ... < (,fl "' _ w ~ Vl -C " Vl IIJ "' U ::E (,fl iii c. -c. Vl C w -...... 0. -I-...J -c( w ll. 0 Q. :: Vl '" -0 "' (,fl :: > z w 0 "' ::: "' 0 c: w 3: Vl "' w c: ::: 0 c: ::f U 0 c: 0 ...J OEseR IPTION Q. c U 0 .0 U U - 20 -US SH Lavender & Rusty Yellow Humid Very 50/55" 21 -Brown SILTY SAND De-nse - -. -(Pa 1 eosoil ) -22 --- 23 --------------,---------------...,-- -SCI Light BrOl~n With Lavender Humid Very - 24 -S/>1 Tint & Pale Green; sh To Dense Moist - -Brown CLAYEY SILTY SAND - -25 -. --26 -PB 27 -c -- -28 - --:- -29 -,-- 3D -US NL CLAYEY SANDY SILT Very 50/55" 105.6 15.7 - Hard -- -31 --- -32 - ~ - -33 - -- 34 -- ---BORING ENDED AT 35' 35 ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG :5lG SOl L & T EST I N G, INC. LOGGED BY: , JOB NUMBER: Ot\SN/G-OtCHNICAL r / PROJECT NO. 510.6.2 JH IDATE LO G-G ED: 5-7-86 8521081 I Pl ate No. 1 -~:> / FIGURE NO. A-12 I I I I I ,I ,I I, I I I I '" -c.. ...: >-= ,.... ::: '" f-...J z o ;: B 0 R I N G NU M B E R 8 « ...J ~ ELEVATION >-f--III z '" w ,,<: c: => f-r-Z c.. '" ::li o "-~ ~ ~--------------------~ f-LIJ Z a: w => a: f-« III c.. -c.. 0 c u a >--a: '" w -r-o Z ::li 0 ;n ...J « w c.. :x: ::li 0 « III 0 - 1 - 2 BAG 3 4 - -US 5 - - 6 - - 7- - 8- - 9 -- - 10- - 1 ~AG I.., =.:- ~ « ...J OEseR IPTION t.l . SM Light Grey SILTY SAND (Topsoil ) SI~ Pale Greenish Grey SILTY SAND (Santiago Fromation) ------- Olive Gre!:n -- 18-- -f-------- - -US I:a 1 e 01 i ve Green , f"_ .-' ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA W SOIL &r;;STING,INC. « ::: Humid ~. ed~'um Dense --' ~ioist De:lse t-io; st Dense To Very --- -Dense Humid To Moist -?- Very 88 Dense c t,> o t.l - - - - - - - - - - - - '- - - - - '- - -90/9" - SUBSURFACJ: EXPLORATION LOG , ' LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 5-14-26 JOB NUMBER: 8521081 I Plate No. 15 aN.:iN/G-O~CHNICAL r / PI70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. A-13 I I I I I I I I ,I .1 I I I I I I I = w 0 Q. -BORING NUMBER 8 -~ ~ = I-< = L.:.I ...J u ELEVATION I-...J -- Co. Co. o "- '" :li C/) Vi Cl < C/) til < ...I OEseR I'PTION u 11 5t-l Pale Olive Green -.,-SILTY SAND 24- - 25--I--- -------- -Yellow BrO\'/n 26- - 27-- ------------ - 28- - 29- - 3D- - 31- - 32- - ':I~ .. ..I - - - - -- - - US Yellow Brown & Pale Olive Green REFUSAL AT 33' M SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ~ SOIL &T~STING, INC: -~ z .. u >-0 w ~ I-w I-U Z ~ -.; % e: Z w ~ z w ::> w ,... vi < < '0 e: l-e: V) z :::: I--< til < -W l-V) -Q. -Q. <Il Cl w -.... a. 0 c. ::: ::: <Il .. < :li < 3: 0 w w 0 :::: 0 u c- D r~o is t Very Dense 50/4" ~ -~ ~ -w V) :::: -z ::> l- w --I-Z Cl u V) '" c. -I->--0 Z :::: :.: 0 o u w % > 0 ,... ,... < U ...J < W c.. c: ::E o u - ~ - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH I DATE LOGGED: 5-14-86 JOB NUMBER: 8621081 I Plate No. 17 OYiiN!G.-OT=:CHNICAL ! PROJECT NO. 510.6.2 ! FIGURE NO. A-14 r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I :1 I I , ':"": --:z: " >-w > "'-;,'! 0 U I-~ --.; -w w :::: I-:i (/) c:: - <: <: '0 :z: I-> 0 ::> - -c:: ... ~ w -f-Z I-.... -.... (/) -0 u (/) w <: U w -~ Q, ;... ... ~ <: :z: (/) '" >--0 :z: w w w ~ c:: ::;, 0 c:: ::; c. c:: 0 0 .0 U 0 u :z: >-w 0 -: c.. BORING NUMBER 9 f-U >--f-W ->-.... ~ z .... = I-<: z c: - w - = w ..J U w ::> w ... (/) -' - - ELEVATION c:: .... e: V} Z .... a., o u. <: til <: _ w c.. ::!: (/) Z;; c.. -Co. (/) 0 W c.. 0 a. ~ 0 <: (/) ::; <: 0 c:: til <: <: ~ DESCRIPTION U 0 U - 0 -51'1 Yellow Brown SILTY sAiw Humid Dense - 1 (Pa 1 eosoil) - BAG - I -=--_ -~ 2 :;: ~ rrihite SANDY SILT --lHumid -, Very--~ -,-, Hard 3 - -~llow Br~ & Pinkish ~ -~ -O---i -SCI Humi d Dens e 4 -SM Red Brown _ CLAYEY SILTY SAND - 5 -----' --:-----------------+ ----- -Pinkish To Red Brown 6 -Speckl ed White - 7 BAG 8 - 9 - 11· us 15 Highly Weeathered -- 2: BAG 2~ !-US 2~- 2:T BORING ENDED AT 28' M,SQUTHERN CALIFORNI~ W SOIL &TESTIHG, IHC. Very 72/5.5' Dense 50/3/1 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH ' DATE LOGGED: 5-11l-:86 IJOB NUMBER: 8or _?10'811 Pl'" " 18 a ~e ,,0. c:MeN/G-O~CHN!CAL T / Pi?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. A-15 - ,- '- - - 1 -=-' - --- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - III Z - 0 > z .. > c... BORING NUMBER 10 .... u > 0 '" .> ,.... -~ > .... .... w U .,{ Z z :: -.; -w w Z -..... < z c: .... Z .<Il c: - ::: w u w :;, w UJ <Il < < '0 z .... :: 0 ...J :;, - .... ~ --ELEVATION c: .... e: ; z r:: .... w -z .... ,.... --.... 0. c.. o .... < <Il < _ w .... <Il -0 " <Il W ..: U w ::; <Il Vi c.. -c.. <Il 0 W -..... Co '-,.... ~ < 0 <: (fl 0-0 c.. Z Z (fl .. > -0 w < 0 c:: ~ Z <Il < < ::; w w :t ::< 0 /::. :; ~ OEseR IPTION u 0 c.. c:: 0 0 u 0 u '" u 0 -SM Pale Yell ow Tan ~lo is t Loose - 1 -SIL TY SAND To --~ledi um -(Fi 11 ) Dense - 2 -- --3 -- 4 -SM Brown SILTY SAND Humid ~ledi um Dense - -(Topsoil ) - I::: '" -SI'! Pale Greenish Grey Moist Dense - 6 SiLTY SAND .- (Santiago Formation) - 7 BAG - - 8 - -- 9 -- -US - 10-- 2f -'- 1 us Very 50/4" Dense 15 31-- -BORING END~D AT 3D' - -- SUBSURFACE E X P LOR A T I 0 NL 0 G 4b>SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA :sc..: -~ SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOG-GED: 5-14-86 JOB NUMBER: 8621081 I P 1 a te No. 19 CMeN/G-OT=:CHNICAL r I P/70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. A-16 I I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I -z w 0 ,... z .. ,... -c.. -BORING NUMBER 1 1 .... ~ ,... 0 UJ > .... - ~ ,... .... w U .<t ... ~ -I--... -w = ... « z a: - w - ... ;;:: " I./) e:: - = W ..J U W :) W ... '" « <: z .... 0 =:) .... ..J - - ELEVATION c: .... e:: '" :z: a: .... UJ -:z: -l- e.. e.. o ... <: '" <: _ W ... '" -C u I./) w w ::l: I./) Vi e.. -c.. '" 0 w -..... c.. -I- 0 <: I./) c.. 0 e.. :: :: '" "' ,... -0 Z I./) <: <: ::l: <: 0 e:: w w ~ a: ::l: 9 ..J OEseR IPTION o 0 c.. a: 0 0 .:J U U 0 -SC Red Brown Humid Loose To 1 -CLAYEY SILTY -..--Medi um (Topsoi 1 ) Dense 2 -SI-I Yellow Bro .. m Hoist Dense -SILTY SAND 3 -(Decomposed Graniti c Rock --- Humid - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 r- 9 BAG Ie - 11-----------r--- -Fractured Rock Very Dense 12- - 13- - 14 -I I REFUSAL AT . 1 ~ I I I I -I I -"' <¢> SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION ~C . LOGGED BY: . JH IDATE LO G G ED: ::T/ SOIL &T~STING,INC. JOB NUMBER:862108,l I OYi.iN/G-O~CHNICAL T /P/7OJECT N,o. 510.6.2 Plate / FIGURE NO. No. 20 A-17 .? w Z > 0 --... .... « u ..J <: w e.. a: ~ 0 () -, -' ..., - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~OG 5-}4.,.86 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :::: UJ 0 c.. -BORING NUMBER 1 2 ->-t--,... « -= '" ::: f:.l ELEVATION ..J t-C-O :: c.. :: II) II) UJ « en C en ..: ..J OEseR IPTION U a -SC Ye 11 ow Brown & BrOlm 1 -CLAYEY SAND -(Topsoil ) 2 - - 3 -Si-l/ Pale Yellow Brown SC 4 -CLAYEY Very SILTY SAND -1'. (Santiago Formation 5 '-...f-lY --___ Yellow Brow_n __ --Pale Grey Yellow Brown 6 bag 7 ------- Pale Greenisb Yellow Tan 8 - g--f-------------- -CK SM SILTY SAND 10- - 11- f-UJ z a:: UJ ::> c:: f-« '" c.. -C-O « ::;: Humid --- Moist 1-10i s t ->-z .. f-~ >-0 UJ .~ U Z .. t--.; ,... z UJ -'" .... '" « « '0 a: c.n :: a:: .... ...; <: -'" f-'" -c.. II) C '" -"-c.. z en '" z « 0 ::: UJ :t ILl u 0 c.. a:: 0 .0 - Loose --- Medium Dense Dense Very 50/5.5" Dense -'" >- f--'" z -.,. UJ ~ a:: - ::> .... ~ w :::: :: 0 --UJ -,... z f-f- c u '" UJ '<: l) Q. -f-..J ... >--0 :::: '" c.. :< 0 a:: ::;: 0 () 0 u .. -;--i------------------- 12"" Ye 11 ow Brown 13"" - 14"" - .~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA W SOIL &TESTING, INC. OWiN/G-OT=:CHNICAL T / PROJECT NO. Humid To Hoist 5 U B SUR.F A (,E EX P LOR A TI 0 N LOG LOGGED BY: JH DJ..TE LOGGED: 5-14-26 I JOB NU M B E R: 862!081 Plate No. '21 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. A-18 = - - .. - - .. - - . - - - - - - - - .... - - - - - ., - - -,; I I I :: - 1 w 0 >-z ., >-;,( 0.. -BOR I NG NUMBER 'I 2 u >-0 w .! ..... -..... w ~ Z ~ ~ ->-,... -u --w W Z -.... < z c:: -w -I-Z "tl Ci) ::: --:> 0 = W ..J U w :::J w ..... Ci) « < '0 z =-I---ELEVATION c:: c:: Ci) :::: -..J -->-c:: I-.:. w -..... :::: I-..... ..... « « _ w C-o.. o ... Ci) ..... Ci) -0 u I,/) w « u ::;: Ci) Vi C--ll. Ci) 0 w -.... Co -..J W t-« « Ul 0.. 0 ~ ~ c:: z I,/) .. >--0 Z w c.. 0 « ::;: w ~ Ul < w ::;: 0 c:: ~ ..J OEseR IPTION u 0 c.. c:: 0 0 C) 0 U .:J U - 15 I -SN Ye 11 DIy Brolvn Humid Very - 16 -SILTY SAND To Dense t·10i s t - -I - 17 ----1--____ - -Pale Greenish To - I 18 -Yellowish Tan - -- 19 -- I -- 20 ------------ I -.... Pale Olive Grey --r- 24 -- US 50/5.5" -- I 25 -- -- _L- I I -.-~ 28 '-SCI Pinkish To Red Brown Humid Very SM Dense -- 29 -Sp'eckl ed White - -SILTY CLAYEY SAND - 30 -- I -(Paleosoil) - 31 -- --I 32 -- -- I 33 -- -- I I 34 -US BORING END::L) AT 34.5' ,5"0/5" - ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA $ U B $ ,U R FA C E EXPLORATION LOG ::..sC ' LOGGED BY: JU IDATE LOGGED: 5-1A-86 'T SOl L & T EST I N Ci, INC. " I JOIl NUMBER: 8621081 Pl a te No, 22 I I OWiNjG-Ol=:CHNICAL j PROJECT NO. 510.6.2 A-19 jFIGURE NO I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRILLING COMPANY: SAN DIEGO DRILLING RIG: TRUCK-MOUNTED BUCKET·-;"UGER DATE: 2-26-88 BORING DIAMETER: 30 INCHES DRIVE WE,IGHT eS): DROP: ELEVATION: 175,'± W ...J Cl. :2 « (f) Cl « co - - - - 5- - - - - 10- - - - - 15- - - - - 20- - - - W f-...J 0 >-Cl. f-Z 0 (f) « LL. z~ .... (f) (f) UJ () 03-w ~ > 0 >- 0: ...J a: 0 co 0 f-. ~ UJ~ 0:"'"" :;)f- f-Z (f)UJ -f-Oz ZO () ui (f)': «(f) ...J • ()~ ...JU? -:;) 0"'"" (f) CL sci CL f-.I--t--,-t---I-sc f-. I----I---':-1---f-- f--CL f-- I-- f-- I--\--!-_. -j--- '\ I-- SC I--f---f----- -----I-- CL I--- f-- -f-- 25- -1--1---i--,--I----1-- sc -I-- -f-- TEST BOHING NO. 13 TOPSOIL: Dark gray-brown sandy clay, slightly moist to moist, numerous roots and rootlets Ll'.NDSLIDE DEBRIS: Light gray clayey sand/sandy clay, moist to we't, loose to medium dense, soft to firm, locally stained pale reddish- brown with iron oxides @ 4.0 ft. Light gray clayey sand" very moist to wet, medium dense to dense, contains an occasional gypsum seam @ 6.5 ft. Dark olive-gray clay, very moist to wet, firm to stiff @ 9.0 ft. Becomes wet to very wet, soft, brecciated, slightly mottled, contains seams, of yellm"ish-brown, silty clayey sand @ 10.0 ft. Dark olive-gray claystone, moist to wet, firm to stiff, moderated jointed and fractured Fracture: N40°-W, 57°NE, filled \dth wet" soft clay Joint: 563°E, 32°SW, semi-continuous surface stained pale reddish-brown with iron oxides Joint: N40oW, 37°W, semi-continuous Fracture: North-south, 33°W, continuous, filled with wet soft clay Joint: N75°E, lBoSE, continuous, surface stained pa-J.e reddish-brown with iron oxides, slickensides Joints: Omni-directional @ 13.0 ft. Joint: N10·E, 27·SE omni-directional, semi-continuous @ 14.0 ft. Light gray clayey sand, moist to wet, medium dense to, dense, locally stained pale reddish-bro~~ with iron oxides @ lQ.O ft. Becomes pale yellowish-gray @ lB.O ft. Dark olive-gray clay, wet to very wet, so~t to fi~, brecciated @ 20.0 ft. Becomes stiff to very stiff, slightly jointed @ 22.0 ft. Fracture: N47·rl, 35°SW, filled with soft ciay and gypsum @ 24.0 ft. Becomes brecciated, wet, soft to firm @ 25.0 ft. Becomes less brecciated, less j'ointed, stiff @ 26.0 ft. Pale yellowish-brown clayey sand, very moist to wet, medium dense ,to dense, fine grained @ 28.0 ft. Slight seepage @ 29.5 ft. Dark Olive siliceous sandstone Tota~ Depth: 29.5 ft. North quadrant of borehole downhole logged to 25,.0 ft. No Water 'f..': 'f- -~ __ ~f---+ __ -+ ____ -+ ____ -f~ 30 __ ...J-_~_~_-L ___ ~ __ ~ __ ~~N~0~c~a~v~i~n~q ______________________________ ~ __________ ~ TEST BORING LOG PROJECT NO. 510.6.2 I CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS IFIGURE NO. ,A,-20 OWiN/G=:O~CHf\jICAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -DRILLING COMPANY: SAN DIEGO DRILLING T:r..lJ'-.l\.-l'.L()lil~TED RIG: BUCKET-AUGER DATE: 2~26-88 BORING DIAMETER: 30 ·INCHES DRIVE WEIGHT (S): ---DROP: ---ELEVATION: 2.3 5 I ± ~ W I-W ....I >-I-....I 0-0 I-W 0-2 0 Ci5 W :::E « LL z:::, S ..... <: (/) (/) Wu I (/) :s: Oc. W '-' I-CJ > 0 >-0-<: -0: W ....I CD 0: CD 0 0 0 1--0 -!- -- - -- 5-- ----1--.- -'-- - --- 10-r-- -I-- -- -- -- 15-- -- -I-- -I-- -r-- 20-r-- -r-- -I- -I- -I-- 25 -- -I-- -- -- 30 PROJECT·NO. 510.6.2 ,..., LU~ 0:'-' :::>1-I-Z (/)W -I-Oz :::EO 0 1-- I (/) (/)r; «(/) ....10 O· (/) ....I .• -:::> 0'-' (/) SC CL :----., SC cL/ sc TEST BORING NO. 14 SOIL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL: Dark brown sandy· clay, very ~oist to wet, soft @ 2.0 f.t. Becomes dark gray-brown UU,DSLIDE DEBRIS: Dark olive-gray clay, very moist to very wet, soft to firm, highly hrecciated and weathered @ 5.0 ft. Dark olive claystone, very moist, firm to stiff, less brecciated and jointed, locally stained reddish-brown with iron oxides @ 6.0 ft. Light ~ellowish-gray clayey sand, moist to very moist, medium dense to dense, fine to medium grained· FORMATIO~AL: Light olive-gray sandy claystone, moist to very moist, stiff, locally cemented, very stiff to hard, interbedqed with light gray to pale reddish-brown clayey sand, moist, medium dense to dense @ 12.0 ft. Becomes predominately pale reddish-brown, moderately cemented @ 20.0 ft. Becomes less cemented @ 21.0 ft. Becomes moderately cemented, locally light purple @ 25.0 ft. Refusal Total Depth: 25.0 ft. No Water No Caving North quadrant of borehole downhole logged to a depth of 21.0 ft. TEST BORING LOG CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS I FIGURE NO. ;'-21 OWiN/G:::O~CHNICAL r,." 3. I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DRILLING COMPANY: SAN DIEGO DRILLING BORING DIAMETER: 30 INCHES DRIVE WEIGHT (S): --- W I-.J >-,.., Cl.. 0 t:: UJ* (/} :2 0 (/} o:~ (/}" <: LL z::, <:(/} ..... :;:'1-.J ' (f) (f) Wo I-Z oC1 W ~ 00. (/}W .J~ ~ -I-> 0 >-Oz -:;:, -.J 0: :20 o~ 0: 0 (/} 0 co 0 ,.., W I-.J W Cl.. W ::E 1:::; '<: I (/} I-0 0.. <: W 0 CO f--O TRUCK-MOUNTED RIG: .'RTlrl<'P'l'-ll.T1r::'P'R DROP: --- DATE: '2-26-88 ELEVATION: 22S'± TEST BORING NO. 15 SOIL DESCRiPTION Sc ~ -TOPSOIL: Brown clayey sand, slightly moist to moist, loose, abundant roots and rootlets ~ -I- - - 5- - -I- -~ --l- 10-f-- -I- -~ -~ -l- 15-I-- -~ - -I- 20-f-- -I- -l-I -I- -~ 25-I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 30 PROJECT NO. 510.6.2 I sc SC @ 1.0 ft. Becomes brown to dark reddish-brown Lhl.DSLIDE DEBRIS: Reddish-brown clayey sand, moist to very moist, medium dense, moderately weathered @ 4.0 ft. Pale yellowish-'gray to light gray clayey sand, moist, medium dense, less weathered FOru1ATIONAL: Moist to very moist, dense, ~ocalized zones of olive and light yellowish-bro~~ clayey sand, dense to very dense, slightly cemented @ 17.0 ft. Refusal Total Depth: 17.0 ft. No Water No Caving TEST BORING LOG CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS 1 FIGURE NO, A-22 I- ~ f- .. ----------------------------------------------------~--~----------------------- I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I ,I .1 I DRILLING COMPANY: SAN DIEGO DRILLING RIG: TRUCK MOUNTED BUCKET-AUGER DATE: 2-26-88 BORING DIAMETER: 30 INCHES DRIVE WEIGHT (8): DROP: ---ELEVATiON: 430'± ~ W I-W ..J >-I-..J 0.. 0 I-W 0.. ':2: 0 iii W :E ~ <{ u.. z~ <{ ..... Wo I./) I./) :r: I./) 3:: 00. I-W '-' 0.. CJ > 0 >- W <{ 0: ..J 0: 0 en 0 OJ 0 1--0 -I-- -I--I----- -f-- - 5---- -- -I--I---I--.-- I---1----I-- --I-- 10-I-- -I--I---1-- -I-- -I--1----- -I-- 15-I-- -'-- -- -- -- 20-- -I- -I-- -I-- 25--I-- -I-- -I-- -I-- -I-- 30 PROJECT NO. 510.6.2 ,..... w~ I./) I./)r") 0:1-<{I./) ~z ..J . oC! I./)W ..J~ -I-O'z -;:) :Eo 0""" 0 I./) SC >----1-- CL sc 1---f-sCT 1---",CL "- SC 1----1-- sCI CL 1----'-'--- SC .' .-. ~ TEST BORING NO. 16 SOIL DESCRIPTION T-CPSOIL; Brown clayey sand, slightly moist, loose, ~bundant roots and roo~lets, porous @ 2.0 ft. Reddish-brown sandy clay, very moist, fizm FORMATIONl.L;--Light yellowish-gray claYeY sand, moist to very moist, dense to very dense, fine grained @ 6.0 ft. Becomes locally stained reddish-brown with iron oxides @ 7.0 ft. Interbedded with pinkish-brown and light olive claystone lenses, very moist, stiff @ 7.5 ft. Light olive-gray clayey sand, very moist, dense, medium to coarse grained .@ 11.0 ft. Interbedded with purple clayey sand/sandy clay, locally cemented @ 13.0 ft. Pinkish-gray Clayey sand, moist to very moist, dense, medium to coarse grained @ 15.0 f,t. Contains zones of dark reddish-brown clayey sand @ 16.0 ft. Light olive~gray to yellowish-gray clayey sand, very moist, dense to very dense, medium grained @ 19.0 ft. Becomes medium to coarse grained @ 20.0 ft. Contains zones of red to purple clayey sand @ 22.0 ft. Pale reddish-bro~~ clayey sand @ 23.0 ft. Refusal Total Depth: 23.0 ft. No Water No Caving North quadrant of borehole downhole logged to a depth Of 18.0 ft. on 2-26-88 TEST BORING LOG I CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS I FIGURE NO. A-23 I OYaNjG:::OT=:CHI\JICAL f' I I I I I APPENDIX B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I '1 I ·1 I I ,I 1 I I I I :z: w 0 TRENCH NUMBER 1 e.. ;: >-<: -I-= == u -ELEVATION :: w 0 "-..J -l-e.. II) II) e.. ~ II) , .. <: <: 0 U'l ..J u DESCRIPTION r-UJ :z: c:: UJ :::l a: ;-'-<: U'l c.. 0 c.. <: ~ 0 -SC Grey Brown Humid 1 -CLAYEY SAND -- Moist (Topsoil) 2 ~ I I SC Light Tan CLAYEY SAND Moist (Santiago Formation) 3---------~--- -SM Grading Into Pal~ Yellow 4-To Greenish Tan Sl L TY SAND CK 5 BAG ' .. 6 - - 7 - - 8- -CK 9 -TRENCH ENDED AT 9' - - - - - - - - -- - >->-r-U :z: :z: ~ UJ UJ U'l c:: ... z <: cil UJ -c.. til 0 c.. <: z: c: 0 a u Loose --I·jedi um Dense 11edi um Dense To -.pense I 1 ."--- Dense >-I--II) w 0 >- 0 ~ -~ Z UJ -UJ 0 C:: > --:::l t-j: ... -I-Z U u II) UJ -< ..( ~ to-..J Q.. 0 z '" ~ ~ o· c:: 0 u u -- SOUTHERN CALIFORHIA. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG IDATE LOGGED: SOIL & TE;:STING,INC. JH LOGGED lir: JOB HUIoIBE'P.:8'"?lO"'1 . 0_ 0_ aN::N!G-O"ECHNICAL r ! PROJECT NO. 510.6.2 ! FIGURE NO 8-1 5-2-86 - -' - ~ - ,- - - -. -: - - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - I' I II Ii " I I I I II ,I I l I I I I I I: :z: '" 0 e.. ;:: >--< -... -::: u -'" -::: 0 Il.. ...J -.... e.. '" ill "'-~ '" u, -< -< 0 '" ...J U ~ >--I-~ Z -'" -'" 0 '" c::: >--Z :J I--... lJJ I-:z: I-0 0 u V) lJJ -< -< 0. I-...J "'-->-0 :z: '" ~ c::: ~ 0 t:: 0 0 u u >-TR,ENCH NUMBER 2 t-U >-lJJ t-:z: c:: z :z: = '" :J '" '" V) c::: l-e: I-:z: ELEVATION -< '" 0( '" lJJ -"-Co. VI 0 0-0 "'--< ~ %: c::: 0( 0 0 u DESCRIPTION D~--~~--------------------~------~------+-----'-----'---~ _ I SM I I r I Humi d I Loose I Brown To Red Brown -l-"'~~-=~~=-~==~----+------+----~~---+----~--~ SILTY SAND (ToDsoil ) Red Brown SILTY SAND - 2-(Decomposed Granitic Rock ), Fractures Dipping N150-200W - 3 BAG 4 CK - 5- - 6_ - TRENCH NUMBER 3 7~ 0, I _ I Slit Brown SILTY SAND (Alluvium) 1---------- - 2- - 3-CK 4- - 5- - -\ SC SM Brown CLAYEY SAND Red Brown To Yellow Brown SILTY SAND (Decomposed Grani~ic Rock) TRENCH ENDED AT 5.5' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL &. TESTING,INC. Humid Dense ---- Very Dense Moist, Loose ------' Moist Medium To w",· ~ ... Dense 107.5 14.3 Medium Moist \Dense To Dense "-- -Dense . '----Very Dense SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH /DATE LOGGED: 5-2-86 Joe I-lUMBeR: 862108i I Pl2t.e No. 2<1 OWiN/G-O~CHNICAL r / PROJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. B-2 - - ...; - - -, ..., - - -- -' - - - ..,. - - ~ -, - ...; ..,. I I I I I' I I I' '-' i 'I ,I , }I I I: I I • I~ ---= >-C-u, c 0 1 5 6 - - - 0 -, ;: - 3- - - - - - ::: >-... w 0 TRENCH NUMBER 4 (,) ;.. >- C--t-W t-t-~ Z >-f-Z a:: :::: z :: -w -w 0 t-..: w ~ w w '" II) C: > - :: (,) a:: ... ;;:: z -~ ... -... -t-a:: z w ELEVATION II) w -l-I-(,) 0 ... ..: r,tl ..: w -' --Q u II) W < ..: c. <n D. D. '" Q .s= 0 ... -' C-<n C-O c. ~ II) r: >-;;:: w :;.; ..: :I: a:: ..: « 0 :I 0 a:: ..: 0 0 <n -' (,) 0 (,) (,) DESCRIPTION (,) _. ~'\ I Brown SILTY SAND (Topsoil )_I_Hu~ CL&0Brown SANDY CLAY & SANDY I Moist C/CL CLAY/CLAYEY SAND To Wet ti~-i -I-I~ CK BAG SAG CK SM Pale Greenish To Yellowish Brown SILTY SAND SM/ ~lL (Santiago Formation) ECONOMIC REFUSAL AT 6.5' TRENCH NUMBER 5 Red Brbwn Mottled Yellow & Tan SILTY SAND / SANDY SILT (Paleosoil )' TRENCH ENDED AT 3.5' SOUTHERN CAL.IFORNIA' SOIL. &: TESTINGrINC. "10; S1: Humid Medium Dense Dense Very Dense Loose ---Dense To Very Dense 115.0 11. 2 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: ,1H IDATE LOGGED: ::'-?-P~ I Ph te No. 25 .J013 NUMBE'R: 862H)P'1 - - - -. - - - - - - - - ,.... - -' -- - - ow.:NjG-,-OT=:CHNICAL j Pi?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 j FIGURE NO. B-3 r I r- ,.1: I I -y/ I I ,. t I I I « -, I- 't I: • I I z- UJ 0 TRENCH NUMBER 6 "-;: ,.. <: -,... - == u -UJ -EL.EVAT.lON :::: 0 lJ. -' -... "-<II <II c.. ::l: <II u. <: <: c <II -' u DESCRIPTION 0 -SN Brown SILTY SAND 1 -(Alluvium) .,..---------- 2 -SC Dark Grey & Brown CLAYEY SAND - Mcttled Red Brown & Grey CLAYEY SILTY SAND 5-CK SCI SN ~ Water -~ 6--Table -;-- 7- - 8- - 9 >->-~ UJ ~ u !:: z c: Z Z .... ::;) UJ W <II a: ~ z I-IC til <: til <: -.... 0. 0. en 0 "-0 c. <: ::l: x: c: <: 0 0 u Hum~ I Loose Moist I -----i---- Wet To Loose Saturated Wet ---i;laturated ML/ Blue Grey SANDY CLAYEY SILT/ Moist . Stiff -CL 10-SANDY SILTY CLAY -" - (Santiago Formation) - - - -- - - - ;,( >- ~ x z -.... -UJ d <II c:: >--z -::;) ~ -l- Z I-U .... -l-0 " <II .... <: < ~ 0 I-..J C. UJ >-z :!: c:: :!: 0 c: 0 0 u u i----- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL. & TESTING,IHC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION ·LOG LOGGED BY: JH I DATE LOGG ED: 5-2-86 JOB NUMBER: 8621081 I Plate No; 26 OYCN/G-O~CHNICAL / PI70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. 8-4 r --,.:. - - .- .-' - - - - - -. - -- - - - - - - .- - ~I Ii I j I I I"'J l . Q" I I ,I' I: I Ii ~. :1; I I 1:1' I I • ,I' l z >-... 0 >--'" TKENCH NUMBER 7 ~ () >- "" -I.U ~ ~ ... Z -: ~ Z t:: Z z !: -I.U -I1J 0 >---< 11.1 ;;, '" w V) '" t:: > --,.. U I-Z ;;, I--I-,... ;::!. -a: ~ t:: Z -= ;;: w ELEVATION -< en w I-.... U = 0 u. Vl -< -,W Q u I1J -< -l -"-0 V) -< ~ V) 0 "-til .!: 0 ,.. -' Co "-"-en 0-0-W :::c III ::E 1: c::: >-z ::E u, -< < 0 :::: :::c a: -< -< 0 0 0 Q -' C V) () () u () DESCRIPTION ~ 0 -SMI Grey Slightly CLAYEY SILTY Hum; d Loose -SC 1 -SAND ---- -(/\lluv;um) Moist '. ~-2- ---3 -----.-- 4 ..... CK Loose To 95.4 14.3 .-Med;·um f--BAG ---Dense - 5 Moist To -Wet -- 6 -Sf.! Pale Greenish Tan SILTY Moist Loose To - 7-SAND 1\ I·ledi urn .,-Dense -(Weathered Santiago \_--'--CK Formation) ~ Medium 8-i\ ~n~e_ <- --' Dense - -TRENCH ENDED AT 8' - -- -- ---- --------.,... --- ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 'LOG SOIL &: TESTIHG,IHC. LOGGED 8'1': JH IDATE LOGGED: 5-2-86 JOB "UIo(BE'R: I 8621081 Plate No. 27 OWiN/G-OT=:CHNICAL / Pi~OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. 8-5 T I I '.: I l' , I I I I; I I' ~, I I I " I' I I z >-;,t 0 >->--w TRENCH NUMBER 8 ... u z c.. ;: w ... .... ;,t z z ~ -w w >-c: Z -0 -.... .e: w ::> w w til til c: ;----= u a: .... z z -::> ... -,.. -w u: ELEVATION ... c: '" w -... z ... u ::: 0 0( V) 0( -w 0 u '" W 0( 0( -' V) -Q. c.. '" Cl Cl. ..J ,.. c.. V) c.. 0 -b ... c.. c.. ::£ '" c.. :I: a: >-z w ::£ "' 0( 0( ::!: <: 0 c: ::E 0 c: 0( 0 0 Cl III -' U 0 U U u DESCRIPTION ,0 -CH Dark Grey Humid t-1edi urn 1 -SANDY CLAY Stiff -(Topsoil) ---Moist 2 - Green Brol-m Cobble SILTY ~lo'i s t Dense 3 -SM SAND, t·lax i mum 5 i ze 10" To 1 ~ " - 4 -(Lusardi Formation) ,- 5 - CK - 6 BAG 7 - 8 - - 9 - - lO-CK - 11 -TRENCH ENDED AT 11' - - - - - - ~ SOUTHERN CAL.IFORNIA. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED Br: JH /DATE LOGGED: SOIL &: T~STIHG,lNC. 5-?-P;: JOB HUIo(SER: I 8621081 Plate No. 28 - OWiNjG-Ol=:CHNICAL j Pi?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 j FIGURE NO. 8-6 r - .. - - -- -'- - - - - ~ - - - - .- - - - - - - ...., -, - .- -, - I I, I '~ I I I I I:' • I I I "'- I f' I, ,I 'I ,I I w C--: >--,... --w := -' .-C-C-~ ,,' D -< <J'l 0 1 BAG 2 -CK - 3 r- BAG ::: 0 ~ < ::: u -0 ~ <J'l <J'l 21 CH Cli CH TRENCH NUMBER 9 ELEVATION DESCRIPTION Dark Green Grey SANDY CLAY Disiccated (ToDsoil ) Green SANDY SSIlTY CLAY (Santiago Formation) I-W ;;: e:: W :::;l e:: l--< t/) c- C-O -< ~ Humid '·loi st t·lo; s t >- l-U ;;: ;;: W UJ e:: I- -< en -C-'" c. :r: '" 0 u '-ledi urn Stiff Medium Stiff >- = <J'l ;;: UJ o e:: 0 i-ledium Stiff To Stiff >-I--w en e:: ;t :: :::;l LU I-0 " t/) ~ 0 >-~ 0 I ~ - l- Z w ,.. 0 u ;,( z w 0 :> -_ I"- .... U « -< -' 0-W ::E e:: 6 u 4 - 5 - lSCI SM Pa 1 e G-re-e-n-Cl-A-Y E-Y-S I-l-TY-SA-NC-l--M-O ;-s-t ---I--D-e-n-s e T -+--- -SH Pale Green SILTY SAND Grading Into CLAYEY Very SILTY SAND TRENCH ENDED AT 11.5' Moist To very tolo; st Dense Ill. 3 17.7 SOUTHERN CAL.IFORNiA SOIL &: TE~T[HG1atC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH IDATE LOGGED: 5-2-p.~ JOB HUIoIBE'R: 8621081 I Plate No. 29 ClN.:iNjG-OT=:CHNICAL j Pi<OJECT NO 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. B-7 . T - - - - - - - - - '-'-\ - - - - - - - - -_. - - I· I I II , I I, I I I' ,I I- I f, ;1 I I I I , ::: ~ ;( 0 ~ ~ -- LU Ti<ENCH NUMBER 10 I-LU I-(.) .:-~ ::: Il. ;:: :z: c:: :z: I--'" UJ 0 :z: -..., ~ < '" ::J '" UJ I/) I/) c:: > --I-(.) c: I-Z -::J I--I-::: l-e:: ::: -LU -ELEVATION < II) II) UJ I-Z I-(.) = 0 "-< -'" 0 u UJ < ---0--0 II) < Il. '" Q. ..J p-"-I/) II) 'Il. 0 -0 I-"- a. "-X:, >-Z w jf ~ II) < :I: e:: u, < < 0 0 c:: ~ 0 ::: < 0 0 0 II) --u (.) U' U DESCRIPTION 0 I I ~YUmid -I Loose I I I -SC Light Brown CLAYEY SAND «. (Topsoil ) i-loi st 1 Light Grey To Pale Greenish I·loi st Medium -S~l Dense - Grey SILTY SAND ---' -2 (Santiago Formation) Dense -BAG ~ 3 ---I-1/2" CLAY LEN§E, DIPS 110 N 50 W ----' -Dense, To 4 -CK ~ery Dense . -- 5 -Rumid Very I CL Pale Green SANDY CLAY, -"'" To Hoi st Hard - 6 -Dips 100 N 60°14 . CK SloJ Light Grey To Pale Greenish Hoist Dense To 112.9 8.3 -Very DensE - 7 -Grey - SIL TY SAND -- -' 8 - -- 9 -- -- 1"'. --TRENCH ENLlED AT 10' ---------- .~-- ~ - - ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSUR'FACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &: TESTlriG,H'-4C. LOGGEO BY: JH /OATE LOGGED: 5-9-26 JOil NUMBER: I 8621081 Plc1:e No. 30 ow.:NjG-O~CHNICAL / PI70JECT NO 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO 8-8 T 'I I I ,I I I I , I I I t , I ;1: I I I :1 z >-~ w 0 TRENCH NUMBER 1 1 e.> >->--"-;: I-w l-I-t-.)( Z Z Z -w -w 0 >-c: z --<: w ::l w W ." ." c: > -->-e.> ... z ::l I--... ::: a: I-a: z ---ELEVATION w -Z t-e.> w IL. -< (f) ." w I-= 0 -< -0 lJ ." W -< -< ..J -C. 0 c.. 0 c. ... "-." ." C. <II -0 ... ..J 0.. c.. "-r: >-z w ::E ." :f c: ::E u, -< -< <: 0 c: ::E 0 c: -< 0 0 0 Vl ..J e.> 0 e.> e.> e.> DESCRIPTION 0 BAG SI·1 Light Brown Mo;st Loose - 1 SILTY SAND - -(A 11 uvi um) ---... 1-10; s t 2-~. -- 3-----r= S11/ Dark Brown Slightly CLAYEY Moist Loose BAG SC 4 SILTY SAND ,- CK - 5---- I T = Mo;stToos~ -51·1 Light Grey SILTY SAND 6 -SI1 Li ght Grey SILTY SAND ~10i s t Dense -: CK 7-(Santiago Fro~aton) - : rEnCli EiI::E:: ;\T 7 _ 5' .~ - -TRENCH NUMBER 1 2 0 -SC Brown ~1ottled Humid Loos'e - 1-CLAYEY SAND t----- (A 11 uv; urn) I·led; urn ----Dense - 2-Moist ----Medium --Dense To 3-CK Dense - - 4-SM Light Greenish Grey To Pale Moist Medium - Green Tan SILTY SAND, Upper Dense ...,. ----- I' Porous Dense 5-CK ---(Santiago Formation) -~ -j -.- 9 TR~NrlJ nJn~1I llT 0' ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURf!ACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &: TeSTING,INC. LOGGED BY: JH IDATE LOGGED: 5-S-8;; JOil !-I Ulo(BE"R: I 8621081 Plate No. 31 ON.iN/G-OT=:CHNICAL r / P/7QJECT NO. 510.6.2 !FIGURE NO 8-9 I I, I' I I' I I , I I I I I .-' I: I I 'I I 'I z "" 0 "-;: >-0( -t-<.) -= -"" -::: 0 ~ ..J -,.. "-II) II) "-::;: til '" 0( 0( 0 '" ..J <.) 0 SC - 1- - 2- , 3 3AG SCI CL 4--- 5-CK CL l". -"', 6- SC - 7-[\ Ti(ENCH NUMBER 13 ELEVATION DESCRIPTION Brown To Greenish Brown CLAYEY SAND, Cobbles On Surface (Alluvium) Grading Into SANDY CLAYI CLAYEY SAND Grading Into Pale Yellow 'Greenish SANDY CLAY Grading Into Dark Brown Mottled Yellow Brown '\ -~ __ ~C~L~~Y~EY~S~A~N~D __ _ 8-~ 9 BAG CL SC Grading Into Pale Green & Yellow Green SANDY CLAY Pale Green CLAYEY SAND (Lusardi Formation) >->-t-~ t-<.) !: :z: z z '" ::> '" '" til a: t-I-:z: a: 0( til 0( til '" -"-P.. CII C P.. 0 "-o( ~ :z: a: < 0 0 <.) Humid Loose Medium Dense Hedium Stiff To ___ -+...:::S tiff Moist Medium Stiff To Stiff >-I--til :z: '" -0 " 'Q. >-a: 0 i~ediuT Dense --i---- Hoist ~joi st \~ist Humid To Moist Stiff To ~ Very S:if I "-~ , .,( -~ "" .,... ::: 11.1 0 a: > -::> t-:z: I-'" ~ t-0 ::: ~ 0 -l- I-<.) 0( 0( -' P.. '" ::;: a: 0 <.) <.) - - --- - - • ..J - - -- Dense To 1 Very Dens 2C-:" -~--~----------------------~-------+--------~----~----~----~ - - - - - - -- TRENCH ENDED AT 10' SOUTHERN CAL.IFORNIA SOIL,. &: TESTIHG;INC. - SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH JOd NUMBE"R. 8621081 Plate No. 32 OWiN/G-O~CHNICAL / PI70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO 8-1:0 r - - - - - .- - - I I I I I I I II I I I, I I I, I I I, z 0 w TKENCH NUMBER 14 "-;:: -: >--< --I-U == --ELEVATION = w 0 "-..J -.... e.. en en "-::f: en UI -< -< 0 en ..J u DESCRIPTION 0 -SC Red Brown 1 -CLAYEY SILTY SAND -(Topsoil ) 2 -CK S/"l Red 'B rown Porous 3 -SILTY SAND -(Subsoil ) 4 -51" Pale Green S IL TY SAND 5 CK ( Lusardi Formation) BAG 6 - 7 - - I 8 -TRENCH ENDED AT 8' - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. SOIL & TESTIHGrINC. C7N.iN/G-Ol=:CHNICAL r / PI70JECT NO. - >-"" >--... u >-w ... !: ... ... z Z c:: z z -w -w 0 w w en en c:: > ;:: :::> w z :::> I--c:: l-e:: I-z -en w -... z ... u -< en -< -w " w -< e.. Q Q ~ -< e.. '" ~ I-..J "-"-0 "-x: C>-O Z ,w ~ -< ::I: .{ e:: 0 0 e:: ::I: 0 e:: 0 U Q U U Humid Loose - ----- l.jedi um Dense ,- Humid Medium Dense - ~ - Humid Very - Dense - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- '- - SUBSURFACE EX P LORA T ION LOG LOGGED 6'1': JH iD,I,TE LOGGED: ,,>_q_Ph JOd HUMBER: I 8621081 Plate No: 33 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. 8-11 I , ' I, I I I I I I I I I I I, I' I I I: I I ---= ... "-~I 0 a - 1- 2- - - 5- - 6- 7- - 8- - w "->-;- "" -" "-~ < en z 0 ;:: < :: () -0 l!. -<J) U) U) < ..J () CL SCISM Srl MLI CL 9 -;----:- -SC l(}- - TRENCH NUMBER 1 5 ELEVATION DESCRI.PTION Dark Grey CLAY, Some Boulders On Surface (Ttopsoil ) Pale Green CLAYEY SILTY SAND Grading In~o SILTY SAND (Santiago Formation) f-W z c:: "" ::J c: ;-< en "-Q. 0 < :l: J:!JJmi.!! Hoist 1>10i st - >-U >-f-~ Z Z "" "" en c: ;-::: < en w -,"-'" 0 c. x: < 0 c: 0 U l'ledi um S'-' -,f: ~ 1 T, Medium Dense To \ Dens e "---Dense To Very Dense Pale Green SANDY CLAYEY SILT,Moist Slightly Fractured Very Stiff Grading Into CLAYEY SILTY SAND Very Very Moist To Dense Wet ~ ;<. >--- !: "" ~ Z lU 0 V) c: z -::J ;- "" -;-::: 0 u <J) IiJ C. r--0 >-z c:: :l: 0 0 () > ;: -r-() < < ..J C. "" ~ c: 0 () - - ~ .. - -- ., - . - - -, - - - - - - 1~;4---l---~--------------------------~------~---------+------~------~----~ -, - - - - - TRENCH ENDED AT II' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL &: T;:S=rlHG,IHC. ONiN/G-O~CHNICAL / Pi?OJECT NO. r - -- - ." - - SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED B'I': JH JOd HUIo(BE'R: Pl ate No,. 34 510.6.2 /FIGURE NO. 8-12 I I I , , I I I ,I I I I I I I I, I I z IIJ 0 TRENCH NUMBER 16 "-;: >-' -l-e( -::: u --ELEVATION w = 0 l<-..J -l-V) "-f/) c. ~ V) ~, « -< 0 V) ..J u DESCRIPTION 0 -CL Dark Grey 1 -SANDY CLAY , (Toosoi 1 ) SCI Yellow Tan Mottled CLAYEY 2-SN -SIL TY SA:W 3 -(Santiago Formation) -rnnt"~r Dire:: ~o N ~oo j:" I CL Pale 4 -Green SANDY CLAY, -Hiohtlv j:",..~rt'lrert ~ale Green SANDY SILT 5 - - SCI Pale Yellow Tan To Ye 11 ow 6 -SI>1 -Green Slightly 7 -CLAYEY SILTY SAND - 8- - 9 -TRENCH ENDED AT 9' - - - - - - - - --, ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL &: t~STING7INC. _. -_. .----- CMeN/G-Ol=:CHNICAL /Pi?OJECT NO, , r >-... u >->-I-W l-I-~ ::: :z: e: :z: :z: !: -w -w 0 W :;) W u..i f/) f/) e: > -a: .... :z: :z: :;) I--... .... e: f/) w = I-;: ... U « f/) -< -"" 0 u "" « -< "-0 f/) "-III .:=-.... ..J "-0 c. c.. x: c:: >-0 ;: "" ::I: « ~ e( c:: 0 0 e: ~ 0 0 U 0 U U Humid Hedium - ---Dense - ~10 is t -0:.,,---:- Moist I'ledi um .-Dense - - -1'loi s t I Very I I I Stiff 110i s t Very I -Stiff Moi s t Very -'Dense - - f------Humid To Moist - - - - - - - - - - . ...: --'- SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGE::>; 5-9-:5 Joe NUMBER: 8621081 Pl a te: No. 35 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO 8-13 I ,I J I 'I I I I ,I I I I I I I I J I I \OJ C--: ,.. -r---w = -' ,.. c.. C. ;£ u, -< C II) 0 .,.. 1 -' CK - 2- - 3 - 4 BAG 5 - 5- CK ,... 7- - 8- - 9 - - - - - - - -- - - ~ r z >-.,{ 0 >--TKENCH NUMBER 1 7 I-U >-Z ;:: \OJ ,I-... ;,( Z c: z z = -\OJ -\OJ 0 < \OJ ::> \OJ \OJ U) II) c: > -u z ;;, I--I-:: -c: ,.. a: I-z -Z I-U ELEVATION -< II) w -... 0 '-VI -< -\OJ u W -< -C-O C VI -< Vl Vl 0 C-UI .E-O ... ..J ,CI, C-o.. w II) .:I: z: c: >-z ::l: -< < .:I: c;: < 0 0 c: 0 0 -' U 0 U U u DESCRIPTION CL Red Brown SANDY CLAY Humid ~ledi um - (A 11 uvium) --Stiff -Moist n SC Yellow Brown Mottled, Moi s t r"edi urn _. CLAYEY SAND To Wet Derise - Moist Dense SC Mottled Yellow Brown & -To SCI Greenish Brown ~.. , SN CLAYEY SAND TO CLAYEY SILTY - SAND - (Santiago Formation) - - ..,. - - - ...;.. TRENCH ENDED AT 9' - -' - .,... .,..- --- .,... - --'- - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOG-GED BY: JH IDATE LOGGED: ~ 0 ~6 SOIL & TESr.NG,INC. ,=>:. -0, I , Joe NUIo(BE'R: 8521081 Plate No. '35 I / Pi?QJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. 8-14 I I I " I I ,I I I' I .1 I I I I I I I I -z >->-~ --'" 0 NUMBE R 1 8 ~ u >-~ ~ z TKENCH w ~ t: LIJ LIJ 0 Q. j: :z: e: :z: :z: -V) ::: > ->-< W ::l '" W V) ~ -.... ---~ :z: -::l -::: ~ e: .... e: z LIJ -~ .... u -ELEVATION ~ w w ... ..; V) ..; c u V) LIJ . ..; ..; :: ...J 0 -Q. (3 "'-'" C '0. ~ ...J Q. .... "-V) V) "-"->-0 :z: u ::E "-::E x: c: :I til ..; < 0 e: :I 0 :::: 0 ~I "" "" 0 c u 0 ..J U U V) U DESCRIPTION 0 -SN Brown SILTY SAND Humid Loose - 1-(Topsoil) ~ ---~ 2 BAG Moist .. - 3-.. -.- 4-. CK SM Pale Greenish & Light Grey Moist Very -5 Dense BAG SILTY SAND, CE!-lENTED -(Santiago Formation) 6~ -: " -TRENCH NUMBER 1 9 0 ISH I Brown SILTY SAND(Topsoil) I Humid I Loose I I I SC Brovin CLAYEY SAND Humid Medium -po. BAG ---Sti if (Subsoil) Moist '-- 2 Moist Dense SN Pale Yellow Tan To Pale -- 3-Greenish Tan ----Very SILTY SAND .... -Dense 4-(Santiago Formation) - ! -- 5-- --.. 6 . CK l I- 7 ~ BAG ~ TRENCH ENDED AT 9' -r- q ~ SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, /DATE LOGGED: LOGGED BY: JH ~ ,.... ,...,. SOIL &: TESTIHG,INC. ..... ___ )00.,... Joe HUj,(BER: I Plate No. 37 8621081 OWiN/G-Ol=:CHNICAL / PI<OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. B-1 5 r I I 'I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I z >-.,( w 0 TKENCH NUMBER 20 u >->---to-W to-to-I<. Z '" ~ w ... Z c: z z --w 0 ... >--< iii iii (/) IJ) c: > -,.. ;:, iii -U to-Z ;:, to--t-, -::: a: t-a: ::: :: z ELEVATION IJ) w to-.... U UJ "--< IJ) w = 0 -< -0 " w -< -< ..J -0.. 0.. 0 Q, IJ) ..J .... c.. V) IJ) Q. 0 '" -,.. "-c.. :£ IJ) c. :z: c:: >-0 ::: w :£ -< ::E ,0( u. -< -< 0 0 c:: ::E 0 c:: 0 0 IJ) ..J U 0 U U u OESC;::;/PTION 0 I I I I I I I S~l Brown SILTY SAND (ToDsoil) Humid I O(1~" SCI Brown SANDY CLAY/CLAYEY Humid Mediu:;] 1 Dense -CL SAND (Subsoil ) S'~ ----'-----: /"It:. 2 Moist Dense/ -, Stiff [ -- 3- CK St'1/ Light Brown CLAYEY SILTY 1<10 is t l'led; urn --SC& SAND With I" To 2" CLAYSTONE Dense 4 -CL ,,. LENSES Dipping 2°_50 NE -- 5 -(Santiago Formation) ~ CK -- 6-- -.,- 7 - CK SH Pale Yellow SILTY SAND Humid Dense I - 8 Sft,G ..;.. - 9 j TRENCH ENDED AT g' -- - - ---- ------------ ~ SOUTHERN CALI FO R HlA SUBSURFACE EXPLORA TlO N "LOG LOGGED BY: JH /DATE LOGGED: 5-9-26 SOIL. &: TE;STING,INC. JOB NUIoIBE'R: I 8621081 Plate No. 38 ow.:N/G-O~CHNICAL / pr?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. B-16 T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --...:....-. -Z '" 0 >->-~ T~ENCH NUMBER21 ... (.) >- A-;: '" l-I-~ ::: >-z a: z z ~ -w_ -'" 0 -... -< w ~ '" w CI) til a: > -=. u a: .... a: I-z Z -~ I--i---ELEVATiON z I-U .... "" -< til -< til '" W -I-::: ..J 0 ... -0 Q u II) '" -< -< .... til CI) 0 c.. '" .9-.... ..J c.. c.. A-c.. -0 Co :I CI) -< ::t x: a: >-z '" ~ .. , -< 0( 0 0 a: ::t 0 a: -< 0 0 CI) ..J U Q (.) U DESCRIPTION U 0 ~ISt1 I I 1 I I I -Light Red Brown SILTY SAND Humid Loose -(Topsoil ) 1-SC I Light Brown ~ Humi d t1edium I I I -:--.., (Subsoil) '----Dense -CLAYEY SAND t10ist 2- -Si-l Pale Greenish Grey '-loi st Dense - 3-S IL TY SAND ---- -(Santiago Formation) Humid ~ 4-- -- 5-- -- 6 ..... - -- 7----.;:.... - 1::-- ~ TRENCH ENDED AT 11.5' ...,... TRENCH NUMBER 22 - 0 , Si,j I I I I I , Brown SILTY SAND (To:!<;nil\ Humid Loose lr-SC Brown CLAYEY SAND Humid Medi um ------Dense 3AG (Subsoil) Moist - CK I 2 Pale Greenish CLAYEY SA~st -SC Hedium - (Weathered Santiago Dense To '3-Dense - r--.. ..... Formition) ---f Humid T~ Dense To 4-CK SN Pale Greenish Grey SILTY - _L.. SAND (Santiago Formation) ,.joist Very --- j '----Dense - TP nlrlJ ~Nr.~n LiT 7' Humid 7 ~ SOUTHERN CAL.IFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,fNC. LOGGED BY: JH rDATE LOC-GED: 5-15-P~ JOd HUMBE'R: I 8621081 Plate No.·39 CMeNjG-O~CHNICAL / PI70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGUI7E NO. 8 - 1 7 r I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I % >-"" 0 TRENCH NUMBER 23 t? >->--c.. ;: I-"" l-I-~ :z:: :z:: = -w w ~ >-c:: :z:: -t--< W ;:, W W CI) '" c:: > -..J u c:: >-:::: :::: -;:, t--.... c:: --'" (3 ~ ELEVATION -< CI) w ~ l-I""' '" -< "" ::; ..J C>.. -0 0 '" "" -< t-c.. '" '" 0 c.. '" .E->-..J c.. '" c.. c.. x: >-0 ,-wi ~ -< ::E 0( 0 c:: c:: ::E c:: "' -< -< 0 0 0 ",. ..J (.) 0 U u DESCRIPTION 0 I $j.! I Brown SILTY SAND I Humid I I I I -Loose (Topsoil) 1 Brown CLAYEY SC SAND Moi s t Loose To -Hedium (Subsoil) 2 -~ Dense - SC Mottled Yellow Brown To Moist 11edi urn 3 -\ Dense -Grey CLAY EY SAND (Wea the red 4 - Santiago Formation) -SM Pale Greenish Grey SILTY MOi!.!.1 Dense To 5 -SAND (Santiago Formation) Humi d To Very Moist Dense - 5~ T:!EilCH [ii:::; ':.T .;' TRENCH NUMBER 24 0 I , I I , ·1 I ,j.; Mrrl'·m ,TI TV <::Hin (Tnncnn \ ~iumi d Loose 1 -SC Brown CLAYEY SAND Humid Loose -(Subsoil ) ---Moist 2 ----. Medium -~ Dense 3 - SC Mottled Greenish Grey & Moist f Medium ~ -Dense 4 -Yell ow Brown (Wea thered '-- Santiaoo Formation) Dense SM Pale Greenish Grey SILTY Humid To Very 5 -Moist Dense -S~ND (Santiago Formation) 6~ TRENCH ENDED AT 6' . ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGEO BY: JH /OATE LOGGED: SOIL & TESTIHG,2HC. : '. 5~15-R~ JOr'> NUIo(BE'R: 8621081 Plate No, 40 CMeN/G-O~CHNICAL / P/70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. 13-18 T . - ;,{ % ·0 -. t- U -< c.. ::f '0 U - ~. - - - - ..... - - - - - -- - - - - -i - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - % >-~ 0 >-w TRENCH NUMBER 25 ~ () >-% "" ;: w ~ :: ... ;{ % t:: ::: ::: -w -w 0 >--< w ;;;) w W til U) t:: > -r-... -... -::!. u a: ... ,... ::: z ;;;) --ELEVATION c: w -= -;.. U w ... < til < til I..J '"' J: ...J 0 -"'" -0 Q " til W < < ,... "'" til VI 0 "'" '" = ,... ..J Q. "'" VI Co. Co. x: >-0 w ~ ~ < :I: c: ~, < 0( 0 0' c: ::Ii 0 .c: < ·0 0 '" ...J U 0 U U u DESCRIPTION 0 -SM Dark Brown SILTY SAND _Homid 1 Loose - 1 -h'ith Organics (A 11 uvi um) - -Wet - 2 - SH/ Red Brown CLAYEY SILTY hiet To . Loose -BAG SC SAND, Porous Saturated 3 - V Wa ter -------.-- 4--Table t)a tura ted Loose To' Medium - -Dense - '5-- -- 6-- -- 7 -SM/ Red Brown Slightly SILTY Sa tura ted Loose To - SP Medium 8-~ SAND With Rocks Dense ~ -[CONOHI C REFUSAL CONTACT --WITH DECO~lPOSED GRANITE? -- -TRENCH NUMBER 26 - 0 I -SM Red Brown SILTY SAND Humid Loose - -1 -(Topsoll ) ---2- SM/ Red Brown CLAYEY SILTY SAND Moist ~MediOni -' 3-SC ~n~_._ -"-SM Grading Into SILTY SAND Dense - (Decomoosed Gran; ti c 'Rock \ -I 1 1 I I TRENCH ENDED AT 3.5' ~ SOUTHERN CAL.IFORHIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORAT1ON LOG LOGGED BY: JH IDATE LOGGED: ::;_1 ::;_p.::: SOIL. & TESTING,IHC. JOd IWJ,(BE"R: I 8621081 Plato Nn. ·c..1 OYENjG-OT=:CHNICAL r / PI?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. 8-19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :z: IIJ 0 >->->--Ti?ENCH NUMBER 27 ~ (.) Co. ;: W f-!: f-,( :z: c: :z: :z: -IIJ -IJ.I >--t-< W :;, W W ." ." > -:::. (.) a: f-~ Z Z -::l t----ELEVATION c: .. f-IIJ ... < ." < ." W '" ";:; I-= 0 -0 w < ..J -"-Co. 0 5 ~ .... Co. V) V) c.. 0 '" .... ..J Co. ::!: V) ~ Co. x: >-0 :z: &oJ .11 -< '" a: a: ;: < '< 0 0 ·0 c: 0 0 <II ..J (.) (.) (.) DESCRIPTION 0 -SCI Dark Brown CLAYEY SILTY Saturated Very Sf.! Dense 1 SAND BAG (Alluvium) 2 ---Loose - 3- - 4- S~l Yellow Brown SILTY SAND Wet Dense To 5----Very ~loi s t -(Decomposed Granitic Rock) ---Dense Humid To 6-~ I~oi s t - -Ti:E::CfI EilJEJ :T <i' -TRENCH NUMBER 28 0 -SM Dark Brown SILTY SAND Humid Loose 1 (Alluvium) BAG Boulder on Surface ---110i s t 2 -SN Yellow Brown SILTY SAND Moist Dense 3_ (Weathered Decomposed -Granitic Rock) 4 -TRENCH ENDED AT 4' . - ~ - ~ SOUTHERN CAL.IFORNIA SUBSURFAC::E EXPLORATION LOG SOIL. & TESTJNG,IHC. L.OGGED BY: JH jOATE LOGGED: 5-15-25 JOd IW),(BE'R: 8621081 Plate No. 42 c:JY&NjG-OT=:CHNICAL T / Pi(OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. B-20 ;( z 0 ,;. 0 < Co. ::f 0 (.) ~ - .- - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - -_. - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :z: ~ 0 > > >--w -TRENCH NUMBER 29 ... w ... () ... ~ "-I-Z ::c z z :: w /oJ 0 > -< '" :::> '" '" '" '" a: > -I-() ::c I-;;: :i :::> ... -I-:: -ELEVATION I-a: '" w :: I-;;: I-() U 0 "--< III -< -!OJ 0 0 if) w -< -< ...J 1.1) -"-"-VI 0 Q. I--' "-"-'" c.. 0 -0 Co. :z: >-:;: L:l :l' :E 1.1) -< :E « It: J -< 0 0 a: ::c 0 a: 0 I -< ...J () 0 () 1.1) () () DESCRIPTION -SM Brown To Red Brown SILTY Humid Loose -0 --SAND --BAG (Topsoil) Boulers Surfact on ------------ Moist Loose To ---Medium -Dense -~ -r~o is t Dense SM Red Brown SILTY SAND - SAG (Decomposed Granitic Rock) ----Very ~. Dense -LARGE FLOATERS? - -REFUSAL AT 51 --- ------ ~ j - - --------------.. ------ ~ SOUTHE:;RH CAL.fFOR HIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH /OATE LOGGED: 5-15-36 SOIl. &: TESTIHGrINC. JOB HU>'(SE"R: 8621081 I Pl a te No. ·43 OW:iN/G-OT:::CHNIC.AL / Pf?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO 8-21 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r----:--.---.-----------;----,..------:-----r-'------="----,,- "" c.. -: >-= ... -"" = ..J l-e.. e.. ::f ~, -< 0 ~o 9- - 11"1 z 0 -I--< ..J U -0 "--II) II) II) -< ..J U SM SM/ SC Ti{ENCH NUMBER30 ELEVATION DESCRIPTION Brown SILTY SAND (Topsoil ) Mottled Grey & Yellow Brown Sl ight1y CLAYEY SILTY SAND, Porous (Terrace Deposits) I-w :z: a: W :::l -a: l--< II) C. 0.. 0 -< :1: Humid --- Hoist Humi d To 1'10; s t >- I-() :z: :z: '" "" ... t::: II) -< -"-'" c.. :z: -< 0 u Loose I·jedi urn Dense >->-... !: - II) II) z \oJ w 0 0 >-c:: 0 c:: Q - w ,( ::: -:::l ... ~ -I-u "" a. II) -0 I-z :::< 0 u z '" 0 :: ;: I-() -< < ...J "-W :::< c:: 0 u - - - - - - - - - -_ I SM I Yellow Brown SILTY SAND I I·loi st I Dense I I (Decomposed Granitic Rock) 1~:~~--~~--~----------~--~------+-------~--~~--~~--~ - - - - - -- TRENCH ENDED AT 11' SOUTHERH CAL..IFORHIA SO I L. &: TESTINGrINC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH JOB HUMBER: 8621081 I Plate No,' 44 OW'.iN/G-OT=:CHNICAL / Pf?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. 8-22 T - - - - -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :z: ~ .... 0 ~ > "-;: TRENCH NUMBER31 .... w .... U .... rr: % :z: !: -11./ -'" >-a: :z: -... -< 11./ ~ .... .... '" '" c: :>--::: :: a: l-I-::J I---.... ELEVATION a: :: :.,>' '-t-:z: I-= o :: ..: '" ..: UJ 0 u 11./ '" ...J .:: .... V) "" "-(II 0 2-t-...J "-V) 0 c... til 0.. c... :r:: > 0 :z: w :l: -< ~ c: wI -< ..: c( 0 0 ~ 0 a: c '" ...J U 0 U u DESCRIFTION 0 -5,,1 Red Brown SILTY SAND Humid Loose 1 -(Topsoil ) - 2- 3-SM Red BrOl'1n SILTY . ~joi s t Medium SAND, Dense -Very Porous (Terrace CK Depos its) 4---- -Wet S-f----~li nor Seepage - 6 '-i_ ----------- 7 BAG Mottl ed Grey & Red Brown, Moist CK -Porous 8- - 9------------- -, Brown Humid To Moi s t IG- CK - 1: -TRENCH END!:D AT 11' - - -~ ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED B'I": JH JOATE LOGGEO: 5-15-26 SOIL. &: TE~TIHG7INC. , . ' I Joe NUr.tBE'R: 8621081 Pl a te No: 45 C1tENjG-O I-CHNICAL j PI70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO 8-23 T ~ ~ -% 0 -,.. U .( "" ~ 0 u .- -.- - - -' .- - - - - .,... - -. ~ - - -, - - - - ...... ..-.. --l - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -~~ . --0'1. 0 >->->---w Tr<ENCH NUMBER 32 too () Z '" -W too : ;,(. t-Z c:: Z z !: w w 0 >--< <oJ W CI) II) c:: > --',.... ::J <oJ Z ::J ... -t--::: u c:: t-Z ,.. --ELEVATION t-c:: w Z .... U w "-00( VI -< CI) w U t-oo( = ~ 0 ;... c. -0 c VI <oJ '-< CI) c.. '" ,"" ... -' C->-"-II) C-O -Po. 0 <oJ C. :f ~I ;;;; x: c:: >-Z ::E "' -< '" 0 c:: ;;;; c:: 00( 0 0 0 C til () 0 u u DESCRIPTION 0 SM/ Dark Brown CLAYEY SILTY _Humid_ Loose ~ - 1-SC SAND - -(A 11 uvi urn) . 2-----.,. Noist --To Wet 3- -SN Yellow To Red Brown 110 is t Dense - 4-SIL TY SAND " -(Decomposed Granitic Rock) - 5 -TRENCH ENDED AT 5' - -- >, -- -- -- -j - - -- -- -.,- ----,---- -- ------- ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG lOGGED BY: JH /DATE lOGGED: =,_ 1 ::._~:; SOIL & TI;STIHG,INC. JOt! IWIolBER: I . 8621081 Plate No. 46, OYI.iN/G-O~CHNICAL / PI70JECT NO. 510.6.2, / FIGURE NO. 8-2~ r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAP NO. T-,33 o G.// s~~--S;W',IN, Dry :0 HUi.1id, Loose :0 ~\edium Dark, 1/// CL CLAY::Y S';ND Arm SILTY CLAY .)/ 1 +'~/ (TOPSa!L) 2 /' ',Si" L,-: '.-" , .' GRAYISH-BROWN, Humid, Dense, SILTY SA~D (SANTIAGO FOPJ,j,",TI Oil) 5~~~--L-------------------------~-- 60JTO~' TR::NCH NUIoiS::R 2 MAP NO. T-34 J,'I" : " Sloi/ °1'" , BROl-li-l, Dry "CD HUr.1i d. Loose to MeGl-Um , ," I' sc 1 ' I" Dense, CL,;Y::Y TO S!LTY SAilO (TOPSOIL) :{}t Y::LLOWlSH-3ROHN, Humio, Dense, SILTY SAUD (D.G. ) SClUTHEi=lN CAL.li=Cli=lNIA S:::::JlL. 6: TESTING I IN:: • • Rae RIVI!R.CAL.I! .TRE~T .... N 01&0:::;, C .... '-',IIlCRN'''''' 51 R~RO Bono~' C~rlsbad Highlands tarlsDad, ci-.. _ BY eRB IDA7E --/ 7'-~~ .!._-_~-c...J I Pla:" ~13. 2 OIWiNjG-Ol=:CHNICAL j Pi?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 j FIGURE NO, 8-2'5 r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DESCR!?T JON 'r.'HITE TO ~~DD!5H 6ROh'~i, Dry to hUr.1id,_ ~\edi um Dense, CLAEY 5':.110 ,;;:D S';~~DY CLAY (Pf..LEDSOIL) BOTTO!-! MAP NO. T-35 TREUCH NU!·!S::R 4 MAP NO. T-36 GRAYISH BROWN, Humid to Moist, STIFF CLAY (TOPSOIL) GR.!i.Y1SN SROIm, ;·jo; 5"' , !'\2dium Dense, SAl lOY CL,".¥ AND CLAYEY SAND Grading to Dense, SILTY SAUD (Santiago FOr7.lation) SOUTHERN CALIFO;:::;NIA S::lIL &. TESTING, INC. _Rae ,.'",WRCAL.C _TRx.r,. ..... ,.. CI.DC, C",",L.,,cO.QNIA .. ",.,20 C~rlsbad Highlands Carlsne::, C;' .. - IBY I DATE eRB 12-2?-80 L ________________________________ ~I_Jo_e __ NO_· ____________ L __ ~~ __________ J 13725 Plote Nc. -' ONiN/G-O'ECHNICAL / Pi?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. B-2 6 f I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I iRENCH NU!'!5ER 5 MAP NO. T-37 .---r~CL G2AY, Hois1: , S ~i ff 1 SAiiDY CLAY, y. (TOPSOIL) c l' . · . $i1 GRAYIS;-; S2WN, nois:, Dense, SILTY SAND · . (San1:icgo For;na!ion) r ~: · . · : 2 3 50T70:1 TR::rlCH Nu/1S::R 6 MAP NO. T-38 CH GRAY, Moist, STIFF CLAY (70PSOIL) CLl ELLOH SROHN A::D GR::~N BRO'diJ, Moist, CH VERY STiFF CLAY (Santiago Formation) BOTTOM SOUTHEHN CALlFCHNIA SOIL & TESTING .. IN:::. .g_o RIVI!RC-:A.l.Z: &":"AIi:.cT SAN 01.00, C:A,-'FORNIA .. Q..,QQ Carls~ad Highiancs Carlsbac, Ca. CRS 13785 I'DATE 12-22-30 Pl=:e tlo. 4 C7t\SN/G-O~CHNICAL / PI70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. B-27 r I 'I I' I' I I I, I, I .1 I ,I I, " ~ -' APPENDIX C I I I I I II I I I I I: I' _ ,.J I' I: ,I I: I I I APPENDiX C --. -.. --. .~,.. .. .--.~ -_1 .. ~ ISO no UJ ISO 100 50 i.:' i I'" : ...... : j .' .• 1,' T.:·~:"-4 "1': ::!,:!ir III : ; i . ~ iIi i : i ' : ! II r: ; . I T-: ! .;:-:-;; . :-n Ii : : i i .. . :~: I ::1 --: IT:;~-;-j :1-:-;-1.· . .' ,. , .. ; .. ;: I , ... ; ", I . '~'I' . ,." I . .: .1, . , .. . I ... ,., :. !:: : .... ,!.: ':' ,.... ...1: .. ; 90 60 30 l~::U;~; \L:,,:,.1U~.;~L: :;.\\.U:ij <U\Y El\\U.;: ~;~~.);~~. ~~:;~ .... :.~~'." .... , iJiEil .. , . .. . 'I!I .. ,.\'" .. '· .. ·1· !I':t· . "'1"':'" ... : I' ... , .. , : ': :::: ': : i : ! ; , : , ,,'i! I : : ! : ' '. Ii : : : , i , :' ';:':!,: ,:':!,! > , ; : ,~ :, UJ ~O 20 1-_ ....... 'j": .. '-"-' -: -'-~,-· .. ,·I· ., :., .. I'" .... 'I·· .. , .. ·;-···-I .. -., .. ·.-! ........................ ·1 ... --:--::<'::.~ :~~:~~:r :;;!!~>I':'! i:)i' '6f'~'d:;::i:':' ~::~: .:i . 'II .:~~~;: . . ,. ~.-.... !'IS "j'::: . ~:.!. ~I'::' .: I ":;:: ,.. '1 101' 7 .' .. 01 7"..----:. . . I ' . .---TI .. ": .: '!:.':'.' : I ! 30 20 10· ... .. ./." .. , .. -........... .. --... -..... : ,,, .;..... .. .. ..... ; .... ---- r \1 ~~.\;; I' , "odk ' H,!" .... ~"" ,.. ." I .o.s-:' ., . '. I .. · . I ;.. I" ). ~ ,. 10 20 30 40 • SO 60 70 i= 20 -40 60 BO 100 110 140 L::=======:J30 60 90 120 150 lBO :210 SO 160 240 90 160· 270 100 JOO 300 0151 NJCE ----:>-JOB_hur1slH!!L!Jighll!nd_s_._ GCOlOGIST J.II.!.... _____ _ ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL .& TESTING. ING. .... 0 .HV.~OALC M1AitICT .AN U,.OO. CALI' O"~NIA. • .",,0 JOB No._!lRIlHn. ___ _ n[VATION. ______ ~ ___ _ TRAV(RSE t-lO,_-"S,---'.l ___ . SURrtCiAl MAn. --.liUY...2~'!!Q __ _ TRAVrRS[ TYP[ ,ROCK TYPE .....:Q!:'~!.!i!i._c ___ _ ONiN/G-O~CHNICAL /PROJECTNo. '510.6.2 /FIGlJRENO. C-1 r---'---'---'" -_I _ .. _Ir .. r ",,~ -- 180 110 U) 130 100 30 110 ao ~O 90 60 30 La ~O 20 30 20 1- .., I .. '; I!: ;:":;1; -.. -..-t', .... -.. ,,--' .. .... .< .. ' -.> ( ... ;. ~il ;j!II·:I,I.!.,., "1"::,. i. !"j'I'I, ":1;':1' ,. " ... ':"'1'" :I':.:!j .. ,.,' .,," ' ... :\ ·Ii.:,;.:\.·.;:!:,l ::::::I:I:!~:::':~: !':';il:. !i '.:;:' ;;1,:11: : ::~i':'I'~:: :;~! ;L~ .. ::::~ ;.:~;~.~~:.~ '.::~:;':': ~-:-~:-:-~:-:'~_._:::-;j-i:: I" : .... : ,-i 1-.. " ::'.,,;.. ... .. \ ... ,,:,.:, .:: ~; i 1'1 i' i ,I':' I .. I ':':!' : .. ,.!, j .. :. i , :: j: ~ ~ ! : :' ; i ! ; i ! : :: ::': i <! ::: .. ;: i! i I i l ; ; i ~ ~: ::; Ii! : :: i!;::;::: ~ ~.:: : ~ : : : : : : :-r l : ;. ".. • " I i I· . . .. • i ' , . , : . ! .• ! , . . ., .•.• :., ... : . , .. I I'!""'" I . , . . . , .. _. r ::':';:\ ii:':'; (iil;. )H:,,,-: :~Hjl!-;l_!U:::~);<:H-;'-' :c::;iC : , ..... , ...... --: •• -1-· .. ••·••• ". ' .. :. ., ., I •• , •.. i! . ,. ':" I : , ;. ':'1 I,., .... i ' . _ "I "'"' ''-:,:,': : ,;:.,,, .... 1 .. ,. '::':':" .• :,'" 'I~ I"" 'j':::... ":;.:!: ••• I • ,. • ! I. . . ; • I. .. . I ! .. I • I I. I ••• , • •• • I' 'I' II I. I '. I:' .••• . , . : ,. " . !!: ",. . ! : , j , • ,. .:. I :: : .: I:::::. I' ,',1 I ' i ;. ,. i :. i:: ::':':.: I': .... ::. ":. ~ ! !.: ~ ::.~:i:.1 I:" ii!'i':: ':lil,:I, ·1 .,,' : ::::.': : :":ji:,1 !';" :': ':.::: ... "j"" '~. c:+: i~ '1-: ':~ i::\~:, '. : L: :1+1 1 ; ! I: .• : :-~tt i:. 1,!jt't f-:_: t1--::. :---.• :', :to '" "',," '" . I, ,'. ""1.1 ,,! "", ... " '1 11." • I....... "'1 ' i: ~~!-! ~;: :'~ i :nfL .;!\ill:~-r:u, .rll: t:i! ~: :, ;;\~n '\;,. ;,!--.:: •• \h~:: ·!.,D2",20.! ,.' .02",17 .... ,.:':. ........ , : .. , .. I ' , I' .. :' :: ~; '. : j.: ~ ~: . I .: . : .. ! : : .. : 'S '. : . . ,:.::'" i .. . . j ... :.':' :..:...:..:_ : 10'OOOFPS!: .,.,1 ':'1'· ':'.! .. io·oo.or:.~-... . .............. __ ...... _, .. ; .-~ -. . . . ' " :.... ., -!...... . .. : ... ,. -. I :. . I : .. : : : :. · ·:~~;::'::!;l:~:q:: sl: I'~!' <8" ::I:::;~~:;··b;~~~~.<i !, · .. ',',. ,. '":. f? ... DO}:" !:.!.... 1-5 · . .. 1:: 4. i: '0 00 1 ; --_ Psi. ~ I . , I !" "~< I T i J ;'-:; 6l~..'! ,--- . I :. I . , /J S . i . . . '1 ., Ii.: , . ~ \ I \ I :~~ 20 40 60 30 60 90 40 BO 120 50 100 150 60 110 180 70 140 210 80 160 240 90 180 270 100 200 300 DISTANCE~ <$ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL 1. TESTING, INC. .»_0 RIV.f,OAl,lt .1'H.cIlT .AN DI-'lOO. CAL., OHNIA .""lJorO IO£l~!!.rbbad Illilhl.!!.m!_s__ CWLOGISJ _. _J_.!!,.!,. ______ _ IOU NO.-.llfiUQfi ..... l ____ _ £I EVATION __________ _ TRAV[RS[ NO. S-2~ ___ _ SURFICIAL MAT·l. -2.il!Y....~i!.!)(I!... __ _ TRAVfRS[ TYrE ROCK TYPE Grani tic .. ' - .. ~ .. ... .. -~ .. , ~,,, .. ~ ' .. .. ' .. .. ~ .. .. I······· . 1 i i.!:;:' .:: I.,! I 1 ! " , " i'I;!:::! . . II' I .• I I" ., , ' r; : " ',';' i";: <' '; Ii;!'; i : Y;H :::: T I:' U ,;,,~ ~<i+~fi ' , 'I'" ,., I,..· ., ,... ,.. .. ...... , ... . ... . , ;0." ' •. , ., , j.:'il'" ~~ ; ;~~ 1 ; ~ 180 120 60 .. : .• I' 1,0, ,II. "',' .. : " , l!'j 100 50 ~~~~::~ :;::.: : ...•. 1: . ~ : : : : : ! : ... ; ... 120 80 40 : . .'-0; '-0 _~ • , ••••••• I' . ".. . , ,I. , , '. , ... I. -.. -, .. 'D 2 -1 7 . , ..., . ... " .. . . . . .. 90 60 30 : \::;! ~ ~, -; .• :'; ~_:~ 1. .... +\:; :ii~~·t '~:Tn::-.. :::!' ,:, ;, . , ' •. " " "I, , " " !··I " I.. 00 r-y 5 ,_ ! OOOFPS ,. ". . ""70 .. , I' ,,' ';:;i:: <," .".'_" .. , :.J:, ! 'CO::. 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C,_,.,_ : 'If -.,"..:1_1._ ,.Lb. __ ._. : I'; !'~'_"_'_~""~_"\OO f50G_' .1 ' •• 1-1 ___ :0 " 1_"'__ --, 60 -0 __ ---' 70 '" -I~~j __ , ':t?,,'<:'O"'" . I . Q, I ' ,~ ./--I--~ sor;,,~ ..J t _~. " .. " " "'O~ ·-:s " '" u " '-. 3°ct --~ 20 ~ -0 .:0 -+\'0 !"l,r;~-'-'-"~ ,01 04";t, 0 001 LI.MHS E IB SArlO BOULDEf1!COBflLES '~ SILT OR CLAY • Coor.. COO". M.dium Fino ' (iZ i'o.) , jiri, 11M 110,10 110.'10 110.200 U. S. STAIlDARD S' E VE S IZ E .. - ~' III: ~ ~ G1 III a m o I Z 52 I ---;g ~ o ..... 6 en ..... b (J) I\) ---iB ~ 6 o I (0) .. ' ~,~, G) I~ ::u p z ro (fl roO Dc N -~ ITl rr porn S2 'n (fl ~2 -l (,1 ::u ~n OJ. -p c 2r -l IJ- (5 -11 _0 z Zn [I~ p :1 ~n III ., V1 <:7 tT OJ '" P-o. co Ol -, N ., .... '" 0 n co r' .... ():) N " ..... N :-,1 "l! , ~ -I m '" rt m 0' , z 0 V) , .J:> co '0 0, .. ;~ -\ .. ' ~: ... . ~"', .... ... .. _I "'_\ ' .. .. -;. .. ' .. ' .. BOA T 25'-26' I liS. Standard Sieves lIydramel er 36" '8" 2" " "i v,' "'0 "20 '10 ,",,0 (Mlnlltes) 3'1_ -. 'I': -.: ___ .'1. .!o ~16 ".~Q JI~o ~!OO_ $I?IX> _ ~!...!) 30 __ 'N> __ '4~go (,$OG~) '11'1'" , I ]'IJ' ~ , -'-.~ :..-i.. :, --,..:..l .: -_. I -~ .. _ :... , ... ____ 90 : . I: ' :. , , '" -i --~ -= '-~ I -= =h :-: = ' -:I~ ~~--.-: : = = i ,~: ,~~, ·'.0,·----_ .. --_.-.. -'---,--,--'--"--'-~-~'-' .'] -1,.I-,lC,' ~: : ~ ~ : I ~ i ~ :' i : if! ',', : f I :: ~ sr, " .. - ----,. -----I. • - ---1-. -, -.---,--' -I --,---so , :--i ~: !: ~, ~. :, ~ , i ' :1::, , ' ~.O , .... -----•• --,--, • -j-- --------1-' <0<: --S ~. . " ': ~! ~ ~ ~: : :. ::/ ~ ~ ., JO " .. - --'" -. --, -.. _. "--, .. ---• - - --L-.. ---1' -; I., -' 30'; -~ \~ , f --f' .... ~ ~:-i ' ;. '--~ ±J l .. -: -·t ~t: . i_ ~ ~j -,:" i, --J-~o ~ : 10 -----'"-------.---.-------_____ ::--_~.--.. _----';-10-1,) ~ ; . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f : ! : If ~ O!'e'("'-A-J-Z ""1'-"--4-'-' pelr.-S-~-J·-2 ;;alt."S-"-,':--2 Io>87.-5o-.-"--'-i-· ... 1....--'-eJf, 5· ... -'-·2-·-0 'POO I 0 10 , .1 .01 ,001 Gram Size (mm) ~~:·:r!F-rf~ '00 90 80 PARTICLE SIZE LIMITS j~ SAIID SILT OR CLAY M,djum rlne /10.4 /-10.10 1J0.40 /10.200 'El ~' GIIAVEL , oouLoErll'CO!JOLES ~ I COQra. r'lne _L..,... (12 in,) jin. 3/4in. J U. S. STA/IDARD SI E VE SI1 E , I t I 1\ • I I I; • I' I I; .'-- I I f , I/./ i I) MAXI),IUrd DEi-lSITY U O?TI:.I·V:X ~OI~TURE COMTENT [ ASTM D1557 METHOD 78 I I SAMPLE I DESCRIPTION !M;xi:r,wm I c;:.t)mu.ril 'j Den~lt y MOI~tur" UIC1) Cont ('J.) I Red £rown Silty Sand I 135.0 I 7.6 ~ ~.1 ra 5 1_6' .. j T1 @ 4.5'-5.5,1 Pale Yellow To Greenish Tan Silty Sand I 11.7.3 I 13.3 I I 1 I I T5 @ l' -2' Red Brown Mottled Yellow Tan Silty Sand 128.7 12.5 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I EXPANSION IHDEX TEST RESULTS - I· T17 ra .1 r -5' 1 I I I " SAMPLE CONDITION I Remolded I I I I INITIAL M.e. ('J.) I 13.7 r I I I INITIAL DENSITY (P~ 97:4 I I I 1 FINAL M.e. ('J,) 1 35.7 I I I .1 NOR MAL STRESS (Psnl }.14.7 , I "' I EXPANSION INDEX I 141 I I I 1 -. ~ SOUTHERN. CALIFORNIA r, r1 oh>r!. Tr?I"' 82-12 ..5F-'; SOl L & TEST! N G., I He. BY: DBA 'lOAT£:' 6-15-86 I , JOB HU· ... SER: 862io81 Plcte No.50 OfIiNjG-O~CHNICAL / Pi?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. D-4 r I I, t" t I t I I J~ I J I II' -' I I, DIR~CT SHEAR SUMMARY -=:-'~ §:-..:_-----_.:.._!-.; ,... -. ~I~~~:-r;t---i ----.--. --: ---.---- 4 ,. 1-1.--' '~::l _. ! .: I • I t_ 1 1 . , .1 , I , I ., r l.!... , II, V) 3 1 ~ , , I V) ., , .1 t{J , , " .1 " , e:: ., , , i-, , V) 2 , I e:: < , 1 b;J , , C0 ., , , I , , L' 5, L , .;-:' , 1 ::.--, , 1 0 .' : 2M 1 L 2 2L :3 .I'~ORtv1AL ST;:;:::SS I KSr S;'''IPLE DESCRIPTIOH AHGL~ OF IHTERHAL FRICTION (0) COHESIOH INTERCEPT ( osf) 63 @ 29.5' B3 @ 29.5' B5 @ 35.5 Undisturbed'" Undisturbed Undi sturbed* SDUTHEHN CALIFOl=lNIA SOIL &. TESTING, INC. _glle RI\,I"AOAL.I!: _TR.:t:T .... N J:lIIfCC, C .... L.I,;O,CIl1·.IIIA &a.,RO 15 30 1· .:J 250 300 200 Carl~bad Tract 82-12 ey DBA IDA4"E 6-29-86 Joe NO, 862J08] Plate No. 5L CJ'NiNjG-O"ECHNICAL j PI70JECT NO. . 51 O.6~2 / FIGURE NO D-5 r I I I I I I I I I I I I I LL If) :::::: If) f{] e: I- If) 0:: -< '4J V5 , " 3 , 'I' , ., . ,. !I. , 2 ., ., ., , ., , , , 0-----, 2/0." [!IR:::CT SHEAR SUMMA'::~Y ., , , ., , , , I I , I , I , I , , , ., , , , , , 1 L ,. , , . , 2 2L :I .. ...,: L. . , , , /', . ./' I ;.L.: ./'. /' " , , j <: I':ORMAL STR=:SS, VSr- . '/ L. L. 87 AT 30' ANGLE OF INTERNAL COHESION INTERCEPT B6 @ B7 @ SA.'IPLE DESCRIPTION 15.5' Undisturbed * 30' Undisturbed * * Slow Shear .. SOUTHEHN CALIFORNIA SOIL lx TESTING, INC. aQItC Rf\lIEACALJ:. .TReCT ..... N OI.OC, C .... &-I'"'ORNIA. U.Q.,RC FRICTION (0) 30 27 !Joe NO. ,Q;;?1I'lRl t::Ne~G-O I-CHNICAL / PI70JECT NO. S 1 0.6.2 r ( DSf} 300 200 D12tP Nt'). 52 / FIGURE NO. D-6 I -0 I I I, I I I I' -'" j, ~I' I I I I I I I . V) tJ c::: t-V) DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY 2 .-~ :-~ , ./ / ./ L , L IL ./ , . ' ... ~~f. 2M L 2L NORMAL STR:::SS,!<SF .~, . , .. 1 , , , '. I ANGLE OF INTERNAL COHESION IHTERCEPT SAl.\PLE DESCRIPTION B4 @ 5'-6' Remolded To 90::; Tl @ 4.5'-5.5' Remolded To 90:; T5 @ l' -2' Remo 1 ded To 90:~ ~ SOUTHERH CALIFORHIA 'W SOIL &. TESTIHG,IHC. FRICTION (0) ( Dsf} 43 200 34 200 39 250 Carlsbad Tract 82-12 JOB IiUJ.lBfR: 862108] I _Plat'" No 53 aNiN/G-O I-CHNICAL / Pi<OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. D-7 f AT 1-2' • I 4.5 ... "$. [ • r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------~-~-~- I J I J, I I I I 'I. I J I I z o ~ D :J o Cf) z o () , - I , I 2 3 4 I I 5 6 I I ; • I I L I. I- , , ,''-.. , I I I I I I , , . I j I I , J I • I , I , " I , • I , I I LOAD ~ . ~~"'- . , I I , I , I I • • I , I r -1 I I I I I I ~ I I , I I , I • j J I I· , _. , • I , I ~....... I I I I ....... I ,'-. , I I I 5 kips Is::,. It. I , I,' I I .. , I I 1'\ I I I I I I I ~ I I-• 1 I I 1B-~:&~11-0-;,'"?'"' I I I I I , I • ,-, I I I I I I 1 I I : , . I I I ! I • , I , .' I I I I I [ I t f I I I I I , I I l ' I I I I I '_I I I " I • I I I I I , • I • I , I I IP"~ • I , I l-I I , , I I , I • I , I I I , , . , L , , , , , 10 ,- I L L I ~ , .. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL 1'.: TESTING LAS I INC. Carlsbad iract 82-12 aliZBO RIVERCAI-£ aTRE.ET IiAN CIEDC, CAI-II=ORNJA. gg:,liZC BY JOB NO. C7t\eN/G-O~CHNiCAL /Pi?OJECTNo. 510.6.2 r ost-. IOATE 6-1S-86 86210S1 I ~ Plpte No. 54 / FIGURE NO. D-8 , , i I . -I '-:I I , 50 I' I, I: :1, I I I I' I, " I I I- I I' I I I I' . SINGLE POINT CO}(SOl,IDATION TES'T RESULT SAI'!PLE NO. I Q 1 10 ~ ~I I To'; fa <;, T7 fa -:: <;, I I I I -INITIAL MOISTURE,,: I ?4 8 I 16,2 14,3 I -INITIAL DENSITY. PCF I 97.0 I 109.9 I 95.4 I -: CONSOLIDATION BEFORE WATER ADDED I 5.4 I --I 3.8 J -% CONSOLIDATION AFTER hlAiER ADDED I 5.3 I 4.3 1 4.9 1 -FINAL NOISTURE, :: 24,5 I J 6.1 I 20.1 I -AXIAL LOAD, KSF 2.86 J 2.58 I 2.58 I . SAt-iPLE NO. -I I I I I I I I -INITIAL J.lOISTURE, : I I I I -INITIAL DENSTTY. PCF I I _I J -: CONSOLID~T!ON BEFORE WATER ADDED I I I I -;; CONSOLIDATION AFTER ~iATER ADDED 1 I I I. . -FINAL NOISTURE, % I I I I -AXIAL LOAD, KSF I I I I - ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA l:a,rl~bac TraCe 82-12 ~r:;; . SOIL &. TESTlHG.,IHC. BY: DBA IOATE: 6-19-86 I ~OB t<UUBER: 8621081 PlatE No, 55 C7taN/G-OT-:CHNICAL / PI70JECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. D-9 r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPEND-IX E I I I I, I I I I ,I I I I I, I I , " ' 'I Assume strength E (0) CUT SLOPES 30 27 1 ~ .:l FILL SLOPES 34 34 SLOPE: STABILITY CALCULATIOHS Janbu's Simplified Slope Stability Method 'Ac¢= WH Tand C FS=NCf(W~ ) parameters throughout the slope C ( DSf) I-Is ( oct) J ncl. H {ft) 300 137 2:1 50 200 122 2: 1 50 200 131 1. 5: 1 10 200 120 2:1 GO 200 120 l. 5: 1 10 Where: J5 ~ Angle of Internal Friction C = Cohesion (psf) \I = Unit weioht of Soil (pcf) "s - H = Height of Slope (ft) FS = Factor of Safety A SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA W SOIL & TESTING.,INC. Carlsbad Tract Be-1? FS 1.7 1.5 l.5 1.8 2.5 otIiN/G-Ol=:CHNICAL / Pi?OJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO E-.1 r I ,I I . I I' t I I, I ,i;\ I I' I: I I 'I' I, I I I' .. t .. .... .. •• .. 200- -------- 175- o .£ .. 150- 125-0) '-.. ~/ 1-~~ "/r -'.' .' EXI9TIIIO '. 4 9LOPEJ -05 , , .. -.. ... !,. \ SOIL TYPE () C \ 0° I (peF) (i'sr) 1 DUTlnESS rilL I 11,0 2'0 38 -------------------------- i \ T. SAIlosrOlle 120 ~OO 3~ ------- 3 T, MUOSTQUE 110 200 15 4 T. CLAYEY SAuosrOIlE-120 300 30 T .: 9 A." T I A a 0 f 0 n IA'A. T I 0 H 100=EXISTlIlO ELEVI\TIOII (FEETI ~_l _~ . _ ---------~ p. ---_ .• -' .,r .~, ·s .. 100 -I b_0L, --==1~ -0 +---(9 -["00'''" OWi~G-Ol-CHNICAL -....., ..... ., /s0 SOUTHEn~1 CAUr-·onNIA W SOIL a.. 1 E~"'NGf INC. JB QA.l( 5-27-118 Ion UO, 0 IS '1 t 0 8 I PLATE tiO. 2A / PROJECT NO. 510.6.2 / FIGURE NO. E~2 ... :- I I I I APPENDIX F I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I, I I I I' I, I I I I J I I I OW:NCONSULTANTS APPENDIX F GENERl'.L EARTHWORK AND GRADING GUIDELINES I. General These guidelines present general procedures and require~ ments for grading and earthwork including preparation of areas to be filled, placement of fill, installation of subdrains, and excavations. The recommendations con- tained in the geotechnical report are a part of the earthwork and grading specifications and should supersede the provisions contained herein in the case of conflict. Evaluations performed by the consultant during the course of grading may result in new recommendations which could supersede these specifications or the recommendations of the geotechnical report. II. Earthwork Observation and Testing Prior to commencement of grading, a qualified geotech- nical consultant should be employed for the purposed of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fills for conformance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report and these specifications. The consultant is to provide adequate testing and observation so that he may determine that the work was accomplished as specified. It should be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the consultant and keep him apprised of work schedules and changes so that the consultant may schedule his personnel accordingly. The contractor is to provide adequate equipment and methods, to accomplish the work in -accordance with ap- plicable grading codes or agency ordinances, these specifications, and the approved grading plans. If in the opinion of the consultant, unsatisfa~tory conditions are resulting in a quality of work less than required in these specifications, the consultant may reject the work and recommend that construction be stopped until the conditions a+e rectified. Maximum dry density tests used to determine the degree of compaction should be performed in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials test method ASTM: D 1557-78. ,I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I OW.ilNCONSULTANTS Appendix ;F (Continued) III. Preparation of Ar~as to be Fil~ed 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. Clearing and Grubbing: All brush, vegetation, and debris should be removed and otherwise disposed of. Pr06essing: The existing ground which is evaluated to be satisfactory for support of fill should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inche~. Existing ground which is not satisfactory should be over- excavated as specified in the following section. Scarification should continue until the soils ar~ broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and until the vvorking surface is reasonable uniform and free of uneven features which would inhibit uniform compaction. Overexcavation: Soft, dry, spongy, or otherwise unsui table grOund, extending to such a depth that surface processing cannot adequately improve the condition, should be overexcavated down to, firm ground, approved by the consultant. Moisture Conditioning: soils should be watered, mixed, as necessary to content near optimum. Overexcavated and processed dried-back, blended, and/or attain a uniform moisture Recompact~on: Overexcavated and prOcessed soils which have been properly mixed and moisture-condi- tioned should be recompacted to a minimum relative compacticin of 90 percent. Benching: Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical uni ts), the ground should be benched. The lowest bench should be a minimum 0 f 15 feet wide, be at least 2 feet deep, expose firm material, and be approved by the consultant. Other benches should be excavated in firm material for a minimum width of 4 feet. Ground sloping flatter than 5:1 should be benched or otherwise overexcavated when considered necessary by the consultant. I I ,I I I I I I I '1 I' I I I I' I I " I OW::NCONSULTANTS Appendix F (Continued) 7. Approval: All areas to receive fill, including processed areas, removal areas and toe-of-fill benches should be approved by the consultant prior to fill placement. IV. Fill Material v. 1. General: Material to be placed as fill should be free of organic matter and other deleterious sub""" stances, and should be aI?proved by the consultant. Soils of poor gradation, expansion, or strength characteristics should be placed in areas designated by the consultant or mixed with other soils until suitable to serve as satisfactory fill material. 2. Oversize: Oversize material defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 12 inches, should not be buried or placed in fill, unless the location, materials, and disposal methods are specifically approved by the consul tant. Oversize disposal operations should be such that nesting of oversize material does not occur, and such that the oversize material i$ com- pletely surrounded by compacted or densified fil-l. Oversize material should not be placed within 10 feet vertically of finish grade or \vi thin the range of future utilities or underground construction, unless specifically approved, by the consultant. 3. Import: If importing of fill material is necessary for grading, the import material should be approved by the geotechnical consultant. Fill Placement and Compaction 1. Fill Lifts: Approved fill material should be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 6 inches in compacted thickness. The consultant may approve thicker lifts if testing· indicates the grading procedures are such that adequate compaction is being achieved with lifts of greater thickness. Each layer shall be spread evenly and should be thoroughly mixed during spreading to attain uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. I I, I I I I I~ I I, I I I I' I, I I I I I CW=..NCONSULTANTS Appendix F (Continued) 2. Fill Hoisture: Fill layers at a moisture content less than optimum should be water.ed and mixed, and wet fill layers should be aerated by scarifi~ation or blended with drier material. Moisture-conditioning and mixing of fill layers should contin-ue until the fill material is at a uniform moisture content at or near optimum. 3. Compaction of Fill: After each layer has been evenly spread, moisture-conditioned, and mixed, it should be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density. Compaction equipment should be adequately sized and either specifically designed for soil <::ompaction or of proven reliability, to effi- ciently achieve the specified degree of compaction. 4. Fill Slopes: Compacting of slopes should be accom- plished, in addition to normal compacting procedures, by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at frequent increments of 2 to 3 feet in fill elevation gain, or by other methods producing satisfactory results. At the completion of grading, the relative compaction of the slope out to the slope face shall be at least 90 percent. 5. Compaction Testing: Field tests to check the fill moisture and degree of compaction will be performed by the consultant. The location and frequency of tests should be at the consultant r s discretion. In general, the tests should be taken at an interval not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of embankment. . VI. Subdrain Installation Subdrain systems, if required, should be installed in. approved ground to conform to the approximate alignment and details shown on the plans or as shown herein. The subdrain loc~tion or materials should not be changed or modified without the approval of the consultant. The consul tant, however, may recommend and upon approval, direct changes in subdrain line, grade or material. All subdrains should be surveyed for line and grade after installation and sufficient time allowed for the surveYSt prior to commencement of filling over the subdrains. I I I I I I I" I I, I I. 'I I .1 I I I I I OW!NCONSULTANTS Appendix F (Continued) VII. Excavation Excavations and cut slopes should be examined during grading. If rlirected by the consultant, further excava- tion or overexcavation and refilling of cut areas should be performed, and/or remedial grading of cut slopes performed. Where fill-over-cut slopes are to be graded, unless otherwise approved, the cut portion of the slope should be made and approved by the consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope. I I, I I I I I I I I I I ,I I 'I I I I I SLOPE SGTTRESS OR REP LAC E rv1 EN T F ILL 0 ETA I L OUTLET PIPES lj" 0 Nonperforated Pipe, I ~O' Nlax. O.c. Horizontally, 3~' Max. O.c. Vert ically .:-=-=-~~5};;::-=-~-=-=====~=0=--:,r. :.... __ -....:-_-_-:....:--/0 N;I~ • .:.....-_-_-_-_-_-l'_ I.. KEY WIDTH, .1 I EOUI?MEI.'T SIZE _ CENERALL Y 15 FEET KEY I':: DEPTH I ~ -L i 2' MIN. Fill blanket, bock cui, key wid1h and, key dep1h are subject to field change, per report /plons. Key heel subdrain, blanket drain, or veri ical drain may be requi red at the discretion of the geotechnical consultont. SUBDRAIN INST ALLATIDN -Subdroin pipe sholl be installed with perf.orations down or, at locat ions desi gnat ed by the oeotechnical consultant, sholl be DETAIL OF BUTTRESS SUBDRAIN TERMINAL nonperforated pip'e. D(~ICW r'H'~H(D CRADE ril iER r ABRle C/.'IRJ..f"J J:'O~ APPROI'CD EOU'VAl.[,.-n A ./;,< '!;\ , T r;. . . . .. ., .. '.. ···-1·· / 11 t • .• . .,.. _. • CA~ \, I I '------.J",., , , " " , ,D, • '~' • r---1S' P\I~, -Is,p\,~,1 70' "I~'~ I':MAy',O"ENCI'JJ::8) I P( RrClR~HD CS<AVEl OR AI>PROV"..o .l./"D "'JIi. PIP! EOUIVJ..Lft.t'i r "OHP£RrO~~j(D~' t> "I~, SUBDRAIN TYPE -Subdroin type sholl be ASTM C508 Asbestos Cement Pipe (ACP) or ASTM D2751, SDR 23.5 or ASTM D1527, Schedule 40 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) or ASTM D303ll SDR 23.5 or ASTM D1785, Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic (PVC) pipe or approved esuivalen1. SLOPE BUTTRESS OR REPLACEMENT FILL DETAIL ONiN/G~Ol=:CHNICAL GRADING AND EARTHWORK GUIDELINES r I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~-NATURAL GROUND ~lli----.. --------------------:--""1 Uf\JSUITA8LE: -----::.:::--------:... -:... -:... -:.. ---:... ---:----------:...---:.. -:..:-.:.--::--:...----_:... _:.. --~-_ -MA T E R I A L ---y---~-----:...----=----------------------~ . 'V ~-_=_-';::--_ _:..-"__::_=-::: COMPACTED Fill :----=--=-------..7---2·.~·· ~i ..::: ~ -~ ----- --'---'--~ __ ~-:_-....:__-__ _=: _--=-...!:: >;---~-----"'-c-----:... -:...-....:-....:--=---=------=--:...---_--=-_-_-....::. _:.. - . ~---~--~-------~-------~-~--:...~ ~::::----....:-...:::::----------------:...~----..,..r '/)', ------------------~~ -::::-:S:-=-=-=-:=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-:=-=-Z"":--if ---~------------~--7 ~----~----'--------~--~ 1/,-,/" -~-:"'-:"'-"':---_~-':C--l .. ;;., .. ". ~-:-~-::= __ ~S~BDRA~~ T?,=.!~CH ~ S!::E AL J ::.RNA 1::.8 ;'&8 • SU3DRAIN INSTALLATION -Subdrain pipe sholl be install eel wi1 h perf oroi ions GO\'m or, at IOCOiions designated by the ge01eohnical consulton1, sholl be nonperfc;"aied pipe. o SU38RAIN TYP!:: -Subdroin type sholl be ASTM C508 Asbestos Cement Pipe (ACP) or ASTWI D2751. SDR 23.5 or ASTM D1527. Sc-h!:'dule-1<0 Acrylonitrile Butadiene· Sl'lri'nc: (ASS) or ASTiv', D303ll SDP. 23.5 or ASTiVl D1785. Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chiorid,' !'icsijc {PVC) pioe or approved equivaient. CANYON SUBDRAIN DETAIL C'7N=N/G=:O~CHNICAL GRADING AND EARTHWORK GUIDELINES. r I I I I '1 I I I I I .1 I I I I I I .1 I FILL SLOPE LOWEST BENCH: Depth and width subject to field chan~e based on cansuliant's inspect ion. SU2DRAiNAGE: 38Ck drains may be required at the discrei ion of th~ gcoiechnicol consulton~. _-j COMPACTED :-.:::;::. -------=-::-:...l FILL -=------:.:--=---: FILL OVER CUT SLOPE -.:-:=-:-=-=-=-=-~-;...-.=:----::-:--:::-"H - - - - --.-__ - - --' -...--=-l _-_-_-=--_-_-_-z-_--:.:-_-_...,.-~--..:.:-~-_1 ----_--<:-:.... __ . .. ----~..;.;...----:..?'J ~ .'/kJ"" ----~-~--~~-~ I ----:;::::... -::::'""-----=----~----:...-3( ... REMOVE UI\!SUIT ABLE N':'TURAL -=~~=0=~:=.i ,r--,,--\ GIi.OUND", __ ------------.~ ~ MATERIAL \ _ "'.--_-:-=--:;:=-?":-' '8rtr' I 4' /v'dN. BENCH .- _ ----.;:::...::==:--------rBENCH HEIGHT _ -i. - -~_:290Nlii\l_:_== (typical) VARIES -- -\ ----..-: ;;"""-:;;-;:,,--. -::,-:... .... ' _ .... -~15t MIN.~ --__ -,.. I LOVVEST BENCH I To be consiruc1ed prior to fill placement BENCHING DETAILS OYI':N/G-O~CHNICAL GRADING AND EARTHWORK. GUIDELINES r I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---NATURAL __ -- GROUND ~- . --"....---".... ----..---,..,.. --,..,.. --..-----..-./" ..-./" --r-FIN!SHED CUT PAD QVEREXCAVATE ./" ., r , AND RECOMPACT ~.../~-=-:::-=-=-':::-:::-':--'-_....f .; ,' .... "'''., .. ,,,,, (R:=PLACEMENT FILL) ---..;i-l.:-.:...--------7-~dZ .•..•..................... _. --"7''-1 -----~ ...:::... __ -~ -----::::::.-1 ""\" Pod overexcavation and r,eso:-npc:::iio:l OV ::?BURD::~I - ' ----I (MIN V--_*l . II' , "", . " . -' • _I~ ----.-,-'. . ,." " ,. sno De oenormeo 11 Oe1ermlt1eO 10 ...,~ U"ISUI-APL:: -------"----..--::1 " . , 1~1;TERIA~ u --=~~===?:-r~¥J=';;;;~-~~ be necessary by the geote:::hn.ical I -r:-.... consultant. , _ i!..! ---_-_-:c::.....:::::"'-=-_-'-::.ENCHING i I'~, --/-___ _ .......... -~ ---;=::...::=::::.=~----..:. UI lIr.l~A-H=~=D o=DROf"K OR J _-----=-r ~-W'~!:: J .-:,r'..... '-'_ " ~ '" L n·w·~-, M,L\TERIAL APPROVED BY ~ r TH::: GEOTECHNICAL COl'~SULTANT SUBDRAIN AND KEY WIDTH REQUIREMENTS DETERMINED BASED ON EXPOSED SUBSURFACE: CONDITIONS AND THICKNESS OF OVERBU?DEN SIDE HILL CUT PAD DETAIL ~~-------------------------------------------------------------------O'N':N/G~O~CHNICAL GRADING AND EARTHWORK GUIDELINES --'-r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NATURAL GROUND \ J.--------------5' L -----t·:. _ - _ -MIN. I t " UNWEATHERED BEDROCK OR ) r-MATeRIAL APPROVED BY ----1' / THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSUlTAr-..!T . NOTE: Deeper nverexcovat ion and recomDactior. shal I be performed if determinec to be necessary by the geolechnical consultant. TR·ANSITION LOT DETAILS OW=N/G~OT=:CHNICAL GRADING AND EARTHWORK GUIDELINES r I I I I I I I· ,I I I I I I I I I I I I SUEDRAIN' Perforated Ploe Surrounoed With AL TERNATE A: Filler M8terl81 I SU80RAIN 1 1/'2" Gravel Wrc;lped tAL T="NAT: 8: In Filter Faorle t 6" MIN. OVERLAP ~ ~~ ~\:. y / I//~~//\'" "r~7I! ---.-'l.!1 D # .,.~ ~._v--r: D, <;; rlL I::? F"",r:UC '\-\0 e. •• II I 0.. R -I ~ ~ \. \. "/'''~_ ..I' •. ~ (MI Ar '4C.-.:o"1~_"'" '. h'l~ .. , .---.-;...-;, ./ .?:; P OR APPROVEO -:.:t~' ::t l'~'"1 EDUIVAL.ENT '''\'6· /"I,i"\.' A~ernelC _-1"-.. 1 ~'" "'-..1 ,2·\,IAX.GRAVEL OR "'l1ernsle !:--2 APPROVED EOUIVALENT 9 f:. J/f:. • • FIL l::R MA ,::RIAL Filter matenal s:oall be Class 2 ::Jermeaole material per State 01 CalilOrm3 Slar.~arc SDeciflca1tom:. or a::;;::rovec alternate. Class 2 graolng as follows: Si::V::: SiZ::: i' 3/ t,.' 3/5' NO,4 No.8 No. 30 No. 50 No, 200 100 90-100 ~ 0-1·00 25-~O i 5-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 SU?,f)RAI~'J INS, ALL.ATlor·J -Suborain pioe sholl be instoiied with oerioraiions Gown or. at iocations desionaled by the geotechnicol consuitc~;, shell be nonperioraled pioe. SUSS-RAH'.! TY?:: -Subcirci:-. tyoe sholl h~ AS,lv\ C5Q3 ~.Sb~SiOS Ceineni ~iDe (AC':?) or ASI tit :J275,. SuR 22.5 O~ AST M ;)1527. Scheoduie ~O ;",:,~yionilriie GUlociiene Styreoneo (A?S) or ~.sll/, D3()3':: S::::;'R 22.S or AS, IV. D 1725. Scheduie 40 Poiyvinyl Chloricie ?iasl ic (PVC) pioe or c~prove.d ecuivaienl. -. -----------------------~--------------------------------- SUBDRAIN DETAIL atf':N/G-OT=:CHNICAL GRADING AND EARTHWORK GUIDELINES I . T I--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBDRAIN ALTERNATE A SUBDRAIN ALTERNATE B .;" MIN. DIA. NON-PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE FILTER MATERIAL >:/:::.' S" .MIN. DIA. PERFORATED PIPE (PERFORATIONS DOWN) T-CONNECTOR PROVIDE POSITIVE SEAL AT OUTlET PIPE/FABRIC FIt,. TER FABRIC I lMiRAFI 140 OR APPROVED I EOUIVALENT) II I 6N J:. 6" Mlli. OVERLAP .-----i{ r----I -' --.-.j J--I T SELECTED BEDDING BACKFILL RECOMPACTED FILL \ ')'/! + ~I -;1 ,c.-J PERFORATED PIPE r f;r- NON-PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE 'SUBDRAIN _t .;N MIN. NON-PERFORATED PIPE: OUTLET PIPE DETAIL SURDRAtr'l INST ALLATIO~J -Subdroin pipe sholl be installed with perforations down or, at locat ions designated by the geotechnical consultant, sholl be nonperforated pipe. SUBDRAlhl.TYPE -Subdrain type sholl ~ A5T h', C50B Asbestos Cemen1 Pipe (p.r?) or ASTM D27SI~ SDR 23.5 or ASTM D 1527. Schedule 40 Acrylonit r iie 8utodiene Styrene (ARS) or AST M D303il SDR 23.S or AST M D 1785, Scheciu!~ 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic (PVC) pipe or approved equivalent, - CAP (FOR ALTERNATE B) I-CONNECTOR D-ET AIL FILTER MA TERIA.L Fitler rnateri;:Jl shal! be .Class 2 permeable rna teria I per State of Calttornia Standard Specific a lions. or approved alternate. Class 2 grading as lollows' SEVE SIZE l' 3/'" 3/8" No.4 No.8 No. 30 NO. 50 No. 200 PERCENT P~SSING 100 90-100 .11 0-, 00 25-40 18-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 SUBDRAIN ALTERNATES I OW.aN/G=OT=:CHf\JICf-.L G~ADING AND EARTHWORK GUIDELINES r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIFICATIONS FOR CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL (CAL TRANS SPECIFICATIONS) Sieve Size ~ Passino '" 1" 100 3/4" 90-100 3/8" 40-100 No. 4 25-40 ti~. B 18-33 ilo. 30 5-15 No. 50 0-7 No. 200 0-3 Retaining Wall Finished Grade Floor Slab I I Y T I o 0 0 0 o o 0 o o o f) o 11 0 minimum " ~ ~ c f) o 0 o • • o 0 o o o . Class 2 Perme'able Filter aterial. Compacted to 90 percent relative density* • 0 p 0 0 6" Oi ameter perfora ted 1 0 pvc pipe (schedul~ 40 11 minimum---r=:...'_---l -or equivalent). Minimum Wall Footing' ~ 1 percent gradient to / suitable outlet ~~P,~/ ~V// i':inimL!!O 6" layer of filter rock beneath pipe *Based on ASTM 01557-82 RETAINING WALL BACKFILL AND DRAIN DETAIL I OYi=N/G=:O~CHNICAL GRADING AND EARTHWORK GUIDELINES r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AL. TERj~ h T E A --...___vr' n,' DR D'n' p. (I Y P.) ~:;:-.;' I.',t..>:. (TY? .r--' '-'5' t.lt..L (TYPo) ///--/u' .=///.= /p'':= /// -= /// == ..?-;/ -== ///-/// ~,:= //,;~ /// = ///-= #/ -/// -$'=// #/=- COMPETEtrt Mt..TE RI.t.:.l OR seDROCK ~ (.t.:.S DETER1,',INED BY THE. ENGI1,'E[RING GEOLOGIST OR SOILS EtJGINEER) IIDtr:S 1. ALl rill MUST SI ;'PPRDVfD EY .HL 501L!> f":;III£[!; ':'IID SKDUlD B[ COMPACTED .D ,.:i U':'Sl 5:::: RH;'TIVi. ((JMPAc.T 101; (;;'::11"1 0 1557-7D). 2.. 20lE J.. SHOULD COIISIST OF C.DMPACTEO SOIL FILL Dlay (NO ROC,: FI'AGMElITS OVER [, III(HrS IN M:"::II1UH 01 MENS I 011). 3. iOlle:" SHDU~D H:"V[ A MINIr".UI'. IHICr.I-/~S~ Df 15 i[[T (AS SKDUI;). BU1 r:USl [XTfl/D :. rLrr BLl 0 ..... 1 He Of fP [51 lJ1 I l 11 Y. lj. [xcrSSIVl OVfRSI2l RDU: CAl; S[ tJIlIORO ..... [O IN :"P.I:", AS ~K01Jl; III Al'P<>::..l[S I-, DR!:.. SLLlCl1Dlo' Df AL'IRII':"LS A DR b (AI; E~ MADL BY lHl r;';;lH:.'Ok,. [C::H,,,(loP,. or-rUI!JIIIC D'; 'Hi. 51T[ ClOI'.np.L 5. t'';'XIl1U~. SIZ[ "'lID SPAC.III:; or 'lJ1l10RO .... S SHDUlO BE I" "C[ORD"II([ \JIlK lHi. J;.EOV[ r ICUP.!:~ (;'lTH.- N:'TL~ I-, AIiD B). f.. VIlID"O:", SHOULD Bf Pll;([D Ih' I:r.r:'\'";""D 'Rl",[H!:~. J..PP-RDVlD r.R""UlJ:.P. ~ba (st':'D) ~H:JULD 5[ flOODlD II; lHf VIHDRD:.· .0 F III VDID~ I-,ROUl:D .. liD Sf>i[:.IH noc::.s. lID ROlY, fk:.~nlln~ OViF. 3 Hn III t'.:;,;uram DIMIII~IOh' ~HOULO El U~LO II; \JlI;DRD~·~. t. RDU, T'1P.LlM[I;i. fLooDII;r. or ,l.,PPRDVID r.kAIIUl:'p' fIll, .. tiD Fill rt:;'([rlll{l ~HOULII EL (D>-:lI1IUDLlHT III~P[(lLD BY ,Hi C[OlL[H"IC.Al [tiLINIH •• STANDARD COMPACTION AND ROCK PROBLEM DETAIL I -OWiN/G-OT=:CHNICAL GRADING AND EARTHWORK GUIDELINES r I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I AS-GRADED GROUND SURr-ACE~ '" ------~----------------~----~--------------, " -, ' . . . . . .. , , ' ~ --' , -, SOIL FILL . -, , -... . . , , --.... -, , _ . .t. . ,-, ',-'," '.' -'. ' '-'-"'" :,-:,.'. .. _' _. SOIL FILL '_ "'\ -, 12' 'compacted thickness e., ' -'~o rocks over 3" e. MIRAFI 700X .. '.-r-.~ ::',:-:, " :.7.· .. :...· .. : :-, -~_ .. ' in diameter ,-:. ~ ~./or equivalent) ROCK FILL DETAIL ALTERNATE· 2 I o\¥':~/G=O"ECHNICAL GRADING AND EARTHWORK GUIDELINES r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SLOPE FACE GRANULAR SOIL To fill voids, densified by fiooding PROFILE ALO~JG Wl~JDROW --------------' --' - -------------- ----'--- '1,·:··::·r--\·,::,:,,-, -' ". "--,,,.:: >" . ....... '.' ...... ::: .. - -... r--..[ ..... ·:·u·:· . :: :.; .... "",\Y/'<'" ----,--------- ROCK DISPOSAL DETAIL . '.=.':: ' . . ... OW=N/G=:O~CH[\J1CAL GRADING AND EARTHWORK GUIDELINES r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AS-GRADED GROUND SURFACE~ ..., • j • • .&. \. . SOIL FILL' - ~COMPETENT MATERIAL~ Supac 6W Mirafi 700 ( 0 r e qui val e ht) ROCK FILL DET AILAL TERNA TE 1 C7N':N/G-OI-CHNICAL GRADING AND EARTHWORK GUIDELINES I - T I' I I I I I I I I I I I, I II i I I I I I 'I PLATE 1