HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 83-01; MONARCH PLACE; ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS REPORT; 1981-09-21• • A C 0 U S TIC A L A N A L Y S S TENTATIVE MAP FIL)NG TENTATIVE TRACT NO. "75-7 REP O-R T 120 CONDO~II N I UM UNIT DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT THEI-NTERSECT ION OF E L CAM I NOR E A LAND LEV ANT EST R E E TIN THE CIT Y 0 F C A.R L S BAD- PREPARED FO:R SHAPELL INDUST~IE~ OF SAND/EGO ~NC. 9787 AERO DR1VE, S~ITE B SAN DIEGO~ CALIFORNIA 92123 (714) 56-0--9987 SEPTEMBER 21, 1981 -~~ .' >' - " .' ,. • T A 8 L E o F CON TEN T S '. Page' EXECUTI VE S U ~1 MAR Y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .-. • • ~. ., • • _. • • • • • • -. 'r i Env i ronmenta I Sett i ng •••••••••••••••••••••••• '.', ••• J I Noise Impacts ••••••••••••••••••••• ~i& ••• ~ ••••• ;~. 2 I J I • M• t' t' . 1 I 9 a Ion •••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••• ':-" .. I V • Ref ere nee 5 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • !.. • • • • • • • • • .~. '7 IV. Attachments Plot plan with cross-section sample •••••••• q·.-; A-l CNEL contour pri ntout , topography •• ' ••. ~ ••• ,' .•••••• A-2 Barrier attenuation VS'. fresnel No ••••.••••••••• A-:-3 Traffic flow diagram ••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••• A~4' .. , • E X E CUT I V E S UM M A 'R Y ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING GENERAL DESCR I PT ION: The 8.83 acre 5 I te I s loca.ted qt the , I n t er sec t Ion 0 f E L Cam i' noR e a I and L e'v ant eSt r e e t. E 1 C cl-ln i n 0 Real Is located below the grage of thep("oject. Traffic Noise Description: The presel)f Average Dally Tr:-1p'loads (ADT) on EI Camino Real and Levante Street are 1.1,800 an.d 2,500 respectively. The EICamino Real AOT wf.ll gro'w a't approximately, 10% per year. Levante Street ADTgrowt,h ca,nn'ot beac¢urately predicted. Shopping Center Noise: Ash 0 P pin g, c e n t e r Is', I 0 C a t'e d g d, J ace n t,t 0 the pro j e c t , how eve r , r 0 uti n e n 0 i sed i s.t u r ban c· e is, not anticipated. NOISE IMPACTS Traffic NQ/se: Because of th~ elevation and setback distances of. the res ide n c est h e cum u I a t I vee f fee t s 0 fin c r 8,<;\ se, d v e h .i c'u I a r activity will not affect residents. S hop pin 9 C e n t erN 0 i 5 e : Com mer cia I v e h i cui a,r 9'P eT a ti 0 n s w i 1.1 (lot' significantly impact residents. ,MITIGATION T r a f f i c N 0 i s e : B e c a use 0 f the to p 0 'gr a p h ic (,I I a t t e:n ua t I 'on n 0 m' I t i gat ion i s n e c e s s a r y for com p I ian c e with ex i s, ti n g,a n d applicable noise standards. Shopping Center Noise: The occasional nuisance noise' created. by co~mercial activity does not require mitigation. I i .,' '--. ~ j J N T R 0 D,U C T JON THIS ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS REPORT IS PREPARED PURS~UA~t T'O IRE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD NOISE ELEMENt TO THE GENE~Al '> PLAN IvlANDATED BY THE CALIFORNIA NOI,SE IN LAND'USE PLANNIN-G ACT .. , THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IS A ZONE CHANGE AN~ ~TRACT' M~P (~O. 75-7) FOR 120 CONDOMINIUMS AND 273 PARKING SPACES. E N V RON MEN TAL SET TIN G The 8.83 acre site is bordered to the we$t by EI Caril'!no' Real and '- to the south by Levante Street. As i~dicated on ,t~a'attached' . . site plan (tentative tract NO. 75-7) the land cont-ol,lr v,ar'·les-in he i gh t from 100 feet m ea,n sea 1 eve I {r.l Sl) a-to t'/')e -north e-or n'er to 72 feet at the south corn·er of the property •. The roadway. g,r·aqe h e i g h t s v a r y fro m 56. 4 fee t to 85 fee t • S eve r a lsi n 'Q I,.e -f a·.m: i J y dwell ings are located immediately 'east of the site. the property is v~getated with wild grass and severa,1 small trees a'iong the perimeter. None of this vegetation ~easureably ~ffect~ noise pro p a gat ion 0 nth e 5 i tea n d w I 'I I not rem a·j n o'n -sit e . aft, e r grading. The proposed development will consist of 12.0 m:u_lt.lple-fartllly d)/ell ings and 273 parking spaces • .. ---. ---"--- I..c.ll~ No I sa Oescr I pt I g'D The present Average Da II y Tr i pi oads (APT) on E I Cam I n6 Rea I a:n,d Levante Street are approximately 11,800 (appro.ximately 6'%-t·rucks> '> and 2,500 respectively. The E.I Ca.min.o 'Real -ADT :wi II grow ·a.t . a p pro x I mat ely 1 0 % per yea r for s eve r a lye a r s ~ L e v~ n t e A:O· T . growth 15 dependent on many t,actors., th~refo·re, ,I t ca·nn9·t be I" ac,curate·1 y pred i cted, however, growth I s not ex.pec.ted. to be . . significant. Vehlclliar traffic' gener.ated by the project will be ~ppro~imately 960 dai Iy trips assuming 8 trips per dw.lll~g unit 1 <. ref: W i I I dan ass 0 c I ate s; San Die g 0 C A ). The s :pe e d lim: i t ,o,n EI ·,Camlno Real Is approximately 45 mph, and· 35 mph o,n Leva:nte. The F H WAH I G H W AY T R A F F I C NO I S E PRE D I C T ION MOD E L, $N A Pl. 0 2 w a $ used In co~juctlon with peak hour (4:30 to. 5:30 PM ) on~ ho~r a v era g e , A -wei 9 h ted, Sou n d Level mea sur e ri1~ n t 5.' 'M e a $ u r e'm en t. ~ w ere taken with a calibrated M.etrologer 306dB .tim:e ·integrating, spuriq I eve I met e r 4 0 fee t fro m the c e n t e r' 0 f the n e a re s t w ~ s·t r' an e 0 f EI' Camino Real. EXisting COMMUNITY NOrSE EQU1VIL~Kt LEVELS (CHELl ARE SUMMARIZED ON THE ATTACHED TABLE. A £ommerclal complex is located adjacent to the hcrthwesf corner , oft h e pro j e c t ,s I t e. I n g res s ~ n d . e g res s 0 f . pat r. 0 nan d com m er cia I . vehicles will generate noise but because loading cfocksand ·r-sfu.s.e ~Ick~up are not located immediately adjacent to'thepr~Jett, routine noise disturbance Is not ~nticipat.~. 2 l' t I ~I I I NO I SE MPACTS The cumulative effects of In'crease,d vehicular' activ'ity whl not '> s i g n i f I can t I Y a f f e c t res Ide n t sad j ace n t toE f. Cam i h Q R e,a I ., The low ADT on Levante $,treet and the t'r.'aff it .ge,nerated by t~he project will a I so' not si gn if i cant I y affect res i d:ents. The o v era I I Inc rea sed AD T .i sex p e c ted t 0 b e .c 0 m p a.f i b .I ,e U e. I I e'S s than 65 dB CNEU with ex I sti n9 surround I'ng re's i dent'i all an·d use'. teat-tiC Hgtse lmpacts The surface transportation noise Is-sl!mmar.i4,edln the following table as Community Noise Equivelent Levels from 55 to: 80 decib,els i n 5 dec I be I Inc rem e n t s.P e a k 'h our so un die v e·1 -mea s' u r ~ m e n,t s , --, - discussed above indicate that the$e lev,ls are fepre~entatJve ~+ actual conditions. As Indfcatvd by the calcutations, f~eCNEL values caused by the "project generated trips" wlil' increa~e b'ut not signifIcantly. Met hod s 0 f E val u at ion and E q u' I pm en t : The F H \fA. f .r a e'" f J e'l d' , ad jus t men t 3 f or de pre sse d r 0 ad way sis a I so c a I c u'(a ta d below. A sound level pro~agatlon factor of "5 was assumed from t'he roadway to the bar r j e r sin c e the 9 r 0 un. d co v e .r and ,I and 5 cap I ng ,w 1,1 I ' b e - planted. The attenuation of traffic noise cau.sedby barr'ler Insertion-: 3 .'. , '-'-r ,-... ', -...... ,. :-.. -- los s was c a I cui ate d wit h the F H 'II A bar r \i ~ r i h s e r t i on f O's.S formula 3 • With this formula the path length difference ls ~etermlned by subtracting the distance travelle~by a 500. her~z sound wave over the barrier from. the shortest distance. between >. the sou r c e ( t r a f f I c ) and the r eel eve r ( t h· e . r es I'd e n c eat· e a c h cross-section.) The Fresnell Number which iSl:Ised to 'det,er:'min~ the bar r I era t ten u a t ion fro m the' I e a s t -me a, n s "" s qua red 'd a"tq sup P I led b y the F H W A ( d e r I v e d fro m Mae k a w a,. 1 960 4) I 5 ,d'e f. t ned ,~S. fol lows: FRESNELL NO; =.2 X DELTA/ LAMBDA ~/HERE DELTA = PATH LENGTH, DIFFERENCE WHERE LAMBDA ~ WAVELENGTH IK FEET Sin c e I a m b d a for a 5 0 0 h z w' a v e = 2 f t , the. F: res n:e -1"1 Numb e r-Ls e qua Ito del t a a t 5 0 a h zan d can· the ref 0 reb e re a (f d Ire t I y ·f r o·in the graph attached. A cross-section of"' each repre.senta'tlye pad elevation in relation to the road grade wasanalyz'e:d to de'termine the C N E L ate a c h res ide n c e with 0 uta w a I I or ~. q r r i e r • . Wh e·n . residences are exposed to CNEL values ~reater than permjt~ed by existing and applicable regulations or s~andards they are, re-. e x a min edt 0 c a I u c I ate the nee e s s a r y w a I I '.0 r . ·b a r r I e~r h e i 9 h t necessary to achieve compl iance. TOPOGRAPH I CAL ATTENUAT ION FOR' CROSS-·SECT·! ON:$' A THROUGH F A= 6.1 dB D= 13.1 dB B= 1203 dB .E= 500 dB 4 C= 12.1 d'S F = 5 •. 0 d'B • ADJUSTED CNEL AT RES JOENCES FOR CHOSS-SEcr,IONS; A TIiROUGH F A= 55.9 dB D= 47.9 dB B= 50.7 d'S E= 57.0 dB C= 4'9.9. d'B F:;: 55 .• 0 dB Commercial vehicular activity especlal-Iy at. nigh·t an,d j·n the ea.rly morning hours may occasionall.y cau's·.e· transi.tory 'nuisance noise. However, since loading and u'nloadin~ oper·atio:.ns are not " . concentrated near the residences, th i s'i s· n'ot a sl gn If i ca;rtt. I m.pact. MIT I GAT I 0 ~ Due to the elevation of the residences above· the ~Qad.ay, ~~e unit setbacks, and the rei atively low AQT, res.ld·ents. w·i II be out sid e 0 f the 60 dB C N E L con t 0 u.r a n.dw i I I not .b e s i .g n i f J Cern fly affected by tr:-affic noise, therefore NO MITIGATION IS' RECOMt4END EO. Occasional nuisance noise cau$e~ by commercial actJvlty should ~e reg u I ate d b Y m u n I c I p a I cod e. . S 0 un d T ran s m iss 10 n. Co n fTO I has drafted noise legist.ation for severat 'Cal iforn·j'a: citlesan,d would 5 .' . ·--' .. be pIe a sed to d I c us 5 5 U c has 51 stance wit h 'Ci ty . of -tar I' $ bad-. Officials. NO OTHER MITIGATION IS RECOf'<lMENDED. JAMES E. DUKES .. ,. 6 i I I i e' " REF ERE N C ES ~ . 1. Wilidan Associates, San Diego, CaHfornl~: Potent'ial Traffic Imp act s Fro m rot 0 n arc h P I ace 0 eve lop men t : S e p'te m b E? r 1 6 , J 981 ,. 2. F.F Rudder, JR. and D.F. Lam: User's fvlaoual: F·HWA Hf.ghway Traffic Noise Prediction Model" SNAP 1.0: January 1979~ . . " 3. Simpson,M.A.: "Noise Barrier' Attenuation.; Flel:d Experience", U • S • 0 epa r t men t 0 f T ran s p 0 r tat ion, 'F e d era r .' ·H I g_ hw-a y Administration, Report No. FHWA-RD-76-·54., Fe·bruary 1976.":. ,':' , 4 • F • F. R u d d e r , JR. , 0 • F. Lam, and P • 0 h:u eng: U; s e, r 0 s· r.ta n ua I : FHWA Level 2 HIghway Traffic noise 'PredicTion 'Model,' Sta'mln'a 1.0': May 1979. , , 7 '. .' ..•. --.. ~-.---.---------------.-' J-.. , /. " , . ~. ....' / P08110/1f ' '<AI tJ.II.c"U •• oe..U.U.11'OJJOIIOI\a.' .... OnILOrMn ~ lU" 111. IU.&na ,Lt.c:I "''' Vu..r.ua, 0. ~I.U nJ.C1' no' UloUt uaUI tIU U",. ~"',UACU' ~., "UICI.:IU.aw.rn'~'"'ll'C'1: .: .. .,n 'UCU IIOCWDU Joe D)YI .... ~-40A~~~ -AIoO~w.'rOll'f~T~ ~ .. "..,L.o .l.&UJ.L WIn ... ', IIC., .... Ilt:CO. u. IIol"Ot,.~tlt."'''L~.''" <IQ)o)iUI,un.-.,..,," ~ /,1 " lLII<ll\ISTILI"t1t'_~.-.:::. C .1.· .. ; ( _ LI.,IIoIU ••• II1..... ~Vtt~~ ~=;I~ tlln ... ~~~~~ t.~~'~ II OJIIC • .,.~.~ .~: '_" •• -.4.......,. .. ,40 ~.~~,~ •. :~j. !~i~· .. ° ~. ':.;' .:~ < .u.loJarr~'!t.~!t .. ,.r.nc~'"su o.,~ \L' .~:.:~~: .. ~): :?:;·.(;~.;j~.~~~.::.:::~~~.i:.~ .. :~~ :T:ENfAii1jE:L~;,~:ACT'·MAP. .. bF~·K4'bN'ARCH: ~LACE;··· " -~ '. '.: ; , ; , .. ~'.'. "i"." ~ .... ..:,: ". ~. . . .'. .,.,.... '0,; .,'.,,".' '..' / o$~CrJO/lj 3S r 12$ 'e; _"" • '-;'yy Nt1r",,~ I .{ "".' . ;.1 -, --,:,'.' --.. -;'" 'I .!' ;. .t ! . LQ<t ~25'Gf!EEN: VALLEy' KNOLLS 0$&101 ",: r: " . '" ;,' ~ ,''''. " : .' t "~~ ~ 0:-':' I' ''I(htt):'' ~ ~~ I UNTAT7Ye rMC[4frt?C-NtrAtrC/i nACI! , " Wl.Nlr(Q_I/JIt~Natrl$IIrlPJU::T_; ;' rAG,I'",c. ' ... : r ~I¥KI , " 5"1Vr~.ciiErK/~ tV" StfNP/~r10.M: ' t·· ~'I' 4~P MlYI: $~ It $,f)/ Pil:_ at,3ZIZ.$ 1tL(7H)N;-PR, ~"y, (Ng8 ="~-_~ ~ :-'::~~b"'H'''''''' :. ~ 1..zO·11 S'~-<T UtA Wi, .,... , .,.,--,-"--"---------.--~~-- , , ',r .. ~L PRO..JECT:MCtNARCH PLACE DATE:9/21/81 , PROPAGATION FACTOR: 15 , STREET YEAR ADT 55 DB • CNEL IjONTOllR,DISTANCES IN "FT .,' (;'0 rIB 65 DB, 70 Dl;! '75 DB ,:30 , .' ------------------------------------------------~---~-------------------~-- EL CAMINO REAL AT LEVANTE STREET I NTERSECT ION, 1981 11800 67 304 141 66 30 '14 7 '> EL CAM IN':) REAL AT LEV ANTE STREET INTERSECTION 1985 17569 68 397 184 85, 40 18 ,9, " LEVANTE STREET " 19::11 2500 58 74 34 16 7 3 ,2 CAMINO REAL CROSS-SECTION A/NO BARRIER rlELTA A B d .0596695 89.2693 26. :3002 l'16.0l ~. c. R. CRO:3S-SECT I ON B/NO BARRIER DELTA A 'B d • 8~:7753 ::=6.3134 11.9269 97 •. 4025 ::.C.R. CROSS-SECTION C/NO BARRIER' DELTA A Ef d .780266 96.7655 11.9261;;> t07.91,2 ::. -C. R. CRO:3S-SECT I ON D/NO BARRIER DELTA A B d .993286 111. 15~: 11.9269 122.091 ::.C.R. CROSS-SECTION E/NO BARRIER DELTA A B d 5. 64575E-04 93.6216 26 .. 8002 120.421 .- :.C.R. CROSS-SECTION F/~O BARRIER DELTA A B q 8. 69751E-04 110.856 27.7714 .138.6126 'I , Observer height is: measured' frorn the' t~Jerence pla·ne: "position (+) above, ths, plane and n~gative (-) ~elow the plo,!e :' , : ~! i * , , ; • ! I : I" . ._ ** The path length di fferenc,e a mustl?e'cckulated to tW0signHicorit, fi.gures .• ' , If pcth length difference <3 is negative (-), 'adjustment is equel to Z'~ro.: * ** For Trucks odd +3 dB to vol ue given by Figure C-1 • I Plane i ! . i , J J !. .}'.~ . i , ," I" i, ,.-' ;' ". ',-t :,: ---'--, - .-.....-..-. __ . !J;. I c..J • ; , -. ~ ~ dB ' i i 7'1 . J "°1 . -, ' '.-'C . 7' -~--~.-- • 251 L 7 '! , .----_ .. ~.---~"""=-2ol . I . '. : 1---. UPPER LIMIT IS 20 dB FOR fHWA LEVEL 2 ~:. I .................... ~ ............... . ..... - ~ -. p :z: .S· .:~ .~. 151 . I ;1' I -'I ..:. , :-.! --.::...- II( --- III: -, ~ . . 1°1 I :4iIfP -.! -I -I '-.. ----., 1 -". '.' .' --, ----' -'-_.----5 --[Iff', ,-" -- -• _ 4 " ::;;. c,"::': hi. f : -=. ,,' _ -_ · ---_---', H_ . '-;--.:---,' 0" _ " ':1 .:..=-:'-.-. ' .. -"-'-0 0 ,--, _ -:-:::....,._" ., ' • 1 .. 0.01 _ q __ , ~O,.l ~O!'~ .~ ~ 0.1 '-~'-=---' .. ;-,-1 . rl)' __ -..;.,' -'--' , i-~o ~ ;' ,\,. -.-'.'---~'--.::.:..- ~ , . ',. l'~~L ~ ,R' i '---'--, -;-- :~~ FIGURE A-4. 8ARRiER'=ArTENUATlOO 'AS A'FUHcTION6F~E " , , FRESNEL ',WNBERF:OR :OIFFRACTI0N' ' . " . ~--.:.....-~ .. , .":. , . '--', --. I -... '}-'. -- j i : i , , [ : !Iii t, ! -[.:1 --_I" ,-'''-.-'\ ." ,----:-. \ I . . , . ! -,'-" I ,_ 'S' -:"'=-~' ,I J , " c:\ l ., -. -_'j' ::-;;-: ~ ~il . ," . ....:. -',' t\: , ,'" \ 'I " ,'" "t , : .I, ., " ~ J' ii ~, ~ , j'1: . , ' .-f' :1 ~ 1'. , ~ . -.. " + • -----_." .• . _--2_ .. _'~ ___ .~ ......... _. '" ---.. -•.• _ •. , 522/0/2132 _!. ~. I '". .- ", :", ~ ... " .;", .. ...... " '.;. 1 L 51122172,: '> ....I <t w a:: 0 z -~ « u --l W 478/0119531 LEGEND EXISTINGI PROJECT I FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ---' --. _.-.. ----_. t .• 2·4111146 + 57/25.1 JOS ." r· ,f'LE:VANTE 3T. 142/62/199 . ',.,',' ...... : I ' '. -.' .' wILtDAN. ASSOCIAr:ES. ANT-I'CIPA'TED TUR'NING '·VOLUMES. . . . FI~Gl"'RC'" '1,,1 . ."' .. , '-.. ... --," , -I ~ :::' '"