HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 83-04; WINDSONG SHORES PHASE 1; REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION; 1988-03-15/. 9. I ·1 d I 1 1 1 , I I ~\..'I~ i I I -. I t ,!' \ \"Ii i : I \ 0 I \. I I I ~ 1 i .'. t , ~~ I r ! -. t t. (-:t"'1 , 1 .. . 1.,' l'",c L .. I I I [ j---: I." t.#l ~ U D r .'. L:. i L L • REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION WINDSONG SHORES SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF HARBOR DRIVE CARLSBAD, CAlIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: Sears Savings Bank 701 North Brand Boulevard Glendale, California 92103 PREPARED BY: "'0-, ' \.1 J..U (,.))ft~ r APR O? 7988 SUR !I£v'Z't1 'n I1f .. ?, INC. \ . Southern California Soil & Testing,/Ine. , Post Offf ee Box 20627 ,~:- .' 6280 Rf verda 1 e Street :~~ i ,,' . San Of ego" Calf forni a 921.'20 ~~" '/ ' , [ I' Ll [';~ :'~i U n I ~ .. .;;; .:::.: D . ; , {; I I ~ 1:':' ;~ , C l, ~ill E ., '" D • m f.TIl I··: .:~ , I I I l .•• _ L ... ', .... -,', SOUTHERN CAL.IFORNIA SOIL. AND TESTING, INC,', . . 6280 RIVERDALE ST. SAN DIEGO, CALIF'. 92120 • TELE 2ao~4321, • P.O. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF'. 92120 678 ENTERPRISE ST. ESCONDIDO. CAL.IF". 9202'~ • TEL.E 746'4~44 March 15, 1988 Sears Savings Bank 701 North Brand Boulevard Glendale, California 92103 SCS&T 8821027· Repor~ No. 1 .'\ Report of Geotechnical Investigation, Windsong Shores, Southern Terminus of Harbor Drive, Carlsbad, California. SUBJECT: Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have compl eted a geotechnical investigation for the subject project. The findings and recolmlendations .of our study are presented herewith. In general, we found the site suitable for the proposed development provided the recommendations presented in the attached report are followed. If you have any questions after reviewing the findings and recommendations contained in the attached report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. & TESTING, INC. P4 -5i4;: Daniel B. Adler, R~C.E. #36037 I Gordon Seitz, Project Geologist cc: en1& ~ Curtis.'R. Burdett, C.E.G. '1090 ~. SOUTHERN J N C. , ! , ~ t .. ,.~ !.; 1-,,; D n I " " G 'Ii .'Y. L I I I [ r.~ rPJ E D .. n .-," l i I i I l_ TABLE OF CONTENTS "-'Introduction PAGE and Project Description •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 , - Project Scope ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 .. Fi ndi ngs •....•.•.•.••••..•.........•...••......•••.........•...••... !I ••••• 3 Site Description •••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ General Geology and Subsurface Conditions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Geologie Setting and Soil Description •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Tectonic Setting .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••• 4 Groundwa ter ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ••••••••••••••••• 4 Geol~ogi c Hazards •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 Genera1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••• 5 Groundshak i ng •••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••• ' •••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 Conclusions and Recomendations ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Genera 1 ................................................................. 7 Grading ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.•••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••• 8 Site Preparation •••..•.•.••••••••..••••.•••••••••••.••.•••••••••• 8 Surface Drainage ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 Earthwork ••••.•.•.........•.•..............••.••...•.... ~ .•••••••• 8 51 ope Stabf 1 i ty ....•••.....•...............•.................•.•.•••• '. 9 General ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••.• ~ ........ 9 Temporary Slopes ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 Foundations •••.••••••.••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• 9 Genera 1 ••••••••• :-: .... :-. ~ ••• -~ : •••• : •••••••••••••••• ' ••••••••••••••••• 9 Reinforcement .••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Foundation Excavation Observation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Concrete Slabs-on-Grade ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Settlement Characteristics •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l1 Expansive Characteristics ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 Foundation and Grading Plan Review ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ll Earth Retaining Structures ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11, I Passive Pressure •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 Acti ve Pressu re ••••••••••• e • e • e e ••• e • e • e e,', 'e e • e •••• e e e •••••• ~ • e •• 11 Backff 11 ••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• --:.1 ••••••••••••• # •• , •••••• 12 I - Factor of Safety ....................... :.; ............... : ..... ,. .13 Limitations •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 Review, Observation and Testing •••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 , [ i L~ F D ~ ~ f1 ' . ,. ~ ~ [ L I I 8 .:€. . C ~ r-l~t ,"j __ 1 D .. D 8 ,: :: i '- L L TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) PAGE ". Uniformity of Conditions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 , . . Change in Scop~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 Time Limitations ••••••••••••• ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 Professional Standard •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 Client's Responsibility •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 , Fi el d Expl orati ons •••••••••••••••••••••• ' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 Laborat"'ery Testi n9 ...•.•.•.•.....•...•......•.•••.•. ~' •••.••••.•• ' ••.•••••• 16 ATTACHMENTS FIGURES Figure 1 Site Vicinity Map, Follows Page 1 Figure 2 Active Pressure Diagram, Page 12 PLATES Plate 1 Plate 2 Plot Plan Subsurface Exploration Legend Plate 3-12 Trench Logs Plate 13 Grain Size Distribution Plate 14 Plate 15-16 Plate 17-18 Plate 19 Plate 20 Plate 21 Expansi on Index Test .. -...... -. Direct Shear Summary Single Point Consolidation Tests Consolidation Test Slope Stability Calculations Retaining Wall Subdrain APPENDICES ' . " . A-Previous Site Investigation Plates ',~~ .. : B-Recommended Grading Specification and Special P~qvisions I :-.t ! \~ .. , .' , I , .. -~ I··" ...... f 0 m I r; .. " ~ .:.~: lJ I I I C ~ .Il! C 'j B H [~ ~ I 1 L I I 1- .. ':,. • SOUTHERN CAL.IF"ORNIA SOIL. AND TESTING, INC. 62BO RIVERDALE ST. SAN DIEGO, CALIF". 92120 • TEI.E 2BO'4321 • P.O. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO', CALIF". 92120 6 7 B • E N T E R P R I S EST. ESC 0 N 0 I 0 0, CAL I F". 9:Z 0 :z 5 • TEL E 7 4 6 • 4 5 4 4 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION WINDSONG SHORES SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF HARBOR DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the subj ect proj ect to be 1 oca ted at the southern termi nus of HarborDri ve in the City of Carlsbad, California. The site location is shown on the vicinity map provided on the following Figure Number 1. It is our understanding that the site will be developed to receive a condominium complex consisting of two-story and three-story structures over single level underground parking garages. Shallow foundations as well as conventional slab-on-grade floor systems are antiCipated. From conversations with the project's structural engineer, it is our understandin~ that maximum column loads will be in the order of 470 kips. Maximum perimeter and i nteri or conti·nuous footi ngs will be approximately 8,700 plf and 14,400 plf, respectively. Masonry retaining walls up to 12 feet high are proposed. With the except; on of cuts for the underground . . parking garage,. grading will be minor and consist ·of cuts and fills less than five feet deep. / .~4 ( To assist in the preparation of this report, we were provided with a set of undated archi tectural drawings prepared by Lorimer Case Archi tects. tn addition we have reviewed the following reports: ~ .... ~ .. SOUTHERN CALIF"ORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. , I ' .... :f ";i~ t .. ~ B n I r-~ :. [ I I n ~ c ~ L; .. ~ ,;:1 D 0 ..... \ [~ .,. ',- .', ~~ L' l .. SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 2 'if.. '. 1) "Up-Dated Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Windsong Shores"; Souther~ California Soil and Testing, Inc.; November 4, 1983. 2) Phase II Soils Investigation for the Proposed Carlsbad Condominium Villas, Prepared by Southern California Testing Laboratory, Inc •. ,· dated July 25, 1972. 3) Geologic Hazards Report, Papagayo SUbdivision, Carlsbad Tract 72-13; Prepared by Southern California Testing Laboratory, Inc.; dated March 24, 1975. Where appropriate, findings presented in said reports were incorporated to this study. The site configuration and approximate locations of .our subsurface explorations are shown on Plate Number 1 of this report. PROJECT SCOPE The i nvesti gati on consi sted of: surface reconnaissance, subsurface explorations, obtaining representative disturbed and undisturbed samples, laboratory testing, analysis of the field and laboratory data, research of available geological literature pertaining to the site, and preparation of this report. More specifically; the intent'of'this'anaiysis was to: a) Explore the subsurface conditions to the depths influenced by the proposed construction. b) Evaluate, by laboratory tests, the pertinent engineering properties of the various strata which will influence the developinent, i ncl udi ng thei r beari ng capaci ti es, expansi ve characteristics, settlement potential • "' ..•. ; .. c) Describe the/ general geology at th~A" site includi'ng possible geologic hazards which could hav~" an effect on A the site development. , r I.';: r': ~"1 0 0 ~ "-·i' G [ I I I [ i' k .. ~m E U n [~ j.. l L_ L • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 3 , . d) Develop soil engineering criteria for site grading. e) Address potential construction difficulties and prOvide reconmendati on's concerning these prob1 ems. f) Reconmend an appropriate foundation system for the type of structure anti ci pated and develop soi 1 engi neeri ng desi gn criteria for the recommended foundation design~ FINDINGS SITE DESCRIPTION '. The project si te consi sts of a nearly rectangul ar shaped parcel of 1 and, approximately ten acres in size, that is l.ocated in Carl sbad, California. The site is bounded on the north by residential property and the Harbor Dri ve cul-de-sac, on the east by Interstate 5, on the south by Agua Hedionda lagoon, and on the west by the A.T. and S.F. railroad tracks. The site consists of an essentially level northern portion ranging from 125 to . 230 feet in width bounded by the south-facing slope which has a slope ratio of approximately 2 to 1 (horizontal to vertical distance) and a maximum height of 50 feef:-On:site e'levations "ran-g'e from-10 'feet "CMSL) along Agua Hedionda lagoon to approximately 60 feet (MSL) on the level northern portion. A small cut and fill pad has been graded at the top of the eastern portion of the slope. This has resulted on a 1.5:1 fill slope extending to an estimated height of ten feet. There are soil stockpiles up to five feet in height located along the top of the slope east of Harbor Drive and on the eastern portion of the si teo Vegetation consi sts of a 11 ght to heavy growth of grasses, a fruit and palm tree orchard with bamboo on the western porti on and a heavy growth of shrubs and a few trees on the south facing slope. ., ..... I j I GENERAl GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS . ~-' . , GEOLOGIC SmING AND SOIL DESCRIPTION: The subject lot is located in the Coastal Plains Physiographic Province of San Dieg9 Countj and is underlain . ~" !. . ~)'1 "1::" F~ i i i L l .£. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ~ SOIL & TESTING,INC. ~indsong Shores BY: DBA DATE: 3-14-88 JOB NUMBER: ,"8821027 Plate Uo. 1 ( .:: 1".:; ( 0 0 ~ ,J. ~·'II [ , . [' ~ I I I [ ~ W. L n ,I! [j r~: ... ;.:.; I i 1.- I L '"\ ' • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 4 .~.Q~ deposits of sedimentary origin. The sediments in the area of the proposed buildings consist of Quaternary marine terrace deposits comprised . of reddish brown and yellowish brQwn, hUllid, to moist, medium dense, silty sands, s1.i ghtly silty sands and sands. Terti ary-age sedi ments of the Santiago Formation underlie the Quaternary materials at a depth of 14.5 to· . , 17.5 feet. The Santiago Formation consists of tan-gray, humid, dense to very dense, silty sandstone. End-dumped fill stockpiles exist along the top 'of the slope east of Harbor Drive. In-addition, a min~r fill slope ex'ists at the top of the eastern slope portion of the slope. TECTONIC SETTING: No fau1 ts are known to traverse the subject site. but it should be noted that IOOch of Southern California, including San Diego County, is characterized by a series of Quaternary-age fault zones whi,ch typically consist of several individual, en echelon faults that generally strike in a northerly to northwesterly di recti on. Some of these fau1 t zones (and the individual faults within the zones) are classified as active while others are classified as only potentially active according to . the criteria of the California Division of Mines and Geology. Active fault zones are those which have shown conclusive evidence of faulting during the Holocene Epoch (the most recent 11,000 years) whil e potenti ally acti ve fault zones have demostrated movement during the Pleistocene Epoch (11,000 to two million years before the present) but no movement during Holocene time. A review of available geologic maps indicate that the site is 0.25 mile southeast of a small unnamed faul t. In addi ti on, the Rose Canyon Faul t Zone is located 5-1/2 miles to the west. Recent earthquake activity along faults in the southern extension of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone indicates that thi s zone caul d be cl assi fi ed as acti ve. The recent sei smi c events along a small portion of the Rose Canyon Fault ~one generated earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or less. Other active fault -zones in the region that could possibly affect ~he site include the Coronad~ Banks'and San Clemente , ~ Faul t Zones to the west, the El si nore and San ~jaci nto Faul t Zones to the northeast, and tha Agua Blanca and San Miguel Fault Zones to the south. , r -, I ( :" I ;' ',' I':: 0 p ,I ~ ~ [-.. " r; ! I I G [ ~: " . . ~...: t~ D • 0 L~, I I 1.- L SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 5 "GROUNDWATER: No groundwater was encountered in our exploratory trenches but \1:,. "" ,. . perched water has previously been noted to occur along low-permeability . layers in the Santiago Formation during previous investigations. No major , ' groundwate!" problems are anticipated either during or after construction. However, it shoul d be recognized that mi nor groundwater seepage probl ems may occur after development of a site even where n~~e ,were present before development. These are usually minor phenomena and are often the result of an alteration of the permeability characteristics of the soil, an alteration in drainage patterns and an increase in irrigation water. Based on the penneability characteristics of the soil and the anticipated usage of the development, it is our opinion that any seepage problems which , . may occur will be minor in extent. It is further our opinion that these problems can be most effectively corrected on an individual basis, if and when they develop. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS GENERAL: The site is located in an area which is relatively free of potential geologic hazards. Hazards such as tsunamis, seiches, liquefac- tion, or deep-seated landsliding should be considered negligible or nonexistent. GROUNDSHAKING:, One of the most likely geologic hazards to affect the site is groundshaking as a resul t of movement along one of the faul t zones menti oned above. The maximum bedrock accel era ti ons that woul d, be attributed to a maximum probabl e earthquake occurring along the nearest portion of selected fault zones that could affect the site are summarized in the following table. TABLE I Maximum Probabl e "<',,' Bedrock Design Fault Zone Distan'ce Earthquake Acc;e 1 era ti on Acce 1 era ti on Rose Canyon 5.5 mil es 6.0 magnitude ~,. , 0.37 9 0.25 9 Elsinore 23 mil es 7.3 magnitude 0.23 9 0.15 9 Coronado Banks 20 miles 6.0 magnitude 0.13 9 0.09 9 San Jacinto 43 miles 7.8 magnitude .., 0.14 9 0.09 9 .. M~._ San Clemente 55 miles 7.3 magnitude 0.08 9 0.05 9 , t> I': I.'~ 0 C ~ ;j 5 "c L I I I , [ c m C n • n L 1 i I L, I I I L- SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 6 "- : 'E~rthquakes on the Rose Canyon or Coronado Banks Faul t Zones are expected '\ ' to be relatively minor. Major seismic events are likely to be the result . of movement along the Elsinore, San Jacinto or San Clemente Fault Zones. In addition, we have analyzed the fault zones which could affect the project ,site in order to determine the probability of gr,oundshaking of any given level. The individual faults and difterent fault ,zones have slip rates which have been calculated to range from very low to very high rates of activity. The foll owi ng chart sunmari zes our opi ni on of the probabil i ty of events which would result in associated maximum and -design-bedrock accelerations. Peak Acceleration Design Acceleration Probability of Occurrence 0.30 9 0.20 9 1 x 10 -3 0.25 9 0.17 9 1 x 10 -2 0.20 9 0.13 9 1 x 10 -1 0.15 9 0.10 9 5 x 10 -1 .--- 0.10 9 0.07 9 1 x 10 -0 Probability of occurrence is defined as the probability of any given event occurri ng duri ng the assumed 1 i fe of the proposed structures (SO years) which would occur in accelerations of that level. Experi ence has shown that structures that are constructed in accordance with Uniform Building Code Standards are fairly resistant to seismic related hazards. It is, therefore, our opinion that structural damage is unlikely if such b'uildings are designed and constructed in accordance with the' minimum standards of the most recent editi o~ of the Uniform Buil din9 Code. '\"";' ' i I '.~~ ( : ' . '" . -.. ~ . ~ , , '~ f .' "0' .~~1 1"'" 0 n ·1 I ~~!~! .:~~ ,_. L i ~ ~ I r ~ '11 [. k~ " .. r: G D !''' ... :' I , 1- L , • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . GENERAL In general, no geotechnical soil conditions were. encountered which would . . preclude the development of the site as presently proposed, provided the recommendations presented herein are followed. The main geotechnical consideration of site development is the cohesionless nature of the bul k of exi sti ng terrace deposi ts underlyi ng the si te at depths rangi ng from two feet to ten feet. Th is condi ti on will a ff ect the stability of temporary slopes as well as footing and utility line excavations. The terrace deposits at foundation levels have moderately ~o good foundation support characteris~ics. The Santiago Formation sandstones encollntered at an average depth of 15 feet below exi sti n9 grades have excellent foundation characteristics. Therefore, a substantial bearing capaci ty increase coul d be real i zed if the footi ngs woul d be founded in said sandstones. This will substantially reduce the footing sizes. Howev.er, . the increase in footing depth may result in increased sloughing of the excavati ons. RecolTIDendati ons for both a1 ternati ves are prov; ded herein. An' additional consideration is our experience with similar soil condi.tions which indicates that terrace'-deposits are highly heterogeneous and··that zones of porous material should be anticipated. Slightly porous deposits were encountered at proposed foundati on 1 evel sin only Bori ng Number 2. However, all footings should be observed by a representative from this office. If porous soils are encountered, deeper footings will be necessary. The site is underlain by topsoils and/or loose terrace deposits extending to a depth of one·foot. In addition relatively minor end-dumped fnl and a· . small fill slope exist at the eastern portion of ~he site. this ma~erial is considered unsuitable, in its present condition, for foundation support and . will requi re removal al')d repl acement as compacted·-~fill. Si nce most of the proposed improvements will be founded bel ow ~'rade, the extent of thi s operation will be very minor. ~ "-..:t,. " f- L,: F" t,;~~ 0 -, 0 I 6 .. :~ [ " v ,I I I C <F ii ~- I ~~ r.~ .. "J 0 H ,,' L l .. \ i 1- • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 8 "GRADING 't.... \ • SITE PREPARATION: Site preparation should begin with the removal from the , ' area of the site to be developed of existing deleterious matter and vegetati on. Exi sti ng topsoil s fill and loose terrace deposi ts shoul d be removed to firm natural ground. It is estimated that the average removal depth will be one foot. Firm natural ground is defined as undisturbed soil having a minimum in-place density of 85 percent as determined in accordance with ASTM 01557-78 Method A or C. The bottom of the excavations should be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, watered thoroughly and recompactedto at least 90 percent. The stockpiled soils should then be placed in thin compacted 1 ayers (uncompacted thi ckness of si x inches to ei ght inches) until desired elevations are reached. The existing minor fill slope at t~e eastern portion of the site should be removed or replaced as compacted fill or th~y should be restored to its original inclination. SURFACE DRAINAGE: It is recommended that all surface -drainage' be directed away from the proposed .structures and the top of slopes. Water -..... ponding should not be allowed adjacent to foundation. EARTHWORK.: All earthwork and gradi ng contempl ated for' si te preparati on should be accomplished in accordance with the attached Recommended Grading Specifications and Special Provisions. All special site prepara~ion recommendations presented in the sections above will supersede those in the standard Recommended Gradi ng Speci fi cati ons. All embankments J structural fill and fill should be compacted to at least 90~ relative compaction at or slightly over optimum moisture content. Utility trench backfill within five feet of the proposed structures and beneath asphal t pavements shoul d be compacted to minimum of 90% of its maximum dry densi'ty. The upper twel ve inches of subgrade beneath paved areas should be, compacted -to 95% of its . maximum dry densi ty. Thi s compacti on shoul d be ',' obta i ned by the pavi ng i .Jt.f. contractor just prior to placing the aggregate base'material and should not 'l.., • be part of the mass grading requirements. The maximum dry density ,of each soil type should be determined in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method 0-1557-78, Method A or C. ,. ! h·\ , ;~'." ... ~ [' .' 0 n :, ,'I' I ttl. '!!f 5 .. t:::. [ I, I I [ i , .. '" C B B " r I L L • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 9 '\ ' 'SL.O?E STABILITY "GENERAL: The subject site is bounded to the south by a natural slope extending to a maximum height of 50 feet with an average inclination of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). O~r findings indicate that soil s exposed on the slope consist of terrace deposits and Santiago Formation deposits. The 1 atter consi st predomi nant1y of massi ve very dense sandstones wi th very minor, hard claystone and siltstone lenses and comprises' approximately the lower two-thirds of the slope. Our findings indicate that no evi.dence exists of slope instability. Based on this and a slope stability analysis assuming homogeneous soil conditions, it is our opinion th~t the existing slope possesses an adequate factor of safety with respect to deep seated rotational failure (see Plate Number 20). It is our understanding that a 2,5 foot structural setback from the top of this slope will be maintained. A -minor' 1~5:1 fill slope extending to an estimated height of ten feet exists at the top of.the natural slope east from Harbor Drive. This slope will be removed or replaced as a compacted fill slope with a 2:1 inclination. Furthermore, it is our opi ni on that cut ~and fi 11 slopes constructed at a' 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) inclination will also possess adequate factors of safety to heights of at least ten feet. TEMPORARY SLOPES: A large portion of existing terrace-deposits was found to consist of cohesionless, friable, slightly silty sand and sands. This condition will require flatter than usual temporary slopes. It is recommended that temporary cut slopes up to a maximum height of 15 feet be constructed at a continuous 1:1 inclination. Furthermore, no surcharge loads shoul d be p1 aced wi thi n a di stance from the top of temporary slopes equal to ten feet. All temporary slopes shoul d be observed by a representative from our offi ce to ascertain that no adverse cond; ti ons exist • FOUNDATIONS ..It-. : , GENERAL: Shallow foundations 'may be utilized for the support of the proposed structures. The footings should have a minimum depth of 24 inches , I I 1-' I ,. h [ .:. ~ti; .. 0 .' m ~,~, .. ' I '1 i .• ~ :"1'1 '\1, l"l I I I 0 ' ~ ~ ~~.!n Q ' . .:!l D B '. b ! i.. , I I L .. SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 10 ...., . lleJ ow lowest adjacent fi ni sh grade. A mi nimum wi dth of 12 inches and 24 '\ ~ .. . " inches is reconmended for continuous and isolated footings, respectively • • A bearing capacity of 4000 psf and 7000 psf may be assumed for footings founded in terrace deposits or Santiago Formation deposits, respectively. M'inimum embedment in Santiago Formation. deposits should be six inches. In . . thi s case the zone between the bottom of the footi ng and the bottom of conventional footings (24 inches below lowest adjacent finish grade) may be backfilled with a lean (three sack) concrete mix. This bearing capacity 'may be increased by one-third when considering wind and/or seismic forces. The foundation excavations bearing on terrace deposits should be flooded prior to concrete placement. REINFORCEMENT: Both exteri or and i nteri or conti nuous footi ngs shoul d ~e reinforced with two 14.bars positioned near the bottom of the footing and two 14 bars positioned near the top of the footing. This reinforcement is based on soil characteristics and is not intended to be in lieu of reinforcement necessary ,to· sati sfy structural consi derati ons. FOUNDATION EXCAYAiION .:OBSERYATION: All foundati on excavations shou1 d be observed by a representati ve from thi s offi ce pri or to the pl acement of forms or reinforcement ·stee1. The purpose of this is to ascertain that the footings extend into a suitable bearing stratum. CONCRETE SLABS-ON-GRADE: Concrete sl abs-on-grade shou1 d have a mini·mum thickness of four inches and be underlain by a four-inch blanket of clean,- poorly graded, coarse sand or crushed rOCK. The sl ab shoul d be rei nforced. wi th No. 3 rei nforci ng bars p1 aced at 36 inches on center each way. A 6I x6"-W1.4xW1.4 wel ded wire mesh may be uti1 ized in 1 i eu of the rebars. Special care sho~l~ be exercised so that the mesh is placed near the middle of the slab. Where mositure sensitive f10o~ coverings are planned, a visqueen barrier should'be placed over the sand layer. To. allow for proper concrete curing, the vi~queen should be overlain b~at least two inches of sand. It is suggested that 3000 psi concrete b~ utilized. This~ is not a structural consideration. Therefore, no special inspection is necessary. /",; r~ 0 D ,,1 .j I !;j: h~" G -- L I I & ... [ [ ... ~" .~ r~ : . .:..:,1 G n ro, ;...~ .. , • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page li ,,,:-SETTLEMENT CHARACTERISTICS: The anticipated total and/or differential settlements of the proposed structure may be 'considered to be within -tolerable limits provided the recommendations presented in this report are followed. It should be recognized that minor hairline cracks on concrete due to shri nkage of constructi on materi al s or redi stri buti on of stresses are normal and may be anticipated. EXPANSIVE CHARACTERISTICS: nondetrimentally expansive. this condition. The foundati on soil s were ," found to' be The recommenda ti ons of thi s report refl ect ' FOUNDATION AND GRADING PLAN REVIEW The foundation and grading p1 an .shou1 d be submi tted to this office for review to ascertain that the Tecommendations provided in this report have been followed and that the ·;assumptions utilized in its preparation are still valid. EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES PASSIVE PRESSURE: The passive pressure for the prevailing soil conditions m~ be considered to be 425 pounds per square foot per foot of depth. This pressure m~ be increased one-thi rd for sei smi c 1 oadi ng. The coeffi ci ent of friction for concrete to fill or terrace deposits may be assumed to be 0.3 for the resistance to lateral movement. This value may be increased to 0.4 for footings founded on Santiago Formation deposits. When combining frictional and passive resistance, the latter should be reduced by one-third. When calculating passive pressures on exterior retaining walls, the upper 12 inche's' of soil shoul d not be consi dered. ACTIVE PRESSURE: The active soil pressure for the design of unrestrained earth retaining stru~tures with level backfi1rs may be ~ssumed to be equivalent to the pressure of a fluid weighin~' 31 pcf. F~r restrained walls, 50 pcf should be assumed. Alternative design values for restrained conditions are provided in the following Figure 2. , .. ' .... I -" --- I I r' 1- ~-., ~ , , ~~ L 0 • t1 r:' '" ..:~ I i ,', I' I, I I L SCS&T 8821027 , . H March 15, 1988 O.1H O.7H O.2H FIGURE 2, ACTIVE PRESSURE DETAIL -No Sca 11 e' " . ." _ .. Page 12 .. ' .. H - .. .. j 20H j PSF These pressures do not consider any surcharge. If any are anticipated, this office should be contacted for the necessary increase in ~ofl pressure. All earth retaining structures should have adequate weep holes or a subdrain system to prevent the build-up of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall s. A suggested wall drainage detail is provi ded on Pl ate Number 21. Waterproofing details should be provided by the project architect. , ' BACKFILL: All backfill; soils should be compacted~,to at least 9<n relative compaction. Expansive/or clayey soils should n'ot be used for backfill ~ . mater; a 1 • The wall shou1 d not be backfill ed unti 1 the masonry has reached an adequate strength. , I' 1'- ~ :,1 .' r'l n D I .~! G l~ I I I [ fl ~- L D 0 ["~'. l'''' I 1.- i ) \.- ' .. .. , ~. . SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 13 >\ "FACTOR OF SAFm: The above values, with the exception of concrete to soils friction coefficient do not include a factor of safety. Appropriate < factors of safety shou1 d be incorporated into the desi.gn to prevent the walls from overturning and sliding. LIMITATIONS . REVIEW, OBSERVATION AND TESTING The recommendations presented in this report are contingent upon our review of final plans and specifications. The soil engineer and engineering geologist should review and verify the cOlllPliance of the final grading plan with this report and with Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code. It is· recommended that,.Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. be retained to provide continuous~soi1 engineering services during the earthwork operations. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to start of construction. UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS The recommendations and opinions expressed in this report reflect our best estimate .of the project requi rements ·based on an eva1 uati on of the subsurface soil conditions encountered at the subsurface e~ploration locations and the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those encountered. It shou1 d be recognized that the performance of the' foundations and/or cut and fill slopes may be influenced by undisclosed or unfo.reseen vari ati ons in the ,soil condi ti ons that may occur in the intermediate and unexplored areas. Any unusual conditions not i . ..:it •• covered in thi s report' that may be encountered· duri ng si te development 'Q.. -. shou1 d be brought to the attenti on of the soil s engineer so that he may make modifications if necessary. )- ,I.~·;l l.Jf ... L~ 0 § -.... I ~ .. G .. ~f .,' L ." I I I , , [ \-- ~ rut ..2 D B .. f· .. · L .. j I L i I L .\ . ' . .' SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 1.4 ~ , .. ·CJi1.HGE IN SCOPE .. This office should be advised of any changes in the project scope or proposed site grading so that it may be determined if the, reconmendations contai ned herei n are appropri ate. Thi s shaul d be veri fi ed in wri ti ng or modified by a written addendum. TIME LIMITATIONS The findings of this report are vaH d as of this date. Changes in the condition of a property can, however, occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the work of man on this or . . adjacent properties. In addi ti on, changes in the State-of-the-Practi ~e and/or Government Codes may occur. Due to such changes, the fi ndi ngs of this' 'report may be invalidated wholly or in part by changes beyond our 'control • Therefore, thi s report shoul d not be rel i ed u'pon after a peri od of two years without a review by us verifying the suitability of ·the ,conclusions and recommendations. PROF.ESSIONAL STANDARD In the 'performance of our professional services, we comply with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of our profession currently practicing under similar conditions and in the .same locality. The client recognizes that subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at the locations where our borings, surveys, and explorations are made, and that our data, interpretations, and recommendations are based solely on the information obtained by us. We will be responsible for those data, interpretatio'ns, and recommendations, but shall not be responsible for the interpretations by others of the information developed. Our services consist of professional consul tation and···observation only, and no I. . . ... warranty of any kind w~atsoever, express or impliea: is made or intended in connecti on wi th the work performed or to be ~erformed by us, "or by our proposal for consulting or other services, or by our furnishing of oral or written reports or findings. '~~ ... \-" ~"i" .. /,' r~ 0 fj I , .. ,/ Q ' '. ,,~, L I I R '" [ ~ L :jV 0 u r~' ..!:.t ! I., I '-- i '- • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 15 '1 .\ "CL1ENT 'S RESPONSIBILITY , It is the responsibility of Sears Savings Bank or their representatives to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the engineer and architect for the project and, incorporated into the project's plans and specifications. It is further their responsibility to take the necessary measures to insure that the contractor and their subcontractors carry out such recolll11endations during construction. FIELD EXPLORATIONS Ten subsurface explorations were made at the locations indicated on the attached P1 ate Number 1 on March 2 and 4, 1988. These exp,l orati ons cons1sted of b,orings drilled utilizing a drill rig equipped with a continuous flight auger. The field work was conducted under the observation of our engineering geology personnel. The explorations were carefully logged when made. These logs are presented on the followi ng P1 a tes Number 3 through 12. The logs of 'subsurface explorations performed in conjunction with previous site investigations are presented on the attached Appendi x A.' The soi 1 s are described' ion accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System as illustrated on the attached simplified chart on Plate 2. In addition, a verbal textural description, the wet color, the apparent moi sture, and the densi ty or tonsi stency are provided. The density of granular soils is given as either very loose, loose, medium dense, dense, or very dense. The consi stency of s11 ts or clays is given as either very soft, soft, medium stiff, stiff, very stiff, or hard. Disturbed and undisturbed sampl es of typical and \ representative soils were obtained and returned ~o the laboratory for testi~g. ) ... r- I I ~~ , " , . f~ -' ·u fi I • ~~. G' .. ;:.s ... ',' r -\ ~t~ I I R ,~ [ ~ ., r~ ..J D • B -, r'"! I, I.:...· I I L I, L SCS&T 8821027 March 15 J 1988 Page 16 LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were perfonned in accordance wi th the generally accepted American Society for Testing and Materials (A.S.T.M.) test methods or suggested procedures. A brief description of the tests performed is ' presented below: a) CLASSIFICATION: Fiel d classifications were verified in the laboratory by visual examination. The final soil classifications are in accordance wi th the Unified So11 Classification System. b) MOISTURE-DENSITY: Field moisture content and dry density were determined for representative samples obtained. This information was an aid to c1'assification and permitted recognition of variations in material consistency with depth. The dry unit weight is determined in pounds per cubic foot, and the field moisture content is detennined as a percentage of the soil's dry wei ght. The resu1 ts are sUlIIIJari zed in the bori ng logs. c) GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION: The grain size distribution was determined for representative samples of the native soils in accordance with A. S. T .M. Standard Test .. 0-422. The resu1 ts of these tests are presented on Plate Number 13. d} EXPANSION INDEX TEST: An expansion index test on remolded samp1 es was perfonned on representative sainp1 es of soil s likely .. to be used as compacted fill. The test was performed on the portion of the sample passing the 14 st~ndard sieve. The sample . was brought 'to optimum moisture content then dried, back to' a I • .JtJ' ,-'. constant moi/sture content for 12 hours' at 230 +/-9 degrees Fahrenheit. The specimen was then com~acted in a 4-inch-diameter mold in two equal layers by means of a tamper, then trimmed to a fi na 1 hei ght of 1 inch, and brought to a saturati on of '~4r' .. r , r I' L;.-... I";~ ·0 IT! ~ ~ G ,n;. l} ,I I I C ~ ~ n • [J [~ L f L SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 17 .. I , approximately 50~. The specimen was placed in a consolidometer with porous stones at the top and bottom, a total nonnal load of 12.63 pounds was placed (144.7 psf), and the sample was allowed to consolidate for a period of 10 minutes. The sample was allowed to become saturated, and the change in vertical movement was recorded until the rate of expansion became nominal. The expansion index is reported on the attached Plate Number 14 as the total vertical displacement times the fraction' of the sample passing the #4 sieve times 1000. CLASSIFICATION OF EXPANSIVE SOIL EXPANSION INDEX 1-20 21-50 51-90 91-130 Above 130 POTENTIAL EXPANSION very low, low medium high very high ,e) DIRECT SHEAR TESTS: ,Direct shear tests were performed to determine the failure envelope based on yield -sh'ear strength. The shear box was designed to accomodate ,a sample having diameters of 2.375 inches or 2.50 inches and a height of 1.0 inch. Samples were tested at different verti.ca1 loads and a saturated moi sture content. The shear stress "was appl i ed at a constant rate of strain of approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The results of these tests are presented on attachedPl ates Number 15 and 16. f) CONSOLIDATION TEST: Single point consolidation tests were performed on selected JlundisturbedJl s~mples. The conso'lidati'on apparatus was designed to accomodate a~l-inch high by 2.375-inch i ~,' , ' , or 2.500-inc~ diameter soil sample laterally confined by a brass ri ng. Porous stones were pl aced i n'to,· contact wi th the top and bottom of the sample to permit the addition or release of pore fluid during testing. Selected loads were applied to the ~ ... I, , , , ~ G U 'I I I [ L L ..... . .. SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Page 18 g) samples and the resulting deformations were recorded. The percent consolidation for each load cycle is reported' cis the ratio of the amount of vertical compression to the original one-inch sample height. The test samples were inundated to determi ne thei r behavi or under the anti ci pated footi ng load as' soil moi sture increases. The resul ts of these tests are presented on Plates Number 17 and 18. CONSOLIDATION TEST: A consolidation test was performed on a sel ected Rundi sturbedR sampl e. The consoli dati on apparatus was designed to accomodate a l-inch-high by 2.375-inch or 2.500-fnch diameter soil sample laterally confined by a brass ring. Porous stones were pl aced in contact with the top and bottom' of t~e sampl e to permi t the addi ti on or rel ease of pore f1 ui d duri ng testing. Loads were applied to the sampl~ in a geometric progression after vertical movement ceased, and resulting deformations were recorded. The percent consolidation for each load cycle is reported as the ratio of the amount of vertical compression to the original one-inch sample height. The test sampl e was i nunda ted at some poi nt in the, test cycl e to determi ne its behavi or under the anti ci pa ted footi ng load as soil moisture increases •. The resul ts of thi's test are presented in the form of a curve on Plate Number 19. I I I , [ I I [ u U r:' L I L SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LEGEND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART . : SOIL DESCRIPTION GROUP SYMBOL TY?::AL NAMES ~ J. _ -. I. COARSE GRAINED. more than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve Slze. GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVELS Gil ~an half of co.rse fraction is 1 arger than No. 4 GP sieve size but sNller than J •• GRAVELS WITH FINES GM (Appreciable amount of fines) GC SANDS CLEAN SANDS SW SP More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size. SANDS WITH FINES SM (Appreciable amount of fines) SC II. fINE GRAINED, more than hilt of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve Slze. SILTS AND CLAYS ML Liquid Limit CL less than 50 III SILTS AND CLAYS MH Liquid Limit CH greater than 50 OH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Water level at time of excavation or as indicated ,I I us -Undisturbed, driven ring sample or tube sample BY: Well grade~ ;ravels, gravel- sand mixtures, little or no fines. Poorly graded gravels. gravel sand mixtures, little or no fines. . Silty gravels. poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand. clay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Poorly grad!d sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silty mixtures. Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plas- ticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plastici'ty. gravelly clays, sand,Y clays. silty clays. lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty clays or low plasticity. Inorganic silts, .icaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic sil ts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays of ~dium to high plasticity. Peat and other highly organic soil s. CK' . -Undisturbed chunk sample Bcr~-' -Bulk sample 'SP -Standard penetration sample Windsonq Shores : DBA DATE: 3-14-88 .£. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 7 SOIL a TESTING,INC. JOB NUMBER: ,:8821027 Plate No. 2 , [ , . I l I I -.. :"' I-'e..' w Q o - 2 - Z ~-# 0 BORING NUMBER 1 "~, . ~ W ..J 0 ..J --ELEVATION A-011. .:1 0 0 I----------~ ~ 0 .0 C SM US ..J o DESCR IPTION Orange Brown, SILTY SAND (TERRACE DEPOSITS) -BAG 4 - us SP/ Orange Brown & Yellow 6 -SM Brown, SLIGHTLY SILTY I-W Z a:: W ::l a:: .... ~ 0 A--A-0 C :I Moist Humid Loose Medium Dense Z W : ~ 0 -;: t-.Z "0 ~ ~ '0 c' t-• t-en :: W -..... zen. W W J A-a:: .2 .Q 29 26 > t- en Z W ... Q u > a:: Q Q. 118.3 W ~ a:: - ::l t- . t-Z en W -t-o z :I 0 o 8.6 ~ W Z > 0 - -I-I-~ 0 ..J ~ W A-a:: :I o o . - - -- - -SAND, Friable f---Dense . '. 8 -- 10 US Light Tan. 50 95.4 3.9 BAG 12 . 16 US SM BAG ~an Grey, SILTY SAND (SANTIAGO FORMATION) Humid Very Dense ':l':l/fill 72/6" 18 - "26 - ~ 30 -SM/ US SP / ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ~ SOIL ATESTING, INC. 78/9" ...... ~.. 50/511 ., SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: GS DATE LOGGED: 3-2-88 JOB NUMBER: "8821027 Plate No.3 - - - - - - - - --.. - - - - -- - - - - , L l I I r L . .IloI Z 0. 0 >-Z • >-- ->--BORING NUMBER 2 'U >-0 III • ... -.~ ... ',~ ... ... III ... % ... U ':: III ~ ~~ 4( % II: %111_ ... % '0 (I) a: -III Z :z: III -IU ELEVATIO N III ;:) 111 ... (1) 4( 4( '0 z :;) ... > 0 , \~ -I (5 ii: a: ... lI:(I)z -, 0. C ... . III '-... Z ... ... 4( (I) 4(-111 - "'0 ... (I) ... 0 u ~ III 4( U III '::I 0. -0.(1)0 III -..... 0. Q 4( 0 0. 0 o.z (I) • 0 ... -I 4( ,0 4( 4( :I 4( 0 II: Z III J >-Z III 0. -I OEseR IPTJON U 0 III II: .2 II: ::I a II: :I 0. 0 U 0 U .,Q U 0 SM Orange Brown, SILTY SAND Moist Medium -(TERRACE DEPOSITS) Dense 2 - -i--SP/ Tan, SLIGHTLY SILTY SAND Moist Medium 4 -SM Friable Dense -to Dense 6 - - 8 -- 10-US . Light Tan 1-1-Dense 50/5 11 100.0 11.3 -I 12- - 14- -Gravel US Humid 28 104.9 1.8 16--SM Grey, SILTY SAND Humid Very (SANTIAGO FORMATION) , 18 - Dense -.. 20-~ 50/6" -Boring ended at 20.5 1 - - -, . . - -" . v',' -) 'r' -I , ~,~ - - ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION ~OG '- ~ SOIL &TESTING, INC. : LOGGED BY: GS DATE LOGGED: 3-2-88 JOB NUMBER:' 8821027 Plate No. '4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ---- - - , : : [ L I I [ r '?;.! ./(0-' I ... r :. i I •• - ~ Z 0 >-Z • >-- CE: BORING NUMBER 3 1-'0 >-III • -~ ->-l-I-III 0 0 I-~ .::: ' .1:-ZZI-~ -III -c Z a: I-Z "0 ~ -III Z :1:" III 111111; 0: > 0 -J 0 ELEVAT 10 N III ;:) -c -c '0 Z ;:) l- I--J - - II: ... II:I-z -- A. OIL -c~1II II: I-• III -.1-Z .... I- -a. -c en - 2 en en I-en -0 u en III -c 0 III' A. -G.g)O III -...... Q, 0 -c en A. 0 G.z en • ... -J -c . z >--0 .en -c -c :I coa: III ~ Z III G. III 0: 2 0 0: :I -J DESCR IPTION 0 0 G. 0: .2 0 0 .t:I 0 0 -0 0 BAG SM Brown, SILTY SAND (TOPSOI ) Moist Loose SM Orange Brown, SILTY SAND Humid Medium 2 -(TERRACE DEPOSITS) Dense - -- 4 -- -- 6 --.- SP/ Yellow Tan & Orange Tan, 8 BAG SM SLIGHTLY SILTY SAND, - Friable - 10 L.. US . -33 102.1 3.9 .-- -.-12--- 14-US 18/611 - -SM Grey Tan, SILTY SAND Humid Very 45/611 (SANTIAGO FORMATION) Dense - ..; 16--- 18-• - -- 20-US 85 - -Boring ended at 211 - , ----, , ----• -~t .". -i .-"1..< -.. , / -( "6:' . - -- ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE E'X P LOR A T 10 NL 0 G ~ SOIL &TESTING,INC. : ., GS LOGGED BY: DATE LOGGED: 3-2-88 JOB NUMBER; 8821027 Plate No. 5 j., I [ r I I E r , " ! W. fl." ->-= ,-~ ::co'" ... -n., W· Q a z ~ BORING NUMBER 4 ~ • ...1 0 ELEVA TlON oU: rnc;:;t----------......j rn ~ ...I o DESCR IPTION ... W z a: W ;:) a: ... ~ rn CL. CL. 0 ~ :I SM Brown, SILTY SAND Humid Loose z W : ~ 0 -:: ... z "0 ~ ~ '0 c .... ... rn = W -...... z rn • w w J CL. a: 0 .a -rn z iii ;: Q u Q. >--a: Q W ~ a: - ;:) ... ... z rn w -... o Z :I 0 o W Z > 0 -... ... ... ~ 0 ...I 'C W CL. a: :I 0' o --"'" (TOPSOIL) to 2 _, ~ Mnid US~sM;-1to~r~a=ng~e~Br=o=w=n-,~S~L~IG~H~T~LY~-P.H~u~mTid~~M~e~d~iu-m~~88~/~171~1I+-----+-----4-----~ SILTY SAND (TERRACE Dense 4 6 -- 8 -- - BAG US 18 -SM - , ~ 26- -" -30 US DEPOSITS) Friable to COBBLES Grey Tan, SILTY SAND (SANTIAGO FORMATION) Grey , . . ) Borinq ended at 3.11 Dense Humid Very Dense 51 . 58 100.8 4.1 41 105.2 5.3 •. .! 56 ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA W' SOIL &TESTING, INC. SUBSURfACE EXPLORATION LOG - -- - ---, - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,I , I r L r i·1:·· 't:!':.. - III Z >A, 0 >-z • >-- BORING NUMBER 5 ,() > III ~ -~ -> ... ... III "'z ... 0 () -;: ... .~ .: -... --III III Z 4( Z 0:: Zlll_ ... Z "0 U) -0:: > 0 :r-Ill" ..J(J ELEVATION w :;) III ... U) 4( 4( "0 Z :;) ... ..J - - -... 0:: I-O::U)Z C I-• w·;: ... Z ... l- • ,Q" Q" ou.. 4( U) 4(_W - U)en ... U) -Q u U) III 'C () w· ::I Q" -Q,U)Q w -...... Q. ... ..J Q 'C U) Q" 0 Q"z U) • -0 'C Z > Z w Q, ,U) 'C 4( ::I 'COO:: W W ~ 0:: ::I 0 0:: ::I ..J DEseR JPTJON (J 0 Q, 0:: ..2 Q (J 0 (J J:l (J 0 J ........... SM Brown, SILTY SAND (TOPSOI ) Humid Loose SP/ Orange Tan, SLIGHTLY Humid Medium 2 -SM SILTY SAND Dense " - 4 -- 6 - - 8 -- 10 US SP Grey Tan SAND, Friable -?-Medium 70 103.0 5:'0 -Dense 12 -to Dense Tan COARSE SAND, Pebbles 14 - -39/6" . 16 -US S~1 Grey, SILTY SAND Humid Very 50/4" .. -(SANTIAGO FORMATION) Dense . ... ... 18 - - 20 -~ 50/4" -Boring ended at 20.5 1 - --I • - - "'\ ~ '. l -i / , -( )., . - ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG ~lr;; SOIL &TESTING, INC. , LOGGED BY: GS DATE LOGGED: 3-4-88 JOB NU M B ER:,' 8821027 Plate No. 7 - --- - -.. - -- - - - - - - - -, - - - - - '-- - [ r l I t~ G,· " :!'t , , L ) ~ % 0 >-% • >---BORING NUMBER 1&1 • ~ ..: >--e '0 >-0 t-- t-t-1&1 t-Zt-o ';: ~ !: ' , t- 1&1 1&1 Z ~ Z a: %1&1_ t-Z '0 (/) a: - ::z:~ W' -' 0 ELEVATION 1&1 ::I 1&It-(/) ~ ~ '0 Z ::I t-> 0 -- t--' - - II: t-a: (/) Z -= t-• 1&1 ';: t-Z t- , ,~ ~ OIL. ~ (/) ~-III .. t- :I (/)0 t-(/) -Q u (/) 1&1 ~ 0 III' A. -~(/)Q 1&1 -.... Do -t--' Q ~ (/) ~ 0 ~% Z (/) . >--0 ~ ,(/) ~ ~ :I ~ 0 a: 1&1 J % 1&1 A. 1&1 a: :I 0 a:: :I -' OEseR IPTION o 0 A. a: .2 Q () .c () 0 -() 0 SM/ Brown, SLIGHTLY SILTY Humid Loose :'" SP SAND (TOPSOIL) 2 SP/ Orange Tan, SLIGHTLY Humid Medium SM SILTY SAND (TERRACE Dense 4 BAG DEPOSITS) - 6 - I SP Tan Brown SAND, Friable 8 BAG 10 US . Black Tan 30 104.5 5.3 - 12 ,.. I-BAG 14 COBBLE, Friable -US 66 16- SM Grey Tan, SILTY SAND Humid Very BAG (SANTIAGO FORMATION) Dense 18 ! 20 ~ 50/5.5" -- -Boring ended at 20.5' - -, , - -':r· .. -i .. ' , -I , ~" -- " ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG ~ SOIL &TESTING, INC. , LOGGED BY: GS DATE LOGGED: 3-4-88 JOB NUMBER:I"8821027 Plate No. 8 , , - - -- -- - ... - - - -,- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - , -' 1,1 c L I I 0, r ·~ f I ; . I L '. -- W Z -Dt' 0 >-Z • >-- .; >-BORING NUMBER 7 '(.J >-0 W !: I--~ l-I-LU I-ZI-(.J ~ .-. ' I---W W Z <C Z a: zw-I-z "0 m a: - X·" W' ..1(.) ELEVATION W ::;) wl-(I) <C <C '0 Z ::;) I-> 0 I-..I - - a: I-a:mZ --- 0. ou.. -= I-• w -t-z l-I- 0. <C m <C _ LU - II; . :I (I) u; 0. 4.(1)0 I-m -0 u m w <C (.J -LU -...... Q. -I-..I 0 • <C (I) 0. 0 4.z (I) • -0 <C Z >-Z w 0. .(1) <C <C ::I c 0 a: w LU J a: :I 0 a: ::I, ..I DESCR IPTION (.J 0 0. a: .2 0 (.J '" (.J 0 (.J 0 SM Orange Brown, SILTY Humid Medium SAND (TERRACE DEPOSITS) Dense ' ' 2 BAG 4 - - 6 -. SP Tan SAND, Friable 8 - I - 10-US 53 106.1\ .6 .. 6 . - 12-- 14- 16-US SM Grey, SILTY SAND Moist Very 50/6" 111.6 13.1 (SANTIAGO FORMATION) Dense -, 18- - 20-~ 50/5" -, - .... -, , - -, "\ \. --i ~J " / -f \.~ A - ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG ~ SOIL &TESTING, INC. : LOGGED BY: GS DATE LOGGED: 3-4-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821027 Plate No. 9 - - - - ----- - - - --- -- - .... -, - -- - - - - - -...... , z -A. 0 BORING NUMBER 8 >-z • >-- ...: >--I-.(J >-0 w ~ I--~ -....... l-I-W zZI--(J -:: -w ~ -~ Z II: I-Z "0 CI) .-w z :co, . III wwe;; a: > 0 ...I(J ELEVATION w ;:) ~ ~ '0 z l- I-...I --a: I-a:I-Z -;:) -- Q.. A. oLI. ~~w a: I-• w ... I-Z l-I- ~ m - ·2 m iii I-CI) ... Q u CI) 11.1 ~ (J 11.1 A. -A.CI)Q W -...... Q; a ~ m Q. 0 A.z -I-...I ~ Z en • >--0 .m ~ c 2 ~oa: J z 11.1 A. 11.1 11.1 a: ::I a: ...I DESCR IPTION (JO A. a: .2 Q 0 2 (J .a (J 0 -(J [ 0 -SM Orange Tan, SILTY SAND Humid Loose (TERRACE DEPOSITS) to - 2 -~ium - -D ng. Medium - 4 -Dense - --- 6 -- -- 8 ---- 10 51' Tan SAND, Friable - • 0 -- 12 US 52 .. - ."!'" BAG 14 - 16 - US 5M Grey, SILTY SAND Humid Very 50/5 11 (SANTIAGO FORMATION) Dense - --.. . . 18 -- --r 20 -~ 50/411 - -Bori n9 ended at 10.5' . -- , ----, . -- ---~'-'.' -I "t' - -( : ~.~ . - -- ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORAJION LOG ~ SOIL ATESTING, INC. t LOGGED BY: GS DATE LOGGED: 3-4-88 JOB NUMBER~ . 8821027 Plate No. 10 : o r~ I , L... L I L~ U 0' , -' 1 ~ - ~. z 0 >-z • >-- Q; BORING NUMBER sa '" !! .... ~ >-'(J >-0 I-.. l-I-'" I-z ... (J .. ~ -. -l--'" '" z -~ Z II: z"'_ ... Z ,'0 CI) a: - x' 1&1 ~(J '" :;) "' ... CI) ~ ~ 0 z :;) ... > 0 ~ ELEVATION a: - I---... II:CI)Z C ... . 1&1 ;: I-Z' I-... 0. A. 011. ~ CI) ~-'" -I-CI) -Q u CI) '" ~ (J 1&1 . ;, :I CI) en A. -A.CI)Q '" -..... Q. -... ~ Q ~ CI) A. 0 A.Z CI) • -~ Z >-0 Z '" A. .In ~ ~ :I ~ 0 a: '" '" ~ II: ~ 0 II: ~ ~ OEseR IPTION (J 0 A. II: ..2 Q (J .a (J 0 -(J 0 SP/ Orange Brown, SLIGHTLY. Humid Medium \ -SM SILTY SAND (TERRACE Dense 2 -DEPOSITS) - 4 -- 6 - - : 8 - - 10 US SP Tan SAND, Friable 64 101.7 4.7 - 12 - - 14 - SM Grey Tan, SILTY SAND Humid Very US (SANTIAGO FORMATION) 16 Dense 50/611 ,. 18 BAG 20 ~ 50/5 11 - -Boring ended at 20.5 1 - -, , -' ' -. "t', .. -I • I:J / , -( ),~ ~ - ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION'LOG ,~. ~ SOIL &TESTING, INC. : LOGGED BY: GS DATE LOGGED: 3-4-88 JOB NUMBER: \ 8821027 Plate No. 11 - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - -- - ! .' o r~ r···· L l., ... I I I [ r~ u D I . ! 1 l.. ) -111., Z 0 >-z • --Q. BORING NUMBER 10 '" ~ >-~ . >--,(.) >-0 I---I-... '" I-z ... (.) ;: '" ~ -.Jo::o --'" z -. -c Z II: z"'_ ... Z "tJ en II: - ::c '" -1(.) ELEVATION '" :::) ", ... en c c '0 z :::) ... > 0 -I --... --II: I-lI:enz II: I-• '" = Z ... .~ a. o II. C en c_'" -... ... . en en ... en -Q u en '" c (.) III .:1 a. -a.CI')Q III -..... Q. -I--I Q ~ CI') a. 0 a.Z z en • >--0 ~ ,en c c ::I COli: III ~ Z III a. III II: :I II: ::I -I DESCR IPTION (.) 0 a. II: 0 Q 0 (.) .a (.) 0 (.) 0 SM Brown, SILTY SAND (TOPSO Ir)Humid Loose SM Orange Brown, SILTY SAND Humid Medium 2 BAG (TERRACE DEPOSITS) Dense - -. 4 -- -- 6 -. - -- 8 -- ---10 US SP Tan SAND, Friable 62 102.1 '6.'5 - -12 BAG - -14 . -- 16-US 54 103.9 2.9 - ~ - 18 -SM Grey Tan, SILTY SAND Humid Very (SANTIAGO FORMATION) - -Dense - 20 -~ 50/4" - - -Boring ended at 20.5 ' - -- --1 • , -- -- ". 'v, --i • OM' / -( 'It,~ A - -- ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORAtiON LOG ~ SOIL &TESTING, INC. : LOGGED BY: GS DATE LOGGED: 3-4-88 JOB NUMBER:,8821027 Plate No. 12 r:--r::-:; r::==I ~ t i~ a;...,.~ __ ~, r----J !t,,,.li!l -.. II!I"'!""'-! :;. . ~ 1-·, r"-'1@lI ~ ............ 1-:....." •. 1 ~~ G') I~ ~ ~ z m en mo N DC --I rn r1 aem 0 -tIl ~ m2 ::0 CD ig c -; Q!: (5 .. 11 Z -0 211 (12 -» 51 III ~I co co N ...... 0 N " l/) ::r 0 -s CD J~ ~I S QJ m c+ CD w :z: I 0 . • u.s. Sfondord Sieves _ t~t;:. .. ..... ..:..,.;....1 81O@10'-141 84@5.5 1 . " ~ ~" ~o *20 1140 lIso / / 10 24" 12" e" 3" I~·~· ~ *a 416 ~ 0 -50 / -100 11 00 / I 2 5 30 leo '4"80 (500",,) /'~ ~t I J,V 1 Hydromel er (Minutes) 36" IS" I" Y2' 2" 80 , -.. --!--+--'-+-+--'-f -ill --.------90 80 ;':: I\N-~ ~I ~~>--i,.o -70 :' ~ !\l-~ /; : 70 ~ 60 :' I : ul\lI: _:_ ~: ~ ~ _~ __ .:.. ~ : ':to'-(/{)(}(iII) ~ ! :~~ \: f:; f i : i : i ~ ~ i :. f: i j i : f : ; i:<: SO 1 • -~:-:. : • :' . .; --:-50 ... ~ <10 Ii' : l~?\ \', ,,\i~ i : f!/ : f : i' : / 40~"~ '-II , ." ..... ~ "-i : I\.'r i:l : :i:f u ~ .. 30 . . '. 30 .... ,." q" " I· . "''-! . i '. ; .: .j ~ :.t : ': : L.t.~ !:!:f ! :1 :! (S lOll III r I 1 I 1 _+-1,,:_1' I'" I: . J. 1.--..-1. ~- t .:: . -t-i--i---f-20 -.. ~f" ~ ~I :f if ~ +-j -t-7--I-f-i -ft--r ' i' --r-:--------ti-l i 10 -~ °1911765 " .5 1000 2 098786" .5 I 0 2 _ 9876 5" .5 2 10 91S 76 5 " .5 ,-2 ! ! 1 1 : i 987(; 5 ".5 2 0 IIIS785 " .5 .J 2 .01 .0 I .~ ~. ".:1' .: '",:.~ .. -( I BOULDER I COBBLES I (12 in.) PARTICLE GRAVEL Coo.... Fin. 3in. 3/4 In. u. S. .. Groin SIze (mmJ Bl@5.5 1 SiZE LIMITS SAND Coa .... r Medium Fin. No.4 No.1O No. 40 STANDARD SI EVE No. 200 SIZE SILT OR CLAY , /"., 0 fi ~ J.l;! :I"~i ,~ ! '" 1- L I I E '. r.- ,. b·· , t! L". e ~ ii ) ' x D r" I i L , ' EXPANSION INDEX TEIT RelULTS SAMPLE BI0@10'-141 CONDITION' Remolded INITIAL M.C. (·1.) 10.2 INITIAL DENSITY (PCf' 108.3 FINAL M.C. (eJ.) 16.6 NOR MAL STRESS (PSF: 144.7 EXPANSlON INDEX 0 j f .£. IOUTH.RN CALIFORNIA ~ SOIL &: TUTINO,INC •. . ----~-' , .. ~~ , . Windsong Shores IY: DBA DATE: 3-14-88 JOI NUM.E": 88210~7 Plate No 14 1 '- " , .. [ , I I L [ L \' j .' DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY , , .'" -, . --. !) , , , , .. , , I : , , I <4 , : , ; , : , , , I La. , I i.; , , , 0 , I ~ """ I I .. 0 3 , I I ./ ./ : 0 . , ./, I /' I W , L a: I /' I l-I /' ! '. : I I . , I 0 /' : I , I /' ; a: . 2 /' , I I ./ I I .II( : /' W : /' : : , : I :J: /' UJ L , : /' " I ,./ , :/ , 1 : , L I V I : ! /' ./ : 1./ : : I ! ~ : I I I I , , : I lA" I : , 0 , , I 1 2 3 <4 !3 2M L 2L NORMAL STRESS,KSF , ANGLE OF INTERNAL COHESION INTERCEPT SAMPLE DESCRIPTION FRICTION {el {~sfl B1@2.5 1 Undisturbed 36 200 . \"." . ; . ~, .. , r \. .. ) ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Windsong Shores ~1r:; SOIL & TESTING,INe. , BY: DBA DATE: 3-14-88 JOB NUMBER:,' 8821027 Plate No. 15 t,'" ~~ }:;;, 0 I r . , I" ~* r.--' L L I I E [ & ! ~: e G • I DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY s~--~~~~~----~--~----~--------~------~~ , I , , , . , I , . , , , I : ' i, ! , , , I , I • I I ' I I I , I , , I I 1 I l ~i i :y 3~~~~~~4-H+~-r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~'~~~~ :.".0 I , I • '/ ; . I , , , I , , , I , I I ' • : I ' /, 'L' I ! , ! /' ,: '/ I / / 1 , /. I , , ' , , : , , I I I , '/ . : , . / 'I : .~: , ! / 1 . / / ; , ,Yo I / i , . , I J. ' , I , I , I 1./: 1 I J , ' : I , ...... , , , 1 , I ,/ I , I I , I : I : I I t.;'I" , I I I I I / ; I IV: , , . , i/ : • 1 1 , I '/: I I NORMAL STRESS, KSF SAMPLE DESCRIPTION B9@10.5 1 Undisturbed j , SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING. INC. ••• 0 RIV.RaAL. •• TR •• T .AN al.CJO, CAL.I"ORNIA •• 1.0 ANGLE OF INTERNAl FRICTION ( .) COHESION INTERCEPT (psf) 35 BY . .... -. ~~ Windsong Shores 150 DATE DBA 3-14-88 i. JOB NO. 8821027 Pl ate No. 16 L ____________________________ ~ ______________ ~ ____________ ~ , j " '.t D [1 [~ r L. L I, " " I L r 0' -F'~ I I ... L " • <l- -.~ . -" SINGLE POINT CONSOLIDATION ,TEST RESULT - , ,I I SAMPLE NO. B2@10.5' B2@15.5' B3@10.5' B4@10.5' , -INITIAL MOISTURE, % 11.3 1.8 3.9 4.1 -INITIAL DENSITY, PCF 100.0 104.9 102.1 100.8 - % CONSOLIDATION BEFORE WATER ADDED 4.3 2.1 1.8 . 2.5 - % CONSOLIDATION AFTER WATER ADDED 5.8 2.2 2.0 3.5 -FINAL MOISTURE, % 16.3 19.4 19.7 20.1 -AXIAL LOAD, KSF 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 , . . , ' SAMPLE NO. B4@15' B6@10.5' B7@lO.5' B7@15' -INITIAL MOISTURE, % 5.3 5.3 6.6 13.1 -. INITIAL DENSITY, PCF 105.2 104.5 106.1 111.6 - % CONSOLIDATION BEFORE WATER ADDED 2.3 2.9 2.3 2.7 ' ' -% CONSOLIDATION AFTER WATER ADDED 2.4 3.4 2.6 '2.8 , -FINAL MOISTURE, % 19 0 22 1 19.4 16 3 -AXIAL LOAD, KSF 4.17 5.7 5.7 5.7 ; "',y"!'';. ~ I :0tJ ;.,. , , , I ~., , A - " ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Windsong Shores ~ SOIL & TESTING,INC. f BY: DBA DATE: 3-14-88 JOB NUMBER: ,'8821027 Plate No. 17 I •. l.. I I ~ IL r e c [ r I , L .. .. ' ~ ,~ , . . . , , . .' SINGLE POINT CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULT .. SAMPLE NUf13ER B9@1O.5' B10@10.5' B10@15.5' . .. -INITIAL-MOISTURE, S 4.7 6.5 3.9 -INITIAL DENSITY, PCF 101. 7 102.1 103.9 -S CONSOLIDATION AFTER. WATER ADDED 2.2 2.5 3.3 -S CONSOLIDATION BEFORE WATER ADDEO 2.4 2.9 3.6 -FINAL f()ISTURE. S 21.1 20.1 19.5 -AXIAL LOAD, KSF 5.73 5.73 5.73 'I . , , . (' , :{;".~ . i . .Jt' ,. , , I ( '?t .• A .. ~ SOUTH.RN CALIFORNIA Wi ndson~"" Shores ~ SOIL & T.STING.INC. IY: DBA DATI: 3-14-88 Plate No. 18 JO. HUM.E": 8821027 ¥ r-I I , l i .. [ l I I [ I 1 !tt L L ,,~ . 0 1 2 3 -c: Q) (.) ... Q) Q, Z o· !c( 0 ::::i 0 en Z 0 () • 0.1 ~ I ~ I ~ I I ~ I I I . , ~ I , I I I I . I ~ I 0.5 I 1.0 / I LOAD SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING LAB. INC. BRBD RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA aR1RD . , ~ I , ~ 1 I --I r--I-.. I :, ........ -... a .. ..... ..... -.. -I: rt _L .., .. 1:1' i-' ~ ..... . -... -_II ... -U I I I U ~ I""'r"'" J J j I • I ~ 'i .. J I I i , .L i I I .~ L i I _t ~ I ~ ~ ,; ~ J ~ J --'- ,-~ 10 -f 50 ... . u .• kips /sq. ft. : .. ..£. Windsonq Shores BY DBA \ DATE 3-14-88 JOB NO. 8821027 Plate No. 19 I·.~~ , I.' j .... n L I I r [ t"" J!t _. I • I L .' . " SLOPE STABILITY CALCULATIONS Janbu's Simplified Slope Stability Method , FS:Nct( w'H ) Assume Homogeneous Strength Parameters throughout ,the slope Existing Slope Temporary Cut Slope . .tr (0) C(psf) W,(pcf) Incl. 37 300 108 2:1 36 200 128 1:1 ~. -. Where: K. • Angle of Internal Friction C • Cohesion (psf) ~$. • Unit weight of 5011 (pcf) H = Height of Slope (ft) FS • Factor of Safety , ) . " ¥:\~ . ~: H (ft) 50 15 !'.: • ( ~.~ ., .. ,£. SOUTH."II CALIPORNIA ~ lOlL & T.ITING,INC. WINDSONG SHORES I': DBA 'J~ .. , JOI HU .. II": 8821027 FS 2.3 1.7 .. -,. ~ DATI: 3-14-88 Plate No. 20 , ~ ·0 ! o ~ rm I 1_ t .... [ • • K • • )Ie : WATERPROOf lACK OF WALL 'IR ARCHITECT'I I'ECI',CATIONI INCH CRUIHED ROCK OR MIRADRAIN 8000 OR EQUIVALENT G!OfAI'UC IETWEEN ROCK AND lOlL 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE SLAI-OM-GRADE RETAINING WALL SUBDRAIN DETAIL '-\:'\-\ . NO ICALI .~ .. . . , ~ SOUTHIRN CALIFORNIA SOl L & T! S TIN Q. INC. . Windson Shores ;~ I': DBA DATI: 3-14-88. JOI HU .. IER: 8821027 Plate NO. 21 . . I • ~. , r " ," E ,j ,; -, ... \. ~ ' .. . .,,~ "t ••• ~.. ,--, ,.>:.- .. : .. :-:.: .... ' ... ~ ..... _.-~-. I ---' ,:~ ':~:':',::':::'~,': =;" .ce", ~.~~,l:±f~~~;~~i;,~J:t~~i;;<t~,,::&j~ ~tj!3~~~~"~~ijf;;:.'~;~?~-:'":.~,,~3~t:~, ---~, . ,-... : ........ ,',": ., ." .... ~ ..... >.;.. " .. ? .. h"',t~::':; .":_ .~,-...... ~.,.: • .' .. -t~!::.:~.;... ~ ~ .~; ~:~ .• ~ ::.. 'I':~~~~\.~. ~ .• "' ":~~ : "-).' ''':' '.~., "'~" ... :, ... ', , ',.:" .:-' t •• ~ " ,,~ •• :.I':" . ,_ .:.~~ . .r~ , .. :.,. '_I~~ '.~. :-;'~;:o'; .. ;, . I ~ . ",:!.. ..•• o-~-:.' •• ~ '" .... ,,!{.!.!t~"" .".t ... :~ ...... '.! ..... ~ .. _:~.. ,' ..• t' ,< : .. ' . ,./', ~,'. -."t.., {,' .~, :",. ',' .... ~!.~ •.• ~. :-..... _' ............ .,: .... !! .... _ .. , • .,:.:..l.·~-I._,,_ . .'.· .• _._ ........ :.,', •• 0 .. • ._ •• _ ••• _ ._ •••••••• _ ••• ', ..... ,_... • ....... _ ..... _~.: ••• _.:_ ••• ... :....:.~,.:--.. -.-~-.. , , .";. .. L '·,"SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTINGJ·INC. L .' [ i "" I I .• .:'1l:!' ~ D ~ fj I L z "" ~, 0 TRENCH Q, .... NUMBER 1 .>-..: .. • i--' -...J (,,) -"" (5 u: ELEVATION ::r -..... ..J t/) - Q, Q, VI ~ VI W 0 -c ..: t/) ..J (,,) DESCRIPTION , -SM REDDISH BROWN, SILTY SAND 1 .. .~ (Terrace Deposits) - 2_ .. 3_ - 4_ - 5-0 - 6- - 7-- 8_ - 9_ : - 10 _ -YELLOW BROWN 11- - 12 , -, • -! ,'. ", .. -. I ( -- ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING,INC. >-'it. ... '" (J >->--... ... z a: z ... w ~ z Z -W "" 0 ::;) "" "" t/) t/) a: > a: ... ... Z ::;) ... a: z ... -c t/) -c t/) "" w ;: ... Z ... (,,) Q, Q, Q Q Q VI "" -c 0( Q, 0 (I) a. ... ..J Q, Q, -c :I ..: z a: >-0 Z "" :I 0 0 a: :I 0 a: (,,) 0 CJ 0 CJ MOIST DENSE TO - VERY - DENSE - -- ---- " - --- - _ .. ---.. -.-~ - --- ---, - - -. ' -'~'\~ ~ W· .>.t , - ~ .... , , A - -- SUBS URf.ACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 10-21-83 JOB NUMBER: 13935 Plate No. 3 z w ~' 0 TRENCH NUMBER >-CIt Q, -2 I-0 >->-- '1-W l-I- >-Z I-~ Z -• 1-. 4( a:: z Z --w w· 0 -. ",J () W ;:) W w rn en a:: >. - w --ELEVATION a:: I-a:: I-z Z --';:) l-I- J: 0 I&. ~ ~ en .4( en w w -I-Z I-0 '1-' . , Q, (I) -Q, Q u ~ Q, (I) Q,' en Q a. en w ~ :i (I) Q, 0 Q, -I-~ Q. W 4( ~ ::E z >-0 w ~ ~ a:: Z 2 Q (/) -' 0 0 a:: 2 Q a:: () DESCRIPTION 0 ,Q 0 (J () , -SM REDDISH BROWN, t SILTY DAND MOIST DENSE - 1 -(Terrace Deposits) -I -- • , 2 ---- 3 -- --I .. -4 -, --5 _ -. --6 _ - .. -.... ----_. -- 7 -SM TAN, FRIABLE SILTY SAND MOIST DENSE ----8 -----9 ----10 ---. , -11-• -f·:l;1 L - 12 . ---" -~ 1\'\' • . ----I ~ .~~ . - I ... -~. '. --, - ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 5 U B 5 U R.-f ACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 10-21-83 JOB NUMBER: \ 13935 Plate No. 4 I , .- , l::, F : ',' : 0 n ,:'; ~ -;It j-: r- L L E t;' " I L 'j [ , ., I ~; ~''1!~ , " ti~ D D L L • .' , . 0 . --- ,51 Z -0 H -Eo! ~ g ..:t ~ ..:t - 1°1 III ~ - CI.l -~ Cot ~ r~ ~ 151 z H -~ u -~ Il: -::> en .. ~ .... 0 201 " ... , ~ -~ ..... -..... 8 I!I -~ Q 25. I - ::,:::~':,~ ~ ....... I.c,IIUNG No. 3 CLlf.:,s Description E y :tJI.: :~n nk. Brown t Dry, Loose Silty c -..,an(,I. ·1·/,1. \ (Cultivated) '1'1.1. 511 Dk. Grey Brown, Humid to Moist, · . -I' .1-1-. SP Dense Slightly Si~ty Sand 12.0 112.4 -1-'+ : I: ,: I: " '1-1-" :',: \: I: ~ -1+1· '1'1'1' ~~':I: 1-------------'rr. l -,-Yellowish Brown · -I.,. tr: : 12.0 102.9 -'-1.1. " · r I-I. "'1'1-.,. 'I' , -1'1'i' J: I: i SH Lt. Grey Brown, Humid to Moist, :j,I·L 37.5 120.9 il:~ Stv Very Dense Slightly Silty Sand . -._ .. 1-1.~" '1' t r· ., t ., t ," ' , · ~ i .fl. .~ -[J.: :37.5 120.1 J -,-'" J: 1.1: .1·· I' · J' L. i: fl'r: , 11111 (Very Hard, Siltstone lenses) j :t. -I : 37.5 117.2 l·E J: , , j:1 ·1: , " . ~~~ '~J' \~ ..... , ". ~ FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE 3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 114,280·4321 CARLSBAD CONDOMINIUM VILLAS v . , ' ' 4.1 , 3.1 12.4 12.3 12.9 IV MRF/W \ DATE Drilled 7-5';72 JOB NO, 13935 BORING LOG Plate 5 ·Ir------------f., '------______ _ I • ~~ ... " " ' ~ldss Deseri tion 45 '1',1':1: ',ll ~'. S1>1 ,I:r ~: sw 'J. 10 f ,(, i. 'I,r. )'}'f' ,I" l' J " 50 :I'r}' '. I" LEGEND~ (Very Hard Siltstone lenses) Lt. Grey Brown, Humid to Moist, Slightly Silty Sand, Very Dense (Increasing Moisture, Moist to Wet) Gray-Brown, Saturated, Very .Dense, Slightly Silty Sand ~ = Sample location E 37.5 60.0 65.0 65.0 If 111.1 102.3 112.0 75.0 118.1 E = Sample Penetration Resistance (Ft. Kips/Ft.) Y = Natural Dry Density (pcf) M = Natural Moisture Cont'ant (% of Y) , Y,\' ' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STRE£T SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 114 l80,4321 ~~, \ " _ .... CARLSBAD CONDOMINIUM VILLAS "-t, .. " 6.0 13.8 12.2 BV MRF /W DATE Drilled 7-5-72 BORING LOG L~ ____________________________________ ~_JO_B_N_O_'~1~3~9~35~ ______ ~ __ p_l_a~t_e~6 __________ ~ , r, [ !: • I F ~ [ I'·" ! ; r 1 I l... ! I L • Z 1-1 ------:':".: ':II.~-----------~l".'.:,'.~""-------------=-.. . , -. "'. ~ ... ,; ",~.:,:~ B()RING Nq. 5 Des Dk. Bro'\'m I Dry, Loose Slightly Silty , Gray Brown, Humid to Moist, Very Dense, Slightly Silty Sand Lt. Gray & Tan, Moist; Very Dense, Slightly Silty Sand Grey, Moist to Wet, Very Dense, Slightly Silty Sand (Random Siltstone lenses) , ' 3O~~~--~----~----------------~~ .. ~---- E . y 109.8 15.0 117.9 19.5 .117.0 40.5' 120.0 ~OR LEGEND SEE PLATE 3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALifORNIA 92120 / 14 ~80·4321 " CARLSBAD CONDOMINIUM VILLAS 3.7 5·.1 6.3 12.1 BORING LOG IV MRF/W,' DATE Drilled 7-6-72 JOB NO. 1~~35 Plate 7 [ L I I ( [ L D rJ r-- i· ,:.:..: 1.... I L •• ... " .. . , - -~CL .t, ·tt. I :1": •. SM ... ", .: '".,; ·.to DoRING No. 5 (CONTINUED) Description Grey, Moist to Wet, Very Dense, Slightly Silty Sand Lt. Gray, Saturated, Very Hard C'l",v Tan, Moist, Very Dense, Slightly Silty Sand 351 "}tt-SW ~'i~"_i;+f' __ -T _________________________________ ~ -~CL ~ -·~I· I:~. E: J.1 t· sw ~ -{.I.r· SM en 40-rl-f: ~ -{I·l· &l .1.]-t' Lt. Gray, Moist, Very Hard Clay Lt. Gray, Moist, Very Dense Slightly Silty Sand ~ -?·I.· . ~ ~.~.~.--~~--------------------------------- Z -•• : I-f -•• : •••• SM ~ ~ 451':':": o . . .. CIl -". § ~ . . -. " . . ~, . '. , -.' .. a:a • • fi)-.~: .. Lt. Gray=green, Humid, Very Dense, Silty Sand tt: •• ~ ~ -~'~.~.~--~---------------------------------~ Q ) 'i;'"\~ ~ ,~ "\ f' :,' E y 37.5 103.2 75.0 108.9. : "- I Fq~. LEGEND SEE PLATE 3 ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY. INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 114·280·4321 CARLSBAD CONDOMINIUM VILLAS ~,..,-:tt .. , :·1 10.4 8.8 BORING LOG ItY MRF/W\~ DATE Drilled 7-5-72 JOB NO. 13935 Plate 8 I 1-- e [" . : .. : [ r l I [ f'1' : U .... , ... .. 1,' ... , ,. ,. o ' .. rT.l\S~ · . '. '. SM 2' :. · . · . · \ . . 4·' '" . II·. 6 · . . · · · · · · · · · . . . 8· · . III' ••• 10-:.. : . . . . · . 12· ... : · ,.' · . 14 ' .. - ~ IV SM .... . ,', ~ . BORING NO.7 DESCRIPTION Reddish-Brown, Dry to Moist, Dense SILTY SAND Light Gray, Moist, Very Dense, SILTY SAND 'R,....t-t-,....m . ' " ", j ( '.~~ ... :0 ~ • I r'; r-::--=-------r~===~~~~---.-J l ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Papagayo Condominium Development .. ~C SOIL & TESTING LAB, INC. Carlsbad, California ~ ••• 0 .. 'V.AaAL •• T .... T l. .AN a,.caa. CALI .. OANIA ..... 0 ~- BORING LOG CRB" DATE 7-28-78 BY I JOB NO. _.~ ______________________________ ~ ____ ~13~9~3~5 ______ -1 __ ~p~1!a!te~-~9 ______ ~ -- i' . o D [ L [ U r-L. .. ------------------------~.. ----------------------------------------------------~ • .' ... BORING NO.8 , . . " --. ,CLASS DESCRIPTION , O-.~.~~~------------------------- 2 .. : . . . ..... · . 4 .... . . , · . . . , . o ,.,. 0" . • . . .. , . ' . , 10 : : :,' .. . ' 12: .'. · . .. ; ...... SM · . SM 14··· . . . -16- Reddish Brown, Dry to Moist, Medium Dense to Dense, SILTY SAND Light Gray, Moist, Very Dense SILTY SAND V-,' ' "'* .. : SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL "TESTING LAB, INC. ••• a .. lv ... aAL •• T .... T Papagayo Condominium Development Carlsbad, California ~" .' .AN al.caa. CALIPaRNIA ...... a BY BORING LOG CRB JOB NO, Plate 10 i I' ,? -, I: Ii! - D n ~ til .!~I [: ''''' r ' . I I n [ f .- ~ ~ D .. B r777 i 1.-:. L · · . · 2 · · · · . 4 · , · 0 " 0 6· 0 · 0 · · .' · 8 · · 0 0 · · · · · · 10 · · · , · · 12 .. , , · · . · · · 14· · · , · . · · 16 . :: . . , · 0 · · ••••• _'" I BORING NO. 10 DESCRIPTION SM Reddish Brown, Dry to Moist Medium Dense to Dense, SILTY SAND · .... SM Light Gray, Moist, Very Dense, 18 ... SILTY SAND ~nt-+-nm , ' ! SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING LAB, INC. Papagayo Condominium Bevelopment Carlsbad, California ••• 0 Rav.ROAL. •• T .... T .AN 0'.110, CALII'lORNIA •• 1.0 BORING LOG BY CRB JOB NO. DATE 7-2R-7~ 13935 Plate 11 ---- • -~; . DIRECT SHEAR ~f' ·.S T RESULTS (SAMPLES SA: .. RATED & DRAINED) ; Angle of Cohesion SArvlPLE DESCRIPTION inte rna J intercep! frict ionC' 0) _ (ost) . . B3 @6 Undisturbed, Dense, Sliqhtlv Silty ~a..nd 33.3 300 B33@ 31 Undisturbed, Hard Sil ts_tQne 39 4 760 B3 @ 41 " , Very Dense Sliqhtly Silty San.J 37.2 300 B55@ 46 n " " 'Si1ty Sand 44.0 70 , B3 @ 5-6 Slightly Silty Sand, Remolded· to 90% 32° 200 B5 @ 34-35 II n ". n II n. 36° 260 MAXJr-..1UM DENSITY & OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT' AST M :_1.S-2.7_ METHOD: .... A ......• SAMPLE DESCRJPT ION B3 @ B5 @ 5-6 Dk. Grey-Brown Slightly Silty Sand 34-35 Tan Slightly Silty SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 714·283·6134 Sand . BY CHW JOB NO. 13935 Maximum optimu m De-ns ity Moisture (pcf) Cont<o/.) 122.5 9.6 120.0 12.3 , - DATE 7-25-72 Plate 12 ": .. : ~ .. t~ ••• :... •• _ .... '~., •••• ~.,' .:r"1':' "" , S;~,:2_ic;;ci;;i;~~;;;;;.:_!~=~;;J~;. _, _ ;_" ",-',;, __ '," '.c, 0-, ':--::-. • •••• -;-, ~ ~.":1·: -::. '," ~ , ,-.... .".... .... ," ~ .... '-, ,,:' . :: ',; '"'! .:.~ .. ;: .... _ •• ~ ....... ~,., .. M ,,' ".' •••• , '" .. : .. ', ,-, .. . ,." -'-: '~: ....... ~: .... : :· .. :=~,,··~·::;;;«:·~~;?-:ti::::·::-c: ..... " ~..: ',. . ' .. --. . .. ;~ " :',; ·r.:~.:_·.:·~:'::~.: ," .-', ~ .. " :', .:. -. :~':'.". . " . -.. /.,,;~. :~. ·:;::·"':··/·:~~~S·~·':J::i::':~!" • ;,"" ",'~ •• , ',_:.\:; .. ~-·.~ ••• :F~_!-: •• ~; •• /;;.. • -:'·~:-~L_~i~;U~~l~~~j~:;i~~~rt:!Vi£~~-{~i:'~-,,~ ;~~'i~1~~i~~~4~~~i~\~F;-~:~-~j:~~~2;'(~'~1IT£~~I~f~t~~l;;~ __ "/~!~~~~];_c" 'l}~~-.. ~.~~ .. ·' .. :,~.:.:·.·:··.'· " .:~' ... '.:I,::' ':':. ~.: ;~".'" .'. _ .. -"'." .... -':-.:.; .. ~.'''.-..... -.. ~ .... ~. . '" ~~' .. " -' .. ~-. ~'.:;-: -::-~-:~::.~~~~~;.)~~:.~:' .. :~ .. : .:.« .. Ii --~ ~ '.::':~ ,.: .. ,.: .. ~ .. ~ 1 ....... :-.:~;~-.. ~ ... :. : ... " •••• _' :.... ;';;';:~":;:::~!~;;:~;1;:~2~;;;~:.t~~:~ ... C •• ""'-' ............... ~ .... J.-;;. .. ~ :-:; ~i~:~~::~t~~·~:~:w -~~.~ .. :~':~~'.: _.: ~._ ~ ~.~_ .... w_.~ . _:i'~ " ~ ~ ~;~ . ......... . .-':'~ ."~' .... ..; ... :':::.:. ":':.~::>f:'i " ; ~.: '.:,-::' ':" :'~ .. ', .. ;. . I.... '." ':' ... '.~'.' :'" .... ,~ T', ...... _ .~. ~ .. ;~ : ':':. . .,' ...... . :. ' :,' '. " L ..... SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA IS01L . & TESTINGJ INC. , ,,-:,: ~'"'' .:.. ,~.\\; '.·r ',. ,::.. • ...:.. .... :.,;"\. .. ";.~ .. ,-.-.;:"; .... _ • .1._';:J. •••. ' •. r' .,' , ! !:c'l ' .. D 0 1 " ,,' ~ l~ r L., L E I I [ [- ~ ~a, r~ U D t~~ L • WINDSONG SHORES, SOUTHERN TERMINUS HARBOR DRIVE, SAN DIEGO RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS -GENERAL PROVISIONS , .,',. ,GENERAL INTENT The intent of these specifications is to establish procedures for clearing", compacting natural ground, preparing areas to be filled, and placing and compacting fill soils to the lines a~d grades shown on the accepted plans. The recommendations contained in the preliminary geotechnical ,investigation report and/or the attached Special Provisions are a part of the Recommended Gradi ng Speci fi cati ons and shall supersede the provi si ons contai ned hereinafter in the case of confH ct. These specifi cati ons 'shall only be used in conjunction with the geotechnical report for which they are a part. No deviation from these specifications will be allowed, except where , ,. specified in the geotechnical soil report or in other written communication' sign~d by the Soil Engineer. OBSERVATION AND TESTING Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc., shall be retained as the Soil Engineer to observe and test the earthwork in accordance with these specifications. It will ~e necessary that the Soil Engineer or his, representative provi de adequate observati on so that he may provide an opinion that the,'work was or was not accomplished as specified. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the soil engineer and to keep him appraised of work schedules, changes and new information and data so that he may provi de these opi ni ons., In the event that any unus'ual conditions not covered by the special provisions or preliminary soil report are encountered duri ng the gradi ng opera ti ons, the Soil Engi neer shan be contacted for further recommendations. If, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, substandard conditions are "\"; .. ;" .. encountered, such as; t questi onab1 e or unsui ta,R.1 e soil, unacceptab1 e . / ,., ~ .. , (R-8/87) -e:~._. " , I" 10,; I·"~~ ., D ~ .,' 'ii' I ,~ .- [ 11 > ... I I I [ I:"" ~ '" " ~ D :. rn [ L L • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Appendi x B, pag.e 2 '". moisture content, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, etc., till " , co~nstruction shoul d be stopped until the cO'ndi ti ons are reme.di ed or ~ ~ .. " . corrected or he shall recommend rejection of this work. Test methods used to determi-ne the degree of compaction should be performed in accordance with the following American Society for Testing and Materi'als test methods: Maximum Density & Optimum Moisture Content -A.S.T.M. 0-1557-78. Density of Soil In-Place -A.S.T.M. 0-1556-64 or.A.S.T.M. 0-2922. All densities shall be expressed in terms of Relative Compaction as determined by the foregoing A.S.T.M. testing procedures. PREP~TION OF AREAS TO RECEIVE FIll All vegetation, brush and debris derived from clearing operatipns shall be removed, and 1 egally di sposed of. All areas di stlirbed by si t~ grading should be left in a neat and finished appearance, free from unsightly debris. After clearing or benching, the natural ground in areas to be filled shall be scarified to a depth "of 6 inches, brought to the proper moisture content, compacted and tested for the minimum degree of compaction in the" Special Provisions or the recommendation contained in the preliminary geotechnical investigation report. All loose soils in excess of 6 inches thick should be removed to firm natural ground which is defined as natural soils which possesses an in-situ density of at least 9~ of its maximum dry density. When the slope of the natural ground receiv\i'.~g fill exceeds 20$ (5 horizontal units to 1 vertical unit), the originah'ground shall be stepped ( ,. ~~ (R-8/87) I \.:" p,j D 0 . , I "'..i' C ~ :" :.'t uUo [ I I I . C r-' ~u ~ ~~ H ~ " [~ ~~ i L. L j. ".', , • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Appendix B, page 3 ~ ~' or benched. Benches shall be cut to a firm competent soil condition. The , lower bench shall be at least 10 feet wide or 1 1/2 times the the equipment ~ width which ever is greater and shall be sloped back into the hillside at a gradient of not· less than two (2) percent. All other benches should be a~ 1 east.s feet wi de. The hori zonta 1 porti on of each bench shall be compacted. prior to receiving fill as specified herein for compacted natural ground. Ground slopes fl atter than 20% shall be benched when consi dered necessary by the. Soil Engi neer • Any abandoned buried structures encountered during g~ading operations must be totally removed. All underground utilities to be abandoned beneath any proposed structure should be removed from within 10 fee~ of the structure and properly capped off. The resul ti ng depressi ons from the above descri bed procedures shoul d be back fill ed wi th acceptable soil that i's comp.acted to the requirements of the Soil Engineer. This includes, but is not limited to, septic tanks, fuel tanks, sewer lines or leach lines, storm drains and water lines. Any buried structures or utilities not to. be abandoned should be brought to the attention of the Soil Engineer so that he may .determine if any special recommendation will be necessary. All water wells which will be abandoned should be backfilled and capped in accordance to the requi rements set forth by the Soil Engi neer. The top o"f the cap should be at least 4 feet below finish grade or 3 feet below the' bottom of footing whichever is greater. The type of cap will depend on the. di ameter of the well and shoul d be determi ned by the Soi 1 . Engi n.eer and/o.r a qualified Structural Engineer. FILL MATERIAl. ! • Materials to be placed in the fill shall be approved by the Soil Engineer and shall be free of vegetabl e matter and other.. del eteri ous substances.· .... . Granular soil shall contain sufficient fine mater-,ial to fill the voids.' (R-8/87) • L. i-' I ' .~\~ 0 ill :1: " I G .i :~H C ,~ I I I C r-' ~ ~ u Q E -' L L .... A, • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Appendix B, page 4 i(' ~,-',The' definition and disposition of oversized rocKs, e'xpansive and/or . detrimental soil s are covered in the geotechni cal report or ,Spec; a1 . . 1.0 • Provisions. Expansive soils, soils of poor gradation, or soilS with low strength characteristics may be thoroughly mixed with other soils t? provide satisfactory fill material, but only with the explicit consent of the soil engineer. Any import material shall be approved by the 50;1 Engineer before being brought to the site. PLACING AND COMPACTION OF FILL Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in layers not to exceed 6 inches in compacted thicKness. Each layer shal,l have a uniform moisture content in the range that will allow the compaction effort to be efficiently applied to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Each layer shall be uniformly compacted to a minimum'specified degree of compaction with equipment of adequate size to economically compact the layer. Compaction equipment should either be specifically designed' for soil compaction or of proven reliability. The minimum degree of compaction to be achieved is specified in either the Special Provisions or the recommendations contained in the preliminary geotechnical investigation report. When the structural fill material includes rocks, no rocks will be a'llowed to nest and all voi ds must be carefully fi 11 ed wi th sO'il such that the minimum degree of cOlDp~ction recolllDended in the Special Provisions. is achieved. The raaxi/ll.lm size and spacing of rock permitted in structural· fills and in non-structural fills is discussed in the geotechnical report, when appl icable. Fi el d observation and compacti on tests to estimate the degree of compacti,on of the fill will be taken by the Soil Engineer or;: .. his representative. The location and frequency of the tests shall be a'.t the Soil Engineer's I (R-8/87) '!'."".~. , i \..,. , I·';; 0 0 I l!!l (~ -:}: jill [ I I R -~ [ ~ t~ ... D ~ E' .;t: . .....:. I L L • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 . Appendix B, page 5 ~ .:~iscretion. When the compaction test indicates that a particular layer is ~ . . _ '. ,1 ess than the requi red degree of compacti on, the 1 ayer shall be reworked to . -the satisfaction of the Soil Engineer and until the desired relative compaction has been obtained. Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitabl e equipment. Compacti on by sheepsfoot roll ers shall be at ver,tical intervals of not greater than four feet. In addition, fill slopes at ratios of two horizontal to one vertical or flatter, should be trackrolled. Steeper fill slopes shall be over-buil t and cut-back to finish contours after the slope has been constructed. Slope compaction operations shalJ result in all fill material six or more inches inward from the ffnished face of the slope having a rel ative compaction of at 1 east 90~ of maximum. dry density or that specified in the Special Provisions section of thi"s speci·fication. The compaction operation on the slopes shall be continued until the Soil Engineer is of the opinion that the slopes will be stable in regards to surficial stability. .. Slope tests will be made by the Soil s Engineer during construction of the slopes to determine if the required compaction is being achieved. Where failing tests occur or other field problems arise, the Contractor will be' notified that day of such conditions by written communication from the Soil Engineer or his representative in the form of a daily field report. "If the lIIethod of achieving the required slope compaction selected by the Contractor fail s to produce the necessary resul ts, the Contractor shall rework or rebuild such slopes. until. the required degree of compaction is obtained, at no cost to the Owner or Soils Engineer • . .... ~:.' . (R-8/87) .'! ..... ~i:.. " , ! .. , t' . . '. : .~~ 0 n I [ ~: L I I R -t.i. [ ~ E n E L .~t. l __ L • SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 Appendix B, page 6 t.( ¥. ~~ ,C .. ~ SLOPES . "The Engineering Geologist shall inspect cut slopes excavated in rock or lithified formational material during the grading operations at intervals determined at his discretion. If any conditions not anticipated in the . prel iminary report such as perched water, seepage, 1 enti cul ar or confi ned strata of a potentially adverse nature, unfavorably inclined bedding, jOints or fault planes are encountered during grading, these conditions shall be analyzed by the Engineering Geologist and Soil Engineer to determine if mitigating measures are necessary. Unless otherwise specified in the geotechnical report, no cut slopes shall be excavated hi gher or steeper than that allowed by the ordi nances of the controlling governmental agency. ENGINEERING OBSERVATION Field observation by the Soil Engineer or his representative shall be made during the filling and compacting operations so that he can, express his . . opinion regarding the conformance of the grading with acceptable standards of practice. The presence of the Soil Engi neer or hi s representative or the observation and testing shall not release the Grading Contractor from his duty to compact all fill material to the specified degree of compaction. SEASON LIMITS Fill shall not be placed during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rain, filling operations shall not be resumed until the ~roper moisture content and densi ty of the fill material s can be' achf eved. Damaged site condi ti ons resu1 ti ng froJjJ, .. weather or acts of God shall be repaired befor~; acceptance of work. '.:~' I (R-8/87) , , .. L r-/'". :~71 0 n ~~ !rlll :.,,,' C " L [ I f· [ l; r~ D n :~ [ [ L ., SCS&T 8821027 March 15, 1988 . Appendix B, page 7 ~ ..-.I; . .: , ... ~ RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS -SPECIAL PROVISIONS }.. " '. l....,. " • RELATIVE COMPACTION: The minimum degree of compaction to be obtained in compacting natural ground, in the compacted fill, and in the compacted backfill shall be at least 90 percent. For street and parking lot subgrade, the upper six inches should be compacted to at least 95% relative' compaction. EXPANSIVE SOILS: Detrimentally expansive soil is defined as clayey soil which has an expansion index of 50 or greater when tested in accordance with the Uniform Building Code Standard 29-C. OVERSIZED MATERIAL: Oversized fi 11 rna teri ali s generally defi ned herei n as rocks or lumps of soil over 6 inches in diameter. Oversize· materials should not be placed in fill unless reconmendations of placement of such material is provided by the soils engineer. At least 40 percent of the fill soils shall pass through a No. 4 u.S. Standard Sieve. TRANSITION LOTS: Where transi ti ons between cut and fill occur within the proposed buil ding pad, the cut porti on shoul d be undercut a minimum of one foot below the base of the proposed footings and recompacted as structural backfill. In certain cases that would be addressed in the geotechnical report, special footing reinforcement or a combination of special footing reinforcement and undercutting may be required. ....... " . (R-8/87) I ,