HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 83-16; Santa Fe Ridge Unit 1 Lots 1-85; Soils Report; 1984-07-31- EBERHART 8 STONE, INC. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS 2211 E. WINSTON ROAD.~SUITE F . ANAHEIM, CA 92606 0 (714) 991 -0163 6353 EL CAMINO REAL. SUITE~C 0 CARLSEAD. CA 92006 0 (714) 436-9416 MASS GRADING GEOTECMNJCAL REPORT LOTS 1 - 85,UNlT 1, C-T 83-h TRACT CT-16/LCDP 83-l CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA W.O. 1309 July 31, 1984 DAN R. EBERHART, CEG GERALD L. STONE, RCE Prepared For: Dividend Development Corporation 3950 Ingram Street, #13-1304 San Diego, California 92109 Dividend ~~ TABLE OF CONTENTS W.O. 1309 TEXT REPORT ON GRADING Site Site Soil Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 Setting Surficial Units Bedrock Unit Ground Water Faulting Landsliding Seismic Statement Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Page 2 Ground Preparation Canyon Subdrains Fill Placement Lot Capping Cut Slopes Fill Slopes Stabilized Slopes Slope Subdrains Testing......................................................Page 4 Field Laboratory OPI~NIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Page 5 Ground Water, Faulting, and Landsliding Seismic Statement Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Natural Ground Slope Stability Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~.......~........~....~~.~... Page 5 Bearing Value Expansive Soil Guidelines Foundations Adjacent a Top-of-Slope Site Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~..~..~..... Page 6 Foundation Excavations Slab Subgrade Trench Backfill Wall Backfill Pavement Areas Slope Maintenance Pad Drainage Maintenance Summary............,...,,............,..............,..,..,.....Page 8 EBERHART L STONE, INC. Dividend T’ABLE OF CONTENTS W.O. 1309 APPENDIX References ................................................. ..Pag e A-l Summary of Field Density Test Results ....................... .Table I Summary of Laboratory Test Results .......................... .Tables II and II I Approximate Maximum Depth of Fill ........................... .Table IV Guidelines for Residential Foundations Based on Soil Expansion ........................................... Table V Grading Plans (pocket enclosures) ............................ .Plates 1 and 2 EBERHART P STONE. INC. Dividend W.O. 1309 -l- REPORT ON GRADING Presented herein is a review of the testing and observations provided by this firm during mass grading of the subject site. Grading was accomplished for the purpose of creating building pads for the proposed single-family residences. Opinions and recommendations relative to development of the site are also presented. SITE GEOLOGY Periodic geologic observations during mass grading were made to compare anticipated and as-graded geologic conditions. The as-graded site geology was mapped during grading and is shown on the enclosed Grading Plans, Plates 1 and 2. Setting The site is located on the western flanks of the Peninsular Range Province. Prior to grading, topography consisted of a north-south trending valley with gently rolling hills to the east and west. Surface drainage was controlled by topography to the south toward Ranch0 Santa Fe Road. Surficial Units Topsoil: Residual topsoil mantled the bedrock and ranged from 1 foot to 2 feet in thickness. This soil was typically dry and ‘low in density and consisted of a brown silty to clayey sand. Topsoil was removed by overexcavation or benching to expose competent bedrock in areas to receive fill and where exposed at cut grade. Alluvium (Qal) : Recent alluvium occupied the valley bottoms and tributary swales of the site. This material consisted of brown to gray-brown fine silty to clayey sand. This soil was typically moist to very moist and low in density. Alluvium was removed by benching and overexcavation to expose competent bedrock in areas to receive fill and where exposed at cut grade. Bedrock Unit Delmar Formation (Tdm) : The gently rolling hills east and west of the canyon bottom are underlain by marine sediments of Eocene age. These deposits wn- sist of a fine to medium grained sandstone, with minor silty sandstone, and siltstonelclaystone interbeds. The sandstone is gray to light brown, dry to damp, dense to very dense, locally friable, and moderately indurated. Siltstone/claystone interbeds are gray to green in color, moist to very moist, moderately hard to hard, and massive. Geologic structure within the Delmar Formation is typically poorly developed and locally cross-bedded. Well-developed continuous planar features are gener- ally lacking. EBERHART P STONE, INC. Dividend -2- W.O. 1309 Locally, bedding is undulatory, with near-horizontal to shallow dips to the north and south. High-angle joint patterns are common within the sandstone, trending northwest and northeast. Ground Water Ground water was not observed within the subject tract during the mass grading. Minor seepage was win canyon cleanouts near the alluvium/ bedrock contact. Faulting Minor faulting was observed adjacent Lot 1 and Rancho Sante Fe Road on the south end of the subject tract. Bedrock exposed within the cut slope below Lot 1 appeared fractured and sheared. No active or potentially active faults were observed on or adjacent the subject tract during grading. Landsliding Landsliding was not observed within the subject tract. Seismic Statement A detailed discussion of seismicity was presented in the preliminary geotechnical report and remains valid. SITE GRADING Mass grading under the purview of this report was accomplished by Signs and Pinnick Contractors during the period of June 7, and July 23, 1984. Ground Preparation Areas which were graded were first cleared of significant deleterious material, including trees, surface vegetation, and miscellaneous debris. Topsoil, alluvium, artificial fill, and otherwise unsuitable materials, were over- excavated to expose competent bedrock. Removal depths varied from about 2 feet to 20 feet. Prior to receiving fill, the exposed ground surface was scarified to a depth of about 12 inches, moisture+onditioned as needed, and compacted to 90% or more of the laboratory maximum density. Canyon Subdrains Subdrains were placed in canyon areas, as shown on the accompanying Grading Plans, and consisted of 6-inch and E-inch diameter P.V.C. perforated pipes embedded in 3/4” rock wrapped in filter fabric. About the last 30 feet of the lower end of the subdrains consisted of E-inch diameter P.V.C. non-perforated pipe embedded in compacted fill. The subdrain was tied into the storm drain system in Camino Alvaro just northwest of Corte Pedro. EBERHART P STONE, INC. Dividend -3- W.O. 1309 Fill Placement Following preparation of the exposed ,ground surface, as described above, fill was placed in loose lifts restricted to about six inches in thickness. Each lift was moisture-conditioned as needed to obtain near-optimum conditions, then compacted to 90% or more of the laboratory maximum density. Compaction was accomplished by utiliring a sheepsfoot roller and by rolling with heavy rubber- tired earthmoving equipment. Each lift was treated in a like manner until the desired rough grades were achieved. Fill placed onsite consisted of overexcavated material considered suitable for reuse as compacted fill and material generated from nearby cut areas. Prior to the placement of fill on surfaces inclined steeper than about 5:l (horizontal to vertical), horizontal keys and near-vertical benches were excavated into adjacent competent bedrock. Approximate maximum depths of fill on a lot-by-lot basis are indicated in Table IV. Lot Cappinq Where a cut/fill transition existed within proposed building areas, the cut portions of these areas were overexcavated about three feet and replaced with compacted fill. This lot capping was accomplished on Lots 5-10, 14, 23, 30-32, 40, 47, 48, 64, 81 and 85. Where a cut pad existed above a stability fill, the upper three feet were removed and replaced with a compacted fill blanket, This lot capping was accomplished on Lots 1 and 2. Cut Slopes Cut slopes were constructed at a 2 :l (horizontal to vertical) slope ratio to a maximum height of about 35i feet. Fill Slopes Keys for fill slopes were constructed, where necessary, in accordance with the recommendations of the referenced reports. Fill slopes were constructed at a 2 :l (horizontal to vertical) slope ratio to a maximum height of about 22_+ feet. The slopes were backrolled with a sheeps- foot roller at regular intervals during slope construction. During grading, the slopes were overbuilt about 2 feet to 3 feet and were subsequently cut back to the compacted core. Stabilized Slopes A stabilized fill, with a key 15 feet wide by 2 feet deep, was constructedon the slope adjacent Lots 1 and 2. This slope was stabilized due to locally adversely oriented planar features and intensely fractured rock that was present within the cut slope. EBERHART & STONE INC. Dividend Slope Subdrains -4- W.O. 1309 Subdrains were placed in the stabilized slope adjacent Lots 1 and 2. Drains consisted of 4-inch diameter P.C.V. perforated pipe embedded in 3/4” rock and wrapped with filter fabric. Subdrains were placed near the heel of the key. Subdrain outlets from the heel to the slope face consisted of 4-inch diameter P.V.C. non-perforated pipe embedded in compacted fill. Subdrain outlets were spaced at about loo-foot horizontal intervals. SOIL TESTING Field During the course of mass grading, field density tests were taken to determine compliance with the recommended standards. These tests were taken in accordance with ASTM standards for the sand cone and drive cylinder methods of density testing (ASTM D1556 and D2937, respectively). Results of the field density testing are presented in Table I. During fill placement, field density tests were taken at the rate of about two feet in vertical height or about each 1000 cubic yards. Periodic near-surface density tests were also taken upon achievement of rough pad and slope grades. Approximate locations of the field density.tests are shown on the accompanying Grading Plans, prepared by Hunsaker and Associates, Inc. For comparison of field density tests to laboratory standards, visual and tactile identifications were made of the materials tested. Laboratory Presented below are brief descriptions of laboratory tests performed on samples obtained during mass grading. Results of the laboratory testing are presented in Tables II and Ill. Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture: For materials considered representative of the major soil types placed as compacted fill, maximum density and optimum moisture content determinations were made in accordance with ASTM D1557-70. Potential Expansion: Determinations of potential soil expansion were made on a lot-by-lot basis in accordance with ASCE Expansion Index Test (UBC Standard 29-2). Sulfate Content: Determinations of soluble sulfate content were made on a lot-by-lot basisin accordance with California Method of Test No. 417A. EBERHART B STONE, INC. Dividend -5- W.O. 1309 I OPINIONS AND RECOMM,ENDATIONS Recommendations in this report are opinions based upon this firm’s testing and observations performed during mass grading, previous geotechnical studies, and professional judgment. Opinions and recommendations are applicable to the grading performed and development proposed under the purview of this report, and should be incorporated into project design and construction practice. GEOLOGY Ground Water, Faulting, and Landsliding No adverse effects from ground water, faulting, or landsliding~are anticipated. Seismic Statement No active faults are present at the subject site; therefore, ground rupture is ,not anticipated. Because of the proximity of the site to active faults in the Southern California area, moderate ground shaking could occur during an earth- quake. Liquefaction is not anticipated. Proposed structures should be designed to resist seismic forces in accordance with criteria contained in the 1982 Uniform Building Code for seismic zone 4. GRADING The geotechnical aspects of mass grading under the purview of this report are in compliance with this firm’s recommendations, the provisions for excavation and grading set forth by the City of Carlsbad, and the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70. The subject site, as-graded, is considered suitable for the proposed development. Natural Ground Both cut and prepared natural ground are considered suitable for support of the compacted fill and the proposed structures. Slope Stability Cut and fill slopes, as-graded, are considered stable. FOUNDATIONS The following recommendations have been developed for the proposed one- and/or two story single-famil,y residences. Wood-framed, slab-on-grade construction is proposed, and is anticipated to yield light structural loading. Based upon the proposed construction and the anticipated light structural loading, post-construction settlement should be within generally accepted tolerable limits. EBERHART P STONE, INC. Dividend -6- W.O. 1309 Foundations for’ an individual structure should be embedded within the same bearing material, such as entirely within bedrock or entirely within compacted fill. Based on soluble sulfate content of the onsite materials, Type II or Type V cement should be utilized in concrete for foundations. Bearing Value For design purposes, an allowable bearing value of 2000 pounds per square foot, based on an embedment of 12 inches into compacted fill or bedrock, may be used for continuous footings or square pad foundations. This value is for dead load plus live load conditions and may be increased by one-third in consideration of wind or seismic loadings of short duration. In designing to resist horizontal soil loadings, a lateral bearing resistance of 200 pounds per square foot, per foot of embedment, and a friction factor of 0.3 may be utilized for foundations embedded in compacted till or bedrock. Expansive Soil Guidelines The potential expansion of the near-surface materials at rough grade on the subject lots ranges from Very Low to Low. Guidelines for residential foundations, based on soil expansion, are presented on a lot-by-lot basis in Table V. Foundations Adjacent a Top-of-Slope The bottom outer edge of foundations adjacent a top-of-slope should be set back from the slope surface a horizontal distance of one-half the slope height under consideration. The horizontal distance should not be less than five feet and may be limited to ten feet. SITE DEVELOPMENT Should future property owners desire to construct additional structures, such as pools, walls, patios, etc., the plans for such improvements should be provided to the geotechnical consultant for review and comment. Prior to the commencement of additional grading and/or site development, including subgrade preparation of areas to be paved, backfilling of trenches and walls, etc., the geotechnical consultant should be notified two working days in advance in order to schedule testing and observations as needed. Foundation Excavations Foundation excavations should be observed by the geotechnical consultant prior to the placement of forms, reinforcement, and concrete, so that foundation bearing materials may be compared with those upon which the guidelines in Table V are based. Excavations should ‘be level, sq.uare, and free of loose material and debris prior to the placement of concrete. EBERHART L STONE, INC. Divdend Slab Subgrade -7- W.O. 1309 Though presaturation of slab subgrade is not a requirement for Very Low and Low expansion potentials, optimum moisture conditions should -be maintained or reestablished just prior to the placement of slab concrete. Trench Backfill Trench backfill consisting of onsite materials should be placed in horizontal lifts and mechanically’ compacted to 90% of the laboratory maximum density. For shallow trenches below slab areas, an alternative to backfilling with onsite materials would be to jet, in place, imported granular material having a sand equivalent of 30 or more. Wall Backfill Materials to be placed as wall backfill should be tested by the geotechnical con- sultant so that the soil characteristics of those materials may be compared with those upon which retaining wall design parameters have been based. Wall backfill should ‘be placed in horizontal lifts and mechanically compacted to 90% of the laboratory maximum density. The use of heavy compaction equipment adracent a retaining wall may produce strains greater than those normally associated with the development of active earth pressures, and/or lateral soil loading exceeding design parameters, resulting i’n excessive wall movement. Therefore, caution should be used during wall backfill placement and compaction. Pavement Areas Subgrade materials in areas to be paved should be observed, sampled and tested for R-value by the geotechnical consultant so that pavement section alternatives may be developed. Traffic indices, as determined by the governing agency, should be provided to the geotechnical consultant. Prior to the placement of disintegrated granite, aggregate base, or asphaltic concrete pavement, the exposed subgrade surface should be scarified, moisture-conditioned as needed to obtain near-optimum conditions, and recompacted in place. Isolated over-excavations may also be required, as field conditions dictate, to eliminate any dry, wet, loose, or soft areas that may exist at the time of subgrade preparation. Slope Maintenance Vegetation planted on slopes should be native to the area, deep rooting and drought resistant. A landscape architect should be consulted for recommendations on types of plants and planting configuration. Surflcial slope instability can be mitigated by minimizing moisture variations near the slope surface. Overwatering of slope surfaces, alteration of drainage patterns and slope configurations, obstruction of drainage devices, and burrowing rodents can be detrimental to slope stability. Provisions should be made to interrupt automatic timing devices of irrigation systems during rainy seasons. EEERHART P STONE. INC. Dividend Pad Orainaqe Maintenance -0- W.O. 1309 Roof and pad drainage should be collected and directed away from proposed structures. As-graded drainage patterns and devices should be maintained to provide positive drainage. Alteration and/or obstruction of these may cause foundation distress. SUMMARY Testing and observations were provided, and opinions and recommendations were developed, in accordance with generally accepted engineering and geologic principles and practices. No warranty is expressed nor implied. The presence of the geotechnical consultant at the site was to provide the developer with a continuing source of professional advice, opinions, and recom- mendations based upon testing and observations of the grading contractor’s work, and did not include superintending nor supervision. This report is subject to review by the controlling governmental body. Respectfully submitted, Project Geologist President President CEC 965 CEC 965 and RJF:DRE:CLS:cas EBERHART P STONE, INC. Vice President RCE 32233 Dividend ERERHART P STONE, INC. W.O. 1309 APPENDIX Dividend A-l I ,’ REFERENCES K.O. 1309 Completion of Rough Grading, Model Lots l-5, Unit 1, C.T. 83-16, Carlsbad, California, by Eberhart & Stone, Inc., dated July 13, 1984 (W.O. 1309). Rough Grading Plan Review, Santa Fe Ridge, CT 83-16/LCDP 63-1, Carlsbad, California, by Eberhart & Stone, Inc., dated February 10, 1984 (W.O. 1309). Geotechnical Investigation, Santa Fe Ridge, CT 83-9, Carlsbad, California, by Eberhart 6 Stone, Inc., dated October 7, 1983 (W.O. 1265). EBERHART P STONE, INC. 1 , ._ Dividend TABLE I W.O. 1309 SUMMARY OF Fl.ELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS rEST UO. NOTE 225 226 227 229 230 232 I I MOISTURE DRY DEN VATION % pcf DATE LOCATION UNIT 1 ELE 06-07-89 Lot 11 137 13 105 06-07-84 Lot 14 143 14 109 06-07-84 1 Camino Alvaro I 135 I 14 1 107 06;07-84 06-07-84 06-07-84 Lot 13 Lot12 . Lot 82~ 144 14 108 146 12 .105 105 14 106 234 06-08-84 Lot 14 145 235 06-08-84 Sombrosa 150 236 06-08-84 Lot 12 140 237 06-08-84 Sombrosa 153 238 06-08-84 Camino Alvaro 143 239 06-08-84 Lot 84 153 240 06-08-84 Camino Alvaro 129 241 06-08-84 Lot 20 121 242 06-08-84. Lqt 11 125 243 06-08-84 Lot 8 132 244 06-08-84 Lot 10 137 245 06-08-84 Camino Alvaro 120 247 06-08-84 Sombrosa 156 248 06-08-84 Lot 17 135 249 06-08-84 Lot 83 155 250 06-11-84 Lot 84 251 06-11-84 Lot 15 252 06-l l-84 Lot’ 83 253 06-11-84 Lot 10 254 06-11-84 Lot 82 256 06-11-84 Lot 18 257 06-l l-84 Sombrosa -258 06-l l-84 Lot 18 258 r 06-11-84 Lot 18 259 06-11-84 Lot 9 260 06-11-84 Lot 22 261 06-l l-84 Lot 37 262 06-l l-84 Lot 34 157 140 158 142 160 127 149 129 129 144 113 111. ~1 13 263 06-12-84 Lot 38 109 14 13 12 11 12 12 13 14 14 13 12 12 12 13 13 14 13 13 13 14 12 11 9 11 14 13 11 12 13 110 109 108 105 102 106 113 111 106 111 109 111 107 106 111 105 106 105 109 108 107 104 103 107 110 109 104 105 102 REL.COMP. I SOIL %~ 90 93 91 92 91 91 94 94 92 91 91 91 97 95 C A : I C C 91 95 I : 93 C 95 ’ C 94 D 91 95 t 91 91 t 91 A 96 D 96 E 91 C 91 D 89 ‘A 91 94 : 93 C 92 B 93 B 91 I B / I / / ._ Dividend TABLE I W.O. 1309 SUMMARY OF FLELD ‘DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST MOISTURE DRY DEN. REL.COMP. SOIL NO. NOTE DATE LOCATION UNIT 1 ELEVATION % pcf %, TYPE 264 06-12-84 Lot 35 110 13 102 91 265 06-12-84 Lot 33 109 14 102 91 : 266 06-12-84 Via Pepita 111~ 12 107 94 D 267 06-12-84 Lot 37 113 14 102 91 0 268 06- 12-84 Lot 36 ‘~ 112 14 ,103 90 ,D 269 06-12-84 Lot 21. 121 14 101 90 B 270 06-12-84 Lot 36 114 13 104 92 B 271 06-12-84 Lot 22 113 14 102 91 B 272 06-12-84 Lot 38 115 13 102 91 B 273 06-12-84 Lot 34 114 14 111 95 C 274 06-12-84 Lot 36 114 - 14 105 92 D 275 06-12-84 Lot 22 116 14 102 91 B 276 06-12-84 Lot 36 116 14 105 93 B 277 06-12-84 Lot 38 117 14 103 92 B 278 06-12-84 Lot 37 118 13 103 90 D 279 06-12-84 Lot 33 117 15 103 92 B 280 06-12-84 Lot 50 141 14 104 91 D 281 06-12-84 147 Lot 47 13 104 92 282 06-12-84 Lot 45 146 13 105 91 ’ : 283 06-13-84 Via Pepita 119 14 102 91 B 284 06-13-84 Lot 35 120 15 103 92 B 285 06-13-84 Camino Alvaro 122 15 105 94 E 286 06- 13-84~ Lot 39 121 12 103 90 D 287 06-13-84 Via Pepita 123 14 103 90 D 288 06- 13-84 Lot 37 123 17 102 91 289 06-13-84 Lot 33 122 13 105 91 : 290 06-13-84 Lot 19 129 13 104 91 D 291 06-13;84 Camino Alvaro 124 14 102 91 292 06-13-84 Lot 30 124 14 104 90 .: ‘293 06-l 3-84 Lot 36 126 13 103 92 B 294 06- 13-84 Lot 20 130 13 101 90 B 295 06-13-84 Lot 38 127 13. 102 91 B 296 06- 13-84 Lot 35 126 13 ‘101 90 B 297 06-13-84 Lot 21 126. 14 102 91 B 298 06-13-84 Lot 39 128 13 102 299 06-13-84 Lot 36 127 15 102 z: Fl 300 06-13-84 Camino Alvaro 127 14 102 91 B Dividend TEST NO. NOTE DATE ==I== 301 06-13-84 302 06-l 3-84 LOCATION UNIT 1 Lot 33 Lot 20 ELEVATION IOISTURI IRY DEN REL.COMP. SOIL % pcf % TYPE 128 11 104 131 14 102 303 06-14-84 Camino Alvaro 132 13 102 304 06-14-84 Lot34 . 129 14 10.3 305 06-14-84 Lot 37 129 14 104 306 06-14-84 Lot 22 133 14 102 307 06-14-84 Via PePita 132 15 105 308. 06-14-84 Lot 38 130 11 107 309 06-14-84 Lot 19 135 15 106 310 06-l 4-84 Lot 35 134 13 103 311 .~ 06-14-84 Lot 39 134 13 105 312 06-14-84 Lot 37 135 12 104 313 06-14--84 Lot 22 137 15 103 314 06-14-84 Camino Alvaro 138 14 101 315 06-14-84 Lot 36 136 14 106 316 06-14-84 Lot 30 138 13 103 317 06-14-84 Lot 36 132 16 101 318 06-14-84 Lot 36 133 15 105 319 06-14-84 Lot 37 135 13 103 320 06-l 4-84 Lot 35 135 13 102 321 06-14-84 Lot 20 139 13 103 322 06-l 5-84 Lot 21 141 14 104 323 06-15-84 Lot 33 138 14 103 324 06-15-84 Lot 36 138 14 104 325 06-15-84 Lot’ 39 138 14 105 326 06-15-84 Lot 20 142 11 106 327 06-15-84 Lot 36 139 15 105 328 06-15-84 Camino Alvaro 143 16 105 329 06-15-84 Lot 34 143 13 105 330 06-15-84 Lot 20 145 16 101 331 06-l 5-84 Lot 18 147 15 103 332 06-15-84 Camino Alvaro 144 13 102 333 06-15-84 Lot 21 144 14 101 334 06-15-84 Lot 6 148 14 102 335 06-15-84 Lot 17 144 17 102 336 06-15-84 Lot 7 146 17 105 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FLELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS I W.O. 1309 91 91 91 92 92 91 93 94 94 92 92 92 92 90 91 92 90 93 92 91 90 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 91 90 92 91 90 91 91 94 D 0 B B B B B D B B D 0 0 B A B 0 B B 0 D B B B B D B : E B I3 E I3 E E Dividend TABLE I W.O. 1309 SUMMARY OF FI~ELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST MOISTURE DRY DEN. REL.COMP. SOIL NO. NOTE DATE LOCATION UNIT 1 ELEVATION 0 Dcf %~ TYPE 337 06-15-84 Lot 8 147 12 104 91 D 338 06-15-84 Camino Alvaro 149 15 103 92 339 06-15-84 Lot 22 142 11 104 91 D” 340 06-15-84 Lot 16 150 14 104 92 B 341 06-18-84 Lot 38 135 12 97 86 0 342 06-18-84 Lot 37 136 14 98 87 B 341 r 06-18-84 Lot 38 135 14 103 92 0 342. r 06-18-84 Lot 37 136 14 103 92 8 343 06-18-84 Lot 38 137 15 103 92 344 06- 18-84 Lot 37 138 15 103 92 : 345 06-18-84 Lot 37 140 13 106 94 0 346 06-18-84 Lot 39 140 12 104 92 0 347 06- 1 E- 84 Lot 34 142 11 111 99 B 348 06-l 8-84 Lot 36 142 15 107 95 B 349 06-18-84 Lot 38 142 14 102 91 0 350 06-18-84 Lot 37 143 14 102 91 0 351 06-18-84 Lot 39 143 15 102 91 352 06-18-84 Lot 36 144 15 103 92 : 353 06-18-84 Lot 38 144 15 105 93 B 354 06-18-84 Lot 36 145 14 103 92 0 355 06-19-84 Lot 73 183 14 104 92 356 06-19-84 Lot 74 183 14 106 91 : 357 06-19-84 Lot 19 154 13 103 90 D 358 06-19-84 Lot 18 153 14 103 92 359 06-19-84 Lot 16 149 12 104 90 : 360 06-19-84 Lot 9 150 14 104 92 6 361 06-19-84 Lot 11 152 15 105 93 B 362 06-19-84 Lot 15 156 14 102 91 8~ 363 06-19-84 Lot 18 155 12 104 91 D 364 06-19-84 Cainino Alvaro . 156 13 102 91 0 365 06-19-84 Camino Alvaro 155 16 103 92 B 366 06-19-84 Lot 16 159 14 101 90 B 367 06-19-84 Lot 17 157 16 104 92 8 368 06-19-84 La 30 146 12 104 91 D 369 06-19-84 Lot 19 157 13 102 91 8 370 06-19-84 Lot 8 153 13 102 91 8 \ Dividend TABLE I W.O. 1309 SUMMARY OF FI,ELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO. NOTE 371 372 06-l 9-84 373 06-19-84 375 06'19-84 376 06-19-84 377 06-19-84 378 06-19-84 379 06-19-84 Lot 12 158 11 101 90 0 Lot 17 166 11 107 94 .D Lot 20 157 13 104 92 0 Lot 14 164 12 106 91 'A Lot25 . 161 15 104 92 0 Lot 29 160 14 102 91 0 Lot 26 163 14 105 93 0 Lot 28 163 13 102 91 0 380 06-20-84 Lot 25 164 14 103 381 06-20-84 Lot 27 164 13 103 382 06-20-84 Lot 28 165 15 104 383 06-20-84 Lot 24 167 13 104 384 06-20-84 Lot 45 148 14 106 385 06-20-84 Lot 49 143 14 102 386 06-20-84 Lot 50 139 13 103 387 06-20-84 Lot 50 141 15 104 388 06-20-84 Lot 48 140 14 106 389 06-20-84 Lot 50 144 15 103 390 06-20-84 Lot 49 ,143 14 104 391 06-20-84 Lot 50 147 14 106 392 06-20-84 Lot 48 145 16 104 393 06-20-84 Lot 47 148 15 102 394 06-20-84 Lot 49 148 16 105 395 06-20-84 Lot 50 151 12 103 396 06-20-84 Lot 47 150 14 102 397 06-20-84 Lot 15 167 15 101 398 06-20-84 Lot 31 150 13 103 399 06-20-84 Lot 32 149 15 102 go0 06-20-84 Lot 30 151 14 102 401 06-20-84 Lot 30 153 14 102 402 06-21-84 Lot 11 161 11 403 06-21-84 Lot 9 158 14 404 06-21-84 Sombrosa 162 13 405 06-21-84 Lot 83 164 14 406 06-21-84 Lot 84 162 15 407 06-21-84 Lot 65 178 13 105 103 103 101 102 DATE '06-19-84 LOCATION UNIT 1 ELEVATIO MOISTUR DRY DEN % pcf I REL.COMP. SOIL % 1 TYPE 92 90 E 92 0 91 91 !I 91 90 D" 92 91 E 92 91 ~-._ E 91 92 ; 91 0 90 90 E 91 90 B" 92 0 91 91 ii!4 91 0 92 90 90 D 2 iz 97 C Dividend I / TABLE I SUMMARY OF FLELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS / W.O. 1309 TEST NO. NOTE 408 409 410 411 412 DATE 06-;l-84 06-21-84 06-21-84 06-21-84 06-21-84 Lot 67 Lot 6 Lot 75 Lot 74 181 11 108 95 183 14 103 90 153 17 103 92 183 16 102 91 184 13 102 91 416 06-22-E) Lot 75 185 13 105 91 417 06-22-84 Lot 73 187 14 103 92 418 06-22-84 Lot 74 186 15 105 93 419 06-22-84 Lot 75 188 13 109 94 420 06-22-84 Lot 82 ~167 15 111 99 421 06-22-84. Lot 83 168 17 107 96 422 06-22-84 Lot 74 188 14 112 96 423 06-22-84 Lot 1 120 14 107 95 424 06-22-84 La 2 120 14 104 92 425 06-22-84 Lot 1 122 15 103 92 426 06-22-84 Lot 2 123 14 110 94 427 06-22-84 Lot 24 169 13 103 92 428 06-22-84 Lot 23 173 13 104 91 429 06-22-84 Lot 24 172 13 109 93 430 06-22-84 Lot 27 169 16 109 97 431 06-22-84 Lot 25 170 15 107 95 432 06-22-84 LE.-t 25 173 14 106 91 433 06-22-84 Lot 24 174 12 107 94 434 06-22-84 Lot 23 175 15 101 90 435 06-25-84 Lot 31 152, 13 104 92 436 06-25-84 Lot 30 153 15 105 93 437 06-25-84 Lot 30 156 14 102 91 438 06-25-84 Lot 29 161 16 102 91 439 06-25-84 Lot 27 167 14 106 91 440 06-25-84 Lot 27 169 13 103 92 441 06-25-84 Lot 26 165 13 103 92 442 06-25-84 Lot 26 169 14 106 94 443 06-25-84 Lot 26 171 15 107 95 444 06-25-84 Lot 25 1~77 13 104 90 445 06-25-84 Lot 24 177 15 104 92 446 06-25-84 Lot 1 127 14 102 91 LOCATION UNIT 1 Lot 75 SLEVATIOI IOISTURI )RY DE) REL.COMP SOIL % pcf %~ TYPE D D B ” 0 B A 0 B A E E 0 B 0 C IFi C 0 : D B B 0 0 E A B B 0 B A 0 0 TEST NO. NOTI 447 06-25-84 Lot 2 125 448 06-25-84 Lot 1 129 449 06-25-84 Lot 2 127 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 464 466 06-26-84 Lot 1 131 06-26-84 Lot 2 131 06-26-84 Lot 7 154 06-26-84 Lot 10 160 06-26-84 Lot 13 163 06-26-84 Lot 8 160 06-26-84 Lot 11 164 06-26-84 Lot 12 165 06-26~84 Lot 1 134 06-26-84 Lot 2 134 06-26-84 Ld 14 168 06-26-84 Lot 13 170 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 482 483 486 487 489 490 491 492 s s S s S S S S S S S DATE LOCATION UNIT 1 ELEVATIOI 06-27-84 Lot 84 06-27-84 Lot 40 06-27-84 Lot 50 06-27-84 Lot 48 06-27-84 Lot 46 06-27-84 Lot 83 06-27-84 Lot 38 06-27-84 Lot 37 06-27-84 Lot 36 06-27-84 Lot 85 06-27-84 Lot 83 06-27-84 Lot 83 06-27-84 Lot 85 174 144 147 150 153 176 136 132 140 178 180. 182 184 06-28-84 Lot 71 186 06-28-84 Lot 67 184 06-28-84 Lot 65 188 06-28-84 Lot 75 179 06-28-84 Lot 64 161 06-28-84 Lot 64 165 06-28-84 Lot 6 155 1 , TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS IOISTUR % 14 13 15 14 13 17 14 15 15 15 14 13 14 13 15 12 15 13 14. 13 12 13 15 13 13 15 12 13 13 13 11 14 14 14 11 -- )RY DE! REL.COMP SOIL pcf %. TYPE 102 91 B 106 91 A 104 92 B 112 96 107 92 102 91 102 91 103 92 104 93 106 91 106 94 103 92 102 91 105 91 108 96 2 E B 0 : 0 0 : 0 107 91 107 95 103 92 108 93 103 90 104 92 103 92 109 97 107 91 111 95 108 96, 107 91 107 91 C 0 :: D B 0 : C : C 105 104 107 106 106 104 109 91 A 92 0 91 C. 91 A 94 0 ;23 : W.O. 1309 Dividend TEST NO. NOTE 493 494 495 S 496 S 497 S DATE 06-is-84 06-28-84 06-28-84 06-28-84 06-28-84 Lot 25 Lot 27 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 2 172 14 106 167 13 105 130 14 106 127 15 105 131 12 108 501 S 06-29-84 Lot 6 153 13 102 502 S 06-29-84 Lot 6 151 13 108 503 06-29-84 Lot 5 137 12 108 504 06-29-84 Lot 5 139 13 102 505 06-29-84 Lot 5 141 14 104 506 06-29-84 Lot 5 144 15 102 511 07-02-84 Sombrosa 160 16 104 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 s 522 523 524 S 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 s 07-03-84 Lot 50 151 07-03-84 Lot 49 151 07-03-84 Lot 48 ~150 07-03-84 Lot 47 150. 07-03-84 Lot 79 183 07-03-84 Lot 80 179 07-03-84 Lot 81 176 07-03-84 Lot 82 171 07-03-84 Lot 5 134 07-03-84 Lot 5 141 07-09-84 Camino Alvaro 159, 07-09-84 Camino Alvaro 158 07-09-84 Lot 35 138 07-09-84 Lot 5 135 07-09-84 Lot 2 135 07-09-84 Lot 1 134 07-09-84 Lot 40 145 07-09-84 Lot 39 144 07-09-84 Lot 38 144 07-09-84 Lot 37 145 07-09-84 Lot 36 145 07-09-84 Lot 50 145 15 14 13 13 12 12 14 13 13 12 14 13 15 15 13 12 14 13 12 13 :t -- 105 106 104 109 103 104 103 103 103 103 104 107 103 113 105 111 105 105 107. 106 105 112 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FLELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS W.O. 1309 LOCATION UNIT 1 ZLEVATIOI LOISTUR 3RY DEh REL.COMP SOIL % pcf %. TYPE 91 91 91 93 92 91 95 93 91 92 91 93 93 91 92 94 92 91 92 90 92 92 92 92 92 97 93 95 93 93 92 94 % A A A ” B C E A B 6 B E 0 A B A B D B D 0 0 0 A 6 D 0 D B 6 A : D Dividend TEST NO. NOTE 535 539 535 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 S sr S S S s S 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 569 570 571 572 DATE 07-k&84 07-09-84 07-09-84 LOCATION UNIT 1 ILEVATIOI Lot 50 Lot 14 Lot 50 147 171 147 IOISTURI >RY DEt REL.COMP % pcf ,%. .12 98 87 12 105 91 13 107 95 07-10-84 Lot 15 173 13 102 91 07-10-84 Lot 18 168 13 106 91 07-10-84 Lot 20 155 14 109 93 07-10-84 Lot 22 158 13 104 92 07-10-84 Lot 33 146 13 107 91 07-10-84 Camino Alvaro 121 16 106 95 07-10-84 Camino Alvaro 135 '14 106 91 07-10-84 Lot 13 170 13 112 96 07-10-84 Lot 12 167 13 109 93 07-10-84 Lot 11 167 12 108 93 07-10-84 Lot 10 166 14 109 94 07-10-84 Lot 9 164 13 103 92 07-10-84 Lot 8 162 14 113 97 07-10-84 Lot 7 158 13 107 92 07-10-84 Lot 6 155. 13 113 97 07-10-84 Lot 75 186 13 106 91 07-10-84 Lot 64 165 13 104 92 07-11-84 Lot 23 07-11-84 Lot 24 07-11-84 Lot 25 07-11-84 Lot 26 07-11-84 Lot 27 07-11-84 Lot 28 07-11-84 Lot 29 07-11-84 Lot 30 07-11-84 Lot 31 07-11-84 Lot 32 07-11-84 Lot 64 177 177 175 173 169 ::i. 156 152~ 149 .166 12 12 12 11 13 11 12 12 13 12 13 12 13 11 13 113 106 108 109 103 104 111 110 105 109 104 07-12-84 Lot 77 07-12-84 Lot 80 07-12-84 Lot 82 07-12-84 Lot 84 192 1,86 179 184 106 103 108 107 97 91 92 94 91 92 95 94 91 93 92 91 92 93 91 I / TABLE I SUMMARY OF FLELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS W.O. 1309 SOIL TYPE !z ,B !z C c" !i : :: : A : 0 : iTr : C i C 0 A :: C Dividend TABLE I W.O. 1309 TEST NO. NOTE 575 576 577 DATE 07-;2-84 07-12-84 07-12-84 Lot 15 158 11 105 91 Lot 16 165 13 108 92 Lot 17 162 11 109 94 578 07- 13-84 Lot 18 158 11 105 91 579 07-l 3-84 Lot19 155 13 112 96 580 07-13-84 Lot 20 152 12 113 97 581 07-13-84 Lot 21 149 12 110 94 582 07-13-84 Lot 22 144 12 104 90 583 07-l 3-84 Lot 34 144 14 106 91 584 07-13-84 Lot 33 144 12 102 91 585 07-13-84 Camino Alvaro 162 12 106 91 586 07-13-84 Camino Alvaro 157 14 108 92 585 a 586 a 587 588 589 590 591 593 594 595 596 07-16-84 Lot 18 160 12 111 95 07- 16-84 Lot 20 154 14 106 91 07-16-84 Lot 22 147 13 105 91 07-16-84 Lot 27 171 16 108 96 07-16-84 Lot 29 162, 14 114 97 07-16-84 Lot 31 ,154.. 13 107 91 07-16-84 Lot 32 147 13 107 91 07-16-84 Lot 42 196 12 105 91 07-16-84 Lot 75 190 12 110 94 07-16-84 Lot 74 189 11 111 95 07-16-84 Lot 73 188 12 108 93 601 07-18-84 Lot 79 185. 602 07-18-84 Lot 80 181 603 07-18-84 Via Pepita 147 604 07-18-84 Via Pepita 145 605 07-18-84 Via Pepita 140 11 12 13 11 13 12 12 11 12 11 13 -- 105 103 103 105 104 606 07- 19-84 Lot 81 178 607 07-19-84 Lot 82 174 608 07-19-84 Lat 83 169 609 07-19-84 Lot 84 168 610 07-19-84 Lot 85 171 611 07-19-84 Camino Cat0 172 108~ 106 113 105 105 110 91 92 92 91 92 92 91 97 91 90 94 SUMMARY OF FLELD DENSITY TEST‘ RESULTS LOCATION UNIT 1 ELEVATION IOISTUR % )RY DEh REL.COMP SOIL pcf %~ TYPE A A c A C C i A : C : A : -. C c ,. t : A 0 : 0 : c A : Dividend TABLE I TEST r10. NOTE i12 i13 i16 i17 DATE 17-i9-84 17-19-84 17-19-84 )7-19-84 LOCATION UNIT 1 Jamino Cat0 Zamino Cat0 Sorte Celeste Zorte Celeste ;28 17-23-84 iombrosa, i29 17-23-84 iombrosa i76 i77 t7-27-84 17-27-84, -ot 81 mot 82 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS NOTES : a. = test number inadvel used more than one r = retest s = slope test ZLEVATIOI 158 146 161 163 173 165 178 172 !ntly IOISTURI % ,I4 14 14 11 11 12 13 13 ,RY DEN REL.COMP, pcf %. 102 91 109 ,93 102 91 105 91 107 109 113 109 92 94 97 93 W.O. 1309 SOIL TYPE : 0 ‘A 2 C C Divdend TABLE II SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS MAXIMUM SOIL DRY DENSITY TYPE SOIL DESCRIPTION (USCS) (pcf) A Silty sand, medium, dark brown (SM) 116.0 0 Silty sand, fine. light yellow-brown (SM) 112.5 C Clayey sand, fine to medium, orange-brown (SC) 117.0 D Silty sand, very fine to fine, brown (SM) 114.0 E Clayey silt, light green, with some fine sand (ML) 112.0 W.O. 1309 OPT IMUM MOISTURE (%I 12.5 14.5 12.5 11.0 16.0 EBERHART L: STONE. INC. Dividend W.O. 1309 LOT NO. l- 2 3- 4 5 6- 9 10-12 13-14 15-17 18-22 23-27 28-32 33-35 36-39 40 41-46 47-50 51-55 5658 59-62 63-64 65- 69 70-72 73-75 76-77 78 79-80 81-82 83-85 TABLE III SUMMARY OF LABORATORY‘TEST RESULTS SOLUBLE EXPANSION SULFATE (%I INDEX 0.14 37 0.08 50 0.46 42 0.16 31 --- 15 0.02 7 --- --- --- --- --- --- 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.03 --- --- --- --- 0.02 --- --- --- --- --- 3 17 17 0 16 38 24 3 5 4 0 1 1 35 3 26 4 2 12 8 1 POTENTIAL EXPANSION Low Low LOW LOW Very Low Very Low Very Low Very Low Very Low Very Low Very Low Low Low Very Low Very Low Very Low Very Low Very Low Very Low LOW Very Low LOW Very Low Very Low Very Low Very Low Very Low ERERHART L STONE, INC. Divdend W.O. 1309 TABLE IV LOT NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 APPROXIMATE MAXIMUM DEPTH OF FILL APPROX. MAX. DEPTH OF FILL (feet) 14 15 cut LOT NO. 33 34 35 cut 36 3 37 20 38 28 39 32 40 22 41 34 42 32 43 29 44 31 45 28 46 32 47 31 48 33 49 29 50 32 51 32 52 33 53 32 54 25 55 23 56 23 57 24 58 25 59 23 60 25 61 22 62 15 63 11 64 APPROX. MAX. DEPTH OF FILL (feet 1 37 37 36 32 32 31 25 10 EBERHART R STONE, INC. Dividend LOT NO. 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 TABLE IV (cont.) , ,j APPROXIMATE MAXIMUM DEPTH OF FILL APPROX. MAX. DEPTH OF FILL (feet) cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut 7 8 LOT y& 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 w 85 W.O. 1309 APPROX. MAX. DEPTH OF FlLL (feet) 10 cut cut 3 3 3 14 22 29 10 ERERHART P STONE, INC. I / Divdend TABLE V W.O. ~1369 , r.lllnEl IklEC El30 oEElnENTI,%I EnIlhlnarlnklc PdCEn n*, CA,, E”D*.IC,n*I LOT IO - 35, 41 - 64, 10 - 72, 16 - 85 ““IYLL,I.LI I V.. I.-u,“-.. . .r.L I -“I..#-, ,“I._ YrsIILY “I. .?“I. I nrryy,v,. POTENTIAL FOOTINGS SLABS EXPANSION (UBC 29-2) EMBEDMENT REINFORCEMENT THICK. REINFORCEMENT PRESAT. BASE 1 STORY 2 STORY COURSE Very Low (O-20) 12” perimeter 18” perimeter 12” Interior 18” Interior I - 9, 36 - 40. 55 - 69, 73 - 75 Low (21-50) 12” perimeter 18” Perimeter 2 No. 4 bars: 12” interior 18” interior 1 top, 1 bottom Medium (51-90) 18” perimeter 18” perimeter 2 No. 4 bars: 4” net 6”x6”, #6x#6 120% of 4” 12” interior 18” interior 1 top, 1 bottom W.W.F. optimum or moisture - No. 3 bars 8 24” O.C. each way High 24” perimeter 24” perimeter 4 No. 4 bars: 4” net 6”x6”, #6x#6 120% of 4” (91-130) 2” interior 18” interior 2 top, 2 bottom W.W.F. optimum or or moisture - - 2 No. 6 bars: No. 3 bars @ 18” 1 top, 1 bottom O.C. each way Very High 24” perimeter 24” perimeter 4 No. 5 bars: 6” net No. 4 bars @ 18” 120% of 6” (7130) 2” interior 18” interior 2 top, 2 bottom O.C. each way optimum or Or moisture - - 2 No. 8 bars: No. 3 bars @ 12” 1 top, 1 bottom O.C. each way Notes on the following page are considered part of this table. Dividend NOTES TO TABLE V W.O. 1309 1) These guidelines are based on site soil expansion and should not preclude more restrictive structural or agency requirements. As an alternative to conventionally reinforced concrete foundations, post- tensioned structural slab systems, designed by a structural engineer, may be utilised. Footing embedments should be measured below lowest adjacent grade. At the time of concrete placement, footing excavations should be moist and free of desiccation cracks. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 81 9) 10) . . A reinforced concrete grade beam should be constructed across garage entrances, with similar depth and reinforcement as adjacent perimeter footings. For soil with a potential expansion greater than “Low”, interior isolated spread footings and/or partial length footings are not recommended. Where presaturation is recommended beneath interior slabs, the recommended moisture should penetrate to the depth of the perimeter footings. The moisture content should be tested by the geotechnical consultant 24 hours prior to the placement of concrete. Though presaturation of slab subgrade is not a requirement for Very Low and Low expansion potentials, optimum moisture conditions should be maintained or reestablished just prior to the placement of slab concrete, Below proposed slabs-on-grade in areas to be tiled orcarpeted, a visqueen-type moisture barrier should be placed at grade and be overlain by one inch of protective sand cover. This moisture barrier should be heavily overlapped or sealed at splices, Where a base course is recommended beneath interior slabs; it should consist of pea gravel, clean sand, or other granular material acceptable to the geotechnical consultant. The above moisture barrier/sand cover requirement may be included as part of the recommended base course thickness. Slab reinforcement should be supported at mibslab height. Garage slabs should be placed separate from footings, Garage slab reinforcement may be omitted if slab cracking can be tolerated, provided that the slabs are saw cut or jointed for crack control. For soil with a potential expansion greater than “Low”, slabs should be free-floated or structurally tied to perimeter footings. Structural ties could be provided by the placement of No. 3 bars @ 24” O.C., bent from perimeter footings about three feet into the slab.