HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 90-03; Shelley Property RSF and Olivenhain Road; Soils Report; 1986-04-25- Ii .- I1 - I - I - I - I -~ I - I - I - I .- I -- I I @"GlNEERlNG DEPT. LlBRAfiy ClfY -Of Cartsbad p&F- 70. ag75 hi himas Drive pp4-3 -4 GA 92909485g ,YJp. ebww I’/ 94 If/ Leighton and Associates - 1 - LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES I - i - I I - SOlL ENGINEERING GEOLOGY GEOPHYSICS GROUND WATER GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT, EAST OF RANCH0 SANTA FE ROAD AND SOUTHEAST OF OLIVENHAIN ROAD, ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA Project No. 4851855-01 April 25, 1986 I i - Prepared for: i.: HR. DAN SHELLEY - 169 Ranch0 Santa Fe / 'Encinitas, California 1 i ,...! -m - IRWNE . WESTLAKENENT"RA . D(AMONDBARrnALNuT . PALM DESERT . SANTA CLARITANALENCIA . CARLSBAD ' :*J lli CELEBRATES 0 25 YEARS 4986 HAZARDOUS WASTES Road 92024 (619) 292-8030 . (am) 253-4567 SAN aERNARDlNO,m"ERSlDE . SAN DEG.3 l TEMEC”LAlRANCHO CALIFORN1A - .- - - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I. - I~, - - ] - 4 LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED CELEBRATES SOlL ENGINEERING GEOLOGY GEOPHYSICS GROUND WATER HAZARDOUS WASTES April 25, 1986 Project No. 4851855-01 TO: Mr. Dan Shelley 169 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Encinitas, California 92024 SUBJECT: Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Development. East of Ranch0 Santa Fe Road and Southeast of Olivenhain Road, Encinitas, California In accordance with your authorization, we are submitting herewith the findings, conclusions, and preliminary recommendations of our geotechnical investigation for the subject property. If you have any questions regarding our report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to of service. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 32e?L Daniel Chu, RCE 37991 Project Engineer Farrand, CEG 1087 MRS/DC/GTF/ms Distribution: Addressee DuVivier Construction Attention: Mr. Chuck DuVivier 493 “,!iWR,DGEAVEN”E. SUITE D. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA92123 (619) 2!+Mml l (aao) 2653-4567 lR”lNE l WEsrLIKENENTuRA l DIAMOND BARIWALNVT . SAN q ERNARD1NO,RWERSIDE . SAN DlEGO PALM DESERT l SANTA CLARITA!vALENCIA . CARISBAD . TEMEC”LA/RANCHO CAUFORNIA - - - - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - 1.~ - I - , - r:i 4851855-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION Scope of Investigation AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Site Description 2.2 Proposed Development 3.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 4.0 GROUND WATER 5.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS AND CONSTRAINTS 5.1 Ancient Landslides 5.2 Bedrock Conditions 5.3 Faulting 5.4 Seismicity 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Earthwork 6.1.1 Site Preparation 6.1.2 Fills 6.1.3 Rippability 6.1.4 Removal of Compressible Soils 6.1.5 Settlement Monitoring 6.1.6 Removal of Existing Fills 6.1.7 Overexcavation of Transition Lots 6.1.8 Canyon Subdrains 6.1.9 Grading of Expansive Soils 6.2 Remedial Grading of Landslides 6.3 Slope Stability 6.4 Trench Excavation and Backfill 6.5 Foundation and Slab Design 6.5.1 Foundations 6.5.2 Floor Slabs 6.5.3 Lateral Earth Pressures 6.5.4 Lateral Load Resistance 6.6 Foundation and Slab Design for Expansive Soils 6.7 Construction Observation i w 1 1 3 3” 4 6 7 7 : a 9 9 ii 10 10 :: 11 12 12 :: 13 13 :: 14 15 :: LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES 4851855-01 - - I - I - I - 1 - I - i. - i:.: TABLES OF CONTENTS (Cont'd.) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figures Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Fault Location Map Figure 3 - Recommended Settlement Monument Design Figure 4 - Retaining Wall Drainage Figures 5 through 8 - Geologic Cross Sections 2 Rear of Text Rear of Text Rear of Text Rear of Text Tables ---- Table 1 - Seismic Parameters for Active Faults Rear of Text Table 2 - Foundation Design Considerations for Expansive Soils Underlying One- and Two-Story Residential Buildings Rear of Text Plate Plate 1 - Geotechnical Map In Pocket APPENDICES Appendix A - References Appendix B - Trench and Boring Logs Appendix C - Laboratory Test Results Appendix D - General Earthwork and Grading Specifications ii LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES 4851855-01 1.0 INTRgOUCTION - - - I - I: ., I.1 - 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Investigation The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the geotechnical condi- tions and to provide preliminary recommendations for the proposed development of the subject property located in Encinitas, California. Significant geotechnical conditions that have been investigated in this study include: ancient landslides and other potentially adverse geologic conditions, depth and extent of alluvium and other potentially compressible soils, ground water, and expansive soils. Recommendations presented herein utilized the untitled, lOO-scale topographic map prepared by Rick Engineering, undated. The subject investigation was conducted between late December 1985 and March of 1986 and included the following scope of work: t Review of relevant geologic literature, stereoscopic aerial photographs, and topographic maps (Appendix A). a Geologic mapping of bedrock and surficial geologic units on the site. a Subsurface exploration consisting of the excavation, sampling, and logging of 11 backhoe trenches to depths ranging from 5 to 13 feet. In addition, 11 large-diameter borings and six small-diameter borings were drilled, sampled, and logged by geologists from our office. The large- diameter borings were drilled to depths ranging from 10 to 60 feet and downhole logged by our geologists. The small-diameter borings were drilled to depths ranging from 16 to 46 feet. Engineering classification of the soils encountered was performed in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System during drilling and trenching operations. Logs of the trenches and borings are presented in Appendix B. The approximate locations of the exploratory trenches and borings are shown on Plate 1, Geotechnical Map. All trenches and borings were subsequently backfilled. l Laboratory testing of samples collected during our subsurface exploration to evaluate their pertinent engineering characteristics. Results of the laboratory tests are presented on the trench and boring logs and in Appendix C. o Geologic and engineering analysis of data. a Meetings with the civil engineer to discuss our preliminary findings. e Preparation of this report presenting our findings, conclusions, and preliminary recommendations relative to site development. LEIGHTON and ASOClATES - - -. - I - I I - I I I - I -- I i - 1 - :::g$:. ..:$.g: $$Y ::. ‘.::$ 1; jfJj lIii!ii . . A... :., . :: - J-1 ‘~* “S% 8 \\ .,- 1 s ; ..J A’ z:“++ “. ,/ ..-. R A N;C 1~: - BASE MAP: Aerial Foto-Map Book. 1988, Page Qe. I SHELLEY / RANCH0 SANTA FE I ENCINlTAS. CALIFORNIA Flour. 1 I I:.: - 0 2000 I_ do . . . . ...’ . . . . . . . . . . scale feet /..A - 1 ! - 4851855-01 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT - ^ 2.1 Site Description - I, The subject property encompasses approximately 115 acres of land east of Ranch0 Santa Fe Road and southeast of Olivenhain Road in Encinitas, California (see Figure 1, Site Location Hap. page 2). The property is bounded on the west by Ranch0 Santa Fe Road, on the north by residential subdivisions, on the south by residential lots, and on the east by agricul- tural fields. - I .~ I - I - I - Topographically, the site consists of gently rolling hills that are incised by gentle-sided canyons and ravines (see Plate 1, Geotechnical Map). A branch of Encinitas Creek crosses the northern portion of the site forming a broad east-west trending stream valley. With the exception of the southern edge of the site, the majority of the on-site drainage is directed toward the stream valley or toward a gently sloping alluvial area in the southwest portion of the site. Along the southern edge of the site, runoff flows gently toward the southern property line. Elevations across the site vary from a low of +I06 feet (mean sea level)~ at the western edge of the property along the Encinitas Creek stream valley to a high of 2257 feet (mean sea level) at the south-central portion of the site. The site is presently being used for agriculture with most of the site being covered by tomato plants. The main stream valley and the western edge of the site are sparsely to moderately vegetated with grasses and some brush and trees. I I - I, - I Existing improvements on the site include numerous unimproved dirt roads and buried irrigation lines placed for agricultural purposes. Undocumented fill soils were observed in several of our trenches in shallow tributary canyons. Based on conversations with Mr. Pete Mackauf, General Manager for Ukegawa Brothers, who is presently leasing the land for agricultural use, and Mr. Chuck DuVivier with DuVivier Construction, we understand that a number of the tributary canyons and ravines may have been infilled with brush and loose fill when the land was prepared for agricultural purposes. In addition, we understand that an approximately 8-foot deep drainage ditch along the southern side of the main alluvial valley has been filled in. The existing fill soils on the site are undocumented and considered unsuitable for the support of proposed structures and/or additional fill soils. I 2.2 Proposed Development - I.. - .., Site grading plans were not available for our review. We understand, however, that the proposed development will consist of mass grading of the site to allow construction of a residential subdivision. 1. - I : - From our conversations with Mr. Chuck OuVivier and Rick Engineering, we understand that an approximately 250-foot wide band of open space is proposed along the drainage course of Encinitas Creek. The approximate location of this open space is shown on Plate 1, Geotechnical Map. L; - I.-i -3- LEIGHTON md AS0ClATE.S - 4851855-01 - 3.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS - Formational materials of the Eocene-aged Torrey Sandstone and Delmar Formation and surficial units consisting of ancient landslides, alluvium, slopewash, .- topsoils, and undocumented fill soils were encountered during our investigation of the site. The area1 distribution of these geologic units are shown on Plate 1, Geotechnical Map). Our interpretation of the subsurface geologic conditions is also indicated on Geologic Cross Sections, Figures 5 through 8. Each of these geologic units is described below. - 1 m - 1 .- t - i ’ - / .- I - 0 c Delmar Formation (Td) The entire site is underlain by bedrock materials of the Eocene-aged Delmar Formation. This unit as encountered in our borings and trenches, consists of interbedded dark green-gray, soft to hard, moderately to highly fractured claystone and lesser amounts of green to white-brown, dense, silty sandstone. The claystone, when tested in accordance with UBC test 29-2. was found to be moderately to very highly expansive. The results of these tests are included in Appendix C. Torrey Sandstone (Tt) Bedrock materials of the Eocene-aged Torrey Sandstone cap the hills on the central and southern portions of the site. This unit, as encountered in our trenches, consists of white to reddish brown, very dense, silty sandstone and is locally cemented. These soils are similar to those in the general area that when tested in accordance with UBC test 29-2, are found to have a low potential for expansion. Ancient Landslide Deposits (Dls) Our observations, review, and investigation indicate that several ancient - landslides are present on, and directly adjacent to, the subject property. The locations of those landslides observed in our borings, and landforms we 'suspect of being landslides are shown on Plate 1. In our borings, the ancient 'landslide deposits were encountered to depths ranging from 12 to 30 feet. - ! .- 7 I. , 1 - I. j, a .- I’ -,~~i ” LJ - I::: 'Ancient landslide deposits observed on the site are comprised of moderately fractured bedrock blocks derived from the Delmar Formation and generally consist of green-gray claystone and light gray sandstone. Due to their potentially compressible nature, the landslide deposits are considered to be unsuitable for structural support in their present condition. Alluvium (Dal) Stream-deposited alluvium is present in both the main and tributary drainage courses on the subject property. Alluvium was encountered in the east central portion of the Encinitas Creek stream valley to a depth of 38 feet in * -4- LEIGHTON md ASOClATES :7 I - i’ - 1~ - I - I-: - 1~ - I’ - I - 1~: - 1~: - I’ - 4851855-01 qFouncbter? J Boring B-11 and in the west-central portion of thevalley to a depth of afeet in Boring B-14. On the western and southwestern portions of the site, -Ziluvium was observed to depths of 27 and 28 feet in Borings 8-9 and B-10, respectively. In tributary canyons alluvium was encountered to depths of 10 feet in Trenches T-2 and T-5 and to depths in excess of 14 feet in Trench T-4 and in excess of 12 feet in Trench T-11. The alluvium encountered in the western and southwestern alluvial areas and in the tributary canyons on the southern, western, and eastern sides of the south-central hills, generally consisted of loose to medium dense, silty and/or clayey sands. In the central portion of the main stream valley and in the tributary canyons of the northern hills and northern side of the south- central hills, the alluvium generally consisted of soft to stiff. slightly sandy clay. The alluvium is considered unsuitable for structural support in its present condition. Slope Wash (Qswl v Slope wash materials were encountered in the broad, northwesterly-trending swale in the northeastern portion of the site. Slope wash was encountered in Boring 8-12 to a depth of 13 feet and in Boring B-13 to a depth of 12 feet. The slope wash materials generally consist of brown, stiff to hard, sandy to silty clay. The slope wash is considered potentially compressible and unsuitable for structural support in its present state. TopsoilsKolluvium The site is overlain by a cover of topsoils/colluvium (including soils disturbed by farming activities) which were encountered to depths of J&&T feet over most of the site. The topsoils generally consist of dark brown to dark gray, loose to soft, clayey sands and sandy clays. Topsoils/colluvium are considered generally compressible and are unsuitable for structural support in their present state. Undocumented Fill Soils Undocumented fill soils exist in the vicinity of the numerous farm roads, in many of the gulleys Andy ravines, and in numerous irrigation and drainage lines on the site. These fills appear to range from 3 feet to 8 feet in depth, and generally consist of dry to damp, loose sand and clay. All existing fills. located on the site should be considered uncompacted and unsuitable in their present state for structural support. I,.! - 5 - LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES - (. /:,j ! : - - ..- 4851855-01 4.0 GROUNC WATER -.-- Near-surface ground water was encountered in the alluvial soils within the Encinitas Creek stream valley and the broad alluvial area along the western and southwestern edge of the site. Surface water was noted at the western end of the site in Encinitas Creek. In Borings B-9, B-10, B-11, and B-14, within the main alluvial areas, ground water was encountered at depths ranging from 1 to 11 feet below the existing ground surface. On the hills, north and south- main alluvial areas, ground water seepage was encountered in Borings E-2, B-3, 8-4, B-5, B-6, B-8, B-15, B-16 and B-17 at depths ranging from 16 to 42 feet below the existing ground surface. Ground water was not encountered in the tributary canyons. Seasonal surface water and ground water fluctuations can be expected in both the major and tributary canyons on the site. Ground water seepage problems are not expected to be a constraint to site development provided that the recommendations of this report are properly implemented. -6- LEIGHTON and A.SOC,ATES - - - - - - ! - ! I - 1 -1 I - ,I .- I - I* - II -. 1 - - 4851855-01 * 5.1 P 5.2 5.3 5.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS AND CONSTRAINTS Ancient Landslides A review of geologic maps referenced in Appendix A did not reveal the presence of any known landslides on the site. However, subdued geomorphic features suggestive of mass wasting or ancient landsliding were observed during our review of aerial photographs and site reconnaissance. The presence of several of these suspected landslides was confirmed by our subsurface investigation. The area1 limits of these landslides are indi- cated on Plate 1, Geotechnical Hap. Mitigation of these landslide areas can be accomplished through remedial grading practices. Recpmm~~~~~qti.o.ns~for miti~gation can be provided after review and analysis of site.gradi~ng.pl&ns. Bedrock Conditions Our investigation encountered highly fractured claystones within the Delmar Formation. Cut slopes proposed within these claystone areas may not be grossly stable in their present condition and may require a stabilization fill. Recommendations for stabilization.c,an.,be .provided upon review of-site grading p7ansanddu'ring roughygradlng. Faulting A review of available geologic literature pertaining to the subject site indicates that there are no known active faults crossing the property. However, from conversations with Mr. Chuck DuVivier, we understand a possible fault has been mapped by others as extending across the eastern edge of the site. No evidence of this or other faulting was observed in our trenches. or borings. Inactive faults, however, are common throughout this general area and, although not observed during our investigation, may exist on the site. The nearest major active faults are the Coronado Banks fault and the Elsinore fault located, respectively, 20 miles to the southwest and 26 miles to the northeast of the subject site. The Rose Canyon fault, which is currently considered to be potentially active, has been mapped by the California Division of Mines and Geology offshore approximately 6 miles southwest of the subject site. - 7 - LEIGHTON end ASSXlATES - I: - - .- I - I - I I - I - I - I - 4851855-01 5.4 Seismicity The seismic hazard most likely to impact the subject site is groundshaking following a large earthquake on one of the major active regional faults. Figure 3 indicates the location of the site in relationship to major active faults in the San Diego region. Table 1 lists the major active and poten- tially active faults and probable seismic events that could produce ground shaking at the site. Included in the table are the distances to the faults, maximum credible and probable earthquakes, and the expected peak, repeatable horizontal bedrock accelerations. The Coronado Banks fault, the Elsinore fault, and the San Jacinto faults are considered the most likely source of earthquakes to affect the site by ground shaking. The maximum anticipated bedrock acceleration at the site is estimated to be approximately 0.13 based on a maximum probable earthquake of 7.2 on the Elsinore fault. For design purposes, two-thirds of the maximum anticipated bedrock acceleration (0.089) may be assumed for the design ground acceleration at the site. With respect to this hazard, the site is comparable to others in this general area, in similar geologic settings. The effects of seismic shaking can be minimized if construction is in accordance with the current edition of the Uniform Building code or seismic design criteria of the Structural Engineers Association of California. -B- LEIGHTON and ASOClATES - - 4851855-01 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - - - - - I - I IL - IL - Based on our geotechnical investigation, it is our opinion that site development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided the following recommendations are incorporated into the design and construction of the subject project. There appear to be no significant geotechnical constraints on site that cannot be mitigated by proper planning, design, and sound construction practices. Potentially adverse geotechnical conditions which will require considerations during site development consist primarily of the following: Potentially compressible alluvium, slope wash, and topsoils/colluvium. Relatively high (near surface) ground water levels in alluvial areas. Stability of several ancient landslides on the site. Expansive soils. Stbbilns.+4an Ci\lS Ih ” llkM CJbb Undocumented fill soils. Regional seismicity. 6.1 Earthwork Grading and earthwork should be performed in accordance with the following recommendations and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications included in Appendix D. 6.1.1 6.1.2 Site Preparation Prior to grading, the site should be cleared of surface and subsur- face obstructions, including any existing debris, and stripped of vegetation. Removed vegetation and debris should be disposed of off site or used in landscaped areas. Holes resulting from removal of buried obstructions which extend below finished site grades should be replaced with suitable compacted fill material. All areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches, brought to near-optimum moisture condi- tions, and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM D1557-78). Fills The on-site soils are generally suitable for use as compacted fill provided they are free of organic materials and debris. All fills should be brought to near-optimum moisture conditions and compacted in uniform lifts to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on t.J I 2 - 9 - LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES - - 4851855-01 .- - - ASTM D1557-78). The optimum lift thickness required to produce a uniformly compacted fill will depend on the type and size of compac- tion equipment used. In general, fill should be placed in uniform lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness. Placement and compaction of fill should be performed in accordance with local grading or- dinances under the observation and testing of Leighton and Associates, Inc. Materials placed within 3 feet of finished grades should consist of low expansive soils and contain no rock fragments over 6 inches in dimension. Fills placed on natural slopes steeper than 5:l (horizontal to vertical) should be keyed and benched into firm natural ground (see Appendix D for detail). - 6.1.3 Rippability In our opinion, the existing soils on the site can generally be readily excavated by conventional heavy-duty grading equipment. - 6.1.4 Removal of Compressible Soils - I - I -~ I - I - I - I - i - In general, the site is mantled by about 2 to 3 feet of potentially compressible topsoils and/or colluvium. These soils should be removed to firm formational materials in the area of proposed grading. Localized deeper removals, as determined during grading, may be necessary. Alluvium consisting of loose to medium dense, silty to clayey sand and sandy clay was encountered in the major drainage courses on the subject property. In the Encinitas Creek stream valley, located in the northerly portion of the site, alluvium was encountered to depths ranging from 38 feet below the existing ground surface on the eastern portion of the valley to 29 feet below the existing ground surface on ley. In the broad alluvial area ern portions of the site, alluvium Because of the relatively high the alluvium, complete removals Therefore, to reduce the potential e alluvium, we recommend the alluvial soils be foot above the ground water table in the main drainage course prior to placement of fill. In addition, a layer of dq&d3'>2 feet granular material is also recommended to be placed in the bottom of the excavation to provide drainage and a firm base on which heavy equipment can work. The actual depth of removals will be dependent on the observations of the geotechnical consultant during grading. In the broad tributary canyon in the northeast portion of the site (on the southern side of the main canyon), alluvium/slope wash was encountered to depths ranging from - 10 - LEIGHTON ad ASSOCIATES - !-- 1. j - i’ i ) - - I - I - I - I - I. .- 4851855-01 12 to 13 feet. These soils are considered to be potentially compres- sible and should be entirely~removed during proposed grading. In the various smaller tributary canyons and ravines on the site, alluvial depths ranged from 2 feet to greater than 11 feet. In order to reduce the potential for differential settlement, we reco~mmend that complete removals be made in these areas. As development of the open space areas is not anticipated, no removal is recommended in this area. 6.1.5 Settlement Monitoring Some settlement of the remaining alluvial soils within the main east-west trending canyon and along the southwestern portion of the property is anticipated due to overburden pressures created by fill placed in the major drainage areas. It is our recommendation that about~,six settlement monuments be installed and monitored as soon as finish grades are reached in those areas underlain by alluvial soils. Recommended details for the settlement monuments are provided in Figure 3, Recommended Settlement Monument Design. The monuments should be monitored at about bi-week intervals for a period of six months and read to the nearest0.01 foot by a licensed surveyor. Reference benchmarks should be located in bedrock areas. As the monitoring data becomes available, a copy should be forwarded to our office for review. When the results of monitoring indicate that the majority of the anticipated settlement has occurred, construction of proposed buildings. utilities, and other structural improvements may begin. Exact locations for the settlement monuments can be provided after review of grading plans and commencement of grading operations. 6.1.6 Removal of Existing Fills All existing fill soils (including trench backfills) should be considered uncompacted unless documentation of compaction is provided. All undocumented fill soils should be completely removed prior to placement of additional fills and/or structural loads. 6.1.7 Overexcavation of_ransition Lots To minimize the potential for differential settlements between cut and fill transitions, the entire cut portion of transition lots should be overexcavated to a minimum depth of 3 feet below finished grade and replaced with properly compacted fill (see Appendix D for Transition Lot Detail). - 11 - - I - - - - .- I - ! -1 -1 - I -1~ .- I - r .- 1: .- 1, I: .~- I: - I,# - I I-;; 4851855-01 6.1.8 6.1.9 Canyon Subdrains To avoid excessive subsurface ground water accumulation, canyon subdrains should be provided near the bottom of fills placed in b6th the tributary and main canyons. A canyon subdrain design detail is provided in the accompanying General Earthwork and Grading Specifications in Appendix 0. The subdrain should have a minimum gradient of at 1eastLpercent and be connected to a suitable outlet. Placement of compacted fill soils beneath the subdrain pipe to maintain the proper gradient and to allow the subdrain to discharge freely may be necessary in areas. The locations of subdrains can beg provided upon review of grading plans by our office. ___ ~~. ...~. ~_" Grading of Expansive Soils In general, the on-site soils are anticipated to consist of silty sands of low expansion potential interbedded with sandy and silty clays of moderate to very high expansion potential. If possible, any highly expansive soils encountered during grading operations should be placed in fill areas at least 4 feet below finish grade. Highly expansive soils exposed at finished pad elevation during grading should likewise be removed to a minimum depth of 4 feet below finish grade and replaced with properly compacted fill soils of low expansion potential. Expansion tests should be performed as necessary during grading to establish the expansion potential of the near-surface soils. Special foundation designs will be required if moderate to highly expansive soils are encountered within 4 feet of finish grade as discussed in Section 6.6. If expansive fill soils are placed within 4 feet of finish pad grade, we recommend the upper 4 feet of the fill soils be moisture condi- tioned to about 5 percent above optimum moisture content during rough grading operations. 6.2 Remedial Grading of Landslides Four ancient landslides were identified during our investigation. In addition, two possible landslides have been mapped in the northwest portion of the site. The landslides have been identified as Slides A through F, with the aooroximate location of each slide indicated on Plate 1. Based on our meetings of February 5, 1986 with Mr. Chuck DuVivier and Rick Engineering representatives, we understand that Slides A+D. E. and F c- po_fs.i_b!!y~be.completely removed during gyaa-~~;~~~~das.-~-a?d_.FLhowevera: .~.may require ab-uttt,ress shear‘key--or~some..o,~~,~~ method of stab~jja~I%,. I... _,,~ ~~. Ge?aKetio%adina olans were available ~fdr our re&~-‘nolb~~ress desion could be provideh'with this report. The actual buttress design sho~uId be evaluated when grading plans are provided. - 12 - - ! - - 4851855-01 6.3 Slope Stability As no site grading or development plans were available for our review, the height and location of all cut and fill slopes are unknown. For planning purposes, however, cut slopes within the known landslide areas mapped on Plate 1 may require stabilization as discussed above. In addition, cut slopes placed within the fractured portions of the Delmar Formation may not be grossly stable in their present state and may also require stabilization fills. It is our opinion that cut slopes within the Torrey Sandstone, however, will generally be free of adverse geologic conditions. In any case, all cut slopes should be mapped during grading for the presence of any adverse geologic conditions by a geologist from our firm. Fill slopes constructed in accordance with our recommendations having heights of 30 feet (maximum) and gradients of 2:l (horizontal to vertical) will generally be stable against deep-seated failure. Recommendations for additional stability fills and/or buttress fills, if needed, will be provided during grading. In slopes where seepage is present, drainage should be provided as shown in Appendix 0. Slopes which may require such special drainage features will be evaluated and recommendations given by the geotechnical consultant during site grading. In addition, brow ditches should be provided at the tops of all cut slopes and compacted fill berms at the tops of all fill slopes to reduce runoff over the top of proposed slopes. In order to reduce potential surficial slope instability due to deep desiccation cracking, or excessive swelling of the slope face when wet, we recommend that expansive soil not be placed within 15 feet of the slope face. 6.4 Trench Excavation and Backfill Excavation of trenches in the Torrey Sandstone and Delmar Formation and surficial soils can generally be accomplished with light backhoe equipment. The on-site soils may be used as trench backfill provided they are screened of rock fragments over 6 inches in dimension, organic matter, and debris. Trench backfill should be compacted in uniform lifts (not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness) by mechanical means to at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM 01557-78). 6.5 Foundation and Slab Design Foundations and slabs should be designed in accordance with structural~ considerations and the following recommendations. These recommendations assume that the soils exposed at finished pad grade will have a low poten- tial for expansion. This should be evaluated by performing expansion tests on the finished grade soils as necessary during grading. Special foundation design for expansive soils is discussed in Section 6.6. - 13 - - I:, - - - - I I - I I - I' - 1. - I, 4851855-01 6.5.1 Foundations We anticipate that the proposed buildings will be one- and/or two- story, wood-frame construction, and utilize conventional, continuous or isolated spread footings. For one story residences, footings bearing in firm, natural soils or properly compacted fill should extend a minimum of 12 inches (18 inches for two-story) below the lowest adjacent finished grade. At this depth, footings founded in firm, natural soils or properly compacted fill soils may be designed using an allowable soil bearing value of 2,000 pounds per square foot. This value may be increased by one-third for loads of short duration, including wind or seismic forces. Footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches. The maximum total and differential settlements for footings designed in this manner should be within tolerable limits. Foundations should be reinforced by placing a No. 4 rebar at the top and bottom of footings and in accordance with the structural engineer's requirements. Footings located adjacent to the tops of slopes should be extended sufficiently deep to provide a horizontal cover of at least 10 feet between the slope face and the outside edge of the footing at the footing bearing level. 6.5.2 Floor Slabs Slabs which are underlain by low expansive soils should have a minimum thickness of 4 inches and be underlain by a 6-mil Visqueen moisture barrier and, in turn, underlain by a 2-inch layer of clean. sand. A layer of 2 inches clean sand is also recommended to be placed between the slab and Visqueen to help the concrete curing.' Subgrade soils should be presoaked in accordance with the recommenda- tions in Table 2. Slabs should be reinforced with a 6x6-10/10 welded wire mesh placed at midheight in the slab. The potential for slab cracking may be lessened by the addition of fiber mesh in the concrete and careful control of water/cement ratios. The contractor should take appropriate curing precautions during the pouring of concrete in hot weather, to minimize cracking of slabs. We recommend that a slipsheet (or equivalent) be utilized if grouted tile or other crack-sensitive flooring (such as marble tile) is planned directly on the concrete slab. All slabs should be designed in accordance with structural considerations. 6.5.3 Lateral Earth Pressures If retaining walls are utilized on the site, the following recommen- dations should be applicable. Cantilever walls (yielding) retaining nonexpansive, granular soils may be designed for an active equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per square foot. Restrained walls (nonyielding) should be designed for an additional 5xH pounds per square foot (where H = height of wall in feet). - 14 - LEIGHTON snd ASOClATES ._._^ -_--.-_- - . - - i, - I’ -1, - r, - fl’ I~ - I - I’ - I~ - I’ - I’! - I” . . - II - I,.1 - I- ._ -1:; 4851855-01 6.6 6.7 These values assume a level backfill and free-draining conditions. If sloping backfills are planned, we should be consulted to provide design lateral pressures. Drainage should be provided as indicated in Figure 4. Any surcharge from adjacent loadings should be evaluated by the geotechnical and structural engineer. 6.5.4 Lateral Load Resistance Footings or slabs in natural soils or compacted fill may be designed for a passive lateral bearing pressure of 300 pounds per square foot per foot of depth. A coefficient of friction against sliding between concrete and soil of 0.35 may be assumed. These values may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration including wind or seismic loads. Foundation and Slab Design for Expacsive Soils Potential damage to buildings founded in expansive soils may be mitigated by use of specially designed reinforced slabs and footings or post-tensioned foundation and slab systems. Table 2 provides recommendations for slab and footing design founded directly on expansive soils. Expansive foundation soils should be moistened as approved by the geotechnical engineer prior to placement of concrete. We recommend that the upper 4 feet below finish pad grade be moisture conditioned to roughly 5 percent above the soils optimum moisture content during rough grading operations. Effort should be made to prevent large moisture content variations of the underlying expansive soils by providing positive drainage away from building foundations. Construction Observation The recommendations provided in this report are based on subsurface condi- tions disclosed by field reconnaissance, test trenches and borings, and geotechnical analysis. The interpolated subsurface conditions should be checked in the field during construction by a representative of Leighton and Associates, Inc. We recommend that all cut slopes be geologically mapped for the presence of potentially adverse geologic conditions by an engineer- ing geologist from Leighton and Associates, Inc. during grading. All foundation excavations and grading operations should be observed by a representative of this firm so that construction is performed in accordance with the recommendations of this report. Grading plans and final project drawings should be reviewed by this office prior to construction. - 15 - LEIGHTON and ASSOCIATES IUr^^^^-_-r_ f : - - - I - I .- I .- I - I - I I - I - 1 - 1 - I - / - i - ,:‘4 Finished grade- - NO SCALE r/-L- 4’ or 6’ diem. plaetic pipe -Compacted fill soils - 1’ min. diam. rigid pipe Lightly tamped backfill 1’ plywood or 114’ steel plate Use silica sand to provide level base ulGnlcu m *SSOCUIES Projccl NO. 4851855-01 f SHELLEY/ RANCH0 SANTA FE RECOMMENDED SETTLEMENT MONUMENT DESIGN Fiwre 3 -. i : - - - - / .- - - I - ! -, - - - - - L - I - - - i.P< SPECIFICATIONS FOR CLASS 2 PERMEARLE HATERIAL (CALTRANS sPmFmTIo~s) Sieve Size X Passing 1 II 100 314" go- 100 3/a" 40- 100 No. 4 25-40 No. a la-33 No. 30 ~5-15 No. 50 o-7 No. 200 o-3 Retaining Wall \ Floor Slab Soil Backfill, Compacted to 90 percent relative density* 2 Permeable Filter Compacted to relative density' 4" Diameter perforated PVC pipe (schedule 40 or equivalent). Minimum 1 percent gradient to 1' minimum' Wall Footing suitable outlet *Based on ASTM DI557-78 Minim& 6" layer of filter rock beneath pipe RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE Figure 4 - b .- , 7 - I - I - I - I - i - L -. i - i .- I / - - - - ,...: - . Pi 4851855-01 Fault -- Coronado Banks Elsinore San Jacinto San Andreas Rose Canyon* TABLE 1 SEISMIC PARAMETERS FOR ACTIVE FAULTS ShellylRancho Santa Fe Distance From Fault To Site (Miles) Maximum Credible Earthquake Richter Magnitude Richter Magnitude Peak Bedrock/ Repeatable Horizontal Ground Acceleration (Gravity)** 20 6.5 6.0 0.13/.08 26 7.5 6.1 0.13 45 7.5 7.2 0.08 60 8.5 8.3 0.11 6 6.8 6.0 0.35/0.23 MAXIMUM PROBABLE EARTHQUAKE (Functional Basis Earthquake) * This fault is considered "potentially active," based on our current knowledge of the geologic conditions of the San Diego County area. ** For design purposes, the repeatable horizontal ground acceleration may be taken as 65% of the peak acceleration for sites within 2D+ miles of the epicenter (after Ploessel and Slosson, 1974). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE 2 FOUNOATION DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR EXPANSIVE SOILS UNDERLYING ONE- AND TWO-STORY RESIOENTIAL BUILDINGS On*-story footin9* (See Note I) l.O-StO*)r foot,np* ,*a YOL, 1) Srrl9r noor Crrd* oesm Ll"l"9 Arca Floor Slab (see "ate 2, Cw:9* Floor 'y:"y; Pre*oak,n9 Of Ll"i"9 Arca and 6rra9e slab SO,,, (See Note 4) Elprnrlon ,“.a, 0 - 20 VEN” L6” EXPANSION* A,, fwtinps 12 Inch., deep. Foot,n9* cont,n- "0"s. One No. 4 rcbar to9 rnd b&to.. LW EXPANSIOI l "EOlUN EXPfflSIOI* NEW EXPANSIONS All fwtlngs 12 1nclle* E*t*rlor footin9r 18 E*t,r,w kwt,n9* 24 deep. fmthpr contin- inches deep. IntCrlor l"Ch,, deep. Interior "OUS. One No. 4 rebar top rnd bottca ‘ootlnp, 12 ,"ChlS deep. On8 No. I rrbar top and footln9, IO inctlrs dwP. bottca. pz s rcbrr top and All mttn9r to ,nctw, deep. footin9r cont,n- "0"s. One No. 4 rebu top mwl DOtto.. All foot,n9* I8 ,nchc* deep. footln9, contin- Al1 ‘ootfn9, IO lnchr, E.tcr,w footlnp, 2, rncnc, deep. 1ntrr1or "WI. One No. I r~ba- deep. foot,np* cont,n- UOU,. On, Wo. I reb,, footln9, IO ,"Ck, deep. top and bottom. to,, and both,.. y&. s e?bW top and 0 lncht, *ctp. one ymr,'ebsr top rnd 12 4"ChLS deep. one No. , rebrr top and both. LO ,ncllc, deep. one No. I rebdr top and bottom. 2, l"ChC, dew. one No. S rebrr top and both.. 4 illches thick. 6x6- 10110 welded wire r*h. x-l”Ch sand layer we* 6 ai1 Y~rgrecn motrture barrier OIIY *-Inch sand base. 4 lnchr, thick. ,ro- 4 ‘nches thick. 6x6- 4 lnchc, thlct. I, lOI10 reIded “ire mesh. k/O *.?,dm, *ire mesh. rebar 0 LB’ on ceder with I4 dorcl* . 16' on 2-Inch sad layer o*er X-inch *an* layer wcr 6 01 Yl*g"een P,*t"re 6 .,I "i*q"cL" mol*t"rC center ritll C,"Ch sand barrier over 2-inch barrier over I-inch lager OYer 6 mi, Ylsquccn ,a"., base. sand base. u)isture barrier ov*r s-inch sand har.~ , Inche, trl,ct. 6-b loll0 .r,*ed *iv-c meltI or q”&rter slab. x-inch sand base. so‘,, mlstemd to mar opt,fwm IDistUrC content p,~,~~~,mw depth Of , inch** th,ck. 4x‘- , inches thick. 6x6- *o/10 re,.wd r,rr mesh 616 "elded "1,c rrn or qu~rtcr *lab. X-inch sand base. or quarter slab. k-inch sand base. soak vppr 12 Inches to at least 1.2 x opt1.w. mistwe content or I percent *bore optium mi*tur* content. lhleheler I, arrrtcr. soar upper LO l”ChCS to at least 1.3 I opt,mu. nirture content w 5 percent ab.wc opthnum al*t"re content. rhich- we, I, prcatcr. , ,ncnc, thick. I, ,CbW 0 18’ 0” center P”d puarter *lab. I-inch smd bl*e. *oat wper 24 Inches to *t least L.‘ x WtlDul mistwe Emtent or 5 percent dbwe wtimm drturc content. rhich- eler is preatcr. l Expanrlon lnder determined in lc~~rddnce with Tert Ncthod UBC 29-X. NOTES: 1. "lnim" footl"9 "ldth sho"ld be 12 inches for one-story buildln9S. 15 ‘nthes for tw-story b",ldingS, and 24 lnthc, for lrolrted ,,?read footin9*. 2. Y,rc mesh and rebar ~ho"ld be place.3 at NlOHElGHT of slab. 3. ,,o~.,,c 9ara9c slab from ~erlmeter footln9,. Slab saw~"ts should be 8 linlmm Of I inch deep. 1. It should be noted that preroakln9 lnay reqYl*e an extended pcri0.x Of tine to re*cn the recmmentle* ni*ture content. 5. For er,?an,ion lnder over 130. spcclal re~omndat,o", will be ~orided by the peotcchnm, tons~ltmt (as netersrry) based on actual field conditIOn*. 6. At1 depth, are relative to sl.sD *"b9rdde or flnilhed 9round rurface. .hiche"er I* 1wcr. 7. The ahore mbednent ana reinforcmsnt con*,derat,on, d,C m,niraum p”,de,,ne* which may DC increased at the dl*cret,m of the *tr"Ct"ral engineer. APPENDIX “A” - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4851855-01 APPENDIX A REFERENCES 1. Abbot, P.L., ed.. 1985, On the manner of deposition of the Eocene strata in norfF@rn San Diego County: San Diego Association of Geologists field trip guidebook. 2. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1983, Seismic safety study for the City of San Diego. 3. ' Unpublished in-house data. 4. Kennedy. M.P. and Peterson, G.L., 1975, Geology of the San Diego metropolitan area, California Division of Mines and Geology, Bulletin 200. 5. Kennedy, M.P. and Clark S.G., Greene, H.G., Legg M.R., 1980, Recency and character of faulting offshore metropolitan San Diego, California: California Oivison of Mines and Geology, Hap Sheet 42. Scale 1:50,000. 6. Plossel, M.R. and Slosson, J.E., 1974, Repeatable high ground acceleration from earthquakes, California Geology, Volume 27, Number 9, pages 195-199. 7. Rick Engineering, Inc., Undated, Untitled loo-scale topograhic map. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS USDA, Series AXN, Flight Line 8M, Photos I6 and 17, Flown April 11, 1953. - - - - - - i 1 A-i - APPENDIX “B” - I - -~ - ! - I - I - I - I - 1~. - I - I - I - I - I - 1.: - 1’. - t; - LJ - i I-.i GEDTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE l-6-86 DRILL HOLE No, B-1 SHEET-!-• F-L PROJECT Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe PROJECT No. 4651855-01 DRILLING Co San Diega Drilling TYPE OF RIG Bucket ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 30 i% DRIVE WEIG,.,~ Q’-25’: 4113. 25’.47’:2981. 47’-72’:2168 DROP A- IN. r _ _ _ _ n -. . . "^__ C^_ I ^.,^ 1 tLE”ATION IOP OF “OLE- Wk. OH UAlUrl PlrOll I GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION brown-green. moist, soft, clay, abundant roots and rootlets olive green. moist, soft. clay Mottled green and red-bmwn, moist, soft clay 2 Push 90.7 29.2 --7-s --=- @ 10 c Cemented zone with hard cemented clayey fine - -- - -c-5 =- sand and abundant bivalve shell fragments, . ...:;. "-: ':T.;..:. numerous fractures infilled with gypsum ..C..,~ . . . . SC/CL ,o --".';-:? .; +,: .."<, 3 m 2/v 91.3 27.1 Total Depth of 10-l/2 feet Excavation Terminated due to cemented zone Not Oownhole logged No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled on l-6-86 15 - XJSA(11,77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I .- - I I I I - I I 1~ - I - I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE l-6-86 DRILL HOLE No. E-2 SHEET-!-,.-OF& PROJECT Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe PROJECT No. 465~355-01 DRILLING Co San Die90 h-illin9 TYPE OF RIG Gccket HOLE DIAMETER 30 inches- DRIVE wEIGHT O’-25’:4113, 25’-47’:2981, 47’-72’:2168 DROP 12 IN. ELEVATION TOP OF : Hc )LE’1321 F, - :tL :2 ii = Mean si3 Level Mean si3 Level . i ;P ;P I1 I1 _ !; z 4 b b iv, GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 2 Lo 2 Lo IGGED BY RH/MRS r SA r SA ,MPLED BY RH PsoIL/coLLuvIlJM: L /CH I ? O’-2-l/2’ Dark olive green. damp, soft, clay; numerous roots, rootlets and root tubuals; abundant cal iche Lf!AR FORMATION: L /CH ’ @ 2-l/2’-7-112’ Very weathered blocky, fractured olive green claystone. Red-brawn iron stained cla coatings along numerous randomly oriented fractures. Abundant small, short randomly oriented, shear surfaces. Fractures often infilled with gypsun @ 7-l/2’ 4” zone of mmttled red, brown, and black, moist. medium stiff, sandy clay-with abundar gypsum. Then gradational undulatory contxt ; ,:M to 6”~8” zone of white-brown, damp, hard. cemented sandstone with abundant fossil bivalve fragments @ 8-l/2’ 4” zone of extremely fossiliferrous green clay (50% shell fragments) L ,/CH ; W;“” Green-grey claystone 4”-6” fossiliferous clayey sand @ 108-14’ Laminated mottled green clay with numerous high angle, gypsum filled fractures 4.5 ‘9.9 ,o. 4 0.C .E 3.1 P z LEI @ 14’ Sharp contact, 3/E” wide zone infilled by gypsum to white and red mottled, damp, dense fine silty sand @ 20’ Clay seam in sandstone. Light grey, moist, hard, claystone with a few fractures 1 ;6 ;6 13 22’-24’ Interbedded clay, sand and sandy silt in I undulatory beds. @22’ 2’layers of greenish gray finely bedded siltstone slight water seepiJge @22’ @ 24’ Green-gray claystone; massive. numerous C L/CH L/CH randomly oriented shears a 28-112’ 6”-6” cemented silty sand layer M/SC :L/CH iON al ‘1 WXXIATES - - - - - ! - I - I - I~ - I - I - I - I. - 1: - 1~ - 1,. - 1. - 1.. - L.i .- i I\ GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE I-6-66 DRILL HOLE No. 6-2 SHEET-OF-C- PROJECT Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe PROJECT No. 4651655-01 bRILLING co San Diego Drilling TYPE OF RIG Eucket HOLE DIAMETER 3o inch DRIVE wEIGk O'-25':4113. 25'-47':2961. 47'-72':2168 ELEVATION TI REF. OR DAT;M Mean Sea Level DROP l2 IN. : tjolF *132* El- 2 CL: E:: 2l.L U-J s 5 N 30 7 ---- =-- -- <z ST=- OP 01 - z ? t 5 GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION LOGGED BY RHIHRS SAMPLED BY RH MIATION (cont.): @ 30' Dark green-grey most, very hard, claystone Total Depth of 32 feet Downhale‘ logged to 30 feet water seepage at 22 feet Backfilled on l-6-86 35 - 40 - 6*(11,77) LEIGHTON (L ASSOCIATES - / - - - I .- I~ - I - 1~ - I - 1 - .~, I : - I : - I: - “l I: - 1: I I: - 1 - I :. -- lo.: - ,?? GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE- DRILL HOLE NO. o-3 SHEET~OF~ PROJECT ShelleY/Ranchp Santa Fe PROJECT No. 4*51*55-01 DRILLING Co, San Oiwo Orillinq TYPE OF RIG Bucket HOLE DIAMETER 30" DRIVE NEIGHT O'-25':4113. 25'-47':29Rl, 47'-72':2160 DROP 12 IN. jOSA(11/77) 12.7 DA - 69 5; ;?I ik -s = - 10.5 = .EIC NM Mean sea Level ;c. :li ii G g = /CH - /CU E /ct iii - SM - .I51 Iii iii 2 = ON GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION .OGGED BY RH/MRS SAMPLED BY RH @ O'-Z-112' Dark brown, moist, soffclay; occasional pieces of gypsum, roots H @ 2-1/Z'-9' Dark olive green, damp to moist, stiff clay- s stone; numerous ramdomly onented fractures, often infilled with gypsum OP lined with @ 9’ @ 10’ @ 13' @ 14-l/2' @ 18’ @ 20’ @ 22’ @ 24’-26’ @ 26’ Q 27’ @ 28’ 6" zone of mottled and intermixed, green-gra clay and dark red-brown and green cemented sandstone Discontinuous fracture in green-gray clay with waxy, striated surface; not remolded l-l/Z' zone of discontinuous, green and red. brown, cemented siltstone and fine sandstont Gradational contact over l'-2' to gray-greer moist, dense, silty sand; massive Less silt, brown-gray, medium sand Sharp undulatory contact, l/4" zone of red iron stained, clayey silt above to green- brown, moist. very stiff, fine, sandy silt 1' zone of red, fine, sandy silt; slightly clayey Greenish gray. moist, stiff, silty clay; numerous, randanly oriented. red. clay- lined fractures 6" gradational contact to brown-gray, fine, sandy silt/silty sand 1' zone of red-brown, silty sand Sharp, undulatory, horizontal contact to green-brown, clayey silt lj ASSOCIATES - - .-~ - I I - I - I - _~ I - .~ 1 - I: - I - I - I - I - 1. - I - 1~~~ - Li - a..1 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE- DRILL HOLE NO. 8-3 SHEET~OF~ PROJECT ShelleytRancho Santa Fe PROJECT No. 4851855-01 DRILLING Co San Diego Drillins TYPE OF RIG Bucket HOLE DIAMETER 30" DRIVE WEIGHT Q’-25’:4113. 25’-47’:2981. 47’-72’:2168 DROP 12 IN. ELEVATION TOP OF u Ee- Ic) Lti yJ ZL s 5 I b 2 _~. -,- , . . :: ._,_ :,.;. ..; ~- _,_ r.: ‘_ . . :. ‘_.? ‘, :. 5-.” : .‘_‘... -;;.. , . . .-,. :p..y. -.... :. ,.” ,;._1 ‘;‘,! - ,,: .,’ : ; :. : . . ,_,.- -., .:., ‘,. ., ;. -‘... ->.L’. -_= T.-L _- -- -== I-:: --- :F, - > t: :tL 22 & x DA - M j; ;z i5 -8 = J" Mean Sea Level :: * GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION i I Lc S, = -- 51 .E - - &-z 2 G - - :s = Y/MI - SM - ./CH - IGGED BY RH/MRS IMPLED BY RN II ,5 - i0 - 55 - 60 SOSA(L1/77) = 9 f - :LNAR FORMATION: (continued) . @ 30'-31' Gradational change from sandy silt to slightly cemented sand; finely laminated with undulatory but generally horizontal fine beds of white and Q 34' Brown-green, slightly silty, medium grain sand; massive Q 35' Slight seepage @ 37' standing water Q 41’ Sharp contact to blue-green, very moist, very stiff claystone d - ,- .- ! : 1 - I I - 1~ - 1~; - I: - I~: - 1; I.. .- I - I.2 - 1.: - I. ; - L.! - I,; S N _ = -- --z--= --_ -=: zz- _= ---- Et- 2 tiw IsA 2: Pk isA ” 0 5 l( 1 2 ‘ - ..‘-’ ..‘e r.::: ::; 7.. : ‘.,.‘,f : .‘- .::. .L : 5- . . .,, ',' -: -L..:.-. . . . . :.. ,',' ~ 7"SE GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE I/7/86 DRILL HOLE No. B-4 SHEET&OF& PROJECT Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe PROJECT No. 4851855-01 DRILLING Co San Lliego Drilling TYPE OF RIG Bucket HOLE DIAMETER 30" DRIVE WEIGHT O'-25':4113. 25’-47’:2981. 47’-72’:2168 hop l2 I,,. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE= REF. OR DATUM Mean Sea Level l II 6-e. i; ;‘I ;ii :s = GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ; Lc I SI 3GGED BY RHIMRS \MPLED BY RH 3PSOIL/COLLUVIUH: @ O'-Z-112' Brown, very moist, soft, clay; numerous roots and rootlets - - - /CH iLMAR FORMATION: Green-gray mottled with brown iron staining, moist, soft to medium stiff, clay; increasing - silt content with depth 2.3 ,7.1 0 Z-112' @ 58-B' @ B-1/2' @ 9' Olive-greenish gray, damp, stiff, clayey silt; ntcaceous, red-brown staining along numerous randomly oriented fractures, mas- sive, slightly softer at 8' 6" wide contact to,light brown. damp dense, silty medium to coarse sand; massive 6" wide contact to,light brown. damp dense, silty medium to coarse sand; massive Off-white to brown (more brown with depth), Off-white to brown (more brown with depth), damp, dense. silty sand; medium to coarse damp, dense. silty sand; medium to coarse grain. coarser with depth grain. coarser with depth X3. 6.: @ 17-l/2' @ 18’ Sand is red-brown in color l/Z" zone of yellow-rod, soft, moist clay, then sharp, undulatory. erosional contact to olive-green-gray, medium stiff clay, slight1 silty; moderately fractured, randomly oriented often with red clay coating 0" zone of slightly cemented, silty clay Olive-green, moist, very stiff claystone @ 25' High angle, discontinuous, clay-lined fracture @ 28' Fracture as at 25' Blue-green, moist. very stiff claystone; ed. randomlv oriented LElOHYlJN & ASSOCIATES - - 1 - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - 1 - I . . .- I - L, - LJ - I - 1.~; - n, SOSA(l1/77) GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE l/7/66 DRILL HOLE No. B-4 SHEET~OF~ PROJECT Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe PROJECT No. 4851855-01 DRILLING Co San Dieoo Drillino TYPE OF RIG- NGLE DIAMETER 30" - DRIVE WEIGHT 0'-25':4113. DROP 12 IN. ELEVATION TOP OF Hc lLE= UM Mean sea I PYPl ‘ II ‘ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION i II I Ll IGGED BY RHIMRS I Sl 4MPLED BY R" = = !!! :LMtIR FORMATION: (continued) @ 31' Small inclusions (l/Z" diameter) of dark red- - brown to black carbonareous matter (coal) DA 84 z 1; Et, iE -8 = .9.4 ./CH CL @ 34' Gradual change to very hard, blue claystone, very few shears @ 3B'-40' Slightly softer, stiff to very stiff 1 - :/slJ - 3 @ 41' @ 42' /CH @ 43'-48' 6" to 1' zone of green-gray, moist, dense, 6" to 1' zone of green-gray, moist, dense, clayey fine sand; silty clayey fine sand; silty Discontinuous lens of light gray, saturated. Discontinuous lens of light gray, saturated. dense, medium sand on west side of hole; dense, medium sand on west side of hole; light light seepage in this zone seepage in this zone Blue-gray, damp, hard,claystone, often with Blue-gray, damp, hard.claystone, often with slight, red iron staining; a few small slight, red iron staining; a few small polishe polishe shear surfaces shear surfaces H - - - - -, I - I. - \ - I. - I - 1~ - I - I - I ..- I - I. - I.. - I. - 1: - s. ! GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE- DRILL HOLE No. ~-5 SHEET 10~2 PROJECT ShPll~wnta FP PROJECT No. 4851855-01 DRILLING CoSan~ TYPE OF RIG- HOLE DIAMETER 3o" DRIVE WE,GHT 0's15':4113. 25'-47':29Rl. 47'-72':m DROP 12 I,,, : HI 3LE= ,2.1 DA’ - 6-e ! . ig ;z -3 = - ,4.3 0 = .ElC rt M&=an $ga IPVPl o- :v; 2 u; - - z = CL - L/S - SH iii J/S! Ei SM - ./ct - = ON GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION )GGED BY RHlRl r\MPLED BY RH )PSOIL/COLLUVIUM: @ 01-2' Mottled yellow-brown and brown, moist, soft, silty clay; at I'-2' trace of caliche silt; clayey; Inclus&s and stringers of @ 5-l/2'-g-112' Yellow-red, moist, dense. silty fine sand; massive, slightly cemented H @ 9-112’ 4" to 6" zone of light gray. damp, stiff. fine, sandy silt; undulatory contacts above and below, no apparent offsets @ lO’-16’ Light red-gray to light gray, moist, dense silty medium to coarse sand; coarse sand generally in discontinuous undulatory layers and pods, massive overall @ 16,-17-l/2' C 17-112’ @ 18’ @ 19’-29’ @ 22’ @ 25’ @ 27’-20’ @ 29’ @ 29-l/2’ Light to dark red-brown, saturated, dense, silty cow% to medium sand; heavy water H seepage Sharp irregular contact to 4" to 6" zone of olive-green-gray, moist, very stiff clay; numerous smooth, polished. shear surfaces 1’ zone of cemented, fine. gray sandstone Green-gray, moist, very stiff, claystone; numerous, randomly oriented fractures ofte lined with red stained. slightly remolded clay, numerous polished shears Continuous fracture, l/16" zone of discon- tinuous, remolded clay along polished grooved surface Fracture similar to 22' Slightly softer, siltier clay 6" to 1' zone of very heavily fractured, mottled red, brown, and green, moist. soft remolded clay; rupture surface 1” discontinuous zone of dark red. brown. silty clay 1 WIATES - - ! - 1. - i, ; .- l-3 - & .i GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE-- DRILL HOLE No, o-5 SHEET&• F~ PROJECT Shell&bddantSanta Fe PROJECT No. 4G51G55-01 DRILLING Co. 5a" 0-O TYPE OF RIG Bucket HOLE DIAMETER 30" DRIVE WEIGHT G'-*5':4113. 25'-47':2%~1. 47'-72':21G* DROP l2 IN. ILEa 8.3 6.5 DA UN 5; ;5 iE -8 = 14.1 14.R Tl I 1 HPan Level GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OGGED BY RHlRl AMPLED BY RH ELMAR FORMATION: L/Cl B 29-l/2’-31’ Dark green-gray, moist, stiff, randomly _ fractured claystone @ 31'-33' Reddish gray, damp, very stiff clay, finely- laminated and interbedded with blue-gray clay; densely fractured. randomly oriented,- yellow clay on numerous fractures and laminae; @ 31' discontinuous zone of black - organic carbonaceous material l"-2" thick @ 331-35’ Jumbled intermixed red, brown, and green- - brown clay with yellow clay along numerous, randomly oriented fractures and shear SW- _ faces; numerous pieces of carbonized wood and coal; numerous gypsum in fillings along- fracrures @ 35’ 6" to 8" zone of dark gray to black inter- _ bedded with red (l/4" to 1” interbeds), moist, soft,clay and silty clay @ 35-112’ Sharp contact to very stiff, green-gray. fine, sandy claystone; massive, numerous _ small Dolished shears. less sand with decat i Y2 from &tact 6" slightly silty zone Slightly sandy claystone @ 43’-58’ ./CH Blue-green-gray, moist, hard claystone, moderately to heavily fractured, fractures randomly oriented, occasional sandy clay layers; numerous smooth, polished, random- ly oriented, shear surfaces. often with thin, red clay coating Total depth of 60 feet Oownhole logged to 50 feet uarer seepage at 17 feet Backfilled on l/7/86 = ON - I -~ I - ! I, -1~ - I. - I - I - I- - I - 1 - I _- 1~ - II I - I.’ 2 - ii - i: IkUILCtlNICAL WRING LUG DATE- DRILL ROLE NO. R-6 SHEET-• F-~-- PROJECT 5hPll~v/RanchnZlnta FP PROJECT No, 4651655-01 DRILLING CoSan TYPE OF RIG- HOLE DIAMETER 30” DRIVE WEIGHT ql-25’:4113. 25’-47’:2961. 47’-72’:2166 DROP l2 IN. F~ FYATKIN TOP OF HOLE- REF. OR DATUM Neap Sea Level -- , ;. Y’- ;+ .;: I.’ ‘.. - * -‘I:.:. Rough :.: ~... _ -.-‘. Attitude = C:N40”W, -p=. 4’NE - = zL C:Grada- -- -. tional ---1 - ys - -_ -== =zx Approxi- Z-2 mately -222 S:N,CII; @ -- %f=% RS:N55°E l/la’* 1 i nkr E ;; gi & a = - 17.7 39.5 - - 4.6 ‘3.4 ? - 3 Q 9 ‘ , 51 Cl SI Cl C V C b I CL - VML L/CH - Y/ML - L/SC - SC I 1 S 1 L/CH - IL/SC -47 :L/cl IL/Cl SL/C! GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION .OGGED BY RH/MRS SAMPLED BY AH II ~OPSOIL/COLLUVIUM: e 01-2’ Dark brown, moist. soft, fine. sandy clay; occasional bits and pieces of white and red clav iNCIENT LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS: @ 21-5’ Gradual increase in amount of light yellow _ to brown, fine, sandy silt; abundant blebs of caliche, several animal burrows infilled- with dark brown. fine sand @ 5’-7’ Sharp, very irregular contact with 1” to 6” of dark gray-green. moist, soft clay with wmerd~s sheared, randomly oriented, polished surfaces; grades into very mottlf yellow, brown, and red, damp, loose, fine silty sand/sandy silt; numerous chunks of brown, sandy clay/clayey sand; nwre clay with depth @ 7’-6’ Very irregular contact to olive-gray. moist, soft clay; along west side of hole is a 2’ diameter pocket of green-gray, clayey sand. clay layer is 6” to 1’ a 8’ Irregular contact to greenish gpay to ye1 low, moist, medium dense, fine, clayey s.% @ 10’ Sharp, irregular cdntact td green-gray, moist, soft clay; numerous, randomly ori- ented fractures, abundant caliche @ 12’ Gradational contact pver 6” to 1’ to grew gray, moist, very stiff, silty clay;block! numerous randomly oriented fractures B 12’-15’ Gradual increase in red colored clay; red iron staining along fractures. several roots a 15’-15’9” Very mottled red and gray, moist, stiff clay; very abundant, subhorizontal frac- tures coated with yellow-gray clay and @ 16’ @ 16’2” Rupture surface: 1” to 2” zone of red- brown, soft. remolded, saturated clay; DELMAR FORMATION: @ 16-l/2-20’ Interbedded green, clayey silt /fine sand and fine. sandy clay; f moderate y fractured l-l yellow-orange coatings along fractures @ 20’ Very highly fractured. randomly oriented fractures; nunwous, polished shears. several can be traced l/3 to l/2 way aroun hole; very thin, remolded clay along numerous shears; minor seepage @ 22-l/2’ Minor seepage, wet zone extends around 213 of hole in Very fractured claystone; l-1/2’ thick zone. thin, remolded clay 130 ’ I I I I I I SOW(11/77) LEIGHTON & AGSWIATES - - - I - 1 - ( - ( - I - ( - I. - 1. - I - I -. I - I, - ‘.’ 1.: L: ~_ t:.! :NOOW, 45"W 9 - GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE- DRILL ROLE NO. DATE- DRILL HOLE NO. B-6 8-6 SHEET-OF- SHEET-OF- PROJECT PROJECT <helley&&n&bta Fe <helley&&n&bta Fe PROJECT No. &mm-01 PROJECT No. &mm-01 DRILLING Cog DRILLING Cog TYPE OF RIG- TYPE OF RIG- HOLE DIAYETER 36' HOLE DIAYETER 36' DRIVE WEIGHT -'47'-71'.7168 DROP DRIVE WEIGHT -'47'-71'.7168 DROP 13 IN. 13 IN. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE= ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE= REF. OR DATUM REF. OR DATUM NPan s&a IPWl NPan s&a IPVz=l g. a/i ti Jv; g = L/C GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OGGED BY RHlMRS L s or AMPLED BY R" iLf!AR FORMATION: (continued) g 22-l/Z'-26 Green, Very stiff, clayey silt; a few randcmly oriented shears, massive @ 26’ 1' diameter zones on north and west side - of hole of fractured claystone with a few random, polished fractures and minor SeeDa& H @ 26’-30’ @ 30’ Hard, green-gray claystone and clayey siltstone Abundant, randomly oriented shears; very thin, remolded clay on polished, grooved @ 30-w @ 33’ @ 34’ @ 36’ @ 37-l/2’ @ 41’ @ 42’ @ 43’44 @ 44’4’ shears. very minor seepage on north side - of hole Hard, massive claystone, abundant, random- - ly oriented fractures High angle, l/B" continuaus fracture around hole Highly sheared zone with red staining on - shear surfaces Highly sheared zone Very hard, moderately fractured claystone 4" zone of slightly cemented, silty clay z :L/c - N/S - 6" zone of hard,cemented, clayey, very fine sand u ,H Minor water seep on northeast side of hole in hard, green-gray claystone Very hard, blue-green, massive claystone # @ 48’ X Gradational contact to yellow-green, silty fine sand Total depth of 50 feet Oownhole lowed to 40-L/2 feet Water seepage at 16'. 20'. Z-l/Z', 26'. 30'. 43' Backfilled on l/B/86 35A(11,77, ON & ASSOCIATES - I i ,~, - I - ( - ( - I I - I - I - I - ( - 1~. - L - c .- (j - .~ I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE- DRILL HOLE No. R-7 SHEET-OF- PROJECT SheltevlRanchata Fn PROJECT No. -~.LB~~-oI DRILLING Co San Ofnoo Orillino TYPE OF RIGS HOLE DIAMETER 30" DRIVE WEIGHT O’-25’:4113. 25’~47’:2981. 47’-72’:2l& DROP 12 IN, F. - - : :Y :x ; 2 = - 3.2 DA 6-e 5; ;e ;5 -3 = - 3.6 Mean Sea Level L :v; 2 G g = /ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION II IGGED BY RH/MR< iMPLED BY RH II )PSOIL/COLLUYIUM: @ O'-3-l/2' Medium reddish brown, moist, soft, silty clay; slightly sandy, u few roots and root- lets to 2' Ei iLNAR FORMdTlON: /SC - @ 3-l/2’ 6" zone of light gray and brown. very soft, very moist clay @ 4'-6' Mottled red and dark brown. moist, soft cla! and sandy clay @ 6' Increase in sand to clayey sand @ 6'-6:1/Z' Red, clayey sand intermixed with increasing gray-green, soft clay @6-L/2' /CH a 7'-9' @ 9'-20' Irregular 4" erosional contact with l/4” of red-brown, silty sand above to green-gray, moist, soft clay; clay at contact is soft and sheared but not remolded Soft clay 8s above Blue-gray, moist, stiff claystone; numerous randomly oriented shears,densely fractured 12'. less densely fractured afterwards; numerous small zones of fine, clayey silt/ sand, massive; numerous root hairs at 9’-10 4" zone of fine, red clay staininn, often along fractures (old roots?) @ ZO-'23' ./CL Numerous tight fractures, several with thin, Numerous tight fractures, several with thin, soft, clay linings, randomly oriented; a few soft, clay linings, randomly oriented; a few can be traced l/4 way around hole; also can be traced l/4 way around hole; also several polished, grooved, randomly oriented several polished, grooved, randomly oriented shears; overall very hard; more clayey with shears; overall very hard; more clayey with depth depth @ 27' Slightly softer, silty clay; several high angle, red stained fractures traceable over roughly 172 of hole # LEIGHTON la 29-l/2’ 6" silty zone kBGOCIATES 50SA(11,77, - - - / / - I - i .- ( .- I - I - I - ., I - 1. - I~ i.. - 1~ - L: - 61 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE- DRILL HOLE No, o-7 SMEET Lor L PROJECT S-ta FP PROJECT No. wlo55-ol DRILLING CoSan TYPE OF RIG- HOLE DIAMETER 30" DRIVE WEIGHT JkZ5’:4113. 25’~47’:2981. 47’-72’:2&& DROP 12 ,,,, ELEVATION TOP OF lLE= ,F. - z ;; 5:: a& & 2 = DA rI e-2 5; ;El ;k 5 = 1 Mpan sea IPWl k22 II GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 22 w - . cg j Lc IGGED BY RH/MRS S, IMPLED BY RR = L!! :LMdR FORl44TION: (continued) @ 30'-34' Very hard clay, lightly to moderately fractured, often with red staining and thin, clay coatings along fractures; massive ./ct I @ 34’-36’ Gradational change to light gray, moist, Very stiff, silty claystone; inclusions up to 6" in diameter of blue-green claystone, several random fractures SC B 36'-37' Increasing sand with depth to yellow, clayey - fine sand at 37' gcJ i @ 37' Sharp, Very irregular but generally harizon- tal. erosional contact to blue-green-gray, moist, hard claystone; numerous polished SM shears, moderately fractured @ 38' Gradational contact over 6" to gray-blue, fine, clayey sand; massive @ 40' 1’ zone of interbedded, slightly cemented, blue-gray, fine sand with red-brown. moist, dense, silty fine to medium sand @ 41’-52’ Interlayered and intermixed, blue-gray, fine sand and hard, blue-gray claystone; primaril clay after 43'; numerous shears often with dark red-brown staining along shear surfaces especially at 44'43'; massive L/Cl 1 L/C = 'ON @ 52'-58' Gradational contact OYW 0" to very lightly fractured, dark olive-gray, damp, very hard . H claystone; o Very few randomly oriented, polished shears, occasional light reddish gray mottling; massive t Total death of 60 feet GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE l/9/86 DRILL HOLE No, a-a SHEET -OFA PROJECT Shellevlltancho Santa Fe PROJECT No, 4651655-01 DRILLING CO San Oieoo Orillinq TYPE OF RIG Bucket HOLE DIAMETER 30' DROVE WEIGHT O'-25':4113. 25'-47':296!. 47'-72';2168 Drop 12 TN, ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE= REF. OR DATUM Mean=1 - = ? - = EIO GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION LED BY RH - t II TOPSOIL/COLLUVIlJM: .,.!L @ 01-2' Mottled and intermixed, light green-gray, - olive brown and white, damp, soft, clayey I silt/silty clay; numerous roots and root- - lets ANCIENT LANOSLIOE DEPOSITS: L/CH @ 2'-6' Medium olive-grsy-green, damp, soft clay; numerous inclusions of brownish red, silty - fine sand, massive St4 @ 6' Discontinuous 4" to 6" layer of cemented, green-gray, fine sand @ 6'-7' Very undulatory, erosional contact to olive-brown, damp, medium dense, very silty sand; discontinuous 1" band of iron stained sandy clay along contact @ 7' Oiscontinous, red, oxidized zone grading into brown-white, damp, dense. silty mediu to coarse sand; massive with very minor grading of coarse sand grains @ 7'-10' Silty sand as above @ lO’-11’ Gradational change to light reddish white, medium to coarse sand; occasional small inclusions of green-gray claystone @ 12-l/2'-13-l/2' Very cowso, silty sand w ; p; Minor cross bedding I I Increasing moisture content with depth; saturated at 16' @ 19' Moderate to heavy seepage @ 19-w 4" thick zone of red, saturated, dense, silty, slightly cemented, coarse sandstone @ 20' Sharp contact to gray-green. blocky clay- stone; abundant randomly oriented frac- tuws: several roots alone contact: -'-so along the contact in modi& stiff be;om;ng stiff l/2" away from the contact @ 21-l/21 Rupture surface: 1" thick, continuow hand _ _ _. _ of very soft, wet, remolded clay; very fractured, red and black stained clay with numerous small shear surfaces 2" above and below the ruoture surface OELMAR FORMATlON: P 21-l/Z'-27' Blocky, green-blue-gray. mist, very Stiff claystone; moderately fractured, randomly - oriented, numerous short. discontinuous shear surfaces. massive 2 H I. I - I L”. c1 - ,,I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE l/9/86 DRILL HOLE No. a-a SHEET~OF~ PROJECT Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe PROJECT No. 4651655-01 DRILLING Co San Oiego Orilling TYPE OF RIG 6"cket HOLE DIAMETER 30" DRIVE WEIGHT O'-25':4113. 25'-47':2981, 47'-72':2168 DROP " IN. ELEVATIO 'L u :w E:: >k 2' " 5 3 =5-E; _ -s~-I *z -= 5- o- - IOP OF i 2 ; s C - = - DA, - - L/HI - AMPLED BY loi ELl44R FORMATION: (continued) @ 27' Sharp undulatory, but generally horizontal con- tact to light brown-gray, moist, very stiff, silty clay; abundant, randomly oriented, shear surfaces, especially near the contact; 1' to 3' zone of randomly oriented, heavy fracturing @ 29' Less heavilv fractured Total depth of 32 feet Downhole logged to 30 feet Water seepage at approximately 19 feet Backfilled on l/9/86 I CXOCIATES - - - - -. 1 - 1 - . I - t - 1 - I. - 1. - 1: - :~. i. - 1 I - .~ 1. - .- i 1.; - (j 2 - : j..) GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date l/14/86 Drill Hole No. B-9 Sheet lof 2- -- Project Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Job No. 4851855-01 Drilling Co. Geo Drill Type of Rig CME-55 Hole Diameter 8" Drive Weight _ 140 lbs. Drop 30 in. levation ‘p of Hole ?156’ 06 - Ref. , - P 21 :; z; - - 01 Datum Mean Sea Level Datum Mean Sea Level : : ! ! ; Lc ; Lc ued by RH mpled by RH A! A! -LUVIUM: a. 8. - = ‘ii ‘ii - - CEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION @ 5' Interlayered, medium reddish brown to dark brown, moist to saturated, loose, clayey sand and clean, fine to medium sand @ IO' Mottled red-brown and light brown, very moist, loose, slightly silty fine to medium sand @ 15' Reddish brown, very moist, loose, fin to medium sand; trace of silt @ 20' Mottled gray-brown and red-brown, ver, moist, medium dense, clayey, fine to medium sand @ 25'-27' Gradual increase in drilling hardness -- LATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: I ninhtnn 2 Acm,+,ti.ac .- ( - I’ - 1, - - - - CEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date I-14-86 Drill Hole No. B-9 Sheet 2 of 2- -- Project Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Job No. 4851855-01 Drilling Co. Geo Drill Type of Rig CME-55 Hole Diameter 8” Drive Weight 140 lbs. Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +156' Elevation Top of Hole +156' T T .I: 3, “a 2 ?Z *-I au. 2 I 30 -7: L L E E r -- + + -.- h-y F F ,-.=-- r z c c - s-g.; _.-. 35-*z r r -T- -L: F F 4D- 45- 50- 55- 60 cnn* ,,,T'\ 01. Ref - 26. )le or - . !A,- :,: . . 2; zv: OZ.2 n& L/Cl -- L/Cl = turn Mean Sea Level GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ogged by RH ampled by RH JEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: (continued) @ 30' Olive green, moist, very stiff, slightly sandy clay @ 33' Harder drilling ---- ---- IELMAR FORMATION: @ 35' Olive green-gray, moist, hard clay- stone Total Depth = 36' Water encountered at 3' Backfilled on l/15/86 1 - , - - / - ! - ( - I - I I - I .- I - 1 - I - I 1, - 1. - 1~ - L1 - I. ‘ GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date l/14/86 Drill Hole No. a-10 Sheet 1 of 2- -- Project Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Job NO. 4851855-01 Drilling CO. Gee Drill Type of Rig CME-55 Hole Diameter 8” Drive Weight 140 lbs. Drop 30 in. levation Too of Hole 2122’ Ref. Knnt r-l ,771 I ninhtrrn a Acrrrriatar L - - E 2 i, - - 11. 16. s 1. - = or Datum Mean Sea Level - . 2, m: It 2’ xi - - d/l SC GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION II ,ogged by RH +ampled by RH ALLUVIUM: @ 5' Medium reddish brown, moist, loose, slightly silty fine to medium sand @ 6'-8' Clayey sand n @ 10' Mottled dark gray and dark reddish gray, moist, medium dense, clayey fine to medium sand @ lo'-20' Interbedded sand and clayey sand /Sl - = @ 20' Mottled and intermixed dark gray to red-gray, moist, loose, clayey sand to sand fiERED DELMAR FORMATION: @ 28'-30' Stiff, red-orange clay 4 I1 - - - I - I .- I - I - I - L. - GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date l/14/86 Drill Hole No. B-10 Sheet 2 of 2- -- Project Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Job No. 4851855-01 Drilling Co. Geo Drill CME-55 Hole Diameter 8” Drive Weight 140 lbs. Drop 30 in. Elevation TOI D of Hole k122’ Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level I ” *z za 2 a-1 -4 10-z -2. - -- -- --L- - -- ‘.‘. ‘. : .,’ _.. .‘, - : ;. .’ 15-I :::‘., _‘. :. . i.: 4 I: 12 L c .: - 7 3 .‘ -_ 5. - T 9. - l4 I> Ic I‘ ;: I( - SF - GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ogged by RH ampled by RH lEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: (continued) @ 30' Medium olive-brown, very moist, very stiff clay; numerous blebs of bright red-orange clay (l/2'-2") - IELMAR FORMATION: @ 32' Firmer drilling @ 35' Mottled green-gray and brown, moist, medium dense,siltv fine tocoarse sand Total Depth = 36' Water encountered at 11’ Backfilled on l/15/86 I ainht,-m R. Aren&atac - s- ,,’ - .- .~ 1’ - i .- I’ - I~ - I’ - I - i . - I - I - 1~ - 1~’ - II - c - I ; ~~ - ‘: 1.; - GEOTECNNICAL BORING LOG Date l/14/86 Drill Hole No. B-11 SheetLofk Project ShellevlRancho Santa Fe Job No.4851855-01 Drilling Co. Geo Drill Type of Rig CME-55 Hole Diameter 8" Drive Weight 140 lbs. Drop 30 in. ilevation Top of I I I -- 5 -rl f --_ -- --- --- -- c- --- ELiI -_ --- -z- -- -.-y 1 :* .Y. . . -7. T<-. ,+I .-. -zr-- -yz ~~ -- -. -- -- 77 --_ 15 -z L-- -- - --- -- H z- - --- -- -- - - 3: 20 --, -7x-- --- --_ -- F z: -..-.. -- - -El. -- . ..- 25 =z- L-1 = -L -- >z :-::: EL ZG- &._ -7 7..-.- _. -L: -7 7.7 - ‘.- 3. i 1 Knnz (7177, - 2 ;I g; c - - 35. 14. 32. = Re - E 2 6 - f !O, 22 or - . Z' 2" JL 2" XE - - &I WC1 *turn Mean Sea Level GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ,ogged by RH impled by RH \LLUVIUM: @ 5' Dark gray to black, moist, very stiff silty clay; numerous rootlets and roe' hairs, moderately porous 8 10’ Dark brown, moist, stiff, slightly sandy clay @ lo'-25' Dark brown to gray clay @ 25' Olive gray with black and reddish mottling, very moist, very stiff clay 1 ainhtnn 2 Accnrirtnc - ! - .~ I - I - I - 1~ - I - I - I - I. - I I. - I. - I., - L - r~i - 1: - I.7 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date l/14/86 Drill Hole No. B-11 SheetLofk Project Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe Job No.--01 Drilling Co. Geo Drill Type of Rig CMF-55 Hole Diameter 8" Drive Weight 140 lbs. Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole ~115' Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level I u 3, LL& Z$ 2" 1 IO . ,, - 7c., 7 . -' 2 -.A<.. 7 .7, -.-. - '-. ,'. I ', El-- '; *-.- . . * " - .L : _ .I ,yy :. - I', ; I : :I ? IO-"_! 1 s,: ., I 'T.-y . . _ + '2 '- - -- --, b_ -L. < ,< 15 -z'-I; * .x& - : It 3 T - 13, - 10, 2, - - u 34 ij 2 I c - - 2. - !5. 5. - . 2' da ;r ib :t - SC - SM /Sl I1 GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION wed by RH ampled by RH LLUVIUM: (continued) @ 30' Mottled red, gray, and brown, loose, saturated, clayey, medium to coarse sand -- EATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: i @ 40' Greenish, moist, medium dense, silty fine to medium sand; interbedded with finely laminated black and green sandy clay n @ 45' Greenish gray, moist, very stiff, interbedded, sandy clay and clayey sand jO- i5- 60 son,4 (Z/771 I Ainhtnn R Asnncintes Total Depth = 46' Water encountered at 1' Backfilled on l/15/86 - .,.~ 1, : - I - .~ ),. I - 1~ .~ 1’ - r,~ I - I - I - ,-.. I I - I. - I - r I~: L. - 1. - L. - I :z GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date l/14/86 Drill Hole No. B-12 SheetlofL Project ShellevlRancho Santa Fe Job No. 4851855-01 Drilling Co. Drill Geo Type of Rig CME-55 Hole Diameter 8" Drive Weight 140 lbs. Drop 30 in. Elevation Tou of Hole f144' slm4 1?/77) 1 T 1 3 L 2 : ;: :’ ii ? - 12 Ll - $7 - Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level I , b , i r 2 / 5 Cl 9 : ! !L : !S - . nr ix ;i :v ;E - - SC CL CL - /ct - GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION owd by RH anpled by RH COLLUVIUM/SLOPEWASH: @ O'-3' Medium yellow-brown, damp, loose, clayay fine sand 3.3 @ 5' Dark red-brown, damp, hard, fine, sandy clay; abundant silt 6.! @ 10' Medium gray brown to greenish brown mottled, damp, hard, slightl) sandy and silty clay - !5.! - = WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: @ 15' Medium olive-green-gray, lightly mottled with red iron staining, moist, very stiff clay Total depth = 16' No ground water encountered at time of drilling - = Backfilled on l/14/86 I ainhtnn R Aaanciatac - - - - , .~. I - I - I - I .~ I -. I - I -., I -. I - I - 1~. - I, - I. - 1~. - ,:; CEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date l/14/86 Drill Hole No. B-13 Sheet 1 ofl- -- Project Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Job No. 4851855-01 Drilling Co. Geo Drill Type of Rig CME-55 Hole Diameter 8" Drive Weight 140 lbs. Drop 30 in. ,levation --IF ,p of G 3 .t: =: < le ?+l: 3r - . i’ a; ;d iv: :: - - ic1 2cd ?& $2 I!.& 23 I 0 A. ..-, 7: 2 ,- 1- -.' t ;-,L. 7.4. AI-.: - 2r-L: -.- - A_ 5 :.sj - - -7. --L- -c-L; Z’,. .y- _ 1 2. ..?. -.- - AZ-4 -72 0 5-x. -_ ? :- 7-2 - .-_ -LLC I-, ALI-;. - -. -- --- --_ -- --: -. 5 i-- -z-- -- -r- ---z ---7 -z: z -- ---l ----. -5 --z 0 = z -=y 5 ;/L SnoA (Z/77) -_ 15. 'l., - ampled by RH :OLLUVIUM/SLOPE WASH: @ 5' Dark brown, damp, hard, fine, sandy clay and silt, numerous blebs (l/4") of caliche - --I- {EATHERED DZFEON: @ 15' Dark olive-gray-green, damp, stiff clay; moderately mottled with dark brown clay @ 20' Medium blue-green-gray, moist, very stiff clay; moderately red mottled Total depth = 21' No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled on l/14/86 -eiohton & Associates - - - .- I - I - I I -. I. .- I - -. I - 1. - I - I - 1~ - I. .- 1~. - I~ - L.' -. , ,'.; GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date 7-11-86 Drill Hole No. 9-14 Sheet 1 of 2- -- Project Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe Job No. 4851855-01 Drilling Co. GeoDrill Type of Rig CME 55 Hole Diameter 8” Drive Weight 140 lbs. Drop 30 in. Elevation .I: i+d CM :t 23 1% 2 I 0 . . -.. : ", - '. .; .. '.. : ' ,.. . . __. I : . ; :; :_ ._' :'-. 5-.I.,: : : .- .’ ., . . _. . r, ‘- ‘.. .: _ : :__ lO- ,. ., : i’ ‘i --- -- .- -. --- .- -. 15- ?- - _--. -- _ .- -- -- - 7 -- 20- -. - -- - -- - - -. - - 25- -- - -- -- _-. .- 7 ==- -. p of t : -2 .z :: 4 : : i’ I - 5 8 o” 18 6 11 .( I8 m - . nr ZG ;c; iv! :2 - - turn Mean Sea Level GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION wied by RH/JAR ampled by RH/JAR ALLUVIUM: SP/ SW @3' Mottled, reddish brown to grayish brown, moist, loose sand, minor iron oxide staining, fine to medium grain size, trace of silt jP/ SW @5' Mottled, grayish brown to reddish brown, very moist, loose sand, trace of clay, fine to medium grained @10-l/2' Mottled dark grayish brown, moist very stiff, clay; trace of roots @I5' Dark grayish brown, moist, stiff clay; slightly sandy CL/ @20' Grayish brown, moist, stiff clay; CH slightly sandy -. = WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: Leiohtnn R Associates - in’ i ; - !r, i’ l -1~ - 1~ - I .- I. - .- I, - I’- I I - I - 1~’ - I - 1: - I- ., - 1. - II , -1:; GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date 2-11-86 Drill Hole No. 8-14 Sheet 2 of.2- -- Project Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Job No. 4851855-01 Drilling Co. GeoOrill Type of Rig CME 55 Hole Diameter 8" Drive Weight 140 lbs. Drop 30 in. Elevation Tou of Hole 2114 u i, 2ca 22 4: h “I 30 -- - -- - -- -- --- --Y. -- -2 - z 35--p -- --- - -- F=- -.-- _-- - -- -==- Ie TT -- - )5.! l5.C Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level :L/ CH :L/ CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION egged by RH/JAR ampled by RH/JAR @30' Mottled, gray to reddish orange, greenish, moist, very stiff clay; ~ slightly silty DELMAR FORMATION: @40' Mottled, olive greenish gray with reddish and orangish staining, damp, hard claystone. Total depth = 41 feet Ground water encountered at 5.5 feet Backfilled 2-11-86 == -einhtnn R Associates - .- .- 1 1 - I I - I. - I - 1 - I - I - I - 1. - I: .~ I. - I: - IL - ,: ;.. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG D~~~3131/86 DRILL HOLE NO. 0-15 PROJECT SkllevLBpnrhefnntp Fe DRILLING Co. w&son HOLE DIAMETER--lO” DRIVE WEIGHT SHEET~OFA PROJECT No, ~G~IRSS-GI TVPE OF RIG Bucket DROP IN. - . . ..a n n . . ..- Ed. * ~~~-1 ELEVATION IOP OF HOLE- NEF, OR LJATUM Plea” ,e,g Level GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION IGGED BY RHISR > w BY ) -- ---z COLLUVIUH :- - CL/CH @ O’-2’: Dark greenish brown, moist, soft clay _- - - z! CL,SH ANCIENT LANOSLIOE OEPOSITS @ 2’-3’: Intermixed mottled brown, colluvial clay and green-gray, moist, soft, sandy silt/silty sand ML/SM @ 3’-7’: Olive-gray, moist, very stiff, sandy silt; slightly clayey, highly fractured @ 7’: Sharp. contact to bright red-brown and light brown, damp, dense, fine silty sand; less fractured @ 8’: Sharp contact to olive-gray, damp, dense, clayey silt and sand interbedded with thin beds of silty sand. At 9.5 mare dense with manganese wide @ 17’: Thin (l/4”-l/Z’), discontinuous clay seam, medium stiff; manganese oxide staining @ 17’-20’: Light tan and yellow mottled, moist, dense Sharp cantact to highly fractured, medium stiff clay; discontinuous l/G”-114” layers of soft Clay at contact. At 26’ somewhat less fractured and LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I - I - I’ i. i / i - i I - i - i.. I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE 3131106 DRILL HOLE No, o-15 SHEET-OF- PROJECT Shelwta fe PROJECT No. 485lG55-01 DRILLING Co Nwrison TYPE OF RIG- HOLE DIAMETER 30" DRIVE WEIGHT DROP IN. ELEVATIO : HOLE% REF, OR DATUM Mean i'w u if:: i$ 4-l 22 s I -@; i .i- "q+ -t'-" --.z. 5- - -- --z- -, -_ =--- _ =-i 'OP OF 2 El t E 4 GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION IGGED BY 4MPLED BY RH/SR ,o - 15 - io - j5 - ;o SOSA(11/771 N65'E, 40"N NZO'W. 50% - SM ,/SC ,/CH - @ 31.5': Gradational contact to mottled green-gray with bright purple staining. moist, medium dense clay and clayey sand; very fractured with n~merws intersecting fractures. discontinuous, randomly-oriented, polished, - sheared surfaces, less broken and fractured with depth B 33.5'-36': Yery hard, slightly fractured, qreen-gray. mist claystone @ 36': Standing water Total Depth = 36.5 Downhole Logged to 36' Groundwater Seepage Encountered at 23' Moderate Caving at 27’ to 33’ Backfilled on 3/31/86 - .- - - i - I - i -- I - I - I - L - I - I - 1 - I. - I~ - 1.~ .- c.. - GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE- DRILL HOLE NO. B-16 PROJECT-ta Fe DRILLING Co, Chrricnn HOLE DIAMETER 30” DRIVE WEIGHT SHEET&• F~ PROJECT No, 4851855-01 TYPE OF RIG Bucket DROP IN. ELEVATION TOP of 3LEa 2 i E+,, 3 : y 00 t a~.?? :: a -xz S N I _- L - -- _ -- -- -- -r: -- --z ->gx ---- --- --: - -- -T--- ----- -:- ,O -.Z.’ :B:near L7L<= horiz. z, 7:-g -r--- 20 -Y-. - z?z -_ i-- _ r-- ~B:NWE: 4"N 4-4 C:grada, - l__r. 25-w CS:N4O"i 50 -+. : CS:hori, . . . . . SO.W(11,17) :F, - z L. 222 & =I = DA - tiM 5; SE gg ” = - Li z-z y? JU s? z = t/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION II 1 Mean sea Level 4 II L S 5 I - IELMAR FORMATION L/CH @ 2.5’-4.5’: Highly fractured, olive green-gray, moist, medium stiff clay; occasional bits and flecks of caliche @ 4.5'-5.5': One-foot zone of green-gray and dark purple mottled clay B 5.5’: Green-gray clay with abundant randomly orient- ed fractures, orange (limonite?) staining on numerous - fracture surfaces. a few very thin (l/10” remolded clay linings @ 6’-9’: Gradually less fractured and mure firm, very stiff at 7’ @ 9’-17’: Dark olive green-gray, moist, hard clay- stone; few to moderate number of randomly-oriented, discontinuous fractures, locally scmw fractures have smooth polished surfaces with yellow watings @ lo’-12’: Several thin (l/4”) interbeds of orange- brown, sandy clay Q 17': Claystone as above with several discontinuous high-angle fractures, water seepage from these fractures @ 19’: Slightly siltier claystone; numerous thin (l/4") continuous laminae of yellow-brown and purple, silty clay beds to 20.3' - @ 21': Continuous l/2” thick red-brown iron oxide cemented sand layer SM @ 22': Gradational contact to silty fine sand @ 22’-29’: lnterbedded, fine to medium silty sand green-gray and red-brown; often very mottled, several thin (l/V) stiff clay seams ABSXIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE 3/31/86 DRILL HOLE No. B-17 SHEET~OF~ PRoJEcT Sheilev/Rancho Santa Fe PROJECT No, 4851855-01 DRILLING Co YorriSon TYPE OF RIG Bucket HOLE DIAMETER. 30" DRIVE WEIGHT DROP IN. FIFVaTlnN IOP OF H”lFZ KEF. OR "ATUM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Very mottled reddish brown. yellow, and ntact to olive gray, moist, us randanly oriented, us polished shear surfaces B 6'-6.5': Sharp undulatory contact to mottled Sharp undulatory contact to olive green- gray, moist, very stiff, clay. Numerous randomly oriented polished shears; a few root hairs in the cla "ear the contact 2"-8" thick zone of very dark brown, moi small root hairs (old root zone?). Also @ 12': a 1' diameter clast of mottled yellow-white sandy slit @ 14'-17': Moderately fractured, green-9ray clay; fractures are randomly oriented. Occasional lenses and inclusions of cemented calcium carbonate. Clay i medium to very stiff, very "pocky" in appearance, 2" layer of light yellow-brown sandy silt/silty sand directly over a l/2"-3" layer of dark red-brown to black carbonaceous silty sand, green-qray clay and mottled yellow and red-brown silt below this zone; numerous bits of caliche and gypsum above and below @ 19'-30': "Pocky" green-gray. moist, very stiff clay; often flecked wit+ gypsum and calcium carbonat occasionally mottled with darker brown sandy silt; moderate number of randomly oriented. discontinuous @ 25'-26': Slightly softer zone Continuous l/2" clay seam n north side of 1 1 SOSA(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES - 1. - I 1 I - I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DATE 3/31/& DRILL HOLE No, B-17 SHEET~OF 2 PROJECT Shellev-Rancho Santa Fe PROJECT No. 4~5~~~1 DRILLING Co Morrison TYPE OF RIG 8ucket HOLE DIAMETER 30" DRIVE WEIGHT DROP IN. ELEVATIO se I-', : iii z:: aL 42 % 5 ( 1 bW -& -3:. -_ - - -. :: : : - i :.: ~. .+- I5 - :.:*. A+ "'2' -5s :3j io-- Nl IOP oi gradai :gradal 1- - VL %A j; u; zi - = ./CH SM L/tH -EIGHTON i an Sea Level ---yfzq I RS BY @ 30': Rupture Surface: One-eighth-inch zone of soft clay along sharp, polished shear surface. Water seepage heavy in fractured material directly below surface on north side of hole. Shear not as well developed on south side of hole; thin soft clay seam can be traced ELM FORMATION 0 30'-33': Very heavily fractured claystone; becomes less fractured and more firm with depth @ 34': Gradational contact to interbedded gPay and yellow, damp, very dense, fine silty sand @ 36': Gradational contact to olive-gray, damp, hard claystone; often with thin yellow (limonite?) coatings along numerous smooth, grooved, randomly-oriented shear surfaces H _ I -~ I __ i ,- I __ I - 1 --- / - ’ - ’ -, ’ .y ’ L--J7 1 I I _ _~~_ .~~_~ .~. _ 1 i _~, 1 'reject Name: Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe Logged By: RH ENGINEERING PROPERTIES 'reject Number: 4851855-01 Elevation: +214' TRENCH NO. T-l :quipment: JD 410 Location: See MaD I= Gdhs m GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC n Fg zf 3:. ;n 0 AlTIlllDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: UNIT 5 u" 0 A FILL/ALLUVIUM: Qaf/Qal Dark brown, very moist, very loose, silty sand SM 0 B TOPSOIL/TRANSITION: Dark brown to brown red, moist to very moist, medium dense SM to dense, silty sand; abundant roots, slightly porous due to roots and root tubules 0 C TORREY SANDSTONE: White with red-brown (iron staining) streaks, damp, very dense, slightly silty fine sand; generally massive, some bedding along iron staining, undulatory but generally horizontal Tt SM/SW GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: Do TREND: N 55"E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - c -- - - - __------_I-------- .~ _~ i .~~~ _ 1 ‘reject Name: Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Logged By: RH ENGINEERING PROPERTIES koject Number: 4851855-01 Elevation: 2225' TRENCH NO. T-2 Iquipment: c JD 410 Location: See Map ? ? g EE Giz sg _ GEOLXIGIC GEOLQGIC (D DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: UNIT ? 5 u" ATTITUDES O- A FILL: Qaf Mottled black, dark brown and orange, wet, very loose, silty SM sand; 25 percent plant debris and roots, water seep @ 3-l/2' on east side of pit 0 B ALLUVIUM: Qal A Mottled gray and orange, very moist, loose to medium dense, SM @ slightly silty fine sand, abundant roots, gradational con- tact over 1' toQ 0 C TORREY SANDSTONE: Tt White to red-brown, stained, moist, very dense, silty fine SM/SW sandstone XAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: O" TREND: N 62"W lcTIF ic if~llc 1 -.- 1 c I -- I - I - I - : I .F / I c I ,- / I :-- ,,; 1 -.~ 1 1 ,I Voject Name: Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Logged By: RH 4851855-01 ENGINEERING PROPERTIES 'eject Number: Elevation: *255! TRENCH NO. T-3 :quipment: JD 410 Location: See' Map I= c/l GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC A Fl 22: !g m ATTITUDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: UNIT in 5 u" 0 A FILL/TOPSOIL: Qaf(Col Dark brown, moist, very loose to medium dense, silty fine sand, trace of clay; several roots SM 0 0 B TORREY SANDSTONE: Tt 6" transition zone of red-brown, very moist, medium dense, slightly silty and clayey sand; slight number of roots SM @ CQ - Red brown @ contact to white to light brown, damp, very dense, silty fine sand; moderately cemented GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0' TREND: N 84OW I’- / .-. I c I - I - I .-- I- I - I - I - I - I- I - : I - I -- I / I .: koject Name: Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Logged By: RH ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 485185541 Elevation: +~oo' TRENCH NO. T-4 iquipment: JO 410 Location: See Map c GZ u-l GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC b g g Lg. m ATTITUDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: UNIT ;n 5 $ CD O- A FILL: Qaf Medium brown, slightly damp to moist, very loose to loose, SM/ML silty sand/sandy silt; slightly clayey; numerous roots and plant debris More sandy @ 4' Oal Medium brown, damp, loose, silty sand; numerous roots SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION E Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 10" TREND: N 27"E I !-- I 7 I r .~ ,~. ‘T: 2 Ic I-- I- ,/c~I- IT iT-,l?- /--,I- I g Project Name: Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Logged By: RH L Project Number: 4851855-01 Elevation: +160' TRENCH NO. T-5 'Equipment: -ztErT JO 410 Location: See Map GRAPHIC REPRE! I I I I I DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: O- A FILL: Dark brown, damp to very moist, soft, sandy clay; scattered roots and plant debris 0 B ALLUVIUM: Mottled dark green and brown, moist to very moist, medium stiff, clay; traces of organics; trace of sand 0 C WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: Dark olive green very moist, medium stiff to stiff clay; jumbled appearance, small pieces (l/8"-l/4") of stiff claystone in softer clay matrix, massive GEOLOGIC UNIT Qaf Qal Td I - : I -.-~ I ~- I-- I ENGI I= cn n ir CL CL/C CL/C ERING A 0 J SENTATION E Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5" TREND: N 20°W , I I I I I I XOPER I 1 I I G %i -I mp 8 2 8 . . -I A7 _ I, I, I- I- I-+ I-_ !,&-.- I7 I__ I_. 1,: I-~~,. I- I--? IF.. I-~~, 1 ~. I :.~~ ~ I reject Name: Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Logged By: RH reject Number: 4851855-01 ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Elevation: *125' TRENCH NO. T-6 luipment: JD 410 Location: See Map c n F&j 62: v, :EOLOGIC -sf pm GEOLQGIC (D ~lTIllJDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: UNIT L, 5 u" m ALLUVIUM: Qal @ Medium dark brown, moist, loose, silty sand; slightly SMISC clayey; numerous roots, moderately porous @ Dark brown, moist to very moist, medium stiff, sandy clay; CL/CH numerous roots and root hairs, stiff over bottom 2' 0 A ZAPHIC REPRESENTATION S Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0' TREND: N 50'=E I I 1-m ‘-1 I I I I ‘- ‘-‘-‘--.I I I I I .~~.~ - _ -.~ r r r 7- 'reject Name: Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe Logged By: RH ENGINEERING PROPERTIES 'reject Number: 4851855-01 Elevation: +145' TRENCH NO. T-7 iquipment: JD 410 Locat ion : See Map I= G^x c/l GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC n g CT+! 3:. (P AlTITlJDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: UNIT L, 5 u" 0 A TOPSOIL/FILL: Col/Qaf 3 1 C:Very Dark red-brown, very moist, soft clay; numerous roots CL/CH undulatory; Generally @ DELMAR FORMATION: Td horizontal @ Dark olive-green, often mottled with red iron staining, CL/CH moist, hard, claystone; upper l-1/2 feet weathered, broken and stiff; trace to slight number of roots @ Contact sharp, 1" thick zone of red stained claystone; Undulatory; Light olive green, damp, very dense, silty fine to SM @ coarse sand GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5’ SURFACE SLOPE: 2' TREND: N 5’3”w I r- I r I- I?(- I^,l-.-;lT l~,lr,I-,l~~l~ I- lT,17, 1,. I- I- ! .~- > 'reject Name: Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Logged By: RH ENGINEERING PROPERTIES 'reject Number: 4851855-01 Elevation: +1451 TRENCH NO. T-8 iquipment: JD 410 Location: See Map I= G^g v1 GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC ;7 Fi 3; SE. (D A~INDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: UNIT L, Ei u" 0 0 A FILL/TOPSOIL: Col/Qaf Dark red-brown, moist, soft, clay; numerous roots CL/CH 0 B DELMAR FORMATION: Td Medium olive-green, damp to moist, stiff to very stiff, CL/CH claystone, often mottled with red iron staining; upper 2'-3' appears weathered softer, bottom 2 feet is slightly silty, several deep root zones extend up to 5' in depth GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0" TREND: N 60°W P ‘8 Fi ;I z 2 8 . . -4 & .I.-:I-I,. lT.lr;I-~l- lc.I- I- I-;/- I_ I -- ? I -~.~~ I I - I - ! -. ?rojeCt Name: Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe Logged By: RH ENGINEERING PROPERTIES ?roject Number: 4851855-01 Elevation: +140' TRENCH NO. T-9 c 3quipment: JD 410 Location: See Map in it z G^x GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC n 'r 33 225 S$. ATTITUDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: UNIT in 5 $ m ALLUVIUM: Qal Mottled brown, red-brown, and light gray, moist to very moist, very loose to loose, silty fine to medium sand, numerous roots in upper 3 feet. SM 0 A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION E Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 2' TREND: N 35"w lF,lr 17 Irzl~,l-- l-,l-.Ir j- /-- l- I- j- , ..- I ‘- / ..~.~ , ; F . I E ; i ! - I I. : i n s , > > a. : > 5 - 'reject Name: Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe Logged By: RH ENGINEERING PROPERTIES koject Number: 4851855-01 Elevation: 5125' TRENCH NO. T-10 iquipment : c JD 410 Location: See Map 3: 07 n F[ g g. GEOLOGIC GEOLQGIC m E: ATTITUDES DATE : 12/17/85 DESCRIPTION: ;n UNIT * 2 u" ALLUVIUM: Qal @ (Upper 2 feet) Dark brown, very moist, very loose, slightly clayey sand; abundant roots and root hairs Mottled brown, red-brown, and gray, moist, loose, silty sand; numerous roots and root hairs, moderately porous @ Dark brown and red-brown, damp, medium dense, silty sand; slightly clayey; slight number of roots and root hairs, slightly porous SC SM SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION E Wall SCALE: 1" = 5 ' SURFACE SLOPE: 2' TREND: N 4"E I- I--- ic I- I- I-.- I- /- I_ ic j- I_ /- I_, I.-. , I.-. I *eject Name: Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe bged BY: RH ENGINEERING PROPERTIES 'reject Number: 4851855-01 Elevation: +175' TRENCH NO. T-11 Zquipment: JD 410 See Map F: Location: 3i? v1 GEOLOGIC 0 g+-[ g S$. GEOLOGIC m ATTITUDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: UNIT in 5 u" ALLUVIUM/SLOPE WASH: Qal /Qsw Dark brown, red-brown and gray mottled, very moist, loose, SM/SC silty fine sand; clayey sand from 1 to 3 feet and 8 to 11 feet; numerous roots and root hairs A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: lo" TREND: N 81% - - APPENDIX “C” - - - - I - - t - i - I - I - i - - SAMPLE LOCATION i-1 @ l’-2 1-3 @ 14’ 1-4 @ 26’ 1-5 @ 18’ 1-6 @ 15’ ‘-5 @ 8’ SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 3-4 @ 20’- 25’ 3-7 @ ll’- 12’ EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS I INKIAL MOISTURE (% 11.5 10.6 8.6 5.3 7.7 7.9 1) I 1 1 COMPACTED 3RY DENSITY (PCF) 86.9 113.0 116.4 101.3 99.7 97.6 FINAL VOLllMETRl MOlSTUFIE 0l SWELL (‘16 43.0 15.9 28.0 9.8 33.5 6.5 28.9 14.3 29.3 14.1 35.8 11.1 MAXIMUM DENSITY TEST RESULTS MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY MOISTURE (PCF) CONTENT (%I Olive green-gray claystone 107.5 19.0 Blue-gray claystone 110.0 18.0 EXPANSION EXPANSWE INDEX POTENTUL 159 98 65 143 141 111 fery High High Medium 'ery High 'ery High High 4851855-01 SHELLEY/RANCH0 SANTA FE I -1 I I - \ I - I I. 1 I DIRECT SHEAR TEST ’ RESULTS 0 0 loo0 2ooo 3ooo 4om YXK) NORMAL STRESS (PSF) DESCRIPTION SYMBOL BORING SAMPLE DEPTH (FEET) COHESION FRICTION SOIL NUMBER NUMBER IPSF) ANGLE TYPE Undisturbed 0 B-4 1 5'-6' 830 37" CL/CH Remolded at 90% 0 B-4 2&3 19'-26' 220 25" CL/CH - i / - - - .- - j - I - I - I -. I - I - I~, - I - I - I: - 1.; 1.1 - I. - , ~~ 4om 3wa 1000 0 I: “.I!) ., i!,” , , i I loo0 Moo 3ow 4om mm NORMAL STRESS (PSF) DESCRIPTION SYMBOL BORING SAMPLE DEPTH (FEET) COHESION FRICTION SOIL NUMBER NUMBER (PSFt ANGLE TYPE Jndisturbed l B-5 2 31’-32’ 880 39O CL/CH ‘DIRECT SHEAR TEST RCSULTS i I .-, i - i - ,i -. 1, I - I I’ I - 1,. - I -~ I .- 1 - i. tom 0 0 loo0 2ooo 3lml 4ooo 5xu NORMAL STRESS (PSFI DESCRIPTION SVMSOL BORING SAMPLE DEPTH (FEET) COHESION FRICTION SOIL NUMBER NUMBER (PSF) ANGLE TYPE Remolded .at 90% 0 B-7 1 12' 240 27" CL/CH Undisturbed 0 B-7 2 17'- 18' 520 33" CL/CH ~-DIRECT SHEAR TEST ’ RESULTS - - -- .- - - - - - - - -~ - - LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.05 0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 50.0 - s -3.0 = 0 -2.0 is 2 - ri 1.0 0 1.0 2.0 30 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 9.0 9.0 FIELD MOISTURE BORING NO.: B-1 .l SATURATED SAMPLE NO.: 1 DEPTH IFT, : 5' -6' --- REBOUND She1 1 ey/Rancho Santa Fe SOILTYPE : CL/CH RESULTS - I - - I - I - I - I -- I - I - I - I - I - I I - 1.. - LI - 1.~ - 1. - . ., LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.05 0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 50.0 - -3.0 -s 5 -2.0 2 2 3 - 1.0 0 1.0 6.0 FIELD MOISTURE SATURATED LOADING BORING NO.: B-14 SAMPLE NO.: 4 DEPTH ,FTI : 15’-16’ --- REBOUND CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS - ! - .-~ I - ( - I - I - ( - I I, - I - \ .- I - I - L. - 1.1 - 1:. - L, - L.?:. 0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 la0 12.0 14.0 16.0 rao 20.0 1. 01 . ._ . ._ .- .., - ._ ._ ._ ._ .., . ._ LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT FIELD MOISTURE SATURATED - LOADING : BOR,NG NO.: B-14 SAMPLE NO.: 6 DEPTH,FT,: 30'-31' Shelley/Ranch0 Santa Fe --- REBOVND CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS I ’ - ,i ii 4 II 4 ‘I 11 II SYMBOL 0 ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS LOCATION B-13 DEPTH 5’-6’ FIELD MOISTURE (%I 13.3 36.7 17. PI (%I 19.5 J.S.C.S. t L,3Gmm .111 lSmYl7ts Propct NO. 4851855-01 SHELLEY/RANCH0 SANTA FE - - APPENDIX “D” - - - - - - - ! - I - I - I I - , - .I - GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 General Intent These specifications present general procedures and requirements for grading and earthwork as shown on the approved grading plans, including preporation of areas to be filled, placement of fill, installation of subdrains, and excavations. The recommendations contained in the geotechnical report are a part of the earthwork and grading specifications and shall supersede the provisions contained hereinafter in the case of conflict. Evaluations performed by !he consultant during the course of grading may result in new recommendations which could supersede these specifications or the recommendations of the geotechnical report. 2.0 Earthwork Observation and Testing Prior to the commencement of grading, a qualified geatechnical consultant (soils engineer and engineering geologist, and their representatives) shall be employed for the purpose of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fills for conformance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report and these specifications. It will be necessary that the consultant provide adequate testing and observation so that he may determine that the work was accomplished as specified. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the consultant and keep him apprised of work schedules and changes so that he may schedule his personnel accordingly. It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the work in accordance with applicable grading codes or agency ordinances, these specifications and the approved grading plans. If, in the opinion of the consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as questionable soil, poor moisture condition, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, etc., ore resulting in a quality of work less then required in these specifications, the consultant will be empowered to reject the work and recommend that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified. Maximum dry density tests used to determine the degree of compaction will be performed in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Moterials test method ASTM Dl557-70. 3.0 Preparation of Areas to be Filled 3.1 Clearinq and Crubbinq: All brush, vegetation and debris shall be removed or piled and otherwise disposed of. 3.2 Processing The existing ground which is determined to be satisfactory for support of fill shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Existing ground which is not satisfactory shall be overexcovoted OS specified in the following section. Scarification shall continue until the soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and until the working surface is reasonably uniform and free of uneven features which would inhibit uniform compaction. -. .- -~ - - - - - / - I - - - I - - - I i & - 1 4 - - I. : 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Overexcavation: Soft, dry, spongy, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground extending to such a depth that surface processing cannot adequately improve the condition, shall be overexcavated down to firm ground, approved by the consultant. Moisture Conditioninq: Overexcavated and processed soils shall be watered, dried-back, blended, and/or mixed, as required to attain a uniform moisture content near optimum. Recompactian: Overexcavated and processed soils which have been properly mixed and moisture-conditioned shall be recompacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. P Where fills ore to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 horizontal to vertical units), the ground shall be stepped or benched. The lowest bench shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide, shall be at least 2 feet deep, shall expose firm material, and shall be approved by the consultant. Other benches shall be excavated in firm material for a minimum width of 4 feet. Ground sloping flatter than 5:1 shall be benched or otherwise overexcavated when considered necessary by the consultant. Approval: All areas to receive fill, including processed areas, removal areas and toe-of-fill benches shall be approved by the consultant prior to fill placement. 4.0 Fill Material 4. I General: Material to be placed as fill shall be free of organic matter and other deleterious substances, and shall be approved by the consultant. Soils of poor gradation, expansion, dr strength cha&teristi& shall be placed in areas designated by the consultant or shall be mixed with other soils to serve as satisfactory fill material. 4.2 Oversize: Oversize material defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than I2 inches, shall not be buried or placed in fills, unless the location, materials, and disposal methods ore specifically approved by the consultant. Oversize disposal operations shall be such thot nesting of oversize material does not occur, and such that the oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill. Oversize material shall not be placed within IO feet vertically of finish grade or within the range of future utilities or underground construction, unless specifically approved by the consultant. 4.3 Import: If importing of fill material is required for grading, the import material shall meet the requirements of Section 4. I. 5.0 Fill Placement and Compaction 5.1 Fill Lifts: Approved fill moteriol shall be placed in oreos prepared to receive fill in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 6 inches in compacted thickness. The consultant may approve thicker lifts if testing indicates the grading procedures are such that adequate compaction is being achieved with lifts of greater thickness. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during spreading to attain uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. I - - I. I. - I 1 J .- 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Fill Moisture: Fill layers at a moisture content less than optimum shall be watered and mixed, and wet fill layers shall be aerated by scarification or shall be blended with drier material. Moisture<onditioning and mixing of fill layers shall continue until the fill materiol is at a uniform moisture content ot or near optimum. Compaction of Fill: After each loyer has been evenly spread, moisture- conditioned, and mixed, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density. Compaction equipment shall be adequately sized and shall be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability, to efficiently achieve the specified degree of compaction. Fill Slopes: Compacting of slopes shall be accomplished, in oddition to normal compacting procedures, by bockrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at frequent increments of 2 to 3 feet in fill elevation gain, or by other methods producing satisfactory results. At the completion of grading, the relative compaction of the slope out to the slope face shall be at least 90 percent. Compaction Testing: Field tests to check the fill moisture and degree of compaction will be performed by the consultant. The location and frequency of tests shall be at the consultant’s discretion. In general, the tests will be token at on interval not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of embankment. 6.0 Subdrain Installation Subdrain systems, if required, shall be installed in approved ground to conform to the approximate alignment and details shown on the plans or herein. The subdrain location or materials shall not be changed or modified without the approval of the consultant. The consultant, however, may recommend ond upon opprovol, direct changes in subdrain line, grode or material. All subdroins should be surveyed for line and grade after installation and sufficient time shall be allowed for the surveys, prior to commencement of filling over the subdrains. 7.0 Excavation Excavations and cut slopes will be examined during grading. If directed by the consultant, further excavation or averexcavation and refilling of cut areas shall be performed, and/or remediol grading of cut slopes shall be performed. Where fill- over-cut slopes ore to be graded, unless otherwise approved, the cut portion of the slope shall be mode and approved by the consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope. c,. - 1. - IL’ - TRANSITION LOT DETAILS - - I 1. - I I - I - 1 - I - I - I: - I .- 1.. - I; - CiT-FILL LOT ~~NN;RAL GROUND HH HR -d-M /. -----------------------..---------------- -------- -jO” MIN. _------- ___----- ,/,q.t\, -_-_---. __ :CoMPACTED .-FILL.----~~-5x---~~~ - -cl- ;: z = --,p_--‘_----- 4 -----------------. .----------- ----..-hh OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT f THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT CUT LOT NATURAL GROUND - ‘Ri /- /- - YUNSI -- iMOVE MATERIAL / OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT UNWEATHERED BEDROCK OR ,’ MATERlAL APPROVED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT NOTE: Deeper overexcovation and recompaction shall be performed if determined to be necessary by the geotechnical consultant. !- - - - I - I .- I I 8 - I - SIDE HILL CUT PAD DE7AlL NATURAL .A/ GROUND,&/ M ,c / 0 0 /I’ / . / /- 0 0 0 0 OVEREXCAVATE 0 0 UVttitXCAVATt 0 FINISHED CUT PAD AND RECOMPACT 1J--- /?p-77pl7.&\ (REPLACEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OVERBURDEN OVERBURDEN - Pad overexcavation and recompoction OR IJNSIJITABLE OR UNSUITABLE shall be performed if determined to MATERIAL MATERIAL be necessary by the geotechnical consultant. UNWEATHERED BEDROCK OR 2 MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT SUBDRAIN AND KEY WIDTH REQUIREMENTS DETERMINED BASED ON EXPOSED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AND THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 1 - I ~... ,~. _’ : CUT’-‘-OVER--FIL,& Sl(,pF wt fM(EE ‘* 4s cmc “:‘d l .r 10 F,,, ( ‘ansnt NOTES: LO*W &NW: bpth and width sub- based SUEDRAlf’JAGE:. &Ck &olns nay b OfI cons~ltO~t’S lnspepti~. ‘? 0 kfd change t t f discret ion 0 f e fh wuired at the e geOt@chkat coflsulfant, - I I - I d FINISHED GRADE ALTERNATE A ~.+.wWINDROW ’ STAGGER (MIN.1 COMPETENT MATERIAL OR BEDROCK (AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST OR SOILS ENGINEER) ALTERNATE B NCTES = ,. *LL FlLl. “bST BE WPROYEO BY THi SOILS ENGlNEiS AND SHO”L3 BE CC3?4CiED TJ AT LUST 99; RELATIYE t3~P*CilON wT+! D 1557-70). 2. LONE A Silcx~D CmSIST OF CWPACTED SOIL FILL ONLY (~0 ROCK Fa~(:“:hTs ;vEa 6 lW”Ej IN “AX,““II OI’E!~SION~. j. ZONE I\ SHXLD HAVE A filNII(UE THICWESS OF Ij iiET (AS S!CYNl. B5 *US7 EIiEYD j FE3 BELOY Ttii :iT?ESi UTILITY. 5. P!AX,II”” SI;E ANO SPACING OF YlrlclROYS SHOUL, 6E IN iCiORcm4CE “IT? T”i iSJV’E FIGZCEZ IaTE’- HATES n i.NO 8,. 6. YIhCROUS SiXLD BE DLXE3 111 EXCi"iTL3 TREFChES. iPPRO"ED GEA*L':ZR Sili (SE-jo, S%"LO $5 FLOG5'C IN Tni VIh39"'L T: 'ILL "O,OS iilr,Ci? A'.: BE‘.LI\TY "XY:. \C K::l( E?;:risTj iii; j FiiT III lGlilC+l OIPIENSI:~ %>"LD BL "SiD Ih YIhc'RCYI. 7, KKK PLLiE”L%:. FLKJDIYG OF LPFRCYEO rAm”LAR FILL. AND FILL PLXEIEYT SPCULO BE C:NTIH”C~SLI INWECTED 8” 7°C GEOiiiHhltiL ELIGINLE%. OVERSIZE ROCK DISPOSAL DETAIL - I - i - - I i - I - I - I - I - I - I - I - 1~. - I - I: - 1: - 1~ - 1. - I5 SLOPE FACE ROCK DISPOSAL DETAIL FINISH GRAOE .---- -~-~--~-~------ ~-~-~-~---yz--z-----~---~~--~---~~-x~-x~~T~ - - ~~--------=-----=ovERSIZE:.---- WINDROW -- --- u”~lr”Lnn i e13ar.,, II AD .jOIL To fill voids, densified by flooding PROFILE ALONG WINDROW --- ------ ___----- --- _-----A ------ ---- ----m-e-- r I r / r ‘I r ‘I 7 jl - ‘I r I r ‘I 7 \ I r ‘I r ‘I 7 ‘I r i r 1 I r. L,: r. in [ SPECIFICATIONS FOR CLASS 2 PERMEABLE HATERIAL (CALTRANS SPECIFICATIONS) Sieve Size 1” X Passing 100 i/4” go- 100 3/a” 40-100 No. 4 25-40 No. a. la-33 No. 30 5-15 No. 50 o-7 No. 200 o-3 / Soil Backfill, Compacted to 90 percent relative density* Retaining Walld f P:/i Grade Floor Slab lass 2 Permeable Filter aterial. Compacted to 90 percent relative densi 6" Diameter perforated PVC pipe (schedule 40 or equivalent). Minimum 1 percent gradient to suitable outlet filter rock beneath we *Based on ASTM D1557- 82 tY* - I - I - I - I - I - t - I SLOPE BUTTRESS OR REPLACEMENT FILL DETAIL OUTLET PIPES 4” D Nonperforated Pipe, 100’ Max. O.C. Horizontally, 30’ Max. O.C. Vertically . 7 SUBDRAIN SEE ALTERNATES A 6 B 2’ MIN. t=- KEY WIDTH-+ EOUPMENT SIZE - CENERAUY IS FEET FILTER MATERIAL DETAIL A-A’ .- ’ NOTES: T-COH”IcIIO* - . I - I l - 1 l - 1 -. 1,~ l - L 1:: Fill blanket, back cut, key width and key depth ore subject to field change, per report/plans. Key heel subdrain, blanket drain, or vertical drain may be required at the discretion of the geotechnicol consultant. SURDRAIN INSTALLATION - Subdroin pipe shall he installed with perforations ALTERNATE Filter material shall be Class 2 permeable material per State of Calitornia Standard Specifications. or approved alternate. Class 2 grading as follows: SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING 310’ No. 4 No. 0 No. 30 No. 50 No. 200 100 go-100 40- 100 25-40 18-33 5-15 o-7 o-3 down or? at locations designated by the qeotechnicol consultant, shall be nonperforated pipe. DETAIL OF WTTRESS SUBDRAIN TERMINAL Dl5,CH TINll”fD GRAD SUBDRAIN TYPE - Subdrain type shall be ASTM C508 Asbestos Cement Pipe (ACP) or ASTM D2751, SDR 23.5 or ASTM DI 527. Schedule 40 Acrylonitrile Butodiene Styrene (Al%) or ASTM ‘D3034 SDR 23.5 or ASTM D 1785, Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic (PVC) pipe or approved equivolent. - I I - .~~ I - I - I - I .,- I .- I - I - I - I - I - I - I~~, - I - I~ - I .- 1:: CANYON SUBDRAIN DETAIL NATURAL GROUND ----- SEE ALTERNATES A&0 SUEDRAIN Pertorated Plc.0 Surrounded With ALTERNATE A: Filter M4tefM Filter material shall be Class 2 permeable material per State of Calitornia Standard Specifications. or approved alternate. Class 2 grading as follows: SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING . 3:4* 100 go- 100 FILTER MATERIAL \ PERFORATED PIPE/ 6” 0 MIN. 318’ No. 4 No. 0 No. 30 No. 50 40- 100 25-40 QC;; o-7 \ No. 200 6-j / I 112” Qravel Wrwpsd 8: In Filler Fabric lc 6”MIN. OVERLAP \ L- , 43+ FILTER FASRI (MIRAFI 140 P -OR APPROVED EOUNALENT ,lllml- D-I \ ( ” l I2 MAX.QRAVEL 0 APPROVED EOUNALENT 9 ft. 3/f1. DETAIL OF CANYON SUBDRAIN TERMINAL OEIIGH FlWllHLD GR.wL l SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION - Subdrain pipe shall be installed with perforations down or, at locations designated by the gwtechnical consultant, shall be nonperforated pipe. l SUBDRAIN TYPE - Subdroin type shall be ASTM C508 Asbestos Cement Pipe (ACP) - or ASTM 0275 I, SDR 23.5 or ASTM DI 527, Schedule 40 Acrylonitrile Butodiene Styrene (ABS) or ASTM D3034 SDR 23.5 or ASTM DI 785, Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic (PVC) pipe or approved equivalent.