HomeMy WebLinkAbout3814; Cannon Road Reach 4; Cannon Road Reach 4 Preliminary Design Report; 2005-05-26§ I PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT Cannon Road - Reach 4 Prepared for: The City of Carlsbad 1 635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-731 4 Prepared by: • RBF Consulting •5005 Avenida Encinas, Suite 260 Carlsbad, California 92008 £ G JN 55-100196 - May 26, 2005 pit C TABLE OF CONTENTS WIN* *" I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. BACKGROUND 1 III. TRAFFIC DATA 2 "2 IV. DEFICIENCIES AND JUSTIFICATION 2 V. DESIGN CRITERIA 3p iy VI. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4 <p A. Alternative Alignments 4 *^ B. Alternatives Withdrawn From Consideration 7 p C. Material Alternatives and Restrictions 7 D. Nonstandard Design Features 7 I E. Utilities 7 F. Landscaping and Irrigation 8 Q G. General Plan 8 -. H. Inter-Agency Considerations 8 • VII. PROJECT SCHEDULE 8 • VIII. PROJECT COSTS 8 IX. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS AND STUDIES 9 f X. UTILITIES 10 XI. INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT 10 | XII. RIGHT OF WAY 11 XIII. PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS REPORT 11 m XIV. RECOMMENDATIONS 11 XV. ATTACHMENTS 11E E *. I. INTRODUCTION ,**• In the City of Carlsbad, Cannon Road is a fully improved four-lane divided roadway from ^ Carlsbad Boulevard east to El Camino Real. From El Camino Real easterly to College Boulevard, Cannon Road is currently a two-lane divided highway, but this road _, segment will be widened to a four-lane divided highway when adjacent land development projects are constructed in the future. The City of Carlsbad's General Plan *** Circulation Element calls for extending Cannon Road as a four-lane divided highway from College Boulevard to a point approximately 1,200 feet west of Mystra Lane (Leisure E Village Drive) in the City of Oceanside. This is the last reach of Cannon Road to be constructed in Carlsbad and is referred to as Cannon Road Reach 4 (Reach 4). : C E This study considers three alternative alignments and grades for Reach 4 from its intersection with College Boulevard in the City of Carlsbad to its connection with Cannon Road in the City of Oceanside. This road segment has a length of approximately 1.3 miles, is classified as a Major Arterial Highway in both Carlsbad and Oceanside, and has also been completed as a four-lane divided highway in Oceanside. On the west, Reach 4 begins relatively close to Agua Hedionda Lagoon, at an elevation E of approximately 70 feet, and ends at an elevation of approximately 370 feet at its intersection with Mystra Drive, at the easterly end. Any alignment selected for Reach 4 will have grades up to seven percent (the maximum grade permitted for a Major Arterial). PL The three alignment alternatives considered are the Central Alignment - The Northern ™ Alignment, and the Southern Alignment. The Central Alignment follows the alignment shown in the circulation element, which was originally studied by Carlsbad in the P Calavera Hills Master Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 98-02. However, •I concerns were expressed at the time regarding noise impacts, and the division of existing "open space". Therefore, the Northern and Southern Alignments were m developed in an effort to address these issues. ta II. BACKGROUND Reach 4 is a vital element of the regional circulation system. Reach 4 provides the necessary east-west connectivity for residents in Calavera Hills in the City of Carlsbad, Shadowridge residents in the City of Vista and residents of eastern Oceanside. Existing routes from this area to the west of College Boulevard is provided by SR-78 or by Melrose Drive. When the Melrose Drive extension is constructed from the City of Vista to Palomar Airport Road, residents in the eastern portion of North San Diego County will be able to access Palomar Airport Road and the associated office and commercial uses along that corridor and by-pass SR-78 and College Boulevard. The connection of Cannon Road Reach 4 will further improve the connectivity to these compatible uses. L The central alignment of Reach 4 was divided by Carlsbad into Reach 4A and 4B. *l Reach 4A runs through property owned by Carlsbad Unified School District and was certified by the City Council on January 15, 2002 in EIR No. 98-02. Reach 4B, although f* analyzed, was not certified. This study analyszes two alternative alignments, one to the • north and one to the south of the Central Alignment for the purpose of identifying the best alternative with respect to environmental impacts, design features and cost. f la ** III. TRAFFIC DATA C C I I I B E 2 C C Preliminary Traffic Studies for Cannon Road Reach 4 evaluated the need for the extension of Cannon Road from College Boulevard to the eastern terminus in the City of Oceanside. The needs assessment is based on traffic operations, both at the roadway segment and intersection level. Impacts associated with building or not building the roadway were assessed to determine the regional and local benefits of Cannon Road Reach 4. To assess the traffic patterns associated with the construction of Cannon Road, the SANDAG Series 10 North County Sub-area traffic analysis model was used. The model forecasts the horizon year (2020 and 2030) traffic volumes along Cannon Road and the surrounding roadway network with and without the Cannon Road Reach 4 extension. The extension was further evaluated as a two-lane and as a four-lane arterial. The City Circulation Element has identified the future road as a four-lane major arterial, corresponding to a maximum daily capacity of 40,000 vehicles per day. Traffic modeling efforts conducted for this project illustrates that Cannon Road Reach 4 would benefit both City of Carlsbad and the region. The distribution of traffic from Cannon Road Reach 4 onto the roadway network shows that trips from the proposed extension will extend as far south into Carlsbad as the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Interstate 5. This roadway will provide a key linkage between residential uses in Calavera Hills, Shadowridge, and eastern Oceanside and the office/commercial corridor along Palomar Airport Road and Interstate 5. Currently these communities must rely on Melrose Drive and State Route (SR)-78/l-5 to access the southern portion of the County. The Cannon Road Reach 4 extension may also provide congestion relief for SR-78 and the signalized intersection at SR-78/I-5 by providing an alternative parallel route to Interstate 5. The alternative alignments under consideration as part of this study will provide a shorter path between Melrose Drive and El Camino Real than the existing routes available. Therefore, alternative alignments affecting the length, topography or geometry of the roadway do not affect the outcomes of this analysis. Traffic volume projections for the year 2020 for Cannon Road Reach 4 are 27,300 Average Daily Trips (ADT). The a.m. peak hour projections are 771 eastbound and 836 westbound. The p.m. peak hour projections are 902 vehicles eastbound and 804 vehicles westbound. These volume projections result in a Level of Service (LOS) A for the ADT and a.m. and p.m. peak hours. IV. DEFICIENCIES AND JUSTIFICATION Traffic modeling efforts conducted for this project illustrates that Cannon Road Reach 4 would benefit both the City of Carlsbad and the region. Based on the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) method used to determine Level of Service (LOS), 21 intersections are found to be deficient if Cannon Road Reach 4 is not constructed. This compares to 16 intersections that were found to be deficient if Cannon Road Reach 4 is constructed as a two-lane facility and 15 deficient intersections if Cannon Road Reach 4 is constructed as the currently planned four-lane facility. riu c £ C 1 1 i C C C r In most cases, feasible improvements can be made to improve the forecast operations to acceptable levels of service (LOS D or better). However, if Cannon Road Reach 4 is not constructed, some of the mitigation measures identified for the deficient intersections such as Palomar Airport Road/El Fuerte Street may not be feasible. Cannon Road Reach 4 is forecast to relieve some of the traffic along Melrose Drive south of the proposed extension. The traffic modeling efforts show that without the extension, additional traffic from the northeast county will utilize Melrose Drive, Faraday Avenue and Palomar Airport Road to reach the western portion of the county. Roadway segment operations show that although several roadway segments are forecast to operate at LOS E or F based on the daily volume to capacity ratios, nearly all segments operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS D or better) in the peak hour. It should be noted that Carlsbad uses the peak hour segment analysis to assess the operations of roadway segments throughout the City. The results of this traffic analysis show that Cannon Road Reach 4 is the vital element of the regional circulation system. Three alignments of this roadway will be considered, however, all alignments under consideration will provide a shorter path between Melrose Drive and El Camino Real than the existing routes available. Therefore, minor modifications to the length, topography or geometry of the roadway are not anticipated to affect the outcomes of this analysis. V. DESIGN CRITERIA Cannon Road Reach 4 is categorized as a major arterial. Following is a list of "Street Design Criteria" that the City of Carlsbad uses for this street classification. TABLE A CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET DESIGN CRITERIA Design Speed Minimum Spacing of Intersections (including right-turn in/out) Right-of-Way Width Access to Adjoining Property Curb-to-Curb Distance Minimum Traffic Index Minimum Structural Section Stopping Sight Distance Corner Sight Distance Minimum Centerline Radius Maximum Centerline Grade (not through intersection) Minimum Flowline Grade 50MPH 1,200-feet 102-feet None 82-feetwith 18' median 8.5 5 "AC over 6" 430-feet 550-feet 1,400-feet(a) 7% 1.0% p* in NOTES: (a)Assumes no superelevations; includes standard crossfall. f* (b)Stopping sight distance per Caltrans Highway Design Manual Topic 201 and |ri Section 8 on page 8 of City Standard. E (c)Corner sight distance per Caltrans Highway Design Manual Topic 405 and Section 8 on page 8 of City Standards. ^ VI. PROJECT DESCRIPTION *• A. Alternative Alignments f» This report developed three alternatives alignments for Cannon Road Reach 4 referred L to as the Central Alignment - the Northern Alignment, and the Southern Alignment. The Central Alignment was originally studied in City EIR 98-02. At that time, concerns were expressed regarding noise impacts, and the division of existing "open space". Therefore, P a Northern and a Southern Alignment was developed in an effort to address these iw issues. p The Central Alignment i I I i 1 c c c E C c The Central Alignment generally parallels a natural canyon, which lies to the south of the roadway extension at a distance, which varies from 300 feet up to 700 feet. At its easterly end the roadway extension passes over a small hill, and then descends slightly to join the intersection with Mystra Drive (Leisure Village Drive). The central alignment provides clearance away from the existing natural canyon at the City limits with Oceanside. However, this portion of the road would require right of way from the parking area of the New Venture Church, and redesign of the parking area. The existing roadway would be abandoned southwest of the intersection with Mystra Drive. As the road alignment proceeds westerly from Oceanside, it traverses property owned by Paul K. TR Tchang, which is dedicated as "open space". It then crosses property owned by State Fish and Game, which is designated as the Carlsbad Highlands Conservation Bank. It finally ends along the alignment already certified by EIR 98-02 for Reach 4A. The Central Alignment would require approximately 264,000 cubic yards of cut and 111,000 cubic yards of fill, with an excess of approximately 153,000 cubic yards of cut. The length of the Central Alignment would .be approximately 6,650 feet (1.26 miles). Although not required for the roadway, a bridge is assumed for a habitat crossing in the cost estimate. The Northern Alignment The Northern Alignment swings to the north from the intersection of College Boulevard, to pass north of a large hill with a prominent water reservoir (tank) on the crest of the hill. Near its easterly end, the Northern Alignment passes over two hills, and then descends to join the intersection with Mystra Drive. Like the Central Alignment, this alternative would require right of way from the parking area of the New Venture Church, redesign of the parking area, and abandonment of a portion of the existing roadway. The encroachment onto New Venture Church property would be greater than the Central Alignment. The alignment chosen maintains normal road design criteria while proceeding as far north as possible. In addition, to New Venture Church, it crosses property owned by State Fish and Game for the Carlsbad Highlands Conservation Bank and property owned by Paul K. TR Tchang dedicated as "open space". c Similar to the Central Alignment, a bridge is assumed in the cost estimate for a habitat crossing. The Northern Alignment would require approximately 576,000 cubic yards of pn cut, and 135,000 cubic yards of fill, with an excess of approximately 441,000 cubic yards [ of cut. The length of the Northern Alignment would be approximately 7,100 feet «* (1.35 miles). f" The Southern Alignment This alignment joins the existing terminus of Cannon Road in Oceanside. The Southern p* Alignment then runs as close as possible to the northerly edge of the proposed Holly ^ Springs subdivision, but avoids encroaching on proposed development within the subdivision. This alignment stays relatively close to the southerly edge of the natural p canyon, which parallels the highway connection, but avoids encroaching into the canyon, L except at the upper end where it joins the existing major arterial highway in the City of Oceanside. This existing highway extends down a canyon below the existing New p Venture Church, to a dead end approximately 1,150 feet southwest of the intersection i with Mystra Drive (Leisure Village Drive). A large storm drain is located beneath this * street, and discharges into the natural canyon, which will parallel Cannon Road Reach 4 on the north. Unlike the other alternatives, The Southern Alignment does not require anyEright of way from the church property, and involves only minimal adjustments in the grade of the existing road, all of which would reduce the difference in elevation between the roadway and the existing parking area of the church. P This alignment would have a total length of approximately 7,000 feet (1.33 miles), of which approximately 5,850 feet would be new construction, and approximately 1,150 E feet would consist of the existing highway in the City of Oceanside, which would be utilized in the Southern Alignment. It would require a total amount of approximately 346,000 cubic yards of cut, and approximately 300,000 cubic yards of fill, with an excess • of approximately 46,000 cubic yards of cut. i I c c c E The Southern alignment may include two bridges. The most westerly bridge would cross the natural canyon approximately 1,200 feet east of College Boulevard, and would have a length of approximately 500 feet. The second bridge (which could also be constructed as an earth fill) would cross a side of the natural canyon approximately 1,700 feet from the east end of the highway connection, and would have a span length of approximately 250 feet. Both bridges can also serve as a habitat crossing. Design Features of All Alternatives The table on the next page summarizes the design features of each alternative road alignment. These features are also compared to the City's design criteria for a major arterial road. Cannon Road Reach 4 Alternative Alignment Comparison DESIGN FEATURES Length Between Intersections - College Boulevard to Mystra Drive (feet) Length of New Construction (feet) Maximum Grade (percent) Length of Maximum Grade (feet) Minimum Radius of Curve (feet) Volume of Cut (cubic yards) Volume of Fill (cubic yards) Export (cubic yards) Affects New Venture Church Crosses Natural Stream Design Speed (MPH) Right-of-Way Width (feet) Access to Adjoining Property Curb-to-Curb Distance (feet) Number of Concrete Bridges DESIGN CRITERIA 1,200'-min. N.A. 7.0 N.A. 1,400 — — — — — 50 102 None 82 — CENTRAL 6,766 6,616 7.0 1,750 1,400 264,000 1 1 1 ,000 153,000 Yes No 50 102 None 82 1 NORTHERN 7,750 7,750 7.0 2,450 2,000 576,000 135,000 441,000 Yes No 50 102 None 82 1 SOUTHERN 7,747 6,350 7.0 1,550 1,400 346,000 300,000 46,000 No Yes 50 102 None 82 2 B p It* B. Alternatives Withdrawn From Consideration f* No Build Alternative - Under the No Build Alternative, the proposed project site would ^ remain in its current condition. No roadway would be constructed. C Based on the anticipated growth within the region, roadway traffic volumes within Carlsbad are expected to increase. According to preliminary traffic studies, implementation of the Cannon Road Reach 4 project would allow intersections in the _, project vicinity to operate at a future LOS C (stable flow restricted by high volume) or F better during AM Peak hours and LOS E (unstable) or better during PM peak hours (RBF 2004). Without the project, estimated conditions at nearby intersections would be at LOS F (forced flow) or better during AM and PM peak hours. Other improvements to . intersections to mitigate impacts associated with the No Build Alternative would need to •" be addressed in future environmental documents. !** Other Alignments in EIR No. 98-02 - The Central Alignment was analyzed in EIR No. IM 98-02 and the City Council certified the environmental review for the central alignment across the Carlsbad Unified School District on January 15, 2002. The central alignment jp is in approximately the same location as shown in the Circulation Element of the General M Plan. A variety of alignments for Cannon Road were considered for EIR 98-02. The alternatives that were eliminated were between the central and northern alignment. In addition, the alignment that was similar to the central alignment and would not have impacted New Venture Church was eliminated to avoid riparian/wetland impacts. The State of California has purchased the land that the Central Alignment crosses. As indicated in the Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report (PEAR) prepared by EDAW, Inc., the land that this alignment crosses on State property currently supports high quality native vegetation communities. The central alignment remains an alternative because it has gone through environmental review and it is shown in the General Plan. The Northern and Southern alignments were selected to avoid or minimize impact to the habitat areas. C. Material Alternatives and Restrictions A combination of materials is available to the City for project construction. Materials such as concrete, asphalt concrete, and various aggregates for road base material will be selected based on consistency with standard City roadway design specifications. Selected materials will be identified during the Plan Specification & Estimate (PS&E) phase and indicated on project construction plans. D. Nonstandard Design Features There are no nonstandard design features proposed as part of the project. E. Utilities No new utilities are planned as part of the project at this time. Coordination with utility f* providers will be conducted during the environmental phase of project development. m Recycled water, which is available from the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, will be utilized for temporary and permanent irrigation. PL F» 7 h. E E C C F. Landscaping and Irrigation ta. r» pi M I c C c £ r The project will include revegetation of disturbed areas with native plant materials and temporary irrigation with recycled water to establish the landscaping. Median landscaping will include permanent irrigation and planting in accordance with the City's Landscape Manual. G. General Plan This project is shown in the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan. H. Inter-Agency Considerations The City of Carlsbad will be the Lead Agency with discretionary approval over the proposed project and will be required to address the project's effect on the environment in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) prior to final project approval and solicitation of construction bid documents. Upon completion of the environmental review process and prior to construction, the proposed roadway widening improvements will be reviewed through standard City plan check procedures to verify that the project conforms to all applicable City design criteria. However, the northerly segment of Cannon Road Reach 4 is within the City of Oceanside. This portion will require processing and approvals with the City of Oceanside. VII. PROJECT SCHEDULE An EA/EIR is scheduled to begin preparation in June, 2005 and will require approximately 18 months to complete. Final Design activities and construction can be accomplished with an overall duration of an additional 36 months. Total timeframe for development of Reach 4 is 54 months, or year 201 0. VIII. PROJECT COSTS The Engineer's Estimate of probable project cost, in 2005 dollars, for each alternative alignment is presented in three tables at the back of this report. In summary, the project costs are as follows: TOTAL COST Alignment Northern Alignment Central Alignment Southern Alignment Construction $24,815,700 $18,023,800 $14,685,300 Engineering/ Admin/ Contingency $12,408,000 $9,012,000 $10,024,900 total Cost $37.2 million $27.0 million $30.0 million 8 C IX. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS AND STUDIES Several environmental permits and studies are anticipated for Reach 4. These are described below for reference. On November 15, 2004, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) issued the City of Carlsbad a Section 10(a) Permit approving the City's Habitat Management Plan (HMP). The permit allows for the incidental take of species listed as threatened or p endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). As part of the Section i 10(a) Permit, the USFWS has finalized special terms and conditions for this permit, which are included in the HMP. IP*Issuance and compliance with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ** (NPDES) permit from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), (including developing and implementing a Storm Water Pollution and Prevention Plan r* with Best Management Practices), will be required for all of the alternatives to reduce or *M avoid indirect impacts associated with construction-generated fugitive dust, erosion, sedimentation and runoff and post-construction runoff. F* fc. The California Department of Fish & Game (CDFG) is responsible for conserving, protecting, and managing California's fish, wildlife, and native plant resources. To meet p, this responsibility, the law requires any person, state or local governmental agency, or jL public utility to notify the CDFG before beginning an activity that could substantially adversely affect an existing fish and wildlife resource, a Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement is required. 1 i E m &M p- i. According to the Preliminary Environmental Assessment Report (PEAR), dated March 2005 (see Section XIV), the following studies will need to be performed: 1. Visual Resources 2. Water Quality 3. Floodplain Evaluation 4. Noise Study 5. Air Quality Study 6. Floodplain Evaluation 7. Wetlands Study 8. Section 4(f) Evaluation 9. Visual Impacts Study (aesthetics) 10. Traffic Study 11. Section 106 Study 12. Construction/Encroachment on State Lands Study 13. Construction/Encroachment on Federal Lands Study 14. Cultural Archaeological Survey Report (ASR) Historic Architectural Survey Report (HASR) Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR) Section 106 National Historic and Preservation Act/ (SHPO) Native American Coordination Other (Finding of Effect): (depending on if cultural resource sites are found within the project area) E i m i c c r 15. Hazardous Waste Initial Site Assessment (ISA) and Caltrans Hazardous Materials Study (CHMS) Other: (Airily Deposited Lead (ADL), Underground Storage Tank (UST), and Pesticide Testing) 16. Biological Study Endangered Species Act (Federal) (Protection of Threatened and Endangered Species) Endangered Species (State) Society Electronic Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California Species of Concern: California Native Plant Society (CNPS), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), State (S), Federal (F) Biological Assessment: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), State Wetlands Natural Environment Study NEPA 404 Coordination 17. Other Permits Section 401 Permit Water Quality Provision of the Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit of the Clean Water Act Permit for Protection of Wetlands and Waters of the U.S. against any dredging or filling Section 1601 Permit Coordination Streambed Alteration Agreement Community Impact Study Farmland Section 4(f) Evaluation - (Protection of Publicly Owned Park, Recreation Area, Wildlife or Waterfowl Refuge, or Land from Historic Sites) Paleontology Cumulative Impacts NPDES Coordination X. UTILITIES Cannon Road Reach 4 is currently not a utility corridor, therefore it is not anticipated that any utility agreements will be required in parallel with the alignment. However, at the City limits with Oceanside, San Diego Gas and Electric have a large diameter high-pressure natural gas pipeline that will be crossed by all alignment alternatives. This natural gas pipeline will need to be protected or the profile adjusted to provide adequate clearance. XI. INTER-AGENCY AGREEMENT Due to the regional nature of this improvement, it is anticipated that there will be multiple funding sources. Each funding source will require an agreement and City Council action. r 10in c c f y f I i I i G c p XII. RIGHT-OF-WAY The roadway and slope right-of-way areas for the three alternatives (northern, central, and southern) are as follows: Description Roadway R/W (Square Feet) Slope R/W (Square Feet) Northern Alternative 775,000 600,930 Central Alternative 690,000 338,157 Southern Alternative 603,380 443,401 XIII. PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS REPORT A Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report (PEAR) was prepared by EDAW, Inc. in March, 2005. This report deals with the studies, which have been completed, and makes recommendations for additional studies, which are expected to be needed. Inasmuch as the extension of Cannon Road will cross principally agricultural land and open space, the PEAR provides a detailed analysis of the effects on the existing vegetation and wildlife of the three alternative alignments. Other subjects dealt with include visual resources, water quality, noise, air quality, paleontology, cultural resources, and hazardous waste. The proposed project involves the construction of a four-lane roadway. The Circulation Element of the Carlsbad General Plan designates this roadway as a major arterial street. Based on the PEAR, the potential exists for adverse environmental impacts to biological resources, including sensitive species, cultural resources, land use, and visual and scenic resources. Impacts to other environmental resources may become apparent through more detailed environmental analysis. The appropriate level of environmental documentation for the project at this time is regarded as an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Compliance with NEPA is required because federal funding has been requested. The PEAR described technical studies that will be required for the environmental document. The type of environmental documentation required for the project will be determined by the funding source. If local funds are used, an EIR is required under CEQA. If federal funds are used, an EA or EIS is required by NEPA. Certain studies are required by NEPA that are not required by CEQA. XIV. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the EIR for Reach 4 incorporate all three alignment alternatives. Additional preliminary engineering analysis and geotechnical assessment be conducted for the Northern and Southern Alignment in order that it can be evaluated at the same level of detail as the Central Alignment in the next phase of the project. The recommended alignment will be identified as part of the EA/EIR. 11 XV. ATTACHMENTS p» Regional Map L Vicinity Map Cannon Road Reach 4 Study Area Cannon Road Alternative Alignments f Cost Estimate •* Northern Alignment Central Alignment P Southern Alignment F I. c H:\pdata\55100196\Reports\Report Final Version 5-19-05.doc C c c 12 C E C C rL c c i E ORANGE / COUNTY Sh>< ^3 l'~~- "^-^.JF --. ^--.......-«.«• : i,. .. l_ - . — /; •• L~. . j L?-- ;-;;;;, . ft%^ /' ^allbrook ^^^ iJ^OHv.., Camp j>/T?1 Pendleton '; RIVERSIDE COUNTY ..._ /Rainbow SAN DIEGO COUNTY { \ / ^vJJ J Pala X Palomar ^-^ X Mountain Lake Henshaw PROJECTr rt\ju^\s i LOCATION Solatia Beach San Diego Imperial Beach Figure 1 Regional Map No Scale Cannon Road Reach 4 PEAR P:\2004\M080I18 Carlsbad Cannon Rd Environmental Svcs\6Graphics\Figl_rmap.flill (dbrady) 12/07/04 Cannon Road Figure 2 Vicinity Map I I Northern Alternative Central Alternative Southern Alternative Overpass Source: Eagle Aerial. Nov 2003: RBF Engineering, 2005 600 300 0 Scale: 1:7,200; 1 inch = 600 feet 600 Feet Figure 3 Alternatives Cannon Road Reach 4 Study Area Cannon Road Reach 4 PEAR 2W4\040801I8 Carlsbad Cannon Rd Environmental Svcs\!GIS\Mxd\altenta/ives I Ixl 7.mxd SPS3JZ6 1/25105 SCALE: 1" = 500' 0 250 500 1000 PLAN PREPARED BY: RBr I - • • S05° AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE 260 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 DATE ENGINEER INITIAL DF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE OTHER AP INITIAL PROVAL DATE CITY AP INITIAL PROVAL SHEET 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SHEETS 10 IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: CANNON ROAD REACH 4 ALTERNATIVES APPROVED CITY ENGINEER PE EXPIRES OWN BY: PSC OHKD HY- GW RVWD BY: CW PROJECT NO. 55100196 DATE DRAWING NO. X p m CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD REACH 4 Northern Alternative May 10. 2005 DESCRIPTION OF WORK UNIT PRICE QUANTITY ITEM COST 1 EARTHWORK 1.1 Mobilization (5%) 1 .2 Clear & Grub 1 .3 Excavation & Compaction 1 .4 Export 1 .5 Remedial & Corrective Grading 1 .6 Fine Grading / LS $1,0007 AC $27 CY $57 CY $27 CY $0.25 / SF 31.59 49,500 522,900 144,000 573,500 $1,159,600 31,600 99,000 2,614,500 288,000 143,400 -Subtotal- $4,336,100 2 STRUCTURAL SECTION 2 . 1 Construct AC Pavement 2.2 Construct Curb & Gutter 2.3 Construct Median Curb 2.4 Construct PCC Sidewalk 2.6 Construct Concrete Median $57 SF $157 LF $117 LF $47 SF $67 SF 465,000 15,500 15,500 77,500 0 2,092,500 232,500 170,500 310,000 0 -Subtotal- $2,805,500 3 TRAFFIC 3.1 Traffic Signal System/Intersection 3.2 Signing, Striping & Marking 3.3 Street Lights (Intersections only) 3.4 Traffic Control (2%) $140,0007 EA $47 LF $4,000 7 EA 7 LS 0.50 7,750 4 $70,000 31 ,000 16,000 463,800 -Subtotal- $580,800 4 DRAINAGE 4.1 Catch Basin (include 18" RCP) 4.2 24" RCP $6,5007 EA $72 7 LF 24 7,750 $156,000 558,000 -Subtotal- $714,000 5 SPECIALTY ITEMS 5.1 Construct Bridge 5.2 Construct Median Landscaping/Parkway 5.3 Slope Landscaping 5.4 Erosion Control 5.5 Utility Protection $1557 SF $107 SF $27 SF $1,0007 AC 7 LS 83,070 217,000 600,900 31.59 $12,875,900 2,170,000 1,201,800 31,600 100,000 -Subtotal- $16,379,300 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $24.815.700 6 FEES 6.1 Design Engineering/Administration Costs(10%) $2,481,600 6.2 Construction Engineering Costs/Administration (15%) 3,722,400 6.3 Contingency (25%) 6,204,000 -Subtotal- $12,408,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $37,224,000 $37.2 Million c r Northern Alternative h:\pdata\55100196\admin\cost estimated 96ce_1 .xls m CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD REACH 4 Central Alternative May 10, 2005 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 UNIT PRICE QUANTITY ITEM COST EARTHWORK Mobilization (5%) Clear & Grub Excavation & Compaction Export Remedial & Corrective Grading Fine Grading / LS $1,0007 AC $27 CY $57 CY $27 CY $0.25 / SF 22.45 94,140 14,600 66,000 486,660 $842,200 22,500 188,300 73,000 132,000 121,700 -Subtotal- $1,379,700 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.6 STRUCTURAL SECTION Construct AC Pavement Construct Curb & Gutter Construct Median Curb Construct PCC Sidewalk Construct Concrete Median $57 SF $157 LF $117 LF $47 SF $67 SF 407,150 13,232 13,250 61,050 2,900 $1,832,200 198,500 145,800 244,200 17,400 -Subtotal- $2,438,100 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 TRAFFIC Traffic Signal System/Intersection Signing, Striping & Marking Street Lights (Intersections only) Traffic Control (2%) $140,000 7 EA $47 LF $4,000 7 EA 7 LS 0.50 6,616 4 $70,000 26,500 16,000 336,900 -Subtotal- $449,400 4 4.1 4.2 DRAINAGE Catch Basin (include 1 8" RCP) 24" RCP $6,500 7 EA $72 7 LF 21 6,616 $136,500 476,400 -Subtotal- $612,900 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 SPECIALTY ITEMS Construct Bridge Construct Median Landscaping/Parkway Slope Landscaping Erosion Control Utility Protection $1557 SF $107 SF $27 SF $1 ,000 7 AC 7 LS 69,630 155,220 338,160 22.45 $10,792,700 1 ,552,200 676,300 22,500 100,000 -Subtotal- $13,143,700 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $18.023.800 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 FEES Design Engineering/Administration Costs(10%) $1,802,400 Construction Engineering Costs/Administration (15%) 2,703,600 Contingency (25%) 4,506,000 -Subtotal- $9,012,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $27,036,000 $27 Million Central Alternative h:\pdata\55100196\admin\cost estimate\196ce_1 .xls c CITY OF CARLSBAD CANNON ROAD REACH 4 Southern Alternative May 10, 2005 DESCRIPTION OF WORK UNIT PRICE QUANTITY ITEM COST 1 EARTHWORK 1.1 Mobilization (5%) 1 .2 Clear & Grub 1 .3 Excavation & Compaction 1 .4 Export 1 .5 Remedial & Corrective Grading 1 .6 Fine Grading / LS $ 1,0007 AC $27 CY $57 CY $27 CY $0.25 7 SF 24.80 330,000 16,000 86,500 470,000 $936,900 24,800 660,000 80,000 173,000 117,500 -Subtotal- $1,992,200 2 STRUCTURAL SECTION 2.1 Construct AC Pavement 2.2 Construct Curb & Gutter 2.3 Construct Median Curb 2.4 Construct PCC Sidewalk 2.6 Construct Concrete Median $57 SF $157 LF $117 LF $47 SF $67 SF 381,000 12,700 12,700 63,500 0 1,714,500 190,500 139,700 254,000 0 -Subtotal- $2,298,700 3 TRAFFIC 3.1 Traffic Signal System/Intersection 3.2 Signing, Striping & Marking 3.3 Street Lights (Intersections only) 3.4 Traffic Control (2%) $140,000 7 EA $47 LF $4,000 7 EA 7 LS 0.50 6,350 4 $70,000 25,400 16,000 374,800 -Subtotal- $486,200 4 DRAINAGE 4.1 Catch Basin (include 18" RCP) 4.2 24" RCP $6,500 7 EA $72 7 LF 20 6,350 $130,000 457,200 -Subtotal- $587,200 5 SPECIALTY ITEMS 5.1 Construct Bridge 5.2 Construct Retaining Wall 5.3 Construct Median Landscaping/Parkway 5.4 Slope Landscaping 5.5 Erosion Control 5.6 Utility Protection $1557 SF $35 7 SF $107 SF $27 SF $1,0007 AC 7 LS 76,500 1,090 177,800 443,400 24.80 $11,857,500 38,200 1,778,000 886,800 24,800 100,000 -Subtotal- $14,685,300 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $20.049.600 6 FEES 6.1 Design Engineering/Administration Costs(10%) $2,005,000 6.2 Construction Engineering Costs/Administration (15%) 3,007,500 6.3 Contingency (25%) 5,012,400 -Subtotal- $10,024,900 TOTAL PROJECT COST $30,075,000 $30 Million Southern Alternative h:\pdata\55100196\admin\cost estimateM 96ce_1 .xls 200 -.._,,_1.4 -, 4-J4 7- ->- i ~~ i / X . -A. ~ ~J~ * „ . ..~l_i T ~ 200- ^"X\- PROPOSED AT C GRADE 160 160 400'VC FVI ELEV — »O4.O0 - A.D. - 3.00 K m 133,33 :* •u. 120 - EXISTING GROUND AT CENTERUNE 12O *£} 80 SCALE: 1' 1 -200' HORIZ. - -W' VERT, 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+0 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 / 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 37+00 ,/ - 39+00 .,• /<x ' / / / / / / / / /' X x'xX/"'XX^' /////////'////%>?$/ / / / / // //^<'/>^///^i ^^^^^^M/ / a*^'//, / /' > C" / / / /J-f-&z'*r.<'''.''',/ x.'''^•y/''ss ''•''>''#*/" *//'•*' .* ..rfi '•//./' v \ v x..__ '-"" —3ft- I \ V~- "' ^ \ /// SCALE: 1" = 200' =^=^=100 200 300 400 \ • v- ^ \ \ \ X \ Xx ^'-^ \ "'• '"V ^^\ \ \ \ \ O-. \\^\--,N;:^ \ \ \ \ \\Vx-O^>\.^x PLAN PREPARED BY: If^^^f^^^f^B PI-ANN 1 NO • OEBItlN • COMSTRUCTIdN ixDT• - BWAVEMOAENCMAS,SUCTE») CARLSBAD. CAUPORMA 9200B CONSULTING 7W.47M1M • FAXMU7U1M • «««JfflFxx>m DATE NUAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA1E IM1UL 01HER APPROVAL DATE MHAL OTY APPROVAL *%* CITY OF CARLSBAD £. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT K) IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: CANNON ROAD REACH 4 NORTHERN ALTERNATIVE APPROVED CITY ENGINEER PE EXPIRES CHKD RY- GW RVWD BY: GW PROJECT NO. 55100196 DATE DRAWING NO. X 40+00 41+00 42+00 43+00 44+00 45+00 46+00 47+00 48+00 49+00 50+00 51+00 52+00 53+00 54+00 55+00 56+00 57+00 58+00 59+00 60+00 SCALE: T = 200' =*=100 200 300 '«/////•''/''"••«•''•''' '. 1 i 1 1lipffip/r\\\\H PLAN PREPARED BY: RBF• • • • CONSULTING n ' ^ " V> ' ING • DESIGN • CONSTRUCTION SOU AVEMDA ENCMM, SURE 210 CARLSBAD. CAUFORNM COM M7&J193 • FAXM«/47U1tt • mmJSFxom DATE HUM. ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE MT1AL OTHER APPROVAL LJWTE HTIAL arr APPROVAL SHEET3 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SHEETS 10 IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: CANNON ROAD REACH 4 NORTHERN ALTERNATIVE APPROVED art ENGINEER PE EXPIRES OWN BY: MC CHKD BY: GW RVWD BY: GW PROJECT NO. 55100196 DATE DRAWING NO. X 420- 340 1 ROW 0LEV -4,389.98 POINT STA » 83+26 43 PVI SITA = 83+80 •34Q 320 •320 SCALE: 1 -aoo- MORIZ 1 - 40' V6«T, 61+00 62+00 63+00 64+00 65+00 66+00 67+00 68+00 69+00 70+00 71+00 72+00 73+00 74+00 75+00 76+00 77+00 78+00 79+00 80+00 81+00 82+00 83+00 84+00 85+00 86+00 87+00 88+00 89+00 90+00\/\$ \in ! C I >if 8,V & w & /// ^ /•//'/' '„/i ' M»m ^ .x\, ///, #& M,\''/ • \\ ^ ^^ /A .*/ :>C Vv -X x c^:^ rf>e <^<^1 or I ?»I / i' <^% *«a -loa *4M—~~^2ri^'~-440—~-7T^--T *o°^// ^:•?*flor • -, 7o-'•too '/ r .? i~-^-74+CBN\ 2^ >s*6tf V 80*S rrr^- ~i??ny>^~- B+OO /--^XrC^//^ SCALE: 1" = 200' P-100 200 300 -i}|— "* ', /^ ''/r/S /' - -• i- / j { F i ; s i : PLAN PREPARED BY: F®F~ CONSULTING 71 3:4&^ii|i NINB • DEBIBN • COMBTRUCTION SMO AVENU BKWA8, 8UTC 2<0CWLSBAD. CAUFOHMA UU» »jmjt\n • FAX9tt47U1fle • «n*JVF4am DA1E HTML ENCWEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA1C NHAL OINCR APPROVAL OA1E H1IAL arr APPROVAL SHEET 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SHEETS 10 IMPROVEICNT PLANS FOR: CANNON ROAD REACH 4 NORTHERN ALTERNATIVE APPROVED CITY ENGINEER PE EXPIRES OWN BY: PSC CHKD BY- CW RVWD BY: CW PROJECT NO. 55100196 DATE DRAWING NO. X PjVT~STA~-' 172+77.54 PVI EUV - «2,48 _AJ3.j- 5.72 .. K - 174,83 165+00 166+00 167+00 168+00 169+00 170+00 171+00 172+00 173+00 174+00 175+00 176+00 177+00 178+00 179+00 180+00 181+00 182+00 183+00 184+00 185+00 186+00 187+00 188+00 189+00 190+00 191+00 192+00 193+00 SCALE: 1" = 200' =^S5S 100 2OO 300 PLAN PREPARED 0Y: KUt"1 _ 50SOAVEMOAENCMAS. SWTC 210m • • CARLSBAD, CAUFORNMIHM CONSULTING nMTMin • FAXMM7U1M • mmHTmrn DATE NUM. ENGINEER OF HOW REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE HTML OTHER APPROVAL DATE MITIAL cmr APPROVAL SHEET5 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SHEETS I 10 IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: CANNON ROAD REACH 4 CENTRAL ALTERNATIVE APPROVED CITY ENGINEER PE EXPIRES DATE CHKD BY: GW RVWD BY: J2S PROJECT ~NQ. 1 IDRAMNG NO.I 55100196 II X 320 300- h TT -1-4 L m^ .x X If.. 320 300 S- 4 L_ PVI STA = 192+4429 PVI ELEV = 220.15 AO. - -4.OO . , . K - 140.00 . 1260- 198+M.3QPVI StA -PVt Q£V - 237.' . AH. - .4.00K - 10000 260 1240 1220- 240 220 •200 ZOO ™r SCALE: 11 -200' HORIZ.• 40' VERT. 193+00 194+00 195+00 196+00 197+00 198+00 199+00 200+00 201+00 202+00 203+00 204+00 205+00 206+00 207+00 208+00 209+00 210+00 211+00 212+00 213+00 214+00 215+00 216+00 SCALE: 1" = 2OO' ^=100 200 300 PLAN PREPARED BY: RBF• _ . 5060 WEMMENCMW.8U(TE 210™ C*«-S8AC,C*UTORNK«200« C O N S U I-TI N G TOUTUm • FAX94047VJ1M • mmAOTjaam DATE mmM. ENONEB) OFmW REVISION DESCRIPTION OAlt MUM. OTHER APPROV4I. OA1E wnui. an mm/M. SHEET 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SHEETS 10 IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: CANNON ROAD REACH 4 CENTRAL ALTERNATIVE APPROVED CITY ENGINEER PE EXPIRES CHKD BY: -SIRVWP RY- 5W PROJECT NO. 55100196 DATE DR/WNG NO. X STA - 230+7236 -=? 23H-26 91 '" EV - 37042 - 217+00 218+00 219+00 220+00 221+00 222+00 223+00 224+00 225+00 226+00 227+00 228+00 229+00 230+00 231+00 232+00 ~" ~ ~~ ~~ ~ CITY OF CARISBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IMPROVDCNT PLANS FOR: CANNON ROAD REACH 4 CENTRAL ALTERNATIVE SWO AVEMOA BKMU. SUITC 210 CARLSBAD, CMJFOfWHSOOM 7W.47».»1W • FAXMM7U1H CITY ENGINEER PE PROJECT NO. 55100196REVISION DESCRIPTION di I 160 1 t-i---i-M-L_,- 4.4-t-T_f4- soo* vc- .,.- _.'_.]„_r1 r! K+5O' 250.40 \C / 260 PV STA - 19-fcSO 140 1120 PV ELEV = 89,40 A.D. - 3 K"= t+7 EXISTING GROUND" -AT CENTERUNE 220 MOO 80 180 -PROPOSED GRADE ATCENTERUNE X V 160 EXIST1IG AT CB tTI SCALE 1 =200" HORIZ - 4O' VERT 10+00 11+00 12+00 ./ ••„ 13+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 37+00 38+00 39+00 4O+00 // SCALE: 1" = 200' *==100 200 300 (i \ ^ ^> V.V. ----- .Nv - •*^^ - - - - O \ PLAN PREPARED BY: ^•^^•I^^M^H PLANNINB • DEBIQN • CONSTRUCTION IxDr • _ _ 5060AVB«DAENCWAS,8UTE2BO ™ CARLSSAD.CAyFORNUkKOOB CONSULTING 7IM7U1» • FAXMM7IJ1H • WWJBFAail DATE NUAL ENOHEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE NTUL OTHER APPROWL DATE MITIAL CITY APPROVAL SHEET 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SHEETS 10 IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: CANNON ROAD REACH 4 SOUTHERN ALTERNATIVE APPROVED CITY ENGINEER PE EXPIRES OWN BY: P5C CHKD BY:J2SRvwn BY- GW PROJECT NO. 55100196 DATE DRAWING NO. X PVI STA - 55+20 73 PVI EUV « 305,85! A.O * -3 K - »78 ' EXISTING GROUND AT CENTERUNE 41+00 42+00 43+00 44+00 45+00 47+00 48+00 49+00 50+00 51+00 52+00 53+00 54+00 55+00 56+00 57+00 58+00 59+00 80+00 SCALE: 1" - 200' =^=i 100 200 300 400 PLAN PREPARED BY: RDF• _ 9060 AVEMMBKMAS, SUITE 2«0~ * " C*HLMM).CAUFORN««20M CONSULTING nOATUin • FNCM».«U1M • .WW.R8FOT1 DATE IMUM. ENONEER OF WBK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE N1IAL 01HER APPROVAL DATE MHAL OTV APPROVAL SHEET 9 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SHEETS 10 IMPROVEMENT PLANE FOR CANNON ROAD REACH 4 SOUTHERN ALTERNATIVE APPROVED CITY ENGINEER PE EXPIRES OWN BY: Mt CHKD BY:JSH__RVWD BY: GW PROJECT NO. 55100196 DATE DRAWING NO. X -4 —r f-~,, t—j—\— _4 360-- EXISTING 6RC JNO AT CEttTBIUt £ -f j_ • 36O 340- PROPOSED GRADE AT CENTERUNE 320 L ~s -,-•-T 300- SCALE f =20<r HORIZ V - •«>' VgRT, 71+00 72+00 73+00 74+00 "V 75+00 76+00 it ' / 'A./& >/ / a* * M. '3%$i. 2 uirSXSS $[ ffltCOL §Mii§^3S3S $5§§$;$: 5S§:$S^$ -iSSS mii\te f^fffi\llJjJ)Jl \ I / I j -•:=:; -^ _" _ ^f^^^l/l £ - <;,'//•/ff'^ x^f^l^ S-Sts . fitb'o,Wn^?^^^?^V N.L.3^+00,\^\.I.)74+ m 75+00! _ W"V 7 -336^ (76+00/ . \ /78+/50 »//, TftfV^l '80+ «vy«4*^&3+00/85+tio 87+j v V '3™%7*47 -V f- . i-/••4 \i V Vx \i /\ Ili.1' \' K! :x-;- :^^>,^-^340= s^v\\^A\\ \T 1350^ hl"4 +3JSO*. JH\•370^T-WV" Y^-y^-/s / s sSf't in ii iiiiii !/* >Wli \\fe2 ^m.m\m'/''a.ss®ti -V^ -—V >K"-;} 2=Sgg= •^—,v.-^r.-.«.v.v;~~KS=i~vj,vc;**^::; H^? flfft/ '^ ssw >5ov> 6vi5^:v\V \%-x-^ .\\\\\ xVA Vitf (O\a- ^U- u rutOaj^\f/.'.'«%• w'ft/I«^I/M/, X0^ W4j- •-a i\\ \:V-%®•9$ 200' m * * ' *! v ' -'' ' , v-,\**as ',-..•',-, PLAN PREPARED BY: ^•^^^•^^^•^B Pl^NNINa • DEBIBM • CONaTRUCTIQNRBF• _ - SOaAVEMMENCM«S.SUn^M>™ • • • CAHL88AD.CALJFORNlAKOoe CDNSLJUTING 7QO47&9193 • FAXMfeCTUlM • MmrjnFMm OAlt HUM. ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE Him. OTHER APPROVAL DATE M1UI. CITY APPROVAL SHEET 10 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SHEETS 10 IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: CANNON ROAD REACH 4 SOUTHERN ALTERNATIVE APPROVED CITY ENGINEER PE EXPIRES OWN BY: PSC CHKD BY: _£W puwn RY- GW PROJECT NO. 55100196 DATE DRAWING NO. X