HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Santa Fe Road Improvement Project; Rancho Santa Fe Road Improvement Project; 1998-06-01PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE REPORT FOR RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA JUNE 1998 * Prepared For: CITY OF SAN MARCOS 1 Civic Center * San Marcos, CA 92069 Prepared By: PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS - 701 B Street, Suite 800 SanDiego, CA92101 Document No. 1344.00 DavidB. Ragland, PE, PLS RCE 35985 PreparedBy: JQZ Registration Expires 6/30/2000 Checked By: SB 6 File: 1344.00 June 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section 1 INTRODUCTION ^ 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS ^ 3 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS 5 4 HYDROLOGY METHODOLOGY 6 5 FLOOD ROUTING CALCULATIONS 29 DETENTION BASIN DESIGN 42 7 APPENDIX A - HYDROLOGY DESIGN CHARTS Runoff Coefficients (Rational Method) A-l Rainfall Intensity - Duration - Frequency Curves A-2 Nomograph - Time of Concentration for Natural Watersheds A-3.1 Urban Areas Overland Time of Flow Curves A-3.2 APPENDIX B - DETENTION BASIN COMPUTER OUTPUT B-1 REP/1 S'MHJR.DOC LIST OF FIGURES Figure Description 1 Vicinity Map 2 Hydrologic Soil Groups Map 1 LIST OF TABLES Table Description Predevelopment Hydrology Calculations. 2 Postdevelopment Hydrology Calculations - 1 3 Postdevelopment Hydrology Calculations - 2 4 Flood Routing Calculations File: 1344.00 June 1998 ATTACHMENTS Exhibft A Drainage Area Map - Predeveloped Conditions Exhibit B Drainage Area Map - Developed Condftions Ul IIEP/1344PDR.DOC Page 2 3 age 10 14 22 31 File: 1344.00 June 1998 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION This prehminary drainage report has been prepared to document the design and calculations for the storm drain system associated with the Rancho Santa Fe Road improvement project design. The project sfte is located along Rancho Santa Fe Road, between Melrose Drive and Island Drive, m the City of San Marcos. It is approximately 5 miles east of Interstate Route 5 and is about 3 miles south of State Route 78. Please refer to the vicinity map on Page 2. The project is located within the City of San Marcos and City of Carisbad Hmfts and is subject to City standards of both cities. The drainage subbasin layout and the storm drainage system are shovm on Exhibfts 'A' and 'B' attached to this report. REP/1344PDR.DOC File: 1344.00 June 1998 PALOMAR LA COSTA AVENUE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE Figure 1. Vicinity Map REP/1344PDR.DOC File: 1344.00 June 1998 R.3 W. I I TOO OOQ FCgr m Figure 2. Hydrologic Soil Groups Map REP/1344PDR.tXX; m m m File: 1344.00 June 1998 SECTION 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS The most runoff comes from offsite areas, especially fi-om the hill located on the east side of Rancho Santa Fe Road. The Existing Condition Hydrology Map indicates the storm water in the north area (Basins A B, C, and D), collected by natural channel and brow ditch, vwll be conveyed via cross-street culverts to the west side of Rancho Santa Fe Road, then join the existing storm drain system in the City of Carisbad and County of San Diego. Storm water fi^om Basin E will be collected into an open channel located on the south side of Basin E. All mnofF fi-om project hydrology subbasins eventually discharges into San Marcos Creek. REPA344H>RJXX; m File: 1344.00 June 1998 SECTION 3 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS Since the project improvements are basically in an existing street area, the developed condition of surface mnofif (from watersheds) is similar to the existing condftion. In the north area (Basins A B, C, and D; refer to Exhibft 'B'), the storm water either fi-om the east hill or Rancho Santa Fe Road will be collected on the east side of the road and conveyed via culverts to join the existing storm drain system on the west side of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Drainage fi-om Basin E is collected into two curb inlets, which connect to the Rancho Santa Fe Road major drainage system through underground pipes. There are two conditions of University Commons (Basin F) that have been analyzed in this report. For the developed condition, the storm drain system in the improvement area of University Commons will join the major 42-inch-diameter underground pipe along East Melrose Drive. The hydrology data fi-om the University Commons Hydrology Report has been used in this report. For the predevelopment condition, the mnofif from Subbasin F will be concentrated to brow dftches, then conveyed via underground pipe to join the 42-inch-diameter pipe. (Refer to Exhibft B.) Drainage from Basins G and H will be collected into the Meadowland development storm dramage system. REP/1344PDR.DOC m File: 1344.00 June 1998 SECTION 4 HYDROLOGY METHODOLOGY This drainage system has been designed in general conformance with the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual. Drainage basins are less than 0.5 square mile; therefore, the Rational and Modified Rational Methods were utilized to calculate storm mnofif The storm drain system is designed to convey the lOO-year-frequency storm water. Pipes are sized for nonpressurized flow. The hydrological analysis utilized to determine the mnofif at each design point was the Rational Method (Q ~ C x I X A). The following pages describe the methods used to determine each component of the Rational Method equation, in which Q = Runoff (CFS), C = Runoff coefificient, IA = Rainfall intensity (in/hr), and A - Area (acres). 4.1 Determination of Runoff Coeflicient Runoflf coefficients are dependent on the proposed land use of the basin. Coefificients for this project were obtained from the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual (see Appendix A-l). Accordmg to the Hydrologic Soils Group Map (Figure 2), most project subbasins are located in the Soil Group B area, and the rest are in the Soil Group C area. Based on these criteria, the following mnofif coefificients were used: REP/1344PDR.DOC File: 1344.00 June 1998 Soil Group B Soil Group C Natural Undisturbed Area 0.35 0.40 Single-Family Unfts 0.45 0.50 Commercial Area 0.85 0.90 The weighted values of "C will be used on the basins with dififerent land uses. 4.2 Determination of Intensity Ramfall intensity (7) is based on the "Intensity-Duration-Frequency" curves in the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual (see Appendix A-2). 4.3 Time of Concentration Tune of concentration is the time required for mnofif to flow from the most remote part of the watershed to the outlet point or design point under consideration. The time of concentration {Tc) at any point within the drainage area is given by: Tc = Ti+T,, where Ti = Inlet time and Tt - Travel time. Inlet time is broken down into two components: overiand time (7^) and gutter time {Tg): therefore, Tc^To+Tg+T,. The following paragraphs further define the individual components of the time of concentration and the methods used to quantify those components. REP/1344PDR.D0C File: 1344.00 June 1998 4.3.1 Overland Time (To) Overland time is the period required for mnofif to travel from the farthest edge ofa drainage basin to the street gutter. The method of determining overiand time is dependent on the type of watershed. For natural watersheds, overiand time is determined using the Appendix A-3.1 (taken from the San Diego County Hydrology ManualV 4.3.2 Gutter Time (Tg) The gutter time is determined by assuming an initial time of concentration, Tj (may use To for the parkway or a lot) and calculating an inftial g,. To determine the velocity in the gutter, divide Qi by 2 to obtain an average flow. Use this average flow with the graph in the Appendix to determine an average velocity, V, for this gutter length, L. Tg = Ll{Vx60). Add this gutter time to To to obtain a new time of concentration, Tc. Use this new Tc to calculate a new Q/2 and determine a new Va^e, in order to calculate a new Tg. Repeat procedure until assumed Tc = To + Tg. 4.3.3 Travel Time (T,) Travel time is the time required for flow to travel the length of the storm drain to the point in question. Travel time is calculated by using the following formula: where Travel Time = Z,/(Kx 60), L = Pipe length (feet) and V = Velocity of flow in pipe (ft/sec). REP/1344PDR-DOC File: 1344.00 June 1998 4.4 Determination of Areas The area (A) of each drainage basin was determined from the Drainage Area Map. See the Developed Drainage Basins Exhibit. 4.5 Modified Rational Method The Modified Rational Method was utilized to calculate peak storm water flows and route the calculated flows through the proposed drainage system. When two flows combine at a junction point, the smaller of the flows has been decreased by using the Modified Rational Method. This procedure accounts for the differing times of concentration for the flows upstream of the junction point. The smaller Q is reduced by efther the ratio of the intensfties or the ratio of the times of concentration, according to the following procedure: • Let Q, T, and / conespond to the tributary with the largest discharge. • Let q, t, and / correspond to the tributary wfth the smallest discharge. • Let Q and T correspond to the peak discharge and the time of concentration when peak flow occurs. If 7'> /, the peak discharge is conected by the ratio of the intensfties: Q = 2 + QiJ^i) and T = 7. If r< /, the peak discharge is corrected by the ratio of the times of concentration: Q = Q + q{Tlt) and T = T RBP/1344PDR-DOC File: 1344.00 June 1998 I I i I E I I Table 1. Prede\'elopment Hydrology Calculations Surface Runoflf for lOO-Year/6-Hour Storm REP/1344PDR.DOC 10 LJ t-J l-J * > i I t i t I t > i I I I « i_t • » » « 19-May-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: IOO-PRE.WQI DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 9 S 3 Frequency P6= 100 yrs. 2.9 DSND by: JQZ CHKD by: SB From Node To Node Typeof Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (ui/hr) A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) Al Natural Ovrlnd 1950 86 0.044 8.9 18.9 3.24 0.35 14.8 5.2 5.2 16.8 SUBBASIN A2 Natural Ovrlnd 2250 143 0.064 8.6 18.6 3.27 0.35 37.6 13.2 13.2 43.2 SUBBASIN 1 2A Flood Route Al and A2 18.6 3.27 59.7 SUBBASIN A3 Natural Ovrlnd 3150 161 0.051 12.1 22.1 2.93 0.35 84.5 29.6 29.6 86.7 SUBBASIN 1 3A Flood Route 1 2A and A3 22.1 2.93 140.2 SUBBASIN A4 Natural Ovrlnd 700 16.5 0.024 5.1 15.1 3.75 0.85 0.9 0.8 0.8 3.0 19-May-98 DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATTONS ' Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 Frequency 100 yrs. DSND by: JQZ File Name: 100-PRE.WQl P6= 2.9 CHK] Dby: SB From To Typeof L H Pipe Slope Velocity Tc Revised Intensity C A CA Sum Total Q Node Node Travel (ft) (ft) Dia(in) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (min) Tc (in/hr) (ac) Ca (cfs) SUBBASIN A Flood Route 1 3A and A4 22.1 2.93 142.5 Pipe Flow 120 3 60 0.025 19.1 0.1 22.2 2.92 0 0 142.5 D/d Calculated = 0.41 SUBBASIN B Natural Ovrlnd 1100 178 0.162 3.5 13.5 4.03 0.35 8.5 3 3 12.1 Pipe Flow 125 2.5 18 0.02 9.4 0.2 13.7 3.99 0 3 12.1 D/d Calculated = 0,69 SUBBASIN C Natural Ovrlnd 1200 184 0.153 3.8 13.8 3.97 0.35 14.2 5 5 19.9 Drainage Ditch 650 24.1 0.037 10.83 1 14.8 3.79 0 5 19,9 Dn= 0.96 ft. Pipe Flow 115 11.5 18 0.1 19.6 0.1 14.9 3.78 0 5 19,9 D/d Calculated= 0.56 SUBBASIN D Natural Ovrlnd 2100 244 0.116 6.5 16.5 3.54 0.35 46.5 16.3 16.3 57.7 Pipe Flow 85 11.9 18 0.14 32.7 0 16.5 3.54 0 16.3 57,7 D/d Calculated = Full 1 i—^1 *—i I—ft i k I I I I I I I. 23-May-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: IOO-PRE.WQI Jl i 1 1 I- i i- DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Frequency 100 yrs. DSND by: JQZ From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) u uy : CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN E Natural Ovrlnd 2000 206 0.103 6.5 16.5 3.54 0.4 77.4 31 31 109.7 Trap Chn b=3.0 1000 56 0.056 18.96 0.88 17.38 3.42 0 31 109.7 Dn = 1.11 ft. Pipe Flow 120 2.4 42 0.02 16.3 0.1 17.48 3.41 0 31 109.7 D/d Calculated = 0.66 File: 1344.00 June 1998 m •m m Table 2. Postdevelopment Hydrology Calculations - 1 Surface Runoflf for lOO-Year/6-Hour Storm Wfth University Commons Predevelopment Condition REP/1344n3B.DOC 14 J_J LJ i—i Ll L J !L_l_i-_l l_J r_l l_JI L I I 29-May-98 DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Proj. Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 Frequency 100 yrs. File Name: POST-I.WQI P6= 2.9 I 1 !- DSND by: JQZ From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN Al Natural Ovrlnd 1900 85 0.045 8.6 18.6 3.27 0.35 13.7 4.8 4.8 15.7 SUBBASIN Ala Natural Ovrlnd 750 71 0.095 3.2 13.2 4.09 0.35 2.9 1 1 4.1 SUBBASIN Alb Natural Ovrlnd 450 45 0.1 2.1 12.1 4.32 0.35 0.85 0.3 0.3 1.3 SUBBASIN Ale Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.02 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 0.85 0.7 0.7 Gutter 950 38 0.04 4.4 3.6 5.8 6.94 0.85 0.85 0.7 0.7 4.9 (Avg flow depth = 0.3 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 10 ft.) SUBBASIN A2 Natural Ovrlnd 2300 145 0.063 8.8 18.8 3.25 0.35 30 10.5 10.5 34.1 SUBBASIN A3 Natural Ovrlnd 3150 161 0.051 12.1 22.1 2.93 0.35 70 24.5 24.5 71.8 vn -I i—I I i 1 » I t I I i. 29-May-98 Proj. Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: POST-I.WQI -i I—I I—I i I a I t DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Frequency P6- 100 yrs. 2.9 DSND by: JQZ From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN A3a Natural Ovrlnd 150 75 0.5 0.5 10.5 4.73 0.35 1.2 0.4 0.4 1.9 Drainage Ditch 230 4.6 0.02 4.78 0.8 11.3 4.52 0 0.4 1.9 Dn = 0.45 ft. SUBBASIN A4 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 0.9 0.8 0.8 Gutter 1000 40 0.040 4.5 3.7 5.9 6.87 0.85 0.9 0.8 0.8 5.5 (Avg flow depth = 0.31 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 10.5 ft.) SUBBASIN A5 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 1.75 1.5 1.5 Gutter 1950 78.8 0.040 5 6.5 8.7 5.35 0.85 1.75 1.5 1.5 8 (Avg flow depth= 0.38 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 14 ft-) SUBBASIN Bl Natural Ovrlnd 1100 178 0.162 3.5 13.5 4.03 0.35 9 3.2 3.2 12.9 SUBBASIN B2 Natural Ovrlnd 1200 184 0.153 1 3.8 1 13.8 3.97 0,35 7.2 2.5 2.5 9.9 _J 1 I I I i i i i I I i_ 29-May-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: POST-I.WQI J t—I i—I i-I I—I I—I DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Frequency 100 yrs. P6= 2.9 DSND by: JQZ From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN Cl Natural Ovrlnd 1100 150 0.136 3.7 13.7 3.99 0.35 5 1.8 1.8 7.2 - SUBBASIN C2 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 3.6 3.6 9.44 0.7 2.37 1.7 1.7 Gutter 1800 43.4 0.024 3.9 7.7 11.3 4.52 0.7 2.37 1.7 1.7 7.7 (Avg flow depth -0.38 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 14 ft.) SUBBASIN C3 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 1.61 1.4 1.4 Gutter 1800 43.4 0.024 4 7.5 9.7 4.98 0.85 1.61 1.4 1.4 7 (Avg flow depth = 0.4 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 15 ft.) SUBBASIN D Natural Ovrlnd 2100 244 0.116 6.5 16.5 3.54 0.35 44.5 15.6 15.6 55.2 SUBBASIN El Natural Ovrlnd 800 160 0.200 2.5 12.5 4.23 0.35 6.3 2.2 2.2 9.3 Drainage Ditch 350 7 0.020 7.11 0.82 13.32 4.06 0 2.2 9.3 Dn-0.81 ft. J i—t i—I I—1 i- 29-May-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: POST-I.WQI 4 J—t ^ DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATION Frequency P6= 100 2.9 yrs. t i i i i i i J DSND by: JQZ CHKD by: SB From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN E2 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 1.2 1 1 Gutter 1450 49.5 0.034 4.4 5.5 7.7 5.78 0.85 1.2 1 1 5.8 (Avg flow depth = 0.34 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 12 ft.) SUBBASIN E3 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 1 0.9 0.9 Gutter 1150 44.1 0.038 4.5 4.3 6.5 6.45 0.85 1 0.9 0.9 5.8 (Avg flow depth = 0.32 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 11 ft.) SUBBASIN Fl Natural Ovrlnd 1800 226 0.126 5.6 15.6 3.67 0.4 11.9 4.8 4.8 17.6 Trap Chn b =2.0 100 2 0.020 8.11 0.21 15.81 3.64 0 4.8 17.6 Dn = 0.66 ft. Pipe Flow 70 13 18 0.185 24 0 15.81 3.64 0 4.8 17.6 D/d Calculated = 0.43 SUBBASIN F2 Urban Overland 31 0.62 0.02 1.6 1.6 15.93 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.8 Gutter 1100 37.5 0.034 4.3 4.3 5.9 6.87 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.8 5.5 (Avg flow depth = 0.34 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 12 ft.) ^ _ I—I i—i I—i I—• I—I I I I I I t I i l_l J I I I DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 29-May-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: POST-I.WQI Frequency P6 = 100 2.9 yrs. i—• I 1 i—f I—I DSND by: JQZ From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN F3 Urban Overland 31 0.62 0.02 1.6 1.6 15.93 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.8 Gutter UOO 37.5 0.034 4.3 4.3 5.9 6.87 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.8 5.5 (Avg flow depth = 0.34 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 12 ft.) SUBBASIN F4 Natural Ovrlnd 2000 266 0.133 5.9 15.9 3.62 0.4 25.1 10 10 36.2 Trap Chn b=2.0 350 7 0.02 9.86 0.59 16.49 3.54 0 10 36.2 Dn = 0.94 ft. SUBBASIN F5 Natural Ovrlnd 2500 296 0.118 7.3 17.3 3.43 0.4 19.9 8 8 27.4 Trap Chn b=2.0 100 2 0.02 9.15 0.18 17.48 3.41 0 8 27.4 Dn= 0.82 ft. SUBBASIN F6 Natural Ovrlnd 1900 224 0.118 6 16 3.61 0.4 18.5 7.4 7.4 26.7 Trap Chn b=2.0 550 U 0.02 9.08 1.01 17.01 3.47 0 7.4 26.7 Dn= 0.81 ft. .XJ L-J L_i_i i t I I % 29-May-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: J—I J—e S 1 l—t I 1 r—J DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS H J I I B f Frequency P6 = 100 yrs. 2.9 DSND by: JQZ CHKD by: SB From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN Gl Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 1.1 0.9 0.9 Gutter 1100 58.5 0.053 5.1 3.6 5.8 6.94 0.85 1.1 0.9 0.9 6.2 (Avg flow depth == 0.31 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 10.5 ft.) SUBBASIN G2 Urban Overland 220 11 0.05 3.9 3.9 8.97 0.85 0.4 0.3 0.3 Gutter 200 9.5 0.048 4 0.8 4.7 7.95 0.85 0.4 0.3 0.3 2.4 (Avg flow depth = 0.21 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 5.5 ft.) SUBBASIN G3 Urban Overland 53 1.06 0.02 2.6 2.6 11.65 0.85 0.8 0.7 0.7 Gutter 650 19.5 0.03 3.8 2.9 5.5 7.19 0.85 0.8 0.7 0.7 5 (Avg flow depth = 0.3 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 10 ft.) I Nl 2 ^ o u >1 ON cs o c I II i i § I z s L. I-l ."Z: CL. a, tl. 1 3 n < ^ rt § .5 Pi > CO t: o o H 2 s I tl. 2 u-1 d in d d un d d vo d CO un 00 00 CN U-1 ON CS CS CS u-^ cs' <s' un d o cs o U-J o d T3 o E > CO 00 u-i ON m, cn d c _rt c rt 3 o CL (U T3 o > < c/5 < CQ CO D 00 ON d vo 0\ d ON d o\ d 00 o oo o 00 un oo oo ON CS u-1 cs cs U-i CS CN cn <s un u-1 d o cs o vo wn o o OJO > 00 u-1 cn u-1 ON cn o un ON cn 6 c rt l-I D 3 o CL 0) o tn oa > < c/3 < CQ CQ D c/5 File: 1344.00 June 1998 ^ Table 3, Postde\^elopment Hydrology Calculations - 2 m Surface Runoflf for lOO-Year/6-Hour Storm •m ^ Wfth University Commons Postdevelopment Condition BBP/1344n)R.DOC 22 J_l l-J LJI l- I i i 1 i f ! 1 I—e 3—t i 1 J—I 3 J Ol-Jun-98 DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 Frequency 100 yrs. File. Name: PO.<:T-I WOI P6= 2.9 "t 1" DSND by: JQZ From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN Al Natural Ovrlnd 1900 85 0.045 8.6 18.6 3.27 0.35 13.7 4.8 4.8 15.7 SUBBASIN Ala Natural Ovrlnd 750 71 0.095 3.2 13.2 4.09 0.35 2.9 1 1 4.1 SUBBASIN Alb Natural Ovrlnd 450 45 0.1 2.1 12.1 4.32 0.35 0.85 0.3 0.3 1.3 SUBBASIN Ale Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.02 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 0.85 0.7 0.7 Gutter 950 38 0.04 4.4 3.6 5.8 6.94 0.85 0.85 0.7 0.7 4.9 (Avg flow depth = 0.3 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 10 ft.) SUBBASIN A2 Natural Ovrlnd 2300 145 0.063 8.8 18.8 3.25 0.35 30 10.5 10.5 34.1 r» « » I—• i—• i 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I i I DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Ol-Jun-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: POST-I.WQI Frequency P6 = 100 2.9 yrs. DSND by: JQZ From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN A3 Natural Ovrlnd 3150 161 0.051 12.1 22.1 2.93 0.35 70 24.5 24.5 71.8 SUBBASIN A3a Natural Ovrlnd 150 75 0.5 0.5 10-5 4.73 0.35 1.2 0.4 0.4 1.9 Drainage Ditch 230 4.6 0.02 4.78 0.8 11.3 4.52 0 0.4 1.9 Dn = 0.45 ft. SUBBASIN A4 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 0.9 0.8 0.8 Gutter 1000 40 0.040 4.5 3.7 5.9 6.87 0.85 0.9 0.8 0.8 5.5 (Avg flow depth = 0.31 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 10.5 ft.) SUBBASIN A5 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 1.75 1.5 1.5 Gutter 1950 78.8 0.040 5 6.5 8.7 5.35 0.85 1.75 1.5 1.5 8 (Avg flow depth = 0.38 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 14 ft.) r-t I 1 I 1 * oVjun-9? I—i I—t D^A!LE^ DfclftA^E^LtuifAlloNS ^ ^ Proj .Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: POST-I.WQI Frequency 100 yrs. P6= 2.9 DSND by: JQZ From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN Bl Natural Ovrlnd 1100 178 0.162 3.5 13.5 4.03 0.35 9 3.2 3.2 12.9 SUBBASIN B2 Natural Ovrlnd 1200 184 0.153 3.8 13.8 3.97 0.35 7.2 2.5 2.5 9.9 SUBBASIN Cl Natural Ovrlnd 1100 150 0.136 3.7 13.7 3.99 0.35 5 1.8 1.8 7.2 SUBBASIN C2 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 3.6 3.6 9.44 0.7 2.37 1.7 1.7 Gutter 1800 43.4 0.024 3.9 7.7 11.3 4.52 0.7 2.37 1.7 1.7 7.7 (Avg flow depth = 0.38 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 14 ft.) SUBBASIN C3 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 1.61 1.4 1.4 Gutter 1800 43.4 0.024 4 7.5 9.7 4.98 0.85 1.61 1.4 1.4 7 (Avg flow depth = 0.4 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 15 ft.) 'A t I—t I—t ^l-!un-^ -t I 1 Jt ^T^iL^D ^RAfN AGE f:AtciJLA?ioSs ' ' Proj.Name: Proj. Num: File Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD 1344.00 POST-I.WQl Frequency P6 = 100 yrs. 2.9 f i t I I I I ^1 i i DSND by: JQZ From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN D Natural Ovrlnd 2100 244 0.116 6.5 16.5 3.54 0.35 44.5 15.6 15.6 55.2 SUBBASIN El Natural Ovrlnd 800 160 0.200 2.5 12.5 4.23 0.35 6.3 2.2 2.2 9.3 Drainage Ditch 350 7 0.020 7.11 0.82 13.32 4.06 0 2.2 9.3 Dn = 0.81 ft. SUBBASIN E2 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 1.2 1 1 Gutter 1450 49.5 0.034 4.4 5.5 7.7 5.78 0.85 1.2 1 1 5.8 (Avg flow depth = 0.34 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 12 ft.) SUBBASIN E3 Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 1 0.9 0.9 Gutter 1150 44.1 0.038 4.5 4.3 6.5 6.45 0.85 1 0.9 0.9 5.8 (Avg flow depth = 0.32 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 11 ft.) i i i i > 1 fc i 1 I i I—I I—• I—t^!—jbrr*. » Proj.Name: Proj. Num: File Name: 23-May-98 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD 1344.00 POST-2.WQI DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULAT '{ONS Frequency P6= 100 yrs. 2.9 From Node To Node SUBBASIN Input Flow SUBBASIN SUBBASIN SUBBASIN SUBBASIN Type of Travel Fl F2 Urban Overland L (ft) Gutter (Avg flow depth = F3 Urban Overland Gutter (Avg flow depths F4 Natural Ovrlnd Drainage Ditch Dn Gl Urban Overland Gutter (Avg flow depth = 31 1190 H (ft) 0.62 Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) 42 0.34 ft 31 1100 0.34 0.62 37.5 ft. Avg Flo Avg Flo 0.02 Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Tc= -t I—t I—I I ^1 r DSND by: JQZ CHKD by: SB Revised Tc 15.93 0.035 w Widt 0.02 0.034 w Widt 4.4 10 950 0.35 0.5 19 ft. 39 1100 0.31 0.05 0.02 0.78 58-5 ft. Avg Flo 0.020 0.053 w Widt 12 1.6 4.5 ft.) 4.3 12 1.6 4.3 1.6 6.1 Intensity (in/hr) 3.62 15.93 6.72 1.6 5.9 ft.) 4.07 5.1 10.5 0-1 3.89 15.93 6.87 10.1 0.9 0-9 A (ac) CA 0.85 4.85 13-99 2.2 3.6 ft-) 2.2 5.8 3.93 0.9 0.9 0.35 0.85 0.85 0.85 Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) 0-8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.54 12.98 6.94 0.85 0-85 1.1 1.1 0-2 0 0-9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.9 92.8 5.4 5.5 6.2 23-May-98 DET/VILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 Frequency 100 yrs. Flip. Name: POST-2.WOI .—— • r DSNE CHKI )by: >by: JQZ SB From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN G2 Urban Overland 220 11 0.05 3.9 3-9 8.97 0.85 0.4 0.3 0-3 Gutter 200 9.5 0.048 4 0.8 4.7 7.95 0.85 0.4 0.3 0.3 2.4 (Av2 flow depth = 0.21 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 5.5 ft.) SUBBASIN G3 Urban Overland 53 1.06 0.02 2.6 2.6 11.65 0.85 0.8 0.7 0.7 Gutter 650 19.5 0.03 3.8 2.9 5.5 7-19 0.85 0.8 0.7 0.7 5 (Avg flow depth = 0.3 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 10 ft.) SUBBASIN H Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 0-6 0.5 0.5 Gutter 400 5.8 0.015 2.7 2.5 4.7 7-95 0-85 0.6 0.5 0.5 4 (Avg flow depth = 0.31 ft-Avg Flo w Widt 10.5 ft-) SUBBASIN J Urban Overland 39 0.78 0.020 2.2 2.2 12.98 0.85 1.08 0.9 0.9 Gutter 950 53.5 0-056 5.2 3 5.2 7.45 0.85 1.08 0.9 0.9 6.7 (Avg flow depth = 0.31 ft. Avg Fic w Widt 10.5 ft.) File: 1344.00 June 1998 SECTION 5 FI OOP ROUTING CALCULATIONS The stonn drain pipes for the proposed systems were designed based on Manning's equation: Q=={\.m/n)xAxr^xs^^, where n = Roughness coefificient, A = Cross-sectional area of flow, r = Hydraulic radius, and s = Slope of culvert. 5.1 Flood Routing Method The Modified Rational Method was utilized to calculate peak storm water flows and route the calculated flows through the drainage system. When two major basins combine at a junction point, the smaller ofthe flows has been decreased by using the Modified Rational Method. This procedure accounts for the diflfering times of concentration for the flows upstream of the junction point. The smaller Q is reduced by either the ratio of the intensfties or the ratio of the times of concentration, according to the following procedure: • Let Q, T, and / conespond to the tributary with the largest discharge. • Let q, t, and ; conespond to the tributary with the smallest discharge. • Let Q and T correspond to the peak discharge and the time of concentration when peak flow occurs. 29 REP/1344PDR.DOC File: 1344.00 June 1998 - If r> ^, the peak discharge is conected by the ratio of the intensfties: m Q = Q + q{Ili) and T = T. If r< the peak discharge is conected by the ratio of the times of concentration: - Q = 2 + ^(7^/0 and T=r. *• 5.2 Pipe Flow m Travel time has been considered between the nodes of the flood-routed system. Travel time is ^ calculated by using the following formula: m Travel Time = Z,/(Fx 60), ^ where L = Pipe length (feet) and m ^ V= Velocity of flow in pipe (fl/sec). m * 5.3 Flood Routing Tables ^ A flood routing table for each pipe system has been prepared, using a hydrology program which consists of a system of macros developed wfthin the QuattroPro software. A printout for each 19 pipe system for the developed condition has been included in Table 3. m «• 5.4 Roughness Coefficients 'm ^ The dififerent pipes and channels that carry storm water have varying degrees of roughness associated with them. This roughness value is used in the equations to size the pipe or channel. ^ Manning's n for reinforced concrete pipe is 0.013, CMP is 0.022, and improved channels is 0.015. Naturally occurring inegular channels have a Manning's w of approximately 0.040. REPA344PDR.DOC 30 m File: 1344.00 June 1998 Table 4. Flood Routing Calculations Flood Routing for lOO-Year/6-Hour Storm 4* m "* RBP/1344ra)R.DOC 31 1 1 f Ililii 30-May-98 1 1 1 i 1 -A i • 1 f 1 • 1 i 1 1 lu DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS —1 } t J— —4 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 Frequency 100 yrs. DSND by: JQZ File Name: lOO-P-l.WQl P6 = 2.9 CHKD by: SB From To Type of L H Pipe Slope Velocity Tc Revised Intensity C A CA Sum Total Q Node Node Travel (ft) (ft) Dia(in) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (min) Tc (in/hr) (ac) Ca (cfs) SUBBAS IN Al Input Flow Tc = 18.6 3.27 15.7 01 02 Pipe Flow 286.1 25.5 24 0.089 17.5 0.3 18.9 3.24 0 0 15.7 D/d Calculated = 0.33 SUBBASIN Alb Input Flow Tc== 12.1 4-32 Gutter 400 16 0.040 3.5 1.9 14 3.93 0-0 (Avg flow depth = 0.17 ft. Avg Flo w Widt 3.5 ft.) SUBBASIN Ale Input Flow Tc = 5.8 6.94 4.9 SUBBASIN Al bc Flood Route Alb and Ale 5.8 6.94 4.9 SUBBASIN A Ibc Flood Route Al and Al bc 18.9 3.24 18.0 02 03 Trap Chn b = 10.0 115 4.9 0.043 7.4 0.26 19.16 3.21 0 0 18-0 Dn= 0.23 ft. rl I I I I *~3^Mai^ * * * * *^lA*[LEBl^AlRAft¥?ALCuffAi!orS ^ Proj-Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD If I i t I it I i Proj. Num: 1344.00 Frequency 100 yrs. P6= 2.9 DSND by: JQZ From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN Ala Input Flow Tc = 13.2 4-09 4.1 SUBBASIN Alabc Flood Route Albc and Ala 19.16 3.21 21.2 03 04 Pipe Flow 20 0.9 18 0.043 14 0 19-16 3.21 0 0 21.2 D/d Calculated = 0-8 04 05 Trap Chn b-20.0 60 0-3 0.005 1.71 0.58 19.74 3.15 0 0 21.2 Dn = 0.57 ft. 05 06 Pipe Flow 35 1.8 18 0.050 15 0 19.74 3.15 0 0 21.2 D/d Calculated = 0.74 SUBBASIN A2 Input Flow Tc= 18.8 3.25 34.1 11 06 Pipe Flow 30 1.5 24 0.050 17-3 0 18.8 3.25 0 0 34.1 D/d Calculated = 0.6 SUBBASIN Al 2 Flood Route Alabc and A2 18.8 3.25 54.3 06 07 Trap Chn b=20.0 350 20 0.057 5-22 1.12 19.92 3.13 0 0 54.3 Dn = 0.49 ft. i i i i i * i-i Ll I t 30-May-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 t i fc • ft_t. J I.. DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Frequency 100 yrs. P6= 2.9 DSND by: JQZ From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN A3 Input Flow Tc= 22.1 2-93 71.8 SUBBASIN Al 3 Flood Route Al 2 and A3 22.1 2-93 122.6 07 08 Pipe Flow 81.4 4 60 0-049 23.3 0.1 22.2 2.92 0 0 122.6 D/d Calculated = 0-31 SUBBASIN A3a Input Flow Tc= 11.3 4.52 1.9 21 08 Pipe Flow 29.6 0.9 18 0.030 6.7 0.1 11.4 4.49 0 0 1-9 D/d Calculated = 0.22 SUBBASIN Al 3a Flood Route Al 3 and A3a 22.2 2.92 123.8 08 09 Pipe Flow 90 2.3 60 0.025 18.4 0.1 22-3 2.91 0 0 123.8 D/d Calculated = 0.38 SUBBASIN A4 Input Flow Tc = 5.9 6.87 5.5 31 32 Pipe Flow 76 1.5 18 0.019 7.7 0.2 6.1 6.72 0 0 5.5 D/d Calculated = 0.42 J I i I i I K i I—i i—fc J—fc J—I 30-May-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: IOO-P-I.WQI DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULA AorA Frequency P6 = 100 yrs. 2.9 From Node To Node SUBBASIN Input Flow Type of Travel A5 L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Tc= Revised Tc 8.7 Intensity (in/hr) 5.35 DSND by: JQZ CHKD by: SB A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) 8 SUBBASIN Flood Route 32 09 SUBBASIN Flood Route A4 5 A4 and A5 8.7 Pipe Flow 141.9 2.8 18 0.020 9.4 0.3 D/d Calculated = 0.69 A-TOTAL Al 3a and A4 5 22.3 5.35 5.23 2-91 0 0 12.3 12.3 130.6 ^n I i t I t 1 • i tti mi fc< fci fci fci fc l fc J i i 1 I 1 i i r 30.May-98 ^ DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: IOO-P-2.WQI 1—t J Frequency 100 yrs- P6= 2-9 DSND by: JQZ CHKD by: SB From Node To Node SUBBASIN Input Flow 41 42 Type of Travel Cl Pipe Flow D/d Calculated = L (ft) H (ft) 15.5 0.23 SUBBASIN Input Flow SUBBASIN C2 Cl 2 Flood Route 42 43 SUBBASIN Input Flow SUBBASIN Flood Route Cl Pipe Flow D/d Calculated = C3 and 74.34 0.42 43 44 Cl 2 Pipe Flow D/d Calculated = 5.2 Pipe Dia(in) 18 Slope (ft/ft) 0.336 Velocity (ft/s) 23.1 C2 8-8 18 and 24-3 0.53 C3 2.9 Tc (min) Tc = 0 Revised Tc Tc = 0.119 19-0 0-1 0.120 21.1 Tc = 13.7 13.7 11.3 11.3 11.4 9.7 11.4 11.4 ntensity (in/hr) 3.99 3-99 4.52 4.52 4.49 4.98 4.49 4.49 A (ac) CA 0 Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) 0 0 0 0 7-2 7-2 7.7 13.6 13.6 7.0 19.9 19.9 30-May-98 DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 Frequency 100 yrs. FJIP Mamp- inn-p.9 wol P6= 2.9 DSNE CHKE » by: )by: JQZ SB From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN D Input Flow Tc = 16.5 3.54 55.2 51 52 Pipe Flow 13 0.8 30 0.065 21.6 0 16.5 3.54 0 0 55.2 D/d Calculated = 0.52 52 53 Pipe Flow 101.8 16 30 0.157 29.9 0.1 16.6 3.52 0 0 55.2 D/d Calculated = 0.4 SUBBASIN El Input Flow Tc = 13.32 4.06 9.3 61 62 Pipe Flow 14 5 18 0.360 25.5 0 13.32 4.06 0 0 9-3 D/d Calculated = 0.26 SUBBASIN E2 Input Flow Tc = 7.7 5.78 5.8 SUBBASIN El 2 Flood Route El and E2 13.32 4.06 13.4 62 63 Pipe Flow 81.5 0.5 24 0.006 6.1 0.2 13-52 4.02 0 0 13.4 D/d Calculated = 0.66 SUBBASIN E3 Input Flow Tc = 6.5 6.45 5.8 1 i I I 1^ J fc t Ol-Jun-98 Proj .Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 File Name: IOO-P-2.WQI J i fc i K I—fc i—fc I—I J—e 3 DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Frequency 100 yrs. P6= 2.9 DSND by: JQZ CHKD by: SB From Node To Node SUBBASIN Flood Route 63 64 64 65 Type of Travel El 2 Pipe Flow D/d Calculated = 65 66 66 67 SUBBASIN Input Flow 71 72 SUBBASIN Input Flow 81 72 Pipe Flow D/d Calculated = Pipe Flow D/d Calculated = Pipe Flow D/d Calculated = Fl Pipe Flow D/d Calculated = F4 Pipe Flow D/d Calculated = L (ft) and 296.8 0.38 296.3 0.4 296.3 0.41 260.4 0.39 647.4 0.26 87.86 H (ft) E3 18.1 Pipe Dia(in) 24 14.5 13 14.1 9.7 24 24 24 Slope (ft/ft) 0.061 0.049 Velocity (ft/s) 15.6 Tc (min) 0.3 0.044 0.054 42 0.54 31.6 18 0.015 0.360 14.4 13.9 14.9 9.1 36.9 0.3 0.4 0-3 Tc= 1-2 Tc = 0 Revised Tc 13.52 13.82 14.12 14.52 14-82 15.91 Intensity (in/hr) 4-02 3.97 3.91 3.84 3.79 3.62 17-11 16.49 16.49 3-46 3.54 3.54 A (ac) CA 0 0 0 0 Sum Ca 0 0 Total Q (cfs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 17 17 17 17 17.6 17.6 36.2 36.2 ^ I—( I—t I—ft n-i- 30-May-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 4 J—I s—fc i—fc i—1 i—ft J—t DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Frequency P6- IOO yrs- 2.9 DSND by: JQZ CHKD by: SB From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN Fl 4 Flood Route Fl and F4 16-49 3.54 53.2 72 73 Pipe Flow 584-6 32.2 42 0.055 19-8 0.5 16-99 3-47 0 0 53.2 D/d Calculated = 0.32 SUBBASIN F5 Input Flow Tc = 17-48 3.41 27.4 SUBBASIN F6 Input Flow Tc = 17.01 3.47 26.7 SUBBASIN F5 6 Flood Route F5 and F6 17-48 3-41 53.6 91 73 Pipe Flow 36.24 10 24 0-275 36-8 0 17.48 3.41 0 0 53.6 D/d Calculated = 0.47 SUBBASIN Fl 6 Flood Route Fl 4 and F5 6 17.48 3.41 105.9 SUBBASIN F2 Input Flow Tc = 5-9 6.87 5.5 I I I ^ i I fc i fc i fc i • i fc > fc_i LJ l-J LJ i-J l_l l_i •_ I—i 30-May-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj. Num: 1344.00 DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Frequency P6 = 100 yrs. 2-9 DSND by: CHKD by: JQZ SB From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN F2 6 Flood Route Fl 6 and F2 17.48 3.41 108.6 73 74 Pipe Flow 88-97 1.8 42 0.020 16.3 O.I 17.58 3.4 0 0 108-6 D/d Calculated = 0.65 SUBBASIN F3 Input Flow Tc = 5.9 6.87 5.5 SUBBASIN F Flood Route F2 6 and F3 17.58 3.4 111.3 74 67 Pipe Flow 186.2 5-6 42 0.030 19.2 0.2 17.78 3.37 0 0 111-3 D/d Calculated= 0-58 SUBBASIN E F Flood Route E and F 17.78 3-37 126.4 67 68 Pipe Flow 42.95 1.3 42 0.030 19.7 0 17.78 3-37 0 0 126.4 D/d Calculated = 0.63 SUBBASIN G2 Input Flow Tc = 4.7 7.95 2.4 92 93 Pipe Flow 112-8 5.1 18 0.045 8.2 0.2 4.9 7.74 0 0 2.4 D/d Calculated= 0.22 rl 1—t 1—1 i—t I—* I—fc 3—« i—1^1 -t i- 30-May-98 Proj.Name: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD Proj- Num: 1344.00 DETAILED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 4 3 1 3 1 ^ 1 3 Frequency P6 = 100 yrs. 2-9 DSND by: JQZ CHKD by: SB From To Node Node Type of Travel L (ft) H (ft) Pipe Dia(in) Slope (ft/ft) Velocity (ft/s) Tc (min) Revised Tc Intensity (in/hr) C A (ac) CA Sum Ca Total Q (cfs) SUBBASIN Gl Input Flow Tc = 5.8 6.94 6.2 SUBBASIN Gl 2 Flood Route G2 and Gl 5.8 6.94 8.4 SUBBASIN G3 Input Flow Tc-5.5 7.19 5 SUBBASIN G Flood Route Gl 2 and G3 5.8 6.94 13.2 93 94 Pipe Flow 31.66 1.1 24 0.034 11.8 0 5.8 6.94 0 0 13.2 D/d Calculated = 0.39 File: 1344.00 June 1998 SECTION 6 DETENTION BASIN DESIGN 6.1 Design Data A small detention basin. Pond D, will be designed to reduce the peak flow from Basin D. The detention basin will be regraded to make the minimum water surface elevation 449.00 and the maximum elevation 454.50. The total available storage volume is 26,884 cubic feet. A 24-mch concrete culvert will be used. 6.2 Software of Design Calculations PONDPACK, a software package designed by Haestad Methods, routes inflow hydrographs through detention basins with user-defined stage-storage characteristics. The software has several options for outiet stmcture configurations, in order to accurately model the proposed design. The computer-generated output includes graphical presentations of the inflow and outflow hydrographs, as well as the input characteristics of the detention basins and outiet stmctures in tabular form. 6.3 Summarv of Computation For a lOO-year/6-hour storm, the detention basin reduces the flow from 55.2 CFS to 37.4 CFS. The peak water surface is 453.90. The peak storage is approximately 21,314 cubic feet. (Refer to Appendix B for computer output.) RBP/1344ra)R.DOC 42 File: 1344.00 June 1998 APPENDIX A HYDROLOGY DESIGN CHARTS REPA344PDR.DOC A-l m RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS (RATIONAL METHOD) nFVFI nPFH ARgAS (URBAN} Land Use Residential: Single Family Mutti-Units Mobile Homes Rural (lots greater than 1/2 acre] Commercial 80% Impervious Industrial 90% Impervious Coefficient, C Soil Group ' 11 A B Q D .40 .45 .50 .55 .45 .50 .60 -70 .45 .50 .55 .65 .30 .35 .40 .45 .70 .75 .80 .85 .80 .85 .90 .95 NOTES; m (21 Soil Group maps are available at the offices of the Department of Public Works. Where actual conditions deviate significantiy from the tabulated imperviousness values of 80% or 90%, the values given for coefficient C, may be revised by multiplying 80% or 90% by the ratio of actual imperviousness to the tabulated imperviousness. However, in no case shall the final coefficient be less than 0.50, For example: Consider commerctal property on D soii group. Actual imperviousness = 50% Tabulated imperviousness = 80% Revised C = 50 x 0.85 = 0.53 80 A-l IV-A-9 APPENDIX IX Updated 4/93 11 Kill 11 ilfcl fcl fci till INTENSITY-DURAT- DtSIGN CHART lift I I f I rrrajrh" Directions for Application: 1) From precipitation naps determine 6 hr. and 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed in the County Hydro!ony Manual (10, 50 and TOO yr. maps included in th Design and Procedure Manual), 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Not nrplicable to Desert) 3) Plat 6 hr. precipitation on the right side of the chart. 4) Drav/ a Hne through the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency yr 1) P. 2) Adjusted *Pg= 3) t„ - 24 in. min. 4) I In/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region A-Z. APPENDIX XI IV-A-14 Revised 1/85 £QU/?r/OAJ , • (^) I - Leng//} of tva/^rs/7ed e/fiTcf/re s/ooe ///7£ CSee Appendix ^ B) I A4//es ^ /OOO 900 - BOO - 700 - £00 \ SOO 400 \ '—400 300 200 \ 3'— 4- 3- Z- \ \ \ //ours /OO \ - — SO • 30 I— ZD as — '—4^0 \ \—3000 M//ti//es — UO /so . /20 /DO SO 80 70 -60 -SO — 40 — 30 - 20 /8 /£ /4 NOTE poT^ATuS'T WATERSHE 5 ADD TEN MINUTES TO J ! COMPUTED TIME OF CON- \ J^ENTRATION. — /D — 2000 — /800 — /600 — /400 — /200 — /DOD — 900 — 800 — 700 — 600 -SOO — 400 — 300 \ \ — /2 /O 9 8 7 6 _ 4 — 3 200 H I A-3 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES DESIGN MANUAL NOMOGRAPH FOR DETERMINATION OF TIME OF CONCENTRATION (Tc) FOR NATURAL WATERSHEDS a^S/PA/ /9/?£/?S Oi^£^L/PA/D T/M£ O/^ FLOW CU/^i/SS A-4 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES URBAN AREAS OVERLAND TIME OF FLOW CURVES DESIGN MANUAL^ • DESIGN MANUAL^ APPENDIX X-C File: 1344.00 June 1998 APPENDIX B DETENTION BASIN COMPUTER OUTPUT REP/1344PDR.DOC B-l POND-2 Version: 5,20 S/N: »»> HYDROGRAPH PRINTOUT ««< 06-02-1998 13:46:25 Hydrograph file: c:\pond\1344\100YR-D .HYD Time Minutes HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time increment = 1-50 Minutes Time on left represents time for first Q in each row. 0.00 10.50 21.00 31.50 42.00 0.00 35.11 47.69 30.10 12.51 5.02 40.11 45.19 27.60 10.01 10.01 45.19 42.69 25.10 7.51 15.09 50.20 40.11 22.60 5.00 20.09 55.20 37.61 20.09 2.50 25.10 52.70 35.11 17.59 0.00 30.10 50.20 32.60 15.09 m POND-2 Version: 5.20 S/N: Plotted: 06-02-1998 Flow (cfs) 0 m 4.5 — S.O m - 7.5 - ^.0 - -^0.5 - «ri.2.0 - -^3.5 - ns-o - •-16.5 - *18.0 - "^9.5 — m 21.0 - "'22.5 m - 24.0 - ^5.5 - 27.0 - «28.5 - •30.0 - »31.5 - *33.0 - *34.5 - 'Tje.o - 37.5 - TIME (min) * File: c:\pond\1344\100YR-D .HYD Qmax = ,55.2 cfs mt POND-2 Version: 5.2 0 S/N: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BASIN 'D' PONDING STUDY CALCULATED 06-02-1998 11:42:57 DISK FILE: c:\pond\1344\POND-D .VOL Planimeter scale: 1 inch = 40 ft. Volume Volume Sum Elevation Planimeter Area Al-f-A2-i-sqr (A1*A2) 449.00 450.00 451.00 452.00 453.00 454.00 454.50 0.65 1.27 2.08 3.16 4.32 5.61 6. 09 1,040 2,032 3,328 5,056 6,912 8,976 9,744 0 4,526 7,960 12,486 17,880 23,765 28,072 0 1,509 2,653 4,162 5,960 7,922 4,679 0 1,509 4,162 8,324 14,284 22,205 26,884 IA = (sq.rt(Areal) 4- ((Ei-El) / (E2-E1) )* (sq. rt (Area2)-sq. rt (Areal))) where- El E2 = Closest two elevations with planimeter data * Ei' = Elevation at which to interpolate area Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for El, E2, respectively IA = Interpolated area for Ei * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where- ELl, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Are4l,Area2 = Areas computed for ELl, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between ELl and EL2 outlet Structure File: POND-D .STR POND-2 Version: 5.20 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed *********************** RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BASIN 'D' PONDING STUDY *********************** ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** Contributing Structures Elevation (ft) Q (cfs) Cor 449.00 449.25 0.0 0.0 449.50 0.1 1 449.75 0.6 1 m 450.00 1.5 1 450.25 3.0 1 m 450.50 4.7 1 450.75 6.9 1 m 451.00 9.2 1 451.25 12.0 1 m 451.50 15.1 1 451.75 17.9 1 452.00 21.2 1 452.25 24.0 1 •Wl 452.50 26.5 1 m 452.75 28.8 1 453.00 30.9 1 •m 453.25 32.8 1 453.50 34.7 1 m 453.75 36.4 1 454.00 38.1 1 m 454.25 39.8 1 454.50 0.0 (^UTue-'T ^T(^u6-ri/^e file- Outlet Structure File: POND-D -STR POND-2 Version: 5.20 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed *********************** RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BASIN 'D' PONDING STUDY *********************** Outlet Structure File: c:\pond\1344\POND-D .STR Planimeter Input File: c:\pond\1344\POND-D .VOL Rating Table Output File: c:\pond\1344\POND-D .PND Min. Elev.(ft) = 449 Max. Elev.(ft) = 454.5 Incr.(ft) = .25 Additional elevations (ft) to be included in table: ************************** m ********************************************** SYSTEM CONNECTIVITY ********************************************** Structure No. Q Table Q Table CULVERT-CR 1 -> 1 Outflow rating table summary was stored in file: c:\pond\1344\POND-D .PND outlet Structure File: POND-D .STR POND-2 Version: 5.20 S/N: Date Executed: Time Executed: *********************** RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BASIN 'D' PONDING STUDY *********************** * »»» Structure No. 1 ««« (Input Data) ^ CULVERT-CR Circular Culvert (With Inlet Control) m> El elev. (ft)? 449.0 E2 elev.(ft)? 454.5 Diam. (ft)? 2.0 Inv. el.(ft)? 449.4 * Slope (ft/ft)? 0.07 Tl ratio? * T2 ratio? ^ K Coeff.? 0.534 M coeff.? 0.555 c Coeff.? 0.0196 * Y Coeff.? 0.89 m Form 1 or 2? 2 Slope factor? -0.5 m Outlet Structure File: POND-D .STR POND-2 Version: 5.20 Date Executed: S/N: Time Executed; m *********************** RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BASIN 'D' PONDING STUDY *********************** Outflow Rating Table for Structure #1 CULVERT-CR Circular Culvert (With Inlet Control) ***** INLET CONTROL ASSUMED ***** Elevation (ft) Q (cfs) Computation Messages 449.00 0.0 E < Inv.El.= = 449.4 449.25 0.0 E < Inv.El.= = 449.4 449.50 0.1 Equ.2: HW = .1 449.75 0.6 Equ.2: HW = .35 450.00 1.5 Equ.2: HW = .6 450.25 3.0 Equ.2: HW = .85 m 450.50 4.7 Equ.2: HW = 1.1 m 450.75 6.9 Equ.2: HW =1.35 451.00 9.2 Equ.2: HW =1.6 451.25 12.0 Equ.2: HW = 1.85 451.50 15.1 Equ.2: HW =2.1 451.75 17.9 Submerged: HW =2.35 452.00 21.2 Submerged: HW =2.6 452.25 24.0 Submerged: HW =2.85 452 .50 26.5 Submerged: HW =3.1 jH 452.75 28.8 Submerged: HW = 3.35 453.00 30.9 Submerged: HW =3.6 -m 453.25 32.8 Submerged: HW =3 .85 453.50 34.7 Submerged: HW =4.1 453.75 36.4 Submerged: HW =4.35 454.00 38.1 Submerged: HW =4.6 454.25 39.8 Submerged: HW =4.85 m 454.50 0.0 E = or > E2 =454.5 Used Unsubmerged Equ. Form (2) for elev. less than 451.54 ft Used Submerged Equation for elevations greater than 451.74 ft HW=Headwater (ft) Transition flows interpolated from the following values: El=451.54 ft; Ql=15.55 cfs; E2=451.74 ft; Q2=17.77 cfs — POND-2 Version: 5.2 0 S/N: EXECUTED: 06-02-1998 13:44:02 Page 1 ***************************** * * * RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD * * BASIN 'D' PONDING STUDY * * * * * * * ***************************** Inflow Hydrograph: c:\pond\1344\100YR-D Rating Table file: c:\pond\1344\POND-D INITIAL CONDITIONS Elevation = 449.00 ft Outflow = 0.00 cfs Storage = 0 cu-ft HYD PND GIVEN POND DATA m ELEVATION OUTFLOW STORAGE <m (ft) (Cfs) (cu-ft) m 449.00 0.0 0 449.25 0.0 287 449.50 0.1 630 449.75 0.6 1,036 450.00 1.5 1,508 450.25 3.0 2,053 m 450.50 4.7 2,673 m 450.75 6.9 3,375 451.00 9.2 4,162 451.25 12.0 5,043 451.50 15.1 6,027 M 451.75 17.9 7,119 452.00 21.2 8,324 m 452.25 24.0 9,642 452.50 26.5 11,072 M 452.75 28.8 12,618 453.00 30.9 14,284 m 453.25 32.8 16,073 m 453.50 34 .7 17,987 453.75 36.4 20,029 «• 454.00 38.1 22,206 454.25 39.8 24,497 m INTERMEDIATE ROUTING COMPUTATIONS 2S/t 2S/t + 0 (cfs) (cfs) 0.0 0.0 6.4 6.4 14 . 0 14.1 23.0 23.6 33.5 35.0 45.6 48.6 59.4 64.1 75.0 81.9 92.5 101.7 112.1 124.1 133.9 149.0 158.2 176.1 185.0 206.2 214.3 238.3 246.0 272.5 280.4 309.2 317.4 348.3 357.2 390.0 399.7 434.4 445.1 481.5 493.5 531.6 544.4 584.2 Time increment (t) = 1.5 min POND-2 Version: 5.20 S/N: "EXECUTED: 06-02-1998 13:44:02 ""pond File: c:\pond\1344\POND-D .PND «Inflow Hydrograph: c:\pond\1344\100YR-D .HYD Outflow Hydrograph: c:\pond\1344\0UT .HYD Page 2 INFLOW HYDROGRAPH m TIME (min) 0.0 1.5 3 4 6 7 9 10 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5 21.0 22.5 24.0 25.5 27.0 28.5 30.0 31.5 33 . 0 34.5 36.0 37.5 39.0 40.5 42 . 0 43.5 45.0 46 . 5 48.0 49.5 INFLOW (Cfs) 0. 00 5. 02 10.01 15.09 20. 09 25.10 30.10 35.11 40.11 45.19 50.20 55.20 52.70 50.20 47 . 69 45.19 42. 69 40.11 37 .61 35.11 32 . 60 30.10 27. 60 25.10 22.60 20. 09 17 . 59 15.09 12.51 10.01 7.51 5. 00 2. 50 0.00 ROUTING COMPUTATIONS 11+12 2S/t - 0 2S/t + 0 OUTFLOW ELEVATION (Cfs) (Cfs) (Cfs) (Cfs) (ft) 0.0 0.0 0.00 449,00 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.00 449.20 15.0 19.2 20.1 0.41 449.66 25.1 39.3 44.3 2.53 450.17 35. 2 62.5 74.5 5.98 450.65 45.2 87.8 107.7 9.95 451.07 55.2 114.3 143.0 14.35 451.44 65. 2 142.9 179.5 18.27 451.78 75. 2 173.7 218.2 22.25 452.09 85.3 208.0 259.0 25.51 452.40 95.4 246.5 303.3 28.43 452,71 105,4 289.8 351.9 31.06 453.02 107.9 331.4 397.7 33.13 453.29 102 .9 364.9 434.3 34.70 453.50 97.9 391.3 462.8 35.72 453.65 92.9 411.2 484.2 36.49 453.76 87.9 425.1 499.1 37.00 453.84 82 .8 433.3 507.9 37.30 453.88 77.7 436.2 511.1 37 .40 453.90 72.7 434.3 509.0 37.33 453.89 67.7 427.8 502.0 37.10 453.85 62.7 417.1 490,5 36.71 453.80 57.7 402 .5 474.8 36.16 453.71 52.7 384.3 455.2 35.45 453.61 47.7 362.8 432.0 34.60 453.49 42.7 338.6 405. 5 33.46 453.34 37.7 311.9 376.2 32.17 453.17 32.7 283.2 344.6 30.70 452.98 27.6 253. 0 310.8 28.88 452.76 22.5 222.1 275.5 26.69 452.52 17.5 191.5 239.7 24.10 452.26 12.5 162 . 1 204 . 0 20.96 451.98 7.5 135.1 169. 6 17 . 22 451.69 2.5 110.2 137.6 13,68 451.39 Pacfe 3 POND-2 Version: 5.20 S/N: EXECUTED: 06-02-1998 13:44:02 ****************** SUMMARY OF ROUTING COMPUTATIONS ****************** Pond File: c:\pond\1344\POND-D -PND inflow Hydrograph: c:\pond\1344\100YR-D .HYD Outflow Hydrograph: c:\pond\1344\OUT -HYD Starting Pond W.S. Elevation = 449.00 ft ***** Summary of Peak Outflow and Peak Elevation ***** Peak Inflow = 55.20 cfs Peak Outflow = 37.40 cfs Peak Elevation = 453.90 ft ***** Summary of Approximate Peak Storage ***** initial Storage = 0 cu-ft Peak Storage From Storm = 21,314 cu-tr Total Storage in Pond = 21,314 cu-ft POND-2 Version: 5.20 S/N: Pond File: c:\pond\1344\POND-D .PND ?n?iow Hydrograph: c:\pond\1344\100YR-D .HYD outflow Hydrograph: c:\pond\1344\OUT .HYD Peak Inflow Peak Outflow = Peak Elevation = Page 4 EXECUTED: 06-02-1998 13:44:02 55.20 Cfs 37.40 cfs 453.90 ft Flow (cfs) 0.0 6.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 36 0 42 0 48.0__54 0__60 0__66 0 4.5 - '^e.o - 7.5 - 9.0 - 10.5 - m ^12.0 - ,^13.5 - ^15.0 - M.16.5 - -•18.0 - ->19.5 - *21.0 -I *22.5 - m 24.0 -«• 25.5 -m 21.0 - mm ^28.5 - 30.0 - ^31.5 - -33.0 - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X * X * X* *x * X * X * X * X * X * X * X TIME (min) * File: c:\pond\1344\100YR-D .HYD Qmax = 55.2 cfs X File: c:\pond\1344\OUT .HYD Qmax = 37.4 cfs