HomeMy WebLinkAbout3190; Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment; Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment & Mass Grading; 2000-03-01ADDENDUM FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD REALIGNMENT AND MASS GRADING - I TO THE - FOR THE - P SCH # 90010850 March 2000 Prepared by: CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92009 c . .. TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae No . . . . c . c c c 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................... 1-1 1.1 Purpose of the Addendum ..................................... 1-1 1.2 Content and Format of the Addendum .......................... 1-2 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................ 2-1 2.2 Location and Setting ......................................... 2-1 2.3 Project Characteristics ........................................ 2-1 2.3.1 Phase 1 and 2: Roadway Realignment ..................... 2-3 2.3.2 Phase 2: Bridge Improvements ........................... 2-5 2.3.3 Project Construction ................................... 2-5 2.4 Measures Included to Avoid Environmental Impacts ............... 2-6 2.1 Purpose .................................................... 2-1 .............................................. 3.0 DETERMINATION 3-1 .................................................... ................................................. 4.0 RATIONALE 4-1 4.1 AirQuality 4-2 4.3 Water Resources 4-3 4.4 Biological Resources 4-4 4.5 Noise 4-6 4.6 Light and Glare 4-7 4.7 LandUse 4-7 4.8 PublicService 4-8 4.9 Utilities 4-8 4.2 Earth Resources ............................................... 4-2 ............................................. .......................................... ...................................................... .............................................. ................................................... ............................................... .................................................... 4.10 Landform Alteration/Visual Quality ............................. 4-8 4.11 CulturaVHistoric Resources ................................... 4-9 4.14 Growth Inducement ........................................ 4-10 ........................................... ......................................... 4.12 Traffic/Circulation 4-9 4.13 Cumulative Effects 4-10 1576-1 7 March 2000 i rwddTcm~h*bfi~ Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement . . I c TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Section 5.0 MITIGATION, MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM (MMRP) ................................ 5-1 ................................................... 6.0 REFERENCES 6-1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Limits of Gradincicinity Map ................................ 2-2 Figure 2 Final Alignment ............................................. 2-4 1576-1 7 ii March 2000 P&A-I~-~--+W=” Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement , SECTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of the Addendum - c c In 1992, the City of Carlsbad (the City) approved the preliminary alignment for the Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading project. Approval of the project was based on the certified Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) - Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading (SCH #90010850) dated April 3, 1992. This EIR is available for review at the City of Carlsbad. The City project approved in 1992 provided for realignment and construction of Rancho Santa Fe Road and mass grading of 448 acres within an area in eastern Carlsbad. The project evaluated in the EIR addressed relocation of existing Rancho Santa Fe Road easterly to what was referred to as the ‘Canyon Alignment,” replacing the bridge over San Marcos Creek, and expansion of the road into a six-lane arterial between La Costa Avenue and Melrose Drive as called for in the Circulation Element of the City’s General Plan. The project evaluated in the EIR set the preliminary alignment and limits of grading for the roadway and bridge replacement. The City has now completed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment as well as the bridge replacement which differ slightly from the preliminary alignment and bridge replacement evaluated in the EIR. The City desires to document the Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement. This Addendum fulfills this need and conforms to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines, Section 15164, providing for the preparation of an Addendum. The CEQA Guidelines allow the preparation of an Addendum to an EIR under the following circumstances: 1. - c Only minor technical changes or additions are necessary to make the.EIR under - consideration adequate; 2. The changes and additions to the EIR do not raise important new issues about significant effects on the environment; and e c 3. None of the conditions described in Section 15162, CEQA Guidelines, calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred. March 2000 1576-17 1-1 ~w~T-~~~pm~~ Final EIR Addendum 4 Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading i Section 1.0 Introduction c- 1.2 Content and Format of the Addendum This addendum includes the following: Section 1 .O, Introduction: Provides an Introduction to and purpose of the Addendum. Section 2.0, Project Description: Provides a description of the proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment as well as the bridge replacement. Section 3.0, Determination: CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 through 15164 set forth the criteria for determining the appropriate environmental documentation, if any, to be completed when there is a pre-existing adopted EIR covering the project. This section addresses the criteria provided in CECA Guidelines, Section 15162(a) and 15163, and provides a conclusion statement as to the basis for preparing an Addendum to the existing Final EIR pursuant to CEaA Guidelines Section 15164. Section 4.0, Rationale: This section addresses environmental resource areas and provides discussion as to why the proposed project would not create new significant impacts or increase the severity of impacts identified for environmental issues addressed in the certified Final EIR. The following resource areas are addressed: Air Quality, Earth Resources, Water Resources, Biological Resources, Noise, Light and Glare, Land Use, Public Services, Utilities, Landform Alteration /Visual Quality, Cultural/Historic Resources, Traffic/Circulation, Cumulative Impacts and Growth Inducement. Section 5.0, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Incorporated into the Project: This section presents mitigation measures presented in the Final EIR that are necessary to accommodate the project changes addressed in this Addendum. Technical Studies: The following separate technical studies have been prepared Eor the Final Alignment Studies for the roadway alignment as well as the bridge replacement: c Agra Environmental, 1998. Geotechncial Study. Dudek & Associates, March 24, 1997. Water Quality Study Rancho Santa Fe Bridge Replacement Project. 0 Dudek & Associates, March 25,1997. VisualAssessment ofRancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement. March 2000 1576-17 1-2 ~+.k-~*-f..~myJ..f++- Hnal EIR Addendum 4 Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading i Section 1.0 Introduction Dudek & Associates, April 7, 1997. Phase 1 Environmental Assessment Rancho Dudek & Associates, January 12,2000. Floodplain Evaluation Report Rancho Santa Santa Fe Bridge Replacement. 0 Fe Bridge Replacement Project. Dudek & Associates, January, 2000. Acoustical Assessment Report Rancho Santa Fe Bridge Replacement Project. Dudek &Associates, February, 2000. Biological Resources Report for Rancho Santa Gallegos & Associates, February, 2000. Cultural Resources Report for Rancho Fe Roadway Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project. Santa Fe Roadway Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project. These technical studies are incorporated into this Addendum by reference and are available for review at the City. 1 576-1 7 1-3 March 2000 rw-bnnlT-lmc--~k=p~d Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading SECTION 2.0 L- c 2.1 Purpose As discussed in the EIR, the proposed roadway realignment, widening and bridge replacement improvements are necessary to implement the transportation requirements of the City of Carlsbad General Plan. Community benefits from this project will include reduced congestion, improved traffic flow and increased safety for travelers on the roadway. Additionally, this road realignment will provide a vital link in the regions roadway network, Increasing the capacity of the roadway would bring levels of service at intersections in the project vicinity to acceptable levels and improve air quality by reducing traffic congestion. The project will also involve replacement of the existing bridge over San Marcos Creek which is currently hydraulically inadequate and cannot pass the 100-year storm without becoming submerged. 2.2 Location and Setting Rancho Santa Fe Road would be widened and realigned from two lanes to an ultimate six lane prime arterial roadway from approximately 100 feet south of the La Costa Avenue/ Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection to approximately 100 feet north of the Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road within the City of Carlsbad. Figure 1 illustrates the preliminary alignment evaluated in the EIR and the Final Alignment evaluated in this Addendum. As illustrated in Figure I, the Final Alignment Studies and associated limits of grading for the roadway realignment as well as bridge replacement are substantially in conformance with the preliminary alignment and bridge replacement evaluated in the EIR. 2.3 Project Characteristics The City intends to construct the project in two phases. Phase 1 will consist of the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road south of the San Marcos Bridge crossing. Phase 2 will consist of the bridge replacement and intersection improvements north of the bridge. As a part of the Final Alignment Studies, the roadway would be widened at the locations anticipated in the EIR and no substantial changes to the preliminary alignment or permanent limits of grading are proposed as a part of the Final Alignment Studies. March 2000 1576-1 7 2-1 Final EIR Addendum +Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement FIGURE Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading - EIR Addendum limits of Grading I Vicinity Map ..-- e - c c c c Section 2.0 Project Description The Final Alignment Studies configuration illustrated in Figure 1 represents a refinement of the preliminary alignment to accommodate specific grading and alignment design developed for the Final Alignment Studies. As a result, some minor modifications to the area of disturbance from that addressed in the EIR to accommodate temporary construction activities, and improvements to existing roads are necessary to implement the Final Alignment Studies. As shown in Figure 1) the Final Alignment Studies extend beyond the limits of grading identified in the EIR at the Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection as well as the southeastern border south of Questhaven. The Final Alignment Studies also incorporate some roadway work south of the Rancho Santa Fe Road/La Costa Avenue intersection, Questhaven Road and La Costa Meadows Avenue that is not covered by the EIR. The area of disturbance in the vicinity of the Melrose/Rancho Santa Fe intersection from that identified in the EIR is necessary to accommodate temporary construction staging areas, further.refine the location of the Melrose/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection as required by the EIR, as well as provide a connection with the Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment and widening to be built by the City of San Marcos. Work to be completed south of the La Costa Avenue/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection would consist of connection with the previously widened portions of Rancho Santa Fe Road and would not represent an expansion of the capacity of the roadway from that anticipated in the EIR. The increase in the limits of grading for Questhaven Road and La Costa Meadows Avenue is necessary to accommodate turning lanes at the intersections with Rancho Santa Fe Road and no increase to the capacity or alignment of these roadways is proposed. 2.3.1 Phase 1 and 2: Roadwav Realianment As shown in Figure 2, the Final Alignment Studies include specifics regarding grading including location and size of manufactured slopes. The realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road would be constructed to the full width on the east side of the median, with sidewalks, curb and gutter, and street lights from the bridge to Melrose Drive. The west side of the roadway will be constructed with 32 feet of paving adjacent to the median curb. The Final Alignment Studies also include drainage facilities and drainage outlets to be constructed as a part of the project. As shown in Figures 1 and 2, the Final Alignment Studies also include a configuration and specific grading plans for the Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection. The EIR required that the City finalize this intersection con€iguration, prior to construction. As shown in Figure 1) the final alignment intersection configuration conforms with the preliminary alignment anticipated by the City as a part of the EIR. March2000 1576-17 Final EIR Addendum +Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 2-3 62 ASSOCIATES, INC. hw c i EXHIBIT Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading - EIR Addendum Final Alignment I Section 2.0 Project Description - 2.3.2 Phase 2: Bridae Improvements - The EIR identified the location and limits of grading for replacement of the bridge over San Marcos Creek. The proposed final alignment bridge replacement would conform with the location and limits of grading evaluated in the 1992 EIR. The Final Alignment Studies provide details necessary to construct the bridge replacement that were not identified in the preliminary alignment evaluated in the 1992 EIR. As shown in Figure 2, under the final alignment, the bridge would consist of six lanes. The span over San Marcos Creek would extend for approximately 375 feet and would range in height from 15 to 20 feet from the creek bottom to the bottom of the bridge. The bridge would be supported by manufactured fill slopes at the northern and southern termini of the bridge. A total of twelve piers would support the bridge span. Each pier would be constructed by excavating a pit and using driven iron piers to form and cast each individual concrete pier. Following construction OF the piers, the excavation area would be refilled and returned to original grade. Each pier would include 4'xQ columns and 12Ix12' footings. 2.3.3 Project Construction The EIR identified construction activities necessary to complete grading for the roadway. The EIR identified construction staging areas as well as locations for blasting operations. Construction activities and equipment for the Final Alignment Studies would conform with that anticipated by the EIR. As required by the EIR, the proposed earthwork will be balanced between cut and fill. The quantity of dirt and rocked moved within the project construction area would not exceed that evaluated by the EIR. Staging and blasting areas anticipated to be used during construction are included in the limits of grading shown in Figure 2 and are consistent with that anticipated by the EIR. Construction of the project is scheduled to begin in 2001 fiscal year. Construction activities will begin with Phase 1 portion of the project. Construction OF Phase 1 will take approximately eighteen months. Construction of the Phase 2 portion of the project is expected to begin in 2002 and will take approximately 18 months. As required in the EIR, in association with completion of Phases 1 and 2 segments of the realigned roadway, those portions of the existing Rancho Santa Fe Road that are no longer required as roads will be vacated. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the roadway removal that will occur during construction. As shown inFigure 1, the area of roadway to be vacated conforms with that evaluated in the EIR. - VI March2000 1576-1 7 ~.ll+ad~mmlbrhwew Final EIR Addendum +Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacemint 2-5 &ASSOCIATES, INC. c Section 2.0 Project Description L c ! I c .- 2.4 Measures Included to Avoid Environmental Impacts The City has incorporated as part of its proposed Final Alignment Studies a number of measures to reduce or avoid potential environmental impacts associated with construction and operations of the proposed project. All measures required for the roadway by the EIR as well as measures recommended by subsequent technical studies have been incorporated into the project design. These measures are considered part of the project and are summarized below: Air Quality Measures incorporated into the project to minimize project-related impact to air quality associated with construction include: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Using adequate water and/or other dust palliatives on all disturbed areas. Washing down or sweeping streets from which construction access is taken to remove dirt carried from the new alignment to the existing roadway to keep vehicles from pulverizing the dirt into fine particles. Terminating soil excavation, clearing or grading when wind speeds exceed 25 mph for an hourly average. Coverindtarping all vehicles hauling dirt or spoils on public roadways unless additional moisture is added to prevent material blow-off during transport. Requiring low-NO,-emission tuneups for all on-site construction equipment at a minimum of every ninety (90) days. Providing rideshare incentives for construction personnel. Minimizing obstruction of through traffic lanes from construction equipment or activities. Prohibiting engine idling while waiting to load or unload if the expected wait exceeds ten (10) minutes. ScheduIing partial or full street closures to off-peak traffic hours. The Contractor will perform street sweeping should silt be carried over to adjacent public thoroughfares. 1 576-1 7 March2000. &ASSOCIATES, INC. W-T~~~~~flrrrn~ Final EIR Addendum +Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 2-6 c Section 2.0 Project Description During construction, the City will require the contractor to: -- use water trucks or sprinkler systems to keep all areas where vehicles move damp enough to prevent dust raised when leaving the site; wet down areas in the late morning and after work is completed for the day; and -- use low sulfur fuel (0.5% by weight) for construction equipment. Bikeways will be provided along Rancho Santa Fe Road as required by City standards; if required by the North County Transit District, bus shelters and benches and street pockets will be installed on Rancho Santa Fe Road; bicycle storage facilities will be provided at any park and ride sites as required by Caltrans. -- 0 Earth Resources 0 All improvements proposed in the Final Alignment Studies comply with the City grading ordinance and incorporate all requirements of the geotechnical analysis included as Appendix C of the EIR. Measures required by supplemental Agra Environmental geotechnical reports (1998) to avoid geotechnical hazards such as soil instability, erosion or dam instability from blasting will be incorporated into the design of the Final Alignment Studies. The contractor will utilize straw, hydroseeding, mulching, or other suitable materials or techniques during construction activities to reduce the erosion potential for uncovered soils. The contractor will install temporary culverts, ditches, catchment basins, and settling ponds where needed during construction to collect excess water and sediments carried from the construction site. Sediments collected will be disposed of onsite, unless contamination of sediment with hazardous material occurs, which would require disposal at a Class I1 or Class I11 disposal site. 0 0 0 1 576-1 7 2-7 March2000 &ASSOCIATES, INC. J%/-I&T-wlnrGm++ Final EIR Addendum +Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement c ! Section 2.0 Proiect Descrintion Water Resources 0 All erosion control measures required by the City Grading ordinance for roadways will be incorporated into the project design; Project design will ensure that no additional runoff will drain into Stanley Mahr Reservoir 0 All refuse generated during grading will be contained and removed Construction Phase: During the construction phase, BMPs will be applied to control storm water runoff and to provide dust control. These measures include: Gravel berms, filter fabric fences, lines of straw bales, to prevent erosion Surfacing of roadways will occur as soon as possible Periodic watering of areas to keep dust down Prompt revegetation of surrounding areas to prevent erosion The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as identified in the construction activity permit from the RWQCB will be implemented and followed. To minimize water quality degradation by sedimentation of the river channel during construction, construction of the new bridge piers and demolition of existing piers will be limited to the dry season (March to October). Operational Phase: The roadway design includes devices for storm water treatment These devices capture and treat the storm water prior to discharge to San Marcos Creek. BMPs will also be applied to reduce pollutant loads to San Marcos Creek. These BMP’s will include use of rip-rap at stormdrain outlets to reduce the velocity of runoff. The City will follow all recommendations made pertaining to erosion control in the geotechnical evaluation by Geocon, Inc., the City of Carlsbad’s Grading Ordinance, and Landscape Manual. 0 0 When feasible, hauling by the developer will be accomplished in a manner that minimizes the spillage of soil onto roads in developed areas. March2000 1576-1 7 2-8 &ASSOCIATES, INC. w ~-.b~~np~- Final EIR Addendum +Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement c c Section 2.0 Project Description 0 Refuse material such as oil, grease, and broken equipment generated during grading will be property contained and removed offsite to a disposal site. Bioloaical Resources The City is currently in the process of obtaining the necessary permits for wetland impacts. These permits include a Nationwide Permit in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act from the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), a Section 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreement from the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), and a Water Quality Certification from the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) in accordance with Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. These permits will be obtained prior to implementation of grading. The new bridge and abutments have been designed to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and water of the United States to the extent feasible. Project impacts to southern willow scrub wetlands and unvegetated stream channel will be minimized as follows: . -- For impacts to wetlands habitats, the project will include habitat creation, restoration, enhancement or acquisition pursuant to permit requirements of the ACOE and CDFG. The following ratios are included in the project €or permanent impacts: for unvegetated stream channels, 1:l; for southern willow scrub, 3:l. Following demolition of the old bridge over San Marcos Creek, this area will be restored to support southern willow scrub habitat. Following temporary impacts necessary to construct the new bridge, pre-construction contours will be restored and those areas that will support vegetation will be revegetated with riparian plants. 0 For permanent impacts to upland habitats associated with the roadway realignment, the City has purchased habitat credits in conformance with the 1996 Fieldstone Habitat Conservation Plan(HCP). The City has contributed approximately 2 million dollars to the purchase of mitigation property identified as a part of the HCP for impacts associated with realignment of the roadway. 1576-17 2-9 March 2000 &ASSOCIATES, INC. m?i-o~'r~~J~~w'=Hq.ar Final EIR Addendum +Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement c c c c Section 2.0 Project Description Vegetation removal that is needed to accomplish the project will be conducted between 15 September and 15 February immediately prior to construction. All work will be conducted during the daytime hours; night lighting will not occur except in an emergency situation. With the eight-foot high sound wall proposed by the project to be located along the western right-of-way north of Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection, the future peak hour average noise level would be 61 to 62 dB and future noise levels would not exceed FHWNCaltrans noise criteria at four homes located along Rancho Santa Fe Road. The eight-foot wall height is based on the acoustical assessment prepared for the City of San Marcos to address the widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road at this location (DUDEK, January 2000). Assuming the City of San Marcos constructs this segment of Rancho Santa Fe Road, the City of San Marcos will be responsible for constructing the eight-foot high sound wall. If the City of Carlsbad constructs the proposed project first, the City of Carlsbad has committed to constructing the sound wall. All City construction timing requirements would be adhered to as a part of project construction. Stationary equipment will be placed such that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive noise receivers such as residential areas. Stockpiling and vehicle staging areas will be located as far as practical from occupied dwellings. Every effort will be made to create the greatest distance between noise sources and receptors during construction operations. All construction equipment, including trucks used for hauling roadbed material, shall have exhaust and muffler systems in compliance with state standards for emission and noise control. Liaht and Glare Directional street lighting will be utilized to direct lighting away from existing residences. March 2000 ’ 1576-17 2-10 I’.orurlonalTeonuforC~~laP~i~ Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement c c c c c 7 Section 2.0 Project Description 0 Use median landscaping within specifications of the City’s Landscape Manual to limit the effect of headlights to oncoming tra€fic. All street lighting will be property directed so as to limit excess light from intruding into sensitive areas. 0 0 City design will use low pressure sodium street lights for preservation of a “dark sky.” Visual Qualitgrllandform Alteration 0 All grading proposed for the roadway will conform with recommendations of Appendix C of the EIR, Carlsbad Grading Ordinance and Hillside development regulations. Proposed manufactured slopes will not exceed the maximum heights anticipated in the EIR (maximum 100 feet). All temporarily exposed manufactured slopes necessary to accommodate the roadway will be landscaped immediately with a hydroseed mix and jute matting . Step grading techniques will be used where Feasible in the construction of the three cut slopes proposed south of the replacement bridge to simulate existing terrain, as well as to better accommodate hydroseeding and planting efforts Grading techniques such as rounding the edges of the cut will be used to blend the slopes in the existing terrain To control erosion, exposed portions OF proposed fill and cut areas will be planted with a hydroseed mix containing native drought tolerant species. Due to the high visibility of the proposed manufactured slopes, cut slope areas adjacent to natural areas will be planted with native, drought tolerant shrubs and trees where feasible (shrubs and trees may not survive in cut areas that expose rocky surfaces). All cut slopes will be treated with a hydroseed mix containing native species. Planting will occur within three months after grading and will be temporarily irrigated until plants become established. All landscaping on manuFactured slopes, as we11 as on the roadway median, will comply with the guidelines of the City of CarIsbad Scenic Corridor Guidelines Manual. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 March 2000 1576-1 7 2-1 1 P,+.~-IT~~J~C~~~I~~W Final EIR Addendum Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement c c c Section 2.0 Project Description Traff ic/Circulation 0 0 0 0 A configuration for the Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection has been established by the Final Alignment Studies that is consistent with the alignment established in the EIR;. Final Alignment Studies include a signal at the Questhaven Road/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection. The Final Alignment Studies provide for full signalization at the Rancho Santa Fe RoadKadencia Street intersection. A traffic control plan will be completed which lists all timing, traffic and safety issues for construction of the roadway. The traffic control plan will provide €or truck rerouting and that minimizes detours. The plan will be provided to the contractor. 1576-17 2-1 2 March 2000 Rofc.rimrJTelmuforCmnplahoiactr Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement SECTION 3.0 DETERMINATION c c c I- ?- c - c . The CEaA Guidelines Section 15162 through 15164 set forth the criteria €or determining the appropriate environmental documentation, if any, to be completed when there is a pre- existing adopted EIR covering the project. The City provides the €allowing findings: The Rationale of the Findings is presented in Section 4 of this document. CEQA Guidelines, Section 15162(a) and 15163 state that “when an EIR has been certified for a project, no subsequent or supplemental EIR shall be prepared for that project unless the lead agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence in light of the whole public record, one or more of the following:” 1. “Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR due to the involvement of new significak environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects. Discussion: As discussed in Section 2.0 of this document and illustrated in Figure I, -the Final Alignment Studies €or the roadway realignment and bridge replacement substantially con€orms with the preliminary roadway alignment evaluated in the EIR. The Final Alignment Studies provide the detail regarding grading and roadway alignment necessary to construct the alignment approved by the City that was not identified as a part of the preliminary alignment evaluated in the EIR. As also shown in Figure 1, improvements associated with the Final Alignment Studies would substantially conform with that evaluated in the EIR. As discussed in Section 4, Rationale, of this document, comparison of the environmental impacts considered in the certified EIR with the current proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement would not result in new significant environmental effects. The proposed action will not require any changes to the project description that may have a significant adverse impact to the environment. Therefore, no substantial changes have been identified. 2. “Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR due to the involvement of New significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity ofpreviously identified significant efects. March 2000 1576-17 &ASSOCIATES, INC. w~~~-lor-w’wu Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement 3-1 i Section 3.0 Determination Discussion: No changes to the circumstances under which the EIR was adopted in 1992, resulting in significant new or increased effects were identified in the environmental review of the proposed roadway and bridge Final Alignment Studies. As discussed in Section 4, Rationale, of this document, comparison of the environmental impacts considered in the certified EIR with the current proposed construction plans for the roadway did not identify any change to the baseline conditions or to impacts associated with the project. Consequently, no changes in , circumstances have occurred that would require major revisions of the previous EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects. 3. “New information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete shows any of the following:” a> “The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR or Negative Declaration; or” Discussion: As discussed in Section 4, Rationale, of this document, no new information of substantial importance which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified has been identified during the environmental review of the Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement. b) “Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; or” Discussion: As discussed in Section 4, Rationale, of this document, based on a review of the previous EIR, no previously examined effects will be more severe than shown in the previous EIR. c) “Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible, and would substantially reduce one or more significant efects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or” c- March 2000 1576-17 3-2 &ASSOCIATES, INC. Ro/.rraurlTa-lmCnnph’w Final EIR Addendum Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement - !- r- I i r- T- f I i i i. c T r L I ?- Section 3.0 Determination Discussion: As discussed in Section 4, Rationale of this document, no new information or changes in the project design have been identified or proposed that would change the feasibility of any proposed mitigation measures. Measures incorporated into the project (see Section 2.4) combined with mitigation measures adopted with the EIR in 1992 are found to be adequate and mitigate for all impacts associated with proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement. d) “Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant efects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative.” Discussion: The proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement incorporate measures to reduce or avoid potential environmental impacts. As discussed in Section 4, Rationale of this document, there are no additional mitigation measures or alternatives required to implement the modifications to the project. Mitigation measures adopted with the EIR in 1992 are found to be adequate and mitigate for all impacts associated with proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement. CEQA Guidelines, Section 15164(b) states that “An Addendum to a previously certified EIR may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary.” Discussion: Only minor changes or additions are required. As discussed in Section 4, Rationale, of this document. The proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement would not create new significant impacts or require substantial revisions to the mitigation measures identified in the EIR. In addition, the proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement would not meet the criteria set forth in Section 15162(a) and 15163 of CEQA requiring the preparation of a Supplemental or Subsequent EIR. 1 576-1 7 3-3 March2000 &ASSOCIATES, INC. w-ndhFcw’=’* Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement i c , c t Section 3.0 Determination CONCLUSION 7 None of the above criteria triggered the preparation of a subsequent or supplemental EIR pursuant to CEaPL Guidelines Section 15162(a), 15163. Based on the rationale discussed in Section 4 of this document, this Addendum to the previously adopted EIR has been prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164. c- c i 1576-1 7 3-4 March2000 &ASSOCIATES, INC. W-~JT-I~~WM- Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Brldge Replacement .- c J-- SECTION 4.0 The Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement described in Section 2 substantially conform with the preliminary alignment and bridge replacement location covered in the EIR. Figure I shows the alignment of the roadway covered in the EIR as well as the proposed final alignment and limits of grading for roadway and bridge replacement. As shown inFigure I, considering that the road capacity, alignment, and limits of grading of the proposed project conform with that covered by the EIR, approval of the Final Alignment Studies would not create new significant environmental effects or increase the severity of significant effects for the issues of air quality, traffic circulation, land use, light and glare, landform alteration, noise, floodplains, water quality, public services, hazardous wastes, visual quality, cumulative effects and growth inducement from that identified in the EIR. The rationale for support of these conclusions is discussed further below. - 2 - r- Subsequent to certification of the EIR, technical studies and analysis have been completed related to the Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment to update the cultural resources and biological resources analysis. As discussed below, based on review of the technical studies and analysis no new significant impacts have been identified beyond that identified in the EIR related to these issues. The proposed bridge replacement location is consistent Gith that anticipated in the EIR in that the proposed bridge would be located immediately to the west of the existing bridge. The proposed Final Alignment Studies provide detailed grading and design information for these improvements that were not included in the EIR. Technical studies for the proposed bridge replacement project in the areas of earth resources, biological resources, cultural resources, noise, hazardous materials, water quality, flood hazards and visual assessment were conducted to determine whether the Final Alignment Studies for Rancho Santa Fe Bridge Replacement would have an impact on the environment. It was determined, as discussed further below that with implementation of measures incorporated into the project design the Final Alignment Studies for the bridge replacement would not create new significant environmental effects or increase the severity of significant effects identified in the EIR. March 2000 1576-1 7 4-1 ~ofrrr~~~~~~~~~~ I,mjrcu Final EIR Addendum Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Section 4.0 Rationale 4.1 Air Quality ,- c u The EIR identified short term significant impacts to air quality associated with construction and long term significant impacts based on the proposed roadway realignment and widening as well as the urban development accommodated by the mass grading. Additional grading beyond that associated with the roadway was intended to accommodate residential, commercial, office, park, and open space as specified in the General Plan. Development in accordance with the proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement would not create new significant impacts beyond that identified in the EIR. As illustrated in Figure I, the limits of grading proposed in the Final Alignment Studies substantially conform to the preliminary limits OE grading evaluated in the EIR. Short-Term Construction Impucts: Measures have been incorporated into the design and construction process to reduce short term construction impacts below a level of significance (see Section 2.4). Long-Term Impacts: The Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement would not increase the travelway width or capacity beyond that addressed in the EIR. Considering that no additional capacity would be developed, no new long term air quality impacts beyond that addressed in the EIR would be associated with approval of the Final Alignment Studies. 4.2 Earth Resources No features of the proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment or the bridge replacement would alter the conclusion of the previous EIR regarding geotechnical hazards or earth resources. The project would not involve an increase from the limit of grading for the roadway alignment from that anticipated in the EIR. As a result, no new formations or soil types would be disturbed. In addition, no manufactured slopes proposed as a part of the project would exceed the 100-foot maximum height identified in the EIR. As discussed in Section 2.4, all improvements proposed will be completed in accordance with the requirements of the geotechnical analysis included as Appendix C of the EIR. In addition, supplemental geotechnical anaIysis has been prepared for the City by Agra Environmental to address the Final Alignment Studies (Agra Environmental, 1998). Measures required by the Agra Environmental reports to avoid geotechnical hazards such as soil instability, erosion or March 2000 1 576-1 7 4-2 wnnl T~,,+ cme*r pIoicur Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement rz Section 4.0 dam instability from blasting represent refinements to the measures called for the in geotechnical report prepared for the EIR. As a result irriplementation of the Final Alignment would not increase the severity of any geotechnical hazards from that identified in the EIR. 4.3 Water Resources The EIR concluded that surface and subsurface water quality would be adversely affected by urban contributions. Altering the 448-acre site through mass grading for urban development and realignment of the roadway would produce greater runoff and potentially increase downstream flooding. Development in accordance with the proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement would not create new significant impacts to water resources beyond that identified in the EIR. The Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement are in substantial conformance with the EIR and include all erosion control measures required by the City grading ordinance and the EIR be incorporated into the project design (see Section 2.4). A majority of the drainage from the roadway would be outletted to existing drainages adjacent to the roadway as shown inFigure 2. All drainage outlets would contain rip-rap filters to slow the velocity of the runoff and minimize offsite erosion. Eventually, a majority of the drainage outlets associated with the roadway would be connected to systems associated with planned urban development in the area. In addition, the drainage system has been designed to reduce velocities of runoff that outlet into the adjacent drainages. A separate technical study has been prepared by the City to evaluate potential effects of the bridge design on hydrology and water quality in San Marcos Creek. This study is incorporated by reference to this Addendum and is available for review at the City (Dudek & Associates March 24, 1997). The report concluded that with measures included in the design of the bridge that the hydrology and water quality of San Marcos Creek would not be adversely impacted. These measures are listed in Section 2.4 of this Addendum. A separate technical study has also been prepared by the City to evaluate the potential impacts of the bridge replacement and associated roadway improvements to flood waters (Dudek & Associates, January 12, 2000). The report concluded that the project does not March 2000 1576-1 7 4-3 Raf~T-Im~mp~pmi~rr Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Sank Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Section 4.0 Rationale * encroach on the base flood plain of San Marcos Creek and that the risk from flooding associated with this project is not significant. Routine construction measures necessary to minimize short term impacts to the floodplain incorporated into the project are listed in Section 2.4 of this Addendum. c 4.4 Biological Resources Development in accordance with the proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement would not create new significant impacts beyond that identified in the EIR. Measures have been incorporated into the design and construction process to reduce biological resources impacts below a level of significance (see Section 2.4). As shown in Figure 4, the Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement would substantially conform to the preliminary alignment plan evaluated in the EIR would occur. Furthermore, the City has completed a biological resources report subsequent to approval of the EIR that updates the biological resources analysis and addresses the specific impacts of the Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement. The Biological Resources Report, prepared by Dudek & Associates in February 2000, is incorporated by reference to this addendum and is available for review at the City. As discussed further below, the updated Biological Resources Report concluded that with measures incorporated into the project design no significant impacts to biological resources would occur. As discussed in Section 2.0 and shown in Figure 4, some minor modifications to the area of disturbance from that addressed in the EIR to accommodate temporary construction activities, and improvements to existing roads are necessary to implement the Final Alignment Studies. The construction staging area proposed to the south of the Melrose/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection would be restricted to areas characterized by annual non-native grassland and no impacts to native vegetation or riparian vegetation would occur. Proposed construction activities south of La Costa Avenue and in the vicinity of La Costa Meadows Drive would be restricted to the existing roadway or disturbed habitat immediately surrounding the roadway. Construction activities in the vicinity o€ the existing Questhaven/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection would be designed to avoid disturbance to coastal sage scrub and native grassland areas. Based on a review of the updated Biological Resources Report and with implementation of measures incorporated into the project listed in Section 2.4, the proposed construction staging areas and improvements to existing roads March 2000 1 576-1 7 4-4 ~,~am~TeMufmCmploI,miecu Final EIR Addendum Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement c Section 4.0 Rationale ! would not create new significant impacts to biological resburces beyond that identified in the EIR. Upland Vegetation and Sensitive Animal/Plant Species The EIR identified impacts to the upland vegetation communities, the California gnatcatcher and sensitive plant species. As discussed in Section 5.4 of the EIR (pgs 5.4/12-15), the roadway and associated mass grading would result in significant impacts to coastal sage scrub, the California gnatcatcher, and San Diego Goldenstar. The updated Biological Resources Report (Dudek & Associates, February 2000) concluded that the roadway realignment would result in a similar level of disturbance of sensitive upland vegetation, including coastal sage scrub and southern mixed’ chaparral, as that anticipated for the roadway realignment in the EIR. Both the updated Biological Resources Report and the EIR also identified significant impacts to the sensitive plant species San Diego Goldenstar. Sensitive animal species impacted included the California Gnatcatcher and potentially occurring raptor species. As described in the updated biological resources report, the City has committed that upland vegetation communities and sensitive species would be mitigated within the context of the approved Habitat Conservation Plan/Ongoing Multi-Species Plan (HCP/OMSP). Use of the HCP/OSMP as mitigation for impacts of the Final Alignment Studies to upland vegetation and sensitive species is consistent with the mitigation requirements of the EIR. The EIR concludes that all impacts to upland vegetation and sensitive species would mitigated once the HCP/OMSP has been adopted and a system of mitigation credits are in place. Consistent with the requirements of the EIR, the City has implemented the requirements of the HCP/OMSP in the form of purchasing credits to mitigate impacts to upland vegetation and sensitive animal and plant species associated with the roadway realignment. The updated Biological Resources Report also addresses recently listed endangered species as well as other sensitive animal and plant species that were not covered by the EIR. The report concludes that ,all mitigation required in the approved HCP/OMSP would address all potentially occurring animal species except for two fairy shrimp species, quino checkerspot butterfly and Pacific pocket mouse. According to the Biological Resources Report, surveys for the quino checkerspot were negative and the habitat onsite is inappropriate for the pocket March 2000 1576-1 7 4-5 ~ofroi~*nl~- fmcanpkRoieFu Final EIR Addendum Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement e Section 4.0 Rationale mouse. In addition, the site is located in a portion of the County for which the USFWS determined in 2000 that no additional surveys would be required if negative surveys had been previously conducted. Vernal pools would not be impacted by the project. As a result, it is not anticipated that the road would directly impact fairy shrimp. The Biological Resources Report also included surveys for sensitive reptile species including the California redlegged frog that were negative. Results of surveys for San Diego thornmint were also negative. Wetlands The EIR concludes that the project would result in impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and that mitigation in the form of offsite creatiodenhancement as well as obtaining the necessary permits from the ACOE, the CDFG and RWQCB will be required prior to construction. The updated Biological Resources Report concludes that the roadway and bridge replacement would disturb approximately 1.5 acres of riparian habitat including ACOE jurisdiction waters. Measures incorporated into the project to reduce impacts to wetlands to below a level of significance are listed in Section 2.4 of this Addendum and are consistent with those measures listed in the EIR. Considering that measures areincorporated into the project including commitment to offsite wetland restoration/creation and that the proposed project substantially conforms to the limits of grading covered by the EIR, no new significant impacts to wetlands beyond that identified in the EIR would be associated with implementation of the project. The updated Biological Resources Report identifies four vernal pools in the project vicinity that were not identified in the EIR. However, these vernal pools would be located approximately 200-600 feet from the proposed limits of grading for the Final Ahgnment. As a result, it is not anticipated that implementation of the roadway would impact these vernal pools. 4.5 Noise e The EIR concluded that increased traffic on the proposed roadway would result in long term noise level greater than 60 db(A) at the property line from increased traffic on the realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road. As a result, residential land uses proposed adjacent to the roadway may experience signiFicant noise levels. Mitigation identified in the EIR consists of implementation of measures contained in the City Noise element as a part of future developments adjacent to the roadway. March 2000 1576-1 7 4-6 RorurrmlT~,,,,~Canp~hjd, Final EIR Addendum 4 Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement c P Section 4.0 Rationale Implementation of the roadway realignment and widening in accordance with the Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement would not create new significant impacts in terms of construction noise or long-term traffic generated noise beyond that identified in the EIR. Measures have been incorporated into the design and construction process to reduce short term construction noise impacts below a level of significance (see Section 2.4). The Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement would not increase the travelway width or capacity beyond that addressed in the EIR. Considering that no additional capacity would be developed, no new long term impacts from traffic noise beyond that addressed in the EIR would be associated with approval of the Final Alignment Studies Furthermore, the City has completed an acoustical report subsequent to approval of the EIR to comply with the requirement of the EIR that subsequent acoustical studies be prepared to refine measures necessary to reduce impacts from traffic noise on residential projects. The acoustical report (Dudek & Associates, 1997) is incorporated by reference to this Addendum and is available for review at the City. The report concluded that with measures incorporated into the project design (see Section 2.4) no significant impacts to existing residences in the vicinity of the roadway would occur. 4.6 Light and Glare No new significant impacts from light and glare to existing residents are anticipated with project implementation beyond that identified in the EIR. The proposed project design incorporates measures required by the EIR (see Section 2.4) to reduce light from the roadway. In addition, the alignment for the roadway was chosen by the City to maximize the distance between the roadway and the existing residences in the vicinity of La Costa Avenue. The proposed alignment conforms with that anticipated by the EIR. As a result, no lighting sources from the proposed project would be closer to the existing residences than from that evaluated by the EIR. 4.7 LandUse The Final Alignment Studies proposed for the roadway conform with the alignment and capacity evaluated in the EIR and approved by the Circulation Element of the City General Plan. Therefore, the proposed project would not create any new land use inconsistencies with relevant land use planning documents beyond that identified in the EIR. March 2000 1576-17 4-7 PmhioMITcmntfmC,,,,,pbrRDiMI Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Section 4.0 Rationale ,- -. c c 4.8 Public Services Implementation of the proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement would not generate additional population growth. The proposed Final Alignment Studies implement the roadway alignment and capacity increase evaluated in the EIR. In addition, widening the roadway is designed to implement the approved Circulation Element of the City General Plan. The Circulation Element provides for transportation elements necessary to accommodate both existing demand and planned growth within the City. 4.9 Utilities Adoption of the proposed Final Alignment Studies would not generate demand for sewer, water, natural gas, electrical or solid water services. It is anticipated that utilities such as sewer, water, gas and electricity necessary to serve future development would be located within the alignment proposed for the roadway. However, adoption of the Final Alignment Studies and construction of the roadway itself would not include any utility connections or increase demand for those services. As a result, implementation of the project would not create any new significant impacts with respect to utilities from that anticipated by the EIR. 4.1 0 Landform Alteration/Visual Quality The Final Alignment Studies proposed by the project would implement the alignment and roadway width anticipated by the EIR. The limits of grading or location of the roadway proposed as a part of the Final Alignment Studies substantially conform with that identified in the EIR and approved as a part of the General Plan Circulation Element are proposed. Therefore, quantities of earth work as well as size of manufactured slopes (50-100 feet) would not exceed that anticipated by the EIR. In addition, the proposed project design incorporates the measures required by the EIR to mitigate potential impacts to existing land forms and visual quality. These measures are listed in Section 2.4 of this Addendum. A separate visual assessment was prepared by the City for the bridge replacement portion of the project in 1997 to further define measures necessary to reduce visual impacts associated with manufactured slopes identified in the Final Alignment Studies (DUDEK, March 25, 1997). Preparation of the technical study was completed in accordance with the requirement March 2000 1576-17 4-8 hfesh,Te-hcmnkhw,, Flnal EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement P c c Section 4.0 Rat ionale of the EIR that grading from hillsides be designed to maintain the appearance of natural slopes where possible. The visual assessment is incorporated by reference to this document and is available for review at the City. Measures required in the visual assessment for potential impacts to visual quality associated with exposed manufactured slopes have been incorporated into the project (see Section 2.4 of this Addendum). 4.1 1 CuItural/Historic Resources The EIR concluded that six historic sites within the project area are vulnerable to destruction. Five of these sites are considered potentially important. The EIR required further site testing and surveys as a part of future development of urban uses to mitigate for potential impacts to these cultural sites. The City has completed a cultural resource study subsequent to the approval of the EIR that cover the proposed Final Alignment Studies for both Phases 1 and 2 of the roadway (Gallegos & Associates, 2000). These cultural resources studies are available for review at the City of Carlsbad and are incorporated by reference to this Addendum. The cultural resources studies prepared for Phase 1 for Phase 2 concluded that the proposed Final Alignment Studies would avoid disturbance of significant cultural resources. Therefore, implementation of the proposed Final Ahgnment Studies would not result in new impacts to cultural resources from that identified in the EIR. 4.1 2 Traffic/Circulation The EIR concludes that traffic volumes would increase in association with development of the 448-acre area proposed for mass grading. However, the realigned and widened Rancho Santa Fe Road would operate acceptably by accommodating proposed traffic levels and improving levels of service at intersections in the project vicinity. As a result, the EIR concluded that development of the project area as well as construction of the roadway would not result in significant adverse impacts to traffic congestion or circulation within the project area. Adoption of the proposed Final Alignment Studies would not after the alignment or capacity of the roadway from that covered in the EIR and, therefore, would implement the traffic congestion relief anticipated by the EIR with implementation of the realignment. As discussed in the EIR, the proposed roadway realignment, widening and bridge replacement March 2000 1 576-1 7 4-9 RohrrronnlTmm.fmCm~RDjrc,, Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement Section 4.0 Rationale improvements are necessary to implement the transportation requirements of the City of Carlsbad General Plan. Community benefits from this project will include reduced congestion, improved traffic flow and increased safety for travelers on the roadway. Additionally, this road realignment will provide a vital link in the regions roadway network. Increasing the capacity of the roadway would bring levels of service at intersections in the project vicinity to acceptable levels. In addition, the proposed project incorporates all traffic mitigation measures required by the EIR related to Rancho Santa Fe Road. Measures required by the EIR incorporated into the project are listed in section 2.4 of this Addendum. 4.1 3 Cumulative Effects As concluded in the previous discussion for each environmental category, no new significant impacts beyond that identified in the EIR would occur with implementation of the proposed Final Alignment Studies. Furthermore, measures are incorporated into the proposed Final Alignment Studies to reduce Air Quality, Earth Resources, Water Resources, Biological Resources, Noise, Light and Glare, Visual Quality/Landform Alteration and Traffic/ Circulation. Therefore, in the absence of significant impacts or increase in the severity of impacts, development in accordance with the Final Alignment Studies would not create new significant cumulative impacts beyond that identified in the EIR. 4.1 4 Growth Inducement The proposed Final Alignment Studies implement the roadway alignment and capacity increase evaluated in the EIR. In addition, widening the roadway is designed to implement the approved Circulation Element of the City General Plan. The Circulation Element provides for transportation elements necessary to accommodate both existing demand and planned growth within the City. Therefore, implementation of the proposed Final Alignment Studies would not create new growth impacts beyond that identified in the EIR. i t-- March 2000 1 576-1 7 4-1 0 Rofarionll~TwMfmb,,hh,rru Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Bridge Replacement SECTION 5.0 MITIGATION, MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM (MMRP) c ?- e e The City is responsible for the overall implementation and management of the MMRP through the design, construction and operations period. The mitigation measures that were adopted as conditions of project approval are described in the EIR (see Section 2.0, Summary ofFindings). The City has incorporated, as part of its proposed Final Alignment Studies for the roadway realignment and bridge replacement, a number of measures to reduce or avoid potential environmental impacts associated with construction and operation. These measures are considered part of the proposed Final Alignment Studies are listed in Section 2.4 of this document. No other mitigation measure has been identified as necessary in order to accommodate the proposed project. March 2000 1576-1 7 5-1 ~T..Mfolcm~taRo~.N Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment and Mass Grading SECTION 6.0 REFERENCES Dudek & Associates, March 24,1997. Water Quality Study Rancho Santa Fe Bridge Replacement Project . Dudek & Associates, March 25, 1997. Visual Assessment of Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge Replacement. Dudek & Associates, April 7, 1997. Phase I Environmental Assessment for 55.55 acre Rancho Santa Fe Bridge Replacement. Dudek & Associates, January 12, 2000. Floodplain Evaluation Report Rancho Santa Fe Bridge Replacement Project. Dudek & Associates, January, 2000. Drafi Acoustical Assessment Report Rancho Santa Fe Bridge Replacement Project. Dudek & Associates, February, 2000. Bjological Resources Report for Rancho Santa Fe Roadway Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project. Gallegos & Associates, February, 2000. Cultural Resources Report for Rancho Santa Fe Roadway Realignment and Bridge Replacement Project. March 2000 1 576-1 7 6-1 I,+lau,TI.M,mCO,,,,,LIPmjlLlr Final EIR Addendum + Rancho Santa Fe Roadway Realignment and Mass Grading