HomeMy WebLinkAbout3537; Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer; Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Line; 2003-12-01CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY AND TEST PROGRAM FOR THE CARLSBAD SEWER LINE PROJECT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Dudek & Associates 605 Third Street Encinitas, Califomia 92024 Prepared bv: Gallegos & Associates 5671 Palmer Way, Suite A Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 (760) 929-0055 PJ. 38-03 National Archaeological Data Base Information Type of Study: Survey and Test Project Area: Approximately 40,000 Sq. Feet USGS 7.5' Quadrangle: San Luis Rey Sites Tested: A Portion of CA-SDI-13701 Key Words: Shell, Not Significant, Late Period Authors Monica Guerrero, RPA Project Archaeologist Dennis R. Gallegos Principal Investigator December 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.3 2.3.1 2.4 2.4.1 2.5 2.6 2.7 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 4.6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Project Description Environmental Setting Background - Precontact Background - Postcontact History of Site CA-SDI-13701 RESEARCH ORIENTATION AND METHODS Introduction Research Orientation and Methods Chronology Lithic Technology Subsistence Strategy Settlement Pattem Trade and Travel Field Methods Shovel Test Pit Excavation Laboratory Methods Fauna] Analysis Report Preparation Provisions for Encountering Human Remains Curation TEST RESULTS FOR CA-SDI-13701 Introduction Test Results Summary SIGNIRCANCE DISCUSSION Introduction Site Significance/Importance Criteria Site Summary for CA-SDM3701 Research Value Site Integrity Research Potential Significance and Ehgibility Discussion Impacts and Mitigation Measures m 1-1 1-1 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-8 2-9 2-10 3-1 3-1 3-1 4-1 4-1 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-6 P.J. 38-03 December 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS continued SECTION TITLE 5 REFERENCES CITED FIGURE 1-1 1-2 1-3* 1-4* 3-1* LIST OF FIGURES TITLE Regional Location of Project Project Alignment Shown on USGS Map Project Area and Site CA-SDI-13701 Shown on USGS Map Previous Studies Shown on USGS Map CA-SDM3701 Site Map Detail PAGE 5-1 PAGE 1-2 1-3 1-5 1-8 3-2 LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE 1-1 Previous Work Conducted at Site CA-SDI-13701 3-1 CA-SDI-13701: STP Results PAGE 1-7 3-3 APPENDIX A B C D* E* LIST OF APPENDICES TITLE Key Personnel Resumes Catalogue STP Record Forms Site Record Forms Site Form Update ^Confidential maps and records bound separately in the confidential appendix PAGE A-1 B-1 C-1 D-1 E-1 P.J. 38-03 December 2003 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •m TITLE: AUTHORS: DATE: SOURCE OF COPIES: Cultural Resource Survey and Test Program for the Carlsbad Sewer Line Project Carlsbad, Cahfomia Monica Guerrero and Dennis Gallegos Gallegos & Associates 5671 Palmer Way, Suite A Carisbad, Cahfomia 92008 December 2003 South Coastal Information Center San Diego State University 4283 El Cajon Blvd, Suite 250 San Diego, Cahfomia 92105 ABSTRACT: This report provides the results of a cultural resource test program to determine site significance for a portion of site CA-SDI-13701 within the Carlsbad Sewer Line project area. The test program was conducted to provide compliance with the City of Carlsbad Guidelines and Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines. In June 2003, Gallegos & Associates conducted a literature review of the 40,000 sq. ft project area (Guerrero and Gallegos 2003). The literature review identified a portion of one cultural resource (CA-SDM3701) within the project area. The southem portion of site CA-SDI-13701 was relocated and no surface artifacts were noted. Testing at CA- SDI-13701 included the excavation of ten shovel test pits (STPs), artifact analysis, and determination of site significance. Testing produced 247.4 g of shell. Disturbance at the site included previous grading and U-enching, off-road vehicle activity, and modem trash. Based on the lack of cultural material (i.e., lithics, bone) absence of features, and disturbance, the portion of site CA-SDI-13701 tested is identified as not significant under CEQA criteria. Monitoring by an archaeologist during construction is recommended to address unanticipated finds in a timely manner. PJ. 38-03 December 2003 111 m m Mi SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Gallegos & Associates was contracted by Dudek & Associates to conduct a cultural resource test program to determine site significance for a portion of site CA-SDI-13701 within the Carlsbad Sewer Line project area. The approximately 40,000 sq. ft project area is located along the north edge of Agua Hedionda Lagoon in the City of Carlsbad, and is depicted on the San Luis Rey 7.5' USGS quadrangle (Figures 1-1 and 1-2). The test program was conducted to provide comphance with the City of Carlsbad Guidehnes and Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines. Resumes of Key Personnel are included in Appendix A; artifact catalogue in Appendix B; shovel test pit (STP) records in Appendix C; site record forms in Appendix D; and site form updates in Appendix E. 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING The project area is located on the northern margin of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, a major estuary along the Southem Califomia Coast. During the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, rising sea level created lagoons from the mouths of major river systems. With stabilization of sea level, coastal lagoons slowly shrank and began to loose their estuarine qualities, as they gradually filled with waterbome silts. Eventually the lagoons stabilized in a pattem of partial closure during portions of the year as sand and cobble bars formed across their outlets to the Pacific Ocean. The subsequent lack of tidal flushing changed the salinity levels and directly affected the type of molluscan, as weU as other plant and animal species present within the lagoon. This change also affected the subsistence economy of prehistoric populations that relied on these resources. As a result of urban development, the majority of the native vegetation has been replaced by introduced non-native vegetation. Sediments consist primarily of sand with limited loam. PJ. 38-03 1-1 December 2003 Scale: 1"= 10 miles Mexico Gallegos & Associates Regional Location of Project FIGURE 1-1 0*14' 4 MILS 13V6* 240 MILS SCALE 1:24000 0 San Luis Rey 7.5' USGS Map 1000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET 1 KILOMETER Gallegos & Associates Project Alignment Shown on USGS Map FIGURE 1-2 •m m 1.3 BACKGROUND - PRECONTACT Native Americans have occupied San Diego County over the past 10,000 years. The period from 10,000 to 1,300 years ago is referred to as the Early Period or Archaic Period. The San Dieguito are generally accepted as the first inhabitants of the region, occupying San Diego County as early as 10,000 years ago. The initial occupation, usually referred to as the San Dieguito Complex, is believed to represent a people who entered San Diego County from the desert. These people hunted, fished, milled plant foods, and collected and processed shellfish. The occupation from roughly 8,300 to 1,300 years is also referred to as the La Jolla Complex and Pauma Complex. Archaeological sites reflecting this occupation are coastal shell habitation sites, inland hunting and milling campsites, and quarry sites. The San Dieguito and La JoUa/Pauma Complexes are believed by the author to be of the same cultural stock, representing one long period of occupation by one people. Occupation after 1,300 years ago (Ute Period) is well documented by the numerous Kumeyaay/Diegueno and Luiseho habitation sites. Artifacts and cultural pattems reflecting this Late Period occupation include small projectile points, pottery, obsidian from Obsidian Butte, and cremations. The project area is within the Luiseiio territory as described by Kroeber(I925). 1.4 BACKGROUND - POSTCONTACT The Hispanic intrusion and colonization (1769-1822) within Native American southem Califomia affected the coastal tribes and peoples living in well-traveled river valleys. The Mexican Period (1822-1848) saw continued displacement of the native population by expansion of a land grant program and development of extensive ranches. The gold rush and the concomitant granting of statehood, combined with an influx of Europeans, caused a rapid displacement of the native population, as well as deterioration of their culture and hfeways (Bancroft 1886; Kroeber 1925). 1.5 HISTORY OF SITE CA-SDM3701 CA-SDI-13701 was initially recorded by Malcolm Rogers (circa 1920) (Figure 1-3). Rogers identified CA-SDI-13701 (W-130) as a SD II (with a trace of LIT II) habitation site containing shell, charcoal, manos, and metates located within approximately 15 acres. The PJ. 38-03 1 -4 December 2003 FIGURE 1-3 PROJECT AREA AND SITE CA-SDI-13701 SHOWN ON SAN LUIS REY 7.5' USGS MAP (SEE CONFIDENTIAL APPENDIX) PJ. 38-03 1 -5 December 2003 41 m site record was later updated by Stmdwick and Gallegos (1994a) as a habitation site consisting of shell, manos, fire-affected rock, and hthic tools (Table 1-1 and Figure 1-4). Site CA-SDI-13701 is approximately 450x300 m in area and is located along the north shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, just north of the intersection of Adams Street and Highland Drive. A portion of site CA-SDI-13701 was surveyed for the Moffatt Parcel project and was also identified as not significant (Strudwick and Gallegos 1994b). In 1996, a portion of CA-SDI-13701 was tested for the Huber Property project (Schroth et al. 1996) and this portion was identified as not significant under CEQA criteria (Table 1-1 and Figure 1-4). In 2003, a literature review and record search was conducted for a portion of site CA- SDI-13701 within the current project area and testing was recommended to determine site significance (Table 1-1 and Figure 1-4) (Guerrero and Gallegos 2003). PJ. 38-03 December 2003 iliiilliilltiiilililililiilftlfti&i^ik^ft^ Table 1-1 Previous Work Conducted at Site CA-SDI-13701 Report Title Author and Year Artifacts Noted and/or Recovered Type of Smdy Site Status Recommendation Historical/Archaeological Survey Report for the Moffatt Parcel, Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Carlsbad, Califomia Strudwick and Gallegos, 1994 Artifacts noted in road cut included shell (Chione sp.), one mano fragment, one split cobble core, four flakes, and fragments of fire-affected rock. Survey A portion of the west edge of site CA-SDI-13701 was surveyed and identified as not significant No further work recommended for this portion of site CA-SDI-13701 Archaeological Survey and Test for the Huber Property, Carlsbad, Califomia Schroth, Harris, and Gallegos, 1996 Artifacts recovered included one ground stone fragment, one mano, one mano fragment, four debitage, one battered implement, one core, 118.1 grams of shell, and 29.8 grams of bone. Survey and Test A portion of the south edge of site CA-SDI-13701 was surveyed and tested, and identified as not signficant No further work recommended for this portion of site CA-SDI-13701 Cultural Resource Background Study for the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Maintenance Access Road Proiect, City of Carlsbad Guerrero and Gallegos 2003 No field work was conducted for this study. Literature Review The portion of site CA-SDI- 13701 within the project corridor has unknown site status. Testing to determine site significance and monitoring during construction is recommended for this portion of site CA-SDI-13701 M FIGURE 1-4 PREVIOUS STUDIES SHOWN ON SAN LUIS REY 7.5' USGS MAP (See Confidential Appendix) PJ. 38-03 1 -8 December 2003 SECTION 2 RESEARCH ORIENTATION AND METHODS 2.1 INTRODUCTION This section identifies research orientafion, field and lab methods, special studies, and curation of recovered artifacts and ecofacts (i.e., bone, shell). The objecfive of the test program was to determine site significance for a portion of previously recorded site CA- SDI-13701, with respect to City of Carlsbad and Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines. Mifigafion recommendafions for sites identified as significant include avoidance and/or data recovery. No mitigafion measures are necessary for sites identified as not significant. 2.2 RESEARCH ORIENTATION AND METHODS The research orientation developed for the test program employed regional and locally specific questions and identified data needs to approach these questions. A wide range of research questions or topics were possible for site CA-SDI-13701. However, five research domains were selected on the basis of overall contribution to the archaeological record. Specific research quesfions focused on chronology; lithic technology; subsistence and settlement; and trade and travel. These questions were used to guide the study to determine if materials were available to address the research quesfions, given a sufficient excavation sample (i.e., data recovery). 2.2.1 Chronology Study Topic What was the period of use and/or occupation for site CA-SDI-13701 ? PJ. 38-03 2-1 December 2003 Materials (shell) were recovered from CA-SDM3701 for absolute daring, and radiocarbon dafing was used to determine age and period of site occupation. Diagnostic artifacts such as small arrow points and pottery were also used for relative site dating to the Late Period (see Section 5 for chronology discussion). 2.2.2 Lithic Technology Several flake-tool reduction strategies have been identified for the southem Cahfomia coastal region. These include split-cobble core reduction, bipolar core reduction, and biface reduction using two types of cores. The decision to use one type of core instead of another depends on at least two factors: (1) the form of the material to be reduced (small cobble, large cobble, layered); and (2) the intended product (i.e., biface tool, scraper, hammer stone). In this region, expedient use of locally available cobbles is expected to dominate the assemblage for flake tools, core/cobble tools, and some ground stone tools. This assumption was tested and several study topics were formulated for the retrieval of data needed to address this topic. Study Topics (a) Which technological reduction strategies were present based on the debitage at the sites? (b) Which reduction strategies were used to produce which tools? Were these strategies the same or different? (c) If ground stone tools were present, were the cobble materials local or non- local? (d) Was there evidence that ground stone tools were produced at the sites, or were they produced elsewhere prior to being carried to the sites? PJ. 38-03 2-2 December 2003 (e) How do technologies and stages of tool reduction relate to site function and tools found on the sites? Data Needs (a) Collection of a statistically valid sample of cores and debitage. (b) Detailed analysis of cores and debitage for technological attributes and reduction sequence classification. (c) Identification of the technological attributes and reduction sequences used to produce tools. 2.2.3 Subsistence Strategy Study Topics Does site CA-SDI-13701 represent specialized food-processing localities or, conversely, does it represent a campsite wherein a wide range of foods were gathered and processed? Data Needs Data necessary to address the question of economic strategy include floral and faunal remains, which permit the reconstmction of diet, or dietary practices, and preferences of the site occupants. The presence of particular species of plants, animals, and shellfish allows for a more complete appraisal of the various environmental niches exploited by the site occupants. PJ. 38-03 2-3 December 2003 Methods for interpreting the data include: (1) protein residue analysis of selected artifacts to identify floral and faunal material processed; (2) speciation of the recovered faunal assemblage, with special attention to evidence of butchering or cooking; and, (3) identification of species within preferred habitats, and the placement of speciated remains within the ecological model for the purpose of reconstmcting the habitat(s) exploited by the site occupants. Artifacts recovered from the site can also provide inferential information regarding subsistence exploitation. For example, if plant material was not found, the presence of mortars, manos, and metates provides evidence that floral and faunal materials were processed at the site. Immunological studies of residues on tools from the site may provide data relating to both tool use and resources exploited. 2.2.4 Settlement Pattern In Califomia, ethnographic sources have been used to develop models for prehistoric hunter-gatherer settlement and subsistence pattems. Shipek's model for the Luiseno (Shipek 1977) is one of sedentary villages located between the coast and the mountains in various ecological zones north of the San Dieguito River. True and Waugh (1982) propose a settiement configuration of foraging pattems, with several residential shifts occurring throughout the year. This settlement/subsistence model has been correlated to river drainage systems during the San Luis Rey I period, shifting to a bipolar system of permanent winter camps or villages in the western foothills and permanent summer camps in the mountains during the San Luis Rey II period. Graham's settiement/subsistence model (Graham et al. 1981) is a fusion-fission pattem in which residential bases were occupied during the summer and fall months in the mountains for exploitation of acorns and grass seeds, with small groups migrating into the desert during the winter months to exploit legume and cacti resources. PJ. 38-03 2-4 December 2003 Study Topics (a) Temporally, how do these sites fit into the overall pattem for San Diego County? Can the group or culture be identified in the presently understood context of the cultural prehistory for San Diego County? (b) What were the functions of the sites (i.e., base camp, village, special-use site, or extractive site) and how did these sites relate to other sites? (c) What form of settlement pattem was practiced in the region in which the sites were located? (d) In general, how did occupation and use of these sites contribute to seasonal or year-round occupation of the region? Data Needs (a) Recovery of temporally-sensitive and diagnostic materials, such as organic material for radiometric dating, obsidian for hydration analysis, and time- sensitive artifacts such as pottery, projectile points, and beads. (b) Recovery of an adequate artifact sample and cultural material from the sites to determine site functions. 2.2.5 Trade and Travel To what extent are trade and travel evidenced at site CA-SDI-13701? Early travelers and ethnographers noted the presence of Native American trails and trade activities among different cultural groups in the southem Califomia region. The procurement of lithic resources, such as serpentine, chalcedony, chert, Jasper, obsidian, and steatite, may PJ. 38-03 2-5 December 2003 identify contact with other cultural groups, as these materials were not available in the local area. Although many other trade items were often perishable, what sustaining archaeological evidence can be used to demonstrate trade and/or travel? Study Topics (a) Is there evidence of trading contact or travel? (b) What was the nature of cultural contact — continuous, sporadic, or limited? (c) What were the inferred routes of trade? (d) What economic needs, if any, were met through contact and trade? Data Needs (a) Recovery and analysis of an adequate sample of cultural material, including trade goods such as serpentine, steatite, obsidian, desert lithic material, and beads. (b) Identification of the source of trade items. 2.3 FIELD METHODS The objective of the testing program was to determine site significance under City of Carlsbad and CEQA criteria for cultural resource CA-SDI-13701. Phase I field methods completed at the site included surface site mapping and excavation of shovel test pits (STPs) to determine site size and depth. PJ. 38-03 2-6 December 2003 2.3.1 Shovel Test Pit Excavation Shovel test pits 30 centimeters (cm) in diameter were used to determine site size and depth. STPs were excavated in 10-cm levels, with all soil dry-screened using 1/8-inch hardware mesh. The artifacts and/or ecofacts removed were bagged by STP and by level. All results were provided on tables by STP number and are discussed within this report. Intervals for STPs were 40 meters (m), with one STP placed within each staging area. STPs were placed east-west along the corridor to determine site size and depth. 2.4 LABORATORY METHODS Gallegos & Associates' standard system of cleaning, cataloging, and analyzing cultural remains was used for artifacts recovered during this study. These procedures include cleaning and separating artifacts and ecofacts by material class for each unit level prior to cataloging. Each item, or group of items, was counted, weighed and/or measured, and given a consecutive catalogue number marked directiy on the artifact or on an attached label. Additionally, each item was analyzed for specific characteristics peculiar to each material class. All cataloged items were divided into typological categories and placed within appropriately labeled boxes for interior storage at Gallegos & Associates' cultural resource laboratory. All artifacts and ecofacts collected were treated using accepted and appropriate archaeological procedures. Initial laboratory work included washing and/or brushing artifacts and cataloging. Artifacts were sorted into classes, such as bifaces, cores, bone tools, beads, milling tools, and flakes. Cataloging provides basic data such as count, measurement, weight, material, condition, and provenience. The catalogue also offers information as to horizontal and vertical distribution of cultural material. Specialized studies are conducted after the initial sorting and cataloging. The number and type of specialized studies completed for this report depends on the materials PJ. 38-03 2-7 December 2003 recovered and the level of research. Studies completed include lithic technological analysis, shell analysis, faunal analysis, and radiocarbon dating. 2.4.1 Faunal Analysis Shell was present and was identified and weighed by species. Use of this data contributed to answering questions regarding diet, environmental setting and change through time, and settiement pattems. Shell was available and collected from CA-SDI- 13701, where ten STPs were excavated. A comparative collection housed at the Gallegos & Associates' cultural resource laboratory was also used to confirm identification. 2.5 REPORT PREPARATION The format for the final report follows Office of Historic Preservation Guidelines (1989a) and City of Carlsbad Guidelines and will be filed at the appropriate state clearinghouse(s). The contents of the report include the following: 1. Text includes but is not limited to: an abstract; a discussion of field methods (i.e., survey methods, surface collection methods, number, size, depth, and placement of surface scrapes, STPs, and units); results of analyses, including tables that provide cultural material by provenience (unit, depth); the synthesis of data; and the results of special studies conducted; the description of cultural stratigraphy; an evaluation of site significance; and discussion of the results in terms of relevant research questions. 2. Graphics are used to delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of the site(s). All maps include a site datum, a north arrow (marked true north or magnetic north), and a scale in meters. Each site has a site map showing the location of PJ. 38-03 2-8 December 2003 STPs, Ixl-m units, significant landforms and/or landmarks, surface cultural features, and surface artifact collection areas. Maps are used to show the location of collected surface artifacts by point provenience, surface scrapes, or collection cell. Sidewali profiles of selected units are included, and all features are drawn with appropriate scales in metrics. Drawings of temporally-diagnostic artifacts are included, as are photographs or illustrations of sample artifact types recovered from the site(s). 3. Attachments include a bibliography of ^ references cited in text, tables, and graphics; site forms for new sites and updates of previously recorded sites; original reports of special studies (i.e., radiocarbon submittal sheets and reports, obsidian analysis reports); catalogues of collected material; resumes of key personnel; and any pertinent correspondence. 2.6 PROVISIONS FOR ENCOUNTERING HUMAN REMAINS If burials were encountered, fieldwork would cease at once in the immediate area of the burial. The person in direct charge of the project would contact the County of San Diego Coroner. If the Coroner determines that the remains are not subject to his or her authority, and if the Coroner has reason to beheve that the human remains are those of a Native American, the Coroner is required to contact the Native American Heritage Commission by telephone within 24 hours. The Califomia Native American Heritage Commission, the local agency representative, and the authorized local tribal representative will review the case and provide input as to further action. Alternatives for the disposition of human remains and associated artifacts include: (1) leaving the human remains in situ; (2) uncovering the human remains for analysis in situ; (3) removing the human remains for analysis and curation; (4) removing the human remains for analysis and repatriation to Native Americans affiliated with the local area; and (5) removing the human remains with no analysis for repatriation to Native PJ. 38-03 2-9 December 2003 Americans affiliated with the local area. 2.7 CURATION All artifacts, ecofacts, field notes, and photographs will be curated at Gallegos & Associates until provided for permanent curation at a repository acceptable to the agency (i.e., San Diego Archaeology Center). Curation at an acceptable repository will complete the test program. The cost for curation will be borne by the client responsible for the impact/effect. PJ. 38-03 2-10 December 2003 SECTION 3 TEST RESULTS FOR CA-SDI-13701 m 3.1 INTRODUCTION Site CA-SDI-13701 was originally recorded by Rogers (circa 1920) as a shell midden, and later updated by Gallegos and Stmdwick (1994a). This update redefined the site boundary on the basis of shell concentrations and various lithic artifacts. The survey of the Huber property by Schroth et al. (1996) identified shell with some artifacts covering a large portion of the property, however the test program identified this portion of site CA-SDI-13701 as not significant under CEQA criteria. The portion of site CA-SDI-13701 within the current project area has not been tested to determine site significance. 3.2 TEST RESULTS A portion of site CA-SDI-13701 was tested in October 2003 to determine site significance. Testing included excavation of ten shovel test pits (STPs) (Figure 3-1). One STP (STP 10), located on a small ridge finger, was positive, producing 2.1 g of shell (Table 3-1). The remaining STPs (STPs 1 tiirough 9), located adjacent to the shoreline of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, also produced shell; however these STPs were placed in an area that had been previously trenched and backfilled. The proximity to the lagoon and previous disturbance indicated that the shell recovered from STPs 1 through 9 was not in situ and may not be cultural. Disturbance at the site consisted of previous grading and trenching, off-road vehicle activity, and modem trash. 3.3 SUMMARY Testing at CA-SDI-13701 included excavation of ten STPs. One of tiie ten STPs (STP 10) was positive, producing only a small amount of shell. Due to the lack of surface and subsurface cultural material, no 1x1 m units were excavated. PJ. 38-03 3-1 December 2003 '•m FIGURE 3-1 CA-SDI-13701 SITE MAP DETAIL (SEE CONFIDENTIAL APPENDIX) PJ. 38-03 3-2 December 2003 ftllillllftlt4illllltilllllllilliii«iifti Table 3-1 CA-SDI-13701: STP Results Material 1 STP 6 7 10 11 Total Shell 24.7 9.6 6.8 123.0 0.4 28.6 3.1 4.4 2.9 2.0 41.9 247.4 SECTION 4 SIGNIFICANCE DISCUSSION 4.1 INTRODUCTION One cultural resource site (CA-SDI-13701) within the Carlsbad Sewer Line project area was tested to determine site significance under City of Carlsbad and CEQA guidelines. The testing program included excavation of STPs, artifact analysis, and a determination of site significance. This section provides a discussion of site testing results, and CEQA significance and ehgibility to the Califomia Register of Historic Places. Significance determination for the site tested is provided below. 4.2 SITE SIGNIFICANCE/IMPORTANCE CRITERIA Determination of what is and what is not an important resource is not a straightforward task. As suggested by Moratto and Kelly (1976), the significance of archaeological resources should be assessed in several terms, including research value to the scientist, aesthetic/ cultural value to the community at large, and value to the Native American community. The importance of an archaeological resource must be demonstrated. According to Section 15064.5 of CEQA, the term "historical resources" shall include tiie following: (1) A resource listed in, or determined to be eligible by die State Historical Resources Commission, for hsting in the Califomia Register of Historical Resources (Pub. Res. Code §5024.1, Title 14 CCR, Section 4850 et seq.). (2) A resource included in a local register of historical resources, as defined in Section 5020. l(k) of the Pubhc Resources Code or identified as significant in an historical resource survey meeting the requirements Section 5024.1(g) of the Public Resources Code shall be presumed to be historically or culturally significant. Pubhc agencies must treat any such resource as significant unless the preponderance of evidence demonstrates that it is not historically or culturally significant. PJ. 38-03 4 -1 December 2003 (3) Any object, building, structure, site, area, place, record, or manuscript which a lead agency determines to be historically significant or significant in the architectural, engineering, scientific, economic, agricultural, educational, social, political, mihtary, or cultural annals of Califomia may be considered to be an historical resource, provided tiie lead agency's determination is supported by substantial evidence in light of the whole record. Generally, a resource shall be considered by tiie lead agency to be "historically significant" if tiie resource meets the criteria for listing on die Cahfomia Register of Historical Resources (Pub. Res. Code §5024.1, Title 14 CCR, Section 4852) including the following: (A) Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of Califomia's history and cultural heritage; (B) Is associated with the lives of persons important in our past; (C) Embodies tiie distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of constmction, or represents the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic values; or (D) Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. (4) The fact that a resource is not hsted in, or determined to be eligible for listing in the Califomia Register of Historical Resources, not included in a local register of historical resources (pursuant to Section 5020. l(k) of tiie Pubhc Resources Code), or identified in an historical resources survey (meeting tiie criteria in Section 5024.1(g) of the Pubhc Resources Code) does not preclude a lead agency from determining that the resource may be an historical resource as defined in Public Resources Code sections 5020.1(j) or 5024.1. (b) A project with an effect that may cause a substantial adverse change in tiie significance of an historical resource is a project that may have a significant effect on the environment. (1) Substantial adverse change in the significance of an historical resource means physical demolition, destmction, relocation, or alteration of the resource or its immediate surroundings such that the significance of an historical resource would be materially impaired. PJ. 38-03 4-2 December 2003 '•m m (2) The significance of an historical resource is materially impaired when a project: (A) Demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of an historical resource that convey its historical significance and tiiat justify its inclusion in, or eligibility for, inclusion in the Cahfomia Register of Historical Resources; or (B) Demohshes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics that account for its inclusion in a local register of historical resources pursuant to Section 5020.1 (k) of the Pubhc Resources Code or its identification in an historical resources survey meeting the requirements of Section 5024.1(g) of the Pubhc Resources Code, unless the public agency reviewing the effects of the project establishes by a preponderance of evidence that tiie resource is not historically or culturally significant; or (C) Demohshes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of a historical resource that convey its historical significance and that justify its eligibihty for inclusion in the Califomia Register of Historical Resources as determined by a lead agency for purposes of CEQA. (3) Generally, a project that follows the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabihtating, Restoring, and Reconstmcting Historic Buildings or the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabihtating Historic Buildings (1995), Weeks and Grimmer, shall be considered as mitigated to a level of less tiian a significant impact on tiie historical resource. (4) A lead agency shall identify potentially feasible measures to mitigate significant adverse changes in the significance of an historical resource. The lead agency shall ensure that any adopted measures to mitigate or avoid significant adverse changes are fully enforceable through permit conditions, agreements, or other measures. (5) When a project will affect state-owned historical resources, as described in Public Resources Code Section 5024, and the lead agency is a state agency, the lead agency shall consult with the State Historic Preservation Officer as provided in Pubhc Resources Code Section 5024.5. Consultation should be PJ. 38-03 4-3 December 2003 coordinated in a timely fashion with Uie preparation of environmental documents. Recognizing that cultural resources often contain information that archival research cannot answer, tiiere exists a distinct potential for each resource to provide important information relevant to several theoretical and regional research questions. As part of the test plan, research questions conceming chronology, lithic technology, food procurement strategies, and trade and travel were addressed. Testing provided the necessary information to determine site size, depth, content, integrity, and potential to address important research questions. 4.3 SITE SUMMARY FOR CA-SDM3701 A portion of site CA-SDI-13701 was tested to determine site significance. Testing included excavation of ten shovel test pits (STPs). One STP (STP 10), located on a small ridge finger, was positive, producing 2.1 g of shell (see Table 3-1). The remaining STPs (STPs 1 through 9), located adjacent to the shoreline of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, also produced shell; however these STPs were placed in an area that had been previously disturbed by trenching and backfilhng. Given the proximity to the lagoon and the previous disturbance, the shell recover^ from STPs 1 through 9 was not analyzed. Disturbance at the site consisted of previous grading and trenching, off-road vehicle activity, and modem trash. Research questions are discussed below. 4.4 RESEARCH VALUE 4.4.1 Site Integrity Current archaeological methods allow a great deal of information to be extracted from cultural resources, providing certain criteria are met. Generally speaking, archaeological sites that are useful for addressing important research questions must retain a minimum amount of stratigraphic integrity and/or an assemblage that can be confidentiy assigned to a cultural group. If these criteria are not in place, cultural materials recovered within the course of an excavation cannot be differentiated by time period or by culture. This greatiy diminishes tiie value of tiie resource as a record of tiie human story. PJ. 38-03 4-4 December 2003 "•I .Ml Site integrity is low for the portion of site CA-SDI-13701 tiiat was tested. Most of the portion of site CA-SDI-13701 witiiin tiie current project area adjacent to the lagoon is extremely disturbed, as it has been previously trenched and backfilled. 4.4.2 Research Potential The test program has identified tiie portion of CA-SDI-13701 within tiie project area as a shell scatter. Research questions include chronology, trade and travel, settlement and subsistence (diet), and lithic technology. Chronology In 1996, a portion of site CA-SDM3701 was tested, however no in situ materials were recovered for radiocarbon dating, therefore, a date or range of dates could not be determined (Schrotiietal. 1996). Lithic Technology Research questions regarding lithic technology could not be answered, as no lithic materials were recovered. Subsistence and Settlement In the recent past, Agua Hedionda Lagoon has changed from a mudflat to a lagoon with the help of dredging. However, during tiie early to middle Holocene it was a viable lagoon supporting a wide variety and large quantity of shellfish and fish. As a resuh of the current study, only shell was recovered from CA-SDI-13701. The occupants of CA-SDI-13701 collected shellfish from local lagoon, rocky shore and sandy beach habitats. The results of tiie 1996 test program (Schrotii et al. 1996) correspond with the current test results, indicating tiiat CA-SDI-13701 represented use of tiie lagoonal resources, primary shellfish. The recovery of sea mammal bone from die 1996 test program indicated tiiat tiie inhabitants exploited these as part of tiieir subsistence strategy and may have exploited ocean resources from this vantage point. Altiiough several grinding implements were recovered in tiie 1996 study, they were expedient tools, witii local cobbles utiHzed without alteration, suggesting casual use of tiie area for some special task. PJ. 38-03 4-5 December 2003 Trade and Travel M No evidence of trade and/or travel was present, as no non-local materials (i.e., chert) were ^ recovered from site CA-SDI-13701. m ^ 4.5 SIGNIFICANCE AND ELIGIBILITY DISCUSSION m Site CA-SDI-13701 has poor site integrity, and produced a low amount of faunal materials ^ and no artifacts to address tiie research questions posed. Given tiie results of the testing program, additional work at this portion of CA-SDI-13701 would not significantiy ^ contribute to our understanding of this site or past use of the site locations or the site ^ occupants. Given the poor site integrity, lack of artifactual materials, and low amount of •m ecofactual materials recovered, this portion of site CA-SDI-13701 is identified as not «l significant under City of Carlsbad or CEQA criteria and recommended as not ehgible to tiie ^ Califomia Register of Historic Places. ^ 4.6 IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES As presentiy planned, ttiis portion of site CA-SDI-13701 will be directly impacted by tiie proposed development. This portion of site CA-SDI-13701, identified as not significant, need not be addressed as to mitigation of impacts. Monitoring by an archaeologist during constmction is recommended to identify and evaluate unanticipated finds (i.e., buried deposits) in a timely manner. PJ. 38-03 4-6 December 2003 4i SECTION 5 REFERENCES CITED Bancroft, Hubert Howe 1886 History of Califomia, (7 Volumes). Vol. 4, p. 68. The History Company, San Francisco, Califomia. Graham, Wilham R., Christopher W. White, and Scott G. Fulmer 1981 Cultural Resource Survey of the Laguna Mountain Recreation Area, San Diego County, Califomia. Cleveland National Forest, San Diego. Guerrero, Monica and Dennis R. Gallegos & Associates 2003 Cultural Resource Background Study for tiie North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer Maintenance Access Road Project, City of Carlsbad, Califomia. On file, South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University, San Diego, Califomia. Kroeber, Alfred L. 1925 Handbook of the Indians of Califomia (first edition). Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 78. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Moratto, Michael J. and Roger Kelly 1976 Optimizing Strategies for Evaluating Archaeological Significance. In: Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory, edited by Michael B. Schiffer, Vol. 1, pp. 1-30. Academic Press, Orlando, Florida. Office of Historic Preservation 1989a Archaeological Resources Management Reports (ARMR): Recommended Contents and Format. Preservation Planning Bulletin 4(a). Sacramento. Rogers, Malcolm n.d. Site Record Form for CA-SDI-13701. On file. Museum of Man, San Diego, Califomia. Schroth, AdeUa B., Nina Harris and Dennis R. Gallegos 1996 Archaeological Survey and Test for tiie Huber Property, Carlsbad, Califomia. On file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University, San Diego, Califomia. Shipek, Florence C. 1977 A Strategy for Change: The Luiseno of Southem Califomia. Doctoral Dissertation: Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Strudwick, Ivan H. and Dennis R. Gallegos 1994a Site Record Update for CA-SDI-13701. On file, South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University, San Diego, Califomia. 1994b Historical/Archaeological Survey Report for the Moffatt Parcel, Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Carlsbad, Califomia. On file. South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University, San Diego, Califomia. PJ. 38-03 5-1 December 2003 Tme, Delbert L. and Georgia Waugh 1982 Proposed Settiement Shifts during San Luis Rey Times: Northern San Diego County, Cahfomia. Joumal of Califomia and Great Basin Anthropology 4(l):34-54. PJ. 38-03 5-2 December 2003 APPENDIX A KEY PERSONNEL RESUMES m m m m m RESUME DENNIS R. GALLEGOS PRINCIPAL Gallegos & Associates 5671 Palmer Way, Suite A Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 929-0055 EDUCATION B.A. Anthropology, Califomia State University, Northridge, 1974 B.S. Business, Califomia State University, Northridge, 1973 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION Society for American Archaeology Society for Califomia Archaeology San Diego County ArchaeologicS Society Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission 1989-1993 City of San Diego Presidio Park Oversight Committee 2000-2002 San Diego Archaeological Center, Board Member 2001-Present PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Gallegos & Associates 1990 to Present Principal Investigator for cultural resource studies within southem Cahfomia for federal. State and local comphance. These projects include constraint level evaluations, surveys, CEQA testing-programs, evaluations for National Register status, and data recovery programs. Mr. Gallegos is knowledgeable of Federal legal requirements as weB as, Qty, County and CEQA requirements, having worked on over 500 projects within the past 30 years. He has served as prindpal investigator for a number of recent federal cultural resource projects which involved agency and 106 conc^hance. These projects include: surveys and test programs for SR 905 and the widening of Otay Mesa Road, the Otay Mesa Management Plan, Can^ Pendleton Santa Margarita River Viley Inventory (5,000 acres), NAS Mhamar inventory (sample inventory of 20,000 acres). Naval Radio Receiving Facdhty inventory, Cleveland National Forest report preparation; and testing of a 5,000 year-old site along the San Luis Rey River Valley to determine site significance. Major cultural resource overviews include San Dieguito River Valley Park (80,000 acres); and overviews for die City of Escondido, San Marcos planning areas. City of Bticinitas, Otay River Valley, and San Luis Rey River Valley. Recent projects managed by Mr. Gallegos include; an uiventory for Anza-Borrego Desert State Park; Oceanside-Escondido Bike Trail; Viejas Village inventwy and test; survey and testing for Carisbad Ranch, constraint level study for Catrillo Ranch Specific Plan; Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project; and inventories for Subareas HI (3,000 acres), Subarea IV (1,500 acres), and Subarea V (2,000 acres) for the City of San Diego. DENNIS R. GALLEGOS Ogden/ERC Environmental and Energy Services Company 1978 to 1990 Project manager responsible for management and direction of cultural resource surveys, test excavations, and data recovery programs. Major projects include die data recovery programs for Ballast Point, Batiquitos Ridge, Twin Oaks Valley Ranch, Kuebler Ranch - Otay Mesa, Fieldstone Northview, and Daon's Santa Fe Ridge. Utihty line projects involving FERC, NEPA, and 106 compliance include die SCE Palo Verde/Devers 200-mile transmission line corridor survey, testing, and data recovery program; SDG&E La Rosita transmission line; and die SDG&E La Jet solar sUidy. Large-scale Class H cultural resource inventories include the Bureau of Land Management's 2.5-million acre Central Mojave and Colorado Desert regions and tiie BLM's 250,000-acre EastAVest Mesa In^erial Valley studies. Archaeological Consultant 1977 to 1978 Archaeological consultant with Wuth Associates, Inc. for SDG&E includmg: Talega Substation survey (field director); Phase II archaeological inventwy report, plant site to Devers and Miguel Substations, Sundesert Nuclear Project transmission system environmental study; archaeological study of die Jamul Mountain Alteniative, Sundesert Nuclear Project transmission system envkonmental study (field director); and Phase I archaeology report, plant site to VictOTville/Lugo and Devers to Victorville/Lugo, Sundesert Nuclear Project transmission system environmental study. Bureau of Land Management 1975 to 1977 Aixihaeologist for die USDI, Bureau of Land Management, Cahfomia Desert Planning Staff, Saciamento/Riverside, California. Lead archaeologist for die Sahne Valley Unit Resource Analysis (cultural resource inventory of 500,000 acres). Assisted in tiie culttiral resource mventory, unit resource analysis, and management framework plan for die East Mojave Planning Units (2,000,000 acres in die Cahfomia Desert). Developed survey mventCMy and data collection methods for computer input and analysis. Developed a fwedictive model for locating pr^storic sites on the basis of enviioranentaJ variables. This model also identified site type and relative site density for each site type on tiie basis of environmental setting. State of California 1975 Archaeologist for the State of CaUfomia, Department of Parks and Recreation. Responsible for site testing and excavation of die 1812 Russian Fort Ross, Fort Ross, Cahfomia. Archaeological Consultant 1972 to 1974 Archaeological consultant for historic and prehistoric sites to include mapping, survey, excavation, and data recovery programs for private contractors, utilities, univasities, Caltrans, HUD, and museums. Projea areas include: Ventura Mission site, Ventura, CaUfomia; Kirk Creek, Big Sur, Cahfomia; SaJton Sea area. Imperial County, Cahfomia; DENNIS R. GALLEGOS Crt)wder Canyon, San Bernardino County, California; and Cuyama, Cahfomia. Responsibihties included data recovery, analysis, photography, and report wnting. State of Califomia 1970 to 1973 Park aide for die Department of Parks and Recreation. Responsible for survey, excavation, payroll, and disbursement of ftinds for tiie Castaic, Hardluck, and Pyramid i^ojects, Los Angeles National Forest, Califomia. AWARDS Special Achievement Awanl, presented by die Bureau of Land Management, Cahfomia Desert Planning Staff, April 1977. Outstanding Achievement in die Field of Historic Preservation, Leo CairiUo Ranch Master Plan, Cahfomia Preservation Foundation, February 1998 MAJOR REPORTS 1999 Historical/Archaeological Inventory Report for die Otay Mesa Generating Company, LCC. Project. Litoature review, field inventory of 250 acres, and site recording for die Otay Mesa Generating Company. 1999 5000 Years of Occupation: Cultural Resource Inventory and Assessment Program for die Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Project. Report prepared for die City of Carlsbad. 1999 (widiodiers) „ . , „ T . A Oceanside-Escondido Bifceway Project: Cultural Resource foventory and Significance Test for Prehistoric Site CA-SDM4340. Report (HPSR and techmcal attachments) prepared for die City of San Marcos and Caltrans. 1998 (with others) . , ^ ^ Cultural Resources Survey for the Alternate Route of Travel for die Coyote Canyon Anza-Boirego Desert State Park Feasibihty Study. Report prepared for State of Cahfomia iSpartment of Parks and Recreation. 1998 Management Plan for Otay Mesa Prehistoric Resources, San Diego, Cahfomia. Preparation of a management plan for prehistoric resources widiin a 10,000 acre study area. Report prepared for Caltrans and City of San Diego. ^^^^ Route*^^?Reports: HPSR, Survey of ^roxunately 2,000 acres, and Test Report for Sites CA-SDI-6941, Loci G and Y; CA-SDI-11423; and CA-SDI-11424. Reports and techmcal attachments prepared for City of San Diego and Caltrans. 1997 Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring Program, Archaeological Test at Site CA-SDI- 11953, Carlsbad, CaUfomia. Report prepared for City of Carlsbad. 1996 Carlsbad Ranch Survey and Test Report. Field survey, testing to determine site significance, mitigation dirough data recovery excavation, and monitoring. Report prepared for Carltas and die City of Carlsbad. DENNIS R. GALLEGOS 1995 (with odiers) Otay Mesa Road Widening Project Cultural Resources Technical Report. Literature review and field survey of 1,750 acres. Report prepared for City of San Diego and m Caltrans. * 1995 (witiiotiiers) ^ , ^ TT-I. • A Historical/Archaeological Survey Report for Subarea V Future Uri?aiiizing Area, ^ San Diego, Califomia. Literature review and field survey of approximately ^ 2,000 acres'in north San Diego County. 1995 (witiiotiiers) . ^. _ „ ^ Cultural Resource Inventory of die Santa Marganta River Valley, Camp Pendleton. Background study and field inventory of approximately 5,000 acres for Camp ^ Pendleton, nortii San Diego County. 1994 (with Kyle) Archaeological Testing of Seven Sites for die Stardust Golf Course Reahgnment ^ Project City of San Diego. CaUfomia. Testing program to determine site m significance for 10 prehistoric sites. Two major habitation sites widiin die San Diego River Valley were identified as significant. m ^^^^ Ifi^toii^^haeological Survey Report for die Reclaimed Water Distribution Master Plan for die Nordiem and Central Service Areas Phase la, San Diego County, Califomia. Literature review and field survey for approximately 100 hnear m miles. 1993 (with Stmdwick) ^, ^ ^ ,-.r • - The Archaeological hivestigation of CA-SCLI-847 San Qemente Island. Cahfomia. Data recovery program for a 4.000 year old site on San Qemente Island for * • conducted for die U.S. Navy. - 1993 ?^^^^ljggQj(jgj(,al Survey and Test Report for Subarea HI Future Urt>anizing Area. San Diego, CaUfomia. literature review and field survey for 3.000 acres m north San Diego County. 1993 (witii odiers) _ ^. , vir-^u- Historical/Archaeological Survey Report, One City Block Withm Downtown Oceanside Redevelopment Core Block Area. Oceanside. Testing program to determine presence/absence of historic resources and die significance of resources. * 1993 (widiodiers) , ^T..- • - Historical/Archaeological Survey and Test Report for Subarea IV Future Urbamzing Area. San Diego. California. Uterature review and field survey of 1,500 acres in mm north San Diego County. * 1992 (witii Strudwick) , „ . J-J O i ^r • Historical/Archaeological Test Report for Daley Ranch. Escondido, Califorma. " CEQA test program to determine unportance for 23 prehistoric and historic sites. 1992 (widi Stmdwick) , . „ i. r»_- r» « Historical/Archaeological Survey Report for Montecrto Ranch Property, Ramona, CaUfomia. Literature review and field inventory for 953 acres producing * 36 prehistoric and historic sites. DENNIS R. GALLEGOS 1992 ^^^j^^^^^^QjQg^^gl Survey and Test for Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, Cahfomia. Literattire review, field survey and significance testing conducted for five sites. 1992 (witii Schrotii and Strudwick) Historical/Archaeological Sample hiventory for Naval Air Station, Miramar, ban Diego Califortiia. Fifteen percent sample inventory of die 18,433 acre faciUty to provide data for GIS ARC-INFO and site probability modehng for land use planning. 1992 Resource Evaluation for die ViUage of Tenaja, CA-RIV-271 and CA-RTV- 3973, Trabuco Ranger District, Qeveland National Forest. Testing program conducted to determine National Register ehgibility. 1992 (witii Kyle) ^ , • r> .c ^ Historical/Archaeological Survey and National Register Evaluation Report for Camp Pendleton Mihtary Family Housing, San Diego, Cahfomia. Survey and testing program to identify and determine National Register properties. >^h Jolo^^ai hivestigations of a Rve Hundred Year Old Settlement at Twin Oaks Valley Ranch, San Marcos. Califomia. A data recovery program for a late penod habitation site in comphance with federal, state and local reqmrements. Period Occupation at the Kuebler Ranch Site SDi-8654. Otay Mesa, San Diego County, California. A data recovery program for a 7.000 years old site on Otay Mesa prepared for the County of San Diego. 1989 (with odiers) ^ ^„ ,r» ^ * Cultural Resource Inventory and Testing Program for Ldac Ranch. VaUey Center. Cahfomia. Survey of 1,000 acres and testing program for 20 prehistoric and historic sites. 1989 ^^^^^jyj^ hiventory and Testing Program for Salt Creek Ranch, Chula Vista, CaUfomia. Survey of 1,000 acres and testing of historic and prehistoric sites * for site importance under CEQA. * 1988 (with odiers) ^ ^ ^ Culttiral Resource Inventory and Data Acquisition Program. GEO East Mesa Geodiennal Project, Imperial Valley, Cahfomia. Cultural resource inventory of ^ 1000 acres for geodiennal energy development on USDI. BLM lands m die Cahfomia desert. 1988 (witii odiers) .,. ^ ^ - T J- r» * Culttiral Resource Inventory for a Series of Dnll Sites widim die Amir, hidian Rose m Area Lease. Inventory conducted in soudieastem Cahfomia for die development of gold exploration on federal lands by Amir Mines. Ltd. m 1988 (widi odiers) M •m m DENNIS R. GALLEGOS Cultural Resource Inventory and CEQA Test for Site Importance, Rancho Bernardo Lake Course. Inventory of 315 acres, identification and testing of ten prehistoric sites for the J.W. Colachis Company. 1988 (widi otiiers) Cultural Resource Survey and Testing Program for tiie East Mesa. Detention Facility. San Diego Cahfomia Project involved tiie survey of 523 acres, die * identification of eight prehistcnic and one historic site, and tiie testing of these sites m with respect to CEQA. Three of diese sites were quarry locahties on Otay Mesa. Report prepared for die County of San Diego. m ^ 1988 (widi otiiers) Hve Thousand Years of Maritune Subsistence at Ballast Point Prehistoric Site SDI-48 CW-164), San Diego, Cahfomia. Report involved the excavaticai of a 2.5 percent sample within a coastal shell midden site, dated from 6000 to 1500 years * before present. Report prepared for die U.S. Navy. 1987 (widiodiers) ^ Historical/prehistoric Inventory for die Green Dragon Colony. La JoUa Cahfoniia. Report documents die historical development of die Green Dragon Colony. EIR « report for the City of San Diego, 1987 (widiodiers) Cultural Resource Inventory for Rancho La Quinta. Inventory of 1272 acres ^ identifying six prehistoric sites widiin Coachella VaUey. Riverside County, « California. Report prepjuied for the Landmark Land Company. — 1987 (widiodiers) Subsurface Testing Program to Identify and Evaluate Cidtural Resources for the Santa Barbara Retail RevitaUzatiwi Project. Testing program to identify histraical and prehistoric sites within four city blocks of downtown Santa Barbara. Report * prepared for the City of Santa Barbara. m 1986 (widiodiers) m Cultural and Paleontological Survey and Testing for Pacific Rim. Carlsbad, California. Project mvolved die survey of over 1,000 acres along die northern shore of Batiquitos Lagoon, the idoitification of 14 prehistoric, 1 historic, and 1 paleontological site, and die testing of prehistoric and historic sites to determine * importance under CEQA. Report prepared for the City of Carlsbad. m 1986 (widi Cheever) « Culttiral Resource Testing Program for Archaeological Siteis SDI-607, -612, -212, ^ 6825 and W-105, Carisbad, Califorma. Testing program for five sites located along the south shore of Batiquitos Lagoon for the City of Carlsbad 1986 (widi Cheever) * Carmel Mountain Ranch Data Recovery Program for Early Period Archaeological Site SDI-6087. Report prepared for Carmel Mountain Ranch. m 1986 (widiodiers) Lake Cahuilla Prehistoric Occupation at IMP-4434 and IMP-5167, Impenal Valley, ^ California. Data recovery for Ryerson Concrete Company. DENNIS R. GALLEGOS 1985 Early and Late Period Occupation at Rogers Ridge (SDI-4845, W-182). Carisbad, Califomia. Data recovery program to include die excavation of 94, 1 by 1 m units at six loci dating from 850 to 7000 years B.P. for Resource Microsystems Inc. and Daon Inc. 1984 (widiodiers) Archaeological Investigations at SDI-5130, Mar Lado Project, Oceanside, Cahfomia. Data recovery program for L and L Development. 1984 Cultural Resource Data Recovery Program for SDG&E's Imperial Valley to La Rosita 230-kV Transmission Une. Report prepared for SDG&E, San Diego, Califomia. 1984 Windsong Shores Data Recovery Program for Site W-131 (Agua Hedionda), Carlsbad, CaUfomia. Excavation of a 5 percent sample at a 7,000 to 8,500 year old site for Hunts Partnership. 1984 West Mesa Cultural Resource Survey and Site Evaluation, Imperial Valley, Califomia. Report prepared for tiie Bureau of Land Management. 1983 Excavation of Diegueno/Ipai Subsistence Camps above Encinitas Creek: A Data Recovery Program for Fieldstone Northview. Encinitas. Cahfomia. Report prepared for the Fieldstone Development Company. 1983 Archaeological Overview for die City of San Marcos, Business/Industtial, Richman. Lake San Marcos, and Barham/Discovery Community Plan. Report prepared for the City of San Marcos. 1980 (with odiers) Qdtural Resource Inventory and National Register Assessment of the Southem Cahfomia Edison Palo Verde to Devers Transmission Line Corridor (Cahfomia portion). Prepared for Southem Califomia Edison, Rosemead, CaUfomia. 1980 (with others) Class n Cultural Resource Inventory of East Mesa and West Mesa Regions, Imperial VaUey, Cahfomia. Prepared for USDI, Bureau of Land Management, Riverside, Cahfomia. 1979 (widi odiers) Class n Cultural Resource Inventory of die Centt*al Mojave and Colorado Desert Regions. Prepared for USDI. Bureau of Land Management, Riverside, CaUfomia. 1978 (witii White) An Archaeological Survey of die Talega Substation Site. Prepared for San Diego Gas & Electric by Wuth Associates, Inc., San Diego, CaUfomia. 1978 (widi odiers) Documentation of the Phase II Archaeology Inventory Report, Plant Site to Devers and Miguel Substation, Sundesert Nuclear Project Transmission System Envuonmental Study. Prepared for San Diego Gas & Electric Company by Wuth Associates, Inc.. San Diego. Cahfomia. 1978 Jamul Mountains Altemative Route Suitabihty Review, Sundesert Nuclear Project Transmission System Environmental Study. Prepared for San Diego Gas & Electtic Company by Wuth Associates, Inc., San Diego, CaUfomia. DENNIS R. GALLEGOS 1977 (witiiotiiers) Phase I Archaeology Report, Plant Site to Victorville/Lugo and Devers to VictorviUe/Lugo, Sundesert Nuclear Project Transmission System Environmental Study. Prepared for San Diego Gas & Electric Company by Wirth, Associates, Inc., San Diego, CaUfomia. 1977 Saline VaUey Unit Resource Analysis - Cultural Resources. Prepared for USDI, Bureau of Land Management, Cahfomia Desert Planning Staff, Riverside, Califomia. 1976 (widi Hanks) East Mojave Management Framework Plan - Cultural Resources. Prepared for USDI, Bureau of Land Management, Cahfomia Desert Planning Staff, Riverside, Cahfomia. PUBLICATIONS Management Plan for Otay Mesa Prehistoric Resources, San Diego, California, Coyote Press, Salinas, California, 1998 Five Thousand Years of Maritime Subsistence at Ballast Point Prehistoric Site SDi-48 (W-164), San Diego, Califomia. (with Carolyn Kyle). Coyote Press, Salinas, Cdifomia, No. 40.1998 Environmental Change and Coastal Adaptations in San Diego County (with Patricia Masters, Ph.D.). In: Archaeology of the Califomia Coast During the Middle Holocene^ University of California, Los Angeles, California, Vol. 4,1997. A Review and Synthesis of the Archaeological Record for the Lower San Diego River Valley. Society for California Archaeology, San Diego, CaUfomia, Volume 8.1995 Pattems and Imphcations of Coastal Settiement in San Diego County: 9000 to 1300 Years Ago. In; Essays on the Prehistory of Maritime Califomia. Center for Archaeological Research at Davis, No. 10.1992. Antiquity and Adulation at Agua Hedionda. Carisbad, California. In: Hunter-Gatherers of Early Holocene Coastal Califomia, Institute of Archaeology, University of CaUfomia, Los Angeles, 1991. A Review and Synthesis of Environmental and Cultural Material for die Batiquitos Lagoon Region. In: San Dieguito - La Jolla, Chronology and Controversy, San Diego County Archaeological Society. Research P^>er, Number 1,1987. Relocation of the Ballast Point Tryworks Oven Foimdation (with Adella Schroth). in Fort Guijarros Quarterly, 3:2,1989 Early Man and a Cidtural Chronology for Batiquitos Lagoon. In: Casual Papers^ Cultural Resource Management Center, Department of Anthrc^logy, San Diego State University. 1986. Batiquitos Lagoon Revisited. In: Casual Papers, Culttiral Resource Management Center, Department of Anthropology. San Diego State University, 1985. DENNIS R. GALLEGOS Class II Cultural Resource Inventory, East Mesa and West Mesa Region, Imperial Valley, California, (widi otiiers). USDI, BLM, 1980. Cultural Resource Inventory of the Central Mojave and Colorado Desert Regions, (witii odiers). USDI, BLM, Culttiral Resources Pubhcations, Archaeology, 1980. MONICA C. GUERRERO PROJECT ARCHAEOLOGIST Gallegos & Associates 5671 Palmer Way, Suite A Carlsbad, Cahfomia 92008 (760) 929-0055 EDUCATION M.A. San Diego State University, 2001 B.A. Anthropology, University of Cahfomia, Santa Barbara 1996 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION Society for Cahfomia Archaeology 1997- Present Register of Professional Archaeologists 2001- Present Archaeological Survey Association of Soudiem CaUfomia 1997- Pnssent PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Gallegos & Associates 20OO-Present Duties include Uterattire reviews, record searches, direction of field crews for survey and testuig programs, ceramic analysis, creation of surface coUection m^, gr^hics, report editing, and contributing author for various San Diego County reports. Recent projects include die test/evaluaticMi report for die NCTD Oceanside-Escondido Rail Project; inventory, testing and data recovery program for die Otay Generating Plant Project; BLM Kuchamaa Overview study; and die monitoring program for die Otay Plant and faciUties. San Diego State University San Diego, CA 09/98-05/01 Laboratory Assistant. Duties included the identification, sorting, and catalogmg of artifacts from a San Diego County late prehistoric archaeological site. Addition^ duties included artifact and pottery analyses and updating State of Califomia site record forms. Teaching Assistant: Assisted professor in teaching archaeological field methods class. Duties included mstruction and supervision in surveyirig, mapping, excavating, water screening, flotation, site documentation and unit documentation, illustration of unit profiles, and laboratory analysis. Collections Management: Duties included revitaUzation of artifact coUections, identificatiMi and re- catalogmg of artifacts, entering data into Collection Man^ement's database, and provided pubUc based educational programs to local elementary students. University of CaUfomia, Los Angeles Los Angeles. CA 6/99-7/99 Archaeological Assistant: Assisted with archaeological field class in Mocollope, Peru. Duties included student field instruction and supervision of excavation, dry screening, artifact sorting, profile illustration, and level record forms. Central Coast Information Center Santa Barbara, CA 3/96- 6/96 Data Management: Duties included mapping newly recorded archaeological sites onto USGS quadrangle maps, entering new site information into the CCIC database, updating quad maps by mapping aU previous sites onto new quad maps, and assisting local archaeologists with site record form requests. PUBLICATIONS AND CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REPORTS-PRIMARY AUTHOR 2001 Hual-Cu-Cuish: A Late Prehistoric Kumeyaay Village Site in the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, San Diego County, Cahfomia. Masters Thesis on file at San Diego State University. San Diego, CaUfomia. RECENT PUBLICATIONS AND CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REPORTS- CONTRIBUTING AUTHOR 2001 Cultural Resource Test Program for die Wilson Property, Carlsbad, Cahfomia. Prepared for the City of Carlsbad. 2001 Cultural Resource Letter Report for die Rancho Santa Fe Force Main Project, San Diego County. CaUfomia. Prepared for Dudek & Associates. 2001 Cultural Resource Letter Report for the Vista-Oceanside Project. San Diego County, CaUfomia. Prepared for Shapouri & Associates. 2001 Historical/ArchaeologicaJ Survey for die Palomar Transfer Station Project. Carisbad, CaUfomia. Prepared for Dudek & Associates. 2001 Cultural Resource Test Report for the Oceanside-Escondido Rail Project, Oceanside. CaUfomia. Prepared for Dudek & Associates. 2001 Historical/Archaeological Survey for die Brookside Plaza Project. Vista. Califomia.Prepared for Land Planning Consultants. 2001 Archaeological Test Program for CA-SDM4112. Mesa Norte Prtjject, San Diego.CaUfomia. Prepared for Hunsaker& Associates. 2001 Cidtural Resource Test Program for CA-SDI-12508, San Diego, California. Prepared for Garden Communities. 2001 Cultural Resources Technical Report for die Otay Mesa Generating Project - Gas line Corridor. Prepared for the Califomia Energy Commission. •m m ^ 2001 Histoncai/Archaeological Survey for the Vineyard Project, County of San Diego, Califomia. Prepared for Shapouri & Associates. WM 2001 Cultural Resource Survey Report for die Great Oak Ranch Property, Riverside, County, "* Califomia. Prepared for Dudek & Associates. ^ 2002 Historical/Archaeological Survey for the Vintage Timberworks Project, Temecula. Ml Cahfomia. Prepared for Vintage Timberworks, Inc. m 2002 Cultural Resource Letter Report for the Cahfomia State University San Marcos Student ^ Housing and Associated Facilities Project, San Marcos, Califomia. Prepared for O'Day Consultants. 2002 Historical/Archaeological Survey for die La Costa Greens Trunk Sewer Replacement * Project, Carlsbad, C^fomia. Prepared for Dudek & Associates. *• 2002 Data Recovery Program for Pacbell Site CA-SDI-5633, San Marcos, California. Prepared ^ for Joseph Wong Design Associates. ^ 2002 Cultural Resource Literature Review for National Enterprises Major Use Permit, Otay Mesa, San Diego County, Cahfomia. Prepared for National Enterprises, Inc. 2002 Cultural Resource Letter Report for die Hu Residence, City Required Update Study. Prepared for the Sea Bright Company. 2002 Cultural Resource Survey for the Creekside Marketplace and Adjacent Retail Project. San m, Marcos, CaUfomia. Prepared for P & D Consultants. * 2002 Cultural Resource Survey for the Rancho Vista Del Mar Property, Otay Mesa, San Diego County, Cahfomia. F*rBpared for National Enterprises, Inc. m 2002 Cultural Resource Survey for the Perris Valley Lateral "B" Stage 2 Project. Moreno Valley, Cahfomia. Prepared for Dudek & Associates. «• 2002 Class Ul Cultural Resource Inventory for die Steele Peak Property, Riverside County, * Califomia. Prepared for Bureau of Land Management. * 2002 Otay/Kuchamaa Cultural Resource Background Study, San Diego County, CaUfomia: m Prepared as Part of tiie Otay/Kuchamaa Resource Management Plan. Prepared for USDI Bureau of Land Management. ^ 2001 Cidtural Resource Survey and Test Report for die Johnson Canyon Parcel, Otay Mesa, San Diego County, Cdifomia. Prepared for Otay Mesa Property, LP. mm 2002 Cultural Resource Literature Review for National Enterprises Major Use Permit. Otay * Mesa. San Diego County. Califomia. Prepared for National Enterprises, Inc. 2002 Cultural Resource Survey for die Toirey Pines Reserve Habitat Restoration Site, San m Diego, Cahfomia. Prepared for ProjectDesign Consultants. 'm 2002 Cultural Resource Survey for the University Commons Extension Project, San Marcos, Cahfomia. Prepared for Dudek & Associates. 2003 Cultural Resource Survey for die Rancho Santa Fe ParkJands Project, San Diego, Califomia. Prepared for Shapouri & Associates. 2003 Cultural Resource Survey and Test Report for die Lonestar Parcel, Otay Mesa, San Diego County, Cahfomia. Prepared for Otay Mesa Property, L.P. 2002 Cultural Resource Inventory for the Concho Circle Project, Oceanside, California. Prepared for Dave Zemik. 2003 Monitoring Program for die LMXU/Torrey Ranch Export Plan Project, San Diego, Cahfomia. Prepared for Western Pacific Housing. 2003 Culttiral Resource Survey for die San Dieguito Academy Project, San Diego, Cahfomia. Prepared for Dudek & Associates. 2003 Cultural Resource Survey for the Sunset Continuation High School Project, San Diego, CaUfomia. Prepared for Dudek & Associates. 2003 Historical/Archaeological Survey for die La Costa Resort and Spa Project. Carlsbad, Califomia- Prepared for P & D Consultants. 2003 Culttiral Resource Survey for die Bonita Library Project, Chula Vista, Cahfomia. Prepared for BRG Consulting, Inc. 2003 Cultural Resource Survey for the Sycamore LandfiJl EIR Project, City of San Diego, Cahfomia. Prepared for BRG Consulting, Inc. PAPERS PRESENTED 2000 Archaeological Investigations at CA-SDI-945, San Diego County, Cahfomia. Presented to San Diego Archaeological Society. San Diego, Cahfomia. 2000 Prehminary Archaeological Investigations at Hual-Cu-Cuish (CA-SDI-945), San Diego County, Cahfomia. Presented at the Thuty-Fourth Annual Meeting., Society for CaUfomia Archaeology, Riverside, CaUfrania. 2001 Boundary Identification Through die Use of Ceraiiiics m San Diego County. Presented to die Annual Soudiem Data-Sharing Meeting Society, for CaUfomia Archaeology. San Luis Obispo, Cahfomia. m m APPENDIX B CATALOGUE llliftilllliltiiii I I i I CA-SDI-13071 illlilililiil kill 12/3/2003 IJITTYPEI UNIT LEVil ARTIFACT POMiil iUPMOT CA-SDI-13701 1 STP 10 D-10 cm Sample Zom C-14 0 0 0 0.80 Chione CA-SDI-13701 2 STP 10 ^-^0 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 0.90 CA-SDI-137ai 4 STP 9 0-10 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 1.20 CA-SDI-13701 5 STP 9 10-20 cm =aunal Com Shell 0 0 0 170 CA-SDI-13701 6 STP 4 0-10 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 53.20 CA-SDI-13701 6 STP 11 20-30 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 41.90 CA-SDI-13701 7 STP 4 10-20 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 30.10 CA-SDI-13701 8 STP 4 20-30 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 39.70 CA-SDI-13701 9 STP 6 0-10 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 0.60 GA-SDI-13701 10 STP 6 10-20 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 1.70 CA-SDI-13701 10 STP 10 10-20 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 0.30 CA-SDI-13701 12 STP 6 30-40 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 26.30 CA-SDI-13701 13 STP 3 0-10 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 1.80 CA-SDI-13701 14 STP 3 10-20 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 4.30 CA-SDI-13701 15 STP 3 20-30 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 0.70 CA-SDI-13701 16 STP 1 0-10 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 3.70 CA-SDI-13701 17 STP 1 10-20 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 4.80 CA-SDI-13701 18 STP 1 20-30 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 7.10 CA-SDI-13701 19 STP 1 30-40 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 2.80 CA-SDI-13701 20 STP 1 40-50 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 3.40 CA-SDI-13701 21 STP 1 50-60 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 2.90 CA-SDI-13701 22 STP 8 0-10 cm Fauna! Com Shell 0 0 0 1.80 CA-SDI-13701 23 STP 8 10-20 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 2.60 CA-SDI-13701 24 STP 2 10-20 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 0.90 CA-SDI-13701 25 STP 2 20-30 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 4.20 CA-SDI-13701 26 STP 2 30-40 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 4.50 CA-SDI-13701 27 STP 7 0-10 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 0 0 1.70 CA-SDI-13701 28 STP 7 10-20 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 G G 1.4G CA-SDI-13701 29 STP 5 10-20 cm Faunal Com Shell a c c 0.3C CA-SDI-13701 30 STP 5 30-40 cm Faunal Com Shell 0 c 0.1C Page 1 1^ APPENDIX C STP RECORD FORMS m SHOVGL TGST PIT DATA SHGtTT <m PRCLGCT: STTE: CREW VEGETATfON: *1 STP: COORD: DATE: 10-IH-Ql SOILS 7 Ely 10 - 20 30 - 40 - _ 50 - - 60- - 70 - - 80 - 90 _ 100- cm ^NOEO AT _^CM DUE TO MSrURSANCE: iOTES: -70 -80 90 Moo CULTURAL MATERIAL 6^ SMOVGL TETST PfT DATA SHGCT m PROUGCT: ,^ SITE: VEGETATfON: 'v ^ STP: DATE; SOILS _ 60- - 70 - - 80 - 90 _ 100- cm ^NOED AT 1^ CM DUE TO M •^ISTURSANCE: m OTES: 60 -7 0 -SO- -90 - Moo CULTURAL MATERIAL g5 (^-^^^ -fV^s SI? C .cC ^ SHOVCL PflCuGCT: m STTE: m m -T ——" — • m VEGETATION: SHOVCL TGST PIT DATA SHGGT STP: ^3 COORD gynyTj^rr;!^ DATE: IP-IM^^D^^^"^^^ SOILS ^NOEO AT CM DUE TO •^STURSANCE: m OTHS: cm 60 1 (-60 -70-1 t-70 80 - I (-6 0 90 - 1 ^-90 100- 1 Moo CULTURAL MATERIAL at f=ORWS^TP>lS SHOVCL TGST PfT DATA SHGGT Ml PROJECT: SfTE: CREW VEGETATION: STP: COORD ^ 25S^^^^ |2_ DATE: 10 WM^^ —U- SOILS •3^ rv. ^NOED AT '^^^CM DUE TO Cpvwy wc-^>'av^ »ISTUR8ANC£: • OTES: CULTURAL MATERIAL f SHOVCL TGST PfT DATA SHGGT m m PflOueCT: SmE: CREW. VEGETATION: LrrX^ A..T.Ac ^5 STP: DATE: 10-^4-^)3 SOILS CULTURAL MATERIAL -4 ^^v.^ U^:-! ~ 90 - •iNOED AT ___ CM DUE TO Moo 1^ SJ3 DISTURBANCE: • OTES: f=OF9AS/STPXlS SHOVCL TGST PIT DATA SHGCT PRCUGCT: STTE- CREW t^'- 131-01 ^^/.Qw-fy;) VEGETATION: Y^'ixej s<yz. ^ y w^l & r^ov-v.^^ SOILS 1 e^g^ef r ,^<v>a^5. - 50 - - 60- - 70 . 80 - 90 _ 100 _ cm -50 -60 -7 0 - SO 90 Moo ^-NDED AT CM DUE TO •*tSTUR8ANCE; m iOTES: STP: DATE: (O - 14-oi- ^ CULTURAL MATERIAL X '=OfiMS^TP>a.S SHOVGL TGST PfT DATA SHCET PRCUTCT: CREW m VEGETATION: SOILS •GNOEO AT CM DUE TO m WISTUR8ANCE: OTES: 1 0 20 - 30 - - I - 40 - 50 - 60 _ 70 - 80 - 90 - 100 cm MO 1-2 0 •3 0 L-40 -50 -60 • -70 - SO ^-90 Moo STP: COORD DATE; \0-i(,-qZ_ CULTURAL MATERIAL SHOVGL TGST PfT DATA SMCGT PRCutBDT: SITE- CREW VEGETATION: IT;^ .l-P--eW SOILS -1 0 xVv^<,^^JL CowJ>Ac\ S«v>i^-Vow - 20 - - 30 - • 40 - 50 - 60- 70 - 80 - 90 _ 100- cm |-3 0 (-40 .50 60 • -70 - -80 90 Moo I -^NOED AT 20 CM DUE TO "DISTURBANCE: m OTES: STP: <H8 COORD- ^-"2^ 136' }\W DATE: IO-I4-03 ~~ CULTURAL MATERIAL u 1 '•^i iWll <^L-C^5 ho\^ 4-1^^A|^^ S^P f^OfW&STPXLS m m M SHOVGL TGST PfT DATA SnGfTT PRCuGCT STTE: CREW VEGETATION: STP: DATE: |D-/^-0 SOILS 10 - 20 - -' 30 - - 40 - 50 - 60- 70 - 80 - 90 _ 100- cm ^NOED AT 20_ CM DUE TO f-3 0 1-40 -50 -60 - -7 0 - -80 90 Moo I •ISTURSANCE; OTES: CULTURAL MATERIAL ^^Wj cWsr^A^ if^Si{\ij jP-^S-l 10 SHOVCL TGST PIT DATA SHCCT PROJECT: SHE: CREW VEGETATION: e^-pi- i^-^Di 4 10 STP: COORD _73'VVl <i DATE: fo-fL-o, SOILS CULTURAL MATERIAL -10 20 • 30 - 40 - 50 _ 60- 70 — 80 - _ 90 - '^NDEO AT ^^CM DUE TO ^"^^^^"^ -100- cm •-3 0 I I L-40 I I 1-5 0 I I U-SO • -70- -80- ^90 - Moo- - V<L<| 5yiN\to^4. CvydL-j 'DISTURBANCE: m OTES: mm ' ^ 1 —p, —i_ m FORMS^TP^S m •m m APPENDIX D SITE RECORD FORMS Confidential Appendix on File at the South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University, San Diego (See Confidential Appendix) APPENDIX E SITE FORM UPDATE Confidential Appendix on File at the South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University, San Diego (See Confidential Appendix) m 91 Id 2 CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY AND TEST PROGRAM FOR THE CARLSBAD SEWER LINE PROJECT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA u m Id CONFIDENTIAL APPENDIX 3 3 3 3 Prepared for: Dudek & Associates Prepared by: Gallegos & Associates 3 December 2003 a Ml All FIGURE 1-3 PROJECT AREA AND SITE CA-SDI-13701 SHOWN ON SAN LUIS REY 7.5' USGS MAP 111 m at m •m m m mm m mm 0t m» mm. iM 0*14' 4MILS San Luis Rey 7.5' USGS Map SCALE 1:24000 0 240 MILS 1000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FCr 1 KILOMETER Gallegos & Associates Project Alignment and Previously Recorded Cultural Resource Shown on USGS Map III FIGURE 1-3 FIGURE 1-4 PREVIOUS STUDIES SHOWN ON SAN LUIS REY 7.5' USGS MAP m m m id m m m 0*14' 4MILS 13Vi' 240 MILS 1000 Gallegos & Associates SCALE 1:24000 0 San Luis Rey 7.5' USGS Map 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET 1 KILOMETER Previous Studies Shown on USGS Map FIGURE 1-4 FIGURE 3-1 SITE CA-SDI-13701 SITE MAP DETAIL m ftj &J fti i^i fti hi iJ fti fti ftl & i il il il il il fti STP 3 STP 2 SEWER ALIGNMENT STP 6 STP 7 AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON 0 20 SCALE Gallegos & Associates CA-SDI-13701 Site Map Detail FIGURE 3-1 •m m APPENDIX D ^ SITE RECORD FORMS Confidential Appendix on File at the South Coastal Information ^ Center, San Diego State University, San Diego il ;tate of CalifcH'nia - The Resources Agency ftgPARTMEfJT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Primary # _ •RIMARY RECORD HRI# Trinomial CA-SDI-13701 Other Listings Review Code NRHP Status Code Reviewer Date 1 of Z *Resource Name or #: (Assigned by Recorder) CA-SDI-13701, Other Identiner: W-130 1. Location:!^ Not for Publication • Unrestricted *a. County San Diegq County and (P2b and P2c or P2d. Attach Location Map as required.) *b. USGS Quad San Luis Rev f7.5'/15M Pate T U : SR 4W l/4of Sec None : S.B.B.M. c. Address Adams Street Citv Carlsbad Zip_92009 ^_ d. UTM: (Give nwre than one for large and/or linear resources) Zone 11 469460 m E/ 3667^00 m N 469580 mE/ 3667580 469680 m E/ 3667200 469360 mEy 3667300 e. Other Locational Data (e.g. parcel #, directions to resources, elevation, etc., as apiwopriate): Along north shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon just north of the intersection of Adams Street and Highland Drive. The site is 0.4 km (0.25 miles) east of Interstate 5 and 1.2 km (0.75 mUes) east of the Pacific Ocean. I. Description (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, boundaries.): Originally described as a shell midden with a high shell and charcoal content and average groundstone content. Shell was described as all Lit 11 age. This update records testing to the southeastern portion of the site. 3b. Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) AP15 - Resources present: • Building • Structure • Object S Site • District • Element of District Photograph or Drawing (Photo required for buildings, structures, and objects) P5. Description of Photo: accession #) (View, date. *P6. Date Constructed/Age: H Prehistoric • Historic • Both •P7. Owner and Address: Gene Huber 6407 ElPatoCt. Carlsbad. CA 92009 •P8. Recorded aftiliation) N. Harris by (Name, address, and Gallegos & Associates. 5671 Palmer Way, Suite A. Carlsbad. CA 92008 •P9. Date Recorded: December 10. 1996 Section and testing •PIO. Type of Survey: (Describe:) Surface IL Report Citation (Cite survey report and other sources, or enter "none"); 1) Archaeological Survey and Test for thr Huber Property. jad. California 2^ Historical/ Archaeological Survey Report for the Moffatt Parcel. Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Carlsbad. Califomia and 3) ?ncal/Archaeoloyical Survey and Test Report for the Bovce Parcel. Agua Hedionda Lapoon. Carlsbad. CA :hments: • None Q Map Sheet X Continuation Sheet • Building, Structure, and Object Record P Linear Res. Rec. i Archaeological Rec. • District Rec. Milling Station Rec. • Rock Art Rec. • Artifact Rec. • Photo Rec. fcr (Lisl):_ S23A (1/95) ^Required Information of Califomia - The Resources Agency pARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATBDN WlNUATION SHEET Primary # HRI #/Trinomial CA-SDI-13701 ^Continuation .Update Property Name/Temporarvtf: W-130 ; update is in regards to surface collection and testing at the southeast portion of the site. A surface collection included 8 artifacts: 1 mano, 1 hammerstone, 2 groundstone fragments and 3 debitage. One piece of debitage was collected from subsurface investigation. Shell noted include Argopecten and Chione. ng using seven shovel test pits identified the absence of a subsurface midden deposiL The portion of the site tested was identified as not ficant The remaining portion of CA-SDI-13701 has not been tested to determine site significance. *R 523H-Test (12/93) State ot California - The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE RECORD Page 1 of 1 Permanent Trinomial: CA-SDI-13701 Additional Designation: W-130 Temporary Number: Agency Designation: 1. County; San Diego. 2. USGS Quad: San Luis Rey f7.5') 1968 (15") _ 3. UTM Coordinates: Zone 11 / 469460 Easting / 3667600 Photorevised 1975. Northing; 469580 Easting / 3667580 Northing; 469680 Easting / 3667200 Northing; 469360 Easting / 3667300 Northing. 4. Township: IIS Range: in an unsectloned area. Base (Mer) SE. ()- 5. Map Coordinates: 468-487 mm S, 181-194 mm E (from NW corner of map) 6. Elevation; 10 - 140 ft. 7. Location: Along the north shore of Aqua Hedionda Laaoon lust north of the Intersection of Adams Street and Highland Drive. The site is 0.4 km fO.25 mWes) east of Interstate 5 and 1.2 km fO.75 miles) east of the Pacific Ocean. 8. Prehistoric XX Historic Protohistoric . 9. Site Description; Originallv described as a shell midden with a high shell and charcoal content and averaoe groundstone content. Shell was described as all Lit II age. This update identifies the site as a habitation site with a laroe shell component. 1 0. Area: 450 m (N/S length) x 300 m (EAW width) = 135.000 m^. Method of Determination: Estimation, based on mapping data. 11. Depth: Orioinallv reported to be 12 to 26 inches. Method of Determination: Unknown, but there must be some depth as darkened midden sediments are present in places near the ridge along the west side of the site. 12. Features: A relatively undisturbed portion of the midden with complete shells, darkened sediments and FAR indica;(ing ^ potgnliaMiving area was observed in a level portion of the west side of the site lust south of Adams Street. This potential living area is located in a level spot just east of the top of the ridge al the west side of the site, south of Adams Street. 13. Artifacts: The site itself was orioinally identified as containing an avff.ragje amount of oroundstone. South of Adams Street several cores. 3 manos. 100+ flakes and hundreds of FAR were identified near the ridge al the west side of the site. Several flakes fmetavolcanic. porphyritic volcanic and quart?). 1 mano fragment, and 1 gplit cobble core (metavolcanic) were observed on a 0.4 acre survey area just norlh of the inlerseclion of Adams St and Highland Dr. 14. Non-Artifactual Constituents: Hundreds of fire-affecled rocks and marine shell, primarily Argopecten and Chione sp. 15. Date Recorded: March 10. 1994 16. Recorded By: Ivan Strudwick and Dennis Gallegos. 17. Affiliation and Address: Gallegos & Associates. 2227 Faraday. Suite C. Carlsbad. CA 92008. State of California - The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE RECORD Page 2 of 1 Permanent Trinomial: CA-SDI-13701 Additional Designation: W-130 Temporary Number: 18. Human Remains: None observed. 19. Site Integrity: Poor. However, there is a level portion of the site south of Adams Strfipt along the east side of the westernmost ridge that contains whole shell and a dark midden sediment that appears to be relatively intact and mav contain a remnant Irving surface. Other than a 0.4 acre parcel lust north of the intersection of Adams St. and Highland Dr.. and the portion south of Adams Street, the majorilv of the site was not revisited during March nf 1994. 20. Nearest Water (type, distance and direction): Agua Hedionda Creek is approximately 1.6 km n.O miles^ east. 21. Largest Body of Water within 1 km (type, distance and direction): Agua Hedionda Lagoon Is located immedialelv south. 22. Vegetation Community (site vicinity): Coastal sage and grasses. 23. Vegetation Community (on site): Sumac, grasses, iceplant. [Plant List ( )] References for above: Munz. 1975. California Desert Wlldflowers. Rerkeiev: UC Press 24. Site Soil: Compacted sand with limited silt. 25. Surrounding Soil: Same. 26. Geology: Uplifted marine deposits. 27. Landform: Descending ridge and slope along north side of lagoon. 28. Slope: 0-15% to the South. 29. Exposure: Open. 15. Landowner: Portions are private residences and some is City of Carlsbad. 31. Remarks: This site form Is being filed in order to obtain a permanent trinomial for a site originallv recorded bv M. Rogers. 32. References: Strudwick antf GallegOP, 1994. Historical/Archaeological Survey Report for the Moffatt Parcel. Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Carlsbad. Califomia. 33. Name of Project: Moffatt (Q-QA). 34. Type of Investigation: Survey. 35. Site Accession Number: 9-94. Curated At: Gallegos & Associates. 36. Photos: Y£s Taken By: D. Gallegos. 37. Photo Accession Number: 9-93 On File At; Gallegos & Associates. Cultural Resources Identified as Shown on the San Luis Rey 7.5' U.S.G.S. Map FIGURE True North Gallegos & Associates 0 200 400 i_ 600 ft 100 200 m CA-SDI-13701 (W-130) Site Map FIGURE LOCATrOK: South side of Carlsbad Block on the north margin, .of Hedionda Slouch Elev* 175». ^ NAME: None. AREA: 1 acre stony with scattered evidence north on the ridge for 1/2 mile more. TYPE: Slough terrace accretion camp without any lengthly hiatuses. Rests on red crag, CULa?imESt Trace of SD-II and Lit. II. WATER CONDITIONS: None except during Y-III times when the slough was ponded. ARCHITECTURE: Usual number of Lit. II hearths. BURIALS: None. PETROS: None. INTRUSIVES: None. north end of terrace on erosional surfaces and in gullies Ts\ir^^ IIT. ^^^^^ middenfhow^ver, ^m^atf Ind'm^no tv^de^rrver^ge!'"' ''^^^ "^'"'''^ '""'''^^'^ — ^Aver. depth 12". Max. depth 26". No induration, much ash at bottom Shell runs down to the slough margin. In fact, there is a veneer o?' tno^ controls the land at the east end of the slouch woSd |not give permits for excavation or even surface observation b^? lo^i ^ (years I walked over this terrain and would say that all the middens o? ^material in their possession. Mostly steatite artifacts. APPENDIX E SITE FORM UPDATE Confidential Appendix on File at the South Coastal Information Center, San Diego State University, San Diego m State of Califorma - The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary # HRI #/Trinomial CA-SDM3701 Page_ of 3 .Continuation X Update Property NameyTemporaiy#: A portion of site CA-SDI-13701 was tested during work for the Carlsbad Sewer Replacement Project. A total of 10 STPs were excavated, eight of which were placed within the sewer alignment corridor, and two of which were placed within proposed staging areas adjacent to and north of the corridor. The entire corridor, which lies along a narrow terrace on the norSi edge of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, was found to be disturbed by previous sewer trenching/installation in the 1960s. While most of the sewer corridor lies south of site SDI-13701 (as previously recorded), the area around STP 5 lies within the site area. STPs 9 and 10, which were placed in proposed staging areas adjacent to and within the site area (respectively), both contained small amounts of highly fragmented shell. Severe erosion, as well as foot and vehicular traffic, and slope wash from upslope to the north has greatly disturbed these areas. The shell recovered probably represents a redeposit No further work is recommended for these areas (See attached project location map and site detail map). Report Reference: Cultural Resoiu'ce Survey and Test for the Carlsbad Sewer line Project Carisbad. Califomia: Monica Guerrero and Dennis Gallegos, 2003 DPR 523H-Test (12/93) San Luis Rey 7.5' USGS 1000 2000 3000 4O00 5000 6000 7000 FEET 1 KILOMETER Gallegos & Associates Project Alignment and Previously Recorded Cultural Resource Shown on USGS Map FIGURE 1-3 ilillillliljtlllllllllJftlftitililJiititi STP 3 STP 2 SEWER - ALIGNMENT STP 6 STP 7 STPS AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON SCALE Gallegos & Associates CA-SDI-13701 Site Map Detail FIGURE 3-1