HomeMy WebLinkAbout3809; North Batiquitos Lift Station Modifications; North Batiquitos Lift Station Modifications; 2004-05-01m CITY OF CARLSBAD San Diego County CaUfomia TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM FOR North Batiquitos Lift Station Modifications Package C: Corrosion Reduction Strategies (CONTRACT NO. 3809) MAY 2004 PreparedBy BROWN AND CALDWELL 9665 Chesapeake Drive Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92123 CONTENTS Topic Page INTRODUCTION 1 PURPOSE 2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3 METHODOLOGY 3 Liquid Phase Grab Samples 4 Liquid Phase Composite Samples 4 Gas Phase Grab Samples 5 Continuous Gas Phase Samples 6 DISCUSSION 6 NBLS Liquid Phase Data 7 NBLS Gas Phase Data 9 ODOR DISPERSION MODELING 10 VIABLE TREATMENT OPTIONS 12 Liquid Phase Treatment Options 12 Gas Phase Treatment and Odor Control Options 13 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 14 Conclusions 14 Recommendations 14 APPENDIX A DHK ENGINEERS, INC. NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ODOR MODELING REPORT APPENDIX B LIQUID AND GAS PHASE ODOR AND CORROSION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad (City) has retained Brown and Caldwell (BC) to develop corrosion reduction strategies for the North Batiquitos Lift Station (NBLS) and the North Batiquitos Interceptor (NBI). The evaluation study discussed in this technical memorandum (TM) was instituted by the City to proactiveiy address the effects of sulfide on infrastructure, health and safety, and odor impacts in the vicinity of the NBLS and NBI. The NBI and NBLS both suffer from the effects of high levels of hydrogen sulfide (HjS), which has a significant impact on lift station infrastructure. H2S gas in the headspace is converted to sulfuric acid by aerobic bacteria; and the acid can consequently attack cementitious elements of unlined manholes, pipelines and wet wells. This attack results in reduced structural integrity, increasing the risk of potential failure of the infrastructure. HjS gas also corrodes metaUic surfaces directiy, causing pitting of metallic manhole rings and covers, and has deleterious effects on the electronic components at the NBLS. Sulfides and moisture in the wet weU atmosphere have caused corrosion of two existing sluice gates which are critical to Uft station operation. A supply fan and an exhaust fan, both located inside the wet well, originally provided ventilation. However, these fans were removed due to corrosion damage. The wet well is now supplied with fresh air using a temporary fan mounted outside the wet well. The temporary supply fan has a lower capacity than the original design; therefore, sulfide-related corrosion wiU continue to pose a problem unless the ventilation and foul air withdrawal system is improved or restored to the original design conditions. A fresh air supply rate of 25 air changes per hour (ACH), a rate known to significantiy reduce corrosion, wiU match the original design. Such improvements are essential for protecting the new sluice gates and other capital facilities, which will be installed during Package A construction. Prior to this study, the City found that gaseous HjS persisted in the headspace of the NBLS wet well and the NBI at concentrations up to 30 parts per million by volume (ppmv). This concentration exceeds the National Instimte for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 10-minute recommended exposure level and American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) instantaneous ceiling of 10-ppmv for H2S, constituting a concem for the health and safety of the City's field personnel in the event of entry into these spaces. The City currendy ventilates the NBLS wet well using portable fans, and monitors the atmosphere using portable hazardous gas detection instruments before allowing staff to enter the wet well. The ventilation is maintained throughout the duration of maintenance activities in the wet well. Diluting the foul air by increasing supply air deUvered to the wet weU can reduce the HjS concentration, improving conditions for City personnel, and reduce corrosion within the wet well. BROWN AND CALDWELL -1 - 5/17/2(H)4 Finally, HjS gas can be a nuisance to City staff and local residents since it is perceptible at an extremely low level of 0.47 parts per bilUon by volume (ppbv). Although currendy not experienced by City staff due to the direction of the prevailing wind, fijgitive emissions from gaps and openings in the manholes and the NBLS wet weU present a potential for odor nuisance to staff and users of the adjacent nature trails. Effective capture and discharge of foul air generated in the wet well can minimize odor impacts to surrounding areas. The results of dispersion modeUng performed during this study support this conclusion. In general, the path towards corrosion and odor control begins with the characterization of the sewerage system through sampling, and identifying improvements for reducing sulfide- related corrosion and improving staff safety. Odor related impacts to staff and local residents should also be evaluated to determine if any abatement or control is required. If a sulfide and odor control system is deemed necessary, the appropriate method for the City and the community should be selected based on an evaluation of available technologies. This process served as the road map for the study described in this TM. PURPOSE The purpose of this technical memorandum is as foUows: • To provide a description of the existing conditions at NBLS and to describe the methodology used during Uquid and gas phase sampling • To report the results of sampling and monitoring of the wastewater entering the NBLS and the ambient air within the NBLS faciUty • To recommend improvements to the NBLS ventilation system for reducing corrosion potential in the wet weU • To summarize the results of odor dispersion modeling • To identify gas phase odor control technologies that may be implemented in the future and present budget-level costs for implementing such technologies • To describe Uquid phase treatment technologies that may be implemented to reduce the sulfide-related impacts associated with the NBLS and present budget-level costs for implementing such technologies BROWN AND CALDWEU, - 2 - 5/17/2004 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The North Batiquitos Lift Station is located on the north shore of the Batiquitos Lagoon, east of Interstate 5. The Uft station receives raw wastewater from the eastem segment of the North Batiquitos Interceptor and pumps it to the remaining segment of the NBI. The conveyed wastewater eventually reaches the Encina Water PoUution Control FaciUty (EWPCF) for treatment. Built in 1997, the NBLS has a rated capacity of 1,210 gaUons per minute (gpm) or 1.74 milUon gaUons per day (mgd). Many years of operation exposed to corrosive H2S eas have taken a toU on several Uft station elements that now need gas replacement or rehabUitation. The NBLS is a dry pit/wet pit Uft station. Sewage entering the wet weU is comminuted by a channel monster, screened through a manually cleaned coarse bar screen, and subsequendy cascades into one of three pump suction boxes. Flow to the lift station is controUed by two cast iron sluice gates. When open, the first gate aUows wastewater from the NBI to reach the wet weU; when closed, wastewater overflows to the 154,000-gaUon underground emergency reservoir located east of the Uft station stmcture. The second gate, which is normaUy closed, enables wastewater from the emergency reservoir to flow back to the wet weU. The combined volume of the emergency storage tank, the influent coUection system and the wet well provides 2 hours of detention time at a peak flow of 2,414 gpm (3.5 mgd). The original NBLS included a wet weU ventilation system with a 1,600 cubic feet per minute (cfm) supply fan and a 2,000 cfm exhaust fan to prevent the accumulation of high levels of corrosive H2S gas in the wet weU. Over the years of operation, both fans have corroded but have not been replaced. The 18-inch (90"-eU and 45''-eU combination) discharge ducts at ground level have been removed at the connecting flange. A temporary fan was instaUed on one flange to continuaUy supply air into the wet weU, thus pushing foul air through the other 18-inch duct into the atmosphere. Supplemental ventilation with portable units is currendy used during operation and maintenance visits to this confined space. METHODOLOGY The sampling and monitoring program designed for the NBLS system was simple and focused mainly on providing sufficient information for characterizing gas and Uquid phase conditions in the system. If necessary, these data can be used in the future for choosing the most appropriate gas and Uquid treatment technologies. The City elected to reduce the scope of a more elaborate program originaUy developed, which included intensive sampling and monitoring of the NBI from El Camino Real to the Ponto Une. The detailed sampling program is presented in Table 1. Due to the cost, the final program instituted the steps described below. BROWN AND CA1.L:)WI'LL - ?> - 5/16/2004 r 1 Table 1. City of Carlsbad NBLS Modifications Package C Sampling Program Estimates Graviry To Ponio Avenide Encinas 1-5 Crossing Grai*y Savrar al Sea Cliff Forca Main -(_>« —CJ « Gabbiano Lane Sources NBLS Sources East of NBLS Flowing into NBI Sample No. Of Pt DKcription Matrix Parameter Frequencv Equipment Method Cost/Sample Samples A Manhole immediately Upstream of NBLS Liquid 24-hour Comp TBOD 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles 405,1, 405.2 65 2 SBOD 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles 405.1,405.3 65 2 Sulfate a days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles 300.0, 9056 21 2 Nitrate 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles 300.0, 9057 21 2 Alkalinity 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles SM 2320B 15 2 TSS 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles SM 2540 F 20 2 VSS 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles SM 2640 F 20 2 O&G 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles SM 5220C. 413.2 65 2 Liquid Grab Tot Sulfide Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Sulfide Test Kit SM 4500-S2 D ._ — Dis Sulfide Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Sulfide Test Kit SM 450O-S2 D _ — pH Peak & Low Flow - 2 days pH Meter SM 4500-pH Value B — ORP Peak & Low Flow - 2 days ORP Meter ORP Meter Conduct. Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Cond. Meter Meter DO Peak & Low Flow - 2 days DO Meter SM 4500-0 G Temp Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days pH Meter Thermocouple Liquid Hourly Comp (24- hr) Tot Sulfide 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles Sulfide Test Kit — Gas Continuous HjS 1 week Odalog H;S Sensor — Gas Grab HjS Peak & Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer 4 Jerome Mtr Electrode 0; Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode LEL Peak & Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode — GO Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode — Merc Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Drager Cotor. Tubes Colorimetric Tubes 9 4 DMS Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Drager Cotor. Tubes Colorimetric Tubes 8 4 Amines Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color. Tubes Colorimetric Tubes 7 4 Pressure Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Dwyer Dig Manometer Dig Manometer ~ — B Manhole at NBLS FM Terminus Liquid Grab Tot Sulfide Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Sulfide Test Kit SM 4500-S2 D Dis Sulfide Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Sulfide Test Kit SM 4500-S2 D pH Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days pH Meter SM 4500-pH Value B ORP Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days ORP Meter ORP Meter Conduct. Peak 4 Low Ftaw - 2 days Cond, Meter Meter DO Peak 4 Low Ftow - 2 days DO Meter SM 4500-O G Temp Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days pH Meter Thermocouple Liquid Houriy Comp (24- hr) To! Sulfide 2 days"' Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles Sulfide Test KH Gas Continuous H^S 1 week Odalog HjS Sensor — — Gas Grab H^S Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer 4 Jerome Mtr Electrode ._ 0; Peak & Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode LEL Peak & Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode CO Peak & Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode _ _ Merc Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color. Tuties Colorimetric Tubes g 4 QMS Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color. Tubes Colorimetric Tubes a 4 Amines Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color. Tubes Cotorimelric Tubes 7 4 Pressure Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Dwyer Dig Manometer Dig Manometer ~ ~ C Upstream of 1-5 Crossing Liquid Grab Tot Sulfide Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Suinde Test Kit SM 4500-S2 D Dis Sulfide Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Sulfide Test Kit SM 4500-S2 D _ _ pH Peak & Low Flow - 2 days pH Meter SM 4500-pH Value B — — ORP Peak & Low Flow - 2 days ORP Meter ORP Meter ~ ~ Conduct. Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Cond. Meter Meter — DO Peak & Low Flow - 2 days DO Meter SM 4500-0 G — — Temp Peak & Low Flow - 2 days pH Meter Thermocouple _ — Liquid Hourly Comp (24- hr} Tot Sulfide 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles Suffide Test Kit ~ — Gas Continuous HiS 1 week Odalog H^S Sensor ~ — Gas Grab HjS Peak & Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer 4 Jerome Mtr Electrode - ~ 0, Peak & Low Flow - 2 days 4-ga3 Analyzer Electrode — — LEL Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode — — CO Peak & Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode _ _ Merc Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color. Tubes Colorimetric Tubes 9 4 DMS Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Drager Cotor. Tubes Colorimetric Tubes 8 4 Amines Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color, Tubes Colorimetric Tubes 7 4 Pressure Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Dwyer Dig Manometer •ig Manometer — — D Downstream of 1-5 Crossing Liquid Grab Tot Sulfide Peatt 4 Low Flow - 2 days Sulfide Test Kit SM 4S00-S2 D ... _. Dis Sulfide Peak S Low Flow - 2 days Sulfide Test Kit SM 4500-S2 D ._ _. pH Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days pH Meter SM 4500-pH Value B _ _ ORP Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days ORP Meter ORP Meter _ Conduct. Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Cond. Meter Meter — DO Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days DO Meter SM 4500-0 G _ Temp Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days pH Meter Thermocouple ._ Liquid Houdy Comp (24- hr) Tot Sulfide 2 days "' Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles Sulfide Test Kit ._ Gas Continuous H^S 1 week Odalog HjS Sensor — ~ Gas Grab HjS Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer & Jerome Mtr Electrode Oi Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode LEL Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode CO Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode _ _ Merc Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color. Tutws Colorimetric Tubes 9 4 DMS Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color. Tubes Cotorimelric Tubes 8 4 Amines Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color. Tubes Cotorimetric Tubes 7 4 Pressure Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Dwyer Dig Manometer Dig Manometer ~ — E Manhole prior to discharge to Ponto Liquid 24-hour Comp TBOD 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles 405.1,405.2 65 2 SBOD 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreel Bottles 405.1,405,3 65 2 Sulfate 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles 300.0, 9056 21 2 Nitrate 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles 300.0, 9057 21 2 Alkalinity 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet BotUes SM 2320B 15 2 TSS 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles SM 2540 F 20 2 VSS 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles SM 2540 F 20 2 04G 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles SM 5220G, 413.2 65 2 Liquid Grab Tot Sulfide Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Sulfide Test Kit SM 4500-32 D — ~ Dis Sulfide Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Sulfide Test KH SM 4500-S2 D — ~ pH Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days pH Meter SM 4500-pH Value B ... ~ ORP Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days ORP Meter ORP Meter — — Conduct. Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days CorHl. Meter Meter — — DO Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days DO Meter SM 4500-0 G — — Temp Peak 4 Low Ftow - 2 days pH Meter Thermocouple — — Liquid Hourly Comp (24- hr) Tot Sulfide 2 days Autosampler w/24 Discreet Bottles Sulfide Test Kit ~ Gas Continuous HjS 1 week Odalog HjS Sensor ~ — Gas Grab H^S Peak & Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer & Jename Mtr Electrode ~ — 0^ Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode — ~ LEL Peak & Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode ~ ~ CO Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days 4-gas Analyzer Electrode ... ~ Merc Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color, Tubes Colorimetric Tubes 9 4 DMS Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color, Tubes Colorimetric Tubes 8 4 Amines Peak & Low Flow - 2 days Drager Color. Tubes Cotorimetric Tubes 7 4 Pressure Peak 4 Low Flow - 2 days Dwyer Dig Manometer Dig Manometer File; NBLS Package C Table l.xis Brown and Caldwell 5/16/2004 VYO The final sampling performed foUowed the program described in Table 1 with regard to analytes. However, Uquid phase samples were Umited to one location: the NBLS influent manhole. Gas phase grab samples were analyzed for constituents Usted in Table 1. However, samples were again limited due to cost. In addition to the location where Uquid phase samples were obtained, i.e. the NBLS influent manhole, continuous HjS data were also obtained at the wet well and the NBI force main terminus. A brief description of the data coUection methods is discussed in the paragraphs below. Liquid Phase Grab Samples Wastewater grab samples were obtained from the influent manhole immediately upstream of the wet weU using a 5-gaUon bucket tied to a rope, which was inserted into the channel inside the manhole. Since NBLS staff reported strongest H2S odors during the mid-aftemoon period, grab samples were taken as close to this time period as possible. The wastewater was analyzed using a Horiba U-22 portable field instrument for the foUowing analytes: dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), salinity, turbidity, temperature, and total dissolved soUds (TDS). Separate grab samples were taken and analyzed for total sulfide (TS) and dissolved sulfide (DS) using a LaMotte sulfide testing field kit. Sample locations are shown on Figure 1. Liquid Phase Composite Samples WhUe grab samples provide an instantaneous "snapshot" of Uquid phase characteristics, a "composite" view is necessary to determine average and peak values over a 24-hour period. An ISCO autosampler was deployed at the influent manhole for obtaining a composite sample. The autosampler is a programmable instrument capable of obtaining Uquid samples at pre-determined time intervals. In order to ensure a representative sample of wastewater, the autosampler was programmed to obtain one 100-mL sample every 15 minutes for a continuous period of 24-hours. Four consecutive samples were coUected in each botde. Thus, the autosampler provides 24 botties, each containing 400-mL of wastewater representing one fuU hour of influent flow. At the end of the 24-hour deployment period, the autosampler was stopped and wastewater samples were coUected. Botties representing hours 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 of the sampling duration were analyzed for TS concentration. This sampling arrangement is shown on Figure 2. Sampling for TS was limited to these hours since a specific preservative consisting of zinc acetate and sodium hydroxide is required for TS analysis. The sodium hydroxide ensures that sulfides are kept in solution and prevented from volatUizing, and the zinc acetate captures the sulfides by precipitation. The botdes with preservative were stored on ice and analyzed later for TS concentration using the LaMotte sulfide test kit. BROWN AND CALDWKLL - 4 - 5/16/2004 I (—X—X—X—Jt—X—X—X—X—X—/--X—^X-=5f ;_X_y_X—X-^—X—X—X—X—X—X—A—X—X—X—X—X—X—X o > > j > : : > > > > > > WET WELL EXHAUST GAS PHASE GRAB SAMPLES GAS PHASE COMPOSITE SAMPLES AMMONIA AND MERCAPTANS GRAB SAMPLES INFLUENT MANHOLE GAS PHASE GRAB SAMPLES GAS PHASE COMPOSITE SAMPLES LIQUID PHASE GRAB SAMPLES LIQUID PHASE COMPOSITE SAMPLES NOT TO SCALE NOTES: - GAS PHASE GRAB SAMPLES OBTAINED USING A FOUR GAS ANALYZER. - GAS PHASE COMPOSITE SAMPLES OBTAINED USING ODALOGS. - AMMONIA AND MERCAPTANS GRABS OBTAINED USING DRAGER TUBES. - LIQUID PHASE GRABS OBTAINED USING HORIBA U-22 MULTI PARAMETER PROBE. - LIQUID PHASE COMPOSITE SAMPLES OBTAINED USING ISCO AUTO SAMPLER. FIGURE 1 LIQUID AND GAS PHASE SAMPLING LOCATIONS PROJECT LOCATKIN CITY OF CARLSBAD NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA DATE FEB 2004 PROJECT HUMBER 3809 BROWN C A L D f AND ELL SAN DIBOO, CAUFORNIA. Every fourth bottle was preserv^ed with zinc acetate and sodium hydroxide for total sulfide analysis. Four 100-mL samples taken at 15-minute inter\'als are coUected in each 500-mI. bottie. The six total sulfide samples are evenly distributed over the 24-hour period to provide a daily average. Samples in the 18 unpreserved bottles were combined for creating a 24-hour composite sample. Figure 2. Diagram Showing The Arrangement of Sample Bottles for Liquid Phase Composite Sampling Using an ISCO Autosampler The results provided an indication of the incoming sulfide concentration through a 24- hour duration. Wastewater in the remaining 18 unpreserved bottles was combined in a 5- gaUon bucket, bottled, presen'ed appropriately, and sent to a laboratory for the foUowing analyses: total suspended soUds (TSS), volatile suspended soUds (VSS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), sulfate, and oil and grease (O&G). Gas Phase Grab Samples Gas phase grab samples were also taken on site. A four gas analyzer provided by the City was used for measuring oxygen concentration, lower explosive limit (LEL), carbon monoxide (CO), and H^S concentration at the wet weU influent manhole. Using Drager tubes, the wet weU exhaust air was analyzed for ammonia and mercaptans, which are compounds that require a different treatment method compared to HjS. BROVCN ANDC.M.DWI'.I.I, -5-5/16/2004 In addition, H2S concentration along the perimeter of the NBLS site was measured using a Jerome meter. This meter is a highly sensitive instrument capable of measuring concentrations of H2S as low as 1 ppbv. Two samples were taken outside the NBLS perimeter: one at the Nature Center building adjacent to the pump station, and the other direcdy west of the station in a clearing near the banks of the Batiquitos Lagoon. Continuous Gas Phase Samples An Odalog was used for continuously measuring and logging HjS concentration at the NBLS influent manhole, NBLS wet weU and the NBI force main terminus. The Odalog is a compact instrument capable of recording HjS concentration and temperature, and has sufficient non-volatile memory to store several thousand data points. The Odalog was caUbrated using a known 50-ppm HjS standard prior to deployment at various project sites. DISCUSSION Sulfide generation and its effects and a discussion of data obtained at NBLS are presented in this section. Several factors affect generation of sulfide in wastewater and its eventual conversion to HjS gas. Factors favoring sulfide production in untreated sewers include: dissolved oxygen concentration of 0.1 mg/L or lower, relatively warm temperature, sulfate concentration greater than 100 mg/L, and sufficient soluble BOD concentration. Sulfides are produced from anaerobic breakdown of biodegradable organics and conversion of sulfates (SO/ ) to sulfides. During their metaboUc processes, bacteria require an oxygen source and a carbon source. Bacteria use the dissolved oxygen present in wastewater first as it is the most readily avaUable source. Once the dissolved oxygen has been consumed, bacteria use nitrate (NO3) as an oxygen source. FinaUy, sulfates are used when any available nitrate has been consumed, leading to the production of sulfides. Thus, depletion of oxygen in a coUection system is usuaUy responsible for sulfide generation. For example, wastewater pumped through long force mains can remain in the force mains for several hours between pump cycles. During this time, the available dissolved oxygen is rapidly used up, leading to anaerobic conditions. Lack of effective scour and the resultant bmldup of anaerobic slime layers is responsible for sulfide generation in gravity sewers with flat slopes, despite the presence of an air-water interface. WhUe smaU amounts of oxygen may dissolve into the wastewater at the air-water interface, it is usuaUy consumed before reaching the slime layer adhered to the pipe waU. BROWN AND CALDWELL - 6 - 5/16/2004 Sulfides in wastewater may be present as dissolved sulfide, which is easUy Uberated from solution, or may be bound in the particulate matter in wastewater. Dissolved sulfide is present as one of the foUowing species: sulfide ion (S^), hydrosulfide (HS) and H2S. A low pH favors a shift in the equiUbrium of the various species towards HjS, which is Uberated from the wastewater. EventuaUy, the gas phase HjS in a thin film of surrounding air achieves equilibrium with the Uquid phase H2S. The relationship between pH and Uquid phase sulfide species is shown on Figure 3. 100 c 01 a. Figure 3. Graph Showing Relationship Between Sulfide Species and pH. (Adapted from EPA Design Manual on Odor and Corrosion Control in Sanitaty Sewerage Systems and Treatment Plants) m Sulfides that are released into the atmosphere can cause a nuisance to residents, and eventual corrosion of metaUic and non-metalUc surfaces. Mechanical agitation or turbulence can significantiy accelerate the release of HjS. EventuaUy, the HjS gas in the headspace is aerobicaUy reconverted to sulfate by the action of microbial species such as Thiobacciius and Thiodoxidans. The sulfate dissolves in ambient moisture producing sulfuric acid and causes corrosion of steel, unlined concrete and other capital faciUties. IM NBLS Liquid Phase Data The Uquid phase data for grab and composite samples coUected at NBLS are shown on Table 2. The foUowing observations are based on the Uquid phase grab sample data: • The data show a high incoming sulfide concentration at the influent manhole. • The dissolved sulfide concentration was approximately 75% to 95% of the total sulfide concentration, indicating that a large fraction of the sulfides can be easily converted to gas phase HjS. BROWN AND CAI.DWKLL - 7-5/16/2004 •5 iS O tc o E CO -I CQ z ^ Jfl •-(0 O »^ o o _« ra t- Q Q O (0 Q Q. W ra O •D C ra ;D '5 ra o n Q. _0 Q E ra W r> CO O 0) CQ to E OH 0 Q) H Q c "co 3 o 1-ci d cd Z <D CD CO in _l CO CD to d d o in o o o o d d d d _J CD o r-CM E d CO oi — o o £ CN CM (M 1^ CM Ol CO co CM 1^ CO 03 E .i nj I-CO 0 Q. 0 £ ro (0 O CO Q. Q. E ra CO CJl CD CD CM CO O O CM CO O O CM CO _l CO w a. Zi ID CD m (d CM o o o CO CO o o > (Si CO X T~ (rt CO o o CM a> ^ ^ m n o o 0 I CO o c 0 0 0 n TJ 0 U flj Q. tf) CD D tr 0 (0 D> c c 0 (A E Q. 0 0 2 o "E CM CD 0 *s Q O CD OJ c 0 U) 0 O. 0 _0 a. ^ E Q. CD E " CD 0 (fl •5 0 S 0 -"S cn to tfl u- ^ Q •t O O CD £ 2 0 o •i 0 0 o 13 0 CD £ CD 0 o Q. 0 « C CD D _ S ^ CD CO CO < 111 O < 0- LU o I > E CO 0 t.i CO h- 0 a. E CO CO D. 03 Q. E CD CO 1^ d CM CO d CM CM ro o o CM CO o o CM 0 Q. o tf5 ca £Z X LU 5 CO _l CD tfl Q. (O _l CD CD LU < o a o a: CD •a o E <n _i OQ •o ra n w ra O (5 n n ra Q o (A ra .c Q. to ra O •a c n •o o 0) ra O ra Q- 0 (0 en < 0 SampI O _i SampI ofl "& SampI O E 0 W o a E SS _i o O > E 0 (A CO JZ 0. CO _j uid TS mq '—i o O CiJ o? E CO Q O CSI °? £ CO |< « CO 0 •Q. 0 CD Q CO D. 0 E CD CO o CO CM CM d V o C3) CM O O CM O O o o CO o o CM CO o o CM CO o o CM cj) ^ ^ CO _l CD (fl Q. 3 CO o T3 C CD 00 o c 0 0 0 n T3 0 o CD Q. (fl >. >< 'co D) C 0 (fl CL 0 (fl (fl _ca O) CD 0 tr CD Q. E fl) 3 ±; CT u_ 0 G 1 § 0 « C 0 tf) a 0 CD ^ > Q. >< E O 0 9? 0 .52 O CQ 0 S o p T3 0 tr o a. 0 CD *- o 0 § Q "c CD fl) (- I- CO < T- CM CO ^ o CM UJ < _0 CL £ CD CO 0 "Q. 0 E ro ro O CO D. 0 a. E (D CO in CD 0 0 0 u. D CJ) C3) O) U-LL Ll. 0 0 0 0 0 0 tf) tf) (fl 0 0 0 tf) tf) (fl ro ro ro 0 0 0 D. 0. CO o o CM 3 CO CO o o o o CM CM Oi c 'c 0 Q. O LU 5 CO —I CO CL 3 c 0 CD CO CD LU O < o G o a: CD ii m m m • The average dissolved sulfide concentration based on grab samples taken between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM on three consecutive days was 1.4 mg/L. At this Uquid phase concentration, the theoretical equiUbrium concentration of H2S gas is 214 ppmv. • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Design Manual on Odor and Corrosion Control in Sanitary Sewerage Systems and Treatment Plants states that the typical headspace H2S concentration can range from 2% to 20% of the equiUbrium value. The actual HjS concentration measured at the influent manhole over a 5-day period averaged 8 ppmv with peaks of approximately 40 ppmv. These peak values are close to the upper end of the expected range (20% of the previously calculated theoretical equiUbrium HjS concentration of 214 ppmv is 42.8 ppmv.) • High sulfide concentrations in the influent wastewater incUcate anaerobic conditions in upper reaches of the coUection system, or wastewater discharge from other pump stations upstream of NBLS. The presence of anaerobic concUtions is also verified by the significantiy negative ORP values of the influent wastewater. • Anaerobic concUtions and negative ORP values usuaUy correlate with low DO concentrations. However, DO levels were higher than expected, possibly due to aeration during the sampling process. • The pH, temperature and other parameters noted in Table 2 were within the normal range for wastewater. In adcUtion to the grab sampUng, Uquid phase composite sampling was conducted using an autosampler. Composite data can be used for designing a Uquid phase sulfide control system in the future, if treatment is necessary. Controlling Uquid phase sulfides can reduce the amount of H2S gas Uberated from solution, thus reducing sulfide-related corrosion. The amount of product required can be calculated by determining the mass of sulfide in the influent wastewater. gg Results of composite Uquid phase sampling show an average total sulfide concentration of 2.2 mg/L for a 24-hour period based on hours 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 of the sampling duration. The composite sample had a sulfate concentration of 180 mg/L and a soluble BOD concentration of 140 mg/L, which is approximately 60% of the total BOD. Review of the composite sampling data leads to the foUowing observations: Sufficient soluble BOD and sulfate are essential for sulfide generation in anaerobic environments; data indicate that these concUtions are present in the NBLS influent wastewater. Grab sample data showed that dissolved sulfide was between 75% and 95% of the total sulfide concentration, with an average DS/TS ratio of 85%. Composite sampling of NBLS influent wastewater provided an average total sulfide concentration of 2.2 mg/L. Using the average DS/TS ratio of 85%, the potential BROWN AND CAI.DWHLL - S - 5/16/2004 m daily average cUssolved sulfide concentration in the influent wastewater is 1.9 mg/L. The equiUbrium gas phase HjS for these concUtions can be as high as 286 ppmv, and the actual H2S concentration could be as high as 57 ppmv (20% of equiUbrium, based on EPA Uterature, as stated earUer.) During grab sampling at the influent manhole, the probe used for measuring various parameters was coated with greasy deposits. Therefore, the NBLS influent wastewater was suspected to contain a high concentration of O&G. However, the O&G concentration of the composite sample was only 64 mg/L, which is much lower than expected. AU the remaining parameters were within expected ranges. NBLS Gas Phase Data Gas phase data from the NBLS wet weU and the NBI force main terminus are presented in Table 2. The foUowing observations are based on gas phase grab sample data: • The H2S concentration at the wet weU exhaust was relatively low (5 ppmv) because of dUution from supply air. • The H2S concentration at the force main terminus was much higher (47 ppmv) and represents a typical value that can be expected for wastewater with high cUssolved sulfide concentration. • The wet weU exhaust air was sampled for ammonia and mercaptans using Drager tubes. No mercaptans or ammonia was detected in the wet weU exhaust air. In addition to an evaluation of headspace gas phase conditions, BC evaluated the impact of HjS at the NBLS perimeter by using a Jerome meter to measure concentrations at various points along the site perimeter. These data are shown on Figure 4. The data indicate that several locations along the perimeter had HjS concentrations that exceed the recognition threshold. Ensuring effective capture of foul air, and cUscharging it at a sufficient height above the ground level can significantiy reduce impact of H2S in the surrounding areas. The section on odor dispersion modeling, presented later in this report, provides more detaUs. As mentioned earUer, gas phase composite sampling was conducted using Odalogs. Composite sampling is important because of the foUowing factors: • It provides peak gas concentrations at current conditions. This is important in modeUng impacts because odor perception may vary with time. For example, odor peaks usuaUy occur around midnight, a period when receptors may not be as sensitive to odors as the daytime. • It provides a means of correlating the Uquid phase data with gas phase data. BROWN AND C.VLDWI'LL - 'J - 5/16/2004 LOC 10 1. 2. 1 ppbv N/A LOC 11 1. 2. 5 ppbv 2 ppbv LOC 12 1. 2. 9 ppbv 160 ppbv LOC 13 1. 2. 1 ppbv 28 ppbv LOC 14 2 ppbv 3 ppbvh-K^ LOC 1 1. 2. 1 ppbv 2 ppbv NOT TO SCALE 9 LEGEND # JEROME METER SAMPLE LOCATIONS ppbv PARTS PER BILLION BY VOLUME LOCATION § SAMPLE ON 07/09/03 SAMPLE ON 07/10/03 NOTE: ALL SAMPLES OBTAINED 15 MINUTES AFTER WET WELL ACCESS MANHOLE WAS OPENED FIGURE 4 JEROME METER SAMPLE LOCATIONS AND H2S CONCENTRATIONS PROECT LOCATKM CITY OF CARLSBAD NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA DATE FEB 2004 PROJECT NUMBER 3809 BSOWN AND CALDTELL SAN DIBOO, CAUFORNIA • It provides information on expected concentration when mobUe receptors such as walkers and joggers are present. • Knowledge of the cUumal pattem can dictate the type of control that can be used. • Modeling requires data on both peaks and averages. Composite sampling can be used for providing these data. The Odalog units used for composite sampUng were placed in three locations: the influent manhole, the NBLS wet weU, and the NBI force main terminus. Data from these three locations is presented on Figures 5 through 7. Review of these figures shows significant levels of H2S at the influent manhole and the force main terminus. Sealing these manholes with siUcone can help reduce the impact to local receptors. In adcUtion, the new exhaust air fan to be instaUed at NBLS during Package B constmction wiU provide sufficient negative pressure in the wet weU, which wiU improve capture of foul air from the influent manhole headspace. ODOR DISPERSION MODELING FoUowing Uquid and gas phase sampling, BC sub-contracted with DHK Engineers for modeling the tUspersion of exhaust air from the NBLS wet weU. The dispersion modeling was used to evaluate the potential for the vented air from the wet weU to impact surrounding areas. Modeling was based on the Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST) air cUspersion model. Gas phase sampling data from the NBLS wet weU were provided to DHK Engineers for this effort. The DHK Engineers report is attached in Appendix A. The main assumptions and conclusions of that report are as foUows: • Wind speed data used in the model were based on a fuU year of data from the San Diego Meteorological area. Despite known H2S decay rates pubUshed in Uterature, no decay of H2S in the atmosphere was assumed, because of proximity of critical receptors. • The height of a stack is determined by many factors such as amount of dispersion required, presence of downwind receptors, presence of buildings near the stack, etc. WhUe a smaUer stack may be preferred for aesthetic reasons, presence of buddings near the stack can cause biulding downwash, which prevents cUspersion. Since buUdings at the NBLS site were approximately 10-12 feet taU, exhaust air was assumed to be cUscharged using a 15-foot taU stack. This stack height was chosen after cUscussions between BC staff and DHK Engineers staff, and minimizes the effect of building downwash from adjacent buildings. BROWN AND CALDWKLL - 10 - 5/16/2004 NBLS Wet Well (Sensor Positioned Above Grinder) (OdaLog: OL05053993) Fri 18 Sat 19 Sun 20 Mon 21 Tue 22 Period displayed: Thu Jul17 - Thu Jul 24 (Oda File: NBLS.oda) Wed 23 Thu 24 INST Day Transition Temperature Figure 5. Diagram Showing Diurnal Variation of H2S Concentrations At The NBLS Wet Well NBLS Influent Manhole (OdaLog: OL05053993) T140 Sat 12 Sun 13 Mon 14 Tue 15 Period displayed: Fri JuMI - Thu Jul 17 (Oda File: NBLS.oda) Wed 16 Thu 17 INST • Day Transition Temperature Figure 6. Diagram Showing Diurnal Variation of HjS Concentrations At The NBLS Influent Manhole NBLS Force Main End (OdaLog: OL45053953) Sat 12 Mon 14 Wed 16 Fri 18 Sun 20 Period displayed: Thu Jul 10 - Thu Jul 24 (Oda File: NBLS FM End.oda) Tue 22 Thu 24 INST • Day Transition Temperature Figure 7. Diagram Showing Diurnal Variation of H2S Concentrations At The NBLS Force Main Terminus • The modeling was based on a stack exit velocity of approximately 2,800 feet per minute (^m) since this velocity is below the nuisance noise threshold whUe stiU providing sufficient dispersion. • An H2S emission concentration of 10 ppmv for the wet weU exhaust air was assumed based on avaUable gas phase data and the anticipated 2,000 cfm foul air withdrawal rate. This assumption was based on the foUowing: o The average H2S concentration in the wet weU exhaust air is currentiy 6.4 ppmv with peaks of approximately 16 ppmv. o Replacement of the temporary existing supply air fan wiU improve ventilation from 12 ACH to the original design value of 25 ACH (based on the mean wastewater level in the wet weU), thereby reducing the average and peak concentrations. An assumption of 10 ppmv was therefore used for modeling purposes. • Critical receptors were defmed as locations where perceived odors could disrupt normal activities of residents. The CaUfomia Ambient Air Standard HjS concentration of 30 ppbv or less (1-hour average) was considered an acceptable concentration at a critical receptor's location. This study was based on impacts to the closest receptor (Usted as RC09 in the DHK Engineers Report) as a point of reference for comparing options. • BC requested DHK Engineers to perform the ciispersion modeling for three cUfferent stack locations in adcUtion to the existing ciischarge location. The existing discharge location and the three stack locations are shown on Figure 8. The locations are as foUows: o The existing discharge location is an 18-inch cUameter opening in the wet weU roof at ground level. o Stack Location #1 is at the north end of the site, near an existing lamp post by the north waU. o Stack Location #2 is at the southeast end of the site, along the fence Une. o Stack Location #3 is at the west side of the site, near an existing lamp post. • Graphical representations of 1-hour average HjS concentrations in the vicinity of NBLS are the primary output of the modeUng effort, and are presented in the DHK Engineers report. The expected 1-hour average HjS concentrations using the existing discharge location and the three cUfferent stack locations are provided in Appendix B of the DHK Engineers report. Review of those data incUcates that each stack location reduces the 1-hour average H2S concentration at receptor RC09 by a factor of approximately 3.5, when compared with the existing cUscharge location. A diagram comparing the 1-hour average concentration BROWN AND CALDWELL -11 - 5/17/2(K14 s m I I <_x_x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-.-x-x-x-x-x-.-.-x-x-x-.-.-K-x-x-x-x-.-x-x-.-.-x-. NOT TO SCALE LEGEND STACK2)i( APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXHAUST STACK FIGURE 8 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF STACK LOCATIONS SELECTED FOR DISPERSION MODELING. PROJECT LOCATKM CITY OF CARLSBAD NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA DATE FEB 2004 PROJECn* NUMBER 3809 BROWN C A L D f AND ELL SAN DIBOO, CALIFORNIA isopleths for 10 ppmv H2S emissions from the existing discharge location and Stack Location #1 is provided on Figure 9. WhUe reducing impact at critical receptors is the primary objective, the stack location must be chosen based on other factors such as ease of maintenance, aesthetics, and avaUabiUty of space close to the stack for future instaUation of odor control units. Stack Location #3 was eliminated due to lack of space for installation of future odor control units. WhUe Stack Locations #1 and #2 were both capable of meeting the desired objectives. Location #1 would require lesser excavation for instaUation of buried ductwork and electrical conduits. In adcUtion, the north retaining waU and the generator buUding would provide a noise barrier for the exhaust fan and stack. Stack Location #1 was therefore selected for this study. An overaU site plan and concentration isopleths for 10 ppmv HjS emissions from Stack Location #1 is provided on Figure 10. VIABLE TREATMENT OPTIONS The results of the modeling study conducted by DHK Engineers indicate that discharging exhaust air containing no more than 10 ppmv H2S through a 15-foot taU stack located at the northem end of the site is sufficient for meeting CaUfomia Ambient Ait Standards. However, if the City wishes to consider Uquid and gas phase treatment options for further reducing the impact of odors, several options as cUscussed below are avaUable. Liquid Phase Treatment Options The choice of an appropriate Uquid phase sulfide and corrosion control technology should consider effective sulfide and corrosion control at both the NBLS and the NBI. A rapid or quick acting control method is required for neutraUzing the high incoming sulfide load at the NBLS. Strong oxicUzers such as chlorine gas and socUum hypochlorite provide immecUate control and are appropriate for NBLS. These chemicals can be added direcdy to the wastewater in the wet weU for oxidizing sulfides already present in the influent wastewater. However, using these products for controlUng higher sulfide concentrations (> 5.0 mg/L) is generaUy uneconomical. A second sulfide control strategy is to add nitrate upstream of the pump station for controlling sulfides at both the NBLS and the NBI force main. Nitrate products can prevent formation of sulfides and oxidize existing sulfides if provided sufficient time to mix with the wastewater. However, a suitable site for storing the nitrate product and the feed system wiU be required. Since the sewer Une influent to the NBLS foUows a path along the banks of the Batiquitos Lagoon, the storage tank and feed system wiU have to be located close to the existing unpaved traU along the lagoon. WhUe this option is limited because large deUvery trucks wiU not be able to access the storage site, it may be the only viable choice if residents BROWN AND CALDWELL - 12 - 5/16/2004 LEGEND-EMISSIONS 1-HOUR AVERAGE HjS CONCENTRATIONS 42.6 PPB 30.0 CALIFORNIA AMBIENT AIR STANDARD 36.67 26.67 16.67 6.67 25.8 18.78 11.75 4.70 LEGEND: EXISTING STACK: 15 PPM EMISSIONS 1-HQUR H?S CONCENTRATIONS SCALE: 1 INCH = 200 FEET RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE RC 1 1 RECEPTOR LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION ELEVATION CONTOUR (5-FOOT INTERVALS) STACK LOCATION NATURE TRAIL LIFT STATION PROPERTY LINE STACK 1: 10 PPM EMISSIONS •^-HOUR H2S CONCENTRATIONS SCALE: 1 INCH = 200 FEET NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA FIGURE 9 EXISTING EMISSIONS VS. STACK #1 EMISSIONS CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BROWN A > D CALDWELL DATE: APRIL 2004 PROJECT NO.: 25093 VICINTY MAP SCALE: 1 INCH = 300 FEET LEGEND-EMISSIONS 1-HOUR AVERAGE H2S CONCENTRATIONS UG/M- 42.6 PPB 30.0 CALIFORNIA AMBIENT AIR STANDARD 36.67 26.67 16.67 6.67 25.8 18.78 11.75 4.70 BATIQUITOS LAGOON INSET STACK 1 H?S CONCENTRATIONS 1-HQUR AVERAGE 10 PPM EMISSION SCALE: 1 INCH = 200 FEET LEGEND: STACK LOCATION LIFT STATION PROPERTY LINE ELEVATION CONTOU^^ (5-FOOT INTERVALS) RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE •RC1 1 RECEPTOR LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION NATURE TRAIL NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 10 SITE MAPS AND STACK 1 RESULTS CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT c .u :• V EI DATE: APRIL 2004 PROJECT NO.: 25093 are opposed to storage of oxj'gen or other hazardous chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite or chlorine gas at NBLS. Gas Phase Treatment and Odor Control Options The foul air withdrawn from the pump station wet weU is the primary source of odors at the NBLS. WhUe treating this ak before dischargmg it to the atmosphere can eUminate odors, atmospheric cUspersion provides an inexpensive and effective option. Currendy, untreated foul air is cUscharged from an 18-inch opening in the wet weU roof slab. The cUspersion can be greatiy enhanced by using a properly designed stack for discharging foul au: to the atmosphere. Atmospheric dispersion modeUng performed by DHK Engineers for precUcting the impact of odors at downwUid locations showed that using a stack to cUscharge foul air is sufficient for reducing impacts to critical receptors. The stack can be designed to aUow easy connection of a treatment system in the future. A new and emerging technology that shows promise is a foul air treatment system that produces hydroxyl (OH) radicals to react with HjS and other malodorous compounds. Vapex Inc. manufactures these units. These units may be used for reducing sulfide related corrosion in wet weU headspaces. The treatment principle reUes on quick acting OH' racUcals to neutraUze HjS molecules. The OH radicals are generated by mixmg water with ozone, which is produced onsite by the Vapex unit. The water is atomized into a fine mist and introduced into the headspace that requires treatment. Since both ozone and OH radicals have short half-Uves, they are quickly consumed. The Vapex unit is especiaUy advantageous for pump stations since it provides local odor control and utilizes a minimal amount of floor space. A recent four week long trial using a Vapex unit at the NBLS site showed good removal of H2S at concentrations of 10 ppmv or lesser, but was inconclusive in proving removal effectiveness at higher H2S concentrations. The existmg temporary supply ak fan was shut down for the duration of the test, causmg higher H2S concentrations mside the wet weU. Further stucUes may be requked to test HjS removal efficiencies if Vapex units may be used MR for H2S control in unventilated headspaces or for treating H2S concentrations exceeding 10 ^ ppmv. • Another viable option for foul ak treatment is an activated carbon system utilizing Centaur il or Midas carbon. These systems are appropriate because the low concentration of H2S and other reduced sulfur compounds Ui the foul ak at NBLS ensures a long carbon Ufecycle. " Both carbon types can be Hnplemented in an axial flow system which forces foul ak • verticaUy through a bed of carbon. However, newer radial flow systems can provide higher ^ ak flow capacity with a smaUer footprint. Foul ak is forced racUaUy outward or inwards in ^ such systems, aUowkig better foul ak cUstribution and lower pressure drop. m m BROWN .'\ND COLDWELL - 1.^ - 5/16/2004 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FoUowing the sampling activities and development of the ak cUspersion model, the data obtained were analyzed to determine the course of action. The overaU conclusions that can be drawn from the data and recommendations are summarized below: Conclusions • The high Uquid phase sulfide concentration found in the incoming wastewater is incUcative of a stream that has either received contributions from a pump station or from upstream coUection Unes with low flow velocities (less than 2 ^s). These factors promote anaerobic concUtions and favor sulfide generation. • The Uquid phase data also show that soluble BOD and sulfate concentrations in the influent wastewater are sufficient to continue the sulfide generation process in the NBI force main, which wiU result in high sulfide wastewater concentrations at downstream reaches of the NBI. • The alkalinity concentration in the wastewater may be sufficient to counter the acicUc nature of ferrous ions in the event Uquid phase treatment using ferrous salts is considered. • The gas phase HjS concentrations at the NBLS influent manhole and NBI force main terminus are consistent with the high Uquid phase dissolved sulfide concentration. • Gas phase H2S concentrations along the NBLS site perimeter are above the recognition threshold at many locations and may potentiaUy impact local receptors. • Results of odor cUspersion modeUng incUcate that cUscharging the exhaust ak through a 15-foot taU stack located at the northeastern end of the site could adequately minimize impacts to critical receptors. Recommendations • BC recommends improving the existing ventilation by replacing the existing supply fan in order to: o Improve ventUation from the existing 12 ACH provided by the temporary supply ak fan to the original design value of 25 ACH or more for reducing corrosion. The City of San Diego's MetropoUtan Wastewater Department uses a guideUne of 20 - 30 ACH for ventUating wet weU spaces as this ak flow represents a reasonable balance between operating costs and benefits achieved. Preliminary calculations indicate that restoring supply ak flow to the original design value of 1,600 cfm provides approximately 25 ACH when BROWN AND CALDWELL -14 - 5/17/2(K)4 the wastewater level in the wet weU is at the mean water level based on the as-buUt plans. o Reduce the peak and average HjS concentrations in the wet weU. The average HjS concentration in the wet weU exhaust ak is currentiy 6.4 ppmv with peaks of approximately 16 ppmv. These values can be reduced by increasing ak flow, thus improving worker comfort and safety. o Reduce the impact of moisture-related corrosion by increasing the amount of outside ak suppUed to the wet weU headspace. BC also recommends adding an exhaust fan and a 15-foot taU stack at the northeastern end of the site. The existing wet weU exhaust ak opening should be eliminated to prevent cUscharge of foul ak at ground level. These changes can be implemented during part of Package B constmction. The NBLS Uifluent manhole should be sealed with siUcone gel to prevent fugitive emissions, forcing foul ak into the wet weU, where it can be captured by the new foul ak withdrawal fan. WhUe improving foul ak withdrawal and eUminating fugitive emissions at the NBLS site can effectively reduce impacts to critical receptors around the NBLS, the high sulfide concentration wastewater cUscharged into the NBI has the potential to cause corrosion and nuisance problems in downstream reaches of the system. The City may consider a Uquid phase treatment system in the future to counter these impacts if necessary. A discussion of Uquid phase treatment alternatives is provided in Appendix B. In the event of future regiolatory changes that mandate gas phase treatment or to meet the future standards and goals estabUshed by the Ak PoUution Control District (APCD), the City may consider adding an odor control system at NBLS for treating foul ak prior to cUscharge. Various gas phase treatment alternatives are cUscussed in Appendix B; this ciiscussion may be used as a guideline in selecting an odor control system if necessary. A detaUed study for designing an odor control system is recommended if the City wishes to proceed in this dkection. BROWN AND CALDWELL - 15 - 5/17/2004 APPENDIX A DHK ENGINEERS, INC. NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ODOR MODELING REPORT il il m NORTH B/VriCtt>ITOStlH S^ION ODORWQDEl^NG REPOftr Publip Works Department Cartsliacl, California m Viepared for; Brown and Caldwell 9665 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92123 Fiiq>ared byr • DHK Engineers, Inc. 1851 Skyhill Place Escondido, CA 92026 Apra2004 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY z m m m m An analysis of the odor (nuisance) impact on nearby critical receptors from the City of Carlsbad North Batiquitos Lift Station (NBLS) emissions is presented in this report. The existing hft station has a 1.5 million-^on per day (mgd) average flow edacity and 2.2 mgd Peak Wet Weather Flow (PWWF) at nltiniate build-out. Figure ES-1 provides an overview of the project area and emissions modeling results for the recommended design stack. The objectives ofthis analysis are to: 1. Evaluate the downwind odor impacts at neighboring receptors associated with NBLS emissions, and 2. Select the preferred stack height, diameter, emission rate and exit velocity, and location for the ventilation enhancement improvement project. The methodolc^ used in the analysis is as follows: 1. Establish hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations associated with odors and odOT wnission rates at NBLS based on existing conditions. 2. Use the Industrial Source Complex Short Term 3 (ISCST3) air di^rsiwi model to estimate the hydrogen sulfide concentrations at critical receptors surrounding NBLS using various stack locations to ensure improved lift station ventilation without creatmg an odor nuisance. Table ES-1 summarizes the "peak" H2S concentrations witiiin 200 meters of die NBLS. Based oa the dispersion modeling results, estimated H2S concentrations beyond the immediate area ofthe NBLS are less tfaan or equal to the existing wet well conditions. Since the public travels on foot along the south fenceline via tbe n^e trail, it is recommended tbat a north- central stadt location (Stack Location #1) be selected and further evaluated. Based on tiie existing lift station l^out, Stad^ Location #1 provides the following: 1. Sufficient offeet from die south fencehne and sensitive recgjtors along the naiure trail, 2. Protective noise barriers for the enhanced ventilation system, and 3 No change to the existing architectural profile of the station from surrounding visual vantage pomts. Tabte ES -1: Hydrogen Sutfide Concentrations (1-Hour Average - Rural) at CriUcal Receptors using San Diego Meteorological Data (1991) Receptor Number and kientificirtion (Relattwtt Location to NBLS -Refer to Figure 1-1 for Locations) Existing Stack {.ocation Hydrogen Sulfide Concentration in Parts per Billion Proposed Stack Location #1 Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations in Parts per Billion RC07 Nature Shack (east) 120 109 RC08 West Trailhead 96 60 RC 09 West House Cigna Court (closest receptor to NBLS) 52 27 RC10 East House 1 - Melodia Terrace 0.3 0.2 RC 11 East House 2 - Melodia Terrace 0.6 0.4 Tlie other proposed stack locations (southeast and southwest comers of NBLS) would change the ardiitectural profile of die lift station due to die addition ofa l5-ft>ot stack; move the ventUation equipment doser to the nature trail (potential nuisance due to noise), and would not inqirove Ae air dispersion of the ventUated air substantially compared to Stack Location # I. VICINTY MAP SCALE: 1 INCH = 300 FEET LEGEND-EMISSIONS 1-HOUR AVERAGE HjS CONCENTRATIONS UG/M- 42.6 PPB 30.0 CALIFORNIA AMBIENT AIR STANDARD 36.67 26.67 16.67 6.67 25.8 18.78 11.75 4.70 STACK LOCAilON#1 .RC08 ll t 1 BATIQUITOS LAGOON STACK 1 H.S CONCENTRATIONS 1-HOUR AVERAGE 10 PPM EMISSION SCALE: 1 INCH - 200 FEET LEGEND: STACK LOCATION LIFT STATION PROPERTY LINE ELEVATION CONTOUR (6-FOOT INTERVALS) RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE »RC 1 1 RECEPTOR LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION NATURE TRAIL NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE ES-1 SITE MAPS AND STACK 1 RESULTS CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1) C .M V E L . DATE: APRIL 2004 PROJECT NO.: 25093 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ' TABLE OF CONTENTS..... • • 1.0 INTRODUCTION ^'^ Ll OBJECTIVE |"| 1.2 METHODOLOGY ^"^ 2.0 VENTILATION STUDY GOALS AND ASSUMPTIONS 2-1 2 1 PHYSICAL PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS 2-1 " 2 1 ^ 2.1.1 Point Source Locations ^ 2.1.2 Point Source Parameters Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions Concentrations ^'J ** Hydrogen Sulfide Emission Rate Parameter 2-2 Stack and Lift Station Parameters 2-2 2.7.5 Receptor Parameters ^ 2.2 MODEL DESCRIPTION AND ASSUMPTIONS 2-3 ^ 2.2.1 Model Description 2.2.2 Building Downwash and Meteorological Data ^"-^ " 2.2.3 Atmospheric Chemistry ^'^ li 2.2.4 CriUcal Receptors ^"^ ^ 3.0 HYDROGEN SULFIDE MODELING RESULTS 3-1 * 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 5.0 REFERENCES • LIST OF TABLES ^ ^ 2 Table ES -1: Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations (1-Hour Average-Rural) at Critical Receptors usmg San Diego Meteorological Data (1991) * • Table 3-1: Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations (Hourly Avera^-Rural) at Critical Receptors using San Diego il Meteorological Data - Year 1991 IR LIST OF FIGURES .. ll Figure ES-1: Site Location Maps and Stack Location #1 Modelmg Results " 1-2 Figure 1-1: Site Layout and Vicuiity Maps Figure 3-1: Existing l-hour Emissions vs. Stack #1 Emissions ^"^ Figure 3-2: Stack #1 Enlarged View • APPENDIX ^ Appendix A: Project Infomiation (Site Maps and Sampling Summary Table) Appendix B: Emission Summaiy Table Appendix C: Dispersion ModeUng, ISCST3 Input /Output Files li m April 2004 North BatiQUitos LM Station Odor Modeling Report Introduction ^ 1.0 INTRODUCTION - The analysis of the impact of emissions from the City of Carlsbad North Batiquitos Lift Station m (NBLS) on the odor (nuisance) levels at nearby critical receptors is presented in this report. The NBLS has a 1.5 million-gallon per day (mgd) average flow capacity and 2.2 mgd Peak Wet Weather Flow at uhimate build-out. The NBLS location is adjacent to the north shore of the b. Batiquitos Lagoon with access from Gambiano Lane. Figure 1-1 provides an aerial overview of the project and relationship to receptors, regional site location, and the general layout of NBLS. M Brown and Caldwell, Inc. (B&C) was selected to evaluate current conditions ofthe NBLS and determine if ventilation and/or other improvements are necessary. As part of their evaluation, B&C contracted DHK Engineers, Inc. (DHK) to perform the air dispersions modeling and to W assist in the detennination ofthe optimal stack location for the ventilation improvements. m in PI n Nl tt P li B&C conducted an odor monitoring program at NBLS on July 9-11, 2003. Based on the hydrogen sulfide results, emission estimates were developed and the air dispersion modeling completed. Project information is provided in Appendix A. 1.1 OBJECTIVE W The objectives ofthis analysis are to: 1. Evaluate the downwind odor impacts associated with the NBLS located at the li neighboring receptors, and 2. Select the preferred stack height, diameter and location for the ventilation enhancement •i improvement project. 1.2 METHODOLOGY The methodology used in the analysis is as follows: 1. Establish hydrogen sulfide concentrations associated with odors and odor emission rates at NBLS based on existing conditions. 2 Use the ISCST3 air dispersion model to estimate the hydrogen sulfide concentrations at critical receptors surrounding NBLS using various stack locations to ensure improved lift station ventilation without creating an odor nuisance. 1-1 / STACK LOCATION #1 \ njEXISTING STACK I LIFT STATION SITE MAP SCALE; 1 INCH - 100 FEET LEGEND; • STRUCTURE STACK LOCATION NATURAL TRAIL ELEVATION CONTOUR (5-FOOT INTERVALS) LIFT STATION PROPERTY LINE VICINTY MAP SCALE: 1 INCH = 300 FEET NO SCALE REGIONAL MAP NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 1-1 SITE LAYOUT AND VICINTY MAPS CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT B F. :• > N i:. DATE: APRIL 2004 • PROJECT NO.: 25093 April 2004 North Batiguitos Uft Station Odor Modeling Report Ventilation Study 2.0 VENTILATION STUDY GOALS AND ASSUMPTIONS The City ofCarlsbad has successfiilly operated the NBLS without creating an odor nuisance in the immediate area. The goal of the ventilation study is to improve the air dispersion characteristics of the lift station. This section discusses the existing lift station odor conditions and use of these conditions as baseline criteria for comparison against estimated odor conditions tta at the proposed stack locations. In addition, a description of the air dispersion model, and the assumptions applied to determine downwind hydrogen sulfide concentrations at critical receptors " are presented. m iki 2.1 PHYSICAL PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS The analysis requires establishing physical parameters and assumptions. These include the following: ^ • Point source locations IM • Point source emissions parameters • H2S enussions concentrations of the air venting from the station • H2S emission rates ^ • Stack and lift station parameters • Receptor parameters m m These key physical parameters and assumptions are described in detail below. * 2.1.1 Point Source Locations Three potential stack (point source) locations were considered for this project and assumed to be located within the NBLS fenced area. The three potential stack locations, in addition to the existing, were evaluated as part ofthis study. The three potential stack locations are: 1. Stack Location # I: North location within lift station 2. Stack Location #2: Southeast gate location within pump station 3. Stack Location #3: Mam access gate (southwest) location The existing stack is located in the southwest portion of the site approximately 25 feet northeast ofthe main access gate (Figure l-l). 2.1.2 Point Source Parameters The following H2S emissions assumptions are based on recent odor studies and anticipated tt wastewater parameters (Appendix A): Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions Concentrations tt Emission Estimation: " The actual gas-phase H2S concentration is dependent on many variables including liquid-phase tt dissolved sulfide concentration, wastewater temperature, turbulence, pH, concentration gradient between Uquid and gas phases, and others. Based on characteristics typical of wastewater hft m m 2-1 lw tt April 2004 North Batiguitos Uft Station Odor Modeling Report Ventilation Studv Stations, it is estimated that between 5 to 20 percent of the liquid-phase dissolved sulfide volatilizes as H2S (based on Henry's Law). The peak sulfide concentration in the NBLS wet well during summer weather conditions was approximately 15 parts per million (ppm). Design engineers estimated that the 15 ppm concentration was based on a 1,200 cubic feet per minute (cfm) rate (12 air changes per hour). This concentration is equivalent to a H2S emission rate of 0.10 pounds per hour, or 2.5 pounds per day calculated, using a maximum baseline concentration of 15 ppm at 1,200 cfm. Enhanced ventilation of the wet well is expected to be in excess of 20 air changes per hour (which dilutes the ventilation air emanating above the wastewater). Assuming an equal quantity of H2S is released in the wet well, the resulting stack discharge concentration is 10 ppm. Hydrogen Sulfide Emission Rate Parameter Modeling parameter H2S emission rates for ISCST3 are measured in grams per second (gram/sec) for a point source (stack). The H2S emission rate parameter was computed as follows: • H2S concentration air, ppm = 10 • NBLS foul air fiow rate, standard cubic feet per minute (scfin) = 2,000 • NBLS foul air flow rate, cubic meters per minute (cu m/min) = 57 J • H2S emission rate, grams/sec ^ 13 E-2 m Stack and Lift Station Parameters tt Each ofthe four stacks was modeled to determine the relative impact on the surrounding critical receptors. Stack-related dimensions and operating parameters applying design criteria include !P release height of treated exhaust (stack height relative to existing ground elevation), stack 1 diameter, and stack exist velocity in feet per minute (fpm). The parameters used are as follows: ^ • Release height of treated exhaust = 15 feet (4.57 meters) H • Stack diameter = 1.0 feet (0.30 meters) • Stack exit velocity = 2,800 ^m (14.25 meters per second [mps]) tt A stack velocity of 2,800 Q)m produces a good plume rise even at wind speeds of 28 feet per second (Q)s) and is below the nuisance noise threshold. li Building dimensions are critical in analyzing the effects of building downwash on the treated air plume. The ISCST3 model cannot depict sloping roof heights; thus, the varying building heights ^ are averaged and defmed as follows: tt • Lift Station Building Height = 17 feet tt The existing NBLS design drawings were used as a reference for the air dispersion modeling. (Appendix A). pa ii 2-2 wm ^ April 2004 North Batiguitos Uft Station Odor Modeling Report Ventilation Study m ^ 2.1.3 Receptor Parameters The location, elevation, and dimensions of receptor structures and physical geographic features ^ in die project area are critical to accurate air dispersion modeling results. Receptor locations, ^ dimensions, and elevations were modeled based on available aerial photographs, topographic maps, digital elevation models, and geographic information systems data. ^ 2.2 MODEL DESCRIPTION AND ASSUMPTIONS 2.2.1 Model Description For the odor impact analysis, the most current versions ofthe ISCST3 and the Building Profile »- Input Program (BPIP) models, both approved by the United States Environmental Protection ki Agency, were used. The ISCST3 predicts the atmospheric transport of emitted gaseous compounds and the decay of a pollutant or odor through generalized urban or rural terrain (rural ^ was used for this simulation), site-specific topography (elevated receptors), and meteorological data. By combining the BPIP and the ISCST3 models, building downwash effects are assessed. ^ 2.2.2 Building Downwash and Meteorological Data Building downwash can result in significantly higher odor levels at distances closer to the source Downwash effects are wind direction specific, therefore die BPIP modd is used to tt determine the effective height and cross-wind width of a building for every 22.5 degrees of wind direction. These direction-specific parameters are incorporated into the ISCST3 modd to P account for the effects of downwash on dispersion. The 'Svorst-case wind direction, and wind speed for each receptor is calculated and presented in the modeling results. The following source of meteorological data was considered in the NBLS modeling: . San Diego Meteorological Data (1991). The data consists of I fiiU year of hourly weatiier conditions (8,760 hours). tt tt m m 2.2.3 Atmospheric Chemistry Atmospheric chemistry consists of chenucal reactions in the atmosphere between the odorants and naturally-occurring chemicals such as ozone, hydroxyl radicals (present dunng the day), and nitrate radicals (present at night). The conversion to non-odorous forms is modded by applying decay rates. There is limited data available on decay rates for odors and H2S. Typical values used in modeling are: • 0.005 per second for nighttime chemistry, and • O.OlO per second for daytime chemistry. Emissions from NBLS are likdy to undergo some decay; however, because ofthe sensitivity and proximity ofthe critical receptors, and use of a local meteorological array decay rate of 0 is used in the model. 2-3 Attnl2004 North Batiguitos Uft Station Odor Modeling Report Mod^ng Results m m m m tt m m 3.0 HYDROGEN SULFIDE MODELING RESULTS Hydrogen sulfide air dispersion modeling was conducted for the three proposed and existing stadc locations within the lift station configuration as described in Section 2. The l-hour average maximum ground-level hydrogen sulfide concentrations for the "existing vent" and preferred Stack Location #1 are summarized in Table 3-L Detailed summary tables are provided in Appendix B for the fiill spectrum of specific receptor locations. Graphical presentations of the "peak" l-hour average hydrogen sulfide concentrations as predicted by the ISCST3 model for the "existing vent" and "preferred" stack location are provided in Figure 3-1. Figure 3-2 provides an enlargement of the preferred Stack Location #1 results. The ISCST-3 input and output files (based on 10-ppm stack discharge) and BPIP for the design confinnation are provided in Appendix C. Tabte 3-1: Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations (Hourly Average-Rural) at Critical Receptors using San Diego Meteorological Data - Year 1991 Receptor Number and Identification (Compass Mectkins Relative to NBLS^ Existing Stacit Location Hydrogen Sulfide Corwentration in Parts per Billion Proposed Stacic Location #1 Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations in Parts per Billion RC07 Nature Shack (east) 120 109 RC08 West Trailhead 96 60 RC 09 West House Cigna Court (closest receptor to NBLS) 52 27 RC 10 East House 1 - Melodia Tenace 0.3 0.2 RC 11 East l-touse 2 - Melodia Terrace 0.6 0.4 m m 3-1 ^ April 2004 North Batiguitos Uft Station Odor Modeling Report Ventilation Study m ^ 2.2.4 Critical Receptors The term "critical receptor" refers to a location where odors can be detected and adversely affect the normal activities of the people that perceive the odors. Examples of critical receptors are bi residential or commercial buildings, hospitals, schools, day care facilities, and roads lying beyond the facility boundary. The ISCST3 model estimates the odor concentrations at predetermined critical receptor discrete coordinates. At NBLS, critical receptors exist in every direction; therefore, in addition to 15 predetermined discrete coordinate receptors, a grid of receptor locations was established as follows: li • Along die NBLS fenceline (die site periphery) at 25-meter intervals plus cardinal direction based on stack location, and • At 100-meter intervals in an area 100 meters to 500 meter away frora die site boundary. iM The 15 specific receptors, including the closest existing residences included: m M • Hillside residents (NE of project), and • Residents to die west, nature center, and nature trail (soudi edge of NBLS). m m m m m m 2-4 LEGEND-EMISSIONS 1-HOUR AVERAGE HjS CONCENTRATIONS UG/M- 42.6 PPB 30.0 CALIFORNIA AMBIENT AIR STANDARD 36.67 25.8 26.67 18.78 16.67 11.75 6.67 4.70 BATIQUITOS LAGOON EXISTING STACK: 15 PPM EMISSIONS 1-HOUR H2S CONCENTRATIONS SCALE: 1 INCH - 200 FEET LEGEND: RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE LIFT STATION PROPERTY LINE •RC 1 1 RECEPTOR LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION ELEVATION CONTOUR (5-FOOT INTERVALS) STACK LOCATION NATURE TRAIL 11 BATIQUITOS LAGOON STACK 1: 10 PPM EMISSIONS 1-HOUR H2S CONCENTRATIONS SCALE: 1 INCH = 200 FEET NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 3-1 EXISTING EMISSIONS VS. STACK #1 EMISSIONS CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 33 B R 0 \V N A Ml CALDWELL DATE: APRIL 2004 PROJECT NO.: 25093 LEGEND-EMISSIONS 1-HOUR AVERAGE H,S CONCENTRATIONS UG/M- 42.6 PPB 30.0 CALIFORNIA AMBIENT AIR STANDARD 36.67 25.8 26.67 18.78 16.67 11.75 6.67 4.70 STACK 1 HYDROGEN SULFIDE CONCFNTRATIQNS. 1-HQUR AVERAGES. 10 PPM EMISSIONS SCALE: 1 INCH = 100 FEET LEGEND: RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE •RCI 1 RECEPTOR LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION ELEVATION CONTOUR (5-FOOT INTERVALS) STACK LOCATION HIKING PATH LIFT STATION PROPERTY LINE NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 3-2 STACK 1 ENLARGED VIEW CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: APRIL 2004 PROJECT NO.: 25093 ^ April 2004 North Batiguitos Uft Station Odor Modeling Report Conclusions m k 4.0 CONCLUSIONS m The conclusions presented are derived from modeling and the data presented in Section 3. Based ll on the existing lift station layout, Stack Location #1: p • provides sufficient offset from the south fenceline, li • has existing protective noise barriers for the new enhanced ventilation system, and • will not change the existing architectural profile ofthe station from the various visual li perspectives. tt The other stack locations, including the existing vent, would change the architectural profile of P the lift station with the addition of a 15-foot stack, move the ventilation equipment and tt associated noise near the nature trail, and would not substantially improve the air dispersion of the ventilated air when compared to Stack Location #1. ^ Since the public has access to the foot path along the south fenceline via the nature trail, and based on dispersion modeling results, it is recommended that Stack Location #1 be selected and •I fiirther evaluated. m tt m tt 4-1 April 2004 North Batiguitos Uft Station Odor Modeling Report Conclusions ^ 5.0 REFERENCES m Odor Control in Wastewater Treatment Plants, WEF Manual of Practice No. 22, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 82, 1995. tt p p tt 5-1 p. APPENDIX A ii Project Information (Site Map) ^ (SampUng Summary Table) m m p tt t 1 n mm r^i t i i i r i r i r i r^i m§ r 1 r 1 i i i i 306-6 f'"'"1 I^S r~i i"i r~i f 1 ri t 1 r1 rer 306-e tl ij il tl 11 It ffl ri ri ffl ri KI CI KI KI KI ii ii ii North Batiquitos Lift Station Sampling and Monitoring Results (Sample Date: Juiy 9-11, 2003) Parameter Sample Type'*' Matrix LIQUID PHASE pH Grab Wastewater 7.37 7.12 7.37 Avg 7.29 Oxidation Reduction Potential Grab Wastewater -191 mV -213 mV -205 mV Avg -203 mV Temperature Grab Wastewater 26.69 °C 25.91 °C 27.65 A\^ 26.75 °C Dissolved Oxygen Grab Wastewater 2.17 mg/L 0.27 mg/L 1.76 mg/L Avg 1.40 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids Grab Wastewater 600 mg/L 600 mg/L 700 mg/L Avg 633 mg/L Turbidity Grab Wastewater 69.1 NTU 60.1 NTU 38.7 KTU Aw 56.0 NTU NBLb Modirications - i-'ackage Test Results .doc Page 1 of 3 July 25,2003 II K i K I K I K 1 II r 1 ffl r 1 II r I r i i i K i K i K i i i i i i i North Batiquitos Lift Station Sampling and Monitoring Results (Sample Date: July 9-11,2003) Parameter Sample Type*"' Matrix VaW**' Conductivity Grab Wastewater 1.0 mS/cm 0.95 mS/cm 1.07 mS/cm Avg 1.01 mS/cm Total Sulfide Grab Wastewater 1.6 n^L 1.5 mg/L 1.7 mg/L Avg 1.6 mg/L Dissolved Sulfide Grab Wastewater 1.5 mg/L 1.3 mg/L 1.3 mg/L Avg 1.4 mg/L Oil and Grcase 24-hr Composite Wastewater 64n^L Alkalinity as CaC03 24-hr Composite Wastewater 240 mg/L Total BOD5 24-hr Composite Wastewater 240 mg/L Soluble BOD5 24-hr Composite Wastewater 140 mg/L Nitrate-N 24-hr Composite Wastewater 0.22 mg/L Sulfate 24-hr Con^osite Wastewater 180 mg/L Total Suspended SoHds 24-hr Con^site Wastewater 210 mg/L Volatile Suspended Solids 24-hr Composite Wastewater 190 mg/L NBLS Ivfodilications - Package C Test Results.doc Page 2 ot 3 Juiy 25, 2003 II Kl Kl Ki Kl II fl |] II ri ri mM K i mn HI K i ri t I II NBLS Influent Manhole (OdaLog: OL05053993) Sat 12 Sun 13 Mon 14 Tue 15 Period disptayed: Fri Jul 11 - Thu Jul 17 (Oda File: NBLS.oda) Wed 16 Thu 17 INST T Day Transition Temperature IlliiliillllllllflK) llfflKlitKiKlflllll NBLS Wet Well (Sensor Positioned Above Grinder) (OdaLog: OL05053993) Fri 18 Sat 19 Sun 20 Mon 21 Tue 22 Period displayed: Thu Jul 17 - Thu Jul 24 (Oda File: NBLS.oda) Wed 23 Thu 24 INST T Day Transition Temperature ffp tt tt APPENDIX B Emission Sumniary Table STACK1 (NORmCTR) STACK DATA 4.87-METER ftS-FOOTi STACK HEIGHT, 14.3 M/S EXIT VELOCITY, 0.3-M STACK DIAMETER X(M> Y(M) 10 PPM EMISSrON STACK1 (NORmCTR) STACK DATA 4.87-METER ftS-FOOTi STACK HEIGHT, 14.3 M/S EXIT VELOCITY, 0.3-M STACK DIAMETER X(M> Y(M) 1410UR AVERAGE HzSUGm^ 1-HOUR AVERAGE PPB RECEPTOR ID RECEPTOR DESCRIPTION RECEPTOR # X(M> Y(M) 1410UR AVERAGE HzSUGm^ 1-HOUR AVERAGE PPB RC07 Nature shack (east) 11 -36.3 5.1 154.53 108.94 RC08 West trailhead 12 -55.2 -11.4 85.45 60.24 RC09 West House Cigna Court (closest receptor) 13 -85.0 66.5 38.24 26.96 RCIO East House 1 - Melodia Terrace 14 128.9 161.9 0.26 0.18 RC11 East House 2 - Melodia Terrace 15 181.3 116.8 0.54 0.38 EXISTING STACK STACK DATA: 1-METER STACK HEIGHT. 7.25 X(M) Y(M) 10 PPM EMISSION EXISTING STACK STACK DATA: 1-METER STACK HEIGHT. 7.25 X(M) Y(M) 1-HOUR AVERAGE HzS UQ/M^ 1-HOUR AVERA3E PPB EXISTING STACK M/S EXIT VELOCITY. 0.4-M STAC K DIAMETER X(M) Y(M) 1-HOUR AVERAGE HzS UQ/M^ 1-HOUR AVERA3E PPB RECEPTOR ID RECEPTOR DESCRIPTION RECEPTOR # X(M) Y(M) 1-HOUR AVERAGE HzS UQ/M^ 1-HOUR AVERA3E PPB RC07 Nature shack (east) 11 -36.3 5.1 113.44 79.97 RCOS West trailhead 12 -55.2 -11.4 90.99 64.15 RCOS West House Cigna Court (closest receptor) 13 -85-0 66.5 48.40 34.ia RC10 East House 1 - Melodia Terrace 14 128.9 161.9 0.27 0.19 RC11 East House 2 - Melodia Terrace 15 181.3 116.8 0.51 0.36 Existing emissions corrected to existing 15 ppm maximum emission rate and 1200 cfm m RECEPTOR ID RECEPTOR DESCRIPTION RECEPTOR # 1-HOUR AVERAGE ppb m RC07 Nature shack (east) 11 120 m RC08 West trailhead 12 96 m RC09 West House Cigna a (closest to NBLS) 13 52 m RCIO East House 1 - Melodia Terrace 14 0.3 m RC11 East House 2 - Melodia Terrace 15 0.6 Notes: ppb = psTts per billion tt APPENDIX C P Dispersion Modeling • ISCST3 Input /Output Files P tt tt P tt p DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG APRIL 2004 tt EXISTING STACK ISCS3T BPIP AND INPUT/OUTPUT FILES m tt tt DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG APRIL 2004 ************ ^^,.^************************* ** ISCST3 Input Produced by: ** ISC-AERMOD View Ver. 4.03 ** Lakes Environmental Software Inc. ** Date: 4/25/2004 ** File: C:\ISCView4\3STEXIST.INP H***********************'^************** ** *I************************'****^******** ** ISCST3 Control Pathway *************************** ** .************ ?i?LBONE NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING S™OS?DRSGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) MODELOPT DFAULT CONC RURAL AVERTIME 1 PERIOD POLLUTID H2S TERRHGTS ELEV FLAGPOLE 1.50 RUNORNOT RUN ERRORFIL 3STEXIST.err CO FINISHED n************************************** ** ISCST3 Source Pathway ****************************************" SO STARTING ** Source Location ** ^ j ** ** source ID - Type - X Coord. - Y Coord LOCATION ST03EXST POINT -3.960 -17.700 4.876 r™^sr3ExsT ;:oi.s3 i.ooo 2.B.000 7.250 0.400 - r3ExfT;:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUILDHGT ST03EXST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RUTTnHCT ST03EXST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.09 BUI™ S?03EXST 5.09 5.09 5.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 TlLDHGT ST03EXST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 BUILDHGT ST03EXST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUILDWID ST03EXST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUILDWID ST03EXST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUILDWID ST03EXST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 71 lu™iD ST03EXST ..78 6.67 7 . 3B 0 00 0.00 0.00 BUILDWID ST03EXST 0- 0° 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUILDWID ST03EXST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SRCGROUP ALL SO FINISHED n*******************************^******* ** ISCST3 Receptor Pathway **************************************** ** ** RE STARTING DISCCART -5.00 5.7 0 5.5 7 DISCCRRT -6.60 10.60 5.8 7.3 DISCCART 21.50 5.90 9.8 11.3 DISCCART 32.00 12.30 10.7 12.2 DISCCART 17.30 -28.70 4.9 6.4 DISCCART 33.50 -29.80 8.2 9.7 DISCCART 23.70 -35.60 7.6 9.1 DISCCART -5.60 -20.10 4.9 6.4 DISCCART 7.30 -54.10 1.5 3 DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG APRIL 2004 DISCCART -10.10 -32.20 4.6 6.1 DISCCART -36.30 5.10 4.6 6.1 DISCCART -55.20 -11.40 4.6 6.1 DISCCART -85.00 66.50 6.7 8.2 DISCCART 128.90 161.90 46 49 DISCCART 181.30 116.80 46 49 DISCCART 21.00 2.90 6.1 7.6 DISCCART 31.00 2.90 10.1 11-6 DISCCART 51.00 2.90 13.7 15.2 DISCCART 11.00 12.90 7.6 9.1 DISCCART 11.00 22.90 7.6 9.1 DISCCART 11.00 42.90 10.7 12.2 DISCCART 11.00 -7.10 4.9 6.4 DISCCART 11.00 -17.10 4.9 6.4 DISCCART 11.00 -37.10 4.6 6.1 DISCCART 1.00 2.90 8.5 10 DISCCART -9.00 2.90 5.5 1 DISCCART -29.10 2.90 4.6 6.1 DISCCART -150.00 -150.00 0 0 DISCCART -100.00 -150.00 0 0 DISCCART -50.00 -150.00 0 0 DISCCART 0.00 -150.00 0 0 DISCCART 50.00 -150.00 1.5 0 DLSCCART 100.00 -150.00 3.05 0 DISCCART 150.00 -150.00 15.24 0 DISCCART 200.00 -150.00 3.05 0 DISCCART -150.00 -100.00 0 0 DISCCART -100.00 -100.00 0 0 DISCCART -50.00 -100.00 0 0 DISCCART 0.00 -100.00 1.5 0 DISCCART 50.00 -100.00 3.05 0 DISCCART 100.00 -100.00 15.24 0 DISCCART 150.00 -100.00 24.4 0 DISCCART 200.00 -100.00 12.2 0 DISCCART -150.00 -50.00 0 0 DISCCART -100.00 -50.00 0 0 DISCCART -50.00 -50.00 3 0 DISCCART 0.00 -50.00 4.57 0 DISCCART 50.00 -50.00 6.1 0 DISCCART 100.00 -50.00 21.3 0 DISCCART 150.00 -50.00 24.4 0 DISCCART 200.00 -50.00 18.3 0 DISCCART -150.00 0.00 3 0 DISCCART -100.00 0.00 4.57 0 DISCCART -50.00 0.00 4.57 0 DISCCART 0.00 0.00 4.87 0 DISCCART 50.00 0.00 15.24 0 DISCCART 100.00 0.00 24.4 0 DISCCART 150.00 0.00 29 0 DISCCART 200.00 0.00 30 0 DISCCART -150.00 50.00 4.57 0 DISCCART -100.00 50.00 4.57 0 DISCCART -50.00 50.00 4.57 0 DISCCART 0.00 50.00 9.14 0 DISCCART 50.00 50.00 21.3 0 DISCCART 100.00 50.00 45.7 0 DISCCART 150.00 50.00 42.7 0 DISCCART 200.00 50,00 42.7 0 DISCCART -150.00 100.00 5.5 0 DISCCART -100.00 100.00 5.5 0 DISCCART -50.00 100.00 6.1 0 DISCCART 0.00 100.00 15.24 0 DISCCART 50.00 100.00 27.4 0 DISCCART 100.00 100.00 39.6 0 DISCCART 150.00 100.00 48.8 0 DISCCART 200.00 100.00 48.8 0 DISCCART -150.00 150.00 6 0 DISCCART -100.00 150.00 6 0 DISCCART -50.00 150.00 7.6 0 DISCCART 0.00 150.00 24.45 0 DISCCART 50.00 150.00 33.5 0 DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG APRIL 2004 DISCCART 100.00 150.00 48.8 0 DISCCART 150.00 150.00 48.8 0 DISCCART 200.00 150.00 48.8 0 DISCCART -150.00 200.00 6.7 0 DISCCART -100.00 200.00 6.7 0 DISCCART -50.00 200.00 15.24 0 DISCCART 0.00 200.00 27.4 0 DISCCART 50,00 200.00 39.6 0 DISCCART 100.00 200.00 48.8 0 DISCCART 150.00 200.00 48.8 0 DISCCART 200.00 200.00 48.8 0 RE FINISHED ** mn **************************************** ** I3CST3 Meteorology Pathway **************************************** ** _ * * ME STARTING m INPUTFIL sdmetl.met [ 412,2F9.4,F6.1,12,2F7 .1) ANEMHGHT 10 METERS SURFDATA 23188 1991 SAN_DIEGQ/LINDBERGH_FIELD • UAIRDATA 23230 1991 OAKLAND/WSO_AP WINDCATS 1.54 3.09 5.14 8.23 10.80 ME FINISHED * + «gi ****************** + ********************* ** ISCST3 Output Pathway ^ **************************************** * * ** OU STARTING RECTABLE ALLAVE FIRST "* RECTABLE 1 FIRST MAXTABLE ALLAVE 50 *• POSTFILE PERIOD ALL PLOT 3STEXIST.ISVPSTANALL.FIL 22 ** Auto-Generated Plotfiles PLOTFILE 1 ALL 1ST 3STEXIST.IS\OIHIGALL.PLT PLOTFILE PERIOD ALL 3STEXIST.IS\PEOOGALL.PLT ^ OU FINISHED *********************************** *** SETUP Finishes Successfully *** *********************************** IIIIIII DHK ENGINEERS llllll llllllllllll NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG i I I I *** ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 *** *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION I3CS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) * ** * * * I 1 I APRIL 2004 04/26/04 04:14:18 PAGE 1 llli **MODELQPTs: CONC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT MODEL SETUP OPTIONS SUMMARY *** **lntermediate Terrain Proceasing ia Selected **Moderis setup For Calculation of Average CONCentration Values. — SCAVENGING/DEPOSITION LOGIC — **Model Uses NO DRY DEPLETION. DDPLETE = F **Model Uses NO WET DEPLETION. WDPLETE = F **N0 WET SCAVENGING Data Provided. **NO GAS DRY DEPOSITION Data Provided. **Model Does NOT Use QRIDDED TERRAIN Data for Depletion Calculations **Modei Uses RURAL Dispersion. **Model Uses Regulatory DEFAULT Options: 1. Final Plume Rise. 2. Stack-tip Downwash. 3. Buoyancy-induced Dispersion. 4. Use Calms Processing Routine. 5. Not Use Missing Data Processing Routine. 6 Default Wind Profile Exponents. 7 Default Vertical Potential Temperature Gradients. 8. "Upper Bound" Values for Supersquat Buildings. 9. No Exponential Decay for RURAL Mode **Model Accepts Receptors on ELEV Terrain. **Model Accepts FLAGPOLE Receptor Heights. **Model Calculates 1 Short Term Average(sl of: 1 HR and Calculates PERIOD Averages , > -r = 1 cinnrrels); 1 Source Group s) ; and **This Run Includes: i bourceiijj, **The Model Assumes A Pollutant Type of: H2S **ModeI Set To Continue RUNning After the Setup Testing. *^Output Options Seleated: TZI tZT. IZi: If ZZTly Hecepto. .KCCTABLB Keyword, IZ'tl Eternal Flleu! of High Values for Plotting (PLOTFILE Keyword, ..«0TE: TL rollowing Flags May Appear FoUowing CONC Value.: b for Both Calm and Missing Hours 91 Receptor(s **MiEc. Inputs: Anem. Hgt. (m) - 10.00 ; Decay Coef. = Emission Units = GRAMS/SEC Output Units = MICR0GRAMS/M**3 0.000 Rot. Angle = 0.0 Emission Rate Unit Factor = O.lOOOOE+07 **Approximate Storage Requirements of Model - **lnput Runstream FUe: 3STEXIST.INP **Output Print File: **Detailed Error/Message File: 1.2 MB of RAM. 3STEXIST.0UT 3STEXIST.err Illiill OHK ENGINEERS llllll lllliillllill NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG llll *** * * *** ISCST3 - VERSION OOlOl *** **MODELOPTs: ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING * HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) * * * *** llll APRIL 2004 04/26/04 04:14:18 PAGE 2 I I I *** POINT SOURCE DATA *** NUMBER EMISSION RATE BASE STACK STACK STACK STACK BUILDING EMISSION RATE FLEV HEIGHT TEMP. EXIT VEL. DIAMETER EXISTS SCALAR VARY SOURCE PART. ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ,^,3,„ ^^...HS) ST03EXST 0.19930E-01 -4.0 -17 .7 4.9 1. 298.00 7 . 25 0.40 YES IIIIIII DHK ENGINEERS liciiililililili NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG 11 II *** ISCST3 - VERSION OOlOl *** *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION I3CS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) * * * * + * **MODELOPTs: CONC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT llll APRIL 2004 04/26/04 04:14:18 PAGE 3 I I I GROUP ID *** SOURCE IDs DEFINING SOURCE GROUPS **' SOURCE IDs ALL ST03EXST, Illiill DHK ENGINEERS iiiiiiiiririiiiiii NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG llll llll APRIL 2004 llll *** I3CST3 - VERSION OOlOl *** **MODELOPTs: CONC *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** DIRECTION SPECIFIC BUILDING DIMENSIONS *** * * * ** * 04/25/04 04 :14:18 PAGE 4 SOURCE ID: ST03EXST IFV 1 7 13 19 25 31 BH 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, 0.0, BW WAK 0.0, 0 0.0, 0.0, 5.8, 0.0, 0.0, IFV 2 8 14 20 26 32 BH 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, 0.0, BW WAK 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.7, 0.0, 0,0, IFV 3 9 15 21 27 33 BH 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, 0.0, BW WAK 0.0, 0 0.0, 0 0.0, 0 7.3, 0 0.0, 0 0.0, 0 IFV 4 10 16 22 28 34 BH H BW WAK IFV BH BW WAK IFV BH , 0, 0.0 0 5 0.0, 0.0, 0 6 0.0, • Of 0,0 0 11 0.0, 0.0, 0 12 0.0, . 0, 0.0 0 17 0.0, 0.0, 0 18 5.1, . 0, 0.0 0 23 0.0, 0.0, 0 24 0.0, . 0, 0.0 0 29 0.0, 0.0, 0 30 0.0, • Of 0.0 0 35 0.0, 0.0, 0 36 0.0, BW WAK 0. 0, 0 0.0, 0 4.7, 0 0.0, 0 0.0, 0 DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG APRIL 2004 *** ISCST3 - VERSION OOlOl *** **MODELOPTs: CONC *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** *** 04/26/04 04 :14 :18 PAGE 5 *** DISCRETE CARTESIAN RECEPTORS *** (X-COORD, Y-COORD, ZELEV, ZFLAG) (METERS) -5.0, 21.5, 17 .3, 23.7, 7.3, -36.3, -85.0, 181.3, 31.0, U.O, U.O, U.O, 1.0, -29.1, -100.0, 0.0, 100.0, 200.0, -100.0, 0.0, 100.0, 200.0, -100.0, 0.0, 100.0, 200.0, -100.0, 0.0, 100.0, 200.0, -100.0, 0.0, 100.0, 200.0, -100.0, 0.0, 100.0, 200.0, -100.0, 0.0, 100.0, 200.0, 5.7, 5.5, 7.0); 5.9, 9.8, 11.3); -28.7, 4 . 9, 6.4); -35.6, 7.6, 9.1) ; -54.1, 1.5, 3.01 ; 5.1, 4.6, 6.1) ; 66. 5, 6.7, 8.2) ; 116.8, 46.0, 49.0); 2.9, 10.1, U. 6) ; 12. 9, 7.6, 9.1) ; 42.9, 10.7, 12.2); -17.1, 4.9, 6.4) ; 2.9, 8.5, 10.0); 2.9, 4.6, 5.1) ; -150.0, 0.0, 0,0) ; -150.0, 0.0, 0.0); -150.0, 3.0, 0.0); -150.0, 3.0, 0.0); -100.0, 0.0, 0.0) ; -100.0, 1.5, 0.0); -100. 0, 15.2, 0.0) ; -100.0, 12.2, 0.0); -50.0, 0.0, 0.0) ; -50. 0, 4,6, 0.0) ; -50.0, 21.3, 0.0); -50.0, 18.3, 0.0) ; 0.0, 4.6, 0.0); 0.0, 4.9, 0.0) ; 0.0, 24.4, 0.0) ; 0.0, 30.0, 0.0); 50. 0, 4.6, 0.0); 50.0, 9.1, 0.0); 50. 0, 45.7, 0,0) ; 50. 0, 42.7, 0.0); 100.0, 5.5, 0.0); 100.0, 15.2, 0.0); 100.0, 39.5, 0.0) ; 100.0, 48.8, 0,0) ; 150.0, 6.0, 0.0) ; 150.0, 24.5, 0,0); 150.0, 48.8, 0.0) ; 150.0, 48.8, 0.0); -6.5, 10.6, 5.8, 7.3); 32. 0, 12.3, 10.7, 12.2); 33.5, -29.8, 8.2, 9.7) ; -5.6, -20,1, 4.9, 6.4) ; -10.1, -32.2, 4.6, 6.1) ; -55.2, -11.4, 4.5, 5.1) ; 128.9, 161.9, 46.0, 49.0); 21. 0, 2.9, 6.1, 7.5); 51. 0, 2-9, 13.7, 15.2); U . 0, 22.9, 7 . 5, 9.1) ; U.O, -7.1, 4.9, 6.4) ; 11. 0, -37.1, 4 . 6, 6.1) ; -9.0, 2.9, 5.5, 7.0) ; -150.0, -150.0, 0.0, 0.0) ; -50.0, -150.0, 0.0, 0.0) ; 50. 0, -150.0, 1.5, 0.0); 150.0, -150.0, 15.2, 0.0) ; -150.0, -100.0, 0.0, 0.0); -50.0, -100.0, 0.0, 0.0); 50.0, -100.0, 3.0, 0.0); 150.0, -100.0, 24 .4, 0.0) ; -150.0, -50.0, 0.0, 0.0); -50.0, -50.0, 3.0, 0.0); 50. 0, -50.0, 6.1, 0.0); 150.0, -50.0, 24 .4, Q.O); -150.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0); -50.0, 0.0, 4.6, 0.0); 50. 0, 0.0, 15.2, 0.0); 150.0, 0,0, 29.0, 0.0) ; -150.0, 50. 0, 4.5, 0.0); -50.0, 50. 0, 4 . 6, 0.0); 50. 0, 50.0, . 21. 3, 0.0); 150.0, 50.0, 42.7, 0.0); -150.0, 100.0, 5.5, 0.0); -50.0, 100.0, 5.1, 0.0); 50. 0, 100.0, 27.4, 0.0); 150.0, 100.0, 48.3, 0.0) ; -150.0, 150.0, 6.0, 0.0); -50.0, 150.0, 7.6, 0.0); 50.0, 150.0, 33.5, 0.0); 150.0, 150,0, 48.3, 0.0) ; -150.0, 200.0, 6.7, 0.0) ; •••••••••••••••••••••• DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG APRIL 2004 loS-.o', 200:°; \U 0.0); ( 150.0, 200.0, iiiiiiiiiiiiitiriiiEiti^i 'i^i^i^i DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG APRIL 2004 **MODELOPTs: CO^C RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** DISCRETE CARTESIAN RECEPTORS *** (X-COORD, Y-COORD, ZELEV, ZFLAG) (METERS) 200.0, 200.0, 48.8, 0.0); *** ISCST3 - VERSION OOlOl *** *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** 'l'/f/.'^A ISCS13 v,i.Kbi HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) *** 04:14.18 PAGE 6 Ili DHK ENGINEERS llllll I I 1 I r I { I E 1 [ I NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG \ I I f I APRIL 2004 Ilil *** ISCST3 - VERSION OolOl *** **MODEL0PTs: CONC *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT * SOURCE-RECEPTOR COMBINATIONS FOR WHICH CALCULATIONS MAY NOT BE PERFORMED * LESS THAN 1.0 METER OR 3*ZLB IN DISTANCE, OR WITHIN OPEN PIT SOURCE 04/26/04 04:14:18 PAGE 7 SOURCE ID - - RECEPTOR LOGATION - - XR (METERS) YR (METERS) DISTANCE (METERS) ST03EXST -5.6 -20.1 2. 91 DHK ENGINEERS *** ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 *** t I f I I I I I : 1 NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION I3CS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) + ** *** **MODELOPTs: CONC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** METEOROLOGICAL DAYS SELECTED FOR PROCESSING *** (1=YES; Q=NO) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 llll llll llll llll llll llll llll 1 1 111 1 1 1 111 111 111 111 llll i I I APRIL 2004 04/26/04 04:14:18 PAGE 8 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTE: METEOROLOGICAL DATA ACTUALLY PROCESSED WILL ALSO DEPEND ON WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE DATA FILE. UPPER BOUND OF FIRST THROUGH FIFTH WIND SPEED CATEGORIES (METERS/SEC) 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80, *** WIND PROFILE EXPONENTS STABILITY CATEGORY A B C D E F ,70000E-01 ,70000E-01 .lOOOOE+00 .15000E+00 .35000E+00 .55000E+00 WIND SPEED CATEGORY 2 3 4 5 70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 '7OOOOE-OI .700QOE-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 'lOOOOE+00 .lOOOOE+00 .lOOOOE+00 .lOOOOE+00 "iSOOOE+OO .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 "35OOOE+OO .35000E+00 ,35000E+00 .35000E+00 *55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 ,70000E-01 .70000E-01 .lOOOOE+00 .15000E+00 .35000E+00 .55000E+00 *** VERTICAL POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS *** (DEGREES KELVIN PER METER) STABILITY CATEGORY A B C D E 1 ,0O0O0E+O0 ,OOO0OE+OO , OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+00 .20000E-01 WIND SPEED CATEGORY 2345 OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+00 ,OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+00 'oOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+00 "oOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+OO "oOOOOE+00 ,OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+00 '2OOOOE-OI .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .OOOOOE+OO . OOOOOE+00 . OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+OO .20000E-01 {ItlllllllllllllllllllllEllI^ltltlll DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG APRIL 2004 F .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 DHK ENGINEERS i I i I I f I I I I 1 E I ( 1 NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG APRIL 2004 I I I *** ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 *** **MODELOPTs: CONC *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT ** * * * * 04/26/04 04:14:18 PAGE 9 *** THE FIRST 24 HOURS OF METEOROLOGICAL DATA *** FILE: sdmetl.met FORMAT; (412,2F9.4,F5.1,12,2F7.1) qURFACE STATION NO.: 23188 UPPER AIR STATION NO.: 23230 NAME: SAN DIEGO/LINDBERGH_FI£LD NAME: OAKLAND/WSO_AP YEAR: 1991 YEAR: 1991 FLOW SPEED TEMP STAB MIXING HEIGHT (M) USTAR YR MN DY HR VECTOR (M/S) (K) CLASS RURAL URBAN (M/S) M-0 LENGTH (M) Z-O IPCODE PRATE (M) (mm/HR) 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 01 05 01 06 01 07 01 08 01 09 01 10 01 11 01 12 01 13 01 14 01 15 01 16 01 17 01 18 01 19 01 20 01 21 01 22 01 23 01 24 161.0 158.0 94 . 0 93. 0 93.0 132. 0 135.0 153. 0 187 .0 181 . 0 124 .0 116.0 123.0 129.0 112.0 104 . 0 131. 0 137 . 0 144.0 147 .0 140.0 142. 0 160. 0 200.0 2.06 0.00 2.05 0.00 0. 00 2. 06 0. 00 1. 54 1.54 1. 54 05 09 .12 , 60 .57 . 09 .06 1. 54 3.09 3. 09 2.06 0. 00 2.05 3.60 281. 282. 281. 282. 280. 260. 282. 284 . 288. 291. 292. 292. 292. 291. 291. 290, 289. 289 289 288 287 287 288 287 .3 .3 .2 .5 .6 .2 .6 6 5 6 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 526. 0 512.0 4 96. 0 480.0 464 . 0 448,0 3.3 48.5 93.8 139.0 184 .3 229. 5 274 .8 320. 0 320.0 320. 0 319-1 314. 4 309.7 304. 9 300.2 2 95.5 290.8 286.1 130, 0 130.0 130. 0 130,0 130. 0 130.0 132.0 158, 8 185.7 212. 5 239.4 256.3 293.1 320. 0 320.0 320. 0 313.2 277. 9 242,6 207.3 172. 0 136.5 101. 3 285.1 0,OOOO 0.0000 0.OOOO 0,0000 0.OOOO 0,oooo 0.OOOO 0.oooo 0.0000 0.oooo 0,oooo 0.oooo 0.0000 0.oooo 0,oooo 0,oooo 0.0000 0,oooo 0.oooo 0.0000 0.oooo 0,0000 0.oooo 0,0000 0. 0 0. oooo 0 0. 00 0. 0 0. oooo 0 0. 00 0. 0 0. oooo 0 0. 00 0. 0 0. oooo 0 0. 00 0. 0 0. oooo 0 0. 00 0 0 0 oooo 0 0. 00 0 0 0 oooo 0 0. 00 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 00 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 00 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 00 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 00 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 00 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 00 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 oo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 00 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 00 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 00 0 .0 0 .0000 0 0 00 0 .0 0 .0000 0 0 00 0 .0 0 .0000 0 0 .00 0 .0 0 .0000 0 0 .00 0 .0 0 . oooo 0 0 .00 0 .0 0 .0000 0 0 .00 0 . 0 0 . oooo 0 0 .00 *** NOTES: STABILITY CLASS 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E AND 6=F. FLOW VECTOR IS DIRECTION TOWARD WHICH WIND IS BLOWING. llll DHK ENGINEERS iiiiiiiiiiiifirifi NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG I i I I ! I t I APRIL 2004 f I *** ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 *** *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) ** * *** **MODELOPTs: CONC 04/25/04 04:14:18 PAGE 10 RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** THE PERIOD ( 8760 HRS) AVERAGE CONCENTRATION VALUES FOR SOURCE GROUP: ALL INCLUDING SOURCE(S): ST03EXST, *** DISCRETE CARTESIAN RECEPTOR POINTS *** ** CONC OF H2S IN MICROGRAMS/M**3 ** COORD (M) Y-COORD (M) CONC -5. 00 5.70 1.80381 21.50 5. 90 4.84354 17 . 30 -28.70 6.80722 23.70 -35.60 19.35461 7 .30 -54.10 0.52436 -36.30 5.10 0.60737 -85.00 66.50 0.32590 181.30 116.80 0.00310 31.00 2, 90 3.12034 U.OO 12. 90 4.99811 U.OO 42. 90 1.50944 U.OO -17 .10 2.68251 1.00 2. 90 11.73442 -29.10 2. 90 0.59941 -100.00 -150.00 0.08318 0. 00 -150.00 0.50601 100.00 -150.00 0. 57891 200.00 -150.00 0.69930 -100.00 -100.00 0.04245 0. 00 -100.00 0. 97175 100.00 -100.00 0. 68941 200.00 -100.00 0.55286 -100.00 -50.00 0.03545 0.00 -50.00 2.62719 100.00 -50.00 0.42189 200.00 -50.00 0.28946 -100.00 0.00 0.12526 0.00 0.00 1.51647 100.00 0. 00 0.15873 200.00 0.00 0.16733 -100.00 50. 00 0.16031 0.00 50. 00 0.41226 100.00 50.00 0.28076 200.00 50. 00 0.15072 -100.00 100.00 0.12465 0.00 100.00 0.22776 100.00 100.00 0.24806 200.00 100.00 0.18691 DRD (M) Y-COORD (M) CONC -6. 50 10.50 1.50503 32 . 00 12.30 2.41334 33. 50 -29.30 10.75241 -5. 60 -20.10 2.04213 -10,10 -32.20 1.96072 -55,20 -11.40 0. 38978 128.90 161.90 0.00217 21.00 2. 90 3.76547 51. 00 2. 90 0.43307 11. 00 22. 90 3.59790 U.OO -7 .10 3.06801 U.OO -37.10 5.93149 -9. 00 2. 90 1.50240 -150,00 -150.00 0.03559 -50.00 -150.00 0.28784 50. 00 -150.00 0.30849 150,00 -150.00 0. 58868 -150.00 -100.00 0.04879 -50.00 -100.00 0.31327 50. 00 -100.00 0:75494 150,00 -100.00 0.65456 -150.00 -50.00 0.04055 -50.00 -50.00 0.09243 50.00 -50.00 6.50587 150.00 -50.00 0.35132 -150.00 0.00 0.07014 -50.00 0. 00 0.24312 50. 00 0. 00 0.08697 150.00 0. 00 0.18336 -150.00 50. oo 0.12129 -50.00 50. 00 0.26548 50. 00 50.00 0.20344 150.00 50. oo 0.20197 -150.00 100.00 0.10403 -50,00 100.00 0.30773 50. 00 100,OO 0.23073 150.00 100.00 0.23359 -150.00 150.00 0.10220 DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG ^cn An n i,imn -50.00 150.00 0.25816 -'Z.Z iso'.OO 0.2lH° APRIL 2004 DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG APRIL 2004 I i i *** ISCST3 - VERSION OOlOl *** *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) *** * + * **MODELOPTs: CONC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** THE PERIOD ( " 3750 HRS) AVERAGE CONCENTRATION VALUES FOR SOURCE GROUP: ALL INCLUDING SOURCE(S): ST03EXST, *** DISCRETE CARTESIAN RECEPTOR POINTS *** ** CONC OF H2S X-COORD (M) Y-COORD (M) CONC IN MICR0GRAMS/M**3 X-COORD (M) Y-COORD (M) CONC 04/26/04 04 :14:18 PAGE 11 100.00 200.00 -100.00 0.00 IOO.00 200.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.21977 0.17515 0.13155 0.19732 0.15013 0.14827 150.00 -150. 00 -50,00 50. 00 150,00 150.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.18930 0.09544 0.14351 0.19393 0.15898 I i DHK ENGINEERS tllllllltltl Jiit] NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG *** ISCST3 - VERSION OOlOl *** *** HYD RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) *** *** **MODEL0PTs: CONC ! t S APRIL 2004 04/26/04 04 :14 :18 PAGE 12 *** THE 1ST HIGHEST 1-HR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION VALUES FOR SOURCE GROUP: ALL INCLUDING SOURCE(S): ST03EXST, *** DISCRETE CARTESIAN RECEPTOR POINTS *** X-COORD (M) Y-COORD (M) ** CONC OF H2S CONC (YYMMDDHH) IN MICR0GRAMS/M**3 X-COORD (M) Y-COORD (M) CONC (YYMMDDHH) -5. 00 5. 70 506.62943 (91101023) 21. 50 5. 90 327.57056 (91120602) 17 . 30 -28. 70 683.25494 (91092421) 23. 70 -35. 60 529.98981 (91121818) 7 , 30 -54. 10 35.05597 ( 91030316) -35. 30 5. 10 167.46957 {91102322) -85. 00 66. 50 71.45916 (91122118) 181. 30 116. 80 0.75058 (91062013) 31. 00 2. 90 202.06025 (91011001) 11. 00 12. 90 451.54184 (91112520) U . 00 42. 90 154.09533 {91122819) 11. 00 -17. 10 589.58313 (91052622) 1. 00 2 90 535.14852 ( 91122819) -29 10 2 90 246.13609 (91082108) -100 00 -150 00 25,69258 (91012421) 0 00 -150 00 34.55634 ( 91100104) 100 00 -150 00 21,67059 (91011109) 200 00 -150 00 15.44856 (91100919) -100 00 -100 00 11.43911 {91051705) 0 00 -100 00 64,65534 (91100104) 100 00 -100 00 11.99560 (91012209) 200 00 -100 00 19.15006 (91101304) -100 00 -50 00 33.61292 ( 91051305) 0 00 -50 00 241.54352 (91011121) 100 .00 -50 .00 19.27106 (91070505) 200 .00 -50 .00 13.93344 ( 91070505) -100 . 00 0 , 00 59.84610 (91122807) 0 .00 0 .00 166.75693 {91031819) 100 . 00 0 . 00 14.89598 (91041408) 200 .00 0 .00 7.54151 (91010401) -100 .00 50 .00 34.57 009 (91102322) 0 . 00 50 .00 75.99923 {91071405) 100 .00 50 .00 12.73545 (91021410) 200 .00 50 .00 7.34963 (91010317) -100 .00 100 .00 29.28029 (91120803) 0 .00 100 .00 13.27091 ( 91073015) 100 .00 100 .00 8.69494 (91010402) -5. 50 10. 60 520. 36310 { 9102U23) 32. 00 12. 30 82. 38314 {91032722) 33. 50 -29. 80 446. 92261 ( 91070101) -5. 50 -20. 10 2550. 41382 ( 91010523) -10. 10 -32. 20 134 . 79572 {91032104) -55. 20 -11. 40 134 . 33331 ( 91081801) 128. 90 151 . 90 0. 40243 ( 91101913) 21. 00 2. 90 534 . 51524 ( 91081023) 51. 00 2. 90 43. 63801 (91112006) 11 . 00 22. 90 365. 50629 ( 91011821) 11. 00 -7 . 10 689 29004 ( 91031304 ) U. 00 -37 . 10 581 01044 (91101021) -9 00 2. 90 7 85 15204 (91050723) -150 00 -150 00 11 41170 (91021304) -50 00 -150 00 29 03532 (91041905) 50 00 -150 00 17 11545 (91053005) 150 00 -150 00 13 04817 (91110502) -150 00 -100 00 16 59224 (91021508) -50 00 -100 00 43 13204 (91080221) 50 00 -100 00 26 85900 (91100424) 150 00 -100 00 8 73291 ( 91010209) -150 00 -50 00 59 55169 (91051305) -50 00 -50 00 27 67150 (91111214) 50 00 -50 00 119 60715 [ 91100919) 150 00 -50 00 17 34315 (91070505) -150 00 0 00 22 .50329 (91081801) -50 .00 0 00 58 .55892 ( 91120921) 50 . 00 0 00 21 .59408 (91012511) 150 .00 0 00 10 .14254 (91063007) -150 .00 50 .00 24 .98228 (91071107) -50 . 00 50 . 00 50 .79903 ( 91081219) 50 . 00 50 . 00 10 .99935 {91122110) 150 , 00 50 .00 9 .16771 ( 91021410) -150 . 00 100 .00 25 .95393 ( 91082108) -50 . 00 100 . 00 41 , 22293 (91031220) 50 .00 100 . 00 12 ,25568 (91013010) 150 . 00 100 . 00 7 .94501 (91080501) DHK ENGINEERS I 1 E i NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG : i APRIL 2004 I I I 200.00 -100.00 0.00 100.00 6.7577 9 (91010317) 150.00 25.7297 6 {91030501) 150.00 9.19858 (91073015) -150.00 150.00 19.18581 (91012108) -50.00 150.00 42.15406 {91100123) 50.00 150.00 11.48609 (91100306) DHK ENGINEERS S I I I i I [ 1 ; I ; J : ] : i 1 NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG ] i APRIL 2004 *** ISCST3 - VERSION OOlOl *** *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) *** *** **MODELOPTs: CONC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *+* THE 1ST HIGHEST 1-HR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION VALUES FOR SOURCE GROUP: ALL INCLUDING SOURCE(S): ST03EXST, *** DISCRETE CARTESIAN RECEPTOR POINTS *** ** CONC OF H2S X-COORD (Ml Y-COORD (M) CONC (YYMMDDHH; IN MICR0GRAMS/M**3 X-COORD (M) Y-COORD (M) CONC 04/26/04 04:14:18 PAGE 13 (YYMMDDHH) 100.00 200.00 -100.00 0.00 100.00 200.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 10.96696 5.98119 16.52868 7.26770 9.53184 5.16045 (91100306) ( 91010402) (91102119) ( 91022703) (91100305: (91010402! 150.00 -150. 00 -50.00 50. 00 150.00 150.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 6.98137 (91010402) 17.45056 (91040923) 13.72084 (91011422) 7.07835 (91022703) 8.73018 (91100306) f t i DHK ENGINEERS I a I I I I I ] [ ! I 1 1 I f I f I NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG lilll APRIL 2004 I I *** ISCST3 - VERSION OOlOl *** **MODEL0PTs: CONC RANK CONC *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) ** * ** * RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** THE MAXIMUM 50 1-HR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION VALUES FOR SOURCE GROUP: ALL INCLUDING SOURGE(S): ST03EXST, (YYMMDDHH) AT ** CONC OF H2S IN MICROGRAMS/M** 3 RECEPTOR (XR,YR) OF TYPE RANK CONC 04/26/04 04:14:18 PAGE 14 (YYMMDDHH) AT RECEPTOR (XR,YR) OF TYPE 1, 2550. 41382 (91010523) AT ( -5. 60, -20. 10) DC 26. 523. 61292 (91102205) AT ( -5. 60, -20. 10) DC 2. 3, 4, 5. 2539. 28564 (91072605) AT ( -5. 60, -20. 10) DC 27 . 520. 36310 (91021123) AT ( -6. 50, 10. 50) DC 2. 3, 4, 5. 2441, 18408 (91040603) AT ( -5. 60, -20. 10] DC 28. 516. 14697 (91081306) AT ( 11. 00, -7 . 10) DC 2. 3, 4, 5. 1351. 59717 (91081802) AT ( -5. 60, -20 10) DC 29. 511 55063 (91101321) AT { 11 00, -37 . 10) DC 2. 3, 4, 5. 1183. 10520 (91042807) AT ( -5. 60, -20 10) DC 30. 510 98526 (91021124) AT ( 1 00, 2 90) DC 6. 7 . 8, 895 51609 (91012609) AT ( -5. 60, -20 10) DC 31. 506 62943 ( 91101023) AT ( -5 00, 5 70) DC 6. 7 . 8, 785 15204 (91050723) AT ( -9 00, 2 90) DC 32 . 498 74179 (91092724) AT ( 17 30, -28 70) DC 6. 7 . 8, 731 90033 (91091203) AT ( -5 50, -20 10) DC 33. 498 48542 (91020122) AT ( 23 70, -35 50) DC 9, 10. 589 29004 (91081304) AT ( 11 00, -7 10) DC 34 . 493 18484 (91110919) AT ( 21 00, 2 90) DC 9, 10. 683 25494 (91092421) AT ( 17 30, -28 70) DC 35. 4 92 4 8065 (91043020) AT ( 1 00, 2 90) DC 11, 12. 13, 14. 15, 16. 17 . 681 01044 (91101021) AT ( 11 00, -37 10) DC 36. 4 92 02554 (91041022) AT ( -6 60, 10 60) DC 11, 12. 13, 14. 15, 16. 17 . 67 9 42712 {91121418) AT ( -9 00, 2 90) DC 37 . 491 05789 (91033105) AT ( -5 60, -20 10) DC 11, 12. 13, 14. 15, 16. 17 . 653 44379 (91111221) AT ( 17 30, -28 70) DC 38. 490 96032 { 91101103) AT ( -9 00, 2 90) DC 11, 12. 13, 14. 15, 16. 17 . 639 17444 (91093019) AT ( 17 30, -28 70) DC 39. 485 82245 (91031205) AT ( -9 00, 2 90) DC 11, 12. 13, 14. 15, 16. 17 . 635 14852 (91122819) AT [ 1 00, 2 90) DC 40. 476 11444 (91092220) AT ( 11 00, -37 10) DC 11, 12. 13, 14. 15, 16. 17 . 608 52753 (91031624) AT ( 1 00, 2 90) DC 41. 458 31558 (91052904) AT ( 11 00, -7 10) DC 11, 12. 13, 14. 15, 16. 17 . 589 58313 (91052622) AT ( 11 00, -17 10) DC 42. 466 38637 (91090921) AT [ 21 00, 2 90) DC 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25, 586 .84338 (91010905) AT { 11 00, -17 10) DC 43. 450 98523 (91021123) AT ( -5 00, 5 70) DC 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25, 581 .75556 (91092721) AT ( 17 30, -28 .70) DC 44. 458 13675 (91040521) AT ( 23 70, -35 60) DC 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25, 549 . 15100 {91102201) AT ( -5 50, -20 .10) DC 45. 451 90268 (91010503) AT ( 11 00, -7 10) DC 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25, 548 .30396 (91101220) AT ( 11 00, -7 .10) DC 45. 451 .54184 (91112520) AT ( U 00, 12 90) DC 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25, 545 .16357 [91071002) AT ( 11 .00, -17 .10) DC 47 . 449 .78174 (91031106) AT { . 11 00, -7 10) DC 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25, 534 .51624 (91081023) AT ( 21 .00, 2 . 90) DC 43. 446 .92251 (91070101) AT { 33 .50, -29 .80) DC 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25, 534 .38287 (91040604) AT { U .00, -17 .10) DC 49. 446 .17108 (91092819) AT ( -9 .00, 2 . 90) DC 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25, 529 .93981 (91121818) AT ( 23 .70, -35 .60) DC 50, 443 .42966 (9U01O24 ) AT { -9 . 00, 2 . 90) DC *** RECEPTOR TYPES: GC = GRIDCART GP = GRIDPOLR DC = DISCCART DP = DISCPOLR BD = BOUNDARY itl DHK ENGINEERS I I I I I ) I ! ( 1 ( I I I f ] ^ ! NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG lillili APRIL 2004 I I *** ISCST3 - VERSION OOlOl *** **MODELOPTs: CONC RURAL ELEV *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) FLGPOL DFAULT *** THE SUMMARY OF MAXIMUM PERIOD 8750 HRS) RESULTS *** * ** ** * 04/26/04 04 :14:18 PAGE 15 ** CONC OF H2S GROUP ID AVERAGE CONC IN MICR0GRAMS/M**3 ** NETWORK RECEPTOR (XR, YR, ZELEV, ZFLAG) OF TYPE GRID-ID ALL 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH STH 9TH lOTH HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS 19.35451 AT 11.73442 AT 10.76241 AT 6.B0722 AT 6.50587 AT 5.9314 9 AT 4.99311 AT 4.84354 AT 3.7 654 7 AT 3.597 90 AT { 23 70, -35 60, 7 60, 9 10) DC NA 1 00, 2 90, 8 50, 10 00) DC NA 33 50, -29 80, 8 20, 9 70) DC NA 17 30, -28 70, 4 90, 5 40) DC NA 50 00, -50 00, 6 10, 0 00) DC NA 11 00, -37 10, 4 60, 5 10) DC NA 11 00, 12 90, 7 50, 9 10) DC NA 21 50, 5 90, 9 80, 11 30) DC NA 21 00, 2 90, 5 10, 7 60) DC NA 11 00, 22 90, 7 60, 9 10) DC NA *** RECEPTOR TYPES: GC = GRIDCART GP = GRIDPOLR DC = DISCCART DP = DISCPOLR BD = BOUNDARY lilll DHK ENGINEERS * ' * * NORTH BATIQlMTOsKlF^STAIOI^ ODf>h( l^hD^inJ i \ ^ ^ J^RILLUJ Elll ** T<.CST3 - VERSION 00101 *** *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** ISCST3 VERSION HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) **MODEL0PTs: CONC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** THE SUMMARY OF HIGHEST 1-HR RESULTS *** *** 04/26/04 *** 04:14:18 PAGE 15 ** CONC OF H2S IN M1CR0GRAMS/M**3 DATE NETWORK GROUP ID AVERAGE CONC (YYMMDDHH) RECEPTOR (XR, YR, ZELEV, ZFLAG) OF TYPE GRID-ID ALL HIGH 1ST HIGH VALUE IS 2550.41382 ON 91010523: AT ( -5.50, -20.10. 4. 90, 6.40) DC NA *** RECEPTOR TYPES: GC = GRIDCART GP = GRIDPOLR DC = DISCCART DP = DISCPOLR BD = BOUNDARY ! Ill 11 II II 11 I I II [ 1 L I ^{ J r 1 f 1 I till .,.,^^oc NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG APRIL DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION OL *** ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 *** *** NORTH BATIQUITOS LIFT STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** ^.V.^^i ISCST3 Vh.RSIor^ HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 3, EXISTING (15 PPM) *** 04:14.18 PA.GE 1 ' **MODELOPTs: ,,,^r-, COHC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** Message Summary : ISCST3 Model Execution *** Summary of Total Messages A Total of 0 Fatal Error Message(s) A Total of 0 Warning Message[s) A Total of 472 Informational Message(3) A Total of •^"'2 Calm Hours Identified ******** FATAL ERROR MESSAGES ******** *** NONE *** ******** WARNING MESSAGES ******** *** NONE *** ************************************ *** ISCST3 Finishes Successfully *** ************************************ STACK 1 ISCS3T BPIP AND INPUT/OUTPUT FILES 4 57-METER (15-FOOT) STACK HEIGHT 0 0135 GRAMS/SECOND (10 PPM) EMISSIONS 14.25 METER/SECOND EXIT VELOCITY 0.3-METER STACK DIAMETER SAN DIEGO MET DATA (1991) Of/K ENGINEERS NOkTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG REPORT FEBRUARY 2064 BPIP (Dated: 95086) DRTE : 2/7/4 TIME : 20:50: 4 C:\ISCVLew4\STACKl-bpv BPIP PROCESSING INFORMftTION: The ST flag has been set for processing for an ISCST2 run. Inputs entered in Meters will be converted to meters using a conversion factor of 1.0000. Output will be in meters. UTMP is set to UTMN. The input is assumed to be in a local X-Y coordinate system as opposed to a UTM coordinate system. True North is in the positive Y direction. Plant north is set to 0.00 degrees with respect to True North. C:\ISCView4\STACK1-bpv PRELIMINARY* GEP STACK HEIGHT RESULTS TABLE (Output Units: meters) Stack-Building Preliminary* Stack Stack Base Elevation GEP** GEP Stack Name Height Differences EQNl Height Value STACKOl 4.57 0.00 12.73 65.00 * Results are based on Determinants 1 & 2 on pages 1 & 2 of the GEP Technical Support Document. Determinant 3 may be investigated for additional stack height credit. Final values result after Determinant 3 has been taken into consideration, ** Results were derived from Equation 1 on page 6 of GEP Technical Support Document. Values have been adjusted for any stack-building base elevation differences. Note: Criteria for determining stack heights for modeling emission limitations for a source can be found in Table 3.1 of the GEP Technical Support Document. BPIP output is in meters SO BUILDHGT STACKOl 0 . .00 0, .00 0. ,00 0 .00 5, ,09 5. ,09 SO BUILDHGT STACKOl 5. ,09 5. .09 5, .09 5 .09 0, .00 0, .00 SO BUILDHGT STACKOl 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 .00 0. .00 0, .00 SO BUILDHGT STACKOl 0. .00 0, .00 0, .00 0 .00 5, .09 5, .09 SO BUILDHGT STACKOl 5. ,09 5. .09 5. .09 5 .09 0. .00 0. .00 SO BUILDHGT STACKOl 0, ,00 0, ,00 0. .00 0 .00 0. ,00 0. .00 SO BUILDWID STACKOl 0, .00 0. .00 0, .00 0 .00 8, .05 a. .03 SQ BUILDWID STACKOl 7, .77 7, .27 6. .65 7 .29 0, .00 0. .00 SO BUILDWID STACKOl 0, .00 0. .00 0, .00 0 .00 0, .00 0, .00 SO BUILDWID STACKOl 0, .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 .00 8. .05 8, .03 SO BUILDWID STACKOl 7 . .77 7 .27 6. .65 7 .29 0. .00 0. .00 SO BUILDWID STACKOl 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0. .00 ^1 l l llllllillllllllll DHK ENGINEERS f*ORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODELING REPORT FmUARYZ004 **.*******•***••***•**•****•*****•***••* * • ** ISCST3 Input Produced by: ** ISC-AERMOD View Ver. 4.03 ** Lakes Environmental Software Inc, ** Date: 2/8/2004 ** File: C:MSCView4\lST10PPH. INP « * **************************************** * * «* **************************************** ** ISCST3 Control Pathway »*******,*«****************«*********••* * * ** CO STARTING TITLEONE NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING TITLETWO HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) MODELOPT DFAULT CONC RURAL AVERTIME 1 PERIOD POLLUTID H2S TERRHGTS ELEV FLAGPOLE 1.50 RUNORNOT RUN ERRORFIL ISTlOPPM.err CO FINISHED * * ******************«********************* ** 1SCST3 Source Pathway **************************************** * * SO STARTING ** Source Location ** ** Source ID - Type - X Coord. - Y Coord. *• LOCATION STACKOl POINT 11.000 2.900 4.870 ** Source Pararaeters ** SRCPARAM STACKOl 0.0135 4.570 298.000 14.300 0.300 ** Building Downwash ** 09 BUILDHGT STACKOl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 5 09 5 09 BUILDHGT STACKOl 5 09 5 09 5 09 5 09 0 00 0 00 BUILDHGT STACKOl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 BUILDHGT STACKOl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 5 09 5 09 BUILDHGT STACKOl 5 09 5 09 5 09 5 09 0 00 0 00 BUILDHGT STACKOl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 BUILDWID STACKOl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 8 05 8 03 BUILDWID STACKOl 7 77 7 27 6 65 7 29 0 00 0 00 BUILDWID STACKOl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 BUILDWID STACKOl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 8 05 8 03 BUILDWID STACKOl 7 .77 7 27 6 65 7 29 0 00 0 00 BUILDWID STACKOl 0 .00 0 CO 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 SRCGROUP ALL I 1 i t I I I J ! : ! ! ! ] 'lltlllllll DHK ENOINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UfT STA TION ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT FEBRUARY 2004 SO FINISHED *• ***»*•*••*******«*•**********•*••******* •* ISCST3 Receptor Pathway ********** **«***********************"'*** RE STARTING DISCCART -5.00 5.70 5.5 7 DISCCART -6.60 10.60 5.8 7.3 DISCCART 21.50 5.90 9.8 11.3 DISCCART 32.00 12.30 10.7 12.2 DISCCART 17.30 -28.70 4.9 6.4 DISCCART 33.50 -29.80 8.2 9.7 DISCCART 23.70 -35.60 7.6 9.1 DISCCART -5.60 -20.10 4.9 6.4 DISCCART 7.30 -54.10 1.5 3 DISCCART -10.10 -32.20 4.6 6.1 DISCCART -36.30 5.10 4.6 6.1 DISCCART -55.20 -11.40 4.6 6.1 DISCCART -85.00 66.50 6.7 8.2 DISCCART 128.90 161.90 46 47.5 DISCCART 181.30 116.80 46 47.5 DISCCART 21.00 2.90 6.1 7.6 DISCCflRT 31.00 2.90 10.1 11.6 DISCCART 51.00 2.90 13.7 15.2 DISCCART 11.00 12.90 7.6 9.1 DISCCART U.OO 22.90 7.6 9.1 DISCCART U.OO 42.90 10.7 12.2 DISCCART U.OO -7 UO 4.9 6.4 DISCCART 11.00 -17.10 4.9 6.4 DISCCART U.OO -37.10 4.6 6.1 DISCCART 1.00 2.90 8.5 10 DISCCART -9.00 2.90 5.5 7 DISCCART -29.10 2.90 4.6 6.1 DISCCABT -150.00 -150.00 0 1.5 DISCCART -100.00 -150.00 0 1.5 DISCCART -50.00 -150.00 0 1.5 DISCCART 0.00 -150.00 0 1.5 DISCCART 50.00 -150.00 1.5 1.5 DISCCART 100.00 -150.00 3.05 1.5 DISCCART 150.00 -150.00 15.24 1.5 DISCCART 200.00 -150.00 3.05 1.5 DISCCART -200.00 -100.00 0 1.5 DISCCART -150.00 -100.00 0 1.5 DISCCART -100.00 -100.00 0 1.5 DISCCART -50.00 -100.00 0 1.5 DISCCART 0.00 -100.00 1.5 1.5 DISCCART 5,0.00 -100.00 3.05 1.5 DISCCART 100.00 -100.00 15,24 1.5 DISCCART 150.00 -100.00 24.4 1.5 DISCCART 200.00 -100.00 12.2 1.5 DISCCART -200.00 -50.00 0 1.5 DISCCART -150.00 -50.00 0 1.5 DHK ENGINEERS DISCCABT -IQO.OO -50,00 0 I.S DISCCART -50,00 -50.00 3 1.5 DISCCART 0.00 -50.00 4,57 1.5 DISCCART 50.00 -50.00 6.1 1.5 DISCCART 100.00 -50.00 21.3 1.5 DISCCART 150.00 -50.00 24.4 1.5 DISCCART 200.00 -50.00 18.3 1.5 DISCCABT -200.00 0.00 3 1.5 DISCCART -150.00 0.00 3 1.5 DISCCABT -100.00 0,00 4.57 1.5 DISCCART -50.00 0.00 4.57 1,5 DISCCART 0.00 0.00 4.87 1.5 DISCCABT 50.00 0.00 15.24 1.5 DISCCART 100.00 0.00 24.4 1.5 DISCCART 150.00 0.00 29 1.5 DISCCAST 200.00 0.00 30 1.5 DISCCABT -200.00 50.00 4.57 1.5 DISCCABT -150.00 50.00 4.57 1.5 DISCCART -100.00 50.00 4.57 1.5 DISCCABT -50.00 50.00 4.57 1.5 DISCCABT 0.00 50.00 9.14 1.5 DISCCABT 50.00 50.00 21.3 1.5 DISCCART 100.00 50.00 45.7 1.5 DISCCABT 150.00 50.00 42.7 1.5 DISCCART 200.00 50.00 42.7 1.5 DISCCABT -200.00 100.00 5.18 1.5 DISCCART -150.00 100.00 5.5 1.5 DISCCART -100.00 100.00 5.5 1.5 DISCCART -50.00 100.00 6.1 1.5 DISCCART 0.00 100.00 15.24 1.5 DISCCART 50.00 100.00 27.4 1.5 DISCCABT 100.00 100.00 39.6 1.5 DISCCABT 150.00 100.00 48.8 1.5 DISCCART 200.00 100.00 48.8 1.5 DISCCART 250.00 100.00 48.8 1.5 DISCCART -200.00 150.00 6 1.5 DISCCART -150.00 150.00 6 1.5 DISCCABT -100.00 150.00 6 1.5 DISCCART -50.00 150.00 7.6 1.5 DISCCART 0.00 150.00 24.45 1.5 DISCCART 50.00 150.00 33.5 1.5 DISCCABT 100.00 150.00 48.8 1.5 DISCCABT 150.00 150.00 48.8 1.5 DISCCART 200.00 150.00 48.8 1.5 DISCCART -200.00 200.00 6.7 1.5 DISCCART -150.00 200.00 6.7 1.5 DISCCART -100.00 200.00 6.7 1.5 DISCCABT -50.00 200.00 15.24 1.5 DISCCART 0.00 200.00 27.4 1.5 DISCCABT 50.00 200.00 39.6 1.5 DISCCART 100.00 200.00 48.8 1.5 DISCCABT 150.00 200.00 48.8 1.5 DISCCART 200.00 200.00 48.8 1.5 RE FINISHED NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT ] I I r I t FEBRUARY 2004 I I ^ . I ] I ! lilllliilfllllll DHK ENOINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STA TION ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT FEBRUARY 2004 * * a*************************************** ** 1SCST3 Meteorology Pathway ***••*«•******»**•***********•*•**•***** * * ME STARTING INPUTFIL sdmetl.met (412,2F9.4,F6.1,12,2F7.1} ANEMHGHT 10 METERS SURFDATA 23188 1991 SAN_DIEGO/LINDBERGH_FIELD UAIRDATA 23230 1991 OAKLAND/WSO_AP WINDCATS 1.54 3.09 5.14 8.23 10.80 ME FINISHED * * **************************************** ** ISCST3 Output Pathway **************************************** OU STARTING RECTABLE ALLAVE FIRST RECTABLE 1 FIRST MAXTABLE ALLAVE 50 POSTFILE PERIOD ALL PLOT ISTIOPPM.IS\PSTANALL.FIL 22 ** Auto-Generated Plotfiles PLOTFILE 1 ALL 1ST ISTIOPPM.IS\01H1GALL.PLT PLOTFILE PERIOD ALL 1STIOPPM.IS\PEOOGALL.PLT OU FINISHED *********************************** *** SETUP Finishes Successfully *** *********************************** liiill DHKENGINEBRS *** ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 *•* WWTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT •** NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) FEBRUARY 2004 **MODELOPTfl: CONC 02/08/04 09!44:59- PAGE 1 RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** MODEL SETUP OPTIONS SUMMARY **Intermediate Terrain Proceasing is Selected **Model la Setup For Calculation of Average CONCentration Values. — SCAVENGING/DEPOSITION LOGIC — **H0del Uses NO DRY DEPLETION. DDPLETE = F ••Model Uses NO WET DEPLETION. WDPLETE = F **N0 WET SCAVENGING Data Provided. •*N0 GAS DRY DEPOSITION Data Provided. ••Model Does NOT Use GRIDDED TERRAIN Data for Depletion Calculations ••Model Usea BUBAL Dispersion. ••Model Uses Regulatory DEFAULT Optiona: 1. Final Plume Rise. 2. Stack-tip Downwash. 3. Buoyancy-induced Dispersion. 4. Use Calma Processing Routine. 5. Not Use Missing Data Procesaing Routine. 6. Default Wind Profile Exponents. 7. Default Vertical Potential Temperature Gradients. 8. "Upper Bound" Values for Supersquat Buildings. 9. No Exponential Decay for BUBAL Mode ••Model Accepts Beceptors on ELEV Terrain. ••Model Accepts FLAGPOLE Receptor Heights. ••Model Calculates 1 Short Term Average(a) of: 1-HR and Calculates PERIOD Averages ••This Run Includes: 1 Source{a}; 1 Source Group (s); and •*The Model Assumes A Pollutant Type of: H2S **Model Set To Continue RUNning After the Setup Testing. 99 Beceptorts] ••Output Optiona Selected: Model Outputs Tables of PERIOD Averages by Receptor Model Outputs Tables of Highest Short Term Values by Receptor (RECTABLE Keyword) Model Outputa Tables of Overall Maximum Short Term Values (MAXTABLE Keyword} Model Outputs External File(a) of Concurrent Values for Postprocessing (POSTFILE Keyword) Model Outputa External FileO) of High Values for Plotting (PLOTFILE Keyword} ••NOTE: The Following Flaga May Appear Following CONC Values: Decay Coef. = c for Calm Hours m for Missing Hours b for Both Calm and Missing Hours **Misc. Inputs: Anem. Hgt. (m) = 10.00 ; Eniaaion Units = GRAMS/SEC Output Units = MICR0GBAMS/M**3 ••Approximate Storage Requirements of Model = 1.2 MB of RAM. 0.000 Rot. Angle = 0.0 Emission Rate Unit Factor O.lOOOOE+07 ••Input Runatrearo File: ••Output Print File: ISTIOPPM.INP ISTIOPPM.OUT llli DHKENQINEERS ••Detailed Error/Mesaage Filei ISTlOPPM.err NOffTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG REPORT FEBRUARY 2004 DHKENQINEERS NORTH BA TIQUITOS UFT STA TION ODOR MODEUNG REPORT FEBRUARY 2004 ••* ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 ••• **• NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *•• 02/08/04 *•• HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION} 09:44:59 ••MODELOPTa: CONC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT PAGE 2 •** POINT SOURCE DATA ••• NUMBER EMISSION RATE BASE STACK STACK STACK STACK BUILDING EMISSION BATE SOUBCE PABT. (GBAMS/SEC) X Y ELEV. HEIGHT TEMP. EXIT VEL. DIAMETER EXISTS SCALAR VARY ID CATS. (METERS} (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) (DEG.K) (M/SEC) (METERS) BY STACKOl 0.13500E-OI U.O 2 .9 4 .9 4.57 298 .00 14.30 0 .30 YES fill llll II II II I! II DHKENQINEERS ••* ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 •** ••MODELOPTs: CONC NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNG REPORT *** NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE 3 GROUP ID *-* SOURCE IDs DEFINING SOURCE GROUPS •*• SOURCE IDs ALL STACKOl , lililllllilllllllll DHKENQINEERS "* ISCST3 - VERSION OQIQI *** ••MODELOPTa: CONC NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STAVQN ODOR MODEUNG REPORT NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING •*• HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT ••• DIRECTION SPECIFIC BUILDING DIMENSIONS ••• * * * *• * FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE 4 SOUBCE IFV 1 7 13 19 25 31 ID: BH 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, 0.0, 5.1, Q.O, STACKOl BW WAK 0.0, 0 7.8, 0.0, 0.0, 7.8, 0.0, IFV 2 8 14 20 26 32 BB 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, BW WAK 0.0, 0 7.3, 0.0, 0.0, 7.3, 0.0, IFV 3 9 15 21 27 33 BH 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, BW WAK 0.0, 0 6.7, 0.0, 0.0, 6.7, 0.0, IFV 4 10 16 22 28 34 BH 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, BW WAK 0.0, 0 7.3, 0.0, 0.0, 7.3, 0.0, IFV 5 11 17 23 29 35 BH 5.1, 0.0, 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, 0.0, BW WAK B.l, 0.0, 0.0, 8.1, 0.0, 0.0, IFV 6 12 18 24 30 36 BH 5.1, 0.0, 0.0, 5.1, 0.0, 0.0, BW WAK 8.0, 0 0.0, 0.0, 8.0, O.O, 0.0, lilillilililli DHKENQINEERS •** TSCST3 - VERSION OCIOl ••MODELOPTa: CONC HORTH •ATIQWTOS UFT STA VON ODOR MODEIMiG REPORT ••* NOBTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING •** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0,0135 G/S EMISSION} RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT (* * ** * FmRUARY»Q04 02/08/04 09:44!59 PAGE 5 *** DISCBETE CARTESIAN RECEPTORS ••• (X-COORD, Y-COORD, ZELEV, ZFLAG} (METERS) -5.0, 5.7, 5.5, 7. 0} ; ( -6.6, 10. 6, 5. 8, 7.3) ; 21.5, 5.9, 9.8, 11. 3) ; ( 32.0, 12. 3, 10. 7, 12.2}; 17.3, -28.7, 4.9, 6. 4); ( 33.5, -29. 8, 8. 2, 9.7); 23.7, -35.6, 7.6, 9. 1) ; ( -5.6, -20. 1, 4. 9, 5.4); 7.3, -54.1, 1.5, 3. 0} ; ( -10.1, -32. 2, 4. 6, 6.1) ; -36.3, 5.1, 4.6, 6. I) ; ( -55.2, -11. 4, 4. 6, 6.1}; -85.0, 66.5, 6.7, 3. 2) ; ( 128.9, 161. 9, 46. 0, 47.5}; 181.3, 116.8, 46.0, 47. 5); { 21.0, 2. 9, 6. 1, 7.6); 31.0, 2.9, 10.1, 11. 6) ; ( 51.0, 2. 9, 13. 7, 15.2); U.O, 12.9, 7.6, 9 1); ( 11.0, 22. 9, 7. 6, 9.1); 11. 0, 42.9, 10.7, 12 2) ; ( U.O, -7 1, 4. 9, 6.4}; 11.0, -17.1, 4.9, 6 4}; ( U-0, -37 1, 4. 6, 6.1); 1.0, 2.9, 8.5, 10 0) ; ( -9.0, 2 9, 5 5, 7.0); -29.1, 2.9, 4.6, 6 1) ; ( -150.0, -150 0, 0 0, 1.5); -100.0, -150.0, 0.0, 1 5) ; (• -50.0, -150 0, 0 0, 1.5}; 0.0, -150.0, 0.0, 1 5} ; ( 50.0, -150 0, 1 5, 1.5}; 100.0, -150.0, 3.0, 1 5) ; ( 150.0, -150 0, 15 2, 1.5) ; 200.0, -150.0, 3.0, 1 5) ; ( -200.0, -100 0, 0 0, 1.5) ; -150.0, -100.0, 0.0, 1 5} ; { -100.0, -100 0, 0 0, 1.5} ; -50.0, -100.0, 0.0, 1 5) ; ( 0.0, -100 0, 1 5, 1.5}; 50.0, -100.0, 3.0, 1 5) ; ( 100.0, -100 0, 15 2, 1.5) ; 150.0, -100.0, 24.4, 1 5} ; ( 200.0, -100 0, 12 2, 1.5) ; -200.0, -50.0, 0.0, 1 5) ; ( -150.0, -50 0, 0 0, 1.5); -100.0, -50.0, 0.0, 1 5) ; ( -50.0, -50 0, 3 0, 1.5) f 0.0, -50.0, 4.6, 1 5} ! ( 50.0, -50 0, 6 1, 1.5); 100.0, -50.0, 21.3, 1 5) ; ( 150.0, -50 0, 24 4, 1.5}; 200.0, -50.0, 18.3, 1.5); ( -200.0, 0 0, 3.0, 1.5); -150.0, 0.0, 3.0, 1 .5} 1 { -100.0, 0 0, 4 6, 1.5) ; -50.0, 0.0, 4.6, 1 .5) ; ( 0.0, 0 .0, 4 9, 1.5); 50.0, 0.0, 15.2, 1 .5) ; ( 100.0, 0 .0, 24 4, 1.5}; 150.0, 0.0, 29.0, 1 .5) ; { 200.0, 0 .0, 30 0, 1.5); -200.0, 50.0, 4.6, 1 .5} ,-( -150.0, 50 .0, 4 -6, 1.5); -100.0, 50.0, 4.6, 1 .5) ; ( -SO.O, 50 .0, 4 .6, 1.5); 0.0, 50.0, 9.1, 1 .5) ; ( 50.0, 50 .0, 21 .3, 1.5); 100.0, 50.0, 45.7, 1 .5); { 150.0, 50 ,0, 42 .7, 1.5); 200.0, 50.0, 42.7, 1 .5} ; ( -200.0, 100 .0, 5 -2, 1.5) ; -150.0, 100.0, 5.5, 1 .5) ; ( -100.0, 100 -0, 5 .5, 1.5}; -50.0, 100.0, 6.1, 1 .5); ( 0.0, 100 .0, 15 .2, 1.5); 50.0, 100.0, 27.4, 1 .5} { 100.0, 100 .0, 39 .6, 1.5) ; 150.0, 100.0, 48.8, 1 .5) ; ( 200.0, 100 .0, 48 .8, 1.5) ; 250.0, 100.0, 48.8, 1 .5) ; ( -200.0, 150 .0, 6 .0, 1.5); -150.0, 150.0, 6.0, 1 .5) ! { -100.0, 150 .0, 6 .0, 1.5); -50.0, 150.0, 7.6, 1 .5) ; ( 0.0, 150 .0, 24 • 5, 1.5); 50.0, 150.0, 33.5, 1 .5) ; ( 100.0, 150 .0, 48 .8, 1.5); Ill I I i f i I i I i t I OHK ENQINEBRS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STA TION ODOR MODEUNG REPORT FEBRUARY 2004 { 150.0, 150,0, 48.8, I.S)j ( 200.0, 150.0, 48.8, 1,5); liillllilllll I I DHKENQINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STAVQN ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT *"* TSCST3 - VERSION 00101 **• HYD RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT ••MODELOPTa: CONC *•* NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING •«* HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) *•- DISCRETE CARTESIAN RECEPTORS •** (X-COORD, Y-COORD, ZELEV, ZFLAG) (METERS} -200.0, 200 0, 6 7, 1 5) ( -100.0, 200 0, 6 7, 1 5) ( 0.0, 200 0, 27 4, 1 5) ( 100.0, 200 0, 48 8, 1 5) ( 200.0, 200 0, 48 8, 1 5} 150 0, 200 0, 6 7, 1 5) -50 0, 200 0, 15 2, 1 5) 50 0, 200 0, 39 6, 1 5) 150 0, 200 0, 48 8, 1 5) ** • *• * PBBRUARY2O04 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE 6 liiiili DHKENQINEERS NORTH BA VQUITOS UFT STAVQN ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT ,.„cn.^ wwBCTftM nmni NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION 1SCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING • *. ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 SROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) ••MODELOPTa: CONC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT SOURCE-RECEPTOR COMBINATIONS FOR WHICH CALCULATIONS MAY NOT BE PERFORMED * LESS THAN 1.0 METER OR 3*ZLB IN DISTANCE, OR WITHIN OPEN PIT SOUBCE *» * • * * FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE 7 SOURCE ID - - RECEPTOR LOCATION - - XR (METERS) YB (METEBS) DISTANCE (METEBS) STACKOl STACKOl STACKOl STACKOl 21.5 21.0 1.0 0.0 5.9 2.9 2.9 0.0 10.92 10.00 10.00 11.38 I I I I I I I OHKENGINeERS *** ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 •*• ••MODELOPTa; CONC NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STA HON ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT *** NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *•• HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK I, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) BURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT • * * * * • FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE 8 **• METEOROLOGICAL DAYS SELECTED FOR PROCESSING (1=YES; 0=NO) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 llll llll llll llll llll llll llll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTE: METEOROLOGICAL DATA ACTUALLY PROCESSED WILL ALSO DEPEND ON WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE DATA FILE. «** UPPER BOUND OF FIRST THROUGH FIFTH WIHD SPEED CATEGORIES **• (METERS/SEC) 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80, *** WIND PROFILE EXPONENTS STABILITY CATEGORY A B C D E F WIND SPEED CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 5 6 70000E-01 .7OO0OE-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 lOOOOE+00 .lOOOOE+00 .lOOOOE+00 .lOOOOE+00 .lOOOOE+00 .lOOOOE+00 I5Q00E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00 55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 *** VERTICAL POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS *•* (DEGREES KELVIN PER METER} STABILITY CATEGORY A B C D E F WIND SPEED CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 5 6 OOOOOE-t-OO .OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+OO ,OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+00 OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+OO !oOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+00 .OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+OO .OOOOOE+OO "2OOOOE-OI .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .2000OE-01 '35OOOE-OI .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 i i { I { i t I I i I i t i OHKCNOfNCeRS ••* 1SCST3 - VERSION 00101 •** ••MODELOPTa: CONC NORTH SATrQUTDS STAVQN ODOR MODEUNG REPORT **• NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION 1SCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) ** * FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE 9 BURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT •** THE FIBST 24 HOURS OF METEOROLOGICAL DATA FILE: sdmetl.met FORMAT: (412,2F9.4,F6.1,12,2F7.1) SURFACE STATION NO.: 23188 UPPEB AIR STATION NO.: 23230 NAME: SAN DIEGO/LINDBERGH FIELD NAME: OAKLAND/WSO_AP YEAR: 1991 " YEAR: 1991 FLOW SPEED TEMP STAB MIXING HEIGHT (M} USTAR M-O LENGTH Z-O IPCODE PRATE YR MN DY HR VECTOR (M/S) (K) CLASS RURAL URBAN (M/S) (M} (M) (mm/HR) 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 91 01 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 01 05 01 06 01 07 01 08 01 09 01 10 01 11 01 12 01 13 01 14 01 15 01 16 01 17 01 18 01 19 01 20 01 21 01 22 01 23 01 24 161-0 158.0 94.0 93.0 93.0 132.0 135.0 153.0 187.0 181.0 124.0 116.0 123.0 129.0 112.0 104.0 131.0 137.0 144.0 147.0 140.0 142.0 160.0 200.0 2.06 0.00 2.05 0.00 0.00 2.06 0.00 1.54 1.54 1.54 2.06 3.09 4.12 3.60 2.57 3.09 2.06 1.54 3.09 3.09 2.06 0.00 2.06 3.60 281. 282. 281. 282. 280. 280. 282. 284. 288, 291, 292, 292. 292 291 291 290 289 289 289 288 287 287 288 287 •*• NOTES: 6 528. 0 130.0 0. oooo 0. 0 0. oooo 0 0.00 6 512. 0 130.0 0. oooo 0. 0 0. oooo 0 0.00 6 496. 0 130.0 0. oooo 0. 0 0. oooo 0 0,00 7 480. 0 130.0 0. oooo 0 0 0. oooo 0 0.00 7 464. 0 130.0 0. oooo 0 0 0. oooo 0 0.00 6 448. 0 130.0 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0,00 5 3 3 132.0 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0.00 4 48 5 158.8 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 O.OO 3 93 8 185.7 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0.00 2 139 0 212.5 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0.00 3 184 3 239.4 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 .00 3 229 5 266.3 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0.00 3 274 8 293.1 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0.00 3 320 0 320.0 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0.00 3 320 0 320.0 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0.00 4 320 0 320.0 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0.00 5 319 1 313.2 0 oooo 0 0 0 oooo 0 0,00 6 314 4 277.9 0 oooo 0 .0 0 oooo 0 0.00 5 309 7 242.6 0.0000 0 .0 0 oooo 0 0.00 5 304 .9 207.3 0 .0000 0 .0 0 .0000 0 0 .00 5 300 .2 172.0 0 .0000 0 .0 0 .0000 0 0.00 6 295 .5 135.6 0 .0000 0 .0 0 . 0000 0 0.00 5 290 .8 101.3 0 .0000 0 .0 0 .0000 0 0.00 4 286 .1 286.1 0 . oooo 0 .0 0 .0000 0 0,00 =B, 3=C, 4 =D, 5=E AND 6=F FLOW VECTOR IS DIRECTION TOWARD WHICH WIND IS BLOWING. I 1 DHKBNQIWeRS ••* 1SCST3 - VERSION 00101 **MODELOPTs: CONC NORTH BAVQUITOS UFT STAVQN ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT **• NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) «* * ** * BURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT THE PERIOD ( 8760 HRS) AVERAGE CONCENTRATION INCLUDING SOUBCE(S): STACKOl , VALUES FOR SOURCE GROUP: ALL ••• DISCBETE CARTESIAN RECEPTOR POINTS *•* *• CONC OF H2S IN MICR0GRAMS/M**3 X-COOBD (M) Y-COORD (M} CONC X-COORD (M) Y-COORD (M) CONC FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE 10 -5.00 21.50 17.30 23.70 7.30 -36.30 -85.00 181.30 31.00 U.OO 11.00 U.OO 1.00 -29.10 -100.00 0.00 100.00 200.00 -150.00 -50.00 50.00 150.00 -200.00 -100.00 0.00 100.00 200.00 -150.00 -50.00 50.00 150.00 -200.00 -100.00 0.00 100.00 200.00 -150.00 -50.00 50.00 150.00 5.70 5.90 -28.70 -35.60 -54.10 5.10 66.50 116.80 2.90 12.90 42.90 -17.10 2.90 2.90 -150.00 -150.00 -150.00 -150.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -50.00 -50.00 -50.00 -50.00 -50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 100 .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 3.11927 0.00510 1.015S3 2.63277 0.01191 0.60662 0.16491 0 .00180 4.56908 3.89133 1.78076 1.22017 0.20526 0.73345 O.OUlO 0.03139 0.12899 0.28394 0.03169 0 .00810 0.09728 0.48277 0.02551 0.03512 0.02747 0.46964 0.27321 0.05104 0.21046 0.53013 0.17009 0.05269 0.03621 0.80879 0.17822 0.10987 0.04419 0.07154 0.16993 0.18023 -6.60 32.00 33.50 -5.60 -10.10 -55.20 128.90 21.00 51.00 U.OO U.OO U.OO -9.00 -150.00 -50.00 50.00 150.00 -200.00 -100.00 0.00 100.00 200.00 -150.00 -50.00 50.00 150.00 -200.00 -100.00 0.00 100.00 200.00 -150.00 -50.00 50.00 150.00 -200.00 -100.00 0.00 100.00 200.00 .90 ,90 10.60 12.30 -29.80 -20.10 -32.20 -11.40 161.90 2. 2 22. 90 -7.10 -37.10 2.90 -150.00 -150.00 -150.00 -150.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -50.00 -50.00 -50.00 -50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 50,00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.90736 2.71095 2.92364 0.26830 0.18415 0.31619 0.00125 0.60325 0.32520 2.20337 1.37782 0.49387 1.95274 0.02034 0.02072 0.06929 0.41509 0.02697 0.02420 0.02676 0.45067 0.63098 0,02663 0.08903 0.49320 0.40062 0.04238 0.10577 0.OOOOO 0.16093 0.14611 0.04212 0.03117 0.10697 0.13347 0.03624 0.04032 0.15380 0.13484 0.13618 i I I iilll I I DHKENQINEERS NORTH BAVQUITOS UFT STAVQN ODOR MODELINQ REPORT ..* ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 *** NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MO'^^^^"^^^,^^, ^ .** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) *** ••MODELOPTa: CONC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT •** THE PERIOD ( 8760 HRS) AVERAGE CONCENTRATION VALUES FOB SOURCE GROUP: ALL INCLUDING SOUBCE(S}: STACKOl , •*• DISCRETE CARTESIAN RECEPTOR POINTS *•• ** CONC OF H2S IN MICB0GRAMS/M*^3 ** FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE U X-COORD (M) Y-COORD (M) CONC COORD (M} Y-COORD (M) CONC -200 .00 150.00 0.03542 -100.00 150.00 0.04236 0.00 150.00 0.14820 100.00 150.00 0.16239 200.00 150.00 0.13698 -150.00 200.00 0.03274 -50.00 200.00 0.09130 50.00 200.00 0.14345 150.00 200.00 0.12767 250.00 -150.00 -50.00 50.00 150.00 -200.00 -100.00 0.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.09601 0.03402 0.10141 0.17411 0.14849 0.03021 0.04791 0.13714 0.12256 0.11443 i I I lllllllllll DHKENQINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UPT STAVQN ODOR MODELING REPORT ** * *** •*' ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 '** *** NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) ••MODELOPTa: CONC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT •*• THE 1ST HIGHEST 1-HR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION VALUES FOB SOURCE GROUP: ALL INCLUDING SOUBCE(S): STACKOl , ••• DISCRETE CABTESIAN RECEPTOR POINTS *** FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE 12 ** CONC OF H2S X-COORD (M) Y-COORD (M) CONC (YY(*1DDHH) IN MICROGRAMS/M-^3 ORD (M) Y-COORD (M) CONC (YYbMDDHH) -6. 60 10. 60 192. 62224 (91102106) 32. 00 12 . 30 103. 90282 (91081304) 33. 50 -29. 80 204. 92627 (91020819) -5. 60 -20. 10 35. 85050 (91020324} -10. 10 -32. 20 41. 20113 (91010522) -55. 20 -11. 40 85. 44833 (91012005) 128. 90 161. 90 0. 25714 (91110811) 21. 00 2. 90 95. 90385 (91100210) 51. 00 2. 90 25. 90459 (91041408) 11 00 22. 90 270. 22568 (91082321) 11 00 -7 10 357. 50925 (91030317) 11 00 -37 10 45 30238 (91072622) -9 00 2 90 513 89032 (91021807) -150 00 -150 00 6 05297 (91021304) -50 00 -150 00 3 34352 (91112210) 50 00 -150 00 12 38263 (91070705} 150 00 -150 00 18 96193 (91092324) -200 00 -100 00 12 18426 (91021508) -100 00 -100 00 7 04183 (91101706} 0 00 -100 00 4 28535 (91030510) 100 00 -100 00 18 29909 (91010213) 200 00 -100 00 19 28863 (91092421) -150 00 -50 00 6 70849 (91041304) -50 00 -50 00 21 23000 (91050402) 50 .00 -50 00 11 42528 (91060810) 150 .00 -50 00 7 17949 (91010209) -200 .00 0 00 10 03468 (91103021) -100 .00 0 .00 23 .99273 (91050702} 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00003 (91041308) 100 .00 0 .00 12 .10633 (91041408) 200 .00 0 .00 5 .55506 (91010905} -150 .00 50 .00 U .44992 (91032224) -50 .00 50 .00 7 .70240 (91010610) 50 .00 50 .00 9 .01221 (91101913) 150 .00 50 .00 7 .28990 (91021410) -200 .00 100 .00 6 .67566 (91071107) -100 .00 100 .00 8 .59096 (91010323) 0.00 100 .00 23 .47421 (91020703} 100 .00 100 .00 6 .42745 (91010402) 200 .00 100 .00 5 .05316 (91070305) -5.00 5.70 754.83179 (91031207) 21.50 5.90 11.53167 (91021511) 17.30 -28.70 108.25051 (91111218) 23.70 -35.60 194.33714 (91080722) 7.30 -54.10 3.90235 (91111611) -36.30 5.10 154.52638 (91021803) -35.00 66.50 33.23695 (91111920) 181.30 116.80 0.53821 (91052013) 31.00 2.90 148.74016 (91010905) 11.00 12.90 503.64224 {91050724} 11.00 42.90 133.26814 (91021220) U.OO -17.10 137.96364 (91010313) 1.00 2.90 118.82249 (91012901) -29.10 2.90 196.68262 (91021807) -100.00 -150.00 3.07352 (91042708) 0.00 -150.00 3.86091 (91040408) 100.00 -150.00 5.32782 (91110308) 200 .00 -150.00 5.11872 (91021308) -150.00 -100.00 6.42005 (91110809) -50.00 -100.00 3.32677 (91080709) 50.00 -100.00 6.33978 (91070705) 150.00 -100.00 6.96660 (91030407) -200.00 -50.00 5.98145 (91032904) -100.00 -50.00 18.98621 (91021508) 0.00 -50.00 6.82428 (91041808) 100.00 -50.00 9.94508 (91010209) 200.00 -50.00 19.94280 (91091922) -150.00 0.00 11.52533 (91050702) -50.00 0.00 56.66678 (91122522) 50.00 0.00 295.04797 (91010103) 150.00 0.00 7.73981 (91012310) -200.00 50.00 12.19787 (91040920) -100.00 50.00 7.23918 {91102106} 0.00 50.00 43.75831 (91111403) 100.00 50.00 10.60848 (91012511) 200.00 50.00 5.43244 (91010401) -150.00 100.00 8.03245 (91021204) -50.00 100.00 10.76489 (91122804) 50.00 100.00 10.13803 (91011312) 150.00 100.00 6.10904 (91021410) I i i 1 I i I I I I ] I i I I I i I i I i DHKENQINEERS *»* ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 *** NORTH BAVQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT •** NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING ••* HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) ** • ** * ••MODELOPTa: CONC FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGS 13 RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT **• THE 1ST HIGHEST 1-HB AVERAGE CONCENTRATION VALUES FOR SOURCE GROUP: ALL INCLUDING SOUBCE(S): STACKOl , •*• DISCBETE CABTESIAN RECEPTOR POINTS *** •* CONC OF H2S IH MICROGRAM3/M**3 COOBD (M) CONC (YY(*1DDHH} X-COORD (M) 100.00 4.14515 (91070305} -200.00 150.00 7.63844 (91121713) -100.00 150.00 12.10409 (91091722) 0.00 150.00 6.98898 (91013010) 100.00 150.00 5.26931 (91010402) 200.00 200.00 6.01519 (91121713) -150.00 200.00 8.45941 (91030501) -50.00 200.00 5.37617 (91022703) 50.00 200.00 4.97301 (91042101) 150.00 200.00 3.87348 (91010402) Y-COORD (M) CONC (YYMMDDHH) 6 42444 8 53626 (91073109) 6 31451 (91021313) 5 99894 (91013010) 4 49664 (91010402) 6 91419 (91120803) 24 13120 (91100123) 5 30072 (91022703) 4 46348 (91010402) 250.00 •150.00 -50.00 50.00 150.00 -200 .00 -100.00 0.00 100.00 200 .00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 I Iiiillllliii DHKENQINEERS •** ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 •** ••MODELOPTs: CONC NORTH BAVQUITOS UFT STAVQN ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT •** NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) «* « * ** BUBAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT ••* THE MAXIMUM 50 1-HR AVERAGE CONCENTRATION VALUES FOR SOURCE GROUP: ALL INCLUDING SOURCE(S): STACKOl , FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE 14 ** CONC OF H2S IN MICR0GRAMS/M*^3 RANK CONC (YYMMDDHH) AT YR) OF TYPE RANK CONC (YYMMDDHH) AT RECEPTOR (XR,YR) OF TYPE 5. 70} DC 26. 425. 59586 (91030303) AT ( 5. 70) DC 27. 424 . 00061 (91012120) AT ( -5. 00, 5. 70) DC 5. 70) DC 23. 413. 85959 (91042706) AT ( -5. 00, 5. 70) DC 5 70) DC 29. 417 29147 (91021123) AT ( 11. 00, 12. 90) DC 5 70) DC 30. 412 61560 (91102118) AT ( 11 00, 12 90) DC 5 70} DC 31. 409 79550 (91021722) AT ( U 00, 12 90) DC 5 70) DC 32. 386 25702 (91060120) AT ( 11 00, 12 90) DC 5 70) DC 33. 383 35260 (91031724) AT ( -9 00, 2 9.0) DC 5 70} DC 34. 369 47064 (91050621) AT { 11 00, 12 90} DC 5 70) DC 35. 360 26294 (91091818) AT ( 11 00, 12 90) DC 5 70) DC 36. 359 70868 (91082620) AT ( 11 00, 12 90) DC 5 70} DC 37. 357 50925 (91030317) AT ( 11 00, -7 10) DC 5 70) DC 38. 355 00845 (91102006) AT ( -5 00, 5 70) DC 2 90) DC 39. 352 50195 (91021706) AT ( -5 00, 5 70) DC 12 90) DC 40. 350 42279 (91122502) AT ( -5 00, 5 70) DC 12 90) DC 41. 344 12137 (91031802) AT ( -9 00, 2 90) DC 12 90} DC 42. 344 12137 (91121923) AT ( -9 00, 2 90) DC 2 .90) DC 43. 342 40131 (91102222) AT { 11 00, 12 90) DC 2 .90) DC 44. 342 03376 (91122503) AT ( -5 00, 5 70) DC 12 .90) DC 45. 341 64230 (91031702) AT ( -5 00, 5 .70) DC 2 .90) DC 46. 335 .01611 (91050519) AT ( 11 00, -7 .10) DC 5 .70) DC 47. 332 .00064 (91112619) AT ( 11 .00, 12 .90) DC 12 .90) DC 48. 331.54883 (91022406) AT ( -5.00, 5 .70) DC 12 .90) DC 49. 331 .31595 (91111524) AT ( -5 .00, 5 .70) DC 5 .70} DC 50. 331 .05759 (91012703) AT ( -9 .00, 2 .90) DC 1. 754. 83179 (91031207) AT ( -5.00, 2. 739. 09760 (91031206) AT ( -5.00, 3. 735. 79248 (91021902) AT { -5.00, 4. 658. 89386 (91111222) AT ( -5.00, 5. 651. 16046 (91102804) AT { -5.00, 6. 650 29016 (91010922) AT ( -5.00, 7. 650 29015 (91030624) AT ( -5.00, 8. 647 32477 (9U21924) AT ( -5.00, 9. 613 57953 (91112822} AT ( -5.00, 10. 509 97504 (91012103) AT ( -5.00, 11. 609 49146 (91040920) AT ( -5.00, 12. 600 18774 (91012924) AT { -5.00, 13. 583 94556 (91013103) AT ( -5.00, 14. 513 89032 (91021807) AT ( -9.00, 15. 503 64224 (91050724) AT { 11.00, 16. 486 81479 (91090121) AT ( U.OO, 17. 480 25885 (91082320} AT ( 11.00, 18. 479 .27017 (91030901) AT ( -9.00, 19. 477 .46396 (91012701) AT ( -9.00, 20. 474 .97589 (91081121) AT ( 11.00, 21. 474 ,85428 (91031205) AT ( -9.00, 22. 448 .68130 (91012824) AT ( -5.00, 23. 445 .76855 (91090120) AT ( 11.00, 24. 435 .53104 (91082321) AT ( U.OO, 25. 432 .31894 (91012104) AT { -5.00, *** RECEPTOR TYPES: GC = GBIDCABT GP = GBIDPOLB DC = DISCCABT DP = DISCPOLR BD = BOUNDARY } i i I t i j I i I I I 1 t i I 1 DHKENQINEERS ••* ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 •** ••MODELOPTa: CONC NORTH BAVQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODELING REPORT •*• NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING •*• HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) BURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT —* THE SUMMARY OF MAXIMUM PERIOD ( 8760 HRS) RESULTS ••* • • • *• • FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE 15 GROUP ID •• CONC OF H2S IN MICBOGRAM3/M**3 NETWORK AVERAGE CONC RECEPTOR (XR, YB, ZELEV, ZFLAG) OF TYPE GRID-ID ALL 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH STH 6TH 7TH STH 9TH lOTH HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST HIGHEST VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS VALUE IS 4.56908 AT 3.89133 AT 3.11927 AT 2.92364 AT 2.71095 AT 2.63277 AT 2.20337 AT 1.95274 AT 1.37782 AT 1.7807 6 AT 31.00, 11.00, -5.00, 33.50, 32.00, 23.70, U.OO, -9.00, U.OO, 11.00, 2.90, 12.90, 5.70, -29.80, 12.30, -35.60, 22.90, 2.90, -7.10, 42.90, 10.10, 7.60, 5.50, 8.20, 10.70, 7.60, 7.60, 5 . 50, 4.90, 10.70, 11.60) 9.10) 7.00) 9.70) 12.20) 9.10) 9.10) 7.00) 6.40) 12.20) DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA *** BECEPTOB TYPES: GC = GBIDCART GP = GBIDPOLB DC = DISCCART DP = DISCPOLR BD = BOUNDARY I iiiiiiii DHKENQINEERS ••* ISCST3 - VERSION 00101 *** NORTH BAVQUITOS UFT STATION ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT •*• NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION ISCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING *** HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) ••MODELOPTa: CONC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *** THE SUMMARY OF HIGHEST 1-HB BESULT3 •*' ** * ** * FEBRUARY 2004 02/08/04 09:44:59 PAGE 16 ** CONC OF H2S IN MICROGRAM3/M**3 GROUP ID AVERAGE CONC DATE (YYMMDDHH) RECEPTOR (XR, YB, ZELEV, ZFLAG) NETWORK OF TYPE GRID-ID ALL HIGH IST HIGH VALUE IS 754.83179 ON 91031207: AT ( -5.00, 5.70, 5.50, 7.00} DC NA *** RECEPTOR TYPES: GC = GRIDCART GP = GRIDPOLR DC = DISCCART DP = DISCPOLR BD = BOUNDARY DHK ENGINEERS NORTH BATIQUITOS UFT STAVQN ODOR MODEUNQ REPORT FEBRUARY 2004 *** Tcr^iT^ - VERSION 00101 •- *** NORTH BATIQUITOS PUMP STATION 1SCS3T EMISSIONS MODELING **' nl^llill **• 1SCST3 VERSION 00101 HYDROGEN SULFIDE, STACK 1, UNCONTROLLED (0.0135 G/S EMISSION) *** p^^E i7 ••MODELOPTa: ;-QjjC RURAL ELEV FLGPOL DFAULT *•• Message Summary : ISCST3 Model Execution •** Summary of Total Meaaages A Total of 0 Fatal Error Message(a) A Total of 0 Warning Meaaageia) A Total of 472 Informational Message(a) A Total of 472 Calm Hours Identified ******** FATAL ERROR MESSAGES **••***• *** NONE •** ******** WARNING MESSAGES ******** *** HONE *•* ************************************ **• ISCST3 Finishes Successfully *** ************************************ APPENDIX B LIQUID AND GAS PHASE ODOR AND CORROSION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES m LIQUID PHASE ODOR CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES Liquid phase control allows agencies the opportunity to capture or remove odor compounds while in a matrix that is controllable. Once odorants volatihze, it becomes more difficult to effectively capture all the foul air and treat them effectively. Openings and gaps in access holes, tank covers, etc., allow the foul air to escape, often times causing a nuisance in nearby areas. A good example is the access hole downstream of the Interstate 5 crossing of the NBI. There, a siphon results in the headspace of an access hole to be pressurized, causing foul air to escape and impact the nearby shopping mall. Chemicals can be added at the NBLS or anywhere upstream to reduce the liquid phase concentration of the odor compounds thus reducing the amount that volatilize and escape to the atmosphere. Because of the high expense, chemicals are typically added to reduce the odor compound concentration, but not to completely eliminate it. The post-treatment gas phase concentrations are typically low enough to rely on dispersion and dilution from the fugitive emission points to the nearest receptors. Most agencies target an average of 5-10 ppmv of H2S gas and 10-20 ppmv HjS peak, depending on the location of the receptors. Chemicals added to the wastewater stream to control sulfide-related odor and corrosion are subdivided into four groups: inhibitors, oxidizers, precipitators, and HjS suppressors. The first group inhibits the formation of sulfides, whereas the second and third groups reduce the concentration of already-formed sulfides by oxidation or precipitation, respectively. The final category shifts the chemical equilibrium to favor dissolved sulfides (non-odorous ionic) instead of HjS gas. This shift is accomplished by raising the pH of the Uquid stream. Chemical addition to the wastewater can normally be expected to reduce pipeline corrosion because HjS is reduced. However, even highly effective sulfide control will not completely alleviate corrosion or odor concems. Chemicals can be added to the wastewater in a number of ways. The simplest approach is to add directly to the wet well. It is also possible to pump through nozzles direcdy into the force main. Under turbulent conditions, such as the NBI crossing of Interstate 5, and pH below 7.0, the selected odor control chemical must reduce dissolved sulfide levels to less than 0.1 milligrams per Uter (mg/L) to reach the gas phase target values mentioned previously. Thus, it is essential to select a chemical that can lower dissolved sulfides to this desired value. The following paragraphs descnbe some chemicals and how they may be applicable the North Batiquitos sewerage system. Sulfide Inhibitors Some chemicals inhibit or prevent the formation of sulfides by chemical or biological modification. Included in this category are: nitrates, anthroquinone, and caustic soda (NaOH) (when slugged, as opposed to dosed). BROWN AND CAJ.DWELL B-1 5/16/2004 Nitrates. Sodium nitrate has been used for odor control in sewers, treatment plants, and lagoons. Sulfate-reducing bacteria will preferentially use nitrates, rather than sulfates, as an oxygen source, reducing nitrate to nitrogen gas. Continued use encourages increased development of nitrate reducers and minimizes sulfate reducers. In addition to its preventive mechanism, nitrate can also provide some chemical oxidation of existing sulfides. However, this mechanism requires up to two hours of detention time. One of the chief advantages of nitrates is that they are non- hazardous formulations. Some chemical suppliers of nitrate formulations may add other compounds to the mix to achieve oxidation of sulfide. Altivia Chemicals, who produce a sodium nitrate (NaNO,) product called Nitrazyme, proposes that 8 to 10 pounds of NaN03 is required to oxidize 1 pound of sulfide. US Filter provides a product using calcium nitrate (CaNO,) marketed under the name Bioxide®. Some utilities currently inject Bioxide® at a dose rate of approximately 10 gallons per million gallons of wastewater. At the Poinsettia Lift Station, Bioxide is added at a rate of about 7.5 pounds of nitrate-oxygen (NO3-O) per pound of sulfide. Note that there are about 3.5 pounds of NOj-O per gallon of Bioxide. The nitrate solutions have been proven effective for force mains in particular. However, in some cases, dosage and cost have been high. In order to establish dosages and effectiveness, testing is normally recommended. Whether nitrate could effectively oxidize sulfides entering the pump station is an important question that a trial test may answer. A high dose rate at the pump station could result in carryover to the downstream gravity section to provide additional sulfide control. Anthroquinone. This chemical is an organic inhibitor. It has the ability to modify a particular strain of sulfate reducing bacteria, thus interrupting the transformation of sulfate to sulfide. For this technique to work, the chemical must diffuse through the slime layer to reach the critical bacteria. This is best accomplished under alkaline conditions. One chemical company (Environmental Biocontrol, Inc.) has developed a method to diffuse the chemical into the wastewater on an intermittent feed basis. There has been some success with this approach. However, the chemical does not treat the sulfide that has already formed and is within the wastewater at the point of chemical addition. The effectiveness of anthroquinone is reduced in large diameter pipelines due to the lower fraction contacting the slime layer. Because it is normally applied at intermittent intervals of every few weeks, it is not necessary to construct permanent dosing equipment. Conversely, the O&M staff must dedicate time to perform the dosing. US Filter supplies a formulation that combines Bioxide® and anthroquinone, marketed under the name Bioxide AQ®. BROWN ANDCAI.DWEI.]. B-2 5/16/21.)04 Other Biological Inhibitors. There are other biological inhibitors on the market that impede the abihty of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) in the pipe slime layer to convert sulfates into H2S gas. They perform this task either by killing the SRB or blocking the chemical pathway SO4 —> S'^. Two such products are Enzybate®, produced by Ashland, Inc., and Biogon®. These products typically require a period of days to produce their ultimate inhibitory effect on the bacteria and achieve maximum effectiveness. Their beneficial effects generally diminish slowly as the bacteria regain their initial sulfate reducing capability. Although Enzybate® and Biogon® can substantiaUy reduce the generation of HjS gas, they usually do not control to very low values. They have had mixed results in other wastewater systems. Caustic Slugging. A special application of pH control is caustic or high-pH "slugging." By maintaining wastewater pH at 12 to 12.5 for about 20 minutes, inactivation of the slime layer can be achieved through microbial sterilization. Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) is normally chosen for slug dosing, but lime can also be used. Sodium hydroxide produces a higher pH than lime and is more easily handled. Periodic shock treatment with 25 or 50 percent sodium hydroxide solution is used by the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County and other agencies to control sulfide in problem areas with relatively small flows. It is dumped directly into a manhole or wet well, with an objective of maintaining a pH of at least 12.5 for a 20-minute slug of wastewater. The major advantage of caustic slugging is that it is an intermittent treatment. This can result in very economical sulfide control. The major disadvantage of caustic slugging is that its effectiveness diminishes with time. The length of time for sulfide regeneration varies with temperatures and the intensity of treatment. Typically, however, this period is less than 2 weeks, and can be as little as 3 to 4 days. On the basis of dollars per pound of sulfide eliminated, however, this technique is often very attractive. Downstream handling of the high pH slug is needed in some cases to avoid affecting biological treatment processes at WWTPs (in this case, the EWPCF). If possible, the slug is diverted to a spare tank (primary clarifier), stored, and recycled over the 2 to 3 days following. Alternatively, the influent can be neutralized. The Encina Wastewater Authority must be contacted to determine if such storage capacity is available. Otherwise, this option is not viable. BROWN AND CALDWELL B-3 5/16/2004 Sulfide Oxidizers Several chemicals are used to oxidize soluble sulfide and H2S to sulfate or elemental sulfur. Oxidizers can control odors and corrosion by several different methods; • Direct chemical oxidation of hydrogen sulfide within the wastewater. • Support of an aerobic bacterial community, particularly at the surface of the pipe wall slime layer, to oxidize sulfides and other odorous compounds. • Maintenance of aerobic conditions in the wastewater, thereby preventing sulfide build-up. Oxidizing agents can provide oxygen to the wastewater. This can create very high chemical demand in the upstream portion of the force main, leaving a potentially long section of force main in which sulfides could be generated after the oxidizer is expended. This could be remedied by constmcting an intermediate dosing station, but this would increase neighborhood impact, maintenance, and capital cost. The most common chemicals used for this purpose are discussed below. Hydrogen Peroxide. H2O2 is an effective oxidant. It is a strong oxidant capable of oxidizing the hydrosulfide ion (HS) (which oxygen cannot). An advantage of hydrogen peroxide is that it decomposes into oxygen and water. There are no chemical residuals added to the wastewater. Any oxygen remaining after oxidation of existing sulfide will prevent the formation of additional sulfide. The disadvantages are that HjOj is considered hazardous at normal concentrations due to it being a strong oxidizer. It can also be somewhat costly. Reactions for oxidation of sulfide by H2O2 are: H2S + H2O2 -> 2H2O + S" (at pH<8.5) + H2O2 + H^ ^ 2H2O + S H2S + 4H2O2 4H2O + SO/ + 2H^ (at pH>8.5) These reactions reflect the typical sulfide reactions in which elemental sulfur or ionic sulfate is produced. The Uterature suggests that the final reaction product is pH dependent; however, the final product is also dependent on the relative concentration levels of sulfide and oxidant. Since H2O2 will react with organic material, the dosage required is often greater than the dosage indicated by the above reactions. In general, H202to sulfide weight ratios of 4:1 to 8:1 are often required. For chemical oxidation, H2O2 requires up to 60 minutes detention time, although 90 percent of the reaction typicaUy occurs within 15 minutes. The efficiency of treatment also depends on the level of iron (reaction catalyst) in the wastewater, wastewater pH, and temperature. For biological oxidation, H2O2 requires 30 to 180 BROWN AND C\LDWELI. B-4 5/16/2(K)4 minutes detention time. The efficiency of treatment also depends on the temperamre, BOD, and the biomass available to effect the transformation. H2O2 can be appUed to the wastewater to aUeviate the formation of odors downstream. The efficiency of treatment depends on the retention time, wastewater temperamre, and wastewater BOD. This treatment method is generaUy most cost- effective for gravity sewers with detention times less than 3 to 4 hours and for force mains with detention times less than 2 to 3 hours. Although hydrogen peroxide is typicaUy one of the more expensive control methods, it can provide good control. Chlorine. Chlorine (CI2) is widely used for disinfection of municipal wastewater. Although CI2 is toxic to sulfide-forming bacteria, the dosage required to suppress sulfide formation is high, and it is sometimes more feasible to oxidize sulfide after it has formed. CI2 oxidizes sulfide chemicaUy, according to the foUowing reactions: CI2 + H2S -> 2H^ + 2C1 + S" 4CI2+ H2S + 4H2O -> lOH" + 8Cr + SO/" In theory, 2.22 pounds of chlorine per pound of sulfide (as S^") are required for the first reaction, and 8.87 pounds of chlorine are needed for each pound of sulfide oxidized in the second reaction. Since both reactions often occur, the composite is usuaUy somewhere between these ratios. Also, chlorine reacts with organic material, thus increasing the dosage needed. In practice, weight ratios (CI2 to sulfide) of 7 to 10 are often required for Ught-to medium-strength wastewater. Higher ratios are needed for high organic content wastewaters. The use of chlorine requires eductor mixing to produce a chlorine solution. The benefit of using locations of namral or induced turbulence as appUcation points must be weighed against the probabiUty of Uberating H2S gas. For this reason, it may be desirable to feed chlorine solution upstream from points of turbulence. Because of its hazardous nature and stringent code requirements, chlorine is seldom used for new odor control systems, especiaUy in the coUection system. Chlorine dioxide (CIO2) is a gas similar in appearance and odor to chlorine. CIO2, however, cannot be compressed and bottied and must be generated on-site (impractical in most simations). Stabilized CIO2 is generated by adding acid and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) to a solution of chlorine. Sodium hypochlorite is another chlorine option frequendy used in coUection systems and treatment plants. The primary advantage of Uquid NaOCl (bleach) is its much safer handUng compared to chlorine gas. However, commercial strength NaOCl (12 to 15 percent strength) is stiU considered a strong oxidizer and must be handled carefiiUy and stored in appropriate equipment. Although sodium hypochlorite is BROWN AND CALDWEIX B-5 5/16/2004 typicaUy one of the more expensive control methods, it can provide good control and it is highly convenient to use. It is quite appropriate to treat smaU system flows. It is a candidate for further evaluation to determine its economic effectiveness. Potassium Permanganate. Potassium permanganate (KMn04) is commonly used for iron and manganese removal in water treatment plants. It has also been used to treat sulfide-containing groundwaters. KMn04 oxidizes sulfide according to the foUowing chemical reaction at neutral pH: 4Mn04 + 3H2S 2504'- + S" + Mn02(,)+ 3MnO(,)+3 H2O At alkaline or acidic pHs, other reactions occur. Potassiimi permanganate is commerciaUy avaUable in granular form and is usuaUy dissolved in water prior to addition to wastewater. Oxygen. Oxygen can be added through air injection or via high-purity oxygen (HPO) addition to force mains to achieve aerobic conditions in the wastewater to Umit sulfide production. Oxygen addition also aUows chemical and biological oxidation of the dissolved sulfide that already exists in the wastewater. Stoichiometric quantities indicate two parts of oxygen wiU oxidize one part of sulfide. In practice, dosage rates are typicaUy three to six pounds of oxygen per pound of sulfide oxidized, plus the amount needed to maintain "fresh" sewage throughout the force main. The major drawback to adding air or oxygen to a force main is crown bubble formation. Crown corrosion is a major potential problem to be evaluated. It is especiaUy acute in force mains with an irregular profUe or operating at low pressure. Given the right conditions, however, oxygen addition can be very cost-effective. A typical injection rate is 20 mg/L. Air. Although air is more easUy handled than oxygen, its oxidizing effect is several times less effective due to the lower dissolved oxygen level that can be achieved. The potential disadvantages of bubble formation and crown corrosion also apply. Air as weU as pure oxygen can produce unintended corrosion in the crown of the force main. Dissolved air can be released at a low pressure or high point of the force main. This creates a gas pocket that aUows HjS and sulfuric acid to form and thereby accelerates corrosion. Ozonation. Sulfide control by ozonation is a relatively new appUcation. It is currentiy being tested in foul air appUcations. It is directiy sprayed via mist into the foul air. We are not aware of any experience with direct addition of ozone to a force main. Ozone is produced by a corona discharge and is a hazardous vapor. BROWN AND CALDWEU, B-6 5/16/2U04 Sulfide Precipitation When certain metal salts are added to wastewater, they react with dissolved sulfide to form an insoluble sulfide precipitate. This removes the dissolved sulfide that is responsible for H2S odors. Copper, iron, and zinc can accompUsh this precipitation, but due to cost and potential toxicity, iron is the only practical alternative. By the nature of their action, dissolved sulfides are converted to total sulfides which increases soUds in the wastewater. GeneraUy, iron addition in the interceptors provides exceUent sulfide control weU downstream—including at plant processes such as anaerobic digestion. Iron Salts. Iron salts are used by hundreds of wastewater agencies nationwide with exceUent results. Soluble ferrous (Fe^^) and ferric (Fe^"^) combine with sulfide to form compounds such as iron sulfide (FeS), iron disulfide (FeS2), and smythite (FcjSJ. Fe^"^ and Fe^^ cations react with sulfide (S^ ) and hydrosulfide (HS), as shown in the foUowing reactions: Fe'"+ S' -> FeS 2Fe^^ + S^" 2Fe^"' + S" 2Fe'^+ 2Fe^^ +4HS- Fe^S, + 4H^ Iron and dissolved oxygen may work in combination to reduce dissolved sulfide levels. Iron can lower dissolved sulfide efficiendy to below concentrations of 0.5 mg/L at Fe to S weight ratios of 2:1 to 4:1. Lowering the dissolved sulfide concentration below 0.5 mg/L may require Fe to S ratios of up to 10:1, although some systems are able to achieve dissolved sulfides of 0.1 to 0.2 mg/L with low Fe to S weight ratios (<4:1). Iron can be added as ferrous or ferric chloride or as ferrous sulfate. AU of these compounds are provided as Uquid solutions. They are highly acidic solutions and must be handled safely and stored in the proper equipment. Ferrous sulfate adds sulfate to the wastewater. This is undesirable when trying to control sulfide. One benefit of ferric addition over ferrous addition is that it raises the oxidation- reduction potential of the wastewater, assisting in the biological processes, as weU as promoting sulfide oxidation. However, either chemical is considered a highly effective sulfide control. Hydrogen Sulfide Suppressors AU of the Usted H2S suppressors reduce the formation of H2S by elevating the wastewater pH. This reduces the proportion of odorous H2S in solution and raises the proportion of non-odorous ionic species HS and S~. At near neutral conditions, relatively smaU changes in the wastewater pH results in relatively large changes in the HjS fraction dissociated in solution, according to the equiUbrium reaction expressed by the foUowing relationship: H2S ^ H" + HS" O H" + S'" BROWN AND CALDWELL B-7 5/16/2(K)4 The relative proportions of the sulfide forms are shown on Figure B. At a pH of 7.0, approximately 50 percent of the constituents exist as HjS. When the pH is raised to 8.0, orUy 8.3 percent is present as H2S. At a pH of 9.0, the H2S component drops to less than 1.0 percent. A major drawback of this approach is that the sulfide is never removed. If the wastewater pH shifts back, H2S is again formed and released. Caustic Soda. Caustic soda (NaOH) is often dosed into wastewater to moderately elevate the pH and prevent off-gassing of H2S. This can strategicaUy delay the release of H2S. Caustic soda is a strong chemical that requires care in handling and usage. A 50 percent solution of caustic soda contains 42.5 percent hydroxide. Overdosing can result in elevated wastewater pH levels that can adversely affect treatment plant operations. Chemical dosage is unique to each system and contingent upon the specific water chemistry of the wastewater. It is not dependent on sulfide level. Caustic soda is also a potentiaUy dangerous substance to handle, capable of causing severe damage to skin and other tissue, as weU as being very corrosive to certain metals such as aluminum. Increasing the wastewater pH up to 8.5 to 9,0 effectively minimizes off-gassing of HjS by shifting the H2S to bisulfide and sulfide ions. Off-gassing at this pH range wiU typicaUy maintain gas-phase H2S concentrations to less than 5 ppm. Work at Los Angeles County Sanitation District on this method in the early 1990s shows that very effective H2S corrosion and odor control can be obtained in this manner. At continuous operation in this pH range (8.5 to 9.0), Los Angeles County staff has also discovered lower sulfide production in the slime layer since sulfate reducing bacteria growth is significantiy stanted at this higher pH. Dosage rates of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to reach this pH range are typicaUy about 75 to 100 mg/L The dosing rate for Six-MUe Creek was estimated from titration tests and wiU be refined during the current pUot test. This dosage rate is relatively insensitive to the dissolved sulfide concentration of the wastewater, being more a factor of the wastewater flow rate and water chemistry. Hydrated Lime. pH adjustment can also be achieved with hydrated lime (Ca(pH)^. This chemical faUs in between the caustic soda (above) and Thioguard® (below) options in terms of both effectiveness and hazard. Handling is somewhat involved since it is a high-soUds slurry and mixing of the stored chemical is required. The low wastewater flow speeds could produce lime settiement inside the pipes. AdditionaUy, lime can produce calcium carbonate scaling under high pH conditions. BROWN ANDC/VLDWT'LL B-8 5/16/2004 Thioguard®. Thioguard® is a proprietary aUsaline slurry of magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2). Unlike caustic soda, it is considered non-hazardous. A 58 percent solution of Thioguard® contains 58.3 percent hydroxide. This corresponds to fewer pounds of magnesium hydroxide for a given simation: 37 percent more caustic soda and 27 percent more hydrated lime are necessary to neutralize the same amount of acid. However, Thioguard® can only raise the pH to between 8.5 and 9.0, even when overdosed. At this pH range, H2S is not totaUy shifted to HS and and therefore odors are stiU possible. In contrast, caustic soda and hydrated lime can attain maximum pH values of roughly 14 and 12.5, respectively. WhUe such elevated pH values can be trouble at the treatment plant, the capabiUty to reach them means that even when the wastewater chemistry resists an increase in pH, the other H2S suppressor chemicals can always raise the pH sufficiently. This is not always the case with Thioguard®, so H2S control is compromised in such instances. The handUng characteristics of Thioguard® also sometimes present problems. Thioguard® is shipped as a high-soUds slurry. Therefore, tank mixers are required and pumping is sometimes difficult, A minimum flow speed of about 2 ft/sec is required to keep the chemical in suspension. The conditions under which Thioguard® provides the most econoinical treatment are those in which the target pH of 9.0 is easUy attainable, the wastewater dissolved sulfide values are very high (perhaps in the neighborhood of 5 to 10 ppm), and the wastewater moves through the Unes at more than 2 ft/sec. Table B-1 shows a quaUtative comparison of the technologies described above. The non-economic ranking is comprised of chemical effectiveness, ease of use, and proven history of successful appUcation. Table B-1. Summary of Sulfide and Cotrosion Control Chemicals Method and chemical Non-economic ranking Advantages Disadvantages Inhibitors Caustic slu^tng Low • Can be mobile feed system • Often very cost-effective • Variable performance due to intermittent application • Operator attention at pump station and downstream slug handling required • Often variable performance • Does not reduce pre-existing dissolved sulfide component • Very corrosive to body tissue and certain metals BROWN AND CALDWELL B-9 5/16/2004 Table B-1. Summary of Sulfide and Corrosion Control Chemicals M Method and chemical Non-economic tanking Advantages Disadvantages Nitrate formulations ^ (Bioxide®) MM Medium to High • Relatively simple feed system • Can be used to prevent sulfide generation or oxidize existing sulfides • Chemical is safe to handle • Uncertain dosage requirement • Provides some sulfide removal; however, mainly a preventive measure • Bioxide® is a proprietary formulation Anthroquinone ^ (normally added as nitrate supplement) Low • Simple intermittent feed system • Uncertain performance due to limited history • Bioxide/AQ® requires mixing in storage to maintain chemical in suspension • Bioxide/AQ® is a proprietary formulation Oxidizers Hydrogen peroxide Medium to High • Relatively simple feed system • Provides certain control if dosage is sufficiently high • No byproducts • Effective in wide range of applications • Oxidizes many odorous compounds • High dosages and costs, at times • Strong oxidizer, requires handling precautions Chlorine (CI2) or sodium hypochlonte (NaOCl) Medixim to High • Effective in wide range of applications • Provides certain control if dosage is sufficientiy high • Rapid oxidation of sulfide • Oxidizes many odorous compounds • Safety concems, especially of gaseous chlorine • High costs for NaOCl • Reacts with compounds other than sulfide Potassixim permanganate Low • Relatively powerful oxidant • Difficult to handle (solid material) • High cost Air injection Low • Low cost • Relatively simple system • Limited to force mains • Potential for air binding and crown corrosion • Limited rate of oxygen transfer High purity oxygen Low • Relatively low cost • Five times the solubility of air • Uncertain oxygen transfer rates • Potential for air binding and crown corrosion • Pressurized storage of oxygen • Safety concems Ozonation Low • Very strong oxidant • Complex generation equipment • Littie experience in wastewater addition BROWN AND CALDWELL B-10 5/16/2004 Table B-1. Summary of Sulfide and Corrosion Control Chemicals Method and chemical Non-economic ranking Advantages Disadvantages Precipitators Iron chloride Medium to High Effective in wide range of applications Cost-effective in high sulfide situations Treats pre-existing dissolved sulfides Could achieve sufficient odor control at reasonable cost if combined with air exhaust and treatment Carryover helps reduce plant odors Limited in controlling non-H2S compounds Sulfide control to low levels may be difficult Adds solids to flow stream Corrosive chemical Widespread high dosages in collectton system can have deleterious effect on receiving WWTP Iron sulfate Medium • Can be effective in many situations • May be more readily available in certain Limited in controlling non-H2S compounds parts of the country Hydrogen Sulfide Suppressors Continuous caustic addition Medium to High ExceUent corrosion and H2S odor control when wastewater is not diluted or affected by acid additions Dosage relatively insensitive to sulfide concentrations Does not react liquid phase sulfide, which can "reappear" at lower pH Can be high in chemical cost, as dosage is contingent on water chentistry Hydrogen sulfide released at point of wastewater stream dilution due to pH depression Handling and safety concems Potential treatment problems with high pH wastewater stream at WWTP Hydrated Lime Low • EffecUve corrosion and H2S odor control • Dosage relatively insensitive to sulfide concentrations Relatively involved preparation and handling requirements, including tank mixers Potential for re-release of H2S since it does not react with sulfide Largely insoluble slurry requires significant wastewater line speeds to remain in suspension Calcium carbonate scaling potential Potential of resultant high pH wastewater stream at WWTP BROWN AND CM.DWELI. B-11 5/lC/2(M)4 Table B-1. Summary of Sulfide and Corrosion Control Chemicals Method and chemical Non-economic ranking Advantages Disadvantages Thioguard® (Mg(OH)2) Low • Safe to handle • Dosage relatively insensitive to sulfide concentrations • Limit to pH achievable (8.5-9.0) largely eliminates potential problems at WWTP • High proportion of hydroxide in solution • May tie up some sulfide as MgS or magnesium polysulfide • Requires wastewater flows of 2 ft/sec to keep insoluble slurry in suspension • Preparation and handling involves use of tank mixers • Potential for re-release of H2S since it does not react with sulfide • Achievable pH does not totally suppress H2S Viable Options for NBLS The choice of an appropriate Uquid phase sulfide and corrosion control technology should consider effective sulfide and corrosion control at both the NBLS and the NBI. A rapid or quick acting control method is required for neutraUzing the high incoming sulfide load at the NBLS. WhUe several products are capable of binding or reacting with sulfides, only strong oxidizers such as chlorine gas and sodium hypochlorite provide immediate control. These chemicals can be added directiy to the wastewater in the wet weU for oxidizing sulfides already present in the influent wastewater. However, using these products for controlling higher sulfide concentrations (> 5,0 mg/L) is uneconomical. If the sulfide concentration in the influent wastewater is consistentiy greater than 5.0 mg/L, adding sulfide inhibitors upstream of the NBLS wiU provide much greater control at a lower cost. Another purpose of the odor control strategy is controlling the sulfide concentration in the NBI force main, WhUe strong oxidizers can be used for achieving this goal, the Uquid phase sulfide concentration in the force main can be more economicaUy controUed by adding iron salts or nitrates to the force main. Injection of high purity oxygen (HPO) directiy into the force main at NBLS is also an option since the force main has a continuously rising profUe. A continuously rising force main profUe is desirable when using HPO for preventing formation of gas pockets, which can promote locaUzed corrosion of pipe. The major disadvantage of HPO is the hazards involved with the storage of large quantities of oxygen at NBLS. A second odor control strategy is to add nitrate upstream of the pump station for controlling sulfides at both the NBLS and the NBI force main. Nitrate products can prevent formation of sulfides and oxidize existing sulfides if provided sufficient time to mix with the wastewater. However, a suitable site for storing the nitrate product and the feed system wUl be required. Since the sewer line influent to the NBLS foUows a path along the banks of the Batiquitos Lagoon, the storage tank and feed system wiU have to be located close to the existing unpaved traU along the lagoon. WhUe this option is limited because large deUvery BROWN AND CAl^DWELL B-12 5/16/2(W)4 trucks wiU not be able to access the storage site, it may be the only viable choice if residents are opposed to storage of oxygen or other hazardous chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite and chlorine gas at NBLS. Cost The cost of implementing some of the Uquid phase odor control technologies discussed above is presented in Table B-2. Certain assumptions were used in developing the cost estimate. These assumptions are as foUows: • The costs presented are broken down into chemical costs, equipment purchase and installation costs, rental costs if any, and an electricity cost of $0.04/kWh for continuously operating two V2 horsepower chemical feed pumps. • The amount of chemical required for treatment was based on reducing the Uquid phase dissolved sulfide concentration to 0.1 mg/L, • The amount of product required for treatment was based on prior experience and data pubUshed in the Uterature. The foUowing dosage guidelines were used: o Nitrate o Ferrous Chloride o Sodium Hypochlorite 7 lb N0,-0 / lb sulfide 11 lb FeCl2 / lb sulfide (32% solution) 15 lb Hypo / lb sulfide (10% solution) BROWN ANDC;\J,DWFJ.L B-13 5/16/20U4 IIIIII II II Ilil City of Carlsbad North Batiquitos Lift Station Modifications Pacltage C: Corrosion Reduction Strategies Table B-2. Cost of Implementing Selected Liquid Phase Sulfide Control Technologies ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK UNIT COST USAGE STORAGE TANK TOTAL COST AREA REQ. 1 Bioxide Annual Chemical Cost Equipment Installation Rental costs for materials Annual electric cost ^ $1.75/gallon included included 32.5 gal/day 1000 gal (30 cJay supply) $20,496 included included $260 150 ft^ 1 SUBTOTAL $20,756 150 ft^ 1 Continqency (20%) $4,151 150 ft^ 1 TOTAL $24,907 150 ft^ 2 Ferrous Chloride Annual Chemical Cost Equipment Installation and Removal Rental costs for tank, containtment and pumps Annual electric cost ^ $0.68/gallon 48 gal/day 6000 gal (89 day supply) $12,240 $1,480 $2,620 $260 314ft^ 2 SUBTOTAL $16,600 314ft^ 2 Continqency (20%) $3,320 314ft^ 2 TOTAL $19,920 314ft^ 3 Sodium Hypochlorite Annual Chemical Cost Equipment Installation ^ Cost of tank ^ Concrete slab and secondary containment'* Costs for tank, piping and pumps ^ Annual electric cost' $0.50/gallon 251 gal/day 5000 gal (20 day supply) $45,808 $541 $10,828 $6,300 $15,828 $260 400 ft ^ 3 SUBTOTAL $79,565 400 ft ^ 3 Continqency (20%) $15,913 400 ft ^ 3 TOTAL $95,477 400 ft ^ Notes; 1 Annual electric cost based on continuous operation of two 1/2 HP pumps, and a cost of $0.04/kWH 2 Installation cost is assumed 5% of the tank cost 3 Quote for fiberglass reinforced plastic tank provided by ASME RTP-1 certified manufacturer 4 Reinforced concrete slab cost assumed as $350/cubic yard, with 50% markup for miscellaneous sitework, chemical resistant liner, and contractor's overhead and profit 5 Cost of chemical metering pumps and piping installation is taken as $5,000 based on BC experience with projects of similar scope and nature. Liquid Phase Treatment Options Page 1 of 1 GAS PHASE ODOR CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES Often, it is not possible to achieve total control of gas phase H2S by controUing the Uquid phase sulfide concentration. Gas phase treatment of foul air may be used to prevent emission of odorous and toxic gases to the atmosphere and for minimizing impact to critical receptors such as local residents or businesses. Foul air treatment may also be needed if foiU air is withdrawn from process areas. Several factors such as regulatory requirements, concentrations of various compounds in the foul air, and impact to residents wiU determine if treatment is necessary. Several of the avaUable alternatives can be implemented at NBLS, however, the choice wiU hinge upon space constraints, cost, and other factors. Carbon adsorption is a very popular method used by several agencies for foul air treatment. This method offers great versatiUty and is capable of handling variations in aie flow and concentration very weU. Other treatment methods such as chemical and mist scrubbers, bioscrubbers, and biofiiters are also avaUable. In addition, atmospheric dispersion of foul air without treatment may also be a viable option subject to approval from the local or regional regulatory agency. Each option Usted above is discussed in greater detail in the sections below. Carbon Adsorbers Carbon adsorbers have been used for several decades for treating foul air. Adsorption is a process during which compounds are bound to the surface of the carbon medium. This process is physical in nature, and is simUar to the interaction between dust and an electrostatic duster. The choice of activated carbon media depends on the namre of the foul air to be treated. The various types of carbon media avaUable are virgin activated carbon, caustic impregnated carbon, catalytic carbon and other vapor phase carbons. Virgin Activated Carbon. This medium is prepared by heating carbonaceous material such as coconut sheUs in the absence of oxygen, resulting in a porous strucmre. Virgin activated carbon has no additives to improve its adsorption capacity or to render it more effective. It therefore has a shghtiy reduced H2S adsorption capacity compared with other carbon media. The H2S capacity of virgin activated carbon varies between 0.01 and 0.02 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc). The disadvantages of virgin carbon include the low H2S removal capacity, and possibiUty of low media pH at the end of the useful Ufe. Caustic Impregnated Carbon. As the name impUes, this type of carbon medium consists of activated carbon medium impregnated with caustic soda. Addition of a strong base to the carbon medium improves the HjS capacity of the medium significantiy. The typical H2S capacity of impregnated carbon ranges from 0.10 to 0.15 g/cc. However, the adsorption capacity of other compounds such as VOCs is reduced. The primary disadvantage of impregnated carbons is their relatively low ignition temperamre (approximately 200" C). In addition, the HjS adsorption process BROWN ANDCALDWELL B-14 5/16/2004 that is exothermic creates a hazardous condition by supplying heat to a readUy ignited medium. Calgon Carbon's Sulfusorb and IVP carbon and Barneby-SutcUffe's STI-X carbon are examples of impregnated carbon media. Catalytic Carbon. This medium contains catalytic agents to improve the H2S adsorption capacity of virgin activated carbon. The catalytic agent converts the HjS to sulfuric acid (H2SO4), which can subsequentiy be washed out with water to regenerate the carbon. A smaU portion (< 5%) of the H2S is converted to elemental soUd sulfiir, and reduces the H2S capacity of the carbon by blocking pores in the media. Adsorption of VOCs over time also reduces the number of pore sites avaUable and thus reduces the HjS capacity of the carbon. The carbon can be regenerated by washing with water. The low pH rinsate may be neutralized with Ume or disposed into a sanitary sewer. Regenerated carbon usuaUy loses 20% of the original capacity during the first regeneration cycle and approximately 5% of the original capacity on subsequent cycles. An example of such a medium is Calgon Carbon Corporation's Centaur HSV. The main disadvantage of these media is the low pH at the end of useful Ufe, which requires the media to be neutralized with lime before disposal to a landfiU. In addition, the regeneration cycle can be time intensive and can require several days during which the carbon vessels are taken out of service. Other Vapor Phase Carbons. Recentiy, U.S. FUter Westates has developed a new carbon product named Midas OCM. The treatment principle of this medium is different from other carbon media. The H2S in the foul air is converted to elemental sulfiir, and therefore does not lower pH of the medium. Therefore, the medium may be handled as non-hazardous material at the end of its useful Ufe, unlike other carbon products. Midas OCM has a high H2S capacity of approximately 0.30 g/cc. Chemical and Mist Scrubbers FoiU air treatment using chemical scmbbers has been the traditional method of choice at large municipal faciUties such as wastewater treatment plants and large pump stations. The foul air to be treated is scrubbed in a packed tower using appropriate chemical solutions. Caustic soda is commonly used for scrubbing H2S laden foul air, and VOCs are removed by scmbbing with an oxidizing solution consisting of a mixture of caustic soda and sodium hypochlorite. Treatment efficiency depends on the contact between foul air and the scrubbing solution, so a packing medium with a high surface area to volume ratio (up to 30 ft^/fr^ of packing) is chosen. Since maximum transfer of compounds from air to Uquid usuaUy occurs with countercurrent flow, this mode is normaUy used in packed tower scmbbers. The foul air is introduced at the bottom of the tower and the scmbbing solution is distributed from the top of the tower. Uniform distribution of both gas and Uquid may be ensured by using gas and BROWN ANDCALDWELL B-15 5/16/2(X)4 Uquid distributors as needed. The typical empty bed retention time (EBRT) of foul ak m the packed tower is 2 seconds. The treated ak exits at the top of the tower after passmg through a mist eUminator to remove entrained Uquid particles. The scrubbing solution is coUected in a reservok at the bottom of the tower and transferred back to the top usmg a reckculation pump. A portion of the scmbbmg solution is periodicaUy blown down from the reservok, and make up water and chemical are added as requked. WhUe chemical scrubber systems are usuaUy weU suited to large installations requkmg custom fabrication and kistaUation of packed towers, package systems are also avaUable from U.S. FUter, Such package systems have ak flow capacities ranging from 1,000 cfm to 25,000 cfm. Mist scrubbers are very simUar to cheniical scrubbers and provide foul ak treatment by contacting it with a large Uqmd surface area. WhUe chemical scmbbers use large surface area packing material to achieve this goal, mist scrubbers use a fme mist of Uquid to maxknize Uquid surface area. The typical foul ak detention time ki mist scrubbers is between 1 and 10 seconds. Chemical and mist scrubber systems can provide high H2S and VOC removal efficiencies (greater tiian 99%), but thek primary disadvantage is tiiat they requke storage and use of hazardous chemicals. This disadvantage can be eliminated by uskig bioscrubbers, which are discussed in the foUowing section. Bioscrubbers One emerging technology for treating foul ak is bioscrubbers, also known as biotrickling filters or biotowers. Bioscmbbers are simUar in construction to chemical scmbbers, but do not requke hazardous chemicals for operation. A bioscrubber usuaUy consists of a tower fiUed with an inert packkig media such as polyurethane foam that acts as a substrate for growing microbial populations. Strucmral supports are provided at the bottom of the tower to support the packing media and optionaUy at the intermediate portion of the tower to prevent bed compaction. Bioscmbbers also include mist eliminators, mlet and outiet dampers, Uqmd reckculation pumps, and Uquid distribution systems or spray nozzles. Foul ak enters the bioscmbber at the lower end of the tower, undergoes treatment, and is either discharged to the atmosphere or to secondary treatment processes. The microbial colonies can be initiated by reckculating secondary effluent from a wastewater treatment plant through the bioscrubber witiiout foul ak mput for 24-hours. During normal operation, the reckculation stream provides moisture and nutrients to the microbial culmres, carries away byproducts, and regulates the operatUig temperature. If pH control is desked, it may be achieved by adding lime or dUuted caustic solution to the reckculation stream. In order to achieve a high treatment efficiency, the EBRT of the foul ak is typicaUy maintamed above 15 seconds. A higher EBRT aUows greater tkne for foul ak to contact the reckculating Uquid and the microbial growth in the packing media, thus improving mass transfer. If the foul ak characteristics do not change significantiy over prolonged durations, BROWN ANDCALDWELL B-16 5/16/2004 microbial cultures accUmated to these foul ak characteristics wUl experience preferential growth, improving bioscmbber efficiency over time. The Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) conducted a pUot test for retrofittmg existing chemical scmbbers to bioscrubbers. The pUot test showed that good removal of H2S (between 95 and 99%) was possible at mlet concentrations between 3 and 30 ppmv. The removal efficiencies of VOCs and other reduced sulfur compounds ranged from 0 to 80%. The mam disadvantage of bioscmbbers is that the technology is relatively new and unproven, with very few currentiy operational instaUations. Biofiiters Another biological treatment option is a biofUter, which consists of an organic medium such as granular activated carbon (GAC), yard waste compost (YWC) or proprietary media. Foul ak to be treated is introduced into a vessel contakiing the biological medium and moisture is suppUed by krigating the biofUter from the top. WhUe biofiiters have been used for odor control and foul ak treatment for a long time, thek popularity has mcreased recentiy due to regulatory issues, economic benefits and availabiUty of engineered modular and package systems from various vendors. Atmospheric Dispersion Ventilation of the wet weU at the NBLS wiU generate foul ak bearing reduced sulfiir compounds (RSCs) and other odorous compounds. Discharge of these compounds to the atmosphere may be regulated by the local ak poUution control agency. However, in the absence of regulatory requkements, when impact to critical receptors such as local residents is the only concern, atmospheric dispersion of foul ak may be sufficient. Dispersion is achieved by dischargmg the foul ak through a stack. As the discharged exhaust ak travels from the stack to receptors, it mixes with ambient ak and is thus dUuted. The stack is designed to maxknize mixing of exhaust ak with the ambient ak by selecting the appropriate stack location, height and exit gas velocity. Atmospheric or odor dispersion modeUng can be performed for predicting the concentration of odorous compounds at downwmd locations and for proving that sufficient dUution wiU occur. Emerging Technologies A new and emerging technology that shows promise is a foiU ak treatment that produces hydroxyl (OH ) radicals to react with HjS and other malodorous compounds. Vapex Inc. manufactures these units. The treatment principle reUes on quick acting OH" radicals to neutraUze HjS molecules. The OH" radicals are generated by mixing water and ak witii ozone, which is produced onsite by the Vapex unit. The water is atomized into a fme mist and introduced into the headspace that requkes treatment. The ak and ozone are mtroduced just upstream of the atomizer nozzle, and OH" radicals are produced before the mist enters the headspace. Smce both ozone and OH" radicals have very short half Uves, they are quickly consumed. The treated ak may contaki smaU quantities of ozone and OH radicals. The treated ak is BROWN AND CALDWELL B-17 5/17/2004 passed through chlorine tablets prior to discharge to react with the excess ozone. The Vapex unit is especiaUy advantageous for pump stations skice it provides local odor control, utUizes a minimal amount of floor space and provides economical service. A recent four week long trial of a Vapex unit at the NBLS site showed good removal of H2S at concentrations of 10 ppmv or less, but was inconclusive m proving removal effectiveness at higher H2S concentrations. The existing temporary supply ak fan was shut down for the duration of the test, causkig higher H2S concentrations inside the wet weU. Further smdies may be requked to test HjS removal efficiencies if Vapex units may be used for H2S control in unventUated headspaces or for treating H2S concentrations exceeding 10 ppmv. Viable Options for NBLS The NBLS pump station is located ki a residential neighborhood with several critical receptors within a few hundred feet of the perimeter. Mkumizkig the unpact of pump station odors is therefore critical. The foul ak withdrawn from the pump station wet weU is the primary source of odors at the NBLS. WhUe treatmg this ak before dischargmg it to the atmosphere can eUmmate odors, atmospheric dispersion provides an mexpensive and effective option. Currently, untreated foul ak is discharged from an 18-mch openmg in the wet weU roof slab. The H2S concentrations measured at several locations on the perimeter of the pump station, whUe greater than the recogiktion threshold, were stUl less than 10% of the concentration at the discharge point, mdicating that good dispersion was akeady occurring. The dispersion can be greatiy enhanced by using a properly designed stack for discharging foiU ak to the atmosphere. Atmospheric dispersion modeUng performed by DHK Engineers for predictmg the impact of odors at downwind locations showed that usmg a stack to discharge foul ak is sufficient to reduce knpacts to critical receptors. The stack can be designed to aUow easy connection of a treatment system ki the fiiture. If the City chooses to proceed with foul ak treatment, local control usmg the hydroxyl ion fog treatment may be a good altemative if it proves effective at treating foul ak with higher H2S concentration. An activated carbon system utiUzing Centaur or Midas carbon would also be appropriate for foul ak treatment because the low concentration of H2S and other RSCs in the foul ak at NBLS ensures a long carbon Ufecycle, Both carbon types can be implemented m a traditional axial flow system which forces foul ak verticaUy through a bed of carbon. However, newer radial flow systems can provide higher ak flow capacity with a smaUer footprint. Foul ak is forced radiaUy outward or mwards ki such systems, aUowing better foul ak distribution and lower pressure drop. BROWN ANDCALDWRIJ. B-18 5/17/2(H)4 Cost Equipment purchase, instaUation, and operation and makitenance costs for some of the gas phase treatment technologies discussed above are provided in Table B-3. The costs presented are based on the foUowing assumptions: • The foul ak flow rate is 2,000 cfm based on instaUation of a new exhaust fan as part of Package B construction. • A conservative average H2S concentration of 15 ppmv was assumed for the cost estimate. A minimum treatment efficiency of 95% was assumed. BROWN AND CALDWELL B-19 5/16/2004 City of Carlsbad North Batiquitos Lift Station Modifications Package C: Corrosion Reduction Strategies Table B-3. Cost of Implementing Selected Gas Phase Treatment Technologies ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK TOTAL COST Dimensions (ft) Area 1 VAPEX V800 SYSTEM COST Installation Cost OPERATING COST Elec:trical exist per year $55,000 included $1,800 3x3 10 SUBTOTAL $56,800 3x3 10 Continqency (20% of subtotal) $11,360 3x3 10 TOTAL $68,160 3x3 10 2-a Titan TSO / 2000 (Calgon Cariion) SYSTEM COST Base System Price Fan Motor Starter, non-XP Sound Enclosure (Optional) Unifying Skid (Optional) Approximate installation cos\ OPERATING COST Replacement Centaur Price Centaur Cost $/year Electrical cost per year $52,000 $6,000 $17,000 $5,000 $5,200 $5,468 $1,894 $2,600 diameter = 5 20 2-a SUBTOTAL $95,162 diameter = 5 20 2-a Continqencv (20% of subtotal) $19,032 diameter = 5 20 2-a TOTAL $114,194 diameter = 5 20 2-b HighFlow Ventsorb 2000 (Calgon Carbon) SYSTEM COST Base System Price Fan Motor Starter, non-XP Sound Enclosure (Optional) Unifying Skid (Optional) Approximate installation cost OPERATING COST Replacement Centaur Price Centaur Cost $/year Electrical cost per year $43,400 indudee $15,600 indudee $4,340 $6,075 $1,894 $2,600 12x7 84 2-b SUBTOTAL $73.90£ 84 2-b Continqencv (20% of subtotal) $14,78; 84 2-b TOTAL $88,691 84 Assumptions 1 2 3 4 5 Average foul air H2S concentration is 15 ppmv Minimum removal achieved is 95% Centaur carbon loses 10% capacity each regeneration cycle Centaur carbon stored idle does not lose capacity over time Installation cost estimated at 10% of base system price unless specified in vendor quote Gas Phase Treatment Options Page 1 of 2 City of Carlsbad North Batiquitos Lift Station Modifications Package C: Corrosion Reduction Strategies Table B-3. Cost of Implementing Selected Gas Phase Treatment Technologies mm ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK TOTAL COST Dimensions (ft) Area m 2-C Phoenix P2000 (Calgon Carbon) SYSTEM COST Base System Price Fan Molor Starter, non-XP $76,800 $5,000 m Sound Endosure (Optional) Unifying Skid (Optional) $17,400 $4,900 m Approximate installation cost OPERATING COST $7,680 11 x6 66 m Replacement Centaur Price Centaur Cost $/year Electrical cost per year $4,000 $1,894 $2,600 SUBTOTAL $117,674 HI Continqency (20% of subtotal) $23,535 TOTAL $141,209 •Hi 3 MIDAS CARBON UNIT (RJE/US FILTER) SYSTEM COST m Base System Price Sound Enclosure (Optional) $65,000 $5,000 Approximate installation cost $6,500 15x8.5 128 OPERATING COST $3,465 $1,116 15x8.5 128 M Annual media replacement cost Electrical cost per year $3,465 $1,116 mm SUBTOTAL $81,081 Continqency (20% of subtotal) $16,216 mm TOTAL $97,297 4 ZABOCS BIOSCRUBBER UNIT (RJE/US FILTER) SYSTEM COST Base System Price Approximate installation cost $105,000 $10,500 OPERATING COST Nutrient cost per year $330 13x10 130 Electrical cost per year $1,025 Annual media replacement cost $2,500 SUBTOTAL $119,355 Continqency (20% of subtotal) $23,871 TOTAL $143,226 5 BIOREM BIOFILTER (BIOREM, CANADA) SYSTEM COST System price $135,000 Approximate mstallation cost (by vendor) OPERATING COST $11,200 36x11 396 Electrical cost per year $61 £ SUBTOTAL $146,81£ Continqency (20% of subtotal) $29,36: TOTAL $176,17( Assumptions 1 2 3 4 5 Average foul air H2S concentration is 15 ppmv Minimum removal achieved is 95% Centaur cartron loses 10% capacity each regeneration cycle Centaur carbon stored idle does not lose capacity over «me Installation cost estimated at 10% of base system price unless specified in vendor quote Gas Phase Treatment Options Page 2 of 2