HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 00-22; REDEEMER BY THE SEA LUTHERAN; REVISED TRAFFIC STUDY FOR PROPESED; 2001-03-12r I / >. Darnell & ASSOCIATES. INC. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING March 12, 2001 Mr. Ken Voertman c/o Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church 6355 Corte Del Abeto #100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 D&A Ref. No: 001 OOIR Subject: Revised Traffic Study for the Proposed Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church Located at the Southeast Comer of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road in the City of Carlsbad. Dear Mr. Voertman: In response to City comments, Damell 8c Associates, Inc. (D&A) has revised the November 14, 2000 transportation study to assess impacts related to the proposed Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church located at the southeast comer of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road in the City of Carlsbad. This report analyzes the traffic impacts associated with the proposed project on local roadways and intersections, including existing, existing plus Phase I of the project, existing plus other approved/pending projects, existing plus other approved/pending projects plus Phase I of the project, buildout without project, and buildout plus the Master Plan of the project conditions for the area. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, DARNELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. Vicki S. Root Transportation Engineer Bill E. Darnell, P.E. Firm Principal BED/vsr/ss/bm 001001 CarlsbadRecleemerRPT2.wpcl/01-03 ^0' 1446 FRONT STREET • THIRD FLOOR • SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 PHONE: 619-233-9373 • FAX: 619-233-4034 E-mail: BD492(g)aoi.com TRAFFIC STUDY FOR REDEEMER BY THE SEA LUTHERAN CHURCH INTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD Submitted To: REDEEMER BY THE SEA LUTHERAN CHURCH 6355 CORTE DEL ABETO #100 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Submitted By: Darnell & Associates, Inc. 1446 Front Street, Third Floor SanDiego, CA 92101 619-233-9373 March 12, 2001 001001/001001CarlsbadRedeemerRPT2.wpd/01-03 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 REPORT ORGANIZATION 1 SECTION I - ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY 4 ROADWAY SEGMENTS 4 INTERSECTIONS 4 LEVEL OF SERVICE 4 LEVELS OF SIGNIFICANCE STANDARDS 5 SECTION II - EXISTING CONDITIONS 6 EXISTING CHARACTERISTICS 6 Existing Roadway Segments 6 Existing Intersections 9 EXISTING LEVEL OF SERVICE CONDITIONS .9 Roadway Segments 9 Intersections 10 SECTION III - PROJECT RELATED CONDITIONS 11 TRIP GENERATION RATES 11 TRIP DISTRIBUTION/ASSIGNMENT 14 SECTION IV - IMPACTS 20 EXISTING PLUS PROJECT - PHASE I 20 Roadway Segments 20 Intersections 20 EXISTING PLUS OTHER APPROVED/PENDING PROJECTS 20 NEAR TERM CUMULATIVE CONDITIONS 24 Roadway Segments 24 Intersections 24 BUILDOUT CONDITIONS ' . . 29 Forecast Analysis 29 Roadway Segment Analysis 29 Intersection Analysis 29 SECTION V - PROJECT ACCESS AND ON-SITE CIRCULATION 36 PROJECT ACCESS 36 Near Term Conditions 36 Buildout Conditions 36 ON-SITE CIRCULATION 36 SECTION VI - RECOMMENDED TRAFFIC MITIGATION MEASURES 38 ROADWAY SEGMENTS 38 INTERSECTIONS 38 SECTION VII - SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 39 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Vicinity Map 2 Figure 2 - Site Plan 3 Figure 3 - Existing Roadway and Intersection Geometries 7 Figure 4 - Existing Traffic Volumes 3 Figure 5 - Near Term Trip Distribution 16 Figure 6 - Long Term Trip Distribution I7 Figure 7 - Phase I Project Related Traffic Volumes ' " ^ ^ lg Figure 8 - Master Plan Project Related Traffic Volumes ^ ^ ^ I9 Figure 9 - Existing Plus Phase 1 Project Traffic Volumes ^ " " 2I Figure 10 - Existing Plus Other Approved/Pending Projects Traffic Volumes 25 Figure 11 - Existing Plus Other Approved/Pending Projects Plus Phase I Project Traffic Volumes ... 26 Figure 12 - Buildout Without Project Traffic Volumes 31 Figure 13 - Buildout Plus Master Plan Project Traffic Volumes ^ * ^ 32 Figure 14 - Buildout Geometries 33 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Level of Service Ranges 5 Table 2 - Existing Roadway Segment Level of Service Summary 9 Table 3 - Existing Intersection Level of Service Summary 10 Table 4 - Trip Generation Rate Summary 12 Table 5 - Weekday Trip Generation Summary I3 Table 6 - Trip Generation Summary on a Special Occasion 14 Table 7 - Sunday Trip Generation Summary I5 Table 8 - Existing -i- Phase I Project Roadway Segment Level of Service Summary 22 Table 9 - Existing -i- Phase I Project Intersection Level of Service Summary 23 Table 10 - Existing -i- Other Approved/Pending Projects + Phase I Project Roadway Segment Level of Service Summary 27 Table 11 - Existing + Other Projects -I- Phase I Project Intersection Level of Service Summary 28 Table 12 - Buildout With and Without Phase V-Master Plan ofthe Proposed Project Roadway Segment Level of Service Summary 34 Table 13 - Buildout With and Without Phase V-Master Plan ofthe Proposed Project Intersection Level of Service Summary 35 Table 14 - Project Access Level of Service Summary 37 APPENDICES APPENDIX A VPeak Hour Counts >-Daily Traffic Counts >-Buildout Forecast Volumes >City of Carlsbad Circulation Plan VCity of Carlsbad Arterial Segment Capacities VSANTEC/ITE Measure of Significant Project Traffic Impacts APPENDIX B ^Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church Phasing Plan APPENDIX C >-List of Other Approved/Pending Projects VOther Approved/Pending Projects Trip Generation >Other Approved/Pending Projects Trip Distribution APPENDIX D ^Existing Conditions (ICU & HCS) APPENDIX E ^Existing + Phase 1 Project Conditions (ICU & HCS) APPENDIX F >-Existing -I- Other Approved/Pending Projects Conditions (ICU & HCS) APPENDIX G >Existing + Other Approved/Pending Projects + Phase 1 Project Conditions (ICU & HCS) APPENDIX H >• Buildout Without Project Conditions (ICU) APPENDIX I > Buildout + Phase V Project Conditions (ICU) APPENDIX J VProject Access Analysis (HCS) INTRODUCTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION This transportation report has been prepared to evaluate the traffic related impacts of the proposed Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church. The project is located at the southeast comer of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road in the City of Carlsbad. Figure 1 shows the regional location of the project and Figure 2 shows the detailed site plan. The project is proposed to be constructed in five phases, with the first phase anticipated to be developed by the Year 2002 and the last phase anticipated to be completed by the year 2020. (A copy of the proposed phasing can be found in Appendix B.) Each of the proposed phases is briefly described below: Phase I: Construct the Sanctuary Building. During this phase the worship center will be approximately 6,258 square feet and seat 200 people. A preschool for 48 students will be located in the lower level. This phase is anticipated to be completed by the Year 2002. Phase II: Construct the Preschool Building for 118 students. During this phase the pre-school will be moved out of the Sanctuary thereby allowing the worship center to be expanded to approximately 19,170 square feet. Phase II is anticipated to be completed by 2005-2006. Phase III: Construct the Administration Building. During this phase the church offices will be moved out of the Sanctuary thereby allowing the worship center to be expanded to its maximum capacity of 406 seats, approximately 23,014 square feet. A 2,884 square foot Elder Center with conference rooms, game rooms, and a kitchen will be built in the lower level of the Administration Building. Phase III is estimated to be completed by 2008-2010. Phase IV: Construct an Elementary School for 240 students. The Elementary School is estimated to be completed by 2013-2015. Phase V-Master Plan: Construct a 22,386 square foot Family Life Center with youth meeting rooms, a theater, a gymnasium, and a kitchen. The Master Plan is estimated to be completed by 2018-2020. It should be noted that the phasing pattern described above is very preliminary. In reality, the project will be developed upon demand and may not be phased exactly as described above. For instance, the Administration Building may be constructed prior to the Preschool and the Family Life Center may be constructed prior to the Elementary School. REPORT ORGANIZATION Section 1 discusses the analysis methodology and Section II evaluates the existing roadway characteristics and traffic conditions surrounding the project area. Section III examines the potential trips generated by the proposed project and it defines the trip distribution assumptions. Section IV analyzes the near term and long term impacts of the proposed project. Section V analyzes the project's access points and on-site circulation. Section VI provides recommended mitigation measures and Section VII summarizes the report's findings and conclusions. Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 1 VICINITY MAP • u I I 1 : • \ L tor 5 \ tor 4 tor 3 • tor ? tor ; \ LOT 6 > - • tor /J : tor /7 LOI 10 Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN o o I cn O I < < o o o o SECTION I ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY ROADWAY SEGMENTS The levels of service for the roadway segments in the vicinity of the project were analyzed under existing, existing plus Phase I of the project, existing plus other approved/pending projects, existing plus other approved/pending projects plus Phase I of the proposed project, buildout without project, and buildout plus the Master Plan of the proposed project conditions. The roadway segment LOS was determined by comparing the traffic volumes under all traffic conditions to the capacity ofthe roadway according to its arterial segment classification. INTERSECTIONS The Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Parkway and the Poinsettia Lane/Black Rail Road intersections were analyzed under existing, existing plus Phase I of the project, existing plus other approved/pending projects, and existing plus other approved/pending projects plus Phase I of the proposed project, buildout without project, and buildout plus the master plan of the proposed project conditions. Traffic counts for the Aviara Parkway/Black Rail Road intersection were collected, however, the intersection was not analyzed because the proposed project assigns a maximum of 20 peak hour trips through the intersection during Phase I and a maximum of 3 5 peak hour trips through the intersection during the Master Plan (see Section III). A general guideline for Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) is that an intersection is only required to be analyzed if the proposed project adds 50 or more peak-hour trips in either direction to the existing traffic. To conform to the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, the signalized intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Aviara Parkway was analyzed using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) Methodology. The ICU methodology calculates a volume to capacity (v/c) ratio based on a capacity of2000 vehicles per hour green per lane (vphgpl) for all thru lanes, a capacity of 1,800 vphgpl for all single tum lanes, and a capacity of 1,620 vphgpl for all dual tum lanes. A ten percent (0.10) clearance interval, time allowed for all vehicles to clear the intersection, was utilized throughout the analysis. Since the ICU methodology can only be used on signalized intersections, the Highway Capacity Software (HCS), version 3.2 (which is based on the most recent Highway Capacity Manual procedures) was utilized to analyze the morning and aftemoon peak hour conditions of the unsignalized intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. LEVEL OF SERVICE Level of Service (LOS) is a professional industry standard by which the operating conditions of a given roadway segment or intersection are measured. Level of Service is defined on a scale of A to F; where LOS A represents the best operating conditions and LOS F represents the worst operating conditions. LOS A facilities are characterized as having free flowing traffic conditions with no restrictions on maneuvering or operating speeds; traffic volumes are low and travel speeds are high. LOS F facilities are characterized as having forced flow with many stoppages and low operating speeds. Table 1 shows the volume to capacity (v/c) ratio and delay ranges that are equivalent to each Level of Service. I I Table 1 Level of Service Ranges Level of Service Roadway Segments - Volume to Capacity (v/c) Ratio' Signalized Intersections - Volume to Capacity (v/c) Ratio^ Unsignalized Intersections - Delay (Seconds/Vehicle)' A 0.00 to 0.60 0.00 to 0.60 0.00 to 10.0 B 0.61 to 0.70 0.61 to 0.70 10.1 to 15.0 C 0.71 to 0.80 0.71 to 0.80 15.1 to 25.0 D 0.81 to 0.90 0.81 to 0.90 25.1 to 35.0 E 0.91 to 1.00 0.91 to 1.00 35.1 to 50.0 F Greater than 1.00 Greater than 1.00 Greater than 50.0 ' The volume to capacity ratios are based on the City of Carlsbad Arterial Segment Capacities. ^ The delay ranges shown are based on the ICU Methodology for signalized intersections. ' The delay ranges shown are based on the Highway Capacity Software version 3.2 for unsignalized intersections. The City of Carlsbad encourages operation of LOS C or better at planned intersections and roadway segments. In developed areas, LOS D is an acceptable Level of Service for existing intersections and roadway segments. LEVELS OF SIGNIFICANCE STANDARDS The San Diego Traffic Engineers' Council (SANTEC) andthe Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Guidelines for Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) in the San Diego Region, Febmary 29, 2000 Draft was utilized to determine the significance of traffic impacts in regards to requiring mitigation. The SANTEC/ITE TIS Guidelines consider an increase in volume to capacity (v/c) ratio of two percent (0.020) or less or an increase in delay time of two (2) seconds or less on roadways and intersections operating at LOS D, E, or F to be insignificant. The levels of significance are not applied to roadway segments or intersections which operate at LOS C or better. (A copy ofthe SANTEC/ITE TIS Guidelines can be found in Appendix A.) SECTION II EXISTING CONDITIONS This section ofthe traffic study is intended to assess the existing conditions ofthe roadways and intersections within the vicinity ofthe project to determine travel flow and/or delay difficulties, if any, that exist prior to adding the traffic generated by the proposed project. The existing conditions analysis establishes a base condition which is used to apply the other scenarios discussed in this report. Damell & Associates, Inc. conducted a field review and collected twenty-four hour machine counts and moming and aftemoon tum counts for the area surrounding the project in late October early November, 2000. Current traffic volumes for Poinsettia Lane and Aviara Parkway were obtained from the City of Carlsbad Growth Management Plan 1999 Traffic Monitoring Program and the San Diego Region Average Weekday Traffic Volumes 1995-1999. Figures 3 and 4 depict the existing roadway and intersection geometries and traffic volumes, respectively, in the project vicinity. The count sheets, a copy ofthe "Arterial Segment Capacities" for the City of Carlsbad, and a copy ofthe City of Carlsbad Circulation Plan can be found in Appendix A. EXISTING CHARACTERISTICS Existing Roadway Segments Poinsettia Lane is an east-west roadway that extends from west of Interstate 5 to Black Rail Road. West of Aviara Parkway, Poinsettia Lane is a four-lane roadway with bike lanes and a raised center median. This section of Poinsettia Lane has a cross-section equivalent to that ofa four-lane Major Arterial with a capacity of 44,450 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) at Level of Service (LOS) E. Between Aviara Parkway and Black Rail Road, Poinsettia Lane is a two-lane roadway with bike lanes and a raised center median. The capacity of this segment of Poinsettia Lane is estimated to be equivalent to that of a two-lane Collector with no access (22,230 ADT at LOS E). A short segment of Poinsettia Lane is constructed from just east of Ambrosia Lane to Cassia Road as a four- lane roadway with a raised center median. This section of Poinsettia Lane has a cross-section equivalent to that of a four-lane Major Arterial with a capacity of 44,450 ADT at LOS E. In the City of Carlsbad Circulation Plan, Poinsettia Lane is planned to be constructed as a four-lane Major Arterial from Carlsbad Boulevard to Melrose Drive. In this analysis, it is assumed that the connection of Poinsettia Lane from Black Rail Road to El Camino Real will be completed by the Year 2020. Aviara Parkway is a four-lane roadway with bike lanes and a raised median. The cross-section of Aviara Parkway is equivalent to that of a four-lane Secondary Arterial, capacity of 33,340 ADT at LOS E. Blacl< Rail Road is a north-south two-lane undivided roadway with forty-feet (40') of pavement curb to curb. The cross-section of Black Rail Road is equivalent to that of a two-lane Local Road, capacity of 11 120 ADT at LOSE. NyS 00-50-U vv 100100 Q LU o 5 Li_ o < O Z 00 -I £ Co o I— 2 CO 1= I I LU CO o o CO Kl <! 00 o C3 O I— X NidS 00-60-U VV LOO 100 UJ < < B < s < < Q o o < o LU >->-N X X N Q Ctl ZD LU O > o LL. Li_ < (/I X Ld CO a o CO CO <! Existing Intersections Damell & Associates, Inc. collected moming and aftemoon peak hour turn counts at the following three intersections in late October and early November, 2000: 1. Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Parkway (Signalized), 2. Poinsettia Lane/Black Rail Road (Stop-controlled on Poinsettia), and 3. Aviara Parkway/Black Rail Road (Signalized). It should be noted that although traffic counts were collected at the Aviara Parkway/Black Rail Road mtersection, the intersection was not analyzed because the proposed project assigns less than 50 peak hour trips in either direction to this intersection (see Section III). EXISTING LEVEL OF SERVICE CONDITIONS Roadway Segments For the purpose ofthis report, the daily traffic volumes ofthe roadway segments in the vicinity ofthe project (as presented in Figure 4) were compared to the City of Carlsbad "Arterial Segment Capacities". The daily (24 hour) traffic count sheets and a copy of the City of Carlsbad "Arterial Segment Capacities" are included in Appendix A. Table 2 shows that all roadway segments analyzed currently operate at LOS A. Table 2 Existing Roadway Segment Level of Service Summarv Roadway Segment Classification Capacity' A.D.T. v/c Ratio LOS Poinsettia Lane - West of Aviara Parkway - Btwn Aviara Pkwy and Black Rail Rd 4-Ln Major Arterial 2-Ln Collector 44,450 22,230 13,800 1,600 0.310 0.072 A A Aviara Parkway - North or Poinsettia Lane - Btwn Poinsettia Ln and Black Rail Rd - East of Black Rail Road 4-Ln Secondary Arterial 4-Ln Secondary Arterial 4-Ln Secondary Arterial 33,340 33,340 33,340 2,700 14,000 13,600 0.081 0.420 0.408 A A A Black Rail Road - North of Poinsettia Lane - Btwn Poinsettia Ln and Aviara Pkwy 2-Ln Local 2-Ln Local 11,120 11,120 1,470 908 0.132 0.082 A A ' The capacity is based on the upper limit of LOS E per the City of Carlsbad Arterial Segment Capacities Intersections To meet the requirements of Carlsbad, the ICU methodology was used to analyze the signalized intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Aviara Parkway and the HCS, version 3.2, was used to analyzed the stop-controlled intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. The results of the analysis are summarized in Table 3. As can be seen from Table 3, both intersections currently operate at LOS A during both the moming and aftemoon peak hour. A copy ofthe ICU and HCS worksheets for existing conditions can be found in Appendix D. Table 3 Existing Intersection Level of Service Summary Signalized Intersection' Intersection AM Peak PM Peak Intersection v/c Ratio LOS v/c Ratio LOS Poinsettia Lane @ - Aviara Parkway 0.35 A 0.32 A One-Way Stop-Controlled Intersection^ Intersection Critical Movement AM Peak PM Peak Intersection Critical Movement Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Poinsettia Lane @ - Black Rail Road NB Approach EB Left Tum Movement EB Right Tum Movement 7.3 9.1 8.5 A A A 7.3 9.0 8.5 A A A ' The v/c ratio and corresponding Level of Service (LOS) is per the ICU methodology ^ The delay per vehicle and the corresponding Level of Service (LOS) is per the Highway Capacity Software, version 3.2 10 SECTION III PROJECT RELATED CONDITIONS TRIP GENERATION RATES The trip generation potential for a project is estimated based on the land use characteristics. Trip generation rates, daily and peak hour, for each phase of the proposed project was based on the (Not So ) Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, published by the San Diego Association of Govemments (SANDAG) in July 1998. Table 4 summarizes the trip generation rates used for each component of the proposed project. Elder Center & Family Life Center Trip Generation The SANDAG Trip Generation Guide does not have a standard trip generation rate for uses such as the Elder Center and the Family Life Center. In these cases, since both of the uses are associated with the Sanctuary, the trip generation was estimated to be equivalent to that of a Sunday worship service. In the trip generation calculations, only the square footage of the uses anticipated to contribute to trip generation (i.e. the meeting rooms, the game room, the theater, the kitchen) were considered. It should also be noted, that based on discussions with the developer, it was determined that the Elder Center would only be utilized during the weekdays, typically 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and would be expected to contribute a nominal amount of traffic to the moming or aftemoon peak hour traffic. Likewise, the Family Life Center is intended to only be used by the youth during the evenings and would not generate any traffic during the moming peak hour. In this analysis, it was estimated that approximately five percent (5%) ofthe total daily trips generated by the Family Center would be generated during the afternoon peak hour. In the trip generation calculations, it was also assumed that the gymnasium in the Family Life Center would only be used on special occasions occurring during the evenings or on a Saturday and would not be used in conjunction with the other facilities, i.e. meeting rooms, within the Family Life Center. Weekday Trip Generation Table 5 summarizes the weekday trip generation calculations for each phase of the proposed project. As can be seen from Table 5, Phase I of the proposed project is estimated to generate 296 average daily trips (ADTs), 44 morning peak hour trips, and 47 aftemoon peak hour trips. Phase V-the Master Plan ofthe proposed project is estimated to generate 1,426 ADTs, 191 moming peak hour trips, and 158 afternoon peak hour trips. During a special event, the Master Plan of the proposed project is estimated to generate 1,548 ADTs, 191 moming peak hour trips, and 164 aftemoon peak hour trips, see Table 6. For this analysis, the trip generation for Phase I of the project was used to determine the immediate near term impacts of the proposed project. The Master Plan trip generation of 1,426 ADT was utilized to determine the long term impacts of the proposed project. 11 Table 4 Trip Generation Rate Summary Land Use Weekday Trip Generation Rate Sunday Trip Generation Rate Land Use Daily Trip Generation Rate' AM Peak Hour Trip Generation % of Daily (In: Out) PM Peak Hour Trip Generation % of Daily (In: Out) Daily Trip Generation Rate' Peak Hour Trip Generation % of Daily (In: Out) Land Use Daily Trip Generation Rate' Total In Out Total In Out Daily Trip Generation Rate' Total In Out Sanctuary 9 Trips/ksf 5% 6 4 8% 5 5 36 Trips/ksf 32% 5 5 Preschool 5 Trips/Student 17% 5 5 18% 5 5 0 Trips/Student --- Elder Center^ 36 Trips/ksf 0% --0% --0 Trips/ksf --- Elementary School 1.2 Trips/Student 28% 6 4 7% 3 7 0 Trips/Student --- Family Life Center^ 36 Trips/ksf 0% --5% 10 0 0 Trips/ksf --- ' All trip generation rates are based on the (Not So) Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region published by SANDAG in July 1998 ^ Since both the Elder Center and Family Life Center are associated with the Sanctuary, the trip generation was estimated to be equivalent to that of a Sunday worship service Table 5 Weekday Trip Generation Summary Land Use Total No. of Units Daily Trips AM Peak Hour Trips PM Peak Hour Trips Land Use Total No. of Units Daily Trips Total In Out Total In Out Phase I - Completed by 2002 • Sanctuary 6.258 ksf 56 3 2 1 4 2 2 • Preschool 48 Students 240 41 21 20 43 22 21 Total Trip Generation Phase 1: 296 44 23 21 47 24 23 Phase II - Completed by 2005-2006 • Sanctuary 19.17 ksf 173 9 5 4 14 7 7 • Preschool 118 Students 590 IOO 50 50 106 53 53 Total Trip Generation Phase 11: 763 109 55 54 120 60 60 Phase III - Completed by 2008-2010 • Sanctuary 23.014 ksf 207 10 6 4 17 9 8 • Preschool 118 Students 590 IOO 50 50 106 53 53 • Elder Center 1.03 ksf 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Trip Generation Phase III; 834 110 56 54 123 62 61 Phase IV - Completed by 20I3-20I5 • Sanctuary 23.014 ksf 207 10 6 4 17 9 8 • Preschool 118 Students 590 IOO 50 50 106 53 53 • Elder Center 1.03 ksf 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 • Elementary School 240 Students 288 81 49 32 20 6 14 Total Trip Generation Phase IV: 1,122 191 105 86 143 68 75 Phase V - Master Plan Completed by 2 018-2020 • Sanctuary 23.014 ksf 207 10 6 4 17 9 8 • Preschool 118 Students 590 100 50 50 106 53 53 • Elder Center 1.03 ksf 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 • Elementary School 240 Students 288 81 49 32 20 6 14 • Family Life Center 8.44 ksf 304 0 0 0 15 15 0 Total Trip Generation Phase V-Master Plan: 1,426 191 105 86 158 83 75 ' The size of the Elder Center includes the Conference Room, Assembly Room, Game Room, Lobby, and Kitchen. ^ The size of the Family Center includes the Youth Meeting Room, Fireside Room, Theater, Fitness Center, Church Store, and Kitchen. 13 Table 6 Trip Generation Summary on a Special Occasion Land Use Total No. of Units Daily Trips AM Peak Hour Trips PM Peak Hour Trips Land Use Total No. of Units Daily Trips Total In Out Total In Out Phase V - Master Plan Comph :ted by 2018-2020 • Sanctuary 23.014 ksf 207 10 6 4 17 9 8 • Preschool 118 Students 590 IOO 50 50 106 53 53 • Elder Center 1.03 ksf 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 • Elementary School 240 Students 288 81 49 32 20 6 14 • Family Life Center 11.83 ksf 426 0 0 0 21 21 0 Total Trip Generation for Phase V-Master Plan: 1,548 191 105 86 164 89 75 ' The size ofthe Elder Center includes the Conference Room, Assembly Room, Game Room, Lobby, and Kitchen. ^ The size ofthe Family Center includes the Gym and the Kitchen because these are the facilities anticipated to be utilized during a special event. Sunday Trip Generation Table 7 summarizes the trip generation of each phase of the proposed project on a Sunday, the day of worship. Based on discussions with the developer, it was determined that at no time will the Elder Center or Family Life Center be utilized at the same time as Sunday Service. Table 7 shows that on a Sunday, Phase I of the proposed project will generate 225 ADTs and Phase V-the Master Plan ofthe proposed project is estimated to generate 829 ADTs. These Sunday trip generation rates for Phase I and the Master Plan of the proposed project are significantly less than the weekday trip generation. Therefore, the Sunday trip generation was not considered in the analysis. TRIP DISTRIBUTION/ASSIGNMENT Trip distribution for this site was determined based on the location of the residents who would utilize the proposed project facilities. The project distribution percentages for near term and buildout conditions are presented on Figures 5 and 6, respectively. For the near term analysis (Phase I of the project), it was assumed that Poinsettia Lane would not be extended from its existing terminus at Black Rail Road. Therefore, the project's only access would be via Black Rail Road. For buildout conditions (Master Plan ofthe project), it was assumed that Poinsettia Lane would be extended as a four-lane Major Arterial east to El Camino Real. It was assumed that there would be no median break on Poinsettia Lane at Street "A", the project's access, therefore, restricting the access to right-in/right-out only movements. New traffic volumes generated by the proposed project were assigned to the local roadway network using the percentages depicted in Figures 5 and 6. The project related daily and peak hour trips are shown in Figures 7 and 8, respectively for Phase I and the Master Plan. The impacts associated with the addition of project traffic are discussed in the following section. Section IV. 14 Table 7 Sunday Trip Generation Summary Land Use Total No. of Units Daily Trips Peak Hour Trips Land Use Total No. of Units Daily Trips Total In Out Phase I - Completed by 2002 • Sanctuary 6.258 ksf 225 72 36 36 • Preschool 48 Students 0 0 0 0 Total Trip Generation Phase I: 225 72 36 36 Phase II - Completed by 2005-2006 • Sanctuary 19.17 ksf 690 221 111 110 • Preschool 118 Students 0 0 0 0 Total Trip Generation Phase II: 690 221 111 110 Phase III - Completed by 2008-2010 • Sanctuary 23.014 ksf 829 265 133 132 • Preschool 118 Students 0 0 0 0 • Elder Center' 1.03 ksf 0 0 0 0 Total Trip Generation Phase III: 829 265 133 132 Phase IV - Completed by 2013-2015 • Sanctuary 23.014 ksf 829 265 133 132 • Preschool 118 Students 0 0 0 0 • Elder Center' 1.03 ksf 0 0 0 0 • Elementary School 240 Students 0 0 0 0 Total Trip Generation Phase IV: 829 265 133 132 Phase V - Master Plan Completed by 2018-2020 • Sanctuary 23.014 ksf 829 265 133 132 • Preschool 118 Students 0 0 0 0 • Elder Center' 1.03 ksf 0 0 0 0 • Elementary School 240 Students 0 0 0 0 • Family Life Center' 8.44 ksf 0 0 0 0 Total Trip Generation for Phase V-Master Plan: 829 265 133 132 ' The Elder Center and Family Center will not be utilized at the same time the Sanctuary worship is conducted, therefore, they are not anticipated to generate any traffic on Sunday. 15 I LEGEND XX% - DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGE * - PROJECT SITE r 55% 45% PROJECT ENTRANCE r 2 OC CO o o I cn o I < < o o o o Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 5 NEAR TERM TRIP DISTRIBUTION LEGEND XX% - DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGE * - PROJECT SITE Darnell & ASSOCIATES. INC. FIGURE 6 LONG TERM TRIP DISTRIBUTION o; o I 00 o I to o o o o I I 00 LEGEND XX/YY- AM/PM TURN VOLUMES Z.ZZZ - DAILY TRAFFIC * - PROJECT SITE Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 7 PHASE I PROJECTED RELATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES cc C/1 o I 00 o I < < o o o o I 3 42/33- 11/8- r 26/21 r 26/21 *i t r 42/33--. I H- LlJ o r O CD o UJ LEGEND XX/YY- AM/PM TURN VOLUMES Z.ZZZ - DAILY TRAFFIC * - PROJECT SITE o f) o I 00 o Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 8 MASTER PLAN PROJECT RELATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES < < 5 o o o SECTION IV IMPACTS EXISTING PLUS PROJECT - PHASE I Roadway Segments The roadway segments were reanalyzed with the traffic generated from Phase I ofthe proposed project added to existing traffic volumes. The daily and peak hour turn volumes for existing plus Phase I project conditions are illustrated in Figure 9. Table 8 summarizes the existing plus Phase I project roadway segment analysis. As can be seen from Table 8, all roadway segments analyzed continue to operate at LOS A with the addition of Phase I of the project. Intersections The intersections were reanalyzed with the traffic generated from the proposed project added to existing traffic volumes. The intersection analysis for the existing plus Phase I project conditions are summarized in Table 9. As can be seen from Table 9, both intersections continue to operate at LOS A during both peak hours with the addition of traffic generated by Phase I of the project. The ICU and HCS worksheets for the existing plus Phase I project conditions can be found in Appendix E. EXISTING PLUS OTHER APPROVED/PENDING PROJECTS Other Approved/Pending Projects From discussions with the Engineering Department at the City of Carlsbad, it was determined that the development of the property along Poinsettia Lane from Black Rail Road to Ambrosia Lane should be included in the traffic analysis. (A copy of the correspondence with the City staff regarding which projects to include in the analysis can be found in Appendix C.) These projects include the following: 4. Ocean Bluff (CT 93-09): A 96 single-family dwelling unit subdivision located at the northwest comer of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. The project takes access off Black Rail Road and Poinsettia Lane. 5. DeJong (CT 98-05): A 28 single-family dwelling unit subdivision located at the northeast comer of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. The project takes access off Black Rail Road. 6. Daybreak Communitv Church (CUP 00-06): A 18,112 square foot (approximate size) community church located at the southwest comer of Poinsettia Lane and Ambrosia Lane. The project is assumed to take access, in the near term, off Ambrosia Lane. 20 NJ I I ^12/13\ ^9/10 PROJECT ENTRANCE, tr / CO r: LEGEND XX/YY- AM/PM TURN VOLUMES Z.ZZZ - DAILY TRAFFIC * - PROJECT SITE Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 9 EXISTING PLUS PHASE I PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES CL < o o §) g. E « E E s > c E ii •2 >- ss R O OS u .** 'o* u 05 c o o. C3 + T3 C o U OJ) X O f-d 00 O o Ci < CO o c u E Ofl u 00 •o re o < < z z (N o o o o d d < < (N O — r-~ ro O ON ro , " < < O (N — r-ro O d d ro ^ O O v~i ro tN tN tN '- 2 o tj "re'J2 S o c U -J c re 0. 2 .S *> < T3 a: 're cc! u _re 'CQ OH re re '> <: « « * <£ • • < < < tN O ro OOO ooo d d d < < < ro O — 00 (N — q ••3; ^ d d d < < < — O 00 00 tN O q rr d d d o o o o o « ooo ^ rr ^ ro ro ro ro' ro" ro" ro ro ro b b b re re re -a T3 — c c o o o u u <u c o oo 00 oo I I I rr rr rr •T3 're Oi c re J re tt ^ <u ^ i2 es c 5 CL, Is (2 ° 2 t •2 I ca w :< < < ZZZ fN tN O — — ooo d d d < < < rr V3 rr ro Ov ON —. q O d d d IT) — — 00 r- rr o o < < < tN fN tN ro 00 00 ^ q O d d d o t-~. 00 oo rf O O ON ON OOO fN tN tN ro o o J re u o J c J fN rN) tN c td "V n o o ^ o 5 • cu ° CQ 00 o re CL re U 00 u t: < T3 re J3 a 00 o J re (U Q. O re Q. 00 <5 o 2 J H 't; PJ •s ^ B u n. S-< c c o § re (3 re c re (J 'c Ofl 3 re o u re Q. D. < o c S ra „ c .SP<; 22 Table 9 Existing + Phase I Project Intersection Level of Service Summary Signalized Intersection' Intersection Existing Conditions Existing + Phase 1 Project Intersection AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak Intersection v/c Ratio LOS v/c Ratio LOS v/c Ratio LOS Inc. in v/c Sig.? v/c Ratio LOS Inc. in v/c Sig.? Poinsettia Lane @ - Aviara Parkway 0.35 A 0.32 A 0.35 A 0.0 N/A 0.32 A 0.0 N/A One-Way Stop-Controlled Intersection^ Intersection Critical Movement Existing Conditions Existing + Phase 1 Project Intersection Critical Movement AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak Intersection Critical Movement Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay Inc. Sig.? Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay Inc. Sig.? Poinsettia Lane @ - Black Rail Road NB Approach EBL Movement EBR Movement 7.3 9.1 8.5 A A A 7.3 9.0 8.5 A A A 7.3 9.2 8.6 A A A 0.0 0.1 0.1 N/A N/A N/A 7.3 9.2 8.6 A A A 0.0 0.1 0.1 N/A N/A N/A ' The v/c ratio and corresponding Level of Service (LOS) is per the ICU methodology ^ The delay per vehicle and the corresponding Level of Service (LOS) is per the Highway Capacity Sofhvare, version 3.2 Sig. ? = Significance is based on the SANTEC/ITE Traffic Impact Guidelines. N/A = Not Applicable because significance is not applied to intersections that operate at LOS C or better. 7- Redeemer bv the Sea Subdivision: A 12-lot subdivision located at the southeast comer ofthe Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church, property. Although this subdivision is actually shown on the site plans for the proposed project. Redeemer by the Sea plans to sell these 12 lots to someone else to develop. 8- Cobblestone (CT 84-32A): A 234-lot subdivision located at the comer of Cobblestone Road and Black Rail Road north of Poinsettia Lane. The project's primary access is off Cobblestone Road and its secondary access is off Black Rail Road. 9. Carnation; A 32-lot subdivision located on the west side of Black Rail Road south of Poinsettia Lane. The project takes access off Black Rail Road. City staff also indicated that two parcels of land, one located at the southwest comer of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road and the other located off Poinsettia Road east ofthe Redeemer by the Sea site should be included in the analysis assuming they were developed according to the General Plan. The General Plan calls for these parcels to be developed as low to medium residential at approximately three (3) dwelling units per acre. Since a Tentative Map has not been filed for these parcels at this fime, it assumed that they will not be developed within the next two to three years. Therefore, they are not included in the near term analysis. These parcels, however, are assumed to be developed as per the General Plan under buildout conditions. Trip GenerationIDistribution The trip generation and distribution assumed for the other approved/pending projects can be found in Appendix C. Figure 10 illustrates the existing plus other approved/pending projects daily and peak hour tum volumes. NEAR TERM CUMULATIVE CONDITIONS Roadway Segments The roadway segments were reanalyzed under near term cumulative conditions (existing plus other approved/pending projects plus Phase I of the proposed project). The daily and peak hour tum volumes for near term cumulative conditions are illustrated in Figure 11. Table 10 summarizes the near term cumulative roadway segment analysis. As can be seen from Table 10, all roadway segments analyzed continue to operate at LOS A under near term cumulative conditions. Intersections The intersections were reanalyzed under near term cumulative conditions (existing plus other approved/pending projects plus Phase I of the proposed project). The intersection analysis for the near term cumulative conditions are summarized in Table 11. As can be seen from Table 11, both intersections continue to operate at LOS B or better during both peak hours under near term cumulative conditions. 24 (NJ Ul LEGEND XX/YY- AM/PM TURN VOLUMES Z.ZZZ - DAILY TRAFFIC Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 10 EXISTING PLUS OTHER APPROVED/PENDING PROJECTS TRAFFIC VOLUMES C/) o I ro < < o o o o INJ cn LEGEND XX/YY- AM/PM TURN VOLUMES Z.ZZZ - DAILY TRAFFIC * - PROJECT SITE Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 11 EXISTING PLUS OTHER APPROVED/PENDING -Mr-^To . p,_j^3^ , PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES PROJECTS + o 2 ft: 00 o < < o o o o NJ Table 10 Existing + Other Approved/Pending Projects + Phase I Project Roadway Segment Level of Service Summary Roadway Segment Classification Capacity' Existing + Others Projects Existing -i- Other Projects -1- Phase 1 Project lnc in v/c Ratio Sign. Impact^ Roadway Segment Classification Capacity' A.D.T. v/c Ratio LOS A.D.T. v/c Ratio LOS lnc in v/c Ratio Sign. Impact^ Poinsettia Lane - West of Aviara Parkway - Btwn Aviara Pkwy & Black Rail Rd 4-Ln Major 2-Ln Collector 44,450 22,230 15,094 3,639 0.340 0.164 A A 15,183 3,787 0.342 0.170 A A 0.002 0.006 N/A N/A Aviara Parkway - North or Poinsettia Lane - Btwn Poinsettia Ln & Black Rail Rd - East of Black Rail Road 4-Ln Secondary 4-Ln Secondary 4-Ln Secondary 33,340 33,340 33,340 3,406 14,203 14,171 0.102 0.426 0.425 A A A 3,465 14,218 14,289 0.104 0.426 0.429 A A A 0.002 0.000 0.004 N/A N/A N/A Black Rail Road - North of Poinsettia Lane - Btwn Poinsettia Ln & Project Ent. - South of Project Entrance 2-Ln Local 2-Ln Local 2-Ln Local 11,120 11,120 11,120 3,482 1,417 1,321 0.313 0.127 0.119 A A A 3,497 1,580 1,454 0.314 0.142 0.131 A A A 0.001 0.015 0.012 N/A N/A N/A ' The capacity is based on the upper limit of LOS E per the City of Carlsbad Arterial Segment Capacities. ^ Significance is based on the SANTEC/ITE Traffic Impact Guidelines. N/A = Not Applicable because significance is not applied to segments that operate at LOS C or better. (NJ 00 Table 11 Existing -i- Other Projects -f^ Phase I Project Intersection Level of Service Summary Signalized Intersection' Intersection Existing Other Projects Existing Other Projects + Phase I Project Intersection AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak Intersection v/c Ratio LOS v/c Ratio LOS v/c Ratio LOS Inc. in v/c Sig.? v/c Ratio LOS Inc. in v/c Sig.? Poinsettia Lane @ - Aviara Parkway 0.38 A 0.35 A 0.38 A 0.0 N/A 0.36 A 0.1 N/A One-Way Stop-Controlled Intersection^ Intersection Critical Movement Existing Other Projects Existing Other Projects + Phase I Project Intersection Critical Movement AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak Intersection Critical Movement Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay Inc. Sig.? Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay Inc. Sig.? Poinsettia Lane @ - Black Rail Road NB Approach EBL Movement EBR Movement 7.6 10.0 8.8 A A A 7.4 10.2 8.7 A B A 7.6 10.2 8.9 A B A 0.0 0.2 0.1 N/A N/A N/A 7.5 10.5 8.8 A B A O.I 0.3 0.1 N/A N/A N/A ' The v/c ratio and corresponding Level of Service (LOS) is per the ICU methodology ^ The delay per vehicle and the con-esponding Level of Service (LOS) is per the Highway Capacity Software, version 3.2 Sig. ? = Significance is based on the SANTEC/ITE Traffic Impact Guidelines. N/A = Not Applicable because significance is not applied to intersections that operate at LOS C or better The ICU and HCS worksheets can be found in Appendix F and G, respectively, for the existing plus other approved/pending project condifions and near term cumulative conditions. BUILDOUT CONDITIONS Forecast Analysis The buildout forecast volumes for Poinsettia Lane in the vicinity ofthe project were obtained from O'Rourke Engineering. The buildout forecast was based on the SANDAG model and assumed that Poinsettia Lane would be extended east to El Camino Real. Since Black Rail Road is a Local Road, forecast volumes were not available. O'Rourke Engineering estimated the volume on Black Rail Road north and south of Poinsettia Lane to be 1,100 ADT, however, this volume is lower than the near term cumulative volume (3,497 ADT north of Poinsettia Lane and 1,580 south of Poinsettia Lane). Therefore, in order to ensure that the buildout volumes encompass existing traffic plus traffic generated by future development, Damell & Associates, Inc. estimated the buildout volume on Black Rail Road to be 4,000 ADT north of Poinsettia Lane and 3,000 ADT south of Poinsettia Lane. (A copy ofthe correspondence with O'Rourke Engineering regarding buildout forecast volumes can be found in Appendix A.) The buildout forecast volumes received from O'Rourke Engineering included the proposed project traffic. Therefore, to get buildout without project traffic volumes, the trips generated by Phase V-the Master Plan ofthe proposed project were subtracted from the forecast volumes. Figure 12 illustrates the buildout daily traffic volumes without project traffic and Figure 13 illustrates the buildout daily volumes with Phase V-the Master Plan of the proposed project. Roadway Segment Analysis The roadway segments were analyzed under buildout conditions with and without Phase V-the Master Plan ofthe proposed project. In this analysis, it was assumed that Poinsettia Lane would be improved to four-lane Major Arterial Standards from Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road and that it would be extended east to El Camino Real. Figure 14 illustrates the roadway geometries assumed for buildout conditions, and Table 12 summarizes the buildout roadway segment analysis. As can be seen from Table 12, all roadway segments analyzed operate at LOS A under buildout conditions with or without Phase V-the Master Plan ofthe proposed project. Intersection Analysis The intersections were analyzed under buildout conditions with and without Phase V-the Master Plan of the proposed project. The buildout tum volumes for the Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Parkway intersection were obtained from the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report for the Villages of La Costa prepared by T & B Planning Consultants, Inc. on January 23, 2001. (A copy ofthe reference sheets can be found in Appendix A.) In this analysis, the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road would be a four-legged signalized intersection. Figure 14 illustrates the lane configurations assumed in the analysis. Table 13 summarizes the buildout intersection analysis. As can be seen from Table 13, both the Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Parkway and Poinsettia Lane/Black Rail Road intersection will operate at LOS B or better under buildout conditions with or without Phase V-the Master Plan ofthe proposed project. 29 A copy ofthe ICU worksheets can be found in Appendix H and I, respectively, for buildout conditions without and with the proposed project. 30 I i LEGEND Z.ZZZ - DAILY TRAFFIC XX/YY- AM/PM TURN VOLUMES ESIIMAIED Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 12 BUILDOUT WITH OUT PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES C5 CT) O < < o o o o I / r^ / 00 in o / tn ' CN^^\ rr <N o •.— ro CD JIL ^8G/60\ -^399/46. ^80/50 62/171^ 727/589—^ ^44/53-^ \ "1 f r <N O CO -C' tn <N ° O / cn in/ LEGEND XX/YY- AM/PM TURN VOLUMES Z,ZZZ - DAILY TRAFFIC * - PROJECT SITE ESTIMAIED Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. ^53/45\ ^17/15 PROJECT .ENTRANCE, tr / IO U-) CN FIGURE 13 BUILDOUT + MASTER PLAN PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES z cc C/) o I O) o I ro < < o o o o I I LEGEND / iL / - TRAVEL LANE (X) - NUMBER OF LANES SL - STOP SIGN - TRAFFIC SIGNAL Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE 14 BUILDOUT GEOMETRICS Table 12 Buildout With and Without Phase V-Master Plan ofthe Proposed Project Roadway Segment Level of Service Summary Roadway Segment Classification Capacity' Buildout w/o Project Buildout + Phase V- Master Plan of Project Inc in v/c Ratio Sign. Impact^ Roadway Segment Classification Capacity' A.D.T. v/c Ratio LOS A.D.T. v/c Ratio LOS Inc in v/c Ratio Sign. Impact^ Poinsettia Lane - Btwn Aviara Pkwy & Black Rail Rd. - Btwn Black Rail Rd. & Project Ent. - Btwn Project Ent. & Ambrosia Rd. - East of Ambrosia Road 4-Ln Major 4-Ln Major 4-Ln Major 4-Ln Major 44,450 44,450 44,450 44,450 17,887 19,037 19,143 7,515 0.402 0.428 0.431 0.169 A A A A 18,600 19,500 19,500 7,800 0.418 0.439 0.439 0.175 A A A A 0.016 0.011 0.008 0.006 N/A N/A N/A N/A Black Rail Road - North of Poinsettia Lane 2-Ln Local 11,120 3,929 0.353 A 4,000 0.360 A 0.007 N/A - Btwn Poinsettia Ln & Project Ent. 2-Ln Local 11,120 2,323 0.209 A 3,000 0.270 A 0.061 N/A - South of Project Entrance 2-Ln Local 11,120 2,715 0.244 A 3,000 0.270 A 0.026 N/A U) The capacity is based on the upper limit of LOS E per the City of Carlsbad Arterial Segment Capacities. ^ Significance is based on the SANTEC/ITE Traffic Impact Guidelines. N/A = Not Applicable because significance is not applied to segments that operate at LOS C or better. Table 13 Buildout With and Without Phase V-Master Plan of the Proposed Project Intersection Level of Service Summary Signalized Intersection' Intersection Buildout Without Project Buildout + of Project Phase V-Master Plan Intersection AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak Intersection v/c Ratio LOS v/c Ratio LOS v/c Ratio LOS Inc. in v/c Sig.? v/c Ratio LOS Inc. in v/c Sig.? Poinsettia Lane @ - Aviara Parkway 0.48 A 0.63 B 0.50 A 0.02 N/A 0.63 B 0.00 N/A Poinsettia Lane @ - Black Rail Road 0.42 A 0.42 A 0.47 A 0.05 N/A 0.43 A O.OI N/A OJ ' The v/c ratio and corresponding Level of Service (LOS) is per the ICU methodology Sig. ? = Significance is based on the SANTEC/ITE Traffic Impact Guidelines. N/A = Not Applicable because significance is not applied to intersections that operate at LOS C or better. SECTION V PROJECT ACCESS AND ON-SITE CIRCULATION PROJECT ACCESS The project proposes a twenty-four foot (24') wide access off Black Rail Road and a thirty-six foot (36') wide access off Poinsettia Lane. The access point off Black Rail Road will have one lane exiting and one lane entering, and will serve as an unrestricted driveway. The access off Poinsettia Lane will serve as the primary access to the 12-lot residential subdivision located at the southeast comer ofthe property. The Poinsettia Lane access will be restricted to right-in/right-out only movements and will have one lane exiting and one lane entering. Near Term Conditions For the near term analysis (Phase I of the project), it was assumed that Poinsettia Lane would not be extended from its existing terminus at Black Rail Road. Therefore, the project's only access would be via Black Rail Road. The project access off Black Rail Road was analyzed under near term cumulative conditions using the HCS, version 3.2, assuming that it would be stop-controlled on the westbound (the driveway) approach. The results ofthe analysis are summarized in Table 14. As shown in Table 14, the project access off Black Rail Road will operate at LOS A under near term cumulative conditions without the addition of acceleration/deceleration lanes. A copy of the HCS worksheets can be found in Appendix H. Buildout Conditions In order to analyze the project's access points under buildout conditions (Phase V-the Master Plan ofthe proposed project), peak hour thru volumes on Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road were estimated based the daily volumes utilizing the existing directional split and peak hour percentages. Both access points were analyzed using the HCS, version 3.2, for unsignalized intersections. Table 14 summarizes the results ofthe analysis. As shown in Table 14, all movements at the project's access point off Black Rail Road will operate at LOS A during the moming and aftemoon peak hours under buildout conditions without the addifion of acceleration/deceleration lanes. The access off Poinsettia Lane, the Poinsettia Lane/Street "A" intersection, will operate at LOS B during the moming and aftemoon peak hours under buildout conditions without the addition of acceleration/deceleration lanes. A copy ofthe HCS worksheets for the project's access analysis can be found in Appendix J. ON-SITE CIRCULATION The on-site circulation of the proposed project provides 142 perpendicular parking spaces and 10 parallel parking spaces on the south side of the project site. Of these 142 parking spaces, 6 are designated as handicap parking. A small pick-up/drop-off circle is provided in front of the elementary school. The dimensions of all parking spaces, the pick-up/drop-off circle, and the drive aisle are consistent with the City of Carlsbad Standards. The proposed circulafion will adequately accommodate project traffic. 36 Table 14 Project Access Level of Service Summary One-Way Stop-Controlled Intersection' Intersection Critical Movement Near Term Cumulative + Phase I Project Buildout -1- Master Plan Project Intersection Critical Movement AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak Intersection Critical Movement Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Black Rail Road^ @ - Project Entrance SB Approach WB Approach 7.4 9.0 A A 7.4 9.0 A A 7.6 9.7 A A 7.6 9.7 A A Poinsettia Lane' @ - Street "A", Project Entrance NBR Movement -_ _ 11.7 B 11.2 B ' The delay per vehicle and the corresponding Level of Service (LOS) is per the Highway Capacity Software, version 3.2 ^ The access drive was assumed to have one lane exiting and one lane entering. It was assumed that there were no acceleration/deceleration lanes on Black Rail Road. ^ The access street was assumed to have one lane exiting and one lane entering. It was assumed that there were no acceleration/deceleration lanes on Poinsettia Lane. (JO SECTION VI RECOMMENDED TRAFFIC MITIGATION MEASURES ROADWAY SEGMENTS All roadway segments analyzed were found to operate at LOS A under near term and buildout conditions with or without the proposed project. Mitigation is not required. INTERSECTIONS Both intersections analyzed were found to operate at LOS B or better under near term and buildout conditions with or without the proposed project. Mitigation is not required. 38 I SECTION VII SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The applicant proposes to construct the Redeemer by the Sea Luther Church facility at the southeast corner of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. The project is proposed to be constructed in five phases. Phase I is planned to be developed by 2002-2003 and would consist of a worship center to seat 200 people and a preschool for 48 students. The Master Plan ofthe proposed project includes a Worship Center which will seat 406 people, a Preschool for 188 students, an Administration Building with a 2,884 square foot Elder Center located in the basement, an Elementary School for 204, and a 22,386 square foot Family Life Center. Phase V-the Master Plan is planned to be developed by 2018-2020. Phase I ofthe proposed project is estimated, on a weekday, to generate 296 average daily trips, 44 moming peak hour trips, and 47 afternoon peak hour trips.. Phase V-the Master Plan is estimated, on a weekday, to generate 1,426 average daily trips^ 141 morning peak hour trips, and 158 aftemoon peak hour trips. On a special occasion. Phase V-the Master Plan is estimated to generate 1,548 average daily trips, 191 moming peak hour trips, and 164 afternoon peak hour trips. All roadway segments analyzed operate at LOS A under near term and buildout conditions with or without the proposed project. Both intersections analyzed operate at LOS B or better under near term and buildout conditions with or without the addition of project traffic. All movements at the proposed driveway off Black Rail Road were found to operate at LOS A under near term plus Phase I ofthe project conditions and Buildout plus Phase V-the Master Plan ofthe proposed project conditions without the addition of acceleration/deceleration lanes on Black Rail Road. The proposed driveway off Poinsettia Lane was found to operate at LOS B under Buildout plus Phase V-the Master Plan of the proposed project conditions without the addition of acceleration/deceleration lanes on Poinsettia Lane. Access and intemal circulation were reviewed and found to be satisfactory. 39 APPENDIX A >Peak Hour Counts >Daily Traffic Counts >Buildout Forecast Volumes >City of Carlsbad Circulation Plan >City of Carlsbad Arterial Segment Capacities >SANTEC/ITE Measure of Significant Project Traffic Impacts TRAFFIC VOLUMES & PEAK HOUR CALCULATIONS Intersection: Poinsettia Ln/Aviara Pkv/y Day/Dale: Wed, 10-11-00 City: Carlsbad, CA By: Hartshorn Aviara Pkwy Poinsettia Lane NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND L T R L T R L T R L T R Total Hour Peak Lanes 2 2 0 1 2 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 7:00 AM 99 37 0 2 30 15 19 4 94 3 11 4 318 7:15 AM 108 44 1 3 40 16 27 9 111 3 14 5 381 7:30 AM 112 52 1 7 36 14 25 8 106 3 13 7 384 7:45 AM 122 54 1 3 26 6 47 8 103 0 15 14 399 1482 8:00 AM 86 26 3 9 28 8 28 11 59 3 15 24 300 1464 8:15 AM 84 30 1 7 29 11 15 7 85 1 10 16 296 1379 8:30 AM 77 28 2 5 23 9 18 6 77 0 9 7 261 1256 8:45 AM 79 24 1 3 20 9 14 6 80 2 9 9 256 1113 1482 TOTALS I 7671 2951 lOl 39 232 88 193 59 715 15 96 861 2595 AM PEAK 441 187 15 132 51 118 29 414 53 30 1482 Aviara Pkwy Poinsettia Lane NOR THBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Time L T R L T R L T R L T R Total Hour Peak 4:00 PM 86 28 1 3 28 7 11 11 107 0 10 3 295 4:15 PM 88 35 1 4 26 11 9 13 114 2 14 0 317 4:30 PM 108 38 0 4 34 21 16 13 111 0 9 5 359 4:45 PM 90 42 0 2 37 24 14 11 109 0 6 1 336 1307 5:00 PM 91 32 2 3 39 25 9 16 136 1 10 2 366 1378 5:15 PM 96 34 0 3 33 28 10 13 128 2 11 3 361 1422 5:30 PM 89 41 0 4 36 19 10 16 133 2 7 4 361 1424 5:45 PM 82 44 1 2 30 21 8 14 135 1 6 3 347 1435 1435 TOTALS I 730| 294| 5| 25| 263| 156| 87| 107| 973| 8| 73| 211 2742 PM PEAK 358 151 12 138 93 37 59 532 34 12 1435 SIGNALIZED peakcalc TRAFFIC VOLUMES & PEAK HOUR CALCULATIONS Intersection; Day/Date Poins«ttia/Black Rail Wed, 11-01-00 Cily: Carlsbad. CA By: Hartshorn TOTALS Black Rail Poinsettia NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND L T R L T R L T R L T R Total Hour Peak Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7:00 AM 4 2 2 5 2 3 18 7:15 AM 6 3 5 7 4 6 31 7:30 AM 5 4 6 7 2 3 27 7:45 AM 7 1 2 9 2 7 28 104 8:00 AM 8 3 4 6 5 S 31 117 8:15 AM 5 2 4 7 3 2 23 109 8:30 AM 6 4 3 5 2 3 23 105 8:45 AM 5 2 2 5 4 5 23 100 117 461 21 28 51 24 34 01 01 01 2041 AM PEAK I 261 11| 0| Ol 17| 291 13| 0| 21 1. 0 117 Black Rail Poinsettia NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOl IND WESTBOd JNO Time L T B L T R L T R L T R Total Hour Peak 4:00 PM 4 2 4 3 5 4 22 4:15 PM 2 6 8 2 6 3 27 4:30 PM 2 2 2 4 5 6 22 4:45 PM 1 3 5 6 8 7 30 101 5:00 PM 3 5 5 7 11 4 35 114 5:15 PM 4 5 8 5 5 3 30 117 5:30 PM 2 3 6 8 7 4 30 125 5:45 PM 2 2 4 5 6 5 24 119 125 Pfot ALS 20 28 1 0 1 0 1 « 40 54| 0 36 0 1 0| 0 220 iPMPEAKi 10l lel Ol ol 24| 26| 31| Ol 18| 0| 0| 0|'~12Sl STOP SIGN CONTROL ON POINSETTIA peakcalc TRAFFIC VOLUMES 8. PEAK HOUR CALCULATIONS Intersection: Day/Date: Aviara/Black Rail Thur. 11-02-00 Cily: Carlsbad, CA By: Hartshorn Black Rail Aviara NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND L T R L T R L T R L T R Total Hour Peak Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 7:00 AM 15 0 5 5 0 0 4 97 2 1 86 6 221 7:15 AM 14 0 10 9 0 0 0 144 3 1 100 3 284 7:30 AM 8 1 6 14 0 0 2 160 6 4 162 7 371 7:45 AM 5 0 10 8 0 1 0 124 3 1 157 5 314 1190 8:00 AM 8 0 8 10 0 2 1 155 4 3 133 5 329 1298 8:15 AM 9 2 8 10 1 3 0 107 2 5 133 10 290 1304 8:30 AM 9 0 1 7 0 2 0 107 3 4 96 4 233 1166 8:45 AM 6 0 3 5 0 2 1 111 2 3 101 3 237 1089 1304 TOTALS I 7S| 3| 511 68| 1| 10| 8|1005| 25| 22| 968| 431 2279 IAMPEAKI 311 3| 321 42| lj 6| 3| 546| iSj 13i 5851 27! 1304| Black Rail Aviara NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Time L T R L T R L T R L T R Total Hour Peak 4:00 PM 7 0 3 7 0 0 0 137 5 5 108 7 279 4:15 PM 5 0 4 7 0 0 3 120 4 5 121 7 276 4:30 PM 4 0 4 10 0 1 0 155 10 4 112 e 308 4:45 PM 2 0 2 7 0 1 1 145 4 6 125 2 295 1158 5:00 PM 9 1 6 4 1 0 0 169 6 7 130 4 337 1216 5:15 PM 2 1 7 3 0 0 1 169 9 4 119 6 320 1260 5:30 PM 6 0 4 3 0 1 1 155 6 6 123 4 309 1261 5:45 PM 4 0 3 4 1 0 0 138 5 7 118 3 283 1249 1261 1TOTALS 1 39 2 33 451 2 3 6 1188 49 44 956 40 2407) IPMPEAKI 19| 2| 191 171 1| 2| 3| 6381 25| 23| 497| 15|1261 SIGNALIZED peakcalc PM F- . I Location:Blackt^il n/o Poinsettia Carlsbod Volumes for Wed. U/1/00 10370002 i; I AM Period NB SB PM I'eriod NB SB 12:00-12:15 1 2 12:00-12 15 7 9 12:15-12.30 1 0 12:15-12:30 7 21 12:30-12:45 0 12:30-12:45 11 14 12:45-1.00 1 3 0 2 5 12:45-1:00 10 35 18 62 97 1:00-1:15 1 0 1:00-1:15 12 13 1:15-1:30 1 2 1:15-1:30 13 10 l-30-l;45 1 0 1:30-1:45 11 9 1:45-2:00 1 4 0 2 6 1:45-2:00 9 45 15 47 92 2:00-2:15 0 0 2:00-2:15 11 11 2:15-2:30 0 0 2:15-2:30 13 14 2-30-2:45 0 1 2:30-2:45 9 10 2:45-3:00 0 0 0 1 1 2:45-3:00 15 48 13 48 96 3:00-3:15 1 0 3:00-3:15 12 9 3:15-3:30 0 1 3:15-3:30 13 20 3.30-3:45 0 0 3:30-3:45 10 18 3 45-4:00 0 1 0 1 2 3:45-4:00 15 50 17 64 114 4:00-4:15 1 0 4:00-4:15 13 12 4:15-4:30 0 0 4:15-4:30 11 21 4:30-4:45 0 0 4:30-4:45 10 12 4.45-5:00 0 1 0 0 1 4:45-5:00 12 46 10 55 101 5 00-5:15 1 2 5:00-5:15 13 10 5.15-5:30 0 1 5:15-5:30 15 14 5:30-5:45 1 0 5:30-5:45 13 10 5:45-6:00 0 2 1 4 6 5:45-6:00 13 54 12 46 100 ^;00-6:15 0 1 6:00-6:15 13 13 6:15-6:30 0 4 6:15-6:30 9 11 6:30-6:45 1 4 6:30-6:45 11 9 6.45-7;00 0 1 5 14 15 6:45-7:00 19 52 9 42 94 7:00-7:15 1 9 7:00-7:15 14 8 7:15-7:30 3 16 7:15-7:30 16 14 7 30-7:45 1 14 7:30-7:45 15 6 7:45-8; 00 6 11 16 55 66 7:45-8:00 10 55 6 34 89 8:00-8:15 7 19 8:00-8:15 10 7 6:15-8:30 5 27 8:15-8:30 13 3 8:30-8:45 5 32 8:30-8:45 13 3 8:45-9-00 . 12 29 20 98 127 8:45-9:00 11 47 7 20 67 9:00-9:15 13 43 9:00-9.15 9 4 9:15-9:30 13 17 9:15-9:30 12 3 9:30-9:45 5 17 9:30-9:45 7 2 9:45-10:00 7 38 20 97 135 9:45-10:00 6 34 2 11 45 10:00:10:15 4 13 10:00-10:15 7 4 10 15-10:30 5 14 10:15-10:30 4 1 10:30-10;45 6 18 10:30-10:45 6 3 10:45; 11:00 ; 7 22 11 56 78 10:45-11:00 6 23 2 10 33 11:00-11:15 9 13 11:00-11:15 6 2 11:15-11:30 7 6 11:15-11:30 1 1 11:30-11:45 8 17 n:30-ll:45 2 1 11:45-12:00 7 31 17 53 84 11:45-12:00 3 12 0 4 16 Total Vol i43 383 1^-4 526 501 443 944, Doily Totals 1^-4 644 826 1 1470, t J O 5 2 F- M Location:Blackrafl btn. Poinsettia-Avira Carlsba Voluines for Wed. 11/1/00 10370001 1 V AM Period NB SB PM Period ND SB 12:00-12:15 1 1 12:00-12:15 6 7 12:15-12:30 0 0 12:15-12:30 5 10 12:30-12:45 0 0 12:30-12;45 10 6 60 12:45-1:00 0 1 0" 1 2 12:45-1:00 8 29 8 31 60 1:00-1:15 1 1 L00-l:15 8 16 1:15-1:30 0 0 1:15-1:30 10 4 1:30-1:45 0 0 L30-l:45 8 13 1:45-2:00 0 1 0 1 2 1:45-2:00 7 33 11 44 77 2:00-2:15 0 0 2:00-2:15 6 5 2:15-2:30 . 0 1 2:15-2:30 8 10 2:30-2:45 0 0 2:30-2:45 8 10 2:45-3:00 0 0 0 1 1 2:45-3:00 8 30 12 37 67 3:00-3:15 0 0 3:00-3:15 9 13 3:15-3:30 0 0 3:15-3:30 TO 6 3:30-3:45 0 0 * 3:30-3:45 7 12 3:45-4:00 0 0 0 0 0 3:45-4:00 10 36 12 43 79 4:00-4:15 1 0 4:00-4:15 : 11 9 4:15-4.30 . 0 0 4:15-4:30 11 11 4:30-4:45 0 0 4:30-4:45 10 9. 4:45-5:00 4 5 2 2 7 4:45-5:00 10 42 9 38 80 Too-5:15 0 1 5:00-5:15 9 10 5:15-5:30 0 0 5:15-5:30 11 11 5:30-5:45 0 0 5:30-5:45 13 7 5:45-6:00 1 1 0 1 2 5:45-6:00 4 37 6 71 6:00-6:15 0 1 6:00-6:15 11 6 6:15-6:30 0 2 6:15-6:30 9 6 6:30-6:45 0 0 6:30-6:45 5 5 6:45-7:00 1 1 1 4 5 6:45-7:00 6 31 5 22 53 7:00-7:15 2 4 7:00-7:15 6 4 .7:15-7:30 1 8 7:15-7:30 6 4 7:30-7:45 1 9 7:30-7:45 3 3 7:45-8;00 4 8 14 35 43 7:45-8:00 7 22 4 15 37 8:00-8:15 2 9 8:00-8:15, 6 -. 3 8:15-8:30 3 15 8:15-8:30 5 2 8:30-8:45 8 17 8:30-8:45 5 3 8:45-9:00 7 20 10 .51 71 8:45-9:00 3 19 5 13 32 9:00-9:15 8 13 9:00-9:15 4 1 9:15-9:30 8 11 9:15-9:30 4 1 9:30-9:45 6 7 9:30-9:45 3 2 9:45-10:00 4 26 11 ^42 68 9:45-10:00 4 15 2 6 21 10:00-10; 15 5 10 10:00-10:15 3 2 10:15-10:30 7 9 • 10:15-10:30 2 1 10:30-10:45 4 11 10:30-10:45 2 1 10:45-11:00 4 20 7 . 37 57 10:45-11:00 0 • 7 1 5 12 11:00-11:15 8 9 11:00-11:15 2 1 11:15-11:30 4 6 11:15-11:30 0 1 11:30-11:45 5 7 ll:-30-ll:45 0 1 11:45-12:00 6 23 10 32 55 11:45-12:00 ,. 1 3 0 3 6 total Vol 106 207 313 304 291 595 DaUy Totals -5 410 498 1 908 1 SAN DIEGO REGION AVERAGE WEEKDAY TRAFFIC VOLUMES 1995-1999 MAY 2000 San Diego ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS 401 B Street. Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 595-5300 Th^ report was financed with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation Urban Mass Transportation Administration; state funds from the Califomia Department of Transportation; and local funds from SANDAG member jurisdictions. MuvibUHY/LlAISON MEMBERS. Californ a Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Transit Development Board unmi^n^ r?°.'^°J'^nT'" D°^e'°P'"ent Board. U.S. Department of Defense. San Diego ' Unified Port Distnct, San Diego County Water Authority, and Tijuana/Baja California/Mexico CTFY OF CARLSBAD Average Weekday Traffic 'Voluines (Thousands) Primarv Street First Cross Street Second Cross Street 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1998-99 Chanee ALGARD ELCAMINOREAL AUCANTE ST 19.7 20.0E 21.1 22.0E 24.0 9% ALGARD AUCANTE ST ELFUERTEST 12.6 13.5 13.5 14.0E 13.5 -4% ALGARD ELFUERTEST MELROSE DR 8.6 9.2 9.2N 10.1 10.7 6% AUCANTE RD ALGARD CORTE DE LA VISTA 6.5N 7.0E 7.1 7.0 7.0N 0% AMBROSIA LN POINSETTIA LN AVIARA PKWY O.ON 0.0N O.ON 3.6 4.0E 11% ARMADA DR LEGOLAND DR PALOMAR AIRPORT RD O.ON O.ON 1.6 3.6 3.7 3% AVENIDA ENCINAS CANNON RD PALOMAR AIRPORT RD 10.5 10.5N 12.4 12.2 12.5E 2% AVENIDA ENCINAS PALOMAR AIRPORT RD TRANSIT CENTER 6.1 5.8 5.8N 7.2 7.5E 4% AVENIDA ENCINAS TRANSIT CENTER POINSETTIA LN 5.4 5.4 5.4N 6.0 6.3E 5% AVENIDA ENCINAS POINSETnALN SAN LUCAS (RALPHS ENT) 11.5 10.8 10.4 12.6 12.3 -2% AVENIDA ENCINAS SAN LUCAS (RALPHS ENT) CARLSBAD BLVD O.ON 1.1 1.1 1.9 1.9 0% AVIARA PKWY PALOMAR AIRPORT RD COBBLESTONE RD O.ON O.ON 0.0N 1.2 1.5 25% A'VIARA PKWY PLUMTREERD POINSETnALN O.ON O.ON 1.0E 2.4 2.7E 13% AVIARA PKWY POINSETnALN FOUR SEASONS PT 8.4 10.4 13.4 13.4 14.0E 4% AVIARA PKWY FOUR SEASONS PT AMBROSIA LN 8.4 10.4 12.2 13.0 13.6E 5% AVIARA PKWY AMBROSL\ LN MIMOSA DR 9.7 10.6 14.1 14.9 15.5E 4% AVIARA PKWY MIMOSA DR EL CAMINO REAL 16.4 16.1 18.1 18.9 17.1 -10% BATIQUITOS DR POINSETnALN KESTREL DR 2.2 2.2N 4.2 5.9 6.3E 7% BATIQUrrOSDR KESTREL DR AVIARA PKWY 1.3N 3.0 2.9 3.1 3.3E 6% CALLE ACERVO CAMINO DE LOS COCHES CALLE BARCELONA 1.2 2.5E 3.0E 3.6 4.0E 11% CALLE ACERVO CALLE BARCELONA RANCHO SANTA FE RD O.ON 1.8 2.0 5.1 5.5E 8% CALLE BARCELONA ELCAMINOREAL PASEO AUSO O.ON O.ON O.ON 2.2 5.1 132% CALLE BARCELONA PASEO AUSO PASEO AVELLANO O.ON O.ON O.ON O.ON 2.4 0% CALLE BARCELONA PASEO AVELLANO RANCHO SANTA FE RD O.ON 0.0N 0.0N O.ON 1.6 0% CALLE BARCELONA RANCHO SANTA FE RD CALLE ACERVO 4.6 5.8 5.8N 5.2 5.5E 6% 05 I OTY OF CARLSBAD Primary Street POINSETnA LN POINSETnALN POINSETnA LN POINSETnA LN POINSETnA LN POINSETnA LN RANCHO SANTA FE RD RANCHO SANTA FE RD RANCHOSANTAFERD RANCHOSANTAFERD RANCHO SANTA FE RD ROOSEVELT ST ROOSEVELT ST ROOSEVELT ST/MAGNOUA AVE STATE ST STATE ST STATE ST TAMARACK AVE TAMARACK AVE TAMARACK AVE TAMARACK AVE TAMARACK AVE TAMARACK AVE TAMARACK AVE TAMARACK AVE Average Weekday Traffic Volumes (Thousands) First Cross Street Second Cross Street 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1998-99 Chanee CARLSBAD BLVD AVENIDA ENCINAS 5.3 5.4 4.1 6.1 6.5E 7% AVENIDA ENCINAS INTERSTATE 5 12.1 13.4 15.0 18.1 19.0E 5% INTERSTATE 5 PASEO DEL NORTE 16.3 18.4 22.5 26.7 27.5E 3% PASEO DEL NORTE BAnQUITOS DR 12.6 15.1 18.8 21.5 20.4 -5% BAnQUITOS DR AVIARA PKWY 8.1 10.6 14.3 13.8 13.8N 0% AVIARA PKWY BLACK RAIL RD 0.0N 0.0N O.ON O.ON 1.6 0% MELROSE DR QUESTHAVEN RD 23.3 23.6 23.3 25.5 26.2 3% QUESTHAVEN RD LACOSTAAVE 21.2 21.9 22.7 24.4 25.1 3% LACOSTAAVE CALLE BARCELONA 16.5 18.8E 20.5E 24.0 25.0E 4% CALLE BARCELONA OUVENHAIN RD 18.4 21.0 21.6 26.6 27.5E 3% OLIVENHAIN RD AVD LA POSTA/CALLE ACERVO 11.5 11.4 11.8 11.5 14.2 23% LAGUNA DR CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR 6.7 6.5 7.0E 7.0N 7.0N 0% CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CHESTNUT AVE 4.2 4.2N 5.1 5.9 5.9N 0% CHESTNUT AVE JEFFERSON ST 4.7 4.7N 4.7E 4.7 4.7N 0% CARLSBAD BLVD LAGUNA DR 6.2 6.2N 6.3 6.3N 6.3N 0% LAGUNA DR GRAND AVE 5.8 5.7 5.8E 5.6 5.6N 0% GRAND AVE CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR 5.6 5.0 5.3E 5.3N 5.3N 0% CARLSBAD BLVD JEFFERSON ST 9.0 10.9 10.5 ll.OE 11.0N 0% JEFFERSON ST INTERSTATE 5 15.1 15.5E 15.5N 16.0 16.0N 0% INTERSTATE 5 PIO PICO DR 17.6 18.0E 18.0N 203 20.3N 0% PIO PICO DR ADAMS ST 14.8 14.8N 14.9 15.5E 16.0E 3% ADAMS ST HIGHLAND DR 11.6 11.6N 12.3 12.3N 12.5E 2% HIGHLAND DR VALLEY ST 9.2 9.2N 9.7 9.7N lO.OE 3% VALLEYST PARKDR 8.9 8.9N 9.4 9.4N 9.7E 3% PARKDR ELCAMINOREAL 6.9 7.0E 7.7 7.3 7.8E 7% QroiutH Management TCan City of Corlsbad Califomia 1999 Hsaffic Monitonng Program City of Carlsbad 2075 La$ Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 lYeparetf^j/: • TK I • I I IM ( > I <• >( 11 K_'^ VRPA Technologiei 9683 Tierra Grande Jlreel, Juite 205 San Diego, CA 92126 (858) 566-1766 Weekly Summary Report > Generated by MSC3000 Version 2.01 Copyright 1990-1992 Hitron Systems Corporation Location Poinsettia LnrPaseo del Norte-Batiquitos Location Code 1499 County San Diego County- Recorder Set 07/24/99 17:43 Recording Start ... 07/27/99 00:00 Recording End 07/29/99 00:00 Sample Time 15 Minutes Operator Number ... 8 772 Machine Number .... 20348 Channel 1 Recorder Mode Volume c of July-25, 1999. Channel: 1 Direction: W End 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Wkday Daily Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Ava. Ava. 01:00 38 46 42 42 02 : 00 12 25 19 19 03 : 00 16 12 14 14 04 : 00 14 15 15 15 05 : 00 32 31 32 32 06 : 00 178 176 177 177 07 : 00 505 499 502 502 08 : 00 743 706 725 725 09 : 00 750 784 767 767 10 : 00 627 706 667 667 11 : 00 634 622 628 628 12 : 00 635 677 656 656 13 : 00 635 681 658 658 14 : 00 678 707 693 693 15 : 00 641 704 673 673 16 : 00 771 769 770 770 17 : 00 661 728 695 695 18 : 00 671 727 699 699 19 : 00 595 597 596 596 20 :00 378 454 416 416 21 : 00 264 275 270 270 22 : 00 187 241 214 214 23 : 00 102 130 116 116 24 : 00 81 101 91 91 Totals 9848 10413 10131 10131 Avg Wkday Avg Day 97.2 102.8 97.2 102.8 AM Peak Hr AM Count 09:00 09:00 750 7.84 PM Peak Hr PM Count 16:00 16:00 771 769 Weekly Summary Report , Generated by MSC3000 Version 2.01 Ccpyrigtjt 1990-1992 Hitron Systems Corporation Location Poinsettia Ln:Paseo del Norte-Batiquitos Location Code 14 99 County San Diego County Recorder Set 07/24/99 17:43 Recording Start ... 07/27/99 00:00 Recording End 07/29/99 00:00 Sample Time 15 Minutes Operator Number ... 8772 Machine Number .... 20348 Channel 2 Recorder Mode Volume K. of July 25, 1999. Channel: 2 Direction: E End 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Wkday Daily Time Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Ava. Ava. 01:00 52 68 60 60 02 : 00 31 34 33 33 03 : 00 28 24 26 26 04 : 00 12 10 11 11 05 : 00 20 23 22 22 06 : 00 116 107 112 112 07 : 00 368 344 356 356 08 : 00 453 503 478 478 09 : 00 509 558 534 534 10 : 00 480 504 492 492 11: 00 469 510 490 490 12 : 00 535 575 555 555 13 : 00 638 610 624 624 14 : 00 593 676 635 635 15 : 00 648 650 649 649 16 : 00 713 716 715 715 17 : 00 840 807 824 824 18 : 00 973 970 972 972 19 : 00 799 874 837 837 20 : 00 585 577 581 581 21 : 00 448 475 462 462 22 : 00 379 389 384 384 23 : 00 247 273 260 260 24 : 00 123 164 144 144 Totals 10059 10441 10250 10250 % Avg Wkday % Avg Day 98.1 101.9 98.1 101.9 AM Peak Hr AM Count 12:00 12:00 535 575 PM Peak Hr PM Count 18:00 18:00 973 970 11/02/2000 13:22 744:30'32 IJR0URI:.E EIIGlMEERItIG PAGE 01 „ O'Rourke Enj^iiuHM iiu; Phone: 70(.)-74.'l-3599 !lin'Mtn;().-^, (:.\ 9206!) ORourkt'Engrng^CS.COni Engineering Transmittal To: Bill.Darnell From: Melissa Dale Date: Thursday, November 2, 2000 Subject: 2020 Forecast Volmies Attached uer your request arc the 2020 forecast volumes for Poinsettia LN, Black RaU Road, and Ambrosia Road. Ifyou have any questions or comments you can caU Erik or myself. Thank you f L£G£NO TRAVEl LANE (X) - NUW6ER OF Ui^NES Ji. - STOP aoi I - TRAFRC SIGNAL Darnell & ASsomTzs. mc. , , FIGURE T^W'e, ^^^^^^BSTjL CONDITIONS t j X.. 8 -n I:: CIRCULATION PLAN cnr OF CARLSBAD CIRCULATION PLAN -H-H- RAILROAD FREEWAY —- PRIME ARTERIAL PA(L MAvX)R ARTERIAL ^ .C^ r p K) SECONDARY ARTERIAL f^-^ COLLECTOR STREET MAP 1 Page 11 o U3 VO O in in" in o o o O O in CO r^ (N n <N •<r m IN fNI rH o r-i H O VO o in o s o o n o o o in o o o o in H o o o o" t-i o n n 0 0 0 0 in •i\ VD OJ ' in vo *• in vo fM •<r n rvi H o n o o CO O vo vo" -7 o cn CXI OD n o rH o tN m o in O O vp in vo tn CQ r- o o o o o n n 10 vo" rvi 0 0 0 0 0 vo 0 vo fN rH H o o o in vo vo"" vo vo N" -^r fN fvi fM Febr uary 29 Febru iJanua Nove mber Mareh SANTEC / ITE GUIDELINES FORTRAFFIC IMPACT STUDIES [TIS] IN THE SAN DIEGO REGION 30,1999 2000 DRAFT PREFACE These guidelines are subject to continual update, as future technology and documentation become available. Always check with local jurisdictions for tiieir preferred or applicable procedures. Committee Compilation by Kent A. Whitson Reviewed by committee members: Hank Morris (co-chair), Tom Parry (co-chair), Arnold Torma (co-chair), Susan O'Rourke, Bill Darnell, Labib Qasem, John Boarman, Ralph Leyva, and Erik Ruehr Additional review by: Ann French Gonsalves, Bill Figge, Bob Goralka, and Gary Halbert - lb service of "C." Individual local jurisdictions, as well as Caltrans, have slightly different LOS objectives. For example, tlie Regional Growth Management Strategy for San Diego has a levei-of-service objective of "D;" while the Congestion Management Program has estabhshed a minimum level-of-service of "£", or "F" if that is the existing 1990 base year LOS. In other words, if the existing LOS is "D" or worse, preservation of the existing LOS must be maintained or acceptable mitigation must be identified. These guidelines do not estabhsh a legal standard for these functions, but are intended to supplement any individual TIS manuals or level-of-service objectives for the various jurisdictions. These guidelines attempt to consohdate regional efforts to identify when a . TIS is needed, what professional procedures should be followed, and what constitutes a significant traffic impact. The instructions outlined in these guidelines are subject to update as future conditions and experience become available. Special situations may call for variation from these guidelines. Caltrans and lead agencies should agree on the specific methods used in traffic impact studies involving any State Route facilities, including metered and unmetered freeway ramps. IV. NEED FOR A STUDY A TIS should be prepared for all projects which generate traffic greater than 1,000 total average daily trips (ADT) or 100 peak-hour trips. If a proposed project is not in confor- mance with the land use and/or transportation element of the general or community plan, use threshold rates of 500 ADT or 50 peak-hour trips. Early consultation with any affected jurisdictions is strongly encouraged since a "focused" or "abbreviated" TIS may slill be required - even ifthe above threshold rates are not met. Currently, a Congestion Management Program (CMP) analysis is required for all large projects, which are defined as generating 2,400 or more average daily trips or 200 or more peak-hour trips. This size of study would usually include computerized long-range forecasts and select zone assignments. Please refer to the following flow chart (Figure I) for TIS requirements. The geographic area examined in the TIS must include the following: AJl local roadway segments (including all State surface routes), intersections, and mainline freeway locations where the proposed project will add 50 or more peak-hour trips in either direction to the existing roadway traffic. All freeway entrance and exit ramps where the proposed project will add a significant number of peak-hour trips to cause any traffic queues to exceed ramp storage capacities (see Figure 1). (NOTE: Care must be taken to include other ramps and intersections that may receive project traffic diverted as a result of already existing, or project causing congestion at freeway entrances and exits.) Table 1 MEASURE OF SIGNIFICANT PROJECT TRAFFIC IMPACTS Level of Service wilh Project* Allowable Change due to Project Impact** Freeways Roadway Segments Intersections Ramp*** Metering V/C Speed (mph) V/C Speed (mph) Delay (sec.) Delay(min.) D. E. & F (or ramp meter delays above 15 min.) 0.01 1 0.02 1 2 2 NOTES: All level of service measurements are based upon HCM procedures for peak-hour conditions. However, V/C ratios for Roadway Segments may be estimated on an ADT/24-hour traffic volume basis (using Table 2 or a similar LOS chart for each jurisdiction). The acceptable LOS for freeways, roadways, and intersections is generally "D" ("C" for undeveloped or not densely developed locations per jurisdiction definitions). For metered freeway ramps, LOS does not apply. However, ramp meter delays above 15 minutes are considered excessive. If a proposed project's traffic causes the values shown in the table to be exceeded, the impacts are determined to be significant. These impact changes may be measured from appropriate computer programs or expanded manual spreadsheets. The project applicant shall then identify feasible mitigation (within the Traffic Impact Study [TIS] report) that will maintain the traffic facility at an acceptable LOS. If the LOS wilh the proposed project becomes unacceptable (see above * note), or if the project adds a significant amount of peak-hour trips to cause any traffic^iueues lo exceed on- or off-ramp storage capacities, the project applicani shall be responsible for mitigating significant impact changes. See Attachment B for ramp metering analysis. KEY: V/C = Speed = Delay = LOS = Volume to Capacity ratio Speed measured in miles per hour Average stopped delay per vehicle measured in seconds for intersections, or minutes for ramp meters Level of Service TRAFFIC REPORT TECHNICAL APPENDICES DRAFT PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT for the VILLAGES OF LA COSTA MASTER PLAN (2000) MP 98-01 Lead Agency: CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project Applicant: MORROW DEvr.LopMr.N r Preptired Iiy: T&B PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. 3242 Halladay, Suite 100 Santa Ana, California 92705 /// Association with: Jack Henthorn & Associates - Planning Consultants O'Day Consultants - Civil Engineers Hunsaker & Associates - Civil Engineers GEOCON- Geoteclmical Linscott, Law & Greenspan - Traffic Analysis Helix Environmental Planning- Biologv Investigative Science & Engineering - Noise and Air Quality RECON- Archaelogical Resources Date: Januarj' 23, 2001 POINSETTIA LMiE/ PASEO DEL NORTE I 21/ 569 Jl 1188/1273 — 49/ 178"^ I I 140/172 912/976 r 75/ 72 ALGA ROAD/ AUCANTE ROAD I I I [ I ® CD O cs nio — CO- — <- 9/ 16 •— 440/686 r 5/ B 254/ 78 330/546 — 61/458"> o) Ol r» \ ) POINSETTIA L^NE/ AVIARA PARKWAY POINSETTIA UNE/ AUCANTE RQAD IN CO eg o-v to 276/ 60 ^ 695/599 — 97/332 "> 145/ 56 — 468/506 r 20/ 50 •.J- cn CN o-^n — CN OC-I ID n* 515/270,/ 555/495 — 20/ 30 ~> k^ 20/ 25 630/930 /' 10/ 80 o in m 1^ —o — n ALGA ROAD/ EL FUERTE STREET L»i COSTA AVENUE/ 1-5 SB RAMPS 71/ 18 616/338 — 3/ 15-> ^. 489/ 84 -^219/1033 r 22/ 233 no Ol — n n n Ol — to — CM 484/576 — 126/141 484/484 r 501/363 POINSETTIA LANE/" EL FUERTE STREET tnoo Ol OQ CN IT) 225/165 _> 695/300 — 120/165"> ^ 55/ 35 295/700 iT 10/115 omo — oo cs to — LA COSTA AVENUE/ 1-5 NB RAMPS ' LEUCADIA BOULEVARD/ QUAIL GARDEN DRIVE QUESTHAVEN ROAD/ STREET^^A^ ' — •Ol ^^n — om moo K. 17/123 834/873 r 356/334 1/ 7^ 645/904 — 46/ 43"> -^t/' (OOO w n in to IO ro QUESTHAVEN ROAD/-ELFIN FOREST ROAD O CD mo 99/ 135^ 1496/1532 — V_ 689/631 1108/899 01 n Ol r^n — PM — 0(0 CO V- CT) Ln IO n 145/754,^ 981/674 — 457/548 "> 68/436 506/816 r 9/ 45 CUD ' — CO ' to o o RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD/ R^I^SfTf^CE SOUTH OF MELROSE Dj?IVE 5J« RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD/ OAKS ENTRANCE SOUTH OF QUESTHAVEN ROAD ^^ 30/ 60 10/ 20 r 20/110 EL FUERTE STREET/ RIDGE WEST ENTRAJ^CE 10/5,> 2/1 — 10/5-> o — m — cs m csOm omm \\\ m mc4 V.30/6 — 10/2 r 1/1 45/30 ^ 2/10 — 25/35•> ) mo — mo — ALGA ROAD/ RIDGE NORTH ENTRANCE 686/1289 ALGA ROAD/nRST ENTRANCE EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL 977/736 — 5/ 20 •> mocM o'^m' n r 2/ 30^ 607/1281 — 5/ 15 2/ 3 984/829 r 2/ 10 loo^cg moo I I ^Pi^P^^IPlA/FlRST ENTRANCE {EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL 800/1042 r 5/ 20 1022/815 — 10/ 40^ om POINTSETriA/nRST ENTRANCE EAST OF AUCANTE ROAD TOjiiTSErWSECOND EKTRANCE [EAST OF AUCANTE ROAD 950/561 — ^ 5/ 25 518/942 nm K. 2/ 15 *- 508/965 2/ 15 948/546 k AM/PM AM/PM ^AM/PM E-W STREET ti UJ ti UJ N-S STF N-S STF NO SCALE REV. 08/17/00 LLG723A.DWG LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN ENGINEERS Figure 52 2020 WITH PROJECT PEAK HOUR VOLUMES AM/PM PEAK HOURS -143- VILLAGES OF LA COSTA 40,600 I I -v-'-J .1 •1 •1 •I •I •J •J •J I LEGEND I I'l — Indicates Zone Areas I [• • • • • • I - Indicates Villages of La I .~ . _ . . . I Costa Project Area -.J""u_ J XX.XXX — Indicates ADT Volume SANDAG Plot Date: 09/27/99 NO SCALE REV. 10/09/00 nG20-1-723.DWG LINSCOTT LAW& GREENSPAN ENGINEERS Figure 46 YEAR 2020 BACKGROUND + PROJECT ADTS -131-VILUGES OF LA COSTA 2020 w/p am Thu Aug 17, 2000 10:10:42 Page 12-1 r * « * * T» * 1 Level Of Service Comoutation Report 1S97 KCM Operations Method {Base Volume Alternative) Intersection #38 Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Parkwav Cycle (sec): 120 • ****! r ***** 1 r ****** ^ ******************^ ********* Critical Vol./Cap. (X)• LOSS Time (sec): 12 (Y^R = 4 sec) Average Delay (sec/veh): Level Of Service: Optimal Cycle: ************** 47 Approach: Movement: ****** North Bound L-T-R r ****** , South Bound L-T-R Control: Rights: Min. Green: La.nes : Split Phase Include 5 10 10 2 0 110 I - Volume Module: Base Vol: Growth Adj: Initial Ese: User Adj: FHF Adj: PK? Volume: Reduct Vol: Reduced Vol: PCE Adj: ML? Adj: ?inal Vol.: Split Phase Include 5 10 10 0 10 10 I i 301 1.00 301 1.00 424 1.00 424 1.00 0.95 0.95 317 446 0 317 0 446 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 317 446 62 .00 62 .00 .95 65 0 65 ,00 ,00 65 76 .00 76 .00 .95 80 0 80 141 1.00 141 1.00 0.95 148 0 148 Saturation Flow Module: Sat/Lane: 2000 2000 Adjustment: 0.90 1.00 Lanes: 2.00 1.72 Final Sat. : 3600 3443 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 80 148 67 .00 67 .00 .95 71 0 71 ,00 00 71 2000 0.90 0.28 502 2000 2000 0.90 1.00 0.56 0.94 1013 1875 Capacity Ana Vol/Sat: Crit Mo-ves : Green/Cycle: Volume/Cap: Uniform Del: IncremntDel: Delay Adj: Delay/Veh: User DelAdj: AdjDel/Veh: DesignQueue: **********, I 2000 0.90 0 .50 899 ysis Module: 0 .09 0 .13 * * * * 0. 13 0 . 08 0.08 * * * * 0. 08 0.26 0.26 0. 26 0. 16 0.16 0. 16 0.34 0.51 0. 51 0 . 51 0.51 0. 51 36.4 38.1 38 .1 46 .4 46.4 46 .4 0.2 0.4 0 .4 0 .7 0.7 0 .7 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 36.6 38.5 38 .5 47 . 1 47.1 47 . 1 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 36.6 38.5 38 .5 47 . 1 47.1 47 . 1 16 23 3 5 9 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * East Bound L-T-R Protected Include 5 10 10 2 0 110 ***************** 0.506 34.6 C *************,t West Bound L-T-R I Protected Include 5 10 10 10 110 276 695 1.00 1.00 276 1.00 0.95 291 0 291 695 1.00 0.95 732 0 732 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 291 732 97 1.00 97 1.00 0.95 102 0 102 1.00 1.00 102 20 .00 20 .00 468 1.00 468 1.00 0.95 0.95 21 493 0 21 .00 .00 21 0 493 1.00 1.00 493 145 1.00 145 1.00 0.95 153 0 153 1.00 1.00 153 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 0.90 1.00 0.90 0.90 1.00 0.90 2.00 1.73 0.27 1.00 1.49 0.51 3600 3464 483 1800 2974 923 0.08 0.21 0.21 0.01 0 .17 0.17 * * * * * * * * 0.16 0.45 0.45 0.04 0.33 0.33 0.51 0.47 0.47 0.28 0.51 0.51 46.1 23.4 23.4 55.8 32.5 32.5 0.7 0.2 0.2 2.0 0.3 0.3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 46.8 23.6 23.6 57.8 32.8 32 .8 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 46.8 23.6 23.6 57 . 8 32 . 8 32 .8 17 29 4 1 23 7 * * * * * * * * * * ****** *************, Traffix 7.1.0607 (c) 1999 Dowling Assoc. Licensed to LLG, SAN DIEGO, CA APPENDIX B >Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church Phasing Plan Proposed Phase One Program - Option E , —• _ Focus Facility Qty SF/Qty Est S/SF Total Area Est Total S • norsitip ' • Worship Center (Seats) 200 15 $ 80 3,000 $ 240,000 Sacristy 1 240 $ 55 240 $ 13,200 Sound System 1 allow $ 25,000 Organ / Keyboards 1 allow $ 55,000 Narthex 67 8 $ 75 533 $ . 40,000 Nursery for 15 1 525 $ 55 525 $ 28,875 Elevator 1 allow $ •36,000 Restrooms 2 265 $ 65 530 $ 34,450 Subtotal 4,828 $ 472,525 Artwork 2% $ 9,451 Storage 10% $ 35 483 $ 16,899 Circulation 5% $ 35 241 $ 8,450 Mechanical 3% $ 35 145 $ 5,070 Total Worship Church Offices 5.697 S 512,394 (1) Infant Rm for 8 (i)2yr. old Rms for 8 2 2 280 280 $ 55 560 C ^ (\ $ 30,800 (in yr-KRmsfor8 2 £ttj\J 280 * $ JJ 55 560 560 $ $ 30,800 30,800 Lobby 1 200 $ 55 200 $ 11,000 student Restrooms 2 135 $ 65 270 $ 17,550 Subtotal 2,150 $ 120,950 storage 5% $ 35 108 $ 3,763 Circulation 10% $ 35 215 $ 7,525 Mechanical 3% $ 35 • 65 $ 2,258 Total ChUd Care provements 2,537 $ 134,495 W,E,F,S 1 8,795 $ 1.90 8,795 $ 16,710 Grading 1 200,228 $ 0.90 200,228 $ 180,205 Irrigation & Landscape 1 22,062 $ 1.75 22,062 $ 38,609 Outdoor Fellowship Courtyard 67 15 $ 5.00 1,000 $ 5,000 Preschool Outdoor Play Area 24 75 $ 2.75 1,800 $ 4,950 Church Parking 100 350 $ 2.50 35,000 $ 87,500 Total Site Improvements 268,885 J 332,975 I 6-1 01/09/2000 Proposed Phase One Program - Option E Redeemer by the Sea LutheranChurch - Carisbad, CA > SithtotaK Constmction Costs i,mmsM Other Considerations Agency Fees, Conditions 3% $ 30,269 A/E Fees 12% $ 121,078 GC Overhead + Profit 17% $ 171,527 Insurance 3.00% $ 30,269 Performance Bond 2.00% $ .20,180 Interest (Construction Loan) 8.75% $ 22,071 Blueprinting, Repro 0.20% $ 2,018 Fumishings, Fixtures, Equip 15% $ 151,347 Contingency 10% $ 100,898 Subtotal, Other Considerations $ 649,658 8,795 $ 189 01/1)9/2000 •om •' 'Joertman FHONE No. : 760 721 6S74 May. 16 2000 9: 18IHM P02 Master FacUitit s Program - 1,^00 Members Redeemer by the Sea LutheranChurch - CarUbad, CA hocus Fadlity y^rship gry SF/Qry E.U S/SF Total Area_ Worship Ctfiiter (Scata)^ Choir (Scats) ^ "Sacrlsiv 40ri 15 95 6.090 % 50 12 95 600 $ 240 65 480 % Cr Kr.» ii 240 63 240 $ ":o'»t'ri Booth 200 $ 65 200 - Musfc Dlrer.t(>rK Office - Music Lib.'ary 250 65 250 230 75 250 S - Choir R'-/J>n (Seuiy) 49 25 65 1.218 % Sound .S /siom allow Or^tni / KeyboarclH allow $ 203 85 1,624 $ .Est Tolal $ rb'3> 578,550 57.000_ 31,200 15,600 13,000 16,250 Jl8,7.50_ 79,170 25,000 55.000 138,040 f^. Nursery for ?.5 \l r.Rlrooms 1 2 950 530 $ 65 9.S 950 l.OftO S S 61.750 100,700 Subtotal 12,962 y j,j9n,nio Artwork 2% s 23,800 - .Storp,';e 10% S 35 1,296 $ 45,367 CiiT.u'd'.ion 5% $ 35 648 $ 22,684 Mtirrdnical 3% s 35 389 $ 13,610 Total Worship 15,295 s 1,295,471 Ailuli .Kundav Sehoul/Bible Studv Classrooms/Meettna Rooms — Classro. m.s for 40 1 1200 S 65 1,200 $ 78,000 MtgR..oinsfor30 2 900 $ 65 1,800 s 117,000 Re.<;trci)m.<; 2 290 S' 85 580 $ 49,300 Subtotal 3,580 s 244,300 Storai! C' 5% $ 35 179 $ 6,265 Circulation 5% $ 35 9 $ 313 Mechanical 3% !• s 35 107 s 3,759 fatal Sunday School / Bible Study 3,875 $ 254,637 <:hurch O/pcci S'a^r 1. junee 1 250 s 65 250 5 16,250 fy'iTcjtP.- — —^r— I'aslors 2 300 65 600 $ Yoijtli Coordinator 1 120 i 65 120 $ 7,800 »i AAA Par-ih Administrator 1 120 65 120 $ 7,800 Adult Coordinator 0 120 65 -s Child Coordinator 1 120 s 65 120 s 7,800 YouMg Adiill Coordinator 1 120 65 120 s 7,800 Work-pace Tor Support Suff 2 175 85 350 $ 29,750 "Supiiort StalT 1 • 650 $ 65 650 $ 42,2.50 Con'erence Room 25 15 65 375 % 24,375 Fireproof Storage Room Restroom^ 1 2 175 189 t $ 85 85 175 378 s $ 14,875 32,136 Tt'jrj:,c Tivculalion Subtotal 5% 10% i $ is 35 3,258 163 326 $ % % 229.H3V 5.702 11,403 OI/04/iOOO RECE'.'VED TIME MAY. 16. 9:.17RM ^> om ••. ,K Uoer tman PHONE No. 760 721 6674 May. 16 2000 9:i8fiM P03 Master FacUHiss Program - 1,300 Memben Redeemer by the Sen LutheranChurch - CarLsbad, CA Mechanical 3% 35 98 $ 3.421 Total Church Offices <V,lld Care /PreSchool for 118 3,H44 S 250,355 Classrooms: -S • (i^lnl^Mll^msforg 280 i ' 560 s 42,000 (3) 2yr. .>ld Kins for 14 3 560 $ 65 1,680 $ 109.200 i';,)V>v-Kknisror56 3 700 $ 65 2,100 $ 136,500 1 200 $ 65 200 $ 1.^,000 Lmu-h Room (Occ's) li $ 65 708 s 46,020 Kilchen CS';rvinB) 59 3 % 85 177 $ 15,045 Nurse/Si.;k Room 1 250 75 250 % 18,750 Mu.sic I'oom (Occ's) 40 9 65 360 "$ 23,400 .Siudcm Re.stroums i 530 85 1,060 "$ 90.100 Pre Sciiool Qfftc.p..<t: DiJ'ector 1 300 $ 65 300 $ 19,500 A.s.s'l Director 1 200 65 $ 13,000 Suppori Slair 1 200 £ 65 200 .$ 13.000 Conf Room (Occupants) 8 15 $ 65 120 $ 7,800 Orr:r» Re-strooms 2 189 i 85 378 $ 32,130 Subtotal 8,293 $ 494,015 Stora«;<f 5% i 35 415 $ 14,513 jT7cj'ation 10% s 35 829 $ 29,026 "Klcfnanical 3% $ 35 249 s 8,708 Total Child Care Elrmentary Sch/'ol for 240 Students 9,786 5 546,261 Compi .cr Learning Center (Workstation.?) 30 30 $ 65 900 $ 58.500 Medio Centcr/Iyibrnry 1 900 $ 65 900 s 58,500 Classi jonis for 24 Stude-.ts each 10 900 s 65 9,000 $ 585,000 Student Restrooms 6 290 s 85 1,740 $ 147,900 Nursc/Sick Room 1 250 s 75 250 $ 18,750 Day Srhr^' l OfTicci: Principal 1 300 s 65 300 s 19,500 Vice Principal 1 200 s 65 200 $• 13,000 'A'o/kspacc for Support Staff 2 175 85 350 s 29,750 SU|i|J6n ATatT Workroom 1 600 65 600 $ 39,000 Stttfl i.ounge 1 250 $ 65 250 $ 16.2 .SO Conli.'foncc Room (Occupants) 12 ' 15 s 65 180 $ 11.700 School Office Restrooms 2 189 85 378 $ 32,130 Subtotal 15,048 $ . 849,900 I)li0ii2000 RECE.'VED TIME MRY. 16. SMI'fiM .K Uoertnic.T PHONE No. 760 721 6674 Muster FacUities Program - 1,300 Members Redeemer by the Sea LutheranChurch - Carlsbad, CA May.16 2000 9:19ftM P05 Storay; 5% 35 752 $ 5% 35 752 $ Mr^'ir.nical 3% 35 451 $ Total Day School 17.004 S Elder Center ts •V-/ If Conf R iKim (Occupants) 8 As.semhly Room (Oocur'«"ts) 15 65 120 $ 32 75 390 S Game Uoom (Occ's) Lobby Kilchen (Serving Capacity) 16 12 65 195 $ 200 65 200 S 32 85 130 $ N ur.<?c/S ick Room P ,-str'j/ims 250 75 250 $ 2 530 85 1,060 $ Subtidal 2.345 S Storage _ Circnlati'.vn Mochaoicfll 10% 35 234 $ 10% 35 234 $ 3% 35 70 $ Total Elder Care. 2M4 $ Family Life Center Youth. Meeting Rooms Firesiile Room (Occ's) 1200 65 /2,40U $ 40 30 $ 65 Thealcr (Occ's) 120 18 $ 65 1,200 / ,$ 2,160 K$ Great Hall / (iym (Occ'.s) 650 115 $ 65 /9:750 /$ Changing Rooms Kilchen (Serving Capacity) 750 S 85 Ul',5004-i$ \ 520 85 2,080 $ Fitness Center Church Store 300 65 300 $ 300 75 300 $ ResirO('.;ms 216 $ 85 432 $ Subtotal 20,122 $ Stora I jC 5% 35 1.006 $ Circulation 5% 35 50 $ Mechanical 3% 35 604 $ Support Services Total Family Life Center 21,782 S Maintcr,;tr.ce Shop 1 2400 Total Support Services 26,334 26,334 15,800 918,368 7,800 29,232 12,667 13.000 11.043 18,750 90.100 182,592 8,206 8,206 •2,462 201,466 156.000 78,000 140,400 633,750 127,500 176.800 19,500 22.500 36,720 1,391,170 35,214 1.761 21,128 1,449,272 I RECEIVED TIME MAY.16. (b'S 9:4?flM (11/04/2000 From K Uoertman PHONE No. : 760 721 6674 May.16 2000 9:ISAM P04 Master FacUities Program -1,300 Members Redeemer by the Sea LutheranChurch - Carlsbad, CA 7lte Improvements W,E,F.S Grading TtT'iga tion & Landscape Ou<.£i!»w Fellowship Courtyard Churcl" Parking 1 203 Preschool Outdoor Play Area 118 Day School Outdoor Play A ica 240 74^71 .H 1.90 74,471 $ I , 243,182 $ 0.90 243,1X2 S 1 186,327 $ 1.73 186,327 $ 15 $ S.OO 3,045 $ 75 $ 2.75 8,850 $ 75 $ 1.9.5 18.000 $ 162 350 $ 2.75 Total Site Improvements 56,840 $ 590,715 S 141,495 218,864 326,072 15.225 24,338 35,100 156.310 917,403 1 0:'lier Con ^idf rations .\g<"iicy Fees, Conditions 3% $ 175,631 A/F, Fees 12% ! S 702.523 GC Ove/nead + Profit 17% % 995,242 Insurance 3.00% % 175,631 Perfor; iance Bond 2.00% % 117,087 Intcrc!'. (Construciion Loan) 8.75% % 128,064 DIuep-inting, Rcpro 0.20% % 11,709 Furnishings, Fixtures, Equip ' 20% 1 s 1,170,872 Conliiigcjioy 10% s 585,436 Subtotal, Other Considerations 4,062,196 liiiiiniiiiOiliHiniliHiiiilWiiinn oi.'(\i.'i.ati{t RECE::VED TIME MfiY.ie. ^--Arm APPENDIX C >List of Other Approved/Pending Projects >^Other Approved/Pending Projects Trip Generation VOther Approved/Pending Projects Trip Distribution OCT-25-2000 WED 08:58 AM CITY OF CARLSBAD FAX NO. 760 602 8558 P, 01 FAX TRANSMITTAL Engineering Department DATE: Oct. 24, 2000 TIME SENT: 9:35 TO: Vicki* Number of pages being transmitted; (including transmittal) 2 PM COMPANY: Darnell & Asso. PHONE NO: 619/233-9373 FAX NO: 619/233-4034 FROM: Michael J. Shirey DIVISION: Development Services PHONE NO. (760) 602-2747 FAX NO: (760) 602-8562 RE: PRE 00-06: REDEEMER-BY-THE SEA TRAFFIC REPORT CUMULATIVE PROJECTS Vicki, Per your request, I have attached an exhibit showing which projects you should use for your cumulative trip generation. I do not have the ADT You need to come to our (ront counter and research the traffic reports, or look at the tentative maps, CUP's, etc Where projects have not been proposed, use the City's General Plan land use assumptions to generate ADT from those parcels. Also, analyze whether a deceleration/right-turn-only lane will be required for eastbound Poinsettia Lane to southbound 'A' Street Thanks, Mike S. Cc. Planning File 1635 FaradayAvenue • Carlsbad. CA 92008-7314 • TEL 760/602-2720 • FAX 760/602-8562 C-\ INTERSECTION SPACING EXHIBIT pomcm LN lL_ REDEEMER BY THE SEA AS>N 2^5-080-22 AP// 215-080-04 APN 215-841-07 V I KARCK 27, ?.000 (—• CD rr> —J a:) CD ro CD cn cn CD 1 Table A 1 Other Approved/Pending Projects Trip Generation Summary 1 Weekday Trip Generation Rate LandUse Daily Trip Generation Rate' AM Peak Hour Trip Generation Rate PMPeak Hour Trip Generation Rate LandUse Daily Trip Generation Rate' Total %In %Out Total %Bi %Out Single Family Residential 9.57 Trips/Dwelling Unit 0.75/DU 25% 75% 1.01/DU 64% 36% Church 9.11Trips/ksf 0.72/ksf 54% 46% 0.66/ksf 54% 46% ' All trip generation rates are based on The Institute of Transportation Engin ksf= 1,000 Square Feet DU = Dwelling Unit eers(m Trip Ge nerationMa nual, 6"" Edition Weekday Trip Generation LandUse Total No. of Units Daily Trips AM Peak Hour Trips PMPeak Hour Trips LandUse Total No. of Units Daily Trips Total hi Out Total hi Out Ocean Bluff-CT 93-09A • Single Family 96 919 72 18 54 97 62 35 DeJong-CT 98-05 • Single Family 28 268 21 5 16 28 18 10 Daybreak Community Church 18.11 ksf 165 13 7 6 12 6 6 Redeemer by the Sea • Single Family 12 115 9 2 7 12 8 4 Total Trip Generation by Other Projects-1,467 115 32 83 1 149 94 « 1 d'3 I LEGEND XX% - DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGE (1) - OCEAN BLUFF (CT 93-09) PROJECT SITE (2) - DE JONG (CT 98-05) PROJECT SITE Darnell & ASSOCUTES, INC. FIGURE A OTHER APPROVED/PENDING PROJECTS TRIP DISTRIBUTION I LEGEND XX% - DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGE * - PROJECT SITE Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE B REDEEMER BY THE SEA-12 LOT SUBDIVISION NEAR TERM TRIP DISTRIBUTION o Ul < < o o o o I I I \ / \ 90%—^ t—\ LEGEND XX% - DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGE * - PROJECT SITE Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE C REDEEMER BY THE SEA-12 LOT SUBDIVISION LONG TERM TRIP DISTRIBUTION (/) o I oo o I < < .— O o 5 o I i LEGEND XX% - DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGE * - PROJECT SITE Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE D DAYBREAK COMMUNITY CHURCH NEAR TERM TRIP DISTRIBUTION LEGEND XX% - DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGE * - PROJECT SITE Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE E COBBLESTONE TRIP DISTRIBUTION Q: </) o I 00 o I ro < < o o o o pi I I LEGEND XX% - DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGE * - PROJECT SITE Darnell & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIGURE F CARNATION TRIP DISTRIBUTION C3 CC CO o I oo o I ro < < 5 o o o APPENDIX D ^Existing Conditions (ICU & HCS) INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES) INTERSECTION DATE TIME NAME 11/06/00 AM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-EX EXISTING No AM Peak 0.00 Crit Movement Lanes Cap. Vol V/C Min. Mvmt — — NL 2 3,240 441 0,14 0.14 1 NR 0 0 3 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4,000 187 0.05 0.05 0 SL 1 1,800 15 0.01 0.01 0 SR 0 0 51 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4,000 132 0.05 0.05 1 EL 2 3,240 118 0.04 0.04 1 ER 2 3,240 414 0.13 0.13 0 ET 1 2,000 29 0.01 0.01 0 WL 1 1,800 9 0.01 0.01 0 WR 0 0 30 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4,000 53 0.02 0.02 1 N/S component 0. 19 E/W component 0. 06 Rt. Tn. comp. 0. 00 Clearance Interval 0. 10 ICU 0. 35 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable 1>-I POINSETTIA-AVIARA-EX INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES INTERSECTION DATE TIME NAME 11/06/00 PM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-EX EXISTING No. PM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. NL 2 3,240 358 0.11 0.11 1 NR 0 0 3 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4,000 151 0.04 0.04 0 SL 1 1,800 12 0.01 0.01 0 SR 0 0 93 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4,000 138 0.06 0.06 1 EL 2 3,240 37 0.01 0.01 0 ER 2 3,240 532 0.16 0.16 1 ET 1 2,000 59 0.03 0.03 1 WL 1 1,800 6 0.00 0.00 1 WR 0 0 12 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4,000 34 0.01 0.01 0 N/S component 0.17 E/W component 0.03 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.02 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.32 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable POINSETTIA-AVIARA-EX HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Street: Intersection Orientation: NS TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Poinsettia Ln/Black Rail Rd V Root-Existing 001001-Redeemer by the Sea 11/6/00-AM Peak Poinsettia Lane Black Rail Road Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street; Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound ^ ^Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 5 T 6 R Volume 2 5 11 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 2 7 11 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 Configuration LT Upstream Signal? No 17 17 1 No 29 30 0 TR Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound 8 T 9 R Eastbound 10 11 12 LTR Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach: 13 13 0 RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Exists? Storage 21 22 0 No Approach NB Movement 1 Lane Config LT v (vph) 27 C(m) (vph) 1573 v/c 0.02 95% queue length 0.00 Control Delay 7.3 LOS A Approach Delay Approach LOS Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service SB Westbound 10 L Eastbound 11 13 895 0.01 0.00 9.1 A 8.7 A 12 R 22 1048 0.02 0.00 8.5 A HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 Bill E Darnell Darnell & Associates Phone: E-Mail: Fax: Intersection: City/State: Analyst: _TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL(TWSC) ANALYSIS Poinsettia Ln/Black Rail Rd V Root-Existing HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Street: Intersection Orientation: NS TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Poinsettia Ln/Black Rail Rd V Root-Existing 001001-Redeemer by the Sea 11/6/00-PM Peak Poinsettia Lane Black Rail Road Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street: Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound ~ Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume 10 16 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 10 16 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 Configuration LT Upstream Signal? No 24 25 26 27 0 TR No Minor Street: Approach Movement 7 L Westbound 8 T Eastbound 10 11 12 LTR Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach 31 32 0 RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Exists? Storage 18 18 0 No Approach Movement Lane Config _Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB SB Westbound Eastbound 14 7 8 9 10 11 LT 12 R V (vph) 10 C(m) (vph) 1567 v/c 0.01 95% queue length 0.00 Control Delay 7.3 LOS A Approach Delay Approach LOS 32 930 0.03 0.00 9.0 A 8.8 A 18 1040 0.02 0.00 8.5 A HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 Bill E Darnell Darnell & Associates Phone: E-Mail: Fax: Intersection: City/State: Analyst: _TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL(TWSC) ANALYSIS Poinsettia Ln/Black Rail Rd V Root-Existing APPENDIX E ^Existing + Phase I Project Conditions (ICU & HCS) INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES) INTERSECTION: NAME DATE: 03/07/01 TIME: AM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-EX-FPHASEI EXISTING + PHASE I PROJECT No. AM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. ——————— NL 2 3,240 441 0.14 0.14 1 NR 0 0 3 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4,000 187 0.05 0.05 0 SL 1 1,800 20 0.01 0.01 0 SR 0 0 51 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4,000 132 0.05 0.05 1 EL 2 3,240 118 0.04 0.04 1 ER 2 3,240 414 0.13 0.13 0 ET 1 2,000 36 0.02 0.02 0 WL 1 1,800 9 0.01 0.01 0 WR 0 0 34 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4,000 60 0.02 0.02 1 N/S component 0.19 E/W component 0.06 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.35 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable E-1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES INTERSECTION: NAME DATE: 03/07/01 TIME: PM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-EX-I-PHASEI EXISTING + PHASE I PROJECT No. PM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. — NL 2 3,240 358 0.11 0.11 1 NR 0 0 3 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4,000 151 0.04 0.04 0 SL 1 1,800 17 0.01 0.01 0 SR 0 0 93 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4,000 138 0.06 0.06 1 EL 2 3,240 37 0.01 0.01 0 ER 2 3,240 532 0.16 0.16 1 ET 1 2,000 66 0.03 0.03 1 WL 1 1,800 6 0.00 0.00 1 WR 0 0 17 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4,000 41 0.01 0.01 0 N/S component 0.17 E/W component 0.03 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.02 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.32 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable E-2 Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Streets HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Intersection Orientation: NS Poinsettia Ln/Black Rail Rd V Root-Existing-i-Phase I 001001-Redeemer by the Sea 03/07/01-AM Peak Poinsettia Lane Black Rail Road Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street: ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R 12 12 Volume 37 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 38 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 0 i Configuration LT Upstream Signal? No 18 18 No 29 30 0 TR Minor Street: Approach Movement 7 L Westbound 8 T 9 R Eastbound 10 11 12 LTR Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach: Exists? Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 13 13 0 33 34 0 No Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB 1 LT SB 4 Westbound 8 10 L Eastbound 11 12 R V (vph) 38 C(m) (vph) 1572 v/c 0.02 95% queue length 0.00 Control Delay 7.3 LOS A Approach Delay Approach LOS 13 863 0.02 0.00 9.2 A 8.7 A 34 1046 0.03 0.00 8.6 A E-3 Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Street: HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 _TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Intersection Orientation: NS Poinsettia Ln/Black Rail Rd V Root-Existing-i-Phase I 001001-Redeemer by the Sea 03/07/01-PM Peak Poinsettia Lane Black Rail Road Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street: ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume 22 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 23 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 0 Configuration LT Upstream Signal? 17 17 25 26 26 27 0 TR No No Minor Street: Approach Movement 7 L Westbound 8 T 9 R Eastbound 10 11 12 LTR Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach: Exists? Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 31 32 0 30 31 0 No Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB 1 LT SB 4 Westbound 8 10 L Eastbound 11 12 R V (vph) 23 C(m) (vph) 1566 v/c 0.01 95% queue length 0.00 Control Delay 7.3 LOS A Approach Delay Approach LOS 32 890 0.04 0.00 9.2 A 8.9 A 31 1037 0.03 0.00 8.6 A E-4 APPENDIX F ^Existing + Other Approved/Pending Projects Conditions (ICU & HCS) INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES) INTERSECTION: NAME DATE: 03/07/01 TIME: AM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-EX-t-OTHERS EXISTING + OTHERS No. AM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. — NL 2 3240 442 0.14 0.14 1 NR 0 0 5 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4000 188 0.05 0.05 0 SL 1 1800 31 0.02 0.02 0 SR 0 0 51 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4000 133 0.05 0.05 1 EL 2 3240 118 0.04 0.04 1 ER 2 3240 416 0.13 0.13 0 ET 1 2000 60 0.03 0.03 0 WL 1 1800 16 0.01 0.01 0 WR 0 0 68 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 123 0.05 0.05 1 N/S component 0.19 E/W component 0.09 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.38 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable F-1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES INTERSECTION: NAME DATE: 03/07/01 TIME: PM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-EX-I-OTHERS EXISTING -I- OTHERS No. PM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. NL 2 3240 360 0.11 0.11 1 NR 0 0 11 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4000 152 0.04 0.04 0 SL 1 1800 59 0.03 0.03 0 SR 0 0 93 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4000 139 0.06 0.06 1 EL 2 3240 37 0.01 0.01 0 ER 2 3240 534 0.16 0.16 0 ET 1 2000 146 0.07 0.07 1 WL 1 1800 9 0.01 0.01 1 WR 0 0 32 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 71 0.03 0.03 0 N/S component 0.17 E/W component 0.08 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.35 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable F-2 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Street: Poinsettia Ln/Black Rail Rd V Root-Ex+Others 001001-Redeemer by the Sea 03/07/01-AM Peak Poinsettia Lane Black Rail Road Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street: ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume 41 14 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 43 14 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 Configuration LT Upstream Signal? No 24 25 129 135 0 TR No Minor Street: Approach Movement 7 L Westbound 8 T 9 R Eastbound 10 11 12 LTR Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) 56 58 0 28 29 0 Median Storage Flared Approach: RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 1 Exists? Storage No Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB SB Westbound Eastbound 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 LT 12 R V (vph) 43 C(m) (vph) 1432 v/c 0.03 95% queue length 0.00 Control Delay 7.6 LOS A Approach Delay Approach LOS 58 782 0.07 0.15 10.0- A 9.6 A 29 971 0.03 0.00 8.8 A F-3 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street; North/South Street: Intersection Orientation: NS Poinsettia Ln/Black Rail Rd V Root-Ex-t-Others 001001-Redeemer by the Sea 03/07/01-PM Peak Poinsettia Lane Black Rail Road Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street; ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume 19 24 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 20 25 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 Configuration LT Upstream Signal? No 28 29 79 83 0 TR No Minor Street: Approach Movement 7 L Westbound 8 T 9 R Eastbound 10 11 12 LTR Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Exists? Storage 155 163 0 36 37 0 No Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB 1 LT SB 4 Westbound 8 10 L Eastbound 11 12 R V (vph) 20 C(m) (vph) 1490 v/c 0.01 95% queue length 0.00 Control Delay 7.4 LOS A Approach Delay Approach LOS 163 854 0.19 0.80 10.2 B 9.9 A 37 998 0.04 0.00 8.7 A F-4 APPENDIX G >Existing + Other Approved/Pending Projects + Phase I Project Conditions (ICU & HCS) INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES) INTERSECTION: NAME DATE: 03/08/01 TIME: AM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-EX-I-OTHERS-I-PHASEI EXISTING + OTHERS + PHASE I PROJECT' No. AM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. — NL 2 3240 442 0.14 0.14 1 NR 0 0 5 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4000 188 0.05 0.05 0 SL 1 1800 36 0.02 0.02 0 SR 0 0 51 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4000 133 0.05 0.05 1 EL 2 3240 118 0.04 0.04 1 ER 2 3240 416 0.13 0.13 0 ET 1 2000 67 0.03 0.03 0 WL 1 1800 16 0.01 0.01 0 WR 0 0 72 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 130 0.05 0.05 1 N/S component 0.19 E/W component 0.09 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.38 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable G-1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES INTERSECTION: NAME DATE: 03/08/01 TIME: PM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-EX-I-OTHERS-I-PHASEI EXISTING -•- OTHERS + PHASE I PROJECT' No. PM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. NL 2 3240 360 0.11 0.11 1 NR 0 0 11 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4000 152 0.04 0.04 0 SL 1 1800 64 0.04 0.04 0 SR 0 0 93 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4000 139 0.06 0.06 1 EL 2 3240 37 0.01 0.01 0 ER 2 3240 534 0.16 0.16 0 ET 1 2000 153 0.08 0.08 1 WL 1 1800 9 0.01 0.01 1 WR 0 0 37 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 78 0.03 0.03 0 N/S component 0.17 E/W component 0.09 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.36 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable G-2 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Street: Poinsettia Ln/Black Rail Rd V Root-Ex-l-Other-i-Phase I 001001-Redeemer by the Sea 03/07/01-AM Peak Poinsettia Lane Black Rail Road Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street! ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume 52 15 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 54 15 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 Configuration LT Upstream Signal? No 25 26 129 135 0 TR No Minor Street: Approach Movement 7 L Westbound 8 T 9 R Eastbound 10 11 12 LTR Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach: Exists? Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 56 58 0 40 42 0 No Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB SB Westbound Eastbound 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 LT 12 R V (vph) 54 C(m) (vph) 1430 v/c 0.04 95% queue length 0.00 Control Delay 7.6 LOS A Approach Delay Approach LOS 58 753 0.08 0.17 10.2 B 9.6 A 42 968 0.04 0.00 8.9 A G-3 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Street: Poinsettia Ln/Black Rail Rd V Root-Ex-t-Other-i-Phase I 001001-Redeemer by the Sea 03/07/01-PM Peak Poinsettia Lane Black Rail Road Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street: ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume 31 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 32 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 0 Configuration LT Upstream Signal? 25 26 29 30 79 83 0 TR No No Minor Street: Approach Movement 7 L Westbound 8 T 9 R Eastbound 10 11 12 LTR Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach: Exists? Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 155 163 0 48 50 0 No Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB SB Westbound Eastbound I * I 8 9 10 11 LT 12 R V (vph) 32 C(m) (vph) 1489 v/c 0.02 95% queue length 0.00 Control Delay 7.5 LOS A Approach Delay Approach LOS 163 819 0.20 0.84 10.5 B 10.1 B 50 996 0.05 0.00 8.8 A G-4 APPENDIX H >Buildout Without Project (ICU) INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES) INTERSECTION: Poinsettia/Aviara DATE: 03/08/01 TIME: AM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-2020 BUILDOUT WITHOUT PROJECT No. AM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. NL 2 3240 301 0.09 0.09 0 NR 0 0 62 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4000 424 0.12 0.12 1 SL 1 1800 55 0.03 0.03 1 SR 0 0 67 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4000 141 0.05 0.05 0 EL 2 3240 276 0.09 0.09 1 ER 0 0 97 0.00 0.00 0 ET 2 4000 663 0.19 0.19 0 WL 1 1800 20 0.01 0.01 0 WR 0 0 128 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 442 0.14 0.14 1 N/S component 0.15 E/W component 0.23 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.48 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable H-1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATiniATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES INTERSECTION: Poinsettia/Aviara DATE: 03/08/01 TIME: PM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-2020 BUILDOUT WITHOUT PROJECT No. PM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. NL 2 3240 204 0.06 0.06 1 NR 0 0 32 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4000 249 0.07 0.07 0 SL 1 1800 165 0.09 0.09 0 SR 0 0 302 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4000 548 0.21 0.21 1 EL 2 3240 60 0.02 0.02 0 ER 0 0 332 0.00 0.00 0 ET 2 4000 575 0.23 0.23 1 WL 1 1800 50 0.03 0.03 1 WR 0 0 41 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 484 0.13 0.13 0 N/S component 0.27 E/W component 0.26 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.63 LOS B Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable H-2 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES) INTERSECTION: Poinsettia/Black Rail DATE: 03/08/01 TIME: AM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-Blackrail-2020 BUILDOUT WITHOUT PROJECT No. AM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. NL 1 1800 49 0.03 0.03 1 NR 0 0 50 0.00 0.00 0 NT 1 2000 16 0.03 0.03 0 SL 1 1800 60 0.03 0.03 0 SR 0 0 142 0.00 0.00 0 ST 1 2000 27 0.08 0.08 1 EL 1 1800 62 0.03 0.03 0 ER 0 0 33 0.00 0.00 0 ET 2 4000 685 0.18 0.18 1 WL 1 1800 54 0.03 0.03 0 WR 0 0 80 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 399 0.12 0.12 1 N/S component 0.11 E/W component 0.21 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.42 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable H-3 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES INTERSECTION DATE TIME Poinsettia/Black Rail 03/08/01 PM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-Blackrail-2020 BUILDOUT WITHOUT PROJECT No. PM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. — NL 1 1800 25 0.01 0.01 0 NR 0 0 80 0.00 0.00 0 NT 1 2000 27 0.05 0.05 1 SL 1 1800 80 0.04 0.04 1 SR 0 0 87 0.00 0.00 0 ST 1 2000 31 0.06 0.06 0 EL 1 1800 171 0.10 0.10 1 ER 0 0 45 0.00 0.00 0 ET 2 4000 556 0.15 0.15 0 WL 1 1800 29 0.02 0.02 0 WR 0 0 60 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 463 0.13 0.13 1 N/S component 0.09 E/W component 0.23 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.42 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable H-4 APPENDIX I >Buildout + Phase V- Master Plan Project (ICU) INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES) INTERSECTION: Poinsettia/Aviara DATE: 03/08/01 TIME: AM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-2020-t-PHASEV BUILDOUT + PHASE V PROJECT' No. AM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. NL 2 3240 301 0.09 0.09 0 NR 0 0 62 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4000 424 0.12 0.12 1 SL 1 1800 76 0.04 0.04 1 SR 0 0 67 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4000 141 0.05 0.05 0 EL 2 3240 276 0.09 0.09 1 ER 0 0 97 0.00 0.00 0 ET 2 4000 695 0.20 0.20 0 WL 1 1800 20 0.01 0.01 0 WR 0 0 145 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 468 0.15 0.15 1 N/S component 0.16 E/W component 0.24 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.50 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable 1-1 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES INTERSECTION: Poinsettia/Aviara DATE: 03/08/01 TIME: PM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-AVIARA-2020-l-PHASEV BUILDOUT -I- PHASE V PROJECT' No. PM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. — NL 2 3240 204 0.06 0.06 1 NR 0 0 32 0.00 0.00 0 NT 2 4000 249 0.07 0.07 0 SL 1 1800 182 0.10 0.10 0 SR 0 0 302 0.00 0.00 0 ST 2 4000 548 0.21 0.21 1 EL 2 3240 60 0.02 0.02 0 ER 0 0 332 0.00 0.00 0 ET 2 4000 599 0.23 0.23 1 WL 1 1800 50 0.03 0.03 1 WR 0 0 56 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 506 0.14 0.14 0 N/S component 0.27 E/W component 0.26 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.63 LOS B Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable 1-2 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES) INTERSECTION: Poinsettia/Black Rail DATE: 03/08/01 TIME: AM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-Blackrail-2020-l-PHASEV BUILDOUT + PHASE V PROJECT' No. AM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. NL 1 1800 92 0.05 0.05 1 NR 0 0 50 0.00 0.00 0 NT 1 2000 30 0.04 0.04 0 SL 1 1800 60 0.03 0.03 0 SR 0 0 142 0.00 0.00 0 ST 1 2000 32 0.09 0.09 1 EL 1 1800 62 0.03 0.03 0 ER 0 0 44 0.00 0.00 0 ET 2 4000 727 0.19 0.19 1 WL 1 1800 80 0.04 0.04 0 WR 0 0 80 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 399 0.12 0.12 1 N/S component 0.14 E/W component 0.23 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.47 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable 1-3 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION WORKSHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD-SATURATION FLOW RATES (2,000 VEH/HR/LANE THRU;1,800 TURN, 1,620 DUAL TURN LANES INTERSECTION: Poinsettia/Black Rail DATE: 03/08/01 TIME: PM PEAK HOUR ( POINSETTIA-Blackrail-2020+PHASEV BUILDOUT -I- PHASE V PROJECT' No. PM Peak 0.00 Crit. Movement Lanes Cap. Vol. V/C Min. Mvmt. NL 1 1800 62 0.03 0.03 0 NR 0 0 80 0.00 0.00 0 NT 1 2000 31 0.06 0.06 1 SL 1 1800 80 0.04 0.04 1 SR 0 0 87 0.00 0.00 0 ST 1 2000 35 0.06 0.06 0 EL 1 1800 171 0.10 0.10 1 ER 0 0 53 0.00 0.00 0 ET 2 4000 589 0.16 0.16 0 WL 1 1800 50 0.03 0.03 0 WR 0 0 60 0.00 0.00 0 WT 2 4000 463 0.13 0.13 1 N/S component o.10 E/W component 0.23 Rt.Tn. comp. 0.00 Clearance Interval 0.10 ICU 0.43 LOS A Critical movement identified by a 1. Ten lanes for a right turn indicates free movement. NA - Not Applicable 1-4 APPENDIX J >Project Access Analysis (HCS) HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Street: Black Rail Rd/Project Entrance V Root-Ex-t-Others-i-Phase I 001001-Redeemer by the Sea 03/07/01-AM Peak Project Entrance Black Rail Road Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street: ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments^ Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume 52 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 54 Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 1 Configuration Upstream Signal? No 10 10 0 TR 16 16 2 56 58 0 1 LT No Minor Street: Approach Movement 7 L Westbound 8 T 9 R 10 L Eastbound 11 T 12 R Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach: Exists? Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 10 10 2 2 No LR 18 18 2 Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB 1 SB 4 LT Westbound 8 LR 10 Eastbound 11 12 V (vph) C(m) (vph) v/c 95% queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 16 1538 0.01 0.00 7.4 A 28 938 0.03 0.00 9.0 A 9.0 A J-1 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY_ Black Rail Rd/Project Entrance V Root-Ex-t-Others-t-Phase I OOlOOl-Redeemer by the Sea 03/07/01-PM Peak Project Entrance Black Rail Road Intersect ion: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Street: Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street: ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume 48 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 50 Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 1 Configuration Upstream Signal? No 12 12 0 TR 20 21 2 61 64 0 1 LT No Minor Streets Approach Movement 7 L Westbound 8 T 9 R Eastbound 10 11 12 LTR Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach: Exists? Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 10 10 2 2 No LR 17 17 2 Approach Movement Lane Config _Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB 1 SB 4 LT Westbound 8 LR 10 Eastbound 11 12 V (vph) C(m) (vph) v/c 95% queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 21 1541 0.01 0.00 7.4 A 27 931 0.03 0.00 9.0 A 9.0 A J-2 HCS I Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Street: Intersection Orientation: NS Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 _TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Black Rail Rd/Project Entrance V Root-Buildout -i- Master Plan OOlOOl-Redeemer by the Sea 03/08/01-AM Peak Project Entrance Black Rail Road Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street: ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal? 115 121 No 21 22 0 TR 42 44 2 114 120 0 1 LT No Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound 7 8 9 LTR 10 L Eastbound 11 T 12 R Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach: Exists? Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Conf igurat ion 17 17 2 No LR 53 55 2 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Movement 1 4 1 7 8 Lane Config LT 1 LR V (vph) 44 72 C(m) (vph) 1440 832 v/c 0.03 0.09 95% queue length 0.00 0.22 Control Delay 7.6 9.7 LOS A A Approach Delay 9.7 Approach LOS A 10 Eastbound 11 12 J-3 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY_ Black Rail Rd/Project Entrance V Root-Buildout + Master Plan OOlOOl-Redeemer by the Sea 03/08/01-PM Peak Project Entrance Black Rail Road Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Street: Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street: ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume 132 17 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 138 17 Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 1 0 Configuration TR Upstream Signal? No 33 34 2 105 110 0 1 LT No Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound 7 8 9 LTR 10 L Eastbound 11 T 12 R Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Exists? Storage 15 15 2 No LR 45 47 2 Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB 1 SB 4 LT Westbound 8 LR 10 Eastbound 11 12 V (vph) C(m) (vph) v/c 95% queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 34 1425 0.02 0.00 7.6 A 62 827 0.07 0.15 9.7 A 9.7 A J-4 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street! North/South Street! Intersection Orientation: EW Poinsettia Ln/St •'A"-Proj. Ent V Root-Buildout-i-Master Plan OOlOOl-Redeemer by the Sea 03/08/01-AM Peak Poinsettia Lane Project Entrance Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street: ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type RT Channelized? Lanes Conf igurat ion Upstream Signal? 795 836 45 47 Raised curb 2 T No 0 TR 559 588 2 T No Minor Street: Approach Movement Northbound 7 8 9 LTR Southbound 10 11 12 LTR Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach: Exists? Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 22 23 2 No Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Movement Lane Config EB 1 WB 4 Northbound 8 9 R 10 Southbound 11 12 V (vph) C(m) (vph) v/c 95% queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 11.7 B 23 563 0.04 0.00 11.7 B J-5 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.2 ^ TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Intersection: Analyst: Project No.: Date: East/West Street: North/South Street! Intersection Orientation: EW Poinsettia Ln/St "A"-Proj. Ent V Root-Buildout-KMaster Plan OOlOOl-Redeemer by the Sea 03/08/01-PM Peak Poinsettia Lane Project Entrance Study period (hrs): 1.00 Major Street! ^Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 L 2 T 3 R 4 L 5 T 6 R Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type RT Channelized? Lanes Conf igurat ion Upstream Signal? 716 753 Raised curb 2 T No 40 42 0 TR 573 603 2 T No Minor Street: Approach Movement Northbound 7 8 9 LTR Southbound 10 11 12 LTR Volume Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Median Storage 1 Flared Approach RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Exists? Storage 19 20 2 No Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service EB WB Northbound Southbound 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 R V (vph) C(m) (vph) v/c 95% queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 11.2 B 20 601 0.03 0.00 11.2 B J-6