HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 01-16; CASA LAGUNA; STORM WATER QUALITY; 2002-08-01FRASER ENGINEERING, INC, 2191 El Camino Real, Oceanside. 92054 . (760) 722-349S . FAX (760) 722-3490 . ^^^^^ Storm Water Management Plan FOR Casa Laguna Merit Group, Inc. 2171 El Camino Real Suite 202 Oceanside, CA. 92056 August, 2002 JOB NO. 088-03-24 Storm Water Management Plan For Casa Laguna Development Carlsbad, CA. General: Casa Laguna is a proposed single-family residential development within the City of Carlsbad on the northerly side of Laguna Drive at the intersection with Madison Street. The site is approximately 50,400 square feet (210' x 240'), or approximately1.16 acres of gently sloping ground (northeasterly to southwesterly). The site is currently undeveloped, but will consist of six (6) duplex units with an asphalt-paved drive and concrete sidewalks upon full deveiopment The paved driveway will convey runoff overland via curb and gutter to a proposed inlet at the southwest comer of the driveway at Laguna Drive. This inlet will convey the njnoff to the existing City of Carlsbad storm drain system via buried storni drain piping. The development also proposes small diameter (6") stomri drain pipe along the westeriy and easteriy boundaries to collect surface runoff from the lots and roof drains. These smaller drains will also convey runoff into the City of Carisbad stomn drain system near the above- mentioned inlet. Best Management Practices: The Best Management Practices for this project are separated into two (2) categories: Construction-Related BMP's, and Post-Construction BMP's. The constmction-related BMP's will be utilized throughout the constmction- related activities on the site and will be the responsibility of the general contractor for the site constmction. Mr. Bill Seward of Merit Group, Inc. will function as owner's representative. The post-construction BMP's will be utilized upon completion of construction. Responsibility for these BMP's will be through the Homeowners Association. The BMP's for the Construction-Related activities are shown on the attached "Storm Water Management Plan" and described as follows: • Constmction and maintenance of a rock constmction entrance at the entry to the site; • Installation and maintenance of a straw bale barrier along the perimeter of the site; • Installation and maintenance of hay bale silt barriers at all minor drain inlets (see plan for locations); • Installation and maintenance of block screen gravel silt basins at all major drain inlets (see plan for locations); • Installation and maintenance of graded swales along easteriy and westeriy property lines; • Installation and maintenance of gravel bag barriers in the graded swales mentioned above; • Installation and maintenance of gravel bag barriers on the graded private drive at the 1/3 points (approximately 60' on center); • Installation of hydroseed on "padded" lots where slope is less than 6%; • Good housekeeping including inspection and maintenance of BMP facilities before and after stonns and at regular intervals. The Post-Construction BMP's are described as follows: • Ongoing education of the Homeowners Association for awareness, inspection, and maintenance requirements; I • Roof drains remain as suri'ace flow to the existing inlets. No illicit connections from the roof drains to the stomn drain piping will be allowed; • Ongoing inspection and maintenance of BMP facilities; • Minimizing land disturbances; • Minimizing impervious areas such as additional concrete for patios, etc.; • Use of effective irrigation systems and practices; • Good Housekeeping practices. IBQaOBL . . a (mac VC acNKm ftx ocMENcr turn SHML ae UMX AVAtAmi AT nc mwr scAaon AU. MECESSMT UATIMALS *MLL K « Sre AT (XmCMEWT LOCUTIONS 70 FACUJAie KAPK ONSIWCTKN or TElMMtr OEMCES WCN «MW S EmtBIT. J. oevKCS SHOW » n>«s9iyi MOT BE MovcD OK iMOFB) wmo^ OF TIC fMNEBWe KSHtSIIX. «, TNE OOMTIMCnM 9MU. «S7CW Aa StaSKN OOMTIlaL OEVCES TD WMOMe OMXK TO 7>C SATBFACnOH OF IHE OTY ENSNESt VTBf £M» MN-OFF mODUCMe iMHT/Ul. & TIC carmAcnm SMU. 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