HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-06; KIRGIS TENTATIVE MAP; STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN; 2011-01-30Stonnwater Management Plan %Q (SWMP) For "'^/^/r CT-02-06, PUD-02-02, HDP-02-01, CUP-02-05 Kirgis Subdivision Carlsbad, San Diego Coimty, California Preparation/Revision Date: 1/30/11 Ptepated for: Bdan and Gail Hynek P.O. Box 451 roy, Ca 95021-0 408-846-5755 Ptepated by: Landmark Consulting 9555 Genesee Ave. Ste. 200 San Di^, Ca 92121 858-587-8070 David Yeh, REC 62717, EXP 6-30-12 \ V J 1/30/11 \ Name, RCE # 62717 Date P.O. Box 451 Gilroy, Ca 95021-0451 J--™ The selection, sizing, and preliminary design of stomiwater treatment and other controi measures in this plan have been prepared under the direction of the following Registered Civil Engineer and meet ^ ^ the requirements of R^onal Water Quality Conttol Boatd Otder R9-2007-0001 and subsequent amendments. ' ^ ProJectName: Kirgis Siibdtvisicm Pennit Number (Land Development Projects): CT 02-06 AppUcant: Brian and QaU Hynec ^iplicanfs Address: P.O.Box4Sl Giboy.Ca 95021-0451 Plan Prepare By (Leave blank if same as cppliccmt): Landmaric Consulting 9555 Goiesee Ave, #200 San Diego, CA 92121 Date: 1-30-11 Revision Date (If i^licable): Since ttie SWMP is a living document, revisions may be necessaiy during various stages ofappiwtl by the City of Carbbad Please provide tiie qtproval infiHmation requested below. Project Review Stage Does tiie SWMP need revisions? If YES, Provide Revision Date Project Review Stage YES NO Initial submittal Revision Revision Revision Revision PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT DETERMINATION TABLB 1: IS THE PROJECT IN ANY OF THESE CATEGORIES7 Yes • No El A Housing subdhrislons of 10 or more dwelling units. Exanqiles: single-fiimily homes, multi-fimily homes, condominiums, and apartments. Yes • No \S B Commercial—greater than one acre. Any development other tban heavy industry or residential. Examples: hoqiitals; laboratories and other medical fiicilities; educational institutions; recreati(»ial ftcilities; municipal fecilities; commercial nurseries; multi- ^Kirtment buildings; car wash fiicilities; mini-malls and otiier business conqilexes; shopping malls; hotels; ofiBce buildings; public warehouses; automotive dealoships; airfields; and otiier Ught industrial fecilities. Yes • No (a C Heavy Industry greater than one acre. Examples: manufecturing plants, food processing plants, metal woridng fiicilities, printing plants, and fleet storage areas (bus, truck, etc.). Yes • No E) D Automotive repair shops. A facihty categorized in any one of Standard todustrial Classification (SIC) codes 5013,5014,5541,7532-7534, or 7536-7539. Yes • No El E Restaurants. Any fiwility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consunqrtion, including stationary lunch counters and refi«shment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immedi^ consumption (SIC code 5812), where the land area for development is greater than 5,000 square feet. Restaurants where land development is less than 5,000 square feet shall meet all SUSMP requirements except for structural tieatment BMP and numeric sizing criteria requirements and hydromodification requirements. Yes No • F Hillside development graator than 5,000 squara foot. Any development that creates 5,000 square feet of impervious surfece and is located in an area witii known erosive soil conditions, where the development will grade on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent or greater. Yes a No El 6 Envlronmentalty Sensitive Areas (ESAs). All development located within or directly adjacent to or discharging directiy to an ESA (where discharges fitim the development or redevelopment will enter receiving waters witiiin tiie ESA), which eitiier creates 2,500 square feet of impervious surfece on a proposed project site or increases the area of imperviousness of a proposed project site to 10% or more of its naturally occurring condition. "Directiy adjacenf' means situated within 200 feet ofthe ESA. "Discharging directly to" means outflow fiom a drainage conveyance system tiiat is composed entirely of flows from the subject development or redevelopment site, and not commingled with flows irom adjacent lands. Yes • No El H Parking lots 5,000 squara foot or mora or with 15 or more paridng spaces and potentially exposed to urban runofif. Yes \S No • 1 Street, reads, highways, and ffreowrays. Any paved surfiice that is 5,000 square feet or greater used for tiie transportation of automobiles, tmcks, motorcycles, and other vehicles. Yes • No El J Retail Gasoline Outtets (RGOs) tiiat are: (a) 5,000 square feet or more or (b) a projected Average Daily TrafiBc (ADT) of 100 or more vehicles per day. To use the table, review each definition A tfairough K. If any of the definitions match, the project is a Priority Development Ptoject PROJECT STORMWATER QUALITY DETERMINATION Total Project Site Area 2L5 Acres Estimated amoimt of disturbed acreage: 5.4 Acaes (If >1 acte, you must also provide a WDID numbet £com the SWRCB) WDID: Complete A dirough C and the calcnilations below to detetmine the amount of impetvious surface on yout project befote and aftet construction. A. Total size of ptoject site: 2L5 Acres B. Total impetvious atea ^duding toof tops) befote consttuction 0 Acatts C. Total impetvious area ^duding toof tops) after consttuction 0.7 Acres Calculate petc%nt impetvious befote consttuction: B/A = 0% Calculate petcent impetvious aftet consttuction: C/A = 3.3 % Please ptovide detailed descnptions tegatding the fbllowing questtons: TABLE 2t PROJECT SPECIFIC STORMWATER ANALYSIS 1. I Please provide a brief deacripticm of the project Consttuction of 5 sing^-£uxiily pads and a private driveway on 21.5 acres m the Qty of Carlsbad, m the County of San Di^, State of Califotnia. 2. I Describe the pte-project and post-project topography of the project. (Show on Plan)" The property is located m die Qty of Catlsbad, west of El Camino Real, south and adjacent to Kelly Ranch CT 97-16A and noith of Fataday Drive. The developed portion of the propetty is at the ctest of die hilL Thete is no odiet propetty having tributaty basins draining onto the developed pottion of the propetty. Undet the pte-development conditions, the to-be-develc^>ed pottion of die site sits on the top of a natutal knoll that just southeriy of the end of the existing Twain Avenue. The tunoff from die top of knoll sheet flows westeriy, southerly and easteriy down the natutal slopes via 5 existing natutal diainage swales that coirvey die tunoff off-site. Undet the proposed conditions. Twain Coutt will be constmcted along the top of the existing knolL 5 tesidential lots will be constracted along Twam Coutt, 2 on both sides and 1 at the southeriy end Pet the grading plans, tunoff from the pads and adjacent slopes of Lots 1 and 2 flows soudiwesterty into an existing natutal diainage swale that conveys the tunoff off-site. The proposed Twain Coutt and the driveways of Lots 3-5 and adjacent fiU slopes dtam mto a fossil filtet equ^ped cutb inlet located at the southeriy end of Twain Coutt and is discharged mto anothet existing natutal diainage swale and conveyed ofif-site. The pads on Lots 4 and 5 and the easteriy fill slopes sheet flows easteriy into an existing natural diainage swale and is conveyed off-site. The proposed devdopment does not altet the existing diainage pattem. Describe the soil dassificration, pemieability, etodibility, and depth to groundwater fot LID and Tteatment BMP consideration. (Show on Plan) If infiltration BMPs ate proposed, a Geotechnical Engineei must ceitify infiltration BMPs m Attachment E. The site soil is classified as Type'T)" as defined m the San Diego County Hydrology Manual and is characterized as having vety slow mfiltration rate when thorou^ily wetted, rate of water transmission is slow. Describe if contaminated ot hazaidous soils ate within the projecrt atea. ffhow on Plan) No contaminated ot hazaidous soils ate encounteted widun the project atea. 5. I Describe the existing site diainage and natutal hydrologic featutes. (Show on Plan). The to-be-developed 5.4 acte pottion of the site sits on the top of a natural knoll that just southerly on the end of the existing Twain Avenue. The tunoff from die top of knoll sheet flows westeriy, southeriy and easteriy down the natural slopes via 5 e^isring natural diainage swales that convey the lunofifoff-site. Describe site featutes and conditions that consttain, ot provide opportunities fot stotmwatet control, such as LID featuies. The grading design follows the natutal landfoim to ptesetve die existing drainage patterns. Drainage will be maintained within existing natural drainage swales. Runofif firom pioposed pads drains mto mdividual sediment tn^s and is leleased onto die natural tenain via outlet pipes. The tunofif firom the shated driveway sheet flows and then onto die existing natural diainge couise Is diis project widun the environmentally sensitive ateas as defined on the maps m Appendix A of the County ef San Dit^ Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigrtion Plan for No 8. I Is diis an emeigency ptoject? I No CHANNELS & DRAINAGES Complete the foUowing checklist to determine if the project includes work in channels. TABLE 3l PROJECT SPECIFIC STORMWATER ANALYSIS No. CRTFERLA. YES NO N/A COMMENTS 1. WiU the project include work in channels? X If YES go to 2 IfNOgoto 13. 2. WiU the project increase velocity or volume of downstream flow? IfYESgoto 6. 3. WiU the project discharge to unlined channels? IfYESgoto. 6. 4. WiU the project increase potential sediment load of downstream flow? IfYESgoto 6. 5. WiU the project encroach, cross, realign, or cause other hydraulic changes to a stream that may affect downstream channel stability? IfYESgoto 8. 6. Review channel lining niaterials and design for stream bank erosion. Continueto 7. 7. Consider channel erosion control measures within the project limits as weU as downstream. Consider scour velocity. Continueto 8. 8. Include, where tqipropriate, energy dissipation devices at culverts. Continueto 9. 9. Ensure aU transitions between culvert outlets/headwalls/wingwalls and channels are smooth to reduce turbulence and scour. Continueto 10. 10. Inciude, if appropriate, detention facilities to reduce peak discharges. Continueto 11. 11. "Hardening" natural downstream areas to prevent erosion is not an acceptable Continueto 12. No. CRITERIA YES NO N/A COMMENTS technique for protecting channel slopes, unless pre-development conditions are detennined to be so erosive that hardening would be required even in die absence of the proposed development 12. Provide other design principles that are comparable and equaUy effective. Continueto 13. 13. End TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION BMPS Please check the constraction BMPs that may be implemented during constraction of the ptoject The applicant will be tesponsible fot the placement and maintenance of the BMPs incoiporated into the final project design. El Silt Fence El Fiber Rolls El Stteet Sweeping and Vacuuming El Stotm Dtain Inlet Piotection El Stoc^ile Management ElSolid Waste Management El Stabilized Constraction Enttance/Exit • Dewatering Operations El Desilting Basin El Gravd Bag Betm • Sandbag Batriet ISI Material Delivery and Stotage El Spill Ptevention and Conttol la Conctete Waste Management El Watet Consetvation Practices El Paving and Grinding Operations • Vehide and Equipment Mamtenance Bl Any minot slopes created inddental to constraction and not subject to a majoi ot minot grading peimit shall be protected by covering with plastic ot tarp priot to a tain event, and shall have vegetative covet teestablished within 180 days of completion of the slope and prior to final building apptovaL EXCEPTIONAL THREAT TO WATER QUALITY DETERMINATION Complete the checklist bdow to detetmine if a proposed project will pose an "exceptional tfaieat to watet quality," and dieiefote tequite Advanced Tteatment Best Management Practices during the constiuction phase. TABLE 4i EXCEPTIONAL THREAT TO WATER QUALITY DETERMINATION No. CRITERIA YES NO INFORMATION 1. Is all ot patt of the proposed project site withm 200 feet of wateis named on die Qean Watet Act (CWA) Section 303(d) list of Watet Quality Limited S^;ments as impaiied fot sedimentation and/ot tutbidity? Cutient 303d list may be obtamed (rom the following site: http://www.swtcb.ca.gov/tmdl/docs/30.^dlists2006/approved/r9 06 303d reqtmdls. X If YES, contmue to 2. IfNO,goto5. 1. pdf X If YES, contmue to 2. IfNO,goto5. 2. Will die ptoject distuib mote than 5 acies, mduding aU phases of the devdopment? If YES, continue to 3. IfNO,goto5. 3. Will the ptoject distuib slopes that ate steepet than 4:1 (horizontaL vettical) with at least 10 feet of telief, and that dram towatd the 303(d) listed teceiving watet fot sedimentation and/ot tutbidity? If YES, continue to 4. IfNO,goto5. 4. Will the ptoject distuib soils with a ptedominance of USDA-NRCS Etosion factois kf gieatei than ot equal to 0.4? If YES, continue to 6. IfNO,goto5. 5. Ptoject is not tequited to use Advanced Tteatment BMPs. X Document fot Ptoject Files by tefetencdng this checklist 6. Ptoject poses an "exceptional diteat to watet quality" and is tequited to use Advanced Tteatment BMPs. Advanced Tteatment BMPs must be consistent with WPO section 67.81 l(b)(20)(D) petfoimance criteiia Exemption potentiaUy available fot projects that tequite achranced tteatment: Ptoject ptoponent may petfotm a Revised Univeisal Soil Loss Equation, Veision 2 (RUSLE 2), Modified Univeisal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE), ot similai analysis that shows to the County official's satisfaction that advanced tieatment is not tequited 10 HYDROMODIPiCATKNi DCTERMINATION HydroaMdiflcatioa coutroh reqafaied for Kfai^h Sabdtvfaif 11 POLLUTANTS OP CONCERN DETERMINATION WATERSHED • Sui luan 901 • SaoUi KksKusta 902 • S«olAnReT903 • CtfWbMlMi • San Diq^uMo 905 • Peaawpkoe 906 • S«aDi^907 • Sweetwater 909 • Otay 910 • r^iiuia911 • Whkewatet 719 • Chttk720 • West Sditem 721 • Afuea Bocrei!o 722 • laqsetial 723 http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/sandiego/water issues/programs/basin Dlan/index.shtml Nuaber NaoM 904.3 Aqua Hedknda http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/sandiepo/water issues/programs/basin plan/index.shtml SURFACE WATERS that eac^ [woject dtsdiuge pomt ptopmes to dtschaige to. Lbt die jmpakmeats identified to Table 7. SURFACE WATERS (river, creek, stzeam, etc.) Hy^okigtc Umt Baam Number Tmpaifment(s) feted [303(d) feted waters or waters wkh estabfehed TMDLs] I^tance to Project A^ Itodtonda Li^oon 9043 1.5 miles CoMttI WMen Bcaefidal Hydrotogic UtotlMn Nusdber MUN AGR IND PROC FRESH POW RECl REC2 BIOL WARM COLD WILD RARE SPWN Aqualtodianda Lagoon 9043 X X X X X X X X X X X X Excepted from Mvucipd • ExMag Beaefidd UM o Potential Beaefkial Use 12 PROJECT ANTICIPATED AND POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS Using Table 6, identify pollutants tliat ate anticqiated to be generated firom the proposed pztority project cat^ories. PoUutants asscxaated widi any hazatdous material sites diat have been lemediated ot ate not diieatened by the pic^xised ptoject ate not consideied a pollutant of concern. TABLE 6: ANTICIPATED AND POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS GENERATED BY LAND USE TYPE General PoUutant Categories PDP Categories Sediments Nutrients Heavy Metals Organic Compounds TnAtt. Ddms Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil& Grease Bacteria & Viruses Pesticides RMidMtial DevdopBMit •pOT Attadied Residential Development X 7^ 7^ Commercial Developmoit 1 acre or greater Heavy industry /industrial development X X Automotive Repair Shops X Restaurants X X Hillside Development >5,000tf X X X 7^ Parking Lots X Retail Gasoline Outlets X X X X streets, Higiiwayi & Freeways X - anticipated P = potential (1) A potential pollutant if landscaping exists on-site. (2) A potential pollutant if the project includes uncovered paiking areas. (3) A potential pollutant if land use involves food or animal waste products. (4) Including petroleum hydrocarbons. (5) Including solvents. 13 PROJECT POLLUTANTS OF CONCERN SUMMARY TABLE Please summarize the identified project pollutant of concem by checking the appropriate boxes in the table bdow and list any sutfiure watet in^aiiments identifiecL Pollutants anticipated to be generated by the project, which ate also causing impaitment of teceiving wateis, shall be consideied the primaty pollutants of concem. For projects wiiere no primary pollutants of concem exist, those pollutants identified as anticipated shall be considered secondary pollutants of concem. TABLE 7: PROJECT POLLUTANTS OF CONCERN Pollutant Categoty Anticipated (X) Potential (P) Surface Water Impaitmenta Sediments X Yes Nutrients X Heavy Metals X Organic Confounds X Trash & Debris X Oxygen Demanding Subsbmces X Oil & Grease X Bacteria & Viruses X Yes Pesticides X 14 LID AND SITE DESIGN STRATEGIES Each numbeted item bdow is a Low Impact Developfflent (LID) lecjuitement of the WPO. Please check die box(s) undet each numbet that best describes the LID BMP(s) and Site Design Strat^jies selected fot this project TABLE 8: LID AND SITE DESIGN 1. Consetve natural Ateas, Soils, and Vgytation Bl Pteserve well dtaining soils (Type A ot B) Bl Ptesetve Significant Ttees Bl Ptesetve critical (ot problematic) ateas such as floodplains, steep slopes, wetlands, and ateas with erosive ot unstable soil conditions • Other. Desogrtion: 2. Minimize Disturbance to Natural Dtainages Bl Set-back devdopment envdope firom diaim^^ • Restrid heavy cxmsttucticm equqiment access to planned green/open space ateas • Othet. Description: 3. Minimize and Disconned Impetvious Surfaces (see 5) • Chisteied Lot Design • Items checked in 5? • Othet. Description: the only inqietvious ateas of the ptoject ate the proposed stteets, diey are design to meet die minimum widdi standatds pet Qty of Poway. 4. Minimize Soil Compaction • Restrid heavy constraction equqiment access to plaimed gieen/open space ateas Bl Re-till soils compacted by constraction vehides/equipment El Colled & re-use uppet soil layets of devdopment site containing otganic Materials • Other. Description; re, used upper soil layets in pads, slopes and landscape aeias 5. Dtain Runofif firom Impetvious Surfaces to Petvious Areas LID Street & Road Desion • Cutb-cuts to landscaping • Rutal Swales • Concave Median • Cul-de-sac Landscaping Design • Other. Desciqition: All stteets dtain into fossil filtet equqiped cutb inlets, the tunoff is then conveyed to infiltration areas. T .m Pfli-lrina Lot Design 15 • Pctmeable Pavements • Cutb-cuts to landscaping • Othet. Description: No paiking lot proposed T.m Dmrinpav. Sidewalk. Bike-nadi Desifm • Penneable Pavements Bl Pitch pavements towatd landscaping • Othet. Description: T.mRnilHi^p Desion • Qstems & Rain Barrels • Downspout to swale • V^tated Roofis • Other. Description: No building proposed T.m T^ni^sranincr Desipn Bl Soil Amendments El Reuse of Native Soils El Smart Ittigation Systems • Stteet Ttees • Othet. Description: 6. Minimize etosion firom slopes El Disturb existing slopes only when necessaiy El Minimize cut and fill areas to reduce slope lengths El Incorporate retaining waUs to reduce steepness of slopes or to shorten slopes El Provide benches or terraces on high cut and fill slopes to reduce concentration of flows El Rounding and shaping slopes to reduce concentrated flow EI CoUect concentrated flows in stabilized drains and channels • Other. Description: The project proposes BMPs such are drain inserts, bio-retention areas and extensive landscaped areas in all manufactured slopes and cUsturbed areas. These BMPs form a treatment train where the nmoff fixim the streets wiU be treated by the drain inserts and then is conveyed into the bio-retention areas via low flow pipes, the outlet pipes fiwm these bio-retention areas then conveys the filtered water to their final discharge points. 16 SOURCE CONTROL Please conplete the checklist cm the following pages to detetmine Souice Control BMPs. Bdow is insttudicm on how to use the checklist (Also see instractions on page 40 of the SUSMP) 1. Review Column 1 and identify which of these potential sources of stormwater pollutants apply to your site. Check each box that applies. 2. Review Column 2 and incx>iporate all of the conesponding applicable BMPs in yout Souice Control Exhibit in Attachment B. 3. Review Columns 3 and 4 and incoiporate all of die conesponding appUcable petmanent controls and operational BMPs in a table in yout Projed-Spedfic SUSMP. Describe yout specific BMPs in an acxompanying nairative, and explain any special concUtions ot situations that required omitting BMPs ot substimting alternatives. Use the foimat in Table 9 bdow to summarize the piojed Source Control BMPs. Incoiporate aU identified Souice Control BMPs in yout Source Control Exhibit in Attachment B. TABLE 9: PROJECT SOURCE CONTROL BMPS Potential source of rmoffpollutants Permanent source control BMPs OperatioTud source control BMPs Sediment discbarge due to constniction activities Stabilize disturbed and exposed areas with BFM or hydroseeding. Nutrients from fertilizers Select landsciqie plants species that require Uttie or no fertilizers. Trash and debris deposited and accumulated in drain mlets Good house keeping practices, inspect inlets before and afier each runofif producing rain event, remove trash and debris as necessary. Hydrocarbons fiiom streets and driveways Good house keeping practices, keep streets and driveways clean, pitch driveways towards landscaped areas. Pesticides fmm landscaping and home use Select landscape plants species tiiat are drought and pest tolerant to reduce tiie use of pesticides and irrigation frecfooicy. Maintain landscqiing using minimum or no pissticide use. 17 IF THESE SOURCES WILL BE ON THE PROJECT SiTE „ ... THEN YOUR STORMWATER CONTROL FLAN SHOULD INCLUDE THESE SOURCE CONTROL BMFs Potential Somces of Runotr Poiiutants Pemianent Controls—Show on Sowce Contral Exhibit, Attachment B Permanent Centrals—List In Table and Narrative Operattonal BMPs—include In SUSMP Table and Nanative A. On-site stotm drain inlets Bl Locations of inkts. Bl Mark all tnleta widi the words "^o Dumping! Flows to Bay" or similat. IB Malntafai and periodicalljr repaint ot teplace inkt maddngs. Ptovide stotmwatet ptrfhition IB ptevention iiifiMinatfam to new site ownets, lessees, ot opetatots. Sec mfpBteMe opetational BMPs in Fact Sheet SC-44, "Dtainage System Maintenance," in die CASQA Stotmwatet Qnalitir Handbooks at www.cabmpliandlKHtfcs.com • Include dw following in lease agteements: "Tenant shall not allow anyone to discharge anydiing to stotm dtains ot to stoic ot deposit matetials so as to cteatc a potential dischaigc to atotm dtains." • B. Intetfot £kK>t dtains and elevatot sliafit sump State that intetiot floot dtains and elevatot shaft sump punqra wiD be plumbed to sanitary sewer. • Inspect and maintain drains to ptevent blockages and ovetflow. • C. Intetiot paridng • State that paddng gatage floot drains win be plumbed to die sanitary sewer. • Inspect and maintain drains to prevent blockages and ovetflow. 18 IF THESE SOURCES WILL BE ON THE PROJECT SiTE .„ ... THEN YOUR STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE THESE SOURCE CONTROL BMPs 1 Potential Somcos of Runoff Pollutants 2 Permanent Centrals—Show on Source Control Exhibit, Attaclunent B 3 Permanent Centrals—Ust in SUSMP Table and Narratlvo 4 Operattonal BMPs—Includo in SUSMP Table and Nanrative • Dl. Need fot futnte indoot & stractutal pest conttol • Note building design featutes diat discoutage entty of pests. • Ptovide Integtated Pest Management infotmation to ownets, lessees, and operators. 19 IF THESE SOURCES WILL BE ON THE PROJECT SITE... ... THEN YOUR STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE THESE SOURCE CONTROL BMPs Potential Sourees off Runofff Poiiutants Pennanent Controls—Show on Source Control Exhibit, Attachment B Permanent Controls—List in SUSMP Table and Narrative Operational BMPs—Includo in SUSMP Table and Narrative EI D2. Landscape/ Outdoor Pesticide Use Note; Should he consistent with ptoject tondffTiipf plan (if applicable). EI Show locations of native ttees ot ateas of shmbs and gtound covet to be undistutbed and tetained. 13 Show self-tetaining landscape ateas, if aay. ^ Show stotmwatet treatment facilities. El El El EI EI State that final landscape plans will accomplish all of the following: Ptesetve existing native ttees, shrabs, and gtound covet to the maximum extent possible. Design landscaping to minimize ittigation and tunofi', to ptomote sutface infilttation vdiete apptoptiate, and to minimize the use of fettiUzets and pesticides that can contribute to stotmwatet pollution. Where landscaped ateas arc used to tetain ot detain stotmwatet, specify plants that ate toletant of satutated soil conditions. Considet using pest-tesistant plants, espedaify adjacent to hatdscape. To insute successful establishment, select plants apptoptiate to site soils, slopes, climate, sun, wind, tain, land use, ait movement, ecological consistency, and plant intetactions. EI Maintain landscaping using minimum ot no pesticides. Q See applicable opetational BMPs in Fact Sheet SC-4L *Vuilding and Grounds Maintenance," in the CASQA Stotmwatet Qualify Handbooks at www.cabmphandbooks.com Q Ptovide IPM infotmation to new ownets, lessees and opetatots. 20 IF THESE SOURCES WILL BE ON THE PROJECT SITE... ... THEN YOUR STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE THESE SOURCE CONTROL BMPs 1 Potential Sourees of Runoff Pollutants 2 Permanent Controls—Show on Souree Control Exhibit, Attachment B 3 Permanent Controls—Ust In SUSMP Table and Narrative 4 Operational BMPo-lnclude In SUSMP Table and Narrative • E. Pools, spas, ponds, decotative fountains, and othet watet featutes. • Show location of watet featute and a sanitaty sewet cleanout in an accessible atea within 10 feet. • If the local munlcipali^ tequites poob to be plumbed to the sanitaty sewet, place a note on the plans and state in the nattative that this connection will be made accotding to local tequitements. • See appHcabk operational BMPs in Fact Sheet SC-72, *Tountain and Pool Mainteiuuice," in die CASQA Stotmwatet QuaUfy Handbooks at www.cahmphandbookB.com • P. Food setvice • Fot testautants, gtocety stotes, and odiet food setvice opetations, show location (indoots ot in a coveted atea outdoots) of a floor sink ot othet atea fot ckaning floor mats, containets, and equipment • On the drawing, show a note that this dtain wiH be coimected to a gtease intetceptot befote dischatging to the sanitaty sewet. • Desctibe the location and featutes of die designated ckaning atea. • Desctibe the items to be ckaned in this facilify and how it has been sized to insute diat the latgest items can be accommodated. • 21 IF THESE SOURCES WILL BE ON THE PROJECT SITE... ... THEN YOUR STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE THESE SOURCE CONTROL BMPs of Runoff Pollutants Permanent Controls—Show on Control Exhibit, Attachment B Permanent Centrals—List hi SUSMP Table and Narrative Operational BMPs—Include In SUSMP Table and Nanathre • O. Refuse ateas Show where site refuse and recycled materials wiH be handled and stoted fot ftickup. See local munic^Md tequitements fot sizes and other details of tefuse ateas. If dumpstets ot odict teceptades ate outdoots, show how die designated atea will be covered, graded, and paved to prevent run- on and show locaticms of bctms to ptevent tunoff fiom die atea. Any dtains fiom dumpstets, compactots, and tallow bin ateas shall be connected to a gtease temoval device befote dischatge to sanitaty sewet. • State liow site refiise wiH be handled and ptovide stq^ratting detaii to wliat is siiown on |dans. • State diat signs will lie posted on ot neat dumpstets with die words "Do not dump iiazatdous matetiab facte" otsimilat. • Stete how die following wiH be implemented: Ptovide adequate numlict of teceptades. Inspect teceptacks tegulatls^ tepait ot tcplaM kalgr teceptades. Keep teceptacks coveted. Proliibit/ptevent dumping of liquid ot hazatdous wastes. Post "no hazatdous matetials" signs. Inspect and pick np Uttet daily and ckan up spills immediately. Keep spin control matetials availabk on- site. Sec Fact Sheet SC-34, *^aste Handling and DisposaP in the CASQA Stotmwatet Quality HandlxKrfaat www.calmiphandhooks.com • H. Industtial processes. • Show ptocess atea. If industrial processes are to t>e located on site, state: "AD ptocess activities to lie pctfotmed indoots. No processes to drain to exterior or to storm drain system." See Fact Sbeet SC-10, 'Won- Stotmwatet Disdiatges" in the CASQA Stotmwatet QuaUfy Handboolaat www.cahmphaadbooks.com 22 IF THESE SOURCES WILL BE ON THE PROJECT SITE „. ... THEN YOUR STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE THESE SOURCE CONTROL BMPs Potential Sourees of Runoff Pollutants Permanent Contral»-4how on Souree Contral Exhibit, Attachment B Permanent Controls—Ust In SUSMP Table and Narrative Operational BMPo-lnclude In SUSMP Table and Nanative i. Outdoor stotage of equipment ot matetials. (See tows J and K fot soutce ccmtrol measutes fot vehide ckaning, tepsdt, and maintenance.) Show any outdoot stotage ateas, including how matetiab wiU be covered. Show how areas will be graded and bermed to prevent run- on or tun-off from area. Stotage of non-hazatdous Uquids shaU bc coveted by a toof and/ot dtain to the sanitaty sewet system, and bc contained 1^ bctms, dikes, Uncts, ot vauhs. Stotage of hazatdous materiab and wastes must bc in compliance with the local hazardous materials ordinance and a Hazatdous Matetiab Management Plan fot thc site. Include a detailed description of matetiab to be stoted, stotage ateas, and stractutal featutes to ptevent pollutants from entering stotm drains. VChetc apptoptiate, rofctcncc documentation of compliance widi die tequitements of local Hazatdous Matetiab Progtams fon • Hazatdous Waste Genctation " Hazatdous Matetiab Rekase Response and Inventoty • CaUfomia Acddental Rekase (CalARP) • Aboveground Stotage Tank • Unifotm Fice Code Attick 80 Section 103(b) & (c) 1991 • Undc^round Stotage Tank See thc Fact Sheets SC-31, 'Khitdoot Liquid Containet Stotage" and SC- 33, 'Khitdoot Stotage of Raw Materiab " in die CASQA Stotmwatet Qualify Handbooics at www.cabmphandhooks.com 23 J. Vehide and Equipment Qeaning • Show on dtawings as approptiate: (1) Commetdal/industtial faciUties having vehicle /equipment cleaning needs shaU either provide a covered, bermed area fot washing activities ot discoutage vehide/equipment washing by removing hose bibs and installing signs prohibiting such uses. (2) Multi-dwelling complexes shaU have a paved, bcmicd, and coveted cat wash atea (unless cat washing ia prohibited on-site and hoses ate provided with an automatic shut- off to discourage such use). (3) Washing ateas fot cats, vehicks, and equipment shaU be paved, designed to ptevent tun-on to ot tunoff from the ana, and plumbed to dtain to die sanitaty sewet. (4) C^ommetcial cat wash faciUties shaU bc designed such that no tunoff from die faciU^ b dbchatged to die stotm dtain system. Wastewater from the fadUfy shafl dischatge to the sanitaty sewet, ot a wastevrater reclamation system shaU bc instaOcd. If a cat wash area is not provided, desctibe measures taken to discoutage on-site cat washing and explain how these win be enfotced. Desctibe opetational measutes to implement the foUowing (if appUcable): Washwatet from vehide and cqtupment washing opetations shaU not be dischatged to thc stotm dtain system. Cat dcaktshqis and similat m^ rinse cats with watet onfy. Sec Fact Sheet SC-21, "Vehide and Equipment Ckaning," in thc CASQA Stotmwatet QuaUfy Handbooks at www.cabmphandhooks.com 24 • K. Vehick/Eqiripment Rcpaitand Maintenance Accommodate aU vehicle equipment tepait and maintenance indoots. Ot designate an outdoot wodc atea and design the atea to ptevent tun-on and tunoff of stotmwatet. Show secondaty containment fot exteriot woris ateas i^etc motot oil, btake fluid, gasoUne, diesel fuel, tadiatot fliud, add-containing batteries or odiet hazatdous matetiab ot hazatdous wastes ate used ot stoted. Dtains shafl not be installed widiin the secondaty containment tueas. Add a note on die plans that states eithet (1) thete ate no floot dtains, or (2) floot dtains ate connected to wastewatet ptetteatment systems prior to discharge to the sanitaty sewet and an industiial waste dbclia^ petmit wifl be obtained. State that no vehide tepait ot maintenance wifl bc done outdoots, ot cbe desctibe die tequited featutes of the outdoot wodc atea. State that ifaete ate no floot dtains ot if diete ate floot dtains, note tlie agency from vduch an industtial waste dbcha^ petmh wifl be obtained and that the design meete diat agency's tequitemento. Stete diat diete ate no tanks, containets ot sinks to be used fot patte cleaning ot tinsing ot, if diete ate, note the agency from vduch an industtial waste discharge permit will be obtained and diat die design meete that agency's tequitemente. In die SUSMP report, note diat all of die foUowing restrictions appfy to use the site: No petson shaU dispose of, not petmh die disposal, ditec% ot inditecdy of veliick fluids, hazatdous matetiab, ot tinsewatet from patte ckaning into stotm dtains. No vehide fluid temoval shaU be petfotmed outside a building, not on asphah ot gtound sutfaces, whethet inside ot outeide a building, except in such a manner as to ensure that any spifled fluid wiU be in an atea of secondary containment Leaking vehide fluids sliaU be contained ot dtained from the veltick immediatefy. No petson shaU leave unattended dtip patte ot othet open containets containing vehick fhud, uidess such containets ate in use ot in an atea of secondaty containment 25 • L. Fuel Dispensing Ateas FueUng ateas' shafl have impetmeabk floors (i.e., portland cement conctete ot equivalent smoodi impetvious sutface) that ate: a) gtaded at the niinimum slope necessaiy to ptevent ponding and b) sepatated from die test of the site by a gtade bteak that ptevente ran-on of stotmwatet to the maximum extent ptacticable. Fueling ateas shaU be coveted by a canopy diat extends a minimum of ten feet in each ditection from each pump. [Ahemative: The foeling atea must be coveted and die covet's minimum dimensions must bc equal to ot gtcatet dian the atea widiin thc gtade bteak ot fuel dispensing atea'.] Thc canopy [ot covet] shafl not dtain onto the foeling atea. The ptopet^ ownct shaU dty sweep thc foeling atea routincfy. See the Business Guide Sheet, "Automotive Setvice—Setvice Stetions" in thc CASQA Stotmwatet QuaUfy Handbooks at www.cabmphandbooks.com ' The fbeling uea shall be defined as the oiea extending a phn • minimnin of one foot, ^vfaidievcr is gieater. mimmum of 6.5 feet fiom die comer of each fiid dispenser or the lengdi at idiidi the hose a^ 26 • M. Loading Docks Show a pteUminaty design fot the loading dock atea, including toofing and drainage. Loading dodcs shafl bc coveted and/ot gtaded to minimize tun-on to and tunoff from tlie loading atea. Roof downspoute shafl be positioned to ditect stotmwatet away from the loading atea. Watet from loading dock ateas should be dtained to die sanitaiy sewet where feasible. Ditect connections to stotm dtains fiom deptessed loading docks ate prohibited. Loading dock ateas dtaining ditec^ to the sanitaty sewet shaU be equipped widi a spifl control valve ot equivaknt devke, which shafl be kept closed during periods of opeiation. Ptovide a toof ovethang ovct die loading atea ot instaU doot skitte (cowting) at each bay that endose die end of thc ttaikt. • Move loaded and unloaded items indoots as soon as possibk. • Sec Fact Sheet SC-30, "Outdoot Loading and Unloading," in die CASQA Stotmwatet QuaUfy Handbooks at OTfw.rahmpliatMlt»nok«.cnm If. Fite Sptinkkr Test Watet Provide a means to dtain fitc sptinldct test watet to thc sanitaiy sewet. Sec thc note in Fact Slicct SC-41, "Building and Grounds Maintenance," in die CASQA Stotmwatet QuaUfy Handbooks at www.p.ahmphanJlv>ol«.mm 27 • • • • • O. Miscellaneous Dtain ot Wash Water Boflet drain Unes Condensate drain lines Rooftop equipment Dtainage sumps Roofing, gutteis, and ttim. Bofler drain Unes shaU be directfy or indirectfy connected to thc sanitaiy sewer system and macy not duchargc to the storm dtain system. Condensate dtain Unes m^ dischatge to landscaped ateas if thc flow is smafl enough that tunoff wifl not occur. Condensate dtain Unes may not dischatge to the stotm dtain sjrstem. Rooftop mounted equipment with potential to produce pollutantt shafl bc toofed and/ot have secondaiy containment Any dtainage sumps on-site shafl featute a sediment sump to teducc the quantify of sediment in pumped watet. Avoid toofing, guttets, and ttim made of coppet ot othet unprotected metab that may leach into tunoff. • P. Plazas, sidewalks, and paridng lote. Plazas, sidewalks, and patking lote shaU be swept tegulady to ptevent the accumubtion of Uttet and debris. Debris from ptcssnte washing shafl be coUected to ptevent entty into the stotm dtain sjrstcm. Washwatet containing any deaning agent ot degtcaset shaU bc coUected and dischatged to the sanitaiy sewet and not dbchatged to a stotm dtain. 28 LID AND TREATMENT CONTROL SELECTION A treatment control BMP and/or LID fedUty must be selected to treat the projed poUutants of concem identified in Table 7 'Trojed PoUutants of Concem". A tteatment control faality widi a hig^ ot mecUum poUutant temoval efficiency fot the project's most significant poUutant of concem shaU be sdected It is recommended to use die design procedure in Chaptei 4 ofthe SUSMP to meet NPDES peimit LID tequirements, tteatment tequitements, and flow control tequirements. Ifyout projed does not utilize this approach, the projed wiU need to demonstrate cximpliance with LID, tteatment and flow control tequirements. Review Chaptei 2 "Sdection of Stotmwatet Tteatment FadUties" in die SUSMP to assist in detetmining the appropriate tteatment fadUty fot yout projec:t WiU this projed be utilizing the unified LED design procedure as described in Chaptei 4 of the Local SUSMP? (ifyes, please document in Attachmtnt D foUoinng thtittpsin Outf>Ur4 ef tbe County SUSMP) Yes Ne If this projed is not utilizing the unified LID design ptocedute, please describe how the alternative tteatment fadUties wiU comply with appUcable LID criteria, stotmwatet tteatment cadteria, and hydromcxUfication management criteria. > IncUcate the ptojed poUutants of concem (POCs) ftom Table 7 in Column 2 bdow. TABLE 10: GROUPING OF POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS of Concern (POCs) by fkto during stormwal tor troatmont P(dltttant Check Project Specific POCs Coarse Sediment and Trash Pollutants diat tend to associate widi fine particles during treatment Pollutants dtat tend to be dissohrcd fdlowing treatment Sediment X X X Nutrients X X X Heavv Metak X Ofganic Compounds X Trash &Debiu X X Oxyircn Demanding X X Bacteria X X Oil&Grcase X X Pesticides X X 29 > Indkate die tteatment fiM3Uty(8) chosen fot this ptojed in die foUowing table. TABLE 111 GROUPS OF POLLUTANTS and ralattvo olfectivwioss of troatmont Polhuaatsof Conoem Pacllilirs (UD) (Diy POMb) Wet Pondisnd Constmct ed Wedandt Infiitntiaa Faciiiiies or Pisctices ffJD) Madia Ffliai H^g^ie^ ate biofilters* Highcf- tste media fiheis* TnshRadES tt Hydro -dymniic Devices Vegetated Swiles* Coaise and Trash High High High High High High High High High PoDotaiits that tend to associate vrith fine particles during tteatment High High High High High Medium Medium Low Medium PoUutsnts lliat tend to bedtssohred foUowing treatment lifediiiiii Low Medium High Low Low Low Low Low • The proposed areas outside the building envelopes of each pad will be future lanciscaped areas, the top 18" layer of soil wUl be engineered soil providing a minimum of S in per hours infiltration rate > Please check the box(s) that best describes the Tteatment BMP(s) and/ot LED BMP sdected fot this project TABLE 12: PROJECT LID AND TC-BMPS Biotetention Facalites (LID) IB Bioretention atea • Flow-dirough Planter • Cistem with Biotetenticm FadUty Setding Basins (Diy Ponds) IB Extended/dty detention basin with gtass/vegetated lining • Extended/dry detention basin with impetvious Knit>g Infihration Facalitieg ot Pmaices (LID) • Infiltnticm basin • DiyweU • Infiltration ttench Wet Pcmds and Constnicrted Wedandg • Wet pond/basin (petmanent pool) 30 • Constructed wedand Vegetated Swales (UD^*^ • Vqytated Swale Media Fihets • Austin Sand Ffltet • Delaware Sand FUtet • Multi-Chambeied Treatment Tiain (MCTT) Highet-tate Biofilteis • Tiee-pit-8tyle unit • Other. Higher-tate Media Filtets • Vault-based filtration unit with leplaceable cartridges • Odiet_ Hydroc^rnamic Scpatatot Systems • Swiri Concentratot • Cydone Separator Ttash RacJcs DD Catch Basin Insert • Catch Basin Insert w/ Hydiocatbon boom • Odiet_ Self-Tteating ot Self-Retaining Areas (LID) • Petvious Pavements • Vegetated Roofe • Othet_ Must be designed pet SUSMP "Vegetated Swales" design criteria fot UD ciecUt (p. 65). Fot design gmdeUnes and calcuktions refet to Chaptei 4 "Low Impact Devdopment Design Guide" in the SUSMP. Please show aU calculations and design sheets fot aU tteatinent fadUties proposed in Attachment D. 31 > Cteate a Constraction Plan SWMP CheckUst fot yout project Instmctions on how to fiU out table 1. Numbet and Ust each measure oi BMP you have specified in yout SWMP in Columns 1 and Maintenance Categoiy in Colunm 3 ofthe table. Leave Column 2 blank. 2. When you submit constraction plans, dupUcate the table (by photocopy ot decttonicaUy). Now fiU in Column 2, identifying the plan sheets wheie die BMPs are shown. list aU plan sheets on which the BMP appears. This table must be shown on the front sheet of the grading and improvement plans. Stormwater Treatment Control and LI •) BMP's Description Location Sheet Maintenance Revisions Sediment traps On each pad 3&5 Bioretention areas 3&5 Drain inlet inserts At sTy end of Twain Court 3&5 Hydromodification imdergroimd storage pipe On each pad 3&5 The sdeded Bioretention has high effidency treating aU sediments (poUutant of concem per www.proiectdeanwater.org) except median effidency removing nutrients. Drainage insert were also sdected even though diey ate less effective, but since they ate only the first means of treatment of the street runoff before the runoff enters the highly effecttve bioretention, they are a bonus to the tteatment ttain. Infiltration and extended detention basins, wete not selected because the native soil is not very conductive of watet filtration and the site sits on lelativdy steep slope that constraction of detention basins ate not feasible. Furtheimoie, the proposed biotetention ateas have high temoval effidency against aU poUutants of concem, both antidpated and potential, except nutrients. The landscaping pioposed fot this ptoject wiU be dtought and pest toletant spedes, thus the use of ittigation, fettiUzet and pestiddes wiU be reduced. Oil/water separators, hydtodymanic separatots wete not selected because they ate less effective means of stotmwatet tieatment 32 /StLT IrtNQE ! I ! I I I I'M ! \ \ \ WW \ \ \ /' / /; / / / / / ~ \\A'\\\'- •j:////ji/y t. I ///// !/ / DRAINAGE —14.-4 COURSE^ \ WW W I fi \ \ \ \ 1 ! \ \\\ \v ) / )\\\\ ct)'-mio c ^10 • 00.0)0) a. I s OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE > Please check the box that best describes the maintenance mechamsm(s) for ttus projecL TABLE 13: PROJECT BMP CATEGORY CATEGORY SELE4 :rrED BMP Desctiption CATEGORY YES NO BMP Desctiption First X Bioretention area, sediment traps and ch-ainage insert Second^ Bioretention area, sediment traps and ch-ainage insert Third^ Bioretention area, sediment traps and ch-ainage insert Fourth Bioretention area, sediment traps and ch-ainage insert Note: 1. 2. A recorded maintenance agreement will be required. Project will be required to establish or be incliided in a Stormwater Maintenance Assessment District for the long-term maintenance of treatment BMPs. > Please list all individual LID and Treatment Control BMPs (TC-BMPs) incorporated into project. Please ensure the "BMP Identifier" is consistent with the legend in Attachment C "LID and/or TC-BMP Exhibit". Please attach the record plan sheets upon completion of project and amend the Major SWMP y/here ^ropriate. For each type of LID or TC-BMP provide an inspection sheet in Attachment F "Maintenance Plan". TABLE 14: PROJECT SPECIFIC LID AND TC-BMPS BMP Identifier* LID or TC-BMP Type BMP Pollutant of Concem Efficiency (H,M,L)- Tablell Final Construction Date (to lx completed by County inspector) Final Construcrtion Inspector Name (to be completed by Counfy inspector) Bioretention areas bioretention Sediment (H) Nutrients (M) Bacteria & Viruses (H) Sediment traps Sediment trap Sediment (H) Trash (H) Bacteria & Viruses (L) Drainage insert Drainage insert Sediment (H) Trash (H) Bacteria & Viruses (L) 33 > Responsible Party for Long-tenn Maintenance: Identify the paities responsible fot long-tenn maintenance of the BMPs identified above and Souice Controls specified in Attachment B. Inchide the impropriate written agteement with the entities responsible for O&M in Attachment F. Please see Cluster 5 "Private Ownetsh^ and Maintenance" on page 94 of die Coimty SUSMP fot appropriate maintenance mechanisms. Name: Brian and Gail Hynec Company Name: Phone Number 408-846-5755 Street Address: P.O. Box 451 City/State/Zq>: Gflroy, Ca 5021-0451 Email Adciress: pad until the individual homes are solcL Then the maintenance lesponsibiUty becximes that of die new pioperty owners'. > Funding Soutce: Ptovide the fimding source ot soutces fot long-teim operation and maintenance of each BMP identified above. By cettifying the Majoi SWMP the appUcant is certifying that the funding lesponsibiUties have been addressed and wUl be ttansfeired to future ownets. None required. ATTACHMENTS Please indude die foUowing attachments. ATTACHMENT COMPLETED N/A A Piojed Location Map X B Soutce Control Exhibit X C UD and/or TC-BMP Exhibit X D Diainage Management Area (DMA) Maps, Sizing Design Calculations and BMP/IMP Design Details E Geotechnical Cettification Sheet F Maintenance Plan G Ttaddng Report H Addendum Note: Attachments B and C may be combined. 34 ATTACHMENT A Project Location Map VICINITY MAP cnr or ocmism. MT TO SCALE Tl 1127 11 PAOFIC OCEAN cmr OF VISTA OTY OF SAN MARCOS OTY OF ENCINITAS 35 36 ATTACHMENT B Source Control Exhibit Combined with Attachment C 37 38 ATTACHMENT C LID and/or TC-BMP Exhibit 39 40 ATTACHMENT D Drainage Management Area (DMA) Maps, Sizing Design Calculations and TC-BMP/LID Design Details 41 42 DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREAS (DMAS): DMA-A SELF-TREATING AREAS DMA NAME AREA(SF) DMA-A-ST 7356 SELF-RETAINING AREAS DMA NAME AREA(SF) DMA-A-SR 18840 AREAS DRAINING TO SELF-RETAINING AREAS DMA NAME AREA (SF) POST-DEV. SRUFACE TYPE RUNOFF FACTOR RECEIVING SELF- RETAINING DMA AREA(SF) DMA-A-D 8008 LANDSCAPING 0.1 DMA-A-SR 18840 INTERGRATED MANAGEMENT PRACTICE DMA NAME DMA AREA (SF) POST-DEV SURFACE TYPE DMA RUNOFF FACTOR DMA AREA XRUNOFF FACTOR (SF) DMA- A-HS 21783 AC/CONC. 1.0 21783 IMP SOIL TYPE IMP NAME DMA- A-S 4430 LANDSCAPE 0.1 443 D BIORETENTION AREA IMP SIZING FACTOR MIN. AREA SF PROPOSED AREA IMP AREA SF TOTAL 22236 0.04 889 1000 1000 43 DMA-B SELF-TREATING AREAS DMA NAME AREA(SF) DMA-B-ST 4870 SELF-RETAINING AREAS DMA NAME AREA(SF) DMA-B-SR 31090 AREAS DRAINING TO SELF-RETAINING AREAS DMA NAME AREA (SF) POST-DEV. SRUFACE TYPE RUNOFF FACTOR RECEIVING SELF- RETAINING DMA AREA(SF) DMA-B-D 12090 LANDSCAPING 0.1 DMA-B-SR 31090 INTERGRATED MANAGEMENT PRACTICE * DMA NAME DMA AREA (SF) POST-DEV SURFACE TYPE DMA RUNOFF FACTOR DMA AREA X RUNOFF FACTOR (SF) IMP SOIL TYPE IMP NAME IMP SIZING FACTOR MIN. AREA SF PROPOSED AREA IMP AREA SF TOTAL The entire pad drains into the proposed individual sediment trap on the pad, no IMP is necessary. 44 DMA-C SELF-TREATING AREAS DMA NAME AREA(SF) DMA-C-ST 4895 SELF-RETAINING AREAS DMA NAME AREA(SF) N/A 22550 AREAS DRAINING TO SELF-RETAINING AREAS DMA NAME AREA (SF) POST-DEV. SRUFACE TYPE RUNOFF FACTOR RECEIVING SELF- RETAINING DMA AREA(SF) DMA-C-D 2104S LANDSCAPING 0.1 DMA-C-SR 22550 INTERGRATED MANAGEMENT PRACTICE * DMA NAME DMA AREA (SF) POST-DEV SURFACE; TYPE DMA RUNOFF FACTOR DMA AREA X RUNOFF FACTOR (SF) IMP SOIL TYPE IMP NAME IMP SIZING FACTOR MIN. AREA SF PROPOSED AREA IMP AREA SF TOTAL * The entire pad drains into the proposed individual sediment trap on the pad, no IMP is necessary. 45 DMA-D SELF-TREATING AREAS DMA NAME DMA-D-ST AREA(SF) 17975 SELF-RETAINING AREAS DMA NAME AREA(SF) DMA-D-SR 32551 AREAS DRAINING TO SELF-RETAINING AREAS DMA NAME AREA (SF) POST-DEV. SRUFACE TYPE RUNOFF FACTOR RECEIVING SELF- RETAINING DMA AREA(SF) INTERGRATED MANAGEMENT PRACTICE * DMA NAME DMA AREA (SF) POST-DEV SURFACE TYPE DMA RUNOFF FACTOR DMA AREA X RUNOFF FACTOR (SF) * The entire pad drains into the proposed individual sediment trap on the pad, no IMP is necessary. 46 DMA-E SELF-TREATING AREAS DMA NAME AREA(SF) SELF-RETAINING AREAS DMA NAME AREA(SF) DMA-E-SR 22123 AREAS DRAINING TO SELF-RETAINING AREAS DMA NAME AREA (SF) POST-DEV. SRUFACE TYPE RUNOFF FACTOR RECEIVING SELF- RETAINING DMA AREA(SF) INTERGRATED MANAGEMENT PRACTICE DMA NAME DMA AREA (SF) POST-DEV SURFACE TYPE DMA RUNOFF FACTOR DMA AREA X RUNOFF FACTOR (SF) • The entire pad drains into the proposed individual sediment trap on the pad, no IMP is necessary. 47 IMP on each lot is the landscaped area around each future building and hardsoqie area. The anticipated landscaped areas will have an 18" deep engineered soil layer to promote fiiture plant growth and water quality filttation at rate of 5" per hour. The shared driveway - Twain Court and the driveways of Lots 3-5 will be draining into the bioretention area located adjacent to Lot 2 pad via a fossil filter equipped curb inlet at the southerly end of Twain Court and a 6" low flow pipe., please see Kirgis Subdivision DMA Exhibit for more detailed locations. The bioretention area yvill be overlain with 18" of engineered topsoil over filter fabric providing a minimum of 5" per hour of filtration rate. At the bottom of the 18" engineered topsoil layer, an outlet pipe will convey the filtered water to final discharge points as depicted on the Grading and Improvement plan Sheet 18. The top of the outlet pipe is set at the bottom ofthe 18" engineered soil layer. See Sheet 5 of the Grading plans for more details. 48 DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREA EXHIBIT FOR KIRaS SUBDIVISION C ONSU LT INQ Planning Englnearing 8wv«ytng 855S GanMM Avsnua, Suds 200 San Dlago. CA 02121, (BSS) M7-a070 CURB INLET BASKET 49 MMBif 'ibdUr IT' -^iftd' -IflMMf. . JWpi ^^^^^^^^^^^^ w' -^^r'^^^^B^^fc^^^B •B^'i^^^v^nH^^^^^nnpw^v- •^•mi^- •Mmm \ ^ 1 kl 1.2,3,4,5,1.1 50 FbiB ScnMH) In W&Bk&nA BsllQffi par CalBcHno RborgBtt iody tip t4^0h POT ||ilil0t4ndtlliBr Wen j Ji» j J^MT CurtiinM 1,2,3,4.5,6,1 lM^:/Avww.(Miniitecli.eMaAMfV,jds^kMlBttt^lifs2JMiiri 51 Te Te 'ifttm mm 52 1 «t* - ^ CwBlnM 1^ in/mi 53 sanm 54 F^i«r2 IfiiliUlstion ''it"*!!*! fc' _^ 'IM Mt 'auii htm- if'4MI'''€SI H.' fdSi M fc m^ikmkk wM •fa tar r. Mi * ANfc' c««i/eiirVJritOsiirsfll|f>g«SJM»l 55 &M«c TMiMMlffgiM - QMA^ Wit i«dM Page l«f2 OiMriiBii'iiB fl Medium StovB FhtB <9^¥B QpiMMlM' ftpiBmi •no ceaii/nrt>Jid*^kMlEM%H^jMad SrV2006 56 f^2«r2 L2il.4.S.«.I 5nnm 57 Figt 1 «r2 :1.2.1»4.I.«»f RmmtiFnm TtfawitCiiail MBSH ttftpJ/www. 58 BIORETENTION Bloratention TC-32 if ' •em • MHirl *** llMVMd'tM Ute Mto m; MiChqr. Na • Uw • 59 TC-S2 BicMiteiitioii ...:x:/w w'l t*ii<||'iiHliiii mkmi •Ma Mtolf iM Htl'Ml Ml MMi iMivfli wiMriiiiWM PiBMiiil iWwim •itaiMBMiipiMMmar Hyiliiill imialii Wildl. 1 MIMMriMlliMll^iwtllUllrtHMM Till imiirti liftMii ibMMMilr !• Ito iill WlMhai wpwIrMWir, •«MMl. mmmmimkmmlmibfikt »|l III 11 li fci mmimu MMMI^I ibi*B JSMMfff XS93 60 Btoratmrtioii TC-32 MBMMII Mltfl rt»im liBiii I rfl torfMirtitiWi sssrsfis^****' ******* wmmm • !•! •MM »Mi at •M rfwMdi«r*t pdta TiMhMt liiiiidfv IMibB rlt II I llllll tliMlMi>wMiail>Bt illiA. HiD. Ia«*rto he Mii fell 9«fB 61 iiM' Ililii HMMBBT riwtiMMiMtiMMB*Bl Ml rflfcallliMMlMHil ptoMSlBlili lllll 11 1 ipi IJ I mfK «4I tIttlMMMMiii aWMMiibHMl hr4afat(MUi—Mi)lii» I fciiiB I ml iiilj lllilllll liilimrfiiMMl hMteOfiii HI liitirti itoipMi|i I I Hn In •int»MMilMp1rfirf TB liMM Ma«ritaBMi«iMiMHto MgralHllB' 4«r« 62 TC-32 kB4l BMMldl^pWl llflMMlSbl ••lMsill»aii«Mte-iMlaHi«pHl^. IMadHMMHIMSliidMlL MMiiAl M«4 lWMi»> ItaifcsdlslMilhBili Itohai prftaMI'lHii Mi 1HgPlS|MCMii^ TlM«iitaMr*MliMMM*«iim AwHIiBi i«»jj|jiilj|«^^ MiMl!&iBil(HliHSS SMlsl Uilu ill 111 Ut ^ ftm tmm i tBaiMiMi|lB74Ma«(«MMOTMb^MBl TWB ill mill llll BiiitiiiniiiiiifMrt»»ii»iiMMHMtoiatMB teiMito.<fcMiB.wii III liiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii>tsdw>ili>««iiii» 63 TC-32 '-T-iTtTiiiTliii ilil—lhiiillli 1 utiiilu iTiwaBiBMil OM»HMiMM*Mi«iS»telltllJ^^ lllll • iwrtiBit^ 11 ini?*rssrTyw?f??»iiB»4 caaMi MttMMBiiMr mm rt«B( •TB tafoiBiMgi tw liNtagi felBM dpMM lllilllll T.l" I am iiiiri WllMll MlBII li««M«(iM««MflMMI. WMBiMMBBrt •liiQ. I Uliii.«Bi»liMi illll ml .MBrfMiiwiiiiii miA iM»lMiMii|ii«ti • ali as* 64 Bioretetitton TC-32 1lMMMiiMflaiMiMMflMB«aliteahiBHl^^ Ijil ill^iil^ y%j^i|iitMiiteaBlto^yi>^^ IHMB , Uk, K. OMBirfK. ilillllii; Hfj. Uw ll* il I ill ilBBlB—lil»WMBgMM».f>BMBilBglBfiHiMh PWrfa. AJJBBlM*iBB. H, Bl Mii, M. Mi laiMil. C' (MM). llMlB.AJ..«ihllll|[llB,M..aMM.H..iilMri.C,MiWhlipBilir,P.nyBM» Iiiilii I liiilB^BlKlMilB laBi,rmiBi.B«iZlM.'l .AJ..'1i<|iiiiiiilil I •^bnMBAwBBAiPBa • 19, AHhaiai CA. OeMhv mdi,C4L BBi PwiB. AJ. Tw^Bigli Bill rtMMiBfcr-n 1 nt I af II*M ItorfWlllllliiBlliljjMMIIIiTl^^^^^^ .MD. UX IPAOBeB afWalw, m9- Bii wi In TBIIMIII^ PUrt Bit iiwiMiliiii DAip-l^ 65 TC-32 Bimrelttiitioii 1 1 1 J i I fWWMI • afi 66 Sediment Trap SE-3 ii« ivfcwfcdtai • Atfc R IE IB. IMBIIivBllM • AtauUpkloGitioMwIfcitihepnjMtstetfcMMfciBat 0 SI.2 fc Asa praHMtiBB Ibv i wittp bodjr oc i« MMpkBMBl 67 SE-3 Sediment TVap Umltatfcii • Rcqoimk^iitifccaMittif^^ • On^ nmovM fcp and mtaiaiMl p««ifc fci fcifct upB|^^ • Attractirf tid Hmfimm is ddUici^ Mfni^v pBHemU* fen^qf. XmplMMnUfcii AMamrntti«pkmagiriltiMf magr femHaigmmt, tmi^lfym^ii• jpwri flTintd ly cxBimkmorlf eoimaiaBaraa*^^ teyatpoiiiitocifcfltifcifeBn •cfcMfltfcBiBiiifcfciatinMii^^ ItiihfcfcdfkrtiatoMnMya dntotr «rwiwidi»MwwMrfci»tp IIIMWI •liifwfcfcfcA^iii^hirilii-grtli^^ It ifaonMhdpiiiitiBovfceBiMeMfcMitfcKiiiae^ Thete«yii«l»iq>oHByBMiwm widia dHjpifc Cif sppiQRiBufe^flKaMtthi tomjmnfl i mt* pemMiieit^^iiftMfc<ipfci<i«i»k^ tfufifarmmmm. Sedhnent tmpsfcidd be uMdfcfiw nad fciMteaMH. Iffc eiiflifctthvdniMvr v isfreiterfciisaeiM, ieinto»-9,8efcMHtfcfc«tiabrii^ Sefciettitinia%in»themBovcdffcidKtiif iiA»Mii^ TlmWNfff^mM detail how this sediaeiit is to be ^bposed suck m infU aiMi oMfc or Niaord to an approved ofhitedumi>. SefcmtttnvevscdaBpoteetoreoatiiilishixddhei^^ angr hmd distuiliaiiee tokM fcee ta I Scdimetttrqw aie usaal^iDMU^iMlllifcta iifcit effcf cif Ufi^ dsmafe to hoow OTfcUfcp,^lMm«pii^ Howwm,sefcintttni»aMathfciretoddUm TheMfciac leecaninendatiom dmiUhe inqfciMfcl to ndnec xid»: • InstaU ccnrtuuousfcc^arciBiidteiedjBwsttrai^ cnr pond. Gonsok local cndhyoKM rtgading leggfewoMts fer msliiainiii» fclth •ad liftV. • RestiiethadBsjdesfcnto3:i«rfctor. Sediinent tnp siie depends fc type of soS, siM crfte fcoM^ ieoiovalcfBciene3r(steSE-t^SediBBeatBa8iB)L Asafllle^fcpfc$tefc|«^fcfcjav^UB» fcp^HtnfcsefcaniticnMival^feieaqr. Wiipierit^awlyyferitrestdbliihediinfcfc bealgrafcgmfcaaeecMrcfidfciaL 1!1wiiiaBffvalnBMfcaaa<3rearstomAaeaiBn»B dcsjpiciito^ferascdiBesEttap. tl|etidqK«BRiabcfcraisaBBefctfcsiuinffv«^ 0.043 9en4titae (os hi aimaatSi. WiOe fc efcafee, to^gx^^fc. «BA soi^«inaM8 mfcttdifcidtto ettafefciails«towiife ilfcM, fc fefc^eri^^ hishanoaato ofaedinrat iavMat ateas aTOBifeaiite: 68 Sediment Trap SE-3 • TVap shaali heatoated aeeoifcjtto fc httkmUng ii Ni is: (i) ly wiiiwifci^a ertfcse a km twhmvkmat: CBI be emtiiafcl aesaes a swafe, (ii^ afca fcttt aiiM ast lessaf or propciQr ilamnp. aad Wto piovideaeecai fer iiiallii iiaaiiii, iadadlag • TYapshoBMborifcteaeywiimoiiatoasotdhigaeaeaadsodia^ ri r cnwuiMi i i lalnimimi vnhmm of iy yii/ane fci ss y^/ag» of w aif ftiijli teiia^^Mli^iifcdtiq^i^fcltodlir^^^ MBldpliiniaoraiiifcad a Trapsiddi a The oudet p^ or epeaspifcsgr a Useiedkar a FwBdagfciddbepioridedte nfctattoa. ToBiiatai»efcaiea4litiabedbylfcn,isi<imintTTepi ihniiMbeiartafclhi loriasaidawoksorfchMie wiga. Tha fell wi ing imps Miithe fcfcwd ThaawafchrfctadiaidHHBeiiaHwtbe dsModl, gabbed, aad sti^podefa^ aadfootBMt. TiKpooli a ThefflaMte^totiK>iiihanfceiitBWStbefcMofrootoorodiw<iioo#vtjitattoa >ck«, BTfiiiir Hie>iiria|i orofcro^^jM|bllabb wahtrisl The t may be eeaipactod bjr tiaiiniinwilh sqaipaMatwhik it isbehiicouiU'untod. a Aleatfcl-fillstopesbes-'iMl a WheBafcrisiisod,dpipejehtswatbeiMtat|^ a Wheaaz^isuMd,iftkaBtfcteptira-tihMsefthexiB«diouldbep(nfcatodwj&o.5^ £aBieterh^^oeed8m.veitiedl^aBdK>toishLhoriwato%. Swflt4t, SefcieBt a WheaaaoHthor Stone oifctii ased, fcoafcotstfcratioasboHld be at fc* ift bdow fctqioffci 69 SE-3 Sedim wt Trap a Whiacrafcdfcm iW<lit|iafc.fcciafciatoBeafchifcfciitfcwMaiaet AA»fT0ll4S. fcfcmorai, arBsoqalfctatsaehasllSIUNo. a. (kwnlaiosdicfc > fcHthhsifld Ufe) Is fo.7S per 1^ ($1,900 per drahtopaoie). Maliiaaini rnaii aw igpwriaMto^ aoX of fnattBattaa costs. InapMtfci wii a lMqpoetgt#»prtorto few war whi, dfcfc^wtoaiisdtatotftatt, IftofBind. in QOKIBCCMiaS. laspeetfcsediBeattiipferaMaafatoadiagwatordiiri^evcxyvirit OonoMiwoi fcnld be tahea if fc M fcs aet fciator ceaipleto^ 73 faanis or fc to pMftat factor SodiinntthttamBBafcs tofc ^fFanstbe peripd^^ BMP Ol hito caifcfozk oafcsBsarfcpoeadefat aa#pioffcc y^ctHm. a RaBMvev^etotiaafcnfcMidhM iittMvwfcsifctdefcadtopiavvatpeolsofB BMft fct lefcR fcmtoifcslMfibc DawaterimBMFsfcflbe jmpkiwiariil staBth—dmlBtdswaftstii^ BRma,W.,aBdT.SehBfc. Tlie leeaoaaies of Stermwatet glffHt ia fc MifrAfcitfc Roito. FwpandferCbeHVofcRassafcQMioitiwa, Bfc«naec^MD,bgrfcfc«)»i>rWiteffcd Pwtoetioa,IIfcctCigr,MD, W97- Draft - SediawBlatieBaad fcsioaOoaliel, aa fcoatoiy of ChiMatPraeli^ 1990. .fcFi996. Meti^MJL.D.F.Ifcsei^CJ.Bdti%CJ«.lifcis,aadV.LlCi^^ TlwDaiklileof 4er« 70 Sedlmeffit Tl^ap SE-3 Metinnel Mamfwiw i< Mi aiiiiea to Oseaol MoafcatSoaree Felfceafcapfca Aiaai, Goiital Waton, WorfcONiv-Worfcifhvei; BSIPA, Aytil W»- Qadi^Haadboohs - CotaaittoaSite Best Msn^r nn ut PiaeaeeB (fMH) ll—ia\ ofOilllbraie DepaiiiiisurfTVaaqportoBBa(CfcaaaX UA „ 'vs. Aisagr, Ofiee ofWator, WfcfcBa, DC; tfn. Vatatoll. Mw»Mnaiiiii s«r« 71 SE-3 Sediment Trap NOTE; Size spillwoy to convey peak fcign flew. TYPtGAL OPFN SPll I WAY Outlet pipe w uee Qltemotivo opwi spllwoy Excavate, if nccesowy for etoroge Row Eorth embonkment Outlet protection All slopes 1:3 (V:H) or flatter 2" Min Watertight connection—^ Porforote riser EMBANKMENT SECTION THRU Rlf^FR 72 Sediment trap sizing calculation: Each proposed pad will have a sediment trap to store the anticipated first flush runoff volumes. The sediment tn^ are sized based on the tributary area of the pad and adjacent slopes. A single design was used for the largest tributary area \^ch is Lot 2 pad and slopes. The total tributary area is 1.0 acre, per the CASQA handbook, the minimum size should be 67 cubic yards, or 1809 cubic feet. The proposed sediment trap has a bottom dimension of 16' X 16' and a top dimension of 34' x 34'. The depth is at 3' with a 3:1 side slope. The total volume ofthe sediment hap is 1987 cubic feet, greater than the required 1809 cubic feet. An outlet pipe widi a riser pipe equipped with a capped top will be installed in every sediment trap. The caps can be opened manually to dewater the traps witfiin 72 hours of end of storm to prevent vector problems. 73 74 ATTACHMENT E Geotechnical Certification Sheet The design of stormwater treatment and other control measures proposed in diis plan requiring specific soil infiltration characteristics and/or geological conditions has been reviewed and i^roved by a r^jistered C^tvil Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, or Geolc^t in die State of California. Name Date Not required. The project only proposes the tope 1.5' thick layer of soil in the landscaped area to be loose and able to absorb the antidpated 'wa.tct quality runoff volume firom each pad. The underlying compacted pad is no required to function as effective retention/ filtration media. 75 76 ATTACHMENT F Maintenance Plan (Uae Chapter 5 of the SUSMP ae guidance in developing your Maintenance Plan) I. Inspection, Maintenance Log and Self-Verification Forms Blank forms and logs are located at the end of the Attachment F n. Updates and Revisions Updates and revisions to this SWMP shall be inserted into the SWMP and be stored on site. in. INTRODUCTION The property is located in the City of Carlsbad, west of El dlamino Real, south and adjacent to Kelly Ranch CT 97-16A and north of Faraday Drive. The developed portion of the property is at the crest of the hill. There is no other property having tributary basins dnuning onto the developed portion of the property. Under the pre-development conditions, to-be-developed portion of the site sits on the top of a natural knoll that just southerly of the end of the existing Twain Avenue. The runofif fixim the top of knoll sheet flows westerly, southeriy and easterly down the natural slopes via 5 existing natural drainage swales that convey the runofif off-site. Under the proposed conditions. Twain Court will be constructed along the top of the existing knoll. 5 residential lots will be constructed along Twain Court, 2 on both sides and 1 at the southerly end. Per the grading plans, runofif fixim the pads and adjacent slopes of Lots 1 and 2 flows southwesterly into an existing natural drainage swale that conveys the runofif off-site. The proposed Twain Court and the driveways of Lots 3-5 and adjacent fill slopes drain into a fossil filter equipped curb inlet located at the southerly end of Twain Court and is discharged into another existing natural cbainage swale and conveyed off-site. The pads on Lots 4 and 5 and the easterly fill slopes sheet flows easterly into an existing natural drainage swale and is conveyed ofif-site. The proposed development does not alter the existing drainage pattem. 77 rv. Designated Responiible Person: During and after the on-going home construction, prior to the transfer of ownership to future homebuyers, the maintenance responsibility shall be the Developers'. The persons responsible are: Brian and Gail Hynek P. O.Box451 Cfflroy,Ca 95021-0451 408-846-5755 Once the project is completed, an HOA v^dll be established such that the responsibility of the on-going maintenance of BMPs on the entire project site is transpired fixim Mr.aiul Mrs. Hynec to the HOA. The HOA will be initially funded by the Hynecs. As homes are being sold, the Hynecs will continue to reduce their financial obligation as more homeowners will start funding the HOA operations. The BMPs to be maintained include the chain inlet insert at the curb inlet at southerly end of Twain Ct and the bio-retention area on the pad of Lot 2 as well individual lot BMP on all private lots and pads that have not been tiansferred to fiiture buyers. The BMPs will be maintained by the HOA, funded by HOA fees paid by each individual homeowner in perpetiiity. Once individual lots are sold to future home builders and buyers, the responsibility of on- going maintenance of BMPs, including sediment traps and landsoqied slopes, on each individual lot will be hansferred to the future home builders and buyers. A BMP maintenance program will be included in the CC &R's ofthe Kirgis Subdivision in accordance with the City of Carlsbad SUSMP requirements as they obtain building permits. V. Summary of Drainage Areas and Stormwater facilities See BMP Exhibit in Attachment C for detailed depictions of pervious and impervious areas and drainage pattems 78 VL Maintenance Schedule and Requirements: BMP CATEGORY MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY ANNUAL COST SEDIMENT TRAP - DRAIN INLET INSERT FOSSILE FILTER - REMOVE SEDIMENT - REMOVE DEBRIS AND TRASH - REMOVE OIL AND GREASE - INSPECT FOR STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY AFTER EACH RUNOFF PRODUCING STORM $500 BIORETENTION AREA - REMOVED TRASH/DEBRIS - INSPECT OUTLET PIPE - MOW GRASS TO 4", 8" MAX. - CHECK FOR STANDING WATER lA^AR $2,000 TOTAL $2,500 79 80 ATTACHMENT G Tracking Report 81 82 ATTACHMENT H Hydromodification Management Plan HMP 83 84 INTRODUCTION Hydrograph modification is caused by the increases in the fi%quency and duration of runofif as a result of watershed development Increases caused by additional imperious areas and more efiScient drainage fecilities. The increase can cause or accelerate erosion of streambed and/or banks downstream. San Diego Hydrology Model (SDHM), Version 1.0, published by Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. on 9-10,2010, v^ras used in this hyclro-modification analysis. The encinitas.wdm rain M data was also obtained fiom Clear Creek Solutions in the analysis ofthis project. The SDHM software is based on the HSPF software that is within the public domain. The purpose ofthe hyclrognqih modification analysis is to certify that the post- construction hydrologic characteristics of fhe project simulates fhe pre-deveiopment hydrologic characteristics at the point of compliance (POC). For this project, the POC was established at the most downstream discharge points v/hert the nmofif leaves the disturbed site. For this report, the hydromodification is caused by this development results fixim the grading ofthe pad/driveway. The construction of the future homes and the resulting increases in impervious areas (e.g. roof, chiveways and hardscaped areas, eto) are not part this project, but nevertheless are also considered and modeled such that a mitigation system is designed in anticipation of these future developments. To minimize the project's overall disturbance and due to the fiict that the steep topography of the site is not conducive to large basin design, no detention and/or hychximodification basins are proposed. Instead a storage and filtration system has been proposed for individual home pads to retain any increase in runofif as a result of the future home constniction such that, fixim a hydrologic stand point, the proposed grading and street improvement and future home construction on individual lots will have no impervious foo^rint - thus eliminating the hydromodification impact to the downstream channels and facilities. The limits ofthe HMP analysis are at the proposed disturbance limits which are also the proposed lot lines such that the area footprint is the same for both the pre and post- development conditions. The imdisturbed area is anticipated to have no additional hydrologic impact. A slope analysis is conducted for each lot(areas within each individual lot lines) to detemiine the slope gradient ranges in the pre-development hydrologic modeling, see the slope analysis exhibit at the end of flie HMP analysis. For the developed (mitigated) model, the entire areas within the proposed lot lines will be disturbed for the constmction of slopes, pads, chivew^ys and future homes. The landscaped, hardscqied and roof areas for each lot is calculated and modeled in the mitigated scenario. An underground storage pipe system is also designed and modeled for each lot Once the models area executed, the program will give a pass/fail assessment to the proposed storage pipe system design as to whether the storage system is adequate to mitigate the proposed home construction such that the disturbed areas within each lot - landsoqied slopes and yard, hardscaped driveway and walkways and the roof will not 85 have any additional hydrologic unpact to downsfream drainage facilities in terms of peak flow and duratioit The rainfall data used in the hydrograph modification analysis is based on the annual gauge data in Encinitas, obtained fixim a http://www.clearCTeeksolutions.com. ASSUMPTIONS Although no home constraction is proposed for this project, certain assumptions in the size and nature ofthe fuhire homes were made to facilitate the design of HMP mitigation facilities in anticipation of the future home constmction. Due to the large size of the proposed lots and pads, the typical home is anticipated to be large estate type buildings with a building foot print of7000 square feet, including the garages. And additional 3000 square foot of hardscape area such as patios, walkways, driveways and pool decks are also anticipated. The total impervious foot print for each lot is anticipated to be 10000 square foot The rest ofthe lot will be landscaped slopes and yards. The HMP mitigation facilities will be sized to store all ofthe excess 86 Lotl Pre-developmaat scheaiatics PRBUCVBZXWID ZJMD mi Varriova I IUA4I Iftp^ Aeraa c D,aiwab ,nat|0-S%) .04 C D,«lunib ,Mod(S-10%) .14 C Dfttunfe ,St(10-20%) .51 C D,«unib ,Vacy(>20%) .2 C D,Dixt, nat(0-B%) .01 C D,Din;, Mod(5>10%) .04 C D,Dirt, flt(10-20%) .07 C D,Oirt, Vacy(>20%) .02 87 2il Tank 1 KXTZOI^SKl LMB> OflB Pfyy^a^ia Iiawd Of* C D,QBaaa,nat(0-S%) C D,BEaaa,Vacr(>2e%) Drivaaay nat(0-S%) flidamalk flat(0-5%) .25 0.03 0.04 88 Underground storage tank: DiMMiaiona Depth: 3£t. Tank Typa : Circular DiaaatMC : 3 ft. length : 310 ft. Diaaharoa Structura Riaar Hai^t: 2.5 ft. Riaar Diamatar: 10 In. HotohTypa : Rectangular Notdh Width : 0.100 ft. Motoh Haight: 0.300 ft. Orifioa 1 Diaaatar: 0.3 in. Elavation: 0 ft. Eloaant Flowa To: Outlat 1 Outlat 2 Tank Hydraulic Tabla StMaCftl ATMiCaerLJ^ln MCaor-ft) n.nhr«(e«a) XnfiltCofs) 300.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 300.0 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 300.1 0.006 0.000 0.001 0.000 300.1 0.008 0.001 0.001 0.000 300.1 0.009 0.001 0.001 0.000 300.2 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.000 300.2 0.011 0.001 0.001 0.000 300.2 0.011 0.002 0.001 0.000 300.3 0.012 0.002 0.001 0.000 300.3 0.013 0.003 0.001 0.000 300.3 0.013 0.003 0.001 0.000 300.4 0.014 0.004 0.001 0.000 300.4 0.015 0.004 0.001 0.000 300.4 0.015 0.004 0.002 0.000 300.5 0.015 0.005 0.002 0.000 300.5 0.016 0.006 0.002 0.000 300.5 0.016 0.006 0.002 0.000 300.6 0.017 0.007 0.002 0.000 300.6 0.017 0.007 0.002 0.000 300.6 0.017 0.008 0.002 0.000 300.7 0.018 0.008 0.002 0.000 300.7 0.018 0.009 0.002 0.000 300.7 0.018 0.010 0.002 0.000 300.8 0.019 0.010 0.002 0.000 300.8 0.019 0.011 0.002 0.000 300.8 0.019 0.011 0.002 0.000 300.9 0.019 0.012 0.002 0.000 300.9 0.020 0.013 0.002 0.000 300.9 0.020 0.013 0.002 0.000 301.0 0.020 0.014 0.002 0.000 301.0 0.020 0.015 0.002 0.000 301.0 0.020 0.015 0.002 0.000 301.1 0.020 0.016 0.002 0.000 89 301.1 0.021 0.017 0.002 0.000 301.1 0.021 0.017 0.003 0.000 301.2 0.021 0.018 0.003 0.000 301.2 0.021 0.019 0.003 0.000 301.2 0.021 0.019 0.003 0.000 301.3 0.021 0.020 0.003 0.000 301.3 0.021 0.021 0.003 0.000 301.3 0.021 0.022 0.003 0.000 301.4 0.021 0.022 0.003 0.000 301.4 0.021 0.023 0.003 0.000 301.4 0.021 0.024 0.003 0.000 301.5 0.021 0.024 0.003 0.000 301.5 0.021 0.025 0.003 0.000 301.5 0.021 0.026 0.003 0.000 301.6 0.021 0.027 0.003 0.000 301.6 0.021 0.027 0.003 0.000 301.6 0.021 0.028 0.003 0.000 301.7 0.021 0.029 0.003 0.000 301.7 0.021 0.029 0.003 0.000 301.7 0.021 0.030 0.003 0.000 301.8 0.021 0.031 0.003 0.000 301.8 0.021 0.032 0.003 0.000 301.8 0.021 0.032 0.003 0.000 301.9 0.021 0.033 0.003 0.000 301.9 0.021 0.034 0.003 0.000 301.9 0.020 0.034 0.003 0.000 302.0 0.020 0.035 0.003 0.000 302.0 0.020 0.036 0.003 0.000 302.0 0.020 0.036 0.003 0.000 302.1 0.020 0.037 0.003 0.000 302.1 0.020 0.038 0.003 0.000 302.1 0.019 0.038 0.003 0.000 302.2 0.019 0.039 0.003 0.000 302.2 0.019 0.040 0.004 0.000 302.2 0.019 0.040 0.006 0.000 302.3 0.018 0.041 0.009 0.000 302.3 0.018 0.041 0.014 0.000 302.3 0.018 0.042 0.019 0.000 302.4 0.017 0.043 0.026 0.000 302.4 0.017 0.043 0.032 0.000 302.4 0.017 0.044 0.039 0.000 302.5 0.016 0.044 0.047 0.000 302.5 0.016 0.045 0.055 0.000 302.5 0.015 0.045 0.105 0.000 302.6 0.015 0.046 0.195 0.000 302.6 0.015 0.046 0.312 0.000 302.6 0.014 0.047 0.450 0.000 302.7 0.013 0.047 0.608 0.000 302.7 0.013 0.048 0.781 0.000 302.7 0.012 0.048 0.970 0.000 302.8 0.011 0.048 1.173 0.000 302.8 0.011 0.049 1.389 0.000 302.8 0.010 0.049 1.617 0.000 302.9 0.009 0.050 1.857 0.000 302.9 0.008 0.050 2.109 0.000 302.9 0.006 0.050 2.371 0.000 303.0 0.004 0.050 2.643 0.000 90 303.0 303.0 0.000 0.000 0.050 0.000 2.925 3.217 0.000 0.000 ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Fraqpaancy Retum Parioda for Pradovalopad. Ratum Pariod Flow (ofa) 2 yMT 0.008227 5 yMr 0.262321 10 yaar 0.375525 25 yaar 0.453192 POC #1 Flow Fraquanc^y Retum Parioda for Hitigatad. Ratum Pariod Flow(cfa) 2 yaar 0.004648 5 yMT 0.15047 10 yaar 0.255616 25 yaar 0.304515 POC *1 Yaarly Paaka for Pradavalopad and Mitigatad. POC #1 Yaar Pradavalopad Mitioatad 1965 0.002 0.003 1966 0.005 0.003 1967 0.171 0.082 1968 0.003 0.006 1969 0.084 0.041 1970 0.258 0.182 1971 0.007 0.003 1972 0.001 0.003 1973 0.000 0.002 1974 0.001 0.002 1975 0.012 0.003 1976 0.031 0.015 1977 0.030 0.011 1978 0.009 0.021 1979 0.306 0.268 1980 0.313 0.076 1981 0.375 0.331 1982 0.002 0.003 1983 0.044 0.047 1984 0.378 0.255 1985 0.006 0.003 1986 0.185 0.029 1987 0.239 0.064 1988 0.001 0.002 1989 0.005 0.003 1990 0.001 0.002 1991 0,000 0.002 1992 0.235 0.160 1993 0.053 0.022 1994 0.280 0.148 1995 0.001 0.002 1996 0.549 0.294 1997 0.000 0.002 91 1998 0.205 0,143 1999 0.416 0,230 2000 0.000 0.002 2001 0.001 0.003 2002 0.000 0.003 Rankad Yaarly Paaka for Pradavalopad at Rank Pradavalopad Mitigatad 1 0.5487 0.3311 2 0.4157 0,2941 3 0.3781 0.2678 4 0.3753 0.2546 5 0.3128 0.2295 6 0.3057 0.1820 7 0.2802 0.1597 8 0.2584 0.1484 9 0.2394 0.1426 10 0.2348 0.0821 11 0.2052 0.0757 12 0.1846 0.0636 13 0.1709 0.0473 14 0.0841 0.0412 15 0.0529 0.0286 16 0.0436 0.0221 17 0.0308 0.0212 18 0.0299 0.0148 19 0.0120 0.0114 20 0.0093 0.0059 21 0.0072 0.0035 22 0.0057 0.0034 23 0.0046 0.0033 24 0.0046 0.0029 25 0.0030 0.0029 26 0.0025 0.0029 27 0.0024 0.0027 28 0.0013 0.0027 29 0.0012 0.0027 30 0.0009 0.0027 31 0.0008 0.0025 32 0.0007 0.0024 33 0.0006 0.0024 34 0.0004 0.0024 35 0.0002 0.0024 36 0.0001 0.0023 37 0.0001 0,0023 38 0.0001 0.0022 POC *1 POC «1 Tha Facility PASSED Tha Facility PASSED. Flow(CFS) Pradav Dav Parcantaga Paaa/Fail 0.0008 327864 327864 100 Pass 0.0046 1018 1116 109 Pass 92 0.0084 585 565 96 Pass 0.0122 476 399 83 Pass 0.0160 416 323 77 Pass 0.0197 352 253 71 Pass 0.0235 308 209 67 Pass 0.0273 283 178 62 Pass 0.0311 256 158 61 Pass 0.0349 247 142 57 Pass 0.0387 229 131 57 Pass 0.0425 216 116 53 Pass 0,0462 202 107 52 Pass 0,0500 190 95 50 Pass 0.0538 181 93 51 Pass 0.0576 163 87 53 Pass 0.0614 155 76 49 Pass 0,0652 146 71 48 Pass 0.0690 138 70 50 Pass 0,0727 125 68 54 Pass 0,0765 120 63 52 Pass 0.0803 116 62 53 Pass 0.0841 106 57 53 Pass 0,0879 101 54 53 Pass 0,0917 97 53 54 Pass 0.0954 92 51 55 Pass 0.0992 87 50 57 Pass 0,1030 81 49 60 Pass 0.1068 77 48 62 Pass 0,1106 74 47 63 Pass 0,1144 74 46 62 Pass 0,1182 72 44 61 Pass 0.1219 69 42 60 Pass 0,1257 65 40 61 Pass 0.1295 61 37 60 Pass 0,1333 55 32 58 Pass 0.1371 54 29 53 Pass 0.1409 53 26 49 Pass 0.1446 52 24 46 Pass 0.1484 51 24 47 Pass 0.1522 49 19 38 Pass 0.1560 49 19 38 Pass 0.1598 46 18 39 Pass 0.1636 43 16 37 Pass 0.1674 42 16 38 Pass 0.1711 40 15 37 Pass 0.1749 37 15 40 Pass 0.1787 37 15 40 Pass 0.1825 36 15 41 Pass 0.1863 35 13 37 Pass 0.1901 34 12 35 Pass 0.1939 33 12 36 Pass 0.1976 33 9 27 Pass 0.2014 28 9 32 Pass 0.2052 26 9 34 Pass 0,2090 25 9 36 Pass 0.2128 25 9 36 Pass 0,2166 22 9 40 Pass 0,2203 21 9 42 Pass 93 0,2241 20 9 45 Pass 0,2279 19 9 47 Pass 0,2317 19 7 36 Pass 0,2355 17 7 41 Pass 0.2393 17 7 41 Pass 0.2431 16 7 43 Pass 0.2468 15 7 46 Pass 0,2506 14 6 42 Pass 0.2544 14 6 42 Pass 0.2582 14 5 35 Pass 0.2620 13 5 38 Pass 0,2658 13 5 38 Pass 0,2695 11 4 36 Pass 0,2733 11 4 36 Pass 0,2771 10 4 40 Pass 0.2809 9 4 44 Pass 0.2847 8 4 50 Pass 0.2885 8 3 37 Pass 0.2923 8 3 37 Pass 0.2960 7 1 14 Pass 0.2998 7 1 14 Pass 0.3036 7 1 14 Pass 0,3074 5 1 20 Pass 0,3112 5 1 20 Pass 0,3150 4 1 25 Pass 0,3188 4 1 25 Pass 0.3225 4 1 25 Pass 0,3263 4 1 25 Pass 0.3301 4 1 25 Pass 0.3339 4 0 0 Pass 0.3377 4 0 0 Pass 0.3415 4 0 0 Pass 0.3452 4 0 0 Pass 0,3490 4 0 0 Pass 0.3528 4 0 0 Pass 0.3566 4 0 0 Pass 0.3604 4 0 0 Pass 0.3642 4 0 0 Pass 0.3680 4 0 0 Pass 0.3717 4 0 0 Pass 0.3755 4 0 0 Pass 94 1«4 1S-3 1<i<2 tt TfmM IK U { \ J 1K-1 o o " O A* OO ^ AA 1 KMM N 4t^lt Tt M 95 96 Lot 2, Lot 6 and driveways and westerly fill slopes from Lots 3-5 Pre-development schematics ot2 and 6 i11.16ac PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Parvious Land Usa Acras C D,Shr\ib,Flat(0-5%) .0203 C D,Shrub,Mod(5-10%) .19 C D,Shrub,St(10-20%) .38 C D,Shrub,Vary(>20%) .4 C D,Dirt, Mod(5-10%) .01 C D,Dirt, St(10-20%) .02 C D,Dirt, Vary(>20%) .13 97 Post-development schematics ot2 and 6 34«e itention Swifc 1 Hr •nk 1 MITIGATED LAND USE Pervious Lsmd Use C D,Grass,Flat(0-5%) C D,Grass,Very(>20%) Impervious Land Use Roof Area Driveway Mod(5-10%) Sidewalk Flat(0-5%) Acres .4 .6 Acres 0.16 0.15 0.03 98 Underground storage tank: Dimensions Depth: 36ft. Tank Typa : Circular Diameter : 36 ft. Length : 90 ft. Diacdiarqe Structure Riser Height: 2.5 ft. Riser Diameter: 10 in. NotchType : Rectangular Notch Width : 0. 800 ft. Notch Height: 0. 000 ft. Orifice 1 Diameter: 0.35 in. Elevation: 0 ft. Orifice 1 Diameter: 0.22 in. Elevation: 0 ft. Tank Hydraulic Table stmm ift) Area(mcx) Volume(acr-£t) D8chra(cfs) ln£ilt(cfs) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.400 0.016 0.004 0.003 0.000 0.800 0.022 0.012 0.004 0.000 1.200 0.027 0.022 0.005 0.000 1.600 0.031 0.033 0.006 0.000 2.000 0.034 0.046 0.006 0.000 2.400 0.037 0.060 0.007 0.000 2.800 0.040 0.076 1.341 0.000 3.200 0.042 0.092 4.761 0.000 3.600 0.045 0.109 9.372 0.000 4.000 0.047 0.128 14.92 0.000 4.400 0.049 0.147 21.26 0.000 4.800 0.051 0.167 28.32 0.000 5.200 0.052 0.187 36.02 0.000 5.600 0.054 0.209 44.31 0.000 6.000 0.055 0.230 53.15 0.000 6.400 0.057 0.253 62.52 0.000 6.800 0.058 0.276 72.38 0.000 7.200 0.060 0.299 82.71 0.000 7.600 0.061 0.323 93.49 0.000 8.000 0.062 0.348 104.7 0.000 8.400 0.063 0.373 116.3 0.000 8.800 0.064 0.398 128.3 0.000 9.200 0.065 0.424 140.8 0.000 9.600 0.066 0.450 153.6 0.000 10.00 0.067 0.477 166.7 0.000 10.40 0.067 0.504 180.2 0.000 10.80 0.068 0.531 194.1 0.000 11.20 0.069 0.558 208.3 0.000 11.60 0.070 0.586 222.8 0.000 12.00 0.070 0.614 237.7 0.000 12.40 0.071 0.642 252.8 0.000 12.80 0.071 0.670 268.3 0.000 13.20 0.072 0.699 284.1 0.000 13.60 0.072 0.728 300.2 0.000 99 14.00 0.073 0.756 316.5 0.000 14.40 0.073 0.786 333.2 0.000 14.80 0.073 0.815 350.1 0.000 15.20 0.073 0.844 367.3 0.000 15.60 0.074 0.874 384.8 0.000 16.00 0.074 0.903 402.6 0.000 16.40 0.074 0.933 420.6 0.000 16.80 0.074 0.962 438.9 0.000 17.20 0.074 0.992 457.4 0.000 17. 60 0.074 1.022 476.2 0.000 18.00 0.074 1.052 495,3 0.000 18.40 0.074 1.081 514.6 0.000 18.80 0.074 1.111 534.1 0.000 19.20 0.074 1.141 553.9 0.000 19.60 0.074 1.170 573.9 0.000 20.00 0.074 1.200 594 .2 0.000 20.40 0.074 1.230 614.6 0.000 20.80 0.073 1.259 635.4 0.000 21.20 0.073 1.288 656.3 0.000 21.60 0.073 1.317 677.5 0.000 22.00 0.073 1.347 698.9 0.000 22.40 0.072 1.376 720.5 0.000 22.80 0.072 1.404 742.3 0.000 23.20 0.071 1.433 764 . 4 0.000 23.60 0.071 1.461 786.6 0.000 24.00 0.070 1.489 809.1 0.000 24.40 0.070 1.517 831.8 0.000 24.80 0.069 1.545 854.7 0.000 25.20 0.068 1.572 877.8 0.000 25.60 0.067 1.600 901.1 0.000 26.00 0.067 1.626 924 . 6 0.000 26.40 0.066 1.653 948.3 0.000 26.80 0.065 1.679 972.2 0.000 27.20 0.064 1.705 996.3 0.000 27.60 0.063 1.730 1020. 0.000 28.00 0.062 1.755 1045. 0.000 28.40 0.061 1.780 1069. 0.000 28.80 0.060 1.804 1094 . 0.000 29.20 0.058 1.827 1119. 0.000 29.60 0.057 1.850 1144 . 0.000 30.00 0.055 1.873 1170. 0.000 30.40 0.054 1.895 1196. 0.000 30.80 0.052 1. 916 1221. 0.000 31.20 0.051 1.936 1247. 0.000 31.60 0.049 1.956 1274. 0.000 32.00 0.047 1.975 1300. 0.000 32.40 0. 045 1. 994 1326. 0.000 32.80 0.042 2.011 1353. 0.000 33.20 0.040 2.027 1380. 0.000 33.60 0.037 2.043 1407. 0.000 34.00 0.034 2.057 1434. 0.000 34.40 0.031 2.070 1462. 0.000 34.80 0.027 2.082 1489. 0.000 35.20 0.022 2.091 1517. 0.000 35.60 0.016 2.099 1545. 0.000 36.00 0.000 2.103 1573. 0.000 36.40 0.000 0.000 1601. 0.000 100 101 ANALYSIS RESULTS ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Retum Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Retum Period Flow (cfs) 2 year 0.027 605 5 year 0.317402 10 year 0.442688 25 year 0.538268 Flow Frequency Retum Periods for Mitigated. PCX; #1 Retum Period Flow (cfs) 2 year 0.006748 5 yaar 0.237753 10 yoar 0.385645 25 year 0.424485 Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mi tig 1965 0.012 0.006 1966 0.014 0.007 1967 0.215 0.160 1968 0.011 0.007 1969 0.124 0.145 1970 0.304 0.299 1971 0.026 0.007 1972 0.002 0.006 1973 0.000 0.004 1974 0.005 0,005 1975 0.032 0.007 1976 0.053 0,065 1977 0.053 0,020 1978 0.029 0,046 1979 0.360 0,413 1980 0.387 0,306 1981 0.442 0,395 1982 0.007 0,006 1983 0.066 0,116 1984 0.452 0,385 1985 0.023 0.006 1986 0.230 0.133 1987 0.314 0.192 1988 0.003 0.005 1989 0.016 0.006 1990 0.002 0.005 1991 0.000 0.005 1992 0.284 0.224 1993 0.104 0.051 1994 0.334 0.223 1995 0.001 0.005 1996 0. 642 0.453 1997 0.001 0.004 1998 0.256 0.221 1999 0. 497 0.350 102 2000 2001 2002 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.004 0.005 0.005 Ramked Yearly Peaks for Predevelop>ed and Mitigated. POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigatied 1 0.6421 0.4530 2 0.4975 0.4133 3 0.4517 0.3950 4 0.4419 0.3849 5 0.3872 0.3504 6 0.3595 0.3063 7 0.3342 0.2987 8 0.3137 0.2244 9 0.3038 0.2230 10 0.2844 0.2214 11 0.2561 0.1922 12 0.2298 0.1596 13 0.2150 0.1455 14 0.1244 0.1331 15 0.1040 0.1159 16 0.0661 0.0646 17 0.0532 0.0512 18 0.0529 0.0458 19 0.0321 0.0197 20 0.0290 0.0068 21 0.0263 0.0067 22 0.0229 0.0066 23 0.0155 0.0066 24 0.0141 0.0059 25 0.0120 0.0059 26 0.0112 0.0058 27 0.0074 0.0055 28 0.0049 0.0055 29 0.0034 0.0052 30 0.0023 0.0052 31 0.0017 0.0051 32 0.0014 0.0050 33 0.0013 0.0048 34 0.0007 0.0047 35 0.0003 0.0047 36 0.0002 0.0045 37 0.0001 0.0041 38 0.0001 0.0040 POC #1 The Facilit:y PASSED The Facility PASSED. Flow (CFS) Predev Dev Percent:age Pass/Fail 0.0072 796 699 87 Pass 0.0116 642 514 80 Pass 0.0160 540 436 80 Pass 0.0204 453 380 83 Pass 103 0. 0248 404 327 80 Pass 0. 0292 349 302 86 Pass 0. 0336 306 278 90 Pass 0. 0380 286 261 91 Pass 0. 0424 261 231 88 Pass 0. 0468 249 211 84 Pass 0, 0512 233 199 85 Pass 0. 0556 219 189 86 Pass 0. 0600 208 180 86 Pass 0. 0644 196 172 87 Pass 0. 0688 186 160 86 Pass 0. 0732 171 152 88 Pass 0. 0776 162 147 90 Pass 0. 0820 154 142 92 Pass 0. 0864 144 131 90 Pass 0. 0908 138 120 86 Pass 0. 0952 130 114 87 Pass 0. 0996 121 107 88 Pass 0. 1040 113 104 92 Pass 0. 1084 106 100 94 Pass 0. 1128 99 94 94 Pass 0. 1172 93 92 98 Pass 0. 1216 90 89 98 Pass 0. 1260 84 87 103 Pass 0. 1304 80 82 102 Pass 0. 1348 78 77 98 Pass 0. 1392 75 72 96 Pass 0. 1436 72 68 94 Pass 0. 1480 69 67 97 Pass 0. 1524 62 63 101 Pass 0. 1568 60 60 100 Pass 0. 1612 59 56 94 Pass 0. 1656 57 55 96 Pass 0. 1700 56 54 96 Pass 0. 1744 55 52 94 Pass 0. 1788 54 52 96 Pass 0, 1832 52 51 98 Pass 0, 1876 50 48 96 Pass 0, 1920 47 47 100 Pass 0, 1964 44 44 100 Pass 0, 2008 42 43 102 Pass 0, 2051 42 40 95 Pass 0, 2095 40 39 97 Pass 0, 2139 39 36 92 Pass 0, 2183 37 34 91 Pass 0, 2227 37 31 83 Pass 0, 2271 37 29 78 Pass 0. 2315 34 29 85 Pass 0, 2359 33 27 81 Pass 0. 2403 29 27 93 Pass 0. 2447 28 26 92 Pass 0. 2491 26 26 100 Pass 0. 2535 26 26 100 Pass 0. 2579 24 25 104 Pass 0. 2623 21 21 100 Pass 0. 2667 20 19 95 Pass 0. 2711 18 19 105 Pass 104 0.2755 18 18 100 Pass 0.2799 18 17 94 Pass 0.2843 18 16 88 Pass 0.2887 16 16 100 Pass 0.2931 15 16 106 Pass 0.2975 15 16 106 Pass 0.3019 15 12 80 Pass 0.3063 14 11 78 Pass 0.3107 14 10 71 Pass 0.3151 13 10 76 Pass 0.3195 12 10 83 Pass 0.3239 12 9 75 Pass 0.3283 11 8 72 Pass 0.3327 10 7 70 Pass 0.3371 9 7 77 Pass 0.3415 9 7 77 Pass 0.3459 9 7 77 Pass 0.3503 8 7 87 Pass 0.3547 8 5 62 Pass 0.3591 7 5 71 Pass 0.3635 6 5 83 Pass 0.3679 6 5 83 Pass 0.3723 6 5 83 Pass 0.3767 5 4 80 Pass 0.3811 5 4 80 Pass 0.3855 5 3 60 Pass 0.3899 4 3 75 Pass 0.3943 4 3 75 Pass 0.3987 4 2 50 Pass 0.4031 4 2 50 Pass 0.4075 4 2 50 Pass 0.4119 4 2 50 Pass 0.4163 4 1 25 Pass 0.4207 4 1 25 Pass 0.4251 4 1 25 Pass 0.4295 4 1 25 Pass 0.4339 4 1 25 Pass 0.4383 4 1 25 Pass 0.4427 3 1 33 Pass 105 1CE-4 IOE-3 m-2 1(E-1 rownt Tlmm 10 Imai 100 1 0 18E0 J 18E-1 1flE-2l o o g ^ s s s s oo ); A A A *l .9 « I tll 1 IS 20 ni^iiiM BO 70 M to OS 106 Lots Pre-devdapnie^ adkMuitics PRDDCVILOtSD XAMD tJfll Parviaaa 1* Aoraa C Cflhsak .Flat(0-5%) .Ofl C D,flhz«k ,IM(S-10%) .14 C D,flhrab ,flt(10-20%) .lfl C D,flhcab ,Vtey(>20%) .36 C D,Dirt, Mad(5-10%) .01 C D,Dirt, flt(10-20%) .01 C DfDirt, VMey(>20%) .01 107 Pott-dcvek^pMcat wAmmAa MXTieimED ZAND OB C D, C D, t(0-S%) 020%) .3 .27 Flat(0-5%) nat (0-5%) ^Tl6 0.01 0.03 lot Underground storage tank: Diaanaiona Dqpth: Tank Typa : Diaaatar : Langth : 3ft. Circular 3 ft. 190 ft. Diaeiharqa Stmctura Riaar Haight: 2.5 ft. Riaar Diaaatar: 10 in. NotchTypa Rectangular Heteh Width : 0.500 ft, Hotoh Haight: 0.000 ft. Orifioa 1 Diaaatar: 0.25 in. Elevation: 0 ft. Tank Hydraulic Tabla ItaoaCftl J UcMtCaer) Velia MCaer-ft) Dmebraietm} ZnflXtCefsl 302.0 0.000 0,000 0,000 0,000 302.0 0.003 0,000 0,000 0.000 302.1 0.004 0,000 0,000 0.000 302,1 0.005 0.000 0.001 0,000 302.1 0,005 0.000 0.001 0.000 302.2 0,006 0.001 0.001 0.000 302.2 0,007 0.001 0,001 0.000 302.2 0,007 0.001 0,001 0.000 302.3 0.007 0.001 0.001 0.000 302.3 0.008 0.002 0.001 0.000 302.3 0.008 0.002 0.001 0.000 302.4 0.009 0.002 0.001 0.000 302.4 0.009 0.002 0,001 0,000 302.4 0.009 0.003 0.001 0,000 302.5 0.009 0,003 0.001 0,000 302.5 0.010 0,003 0.001 0,000 302,5 0,010 0.004 0.001 0.000 302,6 0.010 0,004 0.001 0.000 302,6 0.010 0,004 0.001 0.000 302,6 0.011 0,005 0.001 0.000 302.7 0.011 0,005 0.001 0,000 302,7 0.011 0,005 0.001 0,000 302.7 0.011 0.006 0.001 0.000 302.8 0.011 0.006 0.001 0.000 302.8 0,012 0.007 0.001 0.000 302.8 0.012 0,007 0.001 0.000 302.9 0.012 0,007 0.002 0.000 302.9 0.012 0.008 0.002 0.000 302.9 0.012 0.008 0.002 0.000 303.0 0.012 0.009 0.002 0.000 303.0 0.012 0.009 0.002 0.000 303.0 0.012 0,009 0.002 0.000 303.1 0.013 0.010 0.002 0.000 303.1 0.013 0.010 0.002 0.000 303,1 0.013 0,011 0,002 0.000 303.2 0,013 0.011 0,002 0.000 303,2 0,013 0.012 0.002 0.000 303.2 0.013 0.012 0,002 0.000 303.3 0,013 0,012 0.002 0.000 109 303.3 0.013 0.013 0.002 0.000 303.3 0.013 0.013 0.002 0.000 303,4 0.013 0.014 0.002 0.000 303.4 0,013 0.014 0.002 0.000 303.4 0,013 0,015 0.002 0.000 303.5 0,013 0,015 0.002 0.000 303.5 0,013 0,015 0.002 0.000 303.5 0,013 0,016 0.002 0.000 303.6 0,013 0,016 0.002 0.000 303.6 0.013 0,017 0.002 0.000 303.6 0.013 0,017 0.002 0.000 303.7 0.013 0.018 0.002 0.000 303.7 0.013 0.018 0.002 0.000 303.7 0,013 0,018 0.002 0,000 303.8 0,013 0,019 0.002 0.000 303.8 0.013 0.019 0.002 0,000 303.8 0,013 0.020 0.002 0.000 303.9 0.013 0.020 0.002 0.000 303.9 0.013 0.021 0.002 0.000 303.9 0.013 0.021 0.002 0.000 304.0 0,012 0.021 0.002 0.000 304.0 0.012 0.022 0.002 0.000 304.0 0.012 0.022 0.002 0.000 304.1 0.012 0.023 0.002 0.000 304.1 0.012 0.023 0.002 0.000 304.1 0.012 0.023 0.002 0.000 304.2 0.012 0.024 0.002 0.000 304.2 0.012 0.024 0.002 0.000 304.2 0.011 0.025 0.002 0.000 304.3 0.011 0,025 0.002 0.000 304.3 0.011 0,025 0.002 0.000 304.3 0.011 0,026 0.003 0.000 304.4 0.011 0,026 0.003 0.000 304.4 0.010 0,026 0.003 0.000 304.4 0.010 0,027 0.003 0.000 304.5 0.010 0,027 0.003 0.000 304.5 0.010 0.027 0.003 0.000 304.5 0.009 0.028 0.052 0.000 304.6 0.009 0.028 0.142 0.000 304,6 0.009 0.028 0.259 0.000 304.6 0.009 0.029 0.398 0,000 304.7 0.008 0,029 0.555 0,000 304.7 0.008 0,029 0.729 0,000 304.7 0.007 0.029 0.917 0,000 304.8 0.007 0.030 1.120 0,000 304.8 0,007 0.030 1.336 0,000 304.8 0,006 0,030 1.565 0,000 304.9 0.005 0.030 1.805 0.000 304.9 0.005 0.031 2,056 0,000 304.9 0.004 0.031 2,318 0.000 305.0 0,003 0.031 2,590 0,000 305.0 0.000 0.031 2.872 0,000 305.0 0.000 0.000 3.164 0.000 no ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Fraquancy Ratum Parioda for Pradavalopad, POC #1 Ratum Pariod Flow (ofa) 2 yaar 0.006653 5 yaar 0.196779 10 yaar 0.282152 25 yaar 0.349682 Flow Fraquancy Ratum Parioda for Mitigatad. POC #1 Ratum Pariod Flow(cfa) 2 yaar 0.034519 5 yaar 0.17863 10 yaar 0.225387 25 yaar 0.306383 Yaarly Paaka for Pradavalopad and Mitigatad. POC *1 Yaar Pradavalopad Mit:iaatad 1965 0.001 0.002 1966 0,003 0.029 1967 0,133 0.095 1968 0,003 0.034 1969 0,078 0.112 1970 0.191 0.179 1971 0.006 0.050 1972 0.001 0.002 1973 0.000 0.002 1974 0.001 0.002 1975 0.012 0.034 1976 0.030 0.037 1977 0.033 0.035 1978 0.007 0.054 1979 0.235 0.222 1980 0.245 0.213 1981 0.293 0.279 1982 0.002 0.002 1983 0.039 0.052 1984 0.281 0.260 1985 0.004 0.002 1986 0.142 0.111 1987 0.193 0.095 1988 0.001 0.002 1989 0.004 0,002 1990 0.001 0.002 1991 0.000 0.002 1992 0.178 0.166 1993 0.054 0.078 1994 0.215 0.179 1995 0.001 0.002 1996 0.417 0.377 1997 0.000 0,002 1998 0.158 0,162 1999 0.323 0,202 2000 0.000 0,002 2001 0.001 0,002 111 2002 0.000 0.002 Rankad Y< Murly Paaka for Pradavalopad az Rank Pradavalopad Mitigatad 1 0.4166 0.3772 2 0.3234 0.2786 3 0.2929 0.2602 4 0.2813 0.2225 5 0,2446 0.2127 6 0.2349 0.2016 7 0.2153 0.1791 8 0.1927 0.1785 9 0.1911 0.1657 10 0.1777 0.1621 11 0.1583 0.1116 12 0.1418 0.1106 13 0.1333 0.0955 14 0.0779 0.0951 15 0.0541 0.0777 16 0.0390 0.0536 17 0.0325 0.0521 18 0.0300 0.0501 19 0.0118 0.0369 20 0.0074 0.0350 21 0.0059 0.0341 22 0.0041 0.0340 23 0.0036 0,0290 24 0.0034 0,0023 25 0.0025 0,0023 26 0.0023 0,0023 27 0.0011 0,0022 28 0.0011 0.0022 29 0.0011 0.0022 30 0.0008 0,0021 31 0.0006 0,0020 32 0.0006 0,0019 33 0.0005 0,0019 34 0.0004 0,0019 35 0.0001 0.0019 36 0.0001 0,0019 37 0.0001 0,0019 38 0.0001 0,0018 POC «1 POC *1 Tha Facility PASSED Tha Facility PASSED. Flow(CFS) Pradav Dav Paroantaga Paaa/Fail 0.0007 327864 327864 100 Pass 0.0035 971 605 62 Pass 0.0064 644 508 78 Pass 0.0092 537 453 84 Pass 0.0120 455 411 90 Pass 0,0149 419 380 90 Pass 112 0.0177 358 339 94 Pass 0.0206 314 303 96 Pass 0.0234 288 273 94 Pass 0,0263 263 252 95 Pass 0.0291 249 236 94 Pass 0.0319 236 227 96 Pass 0.0348 218 208 95 Pass 0.0376 205 195 95 Pass 0.0405 195 178 91 Pass 0.0433 182 168 92 Pass 0.0462 166 159 95 Pass 0.0490 159 147 92 Pass 0.0518 153 138 90 Pass 0.0547 144 121 84 Pass 0.0575 132 116 87 Pass 0.0604 123 113 91 Pass 0.0632 117 109 93 Pass 0.0661 107 106 99 Pass 0.0689 104 102 98 Pass 0.0717 100 96 96 Pass 0,0746 92 90 97 Pass 0.0774 89 86 96 Pass 0.0803 85 81 95 Pass 0,0831 78 76 97 Pass 0.0860 77 73 94 Pass 0,0888 75 68 90 Pass 0.0917 71 66 92 Pass 0,0945 65 63 96 Pass 0,0973 63 57 90 Pass 0.1002 59 53 89 Pass 0.1030 58 53 91 Pass 0.1059 56 53 94 Pass 0.1087 55 52 94 Pass 0.1116 54 49 90 Pass 0.1144 52 48 92 Pass 0.1172 51 48 94 Pass 0.1201 46 46 100 Pass 0.1229 46 45 97 Pass 0.1258 44 42 95 Pass 0.1286 43 40 93 Pass 0.1315 41 40 97 Pass 0.1343 38 37 97 Pass 0.1371 37 36 97 Pass 0.1400 37 36 97 Pass 0.1428 35 35 100 Pass 0.1457 34 34 100 Pass 0.1485 32 33 103 Pass 0.1514 31 29 93 Pass 0.1542 29 27 93 Pass 0.1570 26 27 103 Pass 0.1599 25 27 108 Pass 0.1627 24 24 100 Pass 0.1656 23 22 95 Pass 0.1684 22 21 95 Pass 0.1713 21 21 100 Pass 0.1741 19 20 105 Pass 0.1769 19 20 105 Pass 113 0.1798 17 16 94 Pass 0.1826 16 12 75 Pass 0.1855 16 12 75 Pass 0.1883 15 12 80 Pass 0.1912 15 12 80 Pass 0.1940 13 12 92 Pass 0.1969 13 12 92 Pass 0.1997 13 12 92 Pass 0.2025 13 11 84 Pass 0.2054 12 11 91 Pass 0.2082 12 11 91 Pass 0.2111 11 11 100 Pass 0.2139 10 9 90 Pass 0.2168 9 9 100 Pass 0.2196 9 7 77 Pass 0.2224 8 6 75 Pass 0.2253 8 4 50 Pass 0.2281 8 4 50 Pass 0.2310 8 4 50 Pass 0.2338 6 4 66 Pass 0.2367 5 4 80 Pass 0.2395 5 4 80 Pass 0.2423 5 4 80 Pass 0.2452 4 4 100 Pass 0.2480 4 4 100 Pass 0.2509 4 4 100 Pass 0.2537 4 4 100 Pass 0.2566 4 4 100 Pass 0.2594 4 4 100 Pass 0.2622 4 3 75 Pass 0.2651 4 3 75 Pass 0.2679 4 3 75 Pass 0.2708 4 3 75 Pass 0.2736 4 3 75 Pass 0.2765 4 3 75 Pass 0.2793 4 2 50 Pass 0.2822 3 2 66 Pass 114 IK 1^ % IKI -I 1K-1 L 1K-& 1 ooO AO AAAO A^OO^ • It M St 4t HI tt Tt CuRMjiMv* ProMMty tt tt 115 116 Lot 4, (with portiomofweAalyfiU slope ami driveway (IraiiiiivoiiiD Lot 6 [T (I)ourt] oad evartuflUy iirto tiie undergroimd stofi^ jnpe on Lot 2). Precievdkipinait sdhemidic B|Lot4 ni.oeoK; PMBDBVUOilO lAMD IMB ^^AW* ^ C D^flhxab,Flat(0-5%) .27 C D,flhrab,M9d(5-10%) .29 C D,«unib,flt(ie-20%) .28 C D,«hnb,Va8y(>20%) .11 C D,Dirt, nat(0-5%) .01 C D,Dirt, llod(5-10%) .02 C D,Dirt, flt(10-20%) .04 C D,Dirt, Viaay(>20%) .04 117 Post develomentachwnatic Tank 1 MITIGAXB) LMMD IMS Parviaaa liaad Oaa Aaraa C D,Gcaaa,nat(0-5%) .4 C D,aeaaa,¥ary(>20%) .27 Reef Araa 0.1€ fllDflMMUC nat(0-5%) 0.03 118 Underground storage tank: Diaanaiona Depth: 36ft. Tank Typa : Circular Diaaeter : 36 ft. Langth : 180 ft. Diaciharga Structura Riaar Height: 2.5 ft. Riaar Diaaatar: 12 in. NotchTypa Rectangular Notch Width : 0.200 ft. Notch Haight: 0.300 ft. Orifioa 1 Diaaeter: 0.25 in. Elevation: 0 ft. Elaaant nowa To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Tank Hydraulic Table 8tM«Cft) J kxMfmer) Volin w(aor-ft) Dsfihra(efa) Xn£llt(e£«) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.400 0.031 0.008 0.001 0.000 0.800 0.044 0.023 0.001 0.000 1.200 0.053 0.043 0.002 0.000 1.600 0.061 0.066 0.002 0.000 2.000 0.068 0,092 0.002 0.000 2.400 0.074 0.120 0.062 0.000 2.800 0.080 0,151 1.712 0.000 3.200 0.085 0,184 5.816 0.000 3.600 0.089 0,219 11.35 0.000 4.000 0.094 0.255 18.00 0.000 4.400 0.097 0.294 25.62 0.000 4.800 0.101 0.333 34.08 0.000 5.200 0.105 0.375 43.32 0.000 5.600 0.108 0,417 53.27 0.000 6.000 0.111 0,461 63.88 0.000 6.400 0.114 0,506 75.12 0.000 6.800 0.116 0.552 86.95 0.000 7.200 0.119 0.599 99.34 0.000 7.600 0.121 0.647 112.3 0.000 8.000 0.124 0.696 125.7 0.000 8.400 0.126 0.746 139.7 0.000 8.800 0.128 0.797 154.1 0.000 9.200 0.130 0.848 169.0 0.000 9.600 0.132 0.900 184.4 0.000 10.00 0.133 0.953 200.1 0.000 10.40 0.135 1.007 216.4 0.000 10.80 0.136 1.061 233.0 0.000 11.20 0.138 1.116 250.0 0.000 11.60 0.139 1.171 267.5 0.000 12.00 0.140 1.227 285.3 0,000 12,40 0.141 1.284 303.5 0.000 12,80 0.142 1.340 322,1 0,000 13,20 0.143 1.398 341,0 0.000 13,60 0.144 1.455 360,3 0.000 119 14.00 0.145 1.513 379.9 0.000 14.40 0.146 1.571 399.9 0.000 14.80 0.146 1.630 420,2 0.000 15.20 0.147 1.688 440,9 0.000 15.60 0.147 1.747 461,9 0.000 16.00 0.148 1.806 483.2 0.000 16.40 0.148 1.865 504.8 0.000 16.80 0.148 1.925 526.8 0.000 17.20 0.149 1.984 549.0 0.000 17.60 0.149 2.044 571.6 0.000 18,00 0.149 2.103 594,4 0,000 18.40 0.149 2.163 617.6 0.000 18.80 0.149 2.222 641.0 0.000 19.20 0.148 2.281 664.8 0.000 19,60 0.148 2.341 688,8 0.000 20.00 0,148 2.400 713.1 0.000 20,40 0.147 2,459 737.7 0.000 20.80 0.147 2.518 762.5 0,000 21,20 0.146 2.577 787.7 0,000 21,60 0.146 2.635 813.1 0,000 22,00 0.145 2.693 838.7 0.000 22,40 0.144 2.751 864.7 0.000 22,80 0.143 2.809 890.9 0.000 23.20 0.142 2,866 917.3 0.000 23.60 0.141 2,922 944.0 0.000 24.00 0.140 2.979 971.0 0,000 24.40 0.139 3.035 998.2 0.000 24.80 0.138 3.090 1025. 0,000 25.20 0.136 3.145 1053. 0.000 25.60 0.135 3.199 1081. 0.000 26.00 0.133 3.253 1109. 0.000 26.40 0.132 3.306 1138. 0.000 26.80 0.130 3.358 1166. 0.000 27.20 0.128 3.409 1195. 0.000 27.60 0.126 3,460 1224. 0.000 28.00 0.124 3,510 1254. 0,000 28.40 0.121 3,559 1283. 0.000 28.80 0,119 3.607 1313. 0.000 29.20 0.116 3.654 1343. 0.000 29.60 0.114 3.700 1374. 0.000 30.00 0,111 3.745 1404. 0.000 30.40 0,108 3.789 1435. 0,000 30,80 0.105 3.832 1466. 0,000 31,20 0.101 3.873 1497. 0,000 31,60 0.097 3,912 1528. 0.000 32.00 0.094 3,951 1560. 0.000 32.40 0.089 3.987 1592. 0.000 32,80 0.085 4.022 1624. 0.000 33.20 0.080 4.055 1656. 0.000 33.60 0.074 4.086 1689. 0.000 34.00 0.068 4.114 1721. 0.000 34,40 0.061 4.140 1754, 0.000 34.80 0.053 4.163 1787. 0.000 35,20 0.044 4.183 1821, 0.000 35,60 0.031 4.198 1854. 0.000 36.00 0.000 4.206 1888. 0,000 36.40 0.000 0.000 1922, 0.000 120 ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Retum Perioda for Predeveloped. POC #1 Retum Period Flow(efa) 2 year 0.009774 5 yaar 0.201785 10 year 0.273141 25 year 0.390145 Flow Frequency Retum Perioda for Mitigated. POC #1 Retum Period Flow (ef a) 2 year 0.001866 5 year 0.023866 10 year 0.088556 25 year 0.223097 Yearly Peaka for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC fl Year Predevelc^ed Mitioatad 1965 0.004 0,001 1966 0.005 0.002 1967 0.118 0.027 1968 0.004 0.002 1969 0.053 0.002 1970 0.193 0.010 1971 0.009 0,002 1972 0.001 0,002 1973 0.000 0,001 1974 0.002 0,001 1975 0.011 0,002 1976 0.020 0.002 1977 0.020 0.002 1978 0.011 0.002 1979 0.267 0.220 1980 0.240 0.005 1981 0.342 0.230 1982 0.002 0.002 1983 0,028 0.002 1984 0.267 0.084 1985 0.008 0.002 1986 0.123 0.002 1987 0.154 0.002 1988 0.001 0.001 1989 0.005 0.002 1990 0.001 0.001 1991 0.000 0.001 1992 0.166 0.023 1993 0.037 0.002 1994 0.243 0.054 1995 0.001 0.001 1996 0.471 0.028 1997 0.000 0.001 1998 0.130 0.005 1999 0.358 0.137 2000 0,000 0,001 2001 0,001 0.002 121 2002 0.000 0.001 Ranked Yearly Peaka for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC «1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 0.4711 0.2297 2 0.3584 0.2205 3 0.3421 0.1374 4 0.2674 0.0845 5 0.2669 0.0537 6 0,2432 0.0283 7 0.2397 0.0266 8 0.1935 0.0233 9 0.1662 0.0097 10 0.1541 0.0053 11 0.1300 0.0046 12 0.1227 0.0021 13 0.1184 0.0021 14 0.0533 0.0021 15 0.0369 0.0020 16 0.0282 0.0020 17 0.0199 0.0020 18 0.0196 0.0020 19 0.0113 0.0020 20 0.0108 0.0019 21 0.0088 0.0018 22 0.0078 0.0018 23 0.0053 0.0018 24 0.0051 0.0016 25 0.0039 0.0016 26 0.0037 0.0015 27 0.0024 0.0015 28 0.0016 0.0015 29 0.0012 0.0015 30 0.0009 0.0014 31 0.0006 0.0014 32 0.0006 0.0014 33 0.0005 0.0014 34 0.0003 0.0013 35 0.0002 0.0013 36 0.0001 0.0013 37 0.0001 0.0012 38 0.0001 0.0012 POC #1 The Facility PASSED The Facility PASSED. Flow(CFS) Predev Dev Percentage Paaa/Fail 0. 0010 327864 327864 100 Pass 0. 0037 1498 1085 72 Pass 0. 0065 766 706 92 Pass 0. 0092 502 513 102 Pass 0. 0120 414 423 102 Pass 0. 0147 348 343 98 Pass 122 0.0175 303 293 96 Pass 0.0202 271 232 85 Pass 0.0230 260 202 77 Pass 0.0257 238 166 69 Pass 0.0285 224 138 61 Pass 0.0312 206 112 54 Pass 0.0340 195 105 53 Pass 0.0367 186 89 47 Pass 0.0395 171 74 43 Pass 0.0422 154 60 38 Pass 0.0450 144 51 35 Pass 0.0477 140 43 30 Pass 0.0505 131 30 22 Pass 0.0532 120 23 19 Pass 0.0560 116 19 16 Pass 0.0587 110 18 16 Pass 0.0615 104 17 16 Pass 0.0642 99 17 17 Pass 0.0670 99 17 17 Pass 0.0697 95 17 17 Pass 0.0725 89 17 19 Pass 0.0752 85 16 18 Pass 0.0780 83 14 16 Pass 0.0807 80 13 16 Pass 0.0835 71 13 18 Pass 0.0862 69 11 15 Pass 0,0889 68 11 16 Pass 0.0917 63 11 17 Pass 0.0944 60 10 16 Pass 0.0972 59 9 15 Pass 0.0999 59 9 15 Pass 0.1027 56 9 16 Pass 0.1054 54 8 14 Pass 0.1082 53 8 15 Pass 0.1109 53 8 15 Pass 0.1137 52 8 15 Pass 0.1164 49 8 16 Pass 0.1192 46 8 17 Pass 0.1219 44 8 18 Pass 0.1247 43 7 16 Pass 0.1274 41 7 17 Pass 0.1302 39 7 17 Pass 0.1329 39 7 17 Pass 0.1357 39 7 17 Pass 0.1384 36 6 16 Pass 0.1412 36 6 16 Pass 0.1439 35 6 17 Pass 0.1467 34 6 17 Pass 0.1494 31 6 19 Pass 0.1522 30 6 20 Pass 0.1549 30 6 20 Pass 0.1577 26 6 23 Pass 0.1604 26 6 23 Pass 0.1632 26 5 19 Pass 0.1659 25 5 20 Pass 0.1687 24 5 20 Pass 0.1714 22 5 22 Pass 123 0,1742 20 5 25 Pass 0.1769 20 5 25 Pass 0.1797 18 5 27 Pass 0,1824 17 4 23 Pass 0.1852 17 4 23 Pass 0.1879 17 4 23 Pass 0.1907 15 4 26 Pass 0.1934 15 3 20 Pass 0.1962 14 3 21 Pass 0,1989 14 3 21 Pass 0.2017 14 3 21 Pass 0.2044 14 3 21 Pass 0,2072 14 3 21 Pass 0.2099 13 3 23 Pass 0.2127 12 3 25 Pass 0.2154 11 3 27 Pass 0.2182 11 3 27 Pass 0.2209 11 3 27 Pass 0.2237 11 2 18 Pass 0,2264 11 2 18 Pass 0.2292 11 1 9 Pass 0.2319 11 0 0 Pass 0.2347 9 0 0 Pass 0,2374 9 0 0 Pass 0.2402 8 0 0 Pass 0.2429 8 0 0 Pass 0.2456 6 0 0 Pass 0,2484 6 0 0 Pass 0,2511 6 0 0 Pass 0,2539 5 0 0 Pass 0,2566 5 0 0 Pass 0,2594 5 0 0 Pass 0.2621 5 0 0 Pass 0.2649 5 0 0 Pass 0.2676 4 0 0 Pass 0.2704 3 0 0 Pass 0.2731 3 0 0 Pass 124 027 IKI % IKH I J 1K-1 tt. o o o o oo o oo iK-a. A A OO • t I I I 1 It 2t M Cumulfli^ Proba^ Tt tl tt 125 126 Lot 5, (with portkms of westeriy fill skipe and driveway dndmi^ oi^ Lot 6 [Twain Court] md eveittoflUy into the umler^ound stangp ppe cm Lot 2). Pre-development schematic jO.eSac piacDBvxLcmeo LAND ua Perrioaa liaad Oaa Acrea C D,Shc«b,nat(e-5%) .11 C D,ninife,IM(S-10%) .4 C D,Shrab,flt(10-20%) .26 C D,flhsab,Vacy(>20%) .04 C D,Dirt, Msd(S-10%) .04 127 Post-developmort sdmnstic Tank 1 MXTiOMnx) LMD vm Parviaaa I«apd Vmm C D,araaa,Vacy(>20%) C D,Graaa,nat(0-5%) Acrea .12 .51 Reef Area •zonuucjc nat (0-5%) tssas. O.IC 0.03 128 Underground stance tank: Diaanaiona Depth: Sft. Tank Type : Circular Diaaeter : 3 ft. Length : 280 ft. Diacharge Stmcture Riaar Heigbt: 2.5 ft. Riaer Diaaeter: 10 in. NotchType Rectangular Notch Width : 0.800 ft. Notch Height: 0.000 ft. Orifice 1 Diaaeter: 0.22 in. Elevation: 0 ft, ElaiMnt Flowa To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Tank Hydmulie Table Btmamttt) AramCaor) Volymmim^-**-} nm^^^Brm) r^^titletm) 320.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 320.0 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 320.1 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 320.1 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000 320.1 0.008 0.001 0.000 0.000 320.2 0.009 0.001 0.001 0.000 320.2 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.000 320.2 0.010 0.002 0.001 0.000 320.3 0.011 0.002 0.001 0.000 320.3 0.012 0.002 0.001 0.000 320.3 0.012 0.003 0.001 0.000 320.4 0.013 0.003 0.001 0.000 320.4 0.013 0.004 0.001 0.000 320.4 0.014 0.004 0.001 0.000 320.5 0.014 0.005 0.001 0.000 320.5 0.014 0.005 0.001 0.000 320.5 0.015 0.005 0,001 0,000 320.6 0.015 0.006 0.001 0.000 320.6 0.015 0.006 0.001 0.000 320.6 0.016 0.007 0.001 0.000 320.7 0.016 0.008 0.001 0.000 320.7 0.016 0.008 0.001 0.000 320.7 0.017 0.009 0.001 0.000 320.8 0.017 0.009 0.001 0.000 320.8 0.017 0.010 0.001 0.000 320.8 0,017 0.010 0,001 0.000 320.9 0,017 0.011 0,001 0,000 320,9 0.018 0.011 0.001 0.000 320.9 0.018 0.012 0.001 0.000 321.0 0.018 0.013 0.001 0.000 321.0 0,018 0,013 0.001 0.000 321.0 0.018 0,014 0.001 0,000 321.1 0,018 0.014 0.001 0.000 321,1 0.019 0.015 0.001 0.000 321.1 0.019 0.016 0,001 0.000 129 321.2 0.019 0,016 0.001 0,000 321.2 0.019 0,017 0.001 0.000 321.2 0.019 0.018 0.001 0.000 321,3 0.019 0.018 0.001 0.000 321,3 0.019 0.019 0,001 0,000 321.3 0.019 0.020 0,001 0,000 321.4 0.019 0.020 0.001 0,000 321,4 0.019 0.021 0,002 0.000 321.4 0.019 0.021 0,002 0,000 321.5 0.019 0.022 0,002 0,000 321.5 0.019 0.023 0.002 0,000 321.5 0.019 0.023 0.002 0.000 321.6 0.019 0.024 0.002 0.000 321.6 0.019 0.025 0.002 0,000 321.6 0.019 0.025 0.002 0,000 321.7 0.019 0.026 0.002 0.000 321.7 0.019 0.027 0.002 0.000 321.7 0.019 0.027 0.002 0,000 321.8 0.019 0.028 0.002 0,000 321.8 0.019 0.028 0.002 0,000 321.8 0.019 0.029 0.002 0.000 321.9 0.019 0.030 0.002 0.000 321.9 0.019 0.030 0.002 0,000 321.9 0.018 0.031 0.002 0,000 322.0 0.018 0.032 0.002 0.000 322.0 0.018 0.032 0.002 0.000 322.0 0.018 0.033 0.002 0,000 322.1 0.018 0.033 0.002 0,000 322.1 0.018 0.034 0.002 0.000 322.1 0.017 0.035 0.002 0.000 322.2 0.017 0.035 0.002 0.000 322.2 0.017 0.036 0.002 0.000 322.2 0.017 0,036 0.002 0.000 322.3 0.017 0.037 0.002 0.000 322.3 0.016 0.037 0.002 0.000 322.3 0.016 0,038 0.002 0.000 322.4 0.016 0.038 0.002 0.000 322.4 0.015 0,039 0.002 0.000 322.4 0.015 0.039 0.002 0.000 322.5 0.015 0.040 0.002 0.000 322.5 0.014 0.040 0.002 0.000 322.5 0,014 0.041 0.051 0,000 322.6 0.014 0.041 0.142 0.000 322.6 0.013 0,042 0.259 0,000 322.6 0.013 0.042 0,397 0,000 322.7 0.012 0.043 0.554 0.000 322.7 0.012 0.043 0.728 0.000 322.7 0.011 0.043 0,917 0.000 322.8 0.010 0.044 1.120 0,000 322.8 0.010 0.044 1.336 0.000 322.8 0.009 0.044 1.564 0.000 322.9 0.008 0.045 1,804 0,000 322.9 0.007 0.045 2,055 0.000 322. 9 0,006 0.045 2.317 0.000 323.0 0.004 0.045 2.589 0.000 323.0 0.000 0.045 2.872 0.000 323.0 0.000 0.000 3.163 0.000 130 ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Retum Perioda for Predeveloped. POC #1 Retum Period Flow (cfe) 2 year 0.00109 5 year 0.165759 10 yaar 0.222574 25 year 0.311764 now Frequency Ratum Perioda for Mitigated. POC #1 Retum Pariod Flow(cfa) 2 year 0.001975 5 yaar 0.122542 10 year 0.199719 25 yaar 0.243401 Yearly Paaka for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC «1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated 1965 0.000 0,002 1966 0.000 0,022 1967 0.088 0,059 1968 0.000 0,002 1969 0.031 0,002 1970 0.162 0,128 1971 0.001 0,002 1972 0.000 0,002 1973 0.000 0,001 1974 0.000 0,001 1975 0.003 0.002 1976 0.011 0.016 1977 0.008 0.018 1978 0.001 0.032 1979 0.218 0.199 1980 0.185 0.060 1981 0.275 0.257 1982 0.001 0.002 1983 0.014 0.033 1984 0.211 0.184 1985 0.001 0.002 1986 0.088 0.036 1987 0.100 0.021 1988 0.000 0.001 1989 0.001 0.002 1990 0.000 0.001 1991 0.000 0.001 1992 0.131 0.121 1993 0.015 0.027 1994 0.197 0.134 1995 0.000 0.001 1996 0.384 0.211 1997 0.000 0.001 1998 0.088 0.033 1999 0.283 0.238 2000 0.000 0.001 2001 0.000 0.002 131 2002 0.000 0.001 Ranked Yearly Peaka for Predeveloped ax Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 0.3844 0.2568 2 0.2832 0.2381 3 0.2748 0.2111 4 0.2182 0.1988 5 0.2111 0.1839 6 0.1967 0.1336 7 0.1850 0.1276 8 0.1616 0.1214 9 0.1314 0.0598 10 0,1004 0.0587 11 0.0883 0.0360 12 0.0879 0.0332 13 0.0877 0.0326 14 0.0314 0.0323 15 0.0146 0.0266 16 0.0144 0.0225 17 0.0106 0.0215 18 0.0079 0.0185 19 0.0027 0.0158 20 0.0011 0,0020 21 0.0010 0.0020 22 0.0009 0.0019 23 0.0007 0.0019 24 0.0007 0,0016 25 0.0004 0,0016 26 0.0004 0,0016 27 0.0003 0.0015 28 0.0003 0.0015 29 0.0002 0.0015 30 0.0002 0.0015 31 0.0002 0.0014 32 0.0002 0.0014 33 0.0001 0,0014 34 0.0001 0,0013 35 0.0001 0,0013 36 0.0001 0,0013 37 0.0001 0.0013 38 0.0001 0.0013 POC «1 POC #1 The Facility PASSED Tha Facility PASSED. Flow(CFS) Pradav Dev Peroentage Paaa/Fail 0. OOOl 327864 327864 100 Pass 0. 0024 1778 1650 92 Pass 0. 0046 903 636 70 Pass 0. 0069 563 452 80 Pass 0, 0091 347 360 103 Pass 0. 0113 303 329 108 Pass 132 0.0136 274 282 102 Pass 0.0158 252 255 101 Pass 0.0181 225 223 99 Pass 0.0203 214 204 95 Pass 0.0226 200 187 93 Pass 0.0248 186 178 95 Pass 0.0271 168 163 97 Pass 0.0293 157 154 98 Pass 0.0316 146 148 101 Pass 0.0338 135 137 101 Pass 0.0361 129 119 92 Pass 0.0383 123 115 93 Pass 0.0406 115 107 93 Pass 0.0428 112 102 91 Pass 0.0451 106 91 85 Pass 0.0473 104 85 81 Pass 0.0495 97 81 83 Pass 0.0518 94 76 80 Pass 0.0540 90 71 78 Pass 0.0563 84 68 80 Pass 0.0585 82 65 79 Pass 0.0608 80 63 78 Pass 0.0630 74 60 81 Pass 0,0653 70 55 78 Pass 0.0675 66 53 80 Pass 0.0698 64 53 82 Pass 0,0720 61 53 86 Pass 0,0743 60 52 86 Pass 0.0765 60 52 86 Pass 0.0788 60 50 83 Pass 0.0810 58 48 82 Pass 0.0833 55 47 85 Pass 0.0855 52 47 90 Pass 0.0877 51 45 88 Pass 0.0900 47 45 95 Pass 0.0922 47 39 82 Pass 0.0945 44 38 86 Pass 0.0967 43 38 88 Pass 0.0990 43 38 88 Pass 0.1012 41 36 87 Pass 0.1035 40 34 85 Pass 0,1057 38 33 86 Pass 0.1080 37 31 83 Pass 0.1102 35 30 85 Pass 0.1125 33 29 87 Pass 0.1147 32 29 90 Pass 0.1170 31 28 90 Pass 0.1192 31 26 83 Pass 0.1215 31 25 80 Pass 0.1237 29 23 79 Pass 0.1259 27 23 85 Pass 0,1282 25 19 76 Pass 0.1304 25 19 76 Pass 0,1327 23 19 82 Pass 0.1349 23 17 73 Pass 0.1372 22 14 63 Pass 0.1394 21 14 66 Pass 133 0.1417 20 13 65 Pass 0.1439 19 12 63 Pass 0.1462 17 12 70 Pass 0,1484 17 12 70 Pass 0,1507 17 11 64 Pass 0.1529 16 11 68 Pass 0.1552 16 11 68 Pass 0.1574 15 11 73 Pass 0.1597 15 11 73 Pass 0.1619 15 11 73 Pass 0.1641 13 11 84 Pass 0.1664 13 10 76 Pass 0.1686 12 10 83 Pass 0.1709 12 10 83 Pass 0.1731 12 10 83 Pass 0.1754 12 9 75 Pass 0.1776 11 9 81 Pass 0.1799 11 9 81 Pass 0.1821 11 9 81 Pass 0.1844 11 8 72 Pass 0.1866 10 8 80 Pass 0.1889 9 7 77 Pass 0.1911 8 7 87 Pass 0.1934 8 7 87 Pass 0.1956 8 7 87 Pass 0.1979 7 7 100 Pass 0.2001 6 6 100 Pass 0.2023 6 5 83 Pass 0.2046 6 5 83 Pass 0.2068 5 5 100 Pass 0.2091 5 5 100 Pass 0.2113 5 5 100 Pass 0.2136 4 3 75 Pass 0.2158 4 3 75 Pass 0.2181 4 3 75 Pass 0.2203 3 3 100 Pass 0.2226 3 3 100 Pass 134 0.22 ^ ail 0 J IL aoe aoo iej r^o . . * '10E-4 IOE-3 10E-2 IOE-1 10 100 IK 1 t 0 1K0 J IOE-1 IL 1K-2! O i A A 1^ OOO A A A OO AAA 1 10 20 30 40 50<i0 70 00 90 tO Cumulative ProbabHit]^ 135 SUMMARY: Based on the hydromodification analysis presented in this report, the proposed underground storage pipes on each pad will mitigate the peak flow and duration of runoff fixim each lot to be less than those of the pre-development condtions'. The proposed mitigation measures for this project will prevent additional impacts to down stream facilities in accordance with City of Carlsbad SUSMP. 136 LEGEND LDT 1 SA Color Ronge Beg. Range End Percent a 0,00 4,90 5,6 a 5.00 9.90 20,0 10,00 19.90 56.4 • 20.00 1000,00 17.9 LQT 2 SA Color Range Beg. Range End Percent a 0.00 4.90 0,0 a 5,00 9.90 3.4 10,00 19.90 26.7 20.00 1000.00 69.8 LOT 3 SA Color Range Beg, Ronge End Percent a 0.00 4.90 10.0 5.00 9,90 19,3 10,00 19.90 24.5 20,00 1000,00 46,2 LOT 4 SA Color Range Beg, Range End Percent a 0,00 4,90 26,8 a 5.00 9,90 29.5 10,00 19,90 30,9 a 20.00 1000,00 12,9 LQT 5 SA Color Range Beg, Range End Percent a 0,00 4,90 13.7 a 5,00 9,90 51.1 10.00 19,90 32.6 a 20.00 1000,00 2.6 LOT 6 SA Color Range Beg. Range End Percent a 0,00 4.90 8.6 • 5.00 9.90 52.9 10.00 19.90 33.3 • 20.00 1000.00 5.2 Area 2184.05 7774.74 25120,52 9751.26 Area 11.74 1670.66 12973.46 33865,14 Area 3415,20 6569,47 8342,43 15918,82 Area 12257.36 13477.95 14125.21 6426.24 Area 5034.07 18770.47 11978.04 1557.62 Area 1116.92 6896.41 4346.28 2824.28 coQ lea