HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-06; KIRGIS TENTATIVE MAP; WATER & SEWER STUDY; 2006-05-081 WATER & SEWER STUDY for CT 02-06 PUD 02-02, HDP 02-01, CUP 02-05 4^"" <<^w )W Prepared By: SHAMROCK Environmental Design & Development 1811 Rock Spring Rd. San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel: (760)480-6062 Fax: (760)735-9459 E-mail: mail@shamrock.us.com it a \ WATER STUDY SHAMROCK Environmental Design & Deveiopment 1811 Rock Springs Rd San Marcos, CA. 92069 Tel 760-480-6062 Fax 760-735-9459 e-mall mall@shamrock.us.com May 5,2006 Mr Glen Parks Bureau Veritas 11590 West Bemado Court San Diego, CA 92127 Dear Glen: I met witii Frank regarding the water study and asked him if he was looking for a full Hardy Cross analysis on the water system. He said no. He said to do a static calc with residual pressure based on one of the fire hydrants installed by Kelly. I offered to do a maximum velocity calc under fire flow conditions to look at maximum line velocity. Sincerely, 'Regan Board Member City of Carlsbad Fire Department Hydrant Flow 1500 GPM on 8 IN Pipe in Twain Ct. Worst Case Scenario 1000 gpm = 2.23 cfs Therefore 1500 gpm = 3.35 cfs 8 in pipe = 50.24 square inches area Therefore since V=Q/A Area Q 56.72 sq in 0.35 sf Flow Velocity Under Fire Conditcions Flow Velocity 9.59 ft/s STATION STATIC PRESSURE ELEV PSl FEET FIRE HIDRANT 19+24.46 84 310 PAD ELEV PAD 1ST FLOOR PAD 1ST FLOOR 2ND FLOOR ELEV ELEV STAT PRESS STAT PRESS STAT PRESS FEET FEET PSI PSI PSI LOTl 306.00 307.00 85.73 85.30 81.40 LOT 2 282.30 283.30 96.01 95.57 91.67 LOTS 308.50 309.50 84.65 84.22 80.32 LOT 4 326.50 327.50 76.85 76.41 72.51 LOTS 326.50 327.50 76.85 76.41 72.51 feet of water 0.4335 PSI 2.3068 FEET/PSI PRESSURE=(FIRE HYDRANT PRESSURE) - (ELEV - FIRE HYDRANT ELEV) x 0.433 PSI/FOOT X:\1016-Kirgis\excel\1016-STATIC-PRESSURE-2.xls 5/5/200611:47 AM SEWER STUDY ou A aarkr^^ir '' springs Rd OnMIVINiJwiV San Marcos, CA. 92069 Tel 760-480-6062 .Environmental Design & e-mail mail@shamrock.us.com velopment May 5, 2006 Mr Glen Parks Bureau Veritas 11590 West Bemado Court San Diego, CA. 92127 Dear Glen: I met with Frank regarding the sewer study and explained that we have a mixture of pump systems and gravity systems that are not inter-tied. Therefore a sewer analysis based on the standard flows would be somewhat a guess. First we do not know how many bedrooms or fixture units the homes will have. Therefore we do not know the true effluent output. However it is somewhat safe to assume a flow of approximately 150 GPM with a static head of 20' and a V* pump, (see Barrett brochure) Additionally all of the items in condition 73 cannot be exactly answered to any surety until the homes are designed. However, we did include a probable solution for a 4-bedroom residence as designed by Barrett pumps. See the enclosed brochure of the recommendation from Ban-ett Engineered pumps. In order to satisfy condition 69, He said to assume the flow closely approximated the gravity flow situation under peak daily factor. However if all the units were to be gravity the line would not be self cleaning and could create a long temri maintenance problem. ^I|e also asked to see if a single pump would be adequate. It is self cleaning. Fortunately the pump system is intemiittent and 'saves up enough flow to be self flushing, (see the following calculations). Lastly he asked to see what happens if all the three pump systems come on at once. Do we have an overcapacity problem. The answer is no. It still is at half full with a very good flushing velocity. As far as condition #72 is concerned see the revised plans. We have added infomnation clarifying how the system transitions to gravity and have added force main clean-outs where useful. This however does not mean there will not be other appurtenances necessary at the tank site such as backflow preventors and odor control devices. We have however limited it down now to only two units with long force mains in the street. There will be one unit with a gravity lateral that will be pumped up to (Lot #1). Lastly lot number 5 already has a gravity lateral installed by Shea Homes as is shown on the plans. Sinceri 16. Regan Board Member Sewer Analysis for CT 02-06 If the entire project were on a gravity sewer we would use a value of 220 gal/ day as the average daily flow If we design for the peaking factor of 2.5 as the city manual states This would equate to 220 gal/day 2.5 550 gal/day 550 gal/day divided by 24hrs divided by 60 mins 0.381944 GPM times five units = 1.909722 gpm since 1000 gpm=2.23 cfs This would equate to 1.909 divided by 1000 times 2.23 equal to 0.004257 rounding this up to .01 cfs normal depth would be 0.04 and a velocity of 1.4 fps (see following calcs) However fortunately we have three lots on pumps that will pump at the estimated rate of roughly 150 gallons per minute if 1000 GPM equals 2.23 cfs then 150 GPM equals 0.3345 cfs For a single unit on line at a time this yields a normal depth of 0.19 ft or 2.28 inches and a minimum velocity of 4.022 fps (see fllowing calcs) Now let us assume a worst case scenario where all three pump units come on line at once The Q would be 0.3345 times three or 1 cfs For the three units on line at a time this yields a normal depth of 0.35 ft or 4.2 inches and a minimum velocity of 5.4 fps (see following calcs) What this shows us is that without the pump system we could not maintain the flushing velocities to keep the line self cleaning The line on the adjacent subdivision has only a few units on the end of the line. This has created a flushing velocity problem Fortunately with the pump systems we have introduced enough flow in the line to cause it to flush on its own (self flushing) In addition we know the line can handle all three pump flows simaltaneously PEAK FLOW IF ALL UNITS WHERE GRAVITY SEWER ******************************************************************* »»PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION«« PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) = 0.666 PIPESLOPE(FEET/FEET)= 0.0200 PIPEFLOW(CFS) = 0.01 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = 0.012000 CRITICAL-DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 0.04 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 0.010 CRITICAL FLOW TOP-WIDTH(FEET)= 0.334 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE+ MOMENTUM(POUNDS)= 0.03 CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 0.988 CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 0.02 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 0.03 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 0.06 NORMAL-DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 0.04 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 0.01 FLOWTOP-WIDTH(FEET)= 0.298 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 0.03 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.412 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 0.031 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 0.02 FROUDENUMBER= 1.615 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 0.07 NORMAL DEPTH FLOW CALC FOR A SINGLE PUMP UNIT ASSUMING 150 GPM OR 0.334 CFS ************************************************************************ »»PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INF0RMAT10N«« PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) = 0.667 PIPE SLOPE(FEET/FEET) = 0.0200 PIPEFLOW(CFS) = 0.33 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = 0.012000 CRITICAL-DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 0.27 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 0.131 CRITICAL FLOW TOP-WIDTH(FEET) = 0.654 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 2.56 CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.543 CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 0.10 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) - 0.20 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 0.37 NORMAL-DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 0.19 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 0.08 FLOW TOP-WIDTH(FEET) = 0.604 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 3.02 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) - 4.022 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 0.251 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 0.14 FROUDE NUMBER = 1.911 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 0.44 FLOW CALCULATIONS FOR 3 UNITS ONLINE SIMALTANEOUSLY AT A 150 GPM. ************************************************************************ »»PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION«« PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) = 0.667 PIPE SLOPE(FEET/FEET) = 0.0200 PIPEFLOW(CFS) = 1.00 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR - 0.012000 CRITICAL-DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 0.47 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) - 0.266 CRITICAL FLOW TOP-WIDTH(FEET) = 0.605 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 7.29 CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.762 CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET)= 0.22 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 0.44 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 0.69 NORMAL-DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 0.35 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 0.18 FLOW TOP-WIDTH(FEET) = 0.666 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 12.19 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.406 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 0.454 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) - 0.28 FROUDE NUMBER = 1.808 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 0.80 VELOCITY CALCULATION FOR FLOW IN FORCE MAIN 150 GPM 1000 GPM 0.3345 CFS 2.23 CFS Area Area 3 INCH pvc equals equals pi x radius squared 3.14 (1.5/12) squared 1 0.049 1.5 equals radius 12 0.125 ft radius Area equals 0.049063 velocity =Q/A .03345/.049063 equals Good! velocity is self flushing/ non erosive 6.82 feet per second BARRETT ENGINEERED PUMP RECOMENDATIONS HYDROMATIC ® SK75/100 Submersible Sewage Ejector Pump • Residential or G>nimerciai Sewage • High-Gipacity Sump • SepHc Tank Effluent 41 Inr HYDROMATIC* Peatair Tmnp Cramp 51(75/100 RPM: I JSO Discharge: V Solids: 2" ¥niolesale Praducts Poge: 63(X)-1 Sacfimn Performance Data Doled: January 2001 I2r 40 3 3 .10 oL 0 Gvadiy^U.S.6.P.M. 30 ti IXI SKIi \ ) 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Uter^/Second 0 10 The curves reflect maxifmim pertormancd chai^ctorietics wihout raaeetfing lutt ^ (^^rr«piale} tvsxmom. AU pumi^ have a senrice tador of 1.2, Operation is reoommanded b curves are based on actual tests witti dear water at 70° F. and 1280 feet sXe elevation. Msfiso so-fii-mr SpectfficoMcins Q-PANR Section COHIWHS Page SOS Dated SEPTIMKR1993 DUPLEX ''Q" CONTROL PANEL panel as qjccifiedhetem. ^ u„ . maetlnB Ui. Standad >n*««rid B. The n««. conaol ^^^^bS^i i^dtTtH^?.^^ conaob-TtemcrtoroortwIpM^ so u to tasme suitability and assurance of expenence m tnatcning coniws leqionidbility for tbe equipment. 2.01 CONSTBUCnON . .^j,.™. «^n» Nra«A 3R wwiiianaitswia A. Theco«rtrobforttepuB.pshallt»coma««dma5t«le^^ door and ne^miae gask^ (XMaponealsiiidKenelostBe. . u iii--««^llimlidil5aiidhaad-off-atttoswitd«s duaibcn««»«ied«aneta*o^^ aadl.avc«.el*.ncdUfcof50^1gurs.R^^ E. Tbciiicomfa«iK>weraMl^ with box tyi« lags d«B be «Wh<^^^^^^ ttate fir tlH= float coanerton. daU be «^P^^ F. Aciiaritb^afcwshaabeusedwp^t^from ar€Oitb«toshaBbetl«nnalma8i»t««rfa«dt0^ mteSMBttct life of 1.000OT0 ««„„dso-Cl.s. lOiaUdoverloadi^yssban^^ H. Cbnin^lvottagoshjlbeJOV^^^ votege. A cootrol fuse and on/off switdi steU |«tea I. W|,etie.shrilbea«d»n«iat^P«;f-r^^ operating devU«. All w^g^ 5^"hX ^^.T^SHSl bC pcm«n^tly «ta:hed to tbe mm A color 15 repeated, mam coowg Ga AMMMAPUMP HYMOMATK" PUMPS lii-j z 1/0 I d aaa-i a. i Ui s 24 2' MUSHRaOM VENT <4) LIFTING LUGS 2* I^YLON , COUPLING^ (6>00> DUPLEX J-BOX SS FLOAT _/ BRACKET (6>00> <4) 290a<20 FLOAT SWITCHES aOQSC) CAST yi IRON HUB-^ CLODSE) <2> LEVER/WEIGHTS STAINLESS GUIDE RAILS Ot DISCH. PIPC <5> UNI-FLANGES <2> BASE ELBOWS SQUARE FIBERGLASS ^ ANTl-FLOAF TO CUSTOHERi EXAMINE THIS ORAWING CAREFIAJLY. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, LOCATIONS, AND ELEVATIONS FDR ACClffiACY. SIGN AND DATE Ar LINE. ANY HQOIFlCAriQNS OR CHANGES TO THtS DRAWING OR FINISHED PRODUCT. AFTER IT HAS BEEN SIGNED. NAY RESULT IN ADDiriONAL CHARGES AND SHIPPING DELAYS. NO JDB WILL BE STARTED UNTO- CONFORMATION TM^OUCH SIGNATURE. (REOUESTEIl SIGNATURE *• flATg PgH ABOVEK CQNFIRMATIDN THROUGH SIGNATURE RELEASES ORDER FDR PRDDUCTION 20^^ ^i666 bkwt PLYMOUTH. IN 46563 (574) 936-6022 m o • •BKljLBBatJ& f—I ADAVIS I I Rtvislon 0 RSXHWC? KSRM N/A <6> EQUALLY SPACED HOLES 2' VENT Sti TO CUSrOHCR' EXAMItOE THIS DRAWING CAREFULLY. VERIFY ALL DIMENSlimS. LOCATIONS. AND ELEVATICMS FOR ACCURACY. SIGN AND DATE AT LINE. ANY MDDIFICATICNS DR CHANGES TD THIS DRAWING OR FINISHED PRODUCT, AFTER IT MAS BEEN SIGNED. MAY RESULT IN ADDITIONAL CHARGES AND SHIPPING DELAYS. NO JDB WILL BE STARTED UNFIL CONFORMATION THRQUQi SK3NATURE< <RCQUESTED SIGNATURE I. DATE PEI^ ABUVEV CONFIRMATION THROUGH SIGNATURE RELEASES ORDER FOR PRODUCTION 2055 PIDC4 bftlVt PLYMOUTH. IN 46563 (574) 936-6022 mnm nm to T ADAVIS I I MCHMrMO. N/A 0 1 sttoENHECT mn* nmmm.mm» •lacffrfcal Data 51(75 Wholesale Prodticts Paga: 6300^3 Se^om Eledrical Data Dolad: January 2001 MODEL: SK75, Sewoge ijedor P PM 1750 — _ MOTOR TYPE OIL RLLED WITH AUTOMATIC RESET THERMAL OVERLOAD Mn^kv a a • w • ^» MOtDRPRmcnON AUTOMATIC RKET / THERMAL OVERLOAD HP PHASE NEC CODE SERVICE F^VtrrOR FULL LOAD AMPS a ia^ 3/4 200 1 1 10.4 3/4 2^ 1 -1 9.0 3/4 200 3 -1 4.0 3/4 230 3 -1 3.5 3/4 460 3 -1 1.8 3/4 575 3 -1 1.44 51(75/100 Wholesale Products Page: 6300-7 Sac^bn: Specificaiion Data Dofad: January 2001 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE EJECTOR MODELS: SK75 oitd SKI 00 1.01 GENERAL Contractor shall tUmish all labor, inaterials, equipment and incidentals req/u^nd to prcnride (Qty.) stAimerable centrifugal sewage ejector pump($) as ^wdfied h««in. TTM pun^ modete covarsd in tttis specification aria the SIC75, and SKI 00. Tlie pump furnislied for this appKcation shalt be MODEL ^fd^ as mamiliBctured by Hytfrwnalic Pumps. 2.01 OESIGN CONDITIONS y . Each pump sh^l be rated /*•/ H.P.. wrtts, i phase, hertz and operate at RPM. 3.01 OPERATtNGCONDtnONS The pump shaH deliver U.S. GPM/LPS A teet/m^ersTDH, and handle a Inch solid. The curve submitted tor approval shall state, tn addition to head and capacity performance, solid handling capability, amp rating, and design impeiler dianeter. 4.01 coNsmucnoN Each pump shall be of the sealed submersiHe type, incorporating features nonnally found In pumps fumished tor the residential market. These faaturas Indude: 1. The pump volute, niotor. and seal housing sh^l t)e high quality gray cast irort, ASTM A-48, Class 30. 2. Ttie pump intet shall be open and dear, without screening to provide access fbr sewage and K)llds. 3. AH axlemaJ mating paris shaH be ma(^4ied and Buna N. O^lng seat^. 4. An fasteners exposed to the pwved liquid shaN tie 300 series atainl^s steel. 5 All power cords shaD be water resistant UL or CSA approved, wifh double insulation, and sized as a fitfiction of Amp. dr^. 5.01 MOTOR AND SHAFT Tlie stator. rotor and bearings ^ull be mounted fti a sealed siri)m«slbie type housing. Single phase motors shall be ^}Ht phase or capacitor start with centrifugal switch. Three phase motors shall Polyphase. FuH Load and Lodfed Rotor Amps as v»^l as Start and Run whiding ra^stanoe ^Mdt be tabulated for each pump. 6.01 BEARINGS. SHAFT AND MECHANICAL SEAL /Vn upper busMig b^r^ and lower fivust bearlt^ shall be recpilred. The upper bearing shaH be brass wMte tfw lower bearing is a single raw baM. They are both pemoanentty and continuousiy lubilcaled and cooled by ttie dieiet^ oil whi(^ Ms the (iwtor ho^^ from flie pumped l^id with a carbon ceramic mechanlced seed. \Mdi iii-d 21/90 d 918-i 620e-2eZ-6t9 SdHId a3)li3NI9Na ii9Mir84«Wd IU8C:S0 SO-Sl-inr Technical Data Sl(75 Wholesale Products Paga: 6300-5 Sedfont Technical Data Dofad: January 2001 MODEL SK75, Sevirago Efector DISCHARGE SIZE 2" NPT (STANDARD) 3" NPT (OPTIONAU SOUDS SIZE 2" IMPELLER TYPE 2 VANE NON CLOG CABLE LENGTH 20* STANDARD PAINT FfttNTED AFTER ASSEMBLY DARK GREEN, WATER REDUCIBLE ENAMEL. ONE COAT, AIR DRIED. femperature: MAXIMUM LIQUID 140°F MAXIMUM SIKTOR OIL FLASH POINT fechnkal Dolo: POWER CORD TYPE STW-A MOTOR HOUSING CAST IRON CASING CAST IRON i§ IMPELLER CAST IRON ii MOTOR SHAFT 416 STAIt«£SS STEEL ii HARDWARE STAINLESS STEEL sg "Cr RINGS BUNA-N MECh 1ANICAL SEALS Standard: CARBCHM/CERAMIC UPPER BEARII^ SINGLE ROW-BALL LOWER BEARINQ SINGLE HOW-BALL m-i imi 988-1 6Z0C-2iZ-8l9 SdNM QSI^I9Na lisummi mvs6 st'ii'W HYDROMATIC 3900 Mercury Switch Level Control £ i i § • Sealed steel tube marcunr switch • MoslfreuMa4rea canlral avar dasignad. • Fm- use in sewro^ and wcrtar. • Raplocas air bubble sysfams, dHcqriiragfn svyHdies and electrode systems. • Dasignad far over one RidBen cydes ef operafion. - Weight outside float holds switch at ony desired heigltl in svmp. • Weighted cor<b prevent tfio floats from hansJnig up on rods, ladders and other obstrucHon« under turbulent wet wall conditions. 3900 Specifications GtNEitAL — Designed fbr operating electrical controls ffar pumps to control liquid level in sumps Can ilso be uMd to opcritc alarmt to indkais hi{^ water conditiont In ttunps or tanks. TYPES — 3900 Control* can bc supplied widi normally <^ or nomuUy dosed coinacts. Two lumnaliy (>pcn comrols ve used CO control cjpcradm of a tiii^ pomp. One ctrntn^ is set <br tum offkHcl and tme control is set for turn on fcvd. A iMgiKtSc starter or comaoior widi a hol^ contact holds the drctut in alter kvcl drops bdow torn on ctmtiol. I>Or two-pun^) operation 3 controb are used; one fix turn <^ one for twn on one pun^, and one foe tum on second puntp. An electtic alternator is used to dteirate pumi^. NotmaOy dosed switdies can bc raided for puinp up applicatimis swh »s fimng jurfaee Qt dcvated tanki. NorawUy dosed switches have Kd label on weight stating it is normally dosed S¥Vnai SPfCmCATlON — Reliable sted tube mercury switch design ius > rccommeoded operating temperature to 160° F and has a rating of 2 AMPS at lis or 230 Vohs, A.C. m-i H/Zli 988-1 eZ0l-Z£Z-8l9 POWBt CORD — Is 2-condiKtor «16 flenbie cord type STQW-A water and oil-rcsistant. 300-Vott. FU) AT — Thc Metcuiy switdi is potted in a solid polyurethane float that is kalqwoof, stradptoof and com^n resistaiK to sewage. Consuh &ctoty for use with chemicals. ¥lfHGHI--Thc line pttcd itw weif^ coated widi baked on epoxy paint hoMt switch in sump at dented height- Height can bc easily *dSu«ted fiom dK sur&ce by raising or lowering tte cord in thc cold snubber. SUPPORT IRACKIT — A speciai sappon brxket is bdccd to the juncrion box (if used), othetwise it bote to the discharge fHpc, Bracket has plastic cord Hittbber chat holds thc switches ac thc requhed hdght. Cords are ^accd apart to pcevcat tangling. A UNIT Of SENEWAL SIGNAL S<MM a3li33NI9ll3 113HV84nild lUOt-'SO SB-SI-W Section CONTROLS Page 504 Dated SBTtMfeER 1993 J. K. inside swface of thc front door. AH ground connections shaU be made with ring tongue temunaJs and star wwhets to a&suie pixiper ground. A duplex pump controller shall be provided for control logic. Pump controller shall be solid state utilizini? a SlfTj!l,;rjl2enr '^"'^ board of the p«mp controller shall be L. Tte P««P comrollw shall mdicate float eirctrit operations utitiiing i«d amber LED indicator light,. LED mdtratar h^ P«^i<«c adequ«e information » ihalthey can be wed for diagnosis in tnwbteshooting probtems located m ttie fU»t circuits. Each LED shall be pcsmtaoently Ubeled on the pump controller as to ninchon. M. Pump ^trolkr shall have provisions for conneeting float level controls and beat sensor monitors, where ^ucaMe, to box type lug cwinectors. ^ S*'lug ciHmectors shall be made of polyainide th^^ nMMOhc type temunal blocks on tte pump contndler shall not be aoceptabte. Eadi teiminal block shall te property and penmanendy latekd on die purap controller as to its jwrpose. O. Pump cootroU^ shall include altemadng chcuit of tte low voltage type and te operadonal fnm a ttansfoimcr mounted onttie pump conlroncr board. The aUemaior shaU consist of an altemadng relay which alternately swiiciies viiieti voltage 1* removed firera ite cirnut Attemating circii^ P. Whiag irfhawtoIf-aulD switches, nm lights, contactors, and ovedosds to *e punp commller shall be accom- plisbed by means of plug coenecbm. Tte pump contrdler shaU have male header assemblies ftom die conwpooding devices on tte pomp controUer fbr that male header assembly. Header assemblies shaU te c^ttttCttd of a cmosioii-resistait thetmqrfasdc mateiial having a toiqierahtre nuge of -SS'C to 105°C and copper a^^^oy. bright add tin over nickel phting contacts. Then: shaH te no extemal Ugfats on tte pump control P«Mi All must te NEMA AX rated and on a hinged dead ftont door on tte panel i»»tBfiw 3.01 OPTIONS A. Panel shall te eqnqipcd with die ftdlowing «lditional featutes. - UX. 508. iotrimicatty safe dmiit eiUensions for floats. ( Standani constnicdon only) - UJ-913 labeled «dlh intrinsically safe circuit exienaioiis tor floats, teat sensor and seal scnw (Ex|dosioo proof punqjis only) Ifish level alarm Ugjht (Hashing) (Ntm-Flashing) High level alann horn with push lo silence switch. - Dry contacts for tdenwtry of alarm conditions -Low water alarm - Redundant off float switch Elapsed doe met^- (per pump) - Seal failure light - Anti-condensate heater (SO watt) with thermostat - Heat sensor - maimal reset Phase failnie protection (3 frfusc only) Lead potnp sdector switch - Lightning siippres»r • Lag pun^ on time delay (15-20 seconds) - 24 teur time dock, adjustable to 15 minute inten/als to amtrol pump operation -110 volt convenience ondet •Cyde counter ' Swing dead front dow with non-fiised disconnect (with fused disconnect) HYDROfMATlCPUMPS m-i 21/11 d 988-1 820f-Ze2-8l9 AtJRORA PUMP GSc SdHfld 03il33NI9lli UaUVfl-IIOiM MOr:SO SS-SI-W r L J HYDROMATIC® Q-Panel For Pump & Motor Controls Custom Coitstructed on Recsipl of <Hder • Ckdck dallvary wilh horsepoM«rs through 125, standcrd voltages, virtual unlimllecl opiions. • Qualily ptodud, leading in (Jesign, engineenng and con^rudion. • Quiet pracessbig in «vhich custom orden bedome routine ibr bsl handling. • QuHa faiexpensiva to compete in todo/s tough marloet. HrnROMaric t^f HYDROMATIC PENTAIR PUMP GROUP 9 m-i zi/eo d 988-1 8Z0C-Z8Z-619 sdmd a3ii33Ni9N3 naHra-HOdd iu8e:so s8-fii-inr