HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-28; LA COSTA CONDOMINIUMS; LANDSIDE STABILIZATION; 2007-04-16American GeotechnicaUnc SOIL, FOUNDATION AND GEOLOGIC STUDIES April 16,2007 F.N. 23080.02 wth Revisions DRAINAGE REPORT HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULICS CALCULATIONS BANICH, POWERS, CALSO LANDSLIDE STABILIZATION 2416 SACADA CIRCLE, CARLSBAD RECEIVED JUL 0 3 2007 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Prepared by AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL 22725 Old Canal Road, Yorba Linda, Califomia 92887 Tel: (714)685-3900 22725 Old Canal Road, Yorba Linda, CA 92887 • (714) 685-3900 • FAX (714) 685-3909 5600 Spring Mountain Road, Suite 201, Las Vegas, NV 89146 • (702) 562-5046 • FAX (702) 562-2457 5764 Pacific Center Blvd., Suite 112, San Diego, CA 92121 • (858) 450-4040 • FAX (858) 457-0814 - '^ , 712 Fifth Street, Suite #B, Davis, CA 95616 • (530) 758-2088 • FAX (530) 758-3288 •••' ^ \ FN 23080 02 llAmencan Geotechnical, Inc. April 16, 2007 Page 1 BRIEF NARRATIVE As requested,we are providing a brief narrative regarding the existing and proposed conditions. A more detailed description is included in the report issued by American Geotechnical on March 27, 2007, entitled "Landslide Stabilization Recommendations" which contains plans for remediation. The existing drainage (prior to failure) was very poor. Lots at the top-of-slope directed drainage over the descending slope that had concentrated flow during periods of heavy rainfall. Additionally, no maintenance had been provided over the years for mid slope drainage. The slope failure occurred in February 2005, during a period of record-breaking rainfall in southem Califomia. The effects of the rainfall and subsequent mnoff raised the groundwater level and also created seepage parallel to the slope face reducing the shear strength of the slide materials which resulted in the observed failure. The proposed plan addresses any surface drainage concems and provides a high strength reinforced slope re-build that will enhance the slopes ability to resist future failures. The new proposed repair creates a stronger slope with appropriate drainage provisions, substantially improved from the existing condition. ;:onstrucl anergy cJissipci.^i 100 lb t rock ; See detail) i •1^ f -0 Aocro.x Scale '' =:'}' R^^Pai ft Explanatior A' 215-' Appfo<ina!e Lccation of Cross Section Appro.<;rr,3te Location cf Finisn Concour Approximate Location of Tieback Wail Systein Appro:<imate Location of Proposed Key E.xcavation 1 Approximate Location of Surface Dram Appro:<;mate Location of Slope .Access Road-cut For Leighton Large Diamieter Boring (1998; Estimated Location cf Origina! Slope Access Road-cut By Leighton FL = Flowline "a) bottom elev. ot v-ditch Note. On the comp'etton of grading apply permanent non-irrigated landscaping using hydromulch spray with a seed mix consisting of the foilowing: Mulhenbergia ngens (Deer Grass) 2 lbs. per acre Leymus triticcides (Beardle Wildryej. 10 lbs. per acre Festuca rubra Moiate' (Red Fountain Grass). 8 lbs. per a'. - Deschampsia eiongata (Slender Hairgrass) 5 lbs. per acre Vulpia microstachys (Small Fesvue). 5 lbs per acre £.u^TI-3'0RK QUANTITIES IMPORT ••- EXPOR- ^ =E.V4ECIJL,. PUNNING DKPARTMENT APPROVAL , _^ oat: / / PLAXNING OrBECTOR 'AS BUILT' CITY OF CARLSB AT- S2FAI?. .= LAN'S FOR: Construct energy dissipatsr '00 !b T rock (See detail; Fcr 1 ,5 ri 1V portion of tne slope dace , geogrid ;S/"teen 3F35)'P beb/veer-'tl j layers at a 24" vertical spacing See cross secb'cn ^ - ,A -'or details Explanation --215 Appro.^imate Lccatior of Cross Section Approximate Locatior of Finish Contour .Approximate Location of Tieback Wali System Approximate Location of Proposed Key E.:<cavafion Approximate Location of Surface Drain Approximate Location of Slope Access Road-cut For Leighton Large Diamiete-" Bonng ' 1998' Estimated Location cf Onginal Slope Access Poad-cut By Leighton FL = Flow'ine 'B boctomi eiev c' v-ditch Note. On the completion of grading apply permanent non-irrigated landscaping using hydromulch spray with a seed m,ix consisting of the following: Mulhenbergia ngens (Deer Grass), 2 ibs. per acre Leymus triticcides (Beardle Wildrye). 10 lbs per acre Festuca rubr.a Moiate' (Red Fountain Grass). 8 lbs. pe acre Deschamips'a elcngafa (Slender Hairgrass) 5 !bs pe^ acre Vulpia miicrostachys (Small Fesvue). 5 Ibs per acre •-;MPC<'T PUNNING DEPABTMENT APPROVAL s;i7= om-. / '' 'AS BUILT' CITY OF CARLSBAD'i>^^ WM American Geotechnical SOIL, FOUNDATION AND GEOLOGIC STUDIES 22725 OLD CANAL. ROAD • VORBA LINDA, CA 92887 • (800) 275-4436 • FAX (714) 685-3909 BY: Al^ FILE NO,: 22.o80.o2 DATK: PROJECT:. SHEET:. / / 3 DESCRimON:, H ix> I o ^) y / I-l.y I- tx'.j.' iL."^ G a 1 c f-li To-lis. I aVif-n. SciMCtrf VJ-^ V cV.Ac,!- Cl CM „ ^ / 5^-^ ^lv<^ L 1= 6-5^ 'Vu Co poe i n = , P, q 1 -n ^ •1 American Geotechnical son., FOUNDATION AND GEOLOGIC STUDIES 22725 OLD CANAL ROAD • YORBA LINDA, CA 92887 • (800) 275-4436 • FAX (714) 685-3909 BY: ^^-^ Fll,F.NO.: l^oRO.'^'Z DATE;___O!±i:0^j!kL- PRO.IF.rT: SAU SCH /F^'^ ^/ CAi.--i.O ,SHF.FT: / 3 \ ^ yd \ o Cj y /l4yci m -'l,ci g-^lc. DESCRIPTION:. C Q, piy~c ' ^^'^ c 0»^ ••^ t:''. o." i- : Ho=; olcpe OrciOv 'i-.Li-ii.. ftl- Vifcjart 2 . p. 2.15 f I' 2{ 1.5') 7v • 0= o-G\3 Q, , r LiL^l M'2'2.s)( G.S^/^C 05)^= cf^ yy2 \if^^s •1 American Geotechnical SOIL, FOUNDATION AND GEOLOGIC STUDIES 22725 OLD CANAL ROAD • YORBA LINDA, CA 92887 • (800) 275-4436 • FAX (714) 685-3909 BY: _.Alh:^! FILENO,:_^i£8£>^ DATE: __Oiti£li!L2. I'ROJECT: BjC^J |6H /I^I^Eg^ /CAL^o SHEE7: DESCRIPTION: ^\^'ptct^^ / V^X'Q^ MI \CA CAl^ Ike. -»c j/civ,-iV-^ frli-i uo.-i i'C Ctrnrni,.'. o'e,o' /" N l*J R rip fop s'll-o.q 'f'-r rifcuvjcn'- p;peS( HEC!i|. , c l.a.p-lc'- lo ) •• 5 ^ c F'ycr. T;.b!« lO.i J^HUlf^ ( fltCI^ , AUpW |o) : Apr.- Cr.M^ \ c^pr,^ end) = V L ^ 3,( IT^59f+ f V(l-) •3 , , ^' Directions for ^^lication: (1} From precipitation maps delBmiine 6 hr and 24 hr amounls for the selected frequency. Tliese maps are Included in the County Hydrology MarmeS (10.50. and 100 yr maps included in tfie Design and Procedure Manual). (2) Adjust 8 hr predpitatton (if necefwary) so that it is withtn the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr precipitation (not applicaple to Desert). (3) Plot 6 hr precipitation on the right side of the chart. (4) Draw a <ine through the point parallel lo tne plotted lines. (5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: (a) Selected frequency \QCi year 2. 5 in.. P 2^ 4-.5 (c) Adjusted = 2 -5 m. •P24 mm, (e) i = C S'l in./hr. Note: This chart replaces the iFttenslly-Duration-Frequency curves used since 1965, 2.5 i Z.12J3.18i4.af' iJK 12.53:3.37' 3.5 I 4.5 _5J i 6.53; 8.30] "4.Z\ 6.3617.42; ^353'3,771 1.06 i1.8a;2.1S 6it3 '.i2* ijBS. o w : 1.03'1 38' ceo''o.so: 1.19' SM io«); 1.06' o:4V]o.«ifo.a2' q^]o.5iio.6s' jo.44j6:E9 1W| 0.28 .039(0.58 052 ]0.Mi0,«3l 0,1!l_l0_.ffl!038; 0.17 IQ35lo,33 2,69 2.07' '1.72 i.A-) "l,3i J.OZ O:B5 0.73 om 0.54 '0:47 2.'49'2,90; 2,07 2.11 i 1.79'2.09' 1.59 i.86 Jl.23j.43: 1.02 1:19 j !0.88i 1.63 [ :p:78:aS1' To.B5:0,7ei •'asoto.5B 1054 5,4« 4,31' 3.73 332 2.76 2.39 2,12 i.83 1,3S JM6 1.04 OS? 075 6.67 11.86I_I3.I7' SJ54 liaeoi _ ^-^' ^ ^5.e4'j6.49 • •^irss ij5.39;' iSol 4.67 ' H.49^ 1S.S1 11 Tea'12.72 9L27 rio.11 3.73 3:10 2.69 2.38 1.84 1.53 4,15 3.45 2.98 2.5S 2.(W 1.70 1.32 11.17 _ 1.-18 2JJ1_ 6.38 I J OB 0,86 i_0j4 0,75' i 0.B4" 7.13^ 5:13 5.13 '4.56 3.79 3.28 2:92 2,25 1.87 1.62 •ijp" 1.03" 7.70 'S.46" SCO 4.98 4:16 3^56 3.1'8 2.4S 2.04 1.76 1.57 1.30' 1.13 0.92 100 F I G U R R Intensity-Ouration Design Chart - Tsmptate raAmerican Geotechnical, Inc. APPENDIX A Supporting Documents San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 6 of 26 Table 3-1 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land Use Runoff Coefficient "C" Soil Type NRCS Elements County Elements % IMPER. A B C D Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Permanent Open Space 0* 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 1.0 DU/A or less 10 0.27 0.32 0.36 0.41 Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 2.0 DU/A or less 20 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46 Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 2.9 DU/A or less 25 0.38 0.41 0.45 0.49 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 4.3 DU/A or less 30 0.41 0.45 0.48 0.52 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 7.3 DU/A or less 40 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.57 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less 45 0.52 0.54 0.57 0.60 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 14.5 DU/A or less 50 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.63 High Density Residential (HDR) Residential, 24.0 DU/A or less 65 0.66 0.67 0.69 0.71 High Density Residential (HDR) Residential, 43.0 DU/A or less 80 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 Commercial/Industrial (N. Com) Neighborhood Commercial 80 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 Commercial/Industrial (G. Com) General Commercial 85 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.82 Commercial/Industrial (O.P. Com) Office Professional/Commercial 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.85 Commercial/Industrial (Limited I.) Limited Industrial 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.85 Commercial/Industrial (General L) General Industrial 95 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 *The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calculation of the runoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (representing the pervious runoff coefficient, Cp, for the soil type), or for areas that will remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Justification must be given that the area will remain natural forever (e.g., the area is located in Cleveland National Forest). DU/A = dwelling units per acre NRCS = National Resources Conservation Service 3-6 HANDBOOK OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS Tyler G. Hicks, RE., Editor International Engineering Associates Member: American Society of Mechanical Engineers Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers United States Naval Institute McGRAW-HiLL l\lew Yorit San Francisco Wasliington, D.C. Aucicland Bogota Caracas Lisbon London IWadrid IWexico City IMilan •Montreal New Delhi San Juan Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto I |:M. WATER SYSTEM DESIGN Ba/f-fu// sewer (sewer. Ute Ihalf-full sewer, or 2(7.75) = 15.50 ftVs ({\AA% 5.50/1.55 = 10 million gal/day (438.1 L/^i es are sized on the basis of being tiill of hqui^ f B = inlet elevation, ft above the site datum- JB-' Pipe length between inlet and outlet, ft Substi! ' in/in). Is often used for sizing sewer pipe,-, in thij^^ that is a function of the pipe roughness- Jt-t ter, ft;S = pipe slope, ft/ft. Table 14 lists Riewer design, the value n = 0.013 for piper's , umerous charts have been designed to siin<.> pical chart designed specifically for sewei?, te left, and project through the slope ratio of rate and slope scales, read the next larger^ t m). When using this chart, always read the I fluid flow velocity as 5 ft/s (1.5 mis) on the ; Tor a sewer flowing}?^//. -l I I ianning Formula vith some I jointed and unplaned I I 0.040 0.030 0.020 0.017 0.015 0.013* 0.012 0.010 0.009 |GO:g-2 83 90-^-2,55 80 4-2.27 •70-f-1,98 60-i-l 70 50-1-1.42 *: 40-1- 113 30 20' •0,85 0.57 I" 10-=-0.28 ~ ' 9-]-0,25 I 8-1-0,23 ° 7-3-0,198 6-=-0,170 5-1-0.14 O.ll 3-E-0.08 2--0,06 0.028 305- 254- 203- 152- WATER-SUPPLY AND STORM-WATER SYSTEM DESIGN 0.0001 00002 0.0003 00004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0007 [0.0008 0.001 0.002 0003 0004 0.005 0006 2 -10.007 S -|0008 „ 001 I 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 008 2438 -96 2286-90 2134-84 1981 -78 1829-72 1676-66 1524 -60 1372-54 1219-48 1067-42 914-36 838-33 762-30 686-27 610-24 E c 533-21 Z-0) V a> E o 457-CO •6 XJ a a 381 -15 °^ 1° ^0 0,2 03 04 0,5 0,6 07 0,8 IO 7.27 Q6-|2 0,9- 12- e 1-5- 1,8- 2 I 8 2 4-E 2 7-i9 3 0-g 3,4 FIGURE 12. Nomogram for solving the Manning formula for circular pipes flowing fiill and n = 0.013. lapter 10 - HEC 14 - Hydraulics - Engineering - FHWA Page 13 of i: Two feasible options have been identified. First, a 2.3-ft-deep, 23-ft-long pool, with an 11.5-ft-apron using Ogg = 0.5 ft. Second, a 1.4-ft-deep, 18-ft-long pool, with a 6-ft-apron using Dgp = 0.83 ft. The choice between these two options will likely depend on the available space and the cost of riprap. Step 5. Forthe design discharge, determine if TW/y^ ^.75 TW/y^ = 2.0/2.7 = 0.74, which satisfies TW/y^ <0.75. No additional riprap needed. 10.2 Riprap Aprgn The most commonly used device for outlet protection, primarily for culverts 1500 mm (60 in) or smaller, is a riprap apron. An example schematic of an apron taken from the Federal Lands Division of the Federal Highway Administration is shown in Figure 10.4. Figure 10.4. Placed Riprap at Culverts (Central Federal Lands Highway Division) mrti I, tmin^liii hK t Internum lM«iJK nm ll 11 (OEM A. V tf wtrm -mf w # wt LA aay£HT WTH STAHOMD £10 SECTJCW I cuLvm wtTMon STAMOMO em xaoK nWTSCTNt *Pfim AT CULirE/fT OUTIST ^'Tiiiiiitiiu— piicco niMuip AT CULVERTS They are constructed of riprap or grouted riprap at a zero grade for a distance that is often related to the outlet pipe diameter. These aprons do not dissipate significant energy except through increased roughness for a short distance. However, they do serve to spread the flow helping to transition to the natural drainage way or to sheet flow where no natural drainage way exists. However, if they are too short, or otherwise ineffective, they simply move the location of potential erosion downstream. The key design elements of the riprap apron are the riprap size as well as the length, width, and depth of the apron. Several relationships have been proposed for riprap sizing for culvert aprons and several of these are discussed in greater detail In Appendix D. The independent variables in these relationships include one or more ofthe following variables: outlet velocity, rock specific gravity, pipe dimension (e.g. diameter), outlet Froude number, and tailwater. The following equation (Fletcher and Grace, 1972) is recommended for circular culverts: D,o =0.2D Q (10.4)1 215 TW where, DgQ = riprap size, m (ft) Q = design discharge, mVs (ftVs) D = culvert diameter (circular), m (ft) TW = tailwater depth, m (ft) g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s^ (32.2 ft/s^) Tailwater depth for Equation 10.4 should be limited to between 0.4D and 1 .OD. If tailwater is unknown, use 0.4D. Whenever the flow is supercritical in the culvert, the culvert diameter is adjusted as follows: 2 where, ittp ://www. fhwa.dot.gov/engineering/hydraulics/pubs/06086/hec 14ch 10.cfin (10.5) 7/2/200' apter 10 - HEC 14 - Hydraulics - Engineering - FHWA D' = adjusted culvert rise, m (ft) y^ = normal (supercritical) depth in the culvert, m (ft) Equation 10.4 assumes that the rock specific gravity is 2.65. If the actual specific gravity differs significantly from this value, the DJQ should be adjusted inversely to specific gravity. The designer should calculate Dgg using Equation 10.4 and compare with available riprap classes. A project or design standard can be developed such as the example from the Federal Highway Administration Federal Lands Highway Division (FHWA, 2003) shown in Table 10.1 (first two columns). The class of riprap to be specified is that which has a Dgg greater than or equal to the required size. For projects with several riprap aprons, it is often cost effective to use fewer riprap classes to simplify acquiring and installing the riprap at multiple locations. In such a case, the designer must evaluate the tradeoffs between over sizing riprap at some locations in order to reduce the number of classes required on a project. Table 10.1. Example Riprap Classes and Apron Dimensions Class •go (mm) DgoOn) Apron Length' Apron Depth 1 125 5 4D 3.5Dgo 2 150 6 4D 3.3D50 3 250 10 5D 2-4Dgo 4 350 14 6D 2-2Dgo 5 500 20 7D 2.0D50 6 550 22 8D 2OD50 'D is the culvert rise. The apron dimensions must also be specified. Table 10.1 provides guidance on the apron length and depth. Apron length is given as a function of the culvert rise and the riprap size. Apron depth ranges from 3.5DgQ for the smallest riprap to a limit of 2.0DgQ for the larger riprap sizes. The final dimension, width, may be determined using the 1:3 flare shown in Figure 10.4 and should conform to the dimensions of the downstream channel. A filter blanket should also be provided as described In HEC 11 (Brown and Clyde, 1989), For tailwater conditions above the acceptable range for Equation 10.4 (TW> 1.0D), Figure 10.3 should be used to determine the velocity downstream ofthe culvert. The guidance in Section 10.3 may be used for sizing the riprap. The apron length is determined based on the allowable velocity and the location at which it occurs based on Figure 10.3. Over their service life, riprap aprons experience a wide variety of flow and tailwater conditions. In addition, the relations summarized in Table 10.1 do not fully account for the many variables in culvert design. To ensure continued satisfactory operation, maintenance personnel should inspect them after major flood events. If repeated severe damage occurs, the location may be a candidate for extending the apron or another type of energy dissipator. Design Example: Riprap Apron (SI) Design a riprap apron for the following CMP installation. Available riprap classes are provided in Table 10.1. Given: Q = 2.33 mVs D = 1.5m TW = 0.5m Solution Step 1. Calculate Dgp from Equation 10.4. First verify that tailwater is within range. TW/D = 0.5/1.5 = 0.33. This is less than 0.4D, therefore, use TW = 0.4D = 0.4(1.5) = 0.6 m •50=0,20 Q ( D TW = 0,2(1,5) 2.33 0,13 m step 2. Determine riprap class. From Table 10.1, riprap class 2 (Dgg = 0.15 m) is required. ttp://www.fhwa.dot.gov/engineering/hydraulics/pubs/06086/hecl4chl0.cfrn Page 14 of 1; 7/2/200' apter 10 - HEC 14 - Hydraulics - Engineering - FHWA step 3. Estimate apron dimensions. From Table 10.1 for riprap class 2, Length, L = 4D = 4(1.5) = 6m Depth = 3.3D5Q = 3.3 (0.15) = 0.50 m Width (at apron end) = 3D + (2/3)L = 3(1.5) + (2/3)(6) = .8.5 m Design Example: Riprap Apron (CU) Design a riprap apron for the following CMP installation. Available riprap classes are provided in Table 10.1. Given: Q = 85 ftVs D = 5.0 ft TW = 1.6 ft Solution Step 1. Calculate Dgg from Equation 10.4. First verify that tailwater is within range. TW/D = 1.6/5.0 = 0.32. This is less than 0.4D, therefore, Page 15 of 1! =0,2D = 0.4(5)= f Q 1 2.0 ft '^f D ] ITWJ = 0,2 (5.0) 85 —1 = 0,43 ft = 5.2in 2.0 .^12(5.0)'^ step 2. Determine riprap class. From Table 10.1, riprap class 2 (Dgg = 6 in) is required. Step 3. Estimate apron dimensions. From Table 10.1 for riprap class 2, Length, L = 4D = 4(5) = 20 ft Depth = 3.3DgQ = 3.3 (6) = 1.65 ft Width (at apron end) = 3D + (2/3)L = 3(5) ••- (2/3)(20) = 28.3 ft 10.3 Riprap Aprons After Energy Dissipators Some energy dissipators provide exit conditions, velocity and depth, near critical. This flow condition rapidly adjusts to the downstream or natural channel regime; however, critical velocity may be sufficient to cause erosion problems requiring protection adjacent to the energy dissipator. Equation 10.6 provides the riprap size recommended for use downstream of energy dissipators. This relationship is from Searcy (1967) and is the same equation used in HEC 11 (Brown and Clyde, 1989) for riprap protection around bridge piers. 2 \ (10.6) D.= 3 0,692 1 V 2g is where, DgQ = median rock size, m (ft) V = velocity at the exit of the dissipator, m/s (ft/s) S = riprap specific gravity The length of protection can be judged based on the magnitude ofthe exit velocity compared with the natural channel velocity. The greater this difference, the longer will be the length required for the exit flow to adjust to the natural channel condition. A filter blanket should also be provided as described in HEC 11 (Brown and Clyde, 1989). Contents Next» ; teyjflus !s page last modified on 11/22/06 Scour Technology | Bridge Hydraulics | Culvert Hydraulics | Highway Drainage | Hydrology | Environmental Hydraulics FHWA Home | Engineering | Hydraulics Engineering | Feedback FHWA United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration ttp://www.fhwa.dot.gov/engineering/hydrauUcs/pubs/06086/hecl4chl0.cfm 7/2/200'