HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB003678; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 12/14/2000 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB003678 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: 12/12/2000 1 LEGO DR CBAD Tl 2111000900 $10,000.00 Sub Type: COMM Lot#: 0 Construction Type: NEW Reference #: LEGO-MAINTENANCE BLDG # 205 EXTRACTION SYSTEM Applicant: Owner: WEATHERITE CORPORATION LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG Status: Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: STE D 103 C/0 PROPERTY TAX SERV CO 3954 MURPHY CANYON RD PO BOX 543185 SAN DIEGO CA 92123 DALLAS TX 75354 858 87 4-0229 ISSUED 10/02/2000 RMA Plan Approved: 12/14/2000 Total Fees: $231.01 Total Payments To Date: $0.00 Balance Due: $231.01 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee $113.58 Meter Size $0.00 Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee $73.83 Meter Fee $0.00 SDCWA Fee $0.00 CFO Payoff Fee $2.10 PFF $0.00 PFF (CFO Fund) $0.00 License Tax $0.00 License Tax (CFO Fund) $0.00 Traffic Impact Fee $0.00 Traffic Impact (CFO Fund) $0.00 LFMZ Transportation Fee $0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee: $0.00 Sewer Fee: $0.00 Redev Parking Fee: TOTAL PERMIT FEES FINAL APPROVAL Date: 9#'(/t,I Clearance: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 $21.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $231.01 NOTICE: Plea e take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which ou have reviousl been iven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has reviousl otherwise ex ired. l .~ ' PERMIT APPLICATION FOR OFFICE USE ONL y / I PLAN CHECK NO. ~ \'2_ 7J .._,,, EST. VAL t~, (Jen_) CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 Plan Ck. Deposit-----,,----- Validated:~ ~ ~ M= Date /_/ _/,_ f 6 O t I Tot1I I of units to ~fJJ~ I of 81llvooms V .2. N1m1 Telephone I FIX I 3. N1m1 N1m1 Addteu 6. CONTRACTOR-COMPANY NAMl!i:", ,.-,·i;-,-r,~.. :: ~• City St1te/Zlp Tllephon1 Stltl LiCINI I---------- 8. WORKEIII' COMPENSATION .:...'..:, ____ _..:.. .. · .1. ·. WOfkerw' Compenaetion Oecllretion: I hlteby 1ffitm undlf penllty of pe,jury one of the following declwltlonl: O I hive ind wilt m1int1ln I cenlfle1t1 of coneent to aelf-inlur1 for wo,k1ta' compenaetlon 1a provided by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the l)lrl0fm1nc1 of th• wOfk fOf which thia permit la laaued. b( I hive 1nd will m1int1ln workerw' CC>fflPlf*ltion, H required by Section 3700 of the Labor Codi, fOf the performenc:1 of the work for which thla mlt ia hsued. My wo,k1t's c2~'181tion inaUf.nc~rrier~icy number ~ f • /.. 7/ ~ L/ lnsu,1nc1 Compeny/fM1wL :tfg..JNw::+<e Lg, Policy No. w'LID/;, 3U I D"-Expiretion D1t1 I () I ITHIS SECTION NEED NOT aE COMPI.ETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNOMO DOLLARS t•100I OR LESSI O CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I clftlfy thet In the perf0fm1nc1 of the wOfk fOf which this permit Is iHued, I ahlN not employ 1ny person in eny menner ao es 10 become subject to the W If ' o tlon l1ws of C11ifornl1. WARNING: F ... , to -eee le unlewful. Md ahell eubtKt Ill MftPloy1t to c:rtmklll~ clvll flnl1 up to one hundred thoueMd .._. ,.,o to the coet of compeneatlon. dlffllgll H prowied for In Section 370I of the _ , ~".':::: 1nomey'a f-. SIGNATURE DATE-•-._.."'---"'---~---->...::c.. 7. OWN!Jl-8Ull.DeJl1>fetAIIATION··.:·"· · ., ·--r, I hereby affirm thlt I em exempt from the Contrector'a UcenH l1w for the following reHon: 0 I, 11 owner of the property or my 1mployN1 with wag11 H their sole compen11tlon, wlll do the WOfk ind the atructUfl ii not intended Of offered fOf 1111 ISec. 7044, Businlaa endir f11elON Code: Thi Cont11cto,'a Ucena1 L•w dole not 1pply to 1n owner of property who bullda or lmprovaa theteon, end who doll such work htmsell or throu .his own 1mploYN1, provided thet 1uch Improvement, 111 not Intended Of off1ted for a1le. If, how1v1t, the building Of improvement i1 i.wlthin one y11r of co pl1t1on, the o-·buildlr will h1v1 th• burden of proving th1t he did not build or improve fo, the purpoH of Hlel. I, 11 ownlf of the property, 1m 111ctuaively contrecting with llcenaed cont11ct0f1 to cONtruct the projlc:t IS.C. 7044, lluainNa ind Prof ... ione Code: The trector's Lie-• l1w dOII not 1pply to III owner of property who build• or lmprovu thlteon, end c:ont11cta for IUCh projlcta with contr1Ctorl1I lie-Id purau1nt to the Contrector·, Uc1N1 Lewi. O I em 11t1mpt under Section ------8ualne11 Ind Prof111lons Cod• fOf thl1 r111on: 1 • I p111on11ty pl1n to provide the major l1bor Ind meterilla fOf conatruction of the propoMd property Improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (h1v1 I h1v1 natl signed en 1pplic1tion for I building permit for the propoMd work. 3. I h1v1 cont11ctld with the following peraon (firm) to provide the proposed CONtructlon (include n1m, I 1ddreu I phone number I contrectors lie-• numblrl: nt required to aubm 1ne11 plen, ,cutely h1zardoua m1teri1la reglatretlon fclr'!!)lr risk m1n1g1m1nt end prevention or 2151534 or the Pr11l1y-T1nner Hezerdoua Subst1nc1 Account Act? 0 YES ig'"NO Is the 1pplic1nt or future building oc up1nt required to obtlin • permit from the 1lr pollution control district or alt quelity m1n11gement district? ts the facility to be con1truct1d within 1,000 fNt of the outer bound1ry of e school 1it1l O YES ~ DYES~ IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIF1CAT1: OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT IE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POUUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. a. . CONSTRUCTION LENDINOtAGENCV.Jlt~~;.,~:: ;. !'.c : ..... , · '/ . .'.' I h111by 1ffirm th1t there is I construction lending 1gency for the perform1nc, of the work for which this permit la issued (Sec. 3097(1) Civil Codll. LENDER'S NAME--------------LENDER'S ADDRESS------------------------ 9. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION··•,. · • ·• ·· ·r ;.,, · • •. , ... I certify thet I have r11d the applicetion ind 1t1t1 that the 1bov1 informetion la correct and th1t the informetlon on the pl1111 Is 1ccur1t1. I 1gr11 to comply with 111 C1tv Ofdin1nc11 end St1t1 l1w1 11l1ting to building conatruction. I hereby 1uthori11 repru1nt1tlvu of thl Citt of Cerllbld to enter upon the 1bov1 m1nt1on1d propeny for lnapection purpo111. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST All LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST IAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is 11quired tor e11c1v1tlona ov 6'0" dNP and d1molltion or conatruction of llruc:turH ov11 3 11oriu in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit l11u1d b~yhe Bulldl ti under the provlalona of this Code ahln 111plr, by llmhatlon end become null and void if the building or work 1uthorl11d by auch permit la not comm It n 386 d1ya from the d1t1 of auc:h permit or It the building or work 1uthorl1Jd by such permit ii ,uapended or •bendoned et eny time •x:::• wOfk nee for 80 deya (Section 108.4.4 Uniform Buildlng Codel. /,. ... /._ /I) APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE _ r- City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 09£2072001 Permit# CB003678 ~"\ Title: LEGO-MAINTENANCE BLDG # 205 Description: EXTRACTION SYSTEM Sub Type: COMM Type:TI Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Lot 0 Location: APPLICANT WEATHERITE CORPORATION Owner: Remarks: Total Time: CD Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Associated PCRs PCR00040 ISSUED PCR00060 ISSUED PCR00231 ISSUED PCR01056 ISSUED PCR99002 ISSUED PCR99004 ISSUED PCR99007 ISSUED PCR99020 ISSUED PCR99021 ISSUED PCR99022 ISSUED PCR99023 ISSUED PCR99024 EXPIRED PCR99025 ISSUED PCR99026 PENDING PCR99029 ISSUED PCR99034 EXPIRED PCR99064 APPROVED PCR99199 ISSUED Inspector Assignment: TP --- Phone: 7609185461 Inspector:£ Requested By: CINDY Entered By: CHRISTINE Carlsbad Eire Department 003678 1635 Faraday Ave. 7 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Review Requirements Category: Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 Date of Report: _08_1_13_12_0_0_1 -------- Other Requirements Reviewed by: Name: Daryl K. James Address: 205 Colina Terrace City, State: Vista CA 92008 Plan Checker: Job #: 003678 ------- Job Name: Legoland, Bldg. 205 Bldg #: CB003678 ________________ ...........__ Job Address: IZI Approved LJ Approved Subject to LJ Incomplete Review FD Job# Lego Drive Ste. or Bldg. No. The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and I or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes and standards. Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the attached conditions. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and I or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and I or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and I or specifications to this office for review and approval. 1st 2nd 3rd Other Agency ID 003678 FD File# Carlsbad Fjre Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, GA 92008 Plan Review Date of Report: _08_1_13_12_0_0_1 -------- Name: Daryl K. James Address: 205 Colina Terrace City, State: Vista CA 92008 Plan Checker: Job Name: Legoland, Bldg. 205 Job Address: 1 Lego Drive Reviewed by: 003678 003678 Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 ------------------Ste. or Bldg. No. Spinkler protection required. DATE: October 10, 2000 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-3678 EsGi I Corporation 1n Partnersfiip witfi (jovemment for 'Buifaing Safety SET:I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Add Hood System to Bldg. 205. D~P ICANT D JURIS. D P N REVIEWER D FILE ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC Enclosures: 10/3/00 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 \ Ct~'rlsbad 00-3678 (.7 October 10, 2000 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-3678 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver DATE: October 10, 2000 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: Fl TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING AREA Valuation Reg. VALUE ($) PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Multiplier Mod. Hood Addition 10,000 10,000 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 10,000 Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance ["swg. Permit Fee by Ordinance ,.. I 113.581 I Plan Check Fee by Ordinance I "' I Type of Review: 0 Complete Review D Structural Only D Repetitive Fee [ERepeats Comments: Dother D Hourly Esgil Plan Review Fee 59.06! Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc -"' -"' -"' c., " " Q) Q) Q) .s:::: .c .c u u u C: C: C: "' "' "' a: a: a: PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB oa 3 G7o Planner /Joa /lieu Address .2-LIEGo ()rive Phone"i619) 438 1161, mcteAsioA-GoZ-~~/Z APN: 2.l/-!oo-09 Type of Project & Use:,i~~~~~t Project Density: Ntf? DU/AC Zo~in : c~=9 GenWa1 Plan: -r--~ Facilities Management Zone: /f CF (in out) # '-1-Date of participation:/2-2/-9'3 Remaining net dev acres: /J. S I 1rcle One (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: All o +ier ca,..,r-ierc.J0i ! oses ) Legend: ~ Item Complete (D Item Incomplete -Needs your action -EJ--B-=-EJ-Environmental Review Required: YES NO TYPE ---- DATE OF COMPLETION:------ Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: D ::EJ--B-Discretionary Action Required: YES NO TYPE APPROVAL/RESO. NO. _____ DATE ___ _ PROJECT NO. _______ _ OTHER RELATED CASES: __________________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: ----------------------~ -B--8---Et-Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES YES NO NO If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at -3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) 521-8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or ",Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. D D .. D lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES __ NO (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES NO (A/P/Ds, Activit,;, Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y /N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: D~ 1. Provide a fully dimensional site" plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. --EJ--6--Il' 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: -bJ--8-tl 1. Setbacks: Front: Required ------Shown ------Interior Side: Required ------Shown ------Street Side: Required ------Shown ------ Rear: Required ------Shown ------ ~o D :Et" 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown Structure separation: Required Shown --a---a=o--3. Lot Coverage: Required Shown --B=--B-=E:( 4. Height: Required Shown --8--8--0-5. Parking: Spaces Required _____ _ Shown ------ Shown ------Guest Spaces Required ------ one DATE/2-//-0) . ___ J __ J ,_ J ~J ~J ,,;-DARYL K. JAMES & ASSOCIATES, INC. A Fire Code Resouree FIRE PROTECTION TECHNICAL OPINION & REPORT Legoland California One Lego Drive Carlabad, CA 92008 205 Colina Terrace Vista, CA 92084 T (760) 724-7001 F (760) 724-7047 (. Dar.yl K.Jamee&~ Ina. ~ A Fire& Building Code Reeource August 3, 2001 Carlsbad Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Daryl K. Jamee. Preeident 205 Colina T erraoe Vieta. CA 92084 T. 760 724-7001 F. 760 724-7047 E-mail kitflre@aol.c;om Re: Maintenance Shop Welding Operations Fire Protection Technical Opinion & Report Project: Legoland California One Lego Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 I OVERVIEW Daryl K. James & Associates, Inc. has prepared the information presented herein at the request of Mick Ferris on behalf of Legoland California. This Fire Protection Technical Opinion & Report addresses conditions applicable to welding operations within an existing maintenance building for compliance with the 1998 editions of the California Building Code, California Fire Code and nationally recognized standards as they relate to the described uses and occupancies. II DESIGNTEAMCONTACT Compliance with California Code requirements is based on data provided to Daryl K. James & Associates, Inc. by: Mick Farris, Facilities Manager Lego land One Legoland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 918-5462 DARYL K. JAMES & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ A Fire Code Resource Legoland California Page 2 of 4 III SCOPE Specifically, this report will address minimum requirements for welding operations within an existing maintenance building. Conditions other than welding operations addressed or described herein are outside the scope of this report. Discrepancies between the information presented herein and actual conditions are the sole responsibility of the Legoland California maintenance department management team. Verification of compliance with requirements and provisions addressed herein rests with the authority having jurisdiction and is outside the scope of this report. IV PURPOSE OF REPORT • Identify hazards presented by welding operations. • Provide an analysis of welding operations and determine fire protection requirements for the adequate coverage of hazards in accordance with fire code requirements and national standards. • Set limitations or mitigate conditions to achieve compliance with applicable code requirements and maintain control of operations. • Outline general safety procedures for occupant safety and building protection • Evaluate proposed conditions and offer an opinion relative to fire and life safety conditions attending the design of the building and the uses within. V CODE ANALYSISllECHNICAL REFERENCES The purpose of the Code analysis is to provide Legoland California and their maintenance management team with technical information and references applicable to both the design and maintenance of welding operation conditions. The following applicable codes and standards will be used for this evaluation: Note: 1998 California Codes are the 1997 Uniform Codes as amended by the State },, 1998 California Building Code (CBC) and Handbook )..> 1998 California Fire Code (CFC) and Code Applications Manual )..> 1998 California Mechanical Code (CMC) and Handbook },, National Fire Protection Association Standard (NFPA) 13 DARYL K. JAMES & A550CIATE5, INC. ~ A Fire Code Re6ource Legoland California Page 3 of 4 VI SPECIAL USE PERMITS Fixed-site hot-work equipment such as welding booths m.ay require "Special Use Fire Permits", as per CFC Section 105-h.3. The Carlsbad Fire Department should be contacted for perm.it application. (Technical Reference 1) VII WELD/MACHINE SHOP {F-1 OCCUPANCY] The Legoland California maintenance management team. has indicated that their use of welding, cutting and other hot-work equipment will be in compliance with the following requirements of CFC Article 49: • Open flame/welding will be conducted in accordance with CFC Article 49 as follows: • All equipment that generates a spark or glow, including electrical outlets, will be installed at least 18" above the floor. • Floors in fixed hot-work areas shall have no-combustible surfaces. • Partitions segregating hot-work areas shall be non-combustible and shall be securely connected to the floor so that there is no gap between floor and partition. Walls shall prevent the passage of sparks, slag and heat from. the hot-work area. • Only approved equipment, examined and tested and found to be safeguarded as completely as practical will be used in the performance of welding and cutting operations. • Com.pressed gases will be stored in a well-ventilated area. Oxygen cylinders will be separated from. acetylene cylinders by not less than 50 ft. and/or a physical barrier. • Fuel-gas will be stored a minim.um. of 10 feet away from. combustible materials, welding operations and in other locations where they are not subject to excessive rise in temperature, mechanical injury, or tampering. Cylinders including empty ones, will be marked for identification have their caps in place and valves tightly closed. • Com.pressed gas cylinders in service or in storage will be adequately secured in a safety pallet for gas cylinders to prevent falling or being knocked over in a well-ventilated area. Cylinder components will be kept free from. oil or grease. • A 2-A, 20-B:C rated fire extinguisher will be kept within 30 ft. where welding or cutting is performed. (Technical Reference 2) VIII AUTOMATIC FIRE PROTECTION Ductwork in the welding area presents obstructions to existing fire sprinkler spray patterns. The objective of the spray pattern is to ensure that a sufficient amount of water from. the sprinklers reaches the hazard. This concern is addressed by using NFP A 13 requirements for obstructions, that typically consist of continuous and non-continuous obstructions, that interrupt the water spray pattern once it is below the 18-in. discharge pattern development zone. These types of obstructions can include overhead doors, ducts, and decks. When these obstructions exceed a certain dimension, sprinklers are required to be beneath them.. DARYL K. JAMES & A550CIATE5, INC. ~ A Fire Code Ree;ourGe Legoland California Page 4 of 4 Sprinklers shall be installed under fixed obstructions, ductwork, over 4 ft. wide as per NFPA 13, Section 5- Sprinklers shall be hydraulically calculated to deliver a minimum design density for Ordinary Hazard Group 2 Occupancies. (Technical Reference 3) XI GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES • Good housekeeping • Any proposed changes to welding operations will be submitted to the Carlsbad Fire Department for approval. • All employees will receive special training on the use of portable fire extinguishers of the type to be provided in this building. • An evacuation plan will be in place. • Exit doors will be maintained unobstructed and will be opened weekly to ensure their operation. XII OPINION Based on the code research conducted in support of the development of this fire protection plan, and the recommendations provided herein, it is our opinion that welding operations within the Legoland California maintenance building will be in full compliance with the 1998 editions of the California Building Code and California Fire as they relate to the described use and occupancy. We feel this fire protection plan provides an adequate level of fire and life safety for the occupants of the building. If, after reviewing this report, you have any questions or comments, or you are in need of further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. We look forward to working with you to resolve any issues that may arise, and will be awaiting your response. Thank you. Best regards, 6~~~ Daryl K. JaLJCA Certified FPO III President/Chief Consulting Officer 205 Colina a Terrace Vlata, CA 92084 (760) 724-7084 TECHNICAL REFERENCE No. 1 I f998 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE the use and application of flammable liquids or materials. See Article 26. c. l. Candles and open flames in assembly areas. To use open flames or candles in connection with assembly areas, dining areas of restaurants or drinking establishments. For definition of AS- SEMBLY, see Article 2. See Article 25 for open flame and candles. c.2. Carnivals and fairs. To conduct a carnival or fair. See Ar- ticle 25. c.3. Cellulose nitrate film. To store, handle, use or display cel- lulose nitrate film. See Article 33. c.4. Cellulose nitrate storage. To store or handle more than 25 pounds ( 11.3 kg) of cellulose nitrate plastic (pyroxylin) for the manufacturing or assembly of articles or parts of articles containing cellulose nitrate plastics (pyroxylin). See Article 27. c.5. Combustible fiber storage. To store or handle co mbustible fibers in quantities in excess of 100 cubic feet (2.83 m3). See Article 28. c.6. Combustible material storage. To store more than 2,500 cubic feet (70.8 m3) gross volume of combustible empty packing cases, boxes, barrels or similar containers, or rubber or cork, or other similarly combustible material. See Article 11. c. 7. Compressed gases. To store, use or handle at normal tem- peratures and pressures compressed gases in excess of the amounts listed in Table 105-A. When the compressed gases in use or storage exceed the amounts listed in Table 105-A, a permit is required to install, repair, abandon, remove, place temporarily out of service, close or substantially modify a compressed gas system. EXCEPTIONS: I. Routine maintenance. 2. For emergency repair work pcrfonned on an emergency basis, application for permit shall be made within two working days of com- mencement of work. The permit applicant shall apply for approval to close storage, use or handling facilities at least 30 days prior to the termination of the storage, use or handling of compressed or liquefied gases. Such application shall include any change or alteration of the facility closure plan filed pursuant to Section 8001.13. This 30-day period may be waived by the chief if there are special cir- cumstances requiring such waiver. c.8. Commercial rubbish-handling operation. To operate a commercial rubbish-handling operation. See Article 11. c. 9. Cryogens. Except where federal or state regulations apply and except for fuel systems of the vehicle, to produce, store or han- dle cryogens in excess of the amounts listed in Table 105-B. d. l. Dry cleaning plants. To engage in the business of dry cleaning or to change to a more hazardous cleaning solvent. Such permits shall prescribe the class of system to be used. See Article 36. d.2. Dust-producing operations. To operate a grain elevator, I flour starch mill, feed mill, or plant pulverizing aluminum, coal, cocoa, magnesium, spices or sugar, or other operation producing combustible dusts as defined in Article 2. See Articles 30 and 76. e. l. Explosives or blasting agents. For permits for explosives or blasting agents, see Article 77. f. l. Fire hydrants and water-control valves. For a permit to use a fire hydrant or operate a water-control valve intended for fire-suppression purposes, see Article 9. f.2. Fireworks. For permits for fireworks, see Article 78. f.3 . Flammable or combustible liquids. See Article 79. 105.8 I. To use or operate, repair or modify a pipeline for the trans- portation of flammable or combustible liquids. 2. To store, handle or use Class I liquids in excess of 5 gallons (18.9 L) in a building or in excess of IO gallons (37 .9 L) outside of a building, except that a permit is not required for the following: 2.1 The storage or use of Class I liquids in the fuel tank of a mo- tor vehicle, aircraft, motorboat, mobile power plant or mobile heating plant, unless such storage, in the opinion of the chief, would cause an unsafe condition. 2.2 The storage or use of paints, oils, varnishes or simi lar flam- mable mixtures when such liquids are stored for mainte- nance, painting or similar purposes for a period of not more than 30 days. 3. To store, handle or use Class II or Class ill-A liquids in ex- cess of 25 gallons (94.6 L) in a building or in excess of 60 gallons (227.1 L) outside a building, except for fuel oil used in connection with oil-burning equipment. 4. To remove Class I or Class II liquids from an underground storage tank used for fueling motor vehicles by any means other than the approved, stationary on-site pumps normally used for dis- pensing purposes. 5. To install, construct, alter or operate tank vehicles, equip- ment, tanks, plants, terminals, wells, fuel-dispensing stations, re- fineries, distilleries and similar facilities where flammable and combustible liquids are produced, processed, transported, stored, dispensed or used. 6. To install, alter, remove, abandon, place temporarily out of service or otherwise dispose of a flammable or combustible liquid tank. 7. To change the type of contents stored in a flammable or com- bustible liquid tank to a material other than that for which the tank was designed and constructed. f.4. Fruit ripening. To operate a fruit-ripening process regu- lated by Article 46. f.5. Fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging. To operate a business of fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging and to maintain a room, vault or chamber in which a toxic or flammable fumigant is used. See Article 47. h.1. Hazardous materials. To store, transport on site, dispense, use or handle hazardous materials in excess of the amounts listed in Table 105-C or to install, repair, abandon , remove, place tempo- rarily out of service, close or substantially modify a storage facili- ty or other area regulated by Article 80 when the hazardous materials in use or storage exceed the amounts listed in Ta- ble 105-C. h.2. High-piled combustible storage. To use any building or portion thereof as a high-piled storage area exceeding 500 square feet (46.45 m2) (see definition in Article 81). Plans shall be sub- mitted with applications for such permits in accordance w11h Article 81. h.3. Hot-work operations. Permits are required for hot work including, but not limited to: I. Public exhibitions and demonstrations where hot work is conducted. 2. Use of portable hot-work equipment inside a structure. EXCEPTION: Work that is conducted under a construction pcrm11 issued by the building official. 3. Fixed-site hot-work equipment such as welding booths. 4. Hot work conducted within a Hazardous Fire Area . I. I. Liquefied petroleum gases. See Article 82. 1-5 • TECHNICAL REFERENCE No, 2 ·f998 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 4901 4901.7.1.2 ARTICLE 49 -HOT WORK SECTION 4901 -GENERAL 4901.1 Scope. The use of welding, cutting and other hot-work equipment shall be in accordance wit~ Article 49. EXCEPTION: Hot work under special permit, hot work allowed with alternate requirements in conjunction with ship construction or repair, or hot work in confined spaces need not comply with Article 49. For construction, alteration and work requirements at tenninals and refmenes, and tank construction or repair, see Section 7904.7. Storage, use and handling of hazardous materials associated with hot work shall be in accordance with the specific articles which regulate the materials. Compressed gases shall be in accordance with Article 74. Storage of hazardous materials shall be in accordance with Article 80. 4901.2 Definitions. 4901.2.1 General. For definitions, see Article 2. 4901.2.2 Limited application. For the purposes of Article 49, certain tenns are defined as follows: HOT WORK is operations including cutting, welding, ~se of open torch, brazing, glass blowing or similar operations. HOT-WORK AREA is the area which is exposed to sparks, hot slag, or radiant or convective heat as a result of the hot work. HOT-WORK EQUIPMENT is electric or gas welding or cut- ting equipment used for hot work. 4901.3 Permits. For pennits to conduct hot work, see Section 105.8, Pennit h.3. 4901.4 Fire Watch. 4901.4.1 General. A fire watch, in accordance with Section 4901.4, shall be provided during hot-work activities and shall con- tinue for a minimum of 30 minutes after the conclusion of the work. The chief is authorized to extend the fire watch based on the hazards or work being perfonned. EXCEPTION: A fire watch is not required when the hot-work area has no fire hazards or combustible exposures. 4901.4.2 Location. The fire watch shall include the entire hot- work area. Hot work conducted in areas with vertical or horizontal fire exposures that are not observable by a single individual shall have additional personnel assigned to fire watches to ensure that exposed areas are monitored. 4901.4.3 Duties. Individuals designated to fire watch duty shall have fire-extinguishing equipment readily available and shall be trained in the use of such equipment. Individuals assigned to fire watch duty shall be responsible for extinguishing spot fires and communicating an alarm. 4901.5 Hot-work Area. 4901.5.1 General. Hot-work areas shall be in accordance with Section 4901.5. 4901.5.2 Prohibited areas. Hot work shall not be conducted in rooms or areas where flammable liquids or vapors, lint, dust, or combustible storage is at risk of ignition from sparks or hot metal from the hot work or in other locations as determined by the chief. 4901.5.3 Combustibles. Hot-work areas shall not contain com- bustibles or shall be provided with appropriate shielding to pre- vent sparks, slag or heat from igniting exposed combustibles. 4901.S.4 Openings. Openings or cracks in walls, floors, ducts or shafts within the hot-work area shall be tightly covered to prevent the passage of sparks to adjacent combustible areas, or shielding by metal or fire-resistant guards or curtains shall be provided to prevent passage of sparks or slag. W.here hot work is perfonned above locations where persons are hkely to pass, noncombustible shields shall be used for protec- tion from sparks and hot metal or oxide. 4901.5.S Housekeeping. Floors shall be kept clean within the hot-work area. 4901.S.6 Conveyor systems. Conveyor systems that could carry sparks to distant combustibles shall be shielded or shut down. 4901.6 Pre-hot-work Check. 4901.6.1 General. A pre-hot-work check shall be conducted in accordance with Section 4901.6. 4901.6.2 Hot-work equipment inspection. Hot-work equip- ment shall be inspected by the operator prior to use. 4901.6.3 Hot-work site inspection. The hot-work site shall be inspected by the individual responsible for the hot work for com- pliance with Section 4901.S. The inspection of the hot-work site shall ensure that: 1. The hot-work site is clear of combustibles or that combus- tibles are protected; 2. Exposed construction is of noncombustible materials or that combustible materials are protected; 3. Openings are protected; 4. Floors are kept clean; S. There are no exposed combustibles on the opposite side of partitions, walls, ceilings and floors; 6. Fire watches are assigned, equipped and trained; and 7. Fire extinguishers shall be verified as operable and available. 4901.6.4 Report. A sign-off sheet that indicates that required safety precautions listed in Section 4901.6 have been accom- plished shall be available at the work site. The sheet shall be signed by the individual responsible for the hot work. 4901.7 Cylinders. 4901.7.1 Manifolding of cylinders. 4901.7.1.1 Oxygen manifolds. Oxygen manifolds shall not be located in an acetylene generator room or in close proximity to cylinders of combustible gases. Oxygen manifolds shall be located away from material such as oil, grease or any substance likely to cause or accelerate fire. 4901.7.1.2 Fuel-gas manifolds. Where it is necessary to man- ifold fuel-gas cylinders having an aggregate gas capacity in excess of the exempt amounts in Table 8001.15-A, cylinders and man- if~lds shall ~e l?cated outside or in a room or a building complying with. th~ Bu1ldmg Code for a Group H, Division 2 Occupancy. Vent1lat1on shall be provided in accordance with Sec- tion 8003.1.4. 1-103 I 4901.;/'.2 4902.3 4901.7.2 Location. Portable oxygen/fuel gas welding equip- ment located inside of buildings shall be stored in a well-venti- lated dry location at least 20 feet (6096 mm) from combustible material ,and away from elevators, stairs, gangways or means of egress. 4901.7.3 Maximum pressure. Acetylene shall not be utilized at a pressure in excess of 15 psi gage (103.4 kPa). 4901.7.4 Hydrocarbon residues. Cylinders, cylinder valves, couplings, regulator hose and apparatus shall be kept free from grease, oil or other hydrocarbon residues. Oxygen cylinders or apparatus shall not be handled with oily hands or gloves. 4901.7.5 Hoses. Damaged, leaking or worn hoses shall not be used. 4901.8 Arc-welding Equipment. 4901.8.1 Installation. Electrical equipment shall be in accord- ance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the Electrical Code. 4901.8.2 Emergency disconnect. A switch or circuit breaker shall be provided so that fixed electric welders and control equip- ment can be disconnected from the supply circuit. The disconnect shall be installed in accordance with the Electrical Code. The dis- connect shall be marked EMERGENCY DISCONNECT and shall be visible from the equipment. 4901.8.3 Damaged cable. Damaged cables shall be removed from service until properly repaired or replaced. 1-104 1998 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 4901.9 Fire Protection. A minimum 2-A, 20-B:C-rated fire extinguisher or a charged water hose equipped with a nozzle shall be located within 30 feet (9144 mm) of the location where hot work is in progress and shall be accessible without climbing stairs or ladders. 4901.10 Identification Signs. Visible hazard identification signs shall be provided when required by Section 8001.7. When the hot-work area is accessible to persons other than the operator of the hot-work equipment, conspicuous signs shall be posted to warn others before they enter the hot-work area. Such signs shall display the following warning: CAUTION-HOT WORK IN PROCESS-STAY CLEAR SECTION 4902 -FIXED HOT-WORK AREAS 4902.1 Fixed Hot-work Areas. Fixed hot-work areas shall be in accordance with Sections 4901 and 4902. 4902.2 Floors. Floors in fixed hot-work areas shall have non- combustible surfaces. 4902.3 Partitions. Partitions segregating hot-work areas shall be noncombustible and shall be securely connected to the floor so that there is no gap between the floor and the partition. Walls shall prevent the passage of sparks, slag and heat from the hot-work area. ,, TECHNICAL REFERENCE #:3 .... ". -.,.,,' ··-'. ·-;. ,,, .-.-,_. ·• ~- )-34 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 5-4.9 Special Sprinklers. 5-4.9.1 * Special sprinklers that are intended for the protec- tion of specific hazards or construction features shall be per- mitted where such devices have been evaluated and listed for performance under the following conditions: ( 1) Fire tests related to the intended hazard (2) Distribution of the spray pattern with respect to wetting of floors and walls (3) Distribution of the spray pattern with respect to obstruc- tions ( 4) Evaluation of the thermal sensitivity of the sprinkler (5) Performance under horizontal or sloped ceilings ( 6) Area of design 5-4.9.2 Special sprinklers shall maintain the following charac- teristics: ( l) Orifice size shall be in accordance with 3-2.3. (2) Temperature ratings shall be in accordance with Table 3-2.5.1. (3) The protection area of coverage shall not exceed 400 ft2 ( 36 m2) for light hazard and ordinary hazard'occupancies. (4) The protection area of coverage shall not exceed 196 ft2 ( 17 m2) for extra hazard and high-pile stor- age occupancies. 5-5 Position, Location, Spacing, and Use of Sprinklers. 5-5.1 General. Sprinklers shall be located, spaced, and posi- tioned in accordance with the requirements of this section. Sprinklers shall be positioned to provide protection of the area consistent with the overall objectives of this standard by con trolling the positioning and allowable area of coverage for each sprinkler. The requirements of 5-5.2 through 5-5.6 shall apply to all sprinkler types unless modified by more restrictive rules in Sections 5-6 through 5-11. 5-5.2 Protection Areas per Sprinkler. 5-5.2.1 Determination of the Protection Area of Cover- age. The protection area of coverage per sprinkler (A,) shall be determined as follows: (a) Along Branch Lines. Determine distance between sprin- klers (or to wall or obstruction in the case of the end sprinkler on the branch line) upstream and downstream. Choose the larger of either twice the distance to the wall or the distance to the next sprinkler. This dimension will be defined as S. (b) Between Branch Lines. Determine perpendicular dis- tance to the sprinkler on the adjacent branch line (or to a wall or obstruction in the case of the last branch line) on each side of the branch line on which the subject sprinkler is positioned. Choose the larger of either twice the distance to the wall or obstruction or the distance to the next sprinkler. This dimen- sion will be defined as L. 5- The protection area of coverage of the sprinkler shall be established by multiplying the S dimension by the L dimension, as follows: A,= S x L 5-5.2.2 Maximum Protection Area of Coverage. The maxi- mum allowable protection area of coverage for a sprinkler (A,) shall be in accordance with the value indicated in the section for each type or style of sprinkler. The maximum area of cov- erage of any sprinkler shall not exceed 400 ft2 (36 m2). 1999 Edition I 5-5.3 Sprinkler Spacing. 5-5.3.1 Maximum Distance Between Sprinklers. The maxi- mum distance permitted between sprinklers shall be based on the centerline distance between sprinklers on the branch line or on adjacent branch lines. The maximum distance shall be measured along the slope of the ceiling. The maxi- mum distance permitted between sprinklers shall comply with the value indicated in the section for each type or style of sprinkler. 5-5.3.2 Maximum Distance From Walls. The distance from sprinklers to walls shall not exceed one-half of the allowable maximum distance between sprinklers. The distance from the wall to the sprinkler shall be measured perpendicular to the wall. 5-5.3.3 Minimum Distance from Walls. The mm1mum dis- tance permitted between a sprinkler and the wall shall comply with the value indicated in the section for each type or style of sprinkler. The distance from the wall to the sprinkler shall be measured perpendicular to the wall. 5-5.3.4 Minimum Distance Between Sprinklers. A minimum distance shall be maintained between sprinklers to prevent operating sprinklers from wetting adjacent sprinklers and to prevent skipping of sprinklers. The minimum distance permit- ted between sprinklers shall comply with the value indicated in the section for each type or style of sprinkler. 5-5.4 Deflector Position. 5-5.4.1 * Distance Below Ceilings. The distances between the sprinkler deflector and the ceiling above shall be selected based on the type pf sprinkler and the type of construction. 5-5.4.2 Deflector Orientation. Deflectors of sprinklers shall be aligned parallel to ceilings, roofs, or the incline of stairs. 5-5.5 Obstructions to Sprinkler Discharge. 5-5.5.1 * Performance Objective. Sprinklers shall be located so as to minimize obstructions to discharge as defined in 5-5.5.2 and 5-5.5.3, or additional sprinklers shall be provided to ensure adequate coverage of the hazard. (SeeFigureA-5-5.5.1.) 5-5.5.2* Obstructions to Sprinkler Discharge Pattern Devel- opment. 5- Continuous or noncontinuous obstructions less than or equal to 18 in. (457 mm) below the sprinkler deflector that prevent the pattern from fully developing shall comply with 5-5.5.2. 5- Sprinklers shall be positioned in accordance with the minimum distances and special exceptions of Sections 5-6 through 5-11 so that they are located sufficiently away from obstructions such as truss webs and chords, pipes, columns, and fixtures. 5-5.5.3* Obstructions that Prevent Sprinkler Discharge from Reaching the Hazard. Continuous or noncontinuous obstructions that interrupt the water discharge in a horizontal plane more than 18 in. (457 mm) below the sprinkler deflec- tor in a manner to limit the distribution from reaching the protected hazard shall comply with 5-5.5.3. 5- Sprinklers shall be installed under fixed obstruc- tions over 4 ft (1.2 m) wide such as ducts, decks, open grat~ flooring, cutting tables, and overhead doors. 13-168 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Educational Hospitals Institutional Libraries, except large stack rooms Museums Nursing or convalescent homes Offices, including data processing Residential Restaurant seating areas Theaters and auditoriums, excluding stages and prosceniums Unused attics A-2-1.2.1 Ordinary hazard occupancies ( Group 1) include occu- pancies having uses and conditions similar to the following: Automobile parking and showrooms Bakeries Beverage manufacturing Canneries Dairy products manufacturing and processing Electronic plants Glass and glass products manufacturing Laundries Restaurant service areas A-2-1.2.2 Ordinary hazard occupancies (Group 2) include occu- pancies having uses and conditions similar to the following: Cereal mills Chemical plants -ordinary Confectionery products Distilleries Dry cleaners Feed mills Horse stables Leather goods manufacturing Libraries -large stack room areas Machine shops Metal working Mercantile Paper and pulp mills Paper process plants Piers and wharves Post offices Printing and publishing Repair garages Resin application area Stages Textile manufacturing Tire manufacturing Tobacco products manufacturing Wood machining Wood product assembly A-2-1.3.1 Extra hazard occupancies (Group 1) include occu- pancies having uses and conditions similar to the following: Aircraft hangars (except as governed by NFPA 409, Stan- dard on Aircraft Hangars) Combustible hydraulic fluid use areas Die casting 1999 Edition Metal extruding Plywood and particle board manufacturing Printing [using inks having flash points below 100°F (38°C)) Rubber reclaiming, compounding, drying, milling, vulca- nizing Saw mills Textile picking, opening, blending, garnetting, or carding, combining of cotton, synthetics, wool shoddy, or burlap Upholstering with plastic foams A-2-1.3.2 Extra hazard occupancies (Group 2) include occu-· pancies having uses and conditions similar to the following: Asphalt saturating Flammable liquids spraying Flow coating Manufactured home or modular building assemblies (where finished enclosure is present and has combustible interiors) Open oil quenching Plastics processing Solvent cleaning Varnish and paint dipping A-2-1.4 Other NFPA standards contain design criteria for fire control or fire suppression (su 2-1.4 and Chapter 13). While these can form the basis of design criteria, this standard describes the methods of design, installation, fabrication, cal- culation, and evaluation of water supplies that should be used for the specific design of the system. Other NFPA standards contain sprinkler system design cri- teria for fire control or suppression of specific hazards. This information has been either referenced or copied into Chap- ters 5 and 7 using NFPA's extract policy. A-2-2 Specification of the type, amount, and arrangement of combustibles for any commodity classification is essentially an attempt to define the potential fire severity, based on its burn- ing characteristics, so the fire can be successfully controlled by the prescribed sprinkler protection for the commodity class. In actual storage situations, however, many storage arrays do not fit precisely into one of the fundamental classifications; there- fore, the user needs to make judgments after comparing each classification to the existing storage conditions. Storage arrays consist of thousands of products, which make it impossible to specify all the acceptable variations for any class. As an alterna- tive, a variety of common products are classified in this appen- dix based on judgment, loss experience, and fire test results. Table A-2-2 provides examples of commodities not addressed by the classifications in Section 2-2. Table A-2-2.3 is an alphabetized list of commodities with corresponding classifications. Tables A-2-2.3.1 through A-2-2.3.4 and A-2-2.4.1 provide examples of commodities within a specific class. Table A-2-2 Examples of Commodities Not Addressed by the Classifications in Section 2-2 Boxes, Crates -Empty, wood slatted Lighters (butane) -Loose in large containers (Level 3 aerosol) *Should be treated as idle pallets.