HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; TEA CUP RIDE; CB023760; Permit• /, I ,. City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ay Car1$bad, ,CA 92008 01-24-2003 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB023760 Building Inspection .Request.Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD COMMIND 2111000900 Sub Type: Lot#: $200,000.00 , Construction Type: Reference #: LEGOLAND TEA CUP RIOE FOUNDATION AND ELEC ONLY COMM o· :NEW Applicant: Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> lEGOLAND ESTATES AG LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND,I:STATESAG Status: Applied: Entered By: . Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 12/13/2002 SB 01/24/2003 01/24/2003 1 LEGOLAND DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 i LEGOLANb DR CARLSBAD CA 920Q8 . 6529 01/2-<V03 C.002 01 CGP Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check · Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee· Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee $854.56 $0.00 $555.46 $0.00 $0.00 $42.00 $0:00 . $0.0b :$0:00 $0.00. $0.00. $0;QO· · $0-.00 $0.00 .... $0.00. •. $0.00· $0;00 Total Fees: $1,452.02 · Total Payinerits To Dat~:. Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee .Meter Fee . . SDCWAFee CFO' Payoff Fee · PFF. PF-F (CFO Fund) .. · License Tax· Lic.en.se Tax (CFO Fund} Traffic Impact Fee Traffic lr:npact (CFO Fund) PLUMBING TOTAL ·ELECTRICAL TOTAL ME~HANiCAL TOTAL M!:ister Drainage>Fee Sew$r Fee . Redev Parking Fee Additional Fees · .· toTAt..PERtv11T FEE;S $120.00 .Balance ·cue: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0;00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,452.02 $1,332.02 FINA~·. PPROVAL -:2..'9·,.. ·c :z. · Date: . • . ~ . / Cle.arance: _____ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedi~tions, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions.• You have 90 days frotn:the date tliis permit was issued·to protestimposition of these fees/exacti9ns. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Gbvernmen!'Code Se¢tion 66020(a), and file the,pr9test arid any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad.Municipal·Code Section 3.32:030. Failure to tim·e1y foilow that.procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. · You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the:specified fees/exactions DQl;S NOT APPLY to.water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees-in co.imection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which ou have r viousl be n iven NOTICE imilar to this or as-to.whi h he tatute of.limitati ns has r viousl otherwis ex ired. 02 1332.02 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 PLAN C~ECK No.C,\3~t.--37~0 EST. VAL. 'J.-oo, 07J7) Plan Ck. Deposit l "'Z.. e> - Validated 8y_'5 ____ ..,,B ________ ___ Date 1 z.,-, '3 -0 't. 1. Total I of units Name · Addr111 · · · City Stetl/Zip Telephone I Fax I 3. Al'PIJCANT __ ·O Contractor· _ro·:~t".fot\C-~OI' .,.-,: for.Own« Name Name fi. CONTRACTOR'• COMPANY,NAMEIT,'l:li'.'::11':iit:·:.'/7!.';,.'.:'' "'.:: :~ · ·' ., . : ·--'· -·:'I• (Sec. 7031.5 Business and ProfH1iona Code: Any City or County which requiiN I permit to construct, ~lter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requirH the· 1pplic1nt for such permit to file I li!IN!d 1t1tem1nt that he ii ~eel pursuant to the proviliona of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000· of Division 3 of the BuslnN1 and ·Profeuiona Code) or that. he 11 exempt therefrom, and the basis lor the 1ll1g1d exemption. Any violation ol Section 7031.5 by any 1pplic1nt lor I permit sl,lbjec:ts tl;le 1pplic1nt to I civll l*!lttv of not-more thin five hundred qol11r1 lt500)1. N1m1 AddrNS City State/Zip Telephone I St1t1 License I ________ _ 'Llc1n11 Cl111 -------------City BuslMA UceMi •------,-- Designer N1me Addf11s City State/Zip Telephone Stat• Uc1ns1 I ________ _ 8,. WORKERS' COMP£NSATION ,.~~il·J:..:...~~'~":;'.;,;,_ ,'.":~.:. .. ; ~ ...... ",, .. ., ......... · : ... : ·.: , .. : :' : .. :> .... : !. :'.:1:· ... Workers' Comp1n11tion Dec:laretion: ·1 hereby effirm under .,_ity of perjury one of the following decler1tionl: O I have and will m1int1ln a c1rtific1t1 of consent to·111f-lniur1 for workers' compenutlon,11·prol1iciad by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, lor the p1rform1nc1 of the work for which this permit is Issued. O I hive and will m1int1in workers' comp1n11tion, 11 required by Section 3700 of thl Labor Code, for th• performance of the work tor which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carriar end policy·number are: Insurance Company . . Policy No .. ____________ Expiration Date ______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED OOLLARS·l•100J OR LESS) . O CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify th1t·ln the perform1nc1,of the work for which thiil permit 11 issued, ·11h1II not employ any person in any manner 10 11 to become subject to the Workers' Co111p1n11tion Laws of C11itornl1. WARNINO: Failure to Hcure wortiere' compenutlon covenige. le unlawful, encl ~ IUbjec:t an employer· to-crlmlnll peneltle1 and cMI ·t1n11 up to one hundred thousand dollars 1•100,0001, In eddltlon to the coat of compensation, damage• 11 proYlded tor In Section 3701 ofthl Labor code, lnt-•t and attorney•,'"'· SIGNATURE. ____________ ,..... ____ ...... __, __ -,-________ --_____ DATE _________ _ 7. OWNER•IUILDER'DECl:ARATION.~·j-,'·~"··, ·:'".'-·~:·· ·w-.,· · ···· .. • · ·, ··· -· · I hereby affirm that I 1m exempt from the Contractor', Ucanse Lav,, for the following r111on: O I, 1s owner of the property or my 1mployH1 with w1g11 •• their 1011 compen11tlon, will do the work and .the 1tructur1 11 not intended or offered lor 1111 (Sec. 7044, Busin111 end Prol111ions Code: The Contractor's Uc1n1e t•w does not apply to en owner·ot property who·bulldl or Improves thereon, and who don such work himHlf or through:hi1 own employen, provl~ that 1uch iri1provem1n11 are not-intended or offli1d for 1111. If, however, the building or improvement is i within one y11r of completion, thl owner-builder will hive the burden of proving that he did not buUd or improve for the pu,po11 of 11111. I, 11 owner of the property, em exclusively contracting with licensed contrec:tor1 to construct thl project (Sec. 7044, Buainla1 end Professions Code: The tractor's Uc1nse Law don not apply to 1n owner of property who builds or improv11 thlr10n, and contr~ct• for such projects witfl contrector(sl lie-Id pursuant to the Contractor's Uc-• Law). · O I 1m exempt under Section ______ 81!Sine11 end Prof111ion1 Codi for this r111on: 1. I personally plan to provide the 1111jor labor and m1t1ri1l1 tor constructlor:i of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I lh1v1 / have not) slgn1d 1n 1ppllc1tlon for ~ building permit tor the prol)Olld work. 3. I h1v1 contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (Include n1m1 / 1ddre11 / phone number/ contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions ol the work, but I hive hired th• following person to coordinate, 111p1rvlse 1nd.provid1 thl major work (include name/ eddriss / phone number / contractors license number): · /4 . 5. I will provide some of the work, but I hive contr • following·pe,sons to provide the worle-lndlc1ted (include name/ 1ddre11 / phone number/ type of workl: ________ '"<-+-----,:,~-h-"""'¢::::::::::i:;:=,.,!:"""'"-----------------------,-,-,-------',-,/,~-=------- PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATUReE·l,};iriuiSi;::;;;;l~--l-'-------1-'-------------- COMPLETE THIS SECTION FO,i . ... Is the 1pplic1nt or future building program under Sections 25505, 25 ~ t r · to aub ine11 plan, acutely hazardous materials registration _!!'~ risk m1n1g1ment and prevention or 26534 of the Pr11l1y-T1Mar Hazardous Sub1t1nc1 Account Act? D YES IQ"'"NO Is the 1pplic1nt or future building oc pant required to obtain I permit from tl'ie air PQ)lution control district ,or eir quality m1nag1ment district 7 Is the facility to be constructed within 1·,000 fut of the outer bo~ry of I school site? · 0 YES ~ o·ves ~ IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY·NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR·IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE-OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE.AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. 8, , CONSTRUCTION LENDINO~OEN(OO~tMi.~;.;~:( i.!-::,t\i,,:,;:,~:::;~,J~:'.;::·:;';' .::, ... , ,'.,.'it·: ' . ," ·, ,: , .. · :-.. :,; ...... ; ·: ··,, .. : .... :· '.::;, · · .• ·· . : .: : .. : I hereby affirm that there is I construction lending 1g1ncy for the p1rform1nc1 of the work tor which this permit is iH\Hld (Sec. 3097111 Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME______________ LENDER'S ADDRESS _____ ,__ ________ ,___,__ _______ _ ·9. APPUCANT·CERTIFICATION1tf!.'• t ;t:•::•.,:~t, :~','1i~.''.i'.!.';, ... .'•.;.':'.:"·,, :;-.'.: :·:•' --:: •• .. ·:. · · ..... '· :·'..'. · "" . • · • : ··:, I certify that I have read the 1pplic1tion-1nd 1t1t1 that the above information is correct and that th1-inform1tioil on the plans is accurate, I agree to comply with all City ordinances and St1t1 laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize repre11ntitiv1s of the Cltt of C1~1d to enter upon. the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE,. IN,DEMNIFY ANP KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE A_OAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for exc1v1tlons over &•o• deep end demolition or construction of 1tructures over 3 1tori11 In height. L City of Carlsbad Bl.dg Inspection Request For: 03/25/2003 Permit# CB023760 Inspector Assignment: · PD Title: LEGOLAND TEA CUP RIDE Description: FOUNDATION AND EL,.EC ONLY & EQUIP. SHED Type: COMMIND . Sub Type: COMM Job Address: Suite: Location: 1 LEGOLAND DR L0t 0 Inspector· APPLICANT LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG Remarks: TEA CUP FDN FINAL --- ;----- Total Time: Requested .By: JIM FEND Entered By: KAREN CD _D_e_s_c-ri-pt-io-n---~---~-·1 _c_o_m ___ m_e_n_t~-----------------19 Final Structural r_ Associated PCRs/CVs PCR00224 APPROVED ELECTRICAL PLAN FOR COASTER; Inspection History-. Date Description Act lnsp Comments 03/10/2003 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding PA PD 02/26/2003 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP TP MC@ EQUPTRM 02/26/2003 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring AP TP 02/10/2003 12 Steel/Bond Be~rn CA PD DONE 2/7 P);::R PETE 02/07/2003 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 02/04/2003 12 Steel/Bond Beam AP PD 01/28/2003 21 Underground/Under Floor AP PD 01/28/2003 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring AP PD 02/04/2003 12:14 17609666360- Duhn Savoie Ina. Structural Englneel'9 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside. CA 92064 · T-el:mM>)98M366 _Fax: (760) 988-6360 SPECIAL INSPECTION FJELD REPORT REINFORCED CONCRETE PAGE 02 PROJECT! L andT-ea-0 Ride HO: 2230.0Q AllORla$S: One Le oland Drive CA INSP£CTCJR: H. Bart. Hill OATE: 02/03/2003 PERMITNO! CB023760 TIMfl: 1 :OOPM. P1.At4 FII.E NO. • 1 1 Materials: Reinforeing Steel Oefonned Bar, ASTM-A615 #4 Bar+ Grade 60; #3 Bar Grade 40. Contractor. DPR (Foreman Bob Dimatta) ·. Provided Special Inspection for reinforcing steel in floor slab w/ #6 bar@16" o.c. Observed cuts at every other bar per S1-4 rv1. Contractor to recheck chair height to assure 5". Unless otherwise noted; all the work was performed in conformance with the approved plans -and specffiCations, and the applicable workmanship prO\lislonS of the Uniform Buikflng Code. Submitted-, Cc: (1) legoland, Jim Fend (1) City Of cartsbad 02/27/2003 13:52 L • ..... 17609666360 DU~ SAVOIE LANDTECH TESTING AND INSPECTION 7,_aDSAVBIUE .LA.JO.LLA .cA.HtJM mOJEOT t.WE [,1,,tv---i. =~--~-p_,,.z- fffWEr:TADORESS i .• NUIMJER ,K n7--S 7Lf-. RANHi.E~ -CONTRACTOR SUB CON11McmR LOCA110NIN STRUCTURE 1.1 ... lf,£U.. . IU.l'Z;RW, SlJPPUER :~ .... ·-:...t,,1 M11'1'Emll 4o:;.ts-t, _ CIESIGN $TRENG1H. PSI ttUMP. WCHES -•r.:1: MINf.11ES lnui=..IW)E -1" --~ -· WEHiHIT.~ IM~¥CENED. 20-Fllb-03 JEIIPERATU/lE. llM F 7ECH/IIICINI MAft.E'IIAR#(_ COMMEN1$ IN8/'fiCT0R , .... -----... -0S-00'1 08-0812 •w ,..__ 26-Ftib-03 19-Mlr-03 19-Mar-03 ,~--1. 21! :,fl it. 6.QO &.OD 8.00 --Iii. 28.21 28.27 28.27 1..-fllli' M.420 -3080 o· 0 ii..-.. l ,.......,,......,......, t -~ ~ ReviNlldby: lii&;A.-Gavil R.C.E..#S6564 PAGE 02 -4000 RMM3 02/27/2003 13:52 17609666360 DOO SAVOIE ~ ..... -Am.- ft _.__ __ ~-_, ~ LANDTECH TESTING AND INSPfiC110N 1UI EADS AVENUE .LA~CA.U037 C011CJIM CGmpl'N8mth'el1glh ~ n8-001 ------...__:_ 28-Fllb-03 19-Mar"-D3 _ 19-Mar..o3 7 21 ~- ---s.oo-_ 8.00 6.00 28.27 -?R!» --28.27 · 16.330 3 Mt! t 0 H-f LPZf -,. : /! I PCC 1............ ~ .-....nw . ,.,. •• -D* ·RavJawadW,-GecqeA,-Gavit RC.E,#58584 PAGE 03 84042 I I...•-.' J Seit 1780 Heinrich Mack GmbH & Co. Postfach 247 D-79176 Waldkirch LEGOLAND California One LEGOLAND Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA Attn: Mr·. Jim Fend (Director Ride Maihtenance and Facilities) CONFIRMATION Dear Mr. Fend, HEINRICH MACK GMBH&CO. KARUSSELL-UND FAHRZEUGBAU PARKEINRICHTUNGEN 5209-0037-pl.doc Waldkirch, 2003-03-24 Hubert Graber/go MACK Teacup Ride (Bionic Blaster) Installation at LEGOLAND California Our Reference number: 5209 This is to certify that the MACK Teacup Ride (Bionic Blaster) has been manufactured, installed and operates per the manufacturers design intent. Yours sincerely cc (internal}: Frieder Rehm (Project Manager) cc (external}: Hans Steimer, USA pp~{ L__ FRIEDER REHM -Project Manager - IN ADVANCE BY FACSCIMIL,E: 001-760-9185469 Heinrich Mack GmbH & Co. Mauermattenstr. 4 D-79183 Waldkirch Telefon (07681) 2000-0 Telefax (07681) 2000-99 www.mack-rides.com Persiinlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Heinrich Mack GmbH, Waldkirch HRB 94 WK Waldkirch HRA 231 WK Waldkirch UST.-ldNr.:DE 141 940 835 Volksbank Breisgau Nord eG Dresdner Bank AG Freiburg Sparkasse Frbg. Nardi. Breisgau (BLZ 680 920 00) 45 306 (BLZ 680 800 30) 510057400 (BLZ 680 501 01) 230 022 74 E-Mail: lnfo@mack-rides.com Geschaftsffihrer: Dip!. Betr.-Okonom Erhard Bender · Dip!. Khn. Kurt Mack-Even · Rudolf A. Reiff Ill KLEINFEL-DER Construction Obs.ervation Report Project Name Le,~o Land Date D 3 -JS:-a.3 Client ________________ Project No. __,,.;;.,._.,S-..,,_._J_?.___._I _____ _ DFR No. ________ _ Project Location ~C~o..,...,_r.._.l $,._,,.b=01~c:l...,1,_,..C.~fl~-~-~-------------- Contractor-------~-------Bldg. Permit No.-------- Reviewed by Date Reviewed--------- Time Arrived----------Time Departed------- Travel Time--------- Type of Observations D Masonry 0 Welding D Bolting 0 Batch plant 0 Reinforcement Steel · 0 Pre-Post Tensioned tendon Te.a...c.uP g,'de 0 Foundations D Fireproofing 0 Metal Decking 0 Concrete 0 Soil [i(other fV/T Summary Per:£orrn ~ cl m°'3n e.±t'c.. Po..r+t'c..le,. Te.st,~~ tn Q.,CCordanc. e.. w,'+J, t9 s::rl'.?2 e202. Pe.c£acme.d />2T an new so.de/le.. c,,e.Ld.S. re.steal -----------~ v-------·.----- ~ Report items comply O Report items incomplete O Report items comply with exceptions Acknowledged by ~ f ~ ,;,:!, ,~;;- RepresentinQ---------~---~----->.,..-'-~-- Page _I_ of _J_ Kleinfelder Representative Print Name F-1 (9/93) Ill KLEINFELDER Construction Observation Report Project Name Le..50 Lan cl Date o 3 -IS -o..3 Client-------~--------Project No. __,,t>l=--S: .......... J...,?_,/'-=---~---- Project Location C.o..rl SbodJ C 8 DFR No, _______ _ Contractor-------------~ Bldg. Permit No.-------- Reviewed by Date Reviewed~-----~~- Time Arrived ~G:.~·~: 3=0~---- Tirne Departed Ii? : 3 o To+-.1 ? 'fFe¥8I Time -~H~c~S~--~- lype of Observations D Masonry D Welding 0 Bolting 0 Batch plant D Reinforcement Steel D Pre-Post Tensioned Tendon D Foundations D Fireproofing D Metal Decking D Concrete 0 Soil ['2(otherPr Documents Referenced __._/9~.S .... ·_.,r._,m'-'-L_-~--------------------,------------ Summary Pe .. c£:.crn e.d D,v e Pe,,n e-+co..nf-res:b;,5 ,:,;, a...c.c.ardonc.e t.,v/.tJ.. tr.Sr/I? l;"J{p S", Pe.c£~crne..d re$+ 0£ +he.. £allow,;,~ ,':t:e,,.,s anol , re..1e.v01t,+ , . , .S',lu,2v.Je.d .S::1.r.S Q £ no re' ,I, tool; t:o..bon.S, · fiZ Report items comply D Report items incomplete D Report items comply with exceptions Acknowledged by~ f.. ~-" {? ~~·---~~~7:"'"----",2?~'-<-LL-....... ,.__~---- . ~ ~r Representative Signature Representing ~ ~ :._j_ ..Tohn _'T: fr7,ikr 1:eve/ --lT Page __/_ of Kleinfelder Representative PrintName F-1 (9/93) k._,t KLEINFELDER Construction Observation Report ProjectName-~L--..e...,~""'o~L...,o-. ..... n'"""'o/'-----------'----~--------Date D 3 · J 5" -o.3 client ________________ Project No. Pl SJ ?I DFR No. ________ _ Project Location C. o. cl 5 b o.. o/J C fl Time Arrived _______ _ Contractor----------~----Bldg. Permit No.-------~ Reviewed by Date Reviewed--------- Time Departed_-_____ _ Travel Time _________ _ Type of Observations D Masonry D Welding D Bolting D Batch plant D Reinforcement Steel D Pre-Post Tensioned Tendon 0 Foundations 0 Fireproofing 0 Metal Decking 0 Concrete 0 Soil ~Other/'rrr Documents Referenced -1-L""'--"---'--'-'L-------'--------~--------------------- :z:e. c.bn ,·c. C og,sfc.c Summary Pe.r:£orr:r1e.d /!?a.cy,e.+,c. Po.r±,'c.Je.. Te.s+,·"j 1n ace: ordonce... w/+J. /i.ST/12 €?o9, Per£ocmeo1 ll?')<>n all we.tels) on +6e. :i-ollow,;,5 + • • I Lo P har:.S o.n d no re..Je.vo..a 11:zclt c.a.±,on S::t.. ,ere £o'<ncl : . u/ Report items comply Representing----~----------'=----~- Page _I_ of _L_ F-1 (9/93) ms comply with exceptions ~ Representative-Signature Kleinfelder Representative Print Name Ill KLEINFELDER Construction Observation Report Project Name l e ,c,o L o.:n d Date * 5 e.e. n o+e_ Client-------------~-Project No. o/-$'.I ?I DFR No.~-------~ Project Location Co..tl-SJ.o.d1 CA· Contractor-----~--------Bldg. Permit No.-~------ Reviewed by Date Reviewed--------- Time Arrived ______ _ Time Departed-------- Travel Time _______ _ lype of Observations D Masonry D Welding . D Bolting D Batch plant D Reinforcement Steel D Pre-Post Tensioned Tendon D Foundations D Fireproofing D Metal Decking D Concrete D Soil ~Other/l1T Documents Referenced --S-8.,___.-5"-'TIC..,i'Y1~----~----------------------- Tec.bo,·c. C..oo...s+er Summary Pe,rformed fl:2Q.'30 tc+,· c. Po..t:+-,' ccLe. Te..s+,"n3 ,;,., o.. c.c.orda.r,c.e. ~.11-l-b esrm €7o'I. Pe.r£ocno':"o107rJ ~n o.\l we.id.SJ on +he..£oJJow,n?; Lo..P ,l::,o.r.S. ND ce..l f..Y(').n± rndJco..+,on,S £t..a .. re.. :found. . (ro+o..\ of B Lo..P ho.cs L...Je.r:EL +es+ec1.). + .:ti= • ' + .:Z: w,:o e on o3 -/S:-0.3 .. Co..r ol wo.s weal:~ 112 e.r:cor:: on +ho..+ o/Q.; e. D Report items comply D Report items incomplete D Report items comply with exceptions Acknowledged by ______________ _ ~ Representative Signature Representing ________________ _ Page _L of _J__ :ro i,,., Z: /11, fl e..r L e.v e..1 .JI. Kleinfelder Representative Print Name F-1 (9/93) Ill KLEINFELDER Construction Observation Report Project Name L e_30 I a..nal Client---~------~----Project No. « 51 ? I Project Location Co.rlSbo.~ C.8 Date 03-19-0.3 DFR No, ________ _ J Time Arrived _______ _ Contractor-------~-------Bldg. Permit No.--~----- Reviewed bY-----------~--Date Reviewed--------- Time Departed------- To+o t 8 -mwtTime H,-..s Type of Observations D Masonry D Welding D Bolting D Batch plant D Reinforcement Steel D Pre-Post Tensioned Tendon D Foundations D Fireproofing D Metal Decking d Concrete 0 Soil CWOtherPT Documents Referenced _,8<-L..as .... :z::;'-L'm~----------~--~-------------- -.Dr<>-jon C.00 s+e.t , . Summary Pe.rforme,o' .Dye, Pe.n e..+co..o± rc..s+,03 ,',z o...c.c.or"da..oc~ w,+h a .s TM. £/(p s:. Pe.rforme,q/ -fe-st Qh +he... £01/0W1n3 ,'+e.ms .. wh/Je,, ~o.s+ + • • , ' .S• c <..,J/., ee,IS hru:lno re.le.van /nQUco..rion, o.. £ew·ofhr.r-S Showed l'.??1:-.umo...\ Par-:as/f-v -r· /Oo 02m 41he.e.lS : .:# 50 +hru. -l:J:/00 /So mm <-vhe.e.lS : ~ LS fbr-lA 41:. 38 -------------------_·----~·~---. .,:.._-~; ,·--.-, ----. =---·-"---_.....,,., -. ,) \.' 0 Report items comply D Report i_tems incomple,e D Report items comply with exceptions Acknowledged bY------------~--- /4ielnfekle(Representative Signature Representing _________________ _ Page _L of _L_ :ro,4..., 7: m/1Ie..c. le.ve.1.::cr Kleinfelder Representative Print Name F-1 (9/93) 17609666360 Uunn Savote 1nc. structw;at .Engln(IBJ:S 908 s. Cleveland St. · Ocet11118Jde. CA 82064 To1~ {16o)1Hi6--631IS Fax: (760) 96&-8360 SPECIAL INSPECTION FIELD Rf:PORT REINFORCED CO.NC.RETE DUNN SAVOIE PROJECT! Le ofand Tea-C · Ride PERMIT : ·. CB 023760 PAGE 02 -no: 3110 . .00 S!HO: tCBQ1113681.JJ8 ;rs: 02/05/2003 E: ,7:-00AM 1 Materials: Hanson Mix Design: 4033500, 28-0ay Strength 4000psi ~r. 51" F Concrete; 66D F Air; 87° F Concrete: 68° F Slump:3" Slump: 5" Contractor: OPR {Foreman Sob Oimatta} Ticket No: 444077 Truck No: 425 Ticket No: 444339 Truck· No: 386 -Provided SpeciaJ inspection fot-plaeefnertt-of ·approximately 96-011 yd. mix-403350, -in 12-.inch mat .stab. Fabricated six cylinders, (2) for 7-day and {4) for 28-day breaks. Verified Ufer Ground running North sjde of stairs-towar-ds ~ Prer. F~ was performed .in .accordance with all applicable sections of ASTM C31, 93, 143, 172, 1084. . Unless otherwise noted. au the work was perfo~ ~o. conformance wtttfme· approved plans and specifications, and the applicable workmanship provisioris of-the Uniform Building Code. Submitted. Cc: {1} legoJand, Jim -F-end (1) City of Carlsbad 02/27/2003 11:35 17609666360 Fax To: JlmF•nd of: Lagoland, Californla Fax: · (760) 918-5489 n.: Legoland T• Cup Ride Job#: 031-10.00 DL.Jt,t,l SAVOIE PAGE 01 .Ft.om: Email:. Pagaa: Date: CC: hbhill@•urfdai.com 2 2127/200311:06AM (1 )City of Carlsbad, (780) 602.;8560 (1)DPR, c/o Legofan~ (760) 918-5469 Cl u.,..nt Ii! For Review O PleaM CamPMnt D Plene R•t>JY O Please Recycl• •Comments: Please find tile attached.Special Inspection Field Report dated (2127/03) for the subject project If you should hawe any further questions~ please contar.i ma. .Respectfully SI.milted, H.Sart. HII 02/27/2003 11:35 17609666360 DUNN SAVOIE PAGE 02 . NO: -03110.00 . IH8f'ECTOR: si NO; 1CB01113681-48 . CB023760 L\,\Te 02/27/2003 1'lAlifFl!.l!:HO: -02•37-6(} TIME: 9:00 AM SPECIAL INSPECTION FIEl.,I) Rl:PORT 1 REtNFORCED CONCRETI; Materials: Reinforcing,Steef Deformed Bar, ASTM-A615 #4 and i#6 Bar Grade 60, Hanson MtX Design: 4033500. 2&-Day&Rmg1h4000psi SamJ).le Set E5 Air: 7-5'"¥ Concrete: 41'P-F Ticket No: 450855 Truck No: 510 Contractor: 'OPR Provided Special Inspection for reinfon::lng steeJ and :placement -Of-appr-oximately 9-cu yd. mix 4033:500. in Entry Stairs. Fabricated three cylinders, (1) ·tor 7 wday and (2) for 28-day-compression testing. Fiafd-testin was performed In accordance with an applicable sections of ASTM C31, 93, 1-43. 172. 1-064. Unless otherwise noted. all the work was performed in conformance with the approved plans and spaclfications, and the appflcable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. Submittett on Hill, Projec\ CE :64822 JCBO No: 1113681-48 City of San Diego Certification No: 743 Cc: (1) City of Carlsbad (1) t.egoland, Jim Fend (1) OPR, Bob Dimatta. c/o L~ 02/26/2003 16:31 17609666360 DUNN SAVOIE PAGE 01 • ~ 'li ·- m $ .. - j I Fax To: Jim Fend of! t..go1and, C11i1fornJa Re: Job.#.: 0311D.OO ftom; Hen,y Barton HIii l[:maH: hbhlll@aurfdel.com Pagea: 2 VZll.2003 4:03 PM (1)City of Carlsbad, (760) 802--8560 (1)DPR. e/o Legoland (780) 918-5469 D Urgent ~ For R4'VS.W CJ Pleue Comment O Plefle Reply Cl Please Recycle • Comments:< Please find the a1lached Special lnspectiQn Fiekt0Report dated (2/26I03) for the subject project. If yooshould have any further questions.-~ contact me. Respectfully~ • .H..Bar.t.Hi 02/26/2003 16:31 17609666360 Dt.Jt.H SAVOIE PAGE 02 olandTsa -NO: 0311-0.00 ·Jand Drive CA OR: H. Bart. Hill NO! ICB01113681--48 09023760 DATE: 02/26/2003 -02--37-60. TIME: 10:30AM SPECIAL INSPECTION FIELD REPORT 1 REINFORCED CONCRETE/EPOXY ANCHORS Matenats: Simpson Strong lie-Set 22, #6 Refnforcing Steel Provided Special JnspectfQn tor instaUati()n of {9) #$ d~$ each side of Entry Stair with a minimum embedment depth of 6'\ All holes were drilled using th& correct drill bit size~ and .properly brushed/deaned. lnstalJatlon of-hold down anchors is in compliance With· ICBC) ER-5279, a,nd manufactures specifications. Note: Verified placement of lifer Ground In MCC Equipment Shed foundation. Un1ess otherwise noted, all the work was performed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications. and the applicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. Submffled, Cc: (1) City of cartsbad (1) tegoland,. Jfl!' Fend . . . (1) OPR. Bob Oi"'8tta, c/o L~nd 02/19/2003 11:49 . 17609666360 · . Dl.ffi SAVOIE PAGE 1:11 .. 4 ", ••• l · Ounn &avafa inc. 'st,ucturalEnglneera 808 8. 014Jwlandst. Ocaana1-,.CA .82054 Tel: (780) 98$,,8355 Fax:-(no)~ Fax To; BuJJdJno Depamnent of: City of Cartuact~ C.Hfornla Fax: (760) 802-8560 Prom: Henry Barton .HUI Email: hbhJll@surfdsl.com "*OM: 2 Date: 21191200311:28 AM C Urgent &I For Revlew a Pleaie Commer,t C! Please R•ply a Please Recycle • Commant11: Please find the attached Spacial lnspedion Report dated 02/1912003 for the referenced pmjectPJan Check Fie No. 02..3780. Feel free to ra'llaCt our office~ any questions: Respectfully, H. Bait. Hill 02/19/2003 11:49 17609666360 Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engi~en. 908 S. Cleveland St. ~.CA92064 Tai: (7G0)9~ Fax: (760}9G6-IS3GO SPECIAL INSPECTION FIELD REPORT REINFORCED CONCRETE ~SAVOIE PJllOJECT: l Ride ~ One Le oland Drive_, CA lHWECTOR: H.Bart.Hill flEIW!tfllO: CB023760 , PLAH,FII.EHO: t,2-3760 1 Materials; Hanson Mix Design: 4033500, 28-Day Strength 4000psi PAGE 02 NO: -03110.0Q SJ HO: ICB01113681-48 Ol'.lc: 02/19/2003 TIME: 7:30AM 1 Sample Set: C3 Air: 5&-F Sample Set 04 Air: ,59" F Concrete: 70* F Concrete: 67· F Slump:4 3/," Tieket No: 447628 Truck No: 404 Slump: 4• Ticket No: 447690 Truck No: 608 Cootractor. DPR Provided Special Inspection fQr-pfacement of approximately 35 ® -y4. mix 4033500, in Center Pier. Perimeter Piers. and Perimeter Walls. Fabricated six cylinders, {2) for 7--day and (4) for 28-day compression testing. Feld-testing was performed m ~~ with all applicabfe sections -of ASTM C31, 93. 143. 172. 1064. -, Unless otherwise noted_. all the work-was petfc»:med in~onnance with the .approved plaf1$ and specifications, and the applicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. Submffled. Cc: {1) City of Cartsbad (1) Legaland. Jim Fend (1) OPR, Sob Oimatta~ cto Legoland 02/10/2003 12:09 17609666360 DUNN SAVOIE PA~ 02 .PROJECT! oJandTea Cu Ride NO: 3110.00 ~as: One Le oland Drive. CA tNSJll!.CTOllf; lt "Bart. Httl SI NO! iCB011136·81-48 ·NO: CB023760 DATE: 02/10/2003 NO: 02-3760 TIME: 7:00AM SPECIAL INSPECTION FIELD REPORT 1 1 REINFORCED CONCRETE Materials: Reinf~rcing Steel Deformed Bar, ASTM-A615 #4 Bar+ Grad.e 60. #3 Bar Grade 60. contractor: DPR Provided Special Inspection for reinforc1ng steel ln Piers and -Perimeter Retaining Wall. Observed -cuts -at every other horizontal wan bar per $1-4 rv1. AU sleet placement conforms to details S3--2, 2A 31 41 with t exception of #5 dowets @ 16" oc in de1ail S3-2. RecefVed-approvaJ from-erigineer-ot-r-ecor-d for-plac-ement of #5 doWels @ 16" oo in Perimeter Retaining Wall, detail 83-2. unless-Gtheiwise noted, all-1he work was performed -in .eonfor.mance witb .the .approved plans and specifications. and the appJicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform BuUding Code. Submitted. cc: {1) City of cartsbad (1) legotand, Jim Fend {1) DPR. 8ob Oimatta. -do L-egoJMd ·~ [)l[S~Xt 19TI oN ~ • •• AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE This is to certify that · Henry B Hill ID#005533 has demonsu:ated knmyledge and ability by successfully completing !he ACI certification requirements and 1s hereby recognized as an ACI CONCRETE FIELD TESTING TECHNICIA.N" -GRADE I Examiner: ·Douglas J Hitchingham Date: · 02/27/1999 Expires: 02/27/2004 "ih Valid card beacs.ACI Hologram here - #-cAL1FORNIAg~~ .-,, -DRIVER ueENSE CLASS:ettl . . A1577013 This license ls )ssued a's ~ licem::e to dm1e -;i motor t&h1c1e· Ii dots not es1~1tsh eligib1lltf for emp:o;ment vot~r registration. or pub lie bene1"1u. _ HENRY BARTON HILL PO BX 9072Z. SAN DIEG~ !M 92169 SEX: H HAIR: BRM EYES: BRN HT: 6-00 wr: 1so. ooa: 06-11-66 RSTR:cQRR l;ENS . ., ' I r-·r-· International Conference of Building Officials HENRYBHILL CERTIFIED REINFORCl;D CONCRETE SPECIAL INSPECTOR-ASSOCIATE The individual named hereon is CERTIFIED in the category shown having been so .certified pursuant to successful completion of the prescrtb written examination. Expiration date: Januar , ~006 No.1113681-48 :d:~~~~~~~~~~~~= ·."i . ' ' J>\N .. fl3~93• OQ :4ia__,. FROM- r n,, ,,...,a. • ,._...., ., ,_ -·-- T•620 P.01/01 F-898 T~IIJG P-iS/OV F-aa~ FROM I R+ W, 1-t"t::I.. 1..1-!Nf.Jl:I\.Ht"'= Hl'\'.l..n l 1 ;;._, 1 " ~·IMMZ IS:18 P~Q~.- IIPliCIAI. INll'SOTION PROGRAM AODRIU OR LIGAL DIICfllJl'nON, t r6'r0 2~\'V~ -;; "1."!2t1J10~ .ffl.CU P R. I~~ ,L.AN CHICIC HUM8llflb J·i-1'"1(,t> OWN11'1'8 NAMii L.E€fol.A-N£> 4'J..lfllfeN1ft I, u th1 awnar, or ~ant of uie owner (.contrutors mar !.1QS employ *he apaul inl,pfMr), C.rtfY that I, or the 1rGhitdan;lnNr m l'IODrd, WiR H •m-11ble for am~ng t"1e IPRllf Snap11C1Cr(1) u requtl'fid by Unlfc,m Butlafr,o Cod• BO) ' 0 .1 fcpr ·-~ l)f$Ol lN111CI at1he ,ne lfstld --.. USO Sldlon 1 ,Ct, _f---1--~ 11p111X ---.....,.;.....:-..:'1f"'l---1t-___,.i.-- Stan--------------- ,. LIii af Work r1t1Wlrfn1 IPHlll lnlflff'tlln: ~ IOU• C:11,np1fuce."10rto NMl'IIIIIUOft lil.,.UfRI C] l'lald W•ltlirtt·•1'10tll-lotntti"f"'°t:.J arwotul'IIGoMl'MltDwl'IIOOP91 § Mfp=IOltinf ,.,....... C91'1_. . •panalo NYAMh.cra aNOtural M11Hnr¥ lpr_gtd-Dn PIN~lna CINJl,..,a,.tf&M · IZI &Wier aUl.$ jN ((tt.~~n; I. Na""(s) of 1n•v111ull(1) or1tnn(•J rw,o•••• fOt tt1• •"""' '""••oftn• held atOW: A. j(,\..Jil tifBj...O@& Ct 212 ':f'Ui _. "3,/;()('). • •• IF .. _______ ,----. _________________ _ c. ------------....... --------------,. DutiN of th9 speo1111ntip90torc far 1h• wartc ,..., IMY•: A. 'f!i($E-i~l7Clcfiff '*'A&,~iJ,la'fm$?t. tf r,,kJhrdnp, Col'liin~~lt ~ ~ =·~i!$iit~~~~-r~ c. \ \ E;sGU Gorporati.on In Partnership with Government for Building Safety DATE: January 8, 2003 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 02-3760 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. SET:11 PROJECT NAME,: Legoland; Techni~ Tea Cup .Ride D~NT '"·~ 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE i:gj The plans transmitted herewith have beer:i corrected where necessa·ry and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codas. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete_ recneck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: i:gj Esgil Corporation staff did not advis~ the applicant that the plan check has been completed._ D Esgil Corporation staff-did advise the·applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person ~ REMARKS: Foundation/eiectrical rey,iew only. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB O EJ o -PC 1/3/02 'Enclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208· + San Diego, California 92123 + (8$8) 560-1468 + Fax (858)_ 560-1576 EsGif Corp,oration In Partnership with Government for ;Building Safety DATE: December 24, 2002 JURISDICTION: Carl$bad PLAN CHECK NO.: 02-3760 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. SET:I PROJECT NAME: Legoland; Technic Tea Cup Ride D APPLICANT ~ D PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved aAd checked by building department staff. D The.plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. (g] The check list transmitted herewith is for your ihformation. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person.· · (g] The applicant's copy of the check list has been sentto: Jim Fend 1 Lego Dr. Carlsbad 92008 D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicanf that the plan check has been completed. (g] Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Jim Fend Telephone#: (760) 918-5461 Date ~--.z~~2-(by:~ Fax #: Mail Telephone..,...... Faw In Person (g] REMARKS: Foundation/electrical review only. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 12/17/02 Enclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 02-3760 December 24, 2002 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION UST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 12/17/02 REVIEWED BY: Kurt Culver FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 02-3760 DATE REVIEW COMPL,.ETED: December 24, 2002 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conseNation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or ch9-n·ge. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permlt the violation of any state, county or city law. · • Please make all corrections on the original tracings and sabmit two .new complete sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been mac;fe and return this sheet with the revised plans. • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are l9cated on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? D Yes o No .. Carlsbad 02-3760 December 24, 2002 1. Please supplement the site plan by showing compliance with Title 24 disabled access requirements (slopes of paths leading to the ride, slope along the queue path, etc.). 2. Please complete the attached form for special inspection. 3. Please see below for electrical/plumbing corrections. 4. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your projeot. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Kurt Culver at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. ELECTRICAL ancl P,LUMBING CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen ELEC1RICAL (1999 NATiONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 1. Provide the grounding electrode system design for the ride. lnch.Jde the connection from the foundation system to both the 120 and 480 volt systems. PLUMBING (2000 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 2. A sump is shown that actually shows the drain exiting uphill. Provide more details showing how this design will actually work and provide a backwater valve, if necessary (See UPC 11015.5.). Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. PLAN~INC/ENCINEERIN·c APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER .CB OL J J~e> DATE I -z 3-o3 ·, . ADDRESS __ ( __ L___,~~o~ _ _.:;.(},_7___,.---,---,--,---------,----'---------,.- RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL "ADDITION MINOR (<$10,000.00) .. PLANNER oocs/Mlsforms/Plannlng Engineering Approvals TENANT IMPROVEMENT ·PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLACE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDINC DATE ------------ (g)Jslo. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB 02 ~7(d) . Address ...:1.... L..t;Go l)cit1e Planner L) aa Akq Phone (760) 602-· _...,.7'.J...=h::;...:/.c.:;:;2=------'--------- APN: 2.// ... JCXJ-_~ _ . . . . . . · Type of Project & U$e~~e::r . · Net Project Density: . Aj/4 . DU/AC. Zo~~--r-9 General Plan:. T-tf Facilities Manag_erhent Zone: L3 CF~out) #_Date of participation:~{/q3 RemaJning net dev acres:. __ _ Circle One (For non-residential development: Type of land used creat d by this permit: All crfhe~ c~~tt:Jrl no+-' ) Legend: ~ Item Comp1$te D Item Incomplete -Needs your action Environmental Review Aeq~ired: YES_· _ NO~ TYPE ___ _ DATE OF COMPLETION: E"'/,£ 94,-,o/ : Compliance with conditions of approval'? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: Y~S __ . NO __ TYPE ___ _ APPROVAURESO. NO. -----------"""'--,o DATE __ PROJECT NO.--------------...,....;..- OTHER RELATED CASES: .S.oA C/G-:-lc/{Al/C()IJ %-Jfi{rJ-) Compliance with conditions or approval? Jf not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: ~~red loeai-icn 1:S mi: c:o,,,.s1'".s--fcn-f-with -11,e ~eel .S:.O~c;aA ~~£02-o-?8 ~-.s-~ ::Gr a Scl./i-siem+r~/ ';ri:J¾_;:011ee ole:terMln1t.+ic.-, -tbd: ,":f ~-+he. ..sd,,,.,,fft,,t/ . oP-rev,~ Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance. Project_ site located-in Coastal Zone? YESX NO~ CA Coastal Commission Au_thority? YES ___ NO_A_· _ If California Coastal Qommission Authority: Contact them at -7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): c.tlt? Cf6-IG{l:f1 ::z:ssoeJ Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES__ NO __ If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as ''Exempt'' or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Flo0r Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO X (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES __ NO_. _ (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 ODD 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of.-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Policy 44 -Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1. Applicability: YES. _ ___.___,;__NO . X: 2. Project complies YES __ NO __ _ Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Required ______ Shown ..... -----'---- Required Shown _____ _ Street Side: Required Shown-'-.-----,----- Rear: Required . Show0 --'------- Top of slope: Required _ . Shown _______ _ 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required ...... -______ Shown _____ _ Interior Side: Required Shown _____ _ Street Side: Required Shown _____ _ Rear: Required Shown~----- Structure separation: Required Shown _____ _ 3. Lot Coverage: Required_--'-----· Shown _____ _ 4. Height: Required------'---,--Shown------'-- 5. Parking: Spaces Req_uired . Shown------'------- (breakdown by ~ses for commercial and industrial projects requir,ed) Residential Guest Spaces Required---,--~--'---Shown ______ _ Additional Comments ______ __,----------"---------- OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVA~ INTO COMPUTER ~ ~ DATE /-22-(}3 H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 111111 - 11 ... 11 11111 I- l • • DUNN SAVOIE INC. ARIZONA OFFICE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 7150 E. CAMELBACK ROAD SUITE 300 SCOTTSDALE, AZ B5251 80B S. CLEVELAND ST. PH. C760l 866-6355 PH. C4B0l 425-5B04 OCEANSIDE, CA 82054 FX. C760l 866-6360 FX. (4Bdl 423-7088 I• a E-mail: dsi@surfdsi.com STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR LEGOLAND TEACUP RIDE EQUIPMENT SHED One Legoland Drive Carlsbad, CA (DSI PROJECT NO. 2230.02) (Owner: Legoland California) DESIGN CRITERIA: ROOF WALL FRAMING: LATERAL ANALYSIS: MISCELLANEOUS: JANUARY 30, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1-2 3-4 _5-6 7-8 ~ '''\ __, \__, Dunn Savoie Inc. JOB Legoland MCC Shed 2230.02 m $ rn Structural Engineer'$ SHEET NO. \ OJ= 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 CALCULATED BY BP .DATE 1/03 Tel: (760) 966-6355 CHECKEpBY DATE Fax: (760) 966-6360 .. I SCALE .. . . DESIGN LOADS ROOF .. DEAD LOADS (bsf) BUR .. 2.2 ' 3/8" Plywood 2.0 2x Rafters@24" 1.1 .Batt lnsu!~tion (0.2xThickness) 1.Q ,.. ME&P 1.0 Miscellaneous 1.7 }; Dead._Load 9.0 Live Load 20.0 reducible WALLS DEAD LOADS Exterior (osf) 19/32" Plywd 2.Q .. 1/2 Gyp 2.2. 4" Met~I Studs roi.16'!o.c. 1:.0 Batt Insulation 1.0 (0 .2xThibkness) Miscellaneous 0.8 :t Deacl Loads .. 7.0 - . mcc shed_design loads ~~~~~~~ Dunn Savoie Inc. .m ::::' : I ! rn Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 DESIGN CRITERIA CODE: 1998 California Builqing Code SEISMIC: Z= I= 0.4 1 (Zone 4) 4.8 km frorn Typ~ 13 Fault SOIL TYPE = So (assumed) R = · 5.5 wood shearwalls WIND: Na= 1 Nv = 1.1 Ca= OA4 V = 2.5 Ca I W/R V= 0.20 W V/1.4 = 0.143 W 70MPH EXPOSUREC mcc shed_design loads LRFD ASP JOB Legp MCQ Shed 02230.02 SHEET NO. OF CALC:ULATED _BY BP D/\.TE 1/03 CHECKED BY 'DATE ·SCALE \ . --~---~--~.,._, ....... ~~ .... ~,.--·=-......,,.,.,,._ .. ,,...,,........,.._,,.,,.......,..,., ..... _..,,,.~ .... .....-~ .. l~• .......................... , ................. ..,.,,....._,, • .,., ........... --._.....,._,., __ _.,__ ____ .,._...,~. -.. ..,,.....~ .......... ·-~ DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 SHEETNO. ______ -'--_ OF _____ _ CALCULATEDBY 15)? DATE I/ 03 ----'""--'------l CHECKEDBY _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE_.---'--------------- I :• 'I ,] •, 1: I •I 1 • • '! ', ,.~ ,; , 41 , ?,. :J ,i ,,-. 11 / 1) 1 ,' ,I '1 :, 0 / II _ I ;:, :1 •l !; U / II I :!. .I '1 !1 ,i_ l II I l 'I 4 '• II / n I ~ "I . . f:b?JP ~ vvklA--.. ff{LA1-Jtt,t.J'j,. '. ; . • 1-, f.kf-Tu~$. :At-,. f . i!1.-, I ~~I~~~ p . . . . 0i /y (!o ~ V~f). 1}; ; ~OtlP:: . ' .... ' ' . . P'QP it .. ~ ! 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OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 I Tel; (760) 966-6355 CHECKED BY DATE Fax: (760) 966-6360 SCALE 1 :> ,l ,1 •, ,, I •l I ., t t ' ",. i 11 , ,• ,l ,) 1, h / ll I / l . ,I. ~ h / •n I ;> :1 •I '1 1-1 / ti 1 ;? ,t •I !> {; / 1) i ;• :1 •I r, fl I {I I ;i :l ~:~1U,PS. H-r ·? "I ( · · · vJ, N b ~ J& rJ oi, ~ 0,-d rfr) s_\: -':~?I :-. &, 4 n;e zo yJ--vVt"1b -J·~ :6. Y-i-4g AvL--10,J , W A-vl--NT::=: t I r .;-3 /i '> : 1 1 ; .t> tc'.: ·· { r-t,l ~ ~t-1tt-"·'fl ) .. . " •• • ... • • cl ! ': , ,,, Ut I• tll , C'I ,•, -,. ,(o "' < "' • "I I': ~ ,., «la I, 1n , (\J I"• -t ou 1/\ I ~ i\J C"I t t/1 I,, I. <n , , I <" --:1 •n ,o l' ,., • JOB---l_,,.-,fii....,f11~D·=kll:N~-_D~/JI ...... C=-l~J ~g~-b1~·61J~· -<-----'----- DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760). 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 SHEETN0. __ 0~-----OF __ --'---""--- CALCULATEQ BY __ ~\?!,-·lo _____ DATE t !tJ~ l CHECKEDBY-'----~---DATE ____ _ SCALE----,------------ I :, .I •) !, fi / II I ., 'I 4 r. f, ' l' I ''. I •I •, l} { :; !. ; l , , 11 I 11 _, ) "I • •I '1 h f H I :• :I ,\ !i Ii / ll I ,, 'l •1 f1 ll / 11 I :1 !I WJN\) f::: C-e81i1 -s· f ~ I toi{1.3 )C 1·2 ,,t )( i) ~ (e,p;,t V ~,lht, r,; tb "li}4;t {tt'>c 7,'S'),,; ~-t3'(J'-Jt r {.ff ·w1'p{fA . -'v ;Jrr6t· tM-t r.A!«J; m: -e/4.d'· "i?'I·~- • -:7·0J <$ 11,i I C · ' . : : • • • • • II µFo f O v ~ q rG? { 1, ; 1 x \ 3 ')~ l l l t 4f' _ Wkvt,,, P:1.,: ~ 1~ ~l ( 1,6-/ t-ti I) 1,, X? I ,:;, \1ff s,.:/F ' it-. . . 14:D 1 . . . . . N \?a,t:v ,;; '., \ 43 (_-i,·f0 7 .u, ),,, 71f* L,· G f;o.~ · \!'{(~ 6)1DYW-r,i:s· C. Q v~ 1lJ~t~ I t\Y1 _ . _ 'f,;,C ~ :z~[)-#"{rp;')/if;3 1 --;:~~'f # _ _ vi~--irl (is':)(tt,i/}{-P :~ir~+ C~;~'1!Y:r· ~1tBJ-z /J(l01(!'. 1 --{ZJrv r --.. , -. .. ... . . .. . 4P.1 . . i. vvaJ,f .. ... : . .. .. . .. . . { ~ -Y ~:-.. ·,r----"-- / ~lli/ i N-\9'j \J f;L-1 f1 ~ ~~t -\ 1(/tl 0#''.)7 (l l-$ff :.c-1"et ~ q''lb ~ ~¢.: '~/ P'.t1 H Dk 2-'. : . , _ : · _ l--hr\..-<DMN · , ,., ,., r '" .,. < .,, , ... , ,., "f-'" '" I-... , ~, ,,. • •u "' t ,,. r Ill .. , I 1(, IU I ,,. , "'' ''I ., ,r, "' < "' • ! I ,,. I "' !ti ( "' , "' M '"1 "' <(1 / "'l • DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, C.A 92054 Tel: (760) 966-.6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 I ,• ; ,J :i ti I II I •> :: I •, ii I 7 ~75 1 vv ~ v~. . . . 1 "',UU -, ~:C>f 6: :ft I '1 :I ,I '1 'l JOB_,,_\,/:..,,:~c.:;.-..;...s'D"'-'L::A~::N:__,_D~...µMo.,.;C:c..,,C"'--.; __,.._'21__,_,_:A:::,!.-'. =/,:;;V-=----- SHEETNO. _____ &.:.,_ _______ -'--OF ______ _ CALCULATED BY·---i;0::...)?_,__ _____ DATE_· __,_·/7+-l'-"-o_3--"--'-- CHECKED BY-'-·---~---DATE _____ _ SCALE--------'----------- ' ; I_ I , 1, / 11 I i'. :1 •i >; ll f II I ~ ~ <I .!• 0 / fl 1 ;:t ,! ,) li II / fl 1 ;, ·1 . l .... ; / ~-/ ,. -J· . i . t : -~·,:-· : \_ 1; V~W~Nl [\\' 4 . r ~ t -: UO ff [b iJ/:l . 'J-· .<?.~ I t .. .. ; . .. . '... ..... .. .. . . Dt-~ 1·piP ( rl) ( 7,s 'J1, -~ .-7y;; ff 7. 7 s\ ?/ +: 3 it>) J :--:--11·0·* , : _1/ ; r !flit.hi A v./,t,/.,1 : · .N\?r uf~l?i' -~ g~31-tt-tct(-4-iq)-;:~,,;w .. ·N~ vt~:+1;,ifir:Pr ·' ' :1 . ,, q ,.,, 1 "' ,1, r nl "I "' •1 "• • ., I, "' i q , , -1 1r, '" I m , ,,, ,•i 1 "' •o t, ,,, , (\• ,,, ~ ,r, <f• f -,,. ; ,., • ,~, _____ w.,..,.,~,.., _ _,......, ......... ..,....,,....,_..., • .,,.~,... -·-'-• .,, ______ ------- 0}0Vr5J(N IN~ c,ooc~ l '1.'1 I NP5 MEMBER NOMINAL ACTUAL SIZE SIZE SIZE (in.) FACTOR b h CF 2x4 1.5 3.5 1.50 2x6· 1.? 5.5 -1.30 2x8 1.5 7.25 1.20 2 X 10 1.5 9.25 1.10 2x 12 1.5 11.3 1.00 2 x 14 1.5 13.3 0.90 4x4 3'.5 3.5 1.50 4x6 3.5 5.5 1.30 4x8 3.5 7.25 1.30 4x 10 3.5 9.25-1.20 4x 12 3.5 11.3 1.10 4 X 14 3.5 13.3 · 1.00 4x 16 3.5 15.3 ' 1.00 MAXIMUM MOMt1l, :S AND SHEARS .......,_ ... VISUALLY GRADED DIMENSION LUMBER Cv= 1 CH= 1 CM= 1 CL= 1 Cr~ 1 Cr= 1 Cc= 1 CF 1 MEM!3ER PROPERTIES MAXIMUM MOMENTS (ft. -lb.) SECTION MOM. OF NO. 2·. GRADE NO.1 GRADE SELECT AREA MODULUS INERTIA --~, STRUCTURAL (in.2) (in.3) (in.4) C0=1.00 C0=1.25 Co=~ .00 CoF=:1 :25, Co=1 _.00 · C0=1.25 5.3 3.1 5.4 339 424 -388 484 562 702 8.3 7.6 . 20.8 720 901 823 1029 1194 1492 10.9 13.1 47.6 1146 1433 1310 1638 1:900 2374 13.9 21.4 98.9 1716 2146 1962 2452 2844 · ·3555 16.9 31.6 178. 2304 2880 263·3 3292 3818 4773 19.9 43.9 290.8 '2881 3601 3293 · 4116 · 4774 5968". 12.3 7.1 12.5 777 971 888 1109 1287 1609 'ti- 19.3 17.6 48.5 1668 2085· 1907 2383 4765 3456 25.4 30.7 111,.1 2910 3638 3326 4157 . • 4822 6028 32.4 49.9 230.8. 4366 5458 4990 6238 · 7236 . 9044 39.4 73.8 415.3 5919 7399 6765 8456 9809 12262 46.4 102.4 · 678.5 7467 9333 8533 .106'67-12373 · 15467 53.4 135.7 1034.4. 9895 12368 · 11.308 14135 16397 20496 c...<.,/ Cru= 1 MAX SHEARS .(lb.) ALL GRADES Co=) .00 Co=1_.25 336 420 526 657 690-863 880 1100 1070 1·338 1'260 1575 7__79 974 1422. 1528. ' ' 1609 2011 2052 2565 2495 . ~_119 2939 3673 3382 · 4228 .. 6x6 5.5 5.5· 1.00 30.3 27.7 76.3 1731 6x8 5.5 7.5 . 1.00 4·1.3 51.6 193.4 .· 3225 6 x 10 . 5.5 9.5 1.00 52.3 82.7 393 6030 6 X 12 5.5 11.5 1..00 63.3 121..2 697.1 8838 6 X 14 5.5 13.5 0.99 74.3 167.1 . 1127.7 12023 6 X 16 5.5 15.5 · 0.97 85.3 220.2. 1706.8 1560$ 8x8 7.5 7.5 1.00 . 56.3 70.3 263.7 · 4394 8 X 10 7.5 9.5 1.00 71.3 112.8 535.9 7050 8x12 . 7.5 11.5 1.00 86.3 16.5.3 950.5 12053 8 X 14 7.5 13.5 0.99· 101.3 227.8 1537.7 16394 ·3 X 16 · 7.5 15.5 0.97 -1~6.3 300.3 2327.4 21283 BASELINE STRESSES (psi): 2x & 4x 875 (WCLIB) 6x6, 6x8, 8x8, & 8x1 o 750 6x10 & greater, 8x12 & greater 875 2164 4031- 7538 11047 15029 19508 5492 8813 15066 20493 26604. 2770 5160 9304 13.635 18550 24078 7030 11280 18596 25294 32837 1000" 1200 1350 3463 6450 119-30 17044 23188. 30097 8788 14100 23245 31618 41046 -3463 . 6450 11027 '16160 21985 28537 8788 14100 '22040 29978 38917 1450 1500 1600 4328 80!33 13783. 20200 27482 35671 10984 .17625 27550 37473 48647 1717 2340 2964. 3587 4210 48"34 . 3190 4040 4890 5740 6590 95 85 85 . 2146 2925 3705. 4484 5263 6042 3988 5050 611.3. 7175 ·8238 :,. strui:tlwoodlwoodmax.xlsltypical factors ~~i......;;_}j .. :._J :1 I . : .. t ·, .. ·· i ;. . t ,• · > .. See· Note 1. BelowJ:=or Yield Strengths GROSS. PROPERTIES SC SfCflC>NS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES .TORSIONAL PROPERTIES Area Weight l,x Rx lyy Ry . S~x lxx _Ycg · Mo J Cw Xo Ro (in2) (lb/ft) (in4) . (i(l) (in4) (in)· (in3). (in4) (i1J) (fHb) (TO-Jin1) . . . (in) (in) ;. SECTION ' {3 ·} . . . p-----t--"---'---'--''--'-!.-j--'---,-.!--'-"'-'-1--'--"----'-.L...4--'--'~-.,___.,____,_-'-'---+-'--...!.--J-C,---...:._.c..:.... __ ~'--'--'---.,---t ~ 158SC20 ,. 0.163 : 0.208 0.258 0.320 0.56 -0.074 0.71 0.092 0.88 .. 0.1.i3 1.09 0.137 0.673 0.041 Cl:498 0.088 0.074 0.806 0.666 0,050 0.491 0. 1 ii 0.092 0.797 0.561. 0.061 0.485 0.134 . 0.113 0.806 0.654 ·Q.073 0.478 · 0.164 0.137 0.791 I··: i 158SC18 ; 158SC16 ·. 1 158SC14 r i 250SC20 0.194 0.66 · 0.198 · 1.010 . 0.048 f--i 250SC18 0.248 -0.84 0.249 1.003 0.059 0.495 0.488 0.482 ,0.175 0.153 0.198 1.245 0.249 i.232 0.306 1.245 0.375 1.222 fi i 250SC16 0.308 1.05 0.306 0.997 0,072 t. '.. 250SC14 0.383 1.30 0.375 0.990 0.086 0.195 0.238 0.293 J.45 205 378 47.3 252 360 668 ~43 0.065 0.141 0.276 0.543 0.077 0.1'68 0.329 0.649 0:031 -1.256 i.510. 0.308 0.038 -1.257 I .SOS 0.302 0.045 -1.246 1.492 0.302 0.053 . -1.232 1.474 0.302 0.068 -1.110 0.084 -1.1 OB 0.101. . -1.09.6 Q. 120 -1.081 1.581 0.507 , ·_572 o.503 1.558. 0.505 · 1.541 0.508 . I .. i: 350SC20 0.228 0.78 '·· : 350SC18 0.293 1.00 '~' 350SC16 0.364. 1.24 I: .. ~ 350SC 14 · 0.454 1.54 Q.431 1.374 0.053 0.483 0.238 0.545 1.364 0.066 0.475 OJOS 0.672 1.358. 0.080 0.469 0.374 0.827 1.350 · 0.097 0.462 0.464 0.431 1.747 0.545 1.730 0.672 1.746 0.827 1.71.7 393 564 1051 1333 0.091 0.135 0.199 0. 16g 0.389 0.204 0.769 0.244' -0.98'4 -0.980 -0.969 ..:Q.954 1.757 0.686 1.746 0.685 · i .733 0.688 1.716 0.691 t 358SC20 0.233 0.79 0.468 1.418 0.054 0.481 0.250 0.468 1.809 412 0.093 t i)·:,358SC18. 0.299 1.02 0.592 1.408 O:Ofi7 0.473 0.320. 0.592 1.792 591 0.202 f i __ 35:ssc1 s o.372 1.26 o.730. 1.402 o.oa:1 0.468· o.392 o.730. 1.809 1103 o.397 " .. ~J58SC14 0.46J 1.58 · 0.899 1.394 0.098 0.460 0.487 0.899 1.779 1400 0.784 -t·~400SC20 0.246 0.84 0.589. 1.549 0.055 0.475 0.285 0.589 1.997 [C47~D 0.098 ~ I,.400SC18 0.315 1.07 0.747 1.538 0.069 0.467 0.355 0.747 1.979 ---r576 0.214 i:. i;-400SC16 0.393 1.34 0.922 1.532 0.084 0.462 0.449 0.922 1.997 1263 0.419 ,";;"400SC14 0.490 1.67 i.136 1.523 0.101 0.454 0.558 1.1.36 1.965 1605 0.830 .. -~ L-600SC20 0.315 1.07 i.551 2.219 0.062 0.444 0.505 1.551 2.998 832. 0.126 ,Hf:6QOSC18 0.406 1.38 1.975 2.207 0.077 0.4.35 0.647-1.975 2.977 1196 0.2'75 f 'f 600SC16 0.506 1.72 · 2.445 2.199 0.094 0.430 0.797 2.446 2.999 2240 0.540 (.:~:600SC14 0.632 2.15 ·3.030· 2.189 0.113 0.423 0.996 3.030 2.960 2863 ·1.071 0.146 .. -0.971 0.182 -0.966 6.220 ·. -0.955 0.263 -'0.940 1.784 1.772 1.759 1.7'13 0,704 0.703 0.705 0.709 0.180 -0.933 1.869 0.75i 0.226 -0.928 1.856 0.750 0.273 -0.917 1.844 0.753 0.327 -0.902 1.828 0.756 0.444 0.558 0.677 0.816 -0.776 2.392 0.895 -0.769 2.377 ·Q.895 -0. 759 2.366 b.897 -Q.746 2.351 0.899 I~ ~:800SC20* 0.384 1.31 3. 142 .2.860 0.066 0.4·15' 0.651 f }800SC18 0.496 1.69 4.015 2.846 0:082 0.40? 0.989 3.142 4.275 . .1089 · 0.153 0.851 -0.666 2.996 0.950 4.015 4.052 1628 0.336 1.074 -0.660 2.949 0.950 [. t-.800SC16 0.619 2.11 4.983 2.837. 0.100 0.401 1.224 l-'_~(800SC14 0.775 .2.64 6.187 2.826 0.120 0.394 1.529 r. NOTES: 1. Effective properties based on F'y::;50ksi for 14 ond j _: . 15 gouge sections, Fy =33ksi for 18 and 20 gouge I. sections. 14 and 16 gouge sections moy be produc~d · : with Fy =33ksi. For 33ksi 14 ond 16 gouge. sections, ·. multiply allowable moment by· 0.66.' · 1 : · (Contact manufacturer for ovoilobility) ', · 2. Effective properties and allowable Moment incorporpte the strength increase from cold-work of forming f where applicable. (AISI A5.2.2) ~ 3. For deflection calculotions, use the effective moment I . of inertia. r 4. * Web height to thickness exceeds 200. Web stiffener I, required at support ·points. (NS! 81.2) i 5. Tabulated areas ore based on the full un-reduced f. cross section of the studs away from web punchouts. ti : 6. For weak-oxis orientations, technical ossistonce is req'd .. Contact the manufacturer for this assistance. [,. f. ! I , .. -8- 4.983 3.985 3054 0.561 1.305 -0.650 2.938 0.951 6.187 3.956 4396 1:.3.i 3 1.576 -0.638 2.924 0.952 , .. 1.J75" -, I ' .375" Min. I I /' 1111 ... 11 Ill 11 111111 1 .. • 11111 I• Ill DUNN SAVOIE INC. ARIZONA OFFICE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 7150 E. CAMELBACK ROAD SUITE 300 SCOTTSDALE, AZ B5251 BOB S. CLEVELAND ST. PH. (760J 866-6355 PH. (4BOJ 425-5B04 OCEANSIDE, CA 82054 FX. (760l 866-6360 FX. (4BOJ 423-7088 E-mail: dsi@surfdsi.com STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR LEGOLAND TEACUP RIDE FOUNDATION One Legoland Drive Carlsbad, CA (DSI PROJECT NO. 2230.00) (Owner: Legoland California) JANUARY 28, 2002 REVISION b REVISED CONSTRUCTION SET TABLE OF CONTENTS RETAINING WALLS: 12-18 DU.NN SAVOIE, INC. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 your title block information. 'T'itle: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# Date: 2:26PM, 28 JAN 03 Rev: 550100 ~if~s~~o~~WRi:lt~~~~~Jfg~grlware Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design u:\b ar1<er\sharect\commercia111e oteacu rctn, Description 5' PitRet. Wall@Sfairs-D+l.,+E UNRr=STRAINED [t:11{~ ~l1iDN) ,I :W..mrmitll'l!:_:;'!llri!illiiaiii!ll=m:B·--i'lii!lAAi-.:iJJ&ti½i5 _____ ::lfll Soil Data F9oting Strengths & Dimensions Retained Height = 5.30ft Wall height above soil = 0.00ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 0.00in Soil Density = 120.00 pcf Wind on Stem o.o psf / ;~rcharge Loads mso J Surcharge Over Heel = 100.0 psf NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,028 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf 61< Allowable = 3,333 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored@ To.e = 1,260 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear@ Toe = Footing Shear @ Heel = Allowabl!:! · = Wall Stability Ratios 11.0 psi OK 11.7 psi OK 93.1 psi Overturning = 1. 73 OK Allow Soil Bearing = 3,'333.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method· Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 Toe Active Pressure 0.0 Passive Pressure = 400.0 Water height over heel = 0.0 ft F9otingl!Soil Friction = 0.300 Soirheight to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00in fc = 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000psi Min.As% = 0.0014 Toe Width = 2.17ft Heel Width = 1.33 Total Foot_ing Width = 3.50 Footing TIJickness = 12.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 1.00 ft Cover@ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in / ~ateral Load iJ>Plied_ to ~teo:,#11\J . I 2:! b!:!~ Applied t~ ~~!!21-J Lateral Load 22.0 #/ft Axial Dead Load = 0.0 lbs ... Height to Top = 5.30 .ft Axial Live Load = o.o lbs ... Height to Bottom = 0.00.ft Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in / ,!t~:ew~st':E!~~*~-m<wJ--=-To.::.Jpc:..St-=!-=:c:..~:.:.K~--------------- . Design height ft= 0,00 Wall.Material-Above "Ht" = Concrete Thickness 8.00 Rebar Size = # 5 Rebar Spacing = 12.00 Rebar Placed at -Edge Design-Data fb/FB + fa/Fa .c. Total Force@ Section lbs= Moment....Actual ft-#= Mornent ....... Alfowable = Shear ..... Actual · psi= Shear ...... Allowable psi·= 0:312 1,296.7 2,698.Q 7,247.3 19.6 93.1 Sliding = 0.70 UNSTABLE! Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. iri = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in= 21.36 Sliding Cales Slab Resists All Sliding ! Lateral Sliding Force = 994.9 lbs Footing Desi n Results Factored Pressure Mu': Upward Mu' : Downward Mu: Design Toe. = 1,260 2;305 = = Actual 1-Way Shear = Allow 1-Way Shear 494 1,811 10:98 93.11 Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd = None Spec'd = None Spec'd Heel 0 psf 0 ft-# 507 ft-#·. 507 ft-# 11.12 psi 93.11 psi . Wall Weight = Rebar Depth 'd' in= 6.00 96.7 5.5.0 Masonry Data -----------~------------- . fm ·psi= Fs psi= Solid Grouting = Special Inspection· = Modular-Ratio 'n' = Short Term Factor - Equiv. Solid Thick. = . Masonry Block Type = Normal·Weight ConcreJe Data -.~.~. ----------------------fc psi= 3,000.0 Fy . psi= 60,000.0 oiher-Acceptllble Sizes & Spacings Toe_: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel: Not req:d, Mu < S * F.r Key: No key defined DUNN SAVOIE, INC. Structural :Engineers 908 S. Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 your title block information. Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# Date: 2:26PM, 28 JAN 03 13 Cantilevered Retaining W~II Design u:\b arker\shared\cammerciallle o teacu fdn\ Description 5' Pit Ret. Wall @ Stairs -D+L +E UNRESTRAINED L~~mwTa!I2f Overturning.~ Resisting Forces & Mpments Item Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load = = = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = Resisting/Overturning Ratio ..... OVERTURNING ..... Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# · · 878.3 2.32 2,037.4 1'1,6.6 3.65 425.6 994.9 O.T.M. = 2,463.0 = 1.73 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure= 1,666.6 ibs Soil OverHeel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem::: Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = Earth,@Stein Transitions= Footing Weight · = Key Weight = Vert. Component = f&¾S¥ &¥&&½ ..... RESISTING ..... Force Distance lbs ft 421.9 3.17 0.00 512.3 2.50 525.0 1.75 1.00 207.4 3.50 Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure . ----Total= 1,666.6 lbs R.M.= 1§?& Moment ft-# 1,336.7 1,282.5 918.7 726.0 4,263.9 Sliding Restraint #O@O.in @Toe· #O@O.in @Heel 8.in.Concw/#5@12.in o/c Designer select all hotiz. reinf. i-------+olf----.i 2'-2" 1'-4" 3'-6" 3" I 3" 5'-3 1/2" 5'-3 1/2" 1'-0". DUNN SAVOIE, INC. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 your title block information. Title: 'Dsgnr: Description : Scope:, Jo~# Date: 2:26PM, 28 JAN 03 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design u:\b arker\shared\commercia111e oteacu fdn\ Description 5' Pit Ret Wall@ Stairs -D+L+E NOT BACK-FILLED [l~ff1.-0'l., ffe:i1<i1tvf)D») ,I £!liii!ri!ill!!it.ergia0s§!!l--\i--t1111**--Biilll-•i / Soil Data I / .;.ootin~9:!!~engths ~pimen!!!'!!!.l Retained Height Wall height above soil Slope Behind Wall = Height of Soil over Toe = Soil Density = 0.10ft 5.35 ft 0.00: 1 0.00in 120.00 pqf Allow Soil Bearing = 3,333.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure Toe Activ~ Pressure Passive Pressure Water hei~ht over heel Footingl!Soil Friction = = 35.0, 0.0 400.0 0.0 ft 0.300 fc = 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As% = 0.0014 Toe Width = 0.67 ft Heel1Width = 1.33 Total Footing Width = 2.00 Footing Thickness = 12.00 in Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf · Soi( height tQ ignore for passive pressure, Key Width = o.oo in = 0.00in Key Depth = 0.00 in KeyDistancefromToe = 1.00ft I Lateral Load Applied to Stem I Design Summary M2WMW% ¥¥¥ 5 Total Bearing Load ... resultant ecc. = 841 lbs 6.19 in J Soil Pressure@ Toe = 1,,158 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 3,333 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe -1,609 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear@ Toe = 0.0 psi OK Footing Shear@ Heel = 1.6 psi OK Allowable = 93.1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning Sliding . 1.91 OK 3.23 OK Sliding Cales (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 140.0.lbs less 100% Passive Force= -200.0 lbs less 100% Friction Force= -252.3 lbs Added Force Req'd ... .for 1.5 : 1 Stability 0,0lbs OK 0.0 lbs OK Footing Design Results ,, ttEftiM Toe Heel· Factored Pressure = 1,609 0 psf Mu': Upward = 306 0 ft-# Mu' : Downward = 47 57 ft-# Mu: Design = 259 57 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 0.00 1.58 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 93.11 93.11 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing -None Spec'd · Cover@ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in Lateral Load = 22.0 #/ft ... Height to·Top = 5.40 ft ... Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft ,J Stem Construction I Top Stem 7!1illlllllllllllllllillll!RIIIIIIIIIIIIIBllll!llll!l!lllll!llllliill!llllllll'llllllli1-Stem OK Design height ft.= 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Concrete = 8.00 Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Sp_acing Rebar Placed at = # 5, = 12:00' = Edge . Oesign Data -·---~~----------~--------- fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section MomenL.Actual M6ment. .... Allowable Shear ..... Actual = lbs= ft-#= = psi= Shear ..... Allowable psi = Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in= Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = Wall Weight = Reb~r Depth '.d' in = D.!)75 202.3 545.3 7,247.3 3.1 93.1. 21.36 ·6.00 96.7 5.50 . M~sonry Data -----~------------------- fm psi_= Fs psi= Solid-Grouting = Special lnspec,tion = Modular Ratio 'n' = Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. = Masonty Block Type = Normal Weight Concrete, Data fc psi= 3,000.0 FY,' psi= 60,000:0 Other Acceptable Siz~ & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S ·* Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key: No key defined Rev: 550100 DUNN'SAVOIE, INC. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 your title block information. Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# Date: 2:26PM, 28 JAN 0~ User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.5.0, 25-Sep-2001 (c)1983-2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software. Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design u:\b arker\shared\commercial\le o teacu Description 5' Pit Ret. \/\{all @ Stairs -D+L +E NOT BACK-FILLED Csymmary ot Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments . Item Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load = = = = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad Total = = Resisting/Overturning Ratio ..... OVERTURNING..... . Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# 21.2 0.37 7.8 118.8 · 3.70 439.6 140.0 O.T.M. = 447.3 = 1.91 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 841.1 lbs Soi.I Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem= Soil Over Toe Surctiarge Ove.rT6e = Stem Weight(s) = Earth @ Stem TransitiQns= Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vert. Component = ¥2*¥&:NARRIM&AAS&& 4¾tF -i% ..... RESISTING ..... Force Distance lbs ft 8.0 1.67 0.00 526.8 1.00 300.0 1.00 1.00 6.3 2.00 Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure. .Tota~i =--~.,_, . 841.1 lbs R.M.= Moment ft-# 13.3 528.6 300.0 12.6 854.5 #O@O.in @Toe #O@O.in @Heel 8.in Concw/#5@12.in o/c Design~r select 8" 11 5'-4 1/4" 5'-5 1/2" 3" 1'-4" l I i DUNN SAVOIE INC~ STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS . 908 S. 91eveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 9(;6-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 SHEETNO. __ "--' -"--J-q,, _____ OF _____ -"--_ CALCULATED BY_-'---""(/3"--'-p'-------DATE_'-+/ /~0~3~~--1 CHECKEDBY ________ DATE _____ _ SCALE~--------------- ,, I I ,; •1 / O • ;') :1 ,i 5 --,f1 1 fl 1 ;~ .I '1 ,, r,. / 11 I ,.' :1 1 'i r, / 11 1 ; ·1 •l 'i n / fl I 2 :J •l !i t, I i1 I ~ :f •I 'i ;; / fl I ,' :l ... !) ~ -,;: & 3?;lJ . [?»(Z~ J:-~ prwtt, vf !f i:0-1/31:SD :: : · · · : v-1 I 5/ M ft~ N : s er ;;: r tJX 'I_; · : • 1 -•• ;pi. ,p · ,;79",?>!)l>. p!5;" . ' · ' I v-:'"'. · I {&IP) . . ,· •' •• • •• • , fl ~ f'I ,, r ,,., "' I ,,., , .. , .. , 1 •n •(' r '» • •J '') -1 •f'l '" I ~ "I <II I. -,1 , C\I f'I ~t lll <n ! -"I ('1 'I ,r:,-<1~ t• ,~, • <"I M ~t tO <n t--••J • I I I I I ii I I I I I 1• I I I I • liil -• 11 • 11 1-I• • DUNN SAVOIE INC. ARIZONA OFFICE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 7150 E. CAMELBACK ROAD SUITE 300 SCOTTSDALE, AZ B5251 BOB S. CLEVELAND ST. PH. (760) 866-6355 PH. (4BOJ 425-5B04 OCEANSIDE, CA 82054 FX. (760J 866-6360 FX. (4BOJ 423-7088 Ill E-mail: dsi@surfdsi.com STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR LEGOLAND TEACUP RIDE FOUNDATION One Legoland Drive Carlsbad, CA (DSI PROJECT NO. 2230.00) (Owner: Legoland California) DESIGN CRITERIA: PIERS: RETAINING WALL: MISCELLANEOUS: DECEMBER 12, 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1-2 3-8 9-13 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. s··' Dunn Savoie Inc. JOB Lego Teacup Foundation 02230 -~ Structural Engineers l SHEETNO. OF 908 S. Cleveland St. BP 12/02 Oceanside, CA 92054 CALCUlATED BY DATE : Tel: (760) 966-'6355 CHECKEOBY DATE Fax: (760)96&-6360 ~ALE .. I• II .. DESIGN CBITEBI£\ CODE: 1998 California Buildi.ng Code (1997 U!3C) DESIGN LOADS PER LOADS GIVEN ON "MACK" DRAWING· NUMBER 5209-0200: LOAD DL. LL DL LL TYPE_· (k or k .. ft) (k ork-ft) (kN orkN-m) (kN orkN-m) CENTER V 15.5 22.0 -4.~ 69.0 98.0 -20.0 PIER H -4.1 ·. ' -18.4 .M -f!J":9 -23.0 .. PERIMETER V -9A -4,2~0 PIERS H 0_4-· ' 1.9 --- Conversion factors: k= 4.45 kN k-ft = 1.36 kN-m .. teacup fdn_design loads - - - -- -. - - - - - ---- - - - -. -2 ~ ~ f01,tNP/r.(WN) 'P~- C\U\-WI N li S 'fp Y MPC¥..-$:~ . ) . .. 6 t-b .C, -() 1,,00 ) 1)~D \\--\ +--o 2 .. ,,. .. Foundation Loads Lastfall · V1 [kN] H1 [kN] load cases Eigengewich dead load 69 - Vekehrslast max.98 18.4 live load min. -20 .•. M [kNm "' t 0 0:, __, - 23 V2 [kN] 42 ~ :.. u-, :e = N __,. H2 [kN] 1.9 5. A-A v1j -1iL_ t (!!1 150 (5.91"1 _6_ 150x150 (Kabelkanal/cable trough) ;,., r-0 = 0 1·J 011, 0 -~: nci/i~~ .\' :1~ fl~IZ. ~ 1• .. ., • ~ ' .. conduits: 4x¢100 to control cabinet ,,", ½"'i.' ~-~--~ ~- ¢1Q_8O0 (4252"! ~ee,11·_0"1· 0 ·, ] water drain .,~11v1.era .. . f7/~~ .•·, -i· .. :.sl' Tur/ doc proposal: access for maintenance· / / IJ' I. '5. J ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveiand Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 SHEETNO._-.J'.-~-----OF ------- CALCULATED BY____q1'"-''l1~--,--..'~'----DATE_\r¥'ir=C}"v...::c_ __ _ CHECKED BY.--~------DATE ------- SCALE--'------------"-_:_ ____ _ I ? ~ >I 'i r, / 1 :? 3 II 5 ij 7 B: ~ :~ ~ r; 6 /·fl 1? :I ,t 5 r, 1 8 1 ~t 3 ,i 5 f, 7 BI 3 4 5 fi / I :1 !J 4 5 6 / 8 I 2 3 ' . . ; .......• : .... ; ......... , •..•••.•.. ···.·····--.•..•. ;. .... • ..... • .•...••...••... 1··· ........ ,; ........ ,..., ......... , •.. :. ... : ......... ;, ... . ..... : .... .,.... .. , . .. .. .. . ... . ..... ~---~. . .. : 5 r1-:~ut-~; ' : . . ! -~~ &1~~ir-,i,r ~~"",;i,pJ -----------· + ------------:-. ---, --------.. ~ .... ' . • I . ·: . ~ ,.. . "\ : . . ........ : ...... , :·. ... . .. . . . ... . .. .,. -~... . ...... -. . . . .. ' . . . ' .. :•·· :····· ... ' ,• ,.; ' .... .. .............. ,-.. :·'" ..... • •• fl j .. o : ' ' ,. <:'I .-1 --, lfl «> ~- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE; INC. sos-s. Cleyelaod· Street Oceanside, CA 92054 760.966.6355 your title block information. Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Rev: 550100 ~ · User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.5.0, 25-Sep-2001 (c)1983-2001 ENERCAlC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design Description Center Pier:.. 12" SLAB Job# Date: 5:26PM, 11 DEC 02 -General--lnformation-C.alculatlo.ns-_are. ..d.esigned-.to-ACJ .3:1-8-:95-..and-1:911-1 _ue_c. .Re.quir.ements-. Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone -live-& Short T:errn·-Combined· fc Fy .Concrete·Weight Overburden Weight j.Loads- Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load AP.Pli~~ Mpm~n~ ... Dead Load Live Load· Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead l:.oad· Live Load Short Term 1,000.0 psf 'fo~ M,t( 1.000 · fbffiN4 4 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145,oo--pcf- 0.90 psf 33.400 k 22.000 k k Creates·.Rotation about Y-Y Axis _(pressu_res _@. left & right). k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k 4.100 k k Dimensions .... Width along X-X Axis Length along Y-Y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis Base Pedestal Height Min Steel% Rebar Center To-Edge Distance . .. ecc along-X-X Axis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in 9.000 ft 9.000 ft 12.00 in 63.00 in 63.00 in 52.000 in 0.0014 3.50in Creates ·Rotation about X-X Axis _(pressures _@-tqp & bot} k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis . (pressures @ top & bot) . k k k Summary Soil Pressure Exceeaed 9.00ft x 9.00ft Footing •. 12.0in Thick,. w/ Column Support 63.00 x 63.00ih x 52.0in high .Max .Soil .P.ressure- Allowable ''X' Ecc, of Resultant ''Y-' Ecc, of Resultant· X-X-Min: Stability-Ratio· Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio 1-Footing-.Design· Shear Forces Two-Way Shear One-Way Shears ... Vu@Left Vu@Right Vu@Top Vu@Bottom Moments Mu@Left Mu@Right Mu@Top Mu@Bott_om . do~~- DL+LL ~ DL+Lt+ST 1,008.9 f,008,9-psf. 1 ;000.0 1,000.0 psf ~.908 in 3.908 in -0,000·in-0,000·.in· -No:Overturning· 1';900':f 17.382 ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 19.78psi 18,23psi 13.28psi 12.26psi 8.17psi 7.413psi 10.72psi 9.87psi 10.72psi 9.87psi ACI 9-1 ACl·9-2. 1.41 k-ft 1.29 k-ft ~ 2.07k-ft . 1.68k:-ft 1.82 k-ft 1.681<-ft Actual Allowable . Max,Mu-· 2.242 .ksft· per, ft . Required Steel Area 0.143 in2 per ft Shear $tresses .... Vu Vn*Phi 1-Way 13.281 93.113 psi 2-Way 19:783· 186:226--psi . ACI 9-3 Vn * Phi 1.q1 psi 186.23 psi 4.81 psi 93.11 psi 2.74 psi 93.11 psi 3.78 psi 93.11 psi :pa psi 93.11 psi ACl_9-3 BY.L.e!li As Reg'd 0.48 k-ft 21.6psi 0.14 in2 per ft 0.82 k-ft 34.5psi 0.14 in2 per ft 0.65 k-ft 28.1 psi 0.14 ,n2 per ft . 0.65 k-ft 28.1 psi 0.14 in2 per ft. ••• -1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOJE, IN~. 908 S. Cleveland,Streef Oceansic;Je; CA92054 760.966.6355 your title block infonnation. Title: Dsgnr: Descrip_tion : Scope: Job# Dat~: 5:26PM,. 11 DEC 02 Re)!: ,550lOO ·; · G I F · A I • & D " User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.5.0, 25-Sep-2001 enera OOtlng ·na YSIS estg_ n (c)1983-2001 ENERCALC·Engineering Software u:\b arker\shared\coinmerdal ti's\l Description Center Pier -12" SLAB I Soil ere,sure Summary Service Load Soil Pressures DL+LL DL+LL+ST Factored Load .$oil-Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 Left 648.98 648.98 972.36 ~08.57 3~2.71 Right 1,008.92 1,008.92 1,511.66 1,412.49 610:52 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally-to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... seismic= ST*: 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 Top. 828.95 828.95 1,242.01 1,160.53 501.61 Bottom 828:95 psf 828.95 psf 1,242.01 psf 1, 160.53 psf 501.61 psf UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I . DUNN SAVOIE, INC. 908 S. Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 760.966.6355 your title block information. _ Title: Dsg·nr: Description : Scope: Job# Date: 5:26PM, 11 DEC 02 I n:~i-:~~02938, Ver5.5.0,?5-S~p-c2001 General Footing Analysis & Design ( c)1983-2001 ENERCALC Engmeenng Software u:\boarker\shared\commercial ti's\leoo teacuo I Description Perimeter Pier -12" SLAB Gener~I Information Calculations are ~esigned to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil B~aring Short Term Increase . Seismic Zone Live & Short Term Combined fc Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight !Loads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead"Load Live Load Short Term 1,000.0 psf Vo~,tt . 1.000 r ,.,, 4- 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf 0.00 psf 0.800 k 9.400 k k Creates Rotation about Y~Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about Y.-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k 0.400k k Dimensions ... Width along X-X Axis · Length along Y-Y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Pim. Along Y-Y Axis Base Pedestal Height Min Steel% .Rebar Center To Edge Distance ... ecc along X-X Axis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis· 0.000 in 0.000 in 4.000 ft 4.000 ft 12.00 in 15.75 in . 19.70 in 31.000 in 0.0014 3.50in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) . k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k k Summary Footing Design OK 4.00ftx4.00ft Footing, 12.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 15.15 x 19.70in x 31.0in high DL+LL -DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable Max Soif Pressure 916.9 916.9 psf MaxMu 1.121 k-ft per ft Allowable 1,000.0 1,000.0 psf Required Steel.Area 0.143 in2 per ft ''X' Ecc, of Resultant 1.374 in 1.374 in Shear Stresses .... Vu Vn *Phi "Y' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000.in 0.000 in 1-Way 8.266 93.113psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio No Overturning 1.500 :1 2-Way 13.198 186.226 psi Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio 18.596 I Footing Design _ Shear Forces A~l 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI9-3 Vn*Phi Two-Way Shear 13.20psi 11.02psi 0.56 psi 186.23 psi One-Way'Shears .. , Vu@Left 8.27psi 6.95psi 0.50 psi 93.11 psi Vu@Right 5.83psi 4.85psi· 0.11 psi 93.11 psi Vu@Top 5.00psi 4.18psi 0.22 psi 93.11 psi Vu@Bottom 5.00psi 4.18psi 0.22 psi 93.11 psi Moments ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru/Phi AsR~'d Mu@Left 0.81 k-ft 0.67k-ft 0.02 k-ft 12.4psi 0.14 in2 per ft Mu@Right ~ 0.941<-ft 0.06 k-ft 17.2 psi 0.14in2 per ft Mu@Top 0.74k-ft 0.62k-ft 0.03 k-ft 11.4psi 0.14 in2 per ft Mu@Bottorit ·0.74~-ft 0.62k-ft 0.03 1<-ft 11.4 psi 0.14 in2 per ft • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • ' ' ' - DUNN SAVOIE, INC . 908 S. Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 760.966.6355 your title block information. Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# Date: 5:26PM, 11 DEC 02 I Rev: 550100' --. --: User. KW--0602938, Ver 5.5.0, 25-Sep-2001 (c)1983-2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design u:\boarker\shared\commercial-ti's\leao teacuo I Description Perimeter Pier -12" SLAB I Soil Pressure $ummary Service-Load Soil Pressures DL+LL DL+LL+ST Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 Left 648.12 648.12 1,053.36 907.37 145.36 Right 916.87 916.87 1,490.14 1,283.62 205.64 ' ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... seismic= ST·*: ·' 1.400 - 1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACJ 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 Top Bottom 782.50 782.50 psf 782:50 78j2.50 psf 1,271.75 1,271. 75 psf 1,095.50 · 1,095.50 psf 175.50 175.50 psf Ul3C 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 I 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '. DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 OF ________ _ 12..12 I -1 _/ n ,,, CALCULATED BY_..,.ol,<'.~. -~-----DATE -'=/ l/ >-- CHECKED BY ___________ DATE _______ _ SCALE----------------------- I 2 3 1 !> R I 8 I 2 :1 4 5 6 7 II 1 ? 3 ,j !i ii I ll 1 2 :1 'I !, ·o '/ 0 1 2 3 ii 5 (l 7 '8 I 2 :I 4 t; r! 7 B 1 :i :¾ ,1 5 fl I {l 1 ~ 1 .... :· ..... _ ........... · ....... ~: .... : ...... ·: ................ ,. ....... ·r .. . . ,orb ID :N: ,: ;'Lu:~. l.'h/1 ~.ef_(l.i.1) .. :=.). ~./J.h.b±.}Ji,. i,i,; ; ; : ::,: ~{f It· /IJ' ; . : . . : . . .. . . ; . ; . . 'l·; . f {c, )J~t 'Z, 1/ . . ; • . . • . ; _r::. 0.~G.s). ??P;-o._{~Js ~J, .. ~.i~J¾ .. IJ.aJ ... :. ::: r:; 16 ,zo '. k · ·,,N 7· ?i/4-4 ~ ~~~01\l' 1--11-h( B I;-· 1 · · : N~~o· · ! • 1 : tr~ 1i, todi': 1 ~. t-.. 1) · ' ... , ..... , .. , ' . . l . t ' . . : : • , , . I ' : . . i"' "" '" ,. ....... 5-, .'2$ ... ~-... ;. ... " . :1 ~vlf# ".i .. · . .:; ..... : ............ ' ...... . ' . 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Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# Date: 5:34PM, 11 DEC 02 Rev:· 550100' , User: KW-0602938, Ver5.5.0, 25-Sep-2001 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design (c)1983-2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software u:lb arker\shared\commercial ti's\le o teacu Description Pit Retaining Wall -D+L I Criteria ----------·· IS9il Data • I Footing Strengths & Dimensions • Retained Height Wall height above soil Slope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe Soil Density Wind on Stem I Surcharge Loads I Design Summary Total Bearing Load ... resultant ecc. = = = = = = = = 6:25ft 0.00ft 0.00: 1 12.00 in 120.00 pcf o.o psf 2,227 lbs 7.10 in • Soil Pressure@Toe = 1,341 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 2,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,646 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear@Toe = 13.0 psi OK Footing Shear@ Heel = 13.9 psi OK Allowable = 93.1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 1.82 01:( Allow.Soil Bearing = 2,500.0 psf Equjvalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel-Active Pressure = 35.0 Toe Active Pressure = o.o Passive Pressure = 300.0 Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Footing!ISoU. Friction = 0.300 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00 in Surcharge Over Heel = 100.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning fc = 3,000 psi Min.As% Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width Fy = . 60,000 psi = 0,0014 = = = 2.17ft 1.33 3;50 Footing Thickness = 12.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 1.00 ft Cover@ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning I StemConstruction • -~-o~p_S_tem~·--------~~---- -Stem OK Design height Wall·Material Above "Ht" Thickness ft= .o.oo Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = = = = = = Total Force @Section . lbs= Moment.. .. Actual ft-#= Mom_ent. .... Allowable = Shear .•.•. Actual psi= Shear ..... Allowable psi = Concrete 8.00 # 5 12.QO Edge 0.413 1,472.0 3,389.5 8,~06.3 19.8 93.1 Sliding = 1.12 Ratio< 1.5! Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in= Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in= 21.36 6.00 96.7 6.19 Sliding Cales Slab Resist~ All Sliding ! Lateral Sliding Force = 1,131.3 lbs Footing Design Results • _IQ!_ Heel Factored Pressure = 1,646 o·psf Mu': Upward = 3,025 Oft-# ·Mu' : Downward = 888 618 ft-# Mu: Design = 2,137 618 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 12.97 13.88 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 93.11 93.11 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Wall Weight = Rebar Depth 'd' in = Masonry Data ------------------------- fm psi= Fs psi= Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' = Short Term Factor ·- Equiv. Solid Thick. = Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight Concrete Data fc fy psi= 3,000.0 psi= 60,000.0 other Acceptable Sizes &·~pacings Toe: Not'req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr :Key: No key defined I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ml ---------~ DUNN SAVOIE, INC. 908 S. Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 760.966.6355 your title block infonnation. Title: Dsgnr: Descriptton : Scppe: Rev: ·:550.100 : . User.:KW-0602938, Ver 5.5.0, 25-Sep-2001 (c)1983-2001 ENERCP.,LC Engineering Spflware Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Description Pit Retaining Wall ~ D+L . I Summa~ of Overturninfi1· & Resistina Forces & Moments . . ..... OVERTURNING ..... Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 1,131.3 2.64 2,989.5 Soil-Over Heel = Toe Active Pressure = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Loi1d = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Axial Dead. Load on Stem= Load @ Stem Above Soil = Soil Over Toe = SeismicLoad = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight{s) = Total = 1;131.3 O.T.M. = 2,989.5 Earth @ stem Transitions= Resisttng/Overtuming Raffo = 1.82 Footing Weight = Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2;227.3 lbs Key Weight = Vert. Component = Vertical component of active pressure used·for soil pressure Total= Job# Date: 5:34PM, 11 DEC 02 u: arker\shared\commercial ti's\le o teacu .. ... RESISTING ..... Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# 497.5 3.17 1,574.8 66.3 3.17 210.0 0.00 260.0 1.08 281.8 604.2 2.50 1,510.6 524.5 1.75 917.2 1.00 274.7 3.50 960.6 2,227.3 lbs R.M.= 5A54.9 It l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• DUNN.SAVOIE, INC. 908 S. Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 7~0.966.6355 Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Rev: 550100 . User: KW-0602938, Yer 5.5.0, 25-Sep-2001 (c)1983-2001 ENERCALC Engineering.Software Cantilevered Retaining WaU Design Description· Pit Retaining Wall -D+L +E Job# Date: 4:57PM, 3 DEC 02 u:\b arker\shared\commerciarti's\le o teacu /1 I ~riteria•.•.-... -............... w.+ ······•···· ••.. , ... •.·.•.•., .... ;; ........... ., .... I I ~oi1 .. °.~~~ .... , ..... ..;,,, ....... ; > ......... ho m.· , ...... 1 I Footing Strengths & Dimensions . ~ , ......... ..,., ....................... •,·•··········u-.... , •. ,. •... -... •.-.•·,•.,Q•··········"--····0•1.,.,., ... :: .... fj •• , •••••• m Retained Height = 6.25ft . Wall height above soil = 0.00ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 12.00in Soil Density = 120.00 pcf Windon Stem = 0.0 psf j ~;~~;.n~~@f,l:g:g:}>:-:{·:·-¾$<·:-$$·:§.,:M W:¼&&:·:J Surcharge Over Heel = 100.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning I P-~.~~~ii~ ~U~!!'a.!X ...... ·zr.••; •.. .,. •••.•.• :..........., , .•••.•.• Total Bearing Load = 2,227 lbs ... resultant ecc. = 10.75 in Soil Pressure@ Toe = 1,742 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 3,333 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored@Toe = 2,138 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear@ Toe = 16.5 psi" OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 13.9 psi OK Allowable = 93.1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 1.53 OK Allow Soil Bearing · = 3,333:o psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Passive Pressure Water height over heel Footingl!Soil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive-pressure = = 35.0 0.0 400.0 0.0 ft 0.300 0.OOin fc = · 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min. As% = 0.0014 Toe Width :;: 2.17ft HeelWidth = 1.33 Total Footing Width = 3.50 Footing Thickness = 12.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = o.oo in Key Distance from Toe = 1.00 ft Cover@ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in I .~:t~,~~11«e!~.,e.ee.!~:~}2",~-!:T,{-,.,.,.g1I I !MJ.!Lbe!g.,~ee,tt~,g;g*~·!:,m}}}}}:-:{{{{{~il . Lateral Load = 22.0 #/ft ... Height to Top = 6.25 ft ... _Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Axiat:Dead Load Axial'Live Load Axial l,.oad Eccentricity = 0.0lbs 0.0lbs 0.0in I Stem Construction -rn _To~p~s_t_em _______________ _ k·· • · · ··· ·····,;-······· · .,-.--•. ,... ··•• , ... , .. fflstem OK .Design height ft= 0.00 Wall Material Above "Hr = Concrete Thickness = 8.00 Rebar Size = # 4 Rebar Spacing = ·12.00 Rebar Placed at = Edge Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment....Actu~I Mbment. .... Allowable Shear ..... Actual Shear ..... Allowable = lbs= ft--#= psi= psi= 0.7~ 1;705.8 4,120.0 5,448.Q 22.7 93.1 Sliding = 1.16 Ratio < 1.51 Bar Develop-ABOVE Ht. Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in= in= 17.09 6.00 96.7 6.25 Sliding Cales Slab Resists All Sliding l Lateral Sli~ing · Force = 1,268.8 lbs Footing Design Results ........................................................... •.•.-... -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.............. Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 2,138 . 0 p'sf Mu': Upward = 3,602 . 0 ft--# Mu' : Downward = 888 (?18 ft--# Mu: Design = 2,715 618 ft--# Actual 1-Way Shear = 16.45 13.88 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 93.11 . 93.11 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd, Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Wall Weight R~bar Depth 'd' = in= Masonry Data --------'--~--------------- fm Fs Solid Grouting Special Inspection Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type = Concrete Data fc Fy psi= psi= = = = = Normal Weight psi= psi= 3,000.0 60,000,0 other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 17.00 in, f!5@ 26:25 in, #6@ 37.00 in, #7@ 48.25 in, #8@ 48.25 in, #9@ 4 Heel: Not req'd, Mu < $ * Fr Key: No key defined I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE, INC. 908 S. Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 760.~66.6355 your title block infonnatioi1. Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Rev: 550100 - User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.5.0, 25-Sep-2001 (c)1983-200,1 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining wan Design D~scription Pit Retaining Wall -D+L +E [~um~'!1~!I of Overturninfz! & Resistini Forces & Moments ..... OVERTURNING ..... Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 1,131.3 2.64 .2,989.5. Soil Over Heel = Toe Active Pressure = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Surcharge Over Heei = Adjacent Footing Load = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = 137.5 4.13 567.2 Axial Dead load on Stem= Load @ Stem Above Soil = Soil·Over Toe = Seismicload = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = Total = 1,268.8 .O.t.M. = 3,556:7 Earth@Stem Transitions= Resisting/Overturning· Ratio =;: 1.53 Footing Weight = Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2,227.3 lbs Key Weight = Vert. Component - Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Total= Job# Date: 5:21 PM, 3 DEC 02 1 _p u:\b arker\shared\commercial ti's\le o teacu 151 m.as: . .... RESISTING ..... Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# 497.5 3.17 1,574.8 66.3 3.17 210.0 0.00 260.0 1.08 281.8 604.2 2.50 1,510.6 524.5 1.75 917.2 1.00 274.7 3.50 960.6 2,227.3 lbs RM.= 5,454.9 a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 t .:, 1 ,i ,; 6 "/ (I 1 :, 3 -I 5 6 .7 ll I 2 :-J 4 Ii 6 / R 1 :, :I II 'i 6 . . .. . .... ·: .... '"'? ............ "• .. . /·· .. .... ·r .. ·; ................. . ' ' '· JOB-'---...J.)E::-=':{;Ayc.L.-' ~//_._-P__,_@--=-D'-' =f:---6....,.l)~N~----- SHEETNO. __ ~le--.1~-------OF _________ _ CALCULATED BY~· -"17'-T-"--~~-~---DATE_~f'2-,~fi~0~:Z-__ _ CHECKED BY _______ ..,--__ _ DATE_~------- SCALE _______________________ _ / B 123<1'>6"181 ?~Jlf5G7812:14567111 , 3 (A) f/?//1 ~M~~).fJ~? · .... , ........... : .. ~rLn"f' ... , · .... : ........... :·: ..... --:·· ;·: •.•• ti . .. ··, ............................. . .......... : .... · .... • • ·1·· .......... ,... ... R i . . . : ...... ·:··-•••• : ....... 8 ; ' ' .............. : ...... . ••• : •••••••••••• ·-• 6 ' j .. -~ . ... ... .... . n ....... : .... ,.,: ....... :....... ....... ......... .: .. : ..... l, ................. ., .: ............. i D PRODUCT 207 ~ pANM• -, a~ .......JbiJIJIJ~AX'•..,,~••••••,..7~~ f . ,-: I Q'1:JJ'~TT -mN~B~:mG/I L_ ... _________ ... ~~w.J 13275 Gregg St., Poway, CA 92064 Lie. # 683317 (858) 7 48-8400 Job )e30 la_wd~tr et1)1i/·k Location Confracto-r --!J=---:p..-7<~__,C_..'J ()-/ti.£' '7, ' QTY TOTAL en THEOR BAR TYPE UNITS N LENGTH MARK SECTIONS -· ACCESSORIES m i:cc; IMf'U Details For _ _,,_ ___ .....,......---r--------J> ump _p,-:; A A Sheet No. i Release No. 7 / 0 /7 /7 Sheet-=-~ Ot _-=._-=._-=.__ Color __________ Job# .St'J 4 ~ ::;r Date ~' ~ Grade 6 () ~ '// et 1"7' .S Splice / 7 • Detailed By )?;1,-C Del. Date Z-..3 0 -31 I.JS \ - Defo.,-/ 6/s-3· - " 3-t 1/z -1-B 1 I 1-B . ' rt2-6 80-t-, P/a:t e a f It 1 ~,;;_ e ,t,V,, 8 :6 /3 -6 600 '-': ~/ - 3-/ ., . 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