HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB161166; PermitCity of Carlsbad 04-28-2016 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB161166 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Addre~s: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: Applicant: 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD Tl Sub Type: COMM Lot#: 0 Construction Type: NEW Reference# 2111000900 $75,000.00 LEGO-4 METAL SHADE.STRUCTURES Status: ISSUED Applied: 03/25/2016 Entered By: RMA Plan Approved: 04/28/2016 Issued: 04/28/2016 Inspect Area Plan Check #: 5,895 SF TOTAL-ALL IN THE MAINTENANCE YARD AREA WITH 200 AMP PANEL (#1 = 1800S, #2 = 1,800 SF, #3= 1095 SF, #4= 1200 SF) Owner: SMITHCONSULTING ARCHITECTS STE 125 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LL C <LF> PLAY US ACQUISI C/0 PROPERTY TAX SERVICE CO 13280 EVENING CREEK DR SAN OIEGO CA 92128 858 793-4 777 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD#2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Green Bldg Stands (S81473) Fee . Fire Expedidted Plan Review $516.31 $0,00 $361.42 $0.00 $0.00 $21.0b $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $86.00 $0.0b $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 PO BOX 543185 . DALLAS TX 75354 Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFO Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) license Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Redev Parking Fee Additional Fees HMP Fee Green Bldg Standards Plan Chk TOTAL PERMIT FEES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $89.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0b $0.00 ?? ?? $1,076.73 Total Fees: $1,076.73 Total Payments To Date: $1,076.73 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPR02'L Date: 1-ZI, ,.,I. Clearance: --------- l'OTICE: Please ta<e l'OTICE that i:woo ci your ptject indUES the "lrrp:sition" r:i fees, drlcations, reservatici1S, cr cthar exa:tions taeatter ccilecti\€1y referred to as ''fee&'exa:ticm." Yru ha\e 00 clays frcrn the date tns i:ermt wes iSSl.8:1 to prctest irrp:sition ci these fees'exa:tions. If you p-ctest trail, you rrust fdlo.vthe p-ctest µrorl.res set forth in G:,.,etm-ent Ccxle Section oo:2'.l(a), !rd file the p-ctest !rd any cthar re::p.ira:1 infonration wth the aty !'vtng:f'fcr ,:rocessirg in oo.:m:Ja-m wth ca1sba::f Mrid,:a Ccxle Section 3.32.0&l Failt.re to tirrely fdlo.vthat pr:cxm.re wll ta-any Sli:sa::µlnt legal c:dion to atta::k. rei.eN, set asice, l.tid, cr an.I treir in,::x::sition. Yru a-e reret¥ R.Rll-ER N'.JllFIED that yo.r rigt to p-ctest the sp3dfioo fees'exa:tions OCES r,,ot PPR.. Y to wat~ !rd ret.er cxrra:tion fees ard a:µ:dty cn:rges, ncr plrnrg, zcrirg, ga:irg or ctrer sinilc:r <'qliCciion µ-ocessirg cr sel\100 fees in carection wth tlis ptject. I'm oces IT PPR.. Y to a'fy fees'exa:tionsciwiich · · a 'nila-t · av.ti the er:ilinitationshas 'a.Jsi cttiav,;se ·ra:1. City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 04-28-2016 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit Permit No:SW160147 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: CB#: Project Title: Applicant: 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD SWPPP 2111000900 Lot#: CB161166 LEGO-4 METAL SHADE STRUCTURES 0 Owner: Status; . Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: Tier: Priority: ISSUED 03/25/2016 RMA 04/28/2016 1 M SMITH CONSUL TING ARCHITECTS STE 125 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LL C <LF> PLAY US ACQUISI C/O PROPERTY TAX SERVICE CO 13280 EVENING CREEK RD SAN DIEGO CA 92128 858 793-4 777 Emergency Contact: CHRIS ROMERO 760 846-0642 SWPPP Plan Check SWPPP Inspections Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES PO BOX 543185 DALLAS TX 75354 $54.00 $228.00 $0.00 $282.00 Total Fees: $282.00 Total Payments To Date: $282.00 Balance Due: DATE '7-~NCE SIGNATURE_ . _ ~ d= $0.00 THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TQ PERMIT ISSUANCE: OPLANNING OENGINEERING OBUILDING OFIRE OHEALTH OHAZMAT/APCD {btyof Building Permit Application Plan Check No. ( ~ ri, I I bb 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Est. Value ~ / f fifi ~ Carlstiad Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Plan Ck. Depo;1{ -email: building@carlsbadca.gov a~ www.carlsbadca.gov ""Date 0 Pl t:.j / / l, lswPPP JOBADDRESS One LEGOLAND Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUITEI/SPACEI/UNITI I IAPN 211 -22 -10 - CT/PROJECT# ILOT# 'PHASE# r OF UNITS r BEDROOMS #BATHROOMS I TENANT BUSINESS NAME I CONSTR. 1YPE I occ. GROUP LEGOLAND California V-8 S1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Ffft of Affected Area(s) Construction of Four (4) metal shade structures totaling 5,895 s.f. (#1: 1,800 s.f, #2: 1,800, #3A: 1,095s.f. & #'fc: 1,200 s.f.)within the exterior·maintenance yard with associated structural, electrical and minor demolition. EXISTING USE I PROPOSED USE I GARAG~. (SF) PATI~ (SF) IDECKS-(SF) AREPLACE I AIR CONDITIONING I ARE SPRINKLERS Storage, maintenance Stor ./Ma int. YES0,. No[ZJ YES ONo [ZI YEsD No[ZI 'APPLICANT NAME Andrew Tarango PROPERTY OWNER NAME LEGOLAND California Primary Contact ADDRESS ADDRESS 13280 Evening Creek Dr. #125 One LEGOLAND Drive CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP San Dieqo CA 92128 Carlsbad CA 92008 PHONE IFAX PHONE. IFAX (858) 793-4777 (858) 793-4787 (760) 918-5460 (760) 918-5469 EMAIL EMAIL andrewt@sca-sd.com chris.romero@legoland.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Cheryl D. Smith CONTRACl'OR BUS. NAME (i , ~ ~' \M-~ \ . . ~~~l'°\A II ,.. -~ • ADDRESS ADDRESS S?..S . 13280 Eveninq Creek Dr. #125 ~-s-\. CITY . STATE ZIP CITY~ 0 STATE ZIP San Dieao CA 9212~ '"°a." CA a.2,0\ PHONE IFAX PHONE " . I FAX (858) 793-4777 (858) 793-4787 l;,l({-5ls.Lf -75'55 G,\(\-Slo4-i'55(;, EMAIL EMAIL • 0-JC.~M.e.cil d,,-Sd.C.oM.. 15TATELIC.# STATELIC.# ICLASSB . icrz28i.t1 ; eo "~ C11,701 ~~C\S'-\2.. (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any CiJ,y or County which requires a permit to construct alter, Improve, demolish or repair any_ structu applicant for such permit to file a signed statement ttlat he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of tiie Contractor's License Law !Chapter 9, com me Business and Professions Code} or that he is exempt therefrom, ahd the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applies clvil penalty of not more than·five hundred dollars {$500)). . to its issuance, also re~uires the with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the for a permit subjects the applicant to a Workers' CompensaOon Dtclaratlon: I he18by affirm under penally of petft,uy one of the following declarations: · 0 I have and wlll maintain a ctrtlftcate of consent to self-l111ure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfonnance of the work for which this pennit is issued. . 18l.1 have and will maintain wo'!":' Comfl'-on, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor ~e, for the performance of the work for which~ pennit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy numbera/8:lnsuranceCo. ~ ('l\e..So.. V\5Ptt1,Qce. ~~PolicyNo. 't03~'2.G,5 \5 ExpirationDate \2/of'd/ f lD J]l!§;section need not be completed if the perinH is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. LJ Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the perfonnance of.the work for which this pennit is Issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workeis' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to HCUl'I workers' compensation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and clvll fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), In addlOon to !ht cost of compensation, damages II provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor code, Interest and attorney'• fen . ..@S' CONTRACTORSIGNATIJRE OAGENT. DATE 4 (2-8// 1&, I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's l.icensf Law for the fol/owing reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement Is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). D I, as owner of the property, am exdusively contracting with Ucensed contractors lo construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractots License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such p!0jects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors License Law). D I am exempt under Secllon~ ___ Business and Professions Code for this /8ason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0Yes 0No 2. I (have/ have not) signed an application for a buildiQg pennlt for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (!inn) to provide the proposed construction (indude name address / phone / contractois' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions 9f the work. but I have hired the following person lo coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (indude name / address / phone / contractois' license number): 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name /address/ phone I type of work): ~ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE OAGENT DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant reqlired lo submit a business pl!III, acutely hazardous materials regi$tion form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-TamerHazanlousSubstanceAccountAct? _ Yes _No Is the applicant or future building occupant reqlired lo obtain a permit from thUir pollution control dis1ricl or air quality management disbicl? Yes -No lsthefacilitytobeconsbuctedwittin 1,000feetoftheout«boundarycfaschoolslte? _ Yes _ jNo IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affinn that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this pennit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). lender's Name Lender's Address I certify that I ha¥e read the application and slalethattheabolle infonnalfon lsconectand that the Information on the plans lsaa:urate. I &greeto c:omplywlth all City onlinances and State laws relating to buiding conslnlction. I hereby authorize representaliYe cithe Ci)ycic:arlsbad t, enlal'~ the aboYa mentiooed prq>eltyb'ilspecbl p!IJ)OS8S. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS NO EXPENSES WHICH MAY N ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: Pit OSHA permit is requied b' · aR5'0' deep and demolliln or conslludion ciswctlm aR3 mies i1 heg1t. EXPIRATION: Evelypermitissued -Official underlhe -· • of tis Codeshall8l(l)ie by linilatmand becoolenul andvokl iflhe buililg orv.oocau1horized by such pemitis notca1111e11ced withil 180 days 1rom the dale of such · orW!Xk~ permit is suspended orabaidoned at any tine after the v.ooc is COl11l18llCed fora perkxl ci 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Unifoon Buikf119 Code). ~~~ -~ -~,~~ STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY {Commercial Projects O rllfyJ Fax (760) 602-8560, Email building@carlsbadca.gov or Mail the completed fonn.to City of Csrfsbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Csrlsbad, Cslifomia 92008. CO#: (Office Use Only) CONTACT NAME OCCUPANT NAME ADDRESS BUILDING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA PHONE ·-I FAX EMAIL OCCUPANT'S BUS. LIC. No. DELIVERY OPTIONS PICKUP: CONTACT (Usted above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg.1) MAIL TO: CONTACT (Usted above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) .ASSOCIATED CB# CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) NO CHANGE 11:fUSE/ NO CONSTRUCTION MAIL/ FAX TO OTHER: CHANGE OF USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION .J!S' APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE Inspection List Permit#: CB161166 Type: Tl Date -----·-Inspection Item 09/26/2016 89 Final Combo 09/26/2016 89 Final Combo 09/23/2016 89 Final Combo 09/23/2016 89 Final Combo 08/09/2016 39 Final Electrical 08/08/2016 89 Final Combo 07/26/2016 12 Steel/Bond Beam 07/25/2016 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 07/19/2016 12 Steel/Bond Beam 07/06/2016 31 ·Underground/Conduit-Wirin 06/01/2016 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Wednesday, September 28, 2016 COMM l_!'_spector Act RI PB AP RI PY CA PB AP PD PA PB AP PB 'CA PB AP PB AP PB AP LEG0-4 METAL SHADE STRUCTURES 5,8.95 SF TOTAL-ALL IN THE MAIN1ENAN Comments AM PLEASE/ NRR Page 1 of 1 ,HiTE HiLL -INSPECTION TESTING/ ENGINEERING City of Carlsbad Buildiilg Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Facsimile: (760) 602-8560 September 20, 2016 Reference: Legoland California, Maintenance Yard-Pertuit No: CB161166 Subject: Final Verification of Special fuspection and Materials Testing Ladies and Gentlemen: Special Inspections of reinforced concrete, structural steel, high strength bolting and epoxy anc~ors were performed for the structure/s constructed under the referenced project name and permit number(s) by representatives of HiTE (Hill-inspection/Testing/Engineering). To the best of my knowledge, all the work requiring special inspection and/or material sampling and testing was performed in accordance with the approved plans, construction documents and changes thereto of the approved inspection and testing program and the applicable workmanship provisions of the California Building Code. We appreciate the opportunity of providing our services. Respectfully submitted, ~ffeh~ llemy Barton Hill, P1incipal Engineer M.S., P.E. No: C 64822 Distribution: (1) Legoland (1) Commerial Builders, On-Site PO Box 771, San Diego, CA 92038-0771 San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • Imperial • San Bernardino www.h-ite.com • (858) 220-1078 Office• (858) 220~7421 Fax HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING./ ENGINEERING Office (858} 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Foundation Observation Report Project Name Date ·Maintenance Yard-Shade Structure 25-May-2016 Project Location One LeQoland Driv~. Carlsbad, Californja ·Owner I Developer Contractor Merlin l=ntertainment CBI Project I Permit Number 'Lot(s) I Parcel CB161166 18 / 211-1 00-09 . Soils Report Ref. Soils Report Foundation Type Conventional (Provided by Others) Expansion Condition High Fil/Geometry Category II Founclation Depth · 24 inches min. Found. Reinforcement (3) #5 Bar E.W., Top & Bot. Foµndat/on Width 3.5 feet min. Interior Reinforcemfint Slab bedding Undisturbed Soil Vapor Barrier. Observations: Observed 31-611 square pad footing at a depth of 24", at Shade Structure #1. Verified soil conditions exposed are similar to those anticipated. Excavation and recompaction at six pads pending . Comments: The presence of our field representative is for the purpose of observing the construction and reporting on its compliance with the approved plans and the applicable building codes. Our work does not include the supervisicm or direction of the contractor's work, his employees or agents. The contractor for this project should be so advised. The contractor should all so be advised that neither the presence of our field personnel-nor the observation ;:ind testing by this. firm shali excuse him in any way for defects in his work. ft should further be understood that we are not responsible for site-safety. .. FIELD TECHNICIAN/ REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Foundation Observation Report Project Name Date Maintenance Yard-Shade Structure 26-May-2016 Project Location One Leqoland Drive, Carlsbad, California Owner I Developer Contractor Merlin Entertainment CBI Project I Perrriit Number Lot(s) I Parcel CB1_61166 18 / 211-1'00-09 .. Soils Report Ref. Soils R~port Founda(ion Type . Conventional · (Provided by Others} Expansion Conditign High Fil/Geometry Category II Foundation Depth 24 inches min. found. Reinfor1cement 3} #5 E.W., T&B. (3} #5 Trav.,(4} #5 Long. T&B. Foundation Width 3.5 feet min. Interior Reinforcement 4 X 2.25 fee·t min. . Slab·bedding. Undisturbed Soil Vapor Barrier Observations: Observed 3'-6" .square and 4'-0" x 2'-3" pad footing at a depth of 24", at Shade Structure #1, 2, 3A & 3C. Verified soil conditions exposed are similar to those anticipated. The observed foundations appear in substantial conformance. Installation of reinforcement pending. Comments: It is our understanding that all excavations will be cleaned of loose soil and debris prior to concrete placement; and that the soil moisture content will be maintained . . The presence of our field r~ipresentative is for the purpose of observing the construction and reporting on its compliance with the approved plans and the applicable building codes. Our work does not include the supervision or direction of the contractor's work, his employees or agents. The contractor for this project should be so .advised. The contractor should all so be advised that neither the presence of our field personnel nor the observation and testing by this firm shall excuse him in any way for defects in his work. It should further be understood that we are not responsible for site safety. San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino 1- HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Special Inspection Report Project Address Building Permit Number One Legoland Drive CB1·61166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Reinforced Cone. fc=3000 psi RMC HTK Description of Materials General Contractor ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing CBI 3/4" ASTM F1554, GR 36 Anchor Bolts Sub Contractor CCI Other . Inspection Dale I [itart of Work I End of Work I 1-Jun-16 - Provided Special Inspection for the placement of reinforcing steel in the Shade Structure Foundations #1, #2, #3A & #3C, per Foundation Plan and Footing Schedule Mark F-1 & F-2 on Sheet S1, at the referenced project. All steel sizes, laps and clearances are in substantial conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and changes thereto. ,. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CdNSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI June 1, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL • INSPE<;:TION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection Report Building-Permit Number One Legoland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consulting Construction Materi?il Design strength Source Engineer Reinforced Cone. fc=3000 psi. Robertson's RMC HTK Descriptioffof Materials General Contractor ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing CBI 3/4" ASTM F1"554-, GR 36 Anchor Bolts --Sub Contractor Robertson's RMC, Mix Design 42191, 3000 psi CCI Other Inspection Deyte I Start of Work I End of Work 1-Jun-16 Provided Special Inspection for the deposit of approximately 30 cubic yards (cyd) Robertson's RMC, Mix Design 42191, 3000 psi into the Shade Structure Foundations .. The concrete was placed by chute and vibrated mechanically for consolidation. Fabricated one set of cylinders from concrete for testing. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside• San Bernardino ACI No.: 01347370 ICC, No.: 1113681-Ml June 1, 2016 . HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING /ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection Report_ Building P(!lrmit Number One Leqoland .Drive CB·161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Braun Straus _HTK Description of-Materials General Contractor CBI ASTM A325, Dia 5/8-11x2" Type 1 ASTM A 194-2H, 5/8-11 Heavy H.ex Nut Sub Contrar;;tor Titan ASTM F436, Flat Washer Other SD Construct Weld Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 23:-Jun-16 Provided specic;1I inspection for the fit-up of bolted connections for Shade Structure 3A, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Verified, proper storage of fastener components, and that the faying surfaces adjacent to the bolt head and nuts are free of dirt and foreign material. It should be noted, oversized holes at anchor bolt to column base plate conection, pending review by the Engineer of Record. ' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE R_EPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER June 23, 2016 DATE ,. HiTE HILL --INSPECTION TESTING/ ENGINEERING Special Inspection Report Project Address -Building Permit Number One Leooland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strength Source ,Engineer HTK Structural Steel A992 Bra1,1n Straus Description of Materials General-Contractor ASTM A325, Dia 5/8-11x2'' Type 1 CBI ASTMA194-2H, 5/8-11 Heavy Hex Nut Sub Contractor ASTM F436, Flat Washer Titan Other SD. Construct Weld ,,, Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 28-Jun-16 . Provided special inspection for the fit-up of bolted connections for Shade Structure 3C, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Verified, proper storage offastenercomponents, and that the faying surfaces adjacent to the bolt head and nuts ate free of dirt and foreign material. It should be noted, oversized holes at anchor bolt to column base plate conection, pending review by the Engjneer of Record. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry l;larton Hill, PE 64822 S~n Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angele§ • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-Ml REGISTRATION NUMBER June 28, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING/ ENGINEERING , project Address Special Inspection Report Building Permit Number One Leoorand Prive· -CB16t166 Architect Office (858} 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction /.File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard S:mith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Braun Straus HTK Description-of Materials · General Contractor ASTMA992 CBI Sub Contractor Titan Other -SD Construct Weld Inspection.Date I Start of Work /End of Work I 1-Jul-16 Provided special inspection for the fit-Up of bolted connections for Shade Structure 3A & 3C, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Verified, proper storage of fastener components, and that the faying surfaces adjacent to the bolt head and nuts are free of dirt and foreign material. It should be noted, firm contact of plates and the snug-tight condition at beam to column bolted conections has not been obtained. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABQVE REPORTED. WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO Tl.lE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Sernardino ICC, No,: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 1, 2016 HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Name Field Observation Report Maintenance Yard-Shade Structure Project Location One LeQoland Drive, Carlsbad,. California Owner I Developer Contractor · Merlin Entertainment Project I Permit Number Lot(sYI Parcel CB161166 .Equipment Mechanical Tamp Foreman I Operator Weather Hot and Dry Visitors Estimated Completion August, 2016 Other Approx. Ya(dage Moved Other - Date CBI Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com 6-Jul-2016 18 / 211-100-09 SAS Electric Observed the backfill and re-compaction of utility trenches for electrical conduit along East sides of site at Structure #2 . Conducted one test on material. Material conforms. epeeceoo e e_ee e o e oeoo e e construction a.nd reporting on its compliance with the approved plans and the applicable building GOdes. Our work does riot include the supervision or direction of the contractor's work, his employees or agents. The contractor for this project should be so advised. The contractor should all so be advised that neither the presenc'e of our field personnel nor the observation and testing by this finn shall excuse him in any way tor defects in his work. It . . - Henry Barton Hill, PE C64822 San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING /ENGINEERING Office (858} 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Project Address Building Permit Number Jurisdiction I File Number One Legoland Drive CB161166 Carlsbad Project Name · Architect -Maintenance Yard Smith Consultino Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel f\99.2 Braun Straus HTK Description of Materials General Contractor CBI ASTMA992 Sub Contractor SD Construct Weld Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 12-JuI:.1 a Provided special inspection for the repair welding of weldments for base plates at Shade Structure 3A & 3C, per ZJS repair detail Dated (6/30/16). Observed 1 /4" fillet·welded washer to plate repair connections. Verified Welder qualifications, preparation of base metals, and handling of filler materials. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS-OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Heqry Barton Hjll, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-Ml REGISTRATION NUMBER July 12, 2016 DATE -----~-----~---'---" HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Proj~ct Address Builcjing Permit Number Jurisdiction I File Number One Leqoland Drive CB161166 Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Architect Smith Consulting Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Braun Str~us HTK Description of Materials General-Contractor· ASTMA992 CBI Sub Contractor SD Construct Weld Other /nspe9tion Date I Start of Worf( I End of Work I 13-Jul-16 Provided special inspection for the repair welding of weldments for base plates at Shade Structure 1 & 2, per ZJS repair detail Dated (6/30/16). Observed 1/4" fillet welded washer to plate repair connections. Verified Welder qualifications, preparation of base metals, and handling of filler materials. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSP ECTEb THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 13, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special lnspec~ion Report Project Address -Building Permit Number Jurisdiction I File Number One Leooland Drive CB161166 Carlsbad . . . Project Name Maintenance Yard Architect Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strength Source En1;fineer Structural Ste~I A992 Braun Straus HTK Description of Materials Geheral Contractor ASTM A325, nia 5/8-11x2" Type 1 CBI ASTM A194-2H, 5/8-11 Heavy Hex Nut Sub Contractor Titan ASTM F436, Flat Washer Other SD Construct Weld . . Inspection Date I Start of Warf( I End of Wark I 14-Jul-16 Provided special inspection for the fit-up and tack welding of weldments for Shade Structure 1 & 2, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Verified,. proper storage of fastener components, and that the faying surfaces adjacent to the bolt head and nuts are free of dirt and foreign material. It should be noted, firm contact of plates and the snug-tight condition at beam to column bolted conections has not been verified . . I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED . · WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 14, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Project Address Building Permit Number Jurisdiction I File Number One Leqoland Drive CB161166 Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Architect Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel Af:392 Braun Straus HTK Description of-Materials General Contractor ASTM C1107, Hub 100 II, High Strength, Non-Shrink Grout CBI Sub Contractor . SD Construct Weld Other /nspei;/ion Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 14:-Jul-16 Provided special inspection Provided periodic observation for the High Strength Non-Shrink Grout at the Structural Steel .(SSJ columns for Structures 1 & 3A. Hub 100 11, High Str~ngth, Non-Shrink Grout was used conforming to ASTM C1107. Fabricated one set of four cylinders from grout for testing. I·HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OFMY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. ~ San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 14, 2016 .. HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Project Address Building Permit Number Jurisdiction I File Number One Leqoland Drive CB161166 Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Architect Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural $tee! A992 Braun Straus HTK Description of Materials General Contractor CBI ASTM C1107, Hub 100 II, High Strength, Non~Shrink Grout Sub Contractor SD Construct Weld . Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of.Work I 15-Jul-16 Provided special inspectionProvided periodic observation for the High Strength Non-Shrink Grout at the Structural Steel (SS) columns for Structures 2 & 3C. Hub 100 11, High Strength, Non-Shrink Grout was used conforming to ASTM C1107. Fabricated one set of four cylinders from grout for testing . I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. HflnryBarton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 15, 2016 DATE HiTE l:IILL • INSPECTION TESTING /-ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection Report Building Permit Number One Legoland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq . Construction Material-Design Strength Source Engineer Reinforced Cone. fc=3000 psi Robertson's RMC HTK Description of Materials General Contractor ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reihforcing CBI Robertson's RMC, Mix Design 42191, 3000 psi Sub Contractor Simpson Strong-Tie®, SET-XP Epoxy, ICC ESR-2508 . CCI Other .• Inspection Date I Starl of Work I End of Work I 18-Jul-16 Provided special inspection for the epoxy installation of (221} #4 dowel anchors embedded a minimum of 5", into existing concrete Slab-on-Grade at Structures 1, 2 & 3A, per Sheet A2, Detail 16. All holes were drilled LJsing the correct drill bit size, and properly brushed/cleaned. Installation of anchors is in compliance with ICC ESR-2508, and manufactures specifications. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUl!-DING LAWS. . San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 18, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING/ ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection Report Building Permit Number One Leqoland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858} 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq .. Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Reinforced Gone. f'c=3000 psi Robertson's RMC HTK Description of Materials General. Contractor ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing CBI Robert!:ion's RMC, Mix Design 42191,.3000 psi Sub Contractor CCI Other Inspection pate I Start of Work I End of Work I 20-Jul-16 Provided Special Inspection for the deposit of approximately 10 cubic yards ( cyd) Robertson's RMC, Mix Design 42191, 3000 psi into the Colum_n Base Cov~rs at Structures 1,2 & 3A. The concrete was placed by .chute and vibrated mechanically for consolidation. Fabricated one set of cylinders from concrete for testing. .. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WbRK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBNDOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino . ACI No.: 01347370 ICC, No.: 1113681-MI July 20, 2016 HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection Report Building Permit Number One Leqoland Drive CB161166 · Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Mater/al Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A9~2 Braun Straus HTK Description of Materials General Contractor ASTM A325, Dia 5/8-11x2" Type 1 CBI ASTM A194-2H, 5/8-11 Heavy Hex Nut Sub Contractor ASTM F436, Flpt Washer Titan Other SD Construct Weld Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 20-Jul-16 Provided special inspection for the fit-up of bolted connections for Shade Structure 1,2,3A, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Verified, proper storc)ge of fastener components, and that the faying surfaces adjacent to the bolt head and nuts are free of dirt and foreign material. Observed firm contact of plates and the snug-tight condition at all beam to column bolted connection with the exception of beam connection at Structure 3C, review by the Engineer of Record pending. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY.KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 20, 2016 '. HiT·E HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Foundation Observation Report .. Project Name Date Maintenance Yard-Shade Structure 22-Jul-2016 Project Location One LeQoland Drive, Carlsbc3d, California Owner I Developer Contractor M·erlin Entert_ainment CBI Project I Permit Number _Lot(s)J Parcel CB161166 18 / 211-100-09 Soils Report Ref. Soils Report Founcfation Type Conventional (Provided by Others) Expansion Cond(tion High Fill Geometry Category II Foundation Depth q i11ches min. Found. Reinforcement #5 @ 18" o.c., E.W. Foundation Width 30 feet min. Interior Reinforcement Slab bedding Comp;:icted Base Vapor Barrier Observations: Observed 30' x 40' Slab:-on-Grade at a minimum depth of 5", at Shade Structure #3C. Verified soil conditions exposed are similar to those anticipated. The observed foundations appear in substantial conformance. Installation of vertical reinforcement pending. Comments: It is our understanding that all excavations will be cleaned of loose soil and debris prior to concrete placement; and that the soil moisture content will be maintained. · The presence of our field representative is for the purpose-of observing the construction and reporting on its compliance with the approved plans and the applicable bJJilding codes. Our work does.not include the supervision or direction of the cpntractor's work, his employees or agents. The contractor for this I--J./,t3£=~~.:::__c:.==:~.,L.1:..yt.:.L ______ _. project should be so advised, The contractor should all so be advised that neither the presence of our field personnel nor the observation and testing by this firm shall excuse him in any way for-defects in his work. It should further be understood that we are not responsible for site safety. San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Address .. Special Inspection Report Building Permit Number One Legoland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Prdject Name . Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction .Material Design strength Source Engineer Reinforced Cone. fc=3000 psi RMC HTK ·bescription of Materials General Contractor ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing CBI Sub Contractor CCI Other .. Inspection Dale I Start of Work I End of Work I 25-JL!l-16 Provided Special Inspection for the placement of reinforcing steel in the Shade Structure #3C, Slab-on- Grade, per Detail 19 on Sheet A3, at the referenced project. All steel sizes, laps and clearances are in substantial conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and changes thereto . . I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MYK!',lOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING.BUILDING I,.AWS. Heriry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI July 25, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING/ ENGINEERING . Project Address Special Inspection Repo-rt Building Permit Number One Leooland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strength Source E:ngineer Reinforced Cone. fc=3000 psi Robertson~s RMC HTK Description of Materials General Contractor ASTM A615 Grade SO Reinforcing _CBI Robertson's RM~. Mix Design 42191,3000 psi_ Sub Contractor Simpson Strong-Tie®, SET-XP Epoxy, ICC ESR-2508 CCI Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work 26-Jul-16 Provided special inspection for the epoxy installation of (27) #4 dowel anchors embedded a minimum of 5", into existing concrete curb at Structures 3C, per Sheet A2, Detail 16. All holes were drilled using the correct drill bit size, and properly brushed/cleaned. Installation of anchors is in compliance with ICC ESR- 2508, and manufactures specifications. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 26, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING /ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Project Address Building.Permit Number Jurisdiction I File Number · One Leqoland Drive CB161166 Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Architect Smith Consultinq . . Construction Material Design $trength Source Engineer Reinforced Cone. fc=3000 psi RMC HTK Description of Materials General Contractor CBI ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing Sub Contractor . ·_CCI Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 26-Jul-16 Provided Special Inspection for the placement of reinforcing ~teel in the Shade Structure #3C, House Keeping Pad with vertical #4 and horizontal #5 bar@ 18" o.c, e.w., per Detail 19 on Sheet A3, at the referenced project. All steel sizes, laps and clearances are in substantial conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and changes thereto. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE eEsT OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCT.IOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING-BUILDING LAWS. San Dieg_o • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino July 26, 2016 DATE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Special Inspection Repc;>rt Project Address Building Permit Number One Leaoland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strel')gth Source Engineer R~inforced Cone. fc=3000 psi Robertson's RMC HTK Description·of Materials General Contractor CBI ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing Robertson's RMC, Mix Desigri SD560T31, 3000 psi .. $ub Contractor CCI . Other I .. Inspection Date I Start of Work 1 End of Work 27-Jul-16 Provided Special Inspection for the deposit of approximately 40 cubic yards (cyd) Robertson's RMC, Mix De.sign SD560T31, 3000 psi into the Slab-on-Grade at Structure 3C. The concrete was placed by trailer pump. Fabricated one set of cylinders from concrete for testing. . . I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE 'INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ACI No.: 01347370 ICC, No.: 1113681-MI July 27, 2016 HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING I ENGINEERING .Project Address Special Inspection Report Building Permit Number One Leqoland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project.Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design strength Source Engineer Reinforced Con(::. fc=3000 psi Robertson's RMC HTK Description of.Materials-General Contractor ASTM A61_5 Grade 60 Reinforcing CBI Robertson's ~MC, MixDesign 42191, 3000 psi Sub Contractor CCI Simpson Strong-Tie®, SET-XP E·poxy, ICC ESR-2508 Other - Inspection Date I Start of Work./ End of Work I 27-Jul-16 Provided special inspection for the epoxy installation of (28) #4 dowel anchors embedded a minimum of 5", into existing concrete curb at Structures 2 & 3C, per RFI provided by the Engineer of Record. All holes were drilled using the correct drill bit size, and properly brushed/cleaned. Installation of anchors is in compliance with ICC ESR-2508, and manufactures speQifications. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THI; GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 27, 2016 HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection ~eport Building Permit Number One Leooland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name ·Maintenance Yard Smith Consultino Construction Material Design Strength Souri:;;e Engineer Reinforced Cone. fc=3000 psi Robertson's. RMC HTK Description ofMatefia/s General Contractor ASTM A615 Grad~ 60 Reinforcing CBI Ro.bertson's RMC, Mix Design 42191, 3000 psi Sub Contractor ,' CCI Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 28-Jul-16 Provided Special Inspection for the deposit of approximately 10 cubic yards (cyd) Robertson's RMC, Mix Design 42191, 3000 psi into the Column Base Covers at Structures 2 & 3C. The concrete was placed by chute· and vibrated mechanically for consolidation. Fabricated one set of cylinders from concrete for testing. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ACI No.: 01347370 ICC, No.: 1113681-MI July 28, 2016 HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING/ ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection Report Building Permit Number One Legoland Drive CB161.1·66 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.con:i Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design-Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Braun Straus HTK Deyscription of Materials General Contr?Jctor CBI ASTM A325, Dia 5/8-11x2" Type 1 ASTM A194-2H, 5/8-11_ Heavy H~x Nut Sub.Contractor ASTM F436, Flat Washer Titan Other SD Construct Weld Inspection-Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 25~Aug-16 NOTICE OF CORRECTION Provided special inspection for the fit-up of bolted connections at Shade Structure 3C, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Contractor failed to provide repair details approved by the City of Carlsbad and the Engineer of Record (EOR) at HTK, per Special lncpection Report Dated (07 /20/16). Removal of the mis-fabricated members, arid reQlacement with members that have been QroQerl)'.'. fabricated Pending. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER August25,2016 DATE HiTE 1-!ILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Address . Special Inspection Report Building.Permit Number One Legoland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consulting Constructi9n Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Braun Straus HTK Description of Materials General Contractor _ASTM A3~5, Dia 5/8-11x2" Type 1. .. CBI ASTMA194-2H, 5/8-11 Heavy Hex Nut Sub Contractor ASTM F436; Flat Washer Titan Other .SD Construct Weld Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work 19-$ep-16 Provided special inspection at the bolted connections for Shade Structure 3C, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Observed the replacement of mis-fabricated members, and verified firm contact of plates and the snug-tight condition at all beam to column bolted connections. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER September 19, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME PROJECT ADDRESS PERMIT NUMBER · JURISDICTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUB CONTRACTOR LOCATION IN STRUCTURE MA TERJAL SUPPLIER TICKET NUMBER MIX DESIGN SLUMP, !NGHE$ DATE MADE QA TE RECEIVED TECHNICIAN NOTES . Compressive Strength Report . --- LEGOLAND® CALIFORNIA-Maintenance Yard One L~ooland Dr., Carlsbad, CA - CB161166 .. City of Carlsbad CBI CCI .. , Shade Structure Foundations Robertson's RMC 15S828 . ' 42191 DESIGN SfRENGTH, PSI 4 AGE, MIN/.ITE$ _ 01-Jun-16 UNIT WEIG.HT, PCF 02-Jun-16: TEMPERATURE, Deg; F HB SAMPLEM~RK . COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST SCHEDULE '' Lab Nq. 2010500-2010501: 201'0502'- · Date 04-Jun-16 04-..lun-16 04 .. Jun-16 Age, days 3 3 3 Diameter, in. 6.00 .6.00 q.00 Area, sq. in. 28.27 28.27 28,27 -Load, lbs 113050 104180: 104450 Strength, psi _ 4,000 3,690 . 3,690 Fracture 1 1 5 Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858} 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com 3000 55 147 74 MYFnd Fracture Type: Cone=1, Cone Split=2, Columnar=3, Shear=4, Side Fracture=S, Pointed Side Fracture=6 Applicable Standards: ASTM C31, C39, C.138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C1064, C1231 Distribution: LEGOLAND® California 14.-Jun-16 Date: HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME · PROJECT ADDRESS PERMIT NUMBER JURISDICTION -GENERAL CONTRACTOR SU~ CONTRACTOR -LOCATION IN STRUCTURE MATERIAL, SUPPLIER TICKET NUMBER MIX DESIGN SLUMP, INCHES DATE MADE DA TE RECEIVED TECHNlt;IAN NOTES Compressive Strength Report LEGOLAND® CALIFORNIA-Maintenance Yard One Legoland Dr_., Carlsbad, CA CB161166 City of Carlsbad CBI CCI Shade Structure Foundations ·- Robertson1s RMC 155828 42191 DESIGN STRENGTH, PSI 4 AGE, MINUTES 01-Jt,m-16 .UNIT WEIGHT, PCF . · 02-Jun-16 TEMPERATURE, Deg. F HB SAMPLE/vfARK COMPRESSIVI= STRENGTH TEST SCHEDULE Lab No. 2010503 20_1®504 ~ 2010505. 2010506 Date 08-Jun-16 29-Jun-16 29-Jun-1-6 29-Jun-16 Age, days 7 28 28 28 Diameter, in. 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Area, sq. in. 28.27 28.27 28.27 · 28.27 Load, lbs 105250 11-3420 113300 112890 Strength, psi 3,720 4,010 4,010 3,990 Fractwe -1 1 5 1 Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com 3000 55 147 74 MYFnd Fracture Type: Cone=1, Cone Split=2, Columnar-3, Shear=4, Side Fracture=S, Pointed Side Fracture=6 Applicable Standards: ASTM C31, C39, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C1064, C1231 Distribution: LEGOLAND® California 09-Jul-16_ Date: __ ____....... .. HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME PROJECT ADDRESS PERMIT NUMBER JURISDICTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR SU/3 CONTRACTOR LOCATION IN STRUCT{JRE; MATERIAL SUPPLIER .. TICKET NUMBER MIX DESIGN SLUMP, INCHES DATE MADE DA TE RECEIVED .TECHNICIAN NOTES Compressive Strength Report LEGOL,AND® CALIFORNIA-Maintenance Yard One Legoland Dr., Carlsbad, CA CB161166 City of Carlsbad CBI CCI Column Bf;\se ., HL!b 100 II, High Strength ASTM C1107 Column Grout DESIGN STRENGTH, PSI 4 AGE, MINUTES 14-Jul-16 UNIT WEIGHT, PCF 15-Jul-16 TEMPERATURE, Deg. F HB SAMPLE MARK .. - COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST SCHEDULE Lab No. 2010577 2010578 20-10'579 · Date 11-Aug-16 11-Aug-16 11-Aug-16 • Age, d,ays '28 28 28 Diam~tet, in. 2.00 2.00 2.00 Area, t'jq. in. 3.14 3.14 3.14 Load, lbs 21030 21050 22210 Strength, psi 6,700 6,700 7,070 Fracture 1 1 1 Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com 3000 30 145 74 MY CB Grout Fracture Type: Cone=1, Cone Split=2, Columnar-3, Shear=4, Side Fracture=S, Pointed Side Fracture=6 Applicable Standards: ASTM C31, C39, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C1064, C1231 Distribution: LEGOLAND® California 21-Au -16 Date: HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME PROJECT ADDRESS PERMIT NUMBER JURISDICTION 'GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUB CONTRACTOR LOCATIONJN STRUCTURE MATERIAL SUPPLIER TICKET NUMBER MIXDESIG_N SLUMP, INCHES DATE MADE DA TE RECEIVED TECHNICIAN NOTES Compressive Strength Report LEGOLAND®,CALIFORNIA-Maintenance Yard One LeQoland Dr., Carlsbad, CA CB161166 City of Carlsbad CBI CCI Column Base Covers /:It Structures 1,2 & 3A Robertson's RMC 2184527 .. . 42191 DESIGN STRENGTH, PSI 4 AGE, MINUTES ~O-Jul-16 UNIT WEIGHT, PCF 21-Jul-16 TEMPERATURE, Deg. F HB SAMPLE MARK COMPRESSIVE STRl:NGTHTEST SCHEDULE · r Lab No. 03998 ,· 03§99:. 04@00; 04001 Pate 27-Jul-:-16 · 17-Auo-16 17-Aug-16 17-Aug-16 Age, days 7 ·2s 2s: 28 Diameter, in, . 4.00. 4.00 4.00 4.00 Area, sq. in. 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 Load, lbs 33060 50640 50680 50440 . Strength, psi 2,630 4,030 4,030 4,010 Fracture 1 1 1 1 Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com 3000 45 147 74 MY CB Covers Fracture Type: Cone=1, Cone Split=2, Columnar=3, Shear=4, Side Fracture=5, Pointed Side Fracture=6 .Applicable Standards: ASTMC31, C39, C138, C143, C172, C173, 0231, C1064, C1231 Distribution: LEGOLAND® California 27-Au -16 Date: HiT·E HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME PROJECT ADDRESS PERMIT NUMBER JURISDICTJON GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUB CONTRAC.TOR LOCATION IN STRUCTURE MATER/AL.SUPPLIER TICKET NUMBER MIX DESIGN SLUMP, /NGHE$ DATE MADE ---. DA TE RECEIVED TECHNICIAN NOTES Compressive Strength Report L:EGOLAND® CALIFORNIA-Maintenance Yard One LeQoland Dr., Carlsbad, CA CB161166 City of Carlsbad CBI CCI Slab-on-Grac;le at Structure 3C Robertson's RMC 2240935 SD560T31 · DESIGN STRENGTH, PSI .. 4 AGE, MINUTES 27-Jul-1-6 UNIT WEIGHT, PCP 28-Jul-16 TEMPERATURE; Deg. F HB SAMPLE-MARK COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST SCHEDULE Lab No. 04002-04003 04004: 04005 Date 03-AutJ-16 24-AuQ-16 24-ALJQ-16 24-Auo-16 Age, days_ 7 28 28 28 Diameter, in. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Area, sq. in. 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 Loaq, lbs 32210 49560 -49420 49670 Strength, psi 2,560 _ _3,940 3,930 3,950 Frac;ture , 1 1 1 1 , Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858} 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com 3000 50 146 75 MYSoG Fracture Type: Cone=1, Cone Split=2, Columnar=3, Shear=4, Side Fracture=5, Pointed Side Fracture=6 Applicable Standards: ASTM C31, C39, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C1064, C1231 Distribution: LEGOLAND® California 03-Se -16 Date: HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858} 220-1078 Fax (858} 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Foundation Observation Report Project Name Date Maintenance Yard-Shade Structure 25-May-2016 Project Location . One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, California Owner I Developer Contractor Merlin Entertainm~nt CBI Project I Permit Number Lot(s) I Parcel CB161166 18 / 211-100-09 Soils Report Ref. S:oils Report Foundat/on Type Conventional (Provided by Others) Expansion Condition High Fill Geometry Category II Foundation Depth 24 inches min. Found. Reinforcement (3) #5 Bar E.W., Top & Bot. Foundation Width 3.5 feet min. Interior Reinforcement Slab bedding Undisturbed Soil Vapor Barrier Observations: Observed 3'-6" square pad footing at a depth of 24", at Shade Structure #1. Verified soil conditions exposed are similar to those anticipated. Excavation and recompaction at six pads pending. Comments: The presence of our field representative is for the purpose of observing ttie construction and reporting on its compliance with the approved plans and the applicable building codes. Our work does not include the supervision or direction of the contractor's work, his employees or agents. The cortractor for this · project should be so advised. The contractor should all so be advised that neither the presence of our field personnel nor the observation and testing by this firm shall excuse him in any way for defects in his work. It should further be understood that we are not responsible for site safety. San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Foundation Observation Report Project Name Dale Maintenance Yard-Shade Structure .. 26-May-2016 Project Location One Leqoland Drive, Carlsbad, California Owner I Developer Contractor Merlin Entertainment CBI Project I Permit Number Lot{s) I Parcel C6161166 18 / 211-100-09 Soils Reporl Ref. Soils Report Foundation Type Conventional (Prqvided by Others) Expansion Condition High Fil/Geometry Category II Foundation Depth 24 inches min. Found. Reinforcement (3) #5 E.W., T&B. (3) #5 Trav.,(4) #5 Long. T&B. Foundation Width 3.5 feet min. Interior Reinforcement 4 X 2.25_ feet min, Slab bedding Undisturbed Soil Vapor Barrier Observations: Observed 3'.-6" square and 4'-0" x 2'-3". pad footing at a depth of 24", at Shade Structure #1, 2, 3A & 3C. Verified soil conditions exposed are similar to those anticipated. The observed foundations appear in substantial conformance. Installation of reinforcement pending. Comments: It is our understanding that all excavations will be cleaned of loose soil and debris prior to concrete pla·cement; and that the soil moisture content will be maintained. The presence of our field representative is for the purpose of observing the construction and reporting.on its compliance with the approved plans and the applicable building codes. Our work does hot include the supervision or direction of the contractor's work, his employees or agents. The contractor for this project should be so advised. The contractor should all so be advised that neither the presence of our field personnel nor the observation and testing by this firm shall excuse him in any way for defects in his work. It should further be understood that we are not responsible for site safety. San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino - HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection Report Building Penni/ Number One LeQoland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith ConsultinQ Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Reinforced Cone. f'c=3000 psi RMC HTK Description of Materials General Contractor ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing CBI 3/4" ASTM F1554, GR 36 Anchor Bolts Sub. Contractor CCI Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 1-Jun-16 Provided Special Inspection for the placement of reinforcing steel in the Shade Struct_ure Foundations #1, #2, #3A & #3C, per Foundation Plan and Footing Schedule Mark F-1 & F-2 on Sheet S1, at the referenced project. All steel sizes, laps and clearances are in substantial conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and changes thereto. ( ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. - Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER June 1, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection Report Building Permit Number One Leqoland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith ConsultinQ Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Reinforced Cone. f'c=3000 psi Robert$on's RMC HTK Description of Materials General Contractor ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing CBI 3/4" ASTM F1554, GR 36 Anchor Bolts Sub Contractor Robertson's RMC, Mix D~sign 42191, 3000 psi CCI Other Inspection Date I Start of-Wark I End of Work I 1-Jun-16 \ Provided Special Inspection for the deposit of approximately 30 cubic yards (cyd) Robertson's RMC, Mix Design 42191, 3000 psi into the Shade Structure Foundations. The concrete was placed by chute and vibrated mechanically for consolidation. Fabricated one set of cylinders from concrete for testing. ' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ACI No.: 01347370 ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER June 1, 2016 HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection Report Building Permit Number One .Leaoland Drive CB161166 Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I Rle Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard A~hitect Smith ConsultinQ Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Braun Stral!S HTK Description of Materifils General Contractor ASTNA P-325, Dii:i 5/8-11x2" Type 1 CBI Sub Contractor ASTM A 194-2H, 5/8-11 Heavy Hex Nut ASTM F436, Flat Washer SD Construct Weld Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 23-Jun-16 Provicled special inspection for the fit-up of bolted connections for Shade Structure 3A, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Verified, proper storage of fastener components, and that the faying surfaces adjacent to the bolt head and nuts are free of dirt and foreign material. It should be noted, oversized holes at anchor bolt to column base plate conection, pending review by the Engineer of Record. I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial 1! Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER June 23, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Address -- Special lnsp~ction Report Building Permit Number One LeQoland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Br1:1un Straus HTK Description of Materials General Contractor ASTM A325, Dia 5/8-11x2" Type 1 CBI Sub Contractor ASTM A194-2H, 5/8-11 Heavy Hex Nut ASTM F436, Flat Washer SD Construct Weld Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 28-Jun-16 Provided special inspection for the fit-up of bolted connections for Shade Structure 3C, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Verified, proper storage of fastener components, and that the faying surfaces adjacent to the bolt head and nuts are free of dirt and foreign material. It should be noted, oversized holes at anchor bolt to column base plate conection, pending review by the Engineer of Record. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER June 28, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection Report Building Permit Number One LeQoland Prive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name · Maintenance Yard Smith ConsultinQ Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Braun Straus HTK Description of Ma/eria/s General Contractor ASTM A992 CBI Sub Contractor SD Construct Weld Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 1-~ul-16 Provided special inspection for the fit-up of bolted .connections for Shade Structure 3A & 3C, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Verified, proper storage of fastener components, and that the faying surfaces adjacent to the bolt head and nuts are free of dirt and foreign material. , It should be noted, firm contact of plates and the snug-tight condition at beam to column bolted conections has not been obtained. •, . - I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WQRK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los An.geles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 1, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / !=NGINEERING Project Name Field Observation Report Maintenance Yard-Shade Structure Project Location ' One LeQoland Drive, Carlsbad, California Owner I Developer Contractor Merlin Entertainment Project I Permit Number Lot(s) I.Parcel CB161166 Equipment Mechanical Tamp Foreman I Operator Weather Hot and Dry Visitors Estimated Completion August, 2016 0/h~r .. Approx. Yardage Moved Other Date CBI Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com 6-Jul-2016 18 / 211-100-09 SAS Electric Observed the backfill. and re-compaction of utility trenches for electrical conduit along East sides of site at Structure #2 . Conducted one test on material. Material conforms. p C U I I construction and reporting on its compliance with the approved plans and the applicable building codes. Our work does not include the supervision or direction of the contractor's work, his employees or agents. The contractor for this project should be so advised. The contractor should all so be advised that neither the presence of our field personnel nor the observation and testing by this firm shall excuse him in any way for defects in his work. It ,_, ... Henry Barton Hill, PE C64822 San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Project Address Building Permit Number Jurisdiction I File Number One Leqoland Drive CB161166 Carlsbad Project Name Architect Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Braun Straus HTK Description of Materials General Contractor ASTM A992 CBI Sub Contractor SD Construct Weld· Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 12:-J.ul-16 Provided special inspection for the repair welding of weldments for base plates at Shade Structure 3A & 3C, per ZJS repair detail Dated (6/30/16). Observed 1 /4" fillet welded washer to plate repair connections. Verified Welder qualifications, preparation of base metals, and handling of filler materials. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE.ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN·COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 12, 2016 DATE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Project Address Building Permit Number Jurisdiction I File Number One Leooland Drive CB161166 Carlsbad Project Name Architect Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Braun Straus HTK Description of Materials General Contractor / CBI . ASTM A325, Dia 5/8-11x2" Type 1 ASTM A 194-2H, 5/8-11 Heavy Hex Nut Sub Contractor ASTM F436, Flat Washer SD Construct Weld Other Inspection Date I Start of Wark I End of Wark I 14-Jul-16 Provided special inspection for the fit-up and tack welding of weldments for Shade Structure 1 & 2, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Verified, proper storage of fasterier components, and that the faying surfaces adjacent to the bolt head and nuts are free of dirt and foreign material. It should be noted, firm contact of plates and the snug-tight condition at beam to column bolted conections has not been verified. ·-· I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK.INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 14, 2016 Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 DATE San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / !:NGINEERING Project Address Specia'I Inspection Report Building Permit Number One LeQoland Drive. CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultin~ Construction Malena! Design Strength Source Engineer Reinforced C.onc. fc=3000 psi Robertson's RMC HTK Description of Matena/s General Contractor ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing CBI Robertson's RMC, Mix Design 42191, 3000 psi Sub Contractor ·, CCI Other /nspect,an Date I Start of Wark I End of Wark I 20-Jul-16 Provided Special Inspection for the deposit of approximately 1 o cubic yards ( cyd} Robertson's RMC, Mix Design 42191, 3000 psi into the Column Base Covers at Structures 1,2 & 3A. The concrete was placed by chute and vibrated mechanically for consolidation. Fabricated one set of cylinders from concrete for testing. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ACI No.: 01347370 ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 20, 2016 HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Address Special inspection Report Building Permit Number One Leqoland Drive CB161166 Architect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consultinq Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Braun Straus HTK Description of Maten"als General Contractor ASTM A325, Dia 5/8-11x2" Type 1t CBI Sub Contractor ASTM A194-2H, 5/8-11 Heavy Hex Nut ASTM F436, Flat Washer SD Construct Weld Other ,, Inspection Date I Start of Wark I End of Wark I 20-JuH6 Provided special inspection for the fit-up of bolted connections for Shade Structure 1,2,3A, per Plan and Elevations on Sheet A3. Verified, proper storage of fastener components, and that the faying surfaces adjacent to the bolt head and nuts are free of dirt and foreign material. Observed firm contact of plates and the snug-tight condition at all beam to colurf/n bolted connection with the exception of beam connection at Structure 3C, review by the Engineer of Record pending. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO ( . THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 20, 2016 DATE HiTE Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Project Name Foundation Observation Report - Date Maintenance Yard-Shade Structure 22-Jul-2016 Project Location One Leqoland Drive, Carlsbad, California Owner I Developer Contractor M~rlin Entertainment CBI Project I Permit Number .. Lot(s) I Parcel CB161166 18 / 211-1 00-09 Soils Report Ref. Soils Report Foundation Type Conventional (Provided by Others) Expansion Cqndition High Fil/GeometlJI Category II Foundation Depth 5 inches min. Found. Reinforcement #5@ 18" o.c., E.W. Foundation Width 30 feet min. Interior Reinforcement Sla,b bedding Compacted Base Vapor Barrier Obsen1ations: Observed 30' x 40' Slab-on-Grade at a minimum depth of 5", at Shade Structure #3C. Verified soil conditions exposed are similar to those anticipated. The observed foundations appear in substantial conformance. Installation of vertical reinforcement pending. Comments: It is our understanding that all excavations will be cleaned of loose soil and debris prior to concrete placement; and that the soil moisture content will b~ maintained. The presence of our field representative is for the purpose of observing the construction and reporting on its compliance with the approved plans and the applicable building codes. Our work does not include the supervision or direction of the contrac;tor's work, his employees or agents. The contractor for this project should be so advised. The contractor should all so be advised that neither the presence of our field personnel nor the observation and testing by this firm shall excuse him in any way for defects in his work. It should further be understood that we are not responsible for site safety. San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Special Inspection Report Project Address i Building Permit Number One Legoland Drive. CB161166 Ardhitect Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Maintenance Yard Smith Consulting Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Reinforced Cone. fc=3000 psi Rol;>ertson's RMC HTK Description df Materials General Contractor ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing CBI Robertson's RMC, Mix Design 42191, 3000 psi. Sub Contractor Simpson Strong-Tie®, SET-XP Epoxy, ICC ESR-2508 CCI Other Inspection Date /Start of Work I End of Work I 18-Jul-16 Provided special inspection for the epoxy installation of (221) #4 dowel anchors embedded a minimum of _5", into existing concrete Slab-on-Grade qt Structures 1, 2 & 3A, per Sheet A2, Detail 16. All holes were drilled using the correct drill bit size, and properly brushed/cleaned. Installation of anchors is in compliance with ICC ESR-2508, an_d manufactures specifications. - I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside ~ San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 18, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Project Address Building Penni! Number Jurisdiction I File Number One Leqoland Drive CB161166 Carlsbad Project Name Arc;hitect Maintenance Yard Smith ConsultinQ Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Structural Steel A992 Braun Straus HTK Description of Materials General Contractor ASTM C1107, Hub 100 II, High Strength, Non-Shrink Grout CBI Sub Contractor SD Construct Weld Other . Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 15-Jul-16 Provided special inspectionProvided periodic obseNation for the High Strength Non-Shrink Grout at the Structural Steel (SS) columns for Structures 2 & 3C. Hub 100 II, High Strength, Non-Shrink Grout was used conforming to ASTM C1107. Fabricated one set of four cylinders from grout for testing. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE I~ COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 15, 2016 DATE HiTE HILL -INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax(858)220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Project Address Building Permit Number Jurisdiction I File Number One Leqoland Drive CB161166 Carlsbad Project Name Architect Maintenance Yard Smith ConsultinQ Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer . Structural Steel A992_ Braun Straus HTK Description of Materials General Contractor ASTM C1107, Hub 100 II, High Strength, Non-Shrink Grout CBI Sub Contractor SD Construct Weld Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of 'work I 14-Jul-16 Provided special inspectionProvided periodic observation for the High Strength Non-Shrink Grout at the Structural Steel (SS) columns for Structures 1 & 3A. Hub 100 II, High Strength, Non-Shrink Grout was used conforming to ASTM C1107. Fabricated one set of four cylinders from grout for testing. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino ICC, No.: 1113681-MI REGISTRATION NUMBER July 14, 2016 DATE DATE: APR.2l,2016 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 16-1166 EsGil Corporation In (J?artnersliip witli 9011ernment for <B~i(aing Safety SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: ONE LEGOLAND DRIVE i;J APPLICANT 19-JtrRIS. CJ PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE PROJECT NAME: LEGOLAND MAINTENANCE YARD SHADE STRUCTVRES C8J The plans transmitted herewith have beeh corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ANDREW TARANGO C/0 SCA, AIA C8J EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: ANDREW TA~ Telephone#: 858-793-4777 Date contactecl: (~ Email: andrewt@sca-sd.com Mail Telephone Fax -~rson D REMARKS: By: ALI SADRE, S.E. Enclosures: EsGil Corporation D GA D EJ D MB D PC 4/14 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (l'artnersfiip witfi qo'tlernment for <BuiCaing Safety DATE: APR. 06, 2016 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 16-1166 PROJECT ADDRESS: ONE LEGOLAND DRIVE SET: I LICANT IS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: LEGOLAND MAINTENANCE YARD SHADE STRUCTURES D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. PLEASE SEE BELOW D The applicant's copy of the check. list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ANDREW TARANGO C/O SCA, AIA D EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. [:8:1 EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: ANDREW TARANGO Telephone#: 858-793-4777 Date contacted: 1-" (by({J) Email: andrewt@sca-sd.com fl... Mail)<. Telephone"'/< Fax In Person [g) CORRECTIONS: ttl}: On Sht. AS1, remove all openings in existing bldg., at assumed PL (90-min. doors are not permitted). Table 705.8; lm: Min. 30' separation is required between existing bldg. & Shed #1 & 2, for unlimited, unprotected openings in shade structures, facing existing bldg.; similarly, for Shed #3A. TBL 705.8. [Submit 4-revised/ stamped/ signed sets to the City]. By: ALI SADRE, S.E. Enclosures: EsGil C9rporation D GA 1:8] EJ D MB D PC 3/29 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 ELECTRICAL and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen ELECTRICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE) 1. Plan review is for the shade structures only, it does not include the "blast booth" as noted on the architectural or spray booth as noted on the electrical panel schedule as this item are described as "future". 2. "MSA" has transfer switches and a fire pump as current loads. Is this an emergency distribution board? Please explain. 3. Include a load summary for the distribution board "MSA": Either recorded or a load calculation. (2400 amperes of handle throws on a 1600 board). Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. • [DO NOT PAY -THIS JS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PREPARED BY: ALI SADRE, S.E. PLAN CHECK NO.: 16-1166 DATE: APR.06,2016 BUILDING ADDRESS: ONE LEGOLAND DRIVE BUILDING OCCUPANCY: S1; V-B BUILDING AREA Valuation PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Multiplier SHADE #1 1800 SHADE #2 1800 SHADE #3-A 1095 SHADE #3-C 1200 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers f TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code CB By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance •I Type of Review: Complete Review Reg. VALUE Mod. D Structural Only D Repetitive Fee 3Repeats D Other 0 Hourly EsGil Fee 1--· -----11Hr. @ • ($) - 75,000 $511.851 I $332.701 $286.641 ,c~n:i~~-~!~ : __ Jn· ~~~ttL<?)}J9 Jh~i~J~q_y~J~ei.. ?1-~--?~~!ti_Q.!t~f{e.~:9_ff~4J~ __ aj;Je .(1 ~hot1r @· ,$86/hr. }for th~ ,QalGreen. tevie,Wi. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + Ciwof Carlsbad PLAN CHECK REVIEW TRANSMITTAL DATE: 04/19/2016 PROJECT NAME: LEGOLAND METAL SHADES PLAN CHECK NO: 2 SET#; 2 ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DR Community & Economic Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov PROJECT ID:CB161166 APN: 211221000 VAl,.UATION: $75,000 SCOPE OF WORK: 4 METAL SHADE STRUCTURES D This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by: LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION Final Inspection by Construction Management & Inspection Division is required: Yes LJ No [ZJ This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on. the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: ANDREWT@SCA-SD.COM To determine status by one-of the divisions listed below, please contact 760-602-2719~ Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris Glassen 760-602-2784 ,, '' ,,.,,, Ch ris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov Gregory.Ryan@carlsbadca.gov [l Gina Ruiz -760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 ValRay Nelson 760-602-27 41 ValRay.Marshall@carlsbadca.gov Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cynthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov D Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov LEGOLAND METAL SHADES PLAN CHECK NO# 2 Please Read Instructions: Outstanding issues are marked with . Items that conform to permit requirements are marked with [Z] or have intentionally been left blank. 1. SITE PLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: D m North arrow D D Driveway·widths D [ZJ Existing & proposed structures 0, D Existing or proposed sewer lateral D D Existing street improvements CJ D Existing or proposed water service CJ [ZJ Property lines (show all dimensions) D D Submit on signed approved plans:· D D Easements DWG No. D D Right-of-way width & adjacent streets Show on site plan: D D Drainage patterns and proposed site elevations. Show all high points. D D Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. D DADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building". D D Existing & proposed slopes and topography D C]size, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service(s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service; however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. D D Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. Include on title sheet: D [lJ Site address CJ [Z] Assessor's parcel number D D Legal description/lot number D D For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use,. existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. D Cl] Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use .of SF. Example: Tenant improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office. Lot/Map No.: 13408 LOT 18 Subdivision/Tract: CT 94-09 UNIT 2 & 3 Reference No(s): E-36 Page 2 of6 REV 6/01/12 LEGOLAND METAL SHADES PLAN CHECK NO# 2 N/A N/A E-36 2. DISCRETiONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE r=J [lJ Project does not comply with the following engineering conditions of approval for project no.: 3. DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS D D Dedication for all street rights-of-way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels With a value at or exceeding$ 24 000.00 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. D D Dedication required as follows: 4. IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS D D All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed · at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $120,000.00, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. D D Public improvements require<;! as follows: D I I Construction of the public im.provements must be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee, so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the city prior to issuance of a building permit. CJ D Future public improvements required as follows: Page-3.of6 REVS/01/12 LEGOLAND METAL SHADES PLAN CHECK NO# 2 N/A E-36 5. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 15.16 of the Municipal Code. CJ Qlnadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial). This irdormation must be included on the plans. If no grading is proposed write: "NO GRADING" D D Grading Permit required. NOTE: The grading permit must be issued and rough grading · approval obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. D D Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) All required documentation must be provided to your Engineering Construction Inspector The inspector will then provide the engineering counter with a release for the buildir,g permit. D m No grading permit required. [:J D Minor Grading Permit required. See additional comments for project-specific requirements. 6. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS D ORIGHT-0F-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in city right-of-way and/or private work adjacent to the public right-of-way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. D D Right-of-way permit required for: *ANY WORK BEING DONE WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY* Page 4 of6 REV 6/01/12 ' LEGOLAND METAL SHADES PLAN CHECK NO# 2 E-36 7. STORM WATER Construction Compliance D D Project Threat Assessment Form complete. D D Enclosed Project Threat Assessment Form incomplete. D D Requires Tier 1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (E-29). Please complete attached .fem and retwn_ (SW ) D D Requires Tier 2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Requires submittal of Tier 2 SWPPP, payment of processing fee and review by city. Post.:Development (SUSMP) Compliance D D Storm Water Standards Questionnaire. [=:J D Project is subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements. See city Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) for reference. D CJ Indicate areas of impervious surfaces (patios,walkway, etc. ) and pervious areas (landscaping). CJ Project needs to incorporate low impact development strategies throughout in one or more of the following ways: D Rainwater harvesting (rain barrels or eistern) D Vegetated Roof D Bio-retentions cell/rain garden D Pervious pavement/pavers _/ D Flow-through planter/vegetated or ro9k drip line D Vegetated swales or rock infiltration swales D Dc;>wnspouts disconnect and discharge over landscape D Other: REV 6/01/12 LEGOLAND METAL SHADES PLAN CHECK NO# 2 N/A 8. WATER METER REVIEW Domestic (potable) Use c:l D What size meter is required? D [EYiJ Where a resic;!ential unit is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system, the minimum meter size shall be a 1" meter. NOTE: the connection fee, SDCWA system capacity charge and the water treatment capacity charge will be based on the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements. D [fy]J For residential units the minimum size meter shall be 5/8", except where 9. FEES DD DD DD 00 the residential unit is larger than 3,500 square feet or on a lot larger than one quarter (1/4) acre where the meter size shall be¾". Required fees have been entered in building permit. Drainage fee applicable Added square feet Added square footage in last two years? 0 yes Ono Permit No. Permit No. Project built after 1980 Dyes D no Impervious surface > 50% Dyes D no Impact unconstructed facility Dyes Ono Fire sprinklers required 'Qyes Ono (is addition over 150' from center line) Upgrade D yes Ono No fees required 10. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Attachments: r7 Engineering Application r-1 Storm Water Form D Right-of-Way Appllcatlon/lnfo. I J Reference Documents E-36 Page 6 of6 REV 6/01/12 *** Fee Calculation Worksheet *** ENGINEERING DIVISION Prepared by: VALRA Y NELSON . Address: Date: GEO DATA: LFMZ: / B& T: Bldg. Permit#: Fees Update by: Date: Fees Update by: Date: : EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: Sq.Ft/Units Types of Use: SqH./Units Types of Use: Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units Sq.Ft./Units ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: Sq.Ft/Units · Types of Use: Sq.Ft./Units Types of .Use: Types of Use: FEES REQUIRED: Sq.Ft/Units Sq.Ft/Units EDU's: EDU's: EDU's: EDU's: ADT's: ADT's: ADT's: ADT's: Within CFD:OYES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduces Traffic Impact Fee) ONO 1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE:0NW QUADRANT ADT'S/UNITS: 1x 2.TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE: ADT'S/UNITS: I X 3. BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE FEE: (USE SANDAG)ADT'S/UNITS I X • 4. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ADT'S/UNITS: I X 5. SEWER FEE EDU's IX BENEFIT AREA: EDU's 6. DRAINAGE FEES: ACRES: 7. POTABLE WATER FEES: 1x PLDA: 1x ONE QUADRANT 0SE QUADRANT OW QUADRANT . FEE/ADT: I=$ FEf:/ADT: I=$ ODIST.#1 DDIST.#2 FEE/ADT: I=$ ZONE: FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: I=$ FEE/EDU: FEE/EDU: OHIGH FEE/AC: I=$ I=$ DMEDIUM. I=$ ODIST.#3 0LOW UNITS CODE CONN. FEE METER FEE SDCWA FEE TOTAL ***This may not represent a comprehensive list of fees due for this project. Please contact the Building division at (760) 602·2719 for a complete listing of fees*** ~ «.-~OJ}>-~ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER COMPLIANCE ·FORM TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP E-29 STORM WATER COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE ,, My project is not in a category of permit types exempt from the Construction SWPPP requirements ,, My project is not located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area with a significant,potential for contributing pollutants to nearby receiving waters by way of storm water runoff or non-storm water discharge(s ). ,, My project does not require a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) ,, My project will not result in 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas that meets one or more of the additional following criteria: • located within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or th~ Pacific Ocean; -and/or, • disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical; and/or • disturbed area is located along or within 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse; and/or • construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 through April 30). I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE CHECKED STATEMENT~ ARI;: TRUE AND CORRECT. I AM SUBMITTING FOR CITY APPROVAL A TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY STANDARDS. . I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST: (1) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO MINIMIZE THE MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND TO MINIMIZE THE EXPOSURE OF STORM WATER TO CONSTRUCTION RELATl;D POLLUTANTS; AND, (2) ADHERE TO, AND AT ALL TIMES, COMPLY WITH THIS CITY APPROVED TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. A\e...x -:S-e.s.M;e_ OWNER(S)/OWNER'S AGENT NAME (PRINT) tl4¼'~ JER [S)/OWNER'S AGENT NAME (SIGNATURE) '-\/2.8/ l <o DATE E-29 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES 1. ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. 2. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL. . 3. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEERING OR BUILDING INSPECTOR DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARISE. 4. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PERCENT (40%). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL. 5. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE • 6. ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED. SPECIAL NOTES Page 1 of3 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov PROJECT INFORMATION Site Address: One LEGOLAND Drive. Ca Assessor's Parcel Number: _____ ....,..,.. Project ID: . ~ Sul I b l) / 4 Construction Permit No., ge, C/:J/ b I } Estimated Construction Start Date 1 0 Project Duration ____ Months Emergency Contact: Name: Cht l·~ £.a b1A ,et(-0 24 hour Phone: 7b0 «4'5 O(j4~ Perceived Threat to Storm Water Quality D Medium D Low If medium box Is checked, must attach a site plan sheet showing proposed work area and location of proposed structural BMPs For City Use Only CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD TIER 1 SWPPP Approved By: ________ _ Date: ________ _ REV 4/30/10 Erosion Control Tracking Non-Stonn Water Waste Management and Materials BMPs Sediment Control BMPs Control Management BMPs Pollution Control BMPs BMPs C C C 1: 1: 0 0 0 ,:, ti 13 Cl ~ G> ,:, G> C C E C E ,:, u, 0 C Cl l'O C m l'O .5 i '6 0. G> $ u, ! ... ai ;ffl '.E ·s ~ Cl l'O ::i: Cl ,:, G> Cl Q) u, u,. C ' :s l'O C : ~ Best Management Practice C c-0. C 1: "2 C 1/J ~ ·c C' G> C 0 ~ :c l'O ; u, I!! Ill ·a -0 Q) 8 Q) (!) Q) w • .!: G> l'O ~ ~ (BMP) Description '7 XI oo C I-E G> Cl l'O C (..) ... u, ~ ,:, m u, ::i: Q) u, ,Q ··~ ~ Cl ;,5 Ill ·e C ,:, Cl C ,:, C Ii 1ii u, ~ :, Cl) -l'O l'O -g >, 8 C C . :::, :, ~ Cl) 0 C C ~ Ill Cl C ,g. a,W l'O l'O ~ .~ 0 Q) i ::i: c~ ·c C Q) Cl) E l'O. Nu! :~ l'O o,' Q) ~-~J iii ~ 'E 11 Cl) E ~ l cii5 .0 eo = u, =~ .... JS ·c 0 ,:, .C C 8. u. 0 ... ,:, Jg :c ! i C ,Q i i .:!':'! l'O 0 0 ,:;:·-'6 Cl) Q) ~ 0 C .0 l'O -~ ~ .c ~ I;! C Cl) ~ l'O I!! ,Q :!::: Q) .c .0 l'O .s e .e Cl as o ~i 0 8. (!) we Cl) i:i5 Cl) (.) u:: (!) cii~ Cl) Cl) a. Cl) E: cii 0:: S: I Q. I a. ::i: ::i: Cl) Cl) • ::i: • CASQA Designation '7 ~ Oj> 0) .... .... t") ;1; 10 <9 ~ Oj> 0 .... N .... ct? "i' Oj> .... ~ t") . ,. 19 <9 Oj> I .... w I I ~ oc oc. I I I (..) (..) 0 w w w w Cl) Cl) Cl) Cl) ::i: i i ::i: ::i: i i w w ·W Cl) Cl) Cl) Cl) Cl) Cl) Cl) I-I-z z z z s: s: s: Construction·Activity w Cl) ·Gradina/Soil Disturbance Trenchina/Excavation --Stockpiling Drilling/Boring • Concrete/Asphalt Saw cuttina Concrete flatwork Paving Conduit/Pipe Installation Stucco/Mortar Work Waste Disoosal - -Staaina/Lav Down Area Equipment Maintenance and Fuelina Hazardous Subst;,mce Use/Stora!'.le Dewateiing Site Access Across Dirt Other (list): Instructions: Begin by reviewing the list of construction activities and checking the box to the left of any activity that will occur during the proposed construction. Add any other activity descriptions in the blank activity description boxes provided for that purpose and place a check in the box immediately to the left of the added activity description. For each activity descrribed, pick one or more best management practices (BMPs) from the list located along the top of the form. Then place an X in the box at the place where the activity row intersects with the BMP column. Do this for each activity that was checked off and for each of the selected BMPs selected from the list. For Example -If the project includes site access across dirt, then check the box to the left of "Site Access Across Dirt". Then review the list for something that applies such as "Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress• under Tracking Control. Follow along the "Site Access Across Dirt" row until you get to the "Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress" column and place an X in the box where the two meet. As another example say the project included a stockpile that you Intend to cover with a plastic sheet. Since plastic sheeting Is not on the list of BMPs, then write in "Cover with Plastic" in the blank column under the heading Erosion Control BMPs. Then place an X in the box where the "Stockpiling" row intersects the new "Cover with Plastic" column. To learn more about what each BMP description means, you may wish to review the BMP Reference Handout prepared to assist applicants in the selection of appropriate Best Management Practice measures. The reference also explains the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) designation and how to apply the various selected BMPs to a project. E-29 Page2of3 REV 4/30/10 «1~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov r INSTRUCTIO.NS: · To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the City requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMP's) into the project design per the City's Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP). To view the SUSMP, refer to the Engineering Standards (Volume 4, Chapter 2) at www.carlsbadca.gov/standards. Initially this questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision, discretiQnafy permits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water standards that must be applied to a proposed. development or redevelopment project. Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to 'Standard Stormwater Requirements' or be subject to additional criteria called 'Priority Development Project Requirements'. Many aspects of project site design are depenqent upon the storm water standards applied to a project. Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after S\Jbmission of the development application. If staff determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than initially assessed by you, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please makE! the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the City. If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff. A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application submission. Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same .project are submitted concurrently. In addition to this questionnaire, you must also complete, sign and submit a Project Threat Assessment Form with construction permits for the project. Please start by completing Step 1 and follow the instructions. When completed, sign the form at the end and submit this with your application to the clty. STEP1 -- TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL PROJECTS -• I '. To determine if your project is a priority development project, please answer the following questions: YES NO 1. Is your project LIMITED TO constructing new or retrofitting paved sidewalks, bicycle lanes or trails that meet the following criteria: (1) Designed and constructed to direct storm water runoff to adjacent vegetated areas, or >ef other non-erodible permeable areas; OR (2) designed and constructed to be hydraulically disconnected from paved streets or roads; OR (3) designed and constructed with permeable pavements or surfaces in accordance with USEPA Green Streets guidance?. 2. Is your project LIMITED TO retrofitting or redeveloping existing paved alleys, streets, or roads that are >(] designed and constructed in accordance with the USEPA Green Streets guidance? If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above questions, then your project is NOT a priority development project and therefore is NOT subject to the storm water criteria required for priority development projects. Go to step 4, mark the last box stating "my project does not meet PDP requirements" and complete applicant information. If you answered "no" to both auestions, then go to Step 2. E-34 Page 1 of3 Effective 6/27/13 «~ ¥ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov I STEP2 . TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL NEW OR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ·-. To determine if your project is a· priority development project, please answer the following questions: YES 1. Is your project a new development that creates 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surfaces collectively over the entire project site? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development projects on public or orivate land. 2. Is your project creating or replacing 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site on an existing site of 10;000 square feet or more of impervious surface? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development projects on public or private land. 3. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a restaurant? A restaurant is a facility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption .. 4. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a hillside development project? A hillside development project includes development on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent or greater. 5. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a parking lot. A parking Jot is a land area or facility for the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles used personally for business or for commerce. 6. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a street, road, highway freeway or driveway? A street, road, highway, freeway or driveway is any paved impeNioils surface used for the transportation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles. 7. Is your · project a new or redevelopment project that creates or replaces 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire site, and discharges directly to an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA)? "Discharging Directly to" includes flow that is conveyed overland a distance of 200 feet or less from the project to the ESA, or conveyed in a pipe or open channel any distance as an isolated flow from the project to the ESA (i.e. not commingles. with flows from adjacent lands).* 8. Is your project a new development that supports an automotive repair shop? An automotive repair shop is a facility that is categorized in any one of the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes: 5013, 5014, 554.1, 7532-7534, or 7536-7539. 9. Is your project a new development that supports a retail gasoline·outlet {RGO)? This category includes RGO's that meet the following criteria: (a) 5,000 square feet or more or (b) a project Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 100 or mote vehicles per day. 1 O. ls your project a new or redevelopment project that results in the disturbance of one or more acres of land and are expected to generate pollutants post construction? 11. ls your project located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface qn the property by more than 1_0%? NO \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " \ If you answered "yes• to one or inore of the above questions, you ARE a priority development project and are therefore subject to implementing structural Best Management Practices (BMP's) in addition to implementing Standard Storm Water Requirements such as source control ·and low impact development BMP's. A Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) must be submitted with your application(s) for development. Go to step 3 for redevelopment projects. For new projects, go to step 4 at the end of this questionnaire, check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. . · 1 If you answered "no" to all of the above questio_ns, you ARE NOT a priority development project and are therefore subject to . implementing only Standard Storm Water Requirements such as source control and low impact development BMP's required for all development projects. A Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) is not required with your application(s) for development. Go to step 4 at the end of this questionnaire, check the "my project does not meet PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. Page2 of3 Effective 6/27/13 «~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STEP3 , , TO·BE COMPLET-ED FOR. REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS THAT ARE PRIORITY DEVELOPEMENT PROJECTS-ONLY - Com lete the uestions below re an:lin our redevelo ment ro·ect: YES NO Does ttie redevelopment project result in the creation or replacement of impervious surface in an amount of less than , 50% of the surface area of the reviousl existin develo ment? "- If you answered "yes,· the structural BMP's required for Priority Development Projects apply only to the creation or replacement of impervious surface and not the entire developmenl Go to step 4, check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. If you answered "no,• the structural BMP's required for Priority Development Projects apply to the entire development. Go to step 4, check the "m ro·ect meets PDP re uirements" box and com lete a licant information. D STEP4 CHECK THE AP_PROPRIATE BOX AND COMPLETE APPLICANT INFORMATION . My project meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT {PDP) requirements and must comply with additional stormwater criteria per the SUSMP and I understand I must prepare a Storm Water Management Plan for submittal at time of application. I understand flow control {hydromodification) requirements may apply to my project. Refer to SUSMP for details. My project does not meet PDP requirements and must only comply with STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS per the SUSMP: As part of these requirements, I will incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project. Applicant Information and Signature Box Accessor's Parcel Number(s): 'J.J J .-ii.• JO Applicant Title: ~CK Date: This Box for City Use Only City Concurrence:~ I YES I I I By: Date: Project ID: NO * Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special Biol(?gical Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as preserves or their quivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermittees. E-34 Page 3of3 Effective 6/27/13 «'~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT B-24 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov I .am applying to the City of Carlsbad for the following type{ s) of construction permit: • Building Permit O Right-of-Way Permit CJ My project is categorically EXEMPT from the requirement to prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it only requires issuance of one or more of the following permit types: Electrical Fite Additional Fire Alarm Fixed Systems Mechanical ·Mobile Home Plumbing Project Storm Water Threat Assessment Criteria* No Threat Assessment Criteria Patio/Deck Photo Voltaic Re-Roofing Sign Spa-Factory Sprinkler Water Discharge 0 My project qualifies as NO THREAT and is exempt from the requirement to prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it meets the "no threat" assessment criteria on the City's Project Threat Assessment Worksheet for Determination of Construction SWPPP Tier Level. My project does ·not meet any of the High, Moderate or Low Threat criteria described below. Tier 1 • Low Threat Assessment Criteria • My project does not meet any of the Significant or Moderate Threat criteria, is not an exempt permit type (See list above) and the project meets one or more of the following criteria: • Results in some soil disturbance; and/or • Includes outdoor construction activities (such as saw cutting, equipment washing, material stockpiling, vehicle fueling, waste stockpiling). Tier 2 • Moderate Threat Assessment Criteria 0 My project does not meet any of the Significant Threat assessment Criteria described below and meets one or more of the following criteria: • Project requires a grading plan pursuantto the Carlsbad-Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carl.shad Municipal Code); or, • Project will result in 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas and project meets one or more of the additional following criteria: • Located within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean, and/or • Disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical, and/or • Disturbed area is located along or within 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse, and/or • Construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 through April 30). Tier 3 • Significant Threat Assessment Criteria 0 My project includes clearing, grading or other disturbances to the ground resulting in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, stockpiling, pavem11nt removal, refueling and maintenance areas: and/or 0 My project is part of a phased development plan that will cumulatively result in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas: or, 0 My project is located inside or within 200 feet of an.environmentally sensitive area (see City ESA Proximity map) and has a significant potentiarfor contributing pollutants.to nearby receiving waters by way of storm water runoff or non-storm water discharge(s). I certify to the best of my knowledge that the above checked statements are true and correct /understand and acknowledge that.even though this project does not require preparation of a construction SWPP, I must still adhere to, and at all times during ¢onstructlon activities for the pennit type(s) check above comply with the stonn water best management practices pursuant to Title 15 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code and to City Standards. Project Address: Assessor Parcel No. *The Cily Engineer may authorize minor variances from the Storm Water Threat Assessment Criteria in special circumstances where it can be shown that a lesser or higher Construction SWPPP Tier Level is warranted. B-24 One LEGOLAND Drive 211-22-10,11,16 Owner/OWner's Authorized Agent Name: TlUe: Proj. Mgr. Page 1 of 1 Rev.03/09 «~~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CH.ECKLIST P-28 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.!lov DATE: 4/26/16 PROJECT NAME: Legoland Maint. Y~rd PROJECT ID: SDP 15-24/CDP 15-44 PLAN CHECK NO: CB161166 SET#: 2 ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. APN: 211-100-09-00 ~ This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the Planning Division. By: Teri Delcamp A Final Inspection by the Planning Division is required igi Yes D No You may also have corrections from one or more of the divis~ons listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issua.nce of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. D This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: andrewt@sca-sd.com F9r questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING 760002-4610 D· Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov D Gina Ruiz . 760-60204675 Gina.Ruiz@cai;lsbadca.gov Teti Delcamp 760-602-4611 Teri.Delcamp@carlsbadca.gov ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 D Chris Glassen 760-602-2784 Christopher.Glassen@carlsbadca.gov D ValRay Ma~shall 760-602-27 41 Va1Ray.Marshal1@carlsbadca.gov D Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov D • FIRE. PREVENTION· . 76~b~~E56Q· .. Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregory.Ryan@carlsbadca.gov D CindyWong 760-602-4662 Cynthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov· D Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: Plans consistent w/SDP 15-24/CDP 15-44 approval; inspection required to confirm compliance with .conditions. REVIEW#: · 1 2 3 Plan Check No. CB16-1166 Address 1 Legoland Drive Date 4/11/16 Review# 1 Planner Teri Delcamp Phone (760) 602-4611 APN: 211-100-09-00 Type of Project & Use: Pre-fab shade structures Net Project Densify:N/A DU/AC Zoning: C-T-Q General Plan: VC Facilities Management Zone: 13 CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation:out Remaining net dev acres:Q (For non-residential development: Type of land use created by this permit: (e) theme park) Legend: rg) Item Complete D Item Incomplete -Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES O NO O TYPE Cat. Ex. DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: · YES t8] NO O TYPE Minor SOP/CDP APPROVAL/RESO. NO. DATE 4/4/16 PROJECT NO. SOP 15-24/CDP 15-44 OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: __ Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES fZI. NO D CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES D NO fZI. If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at -7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Required Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES O NO O NA t8] If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) lnclusionary Housing Fee required: ·YES D NO t8] (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES O NO O NA t8] (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees,· Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) t8l t8l D Housing Tracking Form (form P-20) completed: YES D . NO D N/A t8] P-28 Page 2 of 3 07/11 Site Plan: ~~D DOD Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of- way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. City Council Policy 44 -Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1. Applicability: YES O NO ~ 2. Project complies: YES D NOD Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Top of slope: Required __ Shown __ Required ___ Shown_--_ Required __ Shown __ Required __ -Shown __ Required __ Shown __ _ 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required 300' Shown >300' Interior Side: Required 35' Shown >35' Street Side: Required 20' Shown 33' Rear: Required 35' Shown >35' Structure separation: Required 1 0'* Shown 1 0'* * between primary and accessory structures 3. Lot Coverage: Required NIA Shown __ 4. Height: Required :s; 35' Shown 16' 5. Parking: Spa<;:es Required N/A Shown __ (breakdown by u_ses for commercial and indl_;Jstrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required __ Shown __ 6. Floor Area Ratio: Required N/A Shown _. _ Additional Comments see below. 1. SheetTS1. underthelegal description. corresttheAPI\-J numbe'." (211 100 09 00. 211 100 11 00). 2. Demonstrate compliance 111ith all SDP_15 2MCDP 15 44 Planning conditions of approval that are required to be completed prior to issuance of building permit (incl. #s 7, 13 and 14. etc.)-. · - Final inspection requlr:ed to confirm compliance with conditions -call Teri Delcamp to schedule. OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER Teri Delcamp DATE 4/26/16 P-28 Page 3 of3 07/11 Shay Even From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Good morning Andrew, CB161166 Legoland Amber Ressmer Wednesday, March 30, 2016 10:53 AM andrewt@sca-sd.com Building C:B161166 -Legoland plan does not require Carlsbad Fire Department fire plan review. Thank you, Amber . Giw·of Carlsbad Amber Ressmer Fire Prevention Office Specialist City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 www.carlsbadca.gov P 760-602-4665 I F 760-602-8561 1 V ' ,. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PROJECT: LEb~LANJ) S#-ADE STRfJlTtJ.RE DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS: CONCRETE STRENGTH ATTWENlY EIGHT DAYS: -~"""/J ___ O{)...__ __ PSl MASONRY: MORTAR: GRADE ·N" coNcRm BLOCK FI M:::; TYPES 1~800 PSI N/4 PSI ------------- GROUT: 2000PSI REINFORCING STEEL: A-615 STRUCTURAL STEEL: A-36 LUMBER: DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH JOtsTS BEAMS AND POSTS STUDS SEISMIC FORCE: / WINO FORCE: / DESIGN LOADS: ROOF DEAD LOAD SLOPING ROOFING PLYWOOD JOISTS INSUL. & CLG. MISC. TOTAL= ROOF LIVE LOAD / SLOPING= / Fl.AT= · / GRADE 40: #4 AND LESS (U.O.N.} #5 ANO LARGER GRADE 60: #2 #2 STUD OR BETTER REPORT BY: REPORT NO.: FLOOR DEAD LOAD FLOORING PLYWOOD JOISTS INSUL &. CLG. MISC. INT. TOTAL = __ / __ FLOOR UVE LOAD INTERIOR BALCONY EXIT WALKWAY /07HTK STRUCTURAt:. ENGINEERS, LLP SOIL PRESSURE: WALL DEAD LOAD INTERIOR EXTERIOR lOPSF 16PSF These calculations are limited only to the items included herein, selected by the client and do not imply approval of any other portion of the structure by this office. These calculations are not valid if altered in any way, or not accompanied by a wet stamp and signature of the Engineer of Record. Job No. Designed By Date 16-607 rs '!:,/(]I ,, t San Dle10 • 14218 Dan1eison Street, Suite# 200. Poway. CA 92064, (851) 679-8989, FaJJ {&511 679-19S9 t/}j{(f{b Legoland Footing and Anchors Kurtis Scott load Set 1 Load Cases Poree Horiz Force Vert DL 0.17 :I, DL collateral 0.11 0.73 LL 0.78 3.71 w 2.99 -4.47 E 0.39 2.32 Load Set2 Load Cases Force Horit Force Vert . DL 0.16 0.95 DL collateral 0.1 0.7 LL 0.93 4.43 w 2.68 -3.97 E 0.36 2.2 ASD(kips) Combination Horizontal Vertical 1 0.28 2 1.06 3. 2.07 4 0.55 5 2.21 6 1.07 7 1.90 8 2.22. MAX 2.22 MIN 0.28 ASD Combination Horizontal Vertical 1 0.26 .2 1.19 3 1.87 4 0.51 5 i.16 6 1.15 7 1.70 8 i.11 MAX 2.16 MIN 0.26 LRFD (kips) Horizontal Vertical 1.73 0.392 2.42 5.50 1.584 3.96 -1.68 3.079 8.11 3..35 3.716 -0.51 2.55 0.726 4.39 5.77 3.143 -3.57 -2.08 0.543 3.22 2.22 5.77 3.716 8.11 -2.08 0.39 -3.57 LRfD Horizontal Vertical 1.65 0.36 2.3 6.08 1.80 4.2 -1.43 3.14 9.1 3.19 3.46 0.2 3.19 0.67 4.2 6.13 2.82 -3.1 -1.81 0.50 3.1 2.11 6.13 3.46 9.1 -1.81 0.36 -3.1 Legoland Shade Structure Determine the Adequacy of the Square footing Sliding check µ:=0.35 D:=2 ft L:=3.5 ft W:=L=3.5 ft p:=150 pcf Lat== 200 psf Check D+0.6W F.up := 1680 lbf Fres==µ• (w-Fv.p) +D• W •Lat=2098.25 lb/ Fszide DCR:=--=0.987 Fres Check D+0.75(0.6)W+0.75Lr F up== -2550 lbf Fres==µ• (w-Fup)+D• W •Lat=3578.75 lbf DOR:= Fszide =0.618 Fres 03/24/2016 Coefficent of sliding Depth of the footing Length of the footing Width of the footing Density of the concrete Total weigth of the footing Lateral earth pressure The maximum horizontal force Uplift force The force resisting sliding The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.0; therefore OK The maximum horizontal force Uplift force The force resisting sliding The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.0; therefore OK Legoland Shade Structure Check 0.6D+0.6W Fslide := 1900 lbf Fup:=2080 lbf F~es==µ• (w-Fup) +D• W•.Lat=1958.25 lbf Fslide IXJR:=--= 0.97 Fres Bearing pressure check qallow := 1000 psf Fduwn+w qmax: L• W 748.98 psf DOR:= q= =0.749 qallow 03/24/2016 The maximum horizontal force Uplift force The force resisting sliding The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.0; therefore OK The maximum vertical force {D+L) The allowable soil bearing pressure The actual soil bearing pressure The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.0; therefore OK Legoland Shade Structure 03/24/2016 Determine the Adequacy of the Foundation Next to the CMU Wall Load Set No. 2 Check sliding µ:=0.35 D:=2 ft L:=2.25 ft W:=4 ft p:=150 pcf w:=D•L•W•p=2700 lbf Lat== 200 psf Check D+0.6W · Fslide := 1870 lbf Fup:=1430 lbf Fres==µ• (w-Fup) +D• W•Lat=2044.5 lbf DCR:= Fslide =0.915 F,,.es Check D+0.75(0.6)W+0.75Lr Fslide:=2160 lbf . Fup==-3190 lbf Fres==µ• (w-Fup) +D• W•Lat=3661.5 lbf DOR:= Fslide = 0.59 Pres -¾ • -----··· Coefficent of sliding Depth of the footing Length of the footing Width of the footing Density of the concrete Total weigth of the footing Lateral earth pressure The maximum horizontal force Uplift force The force resisting sliding The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.0; therefore OK The maximum horizontal force Uplift force The force resisting sliding The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.0; therefore OK Legoland Shade Structure Check 0.6D+0.6W Fslit1.e:= 1700 lbf Fup== 1810 lbf Fres==µ• (w-Fup) +D• W•Lat=1911.5 lbf IXJR:= Fslide =0.889 · Fres Check bearing pressure %uow == 1000 psf Faown+w q=: ,---=975.556 psf L_•W qmax · DGR:=--=0.976 qallow 03/24/2016 The maximum horizontal force · Uplift force The force resisting sliding The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.0; therefore OK The maximum vertical force down (D+L) The allowable soil bearing pressure The actual soil bearing pressure The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.0; therefore OK Legoland Shade Structure 03/24/2016 Determine the Adequacy of the Rectangular Footing Near CMU wall Load Set No. 1 Check different structures loads Sliding check µ:=0.35 D:=2 ft L:=2.25 ft W=4ft p:=150 pcf w:=D•L•W•p=2700 lbf Lat==200 psf Check D+0.6W Fslide == 2070 lbf F,.es:=µ• (w-Fup) +D• W •Lat= 1957 lbf DCR:= Fslide = 1.058 Fres Check D+0.75(0.6)W+0.75Lr Fslide:=2210 lbf Fres==µ• (w-Fup) +D• W•Lat=3437.5 lbf TVY Fslide .uvR:=--· :::.0.643 Fres Coefficent of sliding Depth of the footing Length of the footing Width of the footing Weight of the footing Total weigth of the footing Lateral earth pressure The maximum horizontal force Uplift force The force resisting sliding The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.1; therefore OK The maximum horizontal force Uplift force The force resisting sliding The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.0; therefore OK Legoland Shade Structure Check 0.6O+0.GW Fslide := 1900 lbf F-up==2080 lbf Fres:=µ• (w-Fup) +D• W•Lat=1817 lbf Fslide IXJR:=--::;:: 1.046 Fres Bearing pressure check F down:= 55~0 lbf qalt~== 1000 psf Faown+w q= := · · 911.111 psf L•W qmax . DCR:=--=0.911 qallaw 03/24/2016 The maximum horizontal force Uplift force The force resisting sliding The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.1; therefore OK The maximum vertical force down (D+L) The allowable soil bearing pressure The actual .soil bearing pressure The demand to capacity ratio is less than 1.0; therefore OK www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Specifier's comments: 1 lnputdata Anchor type and diameter: Effective embedment depth: Material: Proof: Stand-off Installation: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 {858) 679-8989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@h1kse.com Hex !-lead ASTM F 1554 GR. 36 3/4 h., • 6.000 in. ASTMF 1554 Design method ACI 318--08 / CIP elt = 0.000 in. (no stand-off); t = 0.375 in. Profis Anchor 2.6,2 Page: 1 Project: Sub.Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 Anchor plate: Profile: Ix x ~ x t • 8.000 ln. x 8.000 in. x 0.375 in.; (Recomnended plate thickness: not calculated S shape {AISC); (L x W x T x Fl) = 3.000 in. x 2.330 in. x 0.170 in. x 0.260 in. Base material: Reinforcement Seismic loads (caf. C, D, E, or F) Geometry [in.] & Loading Pb, In.lb) cracked ~crete, 3000, f,;' • 3000 psi; h =420.000 in. tension: condition B, shear: condition B; edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar yes (D.3.3.6) y>t· ~. \ '· Input data and results mllst be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan liilii is a registered Trademark of Hifti AG, Schaan www~hilti.us Company: Specifier: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott I:11'5.l] Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 2 Project: Address: 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-89891 (858)679-8959 ks@htkse.com Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load case: Design loads Anchor reactions [lb] Tension force: (+Tension, -Compression) Date: Anchor Tension force Shear fo~ Shear force x Shear force y , m m ~ o 2 893 786 786 0 3 893 786 786 0 4 893 7~ 7~ 0 max. concrete compressive strain: -[%a] max. concrete compressive stress: -[psij resulting tension force in (x/y)=(0,000/0.000): 3570 Dbl resulting compression force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 0 [lb] 3 Tension load Load Nua [lb] Capacity +Nn [lb] Steel Strength* 893 Pullout Strength* 893 Concrete .Breakout Strength** 3570 Concrete Side-Face Blowout. direction "* N/A * anchor having the highest loading **anchor group (anchors in tension) 3;1 Steel Strength N,.. = n A1a,t1 fu1.1 t N,111111 i!: Nua Variables n 1 Calculations N~Pbl 19372 Results Nsa [lb] 19372 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-3) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) futa [psij 0.33 58000 jsteel cj> N,. [lb] 0.750 14529 Nua [lb] 893 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing C011ditiona and fur plausibifity! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark. of Hitti AG, Schaen 14529 3296 6624 NIA 3/17/2016 ) 1 Utilization JlN = NuJl;Nn Status 7 OK 28 OK 54 OK NIA N/A www.hilti.us Company: HtK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-8989 I (858} 679-8959 ks@htkse.com 3.2 PulloutStrength NpN =vc,p Np N,, =8Ai,,g{ c> NpN2: Nua Variables 1j/o,p 1.000 Calculations Np [lb] 15696 Results Nen Dbl 15696 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-14) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-15) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) A,,,,g[in.2] 0.65 0.700 3.3 Concrete Breakout Strength Ncbg = <::> ljlec,N·ljlod.N 1Jlc.N 1j/cp,N Nb fc [psij 3000 :$s41-ismic. 0.750 ,~b9 2:Nua A11c see ACI 318-08, Part, Fig. R0.5.2.1 (b} A11c0 =9h~ ljlec,N = ( 1 + 1 e~) s 1..0 3 h,r \j/1d,N =0.7+0.3 (~)s1.o IVcp,N = MAX.e··min. 1.5h.,) s 1.0 · Cao C.e Nb :: k., i. ~ h~i5 Variables hef [in.] e.1,11 [in.J ec2,11 [in.] 6.000 0.000 0.000 C.c [in.] kc A, 0.000 24 1 Calculations A11ePn.2] A11o0 [in.2] \f/ec1.N 529.00 324.00 1.000 Results Ncb9 [lb] 2concrele ~seismic 31543 . 0.700 0.750 ~cnduciie 0.400 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-5) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-6) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-9) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-11) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-13) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-7) Ca.min On.] 18.000 fc[psij 3000 'Jlec2,N 1.000 tnond!Jctlle 0.400 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the exisfing conditions ancl for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( 9) 2003-2009 Hitti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark af Hitti AG, Schaan ~ Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 3 Project Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 Nua [lb] 3296 893 ~c.N 1.000 1Ved.N \Jlgl.N Nb[lb] 1.000 1.000 19320 2 Ncbg [lb] Nua Pb] 6624 3570 www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 4Shearload MTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-89891 (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com Profis Anc;;hor 2.6.2 Page: 4 Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 Load V ua [lb] Capacity +Yn [lb] Utilization Pv = Vu-'4,Vn Status Steel Strength· Steel failure (with lever arm)* Pryout Strength- Concrete edge failure_ In direction )(+** 786 NIA 3143 3143 .. ·anchor having the highest loading "*anchor group (relevant anchors} 4.1 Steel Strength Vsa = n 0.6 A.e.v fuu, ACl-318-08 Eq. (D-20) t VS!eel i!: Vua ACI 318-08.Eq. (0-2) Variables n A, •. v On.2] 1 0.33 Calculations v •• Ob] 11623 Results . v •• Ob] $steel 11623 0.650 4.2 Pryout Strength VcPV :: kq, [(t;) ljlec,N ljled,N 'llc,N ljlq,,N Nb 1 , Vcpgi!:Vua futa [psij 58000 p Vu [lbl 7555 ANc seeACI 318-08, Part D.5.2.1, Fig. RD.5.2.1(b) ANc0 =9 h!, IY•~N = (1 + ~ ~) S 1.0 l!lod,N : 0. 7 + 0.3 ( ~ti> S 1.0 = MAX(Ca.m1n 1.5he1) s 1.0 \j/cp,N Ca~ ' C.c . Nb = k,. ;.. ~ h!f Variables kce her[in.] 2 6.000 ~c,N Cac [in.] 1.000 Calculations ANcPn.2] ANc0 [in.2] 529.00 324.00 Results Vcpg [lb] <ftconcrats 63087 0.700 e01,N [in.] 0.000 k., 24 ljlec1,N 1.000 psebmlc 0.750 v.,. [lb] 786 ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-31) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-6) ACI 318-08 Eq, (0-9) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-11) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-13) ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-7) ec2,N [in.] 0.000 ic 1 1!fec2,N 1.000 tfinonducfile 0.400 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-S494 Sch a an liilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 7555 11 OK NIA NJA NIA 13248 24 OK 5515 57 OK Ca.min [In.] 18.000 f~ [psi] 3000 \Jled,N 1vcp.N 1.000 1.000 19320 tp Vepg [lb] Vua [lb] 13248 3143 www.hilti.us Company: HTK structural Engineers Kurtis Scott Specifier. Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-8989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com 4,3 Concrete edge failure In direction x+ Vci,g : (f::) llfec,V lj/ed,V \j/c,V lj/h,V \lfpanllel,V Vb t Vcbg :i:: V •• A.,c ~eACI 318-08, Part D.6.2.1, Fig. RD.6.2.1(b) A.,r,0 = 4.5 ~1 llfa~v = {1+~)s1.o ljlod,V = 0,7 + 0.3fr~~J S 1.0 -~1.5Ca1 > 1 0 ljlh,V -Ta""-• Vb = (1 G:)°2 ~) "~c;!15 Variables c.1 Pn.] c.2 {in.] 18.000 18.000 1. Pn:] i- 6.000 1.000 Calculations Ave [in.2] Avc0 [in.2] 1107.00 1458.00 Results Vci,g [lb] <pconcrete 26263 0.700 e.v (in,] 0.000 da [in.] 0.750 lflec,V 1.000 <p,siamic 0.750 5 Combined tension and shear loads 0.539 j3NV=~~+~<= 1 0.570 ACl318-08 Eq. (D-22) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2) ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-23) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-26} ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-28) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-~) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-24) 1j/c.v 1.000 t'c [psij 3000 ljled,V 0.900 cpnonau<:!ite 0.400 t 5/3 Input data and results must be cheeked for agreement wilh the existing conditions and ror-plauslbillty! PROFIS Anchor ( c} 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hiltr AG. SchaM Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: h. pn.] . 420.000 \JfparaUel;V . 1.000 ljlh,V 1.000 <j, Vct,9 [lbJ 5515 38434 Vua [lb] 3143 Utifization @N.v [%] 75 Profis Anchor 2.6.2 5 3/17/2016 Status OK www.hlltl.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: &Warnings HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-89891 (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: Project 6 Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 .. Load re-distributions on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered. The anchor plate Is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, In order notto be defonned when subjected to the loading! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the . existing conditions and for plauslblllty! ... Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used. The cs, factor is Increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B apples Wilen supplementary reinforcement Is not used and for Pulout.Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. ~ Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are. required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! • An anchor design approach for structures assigned to Seismic Design category C, D, E or F is given in ACI 318-08 Appendix D, Part D.3.3.4 that requires the governing design strength otan anchor or group of anchors be limited by ductile steel failure. If this is NOT the case, Part D.3.3.5 requires that the attachment that the anchor la connecting to.the.structure shal be designed so that the attachment will undergo ductile yielding at a load level corresponding to anchor forces no greater than the controlling design strength. In lieu.ofD.3.3.4 and, the minimum design strength of the anchors shall be multip~ed by a reduction factor per D.3.3.6. An alternative anchor design approach to ACI 318-08, Part D.3.3 is given in IBC 2009, Section 1908.1.9. This approach contains "Exceptions" that may be applied in lieu of D.3.3 for applications Involving "non-structural components" as defined in ASCE 7, Section 13.4.2. An alternative anchor design approach to ACI 318-08, Part D.3.3 is given In IBC 2009, Section 1908.1.9. This approach contains "Exceptions" that may be applied in lieu of D.3.3 for applications Involving "wall out-of-plane forces" as defined In ASCE 7, Equation 12.11-1 or Equation 12.14-10 • .. It is the responsibility of the user when inputting values for brittle redµction factors (~) different than those noted in ACI 318-08, Part D.3.3.6 to detennlne if they are consistent with the design provisions of ACI 318-08, ASCE 7 and the governing building code. Selection of""'"®*= 1.0 as a means of satisfying ACI 318-08, Part D.3.3.5 assumes the user has designed the attachment that the anch~r Is connecting to undergo ductile yielding at a force level <s the design strengths ca.lculated per ACI 318-08, Part D.3.3.3. Fastening meets the de$ign criteria! Input data and results must be checked for agreement wtth 1ha existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hitt! AG. Fl-9494 $cllaan Hilti is a registered Tracfemalk of Hilti AG, Schaen www.hilti.us Company: Specifier. Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 7 Installation data Anchor plate, steel: - HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858} 679-8989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com Profile: S shape (AISC); 3.000 x 2.330 x 0.170 x 0.260 in. Hole diameter In the fixture: d, = 0.813 In. Plate thickness (Input): 0.375 in. Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Cleaning: No cleaning of the drilled hole is required Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 7 Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 Anchor type and diameter. Hex Head ASTM F 1554 GR. 36 3/4 lnstallatlon torque: - Hole diameter in the base material: -in. Hole depth in the base material: 6.000 in. Minimum thickness of the base material: 7.000 in. .4.Y ____ ~_oo_a ______ J ______ 4_,_oo~o _______ _ f 1--------J ... -~-- 3 "-.:.-' 1 ---------------+----, [ I I o? g.1 .I ~I / I ~-.-1 )( I I ! l i I i ' o: j '&i r · + ~I t----------------- 1 t.SO!! +------~- ---$,--o-Qa--------+--1.-S0-0 +~ -• -·------·--________ ..,. Coordinates Anchor in. Anchor X y C« C+x c.f c~ 1 --2.500 -2.500 18.000 23.000 18.000 23.000 2 2.500 -2.501;) 23.000 18.000 18.000 23.000 3 -2.500 2.500 18.000 23.000 23.000 18.000 4 2.500 2.500 23.000 18.000 23.000 18.000 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausipifityl PROFIS Anchor ( o) 2003-2009 HiftiAG, FL-'3494 Schaan Hiltl is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaen www.hiltl.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danie!so11 St. Poway, CA 92064 (858} 679-8989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com 8 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 8 Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 • Any and all Information and data contained In the Software conc:em solely the use.of Hit! products and are based on the principles, fonnulas and security regulations In accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied Witt! by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be con<jucted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by: means of ttt, Software are based essentiaDy on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put In by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with •ppllcable norms and permits, prior to using them for your speclfi~ facility. The Software serves only as an aid to Jnterpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. • You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused.by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if appHcable, cany out the updates of the Software offered by Hiti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up.to-date version of the Software in each case by canying out manual updates via the Hlltl Website. Hilti wil not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and rasults must be checked for agreement with Iha axls!ing conditions and for plausibility! "PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a r<lgislered Trademark af Hilll AG, Schaan www.hiHi.us Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Specifier's comments: 1 lnputdata Anchor type and diameter: Effective embedment depth: Material: Proof: Stand-off installatron: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-89891 (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com Hex Head ASTM F 1~54 GR. 36 3/4 h., = 6.000 in. ASTMF1554 Design method ACI 318-08 / CIP eb = 0.000 in. (no stand-off); t = 0.375 in. Page:. Project Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: ' 1 Legoland ss 3a 3/17/2016 Anchor plate: Profile: Ix x ~ x t = 8.000 in. x 8.000 in. x 0.375 in.; (Reconvnended plate thickness: not calculated S shape (AISC); (L x W x T x FT) = 3.000 In. x 2.330 in. liC 0.170 in. x 0.260 In. Base material: Reinforcement Seismic loads {cat. C, D, E, or F) Geometry [in.] & Loading [lb, In.lb) cracked concrete, 3000, f0 1 = 3000 psi; h = 24.000 in. tension: condition A, shear: condition A; edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar yes (D.3.3.6) ii \ Input data and results must be checked fur agreement with the existing condijions and for plausibiJityl PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hitti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Sthaan - www.hilti.us Company: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott Page: Project 1:11-;~1 Profis Anchor 2.6.2 2 Legoland ss 3a Specifier. Address: 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-8989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 2 Load _case/Resulting anchor forces Load case: Design loads Anchor reactions [lb] Tension force: (+Tension, -Compression) Date: Anchor Tension force Shear force Shear force x Shear force y 1 780 864 2 780 864 3 780 864 4 780 864 max. concrete compressive strain: -rA-1 864 864 864 864 max. concrete compressive stress: -[psij resulting tension force in (xly)•(0.000/0.000): 3120 [I>] resulting compression force In (x/y)={0.000/0.000): 0 [I>] 3 Tension load Steel Strength* Pullout Strength* Concret1:1 Breakout Strength** Concrete Side-Face Blowout, direction ** Load Nua [lb] 780 780 3120 NIA * anchor havlng the highest loading **anchor group (anchors in tension) 3, 1 Steel Strength Nu = n Au,N futa q, Nsi .. 1 i!: Nu. Variables · n 1 Calculations Nsa Pb] 19372 Results Nsa [lb] 19372 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-3) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) Ase.N {in.2] fu1a [psiJ 0.33 58000 4,stael ~ Nsa[lb] 0.750 14529 Nua (lbJ 780 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with !he existing conditions and for plauslbir,ty! 0 0 0 0 Capacity +Nn [lb] 14529 3296 7097 NIA PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-S494 Schaan Hil!i is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 3/17/2016 Lo. Tension x Utilization l3N = Nual;Nn Status 6 OK 24 OK 44 OK NIA NIA www.hllti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mal: 4Shear load HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-89891 (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com 1:1,-+;i] Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 4 Project: Legoland SS 3a Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 Load V ua [lb] Capacity +vn [lb] Utllfzatlon Pv = V.,i;Vn Status Steel Strength"' Steel failure (with lever arm)'" Pryout Strength** Concrete edge failure in direction x+** 864 NIA 3457 3457 * anchor having the highest loading -anchor group (relevant anchors) 4.1 Steel Strength v .. = n 0.6 A..,v fuia ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-20) + Vs1ae1;;: Vua ACI 318--08 Eq. (D-2) Variables n _A .. ,v [in.2] futa [PS11 1 0.33 58000 Calculations Vsa [lb] 11623 Results v.,,,, [lb] tpsteel p V,-.a [lbJ Vua [lb] 11623 0.650 7555 864 4.2 Pryout Strength Vcpg = k.p I {t:} lj/ac,N 1(/ed,N ljlc,N 'l'cp,N Nb] ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-31) + Y,:pgc!:Vua ACI 318--08 Eq. (D-2) ~ see ACI 318-08, Part D.5.2.1, Fig. RD.5.2.1 (b} ANcQ "'9h!, ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-6) IJ/ac,N ~ {1+ ~e~) S1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-9) 3 h., lj/ocl,N = 0.7 + 0.3 (~t) :S 1.0 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-11) _ MAX(Ca,rn1n 1.5her) :S 1 o IJlc:p,N -C.., , C.., • ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-13) Nb = kc1 ~h!;5 ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-7} Variables kg, h91 [in.J ect,N [in.] ec2,N [In.] 2 6.000 0.000 0.000 \Jlc,N C..c [in.J kc A, 1.000 24 1 Calculations. Atic [ln.2] ~coUn:21 ljJecl,N 1jlec2,N 529.00 324.00 1.000 1.000 Results Vcpg [lb]. toonc:rete ~seismic tnonduclic 63087 0.700 0.750 0.400 Input data and results must be chocked for agreement with the existing cQflditlons and for plauslbirdyl PROFIS Anchor { c )-2003-2009 Hilli AG, Fl~ Schaen Hilli is a registered Trademark of Hilli AG, Schaan 7555 12 OK NIA NIA NIA 13248 27 OK 4757 73 OK Ca,min [In.] 11.000 fc IPsU 3000 'V•d.N ljlcp,N Nb [lb] 1.000 1.000 19320 !J! Vgi8 [lb] Vua [lb] 13248 3457 www.hllti.us Company: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott Specifier. Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-89891 (858} 679-8959 ks@htkse.com 4.3 Concrete edge failure In direction x+ v"'9 = {Z;) ,vec.v \flad,v '!lc.v iph,v 'l'pa,at-~v v.,, i>V=9 ~Vu• Ave see ACI 318-08, Part D.6.2.1, Fig. RD.6.2.1 (b) Atc0 =4.5~1 'Vec,V = (1 + 1 2~) S 1.0 3c.1 'V•d,v = 0.7 + 0.3(1.tJs 1.0 ljlh,V =~i?.1,,0 • vb = (1 G:f2 ~> i -Kcc!r Variables Cat pn.] C.2 [in.] ecv (in.J 11.000 18.000 0.000 1. pn.] A da [in.] 6.000 1.000 0.750 Calculations Ave pn.2] Avc0Iin.2l 9100,v 627.00 544.50 1,000 R~sults Vcbg PbJ q>conerete lpselsmlc 21143 0.750 0.750 5 Combined tension and shear loads l:lv 0.440 j3NV= p~+!3~<= 1 0.727 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-22) ACI 318-0S·Eq. (0-2) ACl318-08 Eq. (D-23) -ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-26) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-28) ACI 318-08 Eq. ·(D-29) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-24) ljic.V 1.000 . (C [psi] 3000 \)lad,V 1.000 $nClldUclila 0.400 513 Input data and results must be diecked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor { c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-8494 Schaan Aifti is a registered Trademark of Hilli AG, Schaan Page: Project: SulrProject t Pos. No.: Date: h,. pn.] 24.000 IVparaU•I.V 1.000 \jlh.V 1.000 2 vcbg [lb} 4757 18361 Vua pb] 3457 Utilization J:\r.1.v [%] 85 Profis Anchor 2.6.2 5 Legoland SS 3a 3/17/2016 Status OK www.hilti.us Company: Specifier. Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: &Warnings HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-89891 (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 6 Project: Legoland SS 3a Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 • Load re-distributions on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered. The anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected ·to the loading! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! • Condition A appfies when supplemeri1$ry reinforcement is used. The cl> factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B appfies when supplementary reinforcement Is not used and for Pulout Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. · • Checking the transfer of loads Into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! • An anchor design approach for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, 0, E or F Is given in ACI 318-08 Appendix D, Part that requires the governing design strength of an anchor or group of anchors be linited by ductile stee,I failure. If this is NOT the case, Part D.3.3.5 requires that the attachment that the anchor is connecting to the structure shall be designed so that the attachment will undergo ductile yielding at a load level corre.,panding to anchor forces no greater than the controlling design strength. In lieu ofD.3.3.4 and D.3.3.5, the minimum design strength of the anchors shall be multiplied by a reduction factor per D.3.3.6. An alternative anchor desfgn approach to ACI 31 S-08, Part D.3.3 is given in IBC 2009, Section 1908.1.9. This approach contains "Exceptions" that may be applied in lieu of D.3.3 for applications involving •non-structural components" as defined in ASCE 7, Section 13.4.2. An alternative anchor design approach to ACI 318--08, Part D.3.3 is given in IBC 2009, section 1908.1.9. This approach contains "Exceptions" that maybe applied In lieu of D.3.3 for applications involving "wall out-of-plane forces" as defined in ASCE 7, Equation 12.11-1 or Equation 12.14-10. • It is the responsibil!ty of the user when inputting values for brittle reduction factors (+nonc1uc11.) different than those noted in ACI 318-08, Part D.3.3.6 to determine if they are consistent with the-design provisions of ACI 318-08, ASCE 7 and the governing building code. Selection of tnonductlle = 1.0 as a means of satisfying ACI 318-08, Part D.3.3.5 assumes the user has d.esigned the attachment that the anchor is connecting to undergo ductile yielding at a force level <= the design strengths calculated per ACI 318-08, Part D.3.3.3. Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing oondilioos and for plausibility! PRORS Andlor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 S<:haan Hitti is a registered Trademark cf Hllti AG. Schaen WW)V,hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 7 Installation data Anchor plate, steel: - HTK StructuralEngineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-89891 (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com Profile: S shape (AISC); 3.000.x 2.330 x 0.170 x 0.260 in. Hole diameter in the fixture: d, = 0.813 in. Plate thickness (Input): 0.375 in. Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Cleaning: No cleaning of the driled hole is required 4,000 ----------~ --------·---- Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 7 Project Legoland SS 3a Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 Anchor type and diameter. Hex Head ASTM F 1554 GR. 36 3/4 Installation torque: - Hole diameter In the base material: -in. Hole depth in the base materjal: 6.000 in. Minimum thickness of the base material: 7.000 in. --------------------,-.------,---------~·--,----1'-·i 3 Coordinates Anchor In. Anchor ~ y C.x C+x c~ C+y 1 -2.500 -2.500 11.000 16,000 18.000 23.000 2 2.500 -2.500 16.000 11.000 18.000 23.000 3 -2.500 2.500 11.000 16.000 23.000 18.000 4 2.500 2.500 16.000 11;000 23.000 18.000 Input data and results ll)ust be checked for agreement with the existing condiUons and for plausibility! PRO FIS Anchor ( i:) 2003-2009 HilliAG, FL-9494 Schaen Hilti is a registwed Tradematk of Hihi AG, Schaan , ... _..,,,. ...... I ' l ' f-,r-------I / i. I . I g: q I .... j 1,500 -~--~-.-.... ..-------. www.hil~.u~ Company: Specifier: -Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-8989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com 8 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 8 Project Legoland ss 3a Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 • Any and an information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hiffi products and are.based on the principles, fonnulas and security regulations in accordance with Hllti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore 1.1Se-$peciflc tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant HHti-product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentiaRy on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret nonns and pennits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. • You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software otrered·by Hilti on a re_gular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you ·must ensure ttiat you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software In each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. rlilti wiU not be liable for consequences, such as.the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a cu~able bMach of duty by you. Input data and results must ba checked for agreement with the existing condttions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan HUil ls a registered Trademark. of Hitti AG, Schaan www.hiltt us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Specifier's comments: 1 lnputdata Anchor type and diameter: Effective embedment depth: Material: Proof: Stand-off installation: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (~8) 679-e989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse:com Hex Head ASTM F 1554 GR. 36 3/4 h., = 6.000 in. ASTMF 1554 Design method AC) 318-08 / CIP eb = 0.000 in. (no stand-off); t = 0.375 in. Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 1 Project: Legoland Portal Frame Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 Anchor plate: Profile: Ix x ~ x t • 4.000 in. x 8.000 in. x 0.375 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated S shape (AISC); (L x Wx T x FT)= 3.000 in. x 2.330 in. x 0.170 in. x 0.260 In. Base material: Reinforcement: Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) Geometry [in.] & Loading [lb, in.lb] crackecl concrete, 3000, fc' = 3000 psi; h "" 24.000 in. tension: condition B, shear. condition B; edge reinforcement none or < No. 4. bar yes (D.3.3.6) . z! . ' . . . ' • . Input data and results must be checked for agreement wjth,the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilli AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG. Schaan 7 :!I "I ; J' --~~ ' ' '',X ' Y.-. www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott Page: Project: ~ Profis Anchor 2.6.2 2 Legoland Portal Frame Address: 14288 Dan~lson st, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-8989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@htl<Se.com Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load case: Design loads Anchor reactions [lb] Tension force: (+Tension, -Compression) Date: Anchor Tension force Shear force Shear force x. Shear force y 1 385 180 180 0 .2 385 180 180 0 max. concrete compressive strain: -['M] max. concrete compressive stress: -[psll res1,11ting tension force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 770 [lb] resulting compression force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 0 [lb] 3 Tension load Load Nua [lb] Capaci!,y ;Nit {lb] Steel Strength" Pullout Strength* Concrete Breakout Strength** Concrete Side-Face Blowout, direction ** 385 385 770 NIA * anchor having the highest loading **anchor group (anchors in tension) 3.1 Steel Strength N.. = n A. •. N futa c> N,1eo1-l!: Nua Variables n 1 Calculations N,. [lb] 19372 Results N.a [lbJ 19372 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-3) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) Aae,N [ln.2] 0.33 0.750 fu1s [psij . 58000 <Ii N •• [lb] 14529 Nua [lb) Input data and results must be checked for agreement wilh the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 HiltiAG, FL-9494 Schaen Hilti is a registared Trademark of Hil!i AG, Schaan 14529 3296 4733 NIA 3/17/2016 Utilization 13N = N..J+Nn Status 3 OK 12 OK .17 OK NIA NIA X www.hlltl.us Company: Specifier: HTK structural Engineers Kurtis Scott Address: Phone I Fax: E-Man: 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-8989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@hlkse.com 3.2 Pullout Strength NpN = 1jfc,p Np Np =BAix; t'c + NpN~ Nua · Variables 1.000 Calculations Np [lb]. 15696 Results Npn {lb} 15696 ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-14) AC! 318-08 Eq. {D-15) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-1) 0.65 0.700 3.3 Concrete Breakout Strength Ncbg = (~) ljlec,N \l'ed;N 1jfc,N IJfcp,N Nb lj> Nct,g~ Nua 3000 $seismic 0.750 At.c seeACI 318-08, Part, Fig. RD.5.2.1(b) ~cO = 9 h!t 'l'•c.N = (1·+ ~ eN) !'. 1.0 3 her \Jled,N =0.7+0.3 (~h:)!i:1.0 \j/cp,N = MAX(~, 1·5he1) S 1.0 Cac Cac Nb = kc ;.. ...ffc h!r5 · Variables her [in.] 8c1,N [in.] 6,000 0.000 Cac Un,] kc 0.000 24 Calculations ANo [in.2] ANeo [in.2] 391.00 324.00 Results Nc1>g [lb] poonerete 22538 0.700 e.2.N fin.] 0.000 IJlecl,N 1.000 ,Pncnduetie 0.400 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-5) ACI 318-08 Eq. {D-1) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-6) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-9) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-11) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-13} ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-7) Ca,min [in.] 8.000 3000 1jfec2,N 1.000 pnonducti!e 0.400 Input data and results must ba checked.for agreement with the existing condttlons and for plaU11iDilily! PROFIS Anchor ( o} 2003-2009 HiltiAG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hiftl AG. Schaan Prof rs Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 3 Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Legoland Portal Frame Date: 3/17/2016 N..a [lb] 385 1.000 1Ved,N 0.967 1Vcp,N 1.000 19320 $ Ncbg [lbJ Nua [lb] . 4733 770 www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 14288 Dan!elson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-8989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com 7 lnstal.lation data Anchor plate, steel: - Profile: S shape (AISC}; 3.000 x 2.330 x 0.170 x 0.260 In. Hole diameter !n the fixture: dr = 0.813 in. Plate thickness (input): 0.375 in. Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Cleaning: No cleaning of the dried hole is required 2.000 y Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 7 Project: Legoland Portal Frame Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 Anchor type and diameter: Hex Head ASlM F 1554 GR. 36 3/4 Installation torque: - Hole diameter in the base material: -in. Hole depth in the base material: 6.000 in. Minimum thickness of the base material: 7.000 in. 2.000 ' C 0 ..q ,... C u :l 0 0 Coordinates Anchor In. Anchor 1 2 X 0.000 0.000 -2.500 18.000 2.500 18.000 C+x 8.000 8.000 ,....,.. --- 2:000 18.000 23.000 23.000 18.000 Input data and results must be checked for agreement wtth tha existing condillons and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 HiHi AG, Fl-9494 Schaen Hilti is a registarad Trademarkoof H11li AG. Schaan 0 ,,;f ~ 0 0 :::--: It) X 0 0 0 '<t 1 0 0 iq ..- 2.000 www.hllti.us Company: 'Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858} 679-8989 I (858) 679...8959 ks@htkse.com 8 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Profis Anc·hor 2.6.2 Page: 8 Project: Legoland Portal Frame Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 • Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hiltl products and are based on the principles, formulas.and security regulations in accordance with Hfli's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All fig1.1res contained therein are average figures, and th~refore use.specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibllfty for the absence of errors, the compl¢.eness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to usi1H1 them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific appficatlon. • You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or Hmft damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup ofprograms and data and, If applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hiiti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using 1he current and thus up-to-date version of the Software In each case by carrying out rnanual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with Iha existing conditions and tor plauslbffityl PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of l·b1U AG, Schaan www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 4Shearload HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, PfN/ay, CA 92064 (858) 679-898~ I (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com ~I Profis Anchor 2,6i2 Page: 4 Project Legoland Portal Frame Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 Load Vua [lb] Capacity +vn Pb] Utilization fw = VuJ+Vn Status Steel Strength* Steel failure (with lever arm)* Pryout Strength** 180 NIA 360 Concrete edge,failure in direction x+*" 360 * anchor having the highest loading **anchor group (relevant anchors) 4.1 Steel Strength v.. = n 0.6 A.~.v fut• 4> v.111., l!'; v •• ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-20) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2) Variables n 1 Calculations Vsa [lb] 11623 Results VsaPb] 11623 4.2 Pryout Strength 0.33 0.650 Vcpg = kcp [{~) IJl•c.N 'l'•d,N ljlc,N ljlcp,N Nb] , Vcpg ~Vua futa [psQ 58000 ANc seeACI 318-08, Pait D.5.2.1, Fig. RD.5.2.1(b) Ailc0 = 9 h!r 111,c.N = (1 + 1 eN) :S 1,0 3 h., 11/td,H = 0.7 + 0,3 (~) S i .0 IJlcp,N =MAX(~.1:et)s1.0 ~ =kaA. ~h!;5 Variables kcp her [in.] ec1.N [ifl,J 2 6.000 0.000 \f'c,N c,,., {in.J kc 1.000 24 Calculations ANc [in.2] ANcil [in.2] Wec1,N 391.00 324.00 1.000 Results Vepg [lb] pccncrete pselsmlc 45075 0.700 0.750 Vua Pb] 180 ACl318•08 Eq. (D-31) ACl-318-08 Eq. (D-2) ACI 318-08 Eg. {D-6) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-9) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-11) ACI 318-08 Eq, (D-13) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-7) 0.000 \f/ac2,N' 1.000 ,pnonduclie 0.400 Input data and results must be1*tecked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibiITty! PROF IS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, Fl-9494 Schaan Hilii is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG. Schaan 7555 3 OK NIA NIA NIA 9466 4 OK 2890 13 OK Ca.min [in.] 8.000 t'. [ps!} 3000 1Ved,N lVcp,N 0.967 1.000 19320 p Vcp9 [lb] Vua [lb] 9466 360 www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott Address:. Phone I Fax: E-MaH: 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-8989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com 4.3 Concrete edge fallure in direction x+ Vcb~ = {~) \lfte,V 1j/ed,V \jlc,V 'Vh,V \jlparalltl,V Vb +Vcb11~Vu, Ave see ACI 31.8-08, Part D.6.2.1, Fig. RD.6.2.1(b) Avr,0 =4.5~1 \Vec,V = (1 + 12ey) s 1.0 3Ca1 \j/td,V = 0. 7 + 0.3( t .~,1 ) S 1.0 "'"V = -~ ~ 1.0 .,. .. , 'Vf. vb = (1 (~)°.2 ~),. ~ c!l Variables c.1 Pn.] Ca2 fin.J .e.v{in.] 8.000 18.000 0.000 la [in.] A. dafin.] 6.000 1.000 0.750 Calculations Ave [in.2J Avco [in.2] ljlee.V 348.00 288.00 1.000 Results . Vcbg [lbJ $concrete 13760 0.700 $seismic 0.750 5 Combined tension and shear loads 0.163 PNv·"' P~ + P~ <= 1 ACI 318-08-Eq. (D-22) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-2} ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-23) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-26) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-28) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-29) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-24) lj/c,V 1.000 .3000 ~lod.V 1.000 <linanducble 0.400 t 5/3 Input_ data and results ml.1st be checked for agreement wilh the existing conditions and tor plausibjlity! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilll Isa registered Trademark of Hilli AG, Schaan ,:,,s~, Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 5 Project Legoland Portal Frame Sub-Project t Pas. No,: Date: 3/17/2016 24.000 l}lparallel,V 1.000 t.000 11388 Vua [lb] 2890 360 Utilization PN.V [%] Status 8 OK www.hllti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone !Fax: E-Mail: 6Wamings HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-8989 I (858} 679-8959 ks@htkse.com •=tl5.J] Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 6 Proj~ Legoland Portal Frame Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 • Load.re-distributions on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered. The anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be defonned when subjected to the loading! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! • Condition A apples when supplementary reinforcement is used. The C3> factor Is Increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B appr~ when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. -.. Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! • An anchor design approach for structures assigned to Seismic Design category C, D, E or Fis given in ACI 318-08 Appendix D, Part D.3.3.4 that requires the goveming design strength of an .anchor or group of anchors be limited by ductile steel failure. If this is NOT the case, Part D.3.3.5 requires that the attachment that the anchor ia connecting to the structure shall be,de.signed so that the attachment will undergo ductile yielding at a load level corresponding to anchor forces no greater than the controlling design strength. In lieu of and, the minimum design strength of the anchors shall be multipjled by a reduction factor per An alternative anchor design approach to ACI 318-08, Part 0.3.3 Is given in IBC 2009, Section 1908.1.9. This approach contains "Exceptions" that may be applied io lieu of D.3.3 for applications involving •non-structural components" as defined in ASCE 7, Section 13.4.2. An.alternative anchor design approach to ACI 318-08, Part D.3.3 ls given in IBC 2009, Section 1908.1.9. This approach contains "Exceptions" that may be applied In lieu of D.3.3 for applications involving "wall out-of-plane forces" as defined in ASCE 7, Equation 12.11-1 or Equation 12.14-10. • It Is the responsibility of the user when inputting values for brittle reduction factors (+nonciu•> different than those noted in ACI 318-0B, Part D.3.3.6 to determine,lfthey are consistent with the design provisions of ACl318-0B, ASCE 7 and the governing building code. Selection of ~duCIHa = 1.0 as a means of satisfying ACI 318-08, Part D.3.3.5 assumes the user has designed the attachment that the anchor is connecting tQ undergo ductile yielding at a force level<= the design strengths calculated per ACI 318-08, Part D.3.3.3. Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and rasults must be d1eclted for agreement with the existing contliticns and for plausibility! PRO FIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL·9494 Sctiaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan , www.hllti.us Company: HTK Structural Engineers Kurtis Scott Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: 14288 Danielson St, Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-8989 I (858) 679-8959 ks@htkse.com 3.2 Pullout Strength NpN = ljlo,pNp Np = 8Ab111 fc 9 NpN i? Nua Varlables IJTc,p 1.000 Calculations Np.[lb] 15696 Results Npn Pb] 15696 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-14) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-15) ACI 318-08 Eq. {D-1) cl,concrata 0.700 3,3 Conerete Breakout Strength Ncbg "' (~) 'lfec.N \j/cd,N llfc,N lj/cp,N Nb + Nqc!: Ni.a 3000 0.750 ANc see ACI 318-08, Part D.5.2.1, Fig. RD.5.2.1(b) ~co =9 h!, \jfee,N = ( 1 + ~ ~) s 1.0 3 her llfed,N = 0.1 + o.3 (~st;:J~ 1.0 \jlcp.N = MAX(~. 1·:•1) ~ 1.0 Nb = kc i,. "'<c h~f Variables har [in.] 8e1.N [In.] ec2,N[in.J 6.000 0.000 0.000 Cac [In.] kc i,. 0.000 2-4 1 Calculations ANc[in.2] ANcO [in.2] 1Vec1,N 529.00 324.00 1.000 Results Ncbl! [lb] ~concrate ~seismic 31543. 0.750 0.750 0.400 ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-5) ACI 318-08 Eq. {D-1) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-6) ACI 318-08 Eq. (D-9) ACI 318-08 Eq. {D-11) ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-13} ACI 318-08 Eq. (0-7) Ca.min [In .J 11.000 t'c [psij 3000 ljlcc2,N 1.000 ~nonductU• 0.400 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions all(f for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hil!i AG, FL~494 Schaan Hilti is a regfstered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan I:11SiJ Profis Anchor 2.6.2 Page: 3 Project: Legoland ss 3a Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 3/17/2016 780 l~c,N 1.000 'J'ed,N lifcp,N Nb [lb] 1.000 1.000 19320 ~ Nella Pb] Nu• [lb] 7097 3120 ZJS ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. 14189 FOOTHILL BLVD, STE. 101 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 PHONE ( 909 ) 823 4150 FAX: ( 909 ) 823 4153 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS CUSTOMER : LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> DATE : Feb?"1ary 29, 2016 JOB NUMBER : 264210-16 CONTENTS 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D 1. Basic Lo~ds 2. Check ~heeting 3. Check Pur lin 4. Check Rigid Frames 5. Check Connections 6. Check Bracing/Portal Frame 7. Reactions at Column Bases APPENPIX MAR O.l 2016 C/J({,{[bb Page Number 2 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEE.RING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D DUPLEX PRINTING . ,:P. '· ,. Page Number 3 .. De$igned By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd; Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 · Reference: LEGOLAND <Castl~ ~teel> Description: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building D DEsiGN CRITERIA This building was designed using the criteria listed below. Capacity for loads grea.ter than these or for load combinations other than shown below specifically neither intended nor implied. 1. BASIC LOADS 1.1. Codes 2013 California Building Code 1. 2. Dead Load lb P. = 3.0 -.- DL ft~ 1. ;3. i1ve Load p = 20. LL lb ft~ Refer To Section 1607 of 2013 CBC 1.4. Vind Lo~d Per Chapter 26 to 30 ASCE 7 adopted by Section 1609.1.1. Of 2013 CBC LOY-RISE BUILDING per Section 26.2 of ASCE 7-10 1. mean roof height h less than or equal to 60 ft; and 2. mean roof height h does not exceed least horizontal dimension. . 2 lb qh = 0.00256 Kz Kzt Kd V = 23.70 -·. f~ (28.3-1) of ASCE 7-10 Kd = 0.85 -Directionality Factor per Section 26.6, Table 16.6-1 Kz = 0.90 -Per Section 28.'3.1, Table 28.3-1 for exposure C Kzt = 1.0 -Topographic Factor per Section 26.8.2 V = 110 mph -Basic Wind Speed from Section 26.5.i Occupancy Category II, Figure 26.5-lA h = 17.0 ft. -Mean Heigth Of Roof GC = ± 0.18 -lnter. Pressure Coeff. per Section 26.11 and Table 26.11-1 pi Siope = . 25/12 for Enclosed Buildings< Conservatively Assumed> -Roof -Slope Page Number 4 Designed By: Z.J,S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAHD <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D Pressure Coefficient on Main ~ind-Forced Resisting Systems 9 = invtan (Slope)= 1.19° L 60. ft --= 2.0 h 26.5 ft ------= 0.27 B 30. ft L 60. ft B: horizontal dimension perpendicular to L Monoslope Roofs Refer to Figure 27,4-1 of ASCE 7-10 Transversal Direction: GC = 0.68 pf [ 1] GC = -0.76 pf [2] GC = -0.15 pf [3] GC = -0.42 pf [4] GC pf (windward wall) (windward roof) (leeward roof ) (leeward wall) GC pf Cll GC ~ ~ pi [4] ~ Longitudinal Direction: -External Pressure -External Pressure -External Pressure -External Pressure r---- h GC pf j_ ~ Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure / .fc;c e pi GC pf [3] GC pf GC ~ pi [4] ~ 27.4-1 27.4-1 27.4-1 27.4-1 GC = 0.68 (windward wall) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-1 pf [1] GC = -0. 76 (windward roof) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27. 4-1 pf [2] GC = -0.76 (leeward roof) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-1 pf [3] GC == -0.42 (leeward wall) -External Pressure Coeffkients per Figure 27. 4-1 pf [ 4] f Page Number 5 ' Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Descriptlon: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D T GC pf T GC pf [2] [3] GC pf [1] ~ I /JccP,7 I . //9~_/ / GC INTERNAL /-~ pi PRESSURE GC ~. GCpf pi / [4] // 1.4. Seismic Load Seismic Design Group: II -As per Table 1604.5 of 2013 CBC I = 1.00 -Importance Factor per Table 1.5-2 of ASCE 7-10 for Category II EQ Site Ground Motion: Location: 33.126248 N, 117.311577 W S = 130.1 % g s S = 48.4 % g 1 Fa= 1.00 Fv = i.52 SMs = Fa S5 = 1.30· g SM1 = Fy S1 = 0.74 g 2 Sns = -SMs = 0.87 g 3 2 . Sn1 = -· ~1 = 0. 49 g 3 -From USGS Web Site -From USGS Web Site -Table 1613.3.3(1) of 2013 CBC For Site Class D -Table 1613.3.3(2) of 2013 CBC For Site Class D -Eq 16-37 of 2013 CBC- -Eq 16-38 of 2013 CBC -Eq 16-39 of 2013 CBC -Eq 16-40 ·of 2013 CBC SDC ( Seismic Design Category) : D -Per Table 16'13.3.5(1) of 2013 CBC D -Per Table 1613.3.5(2) of 2013 CBC Page Number 6 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D 2. CHECK SHEETING 2.1. Check Roof Decking w M MAX. s RQ. Uniform Load Max. Moment Required Section Modulus Triple Equal Spans Condition l lllwll lllwllll lwll i i 1' i Use: 26 GA Galv. Steel l1BCI "R" Panel, <ICC-ES ER-5409P> Or Equal. Material : Steel, ASTl1 A446 Grade D, Fy = 55 ksi Gauge Weight Panel Top In Compression Panel Bottom In Compression PDL I+ S+ PL Fb+ L s_ lb in4 in3 :ksi in4 in3 ft2 ---- ft ;ft ft ft 26 0.94 0.0423 0.0388 33.0 0.0390 0.0437 E = 29. 103 ksi. b = 1.0 ft. t = s. a ft. Modulus Of Elasticity Of Steel 1 ft Wide Strap Being Checked Span Between Two Supports 2.1.1. For Dead Load+ Live Load Section 1605.3.1 w = DL+LL ) b = 20.9_4 _!!:.:. PDL+ PLL PL ft. Fb_ ksi 33.0 - Designed By: Z. J .• S. ENGINEERiNG SERVICES 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. . Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Maximum Positive Moment; M = ·0.08 w t 2 = 0.503 kip-in. DL+LL ~L+LL M s80_ = F~~+LL = 0.0152 in: < S+= 0.0388 in: OK Maximum Negative Moment M = 0.10 w t 2 = 0.628 kip-in. DL+LL DL+LL M S = FbD~+LL = 0.01.90 in: < S_= 0.0437 in: OK RQ. 2.1.2. Dead Load + 0.6 Vind Load Section 1605.3.1 Effective wind areas of roof t AEFF = b t = 5.00 ft2 or AEFF = 3 t = 8.33 ft2 Page 'Number 7 INC. Job# 26421-16 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building D " AEFF = -8.33 ft2 Controls !--:; GCP = 1.80 -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 . lb qh ( GC + GC ) = 46. 92 --· -max. wind pressure p pi ft~ w = [ 0. 6 qh ( GC + GC ) -pDL] b = 27. 21 DL+WL p pi PL Maximum Positive Moment: M = 0.10 w t 2 = 0.816 kip-in. DL+WL DL+WL M lb. ft. s = DL+WL = 0.0247 in7 < S = 0.0388 in: OK RQ. Fb+ + Maximum Negative Moment M = 0.08 w t 2 = 0.653 kip-in. ·DL+WL DL+WL M · s = -DL+WL = 0.0198 in: < S = 0. 0437 in: OK RQ. Fb-. Page Number 8 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERIN~ SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D 3 . CHECK PURLIN 3.1.@ 5.0 ft. Tributary Load Vidth E = 29. 103 ksi. Fy = 50.00 ksi. b = 5.00 ft. e = 20.00 ft w R s RQ. M MAX. Modulus Of Elasticity Of Steel Minimum Yield Stress Spacing Of The Purlin Span Between Two Supports Critical Uniform Load End Beam Reaction Required Section Modulus Max. Moment Continuous Purlin w/ 1'-0" Overlap -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF ELEMENTS= 6 NUMBER OF CONCEN1RATED LOADS= 0 ELASTIC MODULUS= 29500.00 PURLIN SPACING = 5.00' 3 SUPPRESSED DISPLACEMENTS AT POSITIONS: 1 7 13 BAY 1 2 LENGTH(FT) LENGTH(IN) 19.67 19.67 236.00 236.00 3.1.1. For Dead Load+ Live Load Section 1605.3.1 LL (FT) 0.00 1.00 RL (FT) 1.00 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELEM. 1 2 IN"4 7 .19 7.19 LENGTH 94.00 130.00 BENDiNG w(K/in) w(K/ft) NODE MOMENTS 0.0096 0.0096 0.1150 0.1150 1 2 -0.0 35.5 NODAL DISPL. (V) and (theta) 0.00 -0.0115 0.69 -0.0005 't . ' Page Number 9 ·- Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING S~VICES INC. Job# 26421-16 3 4 5 6 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 - Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 14.38 14.38 7.19 7.19 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building 12,00 12.00 130.00 94.00 0.0096 0.0096 0.0096 0.0096 0.1150 0.1150 0.1150 0.1150 3 4 5 6 7 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building D -54.9 -71.4 -54.9 35.5 -0.0 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.69 0.00 0.0018 0.0000 -0.0018 0.0005 0.0115 -. -----. ------. ------------------------------.: -------------------------------- NODE=3 MOMENT= -54.9 Use: (1) 8 x 2.5 x 16 Ga 11 211 Resisting Moment= 60.9 NODE=S MOMENT= -54. 9 Use: (1) 8 x 2.5 x 16 Ga "Z" Resisting Moment= 60. 9 See Appendix For Allowable Values 3.1.2. For 0.6 Dead Load+ 9.6 Vind Load Section 1605.3.1 Effective wind areas of roof 2 . £ · 2 AEFF = b t = 100.00 ft or A = -t = 133 .. 33 ft EFF 3 . AEFF = 133.33 ft2 Controls I---'> GC~ = 1.10 -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 qh ( GC + GC ) = 39.10 lb. -max. wind pressure p pi ft~ w = [ 0.6 qh ( GC + GC ) -0.6 p ] b = 108.30 ~ DL+WL P pi DL . ft. ---------------------------------------------·--------------------------------BENDING NODAL DI SPL. ELEM. IN"4 LENGTH w(K/in) w(K/ft) NODE MOMENTS (V) and (theta) ---------· ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 9.40 94.00 ...,0,0090 -0.1083 1 o.o -0.00 0.0083 2 9.40 130.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 2 -33.4 -0.50 0.0004 3 18.80 12.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 3 51. 7 -0.01 -0.0013 4 18.80 12.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 4 67.2 -0.00 0.0000 5 9.40 130.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 5 51. 7 -0.01 0.0013 6 9.40 94.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 6 -33.4 -0.50 -0.0004 7 -0.0 -0.00 -0.0083 ---------------------------------------------:-.------------------------------ NODE=3 MOMENT= 51.7 NbDE=5 MOMENT= 51. 7 Use: (1) 8 x 2.5 x 16 Ga 112 11 Use: (1) 8 x 2.5.x 19 Ga 11211 Resisting Moment= 60.9 Resisting Moment= 60.9 See Appendix For Allowable Values Page Number 10 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building 5. CHECK RIGID FRAME SYSTEM Finite Element Model: Joints, Members, Member Types, Connections, Supports Not To Scale ' JOINT #2 CONNECTION #1 t MEMBER #1 I ~MBER TYPE #1 #2 TY-PE #2 INC. Job# 101 Date Building D 'JOINT #3 CONNECTION #2 SUPPORT ' '3 -i JOINT•• SUPPORT #2 SUPP-ORT #4 26421-16 2-29-2016 Page Number 11 Designed By: Z. J .. S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Ca~tle Steel> · Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D LOADING DIAGRAMS See Page 19-22 below for aP,plication on the actual model LOAD GASE : .Dead Load ( pDL ) b I = -40. 0 lb = -0. 0400 KIPS/FT < UN IF VER > ROOF -ft. b = 20.0 ft I -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame p === 2.0 psf DL ROOF -Weight Of The Ro9f LOAD CASE Collateral load ( ) b = -20.0 lb = -0.0200 KIPS/FT < UNIF VER > pCL I ft. b = 20.0 ft I -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame pcL = 1.0 psf -Collateral Load LOAD CASE Live Load ( p ) b = -240.0 lb = -0.2400 KIPS/FT < UNIF VER> -LL I ft. sI = 30.0 ft ~ Span Of The Interior Frame b = 20.0 ft -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame I . 2 Tributary Load Area = s b = 600.0 ft I I P = 12. 0 psf -Live Load LL - LOAD CASE Wind Load qh = 23.70 psf -See -Section 1.3. Yind Load of These Calculations Above! Transversal Direction ( CASE A ) : GC = 0.68 (windward wall) pf GC = -0.76 (windward roof) pf GC = -o. rs (leeward roof ) -pi GC = -0.42 (leeward -wall) pf GC = 0.18 (internal ] · pi Page Number 12 Des,igned By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D Wall: (GC. + GC ) 0.6 qh ( 20.0 ft ) = -142. lb. = -0.1422 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> pf' pi Roof: (GC Pf' + GC ) pi 0.6 qh Roof: (GCPf' + GC ) pi 0.6 qh Wall: (GC + GC ) pf' pi 0.6 qh LOAD CASE: Seismic Load Slope = 0.25/12 Width = 30.00 ft Length= 60.00 ft Eave = 16.00 ft Ridge = 16.62 ft ft. ( 20.0 ft ) = 267.3 ___!£:_ ft. 20.0 ft ) = 93.85 ___!£:_ ft. ( 20.0 ft ) = 170.6 lb. ft. -Width Of The Building -Length Of The Building Ridge+ Eave hn = 2 = 16.31 ft -Mean Heigth of Roof = 0.2673 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> = 0.0938 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> = 0.1706 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> bl = 20.00 ft s 1 = 30.00 ft n = 3 -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame CNN pDL = 2.00 psf ROOF p = 1.00 psf CLL p = 2.50 psf ~XLL WFRM= 19 plf INT -Span Of The Interior Frame -Number Of Moment Connection in the Line of Resistance -Weight Of The Roof -Collateral Loads -Weight Of The Wall -Weigth Of The Interior Frame <See Below> Steel 0MRF Structural System ( Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 ): R = 3.5 Q0 = 2.5 C0 = 3.0 -<As Worst Case For The Entire Structure> -00 = 3.0 -0.5 = 2.5 per Note g of Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 for Flexible Diaphragms -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 Check For Building Period: Ct= 0.028 X = 0.80 X T = Ct hn = 0 .. 259 a -T~ble 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Eq 12.8-7 of ASCE 7-10 ' : . Page Number 13 Designed By: ·Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd,. Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date Reference: U:GOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building D T = 8.000 L -ASCE 7 Figures 22-15 through 22-20 Find .: Sns Cs= --= R 0.249 Except Cs need not to exceed. 0.540 But Not Be Less Than Cs = 0. 044 S0s IEQ = 0 .. 038. Cs = o. 249 GOVERNS !. T :s T a x, P = [ p + p ] bI S, I = 1. 80 kips ROOF DL CLL INT ROOF p == 2 p b Eav2e = 0.80 kips WALL DL l INT WALL p = w [ 2 ~a2ve + Width] = 0.87 kips FRM FRM . · INT INT 26421-16 2-29-2016 WINT = PROOF + PWALL + PFRM = 3.47 kips -Total Seismic Weight At Frame INT INT INT V or QE = Cs WINT = 0.86 Kips ---------------------------------------------"'._ ........ "" Page Number 14 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D Find Redundacy Factor: Note: In transverse direction, the redundancy coefficient,p, is 1.0 if making one moment connection pinned does not reduce the strength of the moment frame line by more than 33%. Otherwise the redundancy coefficient,p, is 1.3. p = 1.0 would arise if there were four or more moment connections in the line of resistance, otherwise p = 1.3 p = 1.3 -There Are ( 3) Moment Connections in the Line of Resistance Basic Load Combinations: 1. D + ( L or S) -( Eq. r 2. D + 0.75 (0.6) W + 0.75 ( L or S) -( Eq. r 3. D + 0.75 ( 0.7 QE) + 0.75 S -( Eq. 4. 0.6 D + 0.6 W - C Eq. 5. 0.6 D + 0.7 QE - ( Eq. 6. QE to find horizontal deflections per ASGE Eq. 12.8-15 Note: One-third allowable stress increase is not permitted. ASD Load Combinations for Beam-To-Column Design: 1. (1.0 + 0.14 S }(D+C) ± 0.7 Q0 Q DS E 3. (1.0 + 0.105 S )(D+C) ± 0.525 n0· Q + 0.75 S re E · 16-10 ) 16-13 ) 16-14 ) 16-15 ) 16-16 -1::i-_--..--------------------------------------------- Page Number 15 ... De!;'igned By: " z·.J. S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building D REACTIONS AT COLUMN BASE D + C + LiveRoof Not To Scale 0.97 T 4.60 ~ -0.97 T 4.61 D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> Not To Scale T ~ 0.05 0.88 ~ -0.51 T 1.13 D + 0.75 V + 0.75 LiveRoof Not To Scale ~ -1.55 T -0.20 0.6 D + 0.6 V Not To Scale -2.92 T -4.1-4 -1.89 T 1.64 ~ -1.67 T -1.69 Page Number 16 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEE;RING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft MM MM MMM MMM MMMM MMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MMMM MMM MMM MM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM Steel Building BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB Date 2-29-2016 Building D PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP _., ·--- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • METAL BUILDING PROGRAM • • • • Copyright (C) • • by International Structural Engineers • * • • Version 8.2 • • • • International Structural Engineers • * P.O. Box 241740 * * Los Angeles, CA 90024 • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ******•************************************************* * • * * * * ZJS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. * * 14189· Foothill blvd, Ste 101,Fontana Ca 92335 * * *(909) 823-4150 FAX (909) 823-4153 E-MAIL ZJSENG@AOL.COM * * *******-************************•*********************-*** TITLE: Legoland A DATE: 02/29/** 13-: 11: 31 Page Number 17 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 9Z335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D DDDD A TTTTT A D D AA T AA D ·n A A T A A D D A A T A A D D AAAAA t AAAAA D D A A T A A DDPD A A T A A --------------------------------------, ----------------------------------------------C O N T R O L D A T A S E T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DESIGN CYCLES = 3 SHOW OPTIMIZATION HISTORY REQUESTED NUMBER OF SEGMENTS PER MEMBER = 6 MAXIMUM COMBINED STRESS RATIO = 1.030 MAXIMUM WEB DEPTH-TO-THICKNESS RATIO= 240.00 MAXIMUM FLANGE INEQUALITY :\lATIO = 2.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J O I N T S ----------------------------------, -------------------,------------------------------ NUMBER OF JOINTS= 4 JOINT X y NUMBER (FT) (FT) 1 1.167 .000 ~ 1.167 .1-4. 857 3 28.833 15.434 4 28.833 .000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER ,OF SUPPORTS= 4 SUPPORT AT DIRECTION STIFFNESS NUMBER JOINT (KIPS/IN OR KIP-F:'1VRAD) 1 1 HOR 10000_.Q00 2 1 VER 10000.000 3 4 HOR 10000.000 4 4 VER 10000.000 ,, Page Number 18 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D ---------------------------------------. ---------------------------------------------MEMBER TYPES ________________________________ , ---------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF MEMBER TYPES= 3 MEMBER KIND ORIENTATION LENGTH END-REL. ANALYS. DESJ;GN MAT. TYPE OF MEMBER (FT) CODE CONST. CONST. 1 BU/TD/EF/AN IN-PLANE 14.857 00 1 1 1 2 BU/TD/EF/AN IN-PLANE 27.673 00 2 2 1 3 BU/TD/EF/AN IN--PLANE 15.434 00 3 3 1 NUMBER OF SETS OF ANALYSIS CONSTANTS= 3 FOR BUILT-UP MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: FOR WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 1 -DEPTH AT START (IN) 2 -DEPTH AT END (IN) 3 -FLANGE WIDTH ( IN) 4 -FLANGE THICKNESS (IN) 5 -WEB THICKNESS (IN) 6 -OUTER FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 7 -OUTER FLANGE THICK. (IN) FOR PIPE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 3 -CLASS (STD, XSTR, XXSTR) 4 -NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 3 -NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 4 -NOMINAL WEIGHT (LB/FT) FOR GENERAL MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -AREA ( IN2) 2 -MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 3 -SECTION MODULUS (IN3) 4 -TRANSV. MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 5 -TRANSV. SECTION MODULUS (IN3) SET -----------------------------------CONSTANTS------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 12.00 12.00 6.000 .2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 2 12.00 12.00 6.000 .2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 3 12.00 12.00 6.000 .2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 NUMBER OF SETS OF DESIGN CONSTANTS= 3 SET FACTOR COEFF LAT SUP LAT SUP EXCL ZN EXCL ZN KL/R COEFF "K11 i•cm" INSIDE OUTSIDE AT STRT AT END MAX "Cb" (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) 1 1.500 .850 16.000 .16.000 .000 .490 .00 1. 75 2 1.000 .850 5.000 10.000 .490 .511 .00 1.00 3 1.500 .850 16.000 16.000 .000 .511 .00 1.75 ' Page Number 19 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvq, Ste. .Janos Boros P. E. Fontana, CA 92335 . Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building NUMBER OF MA'tERIALS = 1 MAT. NUMBER 1 "E" (KSI) 29000. UNIT WEIGHT (LB/FT3) 490.8 COEFF. EXP. (1/DEG_FAR) .0000065 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building D "Fy" (KSI) 50.00 ---------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF MEMBERS= 3 MEMBER INITIAL FINAL MEMBER NUMBER JOINT JOINT TYPE 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 -3 --------------------------------·----------------------------------------------------C O N N E C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS= 2 CONNECTION . ON NUMBER MEMBER 1 1 2 3 AT (FT) 14.368 14.923 ANGLE (DEGREES) HOR HOR -.---------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------L .0 A D C A S E S -·.·---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD CASES= 6 LOAD CASE 1 SELF WEIGHT ** LOADS CALCULATED BY TttE PROGRAM *f, '.> '-----------------------------------------"-' --if· Page Number 20 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 923~5 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND· <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D LOAD CASE 2: Dead Load NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 1 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR (FT) (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) KIPS/FT) 2 UNIF -.0400 .000 .000 .000 VER LOAD CASE 3 : Collateral Load NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 1 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR (FT) (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) KIPS/FT) 2 UNIF -.0200 .000 .000 .000 VER LOAD CASE 4: Live Load NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 1 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR (FT) (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) KIPS/FT} 2 UNIF -.2400 .000 .000 .000 VER LOAD CASE 5: Wind Load <+GCPi> NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 3 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR (FT) (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) KIPS/FT) 1 UNIF -.1422 .000 .000 .000 POU 2 UNIF .2673 .000 .000 .000 POU 3 UNIF .1706 .000 .000 .000 POU Page Number 21 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING· SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D LOAD CASE 6 Seismic Load Qe or V. NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS= 2 JOINT DIRECTION MAGNITUDE 2 3 HOR HOR (KIPS OR KIP-FT) .432 .432 L O A D C O M B I N A T I O N S NUMBER OF LOAD COMBINATIONS= 8 LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 2 PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 3 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 2 15.00 4 LOAD COMBINATION 3: D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 2 52.'50 6 LOAD COMBINATION 4: 0.6 D + 0.6 W PERCENT LOAD ·CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE .· l?.ERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 60.00 2 100.00 5 PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 4 PERCENT LOAD CASE 75.00 5 PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE r Page Number 22 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castl~ Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 60.00 2 70.00 6 LOAD COMBINATION 6 Qe PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 6 LOAD COMBINATION 7 Dead Load PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 2 LOAD COMBINATION 8 Collateral Load PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 3 RRRR EEEEE sss u u L TTTTT sss R R E s s u u L T s s R R E s u u L T s RRRR EEEE sss u u L T sss RR E s u u L T s R R E s s u u L T s s R R EEEEE sss uuu LLLLL T sss -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J O I N T D I S P L A C E M E N T S A N D S U P P O R T R E A C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof DISPLACEMENTS JOINT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 X (IN) .000 .032 .030 .000 y (IN} -.000 -.007 -.007 -.000 ROTATION (DEGREES) .074 -.179 .173 -.100 ·-·<'!----.------------------------------------------ Page Number 23 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .973 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 4.596 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.973 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 4.605 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 2 : D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES.) 1 .ODO .ODO -.435 2 1.042 .ODO -.168 3 1.042 -.002 -.107 ,, 4 .ODO -.000 -.453 REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -1.554 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -.197 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -1.889 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.638 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 3 : D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMJ3ER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 -.087 2 .254 -.001 -.071 3 .254 -.002 -.005 4 .000 -.000 -.115 J; Page Number 24 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.063 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .750 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.390 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.256 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 -.645 2 1.361 .006 -.068 3 1.363 .003 -.293 4 .000 .000 -.517 REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -2.919 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -4.137 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -1.673 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 -1.694 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 5 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTA:TION NUMBER (IN} C IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 -.124 2 .335 -.000 -.075 3 .335 -.002 -.026 4 .000 -.000 -.142 Page Number 25 Designed By: z.J .. s.,ENGINEERING SERVICF;S INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.~. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 £t x 40 £t x 16 £t Steel Building Buil,ding D REACTIONS SUPPORt REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.191. (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .446 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.414 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.117 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 6 : Qe DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DE'.GREES) 1 .000 .000 -.187 2 .475 .000 -.083 3 .474 -.001 -.060 4 .000 .000 -.190 REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.399 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -.028 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.465 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .927 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 7 Dead Load DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN). (IN.) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 .013 2 .006 -.001 -.032 3 .005 -.001 .030 4 .000 -.ooo -.018 .. , Page Number 26 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .171 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .999 (VER, AT JOINT '.I.) 3 -.171 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.008 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collateral Load DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 .008 2 .004 -.001 -.020 3 .003 -.001 .019 4 .000 .000 -.011 REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .109 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .722 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.109 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .731 (VER, At JOINT 4) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----M E M B E R F O R C E S A N D S T R E S S E S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( FROM JOINT 1 TO JOINT 2) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!~------------ (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENIJING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN .. FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -4.596 -.973 .000 -1.010 -.600 .000 .000 2.476 -4.558 -.973 -2.409 -1.001 -.600 -1.437 1.437 Page Number 27 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: iEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel lluilding Building D ' ' 4.952 -4.519 -.973 -4.817 -.993 -.600 -2.874 2.874 7.428 -4.481 -.973 -7.226 -.984 -.f:>00, -4. 311 4.311 9.905 -4.442 -.973 -9.635 -.976 -.600 -5.749 5.749 12.381 -4.404 -.973 -12. 043' ..;..967 -.600 -7.186 7.186 1-4.857 -,4.365 -.973 -14.452 -.959 -.600 -8.623 8.623 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT} FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 .197 1.554 .000 .043 .959 .000 .000 2.476 .235 1.290 3.522 .052 .796 2.101 -2. 101 4.952 .274 1.026 6.390 .060 .633 3.813 -3.813 7.428 .312 .762 8.604 .069 .470 5.134 -5.134 9.905 .351 .498 10.164 .077 .307 6.064 -6.064 12.381 .389 .234 11.070 .085 .144 6.605 -6.605 14.857 .427 -.030 11. 322 .094 -.019 6.756 -6.756 LOAD COMBINATION 3 : D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ----~---------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT,) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.750 .063 .000 -.165 . 039 .000 .000 2.476 -.712 .063 ,157 -.156 .039 .094 -.094 4.952 -.674 .063 .314 -.148 .039 .187 -.187 7.428 -.635 .063 .470 -.140 , .039 .281 -.281 9.905 -.597 .063 .627 -.131 .039 .374 -.374 12.381 -.558 .063 .784 -.123 .039 .468 -.468 14.857 -.520 .063 .941 -.114 .039 .561 -.561 LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 4.137 2.919-. 000 ) ' .909 1.802 .000 .000 2.476 4.176 2.567 6.791 .917 1.584 4.052 -4.052 4.952 4.214 2.215 12. 711 .926 1.367 7.584 -7.584 7.428 4.253 1.862 17.759 .934 1.150 10.596 -10.596 9,905 4.291 1.510 21. 934 .943 .932 13.087 -13.087 ,12.381 4.330 1.158 25.238 .951 .715 15.059 -15.059 14.857 4.368 .806 27.670 .959 .498 16.510 -16.510 Page Number 28 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: iEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.446 .191 .ooo -.098 . 118 .000 .000 2.476 -.408 .191,. .472 --.090 .118 .282 -.282 4.952 -.369 .191 .945 -.. 081 .118 .564 -.564 7.428 -.331 .191 1.417 -.073 .118 .846 -.846 9.905 -.293 .191 1.890 -.064 .118 1.128 -1.128 12.381 -.254 .. 191 2.362 -.056 .118 1.409 -1.409 14.857 -.216 .191 2.835 -.047 .118 1.691 -1.691 LOAD COMBINATION 6 • Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!-------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 .028 .399 .000 . 006 .246 .000 .000 2.476 .066 .399 .987 .015 .246 .589 -.589 4.952 .105 .399 1.975 .023 .246 1.178 -1. 178 7.428 .143 .399 2.962 .031 .246 1.767 -1.767 9.905 .181 .399 3.950 .040 .246 2.357 -2.357 12.381 .220 .399 4.937 .048 .246 2.946 -2.946 14.857 .258 .399 5.925 .057 .246 3.535 -3.535 LOAD COMBINATION 7 : Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR :\:!ENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.999 -.171 . 000 -.219 -.106 .000 .000 2.476 -.960 -.171 -.424 -.211 -.106 -.253 .253 4.952 -.922 -.171 -.848 -.202 -.106 -.506 .506 7.428 -.883 -.171 -1.271 -.194 --.106 -.759 .759 9.905 -.845 -.171 -1.695 -.186 -.106 -1.012 1.012 12.381 -.807 -.171 -2.119 -.177 -.106 -1.264 1.264 14.857 -.768 -.171 -2.543 -.169 -.106 -1. 517 1.517 ), Page Number 29 DesJgned By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 '' 14189 Foothill Blvd; Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building ~ilding D LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collateral Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.722 -.109 .000 -.159 -.068 .000 .000 2.476 -.684 -.109 -.271 -.150 -.068 -.162 .162 4.952 -.645 -.109 -.542 .,..142 -.068 -.324 .324 7.428 -.607 -.109 -.813 -.133 -.068 -.485 .485 9.905 -.568 -.109 -i.085 -.125 -.068 -.647 .647 12.381 -.530 -.109 -1.356 -.116 -.068 -.809 .809 14.857 -.491 -,.109 -1.627 -.108 -.068 -.971 .971 MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( FROM JOINT 2 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------, (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.Fi.A. OUT.FLA. .000 -1.064 4.344 -14.452 -.234 2.682 -8.623 8.623 4.612 -1.033 2.889 2.229 -.227 1.784 1.330 -1.330 9.224 -1. 003 1.435 12.200 -.220 .886 7.279 -7.279 13.836 -.973 -.020 15.461 -.214 -.013 9.225 -9.225 18.448 -.942 -1.475 12.013 -.207 -.911 7.168 -7.168 23.060 -.912 -2.930 1.855 -.200 -1.809 1.107 -1.107 27.672 -.882 -4.385 -l!;i.013 -.194 -2.707 -8.958 8.958 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.021 -.428 11. 322 -.005 -.264 6.756 -6.756 4.612 .001 -.589 8.976 .000 -.364 5.356 -5.356 9.224 .024 -.751 5.886 .005 -.463 3.512 -3.512 13.836 .047 -.912 2.051 .010 -.563 1.224 -1.224 18.448 ,.069 -1. 074 -2.528 .015 -.663 -1.509 1.509 23.060 .092 -1.235 '-7.852 t,~ .020 -.762 -4.685 4.685 27.672 .115 -1.396 -13.919 .025 -.862 -8.305 8.305 .1' Page Number 30 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reff':!rence: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40-ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D LOAD COMBINATION 3: D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.174 .516 ,,941 -.038 .319 . 561 -.561 4.612 -.169 .260 2.731 -.037 .161 1.630 -1.630 9.224 -.164 .004 3.342 -.036 .003 1.994 -1.994 13.836 -.158 -.252 2.771 -.035 -.155 1.654 -1.654 18.448 -.153 -.508 1.020 -.034 -.313 .609 -.609 23.060 -.148 -.764 -1.911 -.032 -.471 -1.140 1.140 27.672 -.142 -1.020 -6.024 -.031 -.629 -3.594 3.594 LOAD COMBINATION 4 : Q.6 D + 0.6 W AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ___ " _________ STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.,FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 .897 -4.350 27.670 .197 -2.685 16.510 -16.5:tO 4.612 .901 -3.300 10.029 .198 -2.037 5.984 -5.984 9.224 .905 -2.249 -2.767 .199 -1.388 -1.651 1.651 13.836 .908 -1.199 -10.717 .200 -.740 -6.394 6.394 18.448 .912 -.148 -13.822 .200 -.091 -8.247 8.247 23.060 .916 .903 -12.082 .201 .557 -7.209 7.209 27.672 .920 1.953 -.5.497 .202 1.206 -3.280 3.280 LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!-------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.116 .213 2.835 -.025 .132 1.691 -1.691 4.612 -.112 .031 3.398 -.025 .019 2.028 -2.028 9.224 -.108 -.151 3.121 -.024 -.093 1.862 -1.862 13.836 -.105 -.333 2.004 -.023 -.206 1.196 -1.196 18.448 -.101 -.516 .047 -.022 -.318 .028 -.028 23.060 -.097 -.698 -2.751 -.021 -.431 -1.642 1.642 27.672 -.093 -.880 -6.390 -.020 -.543 -3.812 3.812 Page Number 31 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontan~, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building .. Building D LOAD COMBINATION 6 : Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------~-----STRESSES, KS! -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.028 -.259 5.925 -.006 -.160 3.535 -3.535 4.612 -.026 -.330 4.565 -.006 -.204 2.724 -2.724 9.224 -.025 -.402 2.876 -.005 -.248 1. 716 -1. 716 13.836 -.023 -.474 .857 -.005 -.292 .511 -.511 18.448 -.022 -.545 -1.492 -.005 -.336 -.890 .890 23.060 -.020 -.617 -4.171 -.004 -.381 -2.489 2.489 27.672 -.. 019 -.688 -7 .180 -.004 -.425 -4.284 4.284 LOAD COMBINATION 7 : Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- .(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.187 . 764 -2.543: -.041 .472 -1.517 1.517 4.612 -.182 .508 .392 -.040 .314 .234 -.234 9.224 -.176 .252 2.147 -.039 .156 1.281 -1.281 13.836 -.171 -.004 2.720 -.038 -,002 1.623 -1.623 18.448 -.166 -.260 2.114 -.036 -.160 1.261 -1.261 23.060 -.160 -.516 .326 -.035 -.318 .195 -.195 27.672 -.155 -:112 -2.642 -.034 -.476 -1.576 1.576 LOAD COMBINArroN 8 : Collateral Load AT AX!¥, SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING .(KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .ODO -.120 .489 -1.627 -.026 .302 -.971 .971 4.612 -.116 .325 .251 -.026 .201 .150 -.150 9.224 -.113 .161 1.373 -.025 .100 .819 -.819 13.836 -.109 -.002 1.740 -.024 -.001 1.038 -1.038 18.448 -.106 -.166 1.352 -.023 -.103 .807 -.807 23.060 -,.103 -.,330 .209 -.023 -.204 .125 -.125 27.672 -1.69d 'l.• -.099 -.494 '''.-:>022 -.305 -1.008 1.008 -----------------------~-------------------__,..,..V Page Number 32 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( FROM JOINT 4 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!--~---------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -4.605 -.973 .000 -1.012 -.600 .000 .000 2.572 -4.565 -.973 -2.502 -1.003 -.600 -1.493 1.493 5.145 -4.525 -.973 -5.004 -.994 -.600 -2.986 2.986 7. 717 -4 .. 485 -.973 -7.507 -.985 -.600 -4.479 4.479. 10.289 -4.445 -.973 -10.009 :....976 -.600 -5.972 5.972 12.862 -4.405 -.973 -12.511 -.968 -.600 -7.465 7.465 15.434 -4.365 -.973 -15.013 -.959 -.600 -8.958 8.958 LOAD COMBINATION 2: D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -1.638 -1.889 .000 -.360 -1.166 .000 .000 2.572 -1.598 -1.560 -4.436 -.351 -.963 -2.647 2.647 5.145 -1.558 -1. 231 -8.026 -.342 -.760 -4.789 4.789 7.717 -1.518 -.902 -10.769 -.333 -.557 -6.426-6.426 10.289 -1.478 -.573 -12.666 -.325 -.354 -7.557 7.557 12.862 -1.438 -.244 -13.716 -.316 -.150 -8.184 8.184 15.434 -1.398 .086 -13.919 -.307 .053 -8.305 8.305 LOAD COMBINATION 3 : D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -1.256 -.390 .000 -.27.6 -.241 .000 .000 2.572 -1.216 -.390 -1.004 -.267 -.241 -.599 .599 5.145 -1.176 -.390 -2.008 -.258 -.241 -1.198 1.198 7.717 -1.136 -.390 -3.012 -.250 -.241 -1.797 1.797 10.289 -1.096 -.390 -4.016 -.241 -.241 -2.396 2.396 12.862 -1.056 -.390 -5.020 -.232 -.241 -2.995 2.995 15.434 -1.016 -.390 -6.024 -.223 -.241 -3.594 3.594 '-"' J Page Number 33 .. Desi~ned By: · Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 'Foothill Blvd, Ste, 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 .Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 1.694 -1.673 .000 .372 -1.033 .000 .000 2.572 1.734 -1.234 -3.738 .381 ,-.762 -2.230 2.230 5.145 1. 774 -.795 -6.348 .390 -.491 -3.787 3.787 7.717 1.814 -.356 -7.828 .398 -.220 -4,671 4.671 10.289 1.854 .083 -8.180 .407 .051 -4.881 4.881 12.862 1.894 .522 -7.403 .416 .322 -4.417 4.417 15.434 1.934 .·960 -5.497 .425 .593 -3.280 3.280 'LOAD COMBINATION 5: 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -1.117 -.414 .000 -.245 -.256 .000 .000 2.572 -1.077 -.414 -1.065 -.237 -.256 -.635 .635 5.145 -1.037 -.414 -2.130 -.228 -.256 -1.271 1.271 7.717 -.998 -.414 -3.195 -.219 -.256 -1. 906 1.906 10.289 -.958 -.414 -4.260 -.210 -.256 -2.542 2.542 12 .. 862 -.918 -.414 -5.325 -.202 -.256 -3.177 3.177 15.434 -,878 -.414 · -6.390 -.193 -.256 -3.812 3.812 LOAD COMBINATION 6 : Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.927 -.465 .000 - . .204 -.287 .000 .000 2.572 -.887 -.465 -1.197 -.195 -.287 -. 714 .714 5.145 -.847 -.465 -2.393 -.186 -.287 -1.428 1.428 7.717 -.807 -.465 -3.590 -.177 -.287 -2.142 2.142 10.289 -.767 -.465 -4.787 -.169 -.287 -2.856 2.856 12.862 -.7?,8 -.465 -5.983 -.160 -.287 -3.570 3.570 15.434 -.688 -.465 -7.180 <+.151 -.287 -4.284 4.284 ___________________________________________ ,_1. _, _,;-•J Page ·Number 34 Designed By: Z.J,.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D LOAD COMBINATION 7 : Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .ODO -1.008 --. 171 .ODO -.221 -.106 .000 .000 2.572 -.968 -.171 -.440 -.213 -.106 -.263 .263 5.145 -.928 -.171 -.881 -.204 -.106 -.525 .525 7.717 -.888 -.171 -1.321 -.195 -.106 -.788 .788 10.289 -.848 -.171 -1. 761 -.186 -.106 -1.051 1.051 12.862 -.808 -.171 -2.201 -.177 -.106 -1.313 1.313 15.434 -.768 -.171 -2.642 -.169 -.106 -1.576 1.576 LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collateral Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.731 -.109 . 000 -.161 -.068 .ODO .000 2.572 -.691 -.109 -.282 -.152 -.068 -.168 .168 5.145 -.651 -.109 -.563 -.143 -.068 -.336 .336 7.717 -.611 -.109 -.845 -.134 -.068 -.504 .504 10.289 -.571 -.109 -1.127 -.125 -.068 -.672 .672 12.862 -.531 -.109 -1.408 -.117 -.068 -.840 .840 15.434 -.491 -.109 -1.690 -.108 -.068 -1.008 1.008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALLOWABLE STRESSES ----------------------------------------,--.----------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPE 1 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KS!) (KSI) (KSI) .000 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 2.476 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 4.952 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 7.428 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 9.905 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 12.381 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 14.367 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 14.857 X 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 ,. Page Number 35 - Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES ' Designed By: INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D MEMBER TYPE 2 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KS!) MIN (=) . MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KS!) (KS!) (KSI) (KS!) (KS!) .000 X 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 .490 30 .. 000 15.817 1.7.92$ 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 4.61Z 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 9.224 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 13.836 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 18.449 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 23.061 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 27 .162 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 27.673 X 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 MEMBER TYPE 3 ~., AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KS!) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KS!) (KSI) (KS!) (KS!) (KSI) .000 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11.459 2.572 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11.459 5.145 '30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 7.717 30.000 8.-010 19.882 51.287 11.459 10.289 30.000 8.010 19.882 51. 287 11.459 12.862 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 14.923 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11.459 15.434 X 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 ---------------------------------·---. ---------------------------------------------- COMBINED STRESS RATIOS -------------------------------------.----------------------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( TYPE 1 ) AT --. -----------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 '6 1 8 9 .000 .126 .001 .021 .030 .012 .000 .027 .020 2.476 .197 .106 .024 .204 .. ;;, .025 .030 .039 .027 4.952 .268 .192 .028 .381 .038 .059 .051 .034 7.428 .340 .258 .032 .533 .052 .089 .062 .041 9.905 .411 .305, .035 .658 .065 .119 .074 .048 12.381 .482 .332 .039 .757 .078 .148 .086 .055 14.367 .539 .338 .042 .816 .088 .172 .095 .061 M.857 X .553 .340 .042 .830 .091 .178 .097 .062 Page Number 36 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 · Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> · Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( TYPE 2 ) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 X .302 .280 .026 .684 .072 .147 .053 .034 .490 .267 .274 .030 .638 .073 .143 .047 .030 4.612 .069 .222 .070 .248 .086 .113 .012 .008 9.224 .315 .145 .085 .062 .079 .071 .. 056 .036 13.836 .396 .051 .071 .220 .051 .022 .070 .n45 18.449 .310 .051 .027 .282 .003 .030 .055 .035 23.061 .059 .157 .040 .247 .056 .083 .010 .007 27 .162 .274 .264 .113 .131 .120 .136 .048 .031 27.673 X .311 .278 .122 .116 .128 .143 .055 .035 MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( TYPE -3 ) AT ------------~-------~--------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 .126 .045 .034 .012 .031 .025 .028 .020 2.572 .200 .177 .063 .112 .062 .060 .040 .027 5.145 .274 .284 .093 .190 .092 .095 .052 .035 7.717 .348 .365 .122 .235 .123 .130 .064 .042 10.289 .422 .421 .151 .245 .154 .165 .076 .049 12.862 .496 .451 .180 .222 .185 .200 .088 .057 14.923 .556 .455 .203 .176 .210 .227 .098 .063 15.434 X .570 .456 .209 .165 .216 .234 .100 .064 M A X I M U M C O M B I N E D S T R E S S R A T I O S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPE 1 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .126 1 1 .157 * 4 1 2.476 .204 4 1 .138 4 1 4.952 .381 4 1 .119 4 1 7.428 .533 4 1 .100 4 1 9.905 .658 4 1 .081 4 1 12.381 .757 4 1 .062 4 1 14.367 .816 * 4 1 .052 1 1 14.857 X .830 4 1 .052 1 1 . .,....,......_ ---.-----------'-'----------'--------------------------- Page Number 37 Design,ed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14i89 :Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P. E .. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 . Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D - MEMBER TYPE 2 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 X .684 4 2 .234 4 2 .490 .638 * 4 2 .228 * 4 2 4.612 .248 4 2 .178 4 2 9.224 .315 1 2 .121 4 2 13.836 .396 1 2 .065 4 2 · 18. 449 .310 1 2 .079 1 2 23.061 .247 4 2 .158 1 2 27.162 ,274 1 2 .228 1 2 27.673 X .311 1 2 .236 1 2 MEMBER TYPE 3 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .ODO .126 1 3 .102 * 2 3 2.572 .200 1 3 .084 2 3 5.145 .284 2 3 .066 2 3 7.717 .365 2 3 .052 1 3 10.289 .422 1 3 .052 1 3 12.862 .496 1 3 .052 1 3 14.923 .556 * 1 3 .052 1 3 15.434 X .570 1 3 .052 1 3 ------,---------------------~----------·--------------------------------------------- FORCES AT CONNECTIONS -·-------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-0 N NEC TIO N 1 MINIMUM DEPTH= 12.000· IN MINIMUM WIDTH= 6.000 IN LOAD COMB. 1 AXIAL FORCE (KIPS) -4.373 D + ·c + LiveRoof 2 .420 'D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof 3 -.527 D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> S:HEAR FORCE (KIPS) -.973 .022 .063 BENDING (KIP-FT) -13.976 11.273 .910 Page Number 38 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel>· Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building 4 4.360 .876 27.190 0.6 D + 0.6 W 5 -.223 .19', 2.741 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe 6 .251 .399 5.730 Qe 7 -.776 -.171 -2.459 Dead Load 8 -.499 -.109 -1.573 Collateral Load Maximum Design Moment For Seismic <l.0+0.14 Sds><D+C>+0.7 Omega Qe = 5.504 kip-ft <0.6+0.14 Sds><D>+0.7 Omega Qe = 8.253 kip-ft C O N N E C T I O N 2 MINIMUM DEPTH= 12.000 IN MINIMUM WIDTH= 6.000 IN LOAD AXIAL COMB. FORCE (KIPS) 1 -4.373 D + C + LiveRoof 2 -1.406 D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof 3 -1.024 D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> 4 1,926 0.6 D + 0.6 W 5 -.886 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe 6 -.696 Qe 7 -.776 Dead Load 8 -.499 Collateral Load SHEAR FORCE (KIPS) -.973 .020 -.390 .873 -.414 -.465 -.171 -.109 Maximum Design Moment For Seismic BENDING (KIP-FT) -14.516 ..:.13.879 -5.824 -5.876 -6.178 -6.942 -2.554 -1.634 <1. 0+0.14 Sds><D+C>+O. 7 Omega Qe = -16. 847 kip-ft <0.6+0.14 Sds><D>+0.7 Omega Qe = -13.992 kip-ft 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building D •. J. -,;Y '' 1_, Page Number 39 Designed By: ~.j .. S.ENGI~ING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 F6othill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros .P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Cast],e Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D -' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIN AL SE.CT IONS _________ " __________________________ ------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRY INFORMATION BUILT-UP MPiBERS: MEMBER FLANGE FLANGE WEB OUTER FLANGE INITIAL FINAL LENGTH TYPE WIDTH THICK. THICK. (IF UNEQ. FLANGES) DEPTH DEPTH (FT) (IN) (IN) (IN) {IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) 1 6.000 .2500 .1350 12.000 12.000 14.857 2 6.000 .2500 .1350 12.000 12.000 27.673 3 6.000 .2500 .1350 12.000 12.000 15.434 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION MEMBER LAT SUP LAT SUP COMB. SHEAR UNIT QUAN-TOTAL TYPE INSIDE OUTSIDE STRESS STRESS WEIGHT TITY WEIGHT {FT) {FT) RATIO RATIO (LB) (LB) 1 16.000 16.000 .8.16 .157 230.5 1 230.5 2 5.000 10.,000 .638 .228 429.4 1 429.4 3 16.000 16.000 .556 .102 239.5 1 239.5 THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE FRAME IS 899.4 LB 6. CHECK CONNECTIONS 6.1. Purlin to Rafter Use: (2) 1/2" Diameter Bolt or Equal ( A307 Machine Bolt) V = 1.96 kips ALLOW [ Allowable Shear -See Appendix R .[ Max. Reaction Force At The End Of Purlin b = 5.0 ft .R. = 20 ft Spacing Of The Purlin Span Between Two Supports For Dead Load+ Live Load Section 1605.3.1 b = 115.0 __!E_ ft Page Number 40 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building D w DL+LL R = --2--= 1.15 kips DL+LL < 2 V = 3.92 kips ALLOW For 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load Section 11605.3.1 Effective wind areas of roof: 2 t 2 AEFF = b t = 100.00 ft or A = -t = 133.33 ft · EFF 3 AEFF = 133.33 ft2 Controls /---) GCP = 1.1-0 -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 qh ( GC + GC ) = 39. 10 ~ -max. wind pressure p pl ft~ 1 . lb w = [ 0. 6 qh ( GC + GC ) -0. 6 p b = 108. 30 -. -· DL+WL P pl DL ft. WDL+WL t R = --=--= 1.08 kips < 2 V = 3.92 kips actions DL+WL 2 ALLOW 6.2. Check Bolted Haunch Connection Refer To Manual Of STEEL CONS1RUCTION Allowable Stress Design Ninth Edition Part 4 Fy = 50.0 ksi Fu = 70.0 ksi T518 = 13. 5 kips pf' = 2.0 M D in -Minimum Yield Stress For Connection Plate -Ultimate Stress .For E70XX Welding Electrode -Allowable Tension For 5/8" Dia. A325 Bolt See Figure -Applied Moment -Number Of Sixteenth Of An Inch, Weld Size Page Number 41 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D 1--r-----___ _,tc M = 27.19 kip-ft See page 38 T Beam: 12 BUI 6x1/4 FL 0.135 W d = 12.0 in bcb = 6.0 in tcb = 0.25 in twb = 0.135 in bP = 6.0 in Bolt Design: M -Depth Of The Beam -Width Of Beam Flange Beam Flange Thickness -Beam Web Thickness -Width Of Connection Plate F, = --'-----= 27.8 kips '( d -tfb ) Fr . TReq= 4 = 6. 9 kips < T5/8 = 13. 5 kips Use 5/8 in Dia. A325 Bolts db= 0.625 in. -Bolt Diameter Top Flange To End Plate Veld 0 0 0 0 1 Pw = 0.3 Fu 0.707 16 D -Allowable Load For Welding, kips P = 0.928 D -w = 2.4 in Use 3/16 Fillet Welds 0 0 0 0 26421-16 2-29--2016 I d Or Complete Joint Penetration Weld Page Number 42 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 · Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D End-Plate: a F Pe Ja l Me = --4,---= 6.85 kips -Design Moment For The End-Plate 1 1 "m =Ca~ [ ~]3 [ ::]4 = 1.180 Ca= 1.11 -For Fy > 36 ksi Steel Cb=/¥= 1.000 in p Ar= brb trb = 1.500 in2 -Area Of Tension Flange Aw= [ d -2 trb] twb = 1.552 in2 -Area Of Web db D Pe = Pr -4 -0.707 16 = 0.836 in -Effective Bolt Distance = 0.427 in Use 1/2 in Plate 7 • CHECK BRACING 7.1. check Longitudinal Bracing Width = 30.0 ft -Width Of The Building Length = 40.0 ft -Length Of The Building Bay = 20.0 ft -Width Of The Braced Bay ( Critical ) Eave = 16.0 ft -Eave Height Slope = 0.25/12 -Slope on the Roof Ridge = 16.3 ft -Ridge Height Page Number 43 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft Steel Building ~DOR/ P:J -//---~ ---"7 SEISMIC PORTAL FRAME Bay -//---~ 101 Date Building D 26421-16 2-29-2016 n = 2 SIDES -Number of Braced Lines in the Longitudinal Direction nBR = 1 -Number of Sets of Bracings Per Line · ·Check For Vind Load Find Total Exposed Area At The End Of The Building At Each Side [ Ridge + Eave Ea:ve ] . 244.7 ft2 A = · ---Width = T 2 2 . Total Wind Load At Each Side: GC=[GC + pf" pf" WINDWARD GC ] = 0.69 -Longitudinal Direction pf" LEEWARD P = GC <0. 6> qh AT = 2.40 kips T pf" H TOTAL PT = ---= 1.20 kips -Total Force Per Side Wall At Eave H= H TOTAL n~m = 1.20 kips -Total Force for One Braced Bay Page ·Number 44 Designed By: 2.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D Check Roof Bracing EAVE H A X B X ROOF PLAN ( Braced Bay C X RIDGE Bay A= 15.00 ft; B = 0.00 ft; C = 0.00 ft Critical in the first set to the eave. A o:: = invtan ( - ) = 36.87° Bay ) Tension Force In (1) Set Of 1/4" Dia Cable By FWC: H T = --= 1.50 kips< 3325 lb -Refer To Appendix cos 0:: Check For Seismic Design Base Shear Coefficient: hn = 16.16 ft pDL = 3. 00 psf ROOF p = 2.50 psf DL WALL P = 0.89 kips FRM I = 1.00 EQ R = 3.25 Q0 = 2.0 C0 = 3.25 -Mean Heigth of Roof -Weight Of The Roof -Weight Of The Wall ( conservative for roof only) -Weigth Of The Frame <See Frame Design> -Importance Factor per Table 1.5-2 for Risk Category II -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 Page Number 45 Designed By: Z.J,S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle'Steel> Description: 30 fl x 40 fl x 16 ft Steel Building Check For Building Period': Ct= 0.020 X = 0.75 T = Ct hnx = 0.161 a -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Eq 12.8-7 of ASCE 7-10 101 Date Building D T = 8.000 L -ASCE 7 Figures 22-15 through 22~20 Find: V or Q = Cs W E Sos Cs= --= 0.268 R IEQ Except Cs need not to exceed 501 , Cs= --= 0.935 R -Ta IEQ But Not Be Less Than Cs= 0.044 ,S05 IEQ = 0.038 Cs= 0.268 GOVERNS! Find 'Total Seismic Weight: T :S T a L A = [ Width ] [ Length J = 1200 ft2 B P -p A = 3. 60 kips ROOF DL B , .ROOF p ·= 2 p [ Ridge ; Eave -Eav2e ] :Width, ,;;_... 1. 22 kips WALL DL WALL 26421-16 2-29-2016 W = P + P + (n + n } P = 7 ..49 kips -Total Seismic Weight For The Bldg · ROOF WALL INT EXT · FRM CONSERVATIVE TO APPLY ALL AT EAVE Page Number 46 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 40 £t X 16 f.t Steel Building Building D Check Roof Bracing: p = 1.0 for diaphragms (incl.Horizontal Bracing System) per ASCE 7 Section Design Forces are calculated per ASCE Eq. 12.10-1: n L F1 F = _i=_x_ w p:x: n p:x: L W1 i=x For a One-Story building: w = w = w p:x: i F1 = V n L Fi V i=x F = F =-.-w =-w = Cs w px ROOF n px w px px lONG L W1 i=x 0.2 S I w s F s 0.2 S I w DS px p:x: DS px 0.174 w :SF = (Cs=0.268) w :S 0.348 w px px px px Fp:x: = (Cs=0.268) wpx -Governs F = (Cs=0.268) CW=7.49) = 2.01 kips Total for the Entire Building px F 1 px H = ----------= 0.72 kips 1.4 n n "' SIDES BR ALLOWABLE. STRESS DESIGN -Total Force for One Braced Bay --1;:----....--------------------'-------------------------------- Page Number 47 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. : Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building EAVE H A X ( -) B X ROOF PLAN ( Braced Bay C X RIDGE Bay A= 15.00 ft; B = 0.00 ft; C = 0.00 ft Critical in the first set to the eave. a.= invtan { A Bay ) = 36.87° ) Tension Force In (1) Set Of 114" Dia Cable By.FWC: H T ---= 0.90 kips< 3325 lb -Refer To Appendix cos a. Check Loads at Portal Frame: p = 1.30 for i Set of Bracing per Line of Bracing Cs w 101 Date Building D H = p ---~---= 0.93 kips 1.4 -Total Force for One Braced Bay ., AL·LOWABLE STRESS DESIGN 26421-'16 2-29-2016 Page Number 48 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D Check Portal frame: Finite Element Model: Joints, Members, Member Types, Connections, Supports Not To Scale MEMBER #2 /MEMBER TYPE #2 'JOINT #2 CONNECTION #1 r MEMBER #1 ~MBER TYPE #1 'JOINT #3 CONNECTION #2 r ~!IBER #3 MEMBER TYPE #-3 SUPPORT "'~i 'JOINT #1 SUPPORT ' #3 ~ i JOINT 04 SUPPORT #2 W = 1.20 kips -See Above QE = 0.93 kips -See Above Basic Load Combinations: 1. 0.6 D + o~6 W SUPPORT H -( Eq. 16-15 26421-16 2-29-2016 2. 0.6 D + 0.7 QE - ( Eq. 16-16 } to find horizontal deflections per ASCE Eq. 12.8-15 Note: One-third allowable stress increase is not permitted. ·, 't "\,-----------,--'--------'-------------------------------- Page ·Number 49 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-'29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Descriptiqn: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building D MM MM BBBBBBBBBBBB PPPPPPPPPPPP MMM MMM BBBBBBBBBBB:!3BB pppppppppppppp MMMM MMMM BBB BBB PPP PPP MMMMM MMMMM BBB BBB PPP PPP MMMMMM MMMMMM BBBBBBBBBBBB PPPPPPPPPPPP MMM MMMMMM MMM BBBBBBBBBBBB PPPPPPPPPPPP MMM MMMM MMM BBB BBB PPP MMM MM MMM BBB BBB PPP MMM MMM BBBBBBBBBBBBBB PPP MMM MMM BBBBBBBBBBBB PPP **************************************************************************** * * * METAL BUILDING PROGRAM * * * * Copyright {C) * * by International Structural Engineers * * * * Version 8.2 * * * * International Structural Engineers * * P.O. Box 241740 * * Los Angeles, CA 90024 * * * **************************************************************************** ********************************************·*********** * * * ZJS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. * 14189 Foothill blvd., Suite 101, Fontana, CA 92335 * * * * * Phone: (909) 823-4150 Fax: (909) 823-4153 E-MAIL: ZJSENG@AOL.COM * * * * * * * * * ******************************************************* TITLE: 20x16 .DATE: 02/18/** 13: 45:56 ,,- .1------------------------------------------4,,--~--4 Page Number 50 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P . .E. Fontana, CA.92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D DDDD A TTTTT A D D A A T AA D D A A T A A D D A A T A A D D AAAM T MMA D D A A T A A DDDD A A T A A CONTROL DATA SETS ---------------------·--------------------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DESIGN CYCLES = 3 SHOW OPTIMIZATION HISTORY REQUESTED NUMBER OF SEGMENTS PER MEMBER = 6 MAXIMUM COMBINED STRESS RATIO = 1.030 MAXIMUM WEB DEPTH-TO-THICKNESS RATIO= 240.00 MAXIMUM FLANGE INEQUALITY RATIO = 2.000 J O i N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF JOINTS= 4 JOINT X y NUMBER (FT) (FT) 1 1.083 .000 2 1.083 14.833 3 19.917 14.833 4 19.917 .000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUPPORTS ---------------------------------------.--,-------,---------------------------------- NUMBER OF SUPPORTS= 4 SUPPORT AT DIRECTION STIFFNESS NUMBER JOINT (KIPS/IN OR KIP-FT/RAD) 1 1 HOR 10000.000 2 1 VER 10000.000 ~ 4 HOR 10000.000 4 4 VER 10000,.000 Page Number 51 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINF1ERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND ·<Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D -----------· ----------------·-------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPES ----------·-·-----------------------------------.------------------------------------ NUMBER OF MEMBER TYPES= 3 MEMBER KIND ORIENTATION LENGTH END-REL. .ANALYS. DESIGN MAT. TYPE OF MEMBER (Ft) CODE CONST. CONST. 1 WF/OP IN-PLANE 14.833 00 1 1 1 2 WF/OP IN-PLANE 18.833 00 2 2 1 3 WFIOP IN-PLANE. 14.833 00 3 3 1 NUMBER OF SETS OF ANALYSIS CONSTANTS= 3 FOR BUILT-UP MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -DEPTH AT START (IN) 2 -DEPTH AT END (IN) 3 -FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 4 -FLANGE THICKNESS (IN) ·s -WEB THICKNESS (IN) 6 -OUTER FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 7 -OUTER FLANGE THICK. (IN) FOR WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH ( IN) 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 3 -NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 1 -NOMINAL WEIGHT (LB/FT) FOR GENERAL MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -AREA (IN2) FOR PIPE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 2 -MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 3 -SECTION MODULUS (IN3) 1_ -MINIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 2 ~ MAXIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 3 -CLASS (STD, XSTR, XXSTR) 4 -NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 4 -TRANSV. MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 5 -TRANSV. SECTION MODULUS (IN3) SET -.--------------------------------CONSTANTS ------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8.000 8.000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 2 8.000 8.000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 3 8.000 8.000 .0000 .0000 .0000 · .0000 .0000 NUMBER OF SETS OF DESIGN CONSTANTS= 3 SET FACTOR COEFF LAT SUP LAT SUP EXCL ZN-EXCL ZN KL/R COEFF IJKII "Cm" 1'NSIDE OUTSIDEr AT STRT AT END MAX "Cb" (FT) (FT) (Ft) (FT) 1 1,500 .850 10.000 10.000 .000 .500 .00 1. 75 2 1.000 .850· 10.000 10.000 .500 .500 .00 1.00 3 1.500 .850 10.-000 10.000 .000 .500 .00 1. 75 Page Number 52 Designed By: 2.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Descriptfon: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building NUMBER OF MATERIALS= 1 MAT. "E" NUMBER (KSI) 1 29000. MEMBERS NUMBER OF MEMBERS= UNIT WEIGHT (LB/FT3) 490.8 3 MEMBER INITIAL FINAL NUMBER JOINT JOINT 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 COEFF. EXP. (1/DEG_FAR) .0000065 MEMBER TYPE 1 2 -3 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building D "Fy" (KSI) 50.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C O N N E C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS= 2 CONNECTION ON NUMBER MEMBER 1 1 2 3 AT (FT) 14.333 14.333 ANGLE (DEGREES.) HOR HOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L O A D C A S E S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD CASES= 3 LOAD CASE 1 : SELF WEIGHT ** LOADS CALCULATED BY THE. PROGRAM** -~---,.-------------------------------------------------- Page Number 53 Designed By: Z.J .. S.'.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 ,Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Baro$ P.E. Fontana, CA 9g335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D LOAD CASE 2 Wipd Load NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS= 2 JOINT 2 3 DIRECTION HOR HOR LOAD CASE 3: Wind Load MAGNITUDE (KIPS OR KIP;....FT) .600 .600 NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS= 2 JOINT 2 3 DIRECTION HOR HOR MAGNITUDE (KIPS OR KIP-FT) · ·.465 .465 -----------------------------------------------" ------------------------------------ L O A D C O M B I N A T I O N S -------·------------------------------·---------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD COMBINATIONS::; 2 LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 60.·oo 1 60.00 2 LOAD COMBINATION 2: 0.6 Dead Load_+ 0.7 Qe PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE P~CENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 60.00 1 70 .. 0d 3 Page Number 54 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D RRRR EEEEE sss u u L TTTTT sss R R E s s u u L T s s R R E s u u L T s RRRR EEEE sss u u L T sss RR E s u u L T s R R E s s u u L T s s R R EEEEE sss uuu LLLLL T sss J O I N T D I S P L A C E M E N T S A N D S U P P O R T R E A C T I O N S LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load DISPLACEMENTS JOINT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 LOAD COMBINATION DISPLACEMENTS JOINT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 X (IN) .000 1.283 1.283 .000 REACTION ,(KIPS OR KIP-FT) y (IN) .00() .001 -.001 .000 -.352 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) -.424 (VER, AT JOINT l) -.368 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) .710 (VER, AT JOINT 4) 2 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe X y (IN) (IN) .000 .000 1.160 .001 1.160 -.001 .000 .000 ROTATION (DEGREES) -.536 -.166 -.155 -.542 ROTATION (DEGREES) -.485 -.151 -.140 -.490 .:i.. • , ., -~----'--'---------------'----------------------------- Page Number 55 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: "LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.318 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 --.370 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.333 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .656 (VER, AT JOINT 4) ----"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEMBER FORCES AND STRESSES ---------------------------·---·----------------------------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( FROM JOINT 1 TO JOINT 2 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES., KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AX!AL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 .424 .352 .000 . 147 .263 .000 .000 2.472 .438 .352 .871 .152 .263 1.384 -1.384 4.944 .453 .352 1. 742 .157 .263 2.768 -2.768 7.417 .468 .352 2.613 .162 .263 4.152 -4.152 9.889 .482 .352 3.484 .167 .263 5.537 -5.537 12.361 .497 .352 4.354 .172 .263 6.921 -6.921 14.833 .511 .352 5.225 .177 .263 8.305 -8.305 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 Dead Load+ -0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-"-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 .370 .318 . 000 .128 .237 .000 .ODD 2.472 .384 .318 .786 .133 .237 1.249 -1.249 4.944 .399 .318 1.571 .138 .237 2.497 -2.497 7.417 .413 .318 2.357 .143 .237 3.746 -3.746 9.889 .428 .318 3.142 .148 .237 4.994 -4.994 1;2.361 .443 .318 3.928 .153 .237 6.243 -6.243 14.833 .457 .318 4. 714 · .158 .237 7.492 -7:492 1. j Page Number 56 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: L~GOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( FROM JOINT 2 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . . ODO -.008 -.511 5.225 -.003 -.381 8.305 -8.305 3.139 -.008 -.530 3.59i -.003 -.395 5.707 -5.707 6.278 -.008 -.549 1.898 -.003 -.409. 3.017 -3.017 9.417 -.008 -.567 .147 -.003 -.423 .234 -.234 12.556 -.008 -.586 -1.662 -.003 -.437 -2.641 2.641 15.695 -.008 -.604 -3.529 -.003 -.450 -5.609 5.609 18.834 ...,..008 -.623 -5.454 -.003 -.464 -8.669 8.669 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) {KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.008 -.457 4.714 -.003 -.341 7.492 -7.492 3.139 -.008 -.476 3.250 -.003 -.355 5.165 -5.165 6.278 -.008 -.494 1.728 -.003 -.368 2.746 -2.746 9.417 -.008 -.513 .147 -.003 -.382 .234 -.234 12.556 -.008 -.531 -1.491 -.003 -.396 -2.370 2.370 15.695 -.008 -.550 -3.188 -.003 -.410 -5.066 5.066 18.834 -.008 -.568 -4.942 -.003 -.424 -7.855 7.855 MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( FROM JOINT 4 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 ~ind Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.710 -.368 .000 -.246 -.274 .000 .000 2.472 -.696 -.368 -.909 -.241 -.274 -1.445 1.445 4.944 -.681 -.368 -1.818 -.236 -.274 -2.890 2.890 7.417 -.666 -.368 -2.727 -.231 -.274 -4.334 4.334 9.889 -.652 -.368 -3.636 -.226 -.274 -5.779 5.779 12.361 -.637 -.368 -4.545 -.221 -.274 -7.224 7.224 14.833 -.623 -.368 -5.454 -.216 -.274 -8.669 8.669 l ' .,. Page ·Number 57 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES 'INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 - Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D - LOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 De~d Load+ 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.656 -.333 .000 -.227 -.248 .000 .000 2,472 -.641 -.333 -.824 -.,222 -.248 -1.309 1.309 4.944 -.627 -.333 -1.647 -.217 -.248 -2.618 2.618 7.417 -.612 -.333 -2.471 -.212 -.248 -3.928 3.928 9.889 -.'598 -.333 -3.295 -.207 -.248 -5.237 5.237 12.361 -.583 -.333 -4.119 -.202 -.248 -6.546 6.546 14.833 -.568 -.333 -4.942 -.197 -.248 -7.855 7.855 ------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALLOWABLE STRESSES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPE 1 AT TENSlON COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR . (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) {KSI) (KSI) .000 . 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 2.472 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 4.944 3,0.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 7.411 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 9.889 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 12.361 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 14.333 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 14.833 X 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 MEMBER TYPE 2 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (==) OUTER (KSI) (KSI} (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) .000 X 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 .• 500 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 3.139 30.000 7.'517 ·~: r'.\, 12.104 30.165 20.000 6.278 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 9.417 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 12.555 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 15.694 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 18.333 30.000 7.517 12. 104 30.165 20.000 18.833 X 30.000 7,517 12.104 30.165 20.000 . ,, t ' ·t ' l,'J Page Number 58 Designed By: Z .. J. S. ENG !NEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 2642.1-16 . 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D MEMBER TYPE 3 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KS!) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KS!) (KSI) (KS!) (KSI) (KS!) (KS!) .000 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 2.472 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 4.944 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 7.417 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 9.889 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 12.361 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 14.333 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 14.833 X 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C O M B I N E D S T R E S S R A T I O S ---------· --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( TYPE 1 ) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 2.472 4.944 7.417 9.889 12.361 14.333 14.833 X .005 .068 .137 .205 .274 .342 .397 .411 .004 .062 .124 .185 .247 .309 .358 .371 MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( TYPE 2 } AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 X .500 3.139 6.278 9.417 12.555 15.694 18.333 18.833 X .687 .652 .472 .250 .020 .219 .464 .676 . 717 .619 .589 .427 .227 .020 .196 .419 .613 .649 ' Page Number 59 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421--16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste, 101 Janos Boros P.$. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND·<Castle Steel> 1Jesaiption: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steei Building Building D MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( TYPE -3) AT -·--------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 2.472 4.944 7.417 9.889 12.361 14.333 14,833 X .033 .104 .174 .245 .316 .387 .443 .457 .030 .094 .158 .222 .287 .351 .402 .415 -------------------------------·----------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM COMBINED STRESS RATIOS -,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPE 1 Ar AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .005 1 1 .013 1 1 2.472 .068 1 1 .013 1 1 4.944 .137 1 1 .013 1 1 7.417 .. 205 1 1 .013 1 1 9.889 .274 1 1 .013 1 1 12.361 .342 1 1 .013 1 1 14.333 .397 * 1 1 .013 * 1 1 14.833 X .411 1 1 .013 1 1 MEMBER TYPE 2 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) smss LOAD COMB MEMBER -STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 X .687 1 2· .019 1 2 .500 .652 1 2 .019 1 2 3.1:,-39 .472 1 2 .020 1 2 6.278 .250 1 2 .020 1 2 9.417 .020 2 2 .021 1 2 12.555 .219 1 2 .022 1 2 15.694 .464 1 2 .023 1 2 18.333 .·676 * 1 2 .023 * 1 2 18.833 X .717 1 2 .023 1 2 Page Number 60 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D MEMBER TYPE 3 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .033 1 3 .014 1 3 2.472 .104 1 3 .014 1 3 4.944 .174 1 3 .014 1 3 7.417 .245 1 3 .014 1 3 9.889 .316 1 3 .014 1 3 12.361 .387 1 3 .014 1 3 14.333 .443 * 1 3 .014 * 1 3 14.833 X .457 1 3 .014 1 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F O R C E S A T C O N N E C T I O N S C O N N E C T I O N 1 MINIMUM DEPTH = 7.890 IN MINIMUM WIDTH = 3.940 IN LOAD AXIAL SHEAR COMB. FORCE FORCE (KIPS) (KIPS) 1 .509 .352 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load 2 .454 .318 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe C O N N E C T I O N 2 MINIMUM DEPTH= 7.890 IN MINIMUM WIDTH = 3. 940 IN- LOAD COMB. 1 AXIAL FORCE (KIPS) -.626 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load SHEAR FORCE (KIPS) -.368 2 -.571 -.333 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe 'BENDING (KIP-FT) 5.049 4.555 BENDING (KIP-FT) -5.270 -4.776 •. t ' .. ~· Page Number 61 Designed. By-: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 R.eferenee: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D ------------. ------------------------------------- .FIN AL SECTIONS ---------------------------------------------------- GEOME1RY INFORMATION WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS: MEMBER DESIGNATION LENGTH TYPE (FT) 1 w 8 X 10 14.833 2 w 8 X 10 18.833 3 w 8 X 10 14.833 'MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION MEMBER LAT SUP LAT SUP COMB. SHEAR UNIT QUAN-TOTAL TYPE INSIDE OUTSIDE STRESS S1RESS WEIGHT TITY WEIGHT (FT) (FT) RATIO RATIO (LB) (LB) 1 10.000 10.000 .397 .013 146.0 1 146.0 2 10.000 10.000 .676 .023 185.3 1 185.3 3 10.000 10.000 .443 .014 146.0 1 146.0 THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE FRAME IS 477.2 LB 7.. REACTIONS AT THE COLUMN BASE ----------------------------------------------------------------------TRANSVERSAL FRAME:SUPPORT REACTIONS _____________ . _______ . _____ , _________________________________________ _ LOAD COMBINATION 7: Dead Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT~ 1' 1 .171 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .999 (VER; AT JOINT 1) 3 --.171 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.008 (VER, AT JOINT 4) Page Number 62 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D LOAD COMBINATION 8 Collateral Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .109 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .722 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.109 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .731 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 9 Live Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .788 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 3.766 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.788 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 3.775 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 10: Wind Load REAGrIONS -SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -2.993 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -4.470 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -1.599 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 -2.026 (VER, AT JOINT 4) Page Number 63 Designed By: Z.J.S .. ENGiNEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. lffl Janos Boroq P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 ... Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle .Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D LOAD COMBINATION 6 Qe REACTIONS St)PPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) -.399 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) ~.028 (VER, AT JOINT 1) -.. 465 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) .927 (VER, AT JOINT 4) .--------------------------------------------,------------PORT ALF RAM E: S· UPP ORT RE ACTIONS --------.. --.-----------------·--------------------------- tOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.352 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -.424 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.368 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .710 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD CO,t,1BINATION 2 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) -.318 {HOR, AT JOINT., 1) -.370 (VER, AT JOINT 1) -.333 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) . 656 (VER, AT JOINT 4) Page Number 64 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D Appendix Allowable Shear (kips) For Bolts Per Table V-4.5 of the Cold-Formed Specifications By AISI STEEL THICKNESS 1/411 Dia. 3/8" Dia. 1/2" Dia. 5/8" Dia. 3/4" Dia. in. A307 A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 (GAUGE') 0.49 1.03 1.10 2.32 1.96 4.12 3.07 6.44 4.42 9.28 .1046 (12) 1.97 1.97 2.95 2.95 3.94 3.94 4.92 4.92 5.91 5.91 .0747 (14) 1.41 1.41 2.11 2.11 2.81 2.81 3.52 3.5~ 4.22 4.22 .0598 (16) 1.12 1.12 1.69 1.69 2.25 2 •. 25 2.81 2.81 3.38 3 .. 38 .0478 (18) 0.90 0.90 1.35 1.35 1.80 1.80 2.25 2.25 2.70 2.70 .0359 (20) 0.68 0.68 1.01 1.01 1.35 1.35 1.69 1.69 2.02 2.02 Steel Members shall conform to Section 2230,A3, of the code. 20 ga, 18 ga -ASTH A 653 Grade 33 S.Q. with a minimum of 33,000 psi yJeld strength. 16 ga, 14 ga, 12 ga -ASTH A 653 Grade 50 S.Q. with a minimum of 50,000 psi yield strength. Page Number 65 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Descrlption: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building ·Building D APPENDIX Section Properities Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STRESS) DEPTH ;=: 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 1.0000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS = 0.0600 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES~ LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TQP LIP 0.6697 0.4948 0.3314 0.1640 0.0250 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 1.,7506 0.0300 0.0525 0.0016 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0 •. 2042 0.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 1.3171 0.8186 1.0782 0.8826 0.1904 EFFECTIVE WEB 6.2289 4.7255 29.4350 139.0963 20.1399 BQrToM WEB CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1.6179 12.8181 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1800 7.9700 17.3746 13$.4756 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1.6176 12.8155 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.8400 7.4200 6.2328 46.2479 0.0494 SUM 13.8031 57.7714 350.5039 20.4060 YBAR = 4.1854 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.8119 0.5659 0.4595 0.2601 0.0446 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1193 0.0300 0.0636 0.0019 0.0000· TOP WEB CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6800 4.0000 30.7200 122.8800 37.7487 BOTTOM WEB CORNER ·0.2042 7.9228 1.6179 12.8181 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1800 7.9700 17.3746 138.4756 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1.-6176 12.8155 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.8400 7 . .4200 6.2328 46.2479 0.0494 SUM 14.4479 58.1175 333.5014 37.8440 YBAR = 4.0225 IN Page Number 66 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 923~5 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D APPENDIX Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.8400 2.4401 2.0497 5.0015 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2042 2.3928 0.4885 1.1689 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1800 1.2200 2.6596 3.2447 0.8634 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2042 0.0472 0.0096 0.0005 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2042 -0.0472 -0.0096 0.0005 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1800 -1.2200 -2.6596 3.2447 0.8634 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2042 -2.3928 -0.4885 1.1689 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.8400 -2.04401 -2.0497 5.0015 0.0000 SUM 14.5367 0.0000 18.8312 1.7280 XBAR = 0.0000 IN Section Properities For Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH = 8. 00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 2. 5000 IN LIP LENGTH = 1. 0000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS= 0.0600 IN IX= 8.2539 IN4 IY = 1.2336 IN4 SX = 1. 8509 IN3, SY = 0. 4994 IN3 RX= RY= 3.0762 IN 1.1892 IN AREA= 0.8722 IN2 WT= 2.97 PtF AEFF = 0.8282 IN2 HIT= 128.0 MA =60.96 KIP-IN VA= 2.35 KIP J = 0.0010 IN4 IXY = 2.3427 IN4 THETA= -16.86 IN4 ALLOW. END BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) IX2 = 0.5236 IY2 = 8.9639 1 0.6720 1.3162 lN4 RMIN = 0. 7748 IN IN4 BEARING LENGTH (IN 2 3 4 0.7680 0.8640 0.9601 1.4537 1.5912 1.7287 ~__,~__,_-----'---"-'-~---------------------------------------- Page Number 67 Designed By: . Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 .. Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D Appendix Section Properities Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55. 0 KSI STEEL;. IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7000 IN LIP ANGLE = 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS = 0.1000 IN THICKNESS = 0.0750 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.1455 0.2477 0.0360 0.0089 0.0003 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 1.8099 0.0375 0.0679 0.0025 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1.7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 17.1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 7.5625 3.9703 30.0258 0.0121 SUM 13.1442 55.2490 315.7961 37~3220 YBAR = 4.2033 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.5250 0.4375 0.2297 0.1005 0.0121 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 0.0375 0.0806 0.0030 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1.7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 1'7 .1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 7.5625 3:$1703 30.02580 0.0121 SUM 13.8639 55.4554 315.8881 37.3338 YBAR = 4.0000 IN ,, Page Number 68 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.5250 2.4251 1.2732 3.0875 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 2.3750 0.5129 1. 2181 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 1.2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0499 0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 -0.0499 -0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 -1.2125 -2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 -2_.3750 -0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 -2.4251 -1.2732 3.0875 0.0000 SUM 13.8639 0.0000 14.9340 1.6579 XBAR = 0.0000 IN Section Properities For Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KS! STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSibE RAI)IUS = 0.1000 IN THICKNESS= 0.0750 IN IX= 9.8550 IN4 IY = 1.2444 IN4 SX = 2.1571 IN3 SY= 0.5053 IN3 RX = RY= 3.0786 IN 1.0940 IN AREA= 1.0398 IN2 WT= 3.54 PLF AEFF = 0.9858 IN2 HIT =102.0000 MA = 71.04 KIP-IN VA= 4.60 KIP J = 0.0019 IN4 IXY = 2.5370 IN4 THETA= -15.26 IN4 ALLOW. END BEARING(KlPS) . ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) IX2 = 0.5525 IN4 IY2 = 1'0. 5469 IN4 1 1.1443 2.1446 RMIN = 0. 7289 IN BEARING LENGTH ( IN 2 3 1.2789 1.4135 2.3277 2.5108 4 1.5481 2.6939 ..,, •• :J.. '\ ,- Page Number 69 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> . Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D Appendix Section Properities For ·C ·8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FdR DEFL., SX FOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 1.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.9000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS = 0.0750 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y · LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.5291 0.4395 0.2326 0.1022 0.0123 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 1.9730 0.0375 0.0740 0.0028 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 -1. 7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 17 .1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.7250 7.4625 5.4103 40.3749 0.0318 SUM 13.8910 56.8917 326.2387 37.3537 YBAR = 4.0956 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.7250 0.5375 0.3897 0.2094 0.0318 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 0.0375 0.0806 0.0030 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 ~OTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1.7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 17.1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 7.9126 1.7,087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.7250 7.4625 5;'.Ai03 40.3749 0.0318 SUM 14.2639 57.0554 326.3462 37.3732 YBAR = 4.0000 IN Page Number 70 Designed By: Z.J.S.F;NGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building D Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.7250 2.4251 1.7582 4.2638 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0 .. 2159 2.3750 0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 1.2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 'fOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0499 0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0499 0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 1. 2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 2.3750 0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.7250 2.4251 1.7582 4.2638 0.0000 SUM 14.2639 9.7775 17.2866 1.6579 XBAR = 0.6855 IN Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA. (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.9000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS= 0.0750 IN IX= 10.1623 IN4 IY = 0.9182 IN4 AREA= 1.0698 IN2 MA= 78.76 KIP-IN ALLOW. END BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) SX = 2.3914 IN3 SY= 0.5167 IN3 WT= 3.64 PLF VA = 4.60 KIP RX= 3.0821 IN RY= 0.9264 IN AEFF = 1.0418 IN2 J = 0.0020 IN4 BEARING LENGTH (IN 1 1.1443 2.1446 2.1446 2 3 1.2789 1.4135 2.3277 2.5108 2.3277 2.5108 4 1. 5481 2.6939 2.6939 >· ' "\' ... ,, .. ).. 1 ' . ·"' Page Number 71 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd. Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana. CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle SteeJ.> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft St~el Building Building D - Appendix Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA (2007 AISI. 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FdR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 1.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7500 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS = 0.0750 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.3281 0.3230 0.1060 0.0342 0.0029 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2034 0.0765 Q.0156 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE. 1.7379 0.0295 · 0.0513 0.0015 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 1. 2917 0.8048 1.0396 0.8367 0.1796 EFFECTIVE WEB 6.0844 4.7988 29.1979 140.1143 18.7707 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2034 7:9235 1.6118 12.7710 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1820 7.9705 17.3916 138.6200 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2034 7.9235 1.6115 12.7684 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.5910 7.5455 4.4594 33.6487 0.0172 SUM 13.0288 55.5002 338.7972 18.9717 YBAR = 4.2598 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.5910 0.4545 0.2686 0.1221 0.0172 TOP UP CORNER 0.2034 0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2 .. 1820 0.0295 0.0644 0.0019 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6820 4.0000 30.7280 122.9120 37.7782 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2034 7.9233 1.6118 12.7710 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1820 7.9705 17.3916 138.6200 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2034 7.9235 1.,6115 12.7684 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.5910 7.5455 4.4594 33.6487 0.0172 ·SUM 14.0416 56.1664 320.8464 37.8139 YBAR = 4. 0000 IN . ~ ! .... £ ~,. --------------------------------------------~· Page Number: 72 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job # 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Build-ing D Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION ) L X LX L X2 IO TOP LIP 0.5910 2.4411 1.4427 3. 5217 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2034 2.3939 0.4869 1. 1656 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1820 1.2205 2.6631 3. 2504 0.8657 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0470 0.0096 0. 0004 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6820 0.0000 0.0000 0. 0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0470 0.0096 0. 0004 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1820 1.2205 2.6631 3. 2504 0.8657 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2034 2.3939 0.4869 1. 1656 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.5910 2-.4411 1.4427 3. 5217 0.0000 SUM 14.0416 9.2045 15. 8761 1.7328 XBAR = 0.6555 IN Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA. (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7500 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS= 0.0590 IN. IX= 7.9057 IN4 IY = 0.6829 IN4 AREA= 0.8285 IN2 MA =55.35 KIP-IN . ALLOW. END BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING (KIPS) SX = 1.6807 IN3 RX= 3.0891 IN SY = 0.3763 IN3 RY= 0.9079 IN WT= 2.82 PLF AEFF = 0.37687IN2 VA = 2.23 KIP J = 0.0010 IN4 1 0.6449 1.2680 BEARING LENGTH (IN 2 3 0.7383 0.8318 1.4025 1.5370 4 0.9253 L 6714 ... .} Page Number 73 Designed By: Z. J. S. ENGINEERING SERVIOES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building D . Appendix ...... _ --, ... PITTSBURGH TESTING LABORATORY ••Y•a••••• •••• 1.USO i.ANE AVENUt NOIIT>-4. JAC:IC:SOHVlt.U:. ft.o,ucA 3%205 .......... ,u.at. ... nc.,, •• Te CU ... T •• ~-PV ... IC ••• eu ...................... T • .... ....... n•• .. TttC ce .. ,,.c ....... , ...... ,. •• ., CLJ&MY• •.... ,t.Vnte:•t» ....... .... NAtCA'ft ....... ., ... T ...... , •• c•lllc1.v•·--·-·· Cl'lll.a.c'f• " ... cs• ......... ... 41¥-. -~···· •• ·---:· .. •• ~ ... , ......••• 'IT .... ,.,......,..._ ~ .. --· . FLO-LOC'IM EHS S'!RllriD £'!EBOLT HIN. ASSEMBLY C.ac .• No. -Per ASffl-i\4 75-Size Breaking Strength Size (Pound:sl • FWC 250 BA: l/4'' 1/2" -6.650 F\IC J-12 BA: 5/16" 5/8" ll.200 FWC 375 :SA 'Jf 8" 5/8" 15.400 F\JC 4J7 BA 7/16 .. J/4" 20,800 f>.IC 500 llA 1/2." 7/8" 26,900 Tests ~ere conducted usint the Flo-Loe Strand Crips. FYC EHS strand and NC ~yebolcs as set forth in the above t.2ble wich all tested asscmblic~ providing at least 100? of the strand raced breaking load per AS'!M-At.75. t)e-SIG#.J S™'1J6TH. IU \Tl\ ,-1'i'CT'Of2 ot= '--,,~,Y Or t.. ~, '!li("° .. ,,,oo 1, ioo \0 \ AiOO l'3. 1 ASO Certifled PITTSBURGH TES.TING LABORATOR . <-~~24~ Charle~ L. Hoare, P. E. •f1JC guarantees chac all cross brace 3Ssemblies fabricated in ~ccordance with che above table wtll meet pr exceed che specified I minimum assembly bh:.211.Lng strength. -t -,-,---,.'------'------··--·---------~------------~--,-------,.., '. J. ZJS ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. 14189 FOOTHILL BLVD, STE. 101 FONTANA,. CALIFORNIA 92335 PHONE : ( 909 ) 823 4150 FAX: ( 909 ) 823 4153 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS CUSTOMER : LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> DATE : February 29, 2016 JO~ NUMBER : 26421c-16 CONTENTS 30 ft x 36 ft -6 in x 16 ft Steel Building Building C 1. Basic Loads 2. Check Sheeting 3. Check Purlin 4. Check Rigid Frames ~1$c~ 'i:Ji/~IJ 5. Check Connections fv!4R .2 I:' . Ct'fy "20/6 6. Check Bracing/Portal FramJ:lU/f..O Op C,.qn 1/1.jG ''<l..ss. 7. Reactions at Column Bases 01v1s10~D APPENDIX CJ It l! t6 Page Number 2. Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-io16 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C DUPLEX PRINTING . ' Page Number 3 Designed By: Z. J. S. :ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P,E. Fontana, -CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C DESIGN CRITERIA This building was designed using the criteria listed below. Capacity for loads greater than these or for load combinations other than shown below specifically neither intended nor implied. 1. BASIC LOADS 1.1. Codes 2013 California Building Code 1.2. Dead Load lb p = 3.0 -- DL ft~ 1. 3. Live Load p = 20. LL lb ft~ Refer To Section 1607 of 2013 CBC 1.4. Vind Load Per Chapter 26 to 30 ASCE 7 adopted by Section 1609.1.1. Of 2013 CBC LOY-RISE BUILDING per Section 26.2 of ASCE 7-10 1. mean.roof height h less than or equal to 60 ft; and 2. mean roof height h does not ~xceed least horizontal dimension. qh_-= 0.00256 Kz Kzt Kd V2 = 23.70 lq ft2 (28.3-1) of ASCE 7-10 Kct = 0.85 Kz = 0.90 Kzt = 1.'.0 V = 110 mph h = 17.0 ft. GC = ± 0.18 pi Slope= .25/12 -Directionality Factor per Section 26.6, Table 16.6-1 -P~r Section 28.3.1, Table 28.3-1 for exposure C -Topographiq Factor per Section 26.8.2 -Basic Wind Speed from Section 26.5.1 Occupancy Category II, Figure ~6.5-lA -Mean Heigth Of Roof -Inter. Pressure Coeff. pe,r Section 26.11 and Table 26.11-1 for Enciosed Buildings< Conservatively Assumed> -Roof Slope Page Number 4 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C Pressure Coe;ff~cient on Mai.n Vind-Forced Resisting Systems e = invtan (Slope)= 1.19° L 36.5ft = 1.21 h 16.5 ft ------= 0.45 B 30. ft L 36.5 ft B: horizontal dimension perpendicular to L Monoslope Roofs Refer to Figure 27.4-1 of ASCE 7-10 Transversal Direction: GC = 0.68 (windward wall) pf [1] GC = -0.76 (windward roof) pf [2] GC = -0.15 (leeward roof ) ·Pf [3] GC = -0.42 (leeward wall) pf [ 4] GC pf [1} ~ GC ~ pl GC pf HJ --+ Longitudinal Direction: -External Pressure -External Pressure -External Pressure -External Pressure r--- h GC pf L~ Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure / ../c;c e pl GC pf [3] GC pf GC~ pi [4] --+ 27.4-1 27.4-1 27.4-1 27.4-1 GC = 0.68 (windward wall) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-1 pf' [l) GC = -0.76 (windward roof) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-l pf' [ 2) GC = -0.76 (leeward roof) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-1 pf [3) GC = -0.42 (leeward wall) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-1 pf [ 11] .r u f 't Page Number 5 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERlNG.SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> ., Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Buiiding Building C GC p:f [1] ~ T GC pf' [21 1. :.i·. Seismic Load T GC pf' [3] '.· ' ·~ ... Seismic Design Group: II -As per Table 1604.5 of 2013 CBC 26421-16 2-29-2016 I = 1. 00 -Importance Factor per Table 1. 5-2 of ASCE 7-10 for Category II EQ Sit:e Ground Motion: Location: 33.126248 N, S = 130.1 % g s S = 48.4 % g t Fa= 1.00 Fv = 1.52 SMs = Fa Ss = 1. 30 g SM1 = Fv S1 = 0.74 g 2 S05 = -SMs = 0.87 g 3 2 . Sot= -SMl = 0.49 g 3 117.311577 W -From USGS Web Site -From USGS Web Site -Table 1613.3.3(1) of 2013 CBC For Site Class D' -Table 16)3.3.3(2) of 2013 CBC For Site Class D -Eq 16-37 of 2013 CBC -Eq 16-38 of 2013 CBC -Eq 16-39 of 2013 CBC -Eq 16-40 of 2013 CBC SDC ( Seismic Design Category) : D -Per Table 1613.3.5(1) of 2d13 CBC D -Per Table 1613.3.5(2) of 2013 CBC Page Number 6 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29""2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C 2. CHECK SHEETING 2.1. Check Roof Decking w M MAX. s RQ, Uniform Load Max. Moment Required Section Modulus Triple Equal Spans Condition J lllwll lllwllll lwll i t i i i Use: 26 GA Galv. Steel MBCI "R" Panel, <ICC-ES ER-5409P> Or Equal. Mat~rial : Steel, ASTM A446 Grade D, Fy = 55 ksi Gauge Weight Panel Top In Compression .Panel Bot tom In Compression PDL I+ S+ Fb+ L s_ PL lb in4 in3 ksi in4 in3 ft2 - -- - ft ft ft ft 26 0.94 0.0423 0.0388 33.0 0.0390 0.0437 E = 29. 103 ksi. b = 1.0 ft. t = 5. 0 ft. Modulus Of Elasticity Of Steel 1 ft Wide Strap Being Checked Span Between Two Supports 2. 1. 1. For Dead Load + Live Load Section 1605.3.1 w = DL+LL ') b = 20.94 ~ PDL+ PLL PL ft. Fb_ ksi 33.0 Page Number 7 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 1-4189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Maximum Positive Moment: M = 0.08 w t 2 = 0.503 kip-in. DL+LL DL+LL M . sRQ. = F~~+LL = 0.0152 in7 < S+= 0.0388 in7 OK Maximum Negative Moment M = 0.10 w t 2 = 0.628 kip-in. DL+LL · DL+LL M s = F_bD:+LL = 0.0190 in7 < S_= 0.0437 in~ OK RQ. 2.1.2. Dead Load+ 0.6 Vind Load Section 1605.3.1 of roof: Effective wind areas 2 AEFF = b I, = 5. 00 ft t 2 or A = -t = 8.33 ft EFF 3 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building C 2 AEFF = 8.33 ft Controls I---"> GCP = 1.80 -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 qh ( GC + GC ) = 46.92 ~ -max. wind pressure p pi ft~ w = [ 0. 6 qh ( GC + GC i) -pDL] b = 2.7. 21 lb. DL+WL p . p PL ft. Maximum Positive Moment: 2 M = 0. 10 w t = 0. 816 kip-in. DL+WL DL+WL · M s = DL+WL = 0.0247 in~ < S = 0. 0388 in~ OK ~-~+ . + Maximum Negative Moment· M = 0.08 w t 2 = 0.653 kip-in. DL+WL DL+WL s RQ. = = 0.0198 in~< s ·= 0.0437 in~ OK Page Number 8 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P. E,. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Buildi~g Building C 3. CHECK PURLIN 3.1.@ 5.0 ft. Tributary Load Width 3 E = 29. 10 ksi. Fy = 50.00 ksi. b = 5.00 ft. t = 18.00 ft w R s RQ. M MAX. Modulus Of Elasticity Of Steel Minimum Yield Stress Spacing Of The Purlin Span Between Two Supports, Critical Uniform Load End Beam Reaction Required Section Modulus Max. Moment L 1 l l l w l l l l l l l l l w l l l ·1 l t t Continuous Purlin w/ 1' -011 Overlap NUMBER OF ELEMENTS= 6 NUMBER OF CONCENTRATED LOADS= 0 ELASTIC MODULUS= 29500.00 PURLIN SPACING = 5.00' 3 SUPPRESSED DISPLACEMENTS AT POSITIONS: 1 7 13 ---------------------------------------------------------BAY 1 2 LENGTH(FT) LENGTH(IN) 18.00 18.00 216.00 216.00 3.1.1. For Dead Load+ Live Load Section 1605.3.1 w = ( p + p ) b = 115.0 ~ DL+LL DL LL ft LL (FT) 0.00 1.00 RL (FT) 1.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------:· ------------------------------- ELEM. IN"4 LENGTH BENDING w(K/in) w(K/ft) : NODE MOMENTS NODAL, DISPL. (V) and (theta) ---------------------------------------------:-------------------------------. 1 2 3 7.19 7 .19 14.38 86.00 118.00 12.00 0.0096 0.0096 0.0096 0.1150 0.1150 0.1150 1 2 3 -o.o 29.6 -45.1 0.00 0.48 0.01 -0.0088 -0.0004 0.0015 Page Number 9 Designed By:· Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 · Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 f-t x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C ----------------------------------.----------:--------------------------------BENDING NODAL DISPL. ELEM. IW4 LENGTH w(K/in) w(K/ft) : NODE MOMENTS (V) and (theta) -----------------------.-.-------------------:-------------------------------- 4 5 6 14.38 7.19 7.19 12.00 118.00 86.00 0.0096 -0. 0096 0.0096 0.1150 0.1150 0.1150 4 5 6 7 -60.1 -45.1 29.6 0.0 0.00 0.01 0.48 0.00 0.0000 -0.0015 0.0004 0.0088 ---------------------------------------------:. -----,------------------------- NODE=3 MOMENT= -45.1 Use: (1) 8 -x 2.5 x 16 Ga "Z" Resisting Moment= 60.9 NODE=5 MOMENT= -45.1 Use: (1) 8 x 2. 5 x 16 :Ga "Z" Resisting Moment= 60. 9 3.1.2. For 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Vind Lo~d Section 1605.3.1 EffeGtive wind areas of roof: 2 t 2 AEFF = b t = 90.00 ft or AEFF = 3 t = 108.00 ft See Appendix For Allowable Values AEFF = 108.00 ft2 Controls!~ GCP = 1.10 -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 . lb. qh ( GC + GC ) = 39.10 ---max. wind pressure p pt ft~ w =[0.6qh(GC +GC )-0.6p )b=108.30 lb. DL+WL P pl DL ft. --------------------------------------.------:--------------------------------BENDING NODAL DISPL. ELEM. IW4 LENGTH w(K/in) w(K/ft) I NODE MOMENTS (V) and (theta) I --------------------------------· --------·-· -:-------------------------------- 1 4.71 86.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 1 -0.0 -0.00 0.0127 2 4.71 118.00 -0 .. 0090 -0.1083 2 -27.9 -0.69 0.0006 3 9.42 12.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 3 42.5 -0.01 -0.0021 4 9.42 12.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 4 56.6 -0.00 0.0000 5 4.71 118.00 -0.0090 -0.:1.083 5 42.5 -0.01 0.0021 6 4.71 86.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 6 -27.9 -0.69 -0.0006 7 -0.0 -0.00 -0.0127 -----------------------------·---------------:-------------------------------- NODE=3 MOMENT= 42.5 NODE=S MOMENT= 42.5 Use:: .( 1 ) 8 x 2. 5 x Jq Ga "Z" Use: (1) 8 x 2.5 x 16 Ga 11 211 Resisting Moment= 60.9 Resisting Moment= 60.9 See Appendix For Allowable Values Page Number 10 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40. ft x 16 f.t Steel Building :Building C 5. CHECK RIGID FRAME SYSTEM Finite Element Model: Joints, Members, Member Types, Connections, Sl,lpports Not To Scale SUPPORT "\. JOINT #2 CONNECTION #1 T MEM·BER #1 I ~MBER TYPE #1 #2 "\. JOINT #3 CONNECTION #2 TYPE #2 T MEMBER #3 I ~BER TYPE #-3 .. ~I "\.JOINT #1 SUPPORT ' . "\. ., ~ I JOINT •• SUPPORT #2 SUPPORT #4 ,, Page Number 11 Designed By: Z.J:S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Fpothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 - Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building C LOADING DIAGRAMS See Page 19-22 below for application on the actual model LOAD CASE: Dead Load ( p ) b = -36.0 lb = -0.0360 KIPS/FT< UNIF VER> DL I ROOF ft. bl = 18.0 ft pDL = 2.0 psf ROOF -Tributary Load Width For the Interior Frame -Weight Of The Roof LOAD CASE Collateral Load ( p ) b = -18.0 l'I;> = -0.0180 KIPS/FT< UNIF VER> CL I ft. b1 = 18.0 ft pCL = 1.0 psf -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame -Collateral Load LOAD CASE Live Lo~d ( PLL) b = -288.0 lb = -0.2880 KIPS/FT< UNIF VER> I ft. s1 = 30.0 ft -Span Of The Interior Frame b = 18.0 ft -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame I Tributary Load Area = s1 b1 = 540. 0 rt2 PLL = lq.O psf -Live Load LOAD CASE: Vind Load qh = 23.70 psf -See Section 1.3, Vind Load of These Calculations Above! Transversal Direction ( CASE A) GC = 0.68· (windward wall) pf . GC = -0.76 (windward roof) pf GC = -0.15 (leeward roof ) pf GC = -0.42 (leeward wall). pf GC = 0. 18 ( internal ) pi Page Number 12 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016. 'Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Descr i.pt ion: 30 ft x 40 ft x i6 ft Steel Building Building C Wall: fGC +GC) 0.6 qh ( 18.0 ft ) = -128. lb. = -0.128 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> pf pi ft. Roof: (GC + GC ) 0.6 qh 18.0 ft ) = 240.5 lb. = 0.2405 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> Pf pl Roof: (GC + GC ) 0.6 qh Pf pi Wall: (GC + GC ) pf pi 0.6 qh LOAD CASE: Seismic Load Slope = 0.25/12 Width = 30.00 ft Length= 36.50 ft Eave = 16.00 ft Ridge = 16.62 ft ft. ( 18.0 ft ) = 84.46 lb. ft. ( 18.0 ft-) = 153.5 lb. ft. -Width Of The Building -Length Of The Building Ridge+ Eave hn = 2 = 16.31 ft -Mean Heigth of Roof = 0.0844 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> = 0.1535 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> b1 = 18.00 ft s = 30.00 ft I -Trioutary Load Width For The Interior Frame n = 3 CNN p0L = 2.00 psf ROOF pCLL = 1. 00 psf p = 2.50 psf DL WALL w = 19 plf FRM INT -Span Of The Interior Frame -Number Of Moment Connection in the Line of Resistance -Weight Of The Roof -Collateral Loads -Weight Of The Wall -Weigth Of The Interior Frame <See Below> Steel OMRF Structural System ( Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 ): R = 3.5 Q0 = 2.5 C0 = 3.0 -<As Worst Case For The Entire Structure> -Q0 = 3.0 -0.5 = 2.5 per Note g of Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 for Flexible Diaphragms -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7~10 Check For Building Period: Ct= 0.028 X = 0.80 T = Ct hnx = C>-.259 a -Table 12.8-2 of AS(;E 7-10 -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Eq 12.8-7 of ASCE 7-10 t, <t..,, •• 1_ Page Number 13 .. Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill {3lvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date ' Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 4Q·ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C T = 8.000 L -ASCE 7 Figures 22-15 through 22-20 Sns Cs= --= 0.249 R Except Cs need not to exceed: Sn1 Cs= --= 0.540 R -Ta IEQ But Not Be Less Than Cs= 0.044 s05 IE0 ·= 0.038 Cs= 0.249 GOVERNS ! T ~ T a L PROOF = [ pDL ·+ pCLL ] bl 5 1 = 1.G2 kips INT ROOF Eave . PWALL = 2 PDL b1 -2-= 0. 72 kips INT WALL p · = w [ 2 Eav2.e +Width]= 0.87 kips · FRM FRM INT INT 26421-16 2-29-2016 w = p + P + P = 3. 21 kips -Total Seismic Weight At Frame INT ROOF WALL FRM INT INT INT V or QE Cs WINT = 0. 79 Kips ,t -------------------------------------------------"' Page Number 14 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C Find Redundaey Factor: Note: In transverse direction, the redundancy coefficient,p, is 1.0 if making one moment connection pinned does not reduce the strength of the moment frame line by more than 337.. Otherwise the redundancy coefficient,p, is 1.3. p = 1.0 would arise if there were four or more moment connections in the line of resistance, otherwise p = 1.3 p = 1.3 -There Are ( 3) Moment Connections in the Line of Resistance Basic Load Combinations: 1. D + ( L or S) -r ( Eq. 16-10 ) 2. D + 0.75 (0.6) W + 0.75 ( L or S) r -( Eq. 16-13 ) 3. D + 0.75 ( 0.7 QE) + 0.75 S -( Eq. 16-14 4. 0.6 D + 0.6 W ( Eq. 16-15 ) 5. 0.6 D + 0.7 QE .... ( Eq. 16-16 ) 6. QE to find horizontal deflections per ASCE Eq. 12.8-15 Note: One-third allowable stress increase is not permitted. ASD Load Combinations for B~am-To-Column Design: 1. (1.0 + 0.14 S )(D+C) ± 0.7 Q0 Q -DS E 3. (1.0 + 0.105 SDS) (.D+C) ± 0.525 00 QE + 0. 75 S I.., ~-' Page Number 15 ' Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGI~ING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd. Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building C REACTIONS AT COLUMN BASE D + C + LiveRoof D + 0..75 ll + 0.75 LiveRoof Not to Scale Not To Scale ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.10 -1.10 -1.23 -1.87 i T T T 5.18 5.19 0.62 2.27 D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> 0.6 D + 0.6 ll Not To $cale Not To Scale ~ ~ ~ ~ -0.05 -0.36 -2.62 -1.51 T T T T 0.72 1-.18 -3.68 -1.48 Page Number 16 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft MM MM MMM MMM MMMM MMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MMMM MMM MMM MM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM Steel Building BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB Date 2-29-2016 Building C .PPPPflPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP ***********************······················································· * • • METAL BUILDING PROGRAM • * • • Copyright (C) • * by International Structural Engineers • * • * Version 8.2 * * • * International Structural Engineers * • P.O. Box 241740 • * Los Angeles, CA 90024 * * • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * * • * • ZJS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. • • • 14189 Foothill blvd, Ste 101,Fontana Ca 92335 • • •(909) 823-4150 FAX (909) 823-4153 E-MAIL ZJSENG@AOL.COM • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TITLE: 30@182dllc11611110mph DATE: 03/0t/•• 09:16:05 Page Number 17 Designed By: Z.J . .S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Refe~ence: iEGOLAND <Castle· Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Ste~l Building Building C DDDD A TTTT'l' A D D AA T AA D D A A T A A D D A A T A A D D AAAAA T AAAAA D D A A T A A DDDD A A T A A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL DATA SETS _, __________________________________________________________________________________ _ MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DESIGN CYCLES = 3 SHow·oPTIMIZATION HISTORY REQUESTED NUMBER OF SEGMENTS PER MEMBER = 6 MAXIMUM COMBINED STRESS RATIO = 1.030 MAXIMUM WEB DEPTH-TO-THICKNESS RATIO= 240,00 MAXIMUM FLANGE INEQUALITY RATI.O = 2.000 __ ,, ___ --------------------------~---------------------------------------------------- JO I N,T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF JOINTS= 4 JOINT· X y NUMBER (FT) (FT) 1 1.167 .000 2 1.167 14.857 3 28.833 15.434 4 28.833 .Q00 --------------------------------------~-~J·---:'JI Page Number 18 Designed By: Z.J .. S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C -·-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUPPORTS NUMBER OF SUPPORTS= 4 SUPPORT AT DIRECTION STIFFNESS NUMBER JOINT (KIPS/IN OR KIP-FT/RAD) 1 1 HOR 10000.000 2 1 VER 10000.000 3 4 HOR 10000.000 4 4 VER 10000.000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEMBER TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF MEMBER TYPES= 3 MEMBER KIND ORIENTATION LENGTH END-REL. ANALYS. DESIGN MAT. TYPE OF MEMBER (FT) CODE CONST. CONST. 1 BU/TD/EF/AN IN-PLANE 14.857 00 1 1 1 2 BU/TD/EF/AN IN-PLANE 27.673 00 2 2 1 3 BU/TD/EF/AN IN-PLANE 15.434 00 3 3 1 NUMBER OF SETS OF ANALYSIS CONSTANTS= 3 FOR BUILT-UP MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: FOR WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 1 -DEPTH AT START (IN) 2 -DEPTH AT END (IN) 3 -FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 4 -FLANGE THICKNESS (IN) 5 -WEB THICKNESS (IN) 6 -OUTER FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 1 -OUTER FLANGE THICK. (IN) FOR PIPE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 3 -CLASS (STD, XSTR, XXSTR) 4 -NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 3 -NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 4 -NOMINAL WEIGHT (LB/FT) FOR GENERAL MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ME: 1 -AREA (IN2) 2 -MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 3 -SECTION MODULUS (IN3) 4 -TRANSV. MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 5 -TRANSV. SECTION MODULUS (IN3) Page Number 19 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd,. Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel.Building Building C SET ----------------------------------CONSTANTS------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 12.00 12.00 6.000 .2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 2 . 12.00 12.00 6.000 .2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 3 12.00 12.00 6.000 .2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 NUMBER OF SETS OF DESIGN CONSTANTS= 3 SET FACTOR COEFF LAT SUP LAT SUP EXCL 2N EXCL 2N KL/R COEFF "K" "Cm" INSIDE OU'fSIDE AT STRT AT END MAX "Cb" (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) 1 1.500 .850 16.000 16.0QO .000 .490 .00 1. 75 2 1.000 .850 5.000 10.000 .490 .511 .00 1.00 3 1.500 .850 16.000 16.000 .000 .511 .00 1. 75 NUMBER OF MATERIALS= 1 MAT. "E" UNIT WEIGHT COEFF. EXP. "Fy" NUMBER (KSI) (LB/FT3l (1/DEG_FAR) (KSI) 1 29000. 490.8 .0000065 SO.DO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBERS ------~--------------------------··-------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF MEMBERS= 3 MEMBER INITIAL FINAL MEMBER NUMBER JOINT JOINT TYPE 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 -3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C O N N E C T I O N S ------------------------------------·-·---------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS= ~ ,CONNECTION ON AT ANGLE NUMBER MEMBER (FT) (DEGREES) 1 1 14.368 HOR 2 3 14.923 HOR Page Number 20 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building LOAD CASES NUMBER OF LOAD CASES= 6 LOAD CASE 1 : SELF WEIGHT ** LOADS CALCULATED BY THE PROGRAM** LOAD CASE 2: Dead Load NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 1 ON MEMBER 2 LOAD TYPE UNIF MAGNITUDE (KIPS OR KIPS/FT) -.0360 LOAD CASE 3: Collateral Load NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 1 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR KIPS/FT) 2 UNIF -.0180 LOAD CASE 4 Live Load NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 1 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR KIPS/FT} 2 UNIF -.2880 FROM (FT) .000 FROM (FT) .000 FROM (FT) .000 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building C TO (FT) .000 TO (FT) .000 TO (FT) .000 ECCENTR. (FT) .000 ECCENTR. (FT) .000 ECCENTR. (FT) .000 ANGLE (DEGREES) VER ANGLE (DEGREES) VER ANGLE (DEGREES) VER Page Number 21 . ' Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Fbothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Font~na, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> · Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building LOAD CASE 5: 'Wind Load <+GCPi> NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 3 ·oN LOAD MAGNITUDE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR KIPS/FT) 1 UNIF -.1280 2 UNIF .2405 3 UNIF .1535 LOAD CASE 6 : Seismic Load Qe or V NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS= 2 JOINT 2 ~ DIRECTION HOR HOR l-jAGNITUDE (KIPS OR KIP-FT) .395 .395 FROM (FT) .000 .000 .000 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building C TO ECCENTR. ANGLE (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) .000 .000 POU .000 .000 POU .000 .000 POU ------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------L O A D C O M B I N A T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD COMBINATIONS= 8 LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 2 1.00.00 3 100.00 4 LOAD COMBINATION 2 D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.60 2 75.00 4 75.00 5 LOAD COMBINATION 3: D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> ?ERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 ·2 52.50 6 ·-----------------------------!""' ____________ 1 _· --"!"-.... -1:,,, Page Number 22 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVlCES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 60.00 2 100.00 5 LOAD COMBINATION 5 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 60.00 2 70.00 6 LOAD COMBINATION 6 Qe PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 6 LOAD COMBINATION 7 Dead Load PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 2 LOAD COMBINATION 8 Collateral Load PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 3 Page Number 23 Designed By: ?.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job#· 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference:· LEGOLAND <Castle· Steel> Descdpt~on: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C .. RRRR EEEEE sss u u L TTTTT sss R R E s s u u L T s s R R E s u u L T s· RRRR EEEE sss u u L T sss RR E s u u L T s R R E s s u u L T s s R R EEEEE sss uuu LLLLL T sss --·--.----------------------------------------------·--------------------------------JO INT DISPLACE ME.NT S AND SUP ·PORT RE ACTIONS -----------·--.---------------------------------------------------------------------- LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + Li veRoof DISPLACEMENTS JOINT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 REACTIONS SUPPORT Nl)MBER 1 2 3 4 X (IN) -.000 .036 .034 .000 REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) y (IN) -.001 -.007 -.008 -.001 1.102 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 5.177 (VER, AT JbINT 1) -1.102 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 5.186 (VER, AT JOINT 4) ROTATION (DEGREES) .084 -.203 .196 -.114 LOAD·COMBINATION 2 D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y RbTATION NUMBER (IN) {IN) (DEGREES) 1 .ODO .000 -.379 2 .943 -.001 -.183 3 .943 -.003 -.Q66 4 .ODO -.000 -.425 . ·c __________________________________________ .L ___ ....,..,, Page Number 24 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C ._ REACTIONS SUPPORT· REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -1.228 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .615 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -1.~71 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 2.267 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 3: D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 -.079 2 .232 -.001 -.065 3 .232 -.002 -.004 4 .ODO -.000 -.105 REACTIO~S SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.056 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .716 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.359 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.179 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 4 0.6 D + 0.6 W DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y RO.TATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000. .000 -.580 2 1.225 .005 -.062 3 1.227 .002 -.263 4 .000 .000 -.465 Page Number 25 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERlNG SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -2.622 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -3.678 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -1.510 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 -1.478 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 ~.113 2 .306 -.000 -.069 3 .306 -.001 -.023 4 .000 -.000 -.130 REAC'J:IONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.171 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .441 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.382 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.056 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 6 Qe DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (!N) (IN) {DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 -.171 2 .434 .000 -.077 3 .434 -.001 -.0$4 · 4 .000 .000 -.174 . ·r. _________________________________________ .. ....,; ___ ,, Page Number 26 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x. 16 ft Steel Building Building C REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.361 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .013 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.429 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .887 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 7 : Dead Load DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 .012 2 .005 -.001 -.029 3 .005 -.001 .028 4 .000 .000 -.016 REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .159 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .943 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.159 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .952 (VER, AT JOtNT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 8 Collateral Loac;l DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 .008 2 .003 -.001 -.019 3 .003 -.001 .018 4 .000 .000 -.011 '-_,' _..,._ Page Number 27 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, .Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. ,Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference:· LEGOLAND· <Castle Steel> Description:. 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .103 (HOR, AT JOINT 1). 2 .694 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.103 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .703 (VER, AT JOINT 4) --------------------------------------------.----------------------------------------MEMBER FORCES AND ST R £·SSE S -' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( FROM JOINT 1 TO JOINT 2 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 ,-5.177 -1.102 . 000 -1.137 -.680 .000 .000 2.476 -5.139 -1.102 -2.729 -1.129 --.680 -1.628 1.628 4.952 -5.100 -1.102 -5.459 -1.120 -.680 -3.257 3.257 7.428 -5.062 -1.102 -8.188 -1.112 -.680 -4.885 4.885 9.905 -5.023 -1.102 -10.917 -1,103 -.680 -6.514 6.514 12.381 -4.985 -1.102 -13.647 -1.095 -.680 -8.142 8.142 14.857 -4.947 -l.102 -16.376 -1.087 -.680 -9.771 9.771 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.615 1.228 . QOO -.135 .758 .000 .000 2.476 -.577 .990 2.745 -.127 .611 1.638 -1.638 4.952 -.538 .752 4.902 -.118 .464 2.925 -2.925 7.428 -.500 .514 6.470 -.'110 .318 3.860 -3.860 9.905 -.462 .277 7.449 : ;-.101 .171 4.445 -4.445 i2.381 -.423 .039 7.840 '' -.093 .024 4.678 -4.678 14.857 -.385 -.199-7.642 -.084 -.123 4.560 -4.560 1· -:r ____________________________________________ ,, Page Number, 28 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 J.anos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C LOAD COMBINATION 3 : D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.716 .056 .000 -.157 . 034 .000 .000 2.476 -.678 .056 .138 -.149 .034 .082 -.082 4.952 -.639 .056 .275 -.140 .034 .164 -.164 7.428 -.601 .056 .413 -.132 .034 .246 -.246 9.905 -.563 .056 .550 -.124 .034 .328 -.328 12.381 -.524 .056 .688 -.115 .034 .410 -.410 14.857 -.486 .056 .825 -.107 .034 .493 -.493 LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W. AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDI,NG BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 3.678 2.622 . 000 .808 1.618 .000 .000 2.476 3. 717 2.305 6.100 .816 1.423 3.640 -3.640 4.952 3.755 1.988 U.415 .825 1.227 6.811 -6.811 7.428 3.793 1.671 15.946 .833 1.032 9.514 -9.514 9.905 3.832 1.354 19.691 .·842 .836 11. 749 -11. 749 12.381 3.870 1.037 22.652 .850 .640 13.515 -13.515 14.857 3.909 .720 24.828 .859 .445 14.814 -14.814 LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.441 .171 .000 -.097 .106 .000 .000 2.476 -.403 .171 .424 -.089 .106 .253 -.253 4.952 -.365 .171 .849 -.080 .106 .507 -.507 7.428 -.326 .171 1.273 -.072 .106 .760 -.760 9.905 ---.288 .171 1.698 -.063 .106 1.013 -1.013 12.381 .;...249 .171 2. ~22 -.055 .106 1.266 -1.266 14.857 -.211 .171 2.547 -.046 .106 1.520 -1.520 ,, ~ -~ ··- Page Number 29 Designed By: ·z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Descr iptic:m: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C LOAD COMBINATION 6: Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.013 .361 .000 -.003 .223 .000 .000 2.476 .026 .361 .893 .006 .223 .533 -.533 4.952 .064 .361 1.785 .014 .223 1.065 -1.065 7.428 .103 .361 2.678 .023 .223 1.598 -1.598 9.905 .141 .361 3.571 .031 .223 2.131 -2.131 12.381 .179 .361 4.464 .039 .223 2.663 -2.663 14.857 .218 .361 5.356 .048 .223 3.196 -3.196 LOAD COMBINATION 7: Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -~-----------STRESSES, KSI ------------- '(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIP$) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.943 -.159 .000 -.207 -.098 .000 .000 2.476 -.905 -.159 -.393 -.199 -.098 -.235 .235 4.952 -.866 -.159 -.787 -.190 -.098 -.469 .469 7.428 -.828 -.159 -1.180 -.182 -.098 -.704 .704 9.905 -.790 -.159 -1. 573 --.173 -.098 -.939 .939 12.381 -.751 -.159 -1.966 -.165 -.098 -1.173 1.173 14.857 -:713 -.159 -2.360 -.157 -.098 -1.408 1.408 LOAD COMBINATION 8: Collateral Load AT · AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) . INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.694 -.103 .000 -.153 -.064 .000 .000 2.476 --.656 -.103 -.256 -.144 -.064 -.153 .153 4.952 -.617 -.103 -.512 -.136 -.064 -.305 .305 7.428 -.579 -.103 -.768 · -.127 -.064 · -.458 .458 9.905 -.541 -.103 -1.023 -.119 -.064 -.611 .611 12.381 -.502 --.103 -1.279 -.110 -.064 -.763 .763 14.857 -.464 -.103 -1.535 . : {>;-.102 -.064 -.916 .916 -~ '; ____________________________________________ ,,,, Page Number 30 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill B-lvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 :ft Steel Building Building C MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( FROM JOINT 2 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -1.205 4.923 -16.376 -.265 3.039 -9.771 9.771 4.612 -1.171 3.274 2.525 -.257 2.021 1.507 -1.507 9.224 -1.136 1.626 13.824 -.250 1.003 8.248 -8.248 13.836 -1.102 -.023 17.519 -.242 -.014 10.453 -10.453 18.448 -1.068 -1.671 13.612 -.235 -1.032 8.122 -8.122 23.060 -1.033 -3.320 2.102 -.227 -2.049 1.254 -1.254 27.672 -.999 -4.969 -17.012 -.219 -3.067 -10.150 10.150 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.207 .380 7.642 -.045 .235 4.560 -4.560 4.612 -.181 -.021 8.471 -.040 -.013 5.054 -5.054 9.224 -.155 -.423 7.447 -.034 -.261 4.443 -4.443 13.836 -.130 -.824 4.570 -.028 -.509 2.727 -2.727 18.448 -.104 -1.226 -.158 -.023 -.757 -.095 .095 23.060 -.078 -1.628 -6.739 -.017 -1.005 -4.021 4.021 27.672 -.052 -2.029 -15.173 -.012 -1.253 -9.053 9.053 LOAD COMBINATION 3: D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.F'LA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.162 .482 , .825 -.036 .298 .493 -.493 4.612 -.157 .245 2.503 -.034 .151 1.493 -1.493 9.224 -.152 .007 3.085 -.033 .005 1.840 -1.840 13.836 -.147 -.230 2.571 -.032 -.142 1.534 -1.534 18.448 -.142 -.468 .962 -.031 -.289 .574 -.574 23.060 -.137 -.705 -1. 743 -.030 -.435 -'1.040 1.040 27.672 -.132 -.943 -5.544 -.029 -.582 -3.308 3.308 Page Number 31 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14'189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 .802 -3.893 24.828 .176 -2.403 14.814 -14.814 4.612 .805 -2.955 9.037 .177 -1.824 5.392 -5.392 9.224 .809 -2.017 -2.428 .178 -1.245 -1.449 1.449 13.836 .812 -1.079 -9.566 .178 -.666 -5.708 5.708 18.448 .816 -.141 -12.378 .179 --.087 -7.386 7.386 ·23.060 .819 .797 -10.864 .180 .492 -6.482 6.482 27.672 .823 1.735 ~5.024 .181 1.071 -2.998 2.998 LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ---~---------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) {KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . ... .000 -.109 .209 2.547 -.024 .129 1.520 -1.520 4.612 -.106 :037 3.114 -.023 .023 1.858 -1.858 9.224 --.10.2 --'.134 2.892 -.022 -.083 1.726 -1. 726 13.836 -.099 -.305 1.881 -.022 -.188 1.122 -1.122 18.448 :...095 -.476 .080 -.021 -.294 .048 -.048 23.060 -.092 -.647 -2.510 -.020 -.399 -1.498 1.498 27.672 -.088 -.818 -5.889 -.019 -.505 -3.514 3.514 LOAD COMBINATION 6 : Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.030 -.218 5.356 -.007 -.135 3.196 -3.196 4.612 -.028 -.290 4.184 -.006 -.179 2.496 -2.496 9.224 -.027 -.362 2.681 -.006 -.223 1.600 -1. 600 13.836 -.025 -.433 .849 -·.006 -.267 .506 -.506 18.448 -'-.024 -.505 -1.314 -.005 -.312 -.784 .784 23.060 -.022 -.576 -3-.806 -.005 -.356 -2.271 2.271 27.672 -.021 -.648 -6.628 ';f-005 ~ {<'>:.; .. -.400 -3.955 3.955 • '> l • ~' ~ , •• .t /., Page Number 32 Designed By: Z.J.$.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Descriptjon: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C LOAD COMBINATlON 7 : Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) {KIPS) tKIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.174 .709 -2.360 -.038 .438 -1.408 1.408 4.612 -.169 .472 .364 -.037 .291 .217 -.217 9.224 -.164 .234 1.992 -.036 .145 1.189 -1.189 13.836 -.159 -.003 2.524 -·.035 -.002 1.506 -1.506 18.448 -.154 -.241 1.961 -.034 -.149 1.170 -1.170 23.060 -.149 -.478 .303 -.033 -.295 .181 -.181 27.672 -.144 -.716 -2.451 -.032 -.442 -1.463 1.463 LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collateral Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ----,----------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.113 .461 -1.535 -.025 .285 -.916 .916 4.612 -.110 .307 .237 -.024 .189 .141 -.141 9.224 -.107 .152 1.296 -.023 .094 .773 -.773 13.836 -.103 -.002 1.642 -.023 -.001 .980 -.980 18.448 -.100 -.157 1.276 -.022 -.097 .761 . -. 761 23.060 -.097 -.311 .197 -.021 -.192 .118 -.118 27.672 -.094 -.466 -1.595 -.021 -.288 -.952 .952 MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( FROM JOINT 4 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT} INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -5.186 -1.102 . 000 -1.139 -.680 .000 .000 2.572 -5.146 -1.102 -2.835 -1.130 -.680 -1.692 1.692 5.145 -5.106 -1.t02 -5.671 -1.122 -.680 -3.383 3.383 7.717 -5.066 -1.102 -8.506 -1.113 -.680 -5.075 5.075 10.289 -5.026 -1.102 -11.341 -1.104 -.680 -6.767 6.767 12.862 -4.987 -1.102 -14.177 -1.095 -.680 -8.459 8.459 15.434 -4.947 -1.102 -17.012 -1.087 -.680 -10.150 10.150 Page Number 33 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> · Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C LOAD COMBINATION 2 : D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------{FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING 'BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -2.267 -1.871 .000 -.498 -1.155 .000 .ODO 2.572 -2.227 -1.575 -4.433 -.489 -.972 -2.645 2.645 5.145 -2.187 -1.279 -8.105 -.480 -.790 -4.836 4.836 7.717 -2.148 -.983 -11.014 -.472 -.607 -6.572 6.572 10.289 -2.108 -.·687 -13.162 -.463 -.424 -7.853 7.853 12.862 -2.068 -.391 -14.548 -.454 -.241 -8.680 8.680 15.434 -2.028 -.095 -15.173 -.445 -.058 -9.053 9.053 LOAD COMBINATION 3 : D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ------------~ STRESSES, KSI -------------. (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .ooo -1.179 -.359 .000 -.259 -.222 .000 .000 2.572 -1.139 -.359 -.924 -·.250 -.222 -.551 .551 5.145 -1.099 -.359 -1.848 -.242 -.222 -1.103 1.103 7.717 -1.060 -.359 -2.772 -.233 -.222 -1.654 1.654 1,0.289 -1.020 -.359 -3.696 -.224 -.222 -2.205 2.205 12.862 -.980 -.359 -4.620 -.215 -.222 -2.756 2.756 15.434 -.940 -.359 -5.544 -.206 -.222 -3.308 3.308 LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -~-----------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 1.478 -1. 510 .ODO . 325 -.932 .000 .000 2.572 1.518 -1.115 -3.377 .334 -.688 -2.015 2.015 5.145 1.558 -.720 -5.737 .342 -.445 -3.423 3.423 7.717 1.598 -.326 -7.083 .351 -.201 -4.226 4.226 10.289 1.638 .069 -7.412 .360 .043 -4.422 4.422 12.862 1.678 .464 -6.726 .369 .287 -4.013 4.013 15.434 1. 718 .859 -5.024 :: · 311 ' ' . ~ -: } . .530 -2.998 2.998 ,' ,,, It' Page Number 34 Designed By: Z.J.S.~INEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -1.056 -.382 .000 -.232 -.236 .ODO .ODO 2.572 -1.016 -.382 -.982 -.223 -.236 -.586 .586 5.145 -.976 -.382 -1.963 -.214 -.236 -1.171 1.171 7.717 -.936 -.382 -2.945 -.206 -.236 -1. 757 1.757 10.289 -.896 -.382 -3.926 -.197 -.236 -2.343 2.343 12.862 -.856 -.382 -4.908 -.188 -.236 -2.928 2.928 15.434 -.816 -.. 382 -5.889 -.179 -.236 -3.514 3.514 LOAD COMBINATION 6 : Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT} INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.887 -.429 .000 -.195 -.265 .000 .000 2.572 -.847 -.429 -1. 105 -.186 -.265 -.659 .659 5.145 -.807 -.429 -2.209 -.177 -.265 -1.318 1.318 7.717 -.767 -.429 -3.314 -.168 -.265 -1.977 1.977 10.289 -.727 -.429 -4.419 -.160 -.265 -2.637 2.637 12.862 -.687 -.429 -5.524 -.151 -.265 --3.296 3.296 15.434 -.647 -.429 -6.628 -.142 -.265 -3.955 3.955 LOAD COMBINATION 7 : Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ------~------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS} (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.952 -.159 . ODO -.209 -.098 .000 .000 2.572 -.912 -.159 -.4b9 -.200 -.098 -.244 .244 5.145 -.872 -.159 -.817 -.192 -.098 -.488 .488 7.717 -.833 -.159 -1.226 -.183 -.098 -.731 .731 10.289 -.793 -.159 -1.634 -.174 -.098 -.975 .975 12.862 -.753 -.159 -2.043 -.165 -.098 -1.219 1.219 15.434 -.713 -.159 -2.451 -.157 -.098 -1.463 1.463 Page Number 35 ·- Designed By: · 2.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, $te. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LE~OLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x ~Oft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C .. LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collateral Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ----------~--STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AxIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.703 -.103 .000 -.154 -.064 .000 .ODO 2.572 -.663 -.103 -.266 -.146 -.064 -.159 .159 5.145 -.623 -.103 -.532 -.137 -.064 -.317 .317 7.717 -.583 -.103 -.797 -.128 -.064 -.476 .476 10.289 -.544 -.103 -1.063 -.119 -.064 -.634 .634 12.862 -.. 504 -.103 --1. 329 -.111 -.064 -.793 .793 15.434 -.464 -.103 -1.595 -.102 -.064 -.952 .952 ALLOWABLE STRESSES -------------------------------------------·----------------------------------------- MEMBER TY p·E· 1 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) .ODO 30 .. 000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 2.476 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 4.952 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 7.428 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 9.905 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 12.381 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 14.367 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 14.857 X 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 MEMBER TYPE 2 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MiN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) {KSI) (KSI) (KSI) .ooo x 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 .490 30.000 1!;>.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 4.612 30.000 15.817 17.925 . ,.;,1:30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 9.224 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 13.836 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 18.449 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 23.061 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 27.162 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 27.673 X 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 Page Number 36 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C MEMBER TYPE 3 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) .000 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 2.572 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 5.145 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11.459 7.717 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 10.289 30.000 8.0iO 19.882 51.287 11.459 12.862 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 14.923 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11.459 15.434 X 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C O M B I N E D S T R E S S R A T I O S ---.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( TYPE 1 ) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 .142 .017 .020 .027 .012 .000 .026 .019 2.476 .223 .098 .023 .183 .024 .027 .037 .026 4.952 .304 .162 .026 .343 .035 .054 .047 .032 7.428 .385 .208 .029 .479 .047 .080 .058 .039 9.905 .465 .236 .032 .591 .059 .107 .069 .046 12.381 .546 .247 .035 .680 .071 .134 .080 .052 14.367 .611 .241 .037 .732 .. 080 .155 .088 .057 14.857 X .627 .240 .038 .745 .082 .161 .090 .059 MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( TYPE 2 ) AT -----~-----------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 X .342 .192 .023 .614 .064 .133 .049 .032 .490 .302 .194 .027 .572 .066 .130 .044 .028 4.612 .079 .212 .064 .223 .078 .104 .011 .007 9.224 .357 .186 .078 .054 .073 .067 .052 .034 13.836 .448 .115 .066 .196 .048 .021 . 065 .042 18.449 .351 .005 .026 .252 .003 .026 .051 .033 23.061 .066 .135 .037 .222 .051 .076 .010 .006 27.162 .310 .284 .104 .119 .111 .126 .045 .029 27.673 X .352 .302 .112 .106 .118 .132 .051 .033 Page ·Number 37 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Da:te 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND· <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C - MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( TYPE -3 ) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 .142 .062 ,032 .011 .029 .024 .026 .019 2.572 .226 .194 .059 .101 .057 .056 .037 .026 5.145 .310 .303 .086 .172 .086 .088 .048 .033 7.717 .394 .389 .112 .213 .114 .120 .060 .040 10.289 .478 .453 .139 .222 .142 .153 .071 .047 12.862 .562 .493 .166 .202 .171 .185 .082 .054 14.923 .629 .507 .187 .161 .193 .210 .091 .059 15.434 X .646 .511 .192 .151 .199· .-211 .093 .061 ------------_______________________ , ------------------------------------------------- M A X I M U M C O M B I N E D S T R E S S R A T I O S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPE 1 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD·COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .142 1 1 , 141 * 4 1 2.476 .223 1 1 .124 4 1 4.952 .343 4 1 .107 4 1 7.428 .479 4 1 .090 4 1 9.905 .591 4 1 .073 4 1 12.381 .680 4 1 .059 1 1 14.367 ~732 * 4 1 .059 1 1 14.857 X .745 4 1 .059 1 1 MEMBER T Y P E 2 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .. ooo :x .614 4 2 .265 1 2 .490 .572 * 4 2 .256 1 2 4.6}2 .223 " 4 2' ,' .176 1 2 ',' 9.224 .357 1 2 .109 4 2 13.836 .448 1 2 .058 4 2 18.449 .. 351 1 2 .090 1 2 23.'061. .222 4 2 .179 1 2 27.162 .310 1 2 .258 * 1 2 27.673 X .352 1 2 .268 1 2 Page Number 38 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C MEMBER TYPE 3 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNI~G GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .142 1 3 .101 * 2 3 2.572 .226 1 3 .085 2 3 5.145 .310 1 3 .069 2 3 7.717 .394 1 3 .059 1 3, 10.289 .478 1 3 .059 1 3 12.862 .562 1 3 .059 1 3 14.923 .629 * 1 3 .059 1 3 15.434 X .646 1 3 .059 1 3 F O R C E S A T C O N N E C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C O N N E C T I O N 1 MINIMUM DEPTH= 12.000 IN MINIMUM WIDTH= 6.000 IN LOAD AXIAL COMB. FORCE (KIPS) 1 -4.954 D + C + LiveRoof 2 -.392 D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof 3 -.493 D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> 4 3.901 0.6 D + 0.6 W 5 -.218 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe 6 .210 Qe 7 -.720 Dead Load 8 -.471 Collateral Load SHEAR FORCE (KIPS) -1.102 -.152 .056 .783 .171 .361 -.159 -.103 BENDING (KIP-FT) -15.837 7.681 .798 24.398 2.463 5.180 -2.282 -1.485 -J' Page Number 39 ' . Desi.gned By: ' Z. J. S.-ENGINEERING SERVICES INC . Job# 26421-16 ' 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Maximum Design Moment For Seismic: <1.0+0.14 Sds><D+C>+0.7 Omega Qe = 4.839 kip-ft <O. 6+0·. 14 Sds><D>+O. 7 Omega Qe = 7. 418 kip-'-ft CO .N NEC TIO N 2 MINIMUM DEPTH= 12.000 IN MINIMUM WIDTH= 6.000 IN LOAD COMB. . 1 AXIAL FORCE (KIPS) -4.955 D + C + LiveRoof 2 -2. 036 D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof 3 -.948 D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> 4 1.710 0.6 D + 0.6 W 5 -.824 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe 6 -.655 Qe 7 Dead Load 8 Collateral Load -.721 -.472 SHEAR FORCE (KIPS) -1.102 --.153 -.359 .781 -.382 -.429 -.159 -.103 Maximum Design Moment For Seismic: BENDING (KIP-FT) -16.4·49 -15.049 -5.360 ,-5.362 -5.694 -6.409 -2.370 -1.542 <1.0+0.14 Sds><D+C>+0.7 Omega Qe = -15.604 kip-ft <0.6+0.14 Sds><D>+0.7 Omega -Qe = -12.926 kip-ft 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building C Page Number 40 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C F I N A L S E C T I O N S GEOMETRY INFORMATION BUILT-UP MEMBERS: MEMBER FLANGE FLANGE WEB OUTER FLANGE INITIAL FINAL LENGTH TYPE WIDTH THICK. THICK. (IF UNEQ. FLANGES) DEPTH DEPTH (FT) (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) ( IN) (IN) (IN) 1 6.000 .2500 .1350 12.000 12.000 14.857 2 6.000 .2500 .1350 12.000 12.000 27.673 3 6.000 .2500 .1350 12.000 12.000 15.434 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION MEMBER LAT SUP LAT SUP COMB. SHEAR UNIT QUAN-TOTAL TYPE INSIDE OUTSIDE STRESS STRESS WEIGHT TITY WEIGHT (FT) (FT) RATIO RATIO (LB) (LB) 1 16.000 16.000 .732 .141 230.5 1 230.5 2 5.000 10.000 .572 .258 429.4 1 429.4 3 16.000 16.000 .629 .101 .239.5 1 239.5 THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE FRAME IS 899.4 LB 6. CHECK CONNECTIONS 6.1. Purlin to Rafter Use: (2) 1/2" Dic1.meter Bolt or Equal ( A307 Machine Bolt) V = 1.96 kips ALLOW R [ Allowable Shear -See Appendix [Max.Reaction Force At The End Of Purlin J b = 5.0 ft t = 18 ft Spacing Of The Purlin Span Between Two Supports For Dead Load+ Live Load Section 1605.3.1 ., Page Number 41 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building WDL+LL i, R = ----= 1.03 kips D!-,+LI,. 2 < 2 VALLOW = 3. 92 kips For 0 •. 6 Dead Load + 0.6 Wind Load Section 1605.3.1 Effective wind areas of roof: . 2 l A =bi.=90.00ft orA =-t= EFF EFF 3 108.00 ft2 101 Date Building C 26421-16 2-29-2016 A EFF = 108.00 ft2 Controls I-----"> GC = p 1.10 -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 lb qh { GC + GC ) = 39.10 --· -max. wind pressure p pi ft~ w = [ 0 6 q ( GC + GC ) -0. 6 p ) b = 108. 30 ~ DL+WL . • h P pi DL ft. WDL+WL £, R = --=-----= 0.97 kips< 2 V = 3.92 kips actions DL+WL 2 ALLOW · 6.2. Check Bolted ~aunch Connection Refer To Manual Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION Allowable Stress Design Ninth Edit ion Part 4 Fy = 50.0 ksi Fu = 70.0 ksi T518 = 13.5 kips Pr = 2. o in M D -Minimum Yield Stress For Connection Plate -Ultimate Stress For E70XX Welding Electrode -Allowable Tension For S/811 Dia. A325 Bolt See Figure . ~ Applied Moment -Number Of Sixteenth Of An Inch, Weld Size Page Number 42 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd. Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C tp~I If- --t pf .....,_ ____ ~Fr M = 24.39 kip-ft See page 38 tfb r->------r--Fr T Beam: 12 BUI 6x1/4 FL 0.135 V d = 12.0 in brb = 6.0 in tfb = 0.25 in twb = 0.135 in bP = 6.0 in Bolt Design: M -Depth Of The Beam -Width Of Beam Flange -Beam Flange Thickness -Beam Web Thickness Width Of Connection Plate Fr = ( d ) = 24.9 kips -tfb Fr . TReq= --= 6. 2 kips 4 < T518 = 13.5 kips Use 5/8 in Dia. A325 Bolts db= 0.625 in. -Bolt Diameter 0 0 0 0 Top Flange To End Plate Veld 1 Pw = 0.3 Fu 0.707 16 D -Allowable Load For Welding, kips P = 0.928 D w F, D -------------~ Req-O. 928 [ 2 ( bfb + trb) -twb = 2.2 in Use 3/16 Fillet Welds 0 0 0 0 26421-16 2-29-2016 l d Or Cqmplete Joint Penetr~tion Weld T ·-----:r. Page Number 43 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C End-Plate: IX F Pe m f' Me = ----'-4----. -= 6.15 kips -Design Moment For The End-Plate 1 1 . · [ Af']3 [ Pe]4 CXrn = Ca Cb Aw · db = 1.180 Ca= 1.11 -For Fy > 36 ksi Steel Cb=~= 1.000 in Ar = brb trb = 1. 500 in2 -Area Of Tension Flange Aw= [ d -2 trb] twb = 1.552 in2 -Area Of Web db . D Pe = Pr -4 -0.707 16 = 0.831? in -Effective Bolt Distance tp = / 6 Me 1 = 0.405 ln 0.75 Fy bp Use 1/2 ln Plate 7. CHECK BRACING 7~1. Check Longitudinal Bracing Width = 30.0 ft -Width Of The Building Length = 36.S ft -Length Of The Building Bay = 18.0 ft -Width Of The Braced Bay ( Critical ) Eave = 16.0 ft -Eave Height Slope = 0.25/12 -Slope on the Roof Ridge = 16.3 ft -Ridge Height 26421-16 2-29-2016 Page Number 44 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C NINDOR/ P:J ~ ~----~----~-//---- SEISMIC PORTAL EA;E I - FRAME __ / /Width -// ~----~~---~'-//---~ ~ H lR I Bay, n = 2 SIDES -Number of Braced Lines in the Longitudinal Direction n = 1 BR -Number of Sets of Bracings Per Line Check For Vind Load Find Total Exposed Area At The End Of The Building At Each Side [ Ridge+ Eave E ] AT= z -a;e Width= 244.7 ft2 Total Wind Load At Each Side: GC=[GC + P• P• WINDWARD GC P• LEEWARD = 0.69 -Longitudinal Direction P = Gt <O. 6> qh AT = 2.40 kips T px H TOTAL H = PT = ---= 1.20 kips -Total Force Per Side Wall At Eave n SIDES = 1.20 kips -Total Force for One Braced Bay )'. .. ·1: . Designed By: ,Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> /Jescription: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Check Roof Bracing EAVE H ( . A B X X X ROOF PLAN ( Braced Bay) C RIDGE I Bay I A= 30.00 ft; B = 0.00 ft; C = 0.00 ft Critical in the first set to the eave. ct= invtan ( A Bay ) = 59.04° Tension Force In ( 1) Set Of 1/4" Dia Cable By FWC : H T ---= 2 .. 33 kips < 3325 lb -Refer To Appendix ·cos a. Check For Seismic Design Base Shear Coefficient: hn = 16.16 ft p0L = 3. 00 psf ROOF -Mean He ig;th of Roo_f -Weight Of The Roof Page Number 45 INC. Job# 26421-16 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building C p ::;:: 2.50 psf DL -Weight Of The Wall ( conservative for roof only) WALL P = 0.89 kips FRM I = 1.00 EQ· R = 3.25 Q0 = 2.0 CD = 3.25 -Weigth Of The Frame <See Frame Design> -Importance Factor per Table 1.5-2 for Risk Category II -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE· 7-10 -Table 12.2~1 of ASCE 7-10 Page Number 46 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Check For Building Period: Ct= 0.020 X = 0.75 T = Ct hnx = 0.161 a -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Eq 12.8-7 of ASCE 7-10 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building C T = 8.000 I,. -ASGE 7 Figures 22-15 through 22-20 Find: . 5os Cs= --= 0.268 R I.EQ Except Cs need not to exceed: 501 -Cs= --= 0.935 R -Ta IEQ But Not Be Less Than Cg= 0.044 Sos IEQ = 0.038 Cs= 0.268 GOVERNS! Find Total Seismic Weight: T ~ T a L A = [Width][ LeQgth] = 555 ft2 B p ROOF -pDL AB = 1. 67 kips ROOF [ Ridge+ Eave E ] PWALL = 2 PDL 2 -a;e Width = 1.22 kips WALL ·,, . . -·,;•• -- W = PROO!" + PWALL + (nINT + nEXT) PFRM = 8.28 kips -Total Seismic Weight For The Bldg CONSERVATIVE 1'0 APPLY ALL AT EAVE . , Page Number 47 .. Desi(Jned By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 .. Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C Check Roof Bracing: p = 1. 0 for diaphragms .( incl. Horizontal Bracing System ) per ASCE 7 Section 12. 3. 4. 1 Design Forces are calculated per ASCE Eq. 12.10-1: n L Fi F = _i=_x_ w px n px L W1 i=x For a Oi:>-e-Story building: W = W1 = W px n L Fi i=x V F == F = --· ·w = -w = Cs w px ROOF n px w px px LONG L W1 i·=x 02S Iw :SF :SQ.2S Iw • DS px px DS px 0.174 w :SF = -(Cs=0.268) w :S 0.348 w px px · · px px Fpx = (Cs=0.268) wpx -Governs F = (Cs=0.268) (W=B.28) = 2.22 kips Totai for the Entire Building px F 1 px H = ------'------= 0.19 kips 1.4 ' n BR ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN -Total Force for One Braced Bay _____________________________________________ ..,. __ ._·_!<)7 1'~ Page Number 4$ Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building A EAVE H X ( ) B X ROOF PLAN ( Braced Bay C X RIDGE Bay A= 30.00 ft; B = 0.00 ft; C = 0.00 ft Critical in the first set to the eave. ix= invtan ( A Bay ) = 59.04° ) Tension Force In (1) Set Of 1/4" Dia Cable By FWC: H T ·= --= 1.54 kips< 3325 lb -Refer To Appendix cos 0: Check Loads for Portal Frame: p = 1-. 30 for 1 Set of Bracing per Line of Bracing Cs W Date 2-29-2016 Building C H = p -------= 1.03 kips -Total Force for One Braced Bay 1.4 n '\ SIDES n BR ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN Page Number 49 -- Designed By: Z.J.S.-ENGINEERING SERVICES me. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle St~el> Description: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Check Portal.Frame: Finite Element Model: Joints, Mem};>ers, Member Types, Co~ections, Supports Not to Scale MEMBER #2 /MEMBER TYPE #2 101 Date Building C '\_ JOINT #2 CONNECTION #1 '\_ JOINT #3 CONNECTION #2 T MEMBER #1 I ~MBER TYPE #1 l MEMBER #3 ~MBER TYPE #-3 SUPPORT ··~, '.ioINT #1 SUPPORT #2 W = 1.20 kips -See Above Q = 1.03 kips -See Above E Basic Load Combinations,: 1. 0.6 D + 0.6 W SUPPORT '\_ #3 ~ I JOINT .. SUPPORT #4 - ( J;:q. 16-15 26421-16 2-29-2016 2. 0.6 D + 0.7 Q E - ( Eq. 16-16) 3. QE to find horizontal deflections per ASCE Eq. 12.8-15 Note: One-third allowable stress increase is not permitted. Page Number 50 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 40 ft X 16 ft MM MM MMM MMM MMMM MMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MMMM MMM MMM MM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM Steel Building BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB Date 2-29-2016 Building C PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP -:r • ---.r •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • METAL BUILDING PROGRAM • • • * Copyright (C) • * by International Structural Engineers * • * * Version 8.2 • • • • International Structural Engineers • • P.O. Box 241740 • • Los Angeles, CA 90024 • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • ZJS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. • • • • 14189 Foothill blvd., Suite 101, Fontana, CA 92335 * • • • • .. • Phone: (909) 823-4150 Fax: (909) 823-4153 E-MAIL: ZJSENG@AOL. COM • • • * ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TITLE: 18x16 DATE: 03/01/•• 09:45:08 • # • ' Pa~e Number 51 Designed By: Z.·J.S.ENGINEERING-SERVICES INC.· Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros f>.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C DDDD A TTTJ'T A D D AA T A A D D A A T A A D D A A T A A D D AAAAA T AAAAA D D A A T A A DDDD A A T A A . ' . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTROL DATA SETS -----------------------------~----·----~--------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DESIGN CYCLES = 3 SHOW OPTIMIZATION HISTORY REQUESTED NUMBER OF SEGMENTS PER MEMBER = 6 MAXIMUM COMBINED STRESS RATIO = 1. 030 MAXIMUM WEB DEPTH-TO-THICKNESS RATIO= 240.00 MAXIMUM FLANGE INEQUALITY RATIO = 2.000 ----------------.--------------------------------------------------------------------J O I N T S --------------------------·---------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF JOINTS= 4 JOINT X y NUMBER (FT) (FT) 1 1.083 .000 2 1.083 14.833 3 17.917 14.833 4 17.917 .000 SUPPORTS ------------------------------------, ------------------------------------------------ NUMBER OF SUPPORTS= 4 SUPPORT AT DIRECTION STIFFNESS NUMBER JOINT (KIPS/IN OR KIP-FT/RAD) ' , •,, 1 1 'HOR 10000.000 2 1 VER 10000.000 3 4 HOR 10000.000 4 4 VER 10000.000 -r ... ·-J· -----------------------------,--------------, . Page Number 52 Designed By: · Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C MEMBER TYPES NUMBER OF MEMBER TYPES= 3 MEMBER KIND ORIENTATION LENGTH END-REL. ANALYS. DESIGN MAT. TYPE OF MEMBER (FT) CODE CONST. CONST. 1 WF/OP IN-PLANE 14.833 00 1 1 1 2 WF/OP IN-PLANE 16.833 00 2 2 1 3 WF/OP IN-,PLANE 14.833 00 3 3 1 NUMBER OF SETS OF ANALYSIS CONSTANTS= 3 FOR BUILT-UP MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -DEPTH AT START (IN) 2 -DEPTH AT END (IN) FOR WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 3 -FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 4 -FLANGE THICKNESS (IN) 5 -WEB THICKNESS (IN) 6 -OUTER FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 7 -OUTER FLANGE THICK. (IN) FOR PIPE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 2 -MAX!MUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 3 -CLASS (STD, XSTR, XXSTR) 4 -NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH '(IN) 3 -NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 4 -NOMINAL WEIGHT (LB/FT) FOR GENERAL MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -AREA (IN2) 2 -MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 3 -SECTION MODULUS (IN3) 4 -TRANSV. MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 5 -TRANSV. SECTION MODULUS (IN3) SET -----------------------------------CONSTANTS------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 12.00 12.00 .DODO .0000 .DODO .0000 .0000 2 12.00 12.00 .ooob .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 3 12.00 12.00 .0000 .0000 .DODO .0000 .0000 NUMBER OF SETS OF DESIGN CONSTANTS= 3 SET FACTOR COEFF LAT SUP LAT SUP EXCL ZN EXCL ZN KL/R COEFF "K" "Cm" INSIDE OUTSIDE AT STRT AT END MAX "Cb" (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) 1 1.500 .850 10.000 10.000 .000 .500 .00 1. 75 2 1.000 .850 10.000 10.000 .500 .500 .00 1.00 3 1.500 .850 l0.000 10.000 .000 .500 .00 1. 75 Page Number 53 .. Designed By: ·Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana., CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building NUMBER OF MATERIALS= 1 MAT. NUMBER 1 "E" (KS!) 29000. UNIT WEIGHT (LB/FT3) 490.8 COEFF. EXP. (1/DEG_FAR) .0000065 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building C "Fy" (KSI) 50.00 -------------------------------·------·--·------------------------------------------- MEMBERS --------------------·---------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF MEMBERS= 3 MEMBER INITIAL FINAL MEMBER NUMBER JOINT JOINT TYPE 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2. 3 4 3 -3 -----------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------C O N N E C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS= 2 CONNECTION ON AT ANGLE NUMBER MEMBER (FT) (DEGREES) 1 1 14.333 HOR 2 3 14.333 HOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD CASES= 3 LOAD CASE i: SELF WEIGHT ** LOADS CALCULATED BY THE PROGRAM **,!', • ., ~ ,, ·.' ' ,I _,' ' !\ :·;'?•_ . Page Numbe.r 54 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C LOAD CASE 2: Wind Load NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS= 2 JOINT 2 3 DIRECTION HOR HOR LOAD CASE 3: Wind Load MAGNITUDE (KIPS 0R KIP-FT) .600 .600 NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS= 2 JOINT 2 3 DIRECTION HOR HOR MAGNITUDE (KIPS OR KIP-FT) .515 .515 ----------------------------------------------------------------------' --------------L O A D C O M B I N A T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD COMBINATIONS= 2 LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 60.00 1 60.00 2 LOAD COMBINATION 2: 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 60.00 1 70.00 3 Page Number 55 Designed By-: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 : 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference·: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C RRRR EEEEE sss u u L TTTTT S55 R R E s s u u L T s s R R E s u u L T s RRRR EEEE sss u u L T sss RR E s u u L T s R R E s s u u L T s s R R EEEEE sss uuu LLLLL T sss -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOINT DISPLACEMENTS AND SUPPORT REACTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------··-- LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load DISPLACEMENTS JOINT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 'REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 X (IN) .000 1.230 1.230 .OCIO REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) y (IN) .000 .001 -.002 .000 -.354 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) -.497 (VER, AT JOINT 1) -.366 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) .772 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 2 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.1 Qe DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y NUMBER (IN) (IN) 1 .000 .000 2 1.232 .. 001 3: 1.232 -.002 4 .000 .000 ROTATION (DEGREES) -.520 -.148 -.140 -.524 ROTATION (DEGREES) -.521 -.148 -.140 -.525 ,( ~ ,\ ""!' -------------------------------------------·· Page Number 56 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 2642J-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 . Janos Bor.os P. E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.355 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -.498 ·(VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.366 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .773 (VER, AT JOINT 4) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M E M B E R F O R C E S A N D S T R E S S E S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( FROM JOINT 1 TO JOINT 2 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 .497 .354 .000 .172 .264 . 000 .000 2.472 .512 .354 .875 .177 .264 1.391 -1.391 4.944 .526 .354 1.751 .182 .264 2.782 -2.782 7.417 .541 .354 2.626 .187 .264 4.174 -4.174 9.889 .556 .354 3.501 .192 .264 5.565 -5.565 12.361 .570 .354 4.377 .197 .264 6.956 -6.956 14.833 .585 .354 5.252 .203 .264 8.347 -8.347 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 . 498 .355 .000 .173 .264 .000 .000 2.472 .513 .355 .877 .178 .264 1.393 -1.393 4.944 .527 .355 1.753 .183 .264 2.786 -2.786 7.417 .542 .355 2.630 .188 .264 4.179 -4.179 9.889 .556 .355 3.506 .193 .264 5.573 -5.573 12.361 .571 .355 4.383 .198 .264 6.966 -6.966 14.833 .586 .355 5.259 .203 .264 8.359 -8.359 Page Number 57 Designed By: Z.J.·S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 l, Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( FROM JOINT 2 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Win~. Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- {'FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 .... 006 -.585 5.252 -.002 -.436 8.347 -8.347 2.8()6 -.006 -.601 3.588 -.002 -.448 5.703 -5.703 5.611 -.006 -.618 1.878 -.002 -.461 2.985 -2.985 8.417 -.006 -.634 .121 -.002 -.473 .193 -.193 11.223 -.006 -.651 -1.682 -.002 -.485 -2.673 2.673 14.·028 -.006 -.668 -3.531 -.002 -.498 -5.613 5.613 16.834 ·-.006 -.684 -5.428 -.002 -.510 -8.626 8.626 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.006 -.586 5.259 -.002 -.437 8.359 -8.359 2.806 -.006 -.602 3.593 -.002 -.449 5.711 -5. 711 5.611 -.006 -.619 1 . .880 -.002 -.461 2.989 -2.989 8.417 -.006 -.635 .121 -.002 -.474 .193 -.193 11.223 -.006 -.652 -1.684 -.002 -.486 -2.677 2.677 14.028 -.006 -.668 -3.536 -.002 -.498 -5.621 5,.621 16.834 -.006 -.685 --~.435 -.002 -.511 -8.638 8.638 MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( FROM JOINT 4 TO JOINT 3) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0,6 Wind Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.772 -.366 .000 -.267 -.273 .000 .000 2.472 -.757 -.366 -.905 ~.262 -.273 -1.438 1.438 4.944 -.743 -.366 -1.809 . ,~ .. ,·.,.. 257 -.273 -2.875 2.875 7.417 -.728 -.366 -2. 714 ! -.252 -.273 -4.313 4.313 9.889 -.71-3 -.366 -3.618 -.247 -.273 -5.751 5.751 12.361 -.699 -.366 -4.523 -.242 -.273 -7.189 7.189 14.833 -.684 -.366 -5.428 -.237 -.273 -8.626 8.626 , .. -----------------------------------------~ Page Number 58 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P·. E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C - LOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -----·------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .ODO -.773 -.366 .000 -.268 -.273 .ooo .000 2.472 -.758 -.366 -.906 -.263 -.273 -1.440 1.440 4.944 -.743 -.366 -1.812 -.257 -.273 -2.879 2.879 7.417 -.729 -.366 -2.717 -.252 -.273 -4.319 4.319 9.889 -.714 -.366 -3.623 -.247 -.273 -5.759 5.759 12.361 -.700 -.366 -4.529 -.242 -.273 -7.198 7.198 14.833 -.685 -.366 -5.435 -.237 -.273 -8.638 8.638 ALLOWABLE STRESSES ------------------------------------------"------------------------------------------ MEMBER TYPE 1 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KS!) (KS!) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KS!) .ODD 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 2.472 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 4.944 30.000 7.517 20 .. 219 21. 613 20.000 7.417 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 9.889 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 12.361 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 14.333 30.000 7.517 20 .. 219 21. 613 20.000 1.4.833 X 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 MEMBER TYPE 2 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KS!) (KSI) (KSI) (KS!) .000 X 30.000 7.517 12.104 37.759 20.000 .500 30.000 7.517 12.104 37.759 20.000 2.806 30.000 7.517 12.104 37.759 20.000 5.611 30.000 7.517 12.104 37.759 20.000 8.417 30.000 7.517 12.104 37.759 20.000 11.222 30.000 7.517 12.104 37.759 20.000 14.028 30.000 7.517 12.104 37.759 20.000 16.333 30.000 7.517 12.104 37.759 20.000 16.833 X 30.000 7.517 12. 104 37.759 20.000 Pa~e Number 59 Designed By: z·.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 .. . Reference: L~GOLAND <Castle Steel>. Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x ~6 ft Steel Building Building C M E M B ):: R TYPE 3 AT TENSION COl-{PRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KS!) .000 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 2.472 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 4.944 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 7.417 · 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 9.889 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 12.361 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 14.33~ 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 14.833 X 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 --------------------------------------~---''-----------------------------------------COMBINED STRESS RATIOS ----·--"----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( TYPE 1 ) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 · 3 4 ·5 6 7 8 9 .000 2.472 4.944 7.417 9.889 12.361 14.333 14.833 X .006 .069 .138 .206 .275 .344 .399 .413 .006 .069 .138 .207 .276 .345 .399 .413 MEMBER NUMBER 2 C TYPE 2) AT ~------------------~-----~---LOAD COMBINATION---~-------------------- .(FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 X .500 2.806 5.611 8.417 11.222 14.028 16.333 · 16.833 X .690 .651 .471 .247 .016 .221 .464 .669 .713 .691 .652 .472 .247 .016 .221 .465 .670 .714 ., Page Number 60 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 .ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( TYPE -3) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 2.472 4.944 7.417 9.889 12.361 14.333 14.833 X .036 .106 .176 .247 .317 .388 .444 .458 .036 .106 .177 .247 .318 · .388 .445 .459 ----------.---------------------------. ----------------------------------------------M A X I M U M C O M B I N E D S T R E S S R A T I O S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPE 1 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING '(Ft') STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .006 2 1 .013 2 1 2.472 .069 2 1 .013 2 1 4.944 .138 2 1 .013 2 1 7.417 .207 2 1 .013 2 1 9.889 .276 2 1 .013 2 1 12.361 .345 2 1 .013 2 1 14.333 .399 * 2 1 .013 * 2 1 14.833 X .413 2 1 .013 2 1 MEMBER TYPE 2 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 X .691 2 2 .022 2 2 .500 .652 2 2 .022 2 2 2.806 .472 2 2 .022 2 2 5.611 .247 2 2 .023 2 2 8.417 .016 2 2 .024 2 2 11.222 .221 2 2 .024 2 2 14.028 .465 2 2 .025 2 2 16.333 .670 * 2 2 .025 * 2 2 16.833 X .714 2 2 .026 2 2 .. Page Number 61 Pesigned By: Z.J.S.ENGINEER:ING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Jano~ Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C . MEMBER TYPE 3 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .036 2 3 .014 2 3 2.472 .106 2 3 .014 2 3 4.944 .177 2 3 .014 2 3 7.417 .247 2 3 .014 2 3 9.889 .318 2 3 .014 2 3 12.361 .388 2 3 .014 2 3 14.333 .445 * 2 3 .014 * 2 3 14.833 X .459 2 3 .014 2 3 -----'------------------------------------------------------------------------------F o·R CE S AT CONNECTIONS ------------------------"----------------------------.------------------------------- C O N N E C T I O N 1 MINIMUM DEPTH= 7.890 IN MINIMUM WIDTH= 3.940 IN LOAD COMB. AXIAL FORCE (KIPS) SHEAR FORCE (KIPS) 1 .582 .354 0 .. 6 Dead Load + 0.6 Wind Load 2 .583 .355 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe C O N N E C T I O N 2 MINIMUM DEPTH= 7.890 IN MINIMUM WIDTH= 3.940 IN LOAD COMB. 1 AXIAL FORCE (KIPS) -.687 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load SHEAR FORCE (KIPS) -.366 2 -.688 -.366 0.6 'Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe BENDING (KIP-FT) 5.075 5.082 BENDING (KIP-FT) -5.245 -5.252 -----------------------------------------··. Page Number 62 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana., CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C F I N A L S E C T I O N S -------------------------------. ------' ---------. -- GEOMETR~ INFORMATION WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS: MEMBER DESIGNATION LENGTH TYPE (FT) 1 w 8 X 10 14.833 2 w 8 X 10 16.833 3 w 8 X 10 14.833 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION MEMBER LAT SUP LAT SUP COMB. SHEAR UNIT QUAN-TOTAL TYPE INSIDE OUTSIDE STRESS STRESS WEIGHT TITY WEIGHT (FT) (FT) RATIO RATIO (LB) (LB) 1 10.000 10.000 .399 .013 146.0 1 146.0 2 10.000 10.000 .670 .025 165.6 1 165.6 3 10.000 10.000 .445 .014 146.0 1 146.0 THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE FRAME IS 457.5 LB 7. REACTIONS AT THE COLUMN BASE TRANSVERSAL FRAME:SUPPORT REACTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LOAD COMBINATION 7: Dead Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .159 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .943 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.159 (HOR, AT JOINT ,4) 4 .952 (VER, AT JOINT 4) J . Page Number 63 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: ·LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C LOAD COMBINATION 8 Collateral Loaq. REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .103 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .694 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.103 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .703 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 9 Live Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FTJ 1 .936 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 4.430 (VER. AT JOINT 1) 3 -.936 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 4.439 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 10: Wind Load REACTIONS SUPPORT ~ACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KI.P-FT). 1 -2.689 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -3.977 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -1.443 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 -1.777 (VER, AT JOINT 4) Page Number 64 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> De$cription: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C LOAD COMBINATION 6 Qe REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) -.361 .013 -.429 .887 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) (VER, AT JOINr 1) (HOR, AT JOINT 4) (VER, AT JOINT 4) PORT ALF RAM E: SUPPORT RE ACTIONS LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.354 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 ·-.497 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.366 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .772 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 2 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.355 CHOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -.498 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.366 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .773 (VER, AT JOINT 4) Page Number 65 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 . . Reference: · LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x -40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C STEEL THICKNESS in. (GAUGE) .1046 (12) .0747 (14) .0598 (16) .0478 (18) .0359 (20) Appendix Allowable Shear (kips) For Bolts Per Table V-4.5 of the Cold-Formed Specifications By AISI 1/411 Dia. 3/8" Dia. 1/2" Dia. 5/811 Dia. 3/4" Dia. A307 A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 0.49 1.03 1.10 2.32 1.96 4.12 3.07 6.44 4.42 9.28 1.97 1. 97 2.95 2.95 3.94 3.94 4.92 4.92 5.91 5.91 1.41 1.41 2.11 2.11 2.81 2.81 3.52 3.52 4.22 4.22 1.12 1.12. 1.69 , 1.69 2.25 2.25 2.81 2.81 3.38 3.38 0.90 0.90 1.35 1.35 1.80 1.80 2.?5 2.25 2.70 2.70 0.68 0.68 1.01 1.01 1.35 1.35 1.69 1.69 2.02 2.02 Steel Members shall conform to Section 2230,A3, of the code. io ga, 18 ga -ASTM A 653 Grade 33 S.Q. with a minimum of 33,000 psi yield strength. 16 .ga, 14 ga, 12.ga -ASTM 4 653 Grade 50 S.Q. with a minimum of 50,000 psi yield strength. -------------------------------------------" Page Number 66 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E, Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C APPENDIX Section Properities Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 1.0000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS = 0.0600 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.6697 0.4948 0.3314 0.1640 0.0250 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 1.7506 0.0300 0.0525 0.0016 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bi 1. 3171 0.8186 1.0782 0.8826 0.1904 EFFECTIVE WEB 6.2289 4.7255 29.4350 139.0963 20.1399 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1. 6179 12.8181 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1800 7.9700 17.3746 138.4756 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1. 6176 12.8155 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.8400 7.4200 6.2328 46.2479 0.0494 SUM 13.8031 57.7714 350.5039 20.4060 YBAR = 4.1854 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP o. 8119 0.5659 0.4595 0.2601 0.0446 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1193 0.0300 0.0636 0.0019 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6800 4.0000 30.7200 122.8800 37.7487 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1. 6179 12.8181 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1800 7.9700 17.3746 138.4756 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1.6176 12.8155 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.8400 7.4200 6.2328 46.2479 0.0494 SUM 14.4479 58.1175 333.5014 37.8440 YBAR = 4.0225 IN ·-~,-·---.-------'------------'------'--------------------- Page .Number 67 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill .'Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C APPENDIX Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) r:. X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.8400 2.4401 2.0497 s.0015 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2042 2.3928 0.4885 1.1689 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1800 1.2200 2.6596 3.2447 0.8634 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2042 0.0472 0.0096 0.0005 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2042 -0:0472 -0.0096 0 .. 0005 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1800 -1 . .2200 -2.6596 3.2447 0.8634 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2042 -2.3928 -0.4885 1.1689 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.8400 --2.04401 -2.0497 5.0015 0.0000 SUM 14.5367 0.0000 18.8312 1.7280 · XBAR = 0. 0000 IN Section Properities For Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 1.0000 IN LIP ANGLE = 90. 00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS = 0. 1000 IN THI CK.NESS = 0. 0600 IN IX= 8.2539 IN4 IY = 1.2336 IN4 SX = 1 . 8509 IN3 SY= 0,4994 IN3 RX= RY= 3.0762 IN 1.1892 IN AREA= 0.8722 IN2 MA =60.96 KIP-IN WT= 2.97 PLF AEFF = 0.8282 IN2 H/T = 128.0 VA= 2.35 KIP J · = 0,0010 IN4 IXY = 2.3427 IN4 THETA= -16.86 IN4 .ALLOW. END BEARING(KIPS} ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) IX2 = 0.5236 IY2 = 8.9639 1 0.6720 1.3162 IN4 RMIN = 0.7748 IN IN4 BEARING LENGTH (IN " ~:;· 2 3 4 0.7680 0.8640 0.9601 1.4537 1.5912 1. 7287 r- ·c. • ii -----------------------------------------·· Page Number 68 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana,. CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C Appendix Section Properities Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KS! STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7000 IN LIP ANGLE = 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS = 0. 1000 IN THICKNESS = 0.0750· IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION i. y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.1455 0.2477 0.0360 0.0089 0.0003 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 1.8099 0.0375 0.0679 0.0025 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1.7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 17.1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 7.5625 3.9703 30.0258 0.0121 SUM 13.1442 55.2490 315.7961 37.3220 YBAR = 4.2033 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.5250 0.4375 0.2297 0.1005 0.0121 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 0.0375 0.0806 0.0030 0.0060 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1.7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 17.1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 7.5625 3.9703 30.02580 0.0121 SUM 13.8639 55.4554 315.8881 37.3338 YBAR = 4.0000 IN ., ,. Page Number 69 Designed By: Z.J.:S .. ENGINEERING SERVICES I~C. ·Job# 26421-16 141'8.9 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOI,.AND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel :81,lilding Building C Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.5250 2.4251 1.2732 3.0875 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 2.37SO 0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 1. 2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0499 0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 -0.0499· -0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 -1.2125 -2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 -2.3750 -0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 -2.4251 .:..1.2732 3.0875 0.0000 SUM 13.8639 0.0000 14. 9340 1.6579 XBAR = 0.0000 IN Section Properities For Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIVS = 0.1000 IN TH1CKNESS = 0.0750 IN IX= 9.8550 IN4 IY = 1.2444 IN4 SX = 2.1571 IN3 SY= 0.5053 IN3 RX = RY= 3. 0786 IN 1. 0940 IN AREA = 1. 0398 IN2 WT = 3. 54 PLF AEFF = 0. 98$8 IN2 HIT =102. 0000 MA = 71.04 KIP-IN VA= 4.60 KIP J = 0.0019 IN4 IXY = 2.5370 IN4 THETA= -15.26 IN4 ALLOW. END BEARING{KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) IX2 = 0.5525 IN4· IY2 = 10.5469 IN4 RMIN = 0. 7289 IN 1 1.1443 2.1446 BEARING LENGTH (IN }~,:r,,: 2 3 ,:· ,,-'' 1.2789 1.4135 2.3277 2.5108 4 1.5481 2.6939 Page Number 70 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C Appendix Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 1.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.9000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS = 0.0750 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.5291 0.4395 0.2326 0.1022 0.0123 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2i59 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 1.9730 0.0375 0.0740 0.0028 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1.7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 11.1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER. 0.2159 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0'.7250 7.4625 5.4103 40.3749 0.0318 SUM 13.8910 56.8917 326.2387 37.3537 YBAR = 4. 0956 IN x~x AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.7250 0.5375 0.3897 0.2094 0.0318 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 0.0375 0.0806 0.0030 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1.7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 17 .1194 136.3130 0 .. 0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159· 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.7250 7.4625 5.4103 40.3749 0.0318 SUM 14.2639 57.0554 326.3462 37.3732 YEAR= 4. 0000 IN -t'-''-------"---------~-------------------------- Page Number 71 Designed By: Z.J'.'S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 141-89 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: L~GOLAND <Castle ·steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building·C Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.7250 2.4251 1.7582 4.2638 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 2.3750 . o. 5129 1.2181 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 1.2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 "TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0499 0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 FULJ;.. WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0499 0.0108 0.0005 o.boo4 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 1. 2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 2.3750 0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.7250 2.4251 1.7582 4.2638 0.0000 SUM 14.2639 9.7775 17.2866 1.6579 XBAR = 0.6855 IN Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA. (2Q07 AISI, 55.0 KS! STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.9000 IN ·LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG IX= 10.1623 IN4 IY = 0.9182 IN4 AREA= 1.0698 IN2 MA= 78.76 KIP-IN INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS= 0.0750 SX = 2.3914 IN3 RX= 3.0821 IN SY = 0.5167 IN3 RY= 0.9264 IN WT= 3.64 PLF AEFF = 1. 0418 IN2 VA = 4.60 KIP J = 0.0020 IN4 . BEARING LENGTH (IN IN ALLOW, END BEARING (KIPS) ., , ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS') ALLOW. INT. BEARING.(KIPS) 1 1 .. 1443 2.1446 2.1446 2 3 , .\ '1. 2789 1. 4135 , : 2.3277 2.5108 2.3277 2.'5108 4 1.5481 2.6939 2.6939 '~. ,,·, __________________________________________ ,,,. Page Number 72 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building C Appendix Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTU = 1.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7500 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS = 0.0750 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.3281 o .. 3230 0.1060 0.0342 0.0029 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2034 0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE: 1.7379 0.0295 0.0513 0.0015 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 1. 2917 0.8048 1.0396 0.8367 0.1796 EFFECTIVE WEB 6.0844 4.7988 29.1979 140.1143 18.7707 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2034 7.9235 1.6118 12.7710 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1820 7.9705 17.3916 138.6200 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2034 7.9235 1.6115 12.7684 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.5910 7.5455 4.4594 33.6487 0.0172 SUM 13.0288 55.5002 338.7972 18.9717 YBAR = 4.2598 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.5910 0.4545 0.2686 0.1221 0.0172 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2034 0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1820 0.0295 0.0644 0.0019 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 O.d765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6820 4.0000 30.7280 122.9120 37.7782 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2034 1.9233 1.6n8 12.7710 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1820 7.9705 17.3916 138.6200 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2034 7.9235 1. 6115 12.7684 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.5910 7.5455 4.4594 33.6487 0.0172 SUM 14.0416 56.1664 320.8464 37.8139 YBAR = 4.0000 IN l'I d1 ... 1 1 '°"". ,...-·-,.~·--'---"---'-----------'----------------------------- Page Number: 73 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos E)oros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft x 16 ft Steel ·Building Building C Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.5910 2.4411 1.4427 3.5217 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2034 2.3939 0.4869 1.1656 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1820 1.2205 2.6631 3.2504 0.8657 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0470 0.0096 0.0004 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6820 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0470 0.0096 0.0004 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1820 1.2205 2.6631 3.2504 0.8657 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2034 2.3939 0.4869 1.1656 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.5910 2.4411 1.4427 3.5211 0.0000 SUM 14.0416 9.2045 15.8761 1.7328 XBAR = 0.6555 IN Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA. (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7500 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS= 0.0590 IN IX= 7.9057 IN4 SX = 1 . 6807 IN3 RX = 3.0891 IN IY = 0.6829 IN4 SY= 0.3763 IN3 RY= 0.9079 IN AREA= 0.8285 IN2 WT= 2,82 PLF AEFF = 0. 37687IN2 MA =55.35 KIP-IN VA . = 2.23 KIP J = 0.0010 IN4 BEARING LENGTH ( IN ALLOW. END" BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. !NL BEARING(KIPS) 1 2 3 0.6449· · ~~-0.7383 0.8318 1 . 2680 1 . 4025 1. 5370 4 0.9253 1. 6714 Page Number 74 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill BlV,d, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Cas\le Steel> Description: 30 ft x 40 ft~ 16 ft Steel Building Building C Appendix .......... ,. PITTSBURGH TESTING LABORATORY ~ . ., ....... ,. ..... . 14!50 UNI: AVtNUlt NORTH. JACIC:SOHVILLf. ,1..0,uoA mos ...... """· ..... .,.CTteN ... c1., ... , ... TMS r\UILIC AN •.............. AU.. .... ,. -•• 1we .. ,n•• •• TNC c•.,••c .. ,..,.._ ,, ..... .,. •• CLICN"•· ••• .,.,,.,..•t'&&"'911 .... HAICAfl ... .., • .,.,. ...... , •• c•li4&1..Ut! ........ ,.6/CT• , .... o• ........ ... ...,. ·~·"· .. ·--~·-·· ...... , ............ " .... .......,. ..... ..... AJll(A COOE (to41 '7&::1-<4:JOO ~ .. -k-., .. . FLO-LOCTM ENS STR.AtiD E't'EBOLT MIN. ASSEHSt.Y Cat. No. -Per AS't'M-A47~-S.L:i:e areaking Strength She (l'oundsl • F\IC 250 BK 1/4" 1/2'" 6.650 F\IC ll2 BA' ~/16" 5/8" 11.200 NC 375 SA )/8" 5/8" lS.400 F\JC 4J7 BA 7/16" J/4" ,. 20,800 NC 500 BA l/2" 7/8" 26,900 Tests uere conduc:ecd uslng che Flo-Loe St.r:Jnd Ci:-.tps. F\JC EHS strAnd and f\lC eyebolts as set fori;h 1-n the .:i.bove t:.:ible· wlth all t:.esced assemblies providing :Jt lease 100% of the strand rated breaking load per AS"tM-A475. l)l!l'SUi>.I Sl1Mnlc5"!1-t II,) \11-\ ~ 'fi\c111i ow= 1.11 ~TY Or-rz. -~,izr ,,,oo ,, 100 \0 I 400 \~1 ltSO C~rtified PITTSBU.RGH TES.TINq L.ASORATOR ~~:t;-e.L 24-m:-:& M Charle3 L. Moore,?. E. *F\JC guarantees chat all cross brace assemblies !abricated in accord:Jnce t.tith the :Jbovc table utll mace pr exceed the specifled I minimum ~sscmbly btc:Jking strcnith. .i! .. j • ., ZJS ENGINEERING 'SERVICES INC. 14189 FOOTHILL BLVD, STE. 101 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 PHONE ( 909 ) 823 4150 FAX: ( 909 ) 823 4153 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS CUSTOMER : LEGQLAND <Ca$tle Steel> DATE : February 29, 2016 JOB NUMBER : 26421B-16 CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B Basic Loads Check Sheeting Check Purlin Check Rigid Frames Check Connections Check Bracing/Portal Frame Reactions at Column Bases APPENDIX .....,,,..1---l------~-------···-.................. . Page Number 3 Designed By: Z. J.S.,ENG:INEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, .Ste. Wl ' Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steei> Description: 30 .ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B 'DESIGN CRiTERIA This building was designed using .the criteria listed below. Capacity for loads greater than these or for load combinations other than shown below specifically neither intended nor implied. 1.. 8AS IC LOADS 1.1. Codes 2013 California Building Code L 2. Dead Load lb p = 3.0 -·- DL ft~ 1. 3 .. Live Load p· = 20. LL ib ft~ Refer To Section 1607 of 2013 CBC 1. 4. :Wind Load Pf!r Chapter 26 to 30 ASCE 7 adopted by Section 1609.1.1. Of 2013 CBC LOV-RlSE BUILDING per Section 26.2 of ASCE 7-10 1. mean roof hei-ght h less than or equal to 60 ft; and 2. mean roof height h does not exceed least horizontal dimension. 2 lb qh = 0.00256 Kz Kzt ·Kct V = 23.70 -. -. ft2 (28.3-1) of ASCE 7-10 Kd = 0.85 Kz = 0.90 Kzt = 1.Q v = Ho mph h = 17.0 ft; GC: = ± '0.18 ,pi Sl~pe = .25/12 -Directionality Factor per Section 26.6, Table 16.6-1 -Per.Section 28.3.1, Table 28.3-1 for exposure C .,. Topographic Factor per Section 26.8.2 -Basic Wind Speed from Section 26.5.1 Occupancy Category rr, Figure 26.5-lA -Mean Heigth Of :Roof -Inter. Pressure -Coeff. per Section 26.11 and Table 26.11-1 for Enclosed Buildings< ·Conservatively Assumed> -Roof Slope Page Number 4 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 · Reference: LEGOLAND <~stle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft ~teel Building Building B Pressure Coefficient on Main Vind-Forced Resisting Systems 8 = invtan (Slope)= 1.19°· L 60. ft -----= 2.0 B 30. ft B: horizontal dimension perpendicular to L Monoslope Roofs Refer to Figure 27.4-1 of ASCE 7-10 Transversal Direction: _E_ = 26.5 ft = L 60. ft 0.27 GC = 0.68 (windward wall) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-1 pf [1] GC = -0.76 (windward roof) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-1 pf [2] GC = -0.15 ( leeward roof ) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27. 4-1 pf [3] GC = -0.42 (leeward wall) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-1 pf [ 41 GC pf' [2] " "'-GC GC pf [11 ~ ',a pi INTERNAL PRESSURE GC ~ pi GC pf [4] ~ Longitudinal Direction: 1--- h GC pf L~ / ~c a pi GC pf [3] GC pf GC ~ pi [41 ~ GC = 0.68 (windward wall) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-1 pf' [1] GC = -0.76 (windward roof) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-1 pf [2] GC = -0. 76 (leeward roof ) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27. 4-1 pf [3] GC = -0. 42 {leeward wall) -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 27. 4-1 pf' [4] i l Page Number 5 Designed By: Z.J.S.·ENGINEER'.l'NG SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 f.t Steel Building lhlilding B T GC pf' ·[ 2 l T GCpf [3] ·GC pf' [1], ---? / /JGcP,7 I. ·//9~' / Ge INTERNAL. /---; GC ~ pi PRESSURE 'GC ~ pf' pi / [4] // 1.4. ~eismic Load Seismic Design Group : :n -As per Table 1604. 5 of 2013 CBC I = 1.00 -Importance Factor per Table 1.5-2 of ASCE 7-10 for Category II EQ Site Ground Motion: Location: 33.126248 N; S = 130.1 % g s S = 48.4 % g l Fa = 1.00 Fv = 1.52 SMs = Fa S5 = 1.30 g SMl = Fv S1 ·= 0.74 g 2 Sns = -· -SMs = o. 87 g 3 2 Sn1 = -· -'SM1 = o. 49 g 3 117, .. 311577 W -From USGS Web Site -From USGS Web Site -Table 1613.3.3(1) of 2013 CBC For Site Class D -Table 1613,3.3(2) of 2013 CBC For Site Class D -Eq 16-37 of 2013 CBC -Eq 16-38 of 2013 CBC -Eq 16-39 .of 2013 CBC -Eq 16.--40 of 2013 CBC SDC ( Seismic Design Category ) : D -Per Table 1613.3.5(1) of 2013 CBC D -Per Table 1613.3.5(2) of 2013 CBC Page Number 6 Designed By: 2.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B 2. CHECK SHEETING 2.1. Check Roof Decking w M MAX. s RQ, Un1form Load Max. Moment Required Section Modulus Triple Equal Spans Condition J lllwll lllwLlll lwll r r r r Use: 26 GA Galv. Steel MBCI "R" Panel, <ICC-ES ER-5409P> Or Equal. Material : Steel, ASTM A446 Grade D, Fy = 55 ksi Gauge Weight Panel Top In Compression Panel Bottom In Compression pDL I+ S+ Fb+ L s_-PL lb in4 in3 -ksi in4 in3 ft2 --- - ft ft ft ft 26 0.94 0.0423 0.0388 33.0 0.0390 0.0437 E = 29. 103 ksi. b = 1.0 ft. t = 5. 0 ft. Modulus Of Elasticity Of Steel 1 ft Wide Strap Being Checked Span Between Two Supports 2.1.1. For Dead Load+ Live Load Section 1605.3.1 w = ( p ) b = 20. 94 ~ DL+LL pDL + LL PL ft. Fb_ ksi 33.0 .f ,j'• _,, .,, q Page Number 7 . Designed By: Z.J.S .. ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 : ' Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 60 ft X 16 ft Steel ·Building Maximwn Positive Moment: M = 0.08 w t 2 = 0.503 kip-in. DL+LL DL+LL . M S = FbD~+µ. = 0.0152 in~ < S+= 0.0388 in7 OK RQ, Maximum Negative Moment M· = 0.10 w t 2 = 0.628 kip-in. DL+LL DL+LL s RQ. M . = ~~+LL= 0.0190 in~< S = 0.0437 in~ 2. 1. 2. .~ad Load + 0. 6 Vind Load Section 1605.3.1 Effective wind areas of roof: OK 2 .,. t, 2 A = b t = 5.00 ft or A = -t = 8.33 ft EFF EFF 3 101 Date 2-29-2016 'Building 'B AEFF = 8.33 ft2 Controls!~ GCP = 1.80 -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 qh ( GC + GC ) = 46. 92 lb. -max. wind pressure p . pi ft~ w = [ 0. 6 qh ( GC + GC ) -p ] b = 27. 21 lb· DL+WL P pi ~t ft. Maximum Positive Moment: M = 0.10 w t 2 =· 0.·816 kip-in. DL+WL DL+WL M s = /L+WL = 0.0247 in7 < S = 0.0388 in7 ·OK RQ. b+ + Maximum Negative Moment M = 0.08 w t 2 = 0.653 kip-in. DL+WL DL+WL -";,; M s = DL+WL = 0.0198 in7 < S = 0.0437 in~ OK RQ. Fb- Page Number 8 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos .Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 · Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B 3. CHECK PURLIN 3.1.@ 5.0 ft. Tributary Load Width E = 29. 103 ksi. Fy = 50.00 ksi. b = 5.00 ft. t = 20.00 ft w R s RQ. M MAX. Modulus Of Elasticity Of Steel Minimum Yield Stress Spacing.Of The Purlin Span Between Two Supports, Critical Uniform Load End Beam Reaction Required Section Modulus Max. Moment J 1 1 1 1 w 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 w 1 1 1 1 1 t:,. t:,. ... Continuous Purlin w/ 1'-011 Overlap NUMBER OF ELEMENTS = 10 ELASTIC MODULUS = 29500. 00 NUMBER OF CONCENTRATED LOADS = 0 PURLIN SPACING = 5. oo~ 4 SUPPRESSED DISPLACEMENTS AT POSITIONS: 1 7 15 21 BAY 1 2 3 LENGTH(FT) LENGTH(IN) 19.67 20.00 19.67 236.00 240.00 236.00 LL (FT) 0.00 1.00 1.00 RL (FT) 1.00 1.00 0.00 --------------------------------------------------------- 3. 1. 1. For Dead Load + Live Load Section 1605.3.1 ---------------------------------------------:--------------------------------BENDING NODAL DISPL. ELEM. IN"4 LENGTH w(K/in) w(K/ft) ' NODE MOMENTS {V) and (theta) I -----------------------------·---------------:-------------------------------- 1 7.19 94.00 0.0096 0.1150 1 0.0 0.00 -0.0142 2 7.19 130.00 0.0096 0.1150 2 41.2 0.90 -0,0019 3 14.3$ 12.00 0.0096 0.1150 3 -41.4 0.07 0.0063 ;: r · v Page Number 9 Designed By: Z. J. S.ENGINEERING SERVICES me·. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle ·Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Buildini B 4 14.38 12.00 0.0096 ·0.1150 4 -57.2 0.00 0.0049 5 7. ,9 108.00 0.0096 0.1150 5 -44.1 -0.05 0.0035 '6 7.19 108.00 0.0096 0.1150 6 11.8 0.02 -0.0000 7 14.38 12.00, 0.0096 0.1150 7 -44.1 -0.05 -0.0035 8 14.38 12.00 0.0096 0.11'50 -I 8 -57.2 0.00 -0.0049 t 9 7.19 130.00 0.0096 0.1150 9 -41.4 0.07 -0.0063 10 7.19 94.00 0.0096 0.1150 10 41.2 0.90 0.0019 11 0.0 0.00 0.0142 ------------------------------------------.--:-------------------------------- NODE=3 MOMENT= -41.4 NDDE=5 MOMENT= -44.1 NODE=9 MOMENT~ -41.4 Use: (1) 8 x 2.5 x 16 Ga "Z" Use: (1) 8 x 2.5 x 16 Ga "Z" Use: (1) 8 x 2.5 x 16 Ga "Z" 3.1.2. For 0.6 Dead· Load + 0.6 llind Load Section 1605.3.1 Effective wind areas of roof: 2 l 2 A = b t = 100.00 ft or A = -t = 133.33 ft EFF EFF 3 Resisting Moment= 60.9 Resisting Moment= 60.9 Resisting Moment= 60.9 See Appendix For Allowable Values 2 AEFF = 133.33 ft Controls!~ GCP = 1.lQ -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 lb qh ( GC + GC ) =· 39.10 --: -max. wind pressure r ~ ft~ WDL+WL= [ 0.6 qh ( GC + GC ) -0.6 p J b ·= 108.30 2E.:.. P .pl DL ft. --------------------------------------------:--------------------------------BENDING NODAL DISPL. ELEM. IN"4 LENGTH w(K/in)-w(K/ft) I NODE MOMENTS (V) and (theta) I __________ , ___________________________ -------:-------------------------------- 1 4.71 94.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 1 o.o -0.00 0.0204 2 4.71 130.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 2 -38.8 -1.29 0.0028 3 9.42 12.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 3 39.0 -0.10 -0.0090 4 9.42 1-2.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 4 53.8 -0.00 -0.0010 5 4.71 108.00 -'0.0090 -0.1083 s 41.5 0.07 -0.0050 -6 4.11 108.'00 -0.0090 -0.1083 6 -11.1 -0.03 -0.0000 7 9.42 12.00 -0.;0090 -0.1083 7 41.5 0.07 0.0050 8 9.42 12.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 8 53.8 -0.,00 0.0070 9 4.71 130.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 9 39.0 -0.10 0.0090 1D 4.71 94.00 -0:.0090 '-0.1083 10 -38.8 -1.29 -0.0028 11 -0.,0 -0.00 -0.0204 ---------------------------------------------':-------------------------------- NODE=3 MOMENT= 39.0 Use: (1) ,8 X 2.5 X 16 Ga "Z" Resisting Moment= 60.9 NODE=7 MOMENT= 41.5 Use: (1) 8 X 2.5 X 16 Ga -uzn Resisting Moment= 60.9 NODE=9 MOMENT= 39.0 Use: (1) 8 X ·z.5 X 16 Ga "Z" Resisting Moment= 60.9 See Appendix For Allowable Values .... Page Number 10 ' Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill 'Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.~. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Des er i pt ion: 30 ft X 60 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building B 5. CHECK RIGID FRAME SYSTEM Finite Element Model: Joints, Members, ~ember Types, Connections, Supports Not To Scale JOINT #2 CONNECTIOtJ #1 T MEMBER #1 I ~MBER TYPE #1 #2 TYPE #2 '\ JOINT #3 CONNECTION #2 SUPPORT '\ "1 = i· JOINT #1 SUPPORT . '\ *3 =i JOINT .. SUPPORT #2 SUPPORT #4 Page Number 11 Designed By.: Z.). S.;ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill 'Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Referenc;::e: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 f~ x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B- LOADING DIAGRAMS See Page 19-22 below for application on the actual model LOAD CASE: Dead Load ( p0L ) br = -40.0 lb = ~0.0400 KIPS/FT< UNIF VER> ROOF ft. bI = 20.0 ft pDL = 2.0 psf ROOF -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame -Weight Of The Roof LOAD CASE Collateral Load ( p ) b = -20.0 lb = -0.0200 KIPS/FT< UNIF VER> CL I ft. b, = 20.0 ft· I -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame p = 1.0 psf CL -Collateral Load LOAD CASE: Live Load ( pLL) b1 = -240.0 lb = -0.2400 KIPS/FT< UNIF VER> ft. s = 30.0 ft I -.Span Of The Interior Frame b1 = 20.0 ft -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame Tributary Load Area = s b = 600. 0 ft2 I I p == 12.0 psf -Live Load LL LOAD CASE Wind Load qh = 2.3. 70 psf -See Section L 3. Wind L613d of These Calculations Above ! Tr~sversal Direction.( CASE A) ·Ge = 0.68 (windward wall) pf" GC = -0. 7.6 (windward roof) pf" GC = -0.15 (leeward roof ) pf" GC = -0.42 (leeward :wall) pf" GC = 0.18 (internal ) , pi Page Number 12 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B Wall: (GC + GC ) pi pi 0.6 qh ( 20.0 ft = -142. lb. = -0.1422 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> Roof: (GC + GC ) 0.6 qh Pi pi Roof~ (GC + GC ) Pi pi 0.6 qh Wall: (GC + GC } pi pi 0.6 qh LOAD CASE: Seismic Load Slope = 0.25/12 Width = 30.00 ft Length= 60.00 ft Eave = 16.00 ft Ridge = 16.62 ft ft. ( 20.0 ft ) = 267.3 lb. ft. ( 20.0 ft ) = 93.85 ~ ft. 20.0 ft ) = 170.6 lb. ft. -Width Of The Building -Length Of The Building Ridge+ Eave hn = 2 = 16.31 ft -Mean Heigth of Roof = 0.2673 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> = 0.0938 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> = 0.1706 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> bl = 20.00 ft s = 30.00 ft I -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame n = 3 CNN p0L = 2.00 psf ROOF pCLL= 1.00 psf p0L = 2. 50 psf WALL WFRM= 19 plf INT -Span Of The Interior Frame -Number Of Moment Connection in the Line of Resistance -Weight Of The Roof -Collateral Loads -Weight Of The Wall -Weigth Of The Interior Frame <See Below> Steel 0MRF Structural System ( Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 ): R = 3.5 00 = 2.5 C0 = 3.0 -<As Worst Case For The Entire Structure> -Q0 = 3.0 -0.5 = 2.5 per Note g of Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 fqr Flexible Diaphragms -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 Check For Building Period: Ct= 0.028 X = 0.80 T = Ct hnx = 0.25~ a -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Eq 12.8-7 of ASCE 7-10 Page Number 13 .. < « < < < , Designed By: Z. J. S .'ENG.INEERING SERVICES INC~ Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd; Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: 1,EGOJ.AN]) <Castle. Steel> Description: 30ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B T = 8.000 L -ASCE 7 Fitures 22-15 through 22-20 Find: V or Q = Cs W . E Sns Cs=-·-·-= 0.249 R IEQ Except Cs need not to exceed': S01 C8 = --= 0.540 R .;_ Ta IEQ But Not Be Less Than Cs= 0.044 S05 IEQ = 0.038 Cs= 0.249 GOVERNS T :$ T a L PROOF = [ pDL + pCLL ] bl SI = 1.·80 kips INT ROOF Eave PWALL = 2 PDL bl -z-· = 0.80 kips INT WALL p = w . [ 2 Eav2e + Width]. = 0.87 kips FRM FRM INT INT WINT = ~ROOF + PWALL + PFRM = 3..47 kips -Total Se.ismic Weight At Frame INT INT INT . V ,or O =· ·Cs W = 0.86 Kips "'F; INT ,' ' ! ',! 1-, ., ,. ,.--. i: ~ Page Number 14 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES .INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Buiiding Building B Find Redundacy Factor: Note: In transverse direction, the redundancy coefficient,p, is 1.0 if making one moment connection pinned does not reduce the strength of the moment frame line .by more than 33%. Otherwise the redundancy coefficient,p, is 1.3. p = 1.0 would arise if there were four or more moment connections in the line of resistance, otherwise p = 1.3 p = 1.3 -There Are ( 3 ) l1om~nt Connections in the Line of Resistance Basic Load Combinations: 1. D + ( L r or S) -( Eq. 16-10 ) 2. D + 0.75 (0.6) W + 0.75 ( L or S) r -( Eq. 16-13 ) 3. D + 0.75 ( 0.7 Q ) + 0.75 S E -( Eq. 16-14 ) 4. 0.6 D + 0.6 W - ( Eq. 16-15) 5. 0.6 D + 0.7 QE - ( Eq. 16-16) 6. QE to find horizontal deflections per ASCE Eq. 12.8-15 Note: One-third allowable stress increase is not permitted. ASD Load Combinations for Beam-To-Column Design: 1. (1.0 + 0.14 S )(D+C) ± 0.7 n0 Q DS . E 2. (0.6+0.14 S )D±0.7noQ DS E 3. (1.0 + 0.105 S05)(D+C) ± 0.525 n0 QE + 0.75 S -------------------------'------'-------------.. J Page Number 15 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 'Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 ' ,, Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Descr ipt i-on: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel ·Building Building B REACTIONS AT COLUMN, BASE D + C + LiveRoof D + 0.75 Y + 0.75 LiveRoof Not To Scale Not To Scale ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.97 --0.97 ..:1,55 -1.89 T T T T 4.60 4.61. -0.29 1.64 D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> 0.6 D + 0.6 Y Not To Scale Not To Scale ~ ~ ----? ~ 0.05 -0.51 -2.92 -1.67 T T T T 0.88 1.13 -4.14 -1.69 Page Number 16 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERIHG SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA ·92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building MM MM MMM MMM MMMM MMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MMMM MMM MMM MM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB Date 2,-29-2016 Building B · PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • * METAL BUILDING PROGRAM * • • • Copyright (C) * * by International Structural Engineers • • • • Version 8.2 * * * * International Structural Engineers * • P.O. Bo:x: 241740 • • Los Angeles, CA 90024 • * * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ··················~····································· • • • ZJS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. • * • • 14189 Foothill blvd., Ste 101, Fontana Ca 92335 • • • *(909) 823-4150 FAX (909) 823-4153 E-MAIL ZJSENG@AOL.COM * * ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TITLE: Legoland A DATE: 02/29/** 13: 11: 31 ., Page Number 17 .. : Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana,. CA 9233S Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel ·Building .Quilding B .. . DODD A TTTTT A D D AA T A A D D A A T A A D D A A T A A D D AAAAA T AAAAA D D A A T A A DODD A A T A A -------------------------------------------.-.---------------------------------------CONTROL DATA SETS --, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DESIGN CYCLES - 3 SHOW OPTIMIZATION HISTORY REQUESTED NUMBER OF SEGMENTS PER MEMBER = 6 MAXIMUM COMBINED STRESS RATIO = 1. 030 'MAXIMUM WEB DEPTH-TO-THICKNESS RATIO= 240.00 .:i,fAXIMUM FLANGE INEQUALITY RATIO = 2.000 ·--------------~.---------------------------------, -----------------------------------.JOINTS -----·------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF JOINTS= 4 JOINT X y NUMB~ (FT) (FT) 1 1.167 .000 2 1.1E?7 14.857 3 28.833 1'5.434 4 28.833 .000 -----------------------~--· ____ " ____________________________________________________ _ SUPPORTS ,NUMBER OF SUPPORTS = 4 SUPPORT AT ,DIRECTION STIFFNESS NUMBER JOINT (KIPS/lN OR :KIP.:.FifiRA;o) 1 1 HOR 10000.000 2 1 VER 10000.,000 3 4 HOR 10000.000 4 4 VER 10000.,000 -... _, Page Number 18 Designed By: 2.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B ---------------------. -------------------------------------------------------------MEMBER TYPES -----------------------------------·------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF MEMBER TYPES= 3 MEMBER KIND ORIENTATION LENGTH END-REL. ANALYS. DESIGN MAT. TYPE OF MEMBER (FT) CODE CONST. CONST. 1 BU/TD/EF/AN IN-PLANE 14.857 00 1 1 1 2 BU/TD/EF/AN IN-PLANE 27.673 00 2 2 1 3 BU/TD/EF/AN IN-PLANE 15.434 00 3 3 1 NUMBER OF SETS OF ANALYSIS CONSTANTS= 3 FOR BUILT-UP MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -DEPTH AT START (IN) 2 -DEPTH AT END (IN) FOR WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 3 -FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 4 -FLANGE THICKNESS (IN) 5 -WEB THICKNESS (IN) 6 -OUTER FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 7 -OUTER FLANGE THICK. (IN) FOR PIPE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 3 -NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 4 -NOMINAL WEIGHT (LB/FT) FOR GENERP.L MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -AREA ( IN2) 2 -MOMENT OF !NERTI.A (IN4) 3 -SECTION MODULUS (IN3) 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 3 -CLASS (STD, XSTR, XXSTR) 4 ~ TRANSV. MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 5 -TRANSV. SECTION MODULUS (IN3) 4 -NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) SET -----------------------------------CONSTANTS------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 12.00 12.00 6.000 .2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 2 12.00 12.00 6.000 .2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 3 12.00 12.00 6.000 .2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 NUMBER OF SETS OF DESIGN CONSTANTS= 3 SET FACTOR COEFF LAT SUP LAT SUP EXCL 2N EXCL 2N KL/R COEFF "K" "Cm" INSIDE OUTSIDE AT STRT AT END MAX "Cb,; (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) 1 1.500 .850 16.000 16.000 .000 .490 .DO 1. 75 2 1.000 .850 5.000 10.000 .490 .511 .DO 1.00 3 1.500 .850 16.000 16.000 .ODO .511 .oo 1. 75 Page Number 19 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Fo<;>thill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 9,2335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building ·· NUMBER OF MATERIALS = 1 MAT. ·NUMBER 1 ",E" (KSI) 29000. UNIT WEIGHT (LB/FT3) 490.8 COEFF. EXP. (1/DEG_FAR) .0000065 101 Date Build.ing B "Fy" (KSI) SO.OD 26421-16 2-29-2016 -. ------------·--------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBERS . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF MEMBERS= 3 MEMBER INITIAL FINAL MEMBER NUMBER JOINT JOINT TYPE 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 -3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. C O N N E C T I O N S ----------------------------------·-------------------------------------------------- NUMBER. OF CONNECTIONS= 2 CONNECTION ON NUMBER MEMBER 1 1 2 3 AT (FT) 14.368 14.923 ANGLE (DEGREES) HOR HOR --------·-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LO AD CA S £. S -/ -------------------------·--------·---------· ------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD CASES= .6 LOAD CASE 1 SELF WEIGHT ** LOADS CALCULATED BY THE :PROGRAM **· :' Page Number 20 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft .Steel Building Building B LOAD CASE 2: Dead Load NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 1 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR (FT) (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) KIPS/FT) 2 UNIF -.0400 .000 .000 .000 VER LOAD CASE 3: Collateral Load NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 1 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR (FT) (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) KIPS/FT) 2 UNIF -.0200 .000 .000 .000 VER LOAD CASE 4: Live Load NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 1 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR (FT) (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) KIPS/FT) 2 UNIF -.2400 .000 .ocio .000 VER LOAD CASE 5 Wind Load <+GCPi> NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 3 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR (FT) (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) KIPS/FT) 1 UNIF -.1422 .000 .000 .000 POU 2 UNIF .2673 .000 .000 .000 POU 3 UNIF .1706 .000 .000 .000 POU' .,· ]' Page Number 21 . Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA.92335 Date 2-29-2016 '' Reference: 'LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft~ 16 ft Steel Builaing Building B LOAD CASE 6: Seismic Load: Qe or V NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS= 2 JOINT DIRECTION MAGNITUDE (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 2 HOR .432 3 HOR ,432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. . . L O A D C O M B I N A T I O N S ----------------------------.---· ·--------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD COMBINATIONS = 8 ... 'LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + Li veRoof PE;RCENT LOAD CA$E PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.0b 1 100.00 2 100.00 3 100.00 4 LOAD COMBINATION 2: D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.,00 2 75.00 4 75.00 5 LOAD COMBINATION 3: D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.QO, 2 52.50 6 LOAD COMBINATION 4: 0.6 D + 0.6 W PERCENT .LOAD CASE f~ \ PERCENT LOAD CASE .. , 'PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 60.00 2 100. 00 5 Page Number 22 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> . Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 60.00 2 70.00 6 LOAD COMBINATION 6 Qe PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100 .. 00 6 LOAD COMBINATION 7 Dead Load PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 2 ·~· LOAD COMBINATION 8 Collateral Load PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 3 RRRR EEEEE sss u u L TTTTT sss R R E s s u u L T s s R R E s u u L T s RRRR EEEE sss u u L T sss RR E s u u L T s R R E s s u u L T s s R R EEEEE sss uuu LLLLL T sss -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOINT DISPLACEMENTS AND SUPPORT REACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof DISPLACEMENTS JOINT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 X (IN) .000 .032 .030 .000 y (IN) -.000 -.007 -.007 -.000 ROTATION (DEGREES) .074 -.179 .173 -.'100 Page Number 23 '' Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERlNG SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 0 ' 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. 'Font;3.na, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft ·Steel Building REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .973 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 4.596 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.973 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 4.605 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 2: D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof DISPLACEMENTS JOINT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 .x (IN) .000 1.042 1.042 .000 REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) y (IN) .000 .000 -.002 -.ooo -1.554 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) ~.197 (VER, AT JOINT 1) -1. 889 .(HOR, AT JOINT . 4) 1. 638 (VER; AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 3: D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> ROTATION (DEGREES) -.435 ..;..168 -.107 -.453 DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN~. (IN) . ' (DEGREES) 1 .·000 .000 -.087 2 .254 '-.001 -.071 3 .254 -.002 .,..005 4 .000 -.000 -.115 Date 2-29-2016 Building B i J, Page Number 24 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVIC::ES INC. Jab# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janas Baros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.063 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .750 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.390 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.256 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN} (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 -.645 2 1.361 .006 -.068 3 1.363 .003 -.293 4 .000 .ODO -.517 REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -2.919 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -4.137 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -1.673 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 -1.694 {VER, AT JOIN.T 4) LOAD COMBINATION 5 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION ·NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 -.124 2 .335 -.000 -.075 3 .335 -.002 -.026 4 .000 -.000 -.142 ,l J, Page Number 25 . - '. Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 ' 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30_ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B - REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.191 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .446 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.414 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.117 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 6 : Qe DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER· (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 -.187 2 .475 .000 -.083 $ .474 -.001 -.060 4 .000 .000 -.190 REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.399 (HOR, AT JOINT 1J 2 -.028 (VER, AT JO.INT 1) 3 -.465 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .927 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 7 Dead Load e DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER .(IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .-000 .000 .013 .2 ,006 -.001 -.032 3 .005 -.001 .030 4 .000 -.000 -.018 ',' ' : l ~ ', ·J, J; Page Number 26 iJe.s igned By: Z.J.S.ENGINEE:RING SERVICES INC .. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 D.ate 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .171 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .999 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.171 CHOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.008 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collateral Load DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 .008 2 .004 -.001 -.020 3 .003 -.001 .019 4 .000 .000 -.011 REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .109 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .722 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.109 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .731 (VER, AT JOINT 4) -----------------------------------------:-------------------------------------------MEMBER FORCES AND STRESSES " MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( FROM JOINT 1 TO JOINT 2) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ----~--------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . . 000 -4.596 -.973 .000 -1. 010 -.600 .000 .000 2.476 -4.558 -.973 -2.409 ---1.001 -.600 -1.437 1.437 4.952 -4.519 -.973 -4.817 -.993 -.600 -2.874 2.874 Page Number 27 Designed By: Z.J.S/ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. ·Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana. CA 92335 Date 2-29.,.2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle steel> Description: 30-£t x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B 7.428 -4.481 -.973 -7.226 -.984 -.600 -4.311 4.311 9.905 -4.442 -.973 -9.635 -.976 -.600 -5.749 5.749 12.381 -4.404 --.973 -"12.043 -.967 -.600 -7.186 7.186 14.857 -4.365 -.973 -14.452 -.959 -.600 -8.623 8.623 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : D + 0.15 W + 0.75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -----------,---STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 .197 1.554 .ODO . 043 .959 .ODO .000 2.476 .235 1.290 3.522 .052 .796 2.101 -2.101 4.952 .274 1.026 6.390 .Q60 .633 3.813 -3.813 7.428 .312 .762 8.604 .069 .470 5. 134 -5.134 9.905 ~351 .498 10.164 .077 .307 6.064 -6.064 12.381 .389 .234 11.070 .085 .144 6.605 -6.605 14.857 .427 -.030 11.322. .094 -.019 6.756 -6.756 LOAD COM}3INATION 3 : D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI. ------------(FT} FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.750 .063 .000 -.165 .039 .ODO .000 2.476 -.712 .063 .157 -.156 .039 .094 -.094 4.952 -.674 .063 .314 -.148 .039 .187 · -.187 7.428 --.635 .063 .470 ...,.140 .039 .281 -.281 9.905 -.597 .063 .. 627 -.131 .. 039 .374 -.374 12.381 -.558 .063 .784 -.123 .039 .468 -.468 14.857 -.520 .063 .941 -.114 .039 .561 -.561 LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0 .. •6 ·W AT AXIAL .SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE tMOME;NT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING ,(KIPS} (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 4.137 2.919 .000 .909 1.802 .000 . . 000 2.476 4.176 2.567 6.791 .917 1.584 4.052 -4.052 14.952 4.214 2.215 12.711 .926 1.367 7.584 -7.584 7.-428 4.253 1.862 17.759 .934 1.150 10.596 -10.596 9.905 4,.291 1.510 21 .. 934 .943 .932 13.087 -13.087 12.381 4.330 1.158 .25.238 .951 .715 15.059 -15.059 14.857 4.'368 .806 27.670 .959 .498 16.510 -16.510 Page Number 28 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Joh# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.446 .191 .000 -.098 .118 .000 .000 2.476 -.408 .191 .472 -.090 .118 .282 -.282 4.952 -.369 .191 .945 -.081 .118 .564 -.564 7.428 -.331 .191 1.417 -.073 .118 .846 -.846 9.905 -.293 .191 1.890 -.064 .118 1.128 -1.128 12.381 -.254 .191 2.362 -.056 .118 1.409 -1.409 14.857 -.216 .191 2 .. 835 -.. 047 .118 1.691 -1.691 LOAD COMBINATION 6 : Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!---~--------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 .028 .399 .000 .006 .246 . 000 .000 2.476 .066 .399 .987 .015 .246 .589 -.589 4.952 .105 .399 1.975 .023 .246 1.178 -1.178 7.428 .143 .399 2.962 .031 .246 1. 767 -1.767 9.905 .181 .399 3.950 .040 .246 2.357 -2.357 12.381 .220 .399 4.937 .048 .246 2.946 -2.946 14.857 .258 .399 5.925 .057 .246 3.535 -3.535 LOAD COMBINATION 7 : Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------~-----STRESSES, KS!-------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.999 -.171 . 000 -.219 -.106 .000 .000 2.476 -.960 -.171 -.424 -.211 -.10.6 -.253 .253 4.952 -.922 -.171 -.848 -.202 -.106 -.506 .506 7.428 -.883 -.171 -1.271 -.194 -.106 -.759 .759 9.905 -.845 -.171 -1.695 -.186 -.106 -1.012 1.012 12.381 -.807 -.171 -2.119 -.177 -.106 -1.264 1.264 14.857 -.768 -.171 -2.543 -.169 -.106 -1. 517 1.517 ~------:,,----------------···--·-·--··--... Page Number 29 l l Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janr;>s Boros P.E. ·, Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 '. I 'f?_eference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x -60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collateral LQad AT AXIAL .SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------ (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 .,._722 -.109 -.000, -.159 -.068 .000 .000 2.416 -.684 -e-,109 -.271 -.150 -.068 -.162 .162 4.952 -.645 -.109 -.542 .... 142 -.068 -.324 .324 7.428 -.607 -.109 -.813 -.133 -.068 -.485 .485 9.905 -.568 -·.109 -1.085 -.125 --.068 -.647 .647 12.381 -.530 -.109 -1.356 -.116 -.068 -.809 .809 14,857 -.491 -.109 -1.627 -.108 -.068 -.971 . 971 MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( FROM JOINT 2 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -1.064 4.344 -14.452 -.234 2.682 -8.623 8.623 4.612 -1.033 2.889 2.229 -.227 1.784 1.330 -1.330 9.;224 -1.003 1.435 12.200 -.220 .886 7.279 -7.279 13.836 -.973 -.020 15.461 -.214 -.013 9.225 -9.225 18.448 -.942 -1. 475 12.013 -.207 -.911 7.168 -7 .168 23.060 -.912 -2.930 1.855 -.200 -1.809 1.107 -1.107 21.·672 -'--.882 -4.385 -15.013 -.194 -2.707 -8.958 8.958 LOAD COMBINATION 2: D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL $HEAR )3ENDING ----------~--STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING '(KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.021 -.428 11. 322 -.005 -.264 6.756 -6.756 4.612 .001 .... 589 8.976 .ODO -.364 5.356 -5.356 '9.224. .024 -.751 5.886 .005 -.463 3.512 -3.512 13.836 .047 -.912 2.051 .0!10 -.563 1.224 -1.224 18.448 .069 -1. 074 -2.528 .015 -.663 -1.509 1.509 23.060 .·092 -1.235 . -7.852 ·i :-:.+. ,020 -.762 -4.685 4.685 27.672 .115 -1. 396 -13. 919 .025 -.862 -8.305 8.305 ,J':' .i J. Page Number 30 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd·, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P,E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B LOAD COMBINATION 3: D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!-------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.174 .516 . 941 -.038 .319 .561 -.561 4:.612 -.169 .260 2.731 -.037 .161 1.630 -1.630 9.224 -.164 .004 3.342 -.036 .003 1.994 -1. 994 13.836 -.158 -.252 2.771 -.035 -.155 1.654 -1.654 18.448 -.153 -.508 1.020 -.034 -.313 .609 -.609 23.060 -.148 -.764 -1. 911 -.032 -.471 -1.140 1.140 27.672 -.142 -1.020 -6.024 -.031 -.629 -3.594 3.594 LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 .897 -'-4.350 27.670 .197 -2.685 16.510 -16.510 4.612 .901 -3.300 10.029 .198 -2.037 5.984 -5.984 9.224 .905 -2.249 -2.767 .199 -1.388 -1.651 1.651 13.836 .908 -1.199 -10.717 .200 -.740 -6.394 6.394 18.448 .912 -.148 -13.822 .200 -.091 -8.247 8.247 23.060 .916 .903 -12.082 .201 .557 -7.209 7.209 27.672 .920 1.953 -5.497 .202 1.206 -3.280 3.280 LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-fT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.116 .213 2.835 -.,025 .132 1. 691 -1.691 4.612 -.112 .031 3.398 -.025 .019 2.028 -2.028 9.224 -.108 -.151 3.121 -.024 -.093 1.862 -1. 862 13.836 -.105 -.333 2.004 -.023 -.206 1.196 -1.196 18.448 -.101 -.516 .047 -.022 -.318 .028 -.028 23.'060 -.097 -.698 -2.751 -.021 -.431 -1.642 1.642 27.672 -.093 -.880 -6.390 -.020 -.543 -3.812 3.812 ;Page Number 31 Designed By: Z.J.'S . .ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 ~ ; 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fo;ntana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B LOAD 'COMBINATION 6 : Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) :(KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.028 -.259 5.925 -.006 -.160 3.535 -3.535 4.612 -.026 -.330 4.565 -.006 -.204 2.724 -2.724 9.224 -.025 -.402 2.876 -.005 -.248 1.716 -1.716 13.836 -.023 -.474 .857 '-.005 -.292 .511 -.511 18.448 -.022 -.545 -1.492 -.005 -.336 -.890 .890 23.060 -.020 -.617 -4.171 -.004 -.381 -2.489 2.489 27.672 -.019 -.688 -1.180 -.004 -.425 -4.284 4.284 LOAD COMBINATION 7 : Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.187 . 764 --2.543 -.041 .472 -1. 517 1.517 4.612 -.182 .508 .392 -.040 .314 .234 -.234 9.224 -.176 .252 2.147 -.039 .156 1.281 -1.281 13.836 -.171 -.004 2.720 -.038 -.002 1.623 -1.623 18.448 -.166 -.260 2.114 -.036 -.160 1.261 -1.261 23.060 -.160 -.516 .326 -.035 -.318 .195 -.195 27.672 -.155 -.772 -2.642 -.034 -.476 -1.576 1.576 LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collateral Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ___________ ..;._ STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING {KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.120 .489 -1.627 -.026 .302 -.971 .971 4.·H2 -.116 .325 .251 -.026 .201 .150 -.150 9.224 -.113 .161 1'.373 -.02~ .100 .819 -.819 13.836 -.109 -.002 1. 740 -.024 -.001 1.038 -1.038 18.448 -.106 -.166 1.352 -.023 -.103 .807 -.807 23;060 -.103 -.330 .. 209 ,-.023 -.204 .125 -.125 21.672 -.099 -.494 -1.690 ·'\~'::--. 022 -.305 -1.008 1.008 Page Number 32 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( FROM JOWT 4 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -4.605 -.973 .000 -1.012 -.600 .000 .000 2.572 -4.565 -.973 -2.502 -1.003 -.600 -1.493 1.493 5.145 -4.525 -.973 -5.004 -.994 -.600 -2.986 2.986 7.717 -4.485 -.973 -7.507 -.985 -.600 -4.479 4.479 10.289 -4.445 -.973 -10.009 -.976 -.600 -5.972 5.972 12.862 -4.405 -.973 -12.511 -.968 -.600 -7.465 7.465 15.434 -4.365 -.973 -15.013 -.959 -.600 -8.958 8.958 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : D + 0 .. 75 W + 0. 75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -1.638 -1.889 .000 -.360 -1.166 .000 .000 2.572 -1.598 -1. 560 -4.436 -.351 -.963 -2.647 2.647 5.145 -1.558 -1.231 -8.026 -.342 -.760 -4.789 4.789 7.717 -1.518 -.902 -10.769 -.333 -.557 -6.426 6.426 10.289 -1.478 -.573 -1?.666 -.325 -.354 -7.557 7.557 12.862 -1.438 -.244 -13.716 -.316 -.150 -8.184 8.184 15.434 -1.398 .086 -13.919 -.307 .053 -8.305 8.305 LOAD COMBINATION 3 : D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS} (KIPS) {KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -1.256 -.390 . 000 -.276 -.241 .000 .000 2.572 -1.216 -.390 -1.004 -.267 -.241 -.599 .599 5.145 -1.176 -.390 -2.008 -.258 -.241 -1.198 1.198 7.717 -1.136 -.390 -3.012 -.250 -.241 -1. 191 1.797 10.289 -1.096 -.390 -4.016 -.241 -.241 -2.396 2.396 12.862 -1.056 -.390 -5.020 -.232 -.241 -2.995 2.995 -15.434 -1.016 -.390 -6.024 -.223 -.241 -3.594 3.594 ·-·-·········· ......... . . Page Number 33 1 Designed By: Z.J . .S.ENG:tNEERING SF;llVICES INC. ·Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 '' Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> De~;cr i pt ion: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Build~,:ig B LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ------~------SJltESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT .AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . . 000 . 1.694 -1.673 .ODO .372 -1.033 .000 .000 2.572 1.734 -1.234 -3.738 .381 -.762 -2.230 2.230 5.145 1.774 -.795 -6.348 .390 -.491 -3.787 3.787 7.717 1.814 -.356 -7.828 .398 -.220 -4.671 4.671 10.289 1.854 .083 -8.180 .407 .051 -4.881 4.881 12.862 1.894 .522 -7.403 .416 .322 -4.417 4.417 15.434 1.934 .960 -5.497 .425 .593 -3.280 3.280 LOAD COMBINATION 5 ' 0. 6-D + Q .• 7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXJAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING ... (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . . ODO -1. 117 -.414 .000 -.245 -.256 .000 .ODO 2.572 -1.077 -.414 -1.065 -.237 -.256 -.635 .635 5.145 -1.037 -.414 -2.130 -.228 -.256 -1.271 1.271 7.717 -.998 -.414 -3.195 -.219 -.256 -1.906 1.906 10.289 -.958 -.414 -4.260 -.210 -.256 -2.542 2.542 12.862 -.918 -.414 -5.325 -.202 --.256 -3.177 3.177 15.434 -.878 -.414 -6.390 -.193 -.256 -3.812 3.812 LOAD COMBINATION 6 : Qe AT AXIAL SHE.AR BENDING -----~-------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING .(KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA.· OUT.FLA. .000 -.927 -.465 .000 -.204 -.287 .000 .ODO 2.572 -.887 -.465 -1. 197 -.195 -.287 -.714 .714 5.145 -.847 -.465 -2.393 -.186 -.287 -1.428 1.428 7.717 -.807 -.465 -3.590 -. t7'7 -.287 -2.142 2.142 10.289 -.767 -.465 -4.787 -.169 -.287 -2.856 2.856 12.862 -.728 -.465 -5.983 ",,;--.160 -.287 -3.570 3.570 15.434 -.688 -.465 -7.180 ., ·t.i:.._ 151 -.287 -4.284 4.284 ,1, J. Page Number 34 Designed By: Z.J . .S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: iEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B LOAD COMBINATION 7: Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -1.008 -.171 .000 -.221 -.106 .000 .000 2.572 -.968 -.171 -.440 -.213 -.106 -.263 .263 5.145 -.928 -.171 -.881 -.204 -.106 -.525 .525 7.717 -.888 -.171 -1.321 -.195 -.106 -.788 .788 10.289 -.848 -.171 -1. 761 -.186 -.106 -1.051 1.051 12.862 -.808 -.171 -2.201 -.177 -.106 -1.313 1.313 15. 434 . -.768 -.171 -2.642 -.169 -.106 -1.576 1.576 LOAD COMBINATION 8: Collateral Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .ODO -.731 -.109 . 000 -.161 -.068 .000 .ODO 2.572 -.691 ---.109 -.282 -.152 -.068 -.168 .168 5.145 -.651 -.109 -.563 -.143 -.068 -.336 .336 7.717 -.611 -.109 -.845 -.134. -.068 -.504 .504 10.289 -.571 -.109 -1.127 -.125 -.068 -.672 .672 12.862 -.531 -.109 -1.408 -.117 -.068 -.840 .840 15.434 -.491 -.109 -1.690 -.108 -.068 -1.008 1.008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALLOWABLE STRESSES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPE 1 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) .ODO 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 2.476 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 4.952 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 7.428 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 9.905 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 12.381 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 14.367 30 .. 000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 14.857 X 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 ,_ Page Number 35 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING $ERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 ' 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> : Description: 30 ft x 60 ft .x 16 ft Steel Building Building B MEMBER TYPE 2 AT TENSION ·COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KS!) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KS!) (KS!) (KSI) (KS!) (KS!) (KSI) .000 X 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 .490 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24,13 35.895 11.459 4.612' 30.000 .15.817 17.925-30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 9.224 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 13.836 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 18.449 30.000 15 .. 817 17 .. 925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 23.061 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 27.162 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 27.673 X 30.000 . 15. 817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 MEMBER TYPE 3 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BEND;t-NG EULER SHEAR {FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KS!) (KS!) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) .000 30.000 8.010. 19.882 51.287 11. 459 2.572 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11.459 5.145 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 7.717 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11.459 10.289 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 t2.862 30.000 8.0tO 19-.882 51.287 11.459 14.923 ~0.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 _15.434 X 30.000 8.0-10 19.882 51.287 11.459 ------------------------··------------------------------------------------------------C O M B I N E D S T R E S S R A t I O S , ____ ·--~---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( TYPE 1 ) AT -·--------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 . 126 .001 .{)21 .. 030 . .012 .000 .027 .020 2.476 .197 .106 .024 .204i' .025 .. 030 .039 .027 4.952 .268 .192 .028 .381 .038 .059 .051 .034 7.428 .340 .. 258 .032 .533 .. 052 .089 .062 .041 .9.905 All .305 .:035 .q58 .065 .119 .074 .048 12.381 .482 .:332 .-039 .757 .078 .148 .086 .055 14.367 .539 .338 .·04? .816 .088 .172 .095 .061 14.857 X .553 .340 .042 .830 .091 .178 .097 .062 Page Number 36 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29--2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( TYPE 2 ) AT ----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 X .302 .280 .026 .984 .072 .147 .053 .034 .490 .267 .274 .030 .638 .073 .143 .047 .030 4.612 .069 .222 .070 .248 .086 .113 .012 .008 9.224 .315 .145 .085 .062 .079 .071 .056 .036 13.836 .396 .051 .071 .220 .051 .022 .01-0 .045 18.449 .310 .051 ,027 .282 .003 .030 .055 .035 23.061 .059 .157 .040 .247 .056 .083 .010 .007 27.162 .274 .264 .113 .131 .120 .136 .048 .031 27.673 X .311 .278 .122 .116 .128 .143 .055 .035 MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( TYPE -3) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------(FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 .126 .045 .034 .012 .031 .025 .028 .020 2.572 .200 .177 .063 .112 .Q62 .060 .040 .027 5.145 .274 .284 .093 .190 .092 .095 .052 .035 7.717 .348 .365 .122 .235 .123 .130 .064 .042 10.289 .422 .421 .151 .245 .154 .165 .076 .049 12.862 .496 .451 .180 .222 .185 .200 .088 .057 14.923 .556 .455 .203 .176 .210 .227 .098 .063 15.434 X .570 .456 .209 .165 .216 .234 .100 .064 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAX IM UM COMB IN· ED STRESS RATIOS --------------------------------------------------------------------------·---------- MEMBER TYPE l AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER sTm::ss LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .126 1 1 .157 * 4 1 2.476 .204 4 1 .138 4 1 4.952 .381 4 1 .119 4 1 7.428 .533 4 1 .100 4 1 9.905 .658 4 1 .081 4 1 12.381 .757 4 1 .062 4 1 14.367 .816 * 4 1 .052 1 1 14.857 X .830 4 1 .052 1 1 Page Number 37 Z.J.$'.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# ; : Designed By: 26421-16 141,89 Foothill Blvd, 'Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. ! Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 '' Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B MEMBER TYPE 2 AT AXIAL GO\lERNlNG GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .ooo X .684 4 2 .234 4 2 .:490 .638 * 4 2 .228 * 4 2 4.612 .248 4 2 .178 4 2 9.224 .315 1 2 .121 4 2 13.836 .396 1 2 .065 4 2 18.449 .310 1 2 .079 1 2 23.061 .247 4 2 .158 1 ? 27.162 .-274 1 2 .228 1 2 27.673 X .311 1 2 .236 1 2 MEMBER TYPE 3 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .126 1 3 .102 * 2 3 2.572 .200 1 3 .084 2 3 ~.145 .284 2 3 .066 2 3 7.717 .365 2 3 .052 1 3 10.289 .422 1 3 .052 1 3 12.862 .496 1 3 .052 1 3 14.923 .556 * 1 3 .052 1 3 15.434 X .570 1 3 .052 1 3 ----~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORCtS AT CONNECTIONS ---~-------------------------------------------------·------------------------------- C O N N E C T I O N 1 MINIMUM DEPTH = 12 .. 0Q0 IN MINIMUM WIDTH= 6.000 IN :LOAD AXIAL COMB. FORCE (KIPS) 1 -4.373 D + C + LiveRoof 2 .420 D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof ~ -.527 D + .0.75 <0.7 Qe> 4 4.360 SHEAR BENDING FORCE (KIP-FT) {KIPS) -.'973 ::<:-13, 976 .022 11.273 .063 .910 .'876 27.190 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building 0.6 D + 0.6 W 5 -.223 .191 2.741 ·O. 6 D + 0. 7 Qe 6 .251 .399 5.730 Qe 7 -.776 -.171 -2.459 Dead Load 8 -.499 -.109 · -1.573 Collateral Load Maximum Design Moment For Seismic <1.0+0.14 Sds><D+C>+0.7 Omega Qe = 5.504 kip-ft. <0.6+0.14 Sds><D>+0.7 Omega Qe = 8.253 kip-ft C O N N E C T I O N 2 MINIMUM DEPTH= 12.000 IN MINIMUM WIDTH = 6.000 IN LOAD AXIAL SHEAR BENDING COMB. FORCE FORCE (KIP-FT) (KIPS) (KIPS) 1 -4.373 -.973 -14.516 D + C + LiveRoof 2 -1.406 .020 -13.879 D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof 3 -1.024 -.390 -5.824 D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> 4 1.926 .873 -5.876 0.6 D + 0.6 W 5 -.886 -.414 -6.178 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe 6 -.696 -.465 -6.942 Qe 7 -.776 -.171 -2.554 Dead Load 8 -.499 -.109 -1.634 Collateral Load 'Maximum Design Moment For Seismic <1.0+0.14 Sds><D+C>+0.7 Omega Qe = -16.847 kip-ft <0.6+0.14 Sds><D>+Q.7 Omega Qe = -13.992 kip-ft Page Number 38 INC. Job# 26421-16 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building B ,.--,-----,--· . ····-·-·-·--···-.. ··· ------~--~------------------------- Page Number 39 .. Designed By: . Z.J.S.ENGINEERING .SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 ' Janos Boros P.e. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: :LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> 'f)escdption: 30 ft x 60 ft _x 16 ft_ Steel Building Building B I .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F I N A L S E C t I O N S --------------------------,---------------:------------------------------------------ GEOMETRY INFORMATION BUILT-UP MEMBERS: MEMBER FLANGE FLANGE WEB OUTER FLANGE INITIAL TYPE WIDTH THICK. THIQC. (IF UNEQ. FLANGES) DEPTH {IN) {IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) 1 6.000 .2500 .1350 12.000 2 6.000 . 2500-.1350 12.000 3 6.000 .2500 .1350 12.000 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION MEMBER LAT SUP LAT SUP COMB. SHEAR UNIT QUAN- TYPE INSIDE OUTSIDE STRESS STRESS WEIGHT TITY (FT) (FT) -RATIO RATIO (LB) l 16.000 16.000 .816 .157 230.5 1 2 5.000 10.000 .638 .228 429.4 1 3 16.000 16.000 .556 .102 239.5 1 THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE FRAME IS 899.4 LJ3 6. CHECK CONNECTIONS 6.1. Purlin to ~after Use : (2) 1/2" Diameter Bolt or Equal .( A307 Machine Bolt ) FINAL LENGTH DEPTH (FT) (IN) 12.000 14.857 12.000 27.673 12.000 15.434 TOTAL WEIGHT (LB) 230.5 429.4 239.S V = 1.96 kips ALLOW - R [ Allowable Shear -See Appendix ] [Max.Reaction Force At The End Of Purlin J b = 5.,0 ft t = .20 ft Spacing Of The -Purlin Span Between Two Suppo_rts ':' '~l -For Dead Load + Live .Load Section 1605.3.1 w ,DL+LL · Ib ( p + p ) b = 115.0 --•DL LL f.t Page Number 40 Designed By: z .. J. S. ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janqs Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft. Steel Building Building B R = WDL+L~ t = DL+LL . 2 1.15 kips < 2 V = 3.92 kips ALLOW For 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load Section 1605.3.1 Effective wind areas of roof: 2 t 2 AEFF = b t = 100.00 ft or A = -t = 133.33 ft EFF 3 2 AEFF = 133.33 ft Controls!~ GCP = 1.10 -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 qh· ( GC + GC ) = 39. io ~ -max. wind pressure p pl ft~ w = [ 0. 6 qh ( GC + GC ) -0. 6 p l b = 108. 30 ~ DL+WL P pi DL ft. t w DL+WL R =---,,,--DL+WL 2 = 1.08 kips < 2 V = 3.92 kips actions ALLOW 6.2. Check Bolted Haunch Connection Refer To Manual Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION Allowable St.ress Design Ninth Edition Part 4 Fy = 50.0 Fu = 70.0 T = 13. 5 5/8 Pr = 2.0 M D ksi ksi kips in -Minimum Yield Stress For Connection Plate -Ultimate Stress For E70XX Welding Electrode -Allowable Tension For 5/8" Dia. A325 Bolt -See Figure -Applied Moment -Number Of Sixteenth Of An Inch, Weld Size ... ···-····-·-------------- Page Number 41 Designed By: Z. J. S .. ENGINEERING .SERV.ICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel ·Building Building B M = 27.19 kip-ft See page 37 Beam: 12 BUI 6x1/4 FL 0.135 V d = 12.0 in bt,b = 6. 0 in trb = 0.25 in twb = 0.135 in bP = 6.0 in Bolt ·Design: M -Depth Of The Beam ~ Width Of Beam Flange Beam Flange ~hickriess -Beam Web Thickness -Width 0f Connection Plate Fr ·= ...,-'-----= 27.8 kips d -trb ) Fr . TR = ---= 6.9 kips < T = 13.5 kips· eq 4 5/8 Use 5/8 in Dia. A325 Bolts db= 0.625 in. -Bolt Diameter Top Flange To End Plate 'Veld · · 0 0 0 0 Pw = 0.3 'fu 0.707 iG D -Allowable Load For Welding, 'kips P = 0.928 D ·w = 2.·4 in 'Use 3/16 'Fillet Welds 0 0 0 0 26421-16 2-29-2016 r d l ()r Complete Joint Penetration Weld Page Number 42 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Font~na, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 .. Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B End-Plate: o: F Pe m f Me = --4--= 6. 85 kips -Design Moment For The End-Plate o;, = c. C, [ ~]½ [ ::]¼ -1.180 Ca= 1.11 -For Fy > 36 ksi Steel Cb= /'F = 1.000 in p Ar= brb trb = 1.500 in2 -Area Of Tension Flange Aw = [ d - 2 tfb J twb = 1.552 in2 -Area Of Web db D Pe = Pr -4 -0.707 ---rg = 0.836 in -Effective Bolt Distance --I 6 Me , tP ----= 0.427 in 0.75 Fy bP Use 1/2 in Plate 7 • CHECK BRACING 7.1. Check Longitudinal Bracing Width = Length = -Bay = Eave = Slope = Ridge = wrw oR/ ~ SEISMIC 30.0 ft -Width Of The Building 60.0 ft -Length Of The Building 20.0 ft -Width Of The Braced Bay ( Critical 16.0 ft -Eave Height 0.25/12 -Slope on the Roof 16.3 ft -Ridge Height P:J //---~ PORTAL FRAME Bay EA: I - -/ ./Width // / / ~~----' ) ,._.-J • Page Number 43 ' . Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOL:AND <Castie Steel> ; Description: 30 ft X 60 ft X 16 ft Stee;L Building Building B n. = 2 !?IDES -Number of Braced Lines in the Longitudinal Direction n ·= 1 ,BR -Number of Sets of Bracings Per Line C~eck For.Vind Load .Find Total Exposeq Area At The End Of The Building At Each Side [ Ridge + Eave Eave ] 2 AT= z --2-. Width= 244.7 ft Total Wind Load At Each Side: GC = pf GC + pf" GC pf = 0.69 -Longitudinal Direction WINDWARD LE~WARD P = GC <0.6> qh A = 2.40 kips T pf" . T H TOTAL PT = ---= 1.20 kips -Total Force Per Side Wall At Eave n SIDES HTOTAL H = ---= 1.20 kips n BR Check Roof Bracing A B C -Total Force for One Braced Bay EAVE X . . X X : ',,.'' ' . RIDGE I . Bay H . ROOF PLAN ·c Braced Bay ) A = 15.,00 ft; B = 0.00 ft; C = 0.00 ft : •. Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 60 ft X 16 ft Steel Building .. Critical in the first set to the ·eave. A a= invtan ( - ) = 36.87° Bay Tension Force In ( 1) Set Of 1/4" Dia Cable By FWC : H T = --= 1.50 kips< 3325 lb -Refer To Appendix cos (X Check For Seismic Design Base Shear Coefficient: hn = 16.16 ft p = 3.00 psf DL ROOF -Mean Heigth of Roof -Weight Of The Roof Page Number 44 INC. Job# 26421-16 101 Date 2-29-2016 Buiiding B pDL = :2.50 psf WALL -Weight Of The Wall ( conservative for roof only) P = 0.89 kips FRM I = 1.00 EQ R = 3.25 '20 = 2.0 C0 = 3.25 -Weigth Of The Frame <See Frame Design> -Importance Factor per Table 1.5-2 for Risk Category II -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 Check For Building Period: Ct = 0.020 X = 0.75 T = Ct hnx = 0.161 a T = 8.000 L Find: 0.268 -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Eq 12.8-7 of ASCE 7-10 -ASCE 7 Figures 22-15 through 22-20 ,_,, C 'Designed By: Z. J. $.:ENGINEERING S:EllVICES 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft~ 60 ft X 16 ft Except Cs need not to exceed 0.935 But Not Be Less Than Cs= 0.044 S05 IEQ = 0.038 Cs= o.268 GOVERNS! Find Total Seismic Weight: T ~ T a L AB = [ Width ] [ Length ] = 1800 ft2 P = p AB = 5.40 kips ROOF DL ROOF Steel Building Page Number 45 INC. Job# 26421-16 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building B ·:.. p = 2 P [ Ridge + Eave _ Eav 2 e ]· WALL DL 2 Width = 1. 22 kips WALL W = P + P + (n + n ) PFRM = 10.19 kips -Total Seismic Weight For The Bldg ROOF WALL INT EXT CONSERVATIVE TO APPLY ALL AT ·EAVE Check Roof Bracing: p = l,.O for diaphragms ( inci. Horizontal Bracing System) per ASCE 7 Section Design Forces are calculated per ASCE Eq. 12.10-1: n L Fi F ·= _1·=_x_ .w px .n px E wi i=x For a One-Story building: w =-w=W px i '' ,! : Page Number 46 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGO:t.AND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B n V F = F = i =x w = -w = Cs w p:x: ROOF n px w px px LONG L W1 l=x 0.174 w :SF = (Cs=0.268) w :S 0.348 w px px px px F = (Cs=0.268) w -Governs px px F = (C8=0.268) (W=10.19) = 2.73 kips Total for the Entire Building px F 1 px H = ----------= 0.97 kips -Total Force for One Braced Bay· 1.4 '\ ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN A B C EAVE X X X RIDGE Bay H ) ROOF PLAN ( Braced Bay A= 15.00 ft; B = 0.00 ft; C = 0,00 ft Critical in the first set to the eave. a.= invta!l ( A Bay ) = 36.87° ) Page Number 47 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 . 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. i Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA ·92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 60 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Tension Force In (1) Set Of 1/4" Dia Cable By FWC : H T =--cos 0: = 1. i2 kips < 3325 lb -Refer To Appendix Check Loads at Pqrtal Frame: p = 1.30 for 1 Set of Bracing per Line of Bracing Cs w 101 Date 2-29-2016 · Building ·B H = p -------= 1. 27 kips 1.4 -Total Force for One Braced Bay ' .ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN I l Page Number 48 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 60 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building B Check Portal Frame: Finite Element Model: Joints. Members, Member Types, Connections, Supports Not To Scale MEMBER #2 /MEMBER TYPE #2 '\_ JOINT #2 CONNECTION #1 T MEMBER #1 I ~MBER TYPE #1 '\_ JOINT #3 CONNECTION #2 r ~MBER #3 MEMBER TYPE #-3 S!)PPORT "~i '.iorNT #1 SUPPORT '\_ ., ~ I JOINT •• SUPPORT #2 W = 1.20 kips -See Above QE = 1.27 kips -See Above Basic Load Combinations: 1. 0.6 D + 0.6 W 2. 0.6 D + 0.7 QE SUPPORT #4 -( Eq. 16-15 ) - ( Eq. 16-16 3. QE to find horizontal deflections per ASCE Eq. 12.8-15 Note: One-third allowable stress increase is not permitted. J. .. Page Number 49 .. Designed By: Z.J.S.'ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Bivd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LANP <Castle ·Steel> Description: 30 £t X 60 £t X 16 £t Steel Building Building B MM MM BBBBBBBBBBBB PPPPPPPPPPPP MMM MMM BBBBBBBBBBBBBB pppppppppppppp MMMM MMMM BBB BBB PPP PPP MMMMM MMMMM BBB BBB PPP PPP MMMMMM MMMMMM BBBBBBBBBBBB PPPPPPPPPPPP MMM MMMMMM MMM BBBBBBBBBBBB PPPPPPPPPPPP MMM MMMM MMM BBB BBB PPP MMM MM MMM BBB BBB PPP MMM MMM BBBBBBBBBBBBBB PPP MMM MMM BBBBBBBBBBBB PPP ******************.*************•******************************************** * * * METAL BUILDING PROGRAM * * * * Copyright (C) * * by International Structural Engineers * * * * Version 8.2 * * * * International Structural Engineers * * P.O. Box 241740 * * Los Angeles, CA 90024 * * * **************************************************************************** ******************************************************* * * * ZJS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. * 14189 Foothill blvd., Suite 101, Fontana, CA 92335 * * * * * Phone: ,(909) 823-4150 Fax: (909) 823-4153 E-MAIL~ ZJSENG@AOL.COM * * * * * * * * * *****·************************************************** TITLE: 20x16 DATE: 02/17/** 23:44:38 ', '' : ' ~: . ,, ')','' Page Number 50 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B DODD A TTTTT A D D A A T A A D D A A T A A D D A A T A A D D AAAAA T AAAAA D D A A T A A DDDD A A T A A CONTROL DATA SETS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DESIGN CYCLES = 3 SHOW OPTIMIZATION HISTORY REQUESTED NUMBER OF SEGMENTS PER MEMBER = 6 MAXIMUM COMBINED STRESS RATIO = 1.030 MAXIMUM WEB DEPTH-TO-THICKNESS RATIO= 240.00 MAXIMUM FLANGE INEQUALITY RATIO = 2.000 J O I N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF JOINTS= 4 JOINT X y NUMBER (FT) {FT) 1 1.083 .000 2 1.083 14.833 3 19.917 14.833 4 19.917 .000 -------·-----------------------------------------------------------------------------SUPPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF SUPPORTS= 4 SUPPORT AT DIRECTION STIFFNESS NUMBER JOINT (KIPS/IN OR KIP-FT/RAD) ,A 1 1 "<( HOR 10000,000 2 1 VER 10000.000 3 4 HOR 10000.000 4 4 VER 10000.000 .. , Page Number 51 ' --' '' Designed By: ·z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 '' Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ri ~teel Building Building B ' ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF MEMBER TYPES= 3 MEMBER KIND ORIENTATION LENGTH END-REL. ANALYS. DESIGN MAT. TYPE OF MEMBER (FT) CODE CONST. CONST. 1 WF/OP IN--PLANE 14.833 00 1 1 1 2 WF/OP IN-PLANE 18.833 00 2 2 1 3 WF/OP IN-PLANE 14.833 00 3 3 1 NUMBER OF SET;, OF ANALYSIS CONSTANTS= 3 FOR BUILT-l)P MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -. DEPTH AT START (IN) 2 -DEPTH AT END (IN) 3 -FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 4 -FLANGE 'I'HICKNESS (IN) 5 -WEB THICKNESS (IN) 6 -OUTER FLANGE WIDTH CIN) 7 -OUTER FLANGE THICK. (IN) FOR. WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 3 -NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 4 -NOMINAL WEIGHT (LB/FT) FOR GENERAL MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -AREA (IN2) fOR PIPE .MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 2 -MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 3 -SECTION MODULUS (IN3) 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DI:AMET:ER (IN) 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 3 -CLASS (STD, XSTR, XXSTR) 4 -NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 4 -TRANSV. MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 5 -TRANSV. SECTION MODULUS (IN3) SET ---------------------------------CONSTANTS------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 12.00 12.00 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 2 12.00 12.00 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 3 12.00 12.00 .0000 .•0000' .0000 .ODDO .0000 NUMBER OF SETS OF DESIGN CONSTANTS::;, 3 SET 'FACTOR COEFF LAT SUP LAT SUP EXCL ZN EXCL ZN KL/R COEFF "K" "Cm" INSIOE ,OUTSIDE AT STRT AT END MAX "Cb" (fT) (FT) (FT) (FT) i 1.500 .850 10.000 10.000 .DOD .500 .00 1. 75 2 1.-000 .'850 10.,000 10.000 .500 .500 .OD 1.00 3 1.500 .850 10.000 1.0.000 .000 .500 .OD 1. 75 I', •/,,r Page Number 52 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building NUMBER OF MATERIALS= 1 MAT. NUMBER 1 "E" (KSI) 29000. UNIT WEIGHT (LB/FT3) 490.8 COEFF. EXP. (1/DEG_FAR) .0000065 101 Date 2-29-201~ . Building B "Fy" (KS!) SO.OD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF MEMBERS= 3 MEMBER INITIAL FINAL MEMBER NUMBER JOINT JOINT TYPE 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 -3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C O N N E C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER ,OF CONNECTIONS= 2 CONNECTION ON NUMBER MEMBER 1 1 2 3 AT (FT) 14.333 14.333 ANGLE (DEGREES) HOR HOR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------L O A D C A S E S ------------------------·--------------------------------------·--------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD CASES= 3 LOAD CASE 1: SELF WEIGHT ** LOADS CALCULATED BY THE PROGRAM** • i;l•' -t:;\r' Page Number 53 '. ' Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEER~NG SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 '' Janos Boros .P.!£. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 ·Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B LOAD CASE Z Wind Load NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS= 2 JOIN! 2 3 DIRECTION HOR HOR LOAD CASE 3 Seizmic MAGNITUDE (KIPS OR KIP-FT) .600 .600 NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS= 2 JOIN'J.' DIRECTION MAGNITUDE (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 2 HOR .630 3 HOR .630 -------------------~----------· ---------.---· ----------------------------------------L O A D C O M B I N A T I O N S ----------·-------------------·-------· -, -------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD COMBINATIONS= 2 LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0,6 Wind Load PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD GASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 60.00 1 60.00 2 LOAD COMBINATION 2: 0.6 Dead Load+ ·0.7 'Qe '' :?+ PERCENT LOAD ·CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE -60.-00 1 70.00 3 ' .~ PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE Page Number 54 Designed By: 2.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference; LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> · Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B RRRR EEEEE sss u u L TTTTT sss R R E s s u u L T s s R R E s u u L T s RRRR EEEE sss u u L T sss RR E s u u L T s R R E s s u u L T s s R R EEEEE sss uuu LLLLL T sss J O I N T D I S P L A C E M E N T S A N D S U P P O R T R E A C T I O N S LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load DISPLACEMENTS JOINT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 LOAD COMBINATION DISPLACEMENTS JOINT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 X y (IN) (IN) .000 .000 1.283 .001 1.283 -.001 .000 .000 REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) -.352 (HdR, AT JOINT 1) -.424 (VER, AT JOINT 1) -. 368 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) .710 (VER, AT JOINT 4) 2 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe X y ,(IN) (IN) .000 .000 1.571 .001 1.571 -.002 .000 .000 ROTATION (DEGREES) -.536 -.166 -.155 -.542 ROTATION (DEGREES) -.658 -.202 -.191 -.663 Page Number 55 •' ' Designed By: Z.J.S.~GINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 . Reference: LEGOLAND <CasUe Steel> De$cription: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Buiiding Building B REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.433 CHOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -.551 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.449 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .838 (VER, AT JOINT 4) ------------------------------------------------*~-----------------------------------M E M B E R F O R C E S A N D S T R E S S E S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( FROM JOINT 1 TO JOINT 2 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ----------~--STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 .424 . 352 .ooo .147 .263 .000 .000 2.472 .438 .352 .871 .152 .263 1.384 -1.384 4.944 .453 .352 1. 742 .157 .263 2.768 -2.768 7.417 .468 .352 2.613 .162 .263 4.152 -4.152 9.889 .482 .352 3.484 .167 .263 5.537 -5.537 12.361 .497 .352 4.354 .172 .263 6.921 -6.921 14.833 .511 .352 5.225 .177 .263 8.305 -8.305 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BEND:rNG -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 .551 .433 .000 . 191 .323 .000 .ODO 2.472 .566 .433 1.071 .196 .323 1.702 -1. 702 4.944 .581 .433 2.142 .201 .323 3.405 -3.405 7.417 .595 .433 3.213 .206 .323 5.107 -5.107 9.-889 .610 .433 4.284 ,211 .323 6.810 -6.810 12.361 .624 .433 S.356 .21p .323 8.512 -8.512 14.833 .639 .433 6.427 .221 .323 10.214 -10.214 1-:1 Page Number 56 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 • Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B MEMBER NUMBER 2 .( FROM JOINT 2 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.008 -.511 5.225 -.003 -.381 8.305 -8.305 3.139 -.008 -.530 3.591 -.003 -.395 5.707 -5.707 6.278 -.008 -.549 1.898 -.003 -.409 3.017 -3.017 9.417 -.008 -.567 .147 -.003 -.423 .234 -.234 12.556 -.008 -.586 -1.662 -.003 -.437 -2.641 2.641 15.695 -.008 -.604 -3.529 -.003 -.450 -5.609 5.609 18.834 -.008 -.623 -5.454 -.003 -.464 -8.669 8.669 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.008 -.639 6.427 -.003 -.476 10.214 -10.214 3.139 -.008 -.658 4.392 -.003 -.490 6.980 -6.980 6.278 -.008 -.676 2.299 -.003 -.504 3.653 -3.653 9.417 -.008 -.695 .147 -.003 -.518 .234 -.234 12.556 -.008 -.713 -2.062 -.003 -.532 -3.277 3.277 15.695 -.008 -.732 -4.330 -.003 -.546 -6.882 6.882 18.834 -.008 -.750 -6.656 -.003 -.559 --10.578 10.578 MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( FROM JOINT 4 TO JOINT 3) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.710 -.368 . 000 -.246 -.274 .000 .000 2.472 -.696 -.368 -.909 -.241. -.274 -1.445 · 1.445 4.944 -.681 -.368 -1.818 -.236 -.274 -2.890 2.890 7.417 --.666 -._368 -2.727 -.231 -.274 -4.334 4.334 9.889 -.652 -.368 -3.636 -.226 -.274 -5.779 5.779 12.361 -.637 -.368 -4.545 -.221 -.274 -7.224 7.224 14.833 -.623 -.368 -5.454 -.216 -.274 -8.669 8.669 Page Number '57 '' J)esigned By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, 'CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> : Description: ·30 £t x 60 f,t x 16 ft Steel Building Building B LOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 Dead Loa~+ 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FGRCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . . 000 -.838 -.449 .000 -.290 -.335 .000 .000 2.472 , -.823 -.449 -1.109 -.285 -.335 -1. 763 1.763 4.944 -.809 -.449 -2.219 -.280 -.335 -3.526 3.526 7.417 -.794 -.449 -3.328 ..,.275 -.335 -5.289 5.289 9.889 -.779 -.449 -4.437 -.270 -.335 -7.052 7.052 12'. 361 -.765 -.449 -5.546 -.265 -.335 -8.815 8.815 14.833 -.750 -.. 449 -6.656 -.260 -.335 -10.578 10.578 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AL.LOW ABLE ST R ~ S S E·S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEM.BER TYPE 1 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI} MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) {KSI) .000 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 2.472 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 4.944 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.-000 7.417 30.000 7.517 20.219 .21.613 20.000 9.889 30.000 7.'517 · 20.219 21.613 20.000 12.361 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 14.333, 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 14.833 X 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 MEMBER I Y PE 2 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (.FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) .. 000 X 30.,000 7 .. 517 12. 104 30.165 20.000 .500 30.000 7.517 3.139 30.000 7!517 ::?;~-12.'i04 30.165 20.000 12.104 30.165 20.000 6.278 30.0QO 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 9.417 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 12.555 30.iOOO 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 15.,694 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 18.333 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 18.833 X 30.000 7,517 12.104 30.165 20.000 ::·,,·, '1, Page Number 58 Designed By: . Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B . MEMBER TYPE 3 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI} (KS!) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) .000 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 2.472 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 4.944 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 7.417 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 9.889 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 12.361 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 14.333 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 14.833 X 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-COMBINED S T R E S S R A T I O S -----------------------------------------------------.------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( TYPE 1 ) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .ODO 2.472 4.944 7.417 9.889 12.361 14.333 14.833 X .005 .068 .137 .205 .274 .342 .397 .411 .006 .084 .168 .253 .337 .421 .488 .505 MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( TYPE 2) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 X .500 3.139 6.278 9.417 12.555 15.694 18.333 18.833 X .687 . .652 .472 .250 .020' .219 .464 .676 .717 .844 .802 .577 .302 .020 .271 .569 .826 .874 : ' .. ······. ------------ Page Number '59 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft .x 60 ft x 16 .ft Steel Buildi~g Building B MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( TYPE -3) AT ----~------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 2.472 4.944 7.417 9.889 12.361 14.333 14.833 X .033 .104 .174 .245 .316 .387 .443 .457 .·039 .125 .212 .298 .385 .471 .540 .558 ---------·--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;MAX I MUM COMBINED STRESS RATIOS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER tYPE 1 ... ::':.'""'··· AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .006 2 1 .016 2 1 2.472 .084 2 1 .016 2 1 4.944 .168 ,2 1 .016 2 1 7.417 .253 2 1 .016 2 1 9.889 .337 2 1 .016 2 1 12.361 .421 2 1 .016 2 1 14.333 .488 * 2 1 .016 * 2 1 14.833 X .505 2 1 .01-6 2 1 MEMBER TYPE 2 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 X .844 2 2 .024 2 2 ,500 .802 2 '2 .024 2 2 3.139 .577 2 '2--:· .025 2 2 6.278 .302 2 2 .025 2 2 9.417 .020 .2 2 .026 2 2 i2.555 .271 2 2 .027 2 2 15.694 .569 2 2 .027 2 2 18.3~3 .826 * 2 2 .028 * 2 2 18.833 X .'874 2 2 .028 2 2 Page Number 60 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Cast!~ Steel> Description: 30 £t x 60 £t x 16 £t Steel Building Building B MEMBER TYPE 3 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT} STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRJ;:SS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .039 2 3 .017 2 3 2.472 .125 2 3 .017 2 3 4.944 .212 2 3 .017 2 3 7.417 .298 2 3 .017 2 3 9.889 .385 2 3 .017 2 3 12.361 .471 2 3 .017 2 3 14.333 .540 * 2 3 .017 * 2 3 14.833 X .558 2 3 .017 2 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------F O R C E S A T C O N N E C T I O N S C O N N E C T I O N 1 MINIMUM DEPTH= 7.890 IN MINIMUM WIDTH= 3.940 IN LOAD COMB. 1 AXIAL FORCE (KIPS) .509 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load SHEAR FORCE (KIPS) .352 2 .636 .433 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe C O N N E C T I O N 2 MINIMUM DEPTH= 7.890 IN MINIMUM WIDTH= 3.940 IN LOAD COMB. 1 AXIAL FORCE (KIPS) -.626 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load SHEAR FORCE (KIPS) -;368 2 -.753 -.449 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe BENDING (KIP-FT) 5.049 6.210 ;BENDING (KIP-FT) -5.270 -6.431 Page Number 61 < ,, '' Designed By: Z.J.S.£NGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 '' 14189 Foothill Blvd, ,Ste~ 101 I Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, ,CA .92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B -----·--------------------------------------------- F I N A L S E C T I O N S ---------------------------------------------------- GEOMETRY INFORMATION WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS: MEMBER DESIGNATION LENGTH TYPE ,(FT) 1 w 8 X 10 14.833 2 w 8 X 10 18.833 3 w 8 X 10 14.833 :!'°'} MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION - MEMBER LAT SUP LAT SUP COMB. SHEAR UNIT QUAN-TOTAL TYPE INSIDE OUTSIDE STRESS STRESS WEIGHT TITY WEIGHT (FT) (FT) RATIO RATIO (LB) (LB) 1 10.000 10.000 .488 .Q16 146.0 1 146.0 2 10.000 10.000 .826 .028 185.3 1 185.3 3 10.000 1q.ooo .540 .017 14~.o 1 146.0 THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE FRAME IS 477.2 LB 7. REACTIONS AT THE COLUMN BASE ------------------------------------------------------------.--------- TRANSVERSAL FRAMt:SUPPOQT REACTIONS LOAD ·COMBINATION 7 : Dead Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-F'ff j ._, -,,,' 1 .171 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .999 (VER, AT JOINT. 1) 3 -.171 {HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.008 (VER, AT JOINT 4) Page Number 62 Des i-gned By.: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B LOAD COMBINATION 8 Collateral Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .109 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .722 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.109 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .731 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 9 Live Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .788 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 3.766 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.788 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 3.775 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 10: Wind Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -2.993 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -4.470 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -1.599 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 -2.026 (VER, AT JOINT 4) Page Number 63 ' · Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 '' 141$9 Foothill Bl~d, '' Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> · Depcription: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B LOAD COMBINATION 6 Qe REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT') 1 -.399 .2 -.028 3 -.465 4 .927 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) (VER, AT JOINT 1) (HOR, AT JOINT 4) (VER, AT JOINT 4) ·.PORT ALF RAM E: $UPP O R.T RE AC' T I ·o NS ---·-----------.------------------------------------------ LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load 'REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBJ;:R (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.352 {HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -.424 (VER, AT JOINT ,1) 3 -.368 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .710 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 2 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe ,REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) -.433. -.551 -.449 .838 (HOR, (VER, (HOR, ;(VER, AT JOINT: . 1) AT JOINT 1) AT JOINT 4) AT JOINT 4) Page Number 64 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING· SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel ~ilding Building B Appendix Allowable Shear (kips) For Bolts Per Table V-4.5 of the Cold-Formed Specifications By AISI STEEL THICKNESS 1/4" Dia. 3/811 Dia. 1/2" Dia. 5/8" Dia. 3/4" Dia. in. A307 .A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 (GAUGE) 0.49 1.03 1.10 2.32 1.96 4.12 3.07 6.44 4.42 9.28 .1046 (12) 1.97 1.97 2.95 2.95 3.94 3.94 4.92 4.92 5.91 5.91 .0747 (14) 1.41 1.41 2.11 2.11 2.81 2.81 ~.52 3.52 4.22 4.22 .0598 (16) 1.12 1.12 1 .. 69 1.69 2.25 2.25 2.81 2.81 3.38 3.38 .0478 (18) 0.90 0 .. 90 1.35 1.35 1.80 1.80 2.25 2.25 2.70 2.70 .0359 (20) 0.68 0.68 1.01 1.01 1.35 1.35 1.69 1.69 2.02 2.02 Steel Members Shall conform to Section 2230,A3, of the code. 20 ga, 18 ga -ASTM A 653 Grade 33 S.Q. with a minimum of 33,000 psi yield strength. 16 ga, 14 ga, 12 ga -ASTM A 653 Grade 50 S.Q. with a minimum of 50,000 psi yield strength. --~---~---····--······ ---·--···-···---·. --------~-------- Page Number 65 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 . 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros 1'.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 · Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 60 ft x.16 xt Steel ·Building Building B .. : APPENDIX Section Properities Z ,8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA .(2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 2.$000 IN LIP LENGTH= 1.0000 IN . LIP ANGLE = 90·. 00 DEG IN;,IDE RADIUS = 0. 1000 IN THICKNESS = 0. 0600 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES~ LOAD DETERMINATION .L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.6691 0.4948 0.3314 0.1640 0.0250 TbP LIP CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 1.7506 0.0300 0.0525 0.0016 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 0.0158 0,0012 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 1. 3171 0.8186 1.0782 0.8826 0.1904 EFFECTIVE WEB 6.2289 4.7255 29.4350 139.0963 20.1399 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1.6179 12.8181 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGJ;: 2.1.SOO 7.9700 17.3746 138.4756 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1.6176 12.8155 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.8400 7.4200 6.2328 46.2479 0.0494 SUM 13.8031 57.7714 350.5039 20.4060 YBAR = 4.1854 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY .LY2 IO TOP LIP o. 8119 0.5659 0.4595 0.2601 0.0446 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 TOP :FLANGE 2.1193 0.0300 0.0636 0.0019 0.0000 TOP 1WEB CORNER 0 . .2042 0.0772, 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 FULL 'WEB OR WEB B1 7.6800 4.0000 30.7200 122.8800 37.7487 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1.·6179 12.8181 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.18qO 7.9700 17.3746 138.4756 0.0000 ·BOTTGM LIP CORNER 0.2042· 7.9228 t:~176 12.8155 0.0003 BOTTOM UP 0.8400 7,4200 6.2328 46.2479 0.0494 SUM 14.4479 58.1175 333.5014 37.8440 YBAR = 4.0225 IN Page Number 66 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-'29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B APPENDIX Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.8400 2.4401 2.0497 5.0015 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2042 2.3928 0.4885 1.1689 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1800 1.2200 2.6596 3.2447 0.8634 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2042 0.0472 0.0096 0.0005 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2042 -0.0472 -0.0096 0.0005 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1800 -1.2200 -2 .. 6596 3.2447 0.8634 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2042 -2.3928 -0.4885 1.1689 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.8400 -2.04401 -2.0497 5.0015 0.0000 SUM 14.5367 0.0000 18.8312 1.7280 XBAR = 0.0000 IN Section Properities For Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 1.0000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS= 0.0600 IN IX= 8.2539 IN4 IY = 1.2336 IN4 SX = 1 . 8509 IN3 SY = 0.4994 IN3 RX= RY= 3.0762 IN 1.1892 IN AREA= 0.8722 IN2 WT= 2.97 PLF AEFF = 0.8282 IN2 HIT= 128.0 MA =60.96 KIP-IN VA= 2.35 KIP J = 0.0010 IN4 IXY = 2.3427 IN4 THETA= -16.86 IN4 ALLOW. END BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) IX2 = 0.5236 IY2 = 8.9639 1 0.6720 1.3162 IN4 RMIN = 0.7748 IN4 BEARING LENGTH (IN 2 3 0.7680 0,8640 1.4537 1.5912 IN 4 0.9601 1.7287 Page Number 67 : Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING S~VICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 - Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> : D(;!scr i pti on: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B '' :Appendix Section Properities z 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FQR STRESS) DEPTa: ;:; 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH. = 2.5000 IN LIP -LENGTH= 0.7000 IN LIP ANGLE;:; 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICl(NESS = 0.0750 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO T:OP LIP 0.1455 0.2477 0.0360 0.0089 0.0003 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 1.8099 0.0375 0.0679 0.0025 0.0000 TOP WEB . CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 l.7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 17.1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 7.5625 3.9703 30.0258 0.0121 SUM 13.1442 55.2490 315.7961 37.3220 YBAR = 4.2033 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y TOP LIP 0.5250 0.4375 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0:0874 TOP :FLANGE 2. 1500 '0.0375 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 FULL :WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 BOTTOM WEB ·CORNER 0.2160 7,9126 'BOTTOM lfLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0 .. 2159 7.9126 BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 '1 :5625 SUM 13:8639 YBAR = 4 .,0000 IN LY 0.2297 0.0189 0..0806 0.0189 30.6000 1.7090 17.1194 1.7087 3;·9703 55.4554 ·'i,.-: .. LY2 IO 0.1005 0.0121 Q.0017 0.0004 0.0030 0.0000 0.0017 0.0004 122.4000 37.3081 13.'5226 0.0004 136.3130 0.0000 13.5199 0.0004 30.02580 0.0121 315..8881 37.3338 Page Number 68 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 · Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ;ft x 60 ft x 16 f.t Steel Building Building B Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.5250 2.4251 1.2732 3.0875 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 2.3750 0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 1.2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0499 0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 -0.0499 -0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 -1.2125 -2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 -2.3750 -0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 -2.4251 -1.2732 3.0875 0.0000 SUM 13.8639 0.0000 14.9340 1.6579 XBAR = 0.0000 IN Section Properities For Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS= 0.0750 IN IX= 9.8550 IN4 IY = 1.2444 IN4 SX = 2.1571 IN3 SY= 0.5053 IN3 RX = RY= 3.0786 IN 1.0940 IN AREA = 1. 0398 INZ. WT = 3. 54 PLF AEFF = 0. 9858 IN2 HIT =102. 0000 MA = 71. 04 KIP-IN VA = 4. 60 KIP J = 0. 0019 IN4 IXY = 2. '5370 IN4 THETA= -15.26 IN4 ALLOW. END BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING{KIPS) IX2 = 0. 5525 IN4 IY2 = 10 .. 5469 IN4 1 1.1443 2.1446 RMIN = 0. 7289 IN BEARING LENGTE (IN 2 3 1.2789 1.4135 2.3277 2.5108 4 1.5481 2.6939 "· ,, ' r .... ···-· --------~-------------- Page Number 69 I• ' Designed By: Z.J~S.ENGINEERI·NG SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 . 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0IAND <Castle Steei> Descrj.ption: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B ' .. Appendix Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x. 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 ·KSI STEEL.; IX FOR DEFL., SX fOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 1.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.9000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS = 0.0750 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y .LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.5291 0.4395 0.2326 0.1022 0.0123 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 1.9730 0.0375 0.0740 0.0028 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0;2160 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1. 7090 13,5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.r5oo 7.9625 17.1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.7250 7.4625 5.4103 40.3749 0.0318 SUM 13.8910 56.8917 326.2387 37.3537 YBAR = 4.0956 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.7250 0.5375 0.3897 0.2094 0.0318 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.087'.4 0.0189 . 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 0.0375 10.-0806 0.0030 .0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1.7090 13.5226 ·0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE . 2.1500 7.·9625 17, 1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP ·O. 7250 7.4625 , sti/1'103 40.3749 0.0318 SUM 14.2639 57 .i0554 326.3462 37.3732 YBAR = 4.,oooo rn Page Number 70 Designed By: Z,J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-:-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.7250 2.4251 1.7582 4.2638 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 2.3750 0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 1.2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.$282 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0499 0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 o.·0499 0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 1.2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 2.3750 0 .. 5129 1.2181 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.7250 2.4251 1.7582 4.2638 0.0000 SUM 14.2639 9.7775 17.2866 1.6579 XBAR = 0.6855 IN Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA. (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEfL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00-IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.9000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS = 0.1000 IN-THICKNESS= 0.0750 IN IX = 10.1623 IN4 SX = 2.3914 IN3 RX= 3.0821 IN IY = 0. 9182 IN4 SY = 0. 5167 IN3 RY= 0.9264 IN AREA= 1.0698 IN2 WT = 3.64 PLF AEFF = 1.0418 IN2 MA = 78. 76 KIP-IN VA = 4.60 KIP J = 0.0020 IN4 BEARING LENGTH (IN 2 3 4 ALLOW. END-BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) 1 1.1443 2.1446 2.1446 1.2789 1.4135 2.3277 2.5108 2.3277 2.5108 1. 5481 2.6939 2.6939 ; Page Number 71 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14'189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 ' · Reference: L'EGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B Appenqix Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIPTH = 1.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7500 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 nEG INSIDE 'I~.ADIUS = 0.1000 IN' THICKNESS = 0.0750 IN x~x AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.3281 0.3230 0.1060 0.0342 0.0029 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2034 0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 1.7379 0.0295 0.0513 0.0015 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 1.2917 0.8048 1.0396 0.8367 0.1796 EFFECTIVE WEB 6.0844 4.7988 29.1979 140.1143 18.7707 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2034 7.9235 1. 6118 12.7710 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1820 7.9705 17.3916 138.6200 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2034 T.9235 1.6115 12.7684 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.5910 7.5455 4.4594 33.6487 0.0172 SUM 13.0288 55.5002 338.7972 18.9717 YBAR = 4.2598 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES-· DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP -0. 5910 0.4545 0.26$6 0.1221 0.0172 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2034 0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1820 0.0295 0.0644 0.0019 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 ·FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6820 -4. 0000 30.7280 122.9120 37.7782 BOTTOM ,WEB CORNER 0.2034 7.9233 1.6118 l2.7710 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1820· 7,'9705 17.3916 138.6200 0.0000 ~ of" • BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2034' 7.9235 ·L6HS 12.7684 0.0003 ;BOTTOM LIP .o.5910 7.5455 4.4594 33.6487 0.0172 SUM 14.-0416 56.1664 320.8464 37.8139 ¥BAR= 4.0000 IN '' Page Number 72 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building B Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.5910 2.4411 1.4427 3.5217 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2034 2.3939 0.4869 1.1656 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1820 1.2205 2.6631 3.2504 0.8657 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0470 0.0096 0.0004 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6820 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0470 0.0096 0.0004 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1820 1.2205 2.6631 3.2504 0.8657 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2034 2.3939 0.4869 1.1656 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.5910 2.4411 1.4427 3.5217 0.0000 SUM 14.0416 9.2045 15.8761 1.7328 XBAR = 0.6555 IN Section Properi.ties For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA. (2007 AISI, 55. 0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7500 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS= 0.0590 IN IX= 7.9057 IN4 IY = 0.6829 IN4 AREA= 0.8285 IN2 MA =55.35 KIP-IN ALLOW. £ND. BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING (KIPS) SX = l . 6807 IN3 SY= 0.3763 iN3 WT= 2.82 PLF VA = 2.23 KIP RX= 3.0891 IN RY = 0. 9079 IN AEFF = 0.37687IN2 J = 0.0010 IN4 BEARING LENGTH (IN 2 3 4 1 0.6449 1.2680 0.7383 0.8318 1.4025 1.5370 0. 9253 . 1.6714 . .:, • I Page Number 73 Designed By: Z.J~S.1ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-201~ . Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X ,60 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building B Appendix ...... ,,. NA-. PITTSBURGH TESTING LABORATORY .. ., ............. . 1"'50 V.Nt AVENUE NORTM. JACIC:SOHVILLI!. ,c.o;.,oA :tz20ll •• .& .... ,., ... ~ ... ,. CUCNTe. ™· ""'--..,c ·-.u .......... A\,I,,. ..... . ... ........ nc• .. TNtll ce•r••c•"•AI. ,,~ftT,'f • ., CUCNT•. .... .....,.,....,a.a ..... ... Ptl9".tCA'N.N fM' •TATllll&Nf11. c•_,<C\.U ..... a •• Ca'1•6CT• ri ... •• aff4ae4-. ..,.. ·~··· .. ·--~· ... ·· .... , .. -· ... .,.,. .. ,.,.. ..... ..._ NIU COOE (lot) 71:l-qoQ ..... _ .. -... . TH FI:.0-t.OC ENS STRMiO !:YEBOLT MIN. ASSEMBLY Cac. No. -Per ASTH-A47~-Size Breaking Strength She l'Pounds1 • nrc 2so BA: 1/ ,. .. .l/2" 6.6.50 NC 312 8.\ ~, 16" 5/8" 11.200 NC '.!75 ~A 3/8" 5/8" 15.400 NC 4)7 BA 7/16'" J/t." 20.soo f'JC 5QO .BA 1/2'' 7/8'' 26,900 Tests were conducted using the Flo-Loe Str:ind Cdps. f'JC EHS si:r.ind :ind fl.IC eyebolts ;1s set forth in t:he ;1bovc r:..1ble \J-ith all tested 'assemblies providing .it l-e:ist 100% of the strand raced breaking load per ASnt-M75. t>llf~Ua) s,ttMnJ6t1-l 11-1\11' h ~i'CT11Q. OF ~fli:v.T'( Or rz.. ~, '!.2('° {;' I ''"' ,, 100 \01 AOO l~1 ASO Certified PITTSBURGH TES.TINq L.ABORATOR <-~~2~ Charle3 L. Hoare, P. E. ·*NC $uaranr.ees that all, c;,ross brace .issemblie:s .f.i'bric:ated in .ic:cordance \lich the ~bove ,t.ib1'c vUl ·meet .or ,exceed the specified 'I ~inimum a~sembly btc~kin& ~ttength. \ t:. •t T' 'i ZJS ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. 14189 FoOTHILt BLVD, STE. 101 FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 PHONE ( 909 ) 823 4150 FAX: ( 90~ ) 823 4153 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS CUSTOMER : LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> DATE : February 29. 2016 JOB NUMBER : 26421A-16 CONTENTS 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A 1. Basic Loads 2. Check Sheeting ~~CJE1v~D 5. Check Connections MAR 2 5 , · Ctry <'llts 6. Check Bracing/Portal Frame £3Ufl..DOF: C,4f?. If NG D l.s.e,4 7. Reactions at Column Bases lfl/Js10Af 3. Check Purlin 4. Check Rigid Frames APPENDIX l' , ' Page Number 3 ; -- Designed By: Z.J.S.~GINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 ! 14i89 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Ca~tle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A ' " - DESIGN CRITERIA This building was designed using the criteria listed below. Capaqity for loads _greater than these or for load combinations other than shown below specifically neither intended nor implied. 1. BASIC LOADS 1.L Codes 2013 Caiifornia Building Code 1.2. Uead Load p :::: 3.'0 __ lb DL ft~ 1. ~. Live _Loa~ p = 20. LL lb ft~ Refer To Section 1607 of 2013 CBC 1.4. vind Lo~d Per Chapter 26 to 30 ASCE 7 adopted by Section 1609.1.1. Of 2013 CBC LOY-RISE ;BUILDING per Section 26.2 of ASCE 7-10 1. mean roof height h less than or equal to 60 ft; and 2. mean roof height h does not exceed least horizontal dimension. 2 lb qh = ,Q. 00256 Kz Kzt Kct V = 23. 70 ---(28. 3-1) of ASCE 7-10 ft2 Kd = 0.85 --'Directionality Factor per Section 26.6, Table 16.6-1 K2 = ,0.90 Kzt = ·1.,0 V ;::-110 inph h = 17.0 ft. GC =-± 0.18 pi Slope= .25/12 -Per Section 2!3.3.1, Table· 28.3-i for exposure C -Topographic Factor per.Section 26.8.2 -Basic Wind Speed from Sectton 26.5.1 Occupancy Category II, Figure 26.5-lA -Mean Heigth ·Of Roof -~nter. Pressure Coeff. per Section 26.11 and Table 26.11-1 for Enclosed .Buildipgs <·Conservatively Assumed> -Roof Slope Page Number-4 Designed By: z .. J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A Pressure Coefficient on Main Wind-Forced Resisting Systems a= invtan (Slope)= 1.19° L 60. ft - = ---= 2.0 h 26.5 ft ------= 0.27 B 30~ ft L 60. ft B: horizontal dimension perpendicular to L Monoslope Roofs Refer to Figure 27.4-1 of ASCE 7-10 Transversal Direction: GC = 0.68 (windward wall) pf [1] GC = -0.76 (windward roof) pf [2] GC = -0.15 (leeward roof) pf [ 3) GC pf = -0.42 (leeward wall) [4] GC I\. pf " . £21 GC GC pf [1) ~ ~ pi INTERNAL PRESSURE GC E------7 pi GC pf' [4] ~ Longitudinal Direction: GC = 0.68 (windward wall) pf' [1] GC = -0.76 (windward roof) pf [2] GC = -0.76 pf' (leeward roof ) [3] GC pf = -0.42 ( leeward wall) [41 -External Pressure -External Pressure -External Pressure -External Pressure Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure / GC pf [31 t----.--- 1 ~c a h GCP• P 1 GC pf' [4] ~ L~ -External Pressure -External Pressure -External Pressure -External Pressure GC ~ pi Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure Coefficients per Figure 27.4-1 27.4-1 27.4-1 27.4-1 27.4-1 27.4-1 27.4-1 27.4-1 ,, Page Number 5 ' : . ' ' Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 '' 14189 Foothill Blvd .• Ste. 101 ' Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> : Description: ;30 ft X 60 f.t X 16 £t Steel Building Building A TGc pf' TGc ,pf' [2] [3] I. 7:GCpl/ I G~if . GC INTER9AL ~1/-~ ~ pi PRESSURE GC ~.' GCpf' pi / [4] ' // 1.4. Seis~ic Load Seismic Design Group= II -As per Tabl~ 1604.5 of 2013 CBC I = 1. 00 -Importance Factor per Table 1.5-2 of ASCE 7-10 for Category II EQ Site Ground Motion: Location: 33.'126248 N, 117.311577 W S = 130 1 % g s . $ =484 ¾g 1 • Fa= 1.00 Fv = 1.52 SMs = Fa $5 = 1.30 g SM1 = F~ S1 = 0.74 g 2 Sos = -· SMs = 0.87 g 3 ,2 ·sn1 = -sM1 = o.49 g 3 -From USGS Web Site -From ~SGS Web Site -T~ble 1613. 3. 3(1) of 2013 CBC For Site Class D -Table 1613.3.J(2) of 2013 CBC For Site Class D -Eq 16-37 of 2013 CBC -Eq 16-38 of 2013 CBC -Eq 16-39 of 2013 CBC -Eq 16-40 of 2013 CBC SDC ( Seismic D~sign Category) : D -Per Table 1613.3.5(1)' of 2013 CBC D -Per Ta'ble 1613. 3.5(2) of 2013 CBC 1 ~ ,' I,. ',. l .',, :, Page Number 6 Designed By: 2.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A 2. CHECK SHEETlNG 2.1. Check Roof Decking w Uniform Load M MAX. Max. Moment s Required Section Modulus RQ. Triple Equal Spans Condition l r r r w r r r l l w l r r l r w l l A A A A T t T t i i Use: 26 GA Galv. Steel MBCI "R" Panel, <ICC-ES ER-5409P> Or Equal. Material : Steel, ASTM A446 Grade D, Fy = 55 ksi Gauge Weight Panel Top In Compression Panel Bottom In Compression PDL I+ S+ Fb+ L s_ PL lb in4 in3 ksi in4 in3 ft2 - --- ft ft ft ft 26 0.94 0.-0423 0.0388 33.0 0.0390 0.0437 E = 29. 103 ksi. b = 1.0 ft. t = 5.0 ft. Modulus Of Elasticity Of Steel 1 ft Wide Strap Being Checked Span Between Two Supports 2.1.1. For Dead Load+ Live Load Section 1605.3.1 w = DL+LL ) b = 20.94 lb. PDL+ PLL PL ft. Fb_ ksi 33.0 ·,-,-----------·-·-··-·-,.,_.,, ..... .Page Number 7 Designed By: ; Z.J .. s.,ENGI-NE~ING SERVIC~S JNC. : Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fqntana, CA 92335 '. Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 f.t Steel Building Maximum Positive Moment: M = 0.08 w l. 2 = 0.503:kip-in. DL+LL DL+LL M SRQ. = F~~+LL = 0.0152 in7 < S+= 0.0388 in~ OK Maximum Negative Moment M = 0.10 w l. 2 = 0.628 kip-in. DL+LL DL+LL M . S = DL+LL = 0. 0190 in7 < S = '0. 0437 RQ. Fb- 2.1. 2. Dead Load + 0. 6 Vind Load Section 1605.3.1 Effective wind areas of roof - 3 1n. OK . 2 AEFF = b t = 5.00 ft or A EFF t 2 = -t = 8.33 ft 3 101 Vate 2-29-2016 -Building A -Q.33 ft2 Controls!~ GC = p 1.80 -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 . lb qh ( GC + GC ) = 46. 92 --· ..;. max. wind pressure p . pi ft~ w = [ 0. 6 qh ( GC + GC ) -p ] ,b = 27. 21 · DL+WL P pi ~t Maximlim Positive Moment: M = 0.10 w t 2 = o.,816 'kip-in. DL+WL DL+WL lb. ft. M s _ = DL+WL = ,o. 0247 in7 < S = 0. 0388 in7 OK ~-~+ + Maximum Negative Moment. M = ,0.08 w t 2 = 0.65~,kip-in. DL+WL DL+WL M s = DL+WL = 0.0198 in~ < S = 0.0437 in~ DK RQ. Fb- Page Number 8 Designed By: Z.J.S.·ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A 3. CHECK PURLIN 3.1.@ 5.0 ft. Tributary Load Yidth E = 29. 103 ksi. Fy = 50.00 ksi. b = 5.00 ft. f. = 20.00 ft w R s RQ. M MAX. A t Modulus Of Elasticity Of Steel Minimum Yield Stress Spacing Of The Purlin Span Between Two Supports, Critical Uniform Load End Beam Reaction Required Section Modulus Max. Moment t Continuous Pur lin w/ 1' -0" Overlap A NUMBER OF ELEMENTS = 10 ELASTIC MODULUS = 29500. 00 NUMBER OF CONCENTRATED LOADS= 0 PURLIN SPACING = 5.00' 4 SUPPRESSED DISPLACEMENTS AT POSITIONS 1 7 15 21 BAY 1 2 3 LENGTH(FT) LENGTH(IN) 19.67 20.00 19.67 236.00 240.00 236.00 3.1.1. For Dead Load+ Live Load Section 1605.3.1 w = .( p + p } b = 115. 0 ~ DL+LL DL . LL ft LL (FT) 0.00 1.00 1.00 RL (FT) 1.00 1.00 0.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BENDING NODAL DISPL. ELEM. IW4 LENGTH w(K/in) w(K/ft) ' NODE MOMENTS (V} and (theta) • ---------------------------------------------:--------------------------------1 7.19 94.00 0.0096 0.1150 1 0.0 0.00 -0.0142 2 7.19 130.00 0.0096 0.1150 2 41.2 0.90 -0.0019 3 14.38 12.00 0.0096 0.1150 ·• 3 -41.4 0.07 0.0063 • Page Number 9 -- Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14-189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janes J}oros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 'Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle ·steel> Description: 30 £t x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A 4 14.'38 12.00 0.0096 iQ.1150 4 -57.2 0.00 0.0049 5 7.19 108.00 -0.0096 0.1150 5 -44.1 -0.05 0.0035 ,6 7.19 108.00 0.0096 0.1150 6 11.8 0.02 -0.0000 7 14.38 12.00 .0 .. 0096 0.1150 7 -44.1 -0.05 -0.0035 8 14.38 12.00 0.0096 0.1150 8 -57.2 0.00 -0.0049 9 7.19 130.00 0 .. 0096 0.1150 9 -41.4 0.07 -0.0063 10 7.19 94.00 0.0096 0.1150 10 41.2 0.90 0.0019 11 0.0 0.00 0.0142 ---------------------------------------------:----------------------~--------- NODE=3 MOMENT= -41.4 NODE=5 MOMENT= -44.1 NODE=9 MOMENT= -41.4 Use: (1) 8 x 2.5 x 16 Ga "Z" Use: (1) 8 x 2.5 x 16 Ga, "Z" Use: (1) 8 x 2.5 x 16 Ga "Z" 3.1.2. For 0.6 Dead Load+. 0.6 Vind Load Section 1605.3.1 Effective wind areas of roof -2 l 2 AEFF = b l = 100.00 ft or A = -l = 133.33 ft EFF 3 Resisting Moment= 60.9 Resisting Moment= 60.9 Resisting Moment= 60.9 See Appendix For Allowable Values AF.FF= 133.33 ft2 Controls!~ GCP = 1.10 -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 qh ( GC + GC ) = 39 .. 1() ~b. -max. wind pressure p pi ft~ :w = [ 0. 6 qh ( GC + GC ) -0. 6 p ] b = 108. 30 ~ DL+WL -p pi DL . ft, ----________ , ___ ·--·-------------------------:--------,----------------------- ELEM. IN"4 LENGTH BENDING NODAL DISPL. w(K/in) w(K/ft) : NODE MOMENTS (V) and (theta) -------------------'-------------------------~-------------------------------- 1 4.71 94.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 1 0.0 -0.00 0.0204 2 4.71 130.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 2 -38.8 -1.29 0.0028 3 9.42 12.00 -0.,0090 -0.1083 3 39.0 -0.10 -0.0090 4 9.42 12.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 4 53.8 -0.00· -0.0070 5 4.71 108.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 5 41.5 .0.07 -0.0050 6 4.71 108.00 -0.0090 ""'0.1083 6 -11.1 -0.03 -0.0000 7 9.42 12.00 --'0.0090 -'0.1083 7 41.5 0.07 0.0050 8 9.42 12.00 -0.0090 -0.1083 8 53.8 -0.00 0.0070 9 4.71 130.00 -0.0090 -0.1083, 9 39.0 -0.10 0.0090 10 4.71 94.00 -0~0090 -0.10$::f ',, 10 -38.8 -1.29 -0. 0028· I 11 -0.0 -0.00 ~0.0204 --::-------~----------· --------, __________ - -----·: '----: -------------------------- NODE=3 MOMENT= 39.-0 ,NODE=7 MOMENT= 41 . 5 ;NODE=9 MOMENT= 39. 0 Use: {1) g x 2.5 x·16 Ga "Z" Use: l(l) 8 x 2.,5 x 1.6 ·Ga, 11 211 Use:, ,(1) S-x 2.5 x 16 'Ga 11 2" Resisting Moment= 60. 9 Resisting Moment= 60.9 Resisting Moment= 60.9 See Appendix For Allowable Values Page Number 10 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING .SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A 5. CJ-tECK RIGID FRAME SYSTEM Finite Element Model: Joints, Members, Member Types, Connections, Supports Not To Scale SUPPORT '\_ JOINT #2 CONNECTION #1 l MEMBER #1 I ~MBER TYPE #1 #2 TYPE #2 '\_ JOINT #3 CONNECTION #2 .,--i SUPPORT '\_ •3 ~I JOINT .. SUPPORT #2 SUPPORT #4 " Page :Number 11 Dr:;signed By: .Z.J.S.'ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. ' Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A .. LOADING DIAGRAMS See Page 19-22 below for application on the actual model ( . . lb . LOAD CASE : Dead Load p0L ) br = -40_, 0 -= -0. 0400 KIPS/FT < UNIF VER > ROOF ft. br = 20.0 ft p = 2.0 psf DL -Tributary Load Width For The.Interior Frame -Weight Of The Roof ROOF LOAD CASE Collateral Load ( PcL) b = -20.0 lb = -0.0200 KIPS/FT< UNIF VER> I ft. b1 = 20.ffft p = 1.0 psf CL -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame -·Collateral Load LOAD CASE : Live Load { p ) b ;= -240.0 lb_ = -0.2400 KIPS/FT < UNIF VER > LL I ft. s = 30.0 ft I b = 20.0 ft I -Span Of The Interior Frame -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame . 2 Tributary Load Area = s1 b1 = 600.0 ft p = 12.0 psf -Live Load LL LOAD CASE ·Wind :J.,oad qh = 23.70 psf -See Section 1!3. Wind Load of These Calculations Above! Transversal Direction ·c CASE A) GC = 0.68 (windward wall) ,pf" GC = -0. 76 fwindward roof) pi GC = -0. 15 ( 1 eeward roof ) pf" GC = -0.42 (leeward wall) ,pf GC = ,0.18 ( internal ) pi . Page Number 12 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A Wall: (GC + GC ) 0.6 qh ( 20.0 ft ) = -142. lb. = -0.1422 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> pf pi Roof: (GC + GC ) Pf pi 0.6 qh Roof: (GC . + GC ) 0.6 qh Pf pi Wall: (GC + GC ) pf pi 0.6 qh LOAD CASE: Seismic Load Slope = 0.25/12 Width = 30.00 ft Length= 60.00 ft Eave = 16.00 ft Ridge = 16.62 ft ft. ( 20.0 ft ) = 267.3 ~ ft. ( 20.0 ft ) = 93.85 ~ ft. ( 20.0 ft ) = 170.6 ~ ft. -Width Of The Building -Length Of The Building Ridge+ Eave hn = 2 = 16.31 ft -Mean Heigth of Roof = 0.2673 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> = 0.0938 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> = 0.1706 KIPS/FT< UNIF POU> bl = 20.00 ft s = 30.00 ft I -Tributary Load Width For The Interior Frame n = 3 CNN p = 2.00 psf DL ROOF P = 1.00 psf CLL · p = 2.50 psf DL WALL w = 19 plf FRM INT -Span Of The Interior Frame -Number Of Moment Connection in the Line of Resistance -Weight Of The Roof -Collateral Loads -Weight Of The Wall -Weigth Of The Interior Frame <See Below> Steel OMRF Structural System ( Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 ): R = Qo = Cn = 3.5 2.5 3.0 -<As Worst Case For The Entire Structure> -00 = 3.0 -0.5 = 2.5 per Note g of Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 for Flexibl~ Diaphragms -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 Check For Building Period: Ct= 0.028 X = 0.80 T = Ct hn~ = 0.259 a -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Eq 12.8-7 of ASCE 7-10 ;. .. Page Number 13 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING .SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill :elvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, ,c;::A 92335 Date Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> .IJescr ipt ion: 30, ft X 60 ft X 16 £t Steel Building Building A ', T = 8.000 L -ASCE 7 Figures 22-15 through 22-20 Find: V or Q = Cs W E Sos · Cs= --= 0.249 R IEQ Except Cs need not to exceed Cs=~= 0.540 R -Ta IEQ But Not Be Less Than Cs= 0.044 Sos IEQ = 0.038 Cs=. 0.249 GOVERNS! T :!:, T a L PROOF = :[ pDL + pCLL ] bl SI = 1.8Q kips INT ROOF Eave . PWALL = 2 PDL bl ~ = 0. 80 kips INT WALL p = w . [ 2 Eav2e + Width]· = 0.87 kips FRM ERM INT INT 26421--16 2-29-2016 WINT = PROOF + .PWALL + PFRM = 3.47 kips -Total Seismic .weight At Frame INT INT, INT V or QE =-·Cs •WINT = 0. 86 Kips ';';,·'' j Page Number 14 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14'189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x '16 ft Steel Building Building A Find Redundacy Factor: Note: In transverse direction, the redundancy coefficient,p, is 1.0 if making one moment connection pinned does not reduce the strength of the moment frame line by more than 33%. Otherwise the redundancy coefficient,p, is 1.3. p = 1.0 would arise if there were four or more moment connections in the line of resistance, otherwise p = 1.3 p = 1.3 -There Are ( 3) Moment Connections in the Line of Resistance Basic Load Combinations: 1. D + ( L or S) -r ( Eq. 16-10 ) 2. D+ 0.75 (0.6) W + 0.75 ( L or S) -( Eq. 16-13 } r 3. D+ 0.75 ( 0.7 QE) + 0.75 S - ( Eq. 16-14 4. 0.6 D + 0.6 W -( Eq. 16-15 ) 5. 0.6 D + 0. 7 QE -( Eq. 16-16 ) to find horizontal deflections per ASCE Eq. 12.8-15 Note: One-third allowable stress increase is not permitted. ASD Load Combinations for Beam-To-Column Design: 1. ( 1. 0 + 0. 14 S ) (D+C) ± ·0. 7 Q0 Q DS E 2. ( 0. 6 + 0. 14 S ) D ± 0. 7 Q0 Q DS E 3. (1.0 + 0.105 SD5 )(D+C) ± 0.525 Q0 QE + 0.75 S ,. Page Number 15 Designed· By: Z. J .:S. ENGINE.ER ING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 ' _14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 J-ano$ Boi:;os P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 ' I 1 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> ' Description: 30 ft X 60 ft. X 16 ft Steel -BuUding Building A - REACTIONS AT COLUMN BASE D + C + LiveRoof D + 0.75 V + 0.75 LiveRoof Not To Scale Not To Scale ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.97 -0.97 -1.55 -1.89 T T T T 4.60 4.61 -0.20 1.64 D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> 0.6 D + 0.6 W Not To 'Scale Not To Scale ~ ~---? ~ ·0.05 -0.51 -2:92 -1.67 T T l T 0.88 1.13 -4.14 -1.69 Page Number 16 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 60 ft X 16 ft MM MM MMM MMM MMMM MMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MMMM MMM MMM MM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM Steel Building BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB Date 2-29-2016 Building A PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP *************************'*****************************'********************** * * * METAL BUILDING PROGRAM * * * * * * • * * * * Copyright (C) by International Structural Engineers Version 8.2 International Structural Engineers P.O. Box 241740 Los Angeles, CA ·90024 • * * • * * * * * * ***********************•********·*******'************************************* ******************************************************** * * * * * ZJS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. * * * 14189 Foothill blvd, Ste 101,Fontana Ca 92335 * * *(909) 823-4150 FAX (909) 823-4153 E-MAIL ZJSENG@AOL.COM * * ******************************************************** TITLE: Legoland A DATE: 02/29/** 13:11:31 ., Page Number 17 . '' l Designe<J. By: Z.J.S.,E;NGINEERING SERVICES !INC. Job# 26421-16 ' 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 ' Jan9$ Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-i016 Reference: L·EGOLAND <Castle Steel> . Description: 30 ft x 60 ft :x: 16 ft Steel Building Buildi,ng A D:ODD A TTTTT A D D AA T AA D D A A T A A D D A A T A A D D AAAAA T AAMA D D A A T A A DODD A A T A A ---------------------------~----------------------· ----------------------------------CONTROL DATA SETS ---------------------------------·--------------· ------------------------------------ MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DESIGN CYCLES -3 SHOW OPTIMIZATION HISTORY REQUESTED ,NUMBER OF SEGMENTS PER MEMBE.R = 6 :MAXIMUM COMBINED STRESS RATIO = 1. 030 ,MAXIMUM WEB DEPTH-TO-THICKNESS RATIO = 240.00 'MAXIMUM FLANGE INEQUALITY RATIO = 2.000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J O I N T S ------------------------------·------------------------------------------------------ NUMBER OF JOINTS= 4 JOINT X y NUMBER (FT) {FT) 1 1.167 .000 2 1.167 14.851 3 28.833 15.434 4 28.833 .000 SUPPORTS ------------------------------------·------------------------------------------------ NUMBER OF 'SUPPORTS= 4 'SUPPORT AT DIRECTION STIFFNESS NUMBER ,JOINT (KIPS/IN 'OR KIP-FTJ'RAD) 1 1 HOR 10000.000 2 1 VER 10000.·000 3 4 HOR 10000.000 4 4 VER 10000.·000 Page Number 18 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A -------------------------------, ----------------------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPES NUMBER OF MEMBER TYPES= 3 MEMBER KIND ORIENTATION LENGTH END-REL. ANALYS. DESIGN MAT. TYPE OF MEMBER (FT) CODE CONST. CONST. 1 BU/TD/EF/AN IN-PLANE 14.857 00 1 1 1 2 BU/TD/EF/AN IN-PLANE 27.673 00 2 2 1 3 BU/TD/EF/AN IN-PLANE 15.434 00 3 3 1 NUMBER OF SETS OF ANALYSIS CONSTANTS= 3 FOR BUILT-UP MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -DEPTH AT START (IN) 2 -DEPTH AT END (IN) FOR WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 3 -FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 4 -FLANGE THICKNESS (IN) 5 -WEB THICKNESS (IN) 6 -OUTER FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 7 -OUTER FLANGE THICK. (IN) FOR PIPE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 2 ~ MAXIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 3 -NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 4 -NOMINAL WEIGHT ·(LB/FT) FOR GENERAL ·MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -AREA CIN2) 2 -MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 3 -SECTION MODULUS (IN3) 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 3 -CLASS (STD, XSTR, XXSTR) 4 -TRANSV. MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 5 -TRANSV. SECT!bN MODULUS (IN3) 4 -NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) SET -----------------------------------CONSTANTS------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 12.00 12.00 6.000 .2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 2 12.00 12.00 6.000 .2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 3 12.00 12.00 6.000 ,2500 .1350 .0000 .0000 NUMBER OF SETS OF DESIGN CONSTANTS= 3 SET FACTOR COEFF LAT SUP LAT SUP EXCL ZN EXCL ZN KL/R COEFF "K" "Cm" INSIDE OUTSIDE AT STRT AT END MAX "Cb" (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) 1 1.500 .850 16.000 16.000 .000 .490 .00 1. 75 2 1.000 .850 5.000 10.000 .490 .511 .00 1.00 3 1.500 .850 16.000 16.000 .000 .511 .00 1.75 .I' Page Number 19 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, St·e. Janos Boros P . .£. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building NUMBER OF MATERIAL$= 1 MAT. 'NUMBER 1 "E" (KS!) 29000. UNIT WEIGHT (LB/FT3) 490.8 COEFF. EXP. ( 1/DEG_FAR) .Q000065 101 Date Building A "Fy" (KS!) 50.00 2-29-2016 ----------------------· -------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBERS ------·------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF MEMBERS= 3 MEMBER INITIAL FINAL MEMBER NUMBER JOINT JOINT TYPE 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 -3 . . ' . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.CONN EC 1 IONS -~ .. , . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS= 2 CONNECTION ON NUMBER MEMBER 1 1 2 3 AT (.FT) 14.368 14.923 ANGLE (DEGREES) HOR HOR -------"---~------------------------------------------------------------------------ L O A D C A S E S -----------------·------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAI) CASES= 6 LOAD CASE 1 SEJ_.F :WEIGHT ** LOADS CALCULATED BY i'HE .PROGRAM ** ,. : ), Page Number 20 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A LOAD CASE 2: Dead Load NUMBER OF LOADS ·ON MEMBERS= 1 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR (FT) (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) KIPS/FT) 2 UNIF -.0400 .000 .000 .000 VER LOAD CASE 3 : Collateral Load NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 1 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR (FT) (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) KIPS/FT) 2 UNIF -.0200 .000 .ODO .ODO VER LOAD CASE 4: Live Load NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 1 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR {FTl {FT) (FT) {DEGREES) KIPS/FT) 2 UNIF -.2400 .ODO .ODO .000 VER LOAD CASE 5 Wind Load <+GCPi> NUMBER OF LOADS ON MEMBERS= 3 ON LOAD MAGNITUDE FROM TO ECCENTR. ANGLE MEMBER TYPE (KIPS OR (FT) (FT) (FT) (DEGREES) KIPS/FT) 1 UNIF -.1422 .000 .000 .000 POU 2 UNIF .2673 .000 .000 .000 POU 3 UNIF .1706 .000 .000 .000 POU ... , J. .. -_,._ - -·---------------------------'----~--.;.._;_~-'---------"----------------- Page Number 21 : Designed By: Z.J.S.0ENGINEER.ING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. ' Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 '' Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Buildi:pg_ :Building A LOAD CASE 6: Seismic Load: Qe or V NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS= 2 JOINT 2 3 DIRECTION HOR HOR MAGNITUDE (KIPS OR KIP-FT) .432 .432 ----------------------------_-" __________ -------------------------------------------- LOAD COMB-INATIONS ----------------------------------------------· <--.---------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD COMBINATIONS= 8 LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 2 100.00 3 100.00 4 LOAD -COMBINATION 2 : D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT. LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 2 75.00 4 75.00 5 LOAD COMBINATION 3: D + ,0.75 <0.7 Qe> PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 2 52.50 ,6 LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0. 6 D + 0.,6 W PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE· ····PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 60.00 2 100.00 5 Page Number 22 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING· SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Descripti-on: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A .. LOAD COMBiNATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 60 .. 00 2 70.00 6 LOAD COMBINATION 6 Qe PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 6 LOAD COMBINATION 7 Dead Load PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 2 LOAD COMBINATION 8 Collateral Load PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCEN'I'. LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 100.00 1 100.00 3 RRRR EEEEE sss u u L TTTTT sss R R E s s u u L T s s R R E s u u L T s RRRR EEEE sss u u L T sss RR E s u u L T s R R E s s u u L T s s R R EEEEE sss uuu LLLLL 'T sss -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOINT DISPLACEMENTS AND SUPPORT REACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 -.000 .074 2 .032 -.007 -.179 3 .030 -.007 .173 4 .000 -.000 -.100 Page :Number 23 Designed By: 2.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 '' Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) . 973 .(HOR, AT JOINT 1) 4.596 (VER, AT JOINT 1) -.973 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4.605 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 2: D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .. ooo .000 -.435 2 1.042 .000 -.168 3 1.042 -.002 -.107 4 .000 -.000 -.453 REACTIONS /,o/ SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -1.554 CHOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -.197 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -1.889 CHOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.638 {VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 3: D + ·0.75 <0.7 Qe> DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN} (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 -.087 2 .254 --.001 -.071 3 .254 -.002 -.005 4 .·000 -.000 -.115 · ' , • ,, ! ' ~ .. , ~ '. Date 2-29-2016 Building A .t 'I, Page Number 24 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.063 CHOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .750 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.390 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.256 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 -.645 2 1.361 .006 -.068 3 1.363 .003 -.293 4 .000 .000 -.517 REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -2.919 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -4.137 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -1. 673 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 -1.694 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 5 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) '(IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .'000 -.124 2 .335 -.·ODO -.075 3 .335 -.002 -.026 4 .000 -.ooo -.142 J. Page Number 25 .. . . . . Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P . .E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 ' '. Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel ·Building Building A ., ' REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.191 '(HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .446 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.4,14 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.117 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 6 : Qe DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .ooo .000 -.187 2 .475 .000 -.083 3 .474 -.001 -.060 4 .000 .000 -.190 ~EACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.399 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -.028 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.465 (~OR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .927 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 7 Dead Load DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER {IN) .(lN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .,000 .013 2 .i006 -.001 -.,032 3 .. oos -.001 .030 4 .000 -.000 -.018 J, Page Number 26 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 F,oothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 - Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60' ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .171 CHOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .999 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.171 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 1.008 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collateral Load DISPLACEMENTS JOINT X y ROTATION NUMBER (IN) (IN) (DEGREES) 1 .000 .000 .008 2 .004 -.001 -.020 3 .003 -.001 .019 4 .000 .000 -.011 REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .109 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .722 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.109 (HOR, AT JO.!NT 4) 4 .731 (VER, AT JOINT 4) MEMBER FORCES AND STRESSES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M E M B E R N U M B E R 1 ( FROM JOINT 1 TO JOINT 2) LOAD COMBINATION 1: D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -4.596 -.973 .000 --1.010 -.600 .000 .ODO 2.476 -4.558 -.973 -2.409 -1.001 -.600 -1.437 1.437 4.952 -4.519 -.973 -4.817 -.993 -.600 -2.874 2.874 Page Number 27 ' ... , Designed By:· Z. J .S. ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 ' Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, ·CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 . Reference: LEGOL:AND <Gastle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building. Building A , 7.428 ..... 4.481 -.973 -7.226 -.984 -.600 -4.311 4.311 9.905 -4.442 -,973 -9 .. 635 -.976 -.600 -5.749 5. 749 12.381 -4.404 -.973 -12.043 -.967 -.600 -7.186 7.186 14.857 -4.365 -.973 -14.452 ..;..959 -.600 -8.623 8.623 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 .197 1.554 .ODO .043 .959 .ODO .000 .2.476 .235 1.290 3.522 .052 .796 2.101 -2.101 4.952 .274 1.026 6.390 .060 .633 3.813 -3.813 7.428 .312 .762 8.604 .069 .410 5.134 -5.134 9.905 .351 .498 10.164 .077 .307 6.064 -6.064 12.381 .. 389 .234 11. 070 .085 .144 6.605 -6.605 14.857 .427 -.030 11. 322 .. 094 -.019 6.756 -6.756 LOAD COMBINATION 3 : D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -·-------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.750 • 063 .000 ..;..165 .039 .000 .000 2.476 -.712 .063 .157 -.156 .039 .094 -.094 4.952 -.674 .063 .314 -.148 .039 .187 -.187 7.428 -.635 .063 .470 -.140 .039 .281 -.281 9.905 -.597 .063 .627 -.131 .039 .374 -.374 12.381 -.558 .063 .784 -.123 .039 .468 -.468 14.857 -.520 .063 .941 -.114 .039 .561 -.561 LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.6 D + 0.6 W :AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -~-----------STRESSES, KSI ------------- _(FT) FORCE FORCE. MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .,000 4.137 2.9-19 . 000 .'909 1.802 .000 .000 .2.476 4.176 2 .. 567 6.791 .917 1.584 4.052 -4.052 4.952 4.214 2.215 12.711 .. 926 1.367 7.584 -7.584 7.428 4.253 1.862 17.759 .934 1.150 10.596 -10. 596 9.905 4: •. 291 L.510 21.934 .'943 .932 13.087 -13.087 12.381 4.330 1.158 25 .. 238 .951 .715 15.059 -15.059 14.8:57 4.368 .80p 27.670 .959 .498 16.510 -16.510 l ... I(\,_ Page Number 28 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-,16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.9 D + 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KI.P-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.446 .191 .000 -.098 . 118 .000 .000 2.476 -.408 .191 .472 -.090 .118 .282 -.282 4.952 -.369 .191 .945 -.081 .118 .564 -.564 7.428 -.331 .191 1.417 -.073 .118 .846 -.846 9.905 -.293 .191 1.890 -.064 .118 1.128 -1.128 12.381 -.254 .191 2.362 -.056 .118 1.409 -1.409 14.857 -.216 .191 2.835 -.047 .118 1.691 -1.691 LOAD COMBINATION 6 : Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) · FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-Ft) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . . 000 .028 .399 .000 .006 .246 .000 .ODO 2.476 .066 .399 .987 .015 .246 .589 -.589 4.952 .105 .399 1.975 .023 .246 1.178 -1.178 7.428 .143 .399 2.962 .'031 .246 1.767 -.1.767 9.905 .181 .399 3.950 ,040 .246 2.357 -2.357 12.381 .220 .399 4.937 .048 .246 2.946 -2.946 14.857 .258 .399 5.925 .057 .246 3.535 -3.535 LOAD COMBINATION 7 : Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KrPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .ODO -.999 -.171 . 000 -.219 -.106 .000 .000 2.476 -.960 -.171 -.424 -.211 -.106 -.253 .253 4.952 -.922 -.171 -.848 -.202 -.106 -.506 .506 7.428 -.883 -.171 -1.271 -.194 -.106 -.759 .759 9.905 -.845 -.171 -1.695 -.186 -.106 -1.012 1.012 12.381 -.807 -.171 -2.119 -.177 -.106 -1.264 1.264 14.857 -.768 -.171 -2.543 . -.169 -.106 -1.517 1.517 .Page Number 29 . Designed By: Z . .:J .• S.'ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E, Fontapa, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 ' Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steei> ; Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collaterai Load AT AXIAL SHEAR ·BENDING. -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) {KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .. ooo -.722 -.109 .000 -.159 -.068 .000 .000 2.476 -.684 -.109 -.. 271 -.150 -.068 -.162 .162 4.952 -.645 -.109 -.542 -.142 -.068 -.324 .324 7.428 -.607 -.109 -.813 -.133 -.068 -.485 .485 9.905 -.568 -.109 -1.085 -.125 -.068 -.647 .647 12.381 -.530 -.109 -1.356 -.116 -.068 -.809 .809 14.857 -.491 -.109 -1.627 -.108 -.068 -.971 .971 MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( FROM JOINT 2 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDIN~ ------~------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS} (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . . 000 -1.064 4.344 -14.452 -.234 2.682 -8.623 8.623 4.612 -1.033 2.889 2.229 -.227 1. 784 1.330 -1. 330 9.224 -1.003 1.435 1z.200 -.220 .886 7.279 -7.279 13.836 -.973 -.020 15.461 -.214 -.013 9.225 -9.225 18.448 -.942 -1.475 12.013 -~207 -.911 7.168 -7.168 23.060 -.912 -2 .. 930 1.855 -.200 -1.809 1.107 -1.107 27.672 -.882 -4.385 -15.013 -.194 -2.707 -8.958 8.958 LOAD COMBINATION 2: D + 0.75 :W + 0.75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL .(FT) FORCE (KIPS) .000 -'-.021 4.612 .001 9.224 ~024 13.836 .047 18.448 .069 23;060 .092 27.672 .115 SHEAR :FORCE (KIPS) -.428 -.'589 -·. 751 -.912 -1.074 ..,.1.235 -1.396- ,!, ; .. , ,, BENDING MOMENT (KIP-FT) 11. 322 '8.976 5.886 2.051 -2.528 -7.852 -13.919 ---~---------STRESSES, KSI -------------AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. -.'005 -.264 6.756 -6.756 .000 -.364 5.356 -5.356 .005 -.463 3.512 -3.512 .. 010 -.563 1.224 -1.224 .·015 -.663 -1.509 1.509 }f<. '• .i~;-.020 -.762 -4.685 4.685 .:02s -.862 -8.305 8.305 ,1._ J. Page Number 30 Designed By: . Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A LOAD COMBINATION 3: D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.174 .516 .941 -.038 . 319 .561 -.561 4.612 -.169 .260 2.731 -.037 .161 1.630 -1. 630' 9.224 -.164 .004 3.342 -.036 .003 1.994 -1.994 13.836 -.158 -.252 2.771 -.035 -.155 1.654 -1.654 18.448 -.153 -.508 1.020 -.034 -.313 .609 -.609 23.060 -.148 -.764 -1. 911 -.032 -.471 -1.140 1.140 27.672 -.142 -1.020 -6.024 -.031 -.629 -3.594 3.594 LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0.,6 D + 0.6 W AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 .897 -4.350 27.670 .197 -2.685 16.510 -16.510 4.612 .901 -3.300 10.029 .198 -2.037 5.984 -5.984 9.224 .905 -2.249 -2.767 .199 -1.388 -1.651 1.651 13.836 .908 -1.199 -10.717 .200 -.740 -6.394 6.394 18.448 .912 -.148 -13.822 .200 -.091 -8.247 8.247 23.060 .916 .903 -12.082 .201 .557 -7.209 7.209 27.672 .920 1.953 -5.497 .202 1.206 -3.280 3.280 LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS} (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.116 .213 2.835 -.025 .132 1.691 -1.691 4.612 -.112 .031 3.398 -.-025 .019 2.028 -2.028 9.224 -.108 -.151 3.121 -.024 -.093 1.862 -1. 862 13.836 -.105 -.333 2.004 -.023 -.206 1.196 -1.196 18.448 -.101 -.516 .047 -.022 -.318 .028 -.028 23.060 -.097 -.698 -2.751 -.021 -.431 -1. 642 1.642 27.672 -.093 -.880 -6.390 -.020 -.543 -3.812 3.812 ------~----· --"~---·-····· ... Page Number 31 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16, ft Steel Building Building A LOAD COMBINATION 6 : Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT (KIPS) (KIPS) .(KIP-FT) .000 -.028 -.259 5.925 4.612 -.026 -.330 4.565 9.224 -.025 -.402 2.876 13.836 -.023 -.474 .857 18.448 -.022 -.545 -1.492 23.060 -.020 -.617 -4.171 27.672 -.. 019 -.688 -7..180 LOAD COMBINATION 7 : Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) .000 --.187 .764 -2.543 4.612 ---.182 .508 .392 9.224 -.176 .252 2.147 13.,836 -.171 -.004 2.720 18.448 ~.166 -.260 2.114 23.060 ---.160 -.516 .326 27.672 -.155 -.772 -2.642 LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collateral Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING (FT) FORCE 'FORCE MOMENT (KIPS) (KIPS) (.KIP-FT) .000 -.120 .489 -1.627 4.612 -.116 .325 .251 9.224 --.113 .161 1.373 13.836 -.109 -.002 1. 740 18.4;48 -.106 -.166 1.352 23.060 -.103 -.33Q .209 27.,672 -.099 -.494' -1.690 -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------AXIAL SHE;AR BENDING BENDING INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. -.006 -.160 3.535 -3.535 .... 006 -.204 2.724 -2.724 -.005 -.248 1. 716 -1. 716 -.005 -.292 .511 -.511 -.005 -.336 -.890 .890 -.. 004 -.381 -2.489 2.489 -.004 -.425 -4.284 4.284 ------~------STRESSES, KSI ------------- AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. -.041 .472 -1. 517 1.517 -.040 .314 .234 -.234 -.039 .156 1.281 -1. 281 -.038 -.002 1.623 -1.623 -.036 -.160 1.261 -1.261 -.035 -.318 .195 -.195 -.034 -.476 -1.576 1.576 -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------AXIAL -.026 -.026 -.025 -.024 -.023 . J,.,;.-.023 ""\'-.022 '' ',··,), SBEAR .302 .201 .100 -.001 -.103 -.204 -.305 BENDING BENDING INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. -.971 .971 .150 -.150 · .819 -.819 1.038 -1.038 .807 -.807 .125 -.125 -1.008 1.008 Page Number 32 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 ' 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( FROM JOINT 4 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : D + C + LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FJ.,A. .ODO -4.605 -.973 .000 -1.012 -.600 .000 .000 2.572 -4.565 -.973 -2.502 -1.003 -.600 -1.493 1.493 5.145 -4.525 -.973 -5.004 -.994 -.600 -2.986 2.986 7.717 -4.485 -.973 -7.507 -.985 -.600 -4.479 4.479 10.289 -4.445 -.973 -10.009 -.976 -.600 -5.972 5.972 12.862 -4.405 -.973 -12.511 -.968 -.600 -7.465 7.465 15.434 -4.365 -.973 -15.013 -.959 -.600 -8.958 8.958 LOAD COMBINATION 2: D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -1.638 -1.889 . 000 -.360 -1.166 .000 .000 2.572 -1.598 -1.560 -4.436 -.351 -.963 -2.647 2.647 5.145 -1.558 -1.231 -8.026 -.342 -.760 -4.789 4.789 7.717 -1.518 -.902 -10.769 -.333 -.557 -6.426 6.426 10.289 -i.478 -.573 -12.666 -.325 -.354 -7.557 7.557 12.862 -1.438 -.244 -13.716 -.316 -.150 -8.184 8.184 15.434 -1.398 .086 -13.919 -.307 .053 -8.305 8.305 LOAD COMBINATION 3 : D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . . 000 -1.256 -.390 .000 -.276 -.241 .000 .000 2.572 -1.216 -.390 -1.004 -.267 -.241 -.599 .599 5.145 -1.176 -.390 -2.008 -.258 -.241 -1.198 1.198 7.717 -1. 136 -.390 -3.012 -.250 -.241 -1. 797 1.797 10.289 -1.096 -.390 -4.016 -.241 -.241 -2.396 2.396 12.862 -1.056 -.390 -5.020 -.232 -.241 -2.995 2.995 15.434 -1.016 -.390 -6.024 -.223 -.241 -3.594 3.594 Page Number 33 -. Designed By: Z .. J. S .;ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 •, Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft~ 60 ft x 16 ft Stee1 Building Building A ' LOAD COMBINATION 4 : 0 . 6, D + 0.. 6 :W AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT} FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 1.694 -1.673 .000 .372 -1.033 .000 .000 2.572 1.734 -1.234 -3.738 .381 -.762 -2.230 2.230 5.145 1. 774 -.795 -6,348 .390 -.491 -3.787 3.787 7.717 1.814 -.356 -7.828. .398 -.220 -4.671 4.671 10.289 1.854 .083 -8.180 .407 .051 -4.881 4.881 12.862 1.894 .522 -7.403 .416 .322 -4.417 4.417 15.434 1.934 .960 -5.497 .425 .593 -3.280 3.280 LOAD COMBINATION 5 : 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe AT ~IAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE. FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIP$} (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -1.117 --.414 .000 -.245 -.256 .000 .000 2.572 -1.077 -.414 -1.065 -.237 -.256 -.635 .635 5.145 .-l,037 -.414 -2.130 ;...228 -.256 -1. 271 1.271 7.717 -,998 -.414 -3.195 -.i19 -.256 -1. 906 1.906 10.289 -.9S8 .,.._414 -4.260 -.210 -.256 -2.542 2.542 12.862 -.918 -.414 -5.325 -.202 -.256 -3.177 3.177 15.434 -.878 -.414 -.6.390 -.193 -.256 -3.812 3.812 LOAD COMBINATION 6 ' Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ~-~----------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-Ft) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.927 -,.465 . 000 -.. 204 -.287 .000 .000 2.572 -.887 -.465 -1.197 -.195 -.287 -.714 .714 5.145 -.847 -.465 -2.393 -.186 -.287 -1.428 1.428 7.717 -.807 -.465 .... 3.590 -.177 -.287 -2.142 2.142 10.289 -.767 -.465 --4.787 -.169 -.287 -2.856 2.856 12.862 -.728 -.46~ -5.983 ... -.160 -.287 -3.570 3.570 15. 434 . -.,688 -.465 -7.180 . ;-:L_ 151 -.287 -4.284 4.284 ·,:,.·,· ,, ,, Page Number 34 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEtRING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A LOAD COMBINATION 7 : Dead Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) fORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .ODO -1.008 -.171 . ODO -.221 -.106 .ODO .ODO 2.572 -.968 -.171 -.440 -.213 -.106 -.263 .263 5.145 -.928 -.171 -.881 -.zo4 -.106 -.525 .525 7.717 -.888 -.171 -1.321 -.195 -.106 -.788 .788 10.289 -.848 -.171 -1. 761 -.186 -.106 -1.051 1.051 12.862 -.808 -.171 -2.201 -.177 -.106 -1.313 1.313 15.434 -.768 -.171 -2.642 -.169 -.106 -1.576 1.576 LOAD COMBINATION 8 : Collateral Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KSI -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.731 -.109 .000 -.161 -.068 .000 .000 2.572 -.691 -.109 -.282 -.152 -.068 -.168 .168 5.145 -.651 -.109 -.563 -.143 -.. 068 -.336 .336 7.717 -.611 -.109 -.845 -.134 -.068 -.504 .504 10.289 -.571 -.109 -1.127 -.125 -.068 -.672 .672 12.862 -.531 -.109 -1.408 -.117 -.068 -.840 .840 15.434 -.491 -.109 -1.690 -.108 -.068 -1.008 1.008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALLOWABLE STRESSES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPE 1 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER .(KSIJ (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) .000 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 2.476 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 4.952 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 7.428 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 9.905 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 12.381 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11. 459 14.367 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 14.857 X 30.000 8.010 19.882 55.348 11.459 J, Page Number 35 - Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Fopthill Blvd, Ste. 101 ; janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 : '. Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A : ·. MEMBER TYPE 2 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN f=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (-KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) .'000 X 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 .490 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 .24.13 35.895 11.459 4.612 30.0QO 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 9.224 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 13.836 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 18.449 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 23.061 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11. 459 27.162 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.0bO 24.13 35.895 11.459 27.673 X 30.000 15.817 17.925 30.000 24.13 35.895 11.459 MEMBER TYPE 3 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KS!) (KSI) (KSI) (ICSI) (KSI) (KSI) .000 30.000 8.010 19.882 51. 287 11.459 2,572 30.000 8.010 19. 882 51.287 11.459 5.145 30.000 8.010 19.$82 51.287 11. 459 7;717 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11.459 10.289 30.000 . 8.010 19,.882 51.287 11.459 12.862 30.000 8.b10 19.882 51.287 11. 459 14.923 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 15.434 X 30.000 8.010 19.882 51.287 11. 459 ----------------------------------------.---------------------~----------------------C O M B I N E D S T R E S S R A T I O S -----·----·---------,-------------~-------.------------------------------------------ MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( TYPE 1 ) AT ----~---------~--------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .ODO .2.476 4.952 7.428 9.905 12.381 14.367 14.857 X .126 .197 .268 .340 .4Jl '482 .539 .553 . .oq~ .1d6 .192 .258 .305 .332 .338 .340 ' ' '.' ~ .021 .030 . .·024 .2047 ·' .028 .38i .032 .533 .035 .658 .039 .. 757 .'042 .816 .:042 ."830 ,:-:,; .. · \·, .012 .000 .027 .020 .025 .030 .039 .027 .038 .059 .051 .034 .•052 .089 .062 .041 .'065 .119 .074 .048 .078 .148 .086 .055 .088 .172 .095 .061 .091 .178 .097 .062 Page Number 36 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X·60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building .Building A MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( TYPE 2 ) AT -------------------~---------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ {FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 X .302 .280 .026 .684 .072 .147 .053 .034 .490 .267 .274 .030 .638 .073 .143 .047 .030 4.612 .069 .222 .070 .248 .086 .113 .012 .008 9.224 .315 .145 .085 .062 .079 .071 .056 .036 13.836 .396 .051 .071 .220 .051 .022 .070 .045 18.449 .310 .051 .027 .282 .003 .030 .ass .035 23.061 .059 .157 .040 .247 .056 .083 .010 .007 27.162 .274 .264 .113 .131 .120 .136 .048 .031 27.673 X .311 .278 .122 .116 .128 .143 .055 .035 MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( TYPE -3 ) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 .126 .045 .034 .012 .Q31 .025 .028 .020 2.572 .200 .177 .063 .112 .062 .060 .040 .027 5.145 .274 .284 .093 .190 .092 .095 .052 .035 7.717 .348 .365 .122 .235 .123 .130 .064 .042 10.289 .422 .421 .151 ,245 .154 .165 .076 .049 12.862 .496 .451 .180 .222 .185 .200 .088 .057 14.923 .556 .455 .203 .176 .210 .227 .098 .063 15.434 X .570 .456 .209 .165 .216 .234 .100 .064 M A X I M U M C O M B I N E D S T R E S S R A T I O S MEMBER TYPE 1 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .126 1 1 .157 * 4 1 2.476 .204 4 1 .138 4 1 4.952 .381 4 1 .119 4 1 7.428 .533 4 1 .100 4 1 9.905 .658 4 1 .081 4 1 12.381 .757 4 1 .062 4 1 14.367 .816 * 4 1 .052 1 1 14.857 X .830 4 1 .052 1 1 ::~:~ ~ .. Page Number 37 l Desi15ned By: Z.J.S.ENG:i:NEERING SERVICE$ INC. Job.# 26421-16 ' 14189 Foothill Blvd, ·ste. 101 Janb$ Boros P.E. \Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 I Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle .Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 •ft Steel Buildin~ Building A I MEMBER TYPE 2 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 X .684 4 2 .234 4 2 .490 .638 * 4 2 .228 * 4 2 4.612 .248 4 2 .178 4 2 9.224 .315 1 2 .121 4 2 13.836 .396 1 2 .065 4 2 18.449 .310 1 2 .079 1 2 23.061 .247 4 2 .158 1 2 27.162 .274 1 2 .228 1 2 27.673 X .311 1 2 .236 1 2 MEMBER TYPE 3 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING {FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .126 1 3 .102 * 2 3 2.572 .200 1 3 .084 2 3 5.145 .284 2 3 .066 .2 3 7.717 .365 2 3 .052 1 3 10.289 .422 1 3 .052 1 3 12.862 .496 1 3 .052 1 3 14.923 .556 * 1 3 ,,052 1 3 15.434 X .570 1 3 .052 1 3 -------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------F O R C E S A T C O N N E C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C O N N E C T I O N 1 MINIMUM DEPTH= 12~000 IN .MINIMUM WIDTH = 6. 000 IN LOAD AXIAL COMB. FORCE (KIPS) 1 -4.373 D + C + LiveRoof .2 .420 D + 0.75 W + 0.7.5 U.veRoof 3 -.527 D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> 4 4.360 SHEAR BENDING FORCE (KIP-FT) .(KIPS) -.973 :! .' -13. 976 .022 1.1.273 .063 .910 .876 27.190 .;· l;/ '. ,' Page Number 38 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. .Janos Boros P. E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description; 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building 0.6 D + 0.6 W 5 -.223 .191 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe 6 .251 .399 Qe 7 -.776 -.171 Dead Load 8 -.499 -.109 Collateral Load Maximum Design Moment For Seismic 2.741 5,730 -2.459 -1.573 <l.0+0.14 Sds><D+C>+0.7 Omega Qe = 5.504 kip-ft <0.6+0.14 Sds><D>+0.7 Omega Qe = 8.253 kip-ft C O N N E C T I O N 2 MINIMUM DEPTH= 12.000 IN MINIMUM WIDTH= 6.000 IN LOAD AXIAL COMB. FORCE (KIPS) 1 -4.373 D + C + ·11veRoof 2 -1.406 D + 0.75 W + 0.75 LiveRoof 3 -1.024 D + 0.75 <0.7 Qe> 4 1.926 0.6 D + 0.6 W 5 -.886 0.6 D + 0.7 Qe 6 -.696 Qe 7 -.776 Dead Load 8 -.499 Collateral Load SHEAR FORCE (KIPS) -.973 .020 -.390 .873 -.414 -.465 -.171 -.109 Maximum Design Moment For Seismic: BENDING (KIP-FT) -14.516 -13.879 -5.824 -5.876 -6.178 -6.942 -2.554 -1.634 <l.0+0.14 Sds><D+C>+0.7 Omega Qe = -16.847 kip~ft <0.6+0.14 Sds><D>+0.7 Omega Qe = -13.992 kip-ft 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building A J.. :L Page Number 39 > > Designed By: : Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, ,ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA g2335 Date 2-29-2016 ' · Ref e,:-er,.ce: 1LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> : Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 1'6 ft Steel Building Building A ----------------------.---·----------------------"-------.--------------------------- FINAL SECTIONS ----------.------------·-------·----------~----------------------------------- GEOME1RY INFORMATION EUILT-uP MEMBERS: MEMBER FLANGE FLANGE WEB OUTER FLANGE INITIAL TYPE WIDTH THICK. THICK. { IF UNEQ. FLANGES J DEPTH .(IN) (IN) (IN) .(IN) (IN) (IN) 1 6.000 · .2500 .1350 12.000 2. 6.000 .2500 .1350 12.000 3 6.000 .2500 .1350 12.00Q MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION MEMBER LAT SUP LAT SUP COMB. SHEAR UNlT QUAN- TYPE INSIDE OUTSIDE S1RESS S1RESS WEIGHT TITY (FT) (,FT) RATIO RATIO (LB) 1 1(>.000 16.000 .816 .157 230.5 1 2 5.000 10.000 .638 .228 429.4 1 3 16.,000 16.000 .556 .102 239.5 1 THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE FRAME IS 899.4 LB 6. CHECK CONNECTIONS 6.1. Purl'in to Rafter Use : ( 2) 1/2" Diameter Bolt or Equa~ ( A307 Machine Bolt J FINAL DEPTH (IN) 12.000 12.000 12.000 TOTAL WEIGHT (LB} 230.5 429.4 239.5 V ~ 1.~6 kips ALLOW .[ Al~owaple.Shear -See Appendix LENGTH (FT) 14.857 27.673 15.434 R [ Max. Reac0Uon Force At The End Of Purlin ] :b = 5.0 ft t = 20 ft Spacing Of The Purlin 'Span Between Two' Suppprts ' ,!tt,; ·For Dead Load + Li:v:e Load Section 1605.3.1 w = ( p + p ) b = 115. 0 ....!:!:._ 'DL+LL , DL , I:;L ft Page Number 40 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 60 ft X 16 ft Steel Building WDL+LL t = RDL+LL= 2 1.15 kips < 2 V ALLOW For 0.6 Dea~ Load+ 0.6 Win~ Load Section 1605.3.1 Effective wind areas of roof: = 3.92 kips 2 t 2 AEFF = b t = 100.00 ft or AEFF = 3 t = 133.33 ft INC. Job# 26421-16 101 Date 2-29-2016 Building A AEFF = 133.33 ft2 Controls,~ GCP = 1.10 -Refer to Figure 30.4-2 qh ( GC + GC ) = 39.10 ~ -max. wind pressure p pi ft~ w = [ 0. 6 qh ( GC + GC ) -0. 6 p ] b = 108. 30 lb· DL+Wl. P pi DL ft. t w DL-l'WL R = ---,-2-~ = 1.08 kips DL+WL < 2 VALLOW = 3.92 kips actions 6.2. Check Bolted Haunch Connection Refer To Manual Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION Allowable Stress Design Ninth Edition P:art 4 Fy = 50.0 ksi Fu = 70.0 ksi -Minimum Yield Stress For Connection Plate -Ultimate Stress For E70}0!: Welding Electrode T = 13.5 kips 5/8 -Allowable Tension For 5/8" Dia. A325 Bolt Pr = 2.0 in -See Figure M -Applied Moment D -Number Of Sixteenth Of An Inch, Weld Size )_ J, Page Number 41 Desj.gned By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING ·SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date > Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Descri.ption: 30 ft X 60 ft X 16 ft ,St~el Building Building A .. . . tp-"71 ,~ --! Pr 1-..-------')Fr M = 27.19 kip-ft See page 37 T Beam: 12 BUI 6x1/4 FL 0.135 Y d = 12.0 in brb = 6 •. 0 in trb = 0.25 in twb = 0.135 in bP = 6.0 in Bolt Design: M -Depth Of The Beam -Width Of Beam Flange Beam Flange Thickness -Beam Web Thickness -Width Of Connection Plate Fr = _{_d ___ t_rb_)_ = 27.8 kips Fr . TRecj= 4 = 6.9 kips < T518 = 13.5 kips Us({! 5/8 in Dia. A325 Bol·ts db= 0.625 in. -Bolt Diameter Top Flange To -End Plate Weld: 0 0 0 0 1 Pw = 0.3 Fu 0.707 16 D -Allowable Load For Well.ding, kips P = 0.928 D w = 2.4 in :tJse 3/16 Fillet -Welds 0 0 0 0 26421-16 2-29-2016 i d Or Complete Joint Penetration Weld Page Number 42 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 60 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building A End-Plate: a. F Pe m f' Me = ---,-4--= 6.85 kips -Design Moment For The End-Plate 1 1 ~ = Ca Cb [ ~:] 3 [ ::]4 = 1.180 Ca= 1.11 -For Fy > 36 ksi Steel Cb= fb:::--' = 1.000 in I -i;~ Af' = bf'b tf'b = 1. 500 in 2 -Area Of Tension Flange ~ = [ d -2 t 1b ] twb = 1. 552 in2 -Area Of Web 26421-16 2-29-2016 db D Pe = Pr -4 -0.707 -rg = 0.836 in -Effective Bolt Distance = 0.427 in Use 1/2 in Plate 7 • CHECK BRACING 7.1. Check Longitudinal Bracing Width = Length = Bay = Eave = Slope = Ridge = WIND OR/ ~ SEISMIC 30.0 ft -Width Of The Building 60.0 ft -Length Of The Building 20.0 ft -Width Of The Braced Bay 16.0 ft -Eave Height 0.25/12 -Slope on the Roof 16.3 ft -Ridge Height F:J / / --------, PORTAL FRAME / / -"-----' Bay ( Critical ) J, Page Number 43 - [)esigned By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd. Ste. 101 ' Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 .. ' Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 60 ft X .16 ft Steel Building Building A n = 2 SIDES -Numl>er of Braced Lines in the Longitudinal Direction n = 1 BR -·NUJnber of Sets of Bracings .Per Line Check For Vind Load Find Total Exposed Area At The End -Of The Building At Each Side [ Ridge + Eave Eave ] 2 AT=. 2 --2-Width= 244.7 ft Total Wind Load At Each Side:· GC = pf GC + pf GC ] = 0.69 -Longitudinal Direction pf WINDWARD LEEWARD P :::: GC <O. 6> qh AT = 2.40 kips T pf H TOTAL PT = ---= 1.20 kips -Total Force-Per Side Wall At Eave H = = .1.20 kips Check Roof Bracing A B C -Total Force for One Braced Bay ·EAVE X X X RIDGE f--_B_a'-y--'i'I . H ROOF PLAN ( Braced Bay) A = 15.00 -ft; B = 0.00 ft; C ·= 0.00 ft ' Page Number 44 Designed By: Z.J.S .. ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 : 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P .. E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building ;Building A Critical in the first set to the eave. A a= invtan ( -l = 36.87° Bay Tension Force In (1) Set Of 1/4" Dia Cable By FWC: H T = --= 1.50 kips< 3325 lb -Refer To Appendix cos a Check For Seismic Design Base Shear Coefficient: hn = 16.16 ft p = 3.00 psf OL ROOF p0L = 2.50 psf WALL P FRM= 0.89 kips I = 1.00 EQ R = 3.25 00 = 2.0 C0 = 3.25 -Mean Heigth of Roof -Weight Of The Roof -Weight Of The Wall ( conservative for roof only) -Weigth Of The Frame <See Frame Design> -Importance Factor per Table 1.5-2 for Risk Category II -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 -Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 Check For Building Period: Ct= 0.020 X = 0.75 T = Ct hnx = 0.161 a T = 8.000 L Find 5os Cs = --= 0.268 R IEQ -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 1-10 -Table 12.8-2 of ASCE 7-10 -Eq 12.8-7 of ASCE 7-10 -ASCE 7 Figures 22-15 through 22-20 .... J. Designed By: Z. J. S. -ENGINEERING SERVICES 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Borof; P.E. .Fontana, CA 92335 '' Reference: ~EGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 60 ft X 16 ft Except Cs need not to exceed 0.935 But Not Be Less Than Cs= 0.044 Sns IEQ = 0.038 Cs= 0.268 GOVERNS ! Find Total Seismic Weight: T :::: T a ·L A = [ Width ] [ Length ] = 1800 ft2 B PROOF = PDL AB = 5.40 kips ROOF Steel Building- Page Number 45 INC. Job# 26421-16 101 Date 2-29-2016 ~ilding A . [ Ridge + Eave _ Eav 2 e ] pWALL = 2 pDL . 2 Width = 1.22 kips WALL W = P . + P + (n + n ) P = 10.19 kips -Total Seismic Weight For The Bldg ROOF WALL INT EXT ·FRM CONSERVATIVE TO APPLY ALL AT EAVE Check ·Roo:f :Bracii:ig ·: p ;= 1..0 for diaphragms ( inc:l. Hor.izontal Bracing System ) per ASCE 7 Section Design Forces are calcuiated per ASCE Eq. 12.10-1: ,f PX ,n L Fr i=x =--w .n px ·~:w-,/J l i=x For a One-Story building: W . = w1 = W ,px F.i = V ,_, ___ ,. __ , ___ ,. __ , ___________________________________ _..,. ·i Page Number 46 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A i=x F =F =--w =-w =CsW px ROOF n px w px px V LONG L W1 i=x 0.2 S I w ~ F ~ 0.2 S I w DS px px DS px 0.174 w ~ F = (Cs=0.268) w ~ 0.348 w px px px p:x: Fpx = CCs=0.268) wp:x: -Governs Fp:x: = (Cs=0.268) (W=l0.19) = 2.73 kips Total for the Entire Building F 1 p:x: H = ----------= 0.97 kips -Total Force for One Braced Bay 1.4 ' n BR ALLOWABLE STRESS DES I GN A B C EAVE H X a ' X ROOF PLAN '( ,Braced Bay X RIDGE Bay A= 15.00 ft; B = 0.00 ft; C = 0.00 ft Critical in the first set to the eave. A a = invtan ( ) = 36 .. 87° Bay ) Page Number 47 ; '. .· . Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGIN~ERING SERVICES INC. ' Job# 26421-16 I 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 : Janos Boros 'P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 , . Reference: LEG0L:AND <Castle Steel> ' Description: 30 ft X ·60 ft X 16 ft Steel Building Building A Tension Force In {1) Set Of 1/4" Dia Cable By FWC : H T ---= 1.22 kips< 3325 lb -Refer To Appendix cos a: Check Loads at rortal Frame:, p = 1.30 for ·1 Set of Bracing per Line of Bracing Cs w H = p -·------= 1.27 kips -Total. Force for One B_raced Bay 1.4 "\ ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN Page Number 48 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A Check Portal Frame: Finite Elemen~ Model: Joints, Members, Member Types, Connections, Supports Not To Scale MEMBER #2 /MEMBER TYPE #2 "\ JOINT #2 CONNECTION #1 T ~MBER #1 I MEMBER TYPE #1 "\ JOINT #3 CONNECTION #2 T MEMBER #3 I ~MBER TYPE #-3 SUPPORT ......... 1 SUPPORT "\ "'~ I .JOINT .. SUPPORT #2 W = 1.20 kips -See Above Q = 1.27 kips -See Above E Ba~ic Load Combinations: 1. 0.6 D + 0.6 W 2. 0.6 D + 0.7 QE SUPPORT #4 - ( Eq. 16-15 ) -( Eq. 16-16 ) 3. Q to find horizontal deflections per ASGE Eq. 12.8-15 E Note: Ohe-tbird allowable stress increase is not permitted. ... J Page Number 49 - Designed By: 2.J .. S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana. CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building MM MM MMM .MMM MMMM MMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM MMM MMMMMM MMM MMM MMMM MMM MMM MM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM .. BBBBBBBBBBBB :BBBBBBBBBBBBBB .BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB Date 2-29-2016 Building A PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPPPPPPPPPPP pppppppppppp PPP PPP PPP PPP **************************************************************************** * * * METAL BUILDING PROGRAM * * * * · Copyright (C} * * by International Struc::tural Engineers * * * * Version 8.2 * * * • International Structural Engineers * ·• P.O. Box 241740 * * Los Angeles. CA 90024 * * * *********.******************************************************************* ******************************************************* * * ZJS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. * * * * * 14189 Foothill blvd .• .Suite 101, Fontana, CA 92335 * * * * * * * Phone: ~909) 823-4150 Fax: (909) 823-4153 . E-MAIL: ZJSENG@AOL.'COM * * * * *****·*******·***********·*************•****************** TITLE: 2Dx16 DATE: 02/17/** 23:44:38 Page Number 50 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Footpill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros .P.E. Fontana,. CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A DDDD A TTTTT A D D A A T AA D D A A T A A D D A A T A A D D AAAAA T AAAAA D D A A T A A DODD A A T A A CONTROL DATA SETS ------------------------------------------------------------------·------------------ MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DESIGN CYCLES = 3 SHOW OPTIMIZATION HISTORY.REQUESTED NUMBER OF SEGMENTS PER MEMBER = 6 MAXIMUM COMBINED STRESS RATIO = 1.030 MAXIMUM WEB DEPTH-TO-THICKNESS RATIO= 240.00 MAXIMUM FLANGE INEQUALITY RATIO = 2.000 ------------------------------------------------------------~--------------J O I N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF JOINTS= 4 JOINT X y NUMBER (FT) {FT) 1 1.083 .000 2 1.083 14.833 3 19.917 14.833 4 19.917 .000 . ------------------------------------------------------~-------SUPPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF SUPPORTS= 4 SUPPORT AT DIRECTION STIFFNESS NUMBER JOINT (KIPS/IN OR KIP-FT/RAD) 1 1 HOR !0000.000 2 1 VER 10000.000 3 4 HOR 10000.000 4 4 VER 10000.000 ..... ··-·-------- Page Number 51 ' Designed By: 2.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, <CA 92335 -Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 f:t x 60 ft x 16 ft. Steel ,Building Buiiding A ---------------------------------· ---------------------------------------------------MEMBER TYPES -----------------------------------------------------. ------------------------------- NUMBER OF MEMBER TYPES= 3 MEMBER KIND ORIENTATION LENGTH END-REL. ANALYS. DESIGN MAT. TYPE OF MEMBER '(FT) CODE CONST. CONST. 1 WF/OP IN-PLANE 14.833 00 1 1 1 2 WF/OP IN-PLANE 18.833 00 2 2 1 .3 WF/OP IN-PLANE 14.833 00 3 3 1 NUMBER bF SETS OF ANALYSIS CONSTANTS= 3 FOR BUILT-UP MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -DEPTH AT START (IN) 2 -DEPTH AT END ( IN.) 3 -FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 4 -FLANGE THICKNESS (IN) 5 -WEB THICKNESS {IN) 6 -OUTER FLANGE WIDTH (IN) 7 -OUTER FLANGE THICK. (IN) FOR WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 2 ~ MAXIMUM NOMINAL DEPTH (IN) 3 -NOMINAL DEPTH ( IN) 4 -NOMINAL WEIGHT (LB/FT) FOR GENERAL MEMBERS, CONSTANTS ARE: 1 -AREA (IN2) FOR PIPE MEMBERS, CONSTANTS AA£: 2 -MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 3 -SECTION MODULUS .(IN3) 1 -MINIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 2 -MAXIMUM NOMINAL DIAMETER {IN) 3 -CLASS (STD, XSTR, XXSTR) 4 -NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN) 4 -'J;'RANSV. MOMENT OF INERTIA (IN4) 5 -TRANSV. SECTION MODULUS (IN3) SET -----------------------------------CONSTANTS------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 12.00 12.00 .ODDO .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 2 12.00 12.00 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 3 12.00 12.00 .0000 .0000 .0000· .0000 .0000 'NUMBER OF SETS OF 'DESIGN CONSTANTS = 3 SET FACTOR ·COEFF .. iK" "Cm" 1 1.500 .850 2 1.000 .850 3 i.soo .·850 LAT S!JP INSIDE (FT) 10.000 10.0QO ao.ooo LAT SUP' OUTSIDE (FT) 10.000 10.000 10.000 '.,, ·',"' . EXCL ZN EXCL ZN KL/R COEFF AT STRT AT ,END MAX "Cb" (FT) (FT) .000 .-soo .00 1.75 .500 .500 .DO 1.00 .000 .'500 .00 1. 75 Page Number 52 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building NUMBER OF MATERIALS= 1 MAT. NUMBER 1 "E" (KSI) 29000. UNIT WEIGHT (LB/FT3) 490.8 COEFF. EXP. ( 1/DEG_FAR) .0000065 101 Date 2 .... 29-2016 Buildi11g A "Fy" (KSI) 50.00 ,,. -------------------·-----------------------------------------------------------------MEMBERS NUMBER OF MEMBERS= 3 MEMBER INITIAL FINAL MEMBER NUMBER JOINT JOINT TYPE 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 -3 C O N N E C T I O N S -----. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS= 2 CONNECTION ON NUMBER MEMBER 1 1 2 3 AT (FT) 14.333 14.333 ANGLE (DEGREES) HOR HOR --------------------------~-----------------------------------------------------·----LOAD CASES -------,----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD CASES= 3 LOAD CASE 1 : SELF WEIGHT ** LOADS CALCULATED BY THE PROGRAM** Page Number 53 i ' Dt?signed By: Z.J.S.·ENGINEERING ·SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd. Ste. 101 '· janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 ... Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 £t X 60.f~ X 16 ft Steel Builaing l Building A .. LOAD CASE 2 Wiad Load ·NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS = 2 JOINT 2 3 DIRECTION HOR I-JOR LOAD CASE 3 Seizmic MAGNITUDE (KIPS OR KIP-FT) .600 .600 NUMBER OF LOADS AT JOINTS= 2 JOINT 2 3 DIRECTION HOR HOR MAGNITUDE (KIPS OR KIP-FT) .630 .630 --. -------------·--------------------------------------------------------------LO AD COMBINATIONS ---------------------. ·-------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF LOAD COMBINATIONS= 2 LOAD COMBINATION 1 : .o. 6 Dead Load + 0.6 Wind Load :PERCENi: :LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE :60.00 l 60.00 2 LOAD COMBINATION 2: 0.6 1Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe , • • , I t-~:._~t PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE PERCENT LOAb CASE PERCENT LOAD CASE 60.00 1 70.00 3 Page Number 54 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A RRRR EEEEE sss u u L TTTTT sss R R E s s u u L T s s R R .E s u u L T s RRRR EEEE sss u u L T sss RR E s u u L T s R R E s s u u L T s s R R EEEEE sss uuu LLLLL T sss -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J O I N T D I S P L A C E M E N T S A N D S U P P O R T R E A C T I O N S ---------------·-------------------, ------------------------------------------------- LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Loc1-d + 0.6 Wind Load DISPLACEMENTS JOINT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 X (IN) .000 1.283 1.283 .000 REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) y (IN) .000 .001 -.001 .000 -.352 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) -.424 (VER, AT JOINT 1) -.368 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) .710 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD ,COMBINATION 2 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe DISPLACEMENTS JOINT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 X ( IN.) .000 1.571 1.571 .000 y (IN) .·000 .001 -.002 .000 ROTATION (DEGREES) -.536 -.166 -.155 -.542 ROTATION {DEGREES) -.658 -.202 -.191 -.663 . -·-···-·-·----------------- Page Number 55 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd. Ste. 101 Janos "Boros P.E. ,Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION -NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -.433 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -.551 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.449 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .838 (VER, AT JOINT 'l,) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ME ·MB ER FORCES AND STRESSES ----------·--------------------------.----------------------------------------------- MEMBER NUMBER 1 ( FROM JOINT 1 TO JOINT 2 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS! -------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (-KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 .424 . 352 .000 .147 .263 .000 .000 2.472 .438 .352 .871 .152 .263 1.384 -1.384 4.944 .453 .352 1.742 .157 .263 2.768 -2.768 7.417 .468 .352 2.613 .162 .263 4.152 -4.152 9.889 .482 .352 3.484 .167 .263 5.537 -5.537 12.361 .497 .352 4.354 .172 .263 6.921 -6.921 14.833 .511 .352 5.~25 .i77 .263 8.305 -8.305 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING ------~---~--STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) ·(KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .:ooo .-551 .433 .000 . 191 .323 .000 .000 2.472 .566 .433 L071 .196 .323 1.702 -1.702 4.944 .581 .433 2.142 .201 .323 3.405 -3.405 7.417 .595 .433 3.-213 .206 .323 5.107 -5.107 9.889 .610 .'433 4.284 .211 .323 6.810 -6. 810 12.361 .624 .433 5.356 .216 .323 8.512 -8.512 14.833 .639 .433 6.427 .221 .32:;3 10.214 -10.214 ·' Page Number 56 Designed By: Z,J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( FROM JOINT 2 TO JOINT 3 ) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) C-KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.008 -.511 5.225 -.003 -.381 8.305 -8.305 3.139 -.008 -.530 3.591 -.003 -.395 5.707 -5.707 6.278 -.008 -.549 1.898 -.003 -.409 3.017 -3.017 9.417 -.008 -.567 .147 -.003 -.423 .234 -.234 12.556 -.008 -.586 -1.662 -.003 -.437 -2.641 2.641 15.695 -.008 -.604 -3.529 -.003 -.450 -5.609 5.609 18.834 -.008 -.623 -5.454 -.003 -.464 -8.669 8.669 LOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.008 -.639 6.427 -.003 -.476 10.214 -'-10.214 3.139 -.008 -.658 4.392 -.003 -.490 6.980 -6.980 6.278 -.008 -.676 2.299 -.003 -.504 3.653 -3.653 9.417 -.008 -.695 .147 -.003 -.518 .234 -.234 12.556 -.008 -. 713 -2.062 -.003 -.532 -3.277 3.277 15.695 -.008 -.732 -4.330 -.003 -.546 -6.882 6.882 18.834 -.008 -.750 -6.656 -.003 -.559 -10.578 10.578 M E M B E R N U M B E R 3 ( FROM JOINT 4 TO JOINT 3) LOAD COMBINATION 1 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -------------STRESSES, KS!-------------(FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING .BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) INN.FLA. OUT.FLA . .000 -.710 -.368 . 000 -.246 -.274 .000 .000 2.472 -.696 -.368 -.909 -.241 -.274 -1.445 1.445 4.944 -.681 -.368 -1.818 -.236 -.274 -2.890 2.890 7.417 -.666 -.368 -2.727 -.. 231 -.274 -4.334 4.334 9.889 -.652 -.368 -3.636 -.226 -.274 -5.779 5.779 12.361 -.637 -.368 -4.545 -.221 -.274 -7.224 7.224 14.833 -.623 -.368 -5.454 -.216 -.274 -8.669 8.669 .. ····-···---···--·----------------- .Page Number 57 .. DesigI1ed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 : Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x. 16 ft Steel :Building -Building A ., tOAD COMBINATION 2 : 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe AT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING -----~-------STRESSES, KSI ------------- (FT) FORCE FORCE MOMENT AXIAL SHEAR BENDING BENDING (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIP-FT) . INN.FLA. OUT.FLA. .000 -.838 -.449 .000 -.290 -.335 .000 .000 2.472 -.823 -.449 -1.109 ' -.?85 -.335 -1.763 1.763 4.944 -.809 -.449 -2.219 -.280 -.335 -3.526 3.526 7.417 -.794 -.449 -3.328 -.275 -.335 -5.289 5.289 9.889 -.779 -.449 -4.437 -.270 -.335 -7.052 7.052 12.361 -.765 -.449 -5.546 -.2.65 -.335 -8.815 8.815 14.833 -.750 ,-,449 -6.656 -.260 -.335 -10.578 10.578 -------------------------------.----------------------------------------------------- ALLOWABLE STRESSES --------·---------------·---------------.-------------------------------------------- MEMBER TYPE 1 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI) MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KS!) .000 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 2.472 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 4.944 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 7.417 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 9.889 30.000 7.517 20.219 21. 613 20.000 12.361 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 14.333 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 14.833 X 30.,000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 MEMBER TYPE 2 AT TENSION COMPEE;SSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT.) (KSI) MIN (=) .MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSl) (KS!) .000 X 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 .500 30.000 7.517 ,,_i,,:-. 12.104 30.165 20.000 3.139 30.000 1::511 if·-, 12.104 30.165 20.000 6.278 ,30.000 7.5l7 12.104 30.165 20.000 9.417 30,000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 12.555 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 1.5.694 30.000 1:511 12.104 30.165 20.000 18.333 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 18.833 X 30.000 7.517 12.104 30.165 20.000 ' ) ' ~ ·,i ', Page Number 58 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A MEMBER TYPE 3 AT TENSION COMPRESSION BENDING EULER SHEAR (FT) (KSI). MIN (=) MAX INNER (=) OUTER (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) (KSI) .000 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 2.472 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 4.944 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 7.417 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 9,889 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 12.361 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 14.333 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 14.833 X 30.000 7.517 20.219 21.613 20.000 C O M B I N E D S T R E S S R A T I O S MEMBER NUMBER 1 (TYPE 1) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 2.472 4.944 7.417 9.889 12.361 14.333 14.833 X .005 .068 .137 .205 .274 .342 .397 .411 .006 .084 .168 .253 .337 .421 .488 .sos MEMBER NUMBER 2 ( TYPE 2) AT -----------------------------LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 X .500 3.139 6.278 9.417 12.555 15.694 18.333 18.833 X .687 .652 .472 .250 .020 .219 .464 .·676 . 717 .844 .802 .577 .302 .020 .271 .569 .826 .874 P.age ·Number 59 Dt;:signed By: Z.J.S . .ENGINEERING'SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos 'f]oros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x·16 ft Steel :Building Building A MEMBER NUMBER 3 ( TYPE ~3) AT -------------------------~~--LOAD COMBINATION------------------------ (FT} 1 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 9 .000 2.472 4.944 7.417 9.889 12.361 14.333 14.833 X .033 .104 .174 .245 .316 .387 .443 .457 .039 .125 .212 .298 .385 .471 .540 .558 ---------------------------------------------------~· ---------------------------- M A X I M U M C O M B I N E D S T R E S S R A T I O S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M~MBER TYPE 1 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (Ff) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMJ3ER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .006 2 1 .016 2 1 2.472 .084 2 1 .016 2 1 4.944 .168 2 1 .016 2 1 7.417 .253 2 1 .016 2 1 9.889 .337 2 1 .016 2 1 12.361 .421 2 1 .016 2 1 14.333 .488 * 2 1 .016 * 2 1 14.833 X .505 2 1 .016 2 1 MEMBER TYPE, 2 , AT AXIAL, GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING ·GOVERNING .(FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .ODO X .844 2 2 .024 2 2 .500 .802 2 ? .024 2 2 3.139 .577 2 2 .·025 2 2 6.278 .302 2 2 .025 2 2 9.417 .•020 2 2 .026 2 2 12.555 .271 2 2 .027 2 2 15.694 .'569 .2 ·2 .027 2 2 18.333 .·826 * 2 2 .028 * 2 2 18.·833 X ,."874 2 2 .028 2 2 Page Numher 60 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERV~CES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A MEMBER TYPE 3 AT AXIAL GOVERNING GOVERNING SHEAR GOVERNING GOVERNING (FT) STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER STRESS LOAD COMB MEMBER .000 .039 2 3 .017 2 3 2.472 .125 2 3 .017 2 3 4.944 .212 2 3 .017 i 3 7.417 .298 2 3 .017 2 3 9.889 .385 2 3 .017 2 3 12.361 .471 2 3 .017 2 3 14.333 .540 * 2 3 .017 * 2 3 14.833 X .558 2 3 .017 2 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F O R C E S A T C O N N E C T I O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C O N N E C T I O N 1 MINIMUM DEPTH = 7.890 IN MINIMUM WIDTH = 3.940 IN LOAD AXIAL COMB. FORCE (KIPS) 1 .509 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load 2 .636 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe C O N N E C T I O N 2 MINIMUM DEPTH = 7.890 IN MINIMUM WIDTH = 3.,940 IN LOAD AXIAL COMB. FORCE (KIPS) 1 -.626 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.6 Wind Load 2 -.753 0.6 Dead Load·+ 0.7 Qe SHEAR FORCE '(KIPS) .352 .433 SHEAR FORCE (KIPS) -.368 -.449 BENDING (KIP-FT) 5.049 6.210 BENDING (KIP-FT) -5.270 -6.431 ·-' ...... ~}I Page Number 61 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERlNG SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 FoothUl Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 - Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A -------------------------------------------. ------- F I N A L S E C T I O N S ---------------------------------------------·------ GEOMETRY INFORMATION WIDE FLANGE MEMBERS; MEMBER DESIGNATION LENGTH TYPE (FT) 1 w 8 X 10 14.833 2 w 8 X 10 18.833 3 w 8 X 10 14.833 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION MEMBER LAT SUP LAT SUP COMB •. SHEAR UNIT QUAN-TOTAL TYPE INSIDE OUTSIDE STRESS STRESS WEIGHT TITY WEIGHT (FT) (FT) RATIO RATIO (LB) (LB) 1 10.000 10.000 .488 .016 146.0 1 146.0 2 10 .. 000 10.000 .826 .028 185.3 1 185.3 3 i0.000 10.000 .540 .017 146.0 1 146.0 THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE FRAME IS 477.2 LB ] • REACTIONS AT THE COLUMN 'BAS.E ·-----·--------------------------------·------------------------------T R A N S V E R S A L F R A M E : S U P P O R T R E A C T I O N S ------------·--------------------------------------------------------- LOAD COMBINATION 7: Dead Load REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 ·4 REACTION . (KIPS OR; KIP-FT) . 171 :(HOR, AT JOINT 1) .999 .(VER, AT JOINT 1) -.171 {HOR, .AT JOINT ,4) 1.008 ,(VER, AT JOINT 4) Designed By: Page Number: 62 Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A LOAD COMBINATION 8 Collateral Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .109 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 .722 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.109 (:HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 .731 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 9 Live Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 .788 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 3.766 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -.788 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 3.775 (VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 10: Wind Load REACTIONS SUPPORT REACTION NUMBER (KIPS OR KIP-FT) 1 -2.993 {HOR, AT JOINT 1) 2 -4.470 (VER, AT JOINT 1) 3 -1.599 (HOR, AT JOINT 4) 4 -2.026 (VER, AT JOINT 4) ,, Page Number 63 Designed By: Z.J:.S.ENGINEERING .SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill B1vd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.:E. Fontana_, CA 92335 Dat.e 2-29-2016 , : Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 :ft Steel Building Building A LOAD COMBINATION 6 Qe ,REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) -.399 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) -.028 (VER, AT JOINT 1) -.465 (HOR, AT J01NT 4) .927 (VER, AT JOINT 4) ----------------------------------' ----------------------- P OR T A L FR A M :I;:: S UP P ·O R T R E A C T I O N S --------------------------------------------------------- LOAD COMSINATION 1 : 0.6 Dea9 Load+ 0.6 Wind Load REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) -.352 (HOR, AT JOINT 1) -.424 (VER, AT JOINT 1) -. 368 (HOR, AT jOINT 4) . 710 {VER, AT JOINT 4) LOAD COMBINATION 2 0.6 Dead Load+ 0.7 Qe REACTIONS SUPPORT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 ·REACTION (KIPS OR KIP-FT) -.433 -.551 -.449 .838 CHOR, AT JO:i:NT:/1) (VER, AT JOINT 1) (HOR, AT JOINT 4) (VER, AT JOINT 4) Page Number 64 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A. Appendix Allowable Shear (kips) For Bolts Per Table V-4.5 of the Cold-Formed Specifications By AISI STEEL THICKNESS 1/411 Dia. 3/811 Dia. 1/211 Dia. 5/8" Dia. 3/411 Dia. in. A307 A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 A307 A325 (GAUGE) 0.49 1.03 1.10 2.32 1.96 4.12 · 3.07 6.44 4.42 9.28 .1046 (12) 1.97 1. 97 2.95 2.95 3.94 3.94 4.92 4.92 5.91 5.91 .0747 (14) 1.41 1.41 2.11 2.11 2.81 2.81 3.52 3.52 4.22 4.22 .0598 (16) 1.12 1.12 1.69 1.69 2.25 2.25 2.81 2.81 3.38 3.38 .0478 (18) 0.90 0.90 1.35 1.35 1.80 1.80 2.25 2.25 . 2. 70 2.70 .0359 (20) 0.68 0.68 1.01 1.01 · 1.35 1.35 1.69 1.69 2.02 2.02 Steel Members shall conform to Section 2230,A3, of the code. 20 ga, 18 ga -ASTM A 653 Grade 33 S.Q. with a minimum of 33,000 psi yield strength . • 16 ga, 14 ga, 12 ga -ASTM A 653 Grade 50 S.Q. with a minimum of 50,000 psi yield strength. ·> .-·--------~--~------···· ... . . . . Page Number 65 Designed By: Z.J.S.1ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 ! Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A APPENDIX Section Properities Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STRESS) = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 1.0000 IN LIP ANGLE = 90. 00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS = 0. 1000 IN THICKNESS = 0. 0600 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.6697 0.4948 0.3314 0.1640 0.0250 TQP LIP·CORNER 0.2042 Q.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 1.7506 0.0300 0.0525 0.0016 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 0.0158 0.0012 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 1.3171 0.8186 1.0782 0.8826 0.1904 .EFFECTIVE WEB 6.2289 4.7255 29.4350 139·.0963 20.1399 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1.6179 12.8181 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1800 7.9700 17.3746 138.4756 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 1. 6176 12.8155 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.8400 7.4200 6.2328 46.2479 0.0494 SUM 13.8031 57.7714 350.5039 20.4060 YBAR = 4.1854 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y TOP LIP 0. 81.19 0.5659. TOP LIP CORNER 0.2042 0.0772 TOP FLANGE 2.1193 0.0300 TOP WEB CORNER ,0.2042 0.0772 FULL ·WE:B OR WEB Bl 7.6800 4.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 BOTTGM FLANGE 2.1800. , 7.9700 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2042 7.9228 BOTTOM LIP 0.8400 7.4200 SUM 14.4479 YBAR = 4.0225 IN LY 0.4595 '0.0158 0~0636 0.0158 30.7200 1.·6179 1?',~746 1. 6176 6.2328 ·58.11'75 ·. ,., . ' ,;,• LY2 IO 0.2601 0.0446 0 .. 0012 0.0003 0.0019 0.0000 0.0012 0.0003 122.8800 37.7487 12.8181 0.0003 138.4756 0.0000 12.8155 0.0003 46.2479 0.0494 333.5014 37.8440 ___________________________________________ , .. 'ft -·•· Page Number 66 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A APPENDIX Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP .0.8400 2.4401 2.0497 5.0015 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2042 2.3928 0.4885 1.1689 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1800 1.2200 2.6596 3.2447 0.8634 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2042 0.0472 0.0096 0.0005 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2042 -0.0472 -0.0096 0.0005 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1800 -1.2200 -2.6596 3.2447 0.8634 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2042 -2.3928 -0.4885 1.1689 0.-0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.8400 -2.04401 -2.0497 5.0015 0.0000 SUM 14.5367 0.0000 18.8312 1.7280 .XBAR = 0. 0000 IN Section Properities For Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH = 8. 00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 2. 5000 IN LIP LENGTH = 1. 0000 IN LIP ANGLE = 90. 00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS === 0. 1000 IN THICKNESS = (>. 0600 IN IX= 8.2539 IN4 IY = 1.2336 IN4 SX = 1 . 8509 IN3 SY= 0.4994 IN3 RX= RY= 3.0762 IN 1.1892 IN AREA= 0.8722 IN2 WT= 2.97 PLF AEFF = 0.8282 IN2 HIT= 128.0 MA =60.96 KIP-IN VA= 2.35 KIP J = 0.0010 IN4 IXY = 2. 3427 IN4 THETA= -16.86 IN4 ALLOW. END BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING{KIPS) IX2 = 0.5236 IY2 = 8.9639 1 Q.6720 1.3162 IN4 IN4 RMIN = 0. 7748 IN BEARING LENGTH ( IN 2 3 0.7680 0.8640 1.4537 1.5912 4 0.9601 1. 7287 · ·-----"---''------"----------------'-'---------'----c--------------- .. Page Number 67 Designed By: Z. J. $ .. ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job·# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 i Janos Bora$ P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 I '. I Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A Appendix Section Properities Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 2.5000 I:N LIP LENGTH= 0.7000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS = 0.0750 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO :rap LIP 0.1455 0.2477 0.0360 0.0089 0.0003 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 1.8099 0.0375 0.0679 0.0025 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0,,0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1.7090 13.5226 0.0004 :BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 17.1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 ·BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 7.5625 3.9703 30.0258 0.0121 SUM 13.1442 55.2490 315,7961 37.3220 YBAR = 4.2033 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEF:i;.,ECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.5250 0.4375 0.2297 0.1005 0.0121 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 0.0375 0,,0806 0.0030 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874: 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR ·WEB Bl 7.'6500 4.0000 30.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1.7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 17.1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 . 7.9126 ,l,; 7'987 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 7.5625 3.'9703 30.02580 0.0121 SUM 13.8639 55.4554 315.8881 37.3338 YBAR = ,4. 0000 IN Page Number 68 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 £t Steel Building Building A Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.5250 2.4251 1.2732 3.0875 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 2.3750 0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 1.2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0499 0.0108 0.0005 -0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 -0.0499 -0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 -1.2125 -2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 -2.3750 -0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.5250 -2.4251 -1.2732 3 .. 0875 0.0000 SUM 13.8639 0.0000 14.9340 1.6579 XBAR = 0.0000 IN Section Properities For Z 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7000 IN LIP ANGLE = 90. 00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS = 0.1000 IN THICKNESS = 0. 0750 IN IX= 9.8550 IN4 IY = 1.2444 IN4 SX = 2. 1571 IN3 SY= 0. 5053 IN3 RX= RY= 3. 0786 IN 1.0940 IN AREA = 1. 0398 IN2 WT = 3. 54 PLF AEFF = 0. 9858 IN2 HIT =102. 0000 MA = 71.04 KIP-IN VA= 4.60 KIP J = 0.0019 IN4 IXY = 2.5370 IN4 THETA= -15.26 IN4 ALLOW. END BEARING(KIPS) AL;LOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) IX2 = 0.5525 IN4 IY2 = 10.5469 IN4 1 1.1443 2.1446 RMIN = 0. 7289 IN BEARING LENGTH (IN .2 3 1.2789 1.4135 2.3277 2.5108 4 1. 5481 2.6939 ;f -··· •. ··-') .... --· • Page Number 69 •. Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 · : 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A Appendix Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA (2007 AISI, 55. 0 KS! STEEL; IX FOR DEFL. , ·sx FOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH = 1. 5000 IN LIP LENGTH = 0. 9000 IN LIP ANGLE = 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS = 0.1000 IN . THICKNESS = 0. 0750 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.5291 0.4395 0.2326 0.1022 0.0123 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 1.9730 0.0375 0.0740 0.0028 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0874 0.0189 0,0017 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 j0.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 7.9126 1.7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 17.1194 136.3130 0.0000 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 7.9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 ·BOTTOM LIP -0. 7250 7.4625 5.4103 40.3749 0.0318 SUM 13.8910 56.8917 326.2387 37.3537 YBAR = 4.0956 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LlP 0.7250 0.5375 0.3897 0.2094 0.0318 TOP LIP CORNER 0.21'59 0.0874 0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 ·0.0375 0.0806 0.0030 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER d.2160 0.0874 -0.0189 0.0017 0.0004 FULJ,. WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 4.0000 30-.6000 122.4000 37.3081 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 1.9126 1.7090 13.5226 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 7.9625 17.1194 136.3130 .o.booo BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 . 7. 9126 1.7087 13.5199 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP -0. 7250 7.4625 t,'. 4[03 40.3749 0.0318 SUM 14.2639 57 .·0554 326.3462 37.3732 YBAR = 4.0QOO IN Page Number 70 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.7250 2.4251 1.7582 4.2638 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2159 2 .. 3750 0.5129 1. 218-1 0.0004 TOP FLANGE 2.1500 1.2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0499 0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000, BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2160 0.0499 0.0108 0.0005 0.0004 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1500 1 .. 2125 2.6069 3.1608 0.8282 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2159 2.3750 0.5129 1.2181 0.0004 BOTTOM LIP 0.7250 2.4251 1.7582 4.2638 0.0000 SUM 14.2639 9.7775 17.2866 1.6579 XBAR = 0.6855 IN Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 14 GA. (2007 AISI, 55.0 KS! STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.9000 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS= 0.0750 IN IX= 10.1623 IN4 SX = 2.3914 IN3 RX = 3. 0821 IN IY = 0.9182 IN4 SY= 0.5167 IN3 RY= 0. 9264 IN AREA= 1.0698 IN2 WT= 3.64 PLF AEFF = 1. 0418 IN2 MA = 78.76 KIP-IN VA = 4.60 .KIP J = O. 0020 IN4 BEARING LENGTH (IN ALLOW. END BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARING(KIPS) 1 1.1443 2.1446 2.1446 2 3 1.2789 1.4135 2.3277 2.5108 2.3277 2.5108 4 1.5481 2.6939 2.6939 Page Number 71 Designed By: Z. J .. S. ·ENG !NEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 . 14189 Foothi11 Blvd, ·ste. 101 Janos Boros .P.£. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 : Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building ,Building A '' Appendix Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA (2007 AISI, 5~.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEfL., SX FOR STRESS) DEPTH = 8.00 IN FLANGE WiDTH = 1.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7500 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS = 0.1000 IN THICKNESS = 0.0750 IN X-X AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -LOAD DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.3281 Q.3230 0.1060 0.0342 0.0029 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2034 0.07-65 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 1.7379 0.0295 0.0513 0.0015 0.0000 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 ·0.0765 0.0156 0. 001-2 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 1.2917 0.8048 1.0396 0.8367 0.1796 'EFFECTIVE WEB 6.0844 4.7988 29.1979 140.1143 18.7707 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2034 7.9235 1. 6118 12.7710 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1820 7.9705 17.3916 138.6200 0.0000 .BOTTOM LIP CORNER ·0.2034 7.9235 1. 6115 12.7684 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.5910 7,5455 4.4594 33.6487 0.0172 SUM 13.0288 55 .. 5002 338.7972 18.9717 YBAR = 4.2598 IN x~x AXIS EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES -DEFLECTION DETERMINATION L y LY LY2 IO TOP LIP 0.5910 '0.4545 0.2686 0.1221 0.0172 TOP LIP COBNER 0.2034 0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1820 ·b.0295 0.0644 0.0019. 0.0000 '.fOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 '0.0765 0.0156 0.0012 0.0003 ·FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6820 4.·0000 30.7280 122.9120 37.7782 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2034 7.9233 1 .. 61.18 12.7710 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE. 2.1820 7.9705 17.3916 138.·6200 0.0000 'BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2034 7.9235 1:B1'15 12.7684 0.0003 BOTTOM LlP 0.5910 7.5455 4.4594 33.,6487 0.0172 SUM 14.0416 56.1664 320.8464 37.8139 YBAR = 4.0000 IN Page Number 72 Designed By: Z.J.S.ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEG0LAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft x 60 ft x 16 ft Steel Building Building A Appendix Y-Y AXIS PROPERTIES (GROSS SECTION) L X LX LX2 IO TOP LIP 0.5910 2. 4411 1.4427 3.5217 0.0000 TOP LIP CORNER 0.2034 2.3939 0.4869 1.1656 0.0003 TOP FLANGE 2.1820 1.2205 2.6631 3.2504 0.8657 TOP WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0470 0.0096 0.0004 0.0003 FULL WEB OR WEB Bl 7.6820 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 BOTTOM WEB CORNER 0.2034 0.0470 .0.0096 0.0004 0.0003 BOTTOM FLANGE 2.1820 1.2205 2.6631 3.2504 0.8657 BOTTOM LIP CORNER 0.2034 2.3939 0.4869 1.1656 0.0003 BOTTOM LIP 0.5910 2.44l1 1.4427 3 .. 5217 0.0000 SUM 14.0416 9.2045 15.8761 1.7328 XBAR = 0.6555 IN Section Properities For C 8.00 x 2.500 x 16 GA. (2007 AISI, 55.0 KSI STEEL; IX FOR DEFL., SX FOR STREES) DEPTH= 8.00 IN FLANGE WIDTH= 2.5000 IN LIP LENGTH= 0.7500 IN LIP ANGLE= 90.00 DEG INSIDE RADIUS= 0.1000 IN THICKNESS= 0.0590 IN IX= 7.9057 IN4 IY = 0.6829 IN4 AREA= 0.8285 IN2 · MA =55. 35 KIP-IN ALLOW. END BEARING(KIPS) ALLOW. INT. BEARlNG(kIPS) SX = 1. 6807 IN3 SY= 0.3763 IN3 WT= 2.82 PLF VA = 2.23 KIP RX= 3.0891 IN RY= 0.9079 IN AEFF = 0.37687IN2 J = 0.0010 IN4 BEARING LENGTH (IN 1 0.6449 1.2680 2 3 0.7383 0.8318 1.4025 1.5370 4 0.9253 · 1.6714 -.. Page Number 73 Designed By: Z. J. S. ENGINEERING SERYICES INC. Job# 26421-16 14189 Foothill Blvd, Ste. 101 Janos Boros P.E. Fontana, CA 92335 Date 2-29-2016 Reference: LEGOLAND <Castle Steel> Description: 30 ft X 60 f't X 16 ft Steel Building Building A Appendix ....... ", ... Prrrsa·URGH TESTI-NG LABORATORY .. ., ... ~ ...... -.... 1~ V.NE AVEHUf. NORTH.JACUOHVILU!. fLOIUOA l220IS ... A ,u,•UAI. ,.. .. C1' ... .,. c\J• .. ., •• TM. Nlltl,IC ............. ,, ••• AI.L, ....... . ••111 •u•••n•• M ~ c••r••«•t••a. ,.~C'IIIIYY er CUPTa •.... •u,.,...,u,.,.. • .,._ ...,.._tCATt•tt .-•••,.•••""•• c•"'c\.vt•..._• •• ••Y•...c1'• ,..,. •• •••.-.. .. .,,. •9!"•••• •• ·--~···· ..... , ... ~-••• " ... ....,...,.._., AlltA COOi£ (IOA) 7&).~ FLO-Loe™ EHS STRAtiD £'tEBOt.T MIN. ASSEMBLY Cac. No. -Per ASffl-A47~--Si:e Breaking Strength S1:ze (l'ounds) • ,. FWC 250 BK l/41• 1/2° 6.650 NC Jl2 BA' 5/16'· 5/8" 11.200 NC 375 BA 3/8" ' 5/8" 15,400 F\JC 4J7 BA 7/H,'" J/4'' 20,800 FVC 500 ·nA 1/2" 7/8" 26.900 . , Tests were conducted using the Flo-Loe Scrond Crips. FVC EHS strand ond NC eyebo'lt.s ;is set forth in the above t.:ible "!.th all -t.ested assemblies providing at leas~ lOOZ of the strand rated breaking load ,per AS'IM-A475. 01:i!"SUa.J $t1M'W~ II) \11\ Ir JAcrt)e. o I= "'" i:,.41'(' 01" tz. ~, '!,2~ ,,,oo ,, ,oo \0 I .\00 l°!>1 ltSO Certified ?ITTS·BURGH TES,TINC LABORATOR <.~:%L-24~ ,Char-le.s L. Moore, P. E. *NC guarantees that ,all cross -brace llssen>blie:s fabricated in .-iccord~nce "ith the above table wlll ~eet or exceed the specified I -minimum assembly ,b\"c:Jk.in& st rcng,th, •'' "' OFFICE USE ONLY .RECORD ID# _________ _ SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HHMBP# ___________ ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE BPDATE __ ~/ __ ~/ __ 1 Business·Name LEGOLAND California Project Address Business Coritact Chris Romero Telephone# (760} 918-5460 Zip Code APN# One LEGOLAND Drive City Carlsbad State CA 92008 212-22-10,11,16 Mailing Address Same Project Contact Chris City State Zip Code Plan File# Telephone# Romero. 760} 916-5460 The following questions represent the facility's activities, NOT the specific project description. PART I: FIRE DEPARTMENT -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DMSION: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: (not required for projects within the Citv of San Diego): Indicate by circling the item, whether your business will use, process, or store any of the following hazardous materials. If any of the items are circled, applicant must contact the Fire Protection Agency with jurisdiction prior to plan submittal. Occupancy Rating: Facility's Square Footage (including proposed project): 1. Explosive or Blasting Agents 5. Organic Peroxides ~-Water Reactives 13. Corrosives 2. Compressed Gases 6. Oxidizers 10. Cryogenics 14. Other Health Hazards 3. FlammaJ:>le/Combustible Liquids 7. Pyrophorics 11. Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials 15. None of These. 4. Flammable Solids 8. Unstable Reactives 12. Radioactives PART II: SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION {HMO): If the answer to any of the questions is yes, applicant must contact the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division, 5500 Overland Avenue, Suite 170, San Diego, CA 92123. Call (858) 505-6700 prior to the issuance of a building permit. FEES ARE REQUIRED. Project Completion Date: 2 / 12 / 16 Expected Date of Occupancy: 2 / 12 / 16 D Ca!Aru; Exempt YES NO (for new construction or remodeling projects) Date Initials 1. D • Is your busil;1ess listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). 2. D • Will your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste in any amount? 3. D • Will your business store or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities greater than or equal to 55 gallons, 500 D CalARP Required I 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. D D D D D pounds and/or 200 cubic feet? • Will your business store or handle carcinogens/reproductive toxins in any quantity? • Will your business use an existing or install an underground storage tank? • Will your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CalARP)? • Will your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (Trtle 22, Article 1 0)? • Will your business store petroleum in tanks or containers at your facility with a total facility storage capacity equal to qr greater than 1,320 gallons? (California's Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act). Date Initials 0 CalARP Complete I Date Initials PART Ill: SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT (APCD): If the answer to Question #1 below is no or the answer to any of the Questions #2-5 is yes, applicant _must contact the APCD at 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131-1649 or telephone (858) 586-2600 prior to the issuance of a building or demolition permit, If the answer to questions #4 or #5 is yes, applicant must also submit an asbestos notification f9rm to the APCD at least 10 working days prior to commencing demolition or renovation. (Some residential projects may be exempt from the notification requirements. Contact the APCD for more information.) YES NO 1. • D Has a·survey been performed to determine the presence of Asbestos Containing Materials? 2. D • Will the subject facility or construction activities include operations or equipment that emit or are capable of emitting an air contaminant? (See the APCD factsheet at http://www.sdapcd.org/info/facts/permits.pdf, and the list of typical equipment requiring an APCD permit on the reverse side of this from. Contact APCD if you have any questions). · 3. D • (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 IS YES) Will the subject facility be located within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school (K through 12)? (Search the California School Directory at http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/sd/ for public and private schools or contact the appropriate school district). 4. D • Will there be renovation that involves handling of any friable asbestos materials, or disturbing any material that contains non-friable asbestos? 5. . D • Will there be demolition involvin the removal of a load su ortin structural member? Briefly describe business activities: Briefly des "be proposed project: Amusement ·ark maintenance facil' 1 of existin facilit I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge Andrew Tarango, SCA Name of Owner or Authorized Agent FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY: !, I i6 I fl, Date FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION:. ______________ -'------------------ BY· .. DATE· I I EXEMPT OR NO FURTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED RELEASED FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCY CO\JNTY-HMO* APCO COUNTY-HMO .. APCO COUNTY-HMO APCO . . . . *A stamp in this box only exempts businesses from completing or updating a Hazardous Matenals Business Plan. Other permitting requirements may still apply. HM-9171 (03/14) County of San Diego -DEH -Hazardous Materials Division J/.6/lb fy 1o ~-~ Jdl_ 1~ Jo~ . OMP11b {p/c jjj/;d C4;&) / .l\ -6>-1 (.p. t{-1/-/£ ~eFc <f(IV-lo ,4-ss. . L,\-1e-s--1u P\cu'\ 'JI. to Pl~Vlu\J 0-h\ JI +o ~- AwUGJS'\-\ ~\Jorn~ ~ :IT.. -+a E"82)-c l Y~llD ~:Jt@"f(:., '-f-/:).~/'lf ~@_·Fe fLV-..d... ~ VK- LJ /'ZJ..ri,/ \.l_p R_T -L. I (\__l, V\c..L .. ~ '--1 {2% / iu __:x:-sa>ec\ Final Inspection required by: CJ Plan CJ CM&I CJ Fire CJ SW I Lfl f L/7 CJISSUED I CJcv. I Approved Date By BUILDING '-ff.:,., I'¥' ,4-:::> PLANNING ~ILLA-/ llo 7P ENGINEERING ct-\~-,1.a vw- FIRE Expedite? y N : .k..) Y1 r7 R.}----\ DIGITAL FILES Required? y N HazMat 1 /jp//6 }l,L_ APCD I . Health --- Forms/Fees Sent Rec'd Due? By Encina y N Fire y N HazHealthAPCD • I y N· PE&M · /JJ1fl7,A ,,// .1/J.'i'I /,f; y N /Ok School -r , .· y N .. - Sewer y N Storniwater y N Speciai Inspection y N CFO: y .N LandUse: Density: lmpArea: FY: Ahnex: Factor: PFF: y N _Comments . Date Date Date Date Building l..l-lo-1<.p Planning 'l-1/..-1,. Engineering J.f/'5/il.£. Fire ·. Need? ' 01""lr(\_ fll o ±-0 riv\.( T"'Y-c:s-\'(l ~c-\ ~ 4oone I qoone CJ Done CJ,Oone