HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; TECH; CB972027; PermitA R I STUOIOE • I' I . ' ' L DE Cl K 2 MAY 1 9 9 7 Ill ~ :::, ... 0 > BAD C [ CATALOG CUTS CLARIFICATIONS SKETCHES • • • - -~ . · i i I J / . ~-_, tC\ SEASONAL EX.HIBIT BU.ILDING . ' ' . , . ' . -. "10T TO SCALE Revisions Clustar. Component: LEGOL:JD -STUDID5 B 219 Ill Helmut)! . Obata+ 1 C, A R l:. .) B A t) . ' . Kaa1abaum, Inc. 1-.d: 41301.97 DeallNumbw ID: . 00 • • • -:-f91--JilA4-FAr$~fCA--re0 F6~ -. M WM--f'lA-C&' "-1.....-------~-~-----~ ·_ AiTA ~ T~ -ref OF c:i::>l..lli"Ml-. Af-lettcti FCJ'A -r / c. c.A-tSU= rm ,.,tst0 · su;,J.~e-· V!r{t;t, c..,o;yr~;a wo\J-e--! WL~~ F~l t OK M6TA<. ~~t5 ~~iltflf:!;:: C-1 u,. ""'""" --. . . . ~:t-J-.d.-::. ~)O. ~ L--Foft ~ t.9()lfi :. \JeYJ lFc? Otrc\e¼· ~L~·· c-rf:A.t'ik6 u--1: Fo. --Afvetrr" -~CJNkv 13X1t l If=,~ . M-r'P~ O':z..k · /"A e-r.A-<-PiAr<JW'r' r2;>.A,s13 v AtLa,u Fu-ii Cl ~HT! ,-.1.~ ~ulV',. fo(5l.(!Z.LJ-~;vr',t;; Tcf..-i3 CJSN.t=-Jn~- et.CTl6N ·-r -1t· -· · · J • = 1~ 1!:s. :i ~ 0 " C) ' 1 . ,t_' ~ ~· /'/. SEAS.ON:~·L EXHIBiT BUILDING NOT TO SCALE Ill LEGOLAND ~ A R ·L -' B A t, ·ta S1UDI05 II Helmuth . Obata+ . Kuiabaum, Inc. f---,..-l--__J laued: 4/30/97 Cluttar: . Component: B 219 2 ID: 00 •• r., 1111: pt¢-"-~ ~ \ . \ \ \ , \, \ • PLAN . I I -I . I . a 4 8 16 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" . M"ARKET. PLA,GE PJ:R,_GOLAS .. NOT TO SCALE • LEGo..:Jo GARl.-'BAD. a SlUDI05 II. Helmuth · : Obata+ · . l(aasabamn, Inc. ~~---'-.Md:-l..• -4/30,--... ,rrr-'--" --1 Clumr: .. Component: B 118 ID: 28 1 . . ' -' • • • SECTIO_N· ..,.a--,-------- MARKET PLA·CE -PERGOL.AS , ' : ~ --" . : ' Ill LEGOLAND GAR L _;·a At:>. NOT TO SCALE . a S1.UDI05 II. Helmuth . . Obata-+ · · . Kassabaumrlnc. .......au-iecl-'-_ : .'--41-30-/97-i · ' · Cluster: Component: B 118 2 ID: 28 • • • -1. · , ,;ct-,-,·:··· :, __ : '"' · '' ' I: I: i l 'a z ~-- ! iO 't. 0 ..1 i l:' J : ! 'i i I ! ''·· . ! I ' I LEGOLA'fJD C.ARL-'BAP / J--/- ' l .. ! ,I ~l ;1 / . II i ! ··--·· . f ,! TICKET TAKERS . . NOT TO SCAl,.E . ij)_mo-10§ Re~ons II Helmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. I~: 4130191 \ "· : i· .. ,-~ I: I' t 1' ... :· -l 0 i'i -,. . ' ,. \ !I ' . : .: ·-;11·::-·-. ,. Cluster: Component: ID: B ·217 00 .Deal! Number 1 • • • --' ---··_ -----. - ,,,.,,.., Ill LEGOLAND G, A R L --' B A 'D . ~~ . --/ · I i' l TICKET TA.KERS NOT TO .SCALE a SiUDI05 Iii .. Helmuth - Obata+ .. . Kaas~um, Inc. 1~ 4/30/97 _ - Cluster: Component: ID: B 217 00 2 • • • · .. -· -1/ '...:.,,,~ ( It) I \ Cl ; '· . TIC:KE'T T AK.ERS NOT TO· SCALE·_ LEGOLJJD • Ilia ;_; · . Clumr: Component:: ID: B 217 ·00 Detail Number 3 C, _ A R L _; 8 A . t) . , Kassabaum, Inc. 1.-d: 4/30/rn _ ___:_...,......,.-~L,..,.----,,-------.l=::==---=.::=-,--Ji.---------- • • CAME·R.A R.ENTAL . NOT TO SCALE Revillons C!utter: Component: ID: • . ' 'Q)mm5 B 218 86 LEGOLA·. D , 1111 Helm:otli . Obata+ 1 GA R L-'BA't:, Kaa,aba~ In,c;. laued: . 4/30/'17 DeallNumbw • • • '.-' \ ....----,-_ -,-- •, . l ! ,i • I 1, . ~~'i. L~~ I, t'\ I .· I I F' i. I I ,! I·, • . MAGIC STUDIO ·EN·TRV ARCH .. NOT TO SCALE · . 111- LEGOLAND GAR L-' s·A t> a S1UDI05 · ·11 Helmuth · · , . Obata+ Kauahaum, Inc. laued: 4/SO/'J7 Cluster: Com~ D 220 DecallNumber 1 i==· ID: 30 • • • ~f'(----- ,:~ £(,'i:,:,....-rc».~ e :r;-o~ t;.:-----. ~ ........ I -1r-·.Ji• !'--'-·--------·----· ·--... -----. -~ ~----. . - . vxp.,,,_~ \ !).......,,-.~ .. G)Eli:VATION . 1 SCALE: 112" • 1'-0-. •.' "-I ! l MAGIC STUDIO ENTRY· ARCH . ' ' ' _--- NOT TO SCALE . A'fl Revisions Cluster: Com~ ra S1UDIO~ D 220 LE:GOL_ -_ :D ' Ill Helm~th Obata+ 2 C, A R L ,:, B A p Kassabaum, Inc, llllled: 4130i9't DetalfNumber . 1 ID: 30 • •• • ·. ·.· .. .: ... .. ~ .... . . ./ .I . ~ i. • I ', I '• ,: :/ l . l --./-. I . : , I l I• '. . . ~ . ,; I ·' l I t I ·' I ' .. • \ MAGIC STUDIO ENTRY NOT TO SCALE Rmslons LEGOLAID ta S1UDIOE Obata+ · ,\ \ • .. \ ARCH • Cluster. Com~ D 220 G A R L ., BA 'P .Helmuth. ·. . Kaa1abaum,Jnc. laued: 4/30/97 Detail.Number 3 ID: 30 ·. •, . • • @PERSPECTIVE SKETCH I 5 -- . . . -. -' . ' . .. . -- MAGIC STUDl,O .·ENTRY. ARCH . . NOT TO SCALE • LEGOL:JD GAR L:3 BAt:> Cluster: Component: ID: ~----'--l D 220 30 . --11· Helmuth . Obata+ . 4 ~sabaum, Inc. -.,i.u.d:___.___,.· °41--,--S0/97---1 Deall Number • • • i ! :· i i ; ' i ! l • I i . I i ! i £ ! l>\-\f0 ~; : I I 1 ,_rl ! I. i 1( I L,n: !, kJl¼?.$½ ~/i 6i DI ~~ ,?11 '; 1\/Jj''l ~t·1~! I i ; I . i,-I ! : : I [I . _,L I ' ,t\i __gJ,\, ~ ?lJ.t-!··-""-ft-Hf-+-__:_-; t I S-~ . r ; 1 l l ' • ! i \/). !t:~y\j 'i :I: : . . 1~u1"'l) : : · , i ' : i l ! j i l ! 1, -j -I . . ! i i ; ., i i ,I I I ·1 : ! ' i I i J i ! I ' . : ~l ;~! -1a;1; . • j I I • I • (f;.J\1: i : i j · r.=,( 1 W f4th~ ~·~~ ,....J j i I ,l;UUV\ ~ ! 1 : ' ! i : i i • ! I ;, ~. : I : . i : I 'I : , l I • I ' i • : I , i j --~lb~ r;~';~i .. ' -' . I ',f½·. I I . I I ' ....J. i I ! i I, l J MAGlC STUD,10 ENTRY ARCH NOT TO $CALE Revisions Cluster. Component: ·a S1UDIO§. D 220 :J LEGOL ;D II H!'lmuth Obata+ 5 GA R L -' ·s A t) ~aabaum, Inc. ·~= 4139/'J7 Detal!Number ID: 30 • • • Ill LEGOLAN.D G A R L -3 B ·A. D ) MAGIC STUDIO NOT TO SCALE QI S1UDIOg II Helmuth Obata+ (Cu1abaum, Inc. llaled: 4/30/97 . . . i Chntw: Compoiient: ID: D 220 42 DeallNumber 1 • r ~ I "°'.yA~· -,e.1~~ 15= • PIZZA PA TC'H NOT TO SCALE Revision• Cluster; Component: ID: • I ·: -SiUDI05 D 221 82. LEGOLA. ·o Ill Helmuth Obata+ 1 CA R L -' ·B ·A t) : · Kassabaum, Inc. . IIRled: 4/30/97 Deta!IN11mber • • ········-· -----=---·----,-------,'---...· -...... -_ -----.. ····-·--·--··-·--... -·---·-·--- PIZZA PA T·CH NOT TO SCALE • Ill ti) S"TPDIDs D 221 82 ,, !! qC? ~A~B~N..::._A::_-D__:D~-1...;'='="=-· ~=i:=a::=-· ~:.:um:.;__:,-_In_c . ...!!. lau~-~ ec1· ::.,_· 4/~3~0/97~-__J__Detal---:-1 N_um_ber---:-. _2__ _, --,-------' Revisions -Cluster: Component: ID: • • • • J.--~+-=--=,__,..-I!!::=~~£-, --~,.- ' ---~ .. --\ \, \ uamic ,.._ .,,,. ·-... °"--··----4'"' , , --......... ..:,____ . ~ , ,' " ..... ___ .. - ' , ' ' . . . BRICK PLAY. PAVILIONS. ' ' NOT TO SCALE ·Rffllioni Cluster. :J ijlmm~ D LEG.OL D Obata+ Component:: 324 c. A R L -' BAD .Helmuth Kaasabattm, Inc. laued: 4/30/'Yl Deall Number 1 ID: 40. 1. • • • --_.f"'lhN . ;LL-,,_~ Y""'1""'-"t!</'Ns;tnor-J .. :-~~·----~ ______________ :_-'-.-t:)U.FLo.·.v1LL~C;:le~: ~---rJOVvN ~v\ L, oN :.~~--.-_:: ~ __ -_ --~ I -. I_ .J/t.14 .. _p .. ,0~_ t\-ot<--I.Z/M~,qt97 --.-.. ·-·-'· O -·_-::\' ... 1.: .. _ . ~} 10' BRICK PLA y PAVILto:Ns NOT TO SCALE LEGOL:JD C.ARL.38A'P • a $1UDI0.5 . ·11· g:=.u!1 • · . _ Kassabaum, Inc. l.-.d: 4130197 Cluster: Component: D 324 ID: 40.1 Detail Nurnbw 2 • • • a1-,'fl ·.···.· ~ ;'" ~=-===-==-~~~--,---~~,,u_--~~P.==·~~:--=-:~·· ~~4~~,~_A:".-;.-:-3.;_ --da..;,.....-=!'..:_ -a.-,-~~-=-'--...::z-_:::_~~~~--------------- -:· .. :-~~ .... :Pl:JFLO ·Y/LLt\etf.::,·: ~...,.,-o·vvN ~Yl~to"4 --... ~ . . I , · .. 1/l11..,/Lo~ . ·ttoK . /1.Jv½IE'.-cit q7 . -0 T //.1· -e;• . W' B.RICK PL.A Y PAVILIONS . NOT to SCALE '1 Rmllons Cluster: Component: ID: ij) S1UD105 D 324 40.l LEGOLA D· --Helmuth · Obata+ 3 GARL-'BAt, . Kassabaum,'inc. laued: 4/30/97 Detall Number • • • ·' c!Jo O PUP 5H Oo, 0 ao . -... -... I , --1 ·1 . -........_ I, .. J L--"-~ -... .............. ____ -... .............. ....._ '-... PUPPET SHOW: TENT STRUCTUR.E ' . . NOT TO 'SC~LE LEGOL:JD -G /A R L ~ B A 'P . a SiUDIO§ .. II, Helmuth . . · , ·Obata+ ,· . , Kaasaba~, Inc. laued: 4130197 Clustar: Component: ID: D 323 42 ,'. 1 • ot111mJ+ttttJ · _ lit 8' · -~ 1-. . . o .. -'-"1.---.............,.-~:.-.-_ -~ - Front ~'fation 13' O" • B'ri ·. ............ - FOOD ·\ . •. •. _. I '-----n-~~------,;--....,......,... . -J ... : ~ . . . L/ ·._· 1.-···1· ... · :·. u-· . . .. ,. ' . ' • • ~I -~ -,_.;._ --• - • ....., . . -· . ' . . . . Plan -Oimerlsions to.be agreed ·FOOD STAND NOT TO SC~LE . • llrfbions Cluster: Component: ID: • ' ' . . -ta S1U DI OE f'-------T-----"--,-.i D 3 24 83 LEGoLJJo · 11· ~:=~ -~· -~----:--. ---+-------; C. A R L ~ B A t) · Kassabaum, ~c. llllled: 4/S0/97 Deall Numw 1 • • • . . ... -; ·- · .... ' . ·: .. . . -. •' ·· ... · ··-· .. · Side 9evation. · .· Graphic Oecoratiort .. .. Food-Counter ~on and cfimensiontc·be agree 0. ~=----------,-'--,,----,-/!l/'f"' - Side Elevation . o·· FOOD STAND NOT TO SCALE. Rmsions ta S1UDl0~ :J LEGOL-·D Obata+ .Helmutl!, -G A R L .3 ·a A 'D Kaisabaum,.Inc •. laued: 4/30/97 q1q", Cluster: Component: ID: D 324 83 Detail Number 2 • • • ,----7 ffi :111:~ 0 0 . 14'-~11 STAND 1 ICE CREAM #0-324/83 DUFLO VILLAGE .. Ill LEGOLAN-D . C·AR L-' BAP· FOOD.STAND • NOT TO, SC.AL:E Cluster: Component: ID: D 324 83 · 11· · Helmuth 1---t· ·_. -+------,---__._f Obata+ . _ Kassabaum, Inc. I~: 4/.S0/9'! Deall N..-nber 3 • • • Ill LEGOLAND GAR L-' BA'D . ,.. •• < DUPLO RETAIL NOT TO SCALE . ra SlUDI05 C1umr: Component: IDI t----,---, D 220 85 II Be~uth ·· • Obata+ · · 1 _ Kauabauni,, Inc. r--iauec1:___.__,...4iso~'197--, 1>ea11 Number • • HlGHWA:Y SIGN • SCALE1N.t.S • Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: 'fj· (ii S1~DI05 F. F336 00 LEGOLA·D · II Helmuth . 'Obata+ . SK1 C, A R L .., •3 A p Kassab1uun, Inc. lnu.ed: 04/80/97 DetalJNumbw • • • 1J 1·----< ~-=-::+1~=~::;-l ' i l i ' ' ' ., L1 .:.:.....1 f:-··. I • I 't ' : ' ICE-CREAM PARLOR ., LEGOLAN·D_ GARL-'BAt> . -. NOT TO SCAlE . ·' QI rTUDI05 ll.evlllon,. · ·11· =Helmuth ·obata+ . · . _ Ku11abaum,.lnc. lssue4: ~S0/96 Clumr: Component: ID: C 250 00 -~Number 1 • • • Ill LEGO-LAN·D- G AR L--' BA o ~ares. \ -=a jOOST ~. ,wa. ~~i+-,EN• ~-1£. U\~Q c;.rr ~b "TW-,T' fQOE.t'-~ "ti>,'II_EI..J~C. IN OPF'O~I~ Ol~ON~ l'~~ la~ qt\\E.Q. \-\El2l<, >-.5 IN ,-... ~oosr . . ~· r.c. . c.,:x;1.0?1t4c. -...oilH.,._ "1D ~" ~~'." , c:,·N 'q\t ~"~.>,.~ ._~ 11,CJI'l"I ~,~.,1 o· "t'•\t _jO'.l ~-\ NOT TO SC,\LE I yo\ ·.£~S\ .. p~- a SlUDIO-§ CIIISter: Component: ID: II-Helmuth Obata+ Ku!labaum, Inc. 1-.d: 4/~0/97 C 348 52 1 • ~- • ) . /i) CA·FE _-. · .. •,- NOT TO SCAl,;E . • Iii -S1UDI05 II. Helmuth · Obata+· . · · . Kaa1abaum, Inc. laued: 4/30/96 Clustar: Component: I 260 ID: 00 Detail Humber 1 • • • :J LEGOL D GA R L -3 BAP i . I ; I lj CAFE NOT TO SCALE la mm5 ··Helmuth · Obata+ . Kasaabaum, Inc. . Rmslons Cluster: Component: ID: I 260 00 blued: 4130196 DetallNumber 2 • • CAFE . NOT TO SCALE ~ au.tw: Com~ ID: • :J . -S1UD105 I 260 00 LEGOL . -D · ·HelmutJ,. Obata+ 3 e, A R L -' B A 'D · Kaa1abaum, In~ iaueci: 4/30/96 DftllllN~ • • CANOPY NOT TO SCALE. ,Revblons Cluster: Component: ID: • ' '1d S1U.D IO E I 360 46 LEGOLA D .Helmuth Obata+ 1 C. A R L -' B A t> K~sabaum, Inc. laued: ~30/96 DetallNumber • • • ® ROOF PLAN DETAIL S~ALE: Ill LEGOI.AND CANO,PY NOT TO. SCALE . -S1UDI05_ Obata+ ~~t ~ b1'F~'-'re-• C-&'I.Arr-1<;,W · .. q' .;. .. e,·~ Z.•IZ.. ~ 1.,J eJ, IO' 4 -~ ~1'1-l? 1 ~rrr--r-w e,y I "Z: o, ..... ''i'uo rii;· a<-1e..Je. '--"frJ<-1"c.Jr-e- NOTE: I C I ( Please refer to most current ; from HOK, site information frorr infprmation from ride/show ver Cluster: Component: ID: I 360 46 e, A R L -'· B A 'P II ·Helmuth, · · . Kai~abaum, inc. 1-,111-. __ led:__._4/3_0/-96--1 Detail Number 2 • • tit ..... . -,_ - CANOPY NOT TO SCALE • Rrmi~I I a SWDI05 LEGOLA. D. II' Jle~uth · Obata·+ e, A R L ..) 6 A 'D . · ·Kassabaum, Inc. laued: 4/S0/96" z 0 ..... ~-,. >. w·, . .J ltl W < u "' ·--' 1 . Ouster. I . Component: 360 Detail Number .3 ID: 46 . ., :.,;., <~:.::-:--: .. DO"RMA-Glas 4.1 ·:,.,.,-~., .. --------- • • • DORMAFS:W [)ORMA-::Glas 4 .. 1 ,,-..._ _______________ ........... 1111!'11"1 __ ..,... __ lal!""I _____ ...,. _______________ '(_ ' Angab·en iibei die Beschatfenheit·oderVerwendbarke1t von- Erzeugnissen bzw. Matenalien dienen der,,Beschreibung. Zusagen in.bezug auf das Vorhandensein bestimmter Eigenschalten oder einen bestimmten Verwendungszweck bedilrfen stets besonderer schriftlicherVereinbarungen. Techmsche Ander9_ngen vorbehalten. Statements made with regard to the nature or use of the products are for the purposes of-description. Assent with regard to the ex1s- ·tence of particular.properues or,pariicular uses-always requires special written agreement. Subjec;t to·change without notice. DORMA Glas Inc. 375 Prin_ce George's ~lvd . . =Upper Marlboro MD 20772 USA f) • • • a.. .. ,._, __ _ D_O_R_M_~ ..... -H_~_W_.-_...;G __ ~-----------~fJ,._ ' ' ' G)· ®" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' 1· '· /; / ' / . / ~ / :4 /. / / / / / / / / / FH.igelausfUhrungen und Funktionen G) Endfliigel Lichte Durchgarigshoheri Nicht verfahrbar, mit unter"em be( g~schlo~senen Anlagen RiegelschloB und ob(;lrem Fe?t~ DORMA HSW-G 75: steller oder seitlich sch lie Ben-Gesamth6he in mm -60 mm dem RiegelschloB, Ausluhrung DOR MA HSW-G 75 mit wahlweise als RahmenturschlieBern: • Pendel-Endllugel mit Boden-Gesamth6he 1ri mm -160 mm lager, DOR MA HSW-G 150: • Peridel-Endflugel mil Boden-· G13samtt)ohe in mm -75 mm -turschlieBer, DOR MA HSW-G 150 mil· • Dreh~Endflugel mitBoderi,-Rahmentur?chlieBern: lager, Gesamth6he in mrh -181 mm • Dreh-Endflugel mit Boden- lager und ObenturschlieBer. GlashohenmaBe ® Schiebefliigel DOR MA HSW-G 75-: Gesamthohe in mm -270 mm Verfahrbar, in geschlossenem Zustand feststehend, mit unte-DOR MA HSW-G 75 mit - rem Feststeller. RahmenturschlieBern: Gesamthohe in mm -292 mm @ Dreh-Schiebefliige! DOR MA HSW-G 150: Verfahrbar, mil Gleitschienen-TQr- schlieBer, unterem RiegelschloB G~samJhohe in mm -303 mm sowie unterem und oberem Fest" DOR MA HSW-G 150 mit steller. .RahmeriturscnlieBern: © Pendel>Schiebeflugel G13samthi:ihe in mm-307 mm Verfahrbar, mit untereril Riegel-AbstandsmaBe schloB, unterem l:md oberem OberkanteFuBboden -1::Jnter< Feststeller und Rahmentur-kante untere Turschiene: 7 mm sch he Ber (RTS). Alternativ c1uch m1t BodenturschlieBer (BTS) SchiebeflQgel -Schiebeilugel: heierbar. 4mm f::rir.:!,''r;cl _ '3rh":~tOfl1;00.I: ' ., . ., ·::\,:>@ . ' BTS// / -:,,·,".' __ :---© // -~-. / ' / ' / ·: ' / ., / :: . ' . / .··-' . ' .. / .... ;<-~-',~i ~//;. . . . i ! :·· .,. • • I -· J • / i 1 1, •• ; •• / I I '. / . . ., , / ._ .. , /·. . . ' Panel designs and functions G) .Erid panei Non•sliding, with floor lock and - ·top bolt or. side-locking, available as • dOi.Jbleaction panel withflOOf pivot • double action panelwith floor spring • single action panel-with floor pivot • single action panel with overhead door-closer. ® Slic!ing panel Movable, fixed.when the system is closed, with !loor bolt @ Single action sliding panel Movable, with cam-action door closer, floor lock, floor and top bolt. © Double-action panel Movable, with floor lock, floor and -top bolt, and. transom closer (RTS). Also available with floor spring. . ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Clear opening heiSht (with panels pushed back) DOR MA HSW-G 75: Total height in mm -60 mm DORMA.HSW-G 75 with transom closers: Total height in tnm -166 mm DOR MA HSW-G 150: Total height in nim -75 mm DORMA HSW-G 150 with transom closers: Total height in mm-181 mm Glass .heiglil DORrviAHSW-G 75: Total height in mm -27.0 hltn DOR MA HSW-G 75 with transom closers: Total height.in mm -292 mm .OORMA HSW-G 150:. Total height in mm -.303 mm DOR MA HSW~G 150 with .transom closers.: . Total height in mm -307 mm -Clearances Finished flpor level.-bottom edg_e of bo1tcim door rail: 7 mm Slidin9 pan?I.,.. sliding panel: 4mm End oane! -s!i,jir>c :;anel: () 8\, ~'- ,~ -I) ,--. C r '\.._.,,;, .. 0 • 0 . . ,r_\ V Max. SchiebeflugelgrcH~en und -gewichte Flugel-max. max. max. aus!Ohrung Gesamt· Hugel-FIOg~lgewicht kg hohe breite HSW-G mm mm 75 Pendel- Endflugel ~000' 1200 1QO . ---Dreh- Endflugel 3000 1200 mo Schiebe- flugel 3000 1200 75 Pendel-3000 Sch,ebe-mitRTS* 950 75 llugel 2500 mil BTS* Dreh-Schiebe- flugel 3000 950 -75 - • BTS= BodenturschlieBer, RTS== RahmenturschlieBer Fur die Handhabung ideale.Flugel- groBe: ca. 800 x 2500 mm. Die einzelnen .Flugel konnen.auch untersch,edlich breit ausgefuf:u't werden, wobei der groBte max. 15 % groBer als der kleinste $(;)in sollte. Fur die Auslegung der Parkposi- tion ist die geringste Flugelbre,te maBgebend. Dichtungen Die fur Glas-Schiebefront- systeme DOR MA HSW-G entwickelten Dichtungen verh,n- dern, daB es in den Ubergangs- jahreszeiten und im Winter zu Warmeverlusten und Zugluf' kommt. G) Obere Dichtung Leichtmetallprofil mit Oichtburste zum Einbau in das Jragprolil zum System DORMAHSW-G75 und HSW-G 150. ® Untere Dichtung Leichtmetallprofil mil Dichfl;iurste zum Einbau in die unteren Tur, schienen (nicht im Bereich der Bedienteile). Seitliche Dichtungen @ Leichtmetqllprofil mit Dicht- burste zum Aufsetzen auf die seitlichen Glaskanten der Schiebeflugel. ~ Klarsicht-Kunststoffprofil zum Aufsetzen auf die se,tlichen. Glaskanten von Schieoe--8nd Dreh-Schiebellugeln. @ Le,chtmetallprolil mit BurstE '- kanal an drei Seiten und beliebig einbaubarer Dicht- burste zum Aufsetzen au! die se,thche Glaskante von .... -.. ~;... ....:.. HSW-G 150 150 15d 150 90 - 90 .. DORMA-Glas 4.1 Max. sliding panel sizes and weights :Panel max. max. max. type total panel panel weight kg height width HSW-G HSW-G mtn mm 75 150 Double action end panel 3000 1200 100 150 Single action en<;i panel 3000 1200 100 150 Sliding panel --3000 1200 75 150 Douple action 3000 sliding panel with RTS* 950 75 90 2500 with BTS* - Slngle .action " sliding panel 3000 950 75 90 · ,. BTS=floor spring,RTS=transom closer Ideal panel size for maximum ease of operation:.qpprox. 800 x 2500 mm. The individual panels,can also· 'be designed with different widths, the largestbeing max. 15 % wider than the smallest. The arrangement ofthe.sliding panels in the stacking area will be geared,to requirements dictated, by the srnalJest panel width, @ ® Seals The seals which have been developed for the DOR MA HSW-G ·sliding. shopfront system have been designed to ensure that wintry draughts, aircon or heating losses are prevented throughout the year. G)Top seal Aluminium profile with l;lrush strip to suit carrier profile on DOR MA HSW0G 75. ® Bottom seal Aluminium profile with brush strip to suit bottom rails (not contimious over working parts e.g.-locks). Side seals @ Aluminium profile with brush strip for pushing ontb the sides of the glass sliding panels. @ Clear plastic profile for pushing onto the sides of glass sliding and pivoting panels. @ Aluminium profile with brush strip channels on three sides. Brush strips can be inserted as required to suit conditions. For pushing onto the .sides bf • • • DORMA HSW-G· ------------~-------------------------------if,.__ Planung Sch1enenverlauf, Platzbedarf und Plazierung der Parkposition fur Glas-Schiebefrontsysteme DOR MA HSW-G werden einfach mIt Hille einer GrundriBskizze ermittelt. Dabei konnen die viel- faltigsten Anordnungen verwirk- l1cht werden. Die Gesamtlange ist unter Berucksichtigung der max. Flugelbreiten und der erforder- lichen Abstande (siehe Tabelle und Oaten Seite 5) in Flugel- breiten aufzuteilen. Ober der Laufschiene isl in ,gan- zer Lange und einschlieBlich der Parkposition eine ausgericntete Stahl-Unterkonstruktion anzu- bringen, mit der die Laufschiene, verschraubt wird. Bei der Dimen- sionierung der Stahl-Unter- konstruktion ist ein Gewicht-von 30 kg/m2 Glas je Schiebeflugel zugrunde zu legen. Durch Anbringen und Ausrichten eines Hohlprofils au! dem Roh- fuBboden (Abb. oben) kann dafur gesorgt werden, daB exakt die vorgesehene Anlagenh6he erreicht wird (siehe auch FuB- bodenausrustung, Seite 7). (I; Stahl-Unterkonstruktion an/in der Decke ~ ausgerichtetes Hohlprofil im FuBboden H Anlagenhohe F OKFF T ' 65:-Ty 100 --1 I ,-:;-••• : i-.i .-r '. ib·w I I I I C I I . : ; I I I ft .: .,,, Ii J I: I I I ,.; ... 'I._ ·-" I I I 100 ,-.-60 60 X Beispiel1 Gerade Laufschiene mit Parkposition quer zur Laufr1chtung · · El Breite derParkpositi0n: B = Flugelbreite ·in .mm minus 130 mm minus-0,1 xTy, .inmm L Laufwegbegrenzer P Laufschienenbefestigungs- punkte -an den geraden Teilstucken ca. alle 300 mm R Revisionsstuck-leicht. ausbaubar, so daB. die Laufwagen prot:iler'nlos und leicht gewartet und falls erforderlich ausgetauscht werden konnen t Tiefe der Parkposition: abhangig von der Anzahl . der·FIGgel und derTiefe der Griffe an den Pendel-und breh-SchiebeflGgeln ' X je nach Grifftiefe · · BeispieL2 Abgewinkelfe Laufschiene mjt Parkposition quer zur Laufrichtung 100 R -,1 ,a, -. • 90°-110° . 120°-180° Planning ' p 1 I I ,. _, A plan will make positioning the track runs and stacking areas for the DOR MA HSW-G shopfront system straightforward. This way you ·can p!a,y around With all the 0'ptions. The total length must be-divided up into panel widths, bearing in mind the maximum panel width and necessary gaps (see t_able and datc1 page 5). A steel box section must be provided. for the whole length of the track run and the stacking area. The track is bolted to this. When calculating the dimensions of tbe steel member, allow for a weight of-30 kg/m2 per sliding panel. In order to ensLJre an exact depth and alignment of the floor under the top·.track, introduce a hollow metal section .under the ,finished fl00r-level. If floor springs- are tn be used, it can accomci- date them, otherwise it need only be large e!7dugh to ta~e holes for bolts. (See also Floor preparatiqn, page7). G) Steel member above-or below the ceiling, <ID Hollow-metal section provided in tt,e floor H Total height of system F Finisr.ied-floor level . .. - ~eispiel1 Example1 Beispiel2 Example.2 90°-110° 120°-180° E)!:ample1 •- Straigl'\t track run with stacking area at right angles to direction of travel B Width ,of stacking area: B=panel width in mm minus 130 mm minus 0.1 x,Ty inmm L end stop P fixing points -approx. every 300 mm along a straight run R inspection section -easily removable, allows for inspection and maintenance of the rollers, and if necessary, their' replacement T depth of stacking area: depending on number of sliding panels and the projection of handles on double and single action panels X as per handle projection , Example2 Angled track run with stacking area at right angles to direction of travel e e ' , -,~. ~ -.. ··01c~ ,... 100 100 ''.1 X, ,.i 'I -$EE·====·====· ====·)=a3-C-,---'+o -$=· ====· ====-====· ~--'---+"' I ', *f::' :-;a-7*' rr -E:i:I. - . -·-. _. -. ..,wi-_._-'----'-,--'-,- 8 X / / Beispiel 3 Gerade Laufschiene mit Parkposition para11e·I zur Laufrichtung (90°) B Breite der Parkposition: B=FIOgelbreite in mm minus 126 mm T Tiefe der Parkposition: abhangig von der Anzahl der SchiebeflOgel und derTiefe der Griffe an den Pendel-und· Dreh-Schiebeflugelr.i X Je nach Grifft1efe .B 100,100 .. • Beispiel 4 ·G.erade Laufschiene mitParkposition parallel zur·Laufrichtung (.135°)' B Breite der Parkposition: B=FIOgelbreite in mm minus126 mm T Tiefe der Parkposition: ?,bhangig von derAnzahl der SchiebeflOgel urid derTiefe der Griffe an deb Pendel-und Dreh-SchiebeflOgeln X je natti Grifftiefe . Beispiel 3 ·Example3 .Beispiel 4 Example4 Example3 Straight.track raii with stackjng-are~ pa~allel to direction of travel· (90°) B Width of-stacking area: 9,;, Panel width in mm minus 126mm T 'Depth of staeking area: · qepending: on n,umber of .sliding panels and the pr.ojecti9n.of handles on qouble anc;l single action . sliding"panels X as per h_andle projektion r _ r _ ~---·:,. :::: ·. ----~-.:-_.,· -, :-·-·-. ·=-.~ r r ~· r r ~ -.--:::=.:i... ___ J __ :E---~::E- FuBbodenausrustung Ganzglas-Schiebetrontsysteme · DOR MA HSW-G b·enbtigen keme Bodenfuhrung fur die SchiebeflOgel, es sjnd jedoch Ausnehmungen fur die Riegel der Schlosser und die Bolzen der Feststeller vorzusehen. Die bewahrteste Lbsung besteht dann, ein Rohr oder ein recht- eckiges Hohlprofil (Edelstahl oder Le,chtmetall eloxiert) lotrecht --·-.---~. "': :.--;... -:. ..... -.... ,..,.., ... den· erforderlithen Aus·nehmun- gen und )3otirungen zu yersehen (siehe auch Planung, Seite 6). Alternativ kbnnen auch SchlieB- bleche c1ufden FuBboden ?,ufgeschraubt bzw .. fOr C!ie Feststeller Bodenbuchsen einge- lassen werden. FOr deri Eiribau von BodentOr- schlieBei-·n sind zusatzliche Aus: Floor preparation DOR MA HSW-G glass sliding shopfronts.90 not require floqr channels or guides for their opera- tion. However, recesses must be provided for the bolts.of the locks and door holders. Experierice snows the besi method ,16 be a square ,tdbe "-stainless Ste.el or anodised arwrninium -installed in the floor, l:)lumb under the track rail. This can then l:Je drilled • 5 ,, ~. ---·-~ -, .~ .... ~ - D'ORMA-G/as 4.1 Example4 Straight track rail with stacking area parallel to direction of travel (135°) B Width of stacking· area: B=Panel width in mm minus 126mm T De!!)th of stacking are.a: depending on number of sliding panels and the projection of handles on double and single action sliding panels X as per handle proJektion CD Bohrung !Or SchloBriegel ® Bohrang !Or Feststellerbolzen ® SchlieBblech fur SchloBriegel ® S'chlieBblech !Or Feststeller- qolzen @ Ba_chse !Or Feststellerbolzen (D Hole for floor lock ® Hole for floor bolt @ Floor lock plate © Floor.bolt plate @ Floor bolt socket As an alternative. appropriate floor plates. and _sockets mu~t be screwed to the floor to receive the bolts. Where floor springs are to be used, additional pockets· must be · provided in the ,floor. c0· 2 _,. ·-· L• ,,~-.. ,, ~'-:£:' -~ ,=: \I\· ~ ----. rL\ -t· .. !J . ,-, a.:; _ ... _; ·::.i ' ' ,:, fl . <! ..:i -~ -.. ~ ., ~·-1 ·,: ,J -::, ,j N ..... » ,·, T') " .. . .. ~ LEGO LAND 2 14.~l•o ,14·JL0 114·~£ ,40 11•"1t!l 173.5" 17:3.5" 173,5• 31 :t· ~-'---'--___,_,----_,.,..-,--~-l 1/-'' 1/4: .. 1i4" 1/4.. 1/~' l/4" 1/4" 1/4" , •o"-t-4~ -t-46" .{:4o"-=j:-,o-4=-.er+ 4cr• ~ ~o": - • 0 / -1 / I / BTS OASP \ ' ' \ ' ___,_. ~ -=-~ --~ • •l !, ··1. ,_( i·. (_ .. . ' ·-~ a @{1fil§.a=:::::::i REF.: LL2-R -SCALE: ½4H = l 1 DATE: 4 ~9/97 . ~14 l/2r. 1)--_t .. ~34 7/ltr 1/4-" • ~ -~ ~ <7> C'-1 ~ ~ -< ... e -'T.11 a> ::,.. --· .. 0 ... f:>i:I • LEGO LAND • -· --· 168·.~, 168.3" •RMA @fl,ffi~·== REF.: LL 1---R .SCALE:· 3 /8,. ~ 1' DATE:· 4/29/97 l . · 150" 1/4' -r,14· -i-114· · +114· ~38 1/4'-1· 38 1/4"-t"-38 1/4'f38 1/4" 1/4" 0 0 0. 0 I . I I. ·I INTE:RIOR VIEW he e iv ed Time !p,t. 21 .9 : .2UY 08/02/96 15: 44 'FAX Joi· J90 0011 DOlUL~ GL~S I~C ,,, ACI CA lQ-OOi -5._· ... •• • HSW-G 150 90" Parallel Steck 75 x 72 mm Track oa~ @l1fil~.c::==::::::::i REF.: HSWT6 SCALE:: N/A DATE: 6/12/96 , -.,;,..;1 o:;..:0~1 .,.;.., o.;..;o~,_ 8-.--155-.---,..-----------------------'-" ···\ 95" 1 ! ---·-----------------------------I~ . _ -\ l ··_,1-~--------------------------------- X = Hcnd!e Projection .B = Par.el Width -i 30 ((T -80) "'··_Q87) ("\ . -'. 300 . l' 165 ' 's-1 -::) T 1ss 80 ,._., Received' Time Aug, .2. 1: 40PM Aug, 2. 1:54PM T ., • • ., \ ' \ \ ., / / \ ' ( \. \, , , ' \ I I \ \ / I ' , i ; 1· Betlti;tn vcn Pendel-Schlebetlus,eln mit DOdentOrsc.hlieOem Umflllllen vori Pendeln 11uf 9dllebtln • Veniegeh,;ng 0 eincrehen - Je n~d'I H~e derMltg, mlc 1nn1n:s1cr1s1<ant-Schlusse1 oder Gelenkkurbsl. a Flu;el durc:h l&tn des Adap• ter.s Q) vom 80dentu:sehli1169r atikoi;ipefn. • Ob4revarriage1t.1!"9 (!) nerau.s· drenen -mit elem lr,nenseei-.s- kant-Schluael 00 ~ de r Gelsnkkurbel. Um1t1llen wo" Schieben 1ur · si.11deln • Obati Verriegelung (D nlnein• d:ehen. · • Flilgel iTlitHille des Adapter$ (l) mi! d•m Bodenrn~u.acr ... a,bindan. • Verriegih.;ng.CD n!!r,usdrahs·n. F-alls versel"la11~!c:n C!le Varriaga- · lt;in; © zuem gsl011 wird, ffl'ki sietl der Ru~el ab, Er Isl anzuhe- . :ien. to c:ia/3 di• Varrlegelung (.i') zunachstwiedtr l'lineingedrel'lt .,.,e,den kann. Abl<oppeln.dill Pendels Schiebellyge1s m ee<1eri-wl'll:hueeer To cbengage sliding ca11e1 frcrn ff0C1r sp_ring.(for sliding e.cticn). · ~e>-· \\ . . \ . DORMA-Glas 11.1 Vlrbindan des Pendet, ~iebeflugeJs. mit dern Boden. lO!sc:tlnsBGr To connect slid[ng panal ~ floor sprin9 (for swing acliol"I) Operating of double actiol'I sliding panell with DOR MA BTS floor spring•. · Cl'lart9l,i9 from swing to Ch,ngill1J,·from lliding to sliding action •wins IIOlial\. • Wind lo~ u~wards ©--using • Wind loek upwards·(!). eilrierAll!nkeyorcr~nlt • Connectpine1·to n00r_;prlr;1g (der:,inding on panel beighl); by engaging ad~ter (1). • F!eltata ad.~ter.(J) to ·• Unwind Ioele (D. diaengage ~an&~ from door II reek 0 js aeeldenially ralouod clOMr, first, tha panel will drop t0 tl'le • \;Jriwind locic: (1)-using:either flQcr.11'1 suen Casa!, raise tne Allen key or crank (µepttidins i,anel and re-eonneet It to 1r1e on paneLhs1gt,t), carrier t1yen9aging loek © a;ain. Received Time A pr. 23. E: 05AM i • -el • Pendel-Scbie~fli.l9el mit Bodentiirtdllieler DORMABTS: D:e Ausrilstung der Per'ldel· scnl~l'lugel m!t eodenr!)r- i.ch:ie-~ CORI.AA ars so a oder ers B4 ist die inZW\i.enen klillMlsche l...oaur.g lur dll'I T ..;r$ct\lle6er-eir,::iau. 9<ldenturschlle13er 001'\MA BTS 80 sariQntr1a8'g rnit l=est- steflvol'Tichlung zr,;m zei:weiligen r:.s1$1ellen derTur. !TS 64 :serienmaBI; ohn~·Fesl• .stel!ung, Sondtta1.11!uhrun¢ mi< Fes~te,l(.lna so•. Ein.baum.Se fiir Bodantilr•c:hlieS.t DOAMA ITS Ty~ a b C d ··-··-·-"-·---,-~·-·-::-:-.. ·7 . . ' - .. Double action ~idfng p•n•I with QORMA Bl$ floor •~tings Fllting pivoting, selt-c10s1ng J')Qnels wllh OO~MA BTS 90 (jt BTS 84 near aprinos Is auti the ~.sic soh,iti011kl< coori:cntrot. BT~ eo luupplieo anta!'lda.rd wilt\ an 0ptlon1l hold-wen !ac:ility ·t1'tb!il'lg tl"le doar to ce held at 90'. BTS e4 is .supplied u standard wiehc,u t l'lold-or:ien, HOld•operi at 90" 10.speei&I oreer • Cement bo:i: lrildallatlon dinNneillillloi for DORMARTS floor sprinQ5 · Tyi:ze a ~ C d 3'11 51-57 906 51-iB • • ~ Pendel-EndflOgel • Boderilager mit Ruildachse d ' Ans;tallt du'Boderilagers , kOl'\i'len •uch Sodenturschlie86r CORMA BTS·eo oder BTS 84 ai,ig,oeut wei'dan: '8odenlurset,Ue8er DOA MA BTS 80 s11ri,nrt)i0ig mt Fem•llvorrieh- rung zum Fee1S1e!len det Tl)bei iO-., , BTS 84 0hn11 und mit Feet. lttllurig i01 liaferbara Elnbaumul5e fur aodanti;r,tc;h(i~Der DORM!l •ts Tys:., ,a t) C d FICgelgewichr 8TS60 78 eo 341 51 -,57 ·,oo-,so kO BTSS4 ,oe 40 .306 s, -~8 t>it,1001cQ II, ,Double action end panel • Hoor *ting wilh ·rol.lflci •pereq ,spincl le DORN'iA-Glos , 4.1 . .. ~ r• • . .. ,, ' ::· . ,·.·. :. : , . ~ . .. 1ns:•ad of floor bearings, . DORMA ft00r springs BTS 80 or 8TS 84 tal'I ba 1.1Sed. BTS SO is supplied et atandard wilh an.oplior,al hold-open faeili ry ena,bling Iha ooor 10 ba nelo atiO°. BTS &4 is availiib1e with or witl'lcut hold-op,n. . c.niinU>ax lnstaUiitiOra dirn.nclorus fot bORMA .-rs floor 1prln111 Type, I b C ,Q Panel weight BTSBD 78 60 ,3~1 51 .. 57 100-1501cg BTSU 108 •o 306 sr-se uol0100.~ • • • 32mm 100rnm SECTION VIEW OF BOtiOM -RAIL Receive~ Tiru Apr. 23. 6-:.05~ . ~t f"",.. --·g ''I '\.1 -~ '-• I "v . REF.: HSWT1 . SCALE: HALF DATE: 6/13/96 ~rir ~: --,-, ,·i'·o~-,-1 , 0·.. ' ~ • . • -;J :! ./ 0 9 iJ ' I I !i..n301· ,ti l 1 ·1' • A:; ·' • ,, -... C -.. . . • • w• ~.--, ··"'·•"" ~ 'J .l!v. ·:ii) . . GPI ·ooRMA HSVI-G 150 • ............ 75mm • .J_ 33 ±5mm i • I 32mm ! I 100mm f r l. • SECT!ON .VIEW OF HSW SUDER Retei·ved Time Aor. 23. 6:05AM .RF;F.: · HSWT2-1 SCALE: HALF DATE: 3/21/97 FINISHED CEIUNC .! 11 . i l !! 11 " " • - • .. p i ·1 : :v~. · ; G. c 1_1,;1i3~1 .,;. •. .:. ~; Br-~-.-'· , •. ;:;J 09 •. -•v-'···' -~ :~n.~- DORMA HSW-.-.G 1.50 .33 ±5rnm 10,0mm I ' . : , I • ! . i 100mm I c.~s~: C JJCRS . GPI . • 7 mm....i-.-.:..j __________ :_:_·: _____ __,,/ Fi>llSHED FLOOR AH. 23. 6.: OSAX _REF.: HSWT,:S SCALE: HALF DATE: 6/1.3/96 . FIN!SHED CEILING ,Tuoicc I .Section DORMA HSW-G 1 ~o slidin~ ·~ct! sys~ems con$ist of the following fectures: *T-r.o.ck@ for fos.tening -co st:"ucturol steel CD •to~ @ on'? bottom O re its composed o~ bose rail. snop-or'i covers· er.id end co,ps,. whicn ere mechonicclly fastened to the temperec gloss por,e'.s ® •ro;iers Q), cor-ders @, enc c¢rrier profiles·@ ensure thot the panels s=ide · eosi!y ~ith . minimum effort *weother s~eeo © , sweep . . profile@ , reouce oir condJtioning ond · he~ losse~. Plastic . w11td9e Q) , Fo·r h11igM adjustment •stocl(.ing orecs ere ~si!c to store· pone.I.a in t. nc:~t and comp0ct posit;on when i.he w.c:11 is -opened. • ~ . , " '" as L ... , , ,,,,.1· • L . , , 1 • -. 0.."-i--• • _ .J. • ~ .J : • ·_ w 'T ~--'~;l{J'. -: ,.:."\. _ ... : . :....,-• ..J w ~ '.J ..J \., o,/ •• L. DORMA HSW~G' 1 so· • • A 8 ·-• I I 75mm 2.95" 142..5mrn 5.61'. 87mm :S.4211 I I Reeehed T:me 72rnm---j G? ~ . . . {J IJ, ; ;: : ·:, . l. • .} : . 1 .·a,~·~f ~ ~RM& @l~i::;:;;=::::=::, REF.: HSWT4 SCALE: HALF DATE: 3-8-.97 FINISHED CEILII\G ~-NOTE: If shims are required between · struct;;rol s:ee: and roiler track. the shim thickness must be co:culotec in 'tne glass height fot"'mulas. A = Finishe<:: F·oor to Steel 8 = Finrsl"le·d Floor to bottom of traci< C :::: Giass Height QLo$S ~EiG~I F'ORMULAS:• C== A-12.0" C::. 3.,...9_052." C CLASS :i~IGhT fLOOR • 15-. SPECIFICATION.S 1 ..... I•~ C: -•• / i •. A . SLIDING GI.ASS DOORS • HSW ~ PART I -GmNBIIAL ' PAIIT 2 I PIIOOUCTI bronza"1'11Ck1nOdiUdal~.~ REU. TEO OOCUMENTS: Drawing$ 111d gtl'lf(• -MANUFACTU~EJ;.«;. A~illblt Man&1raauN1: Cir bl\.lllPlecl _slainleu stNI and 1:x¥1, ptinil:d. at~ at Ccn11aet lnclUdlng Gentl'll ar,d Upon compljailCe wltl\ all N citttr!f specWitd in FWngs andHaluware ~ ~ a1u- Supp1Gm1W1rary COl'ld"IIIOM ~nd ~iOM 1h11 HClicrl, ~, lftMl.lfactyrer1 •shing•lo bid minum lop trldc. .. ckklg araa OI IIUS n1 be Sptc,1~ ~~to wartc or this~-P~ ,.,_, to tt--. produei spdtd htrtin aa shewn cm dnlwlt,gs. Bonom rail IOclcin9 fion. trlust lllb(rit to !he 11rcniter.r 10 'iavS priot IO bid-mectwilSffll Vll}I tr/~- $COPE OF'WOM: This ~ iocludr,11 glass. d~ coniple~ rilllA,ln IIJric>O'I' '' ci,mpl;,nca Furdcr-.,; Uarti1e c:ylnlGrfcr~g and and har<!w,re and lnstallallofl,af TtfflP8r90 All-glass •nd • Iii• of rt NI(' 13) ~,r it151:d~!lon& Of ~,o. air1Jel1ible pan-. n....:1anrumlng for al:lri; pan- Tap,,l'lung Siding Oorlit. jecf, &imlar !O ~ llelett -;is R airf1cuci11alld on ttd ~ at. wtl. svs,.ur,ALS:Sub~ ihcp Clrawli,as il'I ~- aaric:a Mth s.ction , 300. Shocl ctav.Anos shRi show IN ae;uaas Qf lilyCut Md ltllta!illtipn.of ijli!Sli~I'$.. OUALfTY ASSURANCE:.&!tety Glvi119_ - Srandard: J/8~ OI' 112" 'lfltnperar.l glas. tl"USt meer sataiy siandarm ~l#lad 11'1 ANSI Z971, CPSC 16 Cl=R 1201 • .tSTM C lC36. =tnd ASTM C 1048. M11nulKtUter/lnstaU,er Ouatrfl(-,;,borls: Sliding Coot r,.,,,.ut~rvr and lrlGt11iler shllll bf e,-.gaged in ~ he,1vy remcertc!-~111 ~ mM• Uf11C11.Jm9 ltlld inSIRll~IJOr'I for =I( IQ~St (~} ~ DELJ~Y. .STOQ.4G~. ANO HA.NOL/NG: Fl~ ooor lll"d glaling materials dur111g 0th• Pl'Y· i!Qlilqe 11nd twidliJ,g to camply wi1tl Mal'lu. f?ictvr,r'~ dir1etiQ,,11 IIIICI ~ required!~ oraveli! . 'I ~rt1ig1 to 1ht gl11s, ilnd W,fvlMl\rt. WAR~Aftl'f'Y. M11nu~ctur.tf'\!' ~! Pl'l)ject • WllrtM!y r,rrC,l!t:'11~ "'°""'" PtOYtdt wntten 'l'J14" • l'llnty 5i911ert by 11," l;d'Jr,cator ,.,, ~' rlOtl'li ~lid Qlc'll',II dOQr m1ems 11gr~eing to !\,~kn r I' h PQlnt ot 1Abric:91don. frtigt,1-~CWld 1)1'/'ljQC\' sit•. wimici a live (5) ye11rwt11ffllnty ~triM ~A- m!l"IS 10, 1ho!lf' doo~ wtw.n devttr"0 rn.llfl\1~r- t1111119 .,,~ l.ilA•'luf.v.tllfil'IQ rt-.r~ ~,. . ;"(annecj :u; Nf1; 11!1!<'! ~1,,1~1iv ,it,1tn>Clin!l vlSIOI' mrcugn ine gli'~. /Incl llrl~ fflf!t:hi!niclll !~1iol'Q cl hAfdwllrt wt,ich pr,!v•,inis wi,.ptl'lper opera i1oi, 9f 11\f dootS i\f!fr apprnl,)l\:\tft ln~lt411A, liOII and 1,1$1!.9". GUSS Pi:ionucri; G£N&RAl. S..ltty Gtu,r,g SMnd:ttei: Pf0\1"1• '9ril0'!'~ gta~ wPiictl t:Offl~~ wlltl A$™ r. 11).16 and AST~ C 1~ ~fl'l"fflli. lrr.llJtilnQ rh!'H:ir,dic1ted ti-, rtll!rfl'i('1' k) l'yl)t". dfr\f, QUllity, Sizr.c Fiibrv:i11tt· IJIA~ IQ 1111•, llll'l'!i~ to, ope11itlqs ~tl"'f, '-ftl'I ,i,q, dllll'lll'CV anii IClti'iln;.._s ~lyirig with ~r,,efldltlon,41 o,f gli1S.'41 ~l'lt'f~~ rmmul1tch1l'l!f' lltovide ltlaclcl'•.'lf 'dlfJir~lf!(t ~ ,t~11wi~'I TeMPERE=I') i;I JOIN!'; r'll 4~S ODORS: P~ov;c;--ooRM.'-r~, l-l$W r.i1!\C'l 1op nu~ "111~t,i, ~~ q~~ ~W'lh1"K1t,ftt.:l('II' lfll!C~ l:IC!n~od ak/fflill•a,, !oc i,,ir~ .t-.A• M\111 fflll11red IOil'!lt M ll~_lrill;k-~11?""' -lil;_.,,.Qrltw l'l/lr~·;t_,. IQ:bll !IIJlinl~" !lt-i. · mirtil'l'l"lifwlo1II' 'lnri . ~115~ I" Ina filOloi wt~ If\,! i:,;i....t 1'1!1"1iei1. Ooor~lc 'ININ_,lilr,lt 11111~!ll'!=IIIV"l#he" rNlW!ft 111-ni-tt.:ir.lritlo :in,14 .,.,,.,. r,Ai, srNCk ~1tr1•t ~l\rAJllll &\I' pa~te"11~r"' ~ i:,1An11 ,;1 rt,~ wjllf ,,,_.11c•-1~on TOJI '!n:1 !'lgll(VI" '"~ 11re l'I ~hrr.1n:,. hlQh <;GIWII !1t1111)11 ~11'7' IE ll 1\11()-~ ,-t.11mp l'lt'l w11ti,<1n-1p 'Ill r.,,.,,.,.~ wJrh 11n 11t111•111t,i.,. lilf',;lthot •INll"P 'YI lt)p-t~ilf-T"-hr,r, iom-ni1l liv.l(1nc m-rMi,,<:m n~~ mun•fl'l"III tor.its· wl'lt.tl ~c;· ;,...,. ,;, ~, t)tMf ,cfra- (:il .ACi5 FAl=l"l(':AT!ON •11 -.,,,.,.., ""'(<:,-,P.S, ~•r ~,u,u ha ,fnlllllf "',.,,, '" ,.,. ol;i.:.: orfn• II) lfln'10l'""'O HAROWARF Cr:twv:iM! t-..rrtw.,. l111iq,) _ ~r,'11111'!"' Fi11c,;ha• A11.ail11t,ia r:!P~r. dltiii: PART 3 -DSCUTION INSPEC7'10N:Daarnt.alttto i.-.pect~cl CXIC!f fratning "9c:t0I' tor~. fflll1I' fadyring' inct~licn lgllQRIN, i"dJclllg ltlQIC for~ •• pk.1.-nb arid aquartnlll. · Whit111vtr possible, ·tillw. field rnNlutt'l'l*'II - · prielr to apP")"ing stiop drawilgs to snaur• ~ lilli"9 QI h doorpll'lels. Examine tap 1rac:.1c· 1u;,Q011, and al'ICtlorage fot slNCIUl'II ldt- quillC)'. fltpcrt •rrt ~ Wlich mlY iJCiverSe!y effect tht ll\llalla.«1 of p~ ot rlie dOOt sysram toiha .ateHblct. • INS1'ALLA110N: Comply v.Uh printed reccm- mtlldat!Cn£ a! c:bOI" tiianufilcmnt. lntt&JI top l'rac:k lerwel atld lt\le IQ tie l&y_wt shOYll'l on lhe tWQYtd .shop driwirlgs. Adjust fie herdwam ~r)d Joc!c s1riku U, obcaln prcptt floor,and i:iar,11) ~;u;ince irracccn:tar1Ce will, matiufaCIUl1r'I -. - ltliUI.IC-VC~ lf'ld &hop clrawln511. PROTECTION AND CI.EAMNG:Ptciect ps -anddclors lrotl'l a,ntact.,.,;tt, ~ 1~ "&tilnc.1 ...S\ll'dng 1rom ~ OJ)ef'Oliont. If, de.'ipie .ucll Ill otee:lion. COIQMntng N>' stMces do-cane in concaet wi'd'I Iha 91U& or tii\fdWAtl, 19MCMI immediately by ll'\ffiXI reo- o,m,,anCj!KI by manutactum. Wdl '9=I i;ir1 bat!- lilces-not m0l'I flan 4 dllys pri:)r 1g dale sched- •Jlei:I ,o, lniptGtlcn&-intrdad to eatabl8h dale d 'l\llf.!atltial mtipj.iien in MCh 11M of project. SLIDING GLASS DOORS · FSVII PART 'I • GEN.,-AL S.AME AS I-ISW-G PART .Z • PRODUCTS MANU~ACTUl=IEQS Av11ll11N" M,iri11lac-r•J"'~ UPtV1 compii,'1~11 with ~II Jl\9 -:111er:1a·o;peelftt(1·"' - 1n~ ~tctlOft. othl!r ITlfill\thM:IIJ•4rs wulhing IQ !lid procfiir;b. ,.i,r,i"'r 10 ,,,. p~/1':I ,p,,c;t-,1 ~~ must subrnlt-lO !hq ::irr.hlr'X:t 10 d.l~ i:,rlor IQ·!'lilJ, cj"9 eompllt!R t111t,1 .. $1,1Pl-('r'! i,r COIT'fl"fl~· i'!l'ld a li&r of lhrtt (3} 0'!:lt ,n11f/lllliln~i-of on,- 1-:c:is 1imiltlr IO !hoS-litT-!CI, GtASS PROOLJCTS Gffl_~Ff.AJ.. Sait,Y Gl111illg Stll"d~· P1"QYii9 ~re(! ,1 .. .,. whic.l'l complie:: with A..CiTM C-10.ie 8IVi ~TM C 1048 ,vq,~,1~1$. i,w:luti,nq lh<>Y·ln'W'~t~ • t,y 111fe11tnr.o, ti>~. c;llil~, Q'Jlllifv. 6 -E=~ S:itl)ftr,1t• P!O 11'1 •11n• i-;1~ llll" ~ll'l(JP l~AIIII'!. WII~ ~p r.f PJlnll'lr.a-1 lln~ IOI~ -.Y,t)ly,r'IQ "lflll'! ·-t1~11\M ~ ~"" 11nrf-h;r~_:. ,na,i,•1fllr1tir•r Pr,,.,,,+, -11'1,rlc~!'·~-.,.,..,"r.ai:t :,,, ~l'>IY-~ -TF.MPFAFf:I .i::/ !f'UN(;-.t;J .4.r;.i:/ ~-~ Pl!Wnl MRYA r..iac s:c;w lllP ho rf'IQ t.t:ri:\t. 4illdltla cp.'-'\ ~ """""' .~ 111,nn111~ !Ji:Vlf'r+'1 •1l11- Mifk11ri l"J:I ~,-k It. .irillai,t ~11'1(1 ',!Mr f,aMl.lf'!; llll' ft) I» ~if,9 •-4, llt'>~i(IMI Ai'lft ~l!Ml'hi.-on lhl" """lri IMlh It-~ n,t,illac1 Omr lil"Mic IAIUI Jnllt :uil~lfl':aUy IW't-tlml,,;,.,c ;11\~1"1'! !'linill'!!I W!hf'tl~ ~ttlll tfN*· onq "11'1' !Ni '1N!IHI l)lll'l'tlfl.-. P,,~IWll> t~ ow-"II""'-~ onu1blof'l!'I 1'~ W ~ '"'"' ....... "~irtk tltQh CCll'8flll ·~~ wftlt'.f\ ~ a-, 111"""' ~11,r,p ""-"""'h ~ ""'r~11,r,i,,-t, "" ~r1,1at1ta,¥M1._ -o ,.,,, ""P ""~ S'f'!IWr" ~ bee l vea Ti-me Ap:, 23. 6: 05AM Wllld-larpanel. UP IQ 16,S lbl. The bc1l0m ltil ~ 11,ocflirlQrn has round boli roc:bw~ l'9g8 ~ ~pn;io!~. Glr1ss Fitbricalion: Alfhollt, no1cttH, •~-ahal( !)ii ~e<I er~ ui ii,e _gia., pllQrtQ \effiPerin;. HARDWAAE:.(choose ~re linish) H,ildwarQ Firiichos Available; Olar, daric hic~ze and tllldC •~tzea a11111i'tum. polshad orb~ stainless itetl and-~ painted. Fl!llngs ,~ Hltdwara Sd\eellle: ~ al\i- rnnim tQp ~ 11ackii9.,.. or.,.., ...a be s,,cwn on dl'IMngi. FSW Sy.$Wm ml.lllt ~ hilW lll'I even nUl'l'lbet' of fclOir,g oanets tJnct tt,ey !gld in pairs. -PART S • -&UCUTION SAMEASHSW~ p_ .. • _D_O_RM_~_~_:S_W __ : -~------------~r-- -o' --C - • Ausfilhrungsmoglict)keiten: Typ 1 2-bzw. 4flugelig • 2 Faltflugel links • 2 Faltflugel rechts • je 2 Faltflugel links und rechts Typ2 4-bzw. 8flugelig • 4 Falttrugel links -q - • 4 Faltflugel rechts • je 4 Faltflugel links und rechts Typ3 6flugelig • 4 Faltflugel links, 2 Faltflug_el recbts • 2 Faltflugel links, 4 Faltflugei rechts Typ4 3flugelig mit Durchgangsflugel • 2 Faltflugel links, Durchgangsflugel rechts • Durchgangsflugel links, 2 Faltflugel rechts • Typ5 5flt.igelig mit Durcligarigsflugel • 4 Faltflugel links, Durchgar-,gsflugel rechts • Durchgangsflugel links, 4 Faltflugel rechts • C· ec. (. DORMA-Glas · 2.2 DORMA-RS .... (ianzglas-Sthiebetiirsysteme, mit denen tnan richtig gut fiihrt ObGanzgla:s~Schiebetur- anlagen ein-oder mehrflugelig ausgefuhrt werderi sollen, ob fur Wand-oder Deckenbefestigung, ob mit Seitenteilen oder .ohne - Schiebetursysteme DORMA RS machen die Planuflg leicht, bieten die Gewahr fur eine problemiose Montag(:l und zeichnen sich durch hohe Zuverlassigkeit aus. -Freie Oberflachen-und Farbwahl, zuverlassige Gebrauchseigerischciften Die aus Leichtmetall bestehenden Verkleidungen werden wahlweise · eloxiert oder farbbesc;;hichtet geliefert. Mit ihret.durchdachten Konstruktion, den qualitativ hochwertigen Materialien und der soliden · Ausfuhrung entsprechen Schiebetursysteme DOR MA RS hohen Anforderungen . . . . Sliding door gear with toughened glass doors, for an ea$y ride DOR MA RS sliding do.or gear for toughened glass doors makes specification easy,.whether it's fqr-one or more sliding doors, _wt,ether it:s side or-top fixed, whether it's With or without side panels. This system guarantees ·problem-free installation, together with DOR MA durability. Wide range.of'flnishes and colours Durability in use The aluminium covers can be supplied either anodised or in a-wide range of powder paint finishes. Good quality materials, well engineered construction and robust manufacture ensure that DOR MA RS sliding door gear · · meets the requirements of the highest specifications. .. p _@ _____________ ~ ________ !$ __ . _____ D_O_RM_;-4_-G_Ja_'.5_2_._2 9{}oo , 200 .·' "/////////////////// -----------i -.. 0 .,J:.' -<q:t, '1' ; . · · The hollow profilea.aIu·miniumtrac1< is fig t yet rutfged and resi-· ,-?.-: . stant to twisting. It can be'flxed directly i.Jnd~r, thEfceilirig or onto i{ L wall.Cutting to the required· size is· simplic:ity]tself.Thltals'ed, .. -:~: · "/ convex' profiletot tti'e raif~urface prevents 'ciusfancicif ifcollectfng:~ .· . cn;;_ii·~~~tJ~~?jJ'.i~~{c,f[>'~~ ·. ·. · The covers are made; of a!uininium, and·ar¢ . ly clipped onto-'. : _: r the track. If the track is"tcip:fixed, onto the:ceijing, the:covers are . : lji used on both:sides; 'if the Jrack is sfde _fix~a; the c6ve·r ·is used on : ·. the exposed side on!y. ljie· cqvers also_ ~n 'easily be cuflo size. :-. •. · Sid~ p~~~~-~k,;;~:~>:,:~:Jf 5x~;~12~~i~f ~>~~. '~::k ~-_-~- A special.profil~·to'be·h~h~ i~d -~cr~;';;c1 f11t~ihJ.:1~~'Jf; .· ;-. . : ' available for.the 1.i'se with fixed·side· panels'. lferiiures't~atttie Side panel glass·is·mounted:with the correci'distance to the track._ Gent1~):~f£J!t;Lt~r-.:_'.·;/{j}jf/£f:~·:_ .. ;_ ::j(~ The carriers fU!)~ on~la~ge "nylon Whe~IS:wilh. ~e.ed(e:beari11gs,:\_\ ·. ·: giving a qu!et and very low friction ride. TJ,ey are made from high . grade, glass fibre·reintorced riylon,.whiQh is ¢orr9sionaresistant and . ! -::l~!Zi~Ji:J:J~~\i!~:,{!{~fff If /[1f 7;· .: -Y:·:_·;: :i There.is a cle;e[ device in. the._track Whi9i, ope·;ates ?S\a·· cusliio--"' ned en9 stop, retaining the.dbbr.$~Curely:in the end positions. \. _ -: ,: ~~ ;!#J~';i;itif.f ~~iJJ;(.~ittL.L .• DORMA:GIa_s:ha~J :Y1ide. experi~nq.e·ih.¥!~[~!D9.\'.,'itlt!oli,Qhene~ _/; glass, and ~his has led)o_the _qeyelopmel)t<>f a c!amp1r:ig system :--·• which is all that i~·requ1red for.securing the glass blades in ·· · ,·.. · · DOR MA RS sliding door·gear.This· has theadditional,benefit of . allowing some door height adjustment, after the door is hLit,9. Features and Data DORMARS120 For one or more. dpor leaves, with or without side panels; 8, 10 and 12 h1m Ql€}SS thickfiess. ·Maximum weight of door leaves No. of max, weight (kg) . carriers per·_doorleaf 2 120 3 1-50 Calculation of glass height Height of.sliding doo·r leaf · hl1 =H-118 (see left.drawing) ·Height of si9e panel H2 = H -70 mm+ insert i17to floor Calculatidn,of .glc!s.s width Width of sliding door leaf A=1/2 B (min. 500) WiElth· of side panel S=A+40 T9rque for screws in the •clamping patches. 20 Nm All measurements in mm All over height=H Glass height of sliding door leaf= H1· Glass height of side panel= H2 + insert into floor Length of track== B Width of door leaf=A Width ofside panel=S B ' LO oj C\I r.n: I i rl.fi~l-H--'-I adjustable floorgu1de B ·~~--=-A~_-'--'11 ... · __ -=-A~--! 1· I I.. S=:;A+40 I I ' DORMA.RS .Schiebetilrsystem ·120 komplett, bestehend at1s: 1 Laufschiene, 2 Laufwagen mit Klemmschuh und Stutzschraube. fur 8 und 10 mm Glasdicke, 2 Endanschlagen und 1 Boden- fOhrung. Laufschienen- lange Bin mm 1900 2900 Art.-Nr. 07.101 07.:102 ·Sliding door gear 1io ' complete,.comprising 1, track; .2 Cqrr1ers with ·clamping patches and support screw for 8 and 10 mm glass thickness,· 2 end stops c1.nd 1 floor guide. Track length B in mm 1900 2900 Art. No. 07.101 07.102 Gewicht in kg: 4,503. 5,858. Weight in kg: 4.503 5.S58 . Zubehor-Set 120, bestehend aus: 2 Laufwagen mit Klemmschuh und Stutzschraube fur 8 ul:id 10 mm Glasd1cke, 2 Endanschlagen und 1 Bodenfuhrung. Art.-Nr. 07.125 Gewicht in kg: 1,928 Zwischenlage fur Glasdicke 12 mm Art.-Nr. 01.901 CD Laufschienenprofil 120 gebohrt, max. 6000 mm lang • Art.-Nr. 07.121 Gew1cht 1n kg/m: 1,355 • ® Verkleidungsprofil 120 zum Aufclipsen, max. 6000 mm lang Art.-Nr. 07.120 Gewicht in kg/m: 0,820 ® Seitenteilprofil 120 ungebohrt, max. 6000 mm lang Art.-Nr. 07.122 Gewicht in kg/m: 1,680 Laufwagen 120 mit Klemmschuh, zusatzlich, fur Flugelgewi¢ht bis max.150 kg Art.-Nr. 07.123 Gewicht 1n kg: 0,916 Bodenfuhrung 120/40 verstellbar Art.-Nr. 07.126 Accessory set 120 comprising Z carrier.s with clamping patches· and support . screw for 8 and 10 mm glass thickness, 2 end stops ?nd 1 floor guide. Art. No. 07.125 Weight in kg-, 1.928 Gasket for 12 mm glc1.ss thickness Art. No. 01.901 CD Track120 prep13,red. for top or,side 'fixing, max. 6000 mm long Art.No. 07.121 Weight in kg/m: 1.355 . . ® C.over 120 · · for clip attachment max. 6000 mm long Art. No. 07.120 Weight in kg/m: 0:820 ® Side panel profile 120 to connect side panels and track, non prepared max .. 6000 mm long Art. No. 07.~~2 . Weight in kg/m: 1.680 Carriers 120 with cl9mping_patches, . · additional, for door leaves with a max.weight.of150 kg ,l\rt. No. 07.123· Weight in kg: 0.916 Floor guide 120/40 adjustable Art. No. 07.126 N .... . ;_ ! I I ! I I ·,1 I-- ® - 0 .:!: ® 1 I : ~; ·ca· ., ,, 0 0 0 . ' \ \\ ) ~- ~ \ ' -~·-j D I · .. l I I ; C r-- ~ ~·. (_. Schiebetursystem 40 komplett, bestehend aus: 1 Laufschiene 1900 mm la_11g (kurzbar), 2 Laufwagen mit Klemmschuh fur 8 mm Gl?,'s- dicke, 2 Endanschlagen und 1 Bodenf0hrung. Art.-Nr. 07.100 Gewicht in kg: 1,805 Turknopf, Leichtmetall Art.-Nr. 07.201 Gew1cht in kg: 0,400 Griffmuschel, Leichtmetall, wird auf das Glas geklebt Art.-Nr. 07.200 Gew,cht in kg: 0,072 -Sliding door gear' 40 comprising i track;1900 mm long, '(tor cu\ting to size), 2 carrierswith cl~rniping patches. for 8 mm glass thic::kness, 2 end stops and 1 floor guide. · Art. ·Ne;>; 07.100 Weight iri kg: t805 ·ooor knob, aluminium Art. No .. oi201 ·. Weight in kg: 0.400 Flush pull, aluminium to be glued onto the glass Art. No. 07.200 Weight in kg: 0.072 - DORMA-Glas 2.2 _ 0 20mm • _!(· \ ' I ,' I: ! 0 . i .... '·.'-'// 0 50mm _, . . . .. . . . .. . . ,~ . . . . . . . . ~ . . . .. . . . ... POOR·· . . ·=· " . . . . .. . . . \ . . . . . ; . ._ ,. · · -__ -Q· ·-u·-·A=--·---_L-. 1:T.?:·_-----·-:;"v·· --',--- .t._ . . : .,.· .. ,: ··-... :'. . .:• .• -,. , •• _·_ • •';_,r,'. , -.-' ., __ ... ::; • . ' ' , .. .. . . , . . . . ,,. . . . . o·RlGINAL,(S) .. .. . . . . -_ . . I . ' -~- - I ' ... .v---_: . ~--PtlSTtl . ()f,7CH _·. ·._ · · · -~ Tldlio · :(<eri.i[;,,-:_." • THE OPENiNG GLASS WALL™ rnassic"Folding wood'Series SIZES AND CONFIGURATIONS.·· -- L3+3 \J\ N I 18'-4%" 16'-4¾" 18'-39's" 3'-0" 27" 18+2 V\ · v' 15'-4l;'s" 15'-3%" 3'-0" 27" 13'-8%" 13'-7%" 2'-8" 23" 1s+1 'v\ I 16'-3Ys" 2'~" ~3" 12'-59's" P'-H's" 12'-5½" 11'-l½'' 3'-0" 2'-8" 27" 23" .,:----i!-.---itr-7:i,· · -J1 1' {, I ii• ,,l ,, j 'I 't 1: l !:I 11 , ,I ',\ • • ,,, / 1·1 l'I, ·., ··' I •i,( ti; I I/>' • \ ! . l'i ·,·~ l: ·, -' -J ' II' ...,-.,.. I : I ·I· I!' :"1 \ .• ,1 I,·, I I l I J1 , ,' ; [____Jt--tL____;;. ~:i: • • l • \ General Notes: L5+1 Vv\·. / 18'-4%" 18'-39's" 3'-0" 27'' 16'-4%" 16'-3rs" 2'-8"' 23" l'i~_i:;--,j;---it~;::, '11 'I'll ll·i . . !:I ,. . ,, ·, ,. ll' !I .·, ;;; ' ., •I '\ !j ;,y i•1 .. ::· .. ! 'L' Pi~b(A . {)At~ !~ . -E -'_1 .£~ : ,:11 ]!I! .Jc:i '.:: ~.. I, . _.;_ ;f•! 11 ,I -,• 1, Ii I 11, 111 i' lij :,, \ .a·, / 1-hl J~i_J,. __ -~:__J\ ._._:c~ L..J~ 1(1 i ' . . . '.I L4+1 VV' 15'-41/s!' 15'-3%" 3':.0" 27" m m 13'-8¾" 13'-7%" 2'-8'' 23" _ 18+0 ·v(· 9•;5¾" 8'-5¾" 91 .. 511 ~'-511 3'-0" _ 2':S" -2111 • 23" 15+0 VV\ 1 15'-41/s" 15'-3%" 3'-0" ·27" 91 .. 5n 3'-0" 2-7" 13'-8¾"' 13'-7%" 2'-l!" 23" 'i:1--.--,, ~3/ :-I' q! \ ' I ·., ,· 1 , • ;, • / • ,I ··, I .n: . Ii •. ·] . .,. ! ' '·'. """' ···»;' ,j' .. :1 ; I :, .,, I I i:----'.}.:'.._,...]'. 1. Panel configurations shown are for, left hand opening panels 9nJy. Additional Panel Heights: Right hand opening panels are mirror .images, Rough Opening 7'-11½" 7'-3\-2'', 5!-711 Frame 7'-10½" 7'-2½" 51-611 51 .. 511 2'-8" 23" 2. Units are available with either aHpanels opening in or all panels opening O\.lt. 3. Custom panel widths and heights are available in 1" increments. Panel 7'-4" 6'.:S" 4'•11½" 4. Note that a combination wood/metal head jamb is used for the retro size. Glass 74¼" 66¼" 50½" 5. Douglas fir is standard. Other woods on request. · Some commercial applications: • Indoor/outdoor seating areas for restaura.nts and sidewalk cafes • Inviting entrances for stores and ma:11 fro,nts • Large openings for ski lodges and recreation centers • Room partitions in restaurants,· cafeterias, and country clubs Some residential applications: • Indoor/outdoor living and entertainment areas, as·access to coµrtyards, decks, ·patios and breezeways "\ - •Gara:ge/living Space 9onversions • Spa enclosures • Solariums, as end or face walls • Pool .houses Retro: 6'-8" 6'-7W' 51 .. 511 63\4'' • Di\'ision of sanctuary and cry arl'as in churches • Flexible use of space in conference and office rooms : . . . applications-are limitless, and i·iews a·nc(, entrances are dramati.cally enhanced. 2X4FRA.~ECONSTRUCTION WITH OPTIONAL SCREEN RAISED ALID:IL'<ml SILL "\\'TIH TYPICAL HARDWOOD FLOOR _ THE OPENING GLASS WALL™ ·Classic Foldi~g Wood-Series TYPICAL CROSS SECTION~l'OR INWARD OPENING DETAILS_; (As-denoted-on precious page). B G A ourna&D OPENING THRESHOLD FOR OUTWARD Ol'E!\lXG UNIT SCALE 1½" = 1'0 Check with NANA for other sill options. · ¼" RISE.FLAT ALUMTh'UM THRESHOLD Perfonnance Crit~ria Ex¢erpt of tes~ results ,performed by certified, inde- pendent.testing laboratories: · -UNrr 1. Standard 4 panel 11'1/s"x 7'2½" inward - opening unit with -raised threshold iind 0.9" Water trough, Conforms to NWWDA LS. 8.88 for s1vinging doors, equivalent to Grade 20 of NWWDA.l.S. 3.88 for .patio doors. W;iter·Penetration -ASTM E-547, 2.86psf 5.-1-lpsf no uncontrolled water entry@: 34mph 46mph Structnral load-deflection :...ASTME-330 20psf 45 psf P.ositii:e & negative pressure, pass@: 90mph 1~3mph (Comparative anal)sis performed by certified engineer !or other panel sizes.) Thermal Performance of Glazing Options CENTER OF GL.\SS VALUES U W.UE R \i\LUE U>m: ~-3 panel 8!5" x 8'6½~ unit 1\ith raised thresh-· Insulating clear hold:and 1%" water trough. Conforms to Solar Bronze .-!-! 2.27 .-11 2.45 _Grade 40.of NWWDA LS. 3.~8 for patio doors. Low-E .30 3.33 Residence with Opening Screen Wall partially dqwn. UNIT 1 U~n 2 Salt Spray Resistance: Bi-folding and internal lock- ing hardware in accordance with.AST'.\! B-lli. Motorized Screens The OPENING SCREEN WALL, an ,automatic, retractable, exterior, overhead, sun/insect system, is arnilable as an option. Glazing Options A choice of glazing options such as Low-E glazing, laminated glass, true divided lites as well as other muntin layouts are available. -Airlnfiltration-ASTM Ec283, @01.57psf(25mph),cfmpersquare .07 .06 foot of oyerall frame dimensi(m Inside lever handle and_ _ plate with thumblatch. Outside /ever han- dle andplate u-ith lock.set Bi-folding ·::.a Available in brass, white, and dark. brown. I -• Forced Entry Resistance: In accordance with . .\.-\;\!.-\ 1303.5. Hardware Options Standard· handles and backsets available in forged polished brass, dark bronze or white powder coated finishes are shown. The internal locking system is compatible with other Epropean handles and various options are · available to meet ADA requirements. On request, outward opening units can be provided to accept panic devices. Guide Specifications -Section 08610 THE OPENING GLASS WALL, Classic Folding \Yood Series • PART I-GENERAL 1.01 Summary • A. Section Includes: Bi-folding wood and glass door system. including wood frame, threshold. panels. bi-folding and locking hard\vare, weatherstripping, glass. and glazing; designed fo pro\ide an opening·glass wa,IL 1.02 Submittals A. Product Data: ~!anufacturer's liteqture including Owner's j{a1mal and·test data listing performance criteria by certified indpendent testing laboratories. 1.03 Quality Assurance A. :Manufacturer: Pro\1de complete. precision. built. engineered, pre-fitted unit by·a·single manufacturer. · PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 Manufacturer A. Nana WaU Systems, Inc. i07 Redwood Highway, Mill Valley, Calif. 9,19,11 Telephone: (·!'15) 383-31,18 (800) 873-5673 F.-\X: (-115) 383-0312 2.02 Materials A. Panels: Manufacturer's standard,S}·stem; 1 ¾" panel thickness. t\ominal stile and top .rail \\idt'h of-!½". nominal bottom rail width of 91/4' [OR· · 11 • 1 for doors and ,I½· for windows, · L Wood: Laminated reneer or solid. kiln ·dried. clear. unfinished. Douglas.fir--[ OR other wood as selected]. ~-Dh·ided Lites. as option: True divided lites. 6'-8" high panels. 10 [ OR 15·1 lites per panel. and s·-o· high panels 12 [ OR !SJ lites per panel [ OR other layoutas selec1ed]. B. Head and Side Jambs: ~!anufacturer's standard s1·stem: two interlocking pieces.of:laminated· 1·eneer or solid. kiln dried, clear unfinished. Douglas fir. connected· in a T shape [ OR combi- nation wood/metal headjamofor retro height]. C. Glass: Proridw11ianufacturer.'sstandard rs· ·insulatec! glass; fully tempered;safety glass complying•1\ith.applicable codes. Clear Insulating·Glass [OR Solar Bronze Glass]· [.OR SolarGrayGlass] [ORLow-E] [ORl/,I" Lamiliated"Glass I. · U. Internal Locking-Hardware: ~ianufacturer·s· -standard secure multiple-point locking hardwa,re \\ith·exposed area~ to.be'black.powder · coated or lacquereti. ·Provide-hardware on primary §l;ing panel, on secondary s1\ihg•panel · for 4 and 6 panel mt)dels. and between each,pair of bi-folding panels. E. Handles and Escutcheon.Plates: Pi'o\1de-one set manufacturer's standard Betlin·style lerer handles and f!rim Series :1000 escutchebn'.plates on primary S\\ing panel. Pro\ide-a· second set for secondary s1\ing:p,rnel of-4 and·6 paneLmodels. Pro\ide matching hant!le.for each pair of bi- foldi!l& panels. Finish: Forged polished brass [OR dark bronze powder coated] [OR white pow~er coated]. F. Lockset: Pro1ide Schlage·C keyway compatible mortise iockset. Keyed differently [ OR keyed alike]. G. Sliding/Bi-Folding System: Top hung,adjustable · combination sliding-and bi-folding hardware; system to allow for adjustment in certain.planes and dimensions. 1. PrO\ide for each pair of bi-folding.panels, manufacturer's standard upper \Vheel assembly and.!01\>er guide bracket. Provide for e?ch panel. three-manufactur.er's standard adjustable hiMes. 2. 1!etal Components: Galranized·Grade A steel · with yellow chrom1\ted·finish. 3. Co\'f;r·Plates: Brown:P\'C .[ OR white P\'C] '[OR simulate<! br~ss·PVC]. H. Other Components: 1. Threshold: Raised. dark bronze ~n6dized · aluminum.threshold [ OR flat oak sill for interior applications] [ OR 1/-f rise flat aluminum:~ill] [ OR minimum sill I . An architectural detail manual is available on request. • Other Systems frpm NANA WOOD . • Floor Supported Folding Series • Center Pivoted Folding Series • Acoustic Folding Series ALUMINUM -Also See Section. 08400, Storefronts & Entrances • Thermally Broken and Non-thermal Folding Storefront Series _ ··19D(i NANA WALL SYSTEMS, INC. • Thermally Broken and Naff-thermal Folding: Residential Serie~ • full Opening Thermally Broken Sliding Storefront System ii Matching Entrance Doors, Sidelites, Transoms, and' Corner Posts · p ~: Weatherstripping: Manufac.turer·s standard Q-LOK foam seal and· Elastopren. For Qat sjll, drip caps \\ith brush sweep. 3. PrO\ide manufacturer's standard dark bronze anodized top and.bottom tracks. stainless steel striker plates and screws. and ceramic coated scretvs. 2.03 Fabrication A. Use•double .rabbeted construction. single plane perimeter compression-weatherstripping. double weather~tripping.between pane.ts. and for inward opening unit with raised threshold. an engineered weep system to.direct water to exterior. B. Size and Configurations:. 1!anufacturers standard nominal sizes.for configurations as indicated on Dra1\ings; nominal panel height 6'-8" ['OR 8'•0"1 [OR 'i'-4"1 [OR4"-ll½"] '[OR other custom height]. Nominal panel 1\idth 2'-8" LOR3'-0"l[ORother.custom 1\idth]. Inward [OR outward] opening-unit. · 1. Three Pane!Modei: ~3+0 [ OR R3+0 I [ OR L2+1] [ORR2+1]. 2. Four Panel ,Model: L3+ 1 [ OR R3+ 1]. 3. Five Panel Model: L5+0 [OR R5+0I [OR Ll+l] [OR R4+1] [OR L3+2] [OR R3+2]. 4. SL,.Panenlodel: L5+ 1 [ OR R5'+ I] [ OR L3+3J [OR R3-,.3] .. 2.04 Accessories:..-1 ""'·-Edi-.t-~ ...... ~r-p_ro_· ~-ect-. re-qwre-.--'"~e-n_ts. __ . ~I A. PrO\ide the Opening Screen Wall, a motorized, overhe?d,-retractable, rolling solat/ins.ect-screen in dark bro\rn [ OR white] powder coated aluminum. ·Pro\ide weather sealed Somfy tubtilat motor concealed in a roll tube, a three position switch, a protective box, side channels, a load bar, and \inyl coated screen. PART 3-EXECUTION 3;01 Installation A. Install unit in accordance ·\\1th.manufacturer's recominendations and installation instructions. End of Section ,.'\ana Wall Systems. Inc. reserve the right to change specifications·11ithout notice. THE OPENING GWS WAil" ~ NANA .WALL SYSTEMS, INC . po-p? P 707 Redwood Highway Mill Valley, California 94941 % (415) 383-3148 . .;:' (800) 873°5673 """' · ..,. """' ..,. Fax (415) 383-0312 . IJ NW W!II. mtlMI. IC. ..... ---· • • • THE OP_ENING-GlASS WALtM Bolarlux Folding Aluminum Syst~rri.s · Possible Configurations . · . · _ · Shown to theright are inward openingconf,gurations with . 1r II ·II > 1'1-4R II II II II majority of panels folded to the right. The exact reverse _ , '(/" -. ·, configurations can be achieved with the majority of panels· folded . . , to the left. The same configurations are also.available outward . i-3R --'-~---==::e.. l-1L3R opening. ~ ~ ~IK!v=;;=·ll=E=,;::=::;-,. --I > indicates folding· direction. · -· 1·2L2R ~-indicates swirtg panel indicates double swing panels. ~ Note that some configurations have no swing:paneL '1K11 _ ·11-11· _-·11, -.,_11-Also note that on some configurations, additional stacking I_/ .. .. .. . \ T~:::;7 '-07 y'U fio {(f .,;,_ flexibility may be possible by using another set of rollers instead of 1-1L4R ::::~::.al~:-fold, I~ 1111 11,1f -- Maximum unit width is maximum width module from chart, multiplied by the number of panels with· an overall cap of 20'. :-lote: English dimensions are approximate. (Dimensions in parenthesis are in.millimeters). 9'2" (280Q) 8 I 10''(2700) -' ---=;..+-~--j:-'-~--j-'-~-+-----1 S150/o· · 81611 (2600) S135/s S135/d I 8'2" (2500) i 7 I 10 II (2-100) ~ 7'6" (2300) 0 § i.. ""' 7'2" (2200) S150/n 6' 1011(2100) 61611 (2000) r-------+---~--·--~---1--- 3'3'' (1000) ~-~-~-----~-~-'--- 1 'll" 2'3" 2'7" 2'11" 3'3" 3'7" 3'11" (600) (700) (800) . . (OOJ) (HXXl) (1100) (1200) Width Module (Width module is frame width divided by number of panels in unit) opening 1rn1 1111 _11,1 IEiEEI 111111,11 IBEr21 1111 11,11 ·l-4L4R ~ < I -'-07 ~ < ~~ · STtl-f II( 11-l1 -11 • ~II -_ 11 -· 11-11 ,11 1·3t5R llidE-11<!!>11-II II II-:II . VL)Cfv7'v7 Complete, Coordmated Glass Walls With the SOLARLUXjoining system, complete, coordinated glass walls can be provided with various folding doors and folding \'iindows combina,tions, matching swing entry doors, transoms, side lites, and corner posts. Hardware Options . • . _ The internal ·locking sy?tem is compatible with most European ~- dies and various.options are available to meet ADA r.equirernents. · Depending on cpn:figuration selected, panic devices and door closers can be incorporated. Motorized Screens . The OPENING SCREEN WALL, an automatic, retractil.ble, exterior, overhead, sun/insect screen is available as an option. TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS: .. THE OPENING GLASS WALf~ Solarlux-Foldifig Alu~inum Systems SL 50 SYSTEM The standard thermally broken system with 50min (2") thick profile, either top hung, SL 50/o, or f109r supported, SL 50/u. TYPICAL SUGGESTED INSTALLATION. RAISED SILL TYPICAL MEETL."i'G STILES* SL 35 SYSTEM OUIWARI1 OPENL"i'G k:: I I < ' I .• ;,--:::.,, : -l .~ M ~- ! • :F1psirsiI.L$TH OPTIONAL SITE L"i'STAµ.EI) DRAIN The standard non-thermal, top hung system \vith 35mm (l¾") thick profile. Either for single glazing, SL 35/s, or for insulated· glazing, SL 35/d. · !:',"WARD OPENING HEAD JA.\18 S1.35/s OL"ffi;\R!J OPENING HEAD JAi,IB SL35{d t~ )l1? '··'2,)/ 'I'YPICAL llEETL'IG STlLES* ·l!rrt e -e,/ . TI'PICAL SIDE JA.\IB• SL 70 SYSTEM . The monumental, thermally broken, floor supported system i\ith 70mm {2¾ ") thick profile for larger sized panels or for incorporation .of a.swing, tilt, or tilt/turn windO\v within a folding panel. HEADJA.\IB FLUSH SILL RAISED.SILL TYPICAL 11EETING STILES* SL45SYSTEM The non-thermal; top hung system with 45mm (I¾") thick profile for iarger sized panels or for special applications such as a c;enter pivoted ·unit or a unit with both inward and outward . opening panf:lls. Either for single glazing, SL 45/s, orfor insulated glazing, SL 45/d. !{EADJA.\IB D -~' ·- . . M RAISEDSl!,L ~ w :~ FLliSHSILL TYPICAL }IEETING STILES• . . •.t,! SIDE JA.\18• ·- * Please note that not all horizontal details.are shown. Details wilt .vary depending on position in configuration. Scale. 3"= 1'0" Guide Specifications·-Section 08400 PART I-GENERAL 1.01 Swnmary • A. Section Includes: Bi-folding aluminum and glass door system. including aluminum fraI)1e, threshold.· panels, bi-folding and locking-hardware. we.1ther stripping, ·glass, and glazing (glass to be acquired· • and glazed separately); designetl to provide an opening glass wall or storefront. \\ith sizes and configurations as sh91111 on drawings and ~pecified herein. with system SL35/s [ ORSL 35/d] [ OR SL -15/s] [ORSL-15/d] [ORSL50/o] [ORSL50/u] [OR SL 'iO] as distributed by NAN,.\ WALL SYSTEMS; INC. 1.02 Submittals A. Product Data: ~lanufacturer's literature including 01111er's ~!anual and test data.listing.performance criteria by certified independent testing laboratories. 1.03 Quality Assurance A. Manufacturer: Pro1ide complete, precision built, engineered. pre-fitted unit·by a single manufacturer ( except for glass and-glazing). PART 2-PRODUCTS · 2.01 Manufacturer A. Solarlux/Nana Wall Systems, h:tc. . iOi Redwood Highway. ~mrvalley, Calif. 94941 Telephone: (-115) 383-3148' (800) 873-5673 F . .\X: (-115) 383-0312 2.02 Materials A. Frames & Panels: From manµfacturet's standard profiles for system specified, pro1ide head.jamb. side jambs. and panels 11ith·dimensions-sh01m.on drawings. Pro1ide standard bottom rail \vidth [ORJI"]. Pr01ideraisedsill[ORflushsill]. I. Aluminum: Extrusions of 6063-T5 alloy and temper 11ith nominal thickness of .098" (2.5mm). 2. ~on-thermal, SL35 [OR·SL-15] [OR thermally broken 11ith IxSUI,B..\R, a poljmide plastic reinforced 11ith glass fibers. SL 50 [ OR SL 70 ]"]. :3. Finish: Anodized conforming to ..\..\MA 60-1.2 or 60i.l. dark bronze,'E6 C3-l [OR clear, E6 E\'I] [ OR custom I [ OR p,owder coated conforming to A..\:,L.\ 603.8 or 605.2; dark brown: RAL 8077 [ OR white. R..\L 9016]'[0R OPTION-As selected .from range of R. .\L p911·der coated and wet applied finishes a1·ailable from manufacturer: For SL 50 or SL iO. same [ OR different] colors on.inside and outside] ] . B. Glass: Single [OR double insulated] g!azingto be acquired and glazed separately. Exact glass dimensions to be pro1ided by manufacturer. ASn! C 10-!8. Kind FT. select glazing quality float glass; fully tempered safety glass complying 1\ith applicable codes. Pro1·ide ..\PTK or EPD:-.! gaskets and removable l).luminum stops for dry,glazing-on site per manufacturer's instructions. C. Locking Hardware and Handles: Provide manufacturer's .standard concealed three point V THE OPENING GlASS·WALL/Solarlux Folding"Aluminum Systems locking hardware on. prim~ry s11ing panel and two · nents ( except glass) arid inst~Ilation instructions. point locking-hardware between each pair of-bi-B. ·size and Configurations: See drawings for selected folding.panels. PrO\ide pair of flat handles and Yale custom dimensioils,11ithin maximum frame sizes compatible lock set.on ·pr_imair Sl\ing panel or on . possible for each. system as indicated in lead pair of bi-fold .pair in configuratidns 11ithout a manufacturer's literature. See dra11ings for swing panel. Pro1ide single flat handle on all other ·selected number of panels and configuration. pairs of bi-folding panels. Flat:handle finish: Inward [OR outwar~) opening unit. Powder coated. dark brown, RA~ SOii [ OR white, RAh 9016] l OR dark gray, RAL 'i021J. 2.04 Accessories (EDIT FOR PROJECT REQL1RE.\IE)l'TS.) · I. Function: With 180° turn of handle. all locking A. Prol'id_e the Opening Screen Wall. a motorized, points move into place at once. Turn of,key or 01·erhead, retractahle. tolling solar/insect screen. thumb turn operates lock set. In outward opening in dark brown [ OR white I powder coated configurations 1\ithout a swing panel. provide aluminum. Prol'ide weather sealed SO:,IFY lock set key operable on both irside and outside. tubular motor concealed in a roll tube. a three [ OPTION . On m((in swing p~nel, pro1ide -·-. position s1\itch. a protectire box. a load bar and color'HEWI handle l H.23. Function: 'With 180° 1inyl co;ited screen. turn of handle. all three·locking points mol'e intq B. Provide matching side lites. transoms. corner place.at once [ OR, e.xcept for SI:. 35 systems, one posts, or single or double doors as per dra11ings point latch 1iith lock·set,.deail bolt; and, lel'er pro,ided. handles. Turn of:key orthumb turn-oper11tes lock and depression of handles 1vithdraws latch] [.OR, 'PART 3-EXECUTION except for SL 35 systems, pull handles with separate 3.01 Installation lock·set and dead bo\t·]. Possible fat SLiO and for . A. Install unit in accordance 11ith manufacturer's inward opening SL3o, SL-!5 and SL50 onlr, pro1ide recommendations.and installation instructions. matching HEW! h;mdle on all pairs of bi0folding pa!Jels:] EndofSeqtion E. Sliding/Bi-Folding Systei:n: P.ro\ide manufacturer's standard combination sliding and-bi-folding hardware 11ith top-and botto!Tl tracks. I. For ~ach pair ofbi-fcilding panels. for top hung system SL 35 [PR SL 45] :[ORSL 50/oj, pro\ide upper running carriage and lower guide carriage [OR for floor !llOUnted· system, pr.01ide _upper guide carriage and for SL 50/u. two'[ OR for·SL ''iO,.four] wheeled )ower runnfng carriage I. 2. Pro1ide oft ·an four corners, stanµard·for S~ 35 [ OR thermally broken for-SL 50], cast metal multi-functional corner fittings l\ith. carriage conilectors,.hiliges and liinge pins~~ required. Finish: Powder coated, dark bi-01111; RAL 807, [0R white, RAL 9016] [OR dark gray .. R..\L 'i:021] [OR GUStom colors]. [ OR for SL-!5] [ OR SL:70]. pro1·jde manufacturer's standard hinges.and.hinge pins for each systel)l. F. Other Componeµts: l.Weather stripping: Pr01ide manufacturer's standard·double,laver ..\PTK. EPD:\l, or-brush seals at both the inner a~d outer edge of door panels or on frame for seaiing·between panels and between panel and frame. 2. Provide manufacturer's standard tapered pins,or machine scr~ws for connecting frame components, 2.03 Fabrication A. tise extruded alumil)tim Trame and panel profiles, corner connectors and hinges. sliding and folding hardware, locking hard11•are and.handles. and weather-stripping as specified herein -to make a folding glass wali. Factory pre-assemble as .is· standard for·manufacturer and ship 11ith'·a!l compo- An architecrural detail manual and dra11ings on CAD are available on request. ·Performance Criteria: SOL-\RLl,X products hare been tested to meet European standards set-by the \\indow Teclmology Institute (RAL) of Rosenliein, Germany. Please note that unli~e AA.\I..\ testing procedures which allow the results of a single test of a new unit selected by tjle manufacturer. the RAL requirements are that test units are to be randomly selected and tested after 10.000 operating cycles. In· combined-air infiltration. water penetration and structural performance tests. the SL 50 and SL 70 systems 11ith the raised· sills meet the requirements for "Stress Classification Grpup c·. the highest rating possible for any fen_estration product. The SL :35 and SL 45 systems 11ith the raised sills meet the requirements for "Str~ss Classification Groups·. Air infiltration-ASn! E;,283. cfm per ft.~ of 01·erall frame dimension. @1.57 psf (25 niph) @6,24 psf (50 mph) SL 35 0.19 0:50 st 45 0.4:3 1.25 SL 50 0.08 0.19 SL rn 0.06 0. 18 . Testing 1,ith flush sill options. pending. ·water Penetration - . .\SDI E-547 1,ith \\ater s1iray of 3.1 gal- lons per ft.! per minute instead of standard 5 gallons per ft.! per minute. no uncontrolled irater entr;@psf SL 35 6.24 (50 mph) SL 45 6.24 (50.mph) SL 50, 12.48 (iOmph) SL 70 12.48·(70 mph) Tesiing to 5 gallons per Jt;l per minute and ,,ith ·other sill -options, pending. -Structural Load·Deflection-Testing to . .\SDI E-:330. pending. · ~ana rrserws the righf to change specifications without·notic~. Salt Spray Resistance -Folding and internal locking hardware.in. accordance 11ith :\Sn! B-1 li. • Other Systems from NANA ALC:--IINU;\! -Full Opening Thermal Sliding Storefront System , 1996 N . .\N . .\ \\'..\LL SYSTE},:JS, IN.C. WOOD -Also See S.ection 08610, Wood Windows Classic Top Hung Folding Series Floor Supported, Center Pivoted and Acoustic Folding Series r Forced· Entry Resistance -In accordance with . .\AMA 1303:5. · 'Thermal Performance -Testing to American standards. pending. THE OPENiNG GLASS_ WAil • , r-I NANA WAil SYfflMS, INC . ,;W ~-707 Redwood Highway :-4 Mill Valley, California 94941 % (415) 383-3148 (800) 873-5673 Fax(415)383-0312~ j D LIFT SLIDING DOOR RANGE* -·---, G----J Pocket Door I I ... l <.; i" l = = =·= :J Two Doors (.1 or 2 doors operable) ' f l I ... 't <1 f ! ! ,; l I r:11 I = =:. = :J Four Doors (2 or 4 doors operable) *Other configurations available according co ,::,iour specifications. PROFILE CYLINDER' LOCK I'-''-! ' ,, ' -_-~ -- -. ..-_.}. :.=~----------i.-,-io-- --·- a a Fl s 7600 7605 z~l/4" Lift Sliding boor European Hardware 2 Doors , ( 1 door operable) 2-1/4" Lift Sliding De European Hardware: (Both doors operabfe Vertical Section Als,o available in win N.T.S. Vertical Section Also available in windows N.T.S. c:::er:es 7COO I ,c'->-~L'CI" ,,-. , G,-'-,rcc::: 1' \ ")'" •l"""r, ~1,c::: ~·• I -, l'-.\...:1 '--'l....,,.__1 ,~ 'J' ,1~\....o...,_,j-.._, Whether your plans call for double.doors, or an ,enrite window wall, we offer a broad range of capabilities. From 2-door, l 6foot units to 4-door, 36 foot units,.these doors are a cost-effective way to mee_t your most expansive design specifications. Available with true divided lites, our sliding doors are rated at zero infiltratipn from water and air. All of our units are also available w.ith screen doors with bottom t~ndem roll~rs and recessed finger pulls for ease of operatiqn. Precision performance is standard. ·--.- ' i·---r l I i I ' • l .~ ~7.- _; ' ! ' ' I : _L:, ! I ' I "--'"""'---<'--V-Z~>L. ,-,---L Ser:ss :2GCG 0 2-1/4" FoldingWindow European Hardware Vertical Section N.T.S. 0 .. t-::LcAw.~-,.. Ocq_R/ \N1NDG1N _ · {)11.f le> _ This _revolutionary produ~t n:iakes interior and f11Jn"A .~ _ :xtenor pass-through appltcanons a bree:e. Sash II~ 1 ' ~. ~olds completely to one side, offering a dramatic f tt-rc.. ... · :J open a room for a totally unobstructed • __ vk . .-. Cal[ for saddle/thre~hold options .. ,: Excellent choice for pool house, c;abanas, cafe, · -restaurants, and store front applications. · R s 90~0 2~ 1/4" Iriswing Foldaway Door European ,Hardware Vertical Section N.T,S. ( Other sill configurations available) ·'2~1/4'.' FOLDING SYSTEM , -pvf lo RJZ---r,4 IL 3 Leaves Le + 1 Leave Rt 3 Leaves Lt + 1 Leave Rt 5 Leaves Lt + 0 Leave Rt 4 Leaves Lt + I Leave Rt i _'WV, 3 Le<1ves Lt + 2 Leaves Rt. · 8 '$.Xi\ (/ 1 s L~aves Lt + 1 Leave Rt 9 'stvt5 ;' 5 Leaves Lt + l Leave Rt IO j '!.J[/7'(,!1 . 3 Leaves Lt + 3 Leaves Rt 11 '5,\Jv .. -'(J · 6 Leaves Lt+ I Leave Rt 12 'jrv\J[)··-, · · i Leaves Lt+ 0 Leave Re 13. W ·V\f 3 Leaves Lt+ 4 Leaves Rt, 14 · ~ 2 Leaves Le + 5 Leaves Rt • 1 ~ !, ., I, : ~ d FIXED NO SASH Series 1'100 FIXEDW/SASH Series 1200 BENT FXD NO SASH Series 1300 B .....__...... ANGLE·BAYS 30" & 45• Series !40() · ..__... BENT FXQ W/SASH Series 1600 COR.'lER BUTT Series ISOO ii MOV. LOUVERS Series 1900 til DOUBLE HUNG, Series 2300 [TI w D. H: SCHOOL SASH Series 2400 D. H. WTS &·CHN Series 2700 m TRIPLE HUNG Series 2800 8 SINGLE HUNG AWNING Series)OOO . REV.AWNING· Series 3400 ·~ HOPPER. Scries-3500 rn STD U.S.·CASEMENT Series 4000 ·OD··· .. EURO. CASE.\iENT Se;ies 42CO on :suRo. tASE.¼ENT Series 4300 s rn DOUBLE HUNG AWNING Series 3090 · · 0 AWNING ·Series 3100 •/' 1 ·I. i I I I I I I /' I '/ I: /. I /,. I I I. PALLAf)lAN WINDOW ~cries5700 HORIZONTAL PIVOT Series 5800 [ID VERTICAL PIVOT Scries5900 010 TILT&TURN . Series6000 l/4CIRCLE · Serie~ 64QO ~\ 1/2 TRUE CIRCLE Series 6-IQ; -~ ~ CRESCENT.NO SA:SH· Series &f!0· . . .. ~ .. : 0 F.XD TRUE CfRCLE Series 6415 · @ .· . . . PIVOT TRUE-CIRCLE Series 6420· ,ffi Ql OVAL FXD W/SASH Series 6425 8 -. OV.ALPIVOT Series 642; 'ElLIPSE Series 6430 ~ EYEBROW , Series. 6435 'TRIANGLES Series-6450 ~~ TRAPEZOIDS Series 6455 STANDARD SLIDER Series 7600 · Th~ ;,receding pages are just .a ;;ampiing of •.vnat Zeluck Sas co oifer. Our ;::reduct range i~ mo excehsive robe shown here. Call or write :or .:lerailec!.specificac:ons. We-will :es1=ond·,o ,our ;,b~ \\ ith a ;:,tomf:t quocacion. Since produce deraiis are subjec: ro change, concacc us ac the cqncepcual :;cage of ~-our projec:. Test re;::or:s. or. units available i.'m reqµesc. Ail produces manufactured in the L"l'liced Scares . • £\ ; j j ~ ] . . • • • ffl 6"x6" TYP . ~-RED 6"x6" TYP. BLUE 6''x6'' TYP. GREEN -6 11x6 11 TYP. : YELLO~ LJ 6"x6" TYP. GREY FIELD ~-~6" TYP. ~t --1,.,,.-:-:,,-1-,,-:--,-........,.--:-,cr--~~-r--r::---r-...---c-:---:, -----,--_,_ .. -. . " ' '• . : . ' .• . . ... TYP . BLUE------ ' . ·. ,· ~ -~ : . . .. . . .. .~ . ; . ' .. ",· ... _ .... . ,;, ... ~ ...... . . .. . ·· ... . . ,.. . . ~~ .. F·LOOR TILE 'PATTERN· ~A<-l--- . SCALE, 1/2••1•-o• .. : . . . . _ ~ ·• Rev1s1on_1 · Cluster: Component: ID: Detail Number • • • . ·; . . : .. RED BLUE~. ----- ft<o~ . ftj ~~x811 TYP . I 6 11x811 TYP. BLUE I 6 11x811 TYP. . GREEN I . 6 11x8 11 TYP. . YELLOV'i · Fl 6 11 x6 11 TYP. LJ GREY FIELD · FLOOR TILE. PAT_T·ERN ~AtA.- . . . SCALE,. ·1/2•~1·~0· . . . . I "6T"? a S:TUDIO§ visions •1 LEGOLAND : II ~:!0!1 C. A R L -' B A . P . Kassabaum, Inc. . Issued: --/~-,-~ Cluster: Component: Detail Nuinber -~ _I ~ ID: • • m 6 11 x6 11 TYP. RED ~ b 11x6 11 rYP. . BLUE ~ 6 11 x6 11 TYP. GREEN , 6 11 x6 11 TYP. --YELLOV'l D 6 11 x6 11 TYP. GREY FIELD ... t. ~Of'~ FLOO,R T,ILE PATTERN-~~ ' . '• ., SC~LE, 1/2'•1'~0'. . . . . I ~1'!, Ill LEGOLAND G A R L _j_ B A P 'II -STUDID5 Revisions ·11· Helmuth Obata+ Kassaba~, Inc. Issued: ---!~-!-- Cluster: Component: Detail Number ID: ••• • • , r , , ,-. s c. r ~-, : ~- DESCRIPTION: g~eenscreenTM is a'laftdsCaping.sy~tem: Together with a·ser(es-of components that are . . . both organic and manufact1,1red, this system provides a pa!ette ot fully matured, modular, . . laridscap.ed trellis pariels for those who wish.to shape their environment w1th nature. The elements are simple.. . . First,.a dimensionalwire trellis panel. Lightweig~t and modular, the greenscreen™ wire trellfs panels are powder coated black or gre~n so tha:t they nea.rly disappear)nto the vegetation. Tt,e panels may_ b~. purchased. as either fully matured, pre-grown trellises -or -by themselves, as components .for a: site-grown trelljs system. They may be· · installed as either a green tapestry hung on_ an existing wall or, when combined with a · ccioidinated framework, -as a free-stan_dirtg plane:A variety of miscellaneous hardware. fasteners a.nd attachments are ~vailable ih order to ·customize· individual. applicati9ns. -. ---Standard panel sizes a.re 4' x .8' x 2" or 3" thick, however custom sizes and colors are available and quoted upon request. - Second, :the·climbing vine_s. Using the greenscreen™ wire trellis panel as a guide·for their growth, and -in combination with a temporary ~ipping planter, the climbing vines and pane,I form .a modular, fully maturedverd!:J.httrellis. A wide choice of plant materials are available depending on the locai climate, growing con_ditions and 9wner preference, i.e., ' -~ -flowering; evergreen, 9eciduous, etc. Plant types may be inter-mixed to form a ·tapestry of ' ~ . ;....-, . . ' <?olor .and varied blooming cycles. The elements are simple .. \ • ,/ ' 1 r , , ""-s-(. r, , ,,... AN INNOVATIVE FUSION OF NATURE AND TECHNOLOGY • J Y -t -t,.. s c Y ~ ~;,. is a modular landscaping system designed for those who wish to shape their environment with nature. Its simple formula combines modular dimensional trellis panels with climbing vines. th e ELEMENTS are 1. Wall hung • trellis panel 2. Modular wall ,· hung~ pands . basic elements t •. Ev.erg=n . · .pla~: · 2. Flo~ering ,; ~:~-t~:-~ir;J\;it? material I ,{usEo {usEo 3. Freestanding trellis screen SIMPLE When installed pre-grown ... the result is an instantly , I'~~;,. H Y -t .tr,: f) -. \_ • •• • The elements are simple 13ASl'G E L E M ·E· N -I S : M o· d u I a~ . P a. n· e I s -for covering existing walls or to_ use as free ~tanding fences;, screens or ~nclosures. 0 .Standard sizes -4' wide x 6'; ·s•, 10' or i_2' tall x 2" or 3" thick °፬ Custom sizes -available in 2~ inc·r.ements up to 4' wide x 12' tall 0 · Mounting -free standing, ·wall· hl!ng· or planter mounted 0 Trim -#5'104 or. # 5.1.05 tririi optional · Colors -green, black or '.white , Ladder Trellis -for an accent on existing. walls or 10 use as a free .standing s·creen. . - 0 Standard size~ -22" wide x··6~ tall x 2" or 3" thick . 0 · C~stom size~· -available in 2" increments up :to 4' wi.de x 12·· tall . 0 Mounting. -.free standing, Wall hung or ,planter mounted · 0 Trim -# 5105 trim standard, #5·104 optional · · ° Coiors -green_, .black or white ' . F a n T r e I I i s -for an accent on existing walls or to use as a free stan;iing, screen, ., 0 Standard sizes -48!' wide.:top / 20" wide-base x 6' tall x 2" or 3" thick ° Custom sizes -available in 2." increments up to x 12' tall 0 · Mounting -tree. star'lding, wall hung br pi~nter mounted 0 .Trim -#'5105 trim standard, #5104 optional 0 · Cotor.s -green, black or wliite C o t ·u m n ·T r e n i s -for a ver:tic.al free standing accent or to cover existing .posts .. - ·O· 0 0 0 ·o 0 Standard sizes -15'1/r" diameter x 6', 8'; 10' or 12' tall x-2" or 3" thick. Custom sizes -available in 2" increments up to 12' tall Mountfng -free ·standing w/ (3) stakes, wall hu11g or planter mounted Trim -1" t:im .band top· aqd bottom optional Options -can be ·shipped flat for field assembly Colors -green, black or white / • ' • .. • •', . 7 . ,I'~ TO 4"-0-~ t' .,llT~ .:, i "C" ,- -··-: . . ·.··p·:· ... . . .. · . .. . The elements are· ~imple ·, r_( ( r-. S.( r, ,." MOUNit·N.G P P I I O N· -$· : . , H u·.n-g muitiple me>dular panels for facade treatments. ~~,~~G-WIU._ . . . a· ca lO seam PNG..S ' 'i0Gell£R -a-nq,w. ~-.. :~ ~. . -\ ,, r ~o / l'LNllri ue· ·w ALL HUNG ;. , , . , , • I PANELS • •• ' • I I I I I I 11 I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I , , I I ,: I I I I 11 1 I , , , , I I / I I " I I ," 'J, , ' ./ I l,L,.~. I, u I It ti I 1• I:: I t "•'JI _I •J..: I I ' I ~-' ·-~ . - The· e}ernents are .si~ple ' , '·.·. -~ . . . ~ _ , :· .i' W a I I .· . ·H u n g &. · F r-e e. S t .a n· d i ~ g - s i n g I e t. r e ,I f i s _ -p ~ n e ) s · · .. F a n T r e I i i s -W a I I . H. u n-g .. , . ·-•'· -·p-: ~-. .:. __ .. . '. . . - •'LU'I.Q.--1---:.....,,..-'---#5t12, #5-113 or #~1.32 mounting qlips for _p_anel anci-plant·support -·· \ ,, 11 ,. , ... ._...,.,, I 1111 I I 11•1 I I l•,11 I I ,.,,. I I I \ I "'-, j #_5112, _#51_y~ Qr #5132 clips mounted upside down for uplift typical green~c(e~n~ Fan T[_ellis - Ladder Trel~is-~nd mod1.Jlar panels hllns;f similar _/ ....... F-a n t-r e II i s F-r e e S t ·a n d i n g .. _,---,.--: typical greenscreen,11• Fan Trellis._. Ladder Trellis and modular panels hung .similar . · . • • • I #5·134 Free Standing_ Concrete Anchors - -bolt to panel edges and imbed in concrete footings • " • '-.. \ • ~ .,, . The· elemeots are si~ple -.. M .o U. N I I N G · · -0 P I .I -0 -N. S 2 ~:'· , ~ s· ta n ___ d.i ~ 9.-·~ multiple ~odularp~n.els tor fen~es 0~ screens:. PNB. SIZE VN'E!l · IP TO tt-0" ~ ~ T tOavSl!S ~i;x~ · --ca-a-~ TO SEIJEPNS.S TOGEll-8 -O'.llOW,. .. -:..• ... -·· !! "'. .. -· ._-. -·. ·!! . ·,: . _· . . -· -·I!! M · "'-m. -rai 3~ PFE . _· ~ ~--· • m. ~ ll I I • • CCW.t-1 -MED L---I I ' -FOOllG . I l!. -1:.. . '. ~1\9:Ftl ..: _. ~ . , . . ~sza . ~ ' . : .. ; -F·E NC E I . S C R E E N . i w / ·H o r i z o n t a I ~r DIA X tl Lct-G. PfE CO..IJ.M W/'C<:m. FOO'llG "''IEW'Y W/ sin; COI-OITIOI-IS I . -' . . . ~ '\ •· -IP TO 4'-4" MAX. . , lP TO 4'.-4" MAX. . , lP TO 4',-4" MAX. IN Z"N:RE!vENTS · IN Z" ~ INT-~errs 11 I I 11 · -[_~ ,,,,;,.., .. ,.. I 1-i(-Til',CONCREl'EI ·11 ""'"'""' :0 i H FOOTtlG--1 I I LI-E . ~ 11 ~,11 ' 11 , II • II I II .. _~ L::. .. I t'i_/. ,._ -,.., •"!' rl I 1 ,-., .,, ,.. ....,_ . ., ·I 11 I I I lHCX Gf&N-1 I I. I I I ~Pila! l'I · I 1·:1: · . j I I, I , ti . 1·u -"i.!.-.. ' 1. lP T0.4'-0" MAX. 1, -flN:r~ 1 ·-· i - _,~ ~-"' ·-. be I • , Pane.ls·· ' ' 5l "<t' • ~ 'F -E N C E: / S C R E E N' w / Vert i ca I -Pan els ,! --. , ' ' •. ~ . . -· . ' . " •• • • 1 • • • • • ~ .... < ~. •• • ·' • .., . The elements are simple . 1 _r.~ , _f' s c. r c ! r--: ,,·. .A_ C C ·E s. S: O B Y ·r-:r-~ _M · s ··;'::>:_.-· ---, •• • • I' .• ·#,5 1 0.4 .S t-e.e I Ch an n e.1 Trim -used as closure strip at·· edges. of greenscreen,,. panels -recommended on panel edg~ adjacent to · pedestrian traffic. , , 0 Siz~.-½"-feg·x ~¼" ~ide_x ½" leg 9 · Materials -·20 gage galvanized steel .. Co!~rs .: green, .black or whjte to· ~atch p~nels 0 I I '# 5 1 0 5 S·t e e I e·d g e .Tr fm -used as a·crosure strip at e·dges 'of _green$.creen,,.. panels -re.commended on panel e1:iges adjacent to pedestrian -t~affic with a· more open l_opk:_ 0 ·Site.:½" leg x ½".leg 0 .Materials :. 40 gag1:1. galvanized .steel .o . Co.lor,s --gre~n, black or~ white t9 mate~ p·arn3IS , ·-:. -, # 5 1 3 6 T r· u s s. s t ..-u t -used for ,incidental ties, struts or cross bracing when creating enclosures, gazebos-etc; .. from any o.f the greenscteen,.. elements., · . . . 0 Size -3" x 3" x .3" x 6', 8', -1 O', or 12' loryg -custom len9f;ts availabje 0 · Materials -14 gage galvanized ~teel Wire °ႈ~Colors -,green, black or white to match panels Options -en~ caps ijvailab\e upon request · . o· , Q • • ~· ' . : . _The eleme~ts are· simp!e _;p· y - # 5 1 1 2 U t i I i f y C I i p -for flµsh_ mounting wali h1,1ng greenscreen, .. · moduiar panels. · ·0 Size --,. "3/4" wide x 2 1/2" tall with (t} 1i4" dia. hole · · 0' Materials -18 'gage galvanized s~~~I · . 0. Colors -green, black or white to match pan~ts -, , . , # 5 1 1 3 ° M. o u 'n ti n g -C Ii p· -for flush mou·nting·wall hung .. modular gteeilscreen,,. .panels or may be rotated 180° to mount panels 5/8" away from wall. Size -5/8". wide x 1 7l8"·tall x with (2} 3/16" dia. ~oles 0 Materials ,. 1-6 gage ·galvanized steel. Colors -green, black or white to match panels 0 0 .._ # 5 1 .:_3 2: · W i d · e M o u· n t i n g .s r a c k e ·t -·used as a flush -t • • . • n,0L1Ating. clip for waU hung greenscreen,.. panels -provides full depth panel s~pport. 0 Size· ,-1/2" wide X 3" deep X 2" tall with _(1) 1/4" dla. hole 0 · Materials -1·4 gage gatva·nized steel ° Colors -· green, black or white: to match .panels ~ 0 • Options'-can be used Wl spacers to hol~ pa~els· awa_v from wall surface- ... \.. . # 5 1 3 3 S n a p . C I i p -for nanging :3" thick modular greenscreen, .. -panels in free standing, ·flush applications -snaps oh to top, bottom or sides of panel (with no trim) ·and is field screwed to structural support.. · 0 .., ·o 0 Size • l ~/4" tail X 3" x· 3" wjtJ1 (l) 1/4!' X 1" slot_· , Material~--16 gage galvanized steel , Cofors -gr.e·en, black or whiteto niat~l:l pan.el~ • • ,, ', I \ : i I .. " ,,; J I\ , I I ,.. , I I I • I ~ I I I I I I I I I I '\ ,, ,.... ,,' ~-- . ' ~ clamping ~~- removi!19 ........ ... ~ ... ; . ? . . . . ··.... . ... · ~ bs open closed C 0 open closed . -. • I Jhe elements are .sio:iple A c C E s :S o .B Y I I E M ·S ··:·. # 5 1 3-4 Fre~ .Standing Concrete Anchors / Channel Straps -f~r _ mounting gre.enscreen,. · Fan Trellis, Ladder Tr_ellis or standard mpdular panels at free standing applicationsl>r. for surface mounting to sides of the ·' ligbtweig_ht Concrete Planter: . 0 .. Size -3¼ ". wide x42".longl with (5) 3/~" dia. holes 0 Materials -16 gage galvanized s.teel · 0 _ Colors -greer.i, .black or white to·match panels -· ' -# 5 1 3 5 P I a n-t e r ·s t r a p s -.for 01ounting standard greenscreen.,. pan~ls ·ori 4' Fibf:rglass Planter or custom 9esigned. planJers. . . -· 0 Size. -·3" wide x 32"Jong x 1/8"·thiek with (4) 5/16" dia. holes 0 Materials -16 gage ·galvanized stee·I °Ⴎ Colors -gr:een, black or ,white to match ·panels . . # 5 1 O 3 -· S t e e I S p I j. t · · W a s h e r F a s t e n· e r -_for joiAlng / · greenscreen,.. panels edge to edge (without trirh) -suggested for applications ~nere.--repositioning is of concern. --1 • • • -• • _ 0 Size -apporxin:t~tely 5-116". diameter 0 _ : Materials -galvanized ·steel. . .... 0 . Color~ -galvanized. · # 5 1 3 0 C a g_ e A s s e m b I y C I i p -for joining gr-eenscree·n.., .Pal)~ls edge to edge (without trim) -·can-be factory or field applied. ' ·, 0 Size -apporxim?tely 1/4" diameter x 7/16" tal_l .o Materials -20 gage steel 0 C9lor~ -galvanized • .. --- # 5 1 3 1 F I e x " -C "-R i n g -for joining greenscreen,. panels .edge to_ edge. (.without trim) --can be fa_ctor.y or field applied. • i1· Size -apporximately 5/l6" diameter ·0 Materials -16 gage steel °' Colors -galvanized · p Custom Design Ri1z Carlton, Rancho Mirage, California Premier Series Cabanas Corner Detail hotels ... clubs ... community associations ... recreation centers ... restaurants ... special events. beautiful ... quality construction . , , demountable/relocatable . • ,,.,-. · .. ' ,•· . • .. ;.' . ·: .. " ... -, .. ·,.,,. y . : ' HINGED I SLIDING MANUAL I POWER OPERATED NOISE CO~TROL WINDOWS . ACOUSTIC !RF-EM/ I FIRE FIELD SERViCE I TECH SUPPORT . • Kri·e.gerSonic M.etal Door Assemblies Definition KriegerSonic Metal: Acousti~al metal doorassemblies with high pertomi'anceSTC ratings, designed to reflect or absorb sound waves. Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a single numerical measure of how efficiently the door assembly reduces noise levels. Typical Applications These door assemblies are for use whereverunwanted . noise levels may cause a disturbance such as sound stages, art centers, music rooms, .etc. When sound secu-. rity is a necessity, we have assemblies that can satisfy high tech demands from boardrooms to war ro:oms. KriegerSonic Metal Features Effectiveness: Our KriegerS.onic door line offers STC ratings up to STC-55 in accordance with the most recent ASTM E90-90 standards. Sound performance field testing, however, is the only certain way of ensur- ing your complete satisfaction. We guarantee that our door assemblies, when correctly installed, will be within 5 rating units of the laboratory STC figure . • Fire Rating: UL fire rated (up to and including 3.hours) · and non-labeled construction designs available. Krieger Capabilities Door Configurations: Single, or pairs of, hinged doors, manual or power assisted and single orbiparting horizontal sliding doors, manually or power operated. Select from standard or custom sizes, Hardware: The complete assembly; door, frame, .peri- meter sound seals and door bottom arn supplied as-part of the tested assembly. Door closers, latching mecha- nisms and thresholds are optional. Frame Configuration: In addition to ourstandard range of acoustical doors, Krieger can engineer special frame profile~ to coordinate with partition construction and architectural style. Finishes: Doors can be finished in stainless steel or bronze alloy 280 (#2B, #4 satin, #6 polished, #8-rnir- ror), etched metal, wood veneers, plastic laminates or enamel paint. • Contact our KriegerSonic Product ~pecialist Arlen Lattina, for further information, suggested construction details or engineering assistance. Phone (314) 993-9119 • Fax (314) 993-7173 Lincoln, Lief/ Center-tor the Per- forming Arts, 12' wide-x 30' high sliding sou11d·isolation doqrs. PBS-KVIE TV, Channel 6, .Sacramento, California, 10' wide x 14' high, pair of hinged STC· 50 acoustical door assemblies. Afoustical door and window assemblies in a dubbing studio control room -Todd AO/Glen Glenn, Hollywood; California. p 0 • • • .' 2-·. ·-~· IS . ·os~BS/KRI Buy Line 5236 Definition CriegerSonic Wood Door Assem6heS;, p . KriegerSonic Wood: High performance acoustical wood door assemblies with ratings up·to STC-47. KriegerSonic wood doors are an excellent alternative /or metal acoustical doors in facilities where wood is the preferred architectural·style. The Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a single numerical measure of how. efficiently the door assembly controls-noise levels. Typical Applications These wood door assemblies are ideal for high profile interior applications requiring uncompromised acousti- cal performance; corporate conference rooms, ·court-· rooms, legal and cliniQal offices. KriegerSonic Features Effectiveness: Our KriegerSonic door line offers STC ratings of up to STC-47 in accordance with the most recent ASTM E90-90 standards and are tested at Riverbank Laboratories. Sound performance field tests ing, however, is the only certain-way of ensuring your complete satisfaction. We guarantee that our door assemblies, when correctly installed, will bewittiin 5 rating units of the laboratory STC figwe. Ease of Operation: Cam-lift hin9es provide easy open- ing and closing;, they eliminate the need for mechanically operated door bottoms. Fire Rating: Twenty minute Warnock-Hersey fire labels are available within size and usage limitations. Krieger Capabilities Door Configurations: Doors are available flush or with. vision lites. Maximum size available iSA' x 10'. Single hinged doors were tested but pairs are available. Hardware: The complete assembly; .door, frame, peri- meter sound seals, door bottom and:cam-lift hinges are supplied as part of the tested assembly. Door closers, . latching mechanisms and thresholds are optional. Frame Configuration: In additionto·our standard range of acoustical doors, Krieger can ·custom engineer and produce special frame profiles to coordinate with parti- tion construction and architectural style .. · Finishes: The steel frames are primed, ready for field · painting. Doors are available in a full range of wood veneers, (finished or unfinished) and ,laminates. Contact our KriegerSonic Specialist Bill Borel for further information, suggested construction details or engineering assistance. Phone (206) 547-1382 • Fax (206) 547-7322 '.c ::g__ .. (/) (/) 9 z 0 . cii (/) ~ (/) z <I: a: I- P.aul Green, Krieger Vice President, Research and Develop.ment Krieger 1 ·3/41 i acoustical wood door assemblies have achieved an unprecedented STC of 47. Riverbank Acdustical. Laboratories 0 5 l ~-. 0 4· ~- V/ . . ~ . . -~ ~, .. . .. 0 3 '--t/ ,, .. / . -. . =v . ~ ,: -.,. 0 2 ~rr-~~-.. 0 •100 150. 250 400 630 1·.0k· 1.8k 2.5k 4.0k .125 200 315 500 800 ,1.25k 2k 3.15k ·5.0k FREQUENCY S d T . {l:IZ). Cl C . t oun ransm1ss1on ass · on our Transmission Loss · - --- -Mass Law Contour i • Doo:r a:nd Wi;ndow Se,lectio-n Guide MAGNETIC NOISE CONTROL SEALS _ WT SEAL TYPE HINGE U/l RECOMMENDED STC MODEL NO. LB~Q .. fT. ASTRAGAL NOTES TYPE LABEL · MAX. V/L AREA 42 NC6-15-8642 8.5 · . NC6. STD.. BCDE 900 SO. IN. 44 NC6-15-8944 10.1 NC6 C/l. . BCDE 300.SQ.JN. 46 NC6-18-9146 12.9. NC6 C/L BCDE. 216 SQ. IN. 46 NC7-19-9346 ·• · · '.·, -14_3 NC7 FULL GLASS ·· : -C/L"i-¢.:'' BCDE 1440SQ: IN. 48 NC6-16-8848 12.7 NC6 C/L ABCDE·_ OAL:L 49 . NC7-16-8649 12.7 NC7 STD. • ABCDE CALL 50 NC7-18-9150 '12.9 NC7 . C/L BCDE CALL 51 NC7-17-8951 14.4 NC7 ClL ABCDE -CALL COMPRESSION NOISE CONTROL SEALS 44 NC2-15-8544 . 8.5 NC2 'STD BCDE_ . 300 SQ. IN. 451 NC3-15-8545 '8.5 NC3 STD: BCDE. 300 SQ. IN .. 46 NC5-19-9346 ·""·.. -.~·-14:3 NC5 · . FULL GLASS··'· ~C/l:~··;·"·· BCDE =1440SO. IN • 47 NC3-16-8547 12.7 . NC3 STD BCDE .216 SQ. IN. 49 NC5-18-9149 12.9 . NC5 C/L BCDE CALL 50 NC3-16-8550 ·12.7 . NC3 .. .C/L ABCDE 51 NC5-17-8951 14.4 . NC5 · C/L ABCDE CALL 52 NC5-19-9352 .12.4 -NC5 STD ABCDE CALL 53 NC5-19-9353 _.,,, ... , ~ 12.4' _;, NC5 ·. ·~:--1 3W.STC53 .,·.:::• STD -f .. ABCDE • --:-. CALL-. . 55 NC12-30-9155 22.9 NC12 3" THICK C/L NA NA • WOOD ODORS WITH COMPRESSION NOISE CONTROL SEALS 46 NC3-WD1-9146 , 7.0 NC3. . . C/L NA . CALL 47 NC5-WD1-9147 .. : 7.0 . -NC5 _ _ . . C/L NA' CALL ~ --- PAIRS OF DOORS 45 NC6-216-8945 12.7 NC6/A1 C/L ABCDE 300 SQ. IN. 46 NC3-216-8946 · 12.7 NC3/A1 C/L ABCDE 300,SQ. IN. _ 47 NC6-216-8947 12.7 NC6/A1 C/L ABCDE 216 SQ. IN. 49 NC6-216-8949 . 12.7 NC6/A2 C/L . BCDE. CALL 51 NC7-216-8951 12.7 NC7/A2. -C/L .BCDE CALL NOISE CONTROL VIEW WINDOWS. STC MODEL NO. THK. WT. AREA TESTED GLASS TYPE 39 NCV-25~8639 8' 9:3 21 SQ. FT. 1/4' LAM. 42 NCV-50-8642 8' -11.3. 21 SQ: FJ. 1/2' LAM. 47 NCV-2525MW747 8' . j0,5 21 SQ. FT:. 1'/4'. MONO. x 1/4" WIRE _ 49 NCV-2525L-49 8' 11.0 21 SQ. FT. 1/4" LAM. x 1/4' LAM. 50 NCV-3825L-50 8' 12.4 21 SQ. FT. 3/8~ LAM x 1/4" LAM. 52 NCV-255-8652 8' 14.9 . 21 SQ. FT. 1/4' LAM. x.1/2' LAM. 56 · NCV-255-8656 8' 14'.9 21 SQ.FT.. 1/4' LAM. x 1/2'LAM. Unless otherwise noted, doors tested are flush design and 1-3/4'thick. Noise Control Seals, Astragals and Cam-Lift Hinges are KrfegerSonic propriet~ry design, patent pending. Std.= Standard mortise butt hinge. C/L = Cam Lift-hinge. New Item Los Angeles Office 4880 Gregg Road • Pico Rivera CA 90660 Tel. 562.695.0645 Fax 562.692.0146 Mesa Office 1645 East o;aper,Circle Mesa AZ 85203 Tel. 602.834.0555 Fax 602. 834.8896 Seattle Office 362~ lnterlake Ave .. North Seattle WA·9B103 Tel. 206.547.1382 F[!X 2,06. 547. 7322 San-Francisco Office P.f]. Box 552 . Novato CA 94948 Tel. 415.893.9736 Fax 415.893.9746 ,-• .. -....-~, .. :,.:.,., ,::: •OPTIONS• INTEGRAL HINGES THRESHOLD C/L ALUM. OR S.S . STD ALUM. ORS.S. STD ALUM. OR S.S. STD -ALUM. OR S.S. STD ALUM. OR S.S. C/L _ ALUM. OR s:s. NA ALUM. OR S.S. NA Al:.UM. OR S.S. C/L ALUM. OR S.S. C/L . . ALUM. OR S.S. .STD ALUM: OR S.S, C/L ALUM. OR S.S. ALUM. OR S.S. STD ALUM. OR S.S. STD ALUM. OR S.S. C/L ALUM. ORS.S. .,. C/L .· .. ALUM. OR S.S. · NA. Al:UM: OR S.S . NA. ALUM. OR S.S. NA ALUM. QR S.S. STD ALUM. OR S.S. STD. ALUM; OR S.'S. STD AL:UM. OR S.S. NA ALUM. OR S.S. NA. ALUM. OR S.S. GLAZING TYPE ZIPPER GASKET ZIPPER GASKET NEOPRENE NEOPRENE NEOPRENE NEOPRENE ZIPPER GASKET St. Louis Office 1.1635 Lack/and Road St. Louis, MO 63146 Tel. 314.993.9119 Fax 314. 993.7173 Printed ,n ine U SA r ,-[ --~ pr • & E l EC TR I C · o-· P f RA TORS· • Slat Materials . Gauge . SC Steel 22 SC Steel .20 LC Steel 22 LC Steel 20 LC Steel 20 LC Steel rs FF Steel '24 FF Steel/Stainless Steel 12 FF Steel/Stainless· Steel 20 FF Steel/Stainless Steel 20 FF Steel 18 IF Steel 22 IF Steel 20 IF Steel 20 IF Steel 18 FP* Steel 22 FP* Steel 20 AF/AP* Aluminum .04 AF* Aluminum .04 AF/AP* Aluminum .05 AI Aluminum .04/.05 4 Max. Ope ... ing Width 12'4" 0~59mm) 14' (4267mm} 15' (4572mm) 18' (5486mm) 21' (6401mm) 30' (9144mm) Contact Factory 14' (42_67mni) 16' ( 4877m~) 21' (6401mm) 30' (9144mm) 16' (4877.mm} ,18' (5486mm) 25' (7620mm) 30' (9'144mm) 14'. (4267mm) 21' (7315mm) 10' (3048mm) 14' (4267mm) 24' (7315mm) H' (4267mm) Insulated Flat Slat a ,;e ?,5/32' (19.8mm) min; Windlocks None None None None Every 6th Slat Every 6th siat Contact Factory None None Every 6th Slat Every 6th Slat None None Every 6th Slat Every 6th Slat None Every 6th Slat None Every 6th Slat Every ·6th Slat Every 6th Slat *Maximum' hej~fi't is 16'' ( 4877f!1m) ~ •• LC b =2-9/1~' (65.1mm) min. IF/Al Door. ~t!lection Procesture 1. , Determine slat type and 'gauge to be used in service door according to·the slat selection guide shown. {Details pre- vided represent Raynor standard design.) Contact Raynor Engµieering for specific clearance information ,on high cycle doors, special ·sl~t gauges, etc. 2. Choose the area from the Standard Clearance Charts whitµ correspond to tl:\e de?ired slat type ap,d door size. 3. The number designation can then be used to pick specific • clearance. information from the charts. on page .6, ~---4. When door size falls on line, "' select area above. ·s. Wh~n door size falls on or al;>ove dotted line, contact factory for sideroom clearances. • I I 1. ROLLING SERVICE DOORS CLEARANCE CHARTS Standard Clearance Charts ---, '-------'---' SC s L~ T ,_ = = z O' t-= ,-. = - OPENING WID1H-FT. 6 -5 _J 3 2 I I 30' (9144mm) 29'.(8839mm) 26' (7925mm) 25' (7620mm) 22' (6706mm) 19' (5791mm) 15' (4572mm) 11' (3353mm) T(2134mm) , 14' (4267mm) -----· ----.. --·- --·-·-· --- -- .. - -·-- 0 P E . S I N G W ,I D T H F T. 30' (9144mm) 6 ----------... --+------,--.-25'(7620mm) --'<--------ii-23' (7010mm) ---.. ----it-22'-(6706mm) 5 4 _ 18' (5486inm) ~-~----18'(5486mm) 1T_ (5182mm) 6 ,-: ,_ "' 5 "" --4 ::, z z ::J' .. _ C 2 I O' 7 .... 1-. 6 = a-----------... -.. ~-----11-t5'(4572mm) c: ----1-14' (4267mm): -3 z 12''(3658mm) = 5 z I:, :: 2 16''(48!7mm) 22' (~7Q6!nm) 9'(2743mm) z z :3 "' 5'(1524mm) ... 0 I '2 O' 14' (4267mm) . 30' (9144mm) O' P/AF/APsLAT ~---~ .E N I N G w 1 D T H F ·T. 30' (9144mm) 16' (4877mm) 29' (8839mmj 24' (7315mm) 22' (6706mm) 20' (6096mm) 19' (5791mm) 1T(5182mm) 16' (4877mm) 15' (4572mm) 12' (3658mm) 25' (7620m!ll) 11' (3353mm) 9'(2743mm) 16' (4877mm). 22' (6706mm) 8'(2438mm) 5' (1524mm) 14' (4267mm) 30' (9144mm) OPE!<ING WID"TH-FT. 25'"(7620mm) 22' (6706mm) 20' (6096mm) 18' (5486mm) ' 14' (4267mm) 11' (3353mm) 10' (3048mm) 9' (2743mm) 8'_ (:?438mm) T(2134mm) 5' (1524mm) 16'"(4877mm) 30'.(9144mm) 5 • C D ....... , ,,-,- ,~:;; L' -, , ... _ \ r-- 2'(51mm) ConuctFoctoryfordoorsovu 58 sq.ft. (S sq.m) wide. . Area A B 1 6 1/2' (165mm) 61/2' (165mm) 2 6 1/2' (165mm) 6 112" (165mm) 3 61/2' (165mm) 61/2' (1~5mm) Chain Type N20 Face Mounted -·· 2' (51mm)i; '!, '" '" ,, Contact Factory for doors over 400 sq.ft. (37 sq.m) wide. Area A B 1 6 3/4' (171mm) 8 3/4' (222mm) 2 6 3/4' (171mm) 8 3/4' (222mm)· 3 81/2' (216mm) 9-7/8' (251mm) 4 8 1/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 5 8 1/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 6 8 1/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 7 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) Crank Type N30 Face Mounted Cont.ct Factory for doors ovu 400 sq.ft. (3 7 sq.m) wide. Area A B 6 3/4' (171 mm) 8 3/4' (222mm) 2 6 3/4' (171mm) 8-3/4:'(?22mm) 3 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 4 8 1/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251 mm) 5 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251 mm) 6 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 7 8 1/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (2511l)m) Door Guide Clearances 6 E Type Guide E type guide 1s a met)lod for connection to steel or wood jambs. E ,___., -1/4' (6mm) inset F C 121/2' (318mm) 14'(356mm) 16 3/4' {425mm) ii I • 'h l: ' -,i::-8 '' I• l i Push-Up Type.J10 JambMounted ' . ,! iii A 1, i 7i'~ D }' I 1l i -~ ~ 141/8' (~9mmr 16' {406mm) 18'. (457mm) . ! I . I ! i; ·A-1.,__ ! ! : ' i I I. i -.~ ConuctF•ctoryfordoorso•u SB sq.ft. (S sq.m) wide. Ar.ea A B 1 3 li4' (83mm) 31/4' (83mm) 2 3 1/4' (83mm) 3 1/4' (83mm) 3 '31/4' (83m(ll) . 31/4' (83mm) Chain: Type ~20 Jamb l'!tounted .-8 i -~ C 121/2' (318mm) 14'{356mm) _ 16 3/4' (425mm) I !: ; -: t-1 ' i ! I C D Cont.ctF~cioryfordoors_ovu400sq.ft. (37-sq.m) wide. 121121 (318mm) 14' (356mm) 16 3/4' (425mm) 18 3/4' (476mll)) 20 3/4' (527mm) 24 1/2' (622mm) 26·172'·(673.mm)· C 12112· (318mm) 14' (356mm) 16 3/4' (425mm) 18 3/4' (476mm) 20 3/4' (527mm) 24 1/2'•(622/nm) 26 1/2' (673.mril) 14 1/8'·(359mm) 16'(406mm) 18' (457mm) 20' (508mm) 22'(559mm) 26' (660mm) 28' (711mm) A- ,D 141/8' (359mm) 16' .(406mm) 18'(457mm) 20'(508mm) 22' (559mm) 26' (660rnm) · 28' (711mm) Area A B 1 6 3/4' (171mm) 8 3/4' (222mm) 2 63/4' (171mm) 8 3/4' (222mm) q>-7 3/4' (197,mm) 9 3/4' (248mm) 7 3/4' (197mm) 9 3/4' (248mm) 5 7.3/4' (197mm) 9 3/4' (248mm) 6 .7 3/4' (•197mm) 9 3/4' 248mm) Motor Type N40 Face Mounted :Aq,.• ... __,,_,._ ,.. C * See Page 26forOperatorCl!!ara.nces, Area A B 6 3/4'·(171mm) 8 3/4' (222mm) •• ·6 3/4' (171mm) 8 3/4'-(222mm) 81/2' (216mm) 9·7/8' (251mm) 8 1/2' (216mm) -9 7/8' (251mm) 5 81/2'.(216mm) 9 7/8'. (251 mm) ·5 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251 mm) 7 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) Z Type.Guide Z type.guide is a method for connection to masonry or wood· jambs. : -Area G. l 1 ,. 61/2' {,165mm) I i I 2 6 1/2' (165mm) j 3 81/4' (210mm) i 4 8'1/4' (2101nm) E J_ i 5 8 1/4' (210mm) i 6 8 1/4''(210mm) ! 7 81/4' (210mm) C 121/2' {318mm) 14'(356mm) 16 3/4' (425mm) 18 3/4' (476mm) 20 3/4' (527mm) 24 1/2' (622mm) C 121/2''(318mm) 14'(356mm) 16 3/4' {425mm) 18 3/4' (476mm) 20 3/4' (527mm) 24 1/2' (922mm) 26 1~· (673mm) E 4'(102mm) 4'(102nim) 5 7/8' (149mm) 5 7/8''{149mm) 5 7/8' (149mm) 5 7/8' (149mm) 5 7/8' (149mm) -- ;I A--· ii ,, ,, ,: D 14 1/8' (359mm) 16'(406mm) 18' (457mm) D 14 1/8' (359mm) 16'(406mm) 18'(457mm) 20' (SO~mm) 22'(559mm) 26'(660mm) I! A~f L- 'it !1 I '' D 14 1/8' (359mm) ·16' (406mm) 18'(457mm) 20' (508mm) 22' (559mm) 26'(660mm) 28'(711mm) F 3 3/4' (95mm) 3 3/4' (95mm) 41/2' (114mm) 41/2' (114mm) 41/2'.(114mm) 41/2' (114mm) 4·112• (114mm) .G ,IB'Wmm) inset Note: All dimensions sµown indic•te.m•ximum clear•nces needed. In IT!any conditions. cJearances may be less than md1cated. t ' Straight Pattern 16 ·_ a·· . . . ~. " ' K~~ -CV-~ t· . . . ~J· . Perforated Security Door Series PSD • ·Providing the ultimate in sec-• The aluminum bottom bar is urity arid visibility. the pei:forated available wiih optionakylinder security door helps prevent forced· lock. entfy. theft and vandalism. The • Standard curtain finish is clear perforated aluminum design anodize with bronze anodize .!lows unobstructed vision,of available as an option. displayurid merchandise. • For technica.linformation on • Its con~empora.ry design pro~ brackets, J;>a.rrel, spring counter- vides an aesthetically pleasing l?alance, hood, see specifications appearance.and blends well v.ith on page 18. any exterior. • PSD.notrecommended for • Guides are 4ear anodize and high·cycle applications. · are lined with a replaceable-wool pile strip to· reduce wear and allow quiet operation. Slat Design Selection Aluminum Flat Slat b = 2,9/16' {65.1mm) min. Rolling Grille Doors Series GSA & GBA • Curta:in consists of 5 / 16" (7.9mm) dia. horizontal alum- inum rods spaced vertically@ 2" (SQ.8mm) O.C. with interlockiµg stamped al1JII!inum links spaced horizontally on 6" (JS2.4mrn)' or 9" (22-8'.6mrn')-O,C. • Bottom oftl_ie curtain is reiI1forced with an aluminum ex- .duded tubular bottom bar avail- able with cylind~r i;cking bar. • Guided groove is lined with replaceable wool pile, strip ;o re0 . duce wear & provide quiet· ·operation. • Spring end of the barrel is GBA Brick Pattern fitted with a removeable _plug disc bearing housing to facilitate spring assemply maintenance. • Curta.inhalf:wrapof22ga. prime painted commercial quality hot-dipped galvanized steel. • Extruded aluminum guide and hardware cover available with continuous structural steel back angle or tube -support mounting. • Curtain links secured with spring steel retaining clips to prevent lateral misalignment. • Finish -Mill finish standard. Clear and bronze anodize available. • • Standard Clearance Charts • • I.·· I. I I .. I I .___.i_. _ ____._. GSA/GBA SI,AT 0 P E N I N G W t D T H• · F T. 7 6 5 4 z 22' (6706mm) L- 24' (7315mm) 22' (6706mm) 15' (4~72mm) 12' (3658mm) 9'(2743mm) B'(2438mm) (3) 16' (4877mm) 5'-9' (1753mm) 3'-9' (1143mm)' 0 2 ,1 I o· 14'.(4267mm) 24' (7315mm) Door Jamb Guides & Support Tubes J20, J30, and J40 Specifications. Part 1 -General 1.01 Work Included The doors will be Perforated Security Doors or Rolling Grille as manufactured by Raynor Garage Doors of Dixojl, 1llinois. 1,02 Rerated Work Opening preparation, structural metal· work, access panels, fi~ish or field painting, field electrical wiring, wire, conduit, fuses, and disconnect switches are in the Scope ofWork of other divisions or trades. Part 2 -Product Series PSD, CSA, GBA 2.01 Curtain Series PSD Curtain shall consist of interlocking slats with flat exterior surface roll formed from .040 or .050 clear anodized aluminum depending on- door width. Slats shall ·be punched with a series of holes across their entire length to provide 3 I% open area per square foot of door. ...-~------'------,--, See Chart for rube size Support Tube-Manual· &· Motor·Only Series GSA (Straight Pattern) The curtain shall consist of horizontal 5-116" (7.9mm)diameter aluminum rods, spac;ed vertically at 2'.' (5"0.Smin) O.C., with links spaced.horizontally at (i" ( 152.4mm) O.C. or 9." (228.6mn::i) O.C. The bottom of the curtain to lie extruded al-um .tubular shape. Series GBA (Brick Pattern) The,!=filtain shall consist of horizontal 5'/16" (7.9mm) diameteralu'minum rods. spaced'vertically at 2" (50.8mm) O.C., with links spaced horizontally at Ii" ( 152.4mm) O.C. or 9" (228.6mm) O.C.The bottom oftl:ie curtain t6-be extruded aluminum tubular shape. 2,02 ~stragal Optional on manual·, chain and, cran.!c oper,J.ted grilles. Motor operated supplied with astragal as a standard. 2.03 Guide~ The guides shall consist of extruded aluminum (6063-TS) with-wood pile insetts to reduce noise::. 2.04 Brackets Mountil).g l:>ra~ket_plates shall be made '0 P E S I ~ G •W I D T H -F T. ---"' -·-·-" --·-:, z O' .. 4 3 2 1 See Chart for cube size Support TuJ,e-E Guidf! from a minimum 3/i6" (4.8mm) steel plate and attached to .the wall angle qf the·guic!e ~sembly.with 1/2" ( t2. 7 mm) diame~er Class 5 case hardened bolts. The <lrive side shall be fitted with a sealed ball liearing. 2.05 Barrel The barrel ~hall be made from a.mini- mum 4-1/2" (I 14,3mm)·O.D. x .120 (3. lmrn)·wall structural steel pipe. Deflection ofpipe under full load shall not exceed .03" (.Smm) per foot of span. 2.06· Counterbalance The-curtain shall be· counterbalanced· by means of oil tempered, helicalwrsion -springs. grease-pa~ked· and mounted c;m .a single i::ontinuous steel to·rsion shaft. Springs.sh~! be compression spring design to facilitate.any counterbalance maintenance .. 2.07 Hoods (Optional) Hooc!s shall be ~umiµuin .0'\-( I .Omip) thick or 24-gauge,.galvanized, painted steel withrollecl.edges.. . -2.08 F.inis!I Aluminu_m curtain, bpttom bar and Is 15' (4572mm) 16' (4877mm) 14' (4267mm) 12' (3658mm) 11' (3353mm) . 16' (4877mm) ··-... '· 8' (2438mm) 5' (1524mm) 14' (4267mm) 24' (7315mm) See Chart for nibe size Support Tube-Z Guide Support Tube Size Area T~be Size 1 3' x 3' (76.2mm x 76.2mm) 2 3' x 3' (76.2mm x 76.2mm) 3 3' x 3' (76.2mm x 76.2mm) 4 3' x 3' (76.2mm x 76.2mm) 5 4' x 4' (101.6mm x 101.6mm) 6 4' x 4' (101.6mm x 101.6mm) 7 4' x 4' (101.6mm x 101.6mm) guide to be mill. clear or bronze anodized. 2.09 Operation Manual-Maximum door width 14' (4267mm). 7'4" (2235mm) door height. Chain, crank and mo!or. Part 3. -Execution 3.01 Installation All' Raynor Perforated.Security Doors and Grille Doors to be installed by an authorized Raynor Distributor. 17 .sh-Up Type N10 Face Mounted C ,i--,,.,..--00 Dj ' ~G\ L ..... _ \ r-,1 4-1/2'(114mm) min,:, :! Muimumdoorwidthl4'-0"(4267mm) Maximumdoorheight 7'-4"(2235mm) Area !' ,, I. 1 " . I i: : -·:L·B '1i I !I -~· 5 7/8' (149mm) 5 7/8' (149mm) 5 7/8' (149mm) 5 7/8' (149mm) · 12 1/2' (318mm) 5 7/8" (149mm) 14" (356mm) 5 7/8' 14 · 16 3/4' (425mm) _ Cham Type N20 Face Mounted ~ I l. I ., _, ,. 1: r j i-~ ! i 'f A !i. li. p. 11 ,, 14'1/8'(359mm) 16' (406mm) H\'(457mm) A--,. j 5 7/8" (149mm) 81/4" (210mm) 12112· (318mm) .14·1/8° (359mm) 5 7/8" (149mm) 8114"·(210mm) 14' (356mm) 16' (406mm) 7' (178mm) 8 1/4' (~10mm) 16 314' (425mm) 18' (457mm) 7' (178mm) 81/4' (210mm) ·18 314" (476mm) 20' (508mm) 7' (178mm) 81/4" (210mm) 20 314' (527mm) '22" (559mm) 6 7" (178mm) 8'1/4" (210mm) 24 1/_2" (622mm)· 26" (660mm) 7' 178mm) 81/4' 1/2' 673mm) 28' {711mm) Crank Type N30 Face Mounted D -,, I ""'11 4-1/2' (114mm) min. r, i! ,, Area A B 1 5 7/8" (149mm) .8 1/4" (21 omm) 2 s v/8' (149mm) 8 1/4" (210mm) 3 7" (178mm) 81/4" {210mm) 4 7"(178mm) 8 1/4" (210mm) 5 7' (178mm) 81/4' (210m_m) 6 7' (178mm) 8 1/4" (210mm) 7 7' (178mm) 8 1/4' (210mm) Door Guide Clearances •" _JiL-~ I: I l' I ij A--cl . ~ I I ' I • . ·C .-'-·".-'.;,,_,. D 12112· (318mm) 141/8" (359mm) 14" {356mni) 16" (406.mll)) 16 314' (425mm) 18! (457mm) 18 314' (476mm) 20· (508mm) 20 3/4" (~27mm) 22' .(559mm) 24 112· (622mm) 26' (660mm) 26 1/2' (673mm) .. 28' (711mm) .··.~ Push-Up Type J 10 Jamb Mounted · 'Arei 1 2 ,3 I l ~ 4-1/2'-(114mm) min.! I ,!; ·,:·-.:.·A .. 2 1/2' (64mm) . 2 112· (64mm) 2 1/2' (64mm) -~:·····--· B ' ·' 2 1/?" (64mm) 2 .112· (64mm)· 2 112· (64mm) Chain Type J20 Jamb Mounted 'n:«B _· A. l ' I • I I, I • · .. '~:c . D 12112· (318mm) :141/8"·(359mm) 14' (356mm) 16'(406mm) 16 3/4" (425mm) 18".{457mm) I ' i. l ): A--j . Area .'"Ji: __ ;~. ,,A::~:~~~~A\;:~=i?7~:-~a.~-~~~:::f{,_,';:';p~?.: .. ;c :.:~:~ -:·~,.$ .. 1-"·, •. :.=;.l;;. D .. · .. · · --~ · 1 ·5· (152mm) 8''(203mm) 12 112· (318mm) 141/8" (359mm) 2 6" (152mm) · 8' (203mm) 14' (356mm) 16" (406mm) Q). 6' (152mm) &-(203m111) 16 314' (425mm) 18" (457mm) 4 6" (152mm) · 8' (203mm) 18 314' {476mm) 20' (508mm) 5 6' (152mm) 8' (203mm) 20 314' (527mm) 22' (559mm) 6 6' (152mm) · 8' (203mm) 24 1/2' {622mm) 26' {660mm}. 7 6' (152mm) 8' 203mm 261/2' (673mm)' 28' 711mm ~ace Mounted , I * • See Page .26 forOperator d~ces. Area A 1 5°7/8" (j49mm) 2 5 7/8" (149mm) CD 7" (17?inm) 4 7'{178mm) 5 7"{178mm) 6 7" (178mm) 7, · _, 7' 178mm) L. I' _J Ls D i I ;" l I 1 6' (152mm) min. ~ a. c-'· . 8'1/4" (210mm) 12 112· (318mm) 8-114• (216mm) 14" {356mm) 81/4".(210mm) 16 314" (425mm) 8 1/4' (21 Qmm) 18 314" (476mm) 81/4' (210mm) 20 3/4" (527mm) 8 1/4' (21Qmm) 24 1/2" (622mm) 81l4" (210mm) 26 112· (673mm) A- D 14 1/8" (359mm) 16" {406mm) 18" {457mm), 20· (~08mm) 22'(559mm) 26" (660mm) 28" (711mm) _ E Type Guide E type guide is a.method· for connection to steel-or wood· jambs, Z Type Guide Z type-guide ls a meth.od -for connection-to masonry or wood jambs. Aru -G ,, E : F 18 ~ -318' (10mm) std, inset F 1 51/2" (140mm) 4318"(111mm) 2 3/4" {70mm), 2 5 1/2" (140nim) 4 318" (111mm) ~ 314" {70mm) 3 51/2' ()40mm) 43/8"(111mm) 2 314" (70mm) 4 5 1/2" (140mm) 4 318' (111mm) 2 314" {70mm) 5 51/2''(140mm) 5 318" (137mmt 2 3/4' (70mm) 6 5 1/2' (140mm} q'.(152mm) 2 3/4" {70mm) ? s 112· (140mrni 6"(152nim) 2 314" (70mm) .Note: All,diniensmns-shown indicate m>)(tmum cle>r.inces needed, ·In m;µiy condi1ions,-clearances may be less than indicated, t • 18 Attractive and secure, offering ventilation and visual access. Straight lattice pattern Brick' pattern Lexan option ' I Overhead Door'Corporati6n grilles provide sicupty while al- lo,,ing full ,is_ua:l access ami air circulation for interior spaces in shopping malls, schools, conventiqn centers, garages and other institutional, commercial and retail projects. Rolling, ot overhead-coiling, grilles are the most commonly used type of security grille and the only type allowing motor operation. Openings that are over 10' in-height require a roiling grille. Side-folcling grilles are manually operated, and when open. they are stored in a wall pocket. The side-folding grille is appropriate for applications with limited neaclroornor v..ith virtually no sideroom on one side of the opening .. This type of grille is particu- larly w~ll suited to curved qp-enings and, because nf its limited number ofmo,ing parts,.to high-usage conditions. Rolling Grilles 670 Series, 671 Series Rolling gr_illes are available in the standard $traight-lattice de- sigh and an optional staggered brick pattern. Rolling grille C guides, equipped \\ith wear strips to reduce noise du~ing QPc eration, can be prepared for either face-of~,vall or between- jambs mounting. An optional Lexan® panel, availabie in the lattice pattern, offers added security against the theft of ~mall articles and increased wotection from debris while maintaining full visual acces~. Push-up or chain-hqist operation is standard, ,,ith crank or motor operation bj)fionally available. An e:qiergertcy egress fea- ture i_s available as an option on motor-operated grilles. 670 Series curtains are. constructed of aluminum, ,vith a clear qt bronze anodized fini~h av,ailable·as an option. The bottom bar and guides are of tul;mlar extruded aluminum. 671 Series curtains are constructed of steel, ,,ith #4 finish stainless steel optionally availa!)le. The bottom bar and guides are of tubular extruded aluminum. • C, 1-SOG-887-DOOR ' . -.,,,-,J , , • _ ..;,. ' •1 I , ._, S•" , •,' I l~• •..,_~ :·.-·~-{,;_., {, '-, ___ : • • • · Raynor Garage Doors (Raynor) w;u-rancs each rolling · steel door,. or counter shutter .and component parts· co be free from defects In material. and w9rkman~ · ship for a period of one year from date ofdelivery · . to the original purchaser. If. within the ceri:n of the war!anty, any door, shutter, or. component part i~ found to be defective upon inspection qy authprized Raynor personnel,.Raynor will replace any par:c found co be defective, iabor·charges are the responsibility of tlie customer. To· make a claim under this warranty, contact Raynor at the addr~ss . showit below. · RAYNOR .SHAµ. NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANT- ABILITY, NIB HEREBY EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential or incid.ental· damages, so the above limitation or exclusion ma,y not apply co you. - This warrancy, gives y.ou specific legal rigl.J.ts, and you may also h\lve other tights which vary· from state to state. ~ ~ GARAGE COORS MADE. IN' U.S.A. P.O. Box 448 • East Anter Road• Dixon, IL 61021-0448 • 1-800-4-RAYNOR(472-9667) U.S.A. FAX (800) 323-7896 • International FAX (815_) 288-1142 This c.talog was as.complete .nd factu.J.as possible. at the time it wa;s printe,d, We·do, however. reserve the right.to make pr,oduct·ch.nges-in.color, specifications and avail•bility without notice. Features .nd 9ptions m•y be different in the-U11ite<\ States .nd other cquntties. Some doors·shown with option.J, features. B Tit Printed m U.S.A. I;) 1994 Raynor Garage Doors Form:No. 2900417 /I 95-30M .r ·t . Rolling Grille _ ...., J.u , ' Side-Folding Grille Security Grille Selection Guide 11· Side-Folding Grille 1382 Series fiS:3 Series 138-1 Series iiSii SeriPs . " • < ~ ' .,.. ' ~ ~... ~ . \ . :{._/ ·. ).··.· .. ·:· .. ; .. ---__ ·, ,,· .. t. Sliding Grilles 682-688 Series Owrhead Door Corporation offers the most comprehensiw line of top-quality side-folding grilles in the industry. Four full- closure and three open-air models prmide a variety of attrac- tive designs and a broad selection of the security features re- quired in retail and commercial emironments. Side-folding grille curtains are fabricated of aluminum wnical lattice \\ith a leading/trailing edge of tubular extruclecl alumi- num. The curtain hangs by nylon-bearing roller assemblies from a continuous top track of extruded hea\~·-dut~· aluminum. Curved track has a 16" radius, \\ith standard cun·es of 90°. 1.20°. 135° and 150°. (68-! Series requires .2.2" radius.) Special curves up to 30' radius are available. Operation is by manual horizontal slide. Clear anodized finish is standard. All other anodized finishes are also available. Black. \\·hite and light, medium or dark bronze baked-on acrylic paint finishes are optionally arnilable. as are over 180 powder coat colors. I i I i i j !e I G Overhead Door) Corporation offers the industry's broadest selection of rolling rl_oo_r_s -. ···--for vehicidar access. From the durable, light-duty 600 Series:·doofato the heazy- duty, insulated workhorses in the 625 Series, Overhead Door Corporation's sertjce doors are lon·g-lasting and reliable. Every door is custom computer designed to fit your specific require- ments, ensuring ~mooth performance that matches the application's demands. \Vith the industry's widest array of slat. profiles, curtain materi- als· and colors, Overhead Door Corporation can accommodate virtually any design specification and aesthetic c::onsideration. Standard slats are roll-formed, galvanized steel. ·Optional alu- minum and stainless steel slats, as. well as ventilated (perfo- rated or fenestrated) slats, are also available, Refer to the Slat Selector G11ide on pages 16-17 to identify the configurations · available for each door system. All senice doors can be mounted on the face of the wall, and me- dium-to heavy-duty doors can-also be mounted bet\\'een the jambs. Helical torsion springs housed in a steel pipe barrel provide the door's counterbalance, and an accessible tension wheel permits easy adjustment of spring tension. Spring assemblies ate com- puter designed to effectively counterbalance the door for a· . standard 20,000 cycles, and Overhead Door Corporation com- puter-matches the motor operator to each door's counterbal- ance system for precision operation and long life. High-cycle spr.ings are also available for special usage o'perations. Push-up, chain-hoist, crank or motor operation is available for all service door series. A sensing edge on the bottom bar is rec- ommended for all motor-operated doors. A "ide variety of op- tional radio controls are also available. See pages 21-22 for . more information on specifying motor operation. ~ ,. ... ,/ •• • Service Door and Continuous -curtain Door Selection Guide Heavy-Duty 625 Series· 620 Series" 610 Series· 616 Series 6i5 Seli(;!s Light-Duty 600 Se1ies Continuous Curtain Sl)O. 8.10. 820. 8=30 Seties A protective hood .shielc!s the coiled curtain, counterbalance assembly and system parts against dust and wear. and has stiff- ening ribs at top ahd bottom, \\ith intermediate supports as re- quired; ·to enhance durability. Overhead Door Corporation also offers a wide range of air infil- tration :;ind weather protection options. All' service doors are equipp.ed v,ith bqttom w:eatherseals, and optional hood and guide seals can be, specified ·with most service door systems . . Heavy-Duty Doors 610 Series, 620 Serfes, (i25 Series Overheii.tj Door Corporation offers a full range of senice doors for heavy-duty applications requiring \veatherstripping, such as industrial warehouses, factories, distribution centers and ve- hicle maintenance garages. With a standard width limit of 30' 4" ii.nd standard height limit of 30', these doors are designed to \\ithstahd a windload of 20 psf, and optional designs offer .higher \,indload factors. Typically, doors up to 12' x 7' can be manual push-up; doors exceeding either of those dimensions are operated by chaih hoist or optional motor or crank. • Products,-services and technical support perfectly matched to your needs. Form #A-577 R-10/96 Overhead Door Corporation pioneeredthe'-garage door and op- erator industry, producing the first upward-acting garage door in l92land the first electric door operator in 1926. For 75 years, throughsupedor-ctaftsmanShip, innovation, and engineering ex- -cellence, we've extended our leadership, contintially providing the highest0qualitr products and the best senice in the industry. As the door access system specialists, we. manufacture the industry's most comprehensive line_ of reside_ntial, commercial and industrial up\'rnrd-acting· door and operator products -all integrated for optimal performance ~ al}d we are unmatc;hed in our custom design services for unusual applications or special requirements. Our Architectural' Design ifianual -tl\e industry's most thor- ough, advanced and user friendly ~ provides professionals with unsurpassed assistance in selecting, specifying and detailing sec- tional and rolling ·doors. Offering complete, accurate technical data and via,ble design alternatives, the manual ensures intelli- gent ~election, proper installation arid trouble-free performance. ,C - Other Overhead Door Corporation divisions also manufacture outstanding qua).ity proc!ucts for commercial and industrial con- struction markets: Horton Automatics (Sweet"s 08720, 08370 and 08470/HOR), for automated pedestrian doors; W. 13. McGuire Co. (Sweees 11160&ICG), for loading dock equipment and im- pact traffic doors. All Overhead Door Corporation products are produced at our 12 manufacturing .facilities across the United States. Expert product support for the design arn;l const'rµction professional, O\vner and faci_lities manager, a~ well as ;installation and service of all of our products, are pto,ided locally by our nation,\ide network of 400 independent distributors. Each distributor proudly shares our name and· our·commitment to excellence. To speak -with the O·verheacl Doo1° Distributor nearest you, cal{ i-800-887-DOOR. · A wh9lly owned subsidiary-of Sanwa Sh\Jtter Corporation Tokyo, Japan • ()vertiead Door Corporation P.O. Box 809046 Dallas, Texas 75380-9046 Telephone 972-233-66~1 C 1996 Overhead Door Corporation. ·Printed in U.S.A. ' -• J •' •• • • ,, . . ;., .. • • 7 . . . . . ~ . . . .. . POOR ·. · . . :· . . . -' . :. ·. ·.' .. ' . ' ' . . . uA·· . "LIT·· ··v· ·-. . Q-· . . .::····--·. . . .,,., ...... _·, ...... ·'· { . ·_ ,. ; ,_: ·,_,,,.· . :~~-···-~. . .. ·_,, :· . .. ,· . ' . ' .. . . .: I. • • . . . . . • • Jt • ! • 0---·_ ::-~.>--·-----f.---_--~---=----·_ .-.; -·---.. -.,-. . (---s·'·----)-. R:·_~: -_ I G ... ······ I NA--.. ,,. ·L.·. · ... ,,:-... . . .. ..,~: . . ~-~ ' . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . · .. ,.~ i . ,z' • ' .,_ ' .. . . . . • The most effective method of quickly transporting materials for business and industry Whenever business· materials must be rapidly carrfed, a Zip pneumatic tube system can do it faster at less cost. Pneumatic tubes .are eco· nomical to install and run, .. dependable, and simple to operate. It's the up0to-date method of transporting goods. Zip Tube Systems, Inc. is a major manufacturer and supplier of pneumatic tube systems and components. Backed by 30 years of experi- ence and a dedicated staff, Zip has become an industry leader, developing methods to • increase productivity in the · business environment. Our engineers are constantly challenged to improve on • our quality products that are cost-effective, efficient, and "right" for today. Zip Tubeis national network of engineers and installers offers. a full range of services, including: system planning, design,. specifica- tions, installation, training and service. We're working hard to assure the success of your company. -Documents Cash Laboratory samples Blood specimens_ Medications Commercial and industrial parts 1_4580/Z_IP Bu_yline 5089 ZIP TUBE SYSTEMS, INC . - · -Moving America's bl!siness materif{lls efficiently. -HEALTHCARE MOTOR FREIGHT JAILS/JUSTICE STOCKBROKERS DISTRIBUTI01N. CENTERS INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING AIRLINES RETAILERS AUTO DEALERS System.s .for a wide ran-g.e of app.lica:tions Zip Tube. Systems are ideal when an economical, de- .penqable method of delivery is required. Simple, (.:ledicated systems are an effective solution when sophisticated controls and circuitry of a complex. system ~re, un- necessary -for the job. Our systems are easily in$tc:1lled-in existing facilities or new construction. Carriers trave_l safely anc;I quickly in and out of ·secured areas, between floors and build- ings, overhead or under- ground with. unimpeded delivery. As a result_, goods flow with maximum effi- ciency, on demand, around the clock. Zip offers numercius system designs in both single tube and twin tube; single tube-for basic needs, an<;! twin ·tube.;... for faster turnaround and higher volumes. Two styles of stations are availc'lble bcl.sed on application; Industrial · grade-for rugged depend- ability, and Commercial grade-for a more finished appearance where aesthetics are important. A wide customer base includes leading U.S. com- panies from all fieTds: airlines, financial, motor freight, health- care, manufacturing, muni- cipal/judicial services, retail and service, warehousing and distribution, chemical and steel industries. . : :·, ·ZIP TUBE SYSTEMS, INC. --.. - • SYSTEM FLEXIBILITY A group of simple, dedicated systems is more reliable and easier to maintain, than a complex, multi-station system. Dedicated systems will pro- vide years of trouble-free service. SINGLE TUBE SYSTEM/used for applications with low to moderat~ traffic flow. It transports a carrier in either direction between ·two points, through a ·sin.gle transmis- sion tube. The ,power unit operates on demand. Multiple locations can be served by adding additional, indepen- dent systems. When ·space and cost are factors, a. single tube system is the best choice. Various types and sizes of single and twin tube configurations i;tre available. Selec- tion is based on size/weight of. material~ conveyed, traffic, environment, number of stations, and distanc.e between stations. Other considerations may include outdoor & underground installations. Standard sizes (steel tube): 2¼, 3, 4, 4112, 4 x 7 and 6 inch;. PVC tube in 3 and 4 inch. I . .... ,: . :~,. : . f,j Blood·samplfJ delivery during cardiac swgery at Cleveland Clinic. .- Blooq specimen package prepareq for ·laboratory delivery. Sta_tlons: Free-standing. @ ~, r r --Slide sleeve-· Cabinet · O'own/rece1ve up/r~eiv\l Zip.Kit w/blovr~r -STATIONS/Zip equipment is designed to integrate with the business environment. Station hardware will match, fit and func- tion-'-quietly and efficiently-whether in a sensitive hospital situation or hostile, in- dustrial surroundings. Recessed and free standing units are available. Options: soft, air cushion delivery, up or d_own ·receive. visual; audible & remote arrival signals. A.;ecesiied, high-volume station at a Merrill Lynch office. Expedite, and security record handling at a District Court. 'Recessed -· II -' .. { Single tube station l.!. -. -C ... Multi-unit main station · •• • • -----~""1! _ ... ~' Moving Americas· business .materials efficiently.: .. 14580/ZIP · J3uyline 5089 CARRIERS/Zip offers high quality general & ·special purpose carriers, selected for use by size and type of item transported. Generally, end. opening-used for docu- ments: side opening .c-.for cash, parts & objects. High-impact plastic, aluminqm & steel-bodied carriers meet a wide range of applications. Where goods require added protection, our carrier inserts gLJard against possible damage. Zip Tube system speeds customer transactions at Northwest Airlines. · Section of 4 x 7 overhead tubing at large Yellow Freight terminal. Power units and controls Pressure Blower Vacuum/Pressure w/air shifter Vac./Press. w/o a,r shifter TWIN TUBE.SY$TEM1allows multipll;) carriers in transit, ih either direction simultaneously. The constant-running, vacuum power unit gives greater response and oper- ator conv~riience (minimal handling) in fast paced work E;lnvironments. Multiple twin tube air circuits generally operate frQm a central power unit. It's ideal for higher .. , volume traffic situations. · · :· · POWER UNITS /Zip tn?nufactures a vari- ety .of pressure only, vacuum/pressure, and air shifter type blower packs with controls, for single tube systems. For twin tube and specialized applications, we select from the nighest quality c_entrlfugal and positive displ9-cement blqwers avail- able ih the marketplace. Pressure,. volume and horsepower requirements are deter-. mined by payload, diameter and length of the transmission line. Our system capabilities satisfy a wide ·spectrum of applications-from the steril- ity of a hospital operating room to a hostile, foundry environment. Hot metal sample conveyed from melting furnace to laboratory. Carriers Call Zip· Tube at: (303) 289-4845 for our nearest representative. Or call toll ·free (800) 445-4845 3 .. · .. ',:' . .. ,'·. ' a·· -Pressure.-(tnedium duty) is a low volume, low traf-c -to-point system. Carriers may flow-in either direction. his system is best utilized where your traffic is low and the istance between stations is relatively short. Push button and . npulse light are at each station, blower is remote,. which 1inimizes noise. ·acuum-Pressure for Long Lines is a low traffic heavy duty oint-to-point system. Carriers flow in either direction in the _ · ame tube. This system is best utilized where your traffic is )W but the distance between .stations is long. a lant System is designed to handle one or more ~mote terminal islands from a central dispatch area. This ;stem may be designed either in -a single or twin tube config~ ration, either underground or overhead. emi-Aulomatic Push Button (up to ten stations) is a high olume system which utilizes a central distribution point. This ystem is a twin tube system utilizing a single dispatch line ending out, with either "Y" branch or loop -configuration on a ommon return. This system can be used in moderate traffic ituations . • D TOAIR SOURCE TOrAIR SOURCE TOAIR ·SOURCE . 'D -.. awin Tube Vacuum S.ystem. The twin tube vacuum system .. onnects two stations with a single air circuit. Air enters the system through an open send and propels the carrier to its destination. At the opposite station the air is bypassed to the return dispatch line in order .to ·propel ·the carrier back. This system is recommended for high volume traffic areas. Tandem Twin Vacuum System -is an-extension of the basic twin tube system serving two or more service points on one air circuit. This system is recommended where the combined· length of the two systems does not exceed the recommended length of the basic twin tube independent air circuit. Carrier volume is moderate to high. • Two-Way Combination System serves two or more substa- tions on one air circuit, using a common dispatch line to return carriers to. central station. The outgoing lines from the central station are provided with a butterfly type. dispatch per- mitting air to flow in one tube line as ·selected. This system is used in high traffic situations. Point-To-Point Zip Kit System is a low volume system pro- viding point-to-point service between two lo.cations. This system operates on pressure only. The Zip Kit system utilizes an individual blower in each terminal which may be remote or se~-contained. This system is used -in low traffic situations . • g ·D J: D D .,/ ~- D D i: ~i. D --~---.· : . . . . . ' ... . . . . . .--· o D . ..·; .-,~-. •' ·, .. . .-1utornatic Systems . .... . ... . · · . .-. . . offer maxim·um efficiency· an:d· -flexibi_lity · i matic Systems are d~signed to provide poinMo-point ce, utilizing only one tube (or air circuit) for sending receiving. Being computer controlled, these systems require little maintenance. · A carrier is placed in the send chamber and· the computer is notified of the carrier's destination: When the line is clear the carrier is released into the system ·and, through a series Single-Loop Automatic /EFLECTOR SWITCH. • STATION '-TUBE CARRIER LINE STATION TURBO- EXHAUSTER AIR.LINE--~ . ---~~--..,._ ..... r.. STATION Multi-Zone Automatic • STATION DEFLECTOR.SWITCH ..,.._ DEFLECTOR· "SWITCH\ STATION ·of diverters or deflectors,·.is sent automatically to Its desti- . nation. This system is ,designed to allow each station to send directly to any other station. · · Zip Tube's automatic systems are.,the ,most versatile of all the systems provided. They are designed for high volume, multi-stationed circuits, but are also able to handle lower volume multi-stationed system needs. ZONE2 · TYPICAL .STATION . 4 LINE OIVERTER 2LINE OIVERTER ZONE·1 BLOWER PACKAGE Zip ·Tube's··.· · · · · National· IL,.· .. Why Sh0uld You USe V · a· Zip Tube System? •arehouse ... Distributors and Installers For personal consultation and service, Zip Tube represen- tatives are located..in the followin~ areas. • ' . ZIP TUBE SYSTEMS, INC. of Denver, Colorado, over the years, _ as established itself as a majo·r m~nutacturet and supplier of pneu- matic tube systems and component~. Since 1963 our steady growth and significant technological contributions to the "state of the art" have earned Zip Tube the reputation .and. position in the industry as one of the leading developers and oianufacturers of reliable quality controlled, advanced pneumatic tube systems. . Zip Tube Systems, Inc., maintains a network 9f distributor repre- sentatives throughout North America who specialize in the planning, design, installation, and aftersale service of pneumatic tube systems. When ordering a single replacement part ot a complete tube system, Zip Tube's modern computerized order processing is ready to expedite your shipments. Most orders can .be .shippe·d within hours from our standing warehouse inventories. Contact Zip Tube today to .learn about the advanced technology in modem pnel!matic communication systems. We are on the move with major communication systems -working in ·an -ievels of industry and commerce. Warehouses; b;mks, stocK brokerage firms, hospi,: tals, auto dealers and many more have ·been the leaders in the use of Zip Tube systems. · Zip Tube Systems general· offices and rnanufactyring plant, . located in Colorado, includes over 15,000 square feet of combined modern manufacturing' and prod1,1ction facilities, which includes a product development and testing lab, and a ·large. storage area for raw stock inventories. Zip Tube systems are the fast, efficient, economical way to com- municate and transport material between remote locations. Zip Tube • specializes in ready assistance and consultation with the conven-. onal tube system up through the latest state of the art special pur- ose systems that are designed to meet your unique requirements .. To meet the design requirements of the most advanced tube systems, Zip Tube has, readily available, system hardware in any size to fit your needs. 1 The instalJation cost of a Zip Tube system should be measured against the. money . it saves. ---,. .. -·-, . 2 Properly engineered and installed where needed, a Zip Tube system can return Its cost within six months to two years. 3 Immediate improvement of employee prod1Jctiv- ity and efficiency is obtained. 4 Reductlon of those costs which add nothing to the intrinsic value .or quality of your product or .service is realized . . 5 Maintenance costs ate .low en a year-to-. • year basis,. How to Determine · Your Pneumatic Tube Needs. 1 Size your payloads from the carrier chart shown . on page 2. . 2 Figure the number of stations (locations) ·that will need seNice. Use a plot plan or make a scale drawing. 3 At 25 F.P:S. carrier speed, record the travel time between stations. Now analyze the number of carrier transactions you need per line during your peak pertods. 4 Determine if a single line will -handle your payload and ·the return of the empty carriers during the peak periods: If not, consider the twin line :system· which will double your traffic flow. Pages 3 and 4 show some of these systems. 5 Page 5 depicts the -basic type. of automatic · systems providing service between all stations . without a manual relay. There are many types of automatic systems. :6 Other tube sizes and system configurations ate available, along with special design of stations and carriers. • II • • .. , .. , .... " ' . SINGLE TUBE, SYSTEM , ~ '-"::;,' .,: Single tube systems are useci where daily carrier transactions are minimal These systems provide two-way service via a single tube, and are provided in .several formats. ZIP KIT: , . The Zip Kit system utilizes terminals at each··ehd of the circuit complete with press to send button, timer, blower and u-ground power. cord. These units are mounted to desk or wall arid simply plug into .a standard 115 volt receptacle. Carriers travel via pressure in eacn di:ection, powered by the sending station. · · This arrangement is the least expensive of the single tube systems, however care should. be exercised when engineering their placement. The blowers, housed within the terminals do generate noise, which could create problems in offices where several emp_loyees are working. · PRESSURE -VACUUM: ' The Pressure -Vacuµm systems utilizes terminals with press to send ~utton and in use lights. They are arranged with air -cushion delivery and have their blowers remotely located. Both of these features reduce noise. This arrangement required that _115 volt power be provided tQ the remote blower location, with low voltage control caple· install~d between each station and the blower. LIGHT TO MEDIUM DUTY: This system is designed for limited use, with lines running up to approximately 500 feet. HEAVY _DUTY:· Should -line length exceed 500 feet or the payload be heavy, the · terminal at the blower end of the system should be upgraded to allow for the increased pressure. Blower sizing becomes critical under these circumstances. (The following specification is based on three inch tubing. 2 1/411_, 411 , 411 x 711, and 611 specifications available upon request.) II • • • PNEUMATIC TUBE SYSTElVI 3" PRESSURE-VACUUIVI A. Scope: 1. The Pneumatic Tube SysteIIl consists of furnishing transportation, supervision, labor, equipment and materials; necessary for the fabrication and installation ofthe system, in accordance with theDrawings and Sp~cifications. . ' 2. The complete 3 inch outside diameter Pneumatic TubeSystem, shall be provided in place, as shown on the Drawings, specified' herein, and as required for a complete and proper installation. 3. The system shall be of the single tube, pressure-vacuum ar-rangemertt. B. QUALITY ASSURANCE: 1. Qualifications ofManufacturer: The Pneumatic Tube System shall be the standard product of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacturing of similar items and with a history of successful production acceptable to the Architect. All products shall be simila.r and equal to t~ose as m~nufactured by Zip Tube of Denver, Colorado and supplied by Advanced Pneumatic; Tubes of Huntington Beach, California, (714):843.,.1130. 2. Qualifications ofinstallers: An adequate number ofskilled workmen; factory trained in and full time employees of the Pneumatic Tube Industry, familiar with the requirements and methods needed for proper installation, shall be used. C. SUBMITTALS: -1. The contractor shall submit the following for review by the Architect prior to purchasing equipment m starting work. a. Complete Manufacturer's materials Est and catalog cuts of all. items proposed to be furnished and installed under this contract. b. Manufacturers'. specifications and other data necessary to demonstrate compliance with the specified requirements. , . :EJ ·. • • • c. Shop drawings, showing all pertinent defaUs of the proposed items and·their method of connections and installations, shall be approved by the Architect before the material is fabricated or delivered to thejobsite. d. Ptoduct manual, part.s list, maintenance and operating instructions. D. C0l\tlPONENTS: 1. TUBE· & BENDS: 3 ihch O .D. galvanized steel, . 049 wall, cold-rolled, electric welded with flclsh removed. Bends of like material formed to a 3 8 i'nch center line radius, wrin~ie anq c;listortion free. Each length of tube and bend shall be supplied with expanded end, to allow for slip type. assembly. Field cuts shall have ends squared, filed smooth and mandrelled before assembly. Joints _shall be made rigi~ by use of belled enq or slip sleeve and sealed with 3-M Metal Sealant. · · 2. HANGING MATERIALS: Tubing shall be supported by row clamp hangers, pre- formed to keep tubing lines straight and parallel, Clamps shall be attached to pre- threaded, 1/411 zinc plated rod, screwed into appropriate devices attached to building structure. Hanger bolts for wood construction., beam clamps for metal beams, and expansion anchors for conc~.rete. No powder actuated devices shall be used. Horizontal tube to be supported on no more than 12 foot c;:enters, with vertical risers to be supported at each floor lihe. Sway bracing shall be installed, if necessary, to prevent any side movement caused by carrier travel. · 3. TERMINAL EQUIPMENT; Terminals shall be provided as indicated on drawings and as described herein. a. ALL TERMINALS: All terminals shall have thes·e minimum features: 1. System in Use light. · 2. Carrier arrival light, with reset. 3. Press to Send button. 4. Check valve$ as required for soft delivery of carriers. b. DOWN RECEIVE -UP SEND: ·i,··.·· ;?-. •• • • . 1. AIR CUSHION RECEIVERS:· Manufactured of furniture grade steel, complete with 1/211 · clear ·plastic access door and medium texture enamel finish. Tubing shall be arranged to allow for a minimum of.storage for four carriers .. c. UP RECElVE -DOWN SEND: ... 1. AJR CUSH!ON ui: Manufactured of furniture grade steel, complete with · 1/211 c;:lear plastic access door, medium texture enamel finish, and carrier retainer devise. this terminal shall receive and retain one carrier maximum. 2. CABINET UP DELIVERY: Mam,ifactured of.furniture grade steel, complete with 1/211 .clear access doors and -medium ·texture enamel finish. This terminal shall be sized to receive and store up to five carriers. 4. CARRIERS: Carriers sh~U be manufactured of high impact clear plastic, with lift- the-dot closure, having a clear inside-length of 10 inches and a clear inside diameter of 2 inches. Provide 3 per terminal. 5. BLOWER/MASTER CONTROL UNIT: This unit shall be sized to transport carriers at an average speed of 25 feet per second and contain the following features. · a. I 15 volt power cord. b. Solid state control components. c. An electronic control box attached to the blower, shall contain all necessary equipment required to control the operation of the -system. d. The blower unit shall consist of two opposed blowers. One blower operates at a time, providing either vacuum or pressure. e. Adjustable timers,. controlling blower running time. 6. CONTROL CABLE: Control cable shall be installed between each station and the Master Control Unit. Cable shall be strapped to t1,1bing, as necessary for proper support~ in all areas permissible py local building code. If required. by building code,. cable shall be plenum rated or install within conduit. _ .. _ .. Ri .. -. . . v· ·"*- • .· .. ~ ,•' . . . 7. SCREEN BOX: The-screen clean out shall have a cleat plastic access cover,.: .. :. secured by a single wingnut, allowing for easy inspection and access: · · _: :· ·· :, '~Y;,:o·.: E. INCLUSIONS: 1. All labor, materials, frei_ght, taxes, and proper insur~nce. 2. All hole cutting; coring, and patchin~. 3. Providing of all required hoisting equipment,. scaffolding, and/o_r manlifts. 4. Access panels. 5. Removal of all-debris and/or excessive materials. F. EXCLUSIONS: . • 1. Providing of electrical power to the systems Ma,ster 9ontrol Unit. • 2. All furring and .millwork. 3. All finish painting other than standard factory finishes. G. TURNOVER AN,D ACCEPTANCE: 1. Upon completion, the contra,ctor shall demonstrate the system performance to the Architect and/or .owners representative, at a specified date and time . . 2. After successful dem0nstration, the contractor will complete training· in the use and maintenance of the system;to supervisory personnel. H. WARRANTY: 1. The contractor will guarantee that all components shall be free from defects in material and workmanship, for a period of one year, from the· date of acceptance. Any material found to be defective, shall at the contractor's option and expense, be repaired or replaced . • • ·-t ~: 1¾ to I 4¾ ; ---l---' ~ 10' O" I or 1 12·rrn C TUBING. BEND Corporate offices and manufacturing facility /ocf!,ted in Denver, Colorado. More than thirty y~ars Qf' solutions. Tt,,e Zip Tube organization is unique! It is owned by a network of .engineers .and ·installers throughout the· United States and Canada. The experience of our field organization combined with a complete line of systems and. products has made us a leader in the pneumatic tube indu$t,Y. Zip has your solution! Simplified System SelectiQn Guide/'(lnches) CARRIER DIMENSIONS.(APPROX) . INSIDE INSIDE DIA. (A) LENGTH (B) 1% X -5 13/s . X 12 . 21/s . X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2¾ X 23/.i X 35/,s X 3¼ X 3¼ X 31/.i X 14 ~P/2 x 12 45/s X 15 4¾ X 13½ ·2½ x 5½ X: . 12 2½ X, 51/2 X .15 71/2 X 17 SYSTEM/(O.-0,) TUBE SIZ.E («;:) 2¼ 3 4½ 6 4x7 10- BEND -RADIUS (D) ~-~ 48 ~ ~ 48 .......1L 60 72 Special application system sizes: 8, 4 x 12, 6 x 12. General· Specifications Carriers- Speed: .Avg. 25 ·ftlsec Weight Capacity: up to 50·1.bs·.· Size Capacity: 13/e x 31/.i min. 7½ x 17 max. Transmission Tuping.,... Steel: 2¼, 3, 4, 4½, 6, 4 x 7, 10 inch 20 gauge and 12 ·gauge platea -Plastic: 3, 4 inch · Schedule 10 and· Schedule 40 PVC ·Loa,d·capacities vary according to system size. Customer Services: Planning Design . Specifications :Installation ,. Training • · . · Service & Parts TUBE GA.UGE 20 , 18 16 16 16 12 Power Requir~ments - Single Tube: 110 VAC12·0 to 30 amp Twin Tube:· 208/230/460 volt, 3-phase Phone (303) 289'4845 FAX (303) ~89•4848 Toll Free (800) 445 48'45 ZIP TUBE SYSTEMS,' /NC.· 6477 E. 58fh Ave., Commerce City., CO 80022 Moving .America's business materials efficiently. • 1---- ---------------- • 4" BEND .-~~,--~-~--..,_,=i-------PITCH BOX 20 GAUGE, GALVANIZED SHEET M.ETAL ==========:::S:;::::::=~~====-· -ROOF SECTION VIEW ROOF PENETRATION / I I• ·I \, r ' I,, rr ll ~ ,,.. . . I 12 .. 1 ~~8" . 12" .. -- / ~ / / \ . I . J ' ', ~ ( .) -- PLAN .VIEW • PITCH BOX HASE 4" BEND THRU ROOF ROOF: CUT OUT ASPHALT MAS.TIC FILL TAPl;R UP 1/2" A$0VE E!OX @ E!ENP ASPHALT MASTIC APPLIED TO ROOF UNDER & ABOVE PITCH BOX BASE .... , } ··· .. , . ' t\1 • /""---· 48" llADIUS BEND _..,_ -AIR RELIEF VALVE .-f' = ,, ./ b . 0 j -SENl;>/RECEIVE TERMINAL • • > ""'--·-TRANSMJSSION TUBING VACUUM/PR~SSU~ UNIT -.. --1 EJ r. SOI.ID STA IE CONTROLS . . . . . NBOi //ZIPN PRE.SSURE/VACU·UM SYSTEM· RISER DIAGRAM '\ j J, :t · •i }l' I, AIRLINE-- 90o ELBOW -. -. - .;1 .. ' ;j, C: I V3.· ,•,.',. Zip Tube Systems, inc. _ ·Product Information • Model XX850 • ·UNIVERSAL TERMINAL "PARTS LIST j p:::.~1 1-• I- I-1·· ! I I I I I l ) I " I i "i -----;'J) 1.,,----,--~'1) --0 ··················--~------~·----~~~------I (1 @. PRESS TO / SEND CARRIER . @·! IN GH.IMEE?._ : i IW-USE ,,---::---.\ I ~ I, 0 ,-=---~1---'"'-,lt-~-" '-,..:-- ·PRESS TO RE:E' -I iE]i---~;'i!--·------{ 2J : ®! ITEJ.\tl # QUANTITY PART# DESCRIPTION 1 l i xx850-l05 Universal Launcher Assembly l 2 I xx850-035 Univers~l Door Handle Assembly 3 1 xx850-018 Universal Door Handle Cam i i i 4 1 I xx850-005 I Universal Landing Pad --. I • 5 1 6 I 7 1 8 l 9 l Zip Tube Systems, Inc. 6477 E. 58th Avenue Commerce City, CO 80022 ! I i . I ' ' -57850-012 Arrival Push 13uttort Assembly I -. I 57850-010 Send Push Button Assembly I I I x;x850-011 I Universal Dom: with Hin~e I xx850-0IO Universal Door Casket _ I I i xx850-037 Universal Door Assembly (Itc111s 2~ 3. 7. & 8)) l I l I ! i I i ! l j ' i ! i I ! ' ., I .. ' GS• XX850o~o< • • • l 0 l : D Zip Tube Systems, "In~-. .ProcJuct Informatio11 Model XX850. 0·. A :_ I ··-UNIVERSAL TERMINAL _. DOWN RECEIVE Description/ Application ., . ~ c . .-. __ . .. & L I l The Universal Term1nal is a/ freestanding~ down receive, ~p send tenninal. It is used with a remote Blower Pack, for either Vacuum/Pressure or Pressure/Pressure pneumatic tube systems. Tenninal Controls feature combination Press-to-Send Button/ln- U se Light and separate Visual Carrier Arrival Light/Press . to Reset Button. Recommended for a variety of application including: warehous~. plant or . office Use, in moderate traffic applications. ,0 0 B I HI 1 · l I Specifications Syst~m Sizes: 2-1/4, 3, 4, 4 1/2, 6, and 4 X 7, sted or PVC Tubing. I -, -~=========:::::i. Terminal i ! do I ~ Furniture grade 14 ga. steel cabinet, baked powder - coat finish, 1 /2" thick clear plastic door, brushed alun:unium handle with positive latch, carpeted interior, rubber covered foam landing pad, and spring loaded carrier launcher. Air nipple may be mounted left, right or back. Equipped for Air Cushion Carrier Ho s K , 0 ,o ,j•'.!> 0· I ,___ __ ij ------Le-l nr. ,.-k·i·'. ·1 1···/ : ~~,~ ~-' _r~-_j ! . I /: r 1 I I,., -· ,,, I ,-.L_ ---1~ L-I~ -~ ~ Delivery. · Switches/Lights 24VDC. Inter.terminal \Virina 5 Conductor, 22 A WG, Jacketed Stranded Wire. Local codes may require plenum rated wire. Optional Features DIMENSIONS IN INCHES keyed Door Lock, Remote or Internally Mounted Audible Carrier Arrival Signal wi~h Arrival Light, Full Flow <:;heck Valve (combipation Screenbox/Valve bq;<), NEMA 12 Push Buttons, Semi Automatic Controls, Positive arrival scanner. SIZE PART# A f B C I) E l F· I . G I H I I . I J I K I L M 2 1/-l 22850 j 3.500 ! 6.QOO 3.500 L!)!l 2.6251_ 2.250 \ 7.875_1 2.250 j L8125 ! 13.750; 18.813 ! 1.375 7.000 3 30850 3.500 I 6.000 3.500 _ .1.(HH) -::~25 ! 2.250 j 7.875 ! J.QOO: 2.3125 i 13.750 i 18.813 ! 1.375 7.000 -l 40850 3.500 / 6.000 l· 3.500 I -l.(H)O ~.625 \ 2.250 ! 7.875 i -l.000 I 1.8125 i 13.750 ! 18:813 1 l.375 7.000 j -l.5 45850 3.500 .l 6.000 i 3.500 l ,U)()l) __ 2J625 2.250 I 7.875: J.500 j3.1875: 13.750 ! 18.813 l l.375 j 7.000 ! 6 6os,-o -ooo · 11 31" --ooo j , ooo 2.625 2.250 1 1: 10.875_/.. 6.000_11 -i.006: 16.312 ,i 20.500 ·.,,i 1 ~375 _i 10.000 i1 .-': I · ·--' "': ! ... .1 ---~---+---4--~,------;..---;---'-_J__---i • ·!I 5.ooo. ,111·_312,-'.<J<><>· 11 _.,_625 I · ' · · ' · · I ' -l X 7 I 47850 5.QOO j .. 2.250 ,' IQ.875 ! 4 X 71 -l.000: 16.312 i 20.500 '. l.375. 10.00() j Zip Tube Systems, Inc. 6477 E. 58th Avenue Commerce City, CO 80022 Ii d if :-1 . •·1 11 :j . i! . II 'I I ; I • I ; -Cfl stt -:frf<eft VAUl,T - - This AMICO product is warranted to the. finished product specification and to the physical and ch.emical properties of the raw material used if requested prior to the sa:I~ and expressly stated .by AMICO and AMICO;s supplier. It is limited to on·e year from the .date of purchase if .product is used for its intended _ purpose. This information herein. is accurate and reliable to the best of our knowledge. AMICO has no control over installation, Workmanship, accessories, complementary _ materials, or. conditions of application a,nd therefore, cannot be responsible for these areas of product performance. THE EXECUTIVE REMEDY FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY IS REPLACE·- MENT OF THE PRODUCT OR A REFUN:-i .OF THE PURCHASE PRICE AT AMIGO'S OPTION. THE ABOVE STATED "WARRANTIES AND REMEDY IS THE ONLY WARRANTY MADE AND AMICO DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPUED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Lath Spec: Meets or exceeds requirements. of ASTM C847 and C1Q63. Secura Lath is not specifically covered in the cummt ASTM Lath specification, but due to it's weight and strength it exc.eeds current metal lath spedfications. Underwriters Laboratories Fire ·Rated Assemblies Will not be jeopardized by using ASL in the fire rated assemble. (U/L Subject File #1857). 4 See SweetSoul'Ctl"·tor add1tioria! ~ intormatlOI\ Call 1-800-55-i:-3796 to order s-.tSourc•· ALABAMA:METAL INDUSTRIES CORPORATION 3245 Fayette Avenue • Birmingham, AL 35208 • 205/.787-2611 WATS: 800/366-2642. FAX:205/786-6527 AMICO'$ additional security products include: SECUR'ITY MESH for vertical walls applications and SECURA FEN.CE SYSTEM® for exterior perimeters. · ;,::~,, :.·;.., ; . ·.:. ~ . . -SECURA·. LATH~ I . . i:. channel nippers or MS Bulldog type lips may be employed. · Methods of Attachment: Secura ~ath is . tailed much the same as standard diamond ah lath. However,_ due t0the co:71plexit~ of i; product installatIon, separate·mstallatIon ldelines are available for wall and ceiling "' tallations. Please coAtact . your s~les (!presentative or AMICO Technical Services S, further informaiton. · 'nstallation Note: Th~ natur~ of this produ~t iuch that in order for It to perfor,m properly It it be installed properly. Therefore AMICO's -· ura Lath lnstallatiori guideline (available -··n request) must be followed to the letter in ""tr to obtain desired results, and to keep king to a minimum. All stucco ci:acks to e degree due to shrinkage and movement, ·ever If AMICO's Installation Guideline is wed cracking should· be kept to an · pt~ble·level. J.~,_TENANCE :t•4,, '''iJra Lath should be protected from ature during shipment and pr-ior to · latlon. Also this material should-be stored ·-· o prevent distortion of the sheets. t,. •• ICAL SERVICES ~ ., ... il"nlcal service is available from the local ~.,i:i_tor. In addition, manufacturers .fD!atlves are available from a larger OJYJ;-~hrough the manufaqture.r's l.ltlon centers. Technical services are Ji_6ytelephone, facsimile,.or mail from . ~~ufacturer's technical service ,.__v~nt at the home office. All technical . ~,~_l!shed and is available upon,req uest. ·cALoArA ... ;• . ~Lath exceeds the r,equitments of· --t17 and C 1063 and is fabricated from ~carbon steel which meets ASTM ~ _M,andASTMF1267,Typel,Class ~,3, Grade A. Sheets are sized 27" X , .. .,..Jnal) and ?oated with a sh9p coat of -~'"9alvan1zed prior to fabrication. A -· ... ! pertorated kraft paper is attached ,.:..\. ;,,.· t:~!EM ~frA II, West Conference Lathing & · .. tut~s, Inc. Association of Walls .. ~ational, and SWEET's. · cuy1..me l:1078 JI , .. I ! 'i i. ii 'I I, i: r • f I I :' . I • • • PRODUCT NAME AMICO Secura Lath?: MANUFACTURER Alabama Metal Industries Corp. 3245 Fayette Avenue Birmingham, AL 35208 Phone: {205) 787-2611 (800) 366-2642 Fax: (205) 786·6527 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AMICO Secur,a Lath(ASL) is fabricated from steel that is expanded to form a diamond pattern much like tl")at of diamond mesh lath. Secura La.th is formed from 16 gage carbon steel which, when plaster.ed with portland cement or high strength gypsum plaster, provides a superiQr barrier to penetration. Secura Lath is sized 27" x 97" and ha,s perforated kraft paper attaGhed, which is vinyl coated on-one side to aid in curing. This paper also offers resistance and thereJore atfor:ds better keying and economy of plaster. Secura Lath is furnished with a shopcoat of paint. Because Secura.Lath is niade from one sheet of steel, it will ndt unr'a1/el when-cut and in fact requires many single cuts an.d much time to cut a hole large enough for escape. Also., further complicating the escape attempt, ate sharp pointed hooks that remain in wb.eh Secura Lath is cut. BASIC USE Secura Lath is used primarily in the ceiling$ of any facility .where the owner wishes tb prevent ent,y or exit from one area to another. Although Secura Lath works very well in both wall and ceiling applications, it is ideal for ceiling applications.in prisons, court room or jail holding cells, juvenile facilitie~. and mental institutions. Secura L~th is not however, limited to these types of projects . ..,... PACKAGING Secura Lath is palletized in 1:00 sheet (1.8 SF per sheet) 1800 square foot quantities. ,-INSTALLATION Method of Cutting: Extensive-ripping may be accomplished using a circular saw Qr a hand grinder with abrasive metal cutting blaoes. A mechanical heavy-duty power shear works well for shearing sheets. For small openings, such • • • .. •·-Jl:cJrr~, f<i:t? s Kr : -r I ,..J . I-f2. ·-JI,: 1d:1A· • ~ -~ ~ .. • AJJV~l-. . , FRP ·Fabricators General s·pecification p •• Statement of Work. 1. Fabrication ofFRP Booths and components, including labor; materials, tooling arid equipment. necessary to produce finished products as described in contract documents. All part shall have a serial number put on. them. This serial number will correspond to drawing number. All parts shall be tracked and material information will be recorded to that part serial m1mber. 2. Design Responsibility The fabricator shall be responsible for the structural design of the laminates. When required, the design shall be prepared by· a licensed architect/engineer, e::<perienced in the use and design of FRP products. 3. Quality Assurance Provide product data sheets for all materials includir~.g resin, gel coat, catalyst and glass reinforcement. · · Daily log sheet will be maintained to record: Raw material batch numbers, received. Serial numbers of item.$ produced~ Qualify assurance inspection results. 4. In-Process Qu~lity Assurance Record of raw materials c,iaily use, including batch and lot m.i:rnbers .. Record serial number of each part produced, including date and time of fabricated. Gel Coat wet film thickness. · · 5. Finished Part Inspection, Items to be Recorded Part weight Dimensions of each molded piece Cosmetic comparison to standards. 6. FRP Raw j\tfaterials Call Out" The following information shall be specified.to the FRP fabricator. Resin: Type Gel Coat: Color samples, if possible with manufactures·narne and color ID number. Fiberglass Reirtforcement · · Type: Cloth, mat,. woven roving, chop Style: weight by square foot or yard. Catalyst: per resin and gel coc:1t manufacturing specifications. 7. Tooling and J\tlolds Check for the following: Surface free from irregularities, scratches, holes, chips or cracks.· 1 •• • • .,. ·,,' --~-• •• < • 8. . · Application of Materials . Gel Coat: The gel coat should be a continuos film over the entire mold surface and onto the flanges. This film thickness should be 20 mils +/-2 mils. Laminate: The laminate .if hand laid shall be put on in plies and rolled out completely-b~fore the next ply is applied. Buildup not to exc~ed 1/8" before allowing to cure: . . · --· ·:_ ··:,. ::._, If laminate is applied by chopper gun, no more than 1/8" should be applied before it is rolled out completely and let cure. · · · · 9. Fabrication Tolerances Thickness variations: +/-1/16" Length and width variations'. -Less than 10" +/-1/8", lO" to 20'; +/-3/16", over 20"+/-1/4" Squareness-variations:+/-1/8'' Insert/Connection locations:.+/-1/4." 10. Handling All parts shall be stored and shipped so as not to warp or deform the part and to protect the molded surface from scratches. 11. Repairs All repairs should be done by a qualified person using approved_ materials_. 12. Submittals A manufactures data and specification sheet shall be submitted on all raw materials .. Samples of all colors, laminates and other item,-called out in contract documents shall be supplied to customer . 2 • Ziriger COnsuUmir]tS. -. · Tran§Dlittal ·_- . · Number ofpages including this one: T If you do not r~ceive ~U pages contact send~-----a--. Match 31; 1 ~97 · _______ __._ _ __,.------'----,-....,. 1:58 PM .....-::.i~----'-'---'~---...,_ •' '.' .. -: ... ;.;-~ :,,, . To May ram Pfeiff er 1655 26th Stre~t, Suite 200 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Ph. 310-453-0200 fx. 3'10-453-2052 Subject: FYI Reference: FRP Terms Special Instructions: Enclosed is the list ofterm that I misplace for our last meeting. From Richard Nuckolls I 70 I 1 Lake Elizabeth Lake Rd. Lake Hµghes, CA 93532 Ph. 805-724-0402 Fx. 805-724-0403 • Please let me know if I can be of any other help. Truly Richard Nuckolls /J / :// J~E,,"'r' l (; . • • ~ • ~--f,--";,. __ ..,_-.... --· .. -=· ______,---- • 12·· __ · p-- • • • .' ·.·, ,.. : .. " .. ·/"·· COPPER SALE$; -1"'? .. : ; . 05600/COP BuyLine 5935 ® .Architectural Metal .Column Covers l'IOJKll AdcasHnaloltc..p.y. AICIIIKI: Pope Associates GllUIAl CDIIIUCl'OI: .SliNlry CoutnctlN • CD1111AC101: Daleo Roaflag • Sllettlllltal lac. ~ I• UNA-C!)RE Strln I 0, H-,coali P-, Regal llec .ltykl-5000'111/Kya-soo-rr .... llinpN-fillslt ti, Vais,-, ~125" "----0..'Aloclzlll Collia Cnar, Designers specify it. Contractors prefer it. There is a reason. See Sweets 076 ,0/COP for roofing systems and 07420/COP for wall panels. • • • PHONE 612/576-9595 • fAX 612/576·9596 05600/COP · ·11· .SuyLine 5935 .' • Arthitettural Metal. Column Co-vers . Cf) \ ;.. Series 100 -Reveal Joint System The Reveal Joint System is spedally designed to accommodaie installation in restricted clearances, where there is virtually no room on the top or bottom of the column. The .reveal may vary in dimension, with a ' . minimum of 'Ii", depending on the desired appearance: On g ¼" or- larger r.eveal, a channel filler is available; if less, a caulk fill ·is recommended. The Series 1 00 is an economical, functional column cover system. Option A: This system utilizes a-caulk-nil, as speoried by architect. Option·B: This syste.m offers o channel.filler. After .applying a caulk fill, channel is inserted in joint ond held in place . ~ ~--.... --~- ! , .. ···1··~· ---•~ ( I • .,,. I I•. i' ., !I . ·1'· .1- lr--.._ i I '. . 1-f---- 'I ·~ i'.,c,.a. .... ; _ _:..··-~ ...:. ,i;, .. -~ Series 200 -Hairline Joint System The Hpirline J9int System is designed to enhance aesthetic appeal by minimizing joint appearance. It. is assembled using a rivet nut system. A large tear-drop receiver simplifies installation procedures. One inch is · .necessary at the head of the column to install the second. half. Both systems offer considerable flexibility in horizontal reveql, head; . and base areas. With our custom / fabriCafiOn Capabilitles, design and . SEAM manufacture of the architect's most intricate ideas can be achieved. Keys/of System Procedure: Step l: Install the ·z-·bars· with screws to the H-beam or concrete column every 18" to 36'. Step 2: · lnslail. first ha~ of. column olid shim os required: Step 3: :Take second' hoif of column ·and line up screw head with .!arge side of slot. Then push down and column is s~curely in .place. · ,, ,. :-, .. ··. \- Setting the Standard Since 1926 A•p · ® -1--•-I Syracuse . Nashville Birmingham Chicago Kalamazoo Cook & Reid, Inc. Masters & Sons co· •• Inc. .2 Fennell St ... P. O. Box 111 P. 0. Box 41116, ZIP 37204 Wilson Door and Window Supply Co. Illini Specialties. Inc. Architectural Bldg .Products. Inc. -Skaneateles, ZIP 13152 t15) 242-3520 . 71 o Paden Drive, ZIP 35226 P .. O. B'ox 559. 29W030.Main St. 552 South-8th St. · ~15) 685-7631 ax:. (615)259-2209 (205) 823-4121. Warrenville. 'ZIP 60555 ZIP 49009 Fax: (205) 823-4121 (708) 39,3-1919 (616)'375-3252 ax: (315) 685-7641 TEXAS· .. ,·,.:_ Mobile Fax: (708) 393;1956 Fax: (616) 375-1314 Utica-Binghamton Dallas Rayford & Associates, Inc. Peoria Grand· Rapids .(See Syracuse, NY) B-& W Sales, Inc. P. 0. Box 7038, ZIP 36670 Cook.Industrial. Sales Arch1tectura1· Bldg'Products, Inc. NORTH CAROLINA 1701 N. Greenville Ave .. #809 (334) 476-1460 5835 N. ~alena'Rd., ZIP 61614 (616) 878-0702 J. H. Wilkinson ComGiany Richardson, ZIP 75081 Fax: (334) 479-6399 (309) 682-1600 Fax: (616),878-1880 2210 North Church t. (214) 644-2393 ALASKA Fax: (30:9) 682·l6ti7 Lansing . Greensboro, ZIP 27405 Fax: (214) 644-2395 Door Specialties of Alaska; Inc. INDIANA Architectural Bldg Products, Inc. (910) 272-0757 (800) 632-4996 El Paso Evansville (517).347-0500 Fax: (910) 273-7953 (See Albuquerque, NM) 4011 Arctic Blvd .. Suite 206 Fax: ·(517) 347-0505 Houston Anchorage, ZIP 99503 Multi' Pro.ducts, Inc. OHIO (907) 563-5570 4:44 Hoing'Rd .. ZIP 4Tl11 MINNESOTA ·c1nclhnat1· J.M. Maly Inc. Fax: (907) 562-0351 (812) 867-5263 Specialty Sales Service, Inc. Welling, Inc. P.O.,Box 3968. Humble. ZIP. 77347 Fax: (812) 867-2244 P. O .. Box.27727 . 9467 Montgomery Rd. v13) 446-7600 ARIZONA Indianapolis Minneapolis, ZIP ~5427 ZIP 45242 ax: (7131 446-4086 Mitchell Associates. Inc. Spohn Associates. Inc. (612) 544,-1562 (513) 793-6900 Lubbock 5229 N. 7th Ave., Suite 102 ·3935 Noi:th Meridian St. Fax: (612) 544-0764 fax: (513) 793-6988 Sterling Building Materials, Inc. Phoenix,.ZIP 85013-1963 ZIP 46208 (317) 921-0021 MISSISSIPPI Cleveland P.O. Box 6008, ZIP 79493 (602) 265-0127 Fax: (317) 921-2454 ·Huboarci:Lawson Building E:P.I. of Cleveland, Inc. ~06) 7 44-1383 Fax: (602) 266-0455 IOWA 1600 W. MillSt. ax: (806) 795-3408 ARKANSAS Specialties .. Inc. Peninsula, ZIP·44264 San Antonio J. A. McCoy-& Associates, Inc. P. O .. Box 16569 (216) 468-2872 . T. H. Willis Com~an~ Inc. Worle~uildihg Products. Inc. P. 0. Box 13445, Jackson. ZIP 39236 ·P.O. Box 1-H, IP 8217 P. 0. x 23436, . Des Moines, ZIP 50310-0445 (601) 366,7358 Fax:-(216) 650-9805 . ~~) 820-3148 Little Rock, ZIP 72221-3436 (515) 277-2800 Fax: (601) 981-7889 Columbus ; (210) 820-3132 (501) 224-6020 . Fax: (515) 277-1462 MISSOURI -Western Haller and Associates, Inc. UTAH Fax: (501) 224-2663 KANSAS (See Kansas City, Kansas) 1170 W. Henderson Rd. CALIFORNIA ZIP 43220 . Cannon Sales, Inc. Kansas City Columbia • sgrlngfie'ld (614) 457-0410 762 North 1250 West San Fran·cisco B-D-R Engineeriri~ Corp. (See Kansas it)', Kansas) Fax: (614) 457-4153 Centerville. ZIP 84014 Collier Building Specialties . 1933 N. 10th St, IP 66104 'MIS.SQURI -Eastern f ?fe~ncinriati, Ohio) (801) 29S:0800 (800) 368-0542 1485 Bayshore Blvd., ZIP 94124 . (913) 621-0600 (415) 467-9235 . Fax: (913) 6?1-0700 Aquarian Sa[es,. Inc. Fax: (801) 299-9292 Fax: (415)-468-4796 Wichita 313 West Bend Ln., Toledo VERMONT .; Los Angeles (See The Sileo Company below) Labadie, ZIP 63055 (See Michigan -Eastern} (See Massachusetts -Eastern) Specialty Bldg. Components.Inc. (314)' 451-5970 Youn¥stown 7750 Painter Ave. KENTUCKY Fax: (314) 451-5674. (See he Bilco Company below} VIRGINIA ,:.;:J. Whittier, ZIP 90602 Atlas Metal Products Co .. inc. MONTANA O!<LAHOMA Alexandria i (310) 945-8951 P. 0. Box 19139, Tri0Jack Design Products Co. ,Oklahoma City Charles W. Pooley, Jr, Fax: (310) 696-1075 Louisville. ZIP 40259 (502). 968-5445 P. 0. Box 20364,. R &.R.Buildin~ Specialties, Inc. P. O. Box 5053, ZIP 22305 -. San Diego Billings, ZIR:59104 Box 83371 -tockyards Station -:;; Pacific Building Specialties Co. Fax: (502) 969-2486 (406) 245-4116 ZIP 73148, (405) 681-6565 (703) 836-6033 • P. 0. Box 191090, ZIP 92159 LOUISIANA Fax:. (406)·245-4653 Fax; (405) 685-6177 . Fax: (703) 836-0066 (619) 448-2530 Alexandria NEBRASKA Tulsa Richmond/Norfolk/Roanoke Fax: (619) 448-2603 Flynn Building Specialties. ln9. Emanuel Const. Specialties, Inc .. Murray Womble, Inc. -Marcor Assoc,iates, Inc. COLORADO P. 0. Box 668, ZIP 71309 416 South 14th St. · · · ·8150-N. 116 E. Ave.,f'. 0. Box 958 P. 0. Box 1480 Daleo Industries. Inc. (318) 443-7346 Omaha, ZIP 68102 Owasso. ZIP 7 4055-0958 Midlothian, ZIP 23113 P. o. Box 390037. Fax: (318) 473-4336. (402) 342-2920 (918) 27?-6977 (804) 794-0202 (800) 370-2452 Denver, ZIP 80239 Baton Rouge Fax: (402}'342-2154 . Fax: (918) 272-6122 Fax: (804) 379-1609 (303) 371-3950 . (See New Orleans,-LA) NEVADA OREGON WASHINGTON Fax: (303) 371-3959 Lafayette CONNECTICUT Flynn Buili;!ing Special1ies. Inc. Las Vegas Saiurn Associates Seattle (See Phoenix, AZ) 11440-S.W. Tiedeman Ave. Anderson Specialties Co. The Bill Fisher Enterprise P. 0. Box 2275, ZIP 70502 Tigard; .ZIP 97223 (318) 234-i'594' . Reno 16517 Shore Drive, N.E. P. 0. Box 103 Fax: (318) 235-7261 (See San Francisco. CA} (593)' 598-1247 ZIP 98155 Unionville, ZIP 06085 Fax: (5Q3),684-3940 (860) 673-3261 New Orleans NEW HAMPSI-IIRE PENNSYLVANIA (206) 368-9722 Fax: (860) 673-4500 Waldo Brothers. Inc. (See Massachusetts -!:asternj Fax: (206) 368-7790 P. O: Box 24128; Philadelphla•Harrlsburg DELAWARE ZIP 70184-4128 NEW JERSEY -Northern Jol)son Associates,. Inc. Spokane (See Philadelphia, PA} (504) 834-8456'(800)·256•1469' (See New York'City, NY} P. '0.,BOJC 273· Yadon Construction Specialties. Inc. F.ax:· (504) 832·0125 Lafayette ·Hill, ZIP 19444 Box 2672, ZIP 99220 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Shreveport NEW JERSEY-'-Southern (610) 825-0320 (509) 535-0301 (See Alexandria, VA) Avallone Architectural Specialties (See Philadelphia, PA). . Fax: (610).'828-2806· Fax: (509) 534-1787 FLORIDA P. 0. Box-5143; ZIP 71135 ~EW,MEXIQO Pittsburgh WEST VIRGINIA Fort Lauderdale (318) 797-4331 Mountain West-Sales, Inc. V.O .. George Corporation Ferro Products Corporation Builders Specialties ln_c ... Fax: (318) 797-4330 3550-B Pan Am FreeY/aY, N:E. 3464 Babcock Blvd:, ZIP 15237 P. 0. Box 753 P. 0. Box 23250, ZIP 33307 MAINE Albuquerque, ZIP 87107 (412) '367-0910 . Charleston, ZIP 25323 (954) 565-2569 See Massachusetts -·Eastern (505) 888-4464 Fax: (412) 367-7026 (304) 342-8111, Fax: (954) 566-6902 Scranton MARYLAND Fax: (505)-888-9498 Colman ·sales Company Fax: (304) 342-8114 Jacksonville NEW YORK Distributors of Florida. Inc. CBG·South. Inc. P.O. Box 275 WISCONSIN P. 0. Box 5026. ZIP 32247 9689 Gerw~ Lane Alban~ Clarks Summit, ZIP 18411 Mitchell, Pace + Associates (904) 396-2269 Columbia,· IP 21046· Mikal nterprises· (717) 587,11'88 542 W31320 Hwy 83, P:O. Box 65. Fax: (904) 396-3134 (410) 995.5400· 3 Computer Drive West Fax: (717) 587-4798 Genesee Depot, ZIP 53127 Orlando-Tampa Fax: (410)381-0071 Suite 108, ZIP ,12205 . RHODE ISLAND (414) 968-5141 Building Specialties. Inc. MASSACHUSETTS -. Eastern (518) 458-7417 \See Connectic~t) Fax: .(414) 968-5147 P. 0. Box 1290 Pace Representatives, Inc. Fax: (518)'458-7417 . SOUTH CAROLINA Bradenton, ZIP 34206 P.O. Box-419. Buffalo . -CANADA (941) 7 46-5900 North Scituate. ZIP 02060 James·F. Cleary, Inc. B4ilding Specialties Sales Co. BILCO Canada Tampa (813) 289-9396 (~00)·3~2-7.072 P. 0: Box J 52. · . P .. 0. Box 5112-Station B, 46 Firestone Blvd. Other areas (800) 746-5911 Fax: (617) 822-3470 North Boston, ZIP 14110 Greenville. ZIP 29606 London. Ontario, N5W 5L4 Fax: (941) 746-6260 (716) 649-5602 (864) 233-7711 (519) 659-7331 GEORGIA 'MASSACHUS.ETTS -Western Fax: (716) 649-1290 Fax:· (864) 233-2334 Fax: (519) 455-8593 (See Corinecticut) New York City TENNESSEE Eastec Sales Company Mi'CHIGAN -Eastern Fontana Metal ·sales Corp. ·Knoxville PUERTO RICO-U.s. Virgin Islands 626 Holcomb Bndge Rd .. Suite ·345C 3120-Expressww Drive South Masters & Sons Co .. Inc. Roswell, ZIP 30076 HMG. Inc. Central lsli~, ZI . 1.1722 (See The Sileo CompW)y below} (770) 640-1970 123 Perimeter Park Rd., • 32432 W'Eight Mile Rd. (516) 231· 030 Su,te A. ZIP 37922 INTERNATIONAL SALES DEPT. Fax: (770) 640-1971 Farmington,. ZIP 48336 Fax: (516) 231-7160' {423) 691-9902 (423) 691-9914 HAWAII (810) 442-0640 . . ·Rochester Fax: L423) 691-9901 (See The Sileo Company below) • OHS Hawaii, Inc. Fax: (810).442-4812 H B ,Specified Products. Inc. Memphis • 801-F Moowaa St .. 1150 University Ave .. Unit 20 ·BHN Corporation · Honolulu, ZIP 96817 ZIP 14607, (716) 442·6120 .435 Madison Ave .. ZIP 38103 (808) 832-0444 Fax:· (716) 256,0067 (901) 521;9500 Fax: (808) 832-0440 Fax: (901) 521-9507 The Bilco Company· P. 0. Box 1203 • New Haven, CT 06505 • Phone (203) 934-6363 • FAX (203) 933-8478 http://www.bilco.com ' Type11 NB11 For Ship Stair 2'6" X 4'6" (762mm x 1372mm) Type II DSH 11 Double, Leaf Fire Vent .. ~~ . . . . . -"" . 1~ . A . • .... Type 11511 Type 11 L 11 · · For Service Stair 2'6" X 8'0" . (762mm x 2438mm) · For Ladder Access '3'0" X 2'6" (914mm x 762mm) ,t-~·idvantages & Features -~~"~~ -. All Sileo roof products incorporate common design and construction .features_ that have firmiy established them as the finest prod- ucts of th$ir typ~. They are ruggedly built for long, dependable service. Cover-s are of box type design to support a live load of 40 lb/fti (195 kg/m2). the capflashing, full welded corner joints, thermoplastic rubber · gasketing, glass fiber cover insulation and rigid fiberboard curb insulation assute weathertightness and energy efficienQy. Hardware is zinc plated and chromate sealed for ,corrosion resistance. Each unit is designed with the proper number of compression spring 9perating mechsinisms to provide smooth, easy scuttle cover·oper- ation and automatic fire vent reliability. Installation is simply a matter of placing the unit over the roof opening and securing it· to the roof deck through the holes provided in the base flange. For b'uilt up roofing installations, roofing felts are inserted under the integral· capt.lashing. For single- . ply installations, the Silclip™ quick flashing system is /used. (Standard on all Sileo roof products. See detail). Installation instructions are provided' with the· products for both types of roofing· applications'. TypellD11 One Hand Operation Unique Type $ Bi/co Design gives the ladder user the security of one hand on the ladder and effortless control of the coverto its.closed and latched position. _,, Fiberboard --rr"'' Insulation · . \· Pak'Rope \ ·capflashing \ . . cMembrane-~h---ttl ·(by-other,/). Adhered to itself ·curb--·'~=t__jl.- Double Leaf Scuttle for Extra Large · . 1. O~enings .·~~·i · __ ... ,-_.-,.,,..~-- ·, ~ .:---....... : .. I 5 j ·-----lllllaall-----~--~---,.--, -~-•• ; 'Cl,. ~· ... ,,;• •• -t..,,' ~J ......... ., .... '1• .. .,,. • ., ~ --. ....:.-..:..-\..., \.,.. .. _....:.,.,, -.~-~ ~ Butt Diameter = 4•inches · · . Top Diameter =-?-1/2 inches Ball Diameter = 4 ·inches· Wall Thidkriess = .188 .. -115½ :-,·_:..-~_!:'-. ... _j_U-~~r tl ··=· 414" ---c1 .,I ; 1-, : I -~.,w~--. au/·-==· . ' 'I (~'i'.. i7 i,.,,,,I 8 .. u,.. -,:--=-: -. "' _. I \ 18" ' l : ' I ' 17" 24" • • _J_ no.0111 ----12"-,J no.0104 121/a"-- no. 0100A' MATERIAL: FINISH:. FINIAL: TRUCK: HALYARD: CLEAT: STA:. \D-4-R.DS: 0 [:TRIGGER Alloy 6063,T6. aluminum tubing Directional satin ground Aluminum ball with flush seam- Single stationary cast aluminum with metal sheave #1 0 (5/16" dia.) braided rope polypropylene with two chrome plated bronze swivel snaphooks One cast aluminum cleat, attached with two 5116" stainless steel screws · PULLEY: 3/8" 16NC eyet:iolt and fi;,ced. double pulley· ANCHORAGE: 3/4" 1 0NC x 18"·1orig iull threaded $tainless steel studbolts with 14" long :1 ° 1 /4" SCH 10 pipe sleeves -:;p:,;crFrc.-i..TWSS: or:TRIGGER Furnish and erect where shown on plans .. Americ;:in Flagpole· number· __ complete with standard .features, as indicated. Outrigger pole shall be fitted with a single stationary-truck for external halyard operation. have a mounting angle 9f __ from vertical, an overali length of __ feet, butt-diameter of __ ·_ inches, top diameter of inches, and butt wall thickness of inches. Provide standard flagpole fittings and equipment as manufacture·d by American Flagpole, Abingdon, VA. 1'0350/AME -BU)'~2 .. ' ~ .. -.,, -· --OUTRIGGER 0111 I .'C l I ........ --~ : ... ,.:;~t/ I'll...-~ .. .. : ..... ~ ~:y:.' -; ., ' .. ~ ., ';s;: C (D Q. -s .... ,:~}~~' Cl '. .· s= .c: 0 <11 Cl ,, (I) ~ -~· ·~ 0. ii: _, C: ·-o-,,; .:. ~a~_ c:'*I: ·<1>-tll Cl ·. ~g ;;g <1>-· . , ... O> .Q 0 P;-c ·r,,\ .• .c .:,t. . ~1» 'C>! .. ~;-~ Cl-a> as .· g.ai -~e:~:.. :'~~t~-~ Eal I-. .!E ·1-.!E . . -: .. ...,;., <:O 8(2.44) 5'6(1.68) .. :-.~~ .46(21) 93380-001 10(3;05) 8'~(2.52) 51 (23) 93380-002 -12(3.66) 8'3(2:52) ., 30(525) ·• 57(26) -~3380-003 14(4.?7) 8'3(2.52) ,\:'-.~~ . ' ,62(28) 93380.()()4 15(4.57') 8'3(2.52)_ -· _,': 65(29) 93380-005. .. 8(2.44) 5'6(1.68) ... /J .... ; 46(21) 93380-009 :10(3.05) 8'3(2:52) ;j\·' 51 (23) 93380-010 ; cl"': '12(3.66) 8'3(2.52) 45 (785)3;_: . 57(26) 93380-011 14(4.27) .8'3(2:52) <fif{, 62(28) 93380-012 15(4:57) 8'3(2.52) -:1~ 65(29) 93380·013 8(2.44) 5'6(1.68) /~.-46(21) 93380-017 10(3.05i 8'3(2:52) 51 (23) 93380-018 ~2(3.66) 8'3(2:52) 60(1050) 57(26) 93380-019 14(4.27) 8'3(2.52) _,, .. 62(~8) 93380-020 15(4.57) 8'3(2.52) 65(29) 93380-021 Other sizes·avail~ble --... Available in.bronze and'stainless-steel .. _ OUTRIGGER 0104 CD .i= 0 oS C. Cl Cl . .ci C 0 t'II Cl (I) 0. u::: _, -C: * C -b-ui 9-<I>-tll 'Cl ..J E -~ E (I)--Cl .Q 0 (I) 'C .c .:,t. iij -<1>-.... t'II c,.-Q)«J oa> ' c.-Cl .... '1ii ui Eal tll CD (I) E . I-~-I-~ 0-~ :a <((.) 0(i44l 5'6 (1:68) .. .. 46(21) 93382-001 . 10(~.05) 8'3(2.52), 51 (23) 93382-002 12(3:66) 8'3{2.52) 45(785) 57(26) 93382-003 · 14'.(4.27) .-, 8'3(2:52) 62(28) . 93382-004 15(~.!>7) !313(2.!>2) 65(29) 93382-005 -Other sizes available' ... OUTRIGGER Q.1 OOA CD s= 0 Q) C. ·15, Cl .c C: 0 t'II Cl ,Q) a.. u::: _, "'-C: 'II: C . -6,..... ui 0--a>-t'II Cl = .S · ~E Q)--Cl .g .Q ~-g .c .:,t. m_ ·<1>-C>-(I) t'II c.-Cl .... Q)" Eal -Q) tll a, <I> E ~~ ~$ I-.!E o-<:O 8 (2.4~i s·5c1:58J 46(21) 93381-001 10(3.05) 8'3(2.52) 51 (23i 93381-002 1?_(3,66) 8'3(2.52) 45(785) 57(2~) 93381·_003 14(4.27) 8'3(2.52) 62(28) 93381-004 15_(4:57) 8'3(2:52) 65(29) 93381-005 Other sizes available 800-368-7171 540-676-3090 (Fax) American- Flagp,ole 13 •• • • .Aiv.iERICAN· FLAGPOLE'S: FJN]:SHES: · STANDARD FINISH: Aluminum: Standard finish is 50 grit, satin ground, directional textured. 8_0 grit and 100 grit are available as options. Stainless St~el: Directional satin ground AISI Number 4. AISI Number 7 is available as an option. Bronze: Directional sat:i,n ground with or without statuary antique finish. · COLOR COATINGS: Powder Coating: Thetmoset powder coatings are the recommended finish for a uniform, durable coating. All powder coating is applied at American. Flagpole's manufacturing facility to ensure quality delivery'1ead time. ·. Powder co:;tt is ele,ctrostatically applied weatherable poiyester or urethan~ , thermoset powder,. oven cured and bonded at approximately 400° to a dry film thickness of 2-4 mils. Colors available include black, bronze, green, white and gray. Some colors are . available in low or high gloss. Special colors from powder supplier stocks or as special blends are available. Contact factory for details. -' -. . ' Other finishes available inciude anodizing, acrylic enamel, IMRON, and Kynar-500 WIND CHART WINDSPEEDIFLAG SIZE CHART 0nce you've determined the appropriate height of the flagpole, refer to the wind .speed map. The velocity recorded are isotach values, not gust values. Maximum gust velociti~s-for which these poles are designed are considerably greater' than the isotach values. It is important to recognize that·there are some locations where unusuaLlocal, wind conditions exist and they· are not shown. The wind velocity and flag size ratings used in the preceding charts are based upon·the National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers' Guide Specifications for the Design of Metal Flagpoles, NAAMM Standard FP-1-90. The most economical pole meeting y6ur requirements will be th~t one closest to the top o.f the tables. American ·Flagpole Division of Kearney-Natic;,hal Inc. P.O. Box 547 • Abingdon, VA 242.12 540-628-4188 • 800-368-7171 FAX 540-676-3090 · Colors: Distributed by: -= 70 mph/ •·= 100 mph/ ~13kmh :161 kmh D=B0mph/ •=110mph/ 12!;!kmh · · 177 kmh •=90mph/ 145 kmh -printed in USA 11.93-2.SK • • · Steel Lockers : · --....... ---. .,..,. .. ......-.. -.. ~ (A) Single Tier Lockers featur13 full-length clothing storage with shelf for hats, personal effects. COLO.RS (C) Three-tier Lqckers have the same benefit as double tier, yet offer more openings. · (B) Double-Tier Lockers are particularly economical-for short-term occupancy or where long coats are not worn. See Back C:Over Fo~ Information· (Q) $ix-Tier Lockers provide high density storage for indi- vidual· belongings, supplies. Size 3-Wide CaL No. 1-Wide CaL No. • . Iii:~~-'. ---\ ~~~ 12"-w X l 2"d X 60"h* l 2"w X l 5"d X 60"h* 12"w X 18"d X 60"h* 12"w X 12"d X 72"h* 12"w X 15"d X 72"h* 12"w X 18"d X 72"h* 15"w X 18"d X 72"h* 18"w X 18"d X 72"h* 18"w X 18"d X 72"h* 5002-3 5012-3 5022,-3 5112-3 5032-3 5042-3 5062-3 5092-3 5102-3 5002 5012 5022 5112 5032 5042 5062 5092 5102 (B) Dou _, .... ~:'-: 1., • ' ,'' ,~~ . . 12"w X 12"d X 36"h* 12'\\' X 15"d X 36"h* 12"w X 18"d X 36"h* 12"w X 12"d X 3Q"h* 15"w X l 5"d X 36"h* 5202-3 5212-3 5222-3 5242-,3 5252-3 5202 5212 5222 5242 5252 HARDWOOD AND PLASTiC-LAMINATE ~;:,~~e~?a?!c-B:CHES _ . "S: !Ne. Selected herr!wood l.:!11!~~.-~ _,,, ___ . ·,: seats with clear sealer or plastic laminate. All benches 9' long or longer have three pedestals. .... -t..··'-'.-l: 6-Ft Hardwood·Locker Bench 8-Ft Hardwood Locker Bench 9-Ft Hardwood Locker Bench 10-Ft Hardwood Locker Bench 6-Ft Plastic Laminate Locker Bench 10-F:. Plastic Laminate Locker Bench 72': x.9½" )i 18" 96" X 9½".x ·18" 108" X 9½',-X 18" 120" X 9½" X i8" 72" X 12" X 18" 120''; 12'' X 18" .5810 58U 5812 5813 5815 5817· Size 3-Wide CaL No. 1-Wide Cat No • _lt-·~ ' --··_;:, 12"W X l 5·"d X 24"h* Fou""' 12"W X 12"d X 12"h* Avi-... 12"W X 12"d X 1.2"h~ l2"W X l 5"d X 12"h* 1511W X 15"d X ~2''.h* CD~ 12"W X ]2"d X 12"h* l 2"w X 15"d X 12"h* 12"w x 18"d x.12"h* 5283-3 5352-3 5302-3 5312-3 5322-3 5332-3 5342;.3 536'2-3 5283 5352 5302 5312 5322 5332 5342 5362 ··Heights shown do not indude legs-add 6'' to hi;ight for legs. STORAGE FOR TWO PEOPLE . IN A SPACE ONLY 15" WIDE! Each occbpant has a full~length coat compartment with two hooks, plus .a full- width opening at top for small articles. Left door and upper compartment work together as do the right-hand door and lower' compartment Coat compartment doors have handles with padlock attach- ments: Built-in locks are optional. .Shipped K.D, Overall size: 1 B"d x 72"h* . Width Frames Openings Cat No. _,~.!. ~-~-$ 15" 45'' 3 4 (2 people) 5407 12 (6 peopl~) 5407-3 '/-feignrs shown do not mclude-/egs-add 6'" to for legs. -· ® • • :e • • FINIS.H ~ ~ ,Dove.Gray ALL SHIPPED SETUP! Options/ Accessories (D) BOLT-ON LEGS lik-e having a safe an your shop Door! So tough, they're like having safes on your shop floor for storage. Lyon cabinets are all-welded· steel with doors and shelves bolted into welded keyhole slots. Shelves can be repositioned on 3" centers. Doors feature secure, 3-point locking system with 3/a" latch roq and ¾a" latch plate. All cabinets shown are 36" wide, 21" deep and ship wrapped in corrugate (on 4" high wood blocks to accommodate fork lift) with shelves bolted in place. Shelf load capacity is. i 450 lbs. (A) 78"H FULL HEIGHT CABINET No. 001114 -4 adjustable $helves Provide fork lift access, add 4'' to overall height of cabinet. Steel. Bolts included. COLOR INFORMATION: Unless otherwise noted, finishes for Lyon products in this catalog 13re Dove Gray, Putty (a light beige), Wedgewood Blue and Asb. Not all products are available in.all.colors. The color icon at right illustrates the colors a particular product is available in. When a lnStk symbo\ appears in a color block. that color is available from stock. Please call your loc;:al Lyon dealer for any questions. Contact your local Lyon de~ler: (~) 60"H EYE LEVEL No. D01117 -Set No. 00111-2 -3 adjustable shelves EXTRA SHELVES Steel, 36" wide x 21" deep. BolFin to install. Bolts included. No. DDl 116-1 -Single Shelf (C) 42"H COUNTER HIGH N(I. 0D11'1 o ~ 2 adjustable shelves COLORS' .. E[!cn color: olccx represents one- color the pmct.:cNs ava1/able m. AJnSII< in a bloc!< means this colar 1s ,n stcck. Product Index Shelvfng •.......•.••....••..•••• 2 Shelf Boxe$ •.....•• , •...•.••.. 3 Modular Drawers, Cabinets ...• 3-7 Storage R?ck ....••..•.• · •.... 8-9 Pa lier Rack .••.•.........•. 10-11 Cantilever Rack ..•..•.....•.•. 12 Specialty Star.age ..• , ••...•••.. 13 Guard Rail-Systems •...• , •..•. 14 Work Benches ................. 15 Cabinet Work Stations .......... 18 Modular Work Statio11s ...•...• 19 Assembly Work Stations .•••••. 20 Sky Wal™ Components •...•... 21 Ergon,omic Seating .......•. 22-23 ESD Seating .•••.•..•••.....• 20 lilt Bin Carts ...•...•......... 24 Shop Desks .•...•.••...••..... 25 Tool Stands & Cabinets .•...•.• 25 Industrial Stools •....••....•.. 23 Mobile Tool Storage ..•••..•••• 27 Lockers ..••.••....•....... 28-29 _Storage Cabinets ....•.•... 30-32 LYON® Lron Metal Products -P.O; Bc;,x 671 Aurora, IL 60507-0671 Telephone: 630/892-8941 Customer Service: 800/323-0082 literature: 800/323-0096 FAX: 800/367-6681 i.nternet: http://www.lyon-metal.com • • • • • ·~ Made In U.S.A. MC9-96 . •. ~ VIROMET®and .. VIROTIN~: ::·_· ·are-versatile· roofi'ng ;metals The unique qualities of these new Follansbee roofing . metals make them the ideal mate.rial for use in hundreds of roof drainage and weathersealing appli~ . cations and for complete root systems employing an_y - of the traditional or contemporary architectural metal roof designs. As many architects have with TCS and Terne, they can specify VIROMET and VIROTIN for various vertical wall designs. Specifications for standing and flat lock seam instal113.tion are covered in Fqllansbee's Sweets Catalog. Also appearing .in Sweets are guidelines for\painting VIROTIN With TERNE-COTE~ the two-coat painting system recommended by Follansbee. These new roofing metals are str.ong a_nd ductile, having high yield and tensile strengths as well as workability. They are solderable; providing weather- tight joints where required in· joints and in flashing around roof,perimeters and penetrations. The building owner-is thus assured that these critical areas of. potential water penetration Will remain tight ~nd that joints will not be subject to premature break- . down, and delamination as is/often the case with sealants. -· ·.-<., .. VIROMET and VIROTIN are available in gages and sizes for all-roofing. ahej weathersealing applications. Both, metals are ·also-available in many preformed shapes that enable the roofer to cut his application time significantly. · Follansbee engineers and metallurgists will be happy to work with. you to help you plan· and detail the specifications for the use of these new, spectacular roofing metals. Information relatin_g to materials required, underlayment information; f~stening systems, painting specs and flashing details can be obtained-by calling us toll-free at 1~800-624•6906. VI ROM ET and VIROTIN are avai'lable in these preformed accessories: Solder Strips Anchor Drip Edges Stationary and Expansion ·c1eats Preformed Valleys .Ridge Caps Preformed Standing· Seam Pans Various [?iameter Gutter and Conductor Pipe In addition to the traditional seamed applications, VIROMET and VIR01'1N can be used in many spe- cial applications such as vertical walls,.barrel roofs and as speci~I sections in:spherical structures. FOLLANSBEE~ FOLLANSBEE STEEL • FOLLANSBEE, WV 26037 Toll Free 1-800-624~6906 • 24~Hour FAX l-304-527-1269 COPYRIGHT 199!i FOLLANSBEE STEEL Printt0111,. •• • • • Free Area Of AMCA-Licensed Louvers 1"0200/IND ~14 FREE AREA IN SQUARE ·FEET MODEL 258 MODEL 408 96.2T' 4.07 8.96. 13.85 18:73 23.62 84.21" 3:5s 7.80 12.06 16.'31 20.57 72.14" ,3.02 6.64 10.27 ·13.89 17.51 60.07" 2.49 5.48 8.48 11.46 14,.46 4800" 1.97 4.33 6.68 9.04 11.4( 35.93" 1.44 3.17 4.89 6.62 8.35 23.86" .91 2:01 3.10 4.19 529 ·11.7g-.39 .85 1.31 1.77 2.24 H/W 12" 24" 36" 48" 60" MOD.EL 450-XP 97.375" 3.78 8.29 12:82 17.3:ir21.85 82.563" 3.18 6.97 ·10:1e 14.58 18.:ll: 72.688" .2.78 6.10 9.42 12.74 16.0€ 57.875'' 2.18 4.78 7.39 ,9.99 12.55 48.00" 1.78 . 390 6.03 8.15 10.27 38.125" 1.38 3.02· 4.67 ·6.31 7.95 23.313'.' .78 1.70 2.64 3.56 4.48 13438" .38 .83 1.28 i.72 2.16 H/W .12" 24" 36" . 48',' 60" MODEL 537-XP 84.00" 3.83 8.20 ·12.58 16.95 21:33 72.75" 3.28 7.03 10.78 1i.5:i 18.28 6600" 2.96 6.33 9.71' 13.08 ·16:4.E 59'25" 2.63 5.62 863 11.62 14.63 4800"' 2.08 .. 4_45. 6.83 9.20 11.58 36.75" 1.53 3:28 5.03 6:78. 8.53 30.00" 1.20 2.57 . 3.95 5.32 6.70· 23.25" .88 1.87 2.88. 387 4.88 H/W 12" 24" 36" 48" i 60•·· MODEL 653-XP 110.438'' 4.87 1.044 16.ool 21.56 27 . .13 97.95" 4.29 9.20 14.10 19.00 23.91. 85.463'; 3.71 7.96 12.20116.~4 20.69 72.975" 3.14 6.73 10.31 1389 1748 60.488" 2.56 5.49 8,41 1.1.33 14.2.6 48.00" 198 ·4.25. 6 51 . 8.77. 11.04 35 513" 1.40 3.01 . 4.61 6.21 -7.82· 23.025" .83 1.78 2.72-3.66·1 4:61 H/W 12" I 24" . 36" 481; 60~ . , MODEL 1280~A 120" 2.61 5.74 . 8:87 12.00 15.13 108" 2.32 5.10 7.88 10.67 13.45 96" 2.03 4.46 6.90 9.33 11.77 84" 1.74 3.83. 5.91 8.00 10.09 72" 1.45 3.19 4.93 6.6T 8.41 60" 1.16 2.55 3.94 5.33 6.72 48" .. 87 1.91· 2.96 4.00 5.04 36" .58 1.28 1.97 2.67 3.36 24" .29 , .64 .99 1.33 1.68 H/W 12· 24" 36" 48". "50· 97:50" I 4.00 8.55 13.09 '17.64122. HI 85.125" 3.48 '7.42 11.37 :15:32 19.27. 72.75" 2.95 5'30 9.65' 13.0C 16.36 60.375" 2.42 5.18 . 7.93 10.65 13.44 48.00'' .1:90 ,4.06 6.21 8.37 10.53 35.625" 1.37 2.93 4.-49 6.05 7.ar 23.25" t . 85 1.81 2.t:r 3.74 4.70 10.875", .32 · :a9 i.o5 1.42, 1.78 . H/W: 12" 24" 36" 48".l 60" MODEL 455-XP 97.375"1I 3.77: a.21 12.19 11.:ici.21.82 : 62.563"1 3.17 I 6.95 10.-75 14.5! 18.35 12:688"! 2.11 .a.oa 9.39 12.1i 16:o:i 57 875"! 2. i1 4.76 7.36 9.96 ·12.se 48.00" 1.11 3:88 6.06 8.12 10.24 38.125" 1.37 3:00 4.64 6.28 ! 7.92 ·23.313" .7_7 ·1.68· 2.61 3.53 ! 4.45' 13.438"1 .37 .81 1.25 1.69. 2.13 H/','; :1 12~ I 24" 36" 48'' 60"· MODEL-608 95.00" r 3.86 8.49 13.13 17. 76122:35 83.25" 3.35 7.38 11.40 15.42 19.44 71.50" 1 ·2.84 6.26' 9.67 13.0f 16.SC 59)5~ [•2.34 5:14 7:94 10.7! 13,55 A8.00" I 1.83 4.02 622 841.10.60. 36.25" I 1.32 I 2.90 4.49 6.07~ 7.66 24.50' .81 1.79 2.76 3.7:4 14.71- 12.75" 30 I .67 . 1;0:i 1.40 1.76 H/W! 12" 24" 36" 48" ! 60" MODEL 655-XP 116.75"/I 4.66 l 10.2Si i5.84 2i.43! 21.02 103:oo'·! -4.08 I 8.97 -13 87 18.76123.65 89.25" ! 3.50 I 1.10 ·11.89 16.09120.28 75.50" I 2.93 ! 6.42 9.92 13.4111.6,91 6U5" I 2.35. 5.15 7.94 10.14; 13:54 48.oo" 1.iT I 3.87 s·91 , 8,01 I 10.11 34.25'' I 1.19 1 2.59 4.00 5.40 I 6.80 20.50" I .61 I 1.32 I 2.02 2.1-3: 3:43 H /w i 12·, 1 24· 1 36" 48" 1 so .. MODEL 1280~M 107.81" 7.66· 10.36/ 13 66 96.00" 2.01 ,4.41· 6.81 9.21 11.61 84.19'' 1.16I 3.86 5.96 8:06 10.16. 72.38" 1.51· 3.31 5.'11· 6:91 8.7.1 60.56"· 1.26 · 2.76 · ~.26 5.76\ 7.26 48.75" 1.01 2.21 3.41 .4:e1 I s.s'i 36.94" .7:6 1.66 2.56 .. , 3.461 4.36 25.13"· :51. -1.11 1.7.1-2.31, 2.91 H/W 12" . 24" ! 36" 48" 60" (J Architectural & Construction Products MODEL 413-SXP 88" 3.66' 7:84' :12:02 16,20 20.38 78" 3.22 6.90 10.58 14.26 17.94 68". 2-78 5.96· 9.15 12.33 15.51 sa·· 2.35-, 5.03 7.7.1 10.39 ·13:01 .48" 1:91 4.09 ·6.27 8.45 10.63 38" 1.47 3.15· 4.83 ··6.51 .8.19 28~ 1.03 2.21 3.39 4.57 5.76 . 18" .60. 1.28 ·1:!)6 2.54 3.32 .H/w. 12· I 24" 36" . 48" 60'.' MODEL 456-XP 97.95" 4.47 j 9.59 14.70 19.81 24.92 85.463" 387 8:29 12.72 17.14 21.56 72.975" .3.27 7'00 10.73 14.46 1·8.20 . 60.488" ·2.66• 5.70, 8.75' 11.79 14".83 : · 48.00"' 2.061 4:4,1" 6.76 9.12 1,1.47 .35.513" 1.45·. 3;i2 4.78 6.44 8.10 ·23.025'' .8s I 1:82 2.80 3.7.7 4.74 1053T; .25 I. .52: 83· .1.10 . 1.38· H/W 12" 24" 36" 48" .. 60" . MODEL 650-XP 11tf75" 4.67 I 10.31 15.95 21.59 27.23 103.00'' 4.09 9.02 13.96 18.90 .23.'84 89.25" 3:50 7.74· 11.98 .16.21 20A5 72,50" 2.92 6.46 :9.99 13.53 17.06 61.75'" 2.34 j· 5.17 8.01 10.84 13.67 48.00" 1:76 3.89., 6.02· 8.15 10.28 34.25'' 1.18 2.61 4;03 .546 6.89 · 20.50" .60 I. 1.32 I 2.05 2:77 3.50 . H/W, 12'.' I '24" 36"· 48" J. :oo" MODEL 658 95.00" ' ·3_94 ! 8.45· 12.96 1747 21.98 8325" 3.43 I 7.34 11.24 15.17 19.08 71,50'" ! . 2.91 J 6.23 9_55· 12.87 16.19 59 .. 75" 2.39-1" 5.12 7.84 10.57 13.29 48.00". · 1.87 !.4.00 6.13. 8.26' 10.40 36.25" 1.35 i 2.89 .. 4.42 s:S&I uo 24.50". .83 I 1.77 2.72' 366 4.61 12.75". .31 i .66 .1:01 1.36 1.7-1 -H/W, 12" 1 .. 24" , . 36" 48" I so·; MODEL 1280-AAXP 108" 3.25 7.11 10.97 ·14.831 18,74 : ·96". .2.87 6.28 9.69 13. 101 16.55 84'.' 2.49 I 5.45 . 8.41 11.37 1:4.36 72r 2.11 ·4.62 ·t.13 9.64: 12:1) 60'' 1.73 3.79 5.85 7:91 . 998 48" 1.35, 2.96· 4.57 6:18' 7.79 36" .97 2.13 3.29 . 4:45 5.60 .24" .59-1 .1.30 2.01· 272, 3.41 H/W ·12" i 24'' 36" '·48" l 60" -~ MODEL 414-SXP 88" 3.40. 7.29 11.1811·5.01 18.9€ 78" 3.00 6.43 9.83 13.28 16.71 68" 2.59 5.56 .8.52 11.48 14.4'5 58" 2:19 4:69 7.19 9.69 12.19 48" 1.78 3.82 5.86 7:89 9.93 38" 1.38 2.95 4.52 6.09 7:67 · 28" .97 2.08 3.19. 4.30 5.41 18" .57 1.21 .1.96 2.50 315 H/W 12· I 24" 36" 48" 60" MODEL 4'57 83.31" 317 6.97 10.77f 14.57 18.37 72.72" ·2.74 6.03 9.32 12.61 15.91 69:19" 2.60 5.72 8.84 ! 11.97 15.09 58.59" 2.18 4•:79 7.40 10.01 12.62 48.00" 1.75 3.85 5.95 8.05 10.15 37.41" 1.32 2.9i 4:50 6.09. 7.68 33.88" 1.18 2.60 4.03 5.44 6:86· 23.28" 7.6 1.67 2.58, 3.49 4.39 H/W 12" . 24" I 36" 48" 60" MODEL 652-DD 96" 3.93 8.65 13.37118.10 22.82 84" ·3.40 7.48 11.5T, 15.65 ·19.74 72" 2.86 6.31 9.76!'13.20 16.65 60" 2.33· 5.14 7.95 10.76 13.57 48" 1.80 397 6.14 8.31 10.48 36" 1.27 2.80 4.331 5.86 7.39 24" 74 1.63 .2.52 3.42 4:31 12". .20 .46 .72 .97 1.22 H/W · 12·· .2.4" I 26" 48". 60" MODEL 667171 98.954•' 3.32 I 7.75 I f2.19i 16.62 21.05 ·93.292" · 3.12 7.27 11.42115.58 ·19.73 81.969" . 2.70 6.30 9.90113.50 17.1C 70.646" 2.28. 5.33 8.38! 11.42 14.47 59 323" 1.87 i · 4.(36 .6.85! 9.35, 11.84 48.00" 1.'45 i 3.39 5.331 7.27 9.21 36.667'' 1 04 • 2.42·1 3:81 ! 5.19, 6.58 . 25.354" 62 I 1.45·1 2.28 l 3.12 ! 3.SS H/W 1?.": 24" i 36" I 48" I 60" Industrial Louvers, Inc., certifies that the models described·hereon are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown ate based ·on test~ and procedures performed in accordance with ANICA Publicatipn 511 and comply with the requirements of Ratings Program; · The AMCA Certified - - opecialty 7750 PAINTER AVENUE 1J. •1,1• WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA '90602 ,c,ut,umg (310) 945-8951 the J:,..N,.CA Certified I ROfo>gs Seal appb" a-:: lo arr p!\rformance , . ,._ - ratings and water . : .. . • penetration ratings. · · · 6omponents FAX .No . .(310)-696~1015 '""· 511 south 7th Street• ·Delano, .MN 55~28 • <612> 972-2981 • ·FAX C612> 972-2911 • • • Free Area Of AMCA-Licensed Louvers 1'.9200/IND· ??3014 FREE AREA IN SQUARE FEET MODEL 258 MODEL 408 96.2T' 4.07 8.96 13.85 ,18.73 23.62 91.50" 4.00 8.55, 13.09 ·17.64122.18 84.21" 3.55 7.80 12.06 16.31 ·20:57 85.125" 3.48 ·7.42 11.'37 15.32 19.27 72.14" 3.02 6.64 10.27 13.89 17:5J 72 .. 75" 2.95 6.:io 9'55 13.0C 16.36 600T' 2.49 548· 8.48 11.46 14.46 60:375" 2:42 5.18 . 7.93 10.SS 1344 48.00". 1.97 4.33-6.68 9.04· 1.1.40 48.00" 1.90 4.06 6.2-1 8.37' 10.53 '35.93" 1.44 3.17 '4.89 6.62 ,8.35 35.625" · 1.37 2.93 4.49 6.65 7.61 23.86" ',91 2.01 . 3.10 4.19 529. 23.25" ,85 1.81 2.77 3.74 4.70 11.79" .39 · .85 1.31 1.77 2.24 · 10.875". :32 · .69 1.05'• 142! 1:78 H/W 12·· 24" 36" ,48" .60" H/WI 1i'· I 24" 36" 48" 50,: MODEL 450-XP MODEL 455-XP 97.375" 3:78 8.29 12.82 17.33 ·2.1.85 -97:375"1I 3. rr; a 21 12.'791 17.:ioi 21.82 82.563" 3.18 6.97 10.78 14.58 '18.38 -62.563''!. 3. 11·1 6.95 10.75 :14_55' 18.35 72.688:' 2.78 6:10 9.42 12.74 16.06 12:688"1 .'2:11 ! s.oa 9,39· 12.71 16.03 · 57.875" 2.181 4.78 7.39 · 9.99' 12.5S 57.875" 2.17: HS 7:36. 9.96 ·12:56 48.00" 1.78 3.90 ·s.03· a.is -10.27. 48.clo·'' 1.n: I 3.as -6.00 8.12 10.24 38.125" 1.381· 3.02, 4.67 6.31 7.95 · .38.125" 1.3il 3.oo 4:64 6.281' 7.92 23.313" .78 1.70 2.64' 3.56 4.48 23.313" .fr I ·1.68 '2.61· 3.53! 4.45. 13.438" . 38 .83 1.28 1.72 2.16 . 13.438'' .. 37 I .'81. I 1.25, 1.691 2 .. 13 H/W 12" 24" 36;' 48"'1 60" H/W,1· 12· i 24" ' 36" 48" 60"' MODEL 537-XP MODEL 608 84.00" 3.83 8.20 12.58 16.95 21.33 95.00" 3.86 8.49 .13.13 n:.11 22.3S 72.75" 3.28 7.03 10.78 14.53 18.28 · 83.25" 3.35 7C:l8 i.i-.40 15.42 '19.44 66.00" 2.96 6.33 9.71 13.08 16.'46 71.50" 2.84 6,26 9.61' 13.0S 16,50 59.25" 2.63 5.62 8.63 1·1.62 14.63 59.75" 2.3i. 5:14 7.94 10:7! 13.55 48.00" 2.08 4:45 6.83 9.20 11.58 : 36.75" 1.53 3.28 5:03 6.78 8,53 ·48:00" 1'.83 4,02 6.2i 8.41 10.60 36.25"· 1.32 2.90 (49 6.07 7 .. 66 30.00" 1.20 2.57 3.95 .5,32, 6.70 . ·24.50" I 81 l 1.79 2.76 3.74 4;71. 23.25" .88 1.87 '2:88 '3.87 4.88 12:7:5" .30 I .67 1.03 1.40 1.76 H/W 12" 24" 36'' 48" i 60" H/W, 12'" I 24" 36" I 48" 60" . MODEL 653.:XP MODEL 655-.XP 110,438' ,4,87 10.44 1s.00121'.56121.13 116.75" · 4_55·1·10:25 15.84 21.43127 02 97.95" 4.29 920 14.10 19,00l 23 91 10300" , 4.08 ! . 8.97 1387 18.76123.65 85.463" 3.71 7.96 i2.20 16.44120.69 89.25" I 3.SOl 7.70 1.1.89 . 16.091 20.28 72.975" 3.14 6.7'.3 10'31 13.891' 17.48 75 50" 2.93 l' 0 6.42 9.92 13.41/ 16'91 60 488" '2.56 5.49 8.41 ,11.33114:26. s1.15" I 2.35: 5.15 7.94 .10.74113.54 48.00" 1.98 4;25 6.51·. ~8.00" 1.77! 387 5.97 8:o,I 10.11: 35 513" 140 .3.01 4·61 6.21 i 7.82, : 34.25"' 1.191 2.59 4.clo . 5.401 6.80 23.025" .83 1.78· 2.12: .•3.66 I 4,61 20:so" I .61 11.32 2:02 2:73I 3.43 H/'W 12" 24"' .36" I 48". I 60" · H /.w 11 12" 1 24:'. 36" 48" I 60". · MODEL 1280-A MODEL 1280-AA 120· 2.61 5.74 8.87, 12.00 15.16 107:81"1• 2:261 4:96 7,66' 10.361, 13.06 108" 2.32 5.10 7.88 '10.67 13.45 . 96.00" 2 01 j 4.41 6.81 9.21' 11.61 96" 2.03 4.46' 6.90 9.33 ·11 77 84" 1.74 3.83 5.91 8:00, '10.09 , 72" 1.45 3.19 4.93 6.67 8.41 60" 1-.16 '2.55 3.94 .5.33 6.72 84.19" 1.76 3.86 5:96 8.06, 10:16 72:38'', 1:51-1 3j,-5.11 6.91 8 71 . 60.56'" 1,26 2.76 4.26 .5.76 7.26 48" .87 1:91 2:96 400' .5.04 36" .58 1.28 1.97 2.67 · 3.36 48.75" 1.01 2.21 3:41 4.61. 5.81 36.94''. . . 7:6 ,1.66 2:56 3.46 4.36 24" .29 .64 .99 1.33 f.68 2513'' .51 1.11 i:11· 2.31, 2 91· H/W 12" 24" 36" 48" 60" H/W · 12" 24" 36;' 48" 60". (J Architectural & Construction Products MODEL 41-3-SXP · 88" 3.66 7.84 12.02 i.6.20 20.38 78" 3.22' 6.90 10.58 .1 ... :2s 11:94 68" 2.78 5.96 9.15 i:Z.33 15.51 58" 2.35 503 7.7-1. 10.39 13.07 48'" 1.91 4.09 s:2i '8.<15' 10.63 38" 1.47 3.15 4.83· 6.51 8;19 28" • 1.03 2.21 3.39 4.57 5.76 fa· .. 60 1 .. 28 1.96 .2.64 I 3.32 H./W 12· :ii: 36" 48" 60" . MODEL 456-XP 97.95" ' 4.47 I 9,59 14.70 .19.81124.92 85.463" I 3.87 '. 8.29. 12.72 1'7.14. 21.56 72.975" 3.27 7;00 10.73 1446 18.20 ,60.488" 266 5.70 8.75 1.1.79 14.83 48:00" 2.06 . 4.41· 6.76. 9.12 ;11.47 '35.513" 1§5> 3.12 4.78 6.44-8 .. 10. 23.025" ,85 1.82· 2.80 3.ti 4.,74 10.537" .25. .52 .83 1.10 1.38 H/W. 12" 24"' 36" 48" 60" MODEL 650-XP 116.75'.'1 4·67 10:31 15.95 21.59 27.23 103.00" '4.09 9.02 13.96 18:90 23.84 89.25" . 3.50 . 7.74. 11:98 ·1s.2i 20:45 72:5ri'. 2.92. 646 9.99 '13.53 17:06 61.75",1 2.34 5.'11 8.01 10:84 13.67 ·48:00" 1.76· 3.89 6.02 8.15 10.28 34.25" · 1.ia· '2.61 4.03 5.46 '6.89, .. 20.50" .60 1 32 2.05 2.77 .3.50 H/.w 12".I 24" 36" .. 48" '! 60" MODEL 658 95.00" i' 3 94 8.45 '·12.96 17.47121,98. s·3.25" ! 3.43 7.34 11.24 15.17119.08 . 11.50" II 2.9i: 6.23 -9.55 12:87116.19 '59:75"'11 2.39. ·5_12 7.84 10.57i 13.29 48.00'" i 1.8~ I 4.oo 6.13' 8.26 ! 10.40 36.2_5". :I 1.35: i.89 4.42, 5.96I 15o 24.50" ii 83 i.77 2.72 3 ss I 4,61 · 12:ts·.-11 · .31 · 1 ,66 1.01 1.361171 H/.w:1 12" 1 :24" 1 36". 48" J 60" MODEL 1280-AAXP .. 108" I 3.25 ·,t11' ·10.97 '14.83118.74 96" I 2:87 ; 6.28 .9 69 13.10 '16.55 ·84" C 2.49 5.45 8.41 11.37 14.36 .. 72'' .! 2.11 4.62, : 7.13 9.64 12.17 60''. I 1.73 3.79 :5.85 7.91 998 48" I 1.35· 2.96 4.57 6.18' 7.79 36" .97 2.13, 3.29 4.45 5.60 24" .59 1.30 ,.2.01 2.72: 3.41, 'H/W 12" . 24''· 36" 48<, 60". MODEL 414-SXP . 88" 3.40' 7.29 11.18 15.07 18.96 ·78" 3.00 e:~3 9.83 13.28 16.71 68" 2:59 5.56 8.52 11.48 14.45 58" 2.19 4.69-7.19 9.69 12:1~ 48" 1.1il: 3.82 5.86 7.89 9.93 38" 1.38 2.95. 4.52 6.09 7.67 28'' .97 2.08 3.19, 4.30 5.41 18" .57 1.21 1.96· · 2.50 3.15 H/W · 12" I 24" ·. 36" I 48" 60" MODEL 457 83:31" '3.17 6.97 ·10.77 14.57 18.37 , 72.7.'i 2.74 6.03 9.32 12.61 15.91 69.19" 2.60 5.72 8.84 11.97 15.0S 58.59'' 2 . .18 4.79 7.40' 10.01 12.62 48.00: 1.75 3.85 5.95 8.05, 10.15 37 411' i.32 2.91 4.50 6.09 7.68 33.88" 1.18 2.60 4.03 544 6.86 23.28" ·.76 ,1.67 2.58 I 3.49 4.39 H/W 12" 24" 36" 48" I 60" MODEL 652-DD 96" 3.93. 8.65. ,13:31 18.10 22,82 84;' '3.40 7.48 11:57 -15:65 19.74 72" 2.86 6.i1 9.76 13.20 16.65 60" 2.33 5.14 7.95 10.76 13.57 48" 1.80 397 6.14 8.31 10.48 36" 1.27· 2;80 4.331 5.86· 7.39 24" .74 j 1:63 2.52 3.42. 4.31 12" .20 .46 . . . 72 .97 1.22 'H/W1 12:· I 24" ~6" 48" 60" MODEL 667n1 98.954'' 3.32 J. 7:-75. 12.19 16.62l 21.05 93.292" 3.12 7.27 11.42 15.58 19.73 's1.9691' 2.70 6.30 ·9.90 13.50 17.10 70.646" 2:28 5·33 8.38 11.42 14.47 59 323" 1.87i 4.36 6.85 9.35, 11.84 4800'' 1.45' 3.39 5:33, 7.27 i 9 21 36.66T' 1.04 2.42·1 3.'81 5.19 , 6.58 25.354" .62 I 1 45 I 2.2a I 3.1? ! :i ss· H/W .1 1-."; 24" / 36" I 48" / 60" Industrial Louvers, Inc., certifies that the models described hereon are licensed to ·bear the AM.CA Seal. Tlie ratings shown are based on tests and ·procedures performed in accordance with AM.CA Publicati?n 51 1 and comply with Ratings Program. . The AMCA Certified WATD e. - 4Jpecialty 7750 PAINTER AVENUE 1,1 . • WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90ij02 ,c,uildmg (310) 945.3951 ;~! AMCA.c:~lifi~ 1'!1. ~ Roti~g, S.01 appl;e, it' 19 a1r.perforll)ance . ,_- ratings and water · .. · . • penetration ratihg_s. ·. ·.. · eomponents FAX NO. (310) 696-1075 IHC. s11 south 7th street• Delano; MN:. ··32S • <~12> 972-2981 • FAX (612> 972-2911 Fascia Systems Coping Systems • Reglet • Gravel Guards · • Standard Gutters and Downspouts • Roof Expansion Joints ---------------------------------------,::;;:;,;;;;..: __ -__ • Plaster Trim \ • Expansion Joints \ Fire-Rated B.,-riers • Drywall Molding ~ . ·;,: • Lightcoves • Column Covers FOR DESIGN ASSiSTANCE OR INFOR:-Vl.\TION ON OTHER MM SYSTEMS PRODL:CTS, CONLKT YOl!R LOCAL MM REPRESE::s;TATIVE. PL\STER/DRY\\"ALL MOLDINGS -09200/MMS • ,CUSTOM COLUt.IN COVERS.,.. 056001},l~IS , EXPANSION JOINTS -05800~TMS TRENCH FRAMES AND ACCESS COVERS-05532/Mt.lS • FASCIA & COPI:--:G SYSTEMS-07715n.lMS \1:..1 ~\.:1.::1" l-.1rp,.1r,1U\lll r,::,,,.nt."$ 1h,: r:.:ht :,, \l.1thdr.1w ·h,: ~~1 'a•.1r \\ 1rr.m1:• 1'.1d,.u.:.i: 11 ,,u:.:r'·"'-,.:lh .. d M 1r,pr,m:<l ,Tl.l'li:t.1\t•.1r,:r5, J11 t\\ll ,1\kr .m 1.4U1\Jkr.t .,.1rr.m1y In :-1..-~1:-:un~ th1 .. 1..it.d,1::,, W\' <-,mn,111.!.um •,, ""n,: :n .an\' hut .m 1J,1-.,n ~.11'.1L1t, .mJ ... m unJu1.1I..,: 1111 ,1.11"'1111,· ,\II h:u1mmcnJJut1_Jl-. 10:.:.1rJm.: ·n1. !l:< ,•I ,1ur pr,xlu1.1 .. ~n,)U:.: :"-" :1~'1.11:tc.i. 111t1."1.'\.-..:..tf), 1,1 ~,,n:,1rm ,,1th 1,..,.1( ,.,,nJ111,,1b ,mJ r:~t.:tt.ti-. ._mp!.1~._-J, \1\1 "\•li:m• 1...·,,rf"•r.11111n .1l-..1 n...._f'\1,.-,. :Ck." n.;ht m .sroi:nd ,1r • 'l m.,-c .,m ,,11h,· mlurm.111\,n ,.lint.s:r,,.J !'i:~.:m ,\iwth\·r r,, rdk1,,t ~,'\\ ·n:,,mi.m,,n ,,h1.11ni:J. ,1r .L .. lkcJ~.! •,, .. int,,nn 1t1 •P.,"l.lh1. /h'1Ld ,,in "r .. hn1.11,· umJ111,11b Specialty Atch1tectural & Construction Prod.ucts 7750 PAINTER AVENUE Building wHnt1ER, cAuFoRNIA soso2 ~ (310) 945-8951 &.:,,omponents FAX NO. (310) 696-1075. IHC. • • P.\T.C).. T \P,PLIEO'l"\)R. SUTTER c'CCKSTRIP 1 G=R STRAP--~ 3UTTER-- :PDM~, :.1G-THERS ' SUPPORT 'BRACKET CANTDM.i. :~1~,,-, ' ' ; Hush ~lount • Unique Positiv.e Slope Gutter with Level Fascia Design · • Flush or Smf ace Mounts • Expandable DownspoHt Jor Free=:,e-Thaw Cycle Al?fs architectural guttering and do\vnspout system is an industry breakthrough. Engineered for ma.'l.imum performance. our systems exclusi\·e design allows a hidden gutter to slope while the handsome fascia components remain level. Like our Vari-Fascia line (see page 2) aesthetic options range fi:pm traditiqrni.l narrow sightline fascias to dr~matic cornice effect profiles. The system adapts easily for flush or surface mou~ting and is compatible \vith our unique freeze-thmv accommodating dO\-mspout system (sho\v11 far right). Completing the design options Jre your choice of ·a standard and .. • ! ~ . ~. -."' ,._ custom colors. SCFi'IT :L:St:AE - Surface :";lount SHO\\':',; LEFT. BELO\\' "BOX" FOR OPTIONAL FACE PROF!l,.ES SEE v~-\R,l-FASC!A PAGE:! 0 See Us In SweetSource~ ·,-~.- . \LJ' • • <@> APPROVED ZONE1 ZONE2 : -: }::-r.cluiosej'rbfr{aif d1raV .. ~ ··: f)\fdis:Jnllih~p~; or~ ·_"}:~:-'ui/t~-l~dp yoLL develop a unique pr~frle to (:omplimcm your clcsign n1ccrbular:1--: )L'l1d LlS LI ihctch - ,; 11" L'll1TZ/1t..'Cli11a .· c') <'.:> dSSistunCL' Lll1d h1c(i;c1 ,J·\d<l[J/11L'l1t -·- HINGE() I SLIDING .MANUAL I POWER OPERATED NOISE CONTROL WINDOWS . ACOUSTIC! RF-EM/ I FIRE FIELD SERVICE I TECH SUPPORT . ,• .· \ IS •1----~----'----:-'-------,--__,....,....,..~---:--- · Kr i e: g er So: n i · C M.etal Door Ass.emblies. _ ' . ' ' ' --: .. •:.., Definition KriegerSonic Metal: Acousilcal metal door assemblies with high performance STC ratings, designed to reflect or absorb sound waves. Sound Transmission Class (SiC) 1s a single numerical measure of how efficiently the door assembly reduces noise le~els. Typical Applications These door assemblies are for use .wherever unwanted noise levels may cause a disturbance SUGh as sound stages. art centers, music rooms. etc. When sound secu- rity is a necessity, we have assemblies that cari satisfy high tech demands from boardrooms to war :corns. KriegerSonic Metal Features Effectiveness: Our KriegerSonic door .line offers STC ratings up to STC-55 in accordance with the most recenl ASTM E90-90 standards. Sound performance fieid testing, however, is the only certain way of ensur- ing your complete satisfaction. We guarantee that our door assemblies, when correctly installed, will be within _ ting units of the laboratory STG figure. Rating: UL fire rated (up to and including 3 hours) non-labeled construction designs.available. University-of.Nebraska at Liilco1n, Lied Center for the Per- forming Arts, 12' wide i 30' high Krieger Capabilities sliding souhf! isolation doors. Door Configurations: Single, or pairs of.. hinged doors, manual or power assisted and single or biparting horizontal sliding doors, -manually or power operated. Select from standard or custom sizes. Hardware: The complete· assembly; doof, frame, peri- meter sound seals and ddor bottom are supplied as part of the tested assembly. Door closers, latching mecha- nisms and thresholds are optionai. Frame Configuration: In addition to o.ur standard range oi acousticcll doors. Krieger can engineer.special irame profiles to Goordinate with partition coristruction and afchitectura_l style. Finishes: Doors can be finished in stainless steel or bronze alloy 280 (#2B, #4 satin, #6 polished. #8 mir- ror). etched metal, wood veneers, plastic laminates or enamel paint. • Contact our KriegerSonic Product Specialist Arlen Lattin a, for further information, suggested construction details or engineering assistance. Phone (314) 993-9119 -Fax (314) 99~·7173 PBS·KVIE TV, Channel 6, Sacramento, California, 10' wide x 14; high, pair of hinged STC-50.acousticaf door assemblies. Acoustical door and w(iidow assemblies in a dubbing studiG contro/'room-aToiJd AO/Glen Gl~nil, Hollywood. California. :'J· ... _ -· :'·''\ .J .····© IS -~------'--'-------,---,------.--'-----,------------'---=---'-- Door and Window Selection. Guide MAGNETIClWISE CONTROL SEALS WT SEAL TYPE HINGE U/L RECOMMENDED STC-MODEL NO. LB/SQ. FT. ASTRAGAL NOTES TYPE l?ABEL MAX.Vil.AREA 42 NC6-15-8642 .8.5 · NC6 STD BCDE 900 SQ. IN. 44 NC6-15-8944 : ·10.1 . NC6 C/L .. BCDE 300 SQ. IN ... 46 NC6-18-9146 . 12.9 NC6 . C/L .BCDE. 216 SQ. IN. 46 NC?-19-9346-" ·: -·. ::•-14.3 · NC7 ,. · FULLGLASS: .. 1:-,:. oo•:t,!:c;sBCDE· .. -,;,. ·.1440SO. IN; · 48 NC6-16-8848 12,7 NC6 C/L ABCDE CALL 49 NC7-16-8649 12.7 NC? s:ro ABCDE CALL 50 ·NC7-18-9150 12.9 NC7. C/L BCDE. GALL 51 NC?-17-8951 14.4 NC? Cl~ ABCDE C.A.LL COMPRESSION NOISE CONTROL SEALS 44 NC2-15-8544 8.5. NC2 STD BCDE ·_ , 300 SQ. IN. 45 NC3-15-8545 8.5 . NC3. STD . BCDE 300 sa: IN. 46 NC5-19-9346:i'.·,-~,.::;:,:,14:3·. · .· · ,NC5c, .. >·FULL: GL:ASS~::t·.~·c/h~ ... ~BCDE-.->-i,; ···:1440SQ: IN •.. 47 NC3-16-8547 12.7 . NC3 STD . 'BCDE . 216.SQ/IN. 49 NC5-18-9149 12.9 NC5 C/L BCDE CALL 50 NC3-16-8550 12.7 NC3. , .. . C/l ABCDE CALL 51 NC5-17-8951 14.4 NCS C/L ABCDE CALL 52 NC5-19-9352 . 12.4 'NC5 . STD ABCDE CALL 53 NC5-19-9353·, ·t·.i'.-~ ·12k .·: .: NC5.-· 1 3W STC 53:,~-::i'STOl$,~-ABCDEt,,,.,-,; -r CALL ··-··' · - 55 NC12-30-9155 22:9 , NC12 3" THICK C/L NA NA 00D DO.ORS WITH COMPRESSION.NOISE CON:rROLSEALS. it6 NC3-WD1-9146 · -7.0 NC3 C/L NA CALL . 47 NC5-WD1-9147 7:0 NC5 C/L NA CALL PAIRS OF DOORS 45 NC6-216-8945 12.7 NC6/A1 C/L ABCDE 300 SQ. IN. 46 , NC3-216-8946 . 12.7 NC3/A1 C/L ABCDE 300 SQ. IN, 47 NC6-216-8947 12.7 . NC6/M C/L . ABCDE 216 SQ. IN . 49 NCG-216-8949 12.Z NC6/A2 . C/L BCDE ·cAu.: 51 NC?-216-8951 12.7 NC7/A2 .. C/L . BCDE CALL NOISE CONTROL VIEW'WINDOWS STC MODEL NO. THK. WT. AREA TESTED, GLASS TYPE 39 NCV-25-8639 8' . 9.3 . 21 SQ. FT .. 1/4'.l:.AM . 42 NCV-50,8642 a·. 11.3 21.SQ. FT. 1/2' LAM. 47 NCV-2525MW-47 8' , 10,5. 2fSQ. FT. · 1/4" MONO. x 1'14' WIRE 49 NGV-2525L:49 .. a· 11:0 21 SQ: FT. · 1/4' LAM. x 1/4' LAM. 50 NCV-3825L-50. a·. .12.4 21 SQ. FT. 3/8' LAM x 1/4'. LAM. 52 NC:V-255-8652 •., 8' 14.9 21 SQ. FT. i/4~ LAM; x 1/2' LAM. 56 NCV-255°8656 . -. 8' 14:9 21 SQ. FT. 1/4' LAM. x 1/2' LAM. Unless otherwise noted, doors tested are flush.design and 1-3/4' tt,ick. Noise Control Seals, Astragals and Cam.Lift Hinges are KriegerSonic proprietary qesign, patent pending. Std. = Standard mortise butt:hinge. C/L.= Cam:Lift hinge. , · New Item Los Angeles Office Mesa Office Sealtle Off{ce. $;in Francisco Office .80 Gregg Road 1645 East Draper Circle 3625 Interlake Ave. North P.O. Box552 co Rivera CA 90660 Mesa AZ 85203 Seattle WA !}8103 Novato. CA 94948 Tel. 562.695.0645 Tel. 602,.834.0555 Te/ •. 206.547.1382 Tel. 415:893.9736 Fax 562.692.0146 Fax 602.. 834.8896 Fax 206. 547.m: Fax 415.893.9746 •OPTIONS• INTEGRAL HINGES THR~SHOtD C/L ALUM: OR S.S. STD ALUM. ORS.S. STD . ALUM. OR S.S . -STD. ALUM. OR S.S. STD ALUM. OR S.S. ·c/L· ALUM. OR S.S. NA . ALUM. OR S.S. NA .ALUM, OR S.S. C/L -ALUM.,OR S.S. C/L ALUM. OR S.S. · .-5:·;. STD,, · '·"":ALUM. OR S.S; C/L ALUM. OR S.S. STD ALUM, OR S:S. STD ALUM. -OR S.S. . STD ALUM. ·oR S.S. C/L ALUM. OR S.S. ·-~--C/l, · · .-. At.UM. OR S.S. NA·. ALUM. OR S.S. NA ALUM. OR S.S. NA ALUt-,1. OR S.S .. STD ALUM. OR S.S. STD ALUM. OR S.S . STD ALUM. OR S.S. NA. ALUM. OR S.S. NA ALUM. OR S.S. GLAZING TYPE ZIPPER GASKET -ZIPPER GASKET NEOPRENE NEOPRENE NEOPRENE - NEOPRENE ZIP.PER GASKET St. Louis Office 11635 Lackland Road C-· St. Louis; MO 63146 (~: Tel. 314.993.9119 Fax 314. 993.7173 Prmtea m lhe US A • .... , • • • •• • • ' r .. · O~edy 1yfanufacturing· Co~pa~y, · ·. Page 1 of 1. • 11111111 0 Profile of Overly Manufacturing Company Acoustical Doors, Blast Doors and Security • • MANUFACIURING COMPANY Products ·,: · Overly'·s Acoustical Door and Franie Systems are tested at a nationally recognized acoustical laboratory in accordance with the most recent acoustic standards. Out swinging acoustical doors have STC (Sound Tr,;1nsmission Class) ratings ranging from STC 42 through STC 59 and range in size from 4.4,5 cm thick to 30.5 cm.tbick. The majority of Overly'sSwinging Acoustical Doors are available with UL fire door labels; refer to the chart listed below for a complete list of fire-rated mode1s. Because of our manufacturing methods, Overly' s sound,. retardant doors achieve a higher stc ratiQ.g than most comparable doors on the market. As a manufacturer of custom designed acousticai door and window systems, Overly has the capabilitfos to design and build to all or your exacting specifications. . ~~t~~~~--·1· ~~'.~~ ), $, q < z' & t I . , it . , IHI. I . ....,, ~il-QJS __ 1M h HJ .. ~ Gut· t ··· ~ I t -, J ,. _,: ; ,ti a. _ ax _ a t ; t, ·--:-. ••• ----·1, ?i 5 ( I(. . \ .4ti ., t. , 4 tiJil _ Ji . J • 4j ,·; • ©Copyright 1996 Overly Manufacturing Company http://www.overly.com/door/4w /drinde~.html 4/7/97 • •• • :.sound -Specs. lilA l "-- ·SPECIFICATIONS SOUND RETARDANT SWINGING DOOR, SLIDING DOOR AND·FIXEi?. WINDOW ASSE-MBLIES Part 1-General 1.1 Description A. Work Included: Provide Sound retardant[swinging door] [sliding door] [fixed window] systems where shown on drawings and as ,specified herein. B. Related Work: Docurp.ents-affecting \y'Ork of this Section i_nclude, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of th~se Specifications. Except for the items specifically listed in this Section; such finish hardware as locksets, panic devices, and .door closers are furnished and installed under other sections of these Specifications. 1.2 Quality Assurance A. Experience: Prov!de work of this Section designed and furnished by one manufacturer, factory--assembled, completely operable, and shipped as a unit. Use manufacturer who has been engaged in the manufacture of sound retardant door systems for at least five years. immediately prior to the· start of this work and who has a history of successful production acceptable to the Architect. 1.3 Submittals A. Shop Drawings: Submit a schedule of items to be provide,!i under this section along with shop drawings in sufficient detail to show fabrication, installation, anchorage and interface of the work of this section with the work of adjacent trades. B. Certification: Provide certification that the door construction utilized has been tested at an independent laboratory jn accordance. with ASTM E9O-9O, and that the STC determined in accordance with ASTM E413-87 is not less than that specified in Part 2 of this Section. The laboratory referenced in the certification must be qualified under the National Volu:qtary Laborc1.tory Accreditation Program (NA VLAP) of the U.S. Bureau of Standards. Certification must reference laboratory name; test report number, and date of test; substitution of test data not in accord~nce with ASTM E9O-9O and E413-87 will not be acceptable. C. Secondary Requirements: If fire resistance is required certify tha.t assemblies have been tested in accordance with ASTM E512-81A (UL-'lOb) for labeled fire doors and frames, and meets the requirements of NFPA 80. If seismic _stability is http://www.overly.com/door/dw /spec .html Paae I.of 3 . .e_.. .· ..... 4/7/97 • • • . . . '• .._,.,,. ·overly' Manufacturing · . ·· .. .. ~ 'Physical Characteristics and Certified Test Performanc.e per ASTM E90 and. E413 . M d I Maximum . Wieght . S I · = • U;t.\·, · Description STC N ° be,.. Glass Lbs./Sq.FT. Hinges · Lockset ·Tea Fire Notes um eL ·-'· . ype · . Area (ki:,m2} . . Lables 44mm (1-3/4") Single and Pairs Swinging Doors 43 439388 consult factory consult 43 459573 ~ 1actory . 46 · 469312 consult factory 46 469378 48 489383 consult factory consult factory , . 645 sq. 49· 14992295 . cm .. (100 sq. 50 509575 in} consult factory 49 509589: conSult factory 1935 sq. 51 5192288 cm. (300 sq. jn) 52 . 5292185 consult factory 39.5 (8.1) 33.2 (6.8) 48.8 (10.0} 43.9 .(9;0) 43.9 (9.0) l"ft mortise cam-1 . MCL-SO( . or . . magnetic BCDE icvlmdnca 1,2,3,8 mortise standard or Model H BCDE 1,3,8 . ~vlindrica · l"ft .mortise cam-I M . . · MCL-50< : . o_r . agnetic BCDE , · icylmdnca 1,2,3,8 . mortise standard · or Magnetic BCDE · 1,3,8 lcvlindrica :r:p.ortise standard or Model fl BCDE 1,3,8 ... 1evlindricc1 54 7 l"ft mortise . . cam-I . (1 L2) -IM:CL~5o( 1 _ odr . Model H BCDE 1:,2,3,7 ,8 42.5 · (8.7) 53.7 (11.0} 58.2 (11.9) ICY m nca cam-lift . . rp.ortise MCL-SOC . or . Mod~l H BCDE · icvbndnca 1.,2,'.3,8 .. l"f mortise . cam-It . . . IM:CL-SO( . or. magnetic BCDE · 1,2,3,8,11 · ICV lm.dnca . l"f mortise ·. cam ... 1 t . MCL-SO( . or . Model H · BCDE i ,2,3:,7 ,8 · · icylmdnca. · . mortise 54.7. cam.,hft (11.2) MCt-50( . or . Model H BCDE 1,2,3,8 icylmdnca (7i~:.) 53 539391.: consult 73.2 . . . cam-lift mortise . Dual . . ,., S . I d factory ('15.0) MCL-50{ 1· odr. MagneticiABCDE 1,2,3,4,8,L: mg e an 1----+---+----+-.......,.----+---~IC,t..;;.;;.;.vm;,;;,;;;,;;.;n;;.;;.c,a;.;;:lJ-· -------1---....;i---- Pairs . · mortise . - S . . 54 5-492298 cohst.Ilt 73.2 cam-hft ·· Dual IAB \t: wmgmg factory (15.0) MCL-50( · . or.. ModelH CD.i: Doors ICY hnclr1ca 44mm (1-3/4") http://www.overly.com/door/dw/mindex.htrril 1,2,3,8 4/7/97 • • • USG Press Room: pUR.O(::K.ElfS_ . . -Page "I of 1 ( ' . . . . ---' . United States Gypsum-Company Product Heleases DUROCK EIF'S IS IDEAL SOLUTION FO:Q. HARSH CLIMATES The DUROC~ Exterior Fi11ish and Insulation System (EiFS), froni United States Gypsum Company, provides. builders and specifiers with a hjgh-perfonnance alternative to conventional EIFS. The system is ideal for applications in wet climates or wherever exterior durability is a priority. The key to tbe system's perfonnance is the use of DUROCK Exterior Cement Board as the substrate, which enables the exterior to function as a water-management system. The 4)1:8-ft x 1/2-in. thick panels deliver superiodmpact-and moisture-resistance and enhanced bonding characteristics in comparison to corive11tional EIFS substrates. Application ofDUROCK EIFS is similar to other EIFS installations with the addition of flashing and water barriers_. The DUROCK panels are attached over a water barrier to exterior framing. Exterior insulation board is then bonded to the cement board substrate. USG Exterior Basecoat and reinforcing mesh are applied to a 3/32 in. thickness over the insulation board. Finally, USG Exterior Textured Finish is applied at least 1/16-in. thick over all basecoated areas. The finish is available in a choice of three textures and 33 standard colors. Custom color are available on request. For more infonnation .6n Durock EIFS, contact Uhited States. Gypsum Company, P.O. Box 806278, Chicago, IL 60680-4124 or call 1-800-USG-4YOU. for media ing_uir~s, contact Matty Duffy at (312) 606-4523 or e-mail mfduffy@usgcorp.com. (Horne] (Press Ro~m] [U.S. Gypsum .Compa~v News Releases] _ ----------------'--------------------Copyright 1996, USG Corporation. All rights reserved. [Trademarks] http://www.usgcorp.coni/gyprels/deifstel.htrn • 4l7l97 •• • • . . ..~ . .· .. •,. USG Insul~tion E~terior Fini$Q System: Cut-:Aw .... Water-Managed Exterior Frni:sh Systems: DUROCK DIRECT-APPLIED EXTERIOR FINISH SYSTEM: CUT-A WAY DRA WJ:NG DUROCK cement board 'USG Exterior finish system-----:::-, flashing ____ ........,--,-...,..._;:;,...,.. DUROCK Direct-Applied ExtsriQr Finish System .•.' [Home] [Press Rooml[Water-Management Information Center] [U.S. Gypsum Company News Releases] Copyright 1996, USG Corporation. All rights reserved. Trademarks http://www. usgcorp.comlgyprels/durdill.htm :Page .1 of. 1 . ® 4/7/97 • • • ··USG Insulatio~ ·Exterior Fin,ish'.Syst~m: Cut-Aw ... _ WatefManaged Exterior Finish Systems USG INSULA tED EXTERiOR :FINISH SYSTEM: CUT-AWAY DRAWING breathable water barrier-......... -. .OU ROCK cement board--,~-r-~~ U~G Exterior EPS insulation board USG Exterior . ~--"t:: -finish sy~tem flashing --------~----...... ~ USG lf'!sulated .Rnish Svstem -~ . " - [Home] [Press Room] [Water-Managementinformation_CenterJ [U.S. _Gypsum Company News Releases] Copyright 1996, USG Corporation. All rights reserved. Trademarks http://www.usgcorp.com/gyprels/insill.htm, Pagel.of I· @) 4/7/97 _.,, .. DVROC~ EIFS Comportents .. _'_. ;- • DUROCK EIFS --Components • • waterb1rri1r DUROCK c1m111tp1n1I-,-. -"-a USG exttriar, . iitwlation boird USG exterior ninfan:irlg milsh USG extllri9( !J~tCCllt , . USG txttrior texturlldfinish=·· -- SHEETROCK braRd fflJSUfll p1n1I THEJIMAFIBER illSlllatioo st11istud Commercial Product information Center . Exterior Products .and Systems Contents . SEARCH SITE PLAN [Horne] [Professional'·s Placel [Commercial Product Information. Center] [Exteriors Contents] [Search] [Site Plan] Copyright 1996, USG Co~poration. All rights ~eserved. [Trademarks] http://www.usgcorp.co:rruproext/ext 13.htm Page 1 of 1 ® 4/7/97 • • • DUROCK Extenor-.Systems Compon~nts 'Masthead DUROCK Exterior Systems --Compon.e:uts Ceramic Tile Epoxy Matrix· epo:q setting bed. Thin Brick /$HEETIOClln11II / IT,... P•HI ;JHERMAFIIEII lasulltit• Ill Slud http://www.usgcorp.com/proext/ext7 .htm ~age 1 of_2 .. t:;;;:\ 0:J 4/7/97 • Special'Features: · Wausau's Worldwide Plaza Windows feature a series of intricate reveals in the interior and exterior frames. This creates dramatic contours and a "picture frame" effect. The windows also feature a second line of sealant inside the window system perimeter where tt is not subject to deterioration. Because of the unusually elaborate reveals, these windows were painted after assembly for smooth transitions at corner joinery. A custom extruded head pocket accepts blinds inside the window. Design/ Application Alternatives: The Worldwide Plaza Window from Wausau is a prime example of creativtty in aluminum window design. Its features can be incorporated into any Wausau window system by cutting custom frame extrusion dies. Typical applica- tions for custom fixed windows include office buildings, high-rises and universities, or wherever unique performance or aesthetic requirements must be met. Special Features: Wausau Metal's Pivoted and Top-hinged lnswing Windows offer a 3/8-inch thermal barrier cavity and double neoprene weather stripping for top energy efficiency. Precise miters and quality joinery ensure close fits. Pivoted windows on lower floors and top-hinged inswing windows on upper floors allow for easy indoor cleaning. Upper floor windows simulate the original double-hung look with the application of aluminum muntin bars to glass surfaces. Bronze anodized finish complements restored look. Design/ Application Alternatives: • Windows can be designed to project in or out in a variety of ways with the addition of a wide range of high performance hardware. 6 . . -'"-, •• <,;..,,._ ... "" ,, .. • ~ < , Typical applications include hospitals, offices, schools, utility buildings, laboratories, high-rises, residences, churches and renovation projects. Q ' ' -:~~~~~~:~.::·~ + -{,'._,,.; -'""~-·-;-:--~·-> ,-···.--,.i~:;:: · .. '.,:-: '-,.-~':,,-,,·;,,:d.;-ti:ttit ' .,;; •:.. . •" . ~ ---. ·~-: • ._ ... ·.·.,.·.-,_ A. • • • .·MILCO. A division of 9 Wausau GrO\JP' · · 7555 Stewart Avenue~ P:O. Box 1366 Wausau, WI 54402-1366 . V / V L l~ © . . . .. . MIL.CO SERIES w.;~400 THEBMALDUA~DOUBLEHUNG ---".:·· ALUMINUM·WINDOWS. DH-DW-C40 0 CD (?) ® SCALE J":::l' ..:o- • • -.; With The Designer Series· . ' Commercial Gutter Sy~tem Queen Of Peace Church. Cloquet, Minnesota " Re$toration & · Addition ARCHITECTURAL RESOURCES, INC. • Hibbing, Minnesota Cloquet's Catholic Parish was established 114 years ago. Quee·' is the City's oldest and largest congregation. The church was b~ late 1922 in the Italian Renaissance Revival Style. A rectory w~~ -in 1927. In 1993, it was decided, to .add a community center to tEe' complex. The fine detailing and craftsmanship of .the exic · iDg bj1 and the prominence of the addition, both on site and witL · .1 ~he_R , community, demanded that the ut_most care be exercised in the of building materials for the project. With this in mind, the Design Series Gutter System was selecte. aesthetic ~ensitiv.ity, for its al>ility to handle large volumes of ro,g,. age and to withstand heavy snow and. ice conditions common to.,.,, · region. In particular, the system's concealed brackets and scul . profile were impqrtant in ma1ntainiI1g the historic character 0~ original church in the new adrutiori, thus, addressing a C! ::(irn J mount in the minds of the Building Committee throughout t~~.f, AR.CHITECTURAL RESOURCES, INC, ,I I I • • Fort Wayne National Bank Fort Wayne, Indiana Of our Colonial Profile ·allow you to. ·;·e·~,~. ' ' ' p a si11:ple, yet e!oquen~, e~rly American ·co*· deta1L All while concealing an-advance·~ engineered commercial _gutter SJ.,..,....,~no,,,._ An .excellent example of ou:r Colonial Profile is the Fort Wayne National B ,.c Fort Wayne, IN. The Colonial Profile. installed around the building's entire perimeter for ap unbroken cornice efli At the junction of the drive through · canopy and t:he metal roof, t1w ('')loni Profile transition to our COL· .. .'.Honial Gable Trim as the canopy Was draine with roof drains. Notice the neat, sha .. and square shape of the offset miter ' midway pf the canopy --typical of our. skilled workmanship. · Offset elbows were L "-~ to ~ at the brick soldier CvUrSe. We:,: can furnish custom elbows cit shapes and forms to accom · · date a building's design ors These ·elbows are precision s cut in our plant, helliarc we! . and finished to perfection. ·f Our Design and SJ.>, ": ·atio ·. Manual contains ma:,, details' '. . our elbows as well as beautiful-\ . :~ formed sculptured conductor .;" heads ( also called collector ' r heads). Conductor Heads are,.~ conimonly used below a gutter.;· at a parapet scupper to introd ., air into the downspout and 14 facilitate drainage. ··.1" _iii:,,.._ .=:Ji ~ ':t~ COLOR MANAGEMENT Specifying a pro~uct with _a color to match another ~uilding_comp~:';~: nent, such as a roofing panel, can be both frustratmg and.difficult. As approved applicators of all n ~~ paint manufacturers and because our products are an accessory to the buildi1:ig envelope, we have ~;- become experts at matching colors of other .building products with high perfo1:mance paint coatings. j See pages 15 &16 for more infprmatfon about our color matching capabilities. "% -~ :i ACCESSORIES •Leaf Guard •Apron Flashings •l'entedFlashings •Flow-:J'hruB"ravel Stops •Vented$offits • In-Line Sculptured Conductor'Heads i • I I -:~· 1t, helli: o perfec . age. uyline GOE , n to QUr .Colonial ProfUe we, also 9ffe:r .0 & Contemporary Profile. And all ·, Series Commercial Gutter systems are '~ :CONTEMPORARY . 6"&8" . -~--re in tn1e . sizes. -_1 - - R ' ··l··~ 11· C • cm:mu::n:m: - - j ! f j ! , I 81 ,~3·~ ·ii· ' ' { ' .i _,, ; FA BATTEN ~W.t»;!tft.r@!.?4,.j~R;~!t¥ci:?"~;{ - 7 .,_:; / { ! . l Dimensions {or the· Batten & Contemporary profiles match the Colonial Profile. For additional measurements, review our Design & Specification Manual. 6" PROFILE R 6" R1 9-1/2" 81 7-1/2" FA 8-1/2" project with a cornice return, also called a broken cornice. Cbrnice returns are .. ble for all Designer Series Commerci9:I Gutter Systems in standard or special l~ngths . hing gable trims are also available as well as custom profiles. Please request our gn & Specifications Manual for in-depth details. End cap_s for the Designer Serie$ return in a miter det;:lij as shown above. These erid cap$ are precision saw cut; welded, and finished~-the end result is a picture · frame fit. 8" PROFILE 8" 11-1/2" 8-1/2" 9-3/4" ., ~ .i :) :i ,, ,1 ~ ,l ! ,} l 1j ,if ~ ~l ii 1 ·i ·t1 §, 1? ~ J:I RI ~ I ~ • I i I I ' ' l I =I ! t. f, ' ' f ., I I r: l~ fl., 'ii.J. ,,.-)I;. t ,[ ~ 'f,, i .. i 15, ' F~i!~ G L A S S I N A R C H l TE C T U R E 1 9 9 7 ~-,Liij:_, .... ,. l-....... .. ~~--';'"' : ~.- . .:·.._ __ , ... --·· .. ',,y~--'!...- ' "-~ ._-.~~;?/~~ I ----···--~ -~····· ---c----- •• • • Sales Offices For Additional Information The information contained ih this brochure is subject to change. Consult your local LOF representative for any new information relevant to yo.ur particular product needs. The information contained in this and other Libbey-Owens-Ford Co. publications is offered for your assistance in the application of LOF flat glass products,. but does not constitute a 1cmwn~v of merchantabilizv or fitness for any pmticular purpose. Actual performance may vary in· particula_r applications, You should contact the J,.ibbey-Ot-.·ens-Ford Architectural Technical Services Department copcerning particular product .applications. c I'")(' l.1hl~ . .-y-tl\\1.:n,-F,,n.l Ci,, l'rmt1..·t.l m t .'.'\ .\ .. ~lJo hll~l 1~:1 <~.\( r<:I Jp,i-:• Hl.·lh:1.l1H: l ;J.1 .. -.. Em.:r,..:.y ,\d\;tn1;1::t.·· l.11,,-E l;l.t,-.. [\c,:rtirt.·cn''" l;t.,,..,. )hrmp.mc E..P" rr.111,p.m:nt \hrrur. ,upi .. ·r< ;r, •. ·y"· < ila,, .md ,un ~IJ11.1~L·m1..·t11 (;l.1,, "''h:111" .1ri..· 1r.1dl.·m.1rk, 11f l.1hlx-,.,h,"'-·n ... rord C,~. PY,HO,·rcw• c;l,I', 1, .1 tr.1dvm:1rk 111 l·L\Cllt ;1.,., Atlanta Sales Office 6525 The Corners Parkway Suite 112 Norcros_s, GA 30092 770-242-8860 800-866-4563 FA.'{: 770-662-5127 Chicago Sales Office 1111 Plaza DriYe Suite 790 Schaumburg, IL 60173 847-2-i0-2550 800-999-9753 FliX: 847-2-i0-2782 Dallas Sales Office 2301 .\lcDaniel Dri\·e Suite 100 Carrollton, TX 75006 114-247-2995 FA.'\: 214-243-5322 Greensboro Sales Office 1 Centet'.ie\\: Drh·e Rockingham Bldg. Suite 103 Greensboro. NC 27-i07 910-85-i-1047 FA .. '(: 91'0-294-5193 Out-of-State: 800°221-04-i-4 In State: 800-722,39-i5 . Los Angeles Sales. Office 2800 28th S.t. Suite 133 Sama :\Ionica'. CA 90-i05 310-½50-2393 800-522-9430 FA.~: 310--i50-6-i33· MinneapoJ,is Sales Office 12"'00 ::'\icollet .A\·e .. Sol1th Suite 208 Burnsville. :\I:\" 553.37· 612-895°5.059 F..\..\:: 612-890-1900 . Philadelphia Sales Office 567 Exton Commons Ex;on: .PA 193'¼1 610,363,8989 800-523-013.: F..\..X: 610-36.' 9035' San Di~o Sales Office 9775 Highdale Road· Santee, CA 92071 . 619-562-991-i FA.'<: 619-562-9915 Seattle Sales Office 200 West :\lercer St. Suite E-201 Seattle, \'Cl. 98119 206-286-8814 f..\_'{; 2o6-286-8845 Toledo Sales Office P.O. Box 799 811 i\ladison Ave. , Toledo. OH 43697-0799 419-247-4926 . 800-526-6557. f..\_'(; 419-2-ii-3784 International Sales Office P.O. Box 799 811 i\ladison Ave. Toledo. OH 43697-0799 -119-247-3779 FA,'{: 419-247-4573 PYROSTOP Sales Office Technical Glass Products 2425 Carillon Point Kirkland, WA 98033-7353 206-822-4514 800-426-0279 FAX: 800-451-9857 @ PILKINGTON LIBBEY-OWENS-FORD WoRLoGuss TEcH:-.ornGY~ libbeys{fi.·ens-Ford Co. Building Product-; P.O. Box 799 811 :\!adison Ave . Toledo. OH -i3697~0-99 -±19-2-±7--±721 F.~'\: 419-2-±7-¼517 - -· • • • Mo,wlitbic Glass Pe,;-{Dnnance Data-1 .. Nominal VJSible Light' Giass Product Thickness trans-Reflect- miuancc• ancc .. in Imm 0/o .,. Uncoated Float Glass 3 3.:! ~-~" 9ii 8 I H. :I 90 8 5 32 -I 89 8 .'I 16 ''; 89 8 I -1 C, 88 8 Ckar Float ; 16 8 s-8 .3·s 10 86 : 8 1'2 ~2 . 8-i s=· 5 8 16 82 8 3 -I 19 81 s liS 3 61 6 3;16 5 50 5 1/4 6 -i4 5 Grey Tint 5116 8 3.3 '5 3/8 10 28 5 .. i ,7 ,_ Ii 19 4 1/8, 3 68 6 3/16 5 60 ·6 l'/4 6 55' 6 Bronze Tint ?il6 8 44 5 3/8 io 39: 5 1/2 1~ 29 5 1/4 6 75 .• 7 Blue-Green Tint ~/16 8 70 3/8 10 66 ·118 3 79 fa·erGreen High-Perforrn:mce Tint 3:'16 5 73 1/4 6 66 1/8 3 :25 SuperGrey High-Performance Tint '3/-16. 5 i2 - 1/4 6 I' 8 ,, ECLIPSE® Reflective Glass ECLIPSE Clear (1 J0 1 '-1 6 39 ECLIPSE Clear (2)0 l -I 6 39 ECLIPSE Blue-Green (1)' . i/4 6 33 ECLIPSE Blue-Green (2)" i/4 6 33 ECLIPSE Grey (I)• )/4 6 {9 ECLIPSE ,Grey ( 2)0 1/4 6 19 ECLIPSE_ Bronze (I)• 1/4 6 23 ECLIPSE Bronze (2)" · i/4 6 i3 ECLIPSE Gold (2J" ~/4 6 31 E11ergy Advantage® Low-E Glass 9 .3 32 r~ l:!3 J·8 3 S.:? Ent:r!-'Y Ad, ant:1µ,: Lo"··E I 2 l' ;; 32 -I 82 3·16 5 l:!3 1--1 (> H~ 0'.\umht:r m parenth.:sis indit·ate, surfa,t" where coating i, locat.:d. For footnotc!-1. plc::.i~c-refer ro paµ~ Hl 7 6 7 7 6 5 4 4 - -15 -10 45 32 -1; 1_3 '!6 19 42· II II io If 10 '' -( 08810/LOF ~BuyLine 2759 " Total Solar Energy' tJv, tJ.Value•· Solar European Heat Gain Shading trans-:Reflect-Trans-U-Value Cocffi- mi~ncc·' an'cc• minancc~ Summer Winter (K-Value)'' Cocffi-cient" o/o o/o .,,, cient 86 8 --I 1.0.'I 1.1_2 ;,i; 0.8-1.01 ' 8-i 8 :-1 1.03 1.11 ;,8 0.8(, }.(HJ ,8) ' -.. c,-1.03 I.lb ;,8 0.8-i 0,98 80 -<-,:; 1:03 1.10 ';,H 0$_-\ 0,9- 78 -62 1.0.3 1.09 ;.-0.82 0.95 '' -3 -1-1.03 1.0-;,6 o.-s 0.91 70 -5-1 1.02 1.06 5.6 o.-6 0.88 -6-i' 6 -I~ 1.01 1.q.i :;.; 0.-2 0.83 59 6 ·H 1.00 1.02 5.-1 0.68 6.-9 55 6 -1p 0.99 1.00 ;.2 0.6; o.-5 58 6 36 -1.09 1.11 5.8 0.68 0.79 47 ,5 7~, 1.10 1.10 5.8 9.60 0.70 -il 5 ~2 l.iO 1.09 5.7 0.56 0.65 30 ' 5 15 1.10 1.07 5.6· 0.-18 0.56 25 4 "12 1.10 1.06 5.6 0.44 0.52 16 4 7 1.09 1.04 ?.5 0.38 0.4-. 65· 6 37 1:08 Lil 5:8 0.73 0.85 55 6 28 1.08 1-.10 5,8 O.q6 0.77 50• 5 2,3 1.09 1_,09 5.7 0.62 0.73 40 5 16 1.09 L07 5.6 0.55 0.6.. ~ 5 13 1'.09 1.06 5.6 0.51 0.59 25 5 8 1.08 1.04 _;.; 0.-14 0.51 49 6 32 1.09 1.09 5.7 0.62 0.72 40 5, 25 i'.09 1.07 5.6 0.55 0.64 36 5 21 1.08 1.06 5.6 0.52 0.60 49 6 26 1.i1, 1.11 5.8 0.62 0.72 42 5 21 i'.11 1.10 5.8 0.57 0.66 34 5 14 1.11 1.09 ;.7 0.51 0.59 - 23 4 6 1.15 1.11 5.8 0.44 0.51 .11 1 2 I.I~ 1.10 5.8 0.36 0.42 8 4 1 1.1;; 1.09 5.7 0.33 0.39 -19 30 !) i'.0-1 1.09 5.-o.;; 0.63 49 25 u 1.05 1.09 5,-0.56 0.65 28 30 6 ~-08 i..09 . 5.7 0.40 0.46 28 16 6 1.11 1.09 ;.7 0.44 051 26 30 .j 1.09 r.b9 fl 0.38 O.-l-1 26 10 -t 1.11 ' 1.08 ;.7 0.-14 0.51 31· 31 .. 1.07 i.09 5.7 0.-11 0.-lS 31 13 4 1.11 1.09 5.7 0.-17 0.5-1 33 3i 2 1.07 1.09 5.7 0.43 0.50 70 1·1 59 0.63 0.".'-1 3,-0,-3 O,s; 68 11 ;;(,. o.63 o.--1 ;,c, 0.-2 0,8,3 6-10 ~-I 0.63 0.-3 ;\,6 0 . ..:o·• 0.82 6-li 53: 0.63 0,-3 j,(l o.-o 0.82 65 10 -19 o.c,j 0,-3 .H, 0,C,9 U.81 117 , Insulating-Glass Perforn"za1ice· Datil / lu.<u/(1/ing 111111, ,w1stmct<'tl ,!f,•q1wl J!,kt.~<.tl•icL'.11<"'-«'.< mui -1"2" r 12!1111// air.:Jxtet' I Nominai Visible Ught! 'Total Solar Energy' UV' U-Valuc' Solar Gl:iss European HC3tGain Shllding Product Thicknc:,s.s Trans-Reflect-Trans-·Reflect-:rrans-U-Valuc Cocffi-Cocffi~ mittance·' ance• mittance' ancc .. mlttancc' Summer, '\l'intcr (~-Value)'' cicnt" % 0/o cient· in IIl1"!1 0/o D/o 0/o U11coated Float Glass Outer Lite and: Clear Float Glass Inner Lite 3 32 15 82 1; 7-1 l-1 60 ·0.5; 0.-19 2:8 o.::·li 0.91, I 8 3 !!I 1; 71 1,3 5h c,,s; 0.-19 2.H o."-r, (I.:';<) Cl1::1r Float ; 3~ i 80 1; 6"' i} ;2 o.s; 0.-19 2.8 0,--1 11.i;/, 3 16 ; -9 15 65 12 -19 0;5_; 0.-!9 2.H 0.-2 0.8-1 I -I' 6 -8 15 61 1:i ,. ~6 0.55 p,-18 2J.; u:-o o.,l'H Hi 3 55 9 -l9 s 30 0.5.; 0.-:19 2.8 o.;; 0.67 Grey Tim 3''16 ; 45 i 38 -,2,2 os· (),-19 2.8 0.-19 Q.56 l:-1 6 39 7 ,33 6 _18 OS' 0.-18 2.8 0.-11 o.;1 118 3 62· 10 ;; 9 31 o.;6 ·0,-19 2.8 0.62 o:.;3 .. Bronze Tim 3 16 5 53 9 -l5 8 ·23 (),57 O.-i9 2.8 0.55 0.6-i l!-1 6 48 8 40 i ,19 _0.5"" 0.-18 i.8 050 0.59 Blue-Green Tint 1/4 6 67 12 4() 8 26 0.57. 0.48 2._8 0.50 0:58. 1,8 3 69 12 -i2 8 13 0.57 0.-19 2.8 0.51 0.59 E,·erGreen High-Pc:rfonn.111cte Tint 3'1\\ 5 65 11 36 7 17 0.57 0.-19 2:8 0,-15 0.53 1!-1 6 ~9 ~o 28 6 12 0:57 0.-18 2.8 0.39 0.-15 '1/8 3 22 5 20 5 6 0.59 0.-¼9 2,.8 0.32 0.37 Supt'rGrey High-Perform:ince Tini. 3ii6 5 11 1 9 4 2 p.;9 0.49 2.8 0,23. 0.26 114 6 7 4 6 4 1 0.59 0.-lS ~-8 0.2() Oi23 ECLIPSE® Reflective Glass Outer Lite and Clear Float Glass Inner Lite ECLIPSE Clear < 1 l' 1 -I 6 36 '!6 .38 32 8 0.5;5 0.-18 2.8 0.-16 0.5-1 ECLIPSE Cle:ir (21' 1 -I 6 ,36 42 38 2-; 8 0.56 0.-18_ 2.8 0.-17 o.;; ECUPSE Blue-Green())' 1/4 -6 30 46 . 23 30 -5 o.;6 0.48 2.8 0.31 0.36 CUPSE Blue-Green (2)' 1/4 6 30 33 23 17 5 o,.57 0.48 2.8 0.33 0.39 CUPSE Grey (I J' l.'4 6 1:; 4; 20 31 '3 0:56 0.-18 2.8 0,29 0.34 ECLIPSE Grey (2)' 1/4 6 17 13 21 11 3. 0.57 0.4~ 2.8 0.32 0.38 ECUPSE Bronze < J·l' i/4 6 21 · 46 24 32 3 0.56 0.-18, 2.8 0.32 0_,38 ECLIPSE Bronze (:!l' 1,'4 6 '~1 19 ·2-1 J~ .. 3 0.5i 0.-18 2.8 0.35 0.-ll ECLIPSE Gold (2)' 1/4 6 ~ 43 26 32 2 Q.56, O.-l8 2.8 0.35 0.40 ·:--umher in p:irenth.:,i, indi,·:ues surfacte \'\·here ci'>ating is located. ,. I. S0.\1E CO.\IBC\ATIO:'\S OR !;'"STAI.IATIO:'\S .\fAY REQlJIRE HEAl"TREATIXG TO RESIST GL.\SS BREAKAGE. Typk.11 ,·alutes of LOF production are pnl\'1<kd. 2. \"isihk. Total Sol:ir :ind l "\" cJ:ua· arte b:istecJ on h1horJtof')· :...pt'ctrt lJllh ,1l ut1c:1ric ffiea.surc:ment:,, "eiglm,d hy an :ippn ,pri:nc: "·eightingJunctiqntsl u,inl! LBL \'Cin<l, ,w I I ,<1t1ware. All propt,nJteS :Ir<! ~-eighted with., ,-,1.,r spectral irrJdi:Jil,te function \AST.\J E :,;,> 1.:,;-> which rc,prestents th<" direct nonnal-r:.u.li .. niPn 1nddent on a :--u1f;1c..·~ ;11 3-nonhern la1im,k l.\ir ~l:iss 1.;,. \'isihle propertie,:,;: art: :1l:,;:,1 ,,,.-1~htc:U by t,he photoph: rc,spon,te of the <'Y"· "hi,h is takten as ihi: )' tnstimulu, ,·alu.-t,,r 1lw CJE 19~1 stancJarcJ oh:--c:n·er. The w.1,·, .. k·ni,:th r.tn!,!e:O-of the ~un·:-- enterg,· u,ed to ,~1k11l.11,· propt'ni.:s: \'isihlc from 0.,3S ~t;) o.-8 n1i1.nm:--. ·1\11.1I ~ol;,r from O.~O to 2.~ microns and\'.\ '"'"' 11.;llJ-to 0.;18 mkrons. ,;. Tr.1nsmitt:.mc:c:--Pc.'h"\'lll.tgc."of normally inc..·~dcnt ,·b,blt: light or ,<>1.11 ,·11,·r;:y passing directly rhrouµh tht> ~lazing. • Rdlet1:mt·e -l't:r,-..·11t.1i:,· »I norn1ally incicJtent· \"biblt> li~ht or !',1!.lf -.·n,·r!,!y n.:tlc..'"Ctt"c.l tow~rd tht' t:'Xtt:'nor. I 18 5. c-,·alute <Btu, hr·sq-ft °Fl -~Ieasure o.f the, h.:a!; gain or loss throui:h glazing due to tem·ironn)t:rital differc::nCeS }><,tWt"eri tht: Olltdoor and indoor air. C-,·:ilues gh·en.are ctenter-of-glas.s ,·alues calculateu· pt,r :--FRC-100 st:indard using LBL \'i"-1. I. Wintter l··\"alues are based on an outdoor temper:uure of 0°F <-18°CJ. an indoor tempt!r-Jturte of 7 0°F < 2 I °Cl and :1 15mph <2-ikphl wincJ n,locity with no sun. Summer l'-\"alues,arte based on :m.m_1t<loor temper-Jture of 89°F <32°Cl. :m indoor tc,mpt:ra1urt: of-~°F <2-i°C>. a solar inttensity of 2-18 Btu hr sq-ft t-=89·\\··sq-ml and a -5mph 't12kpl\l wincJ. To obtain mt:tfk L'-rnlut: l\\" sq-111 °Cl. multiply by 5.6-8. 6. European L"-,·alut: (\\" sq-p1 li:J is ba,ed oh IS0-()1'10292 cJr:1ft stancJarcJ conditions.·( l'rt:\'iously K accor<l1ng to DJ:--1:-ou -Sular Heat Ga'in Cat:ffidept or SHGC -fr'JL"tion of nonnalh· inci;lt:hi ,olat ht::ll <'nC::q,,..,· th:u mak.:, its way thr:>uµh tht: glaz_ing, uncJcr s~a~<l,;rd · summer concJition, ;,..,., footnot<! ~ l. This.,indudt:s 'both diri:t·tly tr:m.sminccJ t:lll·Q,.'}" ,:mcJ, i11cJir.:qly transferrt:d heat frrn11 1:rit:ri,:y initially aii,orhccJ hy the gJ:1zing. K Shading Coefficient· or SC -The r:uio of solar heat , gain through tht:' glass relati\'t:' to that throl;lgh I s· C;,nim> clear glass at nonnal incicJence. :--ote that Relati\'t' Heat Gain or RHG <Btu hr ,q-ft>. which is thte amount of hte:lt',gained through thte gla_ss at :issumt:d ASHRAE conditions. can l>e cal,ulared usini,: the followini,: c,quation: RHG • SCf 200l+l·-,·alue < l-1). To obt:iin mtetric RHG (\\ ,q-m>. multiply by :\.15-1. '9. c,., o( Energy A<l\'ant:1ge Low-E with the rnming on the expo,ecJ interior surfa,e may incrc::,sc:, tht: pos,sihilit~· of c.:ontlt::nsalion fonnaticm durm~ se\"ere winter t·onditions: - -~ PPG Worldwide Offices (International Contacts Architectural Glass Products i-®;)i$'"''1 h@!F General Office PPG Industries, Inc. Flat Glass Technical Services One·PPG Place, 31 N Pittsburgh, PA 15272 (412) 434-2858 Fax ( 412) 434~3675 PPG Industries Glass S.A. lmmeuble SCOR 1 Avenue du President Wilson • 9207 4 Paris la Defense Cedex France 011-331-4698-8090 Fax 011-33·1-4698-8265 Canada . PPG Canada Inc. 830 Caledonia· Road T oronfo, Ontario Canada M6B 3X9 (416) 789-3331 Fax ( 416) 789-5959 PPG-Cl CO., LTD. KRT Aoyama Bldg. 3rd Floor 12-5 KitasAoyama 2-Chome Minato-Ku, Tokyo 107 ~apan 011-81-3-5410-4870 Fax 011-81-3-5410-4851 ~xport Sales PPG Industries, Inc. Export Sales Custom~r Service 0ne·PPG Place, 31E Pittsburgh, PA 152i2 (412) 434-3484 Fax ( 412) 434-4455 ··® Mexico PPG Ind de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Av Presidente Juarez No. 1978 · Direccion Postal M9643 Tla!nepantla, C.P: 54090-Mexico 1, O.F. 52-5-397-8181 Eax 52~5-398-3090 • • .... • . . -h 1·-··--<><="-:1.1';/~ lntemallonal Contacts . . _-: ·-: :·: · ... ·.;.-.. ·.-·1~:: .;?:~--~.:?:-*.~:~ Argentina/ Uruguay France Netherlands Switzerland/ Austria Vicente de la Fuente PP.G Industries International Inc. Lutimex, B.V: PPG Crystal AG . 011-541'-322-8660 or 011-33-1-4698-8090 01-1-31-182-39.-2088 or 011·41'-58-343-636 011-541-322-2549 or Fax 01 ·1-33-1-4698-8265 011-31-182-39-6161 Fijl( 01 r-41-58-343-793 011-54~·393-5834 Germany -Fax 011-31-182-39-6110 Taiwan·(C:Y. UN REP) Fax 011-541-322-8660 PPG Glastechnik GmbH, New Zealand C.Y. ljn Trading, Taiwan Australia 011-49-201-233-3068 Morgan & Aickin 011-886-2-941-4460 George Fethers & Co. Trading Pty. Ltd. Fax 011-49-201-234-961 011-649°622-1080 or Fax 011 ·886~2-944-4053 011-61-3-9-646-5266 Guatemala. 011-649-634-7607/7608 Thailand (C.Y. UN REP) Fax-011-61-3'9-646-1593 Agricola MAB Fax 011-649-622-0940 Kh~m Tong Ind .. Co.,'Ltd. Belgium · .Tony Bono Norway · · 011-662-885-8510/2 or PPG Gla~exco, S.A. 011-502-2-682•125 Glasco.~gentur~r 011-662-880~2915/7 011-32-2-675-2620 Fax-011-502-2-682~122·or 011-47-6754-5430 Fax 011-662-885-8513 or Fax 011-32-2-675-1125 011-502-2-682-121 F;ix Ol1-47-6756-7755 011-662-880-2918 Bolivia Hong_ Kong -Pakisian United Kingdom Mateco Limitada PPG Industries lrit~rnatibnal, Inc: Anis Ahmed &.Brothers PPG Glass (U.K.) Limited 011-5912c37504Q or 39, 011·852s2861-1578 011.-92-21-4536348 or 011-44-1-753-511666 01 H912-378649 Fax 011-852-2804-2677 011-92-21,4545912 Fax 011-44-1-753-511667 Fax 011-5912-375043 lndonesia·(C.Y. LJN REP) Fax 011-92°21-4545905 or 011'92-2·1-4548809 or Venezuela Brazil C.Y. Lili Traging Co. 011-92-21-4549951 Koneibro,S.A. Saler lmportacoes E Exportacbes Ltda. 011"62-31-42519 . 011-58-2-951-1745 011-55-11-881-3400·or Fa~ OU-62-31-516340 Peru Fax 011-58-2c951-0797 011-55-11-853-i 986 Israel J .. Maury Representacidnes lnveca-Pittsbµrgh, C.A. Fax 011-55-11-282-3234 lndustriales Arpalit, Ltd. 011-51-14-701850 Q11-58-44-56202/5 Chile/Paraguay . 011-972-3-556,1195 or Fax 011-51"14-411048 011-58-44-452-155/7 Vicente de .la Fuente 011-97'2-3-957-4649 Fax 011-58-44-56201 or 011-56-2~334-2914 or Fax 011-972·3°556,4850 Philippines 011-58-44-56457 011-56-2-334-2915 .ltaly1Sp_ain1 Other Countries BMC Trad!ng . Fax 011-56-2-3%2917 011 ~632:492-581/4 (4 line~) Vietnam PPG lndustries·Glass SpA. Fax 011-632~243-2538 or Warson Overseas Colombia 011-39-10-833-41 011-632-242-8791 Resources Dev. Co. ELYTECS.A. Fax 011-39-10-833-4201 011-84-8-872-84.10/4 011-57-1-6351263 or Japan Puerto.R\cq / Panama/ Cosfa. Rica Fax 011-84-8-872-5580 011-57-1-6359917 Clariken Services. Inc. Fax 011-57-1-635-1263 PPG Industries Asia/Pacific · 1-305-822-9646 Asian Countries · 011-81-3-3280-2855 Fax 1-305-826-2268 C.Y .. Lin Trading Company Denmark Fax 011-81-3-3280~2857 1-415-347-5888 or Glaskontoret A/S Korea Singapore· (C.Y. LIN REP), 1·415-347-8268 011-45-~7-4900 or C.Y. Lin Trading Fax 1-4·15-347-5983 011-45-87'4911 Unique Spectronix, Inc. 0.11-65-482-0930 Fax 011-45-87-1703 Joacliim Youn Fax 011-65-481-7541 1-7l4-871-6181 Dominican-Republic/J;iinaica Fax 1-714-87H1~4 South-Africa S.S. Houston Ocean Trade·and Shipping 1-809-537-0040 Mal~ysia (C. Y. UN REP) Panos Vallianos Fax 1 ·809-530-3409 K.T. Trading Company 011-30-1-89-57082/5 011-60-3-2482218 or Fax 011-30-t-96-57087 m ·Ecuador Q11-60-3·2488336 lmportadora Schiller Cia;L!da. Fax, 011-.60-3-2482418 Sweden 011-593-2-542-662 or Middle East PPG Sweden AB 011-593-2-542-668 or 011-46-21-24-537 . 011-593-2-547-760 DLEBTACO Fax 01-1 ~46-21-24~~16 Fax 011 ·593-2-562-891 or 01.1-33-i-4637-2611 5067P 10,96 011-593-2-225-045 Fax·OJ 1 •33-1-4722-4419 Printed in U.S.A. • • • OPTIMIZING PE:R.FORMANCE The PPG architectural glass products described on the previous pages can be combined into a mvriad of window svstems to satisfv both the aesthetic and performance requirements of your projects. The four examples shown here illustrate how dramatically the energy perform- ance of a building can be influ- enced by the glass combination chosen. All of the examples are under summer daytime conditions, the time when maintaining the total· solar energy transmission at a manageable level is a must for your HV AC cooling syst~m. the standard ASHRAE summertime conditions that apply to all of the examples shown are: Incident Solar Radiation = 248 Btu's Outdoor Air Temperature= 89°F Indoor Air Temperature= i5°F Outdoor Air Velocity= i.5mph Indoor Air Velocity = 0 mph For similar heat gain com- parisons on other PPG glass products, please access our Internet home page http://w,\··w.ppgglass.com and visit the technical reference, "Ho·w Glass Works." With the broadest glass product line-in the industrv, PPG stands ready to provide the aesthetics you desire ·with the performance your project demands. See pages 16-17 for additional PPG gla.$S performance values. 1/4" Clea·r / 1/4" Clear I.Q, Unit A Clear-Clear Insulating Glass U11it allows 73% (1-82 Btu's) of the sun's heat to enter the building. 1 /4~' Optigray™ 23/ 1/4" ClearlG. Unit Using Opt!graym J3. as the outdoor lite reduces ·the room side ht•at gai11 to 7, 8(11-'s, a 58% impr:o,•emenf orw a .standard Clear/Clear insulating u11it . 1/4" Azutlite® / 1/4" Clear I.G. Unit Alt'A=urlite outdoor lite reduces the total !teat gain o,•er 41 'lc to 10i Btu'.s, while pro,•iding 64% visible fight tra11smitta11ce. 114" Solarcool® (2) Azurlite I 1/4" Sungate® 500 (3) I.G. Unit A· 70'lc improremmt (total room side heat gain= 56 Btu's) is obtai11ed u:lten the gla:ing combi11es a Solarcool (2) A:urlite outdoor lite with a S1111gate 500 (3/ iirdoor lite. Additionally, duri11g the heati11g seaso11, the 51111gate co11ti11g sig11ificm1tly rcduci;s heat loss: 15 .: • • • PPG Commercial lnsuiating Gl13ss Unit Comparisons Using 1/4" (6mm) Glass* (f) I Insulating Vision Unit Performance Comparisons" 1-inch (25mm) untts Wi1h 112-inch (13mm) airspace and two 1/4-incb (61nm) rites; Interior lite clear' Transmittance•· Reflec_tance' Ultra-· I I Total' Visible I Total · vio_let Visible I Solar Light Sola.r ~-.. E,nergy % ·en~{gy. .. ! .. .. Glass Type lb:olled I Clear G,ass SC I 79 I s, 15 J 12 ! sou,x· Tinted Glass ·25 . I 69 I , 39 .13 I a I SO!...A;:;G.:=1EEN= Tinted Glass .. ~3 J 60 i 29 11 I' 7 ..;, I AZUA~';"!=' Tintec Giass 24 I 6.! I 29 12 I 7 S::X.AR3=?0NZ!=' Tinted Glass 2'. i 48 i .39 .9 I s S:JLAAGRAY: TmteC Glass 2C I 40 l 33 ·' I. 7 O"TIGAA r 23 ,1n1ed Glass 6 l 21 . I ~6. 5 I 5 ~'.':'~""! ,, •. ~ ,.,r. . ... --...: . . ~ .. , . U-Value' (l,:np,erial). Winter I Summer Night-Day- time time ~ 0.48 r 0.55 0.48 i 0.57. 0.48 I. 0.5i 0.48 1 0.57 0.48 I 0.57 o .:a I 0.57 0.48 I ·0:58 K-Value' .(Metric) Winter J Summer Night• Day• lime lime . 2.74 I 3.13 2.74 I 3.25 2,i4 i 3.25 2.74 I 3.25 2.74 I 3.25 .2.74 I 3.25 2.74 I 3.31 I Shading Coeffi- cIent1- ... 0.81 C.55 o . .:s 'C . .:5 I I I I C.5S . I V.52 I C.33 i Solar Heat Gain Coeffi- cient1 0.70 0.49 0.39 0.40 0.50 0.45 0.28 --~I soLARc:ooL11,AZUALtt= . _;· · ! . 2s I 12 · 37 I .3o . c:4a I o.s7 . 2.74 I 3.25. c.2s 0.21 ,. j SOLAAC:00~ ,21 AZUAL!T!= 7 l 25 . I 13' 21 I 10' 0.48 I 0.58· 2.74 I 3.31 C.28 I 0.24 ... I ·~·t SO!.A.~=.:JOL1113ronze 0 ! . 19 I 21 38 _I 26 0.48 I 0.56 _ 2.i4 .I. 3.19 0.35 I C.30 • S:JJ...=t:;::JOL i2: Bronze -., ! 19 ! 21 _14, I 12 o.::s I 0.58 2.74 I 3.31 0.38 i C.33 .:..:JI SC!..ARCOOL j 1: Gray 6 I 15 I 18 37 I. 30 0.4e I 6.56 2.74 I 3.19 0.31 I 0.27 SO!.ARc:o::x ,2• Gray 6 i 16 I 18 11 I 10 0.46 I 0.58 2.74 I 3.31 0.35 I 0.30 ~, t JI i•• -~ ! SUNGA,!= 1030 r2) Clear 14 I 69 I 32 12 I 28 o.2e I 0.29 1.54 I 1.64 0.44 I 0.37 . SUNGA Ti= 10:0 £3) SOLEX 8 I 60 I 24 1r I 11 ·o.2s I 0.30_ 1.64 I 1.69 o.~1 I C.36 ; SUNGA Ti= 1000 ;31 SOL-;AGR!=EN .. I 52 I 20 10 I 8 0.29 I 0.30 1.64 I 1.69 0.35 l 0.30 . ·. ! SUNGA TE ,ace i3l AZUALITE 8 I 56 I 21 10 I ' o.2e I 0.30 1.64 I '1.69 C.37 ..-1 0.31 SUNGA7"E i000.:3i Bronze ; i 41 ! 20 '8, I 17 0.29 I o.:ro 1.64 I 1.69 .. 0.36-I 0.31 SUNGAT!= 1000 /3\ Gray 6 I 35 I .-,, 7 I 1'3 0.29 I 0.31 1.64 I 1.74 0.32 I 0.28 SUNGA Ti= 1000 i3l OPTIGAA Y 23 2 .I 18 l 9 5 I ·s 0.29 I 0.3f' .. 1.64 ! 1.74 0.20 I 0.18 SUNGA Ti= 1000 131 GAA YL/T!= 2 I, 11 I 8 5 I s· 0.,29 .I 0.31 1.54 I 1.74 0.20 l 0.17 , .•. ,'!'/,.,. .. . -· r: .. --..: 1 a.."11/i'fn.· 1111 •• 3 I 22 I 8 I. 21 r 11 I 0.29 I 0.31 I I 1.74 I 0.19 0.16 i I ~;j SOLAACOOL r2, AZUAL/T!= -Low-E 1.54 I I SO!.AACOOL :2, Bronze -,.·Low-E 2 I 16 I '•9 14 I 1_8 I ·0.2~ I 0.31 I 1.64 I 1.74 I 0.20 I Q.18 I. SO!.AAC:JOL £2• Gray-Low-E _ 2 .1 1-' I 7 I 11 I 14 I . 0.29 I 0,31 I 1.64 I 1.74 .I 0.19 i 0.16 •• ., I I 1•• ~ ... --...: I I SUNGA Ti= 100 12• Clear 35 I ! SUNGA,!= 100 £31 Clear 35 1 SUNGA TE 100 13, SOLEX 1.S I SUNGATi:.100 i,3· SOLAflGf,Ei:.N 9 -· I SUt,,GAT:=100.3,~URLIT!= ,I SUNGA TE 100 13· Bronze 15 SUN3A TE 100 :3, µray 1.:. SUNGA Ti= 100 :3, OPTIGRA Y 23 5 SUNGATi:.100 :3, GAAYLITE 4 ,, •.. ,., . --.. ... .. , . :'-\::I SOLAAC:J-OL £2 AZURL/T!= -Low-E'. 5 sou,:,co::>L ,2. 3:"cnze -Low-E 4 so:.....:..RC=>:JL (2, Gray -L6W_-E .< :'111.':r'l'•Wl=.&.."llfat -: .. -...: I , SUN3Ai£500 t2· Cjear 42 I SUNGAT:=500 3 cieaf .:2 I SU/v3A if= 5:JO ,3 SOL!=X 21 SUNGA,!= 5:JO :3, SOLAAGRE!=N .. . 5UN3t:TE 5~0 .3, A.ZUALITE 2C SU~SATE5:C ,3 Bronze " SUN3ATE5J0 31 Gray 17 SUNSA TE 500 !3 OPTIGR~Y23 - 5UN3A Ti= 500 , 3 GRAYLITE 5 11•· ~1 .. , f1a:.-n~ .. ,-t:1~r.":i :.. .. ' .~j SOLARC:OOL (21 AZUALITE -Low·:: 6 SOLA1CO:JL r2. Sronze. Low-:= 5 SOLA.Pi.CGC:.. 12 G~ay -Low-E 5 2 3 1nsme I 73 I ~3 12 I 21 6.31· r 0.32 1.74' I 1·.81 0.59 I 0.51 I 73 I .{3 12 .1 22 _0.31 I 0.33 1.74 I 1.88 0.66 I 0.57 I 63 I .30 10 I 10 0.31 I 0.33 L74 I 1.88 0.4i I 0.40 I 55 I 23 9 I 7 0.3,f I 0.33 1..74 I 1:88 0.38 I 0.32 ! ,59, ,, 24 10 I 7 0.31 !. .0.33 1.74 I 1.88. 0.39 I 0.34 I I 44 I. 4• 7 .I 1,3 0.31 i 0:33 1.74 I 1.88 04'5 I 0.39 j 36 ! 23 7 I 10. 0.31 I ·o.~3 'i.i4 I 1.88 0.40 ! 0.34 j .. 19 I , ~ 5 I 6 0"~1 I C.34 1.74 I 1,.93 0.24 I 0.20 ·-' l 11 ,i ·12 5 J 8 0;31 r Q.34 1.,74 I 1.93 0.26 I 0.22 I la•• i 23 r g 2·1 I 11 I. 0.31 I , 0.3·4 I 1.74 I 1.93 I 0.21 ·, 0.18 ! 1_7 I ':3 1'4 .1 15 .I 0.3,1 ., 0.34 . I 1.i4 I 1.93 I 0.27 I 0.23 ! 1'4 i 11 11 I 12 0.31 I 0.34 1.74 I 1.93 0.24 I 0.21 I 7~ i 51 16 I 14 0.35 J 9:38 1.99 I 2.15 0.70 j 0.60 I ft. i 5~ ii" I 1'6 0.35 I q.3;) 1.99 I 2.21 0.75 ! 0.65 I 64 ! 33 14' I 9 C 0.'3.5, • i Q.39 ·1.99, i 2.21 C.51 i 0." ! 56 I 25 ' ·12. I -0.35 I 0.39 1.99 I 2.21 0.40 I 0.34 ' 59 I 26 13 I _8 0.25 I 0,39 1.99 I 2~1 -0.40 I. 0.35 I : 44 l 32 9 I 10 0.35", I 0.;39· 1.99 i 2.21 0.52 I 0.45 .. ' 37 i ?7 8 I 8 0.35 ! o:39-1.9~ I 2.21 0.4_5 r 0.39 ; ·19· l i3 6 r· 6 0.35 I 0.40 1.99. I 225 0.27 I 0.23 : 11 ! 15 5 i 6 0.35 I 040 ,1.99 ,I 2.25 0.32 I 0.27 .., .... I i ' 23 I 11 I 22 I 11 0'.35 I 0.40 1.99 I 2.25 0.23 I 0.20 .i8 l f7 I 14 I 13 0:35 r ,0:39 1._99 I 2.21 0.33 I 0.28 14 I 14 I 11 .1. 10 C.35 I _0.40 1.99 I 2.25 0.29 I 0.25 ... 4. Sliaaing c9etticient is·the ratio of the total amount of solar energy that passes through a glass relative t~ 1/8-in. (3.0rrlmJ thick clear.glas~ under the-same design conditions. It includes.bot.h·solar energy transmitted directly plus any qbsorbed solar energy re-radiated and· convected:Lower shading coetticient values indicate better pedormance in-reducjng summer heat gain. Shading coefficients at outdoor air-temperature of 89°F (32~C), outdoor air velocity of 7.5 mph 13:4 mis), indoor air temperature of 75°F(24°C). indoor air velocity of O mph (O mis! and solar intensity of 248 BTU/hour:square foot (783w1m'J . 5. Solar heat gain coefiicieri_t represents the solar heat gain through the glass reiative to the incident solar · radiation. It 1s,egual to 86%-of the shading coefficient. 17 r, • tf~:: ~@.: r-·-·:.:. @it: :·: ~:;~, !: .:. ~-;'\ ~t::: ·.~-. -•• CORPORATION Your Safest Choice In Shingles-Here's Why . Why How It Works GRANULES: • Diamond Cut1·'1 Multi-faeeted design/light teflection • UV Blocker Protects against damaging sunlight • Color Lockni Ceramic firing .. MAT: • Micro Weavern Core Superior strength foundation • FiberTech1M Components fibers are no~combustible - ASPHALT: • SpecSelect Grading System Assures use of finest quality asphalt ' ADHESIVE: • Dura Gnp1MAdhesive Locks shingles in place on roof COLOR BLENDS: • • Opti-Blend Colors Selected -by ar<;:hitectural and d_esiwi exp~rts WARRANTY:* • Backed by GAF Materials Co1p. America's largest roofing company * See limited warran(Y for complete coverage· and restrictions PRODUCT NAME Grand Sequoia"' Tlillberline Ultra" T lillherline' Tunberline' 25 Slateline• Slateline'Color Contrast"' Marquis• • Royal Sovereign• Sentinel" Stonehenge• 2 Aoridian"' Duhl-Coverage Tite-On• Shingl~ Comparison Chart SHINGLE FEATURES Technical Hot Une 800 ROOF-Hl / 800 766-3411 Benefits Adds clirnension and depth to $hingle Improved durability and extended -life Maintains rrue color longer Resists cracking and splitting Provides ULClass A fire rating Improved weathering in harsh conditions Grips tight even in strong gale-force winds Assures the beauty of any home Your safest roofing decision ' Tampa-production on!Y Note: It is difficult to n;produce the ·color clari(Y and actual color blends of the shingles shown in this ·catalog. Before selecting a.color, a,sk to see several full- size shingles. - - '~ ~-.. arsen!s® . ~-MANUFACTURING COMPANY :·I~t.i~:: -,•-' -~. ·.:·; -: . 0830S/LAR w931 . eel (p t> ' ., 1 ' ? " : ' 31 (paj 2 2 ' 08305/LAR DRYWALL A·CCESS PANELS . ~5931 L-DWA / L-DWB / L-DWC ~ . GENERAL DESCRIPTION L-DWA: For installation in sheet rock or. drywall .before the board -~ Is up. p... ws cc;m~enient ac~ess tor inspec~i~n ~r seNice to co~po- e n ts 0i plumbing, beating, air cond1t1oning and electrical "ystems.The frame ha$ an integral 5/s" flange set back for drywall ~ement ground and our µniqu~ off-set concealed hinging allows the door panel to swing away from and into the frame. L-DWB: To be installed in sheet rockor drywall after the board is up, . taped and sand_ed. This is accomplished by the use of a minimal ½" rolled edge ~l~nge on all sid~s. ~h~ wall openi.ng is_ c~mpletely covered providing a wall hugging, f1rnshed edge that eliminates the need fc ·:1.ping and sanding. L-DWC: This panel is designed for flush installation in drywall surfaces. The outer frame has a special grooved drywall bead configuri;ltion with a textured surface so that joint compound can be applied in sufficient thickness to cover and conceal the flange. This unique design prevides additional strength for the joint compound. The joint compound is then applied at the· same time the drywall- Joints are finished. When installec;J properly, only the. door panel remains exposed. .-·,J 1 . Diywall APPLICATION Rough Openi~g = Panel Siz\) +1/2 I. Panel Size . I · Rough.Opening=Panel Size;-1/2" : .,: . ;, 1. Panel Size .r SPECIFICATION ~~~-. -.. : :': ·.·.: :. ' I - 1~== - FRAME: .060-'6063-TS extruded aluminum PANEL$: 14 gauge galvanized bonderized steel HINGE: Concealed zinc plated continuous LATCH: Flush mounted screwdriver operated cam latch. Optional key lock or tamper resistant cam latch. FINISH: Galvanized bonderized / mill J• •• • L-DWA L-DWB L-DWC · -~ . TWELVE STANDARD SIZES (Non°Standard sizes· also available.J OVERALL.SIZE .. SIZE* WALL'OPENING L·DWA L·QWB L·DWC DEPTH LATCHES 8x fi 8½x 8½_ 10'1.x 10%' 9x g, JOx10 _·1½" 1 1ox10 10½x:10½ 12'1.x 12'1. 11X11. ·12,x 12 _1½". 1 10x14 10½ X'14½ 12'f.x16'f. 11_x1_5 12x iii 1½" ' 1 12X 12, 12½X;12½ -.14~x 14'1. 13x13 i~ X 14 1½" . ,, ·' 1 12X 18 1;i½x 18½ .14'/;x 20'1.-13x 19 14x20 1½" 1 12x22 12½ x:22½ 14':; x24'f. 13K23 14x24 i½" 2 14 x-14 14.½ X 14½ 16'1.x 16% 15x 15 16x.J6 1½' 1 14-x22 14½ x22'/2 16'f.x24_'f. 1sx23 16x24 1½" 2 16x16 16½ X 16'½ 1s'f.x 1s'f. 17x 17 1llx 18 -1½" 1 1·6x22 16½ x22½ 18'f.x24'f. 17 ><23 18x24 1½" 2 22x-22 22½·x 22½ · '24'1. x24'f. 2~x23 24x24-1½" 2 22x36 22½x36½ 2~'1.-x 38'1. ;23x'37 · 24x38 1½" 5 *ADDITIONAL STANDARD SIZES FOR L-bWB SEEL-MP TABLE (PAGE 4) · . . CALL 1-800-LARSENS / FAX (612) 571-6900 5 We help you choose the rig ht door. ·overhead Door Corporation-offers .the broadest ~J~ · quality upward-acting do?rs in the industry-from'"~ security grilles to heavy-duty, insulated doors, to high· high-speed doors, in a wide variety-of Sj.zes, Configura"' terials and finishes -as wejl .a:s a compr(:)hensive seJ :7; options and ac<;:essories, t9 meet virtually any indust "• eorrunercial. door requirement. Products of superior craftsmanship, continual innovai· engineering excellence, out doors are backed by compJ fessionaLsupport to ensure that they are properly sp· ·' installed and maintained for years of trouble-free peri' ;;· •'I' This brochure, developed by Overhead Door Corporatl sist design professionals; faci.Uti(:)s managers, P.,meral ~ tors and end-users in their product research, ,,ill help " make an informed choice iri selecting the right door f;G application. Door Fundamentals 4· Upward-acting doors are· available in two distinct func( ,, types: rolling .doors and sectional cioors. Rolling doors consist .of a curtain of narrow, ir,,.erlocld~ zontal slats or a continuous curtain that allow the open,, coil tightly around ;m overhead pipe barrel, which.also t the door's counterbalance system, ·within a protective h·:: Especially suited for· applications where· headroom and t backroom are lirriited, rolling doors offer great flexibilitf:_ ~re easily cµstomized to accommodate virtual]:" 311Y mo_-c, condition and opening -from small: counter p,.ss-thro ·.; large vehicular entrances, Rolling doors provide the mos~ mon type offire-rated upward-acting door. They also in • wide range of grilles, as well as perforated slats, that all0:.: tilation and visual access while providing security. . J . J ( 'J. ]' I - I ty. Service Doors Insulated 'Service boors .Special Application-Service Doors High-Speed Traffic Doors Continuous Cuttaih Doors · ¢ounter boors Woo9 Counter boors Integral Frame Counter Doors FiFe-Rated Service Doors Fire-Rated Counter J)oors· Overhead Coiling Grilles Side Folding Griiles (Rejer'to sectional door brochure} Thermacore® Insufated Doors Insulated Steel Doors Steel Doors Aluminum Doors Special Application Doors "' "' CJ '-' '-' t:: Sectional doors, whicn are mote v,idely used, consist of four or more horizo11tally hinged sections that are· rai~ed on rollers moving along a track into the open position, coming to rest either horiz9ntally over the door opening or vertically against the wall apove the opening. -Sectional doors are particularly appropriate for applications re- quiring large glazed areas· and those demanding substantial ther- mal insulation. They also offer an.alternative solution to a variety of spedal applications; for example, doors \\ith removable center posts accommodate:extra wide openings, and swinging pass doors allow ped~stri~-passage without the need to rai'se the door. This brochure reviews rolling-doors only. The chart below will help you determine which type of door to select. lf a sectional -door is better suited to your requirements, refer to our sectional door-brochure (Sweet's 08360/OVE)Jor more 'i'njonnatian. 08330/RAY BUYUNE 3-1-91 R A. N 0 R R 0 l l G D 0 0 R s ,. V & Elf (TRI C 0 P f R .A T O R S FFA THERLITE-· DOOR BALANCE.SYSJE.M Product Features Door Construction Details 1. Featherlite Counterbalance System, ·with 100,000 Cycle atn"anty ~Hast Enclosure is 24 gauge steel as standard; 1 / 8" PVC Tube optional 8 3. C~ble Safety Briicket Assembly 4. Friction R~ducing. Polyethylene Wear Strip 5. Small & Large Contour and Flat Slat Designs 6. Mantial, Chain.Hoist.or · Electdc Motor Operation 7. 24 Gau~e Primed Painted Steel Hood. 8. Bottom of Door Cwtain einforced v.ith two ,tructural' Steel Angles r-----' 3" (76mm) Cont.7.ct Factory for doors over 5 8 sq.ft. (5 sq.m). Area A B 1 61/2' (165mm) 61/2.' (165mm) 2 6 1/2' (165mm) 61/2' (165mm) 3 6 1/2' (165mm) 6-1/2' (165mm) Chain Type N20 Face Me>unted Conu.a Factory for doon over 400 sq.ft. (3 7 ~q.m). A B 63/4' (171mm) 8 3/4' (222mm) 6 3/4' (171mm) 8 3/4''(222mm) 3 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 4 8 1/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 5 8 1/2' (216mm) 9,7/8' (251mm) 6 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 7 8 1/2' (216mm) 9 7/8'.(251mm) Crank Type N30 Face Mounted Cont.a.ct factory for doon over -400 sq.ft. (37 sq.m). Area A B 1 63I4'(171mm) 8 3/4' (222mm) 2 6 3/4' (171mm) 8 314' (222mm) 3 8 112' (216mm) 9 718' (251mm) 4 8 112' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 5 8112' (216mm) 9 718' (251 mm) 6 81/2' (216mm) 9 718' (251mm) 7 8112' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) Door Guide Clearances E Type Guide E type guide is a method for connection to steel or wood jambs. ew;m i JJE ' , I 7 ~ 114' (6mm) inset 6 -B C 12 .112· (318mm) 14: (356mm) 16 3/4' (425mm) C 121/2' (318mm) 14'(356mm) 16 3/4' (425mm) 18 3/4' (476mm) 20 3/4' (527mm) 24 1/2' (622mm) 26 112· (673mm) C 12.1/2' (318mm) 14' (356mm) 16 3/4' (425mm) 18 3/4' (476mm). 20314' (527mm) 24 112.· (622mm) 26 1/2'. (673mm) A-- D 14 1/8' (359mm) i6' (406mm) 18' (457mm) . A-c-- D 14 1/8' (359mm) 16'(406mm) 18'·(457mm) 20''(508m.m) 22'(559mm) 26'(660mm) 28'(Wmm) A r .1 I D. 14 1/8' (359mm) 16' (406mm) . 18' (457mm) , 20' (508mm) 22'(559mm) 26' (660mm) 2f(71·1mm) · Push-Up Type JlO· Jamb 'Mounted ' 3" (76mm) Co11t.7.ctFactoryfordi>orsovcr_58 sq.ft. (5 sq.m) •. Area · 1 2 3 A ,3 1/4' (83mm) 31/4' (83mm) 3114' (83mm) _ B 31/4' (83mm) 31/4'·(83mm) 31/4' (83mm) Chai1,1 Type J20 Jamb Mounted C<;mtact Factory ~or doors over 400 sq.ft. ( 3 7 sq.m). Area A .B 1 6314' (171mm) 8 3/4' (222mm) 2 6 3/4' (171mm) · 8 3/4' (222mm) 3 7 314' (197mm) 9 314' (248mm) 4 7 3/4' (197mm) 9 3/4' (248mm) 5 7 3/4' (197mm) 9 314' (248mm) 6 7 3/4' (197mm) 9 3/4' (248mm) * Sec P.ilgc 34forOper.1t~rClcuances. Area A B 1 6 3/4' (171mm) 8:3/4'·(222mm) 2 6 3/4' (171mm) s 314i (222mm) 3 8·1/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 4 8 112· (216mm) . 9718' (251 mm) 5 8,)72' (216mm) 97/8' (251mm) 6 8·1/2''(216mm) 9 718' (251 mm) 7 8·112' (216mm) _ 9 7/8' (251mm) B C 121/2' (318mm) 14'(356mm) 16 3/4' (425mm) C 121/2' (318mm) 14' (356mm) 16 3/4' (425" -1 18 3/4' (476~,"1) 20 314' (527mm) 24 1/2'_ (622mm) C 12112· (318mm) 14' (356mm) 16 3/4'·(425mm) 18.3/4' (476mm) 20 3/4' (527mm) 24 112· (62?-:im) 26 1/2' (67:· ·-:i) Z Ty~ Guide Z type guide is-a method for connection to masonry or wood jambs. Area G E .·-r ·-! IE i I . l ! F-~-~ _, , ____ 9 __ ,:1w (6mm) inset 1 6112' ()65mm) 4'(102mm) 2 6 112" (165mm) 4' (102mm) 3 . 8114' (210mm) 5 718' (149mm) 4 8·1/4' (210mm) 5 7/8' (149mm) 5 81/4' (210mm) 5 7/8' (149mm) 6 81/4' (210mm) 5 7/8' (149nim). 7 8 1/4' (210mm) 5 7/8' (14?"1m] . ·• • · • Jeaf . Note: All dimensions shown.indicate mn. '"' .' dicJ~- ln 1panr condition1-, cle,aranct.>~ ma}' ht.> }l>~, :.,.in JO -t ··:·· EE· ;:.·-,s%;~ ,. 11190/LAR..:..Detention Equipm~~t th o·RVWALL ACC·ESS :PAN·ELS L~DWA / L-DWB / L-DWC 08305/LAR . Buyline 5931 GENERAL DESCRIPTION !pWA: For i'nstall~tion in sheet r~ck or ~r:ywall bef~re the board -' p. Alie , ·3 con~enIent ac~ess fo~ mspec~I~n ~r service to. COrf1PO- --U ts 0 , ;1lumbing, heat!ng, air cond1t1oning and electrical ~ 8"ems.The frame .has an integral 5/s" flange set back for drywall ment ground and. our unique off-set. concealed hinging allows 8 door panel to swing away from anti-into the frame. '1ws: Tobe install~d_in sheet ro~k Or·d.rywall ~fterthe'b~a~d is up, - d and sanded. This 1s accomphshed by t.ne .use of a minimal ½" olled edge flange on all sides. The wall opening is completely ~ covered pro~iding a wall ~uggjng, finished edge that eliminates the :rneed for ',;)mg and sanding. ~~~~ ...... ,~ .... ?-' Ji.~DWC: This panel is designed· for flush in$tallation in drywall }}surfaces. The ~L!ter frame · has a special gr?~ved drywall bead :fconfiguration with a textured surface so that Joint compound can fbe applied in sufficient thickness to cover and conceal the flange. f"Thls unique. des(gn provides additional strength. for the-joint compound. ~lThe joint compound is-then applied at the same time the drywali fJJolnts are finished. When installed properly; only the door panel "'':remains exposed. · --_ if I . , . . \t· .;o/• ,.· Diywall .. APPLICATION · Rough Opening= Panel Size +1/2 Drywall I. P~nelSize. . I Rough Opening = Panel Size ;-1/2" • .• , : _ , -, ,.•:-.. :.•, Masonry ..... ·.:': .... ... . I Panel Size I I--• ~----'-I·· . SPECIFICATION FRAME: .O6O-6O63-TS extruded aluminum PANELS:· 14 gauge galvanized bonderized steel HINGE: Concealeo zinc plated continuous LATCH: Flush mounted screwdriver operated cam latch. Optional key lock or tamper resistant cam latch. FINISH: Galvanized bonderized / mill ·cH~S .... TWELVE STANDARD SIZES(Non-,Stand~rd sizes·_als~ available;) OVERALL SIZE size· WALL OPENING L·DWA l·DWB L:owc DEPTH LATCHES Bx !I. _8½ X 8½ 10'/, X 10'/, 9x 9 1ox10 . 1½' 1 10>< 10· 10.½ X 19½ 12'/, X 12% 11 x11 12X 12 1½' 1 10x 14 _ : 10½,<·14½ .12'1,x 16'1, rtx 15 · 12x16 1½' 1 12x12 12½ X 12½ 14'1,x 14'1, 1_3X·13 1'\~14 1½" 1 12x 18 12½ X 18½ 14_'1,x20'1, 13x 19 14x20 1½' . 1 12.x22 12½X22½. _14'1,x24'4 fax23 14;,<24 1½" 2 14x14 H½X14½ 1s\x 16'1. 15x 15 16x_16, 1½" 1 _14·X22 14½X22½ 16'1,x24'1.. 15x23 16x24 1 ½'' 2 16x16 16½x 16½ 18'1,x is'!, 17x 17 18x·18 1½' 1 _16x22·· 16½x.22½ 18'1,x24'1, ·1°7x23, 18x24 1½' 2 22x·22 _ :22½ x22½ '24'1, x24'1, 23x23 24x-24 1½' 2 22x36 221/,x3fl½ 24'1,x38'1,_ 23 x_37 24x38 1½' 5 *ADDITIONAL STANDARD SIZES FOR L-DWB Sl;E L,~MP TABLE (PAGE 4) CALL 1-800-LARSENS / FAX (612} 571-6900 5 We help you choose · the right door. ., Overhead Door Corporation offers the broadest rang{ quality upward-acting doors in the industry-from i security grilles to heavy-duty, insulated doors, to high: · high-speed doors, in a· wide variety of sizes, configura • terials and finishes ..:_ as well as a comprehensive s~le tr options and accessories, to meet virtllally any industrii! commercial door requirement. l. ,., Products of superior craftsmanship, continual innovaU~ engine~ririg excellence, our doors are backed by comi" • ' ~"" fessional support to ensure that they are properly sp.ec· installed and 1::aintalned for years of trouble-free·perf This ~rochure, developed by Overhead Door CorJ?orati · sist desfgn professionals, facilities managers, g-'neral c tors and endsusers in their proquct research, will help· make an informed choice in selecting the right door for application. Door Fundamentals Upward~acting doors. are available in two distinct functi types: rolling dobr13 and sectional doors. :>; Rolling doors consist of a curtain of narrow, in· :;i:locking z:ontal slats or a cbrttinuous curtain that allow the open f · . coil tightly ·around an overhead pipe barrel, which also h ~, the dour's courtt~rbalance system, within a protective h :.,. < Especially suited 'for applications where headroom and ·il backroom are limited, ,roJiing doors offer great flexibility . are easily customized to accommodate virtually ·.-ny mo .4· · condition and opening -from small counter pa".;-thr6°' large vehicular entrances. Rolling doors provide the m0st- mon type of fire-rated upward-ac;ting door. They also ind' wide range of grilles, as ,vell' as perforated slats, that all0!: tilation and visual access while providing security. C+l. 'I '~ct Se}ection: Guide Service Doors Insulated Service Doors Special Application Service Doors . . High-Speed Traffic Doors Continuous Curt,ain Doors counter boors Wood Counter Doors Integra_l Frame Counter Doors Fire-RatedSE:)rvicE:) Doors Fire-Rated Counter Doors Overhead Coiling Gti)les Side Folding Grilles (Re]er to sectiim<;Ll door br:ochurej Thermacore® Insulated Doors Insulated Steei Doors Steel Doors Aluminum· Doors · Special Appli~ation Door~ Sectional doors, which are more widely used, consist of four or more horizon;ally ninged sections that are rais~d on rollers maying al'ong a track into the open position, coming to rest either ho_rizontal!y over the door opening or vertically against the wall iibove the opening.' Sectional doors are particularly appropriate for applications re- quiring large glazed areas and those demanding substantial ther- ~al insulation. They also offer an alternative solution to a vmiety of special applicatiQns; for example, doors with removable.center posts.aGcommodate extra wide openings,.and swinging pass doors allow pedestrian passage without the need to raise the door. This brochure reviews rolling doors only. The chart below will help you detetmine which type of door to select. Jj a sectional dooris better sitited·to your requirements, refer to our $ectional door brochure (Sweet'!:/ 08360/OVE)formore information. g: ~ !:: 2l \a§ .s ti ~ ·u, ~~ .. 08330/RAY BUYLINE 3491 R A y N ·o R R -0 l l N G D 0 o· R s ,. ~ & f-lf CTR IC 0 P f R A T O R S C+.! FFA THERLITE -- D O O R B A L A N C E S Y S I F M· Product Features Door Construction Details 1 . Featherlite Counterbalance System, with 100,000 Cycle .• arranty . allast Enclosure is 24 gauge steel as standard; 1/8" PVC Tube optional 8 3. Cable Safety Bracket Assembly 4. Frictio.n Reducing Polyethylene Wear·Strip 5. Small & Large Contour a_nd Flat Slat Designs 6. Manual, Chain Hoisc.or Electric Motbr Operatiop 7. 24 Gauge Primed Paintecl Steel Hood 8. Bottom ofDoor Curtain reinforced ·w-ith r,,·o Structural Steel Angles Cont>.ctF•ctoryfordoors over 58 sq.ft, (5 sq.m). Area .-. A B 1 6 1/2' (165mm) 61/2' (165mm) 2· 61/2' (165mm) 61/2' (165mm) 3 61/2' (165mm) 61/2' (165mm) . Chain Type N20 Face Mounted Cont>.ct F•ctory for doorsover400~q.ft. (37_sq,1'!1), 6 314' (171mm) 8 3/4' (222mm) 6 3/4' (171mm) 8 314' (222mm) 3 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 4 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 5 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251nim) 6 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 7 8 112· (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) Crank Type N30 Face Mou!lted Cont•ct F•ctory for doors over 400 sq.ft. ( 3 7 sq.m), Area 2 3 4 5 6 7 . A 6 3/4' (171mm) 6 3/4' (171mm) 8 1/2' (216mm) 81/2' (216mm) 81/2' (216mm) 81/2' (216mm) 8 1/2' (216mm) B 8 3/4' (222mm) 8 3/4' (222mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 9-7/8' (251 mm) 9.7/8' (251mm) 9 7/8' (251.mmi Door Guide Clearances E Type Guide E type guide is a method for connection to steel or wood jambs. ·~ 6 1 ~ 1llE ~ ~/4' (6mm) inset F --B . . C - 12112· (318mm) 14' (356mm) 1~ 314• (425mm) C 12 1/2' (318mm) 14' (356mm) 16 3/4' (425mm) 18 3/4' (476mm) 20 3/4.' (527mm) 241/2' (622mm) 26 1/2' (673mm) ' B C 121/2' (318mm) 14' (356mm) 16 3/4" (425mm) 1.8 3/4' (476mm) 20 314" (527mm) 24 f/2' (622mm) 26 1/?' (673mm) · D 141/8' (359mm) 16' (406m,m) :W-(457mmj . A- 141/8' (359mm) -16"(406mm) .. 18' (457mm) 20' (508mm) 22· (559mm) 26" (660mm) 28'-(711mm) A D 141/8i (359mm) 16'(406mm) W(457mm). 20' (508mm) 22''(559mm) 26' (660mm) 28' (71-1mm) Push-Up Type J10 Jamb Mounted 3" (76mm) <;:o_nt>.ctFacioryfor4ooriover SB sq.ft. (5 sq.m). ··Area . 1 2 3 3 1/4' (~3mm) 31/4' (83mm) 3 1/4' (83mm) . . B 31/4' (83mm) 31/4' (83mm) 31W(83mmj Chain Type J20 Jamb-Mounted Conu,a F•ctory for doorsovtr+00sq.ft, (3 7 sq.m), ·Area A _B 1 -6-3/4' (171mm) 8 3/4! (222mm) 2 63/4'.(171mm). 8 3/4' (222mmi 3 7 3/4' (197mm) ~ 3/4' (248mm) 4 7 314' (197mm) 9 314' (?48mm) 5 7 3/4' (197mm) 9 3/4' (248mm) 6 7 3/4' (197mm) 9 3/4' (248mm) Motor Type N40 Face Mounted . B 121/2' (318mm) 14'(356mm) 16 3/4' (425mm) .B, C 121/2' (318mm) 14' (356mm) 16 3/4' (4_25r..:n) 18 3/4' (476:;;m) 20 3/4' (527mm) 24 1/2' (622mm) B ' "(76mm) II • See P•g• 34 for Optmor(!•ar~m, Area A Ei C 6 3/4' (171mm) 8 3/4' (222mm) 121/2' (318mm). 2 6 3/4'.(171mm) . 8 3/4' (2?2mm) 14' (356mm) . 3 81/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 16 3/4' (425mm) 4 8 112· (216mm) 9 7/8' (251 mm) 18 3/4' (476mm) 5 8 .1/2' (216mm) 9·1/8' (251mm) 20 3/4' (527mm) 6 81/2' (?16mmJ 9·7/8' (251mm) 24 112· (622,:,m) 7 8 1/2' (216mm) 9 7/8' (251mm) 26 1/2' (6i:< cm) Z Type Guide Z type guide is a method fo_r c9nnection to masonry-or wood jambs. Area G. E 1 61/2' (165mm) 4' (102mm) 2 61/2' (165mm) 4' (102mm) 3 8 1/4' (210mm) 5 7/8' (1~9min) 4 8·1/4'·(210mm) 5 7/8' (149mm) 5 · 81/4' (210mm) ·s 7/8' (149mm) 6 8 1/4' (210mm) 5 7/8' (149mm) 7 81/4' (2.10mm) -5 7/8' (14Prnm) . . . ,cl• ... Note: All dim~nsions-shown.indicate ma::-.! un di"),:. ln manr condiuons, dt'ar~nres mar be lcs~ m.:1.1) JO : '"' -•• CORPORATION · Your SafestChoke In Shingl~s""""Here~s Why -. Why How It Works GRANULES: • Diamond Cutr·" Multi-faceted design/light reflection • UV Blocher Protects against damaging sunlight • Color Lochrn Ceramic firing MAT: • Miao Weavern Core Superior strength foundation • Fibei:Techrn Components Fibers are non-combusti.l;Jle · .. .. .. ASPHALT:. • SpecSelect Grading System Assures use of finest quality asphalt ' ADHESIVE: • Dura Grip7MAdhesive Locks shingles m place on roof COLOR BLENDS: • • Opti-Blend Colors Selected by ar~hitectm;al and desi~ expens . - WARRANTY:* • Backed by GAF Mateiials C9rp. . -America's largest roofing company * See limited wan-anry for complete-coverage e1nd restrictions PRODUCT NAME Grand Sequoia"' Tunberline Ultra• Tunberline' Tunberline' 25 Slateline' Slateline'Color Contrast"' Marquis' ~yal Sovereign• ~ntinel' 2 Stonehenge" Floridian"' Duhl-Coverage Tite-On• Shingle Comparison Chart SHINGI:.E FEATURES Technical Hot Line 800 ROOF-4ll / 800 766-3411 Benefits : Adds dimension and depth to shingle Improved durability and extended life Maintains rrue color longer Resists cracking and splltting • 0Provides UL Class A fire rating Impr6ved weathering in harsh conditions Grips tight even in strong gale-force winds .Assures the beauty of any home ·. Your safest roofing de~ision .. Tampa production ori!Y C Note: It is difficult to reproduce the color clariry·and actual. color . blends of the-shingles shown ill this·catalog. Before selecting a color, ask to see several full- siz~ shingles. - - t ! ; l l :· .. ' :~ PPG Worldwide Offices'/ International CQntacts. Architectural Glass-Products General Office PPG Industries, Inc. Flat Glass Technical·Services One PPG Place, 31 N Pittsburgh, PA 15272 ( 412) 434-2858 Fax (412) 434-3675 PPG Industries Glass~.A. lmmeuble.SCOR 1 Avenue du President Wilson 9207 4 Paris La Defense C_edex France 011-331-469808090 Fax 011-331-4698-8265 _ Canada_ PPG Canada Inc. 830 Caledonia Road Toronto, Ontario Canada M68 3X9 ( 416) 789-3331 Fax (416) 789-5959 PPG-Cl CO., LTD. . KRJ"-Aoyama Bldg. 3rd Floor · 12-5 Kita-A'oyama 2-Chome Minato-Ku, Tokyo 107 Japan 011-81-3-5410-4870 Fax. OlH"1 ·3-5410·48q1 Export Sales PPG Industries, Inc. Export-Sales Cu~tomer Service_ One PPG·Place,31E Pittsburgh, PA 15272 (412) 434-3484 Fax ( 412) 434-4455 Mexico PPG Ind de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Av Presidente Juarez No. 1978 Oireccion Postal M9643 Tlalnepantla,.C.P. 54090 Mexico 1, O.F. ; 52-5-397-8181 Fax 52-5-398~3090 Int t. I C nt cts ' ·. · -· · ' · · ·. , t·:,; i-._;. • '-~~~~ ema fQD3 0 3 . -• •-' .·i.~ .· c ,,_ ": ,. -c;,.:;.:,;";>• . ·~ . . -~ .. ~ ~""' .. ~.,._ Argentina I Urugl!ay. France Netherlands Switz~rland /.Austria Vicente de la Fuente· PPG industries International Inc. Lutimex. B.V. PPG Crystal Aµ 011-541-322-8660 or 011-33-1-4698-8090 011 -31-182-39-2088 or 011-41-58-34~·636 011-541-322-2549 or Fax 011-33-1-4698·8265 011-31-182-39-6161 Fax 011-41-58-343-.793 OH-541-393-5834 Germany Fax 01i-31-182-39-6110 Taiwan (C,Y. LIN REP) Fax 011-541-322-8660 PPG Glastechnik GmbH New Zealand C.Y. Lin Trading, Taiwan Australia 011-49-201-233-3068 Morg~n & Aickin 011-886-2-941-4460 George Fethers & Co. Trading Pty. Ltd. Fax O:t 1-49-201-234-961 011-649-622-1080 or Fax Ol1-886-2·944-4053 011-61-3-9-646-5266 011-649-634-7607/7608 · Guatemala Thailand (C.Y. LIN REP) Fax 011-61-3-9-646-1593 Agric;ola MAB -Fax 011-649-622-0940 Khum Tong Ind, Co .• Ltd. Belgium Tony Bono Norw~y-011-662-885-8510/2 or PPG Glasexco, S.A. 01.1-502-2-682, 125 Glasco Agentur~r 011-662-880-2915/7 011-32-2-675-2620 Fax 011-502-2-682-122 or Ot1-4H75H430 Fax 011-662-885-8513 or Fax 011-32-2-675-1125 011-502•2°682-121 Fax 011-4 7-675.6-7755 011-662-880-2918 Bolivia Hong-Kong Pakisiait United Kingdom Mateco Limitada PPG Industries ln~ernational, Inc. -Anis Ahmed &. Brothers. PPG Glass (UX) Limited 011-59:t 2-375040 or 39, 011-852-2861-1578 011-92-21-4536348 or 011-44-1-753-511666 011-5912-378649 Fax 011-852·2804-2677 · 01i-92·21·4545912 Fax 011 ·44· 1 • 753-511667 Fax 011 ·5912-375043 Indonesia (C.Y. UN REP) Fax 011·92-21-4545905 or Venezuela ·011·92-2·1-4548809 or Brazil C.Y. Lin-Trading Co. -0.11-92-21-454995.1 Konelbro S.A. Saler lmportacoes E Exportacoes-Ltda. 011 ·62-31-42519 011·58·2-951-1745 011-55-11-881 ·3400 or Fax 011,62·31-516340 Peru Fax 011 ·58·2-951-0797 011 ·55-11-853-1986 Israel J. Maury Representaciones lnveca-Pittsburgh. C.A. Fax 011 ·55· 11-282-3234 lndustriales Arpalit, Ltd. 011·51-14-701850 011 ·58-44·56202i5 Chile/Paraguay 011-972-3-556· 1195 or Fax 011-51-1'4·411048 011-58-44-452-155/7 Vicente de la Fuente 01 i-972-3-957-4649 Fax 011 ·58-44-56201 or 011-56-2-334-2914 or Fax 011-972-3"556·4850 Philippines 011 ·58-44-56457 011-56-2-334-2915 Italy/ Spain/ Other Countries BMC Trading Vietnam Fax 011·56-2-334-2917 01H32·492-58114 (4 lines) PPG Industries Glass SpA. Fax 011 ·632·243-2538 or Warson Overseas Colombia 0.11-39· 10-833-41 011·632·242-8791 Resources bev. Co. ELYTECS.A. Fax 011-39~ 10-83N201 · 011 ·84-8-872-8410/4 01 l-57-1-6351263 or Japan euerto Rico/ Panama/ Costa Rica Fax 011-84-8-~72-5580 011-57-1-6359917 Clariken Services, Inc. Fax 011-57·1·6351263· PPG Industries Asia/Pac;ific 1-305-822~9646 Asian Countries 011-81-3-3280:2855 Fax 1-305-826-2268 G.Y. Lin Trading Company Denmark Fax 011-81"3·3280-2857 1 ·415·347-5888 or Glaskontoret-A/S Singapore·(C:Y. LIN REP) 1 ·415-347-8268 011-45-87-4900 or Korea· C.Y. Lin Trading Fax 1-415-347·5983 011-45-87-4911 Uniq~e.Spectronix. Inc. ·011-65-482-0930 Fax 011-45-87-1703 Joachim Youn Fax 011-65-481-7541 1·714-871-6181 Dominican Republic/Jamaica Fax 1-714-871-6184 South Africa S.S. ·Houston Ocean Trade and Shipping 1-809-537-0040 Malaysia (C.Y. LIN REP) Panos Vallianos Fax 1 ·809-530·3409 K.T. Trading-Company 011 ·30-1-89-57082i5 w 011-60-3-2482218 or Fax 011 ·30-1-96-57987 Ecuador 011 ·60-3-2488336 lmportadora Schiller Gia Ltda. Fax 011 ·60-3-2482418 Sweden 011-593·2-542-662 or M~ddle East PPG Sweden AB 011 ·593·2'542-668 or 011·46-21'-24-537 . 011-593-2-547-760 DLEBTACO Fax 01 t-46-21-24-516 Fax 011-593·2-562-891 or 011 ·33·,1-4637-2611 5067P 10,96 011 ·593-2-225-045 Fax 011-33· 1 ·4722·4419 ::c. Printed in U.S.A • .f:'' • • • OPTIMI_ZING PERFORM.A.NCE The PPG architectural glass products described on the previous pages can be combined jnto a mvriad of window svstems to satisfv both the aesthetic and . . performance requirements of your projects. The four exarriples shown here illustrate h9w dramatically the energy perform- ance of a building can be influ- enced by the glass combination chosen. All of the examples are under summer daytime conditions, the time when maintaining the fetal solar energy transmission ata manageable level is a must for your HV AC cooling system.The standard ASHRAI; summertime conditions that apply to all of the examples shown are: Incident Solar Radiation= 248 Bti/s Outdoor Air Temperature;= 89°F Indoor Air Temperature= 75°F Outdoor Air Velocity = 7.5 mph Indoor Air Velocity :::;: 0 mph For similar heat gain com- parisons on other PPG glass products, please a~_cess our Internet home page http:/ j\,·ww.ppgglass,com and visit the technical reference, "How Glass W·orks." With the broadest glass product line-in the indust-ry, PPG stands ready to provide the aesthetic;; you desire with the performance your project demands. See pages 16-17 for additional PPG glass performance values, 1/4" Clear I 114" Clear I.G .. Unit A Clear-Clear'lnsulati11g Glass Unit allows 739c (182 Stu's) of-the's11it's'11eat to enter the building. 1 /4" Optigr_ay™ 231 1/4" Clear I.G. Unit Using Optigrayni 23 as the outdoor lite reduces the room ;;iddieat gain to-;'; Btu's, a 589c improi:ement o,w.a standard Clear/Clear i11sulati11g .1111it . 1/4" Azurlite® I 1/4" Clear I.G. Unit Aiz A::11rlite outdoor lite reduces the total heat gain-over41'lc to 107 Btu's, while pro,•idi11g 64% visible light transmittance . 1 /4" Solarcool® {2) Azurlite I 1/4" Sungate® 500 (3) I.G. Unit A iO'k improvement (total roonrside heat gain= 56 Btu's) is ol1tai11ed wlum the gla=ing combines a Solarcool (2) A=urlitc.outdoor lite with a Sungatti 500 (3) indoor lite . . Additionally, during the heating season, the "S1111gate coating sig11ifica11tly·red11ces heat loss. 15 ~ ... ['-"!•"'~ ::!tl ··-;: -:.t-~ ~ ... "-: • • • ·ppG Commercial Insulating Glass Unit _Co111parisons Using 1/4" (6mm) Glass*· i i I I I I I I I I I l Insulating Vision Unit Perfonnance Comparisons" 1-lnch (25mm) units with 1/2-inch (13mm) airspace and two 114-inch (6mm) lites; Interior lile dear' Transmittance•· Reflectance' U-Value• K-Valuei (Imperial)_ (Metric) ' .. Shading Solar Heat [ Glass Type u'itra-I , .. Total I Total- 1 Winter Ccietli-, Solar Visible Solar Winter Summer I Summer c,ent=• Gain ; violet, Visible Energy Lighi Energy Night-Day-Night• Day• Coeffi· I .. , .. I ~-time .time time· ,. time e1enfl ' ,. ,. ,~ ,. ; .... , . .. I Clear G,ass so I 79 I 61 . 15 12 0.48 I 0.55 2.T4 I 3.13 !l.81 I 0.7~ I ! SOt:EX' Tinted Glass .25 I 69 I 39 13 I a '0.48 I 0.51 ~--c::., .. I 3.25 :.56 I c.~. I I SOLAP.GP.EEN' Tinted Glass 13 I ,60 I 29 1,1 j, · 0.48-I O.Si 2.74 I 3.25 : . .:6 I .... .:.:: i ,;; I AZUP.UTE-' Tinted Glass 24 I 64 I 29 J2 7 0.48. I 0:57 2.74 ! 3.25 : . .:.5_ I -_ ..... w i SOLAP.3RONZE' Tinted Glass 2,. i. 48 I 39 9 I ·8 0.48 I 0.57 2.7.! I 3:25 :-.Sc J C.5: I I s::;LAR,G.=iAY' Tinted Glass 20 I 40 I 33 7 I 7 0.48 I 0.57 2.i..! I 3.25 ..... :;,,;::_ I o . .:: I o;;,iJGAA r 23 Tinted Gliss 6 I 21 '. 16_ 5. I. 5 0.48. 1. 'o:s8 '2.7,! I 3.31' :j3 I o.~= i I o,.,,:,n;,, .. ,.: :-; ,1•!r:,.,, • · ... -....: · · · .. , · ·'.i:I SOLARGOOL/11 AZURLITE ; . ' 25 I . 12 :i7 I . 30. 0,48 r o:57 ·.' 2.74 I . 325 . C.25 i c.2· l ;; I SOLARCOOL 12'1 AZURLITE ; ·1·1 SOLAA:::OOL 11'1 Bron_ze 6 • 5:JJ,R:;30L £2; Bronze ., 5, .s~ I SO:.ARCOOL ,11 Gray 6 I SO:.AA:::dOL.r21 Gray 6 , • ,., 11 I • •=:ac,i-;·._....: : SUNGA TE 1000 12) Clear 14 , SUNGA TE 1000 13) SOLEX 8 ; SUNGA TE 1000 (3f SOLARGREEN 4 ·: I SUNGA7E100C·;31 AZUA.LITE s SUNGA TE 1000 ,31 Broryze 7 SUNGA TE 1000 !3i Gray. 6 SUNGA TE.1000 : 3l OPTIGRA Y 23 2 SUNGA TE 1000 !3) GRAYLITE 2 11•, •,.,I : l!r:li1:.MI ............. ' I SO!.ARCOOL i2! AZURUTE -Lcw-E 3 SO!.ARCOOL !2) Bronze + Low-E ? SOLARCOOL !:?I Gray +-Low-E 2 I I I••• --~ 1 SUNGATE 100 /21 Clear 35 ! SUNGA TE 100 131 Clear '35 1 SUNGA7E100i31SOLEX 18 I SUNGA ,E 100 /31 SOLARGREEN . g :-I SUNGA TE 100 ,31 AZURtlTE 17 SUN~A TE 100 i3 i Br_onze \'5 SUNGA TE 100 i3 I Gray ~.:. SUNGAT:_100 (3, OPTJqRAY23 5 SUN3A TE 100 i31 GRAYLITE .4. ... ,, ...... , , ... -...:11:1!-li::. ' -·"-I SOLARCOQL 12: AZURL/TE -Low·E 5 SOLA.''ICO:JL /2i Brnnze -Low-: 4 SO:.ARC:JOL 12, Gray • Low-E ·4 ~ 11, •• --~ · SUNGATE50012: Ciear 42 SUN3ATES00:3 c1e·ar 42 SU!v3ATE 500 13, SOLEX .21 SUNGA TE 500 (3, SOLARGAEEN : -11 . S:Jlv3A ,E 500 13, AZURLJTE. 20 SUN:3.;.. TC 500 13 S!onze " SUNGA ,E 530 l3, Gray 17 SUNGAT=50013. OPT/GRAY23 5· SUNGATE50013, GRAYLITE 5, .... ~·, >:-.......: •. "" ' !)!;j SOLAFl::;OOL /21 AZURLJTE • Low-E· . 6 SOLA=ICOOL 121 Bronze• LOl('·E 5 SO!.AACOOL i2' G:ay ... Low-E 5 2 3 1ns1oe l 2s" I 13 21, .. 1/i OAS· I 0.58 2:;4 I 3.31 ::2e r 0.2~ ; I. ·19 .I 21 38 26 0.48 1. d.56 2.74 .I . 3:19· :.35 I C.3:-i· ! .. 19 I 2\ 14 12 o.:s I. 0:56 2.74 .I 3.31 :.38 j C.33 I is .. I 18 37 30 0,48 I 0.56 2.74 I 3.19 :.3~ I 0.27 I I 16 I 1~ 11 10 -0.48 I _0,:58 2.i4 I 3.31 :.35 I C.3C i I 69 I 32 12 I 28 029 I 0.29 1.&! I 1.64 ~.44 I 0.37 l . I 60 I. '24 11 · 11 0.29 I 0.30. 1.64 .I 1.69 ... I C.3S l ....... , i 52 I 20 10 8 0.29 . I 0:30 . :.64 . I 1.69 C.35 I C.3~ ! 1. 56' I 2,. 10 I 7 0.29 I 0.30 1.64 I 1.69 C.37 l cs· ! ·, 41 I 20 8 . 17" 0.29 I 0.30 1.64, I 1.69 ~.36 I 0.31 I .. : I 35: ,I ,z 7 '13 0.29 I 0.31 1.64 i 1.74 C.32 I 0'2S ' I I 18 I 9 .. 5 6· 0.2$ . I 0.31 1.6;4 I 1.74 C.20 I 0.1a I I 11' I 8 5 8 0.29 .I 0.-31 1.64 I 1.i4 C.20 I o.::-! I I I••• ·i 22 I 8 I 21 I .. 1-1 I 0.29 I 0.3i 1.64 I 1.7_4 0.19 I C.16 ! I 16 I '9 . I 14 18 I . 0.29 I 0.31 . 1.64 I 1.i4 C.20 I 0.18 i I 14 I 7 I 11 14 I O.?~ I 0,31 . 1.64 I 1.74 C ,c· l 0.15 i I 73·, I 43 12 I 21 '0:31 I 0.32 1.74 I 1.8i C.53 I 0.51 I 73 I 43 12 .22. 0.31' I 0.33 1.74 I 1.88 0.56 ·1 0.5:- I 63 .. I 30 10 I 1,0 0.31 I 0.33 1.74 I 1.88 C . .!7 t C.-!O j 55: I 23 9 7 0.31 :I 0.33 1,74 I 1.88 C.3e I 0.32 : I 59· I ,24 10 I 7 0.3·1 'J 0.33 1.74 i 1.88 C.39 ! 0.34 I 44. I 27 7· I .. i3 0.31 I 0.33 1.i~ ! 1.88 C.-!5 '. 0.39 ' 35 I 23 7 10 0.31 . I 0.33 1.74 I 1.88 C . .!O 0 •• -~- I ', 19 · I 11 5 6 0.31 L 0.34 Li4 ! 1.93 C.24 ! 0.20 r 11 I 12 . 5 I 8 0.31 I 0.34 1.74 t :i.93 0.25 r 0.22 I'••• i I ! I I i' I I ! I I i .,, I I I. 2,3 I 9 21 I .11 0.31. I 0:34 1.74 I 1.93 C.21 i o.;e -~7 I 13 14 15 0.31 I 0.34 1.74 I 1.93 0:,7 ! 0.23 14 I ·11 ·11 12 0.3·1 I 0,34 i.i4 I 1.93 0.24' I 0.2: 74 i 51 16 ,] 14, 0.35 I 0.38 1:99 ! . 2.15 0.70 : 0.50 I ;.: I Si _17 16 0.35 I 0.39 1.99 I 2.21 C.75 : -0:65 54 I 33 14 i 9 9,3? I o.~~ i.99' I 2.21 C.5: I C .. .- 55 ! 25 12 .. 7 0.35-I. .. 0,39· 1.9~ I 2.21 u.-... ' 0.34 59 .. I ,26 13 I 8, 0:35 I 0.39 ;.99 I 2.21 C,.!C 0:35 ~ I 32 9 10 ,0.35 I 0,39 1.99 I 2.21 ~.52 ! OAS ·37 I. 27 8 8 _0.35 J 0.39 f.99 I 2.21 C ,!5 : 0.39 }9 ij. 13 6 6 0.35 I 0.40 _1.99 I 2.25 0.27 ! C.23 ,., I 15 5 6 0.35 I 0.40 1.99 I 2.25 0.32 C.27 23 I lJ· 22 '1'1 0.35 I 0:40 J_ 1.99 I 2.25 I 0.23 i 0:20 : 18 .I 17 14_ 13 ... 0,35 I o._39 · I 1.99 I 2._21 I 0.33 I· 0.28 14 I i4 11· 10 0:35 I 0.40 I 1,99 I 225 I 0.25 0,25 4. Shading coefficient-is the ratio of the total·amo.unt,of solar energy t_hat.passes through a glass re,ative t~ 1/8-in. J3:0mm) thick clear glass under the same design conditions. It includes both solar energy transm,:ted directly olus .any-absor.bed.solar en~rgy re-radiated and-convected. Lower shading coefficient values indicate ~etter performance in reducing summer heat.gaf11. Shading coefficients at outdoor air temperatur.e of·89°F l32'C), outdoor air velocity of 7:5 mph (3.4· m/sl, indoor air temperature of 75°F (24°Cl, indoor air velocity o!"O mph (0 m1s1 and solar intensity of.248 BTU/hour/square foot 1783 w/m') . 5. Solar iieatgain coefficient represents the solar heat gain through the·glass relative to the incident solar radiation. It.is equal·to 86% of the shading coefficient. 17 flt '.:£. 't!':!, ... - p~. rt ~~ i1i' ~::::,.;~ .. ~. -:; .. -.. ·~ .. · . :_l·.·. ; -- ii ll<:i! ·-:f_ ... f:-?J}l ?!~t1 .. ~ -tJJ.i, • • "··> ... y . : !"' ; .. :..:;!:-, ' ·.-~ ·_· .. {::,~~~~ --------~ ,-'--_,,,,-· •-=•IL -~·····. =-~--·-·· -_ - • • • Sales Offices For Additional Information The information ~ontained in this brochure is subject to change. Consult your loc:il LOF, representative for any new information relevant to your particular product needs. The inform~tion contained in this and other Libbey-Owens-Ford Co .. publications is offered for your assis~ance in the application of LOF flat glass pr09\.Jcts, but does not constifllte a u•a1,ant.r of merchantability or fitness for a11y pcu1icu!ar purpose. Actual performance may vary in particular applications. You should contact the Libb~y-Owens-Ford Architectural Technical Services Department concerning particular product applicatibns. c, l'"X' l.1hlx·y-c l\\\,·n,-F,,rc.l t:1, l'nnh:d Ill I' :, .\ . S\Jc, hll.\l 6 1 C.\C ECl.11•,(:• H.dl1.·1.ll\C' <ii.,,,. Encr:.;.~ ~\i.l\':lnl.t~c• l.t,\\•E ,;).,,,. l:H:rt~n:1.·n''" <ii.,,,. )hrrop.mc f. I'• rr:1n,p.m.-111 \lim ,r. :--u1x·rt in.:y •• ( ;1.1,, .me.I ,un )l.m:1~1..·mt.·m <~l.i-., !\~,tcm• .m: tr:u.lcm.arl,., 11f l.1hlx·v., h,vn,-1"11rd Cu. PYltO,T<W' <it.1,, , ... 1 1r:1dt.·111,1rl.. 1,t Fl.\<:ll<iL\:-i. Atlanta Saies Office 6525 The Corners_ Parkway Suite 112 Norcross, GA 30092 770-242-8860 800-$66-4563 FAX: 770-662-5127 Chicago Sales Office · 1111 Plaza Dri\·.e. Suite 790 . Schaumburg, IL 60173 847-2'¼0-2550 800-999-9753 FA.X; 847-240-27$2 Dallas Sales Office 2301 };lcDaniel Drh·e Suite 100 Carrollton, TX 75006 . 214-247-2995 FA.'{; 214•243-5322 Greensboro Sales Office 1 Centervie\\: Drh·e . Rockingham Bldg. Suite 103 Greepsboro. NC 27407 910-85+1047 FA,'\: 910-294-5193 Out-of-State: 800-221-0444 In State: 800s:'i22-3945 Los Angeles Sales Office ~800 28th St. Suite 133 Santa ~lonica. CA '90405 . 310-450-2393 800-522-9430 F..\.\:: 310-450-6433 Minneapolis S~les Office 12700 ~ic611t!t A\'e .. South Suite 208 Burns\'ille, ~!~ 55337 . 612-895-5059 FAX: 612-890-1900- Philadelphia Sales -Office 567 Extqn Conimons Exton. PA 193.'.i 1 610-363-8989 800-523-0i33 FAX: 610•363~9035 San Diego Sales Office . 9775 Highdale Road Santee, CA 92071 619-562-9914 FA.'{: 619-562-9915 Seattle Sales Office 200 West ~lercer St. Su_ite E~201 Se:mle. \\,.\ 98119 206-286-8814 FA.'{: 2o6s286-8845 Toledo Sales Office P.O. J3ox 799 811 Madison Ave. · , Toledo. OH 43697-0799 419-247-4926 800-52&6557 FA.'{: 419-247-3784 International Sales Office P.O. Box 799 811 Madison Ave. Toledo. OH 43697-0799 419-247-3779 FA,'C: 419°247-4573 PYROSTOP Sales Office Technical Glass Products 2425 Carillon Point Kirkland, WA 98033-7353 206-822-4514 800-426-0279 FAX: 800-451-9857 ® PILKINGTON LIBBEY-OWENS-FORD \\bRwGuss TEcH~oLoGr·· Libbey-Owens-Ford Co. Building Products P.O. Box 799 811 ~!adison Ave. Toledo. OH -43697-0-99 -il9-2-i7°-{:·21 F.~'\: 419-247-4517 e· • • • Monolithic Glass PeiformanceData1. Nominal V,sible Ught' Glass Product Thii;kncss, · Trans-I Reflect-mittancc;·" an~c,. in Imm _% %. Uncoated Float Glass 3_3:? 2.5 91j s .. " ' ·1 .s 90 i; 3 ' .:; 32 .. 89 8 3 16 ~ 89 ii I -1 6 88 8 Cl.:ar Float 5 16 · 8 s-8 _3 8 :I JO si, 8 1 2 12 84 s ; 8. 16 1)2 8 3 .. 19 81 8 . vs -3 61 6. 3/16. 5 50 5 !/4 6 44 5. Grey Tim 5116 8 33 5_ ~/8 10 28 5 i/2 12 ,19 .f 1/8 3. 68 6 3i_16 5' 60 6 114 6 55 6 Bronze Tint ?,116 s· -14 5 3/8 10 39 5 i/2 12 29 5 i/4 6 7.5 • 7 Blue-Green Tmt 5(.16-· 8 70 7- 3/8 10 66 6 1/8 3 i6 1 E,·erGreen High-Performance Tint". 3/16 ; 73 7 1/4 6 66-6 i/8 3 25 5 SuperGrey High-Performance T111t 3n6 5 12 4 1/4 6 ,. 8 ' 4 ECLIPSE® Reflective Glass ECLIPSE-Clear < lJ• l -1 6 39 -15 - ECLIPSE qear,(:?l" l--1 6 39 -10 ECUPSE Blm;-Green (1)• li4 6 33 ,45 ECLIPSE Blue-Green (2)" 1(4 6 33 32_ ECLIPSE Grey (1)" 1/4 6 19· -i5 ECLIPSE .Grey <2>• .. Pi 6 19 13 ECLIPSE.Bronze (J'J• l.'4 6 2~ ., -16 ECLIPSE Bronze-Ct)• li4 6 23 19 ECLIPSE Gold (2)" 11-i 6 31 42 E11e1·gy Adva11tage® Low-E Glass 9 3 J2 2 . .:; tB I /l 3 S' . - Ent'r~1y Ad\·:tnt;lµt: ¼<>\,··E <1J• 5 3f .. 82 ~ \6 5 ll;\ I .. ,, H~. ·~umhc:r in p:.trc:mhc:si!'I ,in<lk':ltc::--:-.urf;u,:c: \\"hrir~ coating is lcx:atcd. For footnotes. plca,c rcfor to p:tµe 1:-l. 11 II JO )I J() To!,31 Solar Ei,ergy' -UV' Trans-teflcct-·Trans- mitt2n~C:1 anCc• minancc·' o/o . % % 86 Ii -.. 8-! 8 -:-1 81 --67 80 -" 65 "'8 ·-· (12" '"3 -5- -o -7-1 6-! 6 -18 59 6 ·H - -s5 6 '!0 58 6 . .36 47 5 27 41 5 22 30 5 15 i5 4 12 i6 4 7 65 6 37 55 6 28 50 5 23 40 5 16 34 5· 13 " i; 5 8 49 .. 6 32' '" 40 5 25, .36 5 21 49 6 26 -42 ; 21 3-1 ? rt 23 4 ·6 11 4 2 8 4 1 - -19 30 11 49 25 'ri 28 30 ·6 28 16 6 26 30 4 ·- 46 10 .j ,31 31 4 31 -13 4 33 31 f- "'o II 59 68 11' "i6, 6"' 10 ::;, 6'" !I ~3 M 10 ~9 U-Valuc' _summer,. Eurppcan: -U-Value Winter (K-yalue)" 1.0~ 1.11 :;.~ 1.0;\ J.11 5.8 1.0;\ 1.10 5.t-i 1.03 1.10 5.8 1.0;\ 1.09 ;.- ·1.03 ·to~ 5.6 1.0:? 1.06 5.6 1.oi · 1.0.. ·5_5 1.00 1.02 5.; 0.99 '1.00 5.2 1.09 1.11 ;;.s LIO' 1.10 5.s qo 1.09 ;.i 1.10 i.0i 5.6 1.10 1.06 5.6 1:09 1.04 5.5 .. 1.08 1.11 5.8 1.08 1.10 5.8 1.09 1.09 5.7 1.09 1.07 ,:~ 1,09 i.06 5.6 1.08 °l.Q4 5.5 1.09 1:09 5.7 1-:09 1.07 5.6 LQS 1.06 5.6 1.11 1.11 5.8 1.11 1.10 5.8 1.11 1.09 5.7 .1.15 1.11 5.8 1:16 1:10 5.8 f15 1.09 5.7 l.0-1 1.09 5.- 1.0; 1.09 '?-.- 1.08 };()!) 5.7 qt 1'09 5.7 f09 I.09 5.7 1.11 1.08 5.7 1.07 1.09 5.7 Lil ,, 1:.99 ;:;- l.Q7 1.09 5.i -. 0.63 o.--1 3_- 0.63 0.'74 3.ll Q.63 0.-3 3.6 0.63_ 0.-3 .-\.h· 0.63 ().-3 .H, . 08810/LOF .Buyline 2759 Solar Heat Gain Shading_ Cocffi-. Cocffi. cicnt"' · cicnt· t).I;-, I 1.01 II.Ii!, I ux, 0.li-1 0.9S 0.S.'\ o.r (J.~2 ,, 0.95 o.-8 I 0.91 o.-6 I 0.8S 0.-2 0.83 O.nS I u,-9 0:6; o.'-5 o:68 0.""9 0.60 0.70 0:56 0.65 O.-i8· 0.56 0.+1 0.52 6.38 0.4-i 0.:3 0.85 0.66 0.ii 0.6:? 0.-:-3 0.55 0.6-! 0.51 0.59 0.-14 0.51 0.62 0.72 0.55 0.64 0.52 0.60 0:62 0.72 o.;-:· 0.66 0:51 0.59 0.44 0.51 0 . .36 0.42 0:33 0.39 o.~5 0.63 0:56 0.65 0.-lO 0.46 0.4,i 0.51 0.,?8 O.+t 0.-14 o.5r O.;il OAS 0.-1:-o.; .. 0.-13 0.50 o.~3 0.85 0."'2 IJ.H3 0.-11• (J.82 CJ.'"JJ 0.82 ()./)'} 0.8_! 117 , insulating Glass Pl!1fornumcf! Daia1 / JusulatinJ.! 111111.-. ,·011s1r11cwd ,if ''lff"'' J.:~tls • .;,J/>icl..111t';\.*.~.""cl 1 '2· t J.Ju1111J ,11r..1x"·e I Nominal Visible µght' Total Solar Energy-' UV' u,vaJue' Solar Glass European Heat Gain Shading Thickness Tr.ins-· Reflect-Trans-Reflect--Trans-U-Value Cocffi-Product coeffi-, mittancc·4 ancc-1 mittance·' ancc" mitt.and: 4-summer Winter (K-Value)" cient'" Cicnt in .mm % •1o % % % Uncoated Float Glass Outer Liie and Cll;!ar Float Glass /1Z11er Lite 3 32 2.5 82 1, 7-1 J'-1' 60' I 8 3 HJ Vi ·;.,I I.:\ ;h Cl1::1r Fio:11 , 32 -I HO ,1, ·(,-13 ,:;2 ' .:l 16 ,; -9 15 c,,; 12 -19 1-1· 6 -8 15 f,l q -16, i'-8 3 ;; 9 -i9 8 30 Grey Tim 3·16 5 -15 7 ,31! 7 2~ 1,-j 6 39 7 33 6 1$ l-'8 3 62 JO• 55 9 31 Bronze Tint 3, 16 5 53 9 -15 8 23 li-1 6 ~8 8 .,jQ 7 i9 -Blue-Green 1in1 1/4 6 67 12 .JO 8 ~6 · 1,8 3 69 1,2 42 !I 23 E,·erGreen High·P<'rf,,rmann, Tint 3·16 ; 65 p 36 7 17 i!, 6 59 10. 28 6 12 1/8 3 22 5 -;w 5 6 SuperGrey High-Performance Tint 3/16 ; 11 ,, 4 9 4 ., 2 1/4 6 7 ~ 6 4 1 EaIPSE® Reflective Glass Outer Lite and C{ear Roat Glass Inner Lite - ECLIPSE Clear < 1 1• l -1 6 36 -16 )s 32 8 ECLIPSE Cle:ir C:! l' 1 ; 6 .36 -i2. 38 ?-_, 8· .SE BJ""""'" CU' 1/4 6 30 4~ . 23 30 .. 5 PSE Blue-Green, (2)' .1/4 6 30 33 23 17' 5 PSE Grey (I)' 1/4 6 17 45 20 31 J ECLIPSE Grey (2)' 1/4 6 17 13 ,21 11 3 ECLIPSE Bronze ( 1 l' 1:, 6 21 -i6 24 32 3 ECL!PSE Bronze (2l' 1-'4 6 21 1,9 2-1 _14 .. 3 ECLIPSE Gold (2)' i/4 6 29 43 2~ " 32 2 •:-:umber in p:irentht:," mdic:ites surface where coming is located. I. SO.\lE CQ.\IBI:'(ATIO:-iS OR I:'(STAI.l.ATIO:"\S .!IL-\Y REQUIRE HEAT 11lEATIXG'TO RESIST GL.\SS'BREAKAGE. Typk:li ,·alues of LOF production :ire pr,,vid,·,I. 2. \'bible:. Tmal ~ol:ir and I'\' dma.:ire h:i,ed on h1horatory ~p~ctn.,plh,t1.1tnetric ffit:'"JSUft:nlt"nl!'- \\'dgluc:d by :in :1ppn1pd:11t'·w~ightin~ fum:tion<s> u,ing LBL \'Cind,>w 1. I ,oftware. All ·propt:nie, :mt ,,·l:!'i!.duc:d with_, ,l1l.1r !\pectral irr:tdiam:c: funcuo~ (AST~I E :;,,,.:;-, which represent, the direct nom1al rad,.11" 111 mddent on a surfa,·., ·,11 3-nonhccm lmim,k 1.\1r ~lass 1.51. \'i,;ihle propenie, :ire :ib,, '"'1)!hti:d by the phmopk re,pon,e of 1hcc ,·)·,-. "hid1 is taken a~ th<: Y tri,timulus \":llue ,.,, 1lw C!E 1931 ,tandard ob,el'\·er. The w.,wkn)!lh r:1nges of.the s.un·, c:nc:r!,!\" U!--t!'d to \,."';.\),.:uLlh: propt:nh:s. \'"i:-.ihlc fron, 0.38 ·1;, u.-s m1e·r,,11>. T,,1.11 ~olar from O • .:\ll 10 2.:; mH.:ron:-. ;md l "\ ll\ ,m t l.jO to fl.;\8 mi<:rofl.;. ,3. TrJnsmiu:mce -Pc..•1i.,·n1.1µc..• of non11:.illy indd.ent ,·biblt" li~hr or :--t.,l.u l"llc:rµy 1'>~1!-isin~ -dirt:ctly through the: glazin)! • Hdlt:t1:mc.:c -Pc..•r1i.l.'llt.t~l" of nonnall~ mc:k.Jent , 1:-.iblc:: hg,ht or :--1..,l.11 l"n1..·rµy rdlc..'Ch:<l toward lht" t"Xtt"rior. 118 5. C0,·alue <Btu, hr. sq-ft °Fl -~le:1,ure o( the heat g:.iin or loss throuµh ,gl:Izing due to c:nvironmr:nral differences, hem·een the ou1i:loor and indoor :iir. l"-\'alues-gi\'t'n are center-of-glass ralues c·akulated p.ccr :'\FR<;: JOO standard using LBL \'(';,!. .\\'inter l'··\''alues arc:, ha,ed on :in outdoor-te1i1per.m1re of 0°F C·l8°C>. an indoor tempermure of-0°F <21°Cl. and a 15111p!1,{2;kphl ,wind \'t'locity with no· sun, Summer l'-,·:ilues :ire h:1sed on :In outdoor · tccmper.u.ure of 89°F <32°Cl. an indoor 1empern1urt: of ""5°F C24°C> .. a sobr intensity-of 2-18 Btu l1r sq-t\ .C-89 \\' sq-ml 5nd :t, -.smph < 12kphl wind. T~> obtain metric· L·,,·alue (\\' sq-m.'°C>. multiply h~' 5.6-H. 6. Eurof)<!an C-n1lue (\'(' sq-m Kl is.b:1't'd oh, l~<J-01' 10:?92 dr.1ft standard rnndi1ions. < Pr-,\'io~1sly K hc·cording 10 DIX -i-ou -Splar, Hem (i~in C0<:ffiden1 or SHGC ~ Fraction of·nonnally inddcrit :--olar hc::.1t r:m:r:,fy th~~t make:,, its way through 1h" 11l:12ing und<:r standard !->Ulllmt"r condition:-. 'l'!'l-ct: footnote.: :; J. 'This indu<lc::s both dir.:·c1ly 1r.in,miu.:d <:nt:rgy :mu indirc,1ly tr:insf.,rred h.:al from t'nerg,· ini1i:1II,· ah,orl><-d h\' the ~1:~;dng. · · · , · (L,, 0.5, o.:;~ 0,5, 0:5, 6.;-: os· o.~"' o,56 Q.57 0.5'" 0,57 0.57 0.57 0.57 o,;9 0.59 0.59 Q.55 0.56 0.56 0.57 o.'5~ 0.57 0.5!\ 0.57 0.56 i1:.jCJ 2.8 Al.-8 ll.lJJ u:-19 2.8 o.-r, ll.Sl) U.-19 3.H o.-.. 0,86 9.-19 2.8 0.-2 ll.H·I 0.-1S 2.8 o,-o (UH 0 .. -19 2.8 .o.5-0.67 0.-19 ' 2.8 0.-19 0.56 0.-18 2.8 0.-i-l 0.51 6.-19 2.8 0.62 0.73 0.-19 ', 2.8 o.55 0.6-i 6:-18 2.8 0.50 0.59 Q.48 2.8 o:;o 0.58 0.-19 2.8 · 0.51 0,59 0.-+9' 2.8 0.-15 0.53 d,:i!i 2:8 0.39 0.-15 0.-19 2.8 0.32 0.3'( o.~9 2.8 0.23 0.26 ().48 2.8 o.~o o.~3 0,;8 2;8 0.-16 0.5; 0.-18 2,8 0.-1-:-0.55 0.48 2.8 0.31 0.36 0.48 2.8 Q.33 0.39 0,-18 2.8 '0.29 0.34 o._-is 2.8 0.32 0.38 0.-!l;l 2,8 0.32 0.38 0.-18 2.8 0.35 0.41 0.48 2:8 0.35 OAO i:L Sh:iding Coefficient or SC -The r.uio of solar heat gain through th<: glass relath·cc to that through I S" < ,:Imm I clear glass :l! normal incidenq~. :'sole 1ha1 Rel:11i,·e He:11 Gain or RHG <Btu hr·sq-f1>. "·hicl1 is the, amou_n! of heal gained through the glass at :tssuined ASHRAE conditions. can he . cakulatccd using the following t'CJU:ltion: RHG s SCl20()l+l·-,·alue 0-1>. T9 obt:iin mi:tric RHG (\\' sq-m>. nwl1iply by :HS~. 9. l·,.., of'Energy Adyam:ige Low-E wi1h the-coating cm the exposed interior surface m:iy increase the possihility of condt:!n:-,~uion formation during S~\'~rt" winte;:-r con<litions. - - r • .-• • C: 0 ~ ~ c Q) ~ 0 0 .c: C. 0 -C\I Q) C> (ti C. Q) Q) Cl) ·13125/ALU Buyline 4882 ' 11111~11 • ALUMAX Aluminum Seating SfStS'ins -,-- .--J.- -· %.f-J_fJJ!Qbl@$}$ ·1 .J '"\ ' -Spectator Benches , . Alumax spectator. benches are available. ~th or without back rests. in a broad selection of colors and styles, _ Seats are flat or contoured. as specified. Choose between comfort-contoured back rests or back rests with individual dish-contoured positions. Seat and back rests may be ordered in any cif eight color-fast enamel finishes. or in any of five color anodized finishes. Alumaxs four-way adjustable bolt-clamp · · attachment system and extensive pre· engineering ensure fast ldw cost installation. Alumax all-aluminum benches are fire-proof virtually ·mafntenance0free and vandal-resistant. Sizes Widths: Flat seat: 8''. 10", 11" or 12". Contoured seats: 11" or 12''. Footboards: 4''. 6", 8" .. 10" or 12". Lengths: dear anodized: up to 33'. Painted: up to 15'. Mounting Benches may be nser moµnted, floor mounted or tread mounted. An~tegrcil.- post bracket is available for·risers 12" or higher when back re~ are used Finish Standard finish for seats. back rests and· accessories, such as eno. caps and joint covers, is dear anodized. Footboards and. attachment hardware are mill finish. Back rests and seats may be ordered·in gold, ambet bronze or black anodized finish. or in red, blue, green, yellow, orange, maroon, purple or white enamel finisl:i. Specifications Detail spedficatiops .µid conditions are given on page 11. For more information call 800-643-1514. In Arkansas: (501) 234-4260; Contoured Seat and Back Rest Contoured Seat. --~· -. --·------·---------·-----· Cove~ Photograph Installations 1 Great Adventure -Aqua Arena· Jackson. New Jersey . • Medalist Standard Steel Industries Designers and Builders Three Rivers. Michigan • 2 Disch-Falk Baseball Stadium The University of Texas at AllStin Marmon-Mok Associat~s -Architects San Antonio. Texas 3 Irmo High School Stadium Irmo. South Carolina William 0. Fulmei; Architect , , Columbia, South Carolina 4 Mile High Stadium Denvet Colorado DMJM-Phillips-Re~tet Inc. Architects. Designers. and Engineers Denvet Colorado 5 Belmont Plaza OlympicPool Long Beach. california Mackintosh & Mackintosh. Inc. Consulting Engineers Los Angeles. california 1 3 14 2 5 For information on other architectural products by Alumax. refer to: 09120/ALU (BuyLine 4881) Aluminum Ceiling Grid 08100/ALU (BuyLine 4879) Interior Door ·Frames ' 1111/jllll''ALUMAX MAGNOLIA DIVISION , • 1617 N. Washington, Magnolia, AR 11753 WATS: 800-643-1514 ARK: 501-234-4260 12 _Repre~entative Installations Listed below are r~presentative installations of Alumax aluminum seating systems. For installa- tioni; in your ar~a or a comprehem;ive list of all of the thousands of Alumax seating systems call 800-643-15_14: in Arkansas: ($01) ~34-4260. · · Municipal and Other Facilities · I_nsullation New aampshire International' Speedway · Atlanta International Raceway Phoenix Internatiopal Raceway Seaworld of Texas Ponce Track Stadium Richmond Raceway Indianapolis Motor Speedway Dover Downs Macon Co\lllty Greyhound: Paik Seaworld of Florida Rickwood Field West Allis Fairgrounds 'langerine Bpwl King c,,,unty Stadium Minot Civic Center Louisiana State ·Fait Stadium Colleges and Universities Pennsylvania State University Butler University West Point Military Academy ~arvard University Monmouth College' Mississippi College Michigan State University University of Connecticut University of South Carolina, Florida State University University of Kentu~y Univers~ty of Texas Jiigh Schools Grants Pass High School Southern Regional High School Paramont High School Burnsville High School Wooster High School Haywood High School Scottsbluff Public Schools Hazelwood Schools . chesapeake High School Unionto~ HighSchool jonesboro-Hodge High School Thp~son High School Williamsville .Si: High School Catoosa High School Duncanville High School Meigs Ji: Uigh School Year 1989 1989. 1989 1988 1987. 1988 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1980 1975 1975 1974 1974 1989 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1974 1973 1971 1989 1989 1989 1989 1988 1988 1988 1988 1987 .1986 1984 1984 1983 1982 1974 1974 Location ~padty Loudon. NH ............. 55.212 Atlanta. GA : : ; ; • . . • . . . . . . 13.453 Phoenix, AZ •••• : .•.•.••• , 6,804 San Antonio, TX .......•... 3.466 Ponce, Puerto Rico . . . . . . . . . 3.105 Richmond. VA ............ 58.800 Indianapolis. IN ........... 4.670 Dover. DE ... , ........... 18.474 Shorter. AL ............... 3.030 Orlando. FL .............. 11.609 Birmingham, AL ..•••...... 7,640 West Allis, WI ............. 2.239 Orlando. FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.500 Seattle, WA ............... 45.348 Minot. ND ................. 1.219 Shreveport. LA .... , . . . . . . 38.000 University Park. PA ....•.... 8,475 Inciianapolis. IN . . . . . . . . . . . 8.172 West Point. NY . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,625 Cambridge. MA ............. 600 Monmouth. IL ............. 1.813 Clinton. MS .............. 15,077 East Lansing. MI . . . . . . . . . . 16,702 Storrs. CT ................ 4.135 Columbia. SC .............. 13.903 1allahassee, FL ........... 51.000 Lexington. KY ............ 50.000 Austin, TX , ...........•. 78,000 Grants Pass. OR . . . . . . . . . . . 1.602 Manahawkin. NJ ........... 2,223 Paramont. CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.268 Burnsville. MN ............ 6.687 Reno, NV ................. 1.612 Brownsville. TN . . . . . . . . . . . 1.700 Scottsbluff NB ............ 1.401 Florissant. MO ............. 9.518 chesa:peake. OH ........... 1,079 Uniontown. PA ............ 2.745 Jonesboro, LA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.889 Thomson. GA ............. 4.372 Williamsville, NY . . . . . . . . . . 3.226 Catoqsa. OK ............... 2.417 Duncanville. TX ........... 8.125 Shalimar. FL .............. 3.750 1992CAT7/91 Printed In U.S.A. L ~ ... , __ . E ~~ CABLEFLOO-R~ -- J>· . .\ 10270ii=LE ._ Buyline-64~~ (-. .· 1~: .. ,. '-,, · ... J I .1 .i ,; i: ! I '(: J j I I I :I ·, I I I i I I I I • • • · Overly Manufacturing Company Page·r of 1 . --··-·····----~--11111111···· MANUFAOURlNG CC>t\'\PANY . Profile of Overly Manufacturing Company Acoustical Doors, Blast Doors and Security Products Overly's Acoustical Door and Frame Syste~s are tested at a nationally recogniz~q. acoustical laboratory-in accordance with the most recent acoustic standards._ Our swinging acoustical doors have STC (Sound Transmission Class) ratings ranging from STC 42 through STC 59 and range in size from 4.45 cm thick to 30.5 cm thick. The majority-of Overly'sSwinging Acoustic~! Doors are ava,ilable. with UL fire door labels~ refer to the chart listed below for a complete list of fire-rated models. Because of our manufacturing methods, Overly'$ sound-retardant doors achieve a higher STC ratin,g th&n most comparable doors on the market. As a manufacturer of custom designed acoustical door and window systems, Overly has the capabilities to design and build to all of your exacting specifications. s .. , ~-llti a..t I ,Q,)$!.(£_ ,.a:.,;,.-~ i, ... \ .. . ---... -.~ _JC_, :ctwt_· _-__ ------~:I·. ~ ! .... __. ........ , . I , J , ., . lt Z' J 3 J '_41 4 ~ I 4 . t J ©Copyright 1996 Ove~ly Manufacturing Company http://www.overly.com/door/dw/drindex.httnl 4/7/97 • • • -Sound Specs ~· ' " : .. : ,' ' .. ' . ·; SPECIFICATIONS SOUND RETARDANT SWINGING DOOR, SLIDING DOOR AND FIXED WINDOW ASSEMBLIES Part 1-General 1.1 Description A. Work Included: Provide Sound retardant [swinging door] [sliding door] [fixed window] systems where shown on drawings and as specified herein. B. Related Work: Documents affecting work of this Section :include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of these Specifications. Except for the items specifically listed in this Section, such finish h&tdware as locksets, panic devices, anc;i door closets are furnished and installed under other sections of these SJ,:>ecifications. 1.2 Quality Assurance. A. Experience: Provide work of this Section designed and furnished by one manufacturer, fac;t0ry-assembled, completely operaple, and shipped~ a unit. Use manufacturer wh,o hi;ts been engaged jn the man1,1fa.cture of sound retardant door systems for at least five years immediately prior to the start of this-wotk and who has a history of successful production acce]?table to the Architect. 1.3 Submittals A. Shop Prawings: Submit a schedule of items to be provic;l.ed under this section along with shop drawings in sufficient detail to show fabrication, installation, anchorage and interface of the work of this: section with-the work of adjacent trades. B. Certificatiqn: Provide certification that the door construction utilized has been tested at an independent laboratory ih accordance with ASTM E90-90, and that the STC determined in accordance with ASTM E413-'87 is not less than that specified in Part 2 of this Section. The laboratory referenced in the certification must be qualified under the National Volurttacy Laboratory Accreditation Program (NA VLAP) of the U.S. Bureau of Stan~ards. Certification must reference laboratory name, test report number, and date of test; substitution of test data not in accordance with ASTM E90-90 and E413-87 Will not be acceptable. C. Secondary Reqllirements: If fire resistance is requfred certify that assemblies have been tested in accordance. with ASTM ES 12-81 A (UL-lOb) for labeled fire doors and frames, and meets the requirements of NFP A 80. If seismic _stability is http://www.overly.com/door/dw/spec.htm1 Page 1 of 3 4/7/97 -Overly _Mariufactupng Page 1 of3_ . . • Phvsical Characteristics and Certified Test Performance oer ASTM E90 and E413 Model Maximum Wieght Seal U.t~ -. · Description STC Number Glass LbsJSq.F'f, Binges Lockset Type Fire Notes Area (kg/m2) Lables consult 39·.5 . cam-,lift mortise 43 ,439388 -magnetic BCDE 1,2,3,8 factory (8.1) lMCL-50( . or icylindrica . . . consult 33.2 mortise 43 459573 factory (6.8} standard .or ModelH BCDE 1,3,8 . jeylindriGa . . . consult --48.8 ca,.m-lift mortise 46 469312 or Magnetic BCDE 1,2,3,8 factory (10.0) _MCL-50( ivlindriqa consult 43.9 mortise 46 469378 standard !Magnetic BCDE 1,3,8 factory (9,0) or cvlindrioa .. consult 43.9 mortise . 44mm 48 489383 · .standard Mod~l ll BCDE 1,3,8 factory (9.0) or (1-3/4") k::V lindrica • Single and , 645 sq. ·, mortise Pairs 49 14992295 cm. 54.7 cam-lift ModelH BCDE 1,2,3',7,8 Swinging (1-00 sq. (11.2) -MCL-50( . or ICylirtdrica Doors in) - consult · 42-.5 cam-lift mortise 50 509575 or ·Model H BCDE 1,2,3,8 factory (8.7) MCL-50( t:vlirn;lrjc_a consult 53.7 cam-lift mortise·. 49 509589 factory (ll.0) lMCL-50< or . magnetic BCDE 1,2,3,8,11 icv l1ndrica .. 1935 sq. .. mortise 51 51922&8 cm. 58.2 cam-lift Model H BCDE 1,2,3,7,8 (300 sq. (11.9) lMCL-50( Of ICylindrica: in) consult 54.7 cam-lift mortise 52 5292185 factory (11.2) MCL-50( -or Model H BCDE l,2,3,8 ~ylinqrica . . . . 70mm consult 73.2 cam .. lift •. mortise -Dual (2-3/4") 53 539391. factory (15.0) -IMCL-5QC . 01,' . Magnetic IABCDE 1,2,3,4,8, 1~ Single and cylindrica • Pairs mortise . consuft 73.2 . cam-lifct Dual Swinging 54 5492298 factory (15.0) · lMCL-50< ot Model H IABCD:E 1,2,3,8 Doors ~ylindrica 44mm ( 1-3/4") http://www.overly.com/door/dw/mindex.html · 4/1/97 HINGED I SLIDING MANUAL I POWER OPERATED NOISE.CONTROL WINDOWS ACOUSTIC I RF-EM/ I FIRE FIELD SERVICE I TECH SUPPORT ,s· ·t--------'--~~-~----'--'------,--,,-D o or and Wi.n:dow .Selection Guide MAGNETIC'NOISE CONTROL SEALS WT SEAL TYPE HINGE U/1.. 8ECOMMENDED STC MODEL NO. LB/SQ. FT. ASTRAGAL NOTES TYPE LABEL MAX.V/1..AREA 42 NC6-15-8642 8.5 NC6 STD BCDE 900 SO.IN. 44 NC6-15-8944 10.1 NC6 C/L BCDE. 300'SQ .. JN. 46 NC6-18-9146 12.9 NC6 -C/L BCDE 216 SQ. IN, 46 NC7-19-9346-.--14.3 • NC7 . FULL GLASS· .-,,, C/l"a r:·; BCDE' · 1440 SQ. IN.· 48 NC6-16-8848 .12.7 ,NC6 C/L ABCDE _· CALL 49 NC7-16-8649 12.7 •. NC7 STD .. ABCDE CALL · 50 NC7-18-9150 12'.9 _ .• NC7 C/L BCDE" . CALL 51 NC7-17-8951 14.4 NC7 C/L ABCPE CALL COMPRESSION NOISE CONTROL SEALS 44 NC2-15-8544 8.5 . NC2 . STD BCDE 300 SO. IN. , 45 NC3-15-8545 8.5. NC3 STD BCDE 300 SO. IN. 46 NC5-19-9346, ·. --·:o ·.:14.3. NC5·-.FULl:.-GtASS,,-·. ;· C/L%.:;: ~·-BCDE-· --,, 1440 SQ: IN. 47 NC3-16-8547 . 12.7 .. NC3 STD BCDE 216 SQ. IN. 49 NC5-18-9149 12.9 . NC5 C/L BCDE CALL . 50 NC3-16-8550 12.7 NC3 C/L ABCDE CALL 51 NC5-17-8951 14.4 NC5 C/L ABCDE CALL 52 NC5-19-9352 12.4 NC5 STD ABCDE CALL 53 NC5-19-9353--·' .·: 12.4 .. · NC5 1 3W STC 53 .::·,i STD·oF,: ABCOE.0<·-. · CALL 55 NC12-30-9155 22.9 -~C12 3"THICK C/L NA· NA 00D DOORS WITH COMPRESSION NOISE CONTROL SE:0.LS NC3-WD1-9146 . 7.0, NC3 C/L NA CALL NC5-WD1-9147 7.0 NC5 C/L NA. . CALL PAIRS OF DOORS 45 NC6-216-8945 12.7 . NC6/A1 C/L ABCDE _ 300 SQ. IN. 46 NC3-216-8946 12.7 . NC3/A1 C/L ABCDE 300 SQ. IN. 47 NC6-216-8947 12:7 NC6/A1 C/L ABGDE 216 SQ. IN. 49 NC6-216-8949 12.7 NC6/A2 C/l BCDE. CALL 51 NC?-216-8951 .12.7 . NC7/A2 C/L BCDE CALL NOISE CONTROL VIEW WINDOWS . STC MODEL NO. THK. WT. -AREA TESTED GLA~S TYPE 39 NCV-25-8639 8' 9.3 21 SQ. FT. 1£4' LAM .. 42 NCV-50-8642 8' 11.:3 21 SQ. FT. 1/2" LAM. 47 NCV-2525MW-47 8' 10.5 21 SQ. FT. 1/4" MONO. x 1/4" WIRE 49 NCV-2525L-49 8" 11.0 ·_ ·21 SQ. FJ. 1/4"LAM. x J/4' LAM. 50 NCV-3825L-50 a· 12.4 21 SQ. FT. 3/8" !.:AM x 1/4" LAM. 52 N-CV-255-8652 .. , 8" 14.9 . 21 SQ. FT. 1/4' LAM. x 1/2" LAM. 56 . NCV-255-8656 8" 14.9 21 SQ. ff . . '114'LAM. x 1/2'LAM. Unless otherwise noted, doors tested are flush design and 1-'3/4"'thick. Noise Control Seals, Astragals and Cam Lift Hinges are KriegerSonic proprietary design, patent pending. Std. = Standard mortise butt hinge. C/L = Cam Lift hinge. - New Item Los Angeles Office • 880 Gregg Road ico Rivera CA 90660 Tel. 562.695.0645 Fax 562.692.0146 Mesa Office 1645East Draper qrcle Mesa AZ 85203 Tel. 602,834.0555 Fax 602. 834.8896 Seatt/e Office 3625 Interlake Ave. North, Sea_tt/e WA 98103 Tel. 206.547: 1382 Fax 206, 547. 7322 San Frafltisco Office .P:o. Box 552 Novato CA 94948 Te/; 415.893.9736 Fax 415.893.9746 •OPTIONS• INTEGRAL HINGES THRESHOLD C/L ALUM. OR S.S. STD ALUM. OR S.S. STD ALUM. OR S.S. .-· STD ALUM. OR S:S. .. _ STD ALUM. OR S.S. __ . -C/L ALUM. OR ·S.S . NA ALUM. OR S:S. NA ALUM. OR S.S. C/L ALUM. OR S.S . C/L ALUM. OR S:S. ... STD· ALUM. OR S.S; C/L ALUM: OR s:s .. . . STD ALUM. OR S.S . STD Al:UM. OR S.S. . 'STD ALUM: OR S.S. C/L ALUM. OR-S.S .. C/L ALUM. OR S.S. NA ALUM. OR S.S. NA ALUM. OR S.S. NA ALUM. OR 'S.S . STD ALUM. OR.S.S. STD ALUM. OR S.S. _ STD ALUM. OR S.S. NA ALUM. OR S.S. NA ALUM. OR S.S. - GLAZING TYPE ZIPPER GASKET ZIPPER.GASKET NEOPRENE NEOPRENE -NEOPRENE . NEOPRENE ZIPPER GASKET St. Louis Office 11635 Lackla{ldRoad St. Louis, MO 63146 Tel. 314.993.9119 Fax 314. 993.7173 · Pr1n1ea in me u.s A r: ..... .,.r ( .. - • • ·."'-- Alu.min um Doors/Narrow l,.ineConstr,uctlon Sei"!es L . . . .,.,, '~;~ 1'- ===============~fc=.:,;;-J .. ii; d Design/ Appearance Alumir:,um doors in narrowline construction offer '_'high tech" design and appearance. Sections are anodized.for years of weatherability. ~.;-- Maximum Size Limits Track r.,~x.lml!ni Maximum Maximum 51:i;e Wlctt~ Height _Sq. Ft. 2" 29·~211 16'-.1" 240 3" 20'-2" 18'-1" 360 P"nel & Section Schedule Doo~ Wl~th No,,P_a~els Doo.r ~eight N~. Sections VP tbB',6'.' f .up to-8'-6" 4 ·8;-7" to.11'.11'' 3 8'-71' to 10'-6". 5 12'-0" to 14'-11" ·. . 4. 10'-7" to 12106" 6 15'-0'' t17'-11" 5 12'-7" to 14'-6" 7 :l:8'-0" to 20'-2" 6 14'-7" to 16',6" 8 · 16'-7" to 18'-1" 9 t 1[::11 111111 l,, I 1111 1,, ... ,, ·J[' I(, I l[,rll 1111 • • 4/1 ... -ALUMINUM DOORS Aluminum Doors-Narrow Line Construction/ s·eries L . ' ' . ' ' Exclusive F~atures ~---::;~-__.,~~---,----,---,--Aluniirium panels and glass are completely encased in soft vinyl channels and hei_d in place with snap.on extrµded aluminum retainers. ~--"--,---'-"---,---"--'-Sections are m_ade frpm 6063T5 aluminum allpy frame and .6~ thick aluminu/Tl panels joined together with minimum o/,s' through bolts. 1--~-,---------,-Adjustable vinyl bottom w~atherseal is held in place by Specifications Doors shall be aluminum sectional over- head type Series "I.!' as manufactured by Raynor Manufacturin~ Company. Door Sections Serles "L"-Sections shall be 1¾" thick 6063T5 qluminum alloy frame with .059 thick aluminum panels. Stiles and rails to be joined to- gether with minimum o/1s' galvanized thru bolts. Panels.and glass to be com- pletely encased in soft vinyl channels and held in place with a snap-in extruded . aluminum retainer. Bottom-rail to be 2%" or 4%" wide depending on door size. Top rail to be 2%". Combined meeting rail pair 1½". End stiles ·shall be ~%" wide and center stiles '1/is". End stiles to be hollow enclosed type in lieu of open end type. Intermediate rails to have integri;!I reinforcing wee: 1%" deep up to 12 feet wide, 2¾" deep··12 to 16 feet wide, and 3¾" deep over 16 feet Wide. Bottom rail of door to have adjustable aluminum channel with vinyl weatherstrip t9 seal door to floor. Distributed by: aluminum channel. Finish-All extrusions and panels,to be etched and clear anodized to meet spec- ification 204R1. Special anodized fin- ishes available. Tracks-2" or 3" according t9 door size. Hotdip galvanized finish;Trapks to have Graduated Seal"' for weathertight clos- ing. ~rtical tracks to be bracket mounted (2" only) or continuous angle mounted and flilly'adjustable for sealing door to jamb. Continuous angle-size to be not less than 2%s" x 4" x %2" on 2" track or 3½" x 5" x ¼" on 3" track. Horizontal track to be adequately reinforced with continuous angle. Hardware-All hinges arid brackets made from hot dip galvanized steel; Track rollers shall have ten¼" diameter har- dened steel balls per roller (2") and ten 5/1s" diameter hardened·steel balls per roller(3"). .spring Counter Balance-:-Heavy:duty oil tempered wire torsion springs on continuous ball bearing,cross header shaft. Galvanized lifting cables with minimum$afety factor 7 to 1. Lock-Exterior Locking-Five.pin tum- bler-cylinder with night latch and steel bar engaging trac~. Interior Locking...:Jnterior deaq bolt is provided with hole to receive padlock._ · Weatherstripping-Adjustable alumi- num channel anq vinyl weatherseal on b9ttom.of door standard. Perimeter seal for jambs and header optional. Aluminum and vinyl jamb and header moulding available as an option. Wind Load-Doors designed to with- .stand 20 lbs. per square foot. Deflection of doors in horizontal position to be maximum 1/ 120 of door width. Glass-Any or all sections-may be fur- nished With-DSB, 3/is', ¼" clear or wire glass, ¼" or¾" plexiglass. Framing-Door jambs and mounting pads to ~e furnished by other thah door contractor. Insulation Value-"U" factor '1.15. Raynor Garage Doors, P .0. Box 448, East River Road, Dixon, IL 61021, 1-800-4-RAYNOR (472-9667) ~I t _:·, C. { . iiiMl •f;i#•1liSt+J:JB•lR1~tif iti1 = .i. &l~ w~ 0771~/MMS inSWEETS -- Fascia Systems Coping Systems - • Reglet . • Gr_avel Guards ·• Standard Gutters and Downspouts 11 • Roof Expansion H Joints I • Column Covers FOR DES!G:--.: .-\SS!ST.-\NCEOR INFORMATION ON-OTHER M~I SYSTE:V!S PRODl:JCTS, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL YIM REPRESENTATIVE. PL:ASTER/DRY\V,\LL MOLDINGS -092oor.:..1MS • CUSTO~l :COLL'~!N cdv'ERS -05600A\:--1s • EXPANSION JOINTS -05800ATMS 1'RENCH FRAMES ANQ_ACCESS COVERS -05532~1:\lS • FASCIA&: ~dPl~G S'(STEMS-07715/MMS \1\1 .,.11..:::. .. \:1,rr\•t.111,1111-..~"''" 1hi: n.:m i.1 \~11nJr.1w 1ri.: ,!,• ·11Jr \\.1rr.um l'h.1-.f.!1." .! ,•tni.:r -r,.·1-1111..-J ,,r .1pprt1\,:<l m.1:11..:.1 .. :•1r.:r, J,1 U<11 ,1Zh:r .m 1....::m.1kn_1 -.,.1rnn1:, In :-r ... -. ... ~:m.:; zhi:-•• 11,11,,:.:, -.1 ... • •• ir:n,•t d,11111 t,• -....r.1..· .:1 m1 !:>ut .111 .u.1-.1~,, ••• :r-.1dl\ .m,I .. 111 •1r.!..-:: 1k.: r.,1 iuli1h1;, .-\II ri:1.omm.:r:dJ111m') ·~·.:.1r..: ,:.: ·:..: u"" .-1 ,1ur :·r,,b .. :, •n,,ulJ i'" m, ... l1f1i.:1.1 1! 1wu ...... -..1ty •,, ._,,n:, :n -.urh J,..._,11 ,..,1n1.l:',,>n•.lrlJ m.u,n.l!; ,mp/,n,•J \l\l •, -1,:m.• \.·,1rr-•r.111 .. n ,,.,., :,::-.:r,1.~ 1hl! n.,m 1,1 .ur.,mJ ,,r ._:ul".:,: 1n'-,,1 dt,: mll1rm.lt1,•n ._,•n1.11r.1.-<l heh.In. \\h.:1h1.r 1111dl,:~t :i,~.., :-::,•m:.m,•n ,11•1.u1•1.J. ,•r .... :i,,:J,:J In u•nl,•rm M -r,:t:1h ... ;'r":•d 1,,., ,•r ._1m1.1t,: ,,•nJ1111•n• -----------------==--- Specialty Architectural & Construction Products 7750 PAINTER AVENUE Building. wH1rnER. cAur=oRNIA 9oso2 /J (310) 945-8951 vomponents FAX NO. (310) 696-1075- ,NC. • • · -Steel Lockers , · · : • • ------........ -~ . ~-~-.----.. --.... ' (A) Single lier l.,ockers feature full-length clothing storage with shelf for hats, personal effects. (B) Double-lier Lockers are particularly economic~! for short-term occupancy or .where long coats are nor.worn. COLORS -·see.B'ack Cover Fot Information (C) Three-tier Lockers have the same benefit as double tier, yeLoffer more openings. (D) Six_-lier Lockers provide high density storage f0r indi- vidual qelongings, supplies. Size 3-Wide CaL No. 1-Wide CaL No. Size 3-Wide CaL No. 1-Wide CaL No . ' . ~:-~~.~-. '' . ·,,·---~~.!4·_ 12"w X 12"d X 60"h* l 2"W X l 5"d X 60"h* 12"w X 18"d X 60-"h* l 2"w X l 2"d X 72"h* 12"wx 15"d x 72"h* l 2"w x l B"d x 72"h* l 5"w X l B"d X 72"h* lB"w X 18"d X 72"h* 1 B"w x l B"d x 72''h* (B) Doii- 12"w X l 2"d X 36'!h* 12"w X 15"d X 36"h* 12"w x 1 B"d x 36"h* 12"w X l 2"d X 30"h* 15"wx 15"dx36"h* 5002-3 5012-3 5022-3 5-112-3 q032.:3 5042-3 q062-3 5092-3 ·5102-3 ·5~02-~ 5212-3 5222-3 5242-3 5252-3 5002 5012 5022 5112 5032 5042 5062 5092 5102 5io2 5212 5222 5242 5252 HARDWOOD AND PLASTIC LAMINATE LOCKER ROOM BENCHES Rigid, durable and attrac- tive. Selected hardwood seats with clear sealer or plastic laminate. All benches 9' long or longer have three pedestals. er---r Description W x D x H Cat No. ..::"i,•1 ... ~.._ • ' ---• • • --,.,--~ -~ ~ 6-Ft Hardwood Locker Bench 8-Ft Hardwood Locker Bench 9-Ft Hardwood Locker Bench 10-Ft Hardwood Locker Bench 6-Ft Plastic Laminate Locker Bench 10-Ft. Plastic Laminate Locker Bench 72" X 9½" X 18" 96" X 9½" X 18" 108'' X 9½" X 18" 120" X 9½" X 18" 72" X 12" X 18" 120" X 12" X 18" 5810 5811 58'12 5813 5815 5817 ..... ; . ,~,.. ·:~--·.:;_; 12"w x l5"d-x 24"h* 5283-3 5283 i=oii 12"W X 12"d X 12"h* 5352-3 5352 riw=.ji . , 1211W X i2''d X 12"h* 12"W X 15"d X 12"h* 15"w X 15"dx. 12"h* .. (D~) 12"w x r2''d x 12"h* 12"wx·15';dx 12"h* 12"wx lB''dx 12"h* 5302-3 5312-3 5322-3 5332-3' 5342.:3 5362,-3- 5302 5312 5322 5332 5342 5362 · ·Heights shown:do not include legs-adi6"·w height for legs. STORAGE FOR TWO PEOPLE IN" A SJ>ACE ONLY 15" WIDE! Eaqh occupi,mt has a full-length coat compartment with two hooks, plus a full- width opening ~t top for small articles. Left .door and upper compartment work together as do the right-hand door and lower compartment. Coat compartment doors ,have harid!~s with padlock attach- ments. Built-in locks are optional. Shipped KO. Overall size: lB"d·x 72"h* . Width Frames Openings CaL No. ·~~:'-\ T5" 1 4 (2 people) ·5407 45" 3 12 (6 people) 5407-3 "Rf!ighrs shown do notJnclude legs-add 6" to for leg$ .--Y • • -~ :e • • FINISH -Oove~ray ALL SHIPPED SET UPI Options/ Accessories (D) BOLT-ON LEGS Like having a safe -.on y-0nr shop floQr! So tough, they're like having safes on your shop floor for storage. Lyon cabinets are all-welded steel with doors and shelv~s bolted into welded keyhole slots. Shelves can be reposltioned on 3" centers. Doors feature seeure; 3-point locking system with·¾" latch rod and 3/-," latch plate. All cabinets shown are 36" wide, · 21" deep and ship wrapped in corrugate (on 4" high wood blocks to accommodate fork lift) with shelves bolted in place. Shelf load capacity is 1450 lbs. (A) 78"H FULL HEIGHT CABINET No. 001114-4 adjustableshelves Provide fork lift access. add 4" tb 0verall height of cabinet. Steel. Bolts included. COLOR INFORMATION: Unless otherwise noted, finisl:les for Lyon products In this catalog are Dove -Gray,_ Putty (a light beige), Wedgewood Blue arn;J Ash. Not all products are available in all colors. The color icon at right illustrates the colors a particular product is available in. When a lnStk symbol appears in a color bloc~ ,that c::oloF is ava1labie from stock. Please call your-Jocal Lyon dealer for any questions. Contact your local .Lyon d.ealer: (B) 60"1-i EYE LEVEL No. 001117 -Set No. 0011'12 -3 adjustaple shelves EXTRA SHELVES (C) 42"H COUNTER HIGH Steel; 36" wide x 21" deep. Bolt-in to install. Bolts included. No. 001116-1 -Single Shelf No. 001110·-2 adjustable.shelves COLORS .. Each·cofor block recrSSents one cc1cr tf.e proc1.:c: :s a'la1!aofe m. A lnSlk m·a block means this cofor.-1~ m Sieck. Praduct Index Shelving ........................... 2 Shelf, Boxes ...... , ......... : ... 3 ModularDrawers, Cabinets .... 3-7 Storage Rack ................ 8-9 Assembly Work Stations ....... 20 SkyWal™ Components ........ 21 Ergonomic Seating .......•. 22-23 ESD Seating ................. 20 Pallet Rack ................ 10.:11 lilt Bin Carts ................. 24 Cantilever Rack ...•........... 12 Specialty Storage ............. 13 Guard,-Rail Systems ............ 14 Work Benches ................ 15 Shop Desks .....•............ 25 Tool Stands & Cabinets ........ 25 Industrial Stools .............. 23 Mobile Tool Storage ........... 27 Cabinet Work Stations ......... 18 Lockers ................... 28-29 Modular Work Stations ........ 19 Storage Cabinets .......... 30-32 LYON® Lyon Metal Products P.O. Box 671 .Aurora, R 60507-0671 Telephone: 630/892-8941 Customer Service: 800/323-0082 Literature: 800/323-0096 FAX: 800/367-6681 internet http:/ /www.lyon-metal.com • • • _~iL II:.rlll'lLT}1l,. Bil, O?iZE, ST.A.JNLESS $TEEL 1·0350/AME. -BUYLINE 0332 • Butt Di<?,meter =c 4 inches Top Diameter= 2-1/2 inches Ball Diameter = 4 inches Wall Thickness·= .1·88 "rr--i5Yz''._ .;:-r 17" • i tfs1i2 .. _ /;J ~ . a ' ' ' ' ' ' ' f I 24" no.0111 -··-12"- no. 0104 12½"--~ no. 0100A MATERIAL: FINISH:. FINIAL: TRUCK: HALYARD: CLEAT: ST . ..J...'iD.J..,,":.DS: O[TRIGGER Alloy 6063·T6 aluminum tubing Directional satin.ground' Aluminum ball with flush seam Single stationary cast· aruminum with metal sheave #10 (5/16" dia.) braided rope polypropylene with two chrome plated bronze swivel snaphooks One cast aluminurr,. cleat. attached with two 5/16" stainless steel screws · · PULLEY: 3/8" 16NC eyeball arid fixed double·pulley ANCHORAGE: 3/4" 10NC x 18" long full threaded stainless steel studbolts with 14" long 1-1 /4" SCH 10 pipe sleeves 3?ECIFIC.1.TIOS'i: 0CTR.IG[;ER Furnish and erect where shown on plans, American Flagpole number __ complete with standard features as indicated. ·Outrigger pole shall be fitted with a single stationary truck for external halyard operation, have a mounting angle of __ from vertical. an·ov!:)rall length of __ feet. butt diameter of __ inches. top diameter of inches, and butt' wall thickness o'f inches: Provide standard flagpole fittings and equipment as· manufactured by.American Flagpole. Abingdon. VA. 17"' OUTRIGGER 0111 8,(2.44) · ,5'6(1':68) 46(2:1) 93380-001 10(3.05) 8'3{2;52) 51-(23) 9?380-002 .. 30(525)._ _12(3.66) 8'3(2.52) 57(26) 8'?(?:?~) -" .-}J'·· ' 14/4;.27) ., ,. :-;:, 62(28) ~80-003 93380-004 15(4.57) 8'3,(2;52) " 65(29) " 93380-005. 8(2.44) 5'6.(1:S.?l. •";.'";;:"" 46(21) 10(3.05) 8'3(2:52) . :-.i~ 51 (23) 12(3.66) ·8'3(2,52} 45(785};~-57(26) 14(4.27) '8'3(2.52) .::·;,,· 62(28) 15(4.57) 8'3(2:52) 65(29) 93380·009 93380-010 93380-011 93380-012 93380-013 8(2.44) 5'6(1.68) :;, 46 (21) · .. <_ -~ 1r:~ 10 (3.05) 8'3(2.52) : ,:, )~-:;_ .. 51 {?3) 93380-017 93380-018 . 12,(3.66) . 8'3(2:52) 60(1050). 57(26) !;13380-019 14(4.27) 8'3(2.52) •, 62(28) 93380-020 15 (4.57) ' 8'3(2.52) .... , ·65'{29) 93380-021 Other sizes avaiiable - Available in bronze and stainless steel · OUTRIGGER 0104 Q) £ 0 of C. 0) Cl £ C 0 Ill 0) ' ,Q) CL. u::: -1 0.,..:.... C: '*I: C 'C ...... ui O>-Ill Cl -1 E ~E Q) ' -Cl .g .Q' ~s .C,.:,:; m:: Q)~ Olm .Cl~ Q) II! c.-'aj • Eiii 15 Q), . Ill Q) Q) ... I-~ I-~ o..S 3~ <C 0 8 {2.44) · ·5;5 (1.68) 46(21) 93382-001 10(3.05) 8'3{~.52) 51 (23) '93382-002 12(3.66) 8'3(2.52) 45(785) 57(26) 93382·003 14(4.27) 8'3(2:52) 62(28) 93382-004 15(4.57) 8'3{2'.52) 65(29) 93382-005 Other siz~savail~ble .. OUTRiGGER 01 OOA Q) .£ 0 ai C. . Cl Cl £ C: 0 Ill 0) Q) . a.. u::: -1 -C: '*I: C:' -d-ui 0-ai-Ill Cl -I .E ~E Q)~ -Cl .g .Q E?~ .c.:,:; ajY ai~ Cl-Q) Ill oa> a.-Cl ... "aj • Eiii Ill Q) <l> E 3~ I-~ I-~ Cl~ <CO I 8(2.44) 5'6"1~68) 46(21) 93381·001 10 {3.05) • 8'3 (2-:,52) 51 (23) 93381-002 .. 12(3.q6) 8'3(2:52) 45 ~78;,) 57·(26) 93381-003 14(4.27) 8'3{2:s2i ' 62(28} 93381-004 15(4.57.) 8'3(2.52) 65(29) 93381·005 Other si:z:es available· .. . c· American 800-368-717t . · · 540-676-3090 (Fax). Flagp-o 1 e ,' · 13 • •• • .............................................•................... WASHINGTON Professor Dennis Fukai, De- partment of Architecture and Construction Managemen,t, Washington State University, Pullman, has been aw~rded one of four grants fro:m the ¥eta! Building Manufatturers Associa- tion. The grant, which is for the development of educational cur-· riculum materials on me~al building systems, is based on . Fukai's development .of a " · al trainer" on the World V ovated or expanded space for three Seattle,.area comparµe(5: computer software firms SCSI Compute and Electronic Arts of Bellevue and' the investment firm Dain B9sworth ofKirkland. SCS/Compute doti.l;>led ·its space when it moved its executive offices, technology center_ and customer support group to the Newport Tower in Seattle, w4ere SDL McCarthy renovated 53,000· so.ft nf' "--. .e third and Web designed to explore h cal, practical and applied.:· of metal building systems· user-defined, self-paced ele ic learning environment. seven-story ·orµc Arts b1> 0 p~ ertainmerit rnLMc-. / 0 c,· j /-::. · · ~:molition l l . ~ . .;,oo.o sq .ft. in . Cct -~ lAA)-'l . ingin ~w O >rthe Bellevue general contra, SDL McCarthy, has recently ren- -,-vv uw10-out was Callison Architecture of Seattle. Dain Nature created the beauty of ceda; shake; we improved the performance. Cal-Slate'· • The elegance of natural slate • Lighter than natural slate II 4 natural colors • Fire Proof • Light Weight • 25 Year Warranty ·Cal .. Shake ® • Th~ beauty of original wood shake a Rich Texture • 4 colors reflecting the natural aging process of wood sh.ake · ~ Light Weight • Fire Proof • Affordable • Affordable • Made in California (818) 969-7544 California Shake .Corporation -5355·N_. Vincrriit·Av~., l~Jlldaale, CA 91706 Capturing the natural beauty of Vermont slate at half the cost and weight. . ' . W-6 Design/Build • March 1997 . For more data circle #4 Bosworth.hired SDL McCarthy · to build an addition to its· exist- ing one-story facility in Kirk-. land; Lance Miller Architects of Seattle designed the 3,000-sqsft., $390;000 addition. ····!············~--·············•••";•••• OREGON Glumac International, Port~ )and-based, e,ngineering firm, has formalized a health care group which provides comprehen~ive engineering services for new construction or renovations of .. medic;al facilities. Richard Gerber, P.E., who recently joined Glumac from Peter F. Loftus in Pittsburgh, PA, is a mechanical associate and .one of six engi- neers who. are members of the new health care group. Others are: Rick Hartung, :mechanical; Lee Fleming, electrical; Gerry Delaney, electrical; principal James Thomas, energy/HVAC;· and D'!:1-n Buck, plumbing. Established in 1971, Glumac has over 150 employees with offices in Portland, Se~ttle, San Fran- cisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles a11d Madrid, Spain. ···················•··················· · TEXAS · Kirby Chadwell, AIA, has joined the Dallas office of The Bentley Company as manager of architectural services. He has over 17 years of architectural and project management -experi- en,ce in the commercial and.hos~. -pita]ity fields. The Bentley Company is .a full~serv.ice engi- neering, architectural and man- agement fir)'Il based in Califor- nia. T4e rec;ently opened Dallas office is at 12201 Merit Drive, Suite 750, Dallas 75251 (972) ~51-9998. ' Type11 NB11 For Ship Stair 2'6" X 4'6" (762mm x 1372mm) Type11DSH11 Double .Leaf Fire Vent -·· ~ Type 11 L.11 Type 11511 For Service Stair 2'6" X 8'0" (762mm x 2438mm) For Ladder Access . 3'0" X 2'6" (914mm x 762mm) ~-..., :!~·~vantages & F·eatures ·-::--~---~II Sileo roof products incor.porate common design and construction features that have firmly established th.em as the finest prod- ucts of their type. They are ruggedly built for long, dependable service. -Cove.rs are of box type design to support a live foad of 40 lb/ft2 (195 kg/m2). The capflashing, full welded corner-joints, thermoplastic r.ubber gasketing·, gla$s-fiber cover insulation and dgid fiberboard curb insulation assure weathertighfness and energy efficiency. Ha'rdwar.e is :zinc plated and chromate sealed for corrosion resistance. Each unit is designe·d with the pr.aper number of compression spring operating mechanisms to provide smooth, easy scuttle cover oper- ation and automatic fire vent reliability. One Hand Operation Unique Type S Bi/co Design gives the ladder user the security of one hand on the ladder and effortless control of the cover to its closed and latched position. Fiberboard Insulation I Installation is simply a matter of placing the Pak-Rope unit over the roof. opening and securing it ca~tashing ---11--t-H~ to the roof deck through the holes provided Mem~ane --11--+f't in th$ base flange,. For buiit up roofing (oyqth!)rs) · Adhered-to itself installafionS, roofing felts are inserted Under Curb-·-· -'----=~J..- the inte·gral capflashirig.. For single- ply install$.tions, the Eiilclip™ quick flashing system is used. (Standard on all Sileo roof products. See detail). Installation instructions are provided with the products for both types of roofing applications. · Type11 D11 Double Leaf $cuttle for Extra Large o;enings . ··~ j · -,,--::;;'~-:.----:: .... ~- -:· .... ., .... ,., ', .. ~·-· ... ' ... ;;tt::~ .: ... ' ._,.,, .. -•""· I 5 -----------------__,..~ ... ~ •11 • •-'I:~;,..~-•'\<." ... : :--~ •. ~t· ~e.l.., • :.~· •• • !ipecify the Door .•. That M,atches the Floor When you need floor access thatblends beautifully with the surrounding floor covering, specify a type "T'' Sileo floor door. The Type "T' comes equipped with 3/16" or 1/4" molding strips to receive composition flooring or direct glue-down car.pet Manufactured of maintenance-free aluminum; it has. specially designed concealed. hinges for consistently close tolerance between the cover plate and frame on all sides. For the finest in horizontal doors, floor, pit and sidewalk doors, ladder safety posts, basement doors, ceiling doors, automatic fire vents, and roof scuttles, see our .catalog. in Sweet's or send for a copy . The Sileo Company, Dept. FS-119 P;O .. Box 1203, New Haven, CT 06505 ] . ,. 1, .. ] ]1 l ] ] l j ]. -; ·M EXTERIOR . -a ,•. 07420/ATI Bu'yline3135 The .stylish look of · Alucobond Material is al.ways consistent with any design. Kubota tractor Corporation Tor.ranee, California · · Distributor: Elward Systems Corporation Denver, Colorado Architect: LPA Irvine, California This striking new facility was originally plann~d to utilize a wet s~al cladding system with porcelain panels. That was until Alucobond Material came along! Alamodome San Antonio, Texas Distributor: . Arrowali Company San Antonio, Texas . Architect/Engineer of Record: Marmon Mal<, San Antonio, Texas DesignArchitect: HOK Sports Facilities Group Kansas· City, Missouri The versatility0of Alucobond Material played a key role in accompli~hing the design goa:1 of linking the city's historic heritage with San Antonids modern architecture. ', '1 I I .,, I EXTER-QK .. · ·. TJ,e stylish look :ot : : · . . Alucobond Material is always consistent with . any design. Commerce Valley Drive Office Building Thornhill, Ontario Distributor: SOBOTEC, Ltd. Hamilton, Ontario Architect: H & R Developments Downsview, Ontario Alucobond Material offered substantial cost savings for this project and provicled a dramatic, contemporary appearance as well. Richmond Newspapers, Inc. Mechanicsville, Virginia Distributor: W.H. Stovall & Co., hie. Ashland, Virginia Architect: Baskervill & Son Richmond, Virginia Alucobond Material's ~uper-ior ability to capture a crisp, clean high-tech image while providing easy wori<l;lbility in precise · detailing is unsurpassed. b . : .. •, "'"'-,..,' INTERIOR Highlight the interior of. . f...A._ .aur building with the .-Ue quality look achieved outside. Richmond Newspapers, Inc. Mechanicsville, Virginia Distributor: W.H. Stovall & Co., Inc. Ashland, Virginia Architect: Baskervill & So[l Richmond, Virginia The wide variety of design applications of Alucobond Material carried the unique appearance of this building from the outside· to the inside as well. • • Kubota Tractor Corporation Torrance, California Distributor: Elward Systems Corporation Denver, Colorado Architect: · LPA Irvine, California The utilization of Alucobond Material as interior cladding offered the opportunity to provide design continuity throughout the corporate reception area . 8 • • • · .. : COPPER SALE,$, ·1NC. ·.: · .. -. . . .. 05600/COP -~uyLine 5935 M Architectural Metal Column Covers .r-.. ~ . ~-,,-. ~ Adas Nit aad lolt CNipaay . AlotlTKJ: P11p1 Associates GlllD.U C0IIIUC!0I: SliNiy (,olstndlol • ·CDIIIUCIOI: Dab Roofiig aad SliNtaetal r .. .umws: 1" UNA'<:ORE Serles 10, H-ycoalt Paels,. Regal R11 Hy1ar SOOOTM/XJICI' 500-Pr .... FIii'.,.-fWsi b Valspcr, .125" ~ dea-Aaoclzed ~Covar . Designers specify it. Contractors prefer it There is a reason.· See Sweets 07610/COP for roofing systems and 07420/COP for wall panels. • • • :'l•HONE :,ii/576-9595 •· FAX 612/576-9596 - • Arthitettural Metal Co,Jumn· ·covers Series 100 -Reveal Joint System The Reveal Joint System is specially designed to accommodate installation in restricted clearances, where there is- virtually na room on the lop or bottom of the column. The reveal may vary in dimension, with a minimu(ll of½", depending on the desired appearance. On ci 3//' or larger reveal; a channel filler is available; if less, a caulk fill is recommended. The Series I 00 is on economical, functional column cover system. Option A: This system utilizes a caulk fill, a? specified by architect. Option 8: This system offers a channel filler. After applying a caulk f1!I, chonriel:is inserted in· joint and heldjn .place . 05600/COP BuyLine 5935 B Series 200 -Hairline Joint System \ . ~ §~~:?J~:~~;r& : I --\-~,-~ .. -:,;r I £ 1~u .-.i,1 i I ] ; . I ; -,. . . - j ·:T~ I ,:i .._, I i·l- 1. i~--.:... I ~ • • ' i ...... ., .,I I The Hairline Joint System is designed to enhance aesthetic appeal by minimizing joint appearance. It is assembled using a rivet nut system. A .large tear-drop receiver simplifies installation procedures. _One inch is necessary al the head of the colu_mn to install the second-half. / Both systems offor considerable flexibility in horizontal reveal, head, and base areas. With our custom fabrication capabilities, design and manufacture of the architect's most intricate ideas con be achieved. 6EAM Keyslot System Procedure: Step l: lnsto!Lthe ·z· bars with screws :o the H-beom or concrete column every 1a· to 36'. .Step 2: · Install first half of c_olumn ond shim as required. Siep 3: _ Toke second half of column and line up screw head with large side of slot. Then push down and column is securely in place. FROM : Pana son i c PPF .. : · . APR.30.1997 3:41PM P 2 • DRYWALL ... r ..... A..., ·1 G-... 'It . ., lJ L· ~-• . Ji.. ... · Surface Preparation Information· for Galice Inc.,. · Fine Plaster Products --~' ~ .. The drywall should be taped as .if preparing the wall for paint. The entire specified surface should then receive at least one :pass of plaster m-ud so-that the coloration of the substrate is consistent. Any inconsistency .in the surface or trowel .marks should be sanded out, as the 1-2mm veneer of our plaster will not hide imperfections in the substrat.e. The final prepared surface should be smooth., even and consistent. WOQD • If used should be sanded if not already. smooth and primed with a non-oil based primer. · The paint should be rolled and not sprayed. on to the w<XXi substrate. • METAL. If used should be sanded if not afready smooth and primed with a non-oil based primer. The paint should be rolled and not sprayed on to the metal substrate. EXISTING PAINT If usep all cracks and imperfections in. the substrate should be filled. smoothed and sanded. The substrate should be primed twice with a non-oil based primer. The paint should be rolled and not sprayed on to the substrate. FOU..OWING THE ABOVE GtJlDFLJNES WILL GUARANTEE A QUALitY :JNST AU .. A TION ON SCHF.Dli1,E. FOR FURTI-IER INFORMATION CONTACT YOUR PROJECT MANAGER GALICE' INC (213)935"'6900. :t,,.Iaroh 1997 (;AT.JCF. [NC:. -;,_11,n :.11',I.ROSE i\Vl~Nl.W .Sf.flTF. ·L.rni AN< :J•:r.i-:s, CAl.rFORNli\ \l()<Ml>-7 lbO TEL. ZU 9.35 6900 1-:·\;,:, ~!'.S ~:Ir-!)$)!~ l C :Al.l<.:i::l':>:C:~t.,\Oi..COM FROM : Panasonic PPF APR.30.1997 3:42PM P 3 • • • FINE PLASTER PRODUCTS A unique, integrally custQm colored pl~ter which -can be ~pplied to any smooth surface. The nature of its thin layered appli~on allows for controlled varia1i(?ll of text_ure and COAIJ'8St bet~n-~ suCCieSsJve ~-T~~ s_inglilar_ ,pr~ gives ttie Gahce Plaster\!9 all the bealltiful and aesthetic a~1nes · 8880Cl~ with natural products such as wocx:l and stone. . · Another integrally custom ooloo:d plaster ,giving the Slructuraf and comforting feel of a natural product, the Ooa Plaster's polymer composition gives a stroog and durable surface. Its method of application allows for the control aod creation of a variety of t.extun:s to suit your designs. Winner 1995 IIDA Acclaim Awards . METALLIC PLA5J'ERTM Using in~graUy custom. colored plaster as a base the Met.alli'c 'PlastertM is sealed with a variety c:l me1allic finishes. The effect this gives is speptacular and original, looking much like a hand.;hammered surface, The finished product appears as a sophisticated and ~less m~ic surface. Winner two .19% IIDA Acclaim Awards. All or our Fine Plasters •re supplied and installed using GalJee Inc.'s trademarked proeesses; are colored for eaeh Individual project and can be cleanly and effectively ,maintained and repaired. Sqaare foot min.bllum may apply for eertahi States, March 1W7 < ;Aun,: INC. W l t, .Vi~:i;.ROSI·: AVEr-.:PE Sl:T'l'f'. ,1 L.OS A:-.:t ;h.fs, C.'\UFORNIA !,)0()10-7 J,60 'IT., ~13 !}3,; 6!-100 i·:·\X 2J.~l 1>tt:, !l,1jJ (.i\.U(:1,:1:-;<.:°-1:;\0L:COM FROM·: Panasonic PPF RPR.30.1997 .'.3:43PM P.·4 ••• • • cQNnw;:r· 550 SOUI'H HOPE PLAZA Entrance.Lob~y.l Mev.~nine tos Angeles -AREA BEAR STEARNS Q:rporate Offi~e / Lobby Omtury City • LS.L · HBO t""'! " I:C .. F· ,JAL J .... COMPANY RESUME BANK OF AME.RICA C~ate Headq~ Los:A.rigeles-I;nrerior:ArchitedB FAUGER£ ·(j> fUTHF.Al,I S4, . COl'J)O!ale Offices/Elevator Lobbies PariB, France -Gerisler & Aa&oc. HERBAUFE 0. Conferenre Rooms El~vator l.obbies/·RECJ!Ptio:n/Conference Century City -Gensler & A~ HEWLETT PACKARD Rec~tion New Jersey -Inreri<'.lr Architecta f,P.MORGAN Corporate Head~ters Mexico City, New Yot~ City-S.O.M. MAZ:PASD PRODUCTIONS :Mr. C. Eastwood's Office Burbank· Nora Wolin Design MILLER BOYETr ENTERTAINMENT Production Offices Burbank• C.oe ~igns PLAl'MATE TOYS 'INC. ~ate Office -Recepti®/Blevator Lobbies COfrta Mesi -L,P;A. .Architect» PUTN~ LOVELL & THORNTON COl'POl'a~ Offire -Reception/Conference Room Santa Moruca -Interior Architects SIDLEY & AUSTIN Corporate dffice ·Chicago, Gfflslei: &·Assoc. SO'NY .IMAGE WORKS . AdminiBtration-BUilding CulverOty-LSJ. UBS Entrance Lobby . Lo& Angeles· -Gensler &z: Assoc. WASHINGTON PLAZA Q4,000 ~ft of office space&. all public.areas Paris, Ftam:e-Gensler &: .A$$oe. · Febrqary, 1997 CenN.ey City-Gensler le Anoe, . INIIRIOR ARCHITECTS 9:irPor;Jte bffi<:e Los.Angeles ~ Interior Arehitects MCA UNIVERSAL INC. Administration Build· . Unive.rsal Qty.., Kratt1rdrltects MERRIU 'LYNCH Ele'\laiof LobbY.: · . Beverly Hills -Interior Architec:ts . OGtLVY, ADAMS 6t RINEHART -Receplion/Elevab-Lobbies Chicago. Gensler Ii Asiroc:. POLYGRAM ENTERTAINMENT ~orate Offices/ Lobb &..Reai · tion ~ ~ • BecksonB'1!'6ign, . p SHUWA INVESTMENTS Elev•tor 'Lobbies. .·tc,s ~·-Lord Flemb,g Arch:ihlcb;. SMP ARCHITECTS Corocrate Ol&e · · Santa Monica -SMP Architects. SWINERTON & WAi.B.ERG Bntrimc1t Lcl;by _ . · · Los Angeles-~ WARNER BROS SniDIO Theater Lobby /Vaulted Ceiling I,urblnk -Gensler &: Aiaoc. GENSLER &·ASSOCIATBS Ccmerence area and Reception Lois Angeles -Gel)!Qet& Ae$oc . (;I\! .IC!-'. r:-.:c:. '/9 lb MEl.lt()~F,I\V:l!'.N lll~ ST.flTF.1 1.os A1'C:F.U '.~. CAr.fFORNI/\ !,004(i-71(;(> TF.!. 213 9M 6900 FAX 2m !):li> 99~.I Gi\1.lCl-:INC@AOL..COM FROM ·: Panasonic PPP . ,.-~ · APR .. 30. 1997 3:44PM · .P 5 • • • COMPANY RESUME RETAIL. RESTAURANT5 & HQ§flIALJD' EMPORIOARMAN.l Retail & Reltaurant . . Beverly Hilla. -Thane Rqbett9 Architects GUY'S CIGAR CLUB l.oun2e Bar . . · llever'Iy mu. -Robert Role In,;:., HA. WORTH FURNllUR£ Retail Showroom Lot lqeles -IS,I. LOUISE'S mA.TlORM Restaurant-Was~ DC. o.c. Jmnes Weiner Archi1eets QUILTY'S RESTAURANT SoHo,NewYorkN.Y. Debra Regh Aei8ociates GUESS? lNC RetailStores . . . Boston, Honolulu,. Paramus, ta, V~as, · Miamu,, No~ T , South Coaet Plaza, Los .Angeles ~Qttito, EqWldar, Sir!gapore, Asuncion ~uay, Cawnbia, Tolityo, J•P*'lt. Venezu.elil, Cotta Ric:a · ~ontevic:feo, Uruguay, La Jolla. JERRY'S .FAMOUS DELI Westwood Village Location Lo~ .Angeles -.Rdiert RaSlt lnc., MATlEL Fl1NBSS CENTER Ccrp(l'ate He~lth ~ub w Or~ge Coonty Feldetma:n/Nadet Pa?l:l:w5hip . -RIX, THEBEVERLV CENTER Retail store-Beverly Cen1-Los Angeles¥ :Kan~/Roberta Architects WESTIN BONA VENTURE HOTEL Restaurant· 'T~ oHhe Five' l.o9 Arigelee-.Cali::ept 4 Inc. <:/\J.l(.J•:.fNC, 7!11(iMFJ.!{0SEi\Vl•:Nlli•; SUITV,'1. f._;!)l:IA:--r<:11;1;..F.S.C.\1.)FORNIA !Hl(),Hi-7WO '!'~L ~ti 911:. fi9M l·AX :.!1:~ ,,:-is nn:n c:AI.ICF.IN(:0-1:_,\,.H •. co:...1 ·, FROM: Panasonic PPF APR. 30.-1997 3: 45PM P 6 •• • • . COMPANY RESUME MSIQENTIAL D. HOFFMAN RESIDENCE Michael S, Smith Iiic, . Brentwood. CharlesCwa~. K. EDMONDS RESIDENCE Main Entrance . . ~ly Hill&. t>'Augusta Construction. N. SIMON RESIDENCE Dl.nilut Roan .. Beveify Hills. Waldo's Deliign f. MOSS RESIDENCE . Camp]et2:Reeidm'Kie . Bel Air -Carlson Chase 'Design& P. ZADORA.RESIDENCE Ccml:>lew ~ . Mali&u-Michael S. Smith Inc. H. KORNEELD RESIDENCE Ccanplele&sd~-CP.W.AJ)Qtfment New-Ycxk-CarlllOI\ Chase De&lgna MARKS RESIDENCE Ccmr:>leleReeidence Monfecito-Mic:hael S, Smith Inc. ROTB RESIDENCE pjnillg Reem. Brentwood -~Els. Snulh Inc. s--.-1• R. G.ERE RESIDENCE .Entraµce/LMnglDiniM/Masfel: Suite Malibu. MichaefS. Snlitnlnc. K. COSTNER RESIDENCE Muter Bedroom llt Bathroom Suite La Canada. ~rlson Chase Designs C, UTTLE RESIDENCE ~Jete&!si~ . B,everly Hills -Waldo's Designs. CHA.iRMAN UE RESlDeNC:E Hannam~ . South Korea. -hchiline Inc MCKS RESIDENCE CompJete·Residence Malibu, Cali!wnia CHF.RNIN,R.ESIDENC:i <"'l'.lmplPIP .Rm.idcmce Bienlwood.:. Michael S. Srnitn Inc. BIA.L.ER RESIDENCE Coml)ie(eResidence Btenlwoi;id -Matti Oeaign/Services t~ALICE r!'-.JC. 7!Hfi MF.CROSE ,wi~1',11:IF, St.!l'l'E 1 T.OSA.'-<;EI.ES, CAI.TFO)~N(A lt0(}.lfi 7J6ll TEl. ~13 !I'.~!,. fi90(1 i-'AX ;Wl !)/15 \)fl'.H c:Ar rcE.l~C'i'i:·.1\01..COM FROM : . Panason i C PPF . . . .-. APR.~0.1997 3:46PM P 7 • -(JALICJE _ MAINTENANCE INFORMATION FOR GALICE and GOA PLASTER TM Oalice plaster _products are a highly polished finish ~~ with a natural wax for greater durability. ~ in which high _traffic or humidity is anticipated the surface should be sprayed with a clea,i: water base4 varnish and w~ed with the 'Trewax' product. Any surface dullness caused by splashing from water or other products should be re- waxed usi~g a cotton rag and a clear paste floor· wax. · The wax should be applied • and rubbed into the damaged area and buffed to desired shine. • Dust can be removed from the surface using either a dry, clean cotton rag or feather duster. Avoid treatment with chemicals or harsh abxasives. Impact damage to the surface can be repaired by _a Galice technici~ or by following the instructions in your 'Galice Main~nance Kit'. For further inf ormatioo contact Oalice Inc. Los Angeles USA. Telephone: -(21~)93s.6900 C ;Al.I Ct: INC. 7!) Hl .\U:I.l~O?l:: ,\YL~XUl•: ~l.llTl!: '1 ·1 .OS /\NC :i-:r.L'-i, CAJ.Jl!i')R:\/1/\ !HlU•Hi-71 Ho Tl~L 21'.~ ·9:~5 6!100 F:\.X 21 :,, Sl:I:, \l!l:l l (vi\ I.WI' INI .:11t,:\OI..C0~1 • • • . 05600/COP . .'suyLine 59~5 Architectural Metal .Column Covers .... ; r '~ -~-:--··,~M' •''• P10.1C1: Adas Nn·lilld lolt ~ .wimcr. P• Associates GIIIUI. C0IIIUC!iJI: SliNky CNstnctloll • COfflACT0I: Daleo Roafll; ad S..,..tal ltc. JWBWS: 1" UNA-<ORE Strlts 10, lloi!eycoab PIINls, R19ai R11 Hylar 5000"" /Kyicr S00-Pr..._ Flwopoa8 fiisi b Valspar, .125" .tr..i... Clear Allocli:ed Co.. Co,w Designers s.peciftJ it. Contrar:tors prefer it. There is a reason. See Sweets 07610fCOP for rooiin.: systems and 07420/COP for wall panels. • • • PHONE _612/576-9595 • FAX 612/576•9596 + Arthite,tural Me:tal Column Covers Series 100 -Reveal Joint System The Reveal Joint System is specially designed to accommodate installation in restricted clearances, where there is. virtually no room on' the top or . bottom of the column. The reveal may vary in dimension, with a minimum of½", depending on.the desired appearance. On a ¼" or larger reveal,. a channel filler is available; if less, a-caulk fill is recommended. The Series 100 is .an economical, functional column cover system. Option A: · ThiS"System utilizes a caulk fill, as specified by architect. Option B: This system offers a channel filler. After applying a caul~ fill, channel.is inserted_in joint and held in place . 05600/COP BuyUne 5935 II Series 200 -Hairline Joint System PIOEI: Shir-I. T"'-Momcr. £l«N lecbtt GOIIIAL COIIIIACl0I: Knln AadlrSGI COIIIUCTOI: ff.-Calllract Glaziig . umws: U~-0.A!! Slrils 100, ' _ 16 pp Stailltss s,i Racln h eo-en~)i.-·NIF l ::_:·; \ -~-1 ~ "" -:~:~ : =, ,, .! .~II ~1 .. ; ) ! ] l l 'I : I ! ··;lr-- ,; •· :~ I r= ; I I The Hairline Joint System is designed to enhance aesthetic appeal by minimizing joint appearance. It is a_ssembled using a rivet mil system. A large tear-drop· receiver simplifies installation procedures. One inch is necessar.y at the head .. of the column to install .the second half. / Both systems off er considerable flexibility in horizontal revegl, head, and base areas. With our custom fabrication capabilities, design and manufacture af the architect's most intricafe ideas can be achieved. SEAM Keys/of System Procedure: Step l: Install the ··r bars with screws to the H-beam or concrete column every 1 a· to-36'. Step-2: Install first half of column and shim as required. Step 3: Take second half-of column and line up screw h~ad with large side of slot. Then push down and column is securely. in place. • Performance Comparison The four diagrams to the right illustrate how LOF's Sun Management Glass System® improves energy efficiency in summer and winter, whether it's clay or night. The values show the improved performance of an LG.-with LOF EverGreen"' Glass _outboard and LOF Energy Advantage® Low~E Glass · inboard compared to an I.G. wjth. an LOF EverGreen Glass outboard and a clear glass inboard (all lites 1/4", airspace 1/2') . B.C H)'dro Edmonds Centre; Va1ico111oer, B_ritisb 0:>/11111bia, Canada: LOF Et•erGreen Higb·Peifomia1tci! Tinted Roat Glass outboard lite a1.1d LOF Energi• Adrantage Lou•·E Glass· i11board lite; new co11stmdio11 projecL WINTER Day The diagram above shows how LOF Energy Advantage. Low•E Glass improves the performance of an I.G. on a cold but sunny winter day. Using LOF Energy Advantage Low-E Glass reduces the unit's heat.loss to the cold, outside air by 31%, while still allowing free solar-iiilergy to· shine iriside. Night The-diagram above illustrates.a cold_; wintery climate in the dark of night. Even in this-situation, the I.G. with LOF Energy Advantage Low-E Glass still helps reduce heat loss to the cold-outside air by. 31%. Radiant beat flow /ro_m the s11n. ·c.ondudit•e beat jlori, (U-mh1e) due to the ten1perature' tfifference between inside and outside. _SUMMER Day The diagram above. represents a Ito! (1 DD"F), sunny summer day. Under these conditions, adding LOF Energy Advan_tage Low-E·Glass reduces the I.G.'s total heat gain by18%. Night The diagram above shows how LOF Energy Advantage Low-E Glass;conli!lues to improve the performance of the glazing under warm, summery conditions even after the sun has gone down. In this _ situation, Low-E: glass still enhances en~rgy efficiency by cutting the heat gain-from the hot outside air by 36%. Dej,1111ment ofTr{lnsporlalion; Netl'ingto_n, C.Onnedicut: , LOF·EtoerGreen Hlgli-Pe,jonnance-Tl11ted-'Float,G/ass 011tboa11l-/ite and LOF E11ergi• Admntage Lou•-£ Glass inboard lite; neu• co11strudlon projecL .!:~.,.-~~E'°~"'"~-?-rr~"' ';oated Surface #3) or Gear Glass Inboard 1 North America (ASHRA.E) Air-Filled Unit .· Argon°Fllled Unit . Solar Winter Summer Winter Shading . Heat Gain, ,ummer Coefficient"· I-Value' U-Value' U-Value' U-Value' Coefficienf 0.55 O.-i8 0.53 o.4; ·(),81 0.7Q 0.36 0.33 0.30 0.28 0.76 Q.66 ,, - 0.55 ' O.-i8 0.53 0.4; 0.54 0.46 .oJ6 0.33 0.30 0.28 o.;o 0.43 'o,47 -0.56 OAS o.;3 0.45 o:;5 0.36 0.33 0.30 0.28 0.51 0,-14 .. 0.56 0A8 0.53 0.45 0.38 0.33 0.36 0.33 0.31 0.28 ' 0..34 0.29 ,. ,, 0.56 b.53 '0.45 0.48 0,?8 0.32 .. 0:36 0.33-0,31 ·o.2s 0.33 0.29 0.56 OAS 053 0.45 0,36 0.31 0.36 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.32 0.27 .. o:?, _ 0.48 0.54 0.45 0.57 0.49 0.37 0.33 0.31 0.28 o.5i 6.44 0.58 0.48 0.5; 0.45 0.42 0.36 ,. 0.37 0.33 0.31 0.28 0:36 0.31 0.59 0.48 0.57 o.4; 0.23 (),20• 0.38 o.~3 0:33 0.28 ·0:'17· d.H ),57 0.48 0.54 0.45 0.59 o,;o l.37 0.33 0.31 ,0:28 0.53 0.4; ·).57 0.48 0.54 0.45 ' 0:41 0:35 -. ).37 0.33 0,31 '0,28 0,36 0,31 ,.;6 0.48' o;54 0.46 Q.40 0.35 .. - l.3.6 0.33 0.30 0.28 0.36, !),31 l.57 0.48 '0.54 0.45 0.58 o.;o 1,36 0.33 0.31 0.28· '0.52 0.45 1,57 0.48. 0.55 0.45 0.39 0,33 -·::-'i...•.?:•. - 1,37 ,--;·-·. 0.33 . 0.31 . c''Q.28'?:'';; 0:33 · ·0 .. 29 1.57 0.48 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.39 ,.37' 0.33 0.32 ·0.28 . 0.39 0.34 . :1.nternational .European U-Value (K;-Value)' Air-!'illed Argon-Filled · 2.8 2.6 - 1.8 1.5 2.8 2,6 '' .1.8 1.5 2.8 2.6 1.8 1.5 2.8 2.6 Ul 1.5 2.8 2.6 1.8 1.; 2:8 ~-6 1,8 1.; 2.8 2.6 - 1·.8 t.5 2.8 2.6 1.8 1.5 2.8 2.6 1.8 1.5 2,8 2.6 ., 1.8 1.5 ~;8 2.6 . , 1.8' i.S: 2:8 2.6 1.8 t.5 2.8 2.6 .. 1.8 1.5 2.8 ·2.6 . 1.8 1.5 2A 2.6 1.8' LS 1. Typic'Jl 1·alues of LOI' production are provided. Some. combinations or installations may-require heat treating to resist glass breakage. 2. Visible, To13l Solar an~ UV chta are based on labomtory spectrophotometric measurements weighted by an appropriatl! weighting funccion(s) .. ,<\ll :properties are weighted with a s<ila.r speqrJl irrJdiance function (ASTM E87-891) which represents tlie direct normal mdiation incident on a surface at 37 nonhern latitud!! (Air Mass 1.5). Visible properties are also weighted by the pl}otopic response of the eye, whic!1 is taken as· the Y tristimulus value for the CIE 1931 standard observer. The wavelength ranges of the sun's energy used to c-Jlculate properties: V~ible frqm 0.38 to 0.78 microns, T9tal SolarJroin Q.30-to· +-:i-microns-and UV from 0.30 to 0.38-microns. 3. Tmnsmittanci; -Percentage of normally incident visible light or solar energy passing directly through the glazing. 4. Reflectance -Percentage·of normally·incident visible light or solar energy reflected toward-the exterior. 5. U-value .(Btu/hrfsq,ft/°F)·-~le-Jsure of the heat gain or loss tlirough glazing due to enviro'nmentaf differences between the,outdoor and indoor air, U-values-given are center-of-glass values calculated per NFRC 1QOstandard using LBL W4.l. Winter U-values are based, on an outdoor temperJture of 0°F (-!8°C). an. indoor tempemture of 70°F (21°C) and a 15mph (24kph) wind-velQCity with no sun,, Summer U·values are based on an outdoor temperJture of 89°F (32°C), an indoor temperJture of 75°F (24°C), a solar iQtensity of 248 Btu/hr/sq.ft (789 W/sq-m) and·a 7.5mph (12kph) wind. To obtain metri~ U-value (W/sq-m/°C), multiply by 5.678. 6: European U-value (W/sq-m/K) is Q",ised on, 1SO-DP10292 dmft standard conditions. (Previously K according to DIN 4701.) 7. Solar He-.it Gain.Coefficient or SHGC--Fmction of normally incident solar heat energy·that makes its way thrqugh the glazing 1,mder standard summer conditions (see footnotl! 5). This includes both directly transmitted energy and indirectly transferred he-Jt from energy initially .absorbed by the &lazlrig, · 8.. Shading Coefficient or SC -The mtio of solar heat gain through the glass relative to ,that through 1/8" (3mm) clear glass at normal incidence. Noie that Relative He-Jt Gain or RHG (Btu/h_r/sq-ft), which is the amount of heat gJined through the glass at assumed ASHRAE conditions, can be calculated using th!! following-equation: .RHG = SC(200)+U-value,(14). To obtain metric RHG (W/sq-m), multiply by 3.154. · Lihlx:y-Owens•Ford Co, strives·to accurately reproduce pho<ogrJphs of gla.~,. -HoweVt!r. du!! to limuations of the prir~_ting process. aL1ual glass colors may vary.from the photo. For this re-.iso.n. jt·is important to sc..-c an ..1ctu:il gl:iss sample from LOF before·~king fi11:1l color sele<;tion, Please c-Jlt your LOF n.-pri:5<:ntarive to see thc•LQ_f sun Management Glass S)·swm Gla:,,.'i Sample Ponfolio or to olxain individual,gl:ls,; samples. --... iJ:~~~~ ~ --~: .. ; LOF Energy Adva11tage® Low-EG!ass LOF Gear Float Glass LOFQear (Silver) ECI./PSE® Rejledive Glass LOFGrey Ti11ted Float Glass LOF Grt:)' ECI./PSE® Rej/ed/ve Glass LOF SuperGl't'.)' '" High-Perfon11ance Ti11ted Float Glass LOF Bro11ze Ti11ted Float Glass LOF Bronze ECI.IPSE® Rej/edit'f! Glass LOF Gold ECI./PSE~ Rej/edii•e Glass LOF Bh1e-Gre1!11 Tinted Float Glass LOF B/11e-Gree11 ECI.IPSE® Rejledil'f! Glass LOF El'f!rGrel!II'" Higb-Perfon11a11ce Tinted Float Glass took .at the numbers, then decide. To heip y9u with the prodl]ct selectio? process, this chart shows the improved performance of I.G. units that have LOF Energy Ac!vaptage Low-}:: ·Glass versus. clear . glass on the inboard and various LOF glass products on the outboard. So look at the numbers. With the Sun Management Glass System from LOF, you'll enhance the aesthetics and energy efficiency of every design that you build - north or south, day or night, new construction or renovation. Dran1atit tints and rich colors for stunning aesthetics. A wealth or design and performance possibilities in a palette of breathtaking aesthetics: bright blue-green, luxuriops gold, beautiful bronze, shimmering sih1er, soft grey and soothing green. Create your LOF Sun Management Glass Sy$tem by combining LOF Energy Advantage Low-E Glass with any 0f these ·· LOF architectural glass products. LOF Sup. Management Glass System® Perforn1ance Data -·· · ·. · Various 1/4" LOP Products with LOP Energy Advatllage® Low-E Glass Inboara tr (25111111) umts uitb 112' !i2111m) airspace a11d tuu.J/4' (6111111) lites! .. Transmittance' Reflectance' Exterior Outboard Inboard Day)Jght' -Solar' UV' Daylight' Solar' Aesthetic lite lite % % % % 0/o Clear Float 78 61 46 15 12 Clear Clear . Float Glass Energy Advantage 73 52 36 17 15 Low-E .. . ECLIPSE Clea_r Float 36 38 8 46 32 Reflective En<crgy Advantage Clear .. r Low-E 33 32 7 47 34 . ECLIPSE Clear Float 36 38 8 42 27 Reflective Energy Advantage Clear #2 Low-E 34 32 7 12 28 ECLIPSE Clear Floar 17 24 4 46 31 Bright Silver ~eflective Energy Advantage Grey·#l Low-E 16 19 . 3 46 32 ECLIPSE Clear Float 21 24 3 46 32 Reflective Energy Advantage Bronze #i Low-E 19 19 3 47 33 - Clear Flo:11 30 23 5 46 30 I ECLIPSE ' Reflective· Energy Advantage l Blue-Green _,;1 Low-E 28 19 4 46 31 . Clear Float 41 38 23 7 7 1 •' Grey Grey Tinted Energy-.:Advantage Float Gl3.$5 38 32 19 7 9 Low-E ECLJl'SE <;:!ear Float 18 24 4 14 13 Enhanced Reflective Grey. ·Grey ,.z Enerh'Y Advantage 17 20 3 14 14 Low-E .. ,SuperGrey Clear Flc;,at 8 6 1 4 4 . Deep•<Srey High-Performance Energy Advantage Tinted Float Glass L6w-E 7 5 1 4 4 Cle.~r Flo.at : 48 40 19 8 7 .. Bronze Bronze Tinted F)oat Glass· Enerizy Advantage 45 33 15 9 9 Low-E .. 14 ECLIPSE Clear Float :21 2~ 3 19 Enhanced Reflective Bron:le Energy Advantage Bronze ~2 Low-E 20 20 3 19 15 .. 'ECLIPSE Cle;ir Flpat 29 26 2 43 32 Bright Reflective · Gold Golc! ll"2 · Energy Advantage 27 22 1 43 33 ' Low-E i Cl~ar F.lo:it 67 40 26 12 8 Blue-Green, Blue-Green Ti!'.}tec! float Glass Energy Advantage 62 34 20 13 9 I Low-E I I •' I · Clear Float 30 23 5 . 33 17 I ECLIPSE Enhanced ·Reflective· J Blue-Green Blue-Green "'2-. · Energy Advantage 28 19 4 33 18 Low-E ! EverGreen Clear Float 59 28 12 10 6 Green High-Performance Enerh'Y Advantage Tinted Float Glass Low-E 55 24 9 11 7 -'., . i1 SUN MANAGEMENT GLASS SYSTEM® 'A,S--~~!i 'fE,ATURING lOF ENERGY ADVANTAGE® LOW-E GLASS ·. 0 PILKINGTON .. LIBBEY-OWENS-FORD '? .. Building Products \ " .. ~~ ~· . -,:-; 1"\ ·}. . //\\·\ n today's dynamic 1\ 1~1 . !: "'-.ti ::JJl. arket, setti~g · ,., ·priorities is a: ~ust. •. bb0 \\\. ~ ····Ro ms ~ \ en . \~\ :·rh.-. itectural Mefals,,-'Jµc. ½ 1r:-i\'!})1;~"1fTV.c:::~7;,... ~ . \'-.·, --~-.W-Yr·~<\V/1·-,~ --~ne priority: to·J?ring a ,·<-.. ~cy,;v .----::=r• I ~-~ .. . • • '. --.~, '·'----...._ ., / -6--''~ ,,;::::,---\I,/ ·' w aiter:-iativ~ m 5~~:'"~~~ V JJletal fabricatip~ to _ ','.:;" 4~0~ · ·'. t>~gn professional$}~ 'f j l 1~ \ /i.::=::::: ·, "J. LI l t 1 } , ; , \ . : • : ! L/< { \ } ) ! ; Jeader in innotat'iJ~ ) . ··. ,, .1 ( t ... _;'i -i 4 t ~ ",..:::::::::..--,,.. .... _____ • 'n Robbins can ¥c ___ J ___ 1_ i..,.~_~y_e=--_·=·.l..·'.""'· ·_==··::.·::.::::=;::=~==:::- ~fgns to meet ne'W';.._·---· · ._.__<", ·"'"'iicafr\ns or repiicate ·"'"-"\ . ~\ · ·y,; historical style '-\ ' \ ~~ested in a variety of \~\ ys. '\ ~-;~.· .... ' , 909 Talladega Found~y-, ,. . its beginning. To~if?\~-c:;71 _ . l t<. h \.._ Iy a c~ntury · a er,--~ . ~ ,_, .. . \. nd craftsmanship in} y -~ metal castings .. is not ut is alive and well. 95 Allen Robbins had ginning as an affiliate · ~ladega Foun(lry. Ii . ~ ing experienced and I ' _ ·ien professionals with . -// I ,. · owledge and project /rc ge t . t· / ; _.,,. . men exper 1se ~ / J!_ther with design and /. / lfacturing capabilities1 / Chicago's Historic Boulevards Project -~ Robbins offers //' · ) engineering, custtm, . . :-~manship, and /~ · _/ ~~tched superior' · i1 . l~;ttion to servite and • / . j 1ty. j f. Customer: City of Chicago Architect: :OLK Arc:hitecture and Planning Howard Decker, Tom Klune and Associates General Contractor: Western Inq.ustries, Cicero, n.,., Dave Mqndo, Project Director Reinac Enterprises, Inc., Cicero,-IL Marilyn A. Conoscenti,.Project Director 05600/ALL B4yLine 6352 / l ···:~vite you~ inq~iries. f •• -/ J t,--··? I I (!>1 I -;; 'l (. ' Scope of Work: Creation of 580 Decorative Cast Aluminum bracket.arms with custom painted sign boxes. Patterns originated from arc:hitectural renderings. Custom finil;h painting with applied highlighting to enhance casting detail. 16 Metal Kioslc Shelters with laser cut steel panels and castings. 00-204=3858 PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: SPRING, 1996 • • • · Cape Braggs Lighthouse, Key Biscayne, Florida ..--...,.__ ' " ... ·I,, J ,! .• ~--:--+-• ""-..c.~--~--...1 ,.i_,p-__.....-.... '"-"'~ .. Customer: State of Florida Architect: Bill Bean ·· _ .-::.-=::-·-== :-. ,·-~=,.~ .:·_-_. _ Scope of Work: Interior Restoration: Disassembly of original stair " . components. 25 Custom patterns" originate_d_ fi:9.rn .l!l:ClJ.itecttir~ ; drawings. 1-,200 parts reproduced frorn_p°iitterns(4Q;ood i~s:5-:.::: ::-·.:--. _::ll'?--::~ • ...::~ ~Paintiqg pfcastings with deliver{ancf instaifati~i'.;-~ • ~·::::: .. ·--.~>_ ·--;, -·-•·• .. ;:_:-Exterior Restoration: Currently"in-progre'ss.~ ;.~;1-'i:.:.=-;;=,;--~~ ... - PROJECT COMPLETJON DATE: SPRING, 199!'>,_ ___ ~.:__ -:i-;:-: _~: ~-_ ~ .: ., .. --; I I •• ·-.·~···· i f I .. ~.-l ·-.... __ ,..- ~1-f: --~ ~ """' ~ . ---·-·-c:__ ---;.~· -! If . ,--..,; , : . -.. --1-.:··· 'i i l l i I ; ' :--=-·:-:: -_/ J -.:-::-A""i ·~---t--;J ~ I ---------- ;'1,1,~' l ! ! -~ 'fl.~' . ';1 ~Ctistomer: Dail~s :L)epartm~Ii,t-qf:franfiliortl;!tiop•and;D~lta_\f f'.c*~-...P'~'ft-!i ~ ".._J, .... B > .::JL~ :t iU ~ >:=,~~f; J?lectri9 Corp. ..!, · 't -1,-• • _ ..L , ; ~~-&!liitect: Paul Weathers, Sasak't ahli:Ass6ciates10 R TH ~ "-"..-.\_,. : ... -__, ..r ~-..... -~ ~ -· -~scope;of."W9rk: 25P Ductile Jron.d~cprat1ve lampp,o~t bases, '._ ·:'--v:' ~ ' i sa ' ' ~ .,,,. 1 Y· -" ~ :! · · f 1 \ · (100,000 lbs:): 'Bases' cast in-halves, painted 1 / ~ i with hardware adcled and delivered to Dallas. JEct;COMPlETION DATE: SPRING, 1996 -:,,il1 · I West End Historical District, Dallas, Texas f --· 'l r. ---·· ~: '\'11 r:} 1 I I. J ! . ..:: - -l I Wacker Drive Project, Chicago, IL ., Customer: City of Chicago i ' Architect: Mark Igleski; McBride and Kelley ! . i 1-800-204-3858 ,. I .• • • HECEIVED .APR - 8 1997' H.O.K.L.A. LEGOLAND .LEGOLA~D CARL.SBAD LEGOLAND, CARLSBAD . ••• RETAIL FIXTURE CATALOGUE · March 18, 1997 · PF-1 Per. Wall Detail atBig Shop Front Windows Lego Toy Systems SK-1 . Per. Wall Detail (For Information Only) SK-2. Per. Wall Detail {For Information Only) SK-3 Per. Wall Detail (For Information Only) SK-4 Per: Wall Detail (Fot Infortnation Only) SK-5 Per. Wall Detail (For Information Oiily) SK-6 Per. Wall Detail (For Information Only) PF-2 Pet. Wall Detail -:Full Height Diorama PF-3 Per. Wall Detail -Lego Systems PF-4 Per. Wall Detail -Lego Systems PF-5 Per. W a).1 Detail -Hanging Merchandise PF-6 Per, Wall Detail -Accessories PF-7 Per. Wall Detail -Visual Presentation-Area PF-8 Per. Wall Detail -Lego Systems PF-9 Per. Wall Detail -Lego Systems -Primo 0 PF-10 Per. Wall Detail· -Lego Systems -Duplo PF-11 Per:. Wall Detail .:.T-Shirts -The Kings Castle PF-12 Per. Wall Detail -Jackets-Sweaters -The Kings Castle '"1 PF-13 Per. Wall Detail .:Freestyle PF-14 Per. Wall Detail -Kid's Comer -Bedding a· Pet: Wall Detail -Kid's Cotner -Bedding .... b . Per. Wall Detail .,Kid's Comer -Bedding c. Per. Wall Detail -Kid's Comer -Bedding . _; ' d. Per. Wall Detail -Kid's Cotner -Bedding e. Pet. Wall Detail -Kid's Comer -Bedding 7 of7 Per. Wall Detail ,.Kid's Corner -Bedding PF-15 Per. Wall Detail -Jeans -Funtown PF-16 Per. Wall Detail .,T-Shirts -Fi,mtown PF-17 Per. Wall Detail -Sweat Shirts ,.funtown PF-18 Per. Wall Petail -Socks . -Funtown PF-19 Per. Wall Detail -T-Shirts-Hats -Funtown PF-20 Per. Wall Detail -T-Sh,irts-Jackets -Funtown PF-21 Number Not Used ' PF-22 Per; Wall Detail · · "'Tableware . -The Corner Shop . PF-23 Per. Wall Detail -Stationery -The Corner Shop PF-24 Pet. Wall Detail -Stationery & Acces. -The Corner Shop :PF-25 Per. Wall Detail -Role Playing/Acces. -The Corner Shop ·PF-261. of 2 Per. Wall Detail -Necessities: Film -The Corner Shop -, PF-26 2 of2 Pet. Wall Detail -Necessities: Film · -Th~ Corner Shop ! • PF-27 Per. W a:11 Detail· -Necessities: -Th~ Corner Shop PF-28 Per. Wall Detail -Role Playing/Acc;:es -The ·Kings Castle PF-29 Per. Wall Detail -Accessories -~The Kings Castle PF-30 Per. Wall Detail -Tableware -1'he Kings Castle PF-31 Per. Wall Detail .a.Stationery -The Kings Castle A-~--~ ' LF-1 1 of2 Loose Fix. Dtl. · -Lego Toy Systems • LF-1 2 of2 Loose Fix. Dtl -Lego Toy Systems LF-2 Loose Fix. Dtl. ,.Lego Toy Systems LF-3 -Loose Fix. Dtl. -Convertible Fixture LF-4 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Convertible Fixture' LF-5 1 of 2 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Park,Products; Souvenirs LF-5 2 of 2 Loose Fix. Dtl. -P~k Products; Souvenirs . LF-6 1 of 4 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Park Products; Souvenirs LF-6 2 of 4 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Park Products; Souvenirs LF-6 3 of 4 Lpose Fix. Dtl.--];>ark Products; Souvenirs LF-6 4 of 4 Loose Fix. Dtl. ~Park Products; Souvenirs LF-7 Loose 'Fix. Dtl. -Park Products; Souvenirs LF-8 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Paik Products; Souvenj.rs LF-9 1 ofZ Loose Fix. Dtl. -New Zone Computer Station LF-9 2 of2 · Loose Fix. Dtl. -New Zone Computer Station LF-1O Loose Fix. Dtl. -Folded Apparel -Funtown LF-11 Loo_se Fix. Dtl. -Girls Access. ·-Funtown LF-12 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Cash Wrap Surrounds -Big Shop LF-13 Loose Fix. Ptl. -Cash Wrap Surrounds -Big Shop LF-14 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Infants Wear -Funtown LF-15 Loose Fix. Dtl. -'Girls Access. -Funtown LF-16 Loose Fix. Dtl. .. Girls .Access. -Funtown LF-171 of 3 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Watche~-& Pens -Funtown ~ i LF-17 2 of 3 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Watches & Pens -Fi,mtown LF-17 3 of 3 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Watches & .Pens -Funtown LF-18 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Nesting Tables· -Funtown LF-19 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Role Playing/Impulse -Kings Castle _l. LF-20 Loose fix. Dtl. -Impulse Items -Kings Castle LF-21 Number Not Used LF-22 :i:,,.oose Fix. btl. -Umbrellas -Kings Castle LF-23 1 of2 Stock Shelv Dtl. -Typical LF-23 2 of 2 Stock Shely Dtl. · -Typkal LF-24 Number Not Used LF-25 Number Not Used LF-26 Loose Fix. Dtl. -Convertible Unit ,.j .!. - •~--: .. -. $-:;__·;:._-_ , .. l ... : ..• CW-1 1 of2 CW-1 2 or2 CW-2 CW-3 CW-4 CW-5 Cfl.Sh W~p Details Cash Wrap Details Cash Wrap Details Cash Wrap Details Cash Wrap Details Casp Wrap Details TD-1 Typical Details TD-2 Typical Details TD-3 Typical D~tails TD-4 Typical Details TD-5 TypicaLbetails • 8'-0" Lona-. . . 0 8'-0" Long 3'.:Q" Long 7'-0" Long 1'-0" Long s~:..Q" Long ·--~--- t ~ I I ., I ,,.-.. \ \ . ·,. '--..;.___----....... _____ ....... Po-nt~€ . l,C--CT, wt.JN~iot-J R'J~ WMl- 1 (JV rJTG-0 Pfi010 ~5t7f,qe. ,_·(J'f.. s:a:; Vi~1 GN . t ' ; cot. . t f-.7r-. . ,, I II I 1\ I I I • I : I .. -·· ~ 'rP1 ·6D. r1 (LP(( I ;T OJ lN M 1'l ~ .---11,___ $(?E-Fl)Q!Jte6 -~~ . _, I ·1. I: I: I -- l . r l t- -i t..o'' SeCTION -7/41'~ rLo ,, C r, R L S -.. 0 r. D 11-z''-f-_ ·Le-GO S'(STe,.v\7 .. ~t·f ----=---::::-" .-~:-~ -----k-.-. . MERCHANT CESIGH GROUP ASl , . f- _, '-0 '' 1;::==;:::;::==:t + ~===::=t!~" ~ IC.ON V4"~ , '-o '' : ~~~ ;JiL: ":~~;_;.-----~:-_-.--.... _--PF-1 ·o~·l8,07 I.· --• ;t( , % x PC-AN-· V( T(PlC/YL D-CTAl ~ @ J3lG SHOP W l~CO'N COLU;V\}-17 CARLSBAD . . . V-l{'(f,L -~RFKi7· ; ~@ ·. · .. . -~----, -. . . ~r iJ/lrte ~~me _ _ Rtxlu1;ee1v1 ~ w/ D~lG..tJ · lITTe1-JT, 3·La '1w1 oe ---r~~-r<,;f,.--._: -O'l;, ·b.?r°l+= +f~ ... ~~:---~ --· . . . LEG-~1 5K-1 MERCHANT Yt'' = t '-o'' Dl;SIGN GROUP ASK •••• ~:...1-1--ROC'E$Set? ( .I ~DARO.> (4) ~VNlT I 7R.. . ---....----------;._._------...:.,__---,--.,;,,--.- L ttJtc~(; t \ J -. @ /o'-0 rr + 4!~0·1 =. -. , ' -1 . R£c...f;TM-.JD1SJ ; @ n.\~-.. f:P.T -:. C A R I " ~ S B A D P~ @ 0 yP IBD . ABR COC-l/iciE 'v\J tTH · f. tX81o/t?:C '7~0(i~t? S ~ BJJJt2(Al J/ 4'-011 ----Ef-J'O R'ETU RJJ...S rt-____,.. _________ -({ '/ -+ &rf' 8D-. u---Pf'<KT rnot-J I -('.) ') mE Sf)P<. r.f- 3 $'(\'.) e:5 tN\NCOtJ --r~·r,· · • •• • ---.• ::'.:.·:-,.-~ .. < .• ••• .••... MERCHANT D E S I G _N G_ R Q ·u p A s It -P(BR@ W(5 . L.~~~4-.:, -::.;,-;_:..;---;:--::----~--:~--. ·_ 0~ •19. ,o.;7 5-K-2 Yz''= ,'~oi• ' -· ' ·:· . - ·l r_ q \-\0 -+- • I ! 0 'I ++-- PCA-N VI~ '( I\ I .?I,,. ~z_ -:...\ -u u-Jz121 z 2 i . Jz 2-2 z J; '1£;'\ + ~ . -J . z 1 , 2 lr 16 ''-t 5\::t(loJ ft~ ~ +-. P¼~ t t- t8° -* f; ===========:¥1-: T +-'1-6.. --------;,,~r L~·Ef·s: ::.~.~ ... :.,._-----.---. _.:. TSt-,·· __ :·-.. ·. · -· --~ ----~---.... - Ol •16~7 SK-3 -1\1ERCHANT l/?11 ~ !Lo'' J· E ·s I G N G R O U P A ·s It .. .. , _\ . ·' • -• I { ' I - l - -, CARL 5 BAD ---rs-r'.-,~:f--·-__ : -. ~f:-,,;, -:=:-f-:.·-;-::.--:· ·--:..,. __ .. oa·,1s-~1 SK-4 MERCHANT Yi.''~ I '-o.; o ES I G· N G R O U P A S IC .. =--=-- • . ' . -' -.. I •• I I I • i / J . in !7 / I -P~r>vc.1 'i n ·, - --- ... ~ •. : -. ' . . . . . '. ·: .{ \. ,· ' ,y;~ ol.Af?-A~ ~. Nn{?O . OfriA \1 . l. I I I I l l ' I '! . . ·, ! l '' PlAAA~ .~ ~~ < -.. ··-· ---------··-·-··. . : I \ \ : :r V; I ,/r '•/ ! }./, . r f/ --/· i f.--7 ! : ~ t PuPLCX r 1= ' j - (!f)~ew06 (<'W,~, ) ~ wt 1-J oaw P\ute~@ DJd?.l'M\ . ·--::--=-- •• . ' " -·· f ! ,, Cl()~ ~'O R.-e--7«! ~ 3 11-Hl~H- . 3'' I I 11-I l '(z" CARLSBAD .) I I I I _., ---1s-r-~,;_,_---._: MERCHANT -o~st"GN GROUP A Si .L.erE:,=~-€51:-i:: :~f.:;-;-:,._------.--· ·--:::--=- 03-[g_;OJJ SJ< .. ep 1/z"~ 1'-d' 7 •• I · ·f.l~ls~~a cau~.fo . . t Io' -0 11 VeAe.lP.'-r ·.;.......,·~ :------""AR"'1--. r .. ·1 -_;_ -----r' r . ' . ' L :r I I <vECTIOt-J 1/~' ~ t 1-0" . t l 1 . I I l I . I I t4 LEGO -srSTEM.s -~T --fS·t--~~:., .. ·-.. --.· · C A R L S B A D· MERCHANT D ES I .G N' G R 0 u p A s It ~ ... }~L-~,.,; .. a.3:,. lS,·jT .I , ' ~ ~ -~ z'-o" -;f . ·p(AN . tCOI-J '{8,, a ( '-011 :..~:·:·_: ~ ·.----·.--· ·-=--::- PF -2 i ' ' -~ +··-. -l 1 '-0'' . ,-. . . l L .0'.' + . ' ·~ . VEP-lf-1"" vJ/ Dt/'42#1:k sru; , '-1 I.J ~ /; I . .l wefO S151EM -- ., --rs~'r'.-, ~:, .. --._:. .. .. 1 •••• ~, . • ~oo· ... -.·r .,._ u·~·,·~-J-c.--•·;,_ .. . -,:·,_.I -· -~ . CARLSBAD MERCHANT 0 ES I G H G:R 0 iJ p A s It LEGO -fiJ}(.fJ~ 1 D rt<f,N#s' ft)d'\(~ -t 401 L \jJ \ .C(:-'f... ----tee;f 'f, ~ttl6tt, v.~H ·' ~,~ff.-.-., --:~:.--;--:-__ :-·-·-.---. ·-=--:- .. 0'3 ·IP/07 PF-3 --• i .}:: I [~ SECr(OfJ f /4-''~ r'-0'1 CARL 5 BAD ·i,, . ' . me : . 7eB · UNO (AN{)\ w I Nj?~K -rvw~s . fOK -_MO·D&.. · . ?Upporz:r 13PAekmla;w;l {Z)Jf?jJ.Jf("}t?-R.'e >cAt.(r0w11 'S'tM ?M ( C. 6'fJ?IP~7 {Oki~ 1 p.,ppu eo _ s::EtJ LC. ~ 0~ tc · ? ~ ~ 'aKJ<..~~-µY). L.~0 Si'SlS<A~F{)d"; .. -.. __ ..... :_~ .'ff:.-~·:._-_. :.! .. -""-.• -.·. T5t1 -~...-:~fi7~:,,;,:: :·:· ,~-~ -- ----.---: ;a- . 93·l94>7 PF-4 . . ' ' MERCHANT JES I G H G R O U P A s It • ·' .. . , ·-. .. ~- I I I I I f t ,. I· \ ,--z:4 - 1'--z"t ·CSE,;CTLON __ 3/411 ~ 1'-()~ ' . . \ I / L?- peC,t½)OKl(!o l Role-Plkt-\ I NC:, tt.MJ<blN0 R¾f<K etJ,J\/"eµ [R.S, • ·~1o~,- LE-o·· ---o· · -'LA-· -----· -·-·,;:"'·"?c--~,-:_ .. < ··---. ---=.. :-' - • ! ' ' ---i-sr-·---,=·---------~==ey}-:i:_ 03 • 16/'~7 MERCHANT CARLSBAD DESi.GN G R O U P A S ~ :+::=-:.--=---:.---:-·--: --. ~ PF-5 •• ' I I S{t()Y'Ff?0tJT \ w1NOONr ~ONl?' ' ' 1· • ' (_ p f ... I :. I (<13lfb½W I ~tJttf!fb l . ·r ! 'j . J . I L1¾0 P~VNCfS vITHD. o'{Z- . tJl'Nfvt M~t1, C\Sf'v/>0 J',..z~. ·S(Lt·O Sl-t:ewB Wl1H ~1(€=77(4 MoVOI t-J G,-• sre Tr ft(ftv : P~L, . P~lYJE: ~~ ·_, '. PNIO~ @T,6ttl~ ~ . C<Jctlf--WCl Tt-/ '-'l.. I~ I • I I I +---r --t- T-5tt I ie-r'S l -{--0s1> 1 SOJ\/~1·teS, SECTlO~ . 7/'P',,. I i_0\1 ; .•. --·1 ' . -~ ·•-: ·~E'G---=-o~ • ----~~-~~~--:o-· ----.;~ .. :"1"---·-:_._;. .:.;_. · -· :i: ~-. CARL 5 BAD /Xl~$0~1~1~f~·1,tJ~ . R)LOW ~ •. PM\iC S1\}Vt?;1JI R.S --·-rs:r~-,-~:=-·-----· l,.;B!J·---sy-· \ ... --:-·----·-_.-.. ·. '' o,1-1s01IPF ~ G MERCHANT 0 E. S ·I G ·N G R o· U .? A S JC :--::--=-- ••• : Po½\B<K _ 1pac:K.;--°1 I _· ~Sl~- SCl P\ tJv : -et-JT~ce ~ QXJ,E:t, ,. i " -• Vl9.JtfC -~71(1'/\], _/o(<..ti\ ~ ~-f----------.;.=a.,· -· ----......... ·-·--:-:··· :--:·. sscnON 3 /t!>-:. I Le" f'~!t. .SNVW t'fl.S "-rs:r-,·~:=----,_·_: CARLSBAD MERCHANT 01:SIGN G R O U P A s I: .. L.fro.'=o/t,;,.:.,; ·~:.·:·:-·~·----. -----. . ' -·-::--- 0.3; 18 'J:1;)7 FF-7 .. ' ' ., •• ., ' ' ' ~ : -}- r~-0"~ . 11-0n . 3/'Pt~ \ LO" .. r - X" 10'1 8:XAO ~~l3:S ~ · · · vJ 1Tf-f P RtcE-~ AAm.X)I rJ ~ • . ~Cf!:£6~ , ~~ YJA,-tt% , .,. ' ,·, 2 r: ' ,• tt-g,, + SOCf l(),\J _ . 1/+"::.1 1-0~ CARLSBAD . ,..,.. + 6:JLA 'O Stt~~ ~ VJ 11-H Pl('.{Cc ~ -MOVOJN~ L~O s YST~7 --r-ars . ·1-s~t~'.-, -~:., ..... _,·. · L-~·'-"'?f·:'":,; 'i::·:·;..,. --... ---.. ---.. .PF-g 0?--l?l-C3i · MERCHANT DESIGN G R O U P A S ~ . --· -:--:-- • .. ••• ·- ' I I I I z'~tl l I . r: \ B''+--~.S:?LlD + I . 1-. V S!-ltlif --t- Sf:CTlON 7/tll.:. \ '-a fl . LE(d)· SfS"TGv\ -OUM . . · -·-rs·r,~:.=-----._:_. - Cr, RL SB AD · ;\1ERCHANT u !; SI G N_ G R O O P A s JC \ . ~-.,,,§+-.;,.:.: . ..::::.,.. 'I' • _----•• ---. -. :--:::--=--· . 03· 10 -~7 PF-l.0 ' • • ~·· 1'-Z '• -t ' • ··- ~II 11-z. IJ ; l . t-~- ----· .. -. . ·JI_/() 'I Stt::Tl otJ _ _.7/4fi::. I 1-O" . . , ··1 ··•---e-e-· ·-o··LA-~ ~D,, ·,~-~~-,,,-a_._<,._· .. -~c -•. . .. . . C f, R L 5 B A D ~-/1 -.. ,· DGW~LV.13' Elc~MS, ~ . M~t{. N LQ-{ es P~t~ ~. U6ITT/f.JV' '*' 1'--z.1, r/>lWJr 1ftE- J< 11/i,'''{.. 1/z.'' . Meb{.. ~${oft;{, LJJ/ 3rc5we, '(5~(:{[$ 0 ~.$ $Htl,f W ITH DIV I Ot:t2:f ($ 10"0.~, -I KING,;, C/6TLC' · --TS-i~--1::_,._ .. -__ :_ LE__~ ;_~i_ '" ·pf~1··1 . . o~,19 .0)7 MERCHANT oesis~·GROUP Asi ~ ' ,., ... • : 3·\\ ! -1'-ci4 ' ' -• .:. SEOtON . \ . ·' \ .. ' 3'-0 11 1He KttJ·GS ~ ~!:VE · 00/rMS ~ M~GK-NlC'rl~ srmh+ti 'n~lmrr 7 @ za"· o.c. CAS~ ~ . \ ~,-, -~-G:.:----o~-·, .. --.--u·c-,>-,--~"-·'-· s--11:r . I.A ' ·-"~--· ··-··· · --Ts~r·-:,_, ______ .. _ l.6@';:-i;;-:J;,:' 7f~-_-;-:-_·--.. "';--·. C A R-L S B A D : 07•t8,07 PF-I MERCHANT DESIGN GROUP Al~ 2. '. '• • ' . .. , -·· -- . t= -I I I I I t l l --r I J --.. I I l \ ·-. / , G" ...ll--L-J...J--L..:.L.~---j,'"-/ -------- '58:TlOtv 3lt'' ~ I Lo" ·CARLS 5 AD l::GeiD StSTt?MS • 17NS ---TS·r-~-,~=-'--------- MERCHANT C~SIGN GR OU P A s i '· .. -:--,., i I (..;f¼:i'• --cy-r~:,; ·1-:=:-f;--;;:-_--,r 03 ~tB '?>7 Pf-13 • j • ® ® -t- ---=::;;:;;:::=::;:;; , 1 ' I ------i f / n .. -\ ,--, . ... . . -: ·~:,,EGO LA:" --~ ·o-«·'?o"-c-'-a_._;-,_;;._ - C A ,..,Kl c:. -,. D J\ -....; 0 I'\ .f © FVfJ10.Wt-J --rs·tf-,&,_, ______ :_ MERCHANT DESIGN GR O UP A S ,: Cfe£N~ WO~ l\r'tN ~11 @ ./1' II L Lf;v ... =,-t,:\.,.-.-, ·_::· ... : _: .. ---··-"' ---. · . 0'3. l 'b,'17 PF-14 I o-f ~- ·-::.--=- t tO~ ft~~ l/'1111-J\?OW7 , .... ' :·· II 5ECflON 3/~ '-: I lo.11 - · CARLSBAD \.' \ I () ,, 2- . 11--n-t~ $ SNU?:5> ee. , ,or,-w!YU(?fff?~ ,, ctSP~tY<$. z.4•1 FV~-r(MfJ· . ' -rs~r~:,-~--'-----------L.Eb ~s--t·=--:c -:·:..7f-.:.-;-:.-... --~. : -· . - 03,ie~7:·pf~j 4 MERCHANT, DE'SIGN GROUP A:S-t --A . ., q l'SMw 'NlNOON ~-~t#, -• (• ·---,.. ~ I \ - - , I > . I - -., . I -· -sECff c)fJ 3/4!' -;. l ~ O'-- Cf, RL SB A. D . . ~Nt;.-7W0\e-K.. 11-p-1tJ S \.. . -z II <P ~6 ~> --R)~ _{JlSPW, Of ?J · qr1(;{½ c,f ~ L-0 M? O'.)M~S RJNtaNN -rs~r~-,~:_; ______ : -.· LW.--if(~'~ .. ·- O?> • 10 -~J .\4ERCHANT D ES I G N G R 0 u p A '· l ·, . "-: . .:· :-.. ·----·-.---- '.F?F-14 ' 5 . SitB?TS wv-vl PtLI.,OvJ ctfx/ ,/ OlSl'lAtl\ 7 ( 7 ·Sff U~5] . SECTION ~1.Nf91 wo~K ~. l\fiNs'· Bl?DOI-Nfo (srt&-@15 t P, I law - J/'f-1'~ l '-~'I ~~ Mp;;f .Cd\Jrtl,5 ~ --) . FUfJTo.N/J CARLSBAD . L.t:G, ·~t-~-::::+::,-;. .. r:.--:-·-----· . TS~[~:, ::_,.c--· __ .. :o.::; ,1s ~7 PF-14 ·MERCHANT DESIGN G R O UP .. i l .. =--=- , ,). ' ' ·' • I • . ii . \ ''soow w I NOON . • XR.tM· ' '. -• . PJN-Vy9 "PV!eff.le po~ CUCllSL LA/v1.y5· 01Hoe BCV~M _ ~ oie.tr~<S q!J6$ PlS() .. 9H'M,f ' \/ r--' 1-(0 -7:T"'" 1~o'i sErnorJ -- 1/4'1~ I lo 1 ± 3'-(a'l I It \. II StYJN NIN l'.X)y\} .• ~-1/2 l ,~d'+ •• -r---1'-10 + I . ·sEcno-fJ ;;4-·~1 '-d CA, K!.. _, r:, r.. ,..,, c. -,. D ~lf..J't?1 WOK.(.( ,._ f1N.5 ' +. (l,3''v..1',3'1 =f -T·--s·---~[:'::,·':::: __ -.-_'_:_ -LE.(b.:..~<=,::'.c:::-~-.:.-_,-_____ --:-. ___ , __ _ MERCHANT O:,,('il~? PF·14 ·o E S I G ,N .G R O l/ P A I l _ _ ® r:__.,r_--r -~ - I "q" -· C ., f"\ R L C. ..., B D rt--f~. L+t-1. fp,L AL-1.., e.,x.f P_~_-e,o :'"° -~µ~-FA-~~? (If f', ) · , 1 n I jf·;,H L . I'-7 t',;;.. . ·1 -:::,11 ~_),. 0. I __ l V~ 1----;;.,.,.....-- , • ' I ~ 11 i ...-----~ti C, L_ e I><~ ( A .? r:. '(\ .. .-1 ie.- . ~IV!O~/\ FN.L, · ::,B?flCN 3".4-'~ I 't-0 II ---~rs·t:,_,_ .. -:_: - MERCHANT D E S I G H G R 0 U ·P A S IC =3et-i-l~e. 'ft? ~-vt7. . f¥-;.. H ~ ,, . . . \ i . • i3''·~·\J..J/ . ,-1i,11 ~t @ t.D" O,l, -· SECTlON - 11+··~ 1·~0'' - • -. . •1·~' · __ -~~-0-:-0·, ..... ~ ---~u·:--i-~-~'-:_-~-:-~·-- .. '--1-LM.l ~ CARLSBAD G~JN/IT&a J"G~ 7 / svtw.rr Ski J(..T QS0hqf;.· f(Jf.JTOW tJ ,. --is~t~,:.:.-·· .. -· ' MERCHANT D es i G N G R 0 UP A s ~ .. . @· ~=-~L,.,, PF-1s ' 03·18.~7 ' . . ·-~--=- . ·, . . \ t· • I I t-1~ot-t /--:::::=.~1 I I I -1 REr~Sti? -1 i------- ; sPsNYJ~.S -• ~!. 1,1 SECTtot-J -•• , . I . ?/ Cf' '-::. \ -c,>- C ;., RL SB Ao.· I: : -t . (d/67 SlttiV(0 ·W CTI-{ rg:usr ~ Llt:J. ~, NVNYo'tl/£ -o,v,~5 · 3"-ffl6-f1 ~-1-0 1'C,.C, · RJNTCMJN T-s-t~,--! ---: ------. -.... -----·---' . .\ttERCHANT : ES I G H G R-0 UP A· S K - L.B&,:':!?L.: .:.:·.:~-~ ·-----------. . . .... :::--=- t:)3 ·~B ,q,7 PF-1 Co • .:. s~1 '------~-(=f.«1'1/1 fVN TOW tJ ' ·1s~·r::,~·:_, _______ --_ - CA, RL SB AD MERCHANT D ES I G H G R 0 u p -A s It L.1::tt;-=t:7r,;.:c :·f.7"f_~~--;-:-_ ------;::.-:- Q3 ·f'8:~7 f?.F~1 T • - I i --• -\ . '1'>0"_. t c~ 81)( ti{JO ~7 I I 3'' II~ . C?) ;\ - 'I.Jr======./ r . l °>'' lONy, ~ tta:l<.$ : /H'l:====/ ~ <o''O.c,, . . ; +- 8/NfJINc;e 311 a LC., -#======r=~ ~l~ E>t6& ~-era~ SECrlO~ ?/~ \-... t-O 'I fvl'JTOW)..J __ TS·r-·-,-:, .. ---__ :_._ lEG? ·.;;=~·r-=-=o=, 0~ ·1807 ':7i..:-:.-;--:.--:-------. C A R L S B-r. D .. PF-1 MERCHANT D I: SI G .If G R Q UP A S J: B • ,< ~ t I • \ . Tl ~ O(Sr,?lM./1'. . T-Stt..l•'-f , 0 -1 I .I /V---~fv\l\l¾ l '1 . . . l l·, . LJ l I -1Lz..'\ \ /, . SfCTlOk.1 o/4''~1 \_.C)ll ' . . !.'' 4-'' fVIJTC)WN --rs~[".'.-,··~;.,_ .. -__ : .. CARLSBAD MERCHANT DESIGN G R O U P l s l L.Eifb '·-9t--"-·e; }::·:· :~ ... __ ... -... -· -----. ·---::---- Oo •I 8 ~<?>7 PF--1~ • 1 (, __ \ - ~11 ;;;, I I/ l·..Q ' f ---l '-(()'( 1'1:Plc%L ' ~f:tNNN61.R 616~ .~1(QW L.E:& ,!"JlJ-:-:.,; ,:~;:-,:--:~ --:..-~-' a ' ._ ":,-,- , _;2>_·1 e ~?J,-· ·pf -QO I • I• . . •• \: i \I I -• 1'~011 . 3/~'---t i_o,,_ -. Tff€-co~~ SHOf· -- ---TS"'t'.--1-'.:--:,.---._: -Le'.b--=-9-~·-:-:.;;. !:~.:..:_ .. -r:.----·-. --. o~·t6~ PF~22. MERCHANT -0 E SI G N G-R 0 U P .I n -~--=-··==,-, ~oo·-·,_ .. ,~·-, .. ~o· ··--c-~-:,··--:"-;.;·_. -->~l:r: -~ CARLSBAD ---=--~- •• . , I I. ~ 4 . ... Re"CSn~ . I ··-· ~~o.s -1 ., SECrJON .. ~/4-1,1-::. I 1-oll -----~---- CARLSBAD - I · a,wtJS lAN·'O 1 ~ GlX?5 ?f0.NG-.S, · I 1 r 1}' VJ CTH 4 11 fll6H BIN }-JIN& + I Z II 1- i . . T~~-- ·~ '--4'' + ·Sifr T 1-0fJ5$'f. T-tH~ CO~I-J~. SHOf fit~ ~~t-~-~-'~:1; ::·:--~--,r-:------.----;,. .. -----. ·::,.,._:-_ ~-::-~-;· .. :.:: . .=.-·-. _: t\.t\ERCHANT o; · JB ,'!)7 PF·23 -~esrGN GROUP ASi .. -::--=- ; • . ii i i I . I n==·~ -·.-f N(J{'f;; ~ 5H:~ -rv ff/;Ne· f+IX(?JOJJGrJ'{) fROJ'ST GOtoe I 911111'-L~. ,~,µ + ;f- i j . SEalON. "?ltf':, ' ... oi/ : ···=·g· . . . ~-·,eo. o··, ___ ,;·~'c ·e·~ ·-·"?,'-~'-~"•;.:.- -~··.:; ·-s ~ • . CARLSBAD . ·~~ ~ewes · .w rrt-t ~, tttGH BlNNIN(tl . TH~ ~a< ~Of ---+s~-1::~,,_--__ .-!..l¾-1?1 .· ·~ ---~----. -~-· ... . -' . O~· 13.'~7 MERCHANT DESIGN GROUP A S It .. :~pr~·z4:· • "''; , 1aor w M,L ~ -1 St'SfBM •• l .1 :; . StrCTJCY,u 9"4'':. 1 L d' CARLS BA b : \ ' --C0~tJ crz. 6ttoP 1111:; ---fs~t-·,;.,_---.,: · !,.E6:,-e--:l; k-:-;,: ::·:..--.. :_:· ----;.--·. -. : oi ,,a -~7 Pf-2·5 MERCHANT -=---:' ·DESIG~ GR Q lJ P i S X • '' ,. #·~ . : Slrl vV/'11.;l •• - i / \ i~B tj' ~ ~ r----'- I I I ~--ff'···-· I ?. f I l G:, t \ .!~ I - f . LJ ex I/ f .... ,, _, ,... ii H : I I l " . ' ~ . u ,- • I ). t-d(e~ . · p~L~ s~ll · · -· LJl tvJ 0" -Hen ~ 0v1 ~\-1'HYY 7 id -c at \1 L-t\11 rJl s-p tJ/Vo/t1rf I . to~ -ft.M-l~ltJ~ s~ rTT:M7 ... ,.;...-- . ; .. . ...... s-eqtot;J =r~·· ttNBL~0\ Tl 87 c, - PiLM o/4-''-.. 1L 0 7 ·-. . . ·.,-' ' ' . :.~,. ' · •c:tGo·I..A ff~""-·,c . CARLSBAD * @i<tJ~ Sf-t)f t1;h -~·t1·,~:;:_ :~:.::-~:.---------. ---·rs·r-·,-----·· .. · -pf-2(1) '(J~ -l 6 rJJ7-MERCHANT DES I G N G R Q II P l s i I of z.. -. .. -~--:- .:..._ •. : , ,'!I "-0 11 -,--· .... ,:, . -/. ••• . ... I....----------------------, . i .• , .. .. . .. . . '. . ' ~-GOLA .. D~M-·,c .. -CARLS B A·D nte-~ER sttof ---~s~t:·----~:=.:--.::_ .. ' ~-~!:5:L;: O~·H3,C7.>7 . . . MERCHANT DESIGN GR Q UP :As l ·. · ...... :-f5F~,2~ -z. of"? ·-::: .. -=-; ... . .. •• . ' .; . -- ( -·~ ' . •• i , I, -- , · 2:tCTtorJ 3/4''.;.1 1-6 .. - C A' R L S S A. D \' , I z'--0 '1, - _C, t I ·- ,-t-£-,CQ)t'<.fJ~ SttOf ·-·fSt··---~:, ...... ·_: ~---JU~--·, 'Pf-27 . ~ --:..-:-- . ,03• l,8•C?>7 MERCHANT . -,::--::- D~SIGN GR Q UP A I l • I "' I l \ --. -I t===~ . I l ·-1 ~~1ve 6B.A-M~ I 1 .. ~~o~?-G ,-1-0'1~.c. _ .1 1====; ~ . +t.orirz... a;,,c.(3 -f '-o ·1 v:e,v f- I ' ', .... -. I I I r1:======- 1 1, 1~-,==:::;. 5ECrt0N 3/~': , '-.a:, . .,---_j. • • • ::.~,'. . • -•-~c~E-G--· -o--· LA---:-----~f>---,\-~"'...:,'°-',.-.• "-;-~:--.-. -~ ' - C A,.., C: -AD i\ Ki... ~ t;· i-'\ , 1f-ft;-!Cl~'1'S 0'-6-rt.:E- ---T~~l .. ~=:--------.-- teG-1:11 . ·---·-=---':.-. ---·~- 0:?·16 1G-J7 · j\iERCHAN-T 'lESl·GH 'GR O UP A S i . ::·::pp~·2a . --~--~ . I • t L iD"' • ·_ ,-·I .. 1/+ '~ I -o" 11-+'e: ' l<ll·JG S 0¥,'"'M; -·--TS-t-·-1::,_---------- C f, R L S B · A · D MERCHANT 0 ES I G N GR 0 UP A I J: - LE:~_:.fiL. ,• -:·.. ----=-- q;d S .~7 ~ . ' f.pj=·~--2~ ·--=--::- ... .. , ,· i ?W~~f-- r-----'-'--t---r-cyl. 8I] (f.J~~ ::,-. I' 1/ .. LO~t,f-. . OLSPlM·( . J.~ 5Htl~ • . ., . SECflO-iJ 3/.f'-:. \ ,.., 0 '1 ... ,. ' ·-. . ••, I ·:~~o-o··,_--,a~· ---~D-··sc·1"-:.-'-::"·;._ •• · ---i:.. IJ4.. . C A R·L S ·o A _D 11-te-1<1tJGS O½t~E- .. TSI:1· -~ .. ----_ :-:':~-7,. :::.=----._-, . . . - MERCHANT D ·e·s I G N G R O U P .. s ~ • I - ·- i_-e~-.'P/. .. :PF~YJ • • • ··-- ----=-- 0'3·18~7 I C I : l : .-; ,· .. \ rl.,L-/ '• "2 'I -+ .. If /1-0 'I I . I . · .. ¼. ---1!..c;,,-¥-.' 1 l I,_ -z.. ,, -+ StCHON . .W4';.I 1:..0·' 1HC? ·1· -SH~ l K'lNGS ~L-~ · ·--Tst·-c,.="·-.. --. C A R·L S B A D -MERCHANT DESIGN GROUP ASIC ·- I.EG-='=-c-'1-1-~;,.,= . :.;.~ ~ ~----:·· -.... :;:.--- O~·IS,";)7 PF-31 ; .4 \ ' · .. .,;. -·-------1 I . -·-'-·" ------·-· .:~ -. I R.e(£½1?i? : .. :-~ !al ... f-_----·~· ;1'. 4" . 311 . f i .,l.1/·+· t·L Qb" . IL • --"r . . . . fi · . . ~l-8 \\+ 4'-0 l\ C)V~ ___ ::p~ vievY ( LEFT ttANt?-·Flm~c DRAVvN, .3/4-1'-=-i-'--O" R(~f1T ~~ 1 ~IM((....~: {?;fJ7"° O.f'POsrte) · . . <3EQJOtJ 1/'f'~( ~6;-1 . • L Lt¼O S'rSfEMS R')tr TS~[~.'.,~:·--·------· . . . ·MERCHANT 0 E S I G H G R ·o u p .l s r ~-::s~r )!.:' _.-__ .. :.-_:--. -.--· - b3 ·10·~7 LF-~ I of"Z.. ·--=--:-- -', "" •• ·-· ·, ., 1/~11 -;., I 1-0'1 .. · :\to·01AlrrM~--·:~ .. Cr, RL SB AD ?K COfJ P.Trt ON h"T ._· ~ft('.J{) C0WMtJ Sf{';(,( N~ I A-OJ U7T .g l OG-VtJ 117 f"OfZ ~l/fftf!.. 'l'J \t'-l'O0\tJ 'o/rZe-S, ' ~eGO I ./ k 00"[+{ s l OE- fti1V ~ c--5 ,Uf<._f M:(N:s/'<o lR- stSTeM A~. " TS:[~~_,-,~:.!.~·-__ ,_.· t..e0~sr b?-184?>7 .\1ERCHANT 0 E S I G ,'i· .G R O u p A : ( -::::=:-f-;.~-~:----------· ... _ .. LF-1 .• -z. Of"Z- :-;.--=- i . -z." ·"7 ·-_-,.. 'l-'' ..,,T. ·~ V , • .. '-er "f i' ... ~ ~ ; .3 11 I 7 1ft ~~ 1\ · · .. ~----: . : -. . .· St/1!(,f ·-1. • .l-11 ,oa··1. ___ --. -. -. 5~.S . 8 ·Gu _ _ · I . I . I l011 _ _ _· . : · · . ' - _ . -- . ' . 21\l' \t-4_ .. ~~h. 1'-4'•'.J "3. aq v i, ,( 4' ~ t PL~ JiT!)/'J 1 '\f<Kt$W RB::$Se'O ______ ·-----ST~ ~~ 3 /a.Ir~ { t -(j II pf/?,:l /\JCo, --~ sp~N~ ,o --• ~~ 31 if-,-----.-.J '--"---Fl~Re -~os B~Jt}Nl'.) :wrte'12e JSr.ppu ~ , ttt:1N'i M'j 2.'lC~.5 P~lCe-TA& MOWI NCo ,~lCAG . 1--L =--=--=------~--~- Lf(d) STSIFMs,. CARLS BA· 0 TSt:1:: .. :,.,_----... -LE.G:.sr-:-;:-:::..7";;..~--;--~-=-··-~ ---. O~·f6~7 LF-2 MERCHANT ·O E. SI. G: H G ii O U ? A : I: I G "\ ' . ; ' • : ' l -~ ' ·- .. , i I a.'' -z..-u -,0T.S -, I ·1 . ,, I I '@Y5 1 I ($J's I I 1· I I - -- . --. · 11 1 . aiit . . I'. @15 : @ !i @' I ,,~,,~ . I l ' J L _1 . fl;dJ VI Bv 1/B 1'=-1 '-o '' i . i-i ~-t1-3lf !'/ X I . . . -~ ~ SEE-·, s-tee 1. u=-2.: --.~ R~~~--, ... ·. ~· . -'StA;ND~ . -sy.?~NG --. --- --}- I @5 • 1 L£~0 ~TS"1'ENt $ , C r, .R L S o A O . ·rs~[:,·>'~=·-----_:_ · 'U:e.:s-r-.;,.: ·::-:· . .:..·:. -··------.-- OS•\8}J7 L F-3 MERCHANT DESIGN' GRQU;i l-;l • + I•""!: 5 ' ,-i I . - I . ' ·f.0. Plf<N' Vl0/V 3/~"~, ',o: - -;r--/1.34 .. ,"""7'"r--,,.--.---;-z" • -~, '1 SECTfON 5/4"~ 11-0 (/ .-. --~\· =1·-~,' ' . . . . "EGo· -~LA-· -"-':. ·, .. ·o· -.;,-.,..~-/<--"·;._:-.-..... ~ - r A -1 c. --AD ,_, I'\ K_..., c, r-. .. \ .. . .. TY Pl CP<t. . 8:JU 0 sttewt½ · w 1TH eN o R 8-TU RN~ tNtter<e A? p vt~Gt=- -rs.::t--:'.-,'~:.<.:--._: --lBd-5-P-;" o~,1~3'tb7 .MERCHANT 0 e SI G H G ~ 0 u p A s C ·;:~;.--;-:.-_:-----.--· ~ LF-4 . :· =--~ • _..,__ ______ 3'~ ~¾IC-''----··: ----IC-- ---1 '-3 '' L 1 -,,.Lo·,, -. ------. r ~. '- I • o see-1/4-'\ pt~+v~s-pW}J . fbK M t:R.C\i', RJ N C"T LOJJ 7 ·w __.i-------0 SW De-ML-S-® (J]) © @ -~ M~~Pl'::12 A'<BeNl'"/TTlON ft,¥t)w~e 3 1-c;Y~"~ ~-~· r--I\_ ~EG STPtlOM'cPJ . l L 3 11 I l_0 '' cvB1<1P1· 1N f7·H cu~ SH'ee-t "2. Or Lr-~ Btare f'CvkTR:>RM BELOW ~- - _9 * -I K. - I 1/z,lf . · PLAN. ~IEW '.3/4-'~-i 1-0 •1 ~-~- --- - =r \\3LCT(' W /XU.J . Disp(,A(( SYSTeM J S B A D .. I 0 · FQRJJ!·Sft @ @ ~wt£e: fdK-{){,1t¥1-ffS1 ~ · ~, ~G~7 -PAi<K: PR0DUC.TS ~ SOUVENlRS,. TS~t:1: -~:_:_---___ -LE;e-51"·~ ;_-_~:: z--.: r.:._:---r-.--· .. 03·t8 IJJ7 LF-5 MERCHANT O_ESIGN GROUP.AS{ l of' Q 3/8ll h.11}\_:;·f.,.... ... _.-. ·--~--. , .. ·: '.t \~? . .· .· . . .. ~ -,_J .. :.::~:: ..... ~ : .. • ·, '• .; .,.. { ' , . ·J •• J ~ . I V1} 'A. 1h.}1 't. I ~ 11 ._____,___ ___.;_ ME1 hL fKBOVT °'1 , '/7.!.l y._ . t/z., ,. M'?'tt>s1-. f-t:ANG, ,w Q --·· © ~ . rt.uo· : . . =··1 ,n_., __! . ' ·-, . . .. ... , . 'l'EG-o-LA ' o,-~-,,-,,_ . CARLSBAD _··f----1_1'."D~ ' . , . . . l --~ . . '•(' &lt..d. ~.a.;> .. .. I. , - . l ~ I I 'I( i/z_'l z . . ~ROO of-)· J 1/7, IJ '{. l/7.)I M~ -lo~~e, @ M-cf.At. Pa'p$ 3 11 LoN0 @ -z,." d,c • w ei.;ro l1/0 10 tteJtcrU>NT)(t . . tt1U-10R:>O VJ rTrl waoeo 13~$ @ '/%IJ I (' ~s-t-·~'-~-· .. __ , · .. -" . . ~5-f,,;..,.-·=:.'=',;.;:~.:e-=-----. --. • -I J-..... ., -· -·-. MERCHANT o3·1e~ LF· 5 Q I: S I G H G R O U II A ·S ·t ' Z of ~ . I • ~.· ~----- -. . . .• i_ ··" ' i C A C. -A D R L ...., o r.. LEG· "'!Sf,;; !:=:--f.~ .. ~ :-_----~ --.: --r5r'.-,~:.=------·_; · ·- p3•16~7 LF-0 lvtERCHANT l of4 L. E 5 I G 'N -G R O U P l s: It ·-~--:-. • -• ...... , . .,. '· ' -... . ·1 '-eGo· ·,_--·a~ D-""-1'"-c-·-=,---"· . .:.. _-_ -·..:~a;-· .. I.A . . . C ARL s -AD I\ 0 r\. . ' , --Ts·t---,,_,a··-._:_ · t...SG-~61-,-.: .:: :.· ,: -; ._ -· ·----- ., Lf-G MERCHANT o-;; -ts~ ·-=---- DESIGN G R O U P A S IC z of-4 • .. k"':-' . ~ ·.' -,_ ' I I . i. ... ) . . . /. ' / ., tl"" ' j y ,/ ./ / . \ ' --------· ----.. -·-__ .;:J, _ -· -1-·-------,___----"I ~--V\BAI 3/4-1'-:;1 t....od· ' / V '<-~ ± 4'.-0l' OJC(?/)(\,,{.., ~- ·.1 . : --, .... ---.. ( ·--1. . ! l ... , ... ·i,, ..... Q11 ~ -.---... ',,. ~ ... ' .. --i '\ V ./ .. .... {0~ ,.l ,- ()~ ' .. -~ ·-- ' ' . .. . .... J .. I I ;f.. -~~-D_lD_t-.l~ ·. -u·K.s ct';..-~'1. . [;\Jl-fN& . MT6, .. R"BJOWl tJ f.J d~ e{f"[SW"llO~ @ ~ 0 axrwM/v 1:CltNM<, fa'R SOVVD1JI r< I PM1M. p,uoJC-7:.-..$ ... - - fJ./w;J.Jt915 I pa .StoYt00>; . Gie.~I(\(,, ~5 i 0 evv~, \: ~1lON - ~ ~1.(, ~\-01·1 S~ ~TVL+ro? ·o~LS ~ M,~r~t ~ AJ & lN)~S .. ----J -" ,·, 7#/I/II 11 ' ' ....... ~ " --. .. -~ I : ~ 7 .G(6+f1W '- '. CARLS BA. D CJ?.i>~.SL,,; ·s·1 ·-T ·"":':·t~----:e .. , .. ---._: :.-::·.:: :.--....:-. ---------. - . ' 03•ll:3~7 :Lf -(p MERCHANT 0, E S I G N G R O U P A s It 3 of.,- ___ ; -• l ' '! -----. . . ~ . . . +-J'' + i ,,' i i : Oe-TML@ .PrCC(½6()Rl~7 © --' ' ·.--75-1:"'.-,r-._:. pe{7>({ L <g 6Reei I N(t, . C~O$-i &A'flOiJ~ · . ®.·· ~~~SJ .. =:'!: =.:..:.--.:-:-_--::----. ~ ::--- CARL 5 BAD O~·lS ·~7 LF-0 MERCHANT O-ESIGN GROUP. A S IC 4-of 4- . . . . . . t-_-, u~ - 2-0 ·1 ... · _.· . , ~~~~,_,_-, -ttlNGW ~re .. , VJ ITfi ~.orr.ctf '\. ~ FUE.H u,c~. \ . ' . -z_LD'' \ NcrTe-~ - ~M~Se - Dl5Pllfi~~f SEB 1/4PflW~f _ FVsN ~ [)Nf, u= -a, 4-Df-+. +--12:z:z:. .. Ez:z:.a~~-c::-=-~ :---:h. • C A 0 Lock / / ·/. R L S B A -D . z , ,, C) 'C., C;;!JmN ~ · o(<:' Sf ML~ · S,'fSTo\,1 . . tt( NG(;() · OQor-e ----Of'J£7-SttJ e \J'J8t~-~e -ro ·tJJW~ 6~l,U'1'f" cevBttt<2-J' ....) • • . .· . ~-™JJ1 . . vJ.INt?QW·.> .. . .. ' , i C !-, R L S B . r. D ' 4-6'' PJNTIJvVN .. T-S~t:1:: ~,,_ .. -.. -:. Lee-61·-•,,, ;:_·~::·:· --.. ----·-.----"' 03•16~71 lf-8 M-ERCHANT DESIGN GROUP A S IC ·-·=---- . ·-· ... . . . \ • • -. -~ . '-· . . . -· \ ··-. .. . . . .... . .... . .. . . . . : \ NBI\J PROp. LJ>VNCtt ~ · N/ CDMP~ CDROM ~llOtJ - .. -~L-:_, -.. _ -~s~o: LA, ---· _•Jc-·!c-ca=-f-:;_._~,; . .::-.• - ~-. . C f, R L S B A · D Ll=6-6/ --TS-l~1f.f __ , ___ : . o~ -~-i a=tC?J1' --~1:p-~-<:)· ----·--·--·-·-· : MERCHANT I' CF i D ~SI GH GR D up A s It . ..• ~--:=:--=- . .. ... • . \ . ,--·-:·": • ! i ' ;. CARLSBAD t %o72 N-1?vV Pt?el·YJ(}C::7 "{ M.JW . ·• ~~) .. o QJE-um1LCJYJ R~l ,e~, Pr01J\Y.K rtiNC(lO~ e -, kJC'Xll0)'}$ D7 ~v\JtJ ~ rtydt;Ke p._lf»J I 0 __ 'PMJVCE-,~1ve ·.: c,O~M UW\f~'(-~ 0 ' I . ,L • i fl ;, i.. . ! ·. - ~~tD~~ LttJGo s-rc. . z) .. <f-!' ffl6 ff '--L-~ -. I . T-f·CJ" Wlt>E . X -- !.~ CORDM --.--TSt·":I,·-··-._:_ ' . . MERCHANT DES I Ei N G R D U P A S It --~/-~t:'. ~f[t=:·9 O~·IS:tm • . z of z. ' • -=,..---I . .. ... • \ j --• . ' I -- • ' i fA(.Wt l RJc -, ----- IDGt -- ~Ck:H~ ± Z:O 11 -t . . . ·tt -1=·~, -"-'-EG_O----·,-~.=: --:_--·u·---.,;c-.,, ... , __ --_____ c;.; --. --. . ~ . . CA, RL SB AD· \ ' .. fV"110W kJ srl%¼ffi ~~ - @ 7-z.t( 0 ,c I ~ @LM:J SH GW~ .. t-.aG=»Sl-% -:::=-f-~·-;-:.--------:.·--. ·Ts·r-'.-,~:::--._:: - o~-10tJ.>7' .LF~ I 0 MERCHANT R 0 ES I G N G 0 U ,p ·A I a: . ! ! ·-~--- • :,-J I ., -• ' , _..,.- i -- SECflON 7/4'~ 1C.d'J \ . -·~1--~, . . . .. -~E-G-~o· ·_,: I . ~-=:. -~--u· ·:.)-:-'<·?c'-c-'<, >-;._:;.._ -I..M. ,' CARLSBAD FVfJTOWtJ ) . Z If (),Ct . ~ht,(.., .--~~ ~J (c} I\ aecf (;; lj6 ~ Q-tet,vt?:!$ w rrK (o(,A;!,S BI~ tJ I t-J & s-rmM <aR~ ~(FD 1gll.Z7f\elE:3 ·Ts~·r:_.--~,,.r-__ ,_ {...f;:&·~~1--.;.,-_· __ :·::-~------. ---. LF-11 03·lBOJ7 MERCHANT DESIGN G R Q U. P l s i :--:;.-::- ---1J.,_..,.../' ·· -_ -_,__-i: 8' '-_o" , · · · --1'· -· · · _· __ _ --, ,. . '7/~ ":;,-1 1-0~ I. I · . _.' I I . ' I I . ~ ·1 'j -ooITT 8WlirlaJ J/8~':. I ':..ai4 -· .., 11--Jil.L_ 1 -''-¥- v 1f l--011. 8fa10N A ' .... 1 /4-11=-l 1;...6~ ' . . , . ·-, --. . . . ~OLA D,~,-·-,< C A R L S-B A D ~lCJN-6 -3/4'' ~t'-Q'I , .. . . +SL,. LEG·~' • -_..-. -::.:::-: .:,f_Y,~~ • -~•:,:: • ..:--~-• _,.-• 0 • a~ :-rg;cttt--MERC·HANT DESIGN GR 0 UP A S I ½t:F---]' 2. --·--:::--::-- -~;;f]j; ~fg,J(Jj p(At.J VI~ • ' .. 6~1Wf'4-{,, :·{6~ . ~Ol,5 j . ! 1(8 '~ 1 '-c:i'' · I/ .. ____ _,-----,----·-·-·---: .. ·m1r,,----.. . ~-. ' . . ··-"~·~·o-· ··-:-A=' -.. . . ·1'"-c'·-.;,. "-; . .:;. _._ .· l..£i'-:I -~ CARL -5 BAD ~ -~1' -,. V~!BS__.¥ I . ~ , I._ -. ... . ; 13-0 'I .·_ vM<:i~-TT . l. . .. S-eCT_lO)J j3 --~i=s-1:c,'-:·-._: .· LE&-91 ' . ... ·--·~ .· .. ·--·. :·fcf~l7 0J,1a.,~1 MERCHANT DES·IGN GR O U. P A S IC · -=--- ... ... • / \ ,.; •• mcwt . 'f.UC' • I 2, .. 0 l, _ + - . \ q ~I-~ S~ll_O~ - 1/+h.: .. ,'-oY 2. L9 ,, J AJNTOWrJ .. ,TS--l--1 CARLS BA C, MERCHANT D E S-1 ~ N G R O U f! A S It .. I . . St't¼\f>trf ~ 7 e ,:z . ...t , o ,c.,. t.NfkKltS we~. ~._yl_, .. -LF~1-_4 ~~-,e~ . . '~- i • i ! . I • -- i ' CARL 5 BAD ' ' ,, -~ 'AS~ Sttaf . . . ,r)·O f . . . . .: . .. (alRGS />ll.l½f£*\ ~- -SJCFGS ·- t=VITT0"'1-N '-TSL·I .. a=::&.~.Cq, .. ··Lf~J5 C)~.~8.<))7, MERCHANT DESIGN G.R OU P A l It - • • \ •I -.,~--4,-0'' --d-. FVf.JTOW~ CARL 5 BAD ,TSL:1--• U¾,,(11 'LF~1 03;1a OJ7 (o MERCHANT - · DESIGN GROUP ASK -; -• ,. '· I .• SfCT(ON ?/4"-:: 11--C> IJ CARL 5 BAD tH.t-iGW ~- 006rt C.UOCWl +t\N&B'O ~OYl .. -W/(;IJCVl. . FJtJTONtJ --• .. ,TS-L::I-_ . · MERCHA-NT DESIGN GR OU P .l I I{ -.. ... .. u:-G_~ C -- 0?·16D)7 Z> \-d-rr is~·1.1 l ·ot=-3 -. ' < • ~ ·-\ •• b I . I FABRIC COV'D PAO 81' F.C. ·/'.-...--va· CCNT. ou11<1<, PTM LF. LP. '1:.....4-----------+-~-SJDV'G DRAW AT CD SIDE SEE DET 'A' SI-EET-2.· I I .\ ' I ! i '---r---------+----BEST LOCK, NO SLESTITlJTIONS 5E. SS<IES. · .. ISOMETRIC . . N.T.S. C A R L S -B A D ,.TSLI · 'LBa-~I -·---.·-Lr~11 o~--,e~7 MERCHANT !)ESIGN GilOufi·1s1 . . 'Z.. 3 ' • 't -• f7 ~ SLIDE OUT ORAW611,,..,AN:> ____ GL_~___,.e:;rl I I USE OJ<. SLICON= AT I I ALL GLASS JOINTS I I I I I I I I I I I I l l 1/4" FASl<IC cov·o PAD er ·F;C. · -0 I i \ I ! \ \ ! I I 11a·--::-, .· ·r::-11a· LP. AU. C3) SIDES, SAME ALL MOL.NJ I I I I I I rt-1---1 Ir--- ~ I 4· I va· Ca-J'T OUIK'K, PTM-LP EXTENSI0'-1 SLIDES DRAWER BEST LOCK NO S...SSTlTUTES 5e SERIES. a· CON'T QUIRK, ·PTM-LP b I -l-.. 1·-10· :I · ~-...__,;__--,---'---------:---,-------,...-,r~ 'I . SECTION 'A' 3·-1·-o· FO~ R~t?ReNC-~ ~~ .... . Lr-6-i;t . .. . ---.. ---' --.l;EGO"LAID C A R L S B .. ,TSLI LF~f-=t MERCHANT 0'3•L 0-">7 t'\ D D ES I G N. ~ R Q U P ,A S IC 1 af·~ ; • .. • j I -~ •••• · t.~GOLAND C A R L 5 B A D· * ... · -z<t- ..!1.----'""1'""l'. ·\ ~-l .. ~ -.. ; . ' PJt-J10W'f-J ,TS-LI-. · ~-:Jfl-.: "Lf·18 . ----c;,1e tiJ7 MERCHANT DESIGN G R D U P A·S K ._. ' "i l \ ---; - / -- ----------4--/ I I -~- l ~~··· . . + ~ ?/f''-:.·, 1--(l-1 Bf~> . Srze;Tl_0,"1. 3(4,'.'-:. ,1-dt • • . ' ' ~O'' 3'-<o q (}J~ /.J,f,f, C, ~L + ·T-rtS . ' !'<\NbS ~ .. '·TSL·,' LJ:;G.=-;'.I. ·. _. 03:•16·'l>1, MERCHANT D· ES I G N G· ~DU P A S X ·LF-J~ •• t . ' i 2 t ;=J. , I • SC-GlON . ·?( tl.l-:::J'-o i' CARLSBAD 3 1-b(( -+ "101t3-; 7-r::ti+v (L~ @ ~WM rJ fl((.)::, MJ~~-vJtttrJ CUJSI ('J.&, s+tof' 3re Lf-\~ ·ft;~~~ tM puL-~ t?. 1-reMS tV«Nrd_ ~ CAStl W)y\1;?@@ C.OWMN I 1f:l'8-Kl Nf>S C//;TU: 'TS·L··I U:G--~1-· {_f;.·2.0· .. " ---.. .- ·03•.18·~7 M,ERCHANT DESIGN G ~ Q U P A S I • ·, :J l -; l l.{,tl . -t-~ VtVj/J - ,;4!1-=--1 '-o .. , . ' i ,, ! I • j ) : . ! i SECTLOrJ .. ',_ -1/t'"-=.f l-c:,.-t . . . ~EGOlA"D···· CARLSBAD z)-4'1 . . ' . ,TS-LI· . C,'&6 ~[?f oa ~\a.~-, L-F~22 MERCHANT D ES I •G N G R O U P 1 s r ' • C) !. : · a·i . ~1· ' ~ I ·-~ ~ • -• I .~ < ~- ; I [ C l i t C A r, • (T'(r7) SHELVlf-fGU~-,T .. -, -- R L S B A D '-TS;LI LEG-El 03~i0P>7 -LF~z~ MERCHANT. I of.Z ' 0 ES I 1.·N G R 0 U P l s l ~ • .. ., ·, ' 1 ' ; -' C ·---...:. :· -:--_____ .... _ .. ____ ..... "'---:-,... -~ - 'l~~'? ) ; / . : ' HO -ror 4::i-+ELF ·-,....--_--_:-_:-_)'-:_~-:-, ::-:-; ---------,-------:1.-'- i [ ll I I i I •, I i I I • I l I i ! l' I t __,.;I -/:-9J LJ 5T .Ae,Ll:. ... / I !I 5rt=L..V6~ -- '3U,r::,_ cia----i!~. =====~=#t C~ I l B~IH(:, I • : I l. .. ' AS ~l~C-i J l i 1 I . I I i I ! I I t, ' I. I. I. !I --, ·1 Ii ' i l. t [" t L I' I: r l I· \ I- i I J r_ I ' l l I _;, ! . ~ : ;:::::::===~c~~G? ~~e ---!:...I _______ .l _________ .....,_ ____ -:t1--- A .:=:. --, ... -, ~ .___: . --~--t •v~~ ··T(PltAC. "gfE:LVi~ G UHIT w . -,.TSLf R L S B D MERCHANT .D E $ f G N GROUP A S It \ \ \ \ LSo-51 00-·,a-~7 . ... ·Lf,27 zofZ: • .. ., .. ~- · ~ . tn? --~PMJ~ .. --,\\ , . . .. i W / ''sLOT WMA- ~1 tJ fc:, ~. -'Ste- ~ ~L-5 . ., . ' 1 . ; ~ I 'I /t . I -H".J I I °!' $eCflON ... . all ·:L-EGO.LAN·D CARL 5 BAD ·\ ~ . ~ 1~· _· ' · -6110 9tt'WI t¢ w r1r ~m; . ~tJi OO"B' -~·,, RJNTOIVN '-TSLf MERCHANT D ES I, G: N, G R O (J P A S K . ,LEG-SI · 9i·l5·'?>1 -LF-2G •· 1 . IJ;q, j'('t;.8~~u.-~ -_)J~. _-C;t;D a~ ~6i7 . ,1qo~w"O~-~ ~ ·O :J T--~-11U..-.0ry,, ·. · , I •. 11 1 I . 0,w, _ _ · , , · · ---.::-' - --"7 . ;' . """ - - - . 71 ' • I. • ~. ,,1 .. , ! . I ' / ' i._ I '\. / I . W~lfJ{d \ 1 . , / I '>/ I ·spta=--! i )\. I 1 / , I_ i I / "-I 13~ nLL-tJ ~ I/ '1 / __ _ k:'..~---\i 1=F===!jc=""~_ ~- ~-LE-~ __ G~-~--1=~~::::;:::;=~~f __ -~_~6_~:---~ r· . ..., I c' .-. . , 1:zo ;r. R~ ...:..__ _____ _ -i'U •• :\EGotANo CARLS-BAD .. -\ ·- CASMWRA~ -·· ' . TSLI· MERCHAN:T DESIGN G R 0 U P· _l s t ~ @ MQJHOR -® ~orztvs- © C'\7f\ Ofl>WfJtf!. @ -BP« C0D~--~ @ ft)t?1VM 11.avfJT @ ~~l\t. @ l.tNt?-OtetvG LEG-"'-~ l-.-·: 0.3• l8PJl cw-1 l Of2 1 ~-_,, .J r. J •• I 1 . .. I. .-1?n:::ZZZ::W, 1-·• I r I I ( I I :, \ -~ ~ T''-'---\ r1 .' \ r -- -_ I I - o oc.;,::.e, i"' ..S. · 1 -. np zl : - ... S€C-1ION AA ,. ' " .( C A R L S B D ••\ S€CT/O;J Cf6it W t<PfS - ~-SI TS,LI-. -·-CW;.1 t®e·31 ~7 MERCHANT CESIGN GR-0 UP A S X Z Of '2..- 'I ' . . l •• --z 1-o'' . j -~ · . fW\J-VltMI .- t -·-_ tt:: ®==~==-t:::;:;:~::;. ~·=t;==9, ,,. C. . ·: ' . '3G'l ~'PEN .[ . _ ar7C1'J +-~i R--~--------~---· /Sfi---.. ...__lO_rJ .. '\.EGO LAio- CA, RL 5 BAD ... . ' ~~-?~--TS·L-1--cw·.2 0~·190)1 fvtERCHANT· ,ESIGN G R 0 U I' .A S It ,. ' ~ .... R..NJVIBN 1:zo ·t-10,e .HJ,0 ____ _ : ~:b f 11 . l ,__J ______ /1---,..-----.J: . ____ I - .. -~ J .., .,, .1 I I I ¥ ' I ~ ELE'l,t-:-"f_tOf---J ( CM. skJ ~-~ '7 1 r?~J P z..a> ----A A Sd'EEe!J - . _· I - I~ ®+® -· --· _CASt-t W 'RP<.Ps. TS __ L_f- ·@ MCf-lnPR ® ~OY21.VS"_ ·@ (79ft O~&f!. @ B~ C0-0~--~ @ fei?tVM M.cTI!IJT @ ~rtMi t c.. @; L.LN e-P~LVG' 11LL · ~<.~S ;-(~tl --V~lfT - . i...a;..:~ I· --. -... . . cw~3 .MERCHANT .. C!:SIGlf GilOUP ASX . ~.1~·~7 - \ *' . 7-L O lt . . . ~-------"--"'.77t-~ ---· ..JL) ---~-.. I I • / .. K---7r \ " / I I '< I I/ / " ~-~ -,, -·, C~ /Dt C<JtJ @+CID,' c., l1 . 0 © j[ F\J l/4.{N ~ : ' Of'~ Of~. . . I ... '. + ElkVm1avJ ~·LEGOLA.D C A R L S B A ·o . . .. . " OP-B-'V\ 0~ o()~ '. .. 'K: ·-~ '7t I '-/ ·l I ~---1 .J/~-~ ~~ t- + 92<:: Otfi · cw-3 ~n. © .i . ·\ . . \ I ~-... "i ~ I TSll . U¾:i?I ... · .·. MERCHA'NT o1 ,ts ~7 CW -4 . i:J .~ S I G N a· R-0 U P A I r · , . ' \ ·---l- ' ( ' . . • l l ·. - 0 '{C) ~ I .. II . fl.[ l,yOV r ~ ' O'f4_ OP~ ~ K ~ .. .. . , . +-~ ~ ·6- .!. .. 14.~'~ ~~ CARLSBAD 'TS-L-; -~-~s-:1. .. Q/v,f:j - 03 I ., a 0')7 MERCHANT DESIGN G R O U P A s ·I . -, .. . :~~10, .... ,=r~•~·~ . t-t-lC. e,tC K-r., . . ~ A-OKra, .. · · ·_·-_ - : . i. i---------------~-,,.,......,,.,-+.-----------------,-..........___---~~ • l T(ft~ -~ML,$ C ;., R L S B A. 0 TSLI LEG-GI ·, . . , ... ~ . . . -·-.. tD~1 .MERCHANT C)~-18~7 OESl&H GRo·up ASIC I "Af l"i"'~i--\\ t,11 ~ /i-J."& 1F1-~.?I ~p!.K·j" - I .. \_ ,- .. l ) ~ ·-, . -. J CARL$ BAD , I 0 -.·-·--' --.,,.,,,,-........ · .. -··---._, V V 'V" ' --' / /" --- " " iY'Pl~L DETAJLS 'TS·.L;f· _MERCHANT 1lESIGN_ GRQUP ASI Le6-5l· 03·1S~7 I D.-z ---------'-----~--'---'------' • ,,,,..,..,.,., C A R I S B ·A D " . I' 1'4-''. · 1YP tet-~t. Peli\1l5> ,TS-.L-f. MERCHANT D~SIGN GROUP A S It ---,--~-------- t.1;6-fl -· .. .T·D-3 03·(6.0)7 . -- i •• ( _j ' ( ' ~ --Vpr!IC\~ L ~ . . r -----=--rv4• ~-~ 1=====::::::i t::=:::!!· ~i-.. i ' . •LEGoLAID CARLSBAD ,\ . ... I D~/VffilC 'E:K8cttt:6 - . ~ RJ6'TtC T~;, · -_ (0C/1h -131NNltJG1 N~tD--J?) ~ sttaf 01v1oe;e5, CT-'?+ti RTS l ACC£---SSO ~ f ES ~k:.)' ' V!>q({e$· -. -ryPtCi(L PETAil.-..$ -LC~· ~I -TS-L-1 . -· •. ·10·-4 03:lB-~7 MERCHANT. OE-SIGN G R O U P .l I r . ···-., . ! k 1 --:::. -,_,L. __ ,,.,,,_ ______ · .. , . ..,.-.~. ·_.:(_ ~ +- ~ -~ -1/i'PLYW'b'OR CAL-SLAT ' . "SLAT.WALL".-SEE LF DWGS,. l¼ ,,. : :a.-- 1/2" PLYW'D OR CAL-SLAT "SLA.TWALL". SEE LF DWGS. DE-TAlL HFS. CARLS BA ·p· 'I •··TSLl ~ii~1 TD-5 ·MERCHANT 0 E S 'I G H G R O !J ,p l S IC Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad ~rowing Title .ETAILS SASAKI ', .,. .... ~~ ., ~--.:-.. -... _!..,. ----··· •• --~'---• • -· -· -----..-· ----• • --• :B---BEGl·NNI-N.G Project · N~mbet 61539~00 703 PalQmar Airport Road Suite 170 Cart~ad. CA. 92009 TEL 819 803 8785 FAX 819 803 8781 - Scale Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad . :· . _,___ ~f!llr. $/T --,:fe1/,,?? ~~ . Project Number 61539.00 St"!ale 3•==1·-0· • Drawing Title · · 8-:-115/0~-"."" TRENCH DRAIN Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUM.BER 81.0 SASAKI 7,03 Palom~ Airport 'Road Suite 170 Cartlba TEL 819 803 8765 FAX 819 603 6781 d, CA 92009 • Cl' -I U> C) (), 0 }> ('\ . t.J. C) z ('\ I q ~· nt ·~ ~ .. Cl' I r-q r )> ~ ~ .,,, • X u; C) :c (i\ :c ~ 3: C) < ~ n .'JT Q z r-z rn n ·~ 11 ·~ ~ til iii iO. ·~ OJ . 7t > ~ r-G rn r-~ Project Title PrQject Number LEGOLAND Carlsbad 61539.00 • Drawing Title · . B-115/00 -CONCREtr .BOLLARD AND REMOVABLE BOLLARD SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road· Suft,-170 Carflbad. CA 92009. TEL 619 603 676~ FAX 619 8J3 6761 Scale NTS Date 5-2-87 DRAWING NUMBER 82.0 • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad .aorawing Title WlJETAILS SASAKI .D-D·UPLO· VILLAGE Project_ .Number 61539.00 703 Palomcr AJrport Road Suite 170 Carflbc:id, CA 92009 la 619 603 676~ . FAX 619 603 6761 Scale Date 5--2-97 DRAWING NUMBER • •• • I I l ' I i ~ r.. ~ .A i " Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad I . : "-\ " ,.) ,.. ( fi r-v> D I l .-1 . Project Number 61539.00 • Drawing Title · · D-321/45 -PEEK~ BOO SCREEN SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Carilbad. CA 92009 ,a 819 803 8765 FAX 819 803 6761. ScalA 3/Sli"=1·-o· Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER 01.0 • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad I ·· ·fi.A:u Project NutTl'ber 61539.00 • Drawing Title . . . D:-321/45 .-:-TOPIA~.Y HE~I_SPHERE BUSH SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Carllbad, CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX -619·603 8761 Scal111 3/alll'=1·-o· Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER DiO • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad ' -' -~! . \ -~i .,,.<_i;~ ~~,..____ __ ~~~\ ~~/ Project Number 61539.00 • Drawing Title D-:-321/45 -QUEUE FEATI.J~E · . ' SASAKI . 703 Pal91T1cr AlrpQ1 Road Suite 170 Cartilbad, CA 92009 TEL ~19 603 6765 FAX 819 603 6761 . Scal.s, , 3/B =~ -o· Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER 03.0. • • .j I Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad ---'--'--··-------· ·-:-:s,- . i_ ' ,.:;....:., -~ ' I' ----------·· .. ..-,.. -.... ~ Project Number 61539.00 • Drawing Title _ D-120/00_ fl YINGJ D~PL~ -~IG SASAKI 703 Pal9"iar Airport Road Suite 170 Cartlbad, CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 Scal11 3/4"=1·-o· Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER 04.0 Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title D-121/26 . SASAKI ____ -____ l \ -'---·--· \ ________ .. __ j . ----,...-I -····.-._-----· _ _-___-•... ·-• t ./' . . I I : ·-··------:·'---~----_--l ; . I. ' ------------_-_..,,.+-_--·---------- Project Number 61539.00-- 703 ·pa1omar Akport Road Suite 170 Car11bad, CA 92009 lEl._819 ,03 878S FAX 819 803 8781 ·, .. : -, " -~. ~ -.. -.' ' . Scale 114·-1·-o· Date 5-2-97 Drawing Number D5.0 :/ l .I \ I. ! ._·',· . .:.,. ~· ·--~ I\ ~· = _,,____.__.. ---··-----· ------------Ii· Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title .Project Number 61539.00 D-120/00 -DUPLO SHEEP TOPIARY SASAKI 703 Palomar Atport Road Suite 170 Ccrllbad, CA 92009 Ta. 819 803 8785 FAX 819 ·803 8781 Date 5 .... 2-97 Drawing Number D6.0 Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title D-220/30 SASAKI . . ' .• ·. ,~ .. I ·1 ' i .- ~ . ,-:-. .b -- i - I ' ;, I' . ' Ji i· Ii ! 1- 1 I' '· ;· I' ·. I' . i T --· •. '3'\ . ' \ .- -:~ I= \ \) ',, ' ~ f --+...' •---L __ ------+------.:..:: -t -~ •• • • p • •• • • I I I y --~ '.C 0 -- -= ---------------a• ,1 (">,. T--'--(!? J,:.. ~ I~- (\ ,, ---:~ y~ -? ' __ .',.!...,. 14 1-~t --------------- Project Number 61539.00 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 ~lbad, CA 92009 lEL-,.819-.OQ3 6765 FAX (119 603 8761- .._... 0 ', A J '/ '1 --...-----; , --~t -----------·--'} ··-. -------------· t. f -------------------I 1, • ' , \,{ i J, J ----------I! - i}: ~'. ,,,z. I II ,-o ----------------------- Scale 1;4•.1•-0• Date 5-2-97 Drawing Number 07.0 Project Tttle LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Tttle l I I : l / 6 ~- I ---'-- .,. --- .· . ~ -. --------·--- -----·· -.-· ..... :_:.:c.......,,________....__ ·-· ··-- ------: ___ ,-:~:~_::::~~:= _ _j--:--. ;;::. .•. :: ·--.. - ... . ...................... ------ ., k_ ~ ·-----··~----+ ...... ,._,_ '". ---·----,__. ---~ i.=--=-=-·'-..£:.=i-"~-----~- ' ----------·-. ----1---· --'------''-'-'=' ..... ,_ ___ -- . =--------------~~f---------,--J . ---------------------t ·---~=~-=-=~-1~+=-~::~:~:==~~~~=:-=----. ---·- ----------··--·--·---'-'···----1 . :-::;:;:-_-::~+ :---'-~:...__:;'.s;;:-.:~ ~ -~~---_-.--•• ~]:i·:=:··:~::::~~------~~----::·--i:~==-. - ~--·-~ -., ....... .,· ..... -..... _ ................ ·····-·-····,,..,_, ______ ---. -. 1-1 ····-·····-·-·-- =~--~:: . ..-:~==-=--~-=~~--------------···· ..... ------____ __. ---~-----.. --.J:~1:=~-----_--~t- .... --------____ . -----:-----t Project Number 61539.00 . . . ---.: --··: .. . 0-121 /26 -SOUTH ENTRY BRIDGE SASAKI 703 P_alomar Alrpor:t Road Suite 170. Cortlbad, CA 92009 m. 819 803 8~85 .FAX 0819 CSOJ 8781 .--:T" --,. . -------·-.... Scale 1/4·=1·-o· Dale 5-2-97 Drawing Number 08.0 ·,•---__.! ·' ·, .·\ , .. ~-. . ···.-, Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title D-220/00 SASAKI 7 ( ..... ________ --=::::..__,.,,._ ______ _ l ............... Project Number 61539.00 ,~: 7~-J'al~ar Atrpori·'R~cr Sulte.1?0 Cadlbad, CA ·92009- TEL 819 8~ -8785 -FAX '819 803 8781 . . ~ . . . ,. ~ _,. ·. : . / Scale 1/16·-1·-o· Date -5-2--97 Drawing Number 09.0 ..... -~ ! ,+ --,,----I _, __ _s;-'--r-------~----- ....--v--"- 1- ~ -~ ' I i I I i I I I I '•) I ! I ! I I i I I I I ! r I . r I I I I. I I ; I I I j l ' ! ! < j I I ;~ '\-,~- /, / I i i: , I I I • I i --~ ·- -l \- t) -=-- i . ~ :~ ,., . :, .. .... ·' •: " ... _. ·' ~ 'c ··_ • ·----. ... i • ·r-----r,~\ ! :t •' f -~--ii--·,·. Project Tltle LEGOLAND Cartsbad Drawing lltle • . I ' -. ~. -·· - D-321 /62 -TOPIARY ARCH ,-___ ..... -... -.. 1--·- Project Number 61539.00 SASAl<I 703 Palomar M-port R . ,a 619.603 6765 ~":! 6su191te603170 Carfebad,· CA 92009 · ~ ·6761 I 11 .... 'J .... ~ --·-·-------- Scale 3/a·-1·-o· Date 5-2-97 ·Drawing Number D10.0 . • • l J Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad -·Drawing Title D-324/83 SASAKI "' 1 r \ 1 . ~----. I -._ ' ··:---:~ __ 1 • \ \ \ \.-.~\""'c ~ .;,.._ \ \ ·. ' . \ ~ ....... _---:-I\_----\~\,_ .. · ;)\ · -~~t ': I ~ . \ ...... --:>, . ·, . \ ; "i'--..__ • \ --, •.\ I . :; . ·. ' . \. ·. -c . \\ ! c...,___ \ \_ ':. f --,_ ' ' J ,..._ . I ':"'-~-l ---~ Project. Number 61539.00 703 Palorncr Airport Road Suite· 110 Carllbad, CA 92009 TEL 819-603 6765 FAX 619 60J 6761 Date 'S--2--~7 DRAWING NUMBER D11.0 Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad .~rowing Title .. ETAILS ' . SASAKI F-FUNTOWN Project Number 61.539.00 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Carllbqd. CA 92009 1EL 819 803 8785 FAX 819 603 6761 Scale Date · 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER • • Project Title · LEGOLAND Carlsbad '> :~ > ~ Project Number 61539.00 .Drawing Title -- F-135/00 --TRENCH DRAIN SASAKI 703 Palorncr Airport Road Suite 170 Cartabad, CA 92009 TEL 619· 603 6765 ·FAX 619-6P3 6161 s~ale 3·=1·-0· Date 5-2-~7 DRAWING NUMaER F1.0 - • . . .. - I ' i• / 0 . . . --------\- 1 l .. ~· ------............. ~--'-'--'=• .. -. --.. ·-·---~---4-f--,..,.------4---=------'Ii.- • ! I I I .: I I • ' -, t . '• II . . ..... __ .. ____ • _ . ·. __ J_ .. __ .--___ _ . ' Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad .Drawing Title F-139/20 SEATWALL SASAKI Project N1,1mber 61539.00 703 Palomar Airport Road .Suite 170 Cartsbad, CA 92009 la 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 . ScalA 3/4"=1·-o· Date ~-2-97 . DRAWING NUMBER F'2.0 • • /I /J,{J/i=··~~ ~/Yf*~ ~~ //}1~4'2/J ~ s:rt1#/JI , ~C/#r/A/6 Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad • Drawing Title -- F-135/00 -TRENCH DRAIN Project Number 61539.00 SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Road Suh.~ 170 Cartlbad, CA 92009 Ta 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 . - Seal! · 1 1,2·=1·-o· .Date 5-2--97 DRAWING. NUMBER F3.0 • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad -=:h ,~-. - 3] ~~ r--:--, . • • •~) I ' i '\ . -·r I _®-:_ ·i - I -' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ,-~ ~ • .. ·.· .· .·. Drawing Title . F-135/00-F-336/20 -AREA OEVELOPMENT ~ --~ -~ t ~ Project Number . "61538.00· SASAKI 703 Palomar Afrport Road Suite 170 Cartebad. · CA 92009 ,a 819 803 6765 FAX 619 803 6761 Scale NTS Date 5-2-9_7 DRAWING NUMBER F4.0 • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad . . .. ·~~.?.OJ/ ~A///16' ~ ·~~ .. ·r~#f~ ~r. -~. I :i ' ·o Project Number 61539.0Q: Scale . :N:TS. • Drawing Title · · F-336/20 -DRIVING .SCHOOL SASAKI · 703 PalornQI" Airport Road Suite 170 Cartllbacl.. CA 92Q09 TEL 819 803 8765 FAX 619 603 6761 DRAWING NUMBER .· FS.O • • LJ#~/117~~· . ~ .. , OJ/1,C, /f1Yl/16. ~- Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad . ., Project Number 61539.00 • Drawing Title F-336/20 -DRIVING .SCHOOL •. SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Road Suite 170 Carlibad.. CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 . FAX 619 603 6761 Scale NTS l Date 5-:-2-$7 . DRAWING NUMBER F6.0 • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad • Drawing Title F-339/20 SASAKI 0 \. -· -· ·-· c-rr: 1-·==========r .. ro-~,- -.... J--_l_ll 1 .:q . ~'\ Project Number 61539~00 703 Palqmar Airport Road Su.lte 170 Cortlbacl. CA 92009 TEL 819 803 8785 FAX 819 803 6761 Scale- NTS Date 5..:.2-97 -DRAWING .NUMBER F7.0 • • Project Title LEGOLAND ·carlsbad Nev\· Kautical Planter Ideas Project-Number 61539.00 Scale NTS • Drawing Title F-339/20 -BOATING SCHOOL• Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER F$.O SASAKI " 703 Palomar Airport Road sutte 170 Carilbad. CA 92009 TEL 819 803 6765 FAX 6,19-803 6781 • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsl;>ad I I i ,/7 I o--.-'.a.o--~-b-_::.,__e---.;...o, Project Number 61539i00 .Drawing Title F-235 -FOOD STAND SASAKI 703 Palomcr AJrport Road Sulh 170 Car1sbacl, CA 92009 TEL 619.603 6785 FAX 619 603 6761 Sca1e 1/Bw=1'-o· Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER F'9.0 . • ~/- Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad . [D I Project Nµmber 61539.00 .rawing Title F-239 -FOOD STAND SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Cartibad, CA 9.2009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6781 Sca1e 1/a~=1·-o· Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER F10.0 ~-- • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad • rowing Title ETAILS . ' SASAKI C---CASTLE Hl:LL Project Number 61539.0Q, 703 Palomar Airport Road Sl,ilte 170 Carlsbad. .CA 92009 la 819 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 Scale DRAWING NUMBER • • ' ~r0 ,)li ~ ~-\J Project _litl e LEGOLAND Carlsbad ?D~~?-~v- /94~,y~_::_, - .Z/~/,4/~ ~ . $~3/~~ /7"~. 7/~./eff~. . · 77t1tJF°K µ.tl/<.?1/6 -GTE"EL ~L,~ .-rt? Af>~ A? Ir 1~'11Je11N WMf'ff P A? f~~ -r'fPIL.AL HAY ft't..e. ----..&7~ ~ ;(_~~ Q1/ @Ye;, ~ ~/)/ ,4-1,Jf//Y'b Project Number . 61539.00 Scalt!! .. · 3/8"=1· .... o· • Drawing litle C-147/20 _ Mc:YVl r-~ Date 5-2--97 DRAWING NUMBER C1.0 SASAKI 7Q3 Palomar AJrport Road Suite 170 Cartabad. CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad ' --r-/,:/ ~ .' -/(.£7' Project. Number 6~539.00 • Drawing Title C-147 /00-STONE WALL SASAKI 703 Palomar Atrport Road Suite 1-70 ,Cartebad. CA 92009 ,a 619 603 6765 FAX .819 803 6761 Scal111 3/4..,..=1·-o· Date 5-2:-97 DRAWING NUMBER C2.0 • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad IOCDOII Project Number 61-539.00 • Drawing Title C-252 -FOOD STAND SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Road Suite 170 Carl_.t,ad, CA 92009 lEL 819 803 6765 FAX 619 803 6761 6<V.E:Vf": 51.-~n, ~ o w o. r-S _.=-u,Xl6l-E" ~/1.,.S U.S:&>ON PC:/'rt-: oC!'r•, A~ .P/l'-!;C.,Tel? B'1 OfeAATICNS · Sca1e 1/8~=1·-o· Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER C3.0 . • I ·/ I, • Project Title LEGOLANb Carlsbad . .. Project Numb•r .61539.00 • Drawing Title C-246 -FOOD STAND SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport R90d $Ult·• 170 Cartlbad, CA 9~009 Ta 819 ~03 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 b Sca1e 1/a'-=1 '-o· Date 5-2-97. DRAWING NUMBER C4.0 • • FINISH GRADE Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsb~d 8" 4 11 4 11·. ,,--------REMOVA6LE RAILINe POST WHERE OCCURS ,r-,-----,-___,--UNIT PAVER.5 OVE::R 111 SAND· ,,-----,----"----'-. VNI T PAVERS · CONCRETE: BASE "------,-.-a..---AG6REGATE BASE Pro Ject · Number 61539.00 Scale NTS Drawing Title • C-147 /00 -CURB AT CASTLE HILL _ Date 5-2-97 DRAWING -NUMBER. C5.0 • SASAKI 703 _Paiomar Airport Road Suite 170 Carlabad. CA 92009 . 1EL 619 ·603 6765 FAX 619 603, 6781 • 1-IMAGIN-ATl'ON CEN·TER • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad • Drawing Title. DETAILS .. SASAKI Project Number · 61539.00 703 Palomar Afrport Road Suite 170 Carlsbad, CA 92099 TEL '819 803 8785 FAX 819 803·8781 Scale· Date 5:....2 .... 97. DRAWING-NUMBER • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad --~ --~ . ~ · Project Number 61539.00 • Drawing Title · 1-262/ 45 -OUlDOOR QUEl)E SECTION SASAKI 703 PalQfflar Airport Road Suite 170 Cartlbad; CA 92009 ,a 619 603 6765 .FAX 619 603 ~761 Scal11 1a"=1·-o· , DRAWING NUMBER 11.0 • • r () z.. . Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Project Number 61539.00 • --Drawing Title 1-161 /62.19 -BUFF ALLO CAFE SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Roa~ Suite 170 Carl~ad; CA 92009 TEL 819 803 ·6765 FAX 819 803 8761 -( _IJ Sca1e 1/2"=1·-o· Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER 12.0 ; :t5' MAX. l'-6" 11' I ~ I I ~ ~H % ~. m ~E ~ ~ ~ .L ~ L$ z ~~ % ~ ~ ~ ~ m it ~:I r ~ s ffl ~~ 8 ~~ 0 -~ i ffl ~ ~IB· ffl -(JI rz 11 ! ij > :< ffi ~' m ~ Ul ~ ~ )>, -; ~ !ij ~ () r 71 ---,_11==:;::============IC:>g~,c) . ---~ ·--··· -'_c7 .,. ... -.,.~.-,. 11=====:::::::::::==l')i:( Q Q 0 -·-1------·--· -_,--~ .... __ ---y- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q ---~ 1':-b''· 2'-0" --· --------------l---:.i-.--+.......t::~=====::!!t:::=::=:::::::,i::, ===-=-=-=::l..---l------:-----,;,.....:,,.--------1--- Project lltle LEGOLAND Carlsbad · Drawing Title 1-160 -SEATWALL S A S A I< I r Project Number 61'539.00 703 Palomar Atport Road Suite 170 Cartabad, CA 92009 m:. s1e 60:t ·6165 FAX 619 603 6161 · Scale N1'7 Date 5--2-97 .Drawing Number 13.Q j ! .... -. .. j ........ . .. / 1 Project 11tle LEGOLANO Carlsbad Drawing 11tle ·, 1' ' • I l, : . . i . • i . i 1-161/62.18 -BUFFALOS ' . .. I I l \ I ( I . I : / I ... '1., ''-~ I '-t : ~: .. ,\, . ~:=J' ' . . Pro Ject Number 61539.00 SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Road SUlte 170 Cartlbad, CA 92009 TEL 819 ~03 ·8785 FAX 819 803 8781 I I I I I ,f ! j ! . )/ / . I.-I J j I ·; I b / 1/ l , I I ' I ·I • f . / ;// }! /1 . ;J /. I~ /' /· I I I ------------· Scale 1;2·=1·-0· Date 5-2-97 Drawing Number 14.0 Project Title LEGOLAND.Carlsbod ... ~ ~ rn Cl 4 (\ m () ~ ~ ·~ j(J Q iii }I ~-11 r ~-~ j(J j(J ·s 112" l'-b" (\~ :IC\ ()~ )> () zm ~z C\~zC\ ~ Ul ft!'~ nt -i ~ iii C (\ .z )> 11 =i ,·. -.. · . . . •, . . .· .. .. . . . ;: ....... · .. . ·:·: ·. : .. ·.: .· . . : ; .:-. ~ " ·' ..... :· .~-... . . ' . :· . -·· . :., . .. . -,~ . ·"' . . :·. _: --~ . :· ' :· .·: · .. _.,· .. -· ~- (\ 11 ()~ z (\ (\ j(J ~~ Q ~ iii -I iJ (\ r )> )> (J\ 11 iii j(J Project Number 61'539~00 • rowing Title -160 -SEATWALL _NORTH BUILDING SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Rogd Sult, 170 Carfabad, CA 92009 m 619 603 6785 FAX 819 SW 6761 Scalfit . 3/4"=f-o· Date 5-'2-97 DRAWING NUMBER 15.0 • • Project Title. LEGOLAND Carlsbad al)rawlng Title Wl)ETAILS SASAKI R----RIDGE Project Number 61539.00 703 Patom~ Airport .Road Suite 170 Carilbad, CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 ·603 6761 . Scale Date 5-:-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER . ! I : I •I ' i i '{ ! : 1-, l ---·--:-~~~ I . ~ ti./ r II. 7-0 i ''. ~-,__,;;.~'------, .-------, --~~~---~-'. : <""'\ . ----· . -----,------H·-----'----l,...-----1-1~---1-+-- lf ,J~"-.-------1------1 ---+---_.J -------t +----+~~--..._ ~ I 0 () Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title · Project Number 61539.00 R-330/30-NATIJRE MAZE TOPIARY - SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Cartlbad, CA 92009 TEL 819 803 8765 FAX 619 603 8761 Scale 1;2·-1·-o· Date 5-2-97 Drawing Number R1.0 • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title DETAILS SASAKI G-GARDEN Project Number 61539.00 703 Palomqr Airport Road Suite 170 Carlaba~ CA 92009 TEL 819 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 Scale -Date 5-;.2-97 _ ORAWING NUMBER I • • QJ \ . J . -----------~----·-____.::,,.,,,____;._.+----- Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title Project Number 61539.00 G-140/00 -lERRACE WALL SASAKI 703. Palomcr _Airport Road Suite 170 Carlabad, CA 92009. 1EL 819 803 8785 FAX 819 803 8781 Scale 3/4"•1'-0" Date 5-2-97 Drawing Number G1.0 • • ~ij~ . Project Title LEGOLAND Cgrlsbad -, Project Number Scal11 61539.oo J/4"=1·-o· Drawing Title • G-142/00 -WALK EDGE Date ?-2~97 DRA'MNG NUMBER . ·G2.0 . SASAKI 703 Palomcr Alrpon Road Suite 170 Cartlbad, CA 92009 lEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title --~-' ) ·I ·. ·1 q l 'f ill w . ( .. ' . "t"'~, ' ., Project• Number 61539.00 G-142/00 -SEATWALL . SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Slllte 170 Carllbad, CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 .·603 6761 Scale 3/4"=1·-o· Date 5-2--97 -DRAWING NUMBER G3.0 • • • . -------------. ll~ I l' Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title ,I /#'_L71/~~£r~~? ~. ~ ~ --a,.·· •· Project Number 61539.00. Scale 3/8"=1 ·-o· G-142/00 -TERRACE WALL Date 5..:.2-97 DRAWING NUMBER G4.0 SASAKI 703 Palomar Alrpor::t Road SUrt• 170 Carlsbad,. CA 92009 ,a 819 803 8765 FAX 819 ,,03 8781 • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title ·.oo 0 0 GO ·O 0 Project Number 61539.00 • G-140/00 --HOPSCQlCH WALK·_ "\ SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Road Sult, 170 Cartlbad. CA 92009 iEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 803 6761 Scale NTS. Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER G5~0 • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title DETAILS SASAKI M----MI.NILAND .Project Number 61539.00 703 Palc;,mar Airport Road Suite 170 Carlsbad.· CA 92009 TEL 819 803 8785 FAX 819 603 8781 Scale Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title ~ 11 :er m)> ~.~ ,· ()~ ('\. )> g~ ~ ' U\ )> 0 ~ z 411 -1---1---- 71 z U\ :t: (1), ~ Cl m lYP. 411 __ ,i---_ -~--./'-1-LiL--TYP. . Project Numt>er 61539.00 M-155/00 -GRADING SECTION SASAl<I 703 Palomar Airport Rood· Suite 170 'Cor1bbad, CA 92009 1E1. 819 -603 .8765' FAX 619 603 ~761 tJ I () < )> ~ m U\ tJ .-() ScCJle NTS Date · 5-2-97 Drawing Number M-1,0. • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title • M-155/00 -RAILING SASAKI I •• r \ \ t i I i ' l ' i i ! I ' I I i I ! i l ' i I I I I I I ··- j ) .. : fl .. ' ~ - Project Number '61539.00 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Car1sbact, CA 92009 TEL 819 80;3 8765 FAX 819 603 6761 I .__; \ I I I \ I I i I i !~ i ' I I i·a ! "' I, ' I Si::ale NT6 Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER M2.0 • • • I ·:: Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title M-155/00 -RAILING SASAKI ·7f'-. (p I/ 1/IE> rrf ~.s. Cc+.r>L-,t;"~ DP-tkWN "171Ye>ttT . . /Yi-r1 -T c.1. f'. MINI \,,(ff'JrJ cup..g Project Number 61539.00 Scale NTS Date 5-2-97 DRAWING. NUMBER MJ.O · . 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Corlabad, CA 92009 TEL 819 803 8785 FAX 819 603 8761 • • • l --+----------· l11 X 1..'' SttrtN(,,,~ Vf2t -,-' Project Title LEGOLAND Cartsbad Drawing Title M-155/00 -RAILING SASAKI Project Number 61539.00. 70J Palomcr Airport Road Suite 170 Cartlba~. CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619·~03 6761 Scale NTS DRAWING NUMBER M4.0 • • • I 1/:2"4> RAIL.--,------'----._ I 11.2" (I 1/4')4> Mli:::iRAIL. • -----... GHI~ 2"4> IN'T'!:RME!:'IATI: POST AS----,--"""' REQJIREP, !::2.IAl. SPAGINI$ :2·-:2• PLAN 12· r POST AN!:) CHAIN - / rn"!:: I '----,----,--~ FOU.01"6 STAIR SLOP!: _., -~ / / '-----------------,,--------~INIS 5TRll"S • PRIMARY /1..;60 GOI.ORS SECTION -El.fV A TION Project litle LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing litle Project Number 6l539.·00 M-155/00 -STAIR AND RAILING SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Carlsbad; CA 92009 Ta 619 603 6765 FAX 619 803 ~761 . Scale NTS Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER MS.a • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title. I \)) :-u = ±5' MAX. ?J ('\ -:0 4 0 C) zc )> ('\ -~ Z~tJ :z: .,, en iii :z: 5 I -0 r r )> r ('\ rn 71 z ui J: (i') ~ \) rn ' t-J ,, .o I ?J~ -~ ~~ < ~~ . )> ·;..- 1,. . !!!. ~ F . rn }: (.l\ J: rn ~- I 'tv 4" TYP. i- 0 Project Number 61539.00 M-155/00 -RETAINING WALL SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 1.70 Carlsbad, CA 92009 TEl. 619 603 6765 FAX·619 603 6781 /· Scale t-116 Date 5-2-97 · DRAWINQ NUMBER M6.0 • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad· Drawing Title -- -l . o/ C ~ -/o-4 j Project Number 61539.00 M-155/00 -SPACE THEATER SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Car11bad, CA 9'2009 la 819 803 ·6765 FAX 619 603 ·6781 · --~- Scale NTS Date _ 5-2-97 _ DRAWING NUMBER M7.0 • • • le I I I - I -'----- I I_ ::: - D - -~ --:il ~ -.'.tr' ~~- ''\. I I I : I . -I I ' / . I // : I .-..... !_ AR =~--· --"-" ' I ~· \ - I ,. 11 I -I L ; :'l r I f'·.-I J I -1 _,_ C :::::] --(0 -·-· REMOTE'. CONTROL VALVE WITH DISC FILTER AND PRV PVC OR POLY SUPPLY HEADER Techline START CONNECTION MALE ADAPTER Teohline TUBING LATERAL ARE.~ PERIMETt:R AIR/VACUUM . .RELIEF VALVE (PLUMBED TO Techline AT 'EACH HIGH POINT BLANK Techline TUBING (CENTERED 0~ MOUND OR B'ERM) _ PVC.OR POLY EX~AUST H~ADER PtRIMtTER LA.TERALS 2" TO 4" F'ROM C::DGE PLUMBED TO PVC OR POLY LINE FLUSHING VALVE Techiine ''END FEED" LAYOUT @-Techline END FEED LAYOUT 101· -_-_- DETAIL. -NO SC.ALE Project Title LEGOLAND Cansbad Drawing Title Project Number 61539.00 MINILAND IRRIGA 110N DETAIL SASAKI 703 Palorncr Alr:port Road Suite 170 Cartabad. CA 9i009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 Scale NTS Date - 5-2-97 D~AWING NUMBER MB.O· • • {Ly) ---,-----'---~-----' LINE FLUSHING VALVE ){ PLUMBED TO PVC OR POLY lfrrr --~f\~,_-. . · Techline START CONNECTION I ' MALE ADAPTER I :~ . PVC OR POL y EXHAUST HE'.ADER ; I I ,--....,--PVC OR POLY SUP?LY HEADER I , I~-Techline START I [J · ·. --CONNECTION !/·I) SEE DtTAll 4 OF 4 , ,_-! ~ :-/ _ ,_ 0._ _ ~-t=~::.=-:'.:l-t:=t=::=::::::::::t::::::t::::::i ~ REMOTE CONTROL I ij '! I VALVE WITH DISC 1.. :~ILTER AND PRV ., I I ,: ·I i -----'----'--'----'--,_ -..;;._AREA ?ERIMETER I · I I. 1,......;.;·,....1---'-------'-.. ----BLANK Techline TU3lNG · I (CENT~RED ON MO;}!\Jb OR BERM) I = .f0R =, I=====: '. ::::t:' ===l I '-...___ 1 1-----------'--iechline TUBING L.A.-:-ERAL I ; ~-,~""-; !--1-1---'--l:!l-.·_I ~---'-----'--"~ Al R /VAC u u M R ELIE;- I ' ·1 __ . _ VAL,. VE 1i ---1 ~ -· PERIMETER LATERALS 1=--_-_ -~-.::i. .;s....---·=--~ \\__ --'--~ LF 2". to 4" FROM EbGE @)-Techline CENTER FE:ED ·LAYOUT 102· --· ' . Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad . Project Number 61539.00 Seale NTS • Drawing Title · ·· MINI LAND IRRIGATION DETAIL Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER M9.0 SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Carlsbad, CA 92009 la 619 603 6765 FAX 619 ·503 6761 • • ~.,.._L_,,f' ~ LINE FLUSHING VALVE PLUMBED· TO ?VC OR POLY 1--AREA PERIMET::R /-.++-.""""--Techline LATER.A.L TUBING r-Techline START . CONNECTION MALE ADAPTER EXHAUST HEAD::R Techlin.e TEE U---,-H--+--,---,. BLANK TUBING C.ENTERED ON MOUND 0~ BERM "---~-+-"--AIR/VACUUM ~::'...IEF VALVE (PLUMB:::::::i TO T echline AT E;._:H HIGH PQlt~T) '----'----'------.,-----'--,-----"'-"....,,..,,df----+~~-R'EMOTt CO NTR 8 l.. VALVE WITH D!SC Fi'LTER AND PRV @IRREGULAR AREAS: TRIANGULAR 10 7 . DETAIL -N Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Project . Number 61539.00 Scale · NTS Drawing Title · · · • MINILAND IRRIGA llON-DETAIL Dote 5-2,-97 DRAWING NUMBER. M10.0 . SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road surt, 170 09r1abad, CA 92009 Ta 819 603 6765 FAX 619 J03 6761 • • --~-_iNE FLUSHING VALVE PLUMBED TO PVC ,-----,---------------------AREA P ERi METER r;:]JiOTt CDr-.;-=ROL \/ALY:. \~liT ~. DISC FILTER .:._:-,i8 PRV ,--a.--------------------------.---Tech Ii ne T:::E --Techline LATERAL TUBING AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE (PLUMBED TO Techline -ONE AT EACH HIGH 0 0INT) ,-------'----'----'--BLANK TUBING CENTERED ON MOUND o; BERM s IRREGULAR. AREAS: ODD CURVES . 108_ . _ . DETAIL -H Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Project Number e1sJs.oo· Scale NTS Drawing Title • MINILAND IRRIGA TJON DETAfL --~-'------'--~----------'-"----'------ Date 5:-2--97 DRAWING NUMBER M11.0 SASAKI 703 -Pa_lomar Airport Road Suite 170 Car1abad. CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 • • • PVC MAINLINE ~EMO::': co1,r.--~:n .. VALVE 1-1/.2" PRV PVC SCH 80 I I UNION /: . ' l 8 ELECTRIC CONTROL VAL VE W /P~ Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title Project Number 61539.00 MINILAND IRRIGATION DETAIL SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 1.70 Ca,1ebacl, CA 92009 TEL 619 -603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 Scale NTS Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER M12.0. • • • FIN!SH GRADE ----'----'----....,.....;---=-----"'-...,c.....;,~ 6" ROUND VALVt. BOX AIR / VACU'JM -----++---'--... 2ELl=:F VALV2: 3/4"M x 1/2"F RED.-'---'---4-1-'---- 3USHING -:-ecniirie 18".) 2-WAY-~--+-;-,------'----'-'/ · • AD4PT::R T::~ I . ~~~i~::-fUP3:J?.TS ---'----t-t</<.-'JJ3:;::t)~()9"-(' ch~/,/<1· .. \' 1,\ • J . / -. I", .,.., ' -,r:;:.., / . - -', / --..-'-','"'t-.: ,..,Vr-• 0~ ..;,._tt-" ""l"-f / -/ • .,,____;::..~or,o~.:...::..r.~, _____ , _,..._v r~..: :lL}';:--~ ·. . . --~-. -.. -e::nii·r:e [!,)3iNG Q_ Techline AIR/VACUUM RELIEF V SECTION -NO SCALE Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title Project Number 61539.00 MINILAND IRRIGA llON DETAIL SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Cartebad, ·CA 92009 TEL. 819 603 6765 FAX 619 603 '6761 Sccile NTS Date $-2-97. DRAWING NUMBER .M13.0 • • • FINISH GRADE -- 6" ROIJNJ VALVE BOX :...lhlE FLUSHING VALVE TLC-50Mi=V 7 / 2" -;::>\IC r'EMAL:: . :· 1 .... . . ' t· ; .. • SEE · SPECS i ADAPT::R I u ,_, 1C"D1 AN) Pl?!NG · , ~fy.o: ~~ ·. /, ... l,, ~~· < • ,. /i ;; . . -'"'1"v -· ·-o,-,-,--~, · n ::H·°\,\ ... ,r, ~\.r-·: Ul\ f:) I . 1 -'.T~ rE:::) · ~ o O · ~" CAT2H 3ASlN . . I.· :--Ii' ,·~co~. vol .1· 3" ?VC TJ ( · ~r (·, . ) 0 ' 1v1AIN D2A.IN · , .. \. ~-,,_ ,... ~ r-"")~') "----..J.D) CLJ .. t') .. ~~v~:.. ..:...10 ~~v~ :i7.,,,,, --~ · I ·· 8" · I .2 4" ' 702 Techline. L.INE FLUSHING VALVE · (PLUMBED TO PVC) SE:CTIQN ~ NO ~ Project 11tle LEGOLAND Carlsbad Project Number 61539.00 Drawing 11tle MINILAND IRRIGATION DETAIL SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 17() Cartlba~ CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761.· Scale NTS Date 5-2-97 ORA WING NUMBER M14.0 • • • r-FINISH GRADE t _ SEE SPECS FOR DEPTH :--~~------~~~~~ ) <, < < < .,.· ~ < \ < .. ·. <' < < < ~ <<; ( < < t,/> <. < < ( < <. (> <. < . > <, ( \ \ < <_ s --~ j· . ( / / ( ,· < < ( .: .· ' <, <' ' ( ( <'' <. < ., > ... , ... ) > -.. > ( ~ , ,> . } ;-I ') /. > ...::.:" ,-,-:.'-------,1--\ >. D > :: > > / :. li) > ;:-· \ > ;> > >oJ,_ > , ,, ' . I I . '.::! l ! I I · ... I , , : I ) -Tet.hline : ... ATERAL SPACING 12" MINJtv':UM -i 8" MAXIMUM 8 Techline SUB-GRADE INSTALLATION Project lltle LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing lltle Project Number 61539.00 MINILAND IRRIGATION DETAIL SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Cartsbad, CA 92009 ,a 619 603 6765 ·FAX 619 603 6761 - Scale NTS Date 5:-2-97 _ DRAWING NUMBER M15.0 • • • 11111111)1 111 . !I lllll llHI I!!? ,:// , 1·~-'----'--10 //"/' i. . -: 3 ' ~1/ l /' / '·4 ~/ ~~/ . '....~GEND i, NETA~IM -;-ECHLIN:: -:-RE'<:>H. BA.CKFILL P~R SPECIFICATION$. 3. . SEE NOTE #4. FG? T::C--::...INE DEPTH. 4. NETAFIM "i"C:CHUN:: S.Uc-SUR~ACE DRIP EMITTER TUBING .. EMITTER SPACING S:-iAL:... 3t 12'; ON C::NTER. PROVIDE 5" MINIMUM. AND 6'' :,lil\Xlk1 JM COVER rRC)M FINISH GRAD:: TO TOP OF DRIPLINE. ""' UNDISTUR8:E;D SC.:_ 3.E_JW TE¢HLINE. · § Techline 803 -· TRENCHING LA.YOUT DETAIL -NC SCALE Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title · Pro jeet Number s1s3~,oo MINILAND IRRIGATION DETAIL SASAKI . 703 Palomcr Airport Road · Suite 170 Car1abad, CA 9~009 i'a 619 603 6765 FAX' 619 l,03. 6761 Scale NTS Date 5--2-97 DRAWING NUMBER M16~0 • PVC PIPING · 1 2'' x 1 8" 1'' D!SC (TYP.) . VALVE BOX FILTER I I --.--i r-"-i" SCH 80 I UNION ARRANGE · FILTER FOR ·, · D!SASSEtvlBL Y & MAINTENAr..;c:: ACCC:SS • Q DISC FILTER e .. A.SSEMBLY Project lltle LEGOLAND Carlsbad· Drawing Title Project Numt>er · 61539.00 • MINILAND IRRIGATION DETAIL. SASAKI '703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Ta 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 676t ' SECTION -NO SCALE Scale NTS Date 5-2:-97 ORA WING NUMBER M17.0 - • • • Project Title I L ,I ,.....l \· 'i \· \ LEGOLAND Carlsbad . Drawing Title M...:.155/00 -SPACE .. . Project Number 61539.00 SASAKI ·. THEATER 703 Palomar At . . . . . . .. . lEL 819 803 87~~ ;;d81~1t6e03170 Cartabad, CA 92009 · 8761 Scale NTS Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER (Y\l&.o • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title DETAILS SASAKI L-LAGOO:N Project Number 61539.00 703 Palomar Airport Rqad Suite 170 Cart~ad, CA 92009 1EL ·819 803 8785 FAX 819 ~03 8781 . Scale Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER • • • -.;1 Project lltle LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing lltle ~~err= ' 3x ~ .,C~A/6-'. i I I I J I Project Number 61539.00 L-167 /26 -PONTOON BRIDGE SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Cart.,,ad, CA 92009 lEI.. 61.9 603. 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 4;<8 .I Scale NTS Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER L1.0 • • \ .. \ \ \, Project Title LEGOLAND Cansbdd Drawing Title ,,. ,.;.--... ·, - --~~~--'--1? .. 8-· -""'. I:@@ @: a: p Q :a ____ Y /I ;IG.:·.a::::C ~ ·---------------- . \ .. 0:-:xi::.s1 1 __ ·a_:::::e_~'-' _o_. _.a~· _o_,. r=\ -"i·\ .--_.,..... _ _,_-r-----KT ~ ', . .. ·, "/ i~ ~ . ~t C. ~· ~ 1~ '~ Project Number 6.1539.00 Scale NTS • L-167 /26 -PONTOON BR!DGE Date 5-2-97 DRA'MNG NUMBER L2.0 SASAKI 703 Pal°"'ar Afrpor:t Road Suite 170 Cartlbacl. CA 92009' lEL 819 803 6785 'FAX 819 803· 8781 • • • Project Title . LEGOLANO Carlsbad Drawing Title Project Number 61539.00 . L-167 /26 --PONTOON BRIDGE . , SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport. Roaq Suite 170 Carlsbad, CA· 92009 'TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 SOJ 6761 Scala 3/4"=1·-o· Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER .L3.0 . • • • Project lltle LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title Project Number 61539:.00 L-167 /26 -PONTOON BRIDGE SASAKI 703 Palomar· Airport Road Suite 170 CGrtabact. CA 92009 lEi. 619 603 6765 F-AX 61.9 503· 6761 Scale NTS. 0(1te 5-2~97 DRAWING NUMBER L4.0 • • • LAcSOON., EDGj:: CONSTRUCTION. VARIES Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title VARIES I' VARIES 2.'-0" . ,WALKWAY NOTE: FINISH cSRADE '-,---F4ANTER AREA DRAIN WHERE 0Cc.:JR$ NON-R....=TAINING WAL~Y EDGES SHOWN. · . Project Number 61539.00 · I I I I '--------~ Scale . ,;2·=1·-0· L-167 /26 -GRADING .AT LAGOON .EDGE TYPICAL Date 5:-2-97 DRA'MNG NUMBER LS.O SASAl<I 703 Palomar Alrport -Road Suite 17~ Carlsbad, CA 92009 TEl. 819 603 6765 F>-:X. 619 603 ·6761 Project Title LEG0LAND Carlsbad Drawing Title . . . . . . . ~ . -. ,. . Project Number 61539.00 L-361/52.14 -Mount ~ushmore-Rockwork Plan . . . . . 703 Palomqr Airport Road SUlte 170 Carlsbad, CA 92009 ,a 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 . · · · .. SASAKI -----___ / ____________ ----·-·---~----. I I \ \ ~ "-. ~ .........._ Scale 1 /16" =1 '-0" Date 5-2-97 Drawing Number L6.0 .-- i U) . m • 6 (' . -I () z OJ I OJ u, 6 . .J 6 • . -- s c,. .. 6 • -------------------------------- Project Title LEG0LAND Carlsbad Project Number - 61539.00 Drawing Title L-361/52.14 -Mo,unt Rushmore -Rockwork Elevation and Section SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite .170 Cartebad, CA 92009 TEL 819 803 8765 FAX 61_9 603 6761 . U) m (' 7 () z )> I )> Scale AS SHOWN Date 5-2-97 Drawing Number L7.0 • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carl$bad Drawing Title DETAILS SASAKI Project Number 61539.00 703 Palomcr Airport Roqd ~lte 170 cartlbad, CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 Scale Date -f$-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad j ~,L/ /. ~~4?~ ~ffeLZ!E ·-~~- Z, /19'4'~ -3 -~ ~!;£ ·-7'?~~~ _.7~~ 5~- . 6.· -~~/JC7 #P-CTTT · . tf~~1Y 7. ~&77t7V ~~ ff :4Y#A/6 7'~ / 8.~~P?i' W~?Y£ ~o~~ 7. ~~J"P'~ Project Number 61539.00 Drawing Title P100/24 -RAILING TRANSITION POST. ··oate .. 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P1.0 SASAKI 703. Palorncir Airport Road Suite 170 Cartlbad, CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 019 503· 6761 • • • Q 0 ~~!Pv . -_ c_5::;>~. ~ ~ I . ' Cr . e><::::7 k9 ; --~oc,c:,Oc:::::c:;C'.;X::::n::::,IZ' . . : ' ,II ·' 'i I: JI ' l 1J I; i I, I I I r I ' ' i ; ' ' ' ' ' ' .. l : ·-· ---· ·-.. -------· . -· ---· -.. r·, ---7 --· . \ ., •'. i' .I I I l Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad ·Project Number •61'539.00 Drawing Title P100/24 -RAILING lRANSlllON · s·.A S A K I 703 Palomar .Airport Road Sul·., ·170 C<lrisbad. CA 92009 TEL 519· 603 6765 FAX 619 {0:S 67~1 ,. ' r<· I -- Date 5-2--97 I I ~ 1 v I \ DRAWING NUMBER P2.0 • • • ... .... -... = :"' .. \. -. ,,,---- l/ --;r f f ~1 ' -.. Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title ---- I ~, :/ I I i I i ,I I I I • 1 I 1 I . --- r. -. -,, 11-ii " t·~ j; it '1 ,, ,· ' l ~ ' r .. --···--:-- -~--- I If ii I! II I! 11 Ii ----. 0 ! .OO(Ju ~ . ' .. ' ! r I .. . , r I I I -: ( /; ,! Ii ' 1: j i -1 j 1' I i: ,, I ii I ' i: ' ! ' ., I 1_I i r I I I ] I .,! ·11-': ·- -- Pro~ct Number 61539.00 P100/24 -RAILING TRANSITION 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Carlsbad, CA 92009 - m. 619 603 6765 F_-,,.:X. 61-9 603 6761 I I I I - Seal" t·=f·--o· Dcte- 5--2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P3.0. • • • I I JI ·r i Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing· Title U I !ilQOO<d l ' . Project Number 61539.00 . , . I s~OIA 1·=1·-0· P100/24 -RAILING TRANSITION Dote 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER 'P4.0 -5--A 5 A K I 703 Palomar Airport Rqad Suite 170 Carlsbad, CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 6~ 6761 . • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title 1 l I . I ~ (j •ti) -u I C) tfl 11 ·~ g 71 j'U )> co ('I 111 U\ nt rn r Project Number 6·1539~00 P100/24 -POST AND ANCHOR CHAIN FENCING SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Cartabac:I, CA 92009 lE.. 619 603 6765 rAX 61.9 603 6761· ~ . ,- C) Scale NTS Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P5.0 • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Project N~mber 61539.00 • Drawing Title P100/00 -RETAINING WALL .S A S A K I 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Carlsbad; CA 92009 la 619 603 6765 FAX. 61.9 603 6761 Scai1111 3/4"=1·-o· Date 5--2-97 . DRAWING NUMBER -I P6.0 • • • I 7 I I ! .L i. Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title ~S:Yd!:l St/.C:t<J/:3 ~-r~;Aff::" . .ATi/#ij ~,4~~,- ,i. -~ ~ f----,----,--,l./,2) --?_ .. : ~~ ....... -\ ... ~ j ~;._~~~ ~~-----'--~L;/..:?'#~ J £/~/J/£/#.d= , Project Number 61539.00 - St".!!ale 3·=1·-0· P100 /00 -TREEWELL . Date 5-2--97 DRAWING .NUMBER P7.0 - SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite ·170 Carlsbad. CA 92009 -1'E;L 619 603 67es F>:t. 519·503 s761 •• • • NOTE: ,-------'-----'--SUR.FACE LA YER ~----'--CUSHION LAYER ,,..----...,... CONCRETE SLAB - 5LOPE TO DRAIN ~----'-COMPAC-TED ~ NI . ' t ;. t ! 51.)BGR.ADE I . SURFACING 5Y5T~M TO BE SEAHL=55 Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drewing Title Project Number 61539.00 P100/37 -SAFETY SURFACING 5ASAKJ 703 Palomar Airport Road Sl · te 170 Carlsbad, CA 92009 m. ·e1 s so3 s1es -F,.;x su 603 6761 Scale . ,,, :: I'-o'' Dote 5-2-97 . DRAWING NUMBER PB.O • • • 1t z (j) :c Ci) (j) C) ) -n r . /V () -)> -0 :r IJ m z rn 71 --; ~ () m . I . VARlt:5 I ------ Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title I I U) C IJl tJ iO )> :z = L:---=-:---- Project -Numbf;!r 61-539:.00 P100/00 -WALJ<.WAY EDGE · 703 Pal01'Tior Airport Road Suite 170 Carlsbad, CA 92009 TEl. 619 603 6765 · FAX 619 603 6761 71 z (j) :c (j) C iU 71 )> (\ rn .CJ) G) C C --; )> --; :;u rn iU \] iU ~ )> :c m r iU rn () (\ (\ c. Al (j) Scale 1/-t"~ 1 '-c11 . . . Date ~:-2-97 _ DRAWING NU.MBER P9.0 . ., • • Project Tltle LEGOLANO Ccrlsbad Drawing Title \ F!..OY'I. DIR:CTION \ INVERT ELEVATION PER PI..AN · Project Number 6,1538.00 Scale NTS P100/37 -AREA DRAIN PAVING Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P10.0 703 Pdlon'i~ Air.port Rood Suite 17.0 Carlsbad, CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FJ.X. 6j9 603 6761 • • • / / ~·s~~~/~ N~~tlV~ s;uf/4/#. . -1/l _-111_ / ./ 7 /; :,t~i ·,: i i. - 50;!?8~ ..q:r'J~-~--· --/~~ .. ~!: fa:2:E' ' Project Title LEG0LAND Carlsbad Drawing Title ,. i i' "i ' ! ' . ,, I I . I, !: I I \, l i? ,j ;I • / .--- ~- I m •I• ~ Project Number 61539.00 P100/37 -UNIT PAVING SASAKI · 703 Palomcr Airport Road Suite 170 Carlsbad. CA 92009 Ta 619 603 6765 F>.:x 619 603 6761 Scale NTS Date 5-2,...97 DRAWING NUMBER P11.0 • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title 8 11 11-011 L. _______ .J J .1·-o" I ,. -.. P100/00 -WAIXWAY CURB AND GUTTER ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BASE AREA DRAIN WHERE OCCUR$ ---,---,--POURED-IN-PLACE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ---AGGREGATE SASE --....,..,.,...---"---DE~PENED FOOTING WHERE OCCURS TO DEPTH SPECIFIED SY ENGINEER Project Number 61539.00 · Date 5-.2-~7 • 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Cariabad, CA 92009 SASAKI DRA'MNG NUMBER P12.0 ,a 819 803 8785 F'AX 619 803 8761 • • • ' .. -.: . Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title · Project Number 61539.00 P100/24 -RAMP RAILING SASAKI 703 P9lomCF ~ Road Suite 170 Carlsbad, CA Q2009 'tEl. 619 603 6765 F>:X. 619 603 6761 Scale NTS Oate 5-2--97 DRAWING NUMBER P13.0 • • • Project 11tle LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing 11tJe 4" r-----....,..,,,...-~...:l"'--L.U.--:-----------.:- 1 I I . Project Number 61539.00 P100/00 -SECTION AT 'WAU<.WAY -TYPICAL SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road-SUit• 170 CGrilbad, CA 92009 1EL 819 603 6765 ·FAX' 619 603 6761 Scale NT~ Date 5~2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P14.0 • • • FINISH-· GRADE~ z. \fl<(, . lLl . . It IL 8" <( tu_,_t --____,.--,.,.,.. >w \fl t,:_J Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title P100 /00 -WAU<WA Y CURB ,,--.,,..........,.----'-~--.RE.MOVABLE RAILIN$ POST WH;:RE OC.C,l,.JRS ~------------1/411 RADIUS ,----,--'--.....,;.__,..._ ASPHAL TIC CONCRETE 6A5E l --,- '--'----POURED-IN-PLACE CONCRETE CURl;:3 AND·GUTTER '---------AGGREGA TI: BASE ..,____--.---,----____,_--.:... 'DEEPENED FOOtlNG · WHERE OCCURS TO DEPTH SPECIFIED SY ENGINEER Project N(Jmber 61'53~.oo Scale I"= r-o'' Date 5-2--97. DRAWING· NUMBER P15.-0 SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Road Suite 170 Carilba~ CA 92009 1'El-819 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad· Drawing Title /-~~~· // I /7#$~£- ~4-if/.P~- Project Number 61539.00. P100/00 -AREA DRAIN --PLANTER SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Rqad ·Suite 170 can.a>ad. CA 92009 TEL 819 603 6765 FAX 619 603 8761 . Scale NTS Date 5-2-97 . DRAWING NUMBER P16.0 • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title P100/00 -CLEANOUT SASAKI ' -- ,---.,.__,.' ---------'-PLUG t=IN15H GRADE - PLANTER AREA ,-.--'"'--'----'----Rr5ER --""--5V'IEEP E:LBOV'I - WYE AL !ER.NATE ~~-DR.AINLINE -50LID NOTE: WALL OR. PERFORATED PER _PLAN DRAINLINI= AND FITtlNG5 ARE -411 DIAME71=R. P-VC 5C.HEDULE 40. Project Number 61539.00 Scale-NTS Date ~-,2--97 DRAYt1NG NUMBER P17.0 703 Palomar Airport RQad Suite 170 . CGrtlbad. CA 92009 TEL 819 ·603"6765 FAX 619 803 6761 • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carf spad Drawing Title ~---AMENDED SOIL BACKFILL Y'llTH TURFGAA55 PLANTING. ----,--PRECA5T CONCRETE cSRID OVER 2 11 SAND BED . Project. Number 61539.00 Seal~ · 1 112·=1'-0" P100/37 -TURF-RING · Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER S A S A K ·1 7~ Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Cansbad, ~ 92009 lEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 P18.0 . • • • 0 Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title 0 ,------~--,-----,---CONCRETE CURB AND SUTTER - MONOLITHIC. PO\./R ;-------~'--'"--.,..-----· EXPANSION JOINT ,--------CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE RETAINING ~ ,----RAILING -TYPE VARIES BY LOCATION. TRANSITION TO eLJARDAAIL ~ ~GUIRED r-------,---'------------,-----CONCRETE CURS AND SUTTER - · MONOL.ITHic POUR ,--,--_....-----'--'------'-,-·. EXPANSION JOINT ~--~---~-RAiLINS -"T"r'PE VARIES BY LOCATION'. TAANSITION TO euARDAAIL i"1HERE ~GVIRED ,--,------Pot.IRED-IN-PL.ACE CONCRET!;; RETAININ6 Y'iALL ,--,---FINISH ISRADE. B.£VA110N NOTE, CURS AND 6!irT'E:R CONDITION 5HOll'IN. Project Numper 61539.00 P100/00 -CURB TO WALL TRANSITION Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P19.0 SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Car11bad, CA 92~ TEL 819 803 8785 FAX 819 803 8781 • • • Project Title LEG0LAND Carlsbad Drawing Title Project Number 61539.00 P100/37 -ASPHALT C0NCRl;:TE PAVING . SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Cartebad. CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 S.s:a1, • 1 ==1 -o Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P20.Cf 3 EXPANSION (?1 UI CONSTRUCTION • FINISH SURFACE CONCRETE PAVIN6. 3/8,• '114 SLIP DOl-'IEL, 18" LEN6TH, 5; O.C. ---_.....j' \ 4 ---FINISH SURFACE CONCRETE PAVIN6. ---~ 114 5LIP DOHEL, 18" LE!-16TH; ·3• O.C. 5AY-ICUT, lfe,"HIDTH x 5/4': Dl:;PTH UNO. ' '::-: ~~~-----SAHCUT: l/8"HIDTH x 3/4" DEPTH UNO. · ' TQOLEp SEALANT HITH // SAND TOPDRE55. ~CESSED 1/e," EIELOH FINISH SURFACE. ------~ BACKER ROD 3/4" BELOH FINISH SURFACE. '-"'---'--'-~~ PREMOLDED FILLER ~--FINISH' 5UF!FACE CONCRETE PAVINo: ~----5AHCUT, 1/e>"HIDTH x 5/4" DEPTH UNO. CONTRACTION • Cl) g(1 (l)Z L Cl) .0 E ::J Zo ·o ~ . 0 .0) ,l!.t'> 0 IO L. .... n. co ~ 0 .0 (I) "C 0 Cl) 0 +J I= a z -r, ~ .2, 0 0 C> a: ~ 0:: w m ::::E ::::> z " (!) mZ· I :fa .:! N -c(,...: olO::N 01.0 00. IQ z 0 -, ~ W: 0:: 0 z 0 CD 0 ·•.::;::; I I= ' o," .6~ ;t 0 oO L. .-a a.. • 8 ~ ~ -d' :o i s·ui g t, -a .s co J~ "D co J~ ls IO e-~ '< co b ~l ~ (0 0~ 11.. co R~ • • • Project lltle LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing lltle ~ r z (i) 11 () (J) .., 11 (\ ~ () z z (\ ~ ·(i) I ii\ ·~ (\ 71 ·c m ~ ~ 6 11 r )> z 11 r )> z iil ~ f. • ' . 6 11!611 >. ·~ ~ ~ rj ~ z l: :c rn ·~ •() (\ (\ C ~· ~ L :c m .~ () (\ (\ C ~ Project NLJmber 61538.00 P100/37 -WAU<.WAY EDGE. SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Road SUit• · 170 Carlsbad. CA 92009 TEL 019 ·803 8785 FAX 819 803 6761 m .L G- Iv .-() --:----· - tv I () Iv I () Scale r-J-r~· ..ll>, I () ~ I () tv I Q Date 5-2"".'"97 Iv ,.,. () = DRAWING NUMBER P22,0 • • • FOOD/REiAIL AREA 8 11 WALKWAY ---,-----,--A5PHAL T CONCRETE PAVING .• -4 __... ............ ---+----............ ---+----....................... +--+-............. ____ --~-I 1/211 weARING ~ ...... ------~ ........ _.__ .................................. ......._ ...... · __.· ~---. I 1/211 BINDER 0 O_.o oO O ,__ ______ ___,....,__.-. ~o~:@J , 'l~~~-YJ»/} .. '--------'---CONCRETE BAND -----EXPANSION JOINT -~--,------55 DOV"iEL ~/411 _@ .2 1-011 0.C. · NOTE: ------C.QNCREiE PROVIDE EGUALL Y 5PACED . AL TE;RNATING 5CORE5 AND EXPANSION JOINTS FOR CONCRt:TE BAND AT 10 1 O.C.. MAX. Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title Project Number 61539.00 -P100/37 -CONCRE1E BAND AT .FOOD/RETAIL CART -AREA SASAKI 703 PalO(l'lar Airport Road Suite 170 Car1sbad, CA 92009 lEL. 819 803 8765 FAX 619 803 8761 . Scale I''::: I '-0" Date 5-2-97 ORA WING NUMBER P23.0 • • • Project TitJe. LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title r---~--"--'------F·IN1'$H GR.ADE r-------'---REBAR. REINFORCEMENT i----'----'----,-AGGREGATE B.A5E Project Number. ()1539.00 Scale 111 ::: r'-o" P100/37 -CONCRETE PAVING Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P24.0 SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Road Suite 170 CGrilbad.. CA 9~009 ~ 81~ B03 8785 FAX. 819 803 8781 • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Can~bad Drawing Title .. · . P100/37 -INTERLOCKING CONCRETE. PAVERS --..,....,.......~.,,.._--J NTERLOCKI NG CONCRETE PAVER - PATTERN VARIES SY LOCATION r----1 11 THl<=,KNESS SAND BED ,,-------'-----· · GEOTEXTILE FABRIC --AGGREGATE SASE Project Number 61539.QO Scale ~i? Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P25.0 SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 Cortlbad,. CA. 92009 TEL 819 803 8765 FAX 619 603 8761 • • 0 tf-E-X '7€7' SCf--cW · C-rvir,) ---------11-.. ---·--------· _ _.,,......... !/ )\ ,' \ ,,.-~ ""1 _ _, ·\ I Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title FL('fNct j .• ~<--·--=---;, CCNC~FA-v;x 0 ~~.;L.------____,..----~S FG V 0 StCJl ~--SCA1,,"€ lit:=. 'II Project Number 61539.00 Scale • P100/37 -REMOVABI.-E QUEUE RAIL SLEEVE Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P26.0 SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 170 · Carilbact. CA 92009 TEL 619 :603 6765 F>:/.. '619 1,.03 6761 • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Cartsbdd Drawing Title 71 z U) :r: lJ) C:' Al 71 )> ('I r.n .:2'-b" -I () -0 () 71 (\ C -~ !· I I l lJ) -I m me r ('\ :c )> z I -~- ---- J!~ ril o • ~ )>' -:r -i rn :c ' Al ii\ () Al ~"'(} QO lJ) J! -I z, ~ U) rn\ m r Project Number 61535t00 P100/24 -POST AND CHAIN -5 A S A I< I 703 Palomcr Airport Road Suite 170 Carlsbad, CA . 92009 ,a 619 603 676,5 FAX 619 603 6761 • Scale N'T~ .Date 5--2--91 DRAWING NUMBER P27.0 - • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title 4" I' -- · 1 V. 2' b" - c~-:------~-----------~ -----' ,, i :1 j_t~ 119 . (\ / r / I / -. [_= ,._ ! ' --' ...:----., --:--. -;-·-f---~ -- ~ ~ "" ~ :I: (\ .,., () :c ,i(I z 111 () Q z j(J I -(J) r :er j(J --z z ]\71 ' 111 Ci'lr j(J Q ' () Cl -! (J) :c 3: ' i 71 Z. (J) :I: ~ -~ ), (\ 111 ~- I ~ 1} () 71 (\ C ~- I 1 I I '{ \Ji. ~ Q )> ::r 111 nt ,j(J (J) -! rn rn r -u (\. -7' .111 -! _I ~ ! ·; I ~ 1} tv. '-tv 1} = = 111 Q X ~)> --3: ~ :t 111 Al nt (J) () j(J nt· C: z~ 111 r tJ (J) ~ 71 -! z, r )>-(J) rrrt 111 r Project Number Q-1539.00 • P100/24 -METAL RAIL -2•-s• HT SASAKI 703 ·Palomar Airport Road $ulte 1.70 ~abad. C~ 9200j; la, 819 803 6765 FAX 619 603 6781 .i:. .-() Date 5-2-97 ORA'MNG NUMBER P28.0 • • • Project 1itle LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing 1itle ..;.. I ' ! 1-t; C) 0 - - : "'' I v' ·•· B ~ I ' -. : --' ---.-' . --', --\ I . . Vo ·-- ' ~ ~ .. ~ I d I ~ --~ l I -B · 1 ·///a ' I i ! ! / ( ~' : . .j r ' -_ I / ~Oi ' . . . ':;--"\ . -------.----,_-,-----· i! l~. .. ri,.. -' 7 ---1 \11 z C) ~ lfl -:0 I 6 \) lJ) 71 )> C ('I fi) :r C m '"i1 Al .,; )> (\ 0l m r.i ;Al tf\ . '-'-i m m r J! ('i 7'-m -I i VO': -l' ' QI I ,.-=--I_ _, I i U1 ~ ~ = X x """" U1 \)) ' ·l-J lJ) lJ) -I -I m m m rn r r Al Al () ~ C r z a Project Number 61539.00 P100/24 -THEME RAiL -3'-6• HT SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Rood Suite 170 Ccrtabad, CA 92009 m 61.9 603 6765 -F A:X 6_19 603 6761. s~QIA 1·=1·-0· Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P29.0 • • • Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Drawing Title 11 z (J) I U) C iO 7t )> (\ 111 2 1-b11 ~ .--u () 7t. (\ C ~ Project Number 61539.00 P100/24 -WOOD POST AND CHAIN SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Road Suite 170 CariB?ad. CA_ 92009 ,a 819 60~ 6765 rAX .619 603 6761 (\ I )> 3: 7t m jQ S_c:ale NT~ Date 5~2-97 DRAWING NUMB~R P30.0 • • -:: • ~ I N' - C) I C'i ·- Project Title LEGOLAND ·cart~j;)gg Drawing Title - ' .... 1 · I I I ____._ 1lr l'I -,1IL I I I I I I ·I I I I IT '4'-'0" I - t · I" CHAMFER t;• -POST 1lf , ·-3 l'I JIL I I I I I I I / -i=INISH SURFACE I I I rr - Project Number 61539~00 Scale NTS P100/00 -WOOD POST AND WOOD RAIL Ql,JEUE. Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER P31.0 SASAKI 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 17Q Carlsbaa, CA 92009 TEL 619 603 6765 FAX 619 603 6761 ' . • • • ·O ~ t\T'T~Cfiw·1 1YJJ'i)11L-~ S\b,,fV CAT A LO~ C»T5-~ -.. · ... : -i-' ~ /VVVvT\-ftr,v~ ~ ~INNt'N~ ~ ~,(~€_ PAN~ ¼ff ltlN IN/v€'fl-~, Project Title LEGOLAND Carlsbad Project Number . 61$39.00 Drawing Title f100 IO tJ -f,tfl-Jc 0~ 0'VT!n7 O/V {vltr(l5 . SASAKI 703 Palomcr Airport Road Suite 170· Cartlbad. CA 92009 TEL 819 803 8785 FAX 819 803 8781 Seale Date 5-2-97 DRAWING NUMBER . 1'~2.-0 • • • ~M-"jbc. wt +.~ ex+-<,,-s1W1 e(V)d S'wive!.l - , will 1~1c-As I Project Title Prqject . Number LEGOLAND Carlsbad . 61539.00 Drawing Title ftbO(O O :_ S·(toNAwt -FtNGcY1-fDS t SASAKI 703 Palomar. Airport Road Suite 170 Cartlbad, cA -92009 1E1. 819 803 8785 FAX 819 803 8781 Scale· NtS Date 5-2-97 DR~ WING NUMBER f'~~.o