HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB981003; Permit-NO PERMIT· OR FOU·ND FOR THIS PROJECT PERMIT NUMBER: C6Cft 1003 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: (tB'ti&\0~,)· PR·OJECT 10·: · . .SOP q·t,,•lc.J . PROJECT NAME: .. j ~ol4'\cl Or FOL tN,&.t,T\ple ~,u.c,W~') ,------- PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. _________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit ________ _ Validated By ~/ 4n3 Date ~)J legal Description lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Assessor's Parcel # ':21-i-AW ~W f::~0 Description of Work Existing Use fO g. ~, t2UfLV 'k fq\l~N Proposed Use SO. FT. ~of Stones # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# .~, ;'*Qo,1mA0ctcf&z en111tt-Mi'tN~MESr (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031 . 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [ $ 5001). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State license# _________ _ license Class _________ _ City Business license # _______ _ Designer Name State license # ----------•. 5;. · 1w o 1t t ER S ~ ~ Q ~ Ji E ,NS J!t M-. Address City Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: State/Zip Telephone 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company______________________ Policy No._____________ Expiration Date _______ _ !THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1001 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE ________________________________ DATE _________ _ 1;1,;.;;: :ijMJ-oi~PQ 01ciffi.nmifflii!.";±. +t'i&· t;.i' I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have/ have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number I contractors license number): ________________________________________________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number I type of work): __________________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE_______________________ DATE _________ _ '.®.MPID!t:tfirs:'s!i;;'tlc:,IIJ;,=oa..NoN'.JttsiRfN:mffl~ffl\pfNt$1QllRMITa:oJJc1'~ :i;'.:::;;.stt•·,:*A,%1<:fk·:fa,} ;~:'. ;;+.:ti:-:;~:;sl::lfi0:::;K;;i~;1:Z;:0t;;5ff'·:::·sc:j;¼0;j:0Ji;iif:'4;J; Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO ls the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES O NO ls the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ;gpti~it!~vl\i<>iii,~1~:~~.E~i:ltk 1s ••••... ,;.,.,. • ....... I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Cit\' of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Buildi Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not com~ d within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the wor~pn,!"e~ ~ of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ·--.......----.' DATE 1-· 7-C/8 YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance I -~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY pef MiT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO. ____ _ CITY OF CARLS.BAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-11.61 .EST. VAL--,.--------- Plan Ck. Deposit --,.--------- Valid1;1ted By _________ ___ Date. ________________ ,....... 1. PROjECT INFORMATION Address (include Bldg/Suite #) . -·-.. ~.; ~.r-:--,• l"':-, ... -. 7' •• i:•,:--' ••.• Business Name (It this address) Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Uriit No. Phase No. Tot11I II of units Assessor's Parcel II Existing Use Proposed Use Description of Work · sa. FT. llot Stories II ot Bedrooms II of Bathrooms Name . Address Cjty Stete/Zip Telephone# Fax# f3~ ··:· ·APPLICAN"f· .:· 0 contr•otor D Agent for CoirtriicioF'i O·owner::·:.-o Aifenflot"awii,r :,:;,:~-~-"-":: ·:"""":::;~'.'<~'' :~:,:· ..... Name -Addr~ss City State/Zip Telephone# ,4; . 'PROPERTV:owNER Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# :S. ·' • CONTRACTOR ~ COMPANY NAM~-··· ·-· · ·· ·::·• :··-:··,· , .... ·, r·-:, · · ... ,,,_.. --"~··::::""~:.~1?~t; .. ·'.".'T'::T'.t~~~~:D~7::~5';'::?:~:K,::"'r~ , · · f:!i.,_· ~'.".'::~--•·T ••· ,. : · (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requir.es a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to Its issuance, also requires the applicant tor such permit to :file a ~igned statement that he ·is licensed pursuant to the provisions· of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section-7000 of Division 3 of the Business ind Professions ·Code! or that he is exempt therefrom, end the basis tor the alleged exemption. Anv violation of Section-7031.5 by any applicant for II permlt'Subjects the applicant t_o a.civil penilty of not more than.five.hundred dollars ($50011. BERNARDS BROTHERS CJ>NSTRUCTIQN 5342 ARM~DA DR CART,SBAD,-CA 92008 760-930 0099 Name Address City State/Zip Telephone # State License# 302007 Lice!lS• ClasA B City Business Ucense I 1205610 HOK 1655 26TH ST, SUITE 200 SANTA MONICA, CA.90404 310-453-0100 Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # ________ _ ·a. WORKERS' COMPENSATION · · .. , .... , -·. ··. . ·--~,--·.·-, :~"_, .. ,,:,· ·'"'·7::--'.··::·:-;·:··-,:,r·,;J::.·';,'.'"',:p:-; :;7; ,•;::~0·:t~:;···:.:·-., ., , , · , Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the foliowini, declarations: 0 . I have and will maintain ·a certificate of consen~ fo self-insure tor w_orjcers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, tor the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. , . . . M I have and will maintain workers' compensatii;,n, as required by Section 3700 of the bbor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is ~ued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: _ . Insurance Company ULICO CA.Sll4.LXY CC) _ . . Policy·No.Wl)6Q4022ZQO Expiration Dete6-3(k98 (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HU.NORED-DOLLARS ($1001 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for·which this-permit'is issued, I shall not employ eny person In any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation _LaW','.s of California. WARNING: Failure:;'° 1 ure worken' compen111tion coverage 11 ·unla • 'lhall 1ubj9ct in employer to crl~al .penaltle1 end clvil fines up to one hundred thou111nd dollar• ($100, ), addition to the coat of co , ~mage1 u provided for.lr!·Sectlon 3708 of the L!!!i~Jl:Vllte, · SIGNATURE. ___ _,._aw-...--:,,------~-r,,... ...... ___,. ....... .....,.---:-:--,----------. DATE "."."":'.-+.7"'1--"-""...,_-Fi~'.""" "1. OWNER-BUILDE.,c::_,,-_,..,..,.,. -License Law for the following reason: 0 or my amp · yee with wages as .their sole compen11tion, will do· the work and the structure is not ·intended or offered for aale (Sec. 7044, Busine1s and Prof sions Code Contrictor'1 License law di;,e1 not apply to in owner of property who build• or improves thereon, ind who doe1 such work himself or through s own employees, .provided that such Improvements are not intended or offered for 11le. If, however, the building or Improvement la sold within one year of complition, the owner-builder wlll have the burden of proving tli1t·he.d_id not build qr improve for the purpoH of 11le). D I, es owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the ·project (Sec. 7_044, Business a_nd Profes1ions Code: The Contractor's License Law does riot apply to 1n owner of prop•rty who !)uild!I or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractorlsl licenHd pursuant to the Contractor's Licenae Law). · · · D I am exempt under Section _,, _____ ,BusinHs and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major l1bor·a11d.materi1ls for-construction.of the proposed property Improvement. D YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application-for a building permit tor the·proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provld!I the proposed construction (include name 1 address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan.to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following.person to.coordinite, supervise end,provide the major work (include name/ address/ phone number/ contractors license number):,_,, ______ ..,... _______ ....,..,.,.. _________ .,,.. __________ .;,-_________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted lhired)·the·following persons to provide the work Indicated (Include name/ 1ddres1 /"phone-number/ type of work): · PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ___ ...... ....,.. ...... ,---...,...--------------DATE,----------- 1COMPLETE THIS ·sEctibN .FOR lioiuiEs/oimW.-1u11.DiNo PERMiTifONtY,:·.;:~r::'.::it~~~F-:':;~~~;~.~~l,;'\:";~-m!P,,~;~;~1,~::·:'. '-'',-:". ··;'·J r-''7:-~:-··'.':' :-:~'~ Is the ,pplicant or future building occupant required to subm~ a business plan, acufely hazirdous meterial1 registratio11 form or risjc minagement and prevantion program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of-th!! Pr1111lliy-T11r.mir-H1.:ardous Substance Account Actr O YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control dlst~ct or 11ir quality management district? D YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 -feet of the outer boundary of • school aite7 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES. A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED U!\ILESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AN_D THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. fa;'"· cciNSTl'liJcTioNlENi:iiNcfAGENcv..:,;:::·'·::)_¥·::t:·r:",:-;:--:,-:t?~'?;·;~~:'?!!,::rwrr~'.l"'.·"'~,:~.,..,.,,,~,:":'·:~"'':'.:'':'.':'·:,1:,'f':-'('r.'?''"'.' "?: , .. ·r·-:-·-:·,,,-a·s,· = ::·· · ·· ···; · · -~:. ·. _.-, I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the perfqrmance of the work for which this permit is-issued (Sec. 3097111 Civil Code). I certify that I have read the application and state that the above informl!t.ion is correct and that the·lnform1tlon on the plans Is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating-to building co~tr~ction. I h(lr(lby authorize representatives ·of t(Je Cltt -of. Carlsbad to anter· upon the above mentioned property for Inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY · AND KEEP HARMLE$S THE CiTY OF CARLSBAD AGAiNST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID _CITY IN C,ONS!!OUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations ov~r 5•0• deep and demolition or construction of structures o\l'er 3 stories In height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Offlci_al under ·the provisions of this Code shell expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not_commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is-suspended or abandoned at any time after the work ls .. commeric.ed_for II period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ___ _..., __ __,, ___________________ _ DATE ____________ _ Wl:IL~ YEL"OW: Ai>p!ic111:1i PINK: Finance.· :~ . . SEE. MULTIPLE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SCANNED SEPARATELY CB972027 I.S THE PLAN CHECK· NUMBER FOR MANY OTHER CB 1 S ALSO SEE CB971460(OUTER PARK) CB9~1465(ADMIN BLDG) EsGil ·-co:rp.oration 1.n Partnusliip witfi (Jo.Vtrnnunt for qjuilifing Sa/tty DATE: August 17, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carl~bad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1003 .PROJECJ" ADDRESS:~ i ~ego :Or. PROJECT NAME: .Shade St~uctures SET:U Cl.APPLIGANT S.JURIS; ' ~ --' Cl PLAN REVIEWER Cl FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ~ The plans transmitted_ Herewith will substantially comply with the Juris.diction's builoing c9des when minor deficiencies identified below are resolv.~d and.checked by building· dep~rtment staff. Note: Plan:s hand'"9arrled to City by applicant. · · · D The plans transmitted, herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list·. and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck.' · D The check list transmitteq herewith is for your information. The p.lans are being held .at Esgil Corporation unt_il ·qorrected.plans are submittedfor recheck. · .. " D The applicant'~: Cop/6f th~ check list is enclosed fo~ the jt,Jrisdiction. toJorward_to the applicant ·:· :., .·· . _cont?ct p_er~o~r\ :··_ . :-: . -, . · . . · . . . . :,::~ ':. ~.. ¼." 0-.-The ap·p-licani's. copy ·of lhe check li$t has been sent to:· . : . _.... ·: ·. ' . . . D . Esgil 'corpor~ti~n ~taff did. not advise the applicant that the plan check has -b~en compieted. ~-. Esgil Corpo~ation staff did advise the applicant that'the ~l~n theckhas be~n completed . . Person contacted: Gina Yu Telephone#: appt. · . ' Date contacted: _e/17/98 (by: kc) Fax #: · · · Mail Telephone · Fax . In Person ~ REMARKS: The building official should determine if the t0_psf live load used by the engineer is· , appropriate for these structures. Notes:· 1. The 'plans' consist of a site plan plus structural drawings. 2. Please ~ee the attached valuation/fee sheets (revised). By: Kurt C~vet Esgil Corporation D GA D CM . ' D Ej. D PC log · Enclosures:. trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576. ,·.:." ,"· Carlsbad 98-1003 April 15, 1998 . . . . VALUATION ANO PLAN CHECK i=EE. (Revised 8117/98 kc) -. JURISDICTIO_N: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver B-UILDING ADDRESS: _1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A-3 II ~~·!...~i~!G PORTION ._-, BUILDING AREA , . , (ft. 2) Birthday Tent 675. Air Coriditionino Fire Sprinklers . '. l'..'i·"· --><.::f:,:" .. ·.\:-'·, -.'. ·. --.. 1:: ,:: TOTALVALUE:, -I:-"'._ . . . ·, .. ·_: ---. PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1003 .DATE: April 15, 1998 Castle Hill TYPE·OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N VALUATION MULTIPLIER ' • ',< I • • ,-.. VALUE; ($)_ ·.7900 3000- . . ~"' . . . .. ' '"";~ .. .-;~ 7,900 3,000~ : _ D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee·· ~-Bldg. Perrn)t Fee by ordinance: $ 96.08 52~33 '. . ' 0 199 . UBC Plan Check Fee · ~-Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $. 62.45 34.01. Type of Review:· . [8] Complete Review · D ·structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review·Fee:· Comments:· Value provided by designer $ 49.96 27.21. · Sheet 1 of $ .8 · macvalue.doc 5196 · Carlsbad 98-1003 April 15, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN_ CHECK-FEe (Revised 8/17/98 kc) JURISDICTION: Carlsbad : . PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1-Lego Dr. · BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A-3. BUILDING; PORTiON, BUILD-ING AR~A . ' '' (ft.2). Horse Ride -OueuE:l Retail Tents 5b7' Air-Conditioning - ·_··~~ Fire: Sprinklers-, ---' PLAN CHECK'NO.: 98 .. 1003 OATE: April 15, 1998 -Castle HUI - TYPE OF. CONSTRUCTION: V-N VAl.;UATION' MULTIPLIER ·-3000 . 3,000 VALUE ($) D 199-_ UB_C Buildih~ Permit Fee· [8] aidg. Permit Fe·e,-by ordinance: $ ·s2.~3 D 199 , .USC Plan Check-Fee [8J ·p1anCheck.Fe·e-byordinance: $ 34 . .01 Type of Review: [8]-· Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly -, D Repetitive Fe(;} Applicable D Other; . Esgil Plan Review -Fee: . $ 27.21 Comments: Value prov'ided by designer Sheet 2 of a 8 · macvalue.doc·5196 Carlsbad 98-1003 April 15, 1998 . . . _ VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE '{Revi$ed 8/17!98 kc)· JURISDICTION: . Carlsbad PREPAREO ·BY: Kurt Culver BUILDINC3 AODRESS: 1_ :Lego b:r. · BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A--3 BUiLDING PORTION. BUILDING AREA . {ft,2)' Birthday Tent 450 . .. ,. ", -· . .. . . Air Condlfjonirig ·- . -- Fire Spririkl~rs ' . . -· .. "';~--C ·. >TOTAL VALUE : : -. . . ' -PLAN CHi::CK NO.: 98-1003 DATE: April 15,,. 1998 Duple TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N VALUATION .. VALUE ' MULTIPLIER ($) . §§00 . 2·00Q . ; ... ' ,,, .. -. . -.. 5,aOQ 2,000 D 199 USC Building PermitFee 181 · Bldg. P.ermit Fee by ·ordinance: $ 78.58 43.58 D 199 UBC Plan Check. Fee ~-Plan Ch.eek Fee by ordinance: $ 51.Q? 28.32 . Type of RE;Wiew: . _ [8l Complete Review D -Structural Only D.· Houriy D Repetitive· Fee Applicabl~· ·D Other: _ EsgU Plan Review Fee: . $ 40.86: 22.66 Comments: · Valu~ provided by designer Sheet 3 of a 8 macvalue.dO'c 5196 -. ' Carlsbad,. 98-1003 April 15; 1998 . . . . .· . VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE (Revised 8/1·7/98 kc) JURISDICilbN: Carlsbad . . PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUfLDING ADORES:$; . 1 Lego Or. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A-3 . BUILD'ING PORTION·,.· s·u1LDiNG AREA ' . (ft.2) · pasta P~tch . Queue . Breath Taker Queue · . : 1.33 ' "-; .... .Air Conditioning · -.::<, Fire Sprinklers.:·_ ..'-· .. : ~~-:;·TOTALVAL.UE, · · .· -. .. ·: ,, ~ . ~ ~-: .,: " ~ ' ~ ·---: ' ~ -,-.:. ._--.' - PLAN· CHECK NO.:. 98-1003 DATE: April 15, .1998 puplo C~stle Hill · · TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION: V-N VAl.UATION- . MULTIPLIER VALUE : ($) · 16 bbb· ' ., ·. ' .1000 1$,000: 7;000· -. - . .· · o· 199 . UBCBuilding P.ermit Fee_··. !Xl Bldg. ·Permit F~e byordin~nce:-$• 166.08 87,33 D. 199 USC Plari Check F~e '· ~ Pl.al'.l Check Fee by ordinance:,$· 101_.95 56.76 .. Type of Review: IXl ·Complete· Review O Strl(ctural ·onlY: ·D Hol:JrlY D Repetitive Fee Applicable-o· .Other: . Esgil Pl.an Review Fee:. . . $ 86~36 ·. 45 .. 41 Co~ments: Value provided by designer Sheet 4 of a 8 . macvalue:doc 5196' I ' Carlsbad 98-1003 April 15, 1998 . VALUATION AND PLAN CHl;CK FEE (Revi~ed 8/11/98 kc) JURISDICTION: Carl&bad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS:. 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A-3 PLAN CHECK NO.:. 98-1003 , DATE: April 15, i998 Funtown TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION BlJiLD.ING AREA VALlJAT.ION VALUE (ft:2) MULTIPLIER ($) Birthday Tent 900 29,7GG 4000 ·' . ... -- . -: - ., :· \ - ·-· Air Conditionjng .. .. Fire Sprinklers --· ,. ' --. ' .. .. . .. -.-" .. TOTAL\/ALUE ~o 70(J 4,000: -: . 1. • . · . ... : .. · D 199 · ·use Buildi~g Permit Fee. • ~ < , -' [g] srdg. :Permit Fee by Ordinance: $ 209.83 61 .'oa 0 199 -uac·Plan Check Fee; -~-Plan Ch_e.ck fee by ordinance: $ 136.39 36. 70 Type of Review: . [g]· .Complete .Review D Structural Only D _Hourly -. ' -.. . . D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Pl~n Review Fee: -· Comments: Value provided by designer Sheet 5 of & 8 macvatue.doc 5196 •. Carlsbad 98"".1003 April 15, 1998 . VALUATION AN.D PLAN CHECK FEE (Revised 8/17/98 .kc)- .JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culve.r. BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A-3 BUILDING PORTION . · BUILDING AREA . (ft. 2) Marche Covered· Seating ·, 2475 PLAN C,HECK NQ:: 98-1003 · DATE: .. April 15, 1998 Fun Town . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N VALUATION MULTIPLI.ER . VALUE ($) 11,000 .. · -. . ~--.. .;.,,. __ ,. : ,"... . ." . . . . ...... ~-,· ----------------------------------------+-------'------I .. ,:• ~-,..: ,.:::it+/ Air Coriditionirig. •-.i: 1, .... ::.:;-· Fire Sprinklers::~:··: ·c .: :::-: .. ·." ,:·;:_ :,_,·. _.,:-_: ::--: . -· , -: , - :.-:.,-::.roTA'-VALUE -: 0 199 : UBC Building Permit Fe~ . 0 199· uac Plan Check Fee . . .. .. :-. . ::· ·~---,.·. :~ -·:: ~; • ' /·~ •• ~... • .,. • '!, • • -, .• ~· ... ~' • -~. . ', • .,. . • ~ .r.:f-.. " 11,000 ·[gl Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:.$ 122.33 · : _ 1:8] Plan Check Fee by ord!nance: $ 78.51 . . . l . . . . Type of Review: [8]. Com_plete Revi~w. D · Structural Only -· D Hou-rly · D Repetitive Fee Applicable· D· Other: . Esgil Plan RevieY' F~e: $··63.61 Comments: Value provided by 9esigher . -Sheet 6 of ·s ·macvalue:dpc 5196 • Carlsbad 98-1003 April is, 1998, · . . VA_LUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE (Revised 8/1.7/98 kc) JURISDICTION: Carlsbad· PREPARED 13Y: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A_:3 BUILDING.PORTION. , BUiLOING AREA Building Queue , ·:_-:. Air Conditioning . . -: Fire s·prinklers-.... . . ~ . ; ' . ':,_,. '"' ~ - (ft"2) I • PLAN.CHECK NO.: 98-1003 _DATE: April 15, 1998 , Castle Hill TYPE: ·OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N VALUATION MULTIPLl(;_R ' .:.· :, 3000 3,000 · VALUE . ($) D 199 ., UBC Building Permit ·Fee IZI Bldg. Permit f:ee py ordinance: $ 52.33 · D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee. · · ·IE] Plan Check Fee by ordinance:· $ 34.01. Type of Review: · ~ Complete Re~iew D · Structural Only . , O. Hourly . - D Repetitive Fee Applicable 0, Oth¢r:· · . . · Esgil Plan Review :Fe_e: Comments: Value provided by designer .. $ 21._21 Sheet 7 of 8 macvalue,dpc 5196 · Carlsbad 98-1003-· April 15, 1998 . VALUATION AND' PLAN CHECK FEE (Revised 8/17/98· kc) JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED :BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: i Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY; A.-3 BUILDING PORTION Play Pavilion . 392. Air Conoitioning Fire .Sprinklers PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1003 DATE: April 15, 1998 Castle Hill TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N .VALUATION MULTIPLIER 5000- VALUE ($) ·: · D 1'99 UBC:Building Permit Fee · igj Bldg. PE3Ftn(t Fee by ordinance: $ 69_;83 o· 199 UBCPlan Check-Fee ~ Plan Check Fee·by ordinance: $ 45.39 Type of ·Review: · !2l Complete Review O Structural Only . D H_ourly . D Repetitive Fee Applicijble· D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 36.31 Comments: Value provided by designer · Sheet 8 of 8 macvalue:doc 5196 EsGil Corporation. 1.n Partnersliip W.itli (jovemment for '13t#Uing Safety DATE: April 15,. 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1003 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Shade Structures SET:I LegoLand ~ANT ~-0 PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith h~ve been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for .a complete recheck. i::g] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil . Corporation until corrected .plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdicti.on to forward to the applicant contact person. i::g] The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Gina Yu 5342 Armada Dr. Carlsbad 92009 D Esgil Corporation staff did not advis.e the applicant that the plan check has been completed. lz.l Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Gina Yu Telephone#: (760) 804-8355 x149 Date contacted: 4115/98 (by: kc) Fax#: MailJ Telephone/ Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA DCM 0 EJ D PC 4/9/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + SanDieg9, California 92123 ·+ (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 ,., . .,.;r, Carlsbad 98-1003 April 15, 1998 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Ca:dsbad. PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 4/9/98 REVIEWED BY: Kurt Culver · FOREWORD (PLEASE REAP): PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1003 DATE REVIEW COMPLETED: April 15, 1998 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval. of the plans does not permit the violation ·of any state, county or city law. 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new ~ets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. 2. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. 3. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other chcmges, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? 0 Yes 0 No 4. Each sheet of the plans must be signed/se~led by the licensed designers. 5. On the cover sheet of the plans, please provide the project summary. Show the floor area of EACH separate structure proposed under this permit, occupancy classifications, etc. Carlsbad 98-1003 April 15, 1998 6. Please provide a construction cost estimate.for each s.eparate structure proposed under this permit. Esgil Corporation .will then report these to the Gity. · 7. Please provide the justification to show that the roof covering material complies with UBC Chapter 15. . 8. In the structural calculations, please jµsfify using a live load of only 1 0psf. Item 5 in UBC Table 16-C does not seem to describe the structures covered under this permit. 9. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San biego, California 92123; tel~phone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Kurt Culver at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 98-1003 April 15, 1998 VALUATION AND .PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dt. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: .... '"'' DING PORTION BUILDING A~t:f\ (ft. 2). Air ConditioninQ Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE . -· PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1003 DATE: AprU 15, 1998 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) .. -. D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review. Fee: $ Comments: Sheet of macvalue.doc 5196 t ~ "* "* Cl Cl ,, PLANNIN.G DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK R-EVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB 98-/003 Address One LE(pQ ,(}rive Planner ..l10n ,/Vel.J -Phone (.6.19) 438-1161, extension LJL.lt/C APN: 2J/-/oa-oCJ. . Type of Project ~nd Use: ®,.~i~~~ Project Density: -AJ/A ~ c:~r Zoning: c--r:q GeneratPlati: --r;-g . Fac'ilities Management Zone: (3' ... CFt.>Sn•,•fl # .. / .. _pate °.~ p~rti9i·~-~tion; 1,?!2V'i3 Remaining net dev acres: 25': . · '· cle qne · · . _ .. . .c ;j"j; -"' c.> Q) .c (.) C: ca a: >, .c N 'II: "" 0 Q) ·.c t.l C: "' a: >, • .c ~ -15 Q) .c t.l C: ca a: 'i:to D ~DD ~DO , . -\ . (For non-residential development:. Type· ·of lar:id used created by this permit: All t:rller. eo~~cieitl uses-w+ Jder,ti-6ed ) On +fe <::.::.-hor-f · · · Legend: ~ Item Comrllete' .(QJ ~Item in'Ct'.)mpl'ete·,. Needs 'your action Environmental Review Required: YES _. ___ NO X TYPE --'----- DATE OF COMPLETION: · ~ 20 ~qJ Compliance with ~onditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditior:is of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YE'S · ___ NO -X. TYPE . . . CC.=¢~7-G70-. -5°--20-r'/_7 ---- APPROVAL/RES0. NO. e'c.;:it.l/0&31'°[,IDATE 7",: .. :~ -;97 PROJECT NO. S<1f? .. 9~~/t/ OTHER RELATED CASES: _ _,........,...C,....,L)...._, '°---~-~------/ __ G; __ ._-;,--,---------- Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval:· -~---"-,,------,...,....,..--'--,-------------- Coastal Zone Ass~ssment/Compliance , .·.' , , , I • ,· P~bject .~ite·1~-cated'in Coastal z6.rie?1 ., vi:sY NC_._. CA Coastal -Commission. Authority? . YES_--_ NOX ·_ If California Coastal Commis$ion Authority: Contact them at -3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-172!:i; (619) 521-8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required ot Exempt): kceivec/ CIJ/J96-lt; Coastal Permit Detetmiriatioh Form already completed? YES NO If NO, cornplete Coastc!I Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Perm ft Determination Log .. #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Co·astal Permit .Required If ,(at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit 0etermin~tion Log .as needed. pg.oo lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO X (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES NO ----(Enter. CB#; UACT; NEXT12; Construct housing Y/N; Enter Pee Amount (See fee schedule for amount); Return) I @D D .. Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensionaJ_. site pl~m drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements,· exjsting and proposed structures, streets, existing @oo @oo street improvements, riaht-of-VyJ:IY width, ?imensional setbac~s and existini topographical lines. $'how -t;B lc,JCOi,-flcvi or (,lfb/JOS:!O{ ~-/-vf'eiil on ct sHe ,l),a.~- 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. · ...... ,,' Zoning: 1 . Setbacks: See Front: Required ______ _ Shown -------Interior Side: Required ______ _ Shown -------Street Side: Requfred -------Shown -------Rear: Required ______ _ Shown ------- p(o D 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required._·_-~------Shown -------Interior Side: Required ______ _ Shown -------Street Side: Required -------Shown ------- Rear: R!:}quired ---'-'------Shown -------Structure separation: Required ______ _ Shown ------- ~ D D 3. Lot Coverage: Required -------Shown ------- @ D D 4. Height: Required _____ Shown fn;,v ;ale ctYl e,le.vq-Ho,,, 6-P--p fo,t:,ose:A -s-frLJC___,:-ftJ_re.s-__ _ 't>( D D 5. Parking: Guest Spaces Required ------- Spaces Required -------Shown ------- Shown ------- ~ D D · Additional t~mments ______________________ _ OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE ----- City of Car·1s-bad . . . . _ 97156C1 · . Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building· Plah Check Date of Report: Monday, April 20, 1998_. Reviewed_ by: _______ _ Contact Name Gina Yu Address 5342 Ar_mada Dr . City, State cc:1rlsbad CA 92009 .BJe~:1,r-:E>.~ptsNo:-G,1:r9;~-to,<:>-3°J Planning No. \__.J,~-----....---. Job Name Legoland Shade Job Address 1 Lego Ste. or Bldg. No. -------'----'- l&1 Approved -The item you have submitted .for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans·; information and/or -specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed -by this office to insure. continued conformance with applicable codes. Please -review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in. suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the· attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable . codes and·standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office .for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st __ _ 2nd ~--3rd_. __ . · Other Agency ID CFO Job# __ 97_1_5_6C_1_ -File# __ ~~ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad·, California 92008 • (619) 93"1-2.121 -~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z I- ~ MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers ~ 7801 Mission Center Ct. #400 San Diego, CA. 92.108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 STRUCTURAL CALCUtATl:QNS FOR Le:g.oland Ca·rlsbad {M&M PROJECT NO. 960240.00) Castle Hill Cluster {FG_MP Pac.kag·e} Volume 4 Sections J-N Architect of Record: Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum For Bulletin No. 1 7 2 March. 13, 1998 I< I I INDEX I SUBJECT SECTION I ·1 General Parkwide Structures A I Food Stand North B I Food Stand South C I Horse Ride Queue Structure D Castle Base Building E I Castle Inn Building F I Queue Entry G I Lycb Gate H Ruined Turret 1-Play Pavilion J I Retail Tents K I Breath Taker Queue L Castle Base Building Queue M I Birthday Tents N ·1 I Castle Hill Cluster I I Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBJECT Plan & Elevation SECTION J PLAY PAVILLION INDEX Roof Loads & Framing Lateral Analysis Base Plate Design Column Support Footing Design SHEET NO. J1 J2-J8 J9--J11 J11-Jt3 J13 J14-J15 1 . I w -·=·· ----~~-· . --~-:;;;;;;::;;;;-~-----=,------~~,.-.-- MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. I Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone {619) 497-2118 I Fax {619) 497-0429 I I 6' SHEET NO. JI -. l? OF------......--- DATE _ _._l+-l-'-~-S_--CALCULAT~D BY tw\.. e... . _ CHECKED BY -DATE ____ _ SCA(E CrkSU--:E t-\-t°'---'--.._ ,Puf--~ . PA-11/LL/OAJ -Cf ·~.:3/z. "i?>-;e 4 ss: 2.s ¢ (?;:!){fr~) 'i'{ . -: . l \ 3 • ~ ~ I °L °t cp. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --"' ,..-,: "-_::, -~ ,--9--"'-~ -, .. •-.,. ..,-'• .._ ~ -• ,--,• ,:. .._ ~--r -• .:: ._ ~ -C I ~~-~-~-=~-·-----~~--.,............. ___ -...::;~-~::;...--=~;__;;;_;_I-..;_:~..;.;_--=-· _z __ ,:,._ ... _·-__ -_·-_·-_-_·~ ___ -~_=_.,...,..~_-_~ .. MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. ----::_j=-· ..:'2..=------OF ____ _ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 ~ M..,-11 c. 8 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY -. ...::i '--DATE...,..._ ---'-1-f-=-l __ _ Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 '\<C:UO~ ~O~ S::.; \Jo~ l-0~ CHECKED BY----------------DATE ____ _ SCALE c11--~~-·:tI-1t..1.-. -:?t....4:d--?,1vtLi_10-rv ~~'-C.. .,Q'~F (!-9-=r-/g~~~ ~ ;2,; g 'fs?- ~\.Nt.r~ /, ~ -rsr· ·· )-1 ve:--L OA-1) gooP ER,;4M ING- u s'--:L ... . ·I' 3. 63 t'"S.F- sA-'i s ?S.F- /6 PSF' t1¥c--i4_ ~ (S:?:>/z.)b/2: · +-C=+-91/2..J 1-91/2 ~ ·;zt.f,B rfi t"O\li'6t-L LO~ ~ U-V--<Bi~ [Js-?=,~ ~ ~. 39:;_~ · · li½ 'y :;_ ~ 0..,1.,. ( C!:t\-~t,,t,a.,.1 ~) I ~0'.7-?..-"'\-)L~-'::, 8ra. 7S~ 1 I f/~.--.~ .. ~'v\'2-:;=/-Cjz_ 'TV.~ l/1 z_r " ffr-' C --'6--tt 3-\ --A,f I ~-~--,-==-~·~"""""'-~~~---~-~~-,,.•~•·-~"'1""'"""~~~~-~v,,,~,,-m=•~,~-~~- MARTI N & MARTIN, I NC. JOB _..;;....__,.J __ ____,;_ ::;,_ ..;.;....;.;;;;;..._-'----,-----------'--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Structural & Civil Engineers· SHEET No. _ __,;_;::;-=~=------oF _______ .......__ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 ----+ M~ ll~ B SAN DIEGO, CA-92108 CALCULATED BY---=-~_..;...~=----DATE-,---,---,.-- Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY ________ DATE--,------ SCALE C,1-;S:..'ft_.i:::-tl:l LI_ -~~ -i,-1\)\ _?f-2-~(8,t(:?,. ).2/s +-·_ '-{n ( 6'.'{ '1) _·. -=rq2~ 3 -=r-i. 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MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I Structural & Civil Engineers·. SHEETNO. j_s-. 0F __ 7 __ _ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 -,... 1 Ac:_ a ,n SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATEDBv_.J--'=--'-.v.~ """"··: _____ DATE____.l_,._...........,t:r, __ Phone (619) 497-21187 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY--------,----DATE----- -- SCALE 04-s 71-£;' ff! LL -Puf-'f. J?d-vLL{ CM): '¥ov1=-. ~~ I ~~-SI'<-~ ff-5'S W--1.6 0"' M.t'I\J T"o\2.. S~z. -\,v-::. .3:.. '\\ \o ~) ( [:/. 2 . .r) -l ~ s:-f 'a :i :2--. ( s.s-)('o) lie) ,c_ Bo~~,. ft 1-LtJJJ . (:/ 1 MIN W d::51't-\- . C? _ µ ~ . . f=o~ S. $ u fl\."6~'.8,-6"\'2...-~--~D~ \:)~~ s~ /M~ l?~---s ~ / 4 I\ ~ ~ 'D~ 1"'"' ..::-::;.. ~Lr ~ :2 r 2-o :Jlr- '"t-..!.-= g 9-0 4-- • :;... -• -. -.-..:. .... ~--·-- -• .: • t' - • • • ..... --_, • ;;: -'· \"' -~ ~ ... ~ -f. ... 0,: ... .: ... ~ - • ,.. -: ~ • - I ·=-~=~--------=-~~---~~~~-~---~·--~-~---·~ JOB Ll:5b-D~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil .Engin·eers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (61~) 497-0429 SHEET NO. J \o CALCULATED BY ~ MC OF __ 1 __ _ DATE __ l_(9_B __ . -- CHECKED BY ________ DATE ____ _ SCALE ~ 77-6 . ft, Li,_ ._?t-,t-Y . ]71-vt l..L-l l:J.~ . . . • : ~ _ : ? -E : ~ ::. .::: : ;; -:-e • c. :: .:. ~ ~ -:-E' _ ~ f.:: ..: :: 1: :_ .: -2 :, .: : n -:-r; , 2 :-... "!: s 7 £' • ~' .., -c: c--t · 2 i N -:::. . be 73--....L ::. (;2-=r,w1 ( g-=,o ~ ~, S\~2.e + "'t:.t._CO~l-0 .;}_J-J-o ~,~2-J,o;-·rgwc.o-s½-o' . ;:_ ?\~4:k 2 '150LV5 ~ .2l -=f4°*" Xi.-=-I.{ 3.s:-s4. > '==r-6t 2:-~ ' ,, -St Yl.7-1 ° ::::-lz. ~ l_h ~ ~ ~ l ~--:::. St~ i--l. . -::: .' 9:s ·-== /.D6 :;::;-/. 0 I 1 "S: t?l {. ~ . , .ft,Cj lj ~ :=t--J . ::, -=J-°t 2/4 ~ ~ r :2-004-::;c 1,z.. ~ "J:>, . >--, V z'::Jz_ :z:... S7-{_ '{_ 0, 4., ..._, ,· 2A"'\cf1}-£---::;/0 ~ =.,,... <-I' r D .r ~ vs~ '.2-.~// 1 Mr'f?s. (~ ~F-~~~1~~ --: I . ~ ~~ ~0p-B~ 1-o (2,o I-¢, c.,O J,...._ '"T'O -~~t;,.:'.'½- I --------------=----·--·-·------='"""'-··-=-----... --~~-,=~·--=·-~·r-··-···~--· JOB U::::~l-Alv't:> MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. \ I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. ...J l 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 ~M ,-SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY __;;,. -\--::: OF / DATE ii~ 8 I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 4X "f="b ~ ~ 2S ~'> 80 E""~ [ .l-,::.tof.t:. L ~ C7'/VT1---o. ~ l o ., ~-, '3 CJ / CHECKED BY-------DATE-.--'---- SCALE Cvt-c_"i.Z.-& t-f-ll_.t_ -r>L--/2-;f · ~Vll.LJO\-.) {b~ '11.-§'l.f)x t~ PsP} x_J-i ~--tb ( ~) ~ h ::c -=r-$"',{ x:. ,:s I z · ~ Sc:.~~ I 1 -./)~-&:: L/ )Clo -T2.t::-~!A,/4)D_.h fdo, Z- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Date: 01/22/98 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN PLAY PAVILLION HEADER BEAM DATA Timber Section 4X6 End Fixity Beam Width 3.500 in Elastic Modulus Beam Depth 5.50 in Beam Density Lamination Thickness = o.oo in Load Duration Factor Pin:Pin = 1200000 psi 0.0 pcf = LOO Fb -Bending 925 psi Beam Wt. is Adped to Loads Fv -Shear = 80 psi End Shear Calc'd at Support Fe -Bearing 0 psi APPLIED LOADS Uniform Load@ Center Span: DL = 24.0 plf Trapezoidal Load: DL: O.Oplf@ 1ft, 57.0plf@ rt from 0.00 ft to Trapezoidal Load: DL~ 57.0plf@ 1ft, O.Oplf@ rt from 4.00 ft to 4.00 ft 8.00 ft SUMMARY USING 3.500 x 5.500 Beam, Bending= 28.20%, Shear= 20.45% Max. Pos Mom @ 4.00 ft, 0.50 k-ft Shear: Max, @ Left Max. Neg Mom @ 8.00 ft, 0.00 k-ft .... used for dsgn = Max @ Left 0.00 k-ft .... Area Req'd Max @ Right 0.00 k-ft Max. @ Right = Max. Allow Moment 1.76 k-ft .... used for ·dsgn = fb : Max. Actual 337. 3 psi .... Area Req' d Fb : Allowable 1196.0 psi fv : Max. Actual Fv : Allowable Ck= .8ll(E/Fb)A.5 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A.5 Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 Center Camber 29.21 6.55 1.30 -0.14 in o ". "ilii "jjjj 11111111 o 11mm s1 Bearing Req'd@ Left Bearing Req'd@ Right= s1mm1110011@liiiilliiiil 0 24 m I mo 01 mm 111111111110 mo 11 moo w1w1=m=w=m=w=m=on=11=m=m=m=m=m'"'m-rnm=m t j R= 0.210k Vmax= 0.21k 8.00 Mmex = 0.S0ft-k • 4.00-ft -t 1 R= 0.210k Vmax= 0.21k 0.21 k 0.31 k 3.94 in2 0.-21 k 0,31 k 3.94 in2 16.36psi 80.0 psi O. 00 in 0.00 in SPAN DATA Center Span = Left Cantilever Right Cantilever UNBRACED LENGTHS Le : Center Span = ~e : left Cant. Le: Right Cant. Reactfons ... DL Left 0.21 k Right 0.21 k Deflections ... Center = -0.10 in ... ,Dist 4.00 ft ... L/Defl 1003 Left 0.00 in ... L/Defl 0 Right 0.00 in ... L/Defl 0 Page: J·l:, 8.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 8.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Maximum 0.21 k 0.21 k -0.10 in 4.000 ft 1003 0.000 in 0 0.000 in 0 I -~==~~-~-------~-~__,..-~-:-...., __ -_ .. -_-_·--""'(,r<.:;..:=-~--D_-_;;;_!.-,---,-~-'-'--~_,·=·=:;_-_=_· ___ w-"""--'=-~=_N_-_=_·=_--_-·· MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. j a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. --.a...·.;....;. I. __ --'---oF ---+-'--,---- 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 ---:::SM<:::-.· L/ 'c 8 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY ______ . ___,;,·_;..· DATE --t-2,---- Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY----------DATE ____ _ SCALE C~Tl--£"-tf-!Ll--A.A-'/ '[?,1vll...L1ow {?ooF-spsp(\ 1qq $ ::. qqs-+ ~"2..$ (5+/," i '._,/ Cvf2:..~ (2-'{#-/,) · ~ ;2.q_:!J./, { 5:-:33XV t·'::f-~sitxy)-==-lffl.A-.. c.o,,..,_is 1197'fxB/2--· -== l/..'t-o4 · I ~~-~~-,=-~·-------~-~,,_..w.,.,,,....MA_,'.,..,.,..,_,._ __ .,.,,_,~~~.,-.,,..._._m,_~.,-.s,~M=-••••~--•~>,•••- MARTI N & MARTIN, INC. Jos _______ ..;;___,:..._ __ ....;__-'------- 1 Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET NO •. ~ / D 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 · -::S-/v...C... SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY · ::T-E ~~l:/_q~-8_-_-_ -_ -_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ti Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619.) 497-0429 CHECKED BY ________ DATE ____ _ SCALE C! ,1-S Rt H-1 LL -. ? Llf :::1 · 'P,-f VI LL./. ON ~ -~ ~ ~\-~-~ ~ C:__.., ro~ (t:::XP c , v? 1-o is') c_b" ~ /. Jj ~ ~ ;: /2-(p_ :rw= l-_o p, ~ ((, o (.; )l1-~)L12-_ ~ ') {&-o )· ==-tB_"q p; t 8_ t:. °1 c-o C '1 +-q~/;;z..) ~ t'--/.s ilf-/, . . t '-l '?:, */, ;c /6 -=-· ·2 2-ss#--=:( • ~l.£72"..t:' ,,L ' t.-fT~ 601v\ . '-~ . -.... -.-:::::g: '° 5P I ?i ~>O ~ l f't 1vi/ ~ == 22-ss-'?r-/~.::. ;;z. '86-=*-- ~.a ;212-1-~ /g ~ 3b6~ No .. \ C8 u ¢ rD9r ( 1r-<--,1 cf . ==: ?-; 1 ?s ,) ~ =· { 7-J)C) p. s .f - ~v~ Ct s;-p.c,)_ F ;; J.5,X10'=1ps.J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court -Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619} 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 l,.~~ JOB-------'-------...:.::'--=--------------- CALCULATED ~y ::::rM..c__ ~HEET NO. a...· ---'j'---[_/ ____ OF • DATE . L,! ~ 9 CHECKED BY _ DATE----- S"CALE C.&<;. n_ t . H: I l... L -J:1=--1:~i 7?AVl L-L-t t,,\_ . . "t-\ ~ =-C ~ ~~ ~I-'Ft:. -='> (_ /,/9 >( ,. '3 _~-) (_.1. o ~ (1 ?0 D ~ ==- ~ ~-en ii t'-P 2\tr-lL'OIN ~-CD-00~( q. 2-Y 1j C1t-':) ~ V-~ '1 Q-~ &:, ')(_ ct .. 2.S )'1-Cl 1-2.-B _) ::: c__~) C t-~ x-r o"" j t q_ ~: -<- Vs£ 'E) i.. (/> ~t.JD~ +.Po. J ~ (l OL..Vf-1. fvS,. C) b ::. §', 6 3 " "j::;t>.? =f.. q s " MG-::_ <8. 3,'1 I --~--=~-·--«···· MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Structural & Civir Engineers SHEET No. ,.J l -z_ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 -::SM ro SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY . '--· Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497<0429 CHECKED av· ___________ DATE----- SCALE dA-<;:;.f1-E"" t\-1 LL. ~-~ LA-'1' hvt L-L--t o_0 ·? v_ 3 '2-\c.~ ?7· ::>_t 1 Ut-s.. s. wJi. r 12--@Q~'<. O?-'Pt?s::~~S) -=s/vl!f .f-.B u(). Tn-w.....q~ ,,.-::. i 'f ~q:/O"#.-.=, S""?OO' 7 1,:q le_ ~Ci2..'){t-/~DS."j -= S.6l:. ;s. (OC)O 2 -f-p. "2 I sto '"p ~--L . -k_ ~ ~ u, L.~/{t;-)i[L'/ .. -i ··_2·~:P· ~ t, ('-. . . : \°'"b ::2.. / S"'b i-.:?~s -= · / s-ot p .s I I <( ~ 1 I --ql,OW ---~ -~ . . . ~c-tll{)l,J ~l0,3){'aobo)Cl~.3~) = IL 0 f-r ,g ~ ~ I -=-~=--------=--~·~·~---=~--~~~~--~--~=---==-~· ... --'-,~--'--'-. -_~_-ft_·--..,,.-·-----_--,-=_-_~~-_~_ ... 'U.--_-·_~-_-....... _~ .. MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SHEET NO. j _I::°::> _ CALCULATED BY ,:s-M 'c.- OF---.---- DATI; ( /ct g, CHECKED BY-------DATE' ____ _ SCALE~~ r/-lLL..-.. P~-ft:0u-ic>JJ c,;~ "PtPc J. t..,,vk-e.~~ vvt~ {2.1{ -O.B(~J: 3") . :2 -:2.·~sg;; ... +r-~ 0 ':)C ::1-S-S--j /,Js;;cr )'f 2.. ~ (J_ S, 't <( . _ \~rDL3b) / I ; , / l (_ ~ ()~ ~/g" )t /2. « X; ' .... tJ ., 'fE;. p r u;{ 4--a/y ~ cJ A, r3 l_s . W / ~.. GI~ ts~ (t'-1 l t--t j U}" H 9\) lJ'='~ Y2-s. -'6 ~ s-f· . '0..'.:b ·~ ~ ~ -=s 'i ~ 2-0 /.e{. ::l! b35-r··S--J. -L:. 6 S-0-p 'S:\ y:; 1,3,3 I •==a~~~•~·=~-·~--n~---...,.....,..~~----~~-~---~--~"!""!"--•·---·,-~-,=~,.=--,.~--.~=,••·=-~-~~~~=•• • JOB __ ~_-..,..;6-,,o;;;... .. _..;;:;;Ld::f::3>'--'--'-"---'""". c...--------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 " -= I -~ : ;: : :. f f " ! • ;: ~ -:t' ;, 7 ? ' t • .; :; ' SHEET NO. _ _,J ___ I._~,__ _____ OF---,--+'--- ~)is DATE--t.,f.........,_--"--------CALCULATED BY ::::$ MC:- CHECKED BY.;...· --------------DATE ____ _ SCALE 0:A::S:~ W,'-:L -\>-~ ~ : .:, .. $ r -:i: ' 2 : .. t f, -E • ; ';' ,a : ( • ~~ QoM..~~72.. . ?/o (_P, 1rj I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN PLAY PAVILLION SPREAD FOOTING DESIGN DATA AXIAL LOADS A 11 ow. Soil Pressure 2500. 0 psf Dead Load Date: 01/23/98 DIMENSIONS Width Along X-X Axis ... Short Term Increase = 1.33 Live Load -= Base Pedistal Height 0.00 in Short Term Load Seismic Zone 4 ... Ecc. Along X-X Axis = Overburden Weight O. 00 psf ... Ecc. Along Y-Y Axis "' 0.00 k 0.0 k o.o k Cl. 00 in 0.00 in Length Along Y-Y Axis Thickness = coiumn Dim. Along X-X Axis= Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis= 4. 00 ft 4.00 ft 18.00 in 8.00 in 8.00 in Live & Short Term toads Don't Act Together Concrete Weight 145.0 pcf Y-Y AXIS ROTATION FORCES .... Pressures@ Left/Right Moment: DL Shear: LL Short Term DL LL Short Term Soil 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 3.3 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k Pressure .X-X AXIS ROTATION FORCES ..... Pressures @ Top/Bot Moment: DL Shear: LL · Short Term = DL = LL Short Term= SUMMARY Mu/Phi 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k Moments & Shears Max. Allowable Max Pressure Allowable Pressure ·x· Ecc. of Resultant = 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant D+L 217.5 psf 2500.0 psf 0.0 iri (LO in D+L+ST 551.5 psf 3325.0 psf il.4 iii 0.0 in Vu:1 Way Vu:2 Way Overturning Ratio= 0.5 k-ft 1. 2 psi O .1 psi 2.1 :1 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5 :1 Service Load Pressures .... DL + LL Dead+live+Short Term Factored Load Pressures .... AC! Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 f.'c Fy Rebar CL Clear to Soil Min. Steel% FOOTING DESIGN 3000 psi 'm'= Fy / <. 85f' c) = 60000 psi Vn:1 ... 2(f'c)'A .5 3.5 in Vn:2 ... 4(f'c)A .5 = 0.0014 FACTORED SHEAR FORCES Left 217 .5 psf 0.0 psf Left 304.5 psf 0.0 psf 0.0 psf Right 217 .5 psf 551.5 psf Right ·304.5 psf 772.1 psf 496.3 psf 23.53 109.54 psi 219.1 psi Top 217 .5 psf 217 .5 psf Top 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 195. 7 psf AC! 9-1 ACI 9-2 AC! ·9_3 0.03 psi Vn * Ptii Two-Way St)ear One-Way: Vu@ Left One-Way: Vu@ Right One-Way': Vu @ Top One-Way: Vu@ Bottom = 0.00 psi ().05 psi = 0.03 psi -0.80 psi O. 03 psi 1. 18 psi 0.03 psi 0.03 psi 0.03 psi 0.03 psi FACTORED MOMENTS -0.52 psi 0. 76 psi 0.02psi 0.02psi 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi AC! 9-1 AC! 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru Mu/Phi@ Left Mu/Phi@ Right Mu/Phi@ Top Mu/Phi@ Bottom -0 .0 k-ft -0 .4 k-ft -0.0 k-ft 0.5 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-tt 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STAB1LITY .f~ctor of Safety: Y - Y AXIS Stc1tic --None-- ~-actor of Safety: X - X AXIS --None-- -0.3 k-ft 0.3 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 2 .. 1 psi 2.5 p$i o.o psi 0.0 psi Short Term 2.11 :1 --None-- As Req'd -0.244 i'n2/ft ·0.244 in2/ft o. 020 i n2/ft O. 020 i n2/ft Bottom 217.5 psf 217 .5 psf Bottom 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 195. 7 psf I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBJECT Roof loads & Framing Lateral Analysis Column Design Base Plate Design Column Support Footing Design SECTION K RETAIL TENTS INDEX SECTION K1-K7 K8-K9 K9-K10 K10.-K11 K11 K12-K13 I I I I I I I I I i- i I I I I ·1 I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB ---=L;=:E:;..;:;b-0;__/....--'-· -~;__--'------------ SHEET·NO. _......,,.ll.~/ ____ OF l2. CALCULATED BY ::S:MC:... DATE . ,j9 0 CHECKED BY--------DATE ____ _ • 2 .:: 1; .: c 7 s 1 2 3 ~ ~ 6 1 e, 1. 2 s :' .s 5 , e , 2 :: ~ ~ s , & , = :: .; e e_ :-_ ~ 1 2 :: .; s : 7 1::. • 2 ~i .: 5 t 7 c ~ :;,_ 2 ' . . . ~IL ~--'-'-C~TL-€. HIL.L L-o-~Qs.· ~· . . 7>-==~ l-0'8> ~ . HSP-te.. 'P12.+t--<-t\Vb-/Mf.S.'4 TU ~e,.... M~c.tt IC> ~~ p;2.,4.H 1N e,... s-ps:i::,. /'":/-.S-PsF ~;;:( 2 O P5 F 2 . -/D '?>Sp -)L \~I / q~ 2-' 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -o:+~ - MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2U8 Fax (619) 497•0429 JOB l.£?n;> ~ SHEETNO. {:;_ ~ CALCULATED BY --::s M c._ . OF--------,----- DATE_...:..L-1-/-<-q--'~=--{ CHECKED BY ...... ----------,------DATE ____ _ SCALE CA--S.Tt..-6 I.+ l l.L -~ L. n::-y..f3 . . w 1. -=-(j o fs:F-) ~ ...:s.,_.:::?-(z) /9. :z. -== t::J·Z.. :Jfo 1, . . . ,. WD:::. c:2---0 P'?'P.){&,..sJ7'.{~-)/ct~2-:" 7 I Bt[_#)1- .. Wr ---?---:!-I -:it-:{ ~-,.?-lb I r\j vvtt--~ :::-/., si:, ' s.r °v) 2-S.S ::::: D.111 _k._ k rp Mt--( =-I->~ ~·2.s.s--~ /,Br I< .. n,. V -.. . /vi,\ v'\, • -------- /. LT c.os28 .5 -JS(,. CC'.? fc:,/,'j;- '9 1.-12--·_<1. fY' :. a~·2/d' -. -. - I _w _____ .... __ ..___.,..,,_~~---~-- JOB _ _,_,.=.J:=-;;:;7,..,.,.r:0'--""-=~--<--.:..,;---'"·--------- I I I : a 1· ·: 1- 1 I I 1- 1 I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, I-NC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 /t = Q_,F-.=." \. '6 3 L-t9~Dtl \~ ;2.~ 0. £2, '"' --{ '::s 2, 3,.~,ll'\'2.-- 'F1::. -;f; ':::: q,2-5: f:B = ( ..1e;f br) V2- SHEETNO.----· "'-'~,__.3 ______ OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY ~ A{ c::.__ DATE 1/9:'.f? t CHECKED BY ___________ DATE ____ _ v~ :::: lJ '{q t.1 -:2? ·1 }{t X.1 z_..ooo . . = / 7-/d>~() ti~ p ~ I 3T'O ~· 5 = t<>2 ;,c,10 \:> ~.c;~ T 't> -:::-q J-.,;;:- Fc.-1. \ :::. q.s-v . -,.J-I ..... -,,0 -.-~ 1...-L,_ T"t::,. . -.. ,;.:.:-.. :-.:-:· .. !"~::.:~ ·:~re-;·~: ... •::;:-·-; :·,-e ~ ... :,,,:,.~: __ :-;:s:"'-t: -.:-: .. :j I---~- I amm,c11!11~_, MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB l,t;_~ ~'> SHEET NO. --""tl,'-"-'{.:;__-'------OF ____ _ . CALCULATED BY :::s: M e.. DATE t I 9B I I I I I I I 1- 1- I 1· I I I I I Phone (619) 497-2118 i Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY--,.------'--DATE ____ _ scALE Cn::s Tl.---r5 . 1-+-1 L-L -'12t::::t"YT··u_ -~ qs- 1 -. r-er s-· .. . .... . · - · -. Y2 I : }'.o--:r--(Ck-O,--)2--3. 0.~. ) . __ ::::. o.·1:s ·0, -<-C -··" 1.::-·~ ~ d ~ re__~ -::. Q-3 > { otso~ ') = 12-3~ p-51 ,. c-;:::. =-\. -=s c..D-= t~ o I } . • .C, l ::: C>. <8, 7-c. ' .. Pc.s-/Fe* ·=-_ C-{ ~ (9 . .3 ')[ ). 2-)(} 01;..) . (0.2-)[10."'-/!£> /3.r)'- + i=r9_ /ii-;·~ =-, 1--=r 2. { o. ~ ') :, · -· .. . .. -? 1:Q~/\ i.~5'· .Z. r 2-8 . . Op:=.· 0, '9-t , --a_~ "t -y-i ... -~ z..B:J 1/i..c. -I Zl f' 1c-=-(J. 3 )c, -i..-1) { qsu > ~ z Go; P~.r \{,T{)~~')(9--sJ ~ _1J·.P-'p_-5 .. I - ·)--q..B'oo .) u.#-/tiq.q_l -::.. J>.513 'f·_sJ,.. I --. -. . . .. .. -.. ~ . ~. ~ . .. -·---.-.. . . -.. . -.. .,, , . -.. .. . . -~ ·-. -_ . ·-. . . . . .- I I I I 1· I I - I ,. I I I ,- 1 I I 1- 1 I I -~ MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO; CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB /_;i:;;;~ l--M::t> SHEET NO. (l_ s;;- . CALCULATED BY --:S-~ t::_ OF--..----- DATE lf <z 8 CHECKED BY-----------~ DATE ____ _ SCALE cA--'9, jL-S _ f/-1 LL -k/'Yr'I '-f"Z=-/t-,,f"3:, G .Pc.j2. · .. ½, ' . ~ _ -~-+~ ~{-' +th _ ··) L I-0 F 1 c... · L' /Fer: ' . ( i~;' y-r ~TT_ 1 -" .. 4 /½T9] w .. e'3 . :S o . o, 13 Di £+: ~ c_p1so'{) {1 Z-f-0 )(92.. xr2-) /-'t-JOO&, X -Z:SO. 'S -·o;oB· ' 1-/;'lO, ~ ~-:z-?l 12½'{.o =-,~:lo ::> . ,.e& v::~ · v::::: / v oo· =#- --Fv ~ go P s "! / q./ ' . 1-/ X-!D Oil_ (J_ s ff; /2-f=::D l,1..1 0 0 f:::::::, ;JO, 2 /-/· ''l I -2 FD~ 120c> r ~ S '. TO A-t-L.ov..) °=p0R /v~N-~ or=: ~--y\J'-"\ -. . ' --,-: -.rl:'.-.,;:;.•f'•t'"•~~..:,1.._r.. .. t --;--~::.-..~..---:,..-,-~~.:,-..::;. ... : ..-.... •..::,·~~~'-"\."-":'-VO::/ .. c,,.-(0 r,,: .. ..::,·.=:-..,_,_ 1·~- JOB--'-'-~""---'-=--~~-'-'----------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN .& MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619.) 497-0429 SHEET NO. -----~-'--'(p...__ ___________ OF ____ _ . CALCULATEDBY :IMC--DATE----a/.-,../_'2'_6 ____ ---'- CHECKED BY-.,-------.--DATE ____ _ SCALE C-,t-$71--~ H-1 LJ._ --\2--1::::~L. ~ 'P-00:p LO /n> J : 'PL-i _ ~-) p:s-p-_;,. __ 6sf:!2::_ =- L1-.. : . t (:> .PSF-'l\ {b,r: 2.. ::... ~ ~1, -fs:+1>r/1 L{/ "'lt/1 Bc-71-1'1 j.v t.f1-:>S -, r> -· 11 7~ r-1) -IFt <;)( 1-/ t: 1 i-= "1-3, 9.3 )V'\?::, . .. ":::::. / lo~~ 1-12 Lo1B ?~nc. Cl~n+tN {?:>PsFj ··· -=-5, ,P5F X 0;i 13,£11-M. /vf/5~ ·.::: 21-4/1 == 10*/1 ...;_ ;of/, ~ = L/ 71-•f// I 7,f-t .50 #-/ 1 U<$i;:-J./ ;,( / L t/t.7r'f>t:E'r2.. i2?t:=~o.:, .b> Ho. I -B~"'"D --/;.-ssvµ~ S-:, 11 M l'N ~/2-~~ l/~ 112 -\'u =-3 -( g 5 0)( )/. z_~ ~ f$.3 .p S/ .d.... 2 ['3-s) @°") b . [&1c; p,s:r- tt-LL:o W 6 u (vi ll'v l-1) ·1 r::> nf @ f./DTc:..J.:1.- . -------cs. --.. = · i: -' ,... 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'Cb's . @ __ '?-'vo_p . Be:rt-«/co1_ f- ~~)2/0> L .. ep rvru::::c:...::n Drv..3. ~.e==-.· . I I I I I I I .. I I I I I I I I I q' MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-04i9 ;p..,,, . joa _ __..._(/ __ Ec:,-D...,._..___..kA,M.~........,.">------------ ~ c:§2 SHEET NO. __ c:,:)-=------OF • CALCULATED BY -:S-M.,C _ DATE ,\ ct..<a . ~ CHECKED BY--------DATE ____ _ . . \?:::: C~ Cc, ~ ~ ~ . ~ () Ch= /. Oto (G'XT-' C 1 \..rf"'ID LS.1 ':). -. .. . Ct= 1-~- is ~ (2,fo ~=/.0 '"?~ Ct.0'-D) C.t,'-l·)(l-Z.-~)Ci,-o)-;;:. l 8-6~?SF- W 8 ~ q> =f' q 1'\?..v c....,~ y"'° f=i:>11-S~t--1:c_ p.oop 15 PsF-x ( \~'::) '-;::.. ;2,f!E:I::.., ¥-,b~S t;z__L{ X-'l· = 0, ~ C-~v-1$ 'S Ps f X J?' X '7 i X'{ '=-/, V le Coi., s //off X'{ f =-0.?. 2.. . L/-'72.. k V:::. z:-\C vJ ·~) \?-vJ (0 ,'-!) (\; D) ['2.-1--S) J-j. ·&:, z_ . $ . . . -.. -•• .r .i •• , -, --.r : .., ,:e -·~ ,.. -:: w-t: ~ :: -c.. "'· -.: ..:--.. .c .,. •. -. .,,. v. ..,;. ..._ -::-t-1. !"' -.:-, ~ -.. ~ -r. - -.• .: -: - , . • I ~---~-. -u ••• JOB __ (__.;;:;;......:;~~~~:::..:....:,c...;;..::=------------ I I I I I I I I 1- 1- I I I I I I MARTIN.& MARTIN, INC.· Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 -v= SHEETNO. ·. : \( 9 . OF---.---- DATE 1/ 9'-=f-CALCULA;l;D BY -YM C ' CHECKED BY-------DATE _______ _ .. lB.b°r_:p~F-(18.~S X-St2.S_).::,_/8o~~ t~~ .c~--~.) 'i 1/~ -= -zs-K: lB~?:, s fr-,€_,· '2...:--. 3/"-{ LI ¢ ('{, '5 l_s. _, C!E· --~q:.::i~ ~ /c-ot_ C!.QA.,1~ /_ --=f 1t.. 1~-=-0. L/ 3I~ ~ '?J p~ s;. b ff'--/ y /. y;2 tc J12,--.:::J . fe-E£::>W0<9b /'{b, I C9 L "?ov~ ~'D<;. 1 A-~~ vf..>t.t ·1: zS} ' It A :, -sv,2.~ 1;;i-- 'c:;;: . ::.-£0.2-1 ,~J. 1"""-::. J..O I .~ \ E ~ \.3 -X JO h pc;, T . I . 'Fh::: /2._t;Q·p-~L ---Fv ~ q.E:" i;::, .. -s.\ f"'c....1\ ,::_ /osn ':i)"::>r "f\b-= C~C-t;,C,L'f,:> ~ (l1SJ{J-.g3,y;.o) \2-0o-~ l2>63 -r-L. ~b =-o.'-\3\c...;(1°00"10';,ctZ./~o.i.Y .::::-.. /071-'Bc,:r-<. t£;·83 '-{.c_ ! ~c.. =-l'{t-0/50,v( ~ )BJ.(ot~SJ· (v\e~l-e~t-~ I -·--&=w-= JOB U::;-c,-0~ I I 1- I I I I I 1- 1- I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civit Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SHEET NO: ~ / 0 . CALCULATED BY ~ Iv\_ ~ OF ______ _ DATE / l?t 22 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 J, CHECKED BY-------DATE,--. ___ _ scALE C/\-s ti...-e ~ '-k -k\"A-l L \1:::;~ use , E:B '1 ¢ )?c-:Dwoo.t> M,, , G>:> '-¢ TF 1/r.1· ro 1--r c; &:/If . @ S . ':p, 70 :P-tT 'f' I"?€ ClOL ~L-se-\A:: 'S:2~0\G-1----~------- /'-{:::.. (9.'-{ 2 1.::_ A /0 1 ::.. Lf.~t:=.l ~.:0,.1.'{c..-C. ~-' OJ> ~ t D :.. ~)-'\i ~ 5/(~f·_ T(q (YI~~:_(;). 51r {o !<=~ =-:5': l, 3 /c. . -r .:;:.-q,.;:5ll . TlBoc.:i--= 5 ... 03/,z_ = J,,eZ-_k:_ -U~e S./'-:t t, fp ;4--1\JC.JJ.~~ lsot..--T --1 C1.Vio0 ::. 2-K ;-Cf 9J ::-5 qoo ft-7 /. ~ . -. -. 1-/oi-rc, -' --,• ,.: • I: -•, ,.. -•• ..::. -. ;:; -r, "• -.~ .:, I• ¢ -~. ,:-. •: ._• ~ ..._ C: -;._ r., .tr ,.. ,• ,!; • ._ ::: -,. ~ -,:, ,{ •• -,::_ w '": -' ,._ • - I ----=.,...,.-~-.. ~----·-·----,·-~-----~--·~=~~=-~~,-=···~ JOB ~/_-~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Givi~. Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SHEET N~. K \ \ CALCULATED BY -:::s M c:_ OF---.---- DATE \_ i 1 'o . CHECKED BY---,--------'---DATE----,----- Ir ~b LI i-) ~,05) ~ 6/;,::. k-X I 00-9 ::2- _,, . . cl 6 B t-'2--'~ 1 ~ .;2-'-I 1--D· s,. L I ,. -! -2 (hS:S-J . 0, Z.:-l I \ l_"f 5:)l31;;i:) • • I ' f-'\· ---····· .. ---,·--·. ~ -t I -r"?eo»ov..> .,,;,_ G 3)(3.0'0 O 'f'·SLJ (\.3 '2>) ~ ~330 pc:;_,i. . 7 ~Y/ p ~.i. Vo.c . / (?_J), p,?£ l--, t_l ·_ ,a ll/0. ,_ '::>) ,C_. 0.0 'Q•G'= ~ ;;.,sg;L• 2... ---. 518 )( 12-11 Xl2..II 'B,f-SE" l5t./27::" ,-,1,,~,i.t~~ .q 1 ~ 12. OD~-"tJ~,. L{;'{O ll i:i,.. p9,,;;la f'...,,1)-.. --. -----· --'. . . -. . .. . f\<t-1:="'A--, \ [. Li'V . . ' ~ ti 1>-, tJ1.,-. 9 . t:5. \J ~·e-\/2-c;;;'i( ~ ~ l.8 ')(q Y- ~ -:-:; lo§ ,....._.:> ._:::') ~b-:::. 'dbl-i\fD!/(.1.)" (old.~ 8(oo·\':).·~)' ~.::: f;S'Q ~J.33 :-S6'--f ?,.S./ r V ;! - -• .. ,· ~ .... ..: • (• " -~ .: -. ,:,. -• .. ~ • .; • ... .. ! -.. ' • •• ,,,: -,. --... . .... ,.: •. ~ ~ ·-.---' I 1-.-,.v~:a.n.--.~~-~..,,---=--~~---,...l;l!'l.n,.,_~~~~~~~==i~~~,. .. =-,_=1,1,1,,~~'f-=nL~-'?t.m-a•,,,.,.;1.1,.=~;a-_,,:,... .. .,.,.,,..,._~,..,_.,,::,.._...,.,,,.n:,;. "~•..:...u..;....,· ,..., kc::rOL-A-+-J b I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB----,.----'--==---------- SHEET.NO. r Mc OF----,1---- DATE--+_q_.;...B-=---CALCULATED BY --:sJ.A_<::_ CHECKED BY_...__ ____________ DATE ____ _ r"-t, ,,-.,_, 't-1 . .,-'\ \ I I -. \~~I ~ 1'"'r-.~ . SCALE ( 2-;~ \ Vt::-~ \A-~~'-t t;::"J"-+'I -~ t{;\~/ +-( ,~#-) [i?>/J?-\ ~ -~ ):::_ I . l . ~ -2-1c_ LV\8-~ \~~) _ . ·. ;.. .- . COM--t>~""'< ~)o· USC, . L/S' ~ y s;I l 6 ,, ~ti5"\~ =t=oort rv0-_ UJ / &>.~ ~ ±:-vk'ti-f/~Y.- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN.DIEGO, CA 92108 Date.: 01/20/98 . GENERAL FOOTING DE$IGN Retail Tents Castle Hill DESIGN DATA Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Dead Load ... Short Term Increase = 1. 33 Live Load AXIAL LOADS Base Pedistal Height 0 .. 00 in Short Term Load Seismic Zone 4 ... Ecc. Along X-X Axis • Overburden Weight O. 00 psf ... Ecc. A long Y-Y Axis = Live & Short Term Loads Don't Act Together Concrete Weight 145. 0 pcf 0.00 k 0.0 k 0.0 k o.oo in · 0.00 in Y-Y AXIS ROTATION FORCES .... Pressures@ Left/Right X-X AXIS ROTATION FORCES .... Pressures@ Top/Bot Moment: DL • 0.0 k-ft 0.() k-ft 5.0 k-ft Shear: LL Short Term DL LL Short Term = 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k Pressure D+L Moment: DL Shear: LL Short Term= DL LL Short term= SUMMARY Mu/Phi 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft Ci.DO k 0.00 k 0.00 k DIMENSIONS Width Along X-X Axis = Length Along Y-Y Axis Thickness Column Dim. Along X-X Axis= Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis= Moments & Shears Max. Allowable 4.50 ft 4.50 ft 18.00in 8. 00 in 8.00 in Soil Max Pressure Allowable Pressure 'X' Ecc. of Resultant 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant 217 .5-psf 2500.0 psf 0.0 in 0.0 in D+L+ST 585.3 psf 3325.0 psf 13.6 in 0.0 in Vu:1 Way Vu:2 Way Overturning Ratio= 0.8 k-ft 1.9 psi 0.1 psi 2.0 :1 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5 :1 Service Load Pressures .... DL + LL Dead+live+Short Term Factored Load Pressures .... f'.c Fy ACI Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 Rebar CL Clear to Soil Min. Steel % FOOTING DESIGN 3000 psi 'm'= Fy / <. 85f'c) 60000 psi Vn:l. .. 2(f'c)A .5 3.5 in Vn:2 ... 4(f'c)A .5 0.0014 FACTORED SHEAR FORCES Left Right Top 217 .5 psf 217 .5 psf 217.5 psf 0.0 psf 585.3 psf 217 .5 psf Left Right Top 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 0.0 psf 819.5 psf 304.5 psf 0.0 psf fj26.8 psf 195. 7 psf = 23.53 109.54 psi = . 219.1 psi ACI 9-1 ACI 9~2 ACI 9-3 0.07 psi -0.80 psi 1.25 psi Vn * Phi 0.00 psi 0.10 psi 0.07psi -1.24psi 0.07psi 1.94psi Two-Way Shear One-Way: Vu@ Left One-Way: Vu@ Right One-Way: Vu@ Top One-Way: Vu@ Bottom = --0.07-psl o.07 psi · 0.05 psi · 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.H psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi Mu/Phi @ Left Mu/Phi@ Right Mu/Phi@ Top Mu/Phi@ Bottom Factor of Safety : Factor of Safety: 0.07 psi 0.07 psi 0. 05 psi FACTORED· MOMENTS ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru 2.9 psi 3.6 psi O. O psi Q.0 psi -0.0 k-ft -.0.6 k-ft -0.0 k-ft 0.8 k-ft 0.0 k-ft . 0.0 k-ft 0. 0 k-ft_ 0, 0 k-ft SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STABILITY Static Y - Y AXIS X - X AXIS --None-- --None-- -0.4 k-ft 0.5 k-ft 0. 0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft Short Term l. 98 : 1 --None-- As Req'd -0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.020 in2/ft 0.020 in2/ft Bottom 217.5 psf 217 .5 psf Bottom 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 195. 7 psf (~:in1:1oel an en;;± page ... ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBJECt Framing Design Lateral Analysis Footing Design SECTION L BREATH TAKER QUEUE INDEX Column Base Plate Design SHEET NO. L 1-L2 L3 L4-L5 L6 I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I _,/' . / . MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB lt.8J{? t,.,AJ,t> . ~ LA:ztJ.£ · kfl l_,k · SHEET NO. LI OF----- CALCULATED BY \J\ f:r. DATE __ \..-'-l \-'-'·eo=----'- CHECKED BY-------,.--DATE----- . SCALF ~Rt .&111 . tAl!:-P:/l:··. · -qu~t:J~-· ?Jg.ud1/?4r . . • : 1 ., ; s , r ., ~ 3 .: E e 7 c 1 2-3 ~ e s -;-$ ·_ 2 ~ -s _ e .7' e · 2 ::. .: s f1.. 7 a i ~ ,; .;:. 5 s , s ~ 2-s .: s e -c • ::. ~ . ·-.. ---··--·---~- ~ iv~e:--:li?fr.1:r io,;, P6r · pi;kP L qfiD -· ------·-. . . .. 2 ,_,~ Psr 5, 0 'f.~f \ . ' ~, N. -· ...... ... · ,l .· .. : .. ·. : ,r-• --c -:· r ---. 5 I - · 7. o "r'bf . . , ,C4 ~ \ ~ 1 c:J. Cc:, :: ~ J~ ( ~ t\o i,~PrL :p~Jficr~6 A£-V6-) W vJ I rll) : C-e. c .:-'I c:i ., 1 Ci~ L o& ( L 4) { IZ~ b Psf) C\) :-16 • 1 ~ . ·-~--~ .... I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I 1- 1 MARTIN & MARTIN~ JNC. Structur~I & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108: Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SHEETNQ. cALCULATeosv.,.....:l~.:;.;..u;;:;;;,.~,·-----DATE V~6 CHECKED BY· DATE-~--,.-- SCALE .x;~;WH -t-6,~f~--.. 4'1}f1/f ·;:,712U~ft)~ . . : .... i . . . --..... -~ . -. . . . -• . .. . . . -~ : . : t..JL#,~J -Wpt.;-.~ S4PL>f L l,L/t,1,, ·u.,-. . . -·--------- I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I JOB k~/44'k:-AH1>-. uq~ ·H,w MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court · Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. -. /JJ OF ____ _ Phone (619) 497-2118 CALCULATED BY ~M..Xf:ak'-------DATE \/:4 f:) Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE ptJfM:tf t~ . ~nUf-. ~T ... ~,W;,j Pl . IOf.J . ; . ' : . _.a.;...J>.. __ .. ---------'-'~ P~n 4 ~ · l_b~1 .~S-.?~.1;;;,1 )( e.)(2 .. -~ <o C..\ .. ~_:2-'5)) ::-.-· ~~!l. .. _ -1'~1~ ~ ,4 (2.! 15~(!) tJ,. i, f~f )( e,') ( ;z'i,1) ::. i;;!~:F L: G.2~~· ~ . . . . tJHJD. ;iO ~~ ~~$ -;r·· ·· · h ·~;12:.:· :.:: ~~~-"·-rL ) j n;,r;,_,_ -· 6 l : :J l I q,0 1 ___ . I -Y--...... . . -. .. . -~ . --- 'M -: q ,'?'. C 52~) ~ 4q+1¾ Ppt., ~ .~.1 (1 !f-J)(.s;2) :: If P! !f"Y G~ ft, to-.5f . Df ¾¼ ! fb: L~~( ):?t='~ ft>I) .. : 1.54 4-f5:j. St~4 .:to) 4~ c{ '1/ ~-f.7'-1 6 P6>f. :; ~·, 7 ~ 1n 3 U6ft Gi x G fO:ST--. . ':-.,. 1'1 o ~ r H __ ~5;,omtf · .t&P1¼1' e&. . -~ ... · t-\) 111 t,1 ~ tB,. 7 pst( 5 .. e,2,-t L1,:;,!) -;. 11 ~ p~ . \ / .. w~:~ ~: -ir;r~r ~ 37)( B'> ~~i,;-,·-1-? ·· r~-r ·L ii1 r ~f:., ~J,Nj) b,£)'+/pp NI;, f: ·1?' (IP, PLrY:r --~ ".)33-:.fr · · . · ·.. -·--·· -· · · · J· · M ~n,?;3;s ( 4 ,~'):::: 'ol:bf'E, 'l:t .· • sr~4 == -~1Gf·c~_2~/1~-~-.. ~-~~I ·~2~,t3~ 1n'Z t.... ?.«1~ ~tir9 (b;,C ~ po~r . ~- Li :: i __ '?t7?~_£1,. ~:;-~ ___ f!I~~! '~~ i.,u -7 ,c65 {c,,13')( 12) z ,,a'' ? ( t ~ ~ o)' ( •1~ I /4) I ( I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I 1- 1 I I , MARTIN & DUNN _ INC. ~ STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2118/FAX 497-0429 Date: 02/05/98 Page: l4 GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN LEGOLAND -BREATH TAKER STRUCTURE FOOTING NORTH-SOOTH DIRECTION ---DESIGN DATA --~ ----llIAL LOADS--------DIMERSIOHS---- Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500;0 psf Dead Load = •.. Short Term Increase = 1. 33 Live Load - Base Pedistal Height = 10.00 in Short Term Load = Seisnic Zone = 4 •.. Ecc. A-long X-X Axis = overburden Weight = 110.00 psf •.•. Ecc. Along Y-Y Axis = Live & Short Term Loads Don't Act Together C_on~re~~ Weig~!-------~_ }~~0.P~r-_ 0.25k 0.0 k o.o k o.oo in o:oo in --Y-Y AilS iO'l'ATIOI FOiCES - •••• Pressures@ Left/Right -I-I illS iO'l'llIOR FORCES--· - .... Pressures @ Top/Bot · Moment: DL , = o.o k-ft Moment: DL = LL = Lt = O.o k-ft Short Tern = Short Ter11 = o.o k-ft Shear: DL = Shear: DL = · 0.00 k Width Along X-X Axis = Length Along Y-Y Axis -- Thickness = Column Din. Along X-X Axis= Colilllln Dim. Along Y-Y Axis= -LL ----· = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft J.2 k-ft 0.00 k o.oo k- 0.40 k -LL--· --= ----o.oo k-. --. ---.. Short Tern = Short Tern·= 0.00 k 3.00 ft 5.00 ft 18.00 in 5.50 in 5.50 in -----------------~!----------------------Soil Pressure-----------------Moments & Sbears----- D+L D+L+ST Max. Allowable Max Pressure = _ 344. 2 psf 984. 2 psf Mu/Phi = O. 6 k-ft All-0wable Pressure = 2500.0 ~sf 3325.0 ~sf Vu:1 Way =-0.4 psi 1x1 Ecc. of Resultant = o.orn 9.61n Vu:2 Way · = 0.4psi 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant = o.o in o.o in overturning Ratio= 1.9 :1 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5 :1 Service Load Pressures. • • • Left Right DL + LL = 344.2 psf . 344.2 psf Dead+live+Short Term = o.o psf 984.2 psf Factored Load Pressures.... Left Right ACI Eq 9-1 = 481. 8 psf 481. 8 psf ACI Eq 9-2 = 0.0 psf 1377·,9 psf AC! Eq 9-3 -0.0 psf 885.8 psf ---------,----F00'11IBG DFSIGB--------,--- f'c = Fy. = Rebar CL Clear to Soil = Min. Steel % = 3000 psi : 'n.'= Fy /( .85f'c) 60000 psi Vn:1. •• 2(f'c:)".5 3.5 in Vn:2 ••• 4(f'c}".5 0.0014 = -23'.53 = 109.54 p!li = 2~~-1 psi --------FACTORED SHEAR FORCF.s -----------ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear = 0.24 psi 0.41 psi 0.26 psi 186,23 psi One-Way: Vu @ Left = 0.03 psi -0.16 psi -0.11 psi 93.11 psi Top _ 344.2 psf 344.2 psf Top 481.8 psf 481.8 psf 309. 7 psf One-Way: Vu@ Right = 0.03 psi 0.40 psi 0.26 psi 93.11 psi _ . One-Way: _ Vu @ Top ____ = __ 0.17.psL. ___ 0.17 psi·-· . 0.11 psi-----93.11 psi--------------· One-Way: Vu @ Botto11 = 0 .17 .psi 0 .17 psi 0 .11 psi 93. 11 psi ---------FAC'l'ORRD MOOEHTS -----~--- Mu/Phi@ Left Mu/Phi@ Right Mu/Phi@ Top Mu/Phi@ Bottom . ACI 9-1 _ ACI 9-2. !CI 9-3 Ru = 0.0 k-ft -0.4 k-ft -0.3 k-ft 1.9 psi = 0.0 k-ft 0.6 k-ft 0.4 k-ft 2.8 psi -0.1 k-ft 0.1 k-ft o.o k-ft _ 0.3 psi = 0.1 k-ft 0.1 k-ft o.o k-ft 0.3 psi ------SERVICE ID.AD OVERi'ORllilfG Si'.ABILil'Y ----,..,._- Factor of Safety: Factor of Safety: Y-Y AXIS X -X AXIS Static --none.:.- = --Mone-- Short Term -1.88':l --None-- As Req'd .. -0.244 in2/ft o. 244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft Bottom 344.2 psf 344.2 psf Botton. 481.8 psf 481.8 psf 309. 7 psf V4.4D (c) 1983-96 EUERCALC GEORGE R. SAIDIDERS }.SSOCIA.TES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. MARTIN & DUNN INC. ., STRUCTURAL & CML ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 02/05/98 IC::, Page: i; ,1 GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN LEGOLAND -BREATH TAKER STRUCTURE FOOTING EAST-WEST DIRECTION· ----DESIGI DATA--------ilI!L LOADS---- Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Dead Load ••. Short Term Increase = 1.3l Live Load = Base Pedistal Height = 10.00 in Short Term Load = Seisnic Zone = 4 ••• Ecc. Along X-X Axis = overburden Weight = 110.00 psf ... Ecc. Along Y-r Axis = Live & Short Tern Loads Don1t Act Together Concrete_ ~e!gh~ __ __ ~ __ -~45'..~ p_~( __ . _ _ __ . __ _ _ _ _ 0,25 k O.Ok O.O'k O.oo in o.oo in -Y-Y !XIS ROT!TIOI FORCES - -I-I !XIS ROTIDOI FORCES - •.•. Pressures@ Left/Right ..•. Pressures@ Top/Bot Moment: DL · = o.o k-ft Monent: DL = LL = 0.0 k-ft LL = Short Tern = 0.5 k-ft , Short Tern = Shear: DL -= 0.00 k Shear: DL = LL ---= -0,00 k· · -11 = Short Tern = o. 05 k Short Tern = o.o k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft · 0.00 k O.OOk O.OOk ----DIHERSIORS-~-- Width Along X-X Axis = Length Along Y-Y Axis = Thickness = Columi Din.-Along X-X Axis= Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis= 5.00 ft 3.00 ft 18.00 in 5.50 in 5.50 in -----------------,-....,._ ~Y---,--------------------Soil Pressure-·---------Moments & Shears----......, D+L Max Pressure = 344.2 psf Allowable Pressure · = 2500.0 psf 1X1 Ecc, of Resultant = 0, 0 !Ii 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant = 0.0 in Service Load Pressures •••• DL + LL Dead+live+Short Term Factored Load Pressures •••• ACI Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 AC! Eq 9-3 = = = = D+L+ST 393.5 psf 3325.0 psf 1.41n o.o in Mu/Phi = Vu:1 !vay = vu:2 Way = Overturning Ratio= Left 344.2 psf 294.S psf Left 481.8 psf 412.8 ·psf 265.3 psf Right 344.2·psf 393.5 psf Right 481.8 p$f 550. 9 psf 354.1 psf ---------FOOTIBG DESIGl--------- f'c = Fy· = Rebar CL Clear to Soil = Min. Steel% = .3000 psi '-1n1= Fy /(.85f'c) 60000 ~si Vn:l. •• 2(f1c)1'.5 3.5 rn Vn:2 ••• 4(f'c)".5 0.0014 . = 23.53 = 109.54 psi 219.1 psi = --------FACTORED SHEAR FORCF.S --'------'------ ACI 9·1 ACI 9-2 !CI 9-3 Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear = 0.25 psi 0.25 psi 0.16 psi 186-.23 psi One-Way: Vu@ Left = 0.17 psi -0.18 psi -0.11 psi 93.11 psi Max. Allowable 0.2 k-ft - _Q.5 pst 0.2 psi 20.9 :1 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5 :1 .., Top _ 344.2 psf 344.2 psf Top · 481.8 psf 481.8 psf 309. 7 psf Botton 344.2 psf 344.2 psf Botton 481.8 psf 481.8 psf 309. 7 psf One-Way: Vu @ Right = 0.17 psi 0.51 psi 0.33 psi 93.11 psi _ One-Way: Vu@ Top ----= ---0.03-psi.----0.03 psi----·-0.02 psi ---93.11 psi-----------· --~H--··----- One-Way: Vu @ Botton. = o. 03 psi 0. 03 psi o. 02 psi 93 .11 psi I ----------FACTORED MOMRNTS ---~----- ACI 9-L ACI 9-2 1CI 9-3 Ru Mu/Phi @ Left = 0.1 k-ft -0.1 k-ft -o.o k.,.ft 0.4 psi As Req'd -0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft Mu/Phi @ Right = 0.1 k-ft 0.2 k-ft 0.1 k-ft LO psi I. ____ Mu/Phi @ Top __ .. . ___ =: ___ o.o k-ft . ·_. 0.0 k-ft o.o k-ft · 0.1 psi Mu/Phi @ Bottom ;:: o.o k-ft 0.0 k-ft O.O k-ft 0.1 psi ------SERVICE LO.AD OVERroRIIBG Sf!BILifi ..... -----,--....,. I I I Factor of Safety: Factor of Safety: Y - Y .AXIS X-X AXIS V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Stati9 Short Tern = --None--20.94 :1 = --None----None-- GEORGE R. SAillIDERS 1.SSOCIATES, k'W06036l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · MARTIN & DUNN INC . ., STRUCTURAL & CfVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL COLUMN BASEPLATE DESIGN BREATH TAKER STRUCTURE · · Date: 02/05/98 (ox6 f>Db• Df ;U\Utt t,JJ1. _ · None ---LOADDU!-·-. ----1- Axial Load 0.25 k X-X Axis Moment : 3.10 k-ft · 1b 6.x 6 .f.1/-4-AISC Section Hane : TS6x6xl/4 . , ---:OOLT D!'f! --. c.:: I tJ M/1; (~1u;;,?'ti ·Cf*,'\P~~lt Tension cap~city : 8.80 k .. -. ~ .. f~ 1'O ~ Bolt Count Per Side :--____ 2 .... --·. h -:: 5,, SJ:;-'LI'\.... •. Anchor Bolt Area • o.442 in . "--Picnt) -Bolt Dist. from PL Edge: 1.50 in q trHn " ?fj~('.-::: · ·-· -:-~-·· ·'-F. Baseplate Deptb : 12.00 in \~ V • ~ .... J%1-...., t c.,.J'""-· ' ' • "PLATE & SUPFOR'l DA'l'! . 1.J.. j;:J '. \ ,-, _: -•· . Widtb . : 12. 00 in ·I 1 -:::::. -'1 , : -ji Support Area Deptb : 36.00 in N ;; ~ I &+n~:. po~+ ;_ 5.';. . .. -Suppolii~ WJf:_. :_ : . __ 36.00 in ~-J --f...1\0',. I l..,Jood [~<.\q,i1C . . 300Qps! -1 :.i. -Hl t,-V --1--:-•.:.·r-r-Fy . 36 ks1 ..i--tu .ll r41n C rs~ 1 · Load Duration Factor 1.00 M, · ,.,_ \ J U• ~,-+ ct#) AISC Section ~eptb : 6.00 in : -r~ f --C · W'\ · · Flange Width · : .6.00 in -r,. Flange Thickness o. 250 in _. ·. (:"15 f9 Web Thickness 0.250 in 9 .1--" t./ · · -PLATE D~IGB --- Min. Required Tbic!rness: L. ~ l , .. 11 / Plate Analysis Method : 1 ltr'\lf> ~ 5 f C ~~oo "°J = 7 "'-11 Tens~on Force per Bolt: C.'2.'? (?,S) B.,@7S Beanng Stress ! Allow Bearing •... 0.379 in 1 1.91 k 205.92 psi Per .ACI 10 .15 3570. 00 k Per AISC J9 : 2100. 00 psi Max. Plate capacity for Allowable Bearing •. :. 30f. 40 psi --PLATE !l!LYSIS - Actual Pl.ate Thickness: , 0.625 in Max Allow Plate Fb Actual fb 27 .oo ksi 9.92 ksi Page: tb OFb V4.4D (c) 1983-96 EUERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBJECT Lateral Analysis Framing Design Footing Design SECTION M CASTLE BASE BUILDING QUEUE INDEX SHEET NO. Column Base Plate Design M1-M2 M3-M4 M5 M6 I I I I I . I. I I I I 1- 1 I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. JOB dP.:?11--t. h½iS--d.'vrnJ& -S1:ts.JCrt~-- Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. :H I . OF b ----- CAtCULATED BY 140 DATE 1/ i f3". CHECKED BY'-------DATE --'-----Phone {619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SCALE--------------.,..:........-- ' ' ' ' s • , '. ' 2 ' ' s . e ' • , . -2 , , ' ,. 7 e . ' . 2 ' ' 5 & .7 • • 2 s ' . •. ' , s , • e , . < < ' • e , 2 ' ·' £ ' - • , __ , ' c E) L~~ Cf \\Lim .. ·, 12 1~ s1 . t · lz~-~u 1 · ·e' · ~ : . «) · ----l -·_ -·--------~--t----. 1 , - -1'· - ' -:a,-.... . -·· .. :tp. -. -,,0 4 , ,, --7' ~ I,, ,- . . GI .. I :t±:1· ' ; j GI.(;,; I .a-_,/-_11-er,-~:~-... ----1._ ~J&M/:-·, i-,r,,". -, l:;1 I Bl:42-: -; , ' l 1 • 5xe,- l A'I j fl 1,''f' fi / 1,. • uv~. ~o,,41) · ~-1· p r?F. !26'.AD _ L.-~t, · · fp.,A ~IN~. ~ -? . f::,f . 1j . f AB.?-lt 2 Pf:-1' . :. 7 rsF r · vJ ~ 1b ~.:. ·;, 4 , {2.15) W . .. _J _ __._::r.:r-----J,-_:--__,__..,;,.t....;"". ~-w=-~-. -.. --.. _.: .. -~ ·_ . . ?-i A . ' . . ~-, I ... ---~-~ ·-..... -----.... ~~ ·. -. ----~----,---------.·c-:.·'z";J~-----·:· :-·: .. --.-_---·. -. -. ---. t,.j o J1-1 ~ be wtl p, p.~ f Jo t:l . . _lJt,'.1r>d -I; ""~ CL~) _(12, b F->f )C 1) = lb 7 Fs.l' L,1J6Gt~: ,'::,7 (7 Psf) (I?') :4o·PLf': cq ::-J1 f_,-x; fol?--~r.q2-z·. Aft~-- lJw1fJJ :; ( ~' +, 75"'J -r 16~1 Pbr) · = · 7 o flX )-W~~-~ · -· I . , . , ~lr)j · 5oJdt6 fvJtnJ-= 70 PLF. ( Jl,b1J/a· -.-=c_:2-.Cf c;_;;-/coL.-.--: _-__ · . M 7 ~1c! ci1:·s·) ~ · 3 .. 4 '~ · · I - I I MARTI~ & MARTIN~INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497-0429 SHEETNO . .a....· -------"'M-'-'-7""'-, OF---,---- CALCULATED BY ....... ___ ____,.;:.,\A_,_,,,U--.__·_ DATE ,z,/q ~ CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE----------'------,------'---,,-..;....._-- I : ~r -NM ·· J?11?:1z?r1#J~ : .. LJ~rt> :: , ?SJ .. (~f~fJ(~b .. 3,4') :. Cf4 __ :Pl! .. ...... ..... ..... .. .. ..... .. I : ~~ wi...'? e-~1tt1 w~ 2 I ~ < .. I : .. I : I = I .. a I ' .. ,, 1_ ' .. 1- I I I 1- I I P: CJt-:fL1(1,~?/? :::·,z~5--t ................. --: ................... ., - . ----~ . . ~ -~ -. ! . . ; / ~WbO D . CpcfSt r.o 11M~) Jh1. fb -:: I ~oO fS.I ' -~ · · · · ·r--·· · ; · -=-.... ~ =2,~ ~.,,? ... V: ,2Gt- Ppl-.'"P'.~61" fpL, ;5~1'· ; PoL,-:: 1 ·4$s~ r CJ?-: '5'c)-P?I =t-:; l~OD ¥-::>• . . It: · . . (\>a.T<::I 1ll"lr-~~) 6 r~q ~i~-1 r~oooy-.i 20° fsl C{,?3) = Zs,,,,,,., .. L. 27, 7. ·,yp 6: '51t;,1/ C,·-: IJ.Z 7 1n' · , . A O' ~t:t _ .. f-(ll,~,) 1 C. 17~) I 2> Cl 300) ( 1'-/~ :: a., l:, (l. ,OO-SC1z.,5)CJ2,) .? ... 7~N .............. ·........ ·-· ,. I t>A~ ..I, ' . . 'p J... ' r ~ ~ .,.,,. '· : --I . / .I ________ 1b C::>X bx1/4 61-~fv.JE,.~.--. . ... . .. --·. -·-.... ---.. .... ... .. ... . .... -· ... l· -1 M ;; 3 ~·f '/l-~ ' - 9 J. : . Co 2-5 P:> I , ... h,rnn ~ r61 (i#Q) -= ,7/i. <! 'Q.; <e,1s" -~ ·. G5V (5.5) . . ·BA::,~ it 5/o" x 11. x 12 v / -4 ... ¾, \p A-, .t,' '6 k \D II t-M(?;ft.O. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. SiRUCTURAL & ClVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 02/20/98 Page: M.3 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE COASTER QUEUE P:fM l--~---~-:""5:.,r..;.,_:=-.- ----------BEAK D!ll-----------------. SPAI D!T!---- Tinber Section 4X10 End Fixity Pin:Pin Center swn = 12.67 ft Beam Width = 3,500 in Elastic Modulus = 1300000 psi teft cantilever = o.oo ft Beam De~tb = 9.25 in-Beam Density = 35.9 pcf Right cantilever = 6.50 ft Lamination Thickness = o.oo in Load Duration Factor = 1.25 ----"--IJIBRACED LE1IG'lllS Fb -Bending = 975 psi Bealil Wt. is 1dded to Loads Le : Center Span = 12.67 ft Fv -Shear = ·: 80 psi End Shear calc1d at support Le : Left Cant. = o.oo ft Fe -Bearing :--___ ·65~_psi _ ____ -····-·mLIED LOADS--·--__ ... _. ---'"""··_-_ .. _Le_:_Ri __ ·_gh_t_ean_t._-___ = __ 6._50_ft Uniforn Load@ Center Span: DL = 53.0 plf LL= 75.0 plf Uniform Load@ Right Cantilever: DL = 53.0 plf LL·= 75.0 plf . -SOKKARY---------------- USIHG 3.500 x 9.250 Bean, ~nding = 48.15%, Shear= 50.38% Max. Pos Kon @ 5.61 ft: 2.12 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = Max. Neg Mon @ 12.67 ft= -1.29 k-ft .... used for dsgn = Max @ Left --· · = 0.00 k-ft ----; ,; .Area R~f d -= Max @ Right = ... 2.87 k-ft Max. @ Right = Max. Allow Konent = 5.96 k-ft .... used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual -· = . 690,l psi - -_: · .... Area Req'd = Fb : Allowable = 1433.2 psi fv : Max. Actual = Fv : Allowable - Ck= .811(E/Fb)A,5 :;:~ 26.49 . Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 = 10,74 Bearing'Req'd@ Left = Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 = 1.20 · .. Bearing Req1d @ Right= center camber = -.0.07 in Right Cant. Camber = -0.13 in t28 128 0.76 k- , 1.14k ··11.39 in2 1.09k 1.63k 16.31 in2 50.38 psi 100.0 psi 0.33 ln 0.87 in Hm1x • 1.4eft-t • Reactions ••• DL Maxhnm Left = 0.28 k 0.76 k · iigbt = 0.88 k 1.97k Deflections .•• Center = -0.05 in -0.19 in. .... Dist = 5.22 ft 5.989 ft ••• L/Defl = 3342 805 Left = o.oo in 0.000 in •• ,LfDefl = 0 0 Righ = -0.09 in -0.42& ,in ... L/Defl = 1806 365 4.68 ft '-~:1AL1-lllla... Mmln• -2.87ft·k• 12.65ft _,.,,.._. -Z.8? T 011111111111n1m111101011111un11111111111111m1011on11n1m111n111m11100111m11 o.ev?~L;.... lllallh...._ Yme>: • o.e-i ktpo • 12,?S ft __ .llllllta... --~------------~---- t t Vmlo • •1.09 kip•• 1Z.6S fl •1.0 9 'IUIIIIIII - Dmax • 0.00 u, • 12 • .112 fl -t-~•-0.7-59_k_M_ma,---x·~--·:--;--:;-f:---~----·_· _·· -_-_,_j ..... :.--,-~~-~--::=;:~--------· 1 ---:--:_ -••~u-,,-~~ :~::'f=/~--..,.._ -_-_ -___ -_ -_ -_ -_ -=_ -311· _---~~---, --: V4. 4D ( c) 1983•96 EUERCi.LC GEORGE R. SAUlIDERS ASSOCIATES1 KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE COASTER QUEUE ooA-1,4 :i.. Date: 03/13/98 Page: 1t14 ---------'---BEAM DATA----------.,... ____ SPAI D!TA---- Timber Section Bean Width Beam Depth Laninat1on Thickness Fb -Bending Fv -Shear 4X10 End Fixity Pin:Pin Center Span = = 3.500 in Elastic Modulus = 1200000 psi Left cantilever = = 9.25 tn Beam Density = 35.0 pcf Right cantilever = = o.oo rn Load Duration Factor = 1.25 ---01IBR!CED 1E1JG'1'HS 925 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads Le·: Center Span = 80 psi End Shear calc1d at Support Le : Left Cant. = = = = 12.67 ft o.oo ft 9.00 ft 12.67 ft 0.00 ft 9.00 ft Fe -Bearing 650 psi Le _: ~ight cant~ · = . . --APPLIED LOADS ----------------- Uniforn Load@ Genter Span: DL = 20.0 pif LL= 38.0 plf Uniform Load@ Right Cantilever: DL = 20.0 plf LL= 38.0 plf ----SUMKARY----------------- USilfG 3.500 x 9,250 Bean, Bending= 47.2f%, Shear= 29.09% Max. Pos Mon @ 4.95 ft: 0.82 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = Max. Neg Mon @ 12.67 ft: · -1.13 k-ft .... used for dsgn = Max @ Left = 0.00 k-ft · -•••• Area Reg'd = Max @ Right = -2.67 k-ft Max. @ Right = Max. Allow Moment = 5.65 k-ft .... used for cl_sgn = fb : Max. Actual = 641.4 psi · .... Area Reqt d = Fb : Allowable = 1358.6 psi fv : Max. Actuai = Fv : Allowable = Ck= .8ll(E/Fb)A,5 = 26,13 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 = 10.74 Bearfng-Reg1d@ L~ft = Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 = ·1.20 Bear1ng Req1q @ Right= center Camber = 0.03 in Right Cant. Camber = -0.41 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 0.33 k -0.49 k -· 4 •. 92 in2 0.63 k 0.94k 9.42 in2 29.09 psi 100.0 psi 0.14 in 0.54 in Reactions ... DL Maximm Left = 0.09 k 0.33 k -Right = 0.52 k 1.22k Deflections ••• Center = 0.02 in -0.07 in .... Dist = 9·,46 ft 5.554 ft ••• L/Defl = 7507 2215 Left = o.oo in 0.000 in , , .LfDefl = 0 0 Righ = -0.27 in -0.828 in i .. L/Defl = 787 261 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , MARTIN & DUNN INC. ... -STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 , (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 02/20/98 Page: NS GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN LEGOLAllD -CASTLE BASE QUEUE . STRUCTURE ---DESIGI DA'f!--------UI!L LO!DS---""-- Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Dead Load = ••• Short Term Increase = 1.33 · Live Load = Base Pedistal Height = i.oo in Short Term Load = Seisnic Zone . = 4 ... Ecc. Along X-X Ax!s = overburden Weight = 110.00 psf ... Ecc. Along Y·Y Axis = Live & Short Tern Loads Don't Act Together Concrete We_ig~t ····--·-_ ~-_ 15~-~ P~! .. -·· 0.50 k O,Ok O,Ok o.oo in 0.00 in -Y-Y ms RO'I!fiOI ~ ·--I-I ms imm:OI ~ - ..•• Pressures@ Left/Right .•.• Pressures@ Top/Bot Moment: DL = o.o k-ft Moilent: DL = LL = 0.0 k·ft LL = Short Tern = 3. 4 k:-ft Short Tern = Shear: DL = 0.00 k Shear: DL = LL----·--·--· -;:----0-.00 k LL = Short Tern = o. 29 k Short Tern = 0.0-k-ft o.o k-ft o.o k·ft -O.OOk o.oo k o.oo k ----DDIERSIOBS----Width Along X-X Axis = Length Along l-Y Axis = Thickness = Colunn Din. Along x-x Axis= Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis= 3.50 ft 3.50 ft 18.00 in 6.00 in 6.00 in -----------------SOMMARY-------------'------ -----SOilPressure----------Noaents & Shears----- D+L Max Pressure = 375.8 psf Allowable Pressure = 2500.0 psf 'X' Ecc. of Resultant = o.o in 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant = o.o in Service Load Pressures,_ •.• DL + LL Dead+live+Short Term Factored Load Pressures •.•• ACI Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 = = = D+L+ST 967.4 psf 3325.0 psf 10.1 ili o.o in Mu/Phi = · Vu:1 Way = Vu:2 Way = OV~rturning Ratio= Left Right 375.8 psf 375.8 psf o.opsf 967.4psf Left Right 526.1 psf 526.1 psf o.o psf 1354.3 psf o • .o psf 870.6 psf ------'----FOOfillG DF.sIGI ----'----------3000 psi · 'n'= Fy /( .85f'c) = 23.53 60000 ~si Vn:1 ••. 2(f'c)/\,5 = 109.54 psi- f'c = Fy · = Rebar CL Clear to Soil = Min. Steel% = 3.5 in Vn:2 •.• 4(f'c)fl,5 . = 219.l psi 0.0014 --------FAcroRED SHEAR FORCF$----'--~-----'-- ACI 9-1 !CI 9·2 ACI 9•3 Vn * Phi 'f'Wo-Way Shear = 9,45 pst 0.54 psi -0.35 psi One--Way: Vu @ Left = 0.22 psi -0 •. 79 psi -0.5lpsi One-Way: Vu @ Right = 0.22 pst 1.6~ pst 1,08 psi one-way: vu@ Top __ =--· _ o.~2 ps; 0.22 psf .... 0.14 psi·- One-Way: Vu @ Botton = 0.22 psi . 0,22 psi 0.14 psi 186,23 psi 93,11 psi 93 . .11 psi 93.11 psL .. 93.11 psi ---------FAClORIID MClfEETS ------------ Kax. Allowable 0.8 k-ft 1. 7 psi 0.5 psi 2.1 :1 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5 :1 Top 375.8 psf 375.8 psf Top .. 526.1 psf 526.1 psf 338.2 psf Botton 375.8 psf 375.8 psf Botton 526.1 psf 526.1 psf 338.2 psf Mu/Phi@ Left Mu/Phi@ Right Mu/Phi @ Top Mu/Phi @ Botton ACI 9·1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9·3 Ru As Req1d = 0.1 k-ft -0.6 k-ft -0.4-k-ft 2.6 psi -0.244 in2/ft 0.1 k-ft 0.8 k-ft 0.5 k·ft 3.1 psi 0.244 in2/ft O.lk·ft O.lk·ft O.Ok-ft .. 0.3psL .. 0.244in2/ft .. 0.1 k-ft 0.1 k-ft o.o k-ft 0,3 psi 0.244 in2/ft = = ------SERVICE LOAD OVERroRIIIG Sl'ABILil'Y ------ Factor of Safety: Factor of Safety: Y~Y AXIS X -X AXIS Static = --ifone-- = --none-- Short Ten 2.08 :1 --None-- (continued on next page •••• ) V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ElIBRCALC GEORGE R. SAUllDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~~ 's~e?ILfRUf~~rEENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO · CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 02/20/98 STEEL COLUMN BASEPLATE DESIGN ~ -Cf-\'b1~. _ lof..b7P~ ~-0~ . ~ V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC llone -U>!D DAT!----· 1- J..xial Load 0.50 k X-X Axis Moment : 3.40 k-ft AJSC Section Hane : TS6x6xl/4 --mLT nm--- Bolt Tension ca~city : 8.80 k Bolt Count Per Side : 2 ·-Anchor Bolt i.rea · -· : -· 0,440 in Bolt Dist: from PL Edge 1.50 in · PLATE i SIJPPOR'.f D!'l! · Baseplate Depth 1 Width Support Area ~pth support !rea w1ath ----IW'ERI!L DAT! -· f 1c F ·1Xaa Duration Factor Al:SC section Depth . Flange Width Flange Thickness Web Thickness -PLATE D~IGB---- Min; Required Thickness Plate }.nalvsis Method : Tension Force per Bolt : Bearing Stress : Allow Bearing.-•• Per !CI 10.15 Per AISC J9 . : Max. Plate Capacity for Allowable Bearing .• :. -PU.TE !l!LYSIS- -12.00 in 12.00 in 36.00 in 36.00 in 3000 psi 36 ksi 1.33 6.00 in 6.00 in· 0.250 in 0.250 in 0.347 in l 2.04 k 228.25 psi 3570.00 k 27_93.00 psi 402.19 psi Actual Plate Thickne~s: 0.625 in Max Allow Plate Fb Actual fb 35.91 ksi 11.07 kSi GEORGE R. SAUN_DERS-ASSOCll.TES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBJECT SECTION N 81RTHDAY TENTS INDEX Roof Loads & Framing Lateral Analysis Column Design Sage Plate Design Column Design Footing Design SHEET NO. N1-N12 N13-N15 N15-N17 N17-N18 N19 N20-N21 MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (61'9) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 . L 6c3-C>L-~ .JOB ____ ....;;;... __ ~.o..:....-=------------ SHEET ~o. · ~ I OF __ ~_1..,_. _. __ _ CALCULATED BY . -::::s-M <::, DATE_· __ t...-1 9___.?, __ ' CHECKED BY ________ DATE ____ _ . . SCALE CA--e.TL-.-S r\-11..l. ,g \_ ~y ft:;~. 1· I I I I I I • 2 ~ .: s e -: e 1 2 3 .: ~ e r e 1 )?: ~ .: ; ,s 1 s • 2 ~ • ...: s e t s _1 2 _3 ..; 5 ~ 7 a 1 ;,, ;; -~ s 6 7 S -2 ~ ~ 5 s ·; t . , .::-~ I I - I 1· I I . \ I I I I : \"; . . ~ . ··-' . . . ; ...... . , .......... ! .. ~-.... : .. c+st-L¢. ·.-t.J.1t..'~ .. -.. -: · ~,~·:_·~:_ ~-'···:· F~ ~ \C:.. @ . .2.:p.si= . ... : ·= 1?-oor::: ·~ . r" ....... ~ .. -Pc:-~ 1-o/rv ~ 'F/rBt-\C..:' .. . ttit-M I tJ (r ------'-------~--------~---- ~~k ____ \~-,---~~ ·--·- ... .172-t'2:. . -/t-i?t--,c+ : ..... ·---· -. --·· _., ___________ _ . -.. : . -· : ~ . ·-::2 s-· ps.F. :2-Q ?-sF J.j _ $:'.· t?.~P- Sf Y: 5:.0 .. . . ps-r:-, 5· I I I I I 1. I I I I I I I I - I I· I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. OB L.~~-J ------:--~;_ ________ _ Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 l?HEET·NO. N 'Z-- CALCULATED BY ':S' MC OF----,,----- DATE---:l:./-/..:.9....l.g..::...._ __ J SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY---,----,.----------DATE ____ _ . . . . ' 2 3 ' 5 ; 7 0 l 2 3 ' 5 ' 7 S 1 2 , " e C , 7 ~ > 2 ' < 5 6 7_ ~ ,, ; '> ~ 5 6 7 e , 2 3 ~· 5 0 7 E ., . 2 i O ; < , E • : i . . ':" ......... .:._ •. -.• • •. , .. -•.. -= w, ~ -==-.-Q o . ~-~ s) (~-~ --::?-CY;_)· l"2:. ') ·/ (-~ _ '-9-'--· ~ ;5 s *-./, ~-~·=·-... -·-c· s ·:····Ps;\{-ir~y~ CY~S°i~)-·7·;·_~-/i,-:_-·-:--_--~ -·::.j ·1-4 t; -. to~ -·:u;·A-v · · W--==-(_ ~O*/i) .( 1.0~ b). /2-_ .. -I-{ 2-'f lf. . . -. ~M\t2--1V--~,·( Lf.s:') ~ ( 47-~'){2-/-3),(10~0) _____ ,., .. i1-i :::. .r:l-2--': o. b '"f, tc_·. ".:;.., l·q,2_y k.' t( t-1.~-.:: _( 0 -l L iis ') C ~-4 i-{ k-) 0 :0 -Co_ t \ _:::; tJv,AC,\,y; ~ a ·rtt:-_ ~.\Y" .. -:2:-~ ~ -... -. :_ o,J{i-l::.. '"? M~ --.c l! . 0 ;-f;=f~-e,~ s. z.. s O "" ·. o. ~ ~-!c:... . --. --·-: -~ ------·-. t ~ O._ '1-=t~ ;1.n_."-. ' ' , . . . -·-· . . . 3 ' :',• I I I I I I I I - I - I I I I jos · L€7,,.-o ~ MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers . 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. --=-N.,_,3:;;;.._ ______ OF--,.,...---- CALCULATED BY . :-'S")./\._(:__. . DATE----;·l1 .... · _Clz ........... ~---- Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 · CHECKED BY . DATE ____ _ SCALE C3..A---"? f?£ . tf-1 LL--~ l. \2.;'""lt)),t-;J ,b,',{3 · ' .... -··-.. ···-... , ............. :,, ... ;.,_.~,, ·--···-··----~---··-·····---,·-... tJ..,.,,.~'I ..... :=. (!)56_\::.'. (Ci~~ l-·+(12-~)1-) ~Z-. ' ' l . . ' ::. :l\--S-I' H,,. 0.~:ll Y l 2, ooo , - ·---~ ·----' ... ~ -~--... ---- -~< ~ : . . . v.i-o . -. . T?-::1 .. f--f')( @>.. . ~woo~ . ·t---to-·-i..~ .. -·1 +-".~~/Fi;,£-... - j l-'t <'x :::. 3,0,~(p-,.;,_'3 £ ~ t:z.. .,c·,ob ~ ~. =+ )C .:_ I I/ , f . t _-:; '1 -+;. ::: . 9 7,5" F ·.; L. -. Jr ::... . ~S~ 1.· B_ 1_'vi2-: · h..\,\_ ·~ q so . '? ~:; . .. F> · ..... · -0~· rs.! ~ l-\-' .311~ /qi:f 1-9 . Fb ,:;:-/ f=;;,X-: _ 3 ~ \ 9 / 91,'5 . . 3.55 O-ct.S:- 1, ;? -. -[<t:,;oy--.'3,6'SJ 'fz_ ~ . ' -.. : -: ~ 1-·=--- JOB Lt,.~ L-~ MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. I Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. _.N'---Lf _______ OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY -:!' M.. c_ . DATE ____ /,__, _/_q __ g __ I I I I I I I I - I I I I .. I I i Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 . CHECKED BY _______ .---. DATE----- SCAL~ C..A::q.. /~·. . tf-t L,(_ ~: i5 l ~frM'.>'4'-f tt=-r"--13 , 2 :: .1. s e 7 s: , 2 s ~ ~ e ; E--'f 2 :: :. s e i .e , 2 ~ ~ s ~ 7 s _; ;i • s .; s 6 7 8 1 2 ·:: .: s e 7 s ; · 2·. 3 .: .s . G: -: e-• 2 : . . p tD:::--·;_-(:~~·c, <6):-~ 9 _1,--~-:->,··· =--_-· 9_ ~-7-p-~,J,~ . : . · . . : . : , . . . .... . __ .,. ···-... ---= ' .. . .. . . .. -... .. fPlc. ~ ; c,":) ~-·:c.~ ~'-·= _ . . : -·· .-.·~~~---== ll:-~ >,(1.~;-\~~--:,-'i~~~-~2"i ... ~-._:;_. . . 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, .CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB LFZ-lro L-b:t::'t:? · SHEET NO. N :::;;:-OF' --..------ CALCULATED BY -SM.C_ DATE / /? 8 • CHECKED av __________ DATE------ .· scALE-C+sn.£. t+1 ~ -~ 1 T2-t-itp4 ;! ~~ ~~-'-· ~-Y,/ S,1-wcvr -. -: . ·: . --. _. ... : . • .. 2. -""--"' . /' . it '. . -..... t---+-+--l.:i:- . 1-,i< . -· 1--H--+ 1;f=-, " soi.:r . -~ . .. .. . ~\.la- ~,; 3-"' _,r, /(=; [ 53S __ -[3.:~}(i'. '){2..')._ ~-(,~.!")/Tit.CJ ~r~ft.,_ : b : ::. ·s1 · rz.ko "") ·~ ?-~ · Ps,.__ ~ ~· ?·~ 1-v-_ ~'L C l(?,.;Sv · . l . l-1--ov I . L) S£ . ~--:Dw'D Ob 1'{ o 2,.. .L/.x: B fO"-. ~\~li-E :S~.s· ():)µ~7.Vf,.J @ -~CF-~ft-M /&~--rz... i ·'J.....: ,+ --·--.-.. -. -. ~ r --· - . ·. Foe-5_$"'" /1 fuB~'< ..::. P--~oo"b IN 7::.o uB L,£ Sl.f=--tr¥-W / /11 ~ s i.QG-.:p~ ~ · -·--· · · 1 -~/(/' ¢-~u---~>· :-~ .: :i'iio-# .. . : . &.,k .. ~ f'ro * · JJ :::: .... ~! =r-,..L ___ --·--·----·-------::: (29-2.D)(f=t-D )-.. ~// s ,·V') ::z9--t-7:--_j__ 0-asZ-& 212--0 <2.1v?-23 +- . -----g TPCE s 7-2,.:=:, I I I I I I I I ·- I ' I I I - I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center: Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 J, J,J, J, J.. ;i d,\Vv ,I ,I ,I, J'< J * ,l, v-lc:, . ' .. ·i- ?· _,e:: ~-15 ... ~1-- JOB l.£b-C>~ SHEETNO •. N lo CALCULATED BY ----yMc___ OF _____ _ DATE . tj°t8 · CHECKED BY _ , DATE--------'- SCALE C.A-s.1"t.£ . · M-i.LL ,-~1?--n-}D.1-::j ~TS -u~ 2.-~-/--/: q· · H ;(-3;. ls 1D ~/<;.t f2-\~-~ 1'1--~l+L;... . ... . . . ' U>~ e. ~~s WL::. /_O _'.f'S"F ?(. '-{ I .:::... L/. 0 ~{, _W~~->' Ps.r x_'-ll ""--'l-0-:!!-l, H ~. ( .~. o * l 1) (-:=i:~-'/--~ .1fZ/l ~ t . 0 - __ ~\ : }"L:-~-(t O ilij 1-~i-J I 2-~ 2-i5 ii!-. ' . ·i t-." : _ ---=fs:--' -· ;.?t ...... ""···-·--------. --.. "f-\b.~ 4 ~ ~-_ ~. Q.C1;--n c,_ ~ l + 'Ftc /h>-¼ -re. I 'r-(Fh• I Ft> ,;'SJ--:_ f'be-I 'Fi~ '/'l- \ -Ci_ .U.: \ _q . . o. '1-s c:g;c~ . ~~ l~3 :c-)0 .> io. i \ "'~ . ft-> ~-2-5-iV\ 1.. ~= \-?,.. .,c. !"O\,,:, . -'=!?:to --=---qi i-s- f= v -BD p.-sJ . 1~=======-=-=~·-=·-=-===============-==-=-=···=-===-=;-· JOB . L ~ ~ MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. · I Structural & Civil Engineers · SHEET NQ, N" 1= · . 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 --:::--JJ,.... ~ SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY ~-'-- OF · DATE ,t_ / q ~-.. Phone (619) 497-2118 I · F~x (619) 497-0429 CHECKED-BY . . .DATE ____ _ scALE d.A-c:=~/r"L.·e t;f tLL -1st 12-Tti-P+'-I Tt:-r-J1-S I I I - I I I I - I I I I I I I I • 2 s ~ s e -a 1 .2 s .: ; s 7 a , 2 3 .: :-f , £ ~ 2 ~ .: 5 s 7 -: -2 :: ,i; s_ s 7 e~ 1 z s t. 5 s ; 6 , 2 :; .: i s -E , 2 ~ + ~~ ~_ e:'it,'J''-_ ( ~~~(~~'1_l~~~3 ~6~~ sr)Y"-_ ~ )J,, ~/ \-J>~ = \:(b~ {; /~B'la. ~'. 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 · Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB •. Lt&-o L.At:::k>' SHE~NO. t-J 9 . OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY ~ t:_ DATE--:L-/_9:.._c:2-=Zr>:;.... -- CHECKED BY _____ ___. ________ . DATE ______ _ --~a;-. -~0~~~~-:· '::.·---~;~· ···":{~10) .. ::> . . . .... .,._, ....... -..... . ...... -.. -... --· __ , . ., -. -.. .. . . . -.. ·-; . .. . .. . -·-. ... .. ~" ., - A~~·-!·-~ !-/1-40 .. -::_ _Cl~)Cii-~/iJ-o ~ (!).-=f{; .,. . . : . ---· .. -- US.E: · b . ¥' e, · ~woo~ Ct.-e--n'MN J_'D~ . =.i> s t=="Sr . X B' cc-p,rw l \ ~ ~ -_ ~..t:::>. {\I 01,.L--:ro ~OO'F. LO ~,..J.J (..- _6-:::: 1-15(1 -Fb ~ 9 +S-. _'~ Fv = q~~~..} ~ ·. '. :c"t> ;._ [.zs; .. bo...~,e\;J ~ o_.-=tr;--=-t//~'-do. ; ~~-'·co~vrt.-e._.:· ?/o Cf I/) . I LSE. . 8Xl'2... '~000.:b-f'/:0,·2- I I I I I I I I I I 1- 1 I I I I I I 1· MARTIN &. MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engil'!eers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ~~ JOB-----,--,-------------- SHEETNO. N q_·. CALCULATED BY ::;rMc:..... OF---+--....---- DATE t / 't 8 t CHECKED·BY . DATE ____ _ sc~E .0 + q,. n__i::-· d-l LL. ---B , p.:ntDfv. ~ . ' . • • ~ ::, .: 5 S -S. , 2 3 .; S 6 7 S ~ 2 S .: 5 6 i S ., 2 ~-,:,. S 6. ~ 5 " 2 Z ~ s' i;; 7 6 ~ 2 E '.t 5 Q 7 .9 1 2 ;; -: S G .. & • 2 1 . . ' . ~~ ' SL.lr?Vi2-T7 JVG-¥-.IN b-i ~ . . , . , . @ l-J ~-s (j)_ if~ : ~"·:-.. @ t· -c~· .. : ·.·: :-........... t. e t-,~ f!;J t~ g"cT·.'~ 4:cy; --. + ~ -••• ---• ~::-<::t1€" . ··---... .. . . ..... -· Pv ~ 6( S-?·SJ . ·.·. t.. . : . ' . 1· . . ··-----·-· ---h ·----. - t 'LO\( . . - r r ~ • ~ ~ ~ -• r ~ _ ~ ~ ~ -,. ~ • v ~ ~ ~ -h ~ • • ~ ~ = -~ ~ -~ ~ ~ e • N r ~ ~ ~ h _ -~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ -\. H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGJNEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Date: 01/22/98 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN BIRTHDAY TENTS RIDGE BEAM BEAM DATA Timber Section 6X8 Beam Width 5.500 in End Fixity Elastic Modulus Beam Depth 7, 50 in Lamination Thickness = 0.00 in Fb -Bending 975 psi Fv -Shear 95 psi · Pin:Pin 1100000 psi 35.0 pcf 1.25 Beam Density = Load Duration Factor .. Beam Wt. is Added to Loads End Shear Calc'd at Support Fe -Bearing-· ·-· --~ -= -----·-· 0 psi Point Load: DL = 225.0 # Point Load: DL = 450.0 # Point Load: DL = 450 . .0 # Point Load: DL = 450.0 # Point Load: DL = 225.0 # at 0.00 ft · at 3.75 ft at 7.50 ft at 11.25 ft at 15.00 ft APPLIED LOADS _ .. _ . _ ·----.. _____ . .. . .. _ SUMMARY USING 5.500 x 7.500 Beam. Bending= 69.97%, Shear• 22.97% Max. Pos Mom @ 7 .50 ft= 3.6f;i k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left Max. Neg Mom @ o. 00 ft= o. 00 k-ft .... used for dsgn .. Max@ Left 0.00 k-ft .... Ar.ea Req'd Max@ Right_ . = Q.00 k-ft Max. @ Right = Max. Allow Moment 5.23 k-ft .... used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual 851.1 psi .... Area Req'd Fb : Allowable = 1216.4 psi fv : Max. Actual Fv : Allowable Ck= .Bll(E/Fb)A.5 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A.5 . Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 Center Camber II) N ~ 24.36 -= 3.85- 1..00 -LOO in Bearing Req'd@ Left Bearing Req'd @ Right= t ... -··---·--·-···--· -·-. -··· ..... -.· .. t ... I ,s.oo · I Mmex = 3.66ft-k 0.75 k 1.13 k 9.48 in2 0.75 k 1.13 k 9.48 in2 27 .28 psi 118.Bpsi 0.00 in o. 00 in SPAN DATA Center Span = Left Cantilever Right Canti 1 ever = UNBRACED LENGTHS Le: Center Span Le : Left Cant .. . Le : Right Cant.---- Reactions ... Left Right Deflections ... Center .... Dist ... L/Defl Left ... L/Defl Right ... L/Defl DL 0.98 k 0.98 k -0.66 in 7 .50 ft 271 o.oo in 0 o. 00 in 0 R= 0.975k ~ 7.50 ft ______ R= Q.975k .................... ----·---·-·----·--- Page:N / 0 15.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 4.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft . Maximum 0.98 k 0.98 k -0.66 in 7 .500 ft 271 o. 000 in 0 0.000 in 0 I I I I I ' I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Date: 01/22/98 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN BIRTHDAY TENTS BEAM BEAM DATA Timber Section -8X12 End Fixity Pin:Pin Beam Width = 7 .500 in Elastic Modulus Beam Depth 11.50 in Beam Density • 1100000 psi 35.0 pcf 1.00 Lamination Thickness o.oo·in Load Duration Factor = Fb -Bending 975 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads Fv -Shear 95 psi End Shear Calc'd at Support .. Fe -Bearing .......... = ___ 0 psi .. __ . ______ _ APPLIED LOADS . Uniform Load @·Center Span: DL = 24.0 plf Trapezoidal Load: DL: O.Oplf@ 1ft. 57.0plf@ rt from 0.00 ft to 7.50 ft Trapezoidal Load: DL: 57 .Oplf @ 1ft. O.Oplf@ rt from 7 .50 ft to 15-.00 ft Point Load: DL ,. 113 .. 0 # at 0.00 ft Point Load: DL = 225 .. 0 # at 3.75 ft Point Load: DL = 225.0 #. at 7.50 ft Point Loa·d: .. DL = 225:t:r#·--a·Crf.25 ft------· -· Point Load, DL = 113.0 # at 15.00 ft SUMMARY USING 7.500 x 11.500 Beam. Bending= 30.06%, Shear = 16.27% Max. Pos Mom @ 7 .50 ft= 4.02 k.-ft Shear: Max.@ Left 0.89 k Max. Neg Mom @ 0.00 ft= 0.00 k-ft .... used for dsgn = 1.33 k Max @ Left 0.00 k-ft .... Area Req'd 14.03 in2 Max@ Right 0.00 k-ft Max.@ Right "' Q.89 k Max. Allow Moment 13.38 k-ft . . . . used for dsgn = 1.33 k fb : Max. Actual -291.9 psi .... Area Req'd = 14.03 in2 Fb : Allowable-971.l psi . fv : Max. Actual 15:45 psi Fv : Allowable ;= 95.0 psi Ck= .8ll(E/Fb)A.5 27.24 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A.5 6.11 Bearing Req'd@ Left 0.00 in Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 = 1.00 Bearing Req'd @ Right .. o.oo in Center Camber -0.23 in O· iiillliiliOiliillllliillililllil 57 57llUJJJOOlilf lilii Iii iii i, 1111 0 24r--------UlllllllltlllHHllll1~HHIHlUlllllllllll1Jllllllllll!!l!lllll!!l11,\ll11illllllllillliiiHIII ~ --4---l .----l---t----.. t I R= 1.001k Vm•:r= ORQI.- 15.00. Mmex = 4.02ft-k t> 7.50 ft t 1 R= 1.0011: Vm•,-= 0 RQI.- SPAN DATA Center Span = Left Cantilever Right Cantilever UNBRACED LENGTHS Le: Center Span = Le: Left Cant. Le __ :_ Right Cant. -= Reactions ... DL Left 1.00 k Right 1.00 k Deflections-... Center -0.15 in .... Dist 7 .50 ft ... L/Defl 1194 Left o.oo in ... L/Defl 0 Right o.oo in ... L/Defl 0 _Page: ~ L\ 15.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 15.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Maximum 1.00 k 1.00 k -0.15 in 7 .500 ft 1194 0.000 in 0 · O .000 in 0 I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Date: 01/22198 GENERAL TIMBER B):i!AM DESIGN BIRTHDM TENTS BEAM BEAM DATA Timber Section 8X12 End Fixity Beam Width 7 .500 in Elastic Modulus Beam Depth 11.50 in Beam Density Lamination Thickness = 0.00 in Load Duration Factor = Pin:Pin 1100000 psi 35.0 pcf 1.00 Fb -Bending 975 psi Beam Wt. is Ad9ed to Loads SPAN DATA Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cc1ntilever UNBRACED LENGTHS Le: Center Span Le: Left Cant. Fv -Shear 95 psi End Shear Ca le' d at Support -Fe -Bearing --... ------=--.. -0 psi. .. -----. .... __ Le.:. Right Cant .. :. Uniform Load@ Cente.r Span: DL = 24.0 plf Point Load: DL = 995.0 # at 7.50 ft. APPLIED LOADS. SUMMARY USING 7.500 x 11.500 Beam. Bending= 37.35%, Shear= 15.28% Max. Pos Mom @ 7 .50 ft= 5.00 k~ft Shear: Max. @ Left Max. Neg Mom @ 0.00 ft= 0.00 k-ft .... used for dsgn = · --Max@ Left·· -·· · -·· ·--o:oo·k-ft · : ... Area Req'd Max@ Right 0.00 k-ft Max. @ Right = Max. Allow Moment = 13.38 k-ft .... used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual 362.6 psi · .... Area Req.'d Fb : Allowable 971.1 psi fv : Max. Actual Fv: Allowable Ck= .81l(E/Fb)A.5 Rb= <LeD/BA2)A.5 Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 Center Camber 27.24 6.11 1.00 -0.25 in 24 _ Bearing Req'd@ Left Bearing Req'd @ Right= n1,1,,1,1,1,1,1111,11111111,1,1,11,0111111,1m11m1,111111,1,1,n1110111111,1,1,11,00111111 ~ t t 0:83 k l.25 k 13.18 .i ,;2·. 0.83 k 1.25 k 13.18 in2 14.52 psi 95.0 psi 0.00 in 0.00 in .,_j -----------.:.=15.0~0 _---· ---··-···-· ......,.....,..---1f·····-·· ·--------·----·- Mmax = 5.00fH R= 0.835k • 7.50 0 R= 0:835k Reactions ... DL Left 0.83 k Right° ... 0.83 k Deflections ... Center .. -0.16 in .... Dist 7 .50 ft ... L/Defl 1094 Left 0.00 in ... L/Defl 0 Right 0.00 in ... L/Defl 0 Page:~ ("Z._ 15.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 15.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Maximum 0.83 k 0.83 k -0.16 in 7 .500 ft 1094 0.000 in 0 0.000 in 0 VrnAV: n R-:>;~ u.u .:..;,, :1,u .,.:. tu,u 1,&.,:1 I I -~· wwww. JOB L€b-o L-6:&'D I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN,. INC. Structural & Civil Engineers · 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SHEET NO. ~ (3 CALCULATED BY ~ /v1., C:.,. OF-----,---- DATE-:..,-~-19:-1'€,~-- CHECKED.BY-----,-.------DATE ~C~LE c1sT7.E' HILL--: _81f2-17;_f-p_,1_y __ ~_ . • 2 ' ' 5 • 7 : ' 2 ' ' ; ' 7 . ~ ' 2 ' ' s 6 i " ' ·' 0 ' ,._ • ,. ~ : 2. ' ' ' • 7 • , ' 2 ' , ··' • 5 7 ' 6 ' ', ' ' ", s 6 ' -' ' ·• ' , /21H'7::.-rzA-L... . /1-NA-t-vs.1.s · · · w {~ ''b g' ' --~--~-Ce: Ci-~s-.+~ ·. Ch_~ '/, 0 Ci;.(. t;;~.PC.. ·. V? -ro ,.s-1 ) . .I . OG ~ /, 3 ~ ff ~ ~ I~~ LP : +w~(.o I + I p:::(l.eto :j{ / . .3 j[l2 .. eo).L1,o)~ /'1/6~ I I I I I I I I 1- 1 l ],B lo ~ (I-fr S: +-. gr/-;__ j :::, l~~ . . .. .... .... ... . ... ..· ..... .J; .. --·-·1i0 -tr· I . ,/ ' .. ·-··· ...... -~-.. ·--.-. "' -.. , .. : -. ' ' 1::- */ 1 s' A .. · t-sY : ~--~ :·· -· - " -·----j.-O;fj:5"'"'-e---~~~----~t::-s· ~ I ~-----·= ~-.. --~...--~----~---- MARTIN & MARTIN,-INC. JOB LtPz-Dt--.1t'.'::P }l /.-Ll . I Structural & Civil .Engineers SHEET NQ. ___ -...:._7...:.,_ ____ oF _______ _ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 7 9 f":l SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CA~CULATED BY ::S-M e.. DATE_·__._ l'---,('--'-=o"---_ I I I I I I I I .. I I I I I I I I I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497-0429 . . CH_ECKED BY • · DATE ____ _ SCALE C.A--s IL Et. HI LL -:---fs, 1 ~nt-D fr\! ?b--,.JT!; t ~L;.-· tfiv lf-t-y s, ~ cc o N 1-)> · : _ ;-i ' ·: r . ' i ' • -j ·, ]2DOF-l .-... ;_,r,.-r:, J{{-,l..:.:._-··z:.1> .A H..tN 6-: . /l ..__., " ' I. r-~ . . . . · .. ~ /2-lC-. ·:--. .. ... ~-.. f3~vf /c ~iJ: I . .. /. 2 . -:y 39.~hY. is ~-1° /(!,s 1),3>-==- 0 o~~-{~112).::: ..... -... -·· ·· .. /;or1=-xy /{ls')~ tfz_ _.· 3ro f5F > . _:2,.·s--· tV. f. PSF p- -~ -~ .: .... c:: -•• ... ~ ~-... -' c:; • ~ ~ "' ..... ..: ... t" .. ' -... ---. 0:::: --(". ~ -:-,; .: --f -"" ~ ~. ~ .:, ·-' ~ ·-t: ,,. .. ... '-'• 1t -•, ... MARTIN.& MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers · 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 [_-£=7;::;-o ~ JOB _ ___;; ____ _;_____;__ ________ _ Nib-SHEET NO. ----=~-=-------·-OF __ ...._ __ _ CALCULATED BY --:::S-}.J,.i::::_ DATE _l /_ • ..,a?....;B--. __ CHECKED.B.Y .,.., ____ .;__ ___ DATE---~- . SCALE Q.A-~ JL-e . ff/ l(_ !3,{ (2... T'ift>,f 'f lb-~ I I I +200 p-. 0lh'"4i~J-tfJt:,-.'( P½'}2~'-~ ~s..~S ; . . . ,:-. . ' . -~ I ~ I ;1sJ I I I I I I - I I I I I I I : ' t _;:). /. 2.' .. . ;2r. z_, . •--: -· .. ·--,_ ---,. -. ' u?Lt~---.... · ·: .: {)$1= f?o?o.£.s::,::::::,· . ~--3/y'' p /JL 8\.s _ C§? ~+>Li£ ls~/ Q..O't... • .,. ,., . a.o ,._,,,~~~ ~ . . . · ... 'f,:: ... 15. r....:t?P-~ Cl~~ Y,~r-+_· frS)( 7'-J) · -.:i 25,3 \ ~,:~--~ ~ k . ., . v-· -T<{o~-· -; . _ · · ·· Sx .-== ~-'2>:-1 i t~ ~ +" ~ ;;:t 0: 1. ·/ : l ~ I.{ ,£=-I-~ x. ,ob °?-~+ "'Fi::,..= \_·'Lt.DO ?~-=:. '.l _ _ · :·. . Fv ~-_ q ~ ?-~ ~ \_ _ --ipc.(l::: 10 ~ rq.'.l_ ! . ,~ I I I I I ' I .. I ,. I I - I ' - I I I I I I I .. 1 \· ·---- MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB l,_l;:-7:rC>~"'::::> SHEETNO. N / le:, . CALCULATED BY ~ OF 1 DATE ._3/ cc§ , CHECKED BY · DATE----- SCALE C ,4--<g,. 77-E Htl-L,. -BI /q?,f:;;:>.,pl ~ 1 2 3 ~ 5 6 , e ~ 2 :: 4 s. e ; _ e_. t 2 s ~ :,. 5 1 s , z ? t. : & ; s 1 2_ s 4 & & 7 e 1 z s ,. s 6 7 _ o_ • :? s ,. s £ r e-~ 2 3 . . . . . rib _· _i _____ :~~~-Gb-.~ :_; _____ .(Jrl$J~I· .. ~ .. ?,1.~_;_Y1~ .. -~.0):_ -:: .. __ 1_'i;3.?is ·?.5..1 • . ~ . . . . . : ~ ·-½, -(rs"-)(1 oOo:Jc 1) (.)2--)/ 5D:2v :_I =,7,, "t p.'3'1_ -<1 9B ~ : ~ - . ·3001¢:>/s-0:2-,/ -=· ~·p;.s·.1r· {.V1~7led--) o, 2 . . .. -··--·--·-...... : .. . I ·1 MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers · 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 LG:b--o'. _,1,.~ -JOB----:-__;;;,:----'-t..-;/1,/.:...;.:..-~\~-------'------ SHEET NO •. ~ { ?E 9ALCULATED BY ~ Mc_. OF • DATE . t/<i8 CHE_CKED av __________ DATE ..... ·---- SCALe c.A:9i:TUf. tftu....... -·. 151/2-~/2--Y r~ I I I . r : --_-·.:_ ·,b·-~ · -~ i} ·-·=.> ·: cj1fVJ (~0)~{1,-L9,)'i·-~ ·· -~----;,,::::,~_ ~, .. l ~ot _ 2 • ~~:i::-@)br'~7C(Ob){;2..oj) _ .-·_ Crtl1L~o ... ' . .. .. ~ .... , _.,,.. ,. . ~-. . . -~.. .. . -- I I . . v,:;_ b-: J2-6 4:::,.v.:..;,i O 0\'.:::,. . . r/o • \ · ( -B t, (I .... ·l?Os..T" :p:DR Cou .. ~1~ I • I : f574-S~ I . -~ . M ~ , '4¼-1r. ~ q ' K 11.-'~ -~ ~v ~---· I ? =-s~ I I I ~PB~. I . . .::i4.. · Tojto~ ·· ==-2 · 'C "2-CJ. SD-=-~2 l-/.'-t ' . 7. ·~/r33'~ • • h~ •• J I I 1- 1 I- I I I I I 1- 1 1- 1 I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers · 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 ~hone (619) 497-~iis . Fax (619) 497-0429 --. !.- ---. ' .. i , •. n-h ~£ - JOB ~~- SHEET NQ. N t ~ CALCULATED BY _ ::;s:~ OF----,,---'--- DATE -tl9B /, CHECKED.BY . . DATE ____ _ . . SCALE as-~ . tft LL.. --.(3 lr:z::n+M:y f2=-:J:3s . . ~ . . . "tbo.tlov0 ~ (0~'3.) (~o()o ")(!,_~3 ) ;.,,._/33D-f ~-Z' '-? lf '2-,0 ~ .. \J; ,. (-''"> -¼, -.. z,,_ #if c,hre- . ; ... yV\_ _ :::_ . f"i_ \\ -. . (). £3 (. ~ > ~ 2 F.i. ~ ,;z.... ,--0 -2..· /f')8'J-:i.-l':.l1 . :_ -~· ........ . -· u::.-J ,--T-1 . · . : . -, o-.·,l:,;/-: .JV\..... . _ G_~':.')[3-b)Q.33) . _ -.. .. . ' .. · ... --· .. lr/4" --; ?-· .. ~ 1 2-" X sf'?> . : 'f;3;fs.E:' . "f>v-1--r'E"\ wt·v-3/'-lfrc/-14. B'-cs; I-~ I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engirieers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 _ JOB_...J::::~::1-~-~~~£:!..=:-.::!::::::-,-_------------:--~ SHEET NO. _...J:N:.:.' .-ll:....9..1-,!.\-· -----OF----,----- CALCULATED BY -~A--....,..fal.._. _C-_--:·~--DATE , f lf2; 4 - CHECKED BY . . DATE--_----,-,- SCALE .<:hf:c;_n._:c_ .t+,·LL -g {~ &~ I I • 2 ; , • ' • • , ' s , • ' , a , 2 , • • • , . ' • 2 , . ' s • . " ' • ' , /, • . • , _s -, ~-' , ." 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STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 ( Date: 01/20/98 GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN Page: N f-\ oF . 2. \ Birthday Tents Castle Hill DESIGN DATA AXIAL LOADS DIMENSIONS Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Dead Load 0.00 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0. 00 in 0.00 ·in Width Along X-X Axis = 5.00 ft 5 .. 00 ft 18.00 in 8.00 in !i.OO in ... Short Term Increase = 1.33 Live Load Base Pedistal Height 0.00 in Short Term Load Length Along Y-Y Axis Thickness Seismic Zone 4 .... Ecc. Along X-X Axis = Overburden Weight O. oo psf ... Ecc. A long Y-Y Axis ., Column Dim. Along X-X Axis= Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis= Live & Short Term Loads ·Don't Act Together Concrete Weight . 145.0 pcf _______ .. _ _ __ _ Y-Y AXIS ROTATION FORCES .... Pressures@ Left/Right Moment: DL Q,O k-ft 0.0 k-ft 7 .8 k-ft Shear: LL Short Term - DL LL Short Term = 0.00 k 0.00 k"- 0.00 k Pressure D+L X-X AXIS ROTATION FORCES .... Pressur~s@ Top/Bot Moment: DL Shear: LL Short Term= DL --· ·-. LL Short Term= SUMMARY 0.0 k-ft O.Ok-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k Moments & Shears Max. Allowable Soil Max Pressure Allowable Pressure 'X' Ecc. of Resultant 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant 217 .5 psf 2500.0 psf · o.o in 0.0 in D+L+ST 676.9 psf 3325.0 psf 17 .1 in 0.0 in Mu/Phi Vu:1 Way Vu:2 Way = Overturning Ratio= l.2 k-ft 2.8 psi 0.3 psi 1.8 :1 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5 :1 Service Load Pressures ..... DL + LL Dead+live+Short Term Factored Load Pressures .... ACI Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 f'c Fy FOOTING DESIGN 3000 psi · 'm'= Fy / <. 85f' c) 60000 psi Vn: 1. •. 2Cf'c) A. 5 3.5 in Vn:2 ... 4Cf'c)A .5 Rebar CL Clear to Soil Min. Steel % 0.0014 FACTORED SHEAR .FORCES Left 217 .5 psf 0.0 psf .Left 304.5 psf o.o psf o.o psf Right 217 .5 psf 676.9 psf Right 304.5 psf 947.7 psf 609.2 psf 23.5_3 109.54 psi 219.1 psi Top 217 .5 psf 217 .5 psf Top 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 195. 7 psf ACI 9-1 AC! 9-2 AC! 9-3 Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear One-Way: Vu@ Left One-Way: Vu@ Right One-Way: Vu @ Top· -- One-Way: Vu@ Bottom Mu/Phi @ Left Mu/Phi@ Right Mu/Phi@ Top Mu/Phi@ Bottom 0.00 psi 0.21 psi 0.18 psi -0.01 psi -1.68 psi -1.08 psi = -0.01 psi 2.82 psi 1.81 psi =-·--0.0lpsi--· -0.0lpsi·----O.Olpsi - = -0,0lpsi --0.0lpsi -'O.Olpsi FACTORED MOMENTS ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 =, -0.0k-ft -0.8k-ft -0.0 k-ft 1.2 k-ft 0.0 k-ft-· 0.0 k-ft .. -0.5 k-ft 0. 7 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi· 93.11 psi Ru 3.8 psi 5.5psi 0.0 psi o.opsi Factor of Safety: Factor of Safety : SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STAB+LITY Static Y - Y AXIS X - X AXIS --None-- --None-- Short Term 1.75 :1 --None-- As Req'd -0.244 in2/ft 0.244 iri2/ft -0.020 in2/ft · o. 020 i n2/ft Bottom 217 .5 psf 217.5 psf Bottom 304.5 psf 304.5 psf. 195. 7 psf (eoo!EifltleQ on-:next p;igo .... ) .... ~ ~~