HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; CASTLE HILL; CB981109; Permitf City of Carlsbad 92008 03-17-2017 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA Building·Pennit Permit No:CB981109 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: OccGroup: 1 LEGO DR CBAD COM 2111000900 $120,000.00 Sub Type: Lot#: Const Type: Reference#: Project Title: DECK STRUCTURE, 2988 SF ROBINHOODS CL,IMB-CASTLE HILL NEW Applicant: Owner: Status: Applied: Entered By: Appr/Issued: Inspect Area: FINAL 04/20/1998 JM 07 /01/199.8 PD GOLBA ARCHITECTURE LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEG 656 9TH AVENUE SAN DIEGO CA 619 231-9905 Total Fees: $0.48 Description 92101 $1,165.48 BLDG PLAN CHECK BUILDING PMTS STRNG MOTION Inspector: Payments To Date: $1,165.00 FINAL APPROVAL Date: Clearance: Balance Due: Fee 449.20 691. 08 25.20 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file-the_protestaod any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely foll.ow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing o~ service fees in connection with.this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been ctiven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which-the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise exoired. 07/01/98 08:52 Page 1 of 1 Job Address: 1 LEGO DR BUILDING Permit Type: COMMERCIAL BUILDING Parcel No: 211-100-09-00 Valuation: 120,000 P E R M I T Permit No: CB981109 Project No: A9S01473 Development No: suite: Lot#: Construction Type: Occupancy Group: R~f erence#: · Status: NEW APPROVED 04/20/98 07/01/98 JM Description: DECK S!I'RUCTU~E, 2988.SF : ROBINHOODS CLIMB..:..CASTLE HILL ·Appl/Ownr: GOLBA ARCHITECTURE 656 9TH AVENUE SAN DIEGO CA. 92101 *** Fees Required *** 1 · 619 Applied: Apr/Issue: Entered By: 231-9905 F~es collected & Credits *** ----------------------:-----. ------·. ----------------------------- Fees: Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee description 1., 165. 00 ·~ 0·0 1, 165 •. oo Total Credits: Total.Payments: Balance Due: Units Fee/Unit .00 204.00 961.00 Ext fee Data ---------------------------------------· --------, ' -. -------------------------- Building Permit Plan Check Strong Motion Fee CLEARANCE .... -_;.-.,_.;...~~== 691.00 449.00 25.00 ·Y.od/ I I ~ 15 PERMIT APPLICATION ·FOR OFFICE USE 0~ // . PLAN CHECK NO. J_p lt69 EST. VAL. .fi, $aC)f3.fl~. ·Plan Ck. Deposit W¾ CD ~:;:_at_e_d_B_y-=--=--=--=-~:::~·;~_'=h._·:.c,:t=~~...,,_...,1/:· Phase No. Total # of units (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, .. demolish or repair any structure, prior to its· issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any appli nt for a permit subjects the a pl,icant to a civil penalty of.not more than fi,ve hundred dollars [$500]). '2t/--G, .Z. :5 ~y .S 'J!:·.,. .Sd~ /Je.)fa . , ~ . Z-/5t:JCJ Name Designer Nam11 State License # City State/Zip Telephone C JfJ'1:£f3 · -.--__,_,~ ,S4'(/ OJ~P ~ CJ~Jd/ ~3/r 99&1S- @:fcw-ORKERSJ,-.qOMPzE~SAT(ON7"' ,.,..,~~ · ·, .·., · .,, . , ::-. :;:c;::;::;:~:;;.:;;; .. ;,;,,;~ ~-~~~·,.:'·x;+>½{T~;;, ·"·;d+-;G::,f{~:l;j Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penrltv of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as.provided by Section 3·700 .of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Je1' I have and will maintafn workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of th~ work for which this permit is issued. My worker's comP.ensation in urance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company ~ Policy No. C OtX> 7 fl ~ 0 l E~piration Date /-/--99' (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF·THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit.is-issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the vyorkers' Compensation Laws of California. . WARNING: Failure se re workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer· to criminal penalties· ·and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ( 1 , 00), in tliti the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code,.interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE _,,,,_, . !?'k, ,.#,M . ul. ~ C DATE c(?~ {i?f': flJ ·. f;,: __ :1_~ :.:_,~,~::_;_.,,,,,~:..:;:::,~~~ -::.y~--~~:,;..::;,,::£Sx::.::..~11: ·_ :0.2 l:~~:~~,;,...~:~:-;;,.J!;Ji2.,,;,,.:ii;,_~;s,~.:£1:::;82l:::~11-.:·_t::_:i ractor's License Law for the following reason: I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as t.heir sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec .• 7044, Busi1Je~s and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or itnproves·thereon, and who.does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder,will'have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for. the purpose of-sale). D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). · D I am exempt under Section ------Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. D YES (JNQ 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted,_with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license·.number): 4. I plan to·provide portions of the work, bu'fl have hired.the following-person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name/ !!ddress / phone. number/ contractors license number).:;,:1 ___________________________ --'------------------ 5. I will provide some of the work;but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include nart)e·/ aqdress,/ phon,e number/ type of work): ________ ~----------------------------~------------------ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE_~~-~~-=-------'---------DATE _________ ~_ t[<™i!!i'.irre:'f.f:iisV,sfil1'Qfff~ifi'[c2Nf.@$?P'..@ftlA-i!~um.ci!N1feJ3f.(!5111:~·,9Bt,:Y~-.::::z:s:~.:.-:~:..::.-:::·r~~2:7::·-.~~~"1'.::sz.,:~:r:1;~J~{::~§ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act1 D YES O NO , Is the applicant or future building occupant required ~o obtain a permit from the air pollution control ·district or air quality management district? 0 YES D' NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary.of a school site? D YES O NO' IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A F.INAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPtlCANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REOUiREMENTS OF THE OFFl~E OF EMERGENGY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ~U;~q,Q'.N..§'.l]!!;l_Qll9.tlfY;NP!tt<tAq~~...:;...'.c ·i, .4·-,,;:Z:,;...:__.·: ;;,,::_ · .• ;, .,o,,c;;,',;., .. ;.~: .. ; ;:I:;';} ::.::J: ~'T':.,,:~~" ::.:::..-;.:...::J/.22.'L:f. 1 ,' .;,;' .,,::.::1!..k~'£.:?N:sl¼JI2F:I·W I hereby affirm that there is a ·construction lending ·agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. '! agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I' hereby authorize representatives of the Citt' of Carlsbad-to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND -KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH M . IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for ex vations ov r 5'0" deep and dem·olition or ~onstruction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by th work authorized by such permit is not c or abandoned at any time after the work i APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 3/1-5/99 Permit# CB981109 Title: DECK STRUCTURE, 2988 SF Description: ROBINHOODS CLIMB-CASTLE HILL Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: 'Lot Location: l\PPLICANT : GOLBA ARCHITECTURE Owner: LEGOLAND -CARLSBAD iNC <LF> LEGO Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Inspector Assignment: PD --- Phone: 7608432831 Inspect.a~ Requested By: JIM PAYTON Entered By: CHRISTINE -----------'-'-...a.· ------------------------------,---,----------- ------------------'--'--------------------------- Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 3/5/99 89 Final Combo co PD HANDRAILS 10/28/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PA PD - 7/15/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD POLE FTGS 7/6/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PA PD Inspection List Permit#: CB981109 Type: COM DECK STRUCTURE, 2988 SF ROBINHOODS CLIMB-CASTLE HILL Date Inspection Item I11s pector Act Comments 3/15/99 19 Final Structural RI 3/15/99 29 Final Plumbing RI 3/15/99 39 Final Electrict::11 RI 3/15/99 49 Final Mechanical RI 3/15/99 89 Final Combo RI 3/15/99 89 Final Combo PD AP 3/15/99 89 Finc1I Combo PD AP 3/12/99 19 Final Structural RI 3/12/99 .29 Final Plumbing RI 3/12/99 39 Final Electrical RI 3/12/99 49 Final Mechanical RI 3/12/99 89 Final Combo RI 3/5/99 19 FinaJ Structural RI 3/5/99 29 Final Plumbing RI 3/5/99 39 Final Electrical RI 3/5/99 49 Final Mechanical RI 3/5/99 89 Final Combo PD co .HANDRAILS 3/5/99 89 Final Combo RI 10/28/98 11 Ftg/Foundc1tion/Piers PD PA 7/15/98 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers PD AP POLE FTGS 7/6/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD PA POLE FTGS Tuesday, March 16, 1999 Page 1 of 1 SEE MULTIPLE SPECIAL INSP·ECTIONS SCANNED SEPARATELY CB972027 IS THE PLAN CHECK NUMBER FOR . MANY OTHER CB'S ALSO SEE CB971460(OUTER PARK) CB971465(ADMIN BLDG) · l"" ii;'iJ Information I:!...,. eTO Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTL~ LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5606 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT:. LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008. DATE: July 16, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-763 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ROBIN HOOD ROPE CLIMB POLE ENCASEMENTS DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY July 08, 1998 01:45 pin 5 l./2 74 85 July 09, 1998 PSI\DEREK PETERSON ESCONDIDO READY MIX _SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTWRE ESCONDIDO READY MIX 234097 86675P NOTE· APPLICABLE ASJM STANDABC!SJlliLE.~RWISEJNQ!QAJ.ED· SLUMP· GHHP•;.AIR CONTENT· C23H!Jb· TEMPERATI/RE· C_106H6C93l· CAPPING· CJ23J-93 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS . ASTMC39-94 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER .AREA STRENGTH NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK . 17387 A 7 07/15/98 48.000 6.00 28.27 1700 Cone 17387 B 28 08/05/98 17387 C 28 08/05/98 17387 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 3000 REMARKS; X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders pickea up by PSI _K representative. Test results comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders made by Archilect's or Contractots representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCO~ANCE WITH ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETERSON cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RES UL TS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC, PSI A·200-4 (4lF Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. ~,(h;- DISTRICT MANAGER Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 Ii ;I Environmental 11/WTi • Geotechn{cal •--. Construction Page_1_of _-_ Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT lrl.'fl?a t...er&::P DATE 2-1 &· ~ -d Architect <i, ... ;,; $A Engineer :Du µy di: 5A vrn G J \ ,u, . Contractor _________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD ...z:::_ Concrete Cylinders -=!..,.- _OSA __ Cement --__ Specialty __ Mortar Samples .. __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- ~Concrete __ Fireproofing -- __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --__ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing ___ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other ---- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other. -- REMARKS o·u? & 1 a:ue c:,.-y;, PROJECT (Name) ?t;fko ,.,,,,;,.,,:? (Address) M~i3,t,o &, REPORT NO. os<"/~?oz.,,:z. Building Permit No . ......£..9'::::::'S_-.:1..l(uO:::...c;r...2 _________ _ Plan File No, _______________ _ Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSAorOSHPD#------------'------ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~ Rinf.: Rebar 11-f:il"S /4,z. i:,qL~.;) ~ Plan & Specs ___ Rinf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons . __ Positions _?!.,_ Cone.: Mix #/psi $6~coo ___ Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Future Continuity #/psi __ Gr9ut: Mix #/psi ~ Consolidation --: Mortar: Type/psi __ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block , __ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick __ Torque Applied __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts . __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes _. _ Fireproofing ___ Other __ Corrective action required __ __ Corrections completed C::-::ts C . Pc."1c.cn,6'"K-r t.-r7f--/.Jo7..:> 4-r 6:c?OP•.,,..._, CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME ~""1c.-°? V..rrb'),-\.c,..:,~ A (Print ~arly) ~ INSPECTOR SIGNATUR;-D_...l,,,· .:::;....,0"""'4,---::...1>-"---*(~---='---~---DATE 7-_fb· 'ffl Ps1-s-eoo-11ot2) -DBI Geotechn~cal ~ -, Environmental •-a Construction Consulting • Engineering • Testing Page_1_of_ .IN.SPECTION REPORT DATE 7-is-c,;,s Architect (!..,-.i· a,4 Engineer "7>uNtv,I Sc1voN.:S ·11Yc INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING _QSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders _OSA __ Cement __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples __ Electrical ___ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing ___ Masonry Block X Concrete __ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Rein!. Steel __ Fireproofing ___ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out ___ Other REMARKS QTY -- ----- -- ·--·- -- ---- ·------ -- -- -- ---- PROJECT (Name) U[bv '-:-&-t'--1) (Address) wfAAS,3@ a..t REPORT NO. b5?-'7a2.0c-~ 777 Building Permit No. _1.L.Je'"'----'-"11'--o=---2---------- Plan File NO,-----------'---------- Govt, Contract No.----'--------------- OSA or OSHPD #------------- Other kn;,v #o,)0 12.o,ocs: c...'-,.,.,..,a MATERIAL .DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST k Rinf.: Rebar4f.dS C.':1.-t..(lJ.d.',,u x Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons ~ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _!S:._Sizes . __ Cone.: .Mix #/psi _k Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ ·Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel __ --H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes __ Fireproofing __ Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed , ._ZQL(Z ff?VC-riSfi"'>We(]d-lC EooTltY(,5 ::ii e,, 1 -1,"'2 , 12-, o I e,<I 10 -B,,, 4-24 fu 7 e~ D ,, <!.-Z)·' E/.s I D -2-; rl't ; er-t,,"'3,tt..5 ,i e-, 1-sj e,. ,I-s.1 t-~ ~.->,,, ?-1 o'-f; t,,,5-e,,,·~;) e.,.:5-·7; t?-1,H/=dfu j Ji..-1-,2~ J-t.,i'7dfJ 3 l..,stJJ,c,,..-(?,~ 41-t.~4ts,,vts trz.§J m-5 ,,.v,5--zE/5:) N-2j-lil5; P-2.) 2-/()_;,) }?.f2.-1~/--rr-6.i117 S:$-0;,• e:-,I-Jt:J.72'£ --artr= -?4</::lbr--c_z: />udr--s s H-67;,'75 -VI 1dl )y 1"2-5 ; d J/1 'ZD ·rY?1c.n~ / 667vf.:lK-A L.tV<...:1nTS - -. ,? ge,,.>Oi,:!..'jL l"l-f"YL P<..rf?"-S'~. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans specifications and applicable ~ections of the building codes. This repo_rt covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME _,1::-.:.o>'-<:~::...?!.::e-=--.:P.!...---'-~=<Ac..w::=--- INSPECTOR SIGNATURE__,°';)__)_. ------+-~--------- Pst-s-aoo-110(2) CERT. NO. o8BD9SI-Bts DATE_7_-~'-s_-_,_s _______________ _ l •J Infonnation ~ • .. ToBuildOn Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT - CLIENTC~6~~ e'.J'-,;t'c-J DATEL0 -:2,6-9~ Architec._ ___________________ _ Engineer ____________ -______ _ Contractor. ___________ -,-________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement -- __ specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- __ concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing _-_Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other. -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -.--- REMARKS PROJECT (Name)~~M':Y-ri:6~<:> &.,, (Addres~)~~ C. REPORTNQ.o-S9--7t'J:,...c2---~ Building Permit No. · Plan File No, _______________ _ Govt. Contract No.---------------- OSA'or OSHPD #------------- Other-----'--------------- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTfdN CHECKLIST __ . _ Rinf.: Rebar. _ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances _'Rinf,: Tendons _ Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psf _Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps -. Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi ___ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _· _Steel _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing _.Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed ;~-s~H"'w /4c-o~cr~ a~ qA/ s-/~<$:~c/ E'§.r·, 1"97: ~.-v ,-a~~ ' ~'Tv'~c?'c::.o~.t@ GA6 ~-~.r-;:;--,,,,,, CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME @~/r. ~7'~ CERT. NO. ______________ _ . (Print Clearly) !NSPECTORSIGNATURE@--l?J F° ~-DATE/~ ... :2--b' tJ t!' . . : - psI-s-soo-110(2l , , ... -:_ . .. ,. . .. --~ . . . ~ :·. '. -~ >ti . .. · .. ' -~ .. -~~ . b~,- ,'- 4•• ·0eL. '-~~::~FE .--·-~ .. : --ffi··· 1 1 w, eASE· \s,s• >ftrz,•.>>ft-----. Q!;} (TY.P. OF 13) . ··: ., . . I ···;;-----FTG~··;.-~4·-x 3' ~· x t• .• , / -4 -.415· E.W. TYFt ' OCT 31 '98 10:30 FR PSI CORONA CA 909 272 4271 TO SAN DIEGO P.02/02 REPORT OF DAILY SRINGLE .ROOFING INSPECTION OWNER: Lego Land Estates, Inc, GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Bernards Brothers Construction SUPERINTENDENT'S NAME: Chuck Schneider ROOFING CONTRACTOR: Hayden Roofing Company DATE: 10/16/98 PROJECT: Lego Family Park USA Cannon Road, Carlsbad; CA REPORT NO: 059-70202, 219-77044( 71) -~ 0 Areas workctl: _____________________________ __,. _____________ _ -------------------------Squares Completed Today:.,.. ______ _ Weather: __________________ _ Temperature: 60 °F to 75 "F Roofing foreman: Bill Sellon Ctew Size: __ Time Worked: PSI: 4 hours min. COMMENTS: 1. Inspector arrived on site at 6:00 a.m. No roofers on site. PSI Office was inf<;>rmed and contacted->€0ntractor. Contractor stated they had not planned to be there today. Assumed inspector was informed and will not be rhere Monday. PSI INSPECTOR: Sonny Johnson . Prufl!Ssio1ul Service lntlustries, lnc., 350 S. Maple, ·Unit K, Cororia., CA 91720. (909) 272-4230 ** TOTAL PAGE.02 ** l ... «-., Environme!'fBl .,._.. Geotechn,cal •-~ Construction Consulting • Engineering • Te~Jing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES ·INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARL$BAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: July 28, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-789 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ROBINHOOD ROPE CLI.MB POLE FOOTINGS AT D-4 PERMT # 98-'1109 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY July 16., 1998 04:00 pm 5 1/2 80 85 July 17, 1998 PSI\DEREK·PETERSON SUPERIOR READY-MIX Sl,!PPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS Ci::MENT WATER FIN'E AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE SUPERIOR READY MIX 359811 86675P NOTE· APPLICABLE ASlMJ>Ie.NDABO.sJ.!NLES.S_Qil:fE~Ja.lNPICAIEP· stuMP~a· AIR, CONTENT· C231-91b· TEMPERATURE· C1Q6,4-86_(93)' CAPPING· Q1231-93 SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) 17431 A 7 17431 B 28 17431 C 28 17431 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS . ASTM C39-94 TO:rAL CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST .(LBS.) (IN.) 07 /23./98 7'7000· 6.QO 08/13/98 08/13/98 REMARKS; ~ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up b)' PSI X representative. . · Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH : (SQ.IN;) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK . · 28 .27 2720 Cone 3000 Test results comply wilh applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPEP IN ACCORDANCE WITH A$TM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETERSON cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTEO AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Respectfully submitteo, Professional Service Industries, Inc. w~ DAVID DISTR Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 llllllli....... • -~·;v,· CIIY al Carlsbad ~ ·; · Final Building Inspection. "~-~ .. Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite f=S Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: CB981'109 DECK STRUCTURE, 2988 SF ROBINHOODS CLIMB-CASTLE HILL 1 LEGO DR HILTON CA Phone: 7602477541 , Water Dist: CA D~te: Permit Type: SubType: Lot: 3/5/99 COfvL ~~-;=;-lE~~-=-~~-~f-~-~l iITTI MAR -8 1999 : 1 '. I / _ , By___ . : ................................................................. -.......... ,......................................... . ................................. . Inspect~ Dl;lte z{ lnspect~d: By: . Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: _____ Disapproved:_. __ Inspected bate By: Inspected, Approved: __ Disapproved: ____ _ aa I aa aa 18 I I aaaa aaaaa aaaa I a a I a I I a I~ Sa aa as a 18 aa la a•! I I IS IS a 1aa I a I a I a aa a I aaaa'a aa 1aa I a I a 1a1 I a I! 1a1a11a1 ai a aa a ia aa aaa I la~ la I la a a aa a SI aal I 111•1 I I IS II I I 11aaa aa l_a I CHY of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection MAR -5 1999 I Dept: Building EruJlM@!ll!g Planning CMWD St Lite Plan Check#: CITY OF CARLSBAD -: ·. i~. iNEERING DEPAR _NT · Date: 3/5/99 Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: CB981109 DECK STRUCTURE, 2988 SF ROBINHOODS CLIMB-CASTLI; HILL 1 LEGO DR HILTON CA Phone: 7602477541 Water Dist: CA Permit Type: COM Sub Type: Lot: ·····························································································~····························································· Inspected '2d. Date ;~i11 E By: Inspected: Approved: ~ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: . Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ .............................................................................. !'.; ........................................................................... . Comments: -,---------------------------------- C--t ct4-09 2-,l 1-LO Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD S1IIMe Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: CB981109 DECK STRUCTURE, 2988-SF ROBINHOODS CLIMB-CASTLE HILi-- Address: 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: HILTON Phone: 7602471_541 , Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist:. CA Date: Permit Type: SµbType: Lot: 3/5/99 COM 11111 I 11IIIII1111111111111IIIII111111111111111I11111111111191111 I 1'1II1111111111111 II I II llllilllllll I II I II I I II Ill Ill I iii I I I I I I I II Ill Ill 11111 I I I I I I I Ill I II I I II Inspected Lu---Date :)l<?-~approved: __ By: Inspected: _ Approved: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: _ Disapproved: ____ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: ____ I I 11111 I I I I I I I 1111 Ill I I I I I I II I I I 1111111111 II I I I II I I II II Ill II II I~· I I I I I I 1111 Ill II II II II I I I II 11111119111 I I I II I •••••··~1111 Ill I I I I 1111111111·1111 I I I I I I 111111111:1 II Comments: ----------,......,..---------,----....,....,,.........------,------,----,---------- cnv al Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering ~ CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check#: Pennit#: C8981109 Project Name: DECK STRUCTURE, 2988 SF ROBINHOODS curv,s~cASTLE HILL Address: 1 ,LEGO DR Contact Person:· HILTON Phone: 7602477541 Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: Lot 3/5/99 COM ················································,·······················••!11••············································································· Inspected ~ Date _)~~-°A _~Disapproved: __ By: Inspected: ·Approved: Inspected Date By: Inspected: _ Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: -Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ·······························································-···············································-··········••!!••······························ Comments:----------------------------------,-----...----------.;._..------- ,--/) PLANNING DEPARTMENT FINAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST /7 ·--~ Project Name: ~-,,,J,,,, -:..! ~/C_ob/n/-hn,-:1s (.'f.,4t~anCheckNo. CB 9 )?/JO C/- A / ~-z(, C../4-.rrk. -t-/-lt-'--. -ddress: J.,d.,,, 1,. _ • _ _ PtoJ ect Number: _ Project Planner: 0 Extension Contact Person Phone No. _ -Drawing No. ---. --- _ Inspections _ -Final lnsp~ction Items -· 1st 2nd Approved_ All Items below ~onform with Approved Site Plan 1. Project Planner confirms conditions are met --- 2. Building elevations ---. 3. Building materials -- 4. Building colors -' - 5. Rooftop equipment screens --- 6. Fence/wall height, location, and materials 7. Size, number and location of parking spaces . --compact, regular, handicap 8. Outdoor recreation facilities 9. Employe_e eating areas 10. Trash enclosure and l9cation 11. Pavement treatment 12. Landscaping installed ('under .separate contract) ---. LIST BELOW ANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRING SPECIAL ATTENTION BY MIKE BLACK: 13. ---. 14. - 15. -- 16. 17. - Project complies with all conditions, including above-listed items. Final .inspection is complete. Wf?Z ~-' ~-9::i Mike Black Date . - (H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\Final h;tsp Check) 03/05/99 '\. EsGU Corporation 'l.n Partnersliip witli (jovemme.nt for '.Buifaing Safetg DATE: June 25, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1109 SET:11 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Robin Hood's Climb ( Castle Hill) ~NT ~ CJ PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ~ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially ¢omply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith ·is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. ' ' ' D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclos·ed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person .contacted: Steve .!3radley Telephone#: (619) 231-9905 Date contacted: (, /2.s/98 (by: 10--) Fax #: Mail Telepho.ne ...-Fax~ln Person . · ~ REMARKS: 1. Please; e revised'value fe shee (au ched). 2. The designer stated that the City would allo . . fericing shown · at, e. clo est ·.e area around the R ·n Hood Climb. Please verify. . 3 .. The designer t . · that . e ity would allow the · iti g from the require the central stair to b.e e.nclosed. Please verify.);. . 5. The design st,a~ ,!bat the City uppermost leyel as shown. Please verify. . The d si er stated thate itY, ould not would not require disabled access to the uppermost leve . Please verify. ~ By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ D PC 6/18/98 Enclosures: trnsmtl,dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 2.08 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 .. Carlsbad 98-1109 April 28, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE (Revised 6/25/98 kc) JURISDICTION: Ca,rlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A4 BUILDING PORTION B.l.JILDING AREA (ft. 2) Amusement Struc . 6451 . Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE . 12 PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1109 DATE: April 28, 1998 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER . ($) . 77,412 .. 77,412 120,000 (per arch.) D 199 UBC Building Perm.it Fee [8J Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ 524.83 691.08 D 199 UBC Plan Check.Fee [81 Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 341.14 449.20 Type of Review; [8J Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly . ; D Repetitive Fee .Applicable . D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 272.91 359.36 Comments: Sheet 1. of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 (' ... EsGil Corporation 1.n Partnersliip witli (jovern,unt for '.Buililing Safetg DATE: April 28, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1109 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Robin Hood's Climb SET:I (Castle Hill) CJ APPLICANT ~ CJ PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE · D The plans transmitted herewith have been corre~ted where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies id~ntified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. r;g] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the qheck list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. r;g] The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Golba Architecture 656 9th Ave. San Diego 92101. Attn: Stevey Bradley r;g] Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Mail Telephone 'Fax In Person D REMARKS:.:. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation 0 GA O CM O EJ O PC Telephone#: Fax#: Enclosures:· 4/21/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 98-1109 April 28, 1998 P.LAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAi,. PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1109 OCCUPANCY: A-4 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N? ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: 6000 (basic) SPRINKLERS?: ? REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY· JURISDICTION: 4/20/98 DATE ·INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: April 28, 1998 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICTION: Cadsbad USE: Amusement ACTUAL AREA: 6451 STORIES: 3 HEIGHT: -24' OCCUPANTLOAD: -200 DATE PLANS RECEIVED HY ESGIL CORPORATION: 4/21/98 PLAN R~VIEWER: Kurt C:ulver This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for .the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department, You may have other corrections ba$ed on laws and ordinances·enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 1994 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. AIL items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes _and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, .please note on this list (or a copy). where each correction item has been addressed, i~e., plan sheet nunibe·r, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the ·marked up list when you submit the revised plans. LIST NO. 22, GENERAL COMMERCIAl:.WITHOUTENERGYOR POLICY SUPPLEMENTS. (1994UBC) comforw.dot Carlsbad 98.,.1109 April 28, 1998 • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections on the orig_inal tracings and submit two new sets of prints, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, (619) 560-1468. • PLANS 2. UBC Section 107:2 addresses the total value of all construction work proposed under this permit. The value shall include all finish work, painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, elevator, fire extinguishing. systems and any other permanent equipment. Please provide a construction cost estimate of all work proposed. 3. All sheets of the plans are. required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparatioh. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. · · 4. Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code information for each building proposed: + Sprinkl.ers: Yes or No + Justification to exceed allowable height or stories in Table 5-8. • SITE PLAN 5. Provide a fully dimensioned site .plan drawn to scale. Show north arrow, property lines, easements, streets, existing and proposed buildings and structures. 6. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerlines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan. • au1LDING HEIGHT/STORIES 7. The height and number of stories cannot exceed that shown in Table 5-8. Show the code basis for the height/number of stories as shown. • EXITS 8. There appears to be fencing around the entire ground floor perimeter. Please justify the exiting, then. Carlsbad 98-1109 April 28, 1998 9. Occupants above the second level must.be provided with two exits. Section 1003.1. As shown the "second" floor i.s actuany the third story. 10. Exit signs are required whenever two exits are required. Show all required exit sign locations. Section 1013.1. 11. All interior stairways and ramps shall be enclosed. In other than H and I occupancies, an enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor,and not connected to stairs or corridors serving other floors. Section 1009.1, Exception 1. Technically, the central stair should be "enclosed." Has this been discussed with the building official? • ROOFS 12. Detail 8N-113 doesn't show any roof covering material. Please justify this (Carlsbad has an ordinance requiring Glass B roofing, minimum). • FIRE EXTINGUISHING 13. Carlsbad has an ordinance requiring fire sprinklers. Please show this on the plans. • FOUNDATION 14. Please provide excerpts from the soils report to support the values used in the structural calculations (sheet 38, etc.). 15. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (When required by the soil ,report); 16. Page 39 of the calculations calls for a footing width of 3 feet. This isn't shown on the plans. • STRUCTURAL . . 17. In seismic zones 3 or 4, if a structure is defined in Table t6-.K as Occupancy Category 1 , 2 or 3, note on the plans that "Structural observation by the engineer/architect shall be performed. A statement in writing shall be given to the building official,-stating that the site visits have been made and whether or not any observed deficiencies have been corrected to conform to the approved plans and specifications". Section 1702. 18. _ Provide structural design and detailing for the cable system shown at detail 4N-113 and elsewhere. Carlsbad 98-1109 April 28, 1998 -19. Please clarify the support for the steel. beam at detail 10N125/ 20. Did the structural design consider any special. loadings, such as impact from running children, resonance, etc.? 21. Provide additionc1I design for such things as connections, etc. • TITLE 24 OISABLED· ACCESS 22. Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Disabled Access Review List. Disabled access requirements may be more restrictive than the UBC. • ADDITIONAL 23. Please fill in the incomplete detail bubbles on sheet V-108, etc. 24. To speed up the review process, note on this _list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 25. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are. other Changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plah$ not resulting from this correction li_st? Please indicate: Cl Yes Cl No 26. the jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Kurt Culver at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 98-1109 April 28, 1998 DEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT NON RESIDENTIAL TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS REQUIREMENTS The following disabled access items-are taken from the 1995 edition of California Building Code, Title 24. Per Section 101.17.11, all publicly and privately funded public accommodations and commercial facilities shall be accessible to persons with disabilities. NOTE: All Figures and Tables referenced in this checklist are printed in the California Building Code,. Title 24. • GENERAL 1. Please provide justification to not provide disabled access to the uppermost level. 2. Similarly, the ground floor shows certain areas as "unaccessible." Please justify this. • STAIRWAYS AND HANDRAILS 3. Note that all tread surfaces comply with Section 1006. t6.2.1, as follows: End a) Open risers are not permitted. THIS IS NOTED ON SHEET V-111, BUT NOT SHOWN IN THE DETAILS ON SHEET V-113. Carlsbad 98-1109 April 28, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego ;Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A4 BUILDING PORTION BUILDiNG AREA . (ft. 2) Amusement Struc. 6451 ··- -. Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE PLAN CHECKNO.: 98-1109 DATE: April 28, 1998 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) 12 77,412 -. 77,412 D 199 USC Building Permit Fee IX! Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 524.83 D 199 USC Plan Check Fee IX! f>lan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 341.14 Type of Review: IX! Complete Review D Str~ctural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 272.91 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 PLANNING/ENCINESRINC.-.APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB 98: /JO q ADDRESS ..1 LEGo ,()rive RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL. ADDITION ·MINOR ( < $10,000.00) · DATE L/-Z./-'f cf" TENANT IMPROVEMENT P.LAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD· COMPANY STORES VILLACE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE ·BUILDINC OTHER Le'Go~<l· .• A--4uSEnbJ-r"" S.77(:V.c7V££ PLANNER Jlo·~. ENGINEER fr~~ 4 --..._, . ~ . ' Docs/MlsformS/PlanninO Engineering Approvals · . . DAfE --------------- DATE. --------------- City of Carlsbad _ _ _ · _ 97213C2 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Reviewed by: __ -""'"~=--f,__-""=·.-~L--__ Date of Report: Wednesday, April 29, 1998 Contact Name Golba Architecture Address 6569Th Ave City, State $an Diego CA 92101 _ Bldg. Dept Planning No. Job Name Job Address 1 Lego Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ 181 Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided 'in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure Qontinued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st ___ _ 2nd_~--3rd. __ _ Other Agency ID CFD Job# __ 97_2_1_3C_2_ File#~----- 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, Caiifornia 92008 • (619) 931-2121 ~ . .. • • '>~ DUNN SAVOIE INC. 'STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 730-3E;i16 Fax SijEETNO.~. -,---------,-. OF--.,....--- CALCULATED BY _·__,f<--'. .,_M-==· ~:;...._--"---~ATE J-VtuE. va I 1:t·B I (760) 730-3666 Phone CHECK:E,D BY -"--------'-----'--------------DATE------ 'SCALE'.-'-: ------,---"-,--.....___ ______ _ -' PLAN CHEC'K RfSPONS£-R .AVDt1to~AL ·S1RU61URAL CA~cUW\11:0t-\)S' ~fGOLAND: CASiL-E Hl~L . RoBuJHooo~ · a,KB IJJrex: .. Pirv OttOC RE~.% . P·. f · '2.. S~L ~ms L£116YZ.. (}vti-r kA'IL-Eo) 8WA:-{ l3 °ti Dest:: CJ>u.I Pf· . '3 -t;"" 'BM} fbL-IE: C,i,,-, ,-J Ck.L.::U suo6 SufeOfl..~ fol.>.E. l;:-l><L-C.S-' Nf'f(.l.AC"fl9,J De'~ L.o,A.DS' UV£' & 6 Y tJ AM ,c._ W>M 5 Cl((3LE · L OA,-OS-S... f<_ 1 &-(ru,.J Ir ·. f b rr ~~ 11- ff ll.f -rs-- ff lb .-7-$ Pr ?{, -'2/f , • "":; ., ,r, , • • , •, , " t ~ • ~ ,. • ,,. .::. • 0 .... ... -----·-·--------------------·. ·--... ---.. _, -" DUNN SAVOIE INC~ L~-(<,::,e.,iv ~0 -:>Y-C.ur-i (3 JOB · . · . .: ... · · . STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS. 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, .CA 920081 (760) 730-3616 Fax r SHEET NO.---~----.,-OF _____ _ . ____ . R_· _M-S-_-'--'----D''TE -:r\J r-.J.; .CALCULATED BY -"'-n 11:,, Jd (760) 730-3666 Phone CHECKED BY-------,-;-------'----,-------DATE------ ' I_ SCALE ______ -'---_____ .:;._. ______ _ f~AIJ Cl~ CK i<f;SfbNS'E C56IL tft:1vr ;II"" 15 /, FL'EAJt Fl/VD. ;V01E. P/l-ovtO'CO 0~ Sl-11 v-12..r /(o t, fl-CAflZ F-tf\/D R Evt.JFD C. t:)(Lc; C/LA.-ft9r-.J .J . PAG£. 3·1 R8/1.rf'o; /)l:1tM/l:1& %lSr1tc. l,,oA:P Pf<£Vi-ov5LY uSltO ./<.t;:'1>DU:=T> B', 1 /1,H -~~ ;Vt;'"w r:::-rrs-(_AL c /8 l-/, flt'AN t::-1;vo Ufotvfo Of:1A1L/ V€°/VOOYl BNX-vF MA"10r2 t~ / .s Ci,A;Lc_ V u,,_,f (~ N orJ fCL~e.s-1--.!._ £, l'-1-11 /Cf ?. tfl~tJ...f{ A;vo w&io fy;Y1,8ot..-. AJ?Oco 7~ or;:1~'-10 /vr2-5", --;,,o 6, fl€AI£ H.N1r /'LAY l!:frl/l~ntE,v'( o~/ L--IJ/tE: Jr--f>'f;VN-11c. L-o,AD5 f;toVLOfO. .. ..., • -JI ll - " .. .. ,',_,. 1• I DUNN SAVOIE INC. 2865 DAVIS AVE. PH. C760l 7:30-3888 • I STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS June 15, 1998 Building Permit Official · City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 RE: Legoland Carlsbad, Castle Hill, Robin Hood's Climb. ESGIL Plan file: 98-1109 Dear Sirs: ~SAO CA. 92008 FX. C7BOl '73d-:3613 The purpose of this letter is to respond to ESG.IL plan check comment No.20, "Did the .structural design consider any special loadings, such as impact from running children, resonance, etc.?". · · · · · . . · Special loadings from the attractio!'ritems associated with our structure have been .. considered:. Specifically, qead, live and specialloads have been provided by 1Delta Play Inc.' and 'All-Span· Engineering and .. Construction. Ltd .. '. These .loads have· been considered in our design arid our structure is adequate to resist.them. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . ... lt:i~ our opinion'that impact loads'.from ruani.ng children arE; adequately resisted ~Y our geek structure,designed .to.· the tade prescribed. live load of 1 oo P,ounds per square foot. It is·also . Ollropi11lo.iJ thatpotential.resoriance:from any load source associated ~ith Rob.in Hood's Climb '·Will not-adversely affect the performance ()four deck structure, : . . ' . . ·· .. ' . . • , .. · \: .. \, •Attraction veridorsJoad informatioh iS being provided-with. the plan cl1eck respons~ .· packc1ge: vve appreciate your acceptao~ of this response.· ; . · .. -Sir,cerely/. . -( . - . [)enis Dunn, S:E ... . . • cc: Kurt C9lvet, ESGIL Corp. t.~,r ·····-" DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad; CA 920Q8 (760) 730~3616 Fax (760) 730-3666 Phone SwAL1 EPe.w~ q,5'" f,f Sr'A~ W . t~1'9 W= 1_ x-'2.CMU'.'.S _-= ..... U --- SHEET NO.,..._ --;-------OF ______ _ CALCULATED BY...,· -"'---'-------DATE _____ _ CHECKED BY-----------,----DATE------ SCALE -,-------~----~--------- . ~5 I (r5 ('fr DL 1 / Go f' .JY-' LL) .\-. 2 >< 'Z. D P.-(;f PP<l]9.51 ,c;·1s1 _If 7-11..r:r # \N'bY< IL i,v (,-L-o kD x 'h;·,f. ~ 1-~, 11 ~, If p; S, ::: 7 01 oo o If J . ::= /A.I / /1-J 1/':J IJ· -> "s. s- -I .. ! . '1-f-f 1;: l.!> >o q,,xt2.:: J 1...0 ~ ~.,; /0,71 l?.;Sl ,··. t ,. ,. '. : ' .' • Y'-l'r VJ'€ '2-i 11if 51"0 ftP,E 1, 1f' f6 o,.o, K- -W= 1 -;; -I=~-=--:,:-,31'-7 [, 7' lr-'-z.:: • 4-J \Lfl r~ 1 (t'i f fi:;c:,) + '2 A: 1,-o (->;A/-. rz_.A:1Lj /1 1 = /l l.JIOft rl'-llO M) _!:O i1/t/t-5~tt-x -,,f.? no,-,27or.f 'Z-°')(",(.. 7i,., . (S, ~-· J91; Jo,.# f-St;'Zfo#"::;:; ~-;3 ,,/' : . >~>· I 1>/ff f6' G:.xl9 C.LASS &-A\..v, 1'2-of€' 131'<.€'~,v?, '=-"-"' Ar<> -= b J, l -["::;,,-,, .r : /) 'f J OD "J' L fj.f"l 4 u OiA K.'f(<:A S"f/?-Ir fife ·. . 11 I 11 Q,D,:::: •z. "· • ·, ~ ,.,_ ,, ,:,_ t f, • (~ <:-1 '' "~ .• -..• f\,, •ft• •• , -, ., , , •• rf ... ";'~ r,•u,'I ....,_..._...n,,a,._,. ____ ""--...... DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 730-3616 Fax (760) 730-3666 Phone C~vC (fat-Jr-1 fo }?bLE:: v 9-f1 Sr'A-tJ] f'l.== 'J?, 71,(_ ;x IL/" ::-·t../5,1.(~,1 -iv,,t f PC-';-l.{3.4"' :: 7~~ (Sick ft~) /tJ" /t."/1 t:I/ G,.: 0,Y'3 lf'>,-,01;;.'Yto.rP. \/~ 07.-51~'< ~ =-'2.,S-S K n ~ ~~ ~ ;::::. 'Z lo 1:3,:,1..'1-r- SHEET NO. ----,-,-------------,---'-OF ______ _ CALCULATED BY·---'~=--=------DATE CHECKED BY.,....-_ ------------DATE _____ _ SCALE--,-'---------'---,---,-----,.------------- /0 I( I ~~ ------.---~ ·~ u ,z_ (2.-0-v r I .1 -++-~------++---'-----.4--1'. g 'l, ?c, ~b 'X (o ,, I!;,:>' · ( A,5 -" 2:,h> ,,,~) '. ft,-.,= 21';.: gu·. :s G lf. u -•1 ,; A-/ As ~ (;4/'l,(':/J, ; ' '7.._tf_j ~ +;t--l'l. ~ 0 • 3 Ft--n_ /vOJ ,f Alsl.k 7-,], G C t'J )2ify 1.) ::-?2, ,c_ ~ (, j k '2-S.f~= -;;z·, (:;,l:![y----~:_'~: U Af ~ ' , Q f{,:; ( f 1'.-f) 4 ''ot,_ .f-?..>-, /,5'':: fl If::: .q ':.--J "_ fi,-1/i, ')c (,," )" 4'-]" ~ .fs:: %; ,.,'--;;,- V J'C t/-· ",b 1.. ,f\- ' • • ,e• • ~ .. ,,. ••• f",..J ' DUNN SAVOIE IN.C. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 730-3616 Fax· (760) 730-3666 Phone (}ft ft_ 'J/~ K1,, h/( (j) I~~ /11-8· --- ---- _ ____,Jj·J Lf;,; · I b,1-u ---~ .. .. ... _.__ ... JOB /fOBttvi, C-vtM B I.Aflrr>. SHEET NO. f:i" · OF---'-~--- /{M_F . C~LCULATED BY __ ..:,..:;__.;;;;. _______ DATE CHECKED BY"--. -~-.------"------DATE----'---- SCALE -----,-----,.....;......:..---------- . . ( nor,-.,.:,:r, • ..,,,."',. ,• ,.,.,, •. .- DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad; CA 92008 (760) 730-3616 Fax (760) 730-3666 Phone ..: ... 'LOAo tS-Suf'Pol21'fl) 1'itf<-v BGA/21,v(r "(-:::, fif01Cf/.1':b 1'h Be« f't)L~ _) --r~eu t;3D '-"•T 511,\""E. IL 11°:IZ (3 M BE~1N(r--A0,EA 8:. 1;/1x 1, ,11 t-(1:(;~5 )-z ,t-:::. Z1'>cJ 11 -1-2(1'' t_ __ i') ~ V€1 • I? t6""Afl~ Af)4;~ oF 6v~1 "f--=t Po~ f{)UZ D>f-A..P II ~~r,I /)l)vCr--Pzn :; ., --~, ··---' SHEET NO. v"?A..5°" ~ )~ (l() CALCULATED BY __ l;...._'"'--1_ ~, _____ DATE ......,.:,L'--"' U::..,,t,.J__,_E'_-!/'-'Lc...--:1,:;... CHECKED BY-------------DATE-------- SCALE ____________________ _ ;. ... , : /Zt;o f'f'f frf{lv e,DL'( 3,.s-'·' :r-Ca ''-1 11) :::->5 1 rJ'l. ?< ~,z5" ::-~ 1., 9 K. f' fl -/5<'25°tf'l'Z ,A:-12 n P.n :::: ,q,,K. NO Bf"\ -{o f'Dl~ tA>r,Jt' If-/ ,A(IJ'( CA,,..,-Pt G-~1u,µ -k'toC ~'c.""i:).f } c::>. 0 ""- • ...... ~ ~ ... C. ' ' " , ... , ' ... ,~--~... , ,, . , . ' ,_. ___ ,.._,.low<a ,oQ~--~ LL .=: iA1 :::- DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 730-3616 Fax (760) 730-3666 Phone /Lio tt G fo f{ ~ #-· Q1~S , '2 PoLCs::: -, l)L:::-/1-6 tF t-l--;;-J5/)o#- t.A1::; 4 '2-50 :ff --;-'2--p-01;..£.r::; /i/8 II I, '-I JOB L6p-,> -12--u e,,,-...., + SHEET NO,---· '-' --'-----------'-OF----------- CALCULATED BY.-.. ..:.·~-------'---DATE ----"J'--u .... t-J'----"f:_-_15....,.,'"-"J-'J CHECK.ED BY ---------.a.----DATE _____ _ SCALE-~-----,-·"----,------------ ·, Dunn $avoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel I Rev: 510001 Title: Dsgnr: Description·: Scope: Pole Embedmerit in Soil Job# Date: 1 :14PM, 16 JUN 98 ·Page Description ·· D.1-19 flagpole @two-story slide with bend J General ~nformation. Allow ass1ve Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Round Diameter No Surface Restraint I summary I Moments @ Surface ... Point load Distributed loag Without Surface Restraint ... Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed ... Actual Allowable (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC 350.00 PGf' 1 ;500.00 pcf · 2.000 30.ciOO in 15,930;00 ft-# 0.00 4.40S ft 1,025.83 psf 1,027.72 psf Applied Load~ ... Point Load distance from base Distri.buted Load distance to top distance.to bottom Total Moment Tqtal Lateral Wlth Surface Restraint ... R~q'd Depth Pressure @ Base ... Actua.1 Allowable Surface Restraint· Force 885.00 lbs 18.000 ft 0.00 #/ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 15,930.00 ft-# 885.00 lbs . 0.000 ft 0.00 psf 0.00 psf o.oo lbs. t c:\ener~lc\legorobj;ecw:Calculations . · KW.0602938, Ver5.0.5, 15=Mar-1998, Wm32 2 ' l . Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel I Rev: 510001 Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Pole Embedment in Soil Job# · q . Date: 1:21PM, 16 JUN 98 Page Description D.1-19 fiagpole@two--story slide with bend, 8 ft j General;nformatiori . Allow assIve Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Round Diameter No Surface Restraint I summary I Moments @ Surface ... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint... Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed ..• Actual Allowable (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC 350.00 pct 1,500.00 pcf 2.000 24.000in 7,080.00 ft-# 0,00 3.814 ·ft 892.07 psf 8$0.00 psf · Appll~d Loads ... Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to Qottom Total Moment Total L~teral With Surface Restraint .. Req'd Depth Pressure @ Base ... Actual Allowable Surface Restraint'Forte 885:00 lbs 8.000 ft 0.00 #/ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 7,080.00 ft-# 885.00 lbs 0.000 ft o.oo psf 0.00 psf 0.00 lbs c;::\enercalc\legorob1.ecw:calculat10ns . KW-0602938, Ver 5.0.5, 15-llliar~1998, Wm32 Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel. I Rev: 510001 Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: · Pole EITibedment in Soil Job# Date: 1 :20PM, 16 JUN 98 Page- Description D.1-19 flagpole@ two-story slide with bend, 14 ff I General;nformatioh Allow ass1ve Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Round Diameter ' No Surface Restraint I summary I Moments @ Surface ... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint ... Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed ... Actual Allowable (c) i983-98 ENERCALC 350.66 pct 1,500:00 pcf 2.000 24.000 in 12,390.00 ft-# 0.00 4.436 ft 1,036.47 psf 1,035.02 psf Applied Loads ... Point J-oad distance-from base Distributed Load distanceto top distance to· bottom Total MQinent Total Lateral With Surface Restraint ... Req'd Depth Pressure @ ease ... Actual Allowable Surface Restraint Force · 885.00 lbs 14.000 ft 0.00 #/ft 0.000 ft 0:000 ft 12,390.00 ft-# 885.00lbs 0.000 ft 0.00 psf 0.00 psf 0.00 lbs t . c:\enercalc\legorobtecw:Ca!culations KW-0502938, ver5.0.5, i5-Mar-1998, Wm32 Jo \ ,, • Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel I Rev: 510001 Title: Dsgnr: De~crlptlon : Scope: Pole E:rnbedment in Soil Job# Date: 2:44PM, 16 JUN 98 Page 1 I Description MM-185, flagpoie @one-~tory slide with bend, 10 ft I General;nformation Allow ass1ve Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Round Diameter No Surface Restraint I :summary I Moments @ Surface ... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint ... Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed ... Actual Allowable (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC 350.00 pct 1,500.00 pqf 2.000 30.000 in- 14,421.00 ft,# 0.00 4.490 ft 1,046. 1'4 psf 1,047.73 ,psf Applied Loads· ... Point Load distance from base . Distributed Load · distance fo top distance to .bottom Total Moment Total La,t~r~I With Surface Restraint ... Req'dDepth Pressure @·Base ... Actual- Allowable Surface Restraint Force 1,518.00 lbs 9.500 ft 0.00 #/ft 0,000 ft 0.000 ft '14,421.00 ft-# 1,518.00 lbs 0:000 ft 0:00 psf 0.00.psf 0.00 lbs -c:\enercalc\legorobi.ecw:Calculat1ons KW-o602938, ver5.0.5, 1S:Mar-1998, Wm32 I I Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel I Rev: 510001 Title: Dsgnr: Description : $cope: Pole· Embedment' in Soil Job# Date: 1 :22PM, 16 JUN 98 Page 1 I Description K-12 flagpole revised· I General;nformation Allow assrve · · Max Passive . Load duration factor Pole is Round Diameter No Surface Restraint I ::;ummary I Moments @ Surface ... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint ... Required Depth . Press @ 1/3 Embed ... Actual Allowable (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC '350.00:pd 1,500.00 pcf 2.oop 30.000 in 16;300,00 ft-# 0.00 4.471 ft 1,041.12 psf 1,043.31 psf Applied Loads ... Point Load distance from base · Distributec;f Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral . With Surface Restraint .. Req'dDepth Pressure @·B~se.,. Actual Allowable Surface Restraint Force 1,000100 lbs 16.300 ft 0.00 #/ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft 16,300.00 ft-# 1,000;00 lbs 0;000 ft 0.00 psf 0.00 psf 0.00 lbs t c:\elfercalc\legorobi.ecw:Calculations KW-0002938, Ver5.0.5; 15-Mar-1998, Wm32 · I ' JG,.>c 4, --:,-5 ·---., .... ,., ... , ............ ·--·-....... --~--... ····· -~-... --___ ,,_...,, . ...,._,. ... .,,.~-...---.. -"!-f--.. --------~....--.... -.... ..--,,.,..~..,--..... -,. .. -................ __.............,. .. __ ..... -............................... .....,... ~-· ------~----·---~---------....... ,. ..... .., ........ .,,... ..... ,., ..... ., . ..-.... ~---~· ~..,,,_, .. ,'olO ... ,.,.. ... ..,, .. , -, ' I ..... · IG r"" r10 ..... : ,_; _o_-_..,_ _ _____ _..,,_, -,,-,_---------------·~ .. ~----<·_,,,,,.._............., .............. ---....... ,'l,,,_.,,~ .... ~ ..... i ; .. , .. -----...... , .. , ...... :,,,._,._ .. ,.,_,.., ... '"1------~-- .. , ---·-···----~--.......... --,. ...... ,,._ .......... ..,.,_, ___________________ ... __ ., . .,.__ --,.. ............... --.......... , ... --....... ~----~===·:-:::::::;: .• ;: .. ,;::_;: .. _::_:::,.::-. .:--:::=:::::::::-_:.:::.:::::.:.:.:.:~=-=-=-=-=-~= .. : .. :_:_:.:~.=--::~------- ,. ---..c--.... -.,,,, ....... ~ .... ·~·---· .,.t.. ,. :i ,, ' ' ·-----·-..-··---·--·---...... .,., .... ,-~ __ .,~_..,, ......... _.....0,.,,,,.,_ .......... ____ . ·-------~--_,,.,,.....,...1-6_,, ..... ,:o,,.,. ............... ..,... .... ....,..__.._..._, ····-·----··-·--·------.1-----------· -----..-··----"------·----------- ,_r_, __ ...,,.,,_ ,_ -..J.~-... ' ,'.,...._... __ ,.,.~.......,.......,,.,,......,_.,_,_,...., __ ,...._, _________ _,,__ _____ ...,_...,. _______ ,.;;...;.._....-.,{._.,.......,..,,,... .... ..,....~«-,_•_... -··--:·----,.--~·------.,...--------,----------------.,,---- ,.! . :. -·. \.._ . -~ . EQUIPMENT SPEClFICATIONS FOR ITEMS SUPPLIED HY DELTA PLA \' CO. Pr.oj~t: LEGOl,#ANl> Site: CarJ!bad, CaHfcwnfa. Prep~red by; John Montague, Dtlta Play Cu. D~tc: May 2lt 199~ ITEM Slides Wieb Floor EVEN1'S USED AU enclosed slides Web t.!levator Cargo Mat~ floor Log Crawl FIQ()r SPECIFlCATfONS Matterl•h polyc:thylen~ (rotc.'l molded) Thkknesa: 0.375•• average Dfanteter: JO.S'' 1Jcnsfty1 0~932 g/cubic cm. Weight: 22 lbi r linear n. (horizontal) M•tc:rial: Polypr<:>prlene. fi lametit yarn cc.mtaining organic lubricant. (Seat belt material) Mclttng pofnt: tlO-degCelsius · Spctiflc Otavlty.: O. 9 I Weight: 0.33 lbslsqr fl. Web Floor l'ramc ·Web Ulcvator (Not Incl-web) Material: Steel '.i'ow44tt" ~ed WefRht: lnct all btack~ .t08 lbs f level. Security Nettine All events M1tt.-rlah PVC coated pbly~ter yam/ fabric Specific Gr&\'Jt)': 1.12 · Cargn Net (Climbing) · Qmund Batrit?rs J<lame Spretd Index:~ (Mee~ Nl•'PA UH, Cta.~-. A) Weight: .0.0414 lbi I sqr n. · Spiral Net Climb : Material: J'otyellller rope _,;-·- \\;'cb Cruwls Dimensions: J/t' di«met~r (typical) Cargo M~ Straight te1111fc:1trenetht l7QOlbl\ · Uphill Cargo Tube Wel&ht: OJU lbs/ Aqr ft. C'.ar&rn f'Hmh 1'1 ,--:'\: V 6-03-1998 1 : 36PM FROM Gd...BA ARCHITECT~ 619 23.1 4288 P.2 ITEM EVENTS USED fnftatah~. 't"ubcs Uttmper Maze Hori2:. Log Crawl l,og CrawJAx~mf)lyl lorit.. Log Crawl (Incl inflatable} Rotating Flappers Kiddi(: Wash 'tn,Uey Track TrQtl~y Glide Rubber .Fiooring Trc:,Uey Glide SPECIJt.lCATIONS M•terlal: f>YC. resin, plisticiztr (Ustd as marine b<mys) FfarM Ruistanc:e: E1eceeds r:~quiremcnts of Califomia Stute Fire Marshal. UL-214 & CPAl-84 Wtlght: fargc bumpers@ 11 lbs .• small bumperN @ 2 lbs. M1tterfa·1: PVC influtahlc, :r,;lcc:I pip~ co1·c Welgt&t: 30-lbs/ lo~ M11terlaf1: tan gum rubber, ,tect s~ructurc & fittings w,tght.: Appt<.,x 45 lh.s 1, rotor · M1cerl1l: Powder coaw.l st~l, N)'lon Wheels. Weight: Approx 95 lbs in~(; glide . M•terial: Oi11of1ex Rubh"r Safety Tiles AS'l'M Requirements: 1:1292-<'3 an .. fi1U hl. Weight: 6.44 lbs I ~r n. • tTI "1 IM"U M l."1':l(I• 11T ;-, ( 6-08-1998 11: 19AM FROM GU.BA ARCHITECTURE ·619 231 4288 .,;-_ .. ,, ,, .. . . June 5. 1998 Del Mar Pacific 482 Stevens Av•nue. Suite 302 Solana Beach. CA. 92075 71'.41:1 Pr.111"°•• Wll) 'fitt,wv IS\:•'•!\.-... r.,,.._ l1'.ll,;,1u.:.C',nlil(M VtC 1)? I'd· (""41 ~ . ~1111: it\114) .,,,~fllll? ,~11;,II, ~~•111,~l<l) .• ,fdl.'t'Li\W1,,11 1111,,/ :w,vwcC.•'t,pla:vmlft Please accept th• f01lowin; live load eatoulatiOM for the proposed playg:rounq equipment. T!ie fil"SJ section ~.,., the play;~uipm,nt 1rve loads ~ on fuH oapacity, we h8Ve ex>mplied with the ~thoda ~ggwtecl by,u,e interim report by the A$11-I subeomniittM F1S.38 • Mattnats Group em~ "SWc;turaHiite~ty· ~•teh e, 1996 . The $eeond Hi::tion i;overs the anticip..a.d lateir•I toads for ail •f~et. Atso prepared wittn9ferena, to the ASTM interim ff/Port and ft~ndardS (Motion 1487-93 and 15) ............ ..., ___ -., _____ ..__ -·~---,---·-------· P.2 P.03 /0 .. \ \\: ··;:-\ ,! ' ,, 2) a-v~ R F(L)= ma FROM GO...BA ARChITECTURE 619 231 4288 e•~ion(it/111 ) "~ Vafoeity ( ft/1) R • Bend Radius (ft.) m~~u(lbi.) ··~(ft,'1') The table below ,ummarizes ttie valllN obtlinecl: ,.._ ___________ _....,_w-----••••--------__..,...-, SlfOt;' .. AACIU$ R ~S$ fr. f A~l. a ! te.t. Ferre F(l) I s~ 1· · ,oo <bs 14 tt/• 1000 u,, S1 5' .· .25.0lt:~ · 120 Mt• l!CJJO!t-~. I -,.. ....... 911t f;·· ..,_ --'W~ ........ -....,_._., ---.. , ..... -· 1 f,'li:S2~.---+41~' -,,:_ ..... .,. '-21'-~ ....... ~~ll'!l --~~ii!!..--... -S3 , . _ .. ~:iOJt>a~ l !!J!.!•1.o_ 14~,h~ _ { -------~ .... ·-L .... ~~ ......... _ __c: ·----.. P.4. P.05- vs£ SfEC[(,-,c Lt:oA--.:>5 PR ov !' DI% r::o,fl svf->Po ~ 1' L..oLAf1.,r-JS- t trust thit m.-your ·9qtt, ,n 1nh Pi,.aae c::ontact us $ho, ~-the • t, J 11 · q.. tltione. YoJrS trufy,' DEL TA PLAY (;0. Tyler Buchantn \ '---- 6-08-1998. 11: 19AM FROM GQ..BA ARCHITECTURE 619 2~1 4288 ...... " • t ....... A• requested. calcwationll \Nel'e_ r,erft>rmc~ to dderrnirte t'le anticipatect late,al lo•d• on me sfidfl .-t ttw liboM IOciatiCJr,. Tt. iri~:m, r&putiby ~he ASTM Subcommittee F1 &.36 . Materi•f• Group entitled "Str®iurai. Integrity". March 8. 109c, and the ASTM-standard ASTM 1481-03 •nd 95 \Yb.~ UNt) •~ f'i-1''~~,1ce1S, · The af1licip$ted lateral !a•d• ectliig at 1ha bend JooaflQ,,. Ql1 8'Ch of the 1llde1 are aG follows: ,__ ____ ,.... _____ """""'I _______ _ I .. S~IPE 1::9=~1 ·~~~EAAL F~CEF(L) I I 1 S4 ic.i N!Jil!lll>le ! P.3 P.04 S5 .. Jk1i 10001u . 81 I N·1T __ tpOOlbf. r---....... t)Sf_ SfECl Fie. loAo 5 ,S,_ i \,rll. I ezac,111 -I --S3 .K-ll f ,~ea fbs.• ... .... ,......,,. .. , ~ :!'' mm,s i H-6 r:· N~l~bit . ______ ._:""'-. __ .... : ...... ·..-........... --~~ :: ~ I f /<'ov 1 D 8> fo(Z.. SU f' pog, '1 Lo (_A-11 o ,-.J.f • Th1$ fr..e IK.\I 1n Ot"$ d~n .i tf'1o top anhe elide a"d to th• other direction at the botto cfth~ sfJda asthert are two ber,dt. one It th8 top ~nd on• at the bot1om io the oppcaite direction. Pleaa note M,ar~ .i,0Vtt ere •PP~mtne ~ .and ~rt.in--.umption, were r,-qiide. Atsumptiona UNd are as followt: ) 1) Utera1 ~ were celucutated for alidfl with bsnda in the al~ only ae It it 1ne · acceler11ion of paopll .iiding -tfOlil'ld tt,e bend thlt would-caus, ti;nifictlnt latera! loadt. Lateral lead• due .co bumpu,g, P"'hlf"O, eto: in teraigtlt s!idfl would bt ne;llgble. 2) It w.1, ••..imlKI that-for the lcftG Slide, S5 two *" •• 1p8C!fied in tbe ASTM interim report would bt,,fidlr,g ~round Giebend at onoe:-.f:ort!'!cs olherslidel, s1, sz; an~·S3 on, L.IHt' wn ..,urned to aliding sroundeac:h belld in each ~- 3) The mus fer~ ,;im-wa t-1!:,lf,r, fit 25'l itsa. •i ~".;;it~;: in ttl\l i1,~in. ri-por;, 4) The vefoc:fty (ll'.1Nd) uffd to catculat. the ecceieniticm of 1h• pei'son tlidinO around ~ b9rtd wn n,umed to b.e 10 ft.fa. · 5) A awrauc, bend radiua wu Ul8d to.cllfoUfate •cceMtien. l2 ; ) "-.._/ ' ------~ --~---~--· ------,----~----·--·-···---·-·--· - JUN 12 '58 . 11:.2SAM ALL:-·SPAN ENGINEERING L .L -.S PA· N . , ENGINEERINQ' & c'oNSTRUCTiON L T-D D~lta Play 71:98 Progress Way Delta, BC . V4G 1J2 June 12, 1998 Attention: Mr. Jqhn Montague . File No~: 98-75. Regarding: Rqbin Hood's Play S_tructure.:Slides . Loads Dear Mr~ Montague: P.2/8 Su1~e 201 • 7198 Vantage Way . Delta. B.C.~4G.1K7 Telephone (604) 940·2212 Faic {604) 940·1516 As requested, further calculations w~~ performed to deter-mine.anticipated specific·polnt loads for the. abov~ structure slides. · · Please find· attached p!)rtions of Delta Play's draWings and drawings by the engineering company of record, Dunn & ·savole Inc.~ sho'.Ning the anticipate'd msgnltude of the loads and the locations. · · · The loads were assumed to act at the four connection pol.ntsto the-framing as,shown In your de~ils 8 -and 1 o (pl~ase see attached). · · The total lateral load was calculated as-noted In our letter dated June s. 1 ~98. The 1oa·ds. at the connecti.ons were determined using components ahd the ptoximiiy ofthe bend to the point of connection. · The live loads were calculated b~sed on the ·na,rjber of users obtained using the ASTM interim report and Standard previously mentioned In OC:1r letter of JJ.Jrie,5. As theilive foads·were based en test loads assuming a. weight of 250 lbs -per user, they can pe considered to be ultimate , loads. The dead loads were·calculate(i u~lng a ultimate load of 27.5 lb/ft-wfth a load factor of · 1.25 (specitied 'load is 22 lb/ft). · · · Please alsc;> note· that our scope of wor-k was limited to caloulat1hg the loads only. A structural check of the frame by Delta 'Play supporting the slide w~s not co,:nplet~d. · I trust this meets your req~irements. Please contact us. shou~d tlie~e be any questions. Yours truly, .... Shah~eda Mawani, M.Eng., P.Eng. All-Span Engineering &.Gonstruction Lt_d •. c.c. Rhett Savoie, p;e, Dunn & Savqle, Inc.· ,q· . --,. _____ ., _, .. ~ ... --·-.. ' JUN 12 'S8 11:29AM ALL•SPAN ENGmEERING , . , P_f ,:! J . ~-'l"'t."'-...: n= . ~o $~-..s>~ .. fi ~1H ~r~ .j:i~ .:S..£ !~ . " .. §~ ---h I ( t.lJ ' -·· l > .::1 -~ ' . ; • ( "---: -. ..---__ .. _ -· -.., .. _________ .., -----------~----. - ~$ i~ ~- fl • a-%§ J ~i . -1:·0. '°·~ <l"'"r-) ~N I"'\. .. ,. ~\ -z .t!i -- P,4/8 rJ,-0 , :!f ~ ~ --~. '\ f_ . . . . ;, . . . . . . .... . ~ . --. . -p· :~--o· · ·. :o· · --· -R-'-~_:;:._· -· > . . .. : . .. . . . . . . . . . !· . . . . .. . . . . --~ . . . . . : . .. . Q . ·-· ...... , .. · .......... _.-:-.-....... •... . . ~ · :~ · UA:LITV· -· ·· , •. I', • • . ' -. . . ., ' .. 0 ..... -. ·:-~:;.~---~-/,.-· ._:" ..... ,: .. · __ .---------,,.· . ' ·-( ... s··'· .. , ). -R:., ··. I G .. :_. I ·NA--.<---· -L·--._ . _ .. ~---- -. ·--·.:::.-, .. ' . ·. ""•{.... . . . . , . ,' ' .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . -~ ' < :;:;· .>· _:-:· . j_ut/if~:,:98_ 1' \1.: 30,Af"l. >=iLL-SPANt~~G-~t:J.tt,fr~'G ... :.: ... -, ;-',); .' :··: ·; ··e< ,· , ...... : ~ .;,,~~-;.-,.I.;.,. __ ·.' \)_p', 5/s·;,:, r:: . -·· : .. /_.1:.,.;:. · .·_· .... _ .. ~ .. ··1.;,:>-· .-::;k.>~_,--.--,~---: · · · _. : -.· · ··-·:· :xf~·J?)/-h.~, ....... i ... ·.· ~ ·,<:\.\·, -. ·. . : ·~:-_ .. _.. l·c:· .:< _,. _;,;~~:: •. • • ~-. :;;.,~'.s,·.,,:,,.-~·;,:,,-:: . ·: ·,:@· ·-:,:; -~-::-· .-· . .'.· ,: _;,,\:,_;~;~;o;",',,'!(•,: .• J?.:\:f:~;::. ·,:':.,~·~, :: ·:9- .. , ; ,· '• .. · \r: ·•~ •,' • ··.r(·.••/'-J JJ I • • .·.,. ;:,.!::-: :·.,:I· .. ',',_·. . ~_,_(~}<·>·:: ;.-< ,~ " ... ... ' . . l"~:""7~~-;---:-;-:.~~-.:.;.:;;_..:..:::..:.:.::._;.-' -~?.t--"'::~· ~. ;_ . ~·::·?t'.>:<\;;~-~-·~-,:': , "-,,· .. ,., • . ·-:.~.)1>= .. 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' -0 ... ,~~ V'\ f:>· ~I <i. ~f ~ ~ \.'l.) .:5 ~ ~ gJ> ~ a ls :z: ' ..) .... < 0 ~ ~a! Q.- JUN t2 '98 11:?SAM HLL•3PAt, rnGI',EERit-t; ~ \ I .... , ... \.. = . \ Ci '-I . r ----L··. __ . \ : ...... : ...... ( . . '~ '>'.,/ ~ ·~··. ,: / .,,,. .·. ;/-f?\· ; . :. :,; . t:, ('1)1 1-· l ' ,F?:\,C: "I 4-0 -I .S I b --ro ·. 5 IA P. Yi ffOPr . ~ £-1!;, .,eovt.,.,, ,_...., ,,_ ~,,,pl$ . H aV -f t--t"' · --r ,,_,;J-1. f:D· . V ,.v1,, ~~ fl'! _, ,;s,"'c ,,..• ' . . I.J fr" 1 J.J'C-., ~,dt f, """ 01ccr-. ,-~Ill ~.... l--3'-4"-· _./-1..;(L 1 ~-GAPTO • BE CONSTtiNr ' • I . , I I I • ·• I-I .1 I 12"~/ ()oU,. J;:N11i?Mla#I vs~,-1~ " $'-i,ori -1~ Of1"AIL (8) ~a>r'\ -:J ~M rJ ( ~ p '2) Ir. .• .14 Fl..J\T",H(. 13:,,c.,-<~"1----- . \,J1't'""" utG--~s -----.... 1·-t12• SCH 40 PIPE GALV · P o'ft-1. f 01£ . ~ .oce)vflF t,-"(IJ ~~s. _.,.. ~ .. ·_.,. .. ,,,., • ·-· .... w .. ~-~- eN1P.I-Nce :tt 2 vs (:11 . _...,r~J pe1 · ~,; -;v r;ierA11., c 10> T 3·-3· (M ~ --· --fPMUI rm AlRQ i l'l!MCr" LEG CAR CA, .. iiii::mii" pETAll. 1' ~ V'i"•t•-< 1J" ill.aM. i: == Z.":L.~ ==-~ --....... a ~ ., __ 5.::nn -. .. -~ --~'"U ;;a.-;;;:-·-· ~ "\ "J ~JUN' .. ::-[6,' 98(TUE) 08:15. AMERICAN RIGGING. american ".'i·gging 2317 Newton Ave.., San Diego, CA 92113 Phone 619/233-5625 Fax 619/233·4887 STATEWIDE# (800) 40-SLING - FAX TRANSMISSION To: 1(~E.,.T\. Company: :C::.U"-1 ~,.. :Sev £)\ E... ( Fax Number: 7f.Do -7 '3 0 -3(Q 13 From: _ · YH 5het?..T Regarding: J<iW~ING::> ~£.~$ Notes: Number of Pages: ..S:. (fNClUDJN('; THIS COVER SHEET) TEL:619 2334887 • P. 001 d\b OUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IS: INFO@AMERICANRIGGING.COM ********************************** 6x19 CLASS GALVANIZED ( \ Ropes ha\'ing 15 through 26 Wifes per strand. GOLD CIRCLE (Im :;,roved Pl~w Steel) FIBER CORE-1\NRC , Approx. "I Prices Approx. Pri~s Weight Breaking Per Ft. Weight · Breaking Per Ft. Diarn. per ft.· Strength pet ft. Strength-Diam. (in.), libs.)_ (tons) libs.) _ (to_ns) (in.) '. 5/16 Q.16 3,.83" t.62 0.18, 4.12 1.11 5/16 3/8 0.24 5.49 1.a2· 0.2a 5.90 2~05 3/8 7/16 I 0.32 7.44 2.23 0.35 e.oo .2~~. 7/16 1/2 0.42 9.63 2~45 0,46 1.0._3 ·. 2~75 1/2 , 9/16 0.'53 12.f 2~,o. 0.59 13.0 · -3~15 9/16· ~ 5/8 0,66. -15.0 3p~8 • 0.72 t6.1 3~65. 5/8 I~ 3/4 0.95 21.4. . 4.75· -1.04 ·23'.0 .. 5.09 . . 3/4 718 1.29 29.0 6.16 1.42 31.1 . :6~60 7/8 1 1,68 37.6 7.59' 1.85 40.4 _ 8 .. 15 1 ( 1-1/8 2:13 47.3 .. 9 .. 12 ·2,34 50.9 . 9~8Q 1.11s 1-1/4 2.63 58.1 11;50· 2.89 62.5 -11·~55 1-1/4 2(-1-3/8 3.18 69.9 13.89.' 3.50 7~.2 : .13:9,Q · ·1-~ .~ 1-1/2 . 3.78 82.8 16.45 4.16 69,0 --· 16 .. 50 1~1,2 1-518 4.44 96.3 1$~80·. 4.88 103 19.85: 1-5/8 1~3/4 5.15 1'12 '23.20 , 5.67 120 2:t25· 1-3/4 1-7/8 5.91 127 26.70 6.50 137 26.75 1-7/8 2 6.72 144 30.65 7.39 155 30.70 2 2.1/8 7.59 161 34.85 8.35 173 34.95 2-1/8 2-1/4 8.51 180 39.75 9._36 t93 39.85 2·1/4 The above ropes can ·be fumished. to bright rope strengths on special oroer. Prices for ~alvaniz~ General Purpose ropes over 2· 1 /4" are available upon request. • R • • • ' • ~ S • . . ~, . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . --p·,.,_-·-o·.: =o-··.--R·; . · . . . . ~. . . ,.• .. . . . . . , . :· ' . . . . ' .. . - • ." • ··i • . . . . ,:. . ·. -. -'• ,· • 'f" • . ' . • ·,. ·. I •,.. Q ... u·-_A ___ ._. __ L-1··y_ .. '. .. ,.~-~-·'·v·--·- ;s.· . . ' .. ~~-, , .. ·.• . , /. - >-,. • • ' ' ·~ ., .. '· '""'. . ·_·· .. __ .,.,,_ . . . . . . . . . . . ,,. . . . -o·-·.-' ... ·R,' ,:";<·-1·,fc.-·G·.··::.,1··-N .. , •'··-A·:: ·L' ... ·.(···s::· )· . . . . ., ~"~· . .. ': --"-'"'-, :,' . . -. . . --. . . .. . . : ' -. -. ·. . . -~ ' ,. r . ( JUI -If 98(TUE) 08:21 AMERICAN RIGGl·NG TEL: 619 .2334'887 P. 001 I I f ·=-··. I· ·.i .. .'' I I I I ! ... -... ••• National S,vage Fittings 1'COLD TU-FF®'' BUTTON . . . ~-eeFOAE·SWAGE _L__f"' ..... --... --~----.;..,,.....,;· __ _ ,...,....,.~~-~ .. -~·-······· ------· . .___,___ -·-;:,- ' ' . ·~ ...... --.. ----·----........ • Spedatprocesml, low carbon ~teel. • "Cold Tuft&, for better swageab!lity. • $wage Button termlnatiot\S have b11 efficitmcy ratini:; of 9S'ii based on the caralt1g strength ofwlrc rope. • S~amp for iclentificafion.after swaging without concern for fractures-(M per directiol'IS il'l·National Sw11ging Brochure). NOTE. 5-409 Buttons EC! rea,mmended for IIH with ti x 19 or 6" 37, ·res or XIP tEIPi, RRL, Ft ot IWRC ~Ire rope. . t:~:1~ ~;'. '::: ' ·. ;l~:':i----~ .... -_rMnaio __ ~_J.,..~_ge_ ... _+-,-_-.. -!,-~---_ .. _ ..... _':._ ... _· ___ --! .··":l~1'··;•:-;:·,· : -RopeSlze 106Pcs. :; E 'Sm'fCo.1 • ;·:Stoo.k'No, (In;) (1)1.) C DimtMIOM ~ngih A B "'·· .· .40 1 SB 2 .14 -------------, 1040171 1/o .. .44 .!50 _ ........ -... a se _. .20 .52 ---------·--· .. --· 104021_5 ;,1$ -5~ .10 sse ·e .Jo ~ -----'-------------------.;.---,-----------7 ss 15 .3e . 111 ---------8 SB t5 1040251 1/£ ,04029; ¾, .. 1040313 ¾ .$3 1.06 .88 ft3 .ee 1.48 .42 .n -~1 .84- 1.20 1.3·3 1,69 ~ SB so 1040331 7/14 I ....... 1040359 1,13 1.63 .. ~ ,:es 1.94 ----.,..---·-"'e_ 1.03 _____ _ ,o SS 50 1.31 2.17 PruafDle Dita stDCicNo. !OOTons 1000Tons 1500Tons Die Due. 5X7 1p I• 8UI\QR 1191621, .. -----· :, ,11s11g, 119752e \e .. t,,_ Bunon 11?~1e21 ;,_,·~ 1192364 ~G 1st Slzge• 11.92364 ·-.. 1;;. ,. ',z 8\IIICn, 1191643 -',,. • '·~ au11cn 119164S -~ -:~ --··· q~ . ··--·. ---··-·· ···-. ~---,, se I i040377 .'A~ •• 70 1.44 ~-02 ._61 129 2.41 ~IG • S,1i BUIIOn 1191665 1040395 51a ' ,0,0411 ;,c 12 SB 13 SB I 1.~ 2.42 .61 1.42 ----------·1 _ __,; __ ....... _1 __ 3_1. I i.69 • 2.73 .79 __ : .... :-~5 100 2.89 p'IC • ~I .UltQn' 1191665 -·-3.25 ;,, t'" s11111e 11iii2<1e2 ···---···---· ..... 1040439 1/e 10<J0457 1 . 14 SB ' 2:00 ·3.27 .94 I 1.80 ----~-. . .... ---· ..... 310 ~-~-25 • ~-6! ___ ].:~~ ·; 2:05 450 2,56 4·.~ 1.19 220 1s se 16 SB ~040475 ----------2.30 3.86 7,, 1" S1«ge 119248Q .. ..1 ____ _ 4.36 1 1"S1,g~ ... ..2~. 4.el ,.,, 1"s11ge 1192m ,, SB 1040493 . 11,, -----,~ ·--·<ol\.:···· 650 NOTE: Len~ i! mH$\lftd £rem ('i\llsldc end uf 1Erinih,ti'(l11, 2.81 4.58 :1,33 2.56 5.42 1··, soctce1 1193025 r ' • ·• c:. JliN. -16' 98 (TUE) 08.: 22 AMER I CAN R l,GG I NG TEL;619 2.334887 P. 002 2 Wedge-type -Ferrules Wedge-type ferrules Make up <:ho!<ers qurcidy in the field. with th·ese •·screwy" wedge-type ferrules. MaxifTtum gripping strength bec.ius1 ferrule inn-er wall is rifled to conform to rope stral'ICI$. Large size wedges arealsc rifled for 1xtra grip. Hole in wedg1 1Uminate,. need for cutting wire rcpe core; wedge sllde! over core to maintain «ligMnent while in ferrule. On fiber core rope, cut off core for ferrule length. Leave center hole in wedge empty. · HOOKll'El!IIUt.E PAltTNAME l'EIIIIUI.~ liOPESIZE OIJT&IOI, UiNGTH SIZE l'AIIT NUMIIEII OIAMETEII ! FEAAU~E ~776 7/1&"-1/2" Hho• 1-516" MIDGET WEOGI; ~7&( Tfls•..:.11:•' l'EPfflUI.E u11cs 011&" 1-1110" 1•5fB" weo~E ••111.3 $/!O" DWAAI' FeRRUL_E 441:,4$ .. $,'1!" i.1/2'' 2'' we:ooe 441310 $Ill" FE11RULE 4'1378 s,a~-~,,· ,.~, ... 2-118" IIANTA!i! W~0GE ~~m ~/$" .. WE!>Gi U13t• '3/1'' -FERR\Jt£ "41295 11r-1· 2•llr' Z·~la" LIGHT WEDGE 400619 7/t" .. · V.•EtlGE f412iat , .. l'l!:ltRUll! '41~ 7/8"-1" 2-3,a•· Z.S/8" Wl!OG& 400el9 7111"' JUNIOR we0Gii ••i~t 1• FERl'IULE 441)11 1-1111'' 2-~,ar Z·5/ll" Wl!OGI! ~132i !•11'" tPROFU.& WEDGES Hew tc auach non-profile (srnoo-th) wedge ferrules ·.SIIP 1env,. ,,,,., rOfH, r-.n unlay rm, trrt1tils illld •lifl rtonow '"dr,e awr tll• core (1btJut 1~ rne length of lh• ~,, · -cw iC iri.s:~i1 :~:i~:; w~c:s;s ;i:--·.;.H , ... . J I i!\ ·-Wt :. l'f•ce lower edg1 of lt'Jtrlllt il#i11tr tol/'1 tvr- l•r:• and dfl~ m wed,;. until 11111 it,arid •nds ,m1 Wfllge end iltl //IJ#fl With tl:e ·Ind of tne ttiini/11, ..... i.Rilay lfN $/lll'ld$ 4TOUnd IM w,lr/gll, pl1cing l!fl(;fl In Ifs proper groov1, Run the f•rnJ/1 NCI< tower'1 rr,, ~g• n f,rn ;, . .,..m ~- •• 1 ·,·· -. '>·;~· ·_;.1,· . . :. ··.: . ,,· '''i' .. .:_::, ... ';: -·, -~ . . ' ~ . ·' '' . : '•-:t .. .'':.)· '·.'• i·.,-... ,·:~·~.' ~ . . ',.' · DUNN ·SAVOIE INC~ STRUCTURAL EN<31NEERS 2855 DAVIS AVE. PH. C780l 730-3888 CARLSBAO CA .. ei2oae F><;. 17BOJ.'730-381.~ . ·,, ·, . ' ,·' . . ~ . . . -,-·:-. --' ,. , .·. . . . ~ -~ ·:. , . . . . '7'. •• /' - -· ... - STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR: ROBIN HOOD'S CLIMB, LEGOLAND . CARLSBAD ·.· DSl.JOB#. 98~109 . --~ ; ·,. '; . ; . - - . ·" ·'.· ~ . " .~-; . ,._ :.-;.·._:.~.~~< .:<· .. - -.·l•. ,,_... • '\. •. >, •. l" . .... •, -' . ,. . ' . . ·,.. . ~~-. , .• -;'. '! • .. ' .. ' · .. · · .. : ;~ . ' .. : ~ ' ,-, . ·. ~-. -' .. ~·. __ 5 : • ,: , ... '> .. -. _· ~,-,-.. ;· ·.. . ·::;...:· .' --~ ·~-·····f.:·. ·'.., ·:._· :· :/ TAl;3LE-6f:COtf;T-ENts· · ··. :· i ··. . ' _, ~ , . : , ... _. DESIGN LoAo·s -.· · · FRAMING .. · POLE LOADS .· . . : t ·,. ... . ·'.., '}· . •· .. · -.. ... : ... (. ,: . POLE & FOOTING DESIGN-: . · FENGE _POLE & 'FOOTfNG OESIGN .. ·. •, -.. . _·.,;'" ; -' . . , : . . . . ' ,;..,. ) : -....... .: . , ..... . -:.,-. .. ,'· .. :_-: . . ' J,. ' . _~· / . , . .. . --.~· ... ; pages:1~2. ·. 342 · 33-36 3'7-44. ·.45-47 . . . . . •• . '¼ ...•. , :·.:· -·~.·· ·.:·~-- _, ,: . ' :,. ·.- . . . '· . .:.._. .. ,, ·. ..; : . ~ ·-. ; . ··--:;· .. _; ·, · .. ·:,: ·::-~-_. ' -.. . -. .. .. ~ • ,,. ~ -J - ,,. ' DUNN. SAVOIE IN.C. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 · (760) 730-3616 Fax (760) 730-3666 Phone·. • ·., .i -, ,:; 7' ,, -! ' "'. ·- 17GCIL g,_ 5"1'A:7f:f ·L--1.V~ L-q,Ap c- 11<0-u-s / Ru~ ~1-lAt>IS) NE"f'll/v(,-. Rtx1L. ttv 1r /+.A-1(.P f2/r;I. 1.. btc 12.. /ft';,,,,. Li1.11c= L-o~ !,..I Vf;. L<>PO -:s x e, r LA-tvKr . f-"\lSc__ ~ - SHEET NO.-----' _____ _.../_ OF,-,------- CALC\,JLATED BY _ _,f<.Mc..=__;;::::J _____ DATE A.ff!_tL rq__g CHECKED BY----'----------DATE ______ _ SCALE.,.....,-.....,,,....,..-------'----...._ _____ _ J.Oc;, f'Sf- '2-o fSF , · ~ Pff-(ltvACC'=""ST!A-e<-E) -:,-, "? f..s<= L(.";Jp~ ";j-f..U:: = /Q ('4' ,_ l/,6f#- '2f,t,,"--'' /6-7//4-~ DL j ' . 12,o .p.sF DL . T ·5 " . •• ---8 11 ,, .ei f 01.,,,,e ,' ' ; fr(~ 5. :5 'l, .~ ~-~ fc.P,-::: '</;?.' f M- /'{)/ ' -"',••:-••• -,. 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')r.7. ~.:,-: ... rJ <le>.# 1 .. _ ........................ , ................ . : 4 . +1, p l}qt>, }bit -+ b;,J :, l 1iio fst <. ff~_fh . < . : (2 t, :f (/',iC 1'qu-fA-v.l .2 ,.~J~.~(~.-~~-·~r· ~~-; r ~~:--~~~r~'~!~~~~------~w-~ ------ I -i I 1,i 11; ;1'. ... lj1 2 F-I ! ; . 1,,1.::;; , ... o . .. . . . _, ···· t,_,;;; )oo-~1,11,.., *'-./-o·pfrDL t-·-'i~~ 4-... ,,·_-f'Z-. . . -....... ' t]L? w1 ,f-$ 0 fJ;,F-.~~ ~ t,1-4 . '' . r I )' .. ,. - /-'foyt.. -------------· --------- ',;,:;.• '" .. ,., .. -·: , .. : '·./ ,, . . I ~fO'- f(J" ~-,·b"Z:.. ~ ?-~!('i<:lt- .12~ :·'·<Y,5'--·'---·_,.._~~\...c.,_ __ . \1tti.e I l4 . ·r -I.'t·_, ____ ~~--~\-~,-------------~- I ' (·'· Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue C'arlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel I Rev: 510001 ·Title: Dsgnr: . Description : Scope: General Timber .Beam Description deck edge bean,,seesaw-a I General Information Section Name · 3~125x18.0 Beam Width . 3.125 in Beam Dept'1 18.000 in Member Type GluL~m Bni Wt. Added to Loads · Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density 35.000 P.cf I Uniform .Loads Unifonn Loads.Over Full Span Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Center Span . Left Cantilever Right Cantilever . . Douglas Fir, .24F .,. V8 17.00 ft ...•. Lu ft ..... Lu ft .... ;Ll.i Fb Ba.se Allow 2,400.0 psi Fv Allow 125.0 psi Fe Allow 270.0 psi E 1,600.0 ksi 70.00 #/ft' #/ft #/ft. LL LL LL 275,00 #/ft ,#/ft #/ft Job# Date: 8:46AM, 20 APR 98 17.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Page 1 • r I ~ummary I Beam Design OK . · Span= 17.00ft, Beam WiQth = 3.125in x Depth·= 18.in, Encls are Pin-Pin . Max Stress Ratio · 0.536 : 1 Maximum Moment 13.0 k-ft Allowable 26.1 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 Allowable Max. Positive-Moment 12.96k..:ft a 8.500ft Shear: Max. Negative Moment .o.oo k-ft a 0.000 ft Max @ Left Support . O;OO k-ft Max @ Right Support 0.00 k.;ft Max. M~llow fb 92.1.39 psi Fb 1,854.40 psi e ect1ons Center Span ... Deflection ... Location ... Length/Def! 26.08 . fv FV· · · Dead Load -'0.065 irt. 8.500ft 3,152.8 f36.99psi 125;00psi otal Load· -0.277in 8:500 ft 735;48 Re~ctic;,n~ .•• ·Left DL '··- Right Ol Camber. 0.71k 0.71 k · Left·Cantilever ... Deflection .•. Lehgth/Defl Right Cantilever ... Deflection .. ;Length/Def! @.Left @Right @Left @Center @Right Max Max Dead Load O,OOOih 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 3~8 k 7.0 k 3.05k 3.05k 0:000-in 0.097 in 0.0OOin 3.05k. ·3,05k Total Load o:odoin 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC a:\robiinta.ecw:catcuiations KW-0602938, Ver5.P.5, 1fgdar-1998, W1n32 C l Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue -~arlsbad, Calif. 92()08 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel I Rev: 510001 tm,: bsgnr:. Description : Scope: General Timber s·eam Description deck.edge beam,seesaw-a Job# Date:;-8:46AM, 20 APR 98 I Stre~s Cales . I Bending Analysis Ck 2Q.940 Rb 1.000 @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Sh(tar Analysis Design SJtear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports 20.105 Sxx Max Moment 12.96 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00-k-ft @ Left S!.!pport · 3.77.k'. 30.146 in2 125.00 psi Max. Left Reactfon 3;05 k Max. Right Reaction · 3.05 k I Query values· · __ • · · M, V, & D @ ~pacified Locations @ Center Span Location ::: o.oo ft @ Right Cant LQCation ::; 0.00 ft @ Left Cant. L~tion ::; 0;00 ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC 168.750 in3 Area 56.250 in2 Sxx Reg'd 83.85 in3 O.OQ in3 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 3.77 k 30.146 in2 125.00psi Bearing LengthReq'd Bearing Length Req'd Moment·· O.OOk-ft O;OOk-ft O.OOk-ft a:\robllnla.ecw:calculafions Allowablefb 1,854.40 psi 2,400.00 psi 2,400.00 ·psi 3.613 in 3.613 in Shear · 3.05 k O;QOk O.OOk r Deflection 0.0000 in 0;0000 in 0.0000 in. r · KW-o60293S; Ver 5.0;5, 15-Mar-1998, Wm32 {• ' ( ( ' " I". ~ ~ . .,, ... J·" --~....,,_. __ ,...,.. ~ ....... ___ __,._.,,._ _____ _ Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif~ 92008 760-730-3813 fax 760-730-3666 tel Title: . Dsgnr: . Job# Date:, 8:46AM, 20 APR 98 I Rev: 510001 Description deckedge bearn-b I General Information Section Name 4x12 · Beam Width 3,.500 in Beam Depth 11..250 in Member Type -Sawn Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor 1,000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density 35.000 pcf I Uniform Loads Unifonn Loads Over Full Span Description : Scope: General Timber Beam Center Span Left Cantilever Right Can.tilever '14.00 ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu Oouglas Fir-. Larch, Select structural Fb Base Allow 1,450.0 psi Fv Allow 95.0 psi Fe Allow 625.0 psi E 1,900;0 'ksi Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 53.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 275.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft . I :summary I Span= 14.00ft, 81,jamWldth = 3.50Qin x Depth= 11.25in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.843. : 1 Maximum·Moment 8.3 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 Allowable Max. Positive Moment 8;27k-ft Max. Negative Moment 0;00k-ft. Max @ left Support Max @ Right Support Max.·Mallow fb 1,344.28 psi Fb 1,~95.00 psi I Deflections Center Span ... Deflection ... Location ... Length/Def! Q.QOk.;;ft ·O.OOk-ft 9,81 fv Fv · Dead Load -0.069in 7.000,ft 2,451.1, 9.8 k~ft Allowable a 7.000ft 1 Shear: a 0.000 ft 78;50psi 95.00psi Total Load -0.370 in 7.000ft 454.32 Camber: Reactions .. , Left.CL 0,44k RightOL 0.44k . Left CaJ1tilever .. ~ Deflection ... Length/Def! ~ight CantjleV~r ... Deflection ... Length/Deft @Left @Right @Left @Center· @Right -Max Max Deadtoad · O.OOOin 0.0 0.000 in O;O 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0;00 ft Beam Design OK 3.1 k 3.7k 2.36·k 2.36k 0;000-in o .. 103in O.OQO:in 2.36k. 2.36:k Total-load · 0.000 in 0.0 0:000 in 0.0 ' I I (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC a:\rob1lnla.ecw:calcul~tlons l(VV-0602938, Ver5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998, Wm32 l I. i .,_~ ..... _ ... _,. '·------~--·-· ---'.,. __ :., __ , .' Dunn Savoie Inc 2655· Davis Avenue ·tarlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax · 760-730-3666 tel TIUe: Dsgnr: . Descrlpt19n : Scope: Job# Date:,; 8:46AM, .20 APR 98 •' <. ( I Rev: 51~1 General Timber Beam Description deck edge beam-b I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 29.357 Rb 1.100 @Center @ Left Support @ Right,Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing@ Supports 0.000 Sxx Max Moment 8.27 k-ft 0.00 k-ft O.OOk-ft @ l;.eft Support 3.09 k 32.535 in2 95.00 psi Max. Left'Reaction 2.36 k Max. Right.Reaction 2.36 k I Query Values M, V, & D @ Specified LocationJ @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC r 73.828 in3 Area 39.375 in2 Sxx Reg'd 62.22in3 0.00 in3 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 3.09 k 32.535.in2 95.00 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearin~ Length Req'd Moment 0.OOk-ft 0;00k:-ft . 0.OOk-ft. a:\ro6iinla.ecw:calculations Allowablefb 1,595.00 _psi 1,595.00 psi 1,595.00 psi 1.080 in 1.080 in Sliear 2 •. 361{ 0.OOk 0.00 k Deflection -0.0000 in O.OOOOin 0.0000 in I KVV-0002938; ver 5;0J?, 15-Mar-1998, win32 g ( __ . Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Aven·ue ~arlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel Title: Qsgnr: .Description.: Job# Date:; 8:46AM, 20 APR 98 Scope: I Rw. 510001 General Timber Beam Description deck edge beani_-c ® I General Information Seqtion Name 6x12 · Center Span Left C~ntilever Right Cantilever · 15.00 ft ..... Lu Beam Width 5.~00 in ft ..... Lu Beam Depth 11.500 in ft . : ... Lu Member Type Sawn Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam ·End Fixity Pin-Pin· Wood Density 35.000 pcf I Uniform Load~ Unifonn Loads ·over Full ·Span Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever . DL I _::;umma_ry I Douglas Fir -,Larch, No.1 Fb Base Allow 1,q50.0 psi Fv Allow 85;0 psi Fe Allow 625.0 psi E 1,600.0 ksi 55.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL l,.L · 300.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Span= 15.00ft, Beam·Wtdth = 5.500in lf Dej)th .= 1-1.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin. Max Stress Ratio 0.764 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable 10.4 k-ft 13.6 k-ft M~imum Shear* 1.5 Allowable Max .. Positive Moment , Max. Negative Moment Max @ l,.eft Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 1,031.11 psi Fb 1,350.00 psi I Deflections Center Span .. ~ Deflection ... Location ... Length/Def! 10.42k-ft a 7.500ft Shear: 6.00k-ft a 0.000ft O:OOk-ft O.OOk-ft 13.64 . fv 57.97 psi Fv 85;00psi DeadLoad -O.d72(n 7:500-ft 2,504.5 Total Load-· -0:378in 7'.500·ft 475.87 Camber: Reactions ... · Left DL · 0.53· k . Right DL 0:53 k Left Cantilever .. ~ Deflectic;,n ... Length/Def! Right Cantilever ... Deflection ..• Length/Def! @J .. eft @Right @Left @Center @Right Max Max Dead Load O.bOOin 0.0 0.0.0Q in 0.0- 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Page Beam E>esign OK 3.7 k 5.4 k 2.78'k 2.78k 0.000 in 0.108 in 0.OO0in. 2.78k 2.78k Total.Load · 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 I ' I (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC a:\ro&iinla.ecw:Calculations . · KW:-0802938, Ver5,0.5, 15-Mar-Hl98, Win32 Cf ' ,_ ' ' t t i l l ,. t t t I (: ( Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92()08 760-730-3613 fa~ 760-730-3666 tel Tltie: Dsgnr; Description : Scope: Job# / () Date:: 8:46AM, 20 APR 98 I Rev: 510001 General Timber Beam Page 21 Description deck edge beam-c I Stress Cales . I Bending Analysis Ck 27'.920 Rb 1.000 @Center @ Left. Support . @ Right Support Shear Analysis· Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports 0.000 Sxx Max Moment 10.42 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0:00 k~ft @ Left Support 3.67 k 43.138 in2 85.00 psi Max. Left Reaction 2. 78 k Max. Right Reaction 2. 78 k I Query Values . M, Vi & D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft . @ Left Cant. ·Location = O.QO ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC 1.21.229 in3 Area 63.250 ili2 $xx Reg'd 92.~9 in3 0.00 in3 o.oo in3 @ Right Support 3.67 k 43.1~8 in2 85.00 psi Bearing Length Reqld Bearing Length Req'd Moment O.OQk-ft O;OOk.a.ft O.OOk-ft ,:\roblinla.ecw:Calculations Allowablefb 1,350.00 psi 1,350.00 psi 1,350.00 psi · 0.808 in 0:808 in Shear 2.78 k O.OQ·k 0.00'k Deflection o.OOP0in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in I KW-0602938, Ver5.0.5, 15-Mar~1998, Wnl32 ( Dunn Sav9fe Inc· 2655 Davis Avenue 'Carlsbad, Calif. 82008- 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel _____ ..,_..., ____ _,J,,.~_,,.-:-,.....,,_, --~-=--~-----~-~---------- Title: Job# Dsgnr: Date:_ '8:46AM, ~o APR 98 . Descrlptto~ : ·scope: 1 --510001 General" Timber Beam Page 1 I Description deck middle beam~ I General Information Section Name 6x12 Beam Width Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever 13.00 ft .... ,Lu 5.500 in 11.500 in ft ..... Lu Beam Depth M~mberType ft ... , .Lu $,awn Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density 35;000 pcf · I Uniform lqads Unifonn Loads Over Full Span Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I ::;ummary I Douglas Fit -Larch, No.1 · Fb Base Allqw 1,350.0 psi Fv Allow 85.0 psi Fe-Allow · 625.0 psi E _ 1,eoo,o ksi 50.00 #ift #/ft #/ft LL · LL LL 500;00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Span= 13:00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 11.~in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.878 : 1 Maximum ,Moment 11.9 k-ft Allowable · 13J3 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 Allowable Max. Positive Moment 11.94 k-ft a 6.500 ft Shear: Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k-ft a 0.000 ft Max @ Left Support 0.00 k-ft Max @ Right Support 0;00 k-ft Max.Mallow fb 1, 182.24,psi Fb 1,350:00;psi I Deflections Center Span ... Deflection ... Location ... Length/Def! 1.3.64 .fv Fv Dead··Load · -0.038 in· 6.500·ft . 4,141.7' 1-i.aopsi 85.00psi Total load . -0.326in 6.500ft 478.89 Reactions .. : Left 01,. Right DL Camber: .0.42k . 0.42k Left Cantilever.:. Deflection .. ;Length/Oefl Right C~ritilever ... Deflection ... Le!'lgth/Defl · @Left @Right· @"Left @Center ·_ @Right Max ·Max Dead·Lciad · 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK 4.7 k 5.4 k 3.67k 3.67·k 0.OO0in 0.056!n 0.OOOin 3;67k 3.67k TotalU,ad . 0.000 ih 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 .I I r (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC · a:\roblinlucw:Calculaticins KW:-0602938, ver5.0.5, 15-Mar-f998; Wan32 · /{ ,. ·' 1 ( C.· _...,",..-~-==-~"""""""""' ........ =-----------.,..._---------- Dunn Savoie Inc. 2655 Davis Avenue .Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel TIOe:· ·~gnr: Description : Scope: \ Job# Date:_, 8:46AM, 20.APR 98 I Rw. 510001 . General Timber Beam Description d~ck middle beam-e I Stres_s Cales . Bending Analysis Ck . 27.920 Rb 1.000 @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing-@Supports 0.000 Sxx Max Moment 11.94 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 4.72 k 55.513 in2 85.00psi Max. Left Reaction 3.67 le Max. Right-Reaction 3~67 ·k I auery values · M, v, &.o@· Specifi~d-Locations . @-Center Span Location = 0.00 ft @·Right Cant. Location= o.oo ft @ Left Cant Location = 0.00 ft (c} 1983-98 ENERCALC I 121.229'in3 Area 63.i5o in2 Sxx Reg'd 106.16 in3 0.00 in3 O;OO in3 @ Right Support 4.72 k 55.513 in2 85.00 psi Bearing Length Req'd, Bearing Length Req'd Moment 0:001<-ft 0.00.k-ft O.OOk-ft ~:\robiinla.ecw:Calculations ·-· Allowablefb 1 :350.00 psi 1,350.00 psi 1,3'50;00psi 1.069 in 1.069 ih Shear 3.67k O.OOk 0;00 k · Deflection 0;()0()0 in 0.0000 ih 0.0000 in I KW-0602938, Ver5.0.5, 15ZMar-1998, Win32 ( ( (_. I Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue· Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel I Rev: 51~1 TIOe: Dsgni': Desciiptlon : Scope: General Timber 'Beain Job# Date: .:8:46AM, 20 APR 98 Description d_eck edge .bm, header to middle btn-f @ ®-0 I General information · Section Name 6x12 Center Span 10.00 ft .· .. ::Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.500 in ·Left. Cantilever ft ..... Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 11.500 in Right Cantilever ft .•... Lu , 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 Bm Wt. Added to Loads Fb Base Allow 1,~50.0 psi Load bur. Factor 1.000 FvAllow -85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin FcAllow 625.0 psi Wood Density 35.000 pcf E 1,600.0 ksi I Oniform Coacls Uniform Loads Over Full·Span Center IJL 50.00 #/ft LL 50.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL .#/ft Right Cantilever· DL #/ft LL #/ft. I Point :Loaas bead Load ·4§6.olbs lb~ lbs· lbs lbs lbs Live Load 3,240.0lbs lbs lbs lbs . lbs lbs ..,distance 5.000ft 0.000ft 0.000ft · 0;OQ0.ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft :;ummary I Beam Design OK . Span= 10.00ft Beam WKlth="5;500in x Depth= 11.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress· Ratio o. 718 : :t. Maxiinµm ·Moment Allowabl~ 10;6 k-ft 13.6 k-ft Maximum ,Shear * 1.5 · · Allowable 3.5 k 5.4 k 2.4·1 k 2.41 k Max. Positive;Motnent Max. Negative. Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max. Mallow fb 1,050.95 psi Fb 1,350.00 psi I Deflections Center·span.~. Deflection ... Location. ... Length/Def! 10.62k-ft 0.OOk-ft 0.OOk-ft 0.OOk-ft 13.64 fv Fv. Dead Load · -0;027in 5.000ft 4,433.4 a 5.000ft ·Shear: a 10.0()() ft 54.68psi 85;00psi Total Load --0.142 in 5.000ft 846.66 Camber: · Reactions ... Left·DL,. 0'.54k R1ghtDL 0;54k Left C;u"itilever ... Deflection .•. l,.ength/Defl Right Cantllev~r ... Deflection . ... Len9W[)efl I @ !-eft @Right @Left @Center @Right Max Max Dead Load o;ooo in 0.0 0.000 in -· 0.0 0.OOOin 0.041'in 0.0OOin 2.41 k 2.41 k Total Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 I i I I (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC · a:\robunla.ecw:Calculations KW-0602938, ver5.0.5, 15-M~r:1998, Wm32 c.- Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue earlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel . Title'.: . psgnr: Description: ~co~: I Rev: 510001 G.eneral Timber Beam Description deck ed~e bril, header to middle bm-f Job.# Date: .. 8:46AM, 20 APR' 98 Page 21 I stress Cales . I Bending Analysis . Ck 27 .. 920 Rb 1.000 @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear An~llysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing@ Supports 0.000 Sxx Max Moment '10.62 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0,00 k-ff @ Left Support 3.46 k 40.689 in2 85.00 psi Max. Left Reaction 2.41 k Max. Right Reaction 2.41 k I Query values N!, V, & D @ Specl6ed Locations . @ Center Span Location = . 0.00 ft @ Right Cant. Location= 0.00 ft @ Left Cant :Location = 0.00 ft (C) 1983-98 ENERCALC 121;229in3 Area ;63.250 in2 SxxReq'd. 94.37 hi3 0.00in3 0:00 in3 @ Right Support . 3.46k 40;689 in2 85.do psi Bearing_ Length Req'd·. · Bearing Length Req'd· Moment 0.OOk-ft 0.OOk-ft 0.OOk-ft a:\ro6iinla.ec:w:Calcula6ons . Allowablefb 1,350.00 psi 1,350.00 psi 1,350.00 psi 0,702ii1 0,702 in Shear 2.41 k 0.OOk 0.00 J( Deflection 0:0000 in O;OOOO in 0.0_000 in r KW-0602938, ver 5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998; ilvin.32 l'f ·--~ .... ..,,, ~ -· -. -.: ... ~ ..... -_, , . ------·-- C Dunn Savoie Inc Job#. 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel TIUe: ·[)sgnr: Date:-;8:46AM, 20 APR 98 I Rev: 510001 Description deck edge beam-g I General Information_ Section Name 4x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type 3.500 in 11.250 ih Sawn Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam End Fixity Wood Den~ity I Un~orm ~oads · Pin-Pin 35.000 pcf Uniform. Loads Over·full Span Center DL Left Cantilever DL. Right Cantilever DL Description : Scope: General Timber Beam Center Span · Left Cantilever Right Cantilever 10.00 ft ..... Lu ft , .... Lu . ft ..... Lu Douglas Fir -~arch; No.2 Fb Base Allow· 875.0 psi Fv Allow 95.0 psi Fe. Allow 625.0 psi E 1,600.0 ksi· . 53.00 #/ft #lft #/ft LL LL , LL 275.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft 0;00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft I ::;ummary I· . Beam Design OK Span= 10.00ft, ~am Width = 3.500in x Depth = 11.25in, Ends are Pin-Pin . Max Stress Ratio 0;713 : 1 Maximum MQment Allowable Max.· Positive Moment Max. Neg~tiye Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mal_low fb 68~.86 psi Fb 962ii0 psi I Deflections Center Span ... Defleqtion ... Location ... Length/Def! 4.2 k-ft 5;9'k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 Allowable 4.22k-ft a 0.OOk-ft .a 5,000,ft 0:000 ft Shear: . @ Left @Right 0.OOk-ft 0.001(-ft. 5.92 ·tv 52.47 psi Fv -95;00 psi DeadLoad -0,021 in 5.0()0ft 5,663.8 Total Load -0.114in 5.000ft 1,049.81 Camber: @ Left @·Center ~•Right Reactions .•• Left DL 0;3fk Max RightDL 0.31 k -Max Left Cantilever: .. Deflection •.. Length/Def! Right Cantilever .. -. Defle~ioh ... Length/Deft ·Dead Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 2,1 k, 3.7 k 1.69.k 1:69·!< O(OOO,in 0.032 in 0.000 in· 1,69k 1;69k Total·Load O.dbO in 0.0 0.Q00 in 0.0 I r (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC . ~:\robiinla.ecw:Calculations · · KVV-0602938, Ver5.0.5, 1s::Mar~1998, Wm32 · ( (_ l Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel Title: i;:>sgnr: Description : Scope: Job#· Date: _,8:46AM, 20 APR 98 lb I Rev: 510001 General Timber Beam Page 21· Description . deck edge beamiJ I Stress Cales Bending An·a1ysis Ck 34.68'() Rb 1.100 @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allow~ple Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction I Query val~es 0.000 s~ Max.Moment 4.22 k~ft O.OQ k-ft o.ob k-ft @ Left Support 2.07k' 21.747 in2 95,00 psi 1.69k 1.69-k M, V, & 0 @ Specified . LocatiOJ1S @ Cent~r $pan Location = 0.00 ft @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 ft @ Left Cant.. L9CSJion == o.oo ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC · I 73.828 in3 Area 39.375 in2 Sxx Reg'd 52.61 in3 0.00 in3- o.oo in3 @ -Right Support 2.07k 21.747 in2 95.00 psi Bearing l,ength Req'd Bearing Length Rl3q'd · Moment .o;OOk-ft o.ook,;ft O.OOk-ft a:\roblinla:ecw:Ca_lc,ulatlons · · Allowablefb 962.50 psi 962.50psi 9.62.50 psi 0.774in 0.772in Shear· 1.69 k O.OOk b.00 k Deflection O.OOQO in O:OOOOin 0.0000 in r KW-0602938, Ver5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998, ~in32 · · · ( '. ( \_ . l ' Dunn Savoie Inc; 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel -~--------··--··--····-····· TIUe: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# Date: /8:46AM, 20 APR 98 1 ~ev: 510001 General Timber Beam Page 1 I Description d~ck edge bm, first level-h I General Information Section Name 6x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type · Bm Wt. Added to Loads 5.500 in 11.500 in Sawn Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin · Ceht~r Span 13.50 ft ..... Lu !-eft Cantilever ft . , ... Lu Right Cantilever ,ft ..... Lu Truss Joist -MacMillan, TimberStrand 1. Fb Base Allpw 2,250.0 psi Fv Allow· 285.0 psi Fe Allow 650:0 psi Wood Density 35.000 pcf E 1,500.0 ksi I Uniform Loads Uniform Loads Over Full Span · Center DL Left Cantilever DI:. Right Cantilever DL I Poir~"tLoads bead Load Live Load •.. distan~ 430.0lb~ 2,~10.0lbl? 2.500ft 42.00#/ft #/ft #/ft 1bs lbs 0.000ft LL , LL LL lbs lbs 0.000ft 350.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft lbs lbs .0.0OOft lbs lbs 0.000 ft 0.00 ft 0,00 ft 0.00 ft lbs lbs 0.000 ft I . :;umm_a,r I a.earn Design OK Span= 13.50ft, Beam Width = 5..500in x Depth = 11,5iri, Ends ilre Pili-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.573 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable· Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left SLippqrt Max@ RightSupport Max.Mallow fb 1,288.94 psi Fb 2,250.00 psi I Deflections Center Span ... Deflection ... Location .•. Length/Def! 13:0·k-ft 22.7 k-ft Maximum Sttear * ·1 ;5 Allowable ·13.02k-ft 0.OOk-ft a 5.508ft a O;(>OOft Sh~ar: @ Left @Right 0.OOk-ft o:ook .. ft 22;73 fv Fv Dead Load -0;06din 6.480ft 2,680.4 109,29 psf 285;d0psi · Total Load · · -0.415-in 6.480ft 390.4$ Camber: @Left . @Center Reactions ... @Right Left DL 0.74k ·Max RightDL 0,47k Max Left Cantilever ... peflection •.. Length/Defl · . Right Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Den Dead load . · 0:000 in 0;0 0.000 in 0.0 6:9 k 1ito k 4.98k. 3;2$·k 0.0OOin o.091 ·in Q.000in 4.98k 3.26·k Total Load o;ooo in 0,0 0.000 'in 0.0 I r I (c) 1983-98ENERCALC . a:\robhnla:ecw:Calculabons · · KW-0602938, ver 5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998, Wm32 I~. . " ' C- Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Qavis Avenue parlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730~666 tel Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: I Rev. s10001 Genera-I Timber Beam Description deck edge bin; first level-h / Stress Cales· Bending Analysis Job# Date: -8:46AM, 20 APR 98 I Ck 20.940 Rb 0.000 $xx Max Moment 13.02 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 121.229 in3 Area '63.250 ini 1.0QO @Center @ Left Support - @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing-@. St1pports Max. Left Reaction Max. RiQht Reaction I Qu~ry vah.1es @ Left Support 6.91 k 24.255 in2 285.00 psi 4.98 k 3.26 k M, V, & D @ S~cified Locations @ Center $pan Location = 0;00 ft @ Right Cant. Location = 0:09 ft @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft. Sxx Reg'd 69.45 in3 -0.00in3 0:00 Jn3 @ Right Support ,(32 k 15;175 in2 285.00 psi \ Bearing Length Req'd Bearing 'Length Req'd · Moment o.ook~ft 0.00k-ft O.OOk-ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC -_ a:\robiinla.ecw:Calculations Allowablefb 2,250.00 psi 2,250.00 psi 2,250.00 psi 1.394 in 0:911 in She~r · 4.98k 0.00 k 0.00 k Deflection 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in ,- KW:-0602938, ver5.0,5, 15-Mar-1998, Wm32 f f ' j C (_-.- ( ' ~; Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 f~ 760-730-3666 tel TIUe: i;>sgnr: Description.: Scope: Job# ·oate: ,:8:46Ari,1, 20 APR98 I Rev: 510001 General Timber aeam Page 1·1 Description middle bm, first level-j / General Information Section Name 6x1 O Beam Width · Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever 10.50 ft ..... Lu 5.~oo in 9.500 in ft ..... Lu Beam Depth Member type ft ..... Lu Sawn Bm wt. Added to L.oads Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam End Fixity Wood Density I Uniform Loads Pin-Pin 35.000 pcf Uniform ·Loads Over Full Span· Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I. :,ummary •• Douglas Fk -Larch; No.1 Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Fv Allow 85.0 psi Fe Allow 625.0 psi E .1,600.0 ksi 60.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL L.L LL 500.00 #/ft #/ft. #/ft Span= 10.50ft, BeamWtdth;::: 5.500in x ,Depth.=.9.5in, E!lds are Pin.;f>in Max Stress Ratio 0.869 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowabl~ 7;9k-ft 9.3 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 · AIIQwable Max. Positive-Moment Max. Ne~ative ~oment Max @ Left Support Max @ RJght S~ppOrt Max.Mallow . fb 1,144,82,psi Fb 1 .~50.00 psi I Deflections Center Span ... Deflection- ... Location ... Length/Def! 7.89k-ft Q.00~-ft O.OOk-ft 0.00.k-ft 9;31 fv Fv Dead Load - -0.032in 5.250ft 3,984.5 .a 5;250ft a 10;500 ft Shear: 73.89·psi 85;00:psi Total Load -0.249-in 5.250ft 505.81 Reactions ••. !,.eftDL RightDL Camber: 0.38k 0.38·k LeftCantilever... · Deflection ... Length/Def! Right C;1ntilever ... Deflection ... LengthiDefl @!,.eft @Right @··l;.eft @-Center @'Right Max Max Deaaload 0.000 in 0;0 0.000 in o~o 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK 3_.9 k 4.4"k .S.Ofk 3.01 ic 0:000 in 0,047in ·· 0~000 fn 3.01k 3;01 k Total.Load 0.000 in 0.0 . 0.000 in . 0.0 I I I < • ' ~ :. t . , :; -,~ : 1·, -,(-:,c),....,1m983-....-,,t1,.,.8""'EnNE""R"'c...,ALrrr,c;,....· ----,.----,----'---~-::-:a:"'\ro::-,:b"'lin::-.ra=-".e::c:CN:::-:-::--,i.C.-:::-arr:ccu""la""Jlr=:on=-=s-.,.......--K171VVn™-..· ,.;.,· ""2'"'938,...,..,, v=.e::;r.""'"5 ..... 0~-r5,-.1"".5-M-.-r.a""'r-""'19""'9..,.8,....,.Wn:1-=-n3'"2,---,--,-· , ' (_, .. Dunn Savoie Inc; 2655 Davis Avenue earlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel Title: Dsgnr: Pescrlptlon : Scope: I Rw. 510001 General Tirnber Beam· : · Description middle bm, first level-j j Stress ~ales Bending Analysis Ck 27.920 Rb 1.000 @Center @ Left Support @ ~ight Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports 0.000 Sxx Max Moment 7.89 k~ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k~ft @ Left Support 3.86 k 45.418 in2 85.00 psi Max. Left Reaction 3.01 k Max. Right Reaction 3.01 k I Query val_ues M; V, & D @ Specified Locatic;>ns @ Center Span· Location = 0:00 ft @ Right Cant,: location = 0.00 ft @Left Cant. Location,= 0.00 ft. 82. 729 in3 Area 52.250 in2 Sxx Reg'd 10.16 in3 0.00 in3 0.00 in3 @ Right ~upport 3.86 k 45.418 iti2 85:00 psi Bearing_ Length Retj'd 1;3earing Length,Req'd Moment 0,OOk-fl 0.OOk-ft 0.QOk-'ft Allowablefb 1,350.00 psi 1,350.00 psi 1,350.00 psi 0.875 in o.ats in ··Shear 3;01 k -0.00k 0.00·k Job# Date: ,,a:46AM, 2_0 APR 98 Page Deflection · 0.0000 in ,0.0000 in 0.0000 in I ,, (C) 1983-98 ENERCALC a:\roblinla.ecw;Calculations -KW-0602938, Ver 5.0.5, 15'-Mar~1998,"Win32 (. l:) I Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Aven"-e oarl~bad, C~llf. 92008 760-730-3613 tax 760-730-3666 tel TIOe: tisgnr: · Description : Job# ~\ Date:; 8:46AM, 2·0 APR 98 ·-Scope.: I Rev: 510001 General Timber Beam Description middle.bm, first level-k @.(ii)-© I General Information . Section Name 4x1 O Center Sp~n 7.50 ft .... :tu BeamVVidtb Beam Depth -Member Type 3.500-in 9.250in Left Cantilever ft ..... Lu Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch; No.1 ft ..... Lu .sawn Bm Wt. Ac;lded to Loads Load Dur. Factor 1 ;000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood· Density $5.000 pcf I Uniform Loads-__ · Uniform Loads,over Full Span Center DL Left Cantilever DL · Right Cantilever DL :summary· . ~ .. · Fb Base Allow 1,000.0 psi Fv. Allow 95.0 psi Fe Allow 625.0 psi E 1,700.0 ksi 60.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 500.00 #/ft #lit. #/ft Spari= 7.50ft; Beam WK.Ith.= 3.5001!1 x ·Depth= 9,25iil, Ends are Pin.Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.831 : 1 . Maximum Moment 4.0 k'-ft 5.0 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 AlioWable Max. Positive Moment 'Ma)(. Negative Moment Max,@· Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fQJ 959;98-p$i Fb 1,200.00 psi I Deflections · Center Span... · Deflection· ... Location ... Length/Def! . Allowable · 3;9,9 lc-ft a O.OOk-ft a 3,750-ft 7.500 ft St)ear: O.OOk-ft O.OOk-ft 4,99 fv 78~93psi · Fv 95;00 psi Dead Load. -0.012in . 3.750ft 7,310;0 Total Load -0.103in 3.750ft 873.65 Reactions ..• -L,eft DL RightDL, Camb~r: o:2sk 0.25k· Left Cantilever ... Deflection .. ;Length/Def! Right Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Def! @Leff @·Ri~ht . @'Left @Center @Right MiiX Max Dead Load · 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft · Beam Design OK 2.6 k. ·a.1 k 2.13k 2.13k Q.OOOin 0.018 in o.6o6in 2.13k 2.13·k · Total Load 0:000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 I r I ·, j . . ~ .. I ' ,. ® '• ··t I ' ·O: ~\ '·i :( ' i,i~ . : ·-;. 4 ,1_ -• " - 1..··· ,·. J',·, . ~lf -~· . . ,, (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC · · a:\roblinla.ecw:Calculations · KW-0602938, Ver5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998, W1n3~ (. ' ( '-....- ........ -·--------·-.-... ---------... --~------~------------~----.. --------··---· Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue , earlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 76O-73O~666· tel Title.: . psgrir: Description : Scope: General Timber Beam Description midqle .l;>m~ first level-k I Stress Cale~ Bending Analysis Ck 33A38 Rb 1.200 @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design.Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports 0.ooo· Sxx Max Moment 3.99 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0;00 k-ft @ Left.Support 2.56 k 26.899 in2 95.00psi Max. Left Reaction 2.13 k Max. Right Reaction 2.13 k I Query Values M, V, & D@Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = 0;00 ft @ Right cant. Location = O:OQ ft @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft 49.911 in3 Area 32.375in2 .Sxx Reg'd 39.93 in3 0.00 ii'.13 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 2.56 k 26.899 in2 95.00 psi Bearing Length Req!d Bearing Length Req'd Moment · 0.OOk-ft 0.00k-ft 0.QOk-ft Ailowable.fb 1,200.00 psi 1,200.00 psi 1,200.00 psi 0.973 in 0.973.in Shear 2.13 k 6.00k 0.00 k Job# Date: _.8:46AM, 20 APR98 Page 21 Deflection 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in I r .J , f }'} .~ I " I ' (C) 1983-98 ENERCALC a:\robilnla;ecw:Calciilat1ons I KW-0602938, Ver5.0.5, 15-Mar-199~. Win32 . I ' ( ·I Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Av~nue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel · Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Job# Date:, 8:46AM, 20 APR 98 Rev. 510001 .General Timber .Beam Page 1 Description · deck edge bm; first level-I I General Information Section Name 6x12 Center Span 10.00 ft ..... Lu 0.00 ft. Beam Width 5.500 in Left Cantilever ft ..... Lu o.oo ft Beam Depth 11.500 in Right Cantilever ft ..... Lu 0.00 ft Member'Type Sawn Douglas Fir -Larch, No:1 Bm Wt. Adc!ed to Loads Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Load Dur. Factor 1;000 FvAilow 85.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin°Pin FcAllow 625.0 psi Wood Density 35.000 pcf E 1,600.0 ksi I Oiliform· (oaas Uniform Lo~ds Over Full Span Center DL 33.00 #/ft LL 200;00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft I Pomf Loacls 'Dead Load 380.olbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Live Load 2,620.0lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lb~ ••. distance 5.000ft ·0.000ft 0.000.ft . 0.000ft ().000 ft 0.000ft ., ::;ummary I Beam'Oesign OK Span= 10.00ft, BeamW'Klth = .5.500in x Depth= 11.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Ma>( Stress Ratio ' o. 778 : 1 · Maximum Moment Allowable · Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max.@ Left. Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 1,049.71 psi Fb 1,350.00 psi I Deflections Center Span ... Deflectic;>n ... Location ... Length/Def! 10.6 k-ft 13.6 k-ft , Maximum Shear * 1-.5 Allowable 10.60k-ft a 5.000 ft Shear: @:Left @Right o,ooic-ft a 10.000 ft O.OOk-ft 0;OOk-ft· · 13.64, fv Fv Dead Load -0.022in· 5.000ft . 5,448.6 59.61 psi 85.00psi Total Load -0.147 in 5.000ft 816.67 Reactions .•• .Left D(. Rightc:>L. Camber: 0.43k 0.43k · Left Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Def! Right Cantilever ..• · Deflection ... Length/Defl @Left @Center @Right Max Max Dead Load 0.000 in O.o 0;000in ();0 3.8 k 5A· k ~-74k 2.74k 0;OOO·jn 0.033ih 0.00()in 2.74k 2.74k · Total Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in O.Q I r I I (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC . · a:\robiinla.ecw:Calcuiation$ . KW-0602938, Ver5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998, Win32· · ' I .. J i. I . ·, '· '.: ( .. ( ,_ Dunn Savoie Inc_ 2655 Davis Av:enue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax. 760-730-3666 tel Title: ·Dsgnr:. Description.: · Scope: I Rev: s10001 General Timber Beam Description · deck edge bm, first level-I · f Stress Cales _ Bending: Analysis Job# Date:_. 8:46AM, 20 APR 98 Page 2 I I Ck . 27:920 Rb 0;000 ·sxx _ 121.229 in3 Area 63;250 in2 1.000 @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: ,Allowable Bearing-@·Supports Max. Left,.Reaction Max. Right Reaction Max Moment 10.60 k-ft 0.00 k-ft O.OQ k-ft @ Le~ Support 3.77 k 44.~53 in2 · 85.00 psi 2;14k 2.74k M, V, & D @ Specified Locations Sxx Reg'd 94.26 ·in3 · 0.00 in3 0.00 in3 @Right Support 3.77 k 44.353 in2 85.00 Pl?i Bearing Length 'Req'.d Bearing Length Req'd @ Center Span Loc;ation·= 0.00 ft· Moment· 0.OOk-ft O.OOk-ft o.ook~ft @ Right Cant. Location = O.QO ·tt @ Left Cant. Location = · 0.00 ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC a:\roblinla.ecw:b111ciilations -Allowable fb 1,350;00 psi 1,350.00 psi 1,350.00 psi 0.798in 0.798in hear .~.74 k 0.OOk 0.OO·k Deflection 0.0000 in 0.0000-in 0.0000 in KW-0602938, Ver&.o.5; 15-Mar-1998, W1ri32 { t· .& l • • ".}, . , t, ¾ :; .. A. ,. ' ' ,'.' ' . ' c·· . ( --------------· ------------------'------ Dunn Savoie Inc: TIUe: 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel Dsgnr: .Job# /J <;' Date: 8:46AM, 2Q APR 98 // Description : Scope: I Rev: 510001 General Timber Beam Description deck middle J)m, second level-2f1 I General Information Section Name 6x12 Center Span 13:00 ft ..... Lu Beam Width 5.500 in Left Cantilever ft ..... Lu Beam Depth _ 11.500 in Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 ft ..... Lu Member Type -Sawn Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density ·35.000 pcf ! Uniform Loads Unifonri Loads Over Full Sp~n- Center DL Left Cantilever OL Right Cantilever DL I ::,ummary--• Fb Base Allow 1,350.0 psi Fv Allow 85.0 psi Fe Allow 625.0 psi E · 1,600.0 ksi 60.00 #/ft· #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 500.00 #/ff #lft #/ft Span= 13.00ft, Beam Width = 5:500in·x Depth';= 11.5irJ, Ends are ·Pin-Pih Max Stress· Ratio 0.893 : 1 Maximum Mom~nt 12.2 k:.ft ·M;3XiinumShear* 1.5 Allowable 13.6 k.;.ft AIIQwable 6.500ft Max.Positive IVloment 12.15k-ft a Shear: @[.eft Max. Negative Moment O.QOk-ft a 0.000 ft @Right Max @ Left .Support O.OOk'.'"ft ·Camber: @Left Max @ Right Support 0.0Qk-ft • @Genter Max.Mallow 13.64 Reactions .•. @Right fb l,203.15 psi· f,j '75.92psi LeffDL 0.49k Max Fb 1,350.00 psi Fv 85.00psi RightDL 0.49·1< Max I Deflections . Center-Span; .. Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever ... Dead Load Deflection -0:043in -0:332in Deflection 0.000 in ..• Location 6.500ft-6.500ft ... Length/Defl 0.0 ... Length/Defl 3,592.2 470.57 Right Cantilever ... Deflection 0.000 in ... Length/Defl 0:0 0.00 ft 0.00 •ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK 4:8 k -5.4,k 3;74k 3.74·k 0.000,in 0.065in . O:OOO·in 3.74"k 3.74k ·Totalload 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.,0 I r r (c} 1983-98 ENERCALC a:\robiinla.ecw:Calculat1on~ -KW:-0602938, ver5.0,5, 15-Mar-1998,vvm32 _)- --·~~--- ( Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel Title·: Dsgnr: Descrlptlo~ : Scope: I Rov. s10001 General Timber Beam Description deck middle bm, second Ievel~2f1 . I Stre~s Cales Bending Analysis· .,Job# Date: ,:8:46AM, 20 APR 98 r Ck 27.920 Rb 0.000 Sxx Max Moment 121.229in3. Area 63.250 in2 1.000 @Center @ Left Support @Right-Suppc;,rt Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports . 12.15 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 4.80 k 56.495 in2 85.00psi Max. left Reaction 3. 7 4 k Max. RiQht Reaction 3. 74 k I Q1,1ery v~lues M, V~ ·& D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft @ Right Cant. Location = 0.00 · ft @ Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC Sxx Req'd 108.04 in3 0.00in3 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 4.80'k 56.495 in2 · 85.00psi Bearing Length Req'd ·searing·Length Req~d-. Moment 0:OOk-ft O.OOk-ft. 0.00k-ft a:\roblinla.ecw:calculations· · Allowablefb 1,~50.00 psi 1,350;00 psi 1,350.00 psi· 1.088 in 1.088 in Shear·.· 3.74k o:oo k 0.00 k · Deflection 0,0()00 in· 0.0000 in 0.OO00in I . ' -l. ·i , ·i -I . i j; I · KW-0002938, ver5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998, W1n32 l l Dunn Sav(;le Inc Title: Dsgnr: o-.cr1pt1on : Job# "1;,7f'° · . Date: ,-8:46AM, ~o APR 98 2655 Davis Avenue Cf,rlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730~~66·tel I Rev: 510001 S!=Ope: General Timber aeam Description deck edge brn, second level-212 I General Information Section Name 6x12 Beam Width. Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads 5.500 in 11.500, in Sawn Load Dur. Factor · 1 ;000 Beam End Fixity . Pin-Pin Wood Density 35.000 pct I Uniform Loads Unifonn L9ads OverFull'Span· Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I Pomtl-,oads · 500;616~. Center Span · 10.00 ft ..... Lu Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu Fb Base Allow 1,350;0 psi Fv Allow 85,0 psi Fe Allow 625.0 psi E 1,600.0 ksi 66.00 #/ft LL 275.00 #/ft #/ft LI:. #/ft #/ft LL #/ft lb~ 16s lbs lbs lbs lbs 16s lbs bead [9ad Live Load •.. distance · 3,250.0 lbs 5.000ft 0.000ft ,0.000ft O;OOOft Q:000 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 16s lbs 0.000 ft I :.ummt1ry .I Ov.erstressed' in Bending I . Span= 10.00ft, Beam Width= 5:,500in·x Depth·= 11.Sin, Ends are.Pin-Pio Max Stres~ Ratio 1.014 : 1 Maximum-Moment 1'3.8 k-ft MaximumShear * 1.5 5.0k AilQwable · 13.6 k-ft Allowable 5.4 k Max. Positive ·Moment 13.83k-ft ,a 5.00C>ft· Shear: @1,.eft 3.66k. Max. Negative Moment 0.OOk-ft a · 10.000 ft @Right 3.66'k Max @ left Support 0.OOk-ft Camber: @Left O.OQOih Max @ Right S1,1pport 0;QOk-ft @Center· · Q.049 in @Right 0.000 in Max.Mallow 13.64 Reactions ... · \ fb 1,368.94 psi fv 78.95psi Left DL 0,66k · Max 3.66k Fb 1,350:00 psi Fv 85.00psi Right DI,. 0.66'k Max 3.66k ' I Deflections Center Span ... Dead.Load Total Load Left Cantilever ••• Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.033 in -0.19:3 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in ..• Locati,on 5.000ft 5.000ft .•. Length/Def! 0.0 0.0 ... Length/Def! ~.686.1 621.98 Right Cantilever ... Deflection O.OOOin 0.000 iii' •.• Length/Def! 0.0 -0,0, I r I I {c) 1983-98 ENERCALC a:\roblirila.ecw:Calculatioris KW-0602938, ver 5.0.5, 15-Mar-199&, Wari32 ·· · · ' i ' ·L ~ ·11 r ; i ;;, i,, r t .J ~ i ti ~· l u Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Av~nue CarlsJ)ad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel Title,: Dsgnr: Descrlptfon : Scope: I Rev: 51l)001 Ge-netal Timber ·seam Description .-deck edge bm, -second level-2f2 I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Job# ~K Date: ,,s:46AM, 20 APR 98 Page 21 l Ck . i7.920 Rb 0.000 · Sxx Max Moment 13;83 k-ft 121.229 in3 Area ' 63.450 in2 1.000 @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports . O.OOk-ft 0;00 k-ft @ Left Support 4.99 k 58.747 in2 85,00 psi Max, Left Reaction 3.61;> k Max. Right Rl:!i:!ction 3;66 k . I Query Val~es . M, v, & D @ Specified· Locations @ Center Span Location = 0.00 ft @Right Cant. L~tion = 0.00 ft @ Left Gant. Location = 0.00 ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC . Sxx Req'd 142.93 in3 0.00 in3 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 4.99 k . · 58.747 in.2 85.00 psi· Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd ·Moment 0;()0k-ft O.OOk-ft ·Q.OOk-ft a:\ro6hrila.ecw:Calculations . Allowablefb 1,350.00 psi 1,350.00 psi 1,350.00 psi 1.064.in 1.064in Shear· · 3.66 k 0:00 k 0.OOk Deflection o:ooob.in O.OQODin 0.0000 in l KW-0602938, Ver5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998, Wm3? (. -·~ ---_____ .,.,.,, __ .. ,. .. ,,_ ____ .,.,._ __ ~_ --·-·--·-·--------- Dunn Savoie. Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730~613 fax 760-73.0-3666 tel Title: Job# 1-,~- Date:,. 8:46AM, 20 APR 98 Dsgnr: Description : · Scope: I Rev: 510001 . General Timber Beam Description deck edge brn, second leve1.:.2f3 I General lnforntation Section Name Prllm: 3.5x11.875 Beam Width 5.250 in Beam Depth 11.875 in Member Type Sawn Bm Wt Added'to Loads Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam. End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density 35.000 pcf I Trapezoidal Loads_ . . Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever f4.00 ft . ; ... Lu ft ..... Lu ft .: .... Lu Truss Joist -MacMillan, TimberStrand 1. Fb ease Allow 2,250.0 psi Fv Allow 285,0 .psi Fe Allow 650.0 psi E 1,500.0. ksi 0.00 ft 0.00 .ft 0.00 ft #1 DL @ Left 66.0Q #/ft DL @ Right 66.00 #/ft LL@Left LL@Right 300.00 #/ft 300;00 #ift Start Loe End Loe · 0.000 ft 8.500 ft I Pomtloaas bead Load Live Load .•• dis~nce. 660.olbs 3,000.0lbs 8.500ft lbs lbs 0.000ft lbs lbs 0.000ft lbs lbs 0.000ft 16s· lbs 0.000 ft ,ss lbs 0.000 ft I. ~ummary I Beam Design OK Span= 14.00ft, Beam Width= 5.250in x Depth= 11.8751n, Endure Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio o. 767 : 1 - Maximum,Moment Aliowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @Left Support Max @·Right Support . Ma)(.M.allow fb 1,726.17 psi Fb 2;250.00.psi I Deflections Center Span.~. Deflection ... Location ... Length/Defl 17.7 k-ft 23 .. 1 k-,ft Maximum.Shear* 1.5 Allowable 17.75k-ft a O.OOk-ft a 8.456ft 0.000ft Shear: @Left . @Right O:OOk-ft O.OOk-ft 23.14 fv 80.55psJ Fv 285.00·psi Dead Load :.O~ 104 ,n 7.112ft 1,644.6 · Total-load -0;512 in 7.112 ft 327.92 Camber: · ·@ Left Reactions ... @Center ·@Right · Left DL ·o.76k Max RightDL 0.68k Max · · left Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Defl Right Cantilever ... . Deflection ... ~eng(M)efl Dead load· 0.000 in O.d 0.000 in 0.0 5.0 k 17.8 k 3.71 k 3.27k O:OOOin 0.153in O.OOOin 3.71'1< 3.27k Total Load 0.000 in ·O.O 0.000 in 0.0 I J r ., 1 i I f I -=.......,EPT"l....,.,,,,...,,.~~.-------------::c~:-,,::,-::-:--:-,-,,..-:-r-:-=,....,..,----.,,.,vwnrr..::n.m-2'"'"',. .... _,. ...... , v'""e=r..,,...: .... u ..... .:,-.~"".::n--rr::a"'"~-Tl,0""_0"""11. ,,,w""1""'n,..,,;2·,....~. -,-·_·'..I (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC a:\robllnla,ecw:Calgulations " ...,.,., ,N., ., ., ,.,,-,.. , . .,.,., ., ~ -------------------~----- Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3(;66 tel I Rev: 510001 Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope:: General Timber Beam Description deck edge bm, · second level.;2f3 I Stress ca_lcs Bending Analysis ,, I) .:Job# 7 Date: ;8:46AM, 20,APR 98 Page 21 r Ck 20.940 Ro 0.000 Sxx Max Moment 17.75k-ft o.oo k-ft 0.00 k-ft 123.389 in3 Area 62,344 in2 1.000 @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Require~ Fv: AllowablE!. Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Rel;lction Max; Right Reaction I Query Values @Left.Support -5.02 k 17.619 in2 285.00 psi 3.71 k .3.27·k M, V, & .D @ Specified· Locations @ Center Span Location = Q.00 ft @Right-Cant. Lo¢ation = 0.00 ft @Left Cant. Location = 0.00 ft (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC Sxx Reg'd -94.66 in3 0.00 it13 0;00 in3 ' @ Right Support 4.89 k 17.148 in2 285.00 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing !,.erigth Req'd Moment O.OOk-ft O.OOk-ft 0.00.k~ft a:\roblinla.ecw:calculations. -- Allowablefb 2,250.00 psi 2,250.00 psi 2,250.00 psi 1.081 in ·0.959 in Shear ·3.71 k 0.()0 k O.OOk Deflection 0.0000 ih O.OQOO in 0.0000 in r KW-0602938, ver 5.0.5, 15-M~~1998, Wm32 ( ( . _, -----------·--·--·--·-------~-----··-·--·---·- Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3&1·3 fax 760-730-3666 tel Title: D~gnr:. Job# Date: ,:9:14AM, 20 APR 98 . Description : · Scope': I Rev: 51~1 General Timber Beam Description typ stair stringer I General Information Section Name 4x12. Be~mWidth Center Span Left-Cantilever Right Cantilever 12.00 ft ..... Lu 3.500 .iri- 11.2.50 in sawn ft ..... Lu Beam bepth Member Type ft ..... Lu Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam End Fixity Wood Density I Uniform Loads Pin-Pin 35.000 pcf Unifonn Loads Over Full Spart Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I ::;ummary .1 Douglas Fir -Larch, Select structural Fb Base Allow · 1,450.0 psi Fv Allow · 95.0 psi . Fe Allow. 625~0 psi E 1,900:0 ksi 90.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft. LL LL LL ; 200.0Q #/ft #/ft. #/ft Span= 12.00ft, Beain Width = 3.~in x Depth·= 11.25in, Ends are Pin-Pin M~ Stress Ratio ·0;6.11 : 1 Maximum·.Moment · Allowable -'5.4k-.ft 9.8 k-,ft Maxim!Jm Shear* 1.5 Allowable Max.· Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max@ teft Support · Max@ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 876.46 psi Fb 1,595.00 psi I Deflections Center Span ... Deflection ... Location •.. Length/Defl 5.39k-.ft O;OOk-ft O.OOk-ft O.QOk-ft 9.81 fv . Fv DeadLoad -0.059'in 6.000ft 2,445.9 ,;i 6.000ft a 12.000 ft Stiear. Camber; 58.()7ps, 95.QOpsi Reactions ..• - l,eft DL · 0:60k C);60k .. Right-DL. Total Load · -0.177in 6,000ft 812.95 - Left-Cantilever ... Deflection .. :Length/Defl Righ~ Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Oefl - @~e1' @Right @Left @Center @_Right . Max Max Dead-Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0;0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Page Beam Design OK 2.3 k 3.1 k 1-,80k 1.80k 0;OOOin 0.088°in 0.000-in 1.80k 1.80k Total Load· 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in o.o 1 • r I I (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC c:\enercaJcUegorobi.ecw:caiCt!lations KW:0602938, Ver5.0.5, 15™ar-1998;Win32 . ' \ . ( .. ', ., ( ·····-··--·· _, ----·-----~--------------- Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis.Avenue earlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel I Rev: 51000~ Description typ stair stringer ··f Stress Cales Bending Analysis Title: ' · Ds;gnr: Description : Scope: General Timber Beam Job# 1 ?/ Date:, 9:14AM, 20 APR 98 Page 2 I r Ck 29.3'57 .Rb 0,000 Sxx 73.828 in3 Area 39.375 in2 Cf 1.100 @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @Supports · Max, Left Reaction Max. Right ~eaction I Queey Val.ues_ _ _ Max Moment 5.39 k;ft 0.00 k-ft O.OOk-ft @ Left Support .2.29 k .24.067 in2 95.00 psi· · 1.80 k 1;80 k M, V, & D@ Specified Locations @Center Span Location= 0.00 ft @· RightGtint. location = 0.00 ft @ Left·Canl Location·= o.op ft Sxx Req'd 40;57 i.h3 0;00 in3 0.00 in3 @ Rigt,t Support 2._49 k 24.067 in2 95.00 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'c;I Moment 0.00k'-ft O.ciOk-ft o,OQk-ft (CJ 1983-98 ENERCALC ci\enercalc\leijorobi.ecw:Calculations . Allowablefb · 1,595.00 psi 1';595.00 psi 1,595.00 psi 0.822 in 0:82-2 in She~r 1.80 k 0.oo·k 0.OO'k. Deflection 0~00()() in · 0.0000 in O.OOQO in r KW-0602$38, Ver5.0.5, 15-Mar~1998, Wm32 ., ,. ----------:-----~--'>-----~-----,.----------,.--- ""'? ', ' '· : JOB R~~\,Jl-foOO CLl~!:!a"~ Cf~;..I oeJJ· DUNN-SAVOIE-INC. 1'3 STRU.CTURAL ENGINEERS SHEET NO. Of ( I · 2655 Davis Avenue CALCULATED BY ~ DATE 1· 1'3. 'ti Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 730-3616 Fax -CHECKED BY DATE (760) 730-3666 Pho11e SCALE \ ' ' J . ' • ,' , I , . ' . ' '-' • C ; ., _'} '· ,' < I ' • ' ,, ' 0 '· ' 5 " ,' ,\ ' , J ,I :. ; , ' ' , ,; 0 J ,• PDlf: .1r-z,~, \if(. ' I, 1M.Q(-J.<lPJ" ' .. L!x1~ l~-esf IA-~AIL, 101M, ~ t.0.r~. v~ Arq 1.1 .. LCX:Mlqi-> Hf t-Vt--~CJ(. l<:fl.CA 'I( t'Z. trf'O'-i-,;µWj: l: ~ f ..ftf rttrc... ... l,.l'f. ·- : E,l~ 1q y ,z4' ':~')(!r_) t ({)f{) ,t;z,;• .. f~H~' o., "Q ~,...'.!'.'t o,f« ·'-I, I-I ,<IIL i,1~ 0,'1,, .... l lj'l. f. -· ,_ O,fl~o . "1-, ,;,1-~J-4.1s"u .. ll .. • J%)(1Jt) + ~) \_ ~-~"'-lo'~-,..,., ,4.r,, ... I,• ~PL. ~ ., o.i~ ~ 1 )b o-,qlc, ~ . o,<."'o --1..c." l-!'PiG,l,(1"L '· 6,1-lb tJ '1.,. l/_ I O,~,;"" ' I '1111{~ .t,'(~9(1.%) SA''. .. 1q1/i :f'I~ ,.-11!"0 . --:;:_p..__, -~.,_ t ~& ,::r"'v 0,480 f",1f~L '2.,?i-::l"(p ~ f;Dc'1'.J 1_ {f)C~ 1 1,'t.."'-ll/'/,.-t ."/-," , •• "'o 'l,'t.tt.. "l.· '} I. . ~bll'O -,'i"o ~-1., ..... iZ,t "f_L ' ;')(();,~~~~) ~ ~[~}, '};11>''.: ~~ t • t('JK. "b, ?l/",, ,. f,/ -J( y i~' o,~s"· l I~' o,>;~o 'l..1-f"r;, .. ,1J"'"' .... 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'ti ,• Carlsbad, CA 92008 - (760) 730-3616 Fax CHECKED BY_ DATE (760) · 730-3666 Phone " \. SCAll: ., J ' ' • , • I 2 , 3 ' ; • 7 • ' 2 3 ; ; < ' ~ ' ' , I} : ; ' J ' .5 !.r : 3 : 2 3 ' 5 ;, ; ?,_ 2 .1 ' ,, ' : . Poi,f: 1~1f?, \if(. l<lPJ" ; -Lht1~ tz,lf.l.lf-l()O~~ ~~~>-:~f/..f V.:1,1../S"l{Wi;, 1b'fAL- -UX:A1iqr,) "Hf sf( . _ t,,Vt-~()(_-kfl:~~ X' t'l.. _trl"O"-J,l;l~ wf. ... ' ' fP -18£ y 14' ,'i(l(11 I 1' P-') {J.'f-J!J41JfJ 1111 i:~;·., 'Z,l I ;f("'· ,LfV'-,?>9~c, 1:,19 ' <""~ '--z. _1. i 2-,L ·Z . .'~'{'o . ·-:r '2,,,f',•L 'Ml"'-' (~)~) ,,f,~V -~ .H"'" ½: ,t.f~w'1 :,.:..;.--.· .'l ·i f ' $1.-L. ftt''1 _ -I",:, '2.. ,(\. PP-/t;'i 'r 2}•( I : J· {q'{~) ~(f tl1 · 'L '-{ ,z..-t'<-~1:1ii ,G,S"o ''{ 3 .... .ei~"o 12.il"o-; -1' -~ ,.~, '"2.. ~,I/ I. ,,•I''<- ~ .. '2.. ft')(~~~-('!' f1~l~'fii)i!-(~g . q"'~ .. i1f~(.+:J' 1"~ ·:'.;;t.'1-,.c. 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STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 2655 Davis Avenue · Carlsbad~ CA 92008 (760) 730-361~ Fax (760) 730--3666 ]~hone /"l.l I 7, •. It' l'V / 7, I I '2.' l 'l ' . ,i, /{,; . It"' '}o'~ I(.' 11. I /',' '\?f,'O I IV H,' ,~· l i,... I ' 11.., 11. I ,'i$ ~---------......... -----.. - _., Joa . Ro@\,J H«\o, CLlM,Pa • ~ : SHEETNO. · '.J lo OF---~--- c;ALCULATED BY ...__._~_-_·..a·-,--------DATE _'J,._• _/ J ___ . _t:tif __ _ CHECKED BY----,----'---'-----DATE----------- $CALE _ __..'----------------------- 1. ft 5,1'1"1? ,. q"1c. . 1-c--q, o"-r I -2,t"r> 1.?t-"1... ?•~·,(1" . ,( 1, o. o . '1...~~'1' . .. . 1,14" .6.t."·-r f. '2.l."'o ~u.•-r -,j. ,5·:31<.. . 8"' -' • :· r:, ?t t~ ,,., • Q .. ,-r:t"-... ,f>:o '(" ., .,'ti J<: <. ;o-i. .. -· '-~ I ,4~ .. .. ,0 «,:;;.' ,''5'-1" ,• ! , ,/, _, 1-. .,: >:, "• ,., ,•, t• ~ •: J~ (. •• F-. '"• l ~~ ..... , ...... ., -·· 1 • =~rr ·• r·,, -• i'~~· .. -------·-----·-··---------- JOB Rl)\3IV\4:>o of:' l L, ,....~ · L~ ... 71" DUNN SAVOIE. INC. STRUCTU.RAL ENGINEERS 2655 Davis Avenue Garisbad, CA 92008 (760) 730~3616 Fax SHEET NO. "7_ o/ OF----,-------,. --· ( CALCULATED BY ~ DATE /:\(>fl. I :J, 1 ~2:1 (760) 730-3,~66 Phone CHECKEl;IBY DATE SCALE a ., . ' • I ' , < • ' ' ' -·' ' (£) -<f!3 :;:; nc,,:'!C 'f/2-1 a A-fl,,,Z A e. @-@= -fRIB 1,.11' ; Cb) 'i61 1llr t-;s:' .x !'3 fAJf-'~): I J;i');P( l9=>" := /4 (~ l 7, '/,'' ,9 (!,A fQlK f' f:'.1 . 7f;{r 13 fA.r--(-1'1'r"r ,Z,'t' k l q f¾..c. -r l]:J...<1 ,c r3fH -t-·r~1 ,,-~')-t-.15'1).,,-::. -i '---~ poLE • Wl,vD ,r-J ;.,_0/f,M-1 loSVMt-"(i;° \J\N-c> oiJ ,Z.!),·/2 Sbl-Lo Af<.C/r J1r,, ., ~l; ~)C~)~~}'L~.3Cf3§ ~(.~ .4S'h5'qV4.:< ?_":r,olf" ,• (",~' 1 ')!• \ ?.. ,,1 If fx f" -4~1-"-5'H,il ::. 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'£. ;; YJJ:...~ ='). ~_; _._<'ff r:> =- . + 4 . 7 Mt" -fi,~ Jti/i9~><1'L-r l".l/1«i'L =-/J(..g :p,s--1 .( <( • 2 , . . .. ··t·· . . . . ' u .......... ,.,,. •• --•••• _ ... ., ............. 8 • 2 ... ..--~--------------... --,---~------------~-.. ----------------------. ;::=:===:::::::::::=:===::;::;::::=:::::::::::::================>J I ,, DUNN SAVOIE ·INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEE.RS 2655 Davis Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 730-3€>16 F~ (760) 730-3666: Pl'!one JOB. R O/3lf" lk,i;,o · Gld~ 13 -L.£1.,-ii SHEET NO. 2 OF --,--------- CALCULATEO'BY -,--~-----......,...---,---DATE -,---1....._· _J]_-~'J.=eJ>:.....,..-- CHECKED BY __________ DATE ______ _ ' SCALE----------------------- , _ ; I r 1;. -, B • z J I } ;, ,c-' ' t,. r--.·. fovNDA-110,-,~ iMA-•-: 't$bo ts (-Fo/2 I°(),, ~MB!2)) ~ ?,.1500 ~ ;,t'xiso , 31':).::;" P"1'P FwL , fif ~Me~ . Aw,w £...;o.~ 5" f f,fr St':/:£ 17,_'-(, '' DIA . 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".i-- fl . . ----•<r-•~-· --ll .... 1-.. 4 1· -------...... --............... ----,----'-'--·----,---- t ~-----..... --+++-'---...... -------...c..._.:....-......-............ ~-----.. --,--.... ----------,--.,..-------------------..... -,-,..--------,- ---~ r-· .. ---"!--'+-,·-~-~-... ~·--,-......... ~ .......... ~.-......-~-.. --i,..,m_., ..... __ -.,.,...,,...--....,,---....__,., ------·--------.·---·-.,···~-... ·---~-~-----------.. ·-~, J ··-~·-·------.,....---_---..,., -------------'--'--------------··--·.-......·- ----.... ·---------· •.J. ·---~-·--·-' '-•---·-·-·--··-------· ~--··-----------------------·-----~---~-------.. ---·-.. .,,._ ...... _..,.. __ (. l) I Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue earlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax '160-730-3666 tel Title: Dsgnr: Description.: Scope: I Rev: s10001 Pole Embedment in· Soil Description 12 ft pole, wQrst case: QQQ-170 I General~nformation 350.00 pci Applied Loads.;. Allow ass1ve Max Passive 1,500.00 pcf Point L.oad Load duration factor ~.000 distance from base Pole is Round Diameter 24.000 in Distri!)uted. Load No Surface Restraint distance to top i;listance to bottom :summary I Moments @ Surface ... Point load 7,047.00 ft-# Total Mom!='nt Distributed load o.oo· Total Lateral Without Surface Restraint .. With Surface Restraint .. Required Depth. 3.802 ft Req'd Depth Press@ 1/3 Embed .•. Pressure @ Base ••. Actu.al 889.25 psf Actual Allowable 887.25 psf · Allowable. Surface:Restraint Force Job·# l{; 0 _ Date: .8:46AM, 20 APR 98 870.00 lbs 8.100 ft 0.00 #/ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 7;047.00 ft-# 870.00 lbs 0.000ft 0.00 psf 0;00 psf . 0.00 lbs r r , !, { i j t (c} 1983-98 ENERcALC a:\robnnla.ec:w:Calciilationl KW-0602938, ver5.0.5, 15-IVlaM998, Win32 ·· I ' ( ,, ( I Dunn S~vole Inc 2655 l)avls Avenue Carlsbad, Calif~ 92008 760-730-3613fax 760-730-3666 tel Title: Dsgnr: .. Description : Scope: I Rev: s10001 Pole Embedment in Soil Description 16 ft pole, worst case : 0-4 . I General;nforrnation · 350.66 pci Applied Loads .. : Allow ass1ve Max Passive 1,500.00 pct PointLo~d Load duration factor 2.000 distance from base Pole is Round Diameter 24.000 in Distributed Load No Surface Restraint distanqe to top di~tance to bottom :;ummary I Moments @ Surface ... Point load 15,972.00 ft-# Total Moment Distributed load 0.00 Total Lateral WithoutSurface Restraint .. With Surface Restraint:. Reql!ired ·Depth 4.887 ft ~eq'd.C>epth Press @ 1/3 Emb~ ... Pressure @ Base ... ActLJal 1, 142.38 psf Actual Allowable 1;140;40 psf .· Allowable Surface Restraint Force Job# Date:. 8:46AM, 20 APR 98 Lf_ ( i 1,210.00 lbs 13.200 ft .0.00 #/ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 15;972.00 ft-# 1,210.00 lbs 0.000 ft o.oo psf 0.00 psf 0.00 lbs (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC a:lrobimra.ecw:darcurations KW-00029;ffl; ver 5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998, Wm32 ( .. . . Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davi$ Avenue Ca_rlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel TIUe: D•gnr: Descrlptlpn-: Scope: I Rev: s10001 Pole Embednient in Soil Description ·24 ft pole; worst-case: E.1-19 · I General;nformation- Allow ass1ve Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Round Diameter No Surface Restraint I ::;ummary I Moments @ Surface ... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint .. Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed,.. · Actual Allowable §66.66 pd 1,500.00 pcf 2.000 30.000-iri 19,314.00 ft-# 0.00 4~918 ft -. 1, 145.9~ psf 1,147.46 psf Apph~d Loads ... Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to te>p ~istance to bottom Total Moment · Total Lateral With,surface Restraint •. Req'd Depth Pres~ure @.Base ... Actuai- Allowable ~uifa~ Restraint Force. - Job·# Date:, 8:46AM, 20 APR 98 Lt 1;,, 1,740.00 lbs 11.100 ft 0.00 #/ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 19,314,00 ft.:# 1,740.00 lbs 0.000 ft O.OO_psf 0.00 psf O.OOlbs Page 1 ~· r ----·------..... ------········ ···-.. --------···-~---·-·---------~--,------------ (. Dunn Savoie Inc 2655·Davls Avenue Carlsbad, Calif~ 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel Title: Dsgnr: Descrjptlon : _scope:· I Rev: s10001 Pole Errtbedmeht in SoU Description 30 ft pole, worst case i k~12 j General;nfor,:nation · Allow ass1ve · Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is R6un~ Diameter No Surface Restraint I ;:;ummal}' I Moments @ Surface ... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint .. Required Depth Press.@ 1/3 Embed .... Actual Allowable 350.00'pci 1,500.00 pcf 2.000 30.000 in 22,983.00 ft;# 0.00 · 5.051 ft 1,180.22 psf 1, 1i8.65 psf Applied [pad$;-.~ Point Load· · distl;lnce frdm·base Distributed Load distance to top .distance to bottom Total Moment._ Tota.I Lateral With-Surface Restraint.~ Req'd Depth Pressure @· Base .• , .Actual Allow~b!e Surface RestraihtFor® Jot,# Date:, 8:46AM,. 20 ~PR 98 .41 1,410.00 lbs 16:300 ft 0:00 #/ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 22;983.QO ft-# 1,410.00 lbs o.ooo·tt O,OQ psf o.oo·psf · 0.00 lbs I (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC a:\robilnla.ecw:Calculations · KW-0602938, Ver·5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998, Wm32 .. (· (_ ----------------------------------- Dunn Savoie Inc 2655Davls Avenue Carlsbad; Calif •. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel I Rrr. 510001 - Title: Dsgnr: Description : Scope: Pole EmbedmentJn Soil· Job# u Date: . 8:46AM, 20 APR 98 ll -, Page Description .30 ft poie, worst case : K,12, 3 FT DIA. I General;nformatioo Allow ass1ve · Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Round Diameter No Surface Restraint I ::iummary I Moments @ Surface ... Point load Distributed load. Without Surface Restraint .. Req~ired Depth Press@ 1/3 Embed ... Actual Allowable. (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC . 350;00 pcf 1,500,00 pcf 2.000 · 36.000 in 22,983.00 ft-# O.bO 4.731 ft 1,105.39 -psf 1,103.95 psf Applied Loads~ .. Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral With Surface Restraint .. Req'd Depth Pressure @ Base ... Actual Allowable Surface RestJc1int Force 1,41 o.oo lbs 16.300 ft 0.00 #/ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 22,983.00 ft-# 1,410.00 lbs 0.000 ft 0.OOpsf ·o.oopsf Q:00 lbs I a:\robilnla.ecw:calculatlons KW-0602938, ver 5:0.5, 15-Mar-1998; Wm32 . I . --· __ ,__..,. __ .:;. ---~ -..------·--·-·-----·-----.-~ -·-~. . .. --. ----·- ---------- "--' -' ,, il ________ _ill----------- '!' !1 ~-,------------_____ , ____________________ --- fj ------!+I---------------;----:--·---------------------------, --'-<--~- ---{ --_______ ----------WI---------,------------·-·-~---------·-----7 t ' Dunn Savoie Inc 2655. Davis Avenue · Garis bad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3ij13 fax 760-730-3666 tel I Rev: 510001 Title: Dsgnr: bescrlptlon : Scope: · Pole Embedment iri Soil Job# Date: 8:21AM, 20 APR 98 Page Description STOCKADE.FENCE POLE AT 4 FT 0/C j General;ntormation Allow ass1ve · Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Round. Diameter No Surface Restraint I :,;qmmary I Moments@ Surface ... Point load . Distributed load Without Surface Restraint.,. Requited Depth ·· Press @ 1/3 Embed ... Actual Allowable (c) 1983-98 ENERCALC 350.00 pcl • 1,500.00. pcf . 2.000 1~.000 in 1,744.92 ft-# 0.00 3.321 ft 772;88 psf 774.81 psf Applied Loads .. : Point Load dist~nce from Qase Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral With Surface Restraint. .. Req'dDepth Pressure @ Base ... Actual Allowable· Surface Restraint Force 524.00 lbs 3.330 ft 0.00 #/ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 1,744.92 ft-# 524.00 lbs 0.000 ft 0.00 psf 0.00 psf 0.00 lbs · c:\enercalc\legorobi.ecw:Calculat10ns · KW-0602938, Ver 5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998, Win32 d • C. Dunn Savoie Inc 2655 Davis Avenue ,Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 760-730-3613 fax 760-730-3666 tel I Rev: 510001 . Tltie: Dsgnr: Description : , Scqpe; Pole Embedment in. Soil Job# Date: 8:18AM, 20 APR 98 Page Description POLE-AND SLAT FENCE POLE AT 6 ·FT 0/C 1 I J General~nformation Allow ~ss1ve Max Passive Load duration. factor Pole is-Round Diameter No Surface Restraint I :summary Moments @ Surface ... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint .. Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed ... Actual Allowable (c} 1983-98 ENERCALC . 3M.ob pcl 1,500.00 pcf 2.000 18.000 in 1;180:20 ft-# 0.00 2i644 ft 618.59 .psf 616.98 psf Applied Lo~ds ... Point Load distan~e from base Distributeq Load distance tQ top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral With Surface Re,traint .. Req'd Depth Pressure @ Base, .. Actual Allowable Surface Restraint Fprce 562.00 lbs 2.100 ft 0.00 #/ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 1,180.20 ft-# 562.00 lbs 0.000 ft 0.00 psf o.bopsf 0.00 lbs I c:\enercalc\legorobi.ecw:Calculatrons KW-0602938, Ver5.0.5, 15-Mar-1998,Wm32 l i I ( l ! ',,, 0s1131199s 11:0a 6192920771 SAN DIEGO LEIGHT0/1 AND ASSOCIATES, INC,, May 13, 1998 To: LEGO Park Planning 5600 Avenida Encinas. Suite 130 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Richard Apel PAGE 01 Project No. 4960151-009 Subject: Structural Plan Review Letter, Robin Hood's Climb, Castle Hill, LEGOLAND, Carlsbad, Caijfornia References: Leighton and Associates, 1996, Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation, Lego Family Park, Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4960151-001, dated July 23, 1996 Golba Architecture, 1998, Plans for Robin Hood's Climb, Castle Hill, Legoland, Carlsbad, California, dated April 20, 1998, Drwgs. V-100 through V-113 and V- 120 ttirough V-125. In accotd~ce with your request, we are herein providing our comments regarding the review of the structural plans (referenced above) for the Robin Hood's Climb in Castle Hill, Legoland, Carlsbad, California. Based on our review, it is out opinion that the structural plans are in coofom'lance with the recommendations provided in our geotechnicat report dated July 23, 1996 (referenced above) with the following comments: • a representative of Leighton and Associates should observe the base of the pier excavation prior to the placement of concrete into these excavations. If you have any questions, please do not ·hesitate to contact this office. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. '±11 ~ s-.--...-........ -----.3. Director of Geology Distribution: (2) Addres~ee / (I) O<>lba Architecture Attentio1_1: Mr. 'Steve Bradley FAX 6 l 9 23 I &4288 ~ (1) Dunn/Savoie 2655 Davis Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn.: Rhett P/projectsl49601 S l-003LegoRobinHoodCli111bPl1111Rev 3934 MUR.PHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205, $AN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 292-8030 • (800) 447-2626 FAX (619) 292-0nl . ~ ,J ~] ~] 7 ...i J J J _] J ] ] J ] ] l 1 l ] . ···-.' ...... ... '« ~~ LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. . · ' ' ' I=·-·;, illitH· I FINAL AS-ORADijD REPORT OF ROUGH-GRADING, LEGO FAMILY PARK. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Februllf)' IQ, 1998 Project No. 49601S1-003 Prepared For: LEGO Park Plannina, Inc. 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 130. Carlsbad. California 92008 I 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD. SUITE 8205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (4r9} l9l~S03b • (800) 447-2626 . rt~ (619} 292-0771 . . 661S89c 619 0~)3IG Nt;:jS* ' ' ] -- I ,J I \I ~ .. ... - 7 - J J 7 I ..i J J J ] ] ] J J j 960151-003 3.0 eNGINEERtNG GEOLOGICSUMMARV 3.1 As-graded Geologic Conditions. The as-gr;ided cor,ditions encountered during gr.,td i11g M the subject site were essentially as anticipated. A summary of the geologic conditions ,including geologic units, geologic srrueture and foulting is presented below. The as-graded geologic condition$ of the site are presented on the As-graded Oeotechttical Maps.(Plates) through 16). 3.2 Geologic Units The geologic units cncounterc<J · during rough.grading of the LEGO Family Park project were esse!ltially as anticipated .md consisted of undocumented fill, previously placed compicted fill, compacted fill soils placed during the most recent plJasc of graclfog, copsoil/colluvium, alluvium, Quaternary Terrace Deposits, and the Tertiary .Santiago Formation, The approxim11te limits of the geologic units encountered during r'ough.gra\ling are presented on the A!t-graded Gcotechnical Maps (1)Jates I tJ1rough 16) and discussed below. 3.2.1 Documented Fill (MapSymbol-AO Documented older fill placed under the ob~ervation and testing of Loighton during previous site grading is located in the western portion of the site (I.eighton, 1997b). These fill soils were derived from onsite or adjacent sites and as encountered during grading, ganer•lly consist of o.range-brown to light gray. $lightly clayey to silty, fine to medium grained sand. These soils were coinpacted·to at feast a 90 parcent relative compaction (based on American Standard of Testing and Materials [ASTM] Test Method D1557). The weathered upper portions of the documented fill were scarified.and moisture conditioned or removad to competent fonnational material and/or competent fill. Curre11t site grading included tho p1acement of fill soils to depths of 60 feet. These fill soils were derived from onsite m•teriaJs and were uniformly compacted to at least 90 (or 95) percent Qf the maximum:dry density of the soil per ASTM Test MethodDISS?..,91 as previouslydescribed,. 3.2.2 Undocumented Fill Soils (not mapped) z0·d Undocumented fill soils wcri; encountered duringTough-grading operations in the main canyon area of the site, the areas of Hidden Valley Road along the castem property line and in the southwest comer of the site. These undocumented fill soils generally consisted of uncompacted fill soils most likely.gcnerated·durirtg the past agricultural activities on the site and construction activities on adjacent parcels of land.. Where encouf\tered. those soils were removed to competent fonnational material during rough-grading operations. As previously .noted, significant quantities of agricultur~I d~hris and concrete rubble were present on site. This material was thoroughly mixed with soil a.nd placed as compacted fill in the deeper(greater than 66TS89Z 619 ,..,.,lllOl##JAIU, llt. zv:11 8661/ll/£0 ] J ·1 J .J • ] ] .] ---, I .I J 7 ..,j J J J J J J 960151~003 15 tcct) fj.11 .areas M the main canyo11. a!> well as adjac~nt co the intersection of Armada: Drive a11d Paloma,· Airport Road clS ,fcscribcd in section 2.4 and sho\lt'.n on the As~Gritded Geotecbnical Maps (Plates l Jhrot1gh 16) located at the-rear of the text. · 3.2.3 T'opsoil/Colluviurn(not a mapped unit) During roug,h~~rading.procedurcs, topsorl/colluvium w~s encountored mantling the majority pf ~he site. As enc~,untercd, this material was found to be loose or soft to medium, dense, siJty sand and silly clfty. l,i most areas of the site, removals of this unit were on the order of 3 to 5 feet in thickness. However, removals in low lying area~ near the base of ~ome of the 11atural dr1s1inage courses WeJ'c on the order of 7 tQ· 10 feet .in thickness. 3.2.4 Alluvium (Map Symbol, -Oal) Mod~rate amounts of alluvial soils wcre-encountercdjn thc ·low,r portions of the rnaip canyon and small tribut,trydrr.linages·witbii1 the site. Typically, these soils consisted of .medium to dark brown, mQist to wet, loose to medium dense, clayey to silty fine sand and sandy ciay. Alluvia! soils a., encountered,during.rough grndii1g, were generally limited to the lower portions ofth~ 1nain canyons of the subject site. Rcm9val of the potentially compressible alluvial soil in these areas were on the order of approximately :I: 5 to t 5 teet. Due to the relatively saturated, nonporous conditions of the deeper aUu:vial·sQils exp6sed it1 the main canyon area and near the intersc~tionof Hidden Valley Road 111nd Palomar Airport ·Road, and tht .depth of fill proposed to achieve finish grade ~lcvatio11s, these SQifs were removed to within 2 feet 9f the static ground water level and left~in-p1acc as shown on the As-Gri1dcd Oeoteehnieal Maps (Plates I through 16), All other alluvial soils encountered during rough grading were removed to competent formational material prior to the pJaccmentofcompacted fill soiJs. 3.Z.S OuaternaryTerraceDcposits (Map Symbol· Qt) L..U U Quaternary Terra:ce Deposits.stratigrapbically overlie the Tertiary Santiago Fonnation in most areas of the site. As encaunt(!red during grading. these deposits.generally consisted of orange to reddi~hbr~wn, damp to moist, medi1,tm den~eto dense, silty fine-to medium-grainedsand. The upper portion of the Terrnc~ Deposits (generally limited to the 3-5 feel) was weathered and or disturbed by previous agricultural activities over the majority of the site. Where encountered, the weathere(j. portiotlsot the Terrace Deposits were removed to competent materi1d. UU-:f.LU I JUUl ut•tt uuut1 JJtL-U \,.JUt..JW..JU Wt-' .J ] ] I .. .. , .. i ~ ' • I _j 1 ...l ., .J J J 1 960151-003 3.2.6 J~rtiAry Santiago Fqrmation-(Map Sy!tthol.-T!} The bedrock unit underlyin~ the entire s.itc is the Tertiary Santiag~ Fonnati9n. As encountered during grading operations, the unit consisted Qf massive to pQOrly bedded sandstone with interbeddcd clayey siltstone and silly claystorte. The Silndstone encountered consisted prirnarily of light gray to light browi1, and light yellt)W-hrown, moi~t. denac. silty fine-to occasionally mcdimlt grained sandstone. The. sandstone was generally friab,e, slightly micaceous and massive. The siltstone consisted of me(.\ium brown and olivo brown, moist, stiff, clayey siltstones rhat were fissile lo indistinctly bedded and conta_ined calcium ~arbonate, manganc:.;c oxide and iron <'>xide staining. The claystonc was typically gray to brown, moisc, stiff to hard, tine-grained1 sandy to siJty claystortcthat was moderately sheared. Where encountored exposed at the surface. the upper 6-12 hiches of the Santiago. 1''orn1ation was modorately weathered, porous, and poter\ttflllY compressible. Wherc·cncountered the \JYO!lthered material was removed to co1n'pctent bedrockmat¢ria1. 3.3 Geologic Struct!!re Based on our geologic mapping during the rough-grading opc,rations, Hteraturo roviow and our profession~I .experience Oil nearby sites, bedding on site is .slightly dippi~g (on the order of 5-10 dcgre~s) to ~hep.vest southwest. 3.4 Land~tidesand Surficial·failures Based on our review of the project geotechnic,d reports (Appendix A) and our geologic mapping during rough-gradjng, indicatiotis of landslides or <)the1· surficial failures with'in the graded portions of the subject property were .not observed . 3.5 Faulting/Seismicity No evid~nce of faulting was anticipated. nor cneount~red during rough•gradingoporations at the site. However, grading operations within the Teri:ace Deposits -exposed sand-infilled polygonal toatures thought by ~qme researchers to be evidence of J)aleo1iqucta¢tion. Liquefaction is a phenomenon which may result in a large total and/or ditf erei1tial .s¢ttlement for structures founded on liquefying soils. In order for the potential.eff ~crs of fiquefactfon to be manifested at the ground, surfaee, tho soils generally have to be .granular, loose to medium dense. saturated relatively neat the surface, and. must be subjectedtQ a suflicient magnitude and duration of shaking. No evidences of surfa,co faulting has been observed during grading .operations on site .or during a revijew of pertinont aorial photographs. ht addition, due to the rehJtivcly dense nature of the! bedrock materials oncountered during grading operations, the lack of a .shallow water table. aitd observations arid tccommendationsduring the course ~f grading for the LEGO Family Park project, it i.s our professional opinion that tho potential for liquefaction-inducedsettlctnentat the.site due to the <,fesig,t earthquake, is very low. -9- Ulllltlll~ MllllM,U, tllC. £v:11 8661/11Y£0 J .. .J ' J .., ; _1 J J "' _I J ] 7 J 1 1 -1 1 -, 1 960 I 5 1,003 It should he recogni1.cd, however:, that many of the parameters used in liquefaction evaluation stuaics arc subjective ~nd open to jnter,,rctatioti. J l should also be understood that mueh of southern California lies within an ar~a of moderate to high seismic risk and it is not gencr•lly considered economically feasible to tmild structure~ totally resistant to car.thquakc-refotedhazards. Howevpr, current state.of- the-att standards for design-and construction arc intended to reduce the potential for major structural damage in the ev~nt of an earthquake. 3.6 Groundwater Groundwater was e1\counterc,d during rough-gradi11g operations at an elevation of approximately 65 fee~ msl during removals near th~ i11tersectioo of Hidden Valley Road and Palomar Airport Roads and i,n t~ie ceritral main canyon area. During site grading, canyon subdrains were installed in this and other major fili areas within the loc~ttions shown on Plates l through 16. In the aretis adjacent to Palomar Airport Road. tire placement of some fill below the subdra:in ·wis required bceause 9f the lack of a lower elevatioq outlet. Saturated conditions wcr<: ~Jso locaHy encountered at the contact beawacn the Quaternary Alluvium mid th~ underlying T~rtic\ry Santiago Formation during remedial grading. operations. A localized .perched groundwater condition Wl\S exposed c:iuriilg grading for the Service Administration Arca and a subdrain wai; installed to direct water away from this area and into the main canyon aubdtain running parallel to Hidden. Valley Road. The drain consisted of a 6 in~h perfotattd PVC pipe and approximately 9 fl3/ft of 3/4 inch gravel wrapped with M inu'i 140N geofabric. Where saturated conditions made installation of this drain impractical and/of unsafe, the drain was placod as a minimum ten foot deep trtnch.backfUJed with 3/4 inc.h gravel to 5 feet-btlow fini$h grade and a layer of Mimfi 140N geofahrfo was placed over the .gravel prior to continued backfilling with compacted native soil. An additional area of-seepage wa.,; noted soiJth.ao4 west Qf the CH-I p~d extending southward to just north of the SA-1 pad. This seepage was observed ~long a clay bed within the rotatively porous Terrace deposits near the relatively dense (Jess penncable) Tertiary Santiago Fonnation. A subdraio was installed approxjmately l S feet behhtd the toe'-of-slope at the base of a temporary I: 1 cut at the approximate location shown on the As Graded Qeotec~nicafMaps (Plates l throu8h 16) loeated at the -rear of the text. This drain consisted of 4 inch $chedule 40 PVC pipe, 3 ft'l{t of gravol wrapped in a layer of Mirafi 14QN geof.,bric, A panel' .drain consisting of Miradrai.n 6000 was pf aced horizontally along the backcut at the.elevation of the seepage and extended downward to tie into tho subdrain. Tho s~b~rain was outlctted into the stom1 drai11-collection box Jocatedimm~diatoly west of the SA-I pad as shown on the As Oraded Geo technical Maps (Plates I ·thtou~h 16) ·located Jt the rear of the text. • 10- £0"d 66i:£B9c 6i:9 ·0~3 HI NtlS* .] _] ] J ] ] ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 } 1 I ) I I 960151-003 5,0 RECOMMENOA TlONS 5.J Earthwork We anticipate dutt fUtm·c catthwork 011 th1: individ1,1af clusters will con5i$t of site preparation. possible rninor regrading, and tteneh and retaining wall excavation and bac,kfill. Post.;gradingoperarions at the LF.00 Family Park project (includiug utility trench excavation 1;1n<l backfill; street, sidewalk. curb and gutter subgrade .preparation; and street base material ~nd asphalt conc~to placement and compaction operations) are currently bei11g performed and will be summa_rized under a separate report. Wf; recommend that earthwork Qn site be performed in accordance with the following recommendations: the City of C.~rlsbad gra9ing· reqt,ir~inents, a.nu· the Oeneraf Earthworkand O.radinQ Specitication·s of Rough Gtadit1g included in Appendix U. In case of conflict, the following recommendations shall supersede tl10.se-in Appendix 0. S. t .1 Site Preparation -Oue to .the length of ti1ne anticjpated between-the construction and placeme11tof till soils 011 the graded pads and development of the individual cluster areas, surficjaf soils of the graded pads may become desiccated aod or eroded. :'lf tbe le11gth o(~ime between.the,compJetio"-of gr~dirig .and the c~1structio11 of the innerpark areas is Jo11ger than. \ 2 months, or i_f the !leaf-surface soils are-disturbed or· desiccated, we recomruen<l that the areas..of,proposed'.developrnept be. scarW,ea a minimum of 12 iriches, 1noistl1re-cot,ditioned to. near .. opdm,m ff\Oisture content and co111p.1l}ted to a minin1um, 90 perce11t relative-cotnpactio~ .(base(l on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). If additional grading (sueh as fill placement) is planned on the ,ite, the areas to receive structural fill or engineered .structures should be cleared of subsurfade obstru~tions. potentially compressible material (such as topsoil, colluviumt alluvium. weathencUormation material, and desiccated till soils) and stripped of vcge~tion, prior to grading. V•a,tationand,d-,bris should be removed and properly dispose:d of offsite. Holes resulttng ftom romoval of buried obstructions w.hich cx.tettd below folish,5_itc grades should be r~placed with suitable compacted fill material. Areas to receive, fill andli;u: other· surface improve(llen11. should. 1kt scarified-to at minimum depth of 6 inches;.b.roughtt~ ncar~optimum moisture. cond(tio.r,, ~d-reeompactectto-, at least 90 percentrelatiYecompacdon.(based on ~STM Test Method Dl5S7-91). 5. 1 .2 Excavations Excavations of the onsiie materials may generally be accc;>mplishcxl with convonlional heavy- duty earthwork equipment. However, localized cemented zones may be encountered in the formational matctial that may require he;1vy ripping. If o,versizecirock-is ~ncountoNKl.it should be hauled offsite, pJai::ed jn non-s.tructural or landscape areas, or iE rnay bo placed as fill in accordance with the) details presented in Appendix D. - -14- . ' 'I ,...,,,,MIIAl#CtA1U, dlf:, 90'd 66t£B9c 6t9 pp:ll 866l/ll/£0 -·· .J _J _.] J 1 J J ] J J 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 960 IS 1-00.l Due tu the rel:1tively high-density characteristics imd coarse nlture of the on ·site soils, temporary excavations, such as utility trenches with vertical sides in the on site soils, i.hould remain stable for the period required to CtlllStruct the utility provided they are free of adverse geologic conditions. However, in 11cco1·dai1ce with OSHA requirements, excavations between 5 and i 5 feet in depth should be shored or-laid hack tn inclinations of I: t (horizontal to vertical) if wotkers are to enter such excavations. For excavations deeper than 15 feet, specific rccornmendationscnn be made on a ease-by-case basis. 5. J .3 i:m Placement and CoJneact!QD The onsite soils are generally suitable for use as compacted tilt provided they are free of organic material, debris, and rock fragments larger than 8 inchcli in maximum dimonsion. AU tilt soils should be brought to near-(,lptimtim moisture conditions and compacted i11 unifom1 lifts to at least 90 percentrelative compaction.based on the laboratory maximum dry density {ASTM Test Method D1557~91 ), The Qptimum lift thickness required to produce a uniformly compacted fiH wiU depend on the type and si~e of ¢oll\paction equipment us~d. In general, fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 4 to 8 inches in compacted thickness. Placement and compaction of fill should be performed in ge11cral accordance with tho current City of Carlsbad grading ordinances, sound coostniction practices, and the GenerQl Earthwork and Grading SpeciticationsofRough Gralling presented itt Append be D. S.2 Found3t_ion DeliiSo. Considerati.ons 'lbe proposed foundations and slobs of the innewark areas should be deaiped in accordance with structuratconsiderationsprovided by the structural engineer. At the cQmptetion of rough grading, we obtained representative samples of the existing finish grade soils for expansion testing. Th~ results of. these tests, which are presented in the attached Appendix C, ittdicale-an expansion: _potentjalranging from, very tow to low fot·the p~ds of the innerpark areas~ AU found•tions sifoufd:be doaigned for very low tQ very low txpan$ivc soils: ff import material is utilized ~s fill on the lots, the import material should consist of very low or low expansive sandy material (with an expansion index less than SO per UBC l 8·I-B). The preliminary foundation recommendations presented in Section 4.4 of our ''Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation" (Leigh.ton, 1996), and our letter entitled HLagoon and Preliminary Foundation Design Recommendations"(I,eighton, t 997b) are still consideredpettinent and applicable. Additional recommendations can be provided if design changes are made on a ease-by-case basis. Prior to grading, J clusters (Imagination-Centre, Beginning and The Lagoon) were 11ntieipatcd to need special foundation design due to large differential fill thicknesses below the proposed buildings and our supplemental letter (Leighton, 1997b) prepared. Jt should-be noted that during site grading that the fitl soils in this-area were compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative,, compaction and deep overexeavation of cut areas was perfonned in order to reduce the potential for long-term differential settlement. For co1wenience, the foundation recommendations are summarized as follows: -15 •, I 661£892 619 \ ... """ ! -- l .. J ,_] J J J J J J J - - 7 .., J _J J 96015 t -00] S.2.1 foundation Design The proposed' building~ may utilize a combination of continuous perimeter footings and conventiot1al interior isolated-spread footings for building support. Footings bearing p,:operly compacted fill·should:;extcinda: fninimutn of 1-8 foch~s-·belowtfte lowest adjacent compacted soil grade: (.24 inches for three stories}, At this depth, footings may be designed using an allowable soil-bearing value of2.SOO pounds per square-toot {11sf),1, Tlio allowable soil-bearing pressure i may bo increased.by 250 psffor each additional f uotof fountfation etnbedment below £8 i]1¢b~s. ' , to a. maximum aUowablesoir-bcarfngJ>rcssurc of 3,500pounds per squarQ:f®t. JThis value may be increased by one-third for Joads of sh()rt duration including wind or seismic tt.)rces. Continuous perimeter footings should have a minimum width of 15 inches and should be reinforced by placing ai least one No. 5 rebai· near the top and one No. 5 rebar near the bottom of the footing, mtd in accordance with the stn1ctutalengineer1s requirements.: We.recommend a i minimum width of 24 inches for isolated-spread footingst Utilizing these recommendations, -::...---~,.-::": -.,--., total and differential settlement are·not arnicipat~d to exceed I inch and 1/2 inches. respectively. ;£: 5.2.2 FloorSlabs 80'd All slabs should have a minimum thic((nessof 4 inches ~d bc·rewforcedat slab midheightwith 1 No. 3' rebal's at 18 inches on center or No .. 4 rebars. at ·24 inehos on. center {each way). l Additional reinforcementand/orconcri:te thickness to accommodate specific loading conditions should he designed by t~e structural engineer. We emphasize that it is tho responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the $1ab reii1forceme1it is placed· at midheight of the slab. Slabs· should f be undedain by a 2 .. inch layer of cl~au sand,(sand equivalent gfcater than.30)-to aid' in concrete. curing, which;is underlain.by a 6-m,il ( orhcavier)muisture bal'l'.ior which, in i.un, und~rlainby-a . 2-inch fayer of clean sand to ac~ as a capillary-brcakJ AU laps and ~netrations in the moisture barrier should be appropriately sealed. The SJ>acing of cmck-contmljoints should be designed by the structural engineer. Our experience indicates that use of reinfo~cment in slabs and foundations will .generally reduce tho potential f~r drying and shrinkage cracking. However, some cracking should be expected as the,concrete curell. Minor cracking is considered normal; however, it is .often aggravated by a high water/ceinen~ ratio. high concrete temperature at the time of placement, small nominal aggregate size, and rapid moisturo loss due to hot, dry, and/or windy weather conditkms during p'lacement and curing. Cracking due to temperature and moistUre fluctuations can also be expected. The use oflow slwt1p concrete (not exceeding 4 inches at the time of placement) will rcdoce the potential for shrinkage cracking. A sJipsbcet or equivalent should be used if crack-sensitive floor CO\'erings (such as ceramic tile, etc.) are planned directly on the concrete floor. Moisture barric,rs can. retard, but not eliminate t~oisture vapor mo\'ement from the underlying soils up through the slab. We recommend that the floor coverinas that tho floor coverings contractor test the moisture vapor flux rate prior tu attempting applieation of moisture-sensitive flooring .. "Breathablc"floor coverings should be coosidered if the \lllpor flux rates are high. -16 ~ 661£892'. 619 J - _] J J J J J J J ] J J ] '] 960151-00J 5 .2.3 ft')undation,Sethack We recommend a-minimum horizontal setback. distanc,·from the face of slopes for all improvements (such as tlatwork, retaining walls, building footprints, etc.). This distance is measured from the outside ec!gc of th~ footing, horizontally to the slope face (or to the face of a retaining wall) ll.lttl should be a, minimum or ro foctJ Pl~ase note that the soils within the Structural setback area possess poor lateral stahility, and imp,rpverrients(such as retaining wails, sidewalks, fences, ,,avemcnts, etc.) constructed within this iletback area may be subject to latcrnl tnovernent and/or diftercntial scttJemc1,1t. Pot~ntial distress to sue~ improvements may be mitigated by provicling a deepened footing-to support the improvement. The deepened footing should meet the setb,tck recommendations described ab<.Sve. 5.3 Retaining WaU Design Considerations Emb,dded structural walls sho~ld be designed for lateral earth presst1res exerted on them. The magnitude of these pressure$ depcrttfs on the <Jn\Ot,Jnt of defomu~tion that tho wall can yield under load. If the wall can yield enough to mobili1.o the full shear strength of the soil, it can be designed for "active" pressure. If the w~IJ cannot yield under the applied l~d. the shear strength of the soil cannot be mobiltzed and the ear.th pressure will be higher. Such walls should be designed for .. at rest" conditions. If a structure 111oves toward the soil, the resulting re$iStancc developed by the soil is the .. pac;sive" resistance. · , For design purposes, the recommended equivalent fluid pressure for each case for waits founded above the static 'gn:1und water tqble and baekfil led with. soils of very low to low expansion potential (less than 50 per unc 18-2) is provided below. Equiva]entFluid W~ig~t (pcl) ·condJtion Level 2:1 ·s1ope Active 35 ss .. At-Rest, 55 65 Pai;sive 350 ~-. The above values assume free-draining con<iitions. If conditions other than those assumed above are -anticipated, the eqqivalent fluid pressure values should be provided on an individual-case b~is by the geotcchnical engineer. All retaining ~all' structures should be provided with appropriate drainage. ·rt, ... -····-· r!~ -.,. I • • • , ............................ uun, UYU"'l· 1 y1:m.tt1 u1a11111ge ae11gn ta tllustrated Ul Appendix-0. Walt back ~mt eJC~AVMinm: 11>1!<! th~t\ ( f'aAf-.••• i.. •• : •• ,,. ····-L-.•.. I Ila nh r•t l111a1, 1/U&J 1,u .. uv .. 1 than S feet m height, but lcS$ than l 5 feet in.height, the-back cut should be flattened·to a gradient of no~ steeper tha1i l; I (horiz~mtal to vertical) slope inclination. For back cuts in excess of 1 S feet in height, specific recommendations should b~ required froti1 the geoteehnical consultant. Soil resistance developed against lateral structural movement can be obtained from the passiv.c pressure values in the. previous table. Further, ·for slidillg resistance, a fric~ion coefficient of 0.JS may 60'd 661~89~ 619 -17- llillirllllJtllMIMA,U. *· lv:1J ·8661/lt/£0 .. , - .J J j 7 7 J 7 7 1 7 1 , 1 -, l 0i: ·d 7tHOJ. 960 I~ l ·00J be used at the concrete and $oil' intertncc. Thc:s~ values may ba increased by one-third when considering lc)ads of shm·t duration including wind or scis111ic toads. The tot~J resistance may be taken as the sum of the t;ictiona) and J>m~sivc resistances p1·ovided the passive portion does uot exceed two thirds of th~ total tesistance. 5.4 CQt!cretePaven1ents Asphalt pavement designs have been provid~d ·under separate cover. In areas anticipated to receive concrete pavements, the Upper 1.2 inches of ~ubgrade soils shouid be scarified, moisture conditioned and coinpacted to a m ir,iniuni of90 percent relative comJ>action based on ASTM Test Method D t 557~ 91, If fit! i~ required to reach des~gll subg,ade, till ,placell\ent should be performed in accorqance with th~ recQrq.mendatioospresented in Sectiori S .1 .3. We recommend that the curb~, gutters, and siclcwalki; be designed by the eivil e~gincer or struct1,1ral engineer. We suggest control joints at appropr:iate intervals as determined·by the civil or structural engineer be considered, We alsO' suggest a minimum thickness of 4 iqcbes.for sidewalk slabs. t Because of the low expansive nature of the: olisitcsoils. private improvements as described above may be pfticed directly on native soils. In accordance with City of Carlsbad g~idi;lines. concrete improvements within cify right·of.ways should be u11dcrlain by a minimum of 6 inches ofC,altrans Class 2 aggregate base. If pavement areas are adjace1-1t ro heavily watered landscape areas. we recommend $Orne measure of moisture control be tak(}rl to prevent the subgrade·sofls from becoming saturated .. lt .is recommended 4 that the concretecurini separating the landsc~r,ingarea· from the pavetnentextend below the aggregate , base to help seal the ends ;of the sccti9ns where heavy landscape watering. jnay have access -to the i aggreg~te'base·arid subgrade1 Concrete swa1es should be designecfin roadway or parking areu subject to concentrated surface runoff. For loading areas subject to impa~t loadings (i.e .• trash trucks~ delivery trucks bays. loading docks, qtc.), we recommend~ miOirnum 7 inch concrete pavement ·n,e Portland Cement Concrete (P.C.C.) shoutd be provided with-appropriate steel reinforcement and crack-control joints •s described by the project structural engineer. We recommend that crack-controtjoints be spaced no moro than 12 feet on center each way. if sawcu~ are .used, they should be a minimum depth of ono--quaner the slab thi~kness and mage within 24 hours of concrcte·ptac~ment. We recommend that ~ctions be as nearly square -as pdssible. A 3~250 psi mix rilay bt: utili7.cd. Asphalt Concrete (A.C.), Portland Cement Concrete (P.C.C.}and base materials should conform to and be placed in accordance with the latest reYision of the California Oeparttnent of Transportatiott Standard Speeificattons (Caltrans) and American Concrete Institute ( ACl)codes. 0t"d ~6tS892'. 6l9 -18 - UIIJfltJ!IA•MIIJIIArE6, 1111. ~v:i:i: B66t/ll/£0