HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; CASTLE HILL; CB981318; Permit--.~ BU IL DING PE.RM IT Permit No1 CB9B1318 Project No:-A9704324 Development No: 06/25/98 10:37 Page 1 of. 1 -Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Permit.Type: COMMERCIAL Parcel No:. . Valuation: 20,000 Occupancy Group: Des.cripti.on: CltSTtE HILL : STRUCTURE - s-uite: TENANT .IMP~OVEMENT Lot#: _ Construction Type: VN Ref°ere:nce#: CB-973356 .. · Status: ISSUED HORSE RIDE QUEUE Applied: 05/05/98 Apr/Issue:· 0-6/25/98- Entered· By: RIIIJA APPR:OVAL INSP."""". _,,__,...,__oArE . ..2·1J~··_1:1 .... CLEARANCE _CITY OF CARl,.$$AP . _ io15 Las Palmas· Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERM1f Al:'PLICATION q,133~. . (1 f\,_' •• V)O cf ' . . . ' . CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad· CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Assessor's Parcel # · #of Stories Name Address City FOR OFFICE USE 0¥ /J ~ -· PLAN CHECK NO.·· . IA :EST: VAL. _________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit __ ..,.....,,...,.f----- Validated ~Y.,c...._--1---"":s.,;._"------ Date_==-'"t-r-+-+--++-------- Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units # of, Bedrooms # of Bathrooms S.tate/Zip Telephone# ~~o.NtRicr:o~¢'QJ0~~~~~t-t4Mf;~t~~~~rn\t1~~~~~{:7Z..tJ;;gtJJii~~~~~~~~-r~r~~~l~~~i~H,i~ (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a pef111it to construct, alter, improlie, demolish or repair any· structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects tlie applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$5001). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # ----------License Class~---~-~-~-City Business Liqense # _______ _ Designer Name State License # ---------- Address City St.ate/Zip Telephone )¼lJ~~QR{(aRSftr®MP.~t,tsMtP~~}JL~]:~i~i?;ii~~~~J&~~§ff~i~~~~~(~lj~Jl~~~i~)~t~~~~J[~~~~~~~~;~~1t1\~~~~~~ Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm.under penalty of perjury one-of"thl! following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a .certificate of cohsent to. self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. . 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensatio.n, as required by Sectio,n 3700 of the Labor Cocie, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company ______ -'--"'---~---'-------....:.....-Policy No·----------~-~ Expiration Date _____ ~-,-- (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE' PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($-100) OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of. the work for which this permit is issued, i shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. · WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation c9verage, ls unlawful, and shall subject an· employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of. compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, Interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE-----------,----.,...---,----,---;-"--'-----'---,----DATE _________ _ ;;l~(6WllER1(Q.IEPt_l;lff,fECJfAJj~iJQt4~~~ill~i(\~lJt~~#t~~0'l\~~"½?~~t~'1'!tl~;~~lt~f ~t~7~:~~f ~:~~~:~~fS}[,~§j;J~~~~~-~~1k1$'~1J!~t~~~:,~~~~;~;~t~;t,¥.t-!~!?:;:~~;:f~ I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's-License Law for the following niason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with w~ges as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law do"es not apply to an owner of property who·builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees; provided that such improvements are n·ot intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or' improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder, will have the burden of proving that l]e did not build· or improve for the purpose of sale). D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed-contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an ·owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D I am exempt under Section· ______ Business and Professions Code for this reai;on: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed-property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the propose(! work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provicje .the proposed construction (include name /' address / phone number/ contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number): ____________ ~------------------------------------ 5. I will provide some of the work, l:,ut I have conuacted (hired) t_he following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address/ phone number/ type of work): _____________ ~-...,....-------,,--~-...,....----~-------------------------- PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE _________ -'-------------DATE ________ _ 1c6Mel5'=efs•seciioui'.f:oa;i:Jo11,.7iifslf,Eii.mf'mtflF()lilG.'icaMi'!i"STO-''t.-'t;;t;'l.1t;i,;r;':lf<~*~:m.~t,:'i~:mr,1;,r'f!0",;,,s1\t:,i;:"W>'?~~.~>¾".i\~,;i,~,~'\;,~~~::';*:'1l'fiJ-;tt1-"¾ifi.'.<lt\~fm , . , .•,v . ...,•, .... !ls • ,. • ·'·""·•· .•.1, ,._ , ,':'.Ji .. , !',' ...... " . .,., .••• !'< ---t~ , '~'"° ... ,,i;·,., . ..!J _ Wl'$di,;,;..,,__,_,,1c0-;"'!f''.-!i/'d:,.,.!/'-,w~"1bµ.,,;,"""'-'·' ... "'t~"""J:«.iii .,;:;t,"f:.'li'~'l~.,)8.:.J.1.>, -.,,-;. ,-..... ,.,,.,,,,'i.1 Is the applicant or future building occupant required, to submit a business plan, a9utely ·hazardous materials registration· form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 255$3 or .25534 of the Presley,Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES .tJ NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required ·to obtain a permit from th_e air pollution control district cir ajr quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within-1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSU,ED UNLESS .THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. f8~J~~~RY~i.iQ~~a:~pJif~~~~~)ta~~£)~X.~:::~]t;~~~~M,i)~@~~:~~~~7.ij:~~l;;I~~~~{~?J.:1~i~~~~~~~};:f~1;,:;::1~~:~~~~~~~~;,:v~r;~:~~~: I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for-which this.permit is issued .. (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to builcling constructio_n. -1 hereby authorize representatives of the Cit\' of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HASMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE: AGAINST SAID CITY IN-CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demoiition or construction of structure~ OVE!r 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the ·Buil · icial under the provisio·ns of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not c:gll'~BJll,~a within 365 days from the date-of such, permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the wo mmenced fo · · f 180 days (Sectioh 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). · DATE ~~I ! l)' '.': ""PPlicsnt !?INK: Fin~n~e · SEE MULTIPLE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS . SCANNED SEPARATELY CB9·72027 IS THE . . PLAN CHEC.K NUMBER FOR MANY OTHER CB'S ALSO SEE ( CB971460(OUTER PARK) CB97146S(ADM1N BLDG) STUDIO E • f+ELLMUTH, OBA TA+ KASSABAUM, INC. 5342 Armada Drive Carlsbad CA 92009 Voice 769 804 8355 Ext. 152 Fax 760 804'7960 ijl Memorandum Project Legoland Carlsbad, Inc. Date May 5, 1998 Project Number 96.0634.00 File Lld Original CB # CB 97 -3356 Attention Mike Peterson, Carlsbad Planning and Community Development From Gina Yu Regarding Castle Hill Horse Ride Queue Structure Copies To Kirk Rose HOK/LA, Gaston Laguna HOK/LA, Kyoko Adachi HOK/LA, Martin Zurauskas Lego, Scott Mike, These are the structural details and structural caiculations for Castle Hill Horse Ride Queue Structure submitted for Plan Check approval . Please proceed with-the review of these items. We appreciate your continuing support and assistance in processing this cluster. Included in this submittal are : · 3 sets of full-size drawings 3 sets of structural calculations Please proceed with reviews as required. Sincerely, Gina Yu -~ L • .. ~•1/riformation ~.:111•_ .To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing. REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 June 09, :)..998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-664 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL HORSE RIDE ATTRACTION FOOTINGS PERMIT# 98-245 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % May 30, 1998 09:00 am 4 1/2 71 AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETETEMPERATURE, °F 74 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY June 01, 1998 PSI\DEREK PETERSON NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.{[RUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 701527 1386 NOTE· APPLtCABLIUSIMJUANOAB.D~J.Ell.S.Jlil:IEBlMWNQLCATED· SLUMP· CJ43-90a· AIB CONTENT· C231-91 b· TEMPERA.TUBE· ¢1064-86193l· CAPPING· C1231-93 SPECIMEN TEST. LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) 17095 A 7 . 17095 B 28 17095 C 28 17095 D 60 SPECIFICATIONS 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS.) (IN.) 06/06/98 54.000 6.00 06/27/';)8 90500 6.00 06/27/98 77QOO 6.00 07/29/98 CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH · (SQ. IN.) (PSI). 1YPE OF BREAK 28.27 1910 Cone 28.27 3200 Cone 28.27 2720 Cone 3000 REMARKS: _K Cylinders m,ide by PSI representative. ·Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Test results comply with applicable _K specifications. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractofs representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI.laboratory. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. 28-day breaks does ·not meet specification requireuQO-ES No·· r· Will hold 1 cylinder for 60-day break TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETERSON C O J\!e~@,01\4, Profess1onl~rv1ce Industries, Inc. cc, LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD ~~• (er DAVID J AN, RC THESE TEST RE SUL TS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED ANO MAY NOT BE iNOiCATiVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPROOUCEO, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION.BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE-iNOUSTRiES, INC. DI STRI C AGER PSI A-200-4 (4)F Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy .Ridge Drive, Sult~ E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 l -, Environmental I Geotechnical 3 Construction --Page 1 of Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT /,.~Q ~d6.(t.::i PROJECT (Name) l-Ht;,Q LANI) (Address) ~IU..Si~d~ C:!d' DATE 45-l.S-'i:ii REPORT NO. 0~ cl ·td"L.O<- Architect }:\OIL 6uilding Permit No. 98.-V•t'-\ Plan File No. Engineer i:::lBG::::TI~ Govt. Contract No. OSA or OSHPD # Contractor ~~~ ea.. :tt~ ~iu:lllie:nl-S Other ~US" 1-\} \..L-\J.~st Q!.11:f!.I ~ °211:>![ &'.\lmiB,DQ ! INSPECTION MA T'L -SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ OSHPD -__ Concrete Cylinders ---2iC:.. Rinf.: Rebar A '-)5 --~11... ~o .....?!.. Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement --__ Rinf.:W;W.F. ...k Clearances >< Specialty . __ Mortar Samples ___ Rinf.: Tendons ~ Positions __ Mechanical ___ Grout Samples --__ Cone.: Mix #/p~i ..k... Sizes __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Laps __ Roofing __ ·-Masonry Block --. __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi Y Concrete . __ ·Fireproofing _._ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Masonry __ Units (block.or brick) --___ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mo.rtar Batching __ · Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --___ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone ___ Roofing --_-_ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ .Reinf. Steel --__ Steel __ Fireproofing _____ Steel --_H.S. Bolts __ Waterproofing ___ H.S. Bolts --__ Metal DeckinQ __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) --___ Electrodes __ Soils Technician __ Other --___ Fireproofing __ Batch Plant __ .Other ----__ Other _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --_ Corrections completed REMARKS .. S?&-IAL-I N'-'::•VG:!::TI OrU :e,~...,1~~-:a f::Ql:2-:o±~ i> '-~ '--!2"°"Y1-1 <5l'-1" Olr ..... 1::1, l\J{-O ~C-1 (\.J (.? ' s~ /4:T n-t er C-"'1..:;1LG"" t-( (\.C... Ho:,2-scr -GUcUG' Fco:crn,2 _l-, '? . ½,«n "-' sQ 1ru--1 N l,,, "':> Th''"B1., L~....,:S o H P.'"t,,.'?G"Q S:1?4 :s> a.. o e ITT?-I:!AG---'$)""ti,: j. ~•LtiQ (£ j LAP ;!1,j::>uLe5_1 C,.L i:!:!fl a,.(d ~Ccl'i.S i, > °BQL;TS ~ e):111?, <f:t>M <,-,'")>fl ,, A,, ... .-~ QVC:QL A;Ls.,-]>L "'I C: (;°YI'\ <,;,<-.,1'. f4 <,.Lorz_. l2 ' rv-:t;, -re TH<S': S?'f?-o·) (£CT \>'-r':)I:"-:/$ s 1-\ <?ilrr -:-si,-z..7::A -1.-1 ~~ -'D -\ TI? "2. <s ":.I O-'b:tJ.,. • \ A J L..\ ,.._, (5" -c::. -\ :n? '- ~"S 'SIO -~L. ·'L L. I I...J rJ"":, -'B-\,o:i-i,J/ '-/ '*:S l-OJUC-, I~~ ~ :'$ $ 1''2}' Q'-J: t2-At,,J$V .-r~ :SJ • L. I o\..l~S -bn:.~-\d"2.. ,.;,_,/4, :J1 s L-Qb;?Cp Te.a. ..\:'$ (D.. \'"1.-'' OL. ::C rl-A N :SY· T\112 J d '4IN(5'. -Z. -~:ro13 ~L ~ ~ ~ ,-~ "12,, -='s 11.:"~ ::t~ ~ . . S~&2,l'=:1c.dTT!i2~-.;. \ L--0~ !12 (£. T''2-r'\~5z\/. 0 ~Q~~ ::e~ ~~-IY~ d CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To-the best of ourknowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations ofthework inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME 0~ ,:::-v ¥ l>~,1...c; 0 ,v CERT. NO .. Q6f!O ct :8 \ ... fl 5 INSPECTOR SIGNATUR~ J (PrintClearly) ~ ~. '"t.€,~'} ~ ~ c2 ./ DATE --~ ' . ~~ . r -PSI-B-900-170(2) EsGil" Corporation 1.n Partne.rsliip witli (jove.mment for 'lJuifaing Safe.ty DATE: May 14, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 9$-1318 . PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. SET:l _JJ:-AP-~T ~ CJ PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE PROJECT NAME Horse Ride Queue Structure Castle Hill D The plans transmitted herewith have .been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ~ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficienci~s idehtified below are resolved and checked by buHding department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck'. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclose.d for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the ·check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the_ applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: 1 ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person ~ REMARKS: Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the designer. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation 0 GA O CM 0. EJ O PC Enclosures: 5/7/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + · (619) 560-146~ + Fax (619) 560-1576 Gadsbad 98-1318 May 14, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A3 PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1318 DATE: May 14, 1998 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only D Repetitive Fee ~p~licable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: Comments: Structural review: Esgil fee = 2 hrs. @ $87.15/hr. [gl Hourly ( deferred submittal) $ 174.30 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 PLANNINC/ENGINEERINC .APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB 9 8: / 3 18 ADDRESS .1 .L£Go. L)rive RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT . RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR ( < $10,000.00) PLANNER_~=-· ...... -....... -~___,;;;.....____-__ _ ENGINEER ML __ .....___..._~"'""""--.......,...._ DDcs/MISforms/Plannlng Engineering ,Approvals PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING DATE ~-------- City, of Carlsbad _ . . . . . . . . 97213C3 · . Fire Department · • · Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Thursday, Mc1y 1_4; 1998 Contact Name Gina Yu Address City, State 5342 Armc1da Dr Carlsbad CA 92009 . . Bldg. Dept. No. CB9801318 Job Name Lego CH Horse Ride. • Reviewed by: hi:A &-;.,. /'::Jc- Planning No.· -~---~-- Job Address 1 Lego Ste. or Bldg. No. ------- igi Apprnveo -The item. you have submitted for tevie.w has been approved. The ·approval is based on plans; informa.tion and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these· items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply With instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indlcate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st ·---2nd __ _ 3r:d_~~ Other Agency ID CFD Job# __ 97_2_1_3C_3_ File#~~-- 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, Califor.nia 92008 • (619) 931-2121 I I~ 0: Ii z I- ~ MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers ~ 7801 Mission Center Ct. #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 --------------"-~~-~------------- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STRUCTU-RAL CALCU:LATIONS FOR Legoland Carlsbad (M&M PROJECT NO. 9602-40.00) Castle Hill Cluster (FGMP P-ackage) Volu-me 1 Section D Horse Ride Queue Structure *Revised* Architect of Record: Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum For Bulletin No. 3-15 April 27, 1998 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I ·1 SECTION D HORSE RIDE QUl;UE STRUCTURE INDEX SUBJECT Roof Framing Design Lateral Analysis Shear Walls Truss Design Columns and Base Plates Foundation Design Free Standing Shade Structure Photo Booth SHEET NO. D1 -D11 D12-D16 D17-D18 D19-D29 D30 -D33 D34 -D35 D36 -D38 D39 -D45 I I ' I I i i ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ I . ' ,,..=_-..,,,..,.~-..-.~ .... -.,,..~-.. .. --.----~.~~~~n,:,,-w~J'~~'-~';11/"~~,:;:-,>~~~~ .. ,~~~,..,,..,.~::1;;>-~~.-....,.,~~ .J?oo-F~ !,). ,< C. \·- ,! I .-· ,--; MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 3,0 'Ps-F /If 12==,p JOB _ __,.l...,.Q___,...':,-0..;;:;_=L-;;.,.,.A--./vt;,_,_, "-'-"-.· --------- SHEETNO, ---------'t>~\ ___ OF __ ._4_5 __ _ CALCULATED BY . -::S-A.JJ:;: DATE ~ , 't 0 CHECKED·BY -----------DATE ____ _ SCALE CA:£t1--£ t-/-JLL -ryt)/<"SE 0L,£Uf: / -s Psr::: ""<0 ?s1-:::. 3. D PsF ~-0 yS I-=::. I b fs.1- , b t:::s r-""" r I..>. L I ' I ·--~a·---·--~=~--~---~ .... -~.--~~,--.,.,-~·~..---~~--..,,....,...---J-, MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. JOB--=L=Q=i...,,.;s:0=.::L~A.J.J\;;;;;,=------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /,/ ,, ll- J_. L__' Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. -'-----__,;;_D~_'Z-___ oF -----~ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN.DiEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CALCULATED BY _...:::::::-,,;:::,.\~·&1.::::.l,.;C~-----DATE --~----/_q_2,~--- CHECKED BY---,---------DATE _____ _ SCALE CA--SiL£ HILL -H-o R-,-s.e: :S.Ct ~p ~A-..:1 &-o PSF \5,L. to PsF _ I ~--------=~-~~---·=--=,......,.,~-·-~--_;-=-~~=~=-;_;:lll'-,::1.w=~-·-_,_-"-=--=-· _~_. ___ -_---_~_-.a..-'-----·- MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. · 0. ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEl;T No. _____ ...;..._ __ oF ------ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DiEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY '°":'.SMC.. DATE_"'$_· ___.)_q_·g_· __ Tf2tJSS Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (6.19) 497-0429 . ,... '; l' 0 / ,Q!L. ~ ,;:) -J ,,.., !< -rt LL "-, V -v, 0 '-I · _,, - CHECKED BY _____ _..... __ DATE ____ _ SCALE (1,A-Sn....£ HILL -H-o~s: CvyE;t.E v0t:>1.-.::: / b P':::.r :,rs :,_ 8 ° r-L-F_ CA-JLL--=-,20 p~,p ):' S ::: /e?O · p LF_ v = / tf..., k =-(!).:::11'?? J (;:i_.--vv ,.,.,, '\ (v • C-',.:;:;/ , ..=..I' , .,tfV..) S' @~Q ) ( /_3s;7,. t-1.y-;.?·)li :::)_9.5/:·(co -'if) @) -= (I) ::: /. YZ k ( (.of-{ P~SS/0/-..J~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, .INC. Structural & Civil Engin,ers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I = .. u.~ /.CfS IL 7). .... :r---$--1 --~1 I .:+="" -a20 IV -~ (. '3:, ?<'.!O '-P "V. \ JOB·------'-_(_,,_£b-o __ ~-----'-------- ·t) A. SHEET NO. _____ ~_\ ___ OF---.---- CALCULATED flY ---:S--1{ c::. 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'I: I / 1 1 1 1 1 ,!, / . ·1/ -I / i, / \ / / \ l / ! / \ i / 1/ \~ / l' . 1 4' ·r 1' · \ ·1 2 l\ i \ ; 'x ! / \ ! / \ I ' . 1/ \ \[/ \ !O l SHEET NO. ______ '{):::;.._\ 4_,__ __ OF _____ _ CALCULATEOBY __ -....::'S=-M....:~=c::=----OATE-~-----i,/,_9_· _8 __ CHECKED BY _________ DATE _____ _ scALE O~n.-E;' . tl-tt..L -tf-Di2s.c @LA:s7..-e :. . -: I/ ~ US£. IZ-S t7'2-VC.. ~ 'PLY -W/ roe!. Nc{tL-S e 6\/0~(__ f=og "'=:;~1Z-4-,0t,-tP(r·=""'-:::. C UJ,J'~ L'JC...t:. ~ C 1\-<s~ lla.-t!\.Qv-'.) = :;;;;>.._ l :S;:-~-j,) I --·----·---~-=-=-........... --=-~-=-··~-----~--~---~---=-,·- MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. JOB (._Gb-Ot--AJvr::;:::. I I I I I 1- I I I I I I I I I I I I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET NO. D \? OF . 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 ~A A x:, ~/ ~<1::1 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY __ · N '-"'' ___ ,/V___;::L<--=---DATE '{ 0 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 D 0 u CHECKED av ___________ DATE----- SCALE ~n-€ fbt-1--H-Dr2.~e Qut=2.-{:_ --1--t? 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CHECKED BY--------DATE _____ _ SCALE~ n,....,e:-kr-7 l.,I_ -t-/-o(2~,€ l'.D\..,GLJcf"' Ws~s :::: lo. ?:./'4 t / / 0' ~ . h S y1::./, "f=:-D {2. -e;. I --r-p...lB ~Q.,~ W~Ttt V '='--' b, 'rJ'i t. I I )c ~ I ::, $-~ 2... k. . kl . k.f <lf = ss · l-\ 1.: Z-l ..::: , ) lo 2 ' 1 {)?i;;-V-z-· 1 s r~ v c... .:::c ? c-7' WI I ocJ lv,t--tL~ CS to,r D.c_. FO'K S V"'-PD/2{1 Iv(.,-c.D6c::::, [ U Iv '8 \..,\) (..IC. "ti:) C n--S E. (lJ ct! \.cx...u -:::: ::2 9 .S. "#--/ J J I ~~,"• ma~.,.~,r~~~~,u~--~~-=------•=~,~-~-..,,---..---,---==••~==·~'~'"c"''.,..,._•,= MARTIN &' MARTIN, I NC. Joe ---=L=t==-=~-=b=---O_;_~~::..._.=· ;:..._--~--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -~ Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. ____ ____!1)::::...1:..-1.:.___ OF--...,----- 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 1:; J '7 6 C..f y' SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY -=s-~ DATE ------- Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 <r-V tT S' ,t CHECKED BY-----------DATE ____ _ SCALE ~ TL€ th LL--Ho~~ C . Q~~ --~ .I ~ VI ::-:S. l{ 2-k · 0:J ::: ;20 ?~'f x q 1 ;e s 1 ::, qoo<::;f ~ . c, k.. (p, L/ 2 C _j 8 1 ) -C q1J L2. ~ j - s-, u~- I -,~--~------~=-~-~-~~r.~~--------~-~""""'----... "".""'-~~~--h· MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. JOB L--b~ ~ I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEETNo. _____ 'O..:;;__;_I~ __ oF _____ _ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 J SAN orEGo, cA 92108· CALCULATED BY, --:s:-MC DATE a. q 'B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . Q~~ Sw2 .:_ . - 7 qi t I } Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY--------DATE ____ _ scALI= CA~ TZ.-t 1.-/-1 LL -/fot2..s.c a,~ . . ·-' . . .. . . .-f~··'".!~ .. ~f-"''t•~-f; . . ~Sa,,. ( cs=> N,-~ .. 4-V v~ -s '"I 2'< (jj ~ 52.o rsr yqx:2.-0~ 3. b tc J,;;0 1-1 o-,-:::_ $.\f~(q \ "-'$0. 9-'PJ /c I (Y.p .... ~ ~-~ (10 ~:::. '56 /~ I No } ('-1..(2-> Ff"DT ' LJ-+)L, ,___ -r i ,n ;z.o i 7,-!f ,;I,' r=1--, ::+ f, <7r:: ~ 'f2 .. -01/ 2.0 I ::.. USt='$1vJ(liJ (==-;2.?::, ~ #--/ j t-fO 'b\-0~~~.J.S 'fc..~-\_~ - ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 : :• .: ! t ., !. JOB (,Ei7:Jpt---,~ SHEET NO. -~-----''O'-"-'-\ O).,___ OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY --::s ~ DATE s / q B ' CHECKED BY-'--------DATE _____ _ SCALE ~J7_£ tl-£ LL - -• ;, 5 !: -• t T72vS'S:, . A--i~~~ TD ~7 r. ~'°tl.LJT7~ · L->?A--C) s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Solution: LC 1 DL + SEISMIC Member Axial Forces. K 020 i 1.123K I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 4.0 Martin & Dunn, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 9t108 Castle Hill -Horse Queue Wood Truss Job: 960240 Page: 1 Date: 3/24/98 File: CASTTRU2 =================================:== -===========.=========================== Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . US Standard Steel Code ........................ AISC 9th Edition ASD Allowable Stress Increase Factor .. 1,333 Include Shear Deformation ......... Yes No. of Sections for Member Cales .. 5 Do Redesign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes P-Delta Analysis Tolerance ........ 0.50% ===========================< Joint Coordinates>--------~------------------- Joint X Y Joint No Coordinate Coordinate Temperature ------------------ft-----------ft------------°F---------------------------- 1 0.000 b.000 0.00 2 5.000 0.000 0.00 3 10.000 0.000 0.00 4 15.000 0.000 0.00 5 20.000 0.000 0.00 6 5.000 4.750 0.00 7 15.000 4.750 0.00 --------------------------< Boundary Conditions>=========================== Joint+-----Translation-----+ No X · Y Rotation ------------K/in--------K/in------K-ft/rad---------------------------------- 1 Reaction Reaction 5 Reaction Reaction --------------------------< Materials {General) >-------------------------~- Material Young's Shear Poisson's Thermal Weight Yield Label Modulus Modulus Ratio Coef. Density Stress -------------Ksi----------Ksi------------~---10A5°F----K/ft3-------Ksi------ STEEL 29000.00 11154.00 0.3000 0.65000 0.490 36.00 -------~-----------~----< Wood Material Parameters>======================== Wood NDS Species CC E Poisson Weight Set Database Fb Ft Fv Fe E mr Mod Therm Den -----------------------Ks~--~ksi---Ksi~--ksi---Ksi-------------~--10A5°K/ft3 REDWOD REDWDNO1X2X6 1.200 0.800 0.095 1.050 1300.0 1.000 0.30 0.30 0.035 ==============================~=<Sections>-------------------------------- Section Database Material As As I I T Label Shape Label Area yy zz yy zz C ------------------------------inA2----------------in~4----------inA4-------- BM REDWDNO1X2X6 REbWOP 8.25 1.2 1.2 1.55 20.80 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t'.) 2'2.. RISA-2D {R) Version 4.0 Martin & Dunn, Inc. Job: 960240 Page: 2 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Date: 3/24/98 File: CASTTRU2 Castle Hill -Horse Queue Wood Truss = = = = = == == ===== = == == ===== == = = = == = < Members > =·= = == = = = = = = = == == = = = == = == = = == = = = = = Memb Joints Rotate Section Releases Offsets Inactive? No. I J 90° Set I:AVM J:AVM I-End J-End Label~ Length --------------------------------------------in-· -----in---------------ft---- 1 1 2 BM 5. 00 2 2 3 BM 5. 00 3 3 4 BM 5. 00 4 4 5 BM 5. 00 5 2 6 BM PIN PIN 4.75 6 3 6 BM PIN PIN 6.90 7 3 7 BM PIN PIN 6 . 9 0 8 4 7 BM PIN PIN 4.75 9 1 6 BM PIN PIN 6.90 10 6 7 BM 10 . 0 0 11 5 7 BM PIN PIN 6.90 --------------------------< AISC,NDS Parameters>=========================== Section Length Lb-out Lb-in Lcomp K K Cm Cb,B Sway Member Set le-out le-in le-bend out in CH o i ---------------ft------ft------ft------ft----------------------------------- 1 BM 5.00 2 BM 5.00 3 BM 5.00 4 BM 5.00 5 BM 4.75 6 BM 6. 90 7 BM 6.90 8 BM 4.75 9 BM 6. 90 10 BM 10.00 11 BM 6.90 =============~============< Basic Load Case Data>========================= BLC Basic Load Case Load Type Totals No. Descriptibn Nodal Point Dist. 1 2 DEAD LOAD SEISMIC 4 2 ===============< Joint Loads/Enforced Displacements, BLC 1 >---------------- Joint Is this a Load or Direction NuITber a Displacement? (X,Y,Mz) Magnitude -------------------------------------------~----------K,K-ft,in,rad--------- 1 L Y -0.200 6 L Y -0.600 7 L Y -0.600 5 L X -0.200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 4.0 Martin & Dunn, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 9210~. Castle Hill -Horse Queue Wood Truss Job: 960240 Page: 3 Date: 3/24/98 File: CASTTRU2 ===============< Joint Loads/Enforced Displacements, BLC 2 >================ Joint Is this a Load or Direction Number a Displacement? (X,Y,Mz) Magnitude ------------------------------------------------------K,K-ft,in,rad--------- 6 L X O. 680 7 L X O. 680 =============================< Load Patterns>============================== Pattern Magnitudes Locations Label Dir Start End Start End -------------------K/ft,F----------K/ft,F-----------ft or %~------ft or%--- LIVE Y -0.100 -0.100 0.000 0.000 ==========================<Load Combinations No. Description BLC Fae BLC Fae BLC >============================ RWPE Fae BLC Fae BLC Fae SSdv ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 DL + SEISMIC 1 1 2 1 =======================-=========.========================================== Dynamics Input: Number of Modes ............ 3 Load Combination Number .... 1 Acceleration of Gravity .... 32.20 ft/sec"'2 Convergence Tolerance ...... 0.001 Converge Work Vectors ...... No ---------------< Joint Displacements, LC 1 : DL +SEISMIC>-----------=----I Joint +-------Translation-------+ Rotation No X Y 8z -------------in------------in------------rad------------------------------- 1 0.000 0.000 -0.00031 2 0.002 -o.ois -o.0001s 3 0.004 -0.017 0.00005 4 0.002 -0.011 0.00015 5 0.000 0.000 0.00021 6 0.010 -0.015 0.00003 7 0.003 -0.011 0.00003 -------------------< Story Drift, LC 1 DL +SEISMIC>==================== Story +---X Direction---+ No. Joint Drift % of.Ht ---------------in--------------------------------------------------------- No Stories Defined ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 4.0 Martin & Dunn, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Castle Hill -Horse Queue Wood Truss Job : 96024-0 Page: 4 Date: 3/24/98 File: CASTTRU2 --------------------< Reactions, LC 1 : DL +SEISMIC>===================== Joint +---------Forces----------+ Moment No X y Mz -------------K--------------K-------------K-ft------------------------------ 1 -0.05 0.48 0.00 5 -1.31 1.12 0.00 Totals: -1.36 1.60 Center of Gravity Coords (X,Y,Z) (ft) 10.000, 3.563, 0.000 --------------< Member Section Forces, LC 1: DL +SEISMIC>=============== Member Joints Section I ·-J i Axial Shear Moment --------------------·--------K--------------K-------------K-ft--------------- 1 1-2 1 -0.34 0.00 0.00 2 -0.34 0.00 O.QO 3 -0.34 0.00 -0.01 4 -0.34 0.00 -0.01 5 -0.34 0.00 -0.01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 2-3 1 -0,34 0.00 -0.01 2 -0.34 0.00 -0.01 3 -0.34 0.00 -0.01 4 "-0.34 0.00 -0.01 5 -0.34 0.00 0.00 3 3-4 1 0.34 0.00 0.00 2 0.34 0.00 0.00 3 0.34 0.00 0.00 4 0.34 0.00 0.00 5 0.34 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------4 4-5 1 0.34 0.00 0.00 2 0.34 0.00 0.00 3 0.34 0.00 0.00 4 0.34 0.00 0.00 5 0.34 0.00 0.00 ----------------------------------------·-----------------------------------5 2-6 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 -------------------------------------~--,----------------------------------6 3-6 1 0.47 0.00 0.00 2 0.47 0.00 0.00 3 0.47 0.00 0.00 4 0.47 o. o·o 0.00 5 0.47 0.00 . 0.00 --------------------------------. -------------------------------------------7 3-7 1 -0.47 0.00 0.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 4.0 Martin & Dunn, Inc. Job : 9.60240 Page: 5 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Date: 3/24/98 File: CASTTRU2 Castle Hill -Horse Queue Wood Truss --------------< Member Section Forces, LC 1 : DL +SEISMIC>=============== Member Joints Section I J ~ Axial Shear Moment --------------------.------K--------------K------------.K-ft--------------- 2 -0.47 0.00 0.00 3 -0.47 0.00 0.00 4 -0.47 0.-00 0.00 5 -0.47 0.00 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------8 4-7 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.00 ·O. 00 . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------9 1-6 1 0.40 0.00 0.00 2 0.40 Q.00 0.00 3 0.40 0.00 0.00 4 0.40 O.QO 0.00 5 0.40 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------10 6-7 1 0.63 0.00 0.00 2 0.63 0.00 0.00 3 0.63 o. o·o 0.00 4 0.63 0.00 0.00 5 0.63 0.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------11 5-7 1 1.34 0.00 0.00 2 1.34 0.00 0.00 3 1.34 (LOO 0.00 4 1.34 0.00 0.00 5 1.34 0.00 0.00 --------------------------------------. ------------------------------------- =================< Member Stresses, LC 1 : DL +SEISMIC>================== Member Joints Section Bending Bending I J ~ Axial Shear Top Bottom --------------------------Ksi-----------Ksi-----------Ksi----------Ksi----- 1 1 2 1 -0.04 o.oo o.oo o.~o 2 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 -0.04 0.00 0.01 -0.01 4 -0.04 0.00 0.01 -0.01 5 -0.04 0.00 0.02 -0.02 --------------.--------------------------------------------------------- 2 2 3 1 -0.04 0.00 0.02 -0.02 2 -0.04 0.00 0.02 -0.02 3 -0.04 0.00 0.01 -0.01 4 -0.04 0.00 0.01 -0.01 5 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D {R) Version 4.0 Martin & Dunn, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Castle Hill -Horse Queue Wood Truss Job : 9.60240 Page: 6 Date: 3/24/98 File: CASTTRU2 -----------------< Member Stresses, LC 1 : DL +SEISMIC>================== Member Joints Section Bending Bending I J ~ Axial Shear Top Bottom ---------------------------Ksi-----------Ksi ----------Ksi----------Ksi----- 3 3 4 1 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.04 o:oo 0.01 -0.01 3 0.04 0.00 0.01 -0.01 4 0.04 0.00 0.01 -0.01 5 0.04 0.00 0.01 -0.01 --------------------· ----------------------------------------------------4 4 5 1 0.04 0.00 0.01 -0.01 2 0.04 0.00 0.01 -0.01 3 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2 6 1 a.ob 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 3 6 1 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------7 3 7 1· -0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 -0.06 0.00 0. 00. 0.00 3 -0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 -0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 -0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------8 4 7 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 o·. oo 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 1 6 1 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 I. ------------------------~---------------------------------------------------10 6 7 1 2 3 4 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 4.0 Martin & Dunn, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Castle Hill -Ho.rse Queue Wooc;l'Truss Job: 960240 Page: 7 Date: 3/24/98 File: CASTTRU2 -----------------< Member Stresses, I:.iC 1 : DL +SEISMIC>================== Member Joints Section Bending Bending I J ~ Axial Shear Top Bottom ---------------------------Ksi-----------K~i ----------Ksi----------Ksi----- 5 . 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------11 5 7 1 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------------< Member Deflections, LC 1: DL + $EISMIC >================ Member Joints Section I J ~ X y L/n --------------------------in----------in----------------------------------- 1 1 2 1 0.000 0.000 NC 2 0.000 -0.005 NC -3 0.001 -0.009 .NC 4 0.001 -0.013 NC 5 0.002 -0.015 3893.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2 3 1 0.002 -0.015 NC 2 0.002 -0.017 NC 3 0.003 -0.018 NC 4 0.003 -0.018 NC 5 0.004 -0.017 NC -------------------· --------------------------------------------------------3 3 4 1 0.004 -0.017 NC 2 0.003 -0.016 NC ·3 0.003 -0. 015 NC 4 0.002 -0.013 NC 5 0.002 -0.011 NC 4 4 5 1 0.002 -0.011 NC 2 0.001 -0.009 NC 3 0.001 -0.006 NC 4 0.000 -0.003 NC 5 0.000 0.000 NC 5 2 6 1 -0.015 -0.002 NC 2 -0.015 -0.004 NC 3 -0.015 -Q.006 NC 4 -0.015 -0.008 NC 5 -0.015 -0.010 NC ------------------------------q--------------------------------------------- 6 3 6 1 2 3 -0.015. -0:015 -0.016 -0.010,. -0.008 -0.007 NC NC NC 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D {R) versiop 4.0 Martin & Dunn, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Castle Hill -Horse Queue Wood Trus~ Job: 960240 Page: 8 Date: 3/24/98 File: CASTTRU2 ================< Member Deflections, LC 1 ·Member Joints Section DL·+ SEISMIC>================ I J ~ X y L/n ---------------------------in----------in----------------------------------- 4 -0.017 -0.005 NC 5 -0.018 -0.004 NC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------7 3 7 1 -0.009 -0.015 NC 2 -0.008 -0.014 NC 3 -0.007 -0.013 NC 4 -0.006 -0.012 NC 5 -0.005 -0.011 NC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------8 4 7 1 -0.011 ,..0.002 NC 2 -0.011 -0.002 NC 3 -0.011 -0.003 NC 4 -0.011 -0.003 NC 5 -0.011 -0.003 NC ------------------------------------·---------------------------------------- 9 1 6 1 0.000 0.000 NC 2 ..... 0.001 -0.005 NC 3 -0. 002 -0.009 NC 4 -0.002 -0.014 NC 5 -0.003 -0.018 NC --------------------------------------------------------------------------10 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 0.010 0.009 0.007 0.005 0.003 -0.015 -0.014 -0.013 -0.012 -0.011 NC NC NC NC NC -----------------~---------------------------------------------------------11 5 7 1 0.000 0.000 NC 2 -0. 003 -0.001 NC 3 -0.005 -0.003 NC 4 -0.008 -0.004 NC 5 -0.010 -0.006 NC -------------< Member AISC Unity Checks, LC 1 : DL +SEISMIC>============= Member Joints Unity Shear Fb Fb Cm Cm ASD I J Chk Loe Chk Loe -F~ __ Y:( --z ~ Cb yy z z Eqn ---------------------------------------Ks1---Ks1---.Ks1---------------------- -------------< Member NDS Unity Checks, ~c 1 : DL +SEISMIC>============== Unity Shear Memb Chk Loe Chk Loe Fe' Ft' Fbl' Fb2' Fv' Rb CL CP Eqn --------------------------Ksi---Ksi---Ksi---Ksi---Ksi----------------------- 1 0.052. 5 0.002 1 0.232 1.040 1.560~1.794 0.190 12.11 1.00 0.20 3.9-1 2 0.052 1 0.001 1 0.232 1.040 1.560 1.794 0.190 12.11 1.00 0.20 3.9-1 3 0.036 5 0.000 1 0.232 1.040 1.560 1.794 0.190 12.11 1.00 0.20 3.9-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 4.0 Martin & Dunn, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Castle Hill -Horse Queue Wood Truss Job: 960240 Page: 9 Date: 3/24/98 File:· CASTTRU2 -------------< Member NDS Unity Checks, LC 1 : DL +SEISMIC>============== Unity Shear _ Memb Chk Loe Chk Loe Fe I Ft I Fbl ' -Fb2 ' Fv I Rb CL CP Eqn --------------------~-----Ksi---Ksi---Ksi---Ksi---Ksi----------------------- 4 0.036 1 0.001 1 0.232 1.040 1.560 1.794 0.190 12.11 1.00 0.20 3.9-3 5 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.256 1.040 1.560 1.794 0.190 11.80 1.00 0.22 3.9-3 6 -le/dis greater than 50. - 7 0.055 1 0.000 1 0.125 1.04-0 1.560 1.794 0.190 14~22 1.00 0.11 3.9-1 8 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.256 1.040 1.560 1.794 0.190 11.80 1.00 0.22 3.9-3 9 le/dis g~eater than 50. - 10 le/dis greater than 50. 11 -le/dis greater ~han so. - =================< Section Set Member Redesign Shapes, LC 1 : DL +SEISMIC>================== Suggested Alternate Shapes 1st Choice 2nd Cnoice 3rd Choice 4th Choice Redesign not perfoz-med ... =================<:: Material Takeoff, LC 1: DL +SEISMIC>================= Section Database Total Total Set Shape Length Weight ---------------------------------ft---------------K---------------------- BM REDWDNO1X2X6 67.09 0.13 Total Wts: 0.13 I -····~-~-----~--~----~---~~-------~.._.._,.,...----··=-,...,.,,,,-·-~ Jos __ _..c;:G;:._b__;:;b-;__;_o_~_.:..;:;;~::.._...!=-------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -fr MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 f ... - - 'D'"l. 0 SHEET NO. ----------'-;1 __ OF---.,.--.---- CALCULATED BY .~A.JC,. DATE--~--· 'z_· """8;;;;....__ CHECKED BY--------DATE ____ _ SCALE ~n_e:; 1:::6 LL --bt-D~t ('.Q~ N-s P1R... VI C,DJ_ -l-lo ~ k I :z ~ Q ~ z_ k C 10Vc-iLJJ9.~ Jc:---l>-.) ?tYL V / CO /-~ $, ~ 2-. tc.. / $ :_ r 0 B k:_ l V ~ ~~ ~ '?<:>?--){ s 1 ~ (10'~ ~ Boo -t ~J::::. ~ §2-K cf I/ ~ ~= t?.--Oo r·~.J~ Fv? cz>-s:::-~s..:t · I ---~-~--~-,...,.-~~------.~~----,-----.. --·------·~~-·- ~L~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429. JOB---=----=--'-'--~-------- SHEET NO. _____ _...;:_0_?.;._I;...._ OF ---t'-...,.,-- ,-0 u/4~- cALcuLATED BY -=-:s;:,J-..1\,,,.__ . DATE 7::-<2..) CHECKED 13_y ________ DATE------'- SCALE _,._..,,.CJ15.----.--'-Tc..--6_--,--__,...;;tt-r..:..-L_L-__ -_tft>...;__..c...?S_:g;;-_·...,,0=--=~ . :: ... M ~ ( E9tz}~ ~ CI a 1 ~ -::. 'B. 2.J~ 1 . c ~ :::1 @ 0-'-f::. t~.G--Oi·S) s )a cs U::7::~~ a Gr·$""~ d ?-- eo ~c. J_ 01.Jl1S 1.-.:J "l-(o S-0 p q,,: . Th~~~ ..._ (§?., z._ I=-1) CI G) { 6)(; DO (b-s-o_) C+~s:) J cL ~ l \ 11 I <-·----"·-------~-~-~-=-·------------------~~~~~-~-----~~= Gt=-~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB--------------,-------- SHEET NO. D , 2- CALCULATED BY --:S-A-{L.,. OF r;, DATE yj:1-@ CHECKED BY _______ DATE_____ I SCALE c..,,1-sTZ.,£; . r/-l LL -i;rt)r2.SB cQ ~vfl {'8. 2. ·t~ 1 ) C12-~ 1 k.nc; l 'f.$')('1-~ C v }-t1 -r q_ ..sv- ~v-.J ( 'sf,/ C/ ~?::. ') ~ {J, ~3>)CL ~ (2. qs ") ~ -=f..~ S~-l.:::: ? ~z_lL 2/J\, <'U ,,,.... f~") ', '1 J., 1 C_e,z~';kte-_) +-( 9t:) (SSJ ~ '0.l('L l::_ Ci_'.s" Qo.~Z:-~(tnt? o) = ~ ~L°l) (1'i~ 2- I --=-·-----.,,,,....._ ... -~--=--'l'~~~-~-~·""""~~~ ....... ~~ ..... ~~~-t;,=,,,..,.-,.~--~~-~~-... ,...~'-=-.: MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. JOB LE'&-o~ I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. () ? ? oF _._ ____ _ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 ~ A , ,,.,.. SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . CA'LCULATED BY---' ~;::..;/V½-:....;->::;:;::,....-.___ __ DATE---'----- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -t::D ::, I ~ . .,,_ Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497-0429 -: .:: : !: -~ z --E'-.-'l ~ • ;: • -:. • .2 {3..,2.) /'' ~t, .:,: t./ \{ "I r t 2('5.9)~ l( .::,_ r~Z- 3lo CHECKED BY---,--------DATE ____ _ SCALE C..zf:Ch 77--£ ,tH LL -HD~s.-s c'PkSL-6 /L/ -, C/S{8J 2 I '--f -0-0 [0) ;2.. 't ;: • .' • I • 5/8X {J?E:, /'·(' 'f-/ I -z_ ,1 ts'. 'p rµ/ y-3/'-( '-1 1/ ~ ! s.. I ~-~------=·~=--·--- MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 _ : ,_ • ; :_ :i -':: I -E • :, := .:: ::' :E. .,. ! • ~ '> . ?(ft'.C\ \ec.--1 /' (j . . t . ' I JOB--(___E:ls--o---'·----·-~---------,;.._._- SHEET NO. 0 ,"{-OF __ __,...... __ _ CALCULATEDBY ------:SMc__ DATE_3.....-/_9_B __ . . CHECKED BY--------DATE ____ _ f?CALE GA-s TL-£ t+-t LL--f/-qp E= ei? i.,,£:0(5 ::. :, .; : ., • t ~ . ') .: e ( -:-" · • • f'I e, B--tsc :::. t1. <87--·k )C ( / Q I "t-/,,.S: 1 ) :::C 9 r V ? /L f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN · HORSE QUEUE RIDE(8X8 POST) DESIGN DATA AXIAL LOADS Allow. Soil Pressure 2500;0 psf Dead Load = •.• Short Term Increase 1.33 Live Load = Base Pedistal Height = 0.00 in Short Term Load Seismic Zone = 4 •.. Eco. Along X-X Axis = Overburden Weight = 0.00 psf ... Eco. Along Y-Y Axis = Live & Short Term Loads Don't Act Together Concrete Weight = 145.0 pcf 0.00 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.00 in·· 0.00 in -Y-Y AXIS ROTATION FORCES X-X AXIS ROTATlpN FORCES- .... Pressures @ Left/Right Moment: DL LL = Short Term Shear: DL = LL Short Term = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 8.2 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k ••.• Pressures @ Top/Bot Moment: DL Shear:- LL Short Term = DL LL Short Term = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k o;oo k Page: 0 ~? DIMENSIONS Width Along X-X Axis = 5.00 ft Length Along Y-Y Axis = 5.00 ft Thickness 18.00 in Column Dim. Along X-X Axis = 8.00 in Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis = 8.00 in ---------------------SUMMARY--------------------- Soil Pressure Moments & Shears------ D+L D+L+ST Max. Allowable Max Pressure Allowable Pressure 'X' Eco. of Resultant 'Y' Eco. of Resultant Service Load Pressures .... DL + LL Dead +live +Short Term Factored Load Pressures .... AC! Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 = · 217.5 psf 730.9 psf = 2500.0 psf 3325 .. 0 psf o.o in 18. 1 in 0.0 in 0;0 in Mu/Phi Vu:1 Way Vu:2 Way Overturning Ratio Left 217.5 psf 0.0 psf Left 304.5 psf 0.0 psf 0.0 psf Right 217.5 psf 730.9 psf Right 304.5 psf 1023.2 psf 657.8 psf -----------FOOTING DESIGN---------,---- f'c Fy Rebar CL Clear to Soil Min. Steel% 3000 psi = 60000 psi = 3.5in = 0.0014 'm' = Fy /(.85f'c) Vn:1 ••. 2(f'c)· .5 Vn:2 •. .4(f'c) • .5 23.53 = 109.54 psi = 219. 1 psi FACTORED SHEAR FORCES--------- Two-Way Shear One-Way: Vu @ Left One-Way: Vu @ Right = One-Way: Vu @ Top . One-.:.Way: Vu @ Bottom = ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 0.00 psi 0.37 psi -0.01 psi -1.68 psi -0.0, psi 3.12 psi -0.01 psi -0.01 psi -0.01 psi -0.01 psi ACI 9-3 0.24 psi -1.08 psi 2.01 psi -0.01 psi -0.01 psi Vn * Phi 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.i 1 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi FACTORED MOMENTS---~------ 1.3 k-ft 3.1 psi 0.4 psi 1.7 :1 Top 217.5 psf 217.5 psf Top 304.5 psf 304.5 psf l95.7 psf Mu/Phi @ Left Mu/Phi @ Right Mu/Phi@ Top Mu/Phi @ Bottom ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 -0.0 k-ft -0.8 k-ft -0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 1 .3 k-ft 0.0 k-ft ACI 9-3 -0.5 k-ft 0.8 k-ft 0.0 k-ft = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft Ru 3.8 psi 6.0 psi 0.0 psi 0.0 psi As Req'd -0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in21ft 0.020 in2/ft 0.020 in2/ft SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STABILITY-'------- Factor of Safety : Y -Y AXIS Factor of Safety : X -X AXIS Static --None-- --None-- Short Term 1.66 :1 --None-- 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5 :1 Bottom 217.5 psf 217.5 psf Bottom 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 195.7 psf V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I~-----------------~----· ---~- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I q, _/_ I I MARTIN &MARTIN, INC. JOB--------'---~-"---..:;:.._-------- Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. -----'---0-~-~--oF ----,.---7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 -->c-A 1 r= -· 7 o SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY -c...) /VL,.<...__ DATE-~---...._l_ LS--=-_ Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 :: • -• • ... : . ~ • ' :. t ~ ~ • f' '-- 1 -i CHECKED av ____________ DATE----- SCALE rt-1-t LL -+-f-of2s_G""" (;)veJ "'p,L I -;2-;2Y~ =;> (.~)(.1s)(~-~)(1/ill."!J{.5:!1 ) r3-~Pfa · :;2-b Y.b °E:t:.tiL€-=':;> (_2-) ( S:-S-) ~ 0 (2..' )/3S-Pt p) ( 1/;r: J ~'1 t-~Y9C.O.L -:') Cr-..s)2.(9'){1/JY.v..){?£Rr) /Z. rke.~\L -;::. (s?sp')/V.r-!Jl~') ':::.. ~'"=(4- ,;;z. . /'---4 V.::: ;E--lC. L0 ~ CO, l{_ ~CI-DJ _µ1-~J .21:-1 J. ~ ~ 3 @ 0.<2,~1 --¾--e\OV'f?r.t\S .£:.::;..---- .iJ I -:::J_ I I "" j I~ I --~·-----·-----~-------~~~~----~--~-·~---,- MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. JOB _________________ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. ~-----'-J.Q .... ~,_1_,___ oF ----,---- 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 ~ A ,1 ;,= s /'7<8 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 · CALCULATED BY . ~ /'--"\.C---DATE Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497-0429 .. -: ( -.. : CHECKED.BY--~---'-----DATE _____ _ SCALE ~TL,~ t-{--zLL -q-c,-/?..~ QL-- ,:::012.. ~......£-S~1tv&- S~v~ I I --,-t t" . ·1 / --b •/' .._______ --y- [38~ (10.s 1 ) ~ r °r2V {<..( (,0<9-0 us€ . s 1 -o· x "6:.. v ~ x 1 '-1.c ·, ::p:bvn p_/i;-w/ L[ ..:;:/ s °?P--S re-·ct ~ -'---" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN HORSE QUEUE RIDE(8X8 POST) DESIGN DATA Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Dead Load AXIAL LOADS ... Short Term Increase = 1..33 Live Load = Base Pedistal Height 0.00 in Short Term Load = Seismic Zone = 4 ... Ecc. Along X-X Axis = Overburden Weight = 0.00 psf ... Ecc.-Along Y-Y Axis = Live & Short Term Loads Don't Act Together Concrete Weight = 145.0 pcf 0.00 k O.o k 0.0 k 0.00 in· 0.00 in -Y-Y AXIS ROTATION FORCES X-X AXIS ROTATION FORCES - .... Pressures @ Left/Right Moment: DL Shear: LL. Short Term = DL LL Short Term 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 1.0 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k .... Pressures @ Top/Bot Moment: DL = LL Short Term = Shear: DL = LL = Short Term = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k Page: D¼, DIMENSIONS Width Along X-X Axis = 3.00 ft Length Along Y-Y Axis 3.00 ft Thickness = 18.00 in Column Dim. Along X·X Axis = 8.00 in Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis = 8.00 in -----------~~--------SUMMARY--------------------- Soil Pressure Moments & Shears------ D+L D+L+ST Max. Allowable Max Pressure 217 .5 psf 439,.8 psf Allowable Pressure = 2500.0 psf 3325.0 psf 'X' Ecc. of Resultant 0.0 in 6.1 in 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant 0.0 in 0,.0 in Service Load Pressures .... Left Mu/Phi Vu:1 Way = Vu:2 Way = Overturning Ratio = Right 0.2 k-ft 0.0 psi 0.0 psi 2.9 :1 Top 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5 :1 Bottom DL + LL 217.5 psf 217.5 psf 217.5 psf 217.5 psf Dead +live+Short Term 0.0 psf 439.8 psf 217.5 psf Factored Load Pressures .... Left Right Top ACI Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 0.0 psf 615.7 psf 304.5 psf ACI Eq 9-3 = 0.0 psf 395.8 psf 195.7 psf -----------FOOTING DESIGN------------ f'c = 3000 psi 'rn' = Fy /(.85f'c) Fy = 60000 psi Vn:1 ... 2(f'c) • .5 Rebar CL Clear to Soil = 3.5 in Vn:2 .. .4(f'c)' .5 Min. Steel% = 0.0014 = 23.53 = 109.54 psi 219.1 psi FACTORED'SHEAR FORCES--------- Two-Way Shear = One-Way: Vu @ Left One-Way: Vu @ Right = One-Way: Vu@ Top = One-Way: Vu @ Bottom = ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 0.00 psi 0.02 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi O.Ob psi 0.01 psi 0.00 psi 0.06 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi Vn * Phi 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi FACTORED MOMENTS---------- Mu/Phi @ Left Mu/Phi @ Right Mu/Phi @Top Mu/Phi @ Bottom ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 = -0.0 k-ft -0.2 k-ft -0.1 k-ft = -0.0 k-ft 0.2 k-ft o. 1' k-ft = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft Ru 0.8 psi 0.8 psi 0.0 psi O.Opsi SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STABILITY------- Factor of Safety : Y - Y AXIS Factor of Safety: X-X AXIS Static --None-- ··None- Short Term 2.94 :1 --None- As Req'd -0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.020 in2/ft 0.020 in2/ft 217.5 psf Bottom 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 195.7 psf V4.4D (cl 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural ~ Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 , .. .,_ -! .,_ ~ . , f -r /2DDF: ~){\JJ~S. ;J·sc_ /_ ,/_ ""SP I • J-.l 30 JOB-----,.;L;::;.,Eb-0....;;.;_.;;...;..._L-_,~...:;:...-=,---------- SHEETNO. -----=0--'?°>~_·..;__ OF-----:---- CALCULATED BY _-_...;·s=-M_e. ____ DATE --~-/_q_s __ CHECKED BY __________ DATE _____ _ scALE . 0 A-SiL-6 1+-1 LL -'P-t-tz)TD $,o DT'ti- ~ ?s.p. S?~'P- 2. 6 ?s:p /0 PS J- I ·--~=~~-~.~--~-·---------~-~.~-·~·~--... ~=-· .. -rl-.. JOB _ ___./_,;;;b-0.___........_"--t....M?t?:__,._---="----------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Jl<-'\.,\ -i A C2, -~ t_ MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 . r ~ . -2s--s es· :::: ~o. \.cl l_a ,'v-\ ~ I. \ '-'-i ~\ \_ \V'\ SHEETNO, -------"-p_4_0 __ OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY ::::SMC DATE_-:s---i-/_q_g _________ _ CHECKED BY------------DATE _____ _ SCALE CA:::s.n. € tf-1 L.-{.._ -~~ 35o0r;-f--, ~ LO~---> p )_ t-.1.... L_ "l'-/ 0 °P'S.r--r-2-?:PS,F _::. .3o {-'S:.,;::. ~ P{ ,4-x tVr~) ~ (o l L _.. CoS..@;l.- ::: ~-!If ( ,4-C-T'S ~ {~ ":::.:P,,"':-) @---:::. tCtV\1 s-;g.-1-::. so. t./6° r=,. / ~ ~~ bt'L·1coc;.3or\f\:)0 "-J/O· q ~ r=:-~ J E}O _ps.-:c I ~ ... ,,-.. --·---=·--~=~m,,.,..,·-----~--~~~--~-·--·~~----··-~-~,,.,~-~--=-~~~,---- JOB _-· L.!;;Flz-t3>=__..c..=....;;..._~---c,..:=--=--------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 q_p :e.~ . (G2H--r:;) SHEET NO. _____ ....;D;..;..· ___ J-\:...;.\ _ OF ---t-'---,,,,-- CALCULATED BY -:s Mc:.-DATE ""s:. / q. 8 CHECKED BY;....· ----~--DATE ____ _ SCALE C1rS 71.-E:' th(_(..... -J::t4qo &o~1 -: . :: :-.. : : ~ ; A.. C m· · ~ --~lb:.~,o:d-(q~~ ~ 1/§B~~r_ TT"'=c;.._VMt '1-;--: -Y~ -::.. ~;,o ~~ Ip ~ c~'1 #-0{12-)/t(2>e ':::. 1 Lf. 1' e 111 ~ ~ ".3 o. 1o 6,~-l ~v--=-Q,..:s~{~o-#-)jzs-"<9\;,.__ ~ 32."r~-L--< CZ3c.:) ?-~:c U9.-e elf x: 8 'P-t:::-~vJOCM~ 17'--f'o, l ( /-1, !tJ: \ -4=D g_. ~~--x.;.,,s I -~-·--~-----~, -~-~~-~--=--=--------·=-.,.,,,.~--~-~~---·~-~~----,-~.~---w~-~-~-·---~ ..... ---· L~-O~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' s MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission. Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2li8 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB--------"'----------- SHEET NO. --'-----D.::.....4-_,___i._ OF __ _,_ __ _ CAl,.CULATED BY _-_:s_· _-,J,_,_. c ____ DATE 4 / Cf .B CHECKED ev ________ DATE----- SCALE C,1-sTZ-£ tf-i L{_ -~ttsro 1s;DD7"=i1 . . --. : : · _ ~ .. ~ i -: e · .. : -· :.. ~ -: -• .. • . ~ -; •· ,. · -: _, , r 7 ):';, Ce ~ i-~ 'I'vo ~ (\J)~ )C1/~)C12, \,o ~ lP~ _) := l"::lr ~b~ / / f ;,/t-0 /1,!<'-r---l z,-,~-,,t 'Z. ~ ?SF')( 1_2'') ~ ( :1...s )'J.. / l'i'l 'x· 3S ~c_,~ Y L\ Y 1.s /2.-.::;. ...!.L .2~-t- l ":f---00 ~ C;.!) 1 l'---C G-D.,1s-'?..,./.JS:. V ~ :::;-250-:4 I ·---------=~~--""""_.·~=~-· -=--=· ;._;_~--<---l>~'---=' --=--_"_-_-_-_-~_-_~ __ -~_ .. ,~_~-~_·~ Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. _____ 1)----'4'---'? __ oF _____ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 ~ t H= 1 J / {') 0 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY ~, /"VJ_ DATE -e 7. D Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY---'-------DATE ____ _ SCALE~ bbu_ -~~·~ A-N iyL.'-{S t~ C t.O µ7'0 ==========-- :; !~ B~~ :c (.t9ok)C ~ 1 ) :?. 1-6 2-1~ 1 ..!_ ':1__,.~~~· (\Jlv--1..,s ~ ~Q~S ~l/2L) (jg,_€ \S 6-;-( 8 ;,c ly 'f-11-'' L (;r s; L::::;.7=..-ve: w I sjg \. '>C {'·-!'' X. I 1-2-" Tb·"?. t0 I 'i ,-s I'-! " (/) k~ \ .s, I ··-:.---=··--_,,_.~-~------~.-..-~~-~~ ....... --~--.. ~~- L-t-c.ro ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497-0429 - • --.. -f • JOB----=--=------=----==---------~ SHEET NO. _____ _..0._4_,_t\:-+·--OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY ~ DATE---"---- CHECKED BY-------,----DATE ____ _ SCALFOt:-k,Tl-B fuL,L -~ %~ • # •• \. --• ; : [-le~ \Sli'S,e--" (J'Bo,;._)(;os:j ~ lD k-' , LC)OD '=fOOftvvl,-lA.) H~ ~k-?-~ ~¢:£s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN Page: 04!:;i oF AS, ---PHOTO BOOTH(8X8 POST) DESIGN DATA AXIAL LOADS Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Dead Load = 0.00 k .•• Short Term Increase 1,33 Live Load 0.0 k Base Pedistal Height 0.00 in Short Term Load = 0,0 k Seismic Zone = 4 •• :Ecc. Along. XsX Axis = 0.00 in Overburden Weight = 0.00 psf ••• Ecc. Along Y-Y Axis = 0.00 in Live & Short Term Loads Don't Act Together Concrete Weight 145.0 pcf -Y-Y AXIS ROTATION FORCES X-X AXIS ROTATION FORCES - .••• Pressures @ Left/Right Moment: DL Shear: LL Short Term = DL LL Short Term 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 1.9 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k •.•• Pressures @ Top/Bot Moment: 'Dl- Shear: LL Short Term DL LL Short Term = = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k DIMENSIONS Width Along X-X Axis = 3.50 ft Length Along Y-Y Axis 3.50 ft Thickness 18.00 in Column Dim. Along X-X Axis = 8.00 in Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis = 8.00 in --------------,--------SUMMARY--------------------- Soil Pressure Moments & Shears------ D+L .D+L+ST Max. Allowable Max Pressure Allowable Pressure 'X' Ecc. of Resultant 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant Service Load Pressures .... = 217.5 psf 487.7 psf 2500.0 psf 3325.0 psf 0.0 in 8.5 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Left Mu/Phi Vu:1 Way Vu:2 Way Overturning Ratio = Right 0.3 k-ft 0.6 psi 0.0 psi 2.5 :1 Top 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5 :1 Bottom DL + LL 217.5 psf 217..5 psf 217.5 psf 217.5 psf Dead +live+Short Term 0.0.psf 487.7 psf 217.5 psf Factored Load Pressures .••• Left Right Top ACI Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 30.4.5 psf 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 0.0 psf 682.8 psf 304.5 psf 0.0 psf 438.9 psf 195.7 psf -----------FOOTING DESIGN----------- f'c Fy Rebar CL Clear to Soil Min. Steel% = 3000 psi = 60000 psi = 3.5 in = 0.0014 'm' = Fy /(.85f'c) Vn:1 ... 2(f'c)' .5 Vn:2 .. .4(f'c) • .5 23.53 = 109.54 psi = 219.1 psi FACTORED SHEAR FORCES--------- Two-Way Shear One-Way: Vu @ Left One-Way: Vu @ Right One-Way: Vu @ Top = One-Way: Vu @ Bottom = ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.07 psi -0.36 psi 0.07 psi 0.59 psi 0.07 psi 0.07 psi 0.07 psi 0.07 psi ACI 9-3 0.00 psi -0.23 psi 0.38 psi 0.05 psi 0.05 psi Vn * Phi 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi FACTORED MOMENTS--------- Mu/Phi @ Left Mu/Phi @ Right Mu/Phi@ Top Mu/Phi @ Bottom ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 = -0.0 k-ft -0.3 k-ft -0.2 k-ft -0.0 k-ft 0.3 k-ft 0.2 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft Ru 1.4 psi 1.5 psi 0.0 psi 0.0 psi SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STABILITY------- Factor of Safety : Y - Y AXIS Factor of Safety : X - X AXIS = Static --None- ·-None- Short Term 2.47 :1 --None- As Req'd -0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.020 in2/ft 0.020 in2/ft 217.5 psf Bottom 304.5 psf 304.5 psf 195.7 psf V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361