HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; FUN TOWN; CB981575; Permit__ ... . 07 /09/9·8 ,14.: 2!3 Page l · of· 1. "" . Job Address:--1 °LEGO DR 1? U I L D I N G Permit Type: COMMERCIAL BUILDING Parcel No~-211.-02'2-16-00 P E R M I T Suite~ Lot#:·· Permit No: CB981575_. Project Noi A9603436 Development No: F1305O-01 - va1u·ation: 45,000 . Constru-ct:ion Type: Occupancy Group: . Reference#: CB972027 Status: NEW ISSUED 05/21/98 07/09/98 RMA Description~ _ HELICOPTER RIDE-'--FUNTOWN-LEGO . Applied: : FOUNDATION ONLY Apr/Is·sue; Entered.By: 760 8-04-:-8355 - APPROVAL- ~--DATE 3 •(f j' 2. _c_L_EA_R __ A_N_O_E,.=· =.:= .......... '"""""",_,""'",."""= ......... _ -._.,.::,$> ..... ® ...... ':._ ~-:..-:..-:..~..,..,.,,l CITY OF CARLSBAD . 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92()09. (619) 438-1~61 17 r 2027 .. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO. 9 4 /51S CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTME:NT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. __________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit ----------- Validated By,~'t--,...---,-----------"---,. Date ____ =-+-Ofr::o°""""-=,.--.,11,-----,----- 1. P.RcijECT'INFORMATION , .. , · ·, ,. . :"' ,_·,. $Jf2_ At911APA: 12& ttE · Address (include Bldg/Suite #) · Business Name (at this adctress) Legal Description Lot No. . Subaivision Name/Number Unit No • Phase No. Total # of units Assessor's Parcel # Existing Us~ , 1 1-f&?lc:o~ /2/PE. -ffl#~/Y · Proposed Use Description of Work SO. FT. #of Stories # of'Bedrooms Name :3, Name Address City State/?iP Telephone# ,4. . ~o~;;,; C '::.: .< ,,.~;~:.:,',:,,:.:1-::-:/~~:·::::_"./.·f''~~:\';.';·:~~~:·:·.::~rT7;:·r:~.~:J:::;:;_,-:} :-·~,n~,.:~1~::-~>:'.:~{;~'.i'.1&"'r.'\°§':··~""t.?0~~~?~·:;~f/J;.)f''' :· :··:·: .0:-~ -:· ~ ~/~7--.: '. Name ' Address City State/Zip Telephone # '5. ·._, . .-CONTRACTOR ::· coMP.ANV:-!'JAME ';:·"/.-·:~;·.-' ;.::;'. . (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) c;,r that he is exempt therefrom, and the oasis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031 :5 by any applican for a permit subjects thed-licant to a civil·penalty of. not more than five hundrecl dollars [$5001). 'Afe-P. . J Wf . . . . . Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # _________ _ License Class-----'---------City .Business License # ----'----------- Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # _________ _ ·s. ,:.woRKEM~c;:oMPEl'!isAtJQlil;c:,t?.·:. -_,·r:· ._,, Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ~ h~ve and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure foi workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work tor which this permit is issued. ff' I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required ·by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company ______________ -"------'--Policy No. ___________ _ Expiration Date _________ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOI.LARS ($100) OR.LESS) (9" CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the wqrk for which this permit is issued, ·I shall not·employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages-as provided for in l>ection.3706 of the·Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE'--------------,-----------,----,----,--..------------'--------;----DATE ___________ _ 1. .' · ·OWNER-BUILDER DEC~!IATIOlf-:-_ •. ,.,<}/:_-,:., ,._ c::.:: ·,',,·::: :·,:\.· · :f;-f:;-.',. -_: :' -:' ... ··/:;·J!,\ /:,."'.,' I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will. db the work and the structure is not intendeq or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply .to an o~nl!r of property who·builds or -improves thereon, .and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided .that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder wilJhave the burden .of proving-that he did not build or improve,for the.purpose-of sale). Dlf I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors tb construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The {c:o;;tractor' s License Law does not apply to an owner of. property who builds or ·improves thereqn, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ .Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide tl:le major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. D YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building.permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted _with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / 'address / phone number / contractors .license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have. hired the f pllowing person to coordinate, supervise arid provide the major w9rk (include name / ~ddres~ / phone number/ contractors lice·nse number): _____ ~------"------------------------'------,-'---,'-------------- 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) ttie following persons to provide the work indicated (i of work): ..-- PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATUR~~~!l.J..!.:::::q.&..1i1.::~.&..:::i,..,Q.!::!i,~~d2f::'.!!..L=::__---DATE -=+---"-'l-,-li'-""',.___ __ _ rcoMPLET.E-l'i-11s sEc::t.1ojfi=o·R.woii.i(ts_J,>El(.ffi(-:iµiti:>J~Gi~..E~l'i:$.'9NLiY~.Ji; •. ,:;;: 57:,,;,~ .;:;Qi .:'.'.i.-,i~f:'3,;;f:;r:,;;/J~:'.{'.t&t.-i:s!,,,(::~;?.;:i:~{:.;c'~·:.'.::-· Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management-arid prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous S4bstance Account Act? 0. YES O NO Is the applicant or future buildi~g occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution.control d.istrict or air quality management district? D YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school.site? [I YES D NO ~ IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY·NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE AP.Pt:ICANT-HASMET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF· EMERGENCY SE~VICE.S AND -THE AIR POLLUTION C.ONTROL DISTRICT. . -· :t:.:~_:c;;Q~~filµcTi_9!'f,t_et{cii.rf~-A.4~~-~.X:]'-:f::\::,:.~::1:i;.:'Z~::"::;a,;t'.1'~Jii"':.':f!;}~~;~f:=r.j.;;,7'S?}t):?J,:;::i?::i-;J~I,;:0S2f};:f:\(:,:t~:\:·. ·, -.~:,. I hereby af{irm that there is a construction lending agency tor the performance of the work tor whic)1. this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). I certify that I have read the application and state that the abqve information is correct and that the information-on the· plans is accurate. I agree to -comp)y with. all _ City ordinances and State laws relating to building con~truction. ·1 hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned· property for inspection purpose~. J· AtSO AGREE TO .SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND ·KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARL:SBAD AGAINST ALL LIABIL:ITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is ·required for e;,ccavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of·structures. over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official -under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such ll 'tis not-comm d within 365 days fr m the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time er e work is. m need for al-period of 180 days ( ction 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). ? } APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE 1.::.1.!~~~:::.,_,r::::~~-:!L.~L-tA:::::!::::~~::Lr...:::=::._--'--_ DATE J _ q q~ I WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance - ~· City of Carlsbad Inspection Request • F9r: 3/1 /99 Permit# CB981575 Title: HELICOPTER RIDE-FUNTOWN-LEGO Description: FOUNDATION ONLY Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Lot Location: l\PPLICANT : LEGOLAND CARLSBAD, INC Owner: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEGO Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Comments Inspector Assignment:· Phone: lnspecto~ Requested By: JIM · Entered By: BARBARA --------------------------,---,----......a...------------,,----- ---------'--........a---·-·-· ---,----------------------------------- --------------· ------------........ -----,-------- Inspection History· Date Description Act lnsp Comments ;;,, ---CitJ of carls_bad - ~ ·; Final Building Inspection 4 • ....,.1'"''", ~ e ~---RECEIVE~ MAR -21999 D t B "Id" E-, • . Pl . CMWD St L"1te -F" "' CITY OF CARLSBAD ep : UI mg . lil:~~n,ecmg anmng ' . ·~~ c:'NGINEERING DEPARTMENT PlanCheck#: Pennit#: Project Name: Q C8981575 HELICOPTER RIDE-FUNTOWN-L!:GO FOUNDATION ONLY Address: 1 LEGO DR ContactPerson: JIM Phone: Sewer Dist: CA. W~ter Dist: CA Date: Penni! Type: Sub Type: Lot: 3/1/99 COM ..................•............ ~ ...................................... ~····························; ...................................................... . Inspected. Dafe "'L ~ /.f·< By: "ef) · Inspected: Approved: ,_.....--Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: ____ ........................................................................................... -............................................................... . Comments: _____________________ _,_ ___ ,--------'------ • • f ~"; • cnv or Carlsbad ~ ·; Final Buildina·lnsaection ,# 9<9\.'7"''" ... Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St LiteCEice, Plan Check#: Date: 3/1/99 Permit#: CB981575 . PermitType: COM Project Name: HELICOPTER RIDE-FUNTOWN~LEGO Sub Type: 1 • • •c.' 0) fc,.: I-: '1, ;: :'· 1-1\/~I{_,!:--=' I ,,I,;_- FOUNDATION ONLY '.I Ii -I Address: 1 LEGO DR Lot: \'. MAR -9 '1999 Contact Person: JIM Phone: J~ 1 , Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA ov ,o, ______ _ ·,~~~:~~~; .. :··········· ...................... ~:;:··········· .. ;·:·t···................................ . .............................. .. By: V V'} Inspected: 1 G _ Approved: ___ .Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: . Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ alllllllll II 11111111111111111 I ••••••••••!11111111111111111111111111 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11111!1 ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••at Comments:--·-------------------------'-----'----------- SEE . MULTIPLE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS . SCANNED SEPARATELY CB972027 IS THE PLAN CHECK NUMBER FOR MANY OTHER CB'S ' ALSO SEE f CB971460(OUTER PARK) CB9,71465(ADMIN BLDG) l ;/ Information • .ToBuildOn Page_1_of ..J_ Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION R~PORT CLIENT_-=aUc..=-.aG.o---... ___ _ DATE __ q_,__---==2.,_-_c:r_.__<i?_--,-' ___ Architect __ ___..H_,____,C>"'-· _{,._C, ____________ _ Engineer _ _.vY\'--'-.......... A:i ..... ~--d .......... 1 -~,__cif-..__f'Vl,_...;;..:...tttZ[;-=-=· -:..1.--"'--"-~..,,.__-__ Contractor._7:,___.,c...--...._(3 _____ {!_,=--_______ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING --~ _·OSHPD 4 Concrete Cylinders _OSA __ Cement -- _Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- _Mechanical __ Grout Samples _Electrical __ Masonry Prisms _Roofing · __ Masonry Block -- ~Concrete __ Fireproofing· -- _Masonry __ Units (_block or brick). --_ struct Steel _ Asphalt Concrete --_ Prestress Cone _Roofing --- _Pile Driving ___ Reinf. Steel -- _ Fireproofing _Steel -- _Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts -·- _ Non-Destructive . __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- _Soils Technician ___ Other ---. _ Batch Plant __ Other --_ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- PROJECT (Na~e) Lebo I ~d . (Address) /"r . ~ k-a B:'.h (.;a_. REPORT NO. --,-_'1,.:..:::. 6~"2..=..;;..0__.2 ___ _.;;fl;;.....:· EJ"""P._3--'-fr_,___ Building Permit No. _____________ _ Plan File No. __________________ _ Govt Contract No.---~---------- OSA·or OSHPD #-...,..._ ---;:-1.,-+---.---~---....,.7---1-~ Other fvr·d:aµYb"" Mef1cop--/ill./ z·aZ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ...J1__ Rinf.: Reb~r· ~"\t'1\.. At.t{; )0 Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. .)(2... Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons -~ Positions _L Cone.: Mix #/psi 11'~4000 ~Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ..x;.Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi .:i... Consolidation _· _ Mortar: Type/psi _. _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _Steel _H.S.Bolts _· _ Metal Decking _. _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing _Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, alt of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections-of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute ·engineering opin- ion or project control. · ~ D. · . :ic.-~o .::tJ INSPECTOR NAME~-~~ _ _ . CERT. No.-3~S:~3-1.'1_.'11!....-/-F,e_S~h,l,,C-,-, -=-S'S-=-<-/ __ _ INSPECTOR SIGNATti;ix:JJ~·~( Cl>-;:_".' DAT!; __ ·:_-.~-. ________ Cf __ -_2.._-_'j'2..___ _____ ____ PSl-8·900·170(2) • _ . . / , ~~v: .. :. ~· . ~. ·J. " · l ft.;'iJ Information ~_,• ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. 'DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: September 09, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-876 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT HELICOPTJJ:R RIDE BASE #1 DATE PLACED TIME August 27, 1998 10 :30 am SLUMP, IN. 3 AIR CONTENT,% AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 7 5 · CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 89 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB August 2 8 ,. 19 9 8 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\DAN RAMAGE MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO./TRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NOTE· APPLICABLE ASTM STANDARDS UNLESS Oll:!ERWISf.JNPlCAIED:,SLUMP· CU3,9Da· AIR CONTENT· C231-111b· TEMPERATURE• Q1064,88(R3)· CAPPING· CJ SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) 17704 A 7 17704 B 28 17704 C 28 17704 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39·94 TOTAi: CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS.) (IN.) 09/03/98 122000 6 .. 00 09/24/98 09/24/98 CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ. IN.) (PSI) 28.27 4320 4000 NELSON & SLOAN 725249 1358 TYPE OF BREAK Cone REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Test results comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contrectots representative. · _ Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.0.K., CITY OF CA,RLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF·THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 l-~ ;/ Infonna,ti,on I:!..,• ®To Build On Engineering • Consultinq • Testirig REPORT OF CONCRETE CORE COMPRESSION TESTS TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (ASTM C-42) PROJECT: LEGOLAN;D THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE: October 26, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.; 059-70202-991 PAGE 2 OF 2 TEST RESULTS: CORE DATE: 10/26/98 PSI LAB # 98-521 LOCATION: SPREAD.FOOTING FUN TOWN HELICOPTOR As requested, cores were taken from the above referenc ed project for compressive strength testing. The test results are as follows: CORE IDENTIFICATION Length of Specimen Before Capping i t '. Length of Specimen After Capping Core Diameter (in) Length to Diameter Correction Factor Age of Specimen (days) Direction of Load with Respect to Horizontal Plane of Concrete Placed Moisture Condition at Testing Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate (in) Maximum Load (lbs) Cross-Sectional Area of Core (in j Compressive Strength (psi) Type of Fracture Defects (Specimen or Cap) TECHNICIAN: ROLAND ROOT LOCATION: B-2 TESTED 10/29/98 .. B-2 8. 80' 7.30 3.70 .99 3 Perpendicular Moist 3/4 35500 . 10. 7-5 3290 Shear No REMARKS: CORES SOAKED IN LIME WATER FOR 40 HOURS ,, cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROT~ERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RES UL TS APPLY.ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF OTHER CONCRETE ATTHE SITE. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERl.11SSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-30 F Respectfully Submitted, ~"anal S-.ce l~du DAVID J YAN, RC DISTRI MANAGER Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 .f i i I i I l ' l ra~ii, lrifonnation ~..,. ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE CORE COMPRESSION TESTS TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CAT~LE LEGOLAND ESTATES lNC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (ASTM C-42) PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE: October 26, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-991 PAGE 1 OF 2 TEST RESULTS: CORE DATE: 10/26/98 _PSI LAB # 98-521 LOCATION: SPREAD FOOTINGS -FUN TOWN HELICOPTOR As requested, cores were taken from the above referenc ed project for compressive strength testing. The test results are as follpws: CORE IDENTIFICATION A-1\ D-2 F-1 D-1 F-2 Length of Specimen Before Capping 8.70 i7.90 8 .·10 a.so 7.80 Length of Specimen After Capping 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 ·7 .40 Core Diameter (in) 3.70 ·., 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 Length1to Diameter Correi;:!Jon Factor 1.00 1.00 ~j 1.00 1.00 1.00 .. ,. ' Age of Specimen (days) 3 3 3 3 3 Direction of Load with Resp,ect to I . Horizontal Plane of Concrete Placed Perpendicular Perpendicular Perpendicular Perpendicular .Perpendicular Moisture Condition at Testing Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate (in) Maximum Load (lbs) Cross-Sectional Area of Core (in j Compressive Strength (psi) Type of Fracture Defects (Specimen or Cap) TECHNICIAN: ROLAND ROOT LOCATION: A-1 D-2 F-1 D-1 TESTED 10/29/98 TESTED 10/29/98 TESTED 10/2·9/98 TESTED 10/29/98 TESTED 10/29/98 Moist Moist 3/4 3/4 30000 35750 10.75 10.75 2790 3320 <;!one & Split Shear No No F-2 REMARKS: CORES SOAKED IN LIME WATER FOR 40 HOURS Moist 3/4 33500 10.75 3110 Columnar .. No cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RES UL TS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF OTHER CONCRETE AT THE SITE. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE"INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A•200-30 F Moist Moist ' 3/4 3/4 37700 37000 10.75 1.0.75 3500 3440 Shear Shear No No Respectfullyi5ubmitted, Professi~onal/ervic~elndustries, Inc. . . . . r . . DAVID J · YAN, RC DISTRI T.'MJ\NAGER Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 ' -1 ·i 'I l -1 ! i · t •'~ ;J Information ~~• ~To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES .INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 September 09, 1998 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT HELICOPTER RIDE BASE #1 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY August 27, 1998 10:30 am 3 75 89 August 28., 1998 PSI\DAN RAMAGE NELSON & SLOAN PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-876 SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.rrRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 725249 1358 NOTE' APPLICABLE ASTM STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATEO~C14:3·90a· AIR-CONTENT· C231-91b' TEMPEBlfTUBE· C1064-86(93)· CAPPING· 01231;.93 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYLINDER . COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER .AREA STRENGTH NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 17704 A 7 09/03/98 122000 6.00 28.27 4320 Cone 17704 B 28 09/24/98 134000 6.00 28.27 4740 Cone 17704 C 28 09/24/98 1.37000 6.00 28 . .27 4850 Cone 17704 D - SPECIFICATIONS 28 4000 REMARKS: .K_ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative • X Test results comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE Cylinders delivered to PSl laboratory. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY l;IOTBE INDICATIVE OF ·THE _ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, Sf_:ll S~ervice Industries, Inc. DAVID J (d, , RCE DISTRICT MAN GER Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 · l•""~•, Information ~-'• .To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Tosting REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: September 17, 1998 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-894 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FUNTOWN HELICOPTER RIDE .,. HELICOPTER BASES 7, 8, & 9 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % September. 08, 1998 12: 05 pm 3 AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 72 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 90 ,·. DATE RECEIVED IN LAB . September 09;tt 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\DAN RAMAGE MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND-PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NOTE· APPLICABLE ASTM STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERW)SE INPICA.1:ED·SLUMP· CU3-90~· AIR CONTENT· C231-i1b· TEMPERATURE· C]064-86f93l· CAPPING· C1231·93 SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) 17771 A 7 17771 B 28 17771 C 28 17771 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS.) (IN.) .. 09/15/98 +04000 6.00 10/06/98 131000 6.00 10/06/98 140000 6.00 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Cylinders made by Architect's o.r Contractor's representative. TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE Cyl[nders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) 28.27 3680 . 28 .27 4630 28.27. 4950 4000 N¥LSON & SiiOAN 727930 1358 TYPE OF BREAK Cone Cone Cone Respectfully submitted, cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ion(/ Se e Industries, Inc. ~S1 /'RY , RCE THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F DISTRICT MANAGER Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 l,,,. t1:!!< 0il1 Information ~-11• ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 September 23, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-921 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT HELICOPTER MAINTENANCE BUILDING CONTINUOUS FOOTING PERMIT# 97-3517 DATE PLACED TIME September 12, 1998 3 1/2 SUPPLIER l;)ELIVERY TICKETNO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS SUPERIOR READY MIX 318330 SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY 70 76 September 14, 1998 PSI\DAN RAMAGE SUPERIOR READY MIX CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE: NOTE· APPLICABLE ASTM STAND.I\BQSJ.!NLESS OTHERWISl;JNl2LCATED.· SLUMP· Q1_43-90a· AIR CONTENT· 0231-91 b· TEMPERATURE· c19BH6@3)· CAPP/NG· 01231-93 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTt.l C39-94 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYLINDER COMPRES.S/VE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER AREA. STRENGTH NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ. IN.) (PSI) 17800 A 7 09/19/98 112000 6.00 2.8 .27' 3960 17800 B 28 10/10/98 129000 6 .0.0 28.27 4560 17800 ·c 28 10/10/98 128000 6.00 28.27 4530 17800 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI ~ representative. · X 377AE TYPE OF BREAK Cone Cone Cone Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractor's representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT iN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F dustries, Inc. Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite·E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 'l ••.r!!-'i/ Information ~,.;,• ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT ,OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 . REVISION #1 DATE: September 29, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70204-930 FIELD DATA: LOCATIONOFPLACEMENT FUNTOWN HELICOPTER RIDE BASE 10, 11, & 12 SUPPLIER DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. September 18, 1998 08:25 am 3 1/2 DELIVERY TICKET NO.rrRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS NELSON & SLOAN 731081 1358 AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 67 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 77 DATERECEIVEDINLAB September 21, 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\DAN RAMAGE NELSON & SLOAN CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE liO.Ill:.AeEI.LCABl.E.Al>™-SIAI!IDARR™~S.S Q.TI::lEfil'l'llilill!l21C~™.a:..AIR CONTENT· C23J-91 b· IE!,1~E· C1064-86/93l· CAPPING· C1231-93 SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) 17900 A 7 17900 B 28 17900 C 28 17900 . D 28 17900 E 60 SPECIFICATIONS 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS:) (IN.) 09/25/98 72000 6.00 10/16/98 107000 6.00 10/16/98 100000 6.00 10/16/98 99500 6.00 11/17 /98 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked·up by PSI X representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. 28-DAY BREAK DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATION RE WILL HOLD 1 CYLINDER FOR 60-DAY BREAK TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE CYLINDER AREA (SQ. IN.) 28.27 28.27 . 28 .27 28.27 cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) 2550 3780 3540 3520 4000 TYPE OF BREAK Cone Cone Cone Cone Respectfully submitted, ~Service Industries, Inc. DAVIDJ.Zi::-- DISTRICT MANAGER Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 'l "'.;.'iJ Information ~-'• .To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE: FIELD DATA: CARLSBAD, CA 92008 September 18, 1998 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-944 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FUNTOWN HELICOPTER RIDE BASES #10, 11 & 12 DATE PLACED TIME September 18, 1998 08:25 am SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS NELSON & SLOAN 731081 SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY 3 1/2 67 77 September 21, 1998 PSI\DAN RAMAGE NELSON & SLOAN CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE N.OTE· APPUCABL~TM STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICAJEQ:.SL_UMP· CH3·90a·_AIR CONTENT· C231·91b· TEMPERATURE· C1084·8~f93}· CAPPIN?· 01231·93 SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER .. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH 1358 NUMBER OR SET NO. {DAYS) TEST {[BS.) (IN.) {SQ.IN.) {F'SI) TYPE OF BREAK 17924 A 13 10/01/98 17924 B 28 10/16/98 17924 C 28 10/16/98 17924 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS; -~ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractor's representative. 99000 135000 134000 Cylinders picked up by PSI .K_ representative. 6.00 6.00 6.00 Cylinders d!!liVered to PSI laboratory. 28.27 3500 Cone 28.27 4780 Cone 28.27 47·40 Cone 4000 Test results comply with applicable .K_ specifications . Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTeor.~ F TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD s THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. , RCE DISTRICT MANAGER PSI A-200-4 (4)F Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 I" CilY or Carlsbad. ~ : Final Building Inspection -~ ..... ., - Dept: Building Engineering (f,'JJn!!!!lg CMWD St Lite. Fire Plan Check#: Pennit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: CB98157'5 HELICOPTER RIDE-FUNTOWN~LEGO FOUNDATION ONLY 1 LEGODR JIM Phone: CA Water Dist: CA Lot: Oat~: 3/1/99 Pennit Type: COM SubJype: •II 111111111111IIIII1111 al I I I I I I Ill II Ill II 111 I I I al I I 11 •, 111_11 al I I I I I I I I 1111 II II Ill I I I I I I I I Ill '!II 1111!_ I~ I I II II!' SI Ill IS II I II 111 I I I I I 11 aa Ill I I I I II 11111 I I II al II II I Inspected vv~? Date ~ ~ b ,:a Approved:. /Disapproved: __ ·. __ By: . . Inspected: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Appn;>Ved: Disappro~ed: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: .Approved: Disapproved: __ ........................................... ·· ····· ••!i••············· ...................................................................................... . Comments: ------------,--------,----..,.....-...,.a------------------------ CilY of Cadsbad . Final Building lnspecuon Dept: Building . Engineering Planning CMWD ~ Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: CB981575 HELICOPTER RlbE-FUNTOWN-LEGO FOUNDATION ONLY 1 LEGO DR JIM. PhOne: CA Wate(Dil,t: CA Date: · 3/1/99 Permit Type: COM Sub Type: Lot: ........................................................................•................................................................................. Inspected u_£L__ Date ~ ?>Lt:/>/Approved: ~pproved: _· __ By: Inspected: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: ___ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Di$approved: __ I I I 1111 I I 11 I I I I Ill Ill I 111 I I I I I II I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I Ila I I II I II II II I ii: I I !I II 1111 !fl II!' 1111 I I I I I I I II Ill 11111 I I I I I I I I I I I Ill Ill I II I 111 I I I I I I I I I II I II I I I I I I I If I II II II Ill Comments: ______________ ....,..., __ "----------,---------- l ,..z!' iJ Iriformation f!!..::111• .To Build On. Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE· LEGOLAND ESTATES .INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 September 14, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-889 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FUNTOWN HELICOPTER RIDE --HELICOPTER BASES #2, 3, & 4 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % September 02, 1998 10:40 am 3 84 AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETETEMPERATURE, °F 85 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY S.eptember 03, 1998 PSI\DAN RAMAGE NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER NELSON & SLOAN DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRU9K NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS 1356 CEMENT WATER FINE AG.GREGA TE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST 1772-5 A 7 09/09/98 17725 B 28 09/30/98 17725 C 28 09/30/98 17725 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractots representative. ASTMC39-94 .. TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) (IN:) 99000 6.00 132000 6.00 141000 6.00 Cylinders picked up by PSI ,K. representative. Cylinders delivered-to PSI laboratory. TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 3500 Cone 28.27 4670 Cone 28.27 4990 Cone 4000 - Test results comply with applicable ,K. specifications, Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. C F cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD Respectfully submitted, ~Iona/ Servlc ndustries, Inc. DAV':;JAN, RCE DISTRICT MANAGER THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT, REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200•4 (4)F Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 · l •"11 ~ •J /reformation ~.-,• .To Build On · Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: September 17, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-894 FIELD DATA:- LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FUNTOWN HELICOPTER RIDE -HELICOPTER BASES 7, 8, & 9 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITfED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY September 08, 1998 12:05 pm 3 72 90 September 09, 1998 PSI\DAN RAMAGE NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERYTICKET NO.rfRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NQIE:/IPPLJCABLE ASTM STANDARDS UNL~S_QTJ;!EBWISEJNDICAIEP· SLUMP· C14Hoa· AiB 90NTENT-C23MW :fEl\leERAIVBE· c10s,4-B6(Q3t..CAEElN.G· SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) 177':/l A 7 17771 B 28 17771 C 28 17771 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER DATE.OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS.) (IN:) 09/15./98 104000 6.00 10/06/98 10/06/98 - CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE )'\REA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) 28.27 3680 4000 NELSON & SLOAN 727930 1358 TYPE OF BREAK Cone REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders pic~ed up·by PSI X representative. . Test results comply with applicable · specifications. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractor's representative. TECHNIC,IAN: DAN RAMAGE Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF. THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy 'Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 ·l"" II::!!>;/ Information ~.., •. To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing' . REPORT OF CONCRETE COMP~ESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES.INC 5600 AVENIDA 1ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 September 23, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAI;), CALIFORNIA OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-921 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT HELICOPTER MAINTENANCE BUILDING CONTINUOUS FOOTING PERMIT# 97-3517 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY September 12, 1998 3 1/2 70 76 September 14, 1998 PSI\DAN RAMAGE SUPERIOR READY MIX SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.rrRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGR,EGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE SUPERIOR READY MIX 318330 377AE NOTE· APPLICABLE ASJM STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED· SLUMP· CH3-9oa, AlB CONTENT· C231-91b' TEM~ERATU(3E· C1P64-B6193l· CAeeJNG· C1231-93 COMPRESSION TEST RESUL rs · SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF' NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST 17800 A 7 0,51/19/98 17800 B 28 10/10/98 17800 C 28 10/10/98 17800 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: ~ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractor's representative. ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) (IN.) 1.12000 6.bo Cylinders picked up by PSI X, representative. _ Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN,) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 213.27 3960 Cone 4000 Test results comply with applicable specifications. Test results.do not comply with applicable specifications. Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD ~;;;f3:;;- THESE TEST RE SUL TS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC, PSI A-200-4 (4)F DISTRICT MANAGER Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 l":"'~ •J Information II!..,• ~To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testins, . REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES .INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: September 29, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-930 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FUNTOWN HELICOPTER RIDE BASE 10, 11, & 12 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY September 18, 1998 08:25 am 3 1/2 67 77 September 21, 1998 PSI\DAN RAMAGE NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO./TRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 731081 1358 NOTE· APPLICABLE.A9ThlSIAND.ABll$..llliL.ES.S..O~~a· AIR <;ONTENT· C231-91b·TEMPERATURE· C1064-86(93)· CAPPING· C1231-93 · · SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) 1 790-0 A 7 17900 B 28 17900 C 28 17900 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS.) (IN.) ·- 09/25/98 72000 6.00 10/16/98 10/16/98 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by·PSi X representativ<1, · Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SO.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 2550 Cone ,, 4000 Test results comply with applicable specifications. Test re.suits do not comply with applicable specifications. Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSl;lAD 12Z!~-!-- THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE Pl:ACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-<I (4)F DISTRICT ~G::? Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 · · l •,.. 111!!/iiJ Information ~.:111• ~To Build On Engineering • Consulting • ·Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSiON TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES_ INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: September 29, 1998 REVISION #2 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-930 ---·-------· FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FUNTOWN HELICOPTER RJ;DE BASE 10, 11, & 12 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F September 18, 1998 08:25 am 3 1/2 67 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 77 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY September 21, 1998 PSI\DAN RAMAGE NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.{J;RUCK.NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NOT.E:Nfl.LCABLE_A.S.IM.l;J'J;!WABD.S.Ull).ES§.9.IJ:il;B'IWEJ!W.JQA.'[EQ:m.\1Me;,C_U~~il!a:.Al.B..C.QlilEl'IT· C23~HJi_(!l.:U;J;AeeiN.G:J.12. COMPRESSION TEST RES UL TS ASTMC39-94 NELSON & SLOAN 731081 1358 I ! SPECIMEN I TEST TOTAL IDENTIFICATION! AGE CYLINDER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE LA BORATORY NUMBER 1 1 1 1 1 7900 7900 7900 7900 7900 SPE CIFICATIONS I I i ' i DATE OF OR SET NO. ! (DAYS) TEST A 7 I 09/25/98 B 28 ; 10/16/98 C 28 ! 10/16/98 D 28 '10/16/98 E 60 11/17/98 28 LOAD DIAMETER AREA STRENGTH (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 72000 6.00 28.~7 2550 Cone 107000 6.00 28.27 3780 Cone 100000 6.0Q 28.27 3540 Cone 99500 6.00 28.27 3520 Cone 121000 6.00 28.27 4280 Cone 4000 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI ~-representative. Test results comply with applicable ~ specifications. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboralpry. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. 60-DAY BREAK MEETS 28-DAY SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENT TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE cc: LEGOLAND ( 4) , BERNARD BROTHERS, H. 0 ::t<. , CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIF)C SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A,200-4 (4)F CONFO Respectfully submitted, cfiJ:•tzt:;•s, Inc. DISTRIC{/~AGER Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 r.·· • EsGil Cor·poratio.n 'l.n. Partnersfiip 'Ulitli (jovemme1!-t for '.BuiUin.9 Safety DATE: June 19, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 9i-1575 REV PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Helicopter Ride Foundatio:n SET:I t;J-Af2E.I.J..CA'!'JT ~ D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been correctedwhere necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. · · D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. · D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the appligant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ D PC Telephone #: Fax#: Enclosures: 6/11/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive; Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 ~ Carlsbad 97-1575 REV June 19, 19.98 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.:. 97-1575 REV PREPARED BY: :Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: DATE:· Ju:ne 19, 1998 lYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE ' (ft. 2) '' MULTIPLIER ($) '' - - Air Conditibnino ' ' Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE D 199 UBC Building Perm,it Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199. UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: . · D Complete Revi~VJ O Structural Only fZI Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable . D Other: . Esgil Pl~n Review Fee: $ 87.15 Comments: Helicopter foundation: Esgil fee = 1 hr. @87. 15/hr. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc:5196 t Es.Gil Corporati:on 1.n Partnersli;,p witli (jovem~nt for '13uiuling Safety DATE: June 8, 1998 - JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1575 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Helicopter Ricle SET:! D APPLICANiJ"1 _ PJURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where n~cessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. IZ] The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies id_entified in the attached list are resolved and checked by building department st~ff. D The plans· transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. ihe plan$ are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's -copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff-did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person · ~ r--._. ~=~-~~==-=-:-~..:-:;:---, ~ REMARF{S":Tffis projecrt'ias been rev1ewea for compliance with Unifor111:Building Code pro~he-dynamies-of..-a-moving-ride-are-n·ora·ddtessea7ntneUniform Building Code. The designer has submitted structural calculations to show compliance with recognized standards for the$e structures. · By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA -0 -CM O EJ D PC Enclo·sures: 5/26/98 .. trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619)560-1576 Carlsbad 98-1575 June 8, 1998 1. EAeH sheet of the plans shall be signed and sealed by the California state licensed engineer responsible for their preparation. (California Business and Professions Code). 2. On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items requiring specia.1 inspection, in a format similar to that shown below. Section 106.3.2. • REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS In addition to the regular inspections, the following checked items will also require Special Inspection in .accordance with S-ec. 1701 of the Uniform Building Code. ITEM FIELD WELDING HIGH-STRENGTH .SOL TS EXPANSION/EPOXY ANCHORS REQUIRED? REMARKS 3. In addition to the above, non-field welds must also have special inspection, unless it is shown that those welds are performed in the shop of an approved fabricator. 4. When specit;il inspection ls required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Please review Section 106.3.5. Please complete the attached form. 5. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92t23; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review Hems, please contact Kurt Culver at l;sgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 98-!575 June 8, 1998 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLAN CHECK NUMBER: ..... · _______ OWNER'S NAME: I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may notemploythe special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of re·cord, wjll be responsible for employing the special inspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (USC) Section 1701.1 for the construction pro)ect located at the site listed apove. UBC Section 106.3.5. Signed ----------------------........ --......,..- I, as the engineer/architect of record, certify that I have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106.3.5 for the construction project located at the site listed above. Signed _____ _,_.....,;_ ____ _,... ____ _ 1. List of work requiring special inspection: · D Soils Compliance Prior to F<>L!ndation Inspection D Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI D Prestressed Concrete D Structural -Masonry D Designer Specified D Field Welding Engineer's/Architect's Seal & Signature Here D High Strength Bolting D Expansion/Epoxy Anchors D _ Sprayed-On Fireproofing D Other _________ _ 2. Name(s) of individual(s) or firm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above: A. B. C. 3. Duties of the speciaf inspectors for the Work listed ·above: A. B. C. Special inspectors shall check in with the City and present their credentials .for approval prior to beginning work on the job site. SIP 4997 Carlsbqd 98-,1575 June 8, 1998 • VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1575 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. DATE: June 8, 1998 BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: .. BUILDING PORTIOITT8UILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE .. (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) .. . -. -- Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers . TOTAL VALUE D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UB.C Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete ~eview 1Z! Structural Only -~ Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applica_ble D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 348.60 Comments: Esgil fee = 4 hours @ $87.15/hr. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 · City of Carlsbad · M#hi·iht§§iiei~l-24·kiihei4hl BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: tG,/S ye -PLANcHECKNo.: cs -76 ... ;s;;~ BUILDING ADDRESS: {!24.-e, _ ~ ~ _ . . . _ · . PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ~ _: _ ~4?7'/4-: ~ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: ---,--------. EST. VALUE: ENGINeE.RING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL . DENIAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based. on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these ·items after this date, including field · modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: Please· see the attached report of deficiencies marked with D. Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By: Date: By: Date: ----------- By: Date: ---,---------- . :·:, · FOR OFFICIALUSE:ONLY RlNG:AUTHORiZATION:JOiiSSUE'BUll:l)ING· PERMIT: . . ' :_: __ ··_:·. : .. ··. _··:··,~:_·.·(:'. .· ·: .. , .. · .. '.:·-~ate: ·-6-/s -7~ By: ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement. Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON Name: Frank Jimeno City of Carlsbad Address: 2075 Las Palmas 'Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone, . (q19) 438-1161, ext. 4.S01 CFO INFORMATION Parcel Map No: Lots: Recordation: Carlsbad Tract: A-4 111.ASPALMAS\SYSILIBRARYIENGIWORD\DOCS\CHKLSTIBuikfmq Ptancheck Cklst BPOOOI Fonn FJ.doc ,. , Rev,9131972075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-~576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-0894 >, >, .0 .0 ~ ~ -"' .,,:; '-' 0 a, a, ..c .r:: (..l (..l C: C: "' "' ii: a: .!!l "' D PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW-CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB 98 ·/0]0. Addr:ess One Le<;o drive Planner L)on ~ --Phone (619) 438-1161, extension L/WC APN: 2.//-ICXi-oC! --. - ---- Type of Projec~ a~d U-se:g7~~id/e-·Project Density: ~/A-· Zoning: C.:::-r=:-9_ General Plan: -7=-_lf _ Facilities Management Zone: ---<.;;J.._5'_.__ C_E~~g~~ # /_-; Dat,e _~f .parti~lpation: /2/,?J/i3 Remaining net dev a~res: 2S:_ -• -' < .Ej' -, ~ "' ' ; . ... • . , ' . ' l '~' • " •• &'i (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by ~ this permit:A//a-li,er C-Qm,vierci0/ uses .rio+-1~ ~ · 0 n ~ c.har--1-:-. · --· · ~ . . ' a. Legend: . IZl Item Conipl~t~ @J-: Item lric~mplete -Needs your action ! · .. ~ \._ J . t l · ., ~ ~ ! i ; ~ J • •: _, .. '~J I • / .. : . D EnvirQn(nental Review Required: YES __ NO X TYPE ___ _ DATE OF COMPLETION: S;-20 ~97 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state-conditions which require action. Conditions .of Approval: ~DD Discretionary Action Required: YES _ _ NO X TYPE _ c.c.=rt-97-~70 ---5~2!0-C/7 ---- APPROVAL/RES0. NO. t:!c~«:6;114@'DATE l../-/6-97 PROJECT NO. _ .SL)/> C/G~ It:/ -- OTHER RELATED CAS~S: -,_;;;C;;...;:,<'.)..:a,_,;,;.A ____ 9--=(;---_~_<;._____,. _________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: -~~-~~~---,-,---------------- N D D J~~~~al. ~~·~~ 1~;~s;~~~t/i~~;j~~~ce · \ :Project .she lbcated in· Cpastal Zone·? YES: -. )( NO . . CA Coc;istal Commission Authority? 'YE·S -· Nb X: · · If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at --3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 921.08-1725; (61.9) 521-8036 Determine _status (Coastc:11 Permit Required or !:xempt): £ec;.eived Cl)/0 ;?G ~-. ~- Coastal Permit Det~rmination Fo·rm, c:1lready completed? · YES NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determinatfon Form now_. Coastai Permit Determination l,.og #,: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as ".Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at. minimum Floor Plans). , , I ' I f, \ ~ J "2) Com_plet~ :Cf?f.'~~5,f P7rmit -Determination Log as needed. \ \' -. '}·1 ' ' ' ... / J 'l-' • , ... ..... / lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES __ NO )( (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES NO _ .. (Enter CB#; UACT; NE~T12; Construct housing Y/N; Enter Fee Amount (See fee schedule for amount); Return) . j Site Plan: @oo ,. P.rovide a fully dimensiona·1 site plan· drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvemel"!ts, right-of-way width, ,dimensio~~I L setbacks and 1existing topographical lines'.:.t..,_.Shovv -/-A(:!-loe<j-ft<:¥'1 o-f:_1-y-r1~..[!7./1.?S~ ,-.f @oo /Mf.J.fbv~e,,-,, t ~ on Ol Si-le-/}t'4n o-P---rr1e. . (,re-,' Q ' 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel· number. · '. @oo Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: See , S()/l 9G-IL/ R . d c..t>VA.Pt:"1 :; V.,1\-\t \.Q.Jbr\i 4) ,J $ bf-D ti>µ equ~re g»J Aff{2i ~nc-.~'"""\:>--~PI-L----Requ1red ______ own _____ _ Street Side: Required ______ Shown _____ _ Rear: Required ______ Shown _____ _ 'ts(' D D 2. Accessory structure setbacks: ~DD @=Jo ·-'t&D D ., Front: Required --"-----Shown Interior Side: Required _____ _ Shown Street Side: Required ------Shown Rear: Requi_red _· · _____ _ Shown Structure separation: Required _____ _ Shown 3. Lot Coverage: Required _____ _ Shown . £2oMPt.-"1 S IA>«+-1 AfPiOveb SW 4. Height: Required ______ Shown _____ _ ~ s€ ::_:;-j,,,.,-fAe._/"vt.;iJCj.,,V,.;, /2e,::/tf-In --R,,.tf; ,('ete.f' "fo e-.S .()I'_ cl f'Or. wt~S · 5. Parking: Spaces Required ______ Shown _____ _ Guest Spaces Required ------Shown ------ i=t:D D Additional' Comments ________________________ _ OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER City of Car.lsbad 97213'F3 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: . Building Plan Check Date of Report: Wednesday, June 10,.1998 Contact Name Gin~ Yu. Address 5342 Armada Dr Reviewed by: tL-;:t. Arb &c I ------,,------'-----'----'-------,-- City, State Carlsbad CA 92009 Bldg. Dept. No. CB981575 Planning No. -----,--;--------- Job Name Lego FT Helicopter Job Address 5342 Armada -----~----'--~--~-----"-~--Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ ~ Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided .in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result 'in suspension of permit to construct or 'install improvements. · D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specificr;itions necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans arid/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st"--- CFD Job# __ 97_2_1_3F_3_ 2nd __ _ 3rd_. __ _ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 Other Agency ID • (619) 931-2121 " ~.--;f ... ~ .. ~~~::J?~!i~1~if-i:i;,~;;;~i;''.'t~~~~I~'~;~;"}:~!~J~!rf ~1~f f ~~~~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP · · ______ .,. DATE: __;:z:__:.....;2,_;z:::;..-_· ~=·--~=· '----- NAME:.~~~J=J~f[;~_µ,J~r __ _ . i --+---+---t ----i-- --l---1----·····-..... . J I . ·--+------------------;.---------'---------+-'--------t--..;..---;....c.-'--,--+----,-----l-I----, l ~ l ·-··· .. ··-·-·-·-------·-~~#-~ ~--~#~--&-~----------+-'--'--___ ..___ _____ ~-; :_--_I_._; _·_··-_-._ -&~~r 6___....w.1-dkt:: ~-1.1./,. / .,.,;r(,,,,,l'-t • . . , ,_ i l.#tp;..::.::::.--~-........:t_.~c..-.::~c.....;.,1......kg--=: .tt.~e_:,--1 _,..,~ / -/ I _,,. ."1 : ~ ~, 1 j ;...: ! ,,,.,_.,. l --<-------------·--··--'--} 'rr t, ~-,..,._, , I _,.1 ___ · _______ · 1/.,e_ -~ ~; --. ----...;-..--~---.--,----+--!----,--+-'---~-+---+--+---l ' . ,----1---,---___________ 1,....L/./-~~ 9?.r. -"""u'>i-";.&--~;.---t---'1----,---+-' -,,.-1---.-=;.........-+---+---+---,--+----i j I 1 ,A,::,_ ,1/c,_' = 1' ~$-31' .. ,/;., z_ --1---,------~------:-Jlo~ = 'U,---~ ~I !::,,' 'T.r', Z--,::;_.;___-:--..:1;.,:....;. ·--------:s:-~-7,.-, ~-,¥-,-_ -:--=--,_..---,---....;..--.---{--411i,,._ ' t ' . 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A¼~ ,~ . -'. -! --. ·-· I -------· -• ----: -:-I '~--1fe.__; -,--'- .---1----------1----'----.=.;/4~1!.=:rl.....<C.ld~·:$:::.. .. &c..i ____ -=~~~=;;An~~ ~-i /J ~ . kf: i r ; I i ------~~ -~~J__J i ~.--} __ 164..-W,-~~-~~--~-! rA . --: . :,. ~ ctrr,1l"'Je"·r-i::~\Qc/~ :c ~·~ .._ !,•..:1-I,;( ,-f 1 r '.r-JS.t& r _ _ , , · 1 / ! I I !. 1 : • . ·. I --'---'-----.;._:c:.,:.::::.,:___ 1 -• ;- 1 i · i . f ' j I • I · · ; · ,f.. ._'-.-__ • ,1 : i _ 1• !-----·-·---'---(-----------.·.--\ ~:_,.-:-~--t.i_....;_ __ -I ___, ! . • -I . l' 'J·:. I l I I 1• "':::~~;~ir;;t;;;:t ':·~::0:tr;;f~~~li~lif ~'.~''; · · :.:.' .~.-. ;(;;::~.,.,,., ,.JOB#: ,iiiJJt,,'f/i"i/l/;{A:),;,:' DATE: '2,-ii~1:8:';,. NAME: __ ./.J.~,'S_~.j,,:_,_-__ --,--r--~--,---c--"----&.Len4c...,,,,---,,---------,---,------,---,----,,---,-~ ; l _____ _,___ ______ -· -- , I ' -t--+--~ r-, --+-----'+---: ___ ,_ -· _,__ ___ -------- --+-------r---· --. ~. I --+------_,_~ ____ ...,__ ·-· -·-..-=~~--'--·-----~. . .· -· I J' ___ ;-i;;~/4,:_~~ ·;~~~--: :s_· -?k-¥-b.}-·--=----_-__ .._i · _: .. --+-----,-- ... ' I ~ ~ ( ! < -, ··-··-·------·----;-. __ _,_ ___ ---... -· ' ___ ,, __ .. -------·--·-· --------~--i-----,---·--- Helicopter ~-> , .. ' 4' . ' -~---__ -' --~: ' • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter. Legoland Helicopter calculations: This document gives the calculations of the Helicopter Legoland Carlsbad Projectno. Vekoma: 97136 The appendix consist of the drawing: -97136-C-4001-0 -97136-C-4002-a 9/11/97 -97136-C-4003-0 TO -97136-C-4003-13-0 Contents of calculations : Chapter: Page: Mass of G.R.P. Body: 3 Mass of Body Parts: 4 (safety bars,Ratchet,Rotorblades,RotorOisc,RotordriveGRPstl! > ,Steel Insert Step) Mass of Parts: 6 (stNI Basepllite, currentunit,slewlngring Motor+Gearbox,Topplate,Conneetion Plate,Column,Collecto1, Lowerguldewheels). Total mass of Helicopter (exct pas~engers): 9 Mass of Passengers: 10 Calculation of Inertia: 10 Specification Horizontal Drive Sytem: 11 Calculation harmonicdrive 12 Summary data Horizontal Drive Sytem: 13 Coupling parts (motor-harmonic driv) : 14 Weight of contraweights: 15 Calculation of movement COG due to play: 16 Vertical speed, acceleration and distances: 17 Defining Loadcases: 18 lnputvalues for calculation of wheelloads: 19 Calculation C.O.G •. (total) : 21 Calculation Slewingring : 22 Wind load (LC19): 22 Earthquake (LC20) : 22 ' T.M.van den Berg page 1 of67 prelirrinary V I. I I ! I ~ t,. i'i;-1 :~: ::if _~tt, :•.,i.- design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 • Summary loads on slewingring : 23 calculation slewingring (type vsu 20 0414, INA) 23 calculation of welding (connecting flange to vertical tube : 25 Vertical drive system : 26 Summary wheel loads Boosterwheels : 27 Calculation LC21 (two passengers + one lost contra -ight; : 28 Calculation LC22 (two passengers + one lost drive wheel): 29 Loads on guide wheels due to C.O.G. : 30 Load on upper guide wheels due to windload : 31 Load on lower guide wheels due to windload : 31 Load on upper guide wheels due to earthquake : 32 Load on lower guide wheels due to •arthquake : 32 Summary on loads guide wheels : 33 calculation lifetime guide wheels (bearing) 34 Specification vertical drive (booster) and specification loadcase : 36 Tractionforce and min. pressure force booster wheels : 37 •• Summary data Vertical Drive (booster) : 38 Input values BEAM MODEL sectionproperties of Supportframe : 39 Foundation forces (LC1 u/i LC7 ) : 45 Summary foundation forces (LC1 u/i LC7) : 59 Calculation Steel cable : 60 Calculation lifetime bearing cabledisk : 61 Calculation shaft Cabledisk : 63 Calculation guide rail : 64 calculation shaft upper guide wheel 64 T.M.van den Berg page2 of67 prelimnary • • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Calculation mass and Inertia of all rotating parts Mass density of G.R.P : t :=6·mm b :=l·m L :=l·m w :=9·kg·m·2 W·b·L PGRP ·-PG.-RP. =0.00t5•gr·mm·3 · · .-b·L·t Mass density of steel: p st :=7800·kg·m-3 1 :Mass of G.R.P. Body:-see drawing: 97136-C-4002 In HP Solid Designer, a 30 drawing of the G.R.P. Body is made. The next propertie report is made: sourcefile:heli_sd.pkg Mass Properties Report . Parts/ Assemblies: /helitrap Density (g/nm3): 0.0015 Volume (mrn3): 720~1719.34 Area (mm2): 23176738.33 Mass (g): 108137.57 Centroid (mm): X: 2.87, Y: -1.26, Z: 581.91 Inertia Frame: Origin: Centroid Axes: X: 1 0 11 Y: 0 1 11 Z: 0 0 Inertia Tensor (g mm2): (V\lith respect to inertia frame origin and axes.) XX: 67433612001.65484 + 3180000000 ( 4.72 % ) YY: TT714536444.63568 + 3800000000 ( 4.89 % ) ZZ: 38008541031.83216 +822000000 (2.16%) m 1 := 108137-gr X 1 := 2~87-mm y 1 :=-1.26-mm z 1 :=581.91-mm T.M.van den Berg m 1 = 108°kg page 3 of67 Front view:surface windload A 1 :=2097844·mm2 Zal :=745-mm 9/11/97 prelimnary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Body parts: J 2: Safety bars (only the tubes) n2 :=2 g2 :=2.2·kg·m-1 (cj,38x2,5) hz :=450-mm bz :=435-mm xz :=565-mm Y2 :=O·mni z2 :=382-mm J 2 =4•kg"m2 m 2 = 12•1cg / v 3: Ratchet (Ratchets+ plates of the safety bars) mratchet :=J·kg mact :=l·kg (actuator) L p := lOO·mm B p := 80·mm Sp :=10-mm mplate :=t p·B p·S p·P st mptate = t•kg m3 =Hrkg x3 :=682-mm y 3 :=O-mm z3 :=t70·mm J ·-R 2 3 .-m3· 3 T.M.van den Berg Y 3 :=500-mm R3 =846•mm J 3 =8•kg-m2 page 4 of 67 9/11/97 preliminary design_g.mcd • 4: Rotordrive m 4 := 10-kg X 4 :=-375•mm y 4 :=O·mm z4 :=1517-mm J ·-l 4 .-m4·x4 6:---- • T.M.van den Berg • Design calculations Helicopter Legoland assumption J 4 = t·kg"m2 5: Rotor disc n5 :=2 m5 :=2-kg assumption X 5 :=-J05·mm y 5 :=O·mm z5 :=2235-mm J ·-l 5--m5·x5 J 5 = O•kg"ml 7:Steel Inset Step: m7 :=JO-kg x7 :=J96·mm Y7 :=O·mm z 7 :=-158-mm J7·:=m,.x72 assumption l J 7 =5•kg"m ,I page 5 of67 9/11/97 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 8: Steel Baseplate d 8 :=500-mm xg :=O·mm YS :=O·mm zg :=O-mm. J s :=½·ms·t2sf 9: Currentunit: m9 :=IO·kg x9 :=O·mm Y9 :=O·mm z9:=0·mm mg= 18"kg J 8 = l"kg"m2 R9 :=286-mm assumption J 9 = 1•kg"m2 10: slewingring: VSU 200414 m 10 :=29-kg R 10 :=2JO·mm x 10 :=O·mm y 10 :=O·mm z 10 :=O·min m10 2 J 10 :=-2-·R 10 J 10 = 1•kg•m2 sg :=12-mm sg :=12-mm T.M.van den Berg page 6 of67 9/11/97 prelirrinary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 11: Motor+ Gearbox m 11 :=20·kg R 11 :=75-mm x 11 :=O·mm y 11 :=O·mm z 11 :=80-mm mu 2 J 11 :=-2-·R 11 12: Topplate (assumption) 2 J 11 =O"kg"m d 12 :=562·mm· ·-1t d 2 23°kg m 12 ·--;r 12 ·S 12"P st m 12 = x 12 :=O·mm y 12 :=O·mm z 12 :=O·mm 13: Connection Plate d 13 :=330-mm ·-1C d 2 m 13 --n 13·4· 13 ·s 13·p st x 13 :=O·mm y 13 :=0-mm z 13 :=-130·mm m 13 = 16°kg s 12 :=12-mm , s 13 := 12·mm T.M.van den Berg page 7 of67 9/11/97 n 13 :=2 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd 14: Column L 14 :=5000-mm m 14 :=L i4·g 14 x 14 :=O·mm y 14 :=O·umi z 14 :=-2570-mm 15: Collector· m 15 :=5·kg X 15 :=O·mm y 15 :=O·mm z 15 :=-4310-mm Design calculations Helicopter Leg,oland Steel tube square 180*~80*8 g 14 :=41.7-kg·m·1 m 14 =209·kg (assumtion) 16: Lower Guidewheels n 16 :=4 mwheel :=J·kg m 16 :=n 16'filwheel x 16 .=O·mm y 16 :=O·mm z 16 :=-4936-mm T.M.van den Berg m 16 = 12°kg page 8 of67 9/11/97 (assumtion) preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Total mass of the Helicopter (excluding passengers) mass of helicopter cabine( all rotating parts,excl.pasengers): m 1·x l +m2·x 2 +m3·x3 +m4·x 4 +m5·X 5 +m7'x7 +mg·x 8 + m9·x 9 ... +m 10·x 10+m ffX 11 Xcab :---------------------------mcab m 1·Y 1 + m2·Y2 +m3·Y3 +m4·Y 4 +m5·Y 5 +mTY7 +mg·Ys +m9·y 9 ... +m 10·Y 10+-m U-Y 11 Y cab :=-------------'---m-. c-ab----'---------- m 1·z I +m·z·z 2 +m3·z3 +m4·z4 +m5·z5 +mTz 7 +mg·Z 8 +m9·z 9 ... +m 10-z 10 + m ffZ 11 Zcab: mcab Xcab =87-mni y cab =-1 •mm z cab = 343 •mm Mass of helicopter: ( all vertical moving parts excl.passengers, excl. contra weights): 9/11/97 mheli :=m I+ m2 +m3 +m4 +m5 +m7 +ms +·m9+m 10+m 11 ... m heli = 514· kg +m12+m13+m 14+m15+m 16 Calculation of C.0.G. ( all vertical moving parts excl.passengers, excl. contra weights): m rx 1 + m2·x 2 +m3·x3 + m4·x4 + m5·x 5 +mTx 7 +mg·x 8 +m9·x 9 ... +m 10·X 10+ m ll'X ll +m 12·X 12 +m13'X 13 +m 14·X 14 +m 15·X 15+m 16·X 16 x heli :=--------'---------m-h_e_li ____________ _ m 1·Y 1 +m2·Y 2 + m3·Y3 +m4·Y 4 + m5·y 5 +mTY 7 +ms·Y 8 +m9·y 9 ··· +m 10·Y 10+ m 11·Y 11 +m 12·Y 12+m 13·Y 13 +m 14·y 14 +m 15'Y 15+ m 16"Y 16 Y heli : -m hell m 1·z 1 + m 2-z2 +m3·z 3 +m4·z4 + m5·z 5 + m7'z7 +mg·z 8 +m9·z9 ... +m 10·2 10+m n-z 11 +m 12·z 12 + m 13·z 13+m 14·z 14 +m 15·z 15+ m 16'2 16 z heli := x heli = 42 •mm T.M.van den Berg mheli Yheli =O•mm z heli = -1036 •mm page 9 of67 p~elirnnary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Mass of passengers Passenger Right mpas_R :=90·kg Xpas_R :=t27·mm Ypas_R :=350·mm Zpas_R :=650·mm rpas :=0.25·~ Rpas_R :=~xpas_R2 +Ypas_R2 R pas _R = 372 -mm J __ 1 . 2+ R 2 pas_R ·-2·mpas_R·rpas mpas_R· pas_R Passenger left mpas_L :=90-kg Xpas_L :=127-mm y pas_L :=-350·mm Zpas_L :=650·mm R ·-L 2+y 2 pas_L .-'IJ"'pas_L pas_L rpas :=0.25·mm J ._ 1 2 R 2 pas_L ·-2·mpas_L·rpas +mpas L' pas L J pas_R = 12•1crm2 J pas_L = 12•kg•m2 mtot =694•kg Calculation of Inertia Oncluding Passengers) J tot :=J 1 + J 2 + J 3 + J 4 + J 5 + J 7 + J 8 + J 9 + J 10 + J 11 ... + J pas_L + J pas_R . 2 J tot= 83•kg•m T.M.van den Berg page 10 of67 9/11/97 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Specification Horizontal drive : See drawing: 97136-C-4004 Project 97136: Use of equipment: Required lifetime: Minimum lifetime (hours): Helicopter Legoland hr h ·-10 .-·day years:= 15-yr day days :=365·-yr Req_Iife :=h·days-years Req_life = 54750 °hr Total Inertia of the Helicopter Cabin: J tot= 83·kg"m2 Oncluding Passengers) Max. RPM: Acceleration time: Torgue: Take: $t :=2 Drive power Ph : = Tt· 2·1t·n max ·-15 . ·1 nmax .-·mm . t :=2·sec a: Tt :=T·$t . --2 a =0.79•sec T =65·N·m Tt = 130·N·m Ph= 0.204 •kW 9/11/97 T.M.van den Berg page 11 of67 preliminary :.. • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Calculation of The Harmonicdrive Max. outputspeed Drive: nab :=nmax nn :=nab i := 120 Output Torques acting on the Drive: (see drawing 97136-C-4004) 9/11/97 Impact factor: is included) Tl :=Tt Tl =IJO•N·m tl :=2·sec T2 :=O·N·m T2 =O•N·m t2 :=2-sec T3 :=Tt T3 =130•N·m t3 :=2·sec T4 :=Tt T4 =JJO•N-m t4 :=2·sec T5 :=O·N·m TS =O·N·m t5 :=2-sec T6 :=Tt T6 = IJO·N·m t6 :=2·sec Average Output Torque: 1 Tav := (nn·tl·T13 + nn·t2·T23 + nn·t3,T33 +nn·t4,T43 + nn·t5-T53 + nn·t6·T63 ) 3 nn·tl + nn·t2+ nn·t3 + n 0 ·t4+ n 0 ·t5+ nn·t6 Tav = 114·N·m < TA :=451-N·m (Limit for Average Torgue) V=4 OK lnputspeed: Rated Input speed: ·-2000 . ·1 nn .--mm Rated Torgue: Tn :=294·N·m 1 · Equivalent Output Torque: , Teq := Tav· (: :) 3 Teq=UO·N-m Operating Life: T.M.van den Berg · 0 n ( Tn )3 L 50 :=35000·-· -·hr nan Tav L 50 = 675468 •hr > Req_life = 54750 ·hr OK page 12 of 67 prelirrinary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Summary data Horizontal drive: Number of Helicopters Number of drives- :12 : 12x1 + 1 spare= 13 Data E-motor: Required lifetime Voltage Frequency Rated speed Rated power Noise level Enclosure Insulation Class Climate class Min Efficiency Rated current Starting current Rated torque Acceleration torque Brake Brake torque Rated current brake Noise Level Tenninal box Cable entry position Loadspectrum Climate Cooling Special Painting : 54750 hr. -: 460 Volt :60Hz : 1800 R.P.M. : .••.••••.•. kW' : 60 dBa : IP 55 (outdoor) : F : I (ace to VOE 3548) : 700/a : , ..... A : •••••• .A : ....... Nm : ....... Nm : Required : •••••••••• Nm : ......... .A : 60 dBa : 180 degr. : 3 :see drwg. 97136-C4004 : Local climatological data for Santiego California (see appendix) : U.L listed Data Gearbox: Type Required lifetime Ratio lnputspeed Outputspeed Max. permissible output torgue Lubricant Outputtorque gearbox Loadspectrum Painting T.M.van den Berg page 13 of67 : HFUC-2UH 40 : 54750 hr : 120 : 1800 R.P.M : 15 R.P.M. : 182 Nm :seedrwg 97136-C4004 9/11/97 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Le~oland Calculation of coupling-parts: max. torque on coupli11gparts: number of couplingpart: working radius of coupling parts: Type: Max. radial force acting on the coupling part: Safety (min required=1) Tt =IJO·N·m n 0 :=4 Rc,::::tOO·mm 0118157, 11MN 60, Freudenberg Fr max :=750-N Tt Fr'--.-Rc·n0 Frmax ---=2 fr Fr =J25•N >1 OK T.M.van den Berg page 14 of67 9/11/97 prelininary • • • design_g.mcd -Design calculations Helicopter Lego land Calculation: weight of contra-weights Minimum weight of contraweights is the weight of the moveable helicopter (excl.passengers): m contra : = m hell mcontra =514•kg Maximum weight of contraweights is the weight of the moveable helicopter+ the mass of two passengers • Calculations with different contraweights gives the optimal contraweight. The optimal contraweight requires the lowest drivewheel friction. mcontra =619·kg T.M.van den Berg page 15 of67 9/11/97 prelirrinary • • • = design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 Calculation of movement ofC.O.G. due to play of the guidewheels see drawing: 97136-C-4001 Play between column and guidewheels: In highest position distance between lower and upper guidewheels: Max. angle of column: Movement of C.O.G: z2 := 3436-mm dx := (df +z2)·tan(a) dx =J•mm (dg2 ) dy:= 2 +z2 -tan(a) dy=J•mm T.M.van den Berg page 16 of 67 ds : = I ·mm (movement of column between two wheels) dg2 : = 1500-mm prelimnary ·- design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 • Vertical speed, acceleration and distances: Maximum vertical speed: ·-o 75 ·1 Vv .-• ·m·sec Max. vertical speed reached in sec: dt :=2-sec Max. vertical acceleration: VV av = 0.375•m• sec -2 av :=dt Max. vertical speed reached after (distance): 1 sv :=2-av-t2 S V = 7 50 "mm Total vertical movement: S :=3000-mm Vertical movement with uniform speed: su :=S-2·sv Su =2"m Time for vertica_l movement with unifoimspeed: Su tu:=-tu =2•sec Vv Minimum time for vertical movement:· ttot :=tu +t·2 t tot =6•sec • Minimum cyclus time : t eye :=t tor2 t eye= 12°sec T.M.van den Berg page 17 of67 prelimnary • • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland The next Loadcases are defined NORMAL OPERATION 1 Le :=1..22 LC 1 : two passengers. 90 kg each Heli accelerating upward LC 2 : two passei;igers 90 kg each Heli1 moving upward, unifonn speed LC 3 : two passengers 90 kg each Heli .decelerating upward LC 4 : two passengers 9Q kg each Heli accelerating downward LC 5 : two passengers 90 kg each Heli1 moving downward, unifonn speed LC 6 : two passengers 90 kg each Heli decelerating downward NORMAL OPERATION 2 LC 7 : one passenger 90 kg Heli accelerating upward LC 8 : one passenger 90 kg Heli moving upward, unifonn speed LC 9 : one passenger 90 kg Heli decelerating upward LC 10 : one passen~r 90 kg Heli accelerating downward LC 11 : one passenger 90 kg Heli moving downward, unifonn speed LC 12 : one passenger 90 kg Heli decelerating downward NORMAL OPERATION 3 LC 13 : one passenger 20·kg Heli accelerating upward LC 14 : one pass~tnger 20 kg Heli moving upward, unifonn speed LC 15 : one passenger 20 kg Heli decelerating upward LC 16 : one passenger 20 kg Heli accelerating downward LC 17 : one passenger 20 kg Heli moving downward, unifonn speed LC 18 : one passenger 20 kg Heli decelerating downward SPECIAL CASES LC 19 : two passengers 90 kg each+ Windload in upper position LC 20 : earthquake, two passengers 90 kg each LC 21 : two passengers 90 kg each+ One Lost contraweight LC 22 : two passengers 90 kg each + One Lost drive wheel T.M.van den Berg page 18 of 67 9/11/97 prelimnary design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 • Input values for calculation of wheelloads . Note: the index indicates the loadcase. Mass passenger Mass contraweight Vertical Startingspeed Left Right acceleration NORMAL OPERA 11ON 1 mpass L :=90-kg mpass R :=90-kg IDcont1 :=mcontra avt :=av v1:=0·vv - 1 - 1 mpass L :=90-kg mpass_Rz :=90-kg m cont2 := m contra a· :=O·av V2 :=vv - 2 V2 mpass_½ :=90·kg mpass R :=90-kg m cont3 := m contra av3 :=-av V3 :=vv -3 mpass L :=90-kg mpass R :=90·kg IDcont4 :=mcontra av4 :=-av v4 :=O·vv -4 -4 mpass L :=90-kg mpass_Rs :=90-kg m cont5 := m contra av5 :=O·av V5 :=-v V -5 mpass L :=90-kg IDpass_~ :=90•kg m cont6 : = m contra av6 :=av v6:=-vv - 6 NORMAL OPERA 11ON 2 m pass_ L, : = 90· kg mpass~R, :=O·kg m cont7 : = m contra av7 :=av v7 :=O·Vv mpass_Ls :=~0-kg mpass_Rs :=O·kg mcont :=mcontra avs :=O·av Vs :=vv 8 .. mpass L :=90·kg ·. mpass .... ~ :=O·kg m cont9 : = m contra av9 :=-av V9 :=vv -9 • m pass -Lio : = 90· kg mpass R :-=O·kg m cont : = m contra av10 :=-av V10 :=O·vv -10 . 10 m pass L : = 90· kg mp~ R :=O-kg m-cont11 :=mcontra avu :=0-av vu :=-vv -11 -11 m pass L : = 90· kg mpass R :=O·kg m cont12 : = m contra av12 :=av V12 :=-vv -12 -12 NORMAL OPERATION 3 mpass L :=20,kg mpass R :=O·kg m cont : = m contra av13 :=av V13 :=vv -13 -13 13 m pass L : = 20· kg mpass R :=O·kg mcont14 :=mcontra av14 :=O·av v14 :=O·vv -14 -14 m pass L : = 20· kg mpass R :=O·kg mcont15 :=mcontra av15 :=-av V15 :=-v V -15 -15 mpass L :=20·kg mpass R :=O·kg m cont16 : = m contra av16 :=-av v16 :=-v v -16 . -16 mpass L := 20-kg mpass R :=O·kg m cont17 · = m contra av17 :=O-av V17 :=O·Vv -17 -17 mpass L :=20-kg mpass R :=O·kg m cont18 : = m contra av18 :=av V1s :=vv -18 -18 T.M.van den Berg page 19 of67 preliminary • • • • design_g.mcd SPECIAL CASES mpass L := 90-kg -19 mpass_Lzo :=90-kg mpass_Lz1 :=90-kg mpass_Lz2 :=90-kg T.M.van den Berg Design caiculati9ns Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 mpass_R19 :=90-kg m cont · : = m contra 19 av19 :=O-av V19 :=O·Vv mpass_R20 :=90-kg m cont : = m contra 20 av20 :=o-av V20 :=O·Vv mpass_~1 :=90-kg J mcont21 :=4·IDcontra av21 :=O-av Vz1 :=O·v v mpass_~2 :=90-kg m contz2 : = m contra avzz :=O-av V22 :=-v V page 20 of67 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Total moving mass (excluding contra-VI/eights): m mover..: : = m heli + mpass _Li.c + m pass _RLc Calculation of total C.O.G. (only rotating parts,incl. passengers,lncl.play:dx,cly), Calculation of total C.O.G. Oncl. passengers) ,lncl.play:d~,cly) (m.heli=all vertical moving parts excl.passengers, excl. contra weights) ( m hell'Y hell+ mpass_~·y pas_R + mpass_LLe·y pas_L) y := . , +dy Le m heli + mpass R + filpass r. -Le -'--'Le m hell ·z heli + m pass 'R -·z pas R + m pass L ·z pas L -~'Le --Le -ZLc :=------------------mheli +mpass_RLe + IDpass_LLc T.M.van den Berg page 21 of67 9/11/97 prelimnary -- • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Calculation of slewingring: Windload: Loadcase 19 Take the wind direction in X-direction (lar:gest surface): Surface: Wind load: A I =2.l•m2 ·-50 k -2 Ww·-· g·m Zal =745•mm p :=1.4 9/11/97 F wind = 1440 • Point of application: z al = 745-mm. (see drawing 97136-C-4002) Tslx :=xcab ·(Dlcab+mpass R +mpass L )·g+Fwmd·Zal 19 19 -19 -19 Earthquake:Loadcase20 1 Tsl x = 1521 ·N·m 19 Fslx :=Fwind 19 Fxeq :=-3· (mcab + mpass R +mpass L ·)·g 20, -20 -20 Fx = 1405°N eq20 Point of application: z b =472·mm ca 20 Tslx :=xcab ·(mcab+mpass R +mpass L )·g+FXeq ·Zcab 20 20 . -20 -20 20 20 Fslx :=Fxen.. 20 "TJ.0 Fslx :=0·N 23 T.M.van den Berg page 22 of67 Tsl x = 1111 ·N·m 20 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Summary of loads on slewingring: (excl impact factors) Resulting torgue inX-YPlane Resulting force in Z direction Calculation of lifetime: ace INA cataloque 403 Rotation speed: ·-6 5 . ·1 Ilcab .-· ·mm Resulting force in X direction 9/11/97 Bearing type: VSU 20 0414, INA D L :=414-mm p:=J C axial:= 169000-N Radial force: Axial force: Torque: T.M.van den Berg Fr :=Fslx 19 Fa:=Fslz 19 Fr= 1440•N Fa =4214•N Mk = 1521 ·N·m page 23 of67 preliminary design_.g.mcd • • T.M.van den Berg • Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Fr -=O Fa < 8 nonnal loading (see page 18) s=2 --~figure9 p axial :=krF a P axial = 11590 •N t6666·60_(c axial)P L h: ncab P axial L h = 7949542 ·hr >> Req_life = 54750 ·hr Check :Static limiting load for raceways ace Figure 27 F oq :=4·kN M 0 q :=50-kN·m <<< Fa =4·kN Mk =2·kN·m Check :Static limiting load for fixingscrews ace Figure 26 F oq :=4·kN M 0 q :=38-kN·m <<< page 24 of67 Fa =4·kN Mk =2•kN·m 9/11/97 OK OK OK preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Design cal~ulations Helicopter Legoland Calculation of welding : Connection flange to vertical ~ube 180x180x8 Take same loads as slewingring: Fr= 1440•N Fa =4214•N Mk = 1521 ·N·m Properties of the section A-A : see drawing 97136-C-4005 A aa :=5759-mm2 . Mk crb aa :=-w--aa Fa crtaa:=x-aa cr aa ·= crb aa + crt aa Iaa :=Jll65439-mm4 e aa :=94·mm W aa = 331547"Dim3 crb aa = 5 ·N ·mm-2 crt aa = 1 •N-mm2 Max. stress amplitude Section A-A: Point 2: cr_max :=cr aa cr_min :=-q aa O" min "I.:= cr=n'l.ax Notch Condition K4 see Code No. 414 DIN 15018 T.M.van den Berg cr_max =5·N·mm·2 cr_min =--5 ·N·mm·2 x=-1 : compression cr_alK4t :=27·N·mm·2 : tension cr_alK4c :=-27·N-mm2 V :-cr alK4t V =5 OK cr_max page 25 of67 9/11/97 prelirnnary • •• • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Vertical drive system Mas~ heli (incl column etc.): Mass Contra Weight: lmpactfactor: µi heli = Sl4•kg m contra = 619• kg cj,v := 1.2 Friction coeff. between boosterwheels and Colmn: Wet and smooth steelsLirface against solid rubberwheels : Dry and smooth steelsurface against solid ·rubberwheels : Calculate with roughen steelsurface against solid rubberwheels : 9/11/97 f wet :=0.13 f calc : = 0.25 Static for~e: (unbalance) F8Lc :=(mheli+mpass L +mpass R -mcont )·g-cj,v -.Le -Le Le Dynamic Force: FdLc := (mheli + mpass T -+ mpass R + m~nt )·av ·cpv . -"1-e -Le Le Le Total required traction force: Total Required Press Force . F trac _ tot1e F ·- on Boosterwheels N_Jot_0.25Le .--=f c_al_c_ Required pressforce per Boosterwheel (solidrubber): Number of Boosters: FN_tot_0.251c FN 0.25Le := Ilmotor FN ·-p 0.2522 .-N ... tot_0.25Le T.M.van den Berg nmotor :=2 F trac_totLe Ftrac :=-----Le llmotor F trac22 : = F trac _ tot1e page 26of67 prelininary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland m heli = 514·kg Summary wheelloads Boosterwheels: (including impactfactor ) q,v = 1 Required friction (per boosterwheel) Static force: (unbalance) Dynamic Force: For normal operation (Le 1 -Le 18): 9/11/97 m contra = 619·kg Required pressforce (per boosterwheel, friction coeff. 0,25) FN 0.25 = Max. tractionforce Normal operation LC15, 16: lmpactfactor 4>=1,2 Ftrac max : = ( -F trac) -15 Ftrac max = 760 ·N Minimum required pressforce Normal operation LC15,16: FN.min :=(-FN o.2s)1s FN.min =3039•N T.M.van den Berg page 27 of67 prelininary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 Calculation Le 21: Two passengers + one lost contra weight: Starting point of the calculation is a minimum required pressforce The tabel shows that for Le 21 and 22 the value of F N.min will exceed. Slipping boosterwheels are the result. The dynamic frictioncoefficient: fdyn :=0.15 F N.min = 3039 •N Fdyn.fric :=2·FN.min'fdyn Fdyn.fric =912·N mass moving down : m mov down : = m hell+ m pass r._ + m pass 11. --'"'21 -·'21 mmov_down =694"kg mass moving. up : IDmov_up =465•kg Static force : FSz1 = 2254 •N S(=2850·mm Total potential energy: Total. friction energy : Ekin=Epot-Efric => V (Epot-Efric}·2 Vdown := · m mov _down + m mov -tip braking accelleiy : E pot:= (mmov _down -mmov _up)·g·S f E pot = 6425 ·N·m E fric-: = F dyn.fric ·Sf -1 v down = 2.569•m•sec Ekin =3826·N·m ·-5 -2 aver.-·m·sec F demp :=mmov_down·(g + 8ver)-filmov~up·(g-aver) -F dyn.fric F demp =7138.1 •N Ek~ sdemp :=-p---sdemp =536•mm demp Wrttt braking length = 150mm Ekin Fd :=8d Sd := 150•mm a:= -(F d..:" mmov:-down·g + IDmov_up·g + F dyn.fric) (-mmov_down-mmov_up) · T.M.van den Berg page 28 of67 -2 a= 2t•m•sec preliminary • • • ......,. design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 Calculation Le 22: Two passengers + one lost drive wheel: Starting point of the calculation is a minimum required pressforce F N.min = 3039 ·N The tabel· shows that for Le 21 and 22 the value of F N.min will exceed. Slipping boosterwheels are the result. The dynamic frictioncoefficient: fdyn :=0.15 F dyn.fric :=FN.min.fdyn mass moving down: mmov_down :=mheli +mpass_~2 +mpass_Rz2 mass moving up : mmov_up :=mcont22 Static force : FSz1 = 2254 •N Sf:= 2850-mm F d fri = 456 ·N yn. C mmov_down =694•kg filmov_up =619•kg Total potential energy: Epot :=(mmov_down -mmov_up)·g·Sf Epot =2096·N·m Total friction energy : Ekin=Epot-Efric => V V down:= m mov _ down + m mov _ up braking accellery : Efric = 1299·N·m -1 v down= l.IOt•m•sec Ekm·=797·N·m ·-5 .2 aver.-·m·sec F demp :=mmov_down·(g + aver)-mmov_up·(g-aver)-F dyn.fric F demp = 6849.5 •N Ekin sdemp := F demp s demp = 116-mm With braking length = 150mm Ekin Fd:=~ s d := 150·mm . · -(F d -mmov down·g + mmov up·g + F dyn.fric) a. "t-Iilmov...,down -illmov_up) T.M.van den Berg page 29 of 67 -2 a= 4•m•sec prelininary • • • design...,.9.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Loads on upper and lower guide-wheels due to the position of C.O.G.: In the highest position: + 3000 mm in Z direction Vertical distance between Lowerguidewheels and Upl>'r guidewheels: Load on upper guideWheel, position +x: Load on upper guidewheel, position +y: dg2 = 1500 •mm m mover_.,· g· x1,c F g_x1,c: dg2 mmover_.,·g·y1,c F g_yLc: dg2 9/11/97 (only nonnal loadcases Le 1 to Lc18) Max. guidewheelforce: Fg max :=Fg x -- 1 F g_max =304·N T.M.van den Berg page 30 of67 preliminary design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 • Load on upper guide-wheel due to windload: Take the wind direction in X-direction (largest surface): Wind load: F wind= 1440•N Point of applicatiom z al = 745 "mm (see drawing 97136-C-4002) Distances: z1 = 3436 •mm dg2 = 1500 •mm z al = 745 "mm Distance Windload -Lowerguidewheel: ZwL :=z1+dg2+zal Wheel load Upperguidewheel: F wind"ZwL Fwu: dg2 F wu =5454"N Load on lowel" guide-wheel due to windload: Wind load: F wind = 1440 •N • Point of application: z al =745"mm (see drawing 97136-C-4002) Distances: z1 = 3436 •mm z al = 7 45 •mm Distance Windload -Upperguidewheel: Zwu :=71+ z al Wheel load Lowerguidewheel: F wind.zwu F wL := dg2 F wL =4014•N T.M.van den Berg page 31 of67 prelirrinary • • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 Load oo upper guide-wheel due to earthquake LC 20: Horizontal load is 1/3 of total mass: Point of application is C.O.G. LC 20: IDmovezo =694•kg 220=-599•mm Distances: z2 = 3436 •mm dg2 = 1500 •mm Distance Horzontalload -1,.owerguidewheel: z eq : = zi. + dg2 + z20 Wheel load Upperguidewheel: ( }mmovezo·g )·z eq Fu20: dg2 (below slewingring) z -4337•mm eq- Fu =6564-·N 20 Load on lower guide-wheel due to earthquake LC 20: Distances: z2 = 3436 •mm dg2 = 1500 •mm Distance Horzontalload -Upperguidewheel: z eq : = z2 + z20 Wheel load Upperguidewheel: T.M.van den Berg page 32 of67 z eq = 2837 •mm FL =4294•N 20 prelirtinary ._ • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Summary of loads on Upperguide wheels: Max. load due to the position of C.O.G.: Max Load on Upperguidewheel due to Windload: For lifetime calculation we take the next .-ssumption: 50% 50% of the time the wheelload: of the time the wheelload: Load due to pre-stress on Guidewheel: F g_max =304•N F wu =5454•N Fps:= 1000-N (assumptio_n) 9/11/97 Totalwheelload(max.): Ftot_wUl :=Fg_max+Fwu·100·%+Fps Ftot wUl =6758·N F tot_wU2 :=F g_max + F wu·50·%+ Fps F tot wU2 =4031 ·N Max. static force: F stat totU :=F g max+ Fu + Fps --20 Summary of loads on Lowerguide wheels: Max. load due to the position of C.O.G.: Windload on Lowerguidewheel: Load due to pre-stress on Guidewheel: F g_max =304·N F wL =4014°N Fps :=tOO0·N F stat totU = 7867 ·N (assumption) Total wheelload (max.): F tot_wL :=F g_max + F wL +Fps F tot_wL =5318·N T.M.van den Berg page 33 of 67 prelirrinary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Calculation lifetime guidewheels: See drawing: 97136-C-4003-0 Required lifetime of helicopter: Total vertical movement: Rideduration: Total time vertical movement: Maximum vertical speed: ReqJife = 54750 ·hr S =JOOO•mm Rd : = 240-sec tm :=204·sec -1 Vv =0.75•m•sec Wheelloads Upperguidewheel: F tot_ wUl = 6758 •N Number of bearings per wheel: n w : = 2 Maximum Bearing load:· p ·-Ftot wL gw· nw F tot wU2 =4031 •N P gw =2659·N 9/11/97 Bearing type guidewheels: SKF No:6305-RS1 C gw :=22500-N Co gw :=11600-N p := , Diameter of guidewheels: (same bearings for upper and lower guidewheels only without rubber) D gw := lOO·mm Minimum Required lifetime gliidewheels: t Req_life guide :=Req_life· Rr: Max. R.P.M.: Max. bearing load: T.M.van den Berg Vy ngw:=~ gw P =2659·N gw 43 := F tot wU2 F tot_wUl page 34 of67 Req_life guide = 46537 ·hr n gw = 143 ·min·1 q3 =60·% q4 :=q3 preliminary • • • -design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 Loadspectrum of upperguidewheels: tl :=17-% of the time the bearingload: ql :=100-% of Pgw and nl :=100-% of ngw t2 :=33·% of the time the bearingload: q2 :=100-% of Pgw and n2 :=50·% of ngw t3 :=17·% of the time the bearingload: q3 =60·% of Pgw and n3 :=100·% of ngw t4 :=33·% of the time the beanngload: q4=60·% of Pgw and n4:=50·% of n gw nm= virtual avarage RPM nm :=(nl-tl +n2·t2+n3·t3 +n4·t4)·n gw nm =96·min·1 Virtual Bearingforce: p :=3 1 s:=-p s=0 l nl·nmax n2·nmax n3·nmax . 1· Pi gw := (ql·P gwt·---·tl + (q2·P gw)P·---·t2+ (q3·P gw)P·---·t3 ... nm nm nm p· 06 n4·nmax 1 gw = 1 l · +(q4·P gwt· nm ·t4 Calculated lifetime: Ll0h := 1000000. ( ~ gw)P gw nm P1gw L 10h gw = 1658242 •hr >> Req_life guide = 46537 •hr Calculation of lower guide wheel is not required lower loads Calculation on max. static load: T.M.van den Berg F stat_ totU = 7867 ·N P . ·-F stat_totU o gw .-n. ·-Co gw so .-Po gw page 35 of67 w OK Po gw = 3934 •N s O = 3 > 1 ( Min. required) OK prelirrinary • • • = design_g.incd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Specification vertical drive (booster) See drawing: 97136-C-4003-0 Project 97136: Use of equipment: Helicopter Legoland hr h:=10·-d ay day days :=365·-yr Required lifetime: years := 15-yr Minimum lifetime (hours): lleq_life :=h·days,years Req_life = 54750 ·hr Diameter Boosterwheel: D wheel : = 250-mm Compresion of boosterwheel due to radial booster~el force: Maximum vertical speed : (helicopter speed) Workingradius of boosterwheel: R.P.M. of drivewheel (booster): The next loadcase are defined: NORMAL OPERATION 1 -1 Vv =0.75•m•sec Rb:-D~heel Vy n booster:= 1t·2·Rb LC 1 : two passengers 90 kg each Heli accelerating upwar, I LC 2 : two passengers 90 kg each Heli moving upward, uniform speec LC 3 : two passengers 90 kg eacl Heli decelerating upwarc · LC 4 : two passengers.90 kg eacl Heli accelerating downwarc LC 5 : two passengers 90 kg eacl Heli moving downward, uniform speed LC 6 : two passenger~ 90 kg eacl Heli decelerating downward NORMAL OPERATION 2 LC 7 : one passenger 90 kg Heli accelerating upwarc LC 8 : one passenger 90 kg Heli moving upward, uniform speed LC 9 : one passenger 90 kg Heli decelerating upwar, I LC 10 : one passenger 90 kg Heli accelerating downwar, I LC 11 : one passenger 90 kg Heli moving downward, uniform spee, I- LC 12 : one passenger 90 kg Heli decelerating downwar< NORMAL OPERATION 3 LC 13 : one passenger 20 kg Heli accelerating upwar, I LC 14 : one passenger 20 kg Heli moving upwar~, uniform·speed LC 15 : one passenger 20 kg Heli decelerating upwarc LC 16 : one passenger 20 kg Heli accelerating downwar, I LC 17 ·: one passenger 20 kg Heli moving downward, uniform spee, I LC 18 : one passenger·20 kg Heli decelerating downward (assumption) Rb =120•mm 60 •. -1 n booster = mm 9/11/97 T.M.van den Berg page 36 of67 prelimnary • • • -design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 Calculated tractionforce and minimum pressforce on boosterwheel: Oncluding impactfactor ~=1,2) FNo.25 = •N Ftracmax =760·N (only nonnal loadcases Le 1 to Lc18) For-cycletime see drawing: 97136-C-4003-0 Minimumrequired pressforce (friction coeff. 0.2~) : F N.min = 303~ •N Maximum required pressforce : FN.max :=FN.mm·l.5 FN.max =45S9·N Maximum output torgue : Min required power: Take rrin. required power x1 ,5 T.M.van den Berg Rb =120~mm T trac :=Ftracmax·Rb n booster =60•min.1 page 37 of67 Ftrac max = 760 •N T trac = 91 ·N·m P =0.9•kW prelirrinary -design_g.mcd . Design calculations Helicopter Legoiand 9/11/97 • Summary data Vertical drive (booster) Number of Helicopters : 12 Number of Boosters : 12x2 + 1 spare= 25 Data E-rnotor: Data Gearbox: Required lifetime : 54750 hr Required lifetime : 54750 hr Voltage : 460 Volt Type : R ..... Frequency : 60Hz Ratio ..... Rated speed ............ lnputspeed . ........... Rated power : ........... kW Outputspeed : 60R.P.M. Noise level : 60 dBa Max. permissible Enclosure : IP 55 (outdoor) output torgue ............ Insulation Class : F Service factor : 1.5 Climate class : I (ace to VOE 3548) Overhungload(FNmax) : 4650 N Min Efficiency :70% Lubricant . ·········· Rated current : ...... A Mounting position : B3 Starting current : ....... A Outputtorque Rated torque : ....... Nm gearbox ....... Acceleration torque : ....... Nm Vert.speed (Heli.) : 0.75 m/sec Brake : Required Loadspectrum :see drwg • Brake torque : .......... Nm 97136-C4003 Rated current brake : ......... .A Painting ............ Noise Level : 60dBa Terminal box : 180 degr. Cable entry position : 3 Loadspectrum :see drwg. 97136-C4003 Climate : Local climatological data for Santiego California (see appendix) Cooiing · : Required Special : U.L listed Painting .............. T.M.van den Berg page 38 of67 preliminary • • • • design_g.mcd Design calct,llations Helicopter Legoland INPUT VALUES BEAM MODEL sectionproperties of Supportframe E Weight Density ID 1 GROUP 1 GREEN El :=210000·N·mm·2 Mdenl ·=7800-kg·m..3 ID 2 GROUP 2 RED El =2•1011 ·N·m·2 Wdenl :=Mdenl·g E2 :=210000·N·mm'2 E2 =2•1011 ·N·m·2 Wden2 :=Mden2·g Wdenl = 76492 ·N·m..J Mden2 := l·kg-m-3 ORIENTATION: COLORS Color: GREEN RED YELLOW: L.BLEU BROWN PURPLE: First +Y +Z +X -Y -Z -X second -X +Y . +Z +X .y -Z. A~ ID 1 LA YER O: connection profile B Orientation: RED Tl := 1.1 tw:=7.5-mm t(=l0.5·mm h:=160-mm b:=65·mm hl :=h-2-tf A :=2400·mm2 A =0.0024•m2 JI :=l(2·b·t/+hHw3) JI =7.67·10-s •m4 12 :=85.3·cm4 12 =9·10-7 •m4 W2 := 18.3·cm3 W2 =0•m3 I3 :=925·cm4 I3 =9"10-6 •m4 W3 := U6·cm3 W3 =0•m3 L :=480·mm n :=36 9/11/97 ml :=Mdenl·A·L·n ml =J2J•kg zl :=-3329·mm T.M.van den Berg page 39 of67 preliminary design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 • ID 2 LA YER 1: Tube 80x80x6 Orientation: GREEN A := 1683-mm2 A =0.00168•m2 12 := i49-cm4 12 = 1·10-6 •m4 W2 :=37294-mm3 W2 =O•m3 13 := 149·cm4 13 = 1•10-6 •m4 W3 :=37294·mm3 W3 =O·m3 t :=4580·mm n :=4 m2 :=Mdenl·A·L·n m2 =240·kg z2 :=-3329·mm ID 3 LAYER 2: As Bolt connection Orientation: RED D :=25·mm d :=15-mm • A =314.16 ·mm2 W2 := 3'i-(D 4 ~ d 4 ) W2 =t.34•ttr •mm3 W3 := ;2. (D 4 ~ d4)-W3 = 1.:w-1tr "mm.3 m3 :=O-kg . z3 :=-3329·mm T.M.van den Berg page 40 of67 preliminary • design_g.mcd · Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 • ID 4 LA YER 3: Guide strip 75*35 Orientation: green,yellow h :=70-mm b :=35-mm A :=h·b A =2.45•10"3 "mm.2 A =0.00245•m2 JI :=0.3-b3-h JI =9·105 •mm4 l2=1·10-6 •m4 W2 := h~.5 W2 =4.77•Ur -mm3 13 := 1 1 2-h,b3 13 =2.5·105 •mm4 W3 :=b~.5 W3 =5.72•104 •mm.3 W3 =O•m3 L :=4200·mm n :=4 • m4 :=Mdenl·A·L·n m4 =321 •kg ID 5 LAYER 4: Tube 140x80x6 Orientation: RED z4 :=-3329-mm (Was Tube 120x80x6) A :=2403·mm2 A =0.0024•m2 12 :=248-cm.4 12 =2·10-6 •m4 W2 :=61990·mm3 W2 =O•m3 W3 :=85285-mm.3 W3 =O•m3 L :=850-mm n :=4 m5 :=Mdenl·A·L·n m5 =64·_kg z5 :=-809-mm T.M.van den Berg page 41 of67 preliminary • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 • ID 6 LA YER 5: Shaft Guidewheels Orientation: RED d :=35-mm A :=i·d2 A = 962.11 •mm2 A =9.62113°10-4 •m2 JI := :2:d4 JI= 1.47·105 •mm.4 JI = 1°10-7 •m4 • 7t 12 := 64·d· 12 =7.37°104 •mm4 12 =7·10-s •m4 W2 :=;2-d3 W2 =4.21°lif "mm3 W2 =4°10-6 3 •m 13 :=~·d4 64 13 =7.37°104 •mm4 13 =7·10-s •m4 W3 :=:2-d3 W3 =4.21°lif •mm3 -6 W3 =4°10 •m 3 m6:=0·kg z6 :=-809-mm • ID 7 LAYER 6: Tube 180x180x8 Orientation: GREEN A :=5339-mm2 A =0.005J4•m2 JI :=4172-cm4 JI =0•m4 12 :=2590-cm4 12 =0•m4 W2 :=287858-mm.3 W2 =0•m3 13 :=2590-cm4 13 =0·m4 W3 :=287858-mm3 W3 =0•m3 L :=4580-mm n := 1 m7 :=Mdenl·A·L·n m7 = 191 •kg T.M.van den Berg page 42 of67 preliminary • :. • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 ID 8 LA YER 7: As Contraweight Orientation: GREEN d :=150-mm A :=i·d2 12 := :4·d4 L :=1168-mm n:=4 JI =4.97·107 •mm.4 12 =2.49·107 •mm.4 13 =2.49·107 •mm.4 W3 =3.31°105 "mm.3 m8 :=Mdenl·A·L·n A =0.01767•m2 12 =O•m4 W2 =O·m3 13 =O•m4 W3 =O·m3 m8 =644°kg ID 9 LA YER 8: Cable Contraweight z8 :=-4507-mm Orientation: GREEN T.M.van den Berg d :=lO·mm· A :=i·dl 12 := 61t4·d4 W2 := ;2-d3 13 ·-1t d4 · .-64° L :=4727-mm A = 78.54 •mm2 A =7.85398°10-s •m2 JI =9.82·102 •mm.4 JI =1·10-9 •m4 12 =4.91·1(r •mm.4 W2 = 9.82· 101 •mm.3 13 =4.9t·l(r •mm4 W3 = 9.82• 101 •mm.3 n:=4 m9 :=Mdenl·A·L·n m9 = 12°kg z9 :=-3000-mm page 43 of67 preliminary • • • --design_g.rncd Design calculations Helicopter Lem>land Vertical drive: mv drive :=50-kg mlO :=mv drlve·n n :=2 mlO =IOO•kg zlO :=-548-mm Total mass of supportframe excl. Tube 180x108x8(m7): msupportframe :=ml +m2+m3 +m4+m5+m6 +m8+m9+m10 m supportframe = 1704 •kg Cale. C.O.G. supportframe: 9/11/97 ml ·zl + m2·z2 + m3·z3 + m4·z4 + m5·z5 + m6·z6 ... +m8·z8 + m9·z9 + mlO·zlO z supp:frame : · m supportframe z suppframe = -3514 •mm T.M.van den Berg page 44 of67 preliminary -- • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Foundation Forces LC1 : Normal operation, highest position helicopter, 2pers (90kg), wind load, paralel position ( see drawing 97136-C-4006-0 and drawing 97136-C-4007-0) mheli =514·kg mpas_R =90-kg mpas_L =90"kg A I =2.09784·~2 Wind load Speed 52mph = 83 km/h = 23.11 mis q=33 kg/mA2 take q~SO kg/mA2 p := 1.4 q :=50-kg·m·2 z2 : = 3972-mm Za} =745"mm F wind :=A 1·p·q·g F wind= 1440•N total mass mtot =3018·kg Fr=29599•N z al +z2 =4717-mm X cab = 106 "mm 19 m cab = 250• kg Tr:=xcab ·(mcab+mpass R +mpass L )·g+Fwin<1'<2 at+z2) 19 -19 -19 T r=7241 ·N·m Shear force (per foundation point): Fwind F shear :=-4-F shear = 360 ·N Vertical foundation points: distance of foundationpoint, X and Y direction: Vertical force per foundationpoint from total mass: Vertical force due to moment per ·foundation point: dx := 1278-mm Fvml Fvm :=-2-Fvm =2833·N Max. vertical foundationforce Fv max :=Fv g + Fv m per foundation point: Min. vertical foundationforce Fv min:= Fv g -Fv m per f~undation point: Fv max= 10233 ·N Fv min = 4567 ·N 9/11/97 T.M.van den Berg page 45 of 67 prelirrinary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Foundation loads Incl. impactfactor cj>=1,5, excl safetyfactor q, :=1.5 Flv :=(Fv g-FvmH F2v :=(Fv g-FvmH F3v :=(Fv g+ Fv mH F4v :=(Fv g+FvmH Fl h :=F shear·'P Fl v =6850·N F2v =6850•N F3 v = 15349 ·N F4 v = 15349 •N Flh =.540°N 9/11/97 T.M.van den Berg page 46 of67 prelirrinary ·- • • • design_g.m@ Design calculations Helicopter Legoland LC2 : Nonnal operation, highest position helicopter, 2pers. (90kg), wind load, diagonal position ( see drawing 97136-C-4006-0 and drawing 97136-C-4007-0) mheli =514·kg mpas_R =90-kg A I = 2.09784•m2 Windload: Speed 52mph = 83 km/h= 23.11 mis q=33 kgfmA2 take q=SO kglmA2 mpas L =90-kg z2 :=3972·mm Zal =745-mm X ab = 106°mm C 19 F wind = 1440 •N 9/11/97 total mass mtot :=mhell +mpas_R +mpas ___ L +msupportframe +mcontra mtot =3018"kg T r=7241 •N·m Shear force (per foundation point): Fwind F shear : =-4-F shear = 360 •N Vertical foundation points: distance of foundationpoint, X and Y direction: X :=1278-mm dx =1807•mm Vertical force per foundationpoint from total mass: Ff Fv g :=4 Fv g =7400 •N F1=Fmv Vertical force due to moment per foundationpoint: Tf=(F4+F2)*0.5*dx+F1*dx F1=2*F2 F2=F4 Max. vertical foundationforce per foundation point: Min. vertical foundationforce per foundation point: T.M.van den Ber~ Fv max .=Fv g + Fv m page 47 of67 Fv m =2671 ·N Fv max= 10071 ·N Fv min = 4729 •N prelimnary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Foundation loads Incl. impactfactor cp=1,5, excl safetyfactor 4> := 1.s: Fl v :=(Fv g-Fv mH> F2v := (Fv g + j-Fv m)·4> F3 v :=(Fv g + Fv m)·q> F4v := (Fv g + ½-Fv m)·4> Fl h :=F shear·4> Fl v =7093 ·N F2v = 13103 •N F3 v = 15106 •N F4 v = 13103 •N Flh =540•N 9/11/97 T.M.van den Berg page 4~ of 67 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland LC3 : Nonnal operation, heighest position helicopter, 1 pers. (90kg), wind load, paralel position ( see drawing 97136-C-4006-0 and drawing 97136-C-4008-0) mheli =514·kg mpas_R =90-kg A 1 =2.09784"m2 Wind load Speed 52mph = 83 km/h= 23.11 mis q=33 kg/m"2 take q=SO kg/m"2 mpas_L =90-kg z2 :=3972-mm Zal =745-mm X cab19 = 106 "mm F wind = 1440 ·N mpass R =90-kg -19 9/11/97 total mass m tot : = mheli + m pas __ R + Di supportframe + m contra m tot = 2928· kg Fr= 28716.7 •N m cab = 250°kg Ypas :=350-mm za1 +z2=4717-mm T r:=x cab ·(mcab+ mpass R )·g+F wind·(z al +z2) +mpass R ·Ypas·g 19 -19 -19 Shear force (per foundation point): Vertical foundation points: Fwind F shear :=-4-F shear = 360 ·N dx :=1278-mm distance of foundationpoint, X and Y direction: Vertical force perfoundationpoint from total mass: Vertical force due to moment per foundationpoint: Ff Fv g :=4 Fv g =7179•N Tf Fv ml :=d Fv ml = 58J4·•N X Fvml Fvm:=-2- T r=7456·N· Max. vertical foundationforce per foundation point: Min. vertical foundationforce per foundation point: Fv ~ax :=Fv g +Fv m Fvmm:=Fvg-FVm Fv max = 10096 •N Fv min= 4262 ·N T.M.van den Berg page 49 of67 prelimnary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Foundation loads Incl. impactfactor ~=1,5, excl safetyfactor $ :=1.5 Fl v := (Fv g-Fvm)·$ F2v :=(Fv g-FvmH F3v :=(Fv g+FvmH F4v :=(Fv g+Fvm)·$ Fl h :=F shear·$ Flv =639J•N F2v =639J•N F3 v = 15144 ·N F4v = 15144 ·N 9/11/97 T.M.van den Berg page 50 of67 prelimnary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 LC4 : Normal operation, highest position helicopter, 1 pers. (90kg), wind load, diagonal position ( see drawing 97136-C-4006-0 and drawing 97136-C-4009-0 ) m heli = 514°kg A 1 =2.09784•m2 mpas_R =90-kg mpas_L = 90-kg z2 :=3972-mm ZaJ =745•mm X cab19 = 106 "mm z al+ z2 =4717 •mm m cab = 250° kg Windload: Speed 52mph = 83 km/h = 23.11 mis q=33 kg/mA2 take q=50 kg/mA2 total mass F wind = 1440 •N m tot : = m heli + m pas _R + m supportframe + m contra mpass R = 90-kg -19 mtot =2928"kg Ypas :=350-mm Fr= 28716.7 ·N Tr:=xcab ·(mcab+mpass R )·g+Fwirui·(ZaJ +z2)+mpass R ·Ypas·g 19 -19 -19 T r=7456·N·m Shear force (per foundation point): Fwind F shear :=-4-F shear = 360 ·N Vertical foundation points: x := 1278-mm d x :=~x2 + x2 distance of foundationpoint, }( and Y direction: Vertical force per foundationpoint from total mass: Vertical force due to m«:>ment per foundation point: Ff Fv g :=4 Fv g =7179•N Tf=(F4+F2)*0.5*dx+F1*dx d X = 1807 "mm F1=Fmv F1=2*F2 F2=F4 Fv m =2750•N Max. vertical foundationforce per foundation point: Min. veJtical foundationforce per foundation point: T.M.van den Berg Fv max :=Fv g + Fv m page 51 of67 Fv max = 9929 •N Fv min = 4429 ·N preliminary • • • ---design_g.mcd · Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Foundationloads Incl. impactfactor$=1,5, excl safetyfactor cp :=1.5 Flv :=(Fv g-Fv-m:H F2 y := (Fv g + i·Fv m)·cp F3v :::;(Fvg+FvmH F4v :=(Fvg+½,Fvm)·~ Fl h :=F shear·4> Flv =6643•N F2 v = 12831 ·N F3 v = 14894 ·N F4v =12831 •N Flh =540·N 9/11/97 T.M.van den Berg page 52 of67 prelimnary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/f1/97 LCS : Earthquake, highest position helicopter, 2 pers. (90kg), forces in same direction, diagonal position ( see drawing 97136-C-4006-0 and drawing 97136-C-4009-0) COG of helicopter: z boven : = z2 + z hell z boven = 2936 "mm z2 =3972•mm Zheli :=-526.5-m mpas_R :=90-kg mpas_L :=90-kg COG of supp.frame: z onder := 2898-mm mupper :=mheli +·mpas_R + mpas_L z suppframe = -3514 •mm mupper =694•kg m under : = m supportframe + m contra m under = 2324°kg Fh a = 2270.2 •N Fh u = 7596.2 •N T r:=Fha·Zboven-Fhu·Zonder+Xcab ·(mcab+mpas R +mpas L)·g ~ -- Horizontal load: Fh :=-Fhu +Fha Fh=-5326•N Shear force (per foundation point): Fh F shear : = 4 F shear = -1332 •N Vertical foundation points: X :=1278,mm. distance of foundationpoi~t, X and Y direction: d x :=~x2 + x2 d x = 1807 "mm Vertical force per,foundationpoint from total mass: Vertical force due to moment per foundation point: Fr Fv g :=4 Fv g =7179•N F1=Fmv F1=2*F2 F2=F4 Tf=(F4+F2)*0.5*dx+F1*dx Tr Fvm := 1 Fv m = -5496 •N dx + 2·dx Max. vertical foundationforce per foundation point: Fv max : = Fv g + Fv m Fv max = 1683 ·N Min. vertical foundationforce per fo,undation point: Fv min : = Fv g -Fv m Fv min = 12675 ·N T.M.van den Berg page 53 of 67 prelirnnary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Le~oland 9/11/97 Fo.undatiooloads Incl. impactfactorcj,=1 ,2, excl safetyfactor cf, := 1.2. Flv :=(Fv g+FvmH F2v := (Fv g-½·Fvm)·4> F3v :=(Fv g-FvmH F4v :=(Fv g-½·Fvm)·4> Fl h :=F shear·cl> T.M.van den Berg Flv =2020°N F2 v = 11913 ·N F3 v = 15210 ·N F4v = 11913 °N Fl-h = -1598 •N page 54 of67 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 LC6 : Earthquake, highest position helicopter, 2 pers. (90kg), forces in opposite direction, diagonal position ( see drawing 97136-C-4006-0 and drawing 97136-C-4009-0) COG of helicopter: z boven : = z2 + z heli z boven = 3446 •mm z onder := 2898-mm Z-u :=zon.der z2 = 3972 •mm z heli = -527 •mm COG of supp.frame: mpas_R :=90-kg mpas_L .= 90-kg mabove :=mheli +mpas_R + mpas_L m under : = m supportframe + m contra Jil above = 694· kg Horizontal lo~d: Fh=9866•N Shear force (per foundation point): Vertical foUn<(ation points: munder =2324·kg Fh a = 2270.2 •N Fh u = 7596.2 •N Fh F shear : = 4 F shear = 2467 ·N X :=1278-mm distance of foundationpoint, X and Y direction: d x :=~x2 + x2d x = 1807 •mm Vertical force per foundation point from total mass: Vertical force due to moment per foundation point: Tf=(F4+F2)*0.5*dx+F1*dx F1=Fmv F1=2*F2 F2=F4 Fvm =11171 ·N Max. vertical foundationforce per foundation point: Fv max : = Fv g + Fv m Fv max = 18350 ·N Min. vertTcal foundationforce · per foundation point: T.M.van den Berg Fv min :=Fv g-Fv m page 55 of67 Fv min= -3991 •N preliminary • • • --design_g.mcd Design calculation$ Helicopter Legoland Foundation loads Incl. impactfactor q,=1,2, excl safetyfactor cj>:=1.2 . Fl v :=(Fv g-Fv m)·cp F2v := (Fv g + ½-Fv m)·cl> F3v :=(Fvg+FvmH F4v := (Fv g + i·Fv~)-cj, Fh Fl h :=-rcj, Fl v =-4790 ·N F2 v = 15317 ·N F3 v = 22020 •N F4 v = 15317 ·N Flh =2960•N 9/11/97 T.M.van den Berg page 56 of67 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 LC7 : Earthquake, highest position helicopter, 2 pers. (90kg), forces in opposite direction, paralel position ( see drawing 97136-C-4006-0 and drawing 97136-C-4010-0) COG of helicopter: z2 = 3972 "mm z heli = -527 "mm COG of supp.frame: z boven = 3446 "mm z onder : = 2898·mm 2 u :=zond~ mpas_R :=90-kg mpas_L :=90-kg m under : = m supportframe + m contra m above = 694"kg , munder=2324·kg Fh a = 2270.2 •N Fh u = 7596.2 •N T r:=Fha·Z a+ Fhu·Z u +x cab19·(mcab+ mpas_R +-mpas-'-L>·g Fh :=Fhu+Fha Horizontal load: Fh=9866•N Shear force (per foundation point): Fh F shear : = 4 F shear = 2467 ·N Vertical foundation points: dx :=1278-mm distance of foundationpoint, X and Y direction: Vertical force per foundationpoint from total mass: Vertical force due to moment per foundation point: Max. vertical foundationforce per foundation point: Min. vertical foundationforce Ff Fv g :=4 _ Fv g =7179•N Fvml Fvm:=-2- Fv max :=Fv g + Fv m Fv max= 19027 •N per foundation point: fv min : = Fv g -Fv m Fv min = -4669 •N T.M.van den Berg page 57 of67 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter legoland 9/11/97 Foundationloads Incl. impactfactor cp=1,2, excl safetyfactor $ := 1.2 . Fl v := (Fv g -Fv mH F2v :=(Fv g-FvmH F3 v :=(Fv g-+ Fv mH F4v :=(Fv g + Fv m)·$ Fh Fl h :=4·$ T.M.van den Berg Fl v = --5603 ·N F2 v =--5603 •N F3 v = 22833 •N F4 v = 22833 •N Flh =2960•N page 58 of67 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd . Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Summary LC1 u/i LC7 LC1 : Nonnal operation, highest position helicopter, 2pers (each 90kg), wind load, paralel position( see drawing 97136-C-4007-0 ) LC2 : Nonnal operation, highest position helicopter, 2pers. (each 90kg), wind load, diagonal positipn ( see drawing 97136-C-4007-0 ) LC3 : Nonna! operation, highest position helicopter, 1 pers. (90kg), wind load, paralel position ( see drawing 97136-C-4008-0) LC4 : Nonnal operation, highest position helicopter, 1 pers. (90kg), wind load, diagonal position.( see drawing 97136-C-4008-0) 9/11/97 LCS : Earthquake, highest position helicopter, 2 pers. (each 90kg), forces in same direction, diagonal position ( see drawing 97136-C-4009-0 ) · LC6 : Earthquake, highest positic,n helicopter, 2 pars. (each 90kg), forces in opposite directio diagonal position( see drawing 97136-C-4009-0) LC7 : Earthquake, highest position helicopter, 2 pers. (each 90kg), forces in opposite directio paralel position ( see drawing 97136-C-4010-0 ) Point 1 Point2 Point 3 Point4 Fver (NJ Fhor (NJ Fver (NJ Fhor [NJ Fver(NJ Fhor (NJ Fver[NJ Fhor (NJ LCl 6430 460 6430 460. 13904 460 13904 460 LC2 6643 460 11928 460 13690 460 11928 460 LC3 5983 460 5983 460 13688 460 13688 460 LC4 6204 460 11652 460 13468 460 11652 460 LC5 2789 -1287 10408 -1278 12948 -1278 10408 -1287 LC6 -4554 2711 14080 2711 20292 2711 14080 2711 LC7 -5308 2711 -5308 2711 21045 2711 21045 2711 Max 6643 2711 14080 2111 21045 2711 21045 2711 As the helicopter turns the forces wil tum also. So calculate foundation on the max. ver. force = 21045N and max. hor._ force = 2711 N (per foundation point) TABEL AANPASSEN! ! ! ! ! I!! I I! I I! 1111 ! 11 ! 111 I! I! 11111111 T.M.van den Berg page 59 of67 prelininary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Calculation steel cable, connected to the contra weights, according to DIN 15020 mcontra =619•kg n contra : = 4 g = 10-m•sec -2 mcontra:·g F ·----·-stat_ cable · n contra a max_ cable · -av m contra· a max cable a max_ cable = o.375• m• sec -2 F dyn_cable: ---n"-co-n-tra--=-- F stat_cable = 1518.8 •N F dyn· cable z cable:-· --F stat.,..cable Sc :=F stat_cable F dyn_cable =58•N z.:...cable =4·% z=<10% so use Fst_cable Sc= 1519•N Assumed that half of the time the cable is max. loaded_ 131 :=0.5 y:=o.s tl :=0.5 dt :=0.5 1 9/11/97 S=J•m k :=((131 +r>3-t1+,?-dt>3 k =0.83 tabel 8 page 10 > 3 schwer average time of funktion per day is 10 tabel 1 page 2 --> 3 schwer and 10 h ...,;;..> 5m tabel 2 page 1 with twisted wire (hazerd transport) =-=> c=0.15 dmm:=c-Fc takedmin:· T.M.van den Berg dmm=6·mm page60 of67 1 c :=0.15·mm·N·2 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Desi~Jn calculations Helicopter Legoland 9/11/97 Calculation Diameter Cabledisk table 4 page 4 > 5m and twisted wire gives h1=28 hi :=28 table 4 Sm and twisted wire gives h1=28 table 5 w=3 ---h2 :=t D min :=hl·h2·dmin D min = 280 "mm r min : = 0.525-d min r min = 5.3 •mm calculations safetyfactor Fo_cable_1770 :=40300-N Sc=1518.8·N V . ·-F O cable 1770 safety.-s c V safety=27 Vsafety=>12 ==> OK Calculation lifetime bearing Cabledisk: See drawing: 97136-C4011 Required lifetime of helicopter: Total vertical movement: Ride duration: Total time vertical movement: Maximum vertical speed: Req_life = 54750 •hr S =3000•mm Rd :=240,sec t tn := 204-sec -1 v v =0.7S•m•sec av = o•m•sec -l mcoutra·(g + ~v) F ver_contra := 4 F ver_contra = 1576.9 •N Wheelloads Cabledisk: F drum_ tot : = F ver _contra· 2 Number of bearings per wheel: n w : =2 T.M.van den Berg page 61 of67 prelininary • • • design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Maximum Bearing load: F __ F drum tot r dr ·-Fr dr = 1577 •N nw Bearing type guidewheels: SKF No:6008 Diameter of guidewheels: D gw :=290-mm Minimum Required lifetime guidewheels: x:=1 Max. R.P.M.: Max. bearing load: Calculated lifetime: p dr :=X-Fr dr Vv ndr:=--1t·D gw P dr = 1577•N LlOh := 1000000 ·(C dr)P dr lldr pdr Rd =240•sec nm = 96 •miii 1 t ReqJife guide : = Req_life-~ Req_life guide= 46537 ·hr LlOhdr =352507•hr >> Req_life guide= 46537 ·hr OK Calculation of drum wheel Calculation on max. static ioad: m contra·(g) F stat_dr := 4 ·2 Co dr = 11600 •N F stat_ dr = 3037.6 •N P __ F stat dr 0 dr --nw Po dr = 1519 •N s =8 o. > 1 ( Min. required) OK 9/11/97 T.M.van den Berg page 62 of67 preliminary • • • design_g.tncd Design calculations Helipopter Legoland calculation .Shaft cabledisk F ver_contra = 1576.9 ·N see drawing 97136-C4011 D shaft :=40·mm Lb :=42.5-mm Tb :=F ver_contra·L b crb = U ·N·mm2 Fatique check according to Htinchen Section A-A Point 1: Material: St 37 omax :=crb crmin : = omax crmin = U ·N·mm2 omax + cr:min 2 R:=·------' omax R=l Take R=1 ·-340 N -2 crbd .-. ·mm b O :=0.87 b d :=0.85 D :=O shaft D d = 1 d :=D shaft '3kb :=t+bk·(Pkb2-l) d bd·b o·b d crsch : = f3 kb crmax = 10.7·N·mm·2 S := crsch _ crmax S =24 T.M.van den Berg figure .56 figure 119 figure 120 d =40•mm r :=O-mm bk :=O figure 131 [3 kb2 : = 2.5 figure 131 crsch = 251 ·N ·mm·2 >30K page 63 of67 9/11/97 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Calculation guide rails F tot_wL·=53t8•N F ·-F tot wL rail.-2 T rail : = F rail· dist rail Design calculations Helicopter Legoland dist rail:= 250·mm. bran :=75-mm. --2 Frail =.2659•kg"m•sec Trail= 664693 •N-mm. Est :=210000·N·mm.·2 h rail : = 35· mm. Trail crb rail : ~--crb rail = 43 ·N·mni2 w b_rllil F an· dist ail3 f . ·= r r rail . 3· E sflrail moving horizontal Shaft Upper guide wheel (see drawing 79136;.C-4012) aupg :=28.5-mm. F stat_ totU = 7867 •N F stat totU Fupg: 2 T upg :=F upg-aupg W ·-1t d 3 upg .-32· upg crb := T upg Wupg T.M.van den Berg d upg := 16-mm. F upg = 3933.7 •N T upg = 112 ·N·m W =402•mm.3 upg crb = 279 •N ·.mni2 page 64 of67 9/11/97 prelirrinary • • • --design_g.mcd Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Fatique check according to Hlnchen Section A-A Point 1: crmax :=crb crmax +-crmin. 2 R: ----omax Take R=0.5 ·-900 N -2 crbd .-. ·mm b O :=0.95 b d :=0.96 Material: 42CrMo4 crmax = 279 ·N·mm·2 R=l . figure 56 figure 119 figure 120 D :=dupg D D =16•mm d :=16-mm r:=O·mm cr=t bk :=o Nader bekijk. en figure 131 f3kbZ :=2.5 figure 131 l3kb:=t+bk·(/3kb2-l) crbd'b o·b d crsch : A. 1-'kb crmax =278.8·N·mm·2 S := crsch crmax T.M.van den Berg S.=J crsch = 820.8 ·N ·mm·2 < 2,4 OK page 65 of67 9/11/97 preliminary • • • design__g.mcd Bearing bus abb :=8.5-mm F stat_totU =7867•N F ·-F stat totU bb·-2 Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Pbb:=25-mm dbb :=16·mm. Fbb =393J.7•N Tbb = 112"N·m Fatique check according to Hlnchen Section A-A Point 1: omax :=crb cnnin : = O· N ·mm-2 .. R: omax + cnnin 2 omax ·-900 N -2 crbd .-. ·mm b O '.=0.95 b d :=0.925 D :=29.5-mm. D -=l d . r d =0.04 R=l l3kb:=l+bk·(l3kb2-l) crbd'bo·bd crsch: 13kb crmax =99.1 ·N·mm.·2 T.M.van den Berg Material: 42CrMo4 Take R=0.5 figure 56 figure 119 figure 120 d :=25-mm r:=l·mm bk :=0.43 figure 131 l3kb2 :=2.2 figure 131 13kb =2 crsch =-521.7·N·mm·2 S := crs~h crmax page 66 of 67 S =5 >30K 9/11/97 preliminary • • • design_g.mcd Calculation tube atube :=189·mm F stat_ totU = 7867 •N Fr:= F st~ totU T tube :=F r·atube. T tube o-b:=--Wtube Design calculations Helicopter Legoland Fr=; 3933.7 •N T tube =743·N·m W tube :=50.2·cm.3 E :=210000·N·mm·2 I :=201·cm4 --atube_max :=280·mm f = 0.06819 "inm T.M.v~n den Berg page 67 of67 9/11/97 preliminary • • • z y Y=+350 Y. \() rn ~ rn II N N 0 0 t.n '°" II N 01 TI Y=-'-350 X 0 II N 0 0 0 rn II C/1 -·--· Project: 97136: Helicopter Legoland . Title: Total View I . . I I I . . I I I . . I I I . . I I I . r I . . I I . I . I IIIL VE~MA Drawing number M A N U F A C T U R I N G B.V. -,,: >v c CALCULATION ....,. Vekomo X=O + 0 II >- '° rn '-1' I II ~ N 0 0 Ln '-1' II ~ 0, D ·--·-- 0 II N Drawn by: TMvdB/WE 23-06-97 97136-C-4001-0 • • • X4=-305 R1=800 l/1 rn N N II l/1 N '° rn °' -.r I I II II Lf'1 '° ~ ~ N N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C\ C QI·.:: CCI = C: ID'i co c~ m QJ (/) '° U I ..... II t"'- N = G.R.P. Body = Safety bars Ratchet = Rotordrive -Rotordisc Steel Insert Step Steel Baseplate Currentunit = Slewingring 11 = Motor+Gearbox 12 = Topplate 13 = Connection Plate 14 = Column 15 = Collector 16 = Lowe·r Guide.wheels 2:Sofety bars b2=435 --·--·-~ 0 i.n --: II N .r::. w __ .._ Pro1ect: 97136: Helicopter Legoland Tille: Weights Calculation M A N u F A. C T U R I N G B.V. ll;YEK .. M_:\ Drawing number • CALCULATION Vekoma FRONT-VIEW Surface: Windload Point of app1ca 10n 11 G.R.P Body SIDE-VIEW Location of Origin For Moss Properly report see colculation:design.mcd 375 Drawn by: TMvdB/WE 20-02-97 97136-C-4002-o • • • Booster -~ I I ,, I L .. t 0 • I l[1 . .. -. I N I lSI I 1 ([ I ' I FN View A Ftroc. -Traction force pet boosterwheel FN -Pressforce per boosterwheel Vv • Verticolspeed of helicopter ** 36sec I -17x12-204 sec I 12sec* 0.75 -n n n r n n n n n n -r n 11/sec -0.75 -\J \j .\j u u \j IJ lJ lJ u u I Rideduration one ride • 240 sec I 'ertical helitopterspeed :7.8:9:10111~ :13.141516.111~ 1 800 0 -800 fl u Mass of Helicopter Ftroc. Vv E E 0 0 0 fT'I II ru ::£ 0 '- Cl) '------!f----'------V1 n n n n u \J u \j • • one cycle • one vertical movement up and down •• • Tiine for looding and unloadinge LC 1.7.13 • moving upward accelerating FN LC 2.a.1, • moving upward with uniformspeed LC 3.9.15 • moving upward deccellerating LC ,.10.16 • moving downward accelerating LC 5.11.17 • moving downward with unifarmspeed LC 6.12.18 • moving downward deccellerating For forces see specification 1/3 Troctionforce acc. LC 1 lo 6 1/3 Tractionforce acc. LC 7 to 12 1/3 Tractionforce acc. LC 13 to 18 laximum Tractionforces for one cylce ·per Booster ProJect: 97136: Helicopter Legoland Title: Spec.Booster I Drawn by: TMvdB/WE I 24-06-97 Ill VE~MA 'Drawing number M A N U F A C T U R I N G B.V. W .v 1 CALCULATION ....,.. • · Vekoma 97136~(-4003-0 ··:-·- • • • 15 -15 Helicopter z ______ --l--'--·rS-----·.:::-_-=---=-· -+-__ G_e_a_rb_o_x_ I I I I I }------J Motor 17x12= 204 sec Rideduration one ride = 240 sec : 6x2=12[sec] i--2-.{~ -+----: I· 1 I I IJ 11123'i~d I I I II I : I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I• I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I • I I L --------- - - - -_, 1 = accelerating helicopter 2 rotating helicopter uniform speed 3 deccelerating helicopter 4 = accelerating helicopter (other direction) 5 rotating helicopter uniform speed 6 decceterating helicopter I Loadspectrum · of Horizontaldrive j Proiect: 97136: Helicopter Legoland Title: Drawn by: TMvdB/WE 07-07-97~ MAN UFA C TUR~ JG B.V. -..,YEK•Mt CALCULATION Drawing number _\/oi<nmn 97136-(-4004-0 • • • --.:J' l.I) r-,.... II a N N r-,.... CJ\ rn II N N Yposs:..:1:.350 "F wind" ...r .. y 0dx= 1278 (2x Foundation points CENTER OF GRAVITATION (MASS UNDER) -· ~ · z Yposs=-350 X 0 o r-,.... 11 0. N No l.I) /T) II QJ ..c. N r-,.... ~ l.I) N II ::J N II (/) Fo_undation - points X=O Project: 97136: Helicopter Legoland. Title: Total View ,.._ VE~MA 'Drawing number M A N U F A C T U R I N G B.V. -, Ill'" c CALCULATION Vekomo 0 II >-- F wind <:;:::J 0 II N I Drawn by: TMvdB/WE I 21-07-97 - 97136-(-4006-0 • • • LC1 LC2 -· . ·-:;__-·-·-·. -+-· -__ ·_ ---- - -- 1 Paralel position 3 2 CX) ~ N '"" II X TI 4----...;__~--..L. I I I I I I I I I I -----. F~v=F1=F2 j dx=1278 Top view foundation points ~ F wind I Fh .j Fh Jl. fvm ~-~ Fvm Ff 1 . Fpers ~ I ~ Fpers r· -·1 Fvg Fvg I I I I I I I I I I I .-1 I ~ ~") Diagonal position <>' 3 / / 2 1 Top view foundation points Fmv=F1 F1=2*F4 F4=F2 ~ F wind I Fh j Fh ,n,Fvm T-~ - Fvm Ff 1 . Fpers ~ I ~ Fpers r· ·1 Fvg Fvg i -I Proiect: 97136: Helicopter Legaland Title: Cale. LC1. LC2 I Drawn by: TMvdB/WE I 21-07-97 ~ '-.YEK.MA !Drawing number M A N U F A C T U R I N G B.V. -s CALCULATION Vekomo 97136-C-4007-0 • • • LC3 . LC4 --·--·-·-·-·-·+·-·-·-·-· ...... --·-- r =. 2 . I /,. 2 L I Parole[ position 3 2 I I I -r ~ I N ~ I 4 ----:------1.;---'-I I Fmv=F1=F2 I ctx=127s I ·---· Top view foundation points ~ F wind -1 · Fh j Fh A Fvm ~-~ Fvm Ff 1- Fpers O I r· I -·1 Fvg Fvg I I I I I. I I I I I I I Diagonal 3 / / 1 Top view foundation points ~ F wind I Fh j Fh .ri,Fvm ~-~ Fvm Ff . 1 Fpers O I f' 1 Fvg Fvg Project: 97136: Helicopter Legoland Title: Cale. LC3. LC4 Drawn by: TMvdB/WE 21-07-97 1ll VE~MA Drawing number M A N U F A C T U R I N G B.V. 9 llj1' c CALCULATION .....,. Vekomo . I 97136-(-4008-0 ! • • • I ·----· 1 Diagonal position 3 / / 2 <;::i Fha I Fh I Ftl_~Fvm =r·~ Fvm · . 6FhU Forces Fha and Fhu in the same direction Ff J Fpers O [ 0 Fpers . r· ·1 Fvg Fvg I ·----· 1 Diagonal position 3 / / Top view foundation points Fmv=F1 F1=2*F4 F4=F2 <::?Fha I Fh ~Fvm F:r· .. FhU~ Forces Fha and Fhu in the opposite direction Ff 1 Fpers O I O Fpers f' ·1 Fvg Fvg Project: 97136: Helicopter Legaland Title: Cale. LCS. LC6 Drawn by: TMvdB/WE 21-07-97 · · '&.YEK .. MA Drawing number MAN UFA CT UR ING B.V r CALCULATION Vekoma 97136-(-4.009-0 • • • LC7 Porotel position 3 2 4a----:--------1 ·-..__ Fmv=F 1=F2 dx=1278 Top view foundation points ~ Fho Fh l_wFvm T· I -v-Fvm . FhU c:e:J Forces Fho and Fhu in the opposite -direction Ff f Fpers ~ I ~ Fpers 1-r· ·1 Fvg Fvg Project: 97136: Helicopter Legoland Title: Cale. LC? Drawn by: TMvdB/WE 21-07-97 -1ta..__VEK.MA . -Drawing number M A N U F A C T U R I N G B.V. , CALCULATION Vekoma 9 713 6-[ -4010-0 • 2 1 1 I ·-+-·- I • \ 2 42.5 290 1 1 1 = Fver _contra 2 = 2*Fver _contra • Proiect: 97136: Helicopter Legoland Title: drum (contra) I.Drawn by: TMvdB/WE I 29-08-97 ~ MAN UFA CT UR ING B.V. '-YEK.M!-CALCULATION 'Drawing number 97136-(-4011~0 ....,,. Vekoma • • • T~d...l.L-;:J'l~..;a-:,:,::ioo IJJC:. C:.i'U.Jll'-tC.C:.~J.lil.J DV 1200 VtT" 17x12•204sec -I Tmax= 7 [Nm] 15 n= [R.P.M. ) .:.. I Rideduration one ride • 240 sec: I Loadspectrum of Project: 97136: Helic:opj·er Legoland Title: M A N U F A C T U R I N G 8.V. 'vt:K•Mt CALCULATION Drawing number Vekomo Drown by: TMvdB/WE 27-10-97 97136-C-4016-0