HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; THE RIDGE; CB981645; Permit: IN ,_:·· '(~. ~ 1./ : Perm\t Ho~ CB98164~ .··Proje'ct:· No~ A9B02193 ,Dive 1 op1·M:int: Ho 11 · APP·ROvAL-- ~~-DATE 3 'fJ°t[ • ~LEARANCE _ t · ,...;,,.:====·=-==~ .. .....,.-.,.,.,.., .-,,.,.,,,-:,_;..:~= j ·ctTY Of CARLSBAD . . . -2015 Las pa]rnas-Dr:, Carlsbad, CA:'920C/J (619) 438-1161 I PERMIT Af:>PLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 20~?. Las'Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN ~HECK No.f8-/f'o.C/S-- EST: VAL--,--------- Plan Ck. Deposit ________ _ Validated By _________ -,-__ Date ______________ _ A ress (include Bldg/Suite #) Business Name (at this address) Legal Qescription Lot No. Subdivision ·Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Proposed Use # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms Name Address City S,ta'te/Zip Telephone# l)05~s-'J:,'e0NTffAC-TOS9coun~~NA••~-f*~~-:t.{1.~'f7,.~ --~,.~i '':"./<J<'} ~4!.tf/, ½$.;·}':~~~~<,!.:~:i,t"t·,.w.-t.i:-~~~SF.;;7~~~~~~r~;~,,~,,:'fZ.::.::!'~ .. ~~T,'.~~~~-;=;:I "-'~ 4;,''i¾M•.: '' , ....... "' "' ' • ' .t',~., -~~t~'~J \t, .. ,' R..~·.1$1-..-%w .... '*,ff"....,' :¢.'};;'t ~"<.(,.,,' -N~<.wl,,t(~~;,.s~1.::ld~,q~~--"0(Mi.::f.<M~\t,.,..;-.,i3¼.b,.-,--..i.·iw,y,.,~~ie)~½~t,:.'€"~~-~~ m;:.~~-llfil:.1->r~,..,.,,i,,..},,\¼Af.:..,;..'i.'ir.rsi,._,."¾i. ~~2L~-~~·~' (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, ,alter, Jmprove, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he ·is licensed, pursuant .to .the .Provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Div[sion 3 of the .Business and Professions Code) of that he '.is -exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applic.ant for a permit·subjects. the applican·t t,o a·civil penalty.of not more than five hundred dollars [$5001). Name Address City State/~ip Telephone# State License # ----------License Class---------~ City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name -Address City '.State/Zip Telephone State License # ;;;:;;;::;;;:;;;:;::;:;;;;::;;:;;:;::;:;;;;:;;;~:;;:;:;:;::;;..,.~- :S~~~~V'{O~~itl!~~{C~QMR~i$AUQK~~i~d~~~~'¥~:£~]S~~¼¾t;i~,>~1?1[J&f;[;~~D~$~i;i~iT~~}~~~~t.~~#~~~jfft&V:~~~¼~~~,~~ Workers' Compensation Declaration: l'hereby at.firm under penalty of perjury one.of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate pf consent to self-insuce·for workers' compensation as provided. by ·Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensatiim, as required by Section .3700 of the Lat;>or Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number. are: · Insurance Company______________________ Policy No·-----------~--Expiration Date _______ _ {THIS SECTION NEED NOT B!: COMPLETED IF'THE PERMIT IS fOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100] QR'USS) · 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I cer:tify,that in tlie performance of the·work for which this permit is issued, l·shall·not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage ·is unlawful, and shaJI subject an· employe.r to criminal penalties and· clvll fines up to one hundred thousand dollars {$100,000), in addition to the c9st_of compensation,.da.mages as,provided for in Section 3706 of ,he Labor code, interest and attorn!!y's fees. SIGNATURE·------------,---,--,------,,--'----,---,---'-,-,-,----,---DATE~-------- ~I2t10WN~Rfjiu1JIJERfD:e~~;iij1fiJ;N~JiifiJj~~~\tii~}~'fi~~i{f;;~~~~i~~~~~t:1i~::~~~t~~%~~)r:,t~!f1f~1~t~~t;~S{~~m.~~{·~~~~~~}~j~f*1~f;'J!l~~*t:;JrJl?J.2~l%f I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following.reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the w9rk and thE! structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law·does not apply to an ·owner of. property who builds or improves ·thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such·improvements are·notlntended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not.build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project· !Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt u_nder Section -----'-,---Business and Profi,ssions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and-materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application-for a building permit for .the· proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide.the proposed construction {include name·/ address/ phone number/ contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of·the work, but rhave hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name/ address/ phone number/ contractors license number):. ____ __,--------''------------------------------'--------------- 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work): - PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE_~---------------------~ DATE ________ _ ;c'oi'•i!]fflf"r{:ifsisec-rfofi:F.;..w:NoN'ioE.~litilfliflJ,,nuT(n1tio•pl:Rf,irr'£0Ni~~*~?.f~'.sf:::'!;!;1'.~,'B;~t%A'?.:''m"~ml$,"~:t';(7.l';~'?,R\f_\'¾,~';fD':2'\";i<~,:;i]~t\":l~':i;::11tt::st,~ ., , •• , ... A • " • ll<!' ••• -~-, --~-• ,o ,·-·~-9/.1.._, • .31'-~' ':'I.,.,. "" •. ~ ..... """, , ~ ... , .. ,'11 -~ ~'"' '~·:K0/'J~)7'\C'A"'''·=·"·"·•''• '""' ,·,§,'!,~~ ,t,,:i,..•,;<c.s,,;:;.r~--;,;,;tJ,z,.._.,,.. "•'"'""'''.,"""'"'"""~'"'·-•'··· ~.,,\Aa. Is the applicant or f.uture building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533· or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit frqm the-air pollution control district or air-cjuality management district? O YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site 7 0 YES O· ·NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CEijTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS Ti:IE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ~.ffif£.o'.N$:TR.~~1B@J\IP1f.«l~9~.ti~W\liii~'-i~\:.~,;;,$Z;;;lP,.~"'i't~:;/&J,.}:,,_!;;~-~~~i'i;i!:li!E~¼l~~~~:,;;~¥:=~~~~7:~.~z:;;~~:{ '.:~:-)J';";'J.f:'~,; I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit.is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS.,,..,-,----~----------------- !~~~fAP.J!LlO,M:l¥.C!:J:lll~l~ATJP,«t11ifu:1t&-'.tJ~\a~J~t:fi;},.\~t¼l~fi:.~z;~~f~~~:~~~i~~~~:Ji~~~1~i?&~fJfi~~7i~F~:~;~~~~~~&'Jf~~ I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct ·and that the··information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby: authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upori the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO S,AVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN,ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAiNST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0w deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Buil · icial under the ,provisions of this .Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not c !l within 365 pays from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the wo mmenced to ·, f 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE PINK: Finance'. ·~' ' r • C-ity of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 3/5/99 Permit# CB981645 Title: RIDGE OVERLOOK,PLATFORM PLANS Description: AND STRUCTURAL CALCS. 400 S.F. Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: 1 L.EGO DR Suite: Lot Location: l\PPLICANT : YU, GINA Owner: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> J.,EGO Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Comments Inspector Assignment: PD ------'-- · Phone: ;J /__. , inspecfDrfiL_ Requested By: JIM SKATES Entered By: CHRIS.TINE ___________ _.... ____ . --.----------------------------'--------- Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 3/2/99 89 Final Combo NR PD 11/3/98 1·1 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 11/2/98 11 Ftg/Foundafion/Piers AP DH NR PD CHY of Carlsbad D'lr:' · l .. 1U:aCEIVED . --~ ; Final Building Inspection De~;~~ildlng E~n_!! Planning CMWD St Lite Fire c:Of-e,~~:~ I · Plan Check#: . Date: . EN~/2i99;~Q..pf-PARHvF:NT Permit#: CB981645 PermitType: COM Project Name: RIDGE OVERLOOK,PLATFORM PLANS · AND STRUCTURAL CAL,CS. 400 S.F. Address: 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: JIM SKATES Phone: Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Subtype: lot: • I 111111 I I I I I I 11111111 I .II 111 I I II I I I I I Ill II I I I I I I I I 11 I II I II.II I II.II I I I I I I I 11 II '!I Ill II II II I II II 1111 I I'! Ill I I I I I I!: I I II Ill I 111111 I I I I I~ I I I II I II I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II Inspected cf)_ Date ~L-?1 . /Disapproved: __ By: Inspected: Approved: I Inspected Date· By: . Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected · Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: _. __ ·····················································••!!••• .. ································•······•···•···················································· Comments: ________________________________ ___._ _______ _ ,,, CIIJ al Carlsbad ~-; Fina1 Buildina· 1nspecuon "~-... ,P Dept: Building Engineering P~: CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: Inspected By: Inspected By: CB981645 RIDGE OVERLOOK,PLATFORM PLANS AND STRUCTURAL CALCS. 400 S.F. 1 LEGO DR JIM SKATES CA Phone: Water Dist: CA Date . Inspected: . Date Inspected: Date: PermifType: Sub Type: Lot: Approv~d: Approved: 3/2/99 COM Disapproved: __ Disapproved:__ . • I 11 I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111 I 11 I I I I I I Ill II II Ill I I I I I~ I I Ill 1111111 I I I I I I I II II II 11111 ~I I I I I I I I II II II Ill 1"1 I I I I I I I I II I II I 1111111'11 I I I I I I I I I II Ill 1!11IIIII1111111 II I II 11 Comments: ___________ _... ______________________________ _ .... , \ cnvot·Carlsbad. · · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning .CMWD St lite :Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: CB981645 RIDGE OVERLOOK,PLATFORM PLANS AND STRUCTURAL CALCS. 400 S.F .. Address: 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: JIM SKATES Phone; Sewer Dist: CA Water Oist: CA Date: 3/2/99 Permit Type: COM Sub Type: Loll • ••••I I I I• I•• I a 11 •• 1• •••II•••.•• 1a a••••••.,,. .......... • I•••••••••• I •i I•••••• •II••••••••••••••••!•••••••• I•••• I I•••••••• ••!I 1'• ii•••••••••'••• I• I I• I•• I• I• I 11• •• •• •• ~;pected .. ~:~ected: Inspected V Date ~ Approved: ___ Disapproved:--._ By:----------"-'-Inspected: ----'---'--'-'-"--Approved: ---Disapproved:-.- Inspected Date By: __________ Inspected: ______ Approved: ___ Disapproved:_. __ ····················································~···································································••!'••······························ Comments: --..,.--------'------,-----,----,-----------,-.---,-.---------...,....- CilY of Carlsbad · Final Building _Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite ·~ Plan Check#: Date: 3/2/99 Permit#: CB981645 PermitType: COM Project Name: RIDGE OVERLOOK,P[ATFORM PLANS Sub Type: AND STRUCTURAL CALCS. 400 S.F. ,~ 1-§ {('; rs; n ~f j§'. p\l Address:· 1 LEGO DR Lot: .,,o{ -1ni; Contact Person: JIM SKATES Phone: -,!fl! MAR -8 1999 JI Sewer Dist: CA WaterOist: CA _ _ jLI-_______ w \ ·i;~;~~···················F7····· ·····:·~:::: ......................... :~~:~~~~:·············::~:;:~~:·=· Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: -Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: App.roved: -Disapproved:_. __ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••!!••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i!•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••u Comments: ..... ·---~...,,.....-------· __ ,...._ "'T"'""--~----· ..... -------·----·+,--------"--------------- 1/v c) ~ 1\,-r'\. r t.;.,,;, SEE MULTIPLE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SCA.NNED SEPARATELY CB972027 IS THE . . PLAN CHECK NUMBER FOR MANY OTHER CB'S ALSO SEE . ( CB971460(OUTER PARK) CB971465(ADMIN BLDG) L l •J Information • ®To Build On Page_. 1_of_ EngitJeering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT cuENT_ .... L=-=e.0n::...=...;._o ___ _ PROJECT (Name} Le&zo~ )- DATE-/,--,..[_3/_.-_'7,__._.)'.,._--~ (Address}__, _______ ....,... __ Wakb a. Architect _ ___,/,_·-/ ..___,6;c__c..;L=-------------~- REPoRrNo. Laz_o:z, -99(/, Building Permit No. f'? -/~ Engineer _ _.lY/'-'-~c/,-=---=-fJ1__. ______ '--___ _ Plan File No. _______________ _ Govt. Contract.No. ______________ _ Contractor._-iJ3~ ..... l3--=G~-----------OSA·o~HP.D # / ·-rt Other J?dy -O,;(!i/c,a~ (>4:~l&zzr INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING _$_ MATERIAL DESCRl~ON . INSPECTLON·CHECKLIST __ OSHPD ./SJ_ Concrete Cylinders .JL Rinf.: Rebar4('7in fL1r 1_ Plan & Specs _OSA _._Cement __ Rinf.: W.W.F. --)fL Clearances __ specialty __ Mortar Samples --_ Rinf.: Tendons . . _)!!!. Positions __ Mechanical _-_Grout Samples __.lL Cone.: Mix #/psi,5".r.z Ji 66J -)d.. Sizes C M' #/ . I __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms. _ one.: 1x psi ,,kJ.Laps __ Roofing ___ . _ Masonry Block ----. -_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi X..concrete __ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi _2t. Consolidation __ Masonry _. _ Units (block or brick) --_ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batchinn __ struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --____ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --_ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Steel __ Fireproofing _._Steel --_HS.Bolts __ waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -·--_-Metal Decking __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) --_ Electrodes __ soils Technician __ Other --·_ Fireproofing __ Batch Plant __ Other --___ Other _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --. _ Corrections completed REMARKS .. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: T9 the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building coges. This report covers•the IQcations of .the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · DATE---,--~//._-_,,''----U~------ PSI-B-900-170(2) EsGH Corporation 'l.n Partnersliip 'U/itli (jovemmett.t for '13uifaing Safetg DATE: July 22, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1645 · PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Maze Overlook SET:ll ~~NT ~ D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transrnit!ed herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. · ·· ~ The plans transmi.tted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list . and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for. the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. · D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person ~ REMARKS: At detail 8/L362: 1. Revise the handrail height to 34" minimum, 38" maximum. 2. Revise the handrail diameter to 2" maxi.mum: 3. Show that the handrails extend 23" beyond the bottom of the stair and 12" beyond the top. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D .EJ .. o PC Enclosures: 7/1-7/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 ~ San Diego, California 92123 + (<'.119) 560:-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation '1.n Partnersliip wftli(]ove.mment for '13u{faing Safety DATE: June 12, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.:. 98-1645 PROJECT ADDRE:SS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Platform Framing; Overlook SET:'I. D APPl:J ANT JURI . D PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE D The plans transmitted h$rewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans .are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. · D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. " [Z) The applicant's copy of the check Ust has been sent to: faxed to Gina Yu (760) 804-7960 ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applLcant that the plan check has been completed . Person contacted: . Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA DCM D EJ 0 PC 6/2/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560'-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 98-1645 June 12, 1998 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1645 OCCUPANCY: A3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V.a.N ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: SPRINKLERS?: REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: June 12, 1998 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE: View Platform ACTUAL AREA: -40D STORIES: HEIGHT: OCCUPANT LOAD: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 6/2/98 PLAN REVIEWER: Kurt Culver This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department .. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning· Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other d~partments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. . . - Code sections cited are based on the 1994 UBC. . The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. LIST NO. 22, GENERAL COMMERCIAL WITHOUT ENERGY OR POLICY SUPPLEMENTS (1994 UBC) comforw.dot Carlsbad 98-1645 June 12, 1998 • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San 0iego, California 92123, (619) 560-1468 .. 2. Please provide a complete construction cost estimate. • PLANS 3. Only structural plans were provided. Please provide complete architectural plans., showing disabled access provisions, guardrails, etc. 4. No dimensions were provided on the plans. • FOUNDATION 5. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grad.ing plan and·specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recomm·endations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (When required by the soil report). • FRAMING 6. On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items requiring special inspection, in a format similar to that shown below. • REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS In addition to the regular inspections, the following checked items will also require Special Inspection in_ accordance with SE:3c. 1701 of the Uniform Building Code. · - ITEM $OILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION OTHER REQUIRED? REMARKS YES (anchor bolts per pg. 22 of calcs) 7. When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Please review Section 106 .. 3.5. Please complete·the attached form ... Carlsbad-98-1645 June 12, 1998 • AODITIONAL 8. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 9. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly · describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans -not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: 0 Yes O No 10. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review .for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Kurt Culver at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 98-1645 June 12, 1998 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLAN CHECK NUMBER: _______ OWNER'S NAME: I, as the owner, or agent of the owner.(contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I; or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsible for employing the speqial inspector(s) as required ·by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701.1 for the construction project located at the site listed above. UBC Section 106.3.5. Signed I, as the engineer/architect of record, certify that I have prepared the following special inspection program as required by USC Section 106.3.5 for the construction project located at the site listed above. Signed 1. List of work requiring special inspection: D Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection D Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI D Prestressed Concrete D Structural Masonry D Designer Specified D Field Welding Englnee~s/Archllect's Seal & Signature Here D High Strength Bolting D Expansion/Epoxy Anchors D Sprayed-On Fireproofing D Other _____ _ 2. Name(s) of individual_(s) or firm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above: A. 8. C. - 3. Duties of the special inspectors for the work listed above: A. 8. C. Special inspectors shall check in with the City and present their credentials for approval prior to beginning work on the job site. Carlsbacl 98.:.1645 June 12, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr .. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: !Jeck BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft/) -. Deck 400 - ... . Air Conditionino Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1645 DATE: June 12, 1998 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Wood VALUATION VALUE .. MULTIPLIER '($) . 12 4800 . . 4800 D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee [Z1 Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 69.83 D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee -~ Plan Check Fee by ordinaAce: $ Type of Review: ~ Complete Review . D Structural Only D Hourly ' - D Repetitive Fee Applicable o· Other: . Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 36.31 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 City of Carlsbad M#ih·11 h44ii,i~l-l4·ktihii4hl BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: b,.../'$:7<5 PLANCHECKNO.: CBo/6-/~¢6 BUILDING ADDRESS: On:: C: L-(;20 c?lr--· PROJECT DESCRIPTION: £,IAfte_ ,4?qce_ ~a>~ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: _________ EST. VALUE: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: Please see the attached report of deficiencies marked with D. Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By: Date: By: Date: -------- By: Date: FOR OFFJCIAL USE ONLY NG AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT: By: ,_ Date: 6 _,, / ~ 'l ~ ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON Name: Frank Jimeno City of Carlsbad Address: 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: (619) 438-1161, ext. 4501 CFO INFORMATION Parcel Map No: Lots: Recordation: Carlsbad Tract: A-4 lll.ASPAI.MAS\SYS'11.IBRARY\ENGIWORDIOOCSICHKLST\BUidinq Planchecl< Cl<lsl BP0001 Form FJ.doc ,. Rev.913197 2075 Las Palmas Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-~576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-0894 @ >, .c ~ ti Q) .c: t) C: C: C: ca ca ro C: a: a: , . PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDiNG PLAN. CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Address ·one L€6o ,()rive Phone (619) 438-1161, ex-tension l/f4t'C Type of Project and U$e:,-.i..n..,. l"C\. 1 (X) Project Density: Al/~ ,. . Zoning: C-7-c; Generar Plan: T-tf . .·Facilities· rvlanagement Zone: . 13 . CF~outl_# . /. Date of particip1;1ti.on: l?nl/23 Remaining net dev acres: 2.S-.. ~~ One : · ~ · · · -·~ -. . . . . . : . . ·, .. <. \· . . . ... -. (For non..:residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: All o±hec ~d"l ( vses wrr: ,'o/e,;,-/ffiech o-n ---rhe c..ho,.r--J-; Legend: ~-Item Complete G2J ~ ·It~~-l~comp;ete -Need$ your actior· .:_· Environmental Review· Requir~d: YES.-· _· NO 2( TYPE ---'----'- DA TE OF COMPLETION:------------------ Compliance with conditions of approval? If .not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval·: ··- Discretionary Action Required: Yl;S .. NO. x-TYPE --~-. . c.c:# 97-G7o .. --· s:-20--47 APPROVAL/RESO. NO. Ac.::JJ 'KfiB-fl/Cf!tf DATE fl-lG-C/7 PROJECT NO .. SQ,tl Zvlc./ . . ... 0THER-RELATE0 CASES: _·...;;;;q);.;::,-,£!,.f)_C,..L.,;G-·: ___ .-.::....ICc:;..._--,---------------_..;.. 1 Compliance with conditions of approvc1I? ·If .not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: -------'---,-.----,-------------a....c.--,--- Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Proje~~-sit~ _lo_c~~eq. j1;1;.'.6o'a$t&LZ:bne? : ~ES;·)(.-NO·:··.,:/.·.- CA Coastal Commissior:i Authority? YES __ · NO )( ., ';, If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact ~hem at ._ 3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725'; (619) 52l-,8036 . - Determine status (Coa$tal Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination. f=orm now. Coastal :Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: YES Al/;eq NO -- 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt''. or "Coast~I Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans) .. ~ 2) Complet~ Coas~~-,1 Permit D$termination Log as needed. -- @))fo lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES __ NO~ (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES NO ----' .(Enter CB#; tJACT; NEXTf2; Construct housing Y/N; Enter Fee Amount (See fee schedule for amount); Return) Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensional sit~ _plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, •. property lines, easements, .existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and exi~ting topographical linei. /J('r:Nide. ~ srie-jJlo,t'\ .shN-/i'rf -Hie. lo<4-fi'cv1 a+' . -+1-,e /,J f'O/!(J~ cc~c,f,'o,r,. 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: <'-""'/J ,/ ---ee -x..J Cf(;-/7 1 . Setbacks: Front: Required -------Interior Side: Required ______ _ Street Side: Required ______ _ Rear: Required ------- Shown -------Shown -------Shown -------Shown ------- ~ D 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Shown Front: Required ~-------------Interior Side: ·Required· -------Shown -------Street Side: Required ______ _ Shown -------Rear: Reqµired ______ _ Shown -------Structure separation: Required ______ _ Shown ------- 3. Lot Coverage: Required -------Shown ------- Height: , Required _______ Shown --.------- A-t,11Jde-eleva-Hcns eon-firwirnc;--th:c-/-/J~ he' oes no+-ex~ ~ ~,c,'Vo1(.JIN'\ /Jet'""'t he!J?it-: Parking: Spaces Required ' Shown ------- Guest Spaces Required -------Shown ------- D D D · Additional Comments ____________________ _ OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE~ 07/14/1998 14:03 6192920771 SAN DIEGO PAGE 02 •. --7 ... _.· L_Ei_lS_Wli_'O_'N ___ AM_'D_A....,SS"""""'o_ci_~_TE ..... s, .... ·:IM_C_. -------~~ ·Gtotw.-1111111111N1 l'llwlr11111i111 ... frl1lnl'*t CcaalrallS July 14, 1998 ProjectNo.49601S1-009 To: LEGO'Pa.rk PUmhing 5600 Avenida)::ncin~. Suite 130 · Carlsbad, Califotnia92008 ,, Attention: Mr. Richard Ap~l .. Subject: Structural Plan Review Letter, The Ridge Nature Maze, LEGOLAND, Carlsbad, California. References: Leighton aQ.d.Associat~s, 1996, Supplemental Gcotechnical lnvestigatjon, Lego Family Park, Carlsbad Ranch,. C~lsbad; California, Project No. 4960151-001, dated July 23~ t996 · Hellmuth Obata + Kassabaµm, Inc. 1998, Structural J>Jans for. The Ridge, Nature Maze Platform, Legoland, Carlsbad, Califomja, dated May 15, 1998, Sheet. S220 In ae<:~~ with your request, we are herein providing .out' comments regarding the review of the structural plans (referenced al;,ove) for the Overlook Platfopn for the Nature Maze at the Ridge, in Legoland, Carlsbad, California. B~ed on o~ review, it is our opinion that the structural plans are in conformance with the recommendations provided in our geotechnical report dated July 23, 1996-(referenc~d above). In addition, a representative .of our firm ·should observe the foundation excavation prior to concrete placement. If you have any questions, please, do· not hesitate to contact this office. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service, · · Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Distribution: (2) Address~e (I) HOK, Attention: Ms. Kyoko Adachi FAX :.H0/453-2052 (1) Martin .~d Dunn Attention: Mr. Rqq Joyce FAX 619/497-0429 . (1) HOK, Attention: Mr. Chris Roonef (l,ego Site Office) 760/804"'7959 P/projectSl49601Sl-0031..e&oNmure:MazcOverlook 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD. SUITE 8205. SAN Dl~GO. CA 9i 123 ,'_ .. : ' ·' -::, , ; ·2 (619) 292-8030 • (800) 447-2626 FAX (619) 292..0nl . .,,;--v---,-., ....... v-- i 2)•I•Cll NAIL.ING tc:HS01.1L.a • M IN..1!66 NOTI!D O'M;Jltll&E) Olt~ JOlf-T-, T_G914 ____ •.... J • Id ······---..... ······-········-··· 2 • Id re, JOl6T Olt ~ PACII MAIL.···-· .. -• IMI • »• O.C. IOJOl6T Olt M.ICIDKALL ·-··--················ -·->•IMIN!l»' , •na:>. ........ _ ............................ , ..... ,. t1'IIUC:t\lUL •11!1!1. .U HICIM f'INHa,lM IIOI.TIIQ . . ·-· .... --··· ··. ----,.-------. J. M.L HOIIC. IIIALL tUT n« llli~cil Tie _., .DULl)HG, c:a,r. JIM IC>ITION.. al'LA,W ............................... 4....CT~Olt 2•16d.llOK'-L ••. PACE MAIL.................. ... 1M1 • 24' O.C. ,-1'1.ATU,Tll"ICM. . a., l'IB.O ICDIIQ• , • . · CJ TUTHII SI'. IL~.Olt9T OTla,.._ M ~~:. le.06CCO'l'l,fflMO 4. Helli! NO CCM~ r:>eT.AU -~ Olt NOT!C>:l'Qlt·.AN'I' r-MT Cf' Tie-~ eucll,DITA•U eMA1.L eE Tl«! -.Al l'ClltN11.NlHOIIK61-0N · e11na~. ---·· ............... -· .. ·-· ........ o.c. P'UTU. ······-·· .. -... -........................ .... !M!IN JCIIITI Olt IOf"l'I.Aff. ..................... ...... ......... J • M TC/f" l'LATI!. .......... -.... ,.. .. .. ................ Id ••• o.c:. ~MO 6, fN:11 K41. .. _ ........... ·-... 2 • IMI CA0l!I\ .......... _ ........ ·-· .................... o.c:. AI.QG!ACIIEOCII ~TO .............. -...................... 4 .... .ATl!.T~ ................... )•Id fa .1\DI ........................... IMI e 24' o.c. •!Aalll!-~MO--............ Jed•JrO.C. TQI" t eofTQ1 t ITA«.e!la).J.UJd •EtotMOl,IQI 81'1.ICZ IIIUIL r-Alel.6 ...•.• -_ ....... ea - 111 IIOX IIAIL. MAT 11! ueEC> l!>aPTl+«l'I! ! HOTID. lit~- l)J ALL ·~ ~ 4• ~~~ATIONi>ceAYAT!c:Ml!XlmO TO ""'°"""C>ll"IM MO~ •TMT.4. •· 1101.:•'li~ 11 c:a«:N'TI . .•. ll"IUoT Al'l'LIIC>--~ M ~·aT ~·-~ ,. ,t. c:Bffl'ICA'!a Cf' tATW,f,CTc:,in-~ Cf' -~ ll'IICIAI. INlt'BCTIC;IN tlltT N'IUlll"ITm) TO n« PED ~l:>MelCK. . Ni Al'l'LIC:ATION l'Cilt Ol!'-emt P~TION !'WT 191 ~TOM 1'111.1) Ml'l!C:llQ._OMt!QI.POlt ~M. ""°"TOP~TIOM. ,t. ·Cl!lffl'IC,l.,W Cf' ~ "°" Cll"•emt f.AIINC,4Tl(lll l'IIIT 1111 CO'PL&TIC> MO llllll'ITlB) TO na PED IHll'SCTIOM PMelCIN !'NOit TO INCTION Clf- ,.,..MINCATII) ~·· • Hl!LDi l0eHTPEI .A6 IIIEQMH:l ~ Olt .1"!1901)1C ll'ICIAL Nl"l!CTlON le£> NOT MAW . ll'!elAL IW'ICTION-M H!LC>N:I it·CXN! NAN ~.PM!aCATOlt"l 11101"; ~ M . ~ P,~TOltl'IIIT 8lel1IT A ~l'IC:ATI! Cf' •. n« camuc:TOlt eMAI.L Oltlll!C. CCl'llnu:T ~ l'IAIHT»I ALL IM'llT CIW:lt. IHCLUOIIG 'IMOl9,ti MO~MO~·el!.tCIIAT~ -~ TO ALL UlCAl..•TAtll AIO PE>EIUL ~ AIO ICALlM tTAIOAIIC>t, LAHt MO -,,,AT!Qlt. . . ODk:1N ClltlTalll• / .fl'lat 1114· U9C: ' L LMLOAO•ri¥1 ~:.,._------:=:~ 2. HtO, .4.1 IIMICHN' ~ •---Vl'l'M. ·II.I~ C ,. lfilflMIC, Y•~•H ::-----------f; (~ "' "~· ~coce flOI.NOATION6 c::ot1'\.INCI II N:COIIO.tHCI! Hml Ille: . · . . l'CIIH)ATICIN Olkill it e-4eli> CII Tie (iil!OT!QNC.l,L Ml"Cl!tJ.AIO IT6 ~· ,...,-NIED IIY LelGHTON·AIO MeOCIA~t; IC. l,AN DIIGO. CA. . ~ NO. 4----'.:AI.T 2),Mt.llePQtT 16 AVA.Ul!ii.! l'Qlt ~-""'11 Tie CIHD. ,.-. IICTICJC 1111.U. ,.eoe.PIICI 16 C>Q« N.A-11101" ~16~=~=c:,:- -Cll"-arTII PAIIIIIC4TION tlltT 1111 UNTTm TO MO ~·a,-NL\ PIil.i) Ml'ICl10H 0Mll0N. IVIATlc:::iN6 I. TUTNi_.., l'Qt n« l'OL.LCll-eO-. ~ leA0llt 2t1'.Clf' ~ ~Ntl!CIN !IOI.Ti MO . i-o HCil.DCH( li!l"'Ol(T~ IIO'.Tll'OI' UOl~TICII <ll' 111()1.f HD.6. ltlf Ol'l'ID 611.V.IICIIP IIW.L M 1M1WC> 11 l"Uea TO C>ETllllt9a QIALIT'I' ,t: ~ 111A1:1W1 Cf' MTALLATION. TINIION TUT M! IIOLTI AT 1HICI: E MM, M,lflQllt M IU.1WC> CM"ACn"r. N TINICIIC. Mf MIJN HILL ~ ~.a. :::,,,_TM IIOI.TV'"':v'"'~,..._R,..'vTD ....... no.._..M.L"V'_..-wN_,_..,...__...IIO'..__..._,;.ta.· -..,.....,_;..... HTl!CTIIUL IIT. ~ :!I)~ JT. JOIIT 'XIC> .»T. JOIIT ,...,. Le. l!CIIN) JC!C> IA, LOO . JO:Na ~-L.CINQffll)N,11,; t-1 LT. HT. LIIIHll«IGMT I l'1AX. l'IA>Ctll1 r>~ NAL.IIQ NA l'\Aae« l!IOLT Q1 Cf' l'OORtl ~ reawtCAL ~ 11N. l'9ftN ~ l'ffl.. l'WTM. -(Ml ,e.t, lEII -K-6.. HAUG IN~ O.C. QI CltlTIR ~ION JOIIT O.M. Q111'Q611£ H.lt0 EIIL.Je Ol'Ml. CIPBtNi ,0 d P'IN(Y IC l"C. Nez ffl!WORrlNT r-..e.c. l"NCMT rtl It l'LA.11! -l"L TH). l"LlHl:ICO 2CTICIN r-.T. ,.,..... ~TIC> nu:TlON IIH). M!ClM000 -llelfl ... ~ ttMtK IIIE,(;lg.-- fl!lt "'· ..::,a, ,LI! t.C. ~c:otte:TOlt oTl!II -·---::ow. --11111.An.G I M1. tf1IM <Ml --11«TAL ;i. ,.o.o. a,18(:IIIClftAOI! IO 11'011.. ll"ACIG ,_ >....:NJC>f>lf ATICII (C,Atll1) ~ 4TOlt -N4&.IIQ 610& HAT No -"PIIAII I ;I! " N41.IIQ >ATION Cf' OP~ Clf'l'IAIQ«r OI' tTICI '"9tfflt4TICN tG HO _,.. IQ. IQ.IAN! IT-. •TAOGPIP 6T~ 6f~ ,m. •ffl'lltlft tTL. •TDL am. l1'IU:!IIUl. •T11UC:T. t1'1U:!11UL T t • TOf" • IIOTTQ1 TO T,ftN!I) G~ Tic. TArllll) •THL nc. 1MIIIEA0 T..N. TC>!! N4&.IIQ , T.O.C. TOf" Cf'~ T.Ol'. TOI" Clf-POOTtlO. T.O.,.. TOI" 01' ,-_,- T.O.t. TOf" Cf' •T&L T.O.IC. TOl".Clf-HAU. -·~ Tl ·~rui,H:!, Tt ~•THLJ m-. TTl'IColL Itel.la). ll&CIQCII) . . 11.0JC. --OIIIIM!-. (VJ ~ '"""'· ~ *"· H0191.l'Qtff W ICTN MCZIP -~IC-"'ICIITIP. LA91AIID -HT. l«IQMT LA'Na>IIU1 HTt NU:C IMIIEAC8I .!II) C KMI'. 'lo4!1.01D -F.-C: :clffAL ~za«AL IIO'.TI N HOOC) IIWJ. i«:IT N LUI TIWI 1 PW&TW ~~~-l'l'Cl'I~~ .J. NC) Q«ocl 01t el"I.ITl·Al.1.QC) AT MIIM-TO 1!11 IIOLTIC>, . . 4 ALL CQtl!CfQM.eM41. el! 9T·#'l'IC:N l~•TII! CQ-f"Mf·Olt ICIIO EQl.ll.. . CILLIE? L,H11NATIIO TIJ"IIIPI_ l Ul1lllllo C>QIIIUt l'll•L;W:H CCt11111ATIOIC. ,_. • .,,,. -N"Pli .,...,. --NC) 2 ....... -CONTNICIUt OIi~--' Cl:K>ITICIN Cf' 1181,· · .,._, .o,n-• IHIINOM 11.J. ,-«T • !XfE!IIO!t 2. ~ HET.ueE·tHA~I ,,~~ .. .,.,, ---c:atllALEI IIJ-~~ ' , ....•. lllll~ca0 ~ <ia:M.IL.Allt WIIICliMi' 14 flle::IIJ .. ~~~~~~=jw c:a'PN!Mr..t! 6-TM'AT:» l)AY6 MO, Tie 61.111" 16 M!'MAXt1tl' IN tOl!t. . . ' MX l'OIK>ATIQ6 ll'!ll l"UHI .... 4/)t)O . 4 l'QIIC)AT!Qlt .. _ ········-.. -·-·-·-·JI/!# . ·4 «.,e ONGAAC>E ,_. 4 HAU.I ................... -.. .->MIO 4 A.I CQCIIET! CMT ACM116T AIO . '1"'!1111Me1TL T l!>cl"OelP TO !Jllffll ..... , J 11,1' COlaeTI! l!><1'0eEC>·TO l!Alffll OIi H!An«llo . NO.• -II0 .. 16 ~ ...... . . 2 NO. t ~ MO ll'WU!t. . . . ... . • Vl CJ CQQEll NOT ElCP'OeEl). TO . ,H!ATlelt OIi N CONfACT HITM ~. ~.HAU.t, :~~~· ........... . .. J/4 l"IU1AlffllE-. Tiet. 6T_,..; ll"IIUL6 . .. ... . 11/J 4. ANCMOII IIOL Ti AIO ~e, Na.1N!L T lel.t) IN ~--ro~~ IIOI.TIIMl>LL IIE NJ. l)W'IETJ!ltHITM QIT TlfllEAC>I. . t. _,ieAL IIE_.,._ IIMALL.111-TO na-....-rtGl'l!l'B!M·i,nw 1ME ....,... __ l#CJ ll"ACNo Cf' le~ .... CAIJ.!l) l'OII IN-T!4! ~-OIi 6TANDMD MOT!•." .•• ll"LIC!6.1N ltEN'O!'::IIQ, ·TIC t1Nl'U1 LAI' ei"'-1. 1K Tl!N&Oi LAI" 61'1.ICI CLA.66 "II' l'Elt lCll!l:lll.E. 1. IUIS·IIEIM'Cw:;NG, 61"1.IC!,.TC/f" -AT. 1111) ll"AN. 61"1.ICI l!IOTTQ1 .,_ AT-.. '-~ -ON,HAI.L.I, N.I. TIIIOOE&& Of HALL. Olt:11• t11Nlt'U1.·-!KAM6 •• i -·IIJ,N. \. 11"..ialt 1*to MN1611,j .TIU AT 24' N M.L 8!»1S ~ fOC>Tt«.6, IK.EM OTME--N DETAl.6. ·i.. le.~ClUIUl.., t-e~ NC)-~ -l'OII LC>C,lTICIH6 Cf' l"ft6, DUCT6, 'o'EHT6 ,lie).~--. L c;,wt'E,_. SIA' CH AL,L ~ CCREN. 12. N!~ 61UL .~,D!t,1Htcl6·MO l'LAClt'eff ·~• N!VIEl«D IIY TIC ~CT IIIPGIIIIE ,_,!QI. IJ. TIC ~ 11MALL el! NOTPl!l) 24 -II • l>DVM/Q CF-ALL ~ l'LACl!l'9ff. 14. NO e.AO<:l'U MALL 1!11 l"Qlll!I) AOAIIIT Mr HALL IHTL• TIC HAU. MAI IIIEAOC) N.I. .• TNIGTH l#O ~~~:.:.:~~~ LEGO._JjD C. A·R L .3 BA P ._.,.,id~ _...,_ .... _..__,_~OIi-.... , ..... _ .. , ... ,.,, .. HOKINDdlol _.,_ IMl_....., ___ J-,CA-•.•••• .,..211 .. ai,- Mar11a•1>au.1ae. .._ .......... ___ c,,_._.._CAftlN ..,.,,11,_ • .,.,_,_ ----.+AHoclalN ---~ ........ -1111w.~-. .. -. ........... ·u.-....... v..111 ..... .. . ' ......... ....... . -.& IIIWT1Nt• A 9UU.anl••• '111ERIDCE • ..,,_ -- ....... ......... 'HOltHMkM -R--,-_0----00--=-lo___,o 1=si=io=-- t1 [ [ [ [ [ i [ [ lz I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z f- ~ MARTIN & M.ARTIN, INC. Structural -& Civi+ Engirteers ~ 7801 Mission Center Ct. #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Rhone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR (M&M PROJECT NO. 960240.00) The Ridge Clu.ste.r Maze Overlook Platform and Partitions Architect of Record: Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum For Bulletin No. 408 May 15, 1998 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 ·1 I I I SUBJECT Maze Overlook Platform Maze Partitions INDEX SHEET NO. 01 -.27 28 -31 I I; I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- 1- I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 /) ~ Lo,,6-.C) ,Z---1-P~II-./Ce> -z,/ tf-11 T $-C..O rv'i '-'J'O. . ,Zx ~ <Z /~11oc, Jt,,:rs (() /SC.. P:::: 0$c~4 r = )tb.7 p t:.,;;P I j--s -::../.2,"' Ce.:/.,~. c., -:.. /, 4- r =-I ,o JOB-------,----'-"· ~=ij:;,..::....::~--=-:...!=-..!.:::::.-·;___ ___ _ SHEETNO. · I OF ------ CALCULATED BY . tb DATE __,,5"-,,_,_/ j'-1-, -J_._&.____ CHECKED BY ________ DATE ____ _ SCALE _,_M...:..;~c___.:-:____-=...N..!_~=-::.:..__;_1.....,..:::.D-=0/'-:;.1..._ ______ _ 4.z rsr- t.3 /. ~ I. '1 .s: It? f 7:,--p /v; f"7F { ()~£? I '.2--S C! 'S.711'-:r,Z..S /4--t,..,.&;;;;,t) -CPtU seizvl\71 v;} sasm1~ V, :-. 1:--IC. W - 'U)tJ~t- i-~t',4- I.--:-/,t? rn li"!fi'I"' "3-frJ ct,;.,' (~~~) ~ \ \ c.-::2 .. 7s /2-w:: -2, {e,t!t.Jfl~ U:?t. r./j')'f ,v ~) •r I -.--• ,-_ --. --.-~ -.-, 0 ------· -•• -, • -•• " •• -" -.-. " •• -., 0 --s ---------.. ~ _-,, ~ _-. ~ --~ -,-,. ~ --~ _-.. " ,-_, .-, o> _---' p:;ccucr 211-· ~~.ii.·~.; •31~·,:n '.'ilh :1.;;• 1",::i,,>:sr ..... c,,E iCL~ :::::; ·-:-:'.,•!~':~!,:~ --/-( -- '\ .~ AB. ~~ ',$>' , .. ,r--r-1, ,.:"',_) PLATFORM PARTIAL ELEV. T'r"P. RAIL -:2 1/:2" DIA. TOP PIPE RAIL -- ¥peel..~- ----- _...., CONG. SCORE LINE, T'r"P. ,,,,,,---PARKl'ilDE CUR6 ~--_,,_ ____ e• DIA. PIPE COLUMN 1"1/ b"'ROUND FINIAL ~-->.--\---APPROX. 1:25 SG. FT. BELOJl'l PLATFORM FOR EQUIPMENT AND UTILITIES .. No· ACCESS FOR c&UEST?. ·•-· -:2Xb" l'lOOD DECKINIS :2 FASTENERS PER .JOIST BOARD ALl6NED-T'!"P. - ·-··--· .. -. e•-o• HEIISHT HG LIFT AS SUPPLIED BY McKINLEY EQUIP. CORP. (bl<!) 5i8-4410 . ,, ...... ,L;~j ~!~IFfoN ,·. ~ . ... l~o -t-4-"14o ::l!" C-~ ir ·--- / -sG?o~DL ~ S-44-o it U- Bett--,~.J?-N pl~ ------ ~ I I- I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 J(}/~[? ==============;ic,11.-r --J __ r,' ~l~ JOB ______ IE..-.::...,::Oc...::;()....c.,~~-=------ SHEETNO. _ '.? OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY W DATE_::,.......,___.•/_,__/,-'-'o/8=-- CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ PL lo· [)_ 1-v;: A ~ 6, ~,./,_' S')(. --1. SG. ,,.,3 1:.: w.b,°n r- T ~ s-'{. 1. ~ JJ ~ 1 ~ f "r C..,: C.r f-1-==-~/o-:;J f--1:;,~ l'2-C/of?i ~J>7s-{!,i:,){!.1s)-=-1~10;-s.it:g V~ t:; 4t:;.:. /&;o(S.':=_) hr ::.b4-F,,..-/ ? 't:S f?i' ~ := 4-r., c? -:f:1-I "-. .6,,_ = . t;, CI~) ( b) ,1-(1]_2-l>) . :. -c?. I I.P 11 L-/ t;--s·o ~ '?b 4-( /, CPX,t o~ (--;_,:,,~) A-v-~ o,Jr.p(/~):; 0.JS'1 '-lfbo &;ij;f.. . r~s I. /<. -;; ~4o-#-< -~ ~o.lf ?,'?' ~ ~7rrns !· 1 c4tn ecr.l.__ I I +b-, + -c:::::::::::: ::::::-:---,,, -/ 9-;>5(1?) =-4'()$,~ '.• I '[ ,~1 1 .. . -# < ~~o *'JL r~ : ~frJ/;;, 1\ I ~ 4-fer '301 o rr I--~ (71.JrN(" f-1 '=" /o;-e,o+ !-b ~ /~-:i;:,c:,( !"-) lrz:~ ~ /e;~o,,1.:.. 2-t/-90 f"t' I 'Vd~IP/ri " ~O <If' ' ./'; =--~ ., -p .. ~' "',/ f,,S f'<•' 0 !- 1 ~ ~ 0, i !::/ _ t.,,/ S C;o 1f 1,_ __ A_v(..,-_~_&1_, 1.c=$'_· __ '-/_r.,_,:..o,;__ ___ (t'f.._ ... ___ 1.J_4z> ___ e=_~_1s_.x-_____ ,2-_tp_t.,,B ___ ____. I -.--. .:,~~-.--lt>.:."""-:r:;.-;:1.,:-,~~'l.::~.;:i:;i-.;,..,_.,_~.; -:-·--~.:.~--::-.... ..,-::~,..:;-.-::-.--:- :2;c.; .. c· ::--· A~EfY r: '31 • ·.,. '-'<i,: J.: •• ·, o·: · .: .. ,:•.:. "".;· ... =;i::. ·-:tJ-,~-o:~ ... ____ ......, -.au..-nr,,,..,;;.~,.--------•-•u-1 =----""•-,,_£., ,.., --""-~-~~-· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, C.A 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 r ,-A ,., I .:;;e; fo ~ v,~ s1':l-o+ c::~,.,,..., b.-rt_ ~ (9 r Z. e:, I/ ". ;; ,.,-· /I ~K... ~ (.¥" v-;;:, 1-~~ N~ l--/4'"! 0 t.--! 'z> 5 0 u~s.· -fb-5 t--/.o!L TH· . e-r:; (,;:,"9 BM (~ ~k) J $Jo-:#-- I .. r_.e.: CealP<.Tf~ tNTf'vT -fb ::-~,~ f71' I ;., . ~4--p"ii l...,k~ c,{.JA;J(,? JOB---'------_.;_'--"'-----'-;:;._;__----- SHEET NO. ______________ f_,___ OF _____ _ CA~CULATED BY - ________ w_-_ DATE 5, /J-~'7£, CHECKED BY _________ DATE ____ _ SCALE __,;.h...;........:;1.4-;;i.."'-.;,c.Z-e:-=..-_Oy___;;_~...:......=:;-==--~"-:;..._ _____ _ I ? ~c;., r,: 4.. 7-q-~ ~ $~')..:o '1 G:, f 7,17' , It-:, '6 a.[--""' (j,/,C'::. ~ ~ s'Je> ::L11-C:;~ I \ I I -•, '1 •~ •" :, •• --.•, ,~ -.• C, ._. ,Z -'"I ~ ~ •" !I ..._ 'U --... --,.\ .,:: "• <:::: -• --, ~ ~ ~ -. ,:; - • :"' -.. ,. -:> ,._ 1'-,.. •• '} -::'" ~"\ .:, •. 'C I ---. ~~-- 1 MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 __ ,, _______ ,~,-------0,--.... -~--.t<1•••-=, ... .........,.,.,.._ .. ,.. JOB _______ _.-!:::.1£1...=.,°b::....,::..O--""t.-A-A,.n=· ~-l:2~---- SHEET NO. ----"---:2....z..;..__ OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY ______ ....:..-t;b=--DATE S, /'2-,:J ~ I I I I I I I I I I 1· I Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY-----'-------DATE------ SCALE _ __,_l'YJ+.,_,__,_· ...1:.·=:?:e::::..i.....,--"M""""--'e,:{!.d===.,0='&>:c..f4<..;;;' =------- ~~s (e-&-~) fb-4-;Jc;i/L ,µ G-obGi""8m ~~ft..F-Pl.. ======:;j,,,,----, I?;~(?;?)-:::-~fo S-f U: < ~7 $ f rF-tA- _j _ _...,,'---__ (;'_, __ J -"117 M Iii. I 24-o + I ~10 "#-~ /J'So:H ""- t:. t:. : c.e-m Pr.lTJ:31:J. . cnJ'r f'I.); (.1, :. '3o ? le-,,f "' e:;1,::;,~ p;I.. LJ.n =: tJ',"1a 11 .f;.; -:. ":,~ f'7,· ~ c.J,s :;v6;. ~ 5 ~ ~ 011..,::, 1.)66: 4~'-1.!:J-. PP-L. J-.lo~ 2. -t./f?t;t:P vX f '2.---' ' \ ~ // JJi.l. -.. --... C, ... :. -• -.., • ... .. ~ -" .. , --• .., • - • ., ,:-..: .:, ..: ... ~. --•• -·~ = -... ...,_ "t -· .::: ,.,. :; - I I_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Martin & Martin, Inc. _ 7801 Mission Center Ct., Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92108 , Title : Maze Overlook Dsgnr: tmb - Description : Job# £,3():240 Date: 9:00AM, 12 MAY 98 I (619) 497-2118 Description fb-1 I General lnfor_mation Section Name 5.125x12.0 Beam Width 5.125 in Beam Depth 12.000 in · Member Type GluLam Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor -1.QOO Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density 35.000 p9f I Uniform Loads Uniform Loads Over Full Span Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I Trapezoidal Loads Scope: Generai Timber 8-eam Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilev~r 13.00 ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu Douglas Fir, 24F-V4 FbAllow 2,400.0 psi FvAllow FcAllow E 30.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 165.0 psi 650.0 psi 1,600.0 ksi 375.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft #1 DL@ Left DL@Right #/ft 30.00 #/ft LL@Left LL@ Right #/ft 375.00 #/ft Start Loe End Loe 0.000 ft 3.500 ft #2 DL@Left DL@Right Summary I · 30.00 #/ft #/ft LL@Left LL@ Right 375.00 #/ft #/ft $tart Loe End Loe 9.500 ft 13.000 ft Beam Design OK Span= 13.00ft, Beam Width = 5.125in x Depth = 1 ;?.in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.439 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 1,026.85 psi Fb _2,400.00 psi / Deflections Center Span ... Deflection ... Location ... Length/Def! 10.5 k-ft 24.6 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 Allowable 10.53k-ft at 6.500 ft Shear: @Left @Right O.OOk-ft at 0.000 ft O.OOk-ft 0.00k-ft 24.60 fv Fv Dead load -0.028 in 6.500 ft 5,565.7 72.37 psi 165.00 psi Total Load -0.27iin 6.500ft 563.79 Reactions ... Left DL Right DL Camber: 0.34k 0.34k Left Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Def! Right Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Def! @Left @Center @Right Max 1 Max Dead Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 4.5 k 10.1 k 3.44 k 3.44 k 0.000 in 0.042 in 0.000 in 3.44k 3.44k Total Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 b I I I I • I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I Martin & Martin, Inc. _ 7801 Mission Center Ct., Suite 400 San Diego, CA n108 Title : Maze Overlock Dsgnr: tmb · · Description : Job#960240 Date: 9:15AM, 12MAYS'8 I (619) 497-2118 Scope: Genera! Timber Beam Description fb-2 I General Information Section Name 5: 125x12.0 Beam Width 5.125 in Beam Depth 12.000 in Member Type Glulam Bm Wt. Added to l,.oads Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density 35.000 pcf I Uniform Loads Uniform Loads Over Full Span Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir, 24F-V4 FbAllow Fv.Allow FcAllow E 1-1.50 ft .... :Lu ft ..... Lu ft ...... Lu 2,400.0 psi 165.0 psi 650.0 psi 1,600.0 ksi Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 60.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 750.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Summary I Span= 11.&lft, Beam Width = 5.125in x Depth = 12.in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.583 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 1,330.48 psi Fb 2,400.00 psi 13.6 k-ft 24.6 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 Allowable 1.3.64k-ft 0.00 k-ft at 5.750 ft at 0.000 ft Shear: @ Left @Right O.OOk-ft O.OOk-ft 24.60 ·fv 96.26 psi Fv 165. 00 psi Reactions ..• Left DL Right DL Camber: @ Left @Center @Right 0.43 k Max 0.43 k Max 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK 5.9 k 10.1 k 4.74k 4.74k 0.000 in 0.037 in 0.000 in 4.74k 4.74k 7 • I Deflections • Center Span ... Deflection ... Location ... Length/Def! Dead Load -0.025 in 5.750ft 5,525.0 Total Load -0.275 in 5.750 ft 501.96 -left Ca"ntilever ... Deflection ... Length/Def! Right Cantilever ... Deflection ... LengWDefl Dead Load o.ooo·in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 Total Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 I 1_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- 1 I Martin & Martin, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 497-2118 Description fb-3 L General Information Section Name 4x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type 3.500 in 11.250 in Sawn Bm Wt. Added·to Loads Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density 35.000 pcf Title : Maze Overlook Dsgnr: tmb - Description : Scope: General Timber Beam Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch, No.2 7'.00 ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu Fb Allow 875.0 psi Fv Allow 95.0 psi Fe Allow 625.0 psi _E 1,600.0 ksi Job# 960240 Date: 9:::0AM, 12 MAY 98 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft I I Trapezoidal Loads t #1 DL@ Left DL@Right Summary_ I #/ft 30.00-#/ft LL@.Left LL@Right #/ft 375.00 #/ft St1;1rt Loe End Loe 0.000 .ft 7.000 ft Baam Design OK Span= 7.00ft, Beam Width = 3.&JOin x Depth = 11.25in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio b.249 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max. Mallow fb 216.23 psi Fb 962.50 psi I Deflections Center Span ... Deflection ... Location ... Length/Def! 1.33 k-ft -0.00k-ft O.OOk-ft O.OOk-ft 5.92 fv Fv Dead Load· -0.002 in 3.584 ft 42,022.3 .1.3 k-ft 5.9 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 Allowable at 4.032 ft at 7.000 ft Shear: @ Left @Right 23.62 psi 95.00 psi Total Load -0:017 in 3.640 ft 4,864.02 Camber: @ Left @Center @Right Reactions ... -Left DL 0.07k Max Right DI,, 0.10 k Max Left Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Def! Right Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Def! Dead Load 0.000 in 0.0 \ \ 0.000 in 0.0 0.9 k 3.7 k 0.51 k 0.98 k 0.000 in 0.003 in 0.000 in 0.51 k 0.98k Total Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Martin & Martin, Inc. 7801 Mission Center.Ct., Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92108 Title : Maze Overlock Dsgnr: tmb · · Description : Job# 960240 Date: 9:27AM, 12MAY£18 (619) 497-2118 Description fb-4 I General Information Section Name 4x12 Beam Width Beam Depth 3.500 in 11.250 in Member Type Sawn Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor 1.000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density 35.000 pcf I Uniform Loads Uniform Loads Over Full Span Scope: Genera! Ti rrrber Seam Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch, No·.2 6.00 ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu Fb Allow 875.0 psi Fv Allow 95.0 psi Fe Allow 625.0 psi E 1,600.0 ksi Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 30.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL · LL LL 375.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Summary I Span= 6.00ft, Beam Width = 3.5:JOin x Depth = 11 .~n, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.343 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 303.23 psi Fb 962.50 psi 1.87 k-ft 0.00k-ft 0.00k-ft O.00k-ft 5.92 fv Fv 1.9 k-ft 5.9 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 Allowable at 3.000 ft at 6.000 ft 32.60 psi 95.00 Pl?i Reactions ... Left DL Right DL Shear: Camber: 0.12k 0.12 k @Left @Right @Left @Center @Right Max Max 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK 1.3 k 3.7 k 1.24k 1.24 k 0.000 in 0.003 in 0.000 in 1.24k 1.24k f I J Deflections l Center Span ... Deflection ... Location ... Length/Def! Dead Load -0.002 in 3.000 ft 41,462.1 Total Load .:.0.018 in 3.000 ft 3,957.51 Left Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Def! Right Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Deft Dead Load 0.000 in 0.0 ' \ 0.000 in 0.0 Total Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 • 1--·-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. I_: ! I -"'l -• MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 , f 2-vo-4> f--1 ~ qu, ( C,) 2. = / 2, Cj O ,pl ·-g ".!= ,~-~~ Uo + JOB --,---------=-~-'-""-4?-"'C>-~-'--"-~---"-------- SHEET'NO. 10 OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY ---'----,-----lb-'-=-_ DATE JS' (:2. ( 'j 6, CHECKED BY--,---'-------DATE ____ _ SCALE_/() ____ a.;:_~ __ Ni_~ __ e:,/<, _______ _ {;o,0$ I~ 4'--'1'I .:!.. /)r-1.. #-:Z . ~ ~~r:e ti~·:ip~ l).)·=/f ( ~) + 1Z5]5 · + IC? (;; .. tbMv.rf, > ~t::' f'c.F f b = I &>1.E.(tz . .) :::-8-s~ f1"7l ~ '8;7$( I. 1) ~.5£!; . -... °/CP~p?t' ~ =-/, 5( 8 5:°): -:5 ~ fe;;-/ ~t:; ~ e,f!..- ;2.. :i·, " :> . vs~ nd ~~ ~fr, .. .;; -/re~ .'-/J,1Sy.o.~~. ~ r,:7s_!' A= 3, $ ~-7 S ~ "2 ~.~?> I# z. <S~ = 3,~(C,,7$)2. -z- ':;? ,-.":-SS1~ .!. I7-., 3.'$ ({p,7s)3 /12 ~ 81,7 ,;,+ I ' u~e: 4½12-Dr-'--44-:;... 1{.,<.) / c, 'B/f:'1 m i'n ~ c..:tif.)~ d~-~C! -/reP--d-• (v~~I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1: 1~ ' -~---~"~· MARTIN &· MARTIN, INC. JQB -· ---------~-_O_f-1'4-;...J}:) _______ _ Structural & Civil Engineers- 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY I OF ____ ---'- ib DATE --=S'-', /c.=2...;;....,. 7.....,.,b:::;___ Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY------,-----DATE ____ _ SCALE --_M_P.i_~~~-t:tv~'/!!!frl-~_t.,,oo.~~t'--_____ _ ';7&1-&,(Y} /C-I 'I= :Ii-I I 'r/,,0 ,jf, --~ "'1 4-<PL '> ' \ 19~·!--~--T ,, Pt% Bi -rr-z.,e,. ~ j c) * I I ~ ____. ,z'fw+ +-lb' ~ /{p1.,f<-f' j ~I Ur---~-----i .... : \ I · / l ~. ~~o* · 1\ = II ! (., I e ~ loFF ( ttb)(t::>)-=-'2..~foT 1-'$, e; fLF ~(4t _e,q-) (lo):.--Z.~~o tr 7)s pe-1= (, )( o, 5)( ~,"?)+ w_r 4-{ r.,,))::: \....,...--"~ ~ r,r±. 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'-"'b::;..:O::;..:lA--,....f'O::;.<....L..t=..:c------- SHEET NO. ----~----...._f __ v,-_ OF___; ____ _ CALCULATED BY-~--------¼ __ DATE s.,, i.. 1a CHECKED BY-----'-----DATE---'----- I I I I I I c.oLUIYINS l ~ i-: ~ +-, ij -I, ~ H ,j rt: a . tll~ /// ~ l,,e;A-,,;:; I ~ A-,0 Pt--/,er:J 0/ l'Ze.,, T'....y /f? ~ '$ , . -,,,...-C01Js, ~ m ec.;J v.-,~He-"£ . ~ sd'JRor ~.o / ~.7 ( e,) ( o;-s )-:..sr, ~ Srty ~oft.F (po (12) ( (:,, S )-= 4Cp §;,p'"#-1 i-41 2..P ':ff~ WIµ 0 ~O-l t3"'f1J.A.) $ V~L--= C?o(I~ > 7~-#' I \, \ 1--~---«-.. -- JOB ----,---...;:c;Le:'§?-=...;:;._,.;;._0-=_~'-'-='-=----------- I I I I I I I I 1· I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. {? OF _____ _ SHEET NO. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATEDBY _____ ..... fb=._ DATE B,12-,qt:, Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKE·o BY--'--'-------'-----'----DATE~---- c::;, .... :e/ s HI~ --:z "c0i ( 4-c::>) +b -I $ t2-b::---:i C:-(l'f~S fJb-? if!:-r1o-1-- G>o tl~S ~ 'l JI (A)'e [.?,. 1 : '2.lilfll 1t N 31(:,../1 ,...-i ... 'f-1 to(',. e.,) l "--" t:/l?.6 S¥--;. ~.'77sCq)?. ~ ke/s t5 '12?)!..Ja.. ~L--e, w / '?/4'-11 ~ f:;:,P1-rs _ ··-~I~~ It ./;,,0 -=-o, 1;,,C:J1 ·F~J. = ~~f~ ~ . f.. -:. :2-/ 8;o +/ £,r;, L.-T i;~" ~· 1-, I() -r;.-..-- f ~ [I s e-\ ':6 -?;;/t'' cp 1!:.cCl,. ~ -$----- ! "" w/ ? 1 ~r,_ 1=e. ~ 4'-1--12.. f-.._ / '2..--tfr;-t \ is~ ,s,t;-_ o ,"->7~ +~ '/&. I. -sG:t,z,s-'' /2--tt..-/ I ~v--= I? '2,.-·b + / Je,t>~T I 1.-·. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1·- 1 Double Shear Bolt Values with metal main member beam thickness plate thickness bolt diameter Fes (para/perp) Re k3 Equation 8.3-2 8.3-3 8.3-4 2.25 in 0.375 in 0.75 in 2600 psi 22.3077 0.8673 Z value 2190 lbs 2180 lbs 3040 lbs Fyb Fem p·. e.i:,r...,T f>JHrl, . 45000 psi 58000 psi f b '? ~ ~ JIJ.-tviUf'l k.?ev fl11,,t4~~s ~~::.. l ~-=-D ~ Ft".$ 2-~e;, t-=-~? 06-~ F-c:..(Y\ L 4' (i.-t I ~e-) I'-@--\ \ It I 1.-- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I Double Shear Bolt Values with metal main member beam thickness plate thickness bolt diameter Fes (para/perp) Re k3 Equation 8.3-2 8.3-3 8.3-4 1.5625 in 0.375 in 0.75 in 2600 psi 22.3077 1.233 Zvalue 1520 lbs 2150 lbs 3040 lbs Fyb Fem 45000 psi 58000 psi C \ i, \ 1q---~·-- MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. JOB _,_. _____________ .:;..~=.:.:-;;_c~::.<....:.<.-=:::;_ _____ _ I Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 · SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 SHEET NO:_.------'--____._(-""~-OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY ______ #; __ DATE '5 'IL· 16 1 Fax (619) 497-0429 QHECKED BY--'--------DATE-------- I I I I I I I I I I I I Pr::r-~m1--.1 v{'8-rl ~ avrr1or. ~ le, 's. fYl , t0 2:> ~ =-/. 4-2 '-I-c; .I "5 ... '7. 2 !;, ,;.i 2. A,of.2-&::. 4-, $ (5-P, '::>75) ~ ;;;Jo,[!,? 7, 'Zb _ 'rt fl.l'.,'a..fl,... ~ t.~ ~It 4'1-1'2-rri 11\J 8,12-C:,, ~ CJ, $1--f-~-~ ,:: -:i.., o,n t. ~?-"' ~ 4: s (s. "l5 -~. ";;7$) = /?..,~-, -2, o .. 4 "' 4-, 4--7 ,~, z. ( tr'~/ vks brm f!!) ~;,<. = f'5,5t::r _ I o,2; r'n ~ 4.22 - T.Y-~ 4-5, s1 1:i 4- of:. C..H-e!'?-"-'1-Y--13.. w I a. '-b l-oA--='-s i Ip II {/.)()~£ I i::,OiH "\H• J&,wlL tb-;;. &..::--=-/,s ~-~ A-rt-e" Pff.. r~. J Jc;,,b • ~,:;-?' { "-/:. 4-·, 7 4-1' +v Mt' -::;-4, 74 -::. 'l , ;, ,~ C....l-81S 1,,. -Ac.~i,e:,: Oh7~(/o,51)-:-j,~&J /,fJ:1t:f · --'of 0,7=?J ~se: CJ-feUL,-~1V7 "/E.. 9:; /b r. 5 Y-/ 0 1 / t1'1 In 'v&IL-T Ji 1w/a o/2--:i \ec;;i:rs ,. ?/'1)1 'i '=> ~ 2,1{4.!J m i'n ~2 1:/:_ I ~ 4Jf-t{_ ~ 1,.. 'arJc;,--lr '--)\ -1.-/~H C-1:Tl~ ~ = '=>q~o • l' 7lfa,"tf I : .,.1_ t1:IJ s.,.. ~ 0·11c.; I .f\, ? "2'2 ':5"'~~ C:.. 2,"7 ~' ~ •r M-, Ji,{ .: ,z'I a!' I . -. --,,, -.-. ., r • ~ -~, -,, --: .:, .._ .::i -"'• ,.. "' .-.., • ;., -_.,,, "' ,. -n ...; .._ ;;: - -'"'I -,_. ,.. :-~':! -" ,... -.• .; ..._ .::: ,.. •• "'I ..,. ,.-, .., .._ ::, -"· ..., :;:GC:.;C':' 217~ ~-~~-•.. i: Jr;:;,,, 'Aa~s ,)'-4-i1 foO:aer FHONE. 10; .. F:1E; !-:CG-Z:5-?JcC C t ~/e;,11 I' I I. I I I I I I I 1. I I I I I I I \ 1- 1 Martin & Martin, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 497-21-18 Description Typical 4X12 plate I General Shapes Type ... Title : Maze Overlook Dsgnr: tniP · · Description : Scope: Built-Up Sectkm Properties #1 Rectangular Height 9.750 in Width 0.375 in 3.250 in #!2 Rectangular J Summary ... Total Area X cg Dist. Y cg Dist. Height 0.250 in Width 4.469 in2 lxx 45.59 in4 0.76 in4 1.63 in 4.22 in lyy Edge Distances from CG. +X 1.625 in -X -1.625 in +Y 5.784 in -Y -4.216 in Xcg 1.625 in 1.625 in rxx ryy S left S right Stop Job # Sfil240 Date: 9:01AM, 13MAY$'8 Ycg 5.125 in 0.125 in 3.194 in 0.412 in 0.466 in3 0.466 in3 7.882 in3 S bottom 10.813 in3 I ' 1-------.. ~---- I I I I ··1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB-----~~-=--=-o'?:ALJP~--"'--""'=:..-..;..------- SHEETNO. -/ e, OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY ---------'-'-th ____ . DATE 5, I>; ·$ CHECKED'BY ----'------DATE ____ _ ~~"2-, ~/1,.,-C) 'f'MI,..,.-:=. fa, S #-,+--/;)~/~;...) ~ p,z-kt,<., ~'£ 6l-B: f-t>L-~== 4-~o-:#-t,L -..6"--~~s Ar.1..-G)0 -=-l q4 o -# / ~~ 7 --1-1. ?> .3 -=: '2--S?>o ~ /e,1> ,._,T y. "3 -:... 7 7 t/-~ 1/:'-7 l:2 SD ...;/- I ' / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Double Shear Bolt Values with metal main member Angle to Grain K theta beam thickness 2.25 in plate thickness 0.375 in Fyb bolt diameter 0.75 in Fem Fes (para/perp) . 2600 psi Re 22,3077 k3 0.8673 Equation Z value 8.3-2 1950 lbs 8.3-3 1940 lbs 8.3-4 2700 lbs 45 1.125 45000 psi 58000 psi \' 1 I \ I --·---· ·" .. ·-~~---·. - I I I I 1, I I I I I I I I I I I I' ~ I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission, Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB....,..._ ------------"--ie::'--'~ "-'(9""-()'---'l.::A::AJ?'-'--'-'-_='V _____ _ SHEET NO. ,i.-0 OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY --'-----..:;_tb=--DATE ______;;;_.5....:..., Jt._,-1-JS...::;. __ CHECKED BY-------'---DATE ____ _ SCALE --,-----aYl.....;..n-'-'-_~.._.W"----"'-P'{~f::t?-'---"-/_,{;O.;;;...=..,,._J::.. ______ _ ---r--- M~.-=-€r-14o-12~0 )(7:=) ~ ' 12. I\.." -:f'" '2, I bl;', ~ P'='-~.o~ + J;, = ~ I IE:, ( / 'Z..) ,. /, '$(.; J:.ri 1~,E, t:?.iJJ. + /, $ ~ = 0.1 ~ ~I. o bll -I 2., 7 2..::>.,,b JI) PL.+ LAT~ P-== (;? I $C,"--pr_ \ o. J{p~/. ~? -·.-•.·: --:-·,-·1:41~,:i:,.-:-,,..-. .. ~··.::i-·, .. ~ .... ~ ... .::.- I \ I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I 1· I _ Martin & Martin, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 497-2118 Description Maze Platform Column / General Information Steel Se~tion PSSTD Column Height 12.500 ft Title : Maze Overlook Dsgnr: tmb Description : Scope: Steel Column Fy Duration Factor 36.00 ksi 1.330 End Fixity Fix-Free X-X Unbraced 12,500 ft 12.500 ft Live & Short Term Loads Not Combined Y-Y Unbraced Loads Axial Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Distributed lateral Loads ... Along Y-Y Along X-X Summary 0.56 k k k E;cc. for X-X Axis Moments Ecc. for Y-Y Axis Moments _bL ST 0.060 k/ft k/ft Job # sr.:i0240 Date: 1 :42PM, 1311/.A Y 98 X-X Sidesway : Sway Allowed Y-Y Sidesway : Sway Allowed Kxx Kyy in 7.500 in 2.000 2.000 Start .£lli!_ 0.500 -> 12.500 ft -> ft Column Desigl1 OK Section: P8STD. Height= 12.51.,"ft, Axial i.;oads: DL;: 0.56, LL= 0 CO. ST::: 0.COI<., Ecc. = 0.COOin Unbracedlengths:X-X= 12,50ft, Y-Y= 12.50ft. Combined Stress Ratios Dead Live DL + LL DL + ST + (LL if Chosen) AISC Formula H1 - 1 AISC Formula H1 - 2 AISC Formula H1 - 3 ~<X .. :.:~fs, ~d csh::~d per i.fS.,.a 1 KNL/r < Ci:: ·:-'":· :: -r:~s : f~ t~~::c\'.·J pr:.:r 'L~i ... ·~; }{'-~L/:-" < !.~c_ 0.0158 0.0158 0.1176 t I Stresses I Allowable & Actual Stresses Dead Live DL +LL. DL + Short Fa: Allowable 12.71 ksi fa : Actual 0.07 ksi ksi Fb:xx : Allow [F3 .. 1] 23. 76 ksi fb : xx Actual Fb:yy : Allow [F3. 1] fb : yy Actual / Analysis Values 0.00 ksi ksi 23.76 ksi 0.25 ksi 0.00 ksi 12.71 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.07 ksi ksi ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi ksi ksi 0.00 ksi 23'.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.25 ksi F'ex: DL+LL 14,321 psi . Cm:x DL+lL 0.85 Cb:x DL+LL F'ey: DL+LL 14,321 psi Cm:y DL+LL 0.85 Cb:y DL+LL 16.90 ksi 0.07 ksi 31.60 ksi 3.34 ksi 31.60 ksi 0.25 ksi F'ex: DL+LL+ST 19,047 psi Cm:x DL+LL+ST 0.85 Cb:x DL+LL+ST 1.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 F'ey: DL+LL+ST 19,047 psi Cm:y DL+LL+ST 0.85 Cb:y DL+LL+ST MaxX-XAxis Deflectio,n -0.150in at 12.500ft MaxY-YAxis Deflection 0.022in at 12.500 ft I Section Properties P8STO Diame 8.63 in Weight 28.53#/ft I-xx 72.50in4 Area 8.40in2 I-yy 72.50in4 S-xx 16.812in3 Thickness . 0.322 in S-yy 16.812in3 r-xx 2.938in r-"" ? Cl::\Rin t I • 1·- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 -·,. :Siu JOB --'"--------'-""-W,=....;b..:c...;;;...0....;;..~.:....:-:.,=..::;;...._ ___ _ SHEETNQ. ______ i-.;__"l,,-_OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY --'-----'--------"-bh.....__ DATE 0• }'2,.. ''1& CHECKED BY------'------DATE ____ _ 4, ~.,. 2.:=-&:>, ?ll I'~ '?/ 4-11 i:p /3P1.:rs le D ~ lt;)~ : ~ 1::o L.,rJ e-PP-ez.-11,1 £: lM. T et,~, ,:;>..J 1-Bt't,,,TS e:-p,aei.r;--;ve-/:fJ ~fh:::.~ r~p,1mr 1, 1n"O ( ~) (i,:;, ';) :, 51:::; ~ #, :,'Sc'.e'O {I. ?~)-:r-4-8'5&> -=If i a,~ t 1 GZ /Y)JY"l.im~ ~ S" ~'3~.Qf;;~ +-~1£?~] ;;:;) -: o. -z.f + 6),oof:.t9. ~,"'I,~ e;g_ L.31CJ0J +~5o I \ 'le : Pt.A-~L P=-G> ,· ~ K-,1:0-;::: ~, I e~"'' , . PL f'°l,~ff;f~ f'• 0, SCPµ_ ,-.,;j-:z S. o ~ ~ r~ :C,o(r] pJr~ ovr ~-VT -··,e_ A o ~. i..n-qe ·t . . ;> ~ .-_.. •, " •• .. 1 :; • l., -"• --•( .._ •. "< -C'I "'l -t:', .,) '-;:;, -", -, ":-'"' :,. ._. ;: -•• <"> T I' :/ " ? .-:. --: .• -.._ (J ,-"• " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- 1 _ Martin & Martin, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 497-2118 Title : Maze Overlook Dsgnr: tmb · Description : Scope: re,: SG••Jl)l Steel Column Base Plate Description Typical Base Plate -DL +LL / General lnformatioh Axial Load X-X Axis Moment Plate Height Plate Width Pier Height Pier Width fc Fy LDF 6.00 k 2.18 k-ft 16.000 in 16.000 .in 24.000 in 24.000 in 3,000.0 psi 36.00 ksi- 1.000 AISC Edition 9th Edition I Summary I Plate Design Min. Req'd Plate Thick Analysis Type Tension Force per Bolt Bearing Stress Max Plate Capacity for Allow. Bearing 0.300 in 1 0.01;)8' k 66.48 psi 403.20k \ Steel Section Section Depth Section v'.'{idth Flange Thick· Web Thick Anchor Bolt Data Dist. from Plate Edge Bolt Count per Side Tension Capacity Bolt Area Allow Concrete Bearing PerACI 10.15 PerAISC J9 \ \ \ Job#960240 Date: 8:31AM, 13MAY£-8 '2-'; P8std 8.625. in 8.625 in 0.322 in 0.322 in 1.500 in 2 5.990 k 0.442 in2 2,677.5 psi 1,575.0 psi t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I _ Martin & Martin, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 497-2118 Title : Maze Overlook Dsgnr: trnb · · Description : Scope: ;,..,_ ,,i,,i01 Steel Column Base Piate Description Typical Base Plate -DL +LATERAL I General Jnformation_ Axial Load X-X Axis Mqment 0.56 k 5.03 k-ft Plate Height Plate Width 16.000 in 16.000 in Pier Height 24.000 in Pier Width 24.000 in f'c 3,000.0 psi Fy 36.00 ksi LDF 1.330 AISC Edition 9th Edition I Summary I Plate Design Min. Req'd Plate Thick Analysis Type Tension Force per Bolt Bearing Stress Max Plate Capacity .for Allow. Bearing 0.364 in 1 2.235 k 179.66 psi 536.26k Steel Section Section Depth Section Width Flange Thick Web Thick Anchor Bolt Oata Dist. from Plate Edge Bolt Count per Side Tension Capacity Bolt Atea Allow Concrete Bearing Per ACI 10.15 Per AISCJ9 I \ · Job # 960240 Date: 8:30AM, 13 MA.Y 98 PSstd 8.625 in 8.625 in 0.322 in 0.322 in 1.500 in 2 5.990 k 0.442 in2 2,617.5 psi 2,094.8 psi I 1-·--~·........,.,,.---_« 4---~~, -' --......,......_.,., ,.. .. - MARTIN & MARTIN, I NC. JOB ________ ___,wb ___ · ~OL,4-M:7---------,----- 1 Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. izt; OF _____ _ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 ..L ! , SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY ..... · --"--~"---'72,,''----DATE---:~"'-'-d'-"b--'-.1+-'b'--_ Phone (619) 497-2118 I Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY---'--,---------DATE ____ _ SCALE _____ fn4.-----.a.--'--z,e--=---=N---"-~"'----'-------~------- I I I I I I I I I I I I- I: I, +- ..._ /"'I (,,O .M fc.F --(/.J 1tJ' . I I ,1------1 J:) ]ot..,-r(,L Jr-) p v{-f..,/•fh~ p:;,::._, t1/r ~,.,,_ =-0. ~{.,, V-+ p ,.,,_ = 0 . 4-q-~ t:f)r::;:.14-o f~F t,,. ~f'?F-av... (,,I.PO fo/r 1-~? ts-f"?F Q-_f!:.. .:: r;l, OS:> fi :::i rP,f- /.)Se: -=# '5 ~ J ,._Jl~c.. T+-:B (~e.,-rj df $# '5 C:;>/Jf T$..-6{1..,,at-,1~) ,;, : L-----'-" -.. -., o ., .---------, ._ • -------. • --,-a • o -. ·, ~ ---,., ; • -, • · ~-~ n o -, c • .. -., • •' .-. , ~ • ----., ~ -.-. , ~ ---' .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ Martin & Martin, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 497-2118 Title : Maze Overlook D~gnr: tmb · Description : Scope: Job # ~'"° Date: 10:15AM, 13MAY98 ,., ,.,.·J·11 General Footing Analysis & Des,igh Description Typical Footing I General Information I . Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Base Pedestal Height Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Live & Short NOT Combined f'c Fy Concrete Weight Loads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term 2,500.0 p·sf 1.330 0.000 in 4 0.00 psf 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf Q.560 k 5.440 k k -Dimensions ... Width along X-X Axis Length along Y-Y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis Min Steel% Depth to Rebar ·--~c along X-X Axis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis -0.000 in 0.000 in 4.000 ft 4.000 ft 18.00 in 16.00 in 16.00 in 0.0014 3.50in Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ left & right) -0.350 k-ft -3.400 k-ft -4.680 k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k 0.720 k (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k k Summary Footing Design OK 4.00ft x 4.00ft Fo0ting, 18.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 16.00 x 16.00in x O.Oin high Actual Allowable I Max Soil Pressure Allowable "X' Ecc, of Resultant "Y' Ecc, of Res_ultant DL+LL 944.1 2,500.0 4.747 in 0.000 in DL+LL+ST. 658.7 psf 3,325.0 psf 1,1.733 in 0.000 in Max Mu Required Steel Area 0.948 k-ft 0.244 in2 ( ~~_Mj" ~ frl /rt' ?'f'(;.C,J /P X-X Min. Stability Ratio No Overturning Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio 2.046 1.500 :1 Shear Stresses .... 1-Way 2-Way \ Vu 0.594 \ 3.463 Vn * Phi 93.113 psi 186.226 psi I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ Martin & Martin, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 497-2118 Description Typical Footing · ! Footing Design Shear Forces ACI 9-1 Two-Way .Shear 3.46psi One-Way Shears ... Vu@ Left -0.01 psi Vu@Right 0.59psi Vu@Top 0.29psi Vu@Bottom 0.29psi Moments ACI 9-1 Mu@Left 0.95 k-ft Mu@Right 0.17k-ft Mu@Top 0.56k-ft Mu@Bottom 0.56k-ft I Soil Pressure Summary Service Load Soil Pressures DL+ LL DL +LL+ ST Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI 9-2 0.44psi -0.22psi 0.29 psi .:.0.03psi -0.03psi ACI 9-2 0..44k-ft -0.27k-ft 0:04k-ft 0.04k-ft Left 944.06 658.66 ACI Eq. 9-1 1,484.21 ACI Eq. 9-2 922.12 ACI Eq. 9-3 592.79 Title : Maze Overlock Dsgnr: tmb · Description : Scope: ACI 9-3 0.28 psi -0.14 psi 0.18 psi -0.02 psi -Cl.02 psi ACI 9-3 0.28 k-ft -0.17 k-ft 0.03 k-ft 0.03 k-ft Right 240.94 0.00 378.79 0.00 0:00 Vn * Phi 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi Ru/ Phi 5.0 psi 1.4 psi 2.9psi 2.9 psi Top 592.50 252.50 931.50 353.50 227.25 I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) Job # £'60:240 Date: 10:15AM, 13MAY98 As Reg'd 0.24 in2 per ft -0.24 in2 per ft 0.24 in2 pet ft 0.24 in2 per ft Bottom 592.50 psf 252.50 psf 931.50 psf 353.50 psf 227.25 psf I I I ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 1.400 1.400 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 AC! 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 1 ·-----~ JOB ________ ---i,c?Ek...-.:c..:;;.~..:;.l.A:,<,,~""'M'--_--------'--- I I I I I I. I I 1· I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. ,Zit; OF ____ _ Structural ~ Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY -f:zb DATE Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 r --\ ' \ \ I ~ \ I ' ") ! \ ' i \ \ t---1 ~ !p()"fl.,'>1 ) CASeiG I V ==- {;'v,,J'IP-.' .A II LJ ror ==-6), 0~ 18~~ ~-rr><t<- CHECKED BY-------DATE ____ _ SCALE.....,..-__,_-.:....:~_,___,___1,€,-=------------ //,Jt?//--C,J ~·.I 1-.11. f,of;f; iJ/f\.rO: /0 m-f h.,~-C. C-9fJ'Z1/r:Jlffl(_ '3 f/ ,_!,I 'F S7(). Fife~r_ P=-;:;.., 4:--( r, I-}( /.c~) CI. o) , 1~.1 e~ --I 'f =-.J~,7 ( i}__( 4) = flo:tP 3?d /Soif ,· 2- K= /So{ 'Sf-J) =-CJ DD # 1 :;:i.,~p.fr, ~ Tof) 1 I ~1---5(2-~ )-= /~=ff · 6o'/f5tlJS f"l1 ,. 10~ i,) :::--S. V P1fs7' e,k., hn/1 r5;:;:,. +-~ ,z. I ~'1 I Boo ::::-c.lJ ~-~ .,2, &:,E> olC - 4-,it + '? ( 2-) ::: / c:>H (() 111 r-.owt,.J(? '5A--Y /s.i' q le. I I t-/f-= /o;,-o+ Qol\,)~1~ I i?ov, ePPe-crtv6 I -y-; e, = I ooo (t 2-) "'-./ t?:io# / e,,,q . I?-II' I . 5J~u,p ro1ne-m/x,l-;,Z.'k _L- ~ ~ 124-o..n--~. I: -! -. :z,0475f: ~. \ ~-.. ~~~~~/ :··.·: · ; }!c,-0 + · ~ ~ C?1 9J·-4, ~t v 0 · oJ!---- I ll :L ____ ~ __ Urt_v~-cµ;-rf'j_· ____ ·__: /2,_::_tfO:._. ___ :~' ==it?=~>=. ========' =====~::..__: -__:_·· ~ I .,-,,_,__.fo,?1f . ' ·! ,, v~: -4-'1~~4' flJ-:IT A-1,J~ f /st; . . -• -, -, :: • ,:; --, ""'I -:-._,· ~ ... .;: -:-, .'"I ry • ,:; ,. :::, ,.., N ..., .,. .r, :, ..._ -;. -1'l -::" I ,..; ...., >.Q , -(I.I ') -:-.r. ;:, .._ ~ -:-1 ., •r •n ::, -~ --. -:: :r.oct.,";i .Eli-i . .!."f!q7! ,. ; :•::::i 'h,:, ,·:·1 ., ~r,~er =-·:>~=·Jc • .:;;:~·-~:~ .. 2:-~;~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( 1·· I _ Martin & Martin, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 497-2118 Title : Maze Overlook Dsgnr: tmb · Description : Scope: Job# 960240 Date: 1:35PM, 13MAY98 Ste-el Cot umn Description Maze Panel Column / General Information Steel Section P3.5STD Fy 36.00 ksi X-X Sidesway : Sway Allowed Duration Factor 1.330 Y-Y Sidesway: Sway Allowed Column Height 5.000 ft End Fixity Fix-Free Live & Short Term Loads Combined loads Axial Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Point lateral Loads ... 0.01 k k k Along Y-Y ( strong axis moments) Along X-X ( y moments ) Distributed lateral Loads... DL Along Y-Y Along X-X Summary X-X Unbraced y.:y Unbraced 5.ooo·ft 5.000 ft Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments Ecc. for Y-Y Axis Moments ...11_ ST . Kxx Kyy k 0.150 k k/ft 0.150 k/ft in in Height ft 5.000 ft 2.000 2.000 Start _§ruL -> ft 0.500 -> 1.500 ft Column Design OK Section : P3.5STD, Height= 5.00ft, Axial Loads: DL = O.Q1, LL= O.CO, ST= O.OOk, Ecc. = O.OCOin Unbraced Lengths: X-X = 5.COft, Y-Y = 5.COft Combined Stress Ratios Dead AISC Formula H1 -1 AISC Formula H1 -2 AISC Formula H1 -3 "<Y .-p:-.>--..: ... F0 c:;;~\:·d p~r i.;:.:-ii ~-\·;·L/r < (>.; --·: ·:" .ti .. di:: f.:J cah:;ii:i per 1.5--·~. ~LJr< Cc 0.000~ DL+ LL DL + ST + (LL if Chosen) 0.0003 0.1429 l / Stresses I Allowable & Actual Stresses Fa : Allowable fa: Actual Fb:xx: Allow [F3.1] fb : xx Actual Fb:yy: Allow [F3.1] fb : yy Actual I Analysis Values F'ex: DL+LL 18,535 psi F'ey: DL+LL 18,535 psi F'ex : DL +LL +ST 24,651 psi F'ey : DL +LL +ST 24,651 psi Dead 14.23 ksi o.oo ksi Live DL+ LL DL + Short ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi ksi· 0.00 ksi o.oo ksi 14.23 ksi 0.00 ksi ksi 23.76 ksi I O.QO ksi \ ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi Cm:x DL +LL 0.85 Cb:x DL +LL Cm:y DL +LL 0.85 Cb:y DL +LL 18.93 ksi 0.00 ksi 31.60 ksi 0.00 ksi 31.60 ksi 4.51 ksi v Cm:x DL+LL+ST 0.85 Cb:x DL+LL+ST 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.00 Qm:y DL +LL +ST 0.85 Cb:y DL +LL +ST Max X-X Axis Deflection 0. 000 in at 0. 000 ft Max Y-Y Axis Deflection -0. 082 in at S-.000 ft I Section Properties P3.5STD Diame 4.00 in Weight Area 9.10#/ft 2:68 in2 I-xx 1-yy C! -- 4.79in4 4.79in4 ,, "lni:: i"'"l I l • I 1.r, I I I. I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. ;o 5360 WORKMAN MILL ROAD • WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601-2299 A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT Copyright tJ 1995 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. Report No. 5193 Issued June 1, 1995 Filing Category: FASTENERS-Concrete and Masonry Anchors (066) HILTI HIT HY-150 AND HIT HY·20 ADHESIVE ANCHOR SYSTEMS HILTI, INC. 5400 SOUTH 122 EAST AVENUE TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 I. Subject: Hilti'HIT HY-150 and HIT HY-20 Adhesive Anchor Systems. II. Description: A. HIT Adhesive Anchor System: General: The r:ilti HIT HY-150 and Hilti HIT HY-20 consist of a two-componentresin,adr:esive in two foil cartridges separating the resin from the hardener. The f~:! pack- ages are attached to an opening and dispensing manifold. An au;er-styte nozzle is attached for proper mixing of the adhesive componelits. 7he HIT HY-150 is for use with rebar sizes No. 3 through No. 11, threaded r Jd sizes 3/s-inch through 1-inch diameter or HFA anchors with %-inch :nrough %-inch internal thread diameter for anchoring into normal-we:;:-:t con- crete, lightweight concrete or grout-filled block. The.threaded rc:js con- form to ASTM A 36, ASTM A 193 Grade B7, ASTM F 593 or All:-y Group 1 Type 304 condition CW. The HFA flush inserts conform to A: S: 12L 14 material. The HIT HY-20 is used with a galvanized metal scree;; and all- thread rods of 3/s-inch through %-ihch diameter to anchor into c:ay brick masonry. Steel reinforcement dowels are No. 3 through No. 11 ::nform- ing to ASTM A 615 Grade 60. B. Installation: ihe anchor is inserted into a predrilled hoie :;.at has been cleaned with a wire brush or water so as to be free of d;;s:. debris and standing water. The hole 1s drilled to the embedment deptt s~ecified in the appropriate tables. For clay brick masonry, the galvan::::i metal screen tube is completely filled with-HIT HY-20 adhesive and ir.s;::ed into the predrilled hole. The threaded rod is inserted into the adhes1,..e-fillsd metal screen tube, turning slightly to ensure the complete bond::i; while pushing the anchor to the bottom of the screen. For concrete, li;~:weight concrete and grout-filled masonry units, the predrilled hole is fil:ed one- half full with HIT HY-150 adhesive. The thread~d rod, reinforcsrr:e~t'doviel or HFA flush insert is then inserted into the hole, turning slightly 1~ ensure the complete bonding white pushing the anchor to the bottom of t~e hole. The anchor should not be disturbed until completely cured. i~: curing times and respective base material temperatures for the adhesive mix- tures are in Table 4. Dimensio:ial and installation criteria are in ':ables 1 and 2. Allowable tension and shear values are in Tables 5 thrc~;h 10. Allowable load values are inf!uenc:ed by the temperature of ma:erial into which anchors are installed. If base material temperatures excssd iOcF., the tensile values in Tables 5 through 10 must be adjusted byths a;,;,roprl- ate factor taken from Figure 1 and Ffgure 2. C. Special Inspection: Special inspection in accordance with Section 1701.3 of the code is provided for anchor installations, verifying that a·nchors are installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and this report. The manufacturer's instructions are incltJded in each package. D. Identification: The adhesive material is identified in the field by pack- ,aging labels indicating the manufacturer's name, evaluation report n um- ber, and product name. Ill. Evidence Submitted: Descriptive data and results of tension, shear and creep tests. Findings IV. Findings: That the HIit! HIT HY-150 and HY-20 Adhesive Anchor System~ described in this report comply with the 1994 Uniform Build· . ing Coder", subject to the following conditions: 1. Anchors must be installed in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's Installation Instructions including the anchor size, embedments, spacings, and edge distances shall conform to respective tables in this report. 2. Allowable shear and tension loads are as set forth in this report. L. Allowable loads for anchor subjected to combined shear and ~ tension forces are determined by the ratio of the actual shear to " the allowable shear, plusJhe ratio of the actual iension to the allowable tension, not exceeding 1.0. 4. Special inspection in accordance with Section 1701.3 of'the code is provided for all anchor installations. 5. Calculations and details showing that the anchors comply with this report must be submitted to the local building official for approval. 6. Tl)e ·HIT adhesive anchor system cannot be used to support fire-resistive construction unless special consideration is given to fire conditions. 7. The HIT adhesive anchors cannot be used to resist pullout forces In celling or wall installations unless proper consideration is given to fire conditions. 8. The tabulated allowable load values cannot be increased fer shorMerm loads such as wind or earthquake loads. This report Is subject to re-examination In one year. E1·aluation reports of ICBO E1·aluaticn Ser.~e; !r.c •. , CrE issued saitt1· :oproridE ir.forrr.aion to Clars A members of ICBO, urili:;ing rhc code upcn 1,•hich rhe report is based. E1•c:lua:icn reports are notlo be construed as rc;rescr.::r.g :;Es:he:fcs or :;,'!J' o:1-.era:trJ;z:tes not s;,ec:f;ca!ly c:Idrcsred nor er en cr.dorsEmer.t or recommcn- darwn for use ofrhe subjw report. . This report is based upon ir.dcpcndent zesis or ozher-tecr.r.ical cc:c ?;;l::r.~ci by the a;,plicar.t. The KBO E1·c!ucrion Scn·iee, lr.e., technical stafj has rcl'iel<'cd rlie test results aruiloro:her tk;;a, but does not possess tcstfacili:ie.r :o r.:.:J;e.::.n ir.dc;cr~cr.r verification. There is r.o i.·arrcnry by ICBO Ei•aluarion Serricc, lr.c., e:::press or implkd, aslo any ''Finding" or other mar.er in the re;,ort or1s :a cr.y product covered by,the report. T/:is disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, merrhar.tabilizy. Page 1 ors I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1·· I Page 3 of 6 TABLE 4-RECOMMENOEO CURING TIME FOR HILT! HIT HY•150 ANO HILTI HIT HY-20 • . '· MINIMUM CURE Tll!IE =-hi Report No. 5193 BASE MATERIAL TEMPERATURE HY 150 HY 20 '23°F. 6 hours 6 hours 32°F. 3 hours 4 hours 41°F. 1.5 hours 2 hours 68°F. 45minutes 1 hour 86°F. 25 minutes 45 minutes I 104°F. 15 minutes 30 minutes I TABLE 5-ALLOWABLE TENSION ANO SHEAR VALUES IN NORMAL-WEIGHT CONCRETE ' FOR THREADED ROOS WITH HY-150 RESIN (pouncls)1.2,3,4,S,6 TENSION• ! BONO STRENGTH i?Qunda) STEE!,, STRENGTH ~uncls) SHEAR (i>quncls) ! CONCRETE ·-304 ss 304 ss I ANCHOR DIAMETER Et.lBEDMENT DEPTH 2,000 pal ~.COO pal ASTMA 1a3 Grg1 1 AS'!M A 193 Group 1 (inc:hea) (Inches) Conc:_rttl C¢l'lc:r111 ASTMA36 Grade ~7 ASTM A36 Grade 7 cw I 1% 720 950 935 930 1,150 I -3/g 3l/2 1,405 1.712 2,100 4,500 3,600 1,110 1,480 1.565 51/4 2.010 :.Cl0 1,110 1,480 1.565 ·----~l/g...___ 810 1.140 1,455 -1,555 1,415 ~-l .,,,,. 4l/4· ---r-i~ .:.945 3,700 8,100 6.500 · 2,160 2,860 3,300 65/g ~.190 2.160 2.860 3.300 . . 2''2 / 1,040 1 . .:..;s 1 2,035 2,060 1.630 ! S/g s Z,oi.:, -.'.N.:> 5,900 12,700 10,200 3.050 4.180 4,090 i ' 71,2 4,235 :.785 3,050 4,180 4,090 ! 3:1g I 1,935 :,650 3,850 4,003 3,995 i 3/4 65/g 4.320 6.!20 8.400 18,400 12,SOO 4,410 6.SSS 6.615 ! 10 6.695 U40 4,410 6,585 6,615 ' 33/4 I 2.liS :.915 4.540 4,660 5.390 i 1/g ,,,, 5,520 ~.:10 11.500 25,000 17,000 7,115 9,800 9,845 ' 111i4 9,375 !1.i!0 7,115 9.800 9,845 : 41/g I 2,420 3.415 6,735 7,140 5.255 1 gl/, S.860 i.Si5 15,0:Y.l 32,705 22.200 8,090 12,125 11,475 ' 12Sis 10,930 i3.i35 8,090 12.125 I 1.475 ! 1Toe tabulated tensile and shear \'alues are for a.,:hqrs insta!ied in ::.o:.::al-weight concrete h~ving a minimum designated ultimate compressi\'e sr:ength Cf',) at time of installation. · · 2Toe Hilti HIT-HY 150 anchor system experiences a reduction in tensile capacity \\1:h increased concrete temperature. The factors noted in Figure I must be applied to the tension \'alues noted in the above table when the anchors a:e i::stalled in locations where t.ie concrete temperarure may exceed 70°F. 3Spacing and edge.distance requireinenrs sh,all be in accorc!ance wi:.i Table 2. 4Special inspection in accordan·ce with Section 1701.1 of the code .c:i::st be. provided for all a.ichor installations. ~ Anchor rod allowable loads are governed by the tensile strength of t.ie steel. 6Allowable load should be the lesser of bond or steel·strength. TABLE $-ALLOWABLE TENSION ANO SHEAR' VALUES FOR HFA INSERTS WITH HIT HY-150 ADHESIVE IN MINIMUM 2,000 psi C0NCRETE (pounds)1.2,3 I I t ·~ .: 2,000 psi INTERNAL THP.!;AC C!AMETER (lnc:l'I) E_M5E::1M!:t,'T DEPiH (1!'1:hes) I Tension. J/g ! 31/2 . I 1.270 \ IJi 41/4 I 2,050 ~,& s I 2,670 J/4 6~/s I 4.280 Shear' 1.705 2,4'70 4,410 6.650 1The tabulated tensile values for anchors installed in no:mal-weigh!concrete ha,ing the minimum designated ultimate compressh·e strength Cf',) at time of installation. 2Spacing ofHFA inseru s·hall be in accordance with t.ie requirements noted in Table 3. 3The HIT a.,chor experiences a reduction in tensile capacity i·ith i.n:r~ed base,material temperarure. The factors noted in Figure I must be appliec to the values n0ted in the abo,·e table \\ hen the ancho:s.-are instailed in locations where t.ie concrete temperarure may exceed 70°-F. 4Values obtained using a., SAE J429 Grade 5 bolt. (The me.::hanical prope:-Jes ofa., SAE Grade 5-bolt must meet the following requirements:/) = ~= l:si. F.,1, = ilO l:.~ii. ......... - - -