HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB982807; Permit,, '·v~yr:< BU IL DING. PERMIT Perrrii t l\Jo: CI:39'82807 Pro'iec·t No: A9704237· Dev~,lop~ent ··No: 09/18/98 14:57 Page 1 of 1 Job Address: 1· LE.GO DR 'Permit Type: MISCELLANEOUS Parcel, No: Valuation: 0 Suite: ,Lot#:_._ Construct.ion Type:· :VN oc.cupancy Group: Reference#: CB98'260& Statu:s:· ISSUED e,6q'1$.0"~ Applie<;l r 08/2·5/98 Description: PARKING·ICON-COMPONE.N'J; 0-103 ; "t.,EGQLAND" Apr /Issue:. 09/'.l.8/98 · .Entered By:: B.MA 760 801-6543 ¢ITV OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas 'Dr.., Carlsbad, CA 94009 (619} 4384161 :FQR OFFICE USE ONLY . PLAN·_CHECK No.C(J2@7 PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 9~009 {760) 438-1161 EST. VAi:.. --.-------,--- .!?Ian Ck. Deposit ..;...;.------r-1'-,f,- 1. I Address (include Bldg/Suite #) Busineis-Nilme (at this address) _- Legal Description Lot No, Subdivision· Nime/Number Unit.No. Phase No. Total I of ·units Existing JJ,e--. _-/".1.,1,,,,1&.,,-Propo1ed·U11 ~O. FT. #of Stories --'II of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms Name Telephone I Fax # '.3, ·, _ APPUCANT- t),i.w,J Name ,6;_ .. '."CONT.MCTOR :-; COMPANY.rNAM~~;_;-;,:;>,:'nf;u'.ft;;-:;\i:.r.t:"':::'./rt: !,-_i tt :: · ·:., =:'f y;,,: ,. ii";;, :-':_-;-·; :·· r'.:· ;:,::; :;: ,,;: ·: __ :_.-_;:-;-:,:·.-;:-;·~:' ;: :--:~·,::,\: ;;_:; [.=,F: ;.;-: _ ;,•: ·. (Sec. 7031.6 Business end Professions Code: Any-City i;,r County-Which requires a permit to construct,:alter, improve, demolish-or repair af!y structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such ·permit to tile a, signed statement that he is licensa<I pursuant to ~he-provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Se~ion 7000 of Division 3 of tbe Busin~ and Professions Codal or-that ha. is exempt then,trom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.6 by any appljcant for a-permit-subjects the-applicant to a civil ~enalty·of not more-than five hundred dollars ($5'0011. Name Ad!lresi City· StatelZii> Telephone# State License I _________ ......., -Li!)ense.Clal:$ ___ ...,.._,..... __ .,.,.,.. C!ty Busineis 1:1cense # _____________ _ Designer Name Address · State/Zip Telephone State License # ________ _ :6.,;,:--:·:.WORKERS'. ,COMPENSA TIONi,::i:t'.(;:_;t.:;;;;;l~;i'.;;~::~:.{::.i:;::::',; _,,:·~: •. :/:;.<,,..:, .. ~ __ ._ :-,. , __ , .:.:~. i :: : __ :;}/,.2:.)'.:-:t:'\=t.,.:::.~',_/ ,::.:. ·;,r_:r-,_.-_:;::' ,-.. :.:-· . Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty·of perju_ry one of the·foUowing decJ1r1tioi'ls: ·- 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent-to selMnsure for W!lrkers' comp·ensation as.provided by Sectiol) 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is issued: 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as re_qulred ·oy Section 3700· of. the Labor Code, for the performailc;e of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insuranc11 c~rrier and policy-number are: _ Insurance Company ______ ....... _ __. _____ ..,.,.________ f'olicy No.,_..,...--,---------Expiration Date __ --'---'---- {THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF.THE PERMIT IS-Fc;>R ONE HUNDR.ED DOLLARS ($1001 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify·that iil the pirformance of·the work tor which this perrili~ is issue!!, I shall not employ any person in any manner 10 es to become subject to the Workers' Compe_nsatlon· Laws of Caiitornia. WARNING: Failure to aacure workara' c:ompanaatlon c;overega 11 unlawful, and 1hllll iubjact iln employi; to criminal panaltle1 _and civil flnH up to one -hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), In addition to the c:o1tof-com~atlon, dama11i1~ provkfed·tor In Section 3708 of the Labor code, lntereat 1nd.ettomey'1 fan. SIGNATURE. __ ....;.. ____________ ..._.-'-----''---'-e---,-,....;.----,.--'---,--_ DATE ___________ _ '7. · OWNER-BUILDER'DECl:ARATION'\(~-ift,.::t(;:i.=,;~":'.''·· ~':.!'··· ·-:::;'-1 ;•_.; ..... -.--._;:. ;:···.:·,-, .: .• ''·':.·. ·• · '• -:·:· ·:· -· • -.-, . .--. · .,,-: • ., ., •L.:;: ?·"'·:·-.· · > .-· I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's-Licen~e -Law-for the following raison: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with w_agu es: their sol_e .compensition, will do· the work and the atructure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Busin1111 and Professions C9de:. The Contractor's Licenae l;•w·does-not 'apply to 1n owner-·of property who builds or Improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through.his own emptoyees; provided·thlit au_ch l_n\prov111ments'1re·npt intended-or offered for-sale. lf,-1\owever, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the·owner-builder wl_ll·h1ve the burden-of proving :that.he d,id not_ build or,irriprove for the purpoaa of sale). • I, as owner of ·the property, am-exclusively c;ontractjng wi,h licensed c;ontractors to.construct 1he· project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to a11 owner of .property who bui_tds or Improves thereon, an~ contract,· for such p(ojecta with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractorls License Law). · · 0 I am exempt under Section _____ _ 1; 2. 3. 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I heve·hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide·the major work (include name/ address/ phone number / contractors license numbe_rl: · 6. I will provide some of t_t)e work, but rhive cpntrict_ed (hiredl·the foliowing persons to provide tho work indicated (Include name / address / phone number / type of work):. ________ -==t=~-,-----::;pc;'f----;:--,;,--'---'---t----...:.-:f------,----...... ""7-nr----r--1-:.::-:;,,~--------- DATE _ _,._-...;+-+-...,_.~-- ~ILl)!NQ:PERMiT$i,O~LYt;.!'.i~:'.-:i";/t i':.,:,;::.::.:-1.:-tii~:-:.:;·i·:t•:bt,c· .J :;-,)1ti';:;.: :_,,._, :,tfi,'. 1:i:L:=.-~i·.:i: :, . . . _ -, ... __ . .-. -·: . Is the applicant or-future building occu·pant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form· or risk management and prevention program under Sections 26606, 26533 or 26634 of the Presley-Tanner Hil:i.lJlrdous.Substance Accqunt Act? ·o YES O ·No Is the applicant or futurl[l-building occupant required .to·obtain a per111it from the· air pollution-control district or 11ir·q_uality ma!'lagement district? 0 YES O· NO Is the facility to ba constructed within 1,000 fiat of. the outer bouiidl\'Y of a.sc_hool,site? 0 YES O NQ IFANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES.A FINAL CERTIFICATE.OF OCCUPANCY,MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE Of.EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE ~IR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. . -- ~~~(:.~i;co.N~~ucn_qr,r~r$~N~-¢t~ti.1~#tiC~fu12i~f~~J):i:.t~ti~tJ~i~t~tt~~'.:::~:~:~·t;:r.ti~r~t.:i~~~];~::}~'.i_k;:;~{~)~~~~~)~:~ti~ ... :~:~·~(.:::;~~~!)·;i/~:\~/;,,1;:;f~;-~-:·-'i:1~:::,;',.,.:. • I hereby affirm that there is a construction le_nding agei'lcy·forthe petformance·of the work·for-which thijl permit Is issued (Sec. 3097(il Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME ___ -'-------------LENDER'S ADDR~ss·_ .,...--------'------------------ 19.:. '.--·APPUCAN1,'CERTIFlCA TION(t,X/t.:i'if:;(,'f;:}t.·~;:1;f1:tit,:~l~-:6J:1'~-j_;:;i:/2;';1~~?:Pf.?:::-:-t(·\·:i,'/t-\i::\U:.-:C:_; ·'' •:'.:!..':..~:H,'. :,: :,_:_: :I·=-\:.!;>·.'..:;·,_,;_;,-··'/.!!:::· .. :·_. :: .. ·:,:··;:: :.--" ·. I certify that I have read the application and stilte ttiat the above information 11· correct end-that the inforinitlon on the plilns·ls accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws releting to building conJtruction. I hereby authorize repreieotatives of the Citt -of .Carlabad to inter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH.MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID Cln' IN CONSEQU~CE OF THE GRANTING-OF THIS-PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit Is required for excavati~ns,ovl!r 5•0• deep and demolition or construction of structures ovar 3 atorl11 In height. EXPIRATION: Every permit Issued by the Bulldln11 Official under the provl1lon1 of -this Coc:le shill expire by limitation· and become-null, and void if the building or work authorized by such p !t la not commence w\thif! 3,65 days from the date o.f auch permit or·lf the !>ulldln11 or work ~~horized by such permit is suspended or abandoned et any time aft I worlrts c9m ed for a perffJd of 1 days (Se_ctr 108,4.4 Uniform Building Code). ..,/. ~ j APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE : _ . , . , DATE ~~4-rZ. PERMIT# CB982807 DESCRIPTION: PARKING CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST .FOR 11/18/98 ICON-COMPONENT 0-103 "LEGOLAND" TYPE: MISC JOB ADDRESS: 1 LEGO DR STE: INSPECTOR AREA PLANCK# CB982807 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE VN LOT: APPLICANT: DAWN LANDON CONTRACTOR: PHONE: 760 801-6543 OWNER: REMARKS: C/JERRY/930-00~9 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: CD LVL DESCRIPTION :g:: ~/-}}_ ~/ INSPECTO ~ ~ ACT COMMENTS =11== =S=T ==F-t __ g-/=-F-_o_u=n=d=a=t=1=· o=n=/=P=i-·_e=r=s=========f ---------'---'------------- ------------------,-,-------'-------. ------'--,-----'------------.......... --- ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS r• .Es-Gil C.otporation 1.n Pa~rsliip witli {jove.i:nttU!nt for '1Juifai11fJ. Safe.tg DATE: S~ptember 4, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad. PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2807 ' ' . PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego ·Dr. PROJECT NAME: Parking· Icon SE"f: l . · Colu_m-n D APR CANT D JURl'S. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE ' ' -, . The .plans transmitted her.ewith have been cor:rected where necessary and substantiaHy comply with the jurisdictionis building codes. · · D. The plans transmitted herewith:Will substantially comply With the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies ioentified below are reso.lved and checked by building department -~~ - D The plans transmitted herewith have. significant deficiencies identified on the enclose_d check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ·· 0 The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being h~ld at E~gil Corporation until c.orrected plans are submitted for .recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check lfst is ~nclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the· applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy onhe check list -has been s·ent to: [gl Esgil Corporation staff diµ not advi'~e the applicant that the plan.check has. been completed: D Esg_il Corporationstaff'qid advise the applicant that the plan check has been-completed. Person contacted: Telephone·#: . Date contacted:· (by: . ) Mail Telephone Fax In Person IZJ REMARKS: Column only. By: Kurt Culv-er ~sgil Corporation D GA D crv, D EJ O Pc Fax#: Enclosur.es: 8/27/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite.208 +_San Diego, Californla 92123 + (619) 5"60-!468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 98-2807 September 4, 1998 VALUATION, AND PLAN CHE:CK FEE'. JURISDICTION: Carlsbad , PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver. PLAN CHECK NO;: 98-2807 DATE: Septemb~r 4, 1,998 . BUILDING ADDRESS,: 1 Legp Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTlo'N: - BUILDING PORTION BUiLDING AREA .. VALUATION, (ft/) MUI,.. TIPLIER · . : .. ,, " "' . -. .. -- ,. -. . . . . Air C<;:>nditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE . •'• ' D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee O Bid~. Permit Fee by' ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan ·Check Fee D Pl~n Check Fee by ordinarn:::e: $ VALUE ($) ... - Type of Review: , [j Complete. Review D Structural Only IZI Hourly D Repetitive Fe~ Applicable , D Other: ~ Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 130.73 Comments: Parking icon col.umn review: Esgil fee,-= 1 ½ hrs. @ $87.15/hr. Sheet 1 of 1 -macvalue.doc 5196 / PLANNINO/ENCINEERIN:C APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB 9 8' ~ 7 DATE 9-/S--9g ______ ___;~- ADDRESS __ 1=---...::L=&...:::...::::::G_.;::o_/J.;;;..-:...;~.:....:I u~£::;;_" ____________ _ RESIDENTIA~ RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR ( < $10,000.00) TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLAZA CAMINQ REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLACE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDINC LGGOL-A7v/J -/JA-t€K/IV{; L..OT OTHER /J~1<1A1G ...TCO/ll CoLUMAJS' /vv.tl ,COuAJ,()A-770-AE PLANNER ~ ~ DATE 9-·/S------9c£ ENGINEER ------------DATE ______ _ DDCS/MlstorfflS/Plannlng Englneertng AJ>provals ... To Building Department City of Carlsbad Mike Peterson From Dawn Rollins Landon, P1E. rrll LEG-OLAND E. ..5 TA T-E. -5· -· -:---- Copy to 0-103/62 . Re: New Permit Ap_plication -Outer Park Parking Icons-Peer Review' Dear Mike: .Memo/Report · Date 8/24/98 . Page 1 . I Extension 1.57 Please find attached a permit appl_ication with drawings for plan check to review and issue a permit. The related permits already is~ued are: ~ CB 98-2608 Parking Icons ·Foundation (in ·progress). Included please find the following documents and drawings: • Master Plan, to show the lo.cation in the park • Legal description • Peer Review letter, prepared by Dunn ·Savoie,. Inc,. (4 copies wet stamped) . • Structural Calculations Cone., ''Column for Icons", prepared by Midtconsult a/s:Consulting Engineers (4 copies) ' · • Drawing "Column for Icon$" (4 copies wet stamped) · Please let me know if yoll have any questions. Best Regards, 13133-B LEGOLANP California Inc. · l LEGO Drive <;::arlsbad, CA 92008 USA Tel: ·(760) 804~8355, Fax:, (760) 804-7959 LEGOLAND Californi;i Address: 1 LEGO Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Legal Description: ----~ ·Lo~ 18 and 19 qfCity ofCarlsbacl T.ractNo. 94-09~ Carlsbad Ranch-.Uni~ 2 and 3, in the City of Carlsbad, County of $an Diego, State of Califorp.ia, according to Map No. i34()8 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of$~ Diego County Aprill, l991. Assessor'sJ>arcel No.: • Lot 18 (LEGOLAND):· 2il-l00 .. 09 Lot 19 (LEGO Drive): 211-100-11 26Junc98 LLEAG ~. ! : .... .'1 :, ·, ~-: _.,,. . , ·;-•,' .~ ·-, .. _, ~ j, •:,·; -----------------··----,. ... .... :· < ' • S7Z6 STATIC CALCULATIONS CONC. COLUMN FOR ICONS ATTRACTION LEGOLAND CARLSBAD Heming. 12 August 1998 midtconsult a/s Consulting Engineers Viborgvej 1 7400 Heming Denmark ph: +45 97 221133 liiU TtFs1~11·33. cocvnl'V. FPrt lCOl'~f ~ FAX 97221905 SI(! nr. Side .1"92 6 .. L ·: 3 · '--'"~,.,. ~~--+-,,Kontr:..,.;"~ . .;._a..;.- '"'"' ' ! mldtconsult a/s .. .J t4 r I c . . :Ct9t. CVt:,97.)()/V.f , -C>t.. c CJ { t,,n/v · rJ, ' "3 2 !, ....• °'.rt,f .,.. ? 1-0 '$-31 4 I . I ,. :, 7.1 /?I /ltv' f,'1c'J f IV V' [I 'i.. < • ·-o, z. k/V . o, : Lt:'77t-n... . . = 7. !:,-J( If,; I . lf/1/VtJ [l'J/1/J p ::::: Ce. Ci . '/.'.J . lw ' Ce -:: . I, tJb (t Xf'O .1'//d't-c} .. C q. ::-I </ /;A/ /?/b'Y PIK f'C T /CJ.Ii,; I q_) : 819-fl( }I!; I JY.P f ;i,:· (•"(,'v' 711 • ·/ bl == /ll,'7-k"1/II ': . ,I lt- q. J :. P. 1,0 f,(~111 i I ) r;,., ::-l, /} p ... "'\ , •, ·' midtconsult a/s SHfTCf/. g S? ~ :; w, .. - " '~ I i I i I I v3 + 'D1 t ELEVA11ON, _1: 20 0 f9 I l'ft,,_.,lll!OI_,., INAI A! UlU ""' ~j P'O(llel,l er"=:1111'f!~·W~-Rlll«5ol.lJ)!C ... NPI-RO,,. m.,111c, J<f,S.ID,,.,. . CCI.Ul!.S-_,KIIICIIClll:lll\l .1·""" ~ W10 1 [} / tJ. .l 5 I J7 -~ -~ t:\ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ C:· r .,,.___,_ t- ~ w 'L ::: / 1? Jov/n I .. \J ' I • \ "\ I liii'iil TLF97221133 ~ FAX 07 !!!! 10 05 midtconsult a/s /t/A,-- a,,, -- /'1,,, ~ - Pl~t~ ¢ w -- a-~- CtJl Vn.l'V . ;::c,.;;_ J pA,_t; sagru. 1-----------....;.......;'-'-'='---,,--~-..;;;.._----1 .> Ref. Sia. '3: 3 Kontr -----en... lZ . ( ~ JJ r-t?,.Z+ -z, r) ·->. !'-'7-k'/'-I I/~ (~ 2-~ ·7,? + ? fl. ~~f) -l>, 6,[) kft.-I. - ,, "3 . ~ p_ 0 :>-y -I-1 1/ •. 2, 2 ' /, '7-f :::.. l~ f J,{,vn I ZYtf-. /P ,1/#f rr _. (z vv. r c,, -Z ·z ti;, j~ If )· .-/tJ 1 /),N 3 ·11. • I Z V ~ ·f'" YI~-. -. l't_ I' • I fJ -6 7J,; ') )V /,'? r, "'l. . YIF ., ·/(),. - . ;~ r . 10 -1 T lotf,"l · z + l..f~ I .................... · --------·IE" 2 0. R 2 <. 1. 1./. q /(IV t?I-C ,1