HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; BATFLYER; CB991356; PermitI I t . .\ \ : City of Carlsbad 05-26-2000 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB991356 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: Applicant: FEND JIM Suilding Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 1 LEGO DR CBAb Tl Sub Type: Lot#: 2111000900 $20,000.00 Construction Type: Reference #: LEGO LAND BATFLYER RIDE FOUNDATION COMM 0 VN Owner: Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 04/07/1999 MOP 05/26/2000 05/26/2000 LEGOLAtiQ CARLSBAD INC ~k5k t..,~1G,2;11v" 00v"1 ,,11 C/0 FINANC'.E"0EPT '7 ' ' .., ..::,., " ..,_ 1 LEGO DR CARLSBAD CA 90228 760-918-5460 56.00 AVENIDA ENbl~S #130 C-PRMT 'CY~ ~L~(~i,}Ja "' ~\S . .\.1(5 !r0 ~ I~ . ,,..,,_, . . ~ ,...,d' \ Total Fees: $335.98 FINAL APPROVAL Dat::t. 3( · /()) Clearance: _____ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes.the 'Imposition" of-fees,.dei;lications, reservations.or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued.to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Cansbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely fol.low that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions-DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service.fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which ou have reviousl been iven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has reviousl otheiwise ex ired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Pahnas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 02 335-98 \ PERMIT APPLICATION ·FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,rC.... PLAN CHECK NO. Cf[-/~0 V. CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Or., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 'EST. VAL. _________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit-------- Validated By _________ _ Date. _____________ _ 1, PRoJECT INFORMATION Address (include Bldg/Suite-I) :· ·j .: LI~/:_··. .i . . u;,O Legal Description lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total I of units Assessor's Parcel, Bee++ I\. Proposed Use Description of Work I of Bedrooms II of Bathrooms Stete/Zip Telephone II Fax I ,3, Name Name Address · City · State/Zip Telephone II 5. ·-·coNTRACTOR:-.cON1PAN'Y.1NAM~:t:1;::-=::¥:/i~T,;,\Ttrt:··_ ... :':·,!. /,,:·.'':"···:· '·:. · :· · ·--... "1. ·-:.-~ ... " ~., 'it .... • "• '. ;. _.:_-. •,. • 1' ,, • • • .... •• '•• '•, ,-•••• (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions·Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, impri>v1, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for sucn permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Bu1inu1 and Profusiona Code) or thet he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for.a permit subjects the-applicant to a civil Plnllty of not more then.five hundred dollers 1$500)1. Name Address City State/Zip Telephone II State License II ________ ___ Llcltlle·Cl11s _________ _ City Business Uc1n1e I---'----- Designer Name Addre~s City State/Zip State License I ________ ___ :6,. .. .WORKERS' .. COMPENSA TlONi,i~.:i,:,.:::~';i.:{~;tf'..:: .::::.::,.·;_.i,: ... : ..... , ... , .. , .... ·-_ .... --~·-... · ... : .. ,::: '. . , -·~ '. ·: .. '. :: :·· .-: .. ~'.'.: . ; · .': ! • .'::.~: : .' · .. Workers' Compensation Decleration: I hereby affirm under penaltY of perjury one of the following declaretions: Telephone O I have and will maintain a. certifl_cate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation-as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. · O I have and will maintain workers' compensl!ltion, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Codi[!, f~r the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy-number-are: Insurance Company . Policy.No •. --'---------a.---Expiration Date ______ _ !THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the perfotmance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ eny person in any manner 10 es to become subject to the Workers' Compitn1_ation Laws of California. WARNING: Fallure to ucure worker1' compensation coverage 11 unlawful, and ahall aubjact an-employer to crlmln!III penaltlea and clvll fln11 up to one hundred thousand dollar• 1• 100,000), In addition to tha coat of comp-atlon, damagea u provkll[ld for In Section 3708 9f't~ Labor code, Interest and ·anomay'a fH1. SIGNATURE. __________________________ __,._____ DATE .... ---------,- ·1. · OWNERaBUILDER:tlECl.:ARATION::1r-i-;'.''.':·:'.t';~';:·•.',,~;· '· •··1 ••••• • ' •: •• _ •• -• ·-"· , I•.:••••: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from tha Contractor'• License Lew for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employe11 with wages as their sole compensation, will, do ·the work 1ild the structure i1 not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Busine11 and Profea1lon1 Code: The Contrector's Licenae L•w doea not apply to an own1r of property who builds or lmprovu thereon, end who doea such work himaelf·or through.his own 1mploye111, provid1d that 1uch improvem!lnta are not intended or offered for 1111. If, however, the building or improvement is old ithin one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of 11111. , as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with lic:.en~ed contractors to construct the project (Sec, 7044, Buslnus and Professions Code: The ' ctor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractorlsl licensed pursuant to the Contractor-'• Licenae Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ____ ..... __ Bu1ine11•1ild Profesaions·Code for this reason_: ,: 2. 3. l~ally plan to proyide the major lebor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO ~ have not) signed en application for a building permit for the propoaed work. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / addr111 / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the-following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include niime /address/ phone number/ contractors licen~e number): __ -'--,--.-,...-,,,...,..-------------------,------------------ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE --E----,r---+---,f--,--..,..'-----.----.....,..--'--- ·coMPLETE.THIS,SECTION'FOIJ\' Is the applicant or future building o pant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 256 3 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act7 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occup1nt.r11iquir1d to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality manai,ement district? O · YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000-feet of the outer boundary of I school-site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. . ,a •. , ._;;COJiSTRUCTIQN ~DING~-c;J,.~l:~1WJ$.:ati~:~~L;'.,~;;t;::;:;i~t;;:::-,-:;.:-;::;;?·::::·:.".:,.~~-;,'._:"' · .:.: .. ~,;:,;,: , ... ~-<i,; .. : ·:.,.::..;.::;; : ··:,: ... · .,:: .:: : . ; . :·T: . I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is-issued (Sec_. 3097(1) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME _________________ _ LENDER'S ADDRESS-'-. ______ ...._ __ ..__ ___________ _ :9. · ·APPUCANT'CERTIFICATlONif;t,:./;.,,:'."~>)f:·~ .. :.:1';.;~,:1}:;;:,,;i,,::.>f'.!.\:'::,;/:,:'.·;-,:•·0, ........ --.:. :;·. ·:-.: •• , •• :·'·: __ :~: : •• ,. ••• •.'· • • •• ...... • • .'":, • • I certify that I have read the application and-state that the above information is correct and that the-Information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CIT.Y OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY· IN·CONSEOl.!ENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excevations over 5•0• deep end demolition or construction of',atructures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Officlal under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limlt1tlon and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit la not commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work Is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE -------------,------------·--· -----· DATE ,· L. City of Carlsbad -8:ldg Inspection Request Permit# CB991356 Title: LEGO LAND For:. 8/29/2000 lnsp~ctor Assignment: PD Description: BATFLYER RIDE FOUNDATION Type:TI Job Address: Sub Type: COMM 1 LEGODR Phone: 7609185461 lnspectort2:t__ Suite: Lot. 0 Location: APPLICANT FEND JIM Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Associated PCRs lnsgection Histoiy Date Description 6/29/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 6/29/2000 12 Steel/Bond Beam 6/29/2000 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 6/29/2000 61 Footing 6/28/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 6/28/2000 12 Steel/Bond· Beam. 6/27/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 6/27/2000 12 Steel/Bond Beam 6/14/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 6/14/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Boltirig/Weldihg 6/12/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 6/6/2000 11 Ftg/Foundatibn/Piers 6/5/2000 12 Steel/Bono Beam 6/2/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Requested By: GRETCHEN Enfered By: ROBIN 4Comments Act lnsp Comments AP TP SOG @ ELE;V PT AP TP AP TP U/G CONDUIT @ ELEV PT AP TP WALL FTN@ WITCH CASTLE SIDE NR TP 11:00AM NR TP NR TP NR TP AP PD WC PD AP PD AP ON 6/9 AP PD NR TP BOLT TEMP TO LARGE FOR FTN NR PD A AMERICAN SPECIALTY® Amateur Sports Entertainment Motor Sports Professional Sports Sports * Entertainment Risk Services Worldwide 142 North Main Street Roanoke, Indiana 46783-0309 219-672-8800 219-672-8835 FAX E•mail: amerspec.com Web Site: amerspec@amerspec.com August 28, 2000 City of Carlsbad Building Officials In accordance with and subject to the terms of our Loss Control Evaluation Agreement with Legoland California, this document is to serve as formal notice that American Specialty Risk Management Services LLC, headquartered in Roanoke, Indiana, has completed an evaluation of the ride identified in the attached Addenda and located on the grounds of Legoland California, 1 LEGO Drive, Carlsbad, California. The final evaluation was performed on August 28, 2000. It is the opinion of American .Specialty Risk Management Services LLC that the ride has been installed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications, A.S.T.M., as well as current amusement industry standards and, as such, is available for general use at the time of the evaluation. American Specialty Risk Management Services LLC represents and Legoland California acknowledges that any written report or other document prepared as a result of the evaluation reflects only the conditions of the facility on the date and time of the evaluation. American Specialty Risk Management Services LLC, makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, in connection with the evaluation, or any report prepared in connection with the evaluation. American Specialty does not warrant that its evaluation or any recommendations or considerations it makes to the client or to the City of Carlsbad, California, in connection with the evaluation, even if complied with by Legoland California, will guarantee the prevention of any accident, injury, loss or damage of any kind. Due to the nature of Legoland California's business and operations, American Specialty cannot forecast any accident, injury, loss, or damaged, or the severity thereof, that may occur in the future on Lego land California's property of facility. Sincerely, Lance S. Carr Senior Risk Consultant American Specialty Risk Management Services LLC c)>~ Sp;;,0 <., kj v 3 ~ ....,. " ' .fV, +' . 4'fyERS~ ADDENDUMl With respect to.BAT FLYER: • We conducted operational testing. Items tested: 1) Verified the S~fety Envelope 2) Witnessed ride start up sequence 3) Reviewed standard operator positions 4) Repeated rides in various rider positions to evaluate the ride performance 5) Witnessed typical operation of the ride by the operator • We visually examined the structure, mechanical, and electrical c0mponents which are in plan view, obvfous, and readily visible to the naked eye. • Performed a safety system check. Iteins checked: 1) Witnessed emerge~cy stop and re-start 2) Verified "block" .system is operating and functioning properly • Identified and took photographs o.f certain items· the specialist believed posed a potential safety exposure, these items required attention and/or correction and have been completed to our satisfaction. • Evaluated the current preventive maintenance program. Lance S. Carr Senior Risk Consultant August 28, 2000 Date AUG 29 '00 11:57 FR PSI SD 619455 1170 TO 17609185469 P.01/1212 l •rnformatiofl ~---------,---------------· . ·-- • ToBuildOn Engineering • Consulting • liming FINAL REPORT FOR SPECIAL INSfECTlON AND~ TERIAL. TESTING August 29, 2000 Building Official City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Dept 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-7314 PSI Project# 059-00097-33 SUBJECT: SATISFACTORY COMPiETION OF WOI\K REQUIRING SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING PERMIT NO.: CB99t3S6 & CB00I389 PROJECT ADDRESS: Batf}yer Ride One 'Lego Drive Carlsbad; California I declare under penalty ·Of pcrjuty that. to the best of my .knowledge, all the work requiring special inspection, material sampling and testing under the subject permit is in conformance with the approved plans, tho inspection c1nd observation progr4m .ind Qtlter construction documents, and the applicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. E~ecuted on this 29st day of August, 2000. Comments: PSl's Scope of Services included-the following: · Cassion, Concrete1 Ancltor Bolt and Welding Inspection, reference letter dat.ed August 29, 2000. TESTING LADORA TORY OR SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCY: Professional Service Industries, Inc. 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Ste E San Diego, CA 92121 Vice President _,_,. State of California Registration Number: RCE 43241 Expiration Date: 03/31/2004 Professional Service Industries, Inc, • 6867 Nancy Ridlje Drive. Suite E • Sari Oleoo. CA 92121 • PhonA lt',R/4.'i!\-OFiU • FAv aiw.4,;,;, 1170 Independent TesUng & En;rnetrfng services fer Enargy Sy1tem1 City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Pat Kelly san 01110 ArH Office IIHI CARROLL Cl;N'T!Jll RD, IUITE103 iAN Dll!GOi CA 92128-6507 (119)08MH1 PAX (111) GIS.08D1 ~ August23,2000 Subject: Equipment Labeling Evaluation cf the Bat Flyer Amusement Ride located at L~goland. ETl Reference No.: 220-5641 Oear Mr. Kelly: This letter Is to advise you that Electro-Test, Inc. {ETI) has QQmpleted Its evaluatl'cn and testing of the following equipment located at Legoland ar,d an ETl Field Evaluation Label has been added adjac~nt to the equipment nameplate: Type Mfg, Model No. Serial No's. Rating Label No. Sat Flyer Amusement Ride Caripro Amusement Technology, B. V. Bat Flyer Q57 480 VACI 180 amps, 3 phase1 60 HZ. M223700 The final report sho~ld be malled out today. If you have any q~estions, or if we can be .of further service, please give either Leif Hoegberg or myself a call at (e,·e} 895-9651. Best regards, ELECTRO-TEST, INC, 0'174µ~ Don Weber Senior Compliance Engineer Copy: Mr. Pete Kowny Legoland 0·8/09/0U WED 17: 00 FAX -~ ······ ......... " ..... -~, .,--. I ' r ' .,___ . IlURGF.:ss f.:NGJNEERlNG GROUP 0(10()7"!)2 August 9, 2000 Memo to: From: RE: Use of Powder Driven Fasteners Wiicl1's Castle Spellbreaker TI1is memo is to advise you ·that we recommend approval of the use of powder driven fastenerS at the wall base plate for the above captioned altraction, provided that the fasteners ~re Jnst_g_U~d in.slric.Lc_QIIJplia__nc.e1Witl1_the manufacturer's recommendations. and. th~ provisiop. of ICBO Evaluation Report ER~S330. This approval is bas~d on use of a f~stener with a diameter of 0.172'' spa~ed at a maximunt of2i-O" oi1 centers. Our calculations for wind load show that the load ll, the stem wall will be about 131tt/f for the Witch's Castle; · cc; Jim Fend Mark Farnum 22921 T1•ifr>II Way• S11ir<: '227 • Lt11n,1ur llills. CA 92653 (949) .'i88-88(JJ • (!J49) .'i88-72/6 ([',IX/ jfJ11rg926.'i3 Ci!'clfll.cflm ll! 002 0'8/29/0b TUE 12: 12 FAX 619 445 3435 ' ' . ' i . Andrew Electric 402 Alpine Heights R& Alpine Ca. 91901 : · 8/29/00 Biostruct : . RE:· Legpland Bat Flyer :···~ ~ ~ ANDREW ELECTRIC Lic589820 619-445-8955 619-445-3435 Fax This letter is to certify t~t the electrical connections made in electrical equipment provided by AIJ.4r~w ~l~~'1;J-.i~ pµ th~ abov¢ refer~rtced pr~ject W~f~ tightened as per manufacturers specificitlons. . .: . :. Sincerely, Andrew Electric ~ I . . ' . ~------· ------ @001 0&/30/0~ WED 11:50 FAX JT, ( _,.,-B:URGESS HNOINEERING GRQUP \, ......... ,_ •• •.,i 0007-02 August 30, 2000 To Whom It May Conceni: This is to advise you that I am aware of the St1bstitution ofthe Hardie panel siding for the Witch's Castle portion of the Batflyer attractic,11 .. The installc:,d ·siding will meet the performance requirements of that application. r"" /r) . Yourstnt~}'.'., ~ \,, , /_ -:;..---~ -~--· 119,? I Triton Way • S11il<' 227 • l.a111mn Hill.f, CA 92653 (!'14.9) .'i,S,Ni8()/ • (9491 .'iH>l-72/6 (!"t1XI jb1111192fi531P'(/t7/.1,'t)/I/ ~002 City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 6/29/2000 Permit# CB991356 Title: LEGO LAND Inspector Assignment: PD --- Description: BATFLYER RIDE FOUNDATION Type:TI Job Address: Sub Type: COMM 1 LEGO DR Phone: 8589676124 Suite: Location: Lot 0 Inspector: £7 APPLICANT FEND JIM Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND EST ATES AG · Remarks: PM PLEASE ·BETWEEN 2 & 3 Total Time: CD Description Act Comments Requested By: MARK E;htered By: ROBIN 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers A~ ...S-o P-e,_ .I:!~ ed: /2-______ _j_~---=--~~----"--~~-- 31 ,>q,tt:, #+ ~t!Z e. et..ecA _p/4 .. ~/ Associated PCRs AJ'° w;otA-prvJ e 4rJ;d?I? M Wrrc;/,d CldJttf..-fJ,t. lnsgection Histo~ Date Description Act lnsp Comments 6/27/2000 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers NR TP 6/27/2000 12 Steel/Bond Beam NR TP 6/14/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 6/14/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin9 WC PD 6/12/2000 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers -AP PD AP ON 6/9 6/6/2000 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers AP PD 6/5/2000 12 Steel/Bond Beam NR TP BOLT TEMP TO LARGE FOR FTN 6/2/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers NR PD Independent Testing & Engineering Services for Energy Systems City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Pat Kelly San Diego Area Office 9835 CARROLL CENTER RD. SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126-6507 (619) 695-9551 FAX (619) 695-0861 August23,2000 AMllllt!DOP ~s :,,~. QLOU.LENlltOY •HVICU Subject: Equipment Labeling Evaluation of the Bat Flyer Amusement Ride located at Lego land. ETI Reference No.: 220-5641 Dear Mr. Kelly: This letter is to advise you that Electro-Test, Inc. (ETI) has completed its evaluation and testing of the following equipment located at Legoland and an ETI Field Evaluation Label has been added adjacent to the equipment nameplate: Type Mfg. Model No, Serial No's. Rating Label No. Bat Flyer Amusement Ride . Caripro Amusement Technology, B. V. Bat Flyer 057 480 VAC, 160 amps, 3 phase, 60 HZ. M223700 The final report should be mailed out today. If you have any questions, or if we can be of.further service, please give either Leif Hoegberg or myself a call at (619) 695-9551. Best regards, ELECTRO-TEST, INC. Dcrww~ Don Weber Senior Compliance Engineer Copy: Mr. Pete Kown:/ _- Legoland l •1 Information • ®To Build On Page_1_of_l Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT le,r/J DATE 7-er$:' Op Architect __________________ _ Engineer °E UI~> (: er Contractor 6 f o $±'CV,,.,(;_.. INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING _OSHPD _L Concrete Cylinders _OSA __ Cement __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block _L..concrete __ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Rein!. Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS QTY 5- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- PROJECT (Name)~l5~£---;.--~_.-~fy~e-~---- (Address)~~~~r~j)r;;,.___<>I REPORT NO. Os:9 -OQO 9 7 -z. 7 Building Permit No. GR 99 &,<:""-( Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. _______________ _ OSAorOSHPD#-------------- Other ___________________ _ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Rinf.: Rebar __ Plan & Specs __ Rinf.: W.W.F. __ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons __ Positions /" Cone.: Mix #/psi30tl'eS"'/ __ Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi 7'f()r:T(J __ Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi __ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick __ Torque Applied __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes __ Fireproofing __ Other __ Corrective action required __ __ Corrections completed ltJl1i.R&S Pd ft,,,< p-&-<£--b-ed± 0,-v,_,£ Cl'rz-1 ~d;.f,;::;::;z,, of CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME __ G~..:....;[e,=½..i:.½.,__-'{-/.:;.....,..;;;~~..L'l!,,oc,.___ __ _ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE __ ,,..9;!,,,r;"-o::-,<=Pn=·nt-c-1-,?~r1yrG.> --..----==----7'--///--~ PSI-B-900-170(2) '- CERT. NQ. __ 5.c...hl....L!,ci6'/~_,__ ________ _ DATE _ __,_7_-_,;J-.~-S-=--~-=Oo""""------------- . .,, - j 1;ncorporat<"d Independent Testing & Engineering Services for Energy Systems July 20, 2000 City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Pat Kelly San Diego Service Center 9835 CARROLL CENTER RD. SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126-6507 (858) 695-9551 FAX (858) 695-0861 ~~ =--~- GLOBAL ENHGY SERVICES Subject: Equipr:r,ent Labeling Evaluation of a new amusement ride at Legoland referred to as the Bat Flyer or the Spell Breaker. ETI Reference No.: 220-5641 Dear Mr. Kelly: This letter is to advise you that Electro-Test, Inc. (ETI) has been retained to perform an equipment labeling evaluation on the following equipment located at Legoland: Type Mfg. Model No. Serial No's. Rating B~t Fiyer 'Amus~~~n.t .Ride Caripro Engineering Unknown Unknown Unknown We visited the jobsite on July 18, 2000 to visually examine the equipment and found it to be generally in conformance with applicable electrical standards with the following exceptions: 1. The equipment does not have a complete nameplate. 2. Some of the circuft breakers may not be listed or have an adequate short circuit rating. When the above discrepancies have been corrected, we will submit a final report for your review and approval. ETI requires power to the equipment.so that we may complete our testing with the equipment under normal, full load o'perating ·conditions. ' . .'' ! .:: l <:.' ·: . . \ -. ., ' " ' ' A If you have any questions, or if we can be of further service, please give either Leif Hoagberg or myself a call at (619) 695-9551. Best regards, ELECTRO-TEST, INC. j)6"1 w~ Don Weber Senior Compliance Engineer Copy: Mr. Pete Kowny Legoland l •J Information t • ~To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing . \·_·, ,.:_·;, REPORT 0F'"CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST ' ' • ·-><; .. ., I'. ,:•r:,_,_ 't:i: '} \.' ;~·:. !'I.; TESTED FOR: MR. JIM FEND LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA ONE LEGO BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PROJl;CT:· . LEGOLAND -BATFLYER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE: July 13, 2000 OUR REPORT NO.: 05·9-00097-30 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FOOTING FOR RETAINING WALL DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY July 13, 2000 01:35 pm 7 82 July 14, 2000 PSI PALOMAR ~~SIT MIX SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO./TRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINI; AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE PALOMAR TRANSIT MIX 1047184 344002 NOIE:.Aee.LlCAE!LEASIM..SIANO.ABR.S.UHLES_SJlil:!eBW!SE.lNDrnD..:..SLUMP· C1~3-97· AIB CONTENT· C231-97 (excJ.UD~J· JEMPERATURE· C1064-86193)· CYLINDERS· C31~~UPING SEC 9 2 2)· SAMPLING· cm.gz COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST 2508 A 28 08/10/00 2508 B 28 08/10/00 SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: K Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto~s represenlalive. cc: CITY OF CARLSBAD,/ BIOSTRUCT ASTM C39-96; C1231·93 TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER (LBS;) (IN.) 137000 6.00 138000 6.00 X Cylinders picked up by PSI representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER AREA (SQ.IN.) 28.27 28.27 X THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE-PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) 4850 4880 TYPE OF BREAK Cone Cone Respectfully submitted, o:::;:• lndustr\es, Inc. EDUARDO C. DIZO~ PROJECT ENGINEER PSI A-200-4 (6)F Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive,.Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 858/455-0544 • Fax 858/455-1170 l iii Information .. ~ • .ToBuildOn Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. JIM FEND LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA ONE LEGO BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 July 13, 2000 PROJECT: LEGOLAND -BATFLYER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OUR REPORT NO.: 059-00097-29 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FOOTING FOR WALL #2 RETAINING DATE PLACED TIME July 13, 2000 02:55 pm SUPPLIER PALOMAR TRANSIT MIX DELIVERY TICKET NO./TRUCK NO. SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % 3 MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS 344002 CEMENT AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY 82 July 14, 2000 PSI\GLENN MITCHELL PALOMAR TRANSIT MIX WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NOTE· APPLICABLE ASTM STANOABQS.lJNLESS OTHERWISE INPICAIEP·SLUMP· c143.97, AIR CONTENT· C23J·9Z (EXCLUDING SEC 6}· TEMPERATURE· C1064-86(93l· cYLfNPERS· C31-96 (EXCLU.DJNG..SJ;C...2.2.2UAMEUNG_;_C1Z2,9L COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTM C39-96; C1231-93 I SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LO(ID DIAMETER NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) 2509 A 28 08/10/00 161000 6.00 2509 B 28 08/10/00 164000 6.00 SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: 1f_ Cylinders made by PSI representative. X CyUnders picked up by PSI _ representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractofs representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. TECHNICIAN: GLENN MITCHELL cc: CITY OF CARLSBAD, BIOSTRUCT CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 5700 Cone 28.27 5800 Cone 4000 X Test results comply with applicable specifications. Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. ~~~ THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. EDUARDO C. DIZO~, ~~ PROJECT ENGINEER PSI A-200-4 (6)F Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 858/455-0544 • Fax 858/455-1170 ·l"' .:!>-iiJ Information ~.:11• .To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. JIM FEND LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA ONE LEGO BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PROJECT: LEGOLAND -BATFLYER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE: July 11, 2000 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-00097-19 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT WALL #1 NORTHEAST CORNER DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY July 11, 2000 02:15 pm 4 3/4 July 12,. 2000 PSI\CHRIS DAVIS PALOMAR TRANSIT MIX SUPPUER DELIVERY TICKET NO./TRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE PALOMAR TRANSIT MIX 1046282 344002 NQil::.Aeel.l.CAB.Li;ASTM STANDARQS.U.Nl.fSS_QTf;flIBWJSE.JW).Jl:ATEP_·_sL4MP· CJ43-97· AIR CONTENT· C231-97 IEXCLUPING SEC .. EU:JEMPE.AATURE· C1064-88/93)• CYLINDERS· C31-98 IEXCLUPING s~.2)· SAMPLING· C17.2:l)L COMPRESSION TE;ST RESULTS I I SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAY_S) TEST 2494 A 7 07/18/00 2494 B 28 08/08/00 2494 C 28 08/08/00 SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: _X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractots representative. ASTM C39-96; C1231-93 TOTP.>.L CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) (IN.) 11$000 6.00 157000 6.00 1610'00 6.00 Cylinders picked up by PSI _X representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN;) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 4170 Cone 28.27 5550 Cone 28.27 5700 Cone 4000 X Test results comply with applicable specifications. All cylinders capped in accordance with ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: CHRIS DAVIS cc: CITY OF CARLSBAD, BIOSTRUCT THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDJC:ATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. ~ '_ EDUARDO C. DI~ PROJECT ENGINEER PSI A-20()-4 (6)F Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 858/455-0544 • Fax 858/455-1170 l iJ Information ~ • ~To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT Je40/aNJ CA. r) DATE 7-d. I-OD PROJECT (Name) Lego /4;.,c/ ·· Ee:IC4rr (Address) C4/ ~4'. </ CA, Architect REPORT NO. CJS7-OCJD<9'7-·.2.,,:.,~ Building Permit No. C a ('.')('} 18 77 j<'.~6/4Mef 7Ll?.l-(/I( .&pc::/ Engineer __ ...,E,_.:;_U.==-<c--"'~~e~_s ... ·_s"'-_...,£;.;""'-''--"'--,5~/t,J.,.·c.J;('-i<'.:...£.:C';_· -- Contractor. __ ....<-l3 __ I_D~S'-£..f....<-1:~u.~,.....a..j.~------- Plan File No, ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSAor OSHPD #-------------- Other __________________ _ INSPECTION ~SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHE,LIST _QSHPD oncrete Cylinders -L A. Rinf.: Rebar A C. L. < ~ Plan & Specs - _OSA -. Cement --_. Rinf.: W.W.F. v Clearances c.l _specialty _ Mortar Samples --·_._ Rinf.: Tendons VPositions j _ Mechanical _Grout Samples --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _k:CSizes _ Electrical _ Masonry Prisms, --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi v"'Laps aJ:. _Roofing _ Masonry Block --.-Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi --1,L" Concrete ;i re:,&. r' _ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _Masonry _ Units (block or brick) ._:__ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ struct Steel _Asphalt Concrete --·_ Units: Block _ ·Electrode Storage _ Prestress Cone _. _Roofing ---. _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel _._Steel _ Fireproofing · _Steel --___ H.S. Bolts _Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts --__ Metal Decking _ Non-Destructive _Tendon {PT Strands) --_ Electrodes _ Soils Technician _Other --_ Fireproofing _ Batch Plant _Other· --_Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Bolt Pull-Out _Other --_ Corrections completed REMARKS ~ I area. Mc,µ /. /4c r e: j. 4 ~ A.! ,:U S # 3 ~ y ./:/4tt.. /4 c,_ c/4'.ufa n ·c/4 J Cl c Co r J/;..J d Io Ii"-cc-/4 t'w l;_,J-t.A/4 lJ Sc: j< d4-le OAl ~'iAee I S--/()C) , a; c:c-1~-/;cc l~f \Af4 S Cacr<e:± eiNd ib4N p .J-/2 t!. ..,c; r M.5 -7/4 C: e O µ CC'.c;--l~ \ 4/q $ JD c..,,._ e1-t O Q µ d _CON.Sot cla. 1--;,c1 / I W1IA H<c 161¥ l.c ~ / Vt'k 4-fo C ,, /es / ./-},c . Co p..J C! re /4 uc-Co,r d;, -;f-o . d c:;·t:M 7 c-sL . C-/~s J . i C /oc;:':-Y' CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME &Le N1 JV ILf le h ~ LL CERT. NO ...... -_....:::..S=.:1c...:.:D"""'--"'-,· ---=6"--9"--.S-=------ PSI-B-900-170(2) y:P:~,_L_· 7 INSPECTOR SIGNATURE-~C...J.~~~~~,.J.~~~~~-~=--PATE _____ _.;7:__-=-:1...;..;_l_-_;;;o_o ______ _ --- PRESSURE TESTING METALLURGICAL FAILURE ANALYSIS CHEMICAL ANALYSIS MECHANICAL RADIOGRAPHY MAGNETIC PARTICLE ULTRASONICS PENETRANT EDDY CURRENT _ TESTING INC 4735 MYRTLE AVENUE SAN DIEGO, CA, £2jjl,5 . .P~E: (619) 285-9006 FAX: (619) 285-9930 CUSTOMER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, IND. ADDRESS 6867 Nancy Ridge Dr. Suite E C>6C\ -060'17 .o),5 San Diego, CA 921 i1 DATE: 17 JUL 00 P.O.# 43784 CONTROL #: DTF-232-0 QUANTITY: (30) each LOCATION: LEGOLAND,CARLSBAD PART NAME: Columns on "Batflyer" STANDARD: AWS D1.1 WORK ORDER #: 43784 ACCEPTANCE: AWS D1.1 MATERIAL: CFE .. P.E.SCENT TESTED: As Requested MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION EQUIPMENT: Magnaflux Y-5 Yoke PREP. OF SURFACE: As Welded MAGNETIZATION METHOD: lncfirect DIRECTION OF FIELD: 1st 0 2nd 90 AMPERAGE: 1st Fixed 2nd Fixed PARTICLE TYPE: Red Ferrous Dry DEMAGNETIZATION: Yes SHOT DURATION: NIA SERIAL NO. RESULTS INTERPRETATION LEGEND 1. SMALL A. LACK OF P.E.NETRATION F. POROSITY 2. MODERATE B. LACK OF FUSION G. SHRINKAGE 3. BORDERLINE C. UNDERCUTTING H. GAS HOLES 4. EXCESSIVE D. CRACKS I. LINEAR INDICATIONS E. INCLUSIONS J. QUANTITY ACCEPTED: -30-QUANTITY REJECTED: -0- NOTE: Not responsible for any monies over the invoice amount of the job. LEVEL II: _ _::~~~~~>b~--=:=:-r::._ __ _ :. . ------- RECEIVED BY:---::;::::::;;;:.;:::;=:::=:~-------___________________ _ PRINT DATE l ;J lriformation ~ • ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT.Je~c/4 ,y c/ C: 4. DATE 7-I 7· QC Architect .,Leg.o/~IV.d /1?, W: flnel. cJ l ·"4;--- Engineer_---,;2,s.:::....,u,..l.c.A .... c_· @71-'-c;"',._;;::8~S __ E,=--<-A..!:--..ff3-"IA ... • cc~~c~C:-=----,-- Contractor._~E~-/~6.S~~J--r~, ... · ~ ... .c ........ f'--_______ _ INSPECTION MAT.'L SAMPLING QTY _QSHPD V Concrete Cylinders -4- _OSA . _Cement -- _Specialty -. _ Mortar Samples _Mechanical _· · Grout Samples -- _ Electrical _Mas~niy Prisms ~ofing _ Masonry Block -- _ Concrete j , ~ b-4,-_ Fireproofing _Masonry _. Units (block or brick) -- _ Struct Steel _. Asphalt Concrete --· _ Prestress Cone _Roofing -- _ Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel -- _ Fireproofing _Steel -- _Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts _ Non-Destructive _Tendon (PT Strands) -- _Soils Technician _Other -- _ Batch Plant _Other -- _ Bolt Pull-Out _Other -- REMARKS 1-/9.dCJ PROJECT (Name) Lefj 4lv; L -73.4-fr/4-.,.,, (Address) Caci£ ad' REPORT NO. C2-S: 'i-0C)t::) 9~ Building Permit No. CB C)6 I 3 q Cj . Plan File NO."""·---------------- Govt. Contract No. _____________ _ OSAor OSHPD #------------- Other----------------'------ ~~TERIAL DE~IPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~Plan & Specs &J/4 _ Rmf.: Rebar ~ . _ Rinf.: W.W.F. ..fL_ Clearances .tJ'/4 _ Ririf.: Tendons LPositions '1-l _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ...JL°Sizes a. {¥ 2{:nc.: Mix #/psi . _£Laps ~k, nc.: Mix#/psi30'l'Q~ . _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi ~ooo..,os,' . _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: .E!lock _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _Steel _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking _ Electrodes ·-. Fireproofing _Other. -_ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed . ~l 01-.J d CCJN ':?o /;,/4. .J.<?/ rd1E/2 a /:--?c~J~,.;,1~a. I [./26C4 /.or ,. C·-/o~.t,t. .. ' J Hg:,/4 c:? & 1~ a F c2 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported'work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report.covers the locations of the workinspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. 1NsPEcToR NAME Glc: A.llJd ./21 ./cleLL CERT. NO. S -/J, c;;: 9-S (Print Clearly) ~-~-INSPECTOR SIGNATURE...L.~"-+---'~~~=-~~~~=-====- PSI-B-900-170(2) PATE-a.--.Z_-_;/;__...c.7_-_CJ_cJ _______ _ l •J Information M. • ~To Build On Page_1_of j_ , Engineering • Con$ulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT _________ _ PROJECT (Name) l:E-7 of-kt<.t[) DATE_6_/_/_f+-.~-P-~---,--- (Address) __________ _ CA--/2Lt;'BA-o, Ct1-1 REPORT NO. U~q, -OXJCJ] ..--/3 Architect __________________ _ Building Permit No. _____________ _ Engineer __ J_._P_fl/'_fi~/_>'-_~ _____ .....:......_--,------,---'---"- Plan File No, ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ Contractor. ___ Cc-_-'--/ ______________ ~ OSA'or OSHPD #------------- Other __________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING .. QTY ~ATERIAL DESGRIPTION ~SPECTION CHECKLIST _OSHPD _ Concrete Cylinders --· _ Rinf.: Rebar ASJr,-t ,#,/ > __:_ ~an & Specs _OSA _Cement --_ Rinf.: W.W.F. ___:: ~earances _Specialty _ Mortar Samples . . ~inf.: Tendons ~ _v<ositions _Mechanical _ Grout Samples ·-Cone.: Mix #/psi fl5a?t/=o __:, /izes _ Electrical _ Masonry Prisms _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps ~oofing _ Masonry Block ---· _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _Concrete __ _ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi ~onsolidation _Masonry _ Units (block or briqk) --_ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ struct Steel _. Asphalt Concrete --_ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Prestress Cone _Roofing --_ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _ Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel --_. Steel _ Fireproofing _Steel _H.S. Bolts .. _Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking _ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) --_. _ Electrodes _Soils Technician _Other --_ Fireproofing _ Batch Plant _Other -·-_ Other ~orrective action required __ _ Bolt Pull-Out _Other. -·-_ Corrections completed RE~ARKS cPIJC,/2-~~ rwrOik~r //JS'f'£~1l0/.I /l.(5~~R 11G ett-&Ar&C -11/P a:111~d,lt>A-1Z4<f ~ Atfb?(. ,3-0. o (;(I yg 6r C:ONC#ff/ I.tr;< Pf~ffN M, -ff~oo.f-/4()/JO ls,llft?t?O ~ ~) /,<J fl(! fi;l#W,ifj {,J;tJrQOA{r: $,Mft,f~ ~V/f/ttq,q{' &-,:> -r/ f/ht/2.£. ${?,tM. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers.the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · · · 5'~ CERT. NO. _ _._ ______________ _ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE-1J...,q;;---l1L.L-.z...:..c._ ____ --'--DATE_--'-+l/;_('7)<+-1~------- Ps1-s-9oo-110(2) l ;J Information ~ • ®To Build On · Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_ofL INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT 1 '4t.,Jcn }4-t-t<1 DATE_-=l:.:;;_-_/"-f.__,__-cC._~ ___ _ Architect _________________ __,.._ Contractor ____________ ---'------ PROJECT (Name) 4~/4.ti,l /3LtGly«,- (Address) c!JM<.)•::1,o Vr- {:.A--,,-LGW ~n REPORT NO. (:J .S-4 t!;,t:)O'l/ -ID Building Permit No. <!.. @ t:?<q, t J.-.s --~ Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No.---------~----- OSA or OSHPD #-------------- Other__,---,----------------- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY -MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders ~ __ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement _-_ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ specialty __ Mortar Samples --_ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samplei, ,_ Cone.: Mix #/ps#"6Cc4i' _Sizes __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~ _Laps __ Roofing __ Masonry Block --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psj , ~Concrete __ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation lt,,e-k-H l~J __ Masonry __ Units-{block or brick) --_ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --_ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --' _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --_Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel ---_H.S.Bolts __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -----_. _ Metal Decking __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon {PT Strands) --_ Electrodes __ Soils Technician __ Other ----Fireproofing __ Batch Plant ___ Other _Other _ Corrective action required __ --- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other ----_ Corrections completed REMARKS G:,-/"-/-oO~ &~L'\ l~ L -S'j6eck<l-C.. IN,5)7e<Rl1!'.L d IAr"'.l.v, ~e>il )6)<.,c<2,Mll!µt CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our-knowledge, all of the reported work, 1,mless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. 1NsPEcToR NAME-~tl~A~~..;_,.:.,,)u=--__;;;;~=--.;:=1::;.-.::;_n~v.s:::...-.... r ~Clearly) · _ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE c.~.L ~ ~ PSl-8-900-170(2) CERT. NO. t b #7 DATE _ (., ... /9--oc,_ l , ii/ Information ~ • ®To Build On • Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_of_/_ . INSPECTION REPORT cuENT~Bc.-t-~--'r ...... ~_e,,,,--'---__ ~ PROJECT (Name) /,¾tJ@O DATE _ _,6bf--'-f-'-j1/2~v,_o_o ______ _ (Address) _________ _ REPORT NO. __ JJ._~~f~. h;_~~7~_,__-_q __ _ Architect __________________ _ Building Permit No. _____________ _ Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. _______________ _ Engineer J · #vvfl>J·. OSAor OSHPD #-------------- Other __________________ _ Contractor._~{;c~+l------'-------'------ INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY ~ATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~SPECTION CHECKLIST __ OSHPD ___ Concrete Cylinders ___ Rinf.: Rebar ~ 1tC/_> _ Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement --_ Rinf.: W.W.F. 7 c1earances __ Specialty .--Mortar Samples _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~izes __ Electrical ___ .Masonry Prisms --_ Cqnc.: Mix #/psi _Laps ~oofing __ Masonry Block -.--_ Cone.: Mix .#/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Concrete __ Fireproofing --.-Gcout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --_ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --_ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --_ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --_Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel --_H.S.Bolts __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --_ Metal Decking __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands)· --_ Electrodes __ Soils Technician __ Other --_ Fireproofing / Corrective action required~ If. __ Batch Plant __ Other ---_Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --_ Corrections completed REMARKS /?,a111fo,e,1 ~ S'fu/ ffi o/~d:) tr,., /4w_efc.,: ft, Yt1v,ftvaj d_ed I~ /2_;,. -J,, :/2, /4-ff1/r,.,. 4f"l/'Jd', I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE___£__:._----'!~~-----"- PsI-s-9oo-110(2i ~:fo CERT.NO·---'-----'-----,--------- DATE __ bfl<-.:,/_7_._/4_g_v _______ _ l •1 Information • ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. JIM FEND LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA ONE LEGO BOULEVARD PROJECT: LEGOLAND -BATFLYER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: June 19, 2000 OUR REPORT NO.: 0·!59-00097-12 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BATFLYER EQUIPMENT PAD & GRID BEAM AT MID POINT DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % June 19, 2000 07:20 am 5 AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 68 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 80 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY June 20, 2000 PSI\1'1IRANDA PALOMAR TRANSIT MIX SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.FrRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE CQARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE PALOMAR TRANSIT MIX 1039479 445004 tiO.ILIEfl.lCA!ll.a.AS!MMAND.ARC!S.lllil.J;SS_Q.IJ:!EBWl.Sf..!NDJCAIE.D.;_S.L,UMP· C143-97· Al\l CONTENT-C23f.97 IEXCLUDINlLSEC. 6): TEMPERATU~E: Cj064-86(93)' CYLINDERS_' C31-96 (EXCLUDING..SEC...£2.ruAMPLINll:.C.172:.8L COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DAlEOF NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST 2448 A 7 06/26/00 2448 B 28 07/17/00 2448 C 28 07/17/00 SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: K Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's cir Contracto~s representative.· ASTM C39-96; C1231-93 TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) (IN.) 14600"0 6.00 · Cylinders picked up by.PSI _K representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER . COMPRESSIVE AREA . STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 5160 Cone 4000 Test results comply with applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. All cylinders capped in accordance with ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: MIRANDA cc : CITY OF CARLSBAD, BI.OSTRUCT THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE•ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE iNDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A.200-4 ce)F Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 858/455-0544 • Fax 858/455-1170 I i I I .. l •1 Information • ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORi OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. JIM FEND LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA ONE LEGO BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 June 14, 2,000 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT COLUMN FOOTING #2 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, 0f CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, 0f DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY Jun~ 14, 2000 08:25 am 6 June. 15, 2000· CHRIS DAVI$ PALOMAR PROJECT: LEGOLAND -BATFLYER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OUR REPORT NO.: 059-00097-11 SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO./TRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT· WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE PALOMAR 1038084 445004 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTM'C39-96; C1231-93 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER AREA STRENGTH NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS;) (IN.) (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 2435 A 7 06/21/00 143000 6.00 28.27 5060 Cone 2435 B 28 07/12/00 2435 C 28 07/12/00 2435 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 ;,000 - REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Test results-comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders made by Architect:s or Contracto(s representative. TECHNICIAN: CHRIS DAVID cc: CITY OF CARLSBAD, BIOSTRVCT Cylinders delivered to f'SI laboratory. Test results do not comply with applicable· specifications. THESE TEST RE SUL TS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, I_NC. PSI A,20o-4 (S)F Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San. Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 858/455-0544 • Fax 858/455-1170 l iiJ Information ~ • ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. JIM FEND LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA ONE LEGO BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 June 04, 2000 PROJECT: LEGOLAND -BATFLYER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OUR REPORT NO.: 059-00097-8 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CAISSON #14 @ THE NEW BATFL:(ER ATTRACTION DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F June 09, 2000 02 ·: 20 pm 5 1/4 69 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 75 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB June 12°, 2 0 0 0 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\CARLOS HERNANDEZ MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY PALOMAR TRANSIT M:CX SUPPLIER DELlVERY TICKET NO./TRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE PALOMAR TRANSIT MIX 1037234 445004 NOTE; APELIC,\BLE;ASJ.l,lSIAtlDABO.S.Ut,/LE:cSliHl:fEfilYlSE:clt,IDJ.CAtED.;.SLJJ.Me; C143-97· AIR_C.QfilEtil;_C_™1.(E~.lli.G...SE:cC-6];.IEMeJaBAI.UBE;J;1.0_6±Jl.6.(9]); C.Yl.lNDEBS:..C~t:.9.IUElSCLUDlli.G.SE_C~,2.2) • .S~M~Llt{G;_CjJ2~91 •. COMPRESSION Tl;ST RESULTS ASTM C39-96; C1231-93 TORY LABORA NUMBE R 2427 2427 2427 2427 SPECIFICA TIONS SPECIMEN IDENTIFICATION OR SET NO. A B C D i I TEST AGE DATE OF (DAYS) TEST 7 06/16/00 28 07/07/00 28 07/07/00 28 ------~ REMARKS: ~ Cylinders made by PSI repre~entative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto~s representative. TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) (IN.) 158000 6.00 Cylinders picked up by PSI ~ representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 2~3.27 5590 Cone -- 4000 Test results comply with applicable specifications. Test results.do not comply with applicable specifications. All cylinders capped in accordance with ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: CARLOS HERNANDEZ cc: CITY OF CARLSBAD, BIOSTRUCT THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE'OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ndustries, Inc. ( :f{f(f,AK cs~~:! Ps1 A-200-4 (6JF Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 858/455-0544 • Fax 858/455-1170 l ii/ Information • ~To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_of _J_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT {_,,e~;,:;i Lad DATE 6-1-6-i) Architect __________ ...,_ _______ _ Engineer ]s LJ ~Q.65 ~u Grrrn<f Contracto._ _________ '------'---------'--- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QT'( __ OSHPD ___ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA -,-'Cement --__ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block __ Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --__ Struct Steel ___ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone < __ Roofing --/~gCa.,,s~ __ Reinf. Steel --__ Fireproofing __ Steel --__ Waterproofing __ , H.S. Bolts---- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other --- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS PROJECT (Name) 1?za±: '-::t / "f ece (Address) __________ _ ~c&,,J Ca,,,, REPORT NO. Os::9-ono97 -.2. Building Permit No. _____________ _ Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No.--------------- OSA or OSHPD #------------- Other---'--------------------- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ' i __ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs I __ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ ! __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation ___ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage I __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes __ Fireproofing __ Other _ Corrective action required __ , _ Corrections completed l CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all ofthe reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the bi.Jilding codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME __ G __ '--'/.e...,.M='\l)i.--__.H'---'-=~~..__....s:.__ __ (Print C!early)J INSPECTOR SIGNATURE--"7',£/4e~ __ _.flt-""'-~-====----- PsI-s-soo-1?0(2i CERT. NO. _5 l) ~t/ DATE ~--l -oe l ;/ Irifmmation I:!. • ,,To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT _________ _ DATE ~ -:f /, 2.cldc) Architect ________________ -"--- Engineer ________________ '--~-- Contractor __________________ _ INSPECTION _OSHPD __ OSA __ Specialty __ Mechanical __ Electrical __ Roofing __ Concrete __ Masonry __ Struct Steel __ Prestress Cone __ Pile Driving __ Fireproofing __ Waterproofing Non-Destructive ~Soils Technician __ Batch Plant __ Bolt Pull-Out REMARKS /?e-et!f::(" -c:,.,-,...... MAT'LSAMPLING QTY __ Concrete Cylinders __ . Cement -- __ Mortar Samples --· __ Grout Samples __ Masonry Prisms -- __ . Masonry Block -- __ Fireproofing -- __ Units (block or brick) __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Roofing· -- __ Reinf. Steel --__ Steel -- __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ .Other -- __ Other --__ .Other -- PROJECT {Name~I/Zyc..-' {Address) C.6 $ d LA~ VJ~~C,q REPORT NO. asq -000'17-.3 Building Permit No. _____________ _ Plan File No, ________________ _ Govt. Contract No.---------------- OSA or OSHPD #-------------- Other ___________________ _ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs _._ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ CQnc.: Mix #/psi _Sizes _._ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage -: _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _._Steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes __ Fireproofing __ Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed .. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME 1e (;,0,./ c1 r /4=7~ 1 .h-CERT. NO. ________________ _ (Pnnt Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATURE/~~,/"'~ DATE __________________ _ PSl-8-900-170(2) l •Jinforrnation • .ToBuildOn Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIP OF SOIL TESTED FOR: DATE: 139 ·i I-135 0 0 u. (.) co ::, (.) c:: 131 w a. (/) co ...J ~ 127 en z w C >-c:: C 119 115 w 2 MR. JIM FEND LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA ONE LEGO BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 May 31, 2000 4 6 8 PROJECT: LEGOLAND -BATFLYER CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OUR REPORT NO.: 059-00097-1 TEST DATA Visual Classification Red Brown Fine Silty Sand PSI Lab# 00-058 Sample Source Stockpile Method of Test ASTM D 1557-91 Procedure A Rarnmer: Mechanical Method of Preparation: Moist · Test Results Maximum Dry Density 125. O lbs/ft~ Optimum Moisture Content 11. o % Atterberg Limits (ASTM 64318-98) LL: PL: Pl: Specific Gravity: 2. 60 (estimate) .. . 10 12 14 16 Grain Size Analysis (ASTM C136-96a and/or C117-95) Sieve Percent Size Passing MOISTURE CONTENT, PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT REMARKS: cc: CITY OF CARLSBAD, BIOSTRUCT REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED. EXCEPT IN FULL. WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. A-100-1 (3)F Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 858/455-0544 • Fax 858/455-1170 l •J Information • ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_ot_L INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT leff4'/<21o<:J DATE ~·-7-0-0 Architect ________________ -'---- Engineer (Su°1f-o?-,,SS £,..~ G·cp Contractor: {)/o Si--yU-e. INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING __ QSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders _QSA __ Cement __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout ~amples __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block Lconcrete __ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ Struct Steel . _. _ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -LPile Driving e,.a..,.$S~ __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S: Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician _._Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS QTY -- ----·- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- PROJECT (Name) M-7-flf erC (Address) _________ _ REPORTNO. a$:}'-OO'z)97 Building Permit No. _9_:g=-~ ..... °I~r=~=~ .... e.""--------- Plan File No,--.,...---------------- Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ CSA-or OSHPD #----,------------ Other_. ___________________ _ MATERIAL DESCRZTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _LRinf.: Rebar ,:;ls 'Ce:, _ Plan & Specs , __ Rinf.:W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _._Torque Applied __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking -. _ E'tectrodes __ Fireproofing -.-Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION QF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, -all of the reported work,. unless otherwise no ed, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers·the locations of the work inspected-only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. 1NsPEcToR NAME_ ..... G_-....,C ..... e ..... 1\.....,...,,_, .. _.--1U-~~'-16t::,,'---- 1NsPEcToR SIGNATURE ~,a...,, d ~.££__ ----==; CERT. NO. S D ;;.£1 . -DATE 6-7~<?:t-. PSI-B-900-170(2) l ;/ Information • ,.To Build On Page_1_ot_l. Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT L ? lo '° -e~ DATE ~ .. ~-o-c. Architect ___________ ....,..,.... _____ _ Engineer &u~eS<: ¾ Gr:'f Contractor. 'g I ~ $+rn .:-• 1 INSPECTION _QSHPD __ QSA __ Specialty __ Mechanical __ Electrical __ Roofing __ Concrete __ Masonry __ Struct Steel __ Prestress Cone , V' 1'im"Sriving CO,;IS'~ __ Fireproofing __ Waterproofing __ Non-Destructive __ Soils Technician __ Batch Plant __ Bolt Pull-Out REMARKS €~vJ~ MAT"LSAMPLING __ Concrete Cylinders __ Cement __ Mortar Samples __ Grout Samples __ Masonry Prisms __ Masonry Block __ Fireproofing : __ Units (block or brick) __ Asphalt Concrete __ Roofing . __ Reinf. Steel __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Other __ Other. __ Other QTY -- --· -- -·-- ------ ---- -- ---·-- -- -- -- -- PROJECT (Name) Bal: '::[l-v1W I (Address) _________ _ ~W~---4 REPORT NO. oS,9' ... OQ:::P:t) --& Building Permit No. -CR~--.9?f-,..../~"""'" s--....,,f>"'--------- .Plan File No, _______________ _ Govt. Contract No.----'-------------- CSA or OSHPD #--~----------- Other __ ...,.... _________________ _ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs __ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes -.-Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi · _ Consolidation -·-. Mqrtar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied . __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts . __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes __ Fireproofing _._. Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed l n-15,u.~_j e' 4-Lv c..;.l--c.s-~ c.c: '* CD:,,) SSc'h.s • :J::~ s.e.'t',===L=: ==s~Aa +. ~, J..-b,Jts CiuE':J.,calz,, CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with appr~ specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME _.....:G-...1"-·'f...,.-..:,.V\.e..:..'A.--=------4H,_. L..:~:;;;...\...'--"--'~'----'--CERT. No. _ __.~.,._...·s_,__·p,e....,a-6-..W_.__ ______ _ (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATURE ___________ _ DATE _ _,t;:,.,__~.....,c~._-_d_6=------------ PSI-B-900-170(2) l •J Iriformation ~ • ®To Build On E11gineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_ofL INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT Le,u&/J DATE 6-s-.. ~ Architect _____________ -'------ Contractor ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY __ OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders __ OSA __ Cement --__ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ . Grout Samples --__ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --· __ Roofing ___ Masonry Block -- _Lconcrete __ Fireproofing -- __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -·-- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -·- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __L""Pilo DFi'ring CAASS""'-__ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Stranqs) -- __ Soils Technician ___ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS Reu, fc<,,~G,I O'.lo.-: s~1t t I V , C .,.,., l:r--a .-~ ldjO 8 ol w:t.P PROJECT (Name) &+';:f(~decr, I (Address) _________ ----' __ REPORT NO. d.S7-0::-)C 9 "7 Building Permit No.-_.._c-i..f3.,._C)c.+-=r9+i3-<E-:s~__,--~----------- Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSAor OSHPD #------------- Other-----'---------------- . MATERIAL DESC~TION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _L. Rinf.: Rebar 6_/ ~q _ Plan & Specs __ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi ___ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation ___ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units; Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel --H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes __ Fireproofing __ Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed ,I r: ~4 S S::¢, • -<; ---. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers. the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME _ ___,.,.Q..,..-..... /~~~1....,,0-_-1&/,~·f-'-_0<1-cd""'-"'=-=,.._S: __ ~Clearly). INSPECTOR SIGNATURE--=~~-!a..::=-----===,;c..~..::.....---· - PSl-8-900-170(2) CERT. No. __ 5'---'"""'D---"iC~.....C---E-'---------- DATE_--C:~--=5_,.,.._':?:Q ____________ _ l ;J Infomzation • ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_of _!_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT tt:&o Or-~/:--. DATE_----"O ...... G=----0"'-'-9~-2:--c........=..O~o_;c.o_ Architect_.D_tl,_~~U_if_bi_Wc_o/._W._66/V __ -_,,-.A;_~_-__ _ Engineer~5i_U._l,e.G_M,._"J_~---~_/._l"½_~~--M_~_--'--__ Contractor __ 6_/_Q_U_·av_-'------'if"""". _________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING OJ;y _OSHPD / Concrete Cylinders _OSA _Cement -- _Specialty _ Mortar Samples -- _ Mechanical _ Grout Samples _ Electrical _ Masonry Prisms _Roofing _ Masonry Block ~oncrete _ Fireproofing -- _Masonry _ Units (block.or brick) -- _Struct Steel _ Asphalt Concrete _ Prestress Cone _Roofing -- _ Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel --- _ Fireproofing _Steel --- _Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts --- _ Non-Destructive _Tendon (PT Strands) -- _Soils Technician _Other -- _ Batch Plant _ Other -- _ Bolt Pull-Out _Other REMARKS filV.P,t'y tJC-()9 -..2ttt:) PROJECT (Name) f!ATh YU )-,r4c770, (Address)/ lf/2(2 /),e. {1 ~"L>!tP , C4. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar V Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W,F. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons . ~ _ Positions Leone.: Mix #/psi ~of"A' Sizes I _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi """consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _Steel _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing _Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed --J;:1.r,e.,C/;tf.., //</JP~--C./704 ~A:JW~ o-v-//CA-C£Mb1/r o~ ~c~a; Mrx # #fOO<?/ fl =--S():t) J?JI ~o rJ1 /Cfi1c/1Let::) o;.( &-/J/o~J.1 2-f 7iYP-<.1 :s 6 7 4{rt:IZ 17fa!:,cl /7 lb& 1 C!/1L,!0if.f_ ¥ U-4/M??.e /'/T. (ro£ 4-~:i7ft .. or=----<3 WJJov.r). Jrr1~x f 3 ~fj rlc/1'/'t./U, 6( 4CJM¥ ~/17/fix. (kJJ;lf(;, Or~:. I (11/ /1u::d ;fr n/tl 7c?tt! Al) • {Jl,y £ ./ -&-cJ;:, ·f 6!!¥- c~ f~Yt.11-/~UT //l#t't;· fi2,e. C0Ml'f6/?Jltlrl .~T. Woa Pt3L /?cb/J. -V£/elyu, ~ lt Jn::dc-T. &If. lbfhJ J Dt/£66-ll ~rl 11f/rf;9tumcJAJ c,f=-hld/c;e 8ol1 --J ti I -tS /J~ ~~ 20<JO ,rftt:oyt,p p'/ VTY ~J:-CM :J ;:!,,fO. · ~ o · re,,e.trt@Jltlll o F-I) n fO ;e w. ra · 1 l'z • -~ -o ~ _ I -• CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies w1 approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of-the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. / e.30 /'--~:SO/. 1NsPEcToR NAME (!,f£c{;J /.: hM~c _ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE~.,_,.. Y-4:~A .. ~ ti PSI-B-900-170(2) 7 -, DATE_...:..·...:..CJ__,c;~.d:...:..t)-L~~/2'--''2=a=-~:..~.::..C) _______ _ .:.. l ,,,,.,. / /. \ BURG1~SS ENGINEERING GROUP ·, ' ...... -.. 00007-02 June 6, 2000 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: RE: Installation of Anchor Bolts Bat.flyer Legoland, California ~ ,PRo·o BY -- ' ------- JUNO 6 2000 City of CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPT. This document is to advise you that we have reviewed the installation of anchor bolts for the above captioned attraction with Mr. Kurt Culver ofEsGil Corporation. The anchor bolts will be installed immediately outside the reinforcing cage. There will be sufficient cover around the anchor bolts for co1rosion protection. I personal1y observed the method ofinstallation on Saturday, June 3, 2000,, and found them to be in compliance with the methods discussed with Mr. Culver. Constrnction of the foundations and installation of the ride Should proceed on this basis. If you have any questions, please call p1e at (949) 588-8801. y;qa:v 2 Burgess, Jr., P.E. cc: Jim Fendv" Director of Maintenance Legoland, California 22921 Triron Way • Suite 227 • Laguna Hills, CA 9_265.1 (949) 588·880/ • (949) 588-72 /6 /FAX) jburg926.'i3@nol.co111 06/06/00 TUE 15:59 FAX t5 .. { -·- FOR TOP VIEW SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 JUN O, ioon · SPIRAL TIE #3 -NOTE 3 EXlRA TURNS AT THE TOP Of EACH SPIRAL 2'-3'11 1 1/211 ANCHOR BOLTS TYP. FOUR REQUIRED EACH PIER / :J'OP OF FINISHED ELEVATION FOR PEIR TIE ANCHOR BOLT TO @s CAGE WITH #9 TIE WIRE F- #3 SPIRAL ~ fa]003 9 :!.3"-!C~LR!l-.-..J+l,~~~:;f~3S~ ":v, LL W/ 611 PITCH -~ TACK WELD BOTTOM f3 SPIRAL lJE ~ -NOTE OUTSIDE SPIRAL ONE EXTRA TURN AT BOTTOM VERTICAL REINFORCING 1/8 #3 SPIRAL W/ 611 PITCH · SPIRAL ONE EXTRA TURN AT BOTTOM SPIRAL TIE #3 -NOTE UT TO ~ REINFORCEMENT CAGE a ....,..._VERTICAL REINFORCING #8 ' . ' ~ ...... ,3.• 911 ·1 ' BURGESS :BNGlNl3BKING GROUP • _ :;2921 TIUOn JJ'Jif •&ut!i22'/ 2'-Q6 • Lag,ma.Hll/.r, ea.nm PierDeto.it.clwg 6-6-00 JOB NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA, INC CARLSBAD, CA 92008. USA (760) 91.8_:.5300 DESCRIPTION: PIER SECTION A 31 4 7 I 4 Q p M' (949)SB8-'8Dl -{949)J88-7214(fra) DRAWN BY: R.F.H. CHECKED BY: . J.B. SCALE: 3/411 = f-0,. DATE: _ 06/06/00 JOB NUMBER : 00007-02 SHEET 1 OF 2 & 06/08/00 TUE 15 ;,59 FAX OUTLINE OF 27"-~ DRILLED PIER OUTLINE OF' 24° DRILLED PIER BELOW la) 002 ANCHOR BOLTS TYP. FOR REINFORCEMENT SIZES SEE: SHEET 1 OF' 2 PierDeto.ll.dwg 6-6-00 3=4 714-0 JOB NAME: LEGOLAND CALl~ORNIA, INC CARLSBAD, CA 92008 •. USA · (760) 918-5300 DESCRIPTION: TOP VIEW OF' PIER .• ' . prri ; 3.29'1 n-ltoll Wq ,Sulte 211 l,opnallills, Ci,. .92613 (949)S8UB01 •(94.9)SBS.11l6(lflZ} DRAWN BY:' P-F~ CHECKED BY: J.B. SCALE: 1 1/2" + 1'-0" DATE:. 06/06/ 0 · . JOB NUMBER : ()0.007-02 SHEET 2 OF" 2 & 06/06/00 TUE 15 :·51) FAX FOR TOP VIEW SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 SPIRAL TIE :/13 -NOTE 3 EXTRA TURNS AT THE TOP OF EACH SPIRAL l 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS TYP. FOUR REQUIRED EACH PIER / TOP OF FINISHED ELEVATION FOR PEIR _ TIE ANCHOR BOLT TO a.. _ CAGE WITH #9 TIE WIRE ~ 141003 9 ~3 11 ~.C~L!l.R -++H:;~J;=s~ ;,. L #3 SPIRAL W/ 6" PITCH TACK WELD BOTTOM (2 'b I a:) SPIRAL TIE. #3 -NOTE OUTSIDE SPIRAL ONE EXTRA TURN AT BOTTOM VERTICAL . REINFORCING BS- #3 SPIRAL W/ 6" PITCH SPIRAL ONE EXTRA TURN AT BOTTOM SPIRAL TIE #3 -NOTE -r NUT TO 1.&.1 REINFORCEMENT CAGE ~ a ~ g§ I _,,,,.--·· es C: ~ I=! i c ~ C"J /' BURGESS ENGlNBBRJNG GROUP 22921 T$11 W'rk)l _•&tJlr:227 Lag,malli~. Ca. 92655 PlerDeto.il.clwg 6-6-00 g• 2''-0" -1 314 714 D p M (949)588-'1801 •(949)588-7216(/R.) JOB NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA, INC CARLSBAD, CA 92008, ·USA (760) 918-5300 DESCRIPTION: PIER SECTION A DRAWN. BY: R.F.H. CHECKED BY: J.B. · SCALE: .3/4" = 1. '-0" DATE: 06/06/00 JOl3_ NUMBER.: 00007-02 SHEET 1 OF 2 &, • 06/06/00 TUE 15:5~ FAX OUTLINE OF 27n ---- DRILLED PIER OUTLINE OF 24D DRILLED PIER BELOW '41002 t'-1.0· FOR REINFORCEMENT SIZES SEE SHEtT l OF 2 PierDeto.il,dwg 6---6-00 JOB NAME: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA, INC CARLSBAD. CA 92008l USA (760) 918-5300 DESCRIPTION: TOP VIEW OF PIER 3: 4 7 1 ~-0 p M (949)588·880~ •(949)588-1216(/w:) DRAWN BY: PFH CHECKED BY: J.B. ·scALE: 1 1 /2". + 1 '-0" DA TE: -06 /06 /QC JOB NUMBER : ()0_007-02 SHEET 2 OF 2 & ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP 00007-02 June 6, 2000 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: RE: Installation of Anchor Bolts Batflyer Legoland, California : - !,\_- JUNO ~:2000 City of CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPT. ,I This document is to advise you that we have reviewed the i~stallation of anchor bolts for the above captioned attraction with Mr. Kurt Culver ofEsGil Corporation. The anchor bolts will be installed immediately outside the reinforcing cage. There will be sufficient cover around the anchor bolts for corrosion prot~ction. I personally observed the method of installation on Saturday, June 3, 2100, and found them to be in compliance with the methods discussed with Mr. Culv&~ Construction of the foundations and installation of the ride should proceed on \thi·s basis. ·.~ \ If you have any questions, please call me at (949) 588-8801. Yoms9~ <2: Bmgess, Jr., P.E. cc: Jim Fend Director of Maintenance Legoland, California 22921 Triton Way• Suite 227 • Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 588-8801 • (949) 588-7216 (FAX) jburg92653@aol.com To Mike Peterson Don Neu City of Carlsbad From Jim Fend Copy to LEGOLAID CALIFORNIA RE: 2nd Submittal for Batflyer attraction Drawing: Batflyer Ride Vendor Memo/Report Date 04/23/99 Page 1 I Extension 460 Mike in reference to the height of the ride please see submitted drawing. The elevator section is the tallest portion of the ride. Unlike a true "lift" structure on a conventional coaster, this ride utilizes a vertical elevation to lift the ride vehicles to the highest portion of the ride and releases it to the ride track for a gravity roller coaster style ride. The top of foundation elevation is shown on the initial submittal sheet "Batflyer Layout and Dimensions", as 170.7'. The elevator projects 42'7.75" above this elevation. 13133-B LEGOLAND California Inc. One LEGO Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA Tel: (?GO) 9 18-5300, Fax: (?GO) 918-5459 ESGil Corporation 1.n Partnersli.ip wit/i. (jovernmentfor '.Builaing Safety - DATE: April 14, 1999 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99.:135(;; PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego I>r. . SET:I PROJECT NAME: Foundation for Bat Flyer Ride CJ APPLICANT ~ ~REVIEWER. Q-'flLE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. [gj The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurjSdictibn's building codes when minor deficiencies identified -below are resolved arid checked· by building department staff: D The plans transmitted herewith have signific~mt deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be-corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans f;lre submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of t~e check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy .of the check list has t;)een sent to: ~ Esgil Corpor~tion staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Mail Telephone Fax In Person ~ REMARKS: No calculations were provided for detail -Uft Foundation). It shouJd be removed from this permit. Note: Special inspection is equired for the concrete and for the . . caissons. " By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation 0GA 0MB OEJ OPC Enclosures: 41a199 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + {619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 99-1~56 April 14, 1999 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-135.6 PREPARED l3Y: gurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Pr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: DATE: April 14, 1999 · TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VA.LUATION VALUE . (ft.~) MULTIP~IER .. ($) -. ·- -. - ·-.. . .. .. . ' Air Conqitioning Fire Sprinklers .. TOTAL VALUE D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee · , D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review· · . D Structural' Only 1ZJ Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: . Esgil Pla.n Review Fee: $ 1'30.73 Comments: Foundation review: Esgll fee= 1-1/2 hrs.@ $87.15/hr. Sheet 1 of 1 · .macvalue.doc 5196 2 "' Cl C: C: C: "' "' "' a: a: a: PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. cs99' -./356 Address. 0 ne: L£G O L)ci ve ' Planner L)on N~u .. . Phone (619) 438-1161, extension L/?./t/C APN: 2.U-/00-00: _ Type o-f Project & Use: 1her1e-/lorrl; Net Project Density:'· N'/,4-DU/AC - Zoni~n· C--: 7--9, General Plan: _ -Z-,;€ _ Facilitie.s Management Zone: 13 CFO (in· ut) # · '/ Date of participation:/.Z-2/-9'.J Remaining net dev acres: 2..S- . le One (For non-residential development: Type -of land used created by this permit: All ether L)Vnt"lecc.t0 I t)S;;.S: vof: I olenliffd:[ Ovt~~r-~ Legend: ~ Item Complete (0) Item lnGomplete -Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES NO · TYPE ---- DATE OF COMPLETION:--,-----'---------- Compliance with conditions of approval? If .not, state conditions which .require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES · NO TYPE ---- APPROV AL/RESO. NO. _ ___,----,---DA TE. --,------,,--,.,... PROJECT NO. SL)J'.> CJG..,_.lt./ OTHER RELATED CASES:--"-----'-__._,. ________________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state -conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: ______ ----,---'---------------_,,_ Coasta.1. Zone .As;;essr:nent/C9mpliance Proj~ct site located', in Coast~I~ ?one? YES X NO CA Coastal ·commission .Au'th6rity? YES NOX - If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at -3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (61'9) 521-8036 Determine status (Coa~tal .P~tmit Required ot Exempt): Coastal 'Perm if Dehfrmi'riatkfrf Fonn ~I ready completed? If NO; complete Coi3s!al -PE,!rmit Determination Fortn now. Goastal permit, Determim~tioh-:Log #: Follow-Up Ac.tidns: - ' . . . . . I I ''' ', , YES NO 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or ."Coastal Permit .Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete CoastaL,Permit Determination Log as needed. ---- \ J ··'\i)i D lnclusionary Housing Fee required: Y6S __ NO X {Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES __ NO __ ·. {A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: --_,,_______ ----I ,_. -1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, ea~ements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Required _____ _ Shown ------Interior Side: Required _____ _ Shown ------Street Side: Required _____ _ Shown ------ Rear: Required ------Shown ------ 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: ' Required _____ _ Shown ------Interior Side: Required _____ _ Shown ------Street Side: Required ------Shown ------Rear: Required _____ _ Shown ------Structure separation: Required _____ _ Shown ------ 3. Lot Coverage: Required ------Shown ------ 4. Height: 1 See-~chect --.Jr-' h I _jz I -7 ~ // Required ::-ALfl:'.0X.fr Shown -~~ ·~--~-'7"7..L.-.. 'IS I -(o '(' o. llcwed pro-+rusi OV1S. 5. Parking: Spaces Required ------Shown ------ Guest Spaces Required ______ Shown _____ _ oi~c-f,'f'l Additional Comments /?roµeo/ cr-Hca~t ex;ceeofs-+/2e he½)ht l,Yl'"li+ a£ 3S' \,utth call0vved a.rchi-fec--nJ('ci I OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER z:Z« DATE S::z.G-QJ -. . . .. . . . ~' . . ~ . . . . . . . ~ . . . . ... POOR·· . . . . :· . . . "( . 1 -· . . . : . ·. . --_ Q-. U'· A:.-··-·· L----IT·:·:~,.,-_,:_'·y··· ---· ·-- .t... . . . ' --~-. ~-., :' . . :• .. ,. . . -~-~ . . ·,_,._.,·. ·_. . ·.: · . . __ ··' ' . . . · . .. •. . . . . . . . ... .. -o·· .. ·R··· :::·-·--,_,f·,-G. :-:::_ 1···-.N--,. ....-_ A-· ··:fy::· -L-··.(·· -s.:.: ). . . . .. ~::~. ,. . . . ~ . . . . . . -- -. . -. . .. . . . . . . •• • • .! .. . . i ~-BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP -... d,l11 lhn~ ,e. -!" /8 ~;a,ffht6 I r·, . -··/···-·· .. ,. ---· ······ i ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP DATE: ;s< :Z:$ --~:) y. NAME:_J.J......:~c--.tlc:.__ __ f rht?' f'r/1/I~ t1.-,,l;,t; J/JIJ: s,. -~ . t . ,.. . . w.91 1,,,l, : : ; rl-/'/1,·. ,J~~J-/'/Ir.: ll'l~ .. I. 1.· . ; f> ' .. ··· ·. L. ··.1 _7 Mhff>#f . ,I.IJt.£ d>"r !"1,:!ri, . 4$t {>fff:'t' d,(>t'irh ~ s. ~~ 9/9.6~ Fy ::-12-1z.-=-. Pz.. == e,/1lf>., ~>-== 3 t , 3s''/;- M'i : 4-1. 33'W .. Mz,. -; I• fte C/+ 1:::lF1 ,..Yi ~$.sDlv£. JIJ8-ms·nk ,,,~, 4 i. s;s"{i-- M>',::; '5l-, ~s:1!.4 ~ ..--d--·-··-'' ,.~- l c!: BURGESs·EN 1t;t~i;:IN~riti!ij 1 10 .! i ·-·---·-·--···~ ,, -~-,.. --·-· ,=-·-·' .. 0 .... », ~,,.f/4; t!fk"411~-(~i1,1:.T,:f\f- __ ...,,,,_~"" ,-= .,,_,,-h.-~v~" w,....,,,.._,.¥ _.....,._,,.,._,..\-~"'"".,... .;..-1 _ _,___,.,.,, ~,_.,..!,..... __ ;._~-•,,· j : l :J, >, -1 i i ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE: 4:: · of,_.···...,...· --:: t:t'-, - JOB #: 1?JIM!i--ll.:$ DATE: ~. 3'!-·,, NAME: p,4 ,.J- MP~~h,, ~'~ . ' . ' •. <:l_._~x~~J·.LJ,..;· .. 1/': L:,,1: , "~~/ f Af~/4'"1"i'5j(-~ r.14'1 • . l ·j : ~·, ~,.-,~)~,.--~·~~-~,~ .. ,.o~+:~g· : : ";-,~·--i~+~--<~"••-~}~, 1 · '-,~' ·t "'),i ~--·: ,_ · ~"~"L-_,,.;;-;r:>/fy"'~.•··~/ 4/4r)/Ar1fhi.~ l. ,? .. ~~~l r P7,-,/.'9,.. bh'-« ~ ~/__;~~ t$"7/ I/';; '/7'.f r ; .. . • Ps,, z7• Ji r;,.,. 7 lo/'y .(,, ', 4°"',f-<r"";'..-!f. ~/,M ..,.~,.---~,.--~-· . -~--._,,_,,,.,.__..,~_,, .. ,..,." "'-: '= 2,13 /J . :2-c... j +-- d ~ ,Z .. "Jz-1 ~. . . UfiiP i ... ~I. -4/i~ihf- . ~l"~ld ~flS£~ ... ne_6 ... :~~t!L-: ... * · · 1 · \ . : i •. [ \ \ L:\. 1~ : #IP a::. 6-G,,So~ ! : ; i ; ----"'--i---.-~-; : . i l .. :'i : +~r~ ~·-r~t ! ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP j,A_ ,· :. 3',.6¾."'l'i. ~,J:··· t ~h.· . ~ r-,e __ ._r __ n :Jc:-~)' z. ?{i"'.k , ·. · ,5:.. •z.-. : : i '. .., "'" ~ -"} , '; UJ6, .3 ~· t. 5, ::-Zt,<S: .3~ ~ _ _:,-t, .. -S-~,A--~lt,:3 Z7" P,&r / s< .... drD~-,-~~J4-nf-l /-1· '~ ,_ To: Attention: Subject: References: Introduction Leighton and Associates LEGOLAND California 1 Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 920084 Mr. Jim Fend . GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS May26,2000 Project No. 960151-010 As-Graded Geotechnical Review and. Plan Review for Proposed Bat Flyer Area Improvements in LEGOLAND Theme Park, Carlsbad, California. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1998, Final As-Graded Report of Rough-Grading, LEGO Family Park, Carlsbad, Californi~ Proje.ct No.: 4960151-003, dated February 10, 1998 Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1999, ~Updated Geotechnical Report, Proposed East Expansion Area, LEGOLAND Theme Park, Carlsbad, California, Project No.: 960151- 010, dated December lo, 1999 . ..,- R.W. Apel Landscape Architec.t; ·2000., Bat Flyer Attraction Area Development Plan, LEGOLAND California, Sheets LO.0l, L.100; L200, L202, L203, SlO0, Sl0l, and S202, dated April 12, 2000 In accordance with your request and· authorizationr We have performed a geotechnical review of the proposed Bat Flyer Improvement Area Development J> Ian for LEGO LAND Theme Park located in Carlsbad, California. Proposed Development The improvement includes construction of-the site improvements associated with the Bat Flyer Roller Coaster. The Area Development improvements coli.sis{ ofaccess ramps, queuing area walkways, coaster station platform, and retaining walls to create the access" ramps and coaster station platform. The Area Development plans also show a Witches Castle fa~ade tO' be constructed on the coaster tower foundation. This review has not included a review of the Bat Flyer R,QlJer Coaster foundation system (which includes the tower foundation). We underst4Jid the foundation-system for the roller coaster is addressed on separate plans and permit. This letter has. ,been prepared to provide geotechnical recommendations for foundations of the proposed retaining wall and gertetar site development. Based on the results of our geotechnical review, the proposed improvelhents are consid~red geotechnically feasible provided the recommendations within this letter report are ifi1plem<::nted during design, construction, and over the service life of the project. · 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, #8205, San Di-ego, CA 92123-4425 (858) 292-8030 • FAX (858) 292-0771 • www.leightongeo.com 960151-010 Background According to as-graded mapping (Leighton., 1998), most of the access ramp and coaster station site is underlain by Quaternary Terrace Deposits. · :Ertgirte~red fills are present within an existing storm drain alignment that transects the ramp and station -atea in a· north-south direction. Engineered fills are also present west of the tower f011ndation and may partially underlie the northwest corner of the slab-on-grade platform at the coaster station. Engineered fills and Quaternary Terrace Deposits are considered suitable for support of the proposed improvements. However, due to the length: of :time since the site grading and based on our recent observations, the uppermost soils in the area of the pr:oposed improvements appear to be disturbed and/or desiccated. For this reason, removal and recompaction of the surficial soils should be performed as per the recommendations of ounecent geotechpicaJ update report (Leighton, 1999). Geotechnical Design Recommendations Based on our review, the geotechrtical recommendations contained in our recent geotechnical update report (Leighton, 1999), are considered applicable'to the Bat Flyer area improvements. Foundation Plan Review Based on review of the referenced plans {R.W. Apel, 2000), the plans were found to be in general conformance with our geotechnical recommendations of our most re.cent update report (Leighton, 1999). However the following items are noted: · · • General Note #2 on Sheet C-S.100 should refete11ce the 1999 update report and the structural engineer should confirm that 1997 seismic design parameters were utilized in the project design. • A retaining wall drain should be installed behind the uppermost retaining walls of the access ramp and behind the station retaining walls. A typical wall drain detail is provided in Appendix B of the update report (Leighton, 1999)~ Limitations The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based iri part upon data that were obtained from available information that were based on a lim:ifed number of observations, site visits, excavations, samples, and tests. Such information is ·by necessity incbinplete. The nature of many sites is such that differing geotechnical or geological conditions can occur within small distances and under varying climatic conditions. Changes in subsurface conditions can and do occur over time. Therefore, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations presentecl in this report can be relied upon only if Leighton has the opportunity to observe the subsurface·conditioris during grading and construction of the project, in order to confirm that our preliminary findings are representative for the site. .. 960151-010 If you have any questions regarding our letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. . Resp_ectfully submitted, SAC/RKW Distribution: ( 4) Addressee I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CLIENT Legoland One LEGO Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 INSPECTION AUTHORITY Mr. Pat Kelly City of Carlsbad · Building lnspeotion,Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, California 92008 eti Reference No.: 220-5641 Submitted By: Date: August 23, 2000 Reviewed By: Wv~ Don Weber Sr. Compliance Engineer I I TABLE OF CONTENiS PAGE I 1.0 PURPOSE 1 I 2.0 SUMMARY 1 I 3.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE 1 4.0 REFERENCED ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 2 ' I 5.0 EQUIPMENT INSPECTED 2 I 6.0 INSPECTION AND FIELD T!=STING PROCEDURES 2 0 Component Inspection I 0 Visual Inspection 0 Grounding 0 Guarding of Live Parts I 0 Field Testing 7.0 EQUIPMENT EVALUA1ION 4 I 0 System Description 0 Overcurrent Protection I 0 Wiring 0 Installation & Equipment Discrepancies I 8.0 TEST EQUIPMENT 6 I APPENDIX I A. EQUIPMENT PHOTOGRAPHS A1 -A3 I B. ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS B1 -87 C. REFERENCES C1 -C3 I 0 UL-508, TEMPERATURE RISE.TABLE 43.1 0 NFPA-79 REFERENCE;S I D. TEST DATA SHEETS D1 -D1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of these inspections and tests is to provide assurance that custom or non-certified equipment meets the requirements of the appropriate codes, safety orders and indu$try standards. These tests ar:e normally required by local building inspection agencies when equipment has not been certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) or bther recognized testing agencies. These inspections address only the electrical system on the subject equipment. - 2.0 SUMMARY This project was initiated at the request of Mr. Pete Kowny of Legoland. Inspection of the equipment was performed between July 18, 2000 and August 21, 2000 by Mr. Doh Weber of E:lectro-Test, Inc. Some electrical discrepancies were observed as described in Section 7.0 for each piece of equipment. All discrepancies were corrected. Field measurements were taken by ETI as detailed in Section 6.0. These measurements were within manufacturer's specifications. We consider this equipment to be in compliance with electrical codes and standards listed in Section 4. 0, pursuant to the conditions of acceptance described in Section 3.0. Note that final approval is under the jurisdiction of the City of Carlsbad. 3.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE In the event of modifications resulting in a change in the materials, manufacturing methods, loading or environment that would affect the use of the accepted product uno.er the_ provisions of the noted el·ectrical standards, this acceptance will be considered automatically canceled. The applicant will be required to reqL!est re-examination of this product to determine acceptability. eti's acceptance of the equi_pment referenced in Section 5.0 does not assume or discharge the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer, installer or other relevant parties. Equipment evaluation is based upon adherence to sound engineering pr:actices, and upon compliance with the specific sections quoted from the electrical standards referenced in Section 4.0 of this report. This acceptance applies to the electrical circuits and components only, as referenced in this report. Unless noted btherwise, it specifically excludes examination for suitability of use for equipment involving toxic or corrosive gases, steam and locatiohS defined as hazardous by the National Electrical Code (NEC®). ETI Reference No. 220-564'1 Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.0 REFERENCED ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 4.1 ANSI/UL-508, Industrial Control Equipment, 17TH Edition, Revisions through July 16, 1999. 4.2 UL-508A, Outline Investigation for Industrial Control Panels, October 12, 1993. 4.3 ANSI/NFPA~79, Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery, 1997. 4.4 ANSI/NFPA-70, National Electrical Code (NEC®), 1996. 5.0 EQUIPMENi INSPECTED Type Mfg. Model No. Serial No's. Rating Label No. Bat Flyer .Amusement Ride Caripro Amusement ,Technology, B. V. Bat Flyer 057 480 VAC, 160 amps, 3 phase, 60 HZ. M223700 6.0 INSPECTION AND FIELD TESTING PROCEDURES 6.1 Component Inspection The following major power components were verified to be listed by a Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory (NRTL) or were evaluated to a NRTL Standard (see Section 7.0): 6.2 0 Circuit breakers b Indicating lights 0 Fuses 0 Cables 0 Fuse blocks 0 Disconnect 0 Terminal blocks switches 0 Switches 0 Industrial control 0 Pushbuttons panels 0 Relays 0 Industrial control 0 Wiring enclosures 0 Receptscles Visual Inspection The equipment was visually inspected with particular attention to the following areas: o Use of "approved" components o Properly sized overcurrent protection ETI Reference No. 220-5641 Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 0 0 o· 0 0 Wiring ampacity Grounding NEC wiring methods Guarding of live parts Damag~d components General engineering practices 6.3 Grounding Exposed, non-c;;urrent carrying parts of the equipment were verified (electrically and visually) to be effectively grounded. Ref. NEC Article 250. 6.4 Guarding of Live Parts All internal components were enclosed in a grounded, screw closed, metal enclosure, and were effectively guarded per NEC Article 110-17. 6.5 Overcurrent Protection Overcurrent protection installed in this equipment was evaluated for compliance with the applicable codes and standards referenced in Section 4.0. Protective devices were verified to be of the proper size and rating, and of a type suitable for branch circuit applications where required. · 6.6 Internal Wiring Internal wiring and wiring methods were evaluated for compliance with the applicable codes and standards referenced in Section 4.0. Wiring was verified to be proper,ly sized and rated, With a temperature rating suitable for the installed application. 6.7 Field Testing 6. 7.1 Current and Voltage Meas·urements The inpL,Jt currents and voltages were measurec:I to verify that the equipment is operating within its ratings under full load normal operating conditions. Results of these tests are identifiec:I in Appendix D. ETI Reference No. 220-5641 Page 3 I I I I I I I I 6.7.2 Temperature Rise Test Under conditions of normal full load operation, temperature rise testing was performed on the enclosure surfaces and the interior components to verify that their temperature rise was within the maximum temperature rise noted in UL-508, Table 43.1. Results of these tests are identified in Appendix D. 6.7.3 Insulation Resistance Test The power conductors on the load side of the equipment mounted service disconnect were tested for insulation resistance by · applying 1000 VDC line to ground for 60 seconds. The motors and their supply conductors were tested for insulation resistance by applying 1000 VDC to ground for 60 seconds on the load side of the motor controller. I Results of these tests are identified in Appendix D. I 7.0 EQUIPMENT EVALUATION I I I I I I I I I 7.1 System Description This amusement ride is installed outdoors in an ordinary (non-hazardous) location, arid has been evaluated for use in this location only. The control panel, at present, is not covered but is suitable for outdoor use. 7.2 Grounding Exposed, non-current carrying parts of the equipment were verified (electricaUy and visually) to be effectively grounded per the applicable provisions of NEC Article 250. 7.3 Guarding of Live Parts All internal component$ were inspected for installation in a suitable enclosure and were effectively guarded per NEC Article 110-17. 7.4 Overcurrent Protection This equipment 1s protected by c:1n adjacent, 450 amp, 600 volt, 65 kAIC (at 480 VAC), panel mounted circuit breaker which supplies power to a ETI Reference No. 220-5641 Page4 I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I 150 kVA, ,208/480 VAC transformer. This transformer supplies 480 volt power to the main control cabinet. 7.5 Wiring This equipment is supplied with 3, #2/0 AWG, 600 volt THHN, THWN, MTW type wiring from the transformer. Internal power wiring is #14 AWG or larger. 7.6 Discrepancies and Corrections 7.6.1 Incomplete equipment nameplate. All equipment is to have a nameplate with the following information: The manufacturer's name, model number, serial number, the rated input voltage, full load current, phase and frequency. The nameplate on this equipment was missing the model and serial numbers and the input rating information. Correction: A new nameplate was added with all of the required information. Reference: NEC Articles .110-21 Ula.508, Section 63 UL-508A, Paragraph 20.2 7.6.2 Components may not be listed by an approved independent testing agency. Equipment and components are to be acceptable only if approved by an acceptable independent testing agency. Acceptable equipment and components would be those listed by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL). The following components do not appear to be labeled by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory: For the left enclosure: Device Q0 does not appear to be listed, devices O 1, 02 and 03 do not appear to be listed and have an inadequate short circuit rating of 6 kAIC. For a 480 volt circuit, this rating should be at least 1 O kAIC. ·For the center enclosure: Device 01 does not appear to be listed. Devices F2, F3, F5 and F7 do not appear to be listed and also appear to have an inadequate short circuit rating of 6 kAIC. ETI Reference No. 220-5641 Page 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Correction: For the leftenclosure: Device QO was replaced with a UL labeled unit with a-35 kAIC interrupting rating. 01, 02, and 03 were found to be labeled by UL as a recognized component and the 6 kAIC interrupting rating is acceptable. The power source to the 150 kVA transformer is several hundred feet from the ride area and the transformer will limit fault current to an acceptable level. For the center enclosure: Device 01 was replaced with a listed device with a 10 kAIC interrupting rating. F2, F3, F5 and F7 were found to labeled by UL as a Recognized Component and the 6 kAIC rating is acceptable. · Reference: NEC Artiele 110-2 Inspection Dates: All equipment discrepancies identified during the evaluation were reported on July 20, 2000. Verification Dates: All equipment corrective actions were verified to be completed and meet the workmanship requirements of the applicable standards on August 21, 2000. 8.0 TEST EQUIPMENT 8.1 One (1) AVO International Insulation Resistance Tester Catalog No. BM400/2 eti Asset No. 22-01097 Calibration Date: 2/00 8.2 One (1) Fluke 87, True RMS Multimeter eti Asset No. 20-00829 Calibration Date 2/00 8.3 One (t) Fluke 87, True RMS Multimeter eti Asset No. 24-00459 Calibration Date 2/00 8.4 One (1) Fluke AC Current Probe eti Asset No. 20-00563 Calibration Dc:1te PCNR ETI Reference No. 220-5641 Page6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8.5 One (1) AEMC Split Core Current Transformer eti Asset No. 24-00369 Calibration Date: PCNR 8.6 One (1) Raytel< Infrared Thermometer eti Asset No. 22-1116 Calibration Date: 2/00 ETI Reference No. 220-5641' J Page 7 I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I · APPENDIX.A EQUl~MENT PHOTOGRAPHS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Legoland ETI Referen·ce No. 220-5641 Control Panel for Bat Flyer Amusement Ride I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Legoland ETI Reference No. 220-5641 Control Panel for· Bat Flyer Amusement Ride I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Legoland ETI Reference No. 220-5641 Control Panel for Bat Flyer Amusement Ride ,, • ·~ ·-> • '. "··~:: • -- 1- 1 I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I ..... ,. . APPENDIXB ELECiRICAL DRAWINGS -----llllli ;'-------·· __ _ - ----r---) ----~---------------------------------------------------------,--1 Z 3 q 5 G 1-8 9 10 11 12 • ....___ 13 H Ze 12.s ... CU-RAIL XOl f L1 f LZ f L3 · ,ttCtt13 3. 1 BK lz T ( •SJ • l'An(RJ ·.--- ttCtt13 3. 1 BK ri "fc, fu tu i .. I I I I t· I I I i b i J L1 L2 L3 PE POMER SUP PLY 3•q8QVRC/5 OHz (I~ , -~--. BES TUR INGS T ECHNI EK -, DATE : 17C05-99 DRAMN BY : SJJ CUSTOMER , Caripro E n g-i n e er in g MOD. : 21-05-00 03 I PRJ AN ISO 90 01 COMPANY PROJECT : Batflyer Legoland California I circuit (.:(f;,./{JJ,N. ,;:!'-AJ..,1€'!.,,, MOO. : I COPYRIGHf 9T SUBJECT : Hain lvll UfSlUlt1llrJ!olfflltlltJ,, U II ., 15 17 18 19 u/q, 2 LZ/q. 2 L3/q, 2 :- PRDJ •. NR.: 7901'17- ORAM IN 6 • · PAGE .3 > .. ;-~;-(·,c·~··,· ~-····,. . ' •IOIEII I 111,1 ' .. 3 --- ---··----------r\ '·'"'\ '· 1 2 3 q 5 6 'i'-·-' 8 9 10 11 12 13 H 3. 18/L 1 3. 18/L 2 3. 18/L 3 '• ( nq1133, 1 BK . • c11·· ·F -I 9. 3 r,, I• IS HCH133. 1 SK T I I Xl 'f 1 'f 2 'f 3 f PE I I I I I ± ± j L1 L2 L3 PE HYDRO UN IT 3MqBOVRC/ 50Hz I ~BESTURJNGiTECHNIEK ORTE ; 17-05-99 noo. : 21-05-00 MOD. : I . ' l • • rS}~ _J -l 2~_~ ~-r: ~>-: t1 • 6 ,,, PROTECTION CONTROL CIRCUIT DRAWN BY ; SJJ 03 I PRJ Rif ISO 90 01 COHPRN Y I [Qf'YRlDHT SY. lvH 8ESfUktllGS1HIIIHEk B V .. .. l1, 1i5, 2 lZ, 1/5. 2 L3.1/5. 2 . ·',. ' CUSTOMER , Car ipro. Engineering PROJECT : Batflyer Legoland Cali forriia SUBJECT : Main circuit - -- --15 16 17 18 19 '~-. 6 PROJ. NR.: 790137 DRRijIN 6. : PAGE ,4 ----· TO!Rl PAGES I >7 .:,• ......... .. ··--- ---•,v_ - -- --_ ... -- ---- 4 n, ,...--.\ 5 6 7"''-8 9 10 11 1Z • 13 14 15 16 17 le l l --,r---------------============~============~=====~ Ll.1/7. z t ! L2.1/7.Z n.-;:\~ . ,.-·rc 0 c·· , ... ,,., r J. 6RT ~ 480VAC 112ovrit ,-....,,-...,,-...,....- 1600YR 4AH5941 IS JEttENSJ 1,i 16 RWG ~ ll.-~------F4 , ••• 10R 16 RIIS ~ 10 RIIG BK 32 7 _l__ 16 RWG ~ 1Z0YAC 9.1 OYRC. 1 9.1 120 V RC POIIE R SUPPLY DATE HOD. F5",--A,-c----- 6RT I , I 10 RWG -BK- 480VAC/.230Yril . 1600YA 4AH5941 ( SJEHENSJ I si 32 : 17-05-99 : 21-06-00 7 _l__ 1'5 All& . ~ FO",~~·'-----· en· 16 RWGJ JU RW6 RD f fRD 230VRC OYRC. 2 10. 1 10. 1 230 Y RC POIIER SUPPLY DRAWN BY : SJJ 03 I PRJ RN JSO 90 01 COMP RN Y ··, .. 1,.', .. •'• ~.· -: .:·.~' ; . CUS TOHER : [aripro Engineering PROJ. NR .. 790137 PROJECT :. Batflyer Legoland Cali forni~ ORAWJN 6 : I -------··------·--. 19 7 6 a{){} tDPYRlGHT IY. ,' ..... ) BESTURINGSTECHNIEK MOD. : I \vH 8ESTtJKtrlllSTHllkfEt-. ~ V SUBJECT : 120Vac & 230Vac & 24Vdc poi, er supply CHECK ES I ;1 '• <.; •:,-. ·----1 · z 3 q 6.18/Ll.1 6.18/LZ.1 6.18/L3.1 ~ -l. l. J. F7 "°7~---.\----- 6RT , , I I I 10_ RIIG iK gj I 0 801 3•q 8DYRC/2qV 0( . 20R qRV320 2 I SIEMEH S) ;; 1-'-l 16 RIIG ~ · Fe1:-::\~-:.----J 20R , ix16All!j. BL . ,< ooq 1·' 20, 6 I: I 0051 20. 8 '! X02 ,fff' --- ------· -r·· .\ 5 a t--· B 9 10 11 12 13 14 ZxlDAWG .ar-- xo2' . XD2 xoz XD2, -xozy-,, X02 T -xoz,, -x,oz \4J.01c 2WlP. ~~~~ 1X1D: ovoc 1X20: 0 voe 1 X30: ovoc 1xqo, ovoc 2X10: DVD C ZXZO: ovoc 2X3D: DV DC 2X qo, DVD( so.z sq.z 58.2 e2.2 10.2 7q,2 78.2 az.2 6 2q V DC POWER SUPPLY ~BESTURINGSTECHNIEK DATE MOO. MOD. : 17-05-99 : 21-06-00 : DRAWN BY : SJJ . 03 I PAJ RN iso 90 01 COMP RN Y I co,vRIDHT ·u. LvH BESTURIHDSTECHHIEK B. Y. CUSTOMER , Caripro Engineer i·ng PROJECT : Bat flyer Le'golan,d California SUBJECT : ·12ov ac & 230Vac & 24Vdc pow er -15 Ki 20.13 20.15 suppl)! --16 17 lO our: BK u II EliY C 480 _.:-.·:.:· UNDER-R ND OVERVOL TR GE DETECTIQ N RELAY -18 PROJ. NR.: 79013 7 ORAi/ING : PAGE CHECK : T DIAL P ··- -19 9 7' 2 - L 79D137 -z . - 1Zx5mll CU-RR IL HCH133. 1 -BK-- ·i XO'fl1 'fl2 ''fL3 '!'PE -, "N :.. .;.; X X .. X "' a.. ,;.; X POWER SUPPLY I • 3!!ll8OVAC/6OHz -q ar1XJ -w_) . . . .... .. BESTURINGSTECHNIEK --., ... - -.n 6 ""¥ 8 9 ADAPTER r -----1 ! -I . I Ll 'fLZ 'fl3t HCH133. 1 BK I I I' I. ml' -1--I 9.19 r., · ,. , •. KTR / R1 ( 5. 8 L1 LZ L3 snc rtu s SOFTSTRRTE RI hkl,11,1 .,,__l ORTE HOO. T1 T2 T3 I I HCH!.33, 1 BK XO'fU1 '!'V1 'fll1 Ta ~1 .. I ~ w P•57kll A In•108A · 1 • TRAVEL PUHP : 28-D7-99 OR~IIN BY : HD : Z0-00-00 03 ISJJ MOO. , : I \. AN ISO 90 01 CO~PilN Y [DrYRlOHl BY . lvll 8ESlllftlHGSIElll~ltK 8 V L --- -~ f 10 11 1Z \... .• 13 1Zx5H CU-RAIL •· Rll&H BK I I :~~~~:~ ._ _______ ; L3/q.z PROTECTION CONTROL CIRCUIT ---· iq 15 Le·;::. ----16 17 18 19 :·:·.'· .. ., .. · I 4 PROJ. NR.: 790668 ORAIIING : I AGE ,3 -----·· --·------- CIIECK OTAl PAbfl I b ·------"·./-- - \' 2 3 q 5 6 ... ...,__,, 8 9 3.12/ll 3. 12/LZ 3. 12/ L3 RW61q, BK EVENTUEE~ RWG12 I.V.M. Rll61'1 81( BEPERKTE VOORRRAD RWG14 , 1 I• I• m,.__1--I 12. 17 r., ,. ts --- 10 11 12 .... /' ,: /' -· /~ • :,,( 13 ,f' ·i A - 1'I -· --- 15 16 17 18 - 19 :r .... :c I!) . :r > er H 0 er N er ... Q: C.!) Q: ::r 0 a: 0 RWG1q BK, 'f_. / / nwa1q BK .> -' w UJ w't- ::::, "" I-Q: z UJ w D... > UJ w <II 3 , 1 I' 1' 5 K8E-I--9. 3 , 2 I• I,• RWG1'1 :BK , 1 I• I• K9L_L_l· g_qr,, 'r• •• ·nwGl'I BK Xl 'f' Ul 'f V1 'f' Wl· f <ii HZ M I .I I ~ .. ~~<~~ I.: RE-LE VE•LLI NG HO TOR ~.rl;{j,,,ruRINGSTE(HNIEK ORTE : 28-07-99 MOO. : 20-00-00 ---- MOO. ; L -RWGH BK T x1 'I' uz· 'I' vz 'I' wz 'I' Ii .I I . I - I M H3 . Hq RWG1q BK/;- /£. ! ,;;:f"' 1p··' '/ V2 'f'W2 'Pli ~- I I I I H5 M ~ . ~~~::~~ 1:. ~ . ~~~:: ~~ . I.: ~"j ~~~: :~~ . l: DRAWN BY : HO 03 I SJJ -·-I OIL COOLER , WITH INTEGRATED PUHP OIL COOLER TYPE LKI 130 . OIL COOLER CUSTOHER : Cc)ripro Engineering AH ISO 90 01 COMP RN Y PROJECT : Vertical ride Batflyer Legoland (Of'fRIOIII BY SUBJEtT : Hain circui·t 1v111n:.111111tm·.dllllHJU. 11 v TZ ~ ,75VRC /·230YRC ~,-.,. ' f6DOYR California RW616 .~ I\.•, .. fq , .. -- 6R RW61~ ~ 1L1 5.2 l ·RW616 ,w;-- N 5. 2 230 V RC POWER SUPPLY PRDJ.NR.: 790668 --- DRAWING : PAGE ,4 --· --... . . . ---..... l'lltl'K 10 I Al rRbf, 5 l!J - ---- - Q.17/lll D6 11. 5, (18/N 4 3 .q 5 \ ' ,) ' ' Al. PTC AZ Tl T.2 I ., X2 1 • 2 I I i· 1 I . R1~~ I I I . I RH~'$ 2 I I I J J L __ POSISTOR IN MOTOR WINOiNGS ANO OIL VESSEL , fl. f);l STECHNIEk I (I l':'.11~ BEST UR ING . ORTE : 28-07-99 HOD. : 20-00-00 HOO. : 5 ' ~ ... , .... ,.,,.. .... ------------r> t""1 \' ' ~ . : . ', .:. ~~ 8 9 10 ,11 12 \.. .--13 H 15 16 13 Klll , 9. 19 1' R~ 3.5 SHC PLUS SOFT STARTER ' '· ~ ' 10 1,1 1Q 50 60 •) SOFTS.TARTER TRAVEL PUMP 1) " DRAWN BY : HD 03 I SJJ AN ISO 90 01 COHPAN Y I [Ot'YRIUttl 'IJT I 1,II lil StUIIINliSllflUIHk fl 't ~- > ) 0 qo 80 12 Start Top of r the r.a111 p ~ 90 70 13 ' ? .? ~ € ~ AZ RBR. 70DCF 22DKF 13 ---1q 9. 18 CUS TOHER , [aripro ' Engineering X230 1 . 1 E1 II--r,I ' 2 ---'h• L_ ·X230 • E31 I E2 ,. XZ3D· 3 XZ30 TE11P ERATURE CGHTROL L 2 q PROJECT : Vertical ride Batflyer Legoland California SU8JECT : 230 V AC Control circuit ,. ' - - - 17 18 19 lll/6. 2 ..... .. " ,. ~ N/6. 2 6 PRO J. NR. · 7 9066 8 ORAMING : PAGE ,5 -·-----·-·----.. ' .... -·--.. CHEtK 1 o,ru r-n&1-!. l" I .. I I I I APPENDIXC I REFERENCES I I . -- I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 84 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. .13. 14. 15. 16. ! INDU$TRIAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT -UL 508 Table 43#1 Maximum temperature rises Table 43.1 revised July 16, 1999 Materials ~nd components Knife-switch blades and canta<;t jaws Fuse clip when testad with a dummy. fuse that represents a fuse intended to provide branch circuit protection Fuse. clip when tested with ~ fuse, intencfed to provide branch cirt:1;1lt . ~on° Rubber-or lhermopJastic-insulated condl.ldtlrs F.ield-wiring tenninaJsC.k.i Equipmenf Jl!arked 60°C or 60/75"C supply wires · Equipment marked 75°C supply wires Bu~ and connecting straps or barsd Contacts Solid and built-up ,silver, sliver alloy, and silver faced. Ali other metals. Insulation systems · Class 105 inSl,liatlon syslenl ' Thermocouple melhod Resistance method Class· 105(A) insulation systems on single-layer series coil· with exposed . surfaces either uninsulated or enameled, 1hennocouple. method Class 120(E} insul~tion-systemf,r ' , · Toennocouple method .. Resistance method. qiass 130(8) insulation systemsf.r Thermocouple method Resistance method Class 155(F) insulation systemsf,r Toermoco~ple method Resistance method Class 18Q(H) insulation systemsf,r Toerm9co1:1P1e method Resistance method Class 200(N) insulation systemt•r. . Thermocouple m~thod Resistance method. Class ~(R) insulation systemsf;r Thermocouple melhod Resistance metho!:I insulating materiais1> In the issuing air, 1 inch (25.4 mm) abpve the enclosure On 1he embedding material of a resistor, a rheostat, and a wali-¢ounted dimmer with an en,bedded resistive element ' ON 1he embedding m~lerial of a -rheostatic dimmer having embedded ~stive conductors, and arranged for mounting on a switchboard, or in a noncombustible frame On bare resistor material, thermocouple method Capacitor Power swttching semiconductors Printed-wiring boards Table 43.1 Continued on N!3Xt Page JULY 16, 1999 ·c "F 30 54 30 54 85 153 a a 50 90 65 117 I I . e e 65 117 55· 117 85 126 90 162 75 135 95 171 85 153 95. 171 95 171 115 207 115 207 135 243 135 243 155 279 155 279 175 315 p ,p 175 ~15 300 540 350 630 375 675 g g m m n n I I .h ; I -I I ~ I I I I ., I I I .. ..J I ;: I I I JULY 16, 1999 i INDUSTBIAL-CQNTROL EQUIP.MENT ~ UL.~08 Table 43.1 Continued lll!aterial~ c&nd componenus I 0c °F 17. Any ~ponent or material not specifically identified in 1 ~ 16 . J q q a For insulated conductors the maximum temperature rise shall· not exceed ttie maximum operating temperature specified for the wire in quE!stion minus an assumed ambient (room) 1emperature of 40°C (104°F). b For compounds which have been investigated for particular temperature ratings, the maximum temperature rise shall not exceed the temperature rating minus an asslJl'1led ambient of 40°C (1Q4°F). · . c The temperature on a wiring terminal or lug is m~red at the point most likely to be contacted by the insulation of a conductor installed as· in-actual service. · · · . · · -· · • . d The li~it does not apply-to-connections to a sou~ of heat, such as a resistor and a current· element of an overload relay. e Temperature limited by the-temperature limitations on the material for adjacent parts. See 43.18. There shall be no structl,lral deterioration of the-contact ~embly, loosening of parts, cracking or flaking·pf materials, loss of temper of spring. anneallng of parts,-or other visible damage. · - . f See 43.19 -43.25. 9 For a capacitor, the maximum tempef!!ture rise is the mariced temperature limit of the capacitor minus an assumed ambient temperature of 40°C (104°F), · h Deleted ; i When the rise is so0c (90"F) or less and an aluminum bodied connector is used or aluminum wire is intended, the connector shall be marked AL7CU or Al.9CU; when the terminal temperature rise exceeds 50°C and does not exceed 65°C, the connector shall be marked AL9CU. j Deleted k See-63.3. . . . _ 1 The limit applies only to bus bars am:~ connecting straps used for distribution of power to industrial conµ-ol devices. The limit does not apply to snort pieces of copper located within industrial cqntrol devices and used for the support of stationary con~ct ~blies or factory or field wiring tenninati6ns. The maximum temperature rises for this type of construction are detennined by the temperature limitations on the support material, adjacent part material, or 1oo•c (212°F} temperature rise on the copj:)er material, whichever is lower. There shall be no structural deterioration of the assembly, loosening of parts, cracking or flaking of material, loss of temper of spring, annealing of parts, or other visible damage. m The maximum temperature rise on the case is thf;l maximum case tempera~re for the applied power dissipation recommended by the semiconduci:or,manufacturer minus an assumed ambient of 40°C (104°F}. n The maximum temperature rise of the printed-wiring-board is the operating temperature of. the board minus an assumed ambient of 40°C (104°F). _: 0• See 63.23. P See Tables 15.2 and 37.1.-r q The maximum temperature rise of any component shall not exceed the temperature limit of the component mir.ius an assumed ambient temperature of 40°C (104°F}. . . r The insulation system shall meet the requirements of UL 1446; Standa~ for Systems of Insulating Materials - General. · 84A 43.12 For equipment having a -current-elem~nt table showing minimum and maximum full-load motor currents, the temperature test shall' be conducted using the maximum full-load current shown in the table even though that current exceeds the maximum current ratlng of the equipment. For equipment having.a- current-element table showing only tripping current, the test current is to .be' 87 percent of the specified maximum tripping current. · ~ 43.13 For an"auxiliary switch mounted directly to a contactor or starter, the test current is to correspond to the maximum break current consistent with ~e switch ~ting. 43.14 Industrial control equipment is to be tested with 4 feet (1.2 m) of wire attached to each field-wiring terminal.-For ex~ple 8 feet (2.4 m)' of conductor is required when the conductor is connected between two field-wiring terminals. The wire is to be of the smallest size having an ampacity of at least 125 percent of: I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I~: .. rs I I I I JANUARY 28, 1999 INDUSTRIAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT -UL 508 127 -.., Table 62.3 Rc1tings for magnetic motor controller sizes Slng!e phase horsepower ratings, volts AC Continuous current rating, 60 hertz Size of controller amperes 115 230 . 00 9 1/3 1 0 18 1 2 1 27 2 3 1P 36 3 5 2 45 3 7-1/2 NOTE -As specified in Table 2-4-2 of ANSIINEMA ICS2-1993. 62.6 The ratings of equipment intended to control a motor load rated more than 500 horsepower (373 kW output) or the ratings of equipment tested in accordance with footnote a of Table 42.2 shall, in addition to the horsepower ratings, include the maximum fLilHoacl current for each rating. 62. 7 With reference to 62.1, the rating of the device controlling an external load shall have the load designation marked in accordance with Table 62.4. · Table 62.4 .Ratings of a device <:ontrolling an external load Load . Lo!(d designations General Purpose Amperes Resistance (heating) Amperes, resistance, only Incandescent lamp Amperes or wat,ts, tungsten Ballast (electric discharge lamp) Amperes, ballast Coil Code designation, volt-amperes, standard or heavy pilot duty Motor Horsepower (also see 62.4 and 62.5) capacitive Switching I kVar, Full-Load amperes {FLA) MARKING 63 General 63.1 Industrial control equipment shall be plainly mark¢d with: a) The manufacturer's name, trademark, or other descriptive marking by which the organization responsible for the product may be identified -hereinafter referred to as the manufacturer's name; b) The electrical rating; c) The catalog number or equivalent. All marking shall be located so as to be visible after installation. I 'l . I I I I. ·APPENDIXD I TEST DATA SHEETS I I . -·.,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Gl~ctro®t~ft CLIENT: Legoland LOCATION: One Lego Drive EQUIPMENT: Caripro Bat Flyer Amusement Ride RATINGS: 480 Power Circuit PHASE A-N 260 REMARKS: CIRCUIT IDENTIFICATION PHASE B-N 237 VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS PHASE C-N 231 PHASE A-B 444 PHASE B-C 452 PRODUCT EVALUATION TEST DA TA ENGINEER: DON WEBER MODEL: Bat F!yer t ' ' TEST EQUIP ASSET#: 22-01097 . ETI JQB NUMBER: 220-5641 DATE: Au ust 21, 2000 SERIAL NO: 57 CALIBRATION DATE: FEBRUARY 2000 PHASE TO GROUND PHASE TO PHASE A B C A-B B-C C-A 800 800 800 na na na CALIBRATION DATE: FEBRUARY 2000 CURRENT MEASUREMENTS PHASE C-A 448 PHASE A 176/78 PHASE B 192/56 PHASE C 176/55 NEUTRAL GROUND Voltage measurements with car lift in o eratior,, standby voltage-is 4_85 volts. Ampere measurements are with car lift in operation only. Standby current is 1 O amps or less. Ampere readings are max/avg. DATE: TEST EQUIP ASSET#: CALIBRATION DATE: Au ust 21, 2000 •F 22-1116 FEBRUARY 2000 COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION COMPONENT TEMP. TEMPERATURE RISE TEST METHOD Component temperatures were less than 20 D.eg ·F na na Infrared over ambient. Infrared ln_frared Infrared Infrared Infrared Infrared ,f/!mi@Il@?iii¥i{Itiili-iti-i¥{i}i=!-?/?ii·/}}-/=i=}tti{):~q.\\~~~:.i~if _·_:::~!f:-:r~I~:/+:;fi:!fi=!i/Hii-IEIIW!H)tif){!:/-!=iiffitiI=\IMii=!-ii!?JfJ!=! EMO FUNCTION TESTS INTERLOCK FUNCTIONAL TESTS DATE: . DATE: LOCATION RESULT INTERt.O¢K DESCRIPTION RESULT INTERLOCK DESCRIPTION RESULT · Control Panel Door A 1rH1J~h•!f 31!:'"~' ' i~:::::li'Al~#t'f~-;~a.. ... :~J;;W~ Location Resistance (Ohms) VoltaQe (mV) LeakaQe Current(mA) na-hardwired 0.00 0.00 .. 0.00 0.00 :ttt}t:t:t.?:t:t':\:t:.:it{.\'.::'..'.':.::'./:::·::-:::.:r=t(~gt4S~µ :NP:11-5~· :=·::::-:-::::::: :: : .:·==-:-::::-:-=:::::-:=':".t:?::::·::'.::-:?='?f:\::'.:/)(\ '::.::t:\~ItJA.BElJ~tJ.Wf13E.ffl~l\:='.'\': r: M223700 - © eti 2000 F /6001 rev. 3/00 Page I A = Acceptable, N/A = Not Applicable, C = Corrected, R = Needs Repair