HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 Legoland Dr; ; CBC2018-0700; Permit{city of Carlsbad Commercial Permit Print Date: 04/26/2019 Permit No: CBC2018-0700 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: 1 Legoland Dr BLDG-Commercial 2111000900 $150,000.00 Work Class: Lot#: Reference#: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Tenant Improvement Status: Applied: Issued: Permit Finaled: Inspector: Closed -Finaled 12/20/2018 02/25/2019 PBurn Plan Check#: Final Inspection: 4/26/2019 2:20:SSPM Project Title: Description: Applicant: BRET WILKES 1 Legoland Or LEGOLAND: RELOCATE TRAIN RIDE Owner: Contractor: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC RUDOLPH AND SLETTEN INC Po Box 5067 Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 760-918-5325 Po Box 543185 C/0 Property Tax Service Co DALLAS, TX 75354 Redwood City, CA 94063-0067 650-216-3600 BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) ELECTRICAL BLDG COMMERCIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL MANUAL BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE MECHANICAL BLDG COMMERCIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL 5B1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE STRONG MOTION-COMMERCIAL Total Fees: $1,608.21 Total Payments To Date: $1,608.21 Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition, You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. $0.00 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov $803.50 $562.45 $89.00 $50.26 $55.00 $6.00 $42.00 Ccityaf Carlsbad COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-2 Plan Check C-&,~QlOO Est. Value _,jic,5..,Q~/ "'-mJ"-"-..L...-- PC Deposit ------=-- Date ..:.:l2=-----=2D::::::..._-_,._,/g'.,___ Job Address __ 1_LE_G_O_LA_N_D_D_R_IV_E_C_A_R_LS_B_A_D_,_c_A_9_2_0_08 __ Suite: ----APN: __ 2_1_1_-1_0_0_-0_9_-0_o ___ _ iS&i90F Tenant Name: ________________ CT/Project#: _________ Lot#: TRACT #94-09 Occupancy: ________ Construction Type: NIA Fire Sprinklers: yes !{§) Air Conditioning: yes e BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: RELOCATION OF EXISTING TRAIN RIDE. RELOCATION OF EXISTING PLAY STRUCTURES. REMOVAL AND REWORKING OF EXISTING SITE ELEMENTS AND UTILITIES. NEW LANDSCAPING AND HARDSCAPE AREAS D Addition/New: ___________ New SF and Use, ___________ New SF and Use, ____ Deck SF, Patio Cover SF (not including flatwork) D Tenant Improvement: _____ SF, _____ SF, Existing Use ______ Proposed Use _____ _ Existing Use Proposed Use ______ _ 0 Pool/Spa: ____ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? ___________ _ D Solar: ___ KW, __ Modules, ___ Mounted, Tilt: Yes/ No, RMA: Yes/ No, Panel Upgrade: Yes/ No D Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical Only: ________________________ _ g( Other: SITE MODIFICATIONS ONLY. NO ADDITIONAL BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE ADDED APPLICANT (PRIMARY) Name: BRET WILKES Address: 1 LEGOLAND DR. PROPERTY OWNER Name: __ M_E_R_L_IN_EN_T_E=R_T_A_IN_M_E_N_T_S_G_R_o_u_P_U_S_H_O_LD_I_N_G_s_ Address: __ 1_L_E_G_o_L_A_N_D_D_R_. -------==~- City: CARLSBAD State: CA 92008 CA 92008 Zip: ____ City: CARLSBAD State: Zip: ____ _ Phone: 760-918-5325 Email: BRET.WILKES@LEGOLAND.COM DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Name: JEFFREY A. KATZ Address: 6353 DEL CERRO BLVD. City: SAN DIEGO State:.;cCA'-'--_.Zip: 92120 Phone: {619) 698-9177 Email: jeff@jeffkatzarchitecture.com Architect State License: C018223 ----------- Phone: 760-918-5300 Email: ___________________ _ CONTRACTOR BUSINESS Name: Rv d(;/1') {\ --17 $ J~ Tt-<lv .. i B-. Address: b Q<;) ;:, I City: <00 f), e,10 State: CA Zip: q h( 0 I Phone: 6 I '1 '-t 3 r O I )....)..._ Email: Red-Gr"M c,'¥ Jc 62 rsc_o1v5\ <C(i.,-Y, State License: /0,€{ Ofz0 Bus. License: 57 '.:fiSI :2-. (Sec. 7031.S Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to Its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he/she Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law {Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or that he/she is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.S by any appllcant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500}). 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 B-2 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Page 1 of2 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov Rev. 06/18 ( OPTION A): WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION: I hearby affirm under penalty af perjury one af the fallowing declarations: □ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work which this permit ls Issued. •~ave and wlll maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this Pttrmit is issued. ~~orkers' compensation lns_ur~nce ;arri~r and policy number are: Insurance Compa/ Name: 7=U I"'"' { cA q .M. e V' (<AN l.>..i 5 Polley No. /&IC-0 R tbW 40 7 Expiration Date: 5 /3 I Jc>iC! ' I □ Certificate of Exemption: I certify that ln the performance of the work for which this permit Is Issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner so as to be come subject to the workers' compensation Laws of Callfornla. WARNING: Failure to secure workers compensation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000.00, In addition the to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for In Section 3706 of the llbor Code, Interest and attorney's fees. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE: __ rL-;-:J....::.'W'~'..<., -=~cf;;C.''.::2..1 _________ □AGENT DATE: _____ _ ( OPTION B ): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License law for the following reason: □ I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not Intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement Is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). IZI I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). □ I am exempt under Section _______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. □ Yes □ No 2. I (have/ have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (Include name address/ phone/ contractors' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name/ address/ phone/ contractors' license number): 5. I will provide some of the work, but I a ~tl!l.ll><o.;>lf'""'&.eersons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address/ phone/ type of work): OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: _12_/_19_/_18 __ _ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit Is Issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name: _____________________ Lender's Address: ____________________ _ ONLY COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley~ Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? □ Yes ■ No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollutlon control district or air quality management district? □ Yes fl No Is the facillty to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? □ Yes Ill No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE Of OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING 11-IE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: I certify that I have read the application and state that the above Information Is correct and that the information on the plans Is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. 1 hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. t ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT.OSHA: An OSHA permit Is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit Issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit Is not commenced within 180 days from the d such permit or If the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work Is commenced for a period of 180 days ( 06 .4 APPLICANT SIGNATURE: ___ ..::::l..,,;~'-J!~,:L.~Z:::~L------DATE: __ 1_2/_1_9/_1_8 ___ _ PETER RONCHETTI 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 B-2 Page 2 of 2 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov Rev. 06/18 PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY REPORT (CBC2018-0700) Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 12/20/2018 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC Work Class-Tenant Improvement Issue Date: 02/25/2019 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & 03 Status: Closed -Flnaled Expiration Date: 10/22/2019 Address: 1 Legoland Dr Carlsbad, CA 92008-4610 IVR Number: 16142 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Reinspection Complete Date Start Date Primary Inspector 04/0112019 04/01/2019 BLDG-31 087654-2019 Passed Paul Burnette Complete Underground/Condu it -Wiring Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No 04/25(2019 04/25/2019 BLDG-Final 090008-2019 Failed Paul Burnette Reinspection Complete Inspection Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Fina! No BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No 04/26/2019 04/26/2019 BLDG~Flnal 090135-2019 Passed Andy Krogh Complete Inspection Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes April 26, 2019 Page 1 of 1 ... HiTE Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com HILL -INSPECTION TESTING/ ENGINEERING Special Inspection Report Project Address Building Pennit Number Jurisdiction I File Number One Leaoland Drive CBC2018-0700 Carlsbad Project Name Architect Train Relocation JKA Archtecture Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Orie2 Enaineerina Post Anchor Redhead Descripffon of Materials General Contractor Red Head®, 3/8x3, ICC ESR-2427 Leao Sub Contractor Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 12-Apr-19 Provided special inspection for the installation of (57) 3/8x3" post-installed wedge anchors embedded a minimum of 2" at Play Canopy Post, all into existing Slab-on-Grade, per Sheet S2-1, Detail 7, and Letter dated (04/11 /19) provided by the Engineer of Record. All holes were drilled using the correct drill bit size, and properly cleaned. All anchors driven to nominal embedment, and nuts tightened to the required installation torque, (Tins! 30 ft-lb). Installation of anchors is in compliance with ICC ESR-2427, and manufactures specifications. It should be noted, the Red Head®, 3/8x3", ICC ESR-2427 was used in lieu of the Hilti KB-TZ. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED ACI, No.: 01334442 WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO I :;::i:;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;r,,f::~~~::::C~;;~~C~, N~o:.:~1:11~3~68~1~-M~l-1 THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVE t, CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino • HiTE HILL· INSPECTION TESTING/ ENGINEERING Project Address Special Inspection Report Building Permit Number One Leaoland Drive CBC2018-0700 Office(858)220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Jurisdiction I File Number Carlsbad Project Name Train Relocation Architect J KA Archtectu re Construction Material Design Strength Source Engineer Orie2 Enaineerina Post Anchor Redhead Description of Materials General Contracfor Red Head®, 3l8x3, ICC ESR-2427 Leao Sub Contractor Other Inspection Date I Start of Work I End of Work I 15-Apr-19 Provided special inspection for the installation of (43) 3/8x3" post-installed wedge anchors embedded a minimum of 2" at Play Canopy Post, all into existing Slab-on-Grade, per Sheet S2-1, Detail 7, and Letter dated (04/11 /19) provided by the Engineer of Record. All holes were drilled using the correct drill bit size, and properly cleaned. All anchors driven to nominal embedment, and nuts tightened to the required installation torque, (Tins! 30 ft-lb). Installation of anchors is in compliance with ICC ESR-2427, and manufactures specifications. It should be noted, the Red Head®, 3/8x3", ICC ESR-2427 was used in lieu of the Hilti KB-TZ. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED ACI. No.: 01334442 WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO I :;:;:::s;;;;:;:;;2 ~;=~'.:::::~~~~-~o~.:~1~11~3~68~1~-M~l-1 THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVE t CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange• Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino > a. 0 (.) 0 ~ 0 (.) w ~ ~ f'L<VMO\IS( P[J!@ @mocrumANCHOlt~ ,c;,,,,t: IN,-~ ANCHOltAGs PlAN .. :'I';'~ t."'" ·:: ,.,. ..-- DUPLO TRAIN -:. .,.. ..... : ... ,-. ~~- -•· -- . -- . : 1' ... ' ._ ·.• f ' ' ' '. , ....... '-.. """""'" -.. . "'"@ m~~ y .. 'I . • l @--r_, . /'--.... , .;: I . "' /I /', / fr::;~;..._...,... ,,,;., ~ !TI!VCTI.11!( -"'@ \ AHC"tiOR PlAYHOOSt _,,,O SlXlS PER@ ~ ~ "' I ..;. '--·. - l / ' \ ' RIDGE / --------..ILN,Q;OR ""~ ~ Sl.l)[S PO? 'B7 '°" /r ·, /~ -ANCHOR P\.A.Y CN<CP1 =@ ·ANCHOR PU.YHOOS£ l,lfJ SUOES PER@ ~ w ~ ~ I ::, : t; i J w ~ ~ I ~ ! l < I ~ 11 -, 1 llegc4<Jnd~. C01st>Od. CA n:o8 ........ -- Oat~ 11/21/1! 12/14/U """' 03/11/1' STRUCTURAL ANCHORAGE PLAN ti' '--'/j C ' I I -r-(~PI.).'( / STRIJCTVRE PANO. 5'fETY '""'"" """ (<) :1• CONC. SV,8-oN-GRAOE o,sn,,c; =7 "-~-Pf>@ / """"'"~ -i-....-~O'OfVC( P[R~ 1 0) Pl AYHOUSf ANCHORAGE DETAIL IC A 1,. l 1/2" .. 1'-o• <<CHOAACE f!!> POST&\SE~ "'@ {~) PLAY CANOPY ANCHORAGE , $CAL( 1/r•J"-C" l I I ~ i . ' ' / N!'IC.'<PANEL_/- M-ltHORM.E PER@ I . / SlAiR POST B>,SE,_;- A.NCHOfl.la PE~@ 5.lfllY 9..llf'.ACE MR {t) ~• C()IC. Sl)B-00-CRACE ~,u~ ~ "' g; rr I , I 11 ii II I I ,I I I r-""""" .. DIA. S'([l • PIP£.rrP. 11 FIElJ) """' "'"""' l 1 , ,1 I I I 'I ! t J / 5'fETY SURFACC °"" (E) ,• OO'iC. SLAS-ON-CAAOE f?JE\ A \ ' / """"'-'""'_/-M010PJG£PER@ @ MAZE: PANEL ANCHORAGE SC AL[ 1/T • 1'-C" /"" POSTl!,IS{ i~ ;:,::_/ ~ l \ TYAC-.1. PN-El._;-~PDI@ FRONT ELEVATION G) Pl AX STRYCTUBF ANCHORAGE SC A .l E_~ • 1'-0" 5'fETY """"" <MR (Cl :5• CONC. SUB-ON-GAACIE ;-T'l"ACAl.PN4n.~---~ ArCHOAAOC PER@ SIDE El£VATION ASl-001 w a: ::, ,_ -~'! ,_ ' ! " I 0 i a: < ' ~l ., Prc,ect LtGOWC> TAAl'IRR0O,nON llegck)r'l<J~ C<nboo,CAt2008 LEGOJ;jD ,~. Dot.- :~ce,, 11121f1, ' SET 12/14/U 1>., 01/14/U '"""'' --_., ,,_,., _,, 0"1t. OJJII/\' 191002 STRUCTURAL DETAILS -" l!C>ti)--~-S2-0 ••• A£DWOOO 5tW'ER """"\ Pl.>,YHOUS( WALLS {S'ToP ,t,T ?t.A'MOUSE DOORS) •/ SIM~ •~1o,cr •/ (') 1/♦•11.2-J/4" TN>Cai S.S. SCR£WS TO ~C 1k (4) 1/'"1-1/2' Slt,,IPSON -SOS' SCRE'#S TO Sl.£0'ER (M.~ Of 3 PER ~OE Of PIAYHOVSE) r -([} Pl>,YHOUS[ WJII.L .R£-USE EX!STINC ROUNDED AHCI.[ Nm THRU-BCN.f'S ORPROVOCHE'#Sl'-IPSON 'A2•· Gft.'I. •I (1) 112· DI,\. CW.V 0tRU-9CU t (1) 1/2" 01A. "' 3• LJiC TO SWP<R ·SISTIY SURfN::£ OYER (£) s· ~ su.e-o.-CA>C£ CVT CXISTNG STEEi.: .~\~ RO.OC\T£ STRUCn.lft( N<tO £M9EO tfT0 HEW S1m P'.PE Slt.E\'£ EXlOtSION A."0 wo.D / °'1;1 •f ,wm-,a-(() 5' CONC SI.J8-0N-GR>« 9AS£ PI..AT£NCI PiPt Sl.£FYIE PEA@ 1 0 PLAYHOUSE BASE ANCHORAGE QfTAIL S C: A L [ 1• • 1•-0• Q) St IQE ANCHORAGE DETAIL S C: A L [ 1• • r-D" CUT 0.'STlf,;C Sl'ED.. PIP£ TO REl.OCJ.TE STIUJCME "'10 D,18£0. INTO "4C1" STm PFC SL.££'t'( OOENSION NiO #0.D I I r Pl II •/ (4) 1/2' CAA. l 2" Oit8EO "11L'1 "l<.l!H'Z" S.S EXP. J.NCHQ!IIS (CC ~-1117) \is,mv 5U"Ja MR ([) ,. ewe SLAe-ot-CAAOt G) TYPICAi eosr SL EEYE & ANCHORAGE PfTAU SC AL [ 1' • 1·-o" -(E} W000 D4l POST STAIR 5UPP()OT l(D STAIR POST BASE ANCHORAGE DETAIL SC Al ( 1• • 1'-~ {~-,-··· 10• "kB-12" S.S OP N.ct.;ORS {fCC-[~-11117} ~ w ~) ~/i-CM. • 2" EM:ID HI.Tl "KS-r.!" 5.S 0:9 ~ (K:'C ESR-1917) BASE PLAJE PEJ'll 12-J /2" AND SMALLER PIPE SI EEYfl OJTOlST!HCSTEUPIP(iQ Rwv:rr STRUCTURE Nl0 0&D INro l€W STEn. Pff SI.EM (XT'(N5K)N .lrNO WEl.0 i I ,wm 5ll"1Ja O\'ER (E} 5' CCK SI.M-CN-GRAOt -· --EXJST1M; PLAY I ~TUR£ P,.t,Ntl -~ FUTEAMl PIP£ !UMPE"-@ {2) TYPICAL PANEL ANCHORAGE PEIAU SC AL f. t• • 1'-C'" DESIGN BASIS: COOC 2016 C 9 C (C.N..lf'MH1~ IIA.OINC COOE tm.£) LATEAAL LO,l,OS: ' -&I.SIC WINO SPEED (J-SEC(N) CUST) ..,,.., RISKCATIOOR'!', Wffl(XP05UR[ 2 SC!Sl,/IC SI• 1127t ~-•• 00~~ Seit. o.~ 110 MPI-I ' 8 REOUIRED SPECIAL INSP£CTlONS ~ ~ TO 1l£ R£Clll.M 'NSPE~S. THE fQ.LQW'NG Ct£tx£D rTOI$ WU.. ilt.50 RCQU~ SP£0.lt. ttSP£CT10H ~ >CCORl»,NCE 'MTH o,i,tPTER 17 Of THE ~ 9Ull.CfliC CODE.. SP(CW.. ~SPECTION INC)[PENDENT CY comuaOR, MCHrl'EtT, Of! ENGNEIII' rY RECORD 9W.J. El£ PRCMOE'O SY O"IICER .tCCOF!l)NC TO TH£ CN...rMH.A ~C coot QiAPr(R 17 (Ta.£ TABL£ 1705.J--cQHCREit, Ta.£ 1700,1 Cl" 1704 ~ J~RY). 11£ S?£CW.. tt6P{CTQR SH1rU. 08SEJM: 1lE WORK ~ COHfORMN«:E: W/ THE COtrlTP.liCT OOC\JMOr(fS. HOf TH£ SHOP Wwt.CS. l!tM I= POST ""'""" I SEE ICC ""'°"' """"'"°""" (CBC TAS...C 170~.J) REMA~· SPEOAI. IHSP[Cl'OR MUST MN([ PER1001C INSPECTJONS TO ~FY ilNCH()RTYP(.~(MN'SIONS ~ TYP£:, ~ TMICl<NCSS, ~ CMBEtwmrr, AOO .tiOHEROiC[ ro THE ~UfACTURER"S ~NTED INSTNJ...Al'lOf,1 UismucTl()IS. 5fEA8-ffiITTTlON NOIT5 1. THE SPfCW. INSF'ECTOft MIJSi 9E a:RlITT£D 8Y TH£ QTY 011 o:Mlt'i!NG K';0¥:,Y, ~ ~ CAltc;;oRY Of WOfl,: R(Ot.llMQ TO HA"f'E SP£cw. MP!CTIQH· CONSiRVCTlON ltST1NC « ENQKCE:RINC (760) 7•1!-4955 2 ,.. PROPERTY O'#MER'S F'lf'W.. REF-'OA:1 ~ FOR WORk RECll.ffO TO HA't{ SPECIM.. ~CllOHS TESllNC NCC STRl.lCT\JAAL OBSER\IAliONS MUST BC C0MA.£TED BY T11E Pl10PE!U't' OWNER. PRCPERTY CMNER'S AG(NT <Y RECORO. ARCtfT£CT <Y RCC()f!) OR, ENGlttEDI 'S RECORO '-'tD Si.JBWTTEO TO Th[ tlSP[CTIQN SOMC£S DMStOfll J ?HE SP(CIAI.. 116PCCTICNS ioo,rmm ON Pl.NI «. IN ..tOOTlQN fO, N(J NC1" A SlJBSTTT\ITE FOR. Tl-lOSE ~CTIONS REOUIRCO TO &E PE1!f'ORMm SY A arr'S OFf GO\-tRNING AO(KCY'S SUILO!NC flS1)£CTOR .5llll; I. F~ NrtCI tRECTION TO C0NfORtil TO AJS.C 1.AltSl [OO!Ofrl ~noN fe11 Tr£ DESIGN, ,.~ #40 !'.RECTION or S"AUCT'JfW. srm. IM,..DNCS" Nr(I ·cooc f$ Sf,liHOilflO PAA:ra ~ STm. 8UllDINCS Al() QR':OCCS" txctP1 AS ~ S~ at SPECIOED 2 QUilrcifll> 00 wnro wo.t0S St-\Al.1. SE USCD FOR MJ. l'QJJNC. ~ TO El P£MOflME!) IN THE SHOP or A STAT£ UCEM£D r~ AU. wo.t:K: TO (X)ff'CA,I ro M. uTtST CDITJON or M AMERICAN 1C1..D1J,C soeur STRIJCT\M. ¥fW»fC cca: A.W'S 01.1 3,l,IA~ snllJCT\M. stm. SKaPES STltUCTl.M. 5TE£l. OWiNtl.. t .-tJ<i..£$ S1111JC1Wt mn "'rrs 5llll.<1Wl STEn PIPES ""°"" El!CT>OOES ~ABIX.fS TY?Clrl 5TtD. CQNr,iCCTlOH BCJ..TS ~ "'-" GILVilrNIZINC RL.ISl-lffflTlffO ~ ICSS,-Srm. T1SMC A.St¥ .r9t2 a, l-~72 (Fy • SO KSl} A..5.Ht. A-Je A..S.TM A-J8 A.Sltil ~T'lfft:OR~GIWX"B A.WS. ~!i.1 OR A-U. (rnro') A.ST N A-307 AS.I.M A-J07 A..5.T.M 4-J07 A..S.TM. A-123 IT-P-6'5 A.S.TM A.S.1.M A-500, GRAC€ B (fy • 48 KSI) • HOHlf'PED G.lt..W.-.;Z( KT0t Fi16R0.10l Ml. Sl1NCT\.IR.lrr. S1tD. NIO COl't«TOf!S EXPOSED TO W(An,ol ~ U? twUall G,llYNCZll'IC ~ ~Y1<J.J.rtt N1IR O!EC'T1Cfrt ~(X)IIPt(J[ !I CONhtcml WEM6ERS SKALl 8CM ONl.Y uPOH ~ ?MTI0NS ~ 9l..TS e BUAA:NG CW" HQ.£S IS NOT ,111.LO';(O 7 IHSPECtJCN Of" 'fflONC ~ CQHJ"OR\I TO C: 9.C. R[OldEVOffS (QlilrP'l"[R 17) IKJ AIS 011 8 THC STRUCTUCW. srm.. F.-sRK:AlDR Sl-W..I.. SU8IJTT SHOP ~WINGS TO Tl-£ ENCHtR FOR APPROYM. PRlal ro r~OON i ecu IQ.ES WU El. 1/te· LMCCR IN IM«.1[R TlWI HOtillW.. Slli. <1" scu usm, U"'-£SS NOTEDOTl<RMSC, 10. .4U. ~ STm. ~~ TO A(cv.( ~~.tPPt.ED ~ OR TO II: oo.stD fit CCliCRElE 0R w.soMn" S>\,tfJ. 8£ lEn Uft'Mrli'ED 11 STRIJCT\JRlil. STtU SH,tll et OElMRE1) TO fl-£ JOB Snt nrtE ~ OCESSM: R'.Sf. MU SCAi..£. Q!£ASC, fi'C 12. CffJPNC StW.l MJ1' B£ PVCm IN STrn. liEJil!DS U't!SS Sf'CClfQU Y CUM.(]). © l!f g_ct~~~A~,·-~1 ~N_0_J_E~s ASl-001 w II! :) ::; 11 w ~ ~ I o I II! ~II ., I j _, lEGOlANO t~ltElOCATION ll~OMI CCl'llboO. CA9'2CU LEGOLIJD lo.~. Daw. ;C)t(ce, 11121/11 ' !lfl" 12/l•llf IA 01/\4/1/ -~ 0311111' "'""9d--18100'2 _., 00 o.-.. ,. STRUCTURAL DETAILS S2-1 DATE: January 31, 2019 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK#.: CBC2018-0700 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME: Legoland 2019 ✓• EsG1I A SAFEbu1lfCornpany SET II Site Work □ APPLICANT ..,.940RIS. D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. ~ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted;_ ~ Telephone#: Date contacted: ---~ Email: Mail Telephone Fax Person REMARKS: Sheet A?.2 was left out of Set II. Therefore, remove sheet A?.2 from the old set (included) and slip-sheet it into Set II. By: Kurt Culver EsGil 1/24/19 Enclosures: 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 ♦ San Diego, California 92123 ♦ (858) 560-1468 ♦ Fax (858) 560-1576 Orie2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Structural Calculations PROJECT: Legoland Train Relocation Play Structures (Project# 302.287-19 ) CUENT: Jeff Katz Architecture DESIGNED BY: ESY DATE: 4/10/19 Orie2 -Structural Engineers Phone: (858) 335-7643 IE2 OR- Orie2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Structural Calculations -Table of Contents Lego/and Train Relocation Play Structures Orie2 Job No. 302.287-19 1. Site Plan & Seismic Criteria ........................................................................... 1 -3 2. Play House .................................................................................................... 4 -7 3. Play Canopy ................................................................................................. 8 -11 4. MazePanel ................................................................................................. 12-14 5. Play Structure ............................................................................................. 15 -17 9750 Miramar Rd., SU~e 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Orle2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers Phone # : (858) 335-76'13 www.orie2.com Project No. : 302.287-19 PROJECT : Legoland Train Relocation Legoland Play Structures Plan .. t1 • ( •-IL ( 12 • H "" ' C . . ·• ~ :~. :l:6. \ ~ N L'" f • or [ • I I, I r [ [ •• I l-I [ [ • H I-H C ( Cl C1 • M l,M [ . u' t Page 1 DATE : 4/1 0/19 BY : ESY • H l• I C ( 4/10/2019 U.S. Seismic Design Maps • ·- 1 Legoland Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA Latitude, Longitude: 33.1262496, -117 .31192390000001 1: #'.'\Museum of 'io-Y Making Music "' <.2 Dino Island ~ ' ~LEGOLAND T Cal1forn1a Resort Hotel Parking Q Go gle Date Design Code Reference Document Risk Category 4/10/2019, 8:53:24 AM ASCE7-10 II Site Class Type Value Ss 1.127 S1 0.434 SMs 1.182 SM1 0.679 Sos 0.788 So1 0.453 Type Value SDC D Fa 1.049 Fv 1.566 PGA 0.447 FPGA 1.053 PGAM 0.471 TL 8 SsRT 1.127 SsUH 1.194 SsD 1.525 S1RT 0.434 S1UH 0.436 S1D 0.616 PGAd 0.59 CRs 0.944 CR1 0.995 https://seismicmaps.org Description MCER ground motion. (for 0.2 second period) MCER ground motion. (for 1.0s period) Site-modified spectral acceleration value Site-modified spectral acceleration value Numeric seismic design value at 0.2 second SA Numeric seismic design value at 1.0 second SA Description Seismic design category Site amplification factor at 0.2 second Site amplification factor at 1.0 second MCEG peak ground acceleration Site amplification factor at PGA Site modified peak ground acceleration Long-period transition period in seconds Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (0.2 second) D -Stiff Soil Factored uniform-hazard (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) spectral acceleration Factored deterministic acceleration value. (0.2 second) Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (1.0 second) Factored uniform-hazard (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) spectral acceleration. Factored deterministic acceleration value. (1.0 second) Factored deterministic acceleration value. (Peak Ground Acceleration) Mapped value of the risk coefficient at short periods Mapped value of the risk coefficient at a period of 1 s Page 2 OSHPD 9 Staff Parking Map data ©2019 Google 1/2 ~ Orie 2 Engineering I.'.:: _ Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 Project No.: 302.287-19 PROJECT: Legoland Train Relocation San Diego, CA 92126 www.orte2.com Seismic Design Coefficient SEISMIC DEMANDS ON NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS ASCE 7-1013.3.1 Code: 2016 CBC, ASCE 7-10 CHAPTER 11, 12, 13 SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA Soil Site Class: D Table 13.5-1 S,: 112.7 %g s,: 43.4 %g F,: 1.049 F,: 1.566 s •• : 1.182 s.,: 0.680 Sos: 0.788 S01: 0.453 Occupancy: II (USGS using Latitude/Longitude) Table 11.4-1 Table 11.4-2 F,S, F1S1 2/3(SMs) 2/3(SM,) I•: 1 ASCE 7-10, Section 13.1.3 Page 3 DATE: 04/10/19 BY: ESY Component= Other flexible components -Flexible· High deformability elements and attachments ap = 2.5 Rp= 3.5 ht. of struct to pt. of attachment, z = 0 ave. roof height to base, h = 1 Seismic Force: Fp = 0.4a,S05 x (1+2(z/h)) X W, {R,tl,) F, = 0.225 x W, Fp,mi, = 0.3Soslp X W, Fp,ml, = 0.236 x W, <--Governs ASCE 7-10, Table 13.5-1 or 13.6-1 ASCE 7-10, Eq 13.3-1 ASCE 7-10, Eq 13.3-3 Fp,ma, = 1.6Sosl, x W, ASCE 7-10, Eq 13.3-2 Fp,ma, = 1.261 X WP F, = 0.236 x WP (LRFD) 9750 Miramar Ad., S<Jie 310 Sao Diego, CA 92126 Orle2 Engl,,..,.lng StnJctural & Bridge Engi,--s Phone I : (858) 33S-7643 www.orie2.com -rn f. E .f E 1--1,-c F (•I TI· LI •E ProjectNo.: 302.287-19 PROJECT, Legoland Train Relocation Play House r---~-~- !1 r7,-, 1 I: L_J,~ ,--·1 ~--! L-==1_ ! ,- 1 F""'"°· ~4f-J~ DATE : 4/10/19 BY : ESY E I n· L· T· T E -! El Page4 ~_J~_j 1= I= I I I : · l E U E !". H <. f E •. =---..:\ \i.J:". : L-H E -E .. ~ C •' H ! ( E ·. .~;-·. :; 200?,J ?, 1115 2.l ·~> / / :. /+tJlkl c•~-•~ Jl lft\) 45 I I r ·1 -·n • H •· E t • . . !: '. I = ,; =· T-'l. , c·[ !,H .i.£[1",,\ I ;-;J -71° {.b> =-~ 0i2 / c;, -: '514 le<::,. Page 5 ~ Orie 2 Engineering ' fJ!i .' :=,. Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 San Diego, CA 92126 www.orie2.com Project No. : ~3~0~2~27~8-~1~9 _________ _ Project : Legoland Play Structures Wind Load ASCE 7-10 Figure 29.4-1: Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Freestanding Signs MWFRS -OTHER STRUCTURES Play House Wind Step 1: Determine risk category of buildln~ or other structure Risk Category =. II I Table 1.5-1 Step 2: Determine the basic wind speed, V[ for applicable risk category Wind Speed, V = 110 mph Figure 26.5-1A, B, or C Step 3: Determine wind load parameters: Wind Directionality factor, K• = 0.85 >----< Exposure Category = 1-=C:....._-1 Topography factor, Kz1 =,._1_.o_o _ ____. Gust Effect factor, G = i.:::0:.::.8:::.5_.J Step 4: Determine velocity pressure exposure coefficient, K, or K,, Height above ground level, h, =113 jfl Exposure coefficient, Kh = 0.85 Step 5: Determine velocity pressure, q, or qh Qh = 0.00256*K,Kzt *K/V2 = 22.38 psf Step 6: Determine force coefficient, C,: horizontal dimension of sign, B = 13.00 fl vertical dimension of sign, s = 4.50 fl ht. from ground surface to top of sign, h = 13.00 fl Bis= 2.89 s/h = 0.34615 Force coeff, c, = 1.800 Step 7: Calculate wind force, F: gross area of the solid freestanding wall or freestanding solid sign, A,= B*s = 58.50 fl2 Wind Force, F = q,G*C,*A, = 2003.1 lbs Wind Pressure, P = FIA, = 34.24 psf All Loads in Strength Value, multiply by 0.6 to get to ASD Design Value Section 26.6 and Table 26.6-1 Section 26. 7 Section 26.8 and Figure 26.8-1 Section 26.9 Table 29.3-1 Equation 29.3-1 Figure 29.4-1 Equation 29.4-1 BY: ESY www.hlltl.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: Effective embedment depth: Material: Evaluation Service Report: Issued I Valid: Proof: Stand-off installation: Profile: Base material: Installation: Reinforcement: Play House Anchors Kwik Bolt TZ -SS 3041/2 (2) hef,ect = 2.000 in., hnom = 2.375 in. AISI 304 ESR-191 7 4/1/2018 I 5/1/2019 Design method ACI 318-14 / Mech. Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pas. No.: Date: -(Recommended plate thickness: not calculated) no profile cracked concrete, 2500, fc' = 2,500 psi; h = 5.000 In. hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry Page6 ,:iis., Profis Anchor 2.8.0 4/10/2019 tension: condition B, shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar R -The anchor calculation is based on a rigid baseplate assumption. Geometry {in.l & Loading {lb, in.lbl Z: Input data and results must be ched<ed for agreement with the existing oonditlons and for plauslbllityl PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaen Hilti Is a registered Trademark of Hilli AG, Schaan ' ' ' ' -, X Page 7 •=iiSi.i www.hlltl.us Profis Anchor 2.8.0 Company: Specifier: Address: Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: 2 Phone 1 Fax: Date: 4/10/2019 E-Mail: 2 Proof I Utilization (Governing Cases) Design values [lb] Utilization Loading Tension Shear Loading Proof Pullout Strength Pryout Strength Combined tension and shear loads 3 Warnings Load 1.284 514 P• Pv 0.734 0.216 Please consider all details and hints/warnings given in the detailed report! Capacity P• I Pv [%] 1,749 74 /- 2,376 -/ 22 i; Utlllzatlon i}N,v [%] 5/3 68 Fastening meets the design criteria! 4 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Status OK OK Status OK Any and alt information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. • You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on e regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and msults must be checked for agmement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003--2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan H!lli is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 9750 Mita mar Rd., Suie 31 O Sa,, {);ego, CA 92126 1 0 Orl•2 Engl,,.,.,no Struaural & 8ridg11 EnginHts Phone f : (858) 335-7643 WW'M.Orie2.com () Page 8 Proj9cl No. : 302.287-19 PROJECT: Legoland Train Relocation DATE : 4/10/19 BY: ESY Play Canopy ff'-:-D .'Z!>l... \,Jf ~ '311> wi;. >' D"' '2. S- -:: 6/l{\ ll?S wrrr !d'i°WE c•·vE, (£1 ,-,:1, \, ~t 1--:rh~ 1£ " ' \ I V\~:.. \bO) I_Y>':> ')( ~ :. 7~0 vPr f1 . '7-- T f>,.t-..ltM.:.~ .,._~ -. T / :l-c,~~ =: bi:n/"J--:: to l ~~~ ~-----::-=.--:...,.o----=-~-=---=.:.-=-::_-----o-:::,--\-31) ~ V ftJ<W_ '1PW c t "'"·'<> / 3 \ Page 9 ~ Orle 2 Engineering ~ !?I!., =, Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 Phone#: (858} 335-7643 San Diego, CA 92126 www.orie2.com Project No.: ~3"'02"'.~27~8~-1~9 _________ _ Project : Leqoland Play Structures Wind Load ASCE 7-10 Figure 29.4-1: Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Freestanding Signs MWFRS -OTHER STRUCTURES Play Canopy Wind Step 1: Determine risk category of bulldin, or other structure Risk Category= _II I Table 1.5-1 Step 2: Determine the basic wind speed, V~cable risk category Wind Speed, V =l!!Q__Jmph Figure 26.5-1A, B, or C Step 3: Determine wind load parameters: Wind Directionality factor, Ko = 0.85 -----I Exposure Category = ,::C=-----1 Topography factor, K,. =._1_.o_o _ __, Gust Effect factor, G = ~o~.8~5-~ Step 4: Determine velocity pressure exposure coefficient, K, or K,, Height above ground level, h, = /13 1ft Exposure coefficient, ~ = 0.85 Step 5: Determine velocity pressure, q, or qh qh = 0.00256•~ *K,.'l<o *V2 = 22.38 psf Step 6: Determine force coefficient, c,: horizontal dimension of sign, B = 8.80 ft vertical dimension of sign, s = 11.00 ft ht. from ground surface to top of sign, h = 11.00 ft Bis= 0.80 s/h = 1 Force coeff, C, = 1.800 Step 7: Calculate wind force, F: gross area of the solid freestanding wall or freestanding solid sign, A,= B's = 96.80 ft2 Wind Force, F = qh'G'C,'A, = 3314.6 lbs Wind Pressure, P = FIA, = 34.24 psf All Loads in Strength Value, multiply by 0.6 to get to ASD Design Value Section 26.6 and Table 26.6-1 Section 26. 7 Section 26.8 and Figure 26.8-1 Section 26.9 Table 29.3-1 Equation 29.3-1 Figure 29.4-1 Equation 29.4-1 BY: ESY www.hllti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: Effective embedment depth: Material: Evaluation Service Report: Issued I Valid: Proof: Stand--0ff installation: Anchor plate: Profile: Base material: Installation: Reinforcement: Play Canopy Anchors Kwik Bolt TZ -SS 304 1/2 (2) her.ec1 = 2.000 in., h..,.., = 2.375 in. AISI 304 ESR-1917 4/1/201815/1/2019 Design method ACI 318-14 / Mech. eb = 0.000 in. (no stand--0ff); t = 0.187 in. Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Page 10 ,:,,s., Profis Anchor 2.8.0 4/10/2019 I, x ly x t = 10.000 in. x 10.000 in. x 0.187 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Round HSS, Steel pipe (AISC); (L x W x T) = 2.880 in. x 2.880 in. x 0.203 in. cracked concrete, 2500, fc' = 2,500 psi; h = 5.000 in. hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry tension: condition B, shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar R -The anchor calculation is based on a rigid baseplate assumption. .. 0 J/'t/ Geometry [in.] & Loading (lb, in.lb] z Po __;, ___ :-< ----: Input data and reaulta must be checked for agreement with the exlating conditions and tor plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilll is a registered Trademark ol Hi111 AG, Schaan I I/<' TYP ' Pl ii.•·, !-4) '/7· \A. 11 1• E\HEl~ t--t!LTI -re 11· S S EXP •NCHO'!S IC:: £9,' 19' I) 'l~SE PLATE [)EJ,\11 er ro s· :01PE c::m;:-1E1 ---&-3m7 -'l. t\ •I '') 1/2" OIi. , 2· EMllO. H!lTI 'kB-17' 5.< [~• ~\CtiOR:; {l~C c<;~-1911; BASE "ll, TE DETAIL {2-1 /l'' At-.) WALLEll f'PE SLEEVE\ Y.. -- -~ a."\-~------ fo.-------V ' ' ' ', X Page 11 •=iiS•• www.hlltl.us Profis Anchor 2.8.0 Company: Page: 2 Specifier: Project Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: Date: 4/1012019 E-Mail: 2 Proof I Utilization (Governing Cases) Design values [lb] Utilization Loading Tension Shear Loading Proof Pullout Strength Pryout Strength Combined tension and shear loads 3 Warnings Load 75 281 P• Pv 0.043 0.030 Please consider all details and hints/warnings given in the detailed report! Capacity P• I Pv [%] 1,749 51- 9,504 -I 3 t; Utlllzatlon PN,v [%] 513 1 Fastening meets the design criteria! 4 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Status OK OK Status OK Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use~specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. • You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be chec!i.ed for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilli AG, Fl-9494 Schaen Hilli is a registered Trademark of Hi!ti AG, Schaan Orle7 Engl""8rinO StJlJCtural & Bridge Engi,HHHs Projec!No.: 302.287-19 Page 12 9750 Miramar Rel., Sule 310 San Dleo<>. CA 92126 Phone I : (858) 33S-7643 www.orie2.com PROJECT: Legoland Train Relocation DATE : 4/10/19 BY : ESY Maze Panel DISll\<; 1-v.v ;r,:;.cr .AE r-aua. -f --'300 -(!)'- --E•Ml\t •-ij4 ,1£tl -'i"E. lP Fl:L, ··,£","fl Jl•VUE, <JftT• ,. I ,r:. [ ·-.'(,, (E) '). r .. '!'.:-w ,1~,4J-:,k.J.:if --------~-·-::::::- 0. MALE ;)ANEL ANCHORAGE \...: • • L [ '·. • • ._ q Ouo ~-tt-', 7 :s'' 3ASE PLATE DETAIL ( 3" TO 8" 0 JPE SLEEVE) 1 I 14• T'P . ,.,c@-0 J/'6/ W", '--f'L Ii w/ ('-) I /2" GIA. ~ 2" EMBE:l. HILTI "KR-Tr S.S EX:: A\CHOf6 · (t::c ES~-1:l 1/) BASE .)LATE PITAIL U-i /2'' Al\) SvlALLER PJJE SLEEVE; www.hllti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: Effective embedment depth: Material: Evaluation Service Report: Issued I Valid: Proof: Stand-off installation: Anchor plate: Profile: Base material: lnstallatlon: Reinforcement: Maze Panel Anchors Kwik Bolt TZ · SS 3041/2 (2) h01,eo1 = 2.000 in., hnom = 2.375 in. AISI 304 ESR-1917 4/112018 I 5/112019 Design method ACI 318-14 / Mech. eb = 0.000 in. (no stand-off); t = 0.187 in. Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Page 13 1:115;.1 Profis Anchor 2.8.0 4/10/2019 I, x ly x t = 10.000 in. x 10.000 in. x 0.187 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Round HSS, Steel pipe (AISC); (L x W x T) = 2.880 in. x 2.880 in. x 0.203 in. cracked concrete, 2500, fc' = 2,500 psi; h = 5.000 in. hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry tension: condition B, shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar R • The anchor calculation is based on a rigid baseplate assumption. Geometry [In.] & Loading [lb, In.lb) Input data and results must be checked for agreement wiU, the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG. FL-9494 Schaan Hllti is a registered Trademar1< of Hilti AG, Schaan 'I -' ~~""\-~----·· ro-------·-'V 7 ---J X Page 14 •=iiS•• www.hllti.us Profis Anchor 2.8.0 Company: Page: 2 Specifier: Project: Address: Sub-Project I Pas. No.: Phone I Fax: Date: 411012019 E-Mail: 2 Proof I Utilization (Governing Cases) Design values {lb] Utilization Load Status Loading Proof Tens~io~n~-----~P~u~l~lo-u71~S~t,-•-n-gt~h-------------cc-:c------:;'-c=~--~';c;c--;--"~- Capacity PNIPv[%] 543 1,749 321-OK shear Pryout Strength 300 9,504 -14 OK Loading ~N ~v t; Utlllzatlon PN,v [%] Status Combined tension and shear loads 0.311 0.032 5/3 15 OK 3 Warnings Please consider all details and hints/warnings given in the detailed report! Fastening meets the design criteria! 4 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hiltl product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input date and results must be chedled for egreement with the existing conditions and for plauslbilltyl PROF IS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hllti la a ragialered Trademark of Hilti AG, Scl1aan Orie 2 Engl,,,..,lng SlnJC/J.JraJ & Bridge Engineers Project No. : Page 15 302.287-19 9750 Miramar Rd .. Suto 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone f : (858) 33S-7643 www.orie2.com PROJECT , Legoland Train Relocation DATE : 4/10/19 BY: ESY , .zA I Play Structure r.l T ,.:. ,( t\. H .. -At,[ -E /4--...,_ @ T'I IU•l •;.·.EL ~•F:H'; ;:.._[ ~EP W T'I I ~L '!'.[L t,'l(H-.'•l:..:.[ -[I W '\s[:;J V r;.:.r[T• '~H., 'E ;,.;F. :c ·, ;',!Ji' ·,IJ.F-:\-:;"·E r."'\ PLA v STRUC TU .~E AI\CH CRAGE \__ '_j -LE CASc-,.._ ·. ~lOvv-'MN,A.::: ~c.X)/2--= l'SD MA::: 1',1> WJ -,(_ '2, 1 1 :. ?,,bO th-P( -:; 4?-JO lf?-,µ , -- ·,I -E EL[::.TI ",a ... LJ . .. (-.J-1~7~-6-7~ l'L ii ~, <4) '/')" j l4 , ;· E\HEn HIITI "K J-TZ" 5 S EXP ANCI IC'i-S (IC:: ESR-19' i) :'.JASE PLATE DETAIL (3" TO it ::1PF SLEEVC I 1/L' ffe ~-S" ~ a .... •··~ W '·--"I.it-./ (<) 1/2" OlA • 2• EMEE'.l Hllll i<n-rr S'i EX" A\f H~ {,cc Es~-1 :.J 1 ,., t,lA;;E JLATE DETb.lL (2-1 /2'' Al\) ~V.ALLER PPE SL£E'JE) www.hiltl.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: Effective embedment depth: Material: Evaluation Service Report: Issued I Valid: Proof: Stand-off installation: Anchor plate: Profile: Base material: Installation: Reinforcement: Play Structure Anchors Kwik Bolt TZ -SS 304 1/2 (2) her.act= 2.000 in., hnom = 2.375 in. AISI 304 ESR-1917 41112018 I 51112019 Design method ACI 318-14 / Mech. eb = 0.000 in. (no stand-off); t = 0.187 in. Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Page 16 •=iiS•• Profis Anchor 2.8.0 4/10/2019 Ix x ly x t = 10.000 in. x 10.000 in. x 0.187 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Round HSS, Steel pipe (AISC); (L x W x T) = 2.880 in. x 2.880 in. x 0.203 in. cracked concrete, 2500, fc' = 2,500 psi; h = 5.000 in. hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry tension: condition B, shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar R -The anchor calculation is based on a rigid baseplate assumption. Geometry [in.] & Loading [lb, In.lb] z : '\ Y-· ':~:\-~----·. !o--------'Q X Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditlons and for plausibillty! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti Is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG. Schaan Page 17 ,:,,s., www.hlltl.us Profis Anchor 2.8.0 Company: Page: 2 Specifier: Project: Address: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Phone I Fax: Date: 411012019 E-Mail: 2 Proof I Utilization ( Governing Cases) Design values [lb] Utilization Loading Tension Shear Loading Proof Pullout Strength Pryout Strength Combined tension and shear loads 3 Warnings Load 1,087 300 P• Pv 0.621 0.032 Please consider all details and hints/warnings given in the detailed report! Capacity f:lNlf:lv [%] 1,749 63 I - 9,504 -14 t; Utlllzatlon f:lN,v [%] 513 46 Fastening meets the design criteria! 4 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties Status OK OK Status OK Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. • You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to~date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must ba chscked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PRO FIS Anchor ( c) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademarl< of Hilti AG, Sch a an Orie2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Structural Calculations PROJECT: Legoland Play Structure (Project # 302.278-19 ) CLIENT: Jeff Katz Architecture DESIGNED BY: ESY DATE: 1 /24/19 Oriti -Structural Engineers Phone: (858) 335-7643 • Orie 2 Engineering Structural & Bridge Engineers Project No. : _,,3""02"'.2""7-"8-"1"'9 ________ P_a~ge 1 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 www.9ri92.cgm Project : Leqoland Play Structures Wind Load ASCE 7-10 Figure 29.4-1: Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Freestanding Signs MWFRS • OTHER STRUCTURES Step 1: Determine risk category of buildin, or other structure Risk Category= _II I Table 1.5-1 Step 2: Determine the basic wind speed, V~cable risk category Wind Speed, V =1!1!__Jmph Figure 26.5-1A, B, or C Step 3: Determine wind load parameters: Wind Directionality factor, Ko = '-'0_.8c..5 _ __, Exposure Category = "c'-----' Topography factor, Kzt = l-'1.:.:.0..:.0_--l Gust Effect factor, G = "'0-".8"'5'----' Step 4: Determine velocity pressure exposure coefficient, K, or K. Height above ground level, h, = 19 1ft Exposure coefficient, Kh = 0.85 Step 5: Determine velocity pressure, q. or qh qh = 0.00256•K,Kzt•t<,,•V' = 22.38 psf Step 6: Determine force coefficient, c,: horizontal dimension of sign, B = vertical dimension of sign, s = ht. from ground surface to top of sign, h = 10.00 ft 9.00 ft 9.00 ft B/s = 1.11 s/h = 1 Force coeff, C, = 1.800 Step 7: Calculate wind force, F: gross area of the solid freestanding wall or freestanding solid sign, A, = s•s = 90.00 ff Wind Force, F = q,G•c, 'A, = 3081.7 lbs Wind Pressure, P = F/A, = 34.24 psf All Loads In Strength Value, multiply by 0.6 to get to ASD Design Value Section 26.6 and Table 26.6-1 Section 26. 7 Section 26.8 and Figure 26.8-1 Section 26.9 Table 29.3-1 Equation 29.3-1 Figure 29.4-1 Equation 29.4-1 BY: ESY • Orta 2 Englneerlng Structural & Bridge Engineers 9750 Miramar Road, Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone#: (858) 335-7643 wwwode2 com Project No. : ~3,,,0,c2,"'2"78-'-"19"-__________ Page 2 Project : Legoland Play Structures Wind load BY: ASCE 7-10 Figure 29.4-1: Solid Freestanding Walls and Solld Freestanding Signs MWFRS ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT AND OTHER STRUCTURES ESY MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS Design Wind Loads All Heights Figure 29.4-1 I Other Strudures Force Coeffidents, Cr Solid Freestanding Walls & Solid Freestanding Signs I " I ' $C,L<D.~>.l~•.•R I nlEEuTA~l'lt>:lWALL 11'_ Cle.;,,,mo" l~at10, slh 08 0 7 0 5 0 3 02 ,;:o H, ,:;'lOIJHD5UR<'AGO ELEVATION VIEW ~ CROSS-SECTION VIEW :s; 0 05 0 I 1 60 1 70 1.>:15 1 75 I 90 1 85 195 I 65 1 95 1 •jQ 1 95 1 •JO 1 95 1 ·_;JO F t CASE A I WIND F .J, •J ,;.,~ t 02 °' 165 I 55 ' 70 1 E,O I 75 I 70 1 80 1 ;5 1 85 I 80 1'5 1 80 I 8'3 I 85 CASE B ' t.-'-t->--WJN[• () ~c1-------,., AA•= PLAN VIEWS ~. A~ D A.':lpe,cl Ratio. Bh 2 4 5 10 :20 1'5 I 4J I ?-5 1 35 I 30 I 30 I 5';, ' 5J 1 45 I 45 HO 1 40 I 65 I 6J I 60 I 55 1 55 15'.J I 75 1 TJ I 70 1 70 1 70 I 70 1 80 1 BJ I 80 1 60 ISO I 85 180 1 80 I 80 1 00 1 85 I 90 ISO 1 80 I 8'5 1 65 18'-, 1 90 C,, CASE C ll"l')IC)rl h'.e,g1on B<s .'\3[)8Ct Ratio 1m,roa\al (lr,rt-on"'I 30 > 45 1 30 I JO 1 40 HO 1 55 1 55 1 70 I 75 1 85 I 85 1 00 I 05 1 911 1 •~5 P,spect Ratio, E'./s rl""'-ocelmm 1----~----~---~---~----~----,----~----~----, dlrt~nU! f~Jm 1-----,------1 w••lw,.,J '"1')") '2 4 10 .,1r,:Jw«1iJ eOJ") 0 lo J s to 2s 3s to 10s 1-10\ec, 2 25 2 60 1 50 1 70 1 I~' •v~lu-.,,, ~!,di~• "1Ult1pl1ed bs 11,~ fUluwing ,eJuc.hur, r~c:1.c, ~-an" return '"'""" •s pres~nt 5 6 8 6 2~ 375• 3 10· 3 oo· ;. 4(1· 3 .';,5" 3 65' 2 00 2 15 2 25 2 30 2 35 2 45 ~ '"' 1 4", 1Yi 1 n~ 1 ro 1 rs 1 10 1 05 IO':• 1 05 I 05 1 00 -~-r'~~~~~_c,-,r ----------- L ,~ P . .,~lJClilln F~,,~r I :-TI Pl.Ml \'l~-W 0F WALL c11-{.01fjNWl1H f-e0c,~f-'~"",,c,c0 ~~--j 1. A RITUFII, •~ORNER lu Q7f, /I I ~2 ~~tl WINI, E:\ 1 Tho? li&r!Tl "sign;;" 1n notes bel,JW alsr) applil:lS lo "fr➔e:ol;;ind,nc;i wall:," o to 3 4 oo· 2 00 3sto4s 1 50 43 to 5,,., 5,; Iv I Os 0 90 I) 5"> ;, s,,1n:>. w1tr, nr.anng.o; c::nrnpn,,1110 1•,.,c. thAn '\(1% ,,t the 9r,,_,s; cir"",~ .ar<" ,;la3s,t1'C'<1 a~ sol,n s,9n,1 f-(,fl'<'-cc<J8t11,·1<ent:, t•,r r.nl1ri ,s,gn,:i w,th <'ff-'t71t7'J3 c:;h.:ill be• p,:,rm<llod lo b0 mull1pl1•X1 by rl78 r,:,rJw:::tJr_,n f8ctc,r ( I -( 1 €,1 1 ~) T(, .~llow tc,r L>c,tr, normal and nbll'll 18 wind ,11r,c>c:h,,ns lhH tollc,win'J ,~.g.c;.,o; sl1,,II r,e ,,r,nt-s1,1.,rf>,i Fr-,r :,/h -c I C:AS[ .A. r ➔sult.ant t,:,r<;,;, a,::t.s norm;;al to the fa,~,;, ,Jf the ,,,;in t11rour;ih the ge,:rn•~tnc o::ent8r GA:3E 8 r,:,:;ult,Jnt tor~,o .~,::l_s ncxm.:il lo th•J fc1c0 d U-,c sign at .:i ,j13\.Jr·Ct' rrom ir-,0 9•com•J\ric c;ontor toward \118 w111•Jwa1 d c1d,;l8 8QUc~I le, 1) ~-\"71<3-3 1)78 -3V8f-3'JS' Wl•:1th ,:,t (17,0, ;;1911 f-,x ~13 2 .C. C:Ac'-1::: C 1T1u3( al:,o h,o con:;1der>od CASE(: lt'::CullcJfl( f,,11,;'c'S ,.i,;t norm:sl le, the> fa,a"' ,,r u-.. ~ 'SIS)ll 1.111,JUyl, tli>< ;Jt'Ulflt'klC ,;'C'(itt'rc: c)f eac;r, 10\Jl'AI I fll o,lt-, = 1 Tl78 3.3nl\o' r;ases a'.il abovt' 8Xc:-=-rJt tt1at t11,;; ·1e11t,~al loc:at1,:,ns ut t)lE, r<c1sultant f0rc;,2s ,,c;,),.11" ata ,11:;t31cE1 abov<e> th,c, •JPf,!Tl"•tnc: r. .. 111.,.r 8'11 ,.,,1 1,-, 0 f)') l1rnP~, 111-2 ,W.,.r"1']8 h81gl"il c,f thP ·'"Cln t;, Not~1~on O h,:,r,:;::cJntal ,j,m,;,ns1,)n rJt -51,Jn. 11-, i'C'-2t(meters1 17 h•,1ghi nf tJ1c, :;ign, 1n fro,)\ ill18ter:~) -' ._,.,,.i1,~al d1mens1,:,n ot the sa,;i,1, 1n fc,et (me;t,,1•3) e rat<,) rJt sc>l1rJ area le, ,Jrf,ss ,:ir e;a L, l-,r,r1zontal d,inen:01on ,_,t r,;tu1n ,_;Qfl7€r, 1n Te8t(melerJ) 4 30" 2 55 I lJ", 1 fi5 I IO 3 I I " • Envelope Only Solution Orie2 Engineering, Inc. ESY 302.278-19 Section Set Legoland Play Structure Pa~• 8 I Section Sets I ■ C8x11.5 , SK-1 Jan 24, 2019 at 3:51 PM I c8x11.5 check.r3d • • -.013k/ft Loads: BLC 1, D Envelope Only Solution Orie2 Engineering, Inc. ESY 302.278-19 Dead Load Legoland Play Structure Page 9 SK-2 Jan 24, 2019 at 3:51 PM I c8x11.5 check.r3d • • -.05k/1t Loads: BLC 2, L Envelope Only Solution Orie2 Engineering, Inc. ESY 302.278-19 Live Load Legoland Play Structure I Page 10 SK-3 Jan 24, 2019 at 3:51 PM c8x11.5 check.r3d --~ ·• • -.05k/ft Loads: BLC 3, Wdown Envelope Only Solution Orie2 Engineering, Inc_ ESY 302.278-19 Wind Down Legoland Play Structure Page 11 SK-4 Jan 24, 2019 at 3:51 PM I c8x11.5 check.r3d • I~ •• • I Loads: BLC 4, Wup Envelope Only Solution Orie2 Engineering, Inc. ESY 302.278-19 Wind Up Legoland Play Structure Page 12 SK-5 Jan 24, 2019 at 3:51 PM c8x11.5 check.r3d ~ ,. • .v [~ • ' . z X Member Code Checks Displayed (Enveloped) Envelope Only Solution Orie2 Engineering, Inc. ESY 302.278-19 Code Check (Bending) Legoland Play Structure Page 13 SK-6 Code Check (Env) I NoCalc > 1.0 .90.1.0 .75-.90 .50-.75 0.-.50 Jan 24, 2019 at 3:52 PM c8x11.5 check.r3d ,• • • Member Code Checks Displayed (Enveloped) Envelope Only Solution i Orie2 Engineering, Inc. IEsY I j 302.278-19 Code Check (Bending) Legoland Play Structure Page 13 SK-6 Code Check I (Env) > 1 0 ' I Noc,10 .90-i.o: .7~.90 .50-.75 0.-.50 Jan 24, 2019 at 3:52 PM c8x11.5 check.r3d -. ' . " .... ., ,. --· ~ Member Details Beam: M1 Shape: C8X11.5 .005 at 5 ft Material: A36Gr.36 Length: 10 ft Dy In I Joint: N1 Dz In J Joint: N2 Envelope Code Check: 0.088 (LC 5) -.025 at 5 ft Report Based On 97 Sections .422 at Oft A k Vy k Vz k -.422 at 10 ft .191 at5ft Mz k-ft T --------k-ft My --------k-ft -1.056 at 5 ft 1.559 at 5 ft fa -------ksl f(y) ksi f(z) --------ksi -1.559 at 5 ft A/SC 14th(360-10): ASD Code Check Direct Analysis Method Max Bending Check 0.088 (LC 5)ax Shear Check 0.019 (y) (LC 51)/iax Dell Ratio Location 5 ft Location O ft Location Equation H1-1 b Span Bending Flange Bending Web Fy Pnc/om Pnl/om Mny/om Mnz/om Vny/om Vnz/om Cb 36 ksi 13.674 k 72.647 k 2.231 k-ft 12.061 k-ft 22.764 k 22.8 k 1.136 Compact Compact Compression Flange Non-Slender Compression Web Non-Slender y-y Lb 10 ft KUr 192.469 L Comp Flange L-torque Tau_b 10 ft 10 ft 1 z-z 10 ft 38.642 U4760 5 ft 1 Page 14 •' .. IIIRISA Company Designer Job Number Model Name Orie2 Engineering, Inc. ESY 302.278-19 Legoland Play Structure fG/oba/1 Model Settings Q_is]Jlay Sections for I\Aembe_r_galcs 15 ---- Max Internal Sections for Member Cales 97 Include Shear Deformation? Yes ----- Increase Naiifna Caoacltvfi)r Wind? Yes Include w_!!_r_]Jing? Yes --- Trans Load Btwn lnterseciina Wood Wall? Yes Area Loacj_M~~h (inA2l -144 Merne Tolerance -linY .12 P-Delta J\n_aJy~is_Tolera_nce 0.50% Include P-Delta for Walls? Yes Aut<J111_a_ticaHy lteratll_ §tiffness for\1Vi1Us] Yes Max Iterations for Wall Stiffness 3 Gra11ity_Acceleration {ft/secA2) ---------32.2 ---- Wall Mesh Size /in\ 24 Eig_e_n~Ql_ution Convergence ToL_(_1J::) 4 Vertical Axis y Global Member Orientation Plane xz Static Solver ··-------Sparse Accelerated ___ Dynamic Solver Accelerated Solver Hot Rolled Steel Code ----------AISC 14th(360-11)J:_bSD Adiust Stiffness? . -Yes/Iterative\ RISAConnection Code ------AISC 14th(36CJ-101: ASD Cold Formed Steel Code AISI S100-16: ASD Wood Cade -------AWC NDS-15: ASD Wood Temoerature < 100F ---- Concrete Code -----ACI 318-14 Masonrv Code AC:1530-13: Streriath Aluminum Code .. AA ADM 1015: ASD -Build_ing_ Stainless SteelC:ode AISC 14th/360:.10\: ASD - Adjust Stiffness? Yes(lterative) I ~ll mber of Sllear_ RegiQns 4 Reaion Snacina Increment /in\ 4 1 Biaxial Column Method ------E:xact Integration Parma Beta Facta-rlPCA\ .65 Concrete Stress Block ______ , Rectangular ---- Use Cracked Sections? Yes Use Cracked Sections Slab? No Bad Framina Waminas? -------No Unused Force Warnin_gs? -----~,; ---- Min 1 Bar Diam. Snacina? No Concrete Rebar Set ----REBAR_SET _J\§IMA615 Min % Steel for Column 1 ! Max % Steel for Column 8 I . -· -- ---- . -- RISA-3D Version 17 .0.2 [Z:\ ... \ ... \278-19 -Legoland Play Structures\calcs\c8x11.5 check.r3d] Page 15 Jan 24, 2019 3:52 PM Checked By: DJF Page 1 • • IIIRISA Company Designer Job Number Model Name Orie2 Engineering, Inc. ESY 302.278-19 Legoland Play Structure (GlobalJ Model Settings, Continued Seismic Code ASCE 7-10 Seismic Base Elevation-{ft\-------------- Not Entered Add Base Weight? Yes ----CtX .02 CtZ .02 TX lsecl Not Entered T Z (sec) Not Entered RX 3 RZ 3 Ct Exe. X .75 Ct Exp. Z .75 SD1 1 SDS 1.002 ----------------S1 1 TL {sec) ---------------------5 Risk Cat Ill Drift Cat Other -----------------------nmz 2.5 umx 2.5 --------~dZ 1 CdX 1 -----------------------RhoZ 1·------- RhoX 1 ----------- Hot Rolled steel Properties ------- Label E [ksi] G [ksi] Nu Therm (11 E .. Density[klft .. , Yield(ksi] 1 A992 _29000 11154 .3 -J~ --:!~ -I ~t 2 A36Gr.36 29000 11154 .3 3 A572 Gr.50 29QQCJ 11154 .;3 .65 ~49 _ ' 50 4 A500 Gr.B RND 29000 11154 .3 .65 .527 42 -- 5 A500 Gr.B Rect 29000 11154 .3 -.65_ _ .52] 46 6 A53 Gr.B 29000 11154 .3 .65 .49 35_ 7 A1085 29000 11154 .3 .65 .49 50 Hot Rolled Steel Section Sets : I I Ry 1.1 1.5 1.1 1A 1.4 1.6 1.4 Page 16 Jan 24, 2019 3:52 PM Checked By: DJF Fu[ksi] Rt 65 1.1 58 1.2 65 1.1 58 1~3 58 1.3 60 1.2 65 1.3 Label Shape I 1 I C 8 x 11.5 1 CBX11.5 Type Beam Design List Material Design Rul... A [in2] lyy (in4] lzz [in4] J [in4] None I A36 Gr.36 ! Typical I 3.37 I 1.31 I 32.5 I .13 Joint Coordinates and Temperatures I ~ i Label N1 N2 Joint Boundary Conditions X [ft] 0 10 y [ft] 0 0 Joint Label X [k/in] Y (k/in] Z [k/in] z [ft] 0 0 Temp [Fl 0 0 Detach From Diap ... I I X Rot.(k-ft/rad] Y Rot.[k-ft/rad] Z Rot.[k-ft/rad] I 1 l N 1 Reaction Reac::tion Reaction Ll _______ __,_N,.2._ __ L__,R.,,e.,a.,cti.,·o,,,n"--_J_---"R""'a"'ct"'io,._n,_____l__JR'-"""'ct""i""--'n_L_ ____ _J_ ____ _l_ ____ __J Reaction RISA-3D Version 17.0.2 [Z:1 ... \ ... \278-19 -Legoland Play Structures\calcs\c8x11.5 check.r3d] Page 2 • Page 17 IIIRISA Company Designer Job Number Model Name Orie2 Engineering, Inc. ESY 302.278-19 Legoland Play Structure Jan 24, 2019 3:52 PM Checked By: DJF Hot Rolled Steel Design Parameters Label Shape Length[ft] Lbyy[ft] I 1 1 M1 lcax 11_5: 10 I Lbzz[ft] Lcomp top[ft] Lcomp bot[ft] L-torq... Kyy Kzz Cb Function I Lbyy I I '. I I ]Lateral I Member Distributed Loads fBLC 1 : DI I 1 I Member Label M1 Direction Start Magnitude[klft, ... End Magnitude]k/ft,F ... Start Location[ft,%] End Location[ft,%] v I -.013 I -.013 I o o Member Distributed Loads (BLC 2 : LI I 1 I Member Label M1 Direction Start Magnitude[klft, ... End Magnitude[k/ft,F... Start Location[ft, %] End Location[fl, %] v I -.o5 : -.o5 I o o Member Distributed Loads (BLC 3 : Wdownl I 1 I Member Label M1 Direction Start Magnitude[klft, ... End Magnitude[klft,F ... Start Location[ft,%] End Location[ft,%] v I -.o5 i -.o5 I o o Member Distributed Loads (BLC 4 : Wupl I 1 I Member Label M1 Direction Start Magnitude[klft, ... ,End Magnitude[klft,F... Start Location[ft, %] End Location[fl, %] v I .o5 i .o5 I o o Basic Load Cases 1 2 3 4 BLC Description D L .. Wdown Wup Load Combinations Category DL _LL WL WL X Gravity Y Gravity -1 Z Gravity+_ Joint . f----- Point Distributed Area(Me .. Surface(P .. .. ~ I 1 1 Description So .. P ... ,S ... BLC Fae .. 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ESY 302.278-19 Legoland Play Structure Envelope Member Section Deflections Service Member Sec X [in] LC y [in] LC z [in] 1 M1 I 1 ___ rn_ax 0 9 0 9 _J)_ --r· 2 min 0 1 0 1 0 3 2. JD82( 0 9 .003 9 Q_ ----4 min 0 1 -.018 5 0 5 3 1 .. max 0 -_j) .005 9 0 "' min 0 1 -.025 5 o 7 4 l'l'l_lll( 0 I~ .003 9 0 8 min D -.018 5 0 9 5 max 0 I 9 () 9 0 10 min, 0 1 0 1 0 Envelope AISC 14thf360-10/: ASD Steel Code Checks Page 18 Jan 24, 2019 3:52 PM Checked By: DJF LC x Rotate [r LC (n) Uy' Ratio LC (n) Uz' Ratio LC ... 9 0 9 NC 9 NC jl ----1 0 1 NC 1 NC 1 _j) 0 !! NC 9 NC --Jl 1 0 1 ""'81.843 5 N''-1 9 0 -__ j)_ NC 9 NC 9 1 0 1 4760.813 5 NC 1 !l 0 !l NC 9 NC 9 1 0 1 . R681.0AO 5 NC 1 9, () !l NC 9 NC 9 1 0 1 ---N" 1 NC 1 1 I Member Shape CodeC ... Loc[ft] LC Shear ... Loc[ft] Dir.LC Pnc/om [k] PnUom [k] Mnyy/om .. .Mnzz/om ... 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