HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; PCR98012; PermitBO It D t N -0 ·PE PCR N,;:n PCR98012 0·2/05/98 08: 11 . . ·Project N·o: · A:9704324 .• . Page .1. o-f · 1 Developmeil:t, No: .. Job Address: 1 LEGO DR· Permit Type: PLAN. CHE.CK REVISION. Suite: Parcel No: . Lot#: . . . · Valuation: · Q · . · Con~ru.c-tion 1'ype·: VN · · Occupancy ·Group: . .·Reference#: CB97335:6 .., 55 02/.05,,5J98dei1tJf i I.S-stmD_ Description: REV TO FOOTING-COASTER R~E · · · . ·Appl{,½tfrW· 01~(},/9'8 . ~·CASTLE HlLL-LEGO-ORIG PCK 973356 · Apr/I.ssue ~ 02/0!5¥'9'§0 ·.Entered By; RMA 7150 eo4-e35s · Fl APPRO\/AL CLEARAI~(.,~------~-~ . CITY OF CARL$BAD . ' 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carl~bad, CA 92009· (619) 438~1161 · PERMIT APPLICATION ·1. PRpjECt INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE 0~ Y . PLAN CHECK NO.· JJuR _q&?o l ~ EST. VAL--,----,---,---- Plan Ck. Deposit -----.-r--r--- Validated BY..,......i-----.----1'-<!:r'-'lf---- ·Date ..... ---1--1-.......;:;1'-+-1-1--->-:if-,II------ Address (include Bldg/Suite #) Business Name lat this address) Legal Description Lot No. Sulidivisicin Nanie/Numl>er Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Assessor's Parcel # . Existing Use' Propo11ed·Use Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# ·4,: .' ·,PROPERTY00WNER Name Ad.dress . City. Stat~/Zfp Telephone# s: .-,:_ CONTRACTOR ! ·coMPANV NAM if ·~·:·~~~-~~-~-~~~-~~~--: ~:?ff~~~~-~~:~~~~7.7~:, n~:i ~:::T.~~~~:~~:f ~~C:!~;;,.£~:t~~~~~~; ;J, ~=~~~-~~t:·*~i::r;-~J.~:.i-:i:~:~ ~T~~~:r-7~";.?.:~~r··:"t11~~~t:;-=;::. (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City-or County which requires a-permit to construct, after, Improve, demolish-or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file-a signed statement that he is -licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the)~uslness and f'rofessi_ons Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged. exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant :for a permit subjects the applicant to a-civil penalty of nc~t more than five hundred dollars ($5001). Name Address City . State/Zip Teleptione # State License # _________ _ License Class _________ _ City Business License # .... · -,------- Designer Name Address City, State/Zip Telephone State License # _________ __ =e:.-~ WORKERS* COMPENSATION~~-(~·, ~·. ~::_ . ·:·:-~ :·.:-::l~_~-:1:·:,--:·;;.~::-:r::.·:~:½~~·r.::~~;~·::f~::;:-:~~~~-'it,{ .~~; ;;;~:~ ~~?JJ~r;;.=w:~~~f'~~~i::rr~i~tt·s::~}/i~f~!'V;f~:-=.~~:\~{:·;:, Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm· under penalty of ·perjury one of-tile following declarations: D I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to, self-insure for workers' compensation as provided·liy Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the wor~ for which this permit is issued. · · 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company------------------,---_ Policy No. Expiration Date __ -'------ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED D9LI.A~S ($1001 OR LES~). 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issue<!, f:shall not employ any Pl!rson in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California.. · WARNING: Failure to secure workers' companiation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal 'penalties end civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars 1$100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, t;l1ina111s 1s provided for ln-Sactf~'3706 of'the Labor coda, ":'terest and attorney's fees. · SIGNATURE. _________ ...,...._.....,. _______ __. ____ .....,.--,----.-----~ DATE....,..· -,-----,------- '.j: ,., · OWNER~BUILDER DECL:AMfioN t;:,: ''..:;: ,:;/ :0~·.t,~:::::,!";}'),·::-·:: .. :~\i.'.;'?:r';t!-'!:\{;; f~:i~.,t::_-_-" 'i{;ft';".t:i',:p(E~?i~;:,~,.:J:\;i;.,:r; ~'t=~~'.rffei1n~!\)J11,t.1,·~~'.!:~:'\:~J/.';;!f.'.:~::":,il~?-'7 '.;: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's L!cense l:aw for the followin11 reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as -their sole compensation, will do the work and tha-str!,lcture is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not appiy to an owner of ·property who builds or Improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not Intended or offarad'for iala. If, however, the building or Improvement Is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that ha did not-build or-Improve for. the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting -with licensed c~ntractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not' apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, arid contracts for such projects with contractor(sl licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code f9r this reasori: 1. I pers~nally plan to provide the major labor and materials f,or construction of the proposed property Improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building l)ermit for the proposed-work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to pro.vide the proposed construction (Include name / address / phone number/ contractors license-number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person tO·Coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (Include name I address./ phone number I contractors license number): · 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have-contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work lrdic11ted llncluda name·/ address/ phone number/ type of work): · · PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ____ .,......--,---,--,---------------------,-DATE-.,...-----,---,-,-- /COMPW:E1'HiS:sECjioN:FQRWifN_J;iE§i'/ji977.4f&t,1iLDi~C1:PERMiJSiON,Y,J~'.f:Jf~2~-'.'\~!'/9~~~}5:,'e~~~;li~:f.f1ffi.'~:'\f;:;;;:,rF?0'.:1]?'.'.F';J'f'.'. Is the _applicant or future building occupant required to submit II business plan, acutely· hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act?· O · YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant re.quired to obtain a_permit. from the air pollution control distr~ct or air qualify management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of'a school site 7 tJ v·Es. tJ NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES; A FINAi: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY-MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. . rs •. ,..,· CONSTROC110Nl~~iNG A,GE~C.Y?'.: :,?J:+rr r~"':'?t:":.~r:::?.If:~~rE:'.5.;t1J·~'.;'t':0-~;:r:::-::t~1:;~?~;~:r·r:J~ff ~:\~."~t'~\r,"\~;r:: '. T'T ·.· ": :ri :/: i1J\,1~::::~ I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the wor_k for which this permit Is issued (Sec. 309_7(i) Civil Code). I certify that I have read the application and state that the abova information is correct and that the ·1nform11tion on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby ~uthorize representatives ·of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP. HAllMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS ANO EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST $AID CITY IN CQNSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THISJ•ERMIT. - OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for-excavations over 5'0~ deep and-demolition or cori~tru~iQ_n ~f structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building .Official under the provisions of this Code· shall expire~by -limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not corrimsnce in 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned-at any time after the work is co e~ for a eriod of 180. ays (S _tfon 106.4.4-Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ......:__~::::;:;::?::s'f.=.::::z....-,::r.,,}::.~.c:::::::...-_:-~:=:;;:;t::_:::::::,, _ __,,,,.----DATE __ _;(._· ,_f3....;I)_, :a?...,;...,;""'----- PINK: Finance EsGll. Corporation Profe.ssionaf Pfatt !l(eview 'Engi~ers DATE: February 3, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 REV PROJECT ADDRESS: LEGOLAND SET:I PROJECT NAME: Miscellaneous Structural Revisions IZ! The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. .._.:;.,,,,rM·- D The plans transmitted herewith havit,sJQQifloant~~~es identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for ·a complete recheck. D The check list-transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation unfil corrected plans are sqbmitted for recheck. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list .is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicaht that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Chris Rooney Telephone #: (760) 804-8355 x103 Date contacted: z/4 (9 ~ (by: It--) Fax #: Mail Telephonev Fax In Person ~ REMARKS: PCR 98012 By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ D PC Enclosures: 1/30/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 ... Carlsbad 97-3356 REV February 3, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 REV PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLAND BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (,ft.2) Air ConditioninA Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE DATE: February 3, 1998 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VALUATION VALUE MULTIPl,.IER ($) D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee -by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Ch.eek Fee by ord.inance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only ['.g1 Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D . Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 217.88 Comments: Review of miscellaneous structural revisions: Esgil fee = 2½ hours @ $87 .15/hr. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 02/03/1998 10:11 6194 970429 · MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 02 Order. : 171:ll ProjeGI : C.alc co.ster Legoland· : Carlsbad CA. USA Rev. Date = Dlelmber 12, 1997 :~VEK$MA Gy : HKU SubJaet : SIJll'IIWY Founciatlon'lolldi Dept .:"TEI Legoland Castle-coaster 1. NOTES TO: LOADS(COMBINATION) FOR FOUNDATIONS Vekoma cannot determine the m.Q!ilt critical combination for each foundatio11 beause: • We are no con~ete and soil designers. This also depends on local codes. • each code-uses different loadfactors for different loadcases. • If a load is not critical for ,teeldesign, lt can be critical for foundation•design. Example: A high tension force on a foundation generates for the column-pipe relative low stresses, while it for foundation can be a critical lead, The summary of max foundationloads can be found here-aftef as Cl"\apter 11 Of report nr RT5.0S79. To make the design of the foundatioM e~$ierwe only printed the maxima of vertical load, bendin~ and shear on ea.ch foundation-point. The printed combinations are: • Dead load + Trainloads • Dead load -t-Trainlosds -t-Earthquake • Oead load + Wind.-load 'out of operation' · • Temp. Load variation +/-.20 degr C The teinperature has still to be combinated with other loadcases depenc;ti11g on local regulati0n$, In the design of the steelstructure, the thermal expansion was only combinated with Dead load and Trainloads. On request. Vekoma can generate different combinations with local loadfactors. ~ . . 2. SUMMARY OF MAX. FOUNDATION LOADS: Here-aftet·a$ Chaplet 11 of report RTE 0579·. S~;2of3 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MARTIN & MARTIN· INC PAGE 03 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MARTIN & MARTIN tNC PAGE 04 I VEK{f}MA Order 97135 Sheet 11.5 ·2 Project ; Junior coaster Rev. 0 Castle coaster Legoland Date ,s.,,.•g· $1,.1bject : Fc:,undation loads Fay BHG ".NORMAL OPERATION". C1 u/i 0114 vrivv .• 111:r= Linear calculation. Foundation loads. Lopal. ~ v.n,~l load Bending Schear Foundation Node F2 m•x f!zmln Mxymax Fxymax Nr, Nr. [kN) [kN] [kNWI] {kNJ F1 1405 20.01 3.67 1.70 4.14 F2 1406 17.49 2.73 1.45 .a.ae F3 1407 21.99 6.8:3 2.11 5.81 F4 1408 19.12 3.95 2.37 6.94 F5 1409 16.56 1.55 1.01 3.()9 F6 1410 20.48 5.6B g;26. 7.56 F7 1"411 19.94 3,98 1,04 3.07 F8 1412 ,&.14 1.36 1.68 3.59 F9 1413 ~i.2 5JS2 3.7e 7.20 F10 1414 20!36 3.8 1,90 •tOO F11 1415 21.78 5.57 3.51 5.80 F1.2 1416 20.1 3.74 2.25 4.44 F13 1417 21.86 5.51 3.61 9.78 F14 1418 18.01 a.a4 2.70 3.04 F15 1419 19.89 5.46 i.87 a.1, F16 1420 19.21 3.98 1.44 3.44 F17 1421 17,74 1.54 1,87 4.12 F18 1422 21.89 5.88 3.80 9.55 F19 1423 17.01 3.55 2.16 3.M F20 1424 18.5 5.4 2.24 6.44 F21 1425 29,9 14.31 5.75 6.48 F22 1425 32.96 17.55 5.90 3.35 F23 1427 23.32 0.52 5.27 18.06 F24 1428 21.86 7.14 5.60 1.18 ..E.25-1429 18.28 5.B8 5.02 3.14 . F26 1430 18.5 5.82 4,94 3.54 F27 1431 20.27 6,32 4,60 4.08 F28 1432 30.9 4.64 19.26 14.3~ F29 1'433 2a.e 13,13 11.84 5.19 F30 1434 32,2, 1 e.02 7.48 ,.69 F31 1435 27.22 14.39 6.21 1.37 F32 1436 28.61 15.59 4.3Q 0.40 F33 1437 37.W 22.23 1,69 0,81 F34·A 1438 28.44 16.41 3.12 4.02 F34·B 1439 15.7 4.74 1.86 2.64 F35·A 1440 18.83 12.29 2.80 2,30 F35.a 1441 17.58 2.85 1.29 2.7~ F3G·A 1442 29.47 •9.46 2.05 9.64 F3G-B 1443 23.a7 2.75 2,35 0.68 i=37•A 1444 30.11 -11 .75 2.34 10.00 F37,.B 1445 21.31 1.89 4.02 0.9!=1 F38-A 1448 35.07 ·15.11 2.17 11.88 1!°38•6 1447 23.84 -4.~2 4.31 0.83 F39·A 1448 33.15 •12.73 1.lil5 11.~1 F39~S 1-'49 :22.74 -G.14 3.64 Q.72 F40·A 1450 29.41 -6.48 2.00 9.BO 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 05 VEK$MA~ Order . 91135 Sheet 11.6-2 • Projtct : Junior coatter Rev. 0, Castle coaster Legoland Date 18-11-'9' .Subject ; Foundation loads By BHG • ·EARTHQUAKE 1• C1 u/i Cii4 · 11 I ' ' iiW ,W • . Unear calculation. F9unda.tion loads. Local. Vanleal load Bonding Schur Foundation Node Fzmu; FzmJn Mzymax Fxyma:11 Nr. Nr. '[kN] {kN] [kNm] (kNJ F1 1406 17.46 1.02 6.47 8.07 F2 1406 14.94 3.20 6.04 7.13 F3 1407 19.13 3.~ 7.71 9.46 _ F4 1408 16.64 1.46 6.22 ·9.e9·- F5 1409 14.31 -0.81 5.09 6,46 FG 1410 i:J.13 2.93 3.4G 6.62 F7 1411 2.10 1 .. 24 2.45 4.60 f:8 •0.23 •0.64 ,.57 2.11 ··-"" 141.2 F9 1413 3.61 3,52 2,27 4.SS F10 1414 1.70 1.51 i.01 4.62 F11 1415 3.43 3.29 2.34 4.~ F12 1415 1,83 1.51 1.95 4.57 F1~ 1417 3.44 3-~1 2,39 4.9:3 F14 1418 1.82 1.49 2.12 4.44 F15 1419 3.42 3.18 2.24 5.01 F16 1420 2;04 1.91 2;00 4.07 F-17 1421 ..;0.23 -0.86 2.78 3.54 F18 1422 12,27 3.20 7.43 ).4J ... L • F18 142~ 15.~e 1,32 ,5.0;J 5_93 i:20 1424 13.23 -0.99 5.74 7.52 F21 1425 17.99 2.39 e.97 10.82 F22 1426 17.72 4.37 8.90 8,23 F23 1427 14.73 -0.7f:I $.1~ 7.24 F24 1428 16.78 2.45 6.52 7.Sl F25 1429 14.95 2.41 8;02 8.87 F26 1430 7;92 2.73 6.78 5.61 F27 1431 7.41 8.5_2 S.78 ... -8.$9_ F28 1432 13.51 -5.34 28.24 23,67 F29 1433 10.99 9.152 17.79 7.85 F30 1~ 14.34 9.90 21.27 5.60' F31 1435 9.34 6.18 17.56 3.56 F32 143S 8.76 5.54 13.67 2.59 F33 1437 16.00 9.96 8.00 1.64 F34·A 1438 39.27 -19.59 2.39 8.15 F34-B 1439 31.60 ·30;66 1 .i,1 5.67 F35-A 1440 7.40 -3.75 1.31 1.19 · F35-S 1441 15.28 -6.82 1.23 2.84 F36-A 1442 6.50 -30.84 1.82 10;95 F36·B ;443 31.12 --6.40 2.83 0.54 F37·A 1444 7.40 -32.25 3.15 11.41 F37-8 1445 28.50 -7.01 5.56 1.18 F3~A 1446 28.56 ~4.84 4.10 12.40 F3B-B 1447 30.97 -19.61 7.99 1.69 F39-A 1448 47.33 -31.98 3.61 16.89 • Fa!t·B 1449 :!O.Ei9 -30.37 7.51 1-46 F40--A 1450 40.44 -19,14 3.57 14.44 F4M~ 1451 19.18 -26:01 7.17 1.23 F41 1452. 14.46 -0.76 35;57 5.96 1-42 1453 12.7~ o.i:;o 41,62 7.14 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MAR1IN & MARTIN INC PAGE 06 Order : 97135 Sheet 1 ,.1 · 2 Projeet : JuniOr coaster RfJV; 0 Castle COEister Legoland Date 16-11•'97 Subject : Foundation loads By BHG • ·EARTHOUAKE 2• C1 u/i 0114 linear calculation. Foundation lgadlli. Loe.I. Vertical load 9ondint Schear Foundation Node Fz max Fzmln Mxyn,u FxymaK Nr. Nr, [kN] lkNJ [kNm] [kNJ F1 1405 4.01 3.64 1.90 4.34 F.2 1406 2.99 2.71 2.~o 4.13 FS 1407 10,07 8.95 4.ff, 8.81 F4 1408 18.32 4.oa 6.00 ~..,,,:o-rr- F5 1409 16.21 1.67 4.74 5~93 F6 1410 20,83 S.62 7.27 12.57 F7 1411 20.29 •1:67 7.27 23.83 Fa 1412 16.49 1.16 5.12 7.99 F9 1413 21.43 5.58 7.94 12.54 F10 1414 19.& 3,67 5~~ 7.66 F11 1415 9.02 5.76 3.56 7.44 F12 1416 4.32 3.54 2.41 4.65 F13 1417 e~oe 5.79 2.94 5.75 F14 1418 4.29 3.97 2.11 4.5S F15 1419 6.05 5.8 2.15 4.76 F16 1420 4,51 4.42 2.08 4.21 F17 1421 2.04 ,.n 1.39 2.49 F1B 1422 s.~s tlOB 2.29 5.00_ • F19 1423 4,6 4.12' 2.94 --5;55 . F20 1424 2.46 2.38 2.38 4.22 F21 1425 6.47 6.39 2.73 6.14 F22 1426 6.38 5.78 3.42 7.42 F23 1427 10.54 2,79 4.53 8.53 F24 1428 20.S:, 6.09 6.49 1.55 F25 1429 17,65 5A4 6.36 9.33 F26 ,~o 1$AS 5,S8 e.so f).02 · F27 1431 24~57 15.78 9:61 -~.10..4.CL F28 1432 45,12 0.73 45,80 38.47 F29 1433 30.87 14.27 30,86 14.85 F30 1434 35.09 15.7 ·31.e1 a:Bo F31 1435 19.23 12,37 22.43 4.1B F32 1436 ,s.ss 12.28 15,80 2.80 F33 1437 25.45 19.73 8.39 1,69 F34~A 1438 413.ee •11.8 9.a4 7.22 F34~B 1439 39.03 ·22.99 1.84 6.38 F35•A 1440 lfS,59 5.32 1.74 2.16 F35-B 1441 16.81 2.56 t.22 2.46 F36-A 1442 9.07 --8.43 1.43 3.18 F36•8 1443 20.15 4.06 1.22 0.29 FS7·A 1444 ti.&4 •9.21 1.21 . 3.99 F37-B 1445 19.33 0.1 1 .. 72 0.43 F3&-A 1446 13.87 -11..~1 . :t.15 4.76 F38-S 1447 21.2$ -2.05 1.84 0.40 F:39,,A 1448 13.22. ·10,SS 1.14 4.48 • F39--B 1449 21.34 ·1.27 1.69 . 0.34 F40.A 1450 12.03 -10.13 1.22 4.35 F40-B 1451 21.63 -0.17 1.$7 Q,42 F41 1452 8.85 8.01 ,~t~e 2.03 F42 14~S 1;1.4 7.5S· 17,15 2.85 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 07 Order . 97135 $hett ,,.~ - 2 , Project : Junior coaster Aev. 0 Castle Coaster Legoland Date 18-11-'97 Subjed : Foundation k:lada By 8HG • ·EARTHQUAKE 3" C1 u/1 C11.4 Uno,r ,;:a!Qulaticm. Foundation loads. Local. Vtrtleal ioad Bending SCl'lllr Foundation Nodt f'zfntil ttMI~ M1ey MJit Fxrmax Nr. Nr. [l<NJ [kNJ [kNlil] [kN] 11111 -F1 1405 S.99 3.78 1,52· 3.88 F2 i406 2.95 2.94 1.29 2.64 F~ 1407 7.21 7.20 2.55 3.81 F4 1408 4.35 ,.34 1,63 '-a:so··- FS 1409 1.93 1.89 1.14 1,82 F6 1410 6.31 5.98 2.19 4.73 F7 1411 4.6i 3.79 2.5fJ 5.33 F8 1412 6,56 1.33 4.35 -·1.1·i- F9 1413 20.93 s~ss 7.57 11.75 Fi() 141-4 20.94 3.7i 5.61 ~.28 F11 1415 22.04 5.47 ~.OB 11.33 F12 1418 20.57 5.18 $.41 8.59 F1g 1417 22.27 5.51 e.2s 13.09 F14 1418 17.86 :u.2 6,3S 7.08 F15 1419 19.44 5.48 s.94 10,19 F16 1420 7.1.7 4.21 i.10 5.55 F17 1421 2,04 1.36 2.85 4.42 F18 1422 6.27 6.07 2,75 __ ij.sa_ • F19 1423 4.49 4.22 2.02 -4.25 F20 1424 2.48 2.38 1.82 3.40 F21 142S 6.41 6.40 2.57 5.82 F22 1428 6.38 6.32 2.19 5.15 F23 1-427 2.86 1.18 3.04 18.01 F24 1428 e.3o 6.09 2.n S.87 F.25 1429 5.91 5.66 2.24 5.02 ·, F26 1430 5.99 5.40 4.81 5.85 · F27 1431 1.3.19 9.99 5.80 9.35 ---,.. F28 1432 39.70 2.86 43.75 37.03 F29 1,433 29.72 ,s.10 12.00 15.55 F30 1434 35,81 16.27 38.72 10.85 F31 1435 29..42 1.2, 15 33,7!) 6,58 F:32 1436 30 .. 12 15.40 27.01 4.14 F33 1437 42,93. 19~67 13.78 2.22 F34aA 1438 83.44 -26.97 4.1!1$ 12.94- F34-B 1439 89.98 -44.20 3.13 11.33 F35-A 1440 31.47 ·5.15 2.20 4.76 F35-B 144'1 SS.84 -2.03 1.69 S.91 FM-A 1442 13.53 "8.37 1.~4 3.87 F36-B 1443 20.12 0.26 1.70 0.32 F37-A 1444 14.70 -7.12. 1.33 4,51 F37-B 1445 17.3~ -1.98 2.24 0.52 F3EI-A 1448 15.85 -8.50 1.29 4.97 F38-8 1447 18..48 -S.67 2.22 0.48 F39-A 1448 14.19 -6.92 1.23. 4.34 • F39-B 1449 17,$3 -2.1G 1.96 1.58 F40oA 1450 i1.94 -4.60 1.20 3.5() F40-B 1451 16.26 .0.14 1.65 0.33 F41 1452 -8.65 e.sa El,62 1.12 F42 1453 8.35 8.01 7.90 1.38 02/l:'l3/1998 lfl:11 6194970429 MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 08 VEK$MA Order 97135 Shlil8t 11.9-2 Project : Junior e0astef Rev. 0. Castle Coaster Legoland Date 18•11•'97 Subject : Foundation toads By BHG •EAflTHQUAKE 4• C1 uli 0114 • Linear calculation. Foundation loads, Local, Vertical load Bending SGhear Foundation l',lode tlzl'llll F:iinln MJ:Ymo: Firymax Nr. Nr. [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kN] zlx.i..ol" 1405 3.97 3.86 2.70 5.76 F1 F2 1406 2.96 2.gs 1.70 2,68 F3 i407 7.22 7.21 2.51 3.74 -----·-- F4 1406 4.35 4,34 2.29 4.96 F5 1409 1.95 t.9 1.67 3.00 F6 1410 e.2a 5.99 2.14 4.SO F7 1411 4,58 4.26 2.14 4.42 FS 1412 2,07 1.77 1.22 -··ras- . F9 1413 6.22 6.14 2.18 4.83 F10 1414 4,34 4.12 2,04 4,65 F11 1415 6.23 6.03 2.8~ 5.33 F12 1418 4.34 3.66 2.85 5.22 F13 1417 13,35 5.34 6.98 14.37 F14 1418 18.46 ~.S2 4.10 8.69 F15 1419 20.26 s.~ 6.40 · 12.28 F16 1420 19,33 3.92 5.60 7.40 F17 1421 18.12 4.03 5.1'9 8.01 F18 1422 22.15 5.70 7.96 11.99 • F1s 1423 17.29 3,93 6.89 -··'"s)r F20 1424 15.98 2,13 5.~7 7.18 F21 1425 9.54 8.19 3.35 6.18 F22 1426 8.38 6 2.45 5.47 F23 1427 2.91 2.8 1..85 3.47 F24 1428 6,28 6.07 2.40 5.19 F25 14.29 s.es 5.64 2.61 5.14 · F26 1430 6.02 5.51 4.75 4.97 F27 1431 12.37 9.84 5.66 7.58 ~-F28 1432 27.92 -0.62 34~97 29.72 F29 1433 16,8 14.S4 ,.,,.,, 9.90 F30 1434 20,13 15.78 21.86 5.81 F31 1435 15.67 12.46 18.52. 3.68 F32 1436 15,88 12.26 ,s.oo 2.72 F:33 1437 28,97 18.72 8.96 1.73 F34-A 1438 69.66 •24.38 4.36 10.t>& F34,B 1439 6~.47 -~1.98 2,90 10.41 F35·A 1440 36.04 -6,75 3.46 5.41' F35-B 1441 38.48 4 12.76 2.91 6.16 Fae-A 144~ 54.62 -21.03 3.03 1B,57 F36·B 1443 38.48 -21.58 4.1$ 1.01 F37&A 1444 50.6 •7.32 4.10 17.24 FS7-B 1445 34.23 ·15.95 7.33 1.ee F38·A 1446 59,31 ·15,66 4.20 20.49 F3S·B 1447 34.43 -27.88 13.37 1.70 F39-A 1448 54.81 ·16.38 3.77 18.83 • F39-S 1448 28:06 -26.2 7.62 1.90 F40-A 1450 42 •16.85 3.54 · 14.26 F40-B 1451 29 -17.34 6;99 1.16 F41 1452 9.12 8.22 19.87 3.23 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 09 VEK$MA Order 97195 Sheet 11,11 -2 Project : Junior coaster Rev. 0 Castle Coas,er Legoland Date 18-11-'97 Subject : Foundation loads By BHG -W!NOOUr 01 u/i C114 Linear calculation. Foundation loads. Local. " Verth:al load Sending Sc:hear Foundation Node Fzrnu Fzmln M:ii:ymax FKY~ Nr. Nr, [kN] [kNl [kNm] [kN] ·--F1 140S 1.30 •1.80 0.66 1.99 F2 1406 0.99 o~39 0.13 0.49 F3 1407 4.33 1.97 o.~s 1.97 F4 1408 1.8S ~1.84 0.63 i.97 FS 1409 -0.42 •0.42 0.14 0.24 F6 1410 3.50 2.08 0.73 2.52 Fl 1411 1.91 .,.Tf 0.77 2.31 F8 1412 .0.43 -0.43 0.12 0.26 f9 1413 8,.Ei7 0.34 0.70 2.52 F10 1414 1,61 -0.09 0.81 2.56 F11 1415 3.~e ·2.02 O.iQ 2.75 F12 1416 1.67 1.67 0.79 2.57 F13 1417 3.33 -2.20 0.85 2.86 F14 1418 1.66 1.GS 0.88 2.74 F15 14i9 3.30 •2.12 0.75 2.74 F16 14io 1.96 1.95 0;85 2.42 F17 14~1 --0,40 -0.47 0.39 0.72 F18 1422 3~52 -1.43 1.03 3.09 F18 1423 2.05 ,.as 1,54 3,29 F20 1424 -0,50 -o.s1 1.25 2.27 F21 1425 2.78 ~o.os 1.65 4.05 F22 1421$ 2.83 2.76 2.07 4.82 F23 1427 -O.S1 -0.52 1.47 2.SS F24 1428 2.81 1.23 1.95 4.41 F25 1429 2.88 2.71 2.56 5.61 F26 1430 3.40 2.38 G.81 4.08 F27 1431 8.S9 3.34 8.97 5.08 F28 1432 22:.58 -8.87 30.28 25.29 F29 1433 11.SS 6.83 22.17 ~-83 FJQ 1434 14.40 2.90 27.14 7.82 F31 1435 10.16 2.08 24.71 5.75 F32 1438 9.79 1.48 20,49 4.69 F33 1437 16.71 1.94 13.00 3.~ F34-A 1438 ~9.70 -40.82 6.12 11.49 F34·B 1439 51.25 T52.2S 5.79 10.88 F35-A 1440 21.06 ·17.60 S.89 5:72 F35-8 1441 22.48 ·21 .81 5.84 8.27 F36•A 1442 14.04 -15.79 2:76 s.ea F38--S 1443 15,70 -1-a.9s 4.46 2.00 F37~A 1444 12.94 &14.77 ~.26 6.15 F37·B 1445 13.62 -12.25 3,82 1.1, F36-A 1445 ,~.as -17.43 2;55 7.26 F38-B 1447 16.13 -14.78 4.47 1.93 F39-A 1448 14.95 -15.55 2.57 6.59 FS9-B 1449 14.95 -13.82 4.38 1.90 F40-A 1450 10.23 -11.30 2.23 4.80 F40--B 1451 11.28 -10.22 3,72 Ul5 B2/l'.13/1998 lB:11 619497!:!429 MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 1B Order • 97135 Sheet 11.10-2 . Project : Junior coaster Rev. 0 Castle eoaster Legoland D-ELte 18-11•'97 Subject : Foundation loads By BHG .,-eMPERA TURE. C1 u(I C114 I Unear calculation. Foundation loads. local. Vertlcal load Bending S~hear Foundati~n Jll~d• F:zmax Fz.mln Mi,;yrr.;c FlCYtnaX ...,r. Nr • [kNJ [kNJ [kNm] [kN] F1 1405 0.61 •0.61 13,92 24.S1 F2 1406 0.24 -0.24 15,75 28.00 F3 1407 0.35 ..().35 18.06 32.05 .,, F4 1408 0.61 -O.e, 21.15 ... 37.62 '5 "' F5 14()9 0.26 -0.26 26.19 44.06 ,, s;;-4 ~ F6 1410 1.19 -1.19 28.66 41.06 ~ ~ ' .;.,1-=- F7 1411 0.56 -0.56 19.11 28.63 1o, 1412 ,. 19.59 .,. / . F'e 1.95 •1 .95 15.38 F9 1413 0.87 -0.87 -4.75 5.68 F10 1414 0.29 -0.29 11.02 1$;65 F11 1416 0.67 -0.67. 4.49 4.80 F12 1416 0.75 -0,75 ,,.ss 14.57 F13 1417 0.29 ..Q.2S 5.81 7.28 F14 1418 0.48 -0.48 9.69 12.17 F15 1419 0.24 -0.24· 9.28 12.77 F16 1420 0.83 -0.83 4.21:l 5.10 f!17 1421 1.64 -1.64 19.04 24.26 F18 1-422 o.a1 -0.31 14.39 22.37 F19 1423 2.19 ·2.i9 s,.s2 43.2.4 .73 ~ FZO 1424 0.53 -0.53 22.58 38.35 -51 .:::--,. F21 1425 0.96 •0.96 15.45 2a.29 . s s-f.,- F22 14~8 0.5 -0;5 -10.72. 19.81 ,$5- F23 1427 0.73 -0.73 6.50. 11.88 __ ,.. ... ~-:,: F24 1428 0.52 -0.52 --2-:26---.... 4:ir- F25 1429 0.47 -0.47 -1.28· ,. 2.14' F"26 1430 1.9 ·1,9 --4.84 9.62 · F27 1431 11.35 -11.35 5.40 6.02 ··. Fis __'!!tL. . 22.76 ·22.76 84.SS 91.17 . ---·-···- F.i9 1433 10.97 -10.97 36.51 21.54 F30 1434 2.04 -2.04 . 16.95 5.91 F31 1435 1.5 -1.5 10.S4 2.52 FS2 1:436 0.47 -0,-47 $.1~ 1.69 F33 1437 0.86 ..0.86 s.aa 0.91 F34-A 1438 8.08 -6.08 s.oe 1.16 F84-B 1439 5.94 -S.94 5.07 1.14 F35-A 1440 2.12 •2.12 2.17 0.48 F35·B 1441 20.14 ·10.14 2.39 325 F36•A 1442. 52.31 -52.31 1.62 18.SS F36·B 1443 52.58 -$2,$8 . 4.70 1.09 F:37-A 1444 53.24 ·53.24 3.11 19.11 F37-B 1445 44.73 -44.73 7.04 1.53 F38-A 1448 53.07 -S~-07 3,81 i9.15 F38-8 1447 46.64 -46.64 7.90 1,73 F39•A 1448 48.39 -48.39 !U;l9 16.74 F39·B 1449 43.47 --43.47 7.41 1.59 F40-A 1450 47.65 --47.es 3.36 ,1.10 F40-,.B 1451 46.87 -46.87 6.94 1.43 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 11 CASTLE COASTER -NORMAL+ TEMP CASE _____ _.1 ____ , __ J_.,._.........., --'-~"""t---~---1--"'--t--~~----,--'--l---+---+--- ,AU Pitr. 3$" Oiamet.r F_· N_D. ____ CA.SE .. Fz~muFz-~--,n-.... M-xy-· --+e-Fx-y kN kN kNm kN Fz-max fz.min Mxy Kips Ki~ ft~ Ki,-ft . ft ftK Depth normal 20.01 3.67 1.7 4.14 temp 0.81 -0.81 13.92 24.51. 20,$2 3.06 15.$2 26,H G,44 1,79 2,N 17,96 10' · --F2 normal 17.49 2,73 1.45 a.ea temp 0.24 --0.24 15.75 28 . total 11.73 2.49 17.2 . 31.88 3.99 0.58 12.89 7.17 1.77 2.77 19.&5 10' -~·· ···-"··--·-,, ..., .. _ 1-=---+----,-l-..,,,..,-~-+---=--l---=--+---+---+-----+----+---+--+---+---r-·~--F3 normal i1.99 6.83 2.11 5.81 --......-,-~,.,.,.._-'-l-"-:--:::=-+---::--:-=-+---::-::-=::-+--:c::::-=-+---'---ir-----+--------------l--...----.... ,...,._ temp 0.35 -0.J5 18.06 32.06 totai 22.34 6.48 20.17 37.86 5.02 · 1.48 14.88 8.&1 1.75 2.15. 23.39 10' ·-·---~-----l--'---+----+----'+~------1 F4 normt1I 19.12 3.95 2.37 B.94 temp 0.61 ¥0.61 21.15 37.62 total 10.73 3.34 23.52 .U.58 4 . .U 0.75 17.3S. 10,02 1,73 2.73 27.36 10' F6 normal 18.58 1.55 1.01 a;oo. temp 0.26 -0.26 26.19 44.06 1----+tou __ 1 -.+-_1s_.e.;...2-1-...;1.;;.2&;;.;....+-,.;;2;;.;.7.;;.2;;....+,_•;.;..;.1. ~!~ ·--· 3_._11-+-_o.a---l~2'-o-'--',06-"-. +--1_0_.60-'-_ ~1=.~-9+---2_.e_9+-3_0_.e_e+--1_0'---1 F6 normol 20.48 5.68 3.26 7.58 temp 1.19 -1.HI :ze.ee 41.06 total 21.87 4.49 .i1.92 48.64. 4.87 1.01 23.54 10.113 2.16 3.15 34.48 10· F7 normal 19.94 3.9_8 1.Q4 3.07 ttmp 0.56 -0.56 -19.11 28:t:53 -···---··-· total 20.5 3.4 20.15 31.7 .4,f$1 0.7& 14,86 7.13 2.08 3.09 .21.99 10' -+-----+---+------1-.,....----1-,--,----1--_;_;...;.;;;..;;..+--....c..c..~ F8 normal 18.14 1.36 1.88 a.59 t81T1p 1.95 •1.95 15.36 19.59 F9 normal 21.2 5.82 3. 78 7.2 r----t;----i--=--=::--t--:=--:~-1-.,...,,,,.,,..-t,--,,,...,,.,,..-+------~ _._,,,_---+---+--'-----,-+'---,-+--·-.. , ... --+----1 temp 0.87 -0.87 4.75 5.68 r--~--i-'-ubl~l-+.;;Z;;;.Z.;.;;.0.;..7-1-..;.4';.;.7~5-"--=B:..:..:.S:=3~_;1:.=2=,88=--'l--=•=·te"'.-:: +--¥_1_.0_7+. ·_-'-(!._29-l---2'-,9_0_2_.1_7+--3_.1 ..... 7+--9_.1_9+-_7_' -i F10 normal 20,ae 3.8 1.9 · · 4 t,mp 0.28 · -0.29 11.02 13.65 -------+t-:-ot-:-a-':-1-+--=20-=-.-=5-=-5-+ . .......,.3"";5,.....1-+-...;.'l..c..;2.""'a2;;;,-, +-1;..;:;1,_;..;;.$~.-1...,,.......,4'"",e'""'4+---o""',7""9~-9'"",5""'3 +----,3,...,_9~7,+-.,2,i-.-10~=+-3=-,40..,..,,..j...,..13=-,so==-+---=7,.,..., ---4 -·----·---~-.. .. ----+---+--···. F11 normal 21.78 5.57 3.51 G.8 ···n-t11_m_10--1"---:o-::.6=7--t--.o-=-_-=a7=--+-~4_...;.4..;..9--1--4=_.;;;..8 -+---+-··-··---'-+--~----·'---I---'---+--,-" .... ,..,., ____ _ s.os _1,_._10-4--_s_.a_o+--_2_.38-+_2_.48--;-_3_.48"""_4--e.:....:·::..ze:..+--...:7_' ---4 rrF:-:-1-:::-2--;-n::-:o:-:rm::-=-:-:al'l'-:20=-::, 1:--+-::-J.-::774-+-=2~.2"-5c-+-4-::-,-:--44~---+--'--+-~~'-'-,....---I---I--, -·-· , __ temp 0.75 -0.7§ 11.38 14.57 totai" 2o.fi---~ ·-13.83-7i[cH··· ··-:.::ee .. 0.111 · ·· 10.os ·· 4.21 2.35. 3:aa· ;433 -·-;,-_,_,_,_-.....-+----1---+-'""'"----4---+---·- r.F;-;-13.--,...n-o-rm-a-=1+-=2-:-1.-=-e5=-+-_ -=-5_-=-5---1--i--3-.6-1...c+-9--,7---8--+---1---'--+---+---... ,. _______ ... _____ ' i-----t:t:--em_1_p.,.."'"'o""".2,,;,,9--1----0 ......... 2S..,....,,......5_ ... 8...:.1--1--7~,2.:....:e~~--4--------·--+-~--1--·--+---+-···--+--·· i----;-t_Dta_l -i--22_~_15-+_5_._22--;~9_;.42:;::_--+--'1_;7.:..::.CM...::..4· _4_.98~ __ 1._17-t-_8_.8_5+-, _-_'·3_~8_3~i--1""'".8_1-+-2'-,_81-1. _10_._78-t-_7_' t.!.Y14'~-,-n=-=o=--==rm=-:.al~1;:-8."0::-1 -t--;::--3,-=e-=-4 -+-:2=-_7;::-+-3=--'_-=-04~----+----_ -1--,-1-----1--,~ .. ---+--+----1 temp 0.48 -0.48 9,89 12.17 ____ ·····--t--tota ........ l--;.....:1:..::.8.:....:.4::..l+-...::.:).:.='30:.:::.._+-=2.:.::a.7--,-j._1:.:G:.::: • .2:..:1--1-__;4:.:....1:..:8:.i.-..... 0::.:: • .:..:78::.J.----=.1.:.:.gg:::.i-,... ___ ~:~2 Q~8 1.18 1.41 7' F15 normal 19.89 · 5.448 2.67 -8.14 ........, temp 0.24 . -0.24 9.28 12,77 i-----n,;:;;;tata~, -t-~20~.1i<i3rl-•s~.2i:.4i-+-;;;1~2.71sn~a~~~-•~1 +~4-;:_53¾---::;1:--:;.1;-::a+----=,:-:."d--4::-~1=0=+--1=-.a~1~~~-"~1:-h:-:13~,6~e:-1--=r:---1 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 12 CASTLE COASTER~ NORMAL+ TEMP CASE , ____ -1 .. , ··---· ,_ .... ___ i,, __ -All Pier• 36" Diameter FND~ CASE Fz-mu: Fz-mln ~ Fu ___ Fz•mu Fz-niin' Mxy··-·Fxv -ii' ·h'+f-Mot·-Req'd. kN kN kNm kN Kipa Klpa ft-K Kipa ft ft. ftK Depth F16 normal 19.21 3.91! 1.44 3.44 temp 0,83 -0.83 4.28 5,1 total 20.04 3.15 .. 5.7 8;5C 4'.51 . 0.71 4.20 . 1.92 2.19 3.19 8.12 7' ,,,.. . -----F17 normal 17.74 1.54 1.87 . 4:12 " temp 1.64 -1.64 19.Q4 24.28' total 19.38 -0.1 20.91 28.38 ,.38 -o.az 15,42 ,ua 2."2 3.,2 21.80 101 ~.,.. F18 normal 21.89 s.ee· a:e 9.55 temp 0.31 -0.~1 14.39 22,3,7 total 22.2 S.S7 · 17.99 31.92 4.99 1.z, 13.27 7.18 1.85 2.85 20 ... 10' F19 normal 17.01 3.55 2.16 3.26 tomp 2.19 -2,1lil . 31:52 -43.2-4 total 19.2 1.36 '33.68 .-6.5 •. 32 0.31 ·24;94 10.45 • 2.38 3:38 35.29 10' -· ·-- F20 normal 19.5 5.4 2.24 . ·_5_44 tem~ 0,53 -0.53 22.59 38.35 total 20.03 4,87 24.13, 44,79 ·4,50 1.09 18.31 10.07 .1,82 2.82 28.38 10· F21 nQr1T11l 29.9 14.31 S,75 8.48 ·-temp 0.96 .()_96 · 14.45 28.2'0 total 30.11 -13.35 20.2 M.77 ~ 6.N 3.00 14.90 7.82' 1.91" 2;81 21..72 10' F22 normal 32.96 17.55 5.9 3.35 temp 0.5 -0.5 10:72 18,61 total 33.41 17.05 16.6.2 22.9'5 . 7.52 !J:83 12.m 5.18 2.37 3.37 17.42 T --··. .. I- F23 normal 23.~2 0.52 5.27 18.~ temp 0.73 -0:13_ 6.5 -11,ee total 24.05 -0.21 11..77 28.94 5.41 . -0.05 IU8 8.73 -1.29 2.29 15.41 10' F24 norm~t 21.88 7.14 5,6 1.i'B _ temo 0.52 . .0.52. 2.26 4.15 '-· --···--....... ----. . ··- total ~.~ 8,82 _ 1.81 . 5.93 5.03 1.41 S.80 1.33 4.:i8 !i.35 7.13 r F:itB normal 18.28 5.68 5.02 3;14 temp 0.47 -0'.47 1.2 2.14 total 18,75 ·s.41 8.22 5.28 ,.22 1.22 4.!i8. 1.19 3.86 4.81 5.77 7' ----"' -···· ----· ---.. ·---··~--- 02/03/1998 10:11 5194970429 M~RTIN & MARTIN ING PAGE 13 . .. CASTLE COASTER• NORMAL+ TEMP CASE ·-· FND. CASE Fz,max Fz-rnln ~"L ... f!L__ Fz..max . Fz-mln MJt~ fxy h' h'•1 Mot Reo'd . -· ~-··,, .. -·-····· -·-Kip• tt-K Kipii ft-iiK Deptti kN kN kNm kN .Kim ,t F100 normal 19.35 3.61 1.3 Ui3 i--... ttmo 0.32 -0.32 2.9 5:17 toQI 19.17. 3.29 4.2 f,7 . 4.42 0,74 3.10 · 1.s1 2,06. 3.06 •.eo '7' ... --· F101 normal 22,e~ '8.17 1,37 2.8 temp 0.l1 . -0.31 4.89 8.72 - total 22,94· 7.88. 8.26. 11.52 5.18 1.77 4.02 . 2.59 1.1e 2.78 7.21 . 71 ' F102 normal 21.:3 5.9 2 3:39 . temp 0.35 -0.35 7.02 12.52 totat 21.85 5.55 9.0l 15.91 4.87 1.25 8.8!)1 3.58 1.88 2.,, 10.23 7' F103 normal 12.78 2.52 2.27 5.56 tamp 0.22 -0.22 9.3. 16.55 total 13 2.3 11;57 22.11 . 2.92 0.52 8.53 4,87 1.12 2.72 13.:5-0 7' F104 normal 27.94 7,S 3.69 10,68 temp 0.01 -0.01 11.85 20.79 total 27.~5 7.49 15.54 31.47 e.a 1.88 11:4'.S ·1.01 1.02 2.82 18.U 10' '-._.· 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 14 MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CEN'l'ER COURl', SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2ll8/FAX 497.,0429 DESIGN OF EMBEDDED POLE FOOTINGS ._. LEGOLAlID -C!sTLE COASTER • HORMAL+TDP IIISICI JllB -··-· 1--2- Allow Passive 350.0 psf 350,0 psf Malt Paiisive o.o psf o.o psf Load Duration Factor 1;000 1.000 Point Load 6440.Q # 7170,0 # Load He.i(Jbt 2, 79 ft 2,77ft Dist. Load 0.0 plf o.o 'lf Start ileift 0.00 ft 0.00 t Ind Heigh o.oo ft o.oo ft Poler~ Citatlar Circular Width/D1aneter 36.0 in 36.0 in surtace Restraint 1 Free Free SIIIIUJ Mc)ients @ Surface •.. -1--2-Point LOad U967.~ ft-I l98ti0,9 ft-# unifo~ Load. o.o ft-I o.o ft-..# • , • Total Ho1ent 17g61 .. 6 ft-# 19860., ft·I Total Lateral Load 6440.0 I 7170,0 I -D-IISftllllD Rm!S - Nin. R:J1d Elbl:dtefit A(l+(l+ ,36b /A)A.5)/2 A=2.34P/(S 1~ 7,74ft i,11 ft Press@ l/3 Actual 904.0 psf 945,1 psf Allowable 903.0 psf· 946,7 psf Fl f2 -V~.4D (c) 1983•96 !:traitciLC cD . .Date: 01/14/98 Page: -··-3--· 4--5- 350,0 l)sf 350.0 psf 350,0 psf · 0.0 psf o.o psf o.o psf 1.000. J.000 1,000 8510,0 I 10200.0 # 10600,0 # 2,75 ft 2.73 ft 2.Mft 0.0 plf 0,00 ft o.o flf 0,00 t 0.0 plf o.oo ft 0,00 ft o.oo ft 0,00 ft Circular Circular circular 36.0 in 36,0 in 36.0 in Ft'M Free Free -·-3-~. 4--5- 23402 .5 ft-# 27846,0 ft-I 30634 .o ft-# o.o ft-# 0.0 tt-1 o.o tt-1 23402.5 ft-# 27$46.0 ft•# 30634.0· ft-# 8510,0 # 10200.0 # 10600,0 I 8,7Ht 9.46 ft 9.69 ft 1020.~ p$f 1105.2 psf 1129,9 psf 1019., psf 110,.o·psf ll3l.1 psf f? f4 :j:5 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, ~OW)t;l 02/03/1998 Hl:11 6194970429 MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 15 MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CNIL ENGINEERS Q:) 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN D~GO CA 92108 (619) 497-21 i8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 01/14/98 Page: DESIGN OF EMBEDDED POLE FOOTINGS .._ LEGOLAJID • CASTLE COASTER • DMAL•TEMP DISIGII Dm -1------~2--3--.4--.-5- Allow Passive 350.0 psf 350.0 p~f 350,0 psf 350,0 psf 350.0 psf tta.i Pusi ve o.o 115f O.Op&f 0.0 psf 0.0 psf o.o psf Load Dw:ation Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Point Load 10930.0 # 71JO,O I 5210.0 I 2900.0 I 3970,0 I Load BGignt 3 ,15 ft J.O, ft 3,41 ft 3.17 ft 3.40 ft Dist, Load o.o ilf 0.0(}lf o.o tlf o.o·i1t o.o plf Start Height 0.00 t 0,00 ft o.oo t o.oo t o.oo ft End Heiqht 0.00 ft 0,00 ft 0,00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 tt Pole Tn,e Circular Circular circular Circuiar circular Width/D1ueter 36.0 in 36.0 in 3~.o in 36.0 in 36,0 in SU:rf&ce Restraint ? Freci, Froo Free Pree Free SIDllllY Hollents@ surtace ••• -1--2--3--4--5-Point wad 3029.5 ft•# 22031. 1 ft-I l 7766, 1 ft-# 9193;0 ft-# 13498.o ft-I Unifom LOad. . o.o ft-# 0,0 ft-# O,Oft-1 o.o ft-# o.o ft-I ... Total Ho1ent .. 34429,5 ft-# 22031.7 ft-# 17166.Lft•# 9~93_0 ft-I llt98,0 ft·I Total Lateral toad 10930 .. 0 # 7130,0 # 5210,0 I 2900.0 # 3970.0 # -u-usnmm muLfS -Hin. Reg1d Elhedaent A{l+{l+4.36h 'A)~.5)/2 A=2.34P/(S l ) . 9,91 ft a.20 ft 7.26 ft 5.60 ft 6.47 ft Pless@ 1/3 Ellbed. Actual 115,7.7 psf 9!is.1 wt 84fi.2 psf 652. 7 psf 753,3 psf Allowable U56,7 psf 957,2 psf 84'7.lpsf 651.7 psf 754.4 psf fh f7 f6 j=q flo '-·····-·---. V4,4D (C) 1983-96 ElfER'CALC GEORGE R. SAIJJIDERS ASSOCIA'lBS, KW06036l 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & ClVIL :ENGINEERS 7801 MISSJON CENTER COURT~ SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2118/FAX 497-0429 DESIGN OF EMBEDDED POLE FOOTINGS ..,___, LEGOWD • CASTLE COASTER -~M\L+TEMP MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 16 Date: 01/14/98 -----~--------'-DISia Dl'l'A-----------'----------1--2-_,_3_, - Allow Pa8$iV~ 350,0 psf 350.0 psf lSO.o psf HaI Passive o.o psf o.o psf . o.o psf Load wration Factor l.OQQ 1.000 1.000 Point Load 2380. 0 # 4270. 0 I 3630. 0 # Load Height · 3,48 ft 3.35 ft 2.s1 ft Dist. Load o.o plf 0,0 Plf o.o plf start Height o.oo lt o.oo ft o.oo ft End H~.i.gb.t 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Pole ~ Circular circular Circuiar . Widtb/D1ueter 36,0 in 36,0 ill 36,0 rn _,_._ 350.0 ps! o.o psf 1.000 3420.0 I 1.58ft o.o plf 0.00ft o.oo ft Citmllar 36,0 in Free -5- 350.0 pet o.o psf 1.000 4700.0 # 2,91 ft 0.0 plf 0.00 ft 0,00 ft Cirelllar 36.0 in Free Stlrface Restraint ? Free Free 1.i:ee --------~---,.·---, SDaAJl'I'-..,....._ ..,....._ ------------Ko1ents @ Surface... -· 1--2 - -J - Point Load 8282.4 ft-# 14304.5 ft-I 10762.3 tt·# llnifon Load o.o ft-I o.o ft·# o.o fta# , , , Total Nonent 82&2.4 ft·t 1430.t.!;i ft-I 10762,3 ft-# Total Lateral Loacl 2380,0 I 4270,0 # 3830.0 # -U-IBW:IID RIISULTS - Min. Req1d Enbedn.ent A(l+(l+4.36b /A)A,5)/2 A"'2.J4P/(S 1 b) Press@ 1/3 Pnbed Actual Allowable V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 5,24 ft (;10,5 ~ 611.5 psf fH 6.65 ft 776.4 p;f 775.4 psf f\2, 6.19 ft 721.2 psf 722.3 psf tB _,_ 5401.6 ft•# o.o ft-I 5403.6 ft-# 1420,0 # 5.49 tt 6l8.9·pst ~40,0 psf YI+· -!i-·- 13677 .0 ft-# o.o ft-# 13677 .oft-# 4100.0 I 6. 79 ft 192. 7 p&f 791.7psf flS GEORGI! ll. SAOHO!RS ASSOCIATES I XW060361 - 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MARTIN & MARTIN INC PAGE 17 s~&tl£°C~~ENGINEE&S 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DlEOO CA 92108 (619) 497-2118/FAX 497-0429 DESIGN OF EMBEDDED POLE f'OOTINGS LEGOL!IID • CASTLE OO!ST})R -lfORll!.L+T.BMP DISIQI 'DU1 -1----2-Al10111 Passive 350,0 psf 350.0psf Nax Passive o.o psf o.o p&f Load Duration Factor I.QQO 1.000 l'oint Load 1920.0 I 6380.0 I Load Height 3.1~ ft '.L42 ft Dist. l,(lad o.ollf o.o plf Start Heirt o.oo t 0.00 ft End Hei«m 0.00 ft o.oo ft Pole~ circular Circular· -· Width/.D1a:neter 36,0 in 36,0 in surface Restraint ? Free Free .!IIIIUI. K011ents@ Surface, .. -J,-___ -2-- Point Load 6124,8 ft-# 21311.6 ft~I unifon Load o.o ft,.# o.o ft•# • • • Total Hoent 612~.8 ft-# 21819.6.ft-# Total Lateral Load 1920.0 # 6380.o I -D...-m.IDD IIISDLfS -. Kin. Req'd Elbedlent A(l+(1+4.l6b 'A)~.5)/2 !"2.34P/(S l ) 4. 72 tt 7.92 ft Press@ 1/3 llnbed 550.2 psf Actual 923.4~ Allowable 551.2 psf 92~.5 pst t\" ff7 V4,4D (c) 19B.3-96 ElfBRCALC Date: 01/14/98 Page: -l--4--5- 350.0 psf 350,Q psf 350,0 psf 0,0 psf 0.0 psf o.o ps! 1.000 1.000 l,000 7130.0 # 10450.0 # 10070.0 # 2,85 ft ,3.38 ft 2.82 ft O.O~lf o.oo t o~o plt o.oo ft o.o flf o.oo t O.OQ ft 0.00 ft 0.00ft Cireular Circular circuiar 36.o in 36.0 in 36.0 in Free Ft'ee Free ---3~ -4-· -5- 20463.0 ft•# 35321.0 ft-# 28397 .4 ft-# o.o ft-# 0,0 ft-# o.o-ft·I 20463.0 ft-# 35321.0 ft•# 28397.Ht-# nao.o I 10450.o I 10070,0 # J.l4 ft ~,81 ft ~-44 ft ~!So. 7 psf 949,(; psf 1143.3 Jl&f 1144.2 f)5f 1102.6 p&f UOUi pst fl~ fl~ fW GEORGE R, SAlllDERS !SSOCIA'fES, KW060361 --- 02/03/1998 10:11 6194970429 MARTIN&. MARTIN INC PAGE 18 M.ARTlli' & DUNN INC. 'STRUCTURAL & CfVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUlTE. 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . . (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497--0429 DESIGN OF EMBEDDED POLE 'FOOTINGS LEGOLAJID -CAST1l CDASTiR • JIOJOOJ.+TEMP IIISical!B. -1-. -2-Allo~ Passive )50,0 psf 350,0 psf' Mar Passive o.o pgf o.o }15f Load Duration Factor 1.000 1.000 Point LDit.d 7820.0 I 5160.0 # Load lleigbt 2.91 ft 3.37 ft Dist. Load o.o plf 0,.0 Jlf Start Beirt 0,00 ft 0.00 t l!nd Beigb 0,00,ft 0.00ft Pole 'I'ype Cit'ailaJ: Cimtlar Width/D11111ttet 36 •. 0 in 36.0 in Surface Restraint ? Pree Free SWIIIIJ HODents@ Surface,,, -1--. -· 2-.-Point Load 22756 .·2 ft·# 1ns9.2 ft-I l1nifota Load o.o ft•# O.Oft-# •. , Total .Noient 22756. 2 ft-# 17389.Ht-l Total .Latelal Lo~(1 -7820,6 # 5160.0 # -Q-ll.ffllIIID IBllilS -Min. R:f'd !lbedlent A(lt{l+ .36b /A)~.5)/2 A"'2,341'/(8 l b) a.47 ft 7,22ft Press @ 1 /3 Bllbed Actwtl 989.!J psf 841.3 psf !llo\mble 988.4 psf 8-42.2 psf ~CZ.l rn V4,4D jc) 1983-% El!RCALC Date: Ol/U/98 Page: ~3-_,_ -5- 350.0 psf ]50.0 ~!,f 350,0 psf o.o ps.f o.o pst o.o psf 1,000 1.000 LOOO 6730,0 I 1330,o I mn.01 2.29 ft 5,35ft 4,86 ft O.Oplf 0,0 Jlf ) o.o }lf 0.00 ft 0.00 t 0,00 t 0,00 ft 0.00 ft ,/ 0,00 ft circular cfrcular Ciraular 36,0 in 36.0 in 36.0 in Pree Fr~ Free ......--3------4.--· 5- lSUl.7 ft-# 7115,5 ft-# 5788.3 ft•# 0,0 ft-# 0,0ft-1 o.o tt-1 isu1.1 ft-I 7115,5 ft-# 5788,3 ft-# 6730.0 I 1330,0 # 1191.0 I 7. 71 ft 4.52ft 4.24 ft 900,8 psf 899.8 psf 526,0·psf 493.3 IM,f 527,1 psf 494.4 psf ~ ~ -r~G GIORGI R. SAORD1lRS MSOCUTIS, XW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I z I- ~ MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers ~ 7801 Mission Center Ct. #400 San-Diego, CA 92108· Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 STRUCTUR.AL CALCULATIONS FOR Legolan-d Carlsb-ad (M&M PROJECT NO. 960240.00) Castle Hill C:luster (FGMP ·Package)- Volume 3 Sections F-1 Architect of Record: Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum For Bulletin No. 75 January 1 3., 199.8 I 1: .1 I I I I· I I I I I I I I ~1- 1 I I INDEX SUBJECT GENERAL PARKWIDE STRUCTURES FOOD STAND NORTH FOOD STAND SOUTH HORSE RIDE QUEUE STRUCTURE CASTLE BASE BUILDING CASTLE INN BUILDING QUEUE ENTRY LYCH GATE RUINED TURRET . CA$TLI: HILL CLUSTER SECTION A B C D E ·F G H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION F CASTLE INN BUILDING REVISED/ SUPPLEMENTAL CALCULATIONS INDEX SUBJECT SHEET NO. Roof Framing F5a-b, F18a-g Lateral Analysis F19a, F20, F20a-g Shear Walls F21a.:b Braced Frame F22-F27 Grade Beam at Frame F28-F31 Foundation Design F32-F40 Screen Wall Design F41-F54 Model Tower F55-F62 I -lr- 1 -I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I - \ I - I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB ________ ....,..LEi_....,..._Z9'--t)"-=~'-'-'-"'c.:;;· a;___.---'----,-- SHEET NO. f '5~ OF _____ ___ CALCULATED-BY _____ ..::th=---DATE _/..;;;;..e_.,!f..._,_Cf_,_7 __ CHECKED BY----------DATE ____ _ SCALE CAS,l-G--/ J) tJ : ~ -?..4-'1 ((JGc-H, vrvr-r ,Jc, ~TS .. ___________ CJ,,qj-J_'?cl0%7l., UP-J/T {/Ji-=-(.oOOt:J 1f re: ·eom.p tJT 6:,,e_ _ Ci'tJT PJr. ~ -"2-e;;,11 -r Ji &0 c. -~ (~ ~ ~1./t,,s) u. P: c;,o~ ~= /f>e;,o1r' . 2-.. . ~ •· ... Of!,ri<> X <?> ~ 0iFc~ ® i ;sci) c_,2-fc..r-P'- ~c,:,..,) ~ ~/U:-fL I ! . --·, ... -.. ! .., ' .: .. -.. --~ ~1 .:; ·-..:: ... :. .. ,: ~ .,) -~ • -•• ~ lt:1-~i-,N~~,. TJ-Beam"' v5.03 Sertal Number. 707203613 TJBEAMO 1001 1'2/4197 9:02:37 AM Mech. Unit Joists 2 Pcs of 20" T Jl®/60C_ JOIST @ 1.2.0" o/c Page 1 of 1 Build Code: 041 ~ I THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESiGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Member Slope: O Roof Slope: O ~i m . I---------I 34' 10.8"--------~----------- Product Diagram is Conceptual. LOADS: I Analysis for JOIST MEMBER Supporting ROOF Application. Loacfs(psf): 0 Live at 125% duration, 0 Dead, and: TYPE CLASS LIVE DEAD LOCATION APPLICATION · .COMMENT Point(lbs.) Roof (1.25) 0 1800 6" Adds to I Point(lbs.) Roof (1.25) O 1800 7' 6" Adds to Uniform(plf) Roof (1.25) 80 · 72 o to 6" -Adds to Uniform(plf) Roof (1.25) 40 72 6'' to 7' 6'' Adds to Uniform(plf) Roof (1.25) 80 72 7' 6" to 34' 10.8" Adds to SUPPORTS: INPUT BEARING REACTIONS(lbs.) I WIDTH LENGTH JUSTIFICATION !,.!VE/DEAD/TOTAL DETAIL OTHER 1 Parallam® PSL, PPCB 5.50" Hanger Left Face 11451 4481 / 5626 2 Parallam® PSL, PPCB 5.50" Hanger Right.Face 1367 / 1632 / 2998 -Web stiffeners are required at support(s): 1, 2. See TJI JOIST INSTALLATION INFORMATION for nailing requirements. I HANGERS: SIMPSON STRONG-'TIE CONNECTORS® REVERSE T.F. T.F. NAILING I MODEL SLOPE SKEW FLANGES Left Top GL TV420-2 0 No NIA Right Top HBl420-2 0 No NIA OFFSET SLOPE FACE TOP No O 6-160 4-160 No O 4-16D 4-18D MEMBER 6-160 4-16D -Multiple plies of 1.75" Parallam® PSL may result in lower hanger capacity. See Hanger Manufacturer's literature for limitations. I :!:SIGN CONTROLS: . . . MAXIMUM DESIGN ALLOW. CONTROL Shear(lb) 5557 4448 493,1 Passed(9Q%) t.OCATION Reaction(lb) 5557 , 4448 4448 Passed(100%) Moment(ft-lb) 28215 28215 45650 Passed(62%) Live Defl.(in) 0.538 1.133 Passed(L/758) Total Defl.(in) 1.400 1.§99 Pas!leg(l./~91) I • Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:l1360, TL:l1240). b-T. end s~n 1 un~r Oeac! loac.:I Bearing·1 under Dead load MID Span 1 under Roof loading MID Span 1 under Roof loading MIP-Spari 1 4nder Roef IQadJng I ADDITIONAL NOTl!S: . -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed·byTrus Joist MacMillan(TJM). TjM warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance·with T JM product design criteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimem:ions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a T JM Associate. I I I I -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJM technical-representative for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST MacMILLAN PRODUCTS ONL YI PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code USC analyzing· the T JM Custom product listed above. -Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and.bottom) must be braced at 2' 8" o/c uniess detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. PROJECT INFORMATION Legoland ~:Z40 Castle Inn Building TMB OPERATOR INFORMATION: Martin & Dunn, Inc. Tracie Bockhorst 78Ci1 . Mission. Center Court, Suite 400 San Di~; CA 92108 619-497-2118 §19-497-Q4:Z9 I Cocyrfght C 1997 by Trus Joist MacMillan, a limtted partnership, Boise, Idaho, USA. T J.Beam"' [S a trademark of Trus Joist MacMIiian. . · · and Parauam® are registered trademarks ofTrus Joist.MacMillan. · , 1~. SON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® is a registered trademarj( of SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC. I I I -1 I I Ii. I I I I I I I I I .. .. ' , .. .-- " ' - - - - MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB ____ _,{=&· =--b-=-O=lAtJl2~~------ SHEET NO. p /e;t:t.,, OF -------- CALCULATED BY ____ _,_-tb=--DATE }-:2' / / ' 17 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ p~ I C, 'P~ I '-1-i? > > 7.i;? I ,2-& . ... , ... Aa.1 ~ '. 6' ,c; I II 7;7 E>: (f 7'r;. c.. US~ tµ1/...YO: /Q, CP( /1~)(/, 4) (f,o) =-!et/1 $J ?~ ~ ?-s-F- ~: ~r.isF-( ~) (s) = 4~1P · t-1\ b,Afl>~ ~ t8>o(?f 1)= ~.e,it--~_4, t)"-- 1 &P~~p~ '?C/1~- .·-~ ~- ' 1'-11~.:=· c;;;,,o(s,;.+1)-= 0.e>1t-' , &:?. 0 ( 11,..,):; /l,0 fwi £.-2,2,:, . Pt1\ ,,.~ ... c; I 4-e;, \ = h. 0 +: /,. PCP( 1)-O,C;i'?(1.~J = '2, \ ¥-- ,z. ~I,....) :: ~ I ~ 'ICLti L '2;;, e,. :1 ~ -~ i,10 .. .. .. .. ........ --. . ... -.... ... I '11-1\0. C>e-7ktl,,, -f2V.-.' _ _J I 1~-- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 · (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN GLB JOIST AT MECH. SCREEN LEGOLAND CASTLE HILL 960240 CASTLI: INN BLDG. TMB Date: 01 /06/98 Page: r=J~/,:, BEAM DATA-----------.. ______ SP.AN DATA _______ .... ----------- Timber Section Beam Width Beam Depth Lamination Thickness Fb -Bending Fv-Shear Fe -Bearing 5:125x19.5 End Fixity Pin:Pin = 5.125 in Elastic Modulus = 1800000 psi = 19.50 in = 1.50 in. 2400 psi = 190 psi = 6~5 psi Beam Density = 35.0 pcf Load Duration Factor = 1.25 Beam Wt. is Added to Loads End Shear Calc'd @ 'd' distance Center Span = 34.50 ft Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft UNBRACED LENGTHS --- Le : Center Span Le : Left Cant. -Le : Right Cant:· = 0.00 ft 0.00 ft . 0.00 ft APPLIED LOADS------------------- Uniform Load@ Center Span: DL = 72.0 plf LL = 80.0 plf Point Load: DL = 875.0 # at 26.50 ft Point Load: DL = 875.0 # at 18.50-ft Point Load: DL = 996.0 # at 10.50 ft Point Load: DL = 1118.0 # at 4.00 ft SUMMARY----------------------- USING 5.125 x 19.500 Beam, Bending =. 60.16%, Shear = 31.85% Max. Pos Mom @ 18.22 ft= 44.28 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = 5.33 k Reactions ••• DL Maximum Max. Neg Mom @ 34.50 ft= 0.00 k-ft •••• used for dsgn 7.56 k Left = 3.95 k 5.33 k Max@ Left = 0.00 k-ft •••• Area Req'd = 31.83 in2 Right = 3.24 k 4.62 k Max@Right = 0.00 k-ft Max. @Right = 4.62 k Max. Allow Moment = 73.60 k-ft •••• used for dsgn = 6.48 k Deflections ••• fb : Max. Actual = 1636.0 psi •••• Area Req'd = 27.30 in2 Center = -1.22 in -1.66 in Fb : Allowable = 2719.4 psi fv : Max. Actual = 75.63 psi ., •• Dist = 17.11ft 17.112 ft Fv : Allowable 237;5 psi ••• L/Defl 340 249 Ck = .811 (E/Fb) •• 5 = 19.87 Left = 0.00 in 0.000 in Rb = (LeD/8. 2) • .5 0.00 Bearing .Req'd @ Left = 1.66 in ••• L/Defl . = 0 0 Cv per USC 2312.4.5 = 0:91 Bearing Req'd@ Right 1.4.4 in Right = 0.00 in 0.000 in ••• L/Defl = 0 0 Center Camber = -1.82 in c.= I, 6~1- V4.4D (cl 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I :I.- -1 I I I I I - I I., I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engine~rs 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 JOB _____ -..:.!:le,:z::...,:pp~c..Aµ°p~:...-..------- SHEET NO. _...__ ______ P_I &_~_ OF---'-----,--------- CALCULATED BY ___ -tb_,,. =----DATE I· 6, 9B Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ P.:::i-,1S CZ' G r2..A ~ @) WO/J-?1~E" ~-171 :r) !)1..,.+-tL ' I Jo~ow:--· 4·---/0':J()O (/Z..) = /2.'f-v = ,z 4-i" -2~ o { Io. i;) = z ?..,;;..e, #'- 12 2>L g,s (o) =-lot; p .1a(-,_):._s~ .... I(,,-(+, '='9 = ~ · -:213fi_F =)~c,f' I./= Io z:o _f1t;;,-/ /,I._ /2..(a)= ac- ?-o.(~)~ JE.... 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Structural & Civii Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court · Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB ________ ...a:;;/.,._Efib ____ .&>..:._~_;..:__-=------- SHEl;T NO. _____ I=-__,_{_~ ..._f_ OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY _____ f.b-=-<--_ DATE /, 7. :/8 CHECKED BY-----------DATE ____ _ I -c~ -S,vo CA-10r?rz-1T!!!:S d-lJ.-IC?~ ...Jo1ST l-0-~~ i-------;;;::==========================---. . : . . . . I Jot=>T Jse : P .. ~;,51P ~ . Dt--H,L.. .... :. __ p_ .. ?-So ~t / s I ~ tf /sTtJO I 2 } ... 0~ ~ /,s/:;., (,:;~ ' ::, /;>-:,.o:t . /1/ I I - I I I I I I I I I . 1· I -f;,_ -= I, SIS -== "3.74-/~·/ O,t/--(;;5 ·p "--::. I I I " ~ ( 'f:,eG f>fjf', c.,J Cs) P,~'1-=-I 2 ff Z ( i..q Oc!:>o) = -~ f-.E> ~ 2=> (~6,5)' ( ~~ h+ =-) ~ ') I :2.(. I,;..);-~~, 'S ::2;.2. '6.?4' +-o, e,s(J-s,~ =-j,?:, 'r +--o, ~ --1,o ,,.,.;,o ~.!- II, Ci> (I -':>,?ef-./-:i.A .. e \ (-zj, SJ · ~ ,. / ~.,, _Y ( 1'1 '2, 7'f'...rc>S e.. D 1..-r v,J 1 !JCO Pt:i. = {301$ -:i." 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB _____ ...-::.(,,Ek___,,."'""0"-~='---''-'--'-------------- SHEET NO. ;=:':;J.{)A.-OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY _______ _..t/4=-_ DATE / t, +~::f' 7 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 _CHECKED BY--------DATE--,---~- .SCALE Cd"$7UE: 1 NA..) et.A?~ ·. _ c-z~ A)t?~-ri-lf $:NIH---GGIDA.:rf:)_ ---.... · .. --... --··· ----. - ~ po/2-Cet;, . ""--.7" ' .. ·-······-·····-·· . ····-.... ·-. . -,~-(:;) :It-- . - .. : ~ l--e -1:o ·1 IJI: wAU... : / 2.-017 w ( 4~) ::. 44f '2-D '/1'- I IJT, wA-G-<-Tc:, ~-r. : / ,;;.o (sf!>) =-ts; Cf V2 &> :ti'-~ :;...-5/,f',{;IJ/ I/ q-11 ~ ~ ~ , 5tk I CP o fc..F (7 8-4-1) -=r.-S&tf '2-c; :ft P/A // ft::1 1~1;,, 3/iP~, ~~f-J. -~ '/4() 1t t;;f'- ~~ s~ ~,µ.,_,: ~~.., .7:,7of1-F<- !'9 ~,s P(L - .:;S .-,. ·, ' : ' ~ . -. .. ~ . ;:. . .:: -. ~ .,. . ) .. "" -' " ~ .· ~· ._ ;, - I 1-. \ I I I I I I - I I-- I I I ~ I I I - 1· I ua;.... ·~""' ... MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ::'~ ... -•• --~.--.... '>:-- ___ .,.. Joe---,-------=~=:::...~::...=-~~---------- SHEET NO. -------'~:.....:::..-::..:b,:::... OF ______ _ CALCULATED BY -------'--th-=-DATE /?.,,• 4--'77 CHECKED BY ________ DATE ____ _ SCALE ~f.A!: /AJ}...) kl.&2~ _' C. -"'2--f:t:/ I I.- I I I I I I - ·1 I I I I I I I 1- 1·-· ~ I ..... MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) -497-0429 · J 7. ";_t-= -g ~o Pt..£ I(.,~/, CJ I JOB _______ ____,;~..:-~c_t.A,;J"O;_;__;c~=-----_____ _ SHEETNO. ______ /z-_-..;;,..:)..O_C-_ OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY _____ i.;;..;b:;...__ DATE /tt, 4:• 1'.7 _ CHECKED BY ......... --------DATE ____ _ . . I ' • z:2:,3 I:, ~14-11-r ;pC? "fll,,ef(.uc:r, r / o/4a. .:;-!lo. c. /p(..o ~ ~ = /1-. €;,f /, 0 :,/. q..,. 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 Fe.~-::;_ Fe, ~ Co ~ C,=- = / q-s:,x I. 3 3 ,'4 l,t? = J Cj '3c; /'b-i JOB _______ ..:.c.1£~be..:Oc...:.l-A-/,JQ=..=:;,x..:::;._ ___ --,-__ _ SHEET NO. . f=.'J.¢ OF _ __._ ___ _ CALC.ULATED BY ______ -th __ . D~!E ---'-/_•...,_7_• 9.:...-.;;;;..8, __ CHECKED BY----,-----DATE _____ _ i_Gjj ·= b (p ... ) : 7, 8 q, '.ef Pee= o, -a.{ 1. 7 x1r:/-'). (J,s)z. -8380 . ------·--'------·-·· ---- r~:: f.34- ~ ~ o,qs - l t-~ -. JqBo(o,q-:;) :: /8'?0 f'7ri t-1 == J coo(/. '3~)( /. z) -:.. )~00 /7"1' /='6:: &7 'S(l,~3) (t,!) =-q9 CJ f 4>-1 . t. r~2-0] 17 I..!~ + 11,,00( I-;,.z.,/4~130 -0. e:>/ + P, ~/ ::::..tJ, 02 ~-/,c, It'-- . ; ~' i I I. ·-1 ·I I ·1 I I - I - 1, I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGOr CA 92108 - Phone (619) 497-2118· Fax (619) 497-0429 ~oa ______ __,-~"--'·==--~---------------· __ _ SHEETN0. _______ __,/=2,. ___ o'--"-f: ___ OF ____ _ . CALCULATED BY -------,---,---t:.h __ DATE /' /' '7 e; CHECKED·BY -------DATE ____ _ 5TF-t.JT Oe-:!>Jtpµ (t4;;r..:fr) .. ---------------· -----------· 4-~o t:>P-At;:> ·8riv1:J ~os@l6-1:§) ~ -s~e:@. i:;~ ~ Pc.A-f..) {r) Pl--: I e { ~/r.,,)?... =-11 s e, Ti' I . fl, " 11;;::r• u O t'f,1 ~.A1.... : t; ?~_o-#-_ . /..c, ,ja; _· ~ .. = / ~o 'It).-,·. --~: =;71,0 '3, S('1. ~) . I i,~a,4-) V 11,b . ) $~ "' I c/ ·/)It},,' .12...,u.k, ~o --. . . • ~o ?"' Pe::-~=-I~( l,?~){t~) J.~JJ ~ /r,Cf.,_)/(q.~; U>,g,?Sb~ ·, ~ /1::o /i-1 , F ~ -=-I q 'bo( 01 'S I) · ::i-'o/ fJo f ?7' f:t-e, =-t?t '? Cl, 7 ;1-/" "') :. 1,1 So r-,Ji,,c ·--o ,1., / c. p: o, s / · c-w, e) 1. r·'b-= 1 ~oo c 1,1:,b Jc 1. "') r-i ~ "1s-c1, ; -; )r 1. 1) .. /t.J;,r;o f'Pl. · . ~ 11_ o f'S1' e,q-171 p. (i ~01 ,? t-"ti O - L ~eo e ~e>o///BD) /boo --, tJ, o '3 +-0, 1,;/ =-o, z.-+' /, o t>f- I . /EW'i<fDA) I I I I I 1··._: I I . ;; .. • ~ .. _., ~ • ::l ... ..: -.. ,_.,, :. --n -• • ~ • ;: ·-~ • • ;:" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax STEEL COLUMN DESIGN DRAG STRUT @ BF --&,1!!11)(£)- COLUMN DATA---- AISC Section --=--w8x15 ----Axial Dead-Load --= - Column Height = 31.90 ft Live Load = Fixity @ Top Pinned Short Term = Fixity @ Bottom Pinned Unbraced Lengths ••• For Y-Y Buckling = 0.00 ft X-X Axis Moments: For X-X Buckling = --31 .90 ft --, DESIGN DATA---- Fy = 36 ksi Y-Y Axis Moments Load Duration Factor = 1.330 Live & Short Loads Don't Combine Sidesway ... X-X Axis : Y-Y Axis : Effective Length Factors ••• X-X Axis = Y-Y Axis = SECTION DATA Depth = Free Point toads -Free ·---.. - 1.00 1.00 8.11 in Uniform Loads Top Bottom Btwn Ends Top Bottom Btwn Ends X-X Axis Y-Y Axis X-X Y-Y Width = 4.01 in Combined Stress Ratios ••• Top Thickness = 0.315in Formula H1-1 Web Thickness = 0.245 in Formula H1-2 Area = 4.440 in2 Formula H 1-3 Weight 15.075 plf Actual & Allowable Stresses ••• rT = 1.030 in Fa : Allowable lxx = 48.0 in4 fa: Actual Sxx = 11.8 in3 Fb:xx : Aliow [F1-6J Rxx = 3.29 in " " [F1-7 & F1-8J lyy = 3.4 in4 fb:xx Actual Syy = 1.7 in3 Fb:yy : Allow [F1-6] Ryy = 0.88 in " [F1 s7 & F1-8j fb:yy Actual LEGOLAND CASTLE HILL 96240 TMB Date: 12/08/97 APPLIED LOADS 0.00 k "Y" Eccentricity 0.00 k "X" Eccentricity 23.0 k Dead Live Short = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -None- -None- -None- -None- -None- -,-None- a.a 0.00 -None- Q.04 0.04 -None- SUMMARY - Dead Live 0.195 0.000 10.79 10.79 0.00 0.00 23.76 23.7!3 23.76 23.76 4.64 5.16 23.76 27.00 23.76 27.00 0.00 0.00 1.02 0.0,0 k/ft DL + LL 0.412 10.79 0.00 23.76 23.76 9.80 27.00 27.00 0.00 Page: P. 2.o '}- = 0.00 in = 0.00 in X:Start X:End - 8.33 ft 0,00 ft 31 .90 ft DL + ST- 0.775 0.495 14.35 ksi 5.18 ksi 31.60 ksi 31.60 ksi 9.95 ksi 35.91 ksi 35.91 ksi 0.00 ksi Max X-X Axis Defiection = -1 .272 in at 15.95 ft from column base F' ex (DL + LL) F' ey (DL + LL) F'ex (DL+LL+ST) F'ey (DL+LL+ST) Max Y-Y Axis Deflection = 0.000 in at 0.00 ft from column base Intermediate Stress Calculation Values--------------------= 11017 psi Cm:~ (DL+'Lt) 0.85 Cb:x (DL+LL) 99999999 psi Cm:y (DL+LL) = 0.85 Cb:y (DL+LL) = 14653 psi Cm:x (DL+LL+ST) 0.85 Cb:x (DL+LL+ST) 13£999999 psi Cm:y (DL+LL+ST)_ = 0.85 Cb:y (DL+LL+ST) 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.75 V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I 1.-- I I - MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB ______ ~~:;...:~;:....;;..:._.::.=.=::.__ ______ _ SHEET NO. pz/a,.OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY --~--w-=-DATE /! 1 ~1 ~2 CH.ECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ .? : l } l '" ; • ;; J ~ ?a 3 ... ; · : :'.: ! :i , • I C ., '(.,, -. ·-.{ ~-0. -=========::::<"'" /,A)~ I .. I I -· I I I I I I I I ,- .I·-: I t \ -----~-----. \ / ~~~ .:; !!:!?. .. ~ .t, ~ 8 pc.F <' 3:5..S ~ ; 11 ' ,--' µJ-tK.. TYPE @ l 1 I 1-f> "° (, ?J. vs) = I 6'1,, o o -t!- 1 /AJ /2-o>Pf' / b C o, 8 s)(1 t) ( !,/ ;'7 + s f. f }= 1-() 'if5o # /JJ~kt).. 'B(. 01e=')C ~1)(1b, ~) = 37r>-o~ ~-t,4'~+' J=.s ~ ~, z,..., I, s .·. AJo m:;, ;a~l!J -• + • -.: h • -•• -i -'• ~· • :: - • .... • -... "' ---, I I ___ I I -. ' 1· " .- - ~ I ~ - " -~ ' I C a . I - , I .. - - I ' I - ' I -· .· - I - = MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB ---~~~=ilf;,_O..;;_;~~:.=..------- L 7 SHEET NO. F:2/.b OF ____ _ CALCULATEDBY _____ -tb __ PATE /2, 'f' '77 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY----------DATE ________ _ ' ~---- ~- . -1-..... ·--... .. ftr-w~ ~ !_± ~ 4s ,z,,p t.-P-' 4--7 s Let 1 .... · · -· · · -~ -rc.tf1i; -@J. . I~' /13 cs.0)(0,~~)(19)-=-(rv4e>-# z.-. Jc, ( o, 85) (f 4-. c; )l 1~) -: ?}~ !! C8yto¥r- - ~-=-o~ ~'-~-er, ~·· _rw_ ~J:> , ~ ( ~~' -:U,&>D + < 6?.1.,:, 01J, vse 1§/Hm4-1 me?, I : co-rn r. ~ -1 (£) e t;o ,... : {q I: I ,- 1 I I I( .. I I 1· I I I I 1· ! I I I- I 1- 1 I 1- 1 MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 JOB------'----""""W7t:>;=-.,,=()-=-f...A./..JP~=-==-------- SHEETNO. _ F~,-. OF _______ _ SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 -CALCULATED BY ____ -bb-=::;__-DATE Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 tkje>47 (t=NtQ) CHECKED BY----------DATE ____ _ ' ---- t' BDf~o L lb./tS,e : CP r_ b 11 k:;~~5· L, '-I 'J) '-I-U- -u' ... _a, __ S.Ti...rb:2. ,./L.z.~ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ q ·. 7 ~. ~---"-L--11 ~o.!_IA- f''2 •. 0,~-/(.._~--1 -~Lf.F:fl... ,vJyt.. ·. 4C::.ft..P-Pl-. l $op~ vL 3 .· J;.Jl:,>4/0 . tf' ,· 1 S (&,X C,:,t:J f 'f- -:2. . 1) '-e:,/,JL.,'( ~f.)AJl)kf/~ /)es.t~A./ '3 D'-+-5~ JC.... ~ S~ b~S/~ 4--J>i.,.,r6eiSmJc.,.(op;-:::>) .<_ _ _ ____. ( (')Pt),; :ttJtA.f",. 1)1...,,c~, f>~) 5 /,Pl)l-"/-'3k)8 ~. 7'1'40--_ . 6~.0~/a,A) _-.. (-LC :# G opp -~ -' ~~ c.&>N-J.J J:>e-'!.lcPN · --am I c..{:)f.... ~ nec.n·on~ 1 L.C. 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Saunders Asso~iates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 6-90 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 PROJECT# 96-240: LEGO CARLSBAD BRACED FRAME@ GL4 (LEGO\CASTLE\CASTLEIN Job._-,--____,, __ Page___.r-_-=Z--=;,a.-.,.._ Date ___ _ =================================-=======~ === === -=== ==================== Units Option AISC Code Checks US __ Standard ____ _ 9th Edition ASD Shear Deformation: No P-Delta Effects Redesign Edge Forces A.S.I.F. ·, ---. . No No No 1.333 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Node Boundary Conditions No X-Coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft}--------(ft)-----(in,K/i~}----(in,K/in)---(r,K-ft/r}-----(F}- 1 0.00 0.00 R. R . 0.00 2 6. 03 6,. f..:,7' 0. 00 R R O. 00 3 0.00 12.50-0.00 4 5-.0-3-{p,<.P7' 12. 50 i---o. o·o --------------------------------------------------------------------------Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal Weight. Yield Stress Label Modulus Ra~io Coefficient Density (Fy} ---------------{Ksi)-----------------------{F}-~------(K/ft3)------(Ksi}---- A36 29000. 00 0. 30000 O·. 65000 0. 490 36. 000 A5oo 29000. oo o. 30000 o. 650·00 o. 490 46. ooo ------------------------------------------------------------·------------------ Section Database Matl. Area Moment of As y/y Label Shape Set Inertia Coef --------------------------------------(inA2)---------(inA4}----------------- COLUMN TU6X4X4 A.500 4.59 11.700 1.20 1 BEAM W8X10 A36 2.96 30.800 1.20 BRACE TU6X6X4 A500 5.59 30.300 +.20 -----------------------------------------------------------------· ----------I J I Rel-eases J . End Offsets No Node Node Section x y z x y z Sec Sway .I J Length ------------------------------------------.---------(in)----(in)--· ---(ft) 1 1 - 3 COLUMN . J 12 . 50 2 2 - 4 COLUMN 12.50 3 3 - 4 BEAM · i 1 6.83 4 1 4 BRACE 1 1 14.24 I I,~ ' I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (~) Version 3.03 George R. Saunder$ Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio~, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 PROJECT# 96-240: LEGO CARLSBAD BRACED FRAME@ GL4 (LEGO\CASTLE\CASTLEIN Job _ _,..... __ -__ Page F-Z4-, Date ____ T __ -=-=================== =· = =-===·=-============ =========================== ----------------------------------------------.-----------------------------I J Unbraced Lengths K Factors Bending Coefs No Node Node Lb-in Lb-out Le In Out Cm Cb --------------------(ft)-----(ft)-----(ft)--------------------------------- 1 1 -3 9.75 9.75 2 2 - 4 9.75 9.75 3 3 4··-· --·· 10.00·· -10.00 4 1 - 4 13.90 13.90 --------------------------------------------·------------------------------- Nodal '- BLC No. 1 2 3 4 Loads, . _ _ _ ... __ Ba~ig_ Load Case Description SEISMIC >>> SEISMIC <<< DEAD LIVE BLC 1: SEISMIC >>> Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. 1 1 2 1 2 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K)------------------(K)------------------(K-ft)---- 3 23.000 0.000 0.000 Nodal Loads, BLC 2: SEISMIC <<< ----------------------------------------------------------·-----------------Node Number Global X Global Y _ Moment ------------------------(K)-----------------(X}----------------(K-ft)---- 3 -23.000 0.000 0.000 Nodal Loads, BLC 3: DEAD --------------------------------------------------------------------------Node . Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K) ---. --------------(K_) ------------------(K-ft) ---- 1 3 0.000 0.700 0.000 /'011..JT~ /Yl,&,nl!:£K, 3 -0. 000 0. 800 (!C,,, $?I~-0. 000 J;.~. I I I 1· I Member Distributed Loads,BLC 3: DEAD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Memb I J Start End. Start ;} End No Node Node Dir Magnituqe Magnitude Location . Location -------------------------(K/ft,F)-----(K/ft,F)---------(ft)---------(ft)---- 3 3 - 4 Y 0.045 0.045 0.000 -6.829 I I_. I I I I I I I I I I 1- 1· ~ I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIE:GO, CA 92108 JOB___, _______ ..,;;..lfi_.;:;;.b..,;;..O.=l/t-i'SOc..:...<...,::..:· ;.__ ____ _ SHEET NO. ?~~ OF----- CALCULATED BY tb DATE / 2_ ' ·t> ' 7 7 RN1sd Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE _______ l.A°';,--'--'-;;...;;[_"t,G_-_,{'--/4)-/..____,_):....:;.(;;._'Z.4___,__9,__ ____ _ • : ; • : : -.; : .::: J .i. 3 s ; ::s • : 3 .: s ,; --:: • _.:: ~? .:. :5 "' -.! ~ .1 .:. s .; -: --. ~ J .i._: ;;. ':' a : 1 i ., ; 6 .. a • 1 : p·. 42;-z.i:: 1 -~' ~a.,;,~ ,,, tf • .. 4'f Me, f;,.Of/C$, ~t~ ~ ~f , l 2-11 0, c,, ·". -:::0 f2-~/~ Yl':,11 -=-t?,7 / 'l ~ ;11 Cf : ~i,~ ( f,; ?)( z,.,) ~ ~'ro¾ ~ ~-= -~,. Z:,"°· ~ ~. zf" 4>1.!:. . C-~ IV~ EL Pvp ... ·fl'Z, ,zl'- I: - l''v, / . · . . ··11 4Z zJ'-• '/.1,t_::: ~[, 1 (~s) ~ q 5.t>~ f::b~o.i s{ ~t..) ( I, av= 'St.i,.' 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F'28, OF ------ CALCULATED ay _____ ~w=--DATE 1~,, -P,fl R-v1s~ CHECKED BY _____ _...._ __ DATE ____ _ . -------------------------···-, ·---· . --I WP-YE>1,o,c,e. 0-0 wlJOe y. it?,o >< ·:2 !....c; .P6-br' r-rr;::, , #s otr=-/,i./-8-1,s 0 5 s.p.-= ·''r~Jf~,=, S?~p;,,=. t::fl!- s.p. --11..J'-f f7F ~ t, ~-z,s-f'',=.; ~ t:; t;. ... t:' Ir = /, 5 o -::::r I, is &;,JI,. )s ,,v..;_, -= B--.oo ( 1-z.. )(-z 4'-:o, $) .. + .. 2.; t?_~.-~I r~ ~1 It ,_ - < O, #1n ~ '#G~/,z/lt:)c,. tt:?f rp. SoT (7#-t:.). -···-· .... .:.. • ' ,. • ·-_., ••• _ ........... * ..... ·········-· -• = -.. --: .; . • -·• ~ • ... -; .... -:._, - • ,,. I I.~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ 1- I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 LEGOLAND 960240 CASTLE f-!lLL CASTLE INN TMB (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax COMBINED FOOTING DESIGN FRAME LOAD CASE I DESIGN DATA Allowable Soil Pressure · -=--2500.0 'psf Short Term Factor --1.33 Seismic Zone = 4 Live Does Not Combine With Short Term f' c : Concrete = 3000 psi Fy: Reinforcing = 60000 psi Concrete Weight · = -----145 pcf Overburden Dead Wt. = 0.0 psf Min. As % = 0.0000 Column Size ... #1 = 4.0in #2 = 4.0in •.• Base Height #1 = O.Oin #2= O.Oin Rebar CL to Soil Dist. = 3.50 in APPLIED LOADS---- At Col #1: .Axial Shear Moment Dead = 1.37 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.00 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft '-Shrt Trm =-43.10 k 23.0 k 0.0 k-ft At Col #2: Axial Shear Moment Dead 1 .2 k 0.0 k . 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k .. ft Shrt Trm = 43 .10 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft DIMENSIONS---- Ftg Dist left of Col #1 = Distance Between Columns= Ftg Dist right of Col #2 = Total Footing Length Footing Width = Footing Thickness V4.4D (c} 1983-96 ENERCALC 10.67 ft 6.67 ft 10.67 ft 28.01 ft 6.00 ft 24.00 in Date: 12/10/97 SUMMARY -------------~-· Service Allow ACI Factored Left S.P.: Static D + L = 305.9 psf 2500.0 psf 9-1 = 428.3 psf Short D+L+S = 0.0 psf 3325.0 psf 9-2 = 0.0 psf 9-3 = 0.0 psf Right S.P.: Static O + L · = 304..1 psf 2500.0 psf 9-1 = 425.7 psf Short D+L+S = 758.0 psf 3325.0 psf 9-2 = 1061.2 psf " 9-3 ·= 682.2 psf Resultant Ecc.: Static = -0.01 ft Stability Short Term = 6.49 ft Ratio = 1.49 :1 ...... Col #1...... ...Between.,. • ..... Col #2 ....... Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Mu from ACI 9-1 -3.2 psi 0.02 in2/ft 3.-3 psi 0.02 in2/ft 2.9 psi 0.02 in2/ft --;: .. ACi 9-2 = 56 .• 6 psi -0;31 in2/ft 56,6 psi 0.31 in2/ft 71.5 psi 0.40 in2/ft .ACI 9-3 = 36.4 psi -0;20 in2/ft 34. 1 psi -0.19 in2/ft 46.0 psi 0.25 in2/ft As(in2/ft/ft of width}, negative-> As @ top of footing Mu @ column # 1 Mu btwn columns Mu @ column # 2 One-Way Shears .... Allow.: Vn=2(f'c" .5) Actual': Vu / .85 ... Left of Column #1 Between Columns Right of Column #2 Two-Way Shears .... Allow.: Vn=4(f'c" .5) Actual @ Column #i Actual @ Column #2 MOMENT & SHEAR FORCE SUMMARY---------- ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACl 9-3 = 1,21 ksft = 1.24 k-ft = 1.10 k-ft -109.54 psi = 0.92 psi = 0.08 psi = 0.85 psi = 219.09 psi 1.01 psi --0.89 psi -21.39 k-ft 21.40 k-ft 27.05 k-ft 109.54 psi 15.83 psi 32.38 psi 18.85 psi 21-9.09 psi 33.82 psi 35.41 psi -13.75 k-ft -12.90 k-ft 17.39 k-ft 109.54 psi 10.18 psi 18.47 psi 12.12 psi 219.09 psi 34.28 psi 35.38 psi GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 LEGOLAND 960240 CASTLE HILL CASTLE INN TMB (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax COMBINED FOOTING DESIGN FRAME LOAD CASE I OPPOSITE DIRECTION DESIGN DATA Allowable Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Short Term Factor = 1.33 Seismic Zone = 4 Live Does Not Combine With Short Term f' c : Concrete = 3000 psi Fy: Reinforcing = 60000 psi Concrete Weight = 145 pcf Overburden Dead Wt. = 0.0 psf Min. As % = 0.0000 Column Size ... #1 = 4.0in #2 = 4.0in ... Base Height #1 = O.Oin #2 = O.Oin Rebar CL to Soil Dist: = 3.50 in APPLIED LOADS ---- At Col #1: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 1.37 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.00 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm ~ 43.10 k -23.0 k 0.0 k-ft At Col #2: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 1.2 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm =-43.10 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft DIMENSIONS---- Ftg Dist left of Col #1 = Distance Between Columns= Ftg Dist right of Col #2 = Total Footing Length = Footing Width = Footing Thickness V4.4D (cl 1983-96 ENERCALC 10.67 ft 6.67 ft 10.67 ft 28.01 ft 6.00 ft 24.00 in Date: 12/10/97 Page: P.3o SUMMARY Service-Allow ACI Factored Left S.P.: Static ·o + L = 305.9 psf 2500;0 Pllf 9-1 = 428.3 psf Short D+L+S = 760.9 .psf 3325.0 psf 9-2 1065.3 psf 9-3 = 684.8 psf Right S.P.: Static D+L = 304.1 psf 2500.0 psf 9-1 = 425.7 psf ·Short D+L+S = ·o.o psf 3325.0 psf 9.·2 = 0.0 psf 9-3 = 0.0 psf Resultant Ecc.: Static = -0.01 ft Stability Short Term = -6.52 ft Ratio -1.48 :1 ••••.• Col #1 •. :... ...Between •.. ••.••• Col #2 ....... Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Mu from ACI 9-1 = 3.2 psi 0.02 in2/ft 3.3 psi 0.02 in2/ft 2.9 psi 0.02 in2/ft 56.7 psi -0.31 in2/ft 36.4 psi -0.20 in2/ft ACI 9-2 = 71.9 psi 0.40 in2lft 71.2 psi 0.39 in2/ft ACI 9-3 = 46.2 psi 0.25 in2/ft 44.2 psi 0.24 in2/ft As(in2/ft/ft of width), negative--> As@ top of footing MOMENT & SHEAR FORCE SUMMARY-------- Mu @ column # 1 = Mu btwn columns - Mu @column #2 = One-Way Shears .••• Allow.: Vn=2(f'c· .5) = Actual: Vu/ .85 ••• Left of Column #1 Between Columns = Right of Column #2 = Two-Way Shears .... Allow.: Vn=4(f'c· .5) Actual @ Column #1 = Actual @ Column #2 -· ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ·ACI 9-3 1.21 k-ft 1.24 k-ft 1.10 k-ft 109.54 psi 0.92psi 0.08 psi 0.85 psi 219.09 psi l.07 psi 0.89 psi · 27.20 k-ft 26.92 k-ft -21 .44 k-ft- 109.54 psi 18.96 psi 0.00 psi 15.89 psi 21"9.09 psi 36.08 psi 33.49 psi 17.49 k-ft 16.71 k-ft -13.78 k-ft 109.54 psi 12.19 psi 0.00 psi 10.21 psi 219.09 psi. 35.90 psi 34.15 psi GEORGE R. SAUNDERS A~SOCIATES, KW060361 I ,-. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 LEGOLAND 960240 CASTLE HILL CASTLE INN TMB (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax COMBINED FOOTING DESIGN FRAME LOAD CASE 2 DESIGN DATA Allowable Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Short Term Factor = 1.33 Seismic Zone = 4 Live Does Not Combine With Short Term f'c: Concrete = 3000 psi Fy: Reinforcing = 60000 psi Concrete Weight = 145 pcf Overburden Dead Wt. = 0.0 psf Min. As % = 0.0000 Column Size ... #1 = 4.0in #2 = 4.0in •.. Base Height #1 = O.Oin #2 = O.Oin Rebar CL to Soil Dist. = · 3.50 in APPLIED LOADS ---.-- At Col #1: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 1.16 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.00 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm ·'=-42.10 k 23.0 k 0.0 k-ft At Col #2: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 1.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k ... ft Live = 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm = 42.10 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft DIMENSIONS---- Ftg Dist left of Col #1 = Distance Between Columns= Ftg Dist right of Col #2 10.67 ft 6.67 ft 10.67 ft = 28.01 ft 6.00 ft Total Footing Length Footing Width Footing Thickness = 24.00 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Left S.P.: Static D+L Short D+L+S Right S.P.: Static D+L Short b+L+S = Date: 12/10/97 Page: F2>/ --------~--·----+ SUMMARY-------'-------- Service -Allow·----ACI Factored ----· ----- 303.5 psf 2500.0 psf 9-1 = 424.9 psf 0.0 psf 3325.0 psf 9-2 = 0.0 psf 9-3 = 0.0 psf 302.0 psf 2500.0 p~f 9-1 = 422.8 psf 744.5 psf 3325.0 psf 9-2 = 1042.3 psf -------9-3 ·= 670.0 psf Resultant Ecc.: Static = -0.01 ft Stability ShQrt Term = 6.41 ft Ratio = 1.50 :1 ...... Col #1...... • •• Between... • ••••• Col #2 ••••••. Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Mu from ACI 9-1 = 2.7 psi 0.01 in2/ft 2.8 psi 0.02 in2/ft 2.5 psi 0.01 in2/ft ACI 9-2 = 56.3 psi -0.31 in2/ft 55.3 psi -;o.30 in2/ft ·59_4 psi 0.38 in2/ft ACI 9-3 = 36.2 psi -0.20 in2/ft 34.0 psi -0.19 in2/ft 44.6 psi 0 . .25 in2/ft As(in2/ft/ft of width), negative-> As @ top of footing Mu @ column # 1 Mu btwn columns Mu @ column # 2 One-Way Shears •••• Allow.: Vn=2(f'c· .5) Actual : Vu / .85 ••• Left of Column #1 Between Columns Right of Column #2 Two-Way Shears •..• Allow.: Vn=4(f'c· .5) Actual @ Column #1 Actual @ Column #2 MOMENT & SHEAR FORCE SUMMARY---------- ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 = 1.03 k-ft -21.28 k-ft -13.68 k-ft = 1.05 k-ft 020.90 k-ft -12.85 k-ft = 0.94 k-ft 26.26 k-ft 16.88 k-ft = 109.54 psi 109.54 psi 109.54 psi = 0.78 psi 15.69 psi 10.08 psi 0.07 psi 31.65 psi 18.02 psi = o:72psi 18.30 psi 11.76 psi = 219.09 psi 219.09 psi 219.09 psi .;, 0.91 psi 33.18 psi 33.59 psi = 0.76 psi 34.48. psi 34.49 psi GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 ·1 1.---- I I I I I - . - - - = ' 0 C -1 I - I I" I I 1- 1- I 1· - I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB------=~~~~~-~-~--------- SHEET NO. /=32-. OF ____ _ CALCULATED-BY f-_i:; OATE---i--:,/~~'5--','7';...,:7 __ ~~:;;;;z: CHECKEDBY--'--------DATE ____ _ SCALE CA-:;'('1..G' IN ,J ,' c.. '1-4:w/ CO/..., v f'r1 tv ~1-,)~5 ------·----~---------------·-. Cf?J-2.A,K?@ Iv t:rrz_,,71-f--G-f-JC>' -~ Bm ' IA/T~o-;e-CQ,t_ 4o I /)(._. '. I~, e,"- 1?,m I.,.{,, s.7 ~ cz 'D (...' ', U,_.. ' ' ' PL.. u_ / e;( 31,J.i I 'j (LJ) ~ ~7o ":2,;,( :24-j( e,,<€.) =-4b 8,<J IP f;2.c a, ~ rto _+ _ _ . _ --,_; - 4-/IC? :#> 'ofo f '-F )(; { 14,,,; ?_ __ :_!:!;1?~ _ -~opif 1,-!) /0 --;-/';ifo fPE=t:.... ~ JP~ N~.!:'(~ r--,;;;, QI_. 0 /.'? 14:e;k.. Cf,SJ(.. : k:)10 ~ I t0e7Z-- / t t Jorn · at.:. 4', J t-·- 1.,,(.. :tf,1K. .-tr-Te, ~ 3, c.,k- ., .... ,. .,. .. -· . '. .. ~~ = ,ze,,~"-=-: {_770 f1>F c.;_~ ~!:!= /v_ __ --V$~'. ..... 4,h:,_ €,i?:S-. COi-JC P:T~ v-'/ s ~'=' 16-f-rn, 6'\-&,;.J'&-( ; -.•., ~-,~-• .=,r,...::-,:-.'>!''•·-·=-·.---.;;, • ::-,. ~. .. ":" ... ..; .. •• -,, ;'I ,:, • ~ • :::; .. :, -.. ,. ;, ... ., ... • - I 1--· f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( 1- 1 MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax SQUARE FOOTING DESIGN INTERIOR COL@> GRID C -------LOADING DATA'-· --- Dead Lqad Live Load k: k: k: . 1 14.90 9.80 o.oo 4 LEGOLAND $60240. CASTLE HILL CASTLE INN BLDG. TMB. Date: 12/05/97 Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight psf: . ? Combining Live & Short Term Loat;fs FOOTING DATA--- Size (Length & Width) 0;0 Yes·· Thickness # of Bars Rebar Size Number ·· ---··Column Dimension· f'c Fy Cover over rebar Concrete weight ft: in: #: in: psi: psi: in.: pcf: SOIL DATA---'--- Basic Allow Soil Brg Press. psf: Short Term Duration Factor Ftg. Depth Below Soil ft: CALCULA TEO FORCES --- Maximum Static-Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Sflort Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 1-Way: Allowable Shear Vu/Phi 2-Way: Allowable Shear Vu/Phi Mn Mu/Phi psf: psf: psf: psf: psi: psi: psi: psi: k-ft: k-ft: REINFORCING --..a.· ----- 4.00 18.00 4 5 10.0 3000 60000 3.0 145.0 2500 1.33 0.00 1761.2 2500.0 .p61.2 3325.0 109.5 6.4 219.1 25.3 22.3 3.7 Actual Bar Depth in: 14.69 Min. Allow % Reinforcing 0.0014 200/Fy 0.0033 Req'd Per Analysis 0.0003 USE....... % : 0.0168 Rebar Area Req'd in2/ft: 0.25 Total Area Req'd in2: 0.99 REBAR CHOICES---'-- Quantity of: #4 Bars #5 Bars #6 Bars #7 Bars #8 Bars #9 Bars #-10 Bars- 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 Page: F33 V 4.4D (cl 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R_-SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I(. I I - I I ,. I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB __________ _..l,wp=-=a...=O ..... ~____,_-------- SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY F"?f: OF-----# OATE_.._/!,_,=--6,....,__f_,_7 __ i'e..//SP..J- CHECKEO'BY-,---~----DATE----- SCALE . ~ rte; I A)}:.) ·. a-'24:t::/ -• -1 l 2 i --5 ~ -3 , 2 3 -5 : ·, ,a • 2 3 t.. $ ': 7 S. ! Z 3 .:. ; :l -5 • .? J ..: S 6 ,. 3 • :!, 3 ..:. 1 7 '" /5 • 1 ; • ::. , .. £'. • ~ 'ii '- ~I'-'~ I o4--o-tt., 7 o -;. /t4o f'~-F' L -i,s-~ pSF Q/t, --/,S ~y~o,e__ BJ!..qp~ ( &~oe]J) -we,~$(' ~e PL. ·Jz-oop lf9(S~) = =3·10 ·r-r t,..<-, a..o (/7, 5) -:: i3So (JJ~ I ~ ( 14-t s-) -=-· 'Z'?o l=-T<p 3~~ · . 66~,~ f 4'() rt--=-e;~oti~ ~z.o f~ t:.-"ts-H:J ,~ ~ T,iif: - I I, { :.I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB_-=~--·-~------------------ SHEETNO. ------'--r-_:;_?.;.._ OF ____ _ CALCULATED-BY -::S-M <:__ DATE ( 2_-·'{-fr- t-o-1/-$.<i) CHECKED BY---,-------.----DATE ____ _ SCALE ______________ _ ---<'.:2::?,N..::.. \)'.:)"S'I~ t 1:... (:, '-< (,-\ .. Ht>€" 'pi::>~f-J(,- .. . l I -eJ ' J tJ-L .,,-~1' : t'' :b-,_.-._ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -----1r-1'---=-=--_:::-_-_-..=-.=.=-"-Ii . \\b" ._ I lL' v'-'ff&-1--1 -,+ )-ls ,~ ,r I\ I I I I -· I - I I =-I 2-; o oo -.J.-;.( Js-~~s-~ .. ··= l~ 3,, Oo O .;(=-. I W12-oop = · / B;FS,;; ( 3 =::.. V 1) ('-/I) ~ ?.. t.J I b SO'*- (J,. ·~ ~ E5 Psp ( /'3.2S:-) ( t/ J 'J = ~ '3 Y k .;f:--"""'n-l.,1.-. t/J,=,,-t.r-·~; {IS-0 ')-(/ .. S:-'/· (q 3) ~ /'-/: S-13 ~ :t/3/St:)9' ti. , -p,<;. ::. t;;; l I ' ,. '. i ol' = q 3~ /../ t/y --/ B~ (!)(!)C) =-I 1-rJ.9 I .l/3;5?J~ r-', 11 1 .: ,H3;5"0C,-('t + -~e-1.2.r)\ = t~- -t-so .L ...... (,J./:3°J l}.s;) ··:.. . . -· t/ 3 ) . , + $9f ~lp=t-z.. 'Psp , .. . . . . . . . . . -. --· -e . -~ ~~.2-s~ -: . .. _ Ole:... ' . . - I 1-h ". £-u1k ·x 1 'lo"' btt:--? Frt;--Lv/2~'1 aor-_t ---....... -------~ --i·~--.. n? .. :•d"·-······ 3: •rL....---_______________ __ I --. --.~ :, ·-,;. -:. ,": -.n ,;. -... =--.:-, •-1 •r .,.-i ::, .--. » .-~; -, ·: ._, : -.. ;;---. .., "1' -"t ..:,. ...._ .::. ,.. :-, ,--r ., •::i r-';) .-:-. ;"' -~ ."I .:i t-. => .-:,. ,-,, :::=,::nr.,cr,~~-~ ,1!,_1:..:~. u•c, 5· ./.,fl •.•::.» ):.:·· r: '.>:~·I=i-,V\£ i(it.!. ~i:::: H~-2ZH:a1 -, _,-, .. I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB -.?-£'6--0~ F~ SHEETNO. ________ OF ____ _ ~ _.vtr ti'. D~ CALCULATED BY __ ...J_....__ ____ DATE { z_-1 -·r I CHECKED BY _______ DATE _______ _ SCALE--------------- -·~ -. -.. 1 '.!; :l • 5 C ->; •:? J .t 5 Q 7 3 I 2 ~.: S ~ -! ~ .! 3-.; 5 ,;_-t_ • 2 J .! 5 B 7 3 • 2" l ..! Si., A : 2 1.:. :S? ':' ,:i • 4 J --------- I l,utf--t..L <E G-:a-tD © i.-B_c.o_:....='-===----..=---_-_-_-_-_-_ -----_ ----. ... __________ ___, W?,.oo~ _ j I . ,1-;. -;."-ii I : ~(oOD I I -1\ I I I I -- I \\-~ _d' = ---------- ;J_;:i_ I -g~oo~(13..2...s:-)-==-ll~t~oo~( . ·. -3fe,=f-O ¢ '?c.oL .(l!p.) (2'-l)(L"f/Z) ---- - · l,v/2.0sP. /8,'Pe:,p. ( L !.,, ) (Z.P) = S--=f-b O ~ ?U.t.ulf--Lt_ _ Ito P>f-_(lt.f..s'){20 ~:?. J-/ ~ y_~ ____ I:¼. --- wrru-(l_s-e>) ci~x5t2.-2-) ~ 11..1, s~-z, * ~ 2--~, tlz_(!;) * --. .. .. '" .. . ;:) ~, 7--S-O_ r~12.) + 3brt'(l) ~ .28{, itz.q _:1--, ,=:s, _::: :2, /./~_ '7 /. ~ ' '. ()t<C., 2-Bl ,. V ~ - / /~ Q()J:J _ __ ;::. .. c; 1-9 -~ __ _ -e =; · _1._1 __ ' -_ __ 6: 1-7 ... =-s.2.r 1 , -. -- _:::z 'EP1 . C/2-o ...IJ,_ :. 3..-:f-< 5",. Z:-I ~ u -9-s~lL-~ ·: -2 )(;2~ 12-0 ~) . . ... ·=-·111 0 . -_ --·--........ : ... ~)C.3 .. ) 5:-:;-1) --- .·, 1·,. I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I \. /.// /~C:: MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619).497-0429 '--,· I S.1'1 I I. a,' . . t---1~ = /. 4-(o.s~(1s,1..J)t.. +--, l -2. I : J 4-C? ~ f =-O, 7/ 5 JOB---,----------'----=--~_..;;_~~..;.....c.:...=...;.. _____ _ SHEET NO. f 37 OF ____ _ CALCULATED'BY . @ DATE_/!._,_?_,'o/-7 __ CHECKED BY ________ DATE ____ _ . . . As =-/4-CJ --/L -Z. f . ...,.-/ /111 L ,Z ,C.P·f111 z 4'.ol (ltf;~) j I/ I --. • ,-. -• --• .• -., ·· ,-_ •. a-,, .• ---, • a-_ •, ,-, .· =-, • --·, ~--.• ,,-. ~ --.. · -.. ,-... _--'-., • -... -' -, "-_---', • .:i:-.3~L.:-~:·-· ... ~f:Zi."'7 ·, :-.. '.'~..& ,·.;·· ->:H: .. :·,:"': ... -.::-~· ~:·<:;;.:.~ ; I :1,.. I I :I .1· I I .1 I I I I I ·1· I I .. J I •J: I d'::: MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Joa ___ L_<==:1._: -=Er_.::o=ktbM=.i::<.:..;.9.::::·;;__ ______ _ SHEET NO. F:3B OF __ ___, __ _ CALCULATED BY -~.;:;..M:__.:_.:t,__~---DATE P--t.( .._ "1 't- .. I Phone (619) 497-2118 CHECKED BY __________ DATE ____ _ Fax (619) 497-0429 SCALE .... ·--------'-------"---- .. ----------------------~---·---~---~ -- . . .......... ·,· ................................. ; ...... Ci-l~oi'Z-.· . ------ 22 1 £'.'.:!:O,-...,S. ~.!>~ l I -b I.I {,,v ~/) € p.Doi'7V·{,- ...... t..Jioo1-=. :-/8 f=>c; ~ t BJ l 2.:0 ') :::.. 2..000 ~? -:r-,s:2-..0+- 0 Wi1-\.L.. ::. / b f'SF (/ t/-~ )( ;20 j ~ J./ b '{O ;j... J · ..... w i,;;.. .. ~· .. (is...~·-~c.F-) (}.'r)"l.. (:2-~J :: 7Y 'J.. ~ 1'f .... .. .. .. . -i. J '-I, 9,.,, s. +I-- ~ ... !~. C/Y_~ (~1/.~ >-~ ... /.~_Y,_ ~ ?r 11--t lb '-It 39s: i--G818SO~ · ~ ~-~o 1 I '-0 . q~r_. . .. ..: : l ,\ ½oti_ ·== ~)(t'I, <tYs~ .= /089' />Sr~ 33 ;j_s-::_ Ps;::. ..... ... ...... ..... c_3){Fs;)(~,_.39-) ........ .... .. ...... : ................................ -....... --. ~)< ... . •• 3 ,. -SJtV_c!.-c ~L..1f-:-r i'-,C.C...t_.,p...$ &µ t=='1c,-1 PJ2D1,,.,q::>~ Pt:,t-J,=: -r,!(,..B -- ·1 ··'/· . .-. ·I. i:1 I 1· I I I - . I· I - I I I I ,. I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & .Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 · Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB · ~ ~ SHEET NO. F:,:f OF------- CALCULATED BY -----:3_M_...;..C..=-----, DATE CHECKED BY ___________ DATE_. ____ _ SCALE-,-_,------------------- 2 1 w : s : a ---· 1-·-J -.: ~:; ·1 -"'3 , 2 J ~ :;. ~ , a 1 .: l .: -s. 1 , ;: • :: 2 4 ~ 1 ~ ; .. a : .: 3 .a : : .. - r=o~ =t=::oon NG-'. -b :::L 1'2>'' d:::.. l'-[ • .s:--\' ---------------) ~ ~bo, ooo ?· ~J . _f.le,_ ~ 7Z>ODO ~ ~.J. ~:::. 4: .. 2-· lo. :_,. As~ ~ ~ +lf-9 ~ J,. ;;z...j-l~'L e_s .... -q~v._-e.r-~~ . . . . ·ctu;·o\ ....... Uf,2-~J()'{ . .s) . .... --J ·~ c;z_oo)C.12>)(l'{.rj . =-c). 8 =f-, rt z. (:,OiOOD ~ 'Z-'" ....... ' Iv\ •r I '""'-::-_ 7 .. -=~--:,-:.:-, '.'.""", :"", :-. '":-_ -:'.',.-:,.-:_:-_'.'.""". ~o ~-. '":-, -_~,.-,:-.-. -o-""."", -,. --,-.:-,.-~-.-. -., -, -.• -;-.-,-. ---• ....,7 -,, -_ -, ..... ;, .... _-,-, ~-~ -., -,,-,-o---., -~ -_. -.,-~-,-~---,. __J_ PrC"JLC7 :'};.• /lvess' 4.: 3:.:.-~I" '.'.;;:; 'i'.!71 -., -~r,j;; :ii..c~i: T·)~L~;.::: ·M~Q-;.,::s~:~J ·1 -1(-. I· I I I .I' -. I -· I - I II, I I I -· I I I I ( I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 M~/, -_.. /1, tr( Is) ~ '2-1/ Ot:>C> --H-1 JOB----'------..;..l,E'l::>;;;;.._;;;___,;~;..:._;,,,,;,,;=--c::::_'------- SHEET.NO. ------'-r-_4-o~ OF ____ _ CALCULATED'BY _____ -th.-=;.... _ DATE /?, 1 5,q7 CHECKED BY----,-----DATE ____ _ SCALE C/t.";f[W( ~ ; c -z.-44 ' f --o /;,Jw-m,_ (f) I u ( I 'r:5) (~,) = 111 o d/;- w w-~ (9 . /CR ( 14:.s)(I~): 3>t?~-1t W F-TCP I so ( /, 'f> )(~( 4 ~) = 3'?o Bo Ir- -. . :/f, <-. . s. ~-~2~ Z> Hfl--= ,_11!? (1c,,5) + 3~?-o( ~I, s) -J-.B?xJBo( 1:j_) , /'O e:, 4'4-'o ~::rfr) . =-~ ~ / ~ I It.. . / I "!>. .;;;;), le' / , > G> _ ' . . -.. 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB----~-lw:'.Ek......:;.::;;O....;.~_;__ _______ _ Ff-:"2-OF------ CALCULATED BY _____ ....;.-b.b=--DATE ;,;;, t/ C), ~7 CHECKED BY--------"-----DATE ____ _ 111 fir ~!,i(/~,i?)-- . -~ ,~,½· t~~ ······ ------- ' 3 /,?-tu. ·, -P-h -=-'=>, ~ ~-G. ':::o, 4--~· { /, ??.>) ~ ~ ~~" D;f'- py .._ /11., k-.ry," cr:>E-' ~ •, 0, Ot::::,11 ~tl • ~ .. , .. . ~-.. . a I I --·-- 1 I I ,, I I I I I .I I I I I .I ( I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 LEGOLAND CASTLE HILL 96240 (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax STEEL BEAM DESIGN SCREEN BEAM AT TOP BEAM DATA---- Center Span Length Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Unbraced Length = ·12.25 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 12.25 ft Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Fy = -"46·ksi Load Duration Factor = 1.33 Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Dead Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.20 k/ft = 0.00 ft = 12.25 ft TMB Date: 12/09/97 _Page: Pt/-3 STEEL $ECTION DATA · AISC Sectiorr ts8x4x1i4 Section Depth = 8.00 in lxx = 45.10 in4 Web Thickness = 0.250 in lyy = 15.30 in4 Section Width = 4.00 in Sxx = 11.27 in3 Flange Thickness -0,250 in Syy = 7.65 in3 Section Area Section Weight rT, y = 5.59 in2 r:xx = 2.840 in -· 18.98 # -r:yy = 1.654 in = 0.00 in APPLIED LOADS------------------ Uniform Loads-------,---------------- SUMMARY-------,..--------------- USING ts8<!'.4x1 /4, Max Stress Ratio = 12.95%, Min Defl, Ratio = 1926.24 Maximums ... Actual Allowable Moment = 3.7 28.5 k-ft ..... Stress = 3.93 30.36 ksi Shear = 1.21 36.80 k ..... Stress = 0.30 18.40 ksi Deflection = -0.076 fb / Fb : %max= 0.130 fv I Fv : %max= 0.016 Min. DL Defl Ratio = 1926.24 Min. TL Defl Ratio = 1926.24 V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS----.,.-- Moments •• M + @ Cente·r M-~ Center @Left @ Right Shears ... @Left @Right Deflection., @ Center @Left @Right at 0.00 ft Reactions .@ Left Reactioni; @ Right - = = = = = = = = = = Placed for Max 3.7 1 .21 1.21 -0.076 0.000 0;000 1.21 1.21 Dead Load + Loa.ds Placed as follows DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 3.7 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft l.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 1.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.076 0.000 -0.076 0.000 <MOO in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in t.21-0.00 1.21 0.00 0.00 k 1.21 Q.00 1.21 0.00 0.00 k j GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I -1/ I I I· ., I I - I I I .I :I I I : l?J.) I ?c 4-) .I ( 1 ·: I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers . 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2U8 Fax (619) 497-0429 ) 1 ------ .:::· I.\ - JOB---------=~::;..,W~OfAr-W=-===-------- SHEET NO. F# OF ----- CALCULATED BY -1::::b DATE ____ /'2_-~q_,q ___ 7 ____ _ CHECKED BY--------DATE ____ _ w tf.J'() p.-Q-1 i1 f "F { e,) (.I~ ~ = · t. r.#-' . ~-~~rn~c p ·. /6,c;jl~ {~(l~J = a82! f/1, &,ni:3~~ . t...c.~) I -5 rs·1 >u:fy_l/~. G-&, r~ ~x9-yr11- ~~11 ·. tl, cVoS.f?.. = tl,~~'E>(/8,17)(11) -:::-/,oq'' ,, J ~ /( . ~Cf : 0/B,o ~ ,,o-, - I>/(.. - ~l..S ,t;NJT~ : . (), ?e, L{. a ~ c~~v~--......... -· -:-----· --· -.. --e,6-A-m ( a,1,) : c; ,oJ t-; I, o ~ ~hGE. ( e,) : ~,/" ~ /,o og. (JSG : T '-:::> 7 ~4-y.J4: V G:--,e,r; t ;tt;;. q,.t 4-~l 4: ~z._ ~ . -.,. .. -~ --: .. -:, ~ ~ _.,--,. .. . .. '• ~ .... ;; -. . .. ~~ :; ,... :::; ... ~. ., I , __ I I 1- 1 :I I I _,- 1 .I .I I .I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associat~s 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SCREEN WALL BRACED FRAME CASTLE INN Job_--=---,,--e----Page Ft:r6 Date ____ _ ---------------------------~------------------------------------------- Units Option : US Standard AISC Code Checks: 9th Edition ASD Shear Deformation: No P-Delta Effects - : -No - Redesign Edge Forces A.S.I.F. No No . 1.3.33 ------,-------------------------------------------------------------------Node Boundary Conditions No x-coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dot Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--------{ft)-----(in~K/in)----{in,K/in)---{r,K-ft/r)-----(F)- 1 o:oo 0.00 R R 0.00 2 4.50 0.00 R R 0.00 3 0.00 10.83 . 0.00 4 4.50 10.83 0.00 5 0.00 14.17 0.00 6 4.50 14.17 0.00 7 0.00 19.00 0.00 ----------------------------,-----------------------------------------------Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal Weight Yield Stress Label Modulus Ratio Coef.ficient Density (Fy) ---------------(Ksi)-----------------------(F)--------(K/ft3)------(Ksi)---- STL 29000. 00 0. 300-00 0. 65000 0. 490 46. 000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------Section Database Matl. A~ea Moment of As y/y Label Shape Set Inertia Coef --------------------------------------(inA2)---------(ihA4)----------------- COLUMN TU7X4X4 STL 5.09 32.300 1.20 BEAM TU4X4X4 STL 3.59 8.220 1.20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------I J I Releases J End Offsets No Node Node Section x y z x y z Sec Sway I J Length --------------------------------------------. ---------(in)----~n) ------(ft) - 1 1 - 3 COLUMN · 10. 83 2 3 - 5 COLUMN 3.34 3 5 - 7 COLUMN 4.83 4 2 - 4 COLUMN 10.83 5 4 6 COLUMN 3.34 6 5 6 BEAM 1 1 4.50 I l':-- 1 -1··· I· I ·I I I :I- I I ..._ :I I I I I I ' .I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 69-0 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SCREEN WALL BRACED FRAME CASTLE INN Job ____ --__ Page F¼ Date ___ _ -------====---=====-========-======---=== =--=== ===--=====-------=--==== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------. I J. I Releases J End Offsets No Node Node Section x y z x y z Sec Sway I J Length ----------------------.-----------------.----------.--(in)----(in)---.--(ft) 7 3 - 4 BEAM 1 1 4.50 8 3 - 6 BEAM 1 1 5.60 ---------------------------------------------------·-----------------------BLC No. Basic Load Case Description Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. -----------------------------------------------~---------------------------1 WIND 2 SEISMIC Nodal 4oads, BLC 1: WIND 1 1 --------------. ----------------------------------------------------------Node Number Global X Global Y Moment -----------------------(K)----------------(K}-----------------(K-ft)---- 7 1.180 0.000 0.000 Nodal Loads, BLC 2: SEISMIC -----------------------------------------------------------------------------. . Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K} -----------------(K)-------.----------(K-ft}---- 7 0.820 0.000 0.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Load Combination No. Description Self Wt BLC Dir Fae Fae BLC ·· BLC Fae Fae BLC Fae BLC W E DYNA S V ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1 DL+WIND 2 DL+WIND (OPP) 3 DL ONLY 4 1.0DL+3(Rw/8}EQ y -1 y -1 y -1 y -1 1 1 1 -1 2 2.25 j y y y I I: -- 1 -1 I -I ,1 ,, I ,_-- 1· I I I ,, I I. I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SCREEN WALL BRACED FRAME CASTLE INN Job __ ~,__- Page E4-7 Date ___ _ ================ -=================== ·== ·========= ·= -=--==-=----=-----· ---========= Load Combination is 1 : DL+WIND Reactions .... --. ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Moment --------------------.--(K.) ------------------(K) ---------------(K-ft) --------- 1 -0. 61954 ---------4. 56394 ---0. 00000 -- 2 -0.56046 5~31685 0.00000 Totals -1.18000 0.75291 0.00000 Load Combination is 1 : DL+WIND Member End Forces Nodes =======·==-"I-End========== =====-==== J-End ='======== No I -, J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-3 -4.56 0.62 0.-00 •. 75 -0.62 6.71 2 3-5 0.17 -3.12 -6.71 -0.11 3.72 -5.70 3 5-7 0.08 1.18 5.70 0.00 -1.18 0.00 4 2-4 5.32 0.56 -0.00 ~5.13 -0.56 6.07 5 4-6 5.10 -1.82 -6.07" --5.04 1.82 -0.00 6 5-6 4.90 0.03 0.00 -4.90 0.03 0.00 7 3-4 2.38 0.03 0.00 -2.38-0.03 0.00 8 3-6 -8.34 0.03 0.00 8.38 0.03 0.00 Load Combination is 1 AISC Code Checks DL+WIND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Nodes No I J Maximum 0- Member Quarter Points 1/4 · 1/2 · -3/4 L Shear 1 1-3 0.2410 0.0244 0.078.5 O.:t.327 0.1868 0.2410 0.0072 2 3-5 0.2166 0.2166 0.1168 0.0170 0.0842 0.1838 0.0433 3 5-7 0.1836 0.1836 0 .1377 0.0918 0.0459 0.0000 0.0137 4 2-4 0.2367 0.0432 0.0916 0.1400 0.1884 0.2367 0.0065 5 4-6 0.2243 b.2243 0.-1755 0.1266 -0.0778 -0 .0290 0.0212 6 5-6 0.0440 0.0418 0.0435 0.0440 0.0435 0.0418 0.0006 7 3-4 0.0225 0.0203 0.0220 0.0225 0. 0220 0.0203 0.0006 8 3-6 0.0661 . 0. 0631 0.0653 0.0661 0.0655 0.0634 0.0006 Load Combination is 1 DL+WIND Nodal Displacements -------------------------------·--------------------------------------------j Node Global X Global Y Rotation --------------------(in)-----------------(in)----------------(rad)--------- 1 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00666 2 0.00000 -0.00000 -0.00648 3 0.62407 0.00410 -0.00108 I 1-. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite ~90 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SCREEN WALL BRACED FRAME CASTLE INN Job ___ ,,,___ Page P=:ff!' Date ___ _ ======================·============= '====·====-==========·================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·--·- Node Global x Global Y Rotation ---------------------(in)------.---------(in)---------------(rad)--------- 4 0.62284 -0.00460 -0.00142 5 0. 64082 ·O. 00406 -0. 00082 6 -------0.63828 ... -------0;00598 0.00013 ·------ 7 0.77005 0.00405 -0.00293 j I 1.~· I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I \. I I RISA-2D (R) Ver$iOn 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite ·690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SCREEN WALL BRACED FRAME CASTLE INN Job. _ __,,_...,...,,, __ _ Page Ffi Date. ___ _ ------------. ~--.... ===·=: =-========== =================================== Load Combination is 2 : DL+WIND (OPP) Reactions-----·---------------------·----- Node Global X Global Y Moment ---------------------{K)------------------(K)--------------(K-ft)--------- . 1 --· -·--0. 61954 --5 .-40051-------0. 00000 - 2 0.56046 -4.64759 0.00000 Totals 1.18000 0.75291 0.00000 Load Combination is 2 Member End Forces· -- DL+WIND (OPP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nodes =====· === _ I-End ========== ========== J-End = ··======== No I ·, J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)----~---(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-3 5.40 -0.62 -Q.00 -5.21. 0.62 -6.71 2 3-5 0.17 3.72 6.71 -0.11 -3.72 5.70 3 5-7 0.08 -1.18 -S.70 -o.oo 1.18 -o.oo 4 2-4 -4.65 -0.56 0.00 4.84 0.56 -6.07 5 4-6 -4.86 1.82 6.07 4.92 -1.82 0.00 6 5-6 -4.90 0.03 0.00 4.90 0.03 0.00 7 · 3-4 -2.38 0.03 0.00 2.38 0.03 0.00 8 3-6 8.38 0.0~ 0.00 -8.34 0.03 0.00 Load Combination is 2 AISC Code Checks bL+WIND (OPP) . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Nodes No I J Maximum d Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ' -. . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1-3 0.2580 0.0439 0.0974 0.1510 0.2045 0.2580 0.0072 2 3-5 0.2166 0.2166 0.1168 0.0170 0.0842 0.1838 0.0433 3 5-7 0.1836 0.1836 0.1377 0.0918 0.0459 0.0000 0.0137 4 2-4 0. 2'208 0.0248 0.0738 0.1228 0.1718 0.2208 0.0065 5 4-6 0.2210 0.2210 0 .. 1723 0.1236 0.0750 0.0263 0.0212 6 5-6 0.0393 0.0371 ·o.0387 0.0393 0.0387 0.0371 0.0006 7 3-4 0.0202 0.0180 0.0197 0.0202 0.0197 0.0180 0.0006 8 3-6 0.0774 0.0748 0.0768 0.0774 0.0766 0.0744 0.0006 Load Combination is 2 DL+WIND (OPP) Nodal Displacements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------. . j Node Global X Global Y Rotation ---------------------(in)-----------------(in)----.-----------(rad)--------- 1 -0.00000 -0.00000 0.00667 2 -d.00000 0.00000 0.00648 3 -0.62431 -0.00467 0.00108 I 1--. \ .· I RISA-2D George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suit.e 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SCREEN WALL BRACED FRAME CASTLE INN (R) Version 3 .. 03 Job ____ _ Page._ .... E ____ ~_o __ Date. ____ _ ========================-=====================-============================= -1---= ~ -=-= -:.=-=-=-~---= --~ -=--=_:-=-~-~ -_ ~ -~ -~ ----------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Rotation I --------~------------(~~~6;3~;------------(i~~~~~~;-----------(rag~;;~~3---- s -0.64112 -0.0-0471 0.00082 I 6 -0. 63858 -0. 00550 -0. 00013 --. -----. -- 7 -0.77046 -0.00473 0.00294 I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I ' I I- I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3·.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite ~90 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SCREEN WALL BRACED FRAME CASTLE INN Job----,---- Page Pz/ Date_. ___ _ ---------------------------------------------------------------------===== - Load Combination is 3 : DL ONLY Reactions ' -----.. --------- -. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)---------------(K) --------------(K-ft)---------. - 1 -0.00000 ------·0.41828------· · ·-·---···--0.-00000· 2 -0.00000 0.33463 0.00000 Totals -0. 0.0000 O. 75291 O. 00000 Load Combination is 4 : 1.0DL+3(Rw/8)EQ Member End Forces --------------------------------------------, ______________________________ _ Nodes ======== -I--End ======== ·= =-======== J-End = '======== No I ·, J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)---:---(K-ft)-- 1 1-3 -7.37 0.97 -0.00 7.56 -0.97 10.49 2 3-5 0.17 -5.81 -10.49 -0.11 5.81 -8.91 3 5-7 0.08 1.85 8.91 .0.00 -1.85 0.00 4 2-4 8.12 0.88 0.00 -7.94 -0.88 9.49 5 4-6 7.91 -2.84 -9.49 -1.85 2.84 -0.00 6 5-6 7.65 0.03 O.Od -7.65 0.03 0.00 7 3-4 3.72 ~.03 0.00 -3.72 0.03 -0.00 8 3-6 -13.05 0.03 0.00 13.09 0.03 0.00 Load Combination is 4 AISC Code Checks J,..ODL+3(Rw/8)EQ --------------------------------------------------------------------------Nodes Member Quarter Points No I J Maximum 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1-3 0.3774 0.0394 0.1239 0.2084 0.2929 0.3774 0.0113 2 3-5 0.3380 0.3380 0.1821 0. 02-62 0.1312 0.2870 0.0677 3 5-7 0.2868 0.2868 0.2151 0.1434 0.0717 0.0000 0.0215 4 2-4 0.3695 0.0661 0.1419 0. 21·78 Q.2936 0.3695 0.0102 5 4-6 0.3503 0.3503 0-.2740 0.1977 0.1214 -0.0451 0.0331 6 5-6 0.0676 0.0653 0.0670 0.0676 0.0670 0.0653 0.0006 7 3-4 0.0340 0.0317 · 0. 0334 0.0340 0.0334 0.0317 0.0006 8 3-6 0.1017 Q.0988 0.1010 0.1917 0.1011 0.09~1 0.0006 I I,, I I I I I I I 1·: I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB,--. ------------------>lf;;?,::>=...;_~..:;.,_,=.:..:::=-----~ SHEET NO. FS2 OF ___ _.,:__ CALCULATED BY w DATE Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY----'-----..:---DATE ___ _ tJ,~'?~ · -c;, I~ k:. ,.,J 11-->0 . /c... .~e, r~: C,,e;,,,1PtJT6e ~JT f'JT c:;,p. = Ci?tf'p fo/r ,:::._ ~~~ ?~ '°~ r, ~ I p lr'f ::" /, s •fj 7 l .. 'r:>o ~k. ~ As -= ?, ei)O ( 4-2:> )(If;~) = '2. , '?Z-111'?. ~tl$'(::,0 *mv(..,T, r> L-'f-z,, f:)5 ~-"/,.~ 0, 01,. /~ 'l. lff-f/'41}) (fe,,~ .. APJ~ys-t ~) 'JC, I, ~2-:,-:: 0. b3 /~/j.{f ~ .Jbl ,~1.-/ If 7,;bB . .. -"' .. ... .: . ..; -.:. -. .-.:--~ -... ..,, --;:, -. ~ --- I I~---_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax COMBINED FOOTING DES1GN SCREEN WALL BRACED FRAME LEGOLAND 960240 CASTLE HILL CASTLE INN TMB Date: 12/09/97 Page: FS3 DESIGN DATA SUMMARY------------- Allowable Soil Pressure =. 2500.0 psf --·-------------Service ----Allow · ACI Factored Short Term Factor = 1.33 Left S.P.: Static D + L 240.6 psf 2500.0 psf 9-1. = 336.8 psf Seismic Zone = 0 Short D+L+S = 636.7 psf 3325.0 psf 9-2 = 668.5 psf Live Does Not Combine With Short Term f'c: Concrete = 3000 psi Right S.P.: Static D+L Fy: Reinforcing = 60000 psi Short D+L+S Concrete Weight . = _ 145 :PCf '.. _ .... Overburden Dead Wt. = 0.0 psf Resultant Ecc.: Static Min. As % = 0.0000 Short Term Column Size ... #1 = 7 ,Oin #2 = 7 .Oin ... Base Height #1 = O.Oin #2 = O.Oin = 233.9 psf 2500.0 psf 0.0 psf 3325.0 psf 9-3 = 573.0 psf 9-1 = 327.4 psf 9-2 = 0.0 psf 9-3 -0.0 psf = -0.02 ft Stability = -2.39 ft Ratio = 1.59 :1 •••••• Col #1...... ...Between... .. .... Col #2 ....... Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Rebar CL to Soil Dist. = 3,50 in. Mu from ACI 9-1 = 0.4 psi 0.00 in2/ft 0.4 psi 0.00 in2/ft 0.3 psi 0.00 in2/ft APPLIED LOADS ---- At Col #1 : Axial Shear Moment Dead = ·o.42 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.00 k 0.0 k O.Q k-ft Shrt Trm"" 5.15 k 0.6 k 0.0 k-ft At Col #2: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 0.3 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm = -5.15 k 0.6 k 0.0 k-ft DIMENSIONS---- Ftg Dist left of Col #1 = Distance Between Columns= Ftg Dist right of Col #2 = Total Footing Length = Footing Width = Footing Thickness = V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 2.50 ft 4.50 ft 2.50 ft 9.50 ft 4.00 ft 18.00 in ... ~ -ACI 9-2 -= 4.8 psi 0.02 in.2/ft 4 •. 6 psi 0.02 in2/ft 2.9 psi -0.01 in2/ft ACI 9-3 = 4.1 psi 0,02 in2/ft 3.5 psi 0.01 in2/ft 2.5 psi -0.01 in2/ft As(in2/ft/ft of width), negative--> As (9) top of footing Mu @ column # 1 Mu btwn columns Mu @ column # 2 One-Way Shears .... Allow.: Vn =2(f'cA .5) Actual : Vu / .85 ... Left of Column #1 Between Columns Right of Column #2 Two-Way Shears •••• Allow.: Vn=4(f'cA.5) Actual @ Column #1 Actual @ Column #2 MOMENT & SHEAR FORCE SUMMARY-------- ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 = 0.08 k-ft = 0.08 k-ft = 0.06 k-ft = 109.54 psi = 0.22 psi = 0.14 psi = 0.16 psi = 219.09 psi = 0.46 psi 0.36 psi 0.90 k-ft 0.86 k-ft -0.56 k-ft 109.54 psi 2.66 psi 0;00 psi 1.54 psi 219.09 psi 5.99 psi 5.32 psi 0.77 k-ft 0.66 k-ft -0.48 k-ft 109.54 psi 2.28 psi 0.00 psi 1.32 psi 219.09 psi 6.18 psi 5.56 psi GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, ~W060361 I 1 .. -1 I I I I I I 1·- 1 I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB _ ____,; __ _....,./p.::.=...=~:;..:P:;....:lA,+.Jr)=..a..:~------- SHEET NO. E'f>f oF~---~ CALCULATED BY -t:b DATE -~I ·-7_, 1 ___ 8'-----_ CHECKED BY-------'----'---DATE ____ _ ~r.... &. ~ f_,()~ I 1$~e,J Wk.A-1 IJT~il e,,J -;;r ( . --'·1~\i,IC-i:--ii.1f ,-r>( I.S,/1-il..,7) ( ~) ~ l. ¼>f'. /,~3~ ' ./&-. /. ~i : To s-w t!.€) ._ /0eei__'= &-~7 (,~~) = 5, q.,fi'-' u::rvs-,J::Je:;:-TS 7 x 4')(.1/ t s)l,. = Cf. ,z. ~,·n) h ::;, 7. {) ffl ~ 0 t t, ~ { 4(p) (I.~?;;) =-(/-o, ~ /t-t,,,,' e;,J!: , '3 'lb""'i .:s y. ft--:a. ~2-s~ S ~ 4-oo 7!¢ew ~ ff;oo.#--, / s ~,::) f- 't ~, $~ ( Cp-,t~/AiJ ~ of;. · h;i 1,1 £4 l S Ld-4 lt3'?t::) -'l;o/~' -z~s R.J/nv ~© _ tf).if 4-ca.) tJ;~$tdeS o/ Sfnt:' I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I \ ~o=#' j 't -=zca: ;cu __ rmr MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA92108 JOB __ __,...___.,._lGt."""'""'@=O..,,.,~=~---'-' ·----'---- SHEET NO. F-$'5 OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY _____ -tb~-DATE (, /2, C'fb Phone (619) 4_97-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE ~TIE w 1::td?<e ', ~-'Ltf=I b~ ~ Z--s-p ~ {A. v ~ '. I~~ (!';).. ~ J?-S l,.,c::p6-) . . CouS I 0:::n<-'/-"I, S . . . w =-;,7( f).,) -~ i 4-pt..F ~ /5:>o Fr)= t-1--I ~_l.4-) 2-=-~,e;, ~ {k -= ? i!7 ! ~. ' b V-::;. 100( 2-j =-t'?-0t, ~ fv ~ I '-f ~ (./Se;~ 4->< 8 ~ ?-f!/oc., ±- (JO fJS--1 t:J·E:!2-~LJ a,. '?1 l4)-: l~ft-P T-~\ J G;,~+ . d>/t:-,~ /k~-' )z . I t-1= {so ( ~ le:, = /'-t?o + h-=-1qsr~£ fr~ l7p'111' V -= C, oo -I Ibo = tf-So -+I- 1t ... \J,, 4' ~1' J .,-11- I ·I I I I I I'-_ I I I I - I I I - I I d :IQ..,,.,.,._ ~ ...... Ff --3.:: MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB ____ _.,./~~"""-"""'~"-=-----'----- · SHEETNO. _ r=s (e, OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY ____ __;-th=--DATE /-/S ~ 16 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY---"----'-----DATE ____ _ -Ce> ~ Tit: ( C.0.07") : iJ;:, 7)~/t;:.t,.) f./kt '-b /2..e-tx,' 0 . . ······ . ' . . . .. -.. , J '-Pd : / #-/ '*' '7' I, 't$ ~ 17es, 'If> 4, D!:f~ /,.;OA-t:? U VG:~ ?/11 ,sr,,<s:, PWA;z::) o,o(a7s) = Z,3 f'SF ·':z~i ...Jo1QS ~Jt;,11t>c. ·. ~, I ,=s r/Jp~ .:z..C~)(2-)-:-8 2.: '2, s (:;G.'/~r-J C? {f~) 8, S f''zfP ,mc:,c /, ~ l7p~ _J. OJ"f:>TS 0-0~''irJ 0~ ,ZX8 C!!Ja:, , -=-===-====--· ~ u 1-tw) (I.'?~) ::: 1 <Pf c..F , ' J: ·e) J~-ir : M =-7 l.? ( e,, 7../ g__ .=-lP I c, . #, 4 -t:; lo( /7-) = 5C::o /~ < 8> 7 ~l I. '2..) =-Jo 5:::, ,~i : ~) I c;.,; lb. 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Structural & Civil Engin_eers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 /.A::;-Y Ge.. r ,, '[?'?.'N ~ .,,_' '2,.1 .. - l,et,t?~ JOB--=------.,.-.::.....:.._ ________ _ SHEET NO. j:=':;,_~ OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY t:b DATE __,_/ •..L../'7=-· _,_• '7..::;..e __ CHECKED SY _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE . ~ T(,$'" / J.J/J : c,, -z.4-1 Iv J.'" --. . ~ ~ ,$'3/cR < ~~f~ .4 ._, t; ' ":b/4,11 S~T-r ~ I Jod, cP 11 t:'C.. b 15,W. 1r-:. 4:!{'~ ~:?fc..P < Z,S-f't-F crtf-.WA-U-!YfJe-fj}_ A~&;,' e-z-' oe, c~) 4-sr:/#~ ,. ~~ = ?:?00 p<..F -, $?:,/"P. e:g. ' . ' ' z.. c+;,~ ofT e J.jo0 };:;)J'l..Ctt:> WA-1"-( tJ;,;t..1 p~ 41.off, }===t<' 1,5 p~ ~r .,.,r ~:~ ~{12-) = 0/~*J ~PL-~ej(B): l7o+ I j Wmt. :J.o(r;1es)(12)c~) =-/~:>O 1P l e,l ) f3~ JP X ~ . . . . I ffJi ::.. I S"o ( 4-) =.72ero :/P ;:-. ~-=-7~ I s1~ ~ /, Cf"'--I, s t:,1}- j •;; •.-,;--~·,':-¥~•.-. ::'\>-,-,.,'1,r-.•_•--,..~,,.,,--••,,•• v••I-,"--,;,,!•, ·1 I. I I . I I I I I I I I I - - - - ' - - I - I I I - I I . =.~ .... MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB-----,------"'-~"""-""~--"'t)-'~'-'---'-'-=-"------- SHEET NO. F~t:J OF ____ _ CAl,CULATED BY tf:;; 'DATE---'-'-' .;;c_/3_, q-'--'~-- CHECKED BY-----,----DATE ____ _ SCALE: ~{,,If:;/ /_)I,.) ,' l.lZ-41 ~ SN 1s v:> I 0 P 'J.J c--. I . Jz-eol,?CE HT. /?J'-f '/bt..,,t~(?: ?u!JJVtJ'.,J.}j ~ c;f't<JCe, . . ... ···-·· ..... tiS+ 'y '; ,z.;ltz.t_ ··-?'° 'Zt-51' C,f-~ . , r ·· ·· ·· · I ' I\ . H-?J PB/<bµ Fo,tZ...CE,. 1 J I<;,,/ (...,jTI,.c I - t ' • • . • . . • - - IYlt?fr :::; ,z,,ro >t-1 :::-/ no· t- rfJ/l, ,u, (~ e,~)(7 )(-v) ~ -Ze/o 11' /J<( P, ~~){::.-):. fo f z..~oir / 4-7-0 _ 1:.' (?..J;.Q\ =. 7 4c; -C/~ = Ct:'S"?:> 1f-< /tJ7$ -IF--z ~ ~ / . l~TZ,,1~1 ST~. ~fTi e:;A..) : f,s / t-,,1,.,,c, I ,,..)/ ~ c;. C,r-t::k.) I A.) 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I I I I· I I I I - I I 1- 1 I A-\ M v , > .j, ~ ~: %'"tr> "t,ct_ ~ t ,z.. ( cP )( 4j ~ t.~o ~ t-L. M· 1 c; ~(e.)~ 4'¾o*1 1_-----'"_1 v-~~~ ~I~ 2-,' ¥-I 1-3 r)DL-t-1,,L P == ~ e, +-1-1 O -f-I So( ,z)/'-(1, if:) -= 3G:::> ?0 -tr t~/C... --'¾'70 qi .-c=,· -< .,?~ ~ "'-"--;;:.-= I C, f "'; t r.,, V Vl.,,I 7 -1 1L) b f...,·f-'5G-15tn JC,·. , p-:. ,U-C,D~f-7SD -=· ~'?q,o-/F . H ~ = '?'.?40(1)-:. ??(fo,,,_! M:r. t*1(t,o+-'54--s(/; v;-)--. ·t5o~4fr' > -;?4o ~ 'l · I I I r.e...Jt~ ~· $1Z-e -4--Nf-'-o--tJ-f.:;i . P= ~o+ 1so(f}'-(l,s)-e,11"+ Uf2. = trziso-:ft-1 1vtl1r~ 4-';t9o+ t;4--'5{/, ~) --ro/~~'#t P:$, :;..,Z..~) J.s-<1f 1 · r · 1 , n ct ~ , i.s ~o -;-1· ao-= · /, 1 (p e. ~ 1--, 1 e, -= & . e> + . ? 1: :: ~, c, 7 t,/q·e; J /-s"''--= "2. ( c,f1q) =--&>1o po/F .. ~ 3 ':J~ f ~--p-·.~.11- :S( 4-) ( /,n,) y~ ! t..c,yn()cl'f~ oorA.rr ~ fU!:t)IJP ~l.,C, //Se-: ql.c; ~ +Lo xr~v::, C,,J/ # 'S e;zJt~c.. ~ ~ · • -.• • ~ • .-: • ' ' -! .., ~ I;; - • -;. 'f-,I -!-.,. -;-, ,.. ; ~ • • -• '1 _,._ ;! • -' - • •'" .. .~ .~ ._ ' - I I- I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN TOWER FOOTING LEGOLAND 960240 CASTLE HILL CASTLEJNN TMB Date: 91 /14/98 Page: fG-2.. DESIGN DATA AXIAL LOADS DIMENSIONS----- Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Dead Load --= -2.59 k Width Along X-X Axis = · 4.00 ft 4.00 ft 18.00 in 12.00 in 12.00 in ••• Short Term Increase = 1.33 Live Load 0.3 k .length Along Y-Y Axis = Base Pedistal Height -0.00 in Short Term Load 0.0 k Thickness = Seismic Zone = 4 ... Ecc. Along X-X Axis .0.00 in Column Dim. Along X-X Axis = Overburden Weight 0.00 psf ... Ecc. Along Y-Y Axis 0.06 in Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis = Live & Short Term Loads Don't Act Together Concrete Weight · ·= 145.0 pcf ----· -----·---- -Y-Y AXIS ROTATION FORCES .... Pressures @ Left/Right Moment: DL LL = ShortTerm = Shear: DL LL = ., Short Term = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 4.4 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.55 k X-X AXIS ROTATION FORCES - .... Pressures·@ Top/Bot Moment: DL = LL = ShortTerm = Shear: DL = LL = ShortTerm = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0;00 k ---------------------SUMMARY----------'--------------- Soil Pressure Moments & Shears-· ----- D+L D+L+ST Max. Allowable Max Pressure Allowable Pressure 'X' Ecc. of Resultant 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant Service Load Pressures .... DL + LL Dead +live +Short Term Factored Load Pressures .... ACI Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 = 397 .5 psf 882.0 psf = 2500.0 psf 3325.0 psf = 0.0 in 10.2 in 0.0 in 0.0 in = = Mu/Phi = Vu:1 Way = Vu:2 Way = Overturning Ratio = Left 39,7.5 psf 0.0 psf Left 561.9 psf o~o psf 0.0 psf Right 397.5 psf 882.0 psf Right 561.9 psf 1234.8 psf 793.8 psf -----------FOOTING DESIGN------------ f'c Fy Rebar CL Clear to Soil Min. Steel% = 3000 psi 'm' = Fy /(.85f'c) = 60000psi Vn:1 ... 2(f'c)·.s = 3.5 in Vn:2.~!4(f'c)· .5 = 0.0014 = 23.53 109.54 psi 219.1 psi. FACTORED SHEAR FORCES---------- ACI 9-1 ACI 9-~ Two-Way Shear = 1.84 psi 1.63 psi One-Way: Vu@ Left = 0.41 psi -0.51 psi One-Way: Vu @ Right -0.41 psi 1.46 psi One-Way: Vu @Top 0.41 psi 0.36 psi One-Way: Vu@ Bottom = 0.41 psi 0.36 psi ACI 9-3 1.05 psi -0.33 psi 0.94 psi 0.23 psi 0.23 psi Vn * Phi 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi FACTORED MOMENTS---------,-- 1.0 k-ft 1.5 psi 1.8 psi 2.3 :1 Top 397;5 psf 379.4 psf Top 561.9 psf 531.1 psf 341.4 psf ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru 1.6 psi 4.5 psi 1.5 psi 1.5 psi As Req'd Mu/Phi @ Left Mu/Phi @ Right Mu/Phi@Top Mu/Phi @ Bottom = 0.3 k-ft -0.3 k-ft -0.2 k-ft = 0.3 k-ft 1.0 k-ft 0.6 ic-ft = 0.3 k-ft 0.3 k-ft 0.2 k-ft = 0.3 k-ft 0.3 k-ft 0.2 k-ft SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STf\!3IL,ITY--~----,-.,,.,,.. Statlc Factor of Safety : Y - Y AXIS Factor of Safety : X -X AXIS = -None-- -None-- Short Term 2.35 :1 -None- . -0.244 in2/ft 0.244in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5 :1 Bottom 397.5 psf 379.4 psf Bottom 561.9 psf 531.1 psf 341.4 psf V4.4D (cl 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 . ! I I SECTIONG QUEUE ENTRY INDEX SUBJECT Vertical Loads and Bea·m Design Lateral Loads Column Design Footing Design SHEET NO. G1-G2 G3 G4-G5 G6 MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. ~- Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2li8 Fax (6i9) 497-0429 JOB L ~ ~ SHEET NO. G/ OF_--=(a.___ __ _ CALCULATED BY ----:s--Mc:'.,_ DATE-"-/z_.--+-/ ..... C/ __ 1-____ _ t. CHECKED BY ------=-/J~,,p ___ DATE _____ _ 1 2: J ~),;; ~ • 2 3 4 5 s 7 a? 2 J-.::; a 1 a, 2..3: 3 Q-;; • 2 3; s a-; :1 1 2 .J J,;? 1 a 1 2 J.: s-:., :-· 1 ::i _ __ .CA-s,L.e: \-tl\:...L----c:Pu~OE. -V £12--n c,rl-t--l-o ,+,-:::::..s/ _-B~ -D£<Slb-N : I ii. (1 ~ • .s;l/,g + ?-S-0 (_/~.SJ /y ~ 3 G:.33 ., I -1iY ~,, ~x-~ J'1,lvA'::. ~ -~ ~H /1'-t.t :. -=s.v~ Ii:::.~ c:; 1 _-< ~ 1, r. (L{ ~ ~ : :::: 30. ~l.,k-'$ J ~t~'. c~~c:... ---~~ ,e L..-c" --;o,~~--oN -· -- ~u e -r-o t>-,.O t::>t:.~ t-S:O..,,_ - J:., . l 2. "\.; .. -'I;~ ...... . '1 ' ~-,1~1 . '"( \. ~ '==' 0 Oo .ii(.. 11 ~ .:2-c:;;:o. (2-.,...) -;;;:, :: ~ k.._·· ,y~---G :> -<-:;-Ji) 1 ·ie~--i, -~ -;·· '"-~--E-·c_ 2(_ ( c:;;;: Mc._J,\_ )- rs. 7""~7--,( 'ly l :/ V ~E: ~ --__ .% . -~--~ 'f-.. ,.:_ tf..J ..... : . I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . STEEL BEAM DESIGN CASTLE HILL QUEUE ENTRY AND STONEWALL BEAM DATA Center Span Length Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Unbraced Length 11.67 ft AISC Section· o.oo ft Section Depth 0. 00 ft Web Thickness 11.67 ft' section Width Flange Thickness Live Load Not Acting with Short Term .Section Area Fy • 46 ksi Section Weight Load Duration Factor 1.33 rT, y Beam End Fixity : Fix:Free Date: 01/07/98 · ----~--STEEL SECTION DATA ts7x7xl14 7 .00 in Ixx 0.250 in Iyy 7.00 in Sxx 0.250 in Syy 6.59 in2 r:xx 22.38 # r:yy • 0.00 in APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads Short Term Load Distance To Load USING ts7x7xl/4, ' 0.66 k -1.00 k • 9.00 ft 5.83 ft SUMMARY Max Stress Ratio• 24.73%, Min Defl. Ratio• 586.37 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS 49.40 in4 49.40 in4 14.11 in3 14.11 in3 · 2.738in· 2. 738 in Maximums... Actual Moment 11.7 ..... Stress = 9. 98 Shear 1.66 ..... Stress= 0.47 Deflection .. -0 .478 Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows 47 .5 k-ft 40.38 ksi 32.20 k 18.40 ksi fb I Fb : % max 0.247 fv I Fv : % max 0.026 Min. DL Defl Rallm99999999998.00 Min. TL Defl Ratio= 586.37 Moment$. . M+ @ Center · • M-@ Center Shears .... @ Left @ Right @ Left = @ Right Deflection.". @ Center • at Reactions Reactions @ Left @ Right 0.00 ft • @ Left @ Right Placed for Max ll.7 1.66 0.00 -0.478 0,000 0.000 1.66 0.00 DL LL LL +ST LL LL +ST Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 -11.7 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.00 0.00 1.66 0.00 0.00 k 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 0.000 0.000 -0.478 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in O.OQO 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 in O.OQ 0.00 1.66 0.00 0.00 k 0.00 0.00 o .. oo 0.00 0.00 k MARTIN & MARTIN, INC, Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB-· _·l,E_~--~--".;;......;.;..-----,--------- SHEETNO. __ G .... 3 ...... _. __ ...___ __ OF ¥' CALCULATED BY -:-:S-,v\_, C:.., J DATE \ "2--,l q ::.;- ' ,,. Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY __ ...___D....::;:0:;...__ ___ DATE----- . ·'l?-=-O! q_ g-s-::C-LC Ch ~ f · 0 f.J ( sY ;::> C.. I Vr" _;-i:::. : 1 ..s; 1 _) . -+It .. ;¢ ........ :·":Cf'~-· .. /,, ', (_,t;;.11.,~:=-;--···.:p~f"'O L~.) 1-s . ·-t . . f S. :: I 2-I&, f> SF 41..v::. /-0 2, lo --=t-x L[.·i 1-.'IC /b,'oct. ~~P .. -. ~z.::4- ./,-1.Nr-::::. o I'..( ~ FA-c.-*Pe 3 1 ,c 1 2:,, • s: 'X' 19. b'i. ::: M =-3T'1=* C9-~-=,-.i) + '5""62.. (~$:3 3~9--J- -t-'-f Y 1.-:tt-' wr of hr1J-1/~ , :::. ·[:Jco" rt>-/,_+_ 2 (22.-tf2.~:f3~' ~ 3300~; tuf O I-' /tM) f:> t;.t...:_· >-. · ;:2~ ~ r o F d o L )Ft1-c-,?1>1;: @ '/ ,2,,1, 1) ¥. /J-S'" X ?O p$f-..=if 2.' -=f-(f, ~ .. . r 2.,'7---:-.'?. .. 'I(_ 1.1.~ s:--... . .. . .. . . . . .. . \I::::. .F t CW ~ ;(o,Y') 6.fJJ[b~Jt;J ~ 3 --1,."'I ;!'IIV . s , "f"1,V .M::. &,5'-1~{9.l:,:,.') + JOO'-{tt:,. /s:.~3, t--'=>":t) . ::::. J 2-?J-=f-1 ... / < Cf O l.A:'"J~A/ .s "'-~J' ....... ,7., •,\:;:~a.,·· .·,;:,,· ··~,. ,·::.. ~.~·-~·:-.. __.\_ ....... =--·--~---! ., MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ·0,.1-.vMW ~tb--+J . I ... . .. . .. ....... ,.r.1: -......... ' ~---,V.__,.,.· . ) /<.. ~ '- JOB-'-__._.l,EZ~":""'z-0..=.;~=!.:!-.=------------ SHEET NO. _ G4 CALCULATED BY --s 't-.A--C OF-~---- DATE \ t,,l_q j: CHECKED BY -p ~ . DATE --e---- SCALE QvE\./4' F:NJY:'3-c,1\-St-1...,E" t\:l \..-L-- Ljtso ~-Ql'.6-_1-)C_n .. ')_/_i:?,a=-, , 1--E:, "I h~ -~ • Vr-0LI / v"t- L}5;£ T3 r-?C 7--X 1/'-1 ,, ~e · CO\...vM v-.J K. ·'""Jo ~ c.-A-1-c.. ~ "t::::. e . t---1-t'!;::::,1\'61G--:t--h-. -~ ~"4:>i;;..--.::."M""t,_ . . b-:-.· 3 '2.. \t ot ~ ;)_ °i I\ . f'-_:: ;O .;_':::>l2 Ci. )2--/ 12-oo c ~ 2-1..·y · ;~ .-ii.~¼'2-'1 -::: 51-$' S~ '. 0 p,---,.,,. = ~ oo 1 \( I, •3;0 "-~O I '3 3, . ' ~-:=-,. .... oo \ ~ ~ l(. e2..J l7.~),:). /. 2.-3, (~ t VS€ -H*-~ 1BM-~ a'--~ StPc o r?-e:-t>eTVH,__ .,. -. I I I ,~ I: MARTIN & MARTIN, I.NC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 C.-t\-'e:~ ~o~~G- ~- ~ ,\ 1-l \o I I . ~ ' , I Lcb-o~":::>. Joe ______ ....,____,;.... _______ _ sHEIITNo. _.....,,G ..... s_..;...· _____ oF ---"--lt~------- cALcuLATED BY . '1' M e___ DATE _l,,__,,/__,9'-"8'---_ j, w CHECKED BY---'------DATE ____ _ SCALE ~ =. t5'Ltt./'t_O/z7--9 -:::.e::,-=tt p-c,t; ..L__ C3)(?>00UfS:\) (l,Y~) -!l ~ r-r·\J .: 0i,t~1..va..b ~ ~: M=-12 .. e-=r-~1_1-(bsH ,--~(1i+6l.2-) -l~-'i~ ~!. (~ 'B~e:-Or "FOcn,ve,-) I-bS/c:_ ft-1,0Dt~ -.. 'J 12.-~·:I:::. .. ;2.r7-I;:_ C oL /f*c..Jt::pc ~~\...: l J-[p=t-J~l-1_1oj,7-) (1s) = I :~i.f z_ 1'.. , .......... ·------_5;89 -k s' Y: 5 ' x, B'-1 i>t~ (.)J/ 6 ~s:-~ r-,./f--l-/ ;: -~ - • --" • --• ,; ·-,. -•• ~ l' ~ .;; .. :i:i ~ ...... ~ :: ·-.=, -• ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Date: 01/07/98 Page: G ft, OP-~ ()~ GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN CASTLE HILL QUEUE ENTRY AND STONEWALL DESIGN DATA AXIAL LOADS Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Dead Load • ... Short Term Increase • 1.33 Live Load Base Pedi sta 1 Height o. 00 in Short Term Load Seismic Zone 4 ... Ecc. Along X-X Axis • Overburden Weight = 0.00 psf ... Ecc. Along Y-Y Axis • Live & Short Term Loads Don't Act Together . Concrete Weight 145.0 pcf q.89 k 0.0 k 0.0 k o. 00 in o.oo in Y-Y AXIS ROTATION FORCES .... Pressures@ Left/Right X-X AXIS ROTATION FORCES .... Pressures@ Top/Bot Moment: DL Shear: LL = Short Term .. DL = LL , Short Term = 0.0.k-ft 0.0 k-ft 16.5 k-ft 0.00 k · 0.00 k 0.00 k Soil Pressure D+L Max Pressure 453.1 psf Allowable Pressure = 2500.0 psf ·x· Ecc. of Resultant .. o.o in . Moment: DL 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft Shear: D+L+ST 1442.7 psf 3325.0 psf 17.4in LL Sho_rt Term • DL LL Short Term• SUMMARY Mu/Phi 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k Vu,1 Way Vu:2 Way _ _ _______ DIMENSIONS---------·-··· ----- Width Along X-X Axis 5.00 ft Length Along Y-Y Axis = 5.00 ft Thickness 18. oo in Column Dim. Along X-X Axis= 7.00 in Column Dim. Along Y-Y AxiS2 7 .00 in Moments & Shears Max. Allowable 3.4 k-ft · .. 7 .8 psi 93.1 psi 6.4 psi 186.2 psi 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant = 0.0 in 0.0 in Overturning Rgtios 1.7 :1 1.5 :1 Service Load Pressures .... Left Right Top Bottom DL + LL 453.1 psf 453.1 psf 453.1 psf 453.1 psf Dead+live+Short Term = 0.0 psf 1442.7 psf 453.1 psf 453.1 psf Factored Load Pressures .... Left Right Top Bottom ACI Eq 9-1 634.3 psf 634.3 psf 634 .. 3 psf 6M.3 psf ACI Eq 9-2 o.o psf . 2019. 7 psf 634.3 psf 634.3 psf ACI Eq 9-3 0.0 psf · 1298.4-psf 407 .8 psf 407.8 psf FOOTING DESIGN f'c 3000 psi. 'm'• Fy /(.85f'c) 23.53 Fy = 60000 psi Vn:l ... 2(f'c)A.5 109.54 psi Rebar CL Clear to Soil .. 3.5 in Vn:2 ... 4(f'c)A:5 219.1psi Min. Steel % .. 0.0014 FACTORED SHEAR FORCES ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear 5.71 psi 6.37 psi 4.10 psi 186.23 psi One-Way: Vu@ Left 1. 72 psi -1.75psi -1.12 psi 93.11 psi One-Way: Vu@ Right 1. 72 psi 7.80 psi 5.02psi 93.11 psi One-Way: Vu@ Top 1. 72 psi 1. 72 psi l.llpsi 93.11 psi One-Way: Vu@ Bottom .. 1. 72 psi 1.72 psi. 1.11 psi 93.11 psi FACTORED MOMENTS ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru As Req'd Mu/Phi @ Left Q.9 k-ft -0.8 k-ft -0 .. 5 k-ft 4.2 psi 0.244 in2/ft Mu/Phi@ Right -0.9 le-ft 3.4 le-ft 2.2 k-ft 16:3 psi 0.244 in2/ft Mu/Phi@ Top 0.9k-ft 0.9-k-ft 0.6 le-ft 4.2 psi 0.244 in2/ft Mu/Phi@ Bottom 0.9 le-ft 0.9 k-ft 0.6 k-ft 4.2 psi 0.244 in2/ft SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STABILITY .'l Static Short Term Factor of Safety: Y-Y AXIS .. --None~-1.72 :1 Factor of Safety: X - X AXIS --None----None-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I SUBJECT Roof Framing Column Design Lateral Analysis Base Plate Design Footing Design SECTION H LYCH GATE INDEX SHEET NO. H1-H4 H4 H5-H9 H10-H13 H13"'H14 I I ·1 ( I - I I I I -- 1 - I I .1 I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers _ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 LE:b-ot-~ JOB-------------,----------------- SHEET NO. _ ____.f'--4_\ _____ OF _ \ 'i CALCULATED BY -SM...<::_ DATE / z_/o, 1-: • CHECKED BY O t,J DATE ____ _ SCALE LYC H . C't:A::::["E:' -C,t-S]l..£ H---ILL 2 : : ; 3 .,. :; : : J .:. 5 ~ , J • : J ; ;: s -!) , 1 :! .: 5 =--: • 2 1 .: _ 5 -; .. s • ~ 3 : s_ .; -r a • 2 J .:. :; s --. • ~ :. ~. 1-0,\-=t> ~ <6:L~,:: ~()Of 3)'-1~ f'1-'-/ ~'*17r t' Tf 6--~11-J&-- Pf2.A/'-,{ I 'Iv 6- M46 /v(,ISC..· /0 PSF- ;:;,z_s-'Fsr=:- ---:2~~ · · Fsr 3.2. p.s-p. .2.0 ps.F ::: 2.2. ~F .20 ~F-. 5 f:sF. ;:;>s-~p M;.... -::. .;20 ?c;..~ x: 2--= Jt o ~ Ji kJ f::) =. ,,2.o 'PSF K 2--. .::=. 1011./, w·ro·T ~ so"~h --- I I 1· I I - I ,. I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO., CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB '-1=7:s--D LA:l::,.J;:;;::. SHEET NO:·· \jt ~ OF _ ) ':{ --::!"MC.... la.~ CALCULATED BY ___ . _____ DATE / z.._{( L: CHECKED BY . 01) DATE--'----- SCALE [._ y C,.. If (h,h--g_ - l A,), ~ ;_;s;..q;;) &,j '7-( LO i't"'C>. ~ti-/) . CJ., MA.A AAA. ~;;..;;xz;;..-v WL-l~ c.Ase:·2 ... --) \h, ~ /)J t, ---' t~ .t V-2. /r~, f II: [; l 2. 0~ I '1-:2,_( .,,. W 1-:::. · ,:2. o PC:. P-x 2. .:::. J.../'D~ /, ~ C) -:" ·_. ~~ ~ s. r-. 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ~ 7:> Afvt") 12-t::L P?:1-: ~ -~,,.tr· . JOB L-~~ SHEETNO. ~_3. 1'{ OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY ~ J.A_ c:_ DATE I z_/ q 7-.. CHECKED BY {) i) DATE ____ _ ~ ==-\-:Sb\\\\: ~'12-. :: \ q '":\-- . l:32.'7--t:,,.;"" C~7..,K.. .. }.~ tl\J &-.. @ .. : /;, ~ l ~.. . Li q5:& y ~K.. eo~-z.....n cl\.(~ 1 •. £=--=?-~~. t.. , .2 I( ~ s:::.s:-" :::. I I \l . 4. q,?, I ti ll L = t-f S' . . :p-~ ~-' -F c.,. ..i. -= ~s--0 ~ ~ ,\_ >-> ).J s-: ? 'S 1' ~/~ U'Sf; . ' ,x Io ,:;; P.t'}l'-.A"::. P--=-7- Bt-~ .j2..l::::;~\...<.Joo;::::.... /'lo. z_ ~I ~ G~-(Cl:)) ~·') ct;..) (C1) (G1) -=-(tQ~o*--) Ci-~)(._1-0)(1-9)(1,oJ{o .. 9-r: ·······.:::..···7.,~ ............................ · .. C :i ') ~s-') ::_ t S"'3° ~ > t-3 ~ V--:1<:... ~ .2 $0.1-,.::;;. ' .'I -·, , -• ;:, ... 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 'i=b-f;>~· JO~---=L--=-;.._.;;;;,___~__.____, _____ __,.. ______ _ SHEET NO. ~. -=/-~·\J QF __ ..,___l __ _ CALCULATED BY . ~ M e__, ...lq=;---DATE /€:f--_ ,.--Phone (619) 497-2118 CHECKED·BV ____ D~v) ____ DATE----- I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I - .,- I Fax (619) 497-0429 · C-~c:..l<-~-s. ~-z. op-s~~ 7'6 ""'\O ? e:>~ CO J.-u M 'NS .. o " .I.'' 'I'' ,~ q> f'l.-p.\~1., 8 'L, \ t.. . I ,4-sS.vM '\S -. c:;; \N tr Li;: ~~ CotvJJ;:.'c...t'l~N ////ft' "-.J. 0~ 1530 ~l ~)C =< \ 2..\-2-,v<" E:::: \.\)(_\0~~+ ~c.~ =--o.~ . wf 0N1....'f .::i.. · t\'.¢ B DLT ~~\NG-J...01\--\~ -l 2.... -=t<.::. ::it-::> .1-=r-o i:J,.. ,/ Die._ ? ~ p~L + ~OT' +>\>J:>,1.-(._Cui...) . : • 'PDL. c.,01..-):;;.. I \po . ~ ::l\-, T::>"t::-, L. -::. t.s-/1./s-(194-s-.-"t-?J&t/2--+-Y'.5-?:: ~oo : ~ ~-, ........ ~~ ').:7~ [2.::-f;i'( 'R,oo r. "Mt ,.,_)I)~ h-,"2. ; . 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I '· I I I I I - I I I I I I - MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 1 'l '?,--S-'Ji;- i\ .t 831)'" \2-i- " r " /_b 1/ .. 7rvr ·JOB . Ll:-'tro.~ SHEET NO. __.t\-'-'-J 0-=------'-----OF ____ !-'-~--,---- CALCULATED BY _:-I=-"-M---C..._---'--__ ....;...· DATE __ 1'--2-_· +.-/ __ 't'__.:/: __ CHECKED BY --------------------''();...;v}:a.__ __ DATE ____ _ SCALE Ly C,,1-f: ¢:rt,~. - i'' .., JJ, 10'1 ·. 7r·. io~~-· ... ( I ] J i;,~,~- ':f:: :.. )8,'{--\-'80/-z.. +lloO ~ 32>'-/-rt. tz. :::.. t8 L.l-,-~/,_ -l-Hqs-t-l bc:i -:.. <3rrfl z11~1 ~- f!.z::. (3e'-/)(fc~) + ~~1 (/r:ftS') :: B-B>f/-'-;f. J;~ Rt = <Jn +-38'-I -tfi,; .:: 1-2: ~t ~ I I .. ~ I I~ MARTIN & MARTIN, .INC. 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'" -----·= I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civjl Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ' JOB L,b~ ~ SHEET.NO, ~ I '"'2-. . OF _·_t 'f_,___ __ _ CALCULATED BY --~---1..\._C-_____ DATE f ~ l 'z I DvJ CHECKED BY_·--__,...;;-----DATE ____ _ SCALE -t;_ '( C... If-~ -:-CA--c.. ri-e-1+ l LL.. u~ &-3/r /;> 14-e ~/ :i-'I /: l ,3 )( ?/8 1 _ 1 g~s:P~ tu/~~,~ .:x;;rvcs~~m0. ~ 'Cf 2.:i XV. =:. . 3._ T t le.) t.1 /, :=;-z.. ~/1, I/Se: Yv 11 F1LL.._,--_ v"o lL Ct--\-e-c.¥_ C..Ot-11vb-C...77ot-J @ TS SL1;c~ ,~30---1 . bt /2,,. CDL ---· [[,S'' , ~ = ~:s-){ t ~ J "2.. . ~ 1t1 . l : . . . . . = T_V' l)f'I\. . . . . -.lo . . --. . . . ; MARTIN & MARTIN, _INC. JOB U:::;---Z:,-0~ Structural & Civil Engineers · 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET.NO. ++ ) 3 r'f OF-----'---- Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CALCULATED BY. ~ M.~ CHECKED BY QW DATE_--'[_'2... ...... -1-/_,_'1'__:.r-_ DATE ____ _ Fe.,..!--~~ -P. cq.r K]. ·3-:~ --·-::.--·-'§;~'{ ? s..c -~ 21:, 2.. Ps.:+" . . . . . . COCOMKJ Lo fJtr bi \2--•• + -+ + .......... : ..... ( .... 3.s' 7 ' Vok:.: ---·-15·30 l(/2.. _ 5~ FD!<-s-j9•¢ -B,01-, :( ~ 1tJ(r·1-t:: S If=.~) . . . . ~ JI tvj c,...rt:?t;;:L-. ~ I ,i)E ? \.lt'l"l: q ~O ~ X l-~ ~ A J =a, t:°}.-'F=,-_ ·'1 1s3.o x: t '2... / ~" -.~ 2-o~.ot4-- r0~ s-/sµ ¢ 'B.~r C ?ov°BL~ -::;-~~"-) ~\ . w/,;. rec ... S-i.l)s 1''-"'1t~ ~ l q~tfo iC[ • ~-3 ~ z_ '{p ~ ?>+ . - · . '>. 20'-lO:t;/-,/4:~ · .... I I I - - = = .· - - ~ - - - -. - = - I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 .• ~ ~ . --. , ' 0 cif-i=.-z:~ Son_ ~~-Jt,./l,- . . I ~fz.: ~ /0>:;. ' . .. I( ... ·• ~ . \ ,roi c~ 9-~~ ,, tot.. -::: . ¾ )( e' X ,q'i~ )(3 .. 2- .. .. ' ' - -.. . , ' . . , ... .... JOB U:::;--e.:,-o~ . SHEET NO. . tt I ~ CALCULATED BY. -:S-M. L__ DATE CHECKED BY . pvJ DATE ----- OF __ f y_,__-,--__ I i-/°t. 9---.. /.. SCALE .1. <"Sit__ 6:-h~ · ' -; . . ' ' ' ' ' s ' . ' ' J :. I .· : : -·~-----"-----1 ~--~-· - A-)CI rl-L . .. t-o#.s."c, .. ~ pp~ ~ C si,"i ,Z.B'-l~) xz ), =f-k ( ?.!6: = · COL . r' . . . . . .. ,, ··--=-2 k . . .\:?L. ~~Mt.. .. -... - ?~;L Foo~: (/31:. ; -, '" , ... ' ./01,:. ' -: ·' .. 8,0t -~· s M -· .. i - -· ~P"-lj!ok-::::~ &'o~e• >-~i.:,:-,·-58 1 ' e. :=--· .. ~.,; : 3:_~/~--..,.,~oY Cf L{}.~ I .. ' -=-I ' raeo PsF ' ~ ,ffto !=:sr -.I -j .v:;K_ ' l ·-· .. US£" ~-5 X: t2> I X JS'' 'f:J-t:_~ : ~/Ju- r_j;/-#:--S::-@ (2, l/ 0 ;,.c_. - £~ W-k41· T~j3 - ' : .. -; s ; : ., 3 .t : 1 .. ' ' . ' ' ' l 2 --.. -. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBJECT Framing Design Column Design Slab Design SECTION I RUINED TURRET INDEX Basement Wall Design Pilaster Design Footing Design "Broken Arch" West "Broken Arch" East SHEET NO. 11-15 16-112 113-114 I14-I1S 116-117 118 119-125 126-133 } . MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. · Structural & Civil Engineers .· 7801 Mission Center Court· Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 921.08 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 l.,-Go-o l.--:-1\M:> JOB _____ ..;.___::; _________ _ SHEET NO ..... · ..... r __ ·_.._1'-----------OF _ _.°b..._5 ______ _ CALC~LATED BY -:s-Mc__ DATE ___,/c...;::;2..~/-°t.;...7-__ · - CHECKED BY . "()\}}· DATE ____ _ SCALE ?-vi~ Tl---P-12t:.:,. ~ Q./r=,:."'f""t..,e tf:1 LL.. . ·-------···--------------,--· - .. : ... CA-S7Z-~. f-!-1u_ ---/2.1.;1~_ T!-"~s=r-· . _ I [-. . . · :· ~~WN& &!S!bN . : ~M-., L-1 '' ff~ift:v . \J ,1 ?v"-· . /Y -. I ,, p~A~ 'Ji,' &:fr I 1-4!1--¼4--t--b_i' ~ ~-€ . ..... .:..... ...... . .... • .STt/C:C..0 _ ~ X ·8,.S .}:>L.-';:i . -:2. 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AXIALLOAD 5 10 IS 1?0 25 30 40 so 60 75 12 0.339 0.160 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDSIS8 16 0.339 0.102 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.339 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 0.923 0.673 0.358 0.111 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS2SO 16 0.923 0.557 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 211 0.923 0.358 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.554 1.470 1.045 0.696 0.394 0.123 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS350 16 1.554 1.317 0.807 · 0.394 O.G38 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.554 1.045 0.394 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.616 1.566 1.136 0.781 0.472 0.193 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS3S8 16 1.616 1.411 0.894 o.472 0.106 0.000 o.o6o 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.616 1.136 0.472 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.769 1.769. 1.393 1.030 0.709 0.417 0.147' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS400 16 1.769 1.668 1.146 0.709 0.324 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.769 1.393 0.709 0.147 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q.000 12 2.060 2.060 2.060 1.798 1.517 1.2so 0.994 0.511 0.061 0.000· 0.000· 20HDS550 16 2.~ . 2.060 1.895 1.517 1.163 0.829 o.511 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 2.060 2.060 1.517 0.994 . O.Sll 0.061 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.048 2.048 2.048 1.920 1.670 1.430 1.197 0.753 0.333 0.000 0.000 20HDS600 16 2.048 2.048' 2.00S 1.670 1.352 1.046 0.7'3 0.197 0.000· 0.000 0.000 24 .2.048 2.048 1.670 1.197 0.753 0.333 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.987 1.987 1.987 1.987 1.834 1.637 1.443 1.063 0.692 •0.330 0.000 A20HDS800 16 1.987 1.987 i.987 1.834 1.573 1.316 J.063 0.570 0.093 0.000 0.000 24 1.987 1.987, 1.834 1.443 1.063 0.692 0.330 0.000 0.()00 0.000 0.000 12 1.254 1.048 0.688 · 0.406 0.167 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ·o.ooo -1811DS250 16 1.254 Q.915 0.494 · 0.167 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0()()' 0.000 0.000 0.000' 24 1.254 0.688 0.167 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.244 2.244 1.784 1.373 J.015 0.695 '0.402 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18HDS3SO . 16 "2.244 2.105 1.503 1.015 0.594 0,219 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 2.244 1.784 l'.015 OA02 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.342 · 2.342 1.925 ·I.S06 1.140 0.811 0.509 0.000 0.1)00 0.000 0.000 1811DS358 16 '2.342 2.2511 1.639 1.140 0.708' 0.321 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 24 2.342 1.925 1.140 0.50') 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.580 2.580 2.315 1.888 I.SOB 1.163 0.845 0.268 0.000 0.000 0.000 18~DS400 16 2.580 2.580 2.024 I.SOB 1.054 0.645 0.268 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 24 2.580 2.315, 1.508 0.845 0.268 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 3.062 3.062 3.062 3.003 . 2.680 2.371 2.074 1.512. 0.986 0.490 0.000 18HDS550 16 3.062 3.062 3.~2 . 2.680 2.270 1.882 1.512 0.817 0.173 0.000 0.000 24 3.062 '3.062 2.680 2.074 1.512 0.986 0.490 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 3.059 3.059 3.059 . 3.059 2.875 2.599 2.332 1.819 1.331 0.866 0.203 18HDS600 16 0_059 3.059 3.059 2.875 2.509 2.158 1.819 1.174 0.566 0.000 0.000. 24 3.059 3.059 2.875 2.332 1.819 1.331 0.866 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.998 2.998 2.998 2.998 2.998 2.998 2.933 2.592 2.257 1.927 1.443 18110S800 16 2.998 2.998 2.998 2.998 2.998 2.819 2.,92 2.146 1.710 1.284 0.660 24 2.998 2.998 2.998 2.933 2.Sl!2 2.257 1.927 1.284 0.660 0.055 0,000 12 1.556 1.156 1.257 1.007 0.794 0.604 0.432 0.125 0.000 0.000 0.000 1611DS250 16 1.556 1.456 1.086 0.794 , O.S4S 0.325 0.125 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.556 1.257 0.794 0.432 0.125 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1715-P ~ !!!!~LY -- -- --lllll" .. -TADLE 5 -AUOWAlll.E AXIAL LOAD-DEARING STUDS .(ISIPSJ 12·-o· HIGH, BRACEL . ,·-o· o.c. SPACING AUOW WIND IN (psi) S'IUDNAME (in.) AXIAL LOAD 5 10 IS 20 2S 12 2,989 2.989 2.943 2.571 2.244 1.951 16110S350 16 2.989 2,989 , 2.688 2.244 1.658 1.512 . 24 2.989 2.943 2.244 1.681 1.196 0.763 11 12 3.228 3.228 3.224 2.834 2.492 2.183 16IIDS3_58 16 3.228 3.228 2.958 2.492 2.086 1.722 24 3.228 3.224 2.492 1.900 1.388 0.932 12 3.836 3.836 3.836 3.589 3.214 2.673' 16HDS400 16 3.836 3.836 3.723 3.214 2.766 2.360 24 3.836 3.836 3.214 2.S!l8 1.988 1.476 12 S.140 S.140 5.140 S.140 5.140 S,087 1611DS550 16 S.140 5.140 5.140 5.140 4.983 4,580 24 5.140 · 5.140 S.140 4.779 4.19S 3.648 12 5.101 5.101 5.101 5.101 5.101 5.101 16IIDS600 16 ~.IOI 5.101 . 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Structural & Civil Engineers . 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. · 1:.4 · OF __ '3_;? _____ _ CALCULATED BY _-:::r..;..-M_~-----DATE / 2-/ ~ t: Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 .. £>) . CHECKED BY ___________ DATE ______ _ SCALE l?:u I f'.-4:r~ · ~ -C,1-sT?.A~ ti, L.L . . --------.. . - ' 1 ) .! 5 .:: -:J I 2 ~ -1 $ ~ ':° ~ 1 2 l .! S "5 ;-'8 " i '.) ,.t $ !-j ~ _ : ~7tt{ Dc:"sl'crf-./ "@.§:::A:c..---n ~ s .... · u,Nt:, ;; H-1.-~ '- 9.'5 -v\-,~ . .. ·-----·. :-·· -----'$J, --.... ·-. . . 14.i .= . ;)_?/"$. tia~ ( e~~ -~2.) ~ \o.~/, . •. \ -=-CJ Ir' I . . /}.)1-::: w-:.. I \.j."3 rA/1 ,l'Z. y_ lr,;,/1-i.. /-Z.'10 ~2-=-C!i-:5')["3)(i-.~ )+· ti(~.0(Y,1SJ_.==-·72--ra~' g,s;-. ~-===-· \-\-\ ~ . @ ~) L '?,. > :i:-I ~ C ~.!>J -2.2 9 :. s-Y. 4 \=o~ -\-\-lL-"t""r, De;.. '.DDl--1e: ~ N1t-1.1.... cj:::. C!/;.1-=t-"f-:'iC t ~/110 e,v...Bt:::t:> l--9 1e-~ :Soc~r?.c:i,.',.. . f\j ""-\...Ow ::..: (2._·12,~ )C t.2,·~ -:.. ~ =t-"z"*i-. > ·q ~ * . 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Yes P-Delta Analysis Tolerance ........ 0.50% ==========================-<Joint Coordinates>-~-------------------------- Joint X Y Joint No Coordinate Coorginate Temperature ------------------ft------------ft---' ------°F ---------------------------1 --.0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 .. Q O -----· -· -· ------. 2 0.000 6.500 0.00 3 0.000 13.000 0.00 4 0.000 i6.000 0.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 4.0 Martin & Dunn, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 92108 RUINED TURRET Job: 960240 Page: 6 Date: 12/30/97 File: --------------------------< Boundary Conditions>=========================== Joint+-----Translation-----+ No X Y Rotation -·--·-· ·-------·-· .. · - - - - - - - - - - - -K/ in-- - ---. --K/ in-- - - - -K-ft/ rad-. - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 1 Reaction Reaction 2 Reaction Reaction 3 Reaction Reaction ---------------------------:-< Materials (General) ::,,--:------:--------------------- Material Young's Shear Poisson's Thennal Weight Yield Label Modulus Modulus Ratio Coef. Density Stress· -------------Ksi----------K$i------~--------~10AS°F----K/ft3-------Ksi------ STL 29000.00 11154.00 0.300o--o;6S000 0.490 36.00 . - ===============================<Sections>=====================·========= Section Database Material. As As I I T Label Shape Label Area yy zz yy zz C -----------------------------inA2--------------in~4----------inA4-------- SEC STL 1.00 1.2 1.2 1.00 1.00 ==================== ==========<Members>=============================== Memb Joints Rotate Section Releases Offsets Inactive? No. I J 90° Set I:AVM J:AVM I~End J-~nd Label~ Length -----------------------------------------in-------in---------------ft----1 1 2 SEC 6 .SO 2 2 3 SEC 6. 50 3 3 4 SEC 3. 00 --------------------------< AISC,NDS Parameters>=========================== Section Length Lb-out Lb-in Lcomp K K Cm Cb,B Swaf Member Set le-out le-in le-bend out ·in CH o i ---------------ft,----ft------ft~-----ft----------------------------------- 1 SEC 6.50 2 SEC 6.50 3 SEC 3.00 ==========================< Basic Load Case Data>========================= BLC Basic Load Case Load Type Totals No. Description Nodal Point Dist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ l WIND LOAD ====================< Member Distributed Joints Load Pattern Member I J Labe+ 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 4 UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM Loads, BLC 1 Pattern M\l,*tiplier 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 3 >===================== I .. -~_J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 4.0 Martin & Dunn, Inc. 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 92108 RUINED TURRET Job: 960240 Page: 7 bate: 12/30/97 File: ========================·====< Load Patterns>============================= Pattern Magnitudes ------. Locations Label Dir Start ... End· -s·tart····-·· ---End -------------------K/ft,F--------~-i/ft,F-----------ft or %----~--ft or%--- UNIFORM X -0.018 -0.018 0.000 0.000 ======================·===·< Load Combinations>=========================== No. Description BLC Fae BLC. Fae 1 WIND 1 1 BLC Fae BLC ------~,---· ·---·--. Fat BLC Fae RWPE SSdv ================== _·==== -== -=========== . ==== -===-==--===============. ========= Dynamics Input: Number of Modes ............ 3 Load Combination Number .... 1 Acceleration of Gravity. . . . 32. 20 ft/sec"2 Convergence Tolerance ...... 0.001 Converge Work Vectors ...... No ===================< Joint Displacements, LC 1 : WIND>=========-========== Joint +-------Translation-------+ Rotation No x Y · · ez" -------------in------------in--·---------rad------------------------------- 1 0.000 0.000 0.00062 2 0.000 0.000 -0.00022 3 0.000 0.000 0.00025 4 -0.020 0.000 0.00065 =======================< Story Drift, LC 1 : WIND>======================== Story +---X Direction ---·+ No. Joint Drift % of Ht ---------------in-----------------.------------~------------------------No Stories De-fined ... ------------------------< Reactions, LC 1 : WIND >==-·-===================== Joint +---------Forces----------+ Moment No X Y Mz - - - - - - - - - - - --K-- -- - - - - - -- - --K-- - - - - - -· --·--K-ft-- ------ - - - - - - - - -- - . - - - - - - - - - - -;, 1 0.05 0.00 0.00 2 0.13 o.oo 0.00 3 0.11 0.00 0.00 Totals: 0.29-· 0.00 Center of Gravity Coordinates (X, Y, Z) :. No ealculation f I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite. 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB _ ___,,L=-=-Eb-o;,.:_ :;..:::;_..::;1:::A:J'-:?t>~~..,..,:.--""------------ SHEET NO. _ _.,;;;~~t~O _________ OF __ ~_'.> ______ ,__ CALCULATED BY ""::r tvtc.. DATE _.,_,_I z_'--+-/9.........,_1-__ f)J . CHECKED BY----'------~---DATE----- SCALE RI /I r..JGI? . .. 1 2 J ., 5 e 7' a • 2 2 .: 5 s 7 3 1 2 :! .: s .s:-; a · z 3 ..=. 3 s 7 ~ • i J ...:. s_ ,s -~. ; 2 .:! .1 s s , a i 2 :1 .:. s ,: .. a · 2 -:. *-. ) I'!:) . : -' . ~-.. ~ .... " .......... ··;-..... . .. .)( .:::. -~~ • I ........ , ... 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STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 STEEL BEAM DESIGN RUINED TURRET COLUMN DESIGN BEAM DATA Center Span Length • 13.00 ft AISC Section Left Cantilever 0.00 ft Section Depth Right Cantilever ,. 0.00 ft Web Thickness Unbraced Length 13.00 ft Section Width Flange Thickness Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Section Area. Fy • ... 46 ksi Section Weight Load Duration Factor 1.33 rT. y Note: MINOR AXIS BENDING! Beam End Fixity :Fix:Free Date, 12/30/97 STEEL SECTION DATA ts6x6xl/2 6.00 in Ixx 0.500 in Iyy 6.00 in Sxx 0.500 in Syy • 10.40 in2 r:xx 35.31 # · r:yy 0.00 in APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads Short Term Load Distance To Load USING ts·6x6xl/2, 0.66 k 0.78 k 13.00 ft 6.50 ft SUMMARY Max Stress Ratio• 24.10%, Min Oefl. Ratio• 399.52 . TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS Page: = 50.50 in4 50.50 in4 .. 16.83in3 16.83 in3 .. 2.204 in 2.204 in Maximums... Actual Allowable 56.6 k-ft 40.38 ksi 110.40 k 18.40 ksi Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Moment 13.6 ..... Stress= 9.73 Shear 1.44 ..... Stress= O .24 Deflection .. -0 .781 fb I Fb : % lll\!X 0.241 fv / Fv : % lll\!X O. 013 Min. DL Defl Ra1!91'9:999999999998.00 Min. TL Defl Ratio• 399.52 Moments... M+ @ Center M-@ Center @ Left Shears ... @ Right @ Left @ Right Deflection.. @ Center ... at Reactions Reactions @ Left @ Right = 0.00 ft • @ Left • @ Right Placed for Max 13.6 1.44 0.66 -0.781 0.000 0.000 1.44 -0.66 DL . LL LL +ST LL LL +ST Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 -13.6 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 O.Q 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.00. 0.00 1.44 0.00 0.00 k 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 k 0.000 0.000 -0.781 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.00 0.00 1.44 0.00 0.00 k 0.00 0.00 -0.66 0.00 0.00 k J MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil ~ngineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 - I £2.,-z:,_ .. _l.--~ JOB .... ·--'-'-------.....,..------------- SHEET NO. __ ,,;;;;;:t:=· ~J-Z,.....::;._ _____ OF _ __,.;;.~...;::>'----- CALCULATED BY~~-...;.~·-:.::::L _________ DAT.E ... t ... 2-:==-,,,..../.;..9...:.71-__ _ CHECKED ev _____ ~O..;.µ ___ DATE _____ _ SCAL_E ~V/1'\.-t:D , 2 J .:. 5 -: ~ g • 2 1 .: s ~ -:-a • 2-;3 ~ ,: s ·-s. • ::: ::; .i 5 <c ? s •. '2 l .:. ; s 7 3 ? J .: . s a :-d 1 .? J .: 5 s :-~ .. i 3 .. ~-. ' ... .:.. ...... ----.:.,_ ~ .: --·-------- ' ..... h?:. 2 'l .\t .. ,_ ... -... d.\ J .. ~.~l ................ i:._·_:_ .... ~--... f-.:: t2-'i')U2.. t . , '"' 0-2-8~ .. k~~ A~ ~ \. 3 3> ··'t: .2,. I Lf, '{ 2.. -x: ( L. . ..... ··e ... '2. ~ ,'1. 1::,,..., . ·7_ .:S ~--I "'\,.. _;..._ _____ _ ·-: ' ( I I: MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. . . 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Neg (l-') distances Right Cantilever = o.oo ft End Fixity Pin/Pin . means load 1s on left cantilever ---UBil'OllH LOADS ---TRAPEZOIDAL LOADS . O.OOOk/ft@ Left, 4.SOOk/ft@ Right, Start@ 0.00ft -> 8.30ft ------a>IICEH'1R!ffl) LOADS------!PPLIRD DElf.lS -------# 1 = 2.020k at 2.00ft ___ _ # l: ·21.03k·ft@ 2.00ft ·-------- --------------------SOJINARY--,-"----~-----------bents Max. Span Moment = Max. Mon. Location = Min. Span Moment = Hin. Mon. Location = Max@ Left Support = Max@ Right Support = MAXIMUM MOMENT = '- V4.4D (c) 1983-96 EHERCALC 33.607 k-ft 3.536 ft -0.000 k-ft 8.300 ft 0 .• 000 k-ft 0.000 k-ft 33.607 k-ft -----Shears---- = = 5.640 k 16.300 k Left Support Right Support ---Reactions----,-- Lef t support = 5. 640 k Right support = 16.300 k ----Deflections---- Max.@ Span= -404117570.177 in at 4.15 ft ----------''---.--Query Val~------------- Between Supports @ X = 0.00 ft, M· = 0.00 k-ft, V = 5.640 k, Defl. = 0.000 h GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 1· I j I • .~°' l:"1:1'", ... I ·~ MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 . ~U6-S JOB . ucro~ SHEETNO. ItB · . OF • .-3? - ·/ CALCULATED BY . ~ M.C::: . . . DATE / z_. /ct_ g.. . CH~CKED SY __ __:,.P..;..~_..;· ___ DATE __ • ___ _ . SCALFf<U/0--GD ~-C,1-~/c-6 ff/L(_ S"~ 45 ~ C-fl .. •P-£ w A;-1.-1;..-_S ·psi-:.· ··. :_ · . .· · J.f(!) -X l'f .\t'-{_'f-1 · :· :::. 1,,,-. ,., -:3 . ..... ..... ::?(a.. 2.. (f,S.S "-'M ~ ~ i-·O t==-\ '·\l) ( s~r) , ; . 1,/Q X /'{ l'i.. t~ i-.. 3 k. c, tvi-') SL..-/tS 8/rz. x,,s--x -:rr ('_~'?)'-{ =-17-.. lti I.~ -.. . . 1-r:1--1 X .~/4'2.. x,8. ~ Y. /~ ~ ,i'1 k. °Poo77N6-"S.· ~ tJ I ,~ .I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 L-t:b-i) I ,1 A -,.....__ JOB---........;,..,.-L.-_....."l'f'-=-~_.> ________ _ S.HEET NO. I, \°[ CALCULATED.BY ~M. C' < CHECKED BY . Dti::> 3,3 OF-------- DATE / z_/ t:/ r DATE ____ _ , :: :; .: 5 3 1 ~ , 2 1 .: s 5 ; a • 2 :i: ~ s a '7 a • :? 3 .: s s ; a ~ 2 '1 .:. s a : a 1 .2_ ,3 .i s d ~ a_ 1 _2 l .: 3 5 ,. o : 2 ~ ••• • 4 -,:-... ' =-,. .. _,,. ...... a ·-·-·---··--... -·, . . ~ . . . · ...... · ......... :·· -F~··p't=.1b-*--r-C ~) ~ ····· . -S""tJC-Lo -c,_,,-.~/L-/rn\ j -J ~.s:-?SF y~·· f>L.,;:l ~ /, ~ ~ "F- = 'I ¾-~~ ,g ~1'.=-Au' M-t::--4- (j) 2. lC t/.5 X Zl,,;,'"f ~ x.··v.s-X l ::::: Col-V q, ,r rt.-SSj W\b~ 3 1-·=r :@ ;~ lE,) =- 2-·,c i(-S .. Y ~i;·i"": =- 3, S"e >< ;z. b ~ · ::: .bl ...... . 9-~7,p Z, (.. .=/- .. -. . . . . '. ·-· ... . -~ . 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I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. JQB_--',L ___ -1::.,--,-',;..,::--0::a.....L...d:{'vt:?=-i..~~--------- Structural & · Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. _ _.t=-2--~\ _______ OF __ ,3 __ ~---- CALCULATED BY -::SM-c. -DATE 1 ~ /9 r- Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY _____ !Jr,) ______ DATE _____ _ -2J4;5;-3•;?J!3~"3'2.J;:S.S7~'2.3-l:l-67;3"2J.JS\Si"l'.?J-IS6-a.i2J.!.5~-~1,2J -i.--1 -A.--~------------------------------- LIV 1,-L..::> ~ ----···. ·----. ---··;·-~ =-· ·cc.~ fir~ · ·······--·· --·- : C:_ =-. 1-0:~ [8'1'? C.1 Ut"'. 1'0 {'St_) . -··------. ·---···--··----··· . ·-. ~ ~-: ..... !· __ } __ , . _(s_ '._ ~~ ~.:. .. ~~-~-=-~ is..-=--i2\~ t==>::.4- -· ~.:: (_J. o 1c,) (), Y )LI i.-·1:. ':) {I .o J = ;-g 1:. 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JOB __ L;;;..._Gu-o_;;__._~~-=----------'- Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission·center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO._ ..... ·. :;;:i:+:__1.r,,:,·0..-:.::>:.._ ____ OF · 38 CALCULATEOBY ~MC-OATE ·1-z...../q '=t-- 1)/"° ,, Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619). 497-0429 SCALE . @:v I ~""D cHecKeo ev ___ _.:..f>.-J ____ OAre _____ _ lJ&1?:::t;:; I -'BA,t:.t:U v1<iut -~1·· •2:1.:.55:r5,z3..:5,1 .. ,a•23 ,. --------·----' I . L-/1~ --IE+-----· _+-'. -=t 3 '3 k. 11'1 I I i t I I I I I i '-::::: ' ~ ... ._ .. ... -\. , .,,..,. ••••• ..,,,,,•• ,,,.,.,, "'"""" "'•" """' :.,,,..,,,. ,., 3 ~ :::. o, -+f?;i q_ "'.' ... -··-·-··· ; i-/J go ~ a~ '::Jl/1-S:-)/12:-=,. -=ft;,1 :' . -::t: ~ =!-BC'i ., ·-vst:: ,s b>X~ x}"2 ~ Q_o1-vl'-A-tv \J'S.~ 1-",0Mt:.~ ~L-\e-C ~ IL : ~t:.7-0w ~ OP-r" ~Tt;:'l"L ~ ~ io \ca\ ~, \.'~ S (_ 6 I ) . ::,,. _/ fo, 2,.)-f ~l M--ll---~ · I-Y ( l 1c, ·• zy 1::-1 ) ~ · 2 z>F 'f E:.· t· ······--· ·· · h=32..l(' d,_:; "32.-3 =-·2.CJ't . 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STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 STEEL BEAM DESIGN RUINED TURRET BROKEN ARCH WEST Date: 01/02/98 STEEL SECTION DATA BEAM DATA Center Span Length · .... 11.50 ft--AISC ·Sect10n·-------·: ·ts6xoxl/2 -. .. Left Cantilever = Right Cantilever .. Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Section Depth O. 00 ft Web Thickness 11.50 ft Section Width Flange Thickness Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Section Area Fy -· ---46 ksi ··Section Weight Load Duration Factor • 1.00 rT. y · Beam End Fixity , Fix: Free -- APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads Short Term Load Distance To Load Dead Load Di stance.Jo Load .. 1.33 k 7 .00 ft -5.6 k-ft 11.5 ft - Applied Moments SUMMARY 6.00 in 0.500 in 6.oo in 0.500 in 10.40 in2 35.31 # o.oo in USING ts6x6xl/2, Max Stress Ratio• 35.01%. Min Defl. Ratio• 349.65 Ixx Iyy ~xx Syy r:xx r:yy TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS 50.50 in4 = 50.50 in4 16.83 in3 16.83 in3 .. 2.204in 2.204 in Maximums... Actual Moment 14.9 ..... Stress= 10.63 Shear = 1.33 ..... Stress., O .22 Deflection = -0.789 fb / Fb : % 1119X Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows fv / Fv : % 1119X Min. DL Defl Ratio= Min. TL Defl Ratio= 42.6 k-ft 30.36 ksi 55.20 le 18.40,lcsi 0.350 0.012 631.69 349.65 Moments. . M+ @ Center =- M-@ Center = @ L~ft @ Right Shears ... @ Left = @ Right Deflection.. @ Center at Reactions Reactions @ Left @ Right • 0.00 ft • @ Left • @ Right • Placed for Max 14.9 1.33 0.00 -0.789 0.000 0.000 1.33 0.00 DL LL LL +ST LL LL +ST Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft -5.6 0.0 -14.9 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 le-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.00 0.00 1.33 0.00 0.00 k 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.437 0.000 · -0.789 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.00 0.00 1.33 0.00 0.00 k O.OQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 le I I I I~ I MARTIN & MARTIN,. INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) "497-0429 JOB--,--~,;;_,;;_..-·----~-------------.,....----- SHEET NO. -----=:12=-..r:¥;..:,,,·""--· _____ OF __ ;_~----- CALCULATED BY · '--SJJ.C::::... DATE -""-'(~;;;...,.i.t-1;.__,;..1:-_. __ f> \? CHECKED BY--,-..,...,.--,-----------DATE ______ _ J :., .5 '3 1 s J '2 3 ,i 5 ;; 7 5 K z ~ .i. s a 7 a i '3 .: s -;l 7 s . 1 2 .J -1 s a ; : 7 2 . . ~I . --~--:.: ··---.-J-~.-,)t -x-1 "2--· ,:c-,oo o / s-9-~ 2. 5 3e;'P':!. _; _ · .. 3 .. 3 9--<: .. !s ~ 3Doo=9oop_ :, lJ<;;-c: . ).J. #:-s-{3;.+p.s ... .,. ... •• ~. •• , • • •• • • ',.,, .... -,i,., .......... -....... .,.,., •• ' f:14-6-H · ··s--risr ...... ,. ········ it,p. 2 '-~i".s~ , . :p, c...ir<S~ ( Mu..J ~ -i .. ' .......... -~ ....... _., .......... . ' ' I I I I·: ,~ MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB I_Eb-oL~. S_HEET NO; .I 1,.---~ CALCULATED BY ~ M.. C CF r DATE /~/ f 1- Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY -.0 t.,-) DATE ____ _ c::s r,21) C,..i"--{'2-e. scALE 'f2.-v 'rt-€P ru~r -7512-o!C-e.1'.i M..CAA . . .. ' . . . . . , .,_ . . , .. , .. ~-·· b~ :f-otr::> t'P"==·~) ··· <:.'rv a;o ( 2-II /A) I ~,t-rr+) ·_ -=- ,, ' .--I-.-! -h---(\ hj 1h · 1 I · 11 - n In I I .... 6 1-6"' -r---71 .Q) , (9. -·· 0) / .. ... ;''(9. -· p ~ y . - /~...S /. C: ~~ {6:) c.. -~~- L c;,s--PE::>,= ?: )(, £'.· )( ~. ,:. Ci) 2. x I /..S:-X 7-, b r-· ~ --·@ s:-. (?9-i( 2~ ·"-:;-~ (9 I/ ~ ~c.1,:;,7-~ :go, ~-,_ '-£ / I S,/'f .. /0.t:,'S F=f-9 S.F. 'TS f> X~ X 'ly Jt-/1 : , r,2/rv--l ;::_ . , " . .. .. --\ ·_ : I.I,..~,, . {!j_. S: r q: '3 ~/) X 1:(:V2. = _So· l~ --·-, .. . .. . .'Hi-~ E". . , ,,, ,, --- . --. ~ .... 3 " I~ '2-1-911 p~ .. 1:,-c;s. F " ft.s:-Psr-=-·rsvo,, 1 :=: :'3 :,-__1, . --= 3. ek ~ I . . . . • .• . . . ,. • .... • • ., --'. ···-... • •. ·---···--·--·-···--·---> _ ·cGr,~~ o.,~s-:>o-~~r) { 11~/2;,J ·1-(S)f3i)(1_0) ~ i ~, Q l-~ ~('2..1,. 9-') +.-( 5') ls) . .~ : 5,+i "f-'--v '. . . ~M.'6 ~ . . ' • -, •• ,,~ C .,._ ?: -~. n ~ ., :, .., ~ -. -... ~ -<."'-= "" :0 -I ""; .,.. .1 .!. .._ = -.. , "'le -l" ..::. .._ :<) -'• :'I ~ ,:, ;:. ..._ :C -~. "'I I MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB Lt:;.-r:.--o '::::6:-M,-::::. ~HEET NO. . i z_.,-:} _ CALCULATED BY ~ I.Ac_ OF-.;;..·· ;:;...;j~"------- DATE___.._1=2...-;;;.+/__,--f.._:;t.,-+=-_ Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 n.J. CHECKEDBY-----'-Y ____ DATE ____ _ SCALE R..v,~ f:kf=:~--r -13 ~ JC.e""'t\J , , • , , -, • , J , ; , , , , ~ , •• , • -, • : , , , • • , ; , , ; • , • • , , MC: ti; -~r ·, I/ ::: ·_ =t> .::... ·ce. ct tc:.. ::c~ Ce..;: \, ~-~ (c:;;'IC°F> C. 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB . L-Eo-D ~ SHEET NO. r 2:£) OF __ 33~------ CALCULATED BY __ -~~M..(::__...._..;;;;_· __ DATE ( 2..., p 1-=f- O \tJ CHECKED BY ___ __;;-.:..;_ ________ DATE ____ _ SCALE g.\A.Y¼::--S::, r--F-. ()Jz_ =---iB.b°t .)C ·$',-C,-=f-~-JO~ ? ~------ ·-Wt·::: l~-:to°t 'iC_.2_(.:i~=--5P ~L-r-__ ~ ... ; ·/Ji M.~'C ~ t/ Ofo X ~1 X CJ9 t-·( ~ 'lb.~~ 5,:~') =:. ,,-git; .. / . , r 3' ,1 I I I I I ·1 I I Jill r .. ?:f, ~ '-'\,36 v-\,3 c,, '?- 1-;6 W ~ fz, b:/-{2-) + 5{z:)J 19-~ = Joo*/, (.;oa 2> Xi3 ?,/;,.) +- , tq 'i>. L.-= ·® 00) L ~ (J.-J .. '3.J ~ J.-J.05 ~ I N.~i;)~.:c,.. :::Q:S.1 ~~Ct,5'') ~) o. '-Io . . - ?_§ 12-.. ~ M . .'~ -..r-c.72-F / 0 jMIAt ~-~1l ~:a ~-,_OJ-~'i_12-) /r90 ::._=f--f"l L t\--~L-~ o.-+ i \ ' ;L_ , 't-1- : \jse-'5 0 x <o ;c Yz R?.. -0su;..;. I I I f I I I I I I 1 .. I 1· I I I I I I· I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CNIL ENGINEERS . 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 · . (619) 497-2118/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN RUINED TURRET BROKEN ARCH EAST Date: 01/02/98 . PW ----BRAH DATA----------------'--ffllL SEClIOI DATA------------ Center Span Length = 11.50 ft AISC Section . ts6I6Il/2 Left · cantilever -= o :oir ft·· Section Depth · = 6. oo in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.500 in tyy Unbraced Length = 11. 50 ft Section Width = 6. 00 in Sxx Flange Thickness -o. 500 in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tern section Area = 10.40 in2 r:xx Fy . = 46 ksi section. Weight . . = . 35.31 #-. _ r:yy Load Duration Factor = · ·· 1.00 · · rT, y · o.oo 1n Bea11 End Fixity :Fix:Free = 50.50 in4 = 50.50 in4 = 16.83 in3 = 16.83 in3 = 2.204 in = 2.204 in -------------------APPLIED U>AaS-------"------------______________ ,__ Concentrated Loads----------------- Short Term Load Distance To Load = 1.39k 7.50,ft ---------------Applied Jloments---------'---------Dead Load · Distance To Load = -4.1 k-ft = 11.5 ft ------------------SOJIIIARY-----'------"---------- USING ts6x6xl/2, Max Stress Ratio= 33.99%, Min Defl. Ratio= 377.49 . _ Maximuns... Actual Monent = 14.5 .•.•• Stress= 10.32 Shear = 1.39 ..... Stress= 0.23 Deflection = -o . 731 fb / Fb : % nax fv / Fv : % max Min. DL Defl Ratio= Min. TL Defl Ratio= V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Allowable ------TABULAR SUJll!RY 01 WAD <DIBIIATIOIS------ Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows 42.6 k-ft 30.36 ksi 55.20 k 18. 40 ksi Moments .. 0.340 0.013 873.44 377.49 Shears ••• H+ @ Center = M-@ Center = @ Left @ Right - @ Left = @ Right = Deflection.. @ Center = at Reactions Reactions @ Left = @· Right = 0.00ft = @ Left = @ Right = Placed DL LL L1+ST LL LL+ST for Max Only @Cntr ·@cntr @Cants @Cants 14.5 1.39 0.00 .,.0,731 0.000 0.000 1.39 . 0.00 o.o -4.0 o.o 0 .• 0 0.00 0.00 -0.316 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o k-ft o.o -14.5 0.0 o.o k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o k-ft 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o k-ft o.oo 1.39 0.00 0.00 k 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 k 0.000 -0.731 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in . o.oo. 1.39 o.oo O.OOk o.oo 0.00 o.oo 0.00 k GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 MARTIN & MARTIN, .INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 .............. ;. ·-. JOB -t,.t§>::r'O~ SHEETNO. · 1. 3) OF 33 --~---- CALCULATED BY ::::} MC---DATE _:....;1 "2...;;;;;.+-l :t.>......:.~-- CHECKED BY ()IJ,l DATE ____ _ SCALE ?V\r,..t;-:£) ~~ -~~~ ~c.#- f=-o~ S Ji?p,o~.,..-C:A-1-C\...t.A-,-a:: M CF f{JD ~o---17h-.(J?-~~--:.1"91-L. :M·::..--· ; ~-.o s· t.<:--\ ··+···{1;~Ci 1c){e.2-1 ) :: 1~-"l ~' · M/4{_. =-!S>l lc 1 'I 1-Y:::. 2-1-~ 1 ..... \ ~ ~ ?'2.-'\. ' ' ol ~ g 2. -~ 'l .::... 2..; ~, J, 'f ~ ~2~-( 2q)'2./i2..ooo ~ 2r 2-'/ K..,_. ~ ?-I-QI L-2. L( = 9-,_ 3. s;:'q ~ pr;,. 1 -A ·:,. / • ~ 3, "/( • 0 0 \ ~ . (9 t) I ?, A-5 ==-.. oo \. '.; 3 K [3 2.. J (. 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" ---· .. ·::· .... ·:: ........ .-'· ....... 5,.. 2. 2-· ~ .. ... . . , y.9 S .'e=-\ \~ 3 °J t.. _ ( °1• ~ _ T"_ I _b:'r-;_~z..) \_ '-{. ~ '-c 6:,-I y &, I x:-·( Bl\·~~ -··· .. ..... ~. LD/ 7 "# 5 /;;-If-ct(-£,t,,~;:j €, -_Bf) tro M "[ J . , ' ··-· ·········-'"" .... : •• ••·••••• •• ····-··--•• --:--~--·.' • 3 -===------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I ( MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN RUINED TURRET BROKEN ARCH EAST DESIGN DATA AXIAL LOADS. Al low. Soil Pressure .. 2500.0 psf Dead Load ... Short Term Increase =-1.33 Live Load • Base Pedi sta l Height O, 00 in Short Term Load Date: 01/08/98 DIMENSIONS Width Along X-X Axis ~ength Along Y-Y Axis Thickness -"' Page! ~3 Of 33 Seismic Zone 4 ... Ecc. Along X-X Axis ,. Overburden Weight 0.00 psf ... Ecc. Along Y-Y Axis • 5.22 k 0.0 k 0 .. 0 k 0. 00 in 0.00 in Column Dim. Along X-X Axis .. Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis= 6.00 ft 6.00 ft 18.00 in 6.00 in 6.00 in Live & Short Term Loads Don't Act Together Concrete Weight ·· = -145.0 pcf Y-Y AXIS ROTATION FORCES .... Pressures@ Left/Right Moment: DL 4.1 k-ft 0 .. 0 k-ft 14.4 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k Shear: LL Short Term .. . DL LL Short Term = Soil Pressure D+L Max Pressure 475. o psf X-X AXIS ROTATION FORCES •... Pressures@ Top/Bot Moment: DL Shear: LL Short Term• DL LL • Short Term .. SUMMARY Mu/Phi 0.0 k-ft 0.0. k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00. k Moments & Shears Max. Allowable ·Allowable Pressure = 2500.0 psf 'X' Ecc. of Resultant = 3 ..7 i_n 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant = 0.0 in D+L+ST · 912.4 psf 3325.0 psf 16.-9 in 0.0 in Vu:1 Way = Vu:2 Way .. -overturning Rati<l" 3.1 k-ft 7 .1 psi 5.8 psi 2.1 :1 93 .1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5':1 Service Load Pressures .... DL + LL Dead+live+Short Term Factored Load Pressures .... f'c Fy AC! Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 Rebar CL Clear to Soil • Min. Steel % = FOOTING DESIGN 3000psi 'm'= Fy /(.85f'c) 60000 psi --Vn:1. .. 2(f'c)A .5 3.5 in _ Vn:2 .. .4(f'c)A .5 0.0014 FACTORED SHEAR FORCES Left 250.0 psf . 0.0 psf Left 350.0 psf o.o psf O.Qpsf Right 475.0 psf 912.4 psf Right 665.0 psf l277 .3 psf 821.1 psf 23.53 109.54 psi 219.1 psi Top 362.5 psf 362.5 psf Top 507 .5 psf 507 .5 psf 326.2 psf ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 3..74 psi Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear 5.69 psi 5.82 psi 0.8lpsi -2.63psi = 2.96 psi 7.07psi One-Way: Vu@ Left One-Way: Vu@ Right One-Way: Vu @ Top One-Way: Vu@ Bottom = Mu/Phi @ Left Mu/Phi@ Right Mu/Phi @ Top Mu/Phi@ Bottom 1.89 psi 1.89 psi 1. 89 psi 1. 89 psi FACTORED MOMENTS ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 0.4 k-ft -1.1 k-ft 1.3 k-ft · 3.1 k-ft · 0.9 k-ft 0.9 k-ft = 0.9 k-ft 0.9 k-ft -1.69 psi 4.54psi l._21 psi 1.2_1 psi ACI 9-3 -0.7 k-ft 2.0 k-ft 0.5 k-ft 0.5 k-ft SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STABILITY 186.23 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi Ru 5.3 psi 14.8 psi 4.1 psi 4.1 psi Factor of Safety: Y - Y AXIS X - X AXIS St!!tif. 9-.67 :1 Short Term 2.13 :l_ --None--Factor of Safety: --None-- As Req.'d -0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft ·-~ Bottom 362.5 psf 362.5 psf Bottom 507 .5 psf 507.5 psf 326.2 psf