HomeMy WebLinkAbout1006 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; 82-40; PermitDECLARATIONS 1LENDERWORKER'S COMPENSATION OWNER/BUILDER CONTRACTOR1EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITYGRANTING OF THtS PERMITOC2tnmOCmz rr O-n -fXm f 1 ir•^ CD T)IOzm a [ I» ;i !STHUCTiON WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN ORKEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAE/lC> _i- >O AGREE TO SAVE (NDEMF*ABILITIES JUDGMENTS COD 1 hereby affirm thai there is a constructionlending agency 'or the pedofmance of the wort< tor 1*fiich this permit is issued (Sec 3097 Civil Codel j55 °£}^E CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJUfARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRE0 TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY C-c O ij rnJ APPLICATION AND PERMIT AND DOALL INFORMATION HEREON 1NCLUDFURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PAND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILD(fi — z m ^ 3. en 3 CT S O rn »£3-<mZ Z^ „ X 03a o z wm •<AEEUipANT S S'GMATUflE * OWMER^C CONTRACTOR Df T) r\ S 5 ^ CJ Q P'i Htion Evory psrrit rasuod by Ihn 6ui'de sh-H exp ts b/ .TJIBHOI und becc"i3oniod by cuch psn.irt ii nol coramnncecnit, or if the btiildlop or work authorsdorcd s! ;ny I.rrj tirtar the worh -3 conmg Official under thenUI and void If thewithn lEOdnysiromi*d by such permit•mc-icod 'or a periodarovi oions of tfiisHuriding or workthe dafe of suchS suspended orof 1HO davsf /* AN OSMA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER5 0 ' DEEP AND DEMOirTiON O3 CONSTRUCTION OFSTRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT- fCERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FflOMWORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE(This section need nol be completed if the permitis lor one hundred dollars litOO) or iess|[J I certify thai in the performance of the worV lorwhich this permit is issued 1 shall not employ anyperson m any manner so as lo become subject 10the Workers Compensation Laws of CaliforniaNOTICE TO APPLICANT II after making mis Centficate of Eiemption you should Become subject toIhe WorVers Compensation provisions ol Ihe LaborCode you must forthwith comply wilfi suchprovisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked-—i— immoJ\O •v <; o C/Jo 33 TOTAL FEES PAYABLE-SN ^ ^» ^— ••^^ *-TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS)s *— —^ — — . •^ ^ 7 « 1 ; ^j f om33oS-DI/} ^ **** •*. J\ *-. ^>. \ hft 1 $ 1 TEMP POLE ?GQAMPS^ — XN "" PI — —r-t \ ^^ \ . ) ^%3 REMOOEL/ALTER PER CIRCUIT^ ^o -n m » OJ 3 o 0)UlenroOl OUl 5 T3 ^ • !• cz3 \ - flJ=3 O g o en en Ul o(Jl (O 'EXIST BLDG EA AMP/SWT/^IHt— ^— — -•*-Oi —io33 (7) '' m Ol cnro O LO ' D?io2Soc?IV o\ - —-o*-—Io3; C73m —I C/3 \ • cu trBJ 1 -1 CT1Ul Ol o UD a1*3 COMPANYLn 1 hereby allirm thai 1 have a certificate ol consentlo sell insure or a certificate ot workersCompensation Insurance or a certified copy ifiereol(Sec 3800 labor Code) 'POL ICY NONEW CONST EA AMP/SWT/fJKR-^o o—1o 33 \SCHOOL FEE DISTRICTO-1ELECTRICAL PERMIT ISSUEk»i. o COOi— yiCOcm \ \ CD31 CJenm-n m *•PUBLIC FACIL— i •Tl -nmm oOo l£>OJCO 5fa \TOTALPLUMBING | "*2>-fbl'f*~TOTfiL MECHANICALC*^iv (/>-Q r~m en o -U 'i V cz c oz a>Ul CTl o otn to 3fiv^h c* «T \»iao-nOzo(f>a c o aa .b. Cn k I —133C/3OTlZm331 RELOCATIQN OF EA FURNACE/HEATER.MOBILEHOME PARK INSPr 1 lamp.pmnlimrtiv Sf>r R A PCThe Contractor s License Law does nol apply to anowner ot properly who builds or improves thereonand who does such work himself or throuQh his ownemployees provided Ihat such improvements arenol intended or offered lor sale II however thebuilding ex improvement is sold within one year otcompletion Ihe owner builder will have the burdenot proving thai fie die) not bu^ ONjrnprove tor thepurpose of sale) *~^^£^^_O 1 as owner ot the properly am eiclusivelycontracting with licensed contractors to conslrucithe protect (Sec 70*4 Business and ProfessionsCode The Conlractor s License Law does not applyto an owner of property who builds ot improvesthereon and who contracts for each projects with acontractors) license pursuant to the Conlractor sLicense Law)'EACH VACUUM BREAKEREACHINSTAI. ALTER REPAIR WATER PIPE^MECH EXHAUST - HOOD/DUCTS-N. 3oro r~ O o Ooo ro m -n Z (Sl Zcn m a o 1 3mo1C z o o ooo S"X 1 \ ••EACH GASSYSTEM6,OR MORE4 METAL FIREPLACEm mo— iX tr. o o o •^i '. --*"-*EACH GASSYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS*BOILER/COMPRESSORS 15 HP<; — to— 1 -o1— CD •z.en o •000-4222VEACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENTJ •BOILER/COMPRESSOR UPTO 3 HPX \ -D Z On:mo o ooo -e-CD 8H 0 \EACH BUILOINGSEWER^I OVER 100QOOBTUk C/3 CD Z m333 — i o ooo J • -.-"EACH FIXTURE TRAP-s*.<%i ^INSTALL FURN OUCTS UP TO 100 000 BTUJ^ ^i \ 03 O Z. ~o 33 O 000 4220-X ex1 oTJr~ayBING PERMITC/)cm -t $ OH MECHANICAL PERMIT - ISSUE1 . •SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUM03mX i >CENSUS TRACT-orZOCwmPARK/JG SPACEmRES UNITSO NG PERMIT ISVQ N DMCmO REDEVELOPMENTAREAYD NDr"TT"~l 1 Z J Onn rO D < 2 ft. $fJ* 31 hundred dollars (1500)lai as owner ol the properly or rny employees/wiTh wages as Iheir sole compensation will do thework and Ihe structure is nol intended or offered lorsale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code^ c?r>^It:r^, i^ 4r ^<* — ^c Ips^~"7 3 ^P 'Q R D ^ za Tlr9 mrm 1^*-/°z\ 2O\m \ ^^^X\J .^ -o ^\ S\ ^ -Oo - UJU) § IK-CD 8T "^ g I-CD £> ro ^ COU cntno-o 1 hereby affirm that 1 am eiempt from (he Contractor s License Law for the lol lowing mason (S*c7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any city 01County which requires a permit to construct•HOT improve demolish or repair any structurepnor (o >ts issuance itsa rwji/rres the applicant forsuch permit to file a signed statement that he <slicensed pursuant to the provisions ol the Contractor s License Law (Chapter 9 commencing withSection 7t)OQ of Division 3 of Ifie Business and Professions Code) or thai is eiempt therefrom and thebasis for the alleged eiemption Any violation ofSection 7031 5 by an applicant for a permit subjectsine applicant to a civil penalty ot no! more than livek•*4. '^ V -g> >DESIGNER S ADDRFSSDESIGNER S PHONE^.DESC1IPT1ON OF WORKi-oHBLOCKSUBDIVISIONASSESSO R PARCEL NOo s ' m IP H 5* 0 iaa H Hm r nm Z m *STANDARD PLAN ItN! i V O•xj 5 0 0wO t«J -n |8^Sm White — Inspector Green — (1) Finance (2) Data Process, Yellow — Assessor Pink s3 Applicant •^_ o"-* s>r^v 1/1£ S ^^^J CONTRACTOR S ADDRESSLICENSE NOT) 1*1 1 * if 09r OClc mnoom >*• m^ *ct " J^£ o 0 I m X- 0 tD i J> 3(n - £. ii £_CONTRACTORS PHONE nNaz"m M >f~] 1 har«by^^Fn that 1 am licensed undorprovlalons o) Chapter 9 (commencing withSoction 7000) of Division 3 of the Businessand Professions Code, and my license is mtull force and effecthr. Nn Cla«•— °o I0 oQ 03wfC 0 DATE OF APPLICATION6-<&-feZBUSINESS LICENSE #(W^ * f "310^ X — ^^^^^ ^ 1 aam7 1 *• CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT • APPLICATION & PERMIT 91200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438-5525"\iI0<>T>30mt/»trtX»yoa r» V j -er D'3 ~ C T P 1 3 3iC: 3] ( i Gold — Temporary File DECLARATIONSLENDERWORKER'S COMPENSATION OWNER/BUILOER CONTRACTORa a3 -o= cg^-5 o 3 d - _5 o*" £= 6 £ ^ S ? 5 ^Sn*"Pn o^S » °4» «|5?S2~ *?Cn **if z 2oo-i*x ~° 5 i'3 P321 SrT g TIO » ~Hill^^o,o »I.-3 nO IT3 miiiW C 3 ti(D (J O c^3*0.5" 10 31 ?- 3J SE•sfesi"OSc"4!>n2!>i;Ci2-illllse*?>-S3:«^fcliiB'm _ > * Jejp^0 os S>co*^ilss° OH50||| -*»Szj-t^1 e z2I! *carm o e ^-wm -f pteoriitD ionnor&oftor wsf suedANs'oSTRHTS OofTOTAL FEES PAYABLE* o C/JCOcm O TJTJn O ZH O•n H I Z V)z> DmD >3)m> >z D Dmo > 3D3ozto White — Inspector Green — (1) Finance (2) Data Process, Yellow — Assessor Pinker Applicant Gold — Temporary File CERT OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED- * w SPECIAL CONDITIONSBUILDINGt5- , j J i - •^ CD <> n3J<£r*r---./ .'i- , ~- - ' 'ELECTRICAL,i'^\ ^ u - ' - J ' ' , * -N i i*''* ' ,CALL FOR FINAL INSPECITEMS ABOVEJOB SITE FINALPLUMBING^ji ^r< §^L_^_CO §HI ;>^ \^ ^ p"5o ^' cb oT)' • 51^( S.'."5 J * : - •*< •> -„ [ i • - „- - ' , J - , - \ ' 1 - ^ - f ' • •VENTILATING SYSTEMS-1,'HEAT — AIR COND — SOLAR-2CO— 1mSCO•1',oCoH29TJTl£33TlTlT)13ZD MECHANICALG F 1 - SMOKE DETECTO33 COOD=~i ELECTRIC SERVICE(/— .'.— f V ,- * ^ROUGH ELECTRIC!Li I-1"/ *ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND£f TEMPORARY POWERs-1 1 , 1 Y\ I f" !<' f ELECTRICAL*_ i C/)HmtoiPILES CAISSONS X .•--,-i / _ 1 TUB AND SHOWER PANPLUMBING TOP OUTSPECIAL MASONRY^4 'PLUMBINGSEWER AND BL/COPI iiMRiwn i iNDFRr;RniiwnHIGH STRENGTHBOLTS ^J FIELD WELDINGL INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALI[^POST TENSIONEDCONCRETEEXTERIOR LATH INSULATIONPRESTRESSEDCONCRETEFRAMESTRUCTURAL CONCIOVER 2000 PSIjjmH IT 0 Tln oH S0 OmOCOCCDTl5m OyHmO335HSOUS COMPLIANCEPRIOR TOFOUNDATION INSPMASONRYINSPECTIONO 133mm 00 m ^nD >Z> go r~ a Hm ' DnZnDD-\n/iHnn REQUIFjjmO c/i Tlm _ Z C/) "DmO 6 CD TJmO-1 O oHm n D5?5>H57~ DOC1—DFIELD INSPECTIO\ ...Z 3]m O D ,INSPECTION TYPEDHm-enT3m_ OS " • DECLARATIONSLENDERWORKER'S COMPENSATION OWNER/BUILDER CONTRACTOR — Inspector Green — (1) Finance (2) Data Process, Yellow — Assessor Pink — Applicant Gold — Temporary File '\om3]roTtoccupy'-<COCOcmQ•>enPECIAL.CONDIHOZen--CD.UILDINCD-'•Oen'f,'"i-i-*/5mOI>ZO'r-mLECTRIor~-'! ',1 TJr~CSCOz--e_O00{/>HmTlZI-E7/1 2O-n <•ENTILATING SYSTEMS~_ _,_' .-,TJmH15oozo1coo>TJCOmCO,!1'•1 ocoBPTJmS33mTlTJTJo—MECHANICAL—-CDTtSMOKE DETECTO3)—,-COONDING„--•1 mLECTRICSERVICE t__„.=r TJOcImi—.ECTRIC— ~-•-mLECTRICUNDERGROUND,_-<L —4•EMPORATJTJOmTJ—£.•*•%V\'ELECTRICAL-_-'^*'Qen-fmHIi,—*j icCDz'°,SHOWER PAN__-.,TJLUMBINGOTJOCH—,TJLUMBINGI—1 CO1'rrrmQr-OO—-,-•*.^1 i,l„ PLUMBING. —--4**,_XTERIORLATH & DRYWALi——1 V mXTERIORLATH INSULATION— —Tl33m_—.1-p enHEATH IN—,-ni—OO33fiPCEILING SUB FRAI<;m_---ozHmO33"O33H„_'-•;'•'•,'*J*^lASONRY-„i 33EINFORCmaenmn---nOUNDATIOz-—,BUILDING_:'INSPECTION TYPE;,om ^NVI-fcm r'-v—io \* rrt 1t1 1 ,; 1 " ! i j- ii <*iCiii[ ; * t i 1 1 • * •'i i* /"/ ^ * i 1 ' j - -_ 3 > ' ~" 1* ' ' * " ^s1 L, " t , - : *• " - ^ 1 i •v *'' p 1 ' i i1 T ' -1*.»i "f\ ' '} l) '• /' i/ s* i j ^T */i/ i, ffj1**r V 1 . ' V 1 1 *t 1 f1 'S ''. '': "si ' / >,.' j/ 'jy,* ^ , • 'j ; } ', - 1 J , , f * - i _ *• 1 f *i , , r '^ _ ., - i j • -- i l I ' ' -c i ' iL t _J ! 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O t, + , ' 1 1 FIELD WELDING^1 /~ fI 1 M -f t <-!i !. ^ --POST TENSIONEOCONCRETE, • ~* - ' i -> i - J" ^ , | . 1 PRESTRESSEDCONCRETE- , ~ ^ - ' ' i • - t i - t'i c , 1 ,1 STRUCTURAL CONCRE| OVER 2000 PSIH . m - , _ - r~ - ,-\ •« o r^ -FOUNDATION INSP* , - . i 1 SOILS COMPLIANCE- - - ZC/1Tlmo/'d O~} o133 00 m ^a __NSPECTORAPPROVALCO D -tm ~ , , 1 t **- ' r ' •L 1 t ; t . _REQUIREO COT)mO j— Z., CO Tl 'ECTIONS, ' Z CO TJm O H O ID CO ZOHmCO FIELD INSPECTIONjjm O O - '' 'f f ^ DECLARATIONSLENDER WORKER'S COMPENSATION OWNER/BUILDER CONTRACTORI 1I is I O 1 hereby affirm inat there is a construction jlending agency 'or the perlormanre of the *orx forwhich this permit is issued (Sec 3097 Civil Code), iiI HAVE CAflEFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED 'APPLICATION AND PERMIT AND DOCERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PEfiJUflY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON 1NCLUDDECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PISSUED TO COMPLY WITH AIL GltY COUNTY AtJB STATE LAWS GO^RNING BUILDSTffUCTJCW, JWfmER SPE&f&B Wt#£Htf OR WOT J »USO AGREE TO SAVE INO^MI>KEEP HARMLESS- THE CITY OF CAfllSeAts AGAINST ALL UASM-mCS JUDGMENTS COEXPENSES. WHICH MAY M ANY VW< ACCRUE AGAINST SAiD GiTY 4M CONSEQUENCEGRANTING OF THIS PERMIT*T1 </; -< ^ |2 CD (Tl m c a :z- <fl m -c A IX £ CD xo m a c « Q1 V v£V Ol;>! o 31 D 8 "H a -a~onO mD 03 O >2 *Code shall exptre by limitation and become rrull arid void if the bgauinortzed by such permit is not commenced within 180 days ifom Itpermtt, or t! the buifding or work authorized by such permit 13abandoned at arty time after the work ts commenced tot a period o1! n " L1 1 V '. 3: i• • *.:* AM OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATOMS OVER5'0 DEEP AND DEMOtrriON OR CONSTRUCTION OFSTRUCTURES OVER 3 STOfllES IN HEIGHTJ( Certified copy is hereby lu'nished'^C^^*"'CERTIFICATE: OF EXEMPTION FROMWORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE(This section need not be completed if the permitis lor one hundred dollars (11001 or less)n I certify that in the performance of Ihe work forwhich this permit is issued I shall not employ anyperson m any manner so as to become subject lothe Wooers Compensation Laws of CaliforniaNOTICE TO APPLICANT It alter making this Cenilicate ot Exemption you should become suCiect loIhe Workers Compensation provisions of the LaborCode you must forthwith comply with suchprovisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked33<T\ o— H t/3O Ho |— mm C/> Tl CD|—m O c* ^1•?^ K> \ mooztoOO5C/J Omaa5~D —1OmoC/l moOn33o -c o o -n C/) o O) en O) o 10 X -uc: C/l a an o ai CT>POrji Otii XSi— <CDamTJS—I 3)O C/li—1Ozo m airji en o 13X C/J oza en — i ;*:en Ofu Q. CO a> o to ^Oo1*tK1mSooen—I&j:eoen* 5 oo ID—1O 33 V O oo -n cn—i33 o—i no£Z / 'JZ I hereby affirm that 1 have a certificate ol consent [*to self insure Or a Certificate of WorkersCompensation Insurance or a certified copy thereof(Sec 3800 Labor Code) ^_POLICY NO ^eH^£*V2&>^ ]'omt—mOH%-QmHC/Jcnc:m OH Or~ Cm CD33 OI7Jm Tlmm 13 O — 1rnen-nm o z> o LO — (o-oCOen — iO— t rr-o ri -n 33 33 33tn n 4*.O [/ C7J C O5CJT Ol a oCJl o3:zoO-nO335 C/Jo CZI ooa 'IS—(ma—i33 33mr-O —I Zo-n m -nC 33 m m -Hm 3) O m o -D 33 Ztn mooCc:CD33mZD I X X cCO— 1 1 Xooa — i oCD mzco m o CDoo 9 Ci ^c5CDB-i:rmco—I— Hza31m1S-a m — i -n C/l O aco— < o o o ooCD 43- _J,_ ^ _ _ „_„._ "£fiip^o rfs*i^i*L:Hs lisssi^iffiRf ^Ihlfli I;flhfl!?|l! 5liifiii!!l?iis }it insff-!ifs Ififfiiflin IflipgSilsffC!— tLTO —1 -n ID 5=O m — i•2 a ooa S 8 moCTCOCO—1-HOO— < CD D r—m O S men O a: -iO-H r—c: 2 CD oo ro mo— tmImOzo—i CD D m 33 c 33m C/5COo ZD —I O I O mo o ooCZ1 -t.CDOOJ IT1nccomeommZD O m a ooo O3 -1C en rn 33 ^H a > S o rn-r?X—13)m3313 ZVI— \ -n 33Z HCO C- HO oo oCD O3 H CD g CD T3m 33 ^ OOO oHTJr~CCD~Z.O13mHm O mO31 "Z. O r— "Dm H COO) m COc -< oooc?.-1 ~z.c DOm33 nmZCto-io-(OrZDCCOmTlZnenOm 31 Ul C7. -\M O O z^ O 3] m eoCma mO < a z n -iO •<Z -n -I Onn rO O -< 2a S £ en D i ii a ' 2 D r31 mr OJ-iOz men Onn moc 11 * | K* OmCOnz 31en, OD m OmW O •oIO2m ao ^j ra 5" ro 151 1 0 C o a0 Sa o a rm O6 n0 *-nO« M[Ca(52WrncoO33 "C SOrni— O Om 5«m33 CO Hm r 5m Z m tt H Z D 3)a •Dr Z a (D Oz o •n8 om ***» qj*^\ t V) *v^ n Vj\ ^ ? y m(n V w Vl x' 1 T)r z a r D CVIm nOO f m3I11S L • mVl s t) 1 ^ i I\ 3) *^i m 1m Q 1 horeby affirm that 1 am licensed under 'provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with 'Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business iand Professions Code, and my license Is in ilull force and effect . _Lie No.^jf^^&^CIass £^£2 - 'U*^^1 H O -4m C•n tl T)r n Ho f z' m rc -H OZ oO a fO | C y n^.^ m CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PEF1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438 5525H i USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONSWhite — Inspector Green — (1) Finance (2) Data Process, Yellow — Assessor ,- nrp|nk — Applicant Gold — Temporary File\ CERT OF OCCUPANCY ISSUEDenTJmor-noo_o BUILDING- •.'ti•*4fif(t /' e 5 => rCO C51/ c'- 3,, rflj"'" "-* "~*s'))rf*i,"\'j'ELECTRICAL. — fi•tV,'•'1itf•s'.•'[/'ft<j1i "> "•• *" i> t r"" 3 4 (y -V £r•*"-, i ft* i$ V / -ff /!> ,7 0 !?),'i i: r/ H -f '*£ "/"i* i/ ^.tT**' *? 1 ,, "j ,PLUMBING<_OCDC/>Hm•nz>i-•~—fif-'s*''I^1J1f1.;/*»%"'/fy*f"(.1 li^ j^>Co r~,*> =Da 5:o sgXi m^1 OS 5^ $~rTl_^~S "c5 ^* ^5 r-^ jiO "^^ *3HI 330 0•^Sj3n VENTILATING SYSTEMS—,'-*•-•:r1.Js''Im5i^>~ooz18!~XcnCOrrr,MECHANICALnilPT & PI FM RFF PIPINfJl__ — —G F 1 - SMOKE DETECTOTJ BONDING*"•—ELECTRIC SERVICE-~-—ROUGH ELECTRIC- — ^ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND— .TEMPORARY POWER— -ELECTRICAL, —oCO-1mCOH_ —HCro^ /DcnXOmX-D— -PLUMBING TOP OUTj/- —o cnI mE mD X^ 2- °,^iIfD' i— T t1 V*/•i--~- —% PLUMBING*,;•„.•'•c-5"^,--^INTERIOR LATH & DRYWAi—f—— —EXTERIOR LATH INSULATIOIj£— —FRAME—n TIE |-n O5 °-1 TJT Omr-•2.OCOCCDTl33^m OVmOTJCDTJHs'^,'•,tt~fH'*,'Jy-f MASONRY-—On'n^0-jnnnn BUILDING— -—INSPECTION TYPEo>m—enTJ0O35T f . . 1 t 1 / V I T *•s -. ^J;•-' f I n "f LI ^ e\ 1i. f (•_,. ', j '\ r , '* •f &f ft I f ; ; 1 , , , i i ;. "'. '-"t' L'i'•* • , * - t i 2i~m016>enCOO Z (0 in-QmO>i~s>tnOZ33-< CD X°n^S« cn-lDmzO-I T m,°1'a z Q A f V POST TENCONCRETm co OZma i PRESTRESICONCRETm c/jmO STRUCTUfOVER 2000_u -D >co i- O OzOIEmHfT SOILS COfPRIOR TOFOUNDATIo %Z r- Z ^C/) ^T3 O ', zu>-arn'^ ^2 ^n n 0 v mm00 m T\ D — "b ^ T3^ ^0O _j ?I o Hm - ; - TJm OC TJmO 03 mO r-—ZC/l 13m O—l O Zin z COTJm O O TJ c/5 z O -^mCO -nmi—D^WTJmO-l O ^m OTJD / - S- /A City*pf Carlsbad I£OO"ELMT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • TEL (714) 433-5525 MISCELLANEOUS,^; RECEIPT 207?0 I/ Address Mailitig g Contractor City Zip State Lie S Clgssit Tel Ctty Lie No COMPLETE FOR PLAN CHECK ONLY LEGAL DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF WORK / O ^ PLAN 10 NO ft ^ / DESIGNER ADDRESS /*r PHONE / / MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT H • PLAN CHECK FEE 01-000"4806 D D n n n n Q. Q D- Q D_ n_ n. n. n. n. D. n VALUATION /, LJ DEMOLITION__ n HOUSE MOVING n PARKS AND RECREATION FEE. FACILITIES FEE SCHOOL FEE DISTRICT. Carlsbad Encmitas San Diego. San TOTAL FEE -1^)77.07 -3-^77. 0 'WARNING PLAN CHECK FEES WHERE NO ACT/ON IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED FEE ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY COMMENTS White — Applicant Yellow — File Pink — (1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold — Assessor V Cttp of Cartefaab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD TIMF INSPECTOR fi f ^^^^PFRMITNO DATF ^"^—(/ OWNER \J^^C/t2~e^AJ&* _, XI / ADDRESS X fV V/ A Wi'^X- REQUESTED BY ' /^Vf^xT-^-r PHONF NO _C^/I X ~" S ^ PERSON TAKING REPORT /% BUILDING D FOUNDATION D REINFORCING STEEL D MASONRY O GROUT GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME D SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR D FRAME Q EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION D INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL Q FINAL ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE D UFFER GROUND D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE D FINAL PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHOWER PAN D GASTgST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Re^d/For Inspection fu Monday D/Ou D PM MISCELLANEOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT D PATIO D POOL D SPA D SIGN D GRADING D DRIVEWAY D FINAL D Tuesday D Wednesday D Thursday D Friday ?0 yrf Citp of Carlsbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD ^wlmNSPECTOR "/**& £) PFRMITNO TIMF / » HATF %^?/ / Q&- OWNER / O f&/V££ //} ADDRESS ^- A* J / $# 6 C_*s&yrL~ REQUESTED BY f\5 ^Ltsfet PHONE NO A ^J PERSON TAKING REPORT ^ktfjUt* BUILDING P FOUNDATION P REINFORCING STEEL P MASONRY P GROUT -GUNITE P FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME P SHEATHING D ROOF P SHEAR P FRAME P EXTERIOR LATH P INSULATION P INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL Q FINAL 'r/- ELECTRICAL / P TEMPORARY SERVICE P UFFER GROUND P ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND P ROUGH ELECTRIC P POOL BONDING P ELECTRIC SERVICE P FINAL PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING Q S^VflER AND PL/CO W^TOP OUT PLUMBING Q TUB OR SHOWER PAN D GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL I fA 0 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready Far Inspection D Monday DAM D PM MISCELLANEOUS P CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT P PATIO P POOL D SPA P SIGN D GRADING P DRIVEWAY D FINAL Tuesday P Wednesday D Thursday P Friday '* -tf Citp of Cartebab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD TIME NSPECTOR ( f^Ldjf~^~ .PFRMIT MO RATF <J/J^/f*-' ADDRESS fl # # £ A j£/ A*4 REQUESTED BY ^J-JzLjfel PHONE NO /I - //y BUILDING D FOUNDATION D REINFORCING STEEL D MASONRY D GROyXGUNITE D R/SOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME Cfsj^TATHlNG D ROOF D SHEAR ^FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION Q INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL D FINAL PERSON TAKING REPOR-/A^»^///*»- ELECTRICAL/ D TEMPORARY SERVICE / D UFFER GROUND ' D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE D FINAL PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHOWER PAN D GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS MISCELLANEOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT D PATIO D POOL D SPA D SIGN D GRADING D DRIVEWAY D FINAL Ready For inspection D Monday DAM D PM D Tuesday Cl Wednesday B-^fhurhursday D Friday (M ' / Citp of Cartebab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR Jss^TUjJL^ PFRMITNO TIME HATF ^ f.#7— OWNER 'eK] ADDRESS \$OLy &LJ\A REQUESTED BY -^<— 4TtJ2=^- PHONE NO PERSON TAKING REPORT BUILDING O FOUNDATION O REINFORCING STEEL D MASONRY C] GROUT GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME D SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR D FRAME Q EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION D INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL D FINAL y/v'i^ rt I ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE D UFFER GROUND D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE D FINAL cn *S ^^ i^^C PLUMBING IV UNDERGROUND PLUMBING VJiStWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHOWER PAN a GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER Q FINAL MISCELLANEOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT D PATIO D POOL D SPA a SIGN D GRADING D DRIVEWAY D FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection D Mond SAJd D PM O Tuesday V^rWednesday D Thursday D Friday \ Citp of Cartebab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR OWNER ADDRESS REQUESTED BY PERSON TAKING REPORT BUILDING FOUNDATION ^RETNFORCING STEEL D MASONRY G GROUT-GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRA; D SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEA D FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION D INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL D FINAL PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHOWER PAN D GAS TEST 0 WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL ELECTRICAL D TEMP SERVICE C UNDERGROUND OlTGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE INAL x / MISCELLANEOUS "y^ D CONDITIONED AIR D SOLAR HEAT D PATIO D POOL D SPA D SIGN O GRADING D DRIVEWAY D FINAL SYSTEMS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection D Monday DAM D PM D Tuesday D Wednesday D Thursday D Friday REQUEST FOJ Citp of Cartebab WSFEGTION RECORD TIME NSPECTOR V f_jr^==^^ PFRMITNO HATF &/*>//£ \^^ ^=^r' ^j / /r OWMFR „ - // / / ADDRESS f&$ & t-&*s^/ J( ^Js4^&>&£**S REQUESTED BY ^/^^/ <>PHONE NO ' PERSON TAKING REPORT BUILDING ^ D FOUNDATION /ZS£/ Jtfa D REINFORCING STE&C // D MASONRY D GROUT -GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME D SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR D FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION D INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL D FINAL 1 / Js" ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE D UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC a POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE a FINAL PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHOWER PAN a GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS jady For Inspection D Monday AM D PM D Tuesday MISCELLANEOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT D PATIO D POOL D SPA a SIGN D GRADING D DRIVEWAY D FINAL K W< /\ Wednesday D Thursday D Friday REQUEST FOR INSPECTION INSPECTOR OWNER PERMIT NO TIME DATE ADDRESS. 0 O BUILDING CJ FOUNDATION CD REINFORCING STEEL C2 MASONRY d GROUT-GUNITE CD FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME CD SHEATHING CD FRAME CD EXTERIOR LATH Cl INSULATION CD INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL a FINAL £) PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING UNDERGROUND WATER Q ROUGH PLUMBING a TOP OUT PLUMBING CD SEWER AND PL/CO CD TUB OR SHOWER PAN CD GAS TEST CD WATER HEATER a FINAL ELECTRICAL CD TEMPORARY SERVICE O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND d ROUGH ELECTRIC CD POOL BONDING d ELECTRIC SERVICE CD CEILING HEAT n GFI CD SMOKE DETECTOR CD FINAL MISCELLANEOUS C3 PLENUM AND DUCTS Q COMBUSTION AIR CD PATIO a SIGN CD GRADING Q DRIVEWAY CD CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O REFER PIPING CJ FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION D MONDAY QAM DPM DTUESDAY aWEDNESDAY "^^HURSDAY D FRIDAY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. REQUESTED BY..PHONE NO PERSON TAKING REPORT. City of Carlsfbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD TIME INSPECTOR ~^ /& (J pFRM|TK|n nirp ff/J. 5/^> OWNFR ^L^^f±^ / f * ' ^^ t f / ADDRFRR ^^£J2&:&~ s^#fl£? £*£S?^ REQUESTED BY /£ x23#^^^3^3^>^-^ PHONE NO ^3 V"^~>^ ^ />^ ^ V , BUILDING V » ^» -v \/ FOUNDATION a~^*&J£?~' / n\REINFORCINa/STEEL D MASONRY D GROUT GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME D SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR D FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION D INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL D FINAL U4WPERSON TAKING REPORT ^C^V• ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE D UFFER GROUND D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE D FINAL PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHOWER PAN D GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL MISCELLANEOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT D PATIO D POOL D SPA D SIGN n GRADING D DRIVEWAY D FINAL /^— SPFP.IAI INSTRUCTIONS ^^i JL*£^> /<?*( /<?t*}~&~~*' ' \ \ ' Ready For Inspection D Monday D Tuesday D Wednesday Jc Thursday D Friday/\ o Citp of Cartebab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD TIME NSPECTOR ^ PPRMITNO 7T>"~~ f"0 V\ naTF 6/2£/£"V- OWNER ^/VLUfJkid^" / / ADDRESS 1 0 Odp * *1~~ ( -T1^] r < — ^ REQUESTED BY L^Q(S^ M .^/^ PHONE NO *^4^ \1 "^-V) *X^^-^ ^^i ^ \j •" BUILDING n FOUNDATION ^ n REINFORCING STEEL D MASONRY n GROUT -GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME n SHEATHING a ROOF a SHEAR a FRAME n EXTERIOR LATH ^ D INSULATION n INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL a FINAL PERSON TAKING REPORT f \\ ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE D UFFER GROUND D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE D FINAL PLUMBING ^UNDERGROUND PLUMBING a SEWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHOWER PAN D GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection D Monday DAM MISCELLANEOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT a PATIO D POOL D SPA D SIGN D GRADING D DRIVEWAY D FINAL Tuesday D Wednesday D Thursday D Friday /C^U6c» tf^A^C Citp of Cartebab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD NSPECTOR .. LX PERMIT ND TIMF v -* HATF */V y^Y? OWNER |^» y^-^* "Vt<££. — *• — — ' ADDRESS C~~dL. f-*-^ REQUESTED RY /9 £- /S^. ' PHONE NO PFRSON TAKING RFPORT BUILDING a FOUNDATION D REINFORCING STEEL ^MASONRY D GROUT GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME a SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR D FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION D INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL D FINAL ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE G UFFER GROUND D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE D FINAL PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO a TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHOWER PAN a GAS TEST a WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS MISCELLANEOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT D PATIO D POOL D SPA D SIGN D GRADING D DRIVEWAY D FINAL V Ready For Inspection D Monday DAM D PM D Tuesday D Wednesday D Thursday O Friday Citp of Cartebab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR \^^S PFRMIT NO TIMF O ' ' ~^> nATP *&/t -I ^^ 7 ^ S* tn *V >*-^' / *-OWNER X, /^ ^^if ^J" X* i/i y^ ^" ADDRESS y^/Xi, REQUESTED BY /7 /lx /**~Jp* PHONE NO PERSON TAKING REPORT BUILDING n^OUNDATION x~>^— '_J^REIN FORCING STEEL D MASONRY D GROUT GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME D SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR D FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION D INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL D FINAL ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE D UFFER GROUND D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC , D POOL BONDING 01^- D ELECTRIC SERVICE £>-/£- 83** U FINAL 1 PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO D TOP OUT PLUMBING D TUB OR SHOWER PAN D GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL SPFCI/VL INSTRUCTIONS MISCELLANEOUS a D a a D a a a CONDITIONED AIR SOLAR HEAT PATIO POOL D SPA SIGN GRADING DRIVEWAY FINAL 1 SYSTEMS fra ^*~~? v ^ x*y ""/s1^ I^ Ready For Inspection Cy>M< C4 AM D PM onday D Tuesday D Wednesday Thursday D Friday DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES D Assistant City Manager (714)4385598 ^P Building Department {714)4385525 D Engineering Department (714) 43S-5541 D Housing & Redevelopment Department (714) 430-5811 D Planning Department (714) 433-5591 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92003 TESTING ELECTRIC METER ON PERMANENT BASESUBJECT: CLEARANCE OF THE METER LOCATED AT 1 -L>>Y) IS FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY THIS DEPARTMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REMOVE THE METER AT ANY TIME IF THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL DEPARTMENTS ARE NOT COMPLIED WITH EITHER DURING CONSTRUCTION OR AT THE TIME THE PROJECT IS COMPLETED. PLEASE RETURN THIS STATEMENT WITH YOUR SIGNATURE TO THIS DEPARTMENT. THE METER WILL THEN BE CLEARED THROUGH THE SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. MARTIN ORENYAlF^ BUILDING OFFICIAL APPLICANT: DATE: FOUNDATION ENGINEERING SOILS INVESTIGATIONS EJN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 5552 Coronado, #H Anaheim, California 92806 714/630-7274 September ,17, 1982 Six Pence Inns of America 1751 East Garry Avenue, Suite #-C Santa Ana, CA 92705 Reference: Elm Street Carlsbad, CA Job No.: 82-102 P.O. #-1804 Subj ect: Subgrade Gentlemen: Presented herein are the results of density tests taken on the parking lot and driveway subgrade material. The tests were taken on September 9, and September 14, 1982. The tests were taken in accordance with ASTM- D-l 565-64 or ASTM: D-2973-71 and compared to the maximum densities as determined in the laboratory by ASTM: D-1567-70. The results and their approximate locations are presented on the attached table and plot plan. If there are any questions, please feel free to call this office. Sincerely Yours, EJN & ASSOCIATES, INC. George HBach RCE 11092 ec Distribution: 8 Addressee TABLE OF TEST RESULTS Test No. 1 2 3 4 . 5 A 7 8 9 10 11 12 -13 Test Date 9-8-82 ii M ' II II Q/l/i /Rj ii ' ii IT II - M It II - drive-way M it M II Pking Pking Pking Pking Pking Pking Pking ^king Elevations Test 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 0 100.0 100.0 loo.n ion n 100. n 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 Nat. • • * F.G. 100 0 100 0 ino.n 100 0 100 0 inn n inn n inn n inn n IflO.O 100.0 100 0 100.0 Opt. Moist. 8 0 R 0 S-Q V 8 0 ' 8.0 R n 8 0 R 0 R n R o R n 8.0 ' 8.0 •• Max. Dens . 130 0 •*n n -in n 130 0 3.0. ,0 , ^n n 30 0 130.0 30 n ^n n •*n n in o 30.0 - d Field Moist. 10.0 Q ^ 8.7 7.8 * in.i" 8 '\ o n 8 2 "* 0 8.9 H /, Q -\ 9 5 •' Field Dens . l?P i 1°6 9 17fi S 125.7 74 L 1 9 Q 122 2 125.2 117 7" 124.2 I'M 0 ' 123 5 < 125.0 ( - % Max. VQ 7 A 7 ? 6.6 _ S 7 2 2 4.0 6.3 0.5 5 5 5.4 5 0 6.2 - Rmks 4T7 f>»- FATT, ETEST FAIL ETEST 7 ETEST 9 Job & Location Six Pence Inns/ Carlsbad ~ ' Field Technician B W E.J.N. and Associates 15552 Coronado-Anaheim, Ca. Six Pence Inns of America Elm Street Carlsbad, CA Date: 9/16/82 I Job No. 32-102-2I Technician: BW f Sheet _!_ of EJN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ^x^' Job No. / Location | JVZl E. La Palma, Unit S «,-/*-vtc /• -^, / -1 v Jf^ Anaheim, California 92807 7 //^> T/^ (714)630-7274 5<7^ V ' /J // (^ Client / c x?/rl/'» - c^TA General Fill Area ^(?/" A^/V •-"•5' /___/ c — — — • Earthwork Contractor Source and Description of Fill. Equipment Water Pull M-gal / Push Cat E C ipper at Date / II V I °ay Technician V Earthwork ,. «ifoit Foreman. ftJ^/Z1.'^/ r • \r^~ Weather • *-i "" '"*! </ ;/"•• '•/• Total Fill Placed Water Sheepsfoot Truck "5 M-gal Scraper C X ) Wagoner -T( ^^;^ » 7,o JU.OG- Test No 15 It* n In f\ 1f> >'/ 2Z Test Location ^;x-Z. Ai /; - 2. fan, st &LC>.JL R(-D -# HuO. I 6'-H 3 ^60, 'X. Elevations Test 6--/\/ f//,2 (^ 7 • "5 ^P,--^ 6*A •< ^4 -'A/ ^ M.tt * Nat <v-,,^ 6-6. ST ^<.i X,<T,9 ^ •-; ,-;,q /^r5 /^, ^ r,v ,,/1 F G &n ,<-/ ^1 4 69. -?y tf.,/. — **i j /;9 / ^9 ^ , ()/' r- - Opt Moist f> 0 5,U <J o B-o fr,o '-) & h,o 6' & ,-' i -- ^' J' 7\ -'*'j Max. Dens . /3o n '"fl Q i'^o n / ?^> ' a !-y ') •> r-;^ o f r^ . o '/So 0 ^ ^ Field Moist 9,2 C, i; /•"< 9 £\6, 0-1 ;/).o 53 ,-? --, /z '^. Field Dens 1/7-0 11-1,4 tZt>4 1/4,7 I2/-3 !//?.'=? i /A/? n«./ Max ^-0 '/Vj , $ 9 9 . ^ 7^,7 ?5-"p 9/.o !rj , ,,- *if)<% Remarks * COMMENTS ' ft/:-*,'' >\!Fr> (Z) *?>t-r"'- ~7.Cf> 'VA/" W/ ' (Q ' , 4~\'~; s f*\ , r J / ( J '"' ^;.-^**f}/nite clr^v^y j -rt»,- rV.)/\r-,7^' /'^ r^/' /O. rt.o #-/=-v-/a J T <\- . ^'/i-,0 A//~ ''J ""'-'-""" •"'-"-•'. i^_' 7 .^v .'^ -*7 "V> — J * ** i / ' / * /x* l'^ ^ r* J^*^ t r$ >-^r*-^ " **^ 'J 1 "\ -1 ^, ' •>/>><: .-">> 1///-V / 7-/^ /? • /v A'-? v /y - •- t >v / />/^/•^ T/./ ^y /-|^Ci^/^T^"T -f-rl-'f /'trf* /<:>-*f *-/ }}C^^ \ - 1 t". *-^ .. ESGIL CORPORATION 0320 CHESAPEAKE I3R,, StTITE 122 SAN DIEGO, CA D212H (T14) S«O-14flH J ESGII. CORPORATION »aa«CHKSAI»KAKK DR., W SAIV mi:<;n. OA oiiis n<lO-I Date: Foreward! Esgil Corporation provides plan review services exclusively to government entities. If you have any questions regarding the plan review, please call and we will help you. Jurisdiction: Plan Check No. S2' 40 C^K />&*!£& Project Location Owner Area Cni2-L$&&O 0 c cuipancy /?*/.. Stories Remarks Allowable Area Occupant Load Type of Cnnst. . eSV/7'/# -Date plans picked up/received by ESGIL Date first plan check completed by ESGIL ^'2, Plan review contact person (ESGIL) Zf7 *>i'J 6r//~ Corrections checked below are to be made on plans before permit is is- sued. The approval of plans and specification does not permit the vio- lation of any section of the Building Code, or other City Ordinance or State Law. The following list does not necessarily include all errors and ommissions. See Sec. 303(c) of the 1979 Uniform Building Code. Plans require correction as indicated by items below, before a building permit can be issued. Return this correction sheet with corrected plans 1. Please return a copy of this list noting where you have addressed each item i.e. plan sheet number, detail number, note, etc. 2. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and return two sets of revised plans to lisgil Corporation at the above address for recheck. ill. CORPORATION CIIKKAl'KAKK ]>]«., SI'ITK 1^ » niKc;o. <-A Oiiiyn (ri-O HIMM-I.OH PLAN CHECK NO OWNER DATE REC'D DATE CHECKED CHECKED BY f2e?orz+ i/ /S xv g. So ^ "Ho C ESGIL CORPORATION DR., Sl'ITK lt>!» KAN niEoo, CA »ai^:i PLAN CHECK NO. OWNER DATE REC'D DATE CHECKED CHECKED BY ^C3L 12) ^ r*> Z27I / tJcKSiz /S .£v~ ? in i-y^-y 17 l/6Oj APPLICANT CITY PLAN ESOII. CORPORATION KIN PLAN CHECK NO OWNER DATE REC'D DATE CHECKED CHECKED BY PsZjLSj&<?_,$ /JfZvO&n^ Jni&^ <?-£-//?7.<g €,- -&& c-*~ir— C&tf t*-re* in ~7 -fo <£*« ^ ^i ^~^ £tiG2 ct ff/e, &*'t&<e, S S"-^ ?e*t. s'cO , ~1 18 ,•f—•*—p APPLICANT CITY PLAN CHECKEF ESC.II, CORPORATION east) CIIKHAPKAKK nit., KI-ITK myN niKc;o, <-A s>yi^:i (71 1) .-UO-1 1OH PLAN CHECK NO. OWNER ____ DATE REC'D DATE CHECKED CHECKED BY SffT" 22 7 ff ^wSfefVXT ,"**$?&J~~ ^'/*~<L, M/7 QCC ca^. i+fo^^^^^^^^ " 330~ ' ' • M^^~C'&C,* il I/Q in & PTTV PLAN ESOII. COltl'OKATHKV e:J20C"IIKSAl»KAKK OH.. 8M*1TK lisa (71 i) r.uo i HIM PLAN CHECK NO OWNER DATE REC'D DATE CHECKED CHECKED BY L212 1332 ^^^ ^" ^C^X ^f VTr riTY PLAN CHECXEF. ,*J , > Date i Prepared byi Jurisdiction £ <4 Hi S SAD VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE Q Bldg. Dept, G PLAN CHECK NO. BUILDING ADDRESS APPLICANT/CONTACT BUILDING OCCUPANCY PHONE NO. R~l DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OP CONSTRUCTION V- f CONTRACTOR PHONE BUILDING PORTION izr ft-*-**. l*>* fi0e& B^c^r i j-rAiftS Air Conditioning Commercial Residential Fire Sprinklers Total Value BUILDING AREA /*? / s t ^j , 6. / 1~ -f t & f 27 O1- 7• / ' ?7 07.-7*~ / ' VALUATION MULTIPLIER *0. "" 4to, ' & 8- *} rfOf- , • kh ^_— — !^— * — ~ ~y / VALUE ^IH,H8o~ ^> ^ ^ £> Q @ ' - (? *T, Q & Jj 7(^0 3^/35^ V ^J't-Z'L*'^ ^ y^( ' ^^ __ A ss #'*?&& fr> R- Oi/fK /IRf^ 5/T«rtTJO" COMMENTS i #feJA <1 / I, Sf -^,— . .- <T '•. — • i } / U T-9^ fcs//^ S.^J?^ ^ ljb7,<ft-i^ Building FermiAJ Pee <2L-/££^-— - / ^ ^ ) ' <-> '-- Plan Check Fee £~0~U) *" ^U-0 7 7^ °L. — ? 'fc<ii E^ D^T x Ci >i f tf-^t-V IT- sir u •If u•i f~\ <I., ,-^ J J .jot il:* _i. k—Ju Nlrt.VU Oooz Z 3 £'«0 T}c ^ T. £c c.°* flCj0*vJ *~^*? «x:-c u"ueg J= °-5 g* u- C re ««L- DJT3 x:C 0n c.c ~sseg cx: n , ,-C^ P3x: £ w 0 ? E « <u* a 5 2CXI ."' T34/vi i- 1 1•gE n >I « * ^^Cu 5! T:o So <_ G o x:uc U",w tinCJt- (O S •acrax: o 2•a lermeic uc;O crax: i/1 u Oc •£5 n .5 ? 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TJ-C «»: ~c «- J 1-5S$£ T3 C -* CT a> s «o C.* a — ») — 3> nj COro -" tlf^s 5= •90 O — 'D0 > « •0 > U £-55w S cS £D ^ (O Ko Zt-oo — *. 3 ut> — Uu ,_ u •* 3 >« 0 J "°^•£ « w SjE J^ S^ uC cnj0 c J "8 ' 9•* S £ o -J _ u •IS j^41 - io *-•" J£ O S -C Uw en c ^ **D •*• U(J * <0 > — -3 -o€.n 0» J "»111!>— s —*> -fi c 5•"Saw " 3 3 *^5^a^ •c » 01-5 ^ ^ c ^n - Z 3 ^ V* ^ CT£ 5^ S" >. ~i|j* ?l»lX (D C 0 * = D £O u c u = « 5 J3£.c = = jr — I 2ui^a:^ fN O •w ^•5 S « 5a ixirnum d^ic | c ci COtoX b r> t> m 5p0 r> w (—. — •2 ? O nternational Conference of Building Officials RESEARCH COMMITTEE REPORT Report No 1147 Mnnh Filing Category FASTENERS—Manual or Powder-driven Steel Studs and Nails L.XUKIOR PrRIMMKKSH I AM) 1NTKRIOR PI Alt AM HOKA(.r RAMSKT KAhrt.MV; S\M*M\ SPK IAI 1 Y SI-RVK tS GROl P. OLIN CORPORA I JON 275 VMNCHKVTF R A\ tMiK NEU HAVEN,CONNECTICUT 06511 I Subject. Exterior'PenniUe't Sill and Interior Plate Anihorane II Description \ Rumsel Sill 4.nchorage The Ramsel laskners are druc-n <*uh a Ramsei powder actuated tool Trie'exterior wall fotindatton ol 2 iruh nominal thukncss an. attached lo Ihc Inundaiion with el fasteners auJ dis^-, as uidk lied in labk No I Ihe 1148 f*MifKi\ have dianickiN ot INS null and 2IH nieh UK. lainu ilia me kr extcnJ- I mJie* Ironi the head Ihe spaun^s shown m labk No I provide lateral resistance equivalent in nominal plate aiiehorayc using ' iiwh anchor holts spaced 6 leu on tenter Interior plaie arKhora^c is accomplished using tin. pins described above lor exterior nil aiuHorace- or am ol UK pins whieh art. nJuiiilad by ihe djn.in*ion* *ei lorih in Tahk No I 1 he method ot installation is similar ioih.ii Je->>.nhi.J above lor ihe cviuiot sillatiehorage B Ammo Sill \nchorage TheOMenoi wall foundation plalcs ol 2-nuh nomirul thickness are atia«.he'd lo toundatiuns wnh NI628lXi or N)>- C28EG pini and I -iruh-diamekr washers having a minumum (hiekticss fl^ 00625 in^h These pins have a step tapered shank with the larger (fameter extending 1,, im-hes The M' 524CP1 may also be used lo' ex icrior sill anchorage Interior wall Ionnd.ition plates ol 2 ineh noiniiial Ihiekness are attached to lounJatioiis v\nh NE*524(., Nl 424( , NIJ d241) or ^^624D pm» in addinon lo those taskners itkmihed above tin i,\ trrior sill anbhora^e Length -hank Jiamu^r and tei|imeii vpaiin^ .tie sei Intih in I.ibk No II The spjeiri.^ shimn in lahli No II pantile lalei il nsis «)uivalcni 10 nonuiul plate aiuhorai.e usun; ',' imh aiKlior holis sj 6fccl on^inkr ( Idem if Kill ion Ammo pins are identified witli an isosceles triangle stamped on the head Ramsel lasieiiers are idemihcd by a "W" stamped on (lit. he.id III I \idence SuhmilU'd I oad (csls on foundation plates anchored by Ramset and Ammo I aslcners, and driving tests in eonucle- test specimens 6 niehes wide are submitted . Findings IV ImdinKs* Thai th« Ramsel and Ammo Fattening Systems for ex- icnor/pcrimf ler sill and Inferior plate anchorage are an allernale to the cimslrucllun specified in Ihe Uniform Building (ode, subject lo Ihc fnil OH ing conditions I. I he exterior sill fasli ni-rs arc centered on sills 2 Inc hes by 6 inches or 2 inches by 4 inches 2 I he spacing of Kamsel fasteners shall be in accordance with Table No I and the spacing of Ammo fasteners shall be in accordance Hilh Table No II 3 1 he fasteners are nol used for Ihe attachment of shear walls having a uml shear in excess of 100 pounds per foot ' 4 1 he pins are nol used lo attach plates lit the perimeter of concrete slabs H here (a) A c old join) is made between the slab and foundation b*low Ihc plale (b) The plate is installed on slabs supported by foundation walls formed of cornerle block 5 I he pins are nol installed unid the concrete has cured at least seven da>s or has reached an ultimate strength of 2000 pounds per square imh Ihc fuslimrs are nol lo be installed in concrete Hilh a thickness Itss than lime turn's ihe faslvitcr penetration I his rcpoil is sub|iil In it-examination in l»n \c.irs TABLE NO I- fUMser PIN NUMBER 1U.I n;o 3*30 JU. M50 U77- I'M 1<MSO OVERALL LENG1H(In inch**) 1, 3 , 3. 3', 1 3 3 3 HtAD DIAMtTtH (In Inches) '. '; " '• ', ', 10 ID SHANK DIAMETER(In Inches) 156 21S 172 2IS& 1K8 204 218 152 152 MAXIMUM SPACING (In F«*l) Inleilui $ One storyMtilmum 2(1* M)' 20' 30 30 30* , 20* 20* h»*/ W*»» Two itory Maximum 20' 30* 20' 30* 30* 30* 20* 20* Jnlvilo; Nonth»»f W»lt» On* tlory Maximum 10 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 Two- (loryMinimum 10 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 Exterior ShMtWilla On* • lory Maximum - _ 20 30 — — 20 20 Two- • lory MBMlmum — — '1° 30* — - 20 20 VJ."ifc" •" t t-J-iJ up 'ii i hi JHJJIIIMH ol 1 imh iKiiiiiiul (fiKtiuss *m.,( |i|,iiis Iinufkfin floor slafmif f<utniif\ I In fjskniM »)wll nol be u»cd Itv ilur.i >>I -.hui » jllv lijun^ i uml \lujr in iHiiss nt MX) |iouiiil<> |HI toul All »jl(v -hJli lun pin^ I'lj.td h iiKhis H xin mils ol |)l,ili witli rii.miiniini s;ui ing hi H* 1.111 us slumn abo\t llir,MiijileJi*)«h-ill ha>.i iu.>pui> pljnJ jl 6 iiuliis and lOnntas Iiniiu uliindol plale wiili MMxnniiin s|i.iuii)t T *,> -i^f\ shut »jlN *hall hi torinn.kd 10 ihi stLond Moor and loot ^ « ;'UI V' U2rt N,> mil N,i 1148 No HSOandNo 1124 pins shall hvinsijlkdwiih 2 inch didinitii No U ^ Kigi ilisisoi '/. inch washers i •Hm No 347? ruiJ ihruJid pnrliiiu I j UK IKS lung on Ihe upper uulol tin slunk Pm *»o l«:4bDhj5 j nfimiiuiiiiJwjNhir ihal is 7, inJi induniLitr and IMUimh ihuk of 2 Report No. 1147 Page 2 of 2 TABLE NO II PIN NUMBER NF628EG NP524C NF424C NF624D NP-624D NP628LC. NP524CTL1 LENGTH(In Inches) 3/, 3 3 3 3 3X, 3 HEADDIAMETER(in Inches) y. y,. Y. /. y. x. x« SHANKDIAMETER(In Inch**) 18010 217 161 161 171 171 18010 217 161 MAXIMUM SPACING (In F«l) INTERIOR' SHEAR WALLS 30 15 15 1 5 I 5 30 1 5 INTERIOR WON SHEARWALLS 40 25 25 25 25 40 25 EXTERIOR-SHEARWALLS 30 _ _ — — 30 30 pjjus I\*O Si an. bastd upon ilic JKJthiiit.nl of nominal 2 inch ihitk wood o LunLitli lluoi slj r> Lon^truttion All 01 fi)olins anii arc limned lu a maximum of (JMLIILTS shall have two pmi placed di 6 in d 10 IIKIKS I rum iji.li end ol UK plaU with maximum spacing bci-L!K.S , WIIM a (ahulaiul Two sior> ih(.jr walls shall be uinnii.ii.d ai second Door and roof The NP524C PI pin has a prunounitd washer lhai ii '/, mih in diamelcr and OHO inwtun thiLkncss 1 IN it RAMP SH/^LL INTO COOD L0CATUX FOR CUft&CUT CAWOT FIT BETWEEN CARS IN REGULAR SPACES |2lo" WIDTH AU40 APPLIED AT L^A^T If. GF^LL UNff- blue t =oO ft •.+'&• CITY OF OCEANSIO1I BUILDING DEPARTMENT CATt« DRAWING NO -1 RfiftP ffl. tittW r .4'>r fifti 7SM PJ&MS £U Ulti PtiWIJ W- UMKHAYS. z.timt $s U_ k A UtWE PIAIS 'X PJC535 f > ,*v PAGE 1 OF *"***- , f * PROJECT .5/x/-^; ARCHITECT Pw' D< OWNER OCCUPANCY /?- D SPRiNKLERED D ^ CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT v 1275 ELM AVENUE, CARLSBAD, CA S2008 (l\h] ^38-5521 PLAN CHECK REPORT -^"^ S*'<*s ADDRFSS <£T*-A/ /; y\_APPROVfci) DISAPPROVED" PLAN CHECK # fi2~*/0 OTHER KEF # \ !•* >^» C\jii±*fi* AnnRFRs 7T^>-£-> PHONP grfy- 5~?2 s_ AnnRpss PHOwe / CONST JCTVX^, TOTAI .SO FT tr.Ot^ STORIES ~£- _.. TENANT IMP 4- i^LDf^ 1. APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: -H--H I I \ M'l-1 I -I -H I I M II I III 1 I 1 M I M ! -K 1 1 H I M H H HHH-t- Provide one copy of the floor plan(s), site plan, and sheets 2. Storage, dispensing or use of any flammable or combustible liquids, flammable liquids, flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform, Fire Code and _^ ^_- 3. BuiJdinpfs) not approved for high piled combustible stock. Storage in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or in racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids. If high stock piling is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article 8l. *i. Medical gas system(s) shall comply with M.F.P.A. Standard 5&F. 5- Fire extinguishers shall be provided based upon the following criteria: a) 1-2A rated ABC extinguisher for each jsq. ft. or portion thereof b) maximum travel distance to an extinguisher of feet c) other: Fire sprinkler system(s) per N.F.P.A. Standard provided to protect _____ shall be 7.Dry chemical extinguishing system(s) shall be installed per N.F.P.A. Standard 96 to protect cooking equipment and exhaust system. 8. Plans of 9- i(sj shall DS approved by the Fire Department prior to installation of system(s). Show en site olan locations of all nearby proposed or existing hydrants within 2GO feet. Hydrant (s) snail be provided and located C-*** f !&•*>&** "; /" />/£/*' • {2^ &*" /**?* ?*-—-f - ' ' -^-^-' --«'•--- ---"-'-• • - y- ________ gprn for hours from41 ^ f ow ioc3rion{s) on site plan. Fire Flow: hya'rsnts. 11. Access for fire apparatus is not adequate. Provide 12. / shal3 be of w th openings protected with hour assemblies. Comply with ragulations on attached sheet(s). n Examiner Report mailed to architect Met wi th_ hour construction Z ~~/ ^~ &* 2— Date Attach to Plans PAGE 2 OF z. CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN CHECK REPORT PROJECT PLAN CHECK J5- _16. J7 ?8. *9' 20, 21, 22, 23 25 Drapes and other decorative materials shall be flame retardant. Certification thereof shall be provided. Exits, exit lights, fire alarm stations, hose cabinets and extinguisher locations shall not be concealed by decorative material. Interior finish shall conform with Title regulations. California Administrative Code Fireplaces and other appliances employing open flames shall have metallic guards Loose chairs exceeding 299 shall be bonded together in groups of 3 or more. Storage and janitor closets shall be of one-hour construction with all openings protected with 3A hour self closing and latching assemblies. An approved fire alarm OP* twtr1 -t-r tem shall be provided per Title 24, California Administrative Code An occupant capacity sign, with minimum one inch letters and numbers, shall be posted near main exit ( square feet per person). Exit doors shall be openable from the Inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. A "THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLOCKED WHENEVER THE PUBLIC IS PRESENT" sign, with minimum one inch letters, shall be provided adjacent to main exit door . "EXIT" s^gns shall be in block letters minimum 6 inches high. Luminance on face of sign shall be 50 lux. "EXIT" signs shall be electrically illuminated and energized from separate circuits. Show on electrical plan(s). One of t-a above circuits shall be part of the emergency lighting system. An "EXiT1 sign shall be posted over exit door and directional signs located Show locations on floor plan(s) 27- Approved rsnic hardware shall be provided on exit doors Show on door schedule, Corridor Q 5 ^ r " sn _shall be of one-hour construction with door open- :e self closing and latching as^e^olies. exit aoor shall be provided in per Uniform Building Code, Chapter 33 /?e s ys s< *£ #< -^ Q ^ 5 Oclt. DEVELOPMENTAL. SERVICES D"As3tstanl City Manager (714)4335596 D Building Daparlment (714)433-5525 D Engineering Department (714) -5385541 D Housing & Redevelopment Department (714)4335611 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 €itp of Cattebab Department (714)4335591 March 2, 1982 Peter A. Trapolino Sixpence Inns of America, Inc. 1751 E. Garry Avenue, Suite C Santa Ana, California 92705 RE: PROPOSED SIXPENCE INN OF CARLSBAD Dear Mr. Trapolino: At a recent meeting, members of the Planning and Engineering Departments reviewed the plans submitted for your project, Sixpence Inn, There are several areas of concern which need to be resolved prior to approval and issuance of a building permit. These include trie following:< 1. A new Environmental Impact Assessment must be done (based on the fact that the first EIA stipulated 300 cubic yards of grading vs. the proposed 5500 cubic yards)-. 2. Will the increased grading amounts increase the height of the ouilding above the maximum permitted by ordinance (35 feet from existing grade)n 3. A oond must be posted for the Elm Avenue median. 4. A sign program must be approved prior to permit issuance. 5. 2"x6" re-sawn plant-ons must be placed at the rear side of each building to eliminate the stark appearance of these particular elevations. 6. Plans of the parking areas do not comply with the circu- ilation plan stipulated by the traffic engineer. Plans sub- 'mitted must reflect the closure of the existing driveway on ,Elm Avenue and the new driveway at the ultimate location. Mr. Peter Trapolino March 2, 1982 Page 2 7. The entrance to the parking area off Grand Avenue must be relocated to the west to facilitate a more favorable traffic flow thereby eliminating the proposed deadend parking lot., Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ADRIENNS LANDERS Planning Department AL:ar cc: Michael Holzmiller, Principal Planner Drew Aitken, Redevelopment Program Manager October 139 1982 City of Carlsbad Chris Salomone \ ' / Community Redevelopment Manager 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA,. 920Gd *, •> Re: \Elrn Avenue Tree Maintenance A_qrgerngint_ 'i i Dear Sir: ' The owners and mangement of the Sixpence Inn located at the norlhwssf corner of I-b and Lfm Avenue in the City of Carlsbad agree to rha following conditions vpgarding the trees on Elm Avenue; 1) The street trees alon^ Elm Avenue'rtill be changed frooi Cupania to Platanus acerifolia, London Paint Tree and installed according to the City approved landscape plan,> i 2) The trees shall be installed in accordance with root control planter standards as provided by City's Parks and Recreation Department (see allachment) '3) The first three- trees located west from the freeway shall not require a I.-', bubbler installed for irrigation providing: 1 ' 6 a) Regular watering will be performed by the manageitient of Sixpence Inns,. b) The specimens shall be kept in good condition and appearance by tne \ management cf-Sixpence Inns, 4 < 11 c) At the'end-of 12 months from installation a City Parks end Recreation , •. supervisor shall inspect the trees and determine them to be healthy. d) If at-any-time this process is not accepcable to the Perks and Recreation+ Departments irrigation system shall be installed at expense of Sixpence SIXPENCE INNS OF AMERICA, INC. — EXECUTIVE OFFICES 1751 E. GARRY AVE , SUITE C, SANTA ANA, CA 92705 (714)540-0985 pajje 2 * Maipt^nte Agreement City of Carlsbcid BfcSToftheBODGHS The owners and management of the Sixpence Inns agree to the foregoing conditions as set-forth in this maintenance agreement. . PETER A. TRAPOLINlCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSIXPENCE: INNS OF AMERICA, INC CHRIS SALOMONS COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT MANAGfR CITY OF CARLSBAD Doug Duncanson attachment:: \ SIXPENCE INNS OF AMERICA, INC. — EXECUTIVE OFFICES 1751 E. GARRY AVE , SUITE C, SANTA ANA, CA 92705 (714)540-0985 ,*> "-fr'W *•" • • *?- •*-*r L_ ? j?I t~.r< &m^\^w&Mc(. ROOT CONTROL COMPACTS* , SOIL ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNER: , An "ow; kit-builder" building permit lias been applied for in your name and bearing your signature. Please complete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuing your building permit. No building permit will be issued until this verification is received. 1. I personally plan to-provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement (yes or no) £^-£-*3—' '. 2. I (have/have not) jL<^^ signed the application for a building permit. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction. Name Phone Address Contractors License No. City 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to - coordinate, supervise and provide the major work. Name _,—• ——. Phone Address _ .Contractors License No. City 5. I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated: Name Address Phone Type of Work Signed: Property Owner Social Security Number Date: FOUNDATION ENGINEERING "" * "^ 6GiLt> iNVbbTIGATIONb EJN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 15552Coronado, #H Anaheim, California 92806 / 714/630-7274 A July 8\ 1982 j Sixpence Inns of America 1715 East Garry Avenue, Suite #-C Santa Ana, CA 92705 . ' ATTENTION: Pete Trapalino V/ Subject. Grading Recommendations Inference. Sixpence Inns, Carlsbad EJN Job No: 82-102 Gentlemen: This letter is to confirm our discussion of this morning regarding the Grading Recommendation #1 (pg. 6 of Preliminary Report 1-22-82). Our recommendation was made on the basis of a plot plan without grades. If the site will be developed with import, the following recommendations will apply; 1.Strip all debris, weeds and vegetation from the area of the site to receive import. ,2. Remove loose material to a clean, firm soil surface. 3. Process the surface to receive fill by ripping 10-12 inches, bringing moisture content to optimum and compacting to 90% maximum density. 4. Add fill to pad grades in accordance with previous recommendations. In this case, the recommendations for over-excavation in the pad area does not apply because the compacted fill will provide the controlled soil environment needed for the foundation. All imported material should be sampled and tested by the Soils Engineer for acceptance prior to delivery to the site. If you have any further questions, please call. Respectfully submitted. George RCE, 11092 GB/ec V FqUNDATION ENGINEERING t '' SOILS INVESTIGATIONS i EJN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 5552 Coronado, #H Anaheim, Cahfornia,92806 714/630-7274 COMPACTION REPORT Sixpence Inn Carlsbad, CA Client: Sixpence Inns of America 1715 East Garry Avenue, #-C Santa Ana, CA 92705 August 23, 1982 Job No.: 82-102 Sixpence P.O. - 1804 Job No.: 82-102 Page 1 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of grading performed on the property located between Grand and Elm Streets at the off ramp from the South bound 5 Freeway. Four-wood frame, two story hotel buildings are presently under construction on the site. The ,structures are to be supported on pads and continuous footings. Floors will' be concrete slab-on-grade. Reference should be made to the Foundation Soils Investigation as prepared by EJN & Associates, Inc., January 14, 1982. ; FIELD TESTING AND OBSERVATIONStI As part of the clearing operation, all vegetation and debris were removed from the ;site.i In preparation for receiving fill, the natural ground was undercut to a depth 12 inches. The'soil was then considered suitable to support the fill and the proposed structures.•j The' fill was placed in lifts of 6-8 inches thickness and compacted by means of wheelrolling with a JD-644B loader. The required moisture was supplied by a 3000 gallon water truck. ! The fill material consisted of both on-site and imported soils. The on site material consisted of silty sand and the import soils were classified as medimum to coarse sand. The, density of the soil was determined in accordance with ASTM: D-1556-64T and D-2937-71. The test results were compared to the maximum density as determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM: D-1556-70. The results of the tests are presented on the attached Table of Test Results with their approximate locations shown on the attached Plot Plan. Job No.: 82-102 Page 2 LABORATORY TESTING Expansion Testsi Tests for volume change with moisture were performed on compacted soil in accordance with the American Society of Civil Engineers' Expansion Index Test. Samples are remolded at 49% to 51% saturation using a specific gravity of 2.7. A total load of 12.63 pounds is applied to the sample and allowed to consolidate for 10 minutes. The sample is then saturated with distilled water and allowed to swell for a minimum of 24 hours.i j Sand Equivalent The- sand equivalent of granular soils and fine aggregates is determined in accordance with ASTM: D-2419-74. Three representative samples of the soils are tested and final sand equivalent is computed as the average of three individual sand equivalents. Soluble Sulfate Content The concentration of soluble sulfates in the soils is determined by measuring the optical density of a barium sulfate precipitate. The precipitate results from a reaction of barium chloride with water extractions from the soil samples. The measured optical density is correlated with a calibration curve obtained from readings on precipitates of known sulfate concentrations.ii Maximum Density The maximum density of the soils were determined in accordance with ASTM: D-li'557-70. REMARKS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Footings and Bearingt- The soils encountered during the grading were essentially the same as those encountered during the Foundation Soils Investigation. As a result, footings may be designed for an allowable bearing value of 1800-pounds per square foot, provided they are placed to a minimum width of eighteen inches and depth of twenty-four inches. Foundation Bearing Values may be increased in accordance with the footnote from Table 29-B of the 1979 U.B.C. An increase of one-third of the above bearing value is permissible for short duration loading. Reinforcement shall consist of two #4 steel bars properly lapped and tied, one centered at the top and one centered at the bottom of all continious footings. Job No.: 82-102 Page 3 Concrete Slab Construction It is recommended concrete floor slabs in areas to be covered with moisture sensitive coverings be constructed over a 6 rail plastic membrane. The plastic should be properly lapped, sealed, and protected with sand. The floor slab shall be reinforced with 6x6-10/10 welded wire mesh placed at the center of a full four inch slab. As an alternate to wire mesh, a full five inch slab may be used without reinforcement. Expansion Expansion tests were performed on representative samples of the soils within the upper 12 inches of the finished pads. The test results are as follows: Test Number t Building Pad Expansive Index 10 Expansion Potential Very Low Sulfatesi I Tests to determine the soluble sulfate content of the soil show the concentration is less than 0.10 percent. As a result, special cement is not required. The concentration of soluble sulfates in the soils is determined by measuring the optical density of a barium sulfate precipitate. The precipitate results from a reaction of barium chloride with water extractions from the soil samples. The measured optical density is correlated with a calibration curve obtained from readings on precipitates of known sulfate concentrations. Limits of Certification This report certifies the grading performed between the dates of 8/16/82 and 8/20/82. The compaction of utility trench backfills and pavement areas will be 'certified in separate reports. Job No.: 82-102 Page 4 GENERAL The grading performed on this site was done in an acceptable manner and in conformance with the Foundation Soils Investigation and the Carlsbad grading ordinance. The building pad is considered suitable to support the proposed structure. The results of testing indicate the fill has been compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum density. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the 'owner, or his representative, to ensure the information'and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the Project Architect and Bigineer, are incorporated into the plans and specifications, and that necessary steps are taken to see that the Contractors and Subcontractors carry out such recommendations. Respectfully Submitted, RJN & ASSOCIATES, INC. George Bach RCE 11092 Distribution: 8 addressee TABLE OF TEST RESULTS Test No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 Test Date 8/17/85 t n it ! " 8/18/8; M ! n f 11 tt it f it( 8/19/8: ' M II 1 " 8/20/82 i ti i it » tt TI n nt i "1 ' 1 j . i i ' • i i Bottom lottom Bottom iottom Fill 61<ft' 2Fill Bids 2 Fill Bottom BldR 1 Bottom Bide. 3 Bide. 3 Bldg 1 Bottom Bid? 3 Bldg. 1 Bids 3 Bids 2 Bldg 2 Bldg. 4 BldR 4 Bldg. 4 Bldg. 1 Bldg 3 Bide 2 • - Elevations Test 66 5 66.3 66.4 67.5 67.9 68 0 66 1 6.5,5 67 5 67 9 64.9 66 3 66 9 66 9 69 1 69.2 67.5 68 5 69 4 69 4 69.4 69 4 Nat. 67.0 66.8 66.5 66.8. 66 5 66 0 66 0 65.6 66 1 66 4 64.7 65 .*0 65 7 64 7 66.6 66 5 65.2 65 9 65.5 65 8 65.5 66 5 F.G. 68 9 69.0 69 4 69.4 69.4 69.0 69.4 69 4 69.4 69.4 69.0 69.4 69.4 69 4 69 4 69 4 69.4 69 4 69 4 69 4 69.4 69 4 - Opt. Mo i s t . 10.0 10 0 10 0 10.0 8 0 8.0 8 0 10 5 10 5 S 0 8 0 10.0 8 0 8 0 8.Q. 8 0 8 0 .8,0 8.0 8 0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Max. Dens. 118 0 118.0 118.0 118.0 130 0 130 0 130.0 118 0 118 0 130 0 130.0 118 0 130 0 130 0 130 0 130 0 130.0 130 0 130.0 130 0 130.0 130 0 130.0 Field Moist, 5.5 10.9 11.2 10 4 8.7 9.2 9 0 10.6 11 0 10.2 8.9 12 9" 9 5 8 8 9.4 9.0 9 0 ..8.9 8.6 8.9 10 0 8 7 8.2 - ^ Field Dens. 108.1 110.1 09.4 17 0 118.5 118 2 107 8 106 7 118.7 119 3 108 9 119 1 121 0 118.7 117.4 117 4 120.4 118 2 121 3 118 3 118 3 118.1 • % Max. 91.6 93;3 92.7 90.0 91.2 90 9 91.3 90 .4 ' 91.3 91 8 92.3 91 6 93 0 91.3 90 3 90 3 92 6 - 90 9 93.3 91 0 91 0 90 8 Rmks. Moistui Only ' Job 6 Six Pence Inns/Field Technician B W. Job No 82-102 EJN 8- ASSOCIATES, INC. Sixpence Innse-df America Carlsbad, CA Job No.. 82-102-2 Date: August 23, 1982 EJN & ASSOCIATES, INC VICINITY MAP Job No. :Date: &-L-/-zz-sa POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, NUMBER:- 19 A SUBJECT: 10,000 Square Foot Areas in Residential ..Occupancies EFFECTIVE: 8-22-81 SUPERSEDES: SECTION: BUILDING DEPARTMENT PURPOSE: BACKGROUND: PURPOSE POLICY: TO ESTABLISH AN APPROVED SUBSTITUTE FOR A FOUR-HOUR WALK Section 18.04.080 of Carlsbad City Ordinance No 8087 adopted the 1979 Uniform Building Code and also stated . in Item (7), Page 5=. - - "Other"provisions of this section notwithstanding, all occupancies except Group M where the aggregate floor area of" all floors exceeds 10,000 square feet shall be provided with automatic sprinkler systems - - -" An exception was provided: "Where a four-hour fire-rated area separation wall with no openings therein has been constructed such that no aggregate floor area exceeds 10,000 square feet between such walls". The purpose of this policy is to permit a further exception for residential occupancies. In residential occupancies only, with the approval of the Building Official and the Fire Chief, two adjacent two-hour separation walls conforming to all provisions of the 1979 U niform Building Code, with no openings or penetrations except limited openings for utilities, will be acceptable* An acceptable configuration is attached. Initiated By: Ma/tin Brenya!; Approved By:. Cily Manager MEMORANDUM DATE: TO. FROM: SUBJECT: December 15, 1981 CARTER DARNELL Tony Mata SEPTIC TANKS/SEWER LATERALS When o"ians for Six Pence Motel on Elm by Denny's Restaurant/Chevron Station, are submitted to Bui I cii nq department, please note on plans to cap off all existing laterals and possible septic tank cavinvies. TM/qi; I o