HomeMy WebLinkAbout1015 CHESTNUT AVE; ; 1983; Permitw O1 uLUQ Z 2 OC QLUO I z X zo1 ccoLL Z z E O i- 1 CLQ. ooctX CO UJasa. 08 O Z UJa. 5 CD UJ => e||j AjEJodui .«• H AD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PEFIsbad, California 92008-1989 (619)438-5525 _^-—03 ,"5 & ff LU o§ e_L — - p|oo jueoi|ddv -*">,) uy ' Jossassv — «o|jaA 'sseoojd elBQ (Z) soueuy (|) — ueejQ joioadsu) — QII.MM !___ --,' - K/X a. : ! UJo'5 Dz H i EUJ0. 0 r-<3_J '<> UJwz Jl si 1CC fV Q ^^ £E S»i w »>y> I y\LU V/J £E ,w& x^ Q ** Q•US- *«^^o ^N*i.-.;...--. . J.- n 1 hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under_ provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing withSection 7000) of Division 3 of the Businessand Professions Code, and my license is in• full force and effect. • •hr Nn ClassUJ s Ut ^^§POfc*Sfc_X ia. • a h- -Till-o Cr| ± o 1?** '° »" J ^ «:^ 1« s-"i o"zJUJs2 •K 05</) - -< O in > 5£D fi ¥ua*i03 O J5 1!n >s.si1I LU Q0u LUVID§_J (D Q z a. !^Qw IVsZ ,*'* \*** ^JL. «> %|4- 12Sffi H •>/ LUz0Ia.« Kajz 5o LUo< 8LLsi Q-Ii * . z<_( 0. Qc<Qz<t-to *LU(/}zyjo3 1"s ^ LU2 UJa cf 3 < J**\ 0 1 ! s. 1 W«JIt «; s»cwZ<3 tt-0 1 4 w JuL*;B •u.****.0z§ £ tu6 1 hereby aflirm that 1 am exempt from the Conlrac-tor's License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which re-quires a permil to construcl, alter, improve, demolish, or- repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the ap-plicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he islicensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor'sLicense Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Section 7000 ofDivision 3 of the Business and Professions Code( or that is ex-empt therefrom and the basis tor trie alleged exemption Anyviolation of Section 7031 .5 by an applicant for a permit sub-jects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hun-dred dollars ($500).J \J ^ ^ .^ s3: «-« °* eg i r( oUJ 0.O o0o cnLUOE Z°c/> LU LU It LL az . * 1 3,o ^—B 1 : 'SD * , -5; «. ••§ < I-.' ^•e :: S ; ^ " 9LO Z c D o o ouO p- LU Cfta. 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O. • _J < Otr oLU_JLU i L_ |r~" D ! hereby aflirm that 1 have a certificate of consentto self-insure, or a certificate of Workers'Compensation Insurance, or a certified copy thereof(Sec. 3800, Labor Code).POLICY NO1 —CJ cct— LULU 1Oo X CO COcceo LLJ— 1— 1oo "-*. <& ~F «** ^^~ IX =* h-?0.E < < LU V—00zoo =rz CO cp C\J C\Jop • oCO I_c/j COo CO^ I LU1eCO >».^ •<, -^\ XDL ro X - CO cp CM CMCO oCO "E'ocLU LLJ CD<CCo1—CO :*:oocc -=& jT _^ X ? -i LU O 0 CD LU cn C CO CM CMcn 0CO o O)o>oc:reCO Q, Q_ »—s .*•• ^^*5 •*** s X - cn Cp CM CMcn OCO oo ro roCO LLJ U- .0 0 <£ Q_ ^^S" * •£». CJ CC LUCL. CCfjjt—_J LUQ O CC > -^g ^ ^-> x, 00 Q.S< 0o CNI LU —I OQ- Q. S >- CM(O O Xf UJ 03 HIo_l ^^ ^ — • a, 0rsi CC LU 0 ^ , ' oo">•< ^ro > CJz<a. ,Z)ot_Jo CL.s •- 1- CO£LUQ 1- OLLJCCo X-- 7 •*-> •^-. LU_lm< <a. 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IKE6P HARMifiSS THE CtTC OF CARUSBAO AOAWST AtSX^> 5^ If 1l|| Iflfl ||^r^s^ isf * i««i ™«io*"8 s-" f Pz|& cl^S E^;0» 2=£ iO?» ?5ol £2o"S sg«>. 2 S^oS 1-^3 sga^s ||<5 'u ^ xtO°'O r^^o ~ ^ o^ ^ ~^^ui I ssli sl?i sisii i|i ^ 2 KOpC £ 2 § S 5 c S"" 8- Et^ P a o- S^ -F£Q 5-H.Q^f ^X.E* . S tT tf) » ™ E o ictJE- OS-S'-1 -LTcC £5>-w-<t^Lt. " «P H-li/OO Q.|sifl Ox"* ^ ,a* < Q?IoS^l*~ TT£— •£ UJ'rt'^>'o **a — 8 PXD/ t 'alii zllol all . i i 5 V3 t: c S 3 ^<£: i D UJ O fCO Jl>1ck ^( r LL O UJ J D3 n a Z ' - o <to 1<s UJacc 8<>•< II>oc5 LU *Si o£xu.go SI§1£<2§ 1 1 N V. aOiOVMiNOD a301ini/b3NMO NOIiVSN3dWOO S.«3>»aOM U30N31 SNOI1VUV1D3Q